#though i wanna try for more bc i wanna start saving up; of course I'm not letting the job absolutely destroy me like last time
devilsrecreation · 28 days
i like to think that jasiri showed kindness to each of the outlander leaders and that's how they started the path of reformation, but i'm wondering what exactly she would do for each of them? of course jasiri saves janja and says she would help any hyena, so what do you think she would do for reirei, mzingo, kiburi and shupavu to make them turn? add kenge and sumu too if you wanna :3
Overall, I like to think she puts herself in everyone else’s paw prints and that helps her understand what her fellow leaders are going through
For Reirei, she helps the pack catch a meal that could last them a couple days. She knows it must be difficult to raise a bunch of pups (and a mate lol) so she teaches them how to hunt without disrespecting the circle of life
For Kiburi, she hears him complaining about how his watering hole has barely enough water for his float so she offers to share her watering hole when they’re not using it. Jasiri didn’t know much about crocodiles at the time, but she does understand how much water they need. This is when Kiburi starts to show some respect cuz he’s finally being listened to, something Makuu never really did. As long as the crocs don’t try to eat the clan, they’re welcome any time.
-Bonus hc: because Kiburi was around the watering hole so often, he and Janja got to talking more often and soon enough, they grew close. So Jasiri’s essentially the reason why Janja and Kiburi are best friends now :)
For Mzingo…he was actually pretty easy. All she had to do was include his parliament in the decision making and soon gave them the job of creating new laws to keep the Outlands in order. Though the latter only happens during Jasiri’s first few months of ruling. He’s mostly her majordomo
Shupavu needed a LOT of persuasion, which was tricky enough since Shupavu mostly keeps her walls up. Among many things, she promised the Outlands would be more respectful towards her and her skinks, swearing they will never get eaten so long as she’s there. As stated before, Shupavu had to think about it. Lucky for Jasiri though, Ushari encouraged her to accept (which was encouraged by the kings of the past)
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hello again! I hope you don't mind. What's your opinion on Azure Lion, and the Brotherhood? You said they were a toxic group, can you explain how and why? I am very dense. Also have you watched the newest Monkey King movie? What do you think of it? Are there any part of JTTW or Sun Wukong's story you'd like to see be made into a movie that doesn't get much attention? Not LMK verse of course. I'd like to see Ao Lie, the White Dragon Horse's story get expanded on, especially when the group encounter the Dragon family during their journey. What about you? What's your opnion on LBD's host, or Bai He as the fans are calling her? Would you like an interaction between her and SWK? Have a good month!
ok imma save your brotherhood question for last because once i start with them and swk's relationship with them, i will not stop.
no, i haven't seen the new Monkey King movie yet T^T i hope to see it soon when i have free time, but uni's began, so i will be busy with assignments T^T goodbye summer vacation :'(
as for what jttw story i'd like to see more of? hmmmmm, idk, though tbh i am very new with any jttw interpretation (my introduction to this story was through OSP, and after seeing the sun&moon poll i decided to check out lmk), so my personal information is still small compared to the people who grew up with the many stories and variations of Journey to the West and its characters.
however, i kind of wanna say Sha Wujing/Sandy? mostly because he does seem like an interesting character (2nd strongest out of the companions if i'm remembering right), and is fairly clever with his fighting (which might be why he gets along with swk a lot). idk, it would be fun to get some background on how he acquired his skull necklace (pretty sure they were enemies of his???? or something idk) and his own motivations for redemption, not to mention he does become a Bodhisattva just like swk and Tripitaka (pretty Pigsy/Zhu Baije doesn't???), so that would be fun to touch on!
moving on now....i actually do like how the fandom just adopted :BD's host and we all affectionately call her Bai He! it's sweet and i like that we all kind of want to see her own recovery of being possessed for like months (or a year idk lmk timeline is weird and funky and no i am not annoyed-) i am a big fan of the "Macky adopts previously possessed child out of solidarity but also she latched onto him first and wouldn't let go so he's kind of stuck with her now :)" it's very fanon but, eh, i'm a sucker for "reluctant dad to protect the smol" characters (prob another reason why i love Pigsy and swk so much lmao).
ALSO, i think her interactions with swk would be so funny (for me) and awkward (for swk) because she's like "thanks for saving the world and me!" and swk like "MHM! uh yeah, sure, np kiddo" bc he did almost kill her (tho he really did try to find a way to not do that) but also Bai He might not even be mad at him for that. (maybe i want her to attempt to befriend him, but swk is just so nervous and feeling a tad guilty so he avoids her but she's a persistent little fucker, maybe i want to a lot, sue me)
idk what her role is now in the show tbh. she could be sidelined now, and we only get cameos of her (s3 ending & s4 special) for the time being just showing her slow recovery (lmk has been doing a "minor/background character development happening behind the scenes" for awhile (DBK fam) so i wouldn't be surprised if we see that with her). but it's possible that she could grow to have some role in s5 or s6 (maybe she's got some leftover LBD powers bc post-possession symptoms, maybe Mr. Hoodie Man wants to use her too bc she was such a great host for LBD, maybe she saw something plot relevant while possessed concerning MK and wants to warn him or his friend??? WHO KNOWS???)
ok.....Brotherhood™️ what are my thoughts on them......
this post is already long as is, and i have class in 30 minutes, oh boy let's go >:3
sO, let try and summarize my thoughts of them before delving in: i think that narratively, the Brotherhood are a great way for establishing who Sun Wukong was pre-jttw as well as giving us access to his history with Macky (THANK FUCKING GOD I WAS SO DESPERATE FOR THEIR BACKSTORY).
the Brotherhood is also a great way to showcase MK's growing similarities with swk and the narrative parallels the two characters have for each other. we already knew swk was trying to mentor MK is a way that was different from how swk lived his life before because, we he's shown, he really does regret his past actions, and wants MK to be a better version, believes MK can be this better version of him. and you can see him trying, but also he fails to really explain WHY his teaching methods are slow and vague sooooooo, uh oh :)
anyway, character-wise.....the Brotherhood is written to be both sympathetic and dislikable. the sympathetic aspect comes with Azure and his Cause™️ because that shows you that "wait a minute...he really did want to do good, but lost sight of it and the harm he was doing along the way." you're supposed to sympathize with him, you're supposed to feel confused about his shaky relationship with swk because "Azure only wanted to do good, yet swk ruined it" <- this is some excellent unreliable narrator shit i love about this show btw
HOWEVER! Azure is not an archetype character (lmk doesn't really do archetypes. okay, they do, BUT it's more of deconstruction of the archetype than really using an archetype, you feel me?) he is a character who is deeply flawed. he is idealistic and vain (yes, yes he is vain bc have you seen this lion????) Azure built up swk on a pedestal of what a true role model king should look like (nevermind that swk's kingdom was on a island and his subjects were just monkeys, meaning his reign was fairly small compared to Heaven, therefore more manageable BUT I DIGRESS)
basically, Azure placed so much admiration and all his ideal onto swk, who was frankly a lot younger than the celestial lion being that he would have only recently met him post-Havoc & he was only about 500-600 years old by then (maybe????), and saw the monkey more as a perfect weapon to use to defeat the Jade Emperor and start a new, "more compassionate" era.
ok, and this is just me speaking, but, Azure, honey, if you really wanted to help restart Heaven into helping out the poor humans, instead of the very flawed bureaucracy you argued against.....maybe, don't continue on with a monarchy????? idk, maybe it's the Western influence talking but Azure, if you hate the celestial lords and emperor so much, maybe create a system that DOESN'T favor the lords and emperor????? break the whole system apart and create something new???? course you didn't think that far (which was eloquently shown in the special) so i'm honestly not surprised that your mission failed so many times
anyway, the dislikable aspect! Peng is a wonderful character for this section! so, when meeting Azure, you may come to a couple conclusions: wow a pretty lion! is he trustworthy? well, he seems to really want to help out.....damn he's got quite the silvertongue there, very convincing and great orator....you seem very upset about whatever swk did to you, huh? but meeting Peng you get: ooooh pretty bird man! oh, they're kind of a bitch, aren't they? yeah, still a bitch (and depending on the viewer, bitch can be affectionate or derogatory)
but yeah, so Peng, one of Azure's brother trio who worked with him in the Celestial Court and views him as the leader of the Brotherhood rather than swk (actually, none of the brotherhood members even consider swk their leader, except Azure and maybe Macky (but that might be bc Macky does not fucking care about the brotherhood member BUT swk) bc the rest view swk as their prized weapon)
Peng is really the character that starts to make you reconsider Azure's trustworthiness because my god is this bird the most condescending and bitchiest of friends. they are that toxic friend, okay? it was because of Peng that i clocked in "oh, ok, this is high school toxicity 101, got it" lol
anyway, Peng does not really seem to care that much for...the Cause™️ like Azure and Yellow Tusk do. rather, they seem to just stick around mostly because Azure and Yellow Tusk are their brothers and that's it. i guess props for staying loyal??? but still, Peng is the character that gives us the first crack into Azure's worthy crusade because their character will resort to violence first, turns on anyone who slightly disagrees with Azure's methods (*cough cough* Mac *cough cough*) or, hm, let's say....surrenders to the Jade Emperor, is missing for 500 years, then miraculously is freed and is working with a Buddhist monk?
so yeah, uh running out of time but to sum up: Azure and the brotherhood were never really "friends" they were colleagues who though they all had a common goal to defeat Heaven but their loyalty was built on ideals and pedestals and flaky attitudes which was why Mac was never comfortable around them, why DBK stopped interacting with them after the war, and WHY swk was so easily pointed as a traitor and a villain by the Camelhead Trio.
*jazz hands* and there you go, i would say more but i have class!
