#three kids just disappear into thin air (literally)
hozukitofu · 6 months
not a ship post but how funny would it be for people to mix shino and kiba's names up? at some point people give up and call them by 'shiba' just because it's guaranteed to send both kids running (we are talking genin-age).
tsume at some point: shi - ki - argh whatever SHIBA!
shino and kiba tuning into a very old summoning technique - call your kids the wrong name jutsu: THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!
bonus fun facts
tsume and hana had genuinely mixed up shino, kiba and akamaru. shino by virtue of his association with kiba had been called akamaru more times than his name. he's used to it
kakashi has a ninken named shiba that runs loose and he doesn't genuinely want to summon kibashino but somehow they've been trained to react to the name so kakashi is walking the street calling for shiba (the dog) and two teenagers (shiba - shino and kiba - unholy duo) turn up like 'you called?'
people who haven't met shino or kiba before think shiba is their name
shino and kiba have called each other shiba completely on instincts and now they just sigh and move on
it was funny when they were 12 but now naruto can't tease kiba anymore because kiba hypes up shino like you wouldn't believe. every team needs a cool guy and kiba nominates shino for this title (he literally told everyone but shino and hinata)
actually convenient to summon all three of them (akamaru is now part of the shiba bundle). imagine you're out in a field then suddenly there's a dog, a dog ninja and a bug ninja summoned from thin air. i'd retire
easier to shift blame. kiba played this card well into adulthood. he's perfected 'did you mean to call for shino or kiba?' and when people try to deliberate this he would disappear
shino's kids at the academy call him 'shiba sensei' and it stuck. they think shino's legal name is shiba aburame
kakashi somehow worked out a deal with akamaru and occasionally takes the massive dog out for a walk with all his 8 dogs (sometimes even without kiba knowing). when asked, he makes sure to introduce akamaru as shiba 2.0 and akamaru would nod and shake (why does he have two dogs name shiba? why not?)
it's listed in bingo books under aliases and as someone who have to endure bureaucracy weekly, making changes is akin to hell so people leave 'shiba' where it is. the trouble is that both shibas get in a rotten mood if they hear 'are you shiba?' from an enemy because that should really never leave village gossip
kiba very seriously said one day that if they get married it would be mr shiba aburame or shiba inuzuka x2 (think mr and mrs taylor lautner) and shino gave him fleas
mirai doesn't know who is who but she does know shiba. shino will let her have that one up until the age of 3
a lot of people just assumed they got married somewhere along the way? anbu delivering messages for kiba sometimes would find shino who's dead on his feet and would receive the message like it's for him. ANBU: are you mr inuzuka? shino who is too tired to correct the joke at this point: yes i am. people call kiba mr aburame in the same vein except kiba takes it with more fanfare
tsume wasn't that happy they eloped without her knowledge but shibi also genuinely doesn't know what's going on and he's not going to ask shino, so they roll with it and have family dinners between the two clans every fortnight and the shiba trio don't register this as anything unusual
im southeast asian and my aunt was a teacher so the spouse of a teacher is also a teacher by association. what this means is that kids also call kiba sensei. inuzuka sensei. shiba sensei. kiba who had never taught in his life after a child incorrectly identified him as married to his best friend and also his first name: yes sensei is here. how can i help you my child
when they do get married they were threatened by the clan elders to actually say kiba (shiba) aburame (he is a second son and the aburames love akamaru) and shino likewise dutifully put (shiba) on his actual legal marriage certificate
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
a place that feels eerily familiar to you, like you knew it in a dream + price !! 🫶
congrats on so many sillies following you!!!
1k game here
this one was kinda hard to think of something for but i hope you like it! also thank you ily <3 i love my sillies
2.2k of john price x single mom reader. this is kinda labyrinth inspired, except i've never see labyrinth so we're going on vibes alone. no smut! this is another one with very little of the character requested, but im gonna get better about not doing that i promise <3
You're gobsmacked as you stare at the scene in front of you.
The walls are painted almost aggressively bright, with rainbows crisscrossing over each other in every direction, random bursts of white you think are meant to be clouds. The colors make you squint a little, you didn't even know paint could be that bright.
It's almost painful to look at. It's also... familiar. You're not sure why, but it is.
You shake off the odd sense of déjà vu, refocusing on your goal.
"Alice?" You call out again, cupping your hands around your mouth and shouting as loudly as you can. "Alice, baby, where are you? Can you hear me?"
It's hard not to fall to your knees and just give up. The only thing keeping you standing is the memory of your sweet baby girl in that man's arms. Her little cherubic face tucked into his neck, tiny body dwarfed by his massive form...
You force a full breath into your lungs, then another, then another. You won't be able to help Alice if you can't keep your head.
"Alright, think," you whisper to yourself, taking another moment to scan the room. "If I were a piece of shit baby-stealer, where would I keep a perfect angel?"
Nothing responds.
The room is definitely meant for a child, but scaled up to your size. The door you'd come in through has disappeared, leaving you stuck in this weird rainbow nightmare.
There's a bed against one wall - not really a bed so much as a stack of no less than six mattress one on top of the other, all with the same purple bedsheets. They nearly reach the ceiling, and on the very top your sure you can see several stuffed animals.
There are bookshelves against one wall, floating shelves styled after unicorns where the books rest along their backs and the unicorns themselves stick out from the wall. It's horrendously impractical - all you can think about is how much dusting they would need, how dangerous they could be if they fell on top of someone.
The floor is a nice hardwood with a large plush rug in the center, stylized to look like a white cat curled up in a little ball.
The room is spotless. Nothing is out of place, there's not a spec of dust anywhere to be seen, and nothing is stained. You wish your own daughter's room was this clean, but three year old's are a very messy species.
This room is clearly meant for a kid, but you can tell it's never been used. No child could keep a white rug so clean.
You sit on the floor in front of the purple bed and try to collect your thoughts, eying the room around you.
The man - John Price, he'd said around a cigar - had been clear about your task. Find your way out of the labyrinth in twenty-four hours, and you'll be reunited with your baby.
Of course the jackass had neglected to mention it's a magical labyrinth. Of course he hadn't told you that the maze would literally reconstruct itself right in front of your eyes.
This room had appeared practically out of thin air too, which is why you suspect that no one's ever been here but you. The whole place has an air of cleanliness that leaves your skin crawling.
The walls though... there's something so familiar about them.
It hits you a few moments later.
You'd had a coloring book as a little girl that was rainbow themed - each page featured a rainbow in a different setting, or a different shape, or an animal with rainbow patterns, things of that nature. Your favorite page had been the one without any design but rainbows, arches crisscrossing over each other in every direction. You spent hours painstakingly coloring it properly, despite the fact that it was nearly impossible to tell where the top of the rainbow was in certain places.
You'd begged your mother to paint your room like that, promised her that you'd help, that you'd never complain about your chores again, all typical little kid stuff. Your mother had refused, and you'd forgotten all about it by breakfast the next day.
That pattern from the coloring book is the same one decorating the walls, complete with the incorrect colors in certain places. That's where you remember it from.
And... and that bed. Mattress stacked on top of one another, purple bedsheets. It's just like an old copy of The Princess and the Pea your father brought home one day. You had been so entranced with the idea of a bed so tall that you'd never even cared about the end of the story. You vividly remember begging for a tall bed like the princess had, and you'd gotten it - you slept in a loft bed for most of your teen years.
It's clear from there what's going on. The unicorn shelves are plucked from your memory too, originating from a years long obsession with the mythical creatures. The rug, now that you think about it, matches one your kindergarten teacher had. The whole room is filled with things that you thought would be great in a bedroom as a little girl.
So.... how do you get out?
There's no door, no windows, no attic, nothing. Just a sealed rainbow box.
You skim your memory as quickly as possible, trying to imagine any sort of escape route you might've wanted. When you were little, you'd gone through a phase of wanting to live in a tower like Rapunzel, but that had a window. You also tried to run away once, becoming very enamored with the idea of living in a tent. You'd wanted to live in a treehouse for a bit, and that....
Oh. That's it.
You'd wanted to live in a treehouse, and your father jokes that you would roll right out of the hatch when you were asleep. You'd proudly said nuh-uh and told him how you'd drag the mattress over the hatch every night.
You glance over your shoulders at the six mattress stacked on top of each other and sigh.
It takes a while, but you finally manage to shove the last mattress away from it's spot.
Not only is there a trapdoor beneath it, there's one singular pea.
You'd laugh if you were any less exhausted.
You leave the rainbow room all but destroyed - the stuffed animals had gone flying and knocked off the books, and the floor is almost completely covered by mattress - but you're far too excited about your small win to worry about cleaning up.
You climb down the ladder in a tiny, enclosed space, breathing slowly to keep yourself from hyperventilating. It's almost pitch-black and you can't fight off the image of the walls shifting around you, deciding you're not supposed to be here and.....
You breathe a sigh of relief when your feet hit the floor.
Your first instinct is to call out for your daughter again, hope that she hears and cries out for you, but this room - dark and undecorated - is dead silent. The kind of silent that feels wrong to break. So you inch forward towards the only door you can make out along the wall.
Your hand shakes as you push it open, tense as you reveal....
A nursery.
A nursery with your baby in it, your little girl all curled up in a crib that she's a bit too old for. She's wearing something different than what you had her in, but she's real and she's safe.
You step froward on instinct, standing at the side of the crib. Just as you're reaching in to grab her and run, a voice speaks up from behind you.
"What are you doing?"
You jolt, spinning around and pressing your back in front of where your baby sleeps.
It's the man again. He can barely fit through the doorway (literally ducks) and he's broad enough to nearly block it. He's almost cartoonishly large, with tree trunk thighs and arms, a soft padding around his body that makes him look both terrifying and nice to hug.
His beard twitches as he frowns at you, thick eyebrows dipping low over his eyes.
"You're not supposed to be here."
You shake your head a little, getting your racing heart under control. "You said if I could find Alice in twenty-four hours I could go home."
He shakes his head slowly, stepping further into the room. The door disappears behind him. "No, I said find your way out of the labyrinth and you could keep her."
Against your own will, you feel tears start to sting in your eyes. "But..."
"How did you get here?" He asks again, shifting back a bit. His face softens just slightly, but that isn't saying much.
"I found a door," you say. "Under the mattresses."
He hums. "You remembered, then."
Now it's your turn to look confused. "Of course I did. It was my dream as a child."
His head tilts to the side as he takes a few steps forward. "You would be shocked how many parents have forgotten their own dreams. It's pathetic," he spits.
You try to push a little further back as he comes within reaching distance, but you have nowhere else to go.
"Yes. How are you supposed to fulfil your child's dreams if you can't remember your own?"
"But... but not all dreams are meant to come true."
He scowls at you, leaning a little further forward. "Really? You don't remember how devastated you were when you didn't get that treehouse? Or the rainbow walls? You cried for hours, I saw it in your memories. Why would you want to put your daughter through that?"
That's... invasive, but you try to move past it. "But my dreams weren't always good for me. I couldn't sleep in the treehouse, what if something went wrong? There could've been a storm, or someone in the woods, or I could've gotten too scared to go inside - any number of things. And I would've been bored of the walls by the weekend, of course my mother didn't spend days painting them just for me to be over it before I even said thank you."
He hums a bit, bringing a hand up to stroke his chin. "You would deny your daughter's dreams because you don't want to create them, then?"
You scowl at that, holding yourself back from poking a finger into his chest. "Are you calling me lazy? How dare you! You know, I work two jobs to take care of that little girl all by myself since her daddy's a deadbeat, I work myself to the bone making sure she can eat, and you call me lazy for not painting the walls the colors she wants?"
He latches onto the wrong part of the sentence. "Her father's not in the picture?"
You glare at him. "That's what you got from that?"
He seems to be stuck in deep contemplation, taking another step forward so your chests nearly brush and you're forced to stare up at him.
"So, it's not for a lack of love, then?"
"What? Of course not. If I could, I'd give Alice everything she could ever want and more. But that's not how the real world works."
"It's how the labyrinth works."
"Excuse me?"
He gestures broadly to the nursery. "The labyrinth is kind to her inhabitants. She gives them everything they desire, because it's easy for her."
You've never been more confused in your life. "Okay? Good for her, then."
You get the feeling he's reached a conclusion that you can't even see in the distance as he nods to himself, leaning to the side a bit to glance at Alice. You fight down the urge to leap over the crib and cover her body with yours.
"Then you will stay here."
That jerks you back to reality. "Wait- what?"
"You will stay in the labyrinth, where she can provide for... what did you call her? Alice? Yes, Alice. You and Alice will be taken care of here."
"But-" you splutter. "But I found her! You said I had to find her!"
He shoots you a slightly exasperated look. "No, as I said before, you had to find your way out. You didn't. And look at that, time's up." A timer appears in the air in front of him, ticking down to zero. "Now you and little Alice are mine. It's been a little empty around here recently, it won't be the worst thing to have company for a bit."
You feel heat rush to your face. "No! Let us go, you can't keep me here on a technicality!"
He smiles - a real smile, brightening up his eyes - and surprises you by cupping your cheek with one big paw.
"Oh my dear, it's my labyrinth, I can do whatever I want in it. And it's not a technicality, though I could keep you based on several of those too."
You fume as you glare up at him, hands curled into fists. "I'll find my way out. You can't keep us here."
He chuckles, patting your cheek once before stepping away. "Oh, yes, I think you'll be fun to keep around for a while, darling. Try your best to escape, if you'd like. I don't think I'll mind finding you lost a few more times."
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theghostkingisdead · 1 year
so i have this au where danny is basically raised by ghosts. even before the portal opened, his parents' constant work with ectoplasm thinned the veil around their house, meaning shades could pass over. And these shades basically take a look at this neglected child and say is anyone else gonna raise this kid and then don't wait for an answer
In this au danny becomes a halfa through constant exposure to ectoplasm, which literally burns through his humanity but doesn't kill him. I haven't decided whether or not he still goes through the portal in this one, so lmk what y'all think.
A potential scene from this AU:
Danny sat at his desk, trying to focus on his homework over the growling in his stomach. It was easy work, really. Just a review worksheet for the upcoming math test. Long division. With fractions. And decimals.
Ok, so if Sally has two thousand dollars, spends 4/5 and puts 3/4 of it in the bank, she’ll have about…how much remaining?
Danny groaned, slamming his head onto the table. His stomach groaned with him. The ache was dull, for the most part, and would have been easy to ignore if not for the sharp way it bit at him whenever he moved.
It had been two and a half, maybe three full days since he’d eaten anything. It wasn’t his parents’ fault, that they forgot to feed him over the weekend. They had their own minifridge in the basement, and rarely remembered to come upstairs except to sleep.
Once upon a time, Jazz had made sure he at least ate something, back when his parents stocked the fridge with non-biohazards. But she was in fourteen and old enough to work, now, and he barely saw her except in the mornings.
Danny frowned back at his page. So, one quarter of two thousand is five hundred, and that leaves 4/5 of one thousand five hundred… no, that’s not right.
Thunk. Something heavy landed next to his head.
Danny flinched back violently, almost tipping over his chair. He flailed his arms, trying to find his balance.
He looked back up. There, sitting on his desk, dripping green juices all over his worksheet, was a piece of what might have once been steak.
It was the right shape, he was sure, but where steak was normally pink, this piece of meat was light green, with nearly-black veins threaded throughout. He leaned forward, face screwing up at the smell; like dead iron and cleaning supplies.
It was gross. It was foul. It was getting raw-meat juices all over his half-finished paper.
It had been three days since he’d last eaten.
Against his will, Danny felt his mouth beginning to water.
He looked towards his door; still closed and locked. The only clue as to where the steak had come from was the room’s dropping temperature, and a shadow in the corner of his room. it disappeared when he looked at it head on, but from the corner of his eye, he could make out a human-like figure with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.
It gestured at him, and Danny knew what it was asking.
The steak was gross. Danny was hungry.
Wouldn’t he get sick from eating raw meat?
A memory tickled at the back of his head, of a steak so rare it was barely cooked, of a night out with Aunt Alicia.
