#thor's vice
lucianalight · 6 months
Arrogance vs. Humility: Thor
There's an interesting post circling in fandom with many great metas and povs and it inspired me to expand on one of its threads. I have made a new post so the length and a different direction of meta doesn't bother op. I have also divided this meta into two parts. The first one is titled Thor because it is mainly an analysis of og Thor and og Loki in Thor 2011 . The second part will analyze Loki series for those who are interested.
Initially what sparked this meta was @tori-artemis (Artemis)' tags under an addition by @geehollow (Hollow). Initially I only wanted to write a short answer but I'm doomed by the narrative so I thought to first see what science has to say and I came across an interesting study and decided to use it in my analysis.
I used colors to quote each person because I'm going to quote two people, a study(indented) and add my own thoughts and I can't keep tagging or writing their names :P :D
So without further ado let's start. The topic was about the vice of Thor vs Loki. While perhaps the goal of the og post was to analyze the the topic through the concept of seven sins and virtues I don't intend to do that because it doesn't include every possible personality trait and it's not accurate enough from a psychological pov.
Vice is the first trait one should consider when creating a character. Vices embody the vibe that sparked the character in your mind, and in turn spark virtues, goals, backstories, everything. Of course it's different when dealing with characters inspired by already existing mythos, that already carry traits one has to grasp.
In the MCU, Thor's initial vice was arrogance. Deep seated arrogance born of being the golden prince, revered and indulged. Loki's initial vice was also arrogance, but born of thinking he's smartest than everyone else, due to having had to act covertly in order to get what he wants because he is not revered and not indulged. For both of them these are things we can and should infer during the first movie.
As you've read Hollow states that the vice of both Thor and Loki was arrogance but in different ways. Artemis wouldn't call Loki's arrogance because Loki clearly behaves in a different way than other arrogant characters like Thor and Tony Stark. Therefore we must first define arrogance.
According to a new study there are three types of arrogance that can be dissected into 6 components.
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Individual arrogance: an inflated opinion of one’s abilities, traits, or accomplishments compared to objective truths; Comparative arrogance: an inflated ranking of one’s abilities, traits, or accomplishments compared to other people Antagonistic arrogance: the denigration or derision of others based on an assumption of superiority. The types and components of arrogance depicted in Figure 1 are meaningful together because some of the concepts seem to implicate others. One cannot be overconfident about one’s knowledge in a domain (second-largest box) without first having some relevant limitation in knowledge about that domain (largest box); if one disparages others unfairly (smallest box), one is likely to fail to take their perspective and, further, one is likely to believe in one’s superiority compared to them (third- and second-smallest boxes, respectively); and so on. Therefore, the position of each component in the figure reflects a close dependency. Yet, it is possible for causation to flow from smaller to larger boxes, as well. For example, if one hates an individual for any reason, one might be motivated to underrate their capabilities or motives.
From this definition we can say that both Thor and Loki have levels of arrogance from the start but while Thor until the point Odin banishes him has checked all the six components in the picture, Loki is at a level two.
Thor with limited knowledge and an overestimation of his power decides to go to Jotunheim. He resists the disagreements about his limits and chances and fails to consider perspectives of his friends, his brother and father and Jotuns. He considers himself and his race superior to others and insults and criticizes Jotuns and his father. Loki on the other hand has overestimated his knowledge, abilities and whether or not everything goes according to his plan.
After his banishment, Thor comes down from the level of his hubris. When he fails to lift Mjolnir and after Loki's visit, he realizes that his rash actions had terrible consequences not just for him but for his family too. He's left alone and powerless. He doesn't see himself superior to these humans anymore. Jane helps him see things from different perspectives and as weak as a human he learns his limits. He knows he doesn't have the power to fight the Destroyer so he tries to do the only thing he can do, apologize to his brother. And when it seems that Thor's dying, he doesn't care about glory or what tales Asgard would say of his bravery. All he thinks about is that Jane is safe and that humility and selflessness restores his power. Loki though, in his desperation for acceptance, has made all the wrong choices.
Just as Thor overestimated his power, his physical strength and fighting skills in his attack to Jotunheim, Loki overestimates his power which is his intelligence and planning skills.
Loki in his arrogance thinks he can stage and ruin a heist, prevent Thor's rampage, and get rid of Laufey and Jotunheim through his usual method of solo strategies. He learns consequences when his plans inevitably stumble into variables he hadn't accounted for–the guard taking too much time in warning Odin, learning he's a rejected Jotun prince, being actually made regent, the Warriors Three and Sif and Heimdall betraying him. It's not the fact that he grew up learning underhandedness was his most effective method, it's that in the MCU he applied it presumably for the first time to real big events and had to deal with the consequences.
Loki lacks foresight. Like he lacks seeing all of the possible outcomes of his own schemes. That's how he ends up in a lot of messes in the first Thor film. So yeah - he definitely doesn't fully think things through as much as he'd like to believe himself to. Tbf he's not psychic. But it's more of an over reliance on his schemes working perfectly. That he doesn't consider all of the possible ways that those schemes can go south real fast (and end up doing so). So to me...it's less of it being arrogance of his own intellect and more like his over reliance on the schemes themselves. As well as an overestimation of his own control over the situation. Which *could* be considered arrogance... tho I don't think the film really displays it as such. Or it's just not very *clear* in displaying it as arrogance - like aside from occasionally calling Thor an oaf basically(which tbf he's kinda right with that assessment). And like - considering humans and Jotuns as weak and inferior at best - and monstrous at worst(which is less of a character vice and more of a symptom of Asgard's imperialism).
According to the definition of arrogance, what Artemis describes is in fact a complete list of all the reasons why Loki is arrogant. I also like to add that even the imperialism that causes Asgardians to be biased toward other races is rooted in political arrogance and their sense of superiority(Although we can argue that Loki up until his conversation with Odin, did not believe the Asgardian propaganda as he asked why the truth was hidden from him. It was only after he thought his parents see Jotuns a monsters that he tried to radically separate himself from his race).
Like many aspects in this movie, these brothers are once again a yin and yang to each other. Thor's brawn against Loki's brain. Thor's strength represents Odin's warrior side and he is praised for it. While Loki's wit represents Odin's cleverness but unlike Thor, Loki isn't appreciated for a trait in which he is similar to his father and that's sth he wants to change.
Loki has a good plan, but he fails to consider how his action seem shady to those who didn't like and suspected him. And how that can motivate them to betray him. Everything would have gone according to his plan otherwise. He had managed to trick and kill Laufey, he unleashed Bifrost on those race of "monsters" and he had bested Thor in the battle of brain vs brawn. He was pinned but he thought he had won. He was at the top of arrogance level in his grief and madness.
"Look at you, the mighty Thor, with all your strength, and what good does it to you now, huh?"
He didn't consider that Thor, hot headed Thor who looked down on other races and tried to solve everything by throwing a hammer at it, would try to think his way out of this situation to save the people he previously hated.
In my eyes, Odin's banishment, Jane's and Selvig's and Darcy's companionships are only the stakes that make him walk in the shoes of the other side of the violence, but the real wake up call is seeing Loki behaving and talking as Thor used to.
Thor 1 is the origin story of both Thor and Loki, young princes who discover they were still untested, and Avengers 2012 shows the progression of their arcs after their vice has been exploited with one differing element: a support net being present or absent. Thor always had a support net, Loki never did, and their intertwined story shows exactly how in real life people go down their respective paths.
So if Loki's vice is arrogance why he doesn't behave like Thor or Tony?
