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Who stumbles upon the Great Elven King bathing in the moonlight?
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thecoolblackwaves · 6 months ago
WIP Tag Game
Thank you @whovianofmidgard for the tag!!!!
Rules: create a new post and list the titles (however nondescript they may be) of all your work in progress fanfics. Tag as many people as titles. Hopefully someone will send an ask in for the one that intrigues them the most, and when they do, tell them more or give them a snippet of writing!
Cake-cherries and Seashells (Zukka)
How Firelord Zuko Banned Standardized Testing
Maemags Fuck or Die
The Reunification of Two Lost Souls
Transfem Mags #2
Maemags Mulan AU
Assorted Feanorian AUs
Feanorian Family Orgy Thing
We Might As Well Date
(Rewrite) Glitter Suits You, Darling
Thrandolas Hogwarts AU
Okay, 11 WIPs for 11 friends - @nighttimepatrons @elvenmoans @tauw-nu-fuin @curiouselleth @lordgrimwing @lyragoth @curufiin @welcomingdisaster @jouissants @flippyspoon @seasaltsparrow
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anothershirehobbit · 6 months ago
Looking for an RP!
I'm not new to RPing but I've never roleplayed on Tumblr before except for a few short ones in other fandoms, so if anyone is looking for a Hobbit RP then feel free to message me! (I'd prefer to keep the RPs in messages for now since I'm new to this side of Tumblr)
I'm open to playing different characters, I'd love to explore different ships and not just Bilbo x Thorin (but of course also happy to RP them) Canon era, modern AU or other AUs are all welcome!
Some characters I'm looking for/willing to play, but happy to hear other ideas too, any ship with these characters either with each other or someone not mentioned would be great:
Bilbo Thorin Elrond Thranduil Legolas Bard Bofur
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chasinginfinnity · 9 months ago
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idea dump 0𝟯 (non byler)
this is dark. i just love the idea of everyone falling in love with legolas—be it sweet or unsettling. but totally not the latter.
no plans of actually doing this because i don't write (and im not great with something dark and the i word).
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catb0yfriend · 2 years ago
The King gifts his Prince a new Circlet
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lainellafay · 2 years ago
It’s been years since I poked my head in here but may I just say:
Thrandolas will forever prosper in my heart ❤️
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djntranslations · 3 months ago
Legolas: I'm smaller than you, Ada
Thranduil: Because you're still young
Legolas: Then when I grow up, I'll be tall like you?!
Thranduil (resolute): No. You're already grown
Legolas: ...you said I was young just now
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Cred: linyuno
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legolastaint · 10 months ago
Thrandy and Lego!!
you can pry best dad Thrando from my cold dead claws
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thecoolblackwaves · 2 months ago
Get to Know Me Tag Game‼️
3 Ships: Maedhros x Maglor (Maemags), Tyelkormo x Curufin (Tyelcurvo), Reginald Jeeves x Bertie Wooster (to switch it up a bit)
First Ship: Tuffnut x Eret from HTTYD....
Last Movie: White Christmas
Last Song: Bring It On Home To Me / Sam Cooke
Currently Reading: "A Violet Sky" by LoveActuallyFan on AO3 (Thrandolas estranged family to lovers, soooo good)
Currently Watching: Masterchef Canada
Currently Eating: Rotisserie chicken and garlic bread mmm
Currently Craving: Chocolate oranges and eggnog - I decided not to buy myself holiday treats this year in an effoet to save money and am now fiercely craving them all
Thanks @elvenmoans for the tag!!!!
@curufiin @overlord-of-fantasy @megan1926 @herinke9 @queerofthedagger @whovianofmidgard @lyragoth
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sundelion-rose · 1 year ago
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POV you find really cute fanart of Thranduil and Legolas but it’s tagged Thrandolas
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years ago
Thrandolas One Shots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NMF1ri8
by Hippy_ki_yay
A collection of short, mostly unrelated, Mirkwood family centric one shots. All are 500 words or less and *most* are slash. Will continue adding as I write.
No guaruntees, but if you have requests comment them!
Words: 328, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien)
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Thranduil, Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Smut, Fluff, Intimacy, Hand Jobs, Incest, Parent/Child Incest, Secret Relationship, One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NMF1ri8
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years ago
If This Is Fate
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KtlyBhM
by simple_peasant_from_Woodland_Realm
A story about what it may be like for a carefree teenager grows up into an adult. Embellished with sweet memories of pure love in the youth period.
