#im gonna be real with u anon idk what happened with this one and im sorry if it sucks
ohbo-ohno · 11 months
a place that feels eerily familiar to you, like you knew it in a dream + price !! 🫶
congrats on so many sillies following you!!!
1k game here
this one was kinda hard to think of something for but i hope you like it! also thank you ily <3 i love my sillies
2.2k of john price x single mom reader. this is kinda labyrinth inspired, except i've never see labyrinth so we're going on vibes alone. no smut! this is another one with very little of the character requested, but im gonna get better about not doing that i promise <3
You're gobsmacked as you stare at the scene in front of you.
The walls are painted almost aggressively bright, with rainbows crisscrossing over each other in every direction, random bursts of white you think are meant to be clouds. The colors make you squint a little, you didn't even know paint could be that bright.
It's almost painful to look at. It's also... familiar. You're not sure why, but it is.
You shake off the odd sense of déjà vu, refocusing on your goal.
"Alice?" You call out again, cupping your hands around your mouth and shouting as loudly as you can. "Alice, baby, where are you? Can you hear me?"
It's hard not to fall to your knees and just give up. The only thing keeping you standing is the memory of your sweet baby girl in that man's arms. Her little cherubic face tucked into his neck, tiny body dwarfed by his massive form...
You force a full breath into your lungs, then another, then another. You won't be able to help Alice if you can't keep your head.
"Alright, think," you whisper to yourself, taking another moment to scan the room. "If I were a piece of shit baby-stealer, where would I keep a perfect angel?"
Nothing responds.
The room is definitely meant for a child, but scaled up to your size. The door you'd come in through has disappeared, leaving you stuck in this weird rainbow nightmare.
There's a bed against one wall - not really a bed so much as a stack of no less than six mattress one on top of the other, all with the same purple bedsheets. They nearly reach the ceiling, and on the very top your sure you can see several stuffed animals.
There are bookshelves against one wall, floating shelves styled after unicorns where the books rest along their backs and the unicorns themselves stick out from the wall. It's horrendously impractical - all you can think about is how much dusting they would need, how dangerous they could be if they fell on top of someone.
The floor is a nice hardwood with a large plush rug in the center, stylized to look like a white cat curled up in a little ball.
The room is spotless. Nothing is out of place, there's not a spec of dust anywhere to be seen, and nothing is stained. You wish your own daughter's room was this clean, but three year old's are a very messy species.
This room is clearly meant for a kid, but you can tell it's never been used. No child could keep a white rug so clean.
You sit on the floor in front of the purple bed and try to collect your thoughts, eying the room around you.
The man - John Price, he'd said around a cigar - had been clear about your task. Find your way out of the labyrinth in twenty-four hours, and you'll be reunited with your baby.
Of course the jackass had neglected to mention it's a magical labyrinth. Of course he hadn't told you that the maze would literally reconstruct itself right in front of your eyes.
This room had appeared practically out of thin air too, which is why you suspect that no one's ever been here but you. The whole place has an air of cleanliness that leaves your skin crawling.
The walls though... there's something so familiar about them.
It hits you a few moments later.
You'd had a coloring book as a little girl that was rainbow themed - each page featured a rainbow in a different setting, or a different shape, or an animal with rainbow patterns, things of that nature. Your favorite page had been the one without any design but rainbows, arches crisscrossing over each other in every direction. You spent hours painstakingly coloring it properly, despite the fact that it was nearly impossible to tell where the top of the rainbow was in certain places.
You'd begged your mother to paint your room like that, promised her that you'd help, that you'd never complain about your chores again, all typical little kid stuff. Your mother had refused, and you'd forgotten all about it by breakfast the next day.
That pattern from the coloring book is the same one decorating the walls, complete with the incorrect colors in certain places. That's where you remember it from.
And... and that bed. Mattress stacked on top of one another, purple bedsheets. It's just like an old copy of The Princess and the Pea your father brought home one day. You had been so entranced with the idea of a bed so tall that you'd never even cared about the end of the story. You vividly remember begging for a tall bed like the princess had, and you'd gotten it - you slept in a loft bed for most of your teen years.
It's clear from there what's going on. The unicorn shelves are plucked from your memory too, originating from a years long obsession with the mythical creatures. The rug, now that you think about it, matches one your kindergarten teacher had. The whole room is filled with things that you thought would be great in a bedroom as a little girl.
So.... how do you get out?
There's no door, no windows, no attic, nothing. Just a sealed rainbow box.
You skim your memory as quickly as possible, trying to imagine any sort of escape route you might've wanted. When you were little, you'd gone through a phase of wanting to live in a tower like Rapunzel, but that had a window. You also tried to run away once, becoming very enamored with the idea of living in a tent. You'd wanted to live in a treehouse for a bit, and that....
Oh. That's it.
You'd wanted to live in a treehouse, and your father jokes that you would roll right out of the hatch when you were asleep. You'd proudly said nuh-uh and told him how you'd drag the mattress over the hatch every night.
You glance over your shoulders at the six mattress stacked on top of each other and sigh.
It takes a while, but you finally manage to shove the last mattress away from it's spot.
Not only is there a trapdoor beneath it, there's one singular pea.
You'd laugh if you were any less exhausted.
You leave the rainbow room all but destroyed - the stuffed animals had gone flying and knocked off the books, and the floor is almost completely covered by mattress - but you're far too excited about your small win to worry about cleaning up.
You climb down the ladder in a tiny, enclosed space, breathing slowly to keep yourself from hyperventilating. It's almost pitch-black and you can't fight off the image of the walls shifting around you, deciding you're not supposed to be here and.....
You breathe a sigh of relief when your feet hit the floor.
Your first instinct is to call out for your daughter again, hope that she hears and cries out for you, but this room - dark and undecorated - is dead silent. The kind of silent that feels wrong to break. So you inch forward towards the only door you can make out along the wall.
Your hand shakes as you push it open, tense as you reveal....
A nursery.
A nursery with your baby in it, your little girl all curled up in a crib that she's a bit too old for. She's wearing something different than what you had her in, but she's real and she's safe.
You step froward on instinct, standing at the side of the crib. Just as you're reaching in to grab her and run, a voice speaks up from behind you.
"What are you doing?"
You jolt, spinning around and pressing your back in front of where your baby sleeps.
It's the man again. He can barely fit through the doorway (literally ducks) and he's broad enough to nearly block it. He's almost cartoonishly large, with tree trunk thighs and arms, a soft padding around his body that makes him look both terrifying and nice to hug.
His beard twitches as he frowns at you, thick eyebrows dipping low over his eyes.
"You're not supposed to be here."
You shake your head a little, getting your racing heart under control. "You said if I could find Alice in twenty-four hours I could go home."
He shakes his head slowly, stepping further into the room. The door disappears behind him. "No, I said find your way out of the labyrinth and you could keep her."
Against your own will, you feel tears start to sting in your eyes. "But..."
"How did you get here?" He asks again, shifting back a bit. His face softens just slightly, but that isn't saying much.
"I found a door," you say. "Under the mattresses."
He hums. "You remembered, then."
Now it's your turn to look confused. "Of course I did. It was my dream as a child."
His head tilts to the side as he takes a few steps forward. "You would be shocked how many parents have forgotten their own dreams. It's pathetic," he spits.