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for concealing a huge impending promotion to my coworker/best friend?
For context: I'm basically the only reason this friend has this job, though simultaneously, he's very much a factor in me being at the point I'm at, too. As in promotions I've already gotten since he started. It's an office job, the kind that tbqh we're both very privileged to have. Like where the title you have doesn't actually give you that much more responsibility (sometimes it gives you less) but it does give you more money kind of job, and we get paid on salary.
So I've been here like a decade. I worked my ass off to move up the ladder. He's been here a couple years and thanks to me he's basically speedran all that to a position very adjacent to mine. I'm kind of his boss but I'm just one of many people who'd have the authority to fire him, if I wanted to? And that group of people has actually recently gotten a new member, bc our company is getting bought out. There were a lot of layoffs happening as a result, even to the degree of both of us worrying about the possibility of getting fired. Like REALLY worried. We've even gotten closer in recent months specifically trying to plan together about what to do to prevent that from happening. I'd already have called him my best friend before but I guess I'd say that if I had any doubts he'd say the same, they're gone now after that period of time. This is relevant bc it's part of why each of us thinks the other is the asshole, I guess.
Anyway, nevermind all that worry, apparently my leadership skills are admirable enough for the new big boss to specifically want to move me up a LOT. I wasn't expecting it at all. New boss revealed this in an otherwise kind of relaxed "meeting," too, where it was just the two of us, and where nothing was formally promised. So I frankly had a sense that it wasn't quite set in stone. So when my friend asked about what happened in this "meeting" a few minutes later, I didn't tell him about the specific good news. But I DID give him a vague, *truthful* reassurance that we'd be okay and wouldn't lose our jobs.
So here's where it gets into that HE could possibly be the asshole: In his words, he was afraid that I was overconfident or mistaken about how likely we were to keep our jobs, or whatever. What he does like RIGHT after I give him that reassurance is go to eavesdrop on the new boss. and then pass on some sensitive information to other people in the company who could actually affect a major shareholder meeting. I obviously can't go into detail but the info he passes on is the exact kind of thing that had the potential of costing me, really US, the job(s).
Before any kind of meeting actually happened, I found out through a third party that he'd essentially tattled. I was unbelievably pissed. We got into a bit of a physical scuffle that I started. I'm not proud of it, but he hit me back, so I feel we're even. And we still did get the promotion in the end. The conflict that remains is this argument we keep coming back to: about why I "wasn't just honest about good news"/"why I tried to scare him"/ "why I didn't trust him", etc -- vs why HE didn't trust ME! I didn't want to risk leaking sensitive information (which he went and fucking did anyway), and also, I frankly wanted to surprise him. And he totally robbed me of the ability to show him *I* swung it for us.
I know how I sound but I do feel he went behind my back. Ultimately it didn't actually mean anything but that's still what he did. Meanwhile he of course feels that I gave him no choice but to do that. His defense includes that he was just trying to save his own job (tbqh he did stand to have like over half his salary docked), which I respect in the scheme of things but as it relates to us two, personally, I wanna win this argument. Which of us did worse?
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
hey girl, can i please ask you a couple questions just about writing and the process of creating fics?
Even though I have fomo when it comes to this fandom, coz let's be real, there are so many people in this fandom that are just delivering us full course meals, do you find it easier to stay off of tumblr?
Coz for me, Tumblr is a gateway for more ideas, and I don't wanna think of more great storylines while I'm in the process of structuring one that I've recently come up with, you know 😂.
I'm not starting this series yet or anytime soon, but when the time comes do you think it would be best just to detach from other people's works so i can focus on my own?
This is such an amazing q honestly, i needed some time to think about it hahahah
So I completely understand your struggle, I am going through the same thing, of being torn between feeling like there’s so much amazing stuff I am missing out on vs feeling overwhelmed with myself and everything else I see on here.
I an on Tumblr A LOT bc it’s such a safe space for me and it is almost like my safe haven atm, but I don’t read that much, bc I don’t want to get influenced by other amazing creators and even subconsciously include certain themes/things in my fics. I will read fics that are very different to my own, though. But if there’s human/avatar stuff specifically, or Neteyam stuff, I try to save it and will read it when I’m done with my own stories x
Thank you bestie 💕
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meowmeowmessi · 2 years
and they're trying to take away from AlbicelesteTalk's credibility now just because they can't accept it 😭 like frst of all, it's not even their info, they're only reposting from the interview??? second, what did they expect lmao? yk that one cmvnga or whatever acc that's always posting shit about messi despite the 50 diff players in his carrd? they're the ones obsessed like be fr now. if your fave really is the best (lol) then why are you getting so worked up? reeks of insecure imo. i KNOW it's the face card more than anything (which i rly dont see im sorry but to each their own 😭😭) bc how can you genuinely look at both careers even only up to 24 and decide messi isn't better... don't even get started on the actual playing like??? he's not real and no one will ever compare, least of all someone who declined his 'dream club' for psg's bank account and look where that got him 🤥. also about the rent-free thing,,,,, he was asked in an interview and actually spoke pretty well about m*appe (i dont wanna potentially get jumped 😭) and y'all wanna pretend he insulted him or was salty just because he didn't say he's the best?? which he isn't???? again: reeks of insecure.
HE DID SPEAK WELL ABOUT MBAPPE gosh i totally forgot to mention this in my previous response shsjdjsk like of course he brought him up they were literally teammates back in PSG 😭 he literally said mbappe is a good kid why are yall acting like he murdered your dog be serious now 😭
i actually don't know who this cmvnga person is (and judging by what you're telling me maybe that's a good thing lmao i do appreciate retaining my braincells) but yeah i'm going to keep saying what i've always been saying: the recency bias regarding mbappe is insane. like, comparing mbappe to any version of messi is the closest thing you can come to blasphemy in football i think, or even sports in general, but especially if you're comparing him to what messi was like at his age: messi had FOUR ballon d'ors by the time he was 24. FOUR. and he won them back to back to back to back. i don't think people realize just how absolutely ridiculous that is. it's a record that's probably never going to get beaten in the history of football ever.
moreover, after his loss in the 2014 wc final, messi was an absolutely demon at club level- like a man on a mission. meanwhile this is mbappe after the wc:
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(the 10 rating was in a match against psg ultras 😭 his own fanboys 😭)
face card aside, i do think another reason people latch onto mbappe is bc there hasn't been a black "it boy" like him in football? (do tell me if i'm wrong, though!) his fanbase has a noticable split (on social media at least) between ronaldo stans who jumped ship after his "fall from grace" (so to speak) and tiktok girlies who take the kpopification of football a bit too far 💀💀
bottom line is- messi's comparison only exists in pelé and maradona, and i think these weird fangirls and media outlets with their agendas aside, most people have actually accepted this fact now. and we can all thank la scaloneta for that. they actually saved football tbqh
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adelle-ein · 2 years
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going to start posting wips here instead of twt. i want to draw more group scenes and backgrounds and just generally be more ambitious, even though my main focus is and always has been improving how my people look i wanna get better at everything. this is an idea i thought of for an anniversary drawing and i decided to just go ahead and do it now
also soft-painting-small looks bad at big sizes huh maybe that's. why it's named that (i don't have a go-to sketch/line brush in krita i just keep trying different things)
anyway i used csp more again in the last month bc a) i had a new ssd and Could b) still adapting to krita and it was stressing me out and i was trying to improve my anatomy and struggling bc learning to use krita was slowing me down. but being reminded of how much celsys sucks and how i need to not rely on csp sticking around made me start working on adjusting to krita again
thoughts on that below the cut (rambly and definitely not of interest to anyone who isn't also extremely interested in digital art programs)
like i said my main motivation in making the switch: celsys sucks and is untrustworthy. krita's excellent filter variety and way way better brush engines and amazing paintbrushes are huge incentives also though and i think given time and money and support it could easily outdo csp.
csp has so many impressively flashy features that i just...did not use or find useful in application. like the 3d models - couldn't get them working at all on my old computer and then when i could on this one...they're hard to pose, finicky, don't look as good as similar modeling programs, etc etc...i just did not end up using them much and when i did i didn't really know how and they often made things look worse. really they were only good for doing like. fashion poses for outfit design when i didn't want to spend time on the anatomy. vector brushes didn't work for me at all and just made my lineart look really stiff and uglier than ever (and then i decided to ditch lineart altogether which. smart move i think bc it is not my friend.) basically csp has loads of what look like incredible time saving features on its homepage etc, and then in actual execution i didn't really find any of them practical to use. *paul hollywood voice* all style no substance
ANYWAY all of that being said the only things i really miss from csp are the one click export buttons, the change layer to drawing color button, and finally and most of all just the general performance and practicality of it. csp is designed for a reasonable newbie to pick up and use. not quite as much so as like sai or medibang but pretty accessible. krita is just. not. at all. probably the hardest of these programs to learn from a technical standpoint. it just has SO MUCH and is generally made by and for people with above average tech skills which can make it more confusing. like the way layers and groups work is fundamentally different from the common, accepted way ps/csp/sai/everybody uses. and sure maybe alpha inherit is technically Better than clipping masks but it also makes things more challenging and less accessible. very linux design yknow. it is harder to just open krita up and Use It without looking up how to do specific things, it is harder to get away without reading documentation and watching youtube tutorials and memorizing keyboard shortcuts, you need to know how layers work and how to cut down memory usage in a file, basically you can't cut corners in learning krita like you can with similar programs (esp if you are like me and have been playing in said programs since you were. maybe 4)
and of course all that being said krita is a small dev team making an open source free product, whereas celsys adobe etc have massive teams and $$$ at their disposal so of course it is not apples to oranges and this is not a criticism of the krita foundation, just that it makes the product harder to learn and use and i get why people are turned off by that. i'm turned off by it! and all this hinges on your pc even running krita because it is more demanding than most (in most cases i've seen at least. definitely seen some people say they have issues with csp and can run krita, computers weird.) but it sucks that a few features are prone to issues no matter what. as cool and intriguing as so many of the features are...gmic plugin is crashy and liquify tool just lags to the point it's unusable. :(
but i don't want to end on a negative note and make it sound like i hate krita, krita's great, it's just never felt quite as natural as sai and csp have in the past so that makes things more uphill with it. but i'm trying. and trying to get over my Very Bad Social Anxiety to post on krita-artists and ask for help from *shudders* Knowledgeable Strangers when i don't understand things
anyway uhhh krita is hard and art is hard but i think it'll be worth it and also fuck celsys
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Heheho isaac box... 2!
