#though there are similarities you can see how they in tune with each other this time around
pickletrip · 11 months
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Lap sitting
Hands hands hands
The way they hold each other's faces, kissing so softly but passionately.
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No thoughts anymore.
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circeyoru · 7 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 2 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 (here) — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9  — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13
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In a room, dark and empty, the floor below encased millions of crying and pleading souls. Yet you walked over them as one would to insects on the ground. Your eyes peeked open a bit and the voices all quiet to nothing
The rows of Knight armours and life-sized wooden figures that aligned the walls all bowed in your presence. Your feet brought you to a round red table to the farther side, on top of the table was the exact replica of the landscape of the Pride Ring
In this domain of yours was a lovely creation of yours after Lucifer took over Hell, a table for each of the Rings of Hell and one each table was the exact map of everything within the Ring. From buildings to landmarks to the portals to other Rings for the Hellborns. You had it all and saw it all with your eyes around all of Hell
Your fingers hovered over the marked territories and the duplicates of your souls’ figures placed in their respective areas. Your eyes scanned over, spotting some new figures that has appeared and some areas marked with unfamiliar colours and aura. A hand waves over the entirety of the map like a fan, domains marked in red was nearly half of the place
Whispers of souls from the bodies of your provided winged creatures known as Cages flew around you. They were of your design, with black feathered bodies and wings, similar to that of a crow or raven. But with a twist, eyes red as blood, wings of blades, metal claws, and uniquely their bodies house the souls you deemed with potential to return back to their own lives
“Sinners have been brazen.” 
“Very bold. They have stolen your land.” 
“Disrespectful. Undeserving.”
“Lazy Overlords!”
“Now, now, my Cages. They have a hard time as it is, don’t give them too much pressure.” While your tone was understanding and sweet, the coldness and disappointment in your eyes told a different story. “But I suppose they have been slacking in my absence.”
“Slacking. Slacking.” 
“How dare they. How dare.” 
“Punishment. Punishment.”
A smile formed and your eyes closed, you turned away from the table as familiar dolls floated over to you. “Yes, it is time for a reunion.” 
A soft tune played in the radio tower. You sat in the comfortable armchair while your finger swayed from side to side with the music, you hummed a bit with your eyes closed, and one leg crossed over the other. Various pages floated in the air while a pen was writing on each of them at lightning speed
Your head tilted up a bit as something came to your knowledge. With a snap of your fingers, the paperwork all disappeared and the soft tune was gone. You hummed as you got up and faced outside, even with your eyes closed you can see all of Pentagram City that was the heart of the Pride Ring
The Radio Demon immediately appeared after the shadows rose to form his figure, he bowed with hand over his heart before placing it behind his back as he straightened up, “Yes, My Dear Liege?”
“Is Vox still challenging you to random games of his?” You remained facing the view outside of the tower’s window.
“That he is.”
After Alastor had rubbed into Vox’s face that you were avoiding Vox, the insecure Overlord was keen on challenging Alastor on battles of a playful nature to one up him as a way to prove he was superior. Though all that told you was his childishness and lack of responsibility
It had been a while since your presence was made known to the other Overlords, particularly your elite collection. Your stay in the Hazbin Hotel was passed within the group, but none dare to approach you as it was against your likeness to seek you out under information passed along. It wasn’t wise to fake or arrange a chance meeting as well, for you’d know and they don’t want to face the consequence
While you were physically absent, you were not ignorant to what goes on, especially with your collection. You thought perhaps it was time for you to formally make yourself known since they have been very well behaved even after Alastor egged them so. Good that none took the bait
It’s not your intention, however, to put such test and tease for your wonderful elites, but when the opportunity is there, you can’t resist. You let things fall and observe the results. They were very amusing with their persistence to find you yet appear as though they weren’t bothered with your absence
Though the fun’s gotta end
“Arrange a meeting of my Elites,” You turned your head to Alastor’s direction with your eyes closed, “Hmm, in 6 days, let’s do it at Camilla’s place. The Witching hour would do nicely.”
Alastor bowed once more, “Of course, as you desire. Shall I broadcast it right away?”
You gestured to his chair for him to take a seat. When he did, you placed a hand on his shoulder and your eyes opened with a glow, in turn, so did his pendant with an eye design, “Please do.”
Alastor felt power surge through his form as his tower lit up with an eerie green, he spoke into the microphone on his desk, “Let this be a broadcast to the only Elites~ A special message and invitation to the Collection of Elites from Our Beloved Liege.”
Simultaneously, in various parts of the Pride Ring, targetted individuals received their broadcast. Immediately standing at alert
Zestial threw away his teacup and saucer the moment he felt the left coat pocket glow. He carefully took out his pendant and made it hover in the air while his head bowed, awaiting for the message broadcasted through Alastor’s powers mixed with yours
Carmilla raised from her seat when her chest warmed from the pendant, she pulled it out from the charm from the chain around her neck. She brushed aside the documents she had littered around her desk and placed it down, bowing with her hair down when she realized the situation, the long await word from you
Rosie shushed her cannibals, excusing herself when his pendant warmed up with a glow. She arrived at her private room and set the pendant on the couch while she seated next to it, acting as if you were present with her
Zeezi immediately threw a punch at the demon, quickly ending the fight. She kicked away the body, wiping away the blood on her hands before taking out the pendant, and bowed her head to it with eyes closed
Vox’s eyes widened, eying the pendant when Alastor’s voice came through, he was about to dismiss it but the fact that your title was mentioned meant Alastor was speaking on your behalf. He travelled through the cameras to where the other two were lazing around with the pendant in hand, putting it on the table in front of him and which made Velvette and Valentino snap to attention
“A meeting will be held in actually 6 days, at the Wtiching Hour. The meeting place will be at Carmilla’s. Needless to say, your attendance is mandatory.” Alastor relayed all the details you told him.
However, before Alastor ended the broadcast, you spoke up near the microphone, “I look forward to your presence, everyone.”
Once the news was out, the Overlords immediately got to work
Zestial went to Carmilla’s place help her prepare to your standards and satisfactory. Preparing the room to be more elegant and dignified, different from how the usual Overlord meetings were when she hosted
When Carmilla’s daughters heard the news, they were excited as well, it has been ages since they last saw you and even longer when their household was hosting your meeting place. For it was an undeniable honour for you to pick their rundown location for something so rare and sacred
After all, this was the first meeting you’ve hosted and called the others since years, it felt even longer when it was you that gathered everyone together like this. Surely, the topics of discussion was grim and serious for such an occasion
Either way, all Overlords were going to enjoy their time in your presence. Just having you near them was a gift and for you to call them was a joyious event, one worthy of celebration
Though they were very envious that Alastor got you to himself all this time. Again, the blame would be on Vox who had been causing you such discomfortable in your own world, for all their territories were yours to begin with. You were merely gracious to share your spoils with them. Lowly sinners that rose to their current standing and ranks with your support
All looked forward and dreaded the day that was to come. The other sinners and demons felt a change in the air when the Elite Overlords were more active. It was subtle but hard to ignore when the Overlords were more on edge and easy to come to anger
Zestial appearing in the streets more, Carmilla’s demand for perfection, Rosie’s increase appetite, Zeezi’s increase violent battles, and the Vees’ desperate need to produce more results
Somehow, the nobodies Overlords heard of an Overlord meeting and planned on attending as well. Yet the moment these self-proclaimed souls planned on doing so, knight armours and wooden figurines took a hold of them and the shadows devoured them without mercy
Alastor set down a plate of food in front of you, noticing the small smile on your face even when your eyes were closed. “Does something amuse you so, My Liege?”
You chuckled, “Oh, nothing much. Merely some souls begging for a good torment.”
Alastor felt his smile grow, understanding the implication. He so loved your sadistic nature to those unworthy, for he done the same. “I see. As long as you’re enjoying yourself.”
Your eyelids fluttered open a hinch, “Believe me when I say, I am.”
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Note: Okay, I lied. There's more to write than I thought. In my defense, there wasn't much idea, but then it flooded when I started. So there's part 3 where the Overlords are meeting the Collector~
Circe Y.
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203
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hannieehaee · 11 months
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idol!mingyu and idol!you secretly crushing on each other since you were first introduced by a mutual friend.
wc: 442
part 2, part 3
immediately hitting it off with mingyu right after being welcomed into the 97 squad due to the privileges of being born that year.
you and mingyu always walking into the hybe building together as you follow an unspoken agreement of arriving at the entrance of the elevators every morning at a similar time as an excuse of seeing each other.
walking you to your practice room, despite his being a floor below it and having to make a second trip just to get to his, often earning glares from his own group mates.
texting while rehearsing because you want to time your breaks in order to see each other, but still not admitting to yourselves you're mutually crushing on one another, even when everyone else around you screams it in your face.
going to the hybe gym together, even though working out around each other is fruitless seeing as you're both distracted by the appearance of the other sweaty and out of breath.
ditching your managers to hang out alone at the rooftop of the building, still clinging onto the idea that you're still just platonic friends.
sticking to each other during any 97 outing, unintentionally tuning out everyone else as you entertain only one another, enjoying the luxury of a public outing without any scrutiny due to the presence of the rest of the 97s.
mingyu being teased nonstop by the other 97s as soon as you leave the room to powder your nose, finally admitting to himself that, yes, maybe he does like you a little more than the average friend would.
you needing a short break from mingyu's touchiness as he gets drunk with his friends, not knowing how much more you can handle before you physically light on fire in front of all your friends due to the unintentional(?) effect of his touches.
you and mingyu finally going past your breaking point one day and kissing in his apartment one day after your other friends had gone home for the night.
him innocently insisting you stay the night despite not wanting to rush things under the vice that he's always wanted to hold you in your sleep, and also because he doesnt want to let you go now that he has you.
going into the hybe building together the next day, pretending nothing happened due to your idol status, despite the fact his band mates can see the blush on his face when you pop in for a visit during practice.
him saying 'fuck it' and holding your hands, swinging them back and forth as he coos at your shy demeanor at the obviousness of your friendship evolving.
a/n: ok i had no idea how to end this but i thought it was a cute concept so i'll expand on it some other time hehe also not proofread btw
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8hsaturn · 2 years
-- my astrology observations pt.1
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Aquarius risings with Neptune on the ascendant can be extremely popular for their appearance amongst their peers, they’re also pretty influential and can be copied very often if Uranus is conjunct the ASC. They tend to have an immaculate fashion sense especially if paired with Taurus placements.