You try to push a little further back as he comes within reaching distance, but you have nowhere else to go.
"Yes. How are you supposed to fulfil your child's dreams if you can't remember your own?"
"But... but not all dreams are meant to come true."
He scowls at you, leaning a little further forward. "Really? You don't remember how devastated you were when you didn't get that treehouse? Or the rainbow walls? You cried for hours, I saw it in your memories. Why would you want to put your daughter through that?"
That's... invasive, but you try to move past it. "But my dreams weren't always good for me. I couldn't sleep in the treehouse, what if something went wrong? There could've been a storm, or someone in the woods, or I could've gotten too scared to go inside - any number of things. And I would've been bored of the walls by the weekend, of course my mother didn't spend days painting them just for me to be over it before I even said thank you."
He hums a bit, bringing a hand up to stroke his chin. "You would deny your daughter's dreams because you don't want to create them, then?"
You scowl at that, holding yourself back from poking a finger into his chest. "Are you calling me lazy? How dare you! You know, I work two jobs to take care of that little girl all by myself since her daddy's a deadbeat, I work myself to the bone making sure she can eat, and you call me lazy for not painting the walls the colors she wants?"
He latches onto the wrong part of the sentence. "Her father's not in the picture?"
You glare at him. "That's what you got from that?"
He seems to be stuck in deep contemplation, taking another step forward so your chests nearly brush and you're forced to stare up at him.
"So, it's not for a lack of love, then?"
"What? Of course not. If I could, I'd give Alice everything she could ever want and more. But that's not how the real world works."
"It's how the labyrinth works."
"Excuse me?"
He gestures broadly to the nursery. "The labyrinth is kind to her inhabitants. She gives them everything they desire, because it's easy for her."
You've never been more confused in your life. "Okay? Good for her, then."
You get the feeling he's reached a conclusion that you can't even see in the distance as he nods to himself, leaning to the side a bit to glance at Alice. You fight down the urge to leap over the crib and cover her body with yours.
"Then you will stay here."
That jerks you back to reality. "Wait- what?"
"You will stay in the labyrinth, where she can provide for... what did you call her? Alice? Yes, Alice. You and Alice will be taken care of here."
"But-" you splutter. "But I found her! You said I had to find her!"
He shoots you a slightly exasperated look. "No, as I said before, you had to find your way out. You didn't. And look at that, time's up." A timer appears in the air in front of him, ticking down to zero. "Now you and little Alice are mine. It's been a little empty around here recently, it won't be the worst thing to have company for a bit."
You feel heat rush to your face. "No! Let us go, you can't keep me here on a technicality!"
He smiles - a real smile, brightening up his eyes - and surprises you by cupping your cheek with one big paw.
"Oh my dear, it's my labyrinth, I can do whatever I want in it. And it's not a technicality, though I could keep you based on several of those too."
You fume as you glare up at him, hands curled into fists. "I'll find my way out. You can't keep us here."
He chuckles, patting your cheek once before stepping away. "Oh, yes, I think you'll be fun to keep around for a while, darling. Try your best to escape, if you'd like. I don't think I'll mind finding you lost a few more times."
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#no but i actually hate that i made this blog to vent freely bc i have no other place to talk abt anything or my feelings or thoughts#and im a very isolated person and a shut in and i dont have a job or go to school successfully and i dont know anyone#like blah blah. i have struggled and im drowning in them all. like why the fuck cant ppl just comprehend that we all have different views o#life and the world? like 'wallowing' is .. i have heavy anxiety which is completely untreated and it gives me real bad suicidal ideation#if me complaining on a blog that im btw not forcing anyone to read helps me to stay alive and get my pain out... why does that matter to#other ppl?????? like why does other ppl get so mad seeing someone they dont know vent??#also this goes for everyone but u can literally have no idea abt all of a person's life#esp on here where all u see is like my text posts where i vent abt how i FEEL. bc i want to. ??? i want to do that so i do#u dont know the context u dont know my experiences or what has happened in my life or context#u dont know what has transpired between me and other ppl i vent abt#like u know fuck all. u dont have the right to pass judgement onto a stranger that doesnt even know u exist#and even if i complain on here bc i dont have a real life but i want to#u have no idea what im doing with the rest of my time???? im making lists im trying to look up info abt school and programs#im trying to read abt my mental health issues and im doing mindfulness and im going to the gym#i am trying!!! and u dont have any idea what i do or how i try and u dont have any right to judge me bc all u see is one part that is me#complaining bc this is what i use this blog for. genuinely i do not get why this is even a big deal or why anyone would follow or read smth#makes them irritated???????#idk.. i dont wanna disable anons and stuff (bc funnily enough no one ever says this stuff with their url 🤨) bc i dont wanna miss out on the#stuff but it is infuriating that i have nowhere to go no friends no therapist etc etc to talk#and this is all i have bc i want to vent !!!!!!! and then i have to be like ok now other ppl i dont even know#and who dont actually give a fuck abt me are gonna judge me and tell me im living incorrectly#and ive never gotten more such things than now? why do y'all hate that i vent abt losing out on my 1st love#and feeling heartbroken?????? what the fuck? that has nothing to do with anyone else but me? like genuinely wtf#i just wanna vent bc i feel like im drowning but now i feel like i cant bc ppl just judge and like ugh
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oddvanilla · 2 months
Honey, I'm pregnant and it's yours
Also Petey misses you
Im scared even writing this, I know I'm gonna get smth along the lines of 'go the fuck away' but I jus can't help it
I know u know who this is
Also I'm also very scared of you at the moment
Thank you, and I know it seems weird but I can't help it but, I love you [I seem creepy, sorry, also u don't have to accept it]
Bye bye, u probably won't even post this but I've been killing myself thinking about doing this
Thank you
Also Petey really does miss u 🤣
Also just thanks again
[Also sorry I'm not like talking about our break up or anything Id just prefer to do that if I knew u want to too and not like this]
Bye bye for reals now, id put a silly photo but I'm doing this in anon for some reason :)
Bye bye
Also I know you probably didn't expect this to happen
But hey I needed to do something about it
Bye bye now
HOLY CRAP HOW DID I NEVER SEE THIS??? it must've gotten lost in my notifications or something idk...
HAI R**N* !!! I remember your name and every time I try to type my own, yours always comes first. Even when I'm filling up forums or crap...
I'm sorry for scaring you off!!! I still care about you. And for every time I forget to, here I'll just say: I still love you 🫶 even after everything that happened. You're like impossible to hate. I can't help it either🤷‍♀️
My sister still checks on you, even you know that. She tells me what happened to you and that kinda crap. I feel bad all the time, and I'm sorry. I would've said this way earlier If I could, but stuff happens,, YK?? It hurts me so bad knowing what I caused. I didn't mean to do this to you, and even back when we were friends I tried holding on because I can't let you ruin yourself. I miss what we had, that's one fact.
I do care if you kill yourself. I DO care if you slit your wrist. I do still care about you in general. All I wish you is love, that's pretty much. I even asked my sister to go and give you asks just so you're not alone anymore. I don't care if she replaces me,, hey at least you got a friend!!!
But I never deleted everything we shared. All the screenshots from our conversations are like a comfort place, even. I still listen to every song you used to spam. I know I hate pencey prep and frank iero, but I still listen to their music because it reminds me of you. I only hated MCR because I wanted you to have your own thing. I want you to focus on yourself and crap. But now I just went back to listening to MCR because it's all I have left of you. You deserve a real apology from me if you just let us talk this out!!!
