kimuyellow · 11 months
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Thunder boy
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mr-ravi-05 · 2 years
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ᴏʟᴅᴇꜱᴛ ɴᴇᴡ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ🌟 𝟏𝟗/𝟎𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝟏𝟐:𝟑𝟎𝐩𝐦 👀 special place to :😜 @v_a_h_i_d_t_56 @smart_guy_rajak @qureshi_5_ @_mr_ravi_05_ #newpost #goa #goabeach #stylishkids #modelshoot #stylishlook #goatourism #sdvfcs #gainsongains #hotactor #newstyle #thunderboy #reactionboi💫 #trendme #1000 #clg #studentlife #attitudeboys #3ideots #🌟 #desiboys😎 #newhero #upcomingstar #swip #l4dm #l4l #likeplz #likedpost #follo #💫❤️ (at Candolim Beach, Goa) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChJk67jNVNX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thundercloudshipping · 7 months
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Just wanted to draw us dummies kissing lol
I hope to have some christmas selfship art soon, just trying to find a way so that all my fos get represented lol :)
Tagging @kal-selfships @rosepetalmoon
@rainbobirb @selfshipdorito @starseverance but also @iris-kinnie i hope you dont mind me tagging you for this one! Thought you'd might enjoy a fellow pokemon selfshippers art :) (if you dont wanna be on the taglist thats fine just say the word)
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narcissistcookbook · 1 month
george miller really went "okay for this mad max prequel i want to hire thor, put him in a chariot, give him red hair and a red cape, and a bunch of dorks he calls thunderboys, and make him the most despicable piece of shit in existence"
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icantdrawrt · 5 months
Batman and superman being gay in worlds finest?? Ofc don’t worry
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This is very minor but I just love how much he relies on Superman and how close they are
it’s cute :)
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When you can predict exactly what your boyfriends about to do (no fr why do they know each other so well 😭😭😭)
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Batman comforting superman after Thunderboy (sorry, I mean his son) goes missing. He immediately gets on the case and is like “Clark don’t worry I’m the worlds greatest detective”
The “We’ll find David, Clark” is so domestic
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More Batman knowing the ins and outs of superman and understanding exactly how he feels? LGBTQ
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This is the definition of two men looking at each other like 😍😍
Clark’s happy little love sick smile at the sight of Bruce is sO CUTE
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vampirzina · 6 months
Pls pls pls earthrealmers with like a washed up musical star turned fighter (srry if its too specific)
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♫ ┆earthrealm heroes quad (raiden, kung lao, johnny cage & kenshi) w. washedstar!reader
tw: gn pronouns, sfw but one (1) suggestiveness in johnnys part, mdni
notes: yes. sorry if this is lackluster. cries
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Raiden equated you to another strain of Johnny Cage. Without even trying you seemed to have charmed him into liking you, and now you’re seeing each other… Privately, of course.
That being said: The beautiful concept of privacy is near sacred to Raiden. There’s a hc with popstar!reader where it’s said that privacy is important to him, and that’s true. In most cases when it comes to mentioning what you do or did he’s overtly casual about it, uber humble if he doesn’t mention it at all. If you were to start to put yourself back out there, this feat would only strengthen.
As a fighter, Raiden is constantly doting on you. He doesn’t let up even when you prove to him you can defend yourself. You try to be just as much caring, but sometimes he can make you feel like it’s not enough. He makes sure to remind you that whatever you do, he’s grateful.
Raiden loves it when you sing to him, and he’s not shy about that at all. Serenade him. Please. He already feels like a hopeless romantic around you. Your status, to him, is the last thing on his mind [when it’s just you and him]. He falls further in love with you if you sing to or play an instrument for him.
Kung Lao watched in the distance a sight he would never let Raiden live down for the rest of his life.
Raiden looks so taken by you, but your face is scrunched in focus with a hint of frustration of messing up a few notes. He listens with a glimmer in his eyes and a quirk in his lips indiscriminately.
“Yeah, no. He’s definitely not going for lunch with us. Just look at ‘im…” Johnny starts, watching beside the other male with his hands on his hips. He goes quiet, and he looks around the perimeter.
Suddenly, he raises his voice.
