#thomas mills wood
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of-fear-and-love · 2 months ago
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Technology from The Fugitive (1993)
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duranduratulsa · 5 months ago
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...The Fugitive (1993) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #TheFugitive #HarrisonFord #TommyLeeJones #SelaWard #JoePantoliano #JulianneMoore #andreaskatsulas #janelynch #thomasmillswoods #jeroenkrabbe #DanielRoebuck #lscottcaldwell #NickSearcy #RichardRiehle #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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whatyadrawin · 10 months ago
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 14
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,989 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language and depiction of sexual acts, foul language, brief PTSD scene, mention of reproductive choices. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: See the end of chapter for a special authors note since I dont want to spoil anything here. I feel pretty good about this chapter, the art has some sloppy work because I was passing out while working on them so please be nice, I hope theres no typos or weirdness in the edited writing either because I was also passing out for that. The censored image can be viewed raw on my google doc (By clicking that link you are consenting to seeing graphic adult imagery and you are over 18). Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae , @dij-ology , @jillian-mill
Chapter 14
                The day started with you getting a phone call from the contractor, he informed you that your house was fully repaired and ready to move back into; You immediately got changed and walked over, highly excited to see the finished work. You arrived quickly, opening the heavy wooden door where the smell of fresh paint and new wood filled your lungs. The sun’s rays lit up the rooms giving the home a cheery appearance, as if it was happy to see you.
You slowly made your way through the entrance to head straight for your room, when you passed through the doorway you felt a knot form in your stomach, the memory of the fire was making you feel fear as if you were experiencing it all over again. You let the anxiety hit you to really feel the emotions fully, you figured if you could handle the ghost of the past then you could strive to overcome it.
Within a few short moments, the feeling passed but the cortisol surge remained. You left the bedroom and sat on the couch in the living room exhaling deeply as you reclined. You looked out at the large storage container that you had yet to completely empty, it was costing you to keep it on the property and felt like a constant reminder of how new you still were to this country.
The entire day was spent emptying out the storage crate to fill up your home. Extra clothes and furniture found their place in every corner of the house, by nightfall you managed to get your bedroom and bathroom to look mostly normal again. The fire destroyed your bed and stained the wardrobes with soot, some floor lamps were melted and unusable as well as your window curtains.
-Looks like I need to buy a new bed and some furniture- You thought about how nice you could make your room, and what curtains to buy to cover the bedroom window with. -I think it might be good to invest in some security features too while I’m at it- Dover’s attack on you affected the way you felt when you were alone, it was now pertinent to have visibility from many angles and access to view them at any time in case someone tried to hurt you while you were unaware again.
After ruminating on your fears, you locked up and left the house, the moon was now high in the sky and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. When you left and got to the end of your driveway, you saw headlights shining up the road heading in the direction of the Hewitts house. The driver gave a honk and when you squinted to look, you recognized the truck, it was Charlie.
He pulled up next to you and reached over to unlock the passenger door,
“Get in ‘fore you get ate by a coyote” he said through the open window.
You smile and hop into the passenger’s side of the truck; the seat is rough edged from wear and scrapes the exposed skin on your leg as you slide onto it. You shut the door and thank him for picking you up,
“Are there really coyotes around here?” You asked
He smirks, “Well now, ain’t a whole lot of wildlife really comin’ ‘round here no more.”
You wrinkle your brows, “Must be lucky then eh?”
He chuckles and raises his eyebrows, “Somethin’ like that”
You roll your eyes and give a tight-lipped smirk, you knew it wasn’t luck, if anything it was a whole lot of bad luck that accumulated on this land brought onto poor hapless victims taken from the outside world just to feed the starving Hewitts. This land really was a world of its own, it felt like you were existing in another universe, the remoteness didn’t help much with that either.
“What’s ‘at look for?” he was obviously trying to sleuth out your expression.
Your eyes widen and you quickly face the open window to prevent further incriminating looks,
“Nothing” you hope he would drop it, but he continues,
“You’re bein’ real suspicious ain’t ya? Somethin’ I should know ‘bout?”
You reply with a hint of annoyance in your voice,
“Oh my Goduh, nothiiiiiiiiing” -that should throw him off-.
Charlie laughs and changes the subject,
“You gon’ move back into Tilly’s house now that it’s fixed up?”
You continue to look out the window,
“Yeah, I have been bothering you guys long enough.”
He quickly replies, “You was never no bother girly, I know Luda Mae’s gon’ be real upset seein’ you less. She sure hates an empty nest.”
You didn’t think it would be that much of an impact, you felt like a total leech living there for as long as you did,
“I’m sure she will be relieved having less cooking and housework to do…she never let me help.”
Charlie laughs, “That woman? She’s been feelin’ like a mother again what with doin’ all the women’s work. Was always her happiest when she was carin’ for the boy. Obsessed with motherhood, guess it’s normal for womenfolk to think like that.”
You roll your eyes, you had become used to the way Charlie spoke about women in the time you lived with him, but it was still obnoxious to hear such outdated ideals in modern day.
Charlie puts his arm up on the bench seat, he gives you an inquisitive look, he asks,
“You think like her at all?”
You sigh, “Isn’t that a bit personal?”
He sucks his teeth and looks at the road, he continues,
“Shoot girly, it’s just a question.”
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You remain quiet for a few seconds before responding, “No… it’s never really been a goal for me.”
You replied, already feeling defensive, “What?”
“Just never encountered a ‘no’ from a woman regardin’ kids is all.”
Instinctively, you began preparing to hear the usual patriarchal bullshit thrown at women who choose a different reproductive path. You prepare the counter arguments in your head, you cross your arms and say,
“Ok, lay it out then, tell me how I’m going to change my mind someday or whatever. Let’s get it over with”
Charlie lets out a confused grunt, he turns to you laughing,
“Sweetheart, I couldn’t give two shits ‘bout you not wantin’ to get knocked up. Only reason I bring it up is ‘cus I heard some foolin’ around in the basement the other day.”
Your eyes widen and you tense up with embarrassment, he laughs again,
“Now don’t get yourself all twisted up ‘bout it, s’about time that boy got some tail.”
Your muscles relax a bit, you couldn’t help but blush at your seemingly private exploration being heard. He continues,
“If you n’ the boy are gettin’ that serious, I feel I need to warn you that he’s got no bullet with the blast”
Your nerves wanted out of this conversation, but your curiosity made you dig for information,
“How would you know something like that?”
“Tommy ain’t our blood, Luda Mae found him in a dumpster behind the meat packin’ shop she worked at back in the day. Was a large thing, that boy, t’was clear the momma didn’t want nothin’ to do with him so she tossed him like trash. He was uglier ‘n hell as a baby, not much different than now.” He laughs. “But he ain’t right, somethin’ in his dang blood made him grow into such a fuckin’ beast, made him stronger than any man I ever knew.”
The road was coming up on the house now, you wanted to know more, so you turned to fully face Charlie and asked,
“Being big and strong doesn’t make someone infertile…”
Charlie smirked as he parked the truck near the wheat field and shut off the engine, he leaned his head at an angle to look at you without turning his body,
“Girly, you remember we told you ‘bout the infection fuckin’ up his face?” You nod,
He continues, “He was in the hospital a few weeks getting’ medicine. If he was a normal kid he woulda died. The doctor told us he had some, uh… dang what’d he say now?” Charlie ran his hand through his hair as he thought, “I dunno what it was, somethin’ ‘bout his blood bein’ shitted up n’ to not expect any grandkids, specially with all the drugs they dun gave him. Luda Mae was real upset; I didn’t give no fucks long as he’d help ‘round the farm, and boy did he get useful.”
He got out of the truck and started walking to the house, you sat there mulling over the information you were given. -If he is infertile… No need for protection I guess- The thought of finally being able to safelyhave raw unprotected sex made you hot with lustful fantasies, sex was hard to fully enjoy when you always had the underlying fear of pregnancy looming over you.
You entered the house and made your way to the kitchen where you saw Luda Mae in a nightgown pouring from a teapot. She turned and saw you, a smile immediately formed on her lips,
“You been away all day dear, did you eat anything?”
You shake your head and walk closer to her, she continues,
“Just as I thought. I saved you some dinner in the fridge there, you can heat it up in the oven which is already preheated for you.”
She sets down the teapot and says,
“Did you get a lot done dear?”
You open the fridge and find a large plate filled with comfort food, you respond,
“Thanks for saving me dinner, you didn’t have to.” She smiles at you, and you continue,
“I got a ton of things done, I’ll be out of your hair once my bed arrives”
Luda Mae’s smile sank, you could tell she didn’t want to hear you were leaving. She saw you looking at her expression and quickly changed it back to a smile, saying,
“Well, that’s good for you dear, but don’t go feelin’ like you have to leave right away now. Take as much time as you need.”
You feel her hand gently placed on your upper back, she gives you some comforting rubs and you tell her,
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be over a lot. It’s just that the orchard needs someone there to care for it, and it’s a big job.”
She nods, understanding the need to get back to normal,
“Alright hun, you eat whatever you like and get some tea from the pot there. I’m headin’ to bed now but if you need anything, just knock on my door.”
You thank her again and she walks up the stairs. You see Charlie come in after her, he went straight for the bread buns in the basket on the counter.
“You headin’ to bed girly?”
You shake your head, he stuffs the bun in his mouth and begins to leave,
“thya ‘omarro” His words were muffled by the food he was chewing, you wished him a good night and listened to him walk up the stairs to his room, his footsteps thudding more quietly with each step.
You put the plate in the oven and let out a big sigh as you sat in the chair, you weren’t tired despite being busy all day. The thoughts of Tommy unloading his orgasms into you were energizing, you sat there feeling the ache between your legs gain intensity. -he must have gone to sleep by now, I better get changed out of these sweaty clothes-
You made your way to the bedroom and threw off your shirt and shorts, you took off your bra and exhaled in relief letting your breasts experience natural gravity again. You picked out a purple oversized T shirt that reached your knees, you felt immediately comfortable and paused before you left the room. -Might be fun to feel a little breeze as I eat dinner, everyone went to bed anyway- you quickly slipped your underwear off and tossed it near your bed, you blushed as you made your way to the kitchen giggling to yourself about the bold idea.
You step back into the kitchen and turn off the oven, you leave the plate in there to soak up the last bits of heat so it doesn’t have any cool pockets to ruin the meal. You turn and open the side door that leads to the porch, your bare feet touching the smooth wood floor. The moon was bright and lit up the land, you looked out at your home up on the hill, it was a barely visible white blob sitting lonely on the hilltop watching over the orchard.
You wondered what this town was like when it was busy, there weren’t many buildings around that you saw when you reached the gas station, but you also never drove up the road past the Hewitt house; as far as you knew, there was just tall grass and an evil man’s hiding hole.
The night air was refreshingly cool, it brushed under your shirt and tickled your naked body which felt invigorating. Back home it was rare if the nights were warm enough to stand outside half dressed, but you also didn’t have a large private porch to lounge in either.
Suddenly, a glow of warm yellow string lights lit up from the roof of the porch illuminating a large man standing in the doorway. It was Tommy, he bent down to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe and closed the door behind him. You were shocked to see him, and were now very aware of the fact that you were completely nude under this shirt, you almost missed the fact that he was shirtless.
