#threads of fate; crossover thread
savior-of-humanity · 6 months
@hymns-across-the-stars -- continued from here!
Atreus was no stranger to being lost in a foreign realm, with little - if any - means of getting his bearings regarding just where exactly he was. It was something he was accustomed to, really, especially given how far he had traveled and how many sights he had seen in his journeys through the Nine Realms and beyond. It usually didn't take him long to adjust to a new situation, to learn how to navigate both geography and conversations with any local peoples that lived there. But the place he found himself in now was unlike anything he had ever seen in his entire life. In every direction that the Jotunn looked and traversed, Atreus was surrounded by a sprawling labyrinth of ancient, worn metal; expertly constructed, yet weathered from wind and time. Even beneath the plant life that seemed to grow from almost every single surface of the complex, he could tell that the architecture and craftsmanship was utterly alien to him. Not to mention, given just how far the tunnels and shafts that made up its depths went, no civilization he knew of could've made such a massive complex. And yet, there was no sign of any people living here...
...well, except for the creatures that called this maze home.
Many were just as alien as the labyrinth itself, though they held similarities to other creatures Atreus had seen before; multi-colored lizards the size of dogs, roving packs of spiders, enormous armored centipedes, and too many other little things to list off. He swore he saw a glimpse of what looked like some sort of enormous bird-like creature soaring above, but given the huge towers that reached up to the heavens and obscured the sky almost totally, it disappeared just as quickly as he'd spotted it. Survival wasn't too difficult, which was largely due to the relative abundance of both safe food and drinking water; but as the sun eventually began to approach the distant horizon, he knew he'd have to find shelter for the night. There was no telling what sort of nasty critters would come out in the dark, after all - but the abrupt noise of some distant commotion snapped Atreus out of his thoughts of finding a place to hunker down. Atreus paused and listened; normally, he'd avoid it entirely as it'd usually just be a scuffle between some big lizards, but there were no snapping jaws, guttural snarls, teeth digging into skin and flesh. What he could hear insisted solely of ghastly shrieks and what he could only describe as small explosions. Logic dictated that he should ignore it and keep looking for shelter while he still had daylight - but something about it urged him to go, to look. And look he would. It'd taken him a while given how long and winding the passages of the labyrinth's underbelly were, but eventually he'd crawl out of a vent overlooking a small ledge to spot the source of the once-distant battle. There were two creatures that were of immediate interest to Atreus; one was a huge, gaunt and avian-looking creature, much like the one he had spotted a glimpse of earlier in the day. Its hostile gaze was locked upon the other individual; a small red-furred creature resembling some strange cross between a mollusk and a cat. And, based on the way they not only held their body posture but also wielded a spear, Atreus immediately guessed that the little thing was not only intelligent, but also exhausted from a previous fight. He didn't hesitate to notch an arrow into the string of his bow, draw, and then send it flying straight at the tusked face of the bird-beast. In that moment, Atreus learned two things; the first was that the skull-like face of the "bird" was not a face but rather a mask. Through a stroke of luck, the arrow had hit at just the right angle to dislodge it from the creature's true face, sending it clattering to the overgrowth below. The second was that this also happened to piss it off. Severely.
He didn't wait for its response - already he had leapt from the ledge to the ground below, landing into a roll to minimize potential injury from the impact, before he jumped back to his feet and began to run like Hel to the closest semblance of safety. Which, coincidentally, happened to be in the general direction of the red-furred spear wielder. "GO!" He had no idea if they could understand him or if they could even speak, but he hoped that at the very least, the urgency and volume of his voice would spook the creature into fleeing as well. "RUN! RUN! I HAVE ITS ATTENTION!" He knew that because he could literally hear it coming after him with those huge beating wings. All he could really do was hope that he was faster than it was.
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
Me: jamming to State of Grace, until it goes onto the Acoustic Version (then crying over Rowaelin (again) for no reason)
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yanny-77 · 2 years
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New Chapter!
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imagines--galore · 1 year
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(Always Uploading new Fics)
Avatar The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko x Orora
The Thread of Fate - Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
It Was Nothing
I’m Here Beside You
Big Hero 6
Pairing: Tadashi Hamada x Sakura Kamiya
Light 'em Up -  Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, 
Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson
Mind Over Matter - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen,
(Companion piece to Mind Over Matter)
A Slight Frustration
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Hold Me Closer
First Kiss
Don’t Go!