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alien-bluez · 2 years
ahaha... satbk stands for sonic and the black knight btw it's a wii game and it has a whole grip on my brain so now i'm combining my two fixations bc i can..!
this will be a long post btw, designs n ideas are all mine and just an FYI.. It is heavily inspired by satbk but i will probably develop it as an au outside of the satbk story.. for my own entertainment idk. also idk much about the knights of the round table / king arthur story so don't expect anything related to them besides the names..? idk
anyways let's start!
Lloyd and Harumi (aka Sonic and Merlina)
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Lloyd is a lost prince that gets summoned to this part of the world by Harumi who is a wizard and gets asked to help stop King Arthur (aka Garmadon) from being evil n wrecking shit ig.
Lloyd is chosen to help but he's not a knight! Harumi helps him find an ancient lost sword (aka Excalibur aka Morro in this au. hear me out. i'll explain it in more detail later.) and gets trained to become a knight with his now very annoying talking magic sword haha.
Also spoiler alert ig- Harumi is the real villain all along...! she manipulates lloyd into taking down Garmadon in order to get Excalibur's scabbard (which is in evil king arthur's possession which makes him evil + immortal) and wants to rule Camelot for herself to preserve the dying kingdom and thinks she'll be a better ruler to where Garmadon failed ig. still working out the motivations here.
Morro (aka Caliburn/Excalibur)
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Morro in this au is Lloyd's talking sword. You don't see his ghost form.. at all..? i just mostly wanted to draw him in ghostly prince form lol. Basically he was the crown prince before Lloyd but then died a tragic death and became cursed to haunt a sword..? Yeah sure. So Lloyd picks him up and Morro talks and yeah they're travel buddies now.
Morro basically helps Lloyd become a better knight, but they still bicker and argue like siblings and it is funny.
Okay I'm gonna put a read more here now bc this is gettin long. The rest of the ninjas designs + stories are under the cut!
Knights of the Round Table
Kai (aka Lancelot)
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Kai is Lancelot/Shadow in this au! He's the most loyal to KA / Garmadon in this au which is really funny lmao. As a knight Kai will follow any order given to him, he's one of the strongest knights in the realm and he's quite hotheaded to boot.
He encounters Lloyd first and they fight bc Lloyd is trying to stop Garmadon. Inexperienced as a fighter and a knight he doesn't exactly beat Kai but gets away after a technicality. Umm I like to think they meet a few more times over the course of Lloyd's journey, and maybe there's a part where Kai gets stuck with Lloyd and they have to work together.
Despite having differences of opinion on what it means to be a knight, Kai sort of sees Lloyd as a worthy rival... and lowkey younger brother!
Cole (aka Gawain)
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Cole is the second knight Lloyd encounters and fights on his journey. After having more experience Lloyd does in fact beat him fair and square! But Cole as a knight takes chivalry and honor very seriously. After losing he feels so much shame but Lloyd snaps him out of it because there's more to being a knight than serving a king!
Zane (aka Percival)
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The third knight of the round table that Lloyd encounters and also one of the toughest opponents Lloyd faces. Zane's fighting style is full of poise and grace and even though he doesn't appear to be as heavy hitting or brute forced as Kai or Cole he is most definitely strong! If not stronger for being able to conceal his power!
Lloyd is an experienced knight at this point, when he has Zane on the ropes part of the cliff they stand on falls off, nearly taking Zane with it. But Lloyd swoops in to save him like a true hero. After questioning Lloyd about why he saved him when he shouldn't have, Lloyd says it's because it's what he does! He saves people!
I wanna develop the knights more outside of the satbk encounters, so hehe. Keep ur eyes peeled for that!
Last but not least the other supportive characters in the story!
Jay (aka the Blacksmith)
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yeah it would've been funny to make Kai the blacksmith but i think Jay works better here!
Jay is the town's local inventor / blacksmith and tthe best kind around! Lloyd goes to his shop to sharpen up Morro Sword and probably visits after every fight he has too lol. Jay doesn't mind at all and likes Lloyd's company! Especially because he will get any chance to show off his newest crazy invention for Lloyd!
Nya (aka Nimue Lady of the Lake)
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Nya takes the place of Nimue who gives Lloyd three tests to become a true knight. I had to put her here because of water.. water symbolism n all that.
She's also very chill and hosts tea parties and invites Lloyd to celebrate after becoming a true knight! She's like an older sister to him too!
And.. yeah that's it i guess lol! I don't have more designs yet to show but I do have ideas and other stuff in mind! if u ever wanna ask about it my ask box is open! i wanna develop more of this funny little au haha
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ivant1ll · 2 years
Can I request a reverse comfort with Mayoi?
Let's say he heard people talking bad about him and he kinda stared panicking that he is not good enough for his s/o? But ofc his lovely partner is there to comfort him
You don't have to write this if you are uncomfortable!
~ anon
"You Are Perfect, Nothing Less."
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. . . Content Desc ( ´ ▽ ` )
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST ANON !! Honestly the first one made me so happy to write and I'm so so SO happy you enjoyed it! HERE COMES READER TO SAVE THE DAY AND GIVE MAYOI NOTHING BUT THE BEST BC WE LOVE HIM . . . LOADING . . . ᘡ Mayoi Ayase x Reader // y/n comforts mayoi through a breakdown ⪩⪨﹒this is a . . . FLUFF !! with sad elements to it.. ⁺﹒TW : unlike the last one, this one doesn't have any tw. the contents of this are much more tame, BUT if you don't enjoy seeing characters have breakdowns and overall in a panicked state then you might wanna skip this one !! i noticed i did this on the last mayoi fic but i haven't done it since so THAT CHANGES TODAY !! hello reader, ily and i'm so proud of you<3 you look so STUNNING today ~ WORD COUNT : 1849
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It would start with small bad comments. "Your boyfriend is Mayoi?! Jeez, does the mood not get eerie or weird at times?" Being the supportive partner you are, you'd reprimand the person for saying such things about your partner, which you couldn't help but smile even thinking about. You simply can't help but be bothered at times at such things people could say about Mayoi without taking any time to truly understand how he is. He has done nothing but be the best he can be for you, and work through any faults he may feel he can fix if it'll make you happy, even if it's something that doesn't even bother you. "Mayoi is beyond amazing", you'd never say anything less than that to yourself. So why then at this very moment, would he be in your arms panicking?
It was a perfectly normal day, you and the plum haired boy had done some cleaning around your small apartment, which you two had finally moved into after long enough living apart. After all was said and done, you both decided to make a commute out to the store to get some food, not realizing you had run out. Normally, Mayoi would choose to stay home when you'd go out shopping, not wanting to be outside any more than he felt like was normal for his standards. But, today you had an urge to ask him to come with you, no specific reason other than just wanting to walk outside with your boyfriend. So, you then proceed to walk up to Mayoi and ask,
"Hey darling, would you like to come shopping with me?"
Hesitant at first, Mayoi is unsure whether him coming with you would even be of any help to the goal of getting food, but nonetheless he would also like to be by your side so he agrees. You make a mental note to make sure you look out for Mayoi though especially at this time of day when the streets are most crowded. So, you both then proceed to grab any necessary items and make your way out the door, beginning the trip to the local supermarket.
Holding Mayoi close, attempting to protect him from any possible triggers or worries that could cause him stress, you are quite shocked when you realize Mayoi actually looks quite relaxed as opposed to how tense he gets when he occasionally goes out walking to places with you. Maybe he wanted to walk with you? You then realize that you have made it to the store, you and Mayoi enter. As a kind gesture, your plum haired lover turns to you and offers to help get some things,
"I..is there anything I can help you get y/n? If you don't mind of course, I wouldn't want to g-grab the wrong thing.."
You smile sweetly at Mayoi's gesture, happy that he would be willing to venture on his own through the store to try and help you.
"Sure thing darling, thank you so much! If you'd like then you could go grab whatever you think we'd need in the house. No need to worry about grabbing the right things we could probably make use of just about anything. Be careful though, and if you need me just call me and I'll head right over to you!" You teasingly lean towards your boyfriend, "And yes, you can grab a few bags of grapes, you'd probably grab some even if I didn't tell you~". You laugh as Mayoi gives a timid smile in response.
You then both part ways, making sure to keep in mind things you may need which you go over to grab. As time passes, so does your cart, but Mayoi doesn't seem to return. This leaves you a bit concerned seeing as when out with Mayoi he doesn't like being away from your side for too long, especially when in situations with a lot of people. So, you begin searching for your partner. Calling his phone wasn't working, "Damnit, he had it on silent didn't he". Getting more worried, you rush down and aisle until you are caught off guard by sudden chatter from a group of people. The moment you heard the mention of your boyfriends name, you decided to listen in.
