#thomas medwin
burningvelvet · 9 months
This excerpt from The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Thomas Medwin is KILLING me.
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Medwin was Shelley's cousin; he knew Shelley and Byron and their circle, and later fabricated much of what he wrote about them, to the hatred of Mrs. Shelley. However, considering Shelley's frequent complaints even in letters of his complex jealousy toward Byron (and subsequent guilt for it), and considering Shelley's dramatic use of language, I can completely imagine him going on heated rants about "the Byronic Energy." That's so him. This is the same dude who wrote a poem for Byron starting with the lines "If I esteemed you less, Envy would kill / Pleasure" and ending with the lines "the worm beneath the sod / May lift itself in worship to the God" like ummm! . . . bro was enchanted . . . the Byronic Energy really did take his powers . . .
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Doctor at Large (1957) Ralph Thomas
February 11th 2023
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
John Surman — Words Unspoken (ECM)
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To progress from being an adequate or good soloist toward the coveted realms of greatness involves increasing narrative subtlety. Telling a story is fine, but moving from phrase to phrase carrying forward those minute details in which worlds are distilled is quite another program. Then, there are the felicities of ensemble playing. While by no means mutually exclusive, a great soloist is often not a great ensemble player and vice versa. John Surman does both, wonderfully and in a unique voice; Words Unspoken, his new quartet album, is the proof that makes the pudding well worth sampling.
Surman’s bassless quartet includes guitarist Rob Luft, vibraphonist Rob Waring and drummer Thomas Stronen. Even on the most up-tempo tunes, the rhythm section provides that gorgeously airy sound for which ECM has become lauded and stereotyped. In this context, given the fact that each player transcends instrumental preconceptions through a continually morphing ensemble approach against which Surman is free to emote. It can be difficult to judge whether guitar or vibes, or both, buttress and swirl around Surman’s mellifluous baritone on the title track. Try the windy swells and crystalline curves at 2:05 to experience the full-blown ambiguity. By way of complete and utterly joyful contrast, sample “Onich Ceilidh,” where, at 4:49, Surman swaps out his soprano saxophone and provides a bassline via continuously shifting bass clarinet articulations as Waring and Luft skip along in rippling counterpoint with Stronen expressing foundational alacrity. Surman’s compositional lines support this integrated approach; “Belay That” slides along in sinewy seconds and more forceful open intervals, saxophone and guitar shimmering against each other in timbral accord as Stronen shows himself to be a wonderfully facile time drummer, his touch as light as it is precise.
Indeed, like time and temporal suspension, even constructing these solo and group boundaries borders on falsehood. As with the 1970-75 Miles Davis aggregates, this quartet’s concept of soloing is amoebic, the boundaries of accompaniment blurred at so many strategic points. If Waring’s repetitive riffs opening “Pebble Dance” do not constitute a solo, then neither does Stronen’s timbrally rich rhythmic “melodies” anticipating Luff’s simpatico stealth groove at 1:01. Even that vamp is both rhythmic and melodic, open harmonies in play as they so often are throughout this collection of Surman compositions.
Then, there is Surman’s soloing, a perfect foil to the accented rhythms, modal areas and scalar melodicism of his compositions. Dig the way he slides so gently but with such purpose up to the two notes at 2:34 of “Flower in Aspic” or builds tiered crescendos on the same pitch 3:52 into “Bitter Aloe,” his clarinet a fountain of pitched nuance and color. Maybe best of all is the glissando 2:19 into “Pebble Dance.” Surman’s soprano slides gracefully, effortlessly, up to a note that falls just between the cracks, a blue note transmogrified, a pitch existing within and just beyond itself, inhabiting two cognitive spaces simultaneously, like his music does. As always, Surman is at home in any genre or style he chooses. Every track is a landscape in flux, and every album a series of them. For nearly six decades, Surman’s restless explorations have bolstered and defied genre categorization, but beauty persists. Beauty of tone, of timbre, of compositional conception and ensemble deployment, often an inward and reflective beauty, have been mainstays of Surman’ daunting and, happily, still growing and consistently superb discography. Much of it lives in the ECM catalog and may its entries multiply!
Marc Medwin
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piteous · 8 months
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Sarah Ruden
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George Theodoridis
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E. D. A. Morshead
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Ian Johnston
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W. W. Goodwin
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Thomas Medwin
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Anna Swanwick
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Robert Browning
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Anne Carson
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empirearchives · 1 year
Lord Byron and Napoleon
Someone responded to my Lord Byron post saying they were surprised Lord Byron liked Napoleon. Let’s just say this, Lord Byron was obsessed with Napoleon. He was his “alter ego.” He loved him.
Like most of the Romantics, Napoleon was his muse. He was not a propagandist. He was able to write about Napoleon in a nuanced way and explore different aspects. For example, his “Ode Napoleon Buonaparte” is a sharp criticism which expresses his utter disappointment in Napoleon for abdicating. He hated Napoleon for his defeat, but he loved him for his cause.
Lord Byron had a bust of Napoleon since he was a young boy. He modelled his carriage on Napoleon’s carriage. He had engravings of Napoleon in his room and collected mementos of Napoleon long after his death in 1821. He referred to Napoleon as his “little pagod.” People around him said that the vicissitudes of Napoleon’s life affected his personality. He mattered to him a lot. This is what he said in a letter to his friend after Napoleon’s defeat: “I detest the cause and the victors – and the victory.” (Quote source)
He was hard on Napoleon because he believed in him, but he was devotedly loyal. Notice that he died in exile, just like Napoleon. Thomas Medwin explains that Lord Byron admired Napoleon so much that he came to envy him. Like Beethoven, his admiration turned into a desire to replicate. Beethoven once said he wanted “to conquer” the conqueror.
If anyone is interested in learning more about Lord Byron and Napoleon, I’ve provided some links. Any good book about Lord Byron should mention it. But most biographies about Napoleon will not mention it because it was a parasocial relationship for Lord Byron.
Some but not all sources on the topic:
Between Emperor and Exile: Byron and Napoleon (source)
Byron’s Napoleonic Poems (source)
Beethoven, Byron, and Bonaparte - part 1 (source)
Beethoven, Byron, and Bonaparte - part 2 (source)
Lord Byron Reacts to the News - Napoleon's 100 Days (source)
Lord Byron and Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte between the Ode and Waterloo (source)
Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron […] in the Years 1821 and 1822, By Thomas Medwin (source)
Manuscript of Byron’s additional stanzas to ‘Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte,’ 1814 (source)
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apesoformythoughts · 1 year
“And when [Thomas] Medwin finally left, on the twenty-eighth of August, Crawford found himself unable to talk to Byron at all. The lord spent all his time locked in his room reading, or lounging with Teresa Guiccioli in the main garden, and when Crawford had one day presumed to interrupt the two lovers, Byron had angrily told him that any further intrusions would result in his abandoning their plans altogether.”