You pull down your shirt to ensure it isn’t somehow lifting up and making your lower region visible,
“I thought you were asleep?” you ask
“Heard y’come in, wanted t’check up on ya” he spoke softly.
He moved next to you, putting his massive arms on the railing and leaning forward to look at the land. You felt nervous being so close to him with your secret hiding under the thin fabric of your shirt. -Why am I nervous? I was in a pond with him naked for gods sake!- Despite your previous escapades you still felt giddy at the thought of him discovering your hidden nudity.
You try to divert your nerves with conversation,
“Thanks for teaching me how to defend myself, it feels better knowing I might stand a chance now.”
He nods at you and smiles with his eyes, his dark mask hiding his damaged skin, you noticed his pushed back hair was wet and when he moved closer you could smell the fresh scent of a masculine scented soap, it was intoxicating. You shake your head a little to snap yourself out of it,
“S-so were you going to stay up here a while? I need to get my dinner out of the oven if you want to hang out as I eat.”
You quickly make your way to the kitchen hoping to escape his alluring scent, it was flooding your mind with wicked thoughts about his arms squeezing around you like a python while he fucked you. -god damn, why does he have to smell so good, and look so good, and be so fucking massive and hot!- You argued with your thoughts, you wouldn’t be able to try playing with him while Luda-Mae and Charlie were just one floor away, too risky, but you didn’t want to be obvious by pulling him downstairs.
You were wise to his antics, and you remember when he said “I’m gon’ start messin’ with y’now”he made sure you understood he was going to torture you with desire. He followed you into the kitchen barely being able to pass through the doorframe, you try to ignore him, you were onto him and wanted to see what he would attempt.
“I’ll get that for ya” he reached down into the oven without oven mitts and grabbed the plate without flinching, he sets it down on the table in front of you then reaches to get you a fork.
You touch the plate and it stings with heat,
“How didn’t that burn you?”
He shrugs, “Thick skin I guess”
He takes a seat next to you and hands over the fork, you thank him and begin to eat. He leans back in the chair and relaxes as he watches you, he then asks,
“That house o’ yers is done huh”
You nod, eating hastily not realizing how hungry you were. He continues,
“Y’gon’ move on out then?” His voice was vibrating the plate on the table from the low timbre.
You swallow the large ball of food in your mouth and reply,
“The orchard hasn’t been properly tended to in a while, I have to keep those trees alive and… Tilly made it a clause in her will.”
He crosses his arms and nods, leaning back and looking away,
“Won’t see much of ya ‘round then I s’pose”
You put the fork down and sit back, a serious look on your face, he looks over at you and notices the shift,
“What’s amatter?” he asks.
You look him in the eyes, “I wanted to run something by you actually”
He shifts in his seat and places one arm on his thigh and the other on the table while his torso was turned to face you,
“Y’can ask me whatever y’want”
A tiny smile hits your lips from his words,
“Well, Dover didn’t really teach me about caring for the trees. I figure I can read up on it and do my best to learn everything I can but…” You paused, you clenched the edge of your t-shirt bottom before finding the courage to push out the question, “I want to know if you knew anything about caring for orchards, and maybe, if you did… you could teach me the basics until I can do it myself”
Tommy was quiet, he put his hand to his chin and was deep in thought, you got nervous and added,
“Y-you can say no its ok, I know it’s a big ask since you already do so much around here, I just thought it would be nice to… spend more time together is all.”
He leaned back in the chair, it creaked under his weight,
“I’ll help ya. I dunno a whole lot ‘bout orchards but, I helped Tilly when she needed it, she taught me a thing or two”
You smile, “I’m really glad”
You got up to put the leftovers away, Tommy followed and stood up to open the fridge door from behind you as you placed the food back inside.
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When he shut the fridge door, he kept is arms around you fencing you in. You spun around to look at him, he was towering over you, his steely blue eyes gazed at you through heavy lids. He moved his hand to gently caress your neck and trailed it under your jaw, lifting your face to look in his eyes.
“Y’don’t need no excuse to get me alone” his voice was smooth and enshrouded your mind making you feel a wave of arousal flood your body.
“Oh Yeah?” you speak in a breathy whisper.
He nods slowly, you touch the thick leather of his mask and say,
“What do I need to do to see your handsome face then?”
He hangs his head down and laughs, he lifts his head and brings it close to your face,
“Go ‘head then”
You excitedly remove the mask revealing his gnarled old wound that exposed his teeth through his cheek, the more you got to see his real face the harder you fell for him.
“Still likin’ what y’see?” he asks.
You smile and lift yourself up to his face, you look into his eyes and slowly move in to kiss his lips. He lets out a muffled hum as he kisses you back, you press in harder and lift your hands to cup his face, his stubbles was shaved off to a clean finish. You forgot how wonderful his lips felt, the kiss quickly became heated with passion, both of you began to breathe more hastily.
Tommy put his hands on the sides on your body, slowly moving them downwards until he reached where he wanted to. He wrapped his hands around your thighs and lifted you up onto his chest so your face was the same level as his, you stifled an excited squeal when your body lifted into the air so effortlessly.
He smiled and kept you in his arms while kissing you, you threw your arms around his neck to keep your body leaned forward past his bulky pecs to reach his face. You felt his hands move inwards towards your weepy slit. He was trying to get a more stable grip so you could sit comfortably, but when his fingers discovered no underwear, he stopped kissing you and gave you a devilish grin,
“What we got here?” he spoke through a chuckle
You blushed and bit your lip remaining quiet, unsure of what to say,
He kept tickling your labia with gentle flicks of his fingers, your breathing hastened and you suppressed a moan with your hand over your mouth,
“Bad girl, y’need to go to yer room huh”
You nod, “Put me there”
 He moves his mouth close to yours, but when you lean in for a kiss, he slowly pulls away grinning. He carries you through the porch door, entering sideways and leaning down to avoid hitting his head. He stops when he reaches the double door leading to your room, he turns around and places you on the railing of the porch which is wide enough for you to sit comfortably.
“Why did you set me here?” you ask.
“I aint givin’ in so easily” he grumbles through a smirk
“…do you want me to beg or something?” you laugh.
He gives you a smug look, “Maybe”
“Oh please, I can keep myself under control. No amount of flirting would make me want to be-“
He cuts you off by gripping your hips and pulling your body close to the edge of the railing top so you were flush against his warm torso. You huff defiantly until he presses his erection onto your cunt, your abundant juices coated the fabric of his sweat pants. You let out an unexpected moan and quickly cover your mouth to quiet it.
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Tommy slowly rubs his stiff cock up and down the length of your lips, pressing in when his head met your hole just to tease you. He was grinning watching you hold your hand to your mouth as you hushed your whines. You so badly wanted to feel the skin of his dick move inside you, the cloth barrier was unbearable. He was enjoying the antagonization, his grip on your hips was firm you wouldn’t be able to escape even if you wanted to, he just kept pulling you closer to him until you gave in and said,
“Please, I want it” your words were like a song to him.
“Well, since y’asked nicely” he growled.
He threw you over his shoulder, making you giggle, and entered your room through the porch entrance closing the doors behind him as swiftly as he entered. He gently laid you on the bed gazing down at you while you writhed with arousal, you hesitantly spread your legs and lifted your shirt to reveal your lower half. Tommy got on the bed, it made a creaking groan under his massive weight. He leaned over you and placed one of his hands down between your folds caressing your entrance, you breathed in sharply and spread your legs further to let him have more access.
Tommy ran his fingers over your tender skin, his digits getting slick with wet the more he rubbed. You put your arms around his neck and pulled his face onto yours and kissed him, he moaned into your mouth and slipped his middle finger into your hole,
“Oh fuck” you whispered
His finger was almost as thick as an average man’s penis, and just as long. He slowly moved in and out of you, the calloused skin scratched your walls and bumped your g-spot sending your nerves into overdrive with pleasure, he feels your walls clench down on his finger,
“Y’got such a tiny lil hole” he says gruffly.
“Yeah? Why don’t you fuck it then” you command.
He pulls his finger out and runs his hand up your shirt skimming along your sensitive skin as he moves, he finds your breast and starts massaging the nipple making you moan with the electrical impulses that tickle your nerves.
“Y’want me bad huh” his tone was mocking.
You reply in a breathy tone “Please, fuck me”
Tommy pinches your nipple before he leans back and pulls his massive cock out from under his sweatpants, his erection was so full that he whined as he held it. Seeing his massive length was sending you over the edge with desperation. Tommy lowered himself down so his shaft lay on your clit, his dick was heavy and warm, the feeling of it on your swollen nub was making you feel drunk with desire.
He rubbed his length up and down your wet folds at an agonizingly slow pace, your wetness coating all along his cock making it glisten in the light of the moon. You tried to wrap your legs around his hips to pull him in but he quickly grabbed them with ease and pushed them all the way back so your knees were touching the sides of your chest.
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You were so sexually frustrated with having him tease your greedy hole, you tried to raise your hips to entice him to slip inside but he remained steady.
Tommy saw how badly you wanted him to fuck you, he loved watching how your body beckoned him to enter it. He decided to have mercy on you and pressed his thick head on your hole, allowing you to slowly adjust to the width. He let out heavy sighs as your pussy began to slowly swallow his tip, the soft velvety feel of your lips made him moan deeply. The stretch of his girth sent waves of pleasure through your core and the vibration of his deep voice made it seem like you were mating with a beast.
You managed to slip halfway down his head before he couldn’t take much more and he began to slowly move his tip in and out. He was groaning, trying to control himself but your slicked entrance was beginning to bring out something feral from deep within him, he kept trying to slide more of himself inside but you weren’t opening up fast enough to allow him full entry.
You grab onto his wrists and dig your nails in, he was so wide that your poor little cunt couldn’t adjust fast enough to meet his lulling thrusts. You could feel a sting of pain with each movement as his width increased, the pleasure was overpowering the sting and you didn’t want him to stop. It felt like an impossible task to get even just the rest of his head inside, but you wanted so desperately to be penetrated by him, so you focused on relaxing your muscles to grant him deeper access.
He was quickly losing control over his movements and felt your vaginal walls loosening up, he fought the urge to just aggressively push in deep to get past the last hurdle. He was high on the feeling of your insides, his mind felt light and dreamy, as if his brain was swimming. He kept pressing in further with each forward motion until all of his head was finally inside you, he pulled out further before each hungry thrust to coat himself in more of your dripping sweetness.
“I want the whole thing, give it to me Tommy, I need it” you pleaded.
Tommy needed to get hold of his mind that was beginning to slip away, he had a strong carnal desire to just plow into you but he instead forced himself to remain still. You look up at him wondering why he stopped moving, your vaginal walls still pulsating around his tip from the incredible sensations it brought. He gives you a crooked grin and gently pulls out of you, then stands up off the bed and hastily puts his pants over his erection.
“What! Why?” you asked furiously
He laughs, “That’s payback, my angel”
Tommy walks out of your room and leaves you there a dripping, horny mess; You chuckled to yourself and flopped onto your stomach and yelled into your pillow. You now wanted to get past this cheeky stage and just start fucking like rabbits but you knew he was going to continue this provocatory teasing. It was time to pull out all your tricks and make it so unbearable for him to resist that he will give up messing around and give into his temptations.
