#through history – law – influence – money – property – etc.
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i'm going to eventually write up something coherent about why i think liz makes sense as a post wwii queer woman / the reverberations in her own Myth. but in the meantime: excerpts from this article.
#➤ elizabeth collins stoddard. ┊ i belong to the house. the house belongs to me.#ive talked to people privately about this but i realized i never actually posted this and why i decided to rewrite everything lmao.#to me... it's about the sacrifice of Self and Pleasure in service of glorifying Nuclear Family and Dynasty and Domesticity and Property.#in contrast to her brother who is all but living in a public polycule at this point lmfao. defying every standard of behavior and law.#its on her shoulders not only to Behave as the american ideal mother figure as matriarch and civic figurehead.#but literally to produce the heir. she's really running two ideals of family at once: the Collinses and their larger impact#through history – law – influence – money – property – etc.#and also the Stoddards: her immediate nuclear family.#everything that happens with paul. i think can be read through the lens of compulsory marriage (beyond He Just Kinda Sucks.)#down to whacking him with a firepoker.#and she spends the next eighteen years Atoning for the sin of destroying the husband and the nuclear family – phallic weapon and all!#imprisoned where else but the domestic space she defiled.#and she doesn't learn. she Wants carolyn to be unlike her and to marry joe and find happiness but carolyn quite literally Freezes Up at the#idea of marrying joe. (at being with anyone who's not The Most Unobtainable Man. but thats another post)#anyway. like i said i'll be coherent sometime lmao.#but god. is it significant to ME that carolyn is born in 1946 lmaolkamdfsjf
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“nothing will work unless you do” - Maya Angelou
a complex system of beliefs and institutions that elevates whites at the expense of non-whites.
we all exist in and benefit from this system, whether we notice it or not.
- discrimination is not racism
- our society prioritizes and caters to the experiences and benefits of white people.
- white people hold the power in society. the ones in power cannot be the victims
HOW THE F*CK DOES RACISM STILL EXIST? [@cicelyblaincolsulting]
1. Racism Is Upheld By:
- Systems (media, education, law, healthcare...)
- History (our society is informed by centuries-old habit, biases, & disparities)
- Privilege (difficult to notice, address, and sacrifice. as long as one group benefits from the oppression of another, racism will still exist)
- Micro-Aggressions (everyday slights, comments, & actions uphold racist power structures)
2.The Formation Of Anti-Blackness
- Capitalism (Black bodies have been used as the means of production (worker labor, tools, machinery) to create wealth for Europeans.)
- Slavery (Black people were stripped of autonomy, citizenship, rights, and treated as objects for over 300 years)
- Colonialism (the land we occupy was stolen from indigineous peoples and continues to be pillaged for raw material, natural resources, and human capital for white gain first and foremost.
4. Racism Is An Iceberg
- Tip / Visible Part (KKK, neo-nazis, police brutality, racial slurs, hate crimes)
- Majority / Hidden Part (all lives matter, your English is so good, you’re so pretty for a Black girl, what about Black on Black crime, can I touch your hair, where are you really from?)
the active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, policies, practices, and attitudes in order to redistribute and share power. [NAC International Perspectives: Women and Global Solidarity]
white privilege doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been hard, it means that the color of your skin isn’t one of the things making it harder
WHAT’S WRONG WITH POLICE [@leftnortheast]
1. Origins of Police in America
- slave patrols of armed white men to enforce slavery & chase down runaway slaves
- after slavery, these same patrols continued to enforce segregation & reinforce violence against Black ppl perpetrated by the KKK
- during the 19th century, the ultra-rich business owners relied on police to stop workers and immigrants from organizing labor unions
- LA’s “thin blue line” enforced segregation in the 1950s. look up “Black Wall Street”
2. Police Today
- when police commit crimes, the investigations are performed by the police themselves (union officials & internal affairs departments)
- only 33% of investigations end in police being convicted, compared to 68% in general pop.
- at least 40% of police families have experienced domestic violence, compared to 10% in the general population
3. ACAB: What It Means
- all cops are bastards
- it does NOT mean that individual cops are incapable of doing good things, but that the institution of policing is harmful and beyond saving
- the laws that “good” cops enforce work to uphold a harmful status quo that keeps working class and POC socially disadvantaged. therefore, there are no “good” cops
- EX: the three other officers who stood and watched Derek Chauvin kill George Floyd. they may be “good” because they didn’t kill Floyd, but they did nothing to prevent Chauvin from doing so.
1. Don’t Feel Obligated To Defend Property
- is someone being actively hurt or endangered by property “theft” or damage?
- if “no,” let it be
2. If Something Of Yours Is Stolen...
- consider going to the police station instead of bringing cops into your community, you may be inadvertently putting someone art risk by calling the cops
3. If You See Someone Exhibiting “Odd” Behavior...
- don’t assume they are intoxicated
- ask if they are ok, if they have a medical condition, and if they need help
4. If You See Someone Pulled Over With Car Trouble...
- stop & ask if they need help or if you can call a tow truck for them
- calling police may result in unnecessary ticketing, target undocumented ppl, etc.
5. Keep A Contact List Of Community Resources
- EX: suicide hotlines, mental health assistance, etc.
- ppl with mental illnesses are 16x more likely to be killed by police
6. Check Your Impulse To Call The Police On “Suspicious” People
- is their race, gender, ethnicity, class, or housing situation influencing your action?
- calling the cops on such people can be death sentences (EX: Trayvon Martin)
HOW WILL WE STAY SAFE WITHOUT POLICE? [@mpd_150] [@wretched_flowers_]
1. Community Members
- mental health service providers, social workers, victim/survivor advocates, religious leaders, neighbors & friends need to look out for one another
- not armed strangers with guns who likely don’t live in the communities they patrol (police)
- society expects police to do too much: violent crimes, traffic stops, chasing loose dogs, etc.
2. What About Violence?
- crime isn’t random, it happens because ppl are unable to meet their needs EX: money, food, rent, etc.
- this problem can be solved with an emphasis on jobs, education, community centers, mental health resources.
- cops don’t prevent violence, they invite it through constant violent disruption of our communities
3. It’s Not Impossible
- look at the abolition of slavery, the 40hr work week, etc. those were accomplished through gradual progress
- redirect funds away from the police department toward those community-based alternatives listed above. LOOK UP HOW MUCH YOUR CITY / STATE SPENDS ON POLICING.
1. trust / listen to POC assessment of a situation
2. don’t assume all POC have same views
3. don’t guess / assume ppl’s race
4. read & share articles relating to daily POC experiences
5. just because you have a POC friend / relative / partner doesn’t mean you can’t be racist. if anything, it means you should be more critical of your actions / words & how they affect those around you
6. don’t play devil’s advocate on race conversations. JUST. LISTEN.
7. understand that America has what it has because it stole land from indigenous people and stole people from Africa to build America
8. care about race on the other 364 days that aren’t MLK Day
9. don’t assume you know what it’s like to experience racism. you don’t & can’t. that’s the point.
10. nothing in your life has been untouched by your whiteness. everything you have would have been harder to come by if you had not been born white.
11. don’t get defensive when someone calls you out on racism, be grateful. it’s a learning moment.
12. move past white guilt. guilt it’s unproductive. just BE BETTER.
13. fighting racism isn’t about you. it’s about liberating POC from a racist world / system.
14. being an ALLY is a verb, not a noun. you can’t be an ally just because you say you are. actions are louder than words.
1. Research & Learn In Public
- identify, name, & challenge the norms, patterns, traditions, structures,and institutions that keep racism & white supremacy in place
- TALK TO & EDUCATE OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. it’s YOUR job, not POC, to teach white ppl how to fight racism
- let people you care about know this is something you care about
2. Open Your Eyes To Anti-Blackness
- there are no race-neutral spaces, “colorblindness” does not exist.
- Anti-Blackness is the way in which Black ppl have been targeted & stripped of their humanity
- pay attention to CODED LANGUAGE. what do we mean by “good” neighborhoods & “good” schools?
- who starts trends? who gets credit for them? EX: rock & roll
3. Pay Attention To Your White Experience
- we will never full understand Black ppl’s experiences
- look at how your whiteness has impacted your life: encounters with police, airport security? job interviews?
- what are you “good at” and how might your race have affected that?
- white experiences are the social “default,” EX: “Is The Country Ready For Its First White President?”
4. Speak Up & Argue With White People
- silence is a privilege & acts in directly upholding the system of white supremacy
- look at how movies, TV, and other media treats Black and POC, and call it out when you see it.
- hold other white ppl accountable, THERE IS NO GROWTH WITHOUT DISCOMFORT. we make mistakes but that does not mean we can’t learn & grow from them.
1. Intent & Impact
- white ppl say that we don’t INTEND to be racist.
- intent doesn’t matter if the IMPACT of our actions harms someone and/or upholds a racist system
2. Watch Your Tone
- we don’t get to tell Black ppl how to talk about their own oppression (“tone policing”)
- when we talk to other white ppl about race, we need to speak in a way that best conveys the information, feelings aside
3. Tell Stories Of Your Own Privilege
- tell your family members a specific way your white privilege has protected you
- this is also a great opportunity for you to reflect on & better understand your own privilege
4. Share Some Of Your Own F*ck Ups
- admitting you’ve been wrong before helps normalize personal growth
- makes it easier for your family to reflect on their own failures & move on
- vulnerability is strength
5. Make It Okay To Ask Questions
- ask your family if they have questions about racism
- this may bring up stuff you don’t know either, a great opportunity to learn together!
6. Keep Asking “Why Do You Think That Is?”
- find a race-related statistic that you both agree on (EX: “Black ppl are jailed for weed more than white ppl are”)
- ask your family member why they think that statistic is true until there’s no answer that makes sense besides “racism”
7. Plant A Seed Of Doubt
- unlearning a racist system means flipping everything we know on its head.
- that requires small steps, such as getting your family members to question their existing logic around ONE topic (Black hair, cultural appropriation, affirmative action, etc.)
- when they say “hmm... i never thought about that,” you’re making progress!
8. Commit To The Idea That It Is Possible To Change Someone’s Mind
- your own anti-racism journey is proof!
1. Who taught you about race & culture?
2. What can you do to support POC in your community?
3. What are you committed to doing outside of social media to fight racism?
4. How do you behave when you are confronted with racist behavior?
5. What do you want to learn more about?
6. What information could you teach people?
7. In what ways have you ignored this behavior in the past?
8. Why is it important for everyone to work toward ending this injustice?
9. How can you use anti-racist knowledge to change & progress?
10. Do you owe anyone an apology?
11. How do you handle conflicts?
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Marx: Grundrisse: Introduction:
Section I: Production p. 83
1. Object: material production; individual producing in society/ socially determined individual production. Individual, isolated hunter/ fisherman where Smith and Ricardo begin is among unimaginable conceits of Robinsonians; back to nature as individual competitors. Reflects a break from previous social bonds in feudalism and break with history where individual was dependent on family, clan and communal societies. Only in 18th century are social connections a means for private purpose. However, the epic producing the isolated individual has the most developed social relations. p. 83. But humans as "Zoon politikon" can only individuate in midst of society. Isolated production as absurd as developing language alone. p. 84
2. Production always means production at a certain level of social development by social individuals. Production is an abstraction. Some determinations of production common to all epochs. E.g., instrument or just hand and stored labor or just repeated practice. But elements not general and common must be separated out so essential differences not lost -- as is the "profundity" of modern economics that sees eternity/ harmony in existing social relations. p. 85
3. Capital also an "instrument of production" as objectified, past labor. Capital: eternal relation to nature. p. 86 Economist's, e.g. Mill; real -- more or less conscious -- concern is to separate production from distribution, encased in eternal natural laws independent of history with bourgeois relations smuggled in. Similarly; distribution based on natural laws where conqueror, official, monk receive share of social production based on laws different from slave or serf with two main points: property and protection of property by police and courts. But all production is an appropriation of nature within specific form of society. p. 87 Property is, of course, necessary for production, but not a specific form of private property -- indeed, common property more prevalent historically. Whether wealth develops better with private or communal property is "beside the point". Every form of production creates own legal form/ government. In sum: describing general preconditions for production says nothing about its historical stage. p. 88
Section II: The General Relations of Production to Distribution, Exchange, Production p. 88
1.) Opposes separation of production and consumption. Production subjectively consumes "life forces" and objectively consumes raw materials. Consumption is also production: e.g., take in food and produce human body. Therefore, no duality/ antithesis between production and consumption; not production or consumption "proper". p. 90
2.) But "mediating moment": production mediates consumption. Production gives consumption its character/ finish. Not just an object of consumption produced in general but consumed in specific manner: e.g., cooked meat consumed by knife and fork. Therefore, production not only creates object but manner of consumption, objectively and subjectively creates consumer. pp. 91-2
3.) With an "identity" of consumption and production, easy for Hegelians and socialist belletrists to see production and consumption as identical: p. 93 e.g., Say's error. Storch's critique of Say: people don't consume all they produce, e.g. fixed capital. p. 94
4.) Is distribution autonomous of production? p. 94 Structure of distribution is determined by structure of production. p. 95 Social distribution assigns workers to be wage laborers at birth and appears to them as a "social law", but this assignment is a result of capital and landed property. p. 96 Counters Ricardo and that distribution is exclusive to economics. In last instance, question resolved by general-historical relations in production/ movement of history generally. p. 97
5.) Exchange of activities and abilities takes place within production/ constitutes it. Also, true of products: exchange finishes product/ makes fit for consumption. Only in final stage of direct consumption is exchange independent of production. No exchange w/o division of labor/ private exchange presupposes private production/ intensity of exchange determined by development and structure of production. Production, distribution, exchange, consumption not identical but a "totality"/ distinctions within a unity. Process always begins/starts anew with production. Definite production "determines" definite consumption, distribution and exchange and relations between. But production "determined" by all these moments. E.g., if market expands, production grows; also deeper division in branches of production. Change in distribution impacts concentration of capital p. 99 and different distribution of population town/ country. p. 100
Section III: The Method of Political Economy p. 100
1.) Might seem appropriate to start with concrete: e.g., population. But this is an abstraction if e.g., class is left out. And class is an empty phrase without familiarity with wage labor and capital, which, in turn, presupposes exchange, division of labor, prices, etc. Then, move from these analytically simple concepts and thinner abstractions back again to concrete/ population: Now not population as a chaotic whole but a rich totality of determinations and relations. p. 100
2.) Hegel: Conceived real as a product of thought. Marx: Method of rising from abstract to concrete only way thought appropriates concrete/ reproduces it as concrete in mind. But this is not the way the concrete comes into being. E.g., exchange value presupposes a population producing in a specific relation e.g., family. Exchange value never exists as an abstraction but within a concrete living whole. For "characteristic" philosophical consciousness, conceptual thinking is the real human being/the conceptual world the only reality. But totality appearing in head is a product of a thinking head. p. 101 Therefore, in (Marx's) theoretical method, society is always the presupposition. p. 102
3.) But can't simple categories have independent, natural existence before concrete? E.g., Peru: division of labor before money; Slavic: money only used outside not within community. However, money has a predominant role/ full intensity only in most developed, trading nations. E.g., even at highest point of development in Roman Empire; money only for army. Labor as well seems a simple category. p. 103 But, e.g., Adam Smith recognized "labor in general"/ abstract universality of labor. Albeit, Smith often falls back into Physiocrat’s notions. Abstract labor in most developed/ modern form of bourgeois society: i.e., in U.S. p. 104 Therefore, the specific character of most abstract categories are a product of/ realize full validity within historical relations. p. 105
4.) Bourgeois society is the most developed/ complex. Allows insight into all vanishing forms/ ruins it built itself. E.g., human anatomy key to anatomy of ape. Higher development of subordinate known after higher development known. Therefore, bourgeois economy key to ancient, etc. Bourgeois economists smudge over differences, and see bourgeois relations in all societies. And, while bourgeois society is a contradictory development with earlier forms found stunted/ travestied within it, there are essential differences. But "so-called" historical presentations see all previous forms as leading to present form/ rarely criticize itself. However, Christianity only understood earlier mythologies via self-criticism. So too, bourgeois economics understood feudal economics only after self-criticism. pp. 105-6
5.) In succession of economic categories; may seem natural to begin with ground rent/ landed property/agriculture bound with the earth as source and first form of production. But bourgeois society is the subject, where agriculture becomes merely a branch of industry. Ground rent cannot be understood without capital but capital can be understood without ground rent. Capital is the all-dominating economic power in bourgeois society and must be dealt with before landed property. Therefore, wrong and unfeasible to let economic categories follow in same sequence that they were historically decisive. Sequence is determined by relation in bourgeois society; opposite to historical development or what "seems" natural. pp. 106-7
E.g., "latest" joint stock companies in bourgeois society begin in monopoly trading cos. Therefore, "order" is: 1. General abstract determinants in all forms of society 2. Categories making up inner structure of bourgeois society on which classes rest… etc. (See through 5: Represents the plan/ "Grundrisse" for Marx’s entire project!?) p. 108
Section IV: Production: Means of Production and Relations of Production/ Circulation p. 109
1.) "Notabene": 1.) War developed earlier than peace. Wage labor, machines, etc., develop earlier due to war than in interior of bourgeois society. Relation of productive forces and relations of exchange are vivid in the army. 2.) Relation of ideal historiography to real; "so-called" cultural histories are only histories of religions and states. 3-4.) Accusations re materialism vs naturalistic materialism. 5.) Dialectic of concepts: Productive forces and relation of production; dialectic whose boundaries to be determined and does not suspend real differences. 6.) Uneven development of productive forces relative to e.g. artistic development. "Progress" not conceived in usual abstractness. Modern art, etc. Difficult point; relations of production develop unevenly as legal relations, e.g., Roman private law to modern production.