What separates Libra from Taurus is their way of expressing Venusian energy: Taurus, fixed earth, expresses it through a beautiful voice and coveted seduction, they’re down to earth and aware that they’re naturally attractive, acting chill and not being a try-hard is their trick. libra, cardinal air, on the other hand, isn’t scared to shake things up and keep people on their toes, they’d flirt to see how well their charm works and would change “tactics” to hook people in. they’re cardinal and so know how to spark someone’s interest but their air nature can make them pull away before they feel trapped. Taurus alternatively might prefer to simply sit because they know they attract people without moving a finger. Both can be very charming but also difficult to pin down especially as they grow older and more in tune with their Venusian nature.
As someone who always does readings for my friends, I noticed people with similar majors tend to have similar placements! law/political science majors tend to have a lot of Libra or just Libra on the angles and even 7th-house placements. IT/coding majors tend to have a lot of Scorpio/Virgo/Aquarius. actually, you can even guess why they chose the major from their chart.
My Capricorn friend chose software engineering because of the job prospects and because he enjoys working hard on a program and seeing it come to fruition which is very Saturnian.
8th house synastry is a complex matter but I believe the issue lies in people looking for that one overlay that guarantees a perfect relationship: there’s no such a thing. each overlay will have different results depending on both people’s charts and how they use or abuse their own placements. 5h synastry with your 5h stellium crush can seem incredible until you realize their Saturnian nature makes them see 5h energy as inherently immature and repress that nature, and have their ego drive them to see all fun they don’t initiate as cringey. 7h synastry can seem like a promise for marriage until you realize your person hates how they lose themselves in their relationships and distance away from you. In short, you can’t promise anything even with a synastry chart in front of you if you don’t know the trauma and experiences of both people. Makes sense, because astrology is truly just a tool to understand better, it doesn’t control or define anything.
8th house moon synastry can make the moon person very attuned to the other person’s feelings and want to know how their deepest emotions. Bad intentions can make the moon person use their knowledge to manipulate the house native though. it can be an aspect for understanding but if the house person has a Scorpio or Saturnian moon, or a natal 12h/4h/8h moon, or moon aspecting Saturn they might see this desire as annoying and could put them off, especially if they’re emotionally unavailable/stunted: they see the connection as making them too vulnerable and will escape it.
Sun conjunct Saturn… might make the sun person feel as if the Saturn person is repressing them, dulling their light, and just dampening their mood. In what exactly? that depends on the sun sign and house where the conjunction happens. e.g: if the sun conjuncts Saturn in Gemini in the 9h: sun person might feel that Saturn isn’t as enthusiastic or excited about the things that they’re passionate about or doesn’t understand their jokes or interests, shuts down convos or doesn’t let them talk. They might feel mocked for their beliefs or that the Saturn person doesn't take their philosophies and deeper concerns seriously.
I disagree with the notion that certain placements indicate intelligence or otherwise lack of. Intelligence is so complex and difficult to define, and I don’t mean eq vs iq or mathematical vs linguistic Intelligence, I mean that people’s experiences can push them to hone certain intellect over the other: having a libra stellium doesn’t mean all you got is street smarts, but that’s what you found yourself focusing on developing due to the cards you were dealt in life. I believe your chart will indicate which skills and intelligence you had to use, or need to use, be it something you have to learn from scratch or an instinctive talent, rather than natural skills.
that’s all, thank you for reading this far <3
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zerobaselove · 2 months
like a phantom | shen ricky
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pairing: ricky x reader
genre: suggestive MINORS DNI
word count: 1111
warnings: no actual smut it just gets suggestive ! lowercase intended, not proofread.
notes: for my fave ricky stan ! also can yall tell i am also a wayv ult LMAO anyways this was a huge war in my mind between ricky and hao but here we are,,, maybe i will write smth similar for hao too idk
being the partner of a world famous idol definitely had it's struggles, but that's not to say it didn't have it's perks too. like how you found yourself sitting backstage to one of the most anticipated concerts of the year, the first stop of the zerobaseone tour.
though the behind the scenes of a big event like this was hectic, you and ricky still managed to find a few moments to spend in each others presence, even if it was just helping him with the finishing details of his outfit. with nine members, the few stylists on hand were thankful for your helping hand, it was one less person they had to worry too much about. not to mention, you enjoyed the few minutes together before he had to go on stage, and ricky swore it made him perform better. did he ever perform badly though? you smiled to yourself, thinking of how proud you were to call him yours.
"y/n" his voice was barely audible over the shuffling clothes around you, "can you tighten this up for me?" he pointed to the garment around his waist, and your eyes nearly popped out of your head. a black satin corset hung loosely on his waist, the strings hanging off the back, waiting for you to tug them tight.
curse your mind and the places it could go, you thought to yourself as your jaw hung slack in front of your boyfriend. you couldn't even begin to process the rest of his outfit or the makeup that complimented his features so perfectly before he was turned around in front of you, awaiting your helping hands.
"you okay?" ricky's voice pulled you from your thoughts, shaking your head slightly before giving a curt reply, bringing your hands to tightly grip the ribbons attached to the corset.
you twisted the ribbon around each of your hands, tugging them in opposite directions. which, to your dismay, pushed a whiny gasp out of the boy's mouth from the sudden movement. you were going to pass out.
"sorry rik," you hummed, gently tightening the strings until the boning perfectly contoured to his waist before tying it all into a pretty bow at the small of his back.
you didn't realize the way you had been staring until ricky cleared his throat, looking up to find him now turned to face you with a smirk on his face. "i would say wish me luck, but it looks like you might need it more than me right now." he chuckled lowly, causing you to swallow the breathe you had been holding, hoping to push down the wandering thoughts with it.
your conversation was cut short by the call to get to the stage, so with a small kiss on your temple, ricky was off to the stage.
as you watched from the sidelines, you realized you didn't actually know what they were about to perform. you racked your brain to think of any zb1 songs that would require an outfit like that, but before you could settle on a song, a familiar tune started playing. phantom by wayv.
suddenly the outfits made sense as you thought back to what you could remember from the music video that you had seen once or twice.
to say the song choice was perfect for ricky would be a severe understatement in your humble opinion. the concept felt right up his alley, and was one you had rarely gotten to see on him. the closest had been over me, and even that seemed to pale in comparison to the performance before your eyes.
the rest of the concert continued on, stealing a few minutes for yourselves between outfit changes and vcr clips. but your mind kept coming back to your boyfriend in that black corset, like a moth drawn to a flame.
you found yourself counting down the minutes until you would have the boy to yourself for more than a few moments, and it was driving you crazy. but soon enough the boys were home at their dorm, and you had joined them for the night to celebrate.
you spent an hour or so with everyone, laughing and joking with all of them together before ricky leaned down until his lips nearly grazed your ear, "come back to bed with me?" he whispered, his hot breath on your skin causing a shiver to run down your spine before quickly nodding.
"i think we are gonna head to bed," ricky smiled innocently, grabbing your hand, "it's getting late." you let out a yawn to only further convince them of his excuse, saying your goodnight's and heading back to ricky's room.
alone at last.
you plopped your body onto your boyfriend's bed, not realizing how much you missed it. despite only being gone for the day. you closed your eyes for a moment, taking in the scent of his cologne that encapsulated the room until you felt the mattress dip beside you.
"so you're just gonna pretend that we both don't know you've been waiting to get your hands on me since phantom?" he chuckled, his hand resting on your thigh as he looked at you expectantly.
"listen," you mumbled, sitting up to look at the boy, taking a moment to notice the slightly faded lipstick adorning his lips and the way the small lamp on his desk perfectly illuminated his skin with a certain warmth that the stage lights could never replicate. "how am i supposed to stay sane when you looked like that," your voice trailed off, a mere whisper now, "or like this." your eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes, trying to commit every detail to memory.
he only smiled as he inched closed to you, leaning back in towards your ear just as he had done a few minutes ago, "well you have me now, what's stopping you?"
any words you had thought of speaking aloud had gotten trapped in your throat, being quickly replaced by your rather obnoxiously loud heartbeat.
"or do you need me to help you now?" he smirked, letting his lips graze your ear, finding the sweet spot on your neck and placing delicate kisses on the sensitive skin as he awaited your response. you could only manage an eager hum, not quite trusting your voice in this position.
his lips ventured from your neck to your collarbone, eventually finding their way back to your own lips before pulling away slightly, his hand lightly pushing on your shoulder until you hit the pillows behind you.
