#thor is trying very hard not to be mad at him
literaryavenger · 9 months
Broken - final part
Summary: The wait for Bucky's trial is finally over.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Language. Innocent and broken Bucky. Mentions of Bucky's past and nightmares. A lot of fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 3K
A/N: this is the last part of this story! I had originally planned on making it much longer but I honestly didn't have many ideas to go on, so I decided to use the ideas I did have and end it there. So here it is, hope you like it!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Slowly you start to forgive the team, starting with Peter that came to you one afternoon handing you some flowers and a teddy bear as an apology and making your heart melt. How can you stay mad at such a sweet boy? 
After about a month you're back on speaking terms with everyone, except Steve and Tony.
For some reason you can't get over the fact that they started the whole civil war and were the ones to decide to cut you out of it.
Everyone tried to make you see things from their side, even Thor and Bruce that were back from New Asgard along with Loki, who couldn’t care less about the whole situation but kind of enjoyed the chaos. 
After that night with Bucky’s nightmare you talked more about pretty much any subject, and he came to you everytime he needed comfort.
Bucky also isn't able to keep his hands to himself anymore, not that you mind, a feat that did not go unnoticed by the team.
You never miss the knowing looks they give each other every time Bucky hugs you or randomly grabs your hand.
Even though you couldn't bring yourself to forgive Steve yet, you start being around him more and more especially after Bucky asked you to start coming with him to his meetings with Fury.
The closer it gets to his hearing, the more touchy Bucky seems to be with you, as if his hands on you is the only thing that keeps him grounded to reality. 
The day before his hearing Bucky can't get himself away from you, following you everywhere since you woke up in the same bed, a thing that started to happen more and more every time he had a nightmare.
Some nights going as far as going to sleep directly in your room without even stepping foot in his.
Steve bides his time the whole day, trying to choose his moment, which came in the early afternoon when you left Bucky on Scott's floor with Cassie while you went to yours to get some Pop Tarts for Cassie since, not surprisingly, Thor finished the ones in their kitchen.
Scott thought that spending time with Cassie, which Bucky has come to be very fond of, would help the super soldier take his mind off the trial, and he was right.
When you get to your floor, and Steve sees you're alone, he doesn't think twice about approaching you.
He's speaking before you even have a chance to realize what's happening. "Listen, I know we’re not in the best terms right now, but I want to talk to you about Bucky."
As much as you want to ignore him you know he really cares about his best friend. And since he’s been nothing but respectful of your decision to avoid him, you think that him actively seeking you out means this is important.
So you nod at him to go on and, with a relief sigh that you're actually gonna listen to him, he does. "Here’s the thing, we both know Bucky’s been through a lot…" he starts, choosing his words carefully as to not give his best friend away completely.
"He’s been doing so much better, and even I realize that’s largely thanks to you." you’re about to protest, but he raises his hand to stop you. "It is. We all see how he is when you’re around, but you don’t see how he is while you’re away on missions. He’s like a puppy just waiting for you to come back, brooding away everytime someone that isn’t you walks through the door."
You can tell he’s trying very hard not to smile as he thinks about it, but fails miserably, before shaking his head a little and getting back on track.
"Anyway, my point is you’re important to him. Tomorrow is gonna be a really hard day for Bucky and I want to thank you for being there for him. Not just for the trial, but for everything I know you do for him. And, I realize it might not be my place to say but, as the only family Buck has left, I feel like I have to tell you: please be careful with him. After everything he’s been through the last thing he needs is to get his heart broken."
Steve knows maybe he said a little too much, but he needs to know Bucky's in good hands. Even if he does trust you with his life, he also wants to know he can trust you with his best friend’s heart.
He doesn't expect you to answer, your face staying neutral the whole time he spoke, and he's about to turn away when you basically throw yourself at him, giving him the tightest hug he’s had since you started avoiding him.
All you can think about was how glad you are that Bucky has someone who cares about him as much as Steve does.
Now more than ever you can see Steve’s reasons behind his choices, how he was motivated by his love for a guy he sees as a brother, the only family he has left.
You get it, you truly do, but seeing it makes you almost cry on Bucky’s behalf.
"I promise you the last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt him." is all you say as you let go, a wordless understanding between you both that you forgive him.
You grab the pop tarts you came here for and go back to an awaiting Bucky and Cassie, who are wearing tiaras and giggling making your heart melt.
The rest of the day goes fast and soon you’re getting into bed with Bucky, not wanting to sleep by himself tonight.
"Hey," he says as he wraps his arms around you. "I just want to say, in case things go wrong tomorrow-"
"Don’t say that, Buck." you interrupt him. "Everything’s gonna be okay, and you’ll come home a free man." you say firmly.
"Doll, we both know there’s a very real chance that I’ll be found guilty and sent back to the Raft. If that happens, I don’t think I’d be able to live without you knowing this…"
Before he can say anything else, you put your hand on his mouth, effectively shutting him up. "Don’t say anything, please. You can tell me tomorrow, after we come back home together."
You can tell he’s trying really hard to hold himself back, but eventually he agrees and you take your hand away, getting more comfortable in his arms and falling asleep in each other’s embrace for what Bucky prays won’t be the last time.
The next morning comes and Bucky’s a bundle of nerves, so worried that time seems to go by in a flash.
Suddenly he’s in a courtroom, asking the judge to please repeat his rouling one more time.
A full pardon.
He can’t believe it. Yes, he has to go to court mandated therapy and has a probation period to go through with the team, but still.
Now he feels like time’s going in slow motion, all he can see it’s you as he turns to your seat next to him. You hug him with tears in your eyes as you tell him how proud you are of him and that you knew he was gonna be okay.
Somehow, you made it real for him. Hearing you acknowledge it makes him believe it and then he’s crying too, not able to hold back.
Steve puts a hand on his shoulder, making you let go of each other and turn to him, a smile so big on his face that you can see all his stupidly perfect teeth.
You all finally get home and, as soon as you enter the living room on your shared floor, you hear a chorus of “congratulations!” followed by loud noises and confetti falling everywhere.
You’re as shocked as Bucky and, as you turn to Steve you see a surprised look on his face too, which turns confused when he looks at you mirroring his own reaction, the same question in the tip of both of your tongues.
But before you can ask each other, Bucky beats you both to it.
"Did you do this for me?" he's amazed, overjoyed and then as confused as you when you both shake your heads no.
Then the mystery is revealed.
"I did it." All three of you are shocked when you turn around to the voice, thinking you were imagining it, to find a very real Tony Stark standing in front of you, the rest of the team behind him.
"You did this?" you have to make sure you heard him correctly.
"Yeah, I did. I’m amazing, get over it." And with that Tony walks away towards the bar. There he is.
You turn to Bucky and Steve and since all they do is stare at you, you just shrug and go to join the rest of the team in celebration, the super soldiers right behind you.
You joke and laugh and dance all together for hours, until eventually you find yourselves sitting scattered around the living room, various conversations going at the same time.
You're sitting on Bucky’s lap, his arms around you and your head on his chest as he jokes with Steve and Sam when you notice Tony going behind the bar, where nobody else is.
You feel the need to follow him so you kiss Bucky in the cheek and tap his arms twice signaling him to let go of you. When he does, somewhat reluctantly, you get up and walk after Tony.
You lean on the bar, crossing your arms in front of your chest. But before you can say anything he speaks, not even bothering to turn around.
"Don’t need to thank me, Cyborg deserves it.- You roll your eyes at the nickname, but decide to let it go for the time being.
"So what, you’re his biggest fan now?" You know you were kind of pushing it, but you just need to know what changed.
He turns around and you get ready for him to yell at you again, but instead he smiles in a way that was too sweet not to be genuine. Yep, Tony Stark is full of surprises.
"I’m not. But I see the way he looks at you." you raise your eyebrow at him.
"How does he look at me?"
"It's the same way I look at Pepper." He answers without skipping a beat. "I know he knows he's not good enough for you, but I can see he's trying to be. That's all I could ask for." he shrugs and turns back around.
You know he means it, as much of a genius as he is, even he couldn’t come up with a lie like that, that fast.
You stare at the back of his head while he works on his drink, both of you thinking of a way to approach the next subject the right way.
When he turns back to you he puts a glass in front of you, your favorite drink in it, and takes a sip of his own drink. After a few more moments of silence, he decides to speak first.
"I’m sorry. For keeping the whole war thing from you and for how I treated Barnes. I had a lot of time to think about it, I read all the Hydra reports we found on him, I rewatched the footage… I can see now it really was out of his control. I shouldn’t have blamed him for something he had no way of stopping. And I shouldn’t have kept something so big from you. I really am sorry."
You’re glad he finally sees things the way you do, but you can’t help yourself as you say "I appreciate it, and I forgive you, but I’m not the one you have to apologize to."
"Trust me, I know." he sighs. "Pepper already gave me the speech…" he says sheepishly.
God, you love that woman.
He makes his way around the bar and stops in front of you.
He gives you a hug and whispers in your ear. "I’m doing this for you, too. I don’t like it when you’re mad at me and I need you to know I meant everything I just said.-"
You’re a little confused at what he’s talking about until he lets go of you and walks towards the couch where Buck’s still talking to Sam and Steve.
"Bucky," he starts, and the room goes silent "I just want you to know that I’m sorry for blaming you for my parents’ death. And it’s not just because the government believes you’re innocent, after everything I’ve learned about your situation the past month I can’t not believe you were a victim and still call myself a genius. I also read some of dad’s old journals from when he worked with the Howling Commandos... You guys were friends. I realize you wouldn’t have hurt him if you had a choice. And I’m also sorry for the name calling, Terminator."
You roll your eyes with a smile at his last sentence while the others snickered at the nickname.
You go to stand next to Tony and wrap your arm around his waist and, when he wraps his around your shoulders and looks down at you, you gave him a squeeze, letting him know you're grateful to him for doing this.
You look at Bucky who doesn’t quite know what to say so you let go of Tony and make your way to sit back down on his lap, his arms going around your waist automatically. That seems to snap him out of it.
"Thank you, Tony. You don’t have to apologize, I understand why you were angry, but I appreciate it. Howard was a good man, he didn’t deserve an end like that." Tony doesn't say anything back, merely nodding and going to sit next to Pepper.
Well, that’s a start.
Everyone goes back to their own conversations and you turn back to Bucky, who's already looking up at you.
"Thank you." he says low enough so only you can hear.
"I didn’t do anything, it was all him. I told you, anyone with a functioning brain can see that you’re a good person." you tell him with a smile.
He smiles back at you, holding you tighter as you lay your head back on his shoulder while looking at your friends talking and laughing amongst each other. You're happy that things are back to normal, with the added bonus of Bucky finally being completely free.
The party eventually ends and the living room slowly empties out, the last people remaining being you, Bucky and Steve.
"Well, I’m going to sleep. You guys should too, today’s been a long day." Steve says, giving Bucky one last pat on the shoulder and, with a smile to the both of you, he gets up and leaves.
You’re sitting in a comfortable silence, not really feeling the need to get up just yet, when you feel Bucky leave a soft kiss against your shoulder, which makes you sit up a little straighter and turn to look at him, your arms going around his neck.
"We still have a conversation to finish… Are you gonna let me talk now?" He's much more confident than he was last night and you nod, curiosity now taking over you.
"Great… I’m just gonna get to the point. I like you, doll. The longer I spend time with you, the more I feel like myself. I feel at peace, like the last 70 years never happened because I know that’s not what you see when you look at me. You’ve never been scared of me, never looked at me like I was a monster. You spend  time with me because you want to, not because you have to. You don’t mind having me around even when we don’t talk and all I do is look at you. You comfort me when I’m sad, calm me down when I have a panic attack and hold me until I fall asleep after I have a nightmare. You never judge me or make me feel guilty or like I’m too much, and you never push me to talk about anything, you’re always patient and let me take my time. I truly appreciate everything you do for me and I need you to know that. And to be clear, when I say I like you I mean it in the ‘I’d like to take you out on a date’ way."
You’re almost crying now, your heart melting as you look at an expectant Bucky. You honestly have no words to reply, so you do the only thing you can think of.
You lean down and kiss him softly, feeling him kiss you back almost right away, his lips are so soft you almost moan into the kiss. After a few moments you pull away, forehead resting against his.
"I really hope that means you like me back." he says with a goofy smile, making you giggle.
"Yes, I like you too." you gave him another kiss. "You make me feel seen. You make me feel important. You make me feel safe. I love spending time with you and having you close. And I’d love to go on a date with you."
This time he’s the one to initiate the kiss and you can’t help but smile into it. Suddenly he gets up, picking you up bridal style and making you squeal in surprise.
He laughs at your face while he takes you both to your room, where he lays you gently on the bed.
"I could’ve walked, you know." You tell him while chuckling.
"I know." he answers before basically lying on top of you while you laugh, smile seared onto his face.
You hang onto each other as you fall asleep, more than glad to have found the other and both silently planning your future together.
Bonus part
Requested taglist: @aesthetic0cherryblossom @buchi91 @sapphirebarnes @ordelixx
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hi! Can you do a ror x reader? With Reader who's Camilla carmine from hazbin hotel
Thank you and stay healthy and safe!
-You were regarded as one of the most dangerous people in Valhalla, your strength and skills were deadly, but everyone was lucky because you weren’t a very violent person.
-You were known for your strength but also known for your even temper, you rarely got mad or upset, and if someone was foolish enough to upset you, they would quickly regret it.
-Graceful and elegant are other words others would use to describe you, as you walked around in your toe shoes, looking like a ballerina, walking easily on your tiptoes wherever you went.
-You were a weapons dealer to the warriors in Valhalla, both gods and humans, as you could get any weapon from any timeframe, mainly so the warriors could train.
-Most in Valhalla knew that you were the person to come to for hard-to-get weapons, but your services didn’t come cheap, you didn’t really need money or anything like that, but you valued something much more valuable, information.
-Be it blackmail, data, or any type of information, those were the things that you desired the most, as it helped you rise to power in Valhalla. You weren’t a cruel person, so you were willing to work with anyone, if you got what you wanted.
-Your daughters were your most precious treasures; you adored and protected them, and you wouldn’t hesitate to attack anyone who would put them in danger or threaten them.
-You met a handful of unique individuals during your time in Valhalla, mostly warriors, but there were a few gods you got along with, like Apollo, Hercules, and Thor.
-You wouldn’t say you were friends with them, but they were more than customers, as they came to see you, just to see you, not just your services.
-When Ragnarok was announced, you lost your temper after learning your daughters would be in danger of being destroyed, flying into a rare rage, much to the shock of those around you, who were so unused to seeing out in such a way.
-You stormed into the meeting of the gods, stunning so many, demanding an explanation of what they hoped to accomplish with this tournament.
-Zues was amused by your rage, poking fun at you, “You could always fight yourself, if you want Y/N. That way if you fail, your daughters will have someone to blame!”
-Your legs stiffened, and your toe shoes seemed to glint in the light, as if they were made of blades, as you leapt up, charging towards Zeus who instantly ducked, dodging your kick before all were stunned, seeing the clean cut in his chair behind him as well as the wall.
-If he hadn’t dodged, he would have been decapitated as he stammered, looking a bit freaked out while many of the other gods were shouting at you for attacking Zeus.
-Your ‘friends’ looked both amused and impressed, seeing how strong you were, it made them curious, they wanted to test your strength out themselves!
-You single-handedly stopped Ragnarok by threatening Zeus into calling everything off and showing him that the citizens of Hell, where you used to call home, were trying to better themselves, demanding the same of the gods.
-They had the power to make things right for everyone, and you had the power to make them do it. Nobody crosses Y/N and walks away unscathed!
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lokidips · 10 months
How would loki react if he had an accident infornt of anyone :<
apologies anon, this turned from an imagine to a short fic. I hope this is okay <3
thank you for sending this in!!
Set in New Asgard, AU everyone lives
1425 words. age regression, mentioned diapers, accidents
The meeting wasn’t supposed to go so long. It was only set from eleven to eleven-thirty, but it was well into one now. Loki wouldn’t be bothered by this if it weren’t for the fact that it was almost ten minutes past his usual nap time, and he was beginning to feel quite sleepy. He had kicked Thor’s leg under the table a few times to remind him, but his big brother had leaned over a moment later and quietly told him to be patient. Which wasn’t fair at all, in his opinion. He didn’t even want to be here in the first place, the only reason he was, was because Thor didn’t want to leave him at home alone. And if he was honest, he didn’t like being alone, so that was a welcome decision, he just wished they had fun jobs to do, instead of sitting here for ages listening to old men talk about selling fish.
He had been woken quite rudely this morning too. Thor had slept in and therefore so had Loki. He had been shaken awake, quickly dressed and ushered out the bedroom for toast on the go. Not even a bottle, which he hadn’t detested openly only because he had been too dazed to comprehend what was happening. He had asked why Brunnhilde couldn’t just babysit him, but she was at the meeting too, sitting right across from him. When he had been twisting his spinny chair back and forth, she had smiled at him and lifted a finger to her lips. The chair was a bit too squeaky.
