#throwback to this song and whatnot
prettyymafia · 1 month
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drift monster 🎏
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 11 months
So I just watched Princess and the Popstar as part of my mega Barbie movie watch/rewatch. For reference, here's where it sits on my current personal tier list (I've seen more of them I promise, just not in a very long time). I feel that it's placement on my tier list is justified considering I feel the same way about it as I do Island Princess: two very good movies with just a few aspects which make me apprehensive about watching it twice (Tika. If Tika wasn't in Island Princess it would've been in yellow tier at least). I also didn't enjoy it as much as Diamond Castle or Three Musketeers, which are both films that came out in a similar timeframe to Princess and the Popstar. So, cyan-soon-to-be-green-tier-why-the-fuck-is-it-not-green-hold-on seems fitting.
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I think y'all can tell that I like the Barbie movies.
Princess and the Popstar started off a banger (despite Princesses Wanna Have Fun being the bad kind of earworm - I hadn't watched the film in well over five years until today but that song was still getting stuck in my head every other week up until as of literally a few days ago probably). A nice little homage to Princess and the Pauper without totally ripping it off. Nice throwback to To Be a Princess there too, as a kid I hadn't seen Princess and the Pauper so I had no idea where the song came from or anything (literally I used to forget that the song was even in the movie) but as of today the original is literally my favourite Barbie movie ever so when I heard the opening lyrics I got... way too excited over this Barbie movie than I really should've. But yeah no the music in this damn movie is fantastic aside from the one song.
Tori and Keira were absolutely fantastic characters. They were VERY flawed but like can you blame them??? They're not even eighteen yet, they've both grown up in heavily restrictive environments (Keira having been performing since she was six and Tori acting out all the time as a result of the way she was brought up), have had such limited social interaction and have been taught to "never act your age" (act older than you really are) so it's totally reasonable that these girls are gonna fuck up and make mistakes and do stupid things (and hey they might be faking their identities but at least they're not committing identity theft pfffft). They don't have the wisdom of an average 17 year old yet but they're treated by everyone around them like they're so much older ESPECIALLY KEIRA (and yet she's the least impulsive one out of the two). Overall, I support womens wrongs. Genuinely listen to this movie's version of To Be a Princess, you'll absolutely get what I mean.
I still think that Serafina is superior to Vanessa but... Vanessa my beloved <3 Riff was not as fun but I love his name referring to a guitar riff while also being. Ya know. Dog.
My biggest complained about this movie is Crider's whole thing with the Diamond Gardenia like. If that whole plot hadn't been in the movie then it would've been so much better. Keep the whole drought thing for Tori's character development and whatnot, and make Amelia's whole thing about keeping Tori in line be about Amelia's Material Girl lifestyle and her not wanting Tori to find out about what kinda state the kingdom is in because "Vanessa, I'm a Material Girl" (make her an homage to best Barbie villain the Original Material Girl Preminger). Like girl does not want to give up her riches in order to help the populace. Do that instead of having an unrealistic magical diamond-growing plant and Basically Uncle Ian from Alvin and the Chipmunks having an unhealthy obsession with it... (the way he broke into the castle too like- those guards DESERVED to have their heads bonked with vases if that's how shit they are at their job).
To sum my thoughts up, I reckon this movie started off really strong but as soon as the Gardenia and Crider became a thing it began to very slowly fall off. A few changes could've made it so much better. Anyway it's nice to see that it wasn't as shit as I thought it would be, considering it was my childhood favourite :D
Also I stan Prince Liam. Dude was barely present, asked next to no questions and rolled with whatever out-of-left-field shenanigans were thrown at him and I support that. Also no forced romance or hinted feelings or anything, as far as I'm concerned he and Keira were just bros causing chaos together. Good for them.
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candymay · 2 years
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A little throwback ‘cause I’m feeling a little nostalgic tonight..
This was the night I went to see Call Me By Your Name for the first time, during a film festival in 2017. As usual I took the front seat - a weird habit of mine, and a bad habit for my neck, then ordered an overpriced red wine served in a little plastic cup.
I didn’t know Luca was gonna be there! I don’t have much regret in life, but not raising my hand during the discussion session has got to be one of them. The whole thing went by so fast that I’d already planned on buying another ticket for the next showing.
I was waiting for all the people to leave, like I said, I sat on the very front, ‘til I saw Luca walked up to my row and called me by my name towards my direction. That’s when I realized that I’d been sitting right beside Ferdinando Filomarino the whole time (Luca’s long term partner - well, now ex).
Again, my body just carried me away at times like that, it’s a curse I tell you - and so I left (had my shoulder brushed his shoulder?!), the whole time whisper-screaming to my friend, “we watched the whole thing beside HIS LOVER,” “fuck, we giggled too much,” “Do you think we laughed too loud?!” and “he MUST think of us as a bunch of uncultured kids”. I did sneak a creepy picture of Ferdinando though.
It was crowded outside and people seemed to be in such a joyous mood despite it being really late, talking and discussing about the film out loud while waiting for the last tram and the last bus, lighting their cigarettes and whatnot. My friend and I agreed to sit by the river after getting a burger and a milkshake to-go. It was pretty cold that I had on two coats. I chain smoked like a steam train, but out of happiness. “So Oliver is a douche?” “No!” “Yeah, no way.” “By the way, that Sufjan Stevens song.. Futile Devices, that’s the song I told you about, the one I listen to whenever I bail class and mope about my life at the creek.” “Ahh.. right. I get it now.” 
To this day I wish that I could see the film for the first time all over again.
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wayhaughtprompts · 3 years
So I have a head canon that early in their relationship Waverly would make Nicole mix CDs for her to listen to while out on long patrols- thoughts on what kind of music she might put on there? And how it would make Nicole absolutely *melt* every time
ok I feel like Waverly would put a lot of pop-ish and indie songs on the CDs
like to help Nicole to feel upbeat and relaxed during patrol and whatnot
probably a mix of artists on the CDs bc I feel like it's important to Waverly and Nicole to have a diverse set of artists
maybe some throwback songs as well to get Nicole hyped up for work
Nicole gets emo every time she hears the CDs bc this means that Waverly loves her
and every time she gets one she is reminded about how much Waverly cares
as well that means Waverly takes time out of her day just to burn the CDs for her and whatnot
Nicole is hella emo and she would sing to the songs in the car whenever she can
or she just jams out to the CDs while patrols
every time Nicole comes home she tells Waverly how much she loves the songs and CDs
which makes Waverly emo bc she loves hearing Nicole complaints or praises her
also, low key Waverly is not used to it so she loves hearing someone being hella supportive of her
anyways Nicole loves Waverly sm and Waverly keeps making her CDs so she can jam out at work
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goldaggers · 3 years
I am not the best at understanding these stuff but the fact the people say Dorthea is about Selena is something I have to disagree with unless Taylor says so
Dorthea seems lesbian coded to me and dose not seem about some friendship like the song dose not even fit Selena and Tay friendship, I might be wrong but what’s your opinion about this song ?
i don't think it's about selena lmao. i think it's about karlie. let's go for a walk on why i think this is the case!
so she starts the song with "hey dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?" why would this apply to selena considering they are still very close friends? it makes no sense. this, however, could apply to karlie. regardless of if you think they were or not in a relationship, they were close, and this lyric points to her wondering if she still remembers the time they spent together.