"don't worry baby," he positioned himself above you, caging you between his arms, "i'd be happy to help."
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tenderleavesbob · 2 months
Hi!! Anon from before, I meant the fic where the chain see each other again but Wild is missing/not there yet :) sorry for the confusion
Aaaah. That makes more sense! This fic. Here you go!
When their adventure ended and Warriors returned to his life as Captain Link, he accepted that it was the end of their time together. He felt blessed as it was to have the opportunity to not only see Tune and Mask again but to fight alongside the new heroes. He didn't expect to receive such a blessing again.
He stepped out of the portal and into preparations for a new war.
The breaking of Ganon's bindings had left them fragile. Even with the Master Sword sealing him back in his prison, no one expected them to hold Ganon for long. They needed to prepare for the new battle.
Impa introduced him to their new weapons. Rather than fighting another war and sacrificing their people to Ganon's madness, they would create divine beasts to join their hero and Hylia's daughter into battle.
"It was a good idea," Warriors admitted, rubbing his chest. "We underestimated him, though. He didn't have the Triforce anymore, but he was still empowered by it." He grimaced. "He was also mad as hell."
Wind pressed against his side. It was still strange to see Wind as tall as him. Wind showed him what he had actually looked like when he died, and Warriors cried at how old and strong his boy looked. He was still crying as Wind scolded him for dying so young.
"It almost worked, but we relied too much on him being similar to how he was before," Warriors said.
Legend tsked at him and shook his head. "Amateur mistake."
"Leg!" Twilight hissed.
Warriors grinned at him. "He's right. It was." He tapped his chest. "This time, it did cost me my life. I won, but no one expected..." He waved his hand vaguely. "Whatever that was. It was nasty. Took all of my power to take it out."
"His Malice," Twilight said. He frowned. "Wild mentioned it."
Warriors shrugged. "It certainly kicked my ass."
Time leaned against him from his other side. Spirits shouldn't have weight, but Time did. A dead man shouldn't be warm, but he was. He was comforting and smelled like the forest around them. "If I'm right about the timeline, it'll be a long time before we see Wild. Your sacrifice will keep Ganon at bay for a long time."
Warriors hummed and didn't respond. They all knew enough about Wild's timeline to know how that would go. He just hadn't realized that he was the hero right before Wild. He had hoped that he would be able to change it, even if it messed up the timeline again. Better prepare them after they used the Divine Beasts.
Twilight kicked Warriors's shin. It didn't really hurt. Nothing did anymore. Warriors still yelped. "I see ya thinking. Knock it off."
Legend grinned. "Don't tell him to knock it off. He'll never be able to start up again!"
Everyone started laughing again. Time kept his hand pressed over Warriors's heart.
His death had been immediate. He had seen the death blow but hadn't felt a thing.
"So now what?" Warriors asked.
Hyrule plopped beside Legend with Four right behind them. Their chain wasn't complete yet. It wouldn't be for centuries. It was nice, though, for all of them to sit together like this, safe within the Great Deku Tree's forest. The forest spirits laughed and chattered around them, and Hyrule resembled them as he offered them the fruit he and Four had gathered. "Now we eat!" he chirped.
"And wait," Four added, passing some of the fruit to Wind and Warriors. "We did our time."
"Sorta," Twilight said drolly. Time snickered.
They didn't need to eat, but the fruits of this forest were good for more than mortal sustenance.
Sky watched all of them quietly, a content smile on his face. In death, he glowed even brighter than life. Under the shadow of the trees, he shone like their own sun. "We're together," he said simply. "We'll watch over Hyrule the best we can and support Wild when it's his turn. For now..." He accepted a golden apple from Hyrule. "We eat!"
"Do you think we could make beer from this?" Twilight mused.
"Or wine?" Warriors offered.
That started everyone off again, including cheers when Wind reported that he knew how to make moonshine. Warriors watched his brothers, far more content in death than he ever expected.
For now, no more battles.
For now, they could rest.
And eat.
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
The Sakamaki Brothers with a Witch S/O
A/N: I can hardly make a Mukami version without dedicating one to the Sakamaki brothers!
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-Nothing impresses this boy, so he reacted calmly to the news. -Constantly begs you to turn his brothers into frogs. -He also often asks you if you can turn Reiji into a pig. -You found out a great way to motivate Shu to do something is to create a reward system with sleeping potions as they give him the best of naps. -He's surprisingly touchy about speaking of you powers in public. Once when his brothers fed him drunk, he confessed to you that he's scared of people burning you on a stake if they ever find out.
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-Reacted to the news with polite interest. -Loves making potions with you. -Which is something his brothers absolutely loathe, because now the Sakamaki mansion is permanently filled with all kinds of smells stemming from the ingredients. Kanato especially, is tired of the mushroom and toad smell. -Refrains from asking you to enchant his brothers, even though he does harbor the desire to have them be turnt into the cockroaches he thinks they are. -Except for when it's Shu. He'd love to see his brother be turnt into an insect, and finds it a bummer that you always refuse.
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-Was shocked when you told him. -Though he found it pleasing to be dating a witch, obviously Yours Truly would never date a regular human. -Often pouts a you that you won't put a curse on one of his brothers. "Why not? Yours Truly is demanding it of you!" -Wouldn't dare to comment on your chest because he knows you would turn him into a pancake. -"Are witches really so light that they can't drown?"
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-Found it amazing with the same childish delight as he would have had if you told him you owned a toy store. -Because Kanato actually has an affinity for magic, you like teaching him some tricks. -You refrain from teaching him any curses he can put on his brothers because you don't want to get in trouble with their father. -Wants to live in a candy cabin similar as the one of the witch in Hansel & Gretel together with you. He said, "Since you won't help me get rid of my brothers, how about we devote the rest of our lives to each other in the candy cabin? -Once the two of you are ready to settle down for good, you give into his wishes of living in a candy cabin.
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-When you told him, he found it amusing. -He is the one who comes up with the most weird curse requests like if you could transform his brothers into girls. -You always tell him no with a smile on your face because you do think its funny. -Interested in which magical herbs he can use to make the ultimate aphrodisiac. "No Laito, just no. You're a horny menace, you know?" -As a Halloween prank, Laito and you planned to enchant the piano in the Sakamaki mansion to play a creepy tune out of itself. His brothers weren't amused.
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-"So you have a magic wand?" was the first thing he said to you when you told him you were a witch. -As the youngest, most of the innocent questions come from Subaru. "So, do you ride a broom?" -"Are you powerful enough to kill my dad?" -He is secretly very happy to be dating a girl who's tough enough to handle his dysfunctional family and can defend herself. -Because he's got no hobbies or anything, he just often watches you practise magic to kill time. He honestly finds it fascinating to watch you fuss over a potion or pout out of frustration at an ancient tome.
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thefirst3chapters · 8 months
The scenes at Truncheon where Luke and Rory tell Jess that they are proud of him give a lot of insight to the ways both of these characters have affected Jess’s development.
Luke’s mission when Liz sent Jess to him was to “fix” Jess and set him on an academic path. As well-meaning as that intention was, it didn't work out. When Jess doesn't meet Luke’s requirements and has to leave, their relationship is bitter and harsh for a year. They reconcile when Luke accepts that he can’t change Jess, and they both realize that they care about each other anyway. At Truncheon, Luke admits that he doesn’t really understand everything that Jess has accomplished there, but he verbalizes that he is sincerely proud. Even though Jess did something different from what seemed like the “right” path, Luke meant it when he told him that he's always here. Luke is probably the only person in Jess’s life who has supported him in that way.
By contrast, Rory connects with the tone of the open house right away ("It makes me feel like I instantly want to create something"). The artistic spirit and appreciation of literature that are front and center at Truncheon resonate with Rory similarly to how they resonate with Jess. Rory read Jess’s margin notes and recognized his handwriting on the diner sign and was reminded of Mark Twain. She saw his potential as a writer almost immediately, even if neither of them really understood what it meant yet. They have similar taste in books and music, so Rory is in tune with a lot of Jess’s literary influences, and she identifies his voice as a writer (“It doesn’t remind me of anything. It’s not a ripoff, it’s just you”). Rory is probably the only person in Jess’s life who could compliment him in that way.
It's also notable that Jess is happily surprised to see both of them. He doesn't expect the people he loves to show up for him, but he is in a place now where he can humbly accept that they care and can openly show them that he cares (giving Luke the check and telling Rory that she can say something happened if it makes her feel better).
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Has the reader in the Not series have ever seen made like a song for batman, maybe like a theme song for a kid’s show or a more personal song for batman hoping that he’ll notice how they dedicated a song for him and all he has done for the city of Gotham
Yes!! Definitely!
It's mentioned briefly somewhere in the series (or maybe in one of the asks? I'm not entirely sure-), but the reader has made songs for all of the members of the Batfam! There is just mention of Dick's song because it gets him going on the yandere train and such, and a mention of Jason's because it motivates him just enough to look for the reader. Though now that you mention it, I think it would be a neat detail that the reader has probably made multiple versions/renditions of the songs they've written and composed for the Batfam, because they wanted to be noticed that badly.