Someone began to raise their voice from across the table and it startled Loki, where he was trying to sit still. He felt strangely wriggly, he supposes he was quite bored. The shouting continued with several people joining in, before Brunnhilde shouted over the top of them to be quiet. Loki sighed in relief. He was starting to get cranky too, today hadn’t gone very nicely. He tried not to be grumpy with Thor, because he knew running a village was hard, but he just wished it didn’t have to ruin his morning.
Loki glanced over at his older brother. He looked a bit cranky as well, maybe they could both have a nap!
He shifted again in his seat, before he froze.
Why was he wet? He had a nappy on, didn’t he? That wasn’t right. The nappy usually wicked away any wetness, Thor never let him get uncomfortable if he could help it. He glanced down and barely contained a startled squeak. He was soaked.
Oh no. Thor had forgotten! Loki remembered now. He had gotten out of his nighttime nappy, but Thor must have been in such a rush that he had forgotten to get him into a fresh daytime one. How was he going to hide this? What if the meeting went on for hours more and he had sit here. He was probably already getting a rash.
He bit down on his bottom lip when it started to tremble and folded his hands in his lap, to hide his accident and to resist sucking his thumb. He scooted his chair closer to the table.
Would Thor be mad? No, no that wouldn’t make sense. Loki had had accidents when he refused to wear a diaper and he hadn’t been angry, surely he wouldn’t when he hadn’t even realised he was without one.
Brunnhilde was looking at him now, but Loki was too scared to look up from the table. He was trying really hard not to cry. All he wanted was his pacifier and to curl up in Thor’s bed, it was warm there and his wet pants were starting to grow cold.
At the corner of his eye, he watched Brunnhilde lean over to Thor and whisper something, before returning to her seat and calling for the council’s attention.
Loki felt a tap on his arm and forced himself to look up and meet Thor’s eye. He didn’t look angry, he look worried. Thor leant in closer to whisper, “are you alright?”
Once, Loki may have lied and said yes. Now though, he knew Thor wanted him to be honest, not convenient. He could feel himself slipping more and more and he was starting to feel really yucky. Loki shook his head. No, he wasn’t alright.
Thor just frowned and ran a hand over Loki’s arm, before leaning back to say something to Brunnhilde, who was wrapping the meeting up. Council members were starting to stand and leave the room. Brunn stood too and seemed to be ushering them out with more vigour this time. Loki felt his shoulders begin to sag with both relief and exhaustion.
Thor left his chair to stand over Loki and pass words with the people leaving, all while keeping a hand firm on Loki’s shoulder.
When they had all finally left the room, Thor immediately crouched down to Loki’s level and pinned him with a searching gaze. Loki didn’t like it and looked back at the table.
His vision was beginning to blur, and he knew he was pouting in an attempt to not cry. But it was pointless, everyone was gone and he just wanted—he wanted Thor.
He let out a sob and brought up a fist in a futile attempt to wipe away the tears that began to cascade down his flushed cheeks.
“Hey, hey,” he heard Thor say, before he was pulled sideways in a hug. It was nice and warm, but he was still wet and cold. He cried harder, not at all perturbed when Brunnhilde sidled back into the room. A hand rubbed up his back.
“I didn’t think a missed nap would upset you so much,” Thor said, his voice rumbling through his chest pleasantly. But that wasn’t it! Loki let out an exceptionally loud wail to get across his discontent.
“Thor, you might want to get him up.”
There was a pause, before Loki was hefted to his feet by hands under his armpits. He opened his eyes and watched as Thor and Brunnhilde took him in. Simultaneous realisation passed through both their faces, and Loki may have laughed it weren’t for how keenly aware he was of how his jeans stuck to his legs. He kept his arms held high at his shoulders, as if he could distance himself from his own mess.
“Oh, Loki… I’m so sorry.”
At the sound of Thor’s sympathy and guilt, Loki began to wail and sob in earnest.
He was pulled into strong arms again, and the large hand returned to his back. They stayed like that for a short while, but it didn’t take long for Loki to grow fussy and start tugging at his pants. Perhaps if he could just get them off…
Thor pulled his hands away gently, before pulling off his own sweater. “Not yet brother, we need to get you home.” He tugged the sweater over Loki’s head. It was too big and hung over his fingers and almost came down to his knees. It hid his accident, he realised. Thor was very smart, he concluded in that moment, even if he forgot Loki’s diaper that morning.
“You can go out the back door,” Brunnhilde said to their left. Loki almost jumped, he had forgotten she was there. “Away from the people’s eyes.” Loki watched Thor nod, before he started to gather the papers on the table. Brun grabbed them from his hands, however.
“I’ll take care of those, you focus on Loki.” She turned to Loki then, giving him an uncharacteristically soft smile and running a hand through his hair before she turned on her heel and headed out the door.
Thor took his hand and headed straight for the opposite door, the one that lead to the back of the village. Brunnhilde was really smart too, he realised as they stepped outside and began their trek up the hill to their cabin.
There was no one on this side of the village, only the occasional rabbit, so Loki finally put his thumb between his teeth.
Loki sniffled and turned to look up at Thor.
“Boddle n’ na’?” He asked around his thumb. Thor chuckled and turned to give Loki a smile. Loki liked his big brother’s smile.
“Yeah, Lo. A bottle and a nap, just for you.”
Loki smiled back.
“As soon as you have a bath and get a nappy on.”
He couldn’t argue with that, not this time.
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Kinktober Day 11: Sensory Deprivation- Thor Odinson
A/N: takes place between AOU and Ragnarok in an alt universe where Thor is king and still an avenger 😅
Summary: Life has been busy and rough for Thor lately. You decide to help your husband by taking his pleasure into your own hands... and mouth...
Word Count: 2,471 words
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Being the king of Asgard and an avenger would drive anyone half mad, even a powerful god like Thor. There always seemed to be something that needed his attention, always a meeting to attend or a place to save.
So many decisions and so much responsibility, just once he’d like to hand the reins over to someone else, even for an evening. This was the concern your husband Thor had presented to you only a couple evenings ago. You’d tried to pick up extra work where you could to help him but you decided that maybe you needed to take his words a bit more literally.
Just for an evening.
Walking into your large shared bedroom you’re surprised to find Thor actually there. Hes been so busy that usually you don’t see him until he slips into bed in the middle of the night. He’s sat with his back to the door in his large armchair in front of the fire place, just staring. So wrapped up in thought that he obviously didn’t realise you’d walked into the room.
“Darling?” You gently ask him as you slowly walk to stand in front of him, blocking his view of the fire.
Slowly his eyes come back into focus and he looks up at you tiredly.
“Hello, love.” He replies quietly, smiling up at you as his fingers lightly brush your own.
Smiling down at him softly, your hand cups his face and you lower yourself down the straddle his hips. Rubbing his cheek lovingly, one of his hands reaches to rest on your hip, neither of you able to tear your eyes away from looking at each other, just so madly in love.
“Darling you’ve been wearing yourself very thin and I believe that you need someone to help you.” You begin to tell him your plan as your hands fall to his chest and his other hand holds your other hip.
“I want to help you, my love.” You tell him, your voice now becoming deeper and more sultry as you begin to grind into him, earning a deep moan from him.
Smirking at his moan and the way his hands tighten on your hips you lean into his ear, lightly kissing his strong jaw on the way.
“Let me help you. Give yourself over to me tonight and I can make sure you’re rested and satiated. Let me take control of your pleasure, Thor.” You whisper hotly into his ear, your grinding becoming deeper and faster.
“What did you have in mind, my love?” He asks with a sultry voice while his eyes begged innocently. He was still trying to hold onto his dominance but he was also begging you to take care of him.
“You go on the bed, my sweet king and put your hands above your head.” You command him sweetly, rubbing his cheek lovingly as you crawl off his lap.
As soon as you leave his lap he crawls onto the bed and obeys your actions perfectly. Strong arms lifting above his head, wrists even touching together, almost like he knows what you have planned and is begging for it.
Sauntering over to the bed you straddle his lap, once again grinding down, this time feeling just how hard he is already. Moaning you bite your lip and look intensely into his eyes.
“Tonight I’m going to look after you, my sweet king. You have too many things running around in your mind and you need to hand over control tonight, let me help you.” You once again reassure him lovingly as your grinding becomes harder and faster.
“Once I get up I’m going to grab some things, when I come back I’d like you to be naked and in this same position. I’ve got a blindfold so your eyes can’t roam around the room and think about everything you need to be doing or overthinking. I’ve got some strong Asgardian handcuffs so you can’t take control, you’ll have to let me help you. Lastly I have a mouth gag, so that you can’t say a thing, can’t control or order around anything. Let me take care of you and you can just feel the pleasure I’m going to give you.” You tell the handsome god below you. Thor now panting and eyes begging as your grinding comes to a complete halt.
“Does that sound good to you, your highness?” You ask him once his breathing has slowed down once again.
“Yes, please.” He begs quietly and quickly.
“Good boy. Now do what I told you and I’ll be back in a second.” You tell him smiling as you hop off of him and get the things from your walk in wardrobe.
Once the 3 ideas you’ll need for tonight are found and placed on the little table in the small room you begin to change into something more comfortable. Tonight was about Thor and his pleasure, about him feeling relaxed and taken care of. Usually when you two are intimate you’d pick something sexy to wear, get him nice and ready; tonight you decided on something more simple, instead going with a comfortable pair of underwear and one of his oversized shirts.
Walking out with items in hand you see Thor on the bed exactly how you’d asked him to be. Fuck he was so gorgeous, his taut muscles on his stomach quaking in anticipation, his hard cock already bouncing with excitement and his big strong arms held above his head. Once his eyes met you he let out a light moan and he silently begged you as he saw the items in your hands.
Walking over to the bed once again, you placed the items next to him as you straddled his thighs, making sure to be careful and not touch his cock just yet. Taking the handcuffs in your hands you run your free hand up his arm as you lock his hands to the headboard of the bed.
“Now, my sweet king, if any of this becomes too much for you tonight you won’t be able to use your words so I want you to hit the headboard three times. Can you show me that, darling?” You ask him gently as you rub your hands over his abdomen.
Thor gave you a hopeful and almost dumbly proud smile as he hit the headboard three times.
“Good job, baby.” You proudly smiled, rubbing his cheek. Looking down at him he smiled back at you, looking relieved that he’s made you proud, wanting to do anything to make you proud of him.
Thor isn’t submissive often when you’re intimate with each other, but when he is all he wants to do is make you proud of him, to be your good boy, your sweet king.
Next came the blindfold.
“Okay, darling, now it’s time for the blindfold. Don’t be scared, my love. I just want you to focus on the pleasure I’m going to give you. I love you, darling and I just want you to enjoy yourself.” You gently told him as you kissed his cheek and put the blindfold on.
Stroking his cheek you lightly kissed his lips.
“Last part, my sweet king. Before I put the gag on you I want you to take three deep breaths for me. Breathe with me, darling.” You tell him gently as you help him through three deep healing breaths.
With the last breath you lightly squeeze his cheeks and put the gag between his teeth and tie the gag behind his head.
“Now you relax and you enjoy your pleasure, my good boy.” You whisper to him and kiss his cheeks.
Giving Thor one last look you smirk to yourself as you gently rake your nails down his chest, gently grazing over his already perked nipples, getting a gagged gasp as a result. Your nails drag down his abdomen, over his thighs, across inner thigh, up his balls and up his cock, paying special attention to his head.
By the time you take your hands away from Thor he is a panting, twitching and sweaty mess. He looked so perfect beneath you like this.
Pushing off of his thighs you spread his legs apart and sit between his thighs. Bringing your head to his knee you begin kissing down his inner thigh, licking and nipping along the way. Making your way down you reach between his legs. Kissing his balls you lick a long strip up from his balls all the way to his thick head, giving it an open mouthed kiss.
Giving his head kisses all over you begin to take it in your mouth, sucking tightly and licking the underside of his cock. Looking up as you suck you see Thors head tilted back and powerful moans making their way past the gag.
Your hands rub from his inner thighs, over his hips and up to his waist. Holding his waist tightly you began to take his large member further and further into your mouth. Only being able to take half of him in your mouth before you began to gag, taking the rest of him in your hand. This added pleasure causes his hips to move up, trying to thrust more into your mouth.
The hand around his waist moves to the other side of his body as your forearm digs into his torso, trying to stop his hips from moving. Your mouth moves off of him, causing a gagged whine to leave him.
“Ah ah ah, you keep your hips still, my sweet king. Come on and be a good boy for me.” You soothed him as you lightly kiss his tip, gently waiting for his hips to stop gyrating.
“Good boy.” You tell him softly as his hips slow to a stop.
Taking his head back into your mouth you continue to take him down your throat and rub his base with a moderate pace. Gagging around his thick length you begin to use your own saliva as lube, moving your head and hand up and down at a fast pace.
His gagged moans and huffs became louder and more erratic as your pace became faster. Trying so hard to keep his hips still but to no avail as he still pushed up with shallow thrusts. He wants to be your good boy so badly but the pleasure is just too intense.
Pushing his hips down with your arm you let him be, this was supposed to be about his pleasure and you could see he wasn’t being bad. You could see the muscles in his strong arms begin to tense and you knew he was close, it wouldn’t take much longer for him to come undone in your mouth.
After only a few more hard strokes and sucks he let out a loud gagged roar and his warm cum shock down your throat, happily swallowing the massive load.
Coming up from the position between his thighs you gently straddle his chest as you very lightly remove his gag and blindfold. Revealing his eyes and freeing his mouth showed the god with a blissed out and glazed over expression on his face.
“How are you feeling, my sweet king?” You ask as you gently run your thumb across his cheek.
“Good.” Was all he could simply answer as a large smile grew on his face and his eyes closed.
“You think you can give me one more orgasm? Tire you out properly so you can sleep well tonight?” You ask him gently.
Slight worry started to grow on his face as he looked down at the gag and blindfold beside him. Understanding that he’d had enough of the sensory deprivation for the evening you pushed them aside and laid down next to him, your arm wrapping around his centre as you looked up at him.
“I think I got you out of your head enough for tonight, darling. How about you let your queen ride you until you cum again. Then we can have a nice bath and go to sleep. Does that sound good, my king?” You ask gently.
“Yes please, but um…” he shakes the chains that had his hands still attached above his head.
“No those can stay there. I want to give you your pleasure properly, let me be in charge for once, oh mighty Thor.” You lightly tease him with a giggle.
He lightly chuckles as you climb back on top of the huge god. Removing his shirt over his head and revealing your breasts causes him to let out a long and loud moan. Quickly you manage to take off your panties before reaching between the both of you. Taking his member in your hand you begin to rub it up and down the length of your pussy.
“Now remember since that gags not in you can be as loud as you like. Grunt, moan, scream out, whatever my handsome king needs. Get out all your pent up energy, darling.” You reassure him as you slowly lower yourself onto him, both of you letting out loud moans.
Holding onto his chest you begin to lightly rock your hips on top of him. As you slowly speed up, the god beneath you’s moans and grunts become louder and more animalistic. Now going as fast as your body will allow you, your breasts bouncing right in Thors face, making him moan out mixed with a few huffs of ‘oh fuck’ and some asgardian words you didn’t quite know.
Thor may have a pretty nonexistent refraction period but with how worn out he’s been and how powerful his last orgasm was it didn’t take him long at all before his head shot back with a loud groan and his hips pushed into you powerfully. Grinding onto him a few more times to help him ride out his orgasm you lightly collapse on top of him, both catching your breath.
Weakly leaning up and trying to be gentle you release Thors hands from the cuffs. Almost instantly his hands shoot to wrap around your frame, humming and sighing contently at finally being able to hold you skin to skin properly. He hums as he lightly rocks you back and forth, until he suddenly stops and looks down at you.
“Wait, you didn’t get to cum.” He looks down at you worried.
Lifting your hand you grab ahold of his strong jaw.
“That doesn’t matter, my darling. Tonight was all about you. Trust me when I say I still had a great time.” You smile at him sweetly as you gently kiss his lips over and over.
“Now let’s get you into the nice warm bath, my love.” You now kiss him deeply as you stand up and hold his hand, leading you both to the large bathroom.
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kiteblue42 · 11 months
Part 4 of - what the heck is going on with Mobius anyway?
S2e5 - the one with where they get the band back together
Disclaimer- I’m a single parent and found it hard to be objective watching this one. For me this episode was a very perfect reflection of how hard, lonely it can be to bring up children by yourself and how you willingly give up so much of yourself for them. They did this very well - I hope they don’t screw this up in the final episode.
A good life, but not a happy one
Mobius timeline life is good but not super happy. He comes across as struggling and lonely. Mobius works 6 days a week, he tries to sell Loki one of his jet skis that he no longer can use, he’s constantly being interrupted at work by his kids, the house is chaos and he had to leave the boys to fend for themselves selves while he was at work (therefore he has no friends or family to watch them or money to pay for childcare). This is a person struggling to keep it together, but he does manage to do so for his boys and he manages to stay kind and positive towards them. The boys are the top of his list of priorities “I can’t leave my boys”/ “I need to check on the kids” “I got to get back to my boys” “I’ll know”. This all speaks of someone who has given up his own wants for the kids and feels guilty about doing anything for himself.
Given the slightly flippant tone of “long gone” when discussing his wife I think it likely she left rather than died (or blipped) - as that’s not how a grieving widower is likely to speak (especially if he might be overheard by the boys).