Bc tbh I probably wouldn't have even thought of arrogance as a vice for Loki. Like my initial reaction was ''wait no that's Thor". But when phrased like the above... it makes a lot of sense. Like tbh I don't know if I'd call it arrogance in his own intelligence - while he's certainly clever he never seems to overbearing about it. Not in the way similarly clever + arrogant characters like Tony Stark display it anyways. Loki never really... seems particularly arrogant?? Like I wouldn't call him humble either but... arrogance just seems a bit exaggerated tbh. I'd say he definitely has pride... tho I'm not sure I'd call it a vice. Bc let's consider other characters that are clearly written to display arrogance at various levels. Like. Anakin is arrogant. Tony Stark is arrogant. Theon Greyjoy was arrogant. And then there's Thor. And like I know there are probably levels to this and it could be argued that Loki's on the less extreme side...But for a character to be arrogant there's almost always like an indicator to that arrogance in said character's personality? Like something about the way they carry themselves... something in the way they display their genuine belief that they're The Best. I don't really see that with Loki. Again I wouldn't call him humble... but he doesn't have *that* attitude I guess. Compared to Anakin ''I would even stop ppl from dying!'' Skywalker. Or Thor 'throws violent tantrum after dad said no to war w/ Jotunheim' Odinson. Or like... half the shit that comes out of Tony Stark's mouth. XD
Yes Loki doesn't have that attitude. That's because individual differences in unawareness of intellectual limits and personality traits affect how the components of arrogance show themselves in people.
We can illustrate potential relations between personality variables and Components 2 (unawareness of knowledge limitations), 4 (failure to consider the perspectives of others), and 5 (a feeling of superiority). Related to Component 2, Schaefer, Williams, Goodie, and Campbell (2004) examined how the Big Five can predict overconfidence in one’s performance. Only the trait of extraversion correlated with overconfidence (the difference between accuracy and confidence). The extraversion factor may be most related to the aspect of arrogance involving inflated self-appraisal relative to objective reality (Lee & Ashton, 2018). There also have been occasional findings of relations between overconfidence and other Big Five traits like openness to experience and agreeableness
Thor and Tony are both extroverts, so their arrogance or at least the part that involves inflated self-appraisal shows itself through overconfident extrovert behavior. That doesn't mean that Loki doesn't act overconfident. It just shows itself in more subtle ways, like the way he stares at his opponent and in his knowing grin. He's less like boastful I'm-the-best-and-I'm-going-to-beat-you, and more like silent I'm-so-smart-and-you've-fallen-for-my-plan.
Even in Avengers when Loki acts arrogantly more than any other time, his real arrogance is not in the way he presents himself to humans in Stuttgart. That was just theatrics. His arrogance is in the way he grins every time his plans work. In Avengers Loki is in his most arrogant state because he's being influenced by the scepter. The same scepter that can bring the worst of every person in its vicinity which almost made Tony and Steve fight, and even Thor reverted back to his old self calling humans petty and tiny. I also like to mention that it was Tony who understood Loki the most and one of the reasons was because he saw the same arrogance of himself in Loki.
Avengers 2012, Dark World and the stories that followed should have picked up the threads left from the first movie and continued the progression of the vice (flaws+virtues+background) Vs consequences. Some of them did. Some of them did not.
Tldr: both Thor's and Loki's vices were arrogance built in different ways and their arcs showcased how society's (=worldbuilding) support influences the consequences of the same vice until the franchise was rebooted (=different worldbuilding and vices)
Source: Foundations of Arrogance: A Broad Survey and Framework for Research
Next: Loki
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tampire · 8 months
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Love, Hate, and Thunder
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dribs-and-drabbles · 3 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #55
Vice Versa ep 4:
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A Boss and a Babe ep 9:
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for @twig-tea 💙
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perseephoneee · 1 month
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘
In which, you, a lady of the ton, are forced to participate in courting season. Except that courting season comes with one particularly silver tongued Prince who is making it his mission to drive you absolutely insane.
↳ fic masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist
a/n: OOF, long time no see. Here's what happened: - I graduated college - I went to a masters certification program - I graduated THAT (not many can say they graduated college twice in one year, but I'm crazy) - My roommate at grad school became my best friend in the whole world. We watched all of Star Trek and the Thor movies. I got distracted writing her an 11k-word Thor fan-fiction. She wrote me a Loki fan-fiction - I came back to my home and ended up moving houses! - Now, all I day is apply to jobs, crochet, and take naps.
And that's what you missed on Glee.
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It was to be expected; after all, you never really wanted to get married. Still, coming home from the ball to your grandmother’s expectant expression– it broke you. 
“Well?” she questioned, arms crossed. She wore her evening best, a deep crimson against her now paling skin. “Are we planning a wedding?”
“No,” you mumble, looking at the floor. “He didn’t propose; he…decided against it.”
You expected yelling, insults, and anger radiating from every surface. Instead, your grandmother was quiet. You looked up, waiting for anything. She just looked at you, still. It was so much worse than you could’ve expected. “Grams?” you ventured, biting the inside of your cheek. She just sighed and rubbed her eyes, so exhausted by the encounter that it made you angry. You disobeyed the thing she asked you to do, you disappointed her, and embarrassed yourself in the process. Yet all she does is sigh. “Nothing at all?”
“So much like your mother,” Grams murmured, massaging her temple as a headache grew. “I’m tired, Y/N, I’ll be retiring to bed.”
You felt tears start to prick your eyes, even as your grandmother started to pull away. “Please,” you begged, unsure what you were even asking. Your voice sounded so quiet in the foyer. 
“She could’ve married well; a duke,” Grams was already halfway up the stairs when she said it, almost to herself more than you. “She chose love instead, and look what good it did her.” Grandmother turned towards you then. “She ended up at the bottom of the ocean.”
You didn’t sleep well that night, in between the crying and the screaming into your pillow so no one could hear. When you did sleep, it was drowning. In the ocean. In disappointment. In everything. 
Your father wasn’t of low status, but he was merely a lord. Not a Duke like your grandmother wistfully shared. He was a man of dreams who sought to create. He used to sit you and Ivy down in the garden and map out the constellations. Your brother could never sit still long enough to truly appreciate astronomy. Ivy enjoyed looking at the stars and embroidering them into blankets and other linens. You, on the other hand, were eager to learn. Your father would quiz you on all their names: Orion, Ursa Major, Canis Minor, Draco, and more. The story of Andromeda always made you curious but sad. You couldn’t imagine choosing between your people and your child, and yet you hated King Cepheus for being willing to sacrifice Andromeda at all. 
“She was saved by Perseus, fell in love, and placed among the stars by Athena,” your father would console you when you started becoming quiet and contemplative. 
“Why couldn’t she save herself?”
“It’s not always that easy,” your father sighed, petting your head. “The chains could’ve been too strong. Or maybe she felt that the least she could do for her people was to let herself die.”
Your mother always scolded your father for telling such dark stories, but you appreciated it. You didn’t like things being hidden from you, and ancient myths fascinated you. 
When your parents went on their voyage with your brother to show off your father’s latest invention, you prayed to Perseus to save them from the sea. He was unable to. 
After your third day of wallowing, Ivy entered your room and locked the door. 
“This isn’t the sister I know.”
“I don’t want to talk,” you mumbled, curling into your chair. You had a settee set up by the window to get fresh daylight on your books and observe the outdoors. Ivy sat on your bed, curling up against the pillows. 
“Love, it is not your fault.”
“I was unable to secure a proposal, the one duty asked of me,” you turned to glare at her. “That is the definition of ‘my fault.’”
“You fell in love.”
“Evidently not.”
“I did not mean with Prince Thor.”