Words: 7516, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Thranduil, Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - High School, First Love, First Kiss, Coffee Shops, Fate, Teenagers, Adulthood, Young Thranduil, thrandolas - Freeform, Angst, Memories, Introversion, Young Legolas Greenleaf
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KtlyBhM
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overrated-sheep · 3 years ago
Hmmm I have fallen into Thrandolas… really tho hot elves should fuck and the hottest are thranduil and his son
A fucked up coincidence and not my fault
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catb0yfriend · 2 years ago
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anaveragebibliophile · 3 years ago
All is Well (Part 2)
Thranduil x Young!Legolas x OC 
Summary: We return to a meeting between Thranduil’s wife and Bilbo Baggins, specifically regarding a position that he has accepted on behalf of Gandalf the Grey and the queen herself. However, problems arise with the prince’s health, leading to a very chaotic conference with the king and queen highlighting their exceptional parenting capabilities. 
“My Queen, Master Baggins has accepted the position that you’ve so graciously offered to him,” Gandalf began, watching (y/n) rock the young prince in the ivory rocking chair adjacent to the bassinet that was kept in her and her husband’s chambers. 
Unlike most royals within the Woodland Realm, the king and queen prided themselves upon being readily available to their son at the drop of a hat. Rather than rely on maids and wet nurses to raise their elfling, they viewed the responsibility as a privilege that had been bestowed upon them to indulge in and appreciate to the utmost degree. As such, they were only ever seen without their sweet leaf on the rarest of occasions. As can be noted, this was indeed not one of those times. 
The queen couldn’t seem to hide both her surprise and pleasure from the wizard upon hearing this news. “I am quite happy to hear this, Gandalf. Unfortunately, as circumstances would have it, this expedition to Gundaband is just not something I can commit to at this time.” 
The “circumstances” that she was referring to could easily be deduced upon looking at her son.  Legolas, the 1-year-old son of Queen (y/n) and King Thranduil, had fallen ill only a few days ago. While his parents (his mother really) initially presumed this to be only a minor ailment that would dissipate in time, his fever had only worsened over the last few hours. And as a result of his extreme discomfort, he only desired to be held by his mother or father, the latter sadly battling the same illness in the bed adjacent to his wife and child. 
“Fret not, My Queen. You will not be disappointed with the hobbit that I’ve recommended to facilitate this mission.” 
“He’s right, darling,” Thranduil interjected. “Master Baggins is quite the experienced investigator. Furtive, prudent and intelligent.” 
At that response, (y/n) quickly diverted her attention from Gandalf to her husband, shocked to find him awake. He’d been sleeping most of the day, the excessive fatigue hitting him like a bag of rocks would. Painfully. 
“How are you feeling?” (y/n) queried, trying to settle Legolas down from her sudden movement. 
“I’m alright. Still quite fatigued and sore but I have to believe I’m on the mend,” he responded, coughing into his elbow. “How’s our little leaf holding up?” 
Gandalf took this time to analyze the dynamic between husband and wife. Slowly, oh so slowly, (y/n) stood up from the rocking chair, cooing at Legolas as he began to whimper. Sitting on her edge of bed and turning her body to face Thranduil, she watched as her husband prepped himself to take the precious cargo that laid before him. As she passed Legolas off into her husband’s waiting arms, everyone could hear the exhalation of relief from both father and son. It wasn’t long until (y/n) sidled up next to her husband, both of them attempting to coax their little one back to sleep with soothing words and gentle touches. 
It appeared that the rumors still stood true from where Gandalf stood. 
The king and queen were exceptional parents.  
“He’s been sporting a pretty nasty fever for the past few hours,” the queen continued. “The healer has come to see him twice to administer a few medicines that she believes will help. However, due to the ferocity of the illness, it will take more time for the remedies to take effect.” 
The king only nodded, pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, my friends, but—” 
(Y/n) raised a hand. “No, it is me who should apologize. I am being very discourteous. Please, Gandalf, continue.” 
“(Y/n), please. There is no need for that. The only other matter I wished to discuss had to do with meeting the hobbit in the flesh. Would that be something you would be interested in?”
At that question, Legolas’ lip began to quiver. Obviously, he knew what that meeting would entail. The separation of him and his mother. 
“My little leaf, everything is alright,” (y/n) began, reaching past Thran’s arm to smooth her son’s golden hair back from his little head. “Maman isn’t going anywhere.” 