Tommy got back into his room in the basement, his mask back on his face where it belonged. He was still fully engorged and now feeling pain from the intense pressure, he needed a release badly, but he also wanted to start practicing control over his desires. He was worried, he felt so close to just letting go and fucking you silly, he wanted to be fully present and aware if your needs when you two finally, properly, lay together.
He flopped on his bed and sighed; he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up for. The next time, he may not be able to pull away so easily.
Special authors note: I wanted to stray from the norm of Thomas constantly being portrayed as having a breeding kink (it can be hot don't get me wrong) because I know there are a lot of women who don't want to read breeding/pregnancy kink for various valid reasons and its fairly hard to find AFAB x Tommy smut where he isn't depicted in such a way. If you were expecting that, I apologize for disappointing you but I try to cater to the people who don't often get catered to because inclusivity is important to me when making adult content. So from here on out, the rest of the chapters in this series will be for the gals who don't want to think of that stuff when reading smut. Thank you for taking the time to read my fic, likes, reblogs, and comments are extremely appreciated.
-Next chapter
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dreammakcr · 9 months ago
( most wanted ships! warning - this is an extensive list )
bellatrix black/tom riddle
george weasley/hermione granger
george weasley/angelina johnson
ginny weasely/draco malfoy
ginny weasley/harry potter
hermione granger/ron weasley
hermione granger/draco malfoy
lily evans/james potter
lily evans/remus lupin
narcissa black/lucius malfoy
neville longbottom/hannah abbot
neville longbottom/luna lovegood
rose weasley/teddy lupin
rose weasley/scorpius malfoy
alice cullen/jasper hale
alice cullen/bella swan
bella swan/edward cullen
carlisle cullen/esme cullen
charlie swan/sue clearwater
emmett cullen/rosalie hale
katrina denali/garrett
tanya denali/edward cullen
winona uley/renesmee cullen
alicent hightower/rhaenyra targaryen
sansa stark/theon greyjoy
myrcella baratheon/robb stark
adam auradon/belle
amelia thermopolis/nicholas devereaux
anastasia romanov/dimitri
ariel triton/eric
charlotte la bouff/tiana
flynn ryder/rapunzel
jasmine shah/aladdin
kim possible/shego
kim possible/ron stopable
tiana maladonia/naveen
azriel/elain archeron
azriel/gwyneth berdara
cassian/nesta archeron
feyre archeron/tamlin
feyre archeron/rhysand
lucien vanserra/elain archeron
blossom sungaze/nyx
tamlin sungaze/elain archeron
anne boleyn/catherine of aragon
anne boleyn/katherine howard
katherine howard/thomas culpeper
elphaba thropp/glinda upland
elphaba thropp/fiyero tigelaar
maureen johnson/joanne jefferson
mimi marquez/roger davis
dean winchester/jo harvelle
mary winchester/john winchester
bruce wayne/selina kyle
clark kent/lois lane
diana prince/bruce wayne
diana prince/steve trevor
harleen quinzel/pamela isley
phoebe halliwell/coop
phoebe halliwell/cole
piper halliwell/leo wyatt
mamoru chiba/usagi tsukino
amy santiago/jake peralta
bo dennis/dyson thornwood 
bo dennis/lauren lewis
david nolan/mary margaret blanchard
hale santiago/kenzi malikov
olivia benson/elliot stabler
regina mills/robin hood
veronica mars/logan echolls
elizabeth bennett/mr. darcy
elle woods/emmett forest
elle woods/vivian kensington
ian o'shea/wanderer
alessandra stathos/kallias
cardan greenbriar/jude duarte
elizabeth comstock/booker dewitt
karlach cliffgate/wyll ravengard
lou le blanc/reid diggory
wrath/emilia di carlo
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handeaux · 7 months ago
For Cincinnati’s Dandelion Hunters, Harvesting Weeds Was Often An Adventure
It was the spring of 1913. Cincinnati Police got word a craps game was operating in the shadow of the Fairview Incline. The gamblers picked a good location, with clear views all around. They could spot any police interference with plenty of time to conceal all the evidence. The cops determined that subterfuge was necessary to put a lid on this game.
It is likely Police Lieutenant Thomas M. Hall came up with the gambit, or maybe it was Officer William B. Meyer or Office John H. Rabe Jr., the two patrolmen who assisted him, but the strategy proved flawless. The three policemen disguised themselves as dandelion hunters. The gamblers paid no attention to three men in mufti filling baskets with spring greens. They were caught red-handed and flat-footed and all five of them ended up in the hoosegow.
Dandelion hunters? Who would have thought? Today, there would hardly be any cover story more suspect. Who goes out hunting for dandelions these days? A hundred years ago, dandelion hunting was a very big thing and dandelion hunters figured into some of the biggest mysteries in Cincinnati.
In November 1904, the body of 18-year-old Alma Steinigeweg was found, brutally murdered, in the field between the foot of Winton Road and the Mill Creek. An investigation dragged on for years, but no one was ever charged with the crime. For months, investigators didn’t even have a murder weapon. Then, in April of 1905, Joseph Raison of Madisonville took a break from his job at a lumberyard on Spring Grove Avenue to pick some dandelions for dinner. He found a splintered pickaxe handle with hair matted on one end just 150 feet from where the victim’s body had been found. It matched the victim’s wounds.
Then there was the case of Edmund Grossmann of Cumminsville. He was a grocer and butcher who one day walked out of his house and never returned. Grossmann’s family scoured the area for a week with no luck. And then, according to the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune [26 February 1906]:
“Saturday, while picking dandelions on the side of Roll Hill, with her two children, Mrs. Maggie Markle, 3631 Borden Street, noticed the prostrate form of a man lying in the bushes close by. She thought it was that of a sleeping man and avoided the neighborhood.”
Returning home, Mrs. Markle described the incident to a neighbor, John Pherson, who walked over to Roll Hill expecting to chase away a tramp. He found Grossmann’s body. The grocer had strangled himself with a handkerchief and his own suspenders.
Vernon Presley, of 1504 Elm Street, found a much less macabre bit of criminal evidence when he and his wife parked their car along the Mary Ingles Highway in Daytona, Kentucky. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer [13 April 1955]:
“A dandelion hunter was $100 richer yesterday because, instead of finding dandelions, he uncovered a box containing stocks and bonds valued at $62,000.”
The box was part of the loot carried off from the home of William Peebles of Silverton, who had been robbed a week earlier while the family was out of town. Peebles gave Presley $100 for his acuity.
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And then there was Viola Nolan of 1578 Baymiller Street, who told the Cincinnati Post [28 September 1923]:
“While picking dandelions on Price Hill, I cut one flower and found a plain gold ring on the stalk. The stalk had grown thru the ring which had been dropped.”
But dandelion hunting had its hazards as well as its rewards. In 1907 a good-sized hog escaped from the pens of farmer Henry Brink in Hartwell. The porcine fugitive established itself in Pfau’s Woods near the city infirmary (now known as Drake Hospital) and chased away children who came to the woods to hunt dandelions. The men of the neighborhood organized a posse to capture the beast. In another case, the Enquirer [14 April 1917] reported:
“Mrs. Mary Hurst, 55 years old, Rossmoyne, Ohio, was killed yesterday by a south-bound Dayton Express on the C. L. and N. Railway near her home. Coroner Bauer was informed Mrs. Hunt was picking dandelions at the side of the tracks and she was drawn under the train by suction.”
And some folks just didn’t cotton to random trespassers picking dandelions on their property. In 1909, George Wasser sued George Weyman in Campbell County Court because, while Wasser was picking dandelions on Weyman’s farm, Weyman shot him twice – in his hip and in a foot – permanently crippling him. Similarly, Denato Mariaus of California, Ohio, sued Jack Weiner for shooting at him while he hunted dandelions on Weiner’s property near Coney Island.
In the 1920s, with Prohibition settling like a wet blanket on the land, dandelions surged in popularity because of the ease with which they could be induced to create a sort of wine. The Cincinnati Post [18 July 1923] opined that dandelion wine had replaced beer as Cincinnati’s iconic beverage:
“Some Cincinnatians suggest adoption of the dandelion as the city’s official flower. How the mighty hops have fallen! Moreover, homemade dandelion wine isn’t bad, at all.”
So popular was this concoction, that the Enquirer [24 April 1930] facetiously investigated a mystery:
“We see a lot of people picking the dandelion blossoms without trying to dig the plants themselves out of the lawn. What can it mean d’ya suppose?”
Interestingly, the Volstead Act that created Prohibition allowed for modest production of grape or fruit wine at home. Since dandelions were not fruit, dandelion wine was strictly prohibited. Dandelion wine was so easy to make, Cincinnati revenuers generally ignored the law and looked the other way during the springtime harvest. If you want to try dandelion wine yourself, here is a recipe from the Cincinnati Post [7 April 1913]:
“To 4 quarts flowers, take 4 quarts boiling water, cover well with water, let stand 3 days. Add peel of 3 oranges and 1 lemon, boil for 15 minutes, drain and add juice of oranges and lemons to 4 pounds of sugar and one cupful of yeast. Keep in a warm room, strain again. Let stand for 3 weeks, then bottle and serve.”
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theinternetisaweboflies · 2 months ago
Chapter Twelve: Cancelling the Apocalypse
The Pan Pacific Defense Corps had two primary branches: military and administrative. The military branch was overseen by the Marshal, and the administrative branch was overseen by the Secretary General. Both ultimately answered to the United Nations. 
K-Science was technically military, loath as Newton was to admit it.
So was the Security Office, although many officers were assigned to administrative buildings, and they could also be reassigned to individual security detail in the event of a threat, etc. Two security officers had accompanied the Secretary General on his visit to the Hong Kong Shatterdome, which housed approximately two dozen officers of its own. 
At least half of them seemed to be in the apothecary at Fong and Tull, and about half of them were milling about Hannibal Chau’s old office, examining loose papers and pulling books off shelves. 
The Secretary General stood in the  middle of them all, contributing in what Hermann could only assume was a supervisory capacity. 
He was, as always, flanked by his two expressionless security officers. The voice in Hermann's head that sounded an awful lot like Newton had immediately dubbed them Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber. 
The Secretary General frowned when they entered. “What are you doing here?”
“Dr. Geiszler is one of my men,” said Marshal Hansen, “and so are these security officers. One of them informed me of this operation. I’m wondering why you didn’t.”
“Calm down, Marshal,” said the Secretary General. “We all want to bring Dr. Geizer back safe and sound.”
Hermann tuned them out easily enough after years of practice with Newton. The conversation between the Marshal and Secretary was only of secondary importance. 
He had a book to find. 
Of course, he still vaguely registered the argument taking place in his periphery, just as he never did tune Newton out entirely. 
“I’m also wondering why you believe Dr. Geiszler would be here,” said Marshal Hansen. “Were you bugging my LOCCENT?”
“Don't be ridiculous,” said the Secretary General. “Besides, it's clear enough that Dr. Geizer isn't here. The anonymous tip we received must have been wrong. Which security officer told you about this operation, by the way?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant, Mr. Secretary,” said the Marshal, “and you still haven’t answered my first question: Why didn't you?"