7.) Legitimation of chance. Of freedom. Influence of means of communication. World history not always existed. 8.) Point of departure, obviously from natural characteristic; subjectively and objectively. Tribes, races, etc. pp. 109-10
2.) Art that is out of all proportions with material foundation/ skeletal structure, e.g. Greeks, Shakespeare. Some art only possible in undeveloped state of art. Also true of the general development of society. Mythology overcomes nature in imagination and vanishes with real mastery. p. 110 Difficulty is: Not that Greek art bound to form of social development, but that it still affords artistic pleasure/ counts as a norm and unattainable model. An adult cannot become a child but true character of each epoch comes alive in the nature of children. Why not historic childhood of humanity -- stages never to return; exercises an eternal charm? Charm of Greek art not its contradiction to the undeveloped stage it grew, but that the "unripe" social conditions where it arose can never return. p. 111
#Marxism#Marx#Grundrisse#historical materialism#Hegel#dialectics#value theory#value#exchange#commodity exchange#markets#money#exchange value#use value#commodity production#labor#labor power#abstract labor#wage labor#capital#capitalism#classical (bourgeois) economics#Ricardo#Smith#labor theory of value
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All Character TidBits So Far
Long post ahead:
Here are all Character Bios that have been published so far. Spoiler Free (sorta)
Name: Francis Elias Montgomery
Codename: Prestige
Age: 16/17
DoB: August 29
Race: Mixed (Mother's black, father's white)
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Gray
Height: 6'2
Costume: Grey/Light blue vintage military/airforce jacket, slate gray pants, knee-high boots. Ruffled cravat or aviator scarf, sometimes single epaulette with a short cape. Slate gray domino mask.
Powers: Photokinesis, enhanced agility and durability.
Francis is the son of Mayor Temitope Montgomery and Arthur Montgomery. It's not clear what kind of person he is. He can be extremely kind and charming, but switch to moody and secretive, or vicious and condescending at the drop of a hat.
He's avoids social contacts out of school, often burying himself in his room, studying. His only 'friends' seem to be Taylor Redford and his posse, though he seems to have a decent enough relationship with Trudie and Fern.
He seems mortally afraid that his parents might find out about the former.
He's stubborn as all Hells, often acting without thinking and rushing into action, in and out of custom. His photokinetic powers are well-developed, and he specializes on illusions and small solid light constructs.
He has an ongoing rivalry with Marcus, can't stand jokes about his height, and is allergic to pollen.
Has a younger sister, Lori.
Name: Gabriel Mendoza
Codename: FreezeFrame
Gender: male (trans)
Age: 33
DoB: February 18
Race: Latino (Puerto Rican)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'6
Costume: Black hooded bodysuit with purple highlights, heavy-duty boots with purple laces, purple domino mask
Powers: Chronokinesis, limited Cryokinesis
FreezeFrame is a skilled chrono- and cryokinetic, and rather foul-mouthed. He takes great pride in being a 'villain' even though many that know him would disagree that he is one. He tends to do the 'right and good' thing a little 'too often', and his villainous efforts are a little... intriguing. He hates when people think of him as a hero, left alone claim that he has the heart in the right place. (Truth be told, he's still flattered when he thinks no one's looking)
He is a quick thinker, capable of assessing situations at first or second glance. Unfortunately he is even quicker at acting, often jumping into the fray before the first glance reached his brain. He can be a bit disorganized, sometimes forgetting his powers in the heat of the moment.
He's a Nightfall veteran, and even before that had an ongoing rivalry going with MetaMorphia, which developed into a consensual, mutual hateship. They hooked up after the great Unmasking.
Name: Ian Rattray
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 34
DoB: June 12
Race: Latino (Puerto Rican)
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: brown/hazel
Height: 6'9
Ian is the younger (4 minutes 42 seconds) of two twins. He's quite a bit of a bookworm, preferring burrowing himself in the library or at home over meeting with people. This does not mean he prefers not to interact with others. He's at his simultaneously best and worst when he can talk to people and share information. His biggest short-coming is that he can talk very fast and without any form of punctation.
The worst thing one can do to him (especially then) is to either just pretend to have any interest, or to tell him to shut up. Then Ian tends to retreat into himself and become short worded.
He's kind and usually collected, bit of the embodiment of the idea of a gentle giant. However there are things he despises to speak about, especially The Gloom and his brother Jamie. He can also be rather secretive when he thinks involving others would harm them.
He has a very odd relationship with Heatstroke, speaks fluent german and can't cook, except for desserts.
Name: Travis Roland
Codename: Switchblade
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 43
DoB: January 9
Race: Black
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: brown/hazel
Height: 6'7
FaceClaim: Idris Elba
Costume: A black leather combat suit with steel grey lines on the fingers, a hood and a half-mask. It's smooth and full of sharp angles at the same time.
Powers: Weapon-Summoning
Before Nightfall Switchblade was known as one of the most dangerous and vicious villains in all of Cornucopia. A gun (and literally all other kinds of weapons) for hire, he had contacts all throughout CoCi's underworld.
He's been responsible for a long list of robberies and kidnappings, and a longer list of property damage. He has, however, rarely killed people (regular or with powers) outside of collateral damage, as he deems that too simple. Truth be told he considers killing out of sheer bloodlust a waste of time.
His speciality are weapons to counter his opponents the best, one of the reasons he has quite a bit of a god-complex.
He's snarky, grumpy and condescending, and, much to his dismay, an odd kind of caring in his core. As much as he delights seeing others fail, there often comes a point where he gets so frustrated by it that he'll jump in to set people straight. He hates that fact.
This trait is also the reason why he's part of the Unmasked Generation, and why he became a coach at the new-founded APORIA. Because he (quote) 'can't trust those morons (heroes) with a whole new generation. They got us Odium, can't have that again'.
His personality has marginally improved (maybe because he is aware the whole city now has his eyes on him), but he still has it out for a couple of people. Powerhouse and Marcus especially.
Name: Joshua St John
Codename: Powerhouse
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 39
DoB: ???
Race: white
Hair: light brown if grown out, but he keeps his head shaved
Eyes: green/brown (right), electricity (left)
Height: 6'1
FaceClaim: ?
Costume: Gold and black bodysuit with silver piping, no mask.
Powers: Electrokinesis
There's not much known about Powerhouse before the events of Nightfall.
He's always been regarded as overly pessimistic, snarky and quite a bit of a loner. He is, however, very full of himself and his ego is one of the best ways to get him to cooperate.
He delights in being a hero (as snarky as he is), but tends to overwork himself, especially once children are involved. There might be something in his past (that Switchblade and Kaleydoscope knew about) that's the reason for this.
He was also one of the main reason for the CHIPPER (CHImeran and Powered People Equity Regulation), which finally prohibited employers etc from putting Powered Individuals (especially Chimerans) at any form of disadvantage.
It might have been that CHIPPER caught on faster than some other laws of similar nature One due to CoCi's very nature, and Two, who would genuinely want to mess with someone who can turn one's organs inside out, acting as if oneself is by nature superior? (Unfortunately, there have been and are people who... don't have much common sense or human decency... but they're getting fewer)
Powerhouse retired after Nightfall, settling down to become an electrician (St John Electrics), but he keeps a wary eye on Switchblade, who went to work at the newly founded APORIA.
Rumors have it that he turned to the EMPeror to help him with his right arm, which was turning more and more into uncontrollable electricity.
Name: Chloe Fairchild
Codename: Bacchanalia
Gender: female (cis)
Age: 24 (possible)
DoB: ???
Race: white
Hair: blonde
Eyes: gray
Height: 5'4
FaceClaim: ???
Costume: Gray hooded cape, domino mask.
Powers: Alcokinesis
Bacchanalia was one of the youngest Powered Individuals fighting at Nightfall. She's been a shy and quiet young girl with the bizarre power of conjuring and manipulating alcohol (she never liked that).
She tried to prove herself as a hero, but vanished before the final battle.
It's not clear what exactly became of her, but given the circumstances of her disappearance she might have willingly joined Odium.
She was said to be easily influenced by others, so many do believe in that theory.
Digging deeper into her history afterwards revealed that she had come from a quite unhappy home and had caused her parents' (mother and stepfather) deaths through alcohol poisoning.
Her biological father is working hard on redeeming her name.
Name: Lionel Donovan
Codename: Scorn
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 51
DoB: October 23
Race: white
Hair: black
Eyes: black
Height: 6'4
FaceClaim: Ed Quinn
Powers: Umbrakineis, Power-Theft, Teleportation
Lionel Donovan is one of the most dangerous people in Cornucopia.
By all official means a legit businessman, it's an open (but legally unprovable) secret that he is the head of one of CoCi's worst criminal organizations.
Scorn is regarded as as ruthless as he is cunning, but indisputably fair. Most people that cross him even show up alive again.
His official businesses range from casinos to hotels to shipping companies across town, his unofficial ones... are the same in a much darker shade of moral and lethality.
The most well-known (infamous) establishment of the latter kind is a nightclub/aether-den called Bliss, located on the fourth ring of the TC-D. The Bliss had been the property of the Jade Empress around 15 years ago, before she made the fatal mistake of kidnapping Scorn's son Colby (Naught), trying to press money and property out of Scorn.
It's not clear if (and if, how) the Jade Empress survived this misstep, but her demise secured Scorn the control over the third and fourth ring. Only recently someone using the alias of Jade Empress surfaced as the head of the organization controlling the fifth to eighth ring, but it's not clear if this is the same woman, someone using her name, or if there even is an actual person.
Scorn is a most talented umbrakinetic, teleporter and power-thief, quite a bit of a bon vivant and a widower. As ruthless and cold as he is in business, as caring and loving he is as a father.
Name: Marcus Hayes
Codename: SnapShot
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 17
DoB: May 30
Race: Race: Mixed (Mother's latina, father's mixed (black/white))
Hair: black
Eyes: hazel/brown
Height: 5'9
FaceClaim: Aramis Knight
Costume: A black leather long coat with an unhealthy amount of zippers, black jeans and t-shirt, black half-mask covering eyes, nose and cheeks.
Powers: Picturakinesis, Enhanced agility and speed.
Marcus is the only child of Catalina and Sawyer Hayes. He's a decently skilled picture-manipulator, though he seems unable to use his powers on colored images. He blames this inability on a lot of outside factors, first and foremost his ongoing rivalry with Francis, as well as Switchblade who he's convinced is out for him.
His rivalry with Francis is a mystery to their common associates, as only the two seem to know what started it. Some do suspect that it has something to do with a combination of Marcus and Francis' social backgrounds and even more so the unknown fate of Marcus' father and the resulting depression of his mother.
Marcus is convinced that the hero Eclipse and his father are the same person, though his sole prove is the fact that they both went missing the same night. This believe has traces of an obsession.
His father and Francis are topics to piss Marcus off beyond anything, at all other times he's easy-going, friendly and helpful. His tendency to pepper his speech with puns is either his biggest strength or worst weakness. It's certainly one reason Francis dislikes him.
Name: Temitope Montgomery
Codename: La Mode
Gender: female (cis)
Age: 44
DoB: May 19
Race: Black
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: light brown
Height: 5'5
FaceClaim: Kerry Washington
Costume: A golden or bronze domino mask and a catsuit of the same color, along with myriads of lengths of fabric floating around her if they don't pull together to a tunic like garment over the catsuit. Knee-high silver boots.
Powers: Fabrikinesis, Enhances strength, speed and agility
Temitope's been a famed opera singer (yes, she did play Queen of the Night, and yes, she can still hit those notes), and decided to go into politics shortly after the foundation of APORIA. There's rumors that at least one of her parents is a Slider, but no one knows for certain.
She is as kind as she can be determined and focused, which has brought her good reputation in her professions. As La Mode she is a fabrikinetic with enhanced strength and speed.
She's been one of the initiators of the Nightfall Initiative, alongside her husband, and her arch-rival Madame Tarantula. La Mode and Madame had both heard rumors of the two have them having had children and both felt it was their responsibility to do something against Odium for the sake of the coming generation.
Tem has always been juggling her careers and family, and by her own account it has gotten easier since the Grand Unmasking. She is currently determined to find the weakness in Scorn's official image to finally bring him down.
Name: ?? McKechnie
Codename: Artemis
Gender: genderfluid; non-binary leaning (amab)
Age: 26
DoB: ??
Race: white
Hair: black (with purple or ice blue streaks)
Eyes: light green
Height: 6'4
FaceClaim: Gavin Fink
Costume: A black and silver longcoat, black domino mask
Powers: Weapon-Summoning, telekinesis
Artemis is the self-proclaimed threshold between Powered Individuals and Hero-dom. Which translates to them being the receptionist at APORIA's Assessment Unit. They are snarky as all Hell, have no nerve for ignorance, but are usually good natured. Maybe they enjoy winding people up a little too much.
The higher-ups at APORIA might be the only ones (besides Artemis' parents) who know Artemis' first name (though there's speculation that Artemis IS their first name).
They're a skilled weapon-summoner and telekinetic, but tend to overstep lines on a regular basis, getting them into trouble with people like Switchblade often enough. Nevertheless they are part of Unit 11, SPIRID's most... peculiar team.
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In modern verses, Yuffie’s hometown is Nagoya.
While the city’s remained relatively peaceful in the time she’s lived there, the city’s history and its inability to truly return to its roots is extremely obvious, and constantly bothers Yufi. As the city is under bureaucratic rule as opposed to family rule, there’s no true influence Yufi could show on the public side of things to show interest in returning to their roots. Instead, the city continues to move forward with more consumeristic/greed-related industries, the home of T.oyota and p.achinko. Being affiliated with the automobile industry and gambling drive her up a wall, but there’s little she can do for it. If you ask her about robots, she’ll offer to throw you and the damn machines into the ocean.
In the underworld, Yufi’s community of Little Wutai surrounds Nagoya Castle. A symbol of the city’s strength during the Tokugawa period, as well as the Meiji era. However, knowing it, as well as a quarter of the city, is a refabrication after the events of W.orld W.ar II, in which Nagoya was directly attacked, considered a target due to its industrial abilities & that many aircrafts & tools for Japan were assembled in Nagoya, brings Yufi some bittersweet feelings, though overall pride in knowing, if the system truly wanted, it could restore things to how they once were.
Yufi strongly advocates for activities which exemplify ‘old Japan,’ and her personally protected industries include samurai; the fish market; art, including origami, calligraphy, watercolor, geisha/maiko, and furoshiki, or gift wrapping; the shrines and temples; and those who work in the beautification efforts of keeping Nagoya beautiful (forests, gardens, wineries, roasteries, distilleries and the like, orchards, farms, etc.).
In the above world, Yuffie does work with the World Heritage sites, lobbying for the importance of preserving the traditional communities that still exist. Her underground work would include supporting workers from being evicted for selling items or services that might be considered contraband by the bureaucracy (such as leading tours closer to the homes, providing information not offered in official guides, etc.).
