#those were the ones I said I DONT TALK ABOUT!!!
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rapunzellovesbooks · 2 days ago
Okay, so, I am going to adress it once and then I am done with this topic.
I legit just woke up and my inbox was flooded with anons who want to know why I am not defending Nicola. I read about some „blind item“ and I honestly have no idea what they are talking about. I go to Instagram thinking Nicola has posted something, or Luke, nothing. I had to scroll through here to even understand what folks were saying cause, contrary to popular belief, I do have a life outside of this blog.
I dont follow DM or any gossip sites, first of all. I find them places were people willingly go lose braincells. I adds nothing to my life, it is unchecked bs most of the time and it has nothing to do really with the people I like and respect, other than using their names and lives for engagement. Nicola herself has said that DM is full of bs and I respect her opinion. The only reason I even heard of Nicola defending Luke on that TT was because someone posted it on here and I found that blind hilarious.
That is also my feeling with this one. It is a tale as old as time, I have talked so much about the whole „likes“ thing and the stupid beef rumours since I have been on here. That blind was legit just rehashing something I tbought we had put to rest but apparently we had not. No one actually needs to address it cause it is ridiculous but sites like DM use these opinions to fuel their engagement. No gossip site thrives on positivity. People want the scandal, the mess, not the tale of happy besties supporting each other.
Nicola likes Luke‘s posts as well as those of other cast members. Does she miss a few from everyone? Yes and you can literally go to the current cast members and see that. Easy, done, next.
Luke does not have to defend Nicola against that blind cause it is so stupid and old news, who gives a fuck. Nicola did not have to comment on that TT but she did cause it was so funny and so is she. She is also much more online than Luke. Hell, Luke probably has no clue what DM wrote or even who that is. It is not even worth it, it really is not. It was not worth me writing this whole thing but I dont like people saying I dont defend Nicola and only care about Luke, because that is not true and scrolling through ny blog will prove it but people dont want any facts anymore, it seems.
The idea that Nicola is using Luke for PR is so dumb because then, would she not be liking, commenting and reposting every one of his posts? I swear I feel like losing brain power with every sentence I write.
Case closed. Happy weekend.
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angelofcha0s · 1 day ago
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Like Mother Like Son. (Part 1??)
A/N; First time im actually posting any of my works here, please dont mind the punctuation i know it’s bad. I made this like half a year ago. I also wrote this free flow ADHD style LMAO
Warnings; drugs , smoking , death, implied abuse
Jason put a cigarette to his lips, taking a hit — god that feeling gave him back so much power— his eyes closed, the cold wind of Gotham's depressing yet beautiful city smacking him in the face. smoke appearing into the air as he exhaled — tip tap tip tap —footsteps could be heard, 'god Dickie, you’re gettin rusty' Jason thought to himself; "Could i get a hit of that little wing?"
Dick's accent was soft - not to rough , not to unnoticeable. Jason's eyebrow shot up "A hit, huh? for 'the golden boy'?" a faint chuckle came from Jason. dick rolled his dark brown eyes at jason — his not so little brother — c'mon Jay" his new jersey accent now getting thicker " 'm serious, can i getta hit or wha?, yer ass has been avoidin everyone for hours now!". it was true Jason had been avoiding everyone for hours.. he didnt mean to or maybe he did? he wasn't even sure himself... his mind was in ruins, Jason slowly handed his cigarette over to his brother. Dick said something but Jason didnt hear it as his vision started to blurry and memories played out, "ma?" a soft voice called out it came from a younger Jason just coming home from the corner store his step mother sent him to. he couldnt have been any younger than 8. his father at 'work' selling drugs to crackheads or even having meetings with two-face about the latest drugs on the market everyone craved. Jason knocked on the door to his families apartment "Ma, im back!" he yelled. His step-mom didnt answer, Jasons heart started to sink- oh god.. he was the verge of tears "MA?" there was no answer... Jason kicked in the door not caring his father would beat him later for it. He ran through the apartment screaming for his step-mom until he finally ran to the bathroom and oh god.. one of his fears came true.. there laid his step-mother in their bathtub — dead — she had overdosed on drugs.. he wasnt sure which ones. she and his father had this 'bad habit’, the walls felt like they were closing in on him.. his head spinning everything blurred together…
“JASON! are you even listening?!” Was suddenly all he heard as he slowly came back to reality.. “Sorry, dickie i— i uh… never mind” he bit his tongue not wanting to explain what he had been thinking about or rather what he had been remembering almost every night for the last six months… the sight of his dead step mother, the sound of that damn clown’s laugh, the fuckin sound of his ribs being broken, god just the smell of fire… of smoke… the feeling of being able not to breathe. He just wants to sit down and stare at the walls, what shapes they make as he escapes reality — and thats all he wants to escape the reality he is in because he can’t believe that his mother is dead… and he isn’t dead anymore.