You didn’t answer. You just kept looking down at your book, the words being nothing more than a distraction. You had been pondering Thor’s words for days. Loki was, on most days, an annoyance and, on other days, could be quite companionable. Did you love him? You were unsure. You didn’t hate him. Not as much as you would’ve liked. 
“I knew it wouldn’t be Thor,” Ivy sighed, picking at the thread on your bedspread. “From the day in the park.”
You remembered that day. A traveling circus had come to town. Many families brought their children to witness acrobats, magicians, and more. There was even a traveling fortune teller that Loki loudly exclaimed wouldn’t have been able to tell a three of swords from a five of pentacles if it was staring her in the face. Ivy and Thor enjoyed watching the animals perform tricks, but like Loki, you could not stomach watching wild animals in captivity. You didn’t stay for the performance. 
“There was a traveling book merchant, which you two spent so much time at,” Ivy chuckled. “It was the cellist that stood out to me.”
“She played beautifully.”
“She did, but you and Prince Loki were the only ones to appreciate it,” Ivy smiled. “Thor had already moved on to the next shiny thing. You stayed, though, the only one in the ton to be there for the whole set. You’ve always appreciated music, I wish you would play again.” You turned in your seat, looking at your sister. “You stayed there, and Loki stayed with you. He let you enjoy the music because it spoke to you more than anything else at the circus. And when she was done performing, and you lacked a proper way to give thanks, he offered up his own coins.”
“There was nothing special about that moment.” Even as you said it, you knew it wasn’t true. 
“Grandmother is a smart woman, but she has one thing wrong.” Ivy turned her attention fully towards you. “You are headstrong, but most importantly, you are quiet. You are intuitive. Not like me, who enjoys laughter and bright colors. You see brightness where others see nothing.” Ivy almost laughs to herself. “You don’t need someone who can match your strength; you need someone who can match your silence.”
You felt like crying, and you weren’t sure why. Everything Ivy said was true. It always was; she knew you better than you often knew yourself. Confronting feelings, when so often you ignored them to avoid painful attachments, it made you want to suffocate.
“Ivy,” you murmured. She turned to you, the sun in a room inhabited by the moon. “I love you.”
“Well, of course you do!” she giggled, getting up and coming to your seat. She kissed the top of your head. “I’m brilliant.”
It was nighttime, and you wanted to talk to Loki. If you talked to him, you could decide if your feelings were real or if they were a lie. Maybe they were a thing fabricated by quiet moments or inspired by the stories you loved. You were thinking about this when you heard a storm pick up, the branches of the trees tapping against your window. This continued on until you realized there was no wind to accompany this tapping. You crawled out of your bed to go to your window and noticed it was a clear night. You jumped back with a yelp as another pebble hit the glass. Opening the latch, you peeked your head out and ducked as another pebble came flying. Loki stood with a pile of rocks outside. 
“Loki!” you hissed, throwing one of the pebbles back at him. He avoided it with ease. “Why are you throwing rocks at me?”
“Because I do so enjoy it,” he chuckled, hands in the pockets of his breeches. “Or perhaps, because I wish to speak with you.”
“It is late and unbecoming of a lady to meet with a man unaccompanied.”
“Intriguing,” he shrugged. “I didn’t think you much of a lady.”
You glowered at that. You couldn’t possibly have feelings for this man who throws rocks at you and puts you in ridiculous situations. You leave the window, heading to your dresser and grabbing your riding boots. You were still in your nightgown, but you tied your robe over it, so you were at least a little modest. You went back to the window. He hadn’t left.
“You’re going to catch me,” you demanded, already swinging a leg over the banister and debating which bones would be broken if you made one misstep. 
“Of course,” Loki smiled. He didn’t look ready to catch you whatsoever, but you had to put trust in the situation. So, you jumped out your window. And he caught you with ease. Much like one of the princes in the tales your father used to tell you. “What a pleasure meeting you here,” Loki smirked. You hit his chest, falling out of his arms and giving yourself distance. If your grandmother knew you were doing this, she would have you executed by morning. 
“What do you want?”
“Is that any way to address royalty?” he furrowed his brows but didn’t sound angry. He sounded amused. 
“What do you want, your Highness?” you sassed, crossing your arms. 
“Well, I did not come out here for your startling wit,” Loki sighed. “I want to talk.”
“Take a walk with me,” he gestured towards the gardens. Your grandma’s pride and joy were her gardens. It was one of the few things she did herself, without any help from the maids or other staff. “Please,” he added, and you acquiesced. 
You followed him with a sigh, still keeping a respectable distance between you both. He was silent, and it wasn’t until you passed the hydrangeas that he spoke. 
“Thor told me,” Loki said. You didn’t know how to respond to that, and you were unsure of what exactly Thor had told him. 
“Did you come here to reprimand me for not being able to secure an engagement?” You scoffed. Loki stopped at a rose bush, fingers brushing over the petals. 
“I confess, I don’t care much for roses,” Loki smiled at you. Like you were in on a secret, just you two. It made warmth grow in your chest. 
“I don’t either.”
“What is your favorite flower, m’lady?” Loki took a step towards you. You would’ve backed up, but another bush was in your way, and you were stuck in his space.
“Sunflowers, or perhaps dahlias,” you murmured.
“Dahlias.” Loki smiled. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
“No?” you questioned, smiling back. “What did you expect?”
“Nothing ordinary nor expected of a young maiden.”
“Am I just a young maiden to you?” you lifted a brow. 
“No,” Loki said. “You are not.”
It felt like nature took a pause on its sounds as Loki stared at you, his ice-blue eyes cold against your otherwise hot skin. He was much too close to be appropriate, and yet you didn’t want to push him away. You should push him away; the last thing you need is a scandal with the prince of Norway, but you couldn’t. Not when his gaze lowered to your lips. Not when his fingers touched your shoulder and then the lace of your collar. He brushed stray hair away from your face, and you felt yourself take in a shuddering breath. His thumb brushed over your lip, fingers cradling your chin. His breaths were heavy like he was holding himself back. You realized he was holding himself back from you. 
“Loki,” you whispered, looking up at him. Something changed in his gaze, and he stepped back, letting the cold air kiss your skin where his hand once was. 
“You should have brought a coat; it’s cold at night,” he whispered, refusing to meet your gaze. You just nodded, disappointment evident. He walked you back to your window. There were enough places for you to climb up yourself, something you used to do a lot as a child. He kept an even larger distance between the two of you as he waited for you to return to your rooms. Instead, in a fit of insanity, you reached up and kissed his cheek. You felt his breath hitch as you stepped back, curtsied, and scaled your wall. You didn’t turn back when you closed the window. You didn’t stop thinking of him even as you fell asleep.
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taglist: @eleniblue @iwrite-things @youneedanap @huntress-artemiss @linaax @pisces-celeste @marygoddessofmischief @gruftiela @saay-karani @foxherder @lover-of-books-and-tea tea @lilaclaufeyson @qardasngan @evasmlp
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Tethered to Another
Kinktober Day I: Breeding Kink
Pairing: drug lord!Thor x fem reader (Vices Assemble)
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Thor isn’t going to let anything keep him from knocking you up.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, cream pie), implied violence, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: Kicking off Kinktober with a bang! I’m still working on the fic where they make the decision to have kids, but I figured we could get right to the good stuff 😉
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Thor tapped his ring on the desk irritably as he glared at the moron across from him who would not shut the fuck up. Maybe if he had been on time for the meeting he could have put up with this incessant droning, but the jackass was over an hour late. He just wanted to get home to you. Your fertile window had just started, and everyone except this idiot knew that meant he wasn’t supposed to be disturbed for a week while he kept you full of his seed constantly.