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ludojudoposts · 3 years
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Doctor At Sea (1955) dir. Ralph Thomas
Starring-Dirk Bogarde, James Robertson Justice, Brigitte Bardot, Brenda de Banzie, Michael Medwin, Maurice Denham, Joan Sims
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shimyereh · 4 years
Of course you know — Byron was such a crack shot, he could hit a rose at 25 paces. Pushkin, at least during the years [1824-6] when he lived here, in the country, was decidedly obsessed with Byron; he studied him most diligently and even tried to adopt many of Byron’s habits. Pushkin, for instance, would say he awfully lamented not being gifted with the physical strength to pull off such feats as the English poet, who had, as is well-known, swum the Hellespont… And to match the precision of Byron’s aim, Pushkin joined me in planting bullets in a marker.      Incidentally, it also bears mentioning that Pushkin was at that time preparing to duel the infamous so-called Tolstoy the American… Somewhere in Moscow, Pushkin had met Tolstoy at a card table. They played. Tolstoy cheated. Pushkin pointed that out to him. “Yes, I know,” Tolstoy replied, “but I don’t like it when people point that out to me.” Consequently, Pushkin was determined to face Tolstoy in a duel, and so, in preparation for that duel, he joined me in target practice.
—A. N. Wulf, “Stories about Pushkin, recorded by M. I. Semevsky” [1866] [my translation]
Lord Byron is an admirable horseman, combining grace with the security of his seat. He prides himself much on this exercise. He conducted us for some miles till we came to a farm-house, where he practises pistol-firing every evening. This is his favourite amusement, and may indeed be called almost a pursuit. He always has pistols in his holster, and eight or ten pair by the first makers in London carried by his courier. We had each twelve rounds of ammunition, and in a diameter of four inches he put eleven out of twelve shots. I observed his hand shook exceedingly. He said that when he first began at Manton’s he was the worst shot in the world, and Manton was perhaps the best. The subject turned upon duelling, and he contended for its necessity, and quoted some strong arguments in favour of it.      “I have been concerned,” said he, “in many duels as second, but only in two as principal; one was with Hobhouse before I became intimate with him. The best marksmen at a target are not the surest in the field. […] Shelley is a much better shot than I am, but he is thinking of metaphysics rather than of firing.”
—Thomas Medwin, “Journal of the conversations of Lord Byron: Noted during a residence with His Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822” [1824]
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the-paintrist · 6 years
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Girolamo Nerli - Maori children bathing in Hot Pools, Rotorua - 1897
Girolamo Pieri Pecci Ballati Nerli, known more commonly as Girolamo Nerli (21 February 1860 – 24 June 1926) was an Italian painter who worked and travelled in Australia and New Zealand in the late 19th century influencing Charles Conder and Frances Hodgkins and helping to move Australian and New Zealand art in new directions. His portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery Edinburgh, is usually considered the most searching portrayal of the writer.
Born in Siena in Italy to an Italian aristocrat, Marchese Ferdinando Pieri Pecci Ballati Nerli, his full name was Girolamo Pieri Pecci Ballati Nerli. The fourth of six children he was not a 'Marchese' as he was sometimes styled, or a 'Count', but a 'patrizio di Siena', a minor distinction marking the great antiquity of his family. His father married Henrietta Medwin, an Englishwoman. Her father Thomas Medwin was a minor literary figure in Byron's circle, the author of Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron and of The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Medwin was a second cousin on both parents' side of Shelley. Girolamo studied art in Florence under Antonio Ciseri and Giovanni Muzzioli and was a younger member of the Italian Macchiaioli school, the 'patch painters', an Italian movement anticipating French Impressionism.
He went to Australia in 1885 spending time in Melbourne and Sydney where he was an associate of Tom Roberts and Arthur Streeton and an influence on Charles Conder at the time of the Heidelberg School. Nerli's role in that movement has been disputed but his presence and influence are undeniable.
He went first to Melbourne but by 1887 was in Sydney where he encountered Conder. He caused a sensation there late that year with his exhibition of paintings of bacchanalian orgies, and in 1888 his portrait of Myra Kemble the actress attracted much attention at the exhibition of the Royal Art Society at Sydney. The free brushwork and unfinished appearance of the works were as exciting to connoisseurs as the subjects were to the general public. In 1889 he was back in Melbourne, apparently in the company of the Heidelberg painters. Late in 1889 he went to Dunedin in New Zealand for the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition where he encountered the artist Alfred Henry O'Keeffe. He went back to Australia in 1890.
In August 1892 he visited Samoa and painted the well-known portrait of R. L. Stevenson, now in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. A portrait in pastel done during the same visit was bought by Scribner and Sons, New York, in 1923. Stevenson wrote some humorous doggerel verse recording their encounter.
In 1893 Nerli returned to Dunedin where he set himself up as a private art teacher. 'Signor Nerli' remained in the city just over three years bringing new vigour to the circle presided over by W.M. Hodgkins and a cosmopolitan glamour to Dunedin's second, bohemian circle of younger painters. He taught Frances Hodgkins, inspired O'Keeffe and reportedly had an affair with Grace Joel, a young woman artist he may also have known in Melbourne. In 1893 Nerli was elected to the council of the Otago Art Society and in 1894 set up the Otago Art Academy with J.D. Perrett and L.W. Wilson in Dunedin's Octagon. Its life classes employing a professional nude model were so successful that the government run Dunedin School of Art had to hire Nerli for the same purpose. It seems this was the means by which painting from the nude was inaugurated at the school.
Late in 1896 Nerli left Dunedin suddenly, stayed briefly in Wellington and went on to Auckland. He opened a studio there and exhibited at the Auckland Society of Arts in April 1897. He then eloped with Marie Cecilia Josephine Barron whom he married in Christchurch New Zealand, in March 1898. She was a Spinster of 23, and he said he was a Bachelor and Artist of 38; he gave his name as Girolamo Pieri Ballati Pecci Nerli, but the surname in the index was "Pecci". The couple immediately sailed for Australia settling first in Sydney and then Melbourne. Nerli and his wife returned to Europe in 1904 where the artist spent the rest of his life, struggling against declining fortunes, between London and Nervi, Genova (Genoa) in Italy. He died childless in Nervi on 24 June 1926.
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englishstudypoint · 3 years
Biography of P. B. Shelley
Biography of P. B. Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) Birth- P. B. Shelley was born on 4 August 1792 at Field Place near Horsham, England. Father and Mother- His father’s name was Timothy Shelley and mother’s name was Elizabeth Shelley. His father was the MP for the New Shoreham. His mother was a landowner at Sussex. He had four younger sisters and one younger brother. His cousin Thomas Medwin wrote P.B. Shelley’s…
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burningvelvet · 4 months
Part 3 of PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ROMANTICS, A TUMBLR HISTORY EXHIBIT: photos i've collected of people related to the english writers of the romantic period and/or who were part of the byron-shelley circle.
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Edward John Trelawny (above: a photo of him as an elder compared to a portrait of him as a young man). A key member of the circle, celebrity/adventurer/writer, friend and biographer of Byron and Shelley. Outlived everyone. Proposed to both Mary Shelley and Claire Clairmont and remained in touch with them their whole lives. Really interesting person but also a chronic liar, making it difficult to tell which parts of his life stories are fact or fiction. He is buried next to Shelley (who is buried next to Keats); Trelawny bought the cemetery plot when Shelley died decades prior and later offered it to Mary Shelley who declined it. The last two portraits below were done by Joseph Severn, the artist who was friends with Keats, did most of his portraits, & took care of him as he was dying in Rome. I don't think Trelawny ever met Keats.