So maybe he’d be fine?
Danny grabbed the steak, grimacing at the way it squished between his fingers. He brought it up to his face, and almost threw up directly on it; the smell was way worse up close.
But Danny was hungry, and he had never been one to waste food. Steeling himself, taking a large breath of blissfully clean air, he leaned forward and bit down.
It tasted worse than it smelled. In his mouth, the sharp iron scent turned bitter, sucking the moisture from his mouth like an underripe persimmon. The meat was chewy, and tough, and somehow still spicy. It burned his throat going down.
It was by far, the worst thing he’d ever eaten. Not that he had much to compare it too.
And besides; Danny was hungry.
The steak went down in quick, desperate bites. The bone was licked clean.
His rest that night was fitful, and Danny awoke with a fever high enough that even his parents took notice, calling him out of school for the next two days.
But the meat stayed down. And Danny was full.
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
haii!! i totally get not having any inspo, and my request is kind of (?) niche?? but i was wondering if you had any headcanons about ging freecss, if not kite is also soo babygirl :3 !!!
🌿~ this request is so funny for no reason help me. ive decided to write headcanons about the both of them for this one so enjoy lol :) @ging-pegger the kite im writing about is pre-reincarnation kite btw!
these r just silly random hcs abt the two of them so nothing heavy or anything
🤍𓆩♡𓆪🌲no warnings!
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𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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ging and kite both have the most deviously demonic side eyes of all time for literally no reason. kite doesn’t even realize he does it but ging does it very intentionally
ging mostly didn’t show up to zodiac meetings or other business events mainly because he’s kinda shy, not because he’s irresponsible or lazy
ging is always pissing someone off. usually it’s on purpose. this is canon
during the chimera ant arc kite let gon braid his hair at one point and didn’t take it out for like a week
kite kept getting asked around that same time if he and killua were related because of the hair mainly, but he got really annoyed with it so he just started saying yes
kite used to use the top of ging’s head as an armrest just because he’s tall and ging is short and it would piss ging off so bad
kite got along well with old ladies for some reason. they always told him he’s too skinny and offer him food and he just took it.
also little kids and babies really liked kite. even though he’s deathly thin and has awful dark circles they are inexplicably attracted to him. kite used to avoid them because the toddlers kept trying to climb his legs and would pull on his hair, but later he warmed up to them and started going out of his way to be kind to them. but he only really likes old women and little kids and that’s all
ging hates kids and kids hate ging. that’s it that’s the headcanon
ging is one of those people who is just always in the most random places. imagine you text him or something after not hearing from him for like an hour and he just sends you back a picture of him in some obscure location all the way across the planet. nobody knows how, when, or why he got there but there he is
kite never killed any insect he came across. he has a lot of sympathy for animals and non-human creatures. with the exception of the obvious chimera ants. he would see a snail or something and move out of its way but then ging swoops in seconds later and dropkicks it
ging for whatever reason gets a lot of women. literally no idea why he just has this charm and spontaneous air that attracts people to him. but you definitely don’t want to start anything with him because as it literally goes in the story he just fucks and leaves
kite used to be really into painting and was weirdly good at it despite never actually receiving any lessons. he loved to paint scenery mostly involving water
kite’s hair has pretty much been the length it is in the chimera ant arc since he was like 10. he used to have a problem tripping over it but when he hit his growth spurt it stopped becoming a problem
ging never had an awkward phase growing up. one day he was a little kid and the next day he was a whole man. just like that for no reason
ging likes to turn on shows he knows he doesn’t like just to yell at the television and criticize everything the characters do the whole time
at one point during ging’s time with the zodiacs the public started a rumor that he and pariston were an item and once it reached the zodiacs ging didn’t show up to a single meeting for a month
same thing happened a little bit later except it was cheadle with ging instead and then ging disappeared for like three months
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xxsycamore · 10 months
Since I'm all for IkeRev and I'm all for the sapphics... Hope I still can request this! WLW Bodyguard AU featuring Genderbent!Oliver who has to constantly save baka MC because she's so naive she gives her a constant headache.
Whoops, I had a field day with this one. I couldn't help it, the prompt was too good 😭❤ Thank you anon, hope you like it!!
[ 🌈 part of the character x character or genderbent!character x mc requests🌈 ]
For Different Universe, Same Love creative challenge, hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐀𝐔 ┅┅┅genderbent!Oliver x Alice
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𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
Olivia calls out with hands cupped around her mouth, hoping the airhead would finally, finally hear her.
Accepting her offer to go to the beach was the absolute worst idea, yet she still fell for those pleading large blue eyes. "I'll be safe because you, my bodyguard, will be there with me, Olivia!" "Magical Disciples don't go to the beach, Olivia!"
Olivia gives up on shouting, resorting to rubbing the bridge of her nose in vain attempts to soothe her headache instead. At least the sun just has set which means that 1) being in her adult form means she can finally reach Alice's head to give it a deserving bonk 2) the beach is getting emptier! somewhat. Screw those late-beach enjoyers still making the Alice search harder.
Olivia recalls all the trouble she had to go through to keep Alice safe today.
"Okay, I found the sunscreen. Alice, turn your back to me so I can- Alice? Alice?!"
Olivia turns to see Alice three beach towels away from their spot, talking with a very suspicious person.
"Eh? Mister, why are you dressed in black from head to toe at the beach? Did you forget your sunscreen? My friend Olivia has some, I'll go get it-"
Olivia strides fast on the scorching hot sand to snatch Alice back to safety. "We don't have any. We used it all up. Goodbye."
"Here is your ball. Be careful next time, kiddos."
After retrieving some kids' beachball, Olivia turns to where Alice was relaxing on a floatie just a second ago - only to find out she's nowhere in sight.
"Alice? Alice?!"
Sheltering her sight from the sun, Olivia spots Alice drifting away in the water far from everyone else.
Breathing heavily from carrying the weight of the sand bucket, Olivia finally returns from the shore where she collected wet sand for Alice's project of building a sand version of their little house where they live together with Blanca.
"Haaah... Alice... here you go-WHAT THE-"
"Oliviaaa! Look at me! The Mister in black and his friend offered to bury me in the sand!"
Many such cases. Olivia wishes to forget all about them by the time their beach episode day is over. She tries calling out once more, eyes scanning in every direction in front of her.
"Olivia, there you are! I was looking for someone shorter, oops! I guess the sun has set, huh..."
Startled, Olivia turns around to see that Alice has approached from behind. She's never going to get used to Alice's unique ability to pop out of thin air and disappear in the same fashion. But, after all, she did fall quite literally from the sky one day.
"There you are, baka Alice! Where were you?"
"I bought ice cream! I'm sorry, did you want some?"
"No thank you. Where did you even buy this?"
"Over there! From a stand named Magic Ice Tower...eh? It's gone..."
Olivia slaps the ice cream cone out of Alice's hand and into the ground before she can take a lick from it.
"Seriously, baka Alice! I can't believe what a disaster you are at taking care of yourself. Next time instead of a straw hat, I'll make you a helmet."
Getting her hat pushed down until it covers her eyes, Alice makes a troubled, pouty sound as a reaction to being bullied like that.
"As long as you make it, I'm sure it will be cute, so I'll wear it anyway! I had such a fun day today. Let's go home, Olivia!"
@arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran   @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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realvicoba · 3 days
Killua had noticed three things about the new kid.
First, Gon was an extrovert, and one who didn't shy away from potentially seeming uncool. He ate freely, walked in a confident stride, and spoke kindly to anyone and everyone with a polite air. He'd even befriended that one kid who'd glare at Killua for no apparent reason— well, a lot of kids gave him looks, to be fair. Retz was just particularly annoying.
Second, he had a ring for a necklace. Yeah, a literal ring attached to a thin cloth-woven chain. It had a red gem, one he barely caught sight of behind the locker when Gon changed into his gym clothes. It stayed beneath his shirt, disappearing from view. (He also noticed his tan lines, how his chest and back were a shade lighter than his arms, but he definitely didn't take note of that.)
Third, he was gentle. Delicate in a way that ushered him to look, and look attentively. He watched the way Gon helped that girl he'd partnered up with, how his hands mildly hovered over hers in guidance, a pleasant strength to his body in the process. Killua was almost lost in the view, only for his own aggravating partner to start yapping about some books he had to return.
But Killua couldn't get it out of his mind. He'd find himself looking at Gon’s hands, burning the tan of his skin and the calluses on his fingers into the back of his lid like he had to sculpt him in due time. Killua looked away when he noticed, but his thoughts would remain tethered there for a long while.
(finally a chapter in Killua's pov!!! 🐬🌊🐬🌊🐬🌊✨✨🌊🐬 And no worries, Retz isn't there for a forced love triangle— I just love her and she's canon to me! and I love writing trios!)
(Petty enemies to best friends type beat)
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jrobertallen · 1 year
Melissa Ran Teddy
Part 1
Ran was mechanically inclined and could fix almost anything that didn’t include a computer. Not because he was incapable of understanding how they worked, instead it was a personal choice, Ran felt computers were simply unnecessary. They were complications borrowed from science fiction and therefore nothing more than a bunch of hoopla invading what should be the real world where life was meant to be simple, clean and transparent.
Scoffing at the entire philosophy of computer science-based languages, Ran simply didn’t belong to the group of people whom felt the need to entrap themselves in the make believe world of bits and bites when he figured good old nuts and bolts were much more simple and reliable.
Ran believed that the finest watches and motors ever built didn’t need a computer brain in charge, neither did his old indian motorcycle project.
After 12 years of work his 1940 Indian Scout was nearly complete, He only needed a few parts for the carburetor to finish it. The rare engine required authenticity to be real and the thought of adding a processor driven fuel system in place of the venturi based carburetor was anathema. The rest of the Indians mechanical drive worked perfectly and the stories of riders converting their bikes to electric systems made him sick to his stomach. He’d rather walk.
Even the newer generation of riders upgrading to LED headlamps made is stomach turn.
Ran figured himself old fashioned, and his body didn’t disagree after the last 25 years turning wrenches on old cars. Mechanic work was especially hard on his back from bending awkwardly under hoods, his skin was rough and calloused from the hot summer sun or bitter cold and the dry winter air wasn’t keeping his hands youthful either.
Sometimes people talking with Ran over the phone envisioned him in his middle 40s, but up close and in person his thin auburn hair, grayed whiskers and permanent eye wrinkles gave them the impression that he escaped his youth a decade earlier, yet that notion felt fine to Ran as he preferred being identified with the pre computer, pre processor and what he called the pre idiot era.
Quite literally the opposite was his book bound older brother Teddy, a little overweight but at 50 still growing out a full mop of black hair. In his youth Teddy was always gawking at computer science related materials. As a kid Teddy could be found reading any high tech article he could find from the magazine rack at the Shop and Serve instead of helping Ran and his mother with their chore of selecting groceries. One summer Teddy had nearly succeeded at building his own calculator while his disinterested younger brother Ran was outside throwing the baseball by himself. Eventually Teddy learned quite a bit about basic programming but Ran failed to see the reason why when playing catch was always more appealing.
Even with their different interests the two brothers somehow were very close. Perhaps because they never really got to know their father who disappeared on Teddys 3rd birthday, about the time Ran was 9 months old. Neither boy remembered anything about their father. Instead their memories were how others reacted to their explanation of not knowing what he was like, what he did or why their outcast father abandoned them with their mother .
They had to stay close because the three of them were all they had and that made family that much more important.
As they grew older the Boys went into business together. First selling magazines, and finally selling used cars.
Auto sales was a hard racket but they offset eachothers skill sets just fine, Ran was mechanically driven and naturally did the fixing while Teddy used his office skills to do the books and accounting.
Ran, his brother said jokingly, you’re getting old faster than I’m getting ugly.
Experience defending myself from all those perverted women is aging me!
Rans laughter was infectious enough to relax Teddy.
Ran pulled off his pale blue ball cap so he could scratch at his bald spot. I don’t know about you, Teddy, I figured it was all that ugly that makes you look so ugly! Haha.
Teddy on the other hand embodied the kind of verbal domination that elder brothers often assumed over their siblings when caught off guard. Instead of laughing Teddy leaned back in his office chair and produced a set of keys from a manilla envelope.
On seeing the packet Ran let out another joke, Shoots Teddy, here you go trying to bribe me with a payment for taking your girl friend on a date? I usually help the ugly chick’s for free!
Determined not to move the conversation forward by laughing, Teddy pushed the envelope and car keys across his desk for Ran.
That’s for the little Z car we got at the police auction, can you take it for a spin and make sure it’s worthy?
Ran walked to the side window of the portable office and stared out at a rollback truck with the little silver car ontop. Mike, the trucks operator was using a set of levers on the side of the truck to lower and tilt the flat platform so the two seater could be rolled off and unloaded.
Ran smiled broadly at his brother, Heck yes! He said. Ran was surprised to see the new addition for their used car lot, its been years since I was behind the wheel in one of those, how mutch did we get it for?
$100 over the minimum bid!
Your kidding? How is that even possible?
I used my new AI program.
Ran looked surprised. So your computer made the price lower?
To this Teddy simply laughed. No.
Let me show you what’s up with the program I’ve been working on. Do you want me to order your burger for you?
No, that’s okay, answered Ran.
Teddy threw up his hand comicaly and asked again, Do you want to watch me order you a burger, Ran?
No, that’s okay. I like ordering it my way!
Ran! Teddy half laughed in a scolding tone. Let’s try this again.
Confused , Ran agreed. Go ahead, order it! Be my guest! Shit!
Teddy flipped open his phone. Watch me Ran, you’re going to love this.
Teddy fumbled with an app, and then spoke to it,- order Rans favorite food from Gas Stop Dinner.
A female voice prompted Teddy with a question, it’s Tuesday she chimed, is Ran still hungry from breakfast?
Tedd looked at his little brother, who was nearly dumbfounded? Ran shook his head, no!
He’s hungry.
Are you hungry, Teddy? Asked the voice.
Order for me too.
Who is picking up your food or are they delivering?
Ran will pick it up.
Speed trap on Atlantic Avenue, the AI voice continued, so take Stare Street and left on 1st Ave
Ok Teddy, I’ve confirmed with Mary at Gas Stop that your meal will be ready for pickup in 20 minutes.
Teddy put down the phone and folding his hands behind his head simply said, in 20 minutes, you should take the Z!
What just happened?
Our new AI assistant Melissa ordered your food and saved you from another speeding ticket.
And the computer got my order right? The way I like it?
Teddy clicked on his phone and simply asked the App, how was Ran’s burger built?
Ran is getting a henhouse with added egg on top, no mayonnaise. Extra salt and pepper packs.
How in the hell ?
Hello Ran, is that you? I’m Melissa. I’m your brothers assistant. Would you like anything changed?
Instead of answering Ran simply shook his head and smiled as he walked out the door to look at the car.
Ran loved the way the sticky hot scent of asphalt of his car lot combined with the floral smell of carnuba car wax . All 12 street row cars with their multi colored balloons bopping on their short antenna strings made him feel like the ring leader of his own circus, each car was its own unique animal performing feats of surprise and temptation, posed and ready for any willing audience to adore.
Ran loved the freedom he experienced through running his own business and his mood was especially great when his newest animals arrived on new car day.
All unloaded Mr Blake!
Mike the roll back truck driver smiled at Ran as he spoke. They don’t make em like that anymore! Under 70k miles too! Original mileage? What a diamond! How much are you going to ask?
Need to ask Teddy about that, Mike, I’m just the mechanic slash body man!
Haha, good one! The driver shamelessly faked a laugh. Please fill out the page on this clipboard and full signature at the bottom and I’ll be on my way!
That’s Teddy again.
Mike looked disappointed.
Cheer up, Teddy’s got himself a new assistant, make sure you meet her when you go inside.
Seriously? Is she a hottie?
A little odd but a nice voice, just your type, only downside is I guess she’s always wired.
Forget that, my last had a drug problem, watch out if things start to come up missing.
Ran took off his hat and started laughing, just wait until you hear her voice! The best part is that she isn’t afraid to answer any question you ask her!
