#thomas barrow & oc
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thesudrianchronicles · 2 years ago
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NWC 7: Finally! An Atlantic!
Written By NorthBritishAtlantic
An engine coasted down the Cumbrian Coast Line along the West Coast of England. He seemed to move majestically, his motion hardly making any sound. Like a phantom in the mid morning sun.
As he passed through smaller stations with names such as “Parton”, “St Bees” & “Seascale”, he noticed people on the platform & even some engines looking on at him in awe & surprise.
For you see. This engine was very far from home. For he was a North British Atlantic.
And he had said goodbye to Scotland, for a new life on a small Island, which many people said was in the middle of Nowhere.
Soon, he arrived at a large looking station. Its overall roof covering its platforms. He saw a sign which read “BARROW CENTRAL”, in big bold letters. He pulled up to the platform & his crew got out of his cab.
“We’ll be back in a few minutes Sam.” His driver said.
“Don’t wander off now!” His fireman added, before the driver slapped his arm. Which made Sam chuckle.
The two humans left their Atlantic with his thoughts. He looked around his surroundings. It was a quiet Sunday morning, and there weren't any trains due for an hour or two. So he had the station all to himself.
Or so he thought.
“HEY!” A voice called from behind, causing the Atlantic to jump. “What you doing in my platform?”, “Sitting there like Lord Mutt.” “I’ve got a station to run ya know?!”
Sam looked to his right. Sitting on the track next to him, was a tank engine. Her black paint was bright but dirty. And the letters “LMS'' were in big bold yellow lettering on her sidetanks.
“Well?” She said, eyeing up the larger engine. “Do you say anything?”, “Or do you just sit around & look like an idiot?”
“That’s enough Poppet.” An older voice called. “Leave Him be, even if he is sitting on the mainline taking up space.”
Sam looked over to his left. He saw an older looking engine sitting inside a glass box next to the platform. He had 4 small wheels, a tall thin funnel, and most notably, he had a large round copper firebox.
“The name’s Sam.” The Atlantic spoke, “And you two are?”
“I’m Coppernob”, the old engine said, “And the tank engine next to you is Poppet.”
“What’s an LNER engine doing all the way down here?” asked Poppet, raising an eyebrow at Sam.
“Heading to Sodor”, Sam replied, “NWR needs an engine for local passenger work. So I’m going there to stay.”
“Why you staying?”, Asked Poppet curiously. “Wouldn’t your frien-”
“If I stay I'll end up scrapped.” replied Sam bluntly, cutting Poppet off mind sentence. “My class is on the way out, it's only a matter of time before I’m withdrawn.”
“Don’t worry about it mate.” Poppet said, understandingly. “I’m on borrowed time myself.” “Most of the older Furness engines are being withdrawn as of late.”
“But you at least still have work.” Said Coppernob, “A hard working engine is a useful one.”
Sam sighed. Thank you Coppernob, he smiled slightly.
Poppet chuckled. "Just call him Nobby!" "Everyone else does!"
Coppernob rolled his eyes. Poppet just laughed, and Sam smirked.
“Alright then! Nobby it is!” Sam chuckled.
“So Sam.” Coppernob asked, making the other two stop chuckling. His facial expression was blank. “Have you travelled far?”
“Aye, a wee bit.” Sam said, his gaze returning to the older engine. “Perth, you heard of it?”
“Perth?” Poppet said, raising an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a part of Glasgow?”
The look that Sam threw at Poppet made her shut up instantly & made Coppernob burst out laughing.
The three engines would continue to talk for about 15 more minutes. Nobby & Poppet were telling Sam about one of the old FR’s busiest & most interesting tourist days back in the spring of 1919.
Just as Coppernob was telling Sam about his rather, as he put it, “interesting” experience with a young fireman. Sam’s crew arrived back & came up to see him.”
“Awwww Sam!” His Driver chuckled, putting her jacket back on. “Looks like you made some friends already!”
“Yeah, good on you lad.” His fireman added, trying to hide the obvious lipstick marks on his neck.