Though I think all songs at least have two versions of them that have both been written and composed. A 'public' version that the reader can play to other people or even at performances/concerts if they so choose, and a more 'personal' version that is more raw and fully shows how the reader feels/felt at the time of the song was written and originally sung. To which, such a version may only be played to close friends, or maybe even to themself because the song themselves are most likely more akin to vent songs.
I'd say that the reader has at least played all of the public versions of the songs they've written for the Batfam a few times. Be it during a performance (maybe even on that specific person's birthday, or some special occasion like father's day, to further add salt on the wound), or for a competition, or some other reason. With them also doing something similar to what they did with Dick- mention that they're playing a song that they wrote for that particular Batfam member, and hope that they come by to check it out.
Hell, in total at least each Batfam member (minus Alfred) has gotten three or four songs written about them from the reader. Two of those songs being explained above, but the other one/two is about the vigilante personas of that particular Batfam member. Which also may or may not have a public and personal version written and composed as well, hence the additional one or two.
For Batman/Bruce in particular, I can see the reader actually composing quite the bit of songs for him seeing as he is THE Batman, but also Gotham's White Knight/Prince.
For songs about Batman in particular, since that is the topic of the ask, I can see the reader taking inspiration from other tunes and melodies that other's have composed for the Dark Knight. Though they do sometimes make something entirely on their own, and that does sometimes land the piece being a bit more personal then they had intended.
The reader probably played a lot of those pieces when they were still playing during the night, so pretty early on in their musical career, but could anyone blame them? What a more perfect time could someone play a piece dedicated to the Dark Knight, then during the time he's up and about- most likely taking down criminals and doing what he usually does?
Even when the reader does play in the afternoons, usually the last song they'll play at the end of one of their longer shows, that go a little bit into the night, will be one they wrote about Batman. Though as time went on, they do eventually stop, and won't play a song they've written for Batman again unless specifically requested to do so.
Of course, they're efforts to get noticed by Batman/Bruce through the songs are in vain, and how does Bruce end up finding out about it instead? By reading the Reader's music journal, of course. Though I will say that he isn't quite aware of how many songs have been written, and how personal some of them can be, at the moment. No one is (except for maybe Alfred).
Tldr: Yes! The reader has written a song about Batman, and has played it a few times in hopes that he'd hear it, along with a few other songs that the reader has written and composed that are dedicated to Batman. However, his efforts were unfortunately in vain, and Bruce never even knew until the events of "Not Here."
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princessfroslass · 7 months
I am glad HuskerDust it's a slow burn because I want to see them being best friends and shit- but I am clawing at my enclosure on the thought of Established!Huskerdust. Like call me corny but if Loser, Baby's visuals taught me anything is that they would be stupidly cute- like that is kind of what happens when you keep everyone at arms leghts but the one person that gets you.
Just imagine: Husk purring whenever Angel scratches him at the ear/general physical affection; Angel trying new cute fits everyday just to fish for compliments from his BF; the CUDDLES UGH THEY ARE BOTH SO FURRY SO IN KNOW THAT SHIT IT'S FLUFFY-; Angel always sitting on the Bar Top waiting for Husk to close up so they can go to bed; Husk actively keeping himself up to wait for Angel to finish his shifts and have someone to receive and check on him; Husk begrudgingly looking after Fat Nuggets and slowly fall in love with him as Angel just gush at the background; Angel taking ALL THE PICS- most of he shows on his Social Media, but he has an embarrassing amount of pics hanging on his wall of their most intimate moments- and of Husk just sleeping; everytime they go out of the Hotel, Husk is super on edge of how every single sinner they come across keep catcalling Angel (at best) and while he knows he can handle it, doesn't stop him from putting a protective wing around him and growling- growling alot; HAND HOLDING- if the dance section in Loser, Baby taught me anything is that Husk's paws are big enough to hold all four of Angel's and that makes me feel a certain type of way....; THEY GROOM EACH OTHER- Angel uses actual hair/skin-care products and Husk just.....Cat.; Did you know that Male Spiders make a sorta of sound that it's very similar to purring? Letting that out there; They are both from the early 1900s so they do the old couple thing where they vibe to old tunes and dance when alone; Charlie ships them- she is just happy to know Angel is actively seeking for normal human connections and that Husk ain't so dead inside; Cherrie is a bit wary of it at first because y'know, the last time Angel "dated" someone....it was fucking Valentino, but eventually warms up to him and even finds him a cool drinking buddy; they call each other baby on the regular- no I won't accept otherwise, I REFUSE; Husk it's the only one that calls Anthony by his actual name- but he still calls him Angel, though most like a cute petname rather that.... y'know, a weird reference to how he died; Angel had the habit of throwing himself out of high stages and shit because he knows that Husk will always catch him- and reprimanded him, but still catch; They go flying together and it's amazing and freeing and totally A New Whole World Vibes; they spend alot of lazy mornings chilling naked without actually doing anything but cuddle- it's mostly an indirect way from Husk to show Angel that he can be on his birthsuit in front of him and nothing he doesn't agree to will happen- but also because they are fucking furries I know that shit it's warm; they just love each other very much and I love them.
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circeyoru · 6 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 7 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 (here)
Song Used: "They're Only Human" ; in Death Note: The Musical (I've attached a link here, but there's also a video format later on when that part comes)
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You hummed a tune while reading through a book and laying on your black cloud platform like a beach chair. Your little moment only cut short when your book was suddenly snatched away. You tilted your head up and saw a pair of silver wings with golden highlights before you saw your book burst into flames in the robber’s hand
“You sure took your time.” You teased as you got up from your comfortable position, opting to sit on your platform. “Trick.”
“Come on! Like you don’t know why!” The being exclaimed enraged with their wings getting puffed up, they took a deep breath and sighed deeply. “Your little Hell made too much of a commotion, Sil. And I told you to call me Noir!”
You shrugged, “That’s not fitting for a character such as yourself, Trick sounds better anyways.”
Trick was similar to you. Actually, he was your opposite. You being the true ruler of Hell makes them the true ruler of Heaven. Of course, unlike how you keep your identity in the shadows, theirs was more well known. Trick was the God that everyone made a big deal around
If one were to see you two together, they’s say the two of you were night and day, good and evil, yin and yang. Not in terms of element, but in appearance as well
While Trick has a pair of lovely giant wings, you had none and would use a black cloud platform to ‘fly’ in some sense. While Trick has hair above the shoulder, you had hair below it. Trick’s eyes remain opened while yours are closed. Trick dons a causal and chill look while you had a more formal and elegant look
Still, whatever you two may appear, those weren’t important as the personalities you two had. If Trick’s name wasn’t an obvious indicator, they are not the holy entity the humans and angels painted them to be
Like you, Trick is absent from a direct presence in your respective realms. However, they love playing around with ‘divine interventions’ or ‘sacred messages’ from the God of this world. Truly, no one was aware of a balance. Even there’s Heaven and Hell, and God is in Heaven overseeing ‘his children’, what of hell?
Yes. You are the ‘God’ of Hell. Though either of you like that title. Since Trick was the one more in the open, you love teasing them about it every time you meet. To you, it’s truly entertaining to see them groan and whine over it
“So~ How was the sleep? Good?” Trick leaned over as their wings flapped from time to time to keep them hovering in the air. 
“Like Hell it was, you put me out of commission for no reason and with no warning! I have souls to watch over unlike your lazy holiness.” You snapped with your eyebrows furrowed.
Trick raised his hands in ressurender, “Hey, I was out of commission as well! It’s not a one-side thing.”
Your eyes squeezed even tighter as if you’re glaring at the jerk of a partner. “You started it!”
The two of you were Supreme Beings of your realm and entities as holy and cursed element. You can’t have one without the other. While it’s true that you were weak to holy powers, Trick was weak to cursed powers. You two were each other’s weakness no matter the situation
And the two of you aren’t as immortal as people would think. The two of you can be killed and healed by each other. Killing involves falling into a deep sleep when one side dies and healing involves transfering the other’s wounds onto themselves to heal more naturally as wounds can only be done by the opposite element
If one asks how to describe the two of you. You both were inseparable, can’t have one without the other. The concept of yin and yang comes to play
You are yin, in darkness there’s kindness. You are the unknown, you are negativity, you are darkness. You collect and control the souls marked for Hell without letting them go so long as they worth something to you. Even when you do it wasn’t for mercy and you’ll cage them into a torture unlike any other
Though, you were kind. You offer advice to those that deserve it and give opportunities for people to change. Why else would you let a soul be redeemed and let it leave Hell to go to Heaven? Why else would you allow Alastor to remind at the hotel even after your presence is back? Why else would you give Husk that little hope at a better future?
Trick was yang, in light there’s evil. They are the known, they are positivity, they are light. Trick judges and provides the souls marked for Heaven without letting them feel any negativity and only joy and happiness. Giving those worthy souls that lived life accordingly to enter a paradise fitting of Winners
Though, they were wicked and twisted. They enjoy a good trickery here and there, opting to let their high ranking angels deal with everything rather than rule as the ‘God’ they were named. They cared for none but their own interest and entertainment. If anything, Trick doesn’t see souls to be worth anything. To them, souls were nothing but actors on a stage to perform a good show for beings that was you and them to enjoy watching
“Fine, fine. I won’t do that again, unless you want a little rest.” Trick smirked as he looked your way. “So how’s your collection?”
“Hm… There will be some changes with what I have now. It’s a work in progress.” You told as you thought it over, “How’s your Emily?”