Both of his mothers, dead. Just as he was… he could care less about his father (but his father would care about him… in his own way anyway), Jason sighed “dick, go home” .
Dick looked at his little brother, trying his best to understand what was happening with him even though he knew he couldn’t always him like he wanted — he wanted to be a good brother to make up for the past and not being able to save him — “Jason, please when ever you need to… talk to me, alright?” He asked with concern laced in his voice and under his mask behind those beautiful brown eyes of his. Jason just nodded in response, he wouldn’t actually go through with it but he wanted his brother to think he would As his brother left. Jason stared at Gotham’s twist beauty, the strip clubs neon lights flashing. The cop cars driving down the street, the sound of couples fighting… yeah he was home again. Sadly, putting on his helmet he started to walk away looking to see what roof top to climb or some place he could actually. Be alone at maybe just maybe he could be ‘ normal ‘ for once, but that all changed once he heard a scream from crime ally… a scream that was all to familiar but he knew it wasn’t her.
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marzipanilla · 3 days ago
welp lemme know when you've seen the finale lol
Like I def think ppl talking about the real story starting are missing the point of the set up in S1, but I almost get their point this past season in that it felt like things were dragging/just waiting for something else to come along. bleh. definitely need to do a rewatch. god I was watching a scene from S1 the other day to remember something and it really is such a wildly different time lol
FR ! you know Rex would have been exploding some of the crazy shit Eve could make. plus they were kids you know they'd be doing some stupid shit lol also at least one of kate's corpses has to have been exploded at one point. like. there's no way it wasn't.
I know Levy needed something bc he will never be a physical match for Mark but they coulda done something interesting w the damn bots, like you said. instead of a jet stream just have those fucks popping in and out of diff portals picking up radiation from other worlds and weird shit!! let one of his few 'tactical' villains actually think things through !
Debbie really could have been such a great way to expand the make up of the world. way more than Mark she honestly rides that line between hero and normal so much more. getting that weird gray area of reality from her would have been so awesome. I mean, the show genuinely already does a lot more 'civilian' world building than the comic (the entire support group thing being new) but they coulda done more! but no. ppl aren't ppl unless they're dating someone in Invincible, so... we get Paul.
Mark 'infiltrating' the alt!Marks would have been super fun. him saying some weird dumb 'evil' shit to convince them he is like them and them just nodding like 'yeah I kick puppies too, who hasn't' and Mark just having to be like 'that worked??' Moments where bundles of them joke about their favorite issues of seance dog, getting into a debate with himself about things he loves! cracking a joke and suddenly realizing how paper thin the differences are! like yes they kill ppl, but they also still like burgers and cartoons and their gfs. they still have so much more in common than not. him having to really face how much of what he does is a choice. him getting to struggle w what that choice means
it's so weird to say bc the character says it so much- but it honestly doesn't feel like they actually pushed Mark's no-kill policy hard enough? he can yell about ppl going to prison all he wants, but if they don't show him genuinely being unreasonable about not killing then every time he makes the choice to split hairs and get away w it, its like, there is so much less of an impact when the time comes for him to make the choice to be deliberately lethal. have him say he wont kill seismic's beasts bc they're like dogs just standing in front of their master! have that be part of why that fight failed ! have him try and humanely managing a hoard of multi-pauls! bc if hes trying to kill the animals, if he's slaughtering copies of that dude, if he's driving himself through the head of a dragon and assuming that will kill them, then sir, you dont have a no kill policy.
Mark not putting a lot of forethought into things is a bit of a character trait for him, but the fact it is almost stretching into inaction and just an absolute lack of even a lack of thought- like- he isnt even not thinking about something and performing an action- there's literally just nothing going on and its like ??? you've had time surely to even maybe repress or avoid this rather than somehow just completely avoid it even existing somehow??