“So that’s why I think you should consider moving your operations to my docks.” The fat bastard gave him a grin like he had just made the most convincing argument in the world, and Thor just wanted to slam his face into the desk.
“Let me see if I understand you correctly.” If that dumbass knew anything, he would have recognized the tic in Thor’s jaw and the way his knuckles turned white as he gripped his tumbler of vodka as the warnings they were. “You show up to a meeting you insisted on an hour late, you’re covered in grease from some sort of disgusting food by the smell of you, and you want me to pay you almost twice as much as I’m paying the man who runs the docks we go through now ‘as a favor’?”
“Well…” The smile finally fell from his face when Thor rose to his feet and cracked his neck.
“Shut up.” Thor drew his jacket back on and strode towards the door. “If I didn’t have something extremely important to get to, I’d deal with you myself. But I’ve got an absolutely gorgeous woman to impregnate so… Val!”
“Yeah boss?” She gave him a wicked grin when she popped her head into his office and saw how nervous the fatass looked. “What’s up?”
“This dumbass connected?” Thor nodded when she shook her head at him, straightening his cuffs and trying not to just boot out of there. “Fantastic, get rid of him.”
He ignored the high sounds of protest coming from his office and rushed to the car, his jaw clenched as he yanked the door open and sank into the backseat with just a small nod of his head to Heimdall before the man peeled out. His body was practically vibrating with pent up sexual energy, his cock growing harder by the minute as he thought about fucking you full for the next seven days until it took, the way you’d look underneath him all dewy with sweat and moaning and begging him while you dug your nails into his back.
Fortunately it didn’t take too long for Heimdall to drive him back to the mansion from his office, or he might have burst. The car had barely come to a stop before he was charging out of it and running into the house in a frenzy.
“Kjære?” He needed you, needed to feel you around him like he needed oxygen. “Where are you?”
“In the kitchen.” Fuck, you did not sound happy, the sight of you frowning a little as you sliced up a melon confirming that you were pissed. “You’re late.”
“I know, god I fucking know.” He strode towards you and wrapped his arms around you from behind, ducking low to press apologetic kisses along the curve of your neck. “I’m so sorry, my love. Would it help if I let you know the asshole who made me late is getting worked over by Val right now?”
“A little.” You tried to still look annoyed when he turned you around, but he was almost pouting at you and sliding his hands down your hips and it was impossible to be mad at him. “How are you going to make it up to me?”
“Mmm, I’ve got so many ideas.” He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to yours, smiling a little when you whined and arched your body close to his. “What if I put a baby in you?”
“Just one?” You beamed when he nipped at your lips before he pulled back and slid your dress down your arms until it was pooled on the floor, his gaze growing darker while he stared at you and started to slowly strip off his suit. “Maybe I want three.”
“Well, I’ll give you whatever you want, kjære.” He gripped the back of your neck and smashed his lips to yours once he was naked, dragging you to the floor with him and growling as he laid you down on the cool marble. “Gonna fuck so much cum into you this week we might end up with five.”
“So ambitious.” You smiled against his lips and ran your fingers through his hair, gasping softly when he reached down to cup your cunt. “Feel how much I need you, kjæreste?”
“Mmhm, fuck, you’re so warm, so wet, and all for me.” Thor slid a finger inside you and growled when he felt you start to flutter immediately around him. “You ready for me right now? Thought I was gonna have to sweet talk this pretty pussy to let me in.”
“Been ready all day, daddy.” He started grinding his cock against your pussy and you whined, arching into him and curling your legs around his back when his hands squeezed your hips. “Please.”
“Shh, I know, elskling, goddamn.” Thor ducked to bite your ear as he slowly slid inside you, the feeling of your perfect cunt stretched tight around him almost making him lose his mind. “This sweet pussy is so fucking tiny, you barely even fit my cock in here, look at that.” He gripped your chin and forced you to look down when he bottomed out, kissing your cheek gently when you whimpered at the sight of his dick making your lower stomach bulge. “How you gonna fit my baby in this little thing, kjære?”
There was no way you could answer him since he chose that moment to snap his hips into yours viciously, sobbing softly when he ground against your clit before he started fucking you in earnest. It took a minute or so of him pounding into you to adjust, panting into his mouth and gripping his hair tightly as you shuddered underneath him.
“I can do it, I want it so bad.” You were still dumb but that just meant you were gonna run your mouth even more. “Want your baby, please, wanna make you a daddy. Put a baby in me, need it.”
“Fuck, kjære, I know, wanna give you everything you need, pretty girl.” Thor kept his body pressed right against yours as he kept punching his hips into you, purring when you clenched around him each time. “But you gotta come first, honey, gotta make room for my cum, for my baby. You know the rule, at least two before I fill you up.”
“Mmhm, yeah.” Your eyes rolled back when he kept hitting you so fucking deep, licking your lips mindlessly and rolling your body to meet his when you felt it building. “‘M close.”
You keened when he reached down to rub your clit with his thumb, your eyes fluttering as he cooed softly into your mouth while your pussy clenched hard and gushed all over him. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from blowing his load right then, rubbing your noses together and squeezing your waist as he let out a series of soft growls while you kept spasming for him.
“Good girl, so beautiful, my kjære.” He kissed you gently before sitting up and leaning back on his heels, grabbing your waist with one hand and starting to yank you down on his cock while his other kneaded your breasts. “Gonna look even more beautiful once I knock you up, all swollen and glowing, not gonna be able to keep my hands off you. Now gimme another one, c’mon, need to fill this pussy, want you leaking me nonstop for the next week.
“Yes, kjæreste, please. Unh, want your cum so bad.” You were already so close, sobbing as you let him basically use you like a doll while your body started shaking. “Fuck it so deep in my pussy, knock me up, daddy. Ah… shit!”
The way you screeched when your body arched off the floor as you squirted all over him made him lose it, dropping his hold on your waist and leaning on his hands as he slammed into you like an animal and snarled. You moaned when you felt him throb and swell inside you, gasping when he leaned back down to smash his lips to yours as he started pumping you full of his cum with deep and dirty grinds of his hips. He always got so goddamn feral when he knew there was a chance he actually bred you, biting and sucking all along your jaw and your throat as he growled while he filled you up.
“Fuck, love, don’t think you’re gonna be able to walk once this week is over.” He nuzzled at your cheek and smiled when you gave him a sloppy grin, cupping your chin lovingly as he gazed into your eyes. “We moved like three feet, shit, I had meant to bring you to the couch at least, let’s move you.”
“Oh, no, don’t wanna lose any of you.” You pouted at him and whined when he pulled out before you could stop him. “I’m not supposed to move for a few minutes, did I lose any? Push it back in, your cum belongs inside my tiny pussy.”
“You’re so fucking perfect, my god.” Thor beamed at you as he lifted your hips and set them on his knees, spreading your legs and biting his lip when he shoved the few drops that had leaked out of you back inside and plugged you with his fingers. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get everything you deserve, kjære. But we’re gonna do it in our bed from now on, need to spoil my girl. We’re gonna make a fucking baby this week.”
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timelordsandkittens · 2 months
all right, maybe I'm an asshole, but I watched guardians of the galaxy 3 last night and my main takeaway is "well what was the fucking point"
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worstloki · 2 years
Why don't we talk about the fact that Thor lets Loki hit him so often. If we don't take Thor 1 into consideration, In tdw too that deceiving Malekeith plan they made had so much of Loki hitting Thor on the face and what not. Would like to know your thots
Thor's into that
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
I really wish we had gotten to see more of the jane/valkyrie bromance. ive posted about it before, but the subtext there was so worth exploring. imagine them just fucking shit up on the battlefield and then crashing at the new asgard bar, clinking their weapons together and falling asleep at the bar after a couple rounds of asgardian ale or whatever. the bartender smirks at them before locking up and coming back the next morning to gently kick them out.
and then theres the potential of a crossover fic with wonder woman, just saying.