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Jane Williams Hogg (née Cleveland). She was married to an abusive man named John Edward Johnson who she left for Edward Ellecker Williams, who was the father of her first two children and a friend of Percy Bysshe Shelley's cousin Thomas Medwin. The family then lived in the same household with the Shelley family (Mary, Percy, and their children) in Italy. Percy dedicated some of his last poems to Jane. After Percy and Edward died together in a boating accident she lived with Mary before partnering with Shelley's best friend from college Thomas Jefferson Hogg who she had two children with.
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I think the similarity between her younger portrait (1822, age 24) & her photograph (date unknown, but she died in 1884 & seems like she could be in her 80s in the photo) are very striking; you can clearly see the nose, eyes, hair, and mouth are exactly the same, only older.
She also knew George Eliot and William Michael Rossetti; I mentioned the Rossettis in my last post. I wonder if she ever discussed Shelley's connection to John Polidori with them; I don't believe she ever met John Polidori, but maybe the Shelleys would have mentioned him to her.
Thomas Medwin, another key player of the Shelley-Byron circle in Italy. Cousin of Percy Bysshe Shelley and friend/biographer of Shelley and Byron.
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Wilhelm Charles Gaulis Clairmont, the nephew of Clara Mary Jane Clairmont aka Claire Clairmont. Wilhelm was the son of her half-brother Charles Gaulis Clairmont.
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dustedmagazine · 7 years
Morton Feldman — Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello (Another Timbre)
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Another Timbre has been contributing excellent recordings to the rapidly expanding universe of what might still be called “Classical” music, and nowhere more convincingly than in the shimmering beautiful tapestries woven by Morton Feldman. The label’s double set of Feldman’s earlier piano works would be an excellent place to begin for anyone wishing to slide into familiarity with his work, as it’s wonderfully performed by John Tilbury and Philip Thomas. Pianist Mark Knoop, violinist Aisha Orazbayeva, violist Bridget Carey and cellist Anton Lukoszevieze now put their collective wit and grace into a rendering of Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello; they give a performance of rapt concentration and emotive depth, rivaling and often surpassing any currently available.  
Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, hereafter PVVC, was the composer’s final published work, but to say that it is typical of his late-period compositions is to sell its individuality short. Much is made of Feldman’s penchant for repetition, and his music is sometimes dismissed for it, but for those immersed in Feldman’s vast canvases, each is a labyrinth of non-linear landmarks slowly revealed, connected non-teleologies that still result in a narrative. Tone, chord and the points at which they meet circumvent while intersecting, the material developing in a kind of slow dance of gradual familiarity and reminiscence. The soft dynamic level makes it all a very intimate experience. True, allegiance to influences as disparate as Debussy and Webern are everywhere, but they are also magically and continuously thwarted, so that they must be sought out to be heard at all. Pointillism is there, something approaching traditional harmonic cadence is also present, but no standard resolution or drama on either front is forthcoming.  
There is a palpable sense in which Knoop and company get PVVC absolutely right. The closest version to this one comes from the Bridge label, released in 2015, but the new disc presents a more unified string sound, even though single notes regularly traverse the sound stage. It is as if string clusters produce tones not in the score, such is the intimacy and concentration achieved by these three musicians. Those clusters often take center stage, while Knoop’s piano is recorded wide-screen, in such a way as to embrace the strings. His sensitive rendering of the score is caught in a way that is simultaneously close but recessed, giving the whole a three-dimensional presence that reveals Feldman’s blocks of quasi-development in Technicolor.  
Maybe it’s the recording that separates this version from the others I’ve heard. It certainly has the unity of a performance, though its spatial characteristics seem to exist outside of any single performance environment. The room disappears, and the music is left to unfold, offering a very different picture when switching from headphones to speakers. This, in combination with excellent musicianship, makes this version of PVVC a model for Feldman study and for future recorded performances of his works.
Marc Medwin
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bdscuatui · 4 years
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Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Quận Erie trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 7 tháng 2. ALDEN • 11980 Walden Ave., Walden Realty Limited Hợp tác với Tập đoàn Cintas số 2, $ 6.000.000. • 928 Đường Ba Rod, Renee C. Lyon; Đổi mới Lyon; Ralph M. Mohz; Michael Pelczynski; Michael F. Pelczynski; Renee C. Pelczynski; Renee Pelczynski cho Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang, $ 212,663. • 885 West Alaura Drive, Toolee LLC đến Kelly A. Jarrell; Scott D. Jarrell, 195.000 đô la. • 11423 Broadway, Michael D. Rosner; Patricia B. Rosner đến Joelle Hoeltke; Nathaniel Hoeltke, $ 179,900. • 1241 East Laray Drive, Buffalo Gates LLC đến Bradley Bowen; Kimberly Bowen, 175.100 đô la. • 928 Đường Ba Rod, Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang đến Joy Ann Morris, 171.999 đô la. • 11760 Westwood Road, Robert M. Laycock; Bình minh Seiwell đến Nicholas S. Buscaglia; Julia N. Licata; Russell J. Licata, 155.000 đô la. • 1462 Elm St., Joseph R. Demare; Carolyn S. Kawecka