“Well come on then!” His driver said, climbing into his cab. “Sodor awaits us!”
“Well goodbye you two.” Said Sam, “I’ll try & visit as much as i can.” “If this all works out that is!” He added chuckling.
“Bye Sam!” “See you around!” Poppet called as Sam drove off.
Sam blew his whistle loudly in goodbye. It echoed around the yard, and startled some of the engines in the shed! He picked up some speed, as he chuffed over the bridge to await his new life.
On the isle of Nowhere.
30 Minutes later
“FINALLY!” a stout gentleman nearly yelled from the platform. “FINALLY I GOT AN ATLANTIC!”
Special thanks to @mean-scarlet-deceiver for letting me use Nobby & Poppet for this story.
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legends-of-time · 1 year ago
The Journey of Living at Downton - Masterlist
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Tom Branson/Original Female Character
Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Period Typical Attitudes, Cannon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide
Emma’s life used to be fairly normal one for someone living in England in the early 21st century, nothing peculiar but that all changed when in 2021, at 19, she woke up in the past, more specifically 1909.
Emma turned up in Yorkshire, England on a mild day (what else) in the grounds of an estate called Downton Abbey. After literally falling onto the floor right in front of said owners of the estate, the Earl and Countess of Grantham, Robert and Cora Crawley.
A young girl from the 21st century ends up in the world of Downton Abbey. Not a typical one where it is another Crawley sister or where she’s from a world where Downton Abbey is a TV show.
Chapter 1: April to Summer 1912
Chapter 2: September to October 1912
Chapter 3: April to May 1913
Chapter 4: End of May 1913
Chapter 5: July to August 1913
Chapter 6: May 1914
Chapter 7: July to August 1914
Chapter 8: Autmun 1916
Chapter 9: April 1917
Chapter 10: July to September 1917
Chapter 11: Early 1918
Chapter 12: August 1918
Chapter 13: October to November 1918
Chapter 14: February 1919
Chapter 15: April 1919
Chapter 16: April 1919 to January 1920
Chapter 17: March 1920
Chapter 18: April to Early May 1920
Chapter 19: Late May 1920
Chapter 20: Late July 1920
Chapter 21: Early August 1920
Chapter 22: Early August 1920 Continuation
Chapter 23: Mid August 1920
Chapter 24: Mid August to End of September 1920
Chapter 25: September 1921
Chapter 26: February 1922
Chapter 27: March 1922
Chapter 28: April 1922
Chapter 29: April 1922 Continuation
Chapter 30: May 1922
Chapter 31: June 1922
Chapter 32: July 1922
Chapter 33: Early August 1922
Chapter 34: May 1923
Chapter 35: February 1924
Chapter 36: February to Late April 1924
Chapter 37: Late April to Early May 1924
Chapter 38: Summer 1924
Chapter 39: September 1924
Chapter 40: Late September 1924
Chapter 41: Late September to Early October 1924
Chapter 42: Mid to Late October 1924
Chapter 43: November to December 1924
Chapter 44: January to Early May 1925
Chapter 45: Mid May 1925
Chapter 46: Mid to Late May 1925
Chapter 47: June 1925
Chapter 48: July 1925
Chapter 49: August 1925
Chapter 50: September to December 1925
Chapter 51: July 1927
Chapter 52: April 1928 to January 1929
Children of Downton - Spoilers!!!
Just a little additional post explaining when the children born during the show were born and parents. Not that important but if anyone wants to keep track, it’s here rather than sifting through chapters.
Wattpad access
fanfiction.net access
Ao3 access
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alex51324 · 5 months ago
It's not wrong.
Some readers may feel icky about it, especially if you are changing a character from a marginalized sexual orientation.
That is their own business, and as long as you have accurately labeled/tagged your fic, you have done the maximum that is reasonably expected, from the standpoints of morality and etiquette, about a stranger's hypothetical potential feelings.