"Yeah no Ayase's a fuckin weirdo always creeped the shit out of me... if he doesn't suddenly say something some psych ward escapee would say he'd always be acting all suspicious. Can't believe I lived next door to him when we were younger. Even more, heard he got a partner recently, can you believe it?! Bet one day she'll get so scared she just runs away!"
This was followed by an assortment of laughs or scoffs, once you realized the topic of those boys conversation, you had a sudden realization. "He must have heard them." You quickly leave your cart there and rush out the store, desperately looking for your boyfriend. Luckily, you just happen to search around the vicinity of the store, and find him in a dark corner which is far enough away from the sidewalk or parking lot to be seen. You quickly run over to him, and not to your shock given the situation, he is crying. Sobbing in fact, unable to steady his breath you can see him shaking from even the back of his lengthy figure. You quickly grab your boyfriend and firmly says, "Let's go."
You grip his hand in whatever way you can to give him a sense of safety in your grasp. You both proceed to rush back home, Mayoi still in tears unable to really process much, which causes a few stares from other pedestrians along the sidewalk. Quickly setting your things aside as you enter the place, you place your hands on Mayoi's shoulders, sitting him down so he doesn't have to stay standing anymore. You choose to not force him to maintain eye contact, your main goal is to comfort your partner.
"Darling, please.. I don't want you panicking too much" You move one arm back to grab his hand and squeeze it tightly, "Breathe, breathe slowly with me darling. It's okay I'm here." He tries his best in response to follow, but you can tell he has something to say, "I heard everything they said Mayoi, what are you thinking right now? Say however you think you may feel, it's okay."
Mayoi has always feared letting himself speak out how he feels or what's bothering, feeling like he is giving someone trouble doing such but this time he chooses to say how he feels.
"Y/n.. I'm awful! I'm so horrendous and not worth any of the love you could possibly give to trash like me! Everything everyone says about me, y-you don't deserve to hold the burden of being around such a person, I'm nowhere near worth someone like you, or anybody in general." He chokes on his tears as he continues breaking down, "I-I'm nothing more than a strange suspicious creep who would bring nothing but negative attention to you, I'm so terribly sorry y/n. I'm d-disgusting..." He then tries to almost back away from you, as he begins to believe he can't even be near you without thinking you must be disgusted. You are left in nothing but pure heartbreak that the person you love oh so dearly would say such awful things about himself.
Though you are no stranger to Mayoi saying bad things about himself like that, or impulsively letting out thoughts that came to his head, you'd reassure him every time. But this time, something felt so awful about watching him feel this specific way, seeing his panicked face can't help but make you feel like you had to do something immediately, you feel guilty, being the one who brought him out on this trip, so now you had to fix this. There's no way somebody this caring deserves to be treated in such a way by others. Not wanting to catch him off guard in his already jumpy state, you place yourself on the couch too, trying to give the most warm and comforting smile you possibly can. You bring your hand out motioning for your partner to grab it, but you gesture in a way that shows patience, ready for him to hold your hand when he feels is best. A few seconds pass with silence before he gains the courage to do such, and he grabs your hand. You are able to feel how shaky it is. You both are now making eye contact for the first time this whole breakdown. Finally, you decide to say something,
"Mayoi, you are perfect, nothing less. You are worth beyond what I feel as though I'd even deserve in a person and I am absolutely overjoyed to have someone like you in my life. To think people would say such awful things about you is absolutely sickening, but the things that those jackasses say will never change how I see you or how I feel about you. You don't burden me now and never have, and I love you so much now, nor have I never felt the opposite." Mayoi is obviously at a loss at all the sudden kind words you are telling him, unable to process it all he most surely looks overwhelmed, to which you edge a little closer to him and bring him forward into an embrace. "I simply can't hear you say such horrible things about yourself when none of those are true, never do you deserve to feel as though you should call yourself such things. I love you Mayoi, I love you so much darling."
Mayoi takes a second to let out a few more tears before being able to sit up. "Y-y/n... if you really feel as though I shouldn't do that, please know I will do my very best to not do that. I just feel so a-awful bringing nothing but bad attention to yourself even associating with me. At some point it'll b-become nothing but.. too much."
You quickly reassure him, "No no Mayoi, I would never let the "faults" that people that don't know how truly spectacular you are affect at all how I see the person I'm looking at right now that I can say without a doubt that I love." The plum haired boy gives another shy smile in response, almost embarrassed by all the affection and comfort he is receiving.
"T..thank you y/n, I love you. I'm happy to have such a person who would want to see me as anything special", He smiles and sits back.
"I love you too dear," You proceed to place a kiss on his cheek, which his face turns all shades of pink over. To lighten the mood and make a nice joke to make your boyfriend feel even better, "Well... it seems we still have no groceries, seems like we'll be ordering for tonight!" You let out a soft giggle and look towards Mayoi.
"W..well I suppose so y/n- thank you.. thank you so much again."
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sashannarcy · 2 years
um ummm sasha and anne and marcy visiting each other at college [post The Breakup] and theyre like kinda awkward but trying to push through it while ALSO not wanting marcy to realize that they are awkward bc marcy was looking forward to them finally meeting up again soo much and hteyre just like. [accidentally brushes hands] [freeze] [blushes] [so many blushes] [awkward staring] [starts talking then trails off halfway through] [oh they probably think im being so weird] [im being so weird] [this is horrible] [oh god i still love [anne/sasha] dont i] [oh god]
wow that's so cool. watch this
"did I tell you guys I'm planning a webcomic?"
"what?" Anne gasps. "you're serious? isn't that a lot of work?"
"that's pretty cool, Mars," Sasha says, grinning and leaning back in his chair. "how far along are you with it?"
Marcy giggles. "sure is a lot of work! it's kinda killing me, actually," they admit, fiddling with the ends of their hair. "and I'm... probably about halfway through outlining it? maybe? the plot is dense."
Sasha hums and sips at his drink. "props to you, though. wanna tell us what it's about?"
instantly, Marcy's face lights up. "would I? oh my god, I don't even know where to start... okay, so it's like, a mix of the Creatures and Caverns campaign- which is going great, by the way, our next session is gonna be huge- and what happened to us in Amphibia, which I figured was too crazy not to write about..."
this is nice, Sasha thinks to themself as Marcy continues. the three of them are sitting at the Starbucks on Anne's college campus amidst the hustling of busy students. Anne had invited them both to catch up as soon as she'd learned Marcy would be in Los Angeles for the week. finals season was soon, but it wasn't often that Marcy managed to visit, so neither Anne nor Sasha minded taking the time out of their schedules.
Sasha had been more nervous about seeing Anne than any sort of final exam, anyway. they'd all graduated high school two years ago, but sophomore year felt like it had happened just yesterday. and with it...
"so, hold on," Anne interrupts. "you're having two of the main characters get together, just to break them up again? what's the point?"
Marcy's brows furrow together, and they lean forward over the table, tenting their hands. "it's about the angst, Anne. the devotion! they're gonna get back together later on- but not without years of pining. trust me, people eat this shit up. myself included."
Sasha's throat bobs. Anne squints. "alright," she concedes. "I mean- well, never mind."
Marcy tilts their head. "what is it? bad trope?"
Anne shakes her head, smiling. "no, not at all. um-"
Sasha doesn't realize his eyes are on Anne's face until it's too late. Anne's gaze flits over to him- they make eye contact for all of a microsecond. it feels more like a decade. warm brown meets mismatched mahogany and cyan, and everything buried beneath days and weeks and months and lifetimes of misunderstandings and rushed emotions surfaces in a heartbeat. he's sixteen all over again; he's hoping all over again, because he’ll never be able to let Anne go, not fully. Sasha's insides are molten- what's a glance like this supposed to mean while their friend is talking about true love and yearning?
externally, the situation is a little more embarrassing: her cheeks flush a faint pink, and a squeak escapes her that's thankfully muffled by the sounds of the people around them. and then Anne looks back at Marcy, making Sasha's chest feel like it's been suddenly decompressed.
"well, how are you gonna fit years of time into it?" Anne saves herself. she reaches a hand up to scratch the back of her neck. nervous tell, Sasha's mind provides. looks like you're not so sly after all. "won't it be really long?"
Marcy blinks. "no, I'll just do a time-skip. with scattered in flashbacks, of course."
"right. okay, carry on," Anne replies, waving a hand.
Sasha exhales slowly. it'd been awkward between her and Anne all day, full of fleeting glances and accidental brushing of hands in between their regular back-and-forth. they'd been trying to keep it together for Marcy's sake- luckily, Marcy seemed oblivious to the tension between them.
Marcy pauses. "I could carry on," they muse. "but- Anne, that's not what you were gonna say originally, was it?"
spoke too soon.
Anne's face pales minutely. "er- I dunno what you mean."
"hm. well, that's okay," Marcy says. there's a wicked glint in their eye. "by the way, you do know some parts of this are based off of true events? I did mention that, yeah?"
"yes, you did," Sasha finally chips in, voice all but strangled.
Marcy grins. "I just think it'd be funny- I mean, let me rephrase-"
"Marcy," Anne warns, and now her face is red.
"oh, come on, guys," Marcy protests, finally breaking. "don't act like I haven't noticed... whatever is going on between you two!" they sigh dramatically. "I mean, for the love of- are you guys seeing anyone? each other, maybe?"
Sasha chokes on his drink. Anne drops her head into her hands with an audible thud.
"no," Anne mumbles, muffled. Sasha is hacking up a lung; Anne removes one of her hands from her face to thump Sasha's back a few times.
"thanks," Sasha splutters. "wow. uh-" they cough again. "no, we're not- no."
Marcy rolls their eyes. "you should." they stand up abruptly, and Sasha's heart kicks into overtime. "alright, here, I'm going to the bathroom. figure it out before I'm back."