Crossover - Frozen x Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Elsa (Jelsa)
One Step Closer - Part One, Part Two (InProgress)
Pairing: Taichi Yagami x Hidemi Senshi
The Next Adventure
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Pairing: Alphonse Elric x Willow Hawkeye(OC)
The Ties That Bind - Prologue, Part One,
Pairing: Edward Elric x Reader
The Language of Flowers
Pairing: Roy Mustang x Reader
I Will Always Choose You
Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Reluctant Friendship
Justice League DC Universe
Pairing: Superman x Lucky Penny aka Clark Kent x Penelope Pennyworth
Lucky Break
Pairing: Superman aka Clark Kent x Reader
Part One - Convince Me, Part Two - I’m Convinced
Wedding Drama
Pairing: (Platonic) Superman aka Clark Kent x 12-year-old reader
A New Life
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Rachel
Kiss It Away
Stolen Kisses, Stolen Moments - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Last Night
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Clea
Love, A Kind of Magic - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader
Bleeding Love - Part One & Part Two
A Surprising Twist
Sleep Deprived
What the Wife Says Goes
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Nothing But a Burden
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A Pact Renewed
Because You’re Mine
Not a Waste of Space
Just Hold Me
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Never Leave Me
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Will Turner x Reader
My Heart Calls Your Name
Tavern Brawls
Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Evening Star aka The Blue Fairy
Two Spirits Meet - Wishing on a Snowflake I,
Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: Sherlock x Reader
The Consulting Detective and the Serial Killer
His Love for Her
Your Hand in Mine
Drunken Comfort
Its All Been Arranged
An Unconventional Love Story (Victorian Era AU)
Star Trek(2009)
Pairing: Spock x Kealoha
The Roommate Experiment - Prologue, Part One
Pairing: Spock x Reader
The Little Green Monster
Chasing Away The Darkness
Here For You (InProgress)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Pairing: Leonardo x Amal
Heaven’s Light
A Comforting Embrace
The Amazing Spiderman
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A Nonverbal Confession
Falling For Him
Heal Together
Drunk on Pheromones
Take All The Time You Need
Falling for the Enemy
The Chronicles of Narnia
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Reader
An Unexpected Turn
We Face It Together
Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x Reader
The King and the Commoner
The Hobbit
Creepy Crawlies (No Pairing)
Pairing: Kili x Reader
You Are Safe
The Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Legolas x Annúneth
Love Happens(Coming Soon)
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
We Meet Again A Confession Years In The Making
My Prayer, My Light, My Fëa
A Little Introduction to Rock Music
A Promise
Written In The Stars
Treasure Planet
Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader
A Little Competition Goes a Long Way
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 8
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: don John being himself an asshole chapter map
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You watch with fond eyes as Paul puts on his brown suit for dinner. His every movement fascinates you, and you know…you are worse than smitten.
Maybe you’d intended to break this thing between you– but now you feel closer than ever, and you know he feels it too by the warm way he smiles at you. 
You hold hands in the hall, on the way to the dining room. And then, under the table, once you are seated at the grand carved walnut behemoth set with white linen napkins and a glittering silver flatware service. 
Don Juan presides over all of you from the head of the table, the king in his castle, looking handsome as the devil in a red brocade waistcoat and snow white shirtsleeves. His mother and grandmother sit across from you wearing lace and pearls, polite but obviously perplexed by your presence. No one from your family has ever dined in the hacienda with the Aragóns before. Everything at Las Nubes has its place– and this is definitely not yours. 
You’d wondered what Juan was about, inviting you to dinner, and as the courses of the meal go on you think you begin to understand his purpose. 
He’s showing off. 
The fine silver goblets from which you drink, the heavy silver spoons and the towering sterling candelabra with its tapered beeswax candles lending their soft light to this impending fiasco… It is all very fine, but it does not lure you the way he undoubtedly hoped. Wealth for the mere sake of opulence is not the come-up you seek in your life. For the umpteenth time, you look at Paul’s handsome profile out the corner of your eye, and feel as though you are richer than any of the Aragóns could possibly dream, with this man at your side. 
You are coming to accept that you are as equally blessed as you are doomed. 
Under the guise of making polite conversation, don Juan asks how you and Paul met, hoping to catch you out in a lie, no doubt. You let Paul answer, and he makes up a good story about meeting at a USO dance, and the rest was history.
“How romantic,” answers Juan through his teeth, barely disguising a sneer. “A good thing your father is insensible. It would break his heart, thinking of his youngest daughter spending time unaccompanied with all those men…” 
Rather than get angry at Juan’s callous observation or his thinly veiled insinuation, the way you might have risen to the bait when you were younger, you have to suppress the urge to laugh in his face. These are the structures of the Old World this place clings to, which you so seek to leave behind. Maybe they’re far from perfect in San Francisco, but you couldn’t be more certain than in that moment, that there is nothing for you here. 
“I was with my friends,” you defend your actions at this imaginary dance, demurely for the sake of not making a scene in front of doña Maria and doña Guadalupe. “And besides, I met the love of my life there. It’s almost as though sometimes Fate leads you by a thread…” 
There is a fire in Juan’s eyes as you defy him so politely at his own table, having the nerve to take Paul’s hand in front of him. Your faux husband squeezes your fingers in his, looking over at you with a longing in his eyes that only the two of you understand the true meaning of. In that moment…it doesn’t feel like you're telling a lie at all. 