For example, writing fanfiction in which a canonically lesbian character has a relationship with a man; writing about a canonically asexual character having sex; etc.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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acewithobsessions · 2 years ago
Basic stuff:
Other blogs: @just-tryand-stopme @endwolldel (spam blogs) @dailydoseofbill (bill wurtz blog, no longer mine) @tintin-of-the-whenever (Tintin infodumping blog)
Pronouns: whatever. I'm cisgenderless (cisgender but only due to convenience) so anything goes
Stuff I post: Fandom stuff, memes, asexuality stuff, important stuff every now and then. I am your typical reblogger.
Fandom stuff:
Fandoms I'm in, in order of activity: Tintin, Downton Abbey, Artemis Fowl, Bill Wurtz, Les Misérables, Cats are Liquid (game), Corner Gas, the Legend of Luoxiaohei, the Starless Sea
Fandom tags:
lxh (for the Legend of Hei)
Les mis
Sometimes "Downton Abbey", but mostly "Thomas Barrow"
AF (Artemis Fowl)
tss (the starless sea)
the rest are as just the names of the franchises
Oc tags (I never talk about them but I tag stuff that reminds of me them):
Luck tag
Thomas and Bea tag
DNI if:
You're an uncensored 18+ blog
You ship Haddock and Tintin (I know Tintin's age is ambiguous, but I perceive him as much younger than Haddock, so that makes me uncomfortable.) (I'm an aromantic Tintin truther! If you see me reblog ship art, it's because I think the art is pretty, not because I ship him)
Any posts made by me with the sometimes exception of fandom posts will be tagged with "ramblelele" (three "le"s, one for each word in my url).
Writing tag: my horrid writing
Drawing tag: my horrid drawings
My profile picture is a picrew and also not my real appearance.
My blog is a safe space. Do not derail my posts with hate.
Anything else? Idk? I'm an INFP 9w1. I am Christian. I don't vibe with eat the rich but I won't try and stop you from vibing with it. My ask box is always open :) I write, but I almost never post it. I can sort of speak French.
It's fine and great to tag me in picrew chains/tag games! Please let me know if you want me to tag you, or stop tagging you. I love to be asked and I will never say no, though I don't participate often.
I will tag for undescribed, videos, gifs, etc
Note: undescribed videos and gifs will be tagged with "video" or "gif", whereas ones with descriptions will be tagged as "described video" or "described gif"
I think that's all? God bless ! :]
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butlerbarrow · 10 months ago
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#𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 | independant, private & selective, rp account for thomas barrow of downton abbey. penned by jae (18+). oc & crossover friendly.
with crossover verses in various historial settings, modern, vampire / supernatural, detroit: become human / sci-fi, and more.
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year ago
it's fine if i recycle thomas barrow for a tga oc ⬅️ me when i lie
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beatrice-otter · 11 months ago
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Hm. This is a tough one, because I always have lots of fic ideas, but mostly for stuff I'd write myself. Most of the things I want other people to write are things like "finishing a fic" or "a sequel to a fic of theirs."
But of "fics I would like to exist that I don't want to/can't write myself" I think the biggest is a Downton Abbey AU where Mary got pregnant by Mr. Pamuk in season 1. (He still died, just after instead of before they had sex.) So Mary goes to her mother and confesses, and Cora decides they're going to pass the baby off as hers without telling anybody, even Robert. (And maybe it will be a boy to inherit!) They accomplish this by setting off immediately on a trip to visit Granny in America with only O'Brien as a companion (because leaving her behind would be suspicious). It could go a number of ways from there, but I'm just surprised nobody has written this very obvious AU idea. Lots of other AUs! but not this one.
In my vague ideas of how it goes from there: Back home, Edith is happier with a chance to shine and no Mary to bring her down (and a promise of a special trip with Mama in a year or so). Sybill gets up to more shenanigans because Robert can't reign her in.