Trick’s smile widened, “Oh, miserable. But admirable. The sweet thing. She found out about the exterminations and sided with that Hell Princess during court! I told you she’s worth paying attention to.”
You hummed, “That’s what you said about Lucifer and he ended up falling to Hell. I wonder if Emily will be casted out as well.” You sensed the dark aura around your dear long-time friend spike and you turned your head over, “Don’t worry, I know not to accept her into Hell. She’s your prized one. Even if she’s casted out, I’ll push her back into Heaven.”
Trick huffed, clenching and unclenching his fists, “Good. Cause I will so remove those stupid higher angels if they did that to the only worthy angel in Heaven.” He looked over to you as well, “Don’t worry, it’s the same for your collections, I won’t let them into Heaven unless you want them do.”
Your smile widened, “Oh, I’ll never let them go~ But thanks for that safety net.”
You both picked your focus. While yours was on a hand-picked group, Trick focused on that one. Your little soul owning had one amazing benefit that none knew. It was the protection against angelic weapons
Back then when Alastor was hit by Adam’s attack in the chest, the slash should have eaten away at his body and soul. The angelic weapons or steel was created to aim directly at the soul of a being, that’s why it could kill both demons and angels. There was nothing angelic to it, merely a combine of yours and Trick’s power to create something that kills the soul
Now, your protection that to limit the effect of the wound till they can reach you for healing. But the best part was that your Overlords have no soul within their bodies so they wouldn’t be killed! Even if their head was chopped off by an angelic spear, it will just take time to grow back
You’ll never tell them that benefit nor do you plan to let them know about it. That’s why you made your appearance at the hotel. It was the sole reason of healing Alastor on your own terms. You thought of leaving soon later but you just couldn’t leave the poor deer when he was that desperate for your presence
The thing you can’t understand was why Trick only picks the one being to care for. Emily was what their supposed to be honestly. If someone met Trick and it was revealed that they were the God, no one would believe it. There was so much chaos and twisted nature in them that it was impossible that they were God
Yet you as the one by their time since the beginning of time knew the change was because of time. Time changed their view on the world and humans. So many time, they were disappointed that they just gave up and decided to laugh at all the misery. Maybe, you and Trick could switch places
But Trick will never agree because they never liked what you have set up in Hell already, plus there wouldn’t be an ‘Emily’ there. It was proposed once, and Trick shot it down without a thought. So to cure their boredom, there are meet-ups like this
Of course, the two of you end up going to Earth to see what the humans were up to while marking souls on whether they go to Heaven or Hell when they die
Trick smirked and flapped his wings to fly over, and gestures to the humans minding their own business in the city, ♫ Look at how they crawl around, upon the ground, like little ants ♫
♫ Yes, but how they fascinate, ♫ You floated over with your smokey platform, slapping away his hand to touch a mortal, ♫ Confusing fate, With what is merely chance ♫
♫ Isn’t it a laugh? ♫ Trick nudged you.
You pushed him away, ♫ Isn’t it a shame? ♫
♫ Thinking there is someone in Heaven to blame ♫ Trick pointed at themselves. 
You rolled your eyes, ♫ Yes, but even while blaming fate for the lives that they lead. They hope for the lives that they need ♫
Trick snapped their fingers, both of them appearing in a cemetery with a heavy mood in the air. They carried a white umbrella while you carried a black one, staying at the back of the group that was grieving while a coffin was lowered, ♫ Living every day ‘til the day they die. Never getting answers ♫
♫ Yet still asking why ♫ You snapped your fingers and appeared on the roof of a building that oversaw a group of religious individuals praying, ♫ Going through the motions as if there will be a reward ♫
♫ While we stay, ♫ Trick made a bored and disgusted face at the scene, grabbing your hand so the two of you fall, ♫ Eternally bored! ♫
♫ They’re only human. They don’t see ♫ The two of you sang, Trick with their signature smirk and you with a bored look. ♫ Who they are is who they’ll always be. Only human, after all ♫
Trick brought you to a scene in front of a murder scene, ♫ So they push and they shove ♫
You showed Trick a scene with a romantic couple on a date, ♫ With this thing they call love ♫
♫ ‘Til they fall! ♫ You both watched as soldiers fall and their souls going to where they were picked to.
♫ Isn’t it a farce? ♫ Trick shrugged while the scene changed to that of a hospital room with a weak man on the bed.
♫ Isn’t it a waste? ♫ You eyed the crying humans around the man, listening as the monitor beep softer and longer with each pause. 
♫ Struggling to Face what can never be faced ♫ Trick leaned against the wall with crossed arms. 
♫ Yes, but maybe Death can release something more than we share ♫ You blinked at the man as he tried his best to hold the closest family member of his.
♫ I really don’t know ♫ Trick came over, their wing slapped at the man over the face and the lifeline fell flat, ♫ and don’t care ♫
You shook your head while the room bursted in tears and doctors and nurses rushed in, Trick was as indifferent as already with his grin on his face, ♫ They’re only Human. Standing still. Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill. Only Human, after all ♫
With a snap of Trick’s finger, the two of you arrived at a temple with a number of offerings, Trick picked up one and threw it to you then took one for themselves, ♫ So they give and we take ♫
You caught it with one hand and eyed it, then to the elderly women that was bowing to statue, ♫ Hoping someone will help break their fall ♫
Trick brought you to a gang meeting of sorts, the topic seemingly deciding on someone’s death, ♫ They will pray, curse, live, die. Never knowing their Truth is another Man’s Lie ♫
♫ Eat, sleep, love, hate ♫ You changed the scene to one where a group of friends were enjoying themselves in a forest, ♫ Like a Leaf blowing in the Wind ♫
Trick switched to a scene where students are forced to pick a career for the future, gesturing to all the troubled humans for you. ♫ Watch them all vacillate! ♫ 
The both of you sang, ♫ They’re only human. They can’t see ♫
♫ All the fun they could give you and me ♫ Trick laughed darkly while you smiled at his amusement.
♫ Only human, after all ♫ You both continued as you two picked out a wave of souls destined for Hell without another thought while Trick only picked a small group of them.
♫ So they give and we take ♫ You had your palms opened at the vast souls that would be doomed for Hell under your thoughtless choosing.
Trick nodded approvingly over your future collection, a twisted smile forming, ♫ ‘Til their silly hearts break ♫ 
♫ Looking down from above. I’m intrigued by their love ♫ An equally dark smile appeared on your face as you took Trick’s offered hand for a short sway. 
Trick suggested while taking you into their arms. ♫ So let’s play! ♫
You nodded along, ♫ Let’s play! ♫
Trick chuckled while dipping you down, “Hmm, let’s enjoy ourselves with these foolish souls.”
Since the beginning of time, there were two beings. A being that symbolizes light and a being that symbolizes dark. They were two sides of the same coin and co-exist together contary to what humans would theorize or write in their little works of art
“So I’ll assume you want me to put Heaven’s little business on hold? Not that they can do much with a redeemed soul in their ranks.” Trick smirked at you, their wings flapping at their little jab at their realm’s higher ranked angels. “So Hell gets some peace for the moment.”
Your smiled back, eyes peeking open to that revealed a cosmos from within, “Yes, that is much appreciated. There’s gonna be some interesting change in my collection.”
“Love it when your eyes does that.” Trick’s wings opened up to show the view of a night sky.
“Yours is not too bad. Quite the sight.”
“Only a sight for the two of us though. None is more worthy of it.”
“I’ll agree.”
Everything happening on these two beings’ whims and wants, nothing’s done with clear purpose, and anything’s fair game. As divine and just as the humans painted them to be, they are nothing like the holy one that cares for all’s interest from above. As cruel and evil as the humans painted you to be, you are anything but the cold and heartless tormentor of prisoners of Hell
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Note: New character!! I'll get to the request that were about this concept in a bit. First! The character design for Trick and you will be out in a moment~
Now then~ You guys feeling op yet?
Oh yeah!! I'm more interested with the song format too!! First time trying this, what you guys think???
Circe Y. 
Taglist: (those that don't specify to being in all the works' taglist will automatically be assumed to be in whichever series they comment on)
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203@hikari-michiko @colecreo @myromanempiree @xsamkuro @yourdoorisunlocked @clavelina @jono723 @cursedcattalastor @an-idyllic-novelist @flamiohotman2024 @rea-grace @myromanempiree @veroneverleft @lousypotatoes @crazysuityouth @jellyedkazoo @wat4r @kiraisastay @thealienartist @chefysawesomeideas @wtvbabes @patronizingbitch @koshi-kazu @craftyperfectiontragedy @scr4luv @chrollobb @mysterypotatoink @callmefe
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f4iry-bell · 2 months
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pairing: jameson hawthorne x gf!reader
summary: reader gets jealous when her bf jameson is distant and a bit close with the hawthorne heiress.
warning: angsty
tagging: @clarissaweasley-10 (let me know if you want to be in jameson taglist)
a/n: gray's version
word count: 896
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It was always Jameson and you ever since you two were kids, it has always been Jameson and you. Maybe it was because how alike you were and yet so different, you two were just perfect for eachother, even though it took Jameson years to build up the courage to confess his feelings for you, you always felt his love, it was impossible to not feel it. He showed it in every way he possibly could, gifts, words, midnight rendezvous, intimacy, touch. But lately, you felt the distance. You understand why because his grandfather died and he's grieving, Jameson grieves in his own way, he doesn't like talking about it, he does it quietly without letting anyone know. You understood that gave him his space even though you wished that he would just come to you.