Mark agreeing to go hang out on a beach w Debbie instead of refusing and the beach is Beach City (am now officially thinking too much about this crossover lol)
The way I got caught up on our back and forth I almost forgot this, lol! AND OH MY GOODNESS, IMAGINE? I forget exactly what which point Debbie makes the beach offer, but I’d love when exactly in SU/SUF-timeline they’d go? There’s something so fucking funny to me about them going during the SUF-timeline and always narrowly missing the strange, Steven-shaped mental breakdowns in the back. I know those don’t occur in a single day, but it’s tickling me. How could they miss anything? I don’t know I just think it’s funny.
Though, post-SUF is interesting if Gems can see the similar “world on your shoulders”, Mark has going on! Steven can shunt the narrative in the Gems’ minds, which I think is neat, if I’m not misusing the phrase since the guy’s on the road far away. Or maybe it’s just before Steven goes and they stumble into each other. I’d kinda love Pearl and Debbie interacting, honestly, if they could talk about loving someone who hurt you, hide things from you, even when you thought you knew them so deeply, and they left you to raise a child. Pearl being in a well adjusted space, and Debbie still grieving.
Honestly, the gems could help train Mark, they’re got experience and similar-ish powers in strength, sturdiness, and they can jump/run fast enough for flying to be vaguely similar enough to lecture about, I think. Or Lapis Lazulis, haha! Peridot with her trash can lid! Garnet, I’d love to see if she told Mark anything about his future in vague, well meaning advice. Or even giving relationship advice considering Amber. Or, importantly, how to convince an entire reign to end their colonizing ways, lol. Is Mark perhaps willing to start a war, take advantage of being related to any leaders, or fake his own death to varying results?
In general, there’s something so fucking funny to me about Nolan, in the sake of comparison, being Pink Diamond coded. Like OH, did an important or well respected of the colonizing empire come to earth and learn the beauty of its people and nature, including faking/lying/omitting things about his identity and background to being in, only to feel conflicted when his responsibility still remained, and he tried to free himself from them? Yikes! We’ve been through that before! Like gimme Pink Diamond and Nolan outfit swap rn. This is tickling me so much oh my goodness.
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peapod20001 · 1 year ago
Haha heyyy I counted how many ocs I mentioned in my pinned post...
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synthshenanigans · 9 months ago
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condemn him to chonnys inferno or memento mori
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bigboymoozz · 3 days ago
:0 omg thank you for the tag!
origin of your blog? : my current user is just a name i use online now, but originally it was "cant-you-feel-my-heart" bc i made this account innnnn middle school/6th grade i think maybe idk. Anyway!! It was a BMTH song I liked lol
otp’s : ngl I'm super into Xfiles rn so Skully/mulder. One of my few straight ships I tolerate
fave color : GREEN😈
fave game: love and deepspace, SDV, fields of mistria, minecraft. I'm very much a "watch someone else play" person tho tbh. I used to wanna be a streamer or lets-player so bad
song stuck in your head: Shame by mitski
weirdest habit/trait? I'll bite myself if an edit is just tew good
hobbies: rn it's just crochet, I'm pretty boring. I collect PCs but it's passively.
if you work, what’s your profession?: I'm jobless and broke and no one gets back to me on my applications 😔
if you could have any job, what would it be?: I had a LOT of different interests in terms of "careers" but prob fire watch? Isolated, trees, perfect. Outside of that, astronomer or paleontologist. (I'm, in fact, an eng major for convenience)
something you’re good at: ahhhh, I don't rlly think I have something I'm good at, lmao.
something you’re bad at: time management. I'm doing online college rn and so my time management should be smoothed out by now since I'm a junior but no. I get stuff assigned Monday, due next Sunday, and I'll start on Thursday and complain I'm stressed.