Oh, You always have a surprise. I forgot how much you like to kid around Mr Blake. Is Teddy inside?
Yah, just let yourself in.
Before Mike was able to let himself inside the portable building where Teddys office was, Ran had already started up the little Z Car, reving the engine and was about to drive it off the lot, ignoring Mike’s plea to wait until the document is signed.
Try and get a computer to do this! Ran yelled out the window at Mike, give me fuel give me fire! The Z car was growled to life with the low guttural voice of a lion.
Mike knew it was no use trying to stop Ran once he was in the driver’s seat, so he paused to admire the Z cars quick acceleration as Ran chirped the tires shifting from first to second.
Teddy was inside furiously typing away at his laptops keypad and almost didn’t hear Mike entering until the sound of the door shutting disturbed him.
Where’s the new assistant Ran talked about?
Oh, Mike, I’ll sign that! He said leaning forward and holding out his open hand.
Ran said something about harboring the new office staff, is she in the toilet?
Oh, my AI app! No, its just a document jar.
A what? Mike was already disinterested. Ran said she’s got a great voice?!
She is cha-nabled.
Cha? What?
That’s short for Chat Enabled. Cha-nable.
Oh Mike said feeling the conversation failing. So It’s a document narration tool?
A little more, but yes it has that feature.
Oh, I get it, he said but he didn’t get it, Mike simply wasn’t interested. Like Ran, Mike thought very little of confusing computer talk.
How about a cup of coffee? Teddy pointed to a big coffee machine set on a small table at the back wall of the room. Just got a new coffee maker, does everything from mixing the creamer to adding spice.
Oh, thanks. Say, Teddy, can that thing make a strong black coffee?
Without answering, Teddy opened his application again and gave it a command. Melissa, please make a strong black coffee for Mike.
What size cup would Mike like? Melissa’s AI voice answered.
Mike nearly laughed as he mocked, your coffee pot is named Melissa? Tell Melissa large.
Hi Mike, Melissa answered. One large cup of Joe will be ready in three minutes. Would you like me to send an alert to your phone when it’s ready?
Teddy felt a great sense of satisfaction as Mike’s smile changed to disbelief.
No worries, I’ll wait here and watch.
The coffee machine clicked on and started grinding the beans. A red light came on and then the humming sound of a motor whirring began and suddenly stopped with a pop as coffee started dribbling into the prepared paper cup.
I can’t believe what phone apps can do these days. Say, Teddy, can I ask you something personal, you can stop me if it makes you uncomfortable but I remember your telling me something about it before.
Shoot! I’m an open book for some, you’re okay Mike, ask away!
You went in for hacking?
Oh, right. Teddy reared back his office chair so he could reach Mike’s coffee. I did two and a half years on a ten year term for computer fraud. The hacking part was a supplement charge, but what they nailed me on was failing to report income.
No kidding, Mike said as he willingly accepted the freshly brewed cup, so Federal time? Where abouts?
Washington State.
That’s strange.
Well, I thought you had to do federal time full term, I mean the Feds aren’t exactly known for early release.
I was pardoned.
No shit?
No shit!
A black SUV pulled into the parking lot, parking in front of the portables side window.
Brand new, must be lost. Mike laughed nervously. Maybe the inspector from Olympia with his clipboard.
That’s not the Department of Licensing.
Mike couldn’t see who was inside because the windows were tinted obscuring the occupants. Shoots, he said, why can I score a ticket for tinted windows on my 68 Cougar but these federal type rigs can be totally dark.
These guys aren’t Federal, Teddy reiterated, these are the Kings. Mike waived to whoever was inside the truck.
You said Kings, those are rolling pimps!? What kind of dime is that running new anyway? 80k ?
No, more like Free, and I think that finishes up our business, Thanks Mike! Teddy stood up and held out his hand with a smile.
Oh, right. See you later Mr Blake.
As Mike left the portable building office two huge men let themselves out of the SUV.
At 6ft 3 and 6ft 1 respectively, long black shoulder length hair and dark arms covered in tribal tattoos extending out from their tailored clothing, the Samoan Brothers Stu and Steve disregarded Mike as he climbed back up into his rollback truck and left the parking lot.
After taking a moment to survey the parking lot the two giants made their way to meet Teddy in his office.
Brothers! Teddy said with a smile. Meeting them half way across the office, hey, can I get you a coffee? Got a new machine.
No thank you sir! Answered Stu politely, we would like to check on the status of a title, We don’t drink anything white people drink, no disrespect, it’s an island thing.
Oh, Teddy said disappointed but doing his best to hide being anxious and smiling back anyway. Who’s in trouble this time?
Stu smiled back. Skinny Edward, the fool said he was buying a truck from you, but he said you won’t give him the title yet because he still owes?
Skinny Edward? I don’t know anyone with that name.
2002 Chevy truck, blue. Nice radio, Enki rims.
The Z71?
Wait a moment. Teddy remembered discounting a title for a truck matching that description, Yes, I think I sold a truck like that two weeks ago.
Steve started looking around the room. I have to sit.
Need a chair? Teddy asked hoping that they wouldn’t use it to clobber him. Use mine, it’s the most comfortable. He rolled his leather office chair around the desk. Steve said thank you and allowed himself to slowly ease himself down.
Thanks. He smiled. Knee hurts, he said while gently massaging what looked like a medical wrap under his pant leg.
My brother caught a bullet and it’s taking its own time to heal, Stu answered the unasked question.
Did you get the bullet out? Teddy asked.
I think we did, Stu answered, but shockingly a bullet gets red hot when fired and he was hit through a door so we had to pick out some door bits.
Oh, Ok, If you like I can get you a strong drink to settle your nerves? Was the only thing he could think of saying.
Steve didn’t answer.
Stu changed the subject back to Skinnys Truck. What can I use to prove that you put the truck in his name?
Oh, well Skinny's signature who is In this case Alex Edward’s and the fact that I electronically send the title to have it processed so the department at Olympia will send the new title to his mailbox. Where is Skinny at now?
Steve said, he’s in my garage hemmed up at the moment. He owed us some gambling money and the truck is going to cover some of it.
Teddy knew that Gambling Money really means he was fronted some drugs and didn’t meet his end of the bargain, and now it was collection time.
You’re a good dude, Mr Blake, Stu held out his open hand, I’ll look at the title log you mentioned and we can get out of here.
Okay, I see, I see. offered Teddy as he opened the side drawer of his desk and removed a document holder.
This is the log and that signature on line item 5 is Alex Edward’s and the Vehicle number is right there! Teddy pointed at the log as he gave it to the wounded brother.
Are you going to let him go..Teddy stop himself. It was never good to ask this question and make himself even more part of the Brothers crime, Or rather do you need me for anything past Alex’s signature? That’s a nice truck your driving by the way how is it handling? he asked attempting to transition the subject away from Skinnys kidnapping and torture.
All three men looked out at the beautiful black SUV.
Thanks, it still smells brand new, Stu bragged. Not even through its 4th tank of gas yet! Less than 1700 miles.
Steve interrupted the gawking with, After we help Skinny improve his problem with honesty, we might let him go tomorrow morning somewhere downtown on the waterfront so he has to walk all the way back home on sore feet, if he was smart he wouldn’t ever return to that dirty shithole place of his with that angry yellow haired lobster woman he calls baby girl.
All three men chuckled.
Stu interrupted his brother back with, Skinny shouldn’t have lied to us, the howley fuck!
Teddy rarely heard a cus word from either brother. Mean and heartless as they could be, they were never rude.
The Gas Stop Dinner was a 50s style garage slash gas stand that went to pot in the 70s and never reopened until the Tilla siblings Manuel and Mary converted it to a novel food stand. Customers ordered from the old front desk and one of them would bring out your order of hot food to one of the 6 tables set up inside the garage where the tire and oil changes once occurred.
Outside of the entrance a full sized metal pig was stationed, it was painted yellow and emblazoned with the word ham- burger scrolled on the pigs oversized belly, the pig was both an instrument of advertising and it also stopped cars from parking too close to the building and blocking the front entrance
Ran happily skidded to a stop in front of the pig and jumped out of the Z car with a huge smile on his face.
The car felt good, really good! Full of power, engine growled like a house cat and he was really glad Mikes AI told him to avoid the regular way so he could skip out on any tickets while letting the carbon flow! Ran really like this ride!
He imagined his brothers voice warning him, Ran, now don’t fall in love with the inventory. Use that magic to upsell the customer.
Once inside he found Mary taking notes, she looked up with a smile and greeted him.
Hi Ran! Mary Tilla presented her favorite guest and best tipping customer with a smile. I see that you found a new office helper.
What? Ran was confused. Who?
Melissa? We spoke on the phone and she said she started yesterday.
Is that right? Answered Ran, I almost forgot.
At 35, Mary was drop dead gorgeous. A true late bloomer who stayed single later in life, dedicated her passion to cooking and opening the restaurant. She was the other reason Ran ate at the Gas Stop Dinner nearly everyday. He discovered the restaurant and Mary just after it opened and had been hooked on both ever since.
Well that’s not very nice, Mary joked, She sounded very helpful, smart too, paid electronically in about 2 seconds after I totaled the bill.
Ran instinctively pulled out his wallet and was going to add $10 to her tip jar, but Mary stopped him.
Thank you Ran! I don’t need a double gratuity, your Melissa already took care of everything.
No kidding?
She sounded cute..
I’m not sure about that, Ran was nearly blushing, I still haven’t seen her.
Oh? How does that work?
Lets just say that Teddy’s helper works virtually.
Oh, well bless me to death! I need a job like that. Who wouldn’t want to stay home and get paid for it.
Me , Ran offered, I don’t live close enough to get your delicious hamburgers every day, I might starve to death if I didn’t see you!
This is the truest thing ever, she agreed. We’d both go hungry.
Their eyes met in a long uncomfortable stare until Mary’s phone beeped, a text message lit up the screen.
Oh, it’s a text from Teddy’s assistant, apparently your Brother already needs you back at the car lot. Are you ever going to get your own phone, handsome?
That’s why I don’t have a phone, Mary, because I don’t want people to get hooked on having me at their instant disposal. When I get back, I get back. First, I’m going down to the river and eat this wonderful burger, no virtual face time, just great food face time. Ran laughed at his own joke while Mary bagged up the rest of Ran and Mikes order.
And try this great Strawberry shake! Mary slid the shake across the table.
I didn’t order a shake.
I know, on the house. Give me some feedback. If you feel its too much then you can always pay me back whenever you get the guts to ask me out to a movie.
Ran was caught between excitement and beguiled at her request. He didn’t feel adequate enough to take Mary out yet, except with a request like this, how could he say no, not to mention if he denied her he might need to find a new daily lunch spot.
I’ll test the shake, and maybe we can go for a walk.
A walk?! Mary almost sounded offended. She turned around showing all her best attributes while pretending to adjust the order wheel, and joked. Do you think I need to loose weight.
Ran gulped, the last thing you need to do is change anything!
She smiled, turning back to face Ran when suddenly her expression changed from delight to fear, as the door opened and a large figure stepped in.
Ran stepped aside, letting the stranger approach the counter.
The new customer was dressed in dirty leather, and a bitter smell followed him inside. He wasn’t smiling but showed his stained teeth as he talked.
Who’s car is that outside, I want to buy it!
Mary looked at Ran, the stranger turned towards Ran. Yours?
Not for sale.
The man, wiped his head with his forearm. Okay, I understand.
He paused, nodded and stepped in front of the doorway blocking the entrance. That car is for sale, everything, even the bitch behind the counter is for sale.
Ran was shocked to hear this, and he was genuinely scared of the bigger man. His unshaved scraggly beard and mustache looked greasy and the skin on his face was puffy, sun burnt and swollen. Yellow eyes, even the whites were yellowed, but still it was the man’s large teeth that bothered Ran the most.
Get out of my business! Now! Mary shouted at the menacing dirtbag.
The stranger ignored Marys demand and stared at Ran, waiting for the response he wanted.
Manuel!! She yelled for help.
Instantly her older brother, all 250 pounds of himself busted through the kitchen doorway, small vegetable pruning knife in hand.
Is that a knife? The Stranger asked, heck of a way to treat a cash customer!
You need to go! Leave! Go now! Manuel raged at the unwanted guest. Get the fuck out.
Ignoring the cook, the dark figure returned his attention to Ran, and Said, I’ll be driving that sports car home with me the easy way or the hard way, your choice.
Then he pushed Ran against the wall with one arm, and pulled out a pistol from his waste band and pointed at Mary and Manuel.
I don’t think its funny what you did, and tell your boyfriend if he takes one step towards me I will shoot both him and that bitch dead!
Ran was in too much distress to answer.
Shoot me then! Mary challenged the attacker, the police will see your face on the camera.
The bad man looked surprised, smiled and wrenched up his grip on Rans shirt. Okay woman, as you wish!
After the first bullet hit Mary she collapsed, the second bullet hit her brother knocking him back through the doorway.
You could have made this easier on them, but you mother fuckers always got to go out hard! Am I right?
The bad man poked his pistol into Rans ribs, but instead of firing he winced at the sound of Mary’s voice. To the attackers surprise Mary was standing back up and in her right hand was the pistol grip shotgun she kept under the front counter in case of emergencies. She never thought something this terrible would ever happen
Marys left shoulder was red from her wound, but she was fearless.
The attacker looked surprised, but he didn’t act shaken. Too late for that he laughed and maybe too late for you too!
Ran wanted to scream as the attacker thumb back the hammer, I want the keys to the car, he said in one last warning. Or this guy is going to die.
Ran didn’t hear the gun fire, but felt the attackers grip loosen as the scum bag fell to the floor.
The bad man was groaning and trying to get to his feet. Ran stepped around him moving towards Mary. Where is Manuel?
Ran went through the door to the kitchen, Manuel was on his knees and holding his hand over his left eye.
Ahhh. He screamed, that son of a bitch shot my face! Is Mary okay? Call 911!
Ran bolted back through the door, the attacker was gone, Mary had slipped on her own blood and had fallen onto her side clutching her left shoulder. My fingers are numb. I can’t move my arm she cried.
The next time someone like that tries to buy your car, you’re a dealer, Ran! Sell it to him!
Ran held a washcloth to Mary’s arm. I’m so sorry, Mary, had I known it would of turned out like this, I would have gave the car to him for free!
Marys eyes closed, Stay with me Mary, Mary! Mary! Ran yelled!
Her eyes opened back up. Am I dreaming Ran?
Mary, there is a great movie I want to take you too. I’ll fix this, I need to call 911! Mary!
Ran grabbed Marys counter phone, he didn’t know how to unlock it and make a call.
Shit! Shit!
Ran took off through the front door and ran into the street looking for help!
Normally there would have been cars zinging past, but not today, today a dead man, the victim of Mary’s shotgun blast was crumpled over in the middle of the street.
A group of teenagers who witnessed a bloody man crawling out of the Gas Stop Dinner had already called 911, they were already busy posting the event on their social media pages for likes.
When they seen what they thought was the dead man’s attacker running out after his victim they screamed and ran away, hiding behind trees and cars parked on the other side of the street .
Someone call 911! He yelled, Mary and her brother were shot!
One of the teens, a young woman yelled, he’s not dead!
To Rans amazement the attacker was back on his feet, opened the door to a brown 4 door car, and began slowly driving away.
Somebody stop him! He shot Mary and Manuel! Ran yelled and started running after the slow moving brown car.
Armed with only phones the best the onlookers could do was take more photos to update their pages with.
About half a block into the chase Ran realised that he should go back and get his own car, how crazy of an idea it was to try and chase down a car on foot! But Ran continued his pursuit hoping for some kind of miracle, and he almost thought he had one until the attackers break lights came on.
Oh shoots, Ran thought, what am I going to do if I catch up with him?
Ran stopped running, the car slowed and turned sideways in the street. He could see the dark outline of the passenger bracing himself with the steering wheel.
