#though i did realize i forgot her scars and the jacket needs to look more like leather
tired-and-swordless · 2 years
Love waking up, looking at my art, and thinking to myself "I absolutely hate this" 🙃
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thatstupidplant · 5 months
So, I said I wohld have been gone for a while...
But I saw this artpeace  by @isjasz (her tumblr) and it became my reason to live
Tumblr media
So... Enjoy this oneshot while it last :D
Ps: I wanted to post it on AO3 too, but I don't have an account and I found out there is a FUCKING WAITING LIST, LIKE- WHYYYY I DON'T WANNA WAIT FOR MAY 18TH
Hotguy looked at at the city from the ceiling, it all looked to peaceful during the night.
He immediately forgot what he was here for though, which was a problem and a very Scar thing to do. But unfortunately he wasn't allowed to be Scar at the moment. His train of though stopped when an arrow almost hit him.
Ah yes, Cuteguy.
Cuteguy wasn't the best one with bow and arrows, he was way better at a close battle, but he was good enough to startle Hotguy when needed. In this moment it was needed.
Hotguy turned around to see who almost made him blind, ready to trasform to atoms whoever attacked him, but his face got painted with a smile as soon as he looked at the slim figure above him, in a near roof trying his best not to die of laughter.
Scaf realized that the painter decorating his face also, accidentally, splashed a little bit of red.
Just a tiny bit, hard to see without the mask and impossible with it.
"Hotguy, wasn't expecting you to be early" the avian figure said while getting closer.
While the pink and white wings made an awfull distraction, the taller hero remembered that Cuteguy had to talk to him about something important
"Why do you think I'd be late? I wouldn't want my darling to wait" The taller hero said while jokingly kissing the other hero's hand.
Until he noticed something.
The mask was normal, his wings were normal, but the outfit was different: Cuteguy usually wore a white and pink attire, which made him the 'opposite' of Hotguy, but today he was wearing black shirt and pants with his jacket. That was his 'hidden' outfit, used when the avian wasn't meant to be seen (it was something Hotguy didn't need as much as Cuteguy because his outfit was already pretty dark)
Hotguy had dark hair, Cuteguy's were light; Hotguy was tall, Cuteguy had the intention to be; Hotguy was flirtous while Cuteguy was...
"Are you listening to me?"
Scar mind said no, but his expression said 'please don't ask me that'
"Oh yeah, totally"
Cuteguy folded his hands. A suspicious expression on his face.
"Then what did I say?"
Yep. He was screwed.
The brunette hero searched is memory, but it was empty.
"Youu... weerreee.... talking about... safety?"
Yes, Hotguy was kind of screwed now.
"Ok, ok, I wasn't listening"
Scar said while moving his hands. Cuteguy slapped his face muttering something similar a 'this idiot', but Scar didn't hear it well.
"I was talking about what the public think of us!"
"And what does the public think of us?"
The avian started to mentally pray God to, please, have a smarter partner. But he started to remember all the time Hotguy had brillant ideas and hated the fact that he was just too innocent to be an adult man.
"The fact that everyone thinks we're dating, Hotguy"
Scar stopped. No, it wasn't Hotguy, it was Scar. The man hid his fear with the flirtuois smile and the confident attitude, but he couldn't lie saying the though of kissing those lips interested him...
'No Scar, you can fuck your collegue'
"And what is we made it true?"
Hotguy started to walk towards Cuteguy, with his sicure composure,a playful smile and an emotion Cuteguy couldn't innitially recognize.
But when the realization came, it made his stomach go upside down. Why did Hoteguy had lust in his eyes? He always joked about kissing him, calling him 'his boyfriend', offering his hand and playful flirting like these.
'Cuteguy' didn't have something to complain about it, but Grian hated how his face would become more and more like the red of his natural wings color.
He started walking back, searching to escape the bumping of his heart. He hit the border of the roof that, fortunately and unfortunately, had a small wall. He sat on the wall and waited. Hotguy stopped right infront of his face, looking in his eyes. Grian made his 'Cuteguy' mask fell off and decided to relax, just relax, even if Hotguy was always clingy it was rare to have him this close so maybe he should have just enjoyed the momeng. His expression calmed down, the sleepyness of the middle of the night appeared.
"So... do you accept my offe-"
Hotguy almost jumped when CUteguy's head landed on his shoulder. If you asked him, he would have said he was completely calm, but his heartrate said something else. Did Cuteguy really fell asleep on him? What was he suppose to do now?
"I'm not asleep, I just want..." Cute guys without continuing and putting his arms behind Hotguy's back.
They both remained there, too scared to scare the moment away by moving. After what we can count as some seconds, but for them seemed hours, Hotguy put his hands on Cuteguy's back making it the best hug Grian recieved in years.
When was the last time he was hugged like this? When was the last time someone cared so much?
They stayed there, waiting for the morning as the sun started rising from behind.
Author's note:
Idk if I like it or not, maybe I could make a second attempt in the future.
Anygays, gor now this is it, it was a pleasure feeling some Scarian, something that I will do more in the future with a ne-
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Bnha Mafia AU Scenario: You need a new bra
[Summary: Busty reader! the last of your bra hooks break while lifting boxes at work! Leaving you in a bit of pickle, so, you text your friend telling her to go your house get you another bra... At least you though you thought it was your friend...]
"Goddamn lazy sons..." You huffed bending down getting another box of the floor, Naoki your male co-worker was supposed to be doing this but he decided texting on his phone and flirting with Mei from accounting was productive then doing his job! you huffed lifting a box full of text-book up when you felt your bra loosen..*Crap, one of the hooks must've snapped...oh, well I still got two more." then you felt your bra start to slip off did you realize your mistake...
This was the bra from last week! the one that had a broken hook after playing with your cat, you felt the second one snap this when you were putting on your jacket this morning...  Your face was on fire as you awkwardly looked around making sure you were the only person in the storeroom before unbuttoning your blouse and and taking off your broken bra to examine it to see if may the hook didn't break, maybe it just bent and you could fix it! Nope, it was definitely broken... How embarrassing you huffed grabbing your phone and texting your friend telling her it was an emergency!
{My bra broke, I need you get me another at my house! and please hurry my supervisors gonna be here any minute! I'm in Storeroom 13} 
[seen a 12:45 ✔✔]
Twenty minutes later...
"Y/n I got your text open the door"
You blinked bemused that didn't sound like your friend it sounded like... 
Shigaraki Position: the big boss: You open the door to see Tomura standing outside in the hall, You stared at the mob boss incredulously, before registering what he said *he saw my text...*, You looked down at you phone and saw his name on top of the screen...Your face felt like it was on fire as Shigaraki cleared his throat, you looked at him and saw he was blushing as he held out a bag from a very every expensive lingerie brand which looked at bemused did he buy her a new bra... "Y-you Didn't have get m-" He cut you off "Just take it!" You blinked and took the bag from the white haired mob boss, who waited outside thinking about the embarrassing situation at the lingerie store... 
He got that text and went to ask Kurogiri to bring the car around as he was going to attend to your wishes, until Dabi got a look at his phone and snorted. "Well, no shit it broke, she's not even wearing the right size!" the hit man noticed his boss eying him suspiciously. "And how exactly would you know that?" the scarred man just smirked knowing Shigaraki doesn't have a lot experiences with women.
"Boss I'm hit-man, it's my job to analyze people right down to what brand of socks they wear, You think I wouldn't notice a chick with {y/cup} size boobs in a {not y/cup} bra? it pretty obvious, especially when she does that little squirmy shrug thing with her shoulders."  
Shigaraki seemed to take this to heart as he didn’t like the thought of you being uncomfortable, So he had Kurogiri to take him to a lingerie store instead of your home, needles to say the staff were all on edge when the notorious head of the Shigaraki group came waltzing into their shop, looking around nervously at the various styles and varieties of underwear and sexy sleepwear.
One of the sales ladies finally mustered up the balls to approached and asked if he needed help. Shigaraki explained the situation and the lady put on a tight smile and helped him with obvious reluctance, before setting on a sky blue bra, but then Shigaraki paused when he saw a couple of other sleep sets he figured you'd like and one that he liked that was made to look like a game controller bought those too. 
He heard the door open and saw you walk out, Tomura cheeks were pink when he noticed that your chest looked like it had gotten perkier, that extra padding really was worth it, he'll have to have Kurogiri send those ladies at the Lingerie store a card or something... "D-does it fit alright?" He stammered scratching his neck while looking a you nervous about your reaction. "Yeah, actually it fits nice..." You said surprised that you're boyfriend got your size right. 
"That good! that's nice!...um I have to go I see you after work" he said kissing you on the cheek and walking out the back door, just as your worried boss rounded the corner asking why the head of Shigaraki was here? and where had he gone, yeah forgot to mention your company in under the Shigaraki's protection, but that was long before you and Tomura were a thing.
Needless to say when you got home that evening you were very surprised to find at least four more bags of Lingerie waiting for you on your coffee table, your face felt like a furnace as you read a note from Tomura detailing his high hopes that you'll be wearing at least one of them, and what he plans to do with you when he comes over to play later!~ 
Dabi Position Hitman/Enforcer: There stood Dabi dried blood on his jacket (at least you think it was dry, the jacket too black to tell.) with a pervy grin on his face as he held up a bag from a lingerie store... your eye twitched and went close the door in his face when he wedged his foot in the door to stop you. "Easy there Fairy~ I'm just answering your distress signal!" he said teasingly causing you look at him oddly.
"What are you on about?" He put his hand in mock hurt. "Oh that text wasn't for little ol'me?" Again you looked him like he'd grown six heads, before looking down at your phone and saw that, yes. You had texted Dabi instead of Abbi, oops... "Actually that text was meant for Abbi. " the hit-man took then shrugged. "Well then I guess I'll be goin.." You grabbed his arm. "h-Hold up!, hold up lets not be hasty now!" he looked back at you with a smirk as he handed you the bag.
Dabi waited outside the door when he heard you muffled "What the fuck?" then you angerly yelling at him. "Get in here right now!" the hitman resisted the urge to burst of laughing at your face, as you held up a cupless bra for him to see. "If you seriously think I’m gonna wear this I'm cutting your dick of right now!" you hissed as Dabi feigned innocence. "What. what wrong with it?" He eyes watched you reach for a shelf where they store the extra blades for the Paper-guillotine, and he put his hands up.
"Okay, okay I’m just kiddin' with ya!" he took the bag from you and pulled out a dark purple bra with teal polka dots the inside of the cup was also teal, you hummed before putting it on and were pleasantly surprised that it fit you! "That feel better than that [not y/cup] size rag you've been wearing?"  You gawked at him bemused "Wait...I was wearing the wrong size? How did you notice?" Dabi said you squirming your shoulders and walking around like the hunch back of Notre-Dame was a dead giveaway.
You hummed putting your shirt back and Dabi with this little smirk on his face seeing the improvement that bra. "Looks like Patty and Selma are safe and snug in their new home.~" he purred watching them puff up when you crossed your arms. "I still don't get why you named them after the aunts from The Simpsons." You say as you watch him check his phone. "Because!" He kissed you on the cheek before going to the window. "...They're always smokin~" he winked before hopping out the window and running into the foggy afternoon, just as you boss cam in asking if you were done with inventory? And where the hell was your male co-worker?! that night Dabi was pleasantly surprised to find you trying on the cupless bra; checking yourself out in the mirror let's just say the Hitman was definitely buying you more underwear if he gets to come home that every night!~
Hawks position smuggler/police informant: You were confused seeing your boyfriend standing in the hall "Hey Dove." he greeted smiling coyly and holding a sparkly bag from a Lingerie store, you looked at him oddly. "Uh...Hi?" you looked to see if your friend was hiding behind him, nope just his wings... "Why are you here?" you asked. "I got your text, see?" he took his phone and showed you his phone, your face felt warm as you saw your text staring you in the face.
You must've mistaken Keigo for Kaiko "Oh... That wasn't for you. " You hummed embarrassed Keigo didn't seemed to mind as he held out the bag to you causing you heat up realizing he bought you underwear... Which you were reluctant to take. Now it's not that you didn't trust Keigo it's just his track record buying you clothes isn't very good... but then you looked at your options and sighed taking the bag from the blond; not seeing the sneaky smirk Keigo was trying to hide.
 before he heard you go "what the hell?" he snorted and walked in the storeroom to see you holding up this, ugly neon yellow mesh bra littered with green sequins in the shape of peacock feathers that covered your nips, You looked at the bra then him at almost scared. "Dude..." You murmured in disbelief that he actually expected you to wear this! he burst out laughing you pouted and started hitting him. "Ow...ow, haha! Okay!...heh, Okay!" He snorted as he checked the bag he gave you and under all the cray paper he pulled out this red bra with little gold stars on it, it looked cute but you were skeptical as you put it on. 
"Holy crap, it fits...."You looked at him suspiciously as you were putting your shirt back on. "Who helped you?" You asked watching at he stiffened up "I don't know what you talking about..." he smiled coyly as you crossed your arms and cocked a brow, before watching Keigo's smile drop, your brows furrowed as you watched one of Keigo's feather's shot out through a gap in the door and you heard a yelp!
You both went outside in the hall to find your co-worker Naoki pinned to the wall by Keigo's feather his cell phone laying at his feet, the blond's eyes narrowed as he picked it up and looked through it, Keigo growled when he found photos of you changing on it. He looked at Naoki in disgust before crushing the phone much to your co-worker protest and hawks pocketed the memory card, then turned to Naoki. "I'd keep my mouth shut about this if I were you bub.”
Keigo hissed as brought another razor sharp feather up to nervous man's face and pressed it against his cheek. "Or else you'll learn the meaning of “”Snitches get stiches””... Ya get me?" Naoki nodded and Keigo put him down and watched him run, The blond then turned to you with a cheeky smile. "Wanna go the lunch?" You agreed and hastily left with your birdbrained boyfriend.  
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vampiredecay · 3 years
Hey dear, i have a weird request but could you do a Lost boys X reader or Marko x reader Where all the boys (Marko Dwayne David paul Micheal all of them or just marko Dwayne David paul) see the reader re put bandages on his scar but the scars would be like carls in the walking dead and they see the scar ( i wonder how they would react to it?)
thank you so much for the request, sorry it took me a hot second to post! its longer than my other stories on here so far, so i hope that makes up for it. i also hope that you like what i did with it!! its angsty in the beginning but it gets fluffier <3
Scar Tissue
rating: teen
word count: 2,908
tags/warnings: swearing, mentions of being in pain, mentions of scars, mentions of being in the hospital, harassment, fluff, the boys being sweet, the lost boys x male!reader, male pronouns used, poly!lost boys
You could have never predicted how your life had gone so sideways. Not in a million years- before the accident, you were pretty much an average joe. Decent family, decent friends, decent existence. Nothing was ever really exciting, but you were okay with that. Life didn’t need to be crazy or unpredictable to be fulfilling.
But, you supposed, the price of being a living being on this Earth was that life could never truly be predictable at all. It couldn’t be, with the events that followed you losing your eye, and pretty much all normalcy you grew to live with.
It was extremely painful at first, physically and emotionally. You had lost a vital part of your body, and you could never get it back. It was disorienting, and uncomfortable, like an itch you could never scratch. The skin around your eye was incredibly sensitive, the lightest movement or touch sending shockwaves of burning pain through your nerves. Tears were always on the brink of spilling over anytime you or a doctor had to replace medicine and bandages to keep the wound clean.
In the end, the pain wasn’t the worst part about it. No, you could deal with the pain. The people in your life, however, suddenly changing and disappearing was way, way worse.
Friends slowly stop coming to visit you at the hospital, calls go unanswered, gazes averted. Your parents supported you, of course. They still loved you, and you knew nothing could change that. But sometimes even they got this look in their eyes, something a little too close to pity.
It was an incredibly lonely first couple of months.
But the loneliness and the heartache slowly healed, along with your eye. The scarring lightened and stopped bleeding, and your skin no longer felt as if it was on fire every time you turned your head. You still had to keep it under wraps, to keep out infection, and to keep other people from seeing how bad it was. You knew that people seeing the bandages would cause looks and questions, but it was better than people actually seeing the wound, which would surely cause reactions that you didn’t have the patience to deal with.
As you were healing, you were also relearning how to do things in your daily life. Your sight and depth perception drastically changed, so things like walking and doing simple tasks had to be practiced all over again. You had to take things slow, which you hated, you couldn’t leave the house very often until you got used to walking without bumping into things.
The first place you wanted to go once you were able to was the boardwalk. It was one of your favorite places in the world, so loud and full of life and happiness. It was absolutely what you needed after all of the hardship you had to deal with lately.
So one night, when it got late and your parents turned in for the night, you went out and caught a bus to the nearest stop to the boardwalk. From there you walked until you saw the bright lights and heard loud screaming and chatter and laughter. You smiled as you took in the sight of the people and the games and the rides, it felt like you were breathing for the first time in months.
The first thing you did was buy a big thing of cotton candy and a soda, roaming the boardwalk and consuming sugary goodness. As you walked, you noticed that some people were giving you looks, but you ignored them, focused on just having a good time and living your best life.
Walking around for long periods of time still gave you a bit of trouble, you were starting to get a little dizzy, so after a bit you sat down on a bench to give your brain time to catch up with the rest of your body. This was nice too, you got to relax and just watch people for a bit. There were all sorts of people out tonight, families and tourists and couples, teenagers and surf nazis and locals, all in one spot, the heart of Santa Carla, enjoying the wonders it had to offer.
There was a group of guys that caught your eye, though. You didn’t mean to stare at them; in fact, you knew not to, you’ve seen them around the boardwalk in the past, and heard the rumors surrounding them. But, in your defense, it has been a while since you’ve been there, and you forgot how magnetic they can be.
They were milling near their motorbikes, smoking and talking and lightly harassing anyone that happened to walk by. Three blondes and two brunettes- had there always been five of them? You could have sworn there was only four- all dressed in black and leather, looking dangerous and infuriatingly hot. You would have noticed more, but by accident you make eye contact with one of the guys and you rip your attention away from them.
Shit, god damnit, you’ve been spotted now. There’s only one thing to do, and it’s to walk quickly away and hope you don’t run into them later.
You get up too quickly though, and you stumble straight into a man walking with who you assume to be his girlfriend.
“Hey! Watch it-” He starts to say, pissed off that someone ran into him, but then he takes a good look at you and lets out a laugh. “Oh, I guess you really can’t, huh?”
The girlfriend lets out a giggle, smirking behind a hand over her lips. You mumble out an apology and try to go around them, but the man blocks your path. “What was that? C’mon man I can’t hear you, you mute too or something?”
You look up at him and scoff, anger building inside you. Who the hell did this asshole think he was? Without thinking, you say “Yeah, real funny and original. Bet lines like that really score you in bed.”
There’s some laughter around you, making you realize that a crowd has been drawn. The man’s face turned bright red, his mouth curved downward into a frown and he got up in your space. “Oh, so you’re a tough guy now, huh?” He pushed you in the chest, making you stumble back. You get dizzy and almost fall, but you don’t hit the ground. Instead, your back hits someone's chest. You freeze, then slowly turn your head, to see a guy with spiky platinum blond hair staring at the man who pushed you. The four other guys with him were also there, glaring at the crowd of people just watching.
You turned to look back at the man who pushed you, all the color was drained from his face. His girlfriend was clutching his arm, trying to pull the man away but his feet were glued in place. The blond behind you smirked.
“There a problem here?”
The silence that swept over was deafening and unnatural, it was like all of the boardwalk was holding its breath waiting for an answer. The man swallowed, eyes gliding over the gang behind you, not focusing on one spot. “N-No, man. No problem.”