"a tiny screen is the only place i see you now" again, why would this be about selena? i get that some people seem to think that this might refer to social distancing and whatnot, but it feels so nostalgic, like she's saying "god, i miss you so much, i still keep up with you by checking your social media, but we don't talk, we don't see each other anymore." to me this lyric screams karlie lmao
"it's never too late to come back to my side" when has selena left her side? they're still tight friends. this is her pleading for her dorothea to come back to her, to know that if she wants, she can.
"you're a queen, selling dreams, selling make up and magazines" this is likely their stronger argument that this song could be about selena because of her brand of make up and the fact she's been on magazines. but again, when paired with the rest of the song, it still points to karlie. she's a former victoria secrets angel, a supermodel, so yeah, she sells dreams, make up and magazines. she can sell anything she wants.
other argument i've seen used is the pageant schemes and the same soul i met under the bleachers lines. selena was a child actress, she did beauty pageants as a kid, but i think this is related with karlie's modelling background. and the under the bleachers is often tossed as a throwback to you belong with me, which was out about the time taylor and selena became friends. i don't think this points to the ybwm, rather in a sense, do you still have the same innocence from when we had our secret meetings? as under the bleachers is often the place where teens go to make out in secrecy lmao.
long story short, i think it's too much of a romantic song to be about selena. i personally think it's about karlie, but obviously that's up for debate, if you don't believe kaylor happened.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
182 Days of Prompts: 125. rescue
FATL  |  What If  |  OH Fic  |  Flatmate  |  Fairytale  |  DWHAF  |  Tragically Twenty  |  Handful of Lovers  |  Stories for Songs  |  TWC Fic  |  Anita  |  Always or Never
Sat around a campfire, the whole group of long lost friends. Years had passed and somehow the group of ten found themselves in an impromptu reunion at their favorite spot on the beach. Everything was going relatively well considering all that happened years ago, amicably even. Until He walked in. The atmosphere changed the moment he spotted her in the crowd. 
“The sexual tension is palpable,” Vic snidely commented just after the two said hello.  
Quickly they responded in unpracticed unison, “Choke on it.” 
Their eyes met for the first time in years. And just like that it’s ten years ago and they’re two shyly enamored kids. 
The night went on and the pull of old times became more enticing as the bottles emptied. 
“Have you guys ever...” another friend asked with a wiggle of eyebrows. 
“No!” “Never.” they denied at the same time. Her a bit more forceful than his shake of a head. 
They laughed awkwardly. The quiet building as their friend stared them down with glazed.
He took a sip of his beer and tried to lighten the mood. “It’s because we never slept together that the apocalypse didn’t happen.” He nudged her lightheartedly. 
“Yeah, you’re welcome,” she added.  
The night passed further and some of the girls in their intoxicated state coaxed everyone into recreating photos from their childhood. A standard photo with the half squat pose, laying in the sand in the shape of a star, recreating couples photos and more. 
“I still can’t believe you’ve never fucked,” the photographer lamented in casual disbelief once snapping their throwback. She perched on his lap, an arm thrown across his shoulder comfortably casual, looser now in his presence as the hours passed. His arm wrapped around her back, steadying her. One hand resting on the side of her thigh on top of her short denim shorts, his other forearm resting across her lap (their friends were insistent his fingers rest under the hem of her shorts like in the old photograph) now with his beer back in hand.  
She went to speak but Vic cut in sardonically- “He changed his whole life for you.” 
Hannah turned to him confusion written all over her face. He didn’t meet her eyes. 
“Was about to come and get you too,” Vic added “Grand romantic gesture and whatnot to bring you home.”
“Cancelled the trip as soon as your... announcement dropped,” another friend sitting close by piped in on the almost-scandal.  
His voice was low. Eyes trained on the bottle. “I didn’t go because we couldn’t afford it. Didn’t make sense for mom to take a loan...” 
“Mhm sure.” 
Hannah’s eyes were boring into him. He could see her out the corner of his eye. In her look she was asking so many questions. 
His half shrug said way more than he should have. 
The silence rolled in with the waves and their friends lost interest in whatever was happening on this log bench. 
“I never asked you to,” she whispered just for him.  
“I know.” 
In what’s left unsaid they both knew why he made the plans. She’d never wait around for him. That year they were both untethered and everything seemed to align for them for once. Even though they hadn’t spoken in months, it seemed they could all finally get what they’ve wanted. 
“We’ve never been good at timing.” 
“No.” He turns his head up to her. The look lingers, scorching. 
If they were anyone else they would have shared a kissed. She’s in his lap, the moment right in all the wrong ways. 
10 years later and they still can’t seem to be honest. 
> days of prompts masterlist <
taglist: @mercury84choices @withbeautyandrage @forallthatitsworth @reputaytion-xiii
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
Pokemon Prism Review
Well I’m currently finishing up the post-game content of Pokemon Prism.
What a fun game.
(what follows is an informal review of the game. it got a little long, lol. it has some spoilers for the game, of course.)
My background
To give you a quick idea on my perspective on Pokemon, I grew up with Pokemon Red on the big grey brick Gameboy. After Red, I pretty much stopped playing for many years. My little brother had a Gameboy Color and had Silver, but I never got one myself. Wasn’t ‘til years and years later I found some emulators and played through several generations of Pokemon at once. So, Gen 2 really isn’t nostalgic for me. It’s close enough to Gen 1 to hit some nostalgia buttons, though. I am admittedly somebody who feels Gen 1 is the best gen of pokemon. I don’t care of people laugh or say I’m a genwunner for believing that. Gen 1, I feel, had the raw creativity and charm of the original idea, and it simply sets my imagination alight far more than any other gen does. Those simple pixel designs for those little virtual creatures just opened up a world in my mind. THAT SAID, I did play and very much enjoyed all the other gens of pokemon. I do not shun things just because they are new, and I am not one of those people who says the new designs of pokemon are stupid. I adore plenty of modern pokes.
