#thomas hitzlsperger
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leomedina95 · 1 year ago
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pixelpluto · 3 months ago
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Vor 10 Jahren hatte Thomas Hitzlsperger sein Coming-out, damals als wohl bekanntester Fußballspieler, wenn auch nicht mehr während seiner aktiven Karriere. Ich wollte ihn aber gerne mit seinem 'signature move', dem linken Hammer zeichnen. Der Riesenball im Hintergrund besteht aus den Hauptfarben der Vereine, bei denen er gespielt hat.
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nomaptomyowntreasure · 3 months ago
Based on some of the comments on The Kintsugi Kid, and, I think, the surprise at the amount of denial and self-denial in it, here's a very brief and incomplete history of homosexuality in association football (soccer, we can call it soccer). I know the story is fiction but anyway, this is my rant into the void, basically.
Justin Fashanu was the first professional footballer to come out publicly and be openly gay in 1990. After coming out, he transferred clubs yearly, sometimes multiple times a year, until his suicide in 1998 amidst media allegations surrounding his sexuality. His brother continued to give interviews stating that Justin wasn't gay, but merely an attention seeker.
Unsurprisingly, the tragedy and hostility that struck his life after publicly coming out persuaded other gay footballers that coming out would not be a good idea. 
Some minor league players come in the early 2000s, mostly after their retirement, some during their active career - for example Messi (not the Messi) who's the first Brazilian football player to come out in 2010. After coming out, he transferred clubs yearly, sometimes multiple times a year. What a coincidence!
Also in the early 2000s, Luis Felipe Scolari (ex-Chelsea manager) goes on record to say he would have thrown out of the team a player whom he found to be gay. 
In 2005, former manager Alan Smith speaks of "the last taboo in football": "I've had players over the years who were single and read books and so others [other players] said they must be gay... I think being openly gay would be something very difficult to live with in football... You can get drunk and beat up your wife and that's quite acceptable, but if someone were to say 'I'm gay', it's considered awful. It's ridiculous."
Also in 2005, the Football Association held a summit aimed at tackling homophobia in football. In that same year, when the BBC asked all of the twenty Premiership managers their opinions on the issue as part of an investigation, all twenty refused.
Many heterosexual players are victims of homophobic abuse - both on and off the pitch, sometimes due to their "unladdish hobbies". Rio Ferdinand gets away with calling someone faggot live on air.
In 2010, Max Clifford says he would and has advised gay players to stay closeted: "It's a very sad state of affairs. But it's a fact that homophobia in football is as strong now as it was 10 years ago. If you'd asked me in 2000 whether I thought we'd have a famous, openly gay footballer by 2010 I would have said yes.
Robbie Rogers, an American football player, played for second-tier English football club Leeds united when he came out in 2013 - and announced his retirement almost in the same breath. He later returned from retirement to play for LA Galaxy, and become the first gay football player in the MLS. In 2013. He did play internationally for the United States, though was not called back for international games after his coming out. What a coincidence!
The first international player to come out as gay is Thomas Hitzlsperger who was a German national team player. He came out in 2014, one year after his retirement. During his active career, he had a long-term girlfriend.
So we're in 2014, and there's no openly gay football player in any major teams or with an international career. Most players who have come out since 2014 either came out after their retirement, or play for very very very minor leagues.
In June 2021, at the delayed UEFA Euro 2020 tournament, Germany national football team captain Manuel Neuer was investigated by UEFA for wearing a rainbow captain's armband and risked potential fines - they investigated it being a political statement.
The next major league player and first international player to come out whilst actively playing is Jakub Jankto, he came out in 2023 (yes, last year) and currently plays for a Series A team in Italy. He used to play for the Czech Republic but has not been called back for international games after coming out. What a coincidence!
In June 2022, it was revealed that homophobia made up the majority of online abuse aimed at footballers.
Here are some more supporting articles:
Homosexuality in association football
Homosexuality in English football
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year ago
LGBTQ+ male footballer masterlist
The Women's World Cup is going on as of writing and so sticking with the football theme, I have made a list of all the LGBTQ+ male footballers posted here 2018 to present (2023) from around the world
Below are the professional male footballers from around the world (retired and current), who have been posted on this blog since 2018. Some posts may be out of date/innacurate and so if you see any errors please get in touch. Have gone through more than 14 pages of this blog to provide this list. Hope you like it.