You let out a breath as you watch the man and his girlfriend back up, and the crowd starts to disperse. The man behind you gives a shark-like grin and chuckles deep. “Wonderful.” He says, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you away. You can hear your heart thundering in your chest as you walk away with them, listening as they laugh and push each other.
“N-No m-man, n-no p-problem!” One of the blonds says in a mocking wavering tone, “What a fuckin pussy!” The gang starts laughing again, it feels like the ground underneath your feet is rumbling from the force of it. After a little more walking, they stop in front of a different bench and gesture for you to sit down.
“Take a load off, little man!” You snorted as you sat down, grinning despite the slight lightheadedness. Two of the blonds sat next to you, one with a wild mane of hair and a smile to match swinging an arm behind you. You look at all of them, nodding your head a little bit. “Thank you,” You said softly, “You didn’t have to do that.”
The spiky blond shrugged his shoulders and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N” You said, and he nodded. “I’m David. This is Dwayne, Michael,” He gestured to the two brunettes, one with curly hair and sunglasses hanging off his shirt, the other with longer straight hair and not wearing a shirt at all. “And that’s Paul and Marko.” The two blonds next to you do little waves, the one that wasn’t right next to you has curly hair and a jacket so cluttered with patches it must be heavy.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Y/N!” Paul says, nudging his knee against yours, making you smile more. “It’s good to meet you guys, too.”
After the introductions were out of the way, David offered for you to hang out with them, but you declined, saying you needed to get home. At that David offered a ride instead. You hesitated, but accepted in the end. Riding behind him on his bike was terrifying and exhilarating, you clutched his middle tightly the whole way home, but the blond didn’t seem to mind.
“You should come to the boardwalk more often,” David said as you got off his bike, now at your house. He smiled at you like he was letting you in on a secret, “We’re there all night.”
From that point on, you couldn’t ignore the boy's siren call. The next couple days you would take the bus over, wander until you found them, and then do stupid shit with them all night. A lot of it consisted of them terrorizing people who even looked at them funny, but you didn’t find it scary anymore. You found it powerful. It was the best you’ve felt in a long time.
It wasn’t long, though, until the questions started. You supposed you should have seen it coming, but hanging out with them honestly made you forget.
“So Y/N,” Paul said one night, it was just you and him and Marko. You were leaning against the railing in front of the carousel, waiting for the others to get back from getting food. When you looked over at Paul, he asked “What’s up with the eye?”
Marko punched Paul's shoulder, giving him a look, and Paul threw his hands up dramatically. “What? I don’t mean anything by it, I’m just curious.”
You sighed a little bit, mulling over what to say. You weren’t mad that he asked, you just hated talking about it. “There’s nothing much to say.” You said after a couple seconds of silence. “I was in an accident. Got fucked up. End of story.” Paul and Marko both nodded, taking the hint not to ask anymore. The taller blond wrapped an arm around your shoulders and rested his chin on top of your head. A silent apology. You smiled a little and leaned into him, letting him know it was okay.
After that, David, Dwayne and Michael arrived back with food, and once everyone settled down at a nearby table to eat, David proposed that they go back to their place after eating. You were nervous to accept, but they were cool guys so far, so you didn’t see the harm in it.
Before you could voice your opinion, however, a sudden cold, wet substance suddenly splashed all over your face. You yelped and got up, trying to shake off whatever the fuck it was, when you heard laughter getting distant. Suddenly, the boys were all getting up and shouting, someone was holding onto your shoulders, and when you wiped at your eye you could see it was Dwayne. He looked absolutely livid.
“What the fuck just happened?” You asked, looking down at yourself, disgusted to find that your clothes were soaked now too. The brunette gripped your shoulders a little tighter, not enough to hurt but the pressure was there, “Some people have a death wish.”
You would have asked him to elaborate, but then something dawned on you. “Oh shit!” You exclaim, hand going up to your bandaged eye. “Fuck, I have to get home, I have to change this, fuck!” Dwayne's eyes widened a little, and he nodded, calling attention to the other boys, who were all talking angrily to each other. They all looked over, and when they heard that you needed to change your bandage, they all hurried over. “Our place is closer. Michael, take Y/N to get the supplies he needs. We’ll meet back up at the hotel.” David all but commanded, and everyone seemed to be in agreement. The rest of the boys took off on their bikes while Michael steered you in the direction of a small convenience store on the edge of the boardwalk.
“You okay?” Michael asked, worry written all over his face. You nodded at him, though in reality you were feeling gross, sticky and anxious as hell. You thought it was so nice of them to help you out, really, but you knew this meant that they would probably end up seeing your eye. Seeing your scars. The thought alone was enough to make you slightly nauseous. The brunette could tell that something more was going on with you, so he gently took your hand as you approached the shop. You looked at him, and he smiled at you, squeezing your hand gently. You gave a light smile back and looked away.
After buying the necessary wrap, tape and some bottles of water, you both get on Michaels bike and ride off to their place. You were just thinking about it now, David had said the word “hotel”. Did they stay at an actual hotel?
It didn’t take you long to figure out. When you arrived at the hotel, that was really more of a cave, you were in absolute awe of the place. It was massive and beautiful, you couldn’t believe these guys actually lived here. You had so many questions, but now that you were here, they would have to come after.
Michael led you over to a slightly dusty couch and you sat down, holding the items in your hands nervously. Everyone was sitting around you, you had a very attentive audience that you didn’t really want.
“Is there, uh, a private place I could do this?” You asked, and your heart sank when they shook their heads. “Most of the rooms collapsed when the earthquake hit. There’s not much left, and the parts that remain are too dangerous to go into.” Marko explained, and you sighed. You supposed there was no getting around it.
“Okay, well. Just, don’t say anything, okay?” You got out the bandage wrap from its packaging and took a deep breath. Slowly, you unwrapped the dirty bandage from around your face, revealing your eye to the boys.
All of their facial expressions changed, some more surprised than others. David looked the least shocked, eyes of steel trained on your face, just looking. Dwayne and Michael looked a little more concerned, Michael especially, but otherwise they tried to keep their expressions neutral. Paul and Marko looked intrigued, if anything. Like they wanted to ask questions but were reigning themselves in.
Overall, they kept quiet, and they didn’t shy away from your appearance, so you counted your blessings as you cleaned and dressed your eye as quickly as possible. When you were all finished, Marko and Paul launched themselves at you, sitting next to you with wide smiles on their faces.
“Dude! You’re so badass!” Paul shouted, and Marko was quick to agree. “You should get an eyepatch or something. Crank up the badass factor.”
You laughed at their antics, blushing a bit at their words. You could tell that they really thought you were actually cool. It warmed your chest and you smiled as they went on about eyepatch ideas.
Eventually, David dragged the two away, saying it's getting late and they should probably take you home now. You nodded in agreement, letting out a yawn. You didn’t realize just how tired you were.
Dwayne was the one who ended up taking you home, the ride was a lot gentler and smoother than it usually was, which you were grateful for. When you arrived at your house, and you got off his bike, Dwayne pulled on your arm before you could leave. You looked at him, confused, but then he got off his bike, and he stood in front of you, and he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. You froze, heart pounding. Dwayne pulled away and let go, giving you a small smile. “Have a good night, Y/N.”
You swallowed hard as he got back on his bike. “Yeah- you too.” You stumbled out, making him chuckle. He then rode back off into the night, and you were left stunned on your front lawn.
You didn’t know what would happen now, you had absolutely no clue when it came to the gang of bikers. But you found yourself at peace with it.
Life could never be predictable anymore. And you were more than okay with that.
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uzumakgi · 3 years
something beautiful
[. masterlist ] he sees the eczema scars you’ve been trying so hard to hide.
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warnings unedited, body issues, impulsive scratching, blood, self-esteem issues, childhood trauma.
pairings t.shouto x fem!reader
genre, type angst-fluff, one-shot (1k)
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“everything alright in there, l/n?”
that was mina, stood outside the stall. her feet shuffling along as she hummed a faintly recognizable radio song.
you croaked out a small ‘yes’ before explaining that it’d be better if they went on ahead without you.
momo’s worried voice suddenly interrupted. “you don’t need a pad, do you? i could make one for you right away, just a m—“
“no it’s alright! i have one, thank you though!” you quickly stated.
after reassuring them, the girls slowly shuffled out. soon, you were left in pure silence and quickly, a choked gulp left your lips.
as you lifted your skirt, the tears began to build at the rim of your lashes, finding the freshly parted skin on the sides of your thighs disgusting. each burned with irritation and droplets of blood dotted the area.
how many times were you going to do this to yourself? the hives were already building like what you’d of a mosquito attack.
this was you; stuck in a stall, completely immobilized by their own body.
a ding cut through your thoughts.
new message from shouto!! <3: hey, i’m outside the school. just tell me when you’re here
you later found him; hair taken by the breeze, allowing for strands to brush up against his delicate eyes. he shifted in his place, one foot shifting back. shouto squinted slightly against the dawning sky, turning his torso and glancing up to see his girlfriend at the top of the UA steps.
in juxtaposition of his beauty, you took your bag and placed it in front of you in attempt to hide yourself.
once you met half way down the steps, he gave you one of his award winning smiles. “hi lovely.” his large hands were immediately placed over yours. “ready?”
“mhm.” you hummed, taking your hand out of his for a moment before pushing your sweater up to your palms.
you took his hands again, like nothing had happened.
the boy looked at you for a moment, and you hoped he hadn't felt how dry your hands truly were.
"are you cold?" he asked and you shook your head in protest to his offering of his jacket.
"oh no, i just like my sleeves like this."
as the both of you walked along, shouto had understood your lack of conversation for being less social today (which he understood, you were a pair of introverts, after all). he naturally began to take lead in conversation, landing on the topic of developing his right side in training more.
and as much as you’d like to pay him mind, you were too self aware of your surroundings at the moment. shouto had discovered a small field behind the dorms a week back and had suggested a study picnic for your next test. the idea was great, and you didn't hesitate in agreeing. until now.
your thighs brushed against the tall grass. the stimulation hurt, sending a shiver up your spine, along with the urge to itch. it was a taunting, only further causing greater inflammation. you accidentally squeezed shouto's hand and a faint moan left your lips as you tried to suppress it.
"i'm sorry—"
"don't apologize. are you ok?" he looked back at you, worry etching his usually graceful face ever so slightly. he observed you from head to toe.
in actuality, the eczema was only one of the things you've found yourself to be insecure of. shouto and you have never been so intimate as for him to have seen you completely bare. it terrified you to disappoint the one person you've wanted to please so badly.
what if i'm not what you're looking for?
shouto's face contorted into a look of fear and in the moment he took your cheeks, you realized he'd wiped away the tears that'd fallen from your eyes.
"what's wrong, love?"
a forced sigh escaped your lips, with it, all your exertion. "i don't know. i-i don't want to.. i don't want to disappoint you."
"how could you do that?" he chuckled a bit, "where's this coming from?"
"shouto can we please go to the blanket? please?" you were already rushing to get past him when he tightened his grip on your hand, scooping you up in one swift motion.
in a moment, he was setting you down on the blanket with the delicacy of a flower. he was as silent as a ghost as he moved himself in front of you. you peered at him, mouth agape as he dusted grass off your skirt.
"i noticed just a moment ago. are you allergic to grass?" the boy was visibly trying to hide his growing concern, the thought of him putting his significant other in danger creeping into his thoughts.
"n-no. i just... i have eczema." your statement was but a whisper as you nervously inched your skirt over your thighs, "i forgot lotion at home and... i know it looks bad." the fabric did nothing to hide the hives. your skin was ultra sensitive, and red by the rasp it'd taken just a few seconds ago.
there was silence for what seemed an eternity. he's too grossed out to reply.
a big, chortled laugh escaped your boyfriend's lips and he fell back a bit, quickly stabilizing himself. a small 'oh my god' was breathed out into the air.
"what's so funny?"
"no it's just, y-you're talking to a guy with a scar on his eye."
you blinked once. then twice.
shouto tried to hide his big smile, shrugging as he reached for his backpack. you watched him quizzically, ransacking your brain for an answer. he doesn't care? at all?
"you don't.. care?"
"i care about as much as i care about bakugou's routine, empty death threats." he deadpanned, bringing out an item. "may i?"
in his hands, a travel-sized bottle of lotion. "mhm."
he gently took your left ankle in his hands, lathering the cool lotion into the skin, making sure not to over massage the red areas. his fingers gently caressed the sides of your thighs, completely concentrated on his work.
"i used to get scared meeting new people," he whispered, still, immersed on your skin. "i knew they'd never ask, but it was always in the back of their minds... the question, 'what happened to you?' on their faces."
his head of hair faced you, and you couldn't help but place a gentle kiss in his locks, leaning down to his pillowy, soft head and staying there.
shouto stopped for a second, a small blush on his face. "... you're the first to... accept me without questions. thank you."
if shouto had looked up in that moment he’d see his own work; a flustered you with tears of joy coating their cheeks. “no, shouto. thank you.”
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lyallblacklupin · 3 years
Sirius tries to remember Remus.
Post-Azkaban Wolfstar: Angst with Hopeful Ending.
Sirius is battling with his memory after Azkaban. 12 years of dementors torturing him, that had caused some real damages to his brain. He doesn’t remember people until they introduce themselves to him. Everyone is steering clear his way but Remus hasn’t given up on him yet.
These days are sickening. They make you feel so lonely and ugly. They tell you—no they scream at you that you don’t deserve anything. Know why? Because you don’t matter. You don’t exist. The most horrifying thing about those voices is that they can make you believe they are saying the truth. Like I did. And I still do, and believe me, it’s not good.
Life is just unfair is so easy to say, it’s just a slip of tongue as if you are consoling a group of people, like Madam Hooch used to when we would lose to Slytherins because they played dirty. However, realizing the fact how unfair life really is, is gut-wrenching. It forces you to become unlike yourself. It puts malevolent ideas in your head for the people who you love—or used to loved. I would go on and blame these walls, but then I’m questioning the universe that why did I have to be born here? The Grimmauld Place 12? And then I’m eventually answered; Life is unfair, you git, haven’t you get it yet?
The nights are terrible here, I hear Kreacher whispering to my charming mother’s portrait, I hear the floor creaking even though no one comes here, except they are invited by Dumbledore—which sounds weird because it’s my house but again, life is just unfair.
Right now, I’m struggling to sleep because there is a prickling fear sitting at the edges of my body. The fear of Dementors for taking the last of everything away.
I still have some good memories, like the one when James made me Harry’s Godfather. Harry’s big emerald eyes were streaming with fat tears until he was given into my arms. I can remember that I had gasped at the scene, and so did the others in the room.
“Oh Sirius! He was crying for like an hour! But he stops now!? I swear this is not a coincidence!” Lily said, but James had been quiet.
“Prongs?” No answer.
“Prongsie? Hey!” Because I caught him pressing his hand on his mouth forcefully, his face blotchy, and he didn’t stop sniffing. He was crying! “What? Like you—father and son both work alternatively? When Harry stops crying, he transfers his weeping mantra to you, and vice versa?”
“Shut up!” Before I said something, I let out an ‘oof’ because James shoved me in his embrace, sandwiching Harry in middle of the process. Harry was giggling with his tear-stained face. His laugh was like music to my ears. I didn’t mention that. I was in love with Harry. He felt like my own child. I never thought I’d feel this exuberance but there was, more than I expected. I was bad at displaying true affection in front of people, but I couldn’t help when Harry’s tiny and chubby hands brushed the collar of my jacket, utterly in awe with the feeling of material on his fingers, I completely forgot James was hugging me, and I managed to press a kiss on Harry’s cheek. He smelled like soft babies. I was in love with that scent. I wanted to hold him forever.
I can never forget that memory. It helps me cast a patronus. There is also something vague about that memory. There is someone too in the small crowd, behind me, other than James. I can remember there was the blonde girl, Mckinnon, and her best friend, Meadows-something. I struggle with names. Sometimes I forget—
—Remus’ name. I have to see or hear the person to see if I can remember.
“I’m in my room?” He calls me out every time for like the hundredth time he has found me in my bedroom, and yes, I am still in my bedroom. He won’t stop calling me out. Sometimes, he is very annoying.
“Oh yeah, Of course.” He appears at the doorway, leaning to his left, smiling weakly. He looks tired. He is short of breath. I want to give him a glass of water but my limbs are protesting.
“I could give you a glass of water, but I—just don’t feel like getting up.” I didn’t want to say that but I did because the expressions on Remus’ face are priceless. There is awkwardness written on his face with a hint of shock and sadness. There is nothing pretty about that, but it brings back an indistinct memory I enjoy that I cannot tell. I am disturbing. That’s another trait I have discovered about myself ever since I came back from Azkaban.
“No, it’s alright. I just had water. Not thirsty at all. I—umm…I brought you something.” He says, and then I notice a package in his hand.
“Hope it’s not something you and your werewolf buddies plays with.”
“Ha, no, I wish. But it’s something I needed to give you…from a very long time.” He comes and sits beside me. I had to sit up because I can’t let him touch me. I don’t know why but I am always scared of Remus Lupin, and it is my secret, “Here.” He gives me the package, and looks into my eyes. I try looking away but I couldn’t try harder.
“Happy Birthday.” He whispers, and it sends a shudder to my body. What is the date today?
I open the package, and there it is. A photo frame. It was a leather frame. Black. I am trying not to look at the picture so I distract myself by admiring the leather. And again, I remember Harry. But it is a forced visualization so it doesn’t last longer. I am very much aware of Remus’ presence. I am also getting short of breath now. I look at him and he is already staring at me. I smile at him, but he frowns. And then I frown, too. What is wrong? I saw his hand coming up near my face, and I bat away.
He is gawking at him with wide and horrified eyes, and a hurt expression.
“I—I’m sorry. I don’t…I just—I am sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I know you don’t. But you eventually do.” It doesn’t come out bitter. He is smiling at me, but he isn’t done talking, “Sirius, I want to talk. It is eating me alive. Sometimes, I don’t think I am left with much longer in me…But, hey,” He reaches out but stops immediately, “Please…I—I want to talk to you about…Everything or anything. We can talk about us?”
“Yeah…If you want to,”
“There is no Us, Remus.”
“There used to be.” I snort, but he is frowning. I hate his frowns. Why can’t he just smile like a normal person?
“Like what? Did we snog? Or shagged once or twice?” I can’t recall any heterosexual experience, so I can’t say I have never done anything with a guy.
“Sirius, was that picture not enough?” He said with such sadness. And then I look at the picture.
And then I see it. There is a younger version of Remus Lupin, wearing a giant grey jumper, sitting on a library’s table. How decent. There is someone in between his legs, standing before him. It is a dark-haired guy, wearing a Gryffindor tie on his hogwarts’ uniform. He has his hands wrapped around Remus’ torso. A thick curtain of his long hair is almost concealing the half of his face, considering how much it is already buried in Remus’ chest. He squeezes gleefully which causes the younger Remus to erupt with laughter. The scene goes back and forth. And then I spot two people sitting in far distance. They were unmistakably James and Lily. They are the only people I recognize. Those two are cackling because how stupidly romantic the two boys are acting against each other. The picture keeps playing, and I focus again on the couple in the spotlight, and I realize that little Remus is trying to press a kiss on the guy’s forehead but the other person doesn’t stand still, constantly whipped his long hair—and then I freeze all of a sudden. Because I see it. The grey eyes, the long hair, and especially the scar on the left wrist, which still glows sliver in the daylight when I secretly stand in the balcony.