I can't replace you, and you know that. I call people my husband or wife but I still have you in mind. You're the best person on here I know, and even though I hated it or pretended it, I miss waking up to lots of messages. Now I still wake up to those but from lots of different people. I don't like it that way, I wish you could just come back. I waited for you SO long and I gave up. I want you back and I would do anything for that. But I didn't go talk to you directly because you know I want you to have space. I miss having only ONE person to go to. I didn't ignore you because I had other people to talk to!!! If anything, my parents expected so much from me like school and other crap that I don't have time to reply to anyone either!!!
Now it's been rough and stuff. I almost have nobody to open up to. Everyone I know is either always asleep or always can't talk. But you're always there and that's one thing nobody can beat you at. I don't even text people first anymore because I feel like I'm a bother and when I'm with you it just feels easier because. You're accepting.
I never told anyone about what we had in detail. I never tried to do the same things WE did with anyone else either. Nobody has to know about what letters are missing in p** w*y h*g*er. Nobody has to know why we hated your brother and how he was a bitch. I don't even send people frerard fanfics anymore because I don't want a friendship story like ours just a 2.0 version. I think you're the one for me, if anything. I love you and you didn't mess up, I did.
I don't want you to leave me alone, I want you back. If YOU can do this then we could build everything back. just know that even if you don't want me, it's fine. But I won't try to find anyone better,, I'll just sit back, I guess🙏🙏 tell mamacita im not done with rizzing her up🙄🙄
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compacflt · 11 months
pre-publishing notes for extras part one (coming tomorrow i pray 🙏🏽 if not tmr than next saturday 🥺) for those interested
i am incredibly busy this wk so the final final edit of my fics isn’t gonna come till later, like next Wednesday or the weds after that or something.
but do not worry i am not changing anything major, unlike in previous edits. It’s just fixing little stuff (hyphenation, some grammar, places where AO3 fucked my italics, changing “chief naval officer” to chief of naval operations [i literally have no clue how that error happened as i got it right in some places and wrong in a bunch of other places like wtaf], removing brand names that show idk what the fuck im talking about, etc.). The most substantial edit is I’m adding one sentence to the slider one-shot where ice tries to convince slider that he and maverick are only tying the knot for financial purposes, and “so the govt doesn’t fuck one of us when the other dies for real.” that sentence was in my original draft and idk why it got removed.
i will not be editing the hangman one shot (besides fixing the proposal date), the airplane one shot, or the wingmen one shot because i do not really care for them and they have been overwritten by other sections of my fics. the bradley one shot is also pretty much going untouched
ONTO THE EXTRAS. Unlike some of my other fics which are M-rated & therefore kind of implicit, these extras are a littol bit edgy & explicit. Not beating around the bush anymore. I am warning for possible triggers, mostly related to disordered eating and, like, a BUNCH of casual suicidal ideation/discussion of suicide. Also it’s E-rated.
however that isn’t to say it’s not mostly fluff lol. there’s SOME sex but u know me.. it is sex as symbol not sex as sex... (You know what they say, $20 is $20 and writing practice is writing practice) I wanted to expand the scope of my original fics—more politics, more complications, more backstory, so that’s mostly what it is. Not everything revolves around goose anymore. It’s also about the rest of the world
parts of it will also obviously just be me dicking around, a disclaimer
not every scene that I’ve posted in a wip wednesday made the cut. I got rid of a bunch of them that were boring/repetitive. (so, my apologies to the anon who told me they liked the sickfic excerpt, for instance—the one where mav sprains his wrist is basically the same thing, we don’t really need to rehash the “taking care of each other” motif twice)
prolly download these somewhere else because it really is just 70k of a wall of text with no chapter breaks and we all know how ao3 is
thanks for reading! as always! ❤️❤️almost at the finish line here! part 2 (post TGM mission) hopefully next Saturday :)))
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seeingivy · 2 months
hii ronnie i’m usually a silent reader (ig my introverted-ness transcends realms) but i had to tell you that i love love love your writing sm!!! i have to split this up to really encapsulate my experience on your blog 🙂‍↕️
my first ever interaction with your blog was when your taylor as gojo post came up— specifically king of my heart and speak now … although you’re losing me has to be one of my faves. reading the series as it came out, it was actually mind boggling to me when i realized you also wrote family rules!!
when bsfob sukuna came out i HAD to read it… are u crazy.. i think i’m most attached to him since i now was so active (reading wise) on your blog and really enjoyed each chapter (might’ve shed a tear here and there) the intricacies of everyone’s relationships and their love … im gonna sob.
now.. onto the past THREE days ! i always saw your posts for method acting but never really got around to it, that is, until this week. i started reading it out of wanting a multi-part story and that i knew i’d love your writing as i have so many times before. when i started method acting.. i couldn’t even put my phone down and stayed up the whole night reading half the story and sobbing every chapter (probably beginning at sick with sadness like everyone..) i had never been so hooked at the ending of “historic wins” like wdym they don’t get married and adopt a cat named gerald immediately … WHAT DO YOU MEAN ..this is SICK work. anyways i finished the rest of method acting within the next two days (much to my dismay…) and now im writing this ! i have NOT been the same i don’t think i’ve been so emotional in a while
im so excited to see what you have in store for dream girl, coffee toji and anything else !!! pls don’t ever feel bad about your writing i swear there are too many of us that WILL gobble up anything you throw at us
side note cause i didn’t get to mention him— casual suguru you will ALWAYS be famous 🫂
this whole post might’ve been spurred on by you saying you feel that taylor as gojo doesn’t do as well (interaction wise) and im here to tell You 🫵 to ALWAYS trust in tayppell as gojo anon and ME (and a bajillion others) to have your back !!
oh my goodness!!!! hello my sweet baby <3333
first and foremost, so flattered that you were willing to take the time to get over the nervousness to tell me what you've thought about my writing/blog!!!! I totally get that because...I literally used to be like that...so I literally take it as the biggest compliment that you even took the time to leave this ask
wait this literally gave me the CRAZIEST FLASHBACK. its actually crazy bc family rules and king of my heart...like to this day are some of the most popular pieces that i've ever written...and speak now was LITERALLY the first time I even ever wrote something so those all make me so nostalgic for that time period when i was fighriung out what it was that I liked to write 😭
oh bsfsob sukuna....so insane but I literally pulled up one of the chapters in comments in my therapy session the other day and she was like okay well...if you can write this why can't you understand it and I was like 😃 this is about my boyfriend sukuna girl shut up....but on the real, that fic is/will always be so special to me because there's just so much of me and my own feelings in there that it literally feels like my little baby of hurt feelings that people relate to and get happiness from and its all types of weird and healing and idk
CAT NAMED GERALD IS SO FUNNY FLKDJSALKFDJSLAKF. gerald kills me bc for some reaosn thats the name of the siblings groupchat that I have like we all just named it gerald and now its been like years of that. no because I actually feel that bc I was rereading it the other day to feel somethind and realized how like...I was predicting some stuff that was gonna happen before I wrote it unintentionally...lIKE I WAS UNINTENTIONALLY EASTER EGGING its kind of insane and that fic is just so comprehensive and whole and I love it so much and I don't think i'll be able to write anything as good as that again
you and taypell as gojo anon are my fiercest riders I fear like I think about IT ON THE DAILY. GOJO AS TAYLOR FANS IM TRYING I SWEAR TO GOD
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ventismacchiato · 4 months
DEFINITELY TOO EARLY TO TELL but what if what if scrmn broke up cus scara was obv into yn and mona saw that- also i dont rly picture them genuinely loving eo here (for some reason? even tho i actually like this ship or maybe they did IDK) so idk why mona would date a loser/lh like him. so what if scrmn just dated to date (does that even make sense?) anyway smth smth happen now theyre bitter exes.