The whisper of adventure
There are a number of signs that Mobius has a desire for adventure. His love of jet skis, the fact he immediately agreed to try out the time door, how much he loved the idea of being “Mobius.” (“Mobius is a pretty cool name”)
The idea of being your better self
It wasn’t just adventure for fun that’s calling his name though but also the idea of being something more. Mobius reacted emotionally to the idea of himself as someone that would “save my life when I first arrived”. His delivery of “I sell Jet Skis man” showed how little he thought of himself, but also a desire to be something more.
This exchange killed me:
Loki “you saved my life when I first arrived. You saw something in me I hadn’t seen in myself”
Mobius “Are you really my friend?”
Loki “I am”.
Just the way Mobius says this tell us how much he really really wants to believe he could have a friend like this.
Loki’s view of Mobius
Once again the major topic of conversation between Sylvie and Loki is Mobius (this is becoming a theme - and if they do get Sylvie and Loki together it’s just mad and funny).
Anyway this conversation tells us that Loki believed Mobius when he said the TVA was the “only life he knew” and that he “liked it”. Of course there’s an element of this being wishful thinking on Loki’s part, but he is pretty insistent that Mobius should be given the choice. So Loki thinks (at least until Sylvie talks him out of it) that there is a good chance Mobius would chose the TVA - and himself. And as Frigga once said (Thor: dark world) Loki is “.. so perceptive about everyone but yourself”. So I don’t think we should dismiss Loki’s perception about Mobius. (He is also pretty insistent in his conversation with Mobius that “this is not the life of the man I know”. And there’s enough for viewers to see “Mobius” is more at ease with himself than “Don”.)
Sylvie undermines this and persuades Loki he is being selfish. (Side note - Sylvie puzzles me this season and in particular in this episode- if you watch closely she sees that her McDonalds meal disappears and Loki’s drink in the bar disappear too - but says nothing to Loki and does everything to stop Loki from trying to fix it - is it just denial or something more sinister?)
Last episode
So some theory based predictions for Ep 6
Themes that still need payoff:
- order & chaos
- Partners & Friends & loneliness
- Hard choices
Th end of the last episode has me thinking we may get a happy ending because it would be narratively neat to leave Loki surrounded by his new TVA family - especially after the way last episode was concluded.
It would pay off the themes positively as follows:
order & chaos - Loki (chaos) working with TVA (order) to give balance
Partners & Friends & loneliness - Loki and his misfit friends get to stay together so they don’t have to be alone
Hard choices - this one worries me but it would be possible for a number of hard choices to be made that still ends up in a good place (even if it doesn’t seem like it will at the time).
Hard choices Mobius
I think this is aimed specifically at Mobius - Loki made his hard choice in Ep 5 when he was willing to let this team go. I’m hoping they will be able to square the circle with Mobius and his family, because he’ll *not* be ok without the boys or without Loki (& the TVA).
Given this is a time travel show with magic I don’t see why they can’t find an solution to that - because the issue is about not having enough time to both look after the boys and look after yourself. I’ll be super disappointed if they make this unnecessarily miserable by making Mobius give up either his fulfilling life & friends at the TVA or his boys. Though I also won’t be surprised to see this as a plot point. If they try to sell it to me as Mobius being super happy to return to his life I’ll be doubly annoyed.
In theory the boys timeline should be long gone so this choice should not exist, but they seem to be setting up this hard choice for Mobius in particular ( so maybe the loom explosion was meant to be a full reset).
Hanging threads & wild cards
X5 /Brad /Zaniac - is still in the TVA - is he going to cause chaos as they try to fix the loom?
Renslayer - is in the void - will she tame Alioth? Is Miss Minutes really gone or does she have another instance in the citadel at the end of time?
Kang - is HWR really behind everything? Are all the events just one pre-planned trap of HWR?
Sylvie - Sylvie knew more than she has told anyone (eg she saw the disappearance of items and said nothing). She has HWR tempad. Loki treats her like she has words of wisdom so we also tend to accept she is right or benign, but her last piece of advice was completely wrong. She has been acting pretty oddly all season too - what’s up with that? (Worth remembering she is a Loki variant and they are generally not to be trusted).
My own reading of Mobius remains that he lost his heart to Loki sometime around S1e2. By S1e5 he’d accepted this, but concluded it wasn’t going anywhere - so conveniently he didn’t need to exactly work out what the feelings were. Mainly because Loki was focused on Sylvie. This episode doesn’t change that since we don’t get any TVA Mobius.
Loki on the other hand did give more away this episode - and it was the first one (for me) where it looked like his feelings could be romantic or at least headed that way. Whenever he talks about saving his friends we all know this primarily means Mobius. I mean how much interaction has he really had with the others? The discussion in the bar was particularly instructive- he wants Mobius to have the choice (this is *after* seeing him on the timeline when he knows what Mobius would be giving up) and he desperately hopes Mobius would choose to stay with him. But Sylvie persuades him otherwise.
Sylvie - there is really no sign of the romance from last season left here. Loki does still greatly admire Sylvie. I’d say Loki almost hero worships her - and especially takes what she says about free will and choice as authoritative (as if she were an expert on it). This is consistent with his romantic feelings from s1e4,5&6 which seemed to grow out of his admiration for her radical / free spirit nature. But by this episode it didn’t seem to be romantic any more - rather a mentor / mentee conversation. Loki did not declare he wanted Sylvie back or even anything close to it - and it would have been the obvious time to do that.
Sylvie has never seemed particularly romantically interested in Loki to me. She kissed him to distract him in s1e6 and no doubt thinks he’s quite hot, but that’s all I’m getting. I actually like this about her as a character (she’s just not that into you Loki sorry). I hope she is a bit more villainous than we know (a bit more basic Loki if you will) otherwise she has been a bit of a spare part this season.
I am not expecting any romance from the last episode though mainly because:
(1) I don’t think there is time to do either romance option justice with all the other plot points to be resolved (2) romance is not central to the plot of season 2 - they have pushed the friendship / found family theme hard and that will do for plotting & emotional payoff purposes, and (3) if you want to be commissioned for season 3 you don’t resolve romantic tension. We’re on Tumblr so we all know there are a significant chunk of fans of any media that follow the stories for the romance aspect - and we all know this audience is likely to be very loyal, vocal on social media and will predictably turn up to watch the next season just to see how it plays out. If they resolve a romance arc either way too early they kill a lot of interest in season 3 - people are always more interested in “will they won’t they” than an established relationship.
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jmscornerlibrary · 3 months
Set Me Free - a Loki x OC fanfiction - Chapter One
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Hello :) I'm Jmw. So, I'm re-writing an old fanfiction of mine, and will be posting the chapters accordingly. There will be angst, fluff, and no smut, though it may get very slightly spicy at times (no gross details, or explicit content, I promise). However, since this deals with some heavy topics like madness and torture, I am going to rate this an 18 so people with a fragile heart can avoid being traumatised.
This is a Loki/OC, childhood-friends (sort of) to enemies to lovers. Thor will be her, so will Tony Stark. This is before Avengers and after Thor: Dark World, but it does have the Avengers. The chronology may vary from the line of events slightly.
I'll try and update as quickly as I can, anyway... here's the first chapter.
Ah, and this is just a story - there is only one God and he wants the best for you :)
Chapter One - In which Loki is mistaken for one who cares.
Vengeance crumbles the soul. It sways foundations, cracks backbones. It topples tenderness in the heart and reduces honesty to a brittle sculpture which eventually shatters as it's blown through by the ice of disappointment; it adorns feelings with masks woven of intricate plans of deceit and manipulation. 
And so Loki Laufeyson’s heart became hard like black ice, which ensnared all the raw and red and beating within it, and turned him into a being of darkness, with black crystals cutting through the blood in his veins, shrouding his chest in armour of indifference, flooding his intestines with acid and clenching his jaw, tight.
Could one see this turmoil and hidden fury in his eyes? Yes and no. His eyes became devoid of warmth and seemed like two pristine spheres - beautiful spheres, blue like jotun skin - set there merely as a tool for deceit and treachery, instead of being a window to his soul, and the turmoil he hid well enough for nobody to notice.
Loki often scoffed at that little fanciful statement. Who in their right mind saw the soul through the eyes, like through windows? When he observed other people’s eyes he saw nothing but twitching matter, something which required an irritating amount of protection on the battlefield, two frustratingly weak little points which simultaneously provided something as valuable and immense as vision. What fool wrote that statement, he wondered, then decided whatever state of intoxication that moron was in when he decided to pick up a quill and play being a poet must have been an incredibly deep one.
Or so Loki rambled on, monologuing internally to drown out the real reason why he scoffed so at a statement so true: if eyes were the window to his soul, then he feared what it was that other people - people who possessed this uncanny ability of seeing soul through the eyes, something which he had trouble with since forever - may see when they looked at his own.
It was a wonder he wasn’t spat at more often, if so many people could see the soul through the eyes. Or perhaps it was why he was spat at so often, be it with words, brutal weapons or projectiles of saliva.
But now, Loki Laufeyson did not care, for his heart was no better than deadened flesh. His heart was encased in black crystals, thoughts of revenge burned in his mind and branded his heart with something hot and seething.
Asgard was never his! Not for one accursed moment!
Loki looked up at the dimming sky and wished with every piece of his heart that he could set it on fire and watch it burn. It looked far too peaceful for him to be content with. The stars even had the audacity to wink at him - actually wink at him! As though he was just little Loki throwing a tantrum in the middle of Central Park, not the king of Asgard who was slowly descending into madness of his own accord!
Loki stared back at the millions of serene lights, looking at him from above. Or were they looking at him? Perhaps he was only thinking that their teeth-sucking was directed at him. In fact, it must have been only him - the great, omniscient stars couldn't care less about the current king of Asgard or about his miserable business.
Like Odin. Loki laughed. Odin couldn’t care less either. He must have had as much fun as those damned stars, watching Loki grow up and fight with Thor about who would be king. Oh, he must have had quite the giggle as they sparred, as they sent scholar after scholar tearing their hair and nanny after nanny running off in tears at their unfathomable characters, knowing full well which perfect son would be the final victor.
Loki clenched his fists until he heard his knuckles cracking and snapping. It had been one thousand years. It had been more than one thousand years. He had believed, for more than one thousand years, that he had been viewed as an equal, as a competitor. But no. All along, he had been a pawn. A tool. A little political reservation!
He gave a few notes of black, harsh-sounding laughter which almost made the grass wither. He had lived in his brother's shadow for so long, holding onto an illusion that somewhere, beneath all these brewing thoughts and schemes he would, one day, make his shot at being worthy and reach the crown with the tips of his fingers.
But this crown had been plucked out of his reach. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Loki had simply reached out to take it. But Loki hadn’t simply reached out to take it - he had crawled, he had pulled himself forward through fields of broken glass and metal, he had torn at the solid ground and grit and dust with his teeth in the darkness of his brother’s huge silhouette, just so that he could move along with a pace which wasn’t pitiful to the ones whom he valued. And when he been just about to grasp it, grasp this chance, shoot this shot… Odin had plucked the crown from him and placed it on Thor’s head. And Thor hadn’t been battered. Thor hadn’t had a single bruise, a single scratch upon him, from his journey to the crown. Thor hadn’t crawled forward on his knees through thorns and sharp, jagged rocks. Thor had been ridden towards the crown in a carriage, reclining with his feet on the opposite seat with everything he needed at his elbow, leaving Loki to be run over and stamped over by the horses which pulled it.
But now, Loki had a plan. One so intricate and subtle, nobody would notice his justified intentions. He would destroy the very place he came from, the very place which posed threat and show Odin that it was he, Loki Laufeyson, the lesser son, who accomplished something even the great Thor Odinson couldn’t do. If Odin wanted him to play at being worthy, so be it. He’d do it his own way. Jotunheim was going to be wiped off the face of the planet, and his father would perhaps finally grace him with-
Loki realised where his train of thought was going, then the shadows in his face darkened as he snarled.
“He’s not my father,” he spat at a nearby tree, sending it cowering and twitching as it ought to when he glared at it, internally shame-faced at some hidden longing of being acknowledged by the Allfather. Loki didn’t need to be acknowledged. He was the god of chaos and he could do everything the god of thunder could, more, for he wasn’t an oaf who had to threaten the scholars so that Odin would receive word that he did, indeed, pass all of his tests which involved more subtlety and intelligence than swinging Mjolnir around his thick head did.
Loki didn’t quite delve into the reason as to why he escaped to Midgard for the day, well, evening. He hated mortals. They were stupid and weak. And yet Asgard was too much, today - this morning Loki had awoken with something horrible and burning stumbling up and down his spine and leaking into his thoughts. He needed to get away, get away from this personal Hel he was walking into… and he supposed there was an element of curiosity too, as to what his brother would now be doing in a place which wasn’t even worthy to uphold one of his boots.
The distant hum of machinery never ceased, even if there was nothing but trees for quite some distance around him, and it only made his thoughts blacker as he gritted his teeth. Perhaps he ought to have chosen a different location to revel in his bitterness than this suffocating park. Even the trees and foliage growing around sparsely looked as though they were artificial.
Then, someone spoke.
Loki disregarded this voice and presence, a small thought of his weighing more than whatever life coursed through this impertinent mortal’s veins. 
He looked up at the darkening sky and returned his thoughts to this poisoned cup life served him, which he was forced to drink from and watch as his veins became black, as his mouth started to froth and ice began to spread through his insides, hurting him, cutting him, spiking him.
Ice. Ha, ha! Of course, Loki forgot! Ice wouldn’t hurt him. No, because Loki was never Odinson in the first place; he was Laufeyson! He was a blue-skinned bastard! He was a jotun-!
“Excuse me.”
Loki made a sound similar to a growl and whipped around. If this mortal knew who he was, it would be grovelling on its papery little knees for forgiveness for interrupting his inner monologue. But Loki would not be forgiving. Oh, no. Quite frankly, he had enough of everything which spoke and had eyes, and if he was going to officially become an outcast, he was going to put his whole blackened soul into it. He’d had enough of being trodden on by others.
It was dark, but light enough for shapes to be distinguishable in the evening, and Loki had sharp eyes. When he focused them on this pathetic little shape, his murderous intentions lessened a little, because he had set them upon a child. A small child. Small enough not to be able to survive with a mother’s hand to hold, and yet it was here, with no other presence around, looking up at him as though he was a potential mother. 
It sniffed. Hah, it was crying; its lip was trembling! Disgusting.
“Sorry… Have you seen a man here anywhere?” it said, its voice torn but still strangely polite for a creature so small. Loki hated its sound as soon as it spoke, for it had that unclear quality which came from very recently learning how to speak which grated on his already-tender nerves.
“No,” he replied curtly, then flicked his head to the side for it to move on. But it didn’t seem to take the hint, merely stared up at him with the two, huge eyes in its head shining. Loki couldn’t quite tell, but he thought they were grey. A strange colour. Perhaps young mortal offspring had different eyes to Asgardian children.
When a few moments had passed and still it stood there, Loki began to grow irritated. Perhaps he ought to shoo it away like some meandering cattle. Did it not get the hint? Was it stupid?
He turned back to stare at it and it shifted, bowing its head and clenching its hands at its small chest. 
“I’m lost,” it said, sniffing, tears spilling down its small face.
Loki chuckled emptily at its words. He was lost too, though he had a place to call home - a place which he now officially ruled over, actually - and he felt it, cold and empty in this soul which people could see through the eyes and he kept somewhere in his chest. In his chest… It must be the reason why it felt so cold recently. 
“Sad, isn’t it,” he said to it, folding his hands behind his back. “Quite a tragedy.”
He observed the creature with distaste. It was undoubtedly female. In the last slivers of light, Loki could make out black hair curling to its chin and rather clear features, as though they belonged to an artist’s paintbrush.
He sighed. “Why don’t you do us both a favour and go and find your mother, hm?”
The mortal child wiped its face and gave a resigned sigh. 
“My mother is dead.”
Loki blinked. “Oh.”
He shifted from foot to foot, felt a spike of sympathy, then grew immediately irritated for giving a fraction of a damn, and they grew even more irritated because his moment of dark contemplation of his existence was utterly ruined and now he was going to have to work himself up again to produce it.
“What makes you think I’m going to help you?” he snapped, then really did shoo it away like a stray cat. “Be on your way! Shoo! Off you go! Get going!”
But it stood its ground and did nothing but stare at him. Loki’s fingers twitched. Was it dim-witted? Was it moronic? Pathetic, stupid creature! Did it not see he was incensed?
“Away!” He raised his voice. “I have nothing for you!”
He snarled, baring his teeth. Scare it off, that should do it.
But it didn’t look scared, though it did obediently take a few steps back warily, as though he was a mad man, which only made his fingers tighten and his temper flame, but then there was a rustle to their left; it jumped, its grey eyes widening, then stumbled forward again, out of the shadows of the bushes.
It looked so small in this dark, cold setting of dusk, slight, insignificant compared to the looming trees. It looked as lost as it said it was. But it could not help itself, no matter how hard it tried. He still had a way out. Theoretically, anyway.
Loki gritted his teeth and clenched his fist and muttered some black curses under his breath which he would have never repeated anywhere near his mother for he would have gotten walloped like a swine being butchered.