But your anxiety only rose when the new Hawthorne Heiress moved in and things were getting worse. Jameson barely texted you or called you, you tried to go to Hawthorne House but the security didn't let you, you tried calling him which went straight to voicemail. Weeks after everything you see the news that says your boyfriend was photographed with the new heiress driving fast. It was your thing, yours and Jameson’s. It hurts you, you trusted Jameson, he would never cheat on you. But what if he caught feelings for her? 
You looked at her pictures, she's pretty. Quite similar to you actually, so she is his type exactly. You tried not to think negatively and thought of all the moments you shared with Jameson but it only made it worse because what if it all goes to nothing?
He hasn't called, texted. you can't see him. He was grieving, he had needed space, away from everyone, including you but except her? The hurt turned into anger.
You were done being treated like this, he never treated you this way. And you hate it. You texted him to meet you but of course you got no response from him. You texted Nash, his older brother, to tell the security guards to let you in. 
Once you were inside Hawthorne House you went straight to Jameson’s wing but couldn't find him you texted Nash again asking where he is, Nash said try the library.
To your luck you found him in the first library, not alone. 
“Y/n.” He called your name when he noticed you, the two of them were sitting away from each other but yet you can't think of the worst.
“We need to talk.” You demanded.
“Not now.” He said.
“It'll only take a few minutes.” Your anger only grew more when you heard Avery speak.
“It's fine, go talk.” She said, She's probably a nice girl, nicer than you maybe.
“Y/n, we're busy.”  Jameson said.
“Okay. I'll do the talking, I will only take a minute. I want to break up. No, we are done. I'll let you go back to whatever it is.” You were quick to tune around and storm off but Jameson caught up with you quicker. He kept calling your name but you didn't stop which made him grab your arm gently a turn you towards him.
“What the hell was that?” He asked.
“I thought you were busy.” You didn't answer his question.
“Don't play with me now.”
“I'm not. And yes, I am serious. We're over, yeah go back to your new girlfriend.” You said and tried to wiggle your arm out of his gentle yet firm grip.
“What is this? You think…? Seriously? You really think that low about me?” He sounded hurt.
“I know you won't cheat. But nothing can stop you from having feelings or losing feelings.” You told him.
“Are you delusional? Why would I even!” 
“I don't know, Jameson! Maybe because you haven't spoken to me for weeks and didn't answer my calls or texts, I thought you wanted space but of course you had to find you driving at night with her! If you have lost feelings, at least have the courage to tell me and break it off. So don't call me delusional!” You yelled.
“Y/n, no. You got it all wrong, it is not like that. Me and Avery, we are nothing like that.”
“Don't lie to me, I won't blame you, she's pretty and everything. You got bored of me and now you need someone new. I understand, I guess. Now please let my arm go.” You sniffed.
“Babe, no. I am so sorry for not answering your texts or calls. It was because” he sighed. “My grandfather is a sick man and he gave us one last sick game and the game revolves around Avery.”
He explained everything.
“You could have told me.” You said.
“I didn't want you to get involved in this, it has gotten so serious.”
“And you have no reason to be jealous of Avery. We both just want to solve this puzzle, okay?” His hand holding your arm ran up to your face, thumb caressing your cheeks.
“I wasn't jealous.”
“Oh yeah?”
He chuckled. “Whatever you say, babe. Are we still over?”
“If you keep making fun of me, then yes.”
“I'll try not to. I still don't want you to get involved in this but if you really want to then you can help us with the game.”
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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Hello! Welcome back to some obersvations for the month of May! I've been super inspired since I've started working in a new firm and got to meet many new colleges. So I hope you enjoy the content and always feel free to comment your opinions and observations!
These are my personal, subjective views on some placements and signs. If you disagree, feel free to discuss it down below and not take everything personally.
With that being said, let's get started!
These people just sniff out each other the second they lock eyes with one another. It's this familiar family they all crave to feel and it's finally in front of their face. They feel at peace and at home with other Pisces dominant people. They have these glossy eyes filled with mystery and warmth. Every Pisces Sun/Rising/Dominant person I've met has some sort of artistic talent, that being: painting, drawing, sculpting, writing, play any instrument..etc. They are so in tune with the details of life others strive to see. I also think they can be such big day dreamers, introverts and tragically lovley people.
This placement can seem very distant, raw and viewed as a lonely wolf but on the contrary it's a whole different story. Aquarius rules the 11th house, which is the house of community, society, shortly speaking friendships. So having a Moon in this sign really means having a collective feeling with others and wanting to socialize. On the other hand Aqarius is ruled by Saturn, a cold and restrictive planet of time, so Aquariuans don't want to rush things nor spend their time on irrelevant people. By doing so they can seem to cut people off quickly and start over or to overly bond with someone and become obsessed, since putting so much effort and love into them. They want to be seem as rigid and cold to mask their openness and emotional demeanor. When they get hurt they shut off, write it off and try to ignore it, even though deep inside it hurts for a very long time, but they just try as hard as they can to forget.
Chiron, the healing healer. Cursed with a wound never to be patched up again, but at the same time giving the knowledge to others how to continue with their wounds. Scorpio Chirons are constitley shamed for their sexual energy surrounding them, so most of the time they cover up and try to hide underneath it. They attract a lot of perverted minds to the table by just breathing. This can also indicate a very empathetic and intuitive person who feels absolutely every thing and can/wants to help others, but by doing so breaks themself down a lot of the time. They also have strong trust issues, may abuse their power, can have low self estem, can be frightful and nervous people. When they open up their heart more and let go is when the healing truly happens. They are more wise than they think, but they cannot see it always threw the anxious attitude and self sabotaging persona.
They attract and love water signs. They crave deep connections, star gazing, physical touch, nurturing their partner, tender, sweet and innocent love. These people like to pit their partner on a pedestal and become a little obsessed with them. They want them to be the center of their universe and also want that in return. Cancer is also symbolically connected to the Mother archetype, the womb, birth...etc, having Cancer in the 5th house of romance and relationships means these people really have that motherly instinct and adore when their partner is family oriented of hands on with kids. They love rainy days filled with the smell of baked goods in the arms of their loved one. They want a Romeo and Juliet kind of love.
Now I've grown up with two Sag Moons in my house hold, one being my brother and the other being my father and they are so alike it's hilarious. I've also had 2 very close friends with this placement and again the similarities are off the rails. Firstly they need to always be on the run, optionally having a job which includes a lot of travel or just changing jobs in different places. Secondly, they are so angry when things don't go their way, but they do cool down quite quickly, the most out of the 3 fire Moons. They are also so good in finding solutions with different people and I different situations. They also love to have many hobbies, are known to be book worms and can flow with any conversation quite well. They are also huge extroverts and the goofy bunch. This doesn't apply that much if the native has a lot of 8th house placements, Pluto aspects with personal planets or a 12th house Moon/Sun/Stellium.
It's really hard for Air dominant people to relate to others. They are just overly detached and see everything threw a realist prism. It can be a little annoying to be honest, especially for fire and water signs, who are just passionate and act a lot how they feel.
Here's me again, bashing on Gemini Venuses...but I just can't help it. The Venus sign that I meet and attract the most. From all the people that remarried, had a lot of partners, Venus in Gemini takes the cake. But what I do respect about them is they will not stay in something they're unhappy with for a long time, they have very high standards and will not dumb them down for anyone. They will always find something better and more exiting and that's why they are known to "change" partners and be "promiscuous". Yep, many are jealous of them at the end of the day aswell.
I've never met a Libra rising that doesn't have q nice behind! I know that sounds kinda creepy, but it's true. Since Libra rules the lower back, they all have a more rounder rear. The also have amazing skin most of the time. A very plump and glowy face.
This can indicate a very cloudy person. They can be very inactive and procrastinate a lot, but at the same time be highly intelligent and artsy people. I mean Neptune does feel at home in the 12 house, so in my opinion if you're going to have any planet in this house, Neptune it is.
Now, I know it's such a strange placement to bash since this is a very fond placement to me and close to my heart. But I've noticed a lot of men having this placement can be confused with this feminine energy in their chart. They are very beautiful, don't get me wrong, but when this placement is mixed with a water sun/moon and a fire Mars it's a death penalty. They know they're  beautiful and girls get caught up in that trap of emotional intelligence and an attractive face. They also can be a little shallow. I've seen many guys leave the girl they have the most in common with for just a pretty face so they can show her off as a trophy and then go after the other, but still message and crave the one they truly felt something.
The thing that gets them the most if a fruity and playful perfume, long bouncy hair and back scratches...trust me.
A lot goes on in a day of a person who has this aspect. In one corner ypu want to achieve everything and anything, work your ass of and show your strong ego. In the other corner you are so sick of being the more responsible person and want to just run away. They also have an intense feeling about failure. They should lean from it, not run away.
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mimikoolover · 2 months
Hard agree on all this🙏
If anything, i expected more “awkwardness” than we got, and not because they aren’t comfortable with each other but because of the filming. It’s a weird experience to be on camera like that. Sure they’re used to it but at that point it had been a long time since they filmed something like that, and they never did it just the two of them before. Plus them both being kinda sick, it wasn’t ideal.