wouldnt be opposed if they actually did love each other tho cause yumm more plot. IDK WHY IM SO INVESTED HERE I JUST LIKE THE TENSION IG (yn i hope u get so sad and so jealous, im quaking w excitement)
ofc this is just my speculation cus this smau has me running circles (*insert the guy w the murder board meme* me w the 5ish chapters we have like what have u done to me) and apparently i find stoners attractive now wtf- ur fault btw what was that last chapter im fawning over scara licking the roll or joint or whatever I DONT SMOKE
also ik im on anon but i hope u dont mind me sending so many asks LMAO. like whenever i get on tumblr i literally cant even remember which ones r mine LOL (assuming u can roughly tell which ones are from the same person cus of their texting styles) and mb this was probably hard to read
omg i wanna spoil so bad to talk to you about it but i’m gonna make you wait HAHA but one of the things u said is sorta true xx
i don’t mind at all u guys can send me as many as u want even tho i suck at replying 🥹 not hard to read at all, and u can sign off w a nickname if u want!
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sixosix · 9 months
I need you to know that I squawked at the cliffhanger of childe’s appearance. Lost my mind and almost threw my phone. Fingers crossed that Aether got to him before the banquet!
But to the chapter as a whole! There are?? So many things I wanna talk about? I’ll try to keep it somewhat short so I can fit it all into one ask but sienussnei-
I’m like 50 percent sure those strings pulled had something to do with the fauti. Something I remembered!! Not every person from the house of the hearth becomes one of the fauti! But they still do remain close to the group! My crack theory is that Rosalie is one of people in that latter group. Arlecchino was able to fully attempt an assassination on Furina without anyone knowing before or after( including the orphans in this as well since they don’t say thing about it as far as i know? And im absolutely positive they wouldn’t push for more info and take her at her word that she didn’t have the gnosis) and the only reason why it was a attempt and not a success is because she stopped herself! Either way though, considering her disguise used for that same attempt, I sure that the hooded figure was Father herself.
ALSO THE PINING OF THIS MAN!!! That polearm?? The sudden flip from fake to real the moment he saw Rosseland (I’m assuming that was the kitty in question) had led Thawed!Reader to him? The instant flirtations? Not to mention that despite the fact Thawed!Reader kept talking about kissing him, he refused!! Because he knew they were both drunk and not quite in their right minds to do that!!! THE MAN CARES!! It’s also a blessing and a curse rn that Thawed!Reader is kinda drunk. A blessing because she isn’t hiding her feelings as much, but a curse because she isn’t being subtle at all. The straight forward question she asked? Lyney isn’t drunk enough to forget that.
The callback to the last chapter too! She really does know lyney so well, even after all this time. He was right, she did know he was lying. And she’s just sitting there, trying to figure out what’s going on while Aether’s just sitting there like ‘you two nerds love each other.’ Not that she would admit it out loud. Yet. Also RIP reader, paimon and Rosalie are friends now, friendship forged by food. They aren’t gonna leave readers life once this is over and done. Say goodbye to your peace and quiet! (Although lyney may complain about that but that’s a different story-)
Losing my mind also over Rosalie and Thawed!Reader’s connection. She doesn’t even realize she is calling Rosalie maman!! But Rosalie does and it’s just so soft and sweet and family and rurnfjkeis. I’ve known Rosalie for 7 chapters and if anything happens to her I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Great chapter as always! I’m a little sad to hear regular updates are potentially stopping for a bit but I fully understand! Best of luck with school!!
-Deadman Aether Anon
deadman aether anon i wish you couldve seen my face when i saw your ask i literally lit up. and im sure that the other readers have been waiting for your thoughts as well, based on the tags of reblogs i read (“cant wait for deadman aether anon's insight now”)
HAHA i talked about this w my friend but i wanted to make childes appearance TERRIBLE. i wanted everyone to be like "FUCK. I LOVE YOU BUT NOT NOW." while childe shows up lke a celebrity in a disneyshow. it seems like it worked LMFAOO
INTERESTNG CRACK THEORY U HAVE!!!! the truth will be revealed eventually but i applaud u for how ure thinking of it. :D big brain as usual. it is also interesting to see people trying to figure out who the hooded figure was? deadman aether anon idk if u saw but there are other people guessing differently. im surprised bc i thought it was pretty obvious !!
YEAHH!! IT WAS ROSSELAND !!! i love rosseland and how lyney ended up making the cat his assistant-- that little backstory is so cute. rosseland is such a smart cat, too; writing that scene of leading mc to lyney didnt seem absurd in the slightest to me.
drunk t!reader is a mess kwdhkdfhd some drunk words are sober thoughts. and yes i think and know that lyney is a gentleman. even drunk he would always put reader first. always!
aether is so silly he came in there to blackmail someone and ended up playing secondhand matchmaker, if that makes sense LMFAOO i actually love aether and readers dynamic its so absurd when you look at it from a different perspective. its such a strange friendship they ended up making
yes ure right!!!!!1 im not sure if im portraying it well but reader calling rosalie maman is so ? subconsciously done. its like looking at a cat and going "here kitty". u look at rosalie and the way she treats reader and u go "thanks maman".
tysm for this ask!!!!!!!!! always such a delight to see you stopping by and sharing your thoughts, but i think ive said that every time by now LOL. and thank u too for the wishes T__T ill need them when i deal with chemistry <333 MUCH LOVE
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I almost hate how much i switched teams from 2718 to abacus, but its just bc he's new and shiny and pretty and pushy. He stifles autonomy so i know 2817 is better in the long run bc u can reason w him and he puts mcs best interests first. Abacus gives me the kind of vibe that he'd let mc get hurt so long as shes his, and tbh i feel like he might enjoy it? Like he'd like to fix her up and *accidentally* press a lil too hard into her wounds wheras 2718 would just use his abilities so that she wont feel the pain to begin w. That's just my assumption tho given what we've seen. Abacus seem the type to only use his powers thingy to subdue reader.
We know that 2718 has met readers past forms/reincarnation w.e u call it and i originally thought abacus did too. Maybe he was her affair or lover in a previous reincarnation methinks? I just felt like he knows her before. This changed a bit towards the end when they were walkin thru the streets while he was giving her the endoscopy (😮‍💨💦) and we learned just how badly mc is seen. Now im starting to wonder if aba is just greedy n wanted her as his lil disabled spouse genuinely, no past relation. Idk. I still feel like they know each other previously. Or maybe he sensed something abt her back when 2817 brought her in to that place all the way back then. Mc is key to the universe type thing. Doubt that tho.