“Right, fine,” he said airily. “Stay here and bother me, if it makes you feel better.” He waved his hand at it, then turned his back on it. He chuckled, then lowered his voice. “If only you knew who I was. You’d be running for the hills as fast as your little legs could carry you.”
He had been speaking mainly to himself, but its silly voice sounded again and, he had to give it the credit, it made the corners of his lips turn up.
“I know who you are.”
Loki gave a scoffing laugh, then tittered. “Oh, yes. Of course you do.”
“I do,” it insisted.
“I’m sure you do,” he turned towards it, but not completely, for it did not deserve his full attention, and immediately grew irritated at himself for giving it so much attention when he had came to Midgard for a lack of it. “After all, you’re all big and grown up. Grown up enough to navigate this extensive stretch of land.” He encompassed the dismal park with a gesture. “In fact, why don’t you go and explore it?”
He looked at its eyes, then suppressed a shiver. They shouldn’t have belonged to a creature so small and insignificant. They were solemn and knowing, like his mother’s often were whenever he had an outburst; like they had seen just as much as his had.
“Go on,” he mouthed to it, making a pointer with his hand, turning his eyes towards any other features but its observational tools. “Off you go.”
It fixed his eyes onto his and said, “You are Loki Laufeyson, the king of Asgard.”
Loki halted in his tracks, feeling something cold in his veins, his airy smile melting off his face and being replaced by cold astonishment.
“What?” he whispered, his voice sharp as a knife. “What did you just call me?”
Its small brows met, but it fulfilled his request. “I said you are Loki Laufey-”
He reached it in a flash and clamped his hand upon the lower part of its face. He felt his chest heaving up and down with searing rage and he could have sworn that his hand was now tinged with an accursed hue of blue in the dim light.
“Silence,” he hissed, as it struggled under his grasp. “Or I’ll make sure you’ll never speak again.”
It clutched his hand and pushed it down, its eyes wide. “Cold!” it whimpered, clutching at its face. “You’re cold, you’re so cold!”
Loki retracted his hand, something unravelling in his chest as he watched it rub its face and its lips trembling.
“I-” He made a motion with his hand, as though he could brush away his outburst with the material of his pants, then scowled and straightened, severing his guilt and caging himself. “Who are you? How do you know who I am?”
There was no disguise upon it. It wasn’t an illusion. If it was, he would have distorted it with his touch, or his hand would have passed right through it. What was this? This was a mortal child who knew his name! It knew his heritage! Nobody knew of his true heritage but Odin and Frigga!
He took a few steps back, his hands instinctively reaching for his daggers; he whipped them out and brandished them, the metal gleaming cruelly in the fading light. 
“Listen, witch, or whatever you are…” He brought the dagger up to its snub nose and watched it furrow its brows and frown at him. “... either you tell me who you are and what your plan is, or I’m going to be the living evidence of exactly why you shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
It was silent. 
“Speak!” he yelled, losing his temper. “Who sent you? Are you a spy?”
The mortal child blinked up at him. It seemed not to understand that it could be skinned like a hare if he only wished for it, looking at the gleaming blades with interest instead; looking up at him as though he was the young one frolicking, here!
Loki felt a pang of embarrassment, then lowered the tip of his blade. He was threatening a being which had probably just learned how to walk of its own accord. It didn’t understand him. 
He sheathed his daggers and straightened, his blood still roaring in his ears and his chest heaving, and he stared down at it, waiting for it to make the next move.
Its gaze travelled to his hands, to his eyes, then it blinked and began to pull its pink, fluffy sleeves down to grab their ends.
“My name is Henrietta Knott.” It managed to engulf its hands in sleeve, flapped them, then sighed and swallowed. “I turn six in half a year. My parents died in a fire when I was… two.”
Loki clenched his fists. It was one thing loathing the man who raised him and not having a father at all. Or a mother. Perhaps he would have died if Odin hadn’t taken him in.
“I live with my uncle,” it continued. “We went for a walk, and then he disappeared.”
Loki frowned. “He disappeared.”
It nodded and when it spoke next its voice was trembling again. “I turned around and he wasn’t there anymore.”
With that, fresh tears began to spill down its cheeks and it stood there, crying, not even bothering to wipe its face. It looked truly pitiable, this shivering form in a pink fluffy coat and yellow, waterproof boots which were far too big for it.
Loki wasn’t proud to admit it, not even to himself, but at that moment he had never felt more helpless, as irritation, spite, anger and pity sloshed against one another in his chest. His fingers twitched behind his back as he held them there and he tried to come up with something to contribute to the situation with.
“I won’t help you,” he finally said, more to clarify this to himself than to inform the sobbing thing of his lack of heart.
“You will,” it insisted, sniffing. “You will help me.”
“You heard me, child.”
“You will.” It stopped crying now, swallowing and wiping its face. “Even if you are a bad man. You wouldn’t really hurt a child. Not knowingly.”
Loki opened his mouth, then gave a snort of disbelief. The audacity of this creature! What was that even supposed to mean? What in the Allfather’s name was all this?
“I beg your pardon?”
It gave a shaky sigh, then regained control over itself. “Your heart is horrible. You have killed people through ignorance. Through boredom.”
Loki listened with his mind blank to the words tumbling from this five-year-old’s tongue and wondered how it knew what ignorance meant.
“Look at your hands,” it said pointedly. “They’re awful, aren’t they?”
Loki looked at them obediently, stunned out of his senses, something which never happened. He was the one who frazzled people’s senses; and here was this practically a new-born in comparison to him, telling him of his sins while he blundered!
He felt his nostrils flaring and lowered his hands with some force, his face stretching into something perhaps an opponent would find threatening, but this child only looked at him curiously with a strange solemn glimmer in its eyes as it watched him.
“Look at your hands,” it repeated, then pointed at them and flapped its own.
Loki tore his scouring gaze from it and looked down at his hands once more. He turned them over, running his vision over their creases, their details, their length. Nothing.
After a few moments, he shook his head slowly and cast a questioning look back at the child.
“I admit that I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said flatly. “What am I meant to be seeing?”
“They drip with black,” the child pronounced. “Black which doesn’t belong to you.”
“Explain yourself.”
“It’s blood.” It nodded when his expression became blank. “Of the people you’ve hurt. Killed.”
He gave a harsh laugh to mask the strange quiver of his heart, fear seeping through his bones. 
“Blood is red,” he said cuttingly. “You’ve missed that part of your homework, little creature. Now, you ought to go home and do it before some equally evil man comes to find you and hurts you.”
It shivered, then took a few steps forward; closer to him.
“If you killed by accident, the blood would be red.”
Loki felt a strange urge to push it away with his foot as the child took hold of his coat, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Hadn’t he threatened it a moment ago? And yet it was clinging to him like he was safe, for all the apparent black dripping from his hands. If it hadn’t said what she had a few moments ago, Loki would have been certain it had a few cogs missing beneath the soft and black of its hair.
“Some drops are red. Some you did not intend to die. But most are black, and so you are bad.” It looked up at him, as though for confirmation. “People who kill to achieve a… a selfish goal are evil. Aren’t they?”
Loki of Asgard made another motion with his hands, as though wiping them clean, then snorted at himself and folded them behind his back again. 
He said nothing, but it was still staring at him. Plus, who was he to destroy the moral compass of a being who didn’t see him as king, he thought half-heartedly.
“Yes,” he replied softly, feeling oddly hollow and helpless. “They are evil.”
It observed him for a little while longer, then shrugged its small shoulders. “You will wash it off in years to come.”
Loki felt a pang of… something, in his chest. Something hopeful. “Really.”
“Really.” It nodded. “People pay with bad deeds with pain. That’s what Uncle said once, to Mister Anderson.”
It sighed, then looked back up at him from the daisies they were standing on, pity in its eyes. “I’m sorry you will get hurt.”
Loki would have perhaps felt his temper spike violently again, transforming from his restlessness at this statement, but it was quelled by the action of the child taking hold of his fingers.
“Don’t look so angry,” Henrietta Knott whispered. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Loki looked down at their hands. Hers was small and pink and very soft, as she held his pale forefinger and thumb, hard and toughened with scars in comparison. Something tugged at his heart; he sighed, then moved his hand so that it held hers. It felt good. Good and strange, because Henrietta looked astonishingly content with him doing so. 
Loki’s hands were renowned for doing great and terrible things - wielding daggers, casting spells, being tools which expertly aided him with his ploys and weaving his lies - but using them to guide and reassure was certainly not one of them.
“I don’t want to get hurt either,” he admitted, again, more to himself than to the small thing pressed to his right leg.
“I know,” she replied, then looked up at him. “Can you take me home?”
Loki, the being with no conscience and a black soul raised an eyebrow at this proposal. “Do you really want me to hold your hand all the way?” he mocked. “Don’t you fear the black blood dripping on your pretty little coat and fingers?”
She laughed at him, as though he had said something particularly funny. She had a rich, gurgling laugh that even his bitterness and black ice had some trouble withstanding. 
“Oh, you are silly.”
Loki frowned. Silly didn’t belong to his repertoire of things he would like to be called, especially not by beings who could barely talk. “I beg your pardon?”
“My fingers won’t be dirty.” She smiled. “I haven’t hurt anybody.”
“Not yet,” he said through gritted teeth. “Just wait until you’re older.”
Henrietta looked up at him and stopped laughing, looking too solemn for her age as her grey eyes widened. “Will I hurt people when I’m older?” 
Loki had absolutely no idea. For a moment, he thought about toying with her as she had unwittingly done with his feelings since he’d met her, but he was holding her hand, it was delicate and soft like a chick  and he’d be damned if anything happened to it while he was around.
“Oh, don’t worry. Everybody does,” he said as a throwaway comment as they started to walk. “In fact, I daresay you will break hearts like dinner plates when a table is turned over, with those eyes of yours.”
She seemed crestfallen. Loki observed her with raised eyebrows as she sighed then as she said, “Then I will never grow up.”
A corner of his lips twitched. “No?” 
“No,” she replied. “You know, in this book there was a boy who never grew up. He could fly. He flew to listen to this really nice girl read stories to her brothers about him, then flew back to his magical home in a land that was quite far away.”
“M-hm,” she hummed, stepping alongside him through the trees. “I won’t grow up either. A lot of grown-ups aren’t nice. So I will stay like this, hopefully. And won’t grow up.”
Loki bowed his head, wishing for a moment that he didn’t grow up either. 
“Don’t,” he said softly, then fell silent as she did. 
It was autumn, October. Leaves had fallen off the trees, jumping to their death and lay piled around them, skittering across the rich grass and carpeting the dirt paths. Though it was night, it was still pleasant enough for the creature beside him not to shiver. Loki didn’t shiver; he was an accursed jotun.
They hadn’t walked very far when Henrietta stopped.
“Oh, look!”
“What is it?” he snapped, for he had just begun to sink into dark thought and she’d disturbed his wallowing for the third time in the space of fifteen minutes.
“Floating leaves.” She bent over to look at whatever it was she was fascinated with. “There’s a puddle under there.”
Before he could pull her on, she slid her hand out of his and jumped straight into this puddle, splashing, squealing with laughter. Loki watched flabbergasted, trying to understand how jumping in a pooling of downpour and getting her clothes wet was a form of amusement, before the muddy water landed a few inches short of his shoes. He took an instant step back. 
“What are you doing?!” He pulled her away from the water. “You crazy being. Ah, you-!”
She had kicked the puddle and stained the bottom of his pants with mud. He gave a disdainful scowl, dried them with a flash of green light, then glared down at her. 
“Right! That’s it. I’m leaving you to the wolves. You can go and find your uncle and if you get consumed as a form of light supper, it serves you right.”
He finished scowling, then raised his hands in question, because she was staring at him in awe.
“What was that?!” she cried, stamping in delight. “Do that again!”
His brows furrowed. “Do what?”
She clapped her hands and made a sound like a mute frog being trod on, miming an explosion with her hands.  “This!”
He frowned, then realised. 
“Oh.” He snapped his fingers. “This?”
Zing. The green light danced up and down his form, lighting up the darkness with brilliance, and lifted his hair a little. Henrietta Knott jumped up and down, clapping, stamping, looking completely delighted, her little teeth glinting.
“Again! Again! Again!”
“Have you never seen magic before?” he asked incredulously, his heart thumping strangely, almost afraid of the amazement he saw in her eyes. “It’s not a rare sight.”
She gasped. “Was that magic?” 
“What else would it be?” he said, then outstretched a hand and flashes of light sparked on its surface. “It is magic. My magic.”
“It's…!” She searched for words, pressing her little hands to her face in exaltation. “It’s magnificent!”
And then Loki laughed, straight from the bottom of his heart, something swelling his lungs so that he actually felt as though he was breathing, his mouth stretched so wide it made his face ache. She thought he was magnificent! She thought he was great! Loki wasn’t a madman! He was being complimented! Within moments, he had cast away all of his kingly dignity. He crouched down, disappeared with emerald flashes, reappeared in different places with a bang whilst Henrietta Knott turned round and round with feverish pleasure, squealing, gasping, clapping accordingly.
“Got you,” he hissed as he appeared behind her, apparently an evil wizard. “Found you! Now, I will cart you off to prison, to my jail. You will never be able to get out-!”
He made the mistake of crouching down when appearing. Henrietta gave a delighted yell of excitement and threw herself into his arms. They toppled over onto a pile of leaves, destroying it. Loki landed on his back, slightly winded.
“No,” he gasped when he got his breath back, remembering what function he currently fulfilled. “None of that. Get off me.”
But she didn’t. She climbed right on top of him and sat down on his chest, patting his face.
“You won’t lock me into prison now,” she chuckled. “I’m a dragon. I’ve got you instead.”
He looked up at this improbable dragon sitting on his chest and lowered his hands. He didn’t remember the last time he could speak this level of nonsense without having to watch eyes being rolled.
“No, you’re not.” He sighed, folding his hands on top of his stomach, then looked at her with almost fond resignation. “You’re a silly little girl, sitting on top of the god of mischief because he allowed you to do so.”
He pulled a face, raising his eyebrows for emphasis. 
“As soon as I am up, I will lock you into a-” he disappeared in a green flash and reappeared behind her, scooping her up, “-dungeon. And no prince, king, nor warrior will ever be able to… to… to rescue…”
He froze, because Henrietta Knott threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight, still giggling. She didn’t move from that position, nuzzling into the soft of his robes beneath his armour, wriggling to get comfortable against him.
Loki had to swallow several times as he stood there dumbfounded, thoroughly convinced he was sick, because why in all nine realms did he have tears in his eyes? He was a trickster, he wielded daggers, he sowed chaos for his own amusement, he cut off heads and stabbed and slashed and killed. His heart was hard and dead, and yet it hurt, hurt as the small thing plastered to his chest and neck embraced him as though he was a hero.
“No, little girl,” he murmured, when he recollected himself. “Little girls do not hug evil men with… dripping hands and…”
He searched for words. “And horrible souls behind the eye.”
She looked at him, beamed, then kissed him on the cheek.
“I like you, Loki of Asgard.”
Loki abandoned reason. “Oh, hush,” he muttered, his voice cracking, then hugged her back carefully, smoothing her hair as she rested her little head on his shoulder.
He resumed the walk, placing each foot slowly and deftly so that he wouldn’t stumble, so that her yawns would quieten. Within moments, her breathing had regulated and she was completely still.
Loki was glad; sleeping prevented her from seeing the two trails his tears left behind upon his face. If she felt his chest moving up and down from quiet sobs, sobs which had been caged in his chest for years without him knowing, he didn’t know.
“You like me. You like me, do you?” he breathed, when he had walked a few minutes, feeling his soul through that small weight on his chest and shoulder. “A very unwise decision. A very foolish one, sweetheart.”
She stirred in her sleep, mumbling. Loki could have sworn it was a protest, and he smiled, sniffing and swallowing back the lump in his throat.
“If you say so, Henrietta Knott” he whispered, patting her back gently. “Whatever makes you happy.”
Five steps later, he paused and listened, frowning. A voice had echoed through the park. It was a male voice, a cry. Loki knew what a desperate cry sounded like, and that was what he had heard. 
It came again. “Hattie! Oh, Odin… Henrietta!”
Loki didn’t want to shout, for that meant Hattie would wake up, but the cries came again, desperation came again, and so he stopped and replied.
“Here!” he called, feeling the pet stiffen on his shoulder as he startled her awake. “I have her!”
The voice stopped, then sounded again, though with less dismay and lined with hope. “Where?! Where?!”
Loki thought, then snapped his fingers. “The green light!”
The man to whom the voice belonged rushed into the clearing when the green stream of light cleared. He was tall, well built, his arms and chest the ones of a warrior, grey hair hung to his chin and a wild beard was braided down his loosely-clad chest.
“Oh, thank Odin!” he cried, then approached him with haste. “Thank you, Sir, thank you!”
He pulled up short the same moment Henrietta turned and slid out of Loki’s arms, close enough for his features to be observed. His nose was hooked and an intricate, crimson tattoo snaked from his cheek to the left of his forehead.
“My lord,” he managed to utter, before Hattie plastered herself to him with joyful cries of, “Uncle, Uncle!”