"wh- Marcy!"
"for the trope, you two!" they shout back at the table, already halfway across the room. "for the trope!"
"good lord," Sasha groans, sliding down in his chair.
"so much for a normal catching up," Anne grumbles.
"cheers." Sasha takes a long sip of her drink, staring hard at the table's surface.
Anne exhales. "no, I shouldn't say that. it's been fun. it's just- the-" Sasha looks up to see Anne gesturing between the two of them. "whatever."
"hey," Sasha quips in mock offense. "we can be normal."
Anne snorts. "yeah, sure."
there's silence for a few long moments.
"you think they're spying on us?" Sasha finally whispers.
"probably," Anne snickers. her voice is a little shaky, but it's bright; it's happy. she stirs her drink idly. "you know, we did promise them we'd listen to them more often."
"we did."
Sasha meets Anne's gaze, gentle. "so."
"we should probably do that, right?" the question is shy.
Sasha huffs out a laugh under his breath. "depends." his hands are visibly trembling. "you have something you wanna get off your chest, Boonchuy?"
Anne smiles, eyes twinkling.
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its-tiamat · 2 years
Hiii! I hope you're doing great o(≧▽≦)o I have a request, if it's alright :D I'm soo curious, how does it feel to be close friend with Shigaraki and Miruko (separated. and, if you write for Miruko. If not, just Shigaraki is fine!)? I wonder how they will treat their closest friend, and how they will spend their time with said friend~ that's my request heheh. Thank you soooo much!! (≧◡≦)
Ofc I will write for them! I love them both! Also there's not that much Miruko content, so it's an interesting request <3 I do have a soft spot for Shiggy too, actually I should write more about him. Anyway here we go, hope you will like this!
Pairings: Tomura Shigaraki × gn!reader • Miruko × gn!reader
Warnings: there are some swear words here and there lol
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Shigaraki doesn't have a lot of friends, and sometimes he doesn't text back for months.
You know he's probably busy with the League though so when a week later he finally answers your text, asking if you wanna go over to play videogames, you always accept.
As I already said in my other headcanon, please bring him snacks bc he forgets to eat. And to clean his room. I just KNOW his room is a mess, and that there are little piles of dust on the floor that used to be things he didn't need anymore, and that he decayed for fun. And left there.
The other members of the league are used to it/too scared to point it out, when you come over and start scolding him they are kinda relieved. Of course, you're the only one that can bully his dumb ass without getting decayed.
He's almost nice to you to be honest. He can't really bully you back without sounding like an offended toddler.
"God, Tomura, your room looks like shit. I bet there are rats living under your bed."
"Who cares, I've already turned on the console, let's play." He shrugs.
"No, you landfill raccoon looking hobo," you say unplugging his game, "We are cleaning up this place."
"Are you ssstupid?" he hisses back. You point at a pile of dust near him. "What did that use to be?"
"...I don't remember."
After the room goes back to looking like a place you can actually live in, you finally let him beat you at whatever game he wants, and try out new ones together. Sometimes you let another member of the league join, as long as they bring more snacks.
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To you, Miruko (but you call her Rumi of course) is like an older sister. An energetic, loud, stubborn older sister.
Like, I honestly can't imagine her if not as an extremely loud person, probably when she calls you on the phone you gotta turn the volume down a bit if you don't want everyone in the room to know what she's saying. And to save your eardrums. Anyway, not someone you can play Telephone with.
Also, forget about putting her on speaker around others. She just can't keep herself from swearing, and all the four letter words she managed to keep to herself while on hero duty are going to come out. You don't really mind it, she has such a stressful job after all. She needs to blow off some steam, and that's what friends are for.
"Hi Ru-"
"You have no idea what piece of fucker I had to save today. Shit, those people should be left to drown."
"Girl, you shouldn't say that kind of stuff though..."
"No Y/n, you don't get it. I'm jumping out of a canal with this man over my shoulder. And the fucker tries. To touch. My ass. Stop laughing, I was this close to dropping him back in the water."
Also, she's stubborn af so get ready for long ass discussions on whether she's right or you are over the most disparate topics.
God only knows how many times you were just about to throw hands, but that's also part of your relationship. You value her opinion. She values yours.
So even when you argue, it's never just for the sake of it. Which I think would be kinda toxic, to be honest.
Under her tough exterior of muscles and swear words, your friend is an honest, caring woman. You can trust her to always be true to you, and to be there when you need someone to cheer you up.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 3 years
the poison to the blade - c!technoblade
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summary; techno finds a young cave spider hybrid kid. what will he do?
genre; child! reader, platonic relationship, techno is a dad now, fluff, comedy, bullet fic
a/n; this ain't your ordinary child! reader with techno. it's better bc i found something original. which is a cave spider hybrid. i was gonna put this as little blade but i was like, too many people use little blade so,,,, that's where this title came from
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so obviously, you were found in a cave.
you were sort stuck in your own web and waiting for some help.
techno had found you and you had made a ruckus to get him to help you.
well... it was more like crying as you were basically a baby who had no way to really communicate or talk in any way.
the voices were rather loud and sending one too many messages to techno
some saying to off you, some saying to keep you, some saying to just leave you be
it took a lot of thinking but he eventually saved you.
now that you were basically his kid
he did not want you
always gave you to phil, no questions asked
of course you wanted to stick with techno, and i mean literally.
your hands would always have your web on it, so you would end up grabbing onto techno's shirt and just hang there.
you would always be under his cape on his back though, that's when him and phil find out that you love small dark spaces. you were a cave spider after all.
you like sticking yourself on the ceiling. while techno is not the most fond of it, he knows you can get yourself down eventually unless you start crying
you were scared of phil bc you thought he was a scary bird that would swoop in and get you.
so you stuck with techno for a long while
you were too scared to leave him
soon you get over your fear of dadza but that doesn't mean you'll stop clinging onto techno
techno refuses to accept that you only cling to him
he fully know that you only cling onto him though-
he just doesn't wanna admit it.
"techno just admit it."
"admit what?"
"you and i both know what im talking about, mate."
both of them just stare at you as you eat your food.
first words? dad ofc. dadza taught you that word just to surprise techno
yeah,,, techno loves you now and will literally fight anything for you
also you start to grow sharp teeth!! you get two fangs on the top row of your teeth and it gives you a bit of an overbite.
you were sad that you didn't have cool tusks on your bottom row like techno
but you and him did find out that you could spit poison.
you bit techno one time and uh,,, he got poisoned for a while
you cried because you didn't mean to hurt him
"i'm sorry..."
"don't be sorry, kid. we didn't know this would happen."
you were sad about it for two weeks
also you were very scared about any other abilities you had
phil was very interested though and wanted to see what else you had
but it seemed like after the poison spit, that was mostly it.
meeting ranboo was really cool!! you both bonded pretty easily due to ranboo's kind nature
although you were terrified of his tall height as he was part enderman
but you guys had fun making a basement in his house. sometimes you go and scare him or you just sit there with the pets
it's very endearing seeing you cling onto techno like a baby
you always hide behind techno's cape but eventually techno makes you your own cape
it's a bit big, you'll grow into it though
sometimes you have those wholesome moments where you go to him if you have a nightmare and he comforts you, and then you have moments like-
"hey, bub?"
"you think i can have some of your spit? i wanna try something."
it's amazing the synergy you two have though
very much scary dog and nice owner vibes, techno being the scary dog ofc,,,
but when people try and go for techno, it's like a lightswitch. you start getting all angry and try and fight the person while techno tries to hold you back by your cape
he loves you but pls give the man a break
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logicheartsoul · 3 years
how to deal with poor fic reception? i have an ocxcanon series that i put a LOT of my heart/soul into. i just started posting the first few chs. bc it’s oc/canon + a smol fandom, i have no delusions abt how much attention it will get. it has gotten a nice number of kudos so far….but no comments. i’m trying to tell myself it’s OK but it’s kinda hard to feel OK…i’m not sure how to deal with this so i can still keep writing the whole series since i do love the story very very much
I guess it depends on the definition on what you mean by 'poor fic reception' because depending on the fandom and depending on how many fans are in it and how active it is, something that may have low numbers in a bigger, more active fandom, may actually be doing pretty well. I've been in a variety of very rare, small, niche fandoms and some extremely big, active ones. Something like 15 kudos in a small af fandom is pretty significant, coz the smaller the pool of people, the more likely most of the fans have seen it, you know? Even in a big fandom, 15 isn't bad either -- in all the content they had to choose from, those 15 decided to look at your work? That's pretty damn good I feel.
Just by the general nature of things, any fics that are primarily only oc/canon fic is gonna be harder to get more reception than if a fic has canon/canon only ship or if it's a fic with canon/canon and oc/canon. I could probably get into it, and there's lot of meta essays discussing the why's about it, but the fact is, it's just naturally harder to get more readers into it. Since you've mentioned about having no delusions about the attention, I'm sure you know the reasons that I do too.
It's good you got a lot of kudos so far! I dunno if you've seen the Meaning of Kudos post (which is a survey done by readers of ao3 on what they actually mean when they kudos a fic) but all those kudos do mean something, and it's all positive.
I totally understand though, wanting to hear what people think about the work and effort you've put into a story, and how it may seem like silence. A good thing to keep in mind is that [x] amount of people read your work and liked it. Sometimes it's hard to lose sight of it because it's numbers on a screen, but a good trick I've learned from someone is picture being in a room. Imagine the number of people you got for those kudos or hits. If it's 26, holy shit, that's 26 people, that's almost the start of a big party! If it's 100 or more, that's the size of a big college lecture class.