something you love: kpop duh
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: star trek maybe
something you hate: people that are rude to service workers. Like being mean to the call center at a car place because your car isn't fixed yet, or being rude to the waitress when your food isn't perfect. Oh and mama's boys. And I don't Mean guys that love their moms. I mean the ones who are like, unable to care for themselves bc mommy does everything
something you forget: anything and everything, I've been off my adhd meds since 2020 (bc no insurance, not for lack of wanting)
what’s your love language? Quality time maybe? My best friend and I were kn the phone for two hours last night while they did work amd I watched NCIS. Outside of the occasional comment from me abt the show, it was parallel play silence lmao
favorite movie/show: Jurassic park franchise ig, New Girl
favorite food: pizza, ravioli, SPINACH 🗣, greasy ass food court food, and everything bagels
favorite animal: cats!!
are you musical? Aw, I used to be? I wanted to learn instruments like piano and guitar but I quickly realized my hands don't respond to my brain as quick as I'd want lmao! But I was in choir for years! All of middle and highschool!
what were you like as a child? Very outgoing and extroverted! My mom said I used to talk to strangers (safely, from the shopping cart) all the time! Somewhere along the line, after moving like 5 times before the age of 12, I withdrew massively and never regained that confidence lmao.
favorite subject in school? English, History.
least favorite subject? math🗣 and PE.
what’s your best character trait? Ppl trust me pretty quickly! I guess I just have those vibes??
what’s your worst character trait? I'm a control freak and will go overload myself with responsibility and freak out
if you could change any detail about your day right now, what would it be? i wish i got some sleep last night :/ but thats very frequently the case lmao
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? I'd go tell myself I'm trans when I was younger, save myself all the confusion.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): omg so it's on ao3, it's called Aurora - A New Dawn by poizonivory and I'm reading it rn, it's a Twilight New moon rewrite kinda for the team jacob girlies I mean (it's in the future, Bella and Edward get divorced, she moved back to forks, plot ensues)
Tags!(dont feel pressured to do this at all!, also yes tagging non kpop accts)(anyone can do it tho!) @secretttsupersecrettt @cowboylikemunson @spidergirllexi @yeosanitycheck
get to know your mutuals! (new thread)
ty @st4ytiny for tagging me!! the og post was so long so i just made a new one😭🙏 i loved doing this!
what’s the origin of your blog? ➜ my best friend actually came up with the name for me! i love vampires so she was like what about vamp city? we just replaced the c with a z to make it cool!
favorite fandoms: ➜ atiny, zerose, stays, once, as well as anime fandoms! i also love monster high & love and deepspace too! OH and animal crossing!
OTPs/shipname: ➜ jikook, chanlix, woosan & haobin! i love their friendships sm they’re all truly the best of friends who grew up together and i love that for them! i love comparing my own friendships to them 💔
favorite color: ➜ black and red! i also love baby blue and baby pink! such cute colors hehe
favorite game: ➜ it tends to change but i wanna say any spider-man game, mariokart, mario party, and animal crossing!
song stuck in your head: ➜ devil game by zerobaseone & deer hunter by &team!
weirdest habit/trait? ➜ i make weird noises OR sing a random verse out of no where LMAO. i also can make my voice really deep for no reason
hobbies: ➜ i love photocard collecting, singing, dancing!
if you work, what’s your profession?: ➜ retail…
if you could have any job, what would it be?: ➜ forensics!
something you’re good at: ➜ yapping people’s ears off, singing and dancing!
something you’re bad at: ➜ tbh focusing on one thing. my attention span is literally out the window..
something you love: ➜ driving, kpop, dancing, dogs, sword art online
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: ➜ conspiracy theories!!! i love them
something you hate: ➜ SPIDERS!!! i hate them!!! i also hate when people always try to one up you or are just rude for no reason at all. also ppl who actively try to make a rise out of your dog after you tell them he’s overprotective !! ugh.
something you forget: ➜ to eat. i constantly forget and not on some ED type beat i just genuinely forget until im lightheaded and shaky LMAOO😭
what’s your love language? ➜ gift giving and words of affirmation! i will literally spend my last 3 dollars on somebody like
favorite movie/show: ➜ sword art online & the nightmare before christmas
favorite food: ➜ loaded fries, mac and cheese and pizza
favorite animal: ➜ cows, i LOVE cows😭
are you musical? ➜ yes!! i’ve been in choir from 6th -12th grade as well as musicals! i was in marching band during highschool and i’ve also been apart of a kpop dance group! :)
what were you like as a child? ➜ quiet but also kinda weird? my mom had my brother bc she said i kept talking to myself so that alone should answer your question. i still talk to myself actually LMAO. but i was quietly chaotic. i didn’t like talking to people but around ppl im comfortable with im a whole extrovert
favorite subject in school? ➜ social studies & science
least favorite subject? ➜ math.