“That is us.” It comes out of my mouth even though I never expect myself to say it.
“Yeah, you and me. We were not just each other’s quick snog, or shagging partner. We go way back, Padfoot. Longer than James and Lily.”
“I don’t remember you…” It comes out as a whimper. I feel stupid and vulnerable.
“I’m sorry, Sirius. I’m sorry for what I did. I never apologized about this…I wanted to—“
“I don’t remember you…”
“—but I never really got a chance. I’m sorry I thought you could betray the Potters. I’m sorry that I kept myself believing for twelve years that it was you. But I swear to Merlin, I never stopped loving you—“
“I don’t remember you, Remus…” But he is not listening.
“—I used to hate myself for this. I felt disgusting that I still loved you. And then I melted myself in filthy thoughts. No one was there to judge me. I used to picture you all the time, sitting on the sofa waiting for me to come back from the muggle job you hated. I used to see you laying on the bed in the night. I used to imagine myself cuddling up with you. And some days, it was so real that we used to talk till dawn. We used to watch the sunrise together. October 31st used to come and go by, and we pretended it was just another Halloween and you used to say ‘Moony, you hate Halloween because some people dress up as werewolves, and you don’t get to wear a costume!’—“
I stop saying anything. I cannot tell that I don’t remember him because I do. His hand accidently rubs shoulder, and I am suddenly yanked to my happiest memory—Harry’s beautiful hands reaching my jacket—and the ‘someone’ is not just someone who is behind me, rubbing my lower back and laying his head against mine, because it was him. It was Remus Lupin. It is still Remus Lupin, I want him to be.
I cannot tell that I don’t remember him because I am starting to…and it’s a start. He keeps telling me how he spent the last twelve years, so I listen to him because my years were not in an open cage just like his. It was scary to be locked up for years and never to see the people you love, but it must have been even scarier to be free for years and never see the people you love. Remus Lupin has suffered too, and I can’t help but be there for him. 
So as he keeps rambling his stories about his undying love for me, I slip into his space, and wrap my arms around his torso, like I had in the picture, and bury my face into his chest. He is not warmer as he must have been in that picture but it calms me down because his heart is beating against mine, and I am happy to have him alive with me.
Thanks for reading! Stay magical!
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writings-by-blondie · 4 years
~If The Stars Could Speak~
Soap Mactavish x F!Reader (teaspoon of Angst)
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She was way too good for him and he knew that yet he couldn't forget the way her (h/c) hair fell over her shoulders, her laugh and a bit cold, but glittery look of her (e/c) eyes when their gaze met for the first time..it was like he could see universe in them.
He was in cold, gloomy, Russia, on a mission that was to be last, scribbling down words on the peace of paper, counting down hours till he get to hold her forever...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
His most trusting man, and friend, Simon and him decided to lay back and enjoy some free time they were granted away from their ever noisy and ever busy camp.
They were at downtown, walking and talking about how tonight is their night - they will leave job at office and they will just enjoy strong alcohol and good music.
The night was a bit chilly, but nothing unusual for the late September.
That just meant that John will finally have chance to wear that nice black spitfire jacket he bought not long ago, and he looked well in it.
As the two men walked they spotted the bar they wanted to be in for the rest of the night, right outside of it, sticking out like a sore thumb was parked some expensive car that John didn't know how to indenify as. He wasn't a big car head like his friend.
"Look at this mate. Its Porsche, bet some meat heads are in this place",
said Simon chucking and eyeing the car and tilting his head slowly towards the bar.
Mactavish smirked and pushed his friend gently as he started walking in, "You have a problem with that or you're just scared of guys who drive expensive cars, eh?".
Inside of the bar you and small group of your friends were in VIP lounge. Infront of you, on small glass table was a bucket filled with ice that kept some red bulls and couple of Baltica beers cold.
You were drinking Jack Daniels, your glass half full. Being tipsy already, you fake-laughed at some perverse joke friend next to you finished telling.
Tonight, you really felt down. Truth to be told, you've been feeling under the weather last couple of months, nothing seemed to go the right way and nothing you did could change that feeling. On top of that your stupid poosh boyfriend broke up with you over text last week, and even though you understood that your friends cared for you and wanted you to forget about that fool and enjoy yourself, you still couldn't shake away the bitterness and just wanted to curl away in your bed, eat some strawberry ice cream and watch ‘Casablanca’.
But here you were, in a black dress that glittered under the light, your hair styled in lazy but not messy curls, and your over-expensive white heels. You looked like the IT girl that every man would want for them selves, to put you on pedestal and admire you.
(Y/n) leaned back in the black leather seat before she took a deep sigh that was followed by pouting and throwing down rest of the Jack that was in her glass down her throat. It burned for a bit, but the sweet flavour of alcohol made her want to drink more, so she opened the half empty bottle and poured more of the honey-coloured liquid into her glass.
She leaned in close to her friend on the left and whispered,
"I need to go and check my make up. Save a seat for me, and dont touch my bottle, I will know if you do.",
you almost groaned last words since you knew well that your friends loved to mess with you.
The (h/c) girl now stood up, taking her light coloured purse that matched with her heels, in her hands and started walking towards the washroom of the bar.
The floor was wooden, hard wood, after all the bar was made to accommodate high class people and to draw in tourists who had a lot of money to spend. Her heels making a little bit noise as her steps collided with the floor. It was a southing sound, like when rain hits the metal.
Her hips swayed as her dress didn't quite hug her whole neatly shaped figure, so it swayed with her movements, glittering under the dim light of the noisy bar.
She had to watch every step since she felt that the alcohol was indeed kicking in, but the song playing on stereos drew her attention and just for a tiny moment she forgot completely that she had heels on.
"Shit-", you muttered loudly as your purse left your hands and you could see the dark wooden floor getting close to you now, but you weren't colliding with it, instead you felt stern grip on your waist, feeling the coldness of someones hand that went straight to your skin, under the dress. You furrowed eyebrows before looking up, facing a, without any exaggeration, handsomest man you ever laid eyes upon.
His eyes, blue as the sea in mid July in the noon, almost glittering like a waves when they shine under the hot sun. His smell now invaded your nostrils touching your senses, stimulating them, wanting more of it. It was pine mixed with old brand of ‘denim’, manly but still subtle, just enough.
He smiled at you softly looking into your eyes, not breaking eye contact once.
"Careful now lass, we don’t want any broken bones yet, the night is still young eh?..", he spoke with thick and extremely attractive (for some reason) Scottish accent and she took deep breath in, as the man slowly placed the girl in front of him back on her legs, parting his hand with her waist. The girl licked her lover lip, realizing now that she was blushing way more than it was appropriate for this kind of situation and softly muttered, "Sorry.. The heels..", under her breath before she walked pass the man and disappeared into woman's washroom.
Mactavish however trailed her with his eyes, her long and subtly toned legs, and the way the subtle cutout on her dress reviled a bit of her thigh. She was clearly in distress and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit to himself as he picked up her purse from the floor and sat down in the nearby booth with Simon.
"What the hell was that?", Riley said as he took off his black leather jacket, placing it next to him.
"It was like some scene out of those old movies mate. Its like, in that one moment, universe existed to put us together.", John smiled to himself, also placing his jacket next to him, being a bit surprised at his own words, he wasn't cheesy, but romantic? He was that.
And he would never let any of his friends know that since well, it was an army and he didn't need Ghost going around the base telling everyone that their captain was softie.
"Since when are you that cheeky eh? Maybe Price doesn't make you do enough pushups at morning." Simon smirked at his friend and raised his hand to call the bartender,
"Its a quote, some of us are literate cinema vise mate", Mactavish smirked back at him leaning over the table, trying to reach for his cigars in his back pocket, "But she is bonnie, nonetheless.".
In washroom you tried to steady your breathing. You put your hand on your chest and closed eyes, but the only thing you could see was the man's eyes and his face. Girl quickly opened her eyes and looked at her reflection in big mirror that was placed on black and white tiles. (Y/n) looked at her face, noticing few spots where her make up was messed up, she pouted a bit and reached down on the sink for her purse, but her palm was met only with cold marble sink.
You quickly shot your gaze towards your hand, with your eyebrows furrowed. Eyes darting across the sink, around it and eventually around the whole washroom then the realisation hit you like a heavy boulder- you dropped your purse when you tripped, when he grabbed you.
"For fucks sake..", you muttered under the breath. It was enough humiliating that probably whole bar watched you stumble around like a new born deer and almost kiss the floor, but now you had to go retrieve your purse that was probably still on the ground and go back to washroom again looking like a lost highschool girl on the party.
You shook your head and realised that stupid anxiety attack got your judgment clouded- people fall every day, and they drop stuff everyday too.
The girl now straighten her posture, fixed her hair a bit and opened the door, exiting the cool room she was in before heading to the booth were she dropped her purse, but to her surprise the purse was not on the floor instead she heard familiar thick accent from the booth next to where she was standing,
"Looking for this lass?", the man waved with her purse smiling at her with one of his brows raised, his friend watching her, waiting for her next move.
You swallowed a big gulp, approaching the booth were the men were sitting slowly, taking your purse from the blue eyed man,
"Yes, thank you. Saving me from embarrassment.. Very noble of you.", you said with a now confident voice, not breaking eye contact with him. There was something about him, something unexplainable. It was like that with every second she looked at his face, at his slightly parted lips as a little smile formed on his face, you were losing grip on the time it was like a whole universe worked for you and him.
"Glad I could help ma'am. Those shoes do look dangerous, better watch your step.", the man spoke and she smiled at him, shyly nodding and turning around, breaking the eye contact with him, slowly walking towards her own booth where her friends were loud and drunk.
But every step you took was heavier than the last one, you didn't want to go there, you wanted to sit with him, smell that invading pine again, feel his touch again.. Was this alcohol that was in your bloodstream?
You stopped suddenly and took a deep breath, before turning on your heels and going back to the two man who were now smoking, their drinks were on their table as well.
"Oh screw it. Universe, dont make a fool out of me!", you thought internally as you approached back their booth, and both men looked up at you again.
"Do you need some help lassie? Are you feeling well?", the blue eyed man asked. You actually just now noticed that he had his hair styled as a mohawk and it suited him so nice, the scar over his eye stuck out as well.
You snapped out and shook your head in denial,
"Would you mind if I joined you for a drink?",
Ghost cleared his throat and looked away with a huge smirk over his face, avoiding John’s stern look. Mactavish moved himself to the left, leaving vacant place for the girl to sit and nodded his head down while putting out cigar that was already burned.
You sat next to him, smiling and biting inside of your cheek, leaving your purse on the edge of the table waving to the bartender to get his attention, you showed him universal sign for ‘another bottle’ and the man nod to you.
You returned your attention towards two men who were gazing at you the whole time.
"So, who wishes to start this AA meeting? How about you sir?", you pointed at men across from you. Both men cracked at your joke before the one you pointed at started talking,
"Name's Simon, that’s Soap- I mean John..", Simon barely held in his laugh looking away from the pair. You looked at men next to you and his jaw was clenched, he obviously didn't like that one.
"Y/N, nice to meet you fellas. This night needed some life in it. I was dying of boredom over at VIP's. Some fresh environment is nice..",
you smiled at John who was downing his beer, slowly he nod at the girl and the bartender finally came with your new bottle of Jack and three glasses for each of you.
"Put it on my bill, thanks.", you said and John eyed you as you opened the bottle of whiskey and poured everyone about a half of the glass, raising your own towards him as you finished. You smirked a bit, leaning towards him, unintentionally, your thigh subtly brushed against his light blue denim jeans.
"Cheers to not breaking bones and to concerned strangers.”, you said the words, slowly looking up at his eyes yet again.
John looked down at you, slowly colliding his glass with yours.
"Well, cheers to me I guess..", Simon muttered to himself and downed down the glass. You couldn't help but laugh sincerely, John joining you while rolling his eyes at Simon,
"Ghost getting ghosted, this will be the story to tell the mates back at camp for sure..".
You raised your eyebrow in confusion, leaving your glass on the table and crossing your legs, leaning back,
"Camp? What are you two like some secret agents or something?", you asked and John and Simon talked to you about their job deep into night. They explained their line or work as subtle as they could and shared some of the funniest moments from their missions with you.
John enjoyed your laugh, the way you blushed when you caught him looking at you, avoiding his gaze, how well your lips were glossed and your perfume that made him want to invade your neck and collarbone with small and soft kisses. He also noticed how soft your skin was when he "accidentally" touched your hand as you were reaching for the bottle, wanting to pour another drink.
It was about 3 in the morning when you turned around towards the bartender who was next to you, telling you and your new friends that the bar is closing in about five minutes. Your friends left long time ago, too drunk to even notice that you were gone or that you were now sitting elsewhere.
"Oh come on Gorge! Cant you see how much fun we are having here? Can’t you just lock us in or join us?", you blinked innocently at the bartender and it made man blush, ofcourse that didn't go unnoticed by Mactavish who cleared his throat subtly and put his hand around your shoulder. You turned your head, raising eyebrow at him and questioning what the hell he was doing.
"Come on lass, man has a job to do, a boss to answer to. We will get you to your hotel eh?", you chuckled at him, now relaxing into his touch, and he loved it. He softly rubbed exposed skin on your shoulder with his thumb and you inhaled sharply, smiling at him reaching for your purse and pulling out keys from your car,
"I drank a lot.. Who is driving lads?",
You closed the door of your Porsche and could hear Simon in the back seat whistle,
"It even has leather inside and tv in the back of the seat. Of course it does.. For gods sake (y/n), you could've just told us that you are rich. We would've distanced from you.", Riley made a joke and you laughed, turning around in your seat looking at Simon, as John started the car, slowly advancing towards the main street.
"I wouldn't trade time I had with you boys for nothing in this world. I haven't laughed like that in ages..",
Riley now looked at Mactavish on review mirror smirking,
"Soap, drop me off first and then take (y/n) back to her place. Base is just around the corner it will save her some gas.".
You eyed man who was driving now, waiting for his response, he groaned in response then he nodded slowly looking at you, before returning eyes to the road that was empty. The city was in deep sleep.
John parked infront of some old looking house and Simon chuckled, "Well this is my stop. I'll see ya in the morning mate, don't forget to freshen up, we will need you frosty eh?",
Simon said before he slammed the doors shut and swiftly disappeared into the house.
You looked at John and pouted a bit, he looked and you and wiggled his eyebrows playfully,
"Where to miss?", he put up his best British accent and you couldn't help but laugh at how silly he sounded.
"With you? To the stars.." you leaned on his shoulder and kicked down your heels, tucking your legs under your tights.
Mactavish took a deep breath, inhaling the sent of your perfume, before he started driving again, he reached for the radio and turned it on.
A soft tune of "Midnight" song was on it and you hummed in approval.
"You know, I feel like I should've met you long ago instead of wasting my time around, not knowing where am I going, what am I doing. I wish this night could last forever John, I wish I could be stuck in it forever.."
The man smiled and reached for one of your hands, locking his fingers with your smaller ones, his eyes never leaving the road.
"I want to show you one place, if you are not up for sleep yet lassie?"
You parted your head with his shoulder to look up at him, his face being illuminated by dim street lights, he looked so soft and like he didn't have any worry in the world.
"Aye sir, I am in your hands for the rest of this trip." you joked and he let out a huffed laugh, bringing your hand closer to his lips, kissing your knuckles, you watched him carefully, biting your lower lip as you felt the warmth spread throughout your entire body from just that tiny exchange of affection.
John parked the car, pulled the break and turned the machine off. He leaned back in the leather seat and looked at you, smile creeping around the corners of his mouth.
"Take my jacket, it can be windy up here."
He said and reached in the back seat for his jacket, handing it to you. You took it into your hands and looked around you, it was quiet and dark all around. Not single lamp post or anything was in the vicinity, only the headlights that John left on, and the soft tune of radio that still played.
"There is nothing here, and honestly it feels like a horror movie. Am I about to be murdured  and thrown from this cliff John?"
Mactavish just chuckled and opened the car doors on his side,
"Do you trust me lass?", he asked as he leaned on the car roof, peeking inside and looking at you.
"Do I trust man I just met in local bar to exit my car, my only way of escaping, and obey him to walk into my own funeral? Sure yeah, here I come.." you said with playful tone as you stepped out of your car, flinging his black jacket over your shoulders and sliding your arms into it. It smelled like him and you buried your nose into the collar of jacket, closing your eyes and getting lost in the man's perfume mixed with aftershave. You were about to close the doors of the car when John cut you off,
"Don't close the doors, we won't be able to hear the music".
He was now behind you, towering over your smaller frame and your heart skipped the beat as you turned around to face him.
He slowly reached for your hips and without any hesitation or struggle, swayed you off your bare feet and lifted you up. You instinctively warped your arms around his neck smiling at him.
"You need to stop watching that many horror movies, they will rot your pretty brain"
He smiled at you with his eyes, looking down at your parted lips. Your face being right infront of his, possibly few inches away since he could feel your breath on his skin, and you could feel his. Blush creeped around your cheeks and he put you down on the hood of the car that was still warm from the engine. Your hands left his neck, but he still remained between your legs, not letting your hips just yet. You could've swore that his eyes were shining that night, you knew it was not possible, that your brain was seeing tings the way it wanted to, but you still chose to believe that impossible was possible in that moment.
His shadow that was casted due to headlights now moved, and with deep inhale his grip left your hips and you bit your lip. You felt disappointed and empty, you wanted him to lean in closer, you wanted to taste him and to seal the deal, but he moved away, hopping on the hood with ease, next to you, and leaning down on the windshield, one hand behind his head and other stretched out across the hood. He wiggled his eyebrows at you and slowly nodded towards his hand.
You pouted but soon enough curled against him, resting your head on his arm and softly gliding your hand over his chest, feeling his heart beat under your palm.
In response he softly put his fingers in your hair, massaging your head in circular moves.
"Look up lass, the sky is beautiful tonight. No clouds, just stars blinking and shining somewhere out there, far, far away. Haven't seen this in a while."
You listened to his words and followed his gaze up towards the sky. He was right, it was indeed beautiful. Dark blue mixed with dozen blinking lights looking back at you and him. Moon was nowhere to be found however. And then it struck you, the whole moment was inscribed into your memory- his soft breathing, the glitter in his eyes, the soft music that was playing from inside the car, the murmur of water somewhere in the distance, the ruffle of the leaves and grass that were moved by soft breeze and your eyes watered a bit, you really wanted to live in this moment forever, to lie on his arm forever and to gaze at the same stars forever.
John noticed the hard breathing next to him and faced you with soft smile "Dont cry lass, I more like you smiling, it suits you better. Can't say the same for those shoes.. Those didn't work for you that well eh?" you chucked through the tears and felt his thumb on your cheek as he wiped one stray tear.
"I just want to be here forever.. Like this. With you next to me. If I had one chance to freeze the time it would be right now, right here with you so I could look at your eyes filled with thousand stars forever, counting them slowly one by one, never getting bored of you." the girl said softly pulling herself closer to him. John smiled and kissed her hair softly.
"Funny how you are telling me the words I should be telling you bonnie. Maybe this is just a dream eh? Maybe we will wake up from it feeling empty..I know that I will miss you when I am gone.. Now, tell me who broke your heart?"
John said with whisper, still gazing up at the stars, slowly closing his eyes.
"Life did. But its nothing you can't fix.." you said quietly, blushing and looking up at him. He opened the eyes and looked back at you, his eyes trailing every line of your face, trying to remember all the features of it as he leaned in and slowly kissed your forehead.
"Dance with me?" He asked and you smiled up at him.
"I dont have any shoes on." you replied as with one swift move he pulled you off the car .