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
i've seen comments about airi not being the "true" savior because of makia reincarnated from earth which counts her as "from another world" which is kind of true, but ultimately false.
#because although makia and thor reincarnated from kazuha and tooru#their souls *aren't* originally from that world. only airi is.#makia and thor. kazuha and tooru. all of them are scarlet and black's reincarnations respectively who are from the world of maydare#the savior is said to be 'from another world' and as of now that applies to tanaka airi ONLY#we don't know about kanon that much but irc the hero was said to be from another world as well? i don't remember#anyway i really like that they didn't do a 'makia was the savior all along because she was from earth too!' but instead makia was a savior#in a way that isn't 'destined to save the world' but in a way that she manage to reach out to people's hearts and help them#as what airi said kazuha was like an angel that saved her#it was also accordung to her that makia is like the true main character in which she is. but savior =/= protagonist.#airi is still pretty much the savior in title and she's now acting on her part. she still have powers that of a savior.#she's still very much the vessel needed to eliminate harm. there's gonna be a great war not just between#hermedes vs ruschia & frezier and the rest of maydare's countries#but also between the 10 great magicians from history that came back once again..... i think. airi's role is gonna be essential for both.#airi plays an important part and not just her! gt9 as well! frey as a prince of ruschia and makia as a guardian and as the scarlet witch..#lapis as a (basically) military personnel and a twilight mage for frezier empire#and lastly nero as the hermedes empire's last royalty and as queen shatoma frezier's ally#all of them play an important role#gilbert also! not just as the prince that's basically handling every work in the castle because ulysses is lune ruschia's professor and#the white sage's reincarnation and frey who was stripped from every right he have as a prince— ahem! gilbert not just as a prince but also#as a guardian. oh and sir lionel the vice captain of the royal knights and a guardian ig there's nothing really remarkable about him aside#from those. and yeah thor since he's not just a guardian but also one of the big three magicians#genuinely why are the guardians so boring the only one that isnxt is makia granted cuz she's the mc but also airi those two are the only#enjoyable ones. gilbert is slowly growing on me tbh. who knows maybe sir lionel's gonna have an arc where i'd like him#thor i swear i don't hate you and i even liked you but you're never gonna outrank gt9 airi and even beatrice#sylhea talks maydare
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backseatloversz · 2 months
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hey girl dont freak out but i think youve got something on u
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aaronymous999 · 1 year
Deadpool just transcends the multiverse he’s like the same guy in everything and has memories of everything ( at least in my own headcanon )
So one day he just appears in Aaron Allan’s universe and ( this part of Deadpool is kinda underrated and not talked about enough ) just kind of parents the Spider Children. Aaron thinks he’s kinda funny but as a romance and sex repulsed aroace, Aaron does not like how much he flirts with the villains. Also he kills people normally but since he came on a mission from Peter he’s not. Cindy hates his guts and thinks he’s SO UNFUNNY. She wants to rip him to pieces. And lastly Miles is so weirded out and also makes fun of SMAA!Peter for his variant liking this dude.
Deadpool also finds it wild that SMAA!Daredevil is beefing with Aaron Allan Spider-Man and thinks it’s so funny so he alters his costume to match the two of them and they begrudgingly team up.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Record Of Ragnarok x Thors Daughter!Mitsuri!Reader
And the Human Fighters meet her when Brunhilde introduces her and the other Hashira to the Human Fighters
-It started with an invitation from Brunnhilde, inviting the Demon Slayer Corps, more specifically the Hashira, to a meeting with the warriors of humanity from the big Ragnarok tournament that ended.
-You were happy that it had a happy ending, with humanity winning and all the fallen fighters being brought back to life, bringing new and old friends back together.
-After the Hashira had to fend off a demon outbreak, following Hades’ demise, the gods agreed that the Corps should be celebrated as well, and Brunnhilde brought up the idea of having a large party and bringing the two groups together.
-You were excited about this prospect, as you had the chance of possibly meeting a husband- as you knew they were strong warriors, and you were still on the lookout for the perfect man to call your own!
-The only thing is, whoever you chose would need to earn your father’s approval, which was easier said than done, at least about you dating and looking for a marriage partner.
-You were a demi-god, that’s why you were so unnaturally strong, being the daughter of a human mother, and Thor of all gods!
-Your father adored you, he found it amusing his daughter was so dainty and girly looking, but had an appetite that rivaled his own and those in the Norse Pantheon, and had a strength that just seemed to grow.
-He was proud you were a warrior in your own right, working with the Demon Slayers, to keep Valhalla safe from outside threats, just like him.
-However, as you grew into a beauty, Thor learned the troubles of having such a pretty daughter and only those who had earned his respect were worthy of you, and so far, nobody was, in his eyes at least.
-You respected your father, and you respected his decision on having a worthy man for you, as you wanted someone who would be able to take care of you.
-If only he knew that this party was going to do just that, Thor would have attended to test the man you deemed worthy enough in a duel.
-When you walked in alongside the other Hashira, a warm smile on your lips, a contrast to the glares and cocky looks some of the others were giving, many were surprised to see that such a delicate looking woman was one of the strongest in the corps.
-Brunnhilde introduced each of you to the human fighters before introducing the human fighters and as soon as introductions were made, Brunnhilde put her hands on her hips, giving only one warning, “I will discipline anyone who fights.”
-The party was lovely, there was so much food that everyone could eat mountains of it and there would still be leftovers for days, something you were quite excited about, as you could eat your fill without feeling guilty.
-There were some minor arguments, your fellow Hashira picking at some of the warriors and vice versa, trying to pick fights, much to Brunnhilde’s annoyance as she kept having to play referee.
-You’re not sure how it happened, but Brunnhilde agreed to one match in arm wrestling, a human fighter against a Hashira, and (Love) was chosen to fight. You were surprised when Tengen picked you up by your waist, easily carrying you over and sat you down for the match while you blinked, a bit confused.
-(Love) didn’t want to be rude, as he had no fights with a woman- he wanted someone like Tengen or Sanemi, who’s been running their mouths, but Shinobu put her hand on your head, “We believe in you Y/N!”
-You beamed at their praise, little flowers of glee surrounding you as you turned back to (Love), who was honestly surprised by the determined look in your eyes.
-The two of you locked hands, something that your cheeks turned a bit pink with, as you were holding (Love’s) hand, as Brunnhilde was officiating the match.
-When she called for the start of the match, (Love) was prepared to win easily, but trying to do it without hurting you, only to freeze as he didn’t move, or rather- he couldn’t.
-Your eyes were narrowed in determination as you were easily pushing his arm down. The human fighters were yelling, telling him not to throw the match just because you were a girl, but they were quick to shut up when they saw the veins in his arms, seeing that he was actually trying- that you were actually that strong.
-The table beneath your elbows cracked from the pressure and the next thing (Love) knew, he had been sent flying across the room, crashing hard into the wall, leaving you the clear winner.
-The Hashira were all cheering while the human warriors were all gawking in complete awe, seeing your strength as you were quickly running to (Love), pulling him out of the wall into your arms, his head against your chest, “Are you all right?!”
-(Love) was immediately taken by you, seeing that you were caring as you were strong. You were perfect!
-Elsewhere, Thor felt a chill run up his spine, feeling a sense of dread washing over him. A storm was coming.