Found it.
The Red Dragon by Thomas Harris.
Hermann pulled it from the shelf. It was made entirely of wood, apart from the leather binding, and attached to a wire by a small eyelet screwed into the false fore-edge. The wire activated the hidden latch, and a portion of the bookshelf swung open to reveal a hidden passage.
“How did you do that?” asked the Secretary General.
Hermann ignored him and started down the passage.
There was a blast door at the end, but it was left unlatched, and Hermann swung it wide without waiting for assistance from the security officers following close behind him. 
He entered a room roughly the size of the K-Science lab, its lights bright after the dimly lit corridor. 
Hermann scanned its occupants. Most wore the red robes of the Buenakai, but some were dressed in blue scrubs and appeared to be, if not medical professionals, then at least amateurs.
Newton was zip tied to a folding chair. 
A man in red robes was standing behind him, holding onto the back of the chair so it wouldn’t tip over with the force of Newton’s convulsions. 
He raised his hands when security officers followed Hermann into the bunker with their weapons drawn, and the chair fell to the floor, Newton still in it, still seizing.  
Once again, Hermann lowered himself to the ground and held onto Newton until he stopped shaking. 
As soon as he had pulled off the squid cap and tossed it as far across the bunker as possible, Hermann pressed his fingers to Newton's carotid artery, but they were trembling too hard for an accurate pulse. 
Newton’s eyes remained unfocused, even if they appeared to be fixed on him.
Hermann didn’t know how much time passed before paramedics arrived. They released Newton from the chair and secured him to a backboard instead. His shirt had been removed, and electrodes were attached to his chest, covering the tattoo of Belobog that Hermann had only seen once before, during a rather rushed decontamination shower. 
Once the paramedics had removed the electrodes from Newton’s chest, Hermann draped his parka across it, making sure to leave Newton’s hands clear for treatment. One of his fingers hung at the wrong angle, and his wrists were bleeding from the restraints. His socks were bloodstained as well, although they had probably provided some protection for his ankles. They had little Godzillas on them. 
On an impulse Hermann felt incapable of countering, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Newton’s.
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lover-also-fighter-also · 8 months ago
Hi everyone,
I figured instead of cluttering my intro page with the links for my MC profiles, I would make a separate post for it, along with the status of my choices playthroughs, and whether or not I will be making MC profiles for them. (inspired by @cadybear420 's MC masterlist).
Note: The ones I marked TBD it's still to be determined.
Completed with full profiles:
The Elementalists: Anitha Russell
Birthday: December 26, 1999
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual (with a higher preference to guys)
LI: Griffin Langley
High School Story (Original Trilogy) : Ria Monero
Birthday: 7th September, 2000
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Maria Flores
High School Story (Original Trilogy): Jeremy Rin
Birthday: 21st December, 2000
Gender: Cis-Man (he/him)
Sexuality: TBD (thinking bi-curious)
LI: Emma Hawkins
High School Story (Class Act) : Mila Delgado
Birthday: 15th April, 2002
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: Skye Crandall
Open Heart: Harshith Sharma
Birthday: 20th March, 1994
Gender: Cis-Man (He/Him)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: Aurora Emery
Veil of Secrets: Tanya Sharma
Birthday: 17th May, 1997
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Demisexual (with only preference to men)
LI: Flynn O'Malley
Completed with In-progress Profiles:
Blades of Light and Shadow: Halor (Last Name TBD)
Birthday: TBD
Species: Elf (the blue sprite)
Gender: Cis-Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Multisexual
LI: TBD (Im planning to pair him with Tyril, but also want to go for the Valax Route)
Bloodbound: Lexi Wong
Birthday: April 20th, 1996
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
LI: TBD (Im thinking to pair her up with Jax, but Lily is also great!)
Crimes of Passion: Lauren Rose
Birthday: June 10th, 1995
Gender: TBD
Sexuality: TBD
LI: Trystan Thorne
Desire & Decorum: Jenny Mills
Birthday: November 2nd, 1795
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Annabelle Parsons
Endless Summer: Alicia (no last name)
Birthday: 1st January, 1996 (but realistically undetermined- You know why)
Gender: TBD
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: TBD (all of them are good!)
The Freshman Series: Audrey Jones
Birthday: 5th May, 1996
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
LI: TBD (I have played the James route once and I really liked it, so mostly Im thinking to stick to it)
The Heist: Monaco: Ari (no last name)
Birthday: July 10th, 1993
Gender: GNC Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Polysexual
LI: TBD (Im leaning more towards Eris or Sonia)
Hero: Lucas Sanders
Birthday: 2nd January, 1996 (well, it may not be the real birth date, but that was the day his adoptive mom found him so it became his birthday)
Gender: Cis-Man (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
LI: TBD (Still conflicted between Grayson and Kenji)
Hot Couture: Janice Moore
Birthday: 7th February, 1994
Gender: Trans-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: wlw
LI: Luz Estrada
Immortal Desires: Megan Reese
Birthday: 12th August, 2005
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: Gabriela Adalhard & Cassius Harlow
It Lives in the Woods: Jenna Salem
Birthday: 18th October, 2000
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Ava Cunningham
It Lives Beneath: Melissa Vance
Birthday: 21st November, 1998
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
LI: Tom Soto
It Lives Within: Prem Rathore
Birthday: 30th August, 1998
Gender: Cis-Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Demiromantic and Demisexual
LI: Amalia de Leon
Laws of Attraction: Dylan Parker
Birthday: 18th December, 1990
Gender: Trans-Man (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
LI: Aslinn Tanaka
Mother of the Year: Andrea Kim
Birthday: 22nd January, 1981
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
LI: Thomas Mendez
Murder at Homecoming: Valentine Daniel Stone
Birthday: 15th September, 2004
Gender: Cis-Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay
LI: Tyler Woods
Nightbound: Kate Williams
Birthday: 20th September, 1993
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
LI: Vera Reimonenq
With Every Heartbeat: Willow Woods
Birthday: 2nd March, 2000
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Dakota Winchester (female hispanic sprite)
Replay for an MC profile:
Across The Void
America's Most Eligible
The Crown & The Flame
A courtesan of Rome
The Cursed Heart (bk 2)
Distant Shores
Foreign Affairs
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Passport to Romance
The Royal Romance + The Royal Heir + The Royal Finale
The Unexpected Heiress
Wake the Dead
Haven't Played yet (But may create MC profile):
Baby Bump
Bachelorette Party
Big Sky Country
The Deadliest game
Dirty Little Secrets
Getaway Girls
Most Wanted
Perfect Match
The Phantom Agent
Queen B (bk 2)
Red Carpet Diaries
Ride or Die
The Royal Masquerade
Haven't Played yet/Jury Still out for MC profile:
Along Came Treble
A Very Scandalous Proposal
The Billionaire's Baby
The Duchess Affair
Filthy Rich
First Comes Love
Hearts on Fire
Home for the Holidays
Hot Shot
Kiss of Death
Make That Date!
Ms. Match
My Two First Loves
The Nanny Affair
The Princess Swap
The Promise of Forever
Rising Tides
Roommates With Benefit
Rivals with Benefits
Save the Date
Ship of Dreams
Slow Burn
Untamable + Unbridled
Wishful thinking
Wolf Bride
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months ago
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Footnotes, part 1
[1] Barbon, Nicholas, “A Discourse on Trade,” 1690, Section: “Of the Value and Price of Wares.”
[2] Hale, Matthew, “A Discourse Touching Provision for the Poor,” 1683. Chapter 3.
[3] Barbon, Nicholas, “A Discourse on Trade,” 1690, Section: “Of the Use and Benefit of Trade.”
[4] Petty, William, “Political Arithmetick,” 1690, chapter 1.
[5] Petty, William, “Political Arithmetick,” 1690, chapter 1.
[6] Petty, William, “Political Arithmetick,” 1690, chapter 1.
[7] Petty, William, “Political Arithmetick,” 1690, chapter 1.
[8] Hume, David, “Of Commerce,” Date Unknown.
[9] Paine, Thomas, “Agrarian Justice,” Date Unknown.
[10] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 4.
[11] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 5.
[12] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 10.
[13] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 10.
[14] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 16.
[15] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 19.
[16] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 20.
[17] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” 1767, chapter 3.
[18] Malthus, Thomas, “The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn,” 1815.
[19] Malthus, Thomas, “The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn,” 1815.
[20] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 2
[21] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 3
[22] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 7
[23] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 7
[24] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 2
[25] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 4
[26] Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de, “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 4
[27] Hodgskin, Thomas, “Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital,” 1825.
[28] Hodgskin, Thomas, “Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital,” 1825.
[29] Hodgskin, Thomas, “Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital,” 1825.
[30] Hodgskin, Thomas, “Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital,” 1825.
[31] Senior, Nassau, “Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages,” 1830, lecture 3.
[32] Senior, Nassau, “Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages,” 1830, lecture 3.
[33] Marx, Karl, “Wage Labour and Capital,” 1847, chapter 5.
[34] Marx, Karl, “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” 1848, section: Bourgeois and Proletarians.
[35] Engels, Friedrich, “The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man,” May-June 1876.
[36] Veblen, Thorstein, “The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor,” American Journal of Sociology, volume 4 (1898–99).
[37] McDowell, John, “The Life of a Coal Miner,” 1902.
[38] Lloyd, Henry Demarest, “Lords of Industry,” 1910, chapter 9.
[39] Giblin, L.F., “Australia, 1930,” 1930.
[40] Food mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 311.
[41] Beverage & tobacco product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 312.
[42] Textile mills. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 313.
[43] Textile product mills. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 314.
[44] Apparel mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 315.
[45] Leather & allied product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 316.
[46] Wood product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 321.
[47] Paper mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 322.
[48] Printing & related support activities. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 323.
[49] Petroleum & coal products mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 324.
[50] Chemical mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 325.
[51] Plastics & rubber products mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 326.
[52] Nonmetallic mineral product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 327.
[53] Primary metal mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 331.
[54] Fabricated metal product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 332.
[55] Machinery mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 333.
[56] Computer & electronic product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 334.
[57] Electrical equip, appliance & component mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 335.
[58] Transportation equipment mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 336.
[59] Furniture & related product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 337.
[60] Miscellaneous mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 339.
[61] Based on the information of all major manufacturing industries. Food mfg (NAICS 311), Beverage & tobacco product mfg (NAICS 312), Textile mills (NAICS 313), Textile product mills (NAICS 314), Apparel mfg (NAICS 315), Leather & allied product mfg (NAICS 316), Wood product mfg (NAICS 321), Paper mfg (NAICS 322), Printing & related support activities (NAICS 323), Petroleum & coal products mfg (NAICS 324), Chemical mfg (NAICS 325), Plastics & rubber products mfg (NAICS 326), Nonmetallic mineral product mfg (NAICS 327), Primary metal mfg (NAICS 331), Fabricated metal product mfg (NAICS 332), Machinery mfg (NAICS 333), Computer & electronic product mfg (NAICS 334), Electrical equip, appliance & component mfg (NAICS 335), Transportation equipment mfg (NAICS 336), Furniture & related product mfg (NAICS 337), Miscellaneous mfg (NAICS 339). U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration.