While her father is a strong figurehead and has promoted or shown support for inclusion of larger tourist industries to bring further revenue into the area (such as Legoland), he attempts to be supportive to Yufi’s sensitivites while also still trying to vouch for tourism. As a result, he’s opted for the aquarium, as well as the nighttime scene. Yufi’s pride won’t allow her to thank him, but she does enjoy both of these attractions... He had good intentions with manga & lolita classes, which does draw in quite a number of people, but Yufi’s not sure what he was thinking of when he said it was ‘in her honor’... (maybe he really is trying to bring in young people, to make up for the pachinko industry? she doesn’t ask, she just silently nods in affirmation).
After the last clash of police vs yakuza in the early 80s, in which police performed raids on local communities which they assumed were affiliated with yakuza & many innocents were involved, being injured & suffering from costly damages which the government never offered a settlement in apology, Yufi has a slight distaste for the official justice system, even if the situation happened prior to her birth.
In the Kisaragi Clan, the families are encouraged to pursue more ‘legitimate’ or ‘high-crime’ work, such as protection services, extortion, blackmailing, etc. Those who are found doing petty crimes such as shoplifting, armed robbery, mindless violence, ‘ugly’ graffiti, and destruction of public property, are quite openly and publicly punished, with repeat offenders being either ex-communicated or more severely punished depending on the crimes. Because law enforcement & the government aren’t always capable of doing their jobs of protecting the innocent & punishing the wrong, the underground will step in to do the work for them.
In addition, the Clan also provides services to its community, including protection from law enforcement should it seem the business is bullied for some reason. The owners agree to pay a small fee to have the yakuza ‘micro-manage’ the legal aspects of situations for them. This might include creating, organizing, and updating paperwork for lawyers and government offices; updating and managing licenses and certifications; ensuring the physical buildings are up to code (in safety regulations) and that businesses are as clean as they should be (especially in restaurants). For businesses or organizations that seem to have patrons deterred from them due to ‘intimidation’ from other clans, or increased police patrol, owners can also pay an additional one-time (per incident) fee (at time of request) to eradicate the problem.
The Kisaragi Clan is wealthy, given the family’s connections to historically influential families and organizations. Yufi herself, as a blood heir to the Kisaragi family, is quite-well off. The Clan doesn’t need to siphon money off of its constitents and community to do well; its ‘old money’ combined with the investments made in all large industries in Nagoya is more than enough to maintain itself. The payment system is only implemented as more of systemic process, and the fees they request are rather small compared to that of ‘traditional’ systems of either yakuza or government agencies. They want to garner the trust and loyalty of Little Wutai and continue building their community as opposed to striking fear & ‘ruling’ through threat. Both Godo and Yufi agree on the aspect of respect is king--and when respect / honor are lost, then vengeance must be sought to restore the balance.
All in all, Yufi doesn’t have much complaint about her life in Nagoya, though she notes how ‘atypical’ it is.
In non-yakuza verse, Yufi would be the daughter of a government official & a part of the bureaucracy, thus explaining her involvement in community.
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The reason for the „collapse of the USSR“

First, the USSR did not disintegrate, but it was destroyed. Secondly, the destruction of the USSR was the result of the restoration of capitalism in the country. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reason for the victory of the counter-revolution in the USSR and the transition from socialism back to capitalism.
The reason is the ratio of opposites that gave rise to one or another phenomenon. The restoration of capitalism in the USSR is the overthrow of the dictatorship of the working class and the transfer of power into the hands of the bourgeoisie. Therefore, to establish the cause of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR means to reveal those opposites whose struggle was immanent to the dictatorship of the working class, and the victory of one of them turned the cause into a consequence, that is, led to the collapse of communism in the USSR and the destruction of the country.
The following is authentically known.
First, that the USSR arose, got stronger and won many victories as the state of unripe, lowest communism. Soviet society was in the first phase of communism. The essence of this stage consists of the construction of, actually, full, mature communism, the fight of communism against aggressive remnants of exploiter formations, the competition between communism and capitalism by a realization of superiority of new relations of production of communism over commodity-money antiquity, in replacement of spontaneity by consciousness, scientific character.
Secondly, that the factor, that is the cause, of the communist revolution, is Bolshevism as a scientific course of political thought and political practice, organizing a revolutionary subject — the working class — under the conditions of the necessary maturation of all objective prerequisites: the level of development of productive forces and the degree of their concentration. The final, state-monopoly phase of capitalism is a complete material preparation for the transition to communism, that is, the necessary maturation of objective prerequisites.
Thirdly, that in the historical period of transition from capitalism to full communism the role of subjective processes raises to a decisive one.
Fourthly, that a set of historical processes in the USSR after Stalin’s death indicated the movement of the Soviet society away from science, away from communism, on the way back to capitalism, so, communism after 1953 in the USSR objectively lost in the class struggle started in all spheres of society including the same fight within the Party.
When clarifying the reason for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR, first of all, it is necessary to recognize the primacy of politics over the economy in the period of the transition from capitalism to mature communism. In private property societies, the primacy of economic factors, the formation of which occurs spontaneously, regardless of the will of the people. People, in this case, not understanding the essence of the application of productive forces to the substances of nature, enter into production relations blindly. It follows that these relations are formed with the significant participation of primitive social instincts, reflexes, and material interests. The resulting social conflict at the dawn of the ages brought to life the systematic need for violence, that is, in a state that held onto public order. At the same time, various forms of ideological domination, the justification of private property, exploitation, and violence took root. Moreover, it was capitalist production — the highest type of exploitative production, having competition by its law, that became strongly dependent on the development of science. And with the accumulation of applied knowledge, prerequisites were formed for the final establishment of scientific truths in the field of social science, primarily in the field of cognition of production relations. Thus arose the scientific theory of building communism — a society in which production relations for the first time will fully meet the objective requirements of the productive forces.
The founders of Marxism also affirmed the primacy of politics over the economy during the transition from capitalism to communism. So, Engels wrote:
„If Barth believes that we have denied any reverse influence of political, etc., reflections of the economic movement on this movement itself, then he simply tilts at windmills. He should look only at Marx’s “18 Brumaire”, where it is almost only about the special role played by political struggle and events, of course, within their overall dependence on economic conditions; or see Capital, for example, the section on working day, which shows how decisive it is to have legislation, which is a political act, or a section on the history of the bourgeoisie. Why, then, do we fight for the political dictatorship of the proletariat if political power is economically powerless? Violence (that is, state power) is also an economic force!”(Letter to K. Schmidt, October 27, 1890).
Developing precisely this position, based on revolutionary practice, Lenin, smashing Trotsky and Bukharin, explained to the Party that
„politics cannot fail to have primacy over economics, forgetting this means forgetting the alphabet of Marxism” („Once again about trade unions, the current situation and the mistakes of comrades Trotsky and Bukharin“).
Hence it follows that the sphere of finding the reason for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR it is the area of functioning of the institute of the political power of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
The party is the leader of the state of the dictatorship of the working class, the leader in the system of the dictatorship of the working class. The party is the guiding force of the dictatorship of the working class. If the party loses credibility, loses the opportunity to give guidance on every important political, economic and cultural issue, the system of the dictatorship of the working class is destroyed. It is clear that in this case it would be the height of absurdity to look for the reasons for the restoration of capitalism in the base. It is also clear that bad leadership leads to a loss of credibility by a party and may ultimately cause the collapse of the dictatorship of the working class. However, the history of the CPSU’s bankruptcy showed that the institute of power in the USSR, apparently due to the old perception, was very strong even with such parsley as Gorbachev. The authority of the CPSU, despite all the blatant sabotage activities of Khrushchev and Khrushchevians, Andropov and his fosterlings, including Gorbachev, was still on top.
Therefore, if we consider politics as a sphere of the search for the cause, that is, the Party’s activity as the guiding force of the working class dictatorship, then it goes without saying that party theory, science — Marxism is primary in relation to politics, strategic goals, tactics, and daily work.
Communism arose as a science of society, gave us the goals of the class struggle in the form of a Marxist program, gave us the form of organization, gave us a method of taking into account concrete historical conditions, which connected the organization, originally consisting entirely of intellectuals, with the masses. Therefore, the whole communist policy, the entire practice of the dictatorship of the working class, if it wants to be victorious, is a product of Marxist theory, is the product of the development of a general line by Marxist theorists.
However, at the same time, history has shown us that Marxism is omnipotent only when it is correctly assimilated by at least one person in the leadership of the party, and the majority of its members strictly obey party discipline.
If we exclude the possibility of military defeat due to generalship or political mistakes, then we should not talk about any objective reasons for the crash of the USSR. Stalin (said) at the XVII congress:
„It is necessary to understand that the strength and authority of our Party-Soviet, economic, and all other organizations and their leaders have grown to an unprecedented degree. And precisely because their strength and prestige have grown to an unprecedented degree, now everything or almost everything depends on their work. The reference to the so-called objective conditions has no justification. After the correctness of the political line of the Party was confirmed by the experience of a number of years, and the readiness of the workers and peasants to support this line no longer causes doubts — the role of the so-called objective conditions was reduced to a minimum, while the role of our organizations and their leaders became decisive and exceptional. And what does it mean? This means that responsibility for our breakthroughs and shortcomings in work now falls on nine-tenths not on “objective” conditions, but on ourselves, and only on us“.
At the same time, the theoretical reasons for the political crisis of the dictatorship of the working class in one way or another are closely related to the principles of the Party’s organizational structure and the quality of the cadres. Lenin pointed out:
„It is impossible to distinguish between what is a political issue and what organizational. Any political question can be organizational and vice versa … It is impossible to separate mechanically political from organizational. The policy is conducted through the people and if other people write slips of paper, then nothing will come of it… It is impossible to separate organizational issues from policy“ (Speech at the XI Party Congress).
There were no objective internal reasons for the extinction of communism in the USSR.
So, at the revealing of the reason for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR, is extremely insufficient to list economic and even political reforms of the CPSU which as a result prepared a coup of the bourgeoisie. Careful consideration of the activities of Khrushchev, Kosygin, Andropov, Gorbachev, and Yakovlev allows us to make a conclusion that they put into practice the trial and error method.
The influence of Khrushchev on the crash of the USSR is connected more likely with the discredit of Marxism, with the ideological and theoretical undermining of the authority of Marxism, the scientific solidity theory and practice of Marxism, than with the transfer of MTS (“Machine and Tractor stations”) equipment to the collective farms or even the reform of 1957.
It should be noted that all Khruschev’s wrecking was carried out within the unique propaganda process — „dethronement of a cult of personality of I.V. Stalin“. Thus, Khrushchev „plowed up“ public consciousness, party ethics, turned upside down already ideologically sickly intellectuals, undermined the authority of communism and unity of the Communist Parties of the world. But this was still not enough for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR.
The fact that the legal ban of the CPSU occured with the consent of the Secretary General, the entire structure of the Politburo, the Central Committee and with complete inaction of the local organizations, suggests that the reason for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR lies in class defeat within the management of the CPSU. In fact — in treason.
But what is the reason that enemies of the people sat down right in the leadership of the CPSU?
After Stalin’s death, they in the CPSU forgot what opportunism is, forgot the objective law of the revolutionary struggle, about the intransigence of ideologies. In this way, fractionality was already considered to be some insignificant discrepancy in the understanding of Marxism, originality of views. And they forgot about opportunism in the CPSU solely because the CPSU itself went off into the swamp of this very opportunism with its ears.
The Leninist-Stalinist victorious period showed that the subjective factor of the revolution can be considered ripe if the leader at the head of the party owns Marxism and skillfully applies Marxism in organizational practice.
The post-Stalin period of the existence of the CPSU showed that if the Marxist party in the conditions of the capitalist environment is not working hard enough to educate in its midst the leaders of the Leninist-Stalinist level and cut, then the construction of communism slips and ends up the party degrades and collapses.
The discussions unleashed by the Trotskyists after Lenin’s death and the opportunist turn of the Communist Party after Stalin’s death proved that literally everything is determined by the presence of a competent leader, determines the direction of development of the party, and behind it the class, the state, and the whole society. Of course, Lenin and Stalin had loyal associates who rallied around them and thus multiplied tenfold by force. Stalin himself was a reliable employee of Lenin.
Thus, the cause of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR is the incompetence of the members of the CPSU, especially in its leadership, in the practical building of communism. In this case, in a historical sense, the factor of opportunism counteracted a factor of dialectical-materialist competence in the person of the leader. As long as Stalin was alive, the prerequisite for the restoration of capitalism was suppressed, and the building of communism took place in the USSR, but after Stalin’s death there was neither a leader nor a competent center, therefore the opportunism factor was first established, strengthened, and then won a victory.
The decapitated, brainless CPSU kept itself out of habit, according to the will of the working class, but the agents of imperialism shook its power, and thus capitalism in the USSR was restored. Economic reforms and in general all changes in the basis of the USSR served as the means of undermining the political power of the working class, as well as endless ideological diversions.
And democratic centralism was a way of multiplying and spreading opportunism within the Party, a way of seizing the leadership of the CPSU.
Lenin and Stalin in the organizational structure of the party applied a scientific approach to personnel and organizations, therefore they carried out the principle of the most severe science-based centralism.
After the death of Stalin, Khrushchev, Mikoyan, and others audited the established practice, rejected the Leninist-Stalinist theoretical legacy on the issue of organizational construction, and proclaimed party democracy. It is by voting for each other that the opportunists seize the leadership of all organizations.
Opportunism, which seized the leadership of the CPSU, should be presented from two sides.
First, in terms of theoretical content, this is tailism, economism, and vulgar economic determinism. Because it is precisely in the theoretical formulation of the stages passed, in the denial of the offensiveness of communism itself, in flirting with the form of capitalism, that is, in money, the opportunist adaptation of the working class in the interests of the bourgeoisie is rooted. Roughly speaking, the cultivation of proletarism, that is, the state of people as an appendage of capital, in all forms constitutes opportunism in its content.
Second, by its motivation and the folding of the ideological constitution – this is a consistent anti-Stalinism.
The main instigator and the theorist of anti-Stalinism was Trotsky. If we trace the movement of Trotsky’s political thought, then he almost always spoke in such a way as to appear as original as possible. His pre-October position could be described as consistent anti-Leninism, but without joining Menshevism in words. In the period up to 1924, Trotsky, on all important issues, always says the opposite of Lenin, actively goes into a separate fraction. In the period of the mid-1920s, Trotsky opposed Stalin and other ideological centers, and after Stalin’s victory over all opponents in the theoretical struggle, Trotsky now takes the position strictly opposite to Stalin’s. In many ways, this line of absolute ideological unscrupulousness is characteristic of all opportunism. To be opposed is the “ideological” basis of opportunism in the presence of a truly Marxist position.
The supporters of Khrushchev and Gorbachev were mostly motivated precisely as Stalin’s fierce opponents, they acted out of banal vindictiveness. Just as thousands of pest specialists, former landowners and kulaks were derailed by trains, blown up, broken, destroyed from completely worthless dirty ideas, so a mature opportunist in power is a synonym for dirty tricks, whimsical spoiler, little stinker.
The chronology of the descending line of communism in the USSR is as follows. After the death of Stalin, the enemies of communism disguised as communists established themselves in the leadership of the Party through democratic centralism. Stalin’s comrades, the Marxists, lost to Khrushchev and his group because they all ran into each other at a philistine, intriguing level.
Further, supporters of Khrushchev audited Marxism with the theory of the cult of Stalin’s personality, the theory of the collective mind of the party, the tactics of building communism by 1980, the moral code of the communist and other opportunistic acts, and turned the daily politics of the government into a sabotage of economic and ideological foundations of communist construction. Supporters of Khrushchev deliberately split the world communist movement to weaken it.
Consequently, in the period of Khrushchevism, the Trotskyists, who had penetrated the party leadership, shaken the power of the Party; the economic and political development of the USSR and the WTO (Warsaw Treaty Organization) countries was sent along a false anti-scientific path, the international communist movement was undermined and split; during the leadership of the party Brezhnev, these processes were inhibited; in the period of Andropov — Gorbachev, conscious, meaningful, active ideological and socio-economic preparation of the restoration of capitalism was carried out by the “seksot” (secret police agents) and renegades. In short, the work of Trotsky – Zinoviev – Bukharin – Khrushchev on the maturing of the preconditions for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR was continued.