Ran wanted to find a solution, If he only would of thought to grab Mary’s shotgun he could stop this madman from getting away, but unarmed and alone he felt naked and weak. What if this crazy son of a bitch turned the car on him, or worse, got out and shot him with the pistol he shot Mary and Manuel with?
Without answering his worst fear, the driver punched the gas and break pedal at the same time. The rear wheels began spinning , the tires squealed and smoke shot out from the backside of the car.
The car lunged forward and went over the curb. Ran was amazed to see it bolting across a vacant lot heading for a tall privacy fence.
The brown four door sedan easily smashed through the fence, colliding with a lound bang into something inside the enclosure. Black smoke bellowed up but from Ran’s vantage point he could only see the top of a small cell tower with what looked like some kind of high tech antennas attached to it.
Ran took off again, running across the vacant lot and stopping at the section of fence that the car ripped through.
Inside the car came to a stop after nose diving straight into the tower, the car was engulfed in flames, the drivers arm was slumped out the window, lifeless and on fire.
Ran jumped the downed fence and cautiously moved toward the burning car. As he neared the drivers side door, the heat and smoke were almost unbearable.
He froze, can this really be happening? He asked himself. Where did the driver go?
The arm was gone, the driver was gone, the door was still closed and the car was burning like a firework when it exploded, throwing Ran backwards.
He lay on the ground, shielding his face with his arm.
Where did that crazy son of a bitch go? He asked himself, as he slowly got up, retreating from the flames.
Remembering Mary and Manuel, still Inside the Gas Stop Dinner, Ran made his way back to the downed fence and after stepping over the debris was met by a loud voice.
Freeze! Show me your hands?
Ran was confused, he wasn’t the bad guy, the bad guy is, he was? Where?
Your making a mistake! Ran yelled, you want that guy, he pointed at the burning car. I was..
Ran felt like he was hit by a bison as a huge officer tackled him to the ground. Dirt got in his mouth and nose and his eyes began to water.
Don’t resist!
I’m not resisting, Ran tried to shout back , but the wind was knocked out of him. I’m on your side, I’m not resisting.
Don’t resist! The officer yelled as he pulled out something and punching the object into rans lower back, tazed him.
Ran’s body went limp as he passed out.
Darkness .
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orbygotthegoo · 1 year
Alright, so officially speaking, I Don't Believe In Ghosts™, but I sure would like to. I spend hours watching all the fake-ass ghost videos on YouTube seeking out the ones that I can't easily explain, because hey, who knows, right? I had a couple of "experiences" as a kid that I simply don't trust anymore due to my lack of solid memory, the fact that they only seemed to happen when I was on the edge of sleep, and of course that I was literally a child whose brain was not finished fusing together yet. So generally speaking, it'd be cool if it was real, but I'm not convinced (and that goes for all things paranormal).
All that being said, I am having a rather difficult time explaining what I saw the other night.
It was somewhere around 1:30 in the morning, and I was on the way to grab late-night munchies with my boyfriend and a friend of his. We were coming up on a sort-of-back-road intersection (like two blocks off the highway heading into rural farmland), and I see someone silhouetted in the darkness step off the traffic median directly into the path of our car. I remember thinking, "Oh, what is THIS asshole doing?" and expecting my boyfriend to have to slam on the brakes not to hit them.
Except... they just weren't there anymore. I watched this person step into the road, and right as they should have passed directly in front of our headlights, they just... didn't. And there was nobody on the median as we drove by.
I interrupt the conversation in the car and say, "Hey, uh... Did you also see the shadow person walk into the road and disappear just now?"
Boyfriend replies, "Oh, yeah, I wasn't going to say anything because I thought I was just being schizo. I see shit like that all the time." Friend in the back seat replies that they were not looking, and thus didn't see anything.
So, being as skeptically-minded as I am, I'm thinking there's some easy, rational explanation. Boyfriend saw it too, so it's not just my brain. And hey, wait a minute, there was plenty of light from headlights traveling both directions, I should have been able to see SOME kind of features on this person. But all I saw was solid black silhouette, not even a hint of color from clothing.
An optical illusion of some sort, then. The shadow of a real person further back being cast onto a pole or an electrical box on the median by someone else's lights.
Except we rolled through that same intersection the next day during daylight hours, and there is NOTHING on that median save for a single very thin traffic sign at the nearest edge, in FRONT of where I saw the supposed shadow person. The rest is just flat concrete and brick. Nothing to accommodate a human shadow.
So while I still believe there has to be some kind of grounded explanation for what I saw, I am at an absolute loss as to how anything could project a perfect, three-dimensional shadow of a person, so crisp I thought it WAS a person, onto thin fucking air.
So who knows? It'd be cool.
0 notes
thatone-highlighter · 3 years
The further into Season 3 we get the more concerned I become about the fact that nobody else is asking about the whereabouts of both Sasha and Marcy
After The New Normal I was thinking about the fact that neither of Anne’s parents say anything about Marcy and Sasha. We know that Anne at least mentions them in her description because they're pictured as part of a diagram here
Tumblr media
But Anne also doesn't mention them after skilping out on everything that happened between the end of TTT and the start of TNN. I skimmed it over because Anne’s parents would probably be more worried about the fact their kid just came back from being missing for 5 months and has returned with 3 talking frogs and a story about a land full of more talking frogs. Sure, fair enough that would be a lot. But then nothing else gets asked
Hop Till You Drop comes and goes with still no mention of Sasha and Marcy. Nothing from Anne or the Plantars (though they've got a lot to deal with at the moment as well as trying to process the events of True Colors so sure), nothing from Anne’s parents (a bit suspicious but then again same points as before and they're only there for a second), and, most notably, nothing from Gabby.
There is no info on any of Marcy’s connections and relationships outside of Anne Sasha and her parents so there's only assumptions to be made about that, but Sasha was a popular kid, said herself that she ruled the school, in the Reunion flashback we wee her interacting with and knowing on a first name basis multiple other kids. Sasha was if not widely liked at least widely known. And yet when Gabby sees Anne, who disappeared at the same time as Sasha, she doesn't ask about Sasha, or Marcy. And Anne’s excuse about being on her Families farm wouldn't hold up for where Marcy and Sasha were/are either.
83 notes · View notes
So I was being a basic bitch the other day and listening to my true crime podcasts when it occurred to me just how suspicious Nile’s “death” would look to everyone not in the Guard, leading me to a train of thought that, 2200 words later, absolutely got away from me but I can’t let go so I’m inflicting it on all of you!
To set the stage, we know the movie takes place over approximately a week. Here’s what happens to Nile from the military’s point of view:
She dies is very seriously injured
She heals without a scratch
Just before she’s supposed to be shipped out to Germany, she vanishes, leaving two men concussed (and presumably reporting being knocked out by a woman with short hair wearing civilian clothes)
She goes AWOL for several days
They get word from the CIA that she is to be reported killed in action (details unclear)
So, at the beginning of this very weird week, the USMC has to tell Nile’s family of her death critical injury. What her family was told depends on how long she was dead – a Google search tells me that family will be notified in person within 8 hours of a soldier’s death, but we don’t know how long her first death lasted. For an injury, however, they’d get a phone call to notify them and the unit would arrange for them to visit as soon as the soldier is transferred out of a combat zone. Like I remember when I was in high school, a guy from my church who was a Marine was really seriously injured in a helicopter crash in Iraq and from what I could tell, his parents were told immediately and were flown out to Germany to see him, so it stands to reason that Nile’s family would have been informed relatively quickly after her throat was slashed, one way or another.
And then, she goes AWOL. Her family would be notified while the USMC tried to figure out where she went, not least because the military would want to know if she’s contacted them. (And it’s possible that her family may have been on the way to Germany to see her since we know that’s where she was supposed to go!) So for several days:
Nile’s mom and brother have no idea where she is
They know she was seriously injured and most certainly should not have been moving around on her own
They can’t get a hold of her
The military can’t tell them anything
And the next thing they know for sure is that she was “killed in action.” After being injured and vanishing into thin air. And they presumably cannot produce her body or any concrete evidence of her death. In any case, something sketchy is going on, so they’re like. SMELLS LIKE A MILITARY COVERUP.
In a surprise to probably no one, there is a well-documented legacy of mysterious US military deaths, particularly of women of color (TW for sexual assault in these links). The cases of LaVena Johnson and Vanessa Guillenin particular have made national news because of their families’ persistence in seeking justice. Likewise, Nile is a Black woman, and her mom and brother are most certainly hypercognizant of (a) state violence against Black people and (b) these high-profile cases of suspicious military deaths. So her family are seriously side-eyeing the situation, knowing that (a) the military has a serious incentive (and a documented history) of covering up things that make them look bad and (b) nothing about Nile’s disappearance and supposed death are adding up.
And Andy’s right. Nile does come from warriors. And you know who else does? Her brother.
Don’t get me wrong. Nile’s mom would absolutely not back down. She’d know something was up and want to get to the bottom of it. But based on what I know about Gen X parents (mine), they’re not the most technologically savvy. Like they can use the internet, but they didn’t grow up with it the way we young millennials and Gen Z did. So Nile’s brother takes the lead. And what do zillennials do best?
Social media.
Nile’s brother starts going hard on any site he can, trying to get the word out to see if anyone knows what happened to his sister. He starts a Reddit thread. He starts a Facebook group. He reaches out to the media and true crime bloggers and podcasters à la Sarah Turney, getting loud and being a general nuisance in hopes of getting some answers. He gets his friends and Nile’s friends involved. Maybe eventually Dizzy, Jay, and others from Nile’s unit hear about it and reach out, telling him what they saw and how weird it all was. He’s drumming up interest, and soon “Nile Freeman” becomes a household name (at least among the true crime fans).
Copley is, of course, trying his best, but at this point there is just so much that it’s impossible for him to scrub everything. Sure, he can erase new footage of Nile and the Guard, but what can he do about Reddit threads and podcast episodes that are speculating something weird has happened? Maybe he could hack the sites and shut those things down, but honestly, that’s the last thing he’d want to do, because that only adds weight to the theory that Nile’s disappearance is a military coverup. So eventually he has to tell Andy what’s going on.
Andy, obviously, does not take the news well. However, she is also completely computer illiterate, because that’s Booker’s job and he’s the only one who ever bothered to learn what the internet is in any meaningful way. (She probably calls Booker for advice, and for the record, I think Booker would have no qualms about shutting down conspiracy threads, tinhats be damned, but Copley is too concerned about the consequences. He’s ex-CIA for crying out loud, he knows how it’ll look if they scrub every mention of Nile’s name from the internet.) Maybe she confers with Joe and Nicky but, let’s be honest, they’d be equally unhelpful. So at this point, she knows they have to bring in Nile.
But the thing about Nile is that she, too, knows how to use the internet (duh). Aside from her being a young millennial/digital native, we know from the cave scene where she’s giving Booker suggestions on how to track Copley that she clearly is even more computer savvy than the average person. And for that reason she almost definitely took over the day-to-day tech stuff after Booker’s exile. So I think it would be foolish to expect her to be unaware of what’s happening. She’s not contacting her family or posting on the message boards or anything, but she knows what’s up. So Copley and the team probably sit her down to “break the news,” but we know the girl does not have a poker face (see: literally shooting herself in the foot and not being able to play it cool whatsoever) and cracks immediately, telling them she’s seen everything about her case – she’s not interacting with any of it, she certainly didn’t instigate anything, but she knows. (And she is so goddamn proud of her brother.)
At this point, I’d like to pause and consider Nile’s role in the overall narrative of this movie. She’s set up as a foil to Andy, obviously, but she’s also a foil to Booker. Booker, who, like Andy, is a serious pessimist, but who, unlike Andy, still has very fresh memories and trauma associated with being the new kid, which have destroyed him. In his mind (and Andy’s), if Nile communicates with her family, she’ll become just like him in a century or two – bitter, alone, and stuck with her grief and memories of watching her family die and knowing they died resenting her. It’s a small sample size, but this is the only experience they have to go off of.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
There’s been a lot of discussion of TOG being a fundamentally queer movie – a group of people brought together because of something inherent about themselves that is different, that must be hidden, that causes others to hate, fear, and reject them. Booker’s backstory is the archetypal traumatic “coming out” story – his family learns who he is, hate him for it, and attempt to cast him out of their lives. He’s stuck with his trauma, his pain, his loss, and it consumes him.
But what if Nile’s family would be the opposite? What if her “coming out” to them as immortal is met with acceptance, love, celebration? What if her family is just overjoyed to have her back, and they don’t care what the circumstances are? I'm reminded of this incredible post from @shitty-old-guard-deaths a while back, where Nile’s mother hits Booker with a frying pan because “my baby let me believe she was dead for FIVE YEARS based on your bad advice???” (which may or may not have inspired this whole tangent). Nile takes the advice of someone who did the same thing she wants to do because she doesn’t want to risk her family’s rejection. She wants the good memories with her family and is afraid that showing them her true self will bring her unbearable pain, forever replacing those memories. But, with high risk comes high reward.
Anyway. Nile and the team are trying to come up with a plan for how to handle this whole thing, but she’s not really participating because she’s too afraid to hope. Until finally, quickly, so she doesn’t lose her nerve, she suggests she reach out to them, knowing that, realistically, that’s the only solution before things snowball even further out of control. The team is shocked, but realize that she has a point. They decide that Copley should actually be the first point of contact, posing as a US government official to talk with them and test the waters.
So Copley goes to Nile’s family’s house to talk with her mom and brother. They’re probably distrustful and apprehensive, but nonetheless secretly ecstatic that their work has paid off. They talk and review all of the information that they’ve collected, including testimonials from the people on Nile’s base and recent sightings (along with photos) of Nile (with the same three people) over the last few years that people have sent them but they haven’t posted publicly. At this point, Copley’s like, yeah this is about to blow up, we gotta put our cards on the table. He convinces them to come with him to some safe house/black site/whatever he can get that is technologically impenetrable (I’m picturing them in like, an interrogation room at a police station kind of deal), takes their phones, locks the doors, and brings in Nile.
What follows is the most delightful reunion scene of all time, bringing Joe, Nicky, and even Andy to tears as they watch and listen from outside the room. With Copley’s help, Nile tells her mom and brother about her immortality and what’s been going on since she died (within reason, of course), and they are thrilled. They don’t understand why (because no one does) but they don’t question it and they see it as a gift from God – she’s been resurrected, she will live, and she has a purpose. Her mother and brother are so happy to see her again and are willing to agree with pretty much anything to stay in her life as long as they can.
So. They set up some complicated agreement (they bring in the other three for support/intimidation as needed) setting the terms of their relationship. They swear Nile’s family to secrecy, maybe bringing up the lab to show how high the stakes are, and they readily agree. They come up with some cover story for Nile’s brother to share on the message boards (maybe that the government has opened an investigation but because it’s an open case he has to shut it all down? Tells people to direct their tips somewhere else? Something to that effect). There’s still speculation, of course, but without Nile’s brother at the helm providing the energy, the hype dies down as news stories are wont to do without any movement. And Nile’s family goes to work for the team. The experience has taught them that Copley can’t possibly do everything himself, especially when it comes to social media, so Nile’s brother takes the lead on the day-to-day tracking/social media while Copley and her mom focus on finding jobs and scrubbing their traces afterward.
So there you have it: Nile gets to integrate her biological family into her found family and spend the rest of their lives with them as it should be, Copley gets some badly needed help managing the reality of social media, the team finally has a positive narrative surrounding outsiders Knowing About Them AND about interacting with people from their previous life, and the audience gets the happy ending to this very lovely and very queer story to counteract the pain associated with Booker’s family.
Plus, you know, I’m a sucker for both a good government conspiracy theory and for Nile getting every good thing she deserves.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
5th dimension
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 2750.
Please check out the notes in the end :)
It’s the first thing that you see when you go downstairs for breakfast early in the morning after the big party. Kara is in her super suit leaning over the kitchen island. Lena is next to her, sitting on one of the high stools, and Alex is on the other side talking to them. This obviously doesn't look good for you, after you just sneaked out the night before.