[62] Computer & electronic product mfg. U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration. NAICS 334.
[63] Gervaise, Isaac, “The System or Theory of the Trade of the World,” 1720. London, Printed by H. Woodfall; and Sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXX, (Price Sixpence). Section: Of Gold and Silver, or Real Denominator.
[64] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 1.
[65] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 4.
[66] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 11.
[67] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 18.
[68] Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L., “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 2.
[69] Leslie, T. E. Cliffe, “The Love of Money,” published in November, 1862, in a periodical which has ceased to exist.
[70] Jevons, William Stanley, “Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy,” published by The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, London, XXIX (June 1866), pp. 282–87. Section F of the British Association, 1862.
[71] Chicago Daily Tribune, “Protest of Labor: Mass Meeting Held to Denounce the Sweat Shops,” Chicago Daily Tribune, 19 February 1893, pages 1–2.
[72] Stevenson, Robert Alston, “The Poor in Summer,” Scribner’s Magazine, XXX, (September 1901): 259–277.
[73] Schumpeter, Joseph, “On the Concept of Social Value,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, volume 23, 1908–9. Pp. 213–232. Section I.
[74] Lloyd, Henry Demarest, “Lords of Industry,” 1910, chapter 2.
[75] Knight, Frank H., “Ethics and the Economic Interpretation,” originally published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics 36 (May 1922): 454–81; reprinted in The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1935), 19–40.
[76] Knight, Frank H., “Ethics and the Economic Interpretation,” originally published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics 36 (May 1922): 454–81; reprinted in The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1935), 19–40.
[77] Knight, Frank H., “Ethics and the Economic Interpretation,” originally published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics 36 (May 1922): 454–81; reprinted in The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1935), 19–40.
[78] North, Dudley, “Discourses Upon Trade; Principally Directed to the Cases of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money,” London: Printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleet Street, 1691. Section: A Discourse Concerning Abatement of Interest, part III.
[79] North, Dudley, “Discourses Upon Trade; Principally Directed to the Cases of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money,” London: Printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleet Street, 1691. Section: A Discourse of Coyned Money.
[80] Beccaria Bonesaria, Marqui Caesar, “A Discourse on Public Economy and Commerce,” Date Unknown.
[81] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, preface.
[82] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 7.
[83] Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L., “Political Economy,” 1815, chapter 2.
[84] Jevons, William Stanley, “Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy,” published by The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, London, XXIX (June 1866), pp. 282–87. Section F of the British Association, 1862.
[85] Jevons, William Stanley, “Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy,” published by The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, London, XXIX (June 1866), pp. 282–87. Section F of the British Association, 1862.
[86] Morgan, T. J., “Report by Mrs. T. J. Morgan,” Report of the Committee on Manufactures on the Sweating System (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1893), page 92.
[87] Veblen, Thorstein, “The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor,” American Journal of Sociology, volume 4 (1898–99).
[88] Veblen, Thorstein, “The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor,” American Journal of Sociology, volume 4 (1898–99).
[89] Veblen, Thorstein, “The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor,” American Journal of Sociology, volume 4 (1898–99).
[90] Schumpeter, Joseph, “On the Concept of Social Value,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, volume 23, 1908–9. Pp. 213–232, section I.
[91] Knight, Frank H., “Ethics and the Economic Interpretation,” originally published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics 36 (May 1922): 454–81; reprinted in The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1935), 19–40.
[92] Smith, Adam, “Wealth of Nations,” book 1, chapter 2.
[93] North, Dudley, “Discourses Upon Trade; Principally Directed to the Cases of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money,” London: Printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleet Street, 1691. Section: A Discourse Concerning Abatement of Interest, part III.
[94] North, Dudley, “Discourses Upon Trade; Principally Directed to the Cases of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money,” London: Printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleet Street, 1691. Section: A Discourse Concerning Abatement of Interest, part III.
[95] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 12.
[96] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 20.
[97] Steuart, James, “An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,” London: Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1767. Book 1, chapter 10.
[98] Marx, Karl, “Wage Labour and Capital,” delivered December 1847, published in an 1891 pamphlet that was edited and translated by Frederick Engels, first published (in German) in Neue Rheinische Zeitung, April 5–8 and 11, 1849. Chapter 3.
[99] Kelley, Florence, “The Sweating System of Chicago,” Bureau of Statistics of Labor of Illinois [Florence Kelley], part II in Seventh Biennial Report 1892 (Springfield, Ill.: H.K. Rokker, 1893), pp. 378–379, 396.
[100] Gould, E. R. L., “The Housing Problem in Great Cities,” Quarterly Review of Economics 14 (1899–1900), 378–393.
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montecristohq · 5 months ago
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐏 — 𝙪𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨.
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monte cristo is a ghost town northwest of monte cristo peak in washington . the town was active as a mining area for gold & silver from 1889 to 1907 , and later became a resort town that operated until 1983 . following disastrous flooding of the road in december 1980 , and the decision not to make bridge or road repairs , the lodge closed for good . it burned under suspicious circumstances in march 1983 . people who hike to the monte cristo ghost town have reported voices yelling into the void , the sound of chopping wood , footsteps inside the cabins , the sound of hoarse laughter from the center of camp , and even apparitions that seem to shapeshift amongst the trees .
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ebbing off from a majestic waterfall, the fish ladder runs along the edge of the river. the incredible power of these falls have generated over the years, & the spring that flows through this narrow section of river is thunderous. however, the falls gradually become a turbulent stretch of thrashing whitewater. if you visit at lower flows you'll see the evidence of this power in the riverbed's smooth and sculpted granite. incredibly, a 240-foot tunnel was blasted out of the granite to allow the fish to access the fish ladder. built in 1954, they constructed what was at the time the world's longest vertical baffled fish ladder to provide salmon with an opportunity to reach the 30 miles of river above the falls.
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the everett and monte cristo railway was built to transport gold & silver ores from mines in the central cascade mountains to a smelter in everett, washington. the first train reached what became the town of monte cristo in august 1893. however, the mining boom ended in 1903 as the failure of the railway to maintain service to monte cristo in the face of floods, landslides, winter snows, fires, and other disasters led to collapse of the industry. the railroad found a second set of customers among the timber companies. the everett and monte cristo tracks gave access to large areas of virgin forest, so the railroad was used to move raw logs down to existing mills. as the railway pushed further into the woods, new sawmills and roof shingle mills were established, and finished lumber and shingles were also shipped out by train. tourism was a part of the business from the beginning of the railroad. the mountain scenery was then and still is an attraction. a resort hotel, the inn at big four, was opened in 1921 along the rail line for guests who wanted more than a day trip to the mountains.
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maybe of the cabins are locked up, but old tools belonging to workers of the original township are still scattered about. these small buildings are less than half a mile from the main town & were mostly used as workshops and storehouses. *this will be the base camp. room assignments are as follows : kody + isla. reeve + kingston. milo + thomas. eliza + camille. muses are welcome to re-assign rooms or move thorugh in-character interactions.
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the town survived as a tourist destination for several decades after its initial decline, but the county road was flooded out in december 1980, and the only remaining business in town, a lodge, burned down in 1983. that same year, a nonprofit group called monte cristo preservation association stepped in to save and restore the historical site ( cleanup of arsenic and other toxins left behind began in september 2012 and was mostly completed in 2015 ). notable buildings: the inn, the general store, the saloon.
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there are eight known mines surrounding the area of monte cristo : mystery, new discovery, pride of the mountains, pride of the woods, golden cord, comet, justice, and rainy mines.  some mining tunnels are dilapidated and unstable, making the traversing of them a daunting task.
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blindingdreams · 6 months ago
@paradislone — Azer @Rdstkn — Panda Agostina Goñi — Smile Alex Hogh Andersen — Hygge Anouchka Gauthier — Oasis Bae Joo Hyun (Irene) — unfair Barbara Palvin — nugget Ben Barnes — Cassandra Bertug Altan — Catnip Brock O’Hurn — Jeffords Brookelle McKenzie — Freya Byeon Woo-Seok — Stranger Camila Morrone — Brat Charly Jordan — Cucutras Chis Wood — Cop Choi Soo Bin — unfair Christian Hogue — Shadow Cindy Kimberly — Piña Daisy Keech — Chloe Danny Griffin — Sky Emily Rudd — Folklore Emilia Clarke — Mariquita Emilia Mernes — Malaperocutie Enzo Vogrincic — Hygge Ergi Bardhollari — Isis Fabien Tietjen — Chains Hansol Vernon Chwe — Joshi Hán Zhèn (Hanjin) — unfair Henry Cavill — Firestorm Hunter Warr — Deutsch Isabelle Mathers — Mamushi Jade Distinguinn — Cuscurella Jeon Jung Kook — Belcro Jenna Ortega — Larry La Langosta Joelle Marie Jaracz — Samba Joshua Paine — Blackraven Julie Tuzet — Farfalla Kaden Hammond — World Ken Bek — Wiccan Kennedy Walsh — Artemisa Kim Jennie — Sugar Kim Taeyeon — Halloween Lee Felix — Solar Lee Hee Seung (ENHYPEN) — AS Leonardo Brum — August Lily Rowland — Capri Liza Weidemann — Tedesca Lorena Rae — Júpiter Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen — Alfur Madison Beer — Pandora Margot Robbie — Mills Mara Lafontan — Rouge Marissa Long — Mykonos Matilda Björk — Peace Matthew Noszka — Royal Mauro Lombardo — Orion Melisa Barrera — Cassandra Michael Yerger — Pizza Michele Morrone — Crown Moritz Hau — Chocolate Nicki Nicole — lune Park Bo Gum — Estrellita Pietro Checchi — blues Robbie Amell — Code8 Ronen Rubestein — demonroler Scarlett Leithold — Hurricane Shawn Mendes — Western Shin Junghwan (Shinyu) — Halloween Simi Khadra — Wybie Simone Baldasseroni — blues Song Kang — acero Stefan Petrov — Artz Sung Han Bin — Noodles Taylor Swift — Cassandra Thomas Alexander — Ehthawn Tim Kai — Skål Tim Schaeker — Casio Timothee Chalamet — Dipper Pines Tobias Reuter — Duque Travis Fimmel — Pepe123 Victoria De Angelis — Fleetwood Vika Bronova — Medusa Vladislav Vorontsov — Nyktos Vinnie Hacker — parasite Williwhey — simio Zane Phillips — Key
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theveriest · 1 year ago
A couple of weeks ago I asked about people’s favorite book or books they read this year. Between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and discord, I have a list of 123 books in no particular order that my friends and family loved this year. If it was a series then I listed the first book. Each star is an additional recommendation. I haven’t read all of these, they may or may not reflect my personal opinions, though my favorite books are on the list too. The most recommended books were How Far The Light Reaches by Sabrina Imbler, one or all of the Murderbot books by Martha Wells, and Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki, because if there’s one thing my friends have in common across platforms, it’s that you’re all nerds (affectionate). Enjoy, and I hope you find your new favorite book!