"That is nothing I can't fix." he smirked a bit and lifted you up from the car, telling you to stand on his shoes.
"John no, I am heavy." you chuckled as his hands held you close to him, his hands under his jacket, one placed on small of your back and one firmly held your hip, your feet now on his shoes, and he started moving slowly in tune of "Gloria" by Midnight that was on radio station at the moment.
"Bollocks, you are light as a feather, I can't even feel you. Do you even eat something or you just drink every day?" He joked and you laughed, throwing your hands over his head, locking them behind his neck.
"Captain Mactavish, stop teasing me and kiss me. I demand that action." you ran your hand over back of his head, feeling the tingles on your palm from his fresh shaven hair cut.
He looked down at you, lingering his eyes on your lips that were smirking a bit, slowly closing distance between the two, teasingly.
He pressed his cold lips on yours and you closed your eyes, wanting to remember every single moment and every move he made.
He slowly moved his hand up and down your back, inviting you to deepen the kiss which you accepted. He kissed you slowly, with passion with every move. He was spilling all of his emotions right then and there, he held you like was afraid that you will disappear from his arms, like he wouldn't be able to touch you or feel you. Your heart feel heavy, and you swore he could hear it since it was crashing against your ribcage. 
John slowly parted with your lips, looking into your eyes, his forehead resting on yours,
"After I am done with next mission, I will steal you and take you away so we can count all of the starts together, alright?" He asked and you nodded in approval slowly.
"Promise you wont forget?" You blinked up at him and he softly leaned in and kissed your lips again, kiss that was assuring and warm.
"I will be back in two days, wait for me here and be ready for a trip.", he softly brushed his nose on yours and you smiled wide at him, the universe was on your side, fate was on your side. It gifted him to you, to keep him and to cherish him, that whole night was like a fever dream, it almost didn't feel real- but it was. He was there and you were with him, swaying to the music slowly, kissing and feeling each other praying that sun wont come up just yet..
In two days you were at the same spot, your truck filled with all your stuff you needed.
You paced around the car excited, wanting to have his arms around you again, wanting to kiss him again... But he never showed up.
You never saw him again. You visited the bar often, you went to the house where you left his friend that night but the house was not there, it was demolished not long ago.
John disappeared without the trace, just the way he came into your life, unnoticed.
You never heard from him again. It was like that whole night was just a distant dream you had, and you would believe it if it wasn't for his jacket that was in your closet, his smell still lingering on it.
Years have passed, you never quite moved on, settling for a man who was nothing like John, but he cared for you, he really did.
Treating you right, bringing you flowers for every 14th of February, never forgetting anniversary or your birthday.
He didn't have stars in his eyes, he never took you to that place, never made you fall in love with him in bare hours, but he was enough. You had a nice house in nice neighbourhood and you lived a nice life with him.
You were at kitchen, preparing a lunch for your husband and you, when you heard a bell ring of your doors. You swiftly cleaned your hands and rushed to open the door.
"Yes?" You said as handle turned and the door opened.
Man who you never met before stood before you. He had small blue eyes, his beard was a bit weird but it suited him nice. He had a brown hair, and looked like life never treated him with ease.
"Can I help you sir?" You questioned the stranger and he nodded affirmative
"You are a hard one to find (y/n). Took me long enough.. Name's John Price, I have something for you.", he said and pulled white small envelope from his pocket handing it to you
"What is this sir? How do you know my name?" He smiled sadly at you and turned around being ready to leave when he stopped in his tracks, not facing you still.
"I am sorry. Wish I did more." .
He said and you were more confused than ever, you watched as man left your property and you closed the door, looking at the envelope that was in your hand. It was a bit heavy, but only on one side of it.
You rushed to the living room, where you sat down and opened it.
Dog tags fell out from them, they were cleaned recently, but the rust on them was noticeable still.
"John Mactavish"
Some numbers and rest were scribbled from them.
Your heart dropped and your lips parted, eyes already filled with tears that slowly left your eye, falling down your cheek.
In the envelope was also a paper, it had blood stains on it. You tried wiping your eyes and reading it.
"I want to invite you for a walk,
To a quiet place; In the moor.
When the breeze sings midnight,
One if those nights- the moon is full.
A restless pounding invades in my heart,
When I think of my confidants-
The stars.
If they could only speak ,
What would they say?
If you could hear them talk.
For they know of my fondness for you,
And that in my thoughts
There is no other one.
If only the stars could speak
They will tell you that I love you,
They would ask you,
To love me back."
You hugged the peace of paper like it was John himself and let your tears fall freely whispering to yourself and to the paper like he could hear you, like he was the one in your arms instead of this bloody peace of paper.
“I do love you John.. I never stopped.”.
A soothing closure fell over you. Now he was the star somewhere up in the sky, looking over at you every night you faced the sky, waiting for you to join him one day.
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Ooo...can i please request Fem reader who have just been heartbroken by a one sided crush and then one day she met The Joker and he makes her forgot about her crush? Can be nsfw if u want 👀
Hello, anon! Ok so this is longer than I'd originally planned but I was having fun 😆 it’s a little story in the realm of a crackfic that I had a lot of fun with! I hope you like it!!
Self-insert, Ledger Joker x fem reader, crackfic
Word count: 2,121
Warnings: light nsfw, mentions of mild violence
Summary: Sometimes people surprise you with what they'll do when their back is up against a wall, even the Joker.
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It had to happen today, of all days. You went to grab a coffee this afternoon and what did you see? The man she knew you were obsessed with had his lips on hers. Right across the street from the café, your so-called friend was making out with the guy you’ve had a crush on for years.
He was back in Gotham on a business trip. His stay would have been shorter if it wasn’t for state of things in the city for the past couple of weeks. It seemed your friend decided it was an opportunity to swoop in before you’d gained the confidence to do it yourself. But the kicker is that he’d already agreed to meet you for dinner tomorrow night on top of it. Looks like he gets around. You all had gone to the same high school years ago and things apparently haven’t changed much. Aren’t you too old for games like this? You tried not to dwell on it, you had a job to do, but it’d been burning in your stomach like caustic acid for hours now.
You resisted the temptation to text her, tell her you saw them. No, if they want to play games, you could play your own. So far you hadn’t come up with anything but the old stand-by, the silent treatment. But this needed something bigger.
Your revenge plotting would have to wait, though. A minor injury out on patrol last month landed you a position in booking at MCU just in time for shit to hit the fan. Being a Gotham police officer was nothing like you’d expected it to be. You had your sights set on helping the disadvantaged, the people who couldn’t catch a break in this god forsaken city, who fell victim to loan sharks and got stuck in an endless cycle of debt to the inexplicably powerful Mob presence here. But the amount of red tape and corruption making that hopelessly impossible was enough to make you resent your decision in the first place. By now, you were one drug possession arrest away from never coming back.
Today, however, had taken an interesting turn. Your eyes were glued to the tv screen in the front office where live coverage of the SWAT team’s descent on the Pruitt building captured everyone’s attention. Some were optimistic about it, but most of the talk around MCU was skeptical. “If he’s gotten out of it before, he can do it again.”
But they got him. Back up teams raced out of the precinct and everyone scrambled with nervous excitement to carry out preparations for his arrival.
You weren’t here the last time the Joker had been brought in. You were off duty and you’d found yourself feeling a little jealous that you weren’t. He was all Gotham talked about, particularly around here. You weren’t sure how many times you’d seen his face by now. That face. There was something about the way he looked into the camera, it sent a tingle down your spine. It was a strange mixture of fear and fascination. It left you feeling conflicted, uneasy from the butterflies it stirred in your stomach, like you shouldn’t get this kind of excitement from it, a little spark of thrill you’d managed to keep suppressed.
But that spark was growing dangerously hotter now that you knew he’d be coming here, so soon, nonetheless. You had to keep your composure. The excitement was enough that you’d almost forgotten the betrayal you witnessed this afternoon… almost.
Your heart pounded as you approached the booking office, the sound of shouts and cheering echoing through the halls. What was he going to be like? Would he be angry? Was he going to take an officer hostage like last time? What if it ended up being you? You tried to take a deep breath, fighting the shaking of your hand as you reached for the door handle before carefully opening it.
You froze just past the doorway, letting it shut behind you. He was so… tall. He stood behind the intake desk, at least several inches taller than the SWAT officer removing the cuffs from his wrists behind his back. His expression was blank, casually watching the officers try to do their job while looking like their nerves were about to snap, avoiding touching him as much as they could.
“One move and I won’t hesitate to shoot you,” one officer said, doing his best to keep his voice from cracking.
The Joker didn’t say a word. He just flicked his tongue over his lip and lazily rolled his eyes. Butterflies fluttered into your throat and you fought to swallow them down. You had to try to relax, you can’t let him get to you. Of course, that’s easier said than done, his presence alone was enough to ignite an oddly alluring anxiety within you.
The awkward silence was broken when the on duty detective voiced his intolerance for that kind of behavior before noticing your arrival.
“Nice of you to join us, officer.”
All eyes landed on you, including his. You couldn’t breathe for a moment. That feeling that you got when you saw his picture was nothing compared to the intense wave of adrenaline that struck you like lightning, leaving you in a cold sweat as his eyes connected with yours.
You tried to maintain a professional demeanor, but you couldn’t hide the way color drained from your face as you slowly approached him. Just breathing took an immense amount of concentration. So much that you didn’t hear the detective giving you the case number to record before beginning the booking process.
“Officer! I’m speaking to you!”
You jumped and broke your gaze away from Joker’s dark rimmed eyes to quickly grab the form as the detective mumbled under his breath. Your hand was shaking again as you tried to breathe normally and recorded the number then in the next line, “Name, Unknown. Alias, The Joker.”
A shiver trickled its way down your back as you could feel eyes on you again and you looked up from the form to see him carefully watching you. Your breath hitched and you quickly tore your eyes away to stare at the form as heat bloomed in your cheeks. This couldn’t be happening. You’d been avoiding talking with anyone about him for weeks and no matter how much you denied it, now you knew why.
The other officers took his long purple coat and suit jacket off of his shoulders, removing a variety of knives from his clothing before turning him around to face you. You kept your eyes down, taking the cuffs from your belt to hold them in your hands, ready to place them on his wrists. A knot has tied itself around your insides and grew tighter the longer you stood there and stared at his hands, stained with traces of white, black, and red paint. Your face burned hotter, and your heart pounded relentlessly in your throat, but you had to try to remain calm. If you kept showing them how nervous you were, you’d be booted off of the case and another officer would take your place. This was pure torture, but you still didn’t want that to happen.
You were surprised by a need for more. He already had you trapped in this confusing push and pull to give in to the unusual attraction you had to him even though you knew it was wrong. It had taken you this long to realize that was it. A deep seated attraction had been sitting in the back of your mind and now it was rapidly taking over your body.
Goosebumps prickled your skin when your fingertips grazed his bare wrists, clicking the latch on the cuffs in place. This was like nothing you’d ever felt before, the rush in your veins, the heat in your stomach. You managed to keep the exhilaration spreading through your body from boiling over as you lead him to the line up wall for his intake photo.
He stood in front of the digital camera, holding the placard displaying his alias with the date and case number, his green hair swept hastily out of his face and infamous greasepaint smeared wildly. When you looked at the screen to capture the image, the knot in your belly unraveled. His gaze focused directly up into the camera lens and straight at yours, the corner of his scarred mouth tugging into a smirk. Your heart pounded in your ears and you could feel yourself shudder as rational thought slipped away, drowned out by a pervasive impulse. You knew he was dangerous, of course, and you couldn’t explain it but, you didn’t care. The fire he’d ignited within you was in control now.
A nervous buzz spread from your hands and down your arms before you looked up from the screen to meet his gaze, returning a subtle smile. Joker lifted his eyebrow and his grin stretched across his face until the other officers approached and he let it fall with a swipe of his tongue across his lip. That was all it took. You let those tempestuous flames engulf you and now you weren’t going to do anything to stop them.
Everything felt slowed down, like you were dreaming, feverish with this sudden and powerful desire when you kicked the door to the private search room open, pulling him inside with you and locking the door. You had precious few minutes before they’d find you. You quickly unlocked his handcuffs and spun around to put your back against the door, gripping the lapels of his vest when you stopped and stared up at his face as your stomach dropped. Why did you just do that?
But the feeling of regret didn’t last long. A low chuckle rumbled in Joker’s chest before he leaned on his hands, placed against the door on either side of you and brought his face inches from yours. Your breath huffed over his lips and the familiar feeling of arousal swelled between your legs as you felt his heat wash over you.
“Needed somewhere, uh, private to perform your search, officer?”
His lips hovered over yours as you smiled and answered softly, “I figured we’d start with the oral cavity search.”
His giggles were muffled when you crashed your lips into his, surrendering to the spontaneous and intense lust you found yourself swimming in. Your heart soared when he kissed you back, raising the intensity and allowing your tongue into his mouth as his hands moved to grip the sides of your face and your eyes fluttered closed.
He hummed when you wrapped your hands around his neck to lace your fingers in his hair and pressed your body against his. You could feel his size beneath the fabric of his pants and your breath hitched. This was one of those moments that didn’t feel like it was really happening, but it was. His hands slid down your sides to grip your waist and your mouths separated to catch your breath.
His eyes traveled up and down your body before another devious smile sent a shiver down your back.
“You. How about you come with me, hm?” he said, his eyes flickering to the gun in your belt.
Your stomach fluttered and you stared back at him, flinching when fists started pounding on the other side of the door and voices shouted. You shouldn’t trust him, you knew you shouldn’t. But trust hasn’t gotten you much in the past, has it? Besides, you didn’t have to trust him. Whatever happens is going to happen at this point so you might as well enjoy the ride. You’d already let it go this far. You swallowed your nerves and nodded, holding on tight to his shoulders.
Another chuckle made you bite your lip before he leaned in and purred in your ear, “Follow my lead, doll.”
You straddled his lap in the back of an unmarked van speeding down the street only moments later, his tongue in your mouth as your hands slid down his torso to the button on his pants. Was he always this lucky? Or did he know this would happen all along? Of course, this was a crazy thought but nothing that had happened today was sane. He held your own gun to your head and made his escape like it was planned that way. Either way, you’d easily forgotten all about the betrayal that felt so insignificant now.
In fact, tomorrow you’d receive a text from the traitor herself bragging to you about hooking up with your now former crush and your response, short and sweet, was “who?”
Taglist! @youmaycallmebrian @heavymetalnarwhal @neverputsaltinyoureyes @jokersqueenofchaos @into-crazy @killingjokee @astheworlddturns @jslittlebirdie @drreidsconverse @vipervixxen
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Steal My Girl (jaehyun x you)
a/n : Am I posting too much Jaehyun fic? Anyways it is February and I associate him with February (despite there are other members having Feb as their bday too! miannnn)
warning : none :D safe to read for all age! drink moderately and be responsible
“Hey um sorry to bother you,” Mark pops his head into your room.
You turn your head to look at him, eyebrows rising to ask him why.
Mark scratches his neck and you pause the music jamming into your ears. You drag your earphone down and ask the “troubled” man on your door frame.
“Umm Jaehyun is drunk again, and he called me to pick him up.” Mark explains slowly, you nod and wait for him to continue, “Are you busy?”
You glance at the clock, it’s almost nine and tomorrow is Saturday. You don’t really have anything coming soon, you finished your work for this week already.
“Nope not busy, why?” You finally tackle Mark down to the big question mark you had in your head.
Jaehyun is drunk and yeah what does Mark needs?
“You know I still cannot drive, and Johnny is on the party too drunk. Taeyong has passed out since his first cup and I don’t know who else can I ask help for.”
You smirk and shake your head, what a silly request!
However, Mark is still your cousin and Jaehyun is the man you treasure.
“Funny how Jaehyun called you instead of me! Did he forget you cannot drive yet.” You stand up to change your clothes and Mark doesn’t need a second order to change too.
“You’re sitting beside me! I am not dealing with the drunk men!” You put on a jacket and grab the key, wallet, and phone.
You made it to the party house, Mark quickly fetching his three drunk brothers and you just stay back. You’re not coming in.
The last man to enter the car is Jaehyun. You did not know how Mark made the three big men sit on the back compartment of your car, but here we are!
“Woaah we’re suddenly in a car! Who called the cab? Why is the service so nice…” Taeyong blurs off laughs and words, “Even the driver is pretty!”
You roll your eyes, why would Tae drinks if he knows he is this bad with alcohol.
“Hey she’s (y/n)! Dummy… keep quiet Yong, or else you’ll puke.” Johnny pushes Taeyong’s head to the other side. Well Taeyong needs to sit between the two men and he’s already leaning to Johnny.
“Ah it’s you sweetie! Sorry for going out again without you…” Jaehyun reaches for your shoulder from the back seat. You’re used to this, even though you two are dating, you don’t always join him on his parties.
“Driving her boyfriend home safely, check!” Jaehyun giggles in his unconscious state.
“Bae, help me with this calculus homework!!” Jaehyun once knocked on your apartment you share with Mark. He barged in one evening after you and Mark finished dinner, in a messy hair and crumpled math paper.
You nicely offered him dinner and brought him to sit on the dining table. Mark served him snacks and water, while you calmly taught him how to work on the problems. Step by step, well while reviewing too, since he was on the same class as you.
After working on the homework and Jaehyun could answer ten sets of question by himself, you let him go.
“Thanks girl! You’re the perfect lover!”
Teaching and tutoring your boyfriend? Check!
 “Babe, sorry to disturb you again…” Jaehyun’s voice appears softer and you know he is going to ask you a favor with this tone.
You glance from your homework, sparing only an eyebrow to him and he grins “I lost some buttons on the way home.” He shows you his button up shirt that lost three buttons.
You raise your brow, “Did you fight?”
He scratches his pink hair, “Well, someone mocked Doyoung and Taeyong, so I taught them some lessons.”
Only then did you notice, he has a small bruise on his face and a ripped lip.
You quickly stand up and grab his cheeks, checking for any other scratches on his pretty face. Jaehyun giggles when he sees your worried face.
You pick up the first aid kit and sit down on the sofa with Jaehyun by your side. “You should stop fist fighting sweetie, you don’t want to end up in the police office. I don’t have enough money to bail you out.” You roll your eyes and laugh, trying to make him laugh too.
Jaehyun smirks, “Haha yeah I know that, but you will find a way.”
You press on his scar and he winces, “Stop playing around.” You snap at him.
After taking care and bandaging his wounds, you finish your homework while Jaehyun sits on the sofa compressing his body.
You clean up your stuffs and finally walk to take your sewing kit, “Do you still have your buttons?”
He shakes his head, “Gone.”
You smirk, “Sorry, the only one I have are these,” you show him a set of cute pink buttons.
Jaehyun’s mouth drop, “You want me to wear that?”
You frown, “Well you lost your buttons. That is your button up, you go buy your own buttons.”
He sighs, “Fine…”
You smile secretly, “I’ll fix it later, wash this first.” You toss it to him and he lazily walks to the laundry basket and bring his dirty laundries with him to the washing room.
He goes back to the room with a happier face, saying he met Doyoung and Taeyong doing their laundries and got treated to some coffee. You just nod and the night goes on.
Only on the next morning did Jaehyun greets you with a spin and a kiss.
“When did you fix my shirt? Gosh thanks! You really are a perfect girl! Love you!!” he kisses you happily and you just nod your head.
Well, he slept early last night and you nicely sew his three buttons back with a normal button. You have them, you just want to tease him.
“Taking care of boyfriend and sewing clothes, check!”