You should let go of his hand. It isn’t seemly to show affection so openly in front of the elders, your betters…but you can’t. You’re done with your course anyway, and so you continue to hold on to Paul, and he to you, and Juan smolders all the while with his sharp knife in his fist, glaring.
Maybe his mother doesn’t have all the details, but she knows her son’s moods. Ever since his father died when he was a teenager, he’s been nearly impossible to control. Recognizing his look, she changes the subject, asking politely, “So where is your family from, Señor Sutton?”
Paul looks down at his soup at this inquiry. “I grew up in Chicago,” he answers. “In a home. I never really knew my folks.”
Doña Maria blinks, her scandalized pity plain to see. Don Juan looks at Paul as though to say you poor bastard, and your grip tightens on Paul’s hand. Suddenly, you’re ready to fight them all.
“It’s a shame, when a man doesn’t know where he comes from,” Juan muses. “We can trace our family line all the way back to the King of Aragón.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at that. The fact of the matter is, all the families who came with the de Anza Expedition, yours included, had come with nothing but some dray animals and the strength in their backs, hoping to carve out a life for themselves. You know all too well that all it takes to separate the haves and the have nots in this rugged land is one unfortunate fire. 
“The King of Aragón’s bastard,” you correct, not caring in that moment if it gets you kicked out of the house. 
“Blood is blood,” answers Juan with a smirk, even as his female relatives gasp, scandalized that you would voice this open secret aloud.
Maybe you were feeling charitable earlier towards Juan, but in that moment you hate him for trying to make Paul feel small–and yourself, for leading him into this lion's den. You should have known from the start.
Desperate to change the subject again, Maria asks, “How is your father doing in his illness?”
 “He is hanging on,” you answer, which is true. He seemed to have improved slightly, when you came back to Las Nubes, a thing of which your older sister Josefa has tried to guilt you for, claiming you broke his heart when you left so abruptly, his little girl out in the world without a husband to look after her… You’d just rolled your eyes and went about what chore you were doing, even if deep down you secretly feared Josefa was right, and carried the guilt like a stone in the pit of your belly.
“We were sorry to hear of it. He’s such a good man. You all are in our prayers.”
“Thank you, señora.” You know she means what she said, but at the same time you cannot help but think of the way your father has broken his body his entire life to work this land and serve this family, so that the Aragóns can live like kings in this grand hacienda, while the rest of you scratch by, unable to save, unable to leave. You are not so willing to simply accept that it is all God’s will. 
When there is a lull in the conversation, the class divide between you sprawling wide as a canyon, you ask about the thing that you think is sure to get Juan talking without malice, no matter his mood. “Will you be bringing any horses to show at the festival this year?” 
Don Juan’s eyes suddenly take on the shine of freshly polished onyx as he warms to the subject at hand, telling you all at length about the fine horseflesh in his stables, and the magnificent young Andalusian mare he hopes to have broken enough to ride at the fiesta. 
“Have you ever worked with horses, Paul?”
Trying his damndest to keep up his polite front, Paul adjusts his napkin on his lap, shaking his head. “Can’t say I have.”
“It is a thing that takes patience, breaking a horse.” You sense that perhaps you misstepped with this line of inquiry, as his burning-dark gaze fixes on you once more. “You must be firm, but not cruel, or she will never trust you. The key is to tire her out, and sweeten her mouth with the occasional treat. Once she realizes her life is much better once she takes your saddle and lets you ride her…she’ll do anything you ask.”
You cannot meet Juan’s eyes as he says all this, glaring at the flowers in the center of the table, grateful for the low light in the room because you know your face is hot with rage. You don’t need to look at him, to see his self-satisfied smirk. You can feel it in his words. 
“Will she?” asks Paul, taking your hand under the table again as though he senses your frustration. “I hear horses throw people all the time, even experienced riders.” 
It was the very way Juan’s father died, when don Alberto’s prized mare shied at a rattlesnake and went wild, throwing him into a rock and breaking his neck. You don’t think Paul knows this, but Juan’s expression darkens into a thunderhead once more.  
“It is true, that accidents happen,” Juan acknowledges begrudgingly. 
Paul nods, taking a bite from his plate. “I guess you could call it an accident. Or maybe…you didn’t truly break her, and the poor girl has just had enough of you.” 
Juan smirks at this, settling back in his carved throne of a chair, toying with his knife. “You may be right about that, señor Sutton. A man must always be on his guard…” 
Your grip tightens on Paul involuntarily. Maybe outwardly it seems Juan is just waxing philosophical…but deep down you know he means it as a threat. 