“Uncle indeed,” Loki said coldly, sadly realising his arms felt strangely empty. “What uncle forsakes their five-year-old niece at a time like this? In a place like this? Do you realise what could have happened to her, lest she had not come across me?”
He felt his hands clenching, though by all rights he shouldn’t have cared at all. “I hear this happens again, and I’ll personally ensure you’re skewered!”
The man dropped to one knee and bowed his head, though he did not seem afraid. 
“Forgive me, my lord,” he said, then looked up and picked up Henrietta. “Thank Odin she was with you. I thank you for your efforts in delivering her to me. I fear to think what would have happened if you hadn’t found her.”
Loki scoured the man with his gaze, then he nodded in recognition. “It’s you,” he said. “Dauneren Haldanson.”
He gave a single chuckle, watching Henrietta as she slid from his arms and yawned sleepily.
“The banished. The foul. The traitor.”
The man bowed his head again, though he didn’t take his eyes off Hattie as she began to explore the vicinity. “The one who led the jotuns into Asgard, two-hundred years ago.” He smiled sadly. “My word remains the same. I had nothing to do with the incident. The assassination was pulled off as though I had a hand in it, but… well. I didn’t have a hand in it, not that time.”
His eyes flicked to him. “You know as the god of lies, my lord, that I am speaking the truth.”
“You wouldn’t be speaking so freely if you were not,” he replied, glad his tears had dried off and he wasn’t red in the face any longer, then smiled. “But, as they say… who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Or at least faces torture by sharp objects.”
Haldanson grimaced. “It is so. You make a lot of enemies as an assassin, as unlikely as it may seem.”
“Hah,” Loki laughed, then trained his gaze on Hattie, who had run off to jump in another puddle of water. Haldanson followed his gaze and chuckled.
“I do apologise for any strange things she may have told you, my lord. She is gifted with talents many would kill to possess, but… you know, being only five, she has little idea about tact.”
They watched her, these two treacherous men both fully capable of murder, as Hattie squealed in the puddles, ran up to a tree in which curious squirrels observed her, the creatures probably wondering whether they had found a lost brethren in the dead of night.
���You can imagine what a fright she has given some people, my liege, recounting their darkest sins before their very eyes.” Haldanson scratched his beard and chuckled. “You know, she asks me about mine at least five times daily.”
Loki gave him half a smile. “Must be an interesting life.”
“Oh, very much so. Quite an ordeal. You can’t reason with her, she simply knows better than you.”
Loki felt an odd sort of pride at that statement, even though he had only known this little girl for about half an hour. Haldanson called Hattie over when she attempted to climb the tree to tame the squirrel - she pouted but came, seeing her attempt was futile, then took Haldanson’s hand. Loki wondered whether she could see any black on his hands, as Haldanson was no angel.
“I can,” she replied, making him start. “But Uncle’s hands are less black than yours. He’s already paid. Almost paid. His don’t drip anymore, but yours do.”
Haldanson frowned and looked slightly uncomfortable, but Loki raised his eyebrows and grinned, impressed.
“She can read thoughts?”
“Only if she wants to.” Haldanson scratched his beard again. “I reckon she’ll stop wanting when she grows a little older and begins to understand some of the things she sees. She needs to learn control. The hardest one there is… Don’t you, Hattie?”
Hattie nodded sweetly, twirling around in her yellow boots and pink, fluffy coat, looking at Loki with round, grey eyes.
“Will you walk me to school tomorrow, Loki of Asgard?”
Haldanson spluttered at her outrightness, astonished. 
“Now, Hattie,” he managed after a few seconds, “the prince of Asgard is very busy and has much more important things to do than walking little girls to school.”
Hattie pursed her lips. “Loki is the king of Asgard, Uncle.”
Haldanson looked perplexed, glanced at Loki, who looked back coolly, then when he gave no countering statement, his eyes widened and he bowed a little frantically with a hand on his breast.
“Well, I had no idea,” he managed. “Last time I was in Asgard you were a prince, my Lord-”
“But can he walk me to school?” Henrietta tugged on her uncle’s sleeve impatiently. “I don’t like Doris, she smells of cat and doesn’t like me, and you’re always very busy, uncle, and-”
“It’s alright,” Loki said, looking down at her with a smile - so many smiles in such a short space of time which weren’t a mask, an admirable record. “I will consider.”
“Oh, fantastic!” Hattie laughed and clapped her hands and beamed at him, making his chest swell and want to scoop her up and press her to his chest again. “I would love to look at your sparks again!”
Loki laughed and shook his head. “And I thought she was a simple mortal creature.”
“She is from Asgard, like you, my king,” Haldanson bowed his head, still looking slightly nervous. “And far too sure of herself for her own safety. Well. We’ll be off home. It’s getting late. It was an honour to meet you, my lord.”
Loki inclined his head as Haldanson bowed, then raised a finger as he urged Hattie to do the same.
“No,” he said, motioning for her to stand. “She doesn’t need to bow to me.”
Hattie laughed as Haldanson nodded weakly, then she sprang forward and clasped him. 
“Goodbye, Loki of Asgard. I can’t wait to see you again.”
“I will come,” he promised, bending down. “If not tomorrow, then after that.”
He wouldn’t need to be told twice. Not even once. Not when she was staring up at him as though she was really glad to see him, as though he had the power to turn her day into something bright and warm with his cold, jotun hands which could only destroy and consume.
“Good,” she said, then reached up to hold his cheeks. “Good, good, good.”
He gently took her hands away before he had any strange spells again, swallowing. “Off you go, now.”
“Okay.” She patted his cheek, then flew back to her uncle and grabbed his hand. Haldanson nodded in reply to Loki’s look, bowed again for good measure, then picked Hattie up and turned.
Loki watched them disappear into the dark, raising a hand in farewell when Henrietta waved at him.
He stood there long in the dark, looking up at the sky.
Your hands are black. It’s blood. Of the people you’ve hurt.
Loki lifted his hands up to his face, squinting, but of course, he couldn’t see anything amiss. There were quite a few white scars running over his flesh from battle and feuds, but other than that they were as pale and slender as ever.
“Don’t be a fool,” he muttered, letting them drop. “It’s just a childish fancy.”
This childish fancy, however, left an impact upon him that only the next few years could tear from his soul, because it was only when Loki was back in Asgard, in his own empty, royal chambers did he realise that he was clutching the material of his clothes just above his heart, where Henrietta had slept, with a strange obstinacy and longing.
He sank down onto his bed with a sigh, trying to remember what it had felt like to hold someone who trusted him and… liked him. Not because they had to, but because they chose to.
But he was in too deep. He had set things in motion with Thor’s banishment to Midgard which he couldn’t undo, and had to give up hoping for warmth and succumb back to the cold he couldn’t survive without.
And he knew not that in a span of time insignificant to someone of his lifespan, he would become a traitor, that he would fall of Bifrost bridge upon realising that there was no place for him in Asgard, running from shame and Odin’s - his once-father’s - indifferent face, who watched him fall without blinking. That he would become unrecognisably twisted, that he would suffer agony beyond his imagination, that he would lose the trust of the one being who he treasured beyond all.
Though, what happened following that was something he wouldn’t have expected from any pages fate had written for him and if you asked him, he would have looked you in the eyes and solemnly replied that he was undeserving of a moment of it.
That's the first chapter! As always, feedback is appreciated!
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spicyhiddles · 1 year
Deepest Desire | Loki x Reader
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A/N: (This is the second part of my first Loki x Y/N story). Loki reveals a long kept secret, showing the reader a vulnerable side of him that he has never shown anyone before.
Pairing: Loki x reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Cursing, passionate kissing, slight roughness, mention of sex, sexual terms
You take a shaky breath, trying to make sense of Loki’s words.
“What do you mean? Why did you…?” You can’t think straight, can’t form the right words or ask the right questions.
Loki delicately cups your chin in his strong fingers, turning your head slightly so your gaze meets his own.
“Y/N…” Loki takes a deep breath, building up the courage to tell you the truth.
“Thor told me he intended to court you. He told me he was driven mad by his affection for you.” He swallows hard.
“Loki I…” Loki silences you, placing his index finger over your red lips. You gasp slightly at the sensation.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” His voice hardly above a whisper.
You meet his gaze once again. His eyes look different somehow, an intensity glowing in them that you can’t quite comprehend.
“Y/N I…” He stalls, inhaling sharply. You plead to him with your eyes, silently begging him to tell you what is on his tormented mind. His eyes soften.
“I couldn’t bear the thought.” He is staring into your eyes, holding your gaze. You want to peel your eyes away, to look anywhere else, but you can’t. It is as though he has enchanted you with his bright blue eyes, staring so intensely into your own.
“I just…” he gently cups your cheek in his hand. You subconsciously lean into his touch, earning a small, sad smile.
“I snapped. I struck him with my bare hands.” His voice is laced with self hatred.
“Loki…” This time you are the one to cup Loki’s cheek in your delicate hand. You run your soft thumb over his jaw. He takes a ragged breath.
“Y/N… I left a mark. My own brother…” tears well up in his eyes. You stroke his cheek gently with your thumb. You lean forward slightly, just close enough so he can feel your warm breath on his face.
“And yet he left a mark that will never fade.” You tentatively run your fingers over his healing wound. You can feel his heartbeat grow more rapid as you caress his scarred skin.
“Y/N?” Loki’s voice has suddenly shifted, sounding almost worried. “What would you have done?”
You raise one eyebrow, confused.
“If Thor were to court you, what would you do.” Loki’s voice cracks with pain. It pains your heart how little Loki believes he is worth. You run your hand up his arm, earning a shiver from him.
“Loki, I have no interest in your brother. My heart is elsewhere.” Your voice is confident and unwavering.
Loki sighs sadly.
“Well, whoever your heart belongs to, they are truly, very lucky.” He avoids making eye contact.
“Loki? What are you getting at?” You lift his chin gently with no more than the tips of your fingers. He rests his head in your hand.
“Y/N…” he lifts his head, his eyes glued to yours. You can clearly see the longing in his eyes.
You cannot contain the shiver that visibly runs through your entire body as he reaches up to gently caress the side of your now flushed face.
“Oh Y/N.” Loki runs his fingertips up the side of your face, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your skin crawls beneath his gentle touch.
“Sweet, beautiful Y/N.” He leans forward, his breath like fire on the sensitive skin of your cheeks”
“Regardless of who your heart belongs to Y/N,” he breathes, “my heart will forever be yours, and your alone.” You gasp, shocked by his sudden confession. You are frozen in place, unable to move or speak as Loki slowly leans in, eyes locked on yours. He tentatively presses his lips to yours, but pulls away almost instantly, noticing your hesitation.
“I’m so sorry. Y/N I am so, so sorry.” He shifts away from you, running his hands through his dark, curly hair. You don’t know how to react.
You had fallen in love with Loki years ago. You had dreamt of him. Every night you had dreamt of him kissing you. Wanting you in the same way you wanted him. But you never thought that he would want you outside of your dreams, in reality. It was overwhelming.
“L… Loki?” Your voice is hoarse. You aren’t sure if he heard, until…
“Y/N I’m so sorry.” You look to Loki, only to find his gaze fixed firmly on you. A single tear runs down his cheek. That sets you off. You shift in the bed, position yourself on your knees in front of the God. Loki was normally so proud and firm, but the god sitting in front of you now was so vulnerable. You’d never once seen him like this.
“Loki…” Your voice was so soft, you could barely even hear yourself speak.
Loki lifts his head. Everything about his expression screams self hatred. He is so ashamed of himself.
You lean forward, your lips inches away from his. You stare intensely into his slightly widened eyes.
“Loki.” This time you say his name as if it is something sacred, something precious as a new life.
His eyes water. You know he is not used to being spoken to with such tenderness. He inches forward, bringing his lips so close to yours you can feel the heat radiating from them.
“Loki. I’m the one who should be sorry.” A tear runs down your cheek.
Loki looks like he’s about to say something, but you cut him off, carefully pressing your lips to his. He hesitates, only for a moment, then kisses you back, his lips softly exploring yours. You continue exploring each other’s mouths, swirling your tongues around each other. He wraps his arms around your core, pulling you gently onto his lap. You hold onto his shoulders for support, and give his bottom lip a gentle nip, causing him to groan with pleasure. He digs his nails into your back, sinking through the fabric of your shirt. You whimper, more from shock than pain. Loki loosens his hold on you, moving his lips away from yours for a moment to make sure you’re alright. You pull him back in, smashing your lips against his. Suddenly you feel his length growing harder beneath you. He groans, kissing you with so much fire and passion you feel you might melt.
When you finally pull away from him, you are both out of breath. Loki could run a marathon without breaking a sweat, yet here he was, breathing heavily, sweat beading on his forehead, his hard length now pressing uncomfortably against his jeans.
“Loki.” You moan out his name. Loki sighs.
“Gods Y/N. I… I want you so badly.” Loki pulls you even closer to him, breaths ragged.
You unconsciously rock your hips forward. It’s very slight movement, but still enough to make Loki’s already painfully hard cock twitch.
“Loki,” you breathe, “ I n…need you.” Loki groans, now sure you desire him just as much as he desires you.
“Oh, gorgeous girl. You have always been my deepest desire.” He moans, lightly bucking his hips up into you.
“Now, finally, I can have you in every way possible.” He smiles, slipping his hands beneath your shirt. He looks to you for consent.
“Are you ready sweet girl?” His voice is so smooth, and sweet like honey. You nod.
“Yes Loki. Please. Fuck me.”
Next part coming soon…
Tag List: @buttercupcookies-blog @ladymischief11 @under00s616 @moony-2001 @javagirl328 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @katherinepapa @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
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layla4567 · 1 year
Imagine with Loki
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Warning: Slightly smut
It had been a long time since I moved to Asgard with Loki, it was my own decision and I don't regret it. Despite the complaints from my father Tony or my best friend Peter, I still went ahead accepting the consequences, even Thor, his own brother, warned me about what Loki was like, and although he supported me in my decision, he wanted me to be clear about what he told me. I would "cope" if I stayed with him. But in the end everything was not so bad, I was aware of how he really was and I knew that it would be difficult for me to adapt to his habits and his home.
Loki has a kind of avoidant attachment and of course daddy issues that results in a person who believes that he is not worthy of love or be loved and very distrustful. So it took me a lot to earn his trust and another extra effort for him to notice me. He seemed to want to get close to me at first but naturally jealous he would retreat if he saw me chatting with another guy, and that was another problem.
Luckily Thor helped me a lot to convince Loki that I stopped being so reluctant to have contact with me. And after having passed this first stage and after digging into that hard marble shell, I was able to discover a tender and kind background with a heart of gold. He opened up to me like no one ever has, he talked to me about his fears and insecurities, and I'm so proud of him for having overcome all of that, putting him aside so he could talk to me. I would like to be able to see the faces of those who didn't trust me when they saw this new Loki so I could say "I told you so!". Because he was never really mean, let's just say he was hurt and misunderstood.
With all those thoughts and memories in mind I found myself in my room with my elbows resting on the edge of the wide balcony. The window was large and tall with amber silk curtains on the sides. A soft twilight breeze was blowing while I saw the horizon of all of Asgard, some Asgardians were still seen walking from here to there doing their work. Suddenly three knocks knocked on my door.
"Yes, come in"-I said
Loki appeared around the door frame timidly opening it as if he wanted not to disturb.
"Sorry to intrude, do you mind if I come in?"-He said as he slowly opened the door a little more.
"Please do, you weren't interrupting anything."-I said with a smile and a twinkle of tenderness in my eyes
He walked towards me with an elegant walk to end up next to me by the balcony.
"Everything in order darling?"
God I loved when he called me that
"Sure Loki, I was just admiring the view"
suddenly, almost without realizing it, I smile remembering something
Loki looks at me strangely and then fixes his gaze on the villagers who were visible from the window and then looks at me again confused
"And now what's so funny? I don't think Asgardians are hilarious enough to make you smile"-and he frowned
"Nothing love, I just remembered something"-and I started to giggle
"Oh it's nothing, all right. I guess if you don't want to tell me then I might tell Thor that you were the one who drew the Mjolnir on him with a marker that time"
I looked at him in surprise as I gasped
"Loki Laufeyson! Don't you dare!!"
"Do you want to bet dear? If I remember correctly the last time you lost"-he smiled mischievously
I went from shock to outrage, even though I couldn't really be mad at him, a small part of me was amused. That's why I decided to tickle him as a small revenge
"No wait Y/n I'm sorry I take it back!!"-his smirk faded in a second as he became serious imploring her to stop. He hated tickling
I didn't want to indulge him so I didn't stop right away. But when I did he seemed relieved.
"Ok, I'll tell you so you don't suffer anymore"-I laughed-"I just remembered that time I was trying to make friends in Asgard when I first arrived and I was talking to a couple of guys and one went out of his way to drop me hints so you approached them and told them the lady had some important business. while you took my arm and dragged me away from them, remember?"
He nodded with his eyes closed and a small embarrassing smile.
