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rejectingrepublicans · 3 days ago
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hug-your-face · 2 days ago
Constant pressure on the elected reps folks. I know rule of law seems really tenuous rn. But there still IS rule of law.
A fanatical leader can't fanatic without his followers. Your red reps need to know you do not want this guy in unilateral power anymore and to stop blindly supporting him. Your blue reps need to know you want them actually doing some leadership and stop appeasing him.
Every day is a chance to show your reps that the American people don’t actually want what's happening -- we just wanna live our lives. We might not agree on how we wanna live our lives, but we don’t want war and we don’t want to starve. Which is where this guy is taking us.
Every day is a chance to boost this message to your reps, who (still) have the power to muzzle these nutjobs.
From The NY Times:
And from Facebook:
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(Edited to make the first link a mainstream source rather than Substack)
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auntiebillionaire · 1 month ago
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These people are trying to take over every aspect of our lives.
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rejectingrepublicans · 1 day ago
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hug-your-face · 2 days ago
....IF WE LEARN FROM HISTORY AND ACT DIFFERENTLY than citizens of 1940s Germany!
Yo, correct me if I am wrong please, but didn't Hitler rise to power because he promised to fix the German economy and people really liked that so they looked past everything else he was doing??? Like exactly what's happening in America right now???
So many people said they voted for Trump, put a truly evil person in power, because he said he'd fix the economy, and a little voice in my head is going, "Isn't that what happened with fucking Hitler??"
But I've seen no one point that out so maybe I'm miss remembering???????
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hug-your-face · 5 months ago
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via @swatercolour [insta]
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catkora · 2 months ago
Oklahoma is attempting to pass a bill that would ban explicit romance novels. Authors, narrators, and sellers could all face fines of up to $100,000 and up to 10 years in jail for each instance.
If you live in OK, call your representative and tell them this bill should not be allowed to pass.
This is likely a test case. Republicans will try to pass it in OK and if it passes other states will likely try to pass similar laws.
In the meantime, get physical copies of books you like. Download those pdfs. Archive your AO3 stories and keep them on a physical hard drive. (Storing those files in the cloud could be problematic in the future as the company managing the cloud service can see what your files are)
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socialjusticeinamerica · 22 days ago
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Slava Ukraini!
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palaeosinensis · 2 months ago
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Life advice for the ages. Those doing wrong want you tired and hopeless. But stay angry. And when a chance is in front of you: bite back. Digital plans for a real linocut. I'm anxiously awaiting a press to make this stuff possible with my RSI in my hands.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year ago
11/30/23: KOSA is an anti-LGBTQIA+ censorship bill. It is essential you call THIS week. Tell them you are specifically against KOSA and especially against hotlining the bill.
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to the Senator of your choice.
Here is one that will send your reps a fax: https://resist.bot/
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describe-things · 2 months ago
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[ID: A screenshot that had been edit to be titled in large text, "This screenshot is from 2020". The screenshot shows a news burst from AP Seattle reading, "Breaking: Greyhound says it will stop letting Border Patrol agents conduct routine immigration checks on its buses.". Then a user named corpse / thefurrow replies, "Witnesses said a bus driver told an ICE agent to 'gargle [his] balls' when the latter requested to enter the bus". Below the screenshot, more added text reads, "Warn people who reblog it thinking it just happened yesterday in 2025. Reposting old news without context is a form of misinformation. We all need to work together to stop it, no matter how 'harmless' it may seem.". End ID.]
You might think it's harmless to repost old news like this without the relevant context, but it's not. This is painting a corporation in a positive light, when they may no longer hold that stance.
There is no safe form of misinformation. This reposted news might be about a bus driver swearing at an ICE agent, but next time it could be about a mass shooting, or a wildfire or earthquake, or oil spill.
All misinformation is harmful. Everyone needs to be wary. If a screenshotted post does not have timestamps or a link to a news source, ask yourself why. Google a quote from it to see what shows up.
And if there is actual important information that needs to be spread, include image descriptions. Tumblr has been known to censor important posts in the past by removing pictures. Make sure the information can survive the original photo being deleted.
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hug-your-face · 2 days ago
Hey I know we are all stressed af about what The Orange Crazy Administration is doing in the USA (and thus to the world).
But if you are able I REALLY STRONGLY SUGGEST you revisit Andor Season 1.
There is so much in it that is DIRECTLY relevant and inspiring for our situation today.
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Rebellions are built on hope.
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dduane · 2 months ago
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republicansaretheproblem · 3 days ago
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