Another thing I know from reading fic for a long time and writing fic and being friends with fic writers for years, is that many people might enjoy the premise/idea of an on-going story but will wait for it to be completed before reading it. Some of them they got burned by amazing WIPs and then the authors abandoned the stories or it doesn't update for years or they have limited time to read fic and wanna read it all in one go. And even if people are reading your on-going fic, they sometimes don't comment for the same reason -- they want to save all their thoughts and opinions til the very end.
That being said, there's nothing wrong with asking in the author's notes about leaving a comment. Of course, not in a rude way, but something like 'oh I spent a lot of time working on this chapter this week because...[insert reason], I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments!' or something along those lines. Sometimes readers just need some nice encouragement to leave a comment, even if it's just an emoji reaction.
If the story is one you love writing, I hope you keep going at it! I hope these things might help make it easier, coz it can really get tough. But I hope it won't discourage you to keep going.
Now, if you want to potentially get more eyes to look at your work -- and therefore increase the chances of a reader who does comment to show up -- there are ways to do that. They're not all guaranteed, of course, and I've known MANY an amazing fic writer whose works can get overlooked for lots of reasons and the most popular work can be someone who's just managing to be striking it hot while the timing is right with the most popularly sought out tropes with decent enough execution on the ideas. Popularity does not equal skill and does NOT indicate people who are not popular enough are bad writers.
This response is getting kinda lengthy, so I'll leave it under the cut.
Some of that is of course making sure you're not posting in the AO3 dead zone hours (which I recently found out is a thing, wtf) (check this post out for more info ) so that it allows your chapter updates to show up on the front page of your pairing's tag and a better chance at new readers to see it.
There's also promoting the fic on a tumblr account (either a personal tumblr, a writing only tumblr, or a fandom only tumblr, whatever you want to choose) and using the right tags to get eyes on it (first 5 for it to show up on tagged pages and first 10 for in search results). Please don't use tags that have nothing to do with the fic --characters or pairings that aren't relevant -- because the fans of those tags will most likely just block you, but also it's easier to maintain tagging to relevant stuff as well. Also, it just makes fans of those characters or pairings annoyed, to the point of possibly writing posts about that very thing. And annoyed/mad fans will spread the knowledge of who is doing that kind of thing if they're mean/petty enough. Just better for everyone around to stick with fandoms, characters, and pairing tags that are relevant.
And don't be afraid to reblog your own work to promote it -- people have busy lives and also live in different timezones and countries and so whoever might be seeing might be like, 'oh! This fic updated!'
Another good tip is to regularly update but not post like 5 chapters at once. Max 2 chapters in one go is ok, but space out the chapter updates if you aren't already doing so. That allows people time to read each part through. The only exception I can think of for more than 2 chapters if it's like... the very end of the story, then people can be like 'oh this 20 chaptered fic is complete! I can start reading it now!'
Also, people love following authors they like on other platforms, so if you're comfortable with it, you can also leave in the author's notes the tumblr account you'd want them to interact with.
There's too making friends in the fandom you're in -- people who can understand and share your enthusiasm for why you wanna write this. Sometimes what we're searching for when wanting comments for our fics, other than validation, is just someone to connect to and seeing how what we created connected with them. Sometimes just getting a friend's comment can be better than a random person's.
And, while not all fandoms do this, some do, and that's to find a person or a fandom blog that helps promote other writers for their works and getting someone's eyes on it. Like a pairing/reading library or someone who routinely recs works and encourages others to send their fics in so they can check it out. That could also help! Of course, that's no guarantee the person or people running it WILL read it but sometimes you just gotta put yourself out there. You won't always strike but you never know.
Anyways, I hope all of this was helpful, anon! I do hope you get more good feedback on your fic, that someone will comment, and that you continue enjoying writing this story you love.
And of course, if none of this helps, sometimes it IS ok to step back and take a break. Take a break from the writing or in fandom, whether that's a day or a week or longer. No comments is not an indicator of your worth as a person or as a writer. Sometimes, stepping back to distract ourselves or to not think about it for awhile helps refocus it all.
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damerondala · 3 years
🍒 I loved what you wrote for my Boba request, so good and so on point 😘👌🏻 How are you liking the season so far? I have…mixed feelings lol. I’m trying to save my judgement until the end of the series though, there’s still so much more they can do with it.
Anyway…I have a uh Thot 🙃 Totally unrelated to Boba. There’s this gif of Jesse and Kix talking during the Bad Batch arc in S7 (i wish i knew how to add images in here!) But every time i see it, i’m just drawn to how thicc Jesse’s thighs look and 🥵 i just can’t handle it. So i’ve come to see if my very best friend here can help a poor girl out with her Jesse Thigh Attraction. Pretty pleaseee? 😇🍒
oh honey you don't even have to pretty please this request bc i know EXACTLY the scene you are talking about. when he and kix are making fun of the batch right?? oh my god this actually made my day - hell probably my whole week! (i am also so sorry for taking so long, this semester is proving itself to be a lot but i’m also really excited for it:) hope you understand <3)
i also have mixed feelings about bobf so far. i don’t wanna sound like one of those fanboys and bitch about it but the third episode just really didn’t do it for me, i'm frankly kind of pissed how they just threw the storyline about the tuskens out the window. it was so interesting to see boba connecting with them and really humanizing them and then bleh they just killed them off and gave us space power rangers which i thought was bullshit. AND i love din but what the hell? this is supposed to be a love letter to boba fucking fett??
ANYWAYS enough of my babbling, i really hope the show picks up from here on out! 
good ol arc trooper jesse content under the cut. 18+
okay we're gonna do this in a bulleted list bc i feel like i can capture everything better that way so without further adooooo...
i feel like jesse lowkey doesn't even really think twice about his thighs
like he always thought that most people liked troopers arms because they were nice and muscular, like that’s the socially acceptable thing to like right?
wrong, jesse. so fucking wrong.
you notice how big his legs look the first time you meet him. the dirty, white plastid wrapping so perfectly around his absolute fuckin ham hocks, the long treks across countless planets doing wonders for the muscles there 
but the first time you really realized how strong his legs were was when you first slept together, the way his thighs felt so solid while smacking against the back of your own, driving home into your slick with loud, unashamed grunts 
one time while y'all are fooling around, you grab onto his thighs while he's pressed up against you, massaging them a little more than necessary tbh
and that's when it clicks in his cute noggin 
he kind of falters for a quick second upon realizing you really like his thighs, probably even more than he likes yours
but jesse is so smug (god i love him) and so of course he uses this opportunity to tease you about it
he gets harder each time you whimper at his teasing, "you got a dirty little secret, baby?"
when you gasp out a “yes” at that tone of his voice you both are so eager to get busy but he drags it out because of course he does even though he’s already leaking while imagining you humping his thick thighs 
jesse gets up from where he was slotted in between your legs and replaces his body with just one of his thighs, his knee pushing down into the soft bedding at the bottom of your ass 
he takes this opportunity to look down and admire your flustered state, your clothes rumpled, a tit peeking out of the collar of your low cut shirt
jesse has a wide hand clasped around one of your legs, bringing your core closer to his thigh and tsks when you try to grind against it. tightening his grip on your thigh and bringing his other hand down to your heat
“hang on, baby. lemme get you started.” 
he starts using his middle finger to prod at your engorged clit through your panties, deliberately swirling once you let out a nice, long sigh
he groans when he feels the wet fabric of your panties rub against his bare thigh, the erection in his underwear now painfully obvious against your bent leg that he has pulled flush to himself
you whimper for him, “i-jesse... oh wanna come.” 
he huffs out a breath of air, trying to concentrate on bringing you to your high but ultimately decides that this is as best time as ever to try out what you have been dreaming about
he stops and pulls away, hooking his hands around you waist to bring you up, “and i wanna see what it is that has you so fucking wet.” 
jesse gives a quick smack to your ass as he swaps your spot for his, although he elects to sit up against the headboard, guiding your hips to straddle his bent leg
you fully sit on his thigh and he, again, groans at the contact. you’re aching and waste no time in moving your hips back and forth, riding jesse’s thigh with fluid thrusts 
your mouth immediately hangs open at the feeling of your panties helping the friction on your clit, and it’s safe to say that jesse loves the view
the sight of him leaning back, his cock tenting his briefs and his arms gripping your hips urges you to speed up, unbothered with how the bed creaks with each roll of your body, your moans traveling through the room with no couth 
jesse knows you like it when he lets his mouth run on and on during sex, and he begins babbling nonsense when your knee begins to nudge his full balls, the feeling making him begin to sweat
“take it, cyar’ika.” a moan cuts him off, “you like fucking my thighs? yeah? so fucking dirty. you’re my dirty girl.” 
you’re moving so quickly your upper body begins to bounce on top of him, your moans becoming impossibly louder and more frequent 
your eyes squeeze shut when you feel the pool of heat in your stomach feel it’s about to overflow, nearly screaming jesse’s name as you grip his shoulders and come in your panties
jesse groans along with you, moving to sweet talk you as you begin to calm down, “oooh look at that. my pretty little thing.” 
Jesse is definitely a talker but i think he also really likes physical touch so when you’re calming down he likes to run the back of his hand against your cheeks, whispering about how pretty you are and how he loves taking care of you, giving you kisses wherever he can reach 
from then on, whenever you two are going to have a quickie, or just want to have some fun foreplay, your thighs are wrapped around one of jesse’s incredibly beefy thighs. bound to make your neighbors complain about the noise. 