Despite that though I think it was super clear how close they are and they’re really giving old married couple who know everything about each other and are used to dealing with each other’s quirks and habits, mixed with goofy best friends. Which honestly, if they are in fact a couple and have been for a long time, that dynamic makes a lot more sense than them being all lovey dovey or whatever some expect. Not that I would expect them to show anything overly romantic in a show anyway because duh, but most couples who have been together for years are a lot like them. Obviously their situation is quite unique, and I’m not even saying I believe they’re comparable to any conventional relationships, but still.
Also, as an Audhd’er it often saddens me to see people misunderstand Jungkook. I can’t diagnose him with anything ofc, but his brain seems to work similar to mine in a lot of ways. And Jimin seems to understand how he functions. Of course he’s gonna still be annoyed with him sometimes, that’s human, and they clearly have a dynamic where they’re very okay with joke roasting each other and teasing and just laugh it off. But at their core it’s super clear that they have a deep understanding of each other and accept each other the way they are. It’s beautiful to see. People being offended for Jimin because of how Jungkook expresses himself or how he appears in certain situations always rubbed me the wrong way. @ those people: Jimin gets him and loves him, you don’t, shut up.
And the other way around, well anyone hating on Jimin for anything in that show or any other time he’s around Jungkook can choke. Nothing they ever said about him makes sense. So I won’t even get into it lol
It’s funny how jimin saying he had to push for the show to happen or it wouldn’t could be taken so differently than how I see it. To me it’s the same as when Jimin said Jungkook wouldn’t have travelled around if he didn’t come, or when hobi and namjoon said Jungkook doesn’t like going places but Jimin always drags him along, in BV. Seems like Jimin knows some things that are easy for him might be more difficult for Jungkook. And he doesn’t seem to mind taking the leading role when it comes to these things. It seems to work out perfectly for them. If Jungkook is anything like me, he’d just be happy these types of bigger plans are being set up without him having to take charge himself. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love spending time with Jimin lol those are two very different things.
oh I completely agree with you on everything.
I feel it's funny for people to say that jikook were awkward when you have them sit on a sofa holding hands right at the start. I'm lowkey convinced the awkwardness was cause jungkook had to reel himself back a bit for the cameras. he should share whatever he's comfortable sharing with us and people have no right to demand more. idk if people expect him to for example say how much he missed jimin and how sad he was without him etc. this could be what he tells jimin in private. he doesn't have to tell us this cause it's none of our business frankly.
jikook totally understand each other and are in tune with each other's emotions and you can tell when for example jungkook was upset after kayaking, jimin was speaking to him in a way that helped him get over it and not only that but jungkook was receptive to that which is lovely to see. atp they know each other well enough and how they treat each other is for the other's sake not to make fans happy or show fans what they want to see.
I also think if we think back to their Japan trip in 2017 that was organised by jungkook so it's not like he doesn't want to travel with jimin or anything like that. but going to the company and getting the travel show rolling is a lot different to that and jimin was happy to take it upon himself to start the process of the show so I don't see what anyone's issue can be. jungkook probably appreciated that loads and he was so enthusiastic about it, I think that will be even clearer in future interviews they did where they talk about where to go but even him saying they should do this until they're 50 shows it's not a chore to him and that he really enjoys it.
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Amendments II: The Panther and the Duckling - Kaz Brekker x Reader
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[Part 1]
[vulgar language, canon-typical violence]
SUMMARY: The moment comes when Kaz gives you the opportunity to make amendments for the two thugs that started a fight at his club. He can only nod in appreciation at the mayhem you effortlessly cause.
[Grishaverse-inspired playlist]
Kaz didn’t quite know what to expect when walking towards your place. Would it be filled with riches? Or instead, kept plain and simple? How golden is the Golden Panther’s lair?
Despite having no expectations, he’s pretty surprised to see the interior of Albasten Vlam Casino. Creme and crimson furnishing along with gold chandeliers and brackets make the venue appear exclusive. A soft jazz tune carries through the venue, skilful hands of the pianist creating a neverending, atonal melody. The guests are also nothing short of lavish, losing in one game the same amount of money some citizens of Ketterdam earn in three months' time. It seems as though the entrance to the Albasten Vlam is a doorway into another realm, where poverty and disease are about as real as the boogeyman under a child’s bed.
Two Fjerdans, each roughly the size of a grange, eye Kaz suspiciously as he walks through the spacious halls. His common elegance looks almost offensive among the million-Kruge suits of the casino’s clientele. Even if he wasn’t a thief, the guards would still expect him to dabble in thievery - simply because of the way he looks compared to the other patrons.
Walking up short stairs and turning into backrooms and staff-only corridors, Kaz knows that he’s expected. Otherwise, why is no one stopping him? In fact, most of the employees don’t seem to pay him much mind.
The long hall decorated with statues and paintings ends in a two-wing pair of doors almost completely covered by the stocky bodies of bodyguards. One of them, covered in tattoos of Zemenian origin, laughs when Kaz approaches the door.
“Oi, boys!” the tattooed man yells to someone behind Kaz. He speaks with a heavy accent. “Would you look at this! Twee’y wans in.”
Kaz hears two sets of footsteps behind him. They’re not distinctively loud, those people aren’t carrying weapons.
“I came to speak with the Golden Panther,” Kaz states, unaffected.
“Like many did before ya and many will do after,” the guard answers. “Wha’eve’ ya have to say to me Boss, ya can say to me, Twee’y.”
“Very well,” Kaz says quietly. “I’m here to discuss the repayment of Panther’s debt for causing a fight in my club.”
The tattooed man gives his friend, who looks like his archenemy is the Sun, a meaningful look.  “Keep an eye on the lad, I’ll check in with Boss.” He goes to open the door but before he walks into your office, he makes sure to give Kaz the most annoyed expression a face can make.
A few minutes go by when no one makes a sound. The sickly pale guard barely blinks, keeping his watchful, grey eyes on Brekker. Whoever followed Kaz is still standing a few paces behind him, also remaining suspiciously quiet.
Kaz hates this feeling. He has to put his faith in your apparent reliability. Some people say that ‘there’s no honour among thieves’ and perhaps they’re right. But what honour could there be between a panther and a crow? Isn’t the only thing they can honour Mother Nature? The food chain?
Right when Kaz is about to give in to his fatalistic thoughts, the door opens once again and the tattooed man emerges from the room. His lips are kept in a thin line. The man appears to be dissatisfied with what he had learned but alas, there is nothing he can do about it.
“Today’s ya lucky day, Twee’y,” he speaks up, his voice bitter. “Pop in and behave yaself.”
Without another word, Kaz pushes past the tattooed guard and into the room.
Your office is furnished in a similar style as the rest of the casino: creme, crimson and gold. The first thing that Kaz notices, and pretty much anyone who walks in, is the taxidermied panther head hanging on the wall behind you. The motif of a panther is quite prevalent as the legs of your desk are also carved to resemble pouncing and roaring panthers.
Bright ringing chimes in his ears. He turns his head to the side only to notice a frail woman, if she is even old enough to be called that, typing away on a typewriter. Judging by the stack of papers next to her, she’s rewriting your letters and notes. Kaz makes a note of her clothing: the pigeon blue barely fits the interior design but the quality of the material and craftsmanship looks far too expensive for a typist. 
“Kaz Brekker in the fucking flesh,” you say aloud. His attention is once again focused on you. “Honestly, I wasn’t expecting you to show up in person.”
“An opportunity has arisen for you to repay me.”
“Tell me.” Your voice sounds disinterested as you look back down at whatever document you are signing. Kaz puts his gloved hand on the back of the chair in front of your desk but you’re quick to shut him down. “Nah, don’t sit,” you say without looking up.
It’s all a gimmick, he thinks, but she has the means to uphold it. The skill and power to make it real.
For a moment he considered sitting down against your will simply out of spite but he’s heard enough stories to not get in your bad books just to prove a point. Golden Panther is a name even Pekka Rollins would say with fear in his voice. Kaz has seen the damage you’ve done to Pekka - damage that even his title of “The King of the Barell” can not repair.
“I’m planning a job and I need a distraction,” Kaz explains. “There’s a brewery in town. Belongs to a man known as Magnus Molders. Your job is to destroy his business, thus drawing the Stadwatch away from me and my Crows.”
With a devilish smile on your face, you look up from the document and set your pen aside. “And what did little Maggie-boy do to you, Dirtyhands?”
“That is none of your concern.”
You give him a knowing nod.
“So, kill two birds with one stone,” you sum up. “Practical, effective, sends a message. Solid 6 out of 10. Lacking in the finesse department.” Half-jokingly, you shake your head with an expression of disappointment.
“I’m not interested in your appraisal,” Kaz retorts. “Magnus Molders’s brewery in two days' time. That’s your assignment if you want your debt erased.”
A scoff flies past your lips. “I’m rude, not stupid, Brekker,” you drone your words. “I’ll be there. Stadwatch won’t even catch a sniff of you. Here, let me walk you out.”
You stand up from your desk, grabbing the cane with the panther's head leaning against it. Although Kaz doesn’t want to admit it, hiding a blade inside the cane is an idea that has been growing on him. Practical, effective, sends a message, he hears your voice in his thoughts. 