 “Sorry I am late!” Jaehyun appears wet under the rain, and you just shake your head at the boy who is stranding in the front porch of your college building drenched in rain water.
“Forgot your umbrella again?” you calmly lead him into your college hall. Well, he promised to attend the exhibition with you, but here he is drenched in rain.
“I lend it to an old lady, she was stuck in the supermarket and I passed by.” He tries his best to squeeze the water out of his shirt.
You dig into your bag and toss him your sweater, “Lucky I brought your sweater. Go change, at least you won’t fall sick.”
His pants are wonderfully wet, but that guy managed to half dry it on the toilet.
“Secretly has a back up for boyfie, check!” Jaehyun grins to himself.
The list goes on, the number of incidental and accidental moments pile up. But always whatever happen, you always have a solution for him. With your calm personality, you just shake your head in disbelieve and like magic, you are able to give him a solution.
“Yow Jae, tell us how are you still surviving college at this rate?” Johnny asks his friend on a Saturday boys night.
Jaehyun looks away from the TV screen and spare a glance on his friend, “Survive? What do you mean?”
Doyoung groans at his slow wit, “That slow wit, fights, constant good scores despite you sleeping in class, and many more drunk nights.”
Taeyong has already shifted his attention too from the screen to the young man in pink hair.
“Share the secret please!” Yuta chimes in.
Jaehyun thinks for awhile, trying to answer all the questions proposed to him suddenly.
“Um… I think I survived and still live today because of (Y/n).” he shrugs his shoulder.
The four men groan and sigh, “RIGHT! How can we forget your super girlfriend!”
“You’re right (y/n) is the one who takes care of me! It’s like any problem I have… she has the solution.” Jaehyun realizes.
Doyoung lets out a huff, “Where can we get one?”
“I lowkey want to steal her when she picks us up on the club at night!” Johnny winks, which earns a pout from Jaehyun
“I want her more when Jaehyun said she sew his clothes at night when he lost three buttons. Gosh Jaehyun you’re really pampered, she does everything for you!” Taeyong punches Jaehyun’s shoulder playfully.
Jaehyun stays silent, his friends’ words coming in and out of his ear like that, but his head is slowly playing all of the memories and times he asked for your help and you’re always there. You always leave everything behind and help him, but has he done the same thing for you? Doubt.
“Aigo she is perfect! Can I just steal her? I believe I can be a better man,” Yuta laughs, and the other men laugh too but that earns him a loud smack on the head from Jaehyun.
“CALM DOWN! MY HEAD! YOU PUNCHED ME FULL POWER!” Yuta rubs his pounding head and sees fire in Jaehyun’s eyes
“No one is stealing her! She is mine, and fyi you cannot find anyone else like her in this world.” Jaehyun smiles with proud, “She is one of a kind, and if you find someone else like her, she belongs to me.”
lol wouldn’t this be cool if there is a tiktok trend for this? 
“helping boyfie do calculus,check!”
“helping boyfie sew buttons? check!”
byee author is just out of her mind
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wellhellotragic · 3 years
These Wounds Won't Seem to Heal  3/4
Summary: It’s not her fault. She’s still new and doesn’t know. He’s not flawless. Not anymore. He’s got scars, ones she’s seen first hand. Ones she helped tend to. His body is covered in them. There’s a thin red line where he took a bottle to the face during his early beat cop days. There’s another angry red mark on his torso from where he was stabbed with a knife in his ribs. The one where he had his hand slammed in a locker as a teenager has long since faded, only the barest hint remaining, only visible in just the right lighting.
There’s two oval scars now too. One in his stomach and one on his chest. Those are from the worst day of her life.But none of those scars compare to the ones he carries on the inside. The self-inflicted cuts he makes to his soul never quite healing over. He blames himself.  It’s not his fault.
There’s a scar on her soul now too. One he left. A piece of her heart forever missing.
Rating: Mature (mostly for language)
A/N: Guy, I suck so hard core. I don't even know how I let so much time lapse between chapter 2 and now, and then to really top off my suck-o-meter, I realized that there's going to have to be a chapter 4 because I can't fix what I've done so easily. Not realistically at least. I promise, and happy ending is coming though, and it won't take me another 8 months to get it up. I hope to have it up and finished by the weekend.
The AO3 version
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It’s been a hell of a night. She’s not sure where exactly it falls on her list of worst days ever, but it’s in her top five. It has to be. It’s not the worst, that honor is saved for the night she almost lost Killian, but it’s still up there. She’s spent hours now going through all of the details over and over again with Graham and Lance, her story never changing. Getting poked and prodded by EMTs, despite telling everyone that she’s fine.
She’s not, but they can’t stitch up her insides.
David, her partner, on the other hand has a bullet hole in his leg. Better than his head though.
She’s not even sure if she can fully reconcile everything that happened. She and David were investigating the death of a low profile importer, a nobody, interviewing some dock workers that had found the body. Some gruff looking men who easily blended in with the usual fishmongers and cargo sorters.
But they weren’t. She realized it just a second too late, right before a bag was pulled over her head. She fought like hell, but she was at a disadvantage. From what she heard, David had put up a fight as well, but in the end, it was useless, and she lost consciousness with a sharp blow to the head.
She woke up strapped down to a chair with David the same a few feet beside her. She shouldn’t have been surprised, Jefferson had always given her a bad feeling, but she never actually thought he’d go dirty. She certainly never expected to be facing the wrong side of his department issued sidearm.
Even now, everything is still a blur. Graham assured her it’s the shock, that it’ll fade once the adrenaline wears off; that everything will clear up after a good night's rest. She’s not sure about that though. It’s four in the morning now and the adrenaline seems to be hanging on for dear life still and she knows she's not going to rest any time soon. Humbert offered to drive her home but she declined, choosing to wait for August to finish wrapping up his report.
She’s not sure what time it is when they finally arrive at her apartment. The battery in her cell phone died ages ago. Neither of them even make a move for the fridge, choosing to bypass the beer she keeps stocked for the hard nights. Instead, the two of them move in silence to her room. She plugs in her cell before crawling in bed next to him, like when they were kids in Ingrid’s foster house. She’s not sure who’s comforting who at this point, but she knows that she just needs to be with family.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
She doesn’t, but she knows she needs to or it’ll eat her alive. She’s tried that once already and it ended up with her almost having a complete nervous breakdown and a three week leave of absence with daily Archie sessions.
“I don’t even know where to start.”
It’s true. So much has happened in the last twelve hours, there’s no one easy to pinpoint place to begin. So August goes first. He fills in the blanks that he can, so that she might be able to piece together the rest. He tells her about Killian sending him undercover, about Jefferson and missing drugs and money. How Jefferson was helping to conceal evidence that would link Walsh and the Nikko empire to a wide distribution of pixie dust.
Some of it is just speculation, that Jefferson must have figured out they were closing in on him and that’s why he went for Emma, and David was probably just collateral damage. How he most likely picked Emma because he knew how much she meant to him , and while he didn’t say Killian’s name specifically, the implication hung over her like a heavy cloud.
“Before you got there, he told Killian to choose. Between me and David I mean. To pick which one of us would live and which one would die. And then he just started laughing and screaming in this crazed voice that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget.”
It was the single most terrifying thing she’d ever heard. The mania that accompanied it. She already knew that it was going to haunt her for months to come, if not longer.
It’s a real Gracie’s choice. Gracie’s choice Killian. GRACIE’s CHOICE!!!
She felt August shift next to her.
“Gracie was his daughter. She died while he was undercover with a Southie Gang. Killian was undercover with Cruella at the time. It was a freak accident, a gas leak and the house went up in flames, but he was convinced that she was killed by one of the De Vil boys. He told me once that he knew Killian had given him up as a snitch to prove his worth. The De Vil’s had nothing to do with the Southie boys, but he’d twisted it up in his mind. I never thought he’d do anything about it though. It was just crazy drunk venting one night.”
She knows August. Knows that he’s blaming himself for what happened tonight, but she ignores it. Nothing she says will stop him from tormenting himself, and she’s not done.
“I told him to choose David. He has this whole perfect life, you know. An adoring wife and a new baby, all of these people that would miss him if he were gone. I told Killian to save David, and I-” She hates how small she feels when she cries, but she can’t hold back the tears. “He gave me this look. He’s been cold, but this was something different. There was just so much anger in his eyes.”
And that’s when she breaks. Knowing that hated her was one thing, but watching him train his gun on her. Seeing the pure darkness in his eyes. She doesn’t know how to voice it to August, but she knows that if August hadn’t arrived when he did, she knows he would have done as she asked. That he wouldn’t have had to think twice about it. And it’s that knowledge that sliced open the last piece of her heart that had been hanging on by a thread, even after all that time.
August holds her through the tears, until she finally exhausts herself enough to sleep. And so she drifts off, completely unaware of the new voicemail alert waiting for her.
The February air is cooler on the water and he kicks himself for not bringing a heavier jacket. It’s been ages since he’s been out on this boat, and time has helped him to forget everything except for the things he wishes he could. Liam always used to tease him, so much so that Killian would reject any offers of warmth from his brother just to prove a point. He wasn’t some silly kid that needed to be minded anymore. He was capable of doing everything on his own, except for bringing an extra coat. He forgot everytime, and today was no exception.
Luckily for Killian, the spare that Liam kept on the boat just for him is still in its place, folded neatly in a small storage locker below deck. It hits him in the gut a little, that Liam could be so right about some things and incredibly wrong about others.
It’s eating Killian alive, not talking to his brother. Not being able to express himself because despite everything Emma has done for him, Liam still doesn’t approve of her. Liam often still thinks of him as the teenage boy, awkward and desperate for approval from anyone that will give it to him, even if it means getting taken advantage of.
He’s not that kid anymore though. He isn’t letting his crush steal his essays and letting her claim this as her own. He isn’t using all of his hard earned money to buy her jewelry that she’s just going to pawn for cash later. He isn’t following after Emma like a lost puppy dog.
He’s in love with her, and he has a sneaking suspicion that she feels the same way. But at this rate, he’s never going to get Liam’s blessing, the only approval he needs anymore.
He shouldn’t be thinking about this now. He really shouldn’t. Not when he and Liam are sitting in a rented dilapidated loft across from an abandoned fabric warehouse waiting for the Canal Street Cutter to emerge. There had been a lot of chatter that morning about where he might be hiding and Liam assembled teams throughout South Boston hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
Emma and August were stationed about eight blocks over. Lance and Arthur were on the edge of South Boston and Waterfront. Other teams were scattered, but too far away to get to if they needed assistance.
Killian had tried to tell Liam that it was a bad idea to spread everyone so thin, but the elder Jones brother had been instant and headstrong as ever. It would have been a career making arrest, and Liam, ever aspiring to be more just wouldn’t let that chance pass him by.
“I just think that you have other obligations that require your attention right now.”
“If this is the bros before hoes speech you can just save it.”
“Killian,” The exasperation evident in his brother's tone, “you know I detest such vile language. It's crude and you are better than that little brother.”
“What obligations?” He has to quash his desire to correct his brother’s description of him.
“I just think that you are meant for so much more in this life and I worry that you gave up so much when you left the narcotics division to follow her into homicide. You were a rising star there and now you’re having to cut your teeth all over again.”
“It’s not as if I’m starting all over. For God’s sake Liam, I just made Lieutenant. But there’s more to life than a job.”
His brother takes his gaze away from the binoculars to turn to Killian.
“Look at father and all of his vices. It strayed him from the path. But you, Killian, you persevered and now everything you've wanted is in your grasp.”
“This isn't the same thing and you know it. Emma isn't some pathetic man’s addiction. Liam, I'm in love with her.”
“Killian,” Liam pauses, taking a deep breath. “She's a distraction. Think of all that you’ve accomplished in the year that you were undercover. You brought down an entire crime syndicate. You did that without her taking your attention away.”
“I didn't bring the De Vil family down because ‘we’ were apart. I did it because we were ‘apart’ and I knew the only way I'd be able to see her again without putting her in harm's way would be to find the evidence and make the arrest.”
“Fine, if you need another reason, have you thought about working directly with her, or even over her in a supervisory position? Have you considered how your personal relationship with a subordinate could affect your judgment?”
“It’s not-”
Liams sees movement in the distance, cutting off Killian’s rebuttal, but his view is obscured so he motions for Killian to follow him, to leave the safety of their little room. They stay silent as they walk downstairs and head out a propped-open door leading to an alleyway. They had to wind through hallways to get from the loft outside and now they’re further away from the warehouse with no cover.
Killian even tries pointing out how visible they are, but Liam shuts him down, determined to close the case. He’s halfway sure that Liam’s trying to prove a point about how Killian can’t be successful and be in a relationship with Emma. He’s seen it before, the way professional jealousy destroys couples. But Emma’s not like that. She wouldn’t see his success as her failure.
They try to skirt the perimeter and he knows he should keep his mouth shut, this just isn’t the time, but he’s just so frustrated that he can’t keep holding it in.
“Please don’t make me choose between you.” It’s an angry whisper, more to himself than anything, and even though he did his best to keep his volume low it’s still enough that Liam’s heard and turns back to him, missing sight of the empty beer bottle at his feet.
The glass battering against the gravel echoes through the night as they both stay silent, waiting to see if they’ve been heard. The air is still around them, and Killian thinks they just might have lucked out.
And then he hears the gunshots ring out.
Liam is on the ground before Killian has time to register what’s happened. He runs to Liam, but gets knocked to the ground before he can get to him. His body hurts and he can see blood covering his hand from where he just touched his abdomen. He’s always heard people say that the shock blocks out the pain, but they must all be liars, because the longer he lays there, the more the pain intensifies.
It takes everything he has to pull himself behind a dumpster, half crawling, half slithering like a snake.
The shock eventually did kick in though, because even to this day he has no memory of radioing in for help. Just the vague memories of Emma leaning over him. The look in her eyes as she tried her best to hold back tears.
The same tears he fought back the night he left Boston, like the coward he was. But Archie was right. He needed to get his head on straight, to distance and center himself. He had to leave, for her.
He’s still wrestling with the guilt. He talked about it with Archie, how she begged him to kill her and save David. And that he actually considered it for about two full seconds. Not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t want her feeling the way he did. The burden of knowing that someone else was dead, and knowing that no matter how good you are, how hard you try, that you’ll never live up to them. He didn’t want her hating herself the way he did. Didn’t want her to destroy herself like he had.
But then something snapped inside of him and rage bubbled up. The audacity of her to beg him to kill her. For her to try and force that decision on him, with no regard to him or his feelings.
It was at that moment that he finally realized what he’d been doing to her ever since Liam had passed away. He finally understood the choice she’d been forced to make that night. And he knew - he knew that despite it all - he could never live with himself if he’d chosen anyone but her. That he couldn’t let her go just like she didn’t with him.
The only thing that saved him was Boothe. In the moments that passed after August arrived, while the two of them tried to wrestle the gun away from Jefferson, he felt the weight of Liam’s death wash over him. And then he heard a shot ring out and there was nothing but panic. Panic and guilt.
It felt as though ages had passed as he searched for Emma in the smoke filled room. The SWAT team had moved in at some point, but he’d been too focused on fighting off Jefferson to notice. He pushed through the sting in his eyes and the tightness of his chest as he looked for her, but all he saw through the haze were armored cops everywhere.
It wasn’t until he was forcibly escorted outside the building that he saw her, saw that she was safe, and then his stomach turned. He ran around a corner away from all of the prying eyes, and for the first time in his career, he gave in and let the night overcome him.
It’s been nearly a year since that night and he’s been running ever since. Some days are better than others. The anger is mostly behind him, but some nights he still wakes up in a sweat clutching his bed sheets, ready to fight. But there’s never anyone around to take a swing at, because he’s all alone. He’s pushed away anyone that ever mattered and isolated himself on that damn boat.
He thinks of Emma, wonders if she’s moved on or not. He’s too cowardly to call her, partly because he has no idea what he will say if she answers, but mostly because he’s terrified that she won’t answer. So he broods. He takes to the local bars as he sails the coastline and drinks a little too much before stumbling back to Liam’s boat alone. It’s a wonder nobody’s robbed him yet for what a careless sot he’s been.
Tonight is one of those nights. He’s made his way down to Florida and back, only a few hours away from Boston, and his demons are screaming again. He’s hoping against all hope that the rum in the tumbler across from him will help quiet them. Just holding the small glass in his fingertips helps a bit. A placebo of sorts. He doesn’t want to be this man anymore though. This pathetic lonely human. He doesn’t want to feel this way anymore, but he doesn’t know how to fix it. Archie said that him realizing it was a good first step but he’s not sure if he agrees. He’s called Archie a lot over the last year. Somehow doing therapy over the phone as the boat sways back and forth under his feet has helped to ease his hesitancy. There’s something about knowing that he can hang up at any time if he wants, and that no one knows. No one will judge him.
They don’t talk about Emma, not in present tense at least. They’ve had conversations about the way he’s treated her in the past, about his complicated feelings for her, the way it’s all shaped him, but they never talk about her now. He’s not sure if it’s because Archie doesn’t know if he’s ready for that, or if Archie knows something that he’s absolutely not ready for.
Archie is here tonight though, the rum is.
He’s still twirling the amber in his hand as he hears the familiar scraping of a nearby barstool against a wooden floor. There’s a scent that follows, a floral perfume that doesn’t match with the musk of the dive bar. He doesn’t look at her directly, doesn’t need to when he can see her from the mirror behind the bar. Her top is low, flashing more skin that it’s covering. She’s closer than he thought.
“Is that for me?” She’s bold.
He’s reminded of those early days on the force, when he wouldn’t even have to talk to a woman. When he could just flash her a smile and she’d be on his arm heading out the door to her place. He’s not that guy though, he’s salty and cynical, and the look he flashes her is closer to a smirk.
“Excuse me?” “Well, you’ve been toying with it for almost twenty minutes. I just thought maybe you were waiting for me to walk into your life.”
Was he this bad at picking up women?
“Look, I’m not trying to be rude, but I’m not in the mood for woman.” “So you’re gay?”
It’s a good thing he hasn’t started drinking yet because he damn well might have chocked otherwise. He doesn’t get a chance to respond though. The bubbly blonde that served him his rum has returned with a spray bottle in hand. “Mary of Mothers. Didn’t I already have you escorted out of here tonight, Teresa?”
“Bite me, Tinkerbelle.”
The girl behind the bar might be all of five foot tall but there’s a beast inside her that towers over any man in that bar and before he knows what’s happening the bartender is drowning the girl in what smells like stainless steel cleaner and the words coming out of her mouth would make any Navy man blush.
The girl ends up running away and Killian isn’t sure what to make of any of it. He’s broken up bar fights before, but he’s never seen anything quite like that.
“Sorry about that. I know this little bar might not seem like much, but it’s all I’ve got and I’ll be damned if I let the likes of her selling her body in here.” “Oh, she wasn’t-” “Trust me, where you had agreed upfront or not, you would have been light whatever cash you have left in that wallet before the night was up. And I’ll bet you dollars to pennies you would have had a lovely little itch or two down there.” She nods her head towards his crotch before switching the subject like she hadn’t just implied the poor woman from before was an STD ridden whore. “So, I haven’t seen you here before. Where you from?”
He’s not sure how she’s disarmed him so quickly, but he finds himself telling her all about himself over the next hour. Business has slowed down and her other barmate seems to be more than capable of handling the few strays still walking in.
She makes him laugh too with her feisty spirit. It’s been far too long since he’s felt at ease like this. They talk and talk. Not about much in particular, just random conversation. She bought the bar about six years ago, and tells him about how it’s let her build the family she always wanted and never really got. She’s carved out her own little place in the world and he envies her that. The way she can just lay her whole life bare to a complete stranger while he can’t even talk to the people that know him best.