"How could I stoop so low for a Midgardian?"-while covering his face with his hand-"You had me spellbound and I didn't know how to react to that, didn't you mind what I did that day?"-and he looked at me with a trace of concern
"Of course not"-I grabbed his face with my hands- "in fact I found it cute. I understood that those were your ways of showing interest in me"-I laughed while looking at him tenderly
"Oh my beautiful Y/n, what did I do to deserve you?"-looking at me intensely
I couldn't resist and I stood on tiptoes to kiss his lips. He didn't have to beg and he kissed me back with even more energy.
then he encircled my waist with his arms, a pleasant shiver ran through my entire spine as I got up to be taller and thus encircle his waist with my legs. his kisses and caresses were strong but warm like burning coals that wrapped me whole. when our faces separated just 10 centimeters to catch our breath Loki looked at my eyes and lips with hunger
He held me firmly by the waist and gently placed me on the bed. from there Loki began to delicately kiss my neck making me shudder. It started from the top of my jaw to just below the shoulder as I closed my eyes enjoying his warm touch. Without realizing it, he began to untie my silk dress until it fell and slipped down my legs, leaving me in my underwear, With my semi-naked body, the Asgardian began to draw a path of wet kisses along and across my figure. Loki moved down my bust making a beeline for my belly button. His lips on my skin made me squirm and cling tightly to the sheets as I arched my back and his slow steps left me wanting more.
But when Loki reached the lower part of my belly, I let out a sigh of pleasure, throwing my head back. He seemed to like that because he smiled with that smile that made me blush and he kept going down a little more until he reached my thighs near my groin, and moving my underwear a little away he gently kissed the concave area between my privacy and my leg
"Loki.."-I couldn't hold it and I moaned his name weakly as I felt my groin throb desperately wanting more.
"I'm sorry but your silhouette is delicious my queen"-He began to take off his clothes, revealing a stocky torso, it was the body of a god
I bit my lips as a sign of desire, I wanted it for myself now
Now with his bare chest he began to kiss me passionately while encircling his neck with one hand and the other caressing his face. He grabbed my thigh and pulled it up to his waist so that I could encircle him.
I found the strength to whisper in his ear-"Now is my turn"
now Loki was under me and I sat astride his hips, I entertained myself contemplating his well-worked torso while caressing his stomach
I drew lines from top to bottom applying a little pressure from time to time as if it were a massage. Loki's skin seemed to tremble with every caress. I wanted to take it to another level and I began to swing my hips in circles back and forth as if I were performing a slow and sensual dance. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth in a silent moan, with each movement he made his breathing quickened and I could feel his property tight under me.
"Y/n..Please"-His voice sounded cracked due to excitement.
His pleas made me feel more feverish, so we quickly took off our remaining clothes, leaving them on the floor. The god of mischief took control again and now he was on top of me, sticking his body against mine, he pressed his hip against mine, belly to belly. I dug my nails into his broad back, scratching gently.
His thrusts were slow but precise, always following the same rhythm. Our breaths were getting faster and heavier, I could feel Loki panting in my ear and his breath warm. He was taking me to Eden in that room with 4 walls. The speed increased more and more and I sank more and more my claws into his skin making Loki tense his muscles and jaw. His hips collided with mine and our bodies beaded with sweat. I felt some pain but also euphoria, and the pleasure washed over the pain, like two waves crashing together. Yes, that was it, with each movement I felt like a wave was invading me, enveloping me and rocking me with force. My waist accompanied each movement of his, each thrust and withdrawal that he gave I accompanied him in his rhythm
The pleasure that enveloped us was so great that I couldn't concentrate my thoughts. At one point Loki detached himself from my body and held my thighs for a better grip. Now he, being incorporated, his thrusts were deeper. I clung to the sheets more fiercely to contain myself but let out small moans.
The atmosphere was passionate, the temperature rose and rose, the god of lies was giving everything and I responded complacently. Before reaching the climax, Loki begged me to say his name.
"Say my name... I want to hear you say that I'm yours.."-he said hoarsely almost in a whisper
I tilted my head back slightly arching my back.
"Loki!"-I released almost without strength and without being able to contain myself much more and sighed long and hard
Satisfied and tired as if a battle had been fought we snuggled up to each other with a sheet covering us poorly trying to catch our breath. Loki lying on his back with his torso still naked and I hugged him with an arm on his chest while he hugged me and caressed my hair and shoulder
"Loki, my love"
"Mmh?"-he murmured with his eyes closed as his breathing became calm
"I love you"
"I love you more darling"
He kissed my head and then we fell fast asleep
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ok now I feel dirty and naughty :v (what the hell I just wrote?)
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thaboah · 2 years
God Of War characters during a party!
Well I'm in class, bored as hell and tonight I had this idea. I haven't seen anyone writing something like this but it could be funny.
Here is almost every character mentioned, but due I'm going to mention alcohol, drugs and violence, and Trùd and Atreus are kids. I'm not going to mention them. Let's just say that they're on a "kids zone".
TW: Alcohol, drugs and violence mentions, please if you're minor do NOT read this.
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🎟️,, ~ Let's start!
The night had just started and everyone still sober, the music starts playing and it's time to have fun.
Mimir, since he's just a head and can't dance, it's with Sindri taking care of people stuff, like the weapons. To make the party a safe place everyone has to leave their weapons at the entrance.
Brok is the one who attends the bar, he makes cocktails and give "advice" to drunk people.
Let's be honest, he's not the best person to ask for advice, but there's anyone more besides him.
His tips are simple, if you like someone, go ahead and kiss them and try to conquer them. If someone It's annoying, then punch them in the face!
Thor is the one who recieves this last advice, he has been annoyed by Heimdall like always, so now he's drunk, he finds that idea very interesting.
Well, Heimdall is leaning against a wall, he's not really drunk, but he's a little affected by alcohol, so when he sees Thor reeling towards him, he looks at his eyes and immediately knew what was going to happen.
Thor tried to punch Heimdall, but he dodges every single blow that Thor tries to give him.
H: "I'm sorry, did you just tried to hit me? You idiot."
T: "DOn't YOu dARe to CALl mE IDioT!"
H: "Okay! You drunk monkey!"
T: "WhaT DId yøU JÛsT CæLl Me?!"
At this point a good amount of people just formed a circle around these two.
Odin was staring at them like "What did I do to have this pair of idiots as sons"
Some people like Freyr were too drunk to understand what was happening and they were just screaming: "Fight, fight, fight!"
The fight was lame, and when Tyr (The real one) arrived, he really tried to make them stop.
Tyr tried to calm down Thor, and Heimdall just walked away.
And Sif, Sif was mad as hell at Thor, she and Thor left the party soon, as Sif said: "You have done enough"
And Kratos... Well, he's there, but he's not even drinking, he's just there making sure that his friends are okay and Odin doesn't try something when they're drunk.
He weren't planning to go but Freya ask him to go with her and he thought it could be interesting and maybe he could learn something about Odin or his plans.
Freya was enjoying the party, she's not the heart of the party, but, you know who it is? Freyr.
Freyr is having the BEST time of his life, he's drinking, dancing on the floor like he was at the end of the world.
Baldur was there too, dancing with Freyr, he can't get drunk, but he's trying really hard, he's drinking everything he sees (and doing some drugs) he really WANTS to feel something.
The party starts going out of hands, someone, ahem, ahem, Odin, put something on the drinks while nobody was seeing.
Everyone starts doing things that normally they wouldn't do. Even Tyr and Freya are giving everything on the dance floor.
Heimdall wasn't drinking anymore, he knew what Odin has done but he's not going to question the all-father's behaviour.
Kratos it's fine too, he haven't drunk anything on the entire night, but he's having a great time anyways. There's no need to get drunk, you can have fun without alcohol.
Sindri, Brok and Mimir once everyone is too busy doing things that they will regret tomorrow. They meet together at the bar, Sindri is worried, he thinks that the party has gone out of hands, but Brok tell him to relax, anyone is dying.
When the party is over everyone ends sleeping where they can. Kratos takes Freya to her house but leaves the rest to his own luck.
Freyr and Baldur during the party were like best friends and they wake up next to each other lying on the ground. (Nothing weird, they fell asleep dancing)
Odin left after Kratos, but Heimdall stayed there annoying everyone.
Heimdall wakes up on the entrance of the party, he was so annoying that when he fell asleep everyone agreed on getting ride of him.
Sindri and Brok left and gone home leaving Mimir on the bar.
Everyone left Mimir :(
The next morning everyone woke up with a headche.
Baldur, Freyr and Heimdall found Mimir on the bar.
Mimir would definitely tell them about everything that happened last night, everyone feels a little embarrassed.
But at the end was funny and nobody was hurt.
🎟️,, ~ End
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That was funny! I spend alomst 2 hours writing, maybe more, maybe less but I hope all liked it :)
And if someone read this and is a minor, bad! I told you this wasn't for kids! But don't worry I understand you, when I was a kid I did that too and I'm normal haha.
Jokes aside, you don't need of alcohol to have fun and this is a fanfic, it's not real and it's not a good example or parties!
Have a nice day :)
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streets-in-paradise · 2 months
The real question is, who is your bigger nemesis? Taiki Waititi or Don Mancini?
That's a really hard question, but i think I despise Waititi more than Mancini.
At least in Mancini's case, Chucky is his creation and there was love involved at some point. The guy cared, he did something good and only the passing of time changed that. One can always keep hoping he will find his roots and some sudden inspiration would put him in the right path. He did it once, with Curse.
Waititi was a lazy, disrespectfull ass destroying the work of others. Since the beggining he hated what he was doing, he was there only for the money and didn't bother at all. In press conferences and publicity for Ragnarok, he even trashed some of the old characters ( specially Jane, who he later hipocritically brought back).He was horrible to Hiddleston and Loki despite keeping him to make sure his huge fanbase would buy tickets. I wasn't in the Loki fandom, yet I could see it on the stuff he used to say about the character.
He metaphorically slapped fans of the old films in the face playing out the destruction of Asgard as a joke sequence instead of the dramatic event it should have been. He even made fun of us, and the fans of his films at the peak of his popularity successfully kicked most of us out of the fandom.
In short terms, Waititi is like a bully laughing while destroying my sandcastle.
Being anti ragnarok in 2018 was hell, it was impossible to be here or anywhere in social media. For us it was " you are taking this too seriously", " you are boring" , " you don't understand the characters and how Taika ' improved ' Thor and Loki". The message was clear: you don't belong in the fandom anymore.
Show fans do try to gatekeep Chucky in a very similar way, but escaping them is easier. I left the Thor fandom because of Ragnarok, only recently reconnecting because after the Thor 4 fiasco the Waititi fans are silently ashamed. Chucky has sucked since season 2 and i'm still standing,
Waititi used to feed the toxicity of those fans with his edgy claims trashing the first films, he validated them. Mancini doesn't, you don't see him saying " Andy is boring and old" in Interviews.
On the contrary, with the old fans he does something else that I like to call vender humo (selling smoke). In interviews, he would praise the hell out of the legacies to make us watch, then give us nothing. Toxic show fans can feel validated by his inaction to some extent, but not by his saids about the old characters.
It's different, despite very frustrating. I can get mad at him for dissapointing me, but the closest he has gone to awakening the Waititi level of hate in me was the show treatment of Nica.
If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Taika Waititi and Don Mancini, i would shoot Waititi twice.
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His Angel
Summary: Bucky hated having to attend Stark's ridiculous parties. He hated even more that he had to pick a character to dress up as for the Halloween theme of the night. He hated it until he saw you, dressed as an angel, fulfilling every wet dream he's ever had of you. You and your boyfriend just so happens to break up and Bucky takes his chance to show you just how much better he is in bed.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 3594
Warnings: 18+ ONLY
Bucky despised Stark’s parties. They were always over-the-top and only helped fuel Stark’s obsession with himself.
Steve told him he had to go. 
No matter how pointless that he thought it was. 
These parties were about bringing the community together, making the Avengers seem relatable. 
It almost made Bucky laugh at the notion of it all.
He was the LAST person that anyone needed to look up to. He doubted that parents wanted their kids to grow up to be brain-washed assassins. That thought did make him chuckle. 
This particular party was for Halloween, which Tony had been very adamant about everyone dressing up.
Wanda was going as a witch.
Bruce was going as a mad scientist.
Steve and Natasha were doing a couple’s costumes. Steve as a football player and Natasha as a cheerleader.
Tony almost got away with going as himself until Pepper found out and forced him to match hers. Tony was a cowboy and Pepper was a cowgirl. 
Sam was going as frankenstein.
And Bucky didn’t know what the hell to go as. He didn’t see the point in getting dressed up and pretending to be someone else for the night. He didn’t exactly like being himself at times but at least he was himself.
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When Bucky walked in the party wearing his usual all black attire he was on the receiving end of more than a few displeased looks. Bucky gave a toothy grin to Steve, showcasing the set of vampire teeth he had bought from the local party store. Natasha elbowed Steve hard in the ribs at his loud laugh, done with Steve and Bucky’s antics.
Bucky stayed on the outskirts of the party, a drink constantly in his flesh hand that he sipped occasionally, metal hand tucked away in his pants pocket. He was starting to get a headache, the music was blaring from every speaker that surrounded the room and multi-colored lights flashed from up above.
When Bucky was walking back to the bar he stopped, feet frozen in place when his eyes landed on a literal angel in the sea of people.
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You were seething, absolutely outraged at the fact that you had just caught your boyfriend - no make that ex boyfriend - with his tongue crammed down one of Tony Stark’s secretaries throat. 
All you could think about was that you needed air, everything felt too cramped and your angel costume you had on wasn’t helping.
The top of the outfit was a beautiful corset, lace detailing wrapped around your figure like you were a present waiting to be opened. Wings extended from your back perfectly highlighting each of your curves. The skirt you had on was a little on the too short side, you spent most of your time trying to keep it from exposing the white laced thong you decided to wear underneath. The most uncomfortable of it all was the white stiletto heels you had on, they were brand new and with each step you took your heel was aching from the blisters they were causing.
You could finally breathe a sigh of relief when you made it outside and could feel the cool autumn breeze. A single tear ran down your cheek at the thought of your boyfriend cheating on you. 
F U C K. 
You couldn’t believe you were actually shedding a tear over the bastard. John Walker was as much of the overcontrolling, grade A asshole that Natasha had tried to warn you about but you didn’t listen.
You sipped on the martini that Thor had handed you, claiming that the human drink was far too weak for a mighty God like himself. 
Sighing, you glanced back at the party that was still in full swing when your eyes met cold oceanic blue staring right at you.
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You visibly gulped.
Bucky fucking Barnes. The man that had been the center of every single one of your wet dreams ever since you met him ten years ago.
And he was making his way over to you, looking like a man on a mission. You weren’t sure what that mission may possibly be but you were certainly enjoying the view. The man could rock the hell out of an all black suit. 
It wasn’t like you had much interaction with him, he usually always kept to himself. But you had always heard it was the silent ones that knew how to fuc-.
Your train of thought was cut abruptly short when Bucky opened the door and joined you outside.
You knew he had had his fill of various liqueur tonight but due to the serum coursing through his veins none of it affected him like it did you.
John had always told you you were a lightweight and couldn’t hold your liqueur worth a shit. 
You just weren’t sure if you were feeling tipsy due to the amount of alcohol in your system or Bucky overwhelming your senses.
F U C K he looked good in his suit and when he opened his mouth to run his tongue over his slightly chapped lips you could see the false vampire teeth.
You couldn’t believe it. Bucky Barnes had come to Stark’s Halloween party as a vampire. It should be illegal. Your eyes roamed over his outfit unabashedly and you could feel your thong dampen, making you squeeze your thighs together.
“Hey Angel” lips curving up in a small smile as he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it gently. 
God. You were sure he was going to be the death of you. No matter what year it was you were sure he and Steve would forever act like men from the forties. It’s what had made Natasha fall hopelessly in love with Steve. You had watched countless times as Bucky went on dates with a bouquet of flowers in his hand for whatever lucky girl he had charmed.
“Hey Buck” you practically purred at him. His jaw muscle visibly tensed. You were making things hard for Bucky, while he desperately wanted you, he also knew that you were with John and no matter how much he couldn’t stand the guy he wasn’t going to try and steal you away either.
“Where’s John at?” He asked gruffly, glancing around to find him.
You crossed your arms over your chest and scowled as you looked down to the always busy New York City traffic “He’s probably screwing Stark’s secretary now in the meeting room down the hall” You could feel yourself blush at the confession. 
You were still watching the city’s traffic so you missed the look of surprise on Bucky’s face at your confession. John was cheating on you? You had been the center of every single wet dream of Bucky’s ever since he first saw you. He thought you looked like a goddess, your costume tonight was a perfect replication of how he thought of you.
“He’s a fucking idiot” Your head snapped up hearing Bucky’s confession. It wasn’t new to you that John and Bucky didn’t exactly get along but the way Bucky was looking at you made you think it was something more to it.
“He’s an idiot for cheating on you” Bucky walked closer to you and pulled you in for a hug.
It was the first time you had ever been wrapped up in his arms and God you never wanted it to end. There was something intoxicating about it. Maybe it was his cologne, hints of pear, pine, sandalwood, and something specifically Bucky. Maybe it was the way he held you like you were some type of porcelain doll. Maybe it was the way he pulled you slightly back to gaze in your eyes. Maybe it was—-----. The next thought left you completely when Bucky pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, a sad smile on his face as he studied you like one of his books he usually had in his hands.