đến Hallie Keren; Jehosua Keren, 132.100 đô la. • Vl Wende R, William C. Foley; Leonard A. Weisbeck III đến Cmk Builders Inc, 50.000 đô la. AMHERST • Vòng tròn 7 Le Brun, Lucy A. Campbell; James P. Houck đến Janelle M. Randall; Nathan G. Randall, $ 699.000. • 58 San Fernando Lane, Cheryl Castyham; Thomas Cickyham cho Henry Edward Reyes, $ 428.000. • 151 Darwin Drive, Anthony F. Pegnia Jr. để Denise J. Agostino; Philip A. Agostino, 330.000 đô la. • 177 Patton Place, Edda Tiburzi đến Cynthia M. Donoghue; David K. Hanley, $ 316.500. • 13 Campbell Meadows, David Woods; Rừng Phyllis đến Christine A. Tona; Frank C. Tona, $ 311.000. • Tòa án Cimarand 247, Sachiko Fujita; Sachiko F. Fujita đến Daniel Kim; Kia Thạch, 300.000 USD. • 117 Glen Oak Drive, Daniel L. Rodems; Manda E. Rodems cho Jennodes Acheampong; Eric Barnie, $ 295.000. • 4025 Main St., Aida J. Corey đến Darryl Heusinger; Eric L. Heusinger, 285.000 đô la. • 167 Thợ săn ngõ, Pamela J. Kohrn đến Cristina L. Garcia; Juan J. Garcia Jr., $ 278,780. • 4 Địa điểm Hubbardston, Christine A. Tona; Frank C. Tona cho Alfred C. Leto; Willow Leto, $ 275,100. • Đường 491 Mt Vernon, 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Shanna M. Becker, $ 250.000. • Ngõ 319 Bramblewood, Clara Parisi; Joseph C. Parisi đến Catherine Patricia Shampine; William Christopher Shampine, $ 245,000. • 305 Willow Green, Omara 2018 Family Trust Tr to Crisanto Champion III; Claire L. Hojnacki, 240.000 đô la. • 6 Westcliffe Drive, Pamela A. Shields; Robert W. Shields cho Ginny Gallersdorfer; Patrick Niedziecki, 227.500 đô la. • 109 Altruria, Barbara R. Edwards; Richard W. Edwards đến Alison R. Giunta; Mickael Giunta, 220.000 đô la. • 1569 Wehrle Drive, Joseph Lafornara cho Michael Hennigan; Tara Lynne Trottnow, 220.000 đô la. • 156 Grandview Drive, Claus Schwinge to Brian Kirsch, 207.000 đô la. • 6 Copley Sq, Jane G. Navarro; Joseph A. Navarro cho David Wieloszynski, $ 199,545. • 1269 Đại lộ Thác Niagara, Forest City Properties LLC; Công ty cổ phần cho thuê rừng thành phố Suc; W-A-L Realty Inc Suc; Niasher Realty Inc đến Jemals Boulevard LLC, $ 194,779. • 108 Hickory Hill Rd Ud, Marilyn T Mendelson ủy thác có thể hủy bỏ 041615 Tr cho Janice J. Kapturowski; Ronald A. Kapturowski, $ 185,900. • Ngõ 21 Crown Point, Donald R. Laux; Margaret A. Laux đến Margaret A. Laux, 180.000 USD. • 2810 Đường Dodge, Bertha Regnet; Bertha M. Regnet; Bertha Regnet Living Trust 072011 Tr cho Donald W. Heim, 165.000 đô la. • 25 Albion Ave., John V. Kivinen; Kelyn G. Kivinen đến Elisa R. Debow; Gabriel E. Rivera-Vazquez, $ 156.000. • 9 Công viên Beacon Đơn vị J, Shelley C. Imbs cho Joseph Braccio; Pamela Braccio, 136.000 đô la. • Đại lộ 324 Crosby, Jeanette Levin đến Envision Enterprices LLC, 125.000 đô la. • 335 South Cayuga Rd Đơn vị C, Frances Carter đến Beverly I. Schuster, 115.900 đô la. • 31 Mckinley Ave., Magdalena M. Block; Norbert J. Block to Dum Ventures LLC, 111.000 đô la. • 4166 North Bailey, Barry Medwin tới Daniel Mansfield, 110.000 đô la. • 165 Lynette Lane, Ciminelli Muir Woods LLC đến Ryan Homes of New York, 82.330 đô la. • 123 Callodine Ave., De Leon Juan Perez đến Vazquez Manuel Omar phơi sáng, 71.000 USD. ANGola • 330 North Main St., Lmb Capital Inc đến Danielle Jasmine Ginkel; Zachary Stephen Ginkel, 125.000 đô la. • 5 School St., Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang cho Mark Mazur; Clair A. Montroy III, $ 18.000. AURORA / EAST AURORA • 1021 Đường Olean, Thyroff Aurora LLC đến Benedicto Holdings Inc, $ 1.000.000. • 135 Kandahar Drive, Jody B. Dowdall; Mercedes B. Dowdall đến Jacqueline M. Rabey; Jordon R. Rabey, 440.000 đô la. • 299 Triển vọng Ave., Jacqueline M. Rabey; Jordon R. Rabey đến Green J Gerard Jr, 270.000 đô la. • 214 Greenwood, Deborah J. Mccormick đến Donna M. Ward; John P. Ward, $ 244,000. • Đường đọc 1811, Jack A. Weinheimer; Rosalie Weinheimer đến Julie Gemerek; Mark Gemerek, 175.000 đô la. • Vl Center St., Revitalized Neighbours LLC đến Jeffrey E. Brodowski, 82.000 đô la. BLASDELL • 3610 South Park Ave., Mary Ellen Lipinski đến Colleen Degraff, 175.000 đô la. BOoston • 6454 Willow Drive, Brittany D. Rashbrook cho Jessica Carey; Michael Carey, $ 230.000. BUFFALO • 527 Hertel, Buffalo Townhomes LLC đến Gold Wynn Delsan Court LLC, $ 8,737,820. • 377 Main St., Landco H & l Inc đến 377 Main Realty Inc, 2.000.000 đô la. Katharine Stryker; Stryker Katharine G Rooney đến Kristy L. Kapturowski, $ 565.000. • 2801-11 Bailey, Mccormick 111 LLC đến 2801 Bailey LLC, 450.000 USD. • 126 Crescent Ave., Juliette M. Carbone; Robert C. Carbone đến Gina M. Spaulding; Noah J. Spaulding, 404.000 đô la. • 426 Triển vọng Ave., Vanessa M. Fineberg đến Caroline C. Gilbert, 380.000 đô la. • 152 Fargo Ave., 152 Fargo LLC cho Caroline Bernadette Clauss; Điều khoản ăn kiêng; Marilyn Halpin, 375.000 đô la. • 32 Hamburg St., Let Them Lol Inc đến Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 250.000 đô la. • 744 Amherst St., Jessica Hughes; Thomas B. Hughes đến Melissa E. Smith, $ 235,000. • 84 Hammerschmidt, Gannon-Patel Enterprise LLC đến Tim J. Eng, 228.500 đô la. ; Erika Noreck; Hans L. Steiniger; Joseph R. Steiniger; Marianne Steiniger đến Jacobi Joseph John Jr, 180.000 đô la. • 149 Baynes, Anne M. Bouvier; John F. Fraser đến Louis Gott; Nikki Ruehl, $ 165,000. • 172 Bird Ave., Bá tước K. Cantwell III; Hy vọng Maria Dunbar đến Jennifer Rutherford, 165.000 đô la. • 129 Amber St., James K. Roberts đến Richard Hernandez, 159.650 đô la. • 53 Montrose Ave., Dorothy V. Gambino đến Buffalo Callodine LLC, 150.000 đô la. LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, 145.000 đô la. • 43 Baxter St., Saphiep Kim đến Marian M. Mclean, 145.000 đô la. • 86 Camden Ave., Tyler J. Bortel cho Michael V. Puleo, 144.500 đô la. • 51 Pavonia St., Lebrun Estate LLC tới Evelyn A. Owens-Hennings, 135.000 đô la. • 882 West Ave., Nicholas Pugliese cho Rich Holdings Inc, 130.000 đô la. • 421 Elk St., Trung tâm Khám phá Di sản LLC đến 421 Elk St. LLC, 130.000 đô la. • 863 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo Circle LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, 