The night rolls on and it’s time to close up. He half expects that she’s going to invite him upstairs, to the little apartment she mentioned earlier, but she surprises him. She’s done that a few times tonight, but this one hits him in the gut. “So, what’s her name?”
This time he actually does chock on the water she’s poured for him.” “I’m sorry, what?”
“Killian, in the last few hours, you’ve told me your entire life story, everything from your shitty father to your arrogant brother, your job, your leave of absence, but you haven’t mentioned a girl one single time. You’re holding back, which means there’s something to hold back.”
“You don’t know that. I could be gay.” “Um, ya, I saw you check out Teresa’s rack earlier, definitely not gay. So what’s the deal.” He doesn’t want to talk about it, but he doesn’t want to be rude either. So he gives her as little as possible, but she sees through him. In fact, she actually asks him what the hell he’s waiting for as she pushes him out the door.
He doesn’t really know what he’s waiting for to be honest. He’s wanted to go back to Boston, but there’s just so many threads he left unravelled when he left.
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isnt-it-loverly · 4 years
Fall of Rome// five hargreeves
warnings: blood, alcohol, implications of you know what, mentions of panic attack, and pregnancy
summary: when you learn a shocking truth, you look back on your life to see where it all went wrong.
word count: 2436
A/N: Did I work on this instead of my school work? mmm yeah. Am I gonna regret that later? mmmm yeah. Was it worth it? mmm yeah! ALSO very important!!!! Flashbacks are in italics and Five and the reader are 25ish when rescued by commission 
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You thought the apocalypse was bad but this was far worse. Sitting on the dirty floor of some rinky-dink motel, clutching that stupid piece of plastic you screamed. How could you have let this happen? How could you let those two lines appear? You closed your eyes tightly and pictured where it went wrong.
 You woke up with a gasp, pain radiated throughout your entire body. You sat up with tears involuntarily streaming down your face. Your surroundings were nothing but rubble and fire as far as the eye could see. You coughed and a few drops of blood spilled over your lips. Clutching your side, you stood up. 
“Hello? Anyone?” You yelled. There was no response other than the crackling of fire.
 “Mom! Dad! Please, I’m scared,” You cried in anguish. 
You sat on a pile of rubble and waited for anyone to come. That’s what your father always told you to do when you were lost. You wailed for hours until your voice went hoarse. You whimpered, and somehow you knew that this is where you were gonna die. You slowly laid down and excepted your fate, you would not be a sole survivor. You just simply didn’t have it in you. At some point, you had drifted off to sleep but eventually awoken by something fiddling in your pockets. You bolted up to see a young boy in a dirty and tattered school uniform, looting through your jacket pockets. You both jerked back and let out shrieks of terror.
 “Holy shit, you’re alive?” He asked in utter shock.
 You simply just nodded, too shocked to say anything. So you two stared at each other for a moment, both very unsure of how to proceed. The boy cleared his throat and held out his hand. You took it slowly and very cautiously, still dazed from the day’s events.
“My name is Five,” he stated with a small smile, “what’s yours?”
“I- I’m (Y/n),” you rescinded in a meek tone, voice still ragged from your hours of yelling.
That’s where it all began, but that was too far back. Meeting Five was no regret either. He saved your life, and you saved him from being alone. You searched your memory again, trying to find the exact moment that altered the course of history.
 It was a cold, winter’s night, the snow was falling down at a million miles an hour and the wind was screeching like a million sirens. Luckily, you and Five found shelter in an old wine cellar that had managed to stay untouched. It was underground and it provided great shelter from the harsh elements. Five had built a fire and you suggested to drink some of the wine for that rush of warmth being drunk provided. Both options sounded amazing. You were snuggled up next to him, bottle in hand, and head on his shoulder. 
You watched as the flames dance around the kindling you found. There was a comfortable silence between you two. If you weren’t living in Hell, this would be a perfect moment. You felt a shiver run down your spine and Five instinctively pulled you closer. He was always like that with you, at first it had bothered you how he treated you like a porcelain doll just waiting to break. But as the years went on, He relaxed a bit. Realizing that you were tougher than you looked and that perhaps you were with him for the long run. Boy, had he fallen hard for you. Even if you weren’t the last girl on earth, He would always find a way to be with you. You were the one good thing about the apocalyptic future.
 He just wished he had the courage to tell you. Sure there was this unspoken bond between the two of you, you both cared immensely for the other. He was there to hold your hair back when you got sick, you were there to patch up his wounds, he was there to comfort you when the nightmares came, and you were there to sing him to sleep when they plagued his mind from time to time.  He had to make sure you knew how he felt, God forbid something happens without you knowing how much he loved you.
 “(Y/n),” He spoke softly into your ear bringing you out of your trance.
 “Yes?” You respond, gazing deeply into those beautiful emerald eyes.
 He didn’t know what to say. How could words describe how he felt, there were none. He leaned in closer, your faces mere inches apart. He took note of every detail of your face, the scar above your eyebrow, the dirt smudges on your face, and the redness of your nose from the cold. God, he wished he could take you away from this place. You didn’t deserve it. He placed a hand on your cheek and you nuzzled into its warmth. It was now or never he told himself. He broke that microscopic gap and kissed you. You were surprised at first, but you quickly kissed him back. It was like electricity and a million fireworks going off all at once. 
That was the first of many. You had loved him long before that and was very grateful that he felt the same. From that day on, everything was different. You two weren’t just two traumatized adults making their way in the world anymore, you were lovers. That made the world a little more bearable to be in, and it definitely made life a whole lot brighter. You decided that wasn’t it, there was nothing wrong there, and you wouldn’t change a thing.
 Five had been nervous and finicky all day, something very unusual for him. You were getting worried honestly. After twenty minutes of watching him pace back and forth and ramble to himself, you decided to intervene.
 “Five, dear, are you okay?” You asked obviously concerned. He would get like this when pining over an equation but he would always come to you for comfort. This was something new and something was off. 
“Everything’s fine. Why?” He said instinctively putting his hand in his pocket. Something you noticed immediately.
 “Empty your pockets,” You replied unamused. 
There was a silence before he spoke up again. “No.” 
“Excuse me?”
 “I said no, (Y/n).”
 “Say it again so I know you’re serious.”
Without a second thought, you lunged for his pockets. There had never been any secrets between you two, so you weren’t going to start now. He quickly blinked out of the way. That little cheater! You made a dash for him, and he did the same. Five managed to pin you down pretty quickly but was careful not to harm you in any way.
“Are you done?” He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
“No! Not until you tell me what you’re hiding Hargreeves!” You snap back.
 “Fine,” he grumbled in defeat. 
He helped you up and began digging in his pockets. He pulled out a diamond ring attached to a silver chain. 
“I found this ring in the rubble. I knew it wouldn’t fit because of your inhumanly tiny hands. It took me months to find this necklace for it. Everything had to be perfect. So what do you say?” Five explained nervously.
 “I say, I would love to be Mrs. Hargreeves,” you replied while crushing him in a hug and showering him in kisses.
 No, that couldn’t be it either. It was definitely not the proposal you had imagined when you were a little girl, and there was no grand wedding in the apocalypse. That didn’t matter to the two of you though, all you needed was each other. You tried to think harder because to you all of this was meant to happen, you had come to love your little makeshift life in Hell. Then it hit you. The day that she came- the Handler. The day that she gave your husband a chance to leave the apocalypse, but not you. Luckily Five didn’t take her up on the offer, not if you weren’t by his side. Eventually, she cracked and you two were recruited for the Commission.
 You looked in the mirror. It had been so long since you had seen yourself, you almost forgot what you looked like. You ran fingers through your hair, it was soft and plush. Your stomach was full, and your face free of dirt and debris. This felt wrong. Nearly 15 years in an apocalypse, and suddenly you were tossed back into civilization. You felt a sob escape your throat, what had you two gotten yourselves into. You heard a knock on the bathroom door, and composed yourself quickly- this was no place for weakness.
 “(Y/n)? Can I come in? You’ve been in there for a while,” Five asked, worry evident in his voice.
 You muttered a quiet yes and your husband lets himself in. 
“Ya know, I’ve never seen you not caked in dirt and blood. You were beautiful then, but this is just a whole new level,” He said grabbing your arm. He carefully examined where they had placed the tracker, it was still bruised and he assumed sore. He placed a tender kiss around the area.
 “And it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you clean-shaven and with a fresh haircut. And never in a suit, so much more dapper than those schoolboy shorts you used to wear,” You said while placing a hand over his heart, feeling the crispness of the fabric.
He hummed in response and pulled you into a tight hug. This wasn’t easy for him so he knew it was hard on you. You breathe in smelling his cologne, what a change from the smell of fresh earth. You felt him place a kiss on the top of your forehead. 
“We have to get going. Our orientation class starts soon, and after I need to give you a crash course in combat before our first mission,” He said while pulling away. You nodded in response. Surviving this place would be nothing compared to the apocalypse. 
Yes, you thought, now we are getting somewhere. This is the fall of Rome. This is where your life began to crumble. That sense of security and the smallest ounce of normalcy gave you comfort and confidence. That was dangerous. That was it! That’s why you were in so much pain right now, that’s why your marriage could crumble, and your life terminated. 
The mission had gone sour fast. You hated every minute of it. You hated every aspect of it. You hated this life. You hated your life. You didn’t want to kill someone who wasn’t your target, but they got in the way. They threatened your life, but even worse they threatened Five’s. You had no choice.
 Sitting on the crusty bed of your motel room, Five hands you a bottle of tequila. “I know you’re more of a wine gal, but I think you might need something with a little more kick tonight,”  He said quietly, carefully unscrewing the cap for you.
 Once again you felt like that porcelain doll, except this time you had broken. You took a huge swig and Five did the same. He sat the bottle down and sat behind you. Carefully rubbing your shoulders, you let out a small sigh.
“I’m sorry that happened, Love, I should’ve been quicker,” He whispered into your ear. 
You picked up the bottle and took another long sip, loving the burn as it slid down your throat.
 “It’s not your fault, we got the job done. That’s all that matters,” you said in a monotoned voice. 
Five hated this. He wanted to take you out of the apocalypse and give you a better life- but this is not what he envisioned. He hated how The Handler has made you into a killer, he wished he could keep your hands clean. Sometimes that wasn’t an option. You turned to face him, the flush of alcohol clear on your face. You kissed him deeply and passionately.
 “Make me forget,” You whispered in between kisses. 
And one thing leads to another. One drunk night in that stupid red dress, and now your life was over. 
You stared at the pregnancy test, two lines. Shit. How could you be so stupid and reckless, how could you have let this happen? You hated yourself even more now. You couldn’t stand being in this life, so how could you bring a childinto it. The tears fell freely now, you had royally fucked up. You were so engrossed in your thoughts you didn’t hear Five walk in. 
“Honey, I’m home,” He chided jokingly. 
Your face paled and you felt like you were going to be sick. He was back early, you thought you were going to have more time to figure out what to say and more importantly what to do. 
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?” Five asked, quickly rushing to your side. He dropped to his knees and wiped away all of your tears. You clutched the test tightly so that he would see. Your hands were shaking too much though for him not to notice. He reached for your hands and you didn’t have it in you to stop him. He let out a gasp and looked straight at you.
 “You’re pregnant?” He asked in disbelief. You nodded and let out another loud sob, without missing a beat Five pulled you in close. He whispered words of comfort and stroked your hair. He told you it was going to be okay, but you couldn't fathom how it would be.
 “I’m so sorry Five, I’m sorry,” you cried out. He pulled you away so he could look into your eyes. The fear behind them was evident.
 “This does put a crunch on time, but I swear to you I will figure out those equations and stop the apocalypse. We will have a normal life, I promise,” He said in a loving yet forceful tone. 
“You’re not- you’re not mad at me?” You whispered.
“No, I’m not mad at you. I love you (Y/n), with all my heart. I won’t let anything happen to you or this child,” He said pulling you into a tight hug.
 Your fears melted away, and you pretended that this was a normal moment. No impending doomsday, no time-traveling assassins, just two people in love who are cherishing a new chapter in their lives. You closed your eyes and imagined a future. It was bright, and you knew that Five would never break a promise.
“I love you too,” You smiled back.
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bosspigeon · 3 years
How about Library Juni getting caught in the rain? as a prompt
"Please stop shouting at me."
It comes warbling over the sound of the rain pounding the pavement, and, desperate for anything to focus on other than being miserably overwhelmed while he waits for Detective Carney and tries to keep dry under the eaves of the station, he zeroes in, squinting through the deluge to see a hunched humanoid shape slogging down the sidewalk.
With the rain pelting down hard, drowning every sound and scent in just wet, the only way he recognizes the library assistant is by voice. His voice, and the grating yowling coming from somewhere on his person, presumably tucked inside his jacket, if the way he's holding it closed is any indication.
Mason smirks a bit, the bright spot of some minor schadenfreude at that stupid little not-cat being just as miserable as he is warming him up.
"I know, I know," the human sighs indulgently, sniffling a bit. "In my defense, I wouldn't have forgotten to grab the umbrella this morning if someone hadn't gotten sick in my shoe while I was getting ready for work."
The not-cat is silent for a brief moment, before yowling unhappily some more.
"Y'know, I'm not exactly having a good time either!"
"Do you always talk to it like that?" Mason calls over the noise of the storm.
The human starts and almost faceplants into a puddle, but catches himself at the last minute, squinting across the parking lot. Mason notices he's not wearing his glasses. Not terribly surprising, considering they wouldn't be much use in this weather, anyway. He must recognize the vampire anyway, because he starts hurrying his way across the asphalt.
As he gets closer, Mason starts to pick up that odd, eerily intoxicating scent, but it's drowned by the rain, and the second he's close enough for one little yellow eye to spot Mason from inside the human's jacket, the cat starts caterwauling again, and it vanishes entirely, leaving him a bit foggy and wrong-footed.
"Yes, I do," the human says, and Mason blinks at him, until he adds, "talk to him, I mean. My cat."
Mason raises his eyebrows, and the human flusters. Mason remembers his name very suddenly, remembers him scrawling it onto his arm, along with his number, and smirks a bit.
"Are you waiting for Detective Carney?" Juni asks before Mason can even think of what to say. The creature's still growling inside his coat, glaring balefully at him, but it seems less annoyed now that they're out of the worst of the rain.
"Yeah," Mason says, eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Why?"
Juni hardly seems to notice, busily trying to wring some of the water out of his hair one-handed while the other supports the weight of his "pet" underneath his soaked coat. "Just wondering. I don't really know anyone else in town yet, other than Ms. Spinelli and Detective Carney, and, well, you, now, I guess? But he was very, um, very nice to me, with my... Problem," he flusters visibly, but it doesn't cause the same spike in his scent that Mason's noticed before, and he looks down towards his feet almost guiltily.
Restraining order echoes in Mason's head, recalling the last time he saw the strange human, when he came to the station. But Mason wasn't supposed to have heard that. Instead, he snorts. "Must be a special case. I don't think he knows how to be nice to anybody."
"The two of you must get along well, then."
Mason's eyebrows shoot towards his hairline at the same time Juni claps his free hand over his mouth with a wet smack! Clearly, he did not intend to say that out loud. Mason doesn't laugh, but it's a near thing.
The human seemed boring at first, a typical doddering small-town librarian, but there's bite to him, even if he doesn't seem to mean for it to come out when it does. Not to mention whatever weird shit is going on with his "cat" and the scent of his blood. It almost makes him think of Rex's mutation, but there's something... different about it, something Mason can't quite explain. He hasn't even mentioned it to Adam yet, because he's not sure how relevant it is, and he doesn't want to throw a random red herring into their ongoing investigation.
Regardless, the human has his interest, and whether that interest is to get to the bottom of the weirdness surrounding him for the Agency, or to see if he's as squirmy without his clothes as he is with, well, that's yet to be seen.
"D-do you know if Detective Carney likes sweets?" the human fumbles to ask, clearly desperate to change the subject. Mason smirks.
"Do I have some competition?" he purrs.
"No!" Juni squeaks. Mason's smirk widens. "There's no— You're—"
The station's door opens, and Juni whirls away from him to face Rex, who looks between the two of them with a scarred brow raised. "Am I interrupting something?" he asks, eyes flicking towards Mason.
"Not yet," Mason mutters, and Juni makes a noise like a teakettle whistling.
"Detective Carney!" he says, his voice pitched high. "Hi! Do you like sweets? I just wanted to thank you for, um, being so, well... y'know, and I like to bake in my free time, so I thought—"
Rex looks at Mason again over the human's head, both brows raised now, as well as his hands, completely thrown by the flustered little librarian's intensity. "You're soaked," he says instead, low and probably more rough than he intends it to be.
Juni's mouth snaps closed. "Y-yeah, I, um... I forgot my umbrella at home today. I didn't expect the storm to hit until after I got home, so I thought it would be fine, but Ms. Spinelli kept me a bit late—" He snaps his mouth closed when he realizes he's rambling. "Sorry."
"Do you need a ride home?" When the smaller human begins to protest, he tilts his head and furrows his brow. "I'll take you home." He jerks his head towards Mason for him to follow. Thankfully, he parked closed to the side of the building, so they don't get much wetter getting to his shitty little clunker.
"I don't want to get your seats wet," Juni mumbles half-heartedly, but he's starting to shiver, and the cat inside his coat makes a pitiful little mewling noise.
"They've seen worse," Mason snorts.
Rex gives him a dirty look, but crams himself into the driver's seat. "There should be a blanket folded up back there," he says while he cranks the heat. Mason slips into the passenger's side and settles in, though there's an awareness of the human in the backseat he can't quite shake, like a hum at the back of his mind. Almost without thinking, he watches him in the rearview, while Rex gets the car warmed up.
Juni peels open his coat, and the cat creeps out of it and starts licking itself industriously. Its patchy fur could probably use the attention, rain or no rain.
The last time Mason saw Juni, he was wearing that same coat. The time before that, he was wearing an oversized turtleneck. Beneath his coat, he's wearing a thin knitted pullover with a slouchy collar. It slips down over one shoulder as he squirms out of his sodden coat, and there seems to be a tattoo creeping up the side of his neck, a strange design that looks like ivy. As Mason watches, it crawls higher, a tendril curling up to tickle under Juni's ear.
The cat catches his eye in the mirror in a way a stupid animal would not be able to, pupils narrowing to slits, and just like that, the tattoo disappears, leaving just bare skin marked only by a small constellation of freckles.
Mason narrows his eyes, and the cat goes right back to licking itself.
They drop Juni off at an unassuming little apartment building, he thanks the detective effusively, gives Mason a flustered look, and hurries inside before he gets washed away again.
The cat glares at Mason over Juni's shoulder until he disappears into the building.
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faceachefics · 4 years
Silver Souvenir
Pair: Severen x Reader
Summary: Severen visits you for the first time in a while and you surprise him with a pair of rings for both of you to wear. Little did you know, he was “allergic” to silver.
Word Count: 1425
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    It was 6:32 a.m., and the sun was making its way over the horizon. You were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast when you heard a knock at the door. Who would show up to your house at this ungodly hour? A few seconds go by and there was another knock. You huffed and went over to the front door. This had better be important.
    You were greeted with a dark-haired man with a pin-covered leather jacket. Before you could process this familiar face, he shouted “Hey, beautiful!” and tightly embraced you. He spun you around to the side of the doorway and invited himself in. His southern drawl and smoky musk made you one hundred percent confident it was—
    “Severen?” You questioned your assumed acquaintance. His eyes brightened when he heard the name.