what’s your best character trait? ➜ i’m super empathetic, it’s kinda bad for me but it’s good for others haha
what’s your worst character trait? ➜ i get angry over nothing very quickly
if you could change any detail about your day right now, what would it be? ➜ i wish i was tearing down some dominos cheesy bread rn
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? ➜ michael jackson!! i wish i could’ve gone to one of his concerts before he died tbh
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): ➜ omg i have a few but the way to his heart is by far MY FAV series!!! i always recommend it. angie truly did her thing with this!
no pressure tags! @lov3yv4mps @desirehorizon @everyonewooeverywhere @rvereri and anyone else who wants to do it!
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sometimesmaybespoof · 29 days ago
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Throws this at you and runs
Bonus stufffff
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Yeah guys look at all my doodles!!!!!
@cult-rangoons :3
#spoofarts#ocs#so like the support on my previous post encouraged me to share my personal drawings ^^#i have lots to talk about on this one guys you dont even KNOOOWW#stick figure#first image includes my beloved friend's OC Albert ^^ i love him sm you guys like oh my gosh- i wanna hold his hands and look into his eyes#forever Uh anyway yeah him and spoof are best friends ^^ the bestest of friends theyre always together everywhere they go!!!!#they do that cartoony thing where they hug eachother in fear when theyre scared#i adore them to astronomical degrees ive sobbed over albert multiple times man#other sketchessss hehehe im heavily influenced by a certain artist!!#i dont wanna put it in the tags tho to avoid flooding but ill say it in the comments ^^ pls go take a gander at their art they literally#inspire me so muhuchh#you might even recognize some poses from them that i referenced hehe as i said before these were personal sketches!#i have a stick figure oc :3 name of Lyra! say congrats rn!!!!! shes an ex-princess because she wanted to fight people for fun! i love the#stickfigure community sm.. love themmall gildedguy versus oxob was so awesome#oh and a random renard i drew for all those hungry lapfox enjoyers out there#lapfox fanart#love yall :3#i enjoy drawing spoof eith her mouth open alot !!! its kinda hard given her head shape (im studying some stuff to fix it)#but her jaw is very fun to draw!! she is massive compared to human proportions (shes stil short tho ) she can stick a humans head in her#mouth with some wiggle room! she is a threat!!!!!!!#anyway im done enjoy the snacks ^^#lapfox trax
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kaiserouo · 17 days ago
i need more rhino heirloom art
#why does rhino look so good#original skin and heirloom skin#excal is cute but rhino is strong and big and can break me in half-#i know i will study about how to draw good abs specifically because i wanna fucking strip him#i know i did that before with that smol sevagoth one but thats just. not good#i would call that piece garbage tbh i love the rest of art i made for rhino heirloom but not that#maybe its because those were my first few attempts on drawing rhino heirloom#as for the valentine one? and the sevagoth prime plush one? amd today's rhino?#i am drooling over my own art#oh my fucking god i nailed those so much i WANT those rhinos#its so fucking contradictory that its hilarious and also kinda sad#like i literally fucking drew them. and i myself am going crazy over them. what the fuck is going on#i cant even wish i can see more of them like when i see people drawing characters i love#because its literally me. i have to do that#its a fucking curse#i wanna drool over rhino drawings but i dont wanna draw that. its tiresome#but to my utter surprise theres much much fewer people drawing him than i expected before the skin release#like. are you seeing this??? do you see how majestic he is???? dont you wanna draw him?????#apparently not that much people answer yes so i have to draw him myself. fuck#i really wish someone feels me#okay now i kinda feel why people like using gen ai so much#still shit btw. theres no value in the drawing even if that thing actually spits out rhino heirloom art#theres no passion in there#also if i use that it basically proves that i dont even have the ability to create the things i want and that makes me extremely mad#why am i talk about ai now#oh yeah not enough rhino heirloom art#sob#anyways probably still gonna draw rhino heirloom despite of everything i said#its not like if people starting drawing him they are drawing the rhino heirloom i perceived
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softness-and-shattering · 17 days ago
#overthinking a shitty interaction fromna few days ago#ppl talking about me in the notes as if I wasnt there#someome said 'why is he being so familiar?'#i was talking like i normally talk. going for generally empathetic and understanding with an amount of snark bc they were being rude#i shouldnt have engaged to begin with but I was like oh i have good proof to refute this nonsense claim#forgot for a hot second that with some people its about their enotions and what they want to do with it and not. facts#nit like problemnsolving rather than listening it was a bullshit trans discourse claim based on very little of substance#and now im like. why was I so “familiar”?