support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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roegadynroost · 9 months
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The new custom delivery quests ending had me BAWLING like a baby.
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inyourmindxo · 2 years
Man that fucking THIN documentary..
Ultimate trigger
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zelsisi · 2 years
Y’all. I’m coming off of such a heavy dnd session. It literally made me start crying. And when I say the character’s head space is fucked up I fucking mean it
So Thyn. My Tiefling Swords Bard. Is back in an area controlled by his home. He didn’t think that his friends would betray him or that his former lover would start to go insane. But it did happen and it landed them in jail. One party member is pissed off at him and just fucking left the group (mainly cause of the player needing to drop which I can understand). He stopped talking for like the first part of session only really talking once they were like half way through.
Then they’re on this mission and he runs into his former lover again who did the whole Star Wars 7 “TRAITOR” line. He stayed behind with his boyfriend to keep them off of the rest of the group. His boyfriend takes care of occupying three others while Thyn fights his ex lover. Who happens to be the only childhood friend he saw as family to survive the military dictatorship up till this point. I made a FF14 reference of Thyn being like “A rematch eh? How’s the phrasing go again? The Victor shall write the tale and the vanquished become its villain.”
So they fight and Thyn makes the comment of “Are you proud of yourself Maleris?” Maleris asks if Thyn is proud of himself (which he’s really not) and says he’s not letting me run away again. Thyn remarks back of “Running away is no fun after all. But you might as well be proud of yourself cause I can sure as hell tell you no one else is” EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
And everyone in call was like “Ouch”. But they continue fighting and then Thyn gets the upper hand, disarms Maleris and himself, and pins Maleris to the ground and speaks. “I’ve lived with blood on my hands. I’ve lived with the haunting memories of the fallen. I know you have too. I’m used to the anguish it causes me. The nightmares, the sleepless nights.” His expression goes from dark to sad and regretful “I know this will add to it. I will not ask for your forgiveness because I damn well know I won’t get it. Hells! I wouldn’t forgive me and I won’t. Nor will I forgive you Maleris. But I chose this path and you chose yours.” He draws his sheathed dagger and Maleris weakly raises a hand saying something along the lines of “At least you’re stabbing me in the heart from the front” which causes Thyn to start crying “I regret that decision every day of my fucking life. I’m sorry. Even though I’m not going to get your forgiveness.” He raises the dagger up “Say hi to the others. If not that then I’ll see you in hell.” And he plunges the dagger down into Maleris’s heart and as the blood covers his hands and as Maleris fades he says “I didn’t recognize you when I came into harbor. As far as I know the person I cared for is gone.”
Thyn then stands, doesn’t wipe his hands of the blood, switches the dagger to his off hand and grabs his spear as he looks at the other three of his friends. Darkness in his eyes, face and body language as tears pour down his face. Two walk off the third says “We don’t recognize you either”. Thyn screws his eyes shut and more tears come as he bolts for the ship.
They’re on the ship and just as he’s about to go down below deck to disassociate in his room and consider his life choices Hawkins the BBEG comes up from below deck to be right in front of him.
And in his head Thyn thinks he’s a monster. And the fucked up thing is that he wishes he hadn’t faked his death cause then this wouldn’t have happened. And he did so to avoid actually dying cause of him being vocal about everything that the military dictatorship is doing and how it needs to change. So he basically wishes he was dead. But also doesn’t cause then he wouldn’t be here.
He wants to be free. Whether that’s through death or letting go is another matter all together
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thaynthyn · 10 months
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✨️🍀Gratidão infinita por me ouvir 🧿❤️
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mythicmarbles · 8 days
Context: Cyn just got purged from Uzi's tail and put into another body. She kinda got mixed feelings from Uzi manipulating her code to render her solver abilities completely disabled, So she ran out into the snow n stuff dramatically
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iced-souls · 3 months
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Artfight Week 1 babyyyyyy!!
I had much much very big fun with these hehehe
Elta/Doppy = @s3-izures
Zahir, Osric, and Phiaea = pm-animation
Muriel and Joulee = @corruptimles
The Guardian = @harmonytre
Darunia = Catgitarius
Malfunction = @satellite-starss
Sacha = @moki-the-lettuce
Maysan = CyrusQuirin
Arachni The 8 Wonders = @perfectshadow06
Forlorn = @god1eater
Vedansh = @crimfckeyt
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theantivoid-3 · 9 months
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chryso-poeia · 6 months
I’m in love with my doctor and i don’t need that right now. Don’t give me those blue eyes, that jawline and that unstained sense of innocent politeness often associated with heterosexual privileged men. Also don’t tell me to ”take care of myself” with a concerned look after allat. I did not need to manifest this.