“Hey—hey Romeo!”
Johnny goes tumbling from a push just as he said it, and Kung Lao curses to himself as he attempts to catch the actor—and his square shades—before the floor hit him. Kung Lao up and hauls him far away, so very far away. The shove of all shoves to save Raiden’s life.
Raiden feels lucky to be able to fight by your side.
─── ♫
Kung Lao actually tried to set you up with Johnny Cage, but at the slightest hint of him starting to feeling funny/differently about it he stopped. He thought you two would hit it off because of your similar pasts, plus it’s some fun when the group is lying low. He started to show out for you in order to undo what he’s done (if it were even working), and when he got you to confess to him he totally wasn’t running laps around the academy.
Kung Lao starts to spar and/or train with you more than anyone else. Sure, he and Raiden still spar, but you are quickly becoming his ultimate partner. He tries to get you into some sort of weaponry if you’re not already. When it comes to physically fighting an enemy, he loves to beat them with you.
Even as a washed up star Kung Lao still would have a sense of pride from being with you. Not because you’re some washed up star but because he’s scored such an amazing, beautiful, good and talented person like you. He genuinely cherishes you. But if anyone asks, he’ll tell them what you do first, before your name. If you’re more orientated on fixing your career, he gives you advice (even if he’s not qualified).
“So,” Raiden nudged Kung Lao rather firmly. Either that, or Kung Lao was too deep in his head that he weren’t properly planted. “You and [Reader], huh?”
It took Kung Lao a moment.
“Yeah… Me and [Reader],” Kung Lao confirmed with a swell of his chest, the corner of his lip curling upwards. “And what about it, thunderboy? Jealous?”
“Oh, no. I’m alright,” Raiden shook his head somewhat, holding a hand up. “Just… Curious. They kind of appeared out of nowhere.”
“To me? What do you mean to me?”
“Seriously, you never heard of [Reader]?” Kung Lao seemed offended, but couldn’t really hold the feeling. “They were like, the hottest thing… Years ago… But that doesn’t matter. They’re still cute, I’m their man. In fact, I’m the man.”
Kung Lao has enough pride for the both of you.
─── ♫
Johnny Cage immediately looked you up. Nevermind that he recognized you from afar, having already known a thing or two from when you were trending. If you have anything—a wiki, a loyal fanpage, an article, whatever—he’s going to find you. You also knew a thing or two about him. You two clicked a bit more easier than his peers. And, admittedly, his flirting worked.
Privacy is not Johnny Cage’s forte, so don’t think for a second that you’ll get any, if you don’t ask. You’ll get popular again for a hot minute when (not if) your relationship goes public, however if you really want privacy he’ll try to omit some details of your intimacy from the public. But it won’t stop him from wanting to post you two. He wants to show you off, and if it makes a bit of extra cash, why not?
You’ll have to make one of your next projects about Johnny Cage. He’ll beg and plead on his knees if you don’t fold right away, even bothering you on Liu Kang’s missions. But even if you end up not doing so, he’ll commission or make a film/something for the both of you; probably includes some select of the truckloads of photos and videos he’s taken of you two, during some of your more intimate moments.
Other than doing realm business together, Johnny Cage makes a hobby out of trying to restart both of your careers. A first-time director like him could use someone in the industry like you. If you can’t act, he’ll offer to help you and/or pay for classes. If you don’t want to act, he’ll find you a manager (as if he wasn’t acting like one already). Just remember: he’s been your first fan regardless of who actually was. You’re attached at the hip with him.
Absolutely exhausted, is what you felt. You hadn’t had a chance to rest like this ever since Liu Kang had his dealings in Outworld.
You lie on top of Johnny, your arms curled around his torso underneath his arms and your face buried into the warm alley of his neck. Johnny could smell your shampoo, and made sure you knew that. He always tells you how much he loves it; how much he loves you.
You’ve been hearing yourself for at least an hour.
Johnny kept his eyes squinted from amusement trained on his phone, watching back old performances of yours with a small smile on his face. He could watch you for many more hours than just one, but he knows how exhausting it must be to constantly have to hear yourself.