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bitethedustfools · 1 month
Crossover Ideas pt 2
Danny Phantom X Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint X Honkai Star Rail
Where 3 unlikely God/Ancient/Aeon meets.
Fate is quite strange, quite like the beings that Kim Dokja had met. Still, despite all odds, they became friends. Or not. It is hard to describe their relationship.
Akivili just barged his way in for reasons unknown and treated him like a child despite Akivili being smaller than he was and he is pretty sure that he's older than Akivili anyway, with eternity and all.
Akivili refuted that he's definitely older and his warm golden eyes were filled with wisdom that's not fitting his age.
As for Danny, his were more curiousity in nature. He had intruded the train because he saw a train travelling in space and into different worldlines.
And he's definitely not a kid. Well, he used to and KDJ can see and felt various reasons why he is the same as they both.
Yep, totally a normal group here with 2 young adults and a teen and definitely not a trio whose age span is infinite
Nevertheless, it is nice to have companions once again.
Somehow, the two of them stayed in that train of his, travelling from worldline to another and KDJ had come to read another story.
A place where Akivili had came from and unknowingly, KDJ had stuck around that place for so long along with Danny to the point that his train had converted into the first Astral Express for the Nameless, guided by Akivili the Trailblaze, to be made a home and travel to everywhere.
Even if they are a common sight in the astral express, not many know their name nor see their true face, only recalling a a face blurred as though covered by a fog and that creepy looking kid that does not look like a person at all.
In fact, even Aeons themselves failed to distinguish their appearance nor did they ever recognized that they arent humans nor Aeons but something else similar (but powerful)
One day, the group slowly fell apart starting with the explosion of the first Astral Express.
Kim dokja was nowhere to be found.
A system notification just popped out of nowhere and it read, "Constellation Demon King Of Salvation is looking at you" and you can feel the heavy gaze burdened on your soul for a few moments and then its gone. You dont understand whats going on and who this is.
All you knew is that the gaze pressured you terribly.
"The Oldest Dream is looking at you". Sunday and Adventurine flinched for the first time.
Someone saw Danny doing the most eldritch thing and ran to tell the others and they replied, "what kid? we dont have a kid here"
Danny being a menace and a prankster.
Akivili have favourite peoples and thats KDJ and Danny but those two are weird but theyre not going to comment on that.
Is KDj powerful than Aeons? Maybe. He did dreamt a world(s) and bring it to life. Certainly cunning. No doubt will disguise as Aeons if given the chance.
Danny? Pretty sure he got some hidden powerful abilities that he doesnt know exist and he rules the domain of the death/afterlife. Often got mistaken as "Terminus the Finality" (Or did they get that right..? just different Danny?)
Is Trailblaze something of an acheivement, marked in history to be remembered? Is it a burning will that is passed from one to another? A hope that burns brightly in the dark? The star guiding you to the right path?
What exactly is the Path of Trailblaze that Akivili thread upon?
Thats the idea for now.
How they meet basically (dont mind my train's design. I'm too lazy):
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Headcanon that Akivili had an Empty Nest Syndrome, very fitting for Akivili (Eagle).
Akivili spotted a lost child in the distance and want to take him under his wings but ended up taking the train and invite more children. Not that KDJ is complaining, its been awhile afterall.
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nayialovecat · 1 year
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 25. Cycle
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Day 25. Cycle Crossover: Cube Escape Me: Bendy. No. Bendy: But it's a good idea! Me: No, it isn't. They are corrupted soul. You have corrupted body. Minus and minus don't make a plus in this case. Bendy: :c
If anyone doesn't know what this is about, I'll explain. Cube Escape is a series of point and click games created by Rusty Lake and telling the story of a very messed-up family... There is a lot of brutality, a lot of dreamlike things and metaphors, and the whole thing revolves around Rusty Lake - a lake where memories melt and get lost. The entire series is, so to speak, a psychological reflection on the consequences of our actions, dwelling on the past and tormenting ourselves with bad memories. Also reincarnation in contex corrupted soul. Bad memories can corrupt the soul, and corrupted souls... well... are creepy. Really, really creepy.
My first game in the Cube Escape series was, if I'm not mistaken, The Mill, and then I played Seasons (second one, first one is The Lake), and then I tried to play it in order. The plot is very complex and with each subsequent game we discover more fragments of the past of the Vanderboom family (and people associated with them). Certain recurring motifs and a feeling of anxiety create a unique atmosphere - a bit of horror, a bit of crime-story, a bit of psychological drama plus a very oneiric narrative. Is it enough if I say that after playing Case 23 (which, nomen-omen, I never finished), I had nightmares and was afraid to go to the toilet in the dark? And I played it when I was a grown woman X"D
I love this series and am looking forward to the next parts. We already know the history and fate of individual characters - but new threads are constantly emerging. I'm honestly waiting for the next chapter of Paradox (I hope there will be one more) and I just noticed that Underground Blossom, announced some time ago, has been released... Guess who won't be able to complete all the Ink Demonths before September? XD
I decided to have some fun here and make a gif. Art has a lot of symbolism - firstly, it is a perfect square. Secondly, the colour changing from white to black - also corresponds to the theme of black and white cubes (with bad and good memories). Plus both textes of Corrupted Soul come from "Cube Escape: Seasons" in inverse order :) I highly recommend the game. It's really great.