Reformatory by Tananarive Due
Not My Father’s Son by Alan Cumming
Jesus and John Wayne by Kristen Kobes de Mez
The Soul Of An Octopus by Sy Montgomery
Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder
The Going To Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
My Hijacking by Martha Hodes
Longhand by Andy Hamilton
Babel by RF Kuang*
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff*
Lies We Sing To The Sea by Sarah Underwood
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone
I Lost My Tooth! by Mo Willems
The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho
How Far The Light Reaches by Sabrina Imbler**
Radiant Fugitives by Nawaaz Ahmed
Solito: A Memoir by Javier Zamora
The Making of Another Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks
These Precious Days by Ann Patchett*
I’m Stuck by Julia Mills
Entangled Life by Martin Sheldrake
Iris by Eden Finley
Hot Vampire Next Door by Nikki St. Crowe
Devil of Dublin by BB Easton
Tied by Carian Cole
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld*
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
From Blood And Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Where I End by Sophie White
Wool by Hugh Howey
The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E. Harrow
Yellowface by RF Kuang
Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas
North Woods by Daniel Mason
After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin*
The Fragile Threads of Power by VE Schwab
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison
Call Your Daughter Home by Deb Spera
The English Understand Wool by Helen Dewitt
Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning by The Gardeners & Farmers of Terre Vivante
How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water by Angie Cruz
Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
Love In The Time of Serial Killers by Alicia Thompson
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa*
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Welcome to Night Vale by Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
The Last Mapmaker by Christina Soontornvat
Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman
Gideon The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Prophet by Sin Blache and Helen MacDonald*
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki**
System Collapse by Martha Wells***
The Brutish Museums by Dan Hicks
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine*
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine
A Psalm For The Wild Built by Becky Chambers*
Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke
The Lazarus Heist by Geoff White
The September House by Carissa Orlando*
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Mistletoe and Mishigas by MA Wardell
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
The Last Smile In Sunder City by Luke Arnold
The Hidden Case of Ewan Forbes by Zoe Playden
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Manywhere by Morgan Thomas
Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen E. Kirby
Loot by Tania James
The Art Thief by Michael Finkel
Grave Expectations by Alice Bell
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
Kiss Her Once For Me by Alison Cochrun
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
All Systems Read by Martha Wells
The Once and Future Sex by Eleanor Janega
Mort by Terry Pratchett
Into The Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner*
The Door by Magda Szabo
Fluids by May Leitz
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Lieut. John Irving, R.N. of H.M.S. "Terror" in Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic regions a memorial sketch with letters
In Five Years by Rebecca Serle
Raven the Pirate Princess by Jeremy Whitley
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune
The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Slewfoot by Brom
The Secret Life of Groceries by Benjamin Lorr
500 Miles From You by Jenny Colgan
O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker
The Hand That First Held Mine by Maggie O’Farrell
The Secret Lives of Country Gentleman by KJ Charles
A Line In The World by Dorthe Nors
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Glitter and Concrete by Elyssa Maxx Goodman
The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
The Tragic Menagerie by Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal (translated by Jane Costlow)
The 100 Years Of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin
Beartown by Fredrik Backman
I Have Some Questions For You by Rebecca Makkai
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
Twisted Love by Ana Huang
Precise Oaths by Paige E. Ewing
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots
A Dead Djinn In Cairo by P. Djeli Clark
7 notes · View notes
goalhofer · 8 months ago
2024 olympics Australia roster
Peter Boukouvalas (Georges Hall)
Laura Paeglis (Melbourne)
Josh Azzopardi (Camden)
Reece Holder (Gold Coast)
Jacob Despard (Hobart)
Cameron McEntyre (Sydney)
Rohan Browning (Sydney)
Calab Law (Cherbourg)
Nagmeldin Bol (Toowoomba)
Joseph Deng (Ipswich)
Peyton Craig (Boyne Island)
Stewie McSweyn (King Island)
Olli Hoare (Sydney)
Adam Spencer (Melbourne)
Morgan McDonald (Sydney)
Tayleb Willis (Melbourne)
Ben Buckingham (Myrtleford)
Matthew Clarke (Melbourne)
Lachlan Kennedy (Townsville)
Sebastian Sultana (Schofields)
Liam Adams (Melbourne)
Brett Robinson (Canberra)
Patrick Tiernan (Toowoomba)
Kyle Swan (Kantirna)
Rhydian Cowley (Melbourne)
Declan Tingay (Perth)
Joel Baden (Geelong)
Yual Reath (Ballarat)
Brandon Starc (Lidcombe)
Kurtis Marschall (Adelaide)
Chris Mitrevski (Melbourne)
Liam Adcock (Sydney)
Connor Murphy (Randwick)
Matthew Denny (Allora)
Daniel Golubovic (Manhattan Beach, California)
Ashley Moloney (Logan)
Kristie Edwards (Brisbane)
Aleksandra Stoilova (Sydney)
Olivia Sandery (Adelaide)
Ella Kennedy (Burpengary)
Bree Masters (Hurstville)
Torrie Lewis (Brisbane)
Mia Gross (Melbourne)
Ellie Beer (Gold Coast)
Claudia Hollingsworth (Mentone)
Abbey Caldwell (Warrandyte)
Catriona Bisset (Melbourne)
Jessica Jolliffe (Shellharbour)
Georgia Griffith (Canberra)
Linden Hall (Melbourne)
Rose Davies (Newcastle)
Isobel Batt-Doyle (Adelaide)
Lauren Ryan (Melbourne)
Shelly Jenneke (Kenthurst)
Liz Clay (Sydney)
Celeste Mucci (Melbourne)
Sarah Carli (Wollongong)
Alanah Yukich (Gingin)
Amy Cashin (Melbourne)
Cara Feain-Ryan (Brisbane)
Ebony Lane (Echuca)
Genevieve LaCaze-Gregson (Gold Coast)
Sinead Diver (Melbourne)
Jessica Stenson (Naracoorte)
Jemima Montag (Melbourne)
Rebecca Henderson (Dandenong)
Nicola Olyslagers (North Gosford)
Eleanor Patterson (Leongatha)
Nina Kennedy (Perth)
Brooke Buschkuel (Melbourne)
Taryn Gollshewsky (Bundaberg)
Stephanie Ratcliffe (Melbourne)
Mackenzie Little (Sydney)
Kelsey-Lee Barber (Canberra)
Kathryn Mitchell (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Camryn Newton-Smith (Logan)
Tori West (Townsville)
Angela Yu (Brisbane)
Tiffany Ho (Sydney)
Setyana Mapasa (Sydney)
Dyson Daniels (Bendigo)
Josh Giddey (Canberra)
Patrick Mills (Canberra)
Josh Green (Sydney)
Joe Ingles (Canberra)
Matthew Dellavedova (Canberra)
Danté Exum (Canberra)
Jock Landale (Geelong)
Nick Kay (Tamworth)
Jack McVeigh (Canberra)
Will Magnay (Brisbane)
Duop Reath (Perth)
Jade Melbourne (Melbourne)
Kristy Wallace (Logan)
Stephanie Talbot (Katherine)
Tess Madgen (Ashford)
Rebecca Allen (Melbourne)
Alanna Smith (Hobart)
Ezi Magbegor (Melbourne)
Marianna Tolo (Mackay)
Cayla George (Mt. Barker)
Isobel Borlase (Canberra)
Lauren Jackson (Albury)
Samantha Whitcomb (Ventura, California)
Anneli Maley (Melbourne)
Lauren Mansfield (Adelaide)
Marena Whittle (Melbourne)
Ally Wilson (Murray Bridge)
Yusuf Chothia (Perth)
Charlie Senior (Butler)
Shannan Davey (Bundaberg)
Callum Peters (Adelaide)
Teremoana Teremoana (Brisbane)
Harry Garside (Melbourne)
Monique Suraci (Queanbeyan)
Tiana Echegaray (Sydney)
Tyla McDonald (Somerville)
Marissa Williamson-Pohlman (Werribee)
Tina Rahimi (Sydney)
Caitlin Parker (Perth)
Jeff Dunne (Casuarina)
Rachael Free (Hornsby)
Tristan Carter (Canberra)
Timothy Anderson (Melbourne)
Jackson Collins (Gold Coast)
Noah Havard (Bondi)
Pierre Van Der Westhuyzen (Balgowan)
Jean Van Der Westhuyzen (Balgowan)
Thomas Green (Gold Coast)
Riley Fitzsimmons (Avoca Beach)
Jessica Fox (Penrith)
Noemie Fox (Penrith)
Ella Beere (North Avoca)
Ally Clarke (Caloundra)
Yale Steinpreis (Fremantle)
Alyce Wood (Maroochydore)
Alyssa Bull (Buderim)
Campbell Harrison (Seaford)
Oceana Mackenzie (Melbourne)
Simon Clarke (Melbourne)
Michael Matthews (Canberra)
Luke Plapp (Melbourne)
Logan Martin (Logan)
Izaac Kennedy (Gold Coast)
Matthew Glaetzer (Adelaide)
Matthew Richardson (Perth)
Leigh Hoffman (Adelaide)
Oliver Bleddyn (Adelaide)
Conor Leahy (Perth)
Kelland O'Brien (Kew)
Sam Welsford (Perth)
Lauren Reynolds (Perth)
Saya Sakakibara (Gold Coast)
Grace Brown (Camperdown)
Lauretta Hanson (Fern Hill)
Ruby Roseman-Gannon (Melbourne)
Rebecca McConnell (Canberra)
Natalya Diehm (Boyne Island)
Kristina Clonan (Maryborough)
Georgia Baker (Perth)
Alexandra Manly (Kalgoorlie)
Sophie Edwards (Adelaide)
Maeve Plouffe (Adelaide)
Chloe Moran (Adelaide)
Kurtis Mathews (Sydney)
Jaxon Bowshire (Sydney)
Cassiel Rousseau (Brisbane)
Domonic Bedggood (Southport)
Maddison Keeney (Perth)
Alysha Koloi (Brisbane)
Ellie Cole (Melbourne)
Melissa Wu (Sydney)
Belle Smith (Malvern)
Jayden Brown (Brisbane)
William Matthew (Stirling)