“Pitch perfect, baby. That’s why I love you,” Johnny praised as the video ended, his head turning to give you a long kiss on the curve beside your nape. “You think your fans could ever guess you bash some guys’ head in on the regular? Mine do.”
Johnny Cage makes sure you two are the new hottest couple.
─── ♫
Kenshi instantly might not have wanted anything to do with you at first, I think. He didn’t necessarily avoid you, but he kept it simple and classy with you. Yeah, you’re cute and you may not have been all that famous anymore, but there had to be someone who checked for you every then and again. To him, being seen with you made you both targets. But when he realized that you could fight, something changed.
You were sort of out of his league and Kenshi knew that. It took Johnny, of all people, to help him out. Johnny knew bits and pieces of you, but when he saw that Kenshi was dead serious, he straightened up. He even looked you up for him so that they could research together, that way Kenshi could have something to talk about with you the next time you saw each other.
He doesn’t say it, but Kenshi loves the sound of your voice. Pre and post-incident, but moreso post-incident. He lets it guide him anywhere; to the bedroom, to sleep, anywhere, to do anything. You seem to notice his reliance on your voice even with sento and it flatters you incredibly. You make sure to use it as much as possible.
And god forbid you get a sore throat or lose your voice around Kenshi. He’s not letting you out of reach, and any doubts of his ability to cook [post-incident] are disproven that same day. He manually heals you back to health. Even when you’re sure you can still be a competent fighter, Kenshi insists that you rest. He’ll be back before you know it.
Kenshi loves the sound of your morning voice the most.
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silbaria · 10 months
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Little Thunderboy
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musubiki · 11 months
actually another thing worth noting that develops as a consequence of the last post is the somewhat humorously hostile relationship that develops between pom and lime. its not that she HATES him per say, hes a good guild member, hes loyal and strong and an overall asset.
HOWEVER, pom can tell pretty easily that he likes mochi. even if he didnt, he does things that distract her still (taking her to get ice cream, hanging out with her while shes reading through spell books, CRAWLING INTO HER BED TO CUDDLE WITH HER) and so pom is always like grrrr idiot thunderboy. didnt i tell you shes not allowed to have a boyfriend?? and lime smirks and goes "I mean, just because she can't have a 'boyfriend' doesn't mean I can't be a little sweet with her from time to time right--" and pom scratches up his face
she HATES this logic because its somewhat of a loophole: the whole thing about not having a "boyfriend" is not having to worry about the relationship aspect, but if theyre not technically in a "relationship" then mochi doesnt need to worry about putting in effort and can focus on her studies right????? and lime can just flirt with her from time to time right??? and pom does that cat thing where they latch onto your leg and start biting
this does introduce a different kind of distraction which is "Does he like me...???" but pom doesnt really fight against it because she realizes that regardless of whether or not he flirts with mochi, 1) she will STILL be worrying about if he likes her or not, so that aspect doesnt go away. might even be worse if he doesnt give her attention and theres a possibility she will neglect her studies in the effort of getting him to like her. 2) maybe this will actually resolve those worries a little bit, and mochi needs some happiness now and then in between magic stress
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narutocharacterpolls · 10 months
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I'm begging y'all VOTE FOR THUNDERBOY 😭😭😭😭😭🌩️🌩️🌩️🌩️
[ID: A drawing of Sasuke with his back turned towards the viewer. He holds his sword over his shoulder which has his Chidori running through. END ID]
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pymsanz · 6 months
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My Thunderboi in progess .....
(Moderoid : Thunder Jaw)
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hollowboobtheory · 2 years
thunder by imagine dragons is so funny like they were a super well liked band. any edgy fandom kid had at least one of their songs attached to a blorbo. then they wrote this song that flopped so hard their brand still hasn't recovered they're still known as a boring band
this one song is so swagless that it overshadows the entire rest of their discography like they're still making music and some serious bangers but nobody gives a fuck because they're the thunderbois now i just think it's funny. the unforgiveable flop
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thundercloudshipping · 4 months
Sorry i havent been posting art as of late, been focused on my ocs heh. Anyway i have something to say
🩷🩷🎶Ash and I are married now!🎶🩷🩷
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ozziesjester · 8 months
Hi i saw your post and
Perhaps some headcanons for my thunderboy? *ash from pokemon*
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hi omg !! headcanons for ya boy ash coming right up !