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. Cube Escape (c) Rusty Lake Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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wingedblooms · 8 months
I saw somebody ask @merymoonbeam this and thought it would be fun, as I know there were several theories you had that were also correct.
Could you pleeeaasseee share with us what theories of yours were confirmed or even seemingly true after reading HOFAS?
Thank you so much for sending this ask! 🥹
I will preface my answer by saying that nearly all my theories relate to what will happen in the next acotar book, not hofas (though I love that series). Even when talking about the crossover, I was more focused on why it needed to come first and how it might impact the world of acotar and the maasverse she is building. I am really excited about what we learned, so here is how it tracks with my theories:
1. Urd / Mother, Cauldron, Fate / Stone Mother: Anyone who’s followed me knows how obsessed I am with the Mother, Cauldron, and Fate. Based on what the Under-King tells and shows us, I believe I was correct (and so were others) in thinking they are three faces or forms of a whole and she goes by Urd, which is called Wyrd in Erilea. This is important because Vesperus confirms that the Asteri bound Urd to the land, and she is depicted on the sacred mountain that is located in between the other two: Ramiel. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Elain is so connected to the land, and that she was described in terms of blooming life in Illyria.
2. Mapping secrets underground and the Asteri’s influence on the sacred sister peaks: In hofas, Nesta and Azriel travel underground / near the heart of the Prison mountain with Bryce. In Forbidden secrets, I suspected the next acotar book would involve the sacred sister peaks because they hide secrets (correct) and that’s where the Daglan, who I believed were the Asteri (correct), made their marks the deepest (correct). I theorized they were the ones who caused the sacred sister peaks to become void of life / barren (correct), and I suspected that the secrets they find below will lead them to the top of Ramiel (not totally confirmed yet, but I think it’ll be correct and the monolith on top of Ramiel, though perhaps deteriorated over time, may have once mirrored the behemoth (and behemoth originally meant beast of the land, I’m in heaven and already thinking of a post) of Urd in CC; the bowl is positioned at the bottom of the monolith on Ramiel in the caverns, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was once in the monolith’s upraised arms like in CC, before the Asteri). Vesperus confirms that there are more mysteries to solve under the sacred sister peaks, so that bodes well for Azriel and Elain mapping more secrets of the land.
3. Healing the Womb of the earth: I have always thought that Elain, the sister who loves growing things, would be a healer of the land. I connected that plot thread to the Cauldron since my first post on here. The reason that’s important is because we have sacred land that is clearly chained at the very root by an invasive presence, and it seems the land has waited for someone to open their heart and release them. (I mean, damn, this plot was made for Elain, who loves the land and has been chained magically and physically.) The same can be said for the Cauldron, and I believe it chose to give her something (such powers) so she could restore the land, healing the very womb of their earth (both physically and magically, dream and reality entwined). So, that healing plot in Forbidden secrets seems to be the correct direction for Elain’s book, and hofas really, truly reinforced it.
4. And the path to Hel: This one hasn’t happened yet, but since the acotar plot will likely take Elain and her friends beneath Ramiel, and there is a Helscape depicted at the bottom of it, I can’t help but feel like this one could be on the right track too.
That’s mostly from one post, but my posts are often a web of interconnected theories in one. 😅 I posted a follow-up to Forbidden secrets called Blooming dreams to pull together the new evidence we’ve been given. I’m so excited to see what she’ll do with all the seeds she’s planted.
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roguedruid · 3 months
"Oh great druid this humble petitioner asks for your recommendations on fics you did not write but enjoyed greatly I look forward to getting your top 15."