Blend of Old and New
Anyway! Pokemon Prism, for those unaware, is a ROM hack of Pokemon Crystal. It essentially delivers a brand-new Pokemon adventure for the Generation 2 games. It’s a really neat blend of classic gameplay and modern features. You’ll find species from modern games all the way from Gen 3 (such as Breloom) to Gen 6 (such as Sylveon) but their sprites perfectly integrate them organically into the Gen 2 environment. You’ll get many modern pokemon moves and conviences but also plenty of throwbacks to older experiences. Miss crafting pokeballs from Apricorns? It’s there. Enjoy a simplier time when there weren’t any Natures? Well, there ya go. Really want to call Joey and talk to him about his Rattata? Well, err, no, you can’t do that, but let’s face it, the telephone feature was probably one of the most hated features in Gen 2. :P
But Prism isn’t simply about updating Gen 2 with some modern pokemon, moves and game features. Not in the slightest. It’s full of original mechanics and gameplay concepts, and has tons of original areas and an original storyline. Pokemon is known for experimenting with new gameplay ideas, so it’s really fitting and enjoyable to see these take shape as you play the game. Mining and crafting is introduced in the game, for example, and there are a couple new pokemon types. There’s even a few sections where you can play as your pokemon, Mystery-Dungeon style. Do all of these experiments with new concepts work? Probably not ALL of them– when you try something new, not all of them will work out as amazing as you’d hope. But a lot of them are welcome and fun additions. And the game is bristling with these new ideas! It’s a joy to see so much creativity and novelty.
It should be noted the spritework for these games is A+ and utterly fantastic. There is perhaps 3 or 4 out of dozens and dozens of new sprites that I thought were a tad off? Seriously, they look AMAZING and their animations are perfect and they fit in with the style so well I found myself briefly getting confused as to which were originally from Gen 2 and which weren’t. Saying these sprites are good is no small thing, because they are such a vital part of the game. The backsprites were not shafted, either– something even Gamefreak often shortchanged on back then.
It should also be noted the music in this game is really damn good and has a huge variety. There are tons of classic songs, classic remakes of modern pokemon songs, remixes, and original tunes. There were like one or two tunes I was a bit iffy on, but considering that’s only a few out of so many, that’s impressive. The new bike music and Surfing music are probably my favorites, and they are SO GOOD, and those are especially important ones to sound good, because you typically hear those a lot.
The writing in this game is fairly solid. Not A+, but still not bad. It suffers occasionally from slightly rough and confusing grammar, and the climax of the story is definitely anti-climactic and very weak. In addition, the post-game story basically does not exist, but that can be excused since most likely more story was planned but they ran out of time. (C&D)
I also felt that at times, the story felt out-of-place within the world of Pokemon and went “too far” in the darker direction. The entire prison sequence, especially, and the frequent mention of inmates being mistreated, pokemon being abused, etc., just felt a bit much. Because this game was largely concerned with replicating the feeling of a true Pokemon game (some hacks intentionally focus on making a story that would never take place in the Pokemon world, like zombie survival horror stories or whatnot), I find it relevant to mention that. All of that said, though, its darker departures were at least not *too* extreme. We don’t get the very jarring and frequent problem of some ROM hacks where it’s full of cussing all the time or intense violence. Compared to those it’s still relatively subtle. And while the NPCs in this game I felt were rude a little too often, (holy crap, it felt like 95% of Naljo and Rijon were crankyass people) I do appreciate the attempts at making people a little more “real” and not quite so freaking happy and idealized all the time like Nintendo tends to do. The dialogue often made me chuckle. It did go a tad overboard with that “realness” (because, hey, a variety of people exist in the world, you know, both rude and polite, optimistic and bitter) but oh well.
So yes, the writing had its drawbacks. But overall, it felt like it was progressing a pokemon-style narrative with some interesting ideas, and wasn’t simply a dreary rehash of the same basic tropes Pokemon has been regurgitating for ages now. I just think if the writing were cleaned up a bit– the grammar cleaned up in a few sections, the plot threads clarified a bit more, and the climax reworked– it could take a “decent story” and make it a great one. There’s definitely some neat ideas there, it just needs polish.
As to the different towns and locations in this game to explore, there are many. This game is ambitious AF. As I said, it’s FULL of new ideas, features, things to do, and places to explore. Naljo is the region you explore in the main game, but post-game you can wander a whole new region of Rijon (the featured location of an older ROM hack, Pokemon Brown) and beat all the gyms there. In addition, there’s a few towns in Kanto and Johto you can visit (I believe they originally planned to open up all of those regions eventually), AND one town in ANOTHER new region, Tunod. The game’s ambitiousness occasionally outpaces what it delivers, but that’s quite acceptable in my mind, since updates with additions to the game were originally planned. So, yes, there isn’t much to do post-game, but that’s largely because a lot of stuff was going to be added.
Back to the locations, though! It’s an important aspect of ROM hacks. Not everyone is good at designing a good town, with logical building placement, intuitive layouts, aesthetically pleasing locations, and interesting things to explore so it doesn’t feel totally plain and lacks character. I’m pleased to say this game does a great job of it, though. I should point out I have a terrible sense of direction and bad spatial memory. Despite that fact, I found myself remembering important features and where they were located– oh, the Move Deleter house is in Phacelia on the left, the bullet train is in Torenia– and that’s a good sign. Physical travel was not a sloggy chore, and it wasn’t bogged down in a confusing layout. Towns were memorable and fun to explore.
Pacing/Level Curve
Another thing ROM hacks can screw up, because it’s a tricky thing to do, is the challenge pacing. How many trainers? What teams do they have? What levels? Are the Gyms challenging without being insane? I actually Nuzlocked the main part of the game. In my opinion it was well-paced. There’s probably fewer trainers overall in this game than a standard Pokemon game. But it did not take me much extra grinding in the grass– and I was only doing that to play it safe for the Nuzlocke. And that’s GOOD. You shouldn’t have to do tons of grinding in the grass all the time just to have a reasonable shot at the gyms. Pokemon Uranium, sadly, seems to suffer from that issue. So, yeah, the pacing was very reasonable to me, good balance of fair and challenging.
… with one important note. Once you reach the League? Well, we could have used higher-levelled wild pokemon in the cave that served as the victory road. The highest in that cave was level 34 or so, and you were facing trainers with teams ~level 55. That’s a huge gap. Not everyone has the same play style. Some people like to do extra grinding before the Elites. Some people are Nuzlocking and may do extra grinding as a safety buffer. Some people might want to adjust their team & add a new pokemon to their team and need to grind them up from a lower level. For those cases, you NEED decently-levelled wild pokemon to grind on. So, yeah, I really do think the Seneca Caves wild pokemon need a level buff. It would also help with the level gap for the post-game. Trainers in Rijon are suddenly at levels 70ish and higher, and for some folks playing, that’s a bit much and they’d like to do a little grinding first.