But at the same time, all these measures were carried out, firstly, within the framework of the will and consciousness of the working class of the USSR at every historical moment, and secondly, despite the fact that the economic structure of the first phase of communism was replaced by the capitalist one. Thus, the Party and the state in their class nature remained communist, but their policies, that is, the development of ways and means was carried out unscientific, incorrectly, to the detriment of the real goal of building a communist society, and in the second half of the 1980s was completely aimed at destroying the country.
The process of revolution and the process of counter-revolution occur according to the dialectical-materialist law of the negation of negation. A political coup, regardless of whether it is revolutionary or counterrevolutionary, takes place simultaneously, and the objective and subjective prerequisites for it are shaped by the entire historical development over a relatively long time. The moment of the destruction of the Soviet working class is the political moment of turning it into a class of proletarians, that is, the moment of changing the essence of production relations, first of all, between the working people themselves. And one should not confuse the moment of legal fixation of the fact of a political coup with the moment of its real occurrence. For example, „voucherization“ only legally formalized the destruction of the working class. After the voucherization, the cumulative owners of all the means of production in the country de jure turned into owners only of their labour. But in order to step into capitalism, to move from the scattered facts of social injustice, exploitation by individual Soviet bourgeois to the legalized system of capitalist robbery, the bourgeoisie needed to establish its own political dictatorship in the country. And it is installed simultaneously.
The Soviet bourgeois and imperialist agents, including having made their way to the CPSU, organized a series of civil wars and mass pogroms in the 1980s, but could not shake the Soviet people into more than the construction of „market socialism“. Moreover, it was not only in the USSR. Neither in 1956 in Hungary, nor in 1968 in Czechoslovakia, nor in 1981 in Poland, nor in 1989 in China did the bourgeoisie succeed in establishing capitalism because they failed to succeed in political upheavals. Until 1991 and in the USSR, the troops were still used against the Democrats, but half-heartedly and shyly. Only having managed to organize a provocation called the State Emergency Committee, the bourgeoisie, almost overnight, took political power from the CPSU. After that, the security forces had already dispersed the left-wing demonstrations, and in October 1993 they carried out a mass shooting in the center of Moscow, thus proving that in August 1991, the capital immediately came to political power. Then the bourgeoisie finally shook up the administrative apparatus, established its own state with the appropriate legal and regulatory framework. So there was a restoration of capitalism in the USSR.
#marxism#ussr#communism#leninism#history#stalin#lenin#nikita khrushchev#mikhail gorbachev#vi lenin#marxism-leninism
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What you can learn from real estate investment training courses
If you want to move toward the real estate sector, it is important to be updated as the real estate market changes from time to time.
Before investing, you need to educate yourself through real estate investment training courses & conduct thorough research to find the prevailing market conditions.

In this article, we will talk about some important things you can learn from such courses.
Do thorough research.
As an investor, you should research the type of property you want to invest in. The property should fit your budget, so that you don’t have to struggle a lot to get a mortgage.
You should thoroughly investigate the history of the property, the areas around it, and the site's suitability for development.
Additionally, you should research developers' backgrounds. It is also essential to consider whether the property complies with all legal requirements.
Calculate the budget beforehand.
It is very important to consider and calculate all your expenses beforehand while investing in real estate. Knowing your budget will help you narrow down the property you are willing to afford in terms of space and location.
Determine the location.
When you are choosing a location, you should always have long-term perspectives. The experts always say that location plays a very important role in the value of your property.
So, If you want to invest in a residential space, then amenities like bus stops, schools, hospitals, etc. should be considered.
Whereas, if you want to invest in commercial space, proximity to airports, warehouses, ports, etc, will be beneficial.
Purpose of your investment.
The purpose of an investor should always be clear while buying a property. Whether you buy it for regular rental income or personal use, it is re-valued for sale.
This factor will help you determine whether your investment is for the short term or the long term.
Get an estimated property value.
While buying a property, it is necessary to get an estimated value and make your decision based on it. However, there is no point in buying an inexpensive property and then spending thousands of money on its renovation.
Also, suppose you have taken real estate investment training courses and become a professional investor. In that case, it becomes easy to judge the market value of the property you are looking for. This will help you to narrow down your choice.
Real Estate Law.
With the proper knowledge in real estate investment, you get familiar with the laws and regulations. It will help you understand the rules of the area where you are purchasing the property.
It will also help you eliminate the need to hire a lawyer for inconvenient situations, like paying taxes. With the help of investment training courses, you know the entire process to avoid paying penalties.
Expected return on investment(ROI).
Everyone wants a good ROI on their investment. So, with the proper knowledge of how to draw projections of profits and expenses, you can quickly determine expected cash flow from rental income.
With this, you can do the cost-benefit analysis of mortgage loans, risk analysis before the renovation, and other analyses. They will help determine whether it's worth taking the risk.
Understand your credit score.
Your credit score influences the type of mortgage interest rate you will get. This course will help you maintain a lead of points up and down. These points can make a massive difference to your mortgage.
Therefore, you must know your credit score and ensure that you have a favorable credit score. However, it is advisable to keep your credit score high.
Keep up with the trends.
In the real estate industry, we know how important it is to be updated as the market keeps changing from time to time. So having proper knowledge about emerging trends and property values will always help you to crack a better deal.
The idea of taking investment training can be intimidating for many people. But real estate investment training courses will help you to build your real estate career.
At Impact Coaching Systems, we provide fantastic real estate courses that provide a path to success. To get started today, visit our official website.
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Glossary of Mortgage Terms
Capped Rate A fixed speed is if you cover a predetermined amount of interest in that loan for a determined time period. Lenders provide fixed rate loans for brief spans of time (three-six months) entirely upto 25 decades. Early redemption penalties apply if you repay the mortgage before the end of the fixed rate duration. A licensed conveyancer is like a solicitor in that they specialize from the legalities of buying and selling land. Leasehold Contract Unencumbered Mortgage Shared ownership is a scheme formulated by housing institutions that requires you to pay mortgage obligations on the component of a property that you own when you make monthly rent payments on the portion of the property owned by the building association. Booking Fee A Building Society is a mutual company that provides you money to purchase or remortgage residential properties. This money comes from different investors who are paid interest on their funds. Some of building society capital will be also increased through commercial money markets. Fixed Rate Negative-equity happens when the cash you owe to your mortgage lender is significantly more compared to the value of your property. People today wind up in negative equity situations if they take out 100 percent LTV mortgages. Adverse credit takes place whenever you have a history of awful credit, bankruptcy, CCJ, or loan amount. Adverse credit can be called as bad credit, bad credit, or it may be said that you get a very poor credit history. A charge is any interest on the mortgage which a freehold or leasehold property might be held. MIG Booking fees are normally non-refundable when charged upfront, but the reservation fee is added to your last mortgage payment. Ground Rent Gazumping occurs when a seller agrees to sell home to a person, plus they move to decline that offer in favor of an increased one. Income Protection Insurance The SVR, or standard variable rate, is your bottom speed of the lending company. It is subject to change at any time depending on the lending company. The SVR will vary based upon the Bank of England Base Rate. Debt Consolidation An elastic scheme is a new method of calculating mortgage interest charges. Lenders calculate interest on a regular basis instead of on an yearly basis. The new interest rates will merely influence the remaining balance of the mortgage. By making regular overpayments, you can repay the loan faster thereby saving a lot on interest rates. A guarantor is a person who guarantees that the lender that the borrower is eligible for a mortgage or loan. In the event the borrower doesn't make payments, the guarantor will make sure they are. Endowment Your regular monthly mortgage obligations include of two parts: both the interest and the capital. The interest is a payment on the interest balance of your loan. The funding payment is a payment on the amount that you borrowed. Personal Pension Base rate tracker is a sort of mortgage where the interest rate is variable, but it is put at a top (above) the Bank of England Base Rate for a period or for the complete term of their mortgage. The best thing about this type of mortgage is that it's little or no redemption penalty. This means that by earning over payments, you will have the ability to spend less due to paying off your mortgage earlier than the arranged date to the initial mortgage contract. MIRAS Allergic Rate Charge First Time Buyers (FTB or FTP) Repossession is just a lawful process by which your mortgaged property is sold under the charge of your creditor because of imperfect repayment. Your property might subsequently be sold at public auction. Mortgagee A conveyance may be your deed through which a freehold, UN registered title is transferred. In the event the property is registered, then the deed is called a move. Directly to purchase implies that you are legally in a position to buy the property at a discounted rate when you're a renter for a long enough period of time. Structural Survey Auction Tenure suggests the kind of rights a individual has within a property or the property it stands on. Tenure could be freehold or leasehold, such as. PEP Banker Draft Unlike freehold by which a property is possessed, leasehold is every time home is possessed, however the property it is made on isn't owned by the leaseholder. Their control of their property is just for a set number of years. Debt consolidation is the process by which you simply take out a loan or mortgage so as to pay off quite a few top interest debts. As a result, you will only have to make one payment each month, and also you may save interest rates. Assignment Authority to Inspect the Register Arrears Discounted rates are utilised to draw new borrowers to lenders by setting the interest rate below the normal variable rate for a guaranteed period of time.
If you repay the whole discounted rate mortgage over the first couple of years, your lender may bill you premature redemption penalties. Fixture Income Multipliers Capital and Interest Local Authority Search Equity Release An agricultural restriction is a guideline that can restrict you in holding a property if your occupation is in any way related to agriculture. Remittance Fee Exchange of Contracts A bridging loan is more of use once you wish to get a property, your ability to do therefore depends upon upon the sale of your old property. This is a really short term loan that is paid off as soon as your old property sells. Consult with a loan adviser prior to taking out a bridging loan to be sure it is the smartest choice for you personally. Equity A further progress is an add-on loan to a current mortgage by the current lender. The cash out of a further progress could be used for home improvements, to buy a freehold property, or to get personal purposes such as debt consolidation. An early redemption fee is charged by your lender should you a part or complete payment of your loan amount before the conclusion of your loan duration. These penalties will also be charged if you choose to re arrange and move your mortgage into a new lender. Capital raising generally means remortgaging for a higher amount than you want to cover off your current mortgage as a way to use the extra money for additional personal financial uses. A covenant can be an assurance given within an deed.Credit ScoringCredit scoring is your procedure where a creditor examines your spending capacity prior to offering financing or mortgage. MRP Adverse Credit A power to inspect the register record is a document fro the registered or legal owner of home letting the attorney of the buyer to find advice regarding the property. Title Deeds More Security Fee Conclusion is a term which explains you have become the owner of your residence after finishing the formalities of this selling and the purchase price of the property. Conditional Insurance CCJ Deed A lien is a loan taken out from a brand new creditor or financing re negotiated with your existing lender to payoff your current mortgage. That is performed in order to lower the rate of interest you're paying or to boost extra capital. Exchange of contracts occurs when the buyer and owner of home sign and swap the contracts which detail your home, the price, the date, and the conditions of the arrangement. When the contracts are signed, they get legally binding, and legal action can be taken against anyone who breaks the contract. This commission accounts into the Treasury Ministers. Bridging Loan A MIG, or loan indemnity assurance, is insurer takes out to pay for their creditor in case their house has been repossessed, and the creditor is not able to get their money back. A MIG is covered upon completion of a loan. A repayment mortgage is as a portion of your monthly payment goes toward the interest and also the other component of the payment goes toward the principal. That can also be known as a capital and interest mortgage. If payments are made regularly, the full sum of the loan will be paid back by the end of the expression. Centralized Lender Redemption can be once you pay off your mortgagewhen you remortgage, or any time you go on to a new property. A seller is the person from whom you obtain a property. Apportionment, or downloading outside, is a facility that lets you split the responsibility for utilities, real estate taxes, etc. with the customer or the seller of this property whenever you're either selling or buying the home. Deposit Self Certification of Earnings Conclusion Credit Search Arrears happen whenever you default on your mortgage payment or any other type of debt payment. For those who have arrears to the record of your present mortgage, then you will face issues once you want to look at remortgaging or getting a new mortgage. Building Societies Commission A capped interest is an interest rate which won't exceed the normal variable rate of interest for a predetermined time frame (in 15 years) that depends upon you and your creditor. In the event the normal variable rate falls below your heartbeat, your interest rate will decrease so. An arrangement fee is the total amount you need to pay your creditor to gain access to particular mortgage deals. While searching for a fixed rate, cashback, or discounted rate mortgage, you will probably pay this commission during that time that you submit the application, it must be added into the loan upon completion of the term, also it will soon be deducted from the loan completion. LTV, or loan to value, could be the percentage derived from dividing the worth of your premises by the amount of your mortgage. A low LTV is not as risky for lenders than a 100 percent LTV. Cash back is the amount you receive once you take out a mortgage, the total amount could be adjusted or a portion of your loan amount. Guarantor Loan consolidation happens every time a loan is removed to settle a second loan with a higher rate of interest or to refund a number of high interest debts. Loan consolidation can be achieved through remortgaging. A variable speed usually means that your rate of interest can change from month to month thereby causing your repayments to fluctuate monthly. Easement A sealing fee is a sum charged by your lender when you repay your loan. Base Rate Tracker Flexible Scheme A property registry fee is paid when you wish to register your ownership of home or if you want to change the registered name of a property. Licensed Conveyancer Capital Raising The mortgagee is your business or company that finances your mortgage. An agent fee is paid to your debt advisor or other intermediary that aids you in finding the ideal loan or mortgage deal for your circumstances. BSAThe BSA, or the Building Societies Association, is an organization that operates at the attention of societies.A credit search is done by means of a lender and also a credit agency to search your records for CCJs as well as other indicators of terrible credit. Ground rent is the sum which a leaseholder should cover the freeholder each year. A centralized lender is a mortgage lender that does not depend upon a branch system for distribution. Centralized lending is currently given by several building societies. These societies operate separately from their branch programs, and so they rely exclusively on commissions from intermediary sources. A deed is a legal document that denotes who owns a certain property. It's possible to move a title to both freehold and leasehold having a deed. A banker draft is a way to make a payment. In features, it's the same as being a cheque, but in effect it is actually just a cash payment. The money is supplied to the bank, plus so they issue a cheque that's certified to become good for the given amount. Apportionment Period Administration Fee Conveyancing is the legal process through the buying and the selling of home simply take place. Transfer Deed Building Society Repayment Mortgages There are two equal copies accepted by both the buyer and the seller, and each party keeps a copy for his or her records. Once both parties have signed the contract, then they're committed to the conditions of the agreement. Loan Consolidation A first time buyer is one who never owned property before. Easement is your proper held by one property owner to make utilization of the land of another for a restricted purpose, such as a right of passage. Equity is the sum of value in your property. It's the worth of your home less the total amount left to be paid back on your mortgage. The duration of a mortgage could be your range of years over which you intend to pay off your mortgage. A local authority search is produced by the solicitor of the people who plan to purchase your premises. They check to make certain that there are no proposed developments on the property such as roads or buildings. They'll check for any planning permissions or enforcement notices posted on your own premises. Early Redemption Penalty Shared Ownership Endowment Mortgage Negative dividend Cashback Tenure Freehold Present obligations are all financial commitments outside your mortgage. Existing liabilities might include bank loans, credit card debt, maintenance payments, etc.. Over payment occurs whenever you cover more than the normal payment on your mortgage in order that the mortgage has been repaid before the end of the loan term. Together with over payments, you are able to save money on interest, but you may also be charged an early redemption penalty.Payment HolidayA payment holiday is actually just a period throughout which you create no mortgagee payments. This is normally available with flexible mortgages simply. Agricultural Restriction Disbursements A bill certificate is a certification issued by HM Land Registry for your requirements along with your name since the registered title for any particular property. This certificate contains information on mortgages, limitations, and different interests. It has three different parts: a charges register, a land register, and a proprietorship register. When there is no mortgage on the property, it is called a Land Certificate, also it is issued to the registered proprietor. A tie in period can be an quantity of time for that you're bound to a lender. Tiein periods often exist using special mortgage deals such as limited, fixed , or discounted rates. Should you move your mortgage to another lender in this period of time, you are subject to an early redemption fee. ASU is currently Accident, Sickness, and Unemployment insurance that covers your mortgage payments in the event of an collision, a sickness, or even involuntary unemployment. Equity release can be a means of releasing money from the worthiness of one's house either in a lump sum or in monthly payments. This money might be useful for home improvements, debt consolidation, or other large expenses. When you take out a discounted or fixed rate loan, your creditor