On the trip, O'Brien is still a servant but also gives Mary a talking-to; Mary has to treat O'Brien better now, because O'Brien knows her secret. And also, Mary's been feeling really sorry for herself and terrible, and O'Brien's not having any of it. After all, Mary's still going to have an awesome life filled with wealth and privilege, and if O'Brien had ever been so stupid, her life would have been ruined. (O'Brien is still deferential to Cora, because she actually likes Cora.)
Cora has been Visibly Disappointed in Mary this whole time, but when they get to America, Granny isn't; she's very matter-of-fact about the whole thing, which Mary finds very helpful.
From there it goes ... I have no idea where it goes.
That's my idea for a fic that I will never write and wish someone else would, and as for "who would write it best," I'm not sure. I might have to go with alex51324, because they write INCREDIBLE Downton Abbey stuff with wonderful historical detail and interesting OCs, and this is my fantasy fic author casting so why bother with trifling details like "they only write slash" and "their fave character is Thomas Barrow who is Sir Not Appearing In This Fic"
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 years ago
Finally They Have A FC!
Yes, I had some (read: too much) ocs without fc that were already on my masterlist... but now they have one! (Everyone thanks my brainstorming for my new ocs)
Good Omens
Althea Price - witch; Eltanin’s girlfriend; immortal being (kind of? it’s complicated)
Her faceclaim is Diana Silvers!
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Nico Lightwood - Shadowhunter; descendant of Violet & Samuel’s kids; Vienna’s younger brother; lives in Rome Istitute; main character in TWP (Yes, I know that series is not out yet)
His faceclaim is Finn Wolfhard! 
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Alice Knight - witch/warlock; adoptive “mother” of Lydia Knight; Alice and Magnus are like the fixed points of all the series lmao; angst queen
Her facelaim is Lily James!
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Lydia Knight - witch/warlock; Elys’ childhood friend; Brian’s girlfriend
Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Brian White - werewolf; Elys’ childhood friend; Lydia’s boyfriend
His faceclaim is Mark Mckenna!
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Jackson Milligan - Mundane; Elys’ adoptive father
His faceclaim is Tyler Hoechlin!
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Samuel Milligan - Ascent Shadowhunter; Mundane raised in a Shadowhunter family; Alistair Carstairs’ parabatai; madly in love with Violet Lightwood
His faceclaim is Josh Whitehouse!
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Vienna Lightwood - Shadowhunter; Nico’s older sister; been to the Academy the same year with Simon Lewis
Her faceclaim is Shelley Henning!
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Cassandra Blackthorn - Shadowhunter; Ty and Livvy’s twin sister (they’re a triplet); main character in both TDA and TWP
Her faceclaim in TWP is now Emilia Jones! (Her fc in TDA is Malina Weissman)
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Downton Abbey
Lady Elisabeth Crawley - second daughter in the Crawley family; takes shit from no one; her and Sybil could run the world if they wanted to
Her faceclaim is Keira Knightley!
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Madeline Barrow - Thomas Barrow’s niece; the most rebel girl in town; a menace to society
Her faceclaim is Millie Bobby Brown!
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Victoria Vill (2) - Spider-Girl; Vicky from Raimi!Verse
Her faceclaim is Emmy Rossum!
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Victoria Vill (3) - Aranea; Vicky from TASM!Verse
Her faceclaim is Willa Holland!
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Ate Erisdottir “Aimee” - goddess; daughter of Eris; Loki ship (they’re literally soulmates okay? 🥺)
Her faceclaim is Emilia Clarke! 
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XCU (X-Men)
Leia Forbes - Mutant; half-aware of the fourth wall; Wade ship
Her faceclaim are Zoe Kravitz & Margot Robbie! (Trust me, it has sense, okay?)
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Ness from the original timeline
Her faceclaim is Angelina Jolie!
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Arcane; Ness from the New Timeline (but not First Class)
Her faceclaim is Nina Dobrev!
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Catarine “Cata” Johnson - Redacted; parents Redacted; Apollo/Lester’s friend (her story is setted during TOA); powerful lesbian
Her faceclaim is Rachel Zegler!
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Evelyn Chase - Magnus’ adoptive sister; daughter of Loki; TJ ship
Her faceclaim is Kiernan Shipka!