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cross-d-a · 4 years
As I'm slowly making my way through DMBJ Vol. 8 (takes place right after Ultimate Note), I'm coming across a lot of little passages that I adore and want to share bc Feelings✨
Warning: these excerpts obviously contain spoilers for what happens after Ultimate Note. So if you don't want spoilers please skip this post! (*・∀-)☆
For all these posts I'm using MereBear's absolutely amazing translations!!! Please check out their work!!! They put a lot of time and effort into it❤️✨
The scene I really wanna talk about first takes place in Chapter 25: No Choice.
To set it up a bit: Wu Xie is still masquerading as Sanshu and has returned to the mountains to try to find his friends. He's got a whole team of people with him and he manages to reunite with Pangzi who's escaped the horrors underground. Pangzi's got a map leading to Xiao Ge carved into his own belly. Before Pangzi wakes up, Pan Zi and Xiao Hua decide to follow the map while Wu Xie anxiously waits above ground. Then they lose contact and Pangzi wakes up. Wu Xie and Pangzi are eager to rescue their friends so they set out with the rest of their team. Except!! Wu Xie hasn't found a good moment to reveal himself to Pangzi!! He's still posing as Sanshu and it's Stressing him The Fuck Out. THEN! We get this lovely little gem of a passage:
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It's such a cute little moment!! And also a meaningful one. Pangzi knew it was Wu Xie and he still kept up the charade so Wu Xie could save face. Wu Xie's somehow managed to fool everyone but Pangzi (and believe me, Wu Xie's barely scraping by the skin of his teeth at times). But Pangzi knows Wu Xie so well that he immediately saw it was him. And he still chose to follow Wu Xie despite not knowing his plan. Despite not knowing why exactly he was masquerading as Sanshu. He trusts Wu Xie so much that he didn't even question it. He just ran with it, damn the details.
Except, okay I'm gonna rip the rug right out from under this sweet moment because there is something hilarious about this scene, too. In Chapter 15: Fatty in the Gap, Wu Xie finds Pangzi who is hurt and mostly unconscious, and Wu Xie is just losing his mind a bit with worry. I'm gonna do a post about this particular scene later, but what you need to know is this:
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Wu Xie TELLS Pangzi that he's actually Wu Xie and not Sanshu! He fucking tells him! Is Wu Xie so worried about Pangzi that he immediately forgets this? Does he get so distracted by everything after this moment that he forgets? (Xiao Hua and Pan Zi do leave after this, and Wu Xie's going a bit crazy worrying about Xiao Ge) Pangzi is also very out of it when Wu Xie tells him and he's comatose for a while afterwards, so maybe Wu Xie didn't think Pangzi heard. But even through the pain Pangzi reaches out and grabs Wu Xie's wrist, like Wu Xie is the only thing that could reach him. And then he relaxes. Like he's acknowledging Wu Xie. Like he's comforted by Wu Xie being there. He trusts Wu Xie. That is so painfully obvious. (And oh god there is a LOT about the deep trust between Wu Xie and Pangzi in Vol. 8 like holy shit)
But also, if we assume that Pangzi does know 'Sanshu' is Wu Xie because he remembered this moment- it is fucking hilarious that Pangzi chooses to tease Wu Xie in that Chapter 25 reveal moment. It is so in character for their relationship. However, I think Pangzi would know it's Wu Xie without being told. They just know each other so well. They understand each other so well, though they're still learning. (more on this in a later excerpt post!!)
And right after Pangzi reveals that he knows who Wu Xie is, Wu Xie scolds Pangzi for not telling him beforehand:
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And there we have it again. Pangzi's unwavering trust. "Of course I'll cooperate with you," he says. Because Pangzi would follow Wu Xie to hell and back.
And, because I am always crying about the theme of trust in Vol.8, the conversation ends with this:
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I just- have so many feelings about this little scene. Once again, Wu Xie and Pangzi understand each other so well. But I think Pangzi understands Wu Xie more than Wu Xie understands himself. We talk about Wu Xie being a bleeding heart a lot, and it's true. And Pangzi knows it. He sees it, he recognizes it, and he knows it's Wu Xie's greatest strength and worst flaw. In these chapters, Pangzi establishes that he does not trust Xiao Hua. He does not trust Granny Huo. He does not trust anyone in this expedition. He trusts no one but Wu Xie. And Wu Xie trusts far too easily. Pangzi loves Wu Xie so much, but he realizes that if Wu Xie continues in this way he won't survive. Not alone. This is why Pangzi puts himself in this caretaker role. He'd rather be the one to take the brunt of the darkness of the world (he is much like Xiao Ge in this way, treasuring Wu Xie's innocence). But Pangzi is also practical. Pangzi can't always be there to save him. In fact, Wu Xie's been separated from him for a while now. And as much as it pains Pangzi, he wants to teach Wu Xie not to trust so easily. Because he knows Wu Xie won't survive this by being so naive. (Again, even if his naïveté is one of the reasons why Wu Xie is so precious to Pangzi)
There's a lot of character development in Vol.8 that really hurts, especially because it foreshadows Wu Xie's character in Sha Hai. Here, Wu Xie is young, and he's thrust into this grand plot he's desperately trying to figure out. And he's alone for a lot of it. Left to fend for himself and pretend to be someone he is not. Someone who is ruthless and scheming. Someone who puts the mission above all else. And this someone (Sanshu) raised him. It's a lot to deal with. Especially when he starts seeing these traits reflected in himself. But if he doesn't act this way, then the people he loves will die. So he forces himself to carry on despite this bleeding heart. I'm gonna do later posts about how Wu Xie sees himself, but I think this book is really the beginning of how young Wu Xie grows into the hurt and weary Wu Xie we see in Sha Hai.
Anyways, I just really wanted to share this little moment between Wu Xie and Pangzi. Especially because I feel like their relationship sometimes gets overshadowed by Pingxie. This little scene stole my heart not only because it's adorable, but because it's very heartbreaking and truly reveals their characters and relationship ❤️
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The Lesser of Two Evils
Jimmy Conway x Paulie's Daughter Reader
Just felt like writing for Jimmy... Also bc I like @yesbelladoesstuff 's man more than my own apparently 😂😝
TW: mentions of crime, mention of age gap, implied smut
Word Count: 3k
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After four long years full of hard work and missing your family, college was finally over! You hadn't gone far for college, and you visited as possible, but the work load of college doesn't always allow for that. For Paulie, it was important that you get a degree, even if you didn't have a "real" job after college; he just knew you were too smart, and you knew it would make him so proud that his little girl finished college.
You moved home on a Thursday after finals and took Friday to just spend time with your dad and the rest of your immediate family, before the rest of your "family" came over for the big party on Saturday. This included Tommy, Henry, and Jimmy and all the various "uncles" your dad did business with. It was a closed circle of people.
You had been home for holidays and summers in between semesters, but towards the end of college, you really started to realize that you weren't in the loop like you used to be. Tommy had really grown into a well-respected mobster, and you respected that they may make him within the next few years. He was still hot headed as ever though. As for Henry, it seemed like he tried to hold off as long as he could, as he had always had a huge crush on you, and everyone, including Paulie, had placed bets on when you two would get together. But he had started going out with this girl named Karen. You had only met her a few times, but you had heard that she kept Henry on the straight and narrow. Good for her.
Jimmy hadn't had too much change in his life during your years at college, except that he had too younger mobsters to help him on his various jobs. He made a lot more money because of them! You never thought when you went to college that you would find yourself missing Jimmy as much as you did; of course, you had always been close with him just like you were with Tommy and Henry, but there was just something about him. He was always very cool, and his jokes were few and far between but hilarious when he told them. He had always been protective over you in a way the other two weren't, you guessed because he was older, but he also let you get away with stuff your dad would've had a heart attack over. Hell, Jimmy encouraged bad behavior.
And that's where you found yourself early Saturday afternoon: fighting off thoughts of Jimmy, and a little nervous to see him because of it.
The table is all set, covered in a black table cloth, with gold and silver decorations everywhere to celebrate your graduation. A few dishes full of your favorite foods are set out, and more will arrive as the family does.
As the family pours in, the table fills with dishes and becomes surrounded by people you've known practically your whole life. You are handed envelopes full of cash, each one thicker than the last. That's how you did presents in this business.
You wondered where the boys were... It's unusual that they didn't show up first.
After a while, Henry arrives with Karen and they greet you with the usual hugs and kisses on the cheek; you can tell Karen is still getting used to greeting people like this. "Glad you have you home, (Y/N)! Congrats!" Henry exclaims. Rather than money, they gift you with a beautiful set of jewelry. You knew Karen was good for Henry, and now you know she has good taste.
"Oooh, there she is!" Jimmy yells as he's coming in the door. Tommy and Jimmy show up right after Henry and Karen. They were likely all hanging out before coming over, but you had to wonder why they didn't just take the same car. Tommy hands you a stack of cash, like he was taught to do, giving you kisses on your cheeks and a sincere congrats for graduating. Before you can really finish up your conversation with Tommy, Jimmy is scooping you up into his arms and twirling you around playfully, earning a squeal from you. "Atta girl! We knew you could do it!" He lets you down gently and pulls you in for a proper hug. "Congratulations, (Y/N). You know everyone here is so proud of you."
As you move back into the dining room and living room to rejoin the party and visit with everyone, Jimmy's hand lingers on you: your shoulder blades, the small of your back, wrapped lightly around your hip. He had always been a bit handsy with you; it's just how you two were with one another, but today it's affecting you more than usual.
Jimmy is wrapped up in a conversation about something he's been bootlegging with one of the uncles, so you turn to him to say, "Hey Jimmy, in gonna go sit with my dad at the table, 'cause I think we're eating soon. I'll save you a seat next to me, if you want it."
"Okay, sweetie, I'll be there in a little while."
You walk away taking a deep breath to try and clear your mind. Had you always felt this way about Jimmy or had something changed?