125.000 đô la. • 269 Skillen St., Nhà thờ Tin lành Nazareth Lutheran đến Sandar Moe; Tun Win, 125.000 đô la. • 445 Willett St., Fred Punturiero đến Alyssa Lopez, 125.000 đô la. • 65 Roanoke Parkway, Claire Lydia Hojnacki đến Jacob J. Lipowski, 120.000 đô la. • 46 Carlyle Ave., Donna J. Miller; Jeffrey Miller; Leroy E. Miller; Đánh dấu Miller; Deborah J. Thomas; Deborah L. Thomas đến Mark W. Miller; Renee J. Sullivan, 115.000 đô la. • 457 Monroe St., Angienell Brown đến Celia Croskery, 110.000 đô la. • 176 Geary St., Karen Andres; Steven B. Bengart; Steven Bengart; Robert Robinson Jr.; Robert P. Robinson Jr. đối với các khoản phải thu bảo đảm tài sản được bảo đảm LLC Trust 2005-Op2 Giấy chứng nhận chuyển nhượng thế chấp & xem; Ngân hàng Wells Fargo NA Tr, 105,674 đô la. • 1848 Clinton, Blp Partnership to Acme Cabin Company LLC, 105.000 đô la. • 946 Abbott Road, Colleen Gill đến Robert Adams, 105.000 đô la. • 202 Kay St., 716 Estates LLC đến Stergios Kotsidis; Damianos Tallides, $ 91.000. • 171 Fenton St., Dolores L. Fontana; Richard A. Fontana đến Bryan Jeffrey Bollman, 87.500 đô la. • 103 Lockwood Ave., Juanita L. Bauer; Cindy L. Coleman cho Richard Acosta, 87.500 đô la. • 279 Davidson, 716 Estates LLC đến Sabina Akter Mukta, 85.000 đô la. • 25 College St., Thomas & elizabeth Campbell Living Trust 091509 Tr tới Bonkuka Fnu Kwayo Ithe, 85.000 đô la. Kevin Croom; Peter M. Kooshioan đến Mfra Trust 2014-2 Tr; Wilmington Trust NA Tr, 77.000 đô la. • 2421 Bailey Ave., Edwina S. Bartscheck đến Prime Properties Buffalo Inc, 75.500 đô la. • 210 Condon Ave., William N. Eaton; Emily Trott đến Galina Tumash, 75.200 đô la. • 31 Vandalia, Let Them Lol Inc cho Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 75.000 đô la. • 45 Kermit Ave., Rahman Properties Management Inc đến Nusrat Zahan, 75.000 đô la. • 290 Cáp, Yrsh LLC LLC, 70.000 đô la. • 779 Triển vọng Ave., Carmen Lai; Carmen L. Lai đến Christina Tretter; Christina E. Tretter, 70.000 đô la. • 968 Genesee St., Addie M. Hargrove; Willie A. Robinson; Tracy Walton; Walton Estelle tháng 12; Walton Faye C đến Fairtrade International Inc, 70.000 đô la. • 547 Highgate Ave., Lĩnh vực Annie L Est; Lĩnh vực Annie Louise Est; Anthony J. Lana đến Fannie Mae, 69.342 đô la. • 153 Hagen, Chat Bark Properties 1 LLC đến Md Jahngir Alam; Md Alamgir Hossain; Md Abdur Razzaque, $ 65,200. • 526 Plymouth Ave., Luz M. Vives đến 716 West Side Holdings LLC, $ 60.000. • 609 East Amherst St., Tonton Group LLC đến Tazin Sultana, $ 60.000. Nykizza A. Hardy; Eric J. Hill, 58.000 đô la. • 163 Wakefield, Raquel Crespo; Giovanni Quinones cho Hemel Ahmed, 55.000 đô la. • 50 Fuller, Jeanallan Properties LLC đến Vicky Nguyen, 55.000 đô la. • 207 Riley, Henry W. Self to Goodeee Management LLC, 55.000 đô la. • 160 Tưởng niệm, Dixon Enterprises Inc cho Wilson Edoh, 52.500 đô la. 846 Walden, Thành phố Buffalo đến Delight Realty LLC, $ 50.000. • 77 Crossman Ave., John C. Szablewski; Kathy J. Szablewski đến Lucky Saad Realty Corp, 50.000 đô la. • 239 Suffolk, Tammy Massey-Thomas đến Carlton Jermaine Byrum, 49.000 đô la. • 97 Bradley St., Robert E. Bordner đến Jcos Properties LLC, 46.000 đô la. • 73 Hawley, Robert E Bordner đến Jcos Properties LLC, $ 46.000. • 396 Riley St., Debra Williams; Robert Williams đến Sylvia Mcneill True lov; Vernon A. True lov, $ 42.500. • 34 Wood Ave., Buffalo Circle LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, $ 42.000. • 258 Parkdale Ave., Peter Bestajovsky; Eliza Kaminska đến William Szczerba, 41.000 đô la. • 22 Theodore St., Clinton Calloway đến Main Uddin, 40.000 đô la. • 20 Timon, City of Buffalo to Mds Assets Inc, 38.000 đô la. • 57 Goodyear, Yitzys Homes LLC đến tuxedo • 428 Goethe, Atlantica LLC đến Abu Talukder, $ 32.000. • 182 Hagen St., Leigh Anderson; Ethel L. Cummings cho Buffalo King Reality Inc, 32.000 đô la. • 1649 Fillmore, Nina C. Sidiyahya cho Spencer W. Gaskin, 30.000 đô la. tới Ikram Murad, 28.000 đô la. • 164 Royal Ave., Sdp Properties LLC đến Eric Muniz; Nancy Muniz, 27.520 đô la. • 1903 Broadway, 1375 French Rd Inc đến Ahmad M. Shinwari, 20.000 đô la. • 88 Lewis St., Sunil Bakshi; Hageman Sandra D Est đến Ymr Homes LLC, $ 14,581. CHEEKTOWAGA • 75 Alys Dr E, Vịt con xấu xí LLC đến Courtney Paige Black; Brandon Gl lý, $ 230.000. • Đại lộ 212 Towers, Kelly A. Jarrell; Scott D. Jarrell cho Amy M. Blashot, $ 214.000. • 72 Conway, Jason D. Jacks đến Marietta L. Schaedel; Robert E. Schaedel, $ 188,000. • 35 Gabrielle Drive, Robert P. Johnson; Loretta Roberts đến Rmf Mua lại ủy thác mua lại 2018-1 Tr; Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington Fsb Tr, $ 178,363. • 99 Sandy Lane, Frank Bednasz đến Daryl Hahn; Kelly Hahn, 150.000 đô la. • 101 Argus Drive, Jaclyn R. Cwiklinski; Timothy G. Stearns đến Samantha L. Girdlestone; Trevor T. Wirth, 149.900 đô la. • 69 Angela Lane, Norma J. Mongtomery đến Khadiza Halim, 145.000 đô la. • 119 Lee St., Gdc Holdings LLC đến Lyndsey Grande; Robert Wilcox, 141.625 đô la. • Ổ đĩa Cherokee, Armond E. Lofton; Brenda L. Lofton đến Kathryn M. Lam, 135.000 đô la. • 107 Houston St., Michelle M. Yates đến Ryen Seyfried, 130.000 đô la. • 122 Haller Ave., Farzana Sultana đến Bird House Holdings LLC, 130.000 đô la. • 177 Kennedy Road, Daniel W. Metzinger đến Aubrey R. Mcguire, 130.000 đô la. • 50 Hawro Place, Cynthia L. Boroszko đến Blair V. Fletcher; Jeremy Schlierf, 127.000 đô la. • 220 Bissell Ave., James A. Schwartz; Linda J. Schwartz đến Robert W. Zinni, 122.500 đô la. • 32 Lyman Ave., Trung tâm dịch vụ con người đô thị Lt Col Matt ở Western New York; Trung tâm cộng đồng Ba Lan của Buffalo Inc dba đến Alicia Threat; Gary Threat, 122.000 đô la. • 43 Ellen Drive, Seggio Properties LLC đến Saleh Mohamed, 120.000 đô la. • 240 Parker, Georgina Sinnett đến Gerald Vilier, 110.000 đô la. • 183 đường Meadowlawn, Adam N. Wilcox tới Nazma Akther; Md Sifat Ullah, 108.000 đô la. • 54 Hadley St., Kathleen A. Kubala; Karen M. Noe cho Jennifer Bartus, 107.000 đô la. • 64 Boll St., Lisa M. Tomchot đến Rebecca A. Doruszewski, 107.000 đô la. • 64 Northcrest Ave., John M. Mugas tới Christina H. Evans, 99.000 đô la. • 44 Loxley