i feel like he's really big on telling you how proud he is of you every chance he can! he likes to celebrate tiny accomplishments of yours, his love language is words of affirmation :3
you know dates between the two of you always have to involve your pokemon. Always. if he can't bring pikachu then it Isn't Happening. good thing your lead pokemon get along as well as you and ash do though!
he'll keep you well fed! he might not look like it but he's a killer chef and loves to cook for you !! something he might've picked up from his mom, perhaps?
speaking of eating, you ever just forget to eat or drink water? well, not anymore! he makes extra sure you're taking care of yourself, and if you're having a rough day and can't do it on your own he gladly volunteers his help!
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lividjungle · 2 months
ever since i started using seymourbrush i started liking digital art a lot more again thank u thunderboy
GIGGLE SMILES im glad you like it yays ^_^ frolics
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gordonthesquid · 2 years
From the desk of Gordon Tracy
Subject: No, we didn’t forget this year...
A video pops up. 
[The shot shows Gordon sitting cross-legged on a beach blanket, grinning widely, and facing the camera and with  the rolling sea in the background. His ukulele is in his lap, not quite in position to play just yet.]
And we’re live! Virgil, the big guy! Happy Birthday, bro! Last year was kind of a mess. This is what we get for letting Scott and John try to plan surprises. [He fondly rolls his eyes]  But we are glad you were a good sport, and this year I put my foot down and told them we are NOT pretending we forgot. 
I know. Shocker, coming from me. 
Look I appreciate a good prank or surprise as much as anyone. But I think last year showed that we can’t guess when rescues are going to come in or what the next day brings. And I’d rather spend the day celebrating for the time we have to do so. So this will be waiting for you when you get up at a decent 10:00 sleep in, which of course you’ll be allowed to do because it’s your birthday. I am sure coffee will still be waiting, if Scott remembers to reset the hot plate so it stays warm. That’s on him, so don’t come for me. 
[He nervously runs a hand through his hair, picking up the uke.]
Okay, so my gift this year...so I wrote a song. 
[He grins, a wide, trouble-making, mischievous smile.]
Well I wrote the words to a song. Someone stole all the virtuoso talent in the family, so I borrowed a classic tune. 
The @flyboytracy helped. Trust me you’ll know which ones he didn’t write. And John is going to help me with the sound. Hopefully all this isn’t too loud. [he waves at the waves behind him] Then again [shit-eating grin, again] maybe you will want to hear the sea over me. 
[he cackles, then starts. It a familiar sea shanty... A proud tenor; it’s obvious he’s been practicing because Gordon can be obnoxious when he’s not actually trying. No, he’s been working hard on this.]
There was once a ship -Thunderbird Three And the pilot of the ship was the smallest pea The rockets fired up, her launch renown Oh go, the thunderboys, go (huh)
Soon may the Thunderbirds come To start the rescue with Thunderbird One  One day, when the world is good They'll take their pods and go
Thunderbird Two inside her bore The purest bird:  Thunderbird Four The pilot dropped her far from shore Then took her home in tow
Soon may the Thunderbirds come Looking real fly in Thunderbird One One day, when the rescue is done They’ll take their pods and go
Da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da Two’s hull was not made for water But Four was in a spot of bother She sunk down deep, grappled, caught her When she dove too low (huh)
Soon may the Thunderbirds come As long as Scott sticks to One One day, maybe just for fun He’ll take some leave and go (huh!)
In this work, we follow Five’s lead The spaceman’s mind can track all feeds In many tongues, he can intercede and keep the job in flow (huh!)
Soon may the Thunderbirds come Four is still better than One One day, when the rescue is done They’ll take their pods and go!
[The music stops. He laughs]
So that’s it for now. 
I won’t ruin anyone else’s gifts, but I did hear word a little space cadet might be coming down from Five to make pancakes. You may want to come join the day, ‘coz the time you’ve just spent listening to this is the exact amount of time Alan and I need to... commandeer breakfast. 
Happy Birthday, Virg!
[Gordon’s laugh ends the video, fading out before going black]
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