You say next to your dad and leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Hey there, girlie! You enjoying the party? Everything okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay. It's good seeing everyone again, and knowing that I get to stay home for good this time."
Paulie puts his arms around you, squeezing you tight. He always gave the best hugs! "I'm so happy you're back home. It's been pretty lonely without my girl here... Now I'm gonna have to beat off guys with a stick to keep you here," he lets out a chuckle.
"Oh, Dad, I'm not going anywhere, and you know that. Besides, Henry went and got a girlfriend, so there goes my only shot at a boyfriend."
"Now, you know Henry wasn't your only option. What about Tommy?"
You both look across the room to see Tommy flirting with someone's daughter...
"Ehhh, no," you and your dad say in unison before having a big laugh together.
"Is this seat taken?"
You look over your shoulder to see Jimmy standing behind the chair next to you, "Reserved for you."
"Oh, good!" Jimmy takes a moment to say hello to Paulie before sitting down next to you.
Paulie stands up to announce that it's time to eat, but first he makes a small speech to let everyone know how proud he is of you for finishing college, and that you were always too bright and talented to belong to him.
While Paulie is standing at the head of the table, Jimmy reaches over to your lap under the table and takes your hand in his. You look at him, trying to hide that he's affected you in any way. He gives you a small smirk, and rubs his thumb over yours for just a moment before letting your hand go.
Paulie takes his seat, and people start spooning food out of dishes and into their plates, and you're left wondering what just happened and what was meant by it.
Luckily, the rest of dinner was pretty uneventful, and the food was always so tasty. After everyone got their bellies full, everyone mingled wherever they liked around the house. Some went into the backyard to get a small bonfire going so some of the kids could have roasted marshmallows; some of the guys started inside the house and started pulling out cards and chips and stacks of money; many of the wives gather in the kitchen or the living room to talk all the latest gossip.
You notice Tommy, Jimmy, Henry, and Karen taking lowly and giggling with one another in a small circle. Normally they would've invited you over, so there's definitely something suspicious going on.
"(Y/N)!" Paulie says, waving you over, "come here, kiddo."
"Dad, I just finished college; I'm not really a kid anymore!" You give him a laugh and walk over to him.
He puts an arm over your shoulders and says, "Well, you'll always be my kid." He pauses for a moment before looking across the room and yelling, "Conway!"
The room quiets down, waiting for Jimmy's response. All of the guys and Karen turn to you and your dad. "Yes, Paulie?" Jimmy says with a smug look on his face.
"When you came in here, I didn't see you give my little girl any presents for her graduation. No cash, no cute little boxes with bows. What's the matter with you?" Paulie voice is raised so everyone can hear him. This is very odd behavior, as he normally handles things pretty quietly, so you know something is up.
"Well, ya see, Paulie..." Jimmy starts walking towards you, "I didn't hand her any envelope full of 50s, and I didn't give her any boxes with bows, because what I got for her was too big to fit through the front door." Jimmy lowers his voice to a whisper now that he's in front of you. "You wanna go see your present?"
You now realize that your dad and the guys are all in on some kind of surprise.
"Yes, please."
That's all Jimmy needs to hear before he's picking you up to take you outside. Henry and Tommy rush to the door to open it, and everyone that heard what was going on follows you outside to see what the surprise is.
You and Jimmy can't stop giggling while there are lots of hoots and hollers from everyone gathering outside with you. Jimmy lets you down and spins you around so you're facing the driveway. Sitting there is a beautiful black muscle car with a big gold bow on the hood.
He wraps his arms around your waist and whispers in your ear, "You like it, princess?"
"I- uh... yes," you can barely get a response out; you certainly weren't expecting this. Jimmy was all about handing out money and giving expensive gifts, but nothing like this... He didn't like to do anything that would put this kind of attention on him.
"It's the one you said you wanted right?"
"Yes, Jimmy. It's perfect," you say with a huge smile as you turn to hug him. "Thank you so much!"
"Anything for you, (Y/N)." Jimmy pulls a key out of his pocket and hands it to you. You take it from him and run over to unlock the car and climb in. Immediately, Tommy climbs in the front seat next you you and is shouting, "C'mon! Let's take this thing on a spin!!" Henry and Karen climb in the back seat and Henry only starts egging you on saying, "Let's crank this thing up and get outta here, (Y/N)!"
"Okay, okay! We'll drive it, but only if Jimmy comes too. He paid for the thing after all!"
"Jimmy! Get your ass over here!" Tommy yells before climbing in the back seat with Henry and Karen.
Jimmy runs over and gets in the passenger seat next you you. "Try not to kill us, okay?"
You turn the key in the ignition and the engine fires up loudly, which gets Henry and Tommy rowdy in the back seat. All the people in the front yard were raising their glasses and cheering as you backed out of the driveway! Before driving away from the house, you slowed down and Jimmy rolled down his window so Paulie could pop his head in.
"You guys be careful, and don't let anything happen to that one right there," he says pointing to you.
"Hell, Paulie, she's the one you gotta worry about!" Henry pipes up getting a laugh out of everyone.
"Yeah, well..." he chuckles, knowing it's true and realizing his little girl is all grown up. "Happy graduation, baby; go have fun!"
"Thank you, Dad! Love you!" you yell before driving off, a little too fast.
• • •
After you, the guys, and Karen, whom you had really grown to like, had been driving around a while, you decide to stop off at a small park while the sun sets. It's a cute little public park with a lake, a pavilion with tables for picnics, a small playground for kids (naturally the boys go and play on the playground), and lots of open space with soft grass.
With the boys being boys running around chasing each other, you and Karen get some time to talk alone.
"Seems like you've got Henry tied down pretty well. Takes a tough lady to do that."
"Yeah, well he stood me up on our second date, and so I told him off in front of his friends. We been together since."
"Oh yeah, word got back to me on that one. You had all the guys pretty shocked," you say though a laugh, "They made fun of him a good bit for it, so he must like you a lot if he put up with that."
"Yeah, I think he does." She pauses for a minute. "I've heard from some people that Henry always had a crush on you, and that everyone thought you two would end up together. I'm sorry if I got in the way of that."
"Oh, no! No need to apologize. Henry liked me when we were kids, and it feels like more of a joke now than anything. I don't think I could deal with him as well as you do," you give her a reassuring smile.
"So, you gonna give Jimmy a shot?"
"Hmm? What? You mean Jimmy and me?" You stutter out.
"Yeah, I mean, I know he's older, but it seems like he really likes you!"
"You think Jimmy likes me?"
"Well, yeah girl! He bought you ya dream car!" She says excitedly, her New York accent really shining through.
"Karen!" Henry calls from the playground.
"Whaddayou want?!"
"Come over here, honey!"
You see Jimmy walking towards you and Karen, and notice that Tommy is flirting with some poor girl who was just out for a run. Karen says a quick goodbye to you and heads over to the playground where Henry is waiting for you.
When Jimmy's feet stop in front of yours, he extends a hand to you to help you up from your spot on the grass. He places his hand on the small of your back, and his long fingers delicately begin to lead you in the direction of your new car.
"Did you have a fun time playing with your friends on the playground?" You poke a little fun at him.
"Would've had more fun if you were there," he raises his eyebrows and cracks a smile at you.
You laugh gently out your nose as you arrive at your car, "Whatcha bring me over here for?"
He takes you by the hips, lifting you up and placing you on the trunk of your car. He grabs your thighs and pulls you close to him, your knees brushing against either of his hips. "You like the car, angel?"
"Jimmy, wha-," you let out a shaky breath, "um, yes, it's beautiful."
"Mmmm, good." He brushes your hair behind your ear.
It suddenly becomes clear to you that what Karen had to say about Jimmy was true. In fact, with him standing between your legs like this, it couldn't be more obvious.
"Hey, Jimmy?"
"Yeah, baby doll?"
"Kiss me."
He raises his eyebrows, then looks at the ground for a moment. When he looks back up at you, he tangles a hand in your hair and presses his lips to yours softly at first, but he quickly deepens the kiss, exploring your mouth with his. You gently wrap one arm around his neck, and the other hand squeezes his waist through his shirt. He pulls you into him so your chest is pressed against his.
It feels weird kissing him, but it also feels right. Being with him like this feels like electricity, and you could feel like this forever and it still wouldn't be enough.
"Hey, hey, Jimmy!" Henry calls as him and Karen come up on you.
"Do not interrupt them!" You hear Karen say followed by a whap to Henry's arm.
Jimmy slowly pulls away from you, giving you probably the sweetest look you've ever seen him give. He pecks your lips a few more times before turning to Karen. "Thank you for hitting him."
You slide off the back of the car, putting your hand in Jimmy's.
"Listen, all I'm saying is, it's about time you got a kiss from her, you paid a lot of money for it!" Henry chuckles, slapping the trunk of your car.
"Listen, Henry Hill. I kiss who I want, when I want. And yes, I am grateful for the car, but Jimmy didn't buy my love," you cut your eyes at him.
"Yeah, that's right! What's the matter with you?" Karen backs you up.
Henry puts his hands up in surrender and tries to wipe the shit-eating grin off his face, "Alright, alright, geez!! Can someone go get Tommy so we can go home?"
Everyone gives him a look.
"Okay, fine! I'll go get him!" Henry jogs off to go get Tommy off that girl's back.
Funny enough, the girl ends up coming home with the group, Tommy landing another girl that he won't call in the morning. So you drop everyone off at their respective homes: Tommy and his girl at Tommy's place, Henry and Karen at Henry's place, and Jimmy invited you to his place. You knew Paulie would worry about you not coming home, but it would raise his blood pressure if he knew what you and Jimmy were up to.
It was really the lesser of two evils.
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