This game has puzzles. You have been warned, lol. Apparently a lot of people found the number of puzzles a bit frustrating, or felt that some of them were excessively tricky or annoying. I find it very funny, because usually puzzles are my least favorite part of a pokemon game. But I really enjoyed the puzzles in Prism and didn’t find it annoying or offputting at all. I was sick with a cold through most of my play of Prism, and yet even in my dumb brainaddled state, I didn’t find the puzzles too difficult. I solved them all at a pretty average length of time, even the ones some people traditionally found a little unclear or confusing. (the Ruins puzzle often confuses folks, apparently, but I really didn’t have a problem with it at all.) I was briefly confused on one of the switch puzzles (and it contained an element of bad puzzle design imo– there’s a gap that you can leap down into when normally a gap of that size just gives the ‘run into wall’ sound and is not passable) but not for too long. Even the ice slide puzzles, which I traditionally hate with a passion, were not bad!
All except for one thing. The Magikarp Puzzle. Anyone who has played Prism knows what I mean. Haha, fuck that puzzle man. Even the creator of the ROM hack himself has acknowledged the puzzle was not great, heh. To be honest, I find it kind of hilarious, in a way, though. I mean, obviously it’s a nightmarishly difficult and frustrating puzzle and is intensely exhausting to look at, let alone try to solve. But it’s also kinda glorious in its demonicness. I didn’t spend too much time on it before just looking up a solution to it. It’s tedious and not fun at all, and hey, that’s OK, because even the creator realized that.
pls nerf magikarp
But seriously, outside of the magikarp puzzle, I didn’t just enjoy the puzzles in this game– I felt like they were an important part of what gave this game its character.
There are even a few fakemon in this game! Which I was excited to learn because I thought there weren’t! All of the fakemon are Legenderies. Unfortunately, I don’t care for most of their designs. Like, at all. I think Varaneous and Libabeel’s sprites look really, really shitty. They’re ugly and don’t match the style of Pokemon at all. This feels weird to say, since I love so much about this game, but man, there’s just no way around it, I hate ‘em. Everyone has their own tastes, of course. There’s a couple fakemon I have yet to capture– I’m finishing that up now and the very very last of the post-game. But one fakemon I did capture and ADORE LIKE NO OTHER is Phancero.
I happen to know about Phancero’s designer, because I saw their design years ago. They apparently were approached by the team and were asked permission for the use of the design, which is awesome. I won’t rant again about Phancero here because I already ranted about it before, and literally could keep ranting for pages. :P But yeah, it’s a totally creative and awesome pokemon both in idea and execution, and by FAR my favorite fakemon ever created.
This is the best ROM hack I have played in years and probably ever. I haven’t played hundreds of ROM hacks, but I have probably played dozens over the years. I think they are a creative and wonderful expression of the pokemon community, but let’s be honest. There’s a lot of really bad ROM hacks out there. There’s even more ROM hacks that have a lot of potential but are never finished or anywhere near completion. (And that’s perfectly understandable. People run out of time, they have real life get in the way, etc.) The fact that not only did a ROM hack of this caliber get made, but was 95-99% completed? Is fantastic. It was an intensely massive project and I cannot begin to imagine how much work it must have been. Pokemon games are normally developed by an entire team at a company, and folks are paid to do it. The comparatively small team of devs who made this game in their spare time and implemented these amazing things had to do it all on their own. It’s no wonder it took as long as it did for them to finish it; and the amount of effort SHOWS. There is so much loving attention to detail and polish to Prism. (I mean, yes, there’s still some bugs and the occasional unfinished bits, but of course there are, those were going to be finished, but then the C&D hit)
Most ROM hacks are just strong in a few areas, because it’s one or two people who have strengths or interests in a few things. So, you’ll play a hack with a really good story but terrible fakemon and mapping, or you’ll play a hack with fantastic designs of new areas, but no new story, etc. Prism kinda has everything, though. It really did feel like playing a new Gen 2 game.
(It’s now almost 11pm and oh god where did the time go. I have a problem with being concise. :P This was far longer than I intended but thank you if you’ve read this far!)
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Jan 17, 2017.
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letbenfuck2021 · 4 years
For the spotify ask: 8, 25, and 76
8. Ok....okokokokokaaaaayyyyyyy don't judge me but it's Jesus Is the One (I Got Depression) - Zack Fox and........listen....it's a hilarious song and I like the beat.....sue me
25. You're So Cool - Nicole Dollanganger, I listened to this so much when writing Vanya-centric chapters and whatnot ahahah. Anything Nicole Dollanganger is very...... Vanya-core for me lol
76. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday, ooooo yeah I went through a throwback phase where I was just listening to emo shit I had in my mp3 player back in middle school lol
Thank you anon!!!!!
give me a number between 1-100! find out what embarrassing thing I listened to a lot.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Ninety-Three: Painting ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Every time he goes to that little cafe, Sasuke can’t help but look around for the mysterious painter.
Well...she’s not quite so mysterious now. After all, he knows her name, and had gotten to talk to her a bit when he and Itachi stumbled across her at the art show. It was nice to finally see what she’d been so fervently scribbling when they both were in the cafe at the same time. Even if it was also rather embarrassing to see himself as a subject of a painting...and even worse, Itachi actually bought it.
Upon his return home, he even texted Sasuke a picture of it hanging on his wall. To which Sasuke replied with several threats insisting he take it down before someone sees it.
...he hasn’t gotten a reply.
And of course, Itachi had ever so subtly gotten the younger pair to exchange numbers. But Sasuke hasn’t texted Hinata yet. Mostly because...he has no idea what he’d say. It’s not like they’re friends or anything. She’s a street artist who painted him once. They only talked for a few minutes at the art show she was in. What’s he supposed to offer to her based on so little?
She hasn’t texted him yet, either. Maybe she really didn’t want his number...after all, she’d clearly been caught off guard at being found by her unknowing subject. Add in Itachi’s insistence on buying it, and...maybe she was offended, or mad...but felt like she couldn’t say no.
...he hopes she wasn’t angry. Maybe just...surprised. Apparently Itachi had given her more than she asked for, after all…
...maybe she’s embarrassed.
But, whatever she is, Sasuke has no idea. All he knows is that their conversation under contacts is still empty, and neither of them seems to have any idea (or want) to break the silence.
All this he contemplates as he spaces out in line, waiting to get his favorite cup of black coffee. For once, he didn’t bring his laptop - no work to bring with him to work on and procrastinate by browsing online.