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nnn-lll-nnn · 9 months
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helluvapoison · 7 months
Crystal Clear
Zestial x Reader
warning: lil violence, probably inaccurate old english
Consider yourself lucky to find yourself under Zestial’s good graces and watchful eyes. While he sends you bottles of delicious, ancient wine and carnivorous flowers, others are on the opposite end. That’s what Alastor tells you at least and he refuses to elaborate. While you’re curious to know what could be the opposite of flowers, you think your imagination might be an easier pill to swallow than the truth.
You’ve long since agreed to go on that promenade with the Overlord (which you’ve found out means a walk by a lake) but Zestial, according to the notes on the recent bouquet of grey roses, “hasn’t known a moment’s peace” for a month now. His cursive is flawless with accentuated strokes and curls that take up the entire card. You wanted to thank him for all the gifts but a call felt impersonal… and something told you he didn’t own a phone.
A letter would probably suffice except you weren’t sure where to send it. Alastor continued to be no help. At first it struck you as odd because you thought the two of them were friends but that’s on you, you should have known Alastor doesn’t have friends. So you set out to Zestial’s corner of The Pride Ring. It was old fashioned like Cannibal Town but not nearly as nice.
By that, you mean the people are just as shitty as they are everywhere else in Hell.
Not even two steps over the invisible threshold and you’re shoved into the side of a building, cool brick meeting your shoulder hard. You move to give the jerk a silent “fuck you” at the very least, raising your middle finger as she bolts away from you. Two steps the same, she’s dragged into an alley by a shadow.
“Pray tell,” A familiar voice, so smooth and close, drowns out the nearby screaming. Zestial himself steals your attention and your breath. You don’t even have time to wonder where he came from.
“Doth thyn own eyes deceive? A firefly has entered the web of a spider by thous own accord? Thy had not expected this turn of events. What brings thee to my web this hellish day?”
“Oh! I wanted to thank you for all the presents you sent.” You explain, patting your pockets for the envelope addressed to him.
Humming, his eyes roam across his name as he gingerly takes the pink paper. He doesn’t open it then, instead bringing into the abyss of his coat where it disappears from your sight.
“The pleasure belongs entirely to thyn own self,” Zestial says politely, his smile disappearing as he speaks, “Oh how outrageous thou must be, for thou has been generously patient. Apologies, firefly. Thyst swears this will not happen twice.”
You tilted your head, brows pulling together as you deciphered Zestial’s words. When it settles in you’re quick to hold up your hands. You’re so quick to fix things, you missed his pet name again.
“I—Oh! No, I’m not upset! I understand you’re busy.”
This pleases Zestial immensely, his smile returning and etching across his face once more.
“Thous kindness continues. Please, allow thy to return thee from whence thou came. Thyn would be remiss should something happen to thee.” He paused, voice dropping as he glared over his shoulder, “Twice.”
Zestial swiftly offers his arm to you when you try to see what he was looking at. A part of you did know he was sparing you a gruesome sight… the other part didn’t care as much as you should.
Falling into step with the Overlord, you’re suddenly aware of how much labor he’s putting into walking at your pace. It looks effortless enough. He practically glides as he walks anyhow. Still, it didn’t go unnoticed by you. Despite slightly delving into his frustrations (via cards) about how busy he was, he seemed in no rush to return to his territory to deal with whatever it may be.
“I looked up what promenade means, by the way,” You say eventually, though the silence between you both was comfortable enough, “I’d officially like to accept your invitation now. When work slows down for you, of course.”
Zestial chuckles, looking straight ahead, “Thyn has been working tirelessly to ensure uninterrupted time with thee. Much like this, only with a more suitable location for such a sweet soul as thou.”
“Tirelessly, huh? Don’t forget to take breaks,” You chastise playfully.
“In thys undead existence, thyn has come to be sure that there is no time for breaks. Change is constant and quick. Thyn is forced to adapt when thyn does not wish to or thy will be left a—how did one say? A relic.”
Now it was your turn to frown.
“Someone said that to you?”
His amusement remained alive as ever despite the terrible insult.
“Fret not. There shan’t be much for one to say any longer.”
You cross your arms and nod firmly.
“Howevermore, mayhaps there was truth in one’s words. It appears to thy, that the more thyst resists the ever growing changes of this modern day, the farther thyst casts thys own self into darkness.” Zestial sighs and trails off towards the end, “Tis a rather lonely existence.”
Slowly, you nod your head. It takes a minute to translate what he said and another to respond but Zestial is nothing if not patient.
“Change is constant,” You begrudgingly agree.
He hums in appreciation, “Precisely.”
“But it doesn’t have to be lonely if you don’t want it to be. You have Carmilla and—” You hesitate which caught his attention.
“Well, I was going to say me. If you want, that is.”
Zestial chuckles. It’s a dark, raspy sound that makes your bones vibrate and sends a shiver throughout your body.