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wndaswife · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff, A Monster: Character Analysis through Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s ‘Monster Theory: Reading Culture’
Essay | Word count: 1538
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By analysing Wanda Maximoff through Cohen’s Monster Theory, Wanda’s signification as the Other is revealed to be attributable to Marvel as defined by a hypermasculine American culture and its respective signifying values, proving her body to be that of a cultural one — the body of Marvel’s monster.
Cohen’s theory postulates the monster’s body as cultural, whose existence comes into formation once signified by means of the signifier’s cultural value and attitudes. What is pushed to the margins becomes distinguished as the Other and thereby becomes a symbol carrying epistemological significance, embodying everything that is culturally unwanted, foreign, and uncomfortable according to the signifier. 
If there are monsters signified, it is because we understand ourselves as not monstrous, but even by distinguishing ourselves from them, they go nowhere for they are distinguished from within the subjective, therefore all monsters and non-monsters reside exactly where they had prior to signification — together. This theory paradoxically exposes that there is nothing that isn’t; there is only existence, and one that is unitary, for to contrast one another is to be signified as one or the other, working from within a system of signification that achieves only distinction but never separation, for all signification occurs subjectively, meaning from within. This is what allows the ‘inside’ and the 'outside’ to be one in the same. It is why we cannot exist without our monsters and vice versa, and why as long as there is an existence of anything, monsters are necessitated. 
Monsters are villains whose counterparts are heroes. The image of a traditional superhero is simple — a muscled and capable man driven by the pursuit of justice, who fights and triumphs over evil. Traditional Marvel superheroes are all this but with an additional facet of militant patriotism, with one of their most infamous faces, Captain America, being designed specifically for WWII propaganda targeting American men (Roach & Mangels, 2024). Superhero culture is hypermasculine, calling for men to identify with and feel gratified by viewing idealised hypermasculine culture (McIntosh, 2015), with each of the always-triumphant original male Avengers resembling a significant feature of said culture — Hulk as glorified violence, Captain America as patriotism, Iron Man as financial wealth, Thor as godliness, and Hawkeye as fatherhood, and each with character designs showcasing an ideal male body.
To have a franchise that showcases idealisation appealing to men means that its targeted audience are men that feel the pleasure of ego-gratification through self-identification with what is displayed on screen (Mulvey, 1975), which is, specifically, hypermasculinity that has ideal men front and centre, making this specific audience Marvel’s signifiers while its movies embody their audience’s cultural values and attitudes.
When Marvel’s signifiers are men who are fed pleasure through the ego-constituting hypermasculinity showcased within the movies, it is necessary to question how Marvel depicts its female characters — namely, Natasha Romanoff, the sixth original Avenger.
Natasha is an emotionally-reserved Russian ex-spy who left her foreign associations to join the American superheroes, and who repents for being unable to birth children (School of Politics and International Relations, 2020), going so far as to call herself a monster for being forcefully sterilised (Whedon, 2015, 1:08:26). She is a sexualized object on account of her character’s presentation, used for the audience’s pleasure during scenes like that of her debut, being tied to a chair in a room of powerful men and flirting with them in her mother tongue; her propagandised Russian Otherness contrasting American patriotism is pleasurably-utilised by the male audience, thus this Otherness is categorised and thereby controllable. Her death is used as a plot device for Infinity War and inspires her male comrades to reach their goal of beating the villain — a trope known as ‘fridging,’ allowing for male characters to benefit from the objectification of their female counterparts’ deaths as motivation for their hypermasculinity to further embody the idealised man by achieving their goals. In hypermasculine culture, Natasha Romanoff is Marvel’s ideal female character. 
Wanda Maximoff is everything Natasha Romanoff is not. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda debuts intent upon destroying who she understands to be the American terrorists who bombed her third-world country and killed her parents. She hails from a foreign country, Sokovia, whose Slavic-inspired language is fictional and thus incomprehensible though it carries heavy similarities to Russian; Tony Stark describes her in a scene: “She isn’t a U.S citizen, and they don’t grant visas to weapons of mass destruction” (Russo & Russo, 2015, 1:00:47).
Wanda is a foreigner, not technically legal in America, and dangerous. 
She is also characterised by her unstable emotional conflict; she is angry and naive when she is first introduced — hysterical, young, and not an American citizen — who later cannot decide whether she wants to fight alongside the Avengers due to her fear and indecision, and whose powers are connected to her uncontrollable emotional tension.
Wanda Maximoff is everything monstrous to Marvel’s target audience; she is a hysteric foreign young woman who not only hates America’s most patriotic heroes, but who is introduced with the goal of destroying them. Her uncontrollable anger stems from a unique perspective as a victim of war at the hands of America and American billionaire Tony Stark’s weaponry, a man who also happens to be one of if not Marvel’s most beloved face alongside Captain America, who also is not spared her hatred as shown during a scene where his caricature is drawn in graffiti and titled ‘fascist’ in Sokovia. 
Interestingly, as if breaking a fourth-wall, the series WandaVision newly introduces Wanda as the typical American housewife, inspired heavily by classic American sitcoms. She loses her foreign accent completely, and plays the role of a mother and a wife as the traditional American Dream would outline.
It is only until she steps out of her illusion that has permitted her to live the American Dream away from reality that she is again faced with being the Other. Angry and hostile in the face of the American military as she had been from her debut, Wanda stubbornly refuses to let down her magical facade that brainwashes and holds captive citizens of Westview within her sitcom setting, a constructed reality in which her family and children exclusively exist. Her foreign accent bleeds vaguely into her angry speech as she denies the American militant man’s demands for her cooperation.
In the scene, Wanda steps out of her constructed American fantasy and into the real world, appearing back into her modern clothing and into her place as the Other, very literally announcing, ‘Your ideal woman is a sham, Marvel, and this is reality.’ What’s more, is that Wanda then transforms the American military sent to control her into circus performers when she absorbs them into her sitcom fantasy — your ideal woman is nothing but a fantasy, and you are fools for fantasising about it. 
In the film Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda makes it clear that not only does she detest Tony Stark, but considers him a monster. Ultron, the antagonist of the film, is an AI robot created by Tony intent on destroying humanity to achieve world peace. In comparing Tony to the antagonist, Wanda says, “Ultron can’t tell the difference between saving humanity and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?” (Whedon, 2015, 1:26:57).
To Wanda, Tony Stark is the American ideal man embodied, signified by her as a monster and therefore turned into a symbol whose process of signification can be understood as follows: Originating from a war-torn third-world country whose war victims consist of Wanda’s people and her parents, monstrosity is defined by Wanda as an inability to understand what true justice is within the topic of international and general warfare — a morally-profound understanding that highly-honoured, American, hypermasculinized heroes need not only never concern themselves with, but who are praised in spite of never bothering themselves with wondering about, which is precisely what Tony Stark, the Avengers, and the American military in WandaVision embody. 
As such, Wanda Maximoff is a political and cultural body for what she symbolises in the real world’s American warfare involving third-world countries; she is the symbolic embodiment of American warfare and its consequences, a body which is the site of constant contestation due to being signified either as monstrous or not by principle of which political and cultural values the viewer subscribes to. Her signification becomes lucid and subjective to the audience’s values, turning her into a site of contestation itself; because she has been constructed as Marvel’s monster, Marvel’s culture is revealed for what it is — American and hypermasculine.
WandaVision introduces a new discursive practice that is the literal materialisation of what Cohen exposes about monsters, revealing not only Wanda as a monster, but a further truth that due to the very fact that there is an ‘outside,’ the Other must be contra another in order to embody Otherness, and that whoever is opposite the Other becomes the Other’s Other — the monster’s monster. 