Total: 18
Africa (South Africa)
Phuti Lekoloane - Gay
Australasia (Australia)
Andy Brennan - Gay
Josh Cavallo - Gay
Europe (UK, Sweden, Germany, France)
Anton Hysén - Gay
Jake Daniels - Gay
Marcus Urban - Gay
Olivier Rouyer - Gay
Reine Feldt - Gay
Richie Anderson - Gay
Thomas Beattie - Gay
Thomas Hitzlsperger - Gay
Zander Murray - Gay
North America (America)
Adam McCabe - Gay
Collin Martin - Gay
David Testo - Gay
Matt Pacifici - Gay
Robbie Rogers - Gay
South America (Brazil)
Richarlyson Felisbino - Bisexual
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ikram1909 · 5 months ago
there’d definitely be a lot more support then say 5, 10 or 20 years ago, but there’d still be a lot and i mean a lot of hate if gavi or any other high-profile player was to come out as gay or bisexual. i mean, just look at the comments under barça’s insta posts during pride month. acceptance in the sport has come a long way, but football is still very much seen as this very macho sport and is met with a lot of homophobia when clubs or players show support to the lgbtqia+. on the topic, here’s a list of some footballers who have come out who are somewhat or mildly high-profile:
olivier rouyer who’s french. he played the majority of his career with nancy as a winger and also made 17 appearances for france. he played from 1973 to 1990, and came out in 2008.
thomas hitzlsperger who’s german and is so far the highest-profile player to come out. he spent the majority of his career with aston villa and vfb stuttgart as a midfielder, and also made 52 appearances for germany. he played from 2001 to 2013, and came out in 2014.
richarlyson who’s brazilian. he played the majority of his career at sao paulo and atletico mineiro as a dm, he also made 2 appearances for brazil back in 2008. his career spanned from 2002 to 2021, and he came out in 2022.
jakub janto who’s czech and also the first male footballer to come out while actively playing. he’s thus far spent the majority of his career at udinense and sampdoria but has been playing for cagliari since 2023. he made 45 appearances for the czech republic but i’m pretty sure retired from international duty in 2022. he came out in 2023.
That's the sad truth yeah. The fact that very few come out says enough because there are so many football players there's no way none of them are gay or bisexual. I wish our world was a better place
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imagerie-des-adultes · 2 years ago
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Thomas Hitzlsperger
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eggi1972 · 2 months ago
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Am vergangenen Wochenende feierte das Bücherfestival Baden-Baden Premiere und verwandelte die traditionsreiche Kurstadt in ein Zentrum für Literaturbegeisterte. Vom 7. bis 10. November zog das Festival über 3.000 Besucher*innen an und bot ein vielfältiges Programm aus Lesungen, Gesprächen und literarischen Begegnungen. Mit Beiträgen renommierter Autor*innen, interaktiven Kinder- und Jugendveranstaltungen sowie einer sehr gut frequentierten Buchmesse im Kulturhaus LA8 hat das Festival auf ganzer Linie überzeugt und sich als neues Highlight im Kulturkalender etabliert. „Begeisterte Zuhörer bei den vielen Lesungen, ein hochinteressiertes Messepublikum und eine großartige Resonanz in der Stadt: Der Stapellauf des ersten Bücherfestivals ist gelungen!“, freut sich Thomas Lindemann vom Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Baden-Württemberg e.V. Auch Karlheinz Kögel von Media Control lobt das Event: „Das Bücherfestival hat einen furiosen Start hingelegt!” Die Innenstadtvereinigung „We love Baden-Baden” freut sich über die durch das Festival gesteigerte Besucherfrequenz auch am sonnigen Samstag in der Baden-Badener City. Kuratiert wurde das Festival von Denis Scheck und Literaturagentin Karin Graf, die die Besucher*innen mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm begeisterten. „Das war ein gelungener Auftakt: In Baden-Baden war auf dem neuen Literaturfestival die deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt und Vitalität zu erleben. Das Publikum ging an allen Abenden begeistert mit – so wird Literatur zur Erfahrung,“ resümierte Scheck. Die Veranstaltung bot zahlreiche Höhepunkte: Bestseller-Autor Florian Illies eröffnete das Festival am Donnerstagabend im Gespräch mit Literaturkritiker Denis Scheck. Obwohl die Heizung der Stiftskirche ausgefallen war, folgten über 250 Besucher*innen gebannt dem Dialog über den Maler Caspar David Friedrich. Katja Lange-Müller begeisterte am Freitag Abend im Alten Ratssaal im Gespräch mit Moderator Carsten Otte. Anna Katharina Hahn und Mithu Sanyal füllten am Samstag Abend in einem Doublefeature unter der Moderation von Julia Schröder die Buchhandlung Eulennest. Am Sonntag gab es einen gut besuchten Literaturgottesdienst mit der Lokalgröße Thomas Weiß. Den Abschluß-Treffer landete Ex-Nationalspieler Thomas Hitzlsperger im Maison Messmer im Gespräch mit Denis Scheck über sein Comingout als Homosexueller im Profifußball, das der SWR als Medienpartner neben dem Gespräch mit Mithu Sanyal für die Sendung „Lesenswert vor Ort“ aufgezeichnet hat. Besonderes Interesse galt der Buchmesse im Kulturhaus LA8: Rund 50 Verlage aus ganz Deutschland präsentierten und verkauften ihre neuesten Veröffentlichungen. Im Lesecafé gab es stündlich Lesungen und Verlagspräsentationen. Diane Kopp vom Emons Verlag zeigte sich erfreut: „Wir haben sehr interessierte Besucher*innen am Stand, die den persönlichen Kontakt zu Verlagsvertreter*innen und Autor*innen schätzen und gerne kaufen.