...maybe he’d been secretly hoping to run into her. Not that he has any idea what he’d say if he did. Theirs has just been such a funny little story, he was a little sad when it supposedly ended. Maybe she’s done coming to the cafe, moving on to a new venue and new subjects.
...why does that make him feel bummed out?
Getting his order, he retreats to his typical corner, sipping his coffee and staring boredly out the window. Well...she’s not here. Maybe he’ll go run some errands, or even see if Naruto’s up to anything. He’s not had a decent dose of socializing in a while, and his introversion needs a break every so often so he doesn’t forget what it is to be human.
Browsing social media idly on his phone, he glances up every time the bell over the door tolls. But each look sees him disappointed as it isn’t her. After half an hour of nothing, he sighs and gives up, pocketing his mobile and deciding to just...go for a walk.
Nothing better to do.
It’s still early Fall, the breeze a bit chilly but easily quelled with a heavy sweatshirt. This part of town has a decent amount of trees scattered around, blowing leaves of every warm shade across the sidewalks. Though more of a Summer guy himself, Sasuke can still appreciate the atmosphere of the season.
...maybe that’s what’s keeping Hinata out of the cafe. Surely all the colors and whatnot are giving her plenty of things to draw. He certainly wouldn’t blame her - it might not be the flowers and green of Summer, but surely it catches someone’s eye enough to maybe buy and support some of her work.
Twenty minutes pass in a mindless blur, Sasuke just strolling along whatever street strikes his fancy. It’s been a while since he’s been this far out on foot...and he tries not to drive when he can help it. Partly to save gas money, partly to be environmentally conscious...and mostly because he’d just rather be home.
Rounding a corner, he pauses as a faint...something reaches his ear. It sounds like music? Pinpointing the direction, he does his best to follow it, and eventually comes upon a street musician outside a small row of shops. No one he recognizes, they sit and play a guitar on a raised flower bed in the middle of the pedestrian-only street. Accompanying their playing they sing a few lyrics, a foot tapping in time to the music.
Watching, Sasuke can’t help a slowly-growing grin. He’s not a musician himself, never having tried (and having no motivation to), but his brother’s passion for it still rubs off on him a bit: he’s not an artist, but he’s a happy patron of it.
Every so often, people dare to scurry up and drop a tip in the open guitar case at his feet, earning a smile and a thankful nod with each note or clink or change. Taking out his wallet, Sasuke drops a ten dollar bill among the rest before retaking a place to watch.
Startling as his name is called, Sasuke glances around as a song ends, the small crowd clapping politely. A few feet over, seated on a bench with her sketchpad, is Hinata. “...hey!”
“What are you doing here?”
“Was going for a walk and heard the music...you?”
“Same, honestly. Was trying to find something to sketch.”
Glancing to her paper, he asks, “...you mind?”
In answer, she tilts it toward him. A scratchy but recognizable portrait of the musician is coming together under her hand. “I’ve only been here for about twenty minutes...I hope he stays long enough I can finish the sketch.”
“Could always ask him if he has plans to come back so you can keep going.”
“Mm...true.” Readjusting her work, she gets back to it as her model starts up another song.
Torn between curiosity and not wanting to be nosy, Sasuke only glances over every so often to catch a glimpse as she draws. Though she comes off as rather reserved, her strokes are anything but: sweeping, bold things that capture her subject in a grandiose style he wouldn’t have guessed to be hers if he didn’t see her do it himself. Swept up in it, he eventually just watches without pause, eyes following her movements as she slowly puts together her subject.
After another thirty minutes, the artist announces he has to pack it up, thanking the crowd for their generosity. By then, Hinata’s sketch is basically done: a likeness that Sasuke recognizes as very similar in its design to the one she did of him.
As the people break up and scatter, Hinata shyly approaches the guitarist, Sasuke hanging back as not to interrupt. Instead, he watches as she shows the man her work, which gets him to brighten and smile.
...for some reason, a slight damper weighs on Sasuke at the sight.
They talk for a minute more, the man nodding before moving to collect his tip and put away his instrument. Hinata in turn closes her sketchbook, retreating back to Sasuke. “He said he’ll be back on Wednesday, so I should be able to catch him.”
“That’s great. Think you’ll be able to finish it then?”
“Well, I usually just get the basic concept down with the s-subject, and then I fill in the blanks afterward from my imagination. It helps sort of...deviate it from reality a little bit. So it doesn’t feel too much like a...copy? More like a reference.”
“...I’ll pretend I understand that.”
That earns a laugh. “If I wanted to just copy what I was seeing, I might as well just take a photo, right? But I like to add my own style to what I draw. I get the skeleton in the sketch and cleaned up lines, and then I let my interpretation take over.”
Sasuke gives a slow nod. “...makes sense.”
“Do you…?”
“Well, I was just curious if you do anything...creative,” Hinata offers, hugging her sketchbook to her chest. “Music, or...writing, maybe?”
“Me? Nah...my brother got all the creativity. I got all the logic. Not that he isn’t smart - he’s a genius. But I’ve never really found a creative outlet that I felt actually...fit me.”
Her head tilts, considering him for a moment. “I think...you might like p-photography.”
“It’s a rather...technical artform. There’s rules you can follow, like how to proportion a shot to be the most pleasing to the eye. And all sorts of things you can focus on. Some people do portraits, or landscapes...or micro photography: really close ups of small things to see all the details!”
Sasuke blinks owlishly. He’s...never considered that before. “...maybe I’ll give it a try.”
“I’d love to see if you do!”
“So...do you have more paintings?”
“Oh...lots,” she admits, laughing sheepishly. “I sell a few online, but...m-most just sit in my studio and collect dust…”
“Itachi contact you at all about some buyers?”
“Not yet, but it hasn’t been very long. Besides, he was already m-more than generous. I’m not about to hold him to it.”
“Well, knowing him, he’ll come through. He’s just a busy guy. But uh…” Sasuke idly itches his neck. “...I’d like to see more of your stuff sometime. If I could.”
“Oh! Um...sure!” Her expression turns sheepish again. “Let me just, um...tidy up before then. I tend to let things get a bit...messy. But I can text you sometime once things aren’t so...chaotic.”
“Sounds good.”
“Okay! Um...it was nice seeing you again, Sasuke. Guess we just keep bumping into each other, huh?”
“Yeah. Kinda nice.”
“Mhm!” After a brief, growingly-awkward pause, she then offers, “I...better get home, though.”
“Same here. Have, uh...a nice evening.”
“You too!” She takes off down the street, and he finds himself a bit thankful it’s not the way he’s going. Nothing more embarrassing than saying goodbye and then having to walk together after…
Still, Sasuke finds his spirits a bit lightened from earlier. Well...maybe now he’ll finally get that text. Until then...he’ll just have to be patient.