Both Wanda Maximoff as a character and her role in WandaVision reveals not only the truth of Marvel’s culture, but the larger picture of what is politically and culturally existent and relevant. This epistemological revelation is something revealable only if the analysed subject is a monster, and Marvel ensures she is.
Ashok Jaipuria. (2022, February 14). Avengers : AoU - Steve saw his graffiti | Deleted HD scene [Video]. YouTube. [https://youtu.be/gnkxM1fvNMs?si=OOwFnDcPv1xjLfxB]
Cohen, J. J. (Ed.). (1996). Monster Theory: Reading Culture (NED-New edition). University of Minnesota Press. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctttsq4d]
McIntosh, J. (2015, November 27). Why is the Marvel universe — and the geeks who love it — still obsessed with hypermasculinity? The Independent. [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/captain-america-civil-war-our-fixation-with-hyper-masculine-films-damages-all-of-us-a6750366.html]
Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Screen, 16(3), 6–18. [https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/screen/16.3.6]
Roach, D., & Mangels, A. (2024, May 3). Captain America. Britannica. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Captain-America]
Russo, R., & Russo. J. (Directors). (2016). Captain America: Civil War [Film]. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
School of Politics and International Relations. (2020, January 10). Superhero(ine) movies: popculture’s struggle with patriarchy. Global Gender Justice. [https://globalgenderjustice.wordpress.com/2020/01/10/superheroine-movies-pop-cultures-struggle-with-patriarchy/]
Whedon, J. (Director). (2015). Avengers: Age of Ultron [Film]. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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sashaisready · 5 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 3 - Head in the clouds
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings for: drunk minor character, violence by a minor character to reader (she's okay!)
Thanks so much for the response to this story so far, so glad people are enjoying it. As always I appreciate reblogs and comments. Thanks! Also sorry for anything I get wrong about biker clubs/rules/rituals etc - just pretend that's how it works in this specific AU!
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You’d been working at the bar for a few weeks and had just started to find your stride. You’d already whipped Tom, the blundering bartender from that first night, into shape by teaching him a few tricks of the trade. You’d even showed him how to make a couple of simple cocktails. Not that they were ordered much in a biker bar, but always good to have them in your back pocket. Sure, Tom would spill the syrup all over the bar and break at least one glass every shift…but he was trying. He was the brother of one of Bucky’s buddies and it was almost sweet the way Bucky wanted to help him out – even if it meant turning a blind eye to his often less-than-competent performance.
You’d also gotten to know more of the club and had learned about some aspects of the motorcycle club (or MC as they referred to it) and how it worked.
There was Steve of course, the no-nonsense blonde from that first night, Bucky’s righthand man. He was Vice President. Steve had been a little frosty with you initially but had warmed up and the two of you were becoming friends. You understood he was just a little protective, and that meant he was careful with outsiders and like to vet them first. He was strategic and careful, always one step ahead to ensure that the club were safe from potential threats. He didn’t always say much, but it was clear you’d know if he had a problem with you – so you settled into a quiet understanding with each other.
Bruce was the Treasurer, he was sweet and smart and easy to talk to. Sam was the Road Captain, he was amiable and easy-going, he teased you a little, but it wasn’t with any malice. You gave it right back to him, of course.
Nat, the beautiful redhead you’d seen playing darts, was the Sergeant-At-Arms, which apparently meant being the enforcer and keeping things in order. This had initially surprised you until you saw Nat in action whipping them into shape after some of them had a bit too much to drink one poker night at the bar – she was slightly terrifying, taking no shit from anyone. The whole MC respected (and were slightly terrified of) her… (maybe even Bucky). But the two of you got on well and she was sweet as pie to you, and you were always happy to have another friend.
Thor was the club Secretary, possibly the largest man you’d ever seen – well named. Until now you’d always associated secretaries with typing and pencil skirts – no more. Although seeing Thor in a pencil skirt would certainly be something.
Parker…or Peter, as you found out was his first name, was a recent prospect who had become a full member. He was still finding his way a little, and the others were still ribbing him, but he was sweet and enthusiastic, and you liked him a lot. The dart incident was all forgiven, although he still tiptoed around you a little despite your insistence everything was fine between the two of you.
You were still getting to know the other members – Scott, Clint, Loki, Drax to name a few…Then there were the hang-arounds – not members. Some were prospects but some were just buddies of the club. But Steve was very discerning about who they associated with, he would weed out any sycophants or creeps who just wanted the glory of an MC on their side. It was a whole new world, and you were still learning.
There were also a gaggle of girls who hung out at the bar most nights. They were sweet, some of them were involved with various members, some just wanted to be. All very pretty, very fun. They would drink and play bar games and keep the mood light. Perfectly nice to you, decent tippers.
It hadn’t bypassed your notice that Bucky, as President, was their ultimate target. They’d follow him around, laugh uproariously at his jokes and hang off his every word. Amber, who you’d sussed was their de facto leader of sorts, seemed to have staked some sort of claim. All blonde hair and long legs, skin that looked like an Instagram filter and tonight wearing a, frankly, gravity defying halter top. She’d give the other girls a certain look if they got too close to him and they’d dutifully scatter. Your instincts told you she was not someone you wanted on your bad side.
Bucky didn’t exactly deflect her advances. He’d grin at her with amusement when she would drape her long-manicured nails across his arm, whisper something in her ear that would make her giggle and playfully bat him away.
Which you were fine with.
It wasn’t like you had developed a huge crush on Bucky since you’d been working here, or anything like that.
You didn’t steal glances at him when he moved across the bar, his large, toned arms always bare under his kutte – one flesh, one metal. Some threadbare tee worn underneath, straining against his chest and impossibly flat stomach. Didn’t notice the way he’d absentmindedly brush his hair back out of his eyes, scoop it into a loose bun or small ponytail as he chatted. Definitely didn’t feel a little rush of giddiness when he’d lean over you to get to the cash register and you’d get a whiff of his cologne…
“Sugar? You still with us…?”
Your head snapped towards the intrusion, Bucky’s smile tearing you away from your little daydream as he leaned over the bar. Sometimes it seemed like he could read your thoughts.
“Uh, sorry,” you recovered, wiping down the bar with a washcloth. “Was just thinking I need to do inventory”.
He chuckled, “you work too hard, Sug”.
You smiled at one another for a moment before you saw Amber snake her hand around Bucky’s arm. “Buuucky”, she whined. “Come play pool with us,” she said pleadingly.
He looked at her then back at you, opening his mouth to say something before-
“Can I get a beer here or what??”
The three of you glanced down the bar towards the voice. A broad man in a trucker hat stood sullenly at the other end of the bar, gesturing dramatically at his empty bottle.
“Of course, sir, coming right up”, you chirped a little more cheerily than he deserved.
Bucky frowned. You knew that frown well already. He didn’t like the demanding customers who liked to bark their orders.
“It’s fine,” you told him softly as you pulled another bottle from the fridges. “I got this, you go play pool”.
He continued to frown but seemed to relax slightly at your words, looking over at the man sternly as he got up and Amber squealed excitedly at her victory.
“Just come get me if he gives you any shit” he said harshly as Amber tugged on him.
“You know I’ll give him shit right back if he does,” you winked.
“See? She’s a pro. Let’s GO” moaned Amber as she smiled sweetly at you before shoving him towards the pool table.
Bucky looked back at you for a second before the others cheered at his arrival and Sam handed him a cue. Amber had her hand on his back, rubbing it up and down.
You sighed and moved to hand the new beer over to the customer. You smiled and placed it down in front of him and in response he wordlessly tossed a bill from his wallet onto the bar. Charming. You peeled the money off and gave him his change from the register, then did your best to look busy as you kept an eye on the activity by the pool table.