You honestly thought you would get away with it. If Kara had seen you last night, if Lena had noticed her car was missing, or even if Alex had figured you and Jamie weren’t really in the Fortress, they would’ve done something immediately. They wouldn’t let you enjoy the party in your super suit, then sneak back home pretending you did nothing wrong. Right? It’s what you hoped, anyway.
But when you woke up today, and checked your phone, you knew there’s no way in hell they don’t know. Of course they don’t follow stupid teens on social media, but there were a lot of pictures of you hanging in this party. A lot. An absurd amount. So, obviously, first thing in the morning you got an alert on your phone for a piece called ‘This Super Knows How To Party’.
Ah, damn.
So when you see the three of them, suspiciously waiting for something in the kitchen, you turn around in silence, ready to make your way back upstairs when you hear, “Good morning, sunshine.”
You bite your lip. Ah, crap. You turn around to see all of them staring at you, with not so friendly faces and raised eyebrows. “Good morning, mommy.”
Kara smirks. Well aware you’re using ‘mommy’ to try and make her side with you. Pathetic for someone who was just claiming to be rebellious.
“You, um, what brings you by, so early on a Saturday? I thought you would both be working.” You gulp, walking in a little bit closer.
“Well, we wanted to come in and talk to Alex to make sure it was actually ok for you to stay here.” Lena answers and you raise your eyebrow, wondering if that’s all this visit brings.
“And I was telling them how good it is to have you here with Jamie, and that you two are having a really fun time. Right?”
“Mhm.” You force a smile out of your lips, still scared to do more.
“Why do you think we’re here?” Kara asks, hands on her hips, and a fake concerned look on her face.
You see, they might know everything about you, but you know them very much as well. This feels like a weird, staged play. Kara is standing there with her heart on her throat, giving you a sheepish smile, in a very uncomfortable pose. Lena is looking too soft, which would be a relief if your last two interactions with her weren’t so downright bad, so you know it’s impossible for this sweet little face of her not to be an act. And Alex has her interrogation room face.
They obviously want the truth out of you. But they want to get it without asking, otherwise they would lose their upper hand. And you could just come out and give it to them. But you're still raging at the fact they can come here and stage this little scene, but they can’t be there for you. So no, you’re not going to give them the truth just yet. They want a weird, staged interaction? Sure. You can give them that. You can join their play.
“To be honest, I thought you and auntie were working on the case and mom got lost on her way to L Corp.” You shrug, faking a sense of relief that doesn’t make justice of how you actually feel. “But good to know you took the time to come all the way over here to ask her if it was ok for me to stay, but couldn’t quite do such when I needed attention.”
“Well, if we’re also being honest-” Kara says with a little hint of skepticism with that word. “There is something else we’re here for.”
“You see,” Lena takes it away and you look at her. “I managed the crisis at L Corp. And Supergirl caught the invisible threat that was terrorizing National City.”
“Yeah! So we thought-” Kara starts and you’re sure they’re going to ask you to come back home. But you don’t know if you want that yet. Sure, being a rebellious teen doesn’t make any sense if they’re not being absent and aloof, but you thought that if you left they would make a bigger deal about you coming back. You didn’t expect these weird faces and blank stares. You expected hugs and forehead kisses and apologies. “Well, your mom and I thought-”
“That we could go on a little vacation.” Lena completes and you furrow your eyebrows, completely lost.
Did they go totally bonkers?
“Yeah.” Kara agrees, adjusting the non-existent glasses on her face, then smoothing her hand over her suit when she realizes she is dressed as Supergirl, and not Kara. “We were thinking, you would stay here with your aunts, and we would go out of town and work on our stuff.” She says looking at Lena, and they share a look.
“Wait, wait. So let me get this right-” You probably missed something. There’s no way in hell they would just go on vacation with things this distressing between the three of you. “Two days ago, you weren’t going anywhere with your problems. I needed you both, but hell,” Kara hardens her features at you, but doesn’t interrupt you. “Your problems were too hard. And now that I came to stay with Aunt Alex, then suddenly you handled everything and now are leaving on vacation without me?
You can’t believe this! Here you were, thinking they were going to ask you to go back home, and here you were lying to yourself you didn’t know if you wanted back yet. But now that you know they don’t want you back it’s when it dawns on you, you really just want this to stop and go back home. Snuggle with them on the couch and watch a dumb little family movie. You just want your best friends back. You don’t want to lie anymore. You want Lena to look at you and know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling. You want Kara to tell you that you are her heart, you desperately want that again.
But, apparently, they have other plans.
Lena seems to be considering the information. “Well, you did say for us to deal with our old crappy habits.”
“Do you have to deal with them on vacation? You can do that from home?”
“We could.” They look at each other again, agreeing with their heads. “But, um, kid, there’s more we need to work on. And honestly, we’ve worked so hard this past week, we just want to be trouble-free somewhere far away from here.”
Got it.
“In that case, I’m really happy you two handled your life and death crisis all alone.” You don’t even fake the sarcasm in your voice. You literally gave Kara the means to go after the threat in National City. You gave Lena plenty of ideas of how to deal with the L Corp crisis, and you’re sure she used at least one of them. But sure, they’ve worked so hard, they deserve to be trouble-free.
You feel stupid. It’s a really odd feeling for a genius. You feel like a silly little girl, waiting for her moms to notice her. You broke rules! You sneaked out to a party, took Lena’s car without permission, compromised your secret identity, showed a totally different side of the Supers; you thought this would surely call their attention. Even if it was a bad kind of attention and not the one you actually wanted, still you were sure they were going to see you.
But no, here they are talking about going on a vacation, and leaving you behind. Here they are telling you that no matter what you do, you won’t have their attention. You were so foolish. So, so dumb for someone so smart.
OK, then.
“Well, I’m glad my absence made things easier for you.” You try to hold down the pain inside you, holding the tears that are threatening to fall from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make Aunt Alex's life so damn hard as well, so I think it’s best if I just… Disappear.”
Kara looks like she’s about to panic. Her heart beats fast and her breath itches. She holds her hands up, about to launch herself into a ‘no no no’ sequence.
But before that, Lena stands up on her chair with wide eyes. “That’s not what we’re saying.”
“You might as well.”
You know, the thing with being a (dumb) genius is that sometimes Lena thinks she might have shut down an experiment before it was successful, when in reality it was on the palm of your hand, on your phone, this entire time. Coordinates ready, fully downloaded, ready to go.
“But no need to worry, go on to your little vacation. I’m happy to comply.” You’re one touch away to have the portal opening in front of you. “I should go on a vacation of my own.”
“No, no, no, no, no!” Kara finally launches herself into the sequence and you touch your phone, portal opening in one second, you cross it, and one second later it’s closed again.
Let them have a nice fun time without you. You can’t believe you thought they were going there to get you, when they were actually there to tell you they needed more time away from you. Well then, have it. You’re perfectly safe in… You look around. Huh, this sure doesn’t look like Storybrooke.
You look down on your phone to see that somehow you’ve changed the location to where you were going. Oh great. Where the hell did you get yourself now?
“What are you doing here?”
“Mxy!” You scream, hand on your chest, when a familiar figure shows up in front of you out of thin air. You look around the nothingness of the room. “Where am I?”
“Fifth dimension.”
“Uh.” You look at your phone. How did you end up here? “I sure wasn’t aiming for here.” Then you look up to him. “So, um, where’s everything?”
“What do you mean?”
“Isn’t this your home? Shouldn’t you have, like, I don’t know, at least a chair to sit on?”
“This is pure magic, buttercup. You want a chair? Here.” A chair appears behind you, and he throws in behind, making you fall in it. “Not comfortable? Have an armchair then.” It changes right under you. “Couch? Bed? Trampoline?”
“Ok, I got it!” You say when you feel your body bouncing back on the trampoline. “If you can have all that, why did you go for this all-white, void look?”
“Oh, I’m downsizing.” He shrugs. “And you’re not supposed to be here.” You’re up on your feet and there’s nothing under you in a second.
“I know!” You grab your phone again. “I was going to Storybrooke, but apparently I pressed something wrong on the portal.” You look up to him. “Oh well, it was ok to see you again, I guess. I should go now.”
But you don’t move, no matter how many times you press the button, or switch the parameters, nothing happens.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually that third dimensional science doesn’t work against fifth dimensional magic.”
You lift your eyes at him, looking unamused. “I’m sure I will.” You growl. “Ok then, how do I leave?”
“You know, the good and old fifth dimensional magic.” He gives you a little smile and shows you his fingers. He doesn’t look like he will help, though.
“Hey there, my good fellow Mxytopololik-”
“That’s far from correct but go on. I want to see how this goes.”
“Well, remember that time you took me to the future in another reality and left me stranded there?” You ask and he gives you a chuckle remembering about it. You press your lips, not finding it at all fun. “This would be a good time to help a girl out.”
“Lucky for you, I do have to make it up for people that I wronged.” Mxy rolls his eyes, annoyed. “Stupid 5th dimension rule.”
“Oh, how sad for you.” You fake it, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy it. “I mean, um, can you give me a little hand, buddy? Send me back to the third dimension? You can drop me off on any Earth, really. I’ll find my way back to my Earth.”
“I’m surprised on why you would want to go back there.” Mxy says, snapping his fingers, and a large TV appears in the middle of the room you’re in.
The TV starts playing the scene you just lived. Your moms saying they’re going on vacation, and you standing there looking like you’re about to break into an ugly cry. You were, anyway.
“I wouldn’t want to make Aunt Alex's life so damn hard as well, so I think it’s best if I just… Disappear.”
He pauses on this sentence. And you look at him biting your lower lip.
“You did. You disappeared.” You harden your jaw. Sure you disappeared, but this was far from what you wanted. You wanted to be in the arms of a loving family right now, not in a void from an imp from the 5th dimension. This is nothing like the vacation you said you were going to. “Why would you want to go back to them? They wanted to go on a vacation without you.”
“Maybe they didn’t mean it.” You don’t know if you’re trying to convince him, or yourself. All you know is that right now you’re very sorry you’re stuck here and staying at Aunt Alex’s house looks a lot better than what you’re doing.
“Oh, toots. Whatever you need to tell yourself.” Mxy gives you an evil little grin.
Ah, fuck. Stupid imp is right.
You sit on the floor -since there’s nothing on the room- and you can’t hold the tears anymore. From that point on, you’re just saying a bunch of nonsense in between your tears and hiccups. You’re loud crying, muttering, in a hunched posture. Mxyzplk looks lost, like he has no idea on how to calm you down. You don’t think there’s anything he can say that can do that for you right now.
“You’re right! They don’t even love me anymore.”
“No, no. That’s not what I said! They love you!”
You lay your back on the floor, and curl yourself, in a fetal position, clinching your face, feeling like your erratic breathing is getting stuck in your lungs. “I hate it, I hate all of this. I want to go home. This is the worst day of my life.”
“Now, that cannot possibly be true. You came really close to death a handful of times.”
“But at least I knew they loved me and that they were going to miss me!” You feel the hot tears wetting your pajama’s shirt and Mxy looks like he is about to snap.
“Ok, enough with this.” You’re up on your feet after a snap of fingers. Your tears are dried with another snap. “You won. I will show you their reaction to your leaving.”
“What?” Even though you’re not crying anymore, your voice still comes out small.
“Here. All the possible outcomes from your little stunt. These will show your moms’ possible reactions.” He snaps his fingers again and you see a bunch of tapes on the floor.
“Tapes?” You look completely lost. “May I introduce you to hard drives? You know, even pen drives would make a better job at storing this.”
“You really are your mom’s daughter.” He sighs. “Do you want to watch them or what?”
“Ok, geez. No need to get defensive.” Although you do understand why he is. You are a little bit annoying. A second ago you were curled on the floor crying, and now you’re being a nerd about tapes.
“So what are we watching first?” He asks, and you kneel down to read the titles.
“This one.” You give the first tape to him. He sets everything up. A couch appears in front of the screen, popcorn and soda too. He puts the tape in and looks at you, waiting for your permission. You sit back on the couch, nods, and he presses play.
Hey guys, Superkid is in the fifth dimension watching tapes (like momma, like daughter). And I thought it would be fun to write the tapes you would like to read. So here's a list of tapes I thought of, you can comment which ones you would like to 'watch' and I'll write that and post 1 drabble every day next week (total of 5).
Tape 1: Kara and Lena don't care and go on vacation.
Tape 2: Kara and Lena get depressed over SK disappearing.
Tape 3: Lena goes on a solo mission.
Tape 4: Kara goes to other realities/universes.
Tape 5: Lena goes full Luthor and kills Supergirl.
Tape 6: Kara gets maniac and kills half of National City.
Tape 7: Jamie has to tell Maya SK secret identity (good reaction).
Tape 8: Jamie has to tell Maya SK secret identity (bad reaction).
Tape 9: Kara and Lena split up.
Tape 10: Everyone’s reaction to SK disappearing (all of her family and Maya).
Let me know in the comments which ones you would like to read, please and thank you! ❤️💙
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valenhell · 3 years
From the studio that brought you “I can’t find good Byler fics in the ao3 tag”, comes:
"The Definitive Byler fic rec list"
Literally no one asked for this but because I spent the majority of last year (...and 2019, and 2018...) reading byler fics and coping with life, I thought I’d make a list of some of my absolute favorites. 
The other day I was basically starving for some byler fics and the angel @magicalfairy provided me with some of her faves so I thought I’d do the same, because I love reading, and I love all of these fics and I appreciate their writers💗 And fic writers in general, come on!
- This is a mix of long works and one-shots/short stories. - Everything is mostly fluff with a tad of angst and a lot of internalized homophobia conflict.  - Every fic is completed, except for the ones I mention that they are not. - I try my best to lay out the stories in a way that I won’t spoil you the plot but also warning you of some stuff you might don’t like. Either way, all of these fics are correctly tagged by their respective authors/owners, so read at your own risk. For better understanding, in between brackets I denote Rating, Words and quantity of Chapters. - I feel like I should clarify, none of these are narrated in the singular first person. None of that “And I told him...”, no. 
Long fics
a dream always the same (T, 99k, 35 chapters) What happened in those few weeks between the Battle of Starcourt and the Byers leaving Hawkins. Literally a satisfying and very needed fill in of season three, with a good dose of Mike’s thoughts and conflict. Mike’s characterization is specially amazing in this one. The writing style is amazing and I know the author put everything into making it historically accurate, and it was really sweet. You probably read it, it’s by the amazing sevensided here on Tumblr🧡
Spring Break (T, 120k, 14/15 chapters) The slowburn of my dreams. Lots of internalized conflict and conflict with each other. Conflict within the Party (uhh kind of), conflict with Mike and Will. Byers family has moved and the kids are visiting! Chaos. Characterization is on point. Yeah, I know it’s unfinished, but the fourteenth chapter actually serves as a pretty nice ending. 
This is where it starts (M, 148.8k, 24 chapters) Aged up characters. The Party is in college and Will disappears again, but now it’s different. Mike knows he didn’t vanish from thin air, and the discovery he and the Party end up making is pretty insane. Mystery solving/fantasy/third dimension, throw in a bit of D&D and Mike realizing some shit, and you get this marvelous fic. It’s a breath of fresh air. The world building is definitely one of the elements that stands out the most, because it’s very nicely described, it sounds like a dream and it’s completely immersive. Absolute gem of a fic. 
there’s a Starman waiting in the sky (M, 30.6k, 8 chapters) Do I need to say anything? Will is out there living his best life and Mike realizes that wow, umm, maybe his best friend looks a bit too nice with that costume... and wait, is he getting horny? It’s actually really fun and sexy.