“Buck” You whispered softly, a hum the only sound of acknowledgement he gave you before he swiped his thumb across your lips. Your eyes closed instinctively, hoping he was about to make one of your dreams come true.
Bucky leaned forward, your lips now just mere inches apart from one another. You could smell the minty freshness on his breath as he parted his lips ever so slightly. He looked at you and then your lips, back and forth several times before finally fusing your lips together with his.
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It was gentle, far more gentle than how he kissed you in your dreams but God did it feel amazing. Your lips moved together in sync like you and Bucky were in a dance. 
It felt right. Bucky pulled you impossibly closer to him by your waist, your arms wove around his neck, running your fingers through the hair on the back of his neck.
You pulled away for a breath of air and Bucky took the opportunity to trail his lips down your neck. Even if you had wanted to you wouldn’t have been able to stop the long drawn out moan that he pulled from you.
He may have been over a hundred years old but the man knew how to use his lips. 
“God Buck feels s’good” You slurred out, drunk on the way he was making you feel. Bucky sucked at the skin where your neck met your shoulder, leaving behind dark purple bruises that you were most definitely going to show off with pride.
“Fuck Angel” he said, tugging his now swollen bottom lip between his teeth. You glanced down to see his pants pulled tight across his groin.
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“Let me help you with that. '' You whispered, trailing kisses from the corner of his mouth to down his neck. Your unsteady hands pulled and tugged at the buttons of his shirt, trying desperately to get it off of him as you kneeled down so your face was right in front of his zipper.
You wanted this. NO. You needed this.
John wasn’t exactly skilled in bed but now you had Bucky in front of you and according to the gossip around the compound Bucky knew how to make a woman feel GOOD. 
“Wait, wait, wait babydoll, slowdown” he said, pulling on your arm to get you to stand back up. 
Bucky smiled at the pout on your face, slightly swollen lips jutted out adorably. His Angel looked so cute and innocent, he couldn’t wait to ruin you.
“No pouting” He commanded, firmly spanking the inside of your exposed thigh, making you gasp.
“I want to ruin you in my bed” he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He hadn’t even fucked you yet but you were already addicted to him.
Seeing you on his bed made Bucky think that his fantasy had come to life. He groaned low and deep as you maneuvered your body so your head was hanging off the side of the bed.
“Please let me have a taste” you begged, not caring how desperate it made you look. Your mouth was wide open as Bucky got his pants off in record time. He pumped his cock a few times, spreading his pre cum down the shaft as he gazed at you.
You looked absolutely stunning, your breasts were close to spilling out of your corset and before you had gotten in his bed you had removed your skirt, only leaving the wet thong covering your soaking wet cunt. 
F U C K. 
He was close to cumming and had not even been inside you yet. 
Bucky walked forward and stood just out of reach of your tongue that you were sticking out as far as you could just to get a taste. That’s all you wanted, was just a taste. Bucky looked absolutely delectable standing in front of you, completely naked and fisting his hard cock in front of your face.
“Please” You begged again, close to tears at not getting what you wanted yet.
“You’re such a brat” Bucky chuckled but moved just a little closer, his cock now close enough for you to give little kitten licks to the head, tasting the pre cum that had begun to overflow from the tip.
Bucky threw his head back at the feel of your tongue on him. “God Angel feels s’good” he muttered out as he looked down at you, head hanging off his bed and licking the tip of his cock like you were addicted to the taste.
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Bucky stepped forward and you took your chance of taking him all the way down to the back of your throat. Bucky groaned, seeing the outline of his cock in your throat was making him weak in the knees. He couldn’t believe that he finally had you in his bed giving him the best blowjob he's ever had.
You couldn’t help but gag as Bucky started thrusting his cock in and out of your throat. Now that you finally had a taste of him you didn’t know how you could possibly have anyone or anything else. The taste of his pre cum was a little salty but there was something undeniably Bucky that had your mouth salivating. 
Bucky watched as his cock went in and out of your throat, your swollen lips wrapped beautifully around his cock and fuck he couldn’t help but take a few pictures on his phone. He was even able to capture the drool that was dripping down the side of your face.
“Jus’ like that Angel fuck” he groaned out at you, smearing the drool over your face.
“C’mon take me all the way back in your pretty little throat Angel”. Bucky said, slowly pushing his cock further down your throat. You were struggling to breath and you could feel spit spilling out your mouth. Finally you did it. Bucky’s cock was all the way down your throat, his balls now right up against your lips. You blinked back tears and wrapped your hands around his thighs, keeping him in place as you struggled to swallow around him. 
Bucky swore he saw stars when you gave his balls a small kitten lick around the mouthful that you already had. “Fuck Angel I’m going to cum” he said, closing his eyes in pure bliss.
Your lungs were screaming at you for oxygen that you had deprived them of for so long, your vision getting more blurred the longer you went without breathing properly.
You couldn’t take it anymore as you pulled your head back quickly, Bucky’s cock spurting cum on your face as you coughed.
“Angel I’m sorry was I too rough”? Bucky asked, while rubbing your back soothingly.
It took a few minutes to catch your breath and to stop coughing but when you did you looked up at Bucky reassuringly “I’m fine Buck, jus’ got carried away. You taste so good” you said and Bucky felt his breath catch in his throat. 
“God you’re perfect” he confessed before kissing you roughly. Bucky moaned at the feel of your spit soaked lips on his, he ran his fingers through your hair and pulled back making you break the kiss. His vampire teeth had been taken out long before now but he nipped at your skin, loving to see his marks turn your neck different shades of purple.
“Bucky please I need you” You whimpered as he grabbed a handful of your breast and rubbed at your nipples until they ached from overstimulation. Bucky kneeled before you, knees nestled into the soft carpet of his bedroom as he ignored your pleading and ran his tongue over your pebbled peaks. 
He took turns biting each hardened nipple, pulling them away from your body with his teeth making you cry out at the abuse. Tears threatened to fall as he rubbed his beard against your oversensitized flesh and looked at you with lust blown eyes.
“I wanna see you cry Angel” he admitted, standing up and working his cock back to full hardness after cumming earlier. 
You moved further up in the bed, Bucky was quick to follow, caging your body underneath of his possessively.
His lips found yours again, trying to show you how much he wanted you. His hips ground into yours, hard cock digging into your skin. Your body felt like it was on fire the more attention he showed you, each kiss making the coil in your tummy tighter. You were so close to cumming if he would just touch your cunt.
“Bucky pleaseeeee” you whined out, raising your hips in a desperate need for friction.
“Sssshhhhh Angel i’m going to take care of you” he promised before moving down your body and settling in between your thighs.
Your pussy glistened under the light, hole opening and closing around nothing. Bucky groaned, you had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen and he planned on worshiping it like you deserved.
He licked a long strip from your hole to your clit, taking the small bundle of nerves in his mouth and sucking it making you scream as you came.
If you were more conscious you may have been embarrassed about how quick you came from just his mouth touching you but Bucky was overwhelming your senses. His mere presence is able to turn you on more than John had during your whole short-lived relationship.
Bucky rested his vibranium arm across your waist so you couldn’t escape as he flicked his tongue over your clit, overstimulating you. 
Your cheeks were flushed, a light sheen of sweat covering your body as you tried to get away from the onslaught of his tongue.
“Let me finish eating Angel, i’ve been starving for you for years and now I finally have you in front of me laid out so pretty” he muttered before sticking his tongue out and fucking your hole.
“Oh God I’m gonna cum again Bucky” you didn’t even notice the few tears that slipped down your cheeks as you came from his tongue the second time.
Bucky kissed his way back up your body, letting out a low moan at the tears streaming down your face.
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“You look so pretty when you cry, Angel,” he said, kissing away each tear.
Bucky’s knee slotted between your thighs as he placed a pillow underneath your hips.
“Ready for me baby”? He asked, gathering your wetness on the tip of his cock as he teased your hole.
“Always” was your reply, pulling his face to yours to kiss him passionately as he thrusted into you.
It took your breath away.
Bucky’s eyes closed and he rested his forehead against yours as he slowly pushed in deeper.
He wanted to take his time, go slow so he could savor the moment with you but his body was desperately wanting him to pound into you, hard and fast.
“Angel I……I……I don’t know if I can hold back” he said, stopping when he was halfway inside of you.
You clenched and unclenched the walls of your pussy making Bucky moan.
“I’m trying to go slow,” he said, finally opening his oceanic blue eyes to look into yours.
“I wanna take my time” he confessed, and it made butterflies form in your stomach at the thought that Bucky had wanted this just as badly as you had.
“We can do that later, right now I want you to fuck me like you hate me” you said biting his bottom lip.
“Fuck” he groaned out before slightly pulling back and then ramming into you, all you could hear was each others moans and the sound of skin on skin slapping. Bucky was pounding into you as fast as he could, your body moving up in the bed after each thrust.
You cried out when Bucky pulled out, hating feeling so empty after being full of him.
He maneuvered your body so you were now laying on your stomach, ass in the air as he entered you from behind. You gasped at the new angle, he felt so much deeper, like he was hitting your cervix with each powerful thrust.
“Feels s’good” you slurred out. Drunk off of Bucky’s cock.
“Yeah, this pussy is mine now babydoll, I plan on ruining it every night” he growled as his thrust began to get sloppy, his hands grabbing on to your waist to help keep his momentum and to keep you from running away.
“I’m gonna cum, Bucky fuck please please please cum with me” you begged.
“Shit, Fuck okay Angel whatever you want babygirl. I’m close. Cum whenever you’re ready” as soon as he got the words out your eyes were rolling back in your head as you orgasmed for the third time tonight.
Bucky did as promised and came right after you, rope after rope after rope of cum filling you.
“Fuck you’re going to make me hard again” he said, watching as his cum seeped out of your hole around his cock, making a thick ring around the base.
You smiled at each other before Bucky kissed you, slow and passionate.
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“I’ve wanted to do that for years” he said, before pecking at your lips, making you laugh.
“Me too, I’ve always wanted you” You confessed, blushing at the intense look on his face.
“We have a lot of missed time to make up for then,” Bucky said, sending shivers down your spine.
You were about to be spending a lot of time in a certain super soldier’s bed and you knew you were going to enjoy every second of it.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Hello! I finally figured out how to request from you! I live in Australia so it was hard to find the correct times and days. I literally stayed up all night just so that I can request something *crying for the need to sleep*.
Anyway, can I request either Odin, Thor and Loki with a female Hiccup Reader from 'How to Train your Dragon' and having children.
Or Poseidon breeding NSFW with a female human reader who loves the ocean and sea life (bonus with their first meeting where he sees reader chasing some delinquents away with a baseball bat).
Anyway, I'm going to crash and sleep any minute now, so... Love your work!
This wasn’t going to be this long, but I couldn’t stop once I got started :3
Minors DNI
-It was very rarely that a human caught Poseidon’s attention. Kojiro had been one of the first, after he managed to defeat the lord of the seas, and when he came back, he was ‘nicer’ to Kojiro, compared to other humans, as he had earned Poseidon’s respect.
-As all those who fell in Ragnarok were given their lives back, wished back by a selfless human, Poseidon did have to admit, only to himself, that not all humans were bad.
-So, when you caught his eye when he was walking along one of his beaches in his realm, chasing some teenagers with a baseball bat, “You bastards!! Pick up your mess! You’re gonna kill more wildlife with your trash!!”
-Hearing you defending the sea and its wildlife so much did surprise him, before he saw a pile of garbage, left by the teenagers who were running, laughing at they didn’t care.
-You huffed, giving up the chase and Poseidon watched as you went back to the trash and pulled out a bag, cleaning up the mess yourself, muttering under your breath.
-Poseidon sought out the teenagers first, who were laughing, thinking it was funny that you got so mad. As he appeared behind them, his voice low and dangerous, “What are you doing to my domain?” they were not expecting to see Poseidon himself there, glaring down at him.
-They were quickly screaming, hugging onto each other as Poseidon put the fear of… well him into them, teaching them a lesson they soon wouldn’t forget before kicking them out of his domain.
-When he returned to you, the mess was all cleaned up, deposed of properly and you had washed your hands, returning to your own bag on the beach, and you were sketching in a notebook, sitting in the sand with your feet buried, your baseball bat sitting beside you.
-He approached you and you turned, hearing the footsteps and you were surprised to see Poseidon himself there before he spoke, “Thank you human- for cleaning up the mess of those scum. They won’t be bothering my domain again.”
-You questioned, for like a half a second, if he had killed them, as you knew that Poseidon was known for being brutal when he wanted to be before you smiled up at him, stunning him with the warmth behind it, “It’s no problem- I can’t stand it when others make a mess of nature!”
-He knew of humans who did try to help, but those who didn’t care far outweighed those who did, but to actually meet one, to see your determination to at least try, it made a very soft smile appear on his lips.
-He kneeled beside you in the sand, looking at your sketchbook, seeing various pictures of wildlife from seagulls to turtles and a few shells as well as some doodles, but his attention quickly went back to you.
-There was something about you- something new. He couldn’t tell you what exactly, but there was a pull, as he reached out with both hands, after putting his trident down, cupping your cheeks, making them warm and color, “I should reward such an honorable human~”
-You’re not sure what was happening, but you welcomed his advances, feeling the same odd pull he was, and he leaned in, kissing you deeply.
-Your sketchbook and pencil fell to the sand as he leaned over you, forcing you to tilt your head up as you whined softly as he stole your breath away, kissing you so deeply.
-Your soft sounds were clouding his mind, he felt like he was drowning in you, but he wanted to- he wanted more!
-He quickly stood, pulling you with him, easily pulling you into his arms, your legs going around his waist which made him shivering lightly as you kissed him back, tongues dancing together as your breaths both turned ragged.
-With a flick of his wrist, you, him, his trident, and your belongings were all suddenly in a room, his private bed chambers. He wanted you there and now, but he wasn’t willing to do it on the sand- he was not going to deal with sand in places they shouldn’t be!
-Once your back met the mattress he grinded his hips against your own, feeling his throbbing cock against your own core and your back arched, breaking the kiss with a whine as you bit your bottom lip.
-Clothes were quickly shed, exposing your body to Poseidon- he could see scars adorning your body, but instead of being disgusted, he found them beautiful, his lips trailing across them, seeing them as badges that you earned, no matter how you got them.
-Your hands met his hair, finding it soft as your nails scratched against his scalp, pulling a deep groan from his own lips which made your back arch, you had never heard such an alluring sound before.
-This was something passionate, you had never met this man before, but you couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to stop, and neither did he- he wanted this- he wanted you, all of you! Neither of you could explain the heat or these strange feelings between the two of you, but it didn’t matter- it felt too good.
-Poseidon was definitely the dominate one in bed, holding your hair in his hand as he forced you to swallow his cock over and over, feeling your hands on his thighs as you huffed through your nose. You gazed up at him through teary eyes which made him buck up, sending him deeper. You choked only for a moment before swallowing him again, sucking and massaging him with your lips which made him throw his head back, “Gods human- you- umfph!” he couldn’t speak as you hollowed your cheeks again, making him moan so pretty for you again.
-He hadn’t known such an attentive lover before, someone who was willing to pleasure him willing, not just because he told you to.
-Your tongue swirled around his tip as he felt his head go back, feeling his release coming, huffing down at you, you smirked up at him, surprising him, “Cum for me, my King~” your words, your teasing- he quickly grabbed your face, a hand on either side and forced you down on him as he came, forcing you to swallow it.
-You pulled back, licking at your lips and he couldn’t help but smirk, “Minx!” you grinned up at him, feeling so bold as you managed to capture the tip in your mouth again, making him buck before he grabbed you, pulling you back, holding your hair again, glaring down at you. He hadn’t known humans to be so promiscuous!
-His fingers felt so good against your own opening, joining his tongue as he tried to drown himself on you, pleasuring you with his tongue.
-You were gripping the sheets, your back arched as your eyes were crossing, it felt so good, “Poseidon- please- I’m so- ngh! So-so close!” he stroked that special place, so deep inside of you, pulling back, licking his lips like a hungry beast, “Oh~ so close already? Very well- let’s see what you look like when you cum.”
-His words made your veins feel like fire as he went harder, stroking deep inside of you and you felt your vision going white as you cried out- at least you felt like you cried out, as you spasmed around him.
-He smirked down at you, seeing you coming undone- you looked so good like that, he wanted to make you do it again and again and again, licking his lips.
-When he first entered you, holding your head down to the sheets as he entered you from behind, holding your hips up with one hand, your elongated moan swelled his ego, even more than it had been, he was just so big!
-You were so tight around him, sucking him in perfectly as you gripped the sheets, his hands gripping at your hips as he pounded deeply into you, driving cries from your lips with each thrust.
-He watched your ass bounce with his movements, watching the flesh dance below it as he gripped it, spreading your cheeks, making you whine as he stared at where the two of you were joined.
-The sight was so alluring, seeing your slick coating his cock, a milky ring covering his cock which made him go harder and harder, making your cries grow in volume as you threw your head back, “Poseidon ohh~~” he slapped your ass, once then twice, so both your cheeks were turning colors, “That’s not my name at the moment Y/N!”