may attempt to persuade one to take out an insurance policy that will pay some missed payments because of an illness, an crash, or even unemployment. An assignment could be the document moving the lease of their property or rights of possession of a seller to a buyer. It can be an endowment policy into the building society in reference to a mortgage. A mortgage is a loan that allows someone to buy a property. The home itself is your security of the mortgage. The mortgagor is the person taking out the mortgage to get home. A deposit is the amount of money you put down toward buying home. Freehold means that you might have ownership of home for an extended period of time. This is compared to leasehold which means that the house is only under your hands for a limited period of time. Broker Fee Chattels Tiein Period A transfer deed is actually just a valid deed used for moving the ownership of your property to an individual buyer. A fixture is a thing attached with your premises, and for that reason it is legally part of this property. Conveyance Solicitors are the people who provide legal counsel and execute all of the legal work for mortgage and remortgage transactions.Stamp Duty Stamp duty is a tax paid into the government on purchasing home. Further Advance Covenant Conveyancing MPPI, or mortgage payment protection insurance, is insurance one chooses out from the case of an crash, an illness, or involuntary unemployment that could render them incapable of earning their monthly mortgage payment. An intermediary is a mediator who finds the best mortgage for you, plus they also arrange the mortgage for you personally on your own behalf. MRP, or loan repayment coverage, is insurance obtained out through your lender during the term of your loan. Remortgage Sealing Fee SVR An extra Security Fee (Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee policy) may be your fee taken to get insurance coverage that may insure your creditor so that in case you default on payments, he won't suffer any loss. You've got to pay for the further Security Fee and the premium along with your mortgage advance. Although you are paying the premium, remember this policy is for the protection of your creditor and for you personally. Over-payment Home Buyer Report Retention Mortgagor Earnings is a type of calculation that a lender will use to figure out the amount a borrower may receive. Even the most usual income multiplier is three times per single source of income or two and a half times joint income. The lender will decide on the one that yields the greater amount. Lenders tend to be more elastic in case a LTV ratio is not low. A PEP, or private equity plan, allows you to own shares or unit trusts without paying any commissions. Retention may be the sum that your lender keeps pending before certain conditions of your mortgage are met. A remittance fee is charged by a lender for sending the sum of a mortgage to your solicitor. Chattels are moveable items in your own home such as furniture or your personal possessions.Chief RentChief rent is paid by the master of a freehold property. This could be the same as the ground rent that's paid by a leaseholder. LTV Valuation Arrangement Fee Intermediary Buy-to-Let Existing Liabilities An endowment mortgage is an interest only mortgage supported by an endowment policy. Throughout the period of the mortgage you can pay just interest to the creditor, and your premiums are paid into an endowment policy which will mature over the condition of your mortgage. The endowment policy is intended to pay off your mortgage as well as behave as lifetime insurance. However, you cannot rely upon this add up to be sufficient to pay all your debt. Gazumping Repossession ASU The management fee is helpful resources the total amount charged by your lender to get started focusing on the instruction part of your mortgage application. It features the house occupancy fee also. The management fee won't be reimbursed when your appraisal isn't done or if your application was rejected. A house buyer report is produced by a creditor after a mortgage evaluation was done and before the full survey takes place in order to provide the borrower an entire understanding of the property they have been considering buying. Annual Percentage Rate A auction is your market of home to the man who quotes highest bid. The maximum bidder needs to sign a binding contract that helps to ensure he perform all valuations, searches, etc. until the selling of their property. CCJ Means County Court Judgment. This is a decision reached by a county court against you once you have defaulted in your own debt obligations. If you clean that the debt in question in a fixed quantity of time, a decent note is going to be put on your credit file to indicate that your debt has been taken care of. A property evaluation is a survey conducted on home with a qualified surveyor so as to estimate the value of their property. This valuation is done on behalf of your lender in order that they are able to validate the value of your premises. The yearly Percentage Rate is the speed at which you borrow money from creditor. It comprises all of the first fees and continuing costs that you will probably pay through the duration of the loan duration. As its name implies, annual percentage rate, or APR, is the charge of a loan quoted at a yearly rate. The annual percentage rate can be just a fantastic method to compare the offers from various lenders in line with the yearly cost of each mortgage. Attorneys Whenever you purchase a property for the sole intention of renting it out, you are able to make an application to get a property mortgage mortgage. The payments for this type of mortgage are calculated based on your own projected rental income instead of your personal income. Together with income protection insurance, then your monthly premiums will likely be covered regarding illness, injury, or even unemployment. Vendor Council of Mortgage Brokers A title deed is a legal record that validates the ownership of your premises. A title deed proves your true and legal directly to your own property. A structural survey is your thorough inspection of home carried out by an expert surveyor. Self certification of income usually means that you confirm how much you get, and the lender Reverse Mortgage Lenders in Palm Springs CA doesn't require proof of your income by a third party. Self Certificate is helpful for selfemployed people or contract workers. Portability is actually just a term utilized to refer to a mortgage which can be moved between properties when you proceed from 1 house to another. Charge Certificate There are different types of endowments, but here an endowment is really a life insurance policy which may payoff your interest only mortgage. CML MPPI MIRAS, or mortgage interest relief , was a tax relief given to people who have mortgages, but this relief has been abolished by the government in April of 2000. A personal pension provides for your financial needs after retirement. You make structured payments to your pension savings during your working years. Frequently, a number of this money might be carried out to cover off your mortgage obligations. Land Registry Fee Variable Speed Redemption Portability Right to Buy The expression unencumbered ensures that you have your property outright with no loans or mortgages .
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Deceptive Deceptors and the Deceitful Deceptions with which they Deceive
I wouldn’t say I’m surprised that an article about Marxism from Mises is trash, but it certainly grates on me.
Marx and Marxism deserve criticism, both from within by Communists themselves, and from without. It’s imperative for the success of the Communist project that it isn’t subject to decay or crumble atop a shoddy foundation of poor theory and ideas left unscrutinized. Everything done in order to progress towards Communism should be tested and retested both on the drawing board and in the practice.
The failure in the linked article is that David Gordon doesn’t take Marx either on his terms or really even in von Mises terms, but instead fabricates a position Marx didn’t hold and then uses it to dispute an argument that he didn’t make.
Marx’s “On the Jewish Question” is a favorite among reactionary charlatans, particular because of the language Marx uses in it. For example, the old chestnut:
“What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.”
Hack-fraud David Gordon apparently ignores the content of the rest of the essay and builds his rickety argument on a few stones scattered throughout the text. The essay itself is a response to Bruno Bauer’s “The Jewish Question.” The subject matter is the political emancipation of Jewish populations within the then occurring European states, particularly Germany.
Marx constructs throughout a rhetorical argument regarding whether or not Bauer’s thesis supports itself. In it, he refers frequently to the Jew and Judaism. Bauer asserts that the only route toward emancipation for the Jews is to give up Judaism, and further for all of humanity to give up religion. To get rid of the contradictions created by religion (Christian v Jew, etc), one must get rid of religion, specifically by banishing it be the machinery of the state. Marx responds regarding the relationship between Religion and The State. From there he discusses the difference between political emancipation and human emancipation.
The establishment of the political state and the dissolution of civil society into independent individuals – whose relation with one another epend on law, just as the relations of men in the system of estates and guilds depended on privilege – is accomplished by one and the same act. Man as a member of civil society, unpolitical man, inevitably appears, however, as the natural man. The “rights of man” appears as “natural rights,” because conscious activity is concentrated on the political act. Egoistic man is the passive result of the dissolved society, a result that is simply found in existence, an object of immediate certainty, therefore a natural object. The political revolution resolves civil life into its component parts, without revolutionizing these components themselves or subjecting them to criticism. It regards civil society, the world of needs, labor, private interests, civil law, as the basis of its existence, as a precondition not requiring further substantiation and therefore as its natural basis. Finally, man as a member of civil society is held to be man in the proper sense, homme as distinct from citoyen, because he is man in his sensuous, individual, immediate existence, whereas political man is only abstract, artificial man, man as an allegorical, juridical person. The real man is recognized only in the shape of the egoistic individual, the true man is recognized only in the shape of the abstract citizen.
After this, part two begins where he critiques Bauer’s conclusions on Jews. This is where lies the often quoted but seldom read lines referencing the Jews; or rather, this is the part that David Gordon skipped to in order to write his tabloid bullshit.
Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.
Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.
What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.
There you have it, proof positive that Marxism is antisemitic! Pack it in guys, Communism’s finished.
In actuality, this passage is just part of a larger rhetorical argument. It would be much too long to c/p, but in essence, Bauer is considering the emancipation of The Jew—not the Elders of Zion Nazi bogeyman The Jew, but rather the abstract of the idealized ‘Jew,’ the same sort of idealized prescription of ‘the Christian.’ Marx wants to move beyond the religious ideal to the concrete situation of ‘the everyday Jew.’Here, he isn’t espousing the antisemitic vitriol of the ‘money hungry Jew’ stereotype and so on, but instead ‘the Jew’ as has been shaped by society, and how their religion has evolved with Jewish society as its circumstances also changed. Shut out from the machinery of state and secluded from the rest of society (except when this or that tyrant needed a convenient scapegoat to punish) they have no choice but to engage in hucksterism in order to survive. The conforming of Judaism to the material circumstances of the Jews is not due to some sort of inherent greed of Jewish people, but rather their circumstances incentivize the accumulation of money before other considerations, and the social mores that evolved along side that.
What this means is, it isn’t Judaism per se that is itself self interested, egotistical, hucksterism. Judaism has taken on these aspects as a response to the needs of the Jewish people, just as Judaism evolved with the Hebrews’ changing circumstances through their long history.
The contradiction that exists between the practical political power of the Jew and his political rights is the contradiction between politics and the power of money in general. Although theoretically the former is superior to the latter, in actual fact politics has become the serf of financial power.
Judaism has held its own alongside Christianity, not only as religious criticism of Christianity, not only as the embodiment of doubt in the religious derivation of Christianity, but equally because the practical Jewish spirit, Judaism, has maintained itself and even attained its highest development in Christian society. The Jew, who exists as a distinct member of civil society, is only a particular manifestation of the Judaism of civil society.
Judaism continues to exist not in spite of history, but owing to history.
The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails.
What, in itself, was the basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, egoism.
The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money.
Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it.
The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.
The view of nature attained under the domination of private property and money is a real contempt for, and practical debasement of, nature; in the Jewish religion, nature exists, it is true, but it exists only in imagination.
There’s a lot going on in this essay. The rest of it culminates in Marx concluding that there is no emancipation for Christian or Jew without the conditions which necessitate and make Christianity and Judaism possible. Without the societal and personal circumstances which enable Judaism, it can’t persist. If it can’t persist, there will be no more Jews. There won’t be a need to be Jewish, because Judaism no longer responds to the circumstances of the world around it. It is the same conclusion reached for the dissolution of the proletariat: how can the worker be emancipated? By establishing the conditions where owner and worker become impossible.
But does the brainlet Gordon engage with any of this? Does he examine and undermine its assumptions, use its own logic against it, or illustrate holes in its reasoning?
How are we to evaluate Marx’s argument? It suffers from two main problems. First, Marx fails to establish a connection between selfish, egoistic behavior and the Jewish religion. Why is egoistic behavior distinctively Jewish? It is no doubt true that Judaism looks favorably on a person’s pursuit of his own interests. In the famous saying of Rabbi Hillel in the first chapter of the Ethics of our Fathers, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?”
Marx connects Judaism to Capitalism on account of their similar needs, that Capitalism takes on a ‘Jewish character’ because it mimics the same logic of self interest that the Jews had to develop to survive in hostile countries. Being the ones that have the disposable capital to facilitate Capitalism, the Jews exert outsized influence not because of some shadowy cabal of child murdering kikes, but because of their unique position in society, and the way that society has changed in order to make money and its accumulation more important than it had ever been for society as a whole than any other time in history.
A more deep-seated failing besets Marx’s account of Judaism and capitalism. Marx characterizes both capitalism and Judaism as based on self-interest, practical need, selling, and money. Surely it would be difficult to find throughout recorded history many large-scale and complex societies in which these features did not play a prominent role. Contrary to Marx, neither self-interest nor the pursuit of money is distinctively either capitalist or Jewish.
Dumb-dumb is again arguing against propositions that Marx never made, as explained above. It’s pretty easy to win when your adversaries are made of straw.
In seeking to exorcise self-interest as a feature of the human condition Marx is beguiled by a fantasy in which human beings abandon all antagonisms. Murray Rothbard has aptly noted the influence of this fantasy: “To Marx, any differences between men, and, therefore, any specialization in the division of labor, is a ‘contradiction,’ and the communist goal is to replace that contradiction with harmony among all. This means that to the Marxist any individual differences, any diversity among men, are contradictions to be stamped out and replaced by the uniformity of the anthill.”6
I’m sure Murray appreciated Gordon taking time out from his article to blow him. The only one here beguiled by fantasy is David Gordon. Marx proposes and imagines no such thing. Apparently Rothbard hasn’t read or understood a word of Marx either, which explains a lot.
I haven’t read the second part of this... dreck, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was as ridiculous as the first. This is how the right BTFOs Communism le epig style xD, by making up a bunch of shit that Marx never said, and then lying about how their fantasies disprove Communism.
#murray rothbard#david gordon#idiot#brainlet#economics#judaism#jews#european history#german history#philosophy#politics#political philosophy
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I'm technically new to all this political stuff, so I hope you can help me out! - How would you briefly explain to someone why capitalism is bad? Why is the US also bad, and how would you respond to someone who claims that it is a "free country" and that we "at least have the freedom of speech and the freedom to protest", etc. I'm very bad with words, I'm just a dumb kid. Sorry for bothering, and thank you. (:
I will answer these questions, but first off, I would say - read, listen, think. Ultimately it’s better if you can develop your own conclusions through a mutual dialogue and learning process with others rather than getting your talking points entirely from others, especially on a social media platform. But if you want resources or recommendations from others, Tumblr can be useful, and I’m happy to provide if you want.
As for answering your questions, it really depends: who is the person you’re talking to, and what do you want out of the conversation? Not everybody has the same interests or concerns or values, and sometimes they’re intractable for whatever reason. So there are other factors that should be taken into account. If you’re just trying to “win” a discussion, I don’t personally think that’s a worthwhile use of time - but if you are trying to convince someone interpersonally or just get better at clarifying your own perspective for the future, that could be valuable.
So, answering your questions under the cut:
How would you briefly explain to someone why capitalism is bad?
A) Capitalism stifles human freedom, and does so in both passive and active forms. This seems counterintuitive because capitalism is peddled as the fulfillment of human freedom (by way of innovation and freedom of choice - Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman have claimed that so-called “economic freedom” is a necessary condition for political freedoms), so bear with me.
Passive forms: In order to live under capitalism, most people have to work - and for that matter, they have to tailor skills and interests to be rewarded on the labor-market. Furthermore, since capitalism is predicated on the principle of private property, some kind of state is necessary to enforce that principle through the law, and the state and law are blatantly forms of social control (see David Harvey’s A Brief History of Neoliberalism for more info on this). As a Christian myself, this is the essence of idolatry. The capitalist world-system was made by humans, ostensibly to serve human needs, but is both bad at serving those needs in many ways (for reasons to be explained below) and uses us as the fodder for its self-perpetuation!
And this generates alienation. There is nothing necessarily “wrong” with depending on other people - humans are social creatures and are themselves influenced by the conditions under which they live no matter what those conditions are. But when your labor and the product of your labor benefits others far better than it sustains you, when you are pushed to view all other people as competitors, when you are subjected to various forms of interpersonal and structural domination (detailed below), this produces quite a bit of psychological distress. (Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism and Deleuze & Guattari’s Capitalism and Schizophrenia touch on these in different ways.)
Active forms: Historically, in order to get people to be wage laborers, they had to be forced to do so - in England, which is generally regarded as the birthplace of capitalist modernity, laws were established to oblige people to work for a certain period and punish them if they didn’t. Similar legislation cropped up in Germany and France. And, of course, there was also the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the abuse and exploitation of indigenous populations throughout the Americas and the Caribbean, the confinement of women to the household for free labor. Though not all contemporary evils are the result of capitalism, they have all been shaped by capitalism. Primordial prejudices and mistreatment of “aliens” has been around for a long time, but anti-black racism and “scientific” racism developed out of the economic functions of slavery and capitalist development; though patriarchy predates capitalism considerably, it has been absorbed and reproduced by capitalism’s dynamics.