Road , Ibrahim M. Abu-Sitta đến Talitha Field; Aaron Hawkins, $ 92.500. • 20 Haller Ave., HUD đến Ruhul Amin, $ 80,055. • 83 Loretto Drive, Debra S. Smith đến Ae Buffalo Properties LLC, $ 75.000. • 5521 Đường Road, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến 5521 Transit Road LLC, $ 35.000. • 24 Halstead Ave., Michael P. Fischer đến Tri Trekkers LLC, $ 31.000. • 6 Algiers Lane, Arthur V. Pogorzala; Dolores Z. Pogorzala đến Jean Pogorzala, 30.000 đô la. • Đường Vl Kennedy, Daniel Petroski đến Joseph J. Darlak; Rossana D. Darlak, 21.000 USD. CÂU HỎI • 9662 Deerview Lane, George P. Gallagher đến Daniel L. Rodems; Manda E. Rodems, $ 419,900. • Đất trống 9819 Đường mòn Longleaf, Sg Clarence LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 129.500 đô la. THU THẬP • 14088 Gowanda State Road, Earle W. Gates; Vòng nguyệt quế S. Gates đến Keller Billie Jo M, 143.100 đô la. • 13945 Quaker St., Nancy Wells Withington đến Mark Hawes, 40.000 đô la. CONCORD • Đường mòn 20 dốc, Jennifer A. Obrien; Kevin J. Obrien đến Jerry Grawe; Sandra Grawe, $ 245.000. • 13966 Mill St., 7538 Olean Road LLC đến Michael Meindl; Jessica Stack, $ 178.000. EDEN • 9833 Đường Tice, Joseph J. Willis; Karen S. Willis cho Jennifer L. Weber; Joseph M. Weber, 360.000 đô la. • 2172 Đường Hemlock, Lynn Milligan; Robert Milligan đến Brett J. Gage; Natalia D. Gage, 225.000 đô la. • Đường 2304 tháng 3, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc., $ 10.000.EVans • 7125 Brandywine Drive, John Hider; Kristine Hider đến Desiree Hider; John C. Hider, 150.000 đô la. • 73 Center St., Truman 2016 Sc6 Title Trust Tr to Queen City Remodeling Inc, 61.500 đô la. • 1576 Eden Evans Center Road, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc, 25.000 đô la. • 9096 Đại lộ Tây Nam, Nancy Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc, $ 10.000. ĐẢO GRAND • 94 Đường mòn dễ chịu, David W. Ambellan; Nancy A. Ambellan đến Narinder Singh, 351.000 đô la. • 1310 East Park Road, 335 Center St. Inc đến Idrees Akhtar; Mubeen A. Moughal, 205.000 đô la. • 1486 Đường Whitehaven, Mehmet Hajdini; Arbnore Islami đến Tri Trekkers LLC, $ 173.500. • 3058 Đường sông Đông, David M. Scalise; Joseph D. Mở rộng cho Susan King, 125.000 đô la. HAMCHA • Tòa án Woodway 5018, David Marshall Meinke đến Joshua R. Bannister; Nicolette E. Bannister, 373.000 đô la. • 4301 Rushford Drive, Timothy J. Keim đến National Nominee Services Inc, $ 325.000. • 4301 Rushford Drive, National Nominee Services Inc cho Emily T. Haas, $ 325.000. Steenberg; Timothy T. Steenberg đến Jami Ali; Matthew Silver, $ 290.000. • 5589 Câu lạc bộ đồng quê, Valerie L. Heywood đến Jessica L. Hargarther; Kyle E. Scritchfield, $ 260.000. • 6233 Đường Versailles, Erin N. Russell đến Louis P. Vertino Jr., $ 215.000. • 4971 Kennison Parkway, Natalie R. Bucholtz; George T. Griesbaum cho Lauren E. Murray; Michael T. Murray, $ 189.000. • 6138 Mckinley Parkway, John C. Stiker; Mary L. Stiker cho Steven J. Fox; Tracy A. Fox, $ 185,000. • 5136 Thurston Ave., Jennifer Sj Beam to Paul Hoffman, $ 170.000. • 77 Cây thông, Joseph R. Hess; Lynn M. Hess đến Lindsey K. Ardus, 150.000 đô la. • 4745 Đại lộ Mount Vernon, Claudia M. Austin; Elbert C. Austin III đến Harold R. Clark, 138.000 đô la. • 2640 Oakwood Ave., Melissa Bannister cho Bradley K. Heilig, 135.000 đô la. HÀ LAN • 6 Cherrywood Ridge, Florence Hoffman; Gene E. Hoffman cho Brandon J. Dawson; Rebecca G. Dawson, $ 217.000. • 124 Canada St., Rebecca G. Keller cho Jennifer R. Larkowski; Sean M. Larkowski, $ 157,400. LACKAWANNA • 66 Orchard Place, Colin P. Higgins đến Sharif M. Alamry, $ 157.500. • 100 Balen Drive, Edward J. Mueller cho David D. Holmwood, $ 147.000. • 191 Franklin St., Bruce Savino đến Samantha Martin, $ 108,150. LANCASTER • 28 Weathersfield Lane, Rjf Development Jv đến Cross Creek Eight LLC, 996.870 đô la. • 1821 Como Park Boulevard, Kcm Enterprises Inc đến Van Buren Boys Holdings LLC, 430.000 đô la. • 16 Park Walk, Jamie L. Cudzil; Jonathan R. Fletcher cho Jennifer N. Zyla; Scott E. Zyla, 270.000 đô la. • 21 Ivy Way, Divert Properties LLC đến Samantha J. Pilote, $ 235.000. • 18 Petersbrook Circle, Patricia K. Wukovits cho William E. Clotfelter, 179.000 đô la. • 132 Iroquois Ave., Beverly Schuster; Beverly I. Schuster đến Valerie Lynn Alba, $ 167,000. • 6 Benson Drive, Helen M. Dietz đến Kelly Ann Martin, $ 122.500. • 6 Weathersfield Lane, Essex Ngôi nhà của WNY Inc cho Lauren C. Rittling; Richard W. Rittling Jr., 84.000 đô la. • 34 Glendale Drive, Crystal A. Richards đến Thomas P Schuster Ira Ben; Equity Trust Co Cust, 81.000 đô la. • 8 Hidden Lawn Crossing, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 69.000 đô la. • Đất trống 41 Partridge Walk, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 69.000 đô la. MARILLA • 2432 Đường Eastwood, Jonathan Thompson đến Paul Luke Kieffer, $ 220.000. NEWSTEAD • 4959 South Newstead Road, Cmk Builders của Alden Inc đến Gary Bailey; Candi S. Possinger-Bailey, 360.000 đô la. PHÍA BẮC • Đường Vl Marschfield, David Berghash; David Wadsworth cho Kenneth Phillips, 33.000 đô la. CÔNG viên ORCHARD • 2 Đường Winterhall, Sally A. Manley; William S. Manley đến Dean M. Brewer Jr.; Rachel Annette Biaer, 656.900 đô la. • 8 Grand View Trl, Joseph P. Kubarek; Sharon M. Porcellio đến Kelly A. Todaro; Michael J. Todaro, 650.000 đô la. • 285 Độc lập, Matthew E. Raiff; Susan M. Raiff đến Gregory D. Samei, 375.000 đô la. • 45 Minden Drive, Steven B. Bengart; Charlene C. Parker đến Fannie Mae, $ 231,022. • 5246 Webster Road, Patricia S. Walla viêm; Paul J. Walla viêm đến Timothy T. Steenberg, 148.000 đô la. • Đất trống 4 Stone Bluff Ct 56, Liên doanh Brompton / caesar Associates cho Jamie N. Nadler; Megan E. Nadler, 118.000 đô la. • 20 Hearthstone Terrace, Liên doanh Brompton / caesar Associates cho Forbes Homes Inc, 114.000 đô la. • 22 Hearthstone Terrace, Brompton / caesar Associates liên doanh với Forbes Homes Inc, 114.000 đô la. đến Tài sản & Bất động sản Mỹ LLC, $ 42.500. MÙA XUÂN • 205 Newman St., Ethan W. Collins; Audra D. Towsley; Patrick E. Towsley đến Ngân hàng Cộng đồng NA, 136.341 đô la. • 47 