Neyways i think aba is gnna take her home where he reveals that he not only has four arms, but also two dicks n he's gnna try to fawk her but some event will inconveniently stop him. I also think he lives in an oasis like place, their version of natural wood everywhere, running waterfalls from the cieling, tons of glass that he can mentally control and shatter at will to threaten reader while having a saccharine smile on his face, the works really.
I wnna believe translator(TA) is gnna get 2718 and theyll find mc but now im thinking maybe they might not meet up like that. 2718 might find TA n ditch her to find mc and TA has to scramble to keep up, might even meet her on the way back after 2718 saves the day. Also wondering whts gnna happen to TA bc i dont think anything criminally bad happened to her even tho we heard her screaming. Be real interesting if she were screaming bc 2817 found her and juuuust missed mc and aba. I think when 2718 finds mc and aba they're gnna be familiar w eachother but not fight bc aba is one slippery bastard. Or maybe itll be convenient where aba leaves mc unattended for a bit and someone tries to harm her and then 2718 makes him big appearance, like when mc was first dropped into the world and 2718 saved her. I have more thoughts on that but ive already wrote an essay here and in my other ask 😭
Anywhooo ty fr the chapter, hope your healing well 💕💕💕 -🐰
Damn this sure is a well written essay 😳 its either ur a really good analyst or im just a predictable writer cause it almost seems like u have access to my drafts
Cuase that... Kinda exactly whats gonna happen ngl, its still pretty rough around the edges part 15 is just still in its embryo stage with a 50 word list of whars going to hapoen, but yea it pretty similar to what you just described , havent been writing cause i regained my leg freedom finally and i spent literally every waking hour outside, driving and shit
There is going to be a fawking scene in p15 ill tell u and whoevers reading that. Similar to what you descibe with their anatomy but a little different in sequence of events
Thanks for sending in this ask bunny anon this is so cool and i had a great read ❤️❤️ lovely motivation youve given me and i really appreciatte the essay asks -- like, i appreciate if A LOT actually, thanks for reading language barrier too
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judasgot-it · 1 year
this isn’t exactly a request but if you have the time and also feel like doing it could you just- idk, say everything that u like about Tetcho?? Just anything and everything that comes to your mind whether it be about the way he’s written by Asagiri, or anything really lol because I have a feeling you really like him
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I want to save this for Wednesday but if anything major changes (probably will. Everyday I thank bones for making him their fave) ill add more cause AHGGGHGGHG this man....
Not enough Tecchou lovers out there. Asagari hasn't said anything on his backstory and I'm waiting for it so for now I'm making shit up (all I know is that IRL Tecchou was from a rich samurai family so how that ads to his character? Idk. Im sticking with child soldier tho for now one day ill write a fic)
BUT AHHHHHHHHHH OMG listen with what we DO have he's a good character. He clearly cares for his teammates, he's the person who cares about Jouno even when Fukuchi never believed in him being a good person (thats actually upsetting af but Tecchou is a real one for seeing Jouno for who he is)
He would put those he loves above justice, the thing he put his life on the line for its crazy !!! He plays the hero, but at the end of the day, his friends and family mean more, and that's wild cause that goes against his entire thing !!!
Literally, even though he hasn't been in the series long for what we do have so far, I can't help but like him, idk what it is about him but he's a likable character for me
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Sometimes I like to think about him and cry like the loser I am. Anyway.
Since this is my soap box moment for talking about Tecchou and all my thoughts I need to add a theory here - he quite possibly is a foil for Fukuchi
Fukuchi was in the war and saw soldiers die for one another in horrific ways that no one should see - it changed him. He told Fukuzawa that he never wanted to see that horror again.
But Tecchou is clearly thay same soldier again, what he WANTED to prevent from happening, who is willing to die for his comrades in war no matter what
But unlike Fukuchi, I don't think Tecchou would become a monster. He still has some semblance of humanity. He can remove himself from his sense of 'justice' and care about those around him.
It's a ramble but I like to think there's a Tecchou v Fukuchi fight coming up eventually and Tecchou would win. CAUSE ITS SO NOT FAIR THAT HE KILLED HIS COMRADES TURNED THEM INTO VAMPIRES AND THEN GETS AWAY WITH IT CAUSE OF A TIME SWORD LIKE WHAT
Anyway that is another ramble but I love him, he and Jouno are among my favs cuz they're so silly and I think have some deeper character development that might be explored later in the series. I'm praying and hoping every chapter that they come back.
Pleaaaasssseeeeeeeeeee asagari LIKE IM BEGGING YOU I HAVE FAITH IN THEM
Anyway I'll possibly add on later but anon ily I'm giving you many air kisses mwah
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My last thoughts on Tecchou. Why isn't he real bro
Also omg I could write a full length novel on him cause this man must be immaculate. Idc if he isn't real I'm gonna make shit up about him. I'm delulu craycray a freak a weirdo !!
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god the patronizing hand wringing i've read worrying that if izzy is 'redeemed' in season 2 then all the haters will turn on the show and accuse it of changing its plans to pander to izzy's fandom favoritism. and like, no, probably not! if the writers decide to go in a direction where izzy starts to do better and heals, i currently trust the writer's room to figure out a way to do it that serves the narrative in a satisfying way. idk what could be the catalyst for that kind of growth and change, but i couldn't have predicted most of season 1 so i'll let the big brains on the show figure out if that's something that could work.
i'm more worried about The Discourse if he doesn't get that. certain izzy stans have so wildly reinterpreted the show to make him into who they want him to be, someone's bound to feel betrayed if he continues to be a villain. like i look at the way people complained about infinity train season 3's villain arc for simon, who was imo more sympathetic than izzy, but was given every opportunity to be better and instead doubled down every time until it killed him. so much blame was heaped on grace, who started out in the same place as him, but did put in the work to start doing better, for not trying harder to help him. (how shocking that the black girl who was having a rough enough go at having her own worldviews shattered and confronting and recognizing harm that she'd caused that couldn't be undone was criticized by fans for not also correctly managing the feelings of an angry white boy who decided that any change in opinion was a betrayal to him.)
all that is to say, are izzy stans going to be okay if their guy isn't given the redemption, or in some cases, the hero's vindication they think he deserves? or are they going to blame other characters for not trying hard enough to help him find a way to do better?
i mean, there probably WILL be some people complaining if izzy gets redeemed. i know i take a very firm izzy-critical stance and have gotten into a few arguments w izzy fans about it, but in a fandom this big there are people who are unhinged in all sorts of ways. i dont doubt that SOMEONE out there will get real pissed at the writers if izzy gets a redemption
i am torn tho whether i want an izzy redemption or not. for story purposes ive talked before abt why i think a bad ending for izzy would be interesting to see from a STORY perspective (and also a personal taste perspective), but like you said, if any writers' room could do an izzy redemption arc justice, it's this one. if i think there's something to criticize in ofmd i will criticize it (i have an entire tag for it), but im not gonna like. harass the writers just bc they didnt kill off my least favorite character. nobody with any braincells would do that.