The Evening Speaks (T, 23k, 7 chapters) In where Mike is a late-night college radio host and Will is the art student that stays up till late to catch up with Wheeler on the Mic. They flirt through songs y’all, this one is really sweet. 
heads or tails? (E, 24k, 3 chapters) Aged up characters. I know most people don’t enjoy sex in fics and with specific characters but this one is insanely well written. It’s a slowburn that commits to the tension and with every word you are grasping and anticipating their next move. I think you can find the author here on Tumblr as yousaidyes🧡
The Man of Average (M, 56.7k, 5/? chapters) Aged up characters. No but you don’t understand, the writing here is absolute gourmet. The story is exciting as well, it’s super interesting. Weirdly enough, for being very aged up characters, they are well characterized but they don’t feel like teenagers. They are naturally Mike and Will. The author really captured Mike and Will’s essence. I know, it’s unfinished and it’s updated very rarely, but this is the typical fic you can’t believe someone just posted on the internet for free. I will say though, I think it’s definitely not for everyone. Read at your own risk.
Heartstrings (E, 82.8k, 24/? chapters) Aged up characters. By the same author of The Man of Average. A collection of memories, the road to Mike and Will’s happy ever after. And fucking hell!!!!! You’ll cry and get angry, you’ll cheer for them, then you’ll want to crash their faces together because god dammit you love each other!!! But yeah, same thing here. The writing and the way the story is laid out as a nonlinear narrative is brilliant. And I also think this is one of the best Will versions I’ve read. The author might as well be the og creator of this two characters tbh. You can find the author here as mylesimeblr🧡
Sinners behind the walls (T, 1.5k, 1/1) And because I can’t stop recommending this author, a little thing of Mike tormenting himself but also being too deeply committed to Will. 
The Red Envelope series (T/E, 167K, two completed works) Something happens that Will thought was impossible and from there, pure drama and romance. Anything by this author has the potential to become your absolute favorite fic, but this series in particular is amazing. I doubt that any of you haven’t read this, but it doesn’t hurt to put it in this list. I’m pretty sure the author is serendipitous-magic on Tumblr🧡
A New Fight series (T, 91k, two completed works, one WIP) And finally the Star Wars AU that we all needed. But this isn’t your typical “Mike is Han”, “Will is Leia” and “El is Luke”, it’s way more interesting than that, and the author has appropriated the Star Wars world like no other. I’ll admit I’m not a 100% fluent in SW lore but this is amazing to me either way. This author is also on Tumblr, tea-for-one-please🧡
- Yes, most of these are (if not all), in a way, canon compliant/canonverse/canon continuation into fanon. (In a way)
One-shots and short stories
Sundae for Two, Please (G, 4.8k) Steve being the supportive friend and older brother these kids collectively need. (not Jonathan erasure, we love him). Steve is very sweet himself, and this little cute thing through his POV is gorgeous. Yes, it’s byler.
Backstage (T, 10k, 2/2) Jonathan, you forgot to mention to Will how hot your new band’s guitarist is, dude. Now he’s hyperventilating and weirdly flirting with him in the corner. Background Stonathan because why not.
102 Peach Street (G, 3.8k) Established relationship, but not only that, they are married :’’))) PURE fluff. Extreme fluffiness. Diabetes. 
sweatshirts and bottled up feelings (T, 3.2k) Or, Mike thinks that the sweatshirt Will wears looks insanely good on him. And kitchens are for lovers. 
kiss it better (T, 16.3k) Basically one of the best character studies of a few precise moments of Mike and Will’s relationship and feelings. 
will wonders ever cease (T, 11.3k) #i ship will and happiness. Omfg what a beautiful piece of fanfic. Will centric, this kid really deserves all the good in the world.
The Calm After the Storm (T, 1.6k) Tooth rotting fluff, boyfriends in love. Boyfriends being lazy, cuddling, love words, kisses. Boys loving each other’s company... Basically, Mike and Will in their element. What more can you ask for?
neither of us ready to let go (T, 4.8k) That scene from season three, but a bit of a fix it. 
Still in love (G, 1k) Domestic, married life au fluff. Y’all, I’m a sucker for established Byler, even if I can’t find many fics with it. But this is very sweet. It takes place in 2020, but I don’t think there are any mentions of the COVID-19 crisis that I remember.
I Nver Find Out ‘Til I’m Head Over Heels (G, 12.5K) Classic 5+1 fic. If you haven’t read it, where have you been? This is your moment. In where Mike keeps inviting Will to the school dances and Will thinks it’s just a joke until he realizes it’s not. 
Before You’re Gone (T, 5.9k) Will is leaving Hawkins and Mike thinks this is a great moment for a confession. This one I discovered last friday, thank you friend @magicalfairy 💗
You’re weird Wheeler (M, 4.5k) Mike unintentionally starts a tradition of going to each other to talk about their sexual encounters just after they finish. Will keeps getting more explicit with the details he shares, and he makes his best friend interested. This one is really fun y’all.
Out-Of-Town Friends (N/R, 4.6K) It’s not rated. I haven’t re- read it but I’d say it would probably fall in a T rating. So cute!! Will has new friends and sneaks off every friday and the Party doesn’t know where he is going, so Mike decides to follow him and is surprised. 
Snowed Under (G, 1.3k) By the same author of The New Fight series. Mike is spending christmas by himself in college because a snowstorm hits Chicago and Nancy can’t drive to see him, but then he has a surprise visitor. Ahhh just a lil sweet holiday fic. Super cute. 
you love me anyway series (T, 7.1k, three completed works) Literally just the cutest thing ever. Established Byler. Will loves to take pictures and he loves taking pictures of Mike. It’s adorable. 
you wanna be friends forever (i can think of something better) (T, 9k) This one is so amazing. So. Amazing. From Will’s POV, my kid deserves the world and he gets it. 
okay not to be okay (T, 4.9k) Mike is a bit sad but then everything is okay. 
can’t hold out forever (G, 18.4k) Y’all!!!!! 5+1 sweetness. Mike has been falling in love since kindergarten. And it’s long af, you’ll enjoy it. 
even if it takes forever (G, 1.3k) College short AU, they miss each other, they love each other, they promise all to each other. It is sappy y’all.
clear as day (N/R, 18.4K, 4 chapters) It’s not rated, but I’d say it falls in the T category. Strangers to friends to lovers. And also, everyone is pretty gay; we have our dynamic trio Mike, Max and El as disaster lesbians (and gay). Will works at the library and he is also gay. Lucas and Dustin and Will are the best friends we needed. It’s very sweet and the Party is kind of formed here!
I went overboard with the one-shots, so you must have realized how much I love long one-shots and I favor them over long works lmao but they are all amazing!!! If it’s on this list, I probably read it at 2 am, sobbing in my bed. So. Hope you enjoy it☺️🧡
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lunmelia · 4 years
Listen I know that Jack had to “grow up fast” because the world is a “dangerous place” or whatever but if he was born a baby?? I would’ve watched the hell out of that show. Just two dudes, their mum and an angel raising the devil’s baby. Because I say that they kicked Lucifer’s ass to the alternate world and everyone lives (except Kelly. Sorry.). Could you imagine? 
You have Mary; the woman who has experience in raising two babies, even if one was only for six months.
You have Dean; the man who basically raised Sam and has vague memories of helping out when his brother was a baby. Helped Lisa with her son and baby niece. Took care of a shapeshifter baby for a day. Also had a daughter for a couple of days but didn’t interact with her much. 
You have Sam; not much experience. Also took care of a shapeshifter baby for a day. Strong in research, might manage to find them at least a paragraph of how to raise a nephilim. Killed his niece. Not a great sign but he promises he won’t do that this time. 
You have Castiel; the angel expert. Is a literal angel. Has no experience with babies apart from that one night he babysat for his co-worker. Kind-of-sort-of-not-really a dad to a teenage girl. Only times he’s had to interact with a nephilim is when he’s been ordered to kill one, so, not a good sign but he promises he won’t do that this time. 
Together, they make do. But holy shit is raising Jack tough. 
He may not have a true form like Castiel but he does have wings and a true voice. Which he can’t control. So the tantrums. The tantrums. When he was born he made their ears bleed from the crying, and the lights exploded. Cas was miraculously able to calm him down before further damage was done, but the humans always make sure to have earplugs on them from then on. They also had to buy a large supply of lightbulbs to replace the ones in the bunker every time he cries. 
They had to baby proof the bunker. And I mean baby proof the hell out of the bunker. You think a normal house can be dangerous for a baby? The bunker is huge. And full of knives, guns, spellbooks, ancient artifacts, and just about a thousand other things that are not. good. to have around a baby. The baby proofing took a week. Two days of exploring the bunker and recording everything that needed to be baby-proofed, two shopping trips in a day to buy the things needed, and another three days of installing everything. Cas had to stay with Jack in his room while Mary, Sam and Dean did all the baby proofing. 
(also yes this is an AU in which Dean and Cas get their shit together, confess their feelings, build a house and raise Jack as his dads. the build a house part comes in when Jack is like 3)
The absolute freakout Dean had when Jack flew the first time. It happened when he was five months old, and Dean was changing his diaper. He turned around for a second to throw out the wipes. Heard the flap of wings, turned back around with a greeting for Cas on his lips, and Jack was gone. It went like this: Dean, staring at the empty table: ... Jack? Jack- *realisation* Cas! Cas, the baby’s gone! Cas! The baby can fly! Baby’s flying- Cas, appearing in front of him with a giggling Jack in his arms: yes, I am well aware Dean: oh my god- Jack: *disappears again* Dean: *yelps in alarm* Cas: *simply reaches up and just. plucks Jack out of thin air. one moment there’s empty air and the next Jack is just in Cas’ hands* Cas: this may become... difficult Dean, leaning over with his hands on his knees: I’m gonna have a heart attack
Turns out, baby Jack can heal! Which is what Mary discovered when once she had held Jack after coming back from a hunt with a few scrapes, they miraculously disappeared. 
You know when toddlers will get into the flour and leave a mess that you have to clean up for the next two hours? Yeah, well Jack got into a box of spellbooks and opened one which released monsters from fables. So that was a very panic-filled 6 hours that included Sam, Dean and Mary researching how to put them back / kill them while Cas held Jack close to make sure he didn’t fly away. Turns out, baby-proofing a bunker is pretty useless when said baby can fly through walls.
Apart from the many mishaps thathappened during raising Jack from infancy to toddlerhood, he’s just a weird kid. And kids are usually weird, but Jack is weird. 
Sam basically sprinted back to the car with a five-year-old Jack in his arms after Jack had held a woman’s hand in his at a playground and gently told her, “the events that lead to your father’s death were never your fault. He is in his Heaven now and although he is at peace, he begs that you make room in your heart for forgiveness of his wrong doings.” Yeah, they were very close to moving town when that happened. 
One day when he was 6, he walked outside into the back yard and just sat down in a random spot and stared at the ground. After a couple of minutes of glancing out the window to check on him, Dean walked up to him. Dean: whatchu up to, kid? Jack: there is a daisy that is going to grow and bloom here in 15 days. I’ve never seen a flower grow. I would like to watch it, if that’s okay? Dean: you want to sit here, in this exact spot, for 15 days so you can watch a flower grow? Jack, still not taking his eyes off the spot: yes Dean, who’s honestly used to this behaviour after witnessing it for the past two years: ... alright, sure. I’ll bring you dinner in a couple of hours, that sound good? Jack, finally looking up with a beaming smile: yes, thank you! (Cas and Dean did not let him sit in the same spot for 15 days. They did sit next to him for like two hours when the daisy did bloom, though. And despite the creak and buzzing ache in his knees and back, Dean can’t find it in himself to regret it.) 
he had a phase when he was 7 where he would say hi to everyone he came across. Everyone. Dean and Cas cannot make one shopping trip with him without everyone in that store knowing Jack’s name. He says bye when they leave too. 100% every time they get at least 5 people saying bye back. 
On the year he turned 8 they decided to enrol him in school. After weeks of telling him not be “weird” and teaching him to be as normal of a kid as he could be. When the 4 of them are confidant that he won’t go around using his powers, they enrol him. They did not anticipate the school calling him the first day, telling them that Jack had explained to the other kids that Santa isn’t real and they should “learn to not set themselves up for disappointment or believe what their parents say” which caused the entire class to burst out into tears. It was another “maybe we should move town” moment.
Another kid: my dad broke his leg. he has to walk with crutches now. sometimes he lets me use them! Jack: both my dads have died. one of them was torn to shreds by hellhounds who then dragged his soul down to hell where he was tortured for 40 years, but then father rescued him, that was how they met. but then father was blown to bits by my biological father. but then my grandfather resurrected him! they’re fine now.  Their teacher: uh, wow... Jack. sure sounds like you have some very vivid dreams Jack, remembering he’s not supposed to talk about this kind of stuff: ah, yes, of course... dreams. I woke up... crying. a lot. the dreams... scared me. 
I have... so many other little moments in my head, but this post is already so long so let me know if anyone wants more. 
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raineydays411 · 4 years
You will remember my name
      Part 2 of Ember
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m so stoked y’all liked my first fic! I really appreciate all the love and support you guys have no idea. (This might have to stretch to three chapters lol)
Tony Stark X daughter!reader
Tonys pov
A tense silence filled the halls of the Avengers tower. It’s been a week since Y/N left the tower in tears. It’s been two days since anyone has seen the girl to think of it.  The first few days it was thought the girl was just staying with a friend while she cooled off. But after the third day, a bad feeling settled in the stomachs of the heros. By the fourth day, they asked some of Y/Ns closest friends. 
No one has seen her.
Pepper called her aunt, Pamela Isely, but the women said that the last time she spoke to her god daughter was a week before this whole mess happened. 
By the time the week was over, it was concluded that Y/N Stark was missing. 
Tony Stark was not a perfect father. He knew that, of course he knew. I mean, he didn’t exactly have the positive male role models growing up other than Jarvis. He knew he wasn’t going to be a perfect father. He just never thought he’d screw up this badly.
He found out he had a daughter four months after the Battle of New York. He had gotten the news that an old fling of his had died during the attack. leaving behind a daughter. Feeling bad for the kid, he began to set up a college fund for her, as he knew what it was like to lose someone in a tragic way. At first he thought nothing of it, just simply seeing it as a good deed. But then one night, during one of his restless nights, he began doing the math and figured out that the age of the girl was just about nine months off from when he had...met her mother. Needless to say Pepper was shocked when she woke up to Tony passing out.
After a few minutes of being yelled at by Pepper and another hour of coming to terms with this discovery, Tony made plans to find the girl.
Y/n pov
After explaining your situation with your father to the boy, you realize that you still didn’t know his name. Turning to him you ask for it. 
“Oh, my name is Daniel, Daniel Winston.”  You snort as you realize the irony of this ghost boys name. 
“You mean to tell me that your name is Daniel, and you’re a ghost with white hair??” He glares at you for a second then a small smile creeps on his face, “Well, despite the circumstances, it is kinda funny.”  You hum in agreement and let a comfortable silence take over as you try and figure out where you are and if you’re even in New York.
“Hey Danny?” You ask, “Where are you from?”  
“Bludhaven, I was walking home from school when I was taken. Why do you ask?” 
“Because” You reply,” I was taken from New York.” A heavy silence falls over you both as you realize that you’re both unfamiliar with your surroundings. There weren’t any markings to indicate where you were. The base was nestled in a corner of abandoned buildings that looked like factories. The sky was dark and you couldn’t see any stars. There was a strange scent in the air that you chalked up to air pollution. You both continue walking when you see a building with its lights on. 
“Danny, that’s the only building so far that has any lights, we should go check it out.” He looked hesitant, and he wasn’t wrong to be. The building was an old shoe factory, it was dark and looked as if a sneeze could take the whole thing down. Whoever was in there probably wasn’t good company.
“ Are you sure you want to go in there?’ Danny's voice full of doubt, “Maybe we should keep going till we actually get into town.” While his idea was the more logical one, you were starting to get tired, blowing up a building with freaky ghost powers takes a lot out a a young girl.
“I think we should go, I need to rest up and we don’t know how far the town will be. We don’t even know what town this is.” And with that, you start to make your way to the building, a hesitant ghost trailing behind you.
Tony's POV
Tony realizes locking himself up in his lab really isn’t going to help find his missing daughter. He just can’t believe he screwed up this badly. His own child, thought she wasn’t loved. He did that to her. A rage filled his body as he angrily swept everything off his work table. The clatter of wrenches and pens filled his ears as he stared at the wall.