Chris Burton (Jondaryan)
Kevin McNab (Mareeba)
Shane Rose (Sydney)
Simone Pearce (Melbourne)
Thaisa Erwin (Middleburg, Virginia)
Hilary Scott (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands)
Edwina Tops-Alexander (Sydney)
Field Hockey
Lachlan Sharp (Lithgow)
Tom Craig (Lane Cove)
Corey Weyer (Gold Coast)
Jake Harvie (Dardanup)
Tom Wickham (Morgan)
Matt Dawson (Killarney Vale)
Joshua Beltz (Hobart)
Eddie Ockenden (Glenorchy)
Jacob Whetton (Perth)
Blake Govers (Wollongong)
Aran Zalewski (Margaret River)
Ky Willott (Lake Macquarie)
Flynn Ogilvie (Wollongong)
Tim Brand (Chatswood)
Andrew Charter (Canberra)
Jeremy Hayward (Darwin)
Claire Colwill (Mackay)
Brooke Peris (Darwin)
Amy Lawton (Emerald)
Grace Young (Grafton)
Penny Squibb (Tambellup)
Alice Arnott (Tamworth)
Steph Kershaw (Townsville)
Kaitlin Nobbs (Perth)
Jane-Anne Claxton (Adelaide)
Jocelyn Bartram (Albury)
Karri Somerville (Melville)
Renee Taylor (Everton Park)
Tatum Stewart (Toowoomba)
Mariah Williams (Parkes)
Rebecca Greiner (Bundaberg)
Grace Stewart (Gerringong)
Jason Day (Forest Lake)
Min Lee (Perth)
Hannah Green (Como)
Minjee Lee (Perth)
Brock Batty (Frankston)
Jesse Moore (Adelaide)
Kate McDonald (Balwyn)
Emma Nedov (Sydney)
Ruby Pass (Shellharbour)
Breanna Scott (Melbourne)
Emily Whitehead (Mt. Waverly)
Alexandra Kiroi-Bogatyreva (Melbourne)
Josh Katz (Baulkham Hills)
Kathi Haecker (Melbourne)
Aoife Coughlan (Traralgon)
Genevieve Van Rensburg (Ashtonfield)
Simon Keenan (Melbourne)
Patrick Holt (Brisbane)
Alexander Hill (Loxton)
Fergus Hamilton (Jindera)
James Robertson (Melbourne)
Timothy Masters (Melbourne)
Joseph O'Brien (Dubbo)
Angus Dawson (Bedford Park)
Alexander Purnell (St. Leonards)
Jack Hargreaves (Wellington)
Angus Widdicombe (Geelong)
Spencer Turrin (Dungog)
Joshua Hicks (Perth)
Ben Canham (Melbourne)
Jackson Kench (Sydney)
Lily Alton-Triggs (Brisbane)
Samantha Morton (Rozelle)
Kendall Brodie (Sydney)
Tara Rigney (Westminster)
Annabelle McIntyre (Hamilton Hill)
Jessica Morrison (Melbourne)
Harriet Hudson (Warwick)
Amanda Bateman (Melbourne)
Molly Goodman (Rose Park)
Jean Mitchell (Melbourne)
Olympia Aldersey (Rose Park)
Caitlin Cronin (Brisbane)
Rowena Meredith (Sydney)
Laura Gourley (Narrabri)
Ria Thompson (Melbourne)
Kate Rowan (Brisbane)
Hayley Verbunt (Melbourne)
Lucy Stephan (Nhill)
Sarah Hawe (Bentleigh East)
Giorgia Patten (Perth)
Jacqueline Swick (Perth)
Katrina Werry (Noble Park)
Georgina Rowe (Sydney)
Bronwyn Cox (Perth)
Paige Barr (Bairnsdale)
Tim Clements (Sydney)
Dally Bird (Manly)
Matt Gonzalez (Baulkham Hills)
Hayden Sargeant (Gold Coast)
Nathan Lawson (Sydney)
Nick Malouf (Brisbane)
Josh Turner (Hamilton, New Zealand)
Ben Dowling (Sydney)
Maurice Longbottom (La Perouse)
Dietrich Roache (Sydney)
James Turner (Sydney)
Lily Dick (Gold Coast)
Faith Nathan (Manly)
Dominique Du Toit (Toowoomba)
Teagan Levi (Gold Coast)
Maddison Levi (Gold Coast)
Madison Ashby (Penrith)
Charlotte Caslick (Brisbane)
Tia Hinds (Sydney)
Isabella Nasser (Brisbane)
Bienne Terita (Sydney)
Alysia Lefau-Fakaosilea (Howick, New Zealand)
Sariah Paki (Manly)
Grae Morris (Sydney)
Jim Colley (Sydney)
Shaun O'Connell (Sydney)
Conor Nicholas (Perth)
Brin Liddell (Belmont)
Matt Wearn (Perth)
Zoe Thomson (Fremantle)
Evie Haseldine (Sydney)
Rhiannan Brown (Belmont)
Breiana Whitehead (Townsville)
Olivia Price (Drummoyne)
Nia Jerwood (Perth)
Joshua Bell (Camden Park)
Dane Sampson (Blacktown)
Jack Rossiter (Adelaide)
Sergei Evglevski (Berwick)
Mitchell Iles (Melbourne)
James Willett (Mulwala)
Dr. Elena Galiabovitch (Melbourne)
Catherine Skinner (Mansfield)
Penny Smith (Geelong)
Aislin Jones (Shepparton)
Keefer Wilson (Nyora)
Keegan Palmer (Gold Coast)
Kieran Woolley (Kiama Downs)
Shane O'Neill (Melbourne)
Ruby Trew (Gold Coast)
Arisa Trew (Gold Coast)
Chloe Covell (Tweed Heads)
Liv Lovelace (Sydney)
Haylie Powell (Nambour)
Mackenzie Arnold (Gold Coast)
Michelle Heyman (Shellharbour)
Grace Torpley (Brisbane)
Clare Polkinghorne (Brisbane)
Cortnee Vine (Moreton Bay)
Katrina Gorry (Brisbane)
Stephanie-Elise Catley (Melbourne)
Kyra Cooney-Cross (Torquay)
Caitlin Foord (Shellharbour)
Emily Van Egmond (Newcastle)
Mary Fowler (Cairns)
Ellie Carpenter (Cowra)
Tameka Yallop (Gold Coast)
Alanna Kennedy (Rosemeadow)
Clare Hunt (Grenfell)
Hayley Raso (Gold Coast)
Clare Wheeler (Coffs Harbour)
Teagan Micah (Redcliffe)
Courtney Nevin (Sydney)
Charlotte Grant (Adelaide)
Sharn Freier (Redcliffe)
Lydia Williams (Canberra)
Ethan Ewing (Redland City)
Jack Robinson (Margaret River)
Molly Picklum (Gosford)
Tyler Wright (Culburra Beach)
Ben Armbruster (Stanthorpe)
Max Giuliani (Hobart)
Joshua Yong (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei)
William Petric (Melbourne)
Kai Taylor (Brisbane)
Cameron McEvoy (Gold Coast)
Kyle Chalmers (Adelaide)
William Yang (Sydney)
Thomas Neill (Brisbane)
Sam Short (Brisbane)
Elijah Winninghton (Gold Coast)
Isaac Cooper (Bundaberg)
Bradley Woodward (Kanwal)
Se-Bom Lee (Sydney)
Samuel Williamson (Melbourne)
Zaac Stubblety-Cook (Brisbane)
Matthew Temple (Melbourne)
Brendon Smith (Wollongong)
Jack Cartwright (Biloela)
Zac Incerti (Mt. Lawley)
Flynn Southam (Murdoch)
Kyle Lee (Perth)
Nicholas Sloman (Brisbane)
Raphaelle Gauthier (Montreal, Quebec)
Margo Joseph-Kuo (Northcote)
Putu Kusmawan (Werribee)
Zoe Poulis (Southport)
Milena Waldmann (Gold Coast)
Carolyn Buckle (Sydney)
Kiera Gazzard (Randwick)
Georgia Courage-Gardiner (Gold Coast)
Jamie Perkins (Melbourne)
Moesha Johnson (Tweed Heads)
Iona Anderson (Perth)
Jaclyn Barclay (Canberra)
Jenna Strauch (Bendigo)
Ella Ramsay (Ipswich)
Alexandria Perkins (Caloundra West)
Abbey Connor (Sydney)
Jenna Forrester (Sandton)
Olivia Wunsch (Sydney)
Meg Harris (Brisbane)
Shayna Jack (Brisbane)
Mollie O'Callaghan (Logan)
Ariarne Titmus (Brisbane)
Lani Pallister (Sydney)
Kaylee McKeown (Redcliffe)
Emma McKoen (Wollongong)
Elizabeth Dekkers (Brisbane)
Bronte Campbell (Brisbane)
Brianna Throssell (Perth)
Chelsea Gubecka (Nambour)
Table tennis
Hwan Bae (Sydney)
Finn Luu (Yarraville)
Nicholas Lum (Melbourne)
Min Jee (Seoul, South Korea)
Michelle Bromley (Blacktown)
Melissa Tapper (Melbourne)
Bailey Lewis (Werribee)
Leon Sejranovic (Melbourne)
Stacey Hymer (Melbourne)
Alex De Minaur (Alicante, Spain)
Alexei Popyrin (Sydney)
Rinky Hijikata (Sydney)
Matthew Ebden (Perth)
John Peers (Melbourne)
Alja Tomljanović (Boca Raton, Florida)
Olivia Gadecki (Gold Coast)
Ellen Perez (Melbourne)
Daria Saville (Melbourne)
Luke Willian (Brisbane)
Matthew Hauser (Maryborough)
Sophie Linn (Adelaide)
Natalie Van Coevorden (Campbelltown)
Zachery Schubert (Marion)
Izac Carracher (Sydney)
Mark Nicolaidis (Brisbane)
Thomas Hodges (Melbourne)
Taliqua Clancy (Brisbane)
Mariafe Artacho-Del Solar (Sydney)
Water polo
Lachlan Edwards (Melbourne)
Nic Porter (Peregian Springs)
Marcus Berehulak (Brisbane)
John Hedges (Perth)
Luke Pavillard (Perth)
Angus Lambie (Cronulla)
Charlie Negus (Sydney)
Chaz Poot (Cronulla)
Jacob Merčep (Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Matthew Byrnes (Sydney)
Miloš Maksimović (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Nathan Power (Newcastle)
Blake Edwards (Melbourne)
Tilly Kearns (Sydney)
Alice Williams (Brisbane)
Sienna Hearn (Allambie Heights)
Sienna Green (Mosman)
Genevieve Longman (Perth)
Danijela Jackovich (Cronulla)
Charlize Andrews (Brisbane)
Zoe Arancini (Perth)
Keesja Gofers (Sydney)
Abby Andrews (Brisbane)
Elle Armit (Townsville)
Bronte Halligan (Sydney)
Gabi Palm (Brisbane)
Kyle Bruce (Blacktown)
Jacqueline Nichele (Rosemeadow)
Eileen Cikamatana (Rosebud)
Georgii Okorokov (Yakutsk, Russia)
Jayden Lawrence (Camden)
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worstqueerbaittournament · 2 years ago
Our tournament conestants
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -   Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
IT CURRENTLY LOOK SLIKE PRELIMINARIES ARE WINNING THE CURRENT POLL. This would mean that there will be randomised polls of two or three ships battling it out for one of the 32 spots on our tournament
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believingispowerfulmagic · 1 year ago
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The Christmas Cottage
Summary: In Storybrooke, there is a special cottage. It is said that couples who spend a night there at Christmastime will be blessed with happiness and true love for the rest of their lives. Regina Mills doesn't believe in such fairy tales...until she is forced to spend a night there with her ex-boyfriend, Robin Locksley, ahead of their best friends' Christmas wedding.
Able to finally find closure for how their relationship ended years earlier, they decide to give their friendship a second chance. Having Robin back in her life as well as being back home makes Regina question if she is happy with her life and if she has the courage to make the decisions she needs to in order to be truly happy.
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Excerpt (Chapter 1: Time):
Regina thanked her driver as she opened the car door. She shivered as the December cold filled the car. Stepping out into it, she closed the door behind her and quickly hurried toward the front door of the building in front of her. Reaching out, she wrapped her gloved hand around the golden handle and pulled the door toward her. The scent of pine wafted past her, coming off the festive wreath hanging on the door. It sent a pang through her heart but she pushed it aside as she strode into the warm building.