#i dont think I was overly familiar. idk if they were upset I wasnt rising to their bait and being aggressive so they could fight me#such a weird thing#also ran across a pill that makes you green comic with one of those guys who divert conversations like why are you trans im worried about#your mental health must be causing your transness friendo buddy bud my bestie#i dont think I was doing that#they were also really grasping at straws to misinterpret me which I think means I did a decent job being kind#im just spinning about it bc sleep is really eluding me#i should just forget about it#why is he so familiar?? am i supposed to talk like a formal fedora mlady dude?? am I just expected to be an aggressive asshole?#interact like its a legal proceeding??#i have no idea#hopefully now ive got it out i can think about something else#bc it was a totally ffuitless cinversation except as a reminder to not get involved in absurd and spiteful discourse!#tbh a bunch of recentish pills that make you green was making me uncomfortable but the metaphor is abstract enough that I cant logic through#where my disagreement is. just the vibes were kinda of....exclusionary? in ways I cant fully out my finger on?#im just q bit sad disappointed is all cause I have liked them before#i need to find something to do. if youve got this far can you reccomend me a good sleep podcast? doesnt need to be A Sleep Podcast TM#just white noise basically to keep my brain busy that doesnt matter if I only hear pieces of it#have a good one ❤#mine
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colorful-horses · 2 years ago
My review of Miraculous Ladybug S5 so far is that it has a lot of scenes that I like in theory, but in action just end up being very silly and way over dramatic
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crystalkitty1220 · 9 months ago
Man I wonder where the leader of the fear realm could've gone, it's alMOST LIKE NEVIN HAS AN
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#had to re-edit the image real quick because the original edit was from a post I made about Drew years ago#and while the Drew thing is becoming less and less likely. Nevin havinv one has basically been canon since#someone mentioned Greg's (was it Britney's) aura being familiar in s2ch1. ive been putting together a list of every line#that points to Nevin's aura throughout the whole thing (most from s2ch1 but then s2ch10 came out and it was really canon at that point)#but clearly i'm running out of time to say ''i fucking called it'' before it's explicitly stated and i dont want to be in another situation#where somebody else will beat me to a theory and me posting anything about it will seem like copying them. sorry about that btw i had#thought i had already mentioned theorizing that nevin was possessed by a demon in that old theory i made but i had forgotten that one was#super old and was about sigma. so no copying there i just got extremely paranoid there was a mention of a cult and i was like ''nuh uh#that's way too specific and out there of a detail to end up in both our theories'' and i forgot the rest of my super old post was outdated#as hell. and echos had gone ''yeah they're so similar!'' and i took their word for it but now i'm realizing they were probably just trying#to be supportive. so yeah no copying there i was just beaten to the punch of saying something. but i will NOT back down from the aura shit#because i have been calling that shit FROM THE START or at least since i started reading ibvs back when ch20 came out.#also not backing down from saying chris was the worse friend because these past few chapters are the first time isaac has done anything tha#could knowingly upset chris meanwhile chris has. let edward drag isaac to the lair after isaac said edward would beat him up. chose not to#believe edward was holding the secrets over their heads because 'it was something isaac had said' and then immediately distrusted edward in#the next chapter because a random person he didn't know said to steal a book (might i mention how that entire scene proves chris' lack of#development and refusal to take responsibility because it perfectly alludes to when chris had brought those fireworks into his old school#and makes me wonder if charlie has actually gotten him in trouble with his past schools or if he's still just not taking responsibility#and if him following nevin to the woods to test out their powers is an extension of ''if something bad happens its not my fault''#like seriously this man would bring a mysterious suitcase onto a plane if he's told to). uh what was i talking about agai#anyway on a related note my mental state has only gotten worse since i left tumblr and the habit of thinking about chris instead of sleepin#or doing schoolwork has not stopped. so i was still failing for a while and might graduate now but am still staying away from tumblr.#so yeah this was a little update and im not going to linger this time im just going to leave tumblr again right after hitting post#addendum because i just can't let things go. and was thinking about chris again. i don't think his lack of development is because of bad#writing (anymore. i used to.). instead i'm certain his character arc is going to continue into him following someone (nevin probably) into#doing something really bad. and then he'll finally get actual consequences and go 'oh shit i fucked up real bad this time'#if you think that theory is reaching too far into the future you should hear mine about isaac dying at the end lmao
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ganondoodle · 4 months ago
I fully understand the pain you feel with TLOZ now. I mean, I understood it before, but after Arcane becoming League's canon, after watching the second season, I feel so broken and conflicted and like I spent time loving something just for it to amount to nothing.
