#child of juno
audreyscribes · 2 months
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Author’s Note: Alright, when I was writing the Greek demigods h/cs, I did keep in mind some of them and their Roman counterparts (i.e. Hera demigod), so when that one anon asked about doing Roman demigods, I got curious and this is my attempt. I do understand why there isn’t a lot but I gave it a shot. It’s not going to be the same for the Greek version and it’s not going to be very detailed since Camp Jupiter and New Rome is more limited than the Greeks, so that’s why. I'll also may update this overtime with more Roman gods, but who knows. Hope you like it and enjoy!
*active links will be highlighted in RED
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Roman Demigoids Ao3 Fic Link: {LINK}
JUNO: [TUMBLR] // [AO3] 
MARS:  [TUMBLR] // [AO3] 
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eskildit · 1 year
wonder what palamedes’ dad is like. the little we know about him seems to suggest hes just a normal sixth house citizen. took a sabbatical to parent palamedes, not a member of the oversight body. shout out to this man who was living a normal life and then his thirteen year old son became his boss.  
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synthshenanigans · 2 months
we cant have that "do you think people are gonna name their kids after fandom names?" post/joke like what tf am i gonna do? Name a child "brain"??
like ah yea, "meet my kids "ode" & "cog" theyre twins ❤️"
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riseofgrace · 7 months
Lupa meeting Jason for the first time, Seeing this small human pup and being reminded of her own human children, Romulus and Remus.
The child trembles, not from fear but from the cold. The image of two babies shivering from the assaulting winds of the wild, clinging on each other, comes flashing through her mind. They. He needs shelter.
The she-wolf is suddenly flooded with necessity of keeping this pup.
She trains him the hardest. She knows he is destined for something enormous, she can feel it. Just like with her other two. But Jason is young, too young. He needs more time under the fire to be molded into a proper child of Rome, someone worthy to call themselves the son of the Kings of the gods.
In the night, she allows him to lay by her side. She tells him stories, about the greatest heroes of Rome, about her children, how her Romulus founded Rome and became its first King, and how her Remus died by his brother’s hand. She doesn’t know if Jason truly understands the weight of the words as she talks about the demise of her child, but the toddler looks at her with a contemplative expression on his round rosy face and after a moment he wraps his small arms around her neck. The act takes the wolf by surprise and when she gains her composure, she bitterly orders him to go to sleep.
Despite the harshness in her tone, she lets him embrace her as he sleeps, covering him with her warm fur and nuzzling his hair.
Other demigods pups come and go but Jason stays. Until Juno comes for her champion.
To put it in mortal terms, it can be said that what came after the arrival of the Queen, is the godly equivalent of a custody battle.
Jason needs to learn how to be the leader of men, Lupa knows this. She also knows that there’s so much that Jason can learn at her side.
But in the end, he is Juno’s. Nothing can’t beat the title of Juno’s champion.
The Queen is eyeing them thoughtfully with an aura of superiority and the she-wolf stand solemn, but the child starts nuzzling her side and she can’t help but reciprocate the affection.
Juno comes and gently picks up Jason and strokes his hair.
As they take their leave from the Wolf House, Lupa watches as the child rest his head on the Queen’s shoulder.
She can’t help to remember the moment when that mortal shepherd took her two children away.
Jason waves goodbye to her as he is taken away. Lupa can’t look back anymore.
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deathlessathanasia · 1 month
"After he had lost possession of the sky, Saturn wandered in exile over the whole earth accompanied by Juno. So that she might not become fatigued by the tedium of the journey, he entrusted her to nymphs in Africa to be raised. Because of this, Juno always kept Carthage mighty."
- The First Vatican Mythographer, 211. The Story of Dido and the History of Saturn
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Got bored and started looking up name meanings for pnat characters and am deeply amused by the surname Burger meaning “freeman”
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“A man possessing the full privileges and immunities of a city”
Like. Yeah man. They sure are.
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I have a LOT OF THOUGHTS about Jason being raised by Juno
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
child of jercy is made a living symbol of peace between the Romans and the Greeks.
And then there are their two dads bickering like children in the background. Years of marriage and they seem to only take their banters up the notch.
Okok but just imagine Zeus/Jupiter and Poseidon have been in this feud for like. thousands of years. and then their grandchild is hailed the symbol of peace with the sounds of Juno's cheering in the background. Oh and the fact that Hera did help Poseidon plot to usurp her husband back in the days. The family gathering would be absolutely a circus.
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Child polar bears perhaps?