“ Auch Eros Castelli von Hugendubel betonte: „Eine wahnsinnig gute Stimmung hier, wir führen schöne Gespräche mit Leuten aus der Gegend, aber auch vielen Gästen von außerhalb. Sehr angenehm gemischtes Publikum, das viele Bücher kauft. Wir kommen nächstes Jahr gerne wieder.“ Für die jungen Literaturfans wurde ebenfalls einiges geboten. Am Samstagabend präsentierte Media Control die bekannte Dark Romance-Autorin Jane S. Wonda im Café Kunsthalle. Das anschließende Meet & Greet mit der Bestsellerautorin fand am Büchertisch von Thalia statt. Schon am Vormittag hatte die Buchhandlung Hugendubel zu einem Romance Talk mit den Autorinnen Lin Rina und Alicia Zett sowie einer Signierstunde mit der Freiburger Autorin Maren Vivien Haase eingeladen. Verschiedene Workshops und viele Kinderbuch-Neuerscheinungen in der Ausstellung stießen bei den kleinsten Besucher*innen auf Begeisterung und machten das Festival auch zu einem Familienerlebnis. Laura Ertl vom Aufbau Verlag lobt die Besucherfrequenz: „Die Stimmung ist super hier, viele literaturinteressierte Menschen, jung und alt.“ Auch Hubert Romer von Sparkys Edition zieht eine positive Aussteller-Bilanz: „Ich bin sehr zufrieden, tolle Gespräche, tolle Leute, gute Umsätze. Bereits am ersten Abend waren auch die Online-Bestellungen deutlich höher.“ Beide sind sich einig: „Wir kommen wieder.“ Mit einer erfolgreichen Premiere hat das Bücherfestival Baden-Baden einen überzeugenden Start hingelegt und einen neuen Treffpunkt für Buchliebhaber*innen im Südwesten geschaffen. „Das Bücherfestival ist ein echtes Highlight“, so Manuel Herder vom Herder Verlag, der am Samstag im Messeprogramm seinen Verlag vorgestellt hat. „Vielen Dank an die Initiatoren, die an diese Idee geglaubt und sie so gelungen umgesetzt haben.“ Dank an die Partner*innen und Unterstützer Ein solches Ereignis wäre ohne die Unterstützung zahlreicher Partner und Förderer nicht möglich gewesen. Der Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Baden-Württemberg e.V. als Veranstalter mit den Kooperationspartnern Media Control und We Love Baden-Baden e.V. danken insbesondere dem Ministerium für Wissen-schaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, der Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, der Leibinger Stiftung und dem Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen Baden-Württemberg für ihre Förderung. „Josua Straß vom Eulennest hat die Idee in unseren Vorstand getragen, und wir danken den vielen, vielen Köpfen und Händen, die unser Geschäftsführer Tom Erben mit Ulrike Altig (Media Control) und Manuela Busch (We love Baden-Baden) orchestriert hat, um das Festival zu realisieren. Neben den Sponsoren gilt unser Dank besonders Karlheinz Kögel von Media Control sowie Sascha Wachaczewsky und Matthias Hirsch als Vorsitzende von ,We love Baden-Baden’.” Thomas Lindemann, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Baden-Württemberg e.V. Ein besonderer Dank gilt auch der Horst Höll Büroeinrichtung GmbH, der Volksbank Baden-Baden, der Wackenhut GmbH & Co. KG sowie dem Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe für ihre großzügige Unterstützung. Das Bücherfestival dankt auch den unterstützenden Hoteliers für die Unterbringung der Autor*innen (Hotel Belle Epoque, Hotel Der Kleine Prinz, Hotel Merkur, Hotel Zum Goldenen Löwen) und dem SWR Kultur als Medienpartner, der das Programm in Hörfunk, Online und TV begleitet hat. Read the full article
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IG (story) Thomas Hitzlsperger 10 September 2024
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leomedina95 · 10 months ago
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pixelpluto · 3 months ago
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Komme nun auch endlich dazu, das Buch von Thomas Hitzlsperger zu lesen, bin schon sehr gespannt 😊 ⚽📖🖋️
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after-zeno · 1 year ago
Extract: [Tom] Hitzlsperger, who played for Aston Villa, West Ham and Everton in the Premier League, announced he was gay in 2014 after his playing career was over. The 41-year-old expressed dismay over Henderson’s move to Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death.