    “I knew you’d remember me, baby!” He had that same enthusiasm, too. He paced to the doorway and signaled someone to come in. “Hope you don’t mind me n’ my pals crash here for the day.” Pals? As in there was more than one person with him? The previous times he came to your house, he was alone.
    He said he had been driving all night and was looking for a place to stay. You were intimidated by him but let him in anyway. The stranger slept all day and talked to you during the first couple hours of nighttime. Although, the conversations were more focused on you than him. You didn’t know much about him other than his “family” and their travels. He didn’t have much else to give away other than a couple experiences from his childhood. With each visit you became more attached to him, especially since they were each a month or two apart.
    “Won’t you be so kind as to shut the curtains for me?” Severen asked in a sweet tone. You snapped out of your daze and silently fulfilled his request. As you closed the curtains, you saw four people hop out of an RV. You couldn’t quite make out their appearances through the blankets they were covered in.
    “Uh…” You looked over at Severen with knit brows. “I didn’t know you’d bring guests this time.”
    “Sorry to cause ya trouble this early,” He sympathized. “We just need a place to sleep an’ we’ll be outta your hair same time as always.” Severen was known to be a prick to humans regardless of whether they were food or not. However, he could be a gentleman when he wanted to. You were kind enough to let him in and offer him some food and drinks every now and then. Not only that, but you were interesting to talk to, and through these conversations he learned a lot about you: routine, birthday, beliefs, childhood, hobbies, past relationships, and the people who wronged you. He felt bad he could only share a few details about himself, but he couldn’t give away anything that would lead you to the realization that he wasn’t human.
    You watched as the four new strangers power walked into the house and made their way to your living room. They took off their blankets and you were finally able to get a better look at them. One was an older man with a rust-colored jacket and a Y-shaped scar on his cheek. The woman close to him had puffy, blonde hair and wore chaps over her high-waisted jeans. There was also a moody, dark-haired boy with them, along with a short-haired, blonde with a pink, sleeveless top. They each looked back at you, almost sizing you up. This group was infinitely more intimidating than Severen alone.
    “W-… would any of you like something to eat or drink?” You stuttered, trying to ease the growing tension in the air.
    “We’re fine,” The older man replied in a stern voice. Meanwhile, Severen was already in the kitchen helping himself to the bottle of whiskey you bought a couple weeks ago. It made him even happier knowing you were still thinking about him, waiting for him to come back. He drank straight from the bottle since you never took too much of it. Whiskey was strong for you, but to him it was merely as strong as liquor.
     The group had already settled on the couch and lounge chair, which barely fit all four of them. Severen wandered around the house, bottle in hand, with you close behind. He was the only one in the bunch you were familiar with, the only one you felt safe around. He found it cute that you were accompanying him. You were like a puppy following its favorite person around.
    Ever since you met, he knew you were the most precious lil’ thing he laid eyes on.
    Severen opened a door and found your bedroom. “Mind if I sleep here?” You shook your head. He had slept in your bed one time when he was drunk, but he didn’t bother undressing. This time, however, he set the whiskey on the nightstand and took off his jacket, as well as the red flannel shirt underneath. He turned his head to you and caught you staring. “Like what ya see?” He snickered as you quickly looked away and blushed. He sat at the edge of the bed to take off his spurs and boots. Then, you remembered something.
    “Oh!” You realized. “I almost forgot about these.” You rummage through your nightstand drawer and pulled out a small box. Severen paused and watched you open the box before him. Inside were two rings: one had a black stripe around it, and the other was thinner with a rose gold stripe. His eyes lit up, but anxiety  started settling in when he noticed how pale the metal was than the steel he already wore on his fingers. That was not steel. It was sterling silver.
    “Aww Y/N,” He responded. “You shouldn’t have!” No, seriously. You shouldn’t have. He hoped to God you weren’t going to make him wear it. That was when you offered him the black-striped ring. Dammit. He didn’t want to hurt your feelings, since those rings probably cost you a big chunk of money. Not only that, but you got them for you and him. How could he refuse such a gift?
    “I thought you’d like a little souvenir,” You grinned as he hesitantly took the ring. It was hot to the touch. “As a reminder of me while you were gone.” As if that lovestruck cowboy didn’t think about you enough. He wished he could see you more often, or that you could come along with him, but you were too innocent to turn to a life of murder.
    “Yeah?” Severen began as he quickly put the ring on his left ring finger. “Shit, next thing I know you’re gonna propose to me.” That earned a giggle from you, and he couldn’t help but smile at that. Knowing how happy he was making you almost distracted him from burning sensation on his finger. He looked down and saw a faint steam rise from his skin. He had to take this thing off now.
    “C’mere.” He pulled you into a hug and urgently took all the rings off behind your back. “Thanks, baby. That means a lot to me.” He pulled away and set the items down on the nightstand. With an arm around your waist, Severen rolled over on the bed, and now you two were lying next to each other face-to-face. “Daylight’s gettin’ brighter. If I stay up too long, they’re gonna leave without me.” He snickered with the last part.
    You turned over to get up off the bed, but Severen had an unusually strong hold of you. “Hey now, where you goin’?”
    “Well I still need to get ready for the day,” You replied. Though you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to stay with him.
    “C’mon, hun,” He yawned, pulling you closer. “You can put it off for a couple hours.” This was a first-time experience for you, being this close… this intimate with Severen. You might as well enjoy it while you could. You shifted back down on the bed and curled up against him. He lifted his hand to stroke your hair. It was so soft, just like everything else. This was the closest to heaven he was ever going to get, and he wanted to cherish it for as long as he had you. Maybe it could last longer if you lived forever, too.
    One day, Y/N. One day.
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gettin-a-lil-hanse · 4 years
You Found Me - Chapter 3
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Read it on AO3
Pairing: No pairing (but SeongJoong is involved)
Genre: Slight Fluff, Angst 
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2k+
Summary: Wooyoung opens up about his past.
Tags: Kitty Hybrid! Wooyoung, Found Hybrid, Abandonment, Caring For a Kitten
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of death, mentions of scars (not related to self-harm), unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcoholism, mentions of homophobia, mentions of prostitution, mentions of sex trafficking (?)
A/N: This chapter will be much heavier than the last two, and I want you all to please read the trigger warnings, and please read with caution. Take care, take time if you need to. 
The trip to the vet went as smoothly as any normal vet appointment is expected to go. (Vet? Doctor? Hongjoong really wasn’t sure what to call it.) Wooyoung was not very fond of the intimidating-looking doctors and acted accordingly. Honestly, Hongjoong was a bit surprised, seeing as the hybrid had taken a liking to the couple fairly quickly, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind.
Hongjoong stayed by Wooyoung’s side throughout the duration of the visit, providing him with the necessary level of comfort needed to get through the appointment. In the end, the vet deemed him healthy aside from slight malnourishment and some bruising. The vet also told the couple that hybrids coming in with scars like his were a pretty common occurrence as of late and that it was a clear sign of abuse, but Wooyoung tuned out of the conversation at that point.
From there, the three of them took a drive to the mall. Hongjoong insisted that they build the hybrid a brand new wardrobe consisted of the highest fashion, though Wooyoung tried to convince him that comfortable clothes are all that he needed. Seonghwa could only laugh, knowing deep down that he too was excited to finally get to dress someone that would (probably) cooperate and let him. Hongjoong’s and Seonghwa’s styles clashed quite a bit, so it was rare that they got to dress each other up. 
Wooyoung quickly found out that he hated the mall. There were too many stores, too many displays, too many people. Everything was too much. The stores had bright, colorful signs, many of them flashing which was extremely distracting. Honestly, how was someone supposed to get through their shopping with everything like this? But that wasn’t even the worst thing. No, the worst thing was the staring. It seemed like, from the moment the three of them walked through the automatic glass doors, all eyes were on them. Wooyoung couldn’t tell if the eyes were on him or the couple, since they were so unabashedly affectionate with each other. Even Wooyoung knew that this side of town was known for being full of stuck-up, high-class rich people. As a matter of fact, all of the stores in the mall, as far as he could tell, were high-end and expensive-looking.
“Hey, Hongjoong? I thought that we were just getting clothes for me to wear around the apartment?”
“Sweetheart, we’re buying you clothes. It doesn’t really matter where you wear them.” 
Hongjoong chuckled and pulled the hybrid into his side, making for a very awkward walking position which only drew more attention to them. Wooyoung leaned in close to whisper into his ear, eyebrows furrowing and creating crease lines on his forehead,
“People are staring…”
“People always stare.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
“More like I’ve learned not to care. Those people don’t deserve my energy, let alone my emotions. It’s not easy, of course, but it’s better this way.”
Hongjoong turned to face the hybrid still tucked under his arm and for a moment—though it felt as if they moved in slow motion—Wooyoung forgot how to breathe. Wooyoung swore that Hongjoong poured glitter in his eyes. How else would they sparkle so much?
“Don’t let unworthy people take up your time and energy.”
 “You know,” Seonghwa started, snapping Wooyoung out of the trance he didn’t realize that he was in, “Hongjoong taught me a lot. It’s cheesy, but he really did make me a better person, and he still does to this day.”
Hongjoong let out a soft laugh, loosening his grip on the hybrid’s shoulder to move his hand to his back. 
“I have that effect on people, apparently.”
The shopping trip came and went without too much fuss—seeing as the hybrid wanted no more attention on him than there was already—and the boys filed into the apartment with armfuls of bags. Hongjoong, ever the chatterbox, kept the mood up and kept the conversation going. Hongjoong loved his days off and was in a very good mood. Now that they had an addition to the household—temporary as it may be—he cherished his time at home even more. So when he got a call from work saying that he needed to come in for an emergency meeting, he was visibly upset. The only bright side, he figured, was that Seonghwa and Wooyoung would be forced to spend some alone time together. He hoped that they would be a little less awkward by the time he got back home.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung sat in the guest room that they spent the afternoon cleaning and removing tags from, folding, or hanging up Wooyoung’s new clothes. There was a thick silence between them until Seonghwa decided that now was as good a time as any to try to get to know him. 
“So, tell me about yourself.”
Wooyoung’s ears flicked as he looked up, a bit caught off-guard by the blunt statement.
“Well… what do you wanna know?”
Seonghwa shrugged with a slight smile playing on his lips, eyes cast down on the shirt he was so neatly folding.
“I mean, the more we know about you, the better.”
Wooyoung finished wrapping a jacket around the hanger and stood with a soft sigh, hanging the item up in the closet.
“Where do I even begin… As you probably already know, hybrids are created in labs by scientists and then sold to various facilities. From those facilities, we’re sold to buyers and I was sold to a nice young woman. She was my owner, but she hated addressing the relationship as such. She really cared for me and when she fell sick, I did the same for her. It got to the point where I spent every waking minute caring for her, but I didn’t think anything of it because she started to get better. So when she passed I was absolutely devastated.”
Seonghwa saw the shift in his face, grabbing his hand gently and pulling him to sit before he got too lost in his memory and broke down on the floor. To his surprise, the tears gathered but never fell, so he stayed quiet, allowing Wooyoung to continue.
“After she passed, I, along with her other possessions, was auctioned off to the highest bidder. The bidder that I was auctioned off to was an assistant for a man who ran a “hybrid home” which, news flash, was nothing like a home. It would be more accurate to call it a hybrid whore house.”
Seonghwa’s jaw clenched, taking in a breath through his nose. He shouldn’t be so angry since Wooyoung was alive and well now, he thought, but something akin to rage began to bubble up in the pit of his stomach. 
“To say that my life there was miserable is an understatement. We barely got an opportunity to look after our hygiene, they kept our schedules packed with clients, and when we weren’t busy with either of those things, we were probably being scolded for something. Nothing was ever good enough for The Master. Someone was always doing something wrong in his eyes and he made sure that we paid for it. That’s how I got to be so… beat up. I don’t know if you saw them, but I know for a fact that Hongjoong saw them when he bathed me…”
Wooyoung toyed with the hem of his shirt before lifting it up, revealing the fading bruises and various-sized scars lining his back and torso. Seonghwa’s eyes racked his body, tears of anger welling up in his eyes at the sight. But, again, he kept his feelings down.
“I… We have something to put on those scars that will help them heal. That is if you would like…”
His voice was unsteady and Wooyoung chanced a glance over at him. He could see him holding back, could see it in his eyes. 
"You don't have to feel bad for me. I'm okay, see?"
"It's... It's not that, I just... I just wanna protect you at all costs even more now." Seonghwa let out a wet laugh, taking a deep breath to keep tears back. "You know, Hongjoong really is a healer of sorts. He saved me too. Although my conditions were nowhere near as bad as yours..."
Wooyoung's tail flickered in interest.
"Saved you how?"
"He saved me from myself. Before we started dating — no, before we met — I was in a bad place. My family, god I haven't spoken to him in years... They never accepted me for being bisexual, so they kicked me out of the house. I stayed with my girlfriend at the time while I tried to find my way." 
Seonghwa stood, walking to his bedside drawer to grab ointment to coat his bruises. 
"Why do you just have that by your bed—"
"Don't worry about that. Anyway, I was staying with my girlfriend and she wasn't... the best, you know? She made me feel lesser than I am, she treated me like shit, to say the least. I loved her nonetheless and took it all. I couldn't get myself to leave her, but it became unbearable to be at home. So I started hanging out elsewhere."
Seonghwa helped Wooyoung remove his shirt while he talked and began carefully tending to each individual bruise. 
"Bars became my favorite place to hang out. I would stay out late drinking to the point where I almost lost control. It just overall wasn't a good time in my life. I wasn't happy; every day, simply existing felt more and more like a chore. That is probably the lowest I have ever felt in my life and I didn't think that there would be any coming up from there. I was drowning in bad thoughts."
Wooyoung could feel the emotion bubbling up in Seonghwa, could feel the pain.
"Hongjoong literally came like a light in my life and helped me get out of that dark place. I started to see him at the bar more often." Seonghwa smiled fondly to himself, hands moving gently over his skin. "He would come just to check up on me and talk to me. He kept me company, made sure I drank some water, made sure I got home okay. Then we started to hang out outside of my dark hours in the bar, and it got to the point where I didn't even need the bar anymore. Or alcohol anymore—not as much, anyway.
“Hongjoong was the one who helped me gain the courage to break up with my girlfriend. He helped pick up the broken pieces and he's kept me together ever since. So yes, he saved me. I appreciate him much more than I could ever say but don't tell him that. His ego is big enough as it is."
"Do you think you were meant to meet him?"
"Of course I do. If someone is up there watching over me, they definitely sent him to me."
Wooyoung nodded, thinking to himself for a moment.
"Hongjoong adores hybrids, you know? For the longest time, he's said that he wanted to adopt one, but I think that he is absolutely enamored by you. If you stay with us, you'll be taken care of, treated well. If not, he's gonna do everything in his power to get you somewhere where he knows that you'll be safe. He has a good heart, and I think he was meant to find you too."
"It's just... After all I've been through, it's a lot to think about, you know? I don't know if I can put myself in a position to trust someone like that again."
Seonghwa hummed and nodded in understanding, pulling away once he was finished to look up at him. 
“I know it’s hard to trust anyone after so many people treated you wrong and let you down. I’m sorry that you had those experiences, but I believe that you will be able to open your heart again. Some day. You’re strong, you’ve already come so far.”
Seonghwa ended with a kind smile and moved to pass back the shirt he was wearing before pausing. 
“Ah, would you like to put on your new pajamas? They’re much softer than these old things.” 
Wooyoung thought for a moment before shaking his head and taking the shirt back from Seonghwa gently.
“I’ll… put those on later. After my shower? Before bed? I’m comfy in these now…”
Seonghwa didn’t push it and just smiled. 
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alteridolriley · 3 years
"In awe, the first time you realised it" with rivya pretty pretty pleaasee
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAXI!!! this ask is old af but I was inspired so I wrote you this rivya drabble fic thinggggg idk i hope you enjoy it!!
(These characters are our own ocs based on the Sanders Sides from this blog. This is an irl AU so enjoy!! Some Sides might show up idk why don't you read and find out hehe)
On mobile so sorry for no
River felt himself waking up; the stream of his consciousness pulling his thoughts to the real world around him. He slowly opened his eyes to see the glow of the early morning sun peeking through the edge of the curtain he swore he had tucked behind the bookshelf so it wouldn't get him right in the face, but alas, it had failed. River sighed, pulling their comforter over their head in denial.
Mondays sucked and River did not want to pull themselves out of bed, but within seconds of stretching their arms above their head, a shrill alarm from their phone began to sound on the side table next to their bed. River slapped around until successfully snoozing the alarm before throwing the blanket off.
There was one reason and one reason only River was getting up for class on this day. He had that one class today - economics. And that one boy was in it. The transfer student.
He had the gall to talk to River the day before, and several days before that. As well as the day the teacher had given him the seat next to River.
"Hello." The boy had said as he sat down. His hood covered most of his face but River could see his right eye and a soft smile on his face. "My name is Arya. It's nice to meet you."
River had glanced his way, their chin balanced on their palm. With the intent to simply brush him off, River had opened his mouth only to feel his words caught in his throat once he had made eye contact with the gentle boy.
"I'm River." River had managed to cough out that day. "Pleasure."
It was a dry introduction, but it didn't seem to offend Arya at all. He had smiled again and turned to his bag in front of him, pulling his notebook and pen out as River heard the teacher begin to speak.
River had been brought back to his dorm room by a jolt of him missing his pant leg while trying to get dressed. Arya had left him feeling weird that first day and every day after that, Arya had continued to say hello and be super kind to him. River didn't really understand why Arya was acting that way-- if Arya knew River at all, he would know that River didn't deserve that kind of kindness.
River zipped his jacket up and heard his cell phone begin to chime again, but this time it was a text tone. He absent-mindedly reached for the phone, unlocking it in one motion.
He bit his lip as he saw a message from his brother- his twin, Meph. Meph had chosen not to go to college but to work at a friend's laboratory. River sometimes regretted going to college but since he was there on a scholarship, it only made sense to stay. Besides, Meph had only chosen not to go to college to help River actually go for his dream: to be a marine biologist.
River loved the ocean. It was his favorite place to be and if he managed to put his past behind him and become a marine biologist, he'd never have to leave the ocean again. Meph had gotten the job with his friend to pay the bills so River could focus on school.
Meph the Grump: Hey so Nic needs me to stay late again this weekend so I won't be able to come up to visit. Maybe we can work something out for next weekend. Just let me know.
River sighed and locked his phone, shoving it into his pocket. That makes the 3rd time Meph canceled on him in the last month. River didn't really know what Nicolaus did for a living but Meph was apparently very important to the lab. It paid for the roof over his head so River ignored the pain of disappointment running through his chest.
He grabbed his bag before stopping by the mirror near the front door. Messing with his hair for only a few moments, he sighed and left the house, locking the front door behind him. His college was a mere three blocks away so walking was the simplest way of getting there.
River began the trek down the semi busy street, staring at the ground as he walked. From the corners of their sight, River watched the world go around him: People walked solo past; some girls in groups crossing the street laughing together; a single mom holding her baby while opening the door to a store.
The world kept going despite of all the troubles people had. River knew this and yet he always wondered what he looked like from that perspective. Was he intimidating? Were they interesting to the world around them or forgettable?
River adjusted his back on his shoulder as he stopped at a crosswalk. Several people lingered around him as they all waited for the traffic light to change. As he considered his plans for the weekend now that Meph wasn't coming into town anymore, he realized he was staring across the road at a familiar face.