the thing is tho. while i have no problem with an izzy redemption arc as long as it's well-written, i AM kind of terrified of izzy apologists to having MORE reason to interpret izzy as a poor innocent victim. not that i think the writers would actually portray him like that, but if we're given any actual in-text reasons to sympathize with izzy (instead of subtext and headcanon) you KNOW there's gonna be a huge chunk of izzy fans who will be INSUFFERABLE about it
but then youre right, if izzy doesn't get redeemed there's gonna be SO MUCH SHIT. the people who interpret ed as izzy's abuser (🤢) are already gonna have a hard time when ed ends up in a happy relationship with stede (honestly, what fucking show do they think they're watching?), i dont want to even think abt the discourse that'll happen if izzy isn't redeemed. i was only ever in the periphery of the infinity train fandom, but from what ive heard, the discourse was truly horrific
(also tho it's so funny that u mention infinity train bc i brought up simon in the tags of BOTH of those posts i linked above and then i got an anon rlly coming to simon's defense. i didnt rlly get that deep into the discussion w them bc i dont remember a lot of the specific details of infinity train and please nobody send me anons telling me more things abt what happens in infinity train i dont want to talk abt infinity train but i do agree w ur opinion lmao. simon infinitytrain is a crusty-ass white boy who do i feel very bad for but his story was very well-written. grace infinitytrain my beloved <3<3<3)
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dykefever · 1 year
ello laura i do not usually open blocked tags but i did out of curiosity n stumbled across ur post abt the apparent height disk horse that is happening rn (<-blissfully unaware). also this is the ghost of marxismlupinism btw sending as an anon cause on my main blog idk what a semus and ririus is never heard of them cunts.
anyway I wanted to say that yeah basically it's like such a non issue if people are casting r&s into gendered roles, like even if people were genderbending rs into a literal cishet couple I could not care less who gives a shit it's harry potter fanfiction.
that being said I think it's very telling abt the hp fandom that the whole like "writing s as 'feminine' and a bottom comes with him being short" (which btw... i mean I'm sure there's some fanfic like that but I can't say I've really read more than like 5 fics that fit that description? and I've unfortunately read a lot of rs fic lmao... it's literally not hard to avoid. skill issue if you can't filter the fanfic you read to not have it) is portrayed as homophobia against [cis] gay men instead of the obvious transmisogyny it is—ie setting smallness & youth as standards of femininity. that's why so many closeted trans women/trans women who can't access hrt dread growing older, that's why so much emphasis is put on age of transition in transfem spaces, and that's why even gay man spaces have concepts of "twink death", because femininity is understood to be hairless and pretty and dainty and youthful and small and all these standards that are difficult to achieve if you've been through androgenic puberty and/or if you have testes that continue to produce testosterone that continues to masculinise your body as you grow older. portraying s (or any given character ime when it comes to tme fans in fandom spaces) as feminine is seen as going hand in hand with physically feminising him—bc femininity that's not on a feminised body is obviously met with disgust, it's unattractive, it's horrifying, etc. and the obvious source of the tendency to portray feminine male characters this way is that there's only one acceptable form of camab femininity (or "acceptable", even that is very conditional). and yes it does affect cis gays like I said above w how gay men talk about eg "twink death" but that doesn't mean it's not a primarily transmisogynistic impulse to show that, for most of us, femininity is a hopeless cause, it's not allowed, we'll never pass or be beautiful or whatever.
and ftr I'm just complaining, I definitely don't think the solution is to produce More Harry Potter Fanfictions where s is like, tall and hairy and feminine or whatever, knowing the hp fandom I'm sure they'll also turn that into transmisogynistic caricatures too. the only real solution would be for all these ppl to stop reading hp fanfic and start reading transfeminist theory but if ur a harry potter fan in 2023 you're obviously never gonna do that. so. yeah just complaining for the sake of complaining lol not expecting transfeminism to catch on among harry potter fans of all people anytime soon
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hi (redacted)!! actually made sure to tag that post so u and all my other normal followers could avoid it but i respect the curiosity x im sure you've probably seen the height discourse many times over in your time in the fandom and it's the same absolute bullshit every time. i appreciate your additions to this post as a transwoman because i obviously don't have that perspective and you've kind of deepened my understanding of the issues around it n how transmisogyny comes into play here!!
in my prev posts i was kind of addressing, albeit likely not clearly, how people often say they dislike 'short s' as a kind of shorthand for saying they dislike 'fem s', which is really saying (as people dig themselves deeper in their explanations) that they don't like certain aspects of 'femininity' in a man and then spin it to say that it's because they're writing a heteronormative relationship onto a gay couple. i appreciate what you're saying here as well of the issues of the only way to write s as feminine is like small, dainty, hairless etc. and how that is an issue of transmisogyny rather than like homophobia. (correct me if i've misunderstood tho!!)
at the end of the day it definitely like, doesn't matter how people are writing hp characters like no great and impressive change is happening and the fandom is full of too many transphobes for that to be the case. i just don't understand why people are so pressed by these certain characterisations they appear to dislike so bad when i genuinely barely come across these s characterisations they apparently can't escape. like i don't see anything i don't want to because i just unfollow and block people ....it is not that hard like...
anyway thank u for ur contributions ghost of marxismlupinism, i appreciate it xx godspeed xx
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
hey <3 so about revision, how would it work if i revise something for someone but idk them at all?? i wanna manifest being slightly tiktok famous (10k) but i don’t know the people who’d see it and idk if they’d be real people- and also if say it does work would they be aware of the exact moment they saw me and be like wow this girl is gonna so mommy and then do things theyd do if they saw it and etc. IM OVER THINKINGG
like yk how when u see someone so beautiful and your like wow. mommy.
ans another thing, an anon asked smth if theyd have their consciousness there for the present moments (they actually asked you a little bit ago but i think u didn’t answer it so! :D) ... yk how your consciously aware of doing smth every second, and yk how in the past you remember u being consciously there, like take a leap back in the past and then u like know u were there. would it feel that way for the 10k followers when they saw me and me for what im revising 😭 u didn't guve an exact answer so,,(maybe y did but <3) pls ik the revision asks are annoying but revision makes me overthink 💔
😂I don’t understand why y’all separate revision like it’s not manifesting
one, your technically not revising for the other people but yes they will be real people why wouldn’t they be ? yes they would be aware again why wouldn’t they be ? say it with me REVISION IS COMPLETELY NATURAL
and I get so many asks like that , I’m pretty sure I answered it but again yes😂revision is not just ‘altering memories’ as y’all love to think, it actually happened and you experienced it mentally and physically
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vaugarde · 1 year
hello! same anon that was asking moonscape about pmmm stuff. i've been looking through your pmmm-related posts a bit after i saw your reply and i love the way you talk about the characters and really seem to understand them! do you maybe have some more headcanons or general thoughts you'd want to share? i can never get enough of hearing fan's cool thoughts about the show
AHHH thank you!! im really flattered omg i'll put some general thoughts and rambles under the cut so my mutual who hasnt seen it yet wont see
-i know you said you saw my reply already but just gonna repeat it so its on my blog: homura was a foster child who lost her parents when she was young, and because of her heart condition she was passed around to several different (usually christian) families that usually didn't care much for her, only about the check. this led to her initial meek and self deprecating personality. the reason she latched onto madoka is because she's the first person to ever show her true kindness. when she changes her hair style, she cuts off from her current foster family entirely and lives on her own (and may have stolen the foster checks and other cash to do so)
-on top of that she struggles with her feelings with madoka and feeling like she's cruel and selfish for loving her because of her christian upbringing and going to catholic school. families likely didn't take well to her being gay
-hitomi is a closeted lesbian
-kyosuke gives me egg vibes so.
