#tia bites
necromeowncy · 2 months
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𝘈𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘹𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. 🌹 (So yeah I see we have tongue bones now. 😋)
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paper-poppy · 11 months
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day 18 blush
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wildstar25 · 6 months
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MiqoMarch Day 18 - Snow
When your partner has been trained to strike from behind, it's best not to loose sight of her.
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skyjynxart · 1 year
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SO I was introduced to a new thing, and it really highlighted the 3 primary ways I acquire blorbos.
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astraveil · 10 months
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oops all catboy
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sae-mian · 1 year
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asteraegis · 2 years
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i had thirty minutes of sleep the other day. no other explanation will be given.
also since someone will probably want it alone
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marionmaverick · 4 months
It is fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate, that she bit someone who grew up amongst a bunch of other children who eventually grew fangs. Because instead of getting angry or upset, L'Calem simply grinned when she bit his finger and twisted around to pull Babette into a choke hold has he laughed.
"Gotcha!" He laughed, before biting her playfully on the tip of her ear. "Any reason we are playing pounce?"
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tibialtybalt · 6 months
that reminds me one time in rain world i was trying to do some red lizard taming gaming and i. ended up with a huge family of the red, a cyan, and a slugpup. it was very charming tbh
we all clambered into a cozy den and went to sleep. and when i woke up my child was dead. who did it.
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galacticarcade · 1 year
How do I befriend u
I mean the sure fire fast track way is to just start talking to me about shugo chara because hyperfixation goes brr so fast it'll no clip you into the friend position in my mind.
Other then that just come up and start taking to me I only bite sometimes :3c I'm sooo normal I prommy :3c
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necromeowncy · 9 months
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𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘦 🌹
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papagaiadasbasement · 2 years
What am I putting myself into~
Oh well, let me introduce myself first! I'm PsychoAna, the Banana, I've been on internet since ages ago but I'm just now thinking about REALLY start posting Grand Chase stuff here too! I'm more active on Twitter and have been planning to come here in a while, but since there's just chaos, I finally had the small incentive I needed to do it.
I'm VERY, I mean VERY passionate about Grand Chase mobile, so most of my content revolves around the new lore, characters and some fun interactions!
I'll do my best to not let this blog die and entertain the 10 existing Chasers in this site~
To start off, witness bread Tia. All dragons are cats inside.
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
8, 9, 13 with madara
Ask game
8. Your favorite outfit of them
You really cant go wrong with his Double Face uniform tbh. But I love most of his outfits. I should re-read a Dark Night's Passing soon.
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9. Your least favorite outfit of them
Cop out answer is Butou Kai if only because like. Orientalism from the whole event. Also his Welcome Festival outfit. Idk what it is about it but like. It looks Bad.
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13. Your favorite friendship they have
I do ship MadaLeo but I also just adore their general friendship. It's so good and fun and I think they really play off each other well. Madara deserves to have a bestie and Leo is happy to provide. It also helps that Madara is willing to kill people in order to protect Leo, dirtying his own hands in order to protect the people he loves....
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heatwa-ves · 2 years
hiiii biting you biting you biting you
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ourbastardofsorrows · 2 years
vesper bites to communicate boundaries like “you are overstimulating me” and “please don’t touch my stomach”. tiberius bites to communicate boundaries like “stop wearing clothes with buttons” and “stop having a nose” and “stop being asleep”
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grahasblackmage · 2 years
All Work and No Play
Pairing: Alyss Leonhart x G'raha Tia
Summary: Alyss is ready to spend a passionate night with G'raha but first she needs to get him away from his work.
A/N: This is just pure unadulterated smut. Absolute smut.
Just had a random thought about my WoL giving G'raha a blow job and it has devolved into this. In no way is this edited or beta read.
I am so sorry for the badly written smut. It's been awhile ;;u;;
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Alyss looked herself over in the mirror once more to make sure she washed the last bit of soap off her face. Confirming the job was done, she pulled out her lilac oil and applied it to her neck and chest. She knew G’raha couldn’t resist the smell and grinned to herself. She had been doing small errands for Krile since G’raha was busy with some research that day. Now that they were both settling down for the night, Alyss was ready to have some alone time with G’raha. After fluffing her hair a little, she turned off the light in the bathroom and walked into G’raha’s connecting room.
She saw he was laid out on his bed while reading a book and dressed in a loose white shirt and black smalls. She made her way towards him then climbed into bed with him. She placed a lingering kiss on his cheek making him smile. This didn’t stop him from reading his book however. Alyss gave a small pout as her tail thumped lightly on the bed; knowing she had to step up her game. She placed a hand on his chest and placed kisses along his neck, making him perk up slightly.
“Raha, you have been at it all day,” Alyss pouted placing a few kisses along his Archon mark.
G’raha turned his head to kiss her crown, “I know, my beloved. Just a couple more pages.”
Alyss’ ears flattened from annoyance but she knew her sweet G’raha was always thirsty for knowledge. She admired him for that but at this moment where she wanted him to fuck her, so she had to take the initiative. She moved down the bed so she could wedge herself in between his legs. Her fingernails lightly raked up his calves to his thighs, immediately grabbing G’raha’s attention since he looked from his book to the midnight haired Miqo’te whose golden eyes burned with desire.