-You whined, the slight pain feeling so good as you stretched out your hands, “My King!” you were rewarded for your correct answer by him moving hips even faster. You could feel your orgasm quickly coming, he was hitting every spot inside of you that was making you feel stars.
-He hissed through his teeth, brushing his hair back out of his eyes, feeling you tighten around him as he gripped your hips, not caring if they were going to leave bruises as something new swelled inside of him.
-You felt so perfect around him, so tight and warm- he never wanted to leave you. You weren’t going to leave him. You were perfect- you were going to stare here forever with him!
-He thrusts became brutal until he felt you clench hard around him, your body going limp as he tried to enter as deep as possible, emptying himself inside of you.
-You felt his head on your back, his soft hair tickling you slightly as you both gasped for air. You had never felt this way before- it felt amazing!
-He pulled out slowly, listening to you whining from overstimulation and he watched his love gush out of you as you whimpered softly- you felt so full, but you felt so delicious at the same time.
-He pressed a kiss to your back, trailing up as your body relaxed, laying down on the bed before he brushed your hair from your face, kissing your cheek softly, “You get five minutes- I’m going to keep filling you until I properly breed you and you carry my child.”
-You clenched around nothing at his words, your eyes wide as he moved to stand, pulling on a robe to get you both some water to drink.
-It didn’t matter to him if you could get pregnant or not, he was going to continue breeding you, over and over if he had to. You couldn’t help but smile, looking forward to it.
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gburph · 11 months
Lokius writing prompts 2
Recently I don't have anything to do at my job during the night so I sit and think of the Lokius writing prompts. This is why I created the second part of the list. First part is here and third part here. If anyone uses them, please let me know. I want to read it.
1 - After the end of Loki season 2, Mobius as a reward takes Loki to the Endgame scene where Dr Strange gives Thanos the time stone. They stop Thanos and meet the Avengers and Guardians. Together with Dr Strange, they all head to Earth to fight the Chitauri. You can use only the first part of the prompt or, if you wish, you can write my full vision for this scene:
As the stone flies to Thanos, Loki's hand appears out of nowhere and grabs the stone. The rest of Loki then appears and uses the stone to freeze Thanos' hand, the one with the gauntlet. Loki then scolds Doctor Strange for trying to give the stone to the Mad Titan. Loki continues to introduce himself in his usual style (with glorious purpose and all), but adds his variant number and copies the judgement scene from Loki. He lists Thanos' crimes (both serious and not, such as being annoying, perhaps adding a few crimes against himself) and asks how Thanos pleads. Thanos says he has no right to judge him, but Loki says this right was given to him by the TVA represented by his friend Mobius here. He points at him and, for the first time, all the people present notice Mobius standing in the back. Loki then passes judgment (he can use the stone to destroy Thanos). Later he, Mobius and the confused Avengers and Guardians talk; Dr Strange teleports them all to Wakanda to fight the Chitauri, and after the fight Loki and Mobius meet Thor. Thor may be pleased that Loki made a friend or be suspicious or even hostile as he worries after losing Loki from his timeline. The second and third options could be an opportunity for Loki to protect Mobius from Thor with magic or words. And also Mobius can defend Loki when someone tries to insult him.
(EDIT to prompt 1: you can add the fact that apparently Loki is going to be a god of stories)
2 - Tony Stark accidentally finds an old photo of Loki with an unknown gentleman from the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. Trying to find any information about the mysterious gentleman, Tony finds a man who looks exactly like the man from the fair living in modern times. He is a divorced 50-year-old jet-ski salesman. Tony decides to meet the man and talk to him.
3 - After the destruction of the TVA, Mobius is transported to New York in 2012 during a battle. Mobius realises that he woke up there because it was the moment of his Nexus Event (but now the TVA won't capture him for any changes). He decides to stop Loki and to do so he finds Thor and convinces him to hit Loki very hard on the head to stop the mind control. They manage to wake Loki from the mind control, but: A - This Loki is the one from the TVA, but when his mind was transferred to a past body, he was again influenced by Mind Stone. B - This is the Loki of that time and he doesn't know Mobius, but after getting to know him better he can't help but also like Mobius. Especially since he is the only person who believes in him and tries to help him (TVA Loki can be either dead or lost and later found)
4 - Loki resides in Asgard impersonating Odin. As we know, he was mainly concerned with the development of culture (mainly theatre). One day he is shocked when he meets a strange mortal (as if mortals in Asgard weren't strange enough) who tries to convince Loki that danger is coming and Loki should prepare all of Asgard for an invasion (TVA Loki has died and now Mobius is trying to save this Loki from Hela and Thanos).
Bonus points if in post season 2 canon complaint stories every member of TVA hates spaghetti with burning passion.
More bonus points for Loki's interactions with various members of the Avengers, Guardians, SHIELD, etc.
Even more bonus points for Lokius slow burn.
Tell me what you think of my ideas!
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vendettavalor · 7 months
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The Dwarf's Apprentice
⚔️ For @dragetunge GOW Verse Hiccup ⚔️
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"Absolutely fucking not."
Brok had sworn off anything to do with the Aesir after that damned incident with Thor. Fucking Mjolnir. If he'd had known what kind of havoc the God of Thunder intended to wreak with that thing - at Odin's behest no less - if he had known what it would have cost him, he would have chucked the very hunk of metal he'd just to forge the damn weapon into the deepest depths of Helheim itself.
He hid it well, though perhaps less so after his split with Sindri - but the guilt stayed with him. Knowing that he had helped forge such a weapon of destruction gnawed at him. And it very well might have eaten away at him completely had it not been for Laufey and the Leviathan Axe - the one weapon to match the hammer and potentially put an end to the drunken oaf's madness. It wasn't enough to make up for his hand in the slaughter. Seldom it was. But it was a start to putting an end to the madness and making things right.
And Brok had learned to live with that, hard as it was to swallow.
This on the other hand - this was not something he was willing to entertain. Not at first anyway. Of course, when it came to any sort of "request" made by Odin, it typically didn't come with much of a choice. And Brok had been fully willing to stake his life on standing his ground this time. At least, until the name Valka was mentioned. For as much as he despised the Aesir and their corrupted ways of doing things, he knew Valka was fair and just. A fine valkyrie whom he'd crafted a good many pieces of armor for with respect- though not so many weapons. She was a good woman, always trying to do the right thing. Where she was now, he did not know. But if for no other reason than to honor her, he agreed.
And he made that fact very clear.
"This ain't no favor for the All-Fucker or his General, y'hear? I'm doin' this in honor of Lady Valka. Make sure her little loin-sprout knows how to make himself a proper set of armor to keep himself safe, just the way she woulda wanted." The dwarf barked out gruffly, eyes fixed on the young boy before him. Without much more fanfare, he abruptly turned and began waddling into his workshop, waving at Hiccup to follow.
"Well, get a move on then! You got a lot to learn and I ain't holdin' your hand for it. The forge dies and you'll be the first one fixin' it up again."
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
Villain Or Victim, Chapter 7
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SHIELD and the Avengers were getting worried, there had been another three murders of very high up people from around the world. All the countries were beginning to really worry too and were preparing for war. The entire world was on high alert.
Loki had taken Echo out again for the three more special missions in the past week. She wasn’t sure whether the fact she was enjoying being out, running free and killing people was a good thing or a bad thing. Loki kept assuring her it was a good thing, because she was removing all the bad people from the Earth.
Though she just couldn’t shake the bad feeling she had deep within her, something telling her that what she was doing was wrong.
The others hadn’t been to see her much this past week, all they’d told her was there was a lot going on just now. But they were still working hard on sorting out a cure for her, they assured her of that.
‘I know I might sound mad… But the way these murders have been happening, it’s something that Echo could do.’ Steve said to the team one afternoon while most of them were in the lab, still working on her solution.
Loki was there too, in the background. His ears perked up, but he kept quiet and stayed focused on the task at hand that he’d been given by Stark.
‘I know what you mean. But it’s impossible, she’s not been out of the cell at all.’ Natasha said confidently.
‘The speed, agility of it all. The kills have been happening right on front of security, but they’ve been far too fast to give anyone a chance to react.’ Steve continued.
‘I’ve checked through the security cameras, she’s been in that cell during every murder.’ Tony said calmly. ‘Besides, how would she know who to go for? And why? It’s like someone is deliberately trying to start the next world war.’
‘She is smart, maybe smarter than we thought…’ Bruce trailed off.
Everyone turned to look at him. ‘You’re not seriously thinking she’s the one behind it all? The cameras don’t lie, she’s never left that cell!’ Tony said determinedly.
‘I just… I don’t know.’ Bruce shrugged. ‘But we are so close to getting this serum right, just another day or two and I think we will have it. Then we can keep her calm and let her out of the cell, if it works.’
Loki raised his head. ‘You’ve got it sorted that quick?’ He asked.
‘Yep. We don’t mess around, reindeer games.’ Tony smirked.
Loki rolled his eyes at his nickname from Tony. He finished off what he was doing, then got up and left the lab. Thor followed him out, after keeping quiet.
‘I know you’ve been going into her cell, brother… But please tell me you’ve not been taking her out of it?’ Thor asked as he walked fast to keep up with Loki, who was striding down the corridor with purpose.
‘Of course I haven’t. I’m not a fool like you, brother. She’s dangerous and needs to be kept behind glass, to be kept under control.’ Loki hissed at him.
Thor narrowed his eyes at him and nodded. ‘Good… I was just checking. But good news about the serum being close to ready, isn’t it?’ He patted Loki on the shoulder.
‘Yes… good news indeed.’ Loki grumbled in response, not looking delighted in the slightest.
‘What’s wrong, pet?’ Loki asked Echo that evening, he was in her cell spending some time with her.
‘I don’t know, really. I just keep getting a weird feeling inside me. I feel bad for deceiving the others in a way, that they don’t know what we’re doing.’ She said quietly.
Loki was sitting on her bed next to her, he shuffled back against the headboard and pulled her onto his lap, making her squeak in slight surprise.
‘You need to stop fretting about it… You are doing a good thing for the Earth.’ He nuzzled into her hair and wrapped his arms around her, a hand possessively over her abdomen, making her heartbeat quicken.
‘I know you feel bad for going behind the backs of the others, but it’s for the best. Until they can also trust you, it’s best to keep quiet… Now, how about that reward I promised you, for being so good and doing so well on your secret missions.’ He purred and his hand began to wander downwards.
Echo’s eyes widened, he had promised her a reward yesterday if she did well. But she didn’t know what said reward would entail. She was surprised when he began getting more intimate with her.
Loki could sense her excitement and shyness by her body language. But he nuzzled against her neck and pressed soft kisses upon her skin as his hand slid down inside her trousers and knickers, till he cupped her firmly, intimately.
‘Is this what you want, some release? Hmm? Do you want me to make you cum?’ He whispered into her ear, making her tremble.
Feeling his strong hand right there was sending her body and mind into overdrive. She was speechless, more so when his fingers began playing with her…
‘Come on, use your words pet. Do you want me to make you cum? Do you want to feel good?’ He purred in a seductive tone.
‘I… Yes, please.’ Echo stammered.
Loki chuckled wickedly and nibbled on her neck as his fingers worked their magic on her.
‘My good girl, you’re making me so proud. You’re incredibly talented and beautiful. And you’re mine, you belong to me, don’t you pet?’ He growled low.
Echo could only whimper and nod over eagerly in response, it was like Loki knew her body better than she even did, bringing her to new heights, just with his fingers. And she was so close.
‘And you’ll continue to make me proud, won’t you? You’ll carry on being my good girl. Helping the Earth…’
‘Yes! Loki! Anything, please!’ Echo cried out, her body began bucking up against his hand, desperately wanting to cum.
Loki grinned and nibbled on her earlobe as he whispered huskily. ‘Cum for me, pet.’
And as she always did with Loki, she obeyed.
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mariana-oconnor · 11 months
Thor Bridge pt 3
Back to the Gold King again.
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But first we have to go and see the young governess who he claims thinks she can fix him.
I had expected from all that we had heard to see a beautiful woman, but I can never forget the effect which Miss Dunbar produced upon me. It was no wonder that even the masterful millionaire had found in her something more powerful than himself—something which could control and guide him.
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Watson, rein it in, she's been a victim of sexual harassment from her employer and she's now in jail for allegedly murdering his wife. There is a time and a place for your horniness, now is not it. But, I suppose, at least you are consistent.
"After seeing you, I am prepared to accept Mr. Gibson's statement both as to the influence which you had over him and as to the innocence of your relations with him."
I really hope that this is because of an indent on the little finger of her left hand and a shiny patch on the inside of her elbow, because if this is just because she's pretty, Holmes, then I am disappoint.
"I would not wish to wrong her, but she loved so vividly in a physical sense that she could hardly understand the mental, and even spiritual, tie which held her husband to me, or imagine that it was only my desire to influence his power to good ends which kept me under his roof."
Oh boy, she's really believing the nonsense, huh? Sure, you have a mental and spiritual bond. I'm sure his intentions are entirely chaste. Yup, yuhuh.
"I can see now that I was wrong. Nothing could justify me in remaining where I was a cause of unhappiness, and yet it is certain that the unhappiness would have remained even if I had left the house.”
Which means the only thing gained by you staying was your own unhappiness. So that was pointless. But yes, you should absolutely have left and not tried to use your married employer's crush on you to manipulate his actions. Like, I get that you were trying to do something good, and I understand you're a victim in all of this, but that was still a bad idea.
"I saw no reason for such secrecy, but I did as she asked, accepting the appointment. She asked me to destroy her note and I burned it in the schoolroom grate."
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Oh boy. Always keep the receipts. You were being framed so hard.
"Never did I realize till that moment how this poor creature hated me. She was like a mad woman—indeed, I think she was a mad woman, subtly mad with the deep power of deception which insane people may have. How else could she have met me with unconcern every day and yet had so raging a hatred of me in her heart?"
Yeah, little weird that the person we have been repeatedly assured was incredibly emotional and open about her emotions somehow managed to smother them to that extent on a daily basis until this point. Almost like there was some catalyst for her outburst (or this is a lie).
“Mr. Gibson is a very strong, self-contained man. I do not think that he would ever show his emotions on the surface. But I, who knew him so well, could see that he was deeply concerned.”
The more you talk about him, the more I think you were taken in by him. You're being very nice about the man...
“It could only have been at meal-time, or else at the hours when I would be in the schoolroom with the children.”
So... almost any time of day then?
It was as well for him that I did so, for he took little care for his own safety when his mind was once absorbed by a problem, so that more than once my revolver had been a good friend in need. I reminded him of the fact.
I mean, you killed a dog that one time. But usually he sort of... hits people himself? This feels like revisionist history. Holmes once bent a poker back to being straight.
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“Do you know, Watson,” said he, “I believe your revolver is going to have a very intimate connection with the mystery which we are investigating.” “My dear Holmes, you are joking.”
Is Holmes about to throw Watson's revolver into a river?
“It all depends upon the behaviour of Dr. Watson's revolver,” said my friend. “Here it is. Now, officer, can you give me ten yards of string?” The village shop provided a ball of stout twine.
Well Watson's revolver is definitely going to be thrown somewhere.
Watson, why do you trust him with your things?
At the words he raised the pistol to his head, and then let go his grip. In an instant it had been whisked away by the weight of the stone, had struck with a sharp crack against the parapet, and had vanished over the side into the water.
Bye bye, revolver!
You will also find beside it the revolver, string and weight with which this vindictive woman attempted to disguise her own crime and to fasten a charge of murder upon an innocent victim.
So the wife committed suicide to frame the governess for her death because she was jealous about her abusive husband? That's... utterly nonsensical of her.
Should have killed the governess and framed the husband (I mean, no, she shouldn't have, but it would have been a better plan).
Oh god. Oh no. Oh fuck me no. This is going to end with Miss Dunbar marrying the Gold King in order to fix him, isn't it? Isn't it?
I hate everything about that.
No doubt she blamed this innocent lady for all those harsh dealings and unkind words with which her husband tried to repel her too demonstrative affection. Her first resolution was to end her own life. Her second was to do it in such a way as to involve her victim in a fate which was worse far than any sudden death could be.
So the guy abuses his possibly already mentally ill wife to a point where she considers suicide the only way out? And she blames the other woman completely and not her husband. And Miss Dunbar isn't exactly blameless, using the guy's crush on her to her own ends, however altruistic they may be.
Just a whole lot of nope.
"Well, Watson, we have helped a remarkable woman, and also a formidable man. Should they in the future join their forces, as seems not unlikely, the financial world may find that Mr. Neil Gibson has learned something in that schoolroom of sorrow where our earthly lessons are taught.”
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Just no. Just no... That poor woman. And yeah, what she did sucked. But what the actual fuck. Fuck everyone, honestly. None of this ended well. I hate it all.
Happily ever after because the love of a good (~British~) woman will change him and make everything from now on sunflowers and daisy chains. And no thought to the children who lost their mother or the fact that abusive partners can't just be 'fixed' and he's absolutely going to abuse his next partner when she doesn't live up to his standards. They're just going to be in this horrific manipulative relationship and the children are going to be trapped with them.
No thank you. This is not what I ordered.
But I did appreciate Watson's revolver taking a bath. Nice moment of comedy in amongst all the nonsense.
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