“Thy would be honored to call thoust a friend.. for the time being. Thy can only be content in the darkness for so long now that light has been seen. Thoust will inevitably succumb to a courtship, thyself assures thee.”
“You lost me a little bit,” You replied, dipping your hand from side to side in a so-so motion.
The green of his eyes shrink upwards in amusement yet again. Zestial straightens, looking around as if debating something he doesn’t feel inclined to share this time. You show him the same courtesy he showed you and waited for him to gather his thoughts.
“As commerce for such a divine outing, and solidifying our enriching conversation, thoust will be repaid in kind. Just this once.” Zestial declares, holding up a single, slender finger from his coat, “You and I are much alike, dear firefly, we shall not be easily discouraged from our desires.”
He holds out his hand and waits for yours to join. It’s not a perfect fit, his fingers could wrap around yours two times over, but it feels nice. Zestisl is oddly warm with soft palms and an unfailingly gentle grip. Bowing, he kisses your knuckles like he did the first time,
“Until next time. Thy will count the seconds,” He says quietly.
You don’t realize there’s an audience until he sinks into the cracks on the ground and absconds from your view. If you’re honest, you didn’t catch quite a bit from the last few minutes. You’re still stuck in the web of time where Zestial said he desired you. At least you think that’s what he said. Funny, even when he says it in layman’s terms you’re still not sure what Zestial meant.
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squiffer-salad · 4 months
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GIVE ME BOSSES, HEROS, CUBES, OCS, ANYONE (I do have a bias towards Barracudas, Blixers/Dubs, and Lycans) BUT I WILL TRY TO DO A MIX
i forgot to edit this a long time ago this is closed and I’m delusional
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roegadynroost · 9 months
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Halone was everything I wanted for Thyn'a as a patron deity. Ice. Spear. Shield.
Now if only they'd let me wield those in game!!! Anywho, we stan Halone on this blog.
Thyn's birthday deity happened to be Oschon by luck and I think that the two of them really fit my gals theming 100% Fierce in battle with an endless wanderlust~
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storiesofsung · 4 months
'Spread Thyn Wings🐉',
Draconia Fam HC: where their wings went
The Draconia Family's real form is said to be that of a dragon (Malleus commenting that it is his true form and him being hatched as an egg AND being a baby dragon) the human version is idk more of an afterthought. That being said, the members (or what we've seen so far) of the Draconia family do like to show (dare I say flaunt) these features, with Malleus and his horns and Mallenoa (Mallenor??) with her thick booty tail:
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source: https://thenuitinthenorthernlights.tumblr.com/
Anyways that begs the question... why don't they (esp mama draconia i'll get to that soon) also show off thier magnificent wings? Now you can argue that "o h, it would be inconvenient since everything is human sized" nay I say, nay. This argument does make sense with Malleus since he is attending a school and there are many scenarios wherein a tail could cause hazards, so that I will give him a pass for hiding his glorious tail...However, Mama Draconia has no excuse, she's way past that high school nonsense and look at her, she's stupendous and should flaunt her magnificent wings..yet she doesn't, that's where my hc comes in
I hc that the backstory of Maleficent featured in the live action story (because the trad villains are shown to be more sympathetic in this game) is real and is part of fae history.
To give ygs a summary to catch up Maleficent falls in love w a human and gets her wings chopped off cuz he a greedy ass hole. Now I then hc that since this story is shown to vilify humans and make Maleficent the subject of tragedy, the future generations choose not to show their wings in public as a sign of respect for their gramama.
It's supposed to be a statement of "I will show you child of men that I alone have the power to do what I want with my body. This will prove that though you may try to take away my dignity, I am in control and still as strong as ever. You will never strip me of my right and will to thrive with the rest of the living creatures of this planet" to the humans.
Summary: The Dragon Fae did not pout and wail at their Mistress being disrespected, they held their chin up high. They are reclaiming the act of terrorism done on their queen and using it as self expression (and also as a sign of respect to the Thorn Fairy) to show their strength in spite of all their years of oppression.
But for Malleus the excuse of those wings would get caught in doorways is also lol valid
Am I looking too deep into this? Yes. Definitely.
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zelsisi · 1 year
Ok. So I’ve had a bit to come to terms with this but I’ve had my first D&D character death after around 3-4 years playing.
My male Tiefling Swords Bard named Thyn is the first character I’ve lost to death. We had just wrapped up his whole character arc and him having a very bad mindset (cause I mean he just killed the last of his childhood friends so who wouldn’t spiral?) when the BBEG comes onto our ship and stops right in front of Thyn.