-im basic i like madohomu best but like polyam holy quintet is so real also
-people who say madohomu is one sided are so wrong. how do u explain any of madoka's actions towards homura when walpurgisnacht happens
-some of my favorite moments in the show relate to homura stuff bc GOD all of her scenes are just. enhanced by the plot twist
-wait ive mentioned this but people who think homura doesn't care about the other girls are so??? literally yes she does care about them, she loves madoka the most of course but she cares about sayaka's life when she goes to retrieve her soul gem and her telling sayaka she'll kill her to spare madoka the pain is clearly just her doing the worst thing she can to force sayaka to act. she's kinda distant from everything she's done at this point and is willing to act cruel to get what she wants.
-i kinda love that canonically mami is the strongest magical girl. mami is underrated tbh, i know she's a main character but her spinoff manga was SO good and she's such a tragic character in her own right. she's a deeply lonely person and even if i didn't care for magia record season 1, i really like the approach they went with her character there, where in this universe she's the one who convinced madoka and sayaka to contract, and when she learns the truth, she becomes ridden with guilt and joins the magias to save them because she feels responsible for their fates now. it's such a good place to take her character (and im kinda sad they eventually go "oh no it was brainwashing nvm")
-i absolutely adore this show's brand of horror. the entire thing is just Off in a lot of ways but it's in ways you struggle to place, and the whole thing is thanks to shaft's editing. there's a youtube vid i watched where like the tilting shots up to where the girls look down on the "camera" or random close ups on objects with quiet sounds adds to the feeling that something is wrong even when the show hasn't taken it's dark turn yet. i think focusing a lot of the actual horror elements on the terror of everyone's situation and gradually revealing how much worse everything is is so perfect, it's all paced perfectly to be as hard hitting as possible. and the actual violent moments are done well, none of them are really THAT bad but they're blunt and shocking enough to hit where it hurts. idk if im describing it right but augh its so good
-on that topic the theory that pmmm is framed as a stage show is also so good. i gotta find the post i reblogged about that bc man it adds to the show
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wndaswife · 2 years
i’m the same age as you and i have read a lot of rpfs up til now. but now I have to agree with the anon who messaged about real person fics.
i read your long reply to them & it really is just excuses that we make to carry on posting/reading rpfs. because it doesn’t matter that it’s “fiction”, i realise now it’s really gross to be posting smut about actual real people.
that anon had a point. how would you feel if strangers online posted stories about people having sex with you? or about sexual things happening to you? or dark!fics like murder or rape? or if a stranger was posting fics about a friend of yours? because i know i’d feel awful if someone was writing adult stuff about me or a friend.
we don’t know lizzie’s private life experiences so we don’t know if she has any triggers or if she’s ever been sexually assaulted or she’s had bad experiences with any of the adult situations that you write her in.
you’re now just choosing to be ignorant and disrespectful and selfish because getting likes on your fics is more important than respecting a real person who you’re meant to be a fan of.
and yes, posting smut stories about her without her consent is just as bad as taking photos of her without her consent like paparazzi or journalists writing lies about her and her family.
it’s about consent and respect. as a reader i realize that now. you don’t have her consent to post sexual stories written about her, and you know she would never give consent for strangers online to write sexual stories about her as a real person if asked for it.
aaaahhmm idk if us being the same age matters or anything like that but.. irregardless
u are being so weird for saying im trying to make excuses for likes and followers like mf who do you think i am 😭😭 this is a tumblr blog it’s not some hollywood pr stunt like i really write fics in my rented place on a couch in my living room like what do u think im doing this for.. it’s rly not all as serious as ur saying it is like im a blog on tumblr, “ur doing this for likes and follows” please check urself
that’s such a bizarre thing to say.. me writing a total of 3k words about a fictional version of lizzie with a character that doesn’t exist is the same as spreading rumours about her sisters including an eating disorder, stealing the olsen twins’ childhood and making websites counting down the seconds until they turn 18, bombarding their cars in public, following them home, sexualizing lizzie's sa scene in martha marcy may marlene, following them to private vacations, leaking photos of her from her icloud?? idk if u know how delusional you sound right now because if anything u are being so incredibly disrespectful and disgusting trying to compare some dehumanizing shit like that to tumblr fanfiction that's actually a little revolting.. those experiences that their entire family was and still is subjected to is NOT something u can say is as bad as 3k words on tumblr for lizzie x reader fanfiction like ur actually sick for saying something so ignorant that
u seem like you’re projecting because u just got out of your rpf phase and ur feeling a little guilty about it but that’s just my two cents !
im sorry to say this but after you're done feeling good about yourself for sending this because no one else is gonna do it for u lol you can unfollow me or block me or whatever, better yet u can even report the three (3) lizzie fics i've written on here (i'll even give you masterlist link so you can find them)
thank u for this spiel im glad u could get these terribly frustrating little thoughts off your chest
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screampied · 23 days
daily dose of me yapping, and i want to say there is a reason i am this talkative, i’ll explain once i show myself, hihsidhdjdbjdbd.
OH, something happened last night that got me doing that lil thing with my eyes, y’know? twitching. YOU 🫵 interacted with a post of mine, and i was like “FUCK THEY FOUND OUT” but that’s good we good you were just appreciating one of my masterpieces 😁😏
ok, going back on track. i am a full supporter of scream theme you know, cause it just makes sense. and i also think you would be able to create a really good content for the boys as ghostface. in fact, who do you think fix the mask the most? for me it’s choso, idk just makes me want to pounce on him, the image of him with the mask, messy hair and a knife… sigh.
THE RANT, I LOVE IT. you are absolutely right. you see i am kinda of a hater of new generations of films, because we learn through the og characters to be more smart and what to look out for, while the newbies are a bunch or arrogant useless shits, and we have to deal with the directors trying to sell them as a better version. EXHIBIT ONE, halloween. it was… it was something. YESS scream 6 redeemed itself a lot, specially in this thing i just mentioned. for example, sam and mindy pissed me off on the fifth, but i fell in love with them on the sixth, and the characters had such a grown. chad is kinda my fav, i love the guy that is just supposed to die but never does. AND HIMBO??
i do hope she comes back, because she is the soul of scream, i can not think of scream and not think of her. still, new directors nowadays taking over this sequels (or, for example books like grrm) they just keep missing to catch the real essence of the thing, so if she does come back, it tends to lean on the side of me not enjoying it. idk, at first i didn’t liked her on the fifth, something was missing, but i hope it does not go like that this time. like i said, the six was good, so if they keep like that, it might.
also, the actress for sam was fired, right? because she supports palestine, and i think jenna too? i don’t remember much, but i hope they come back asap, otherwise it’s going to suck. and i mean changing actress won’t do them any good, cause they both carried a lot.