She stopped at her mailbox, opening it and finding it empty. Figuring her fiancé already checked it, she closed the door and continued into the main part of the lobby. It was decorated for the season with wreaths hung on the walls and in between the elevators. An evergreen bough entwined with colored lights lined the desk where security sat and a tall artificial tree sat in one corner, its lights twinkling and fake presents resting underneath it. To complete the festive atmosphere, holiday music played over the speakers and in the elevators.
It all seemed such a stark contrast to how her day had been. She was still trying to process everything that had happened as she passed their night security guard, Thomas. He tipped his hat to her as she headed straight for the elevator bank, in no mood to talk to anyone but her fiancé. Maybe then it would all feel real.
As she rode up in the elevator, her mind was a jumble of thoughts and she got lost in trying to sort them out. She jumped as the elevator arrived at her floor and the doors opened. Taking a deep breath, she exited the elevator and headed down the hallway to her apartment. Regina pulled out her keys and opened the door, stepping inside. "Daniel? I'm home."
He didn't respond but that wasn't unusual. Daniel often continued working after he left the office and he liked to listen to music when he did so, meaning he likely hadn't heard her. She knew he was home because the mail sat on the table where they kept it. Regina looked through the items and determined nothing needed her immediate attention.
After hanging up her coat and scarf, she headed down the hallway and entered the bedroom they had converted into Daniel's office. It was painted white with wood floors and decorated with framed black and white photographs of famous buildings. His drawing table was located by the large window in the room, giving him a gorgeous view of the Manhattan skyline as he worked.
Daniel sat there, earbuds in his ear as his head bopped along to whatever song he was listening to. His pencil flew across the paper in front of him, sketching out a building Regina knew was going to be magnificent once it was built. She hated to interrupt him when he was in a groove but she needed to talk to him, so she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.
He jumped and twisted his body to look at who had disturbed him, relaxing when he saw it was her. Daniel took out the earbuds and smiled at her. "Hey, babe. You just get home?"
"Yes," she replied, kissing him. She studied the building he was drawing, noting that it didn't look familiar. "Is this new?"
"It is," he confirmed. "With luck, this is going to win the bid and become the new centerpiece for the Belfrey Center in Seattle."
Excitement and pride filled her, pushing her other feelings to the side. She knew his firm was going to submit a bid to Midas Industries but there hadn't been a decision about which architect would be the one to design it. Daniel had been talking about it for almost two months and she knew he had been campaigning hard to be the one they chose. His hard work had paid off.
"Congratulations!" she said, rubbing his back. "This is a big deal!"
"Well, we haven't secured the contract yet," he said. "This is just for the bid."
"You were still chosen out of all the architects in your firm to create the bid. That means that they respect and value your work. Even you don't get the bid, this is the start of big things from you. I just know it," she told him.
He grinned. "Thanks. How was your day?"
The question brought her crazy and confusing day back to the forefront of her mind. Her good mood disappeared as she grew somber. "It was bad."
"Bad? How?" he asked, frowning.
"Albert Spencer died," she replied. "He had a heart attack last night. Or at least that's the assumption since the janitor found him stiff and cold at his desk this morning."
Daniel's eyes widened a bit. "How awful! What happens now?"
She sighed, leaning against the wall as she felt fatigue take over. "I think they're still working that out. We spent the day contacting all his clients. They are thankfully understanding and were expecting our work for them to pause for the holidays anyway. So now I guess it's just the funeral and then figuring out who will be working with his clients after the New Year."
"Are they going to replace him? Make someone else partner in his stead?" Daniel asked. She could see the wheels turning in his head and it made the knot in her stomach tighten even more, not loosen.
"I don't know," she replied. "Everyone was talking about it but I think the other partners aren't going to focus on that until after the New Year."
He nodded, rubbing her arm with a smile. "You're a shoo-in for it, you know. You're one of their best lawyers. Spencer had to know that or he wouldn't have kept you on his team."
She knew he had a point but still shook her head. "I think Spencer was grooming Arthur King to take his place and he's probably going to get it. Aside from Mal Draco, it's pretty much a good old boys club."
"That's not fair," Daniel replied, crossing his arms as he frowned.
"I know," she replied. "But think about it. How many women are in top level positions at your firm?"
He was silent before shrugging. "No company is perfect. I hope ours changes soon. But I can't focus on that. I need to focus on this."
Daniel tapped the paper on his desk and she nodded. "Right. Just like I can't focus on what the firm will do. I need to focus on Mary Margaret's wedding. Which reminds me—did you ask Thomas downstairs to put a hold on our mail and newspaper?"
"Oh." Daniel paused but the sheepish grin he gave her when he forgot about something and was embarrassed by it did not appear. Instead, he stayed somber as he said: "We need to talk about that."
"You're not coming," she said, backing away from him. She didn't pose it as a question—she just knew. Disappointment flooded through her as she pressed her hand to her stomach. "We've been planning this for months. I was really excited to go away with you."
"I know," he replied soothingly, rubbing her arms. "We can plan another getaway, one where there's no one else. Maybe we can spend Valentine's Day on a tropical beach."
"It wasn't just about us going away together," she replied softly. "I was looking forward to going to the wedding with you. For us to hang out with my family and friends in my hometown. You've hardly spent any time with them."
He sighed. "I know and I understand it's important to you."
"But," she prompted, hearing it in his voice. It made her feel even angrier.
"That's all your past," he said. "I'm more interested in our future."
Daniel slid his hand down her left arm until he could raise her hand up. She glanced down at the large square cut diamond sitting on a platinum band studded with smaller diamonds on her ring finger. Her heart melted a bit and she smiled softly. "Our future," she repeated.
"A future that will be even brighter if I nail this design," he said, letting go of her hand as he motioned to his drawing. He gave her an earnest look as he continued: "And that's why I need to stay here so I can work on it. I can't afford to be distracted right now."
Her ire rose again and she pulled her hand from his grasp. "My friends would just be distractions?"
"You know what I mean," he said.
"No," she replied, crossing her arms as she glared at him. "I don't. Please enlighten me."
Daniel sighed, carefully reaching out to rest his hands on her arms. "I meant that I would have way too much fun with you and your friends that I wouldn't want to ever go back to our room to work. And I have some tight deadlines I need to hit, so I would either not hit them or have to lock myself in our room and not spend any time with anyone."
"Oh," she said, her anger dissipating a bit. She should've known he had a good reason for what he said. Lowering her arms, she leaned closer to him as she said: "You should've started with that."
"Yeah," he replied. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't want to spend time with your friends or that I didn't care about them. I do. It's just now isn't a very good time."
She nodded, disappointed but more understanding. "I get it. I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too," he said, hugging her. "This will be our first Christmas apart."
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years ago
Take My Hand P6
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Media 1912
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Abuse
Concept Take My hand Series
He forced me back to the private deck shutting the doors on us, immediately he threw me to the wooden floor. "Must you be such an embarrassment. Those people were worth thousands" "Doesn't mean they were work impressing" I argued but he kicked my stomach "Stop behaving like this. I know your unhappy about all this but that doesn't mean you can pout this whole trip. Get over it. We all have to do things we don't want to do" he says "get changed we have dinner in the grand Dining room tonight" he says heading inside his own suite. Slowly I picked myself up and stroked my now forming bruises, i did as he demanded going into my suite and having a shower. As hot a shower as I could to soothe my many burns and bruises. I purposely took my time trying to avoid getting dressed but he often snapped orders thought the shared door so I eventually got dressed and followed him down to the grand dining room. I had to admit it was beautiful with impressive hard wood flooring, panneled walls and a strapwork ceiling a grand fireplace, various times with the finest settings, we were taken to a table and given our seats with rows of forks and various glasses which he immediately took and made it sing "AHH crystal" he smirked before ordering drinks. Many others joined us at the table and I forced a smile to greet them all. But I kept quiet not really listening to the discussion at hand. Dinner then truly began starting with mild horderves for people to mill over with their wine, then came soup a chicken soup to be precise which I forced down even if I didn't really like it. Then came fresh salmon with all the trimmings you could want even if you only received enough to just taste, then cheeses none of which I could force down and then desert of sticky toffee pudding which I savoured in the smallest of bites to try and make it last as long as possible and to avoid the chatting around the table as the wine for low. "He is such a handsome little thing, how you've remained a bachelor this long I'll never know" the woman smiled at me "Just lucky I guess" I answered not wanting to be rude "Well, we're going to be fixing that very soon" "What?" I asked as I turned my attention to him He chuckled and tapped my shoulder trying to force my silence "What do you mean we're fixing that?" I demanded, an awkward silence ran thought our table and he forced a smile "You're engaged. She's waiting in new York for us, and you're getting married" "You agreed to a marriage without even asking me!" "I did. And most boys your age would be thankful for that." He says sipping his drink "When did I say I wanted to get married?" "Thomas. Not now." He demanded thought gritted teeth "No! We're going to talk about it now. I never said I wanted to get married. You can't just arrange me a marriage without asking me." "Enough!" He demanded Which silenced me and the dinner continued I couldn't help my mind galavanting off on its own , I felt so betrayed that he'd done this, I struggled to hold back my tears just trying to stay quiet and behaved all the while my heart racing. Once dinner was over I he grabbed my arm and forced me back to the suite where again he threw me to the floor kicked my stomach and threw his ciggette on me shouting about how I made a scene, how I embarrassment him, how I should be happy. "You will not make another scene little that the rest of this trip do you understand me!" He shouted "Yes sir." "Good. The rest of this trip I don't want any scenes. Any lip. Any performance. Nothing. You will act your class and act your age. Now go to bed before you embrasse the two of us anymore" he says before heading out somewhere else. I forced myself up even if every inch of me hurt and I went to my bed laying down on the warm mattress unable to stop the flood of tears.
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aninsecurewriter · 2 years ago
100 must-read books!
This is a list of books considered "must-reads" from various lists and online posters. I'll be reviewing them as I go but mainly keeping track of what I have and haven't read here.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Matilda by Roald Dahl
The Secret History by Donna Tart
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
The Godfather by Mario Puzo
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Norwegian Wood bt Haruki Murakami
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
The Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling
His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Ulysses by James Joyce
Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Wild Swans by Jung Chang
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carre
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Gulliver's Travels by Johnathan Swift
The War of the Worlds by H.G Wells
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt
Persuasion by Jane Austen
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Beloved by Toni Morrison
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson
Macbeth by Shakespeare
The Lord of the Rings (trilogy) by J.R.R Tolkien
The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally
London Fields by Martin Amis
Sherlock Holmes and the The Hound of the Baskerville's by Arthur Conan Doyle
My Man Jeeves by P.G Wodehouse
The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Gladys Aylward the Little Woman by Gladys Aylward
Mindnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
Tess of the D'Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy
The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas by John Boyne
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian
Dissolution by C.J Sansom
The Time Machine by H.G Wells
Winnie the Pooh (complete collection) by A.A Milne
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
The Castle by Franz Kafka
Dracula by Bram Stoker
All Quiet on the Western Front by Eric Maria Remarque
Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Misery by Stephen King
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis
The Shining by Stephen King
The Odyssey by Homer
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson
Tell No One by Harlan Coben
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
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