     (This is a sequel to day 85!)      Now THIS is a throwback xD But given the prompt, I couldn't NOT do a follow up to day 85. Which I've wanted to, I just...didn't have a good prompt / reminder until now lol      I like to think Hinata's a creative type. Sasuke...maybe not so much xD I like having him be a musician sometimes, but being Mr. Logical also suits him, so it just varies from time to time. I actually do have him do some photography in a piece or two - I agree with Hinata, it fits well x3      Anyway I reallllly need to get to bed, so...that's all for now! Thanks for reading~
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We have found out in you (flogan! The first mainly flogan fic I read!), the temples are falling (characterization and hope!), and this is a theater department not a circus (because u can relate to a lot of that- we theater people really are Quite A Group!) these are my top 3 but anything, something is amazing as well. Top four!
Oh MAN, that’s a throwback! We Have Found Our End in You was inspired by the fact that before the airing of 2x10, @captainofthefallen and I were convinced that Wyatt, filled with guilt, would be the one to stay behind in Chinatown as the others (presumably with at least one injured party) took the Lifeboat to safety, leading to a rescue Wyatt mission at the beginning of season three either returning to Chinatown or getting him back from Rittenhouse (maybe he was captured and would spend his time turning Jess…). I enjoyed how that fic turned out but I didn’t think many people read it so it fills me with joy to know that you love it so much!
The Temples are Falling, oh man, THANK you! That’s a bittersweet little fic but I love it so and I’m glad that you like it so much! I really love giving a big event to characters and then writing how they deal with it, in this case nuclear fallout.
HAHAHAHA YESSSS MY COLLEGE THEATRE AU oh that was SUCH a fun fic to write. I was surprised in the best way by how many people left me comments saying “this was my exact theatre experience,” since I based a lot of things on actual events at my college (milkshakes as currency/apologies, chatting during group songs, camping out to wait for the cast list to be put up). It was so fun to realize how universal certain experiences are for college theatre kids, and I’m sure there are similar things in other college departments like English or Art or whatnot. So that was a lovely bonus. And of course, since it includes so many real-life experiences that I lived, it’s really in a way my love letter to being a college theatre major, that beautiful insane four-year period that’s really unlike any other.
Ohh man, Anything, Something is a hell of a fic. It was my first for the fandom, and I’m pleased, looking back, at how many aspects of characterization and personality I nailed. It’s also hilarious though because I CLEARLY overestimated Wyatt’s ability to be a decent human being, given that the entire thing was posted pre-2x05 and half of it was posted pre-2x04. It’s also an odd time capsule fic because if you go by the comments, you get a perfect timeline of the fandom going absolutely apeshit, lol. At the beginning I was getting comments from Lyatt fans, Garcy fans, general fans, etc. But then as the ship wars got ugly, I stopped getting those comments as no Lyatt shipper wanted to admit they read a fic with Flynn in it and no Garcy shipper wanted to admit they read a fic with Wyatt in it.
Of course, I had no clue what was going on in the fandom–I never do, since I only follow like three people and only talk to about five, so I always end up hearing about everything after the fact. But I do find it amusing. It’s still one of my most popular fics by sheer statistics, because it was written right before everything went nuts and people started picking sides.
I’m so glad that you like that fic, of course, because all hilarious fandom drama anecdotes aside, it started my massive i carry you in my heart series, I stand by the characterization, and it gives us a way to develop the OT3 and use their romance for television drama in a way that doesn’t involve ship wars, love triangles, lying, secret keeping, or cheating.
(Am I throwing shade at television show writers why yes, yes I am.)
ANYWAY this is a FAR longer answer than you probably bargained for my dear but suffice to say thank you so much, I love all of those stories and I’m so glad you love them too!
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lovetheplayers · 6 years
Taylor Swift Takes the Throne Atop Pop Music
Last time I saw Taylor Swift in concert, it was ten some-odd years ago, I was living in San Antonio, and Swift was sort of on the way up in country music circles. What a difference a decade makes.
Swift, once the darling of country music, is a full-fledged pop phenomenon now, as evidenced by her packing NRG Stadium on Saturday night as part of her Reputation world stadium tour. The North American leg of the tour concludes with a pair of shows at AT&T Stadium in Arlington next weekend before heading on to Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
Yes, Swift has certainly come a long way from country hits like “Tim McGraw” and “Our Song.” Now arguably (it’s Swift or Beyoncé, and I’m not sure there’s a close third) the biggest pop star in America, Swift electrified what appeared to be a sold out show on Saturday night with a 23-song, two-hour set that leaned heavily on the new but also showcased the old.
Here’s the thing about Swift’s latest, the somewhat-maligned Reputation, which dropped late last year – the album may be hit-and-miss, but live, the thing plays. So it made sense that beat-heavy, dance-centric tracks like “Ready for It?,” “End Game” and “Look What You Made Me Do” did so well before a live crowd.
Swift, who went through many a costume changes as part of Saturday’s show, performed popular fare like “Shake It Off” (alongside openers Camila Cabello and Charli XCX), “Blank Space” and “Bad Blood,” which has been and will always be a great and underrated diss track.
Swift is a pro’s pro, one who thanked everyone from the fans to her backup singers to the band to security, and that goes a long way where a stadium tour is concerned. When you reach stadium status, you’ve moved well past a simple pop concert; instead, people expect a show. They received just that on Saturday night.
Swift’s next move will be a curious one. Will she fully embrace a more EDM-themed sound? Will she revert to a more pop- or country-themed tone? Will she take on a new genre altogether, as she’s done so many times before? It’s hard to say, and it doesn’t really matter.
Taylor Swift the performer was on full display Saturday night at the biggest concert venue Houston has to offer. Here’s hoping it’s not too long before she fills the joints one more time.
So, How Was the Opener?: Caught the end of the Camila Cabello set, as parking, walking, checking in and all that whatnot for a Taylor Swift show is a trek unto itself. That said, what I caught of Cabello’s set conveyed a star on the rise. Cabello’s debut album already hit the top of the charts, and more #1 records will follow.
And the Crowd?: Give Swift fans credit – they show up early, buy merchandise, cheer for the openers and don’t let up until the show is done. One of the more engaged crowds I’ve seen in a decade-plus of covering shows.
Throwback Jersey Alert: None to be found, though Swift’s fans were decked out in prom dresses, cat outfits, snakeskin, and God knows what else. This is a fanbase for which a Taylor Swift concert isn’t just a show, but rather, an experience.
Random Notebook Dump: Props to security and those running the show on Saturday night. When you’re packing more than 60,000 people into one place, this can be overwhelming. But the trains kept moving on time Saturday, and it appeared the majority of fans were in their sets when their beloved Taylor took the stage … This will likely be my last Press article for a while, as I turn the page and embrace new chapters. Until I see you all again, it’s been my pleasure.