The king took that time to pass his son over to his wife, fully aware of the fact that the elfling needed to be reassured that his mother was nearby. And would remain nearby for the foreseeable future. 
“Perhaps we could consider a meeting within our chambers? I understand that it might be uncomfortable for Master Baggins, but I’m afraid I’m a bit incapable of departing from this spot.”
“Not to worry, Your Majesties. I think an explanation will assuage any fears or reservations regarding this particular situation.” 
“Very well then, Gandalf,” the queen replied. 
“Are you absolutely positive that I won’t be intruding?” Bilbo asked, completely uncertain about entering the sacred chambers of two esteemed leaders of the realm. In his mind, if he made one false move, then—
Honestly, he didn’t even want to think about all of the ways those two could carry out his death.  
“What do you take me for? A novice? I’ll have you know that I’ve been friends with these two for centuries. Granted, it’s true that Queen (y/n) is much easier to get along with than the king, but it must also be made known that they are both genuinely kind people. Consider yourself lucky this time. His wife will be in close proximity and his poor elfling is fighting a nasty bug. He’s a bit softer today. Never mind the fact that it’s her reconnaissance detail and not his. He knows not to get involved in her affairs, especially ones of this caliber, unless it’s necessary.” 
As Gandalf kept pleading his case to Bilbo, he did notice the hobbit’s features begin to become a bit more consoled the more he talked. Hopefully this meant that he would be able to mediate between the two parties and allow this conference to commence. 
“If you’re sure—-”
“I am. You have to trust me. Have I ever led you astray before?” 
“No, you haven’t. So I guess that means I have no choice but to say yes.” 
At that comment, a small smile appeared on the wizard’s face. 
When the wizard and burglar entered the rooms that the king and queen shared, they were greeted to the sight of King Thranduil blowing raspberries on his son’s bare tummy, causing a surplus of delighted giggles to erupt from the little elfling and even his wife. 
After Gandalf left to retrieve Master Baggins, Legolas started to get a bit restless. In other words, he was miserable. He was still running a fever and was even starting to sound congested. Rocking him, singing to him, and even reading to him were not captivating his interest nor calming him down.
It wasn’t until (y/n) recommended removing his onesie that Legolas seemed more at ease. Allowing him to cool off was definitely a mood improver. What made that idea even more successful was her husband planting kisses on their son’s belly. Legolas thought it was the most comical thing ever. The more messy the sound, the funnier it was. 
Queen (Y/n) was the first one to notice that they had visitors. 
“Well, hello to you Master Baggins.” 
“Your Majesty,” Bilbo bowed. 
“My sincerest apologies for requesting your presence in such an intimate setting. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a sick elfling right now. As you can understand, his well-being is our utmost priority. My hope is that we’re not making this too uncomfortable for you.” 
“No, not at all.” 
Giving his son one more kiss to his belly, the king looked up and nodded to his visitor. “Hello, Master Baggins. A pleasure to see you again.” 
‘Wow,’ Bilbo thought as he watched King Thranduil wipe his son’s nose while simultaneously give him a lingering kiss on the forehead, ‘he is definitely not what most people presume him to be.’ 
Watching her husband and son, the queen said, “I was very pleased to hear that you accepted my offer to stand in as the mission leader for the expedition to Gundabad. As you know, Gandalf is a dear friend of mine, so you can imagine that I’ve heard a lot about you over the years. I was very impressed with the experience you’ve acquired. And in such a short time too. I think you’ll fit in well here.” 
“That’s very kind, Queen (y/n).”
“Oh please, call me (y/n).” 
“Of course. So, I know that Gandalf mentioned that you wanted to speak to me about a few things.”
Before the queen could respond, Legolas crawled out of her husband’s lap and made his way over to hers. Smiling brightly, she picked him up and embraced him. 
“And just what are you up to, my sweet boy?” (y/n) questioned, rubbing the backs of her fingers down his cheeks. “You feel cooler, which is a good sign. The medicines must be working.” 
The prince just took that opportunity to cuddle into his mother’s neck. 
While his wife was consoling their son, King Thranduil decided to step in. In this case, he knew (y/n) wouldn’t mind. “Like my wife mentioned earlier, Legolas is our priority at the moment. You’ll have to forgive her for appearing a bit distracted, but that is the life of a parent in difficult times. We tag team the best we can, but he has been circulating between the two of us with remarkable frequency.”