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warlordfelwinter · 9 months
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if you'll excuse me i'm going to be crying and throwing up about this forever
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audreyscribes · 1 month
Author’s Note: So there may be some overlap and not neccessarily a clear distinction, but I also included some stuff from the HERA DEMIGOD H/Cs I did into this, and you can see a connection between Hera and Juno. Thanks for reading! ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Oh boy, I hope you are ready for this. There are many similarities and many differences whether or not you are a child of Hera or Juno. But whether you are a child of Hera actually doesn’t change in this case when you find yourself in the company of the Romans.
You’re absolutely given the royal treatment with carpet being rolled underneath your feet with people at your beck and call, waiting and acting for your comfort. While it may sound nice, if Camp Halfblood has the aura of uncertainty, then Camp Jupiter is the opposite. The treatment towards you is with reverence but because Juno is so revered, being her child makes you feel isolated. They see you as your mother’s daughter but not yourself; an avatar of your mother and their idol. You also become Juno’s ambassador; a different tune but in a similar manner which Nico di Angelo is Pluto’s Ambassador. When you talk, they listen to you with silence and unblinking eyes and if you want to be friends with someone, they are either too scared to or too respectful to be even called friends. You feel much like a reverent statue and much less a person.
Unlike Camp Half-blood where people are a bit skeptical and luke-warm to you at all with how unusual your existence is, Camp Jupter is the opposite. They don’t question how you were conceived because to even insinuate Juno of anything would be utter blasphemy; so no matter how you were born or conceived, you can’t even say anything because of the pressure.
You find out the reason for both the reverence and fear, beyond the general respect towards the gods. You learn of the stories of Juno and you find out just as much as Juno is the patron goddess of Rome, she has just as many times from her time as Hera to Juno, inflicted much harm and trial towards the foundation of Rome; from interfering Aeneas from founding it from the Fall of Troy to supporting the Sabines against Rome. Thus honouring her with reverence and fear is a reminder that she is both the Patron goddess of Rome, but was also its greatest enemy; and that treatment extends to you. This changes the perception of adoration from reverent and celebrity treatments towards you to something else.
Gods forbid there’s an actual child of Jupiter because the people of camp will be expecting the two of you to get together regardless of your own thoughts of it. It’s like the whole expectation of being Prom Queen and the Prom King having to date each other and be absolutely happy in that arrangement. It's as if Venus has been conspiring with the people of Rome to put you together for her own amusement; and considering how much power Venus has with the Romans, that’s not far-fetched either. If Camp Half-blood has a son of Zeus, then expect the people of Rome doing their absolute damn best for the two of you to get together even if they have to make it happen in any way possible.
If a child of Jupiter is expected to be with a child of Venus as an alternative, aside from a child of Jupiter, you’re expected to be together with a child of Janus, god of beginnings and passages. This is because of the relationship between Juno and Janus is reflected in their association with the kalendae (Roman calendar) of every month, particularly the first days, belonging to them both, as well as the festival of the Tigillum Sororium. Though not in the same realm, you’re accompanied by a child of Mars, since Mars is Juno’s son and the guardian of the Romans, so it would only be natural to have a child of Mars to accompany a child of Juno. So you’re given a body-guard basically which you can’t refute.
You oversee many of the rites, events, and meetings of Camp Jupiter and New Rome. Its less of your own accord and much like a child of Jupiter, both Jupiter and Juno are part of Rome itself, so you’re going to be forced to listen and be involved in the inner workings of Rome whether you like it or not. You feel much like every prince and princess of any royal family, expecting you be just as much of a Queen/King/Monarch, with your every move and words being watched for, even your breathing. You feel the non-existent crown on your head weighing heavier and heavier, it’s band tightening over your head as you have to keep your neck and head straight up.
I don’t think you’ll be put into a cohort but if you have to be put into one, you’ll be associated with the 1st cohort. Again, not because of your own achievements but because you’re Juno’s ambassador with both the reverence and fear mixed in. 
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sleepy-energy · 11 months
I can't stress this enough I love the silly emotion sniffing alien car. Like I want to cherish it and hold it. Poor baby was scared for its family and sent out a distress signal, like I can't even be mad! Poor thing needs a hug.
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junowritings · 6 months
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This may be my biggest hear me out yet, but hey how about that creche huh,,,
Listen I just think a lot of the characters there are neat and I'm trying to get better at drawing githyanki so this thing just kinda made itself lmao.
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aha-aha-ahahaha · 8 months
One of the funniest things is:
“Right, where does Bernard live?”
“Roy, we are not going to go beat up a little kid.”
“Why not?”
Immediately followed by:
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magellanicclouds · 8 months
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Some more work from last year. Sketches of my beloved Juno and Vela, the gemini twins of Jet Force Gemini, one of my absolute favourite video games ever. ' v '
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haliaiii · 10 months
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Oc posting 5: Juno
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