It was Arya. However, Arya was standing against a brick building with another few men around him. River scrunched his face in curiosity and confusion. He had never seen Arya outside of class and he walked this street everyday. Wouldn't they have crossed paths before?
River heard the chime of the crosswalk allowing pedestrians to pass as suddenly one of the men grabbed Arya by the shoulder rather roughly. Arya stumbled into one of the other taller men who shoved him back towards the building. River felt his blood boil nearly instantly as he took off across the street. He was still fairly far away but he picked up the pace as the three men pulled Arya down an alleyway behind the brick building.
"I promise I'll have it to you soon. I will. I will." Arya's voice filtered through the air as River got closer. It was staggered and breathless; shaky and soft. He was clearly scared. "I know I said today, but my job hasn't paid me yet so--"
River dashed around the corner, hearing a bone crushing noise as they did so. It took River's eyes a few seconds while blinking to adjust to the darkness of the alley only to see Arya on the ground, unmoving.
"You bastards! What did you do to him?" River shouted as he stomped forward, leaving barely any space between himself and the strangers. His heart was racing-- Arya still hadn't moved. "Arya! Hey!" River shouted as the men laughed.
"Arya has a friend? Haha, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day," said the tallest man, turning to face River. "You should scram, kid, if you know what's good for you."
"Kid? I'm not a child, and I'm not scared of you." River said confidently, even though his hand was trembling. He was convinced it was his anger peaking. "Get away from him." River snarled through bared teeth.
The leader looked at his two friends and all three of them laughed.
"Kid, I don't think you understand the situation you're in." the Leader scoffed before suddenly darting towards River with his fist reared back.
In one step, River bent down, dodging him swiftly and flattening his right hand, shoving it perfectly timed onto the man's elbow forcing it the wrong direction. River heard the satisfying snap of the bone.
"Sonofabitch!" The leader shouted, falling to the ground, grasping towards his left arm. His partners ran to his side as he struggled to stand. "I won't forget this!" He growled as the three of them took off out of the alley.
River relaxed his stance, releasing a deep breath before spinning on his heel and dashing back to where Arya lay still unmoving. River fell to his knees, picking Arya up gently.
"Hey... hey Arya." They whispered, shaking the boy. Within a minute, Arya's eyes opened and he immediately pushed away from River, the innate fear of the other men still fresh. "No, Arya, it's okay-- it's me." River held his hands up.
Arya's breathing slowed as he realized the other three men were gone. His hand snapped to his head, his left eye closing in pain. Silence fell between the two of them. River wasn't sure what to say, and Arya... he looked like he might pass out at any moment.
"What are you doing here?" Arya broke the silence. His voice was scratchy but still the soft, kind tone River was used to hearing in class. "This doesn't concern you."
River scoffed, "The hell it doesn't! Who were those men? What did they want from you?" Arya stayed silent, choosing to look anywhere but River's face. "Fine then, I guess it doesn't matter..." he stood up to leave.
"Wait!" Arya jumped to his feet.
River turned to see Arya reaching out towards him only for the boy to be overcome by his injuries. His eyes rolled back and he fell towards the ground. River was quick enough to catch him before he made contact with the pavement. The momentum of the fall had caused Arya's hood to reveal his full face. River blinked in surprise-- the right side of Arya's face was covered with a severe burn scar. How had they never noticed it before?
Out of respect, River pulled Arya's hood back over his head and held the boy close.
"Excuse me."
A voice from behind them both caused River to whip around, holding on to Arya even tighter.
A man stood there, holding his bowler hat in front of his face. His cape like top blew in the wind of the alley and his yellow gloved hands nearly look illuminescent in the alley.
"Who are you?" River demanded.
"I am that boy's guardian, and I would appreciate you giving him to me." The man said as he put his hat on his head. It revealed his face to be similar to Arya except the left side of his was... a snake, wait what?
River stood, holding Arya in his arms. "Why should I believe you? Maybe I should take him and run away?"
"No, that's not necessary. You see... that boy is not human, my dear." The man began to walk closer. "Well, not anymore." He stopped walking. "Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Janus."
"Okay... Janus what do you want with Arya?" River questioned, backing up a step.
"Oh no. You misunderstand. Arya came to me, you see. Alone and with nothing to lose, he made a deal. A deal with a snake." Janus explained, the snake side of his face never losing the grin it held. "Losing your entire family in a fire you caused and leaving yourself scarred for life is a rough thing to go through. He wanted to forget-- however it comes with a price."
"Yeah well... he needs medical treatment from whatever those assholes did to him so I'm taking him to the hospital. He's not going with you." River said firmly. "So I'll be leaving now."
River adjusted Arya in his arms before brushing past Janus toward the main street. River never once looked back and kept walking, avoiding the busier streets with nosey people. A regular hospital would ask too many questions. It was time to pay an old friend a visit.
After a ten minute walk, River arrived at what looked like a simple flower shop. He walked inside. A boy stood behind the main counter and turned to face them.
"Oh River! It's been awhile." He said. "Oh... is your friend hurt?"
"Yeah... can you help him Gabriel?" River asked as Gabriel held a back door open for them to walk through.
"Of course. Let's get him checked out." Gabriel assured.
River placed Arya on a rather large bed and sat down across from him and Gabriel in a plastic chair. River could feel the tension leaving his body finally and the realization of everything that happened was making his mind race as he watched Gabriel check Arya's vitals. Who were those three original men? Who was Janus? Was Janus telling the truth when he said Arya wasn't human anymore? What did that even mean? Nothing about this morning made any sense.
"River?" Gabriel's voice called them out of their stupor and River could see Arya was covered by a blanket now and his hoodie has been removed. "Are you okay? Do you need me to check you too?" Gabriel reached and felt River's head before they could lean away.
"No I'm fine." River assured.
Before Gabriel could ask again, a chime went off above their heads: a customer had walked into the flower shop. Gabriel excused himself and left the room. The room became silent other than the ticking of the clock on the far wall.
River stood up and walked to look at Arya. He looked peacefully asleep and more relaxed than before. Gabriel must've given him some medication. River pushed Arya's bangs out of his face and Arya stirred a bit, as if he was going to wake up.
"River.... wait.. please..." Arya murmured, his eyes still closed but tightened in fear. A dream. "I can explain... don't go... I need you."
River grabbed Arya's hand, intertwining their fingers. Arya seemed to relax and stopped talking. River was an idiot-- why hadn't he noticed it before? All of those feelings towards Arya... it was love. A need to protect.
"Don't worry, Arya..." River sat down on the side of the bed, brushing their fingers down the side of Arya's face. "I'm not going anywhere."
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anime-alyssa · 3 years
my ghost - dabi x hawks
Not a day passed by where Keigo Takami didn’t think of Toya Todoroki - his best friend that he fell in love with. One day, he swears he’s seeing a ghost - but it's not a ghost at all. 
i posted this on ao3 last night but forgot to cross post here cause it was late - my bad. 
smut below the cut - if you enjoyed consider a lil tippy tip
He remembered it like it was yesterday. 
The teacher coming in with a somber look on her face, eyes slightly glazed over as she told his class that one of their classmates had passed away. She had looked to Keigo sympathetically as he sat in shock - the news not quite hitting him until much later in the day, when the P.E teacher found him in the locker room crying.
Not a day passed when Keigo Takami didn’t think of Toya Todoroki - his best friend that he fell in love with. At the time of his death they were only teenagers, new to the idea of love and romance and not even sure what they liked. As the years went on and more people tried to advance on him, Keigo couldn’t help but let his mind wander back to Toya - making him realize that he was in love with his deceased best friend.
The publicists at his agency thought it would be best if he kept his sexuality a secret. Part of his attraction as Hawks was his looks, he knew that - imagine how much his attractiveness as a hero would go down if society found out he was gay. He always fought with them and told them that they could shove it - but he knew that they were right. There would always be one asshole who would try to tank him for it. 
Everything he did to become the number two hero, he had done with Toya in mind. They had always said they would become heroes together, run their own agency to protect the world from villains. But now here he was, standing on the stage next to the new number one, the person who could no doubtedly be blamed for the death of his best friend - Endeavor. 
Toya hadn’t said much to Keigo about his father - but the scars and bruises were enough to prove to him that the hero wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. But even now, what could he do about it? He had to just smile and put on the show for the cameras - something he was good at. He had been hiding his sexuality all these years, he could pretend to like Endeavor. 
Keigo couldn’t get out of there fast enough - answering the absolute bare minimum of questions that would get the publicists off his back before flying out to his patrol post. The sun was setting by now - the ranking announcement taking way longer than it should have. As much as he wanted to fly back to his penthouse and drink away some of his feelings, he had a job to do - the job that he and Toya always said they’d do together. He wondered how much things would be different if Toya was here - would they be heroes together? Would they be together? Keigo ached to know, even though he would never find out. 
Shouts of commotion from below got his attention as he sighed, standing up and flying downwards. There was a group of thugs confronting a singular villain - trying to go after him. One of them looked up wide eyed, dropping his weapon and dashing away. 
“Oh shit - it’s Hawks!” With a snap of his fingers, Keigo let his feathers fly free, injuring the thugs and letting them fall to the ground. Hawks pressed the police button on his costume to alert the police of the incident before turning his attention to the villain. He landed himself in the middle of them before turning around to face the villain that was causing all the trouble in the first place. 
“Well, well - if it isn’t the number two hero himself. Hawks, right?” he asked. Keigo turned around and his eyes grew wide, meeting the gaze of the villain. No, it can’t be - “What’s the matter, number two? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” the patch work cremator said with a smirk. Keigo knew the blue of those eyes anywhere - the snarky attitude, that face, despite all the staples and burns - he dreamt about it for years. Police sirens started to get closer and closer to the duo before he sighed. “Good talk. I’m gonna take my leave now - thanks for disposing of these worthless thugs for me. Using my quirk is a real pain.” with that, he turned on his heel and started walking away. 
“Toya!” Keigo shouted before he could stop himself. He saw the man stop for the briefest of seconds, turning back towards him. Keigo felt his breath get stuck in his throat - it couldn’t be him, could it? Icy blue eyes locked back on his, a small smile turning his cheeks upwards. 
It was him.
“The name is Dabi now, Keigo. I’ll be seeing you real soon.” Dabi rose his hand and within seconds, Keigo was up in the air avoiding the blue flames. The screams of the captured thugs echoed off the walls as the police arrived on the scene, calling in for back up. By the time some of the smoke and flames cleared, there was absolutely no sign of him. 
Toya’s alive. After all this time, Toya’s alive - 
“Hawks, thank you for calling this in. Where did the flames come from?” a police officer asked the number two. Snapping out of his trance, Keigo turned around to face the police officers, seeing the medical team retrieving the charred bodies of the thugs behind them. With a sigh, he answered.
“Dabi, from the League. Unfortunately, he got away this time. Flames were too quick.” He said back. The police officers looked at him with unease - Hawks was the quickest one around, too fast for his own good, but they didn’t question his answer. For whatever reason, today Hawks wasn’t quick enough to get Dabi. 
After cooperating with the police, he decided he was done for the day. He sent his sidekicks out to patrol some areas while he flew back to his penthouse, landing on the balcony outside the living room and strolling in. He shrugged off his jacket and threw it over a chair before walking over to his bar and pouring himself a drink. 
Keigo had spent the better part of his life trying to deal with Toya being gone - trying to deal with being in love with him - but he had been alive all along? To make matters worse - he was with the League? What the hell had actually happened that night? To his knowledge, Toya had gone up to the mountains to practice using his quirk, and just never came back - burning to death. There hadn’t even been a body found - so how in the hell was he here now?
“You should really have better security up here. Anyone could just… walk in.” Keigo’s feathers acted quicker than he did, several flying out and landing just inches before Dabi’s - Toya’s body. He let out a laugh as Keigo turned around to meet his gaze.
“How?” Keigo asked, voice cracking. He inwardly cringed at himself - if only the public could see him now. Hawks, the number two hero, a bloody mess because his best friend and love was back from the dead. 
“I lived. Clearly - but look at you! Number two hero, all buddy-buddy with Endeavor today. It made me sick.” Dabi said, walking over to Keigo and helping himself to his own drink at the bar. Keigo let out a snort as he refilled his own cup. 
“I meant how did you live. See your attitude is still the same.” Keigo said back to him, turning around to face him sideways. 
“Well, God didn’t want me and Hell didn’t either, so here I am.” Dabi retorted, drinking while eyeing the number two.  “So? Are you now best of buds with dear ‘ol dad?” he asked him. 
“I’d rather tell him to go kick rocks - but unfortunately, I need to pretend to like him. For the public’s sake.” Keigo admitted to Dabi, who hummed in acknowledgment. He watched the scar tissue on his neck bulge as he drank, clearing his throat as he put the glass down after drinking. 
“Yeah, that’d look real fuckin’ bad, right? I hear you’re great at pretending, anyway. If you can pretend to be straight, then I guess you can pretend to like my shithead dad.” Keigo almost spat out his drink at the comment, earning a raised eyebrow from the villain. “Something I said, Kei?” he asked, the two of them putting their glasses down and now looking at each other. 
“How did you find that out?” Keigo asked through gritted teeth. 
“Come on, like it wasn’t already obvious when we were teenagers. Every stupid 13 year old girl in our class threw themselves at you and you could have given a shit.” Dabi said to him smuggly, taking a step closer to the winged hero. “You know, back then - I knew I was too, you know. At first, it was going to just be spite to my old man - imagine him knowing his oldest son was not only a failed experiment, but also gay.” he said with a chuckle. 
“Oh really? Just spite?” Keigo asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Well at first - until after I ‘died’, when I started watching you from the shadows. Saw how bent out of shape you were, really, you were a mess. It actually hurt my heart a little, not gonna lie.” Dabi was walking closer and closer to Keigo slowly but surely, almost on top of him. Keigo made no sign that he was going to move, or was displeased, so he kept going. 
“Huh, so you still have a heart.” he said back with a smirk. Keigo tried to mask how Dabi’s close proximity was affecting him - his heart racing a mile a minute. “What do I have to do with this little story of yours? What, took one look at me and realized you liked men more?” he asked, keeping up the smirk. 
“And if I did? What would you do then?” he asked, voice gravelly as their chests were nearly touching. He could feel the heat coming off of him - body warm from his quirk, that’s how close Dabi was to Keigo. The tension could be cut with a knife, the air thick with it and surrounding the two men. 
“I’d tell you that you were my reason too.” Keigo said honestly, quietly. 
“Well, ain’t that a relief.” Dabi said back to him. Without a second thought, Keigo grabbed Dabi by the shoulders and closed the gap between them, the villain letting out a grunt as their lips met each other. Keigo’s hand went around the back of Dabi’s neck, pushing their mouths impossibly closer together as Dabi’s went around Keigo’s back to crash their bodies together. They both moaned into the mouth of the other as their hips met, each of their bulges harshly pushing against the other. “Where the fuck’s the bedroom, Kei?” Dabi hissed out in Keigo’s mouth. 
“Hold on to me.” Keigo said back, using both his hands to slightly lift Dabi off the ground and fly across the penthouse and into the bedroom. Their lips met once more after Dabi’s back hit the mattress, Keigo moaning as Dabi’s hips bucked upwards to meet his. Dabi used all the force in his body to turn Keigo over, flipping him on his back and panting for breath. His pupils were blown out, barely any blue left to his eyes as they stared down at Keigo’s, in a similar state. 
“Looks like you have a problem there, number two.” Dabi said, voice low and deep as his hand cupped the tent in Keigo’s pants. He let out a pitiful moan as the villain chuckled above him. “Allow me.” 
With that, Dabi unbuckled Keigo’s belt and started to unzip his pants. Once he had those shrugged down enough, his hand went under the waistband of Keigo’s boxers and pulled out his hard cock. Keigo let out a moan as he squeezed it gently, thumb gliding over the slit at the head and spreading the precum that had leaked out. Keigo tried to keep his eyes on Dabi, before they rolled back into his head as the villain’s tongue licked up the underside of his shaft. 
“Fuck…” Keigo moaned, feeling Dabi’s smirk as he took his cock in his mouth. Warmth encased his member as Dabi began to suck his cock, taking as much of his lengthy member into his mouth as he could before his staples started to pain him. What he couldn’t fit in his mouth he wrapped a hand around, starting to pump him. His tongue flicked over Keigo’s head with every bob as his hand pumped him and let out gentle squeezes to his balls, sending jolts of pleasure up his body. Every muscle in Keigo’s body simultaneously tensed up as he felt his cock harden more in Dabi’s mouth. “T - Toya - ” he stuttered as he started to twitch in Dabi’s mouth. 
“Cum, Keigo.” the villain said from below. Keigo let out a guttural moan as he felt himself release inside of Dabi’s mouth. The villain swallowed all of it as Keigo panted and moaned his way through his release, death gripping onto the sheets below him as he felt himself relax. When Dabi stood back up, he shrugged his jacket off and let it fall to the floor, bringing his lips back up to meet Keigo’s. They kissed with a sense of urgency, Dabi’s rock hard erection pressing into Keigo’s still hard cock. “Need you.” Dabi panted as their lips parted, the two men pulling each other’s shirts over their heads. 
“Then come and get me.” Keigo said back as he now tried to unbuckle Dabi’s belt, managing to get it completely undone and pushing his pants down and off. Dabi let out a moan at the actions as he pulled Keigo’s pants the rest of the way off as well and shoved him backward against the mattress once more. Their lips met again as the two were now naked, bodies pressed together and sweating as Keigo felt Dabi’s cock prod at his hole. Dabi guided himself in, pressing into Keigo gently as the latter hissed at the sensation. 
“Relax, Kei - fuck…” Dabi breathed as he continued to settle in. Dabi was losing himself in the feeling - Keigo was so deliciously tight around him and he had been waiting for so long to finally be able to fuck him right. He was inserting himself slowly, savoring the moment as he finally bottomed out.
“I’m not made of glass Toya, so how about you start - fucking shit - ” Keigo was cut short as Dabi started to thrust, a moan falling off his lips as the villain’s pace started out quick and deep. Dabi let out a chuckle as he pounded into him.
“What were you saying?” he asked, a moan of his own falling out of his mouth as Keigo squeezed down on him. “Shit Kei - you do that again and I’ll - ” Dabi moaned again as he felt himself harden inside Keigo, the other man’s cock twitching between their bodies. Keigo was still sensitive from his last orgasm, a moaning and desperate mess for the man above him. Dabi’s pace increased once more as he thrust into Keigo so deeply the hero was seeing stars above him, feeling his second orgasm starting to come up and almost at the bursting point. 
“Toya - I’m gonna - gonna cum - ” Keigo said. Dabi let out a loud moan as his hips kept slapping against Keigo’s ass, the sound of his name coming off the hero’s lips like music to his ears. Dabi’s cock started to twitch inside him and he knew that he was not far behind.
“Cum - cum with me, Kei - fuck!” Dabi cursed, bringing his lips down to meet Keigo’s. Keigo let out a loud moan into the villain’s mouth as he came over his stomach, Dabi moaning back as his hips stuttered into Keigo once more before releasing inside him. They moaned into each other as their releases continued, eventually kissing as Dabi slipped out of Keigo. After a few minutes, they laid next to each other in the bed, Keigo finally speaking up to cut the silence. 
“So, now you gonna disappear on me until you need a fuck again?” he asked the villain. Dabi scoffed as he rolled to face him, eyes narrowing. 
“You want the world to know you just fucked a villain?” Dabi asked back. Keigo humed in agreement as Dabi pressed a kiss to his lips again. He did have a point - obviously, no one could know. 
But even if it was just for a night, for that moment, everything felt… right to Keigo. 
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