“It’s no trouble, King Thranduil. I understand. If it’s more convenient for you two, we could schedule this meeting at a later date.”
“Since your departure is in a week’s time, I’m afraid that’s not possible,” the queen added while rubbing the elfling’s back gently. “There are only three things that are truly of the utmost importance. But given the circumstances that have arisen on my end, I will be brief.”
Bilbo could only nod his head. 
“Our first matter of business has to do with the members you would like to include. Of course, the elven guard will be at your disposal, but I’m also allowing you to pick 5 other individuals. In fact, I recommend it. People that would be willing to follow you and protect you if harm comes your way. People who have fighting experience. Who you choose is completely up to you.” 
Bilbo thought on this while the mother surreptitiously passed her son off to her husband. It was obvious he was eager to have his child back in his arms. But one would be a fool not to want that little elfling around. He was extremely adorable with sky blue eyes and massive dimples that ate up his cheeks. His calm, charming demeanor was just the icing on the cake in the hobbit’s mind.  
“So the dwarves would be an option then, yes?” 
The queen merely nodded her head.
“Right then, with that settled, let’s move on to the second matter. In good conscience I cannot send you without some formal training. Although you can fight, as I have been told, you have never been in quarters quite like this. I have asked Gandalf as well as a few other trusted advisors to prepare you for a potential onslaught. How to strategize, how to attack, methodologies of that nature. They will be the ones that will alert me of your progress. But please know that if they’re not satisfied with what they see, the mission will be delayed until you’re ready. Your safety, and the safety of my guard, is of the utmost priority.” 
When (y/n) didn’t receive any inquiries regarding her expectations, she then proceeded to the third and final matter. 
Glancing over at her son curled into her husband’s chest, she began. “The last issue I would like to discuss primarily deals with the capture of an Orc named Bröcen. As of right now, he appears to be one of the leaders of a sub-group of Orcs that permanently resides in Gundabad. We have reason to believe that he is orchestrating the creation of an army at the request of his overlord Azog; a request that would certainly destroy a significant portion of Middle Earth’s population if it came to fruition. As such, the main goal of this mission is to bring him back here, alive. Without him, we will never be privy to the Overlord’s plans. Essentially, we will never be able to stop him.” 
And just like that, a sudden, tiny sneeze interrupted any potential response from Bilbo. 
Queen (Y/n) and Bilbo himself immediately turned their heads to look down at the little elfling. He sniffled, raising his arms out to stretch in his father’s embrace. After receiving yet another kiss from Thran, Legolas then cuddled back into his chest, paying no mind to the dangers that were being talked about right in front of him. 
“Nai eru tye mánata (God bless you),” (y/n) and Thranduil whispered at the same time. 
Once the queen was certain that her child was fast asleep, she faced the hobbit again. “Again, I can only apologize Bilbo. I’m quite distracted today. My hope is that everything was clear and comprehensive. If you do have more questions, I’ll be happy to answer them in due time.” 
“Of course, My Queen. Please don’t feel any rush right now. You explained everything in a concise manner that I was able to comprehend,” Bilbo qualified. “I’m sure I’ll have more questions, but for now you deserve to focus on your family.” 
(Y/n) smiled brightly. “Thank you for being so accommodating Master Baggins. We’ll be in touch, I’m sure.” 
With that, Bilbo bowed and moved himself towards the door. Yet, as his hand lightly grasped the doorknob, the soft babbling of Legolas made him turn back to see what all the commotion was about. 
Queen (Y/n) was standing, hugging Gandalf tightly while her husband appeared to be walking into their bathroom to run a bath for the baby. He knew that because Legolas was once again curled against his chest as he made his way to a large oval tub that had a baby bath seat sitting on its edge. 
As Thran turned the faucet, his low timbre began to hum a tune to his son who was lazing in his arms, yawning every so often. There wasn’t a doubt in Biblo’s mind that Legolas adored his father. He gazed up at him, entranced by every movement he made and every act of affection he gave. At least it was nice to know that the king’s harshness didn’t actually extend to his immediate family. Rumors be damned. 
Bilbo was soon brought out of his trance by his fellow comrade. 
“You know the rules, (y/n). If that little guy isn’t feeling better in two day’s time, send for me. I’ll bring Athelas as soon as I can.” 
“Of course, Gandalf. See you soon. And you too, Bilbo,” the queen said, waving. 
“Likewise,” was the response she received from both of them.
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teddybrownsworld · 4 years ago
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