Honestly, you didn’t know what was wrong with you. You were a grown woman, Bucky was your boss and you’d be out of here in no time anyway. Why were you feeling jealous of another woman about a man like this? You weren’t at school anymore. Grow up. The house was coming along nicely, it wouldn’t matter for much longer. You’d get over your crush and move on. You got the impression Bucky had a whole rotation of women…and that was perfectly fine. None of your business. Everyone knows getting involved with your boss is a terrible idea anyway…especially when that boss heads up a biker gang.
The next few hours passed uneventfully with a solid but not overwhelmingly throng of customers, the occasional whoop and cheer from the pool table as the club played and showed off.  You chatted with Nat for a while as she perched on a bar stool, then Vis and Wanda came by to see you which was sweet of them. Over in the corner, Amber was treating Bucky like a soldier back from battle solely because he’d potted a few balls.
The bar thinned out and only a few customers remained. You were at the bar by yourself just refilling the straw holders when a slurred voice interrupted you.
“Another fuckin’ beer” said the demanding customer from earlier, barely able to keep upright as he slammed his hand onto the bar.
What? No way had you served him that much. He’d had about 4 beers all night…What on earth-
“Sir…” you responded as he swayed and wobbled.
Just then, a small glass bottle fell out of his jacket and clunked hard onto the wood below. Ah, yes. That’ll be the culprit.
Your eyes flickered to the gang across the room who hadn’t yet noticed the small disturbance. You were tempted to call them over, but you didn’t want them thinking you couldn’t handle a single drunk guy.
“Sir…you’ve had enough. You need to go home,” you admonished. “You’ve brought outside liquor in here too and I’m not serving you anymore. You need me to leave, alright? I can call you a cab if you need-”
“Another beer…” he repeated, as if you hadn’t said anything.
“Sir, I told you �� no. Now please leave,” you folded your arms, the annoyance of dealing with him all evening boiling over into anger. Maybe a little Amber frustration was there too.
“No,” you cut him off. “Enough. Please go…”
“Listen here, bitch…” he pointed a dirty fingernailed hand at you. “If you don’t get me another beer-”
“You’re not getting shit, so save us both the trouble and get the fuck out before I get Security to throw you out. Hell, I’ll do it myself if I must” you spat back.
He stared back at you agog, seemingly surprised by your change in attitude. The confusion quickly shifted to rage, and it took a moment for your reflexes to catch up with your brain as he suddenly curled his fingers around the discarded glass bottle and-
You ducked, but unfortunately, a tiny bit too slowly. The bottle bounced off your forehead and hit the bar, shattering and sending little shards of glass into your arm. You stepped backwards in surprise and stumbled, crying out in pain as your lower back hit the bar shelf behind you.
You heard the stampede a second later, a flurry of leather and denim enveloping the bar as the man seemed to levitate – but in actual fact he’d been grabbed by Thor and unceremoniously hauled up by his collar. You briefly heard him stumble apologies, but the sound faded fast as Thor pulled him towards the door, flanked by Sam and Steve.
“Oh babe, I’m sorry we left you” said Nat who was leaning down in front of you and checking out your injuries. “You’re okay. I promise”.
You looked down at them too, your arm was bleeding slightly but didn’t look too rough. You couldn’t see your head but could feel a little lump forming. You didn’t feel pain, not really. The adrenaline of the shock saw to that.
“Why didn’t you call us over?? Jesus Christ, Sugar” Bucky chastised as he jostled past Nat and delicately moved your hair out the way to look at your head. You widened your eyes in surprise as he moved his face to yours, measuring your reflexes with his finger in front of your vision.
“I didn’t realise he’d flip…he was just drunk” you mumbled, slightly dazed for more reason than one. “I just told him to leave. I’m fine…”
“No, you’re not, you’re bleeding,” Bucky scoffed, carefully inspecting the cut on your arm.  “And maybe concussed”.
“Bucky…” you frowned.
“Don’t ‘Bucky’ me. You could’ve got really hurt. Why are you bouncing customers? That’s our job”. His tone was angry, condescending.
“Jeez I misjudged it, okay?” you scowled. “He seemed like a mouthy drunk is all. Don’t talk to me like I’m a baby..”
“I’m not! I just-”
“You were busy! I didn’t wanna interrupt…”
“Just playing fuckin’ pool, Sug! Not too busy to stop you getting brained by a bottle…”
“Alright, break it up you two,” Nat interjected. “We don’t need more trouble tonight”.
Bucky scowled but shut up regardless.
She squeezed your hand. “Let me take you in the back, we’ll get you cleaned up. And then let’s get you home, alright?”
You smiled at her, grateful for her kindness.
“No…I’ll take her” Bucky said. “Get over here…”
“Bucky…” you said with insolence.
But he just ignored you, grabbing your hand from Nat’s and dragging you to the back room.
“Buuuck,” whined Amber from across the room. “We still gotta finish the game”.
“Sam can take my shots” Bucky grumbled, continuing to pull you along without looking up.
“Amber, what?! Can’t you see I’m busy here?” he spat, looking daggers over at her. “Ask Sam”.
She went quiet, then pouted and harrumphed. Bucky ignored her and kept going.
“Fuck, Sug,” he muttered. “What are we gonna do with you?”
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
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𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
requested by @loveofmoonandthunder
A/N: ahh my first time writing for Thor, I really hope you like it!! thank you for the request!
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You moan into Thor’s mouth as you grind your hips on his lap, rocking back and forth on his cock. His hands are like vices as they grip your hips, helping guide you as you move on his length. Your hands are cupped around the back of his neck, holding his face against yours as your lips move together, tongues colliding and teeth clashing messily.
You eventually tangle your fingers into his golden hair, your nails raking across his scalp. You decide to tug gently, just to see how he’d react. Thor lets out a noise you’d never heard from him before, something between a deep groan and soft whimper. The tiniest of smirks plays on your lips as you decide to try it again, pulling just a bit harder this time.
He groans deeply again, his fingers pinching your hips even tighter. You tug again and you almost swear you could feel him twitch inside you. You feel intoxicated by the new noises he’s making, feeling emboldened to take it even further. You tug at his hair harder again, pulling his head back until it was almost flush against the back of the couch you were currently fucking on.
“What are you up to?” He mumbles against your mouth.
“You like that?” You reply with a smirk, giving his hair another light pull.
“It would appear that I do,” he chuckles deeply.
You return his chuckle with one of your own just as you duck down and begin kissing and nibbling at his throat. He moans deeply as you do so, his hips pushing up into you as you litter his tanned skin with hickeys. As you bite down on what you knew to be the most sensitive spot on his neck you also give his hair another harsh tug.
But this time when you tug at his hair his body tenses, going rigid, his answering groan slightly shaky. You pull your head back up to look at him questioningly.
“Uhh perhaps you should stop that now,” he whispers with a wavering breath.
You raise a questioning eyebrow at him.
“Otherwise I might... err... finish earlier than I intended to,” he admits with a small smile.
You can’t help as a wicked grin spreads across your face. You knot your fingers in his long hair and yank hard, relishing in the groan that rolls through him. You lean forwards and bite across his exposed skin, nipping at the taut skin, making your way up until your nose brushes against his ear lobe.
You whisper huskily in his ear; “maybe that’s exactly what I want...”
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Main Masterlist // Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
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worstloki · 2 years
What is your favorite kind of thorki fanfic? Everyone knows that you read them
okay okay so imagine all the terrible popular fanon tropes that get attributed to Loki. Now hand them over to Thor and do them well—!
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