Thyn of course doesn’t want to talk the situation down cause he’s ducking pissed and wants to hit something which just so happens to be Hawkins (BBEG) at that moment. So combat starts. Thyn’s first in initiative cause he’s fucking ready to rumble and in soldier mode but misses and then goes unconscious in the first round of combat. Comes back up with the Wither and Bloom spell and Dimension Doors away cause he just went down so. Thyn had like 46 max health at level 7 so not surprising. The Wizard had more than him
But Thyn’s on the other end of the ship and Hawkins dashes up to him taking opportunity attacks. They have a small conversation “Nkt surprised you’d come after blood in the water it’s your type.” “My type?” “Type of character. You see an opening you take it.” “You would know wouldn’t you?” The last part was only so Thyn could hear and then he’s stabbed, knocked unconscious again and thrown into the main mast losing a death save. The party starts to try and get him back up while trying to get his focus off of Thyn
Thyn comes back to conscious after Kharis (Paladin and boyfriend) uses all of his lay on hands to get him back up. Chrone (best friend and Captain) starts taunting Hawkins. Hawkins kills the two zombies we had. Thyn runs to the back of the ship using whole movement and action while shouting out “What do you mean I would know?!” To which Hawkins replies “Oh I’d love to tell you but so many memories so little time.” Chrone is blasted with lightning to kill him however since he’s a vampire (and a halfling) he becomes mist and gets back to his coffin but as far as we know in character he’s dead. The Kharis goes unconscious. Hawkins moves up to be within 30 feet of Thyn. Kharis comes back up with Aura of Vitality (or life can’t remember but is at one hp)
Thyn seeing Hawkins closing in and nowhere to run decides to just go down swinging so to speak and casts Dissonant Whisperers. Then Hawkins is finally on him. So Thyn goes down. Gets stabbed once then twice and he’s failed all death saves. In his finally moments he stares unafraid at Hawkins and says as he grabs the sword imbedded in his gut “They’ll ruin you…” Hawkins leans down and whispers so that only he could hear “Not before you ruin them.” Then Thyn looks to Kharis and says “Time was never in my favor. Never…” Opens his mouth to say I love you but dies before hand. His eyes don’t close and he’s staring up as his hand falls off of the sword.
That was a session ago. This week’s session was even more emotional. We picked up from where he just died. Kharis, enraged goes to fight Hawkins as he screams. His goddess helps him to save his life and they wake up on an island with a dog bank and a mountain on it. Just Kharis, Daziss (Druid), and Malcer (Wizard) on the beach with the ship aground and slightly wrecked. They found a coffin with Chrone’s body inside but couldn’t find Thyn’s body. They did find his spear and his viol his signature items/tokens. There was inter party drama. Malcer has a fucked up view on life and death is all I’ll say. Kharis goes to Thyn’s room on the ship and finds letters to the crew and a journal. The letter were farewell letters that they read that night and the journal contained a story. All of these I read aloud and had the desired effects. Then they had a mourning ceremony for Thyn. They threw an item into the fire that reminded them of him and explained why. Malcer threw manacles in saying that he was a soldier and used it to capture people just like we were. Daziss threw his own flute into the fire since Thyn was a bard and sang and played music they even said they’d jam out when they had time. Kharis threw in his hair band saying that Thyn had said he always liked him better with his hair down. Kharis is also keeping Thyn’s spear and viol, the latter entrusted to him.
They slept. Kharis was knocked out cause he wasn’t going to sleep. He had a vision of his goddess unconscious with black tendrils making their way towards him and the message of “Find me.” Malcer had a nightmare. Then they ascended the stairs to find a woman who said she wasn’t impressed with a Mortal Combat like tower behind her and that’s where we ended session. It feels weird. I know Thyn’s story isn’t over tho. Cause the DM and I have plans but that’s all I’ll say for now. Tho if any artists would like to draw any of theses scenes please do I beg since I can’t commission anyone
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 4 months
I found this on describe-things blog:
Incomplete free antiblack racist blocklist:
New additions to the list:
If you're racist you're not an ally to anyone. If you want to drive Black people out of the ace community, you're the one who's going to be blocked and reported by anyone who actually cares about the community.
If you're spreading the idea that Black people and the things they create are inherently sexual and are a threat to innocent white people's virtues...you're antiblack racist and I hope you're ashamed of yourself.
And this is where the post ends... THESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY... this was posted on may 14th if you look in their archive. I think your followers should report this post.. you don' deserve this holy shit why do these people lie so much??.
Holy ducking shit… like I would laugh at the whole “not liking some rap songs is racist” but fucking hell. thats just disgusting and anyone agreeing that "not liking SOME rap songs = spreading the idea that Black people and the things they create are inherently sexual and are a threat to innocent white people's virtues" needs to be blocked
if you believe that, please either leave my page or argue with me so i can block you thanks.
One of them may be a piece of shit whos an actual racist but still, kinder to tell them
@threadednovelist @thyn-orbe @dreamingxinxthexrain @jayce-is-confused @thyn-orbe @screamingpotato @fromthetriangle
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