“So Jordan Henderson finally gets his move to Saudi Arabia. Fair play to him, he can play wherever he wants to play,” Hitzlsperger posted on social media. “Curious to know though how the new brand JH will look like. The old one is dead! I did believe for a while that his support for the [rainbow emoji] community would be genuine. Silly me.”
Al-Ettifaq announced the signing of Henderson with a video montage of his career. In it, the then Liverpool captain’s rainbow armband is doctored to appear in black and white.
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sopalgbtqia · 2 years ago
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Justin Fashanu rompeu o silêncio e abriu a cortina de uma verdade negada: há gays no futebol. Assumiu-se homossexual dentro de um dos universos mais lgbtfóbicos. E pagou por ser o primeiro jogador profissional a sair do armário.
Quatro décadas atrás, ele somou o peso das discriminações sexual e racial, seguindo o quanto pode com a carga.
Inglês, filho de pai nigeriano e mãe guianense, o atacante teve passagens por Norwich City, Nottingham Forrest, Southampton, Manchester City e West Ham. Revelou sua orientação em entrevista ao The Sun, em 1990. Segundo contam, o tabloide o chantageou para que ele se assumisse. Caso contrário, publicaria a notícia sem o seu consentimento.
Justin viu sua vida revirar. Caiu no bullying dos jogadores. As torcidas o agrediam constantemente.
Deixou a Inglaterra para ligas menores na Suécia, Nova Zelândia e Canadá. Aposentou-se em 1997 e se mudou para os EUA, onde se tornou técnico.
O cotidiano de hostilidade o levou ao suicídio. Aos 37 anos, enforcou-se. No bilhete de despedida, afirmou não querer continuar a ser “vergonha para a família”.
Justin Fashanu segue como símbolo contra o preconceito no esporte. E vítima da lgbtfobia.
Século 21 e são poucos os atletas de futebol, e do esporte como um todo, que se assumem publicamente.
Prevê-se trajetória áspera para futebolistas que o fazem. Tanto que alguns tomam a decisão após encerrada a carreira como o francês Olivier Rouyer, o canadense David Testo, os brasileiros Emerson e Richarlyson e os alemães Thomas Hitzlsperger e Marcus Urban.
"É nunca ter a permissão para ser você mesmo. Lutei com isto por toda a minha carreira. Ser atleta profissional e ser gay é incrivelmente difícil”, refletiu Testo.
Outros assumem e deixam o futebol, como o norte-americano Robbie Rogers. O francês Yoann Lemaire teve seu contrato com o FC Chooz rescindido. O sueco Anton Hysén durou pouco nos gramados após o anúncio. O inglês Jake Daniels e o australiano Josh Cavallo continuam a carreira.
"Há jogadores em silêncio. Quero ajudar para que mereçam o direito de serem autênticos", disse Cavallo.
#orgulholgbtqia #pridelgbtqia #gaypride #orgulhogay #orgulho #pride🌈 #pridemonth #lgbtpride #queerpride
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arsenal-has-me-depressed · 4 years ago
Thomas Hitzlsperger my beloved
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IG (story) Thomas Hitzlsperger - 10 September 2024
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yourdailyqueer · 5 years ago
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Thomas Hitzlsperger
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 5 April 1982
Ethnicity: White - German
Occupation: Prof soccer player, entrepreneur 
Note: Highest profile male soccer player to come out as gay
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assurbanipalled · 4 years ago
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Jens Lehmann called Dennis Aogo a “token black guy”🤢
This is from the same guy who 
- said he wouldn’t have felt comfortable sharing the dressing room with Thomas Hitzlsperger if he had known he was gay
- complained that Robert Enke commited suicide on his 40th birthday
- said that the covid death rate is no worse than a flu as recently as december 2020
He’s just a shitty person, I’m not even surprised anymore.
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