Glen St., Rosemary S. Mumbach đến Margaret A. Obrien, 126.000 đô la. • 154 East Main St., Cordell A. Thompson; Jaime C. Thompson cho Sarah L. Gabler, 104.000 đô la. THÀNH PHỐ TONAWANDA • 4 Peuquet Parkway, Outvue LLC đến Stark Real Estate Holdings LLC, $ 950,000. • 279 Brookside, Trevor J. Mullins cho Jason L. Bishoff; Maegan E. Bishoff, $ 215.000. • 273 Rogers Ave., Matthew Casseri đến Jamie L. Cummings; Nathan Cummings, $ 173,000. • 257 Niagara St., Edward W. Schreaser to Amy E. Tirella, 133.900 đô la. • 228 Grove St., Odonnell Land & expl LLC đến Jacob Rutkowski, 122.000 đô la. • 166 Rogers Ave., Doris Callahan; Doris E. Callahan đến Kristen Consminger, $ 119,900. • 45 Simson St., Kira Cochran-Gross cho Ahad Advisory Group LLC, $ 50,786. • 2 Maldives, Ave., Francis J. Prelewicz đến John C. Pontrello, $ 50.000. • 4 Clinton St ., David L Eddy Ira 100% Ben; Công ty ủy thác Pensco ủy thác cho Michael J. Lee; Khủng bố E. Lee; 78 Niagara Shore LLC, $ 44.000. TONAWANDA • 22 Deerhurst Park, John Pezzino III đến Anthony C. Fanara, $ 330.000. • 42 đường Grayton, Marilyn Kanutsu đến Deborah A. Tomizzi; Joseph J. Tomizzi, $ 277.999. • 324 Argonne Drive, Anne Mcguire; Curtis L. Meer cho Justin Giá, $ 272.000. • 2970 Đường Eggert, Francesca Grisafi; Giovanni Grisafi đến Bình minh Marie Smyth; Michael Lawrence Smyth, 266.000 đô la. • 142 Westfall Drive, William J. Croker đến Breanne A. Queeno, 186.500 đô la. John A. Delaney đến Heather Rende, 161.000 đô la. • 403 Thorncliff, Dorothy M. Grover cho Elizabeth J. Smith; Michael P. Smith, $ 159,000. • 50 Dreyer Ave., Mark Valenti đến Rosalina M. Vanegas, $ 150,000. • 22 Keller, Heather E. Markwart đến Rachelle Roberts, $ 145.000. • 33 North Ellwood Ave., Susan Ellsworth Johnson đến Trevor J Ngày, 140.000 đô la. • 32 Tremont Ave., Eric B. Nelson đến Miranda Scamacca, 135.000 đô la. • 393 Westgate Road, Kaysi Stepien đến Anthony Badon, 130.000 đô la. • 60 Legion Drive, Donald S. Cox; Gary F. Cox; James A. Cox; Walter W. Cox đến 60legion LLC, 129.900 đô la. • 64 North End Ave., Mary T. Kosmerl đến Lsf9 Master Tham gia tin cậy Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 125,261. • 974 Đại lộ Riverview, Roberta Mcginty đến Kim Tetreault; Scott Tetreault, 106.500 đô la. • 115 Brighton, Arthur Manthey Jr.; Manthey Arthur Paul Jr đến Amanda C. Glor, 100.000 đô la. • 3347 Elmwood Ave., Schofield Residence; Schofield Residence & schofield Certified Home Care; Ghế bánh xe Home Inc dba to Linda C. Baker; Robert A. Baker, 97.000 đô la. • 31 Kerr Ave., Justin J. Bleich; Paul A. Vance gửi Ngân hàng HSBC Hoa Kỳ NA, $ 94,073. • 64 Hoover Ave., Kenneth Graber; Amiee L. Kennedy; Keith D. Miller; Mary E. Miller đến Ngân hàng Midfirst, 81.000 đô la. • 140 Parkwood Ave., HUD đến Emmanuel Tambi, 77.000 đô la. • 164 Woodlawn Drive, Christina Trust Tr; Cơ hội tín dụng dân cư ủy thác III Tr; Hội tiết kiệm Wilmington Fsb Tr dba to Terrance P. Brogan, $ 75,001. • 86 Somerton Ave., 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Unisource Realty LLC, $ 75.000. • 21 Pullman Ave., Carolyn Diakakis; Peter Diakakis cho Corey J. Hogan, 65.000 đô la. • 149 Kaufman Ave., Michael W. Wagner đến Stephanie E. Capozzi; Nicholas P. Hackett, 30.000 đô la. • 68 Roxley, Anthony F. Scrivo đến Colleen E. Kozlowski; Colleen Scrivo, $ 15,693. TÂY SENECA • 8 Crownland Circle, David R. Modica Jr. đến Jaime E. Noltee; Jeffrey Noltee Jr., $ 202.500. • 69 Woodbine Ave., James Lawson; Theresa Lawson đến Alexia R. Schmidt; Cameron W. Schmidt, 179.900 đô la. • Đường 338 Union, Philip Obrien đến Rachael Ann Kapuscinski, 170.000 đô la. • 4968 Clinton St., Frederick F. Mazurowski đến Richard Wieland, 135.000 đô la. • 45 Nancycrest Lane, George R. Myslinski đến Anne E. Nâu; Stephen P. Brown, $ 134,900. • 319 Nhà thờ Ấn Độ, Erma B. Flory cho Steven J. Wagner, $ 125,250. • 66 Burch Ave., Tập đoàn cải tiến vùng đất Buffalo Erie Niagara đến Elizabeth A. Komoroske, $ 125.000. • 400 Collins Ave. , Nicholas L. Arakelian đến April K. Mueller, 123.600 đô la. • 245 Burch Ave., Steve M. Dipalma cho Christopher S. Golownik; Patricia Golownik, 63.000 đô la. • 212 Saint Jude Terrace, Lisa M. Zimpfer cho Peter J. Celli, 40.000 đô la. • 2p V / l Hyland Ave., Stefan Kablak cho Donald G. Larson, 23.500 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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lelitblog · 6 years
Proveniente de una cuna aristocrática inglesa, Percy Bysshe Shelley nació en Agosto 4 de 1792. Durante su niñez pasó largo tiempo cazando y pescando por diversión junto a su primo, amigo de toda su vida: Thomas Medwin, quien publicaría un libro sobre Percy relatando de primera mano su infancia y los eventos que le siguieron y que le fueron confiados. La primera educación que Percy recibió fue con un tutor en casa, siendo cercano así a sus cuatro hermanas menores y un hermano con el que tenía una diferencia de edad considerable; dichas circunstancias lo hicieron objeto de cariño y admiración, pero se encontró con un ambiente completamente distinto cuando comenzó su asistencia en Eton College a los doce años. Shelley se negaba a participar en actividades típicas de niños de su edad y cargaba siempre con un libro bajo el brazo, esa extraña actitud y su aspecto sensible fue suficiente para que sus compañeros lo molestaran constantemente, sin embargo -tan pasional como siempre- el chico se negaba a ser insultado, explotando la mayoría de las veces en airados gritos de ofensa y defensa, se ganó el apodo “Mad Shelley”. Seis años después se matriculó en el University College de Oxford, donde sus tendencias liberales, antipatrióticas y ateístas le costaron su expulsión al siguiente año, tras escribir un folleto con el título “The necessity of Ateism” junto a su amigo y biógrafo: Thomas Jefferson Hogg; la familia de Shelley intervino para que la expulsión no se llevara a cabo, la única condición era que Percy negara su autoría, acción a la que, por supuesto, se negó rotundamente. Una vez fuera de cualquier tipo de institución, se dedicó  vivir la vida que quería, dejándose llevar por arrebatos sentimentales y poderosos deseos.