One of the common selling points for capitalism is the voluntary character of the contracts, but again, I don’t think it’s a meaningful choice when your other options are “starve” and “beg.” But let’s grant that people enter into voluntary employment contracts to sustain themselves. Within those contracts, bosses behave like dictators, and this is a pattern of both small businesses and large corporations precisely because they want to get as much work and value out of you as they can in order to make a profit. (Vivek Chibber’s book Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital, while not about interpersonal domination by capitalists and employers, has a great chapter on the subject - “Capital’s Universalizing Tendency.”)
Now, although the standard of living and wages for American workers has been rising for a long time (only recently stagnating despite the growth in productivity, again the result of the neoliberal turn in the 70s and 80s), we have seen the most brutal forms of exploitation and domination displaced to other places - Southeast Asia, China, India, and Latin America being the most prominent cases. And still, as the article linked above demonstrates, there are lots of forms of interpersonal domination still going on in an American context.
B) Capitalism is anti-democratic. The concentration of wealth into a select few hands, and the associated political and social power that has become attached to greater social wealth, means that wealthier people have greater access to political power and influence. The Koch Brothers are probably the best example of this, though lobbying in general is an expression of this function. I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this one because I think it’s the least compelling argument personally even though I agree with it, but it is a popular and common one!
C) Capitalism is also fundamentally irrational. I think this is true in the way that we think about value and the way capitalism generates regular crises, but I’ll just use one example.
The convenient thing about money, as both Locke and Marx point out, is that it is potentially infinite unlike other resources. There is the possibility of limitless growth, of maximum expansion - which is why the capitalist mode of production began in Western Europe and the United States and has since spread around the world. (There is, of course, no such thing as limitless growth for anything, except perhaps cancer.) But capitalism takes this possibility as gospel and as a result, will do anything to maximize growth.
Sometimes those things are good for working people (farm subsidies enabling cheap food - though without those subsidies there would probably be a famine from capitalists not investing capital in food production). More often they aren’t, whether that’s mistreatment of workers, lowering or stagnating wages, destruction of the environment, or outright warfare. Plus, because there is a limit to natural desires or even luxury desires, capitalists have to constantly concoct new desires for us to latch onto, which is why so much money is sunk into advertising.And this is not merely the result of the ethical whims or personal behaviors of individual capitalists (though those do factor in), but the necessary and logical result of a mode of production that has an internal logic of constant, endless reproduction.
Why is the US also bad? how would you respond to someone who claims that it is a “free country” and that we “at least have the freedom of speech and the freedom to protest”, etc.
This is, paradoxically, an easier argument to make empirically but a harder case to sell because American nationalism and American exceptionalism are pretty ubiquitous, and they’ve only gotten more intractable in the past four or five decades. It really depends on what you mean by “bad,” anyway. On one level, the United States is not that different from any other state historically (since they are usually founded through violence and domination) or contemporarily (since they all act in their own geopolitical interests, and that often means fucking other people over undeservedly).
But, on another level: The United States- were built on indigenous and later African slavery- regularly violated treaties or used duplicitous means to gain access to Native American land for investment and expansion purposes- deployed genocidal tactics and sexual violence against Native Americans throughout the expansion process (especially in California and the Southeast)- fabricated a reason to wage war on Mexico to seize territory from it- botched Reconstruction after the end of formal slavery while still allowing black Americans to be abused and exploited and criminalized en masse- had racial policies that the Nazis found inspirational- engaged in imperialist warfare in the Caribbean at the turn of the century- overthrew the Kingdom of Hawaii for economic reasons- nuked a Japanese civilian target (TWICE) when their surrender was already in the cards- used its new hegemony to start launching coups against (mostly democratically elected and socialist-leaning) governments (Iran, Guatemala, Chile)- held the rest of the world in a hostage situation alongside the Soviet Union by threatening nuclear annihilation- waged war on Vietnam after violating the agreement to allow democratic elections and unification to take place- illegally bombed Cambodia and enabled the Khmer Rouge to gain traction- financed Islamist fighters against the Soviet Union that were the precursors of al-Qaeda- engaged in Iran-Contra, basically the shadiest thing in existence, and failed to deliver any real consequences to the people involved - supported and continues to support dictators (Batista, Saddam Hussein, etc.) as well as death squads (right-wing paramilitaries in Latin America)- has the highest incarceration rate in the world- has massively expanded the surveillance and police apparatuses since 9/11- invaded Iraq under false pretenses and let Islamic State develop out of the chaos
This is just a minor selection. And to top it all off, the Constitution of the United States is designed to make government as dysfunctional and anti-democratic as possible. The powers of the President have been perpetually expanding for a long time, and the Supreme Court is such a shamelessly broken, unaccountable institution that I cannot believe we take it seriously. The Supreme Court’s rulings on free speech have been up-and-down, often determined by war and nationalism, and the social backlash and hostility to political protest every time the United States goes to war suggests that even with the freedom of assembly granted by the Constitution, nationalism takes priority over freedoms.
This post is long enough, but if you (or anyone else) want me to elaborate on anything I’ve said here, feel free to ask.
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Daniel Hutchens October 10, 2018

"It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice." -Howard Zinn **********************************************
Kavanaugh repeatedly lied to the US Senate under oath during his job interview for Justice of the Supreme Court. These lies have been well-documented at this point, and aren’t even being contested; the essence of the reply from the Republican oligarchy is, “It doesn’t matter.”
And American women at this point have been demoted to second-class citizens by the Trump administration. This is clearly observable. Trump’s attacks on women are relentless; his push toward more restrictive policies on contraception and abortion, his rollback of gender equality pay laws, removal of paycheck transparency, forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination claims...for me, as the father of an 11 year old daughter, this is all a sinister slap in the face. But more to the point, Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court now puts Trumpsters firmly in control of the move to strike down Roe v. Wade. Understand this clearly: female American citizens are considered nothing more than property by the Old Boys Club, and women’s voices regarding reproductive rights and their own bodies are considered irrelevant. In Trump’s eyes, women are cattle to be branded and used as deemed appropriate.
Kavanaugh is staunchly anti-abortion and has no intent of ruling objectively on this issue. When Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, shadily swung her support to Kavanaugh during the hearings, she apparently felt compelled to grandstand dishonestly for the cameras, maybe in deference to the power of the #MeToo movement, considering her stature as a female Senator. Her behavior reeks of a back room deal, after her previous assertions that if Kavanaugh lied he should be disqualified. She helped Republicans by putting a woman’s face on their warped campaign to shame and discredit survivors of sexual assault, thereby aiding Trump’s shitty backlash against #MeToo, and his brain dead catch phrase, “It’s a very scary time for young men in America.” #MeToo is so powerful that people like Susan Collins have to pretend to support it. She said that Kavanaugh would preserve Roe v Wade and legal abortion. Bullshit. “Operation Rescue,” a group working since the ‘80s to “make America abortion free,” and the rest of the extremist anti-woman crowd have all supported Kavanaugh’s nomination right down the line.
The looming abortion showdown is grim news for American women and those who care about them, alright. The notion that there’s some religious or ethical justification behind returning to back-alley amateurs and economically-selective access to these medical procedures is a sleazeball scam. And just for the record, the “religious right” who have supported Trump have completely forfeited all claim on morality, forevermore, end of discussion. Their previous hand-wringing over opposition candidates for sexual scandals, affairs etc.—then their ridiculous postures that “God chose Trump,” and they “weren’t electing a Sunday school teacher,” their transparent indifference to his cheating on all his wives with porn stars, scamming American citizens with rackets like Trump University etc., his history of racist business practices, his shady record of tax fraud and his whole laundry list of decidedly unChristian behavior, in the most basic sense of spirituality and genuine concern for others, which some of our parents actually schooled us about...yeah, those evangelical hucksters are exposed and discredited and can shut their mouths permanently about abortion and everything else. There are people with genuine soul convictions about these issues, but there are also plenty of imposters and their servility to a snake like Trump spotlights their insincerity. Ye shall know ‘em by their fruits, I’ve heard tell.
Of COURSE Trump wanted Kavanaugh on the Court. Kavanaugh has confirmed himself as a “get out of jail free card" should Trump ever be charged with any crime. Not to mention that Trump and Kavanaugh are plainly fellow members of a perverse fraternity we might as well call “The He-Man Woman Haters Club,” with apologies to the Little Rascals. They both have histories of a predatory mindset, insulting attitudes toward women in general (and no, hiring a few females or minorities does not erase acts of bigotry, and none of us fail to understand the concept of “making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing, especially by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality”)…and Trump’s recent sideshow of mocking Dr. Ford was one of the most jaw-droppingly ugly little political performances this nation has witnessed in many years. (Excepting other Trump tantrums, of course.) Not so long ago, such a warped demonstration would have dropped like a stone any American politician from favor by both parties, immediately and with extreme prejudice. Not so in today’s world of Trumpian “alternative facts” and low-rent bullying.
Also revisit the whole Justice Kennedy/Deutsch Bank scandal, and put the pieces together. Plenty of in-depth and sobering articles are available on this subject, and the bottom line takeaway is that Russian money and influence indeed are swaying American policy and elections, and the whole thing is directly tied to the slow-moving Republican/Russian takeover of everything from our Supreme Court on down. By all means, don’t take my word for it, but by all means do your own research and do your own thinking. But these topics expand and branch out mighty far. Let’s snap focus back onto Kavanaugh.
******************************** “The politically convenient, scientifically baseless theory that sexual assault so traumatized Christine Blasey Ford she mixed up her attacker is now something like common wisdom for many Republicans… less than three weeks ago, when the mistaken-identity theory was first formulated, it was so widely ridiculed that a pundit who advanced it on Twitter subsequently apologized and offered to resign from his job.” -Avi Selk ********************************
October 5th Dr. Ford cover Illustration by John Mavroudis for TIME. © 2018
Some of Kavanaugh’s defenders have criticized Dr. Ford for being “coached” and otherwise manipulated. I have no doubt she got some advice from lawyers, etc., nor that the timing and presentation of her complaints were orchestrated through Democratic channels. That’s the name of the game in Big Time American Politics, folks. But her testimony was believable and compelling, and she retained adult composure through her emotions (it’s tough to imagine the storm of criticism she would have received from Republicans if she had behaved anything like Kavanaugh.) But the implication that Kavanaugh wasn’t also coached (with a professional eye toward manipulating opinion) is high-grade bullshit, or else a stunning level of naivete. Kavanaugh’s TV appearance in which he portrayed himself as a meek little virgin til long after high school, etc., was harshly disapproved of by Team Trump, and they coached him up with specific instructions for the Senate hearing: their advice was that he needed to unleash his anger. And Kavanaugh ran with the “anger” bit and it got away from him; that much-reported nasty temperament of his glared through the cracks in his public facade, and it wasn’t a pretty sight.
Kavanaugh’s face...God have mercy. Now in addition to Trump, we have another bitter, hideous visage to haunt our collective dreams. Understand we’re not discussing aesthetics. I’m referring to that old notion that eyes are the windows to the soul, and that intuitive interpretation of facial displays gives us significant information about an individual’s attitude, sense of humor, empathy...or the lack of it. And we were burned by flashes of Kavanaugh’s inner demons during the hearing. Much like Trump, Kavanaugh’s features contorted into a repellent mask of childish temper, ill-mannered impatience and lurking malevolence. It was a freak show that could have taught Hollywood’s monster make-up artists a trick or two. To the extent that Kavanaugh was moved (instructed) to write a quasi-apologetic op-ed piece after the hearing. But we all know what we saw.
During that hearing he raged at those who had questioned his nomination and he hinted not-so-subtly at retribution. He was prodded by White House counsel Don McGahn, who sat directly behind Kavanaugh during the hearing. The whole performance was sickeningly indignant, unashamedly entitled and arrogant, and stunningly partisan in a way that would have disqualified any nominee from previous years—but again, not so in today’s atmosphere of Trumpian distortion and pettiness.
Plenty of us out here recognize Kavanaugh for who he is. We’ve all known “that guy” in our lives; the spoiled, sneering little punkass who talks differently about women as soon as they walk out the door, and who suffers delusions of superiority, and who no one wants to hear any more shit from down at the corner bar.
Kavanaugh’s appointment was questioned or condemned by vast numbers in this country, represented by such organizations as the American Bar Association, Yale Law School, over 2400 Law Professors nationwide, many former classmates and friends, and the National Council of Churches (which represents 100,000 churches and about 45 million churchgoers.) Not to mention the many womens’ groups, the #MeToo movement, etc. Such outright opposition to a nominee for the Supreme Court is extraordinary, and the fact that said opposition was mocked, belittled and outright ignored by the Republicans determined to ram this nomination through come hell or high water—“we’re going to plow right through it,” as Mitch McConnell claimed without shame—yeah, such utter disregard for mass portions of the population is ominous. (And by the way, Trump’s dumbassed claim that Kavanaugh was “proven innocent” indicates a farcical, childish lack of legal comprehension.)
And of course, the meager FBI “investigation” allowed was nothing but a front. The whole circus was rushed and hushed, with zero perceivable interest in knowing the real truth. If team Trump had any interest in uniting the country or in general fairness, they could have trotted out any of a dozen other nominees, all of whom would even have satisfied the wish list of the conservative right, without all the unnecessary baggage. But there are higher priorities for these particular elected officials than fairness or the genuine best interests of the nation.
To pretend Kavanaugh isn’t a partisan shill now planted in the land’s highest court is preposterous belief in “alternative facts” and simplistic hype. The only ones who are fooled by Trump’s blather at this point are those who want to be fooled. His outright nonsense and habitual lies are easily spotted from miles away, but the sad fact is that his supporters don’t give a fuck. They don’t care if he lies, or demeans women or minorities or stirs up international diplomatic firestorms with “shithole countries”-style verbal diarrhea. As Trump himself famously said, he could “shoot somebody and not lose voters.” It’s strangely, sadly true.
It’s also true of Trump’s new handpuppet, Kavanaugh. To whom the idea of “a personality that is even-handed, unbiased, impartial, and dedicated to a process, not a result” in no way applies. Certainly not at this point, after he ranted about “the revenge of the Clintons,” and openly attacked “the Left,” “Democrats” and (for Crissakes) “the media” during his whinefest in front of the US Senate…beyond the pale, folks. We live in a strange new land, in strange new times.
Post-American, by many accounts. The much-revered and much-hated icon of the Left, Michael Moore, predicted Trump’s election in a written article in 2016. The prediction was often reprinted and ballyhooed as campaign-banner fodder by the Far Right. But they missed the warning flash of Moore’s article, and the unnerving prediction: “And now you’re fucked…When the rightfully angry people of Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn’t going to do a damn thing for them, it will be too late to do anything about it…Goodnight America. You’ve just elected the last president of the United States.”
Pretty dramatic words, but unfortunately the further we sink into the era of the Trump regime, the less incredible such sentiments sound. We’re witnessing an active dismantling and attempted discrediting of institutions ranging from public education to the Free Press. And the schemed attack on the Supreme Court, again, has proven successful for far-righters who don’t give a damn about being even-handed or protecting an independent judiciary.
Trump said that Dr. Ford seemed “a very credible witness”and “very compelling” on one day. Then a few days later he openly mocked her like he was a dimwitted schoolkid. He gushed about what a great man Kavanaugh is, then the next day said, “I don’t even know him!” It’s all topsy-turvy and bizarre, the truth is treated like a curious artifact from a long-dead age, and Trump’s supporters act like it’s all “normal.” But it’s not. And the glimmer of hope is that there are plenty of us out here who understand perfectly well that Emperor Trump ain’t wearing any clothes. We see very clearly what’s happening in this country, the legitimizing of white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, and bigotry of every stripe. We see you. We see you and know you and so does the whole world, and so will the history books, baby.
“I know Brett Kavanaugh but I wouldn’t confirm him,” wrote Benjamin Wittes, who had previously published and even admired Kavanaugh. “I cannot condone the partisanship—which was raw, undisguised, naked, and conspiratorial—from someone who asks for public faith as a dispassionate and impartial judicial actor. His performance was wholly inconsistent with the conduct we should expect from a member of the judiciary.”