Uhhhh Damn. Hold on. Lets seee..... I can give you eleven- in no particular order- that come to mind with a bit of searching. but questioner- I read so many fics. This is gonna be a crapshoot of fandoms, so hold on. Of Harrowed Hearts by Sable_Scribe: A Naruto fic which is sadly unfinished- but had an awesome vibe and really dives into the characterization of the Konoha 12 and their potential. It does have Naruto/Sasuke vibes- but when it last left off the slow burn was slow and Sasuke was barely realizing his emotions. The Games We Play by Ryuugi: It's posted on Spacebattles origionally- but it's been reposted a few other places. It's massive- nearly a million words. This was my first real 'Massive fic' i followed as it was updating- and my real intro to Space Battles/Sufficent Velocity as fanfic sites. Also- first Gamer fic that went *way* into the power scaling and endgame stuff. Jaune in this story escalates hard as fuck. I'm talking supernatural kung fu, elemental powers, the ability to destroy cities- And his threats are scary enough to match it. This was before Salem for most of the story- but the Grimm that show up are terrifying. Keeping on the forums real fast- Two Quests (Essentially reader driven stories) deserve to be on this list. Xander [Quest] by one Judge Mental is another of those Monolithic kind of reading experiences. it's massive- on a word count I can't even figure out- spread across like 28 threads. it starts as a simple premise- You are Alexander Harris- and you are born as the reincarnation of Ganondorf. Yeah- that Ganondorf. Things only escalate past that point- to where the last i checked we were possibly the strongest sorcerer on earth- and only 12.
"A Geeks Guide: CORE" series by Sage_of_Eyes. Again, monolithic in scope- it's a complete reimagining of the Highschool DXD mythology (yes, the ecchi novels/anime. Yes it's way deeper then it deserves. Yes, it's also metal as fuck)
Swerving back from forums:
A Drop of Poison by Angel Of Snapdragons: Naruto's Shadow Clones are fucking crazy- and if you've ever wanted to see the power fantasy of them escalating non stop- this is the good shit. Drifting by AlphaDelta1001: More Naruto- but this one has some of my favorite 'Kinda Genius' Naruto moments. It mixes up the timelines, throws in a completley revamped Chuunin exam, introduces tones of new characters- and completely revamps Naruto's methods- if you ever got bored of 'it's all Rasengan' in canon- this is definitely a suggestion.
From Fake Dreams by Third Fang: Fate Stay/Night. Supercharged. This is a bit of a controversal pick- mainly because Third Fang is one of those authors who's sense of humor is... off. Just a bit of that old school Shonen Jump Pervert vibe in the background- snarky comments and purile humor creep around the corners of his writing- but FFD is still immensly fun to read. The power creep- already high as fuck in Canon FSN- goes so high. Where recently Shirou isn't fighting Servants- But True Ancestors. Son of the Western Sea by Mac_Ceallach: If you want Percy Jackson going solo on a world-wide adventure- this is it. its after the War for New York, before the romans showed up- and Its got Percy just... being cool vibing. Hitting into other myths by accident. In contrast, if you want some true off the rocker Percy- An Impractical Guide to Godhood by Antony444 It's technically a crossover with A practical guide to Evil- but if you ever wanted to see olympus and the rest of the percy jackson verse just... implode with chaos? This is it. Flooding Hades with the flaming river- beating Ceaser in Gladatorial Events, fucking with the olympians? This goes hard. The Many Quirks Of Phantom Thievery by PsychicBeagle Persona 5, reloaded. Featuring New Game+ shenanagains, plenty of romance and memes, and puns. If you're a P5 fan, I highly reccomend it. It's Time For Another Good Idea, Bad Idea by Haurvatat: This is a weird one- for one it's Solo leveling, so it's fandom was kinda niche. on the other... It's got Cannabilism in it. But! As a Cook? this is a guilty pleasure fic. The cooking scenes are all written like Binging with Babish episodes, the humor is on point, there's actual stakes and emotions- theres closure? What more does a fic need.
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viewfromthelake · 26 days
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Last night's before-bed comic book reading brought me through to the end of X-Men (2021) #35, which closes out the Krakoan Era finale. So, wow. What to say? I talked a bit in previous posts about how this era seemed to be suddenly sprinting through a lot of concepts to get to the end. And now with the war with Orchis over, we spend this extra-long issue on what the state of things is shaping up to be as the dust settles. It's bittersweet. The art is a mix of various X-Men artists old and new. SPOILERS AHEAD: I think I like what they did as far as settling the fate of Krakoa. One thing that always feels weird is getting to the end of a big run that had lots of big things going on, and everything sort of falling apart to return to something resembling the old status quo. Here, they get to do a big reset but also have the Krakoa era matter and have consequences, as the civilian residents of Krakoa have actually been building a pacifist Krakoan society for 15 years in a dimension outside of time and space where time passes differently. Comics! Anyway, they've deemed that Earth isn't read for them yet, so they just returned to space/time briefly to drop off any mutants who have families and lives they want to return to on Earth - or who just miss the whole crazy mess that is life on this wacky planet - and then head back to The White Hot Room, realm of the Phoenix Force. Various characters spin-off into their various new lives post-Krakoan era. Xavier is arrested and held in an ultra-secure facility for turning supervillian and colluding with Orchis to murder humans as part of a plot to stall them so the Phoenix could wipe them out. It's… really sad to see Charles brought so low. Charles astral form checks in on his former students and is convinced they are ready to carry on the dream of the mutants. And then he either kills himself or feigns brain death as part of a longer plan. We'll find out, I assume, whenever a writer decides to pick up that thread and do something with it. So that's the wild ride that was the Krakoan Era. I do have some gaps that I feel like I need to go in and fill sometime in my reading. And maybe I'll do that. Or maybe I'll focus on following this new era that is beginning (and hoping that it involves less having to hop from book to book to book in order to have any hope of it making sense. One issue I have with the Krakoan Era is it often made the X-books feel like a big summer event crossover, but one that lasted for years and years). I don't think I'll be reading these day-and-date, though. I've gotten used to waiting for stuff to hit Unlimited and I find that reading experience on my tablet to be great. Has anyone been starting to read any of the new stuff yet? Like it?