A los diecinueve años, cuatro meses después de haber sido expulsado, se casó con Harriet Westbrook. Su amor y su matrimonio estuvo lleno de infelices momentos que, sin embargo, no los separaban del todo pues Percy solía acudir, conmovido, al llamado de Harriet cada que ella le mandaba desesperadas y tristes cartas prometiendo que se suicidaría. Tenía ya un hijo con ella cuando, en 1814, frecuentando la librería del filósofo William Godwin, al que admiraba por sus ideales de libertad, conoció a la hija de tan admirable figura: Mary, y poco importó que Harriet acabara de dar a luz al segundo hijo, pues Percy ya había decidido fugarse con aquella chica de dieciséis años y su hermanastra de la misma edad: Claire. Cruzaron Francia y se establecieron en Suiza durante un tiempo, pero el dinero -que solía imponerles límites- terminó por obligarlos a regresar a Inglaterra, donde ninguno de los tres era ya bienvenido a la casa del padre de Mary, a pesar de ser ésta la querida hija de su primer matrimonio y de que Shelley hubiera sido un especie de alumno e hijo para él.
Pasó todo un año para que los tres volvieran a Suiza -con un cuarto integrante: el hijo de Percy y Mary, Wiliam- y esa vez, las dichosas circunstancias, terminaron por juntar a dos de los poetas más importantes del romanticismo. Los paseos diarios navegando sobre el río fueron una de las actividades que más disfrutaban Percy y Byron cuando estaban juntos, de manera que el 23 de junio de 1816, decidieron irse en una excursión de ocho días, ellos solos, para deleitarse con la compañía que encontraron uno en el otro. Shelley, en su ensayo On Love, escrito el año anterior al mencionado viaje, había escrito: “I have found my language misunderstood, like one in a distant and savage land”, y precisamente, cuando navegando con Byron, fue testigo de la belleza que el Lago de Ginebra le había preparado, abrigó la esperanza de que no estaba solo, pues la presencia del Lord, tan absorto en la naturaleza como él mismo, logró extasiarlo, llenarlo de una especie de encantamiento: había encontrado a alguien que hablaba su mismo idioma.
Ese viaje fue la principal razón por la que se vio capaz de escribir Hymn to intelectual beauty, un proyecto que ya había pensado durante toda su vida, pero al que le hacía falta un viaje, un amigo y un lago en Ginebra. Una vez terminado su himno lo mandó, un año después, a su editor para publicarlo y en la firma se leía: “Elfin knight”, como solía llamarlo Mary, en respuesta a la pregunta del porqué no había colocado su nombre, Percy escribió: “Next, will I own the "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty? lf I do not care--as you like. And yet the poem was composed under the influence of feelings which agitated me even to tears, so that I think it deserves a better fate than the being linked with so stigmatized an unpopular a name (so far as it is known) as mine”.
El encantamiento que recibió Shelley en su viaje con Byron, se repitió una y otra vez, incluso cuando mantenían los pies en tierra firme, sentados junto al fuego, exhalando filosofía y sentimientos intensos. La noche del 17 de junio en Villa Diodati, contando historias de terror por las que Percy siempre había sentido especial curiosidad, pues creía que los fantasmas y los seres sobrenaturales eran lo único que podía explicar el misterio de la vida, Byron y él, con o sin saberlo, marcaron el comienzo de la creación de dos monstruos. Poco les importaba tener público en sus conversaciones, no prestaban especial atención a algo que no fueran sus delirios románticos, pero tal era la vehemencia de sus entrelazadas almas que esparcían por el viento la inspiración, inspiración que encontraría un hogar en la joven novia de Shelley: Mary, y en el doctor compañero de Byron: John. Para compartir a rienda suelta sus espíritus y creatividad Percy y Byron se tenían entre ellos, desde aquel encuentro en Ginebra, mientras estuvieran vivos –quizá incluso después de la muerte-, y para siempre.
-Diamanda Mendoza
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ludojudoposts · 4 years
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The Wind Cannot Read (1958) Dir: Ralph Thomas
Srarring-Dirk Bogarde, Yoko Tani, Michael Medwin, Ronald Lewis, John Fraser
Photo Set 1 of 3 (1-10)
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shimyereh · 4 years
Thomas Medwin’s accounts of his Conversations with Byron are a fascinating document, but I especially love how the archive where I’m reading them presents them in parallel with criticisms written in response to them by other contemporaries. There’s a lot of quibbling over details in the margins. Some outrage, even. (Medwin apparently ended up challenging two other writers to duels over this.) Different people are more immediately privy to different things, come away with different impressions, put different conscious and unconscious spin on the stories they tell.
Medwin apparently recorded these conversations in his notebook fairly immediately after they took place, and published them only a few years later — that’s not a huge amount of distance. But some of the stories related in the conversations go back further. How much discrepancy here is from Medwin misremembering what he was told, and how much is from Byron reconceptualizing and reframing his own story as he tells it at that point in his life? And how trustworthy are the criticisms? This is new territory for me, so I’ll probably have stronger opinions later.
What I will say, though, is that it makes me think of the same things I’ve been seeing for the past two-and-a-half years in my own research into Pushkin, sifting through the stories his contemporaries told in memoirs after his death. That memory is fallible, personal narratives are somewhat fluid, and despite the best of intentions, nobody is a completely reliable narrator.
I think any quoting of spoken dialogue in a memoir is to be taken with a grain of salt. It’s unlikely the words were remembered perfectly, or recorded exactly as spoken. Perhaps certain turns of phrase particularly stuck in the memoirist’s ear; other things may be reconstructed in the general spirit of what was said, at least as the memoirist remembers it. Dialogue makes for lively storytelling, but can give a false sense of immediacy.
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