The sound of the door opening caught his attention. He turned to see Steve Rogers walking in with a box of chinese food and a stern face. Quietly, the blond man took a look at the state of the lab, shook his head and placed the food on the table.
“We picked straws to decide which one of us had to come convince you to come out.” Steve said breaking the silence between the two men. Tony said nothing as he continued to look at the wall.
“You know, you have some nerve to lock yourself away.” Tony jerked his head over and stared at the man . “ What did you just say?” 
“You damn well heard what I said.’ Steve shot back. “ Your daughter is missing. She disappeared into thin air. And you’re in here doing what? Throwing your tools around?” 
“Are you going to lecture me?” Tony said in a bored voice.” Because of you are, i want to take notes” 
“You know this is your problem. You don’t care.” Steve said angrily. “ You don’t care that your daughter is missing. You don’t care that for eight years, the longest conversation you’ve had with her was when you were introducing her to this team.” Steve stood up from the table and walked back to the door before Tony could say anything. “It’s been a week Tony. She’s been missing for a week.  We need to find her.” He walked out without another word.
And again, Tony was alone. Alone with his thoughts, and alone with his regrets. Then he realizes, if he wants a chance to make up all those years, he’s going to need to find you first.  
Y/n POV:
Getting into the factory wasn’t too hard, considering you can just walk through walls now. The real hard part finding someone to help, as there was no one in the building. In fact, the only living thing in the factory was the surprising amount of vines and greenery over taking the space. 
“hey, Y/n.. maybe we shouldn’t be here...” Danny whispered, ‘” this place is creeping me out.” 
“D, you don’t have to whisper, I’m the only one who can hear you.”
 You answer as you look around, the room you were in seemed like an office of some sort. Then you noticed something.
“Danny, those vines...they lead out of the room” 
And with that you start walking towards the door, but before you can make it you hear loud voices, two women from what you can tell. 
“....mmy you can’t keep doing this to yourself....”
“i....never let her go with him....”
You can’t hear what they’re saying, you take a step forward and accidently step on a vine. 
“wait...there's someone here.” 
Oh shit. You look at Danny in surprise as there was no way these people would have known you were here.
Then suddenly, the room of plants came to life. Vines started thrashing around, searching for the intruder. 
“WHAT THE FUCK” Danny yelled as a vine goes through is body. “Y/N lets get out of here!” In your panic, you forget you can literally turn into a ghost, so you look for a window to get out of. Before you can climb, a vine suddenly wraps around your leg and pulls you out of the room.
You thrash as you are pulled down the hallway, around corners, and painfully down stairs. You scratch at the floor, desperate to find something to cut the vines.  Then your eyes start glowing. Your skin melting to a pale blue. You blast through the plant as you start floating upwards. You shoot the plants around you with a blue mist like energy.
“What is that?” “Aye whatta you doing here?”  Wait. You know that voice.
Looking up, you get distracted and a vine wraps around your body, restricting your movement. You struggle for a while till you hear it. 
“Y/N?” You stop and look up. You change back to your normal appearance, shocked.
“Aunt Pam?!”
After Steves not lecture, Tony got to work. He had FRIDAY look for anything suspicious in and near New York. By doing that, he found out that there has been an influx of missing people ranging from ages twenty to fifteen. They were going missing from three specific cities: Bludhaven, Gotham, and...New York. Seeing this had Tony's heart sink. He ran into the conference room where the rest of the team was conducting their own investigation. But before he entered, he stopped to listen to the teams conversation.
“How can she just...disappear into thin air..” Sam said in a sad voice. The rest of the team sat in silence. 
“Maybe we missed something. There has to be something there.” Natasha said with a desperation no on has heard from her. “It’s been a week Steve, she wouldn’t just leave like that.” And that when Tony decided to make his presence known.
“Maybe she didn’t” He said making everyone jump, “There has been an increase in missing person cases in the cities of Gotham, Bludhaven, and New York. All around the same age as Y/N.”
“So,you’ve decided to step up” Clint said sarcastically. “Where have you been this past week Stark?”
“ Look I know I haven’t been the best parent” Tony said.
“that’s an understatement”, grumbled Clint.
“I love my daughter. I hate the thought of her not knowing that.” Tony finished looking around the room to see the disapproval of the team.
“Fighting isn’t going to find her.” Wanda said quietly. “We need to work together.”
“Wandas right.” Steve said, “FRIDAY ,can you find any abnormal activity in any of the cities?”
“I did a widespread search specifically in the Gotham bludhaven and New York areas. A building in the indrustrial area in Gotham spontaneously collapsed. When authorities searched through the rubble, they found bodies of thirty out of the ninety reported missing people.”
“Was there anyone matching Y/N description,” asked Natasha anxiously.
“FRIDAY bring up the missing kids files”
A long minute went by, and all the files uploaded. The Avengers were all on edge as they flipped through the thirty files. They were relieved when they realized that Y/n was not part of those thirty kids.
Tag list: @big-galaxy-chaos
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to tie up a cute boy
(Highschool Au)
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Parts: 1  2  3
Word count: 4K
Warnings: Swearing, Scaramouche abuse, no Signora slander this time, shit humour.
Synopsis: "Why are you doing homework?" Childe groans, rolling off to the side and kicking off the blanket to expose himself in nothing but a pair of boxers. "I'm literally right here, naked and defenseless. Why aren't you taking advantage of me?"
Note: Unedited yet again besties. Tysm for reading :) I got Childe after losing him to mf MONA, istg it was the most stressful moment of my life.
Tumblr media
The clock ticks with its pendulum, ridiculing you as it holds the time. The gentle whirring of the air conditioning in the background serves as the icing on the cake to your pent up aggression.
You try not to glare at your phone too much after receiving a text from Childe that told you not to worry, that his dad picked him up and that he was in the comfort of his home, letting the flu blow over.
It took a lot of convincing from his part earlier that morning to get you to go back and actually attend the rest of your classes, making sure to check up on him every break plus the additional "bathroom breaks" you usually never take while in class.
"I can't let you get in trouble for me." He murmured with a small smile that pumped your blood a little faster than usual. "I'm fine, really. Don't worry your pretty little head."
You do exactly that.
You don't even know why you're so worried. He's sick, not dying. Not to mention, you aren't even his girlfriend let alone his friend to care so much. 
Your intrusive thoughts don't waste any time. You latch onto the one thought that takes over. He's probably dead. Lying in his bed in a heap of pillows, passing peacefully while his parents are in the other room. He's dead.
Okay, he's not dead. You intrusive thoughts sure do one hell of a job. He'll be fine, and in no time he'll go back to being a reckless distraction in your life that you need to surpass. Just another obstacle to add onto the list of things life has thrown at you.
But for an obstacle, he sure is kind of cute.
You refrain from bashing your head on the desk. School isn't really a preferred environment on your list of top ten places to shrivel up and die.
Speaking of death and all that is evil, why is Childe always on your mind? He takes up every nook and cranny of your day, constantly, and truth be told it's starting to boil your piss.
Every time you close your eyes you see his smug smile, and hear his stupid laugh. He's an annoying little prick who gets a rise out of exasperating you. Yet here you are, terrified by the warmth that blossoms in your heart when you so much as hear his name.
The final bell rings at long last, conveniently before you bite your tongue to avoid screaming, and not another second is wasted once you launch yourself out the door. You dodge through the crowd of students in the hall that are buzzing in excitement from it being a Friday afternoon, and you would be too if you weren't so damn hung up over a ginger with a battlekink.
Locker in view, you make a beeline and spend the next two minutes fumbling with the lock in your hands.
"Woah there cutie," Lisa speaks up playfully. "At this rate you'll break the poor lock with your bare hands."
For a moment you're surprised at her sudden appearance, but then remember that it's normal for her to worm her way anywhere.
"It's just—this lock is being dumb okay? It has no reason being a pain in my ass but it wakes up every day and chooses violence." You hiss through your teeth, a sharp metallic ring invading your ears when you lose it and jostle the combination lock against the door of your locker.
Lisa winces, but smiles teasingly nonetheless. "Want me to give it a try?"
Lisa has the door open at record speed.
"I love you Lisa." You confess wholeheartedly, gripping at your chest. "I love you so much—"
"Yeah yeah," She waves you off with a grin. "Now hurry up and go save your boyfriend from the common flu. Archons knows he won't make the night."
You flush at the word "boyfriend" and don't give much thought to the insinuation that lies within the rest of her sentence.
Sliding your skateboard under an arm, you spin on your heel just to bump straight into Scaramouche, who's won the scowl of the century on his face. He's the last person you want to see right now, but apparently the universe wants to have a pissing match with you.
"Give this homework to that idiot Ginger." He shoves a stack of papers into you. "Tell him that once he's done circling the drain, I'm gonna kick his ass." He then leans in, murderous glint in his eyes. "And if you ever touch me again I'll take a shit in your cereal. That's not a threat, it's a promise."
You shiver at the thought of him squatting on your Cheerios, hands becoming clammy as you try and justify yourself. "It was an accident."
Your pitiful excuse earns you nothing from the navy haired boy. "It'll be an accident when I murder your entire family, three generations over."
"Hi Mona!" You wave excitedly over his shoulder at the body of students that are totally not Mona. With elation he fails to conceal, Scaramouche turns to look at the speed of light.
You take the chance to make your escape—not before waving to Lisa, chuckling to yourself. He's down bad.
With great expertise you file your way through the flock of students chattering near the entrance. , you confidently place your skateboard down on the sidewalk, ready to—
Wait—where does he live again?
You sigh heavily, ignoring the sadness as you thank the universe internally for pulling the reigns on your disastrous plan. Checking up on Childe at his house? With his family present? Making a complete fool out of yourself? What are you thinking? The possibilities are horrendous. He probably doesn't even think of you like that, he just likes a challenge and you pose as one.
You turn away to make a run for it in the direction of your home, all the while ignoring the nagging worry in your chest for Childe. He's probably fine anyways, you don't need to check up on him, and if you did he'd likely find a way to spin it and tease you relentlessly.
Although somehow, the thought of being teased by him isn't as dreadful as you'd like it to be.
Suddenly, an idea graces you, one that guarantees your misery by sating your obligation to check up on Childe. A litany of curses escape your mouth. Genius really, the amount of ways you can think of doing something that'll end in your demise.
"Adeptus Xiao." You whisper apprehensively, already regretting your decision. "Adeptus Xiao." Glancing around your surroundings, you barely notice the shadow that looms over you at your backside.
"What do you want mortal?" Unbeknownst to you, he strikes out of nowhere, making you jump back several meters. You manage to muffle a surprised shriek.
Xiao is Venti's -6 ft boyfriend, the vicious epitome of an eboy. He has a scaled tattoo covering up the majority of an arm, a few piercing holes in his ears, all matched up with a disinterested look. Somehow, he always appears out of nowhere if you call out his name. It's sort of disturbing in a way.
His amber eyes pierce through you, forcing a shudder of fear and dread to lace your blood, almost as if he can sense you shittalking him in your head.
With shaky hands, you ask, "Can you tell me where—"
"You didn't even hear me ou—"
He refuses to at least pretend to think about it for a moment.
"Why?" You frown, stomping your foot on the ground childishly.
"Because." He retorts with a lack of interest, but doesn't further explain his point. English teachers must love this kid.
"Okay," You say slowly, casually inspecting his form as you come up with an idea, briefly remembering Lumine mentioning it to you. "How about I give you my share on almond tofu Tuesday."
The lack of interest on his face wavers slightly. Bingo.
"What do you want mortal?" Xiao mutters gruffly, arms crossed, face morphing into subtle annoyance.
You wrack your brain for a proper answer. You can't just outright ask him or it'll seem like you have a thing for Childe, which you unfortunately do, but you'd like to keep a semblance of integrity. Ah yes, the homework!
"I gotta deliver these to Childe." You outstretch the pile of worksheets in your hands. "Except I don't know where he lives. Can you tell me?"
Xiao's eyes glint with danger. "Did you summon me for the trivial task of giving you an address?"
You nod furiously.
"Do humans have no shame?" Its rhetorical. Expressionlessly, he closes his eyes with intent focus, doing what you assume to be locating Childe's exact location.
He blinks an eye open, reaches a hand out. "Give me your phone." Palm waiting.
You hand it over to him almost desperately.
One glance at your bubbly phone case and he doesn't even try to hide his distaste. He taps a few times, then hands it back to you almost immediately.
On the screen is maps, and Childe's home is about a fifteen minute walk away.
Your jaw drops in disbelief. "How did you do that?"
"Easy," He mutters, leaning back against the school gate as the remainder of students walk past the two of you. "Locating demons that need subjugating is but a simple task."
There's a pregnant pause. Demon.
"Childe's a demon?" You gasp, even though you've always had your suspicions. Hence the reason you invest so much in demon-cancelling charms.
"What? No." He mutters with a roll of his eyes, and you note that his irritation grows the more questions you ask. "I had a physics project with him last semester."
That's why the charms don't work.
Your mouth forms an o, in fear that if you keep this conversation going on any longer, he'll snap at you. Especially when your next line of interrogation involves how he's able to appear and disappear into thin air.
It's a magic trick you'll want to master whenever Il Dottore has another conniption fit in the middle of the hallways after Kaeya tells him he looks like he has skid marks.
"Thank you." You say instead, trying to preserve his regard, but by the time you meet his gaze he's already gone with the wind.
Childe's home is surprisingly humble, considering the amount of fat stacks of cash he carries around in his fanny pack so care-freely. It's a normal suburban home from what you can tell, a little bigger than normal with a double garage, neatly mowed lawn and a few forgotten decorations from the windblume festival. A series of water guns lay forgotten near the entrance, making their presence known when you stumbled upon them.
It's hard to remain unphased. Especially since such a normal looking home has bred someone as ruthless as Childe.
Maybe it not the home, you think. Maybe it's the way he was raised. You recall a few glimpses of his mother in middle school, but because of your worse for wear memory retention, you can't ballpark her personality type.
As your thoughts wander further down to his parents and early childhood, villain origin story and what not, you're pulled out of your concentration when the door opens. The possible implications of being here are most definitely not in your favor.
Childe's mother is a stunning woman in her mid-forties who sure as hell doesn't show it in that jaw-dropping sapphire dress, topped off with a brilliant smile that makes your knees weak. Like mother like son, you suppose.
With her sudden appearance, strangely enough, you can remember how good her tiramisu bites are.
You take a moment to respond, swallowing thickly, only to stare at her stupidly.
His mother doesn't waste another second before ushering you in, oblivious to your star-struck expression. "Y/N? L/N Y/N? My have you grown. I remember when you were only this tall." She lifts her hand up a little above her waist, the jewels on her fingers dazzling with every movement. "How is your mother doing?"
"She's doing alright, busy with the clinic." You're able to find your words, smiling back at her, able to get somewhat familiar with her warmth. "I hope I'm not intruding. Childe forgot some homework." You say, heaving the short stack up.
"Ajax?" She laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. "I can't believe he's going by that now. I wonder when this phase will be over. He may act tough but he's such a softie, has the biggest heart."
You, in between concealed emotions and giggles that threaten to leak, try to hide the oncoming grin but it's impossible. "Well he's got you to thank for it."
"You flatter me too much Y/N," She fixes the up do, pinning back the blonde hair that deftly frame her familiar cerulean eyes. "I can see why he can't stop talking about you."
Her words make you waver momentarily. The fondness you've refused to share, the drawn out stares in the halls, the lingering touches, you don't want to acknowledge it but it's there. Whatever it is.
"I'm so sorry for cutting this short dear," His mother sighs, grabbing her keys off the counter and placing her wallet in an elegant handbag. "My niece is getting married and we're already late. I told Ajax I'd stay if he didn't feel too well but he said he could handle a headache. That boy, I swear, always tries to power through."
You nod in understanding, but wait a minute. A headache?
Scrunching up your face, eyebrows furrowed, you ask. "Headache?"
She frowns, applying another layer of her rouge lipstick hastily in a nearby mirror. "I know dear, how unfortunate. The school nurse said it's a migraine, and I shouldn't fret much, but a mother can't help but worry. If only he weren't so stubborn, like his father."