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dapperpea · 14 days
#FFxivWrite2024 Day 8 / Freewrite / Thread
FFXVI Crossover
Archon felt it more than he saw it, but that was not unusual.
What was unusual was the feel of it. It was different than before; no longer desperately trying to hold down every possible twist of fate for someone else, he felt this more as a single, shining, golden thread of possibility winding its way past.
He reached out a hand and crooked a finger, tweaking the thread, sending a thrum of opportunity through it and feeling reality itself vibrate with its echoes. Something inside him, someone, shifted in his breast, expectant and joyous, and he couldn't stop the wide smile growing on his face. Archon wasn't sure where this thread of possibility led or what it might connect to, but he didn't care; it scintillated to beautifully there was no question in his mind to reach out and pull on it.
Two cities away, a courier dropped a single piece of paper in her haste.
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savior-of-humanity · 8 months
@unforgivendivine -- continued from here!
How long had it been since he felt a touch this gentle, this caring? For so long he had only known the sting of claws and teeth and bullets of the eternal enemy - to feel Yeshua's touch upon battle-scarred flesh was an utterly alien sensation to Y'shua.
He couldn't remember the last time someone had cared for him as deeply as the Savior did. Or anyone that cared for him at all, really.
There's a flicker of oh-so-familiar R A G E that for the briefest of moments flashes within the Doom Slayer's soul at Yeshua's words - but the fury, as quickly as it comes and goes whilst manifesting itself as a slight furrowing of Y'shua's brow, isn't directed at him. No, it's the implication of what he has said that has lit the spark, its embers slowly but gradually burning at him while he subconsciously chews on the little snippet of information.
He hadn't been allowed to help him.
"...I don't understand what you mean," the Slayer responded softly. A part of him almost doesn't want to understand; he had been of the firm belief that there simply wasn't a God. That there was no Heaven, no Hell (rather, a Biblical Hell), no true good or evil, only the darkness that lay in the void between realities.
He didn't want himself to understand because the realization of what exactly Yeshua meant would simply be world-shattering. Metaphorically, of course, but also perhaps... literally.
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f-oighear · 5 days
BC/Arkham Horror LCG Crossover
It was brought to my attention (hi @kalolasfantasyworld) that I hadn't shared my second batch of investigator cards, so here it is. Featuring some Black Bulls this time!
Vanessa Enoteca
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She's a Mystic because what else could she be? (just kidding, she's allowed to have survivor and guardian cards in her deck)
Like all Mystics, her strength is her willpower.
Honestly, she might just be the strongest investigator I've made yet and I should definitely counterbalance with a bigger weakness but oh well.
Red Thread of Fate is absolutely broken. You can cheat the system once a round with no consequences unless you decide to cheat the system once more!
Her elder sign capacity also is broken so I should probably add some counterpart to that.
The main problem would be stamina but her sanity is fairly high, which compensates.
Back In The Cage only makes you lose one turn with the two actions you use to discard it. Not a big issue tbh. Unless you're in a pickle at that moment.
Luck Voltia
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He's a Survivor because I think more than half the Bulls would be from that class gjdjklsf.
Our favorite battle maniac is, unsurprisingly, a battle maniac in the AH universe too.
His weakness can be hell to deal with and losing out on experience points is hindering. Better not to draw the weakness or to draw it at the end of the game. Or finds all the clues in victory locations. So yep, pairing Luck with a very good Seeker might be the way to go.
Zora Ideale
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I hesitated so much between Rogue and Survivor for Zora. Ultimately, I went for Rogue but both fit. He definitely gets survivor cards in his pool deck.
He's a pretty straightforward Rogue.
His weakness is hell, but Rogue cards... I mean if you have the red pendulum... you can cruise by just fine. Not to mention the baseball bat.