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makistar2018 · 6 years
Taylor Swift Takes the Throne Atop Pop Music
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Taylor Swift at the top of her performing game Saturday night.  Photo by Jack Gorman
Last time I saw Taylor Swift in concert, it was ten some-odd years ago, I was living in San Antonio, and Swift was sort of on the way up in country music circles. What a difference a decade makes.
Swift, once the darling of country music, is a full-fledged pop phenomenon now, as evidenced by her packing NRG Stadium on Saturday night as part of her Reputation world stadium tour. The North American leg of the tour concludes with a pair of shows at AT&T Stadium in Arlington next weekend before heading on to Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
Yes, Swift has certainly come a long way from country hits like “Tim McGraw” and “Our Song.” Now arguably (it’s Swift or Beyoncé, and I’m not sure there’s a close third) the biggest pop star in America, Swift electrified what appeared to be a sold out show on Saturday night with a 23-song, two-hour set that leaned heavily on the new but also showcased the old.
Here’s the thing about Swift’s latest, the somewhat-maligned Reputation, which dropped late last year – the album may be hit-and-miss, but live, the thing plays. So it made sense that beat-heavy, dance-centric tracks like “Ready for It?,” “End Game” and “Look What You Made Me Do” did so well before a live crowd.
Swift, who went through many a costume changes as part of Saturday’s show, performed popular fare like “Shake It Off” (alongside openers Camila Cabello and Charli XCX), “Blank Space” and “Bad Blood,” which has been and will always be a great and underrated diss track.
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Swift's program contained both old and new music.  Photo by Jack Gorman
Swift is a pro’s pro, one who thanked everyone from the fans to her backup singers to the band to security, and that goes a long way where a stadium tour is concerned. When you reach stadium status, you’ve moved well past a simple pop concert; instead, people expect a show. They received just that on Saturday night.
Swift’s next move will be a curious one. Will she fully embrace a more EDM-themed sound? Will she revert to a more pop- or country-themed tone? Will she take on a new genre altogether, as she’s done so many times before? It’s hard to say, and it doesn’t really matter.
Taylor Swift the performer was on full display Saturday night at the biggest concert venue Houston has to offer. Here’s hoping it’s not too long before she fills the joints one more time.
So, How Was the Opener?: Caught the end of the Camila Cabello set, as parking, walking, checking in and all that whatnot for a Taylor Swift show is a trek unto itself. That said, what I caught of Cabello’s set conveyed a star on the rise. Cabello’s debut album already hit the top of the charts, and more #1 records will follow.
And the Crowd?: Give Swift fans credit – they show up early, buy merchandise, cheer for the openers and don’t let up until the show is done. One of the more engaged crowds I’ve seen in a decade-plus of covering shows.
Throwback Jersey Alert: None to be found, though Swift’s fans were decked out in prom dresses, cat outfits, snakeskin, and God knows what else. This is a fanbase for which a Taylor Swift concert isn’t just a show, but rather, an experience.
Random Notebook Dump: Props to security and those running the show on Saturday night. When you’re packing more than 60,000 people into one place, this can be overwhelming. But the trains kept moving on time Saturday, and it appeared the majority of fans were in their sets when their beloved Taylor took the stage … This will likely be my last Press article for a while, as I turn the page and embrace new chapters. Until I see you all again, it’s been my pleasure.
Houston Press
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fookinfreezin · 6 years
how can anyone believe there's something going on between liam and zedd when there have been like 2 flirty [arguable because we 1. know affectionate Liam is and 2. how that affection gets misinterpreted a lot] moments and they happened during the get low production while zayn and liam had countless flirty and sexual moments in the past 8 years? i mean there is the underlying racism there but other than that it just completely baffles me when the ledd shippers pull out their proof lol
throwback to when liam had just gotten off a plane in japan and immediately went to zedd’s show there to perform get low with him even though he wasn’t supposed to be there. liam blew him a kiss too and yelled ‘i love you anton!’. and when liam covered zedd’s song in the live lounge and immediately tweeted @ anton about it and anton called him a legend. all the times when they reply to each other’s pics and tweets even if it has nothing to do with the other. and oh boy all the get low promo flirting...... there’s plenty of stuff there (way more than between zayn and liam post 2015 gjdks)
but at least for me i don’t take it very seriously. i call them boyfriends and whatnot but i honestly don’t know if they’re dating or not. i just think they’re cute together and i love them both as individuals. let people do whatever they want mate
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humbleramble · 4 years
Dream Catcher
Throwback to 7 or 8 years ago, didn't remember exactly when, I was still working in a post-production company. I was wearing a dreamcatcher necklace, It's actually a gift from a friend of mine.I was in a very boho/hippie style back then, love everything related to bohemian style, be it fashion or either jewellery, and still I thought it was cool lol!
I knew nothing about dreamcatcher, I just loved it because it was a beautiful Indian “thing”, it's looks pretty cool and unique to me. And that noon, the Malaysian producer at the work place I worked with randomly asked me, I see that you are wearing that dream catcher, what really is your dream you wanna catch?! I really don't know how to answer that! haha I was young, naive, and what I know is just work work work (sing it like Rihanna's song) don't know what really I like wanted to pursue in the long run. At a glance it seems that wearing dreamcatcher is like talisman to get what you really want in life, when it's actually not the purpose and the literal meaning! I just also found out about this.
The actual literal meaning of dreamcatchers and the beliefs surrounding their construction originate from Native American cultures. The dreamcatcher is a protective talisman that is used to protect people from nightmares and bad dreams, that is why people are often put it on their bedrooms, natives believes that it send good dreams to the sleeper and the bad dreams away.
It's totally different with what me and other's people would thing, when seeing a dreamcatcher hanging, or when someone's wearing it. But when I remember that very moment, when I was still lost, I'm glad I'm at where I am right now. I have not reach my destination and my dreams yet, still an imperfect human, but I have learnt alot, without people telling me what's right and whatnot. If right now, there is people asking me the same question, what is your dream? I will laugh and said Yes! I actually have something in mind already, my answer could change, and updated over the time, but at least I already know, what kind of a person I am, what kind of a life I wanna live, I know where I am going.
So, what’s the dream you want to catch? I think it's important for us to do the soul searching, It’s worth the pain and journey, don't be scared of what's gonna happen on the next chapter of your life, just enjoy the ride, and one more important thing is, just keep on dreaming.
“Trust in dreams, for in them is the hidden gate to eternity.” Kahlil Gibran - a Lebanese-American Writer, Poet and VIsual Artist, also considered a Philosopher although he himself rejected the title.