And the message to women in this country, again, is sadly obvious. “Shut the hell up. Because if you ever dare to speak up about this kind of thing again, we will openly ridicule you and no one in power will ever take you seriously.”
******************************************** “Kavanaugh, though, has a distinct honor: He will be the first justice nominated by someone who lost the popular vote to earn his seat on the bench with support from senators representing less than half of the country while having his nomination opposed by a majority of the country.” -Philip Bump *********************************************
CODA: Yeah. The country is divided in a way it hasn’t been since Vietnam. Extremists are multiplying, and they’re nurturing diseases that were seething under the surface for many years before Trump. And indeed, we’re witnessing a perverse resurgence of tolerance for fascism and white supremacism worldwide. But here in America, Trump is the ringmaster of the new Ugliness; his lowering the bar of public discourse, his smug approval of greed and cruelty, his nod-and-a-wink okey-dokes to racism, misogyny and all manner of bigotry—he has legitimized, pardoned and coronated the creeps, the rotten underbelly of our society, the very worst we have to offer.
Let’s vote some of these bastards out in November, folks.
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Human beings cannot find fulfilment apart from a sincere self-gift to others. We come to know ourselves from an encounter with others. We cannot experience the beauty of life without others. Without others, death prevails.
Love creates bonds and expands horizons. We are made for love – Law of ekstasis – going outside of self to find fuller existence in another. Not enough to limit relationships to immediate surroundings; history and the global situation influence me. “Authentic and true friendships can only take root in hearts open to growth through relationships with others.” Should cast aside the illusion of intimacy that comes with personal chats.

Without love, there is no virtue. There is only empty action disguised as virtue. The temperance of a greedy person is in no way virtuous – Augustine. Spiritual stature is measured by love. Some think that the value of life depends on spread of own ideology or violent defence of truth, or demonstrations of strength. To love is to move out of oneself and desire the good of the other. This comes from a sense of esteem for the other (grata) which leads one to make a free gift (gratis). Love is more than a series of benevolent actions. It should arise from a genuine appreciation and acceptance of the other and should aim at giving them the best they need. Only in this way will it be possible to have a social friendship that excludes no one and a fraternity that is open to all.
Any person who is in need, when abandoned and ignored by society becomes an existential foreigner. They might be citizens but treated as foreigners. Racism is a virus.
Hidden exiles – persons with disabilities. Should ensure their active participation in civil and ecclesial community. This will contribute to the formation of consciences capable of approaching each person as a PERSON. Elderly who can offer a unique contribution to common good through their remarkable life stories.
A love capable of transcending borders is the basis of what is called Social Friendship. Genuine social friendship makes true universal openness possible. Should not be confused with false UNIVERSALISM – people who travel all over but can’t get along with their own. Those who look down on their own people tend to create categories and classes leading to discrimination and violations of rights. Deny room to certain groups.
We cannot have Authoritarian or abstract Universalism devised by a small group and presented as the ideal for the sake of levelling, dominating and plundering. One model of globalization tries to eliminate all differences and traditions in a superficial quest for unity – claims to make everyone uniform, destroys the gifts of each person and culture. Ends up depriving the world of colours, beauty and humanity. The Future is not Monochrome. Harmony does not mean Uniformity!
People who walked by considered themselves important to the running of society and saw the ‘fallen man’ as an interruption of routine, a nobody with no effect on their future. The Good Samaritan transcended these narrow classifications. If one considers neighbour only those who serve their purpose loses the meaning of the word. They turn them into associates – partners in the pursuit of particular interests.
Fraternity does not breed in a climate of respect for individual liberty or legal equality. It calls for more. Without a drive for fraternity, liberty becomes a condition for living as one wants, possess and exploit. Doesn’t do justice to liberty.

It is the result of conscious and careful cultivation. Associates create closed worlds. The sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world. Cannot prevent ills of globalization. It is difficult to eliminate. Makes us believe that everything consists in giving free rein to personal ambitions as if by doing so we would serve the common good.
Social friendship and fraternity call for recognizing the worth of every person. This is basic principle of social life but is often ignored. Every person has right to live with dignity and develop integrally. This right remains even if people are unproductive or born with limitations. Dignity is not based on circumstances but on their intrinsic worth. If this principle is ignored, no hope for fraternity or survival of humanity.
Some societies accept this partially. They agree to equal opportunities but emphasis individuality. From this perspective it is foolish to invest in uplifting the slow, weak etc; it is unprofitable, less efficient. We need states and civil institutions that are present and active, that look beyond the free and efficient working of eco, pol, ideological systems and are primarily concerned with individuals and common good. (#108)
Some are born into wealth and opportunities. They don’t need a proactive state, they only need to claim their freedom. But it is not the same with the backward. If a society is governed by the criteria of market freedom and efficiency there is no place for such persons; fraternity remains a vague ideal.
To claim economic freedom while denying opportunities is hypocrisy. A truly human and fraternal society will be capable of ensuring in an efficient and stable way that each of its members is accompanied at every stage of life. Not only by providing basic needs but enabling them to give the best of themselves, even if their performance is less than optimum, pace slow or efficiency limited. (#110)
Human person with inalienable rights is by nature open to relationship. The call to transcend through an encounter with others is implanted within us. Today there is a temptation to claim individualistic rights – arise from concept of person detached from social and anthropological contexts, a monad, unconcerned with others. “Unless rights of each individual are harmoniously ordered to the greater good, those rights will end up being considered limitless and consequently will become a source of conflicts and violence.” (#111)

Working toward the common good also implies helping people and societies to mature in moral values that foster integral human development. Light-hearted superficiality has done us no good. Once the foundations of social life are corroded – battle of conflicting interests ensues. Leads to a life closed to transcendence and entrenched in individual interests.
Solidarity as a moral virtue and social attitude is born of personal conversion, calls for commitment for those responsible for education and formation. Families have primary mission of education. This is where the values of love, fraternity, togetherness, sharing, concern and care are learned. Also the milieu where faith is transmitted. Teachers should be conscious of their responsibility also over the moral, spiritual and social aspects of life. Communicators have responsibility for education and formation. (#114)
Appeal to solidity in a time where everything is disintegrating. This comes through a consciousness of being responsible for one another. Solidarity finds expression in service. It has many forms: vulnerable. Service is never ideological, for we do not serve ideas, we serve people.
The needy generally express solidarity with the poor and suffering. Solidarity is not viewed properly; biased. More than sporadic acts of generosity; it means thinking in terms of community. The lives of all are prior to appropriation of goods by few. Combatting structural causes of poverty, inequality, lack of work, land and housing, denial of social and labour rights. Confronting effects of empire of money. When viewed like this, it becomes a way of making history.
When we choose to act in ways that contribute to the conservation of the environment we show a moral attitude that allows us to care for those beyond ourselves.
The world belongs to everyone. Differences cannot be used to justify privileges. We have an obligation to ensure that every person lives with dignity and has sufficient opportunities for integral development.
Early Church – if one lacked, all lacked. John Chrysostom – not to share wealth is to rob the poor. Gregory the Great - we are giving the poor what belongs to them, not to us.
Christianity has never recognized the right to take private property as absolute or inviolable and has stressed the social purpose of all forms of private property. The principle of common use of created goods is the first of all ethical and social principles. However, we see that secondary rights displace primary rights and make them irrelevant.
Exclusion because of birthplace is wrong. Limits of states cannot prevent anyone from achieving a standard of living that is appropriate to human beings. Women’s rights/discrimination is unacceptable. Development must not result in wealth in hands of few. Right to free enterprise and market freedom cannot supersede the rights of people and dignity of poor or the environment. Business is a noble vocation directed to producing wealth and improving the world. Should help in development of others, eliminating poverty and creating jobs. Right to private property should be subordinate to the Universal destination of goods.
Each country belongs to the foreigner as much as the citizen. Goods of a state should not be kept from any needy person. USCCB – fundamental rights precede any society because they flow from the dignity granted to each person as created by God. If every human being possesses an inalienable dignity, if all people are my brothers and sisters, and if the world truly belongs to everyone, then it matters little whether my neighbour was born in my country or elsewhere. We need an ethics of international relations. Justice requires respecting individual as well as social rights. Foreign debt creates problems. Debt repayment many times fails to promote development. Need to handle better.
We need an alternative way of thinking. If we accept the principle of inalienable human dignity, we can envisage a new humanity. We can hope for equality for all. A real and lasting peace will only be possible on the basis of a global ethic of solidarity and cooperation in an atmosphere of interdependence and shared responsibility.
#encyclical#fratelli tutti#church document#magisterium#pope francis#catholic social teaching#sharing#common good#future#better world
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :carinsurancequoteshq.xyz
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cheapest insurance in detroit metro areas. In addition to providing decent rate quotes by region (see below), you’ll find the lowest cost options by your region when you compare auto insurance providers; you’re in the market for cheap car insurance in the Houston metro area, not the cheapest insurance companies. How much is auto insurance in HOUSTON? Houston is ranked as the 5th most expensive state in the country with average yearly premiums above $2,500. The overall average monthly cost for car insurance premiums in the Houston metro area is less than $16/month. This helps explain the average monthly average of car insurance premiums in the Houston area. A car insurance policy in Houston can range anywhere between $50 - $90/mo in insurance rates. This is the recommended average monthly price for car insurance quotes in the Houston metro area. What is the best auto insurance to get from a Houston, Houston, Texas, etc..? We picked our top choices because they are the cheapest. cheapest insurance in detroit: We’re not in the city, which is why we got in-depth information from the city’s Department of Public Health for Detroit. But let’s say it matters. But why doesn’t the city s insurance rates reflect how many people live in it? There’s a good chance that Michigan is the best city you can live, but it needs good transportation to get you there. To get there, you will need to know how . The state of Michigan requires a driver to have no more than a 30-day policy. It is only for cars that have a valid insurance policy. These cars also tend to be more expensive to insure than those that have a car that’s cheap to borrow or just a regular car. When you get a DUI, auto insurance premiums in Michigan will probably rise. In fact, a study by LIMRA shows that Michigan drivers who get a DUI will spend as much as 40 percent more on their premium than. cheapest insurance in detroit, MI. Auto insurance quotes vary by company, so check out our list of the cheapest in the city. We also included the cheapest cities in Detroit, Allentown, and Schenectady. Detroit auto insurance rates average more than $7000 per year, so you need more than just state minimum coverage, but it’s important to know your state’s laws. Your current carrier may vary in how the law affects your coverage. If you’re found to be at fault for an accident, your auto insurance coverage will be a step behind you. A violation may result in a fine of up to $50,000. You could also have your license suspended, but it’d be more expensive than just having state-minimum coverage. Your policy may also be canceled if you have an accident within a year and a half of being covered. The minimum state auto insurance requirements for Detroit are: All drivers are required to carry auto insurance in the state where they.
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies in MI for Drivers With Bad Credit
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies in MI for Drivers With Bad Credit In a study by the , here are the top insurance companies in MI for drivers with bad credit, Ranked by lowest average Insurance quotes for senior citizens in MI in 2018, according to In addition to health and the auto insurance department of the state of Michigan, the top 10 companies in the country in 2018 are: AIG, American Arbitrary, Nationwide, Lincoln Financial, Progressive, and the State Farm auto insurance companies for drivers with poor records. American Arbitrary was the highest-ranked insurer, followed by The Hanover, The Ford, Mercury, and Auto-Owners. However, in our research, this insurer also ranked lower in the state of Michigan. Auto-Owners was one of the priciest providers in the top 10 companies in MI for drivers who don t have a lot of credit. The company holds high marks in auto insurance in Michigan. Among the top companies by credit score, it earned the best financial stability score. Also, The Hanover earned highest overall score in all.
Car Insurance Requirements in Michigan: How Much Coverage Do You Need?
Car Insurance Requirements in Michigan: How Much Coverage Do You Need? Your car is one of the largest investments you’ll likely make. Whether you just bought your first house or are driving around in a recently renovated vintage car, you’re going to want the best coverage possible. Of course, choosing the right car insurance in Michigan isn’t always necessary — but before you make the hard decision, you might be wondering: Is it better to carry liability only or full coverage? Can I get a better deal on my car insurance than I’m already paying for? In what circumstances might you want to switch to a different company? Do you still own the same car? Do you use the same vehicle to commute or work? It’s likely that you are in a better position now to decide which company is best for you. You need to weigh the pros and cons of different insurance companies. Some of the best auto insurance companies in Michigan have a history of competitive premiums and good credit scores. Good student discounts may also be available..
Cheapest Car Insurance for MI Speeding or Distracted Driving Tickets
Cheapest Car Insurance for MI Speeding or Distracted Driving Tickets In Michigan Driving without insurance on a given road trip may result in some serious consequences if the vehicle you are driving is stolen. Also avoid going too long without at least insurance to avoid your ticket. In Michigan, the minimum legal insurance requirement is usually only $20,000 worth of deductible and coverage for injury to one person, $30,000 worth of deductible and coverage for damage to property. Since auto insurance rates in Michigan vary, check out averages instead. Michigan drivers pay around $1,735 per year for auto insurance, making Michigan the most expensive state for buying automobile insurance. Even though Michigan has more people on the road, car insurance in Michigan is generally cheaper than average. You might want to put that extra money in savings, and it will pay for itself. Auto insurers calculate your quote based on many factors, location of your vehicle being an important one. The cheapest car insurance rate in Michigan could be found right at the top.
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Cheapest Car Insurance for Students - Austin ISU Students and Scholars University and University for Student Driving on-line College student College student University and University Student on-line College student University and University Student on-line University and University Student on-line College student University and University Student University and University Student on-line University and University Student University and University Student on-line Statewide student University and University Student Statewide student College student Statewide student College student Statewide student (on-campus) All other student Statewide student College student Statewide student Texas student College student Statewide student Statewide student Statewide student Compare now using FREE auto insurance quotes Check out the best car insurance for students on Free Auto Insurance quotes. Free Auto Insurance Comparison Enter your ZIP code below to view companies that have cheap auto insurance rates. .
Detroit Car Insurance Reviews
Detroit Car Insurance Reviews. The insurance companies can be found online in real time for an effective price and an accurate quote. CarInsurance.org has one simple mission – to help consumers learn about car insurance and get free car insurance quotes online. We aim to be your first stop for car insurance questions and to save you money on your car insurance with our free policy quotes from the trustworthy companies in our nationwide network of auto insurance providers. You want to go to work without a car now but you’re not sure if you can stay on your parents’ coverage. If you leave your car at home to a place you can ride to college or work, you’re not alone when someone who has a car is driving someone else’s car. You also don’t have to carry insurance if you’re on your parents’ car insurance. If you’re planning to move off your parents’ car, be sure to sign a waiver giving the right person you�.
Cheapest Car Insurance for Drivers With a DUI in Michigan
Cheapest Car Insurance for Drivers With a DUI in Michigan Thirty five thousand Michigan drivers are suing after being rear-ended by a driver with a DUI in the state of Michigan. Car insurance companies in Detroit need proof of insurance to prove you are financially capable of making a claim. Some auto insurance companies will cover high-risk drivers who are unable to buy coverage on the open market. Where Can I Buy Cheap Michigan Car Insurance? The cost of car insurance depends on a number of different factors, including driving record, age, gender, location and credit score. The cheapest car insurance companies are those with the best rates. The same information also influences your auto insurance price quote, as well. One company that offers the cheapest car insurance is Allstate. These insurers are very friendly, but their prices are based on what a driver in their right age group can expect to pay. The cheapest car insurance may also be through a personal auto policy with a policy and car insurance rates calculated based on a sample driver s profile. To.
Who Needs Car Insurance in Michigan?
Who Needs Car Insurance in Michigan?Michigan has one of the highest car insurance rates in the nation. The average cost for car insurance in Michigan is $953 per year, but you may qualify for discounts and local discounts if you work with a local insurance agent to get a quote. The cheapest car insurance companies in Michigan are Nationwide and GEICO. If you qualify, Michigan auto insurance premiums will be higher because you’re now considered high-risk drivers. Your vehicle make and model also affects where Michigan car insurance premiums are calculated. It is common for small and midsize companies to have higher insurance costs than big insurance companies. If this happens to you, you may want to consider looking into a national average. This average expense is more than twice the Michigan auto insurance cost and is 50% higher than the national average. Michigan is a relatively small state in terms of number of uninsured drivers, making finding affordable auto coverage even more important in the Big Apple. To get the best rates, it is important to compare coverage options from several.