YAYAY, car races are so cool. you go to one and i repeat 🫵 bad bitch. i remember this one time i was friends with a boy that lived next door, and he would come to my house all day, and he brought some tapes of car races and i was wonderstruck by the girls that wave the flag, with mini skirts and crop tops, my mom turned to me and said “don’t ever date a racer” THANKS BUT IM NOT LISTENING. there is something about a guy with a helmet (oh, shit. the mask kink is mentioned again) and a nice looking car, but the girls? sigh sigh sigh. when i was obsessed with fast and furious, i would only stare at them.
hate anons are laughable. i was an editor on instagram some years ago, and i had this person that would literally clock in on my anon app to daily be a bitch. it was fucking funny because i knew exactly who they were, and when i went to talk with them, they got so calm and like “i’m sorry” like stfu give me that energy. ever since then, i don’t get offended by anonymous hate. this person is weak and likes the power of being hidden, but in fact, it has no power whatsoever. it’s just…stupid?!
anyways, hope you have a great day!!! and do some fun stuff!!!!
oh, question of the day, favorite book and favorite color?
nut anon
PAHAHAHAH REALLY. i remember i was binge reading fics last night and maybe i stumbled upon you 🤔. tbh i literally can’t remember what i read BUT I FOUND YOU (kinda not really) omg. the suspense is killing meeee baefy. what are the odds hehe. IM SURE UR WORK IS SSOOOOO GOOD u seem so sweet i’d honestly love to be ur moot whenever ur ready to reveal yourself 💓💓.
yeahhhhh man. same here, i love scream downn. but tysm :’) UGHHH JUST IMAHINGINF ITS GONNA BE SO SEXY im such a whoreee for ghostface its crazy. ur so right, id say choso but def maybe even suguru too ?? it’s always the dark haired boys idk 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. dare i say toji also.
SO REEAAAAL ✋🏽. i hated the newbies expect mindy bc that’s pookie and chad, chad grew on me. also ofc jenna too, and i like same a lot more in scream six. CHAD UGHHHHHH he carried, the core four uughghgjgjgk my babies. seeing sam snap yet again was so cool to see, i kinda want her to be ghostface, but that would be predictable. a girl can dream tho </3
and omg !!!!! i stumbled across a neve interview and it’s confirmed she’s coming back for scream seven AHHHHHHHHHHHHH MOTHER. im so glad i wonder how it’s gonna play out. yeah !!! i heard the actress for sam got fired all bc she supports palestine like really? 🤒 good for her for using her voice, i think jenna left on her own because she also supports palestine and supported her. i’ll miss them sm but good for them !!!!
I WENT AND IT WAS SAAAAUUR FUN. i saw a sukuna styled car and i almost crashed out. it was so hot, i’ve got such a deep love for sports cars 🌛🌛. PFFF REALLY. i wanna date a racer, they give such good vibes eheh. GUYS WITH HELMETS AND GLOVES AND >>>> yes. ur so right ab the masks. and the girls too ???? YEAAH
bye that’s so embarrassing. do they not have anything else to do 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️. like whaaaat that’s insane, daily is just so lame. what a bore. good for u for confronting them bc ew
THANKSSSSPOIKIEEEEE 💓💓💓 you too !!! hope you had a lovely day <3 and oooh um favorite book would probably be any hunger games book or the war that saved my life. favorite color hmmmm rose gold !!!!
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rrxnjun · 1 year
yeahh stress is pretty bad and it got to me so🤕🤕 but doing much better now so that's at least good!! ahhh i hope u don't stress much as well!!!! and sometimes it's good to just take brakes from studying so i think u should count being on tumblr as that🫠
chenle hit hard dude and i'm so happy about it in a way cuz at least i relate to something🥲 but what took me off guard in the middle of wiping my tears is when i saw my birthday as one of the dates so that made me laugh so hard for some reason🫡 well it will be a while till i know the results so we will see but i don't think it will be better🥲 ahhh thank u for saying that i appreciate it i kinda needed to hear that so thanks;-;-;-;💓💖💞u are too lovely;-;💖💞
well i'm very glad that u translated it to me so u are the best slovak person out there imo🫡🫣
oo god🥲 IDK WHY PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO RUDE ABOUT NOT SPEAKING A LANGUAGE☹️SOME PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB AND RUDE MY LORDDD☹️☹️and german is a hard language anyways🥲 that's probably more than enough german words a person should know🫡 well let's just hope and pray u only run into nice people in hungary!!! I WILL GLADLY HELP WITH ANYTHING NEED IN HUNGARY🥳🥳🥳 (ofc sending it right now as i write/j)
i'm not gonna lie i will call myself a stan of treasure but still have trouble with jeongwoo and jaehyuk for some reason AND I HAVE BEEN FOLLWOING THEM FOR LIKE A YEAR NOW AND ITS NOT LIKE I DIDNT WATCH A CRAP TON OF STUFF WITH THEM so🤕🤕🤕 and i genuinely don't know why i switch them up so often🫤 i'm praying for u hopefully u won't die from laughing too much cuz they are very funny (and i tend to be the same way so i feel u on that one🫣) DUDE I LAUGHED OUT LOUD LMAO u really said the communist bugs bunny meme with that one🤣 i knew it wouldn't be long till i have to share him💔he his just too amazing🤭 YEAH I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED IT TBH🫠🫠that's what got me as well and his whole style tbh
U NEVER DISAPPOINT!!! AND U JUST NEVER MISS!!! i think my thoughts were kind of a mess cuz of the crying but it was amazing i loved the whole story so much!!! thank u for being an amazing writer!!!
(u are going to get me blushing for real i'm glad to hear that!!! ur replies usually make my day u are just too lovely🥹) (liebestraum anon💕)
awh i hope you relax even more soon, stress is a bitch. me personally i dont feel it but thats just bc i supress it a lot LMAO 😭😭 but thankyou for saying that yes i do consider tumblr as my mental health brake SJSJS
chenle did hit hard poor boy 💔 also omg no way???? which date 🤭 (if u feel comfy sharing ofc)) i originally wanted to add my bday too but it didnt fit with the timeline so i had to change it 🙄🙄 i did write abt marks and renjuns bday altho i did manage to sneak hyuck's in as well🤭
AHAHA no bc i was telling myself when posting it like "this is my promise that im gonna finish the fic" AND THEN I DIDNT DJSJSJ so i dont want that to happen again. i was clearing out my notes ((where i keep all my fic ideas) and found the liebestraum idea dated all the way back to 2021 😶 SJSJ i really do need to finish it soon
it was a middle aged woman tbf i shouldve expected her to act like a karen ☹ german is a hard language and also austrians sound completely different than germans do 😭😭 their dialect is kinda different and they even have different words for some things LMAO but thats not the point. also im arranging the budapest trip as we speak /j
AHAHA i think im a baby teume now dont tell anyone and after binging most of treasure map i can confidentely tell the three i mentioned apart like 70% of the time so 😶 im so sorry everyone. THEY ARE INSANELY FUNNY and also very very genuine i feel 😶 they are just some guys doing things and being real and i respect that AHAHA its like watching friends hang out and feeling like youre a part of their circle. altho every time yedam appears on the screen my heart breaks bc ive had the biggest soft spot for him ever since seeing him on the stray kids survival show 💔 he has a special place in my heart SJSJ when the news came out i was like oh that must be heartbreaking to hear im glad im not a treasure stan and look where we are now 😭👍THE COMMUNIST MEMEMSHSJSK STOP no but im afraid this is the reality i did not steal your boyfriend we are sharing. HIS STYLE!!!! but also his personality he is a menace (affectionate) and for some reason thats my type of men
also it breaks my heart to hear that ppl cry to my fics oh noo😭😭 but at least that means my words can move someone ig??☹ thank you sm for supporting me and for being great i always look forward to interacting with you
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