As if on cue, a loud honk comes from outside.
"That must be him!" She exclaims, hurriedly sliding in her heels, turning back to look at your awkward figure. "Ajax is in his room, it's the second door to the right upstairs. I've made some lasagna for the kids, you ought to have some as well, I'll be upset if you don't—" Another annoying honk cuts her off, to which she scoffs, shaking a fist. "That old man, I'll strangle him in his sleep. I must be going now, goodbye dear." She reveals a twinkling smile at you one last time, waving a slim hand before picking up her heels and making a run for it.
The door closes with an unceremonious thud, gust of wind in its trail, leaving a bewildered high schooler in its wake.
Snapping out of your haze, overwhelming tides threaten to drown you whole. Being in Childe's home, alone, with him a handful of stair steps and a wall or two away, your cheeks are set ablaze.
Now that his mother's gone, you take a second to really look. There are a few toys littered in front of the TV, home covered in with soft throws and coordinated cushions, a lazy sectional plopped right in the middle. The marks on the furniture with all the stories, the light hued mismatched frames hanging on the walls and on all the table, so many pictures of those that resemble him, his brothers, his sisters, his family. You can almost hear the echoing laughter in the halls, the childish squeals and pitter patter of tiny feet slapping the hardwood floor.
This is where he grew up. This is where he retires to after a long day full of gratifying fistfights. This is where he was raised to be who he is today, ambitious and reckless, with the absurd dream to one day rule the world. This is his home.
It's...like being wrapped in blanket, safe and cozy, surrounded by all the love in the world.
Absentmindedly, your fingers trace the outlines of a younger Childe, two missing teeth and eyes full of dreams, hugging the side of his father's shoulder because his small arms can't wrap around them. Not just yet.
You make your way over to the staircase, which has even more frames littered across the wall, one that falls short of hiding the marks of a green crayon—another slice of domesticity you aren't quite accustomed to.
The reality sets in, and you come to a conclusion. This home is definitely not an environment for growing psychopaths, Childe just beats the odds like he beats up kids on the daily.
Your fist hovers over his door as you contemplate abandoning the sheets on a nearby table, but his mother was so sweet and polite, so incredibly hospitable, you wouldn't have the heart to make a run for it.
"I can see why he can't stop talking about you."
Three consecutive knocks. If he doesn't answer, you'll leave them at the door.
"Mama," Childe's muffled groans stem from the other side, and oh, you want to revel in the grave undertone of his voice because it's certainly not a common occurrence. "I told you I'm fine. You can go okay? I don't want you to be late, just need to sleep it off."
You blink, lips curling, and then knock again.
"Mama," He whines again, and it has you grinning mischievously. He's a mommy's boy, he has to be. The thought envelopes your heart with a newfound fondness. "Just come in and hurry."
You eagerly take in the room once you slip in, eyes scanning over every little detail, until they zero in on the heap of sheets smack dab on the single bed, a pair of feet dangling off the edge, topped with a comforter thrown over leisurely.
Childe's facing away from you, head dipped in between his shoulders, probably trying to find a position that's more comfortable. He's shivering, sweating at the same time. His mother must've been too preoccupied to notice. This isn't the first time he's used his exceptional bullshitting finesse.
"I can't believe you lied to your mother," You cross your arms, leaning back against the door.
With a jerk, Childe flings into a sitting up position, wide awake and aware of everything that is going on, a stark contrast from nearly seconds ago.
He blinks at you in shock, once, twice, rubs his eyes a bit, relaxes, then leans back, out of it completely. "For a sleep paralysis monster, you sure are kind of cute."
"For and idiot you sure are an idiot." You snort back.
"Wait a minute," He mutters slowly, jaw dropping. "You're actually here?!"
Ignoring his question, you opt to slap the papers on his desk to ignore your clammy palms. "Homework."
"And here I thought you came here all this way to be my personal nurse." He smirks, recovering from his momentary shock fairly swiftly. Doesn't refrain from giving you that shit stain of a bad boy grin, even with a flushed face and concavity under his eyes.
"I can be your personal mortician instead."
"I didn't know you were into role play babe, but I'll take what I can get." He winks, but is punished by a sequence of coughs that earn a wince from you.
"Headache?" You tease after he quiets down, but he remains as cavalier as always.
He sighs, sides of his lips still arched upwards. "My parents barely have any time to themselves, it's so hectic with the kids. What kind of son would I be if I couldn't even give them this?"
He must've threatened Barbara.
"You're," You inhale, briefly letting the silence hang between you two, mulling over what you wish to convey. sweet.
"Irresistible? Hot? Sexy?" He starts casual, arrogant smirk widening.
"Kind of not a complete asshole, is what I was going to say."
"Careful girlie," He narrows his eyes on you, playful lilt in his tone. The comforter is allowed to slip past his shoulders to reveal the goods that lie underneath, the complete naked chest of a post-puberty highschool boy who sprays too much axe. Full pectorals are something to pay for, stringed with smooth muscles that ripple their way over his toned shoulders. "If you keep teasing me like this, I can't promise I'll be the nice guy."
"One more time from the top," You bite back, avoiding staring at him for too long. "Without the congested nose this time."
With great expertise, he weakly throws a pillow at you, and you watch it exceptionally land at your feet, barely grazing the tips of your socks.
"Impressive," You whistle, not impressed.
He pouts, shivers, then is dunking his head back into the welcoming embrace of his plush collection of pillows.
With a sigh, you plop down on his chair, grab a pen and begin calculating derivatives.
"What're you doing?" He doesn't even turn your way, voice muffled.
"Homework," You reply nonchalantly, trying to calm your nerves. "unless you want me to get you something to eat, considering you puked out your gogurt on Barbara's shoes earlier. Congrats by the way, you're hit listed by her fan club."
"Why are you doing homework?" He groans, rolling off to the side and kicking off the blanket to expose himself in nothing but a pair of boxers. "I'm literally right here, naked and defenseless. Why aren't you taking advantage of me?"
He really has an IQ below room temperature.
Burying the formidable obligation to clock him in the face on behalf of society, you slowly get up to approach his bed, to which he grins widely in disbelief.
Apprehensively, you climb onto his bed, and he scoots over, excitement as clear as day. His hair's a wild mess from all the shifting, almost makes you want to card a hand through it. Your heart nestles it's way in your throat at the sight of his blazing blue eyes.
You pity him for what you're about to do.
"Relax Childe," You lean over him with confidence you never knew you had to begin with, face hovering inches before his. Your fists strategically grip the comforter on either side of him. "We have all day after all."
Although you attempt to pay no heed to his quivering hand that snakes up to find solace on your hip, you momentarily shiver at the tenderness.
He's eating this up and leaving no crumbs. Closing his eyes in anticipation, his lips tremble when he tries to close in the distance.
Abruptly, you cross both handfuls of sheets over his body, tying them securely in place to keep him docile. He struggles in your grip, eyes snapping open in surprise. "Wuh-What."
"Did you really think you had a chance?" You cross your arms, stepping back to get a good look at your handiwork.
"Honestly?" Childe huffs, struggles some in his restraints. "I wasn't really thinking."
"Typical," You scrunch your nose up, unscrunch, and then exhale. "You stay here and I'll go make you some soup. Well, not that you can really move but you get the idea."
"You're really going to leave me here like this?" He pouts cutely, melting you, and the sick bastard knows of his power.
"Relax," You wave a hand, "I may be evil but I'm not Scaramouche."
Meanwhile, Scaramouche sneezes as he tries to ask Mona out, falling straight on his ass from the kick back, making a complete fool out of himself. Mona doesn't mind though, finds it endearing.
Back at Childe's room, he raises a brow, expectant.
Going through the five stages of grief, you do something you've been wanting to do for a while, succumbing to the immense feeling.
Closing in the distance between you two, you suck in a breath and gently tilt Childe's head to the side. He blinks quickly, not quite expecting your sudden forwardness, about to say something that doesn't matter as soon as you place a tender peck on the side of his cheek.
Time stops, the world coming to a halt completely. A moment made in history, one you won't ever forget, fresh in both your minds from forward on.
And then you stagger away as if you've been stabbed.
"Soup!" You squeak, appalled by the sheer boldness of your actions. "I'll go make soup while you rest."
Childe, frozen, stares at you incredibly confused, and then beams.
Dear Archons, what have you done.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
My bad, I’m just now seeing the rules😭 I’ll choose shiguraki, dabi, and Hawks for the time traveling kids reaction
A/N: You’re all good baby! I kept looking at this trying to come up with a fitting situation for them and then I dreamt about being in all three situations last night??? lmaooo it was both terrifying and lucky hehe~ Hopefully, it’s as good as I’m imagining it
Side Note: I’m writing this with a baby (thankfully, but unfortunately, not mine!) on my chest. Get on my level. Jk, but everyone say hi <3
Warnings: Cursing 
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Shigaraki Tomura:
you and shigaraki came back from your daily walks 
aka, people watching
and you two planned to play on the PS4 later
whiles you’re setting up the TV in the living room, he goes to his room to get the console and remotes
he opens the door, sees a baby on his bed, then immediately shuts the door
goes to you and kurogiri
him: “any of you know why there’s a baby on my bed?”
kurogiri: a baby? 😐
you: a BABY!!!?? 😍💞💞
you rush in there and to your amazement, there is a baby no more than six or seven months, gurgling on the bed
kurogiri is giving tomura the most judgemental look and shigaraki kinda feels embarrassed even though he swears he didn’t do anything
“please don't tell me it’s yours”
“i can assure you, y/n and i use prot--”
“oh my gosh, shiggy, she looks just like you with my hair and nose!”
kurogiri is over it 
tomura is malfunctioning
you’re gushing over the baby girl, totally ignoring the fact that a literal child, who just so happened to look like a perfect mix between you and tomura, just appeared like a sick magic trick
was it a quirk?
was it time travel??
did tomura knock you up and everybody just somehow forgot???
so many questions, so little answers
in order to keep from getting a migraine, everybody followed your train of thought and just went along with it for now
shigaraki was less than pleased that his plans with you had been scrapped
he spent the day going shopping (stealing) for diapers, getting formula, buying clothes, and buying toys
feeding the baby was annoying
changing her was a nightmare
shigaraki threatened to disintegrate the child if she puked on him one more time
but everyone just adores her
she’s such a cutie
her toothless smile just warms up everybody’s hearts
even kurogiri is smitten
the day ends with you, the baby, and shigaraki in his room, getting ready for bed
he’s grumbling bc “can’t we just leave her on the couch or something”
you ignore him and he’s forced to get in bed bc no matter what, he’d never give up the chance to cuddle with you...even if it is with some stupid baby
after she falls asleep, you sigh and lean on his shoulder
“you really think she’s ours?” you ask
he wants to say i hope not, but the way you look at him with all the hope in the world makes his heart tingle 
instead of answering, he softly kisses your lips and tucks the both of you in
when you both wake up, the baby is gone--probably back to her timeline
you're a little sad and shigaraki only says what he says NOT BC HE THINKS IT’S TRUE OR SOMETHING but bc your misery makes him itch
“don’t worry. i’m sure we’ll see the brat again someday”
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when you came back to your apartment, holding a load of groceries, you were quite surprised to see the situation at hand 
in the middle of your living room was dabi, at his big ass age, wrestling with a kid that couldn't be older than 12 
least to say, you were pissed 
“come on, fess up you little runt. did my old man have another kid”
“for the last time, NO! i’m yours!!”
“stop lying! my pull out game is too strong for that”
“EW! get off of me you staple-faced, burnt chicken nugget lookin’ fu--”
that’s when you intervened
“chicken nugget lookin’ what?” you questioned, looking at the boy with the look™️  
 the boy’s expression went from angry to scared in 0.2 seconds
dabi’s kind of impressed
“father. i-i was gonna say father”
“oh, that’s what i thought bc if you were gonna say what i thought your were gonna say, then i’d have to whoop your ass. but you weren’t, correct?”
“no ma’am”
“so we’re good?”
“yes ma’am”
“perfect. now what’s this about him being your father?”
dabi is taking out of his smugness and flinches under the heat of your glare
you ask him one time who he slept with and when he tells you you're crazy, you lunge at him
your kid lets you get a couple of good hits in before he decides to drop the news that he’s you two’s son of three from the future
you pause, his hand on your face and your fist in his hair
“deadass?” dabi says 
the boy nods his head and you two take the time to look at him
his features are undeniably yours and dabi’s; he was one of those kids that if you sat them next to one or the other, they could look like both parents
you two take it better than he thought you would 
“i always knew you wanted kids with me. simp”
dabi can’t even deny it. he just rolls his eyes and acts all tough 
then he asks, “you sure you’re not gonna get erased from the time continuum by telling us?”
the boy shrugs “i mean...i hope not”
it’s beyond y’all at this point
so you spend the day with the kid, who was named after Dabi (Touya Jr.), and it’s so obvious he’s a momma’s boy 
he helps you cook, set the table, and wash the dishes 
smiles at you like you’re the entire world
dabi is kind of jealous from all the attention you’re giving him 
fumes at the middle finger junior sneakily flips at him 
does it back 
claims to hate the kid but wipes the crumbs off his lip without hesitation
junior got the itis and is down for a nap
calls you two mom and dad before falling asleep 
you get all 🥺 and even dabi is a little nostalgic when junior disappears 
it’s quiet for a moment and then he says, 
“wanna do a practice round in baby-making. yknow? for the future”
you roll your eyes but you aint say no! 
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Takami Keigo (Hawks):
hawks didn't expect to see a tiny kid on the edge of a building on his day off
there wasn't a lot that scared him, but he couldn't deny the fear hammering against his ribcage as he saw the child look around before jumping
thank goodness his speed wasn’t just talk
he caught the girl who didn't look a day past six 
he’s in the middle of giving her a huge lecture about safety and mental health, she just giggles and gives him the biggest kiss on the cheek 
“haha! i knew you’d catch me if i fall, papa~”
he’s too angry to even register what she called him
“that was totally dangerous, kid! what if i hadn't seen you? then what?”
“then i would fly” she said like it was the most obvious thing
he’s dumbstruck as two beautiful white wings sprout out of thin air and allow her to float next to the hero with ease 
hawks blinks bc yeah anyone could have wings, but he could tell that feather pattern from anywhere
it was his 
it was like his own fingerprint was staring at him 
did he accidentally knock someone up bc that would be a big uh-oh
y/n wouldn't like that at all
he asks the child who he is to her and she repeats, “papa~”
he then asks who the mother was and she goes, “mommy~”
she’s not the brightest crayon in the box, that’s for sure 
“what’s mommy’s name, kid,” he asks with the patience of a saint
“Takami Y/N~”
“you’re coming with me”
flys across the city with conviction
you’re lying on your bed, face mask on and reading a book in peace before your oh so wonderful boyfriend comes crashing through your open window
you don’t even flinch. so used to his surprise visits, you close the book and sigh
“to what do i owe the great pleasure of having you break into my house? again”
hawks holds the cute girl up, squishing her cheek as she laughs from the adventure they just went on
this time, you drop the book
eventually, with some cupcakes and chicken, the little girl tells you two about how she went to play with some kid and got zapped by a quirk and ended up here 
you also find out she’s the youngest of four
you look a little sick but keigo gives you a shit-eating grin
he’s so excited about having a family with you
you can’t deny the tingle in your heart
parades the girl around the house and they’re both laughing the same laugh, eyes bright with joy
it makes your heart hurt and now you have to join into the shenanigans 
you spend the day playing games, doing face masks, and reading books to fall asleep to
when you wake up, she’s gone but keigo’s arms are still firmly wrapped around your waist
“so now that you know i’m gonna trap you with four kids, when are you gonna pop the question?”  you joke 
but hawks isn’t laughing. instead, he’s smiling at you in a way that makes your eyes widen
he digs in his coat and pulls out the ring
“i was gonna try and make it a little more romantic. but why wait? so, what do ya say to taking my last name?”
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