“A-Alyss?” G’raha stuttered.
“You’ve been working too hard, Raha,” Alyss purred as she nuzzled his left thigh, “Let me take care of you.”
Before he could say anything, Alyss tugged down his smalls to throw them aside. She carefully took him in hand to place a small kiss on the tip. She gave him a few kitten licks before slowly taking him into her mouth, making sure her tongue gave attention to the underside of his cock. G’raha bucked his hips at the sensation as he grabbed the back of Alyss’ head. She grinned to herself then moved back slightly to where the tip was barely in her mouth. Her tongue ran along the slit making G’raha cry out and tighten his grip on her hair. Alyss moaned from the pressure of his grip as it turned her on more. She began to move at a steady pace and moved her hand to cup his sack.
G’raha’s fingers tangled deeper in her hair and hissed, “Oh, Wicked White.”
Oh. She hasn’t heard him say that in a good while. This meant she was doing a good job. Alyss gazed up at him with half lidded eyes to see him breathing heavily while his crimson eyes were also half lidded. He looked completely debauched but still beautiful all the same. As much as she wanted this, she knew that G’raha needed this as well. She wanted G’raha to be relaxed since he works all the time. She would do anything to make him feel good.
G’raha’s moans and small growls were turning Alyss on even more to where she needed to feel some relief. Not breaking from pleasuring her lover, she slipped her smalls down her legs and dipped her fingers past her folds. She began to match the pace of her fingers with her mouth, getting lost in the feeling. She then felt G’raha tug her head back by her hair but not enough to hurt her, a thin line of saliva connecting from her lips to his cock. Alyss saw passion burning in his eyes making her shiver.
Moving his hand from her hair to her chin, he gazed at her intensely, “You are going to come from my cock, not your fingers.”
Another shiver went up Alyss’ spine as he said that. His tone was similar to the Exarch’s and he knew it made her weak. G’raha pushed Alyss onto the bed and moved her to where she was on her stomach. G’raha’s hands stroked down her back then gripped her hips to settle her into a kneeling position. He settled behind her then gave her a firm swat on her backside making Alyss gasp. Alyss loved it when G’raha would take control whenever they make love and being dominated by him. To the world, she is seen as the Warrior of Light that conquers all her enemies. In the bedroom, G’raha was the one to bring her to her knees.
Alyss gripped the sheets and gasped as G’raha slid inch by torturous inch into her. She knew he was getting payback for her torturing him with her cheeky movements. Biting her lip, she tried to move back so he would be fully sheathed into her but his grip on her hips were holding her back.
“R-Raha… please…” Alyss whimpered.
“Please what, my dear Warrior?” G’raha purred.
Alyss bit her lip and whined as he pulled back to where his tip was resting in her, “Please fuck me, Raha! I need to feel you!”
G’raha tightened his grip slightly on her hip as he thrusted deep into Alyss that she swore she saw stars. G’raha’s hand ran along her back and the back of her neck to tangle his fingers back into her midnight locks. Lightly tugging her head to the side, he nipped and kissed along her neck up to her ear to nibble it. With every little attention G’raha was giving to her body, she felt like she would go over the edge any minute.
G’raha knew her body inside and out so he knew how to please her. It almost seemed he discovered a new pleasure spot whenever they made love. Most importantly, it always felt like they fit together perfectly.
“Raha… h-h-harder,” Alyss begged, “I’m so close.”
She felt G’raha nip her ear and smirk against it, “Manners, my love.”
She swore that this man would be her downfall, “Raha, please!”
He chuckled darkly only to pick up the pace within her and with a little more force. She nearly screamed as she felt his hand move from her hip to stroke her clit with the pace of his hips. Any coherent thought she had was gone and could only think of G’raha. She could feel her inner muscles flutter and constrict around his cock which was a telltale sign of her climax. She moved her hips faster while hearing G’raha growl behind her. He was completely bent over her as his hips began to stutter. He was close as well. Alyss reached back to touch his ruddy cheek and looked at him. He looked back at her only to press his lips to her. Alyss moaned into his mouth when she felt him release in her, causing her to release as well as they both rode out their climaxes.
Alyss then slumped onto the sheets as she felt completely boneless and relaxed. She felt G’raha lightly rub her back then carefully pulled out of her, making her groan from the loss of him. He laid back on the bed while pulling her into his arms. Alyss rested her head on his shoulder as she wrapped an arm around her waist and tail intertwining with his leg. He chuckled while placing a kiss on her forehead as he held her.
“Was that payback for interrupting your research?” Alyss joked.
“Partially,” G’raha mused, “I told you a couple more pages.”
Alyss rolled her eyes but placed a kiss on his cheek, “All right, all right. Lesson learned.”
He chuckled again then brought the blankets over them and turned off the lamp over his bed. Alyss cuddled closer as her eyes grew heavy with sleep as G’raha nuzzled into her hair. If he was going to be like this during sex, she would have to interrupt G’raha’s research more often.
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