The Best Cheap Car Insurance Companies for Michigan Drivers in 2020
The Best Cheap Car Insurance Companies for Michigan Drivers in 2020 Auto insurance rates are a little hard to beat when it comes to the cheapest car insurance companies in Michigan. All of the top cities have average rates of $811 or more per year, which is about $200 less than the national average. If you’re looking for cheap auto insurance in Michigan, it pays to shop around. Rates can vary so much because every company uses several factors to determine your rate, such as your age, your credit history, your driving record and your coverage limits, to arrive at your final quote. Keeping a high coverage deductible can help to keep premiums down, while leaving you open to pay future insurance bills in the future. To see how much will save you money on your auto policy, check with different Michigan car insurance companies below. Free Car Insurance Comparison Compare Quotes From Top Companies and Save Secured with SHA-256 Encryption What is the cheapest car insurance for a.
Compare Top Car Insurance
Compare Top Car Insurance Companies in Alabama AlabamaMost Opposite Gender AlabamaWomen Unemployment Uninsured 15 12 9 6.2 11.3 13 9.8 7.9 6.2 11.3 14 10 11.8 7.2 12.8 7.8 15 10 5.8 8.2 7.8 16 8 10 8.2 7.8 17 8 9.2 6.8 11.6 18 8 7.7 7.4 19 5.6 4.4 6.6 20 4 2.9 3.2 14.3 21 4 2.9 2.3 12.8 .
Expert Advice on Finding Cheap Car Insurance in Michigan
Expert Advice on Finding Cheap Car Insurance in Michigan Auto insurance prices vary by company, so it’s a good idea to shop around for quotes. A company with $1,000 and a new 20-year-old driver might have the cheapest car insurance, but American Family might have the cheapest auto insurance in Lansing, Michigan. NerdWallet’s analysis of annual car insurance rates shows that when you shop for car insurance, you will likely be able to choose from four main insurers. American Family – $1,424 per year Geico – $1,504 per year Progressive – $1,636 per year American Family – $2,160 per year American Family – $2,476 per year Auto insurance rates are pretty much calculated on a case-by-case basis, but if you are looking for rates tailored to your specific situation, make sure to shop around. To make sure you’re getting the cheapest rates, shop for.
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancefreequotes.xyz
is ohio a no fault state for auto insurance
is ohio a no fault state for auto insurance costs. They do not have a local office to handle the case but a national spokesman provides the usual service: online, on a phone phone call, etc. I am paying about $150. What does they offer me? How am I being taken to court? If your insurance company does not offer you free care, then that is a good point to raise. If your insurance company does NOT offer you free benefits you may not be able afford. If there is not a Local Insurance office in my area, you’ll need to call the national office to talk to an independent (not affiliated with American Insurance Company). Local insurance is a bit of a headache if you can do that online. The other option is American Insurance Company, American Specialty Insurance Company, Cushing, NY 12115 or from a licensed independent insurance agent/broker with offices in Ohio or Kentucky. Please note: The above is meant as general information to help you understand the different aspects of insurance.. is ohio a no fault state for auto insurance. All drivers in OH are required to have a minimum amount of car insurance. Drivers have no choices in their own, and you should always have a parent or guardian that comes to your aid as needed. So don’t get behind the wheel without car insurance. You could face your life and assets in a devastating financial position if you don’t have car insurance. If you’re wondering how to cover your car on any of the many state-mandated plans, we can show you some tips. If you don’t have car insurance at all and are wondering how to save money on your insurance, you may wish to do some research. There are many things you can do to cut your car insurance costs. There are many ways of looking at how your car insurance rates might drop. One of the best ways to do this is to compare your car insurance options. You can start by comparing your rates across multiple insurers to find cheap rates. When it comes. is ohio a no fault state for auto insurance. We get it, this is not what auto insurance is about, but there is much that can be said about how it’s a no fault state. It’s not a great way to get to the point of a college student, but it is something that you should try to avoid. I’ve done the research before and decided to try my damnedest. I have not had a problem with the police, I have no less than good grades nor was any of them the cause for my problems. There are just too many variables, I would rather not get into further argument. I do feel that it is a biased and unfair system, if so it is the fault of the driver. If you want the chance to find the best company with no questions asked and have never felt bad about it, then this system is the only way that you have to find it. Yes they do have some loopholes, but all that matter. I think this is what insurance is for.
What Insurance Coverage Should You Have?
What Insurance Coverage Should You Have? Depending on your age and the type of policy, your rate is likely to be higher once you reach your mid-range age. There are many insurance companies that will provide auto or health insurance coverage for anyone. However, auto insurance is not optional. You get it, but drive under the influence. Can I Keep My Auto Insurance? As stated before, you can t keep your car or auto insurance policy if you decide to get into a serious car accident. What happens if you decide to cancel your auto insurance? There are some situations where you can t avoid cancellation in the first place. You may think canceling your auto insurance policy is a safe thing to do but the consequences of doing so are quite dire. Let’s say you re in a very serious accident caused by another driver and they cause damage to your auto insurance policy. You have your own claim for the cost of repairs and a claim will cover a separate claim for the damages done by them. Once we reach out.
View the latest blog posts from Alan Galvez Insurance.
View the latest blog posts from Alan Galvez Insurance. We are licensed in all 50 states! We also offer auto and home insurance, health care, pet health, life insurance and specialty services. We aim to make insurance simple. We pay our bills, and will help you get it done quickly and affordably. We’re one of the many insurance companies that offers a low-cost option for the right car and RV insurance. Whether you need to hire the help of an agent or lease the car or loan the vehicle to them for a year or 2, you can count on us to deliver personalized service and cost-effective protection. For you to get quotes, and get quotes from us, all you need to do is simply fill out some information. Your personal information such as your name, phone number, and driving history can be shared with us to help determine rates and benefits and be able to manage the risk using the information you shared on our website. If something happened to your vehicle,.
Fault insurance
Fault insurance coverage is a great way to be able to get out and get through a difficult time on the road. A claim for car repair or damages could end up costing a fortune. You never know what to expect and it’s important to get at least from a provider who will handle all of your financial responsibilities properly. The best way to pay for your car insurance should you suffer a car accident as a result of it being your fault. This type of insurance is best known for covering cars on public roads and highways. Car insurance will pay to those injured on the road following an accident. When considering that, you need to ensure you have a good amount of car insurance that protects them. This is because, for the first time, companies are trying to make up for the loss of profit by allowing consumers to be charged for car accidents, or not reported to law enforcement. How far do you have to go to get car insurance? You�.
No-fault insurance
No-fault insurance also does not include medical payments coverage, which pays medical bills if you accidentally get into an accident with another driver or property damage or damage, no matter who is at fault. If you have any of the following optional coverage, the auto insurance company can refuse to insure you: As stated above, if this is legal, then the insurance company will take the policy, but if they don’t, then they have to pay legal costs. It is a question for an attorney to be sure what a legal claim or damages are for damages to other people. Unfortunately, this can cause the victim to have to seek help at trial as well. We have a good reputation with our clients because we have a professional team of lawyers to help clients in their difficult times. The Insurance company may be reluctant to take the policy because it doesn’t meet the legal standard.
Understanding Your Insurance Coverage
Understanding Your Insurance Coverage). If you like to compare quotes from different insurers at the same time, you can do so at Inurex. Enter your zip code below to view companies that have cheap auto insurance rates. Our flexible network of auto insurance companies lets you get a quote quickly. View the list below to find free auto insurance quotes with Inurex’s insurance providers. Easy auto insurance quote comparison How it works Step 1: In order to get an auto insurance quote, you’ll need to provide your driver profile, financial status, and basic driving history. Next, you’ll perform a , which will determine your auto insurance quotes and include carrier and policy discounts. Afterward, you’ll provide your zip code and current coverage levels. Check out our list of auto insurance companies to determine which companies have the best auto insurance quotes. » MORE: Need help? Speak with a licensed insurance agent at TTY.
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancefinder.xyz
car insurance quotes south carolina
car insurance quotes south carolina. We are an Independent, friendly company that is very much a trusted brand in the Florida area. We pride ourselves on providing our customers the best value in customer service. We offer discounts, incentives, and provide insurance coverage for vehicles not owned by any of us. We make knowing insurance how simple and simple for you. Call us and let us know that your . I am a former insurance agent and banker turned consumer advocate. My priority is to help educate individuals and families about the different types of insurance they need, and assist them in finding the best... : We strive to help you make confident insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We partner with top insurance providers. This doesn t influence our content. Our opinions are our own. : We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by insurance experts. The average car insurance. car insurance quotes south carolina. Many companies have car insurance rates as high as $2,000 per year. If you don’t know where to start, is where the process begins. To help you save money on a new car insurance quotes, get started comparison shopping by directly. Don to start your rate comparison today. You could save even more money as you compare car insurance from other companies in Virginia. How can you decide when a car is cheap to insure? By shopping around. One way to do this is by shopping around for car insurance quotes in any city in Virginia. Some states like , , and have established a standardized insurance market, which requires many auto insurers to offer discounts, along with a promise to review your policy to ensure the rate is affordable. How does car insurance work in Virginia? When you start shopping around for car insurance quotes in Virginia, you’ll be given varying rates from one company to the next, which can be very confusing. car insurance quotes south carolina is just like every other state in the nation. A lot of people pay just $20 per month for some insurance, but I’ve found that rates vary so much that you don’t have to change your policy. Just make sure that you’re going to be using the same insurance agency for the most amount of the time. Sometimes it’s not a good idea to shop around for car insurance. Not only is it not cheap, but some states do only offer discounts for new drivers. Your credit score can have a big impact. The more credit you have (and your car performance has been noted), the lower you are likely to be to get discounted car insurance. Many insurance companies offer discounts to people with better driving records. They’ll pay on time you’re applying for, but many insurers don’t make this available. One of the biggest ways to increase safety is to keep your driving safe with a high-risk auto insurance policy.
Get Free Auto Insurance Quotes
Get Free Auto Insurance Quotes Insurance Type Auto Home Life Medicare Health Healthyr Healthyr What is the top insurance company in the USA? There are many companies that you can buy insurance on, but it’s more comprehensive to compare. This lets you compare the companies in particular. Here are some of the best companies in the US: American Medical Family, American Family, and American Family are the most popular in the United States. They also offer other policies and technology. In addition, they have access to millions of customers. The only catch is that for a few years no one has heard of them. Allstate is the next biggest, and the third-largest insurance provider in the country. This means consumers can get competitive prices, good support, and many other local discounts from Allstate and more. American Family is a favorite in the states that rely on the company for personal and business insurance. They are one of the.
Types of Insurance
Types of Insurance: All four of the above: For example, we insure a home with a $25,000 deductible at $100,000 in residence with full disclosure of coverage in a state with a no-fault law. The policy also includes coverage for $10,000 in flood insurance. So, if your home’s structure is damaged, you will face the financial responsibility under my home insurance policy. Also, when you are involved in a collision, this type of policy will cover your belongings and your vehicle. We understand you could make a great claim under our policies, but it’s important to be clear about what the insurance coverages are for. The coverages for liability coverage will also cover you if a person is injured in either the physical and/or legal process. In many states, this type of insurance is mandatory, or an alternative type of coverage that is available to you as an add-on coverage. This type of insurance is often referred to as PIP insurance.
Information About Auto Insurance In South Carolina
Information About Auto Insurance In South Carolina Insurance Company: USAA Established: 1868 WL: $400,000 Federal income taxes: Coverage limits: $1,000,000 for injury or death to one person, $100,000 for injury or death of two or more people $25,000,000 for injury or death of more than one person in any one accident $50,000 for the injury resulting from one person being hit by another person in any one accident $25,000,000 for property damage resulting from one person destroying property other than property, such as garages, streets, barns, etc. $25,000,000 for property damage resulting from one person being hit by another person due to an accident while driving $10,000,000 for property damage resulting from one person being struck by another person with at least $1,000,000 in additional T&C $50,000 for property damage resulting.
Cheap Car Insurance in South Carolina
Cheap Car Insurance in South Carolina For starters, North Carolina requires you to have a minimum of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in Bodily Injury Liability (BILL) coverage. BIL pays for your medical bills in the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault for the accident. This type of coverage must be in addition to the state’s minimum liability coverage. Keep in mind that a high-deductible plan may not be enough to cover all of your damages. Some states will mandate even higher amounts in coverage, but North Carolina doesn’t have any requirements for such comprehensive coverage. BIL and the state’s minimum requirements are the exact same as those in other states. The North Carolina Automobile Insurance Plan, a type of insurance policy that helps cover bodily injuries and property damages, can be a cost-effective way for most North Carolina drivers. For instance, if you own a home and can afford a reasonable rental rate, a BIL.
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage If you’re involved in a car accident with a driver whose auto insurance is insufficient to cover the full amount of property damage and medical bills that have accrued, and you are either uninsured or underinsured, you can seek compensation for your financial losses through the at-fault driver’s own PIP coverage. PIP pays for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to the accident while your PIP coverage is active. Underinsured Motorist Coverage If you are involved in a car accident while uninsured, you’re also covered under PIP coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage means that a driver who was driving at-fault for a car accident with no insurance is responsible for your medical costs, up to your PIP coverage limit after the accident, regardless of who is at-fault for the accident. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance: PIP Under-insured motorist coverage is also an option called un.
insuranceQuotes.com will provide an insurance quote for you after completing the enrollment. Our rates are based on our and data. Use this table to see the average per year over 5 different companies. Our research and technology helps you save and is based on the information we provide you will save hundreds of dollars! At Vantage, we’re here to help you build your insurance history. As a leading credit union, we have the opportunity to offer you unique policies and help you learn how to save on your auto insurance premiums as well as help you save money you might be spending on auto insurance premiums. You could be saving up to 50% or more on your car insurance! As well as taking advantage of many great insurance discounts such as Allstate, Amica, Nationwide, and more. All other auto insurance discounts are based on your overall average miles, discounts you could qualify for, and offer the lowest.
South Carolina SR-22 Insurance Documents
South Carolina SR-22 Insurance Documents are required to renew a license plate for three years, unless the incident results in a traffic offense. An SR-22 form may need to be filed for three years with the CRM, showing proof of financial responsibility. If the policy is canceled then the license plate will be reinstated and the SR-22 will be removed from the vehicle. If the policy is canceled for any reason then an insurance company will be notified. The provider will be required to notify the insurer. The department of insurance maintains an file with the department. This is a list of all registered vehicles registered in the state for which the insurance company is authorized to transact business. The department does not publish the SR-22 filing to the public or obtain access to any public records. If a state insurance department issues an SR-22 insurance document to register a vehicle, the application needs to be filed within that state. If your car is registered on a government driving permit, your car registration may be suspended for up to 14 days.
South Carolina Car Insurance Laws
South Carolina Car Insurance Laws2018-19 (California Department of Insurance) Compare loading Fetching your data... Original price from insurer: $1.27 to $1.84 per month Original price from insurer: $1.53 to $5.13 per month Original price from insurer: $6.09 to $12.26 per month Original price from insurer: $18.94 to $29.35 per month Original price from insurance company: $34.49 to $72.70 per month Original price from insurer: $74.73 to $108.72 per month Original price from insurer: $127.50 to $134.51 per.
South Carolina Penalties for Driving Without Car Insurance
South Carolina Penalties for Driving Without Car Insurance Credit Card The penalties for a first offense range from a fine of $250 to $1,000 and/or end of suspension of driving privileges for one year or until proof of insurance is shown. The penalties for later offenses range from a fine of $500-$2,500 and suspension of license and registration for six months or less for five years or until proof of insurance is shown. You may also have to file an SR-22 for the next three years if your license has been suspended. Virginia Penalties for Driving Without Car Insurance Credit Card Virginia Penalties for driving uninsured are very long and include fines up to $1,500, according to the. Additionally, you can have your license and registration suspended or revoked if you are involved in accident and unable to pay for the crash. A Virginia SR-22 insurance policy may need to be filed for three years with the DMV or until the expiration date of the policy to be effective. Proof of insurance may be requested by.
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