Kaz follows you out and is immediately met with an obvious change of behaviour in your employees. The guards suddenly stand uncomfortably straight, pushing their chests out. Now, Brekker can take a look at the two men who had followed him up to your office. They both look like chimney sweepers or shoe shiners, the type of lanky young men no one pays attention to in a crowd. People of this sort tend to be overlooked enough to listen in on any and every hot scoop or invited into people’s homes and no one ever checks whether they’re not helping themselves to the expensive belongings of the homeowners.
“I want Sorokin and Evander with me,” you order. “They started this shit and I will do my damn best to make sure they end this.”
“Yes, Boss,” the tattooed man hurriedly answers and bows his head slightly. He’s about to march away when you ask him one more thing:
 “And bring the Duckling.”
The tattooed man’s lips turn into a devilish grin. “Aye, Boss,” he drones the words.
“The Duckling?” Kaz repeats in a questioning manner.
“Oh, we wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise now, would we?” you answer in an irritatingly patronizing tone. “It’s very me.”
Explosions and mayhem? Kaz thinks to himself. But then he realizes it doesn’t quite matter - if this “Duckling” lives up to your known style of dealing with things, he’s going to get one hell of a distraction.
Magnus Molders rushes out of his brewery. He didn’t even have the time to button up his coat. The cold, rainy wind tugs at his thin shirt and dishevelled hair.
He gasps in surprise. His employee, a redhead boy with a lisp, told the truth: there’s the Golden Panther waiting for him on the circular driveway in front of the brewery. You’re leaning against the backdoor of the steel carriage, finishing a hand-rolled cigarette.
“I’d say ‘good morning’ but it’s more of a shitty noon, you know?” you speak up. With a flick of your fingers, you throw the finished smoke under the brewmaster’s shoes.
Nervous, Magnus clenches his hands into fists to stop them from shaking. His lips tighten into a thin, white line.
“What…” his voice trembles. Magnus clears his throat. “What do ya want, Panther?”
“A lot of things,” you answer. “But I don’t suppose you sell lavender cream puffs or pistachio croissants, do you?”
“No, I-” he hangs his voice when he sees you put your hand up.
“That was a rhetorical question,” you spit out.
“So,” he continues, “What brings ya here?”
You took a small step towards him. “At first, I wanted to talk to you. You know like proper adults. But then I remembered I don’t speak little bitch.”
Magnus clenches his jaw. His eyes begin to burn with anger, fear and humiliation. Like a wounded animal, he ounces when threatened.
“Yer mad, woman, is what ya are!” he screams. A few distant passers-by look towards him and you. They scurry away, sensing immediate danger. “I’ve no bad blood with ya. What’s all this for?!”
With a sad expression on your face, you shake your head disapprovingly. “Because you’re a cunt.”
You hit the steel door of the carriage with your fist, the banging ringing in your ears.
“Duckling?” Jesper repeats confused. Kaz only nods along, an absent expression on his face. “What in Hell is-...” he hangs his voice when he notices a metallic shine in the darkness of the steel carriage. “Oh. Oh, that’s proper mental.”
Without a warning, the massive Gatling gun hidden in the cab begins shooting. Bullets faster than blinking eyes pierce the air, thousands in a second, destroying the brewery. As you ordered before, Sorokin is the one aiming and firing, his whole body trembling from the recoil of the machine gun. Evander, the other man responsible for the fight, is holding the casings with the bullets and making sure the Gatling doesn’t seize up.
After barely a few minutes, although they felt like hours, the brewery building looks like one of the kerchen cheeses that have more holes than actual cheese. Magnus Molders is catching his raspy breath as he tries to stop the bleeding in his left arm. Most of his white shirt is crimson now. Blood is covering the circular driveway, red mixing with greyish rainwater in puddles only to turn into a black, thick liquid. It’s hard to say what happened to his employees back at the brewery but you couldn’t care less. “Bad place, bad time” as some people say.
The streets are awfully quiet but not for long: galloping horses are heard in the distance. A bell begins to ring feverishly. It’s the Stadwatch, always arriving when the party’s already over.
When Kaz gets back into his office in the late evening hours, he’s met with something he should have expected - you’re sitting in his chair, legs propped up on his desk. Although it’s supposed to come off as arrogant, he notices that you’ve stacked his papers, so that your shoes don’t actually damage them. Strangely nice for someone who has no qualms about shooting up a random brewery.
“What are you doing here?” he asks angrily.
You look at your pocket watch. “Took you long enough. I was beginning to think you’ve lost your way.” You take your legs off his desk and stand up. “I should probably ask whether you’re satisfied with my service but I find myself unable to care for your opinion.”
“Why’d you come here, then?” he retorts swiftly.
“Business etiquette, I guess?” You shrug. “Shake hands, erase the red from the ledger and go our separate ways, admiring each other’s achievements from a safe distance.”
Kaz slightly squints his eyes. By the way he’s clenching his jaw, you can tell he’s angry. He does accept your handshake but keeps the courtesy short and stern. Professional, one might say.
“And yet I feel compelled to give you my appraisal." His tone is intense, filled with violent emotions kept under control with the last bits of his self-control. "You’re like a fly that keeps buzzing but keeps escaping the swat. Infuriating.”
A humourless chuckle erupts in your throat. “You might want to check that with the board of directors.” Before he has any time to react, you pat his thigh, indecently close to his groin, before walking past him and out of the room. At first, he’s angry, blood boiling in his veins and begging him to put you in your place, demand respect in the only way people like you and him understand. But then Kaz grows strangely bashful as he realises that there might be some truth in your words.
Guys, I promise I'm not actually dead T_T Been writing original stuff and binging The Mortal Instruments (the Netflix show is so bad it's actually fun...?)
Tagging people who were interested in part 2: @queenkalico @kplatzman @sunset-kisses-vibes @zeeader
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audreyscribes · 2 months
Author’s Note: So there may be some overlap and not neccessarily a clear distinction, but I also included some stuff from the HERA DEMIGOD H/Cs I did into this, and you can see a connection between Hera and Juno. Thanks for reading! ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Oh boy, I hope you are ready for this. There are many similarities and many differences whether or not you are a child of Hera or Juno. But whether you are a child of Hera actually doesn’t change in this case when you find yourself in the company of the Romans.
You’re absolutely given the royal treatment with carpet being rolled underneath your feet with people at your beck and call, waiting and acting for your comfort. While it may sound nice, if Camp Halfblood has the aura of uncertainty, then Camp Jupiter is the opposite. The treatment towards you is with reverence but because Juno is so revered, being her child makes you feel isolated. They see you as your mother’s daughter but not yourself; an avatar of your mother and their idol. You also become Juno’s ambassador; a different tune but in a similar manner which Nico di Angelo is Pluto’s Ambassador. When you talk, they listen to you with silence and unblinking eyes and if you want to be friends with someone, they are either too scared to or too respectful to be even called friends. You feel much like a reverent statue and much less a person.
Unlike Camp Half-blood where people are a bit skeptical and luke-warm to you at all with how unusual your existence is, Camp Jupter is the opposite. They don’t question how you were conceived because to even insinuate Juno of anything would be utter blasphemy; so no matter how you were born or conceived, you can’t even say anything because of the pressure.
You find out the reason for both the reverence and fear, beyond the general respect towards the gods. You learn of the stories of Juno and you find out just as much as Juno is the patron goddess of Rome, she has just as many times from her time as Hera to Juno, inflicted much harm and trial towards the foundation of Rome; from interfering Aeneas from founding it from the Fall of Troy to supporting the Sabines against Rome. Thus honouring her with reverence and fear is a reminder that she is both the Patron goddess of Rome, but was also its greatest enemy; and that treatment extends to you. This changes the perception of adoration from reverent and celebrity treatments towards you to something else.
Gods forbid there’s an actual child of Jupiter because the people of camp will be expecting the two of you to get together regardless of your own thoughts of it. It’s like the whole expectation of being Prom Queen and the Prom King having to date each other and be absolutely happy in that arrangement. It's as if Venus has been conspiring with the people of Rome to put you together for her own amusement; and considering how much power Venus has with the Romans, that’s not far-fetched either. If Camp Half-blood has a son of Zeus, then expect the people of Rome doing their absolute damn best for the two of you to get together even if they have to make it happen in any way possible.
If a child of Jupiter is expected to be with a child of Venus as an alternative, aside from a child of Jupiter, you’re expected to be together with a child of Janus, god of beginnings and passages. This is because of the relationship between Juno and Janus is reflected in their association with the kalendae (Roman calendar) of every month, particularly the first days, belonging to them both, as well as the festival of the Tigillum Sororium. Though not in the same realm, you’re accompanied by a child of Mars, since Mars is Juno’s son and the guardian of the Romans, so it would only be natural to have a child of Mars to accompany a child of Juno. So you’re given a body-guard basically which you can’t refute.
You oversee many of the rites, events, and meetings of Camp Jupiter and New Rome. Its less of your own accord and much like a child of Jupiter, both Jupiter and Juno are part of Rome itself, so you’re going to be forced to listen and be involved in the inner workings of Rome whether you like it or not. You feel much like every prince and princess of any royal family, expecting you be just as much of a Queen/King/Monarch, with your every move and words being watched for, even your breathing. You feel the non-existent crown on your head weighing heavier and heavier, it’s band tightening over your head as you have to keep your neck and head straight up.
I don’t think you’ll be put into a cohort but if you have to be put into one, you’ll be associated with the 1st cohort. Again, not because of your own achievements but because you’re Juno’s ambassador with both the reverence and fear mixed in. 
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