Keep dreaming!
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midnakoopa · 7 years
OKAY. I’d like to take a moment to put my thoughts about Super Mario Odyssey together, for real this time.
Casually discussing spoilers for the game, especially endgame, below. Big ol’ spoiler warning and whatnot.
Aaaa, where to even begin? I’ll start with the New Donk City festival. Because while the game had been great up to that point, the festival was the first huge “holy shit” moment for me. Just. Building up to this festival, and the payoff is a neat throwback segment with That Song, You Know The One™ playing. Real good shit.
More minor detail I noticed is that Mario’s idle animations may vary based on his clothes. Like, wearing the aviator suit or parka in Shiveria makes him do his regular idle instead of his cold one. And he’ll react if he’s wearing warm clothes in a warm area. And these are just the little touches I live for.
Also. Holy shit. Mario. Fights a fucking dragon? Like. Just, a real-ass dragon. Bowser just has an actual fucking dragon. One that would not look out of place in, say, Skyrim or Dark Souls or some shit. This came at a moment where I’d been through enough of Odyssey to think nothing could surprise me anymore. But fuck if I wasn’t surprised the hell out of. Good boss, too.
And then we get to Bowser’s Castle. Bowser’s Japanese Castle. I can’t think of much specific to say, because. I kind of love the entire thing? I’m really into Japanese architecture. The two Bowser statues are particularly good. And the music for the area’s fantastic. In fact, this game’s music all around is fantastic. Then we reach the end and. Bowser’s going to the fuckin moon. Hell yeah. Got a real good boss battle with the Broodals, and then we get the Odyssey to full power.
And then we zoom all the way to the moon. From the second I saw the moon featured so prominently on the world map, I thought to myself, if we don’t go to the moon by the end of the game, I’m going to be super disappointed. And not only do we go to the moon, It’s its own fuckin big ol place with quite a bit to do.
Get to the church and fight a pretty good final boss, followed by the most fucking phenomenal ending sequence. Bowser’s still KO’d, so here we go becoming him and rampaging all the way through the inside of the moon. Culminating in a segment of going around this place that’s falling apart, trying to drop pillars on this bigger pillar to break out, all set to another upbeat, vocal song. I can’t even describe how overjoyed I was the whole time. Just grinning and laughing like an idiot through the entire last bit.
Then comes the Mushroom Kingdom. Which had a bit of a preview in Volbono. But yeah, no, wow, Mushroom Kingdom, pretty good. Got a bunch of Mario 64 throwbacks. As you might expect. And the regional coin outfit is his fucking low-poly Mario 64 model. Which is great. And would’ve been greater if it hadn’t been spoiled for me by some cunt in my fucking youtube recommended videos section putting it right in their fuckin thumbnail. Anyways. I think one of my favorite things in good ol’ MK is that looking up into the light in the castle gets you a star. Speaking of stars. I love how getting a power star makes the Mario 64 jingle. But it really bugs me how they still say “You got a moon” when it’s clearly a star. :V
As for what else. Dark Side. Dark Side is not fucking around. Fight against even harder versions of all the Broodals in a row and then their mech, with just one health pickup after you beat the four of them individually. The reward for which is a fancy king’s crown and outfit. Then afterwards, doors and pipes, leading to challenge rooms that continue to stop fucking around. And I’m glad this shit’s challenging. It’s what I’ve come to expect from Mario postgames.
AND SPEAKING OF WHAT TO EXPECT FROM MARIO POSTGAMES. Darker Side. Culmina Crater. Holy shit. I am pleased to announce that the final level in Super Mario Odyssey is as soul-destroying as any other final Mario level in recent years. And yet as frustrating as it got at points, every run through I could feel myself getting better at it. Bits at a time. To the point where the early bits became. Not exactly “easy”, but you get the picture. And reaching the end, as satisfying as ever. I liked Cappy’s dialogue on the way up the tower. And up the pole, with the music coming in. Also hey. There was a little pixel Rosalina on the side of the tower’s base. And the reward for completing the hardest level in the game. Is stealth camouflage. Invisibility Hat is a neat prize and I’m happy with it.
SO. There’s my impressions of Super Mario Odyssey. What a phenomenal game. A game that there’s still so much for me to do in. Hell yeah actually. This has been me, you’ve been you, Mario’s been everybody, take easy. Koopa, out.
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Picture this Sheith imagine
So obviously the world of Voltron LD is ridiculously technologically advanced. And with that one can safely assume that iPods and cell phones and whatnot still exist they’re just clearly more dope and futuristic.
I like to imagine that while still on Earth Keith got something equivalent to an iPod and would listen to whatever caught his eye/ear on a Spotify style database that they used cause like I said this is just future Earth.
So say he brings it with him to space on the castle and he doesn’t get to use it much because yaknow they’re constantly busy/battling the Galra but when he FINALLY gets to just chill and listen to music, he finds an older throwback playlist with Nirvana, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers etc.
He’s in his room, listening to the playlist quietly through his headphones with the door shut as he scans databases to find out info about these bands and the next thing he knows, he’s got Milk It by Nirvana blasting loud as fuck from the iPod thing and he’s like flitting around his room pretending to be at a show in the 90s way before his time, projecting a hologram of the band performing live in the middle of the floor.
Meanwhile everyone can hear it, Allura and Coran are ridiculously confused, Hunk and Lance are like ??? cause who knew Keith listened to this type of music, Pidge is amused, and Shiro decides to go check on Keith out of curiosity. He gets to his room, the door slides open, and he sees Keith playing air guitar in a tight black shirt and skinnies that he also brought with him while yelling “doll steak test meat” alongside the projected version of Kurt Cobain and Shiro’s just like what in the fuck is happening. But he’s entertained and he leans on the doorframe as Keith turns around out of breath from yelling, visibly embarrassed but happy and it warms Shiro’s heart. So he walks in and the door shuts and Keith turns the music down a little bit just as Best In You comes on much to his displeasure cause he loves that song as of an hour ago.
“What are you listening to?” Shiro asks and Keith sits down on his bed more bubbly than ever as he explains and his fellow paladin is like oh cool I can dig it. So they fucking rock out together like this punk ass couple from the 90s and its amazing and they’re having so much fun before realizing that they’ve drifted ridiculously close as they sing mumbled versions of the lyrics and soon it’s like nothing else is around them, just Dave Grohl’s muffled singing in the background from the tunnel their heads are currently in. Then Keith gets up on his toes when Shiro leans in and they end up kissing in the middle of the room before retreating to snuggle on the red paladin’s bed while the music continues playing and the rest of the team finds them asleep like that when they go to see what happened to Shiro.
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