punkpresentmic · 4 months
my town’s drag scene is putting on an anime-themed show & it’s fine, i’m not booked for that one, but your local mic blogger is SWEATING
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passioncentre · 4 years
Outline: Watch your heart
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Watch your heart and speak good words (that can change your destiny)
Proverbs 4:23 (TPT) So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.
In the Old Testament the word “heart” is used more than 800 times, but more than 200 times it deals with one's thought life, emotions, the wellsprings of life, those things that motivate and mold us.
“Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - FRANK OUTLAW (Late President of the Bi-Lo Stores)
W — Watch your Words.A — Watch your Actions.T — Watch your Thoughts.C — Watch your Companions.H — Watch your Habits.
This is a wisdom quote that has been passed from generation to generation but today I want to give you more than a simple quote. Let me share the words of Jesus. This is way more important thaan a good thought since He has the Words of Life.
Matthew 12:34 Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”
Watch your heart and speak good words (that can change your destiny)
What kind of abundance do you have in your heart? Why is this so important?
Matthew 12:36-37 36 But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
During this season that we are living I see many people that I admire. Christians that have marked the world getting tangled by their words being mocked, ridiculed and shamed. We should weight our words very carefuly and the way to do it is to watch our heart.Your heart is the Key to Unlock your hidden Treasure
Isaiah 45:3 KJV "And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places..."
As Christians, we have direct access to the secret things of God. That's right — God wants to share His secrets with us! Can you imagine?
So what is your treasure? What does your heart long for? Jesus told His disciples to "sell all" for a treasure in the heavens.
Matthew 6:19–21 (ESV) 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal
If your home was on fire, what items would you rescue before exiting?
But whatever they are, those items reveal the things you truly value in life. They are the things you hold dear, the things you consider essential to your happiness, survival, and security.
A treasure is that upon which you place your affections and attention. It may be your money, possessions, reputation, honor, praise, relationship, degree, or time.
Your treasure is that which you value above other things.
So when Jesus speaks of “where your treasure is” He means that the whole of our being is wrapped up in our treasures. Our hearts will be upon what we treasure most.
In other words, where we invest our treasure will determine where we set our affections. It is not so much that our treasure follows our hearts as it is that our hearts follow our treasure.
Proverbs 4:23 (TPT) So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.
Keep Watching
Many times we get distracted by circumstances and keep our guard down. I will conclude with a Scripture from the book of Jeremiah. He was a man of God, a prophet, a prayer warrior. However the Lord rebukes him for his impatience.
Jeremiah 12:5  [But the Lord rebukes Jeremiah's impatience, saying] If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take to flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled maze of jungle haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?
I want to remind you that up to now you have been “racing with men on foot”. We are in a period that can be called “The peace before the storm”. Mankind is entering a season of pain. These seasons are cyclical and they are worst each time after the other. This is the “first woe”. There are more to come.
Watch your heart! Measure your words…and get ready for a season when you will need the supernatural power of God to survive the battle you’re about to enter.
Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
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punkpresentmic · 6 months
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
i cut the top of my hair shorter than i have before & fell asleep w it wet & i swear to you. i swear. i literally woke up with the high school mic hair style.
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punkpresentmic · 4 months
Present Mic would be a fucking AMAZING drag king look
and see the thing is that if I fixed my cosplay wig i could absolutely kill it too 😔😔
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
hey, blank and default-profile-picture blogs following me and liking things: if you’re new to tumblr, i’m glad to have you! however, if you don’t change your blog to not be fully blank and featureless, i will block you because you unfortunately look like bots!
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
deeply sorry to the employee who heard only the back half of my conversation about my experiences with lime green hair dye when i walked in saying “yeah but we were on piss stage by, like, day 2,” who laughed about that line with me, but who i failed to offer literally any context to
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
happy birthday to present mic my hero academia!!!!! & also my girlfriend ig
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
some of my favorite irl interactions are when i talk w folks who’ve watched bnha in a Normal Way & they straight up don’t even remember who mic is by name alone asdksk
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punkpresentmic · 2 years
this may be a mic hating zone but it is also a tiny campy mustache appreciation zone
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punkpresentmic · 2 years
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
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happy pride 💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
i’m considering a Love Shack number for an upcoming drag show & i am being So Normal about how i mentally associate this song with present mic
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punkpresentmic · 10 months
birthday 👍
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punkpresentmic · 1 year
i went to some friends’ drag show last night & literally lost my voice screaming my head off for all the incredible performers & i think it factory reset my emotional state
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