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reliving my totk nightmares just a few months after finally being able to cope with that
#ganondoodles answers#ganondoodles talks#.... it might actually get even worse with arcane#similar how totks stupid book fucked it over EVEN MORE than the game itself#i made a post about it but the tweets in which the info was written were deleted and i dont have reddit so i saved it as a draft#if it does end up being true and more confirmed than a reddit post#if you want to know#someone (was it necrit?) did an interview with linke (one of the main guys of making arcane) and summarized some info#though some wasnt quite correct so thats probably why the op of the tweets deleted them#anyway- in those screenshots they said alot of shit#my favorites- heimer is alive and characters that died can come back to life (????)#'the arcane' is just another version of magic and the whole weird hexcore bs was just bc it was corrupted- hextech is still real#viktor will come back but he is “something special” (my cursed thought .. varrus retcon- its jayce and viktor now lol)#they indeed planned the last episode to change runeterra and also lead into MULTIPLE SHOWS ALREADY BEING WORKED ON#yep that raven was swain/his raven/raum#they are aiming higher thaN GAME OF THRONES UH OH#they are not done with piltover and zaun characters either- urgot will show up#and my favorite .... VANDERWICK IS ALIVE and STILL split between vander and beast (???literally how????) and he will end up with one#again i dont know if anythign of that will hold up but uuuuh even if half of all they wrote there is halftrue .... pls no#i swear if they fuck up aatrox and mordekaiser im might just stop believing in anything ever again and lock myself in a box
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quirkle2 · 1 year ago
im gonna be real w u guys a while back i saw a post abt mob refusing to accept teru as a rival bc he thinks "rival" means "enemy" and teru is his friend,, well . 21 years of age and i am just now figuring out that rival does not mean enemy
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sonknuxadow · 8 months ago
ive joked about it before but man i really am the only person on earth who remembers the gun commander is a character that exists arent i . because the other day when the shadow panel was happening and the voice actors were talking about their characters and how they were eachothers only friend and maria was completely isolated from other people i was like What about the gun commander . and i havent seen anyone else point the contradiction out . lmao
#okay well i cant find a video of the full panel so i cant recheck that they said those things but i swear they did i remember hearing it#for people who never played shadow the hedgehog and dont know what im talking about#its shown that one of the guys whos currently in charge at gun lived on the ark as a kid and was close friends with maria#but he hated shadow because he witnessed his creation and it scared him and he always blamed him for marias death#and its NOT one of those extremely minor details only hardcore fans would notice either . its shown in the main story#to be clear i dont even care about the gun commander as a character. hes one of the sonic characters i care about the least#i just cant help but notice people always forget about him when talking about stuff related to the ark#(like saying that maria didnt have any friends aside from shadow or that her and shadow were the only kids who lived there around that time#or that shadow was the only person who lived on the ark thats still alive)#i mean hes one of those things that wasnt in sa2/sonic x and was added in later so i guess its fair a lot of people forget. but lmao#now im wondering if sega forgot he existed or if the current voice actors just didnt know he existed in the first place#i think the second option is probably more likely because from the way they talked#it seemed like they dont really know muhc about the sonic lore aside from what theyre told about for upcoming projects#so maybe the gun commander just isnt relevant right now so they werent told about him?
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the-meme-monarch · 9 months ago
awesome. ive had Nightmares two nights in a row now
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raddestrose · 3 months ago
Has anyone been told by their friends what anime or just character in general they say you are like
and you are just completely shocked or something
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