More about this AU
The fic set in that universe
The Silva siblings investigator cards
Finral and Gordon's investigator cards
Helena Drazel's investigator cards (@kalolasfantasyworld's OC)
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chaosgene · 2 months
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Mood board by: @the-marron
Fic Link:
Title: Time Weave
Pairing: Time Engraver /Fate Weaver (Bai Yu)
Fandom: L'Oreal 'Time Engraver' Commercial
Tags: Falling in Love, Crossover Pairings, Considered as Crackship, Crack Taken Seriously, Fluff, Slight Angst, Bai Yu/Zhu Yilong Character Combination
“We don't choose who we love, if we did, then it would be too easy. Wouldn't it? My job is to choose the best match for their hearts. It is up to them if they want to accept my thread or not.”
Time Engraver meets the company of a rather elusive but popular entity who isn't affected by his powers.
Author's Note:
With the power vested in me, I now pronounce this ship as officially sailing ✨ here is the fic that I promised! Special thanks to @the-marron for giving me ideas and for being my beta reader for this fic ✨💖 the power of shared braincells works wonders. Thank you as well for dragging me to the Weilan Derivatives rabbit hole, now I'm not getting out, thank you 🤣
Please enjoy, everyone 💖💖
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gaysheep · 1 year
now my experiences might not be universal but as far as im concerned you asked far fewer questions about video games when you were a kid. the first time you encountered waluigi in mario tennis or mario party or whatever other mario spinoff you encountered him in for the first time because they only put him in spinoffs you didnt say "who's this goofster stomping around like he's a member of the crew?" you said oh ok that's waluigi i guess.
super smash bros melee the crossover fighting game starring all your favorite nintendo characters (well pikachu was second party but thats pikachu everyone knows who pikachu is) had a whole three characters who nobody in north america knew who the fuck they were, two of which were from games that weren't localized at all and one of which was from a game that was enough of a commercial failure in the united states hardly anyone remembered it a little under a decade later. now to be fair ness was in the one on the n64 also but its not like he'd gotten another game. "oh earthbound's failure was overexaggerated" you say that but my brother lived the super nintendo era and not a single one of his gaggle of friends had even heard of earthbound it was not on anyone's radar come on. but no one said "hey these aren't iconic nintendo characters" we all went "well i guess they can be here too" and now we say "you cant main a smash character if you havent played their game" like we werent saying "thats marth i dont know who the fuck he is but hes like a brother to me" in 2001
youd just go into the store and look at a game's boxart and decide you wanted that one and yknow what it usually worked out for you. i did this longer than you'd expect too i was in 7th or 8th grade and thought to myself "yknow i havent really played any console rpgs lately" so i looked up "rpgs for the wii" and i saw a gamefaqs rec thread or some shit where a guy went "well xenoblade is coming out." and i looked up xenoblade and found virtually no information about it other than that it was coming out and thought to myself "yeah xenoblade... that looks like an rpg i could get into." and you know what i did? i preordered it this may very well have been the first game i ever preordered i thought "well they were talking about it on gamefaqs so it must be a big deal i wanna make sure i can play it day 1" but i didnt need to reserve a copy of fucking xenoblade chronicles the store probably could have given me every copy in stock for no profit loss when i walked in there with my gir t shirt and my little receipt because i was one of all three and a half people in north america who played this game counting the gamefaqs guy. and xenoblade chronicles knocked me flat on my ass it was one of the best games i'd ever experienced i'd played plenty of story heavy rpgs before but this one hooked me in a way none of them ever had.
fast forward around 4 years the 4th smash game comes out but this one was different. this was when we really started to go in on the crossover fighters, character slots were now real estate that potential entrants had to earn the right to occupy as if one game ago they didnt make a failed NES peripheral a playable fighter and give it an emotional subplot in subspace emissary. no longer was it "cool i guess this guy is here" it had become "who the hell is this and what do they think they're doing in smash bros?"
and thus came that fateful night when amidst crazy new character reveals like the fucking wii fit trainer they unveil a cinematic trailer and announce that shulk from xenoblade chronicles was joining the fight. to which the unilateral reaction was "who the fuck is shulk why was this trailer framed like we already have a rapport with shulk i dont know this man why does he say stuff like 'im really feeling it?'"
but i knew who shulk was.
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 8 months
Lost Threads
Its the name I use for when the plot has a lost contuinuation or missing part that could lead to a crossover
some my favorites until are:
Elurin and Elured's unknow fate could lead them to begin found and taken in by another character
Maglor wanding lost the seashores is also a good opening to a crossover (I still have that awesome ao3 story with Maglor and John Uskglass encounter in mind)
Skull from KHR. The fandom as a whole agreed the guys isnt just a random week civilian. As Naruto fan, I have one word: Tobi
(not saying he is evil, just that the idiot persona will never fool me again)
Minato Namikaze's mysterious origins in general, the guy was the Ultimate-Awesome-Great-Overpowered-Hot-Prodigy-Badass-Mary-Sue and we don't even have his mom name?
Shirou Emiya. For real, like...random orphan, only survivor of the Fuyuki Fire, Overpowered as Heck, and no backstory? y'all joking?
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