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Teen Wolf
Redacted “Addie” Lewis - werecat; Stiles ship
Her faceclaim is Anya Taylor-Joy!
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Stranger Things
Autumn Hopper - 013; Anya Richards; Hawkins Lab experiment; Miles Henderson’s sister figure; Steve ship
Her faceclaim is Jenny Boyd!
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Under this you have my Harry Potter ocs! You’ve been warned!
Harry Potter 
Nath Andrews - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Ravenclaw;
His faceclaim is Jordan Fisher!
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Theo Denton - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Gryffindor
His faceclaim is Evan Mock!
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Callisto Black - witch; daughter of Rosalinf and Sirius; sister of Jan us and Justine Black; Hufflepuff
Her faceclaim is Danielle Campbell!
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Janus Black - wizard; son of Rosalind and Sirius; brother of Callisto and Justine Black; Gryffindor; Luna Lovegood ship
His faceclaim is Joe Keery!
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Justine Black - witch; daughter of Rosalind and Sirius; sister of Callisto and Janus Black; Slytherin
Her faceclaim is Alba Baptista!
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dykebarrow · 1 year ago
writing secret fics of my oc x thomas barrow 🫡 and its all the "problematic/weird" things i cant show my friends. right now im working on an omorashi fic between them... earlier was a/b/o, and before was noncon. im a little silly billy
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sunriseverse · 1 year ago
Shipper tag game
tagged by the lovely @lucientelrunya (thank you!!!)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
hmm..........i wrote a lot of oc stories when i was younger, largely for warrior cats settings/spinoffs, so i don't think i had a specific ship i was into? i read a lot of genfic (again, warrior cats fan).
Which ship would you consider your first one?
like i said, i didn't really have a "ship" for a long time, but in 2013 i was gifted the first l&co book and it prompted me to get much more seriously into fandom, so.......locklyle, i guess (i had yet to discover gay people, which is very ironic if you consider certain facts about my life).
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
again, locklyle! i actually deleted the fic i wrote, rewrote it, and reuploaded it years after i had first written it.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
i think it was wc art? probably sandfire (gay cats weren't exactly..............in, yet).
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
no. i refuse to do so. if i hate a ship i'll complain about it to my friends to let off steam and then continue on with my life. i'm here to have fun not spend my limited spoons on arguing about fictional characters. if there's one person or people who post a lot of ships i don't like i'll block or avoid them.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
yeah but i'm not going to say them because i would rather not get into an argument about things with people. beloved friends can probably guess though.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
uhhhhhh fuck. i think. hang on. du cheng/shen yi (this is @lunarriviera's fault).
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
[shakes dmbj] yes. (mainly tiesanjiao as a romantic pairing. i have written quite literally 100k+ about them u_u)
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
i was going to say nygmob in gotham but then i remembered. [YOU cat meme] syfy magicians. ohhhhhh i have so many words in my head and rage in my heart and hatred of showrunners and the way the show was handled later on and—whatever. whatever. it's fine. i still have a life in the day.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
uhhhhhhhhh fuck. um. i can't think of anything on this aspect but i have the opposite. when i first got into tgcf i was neutral on fq but as i read more i got more and more annoyed that people were ignoring the clear class dynamics at play and how that complicated and complicates their relationship and instead just pigeonholing them into the enemies (rivals) to lovers mould.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
what's the view on firetiger these days because that's probably the only one i can think of.
What is your favorite crack ship?
i don't really read crackfic? i like crackfic but i prefer crack taken serious—WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. tony stark x thomas barrow. if you know who that is you probably know the exact fanfic i'm talking about. that's probably the only crackship i can think of that has left any sort of impression on me. no idea how it holds up currently since i only read it once at like 4:00am but yeah it was fun.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
numbers-wise probably either newmann or hualian. probably hualian? emotional support godghost couple <3
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
deeply fucked up people who find meaning in each other, probably.
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
destroying a character's personality to make the ship work. i love shipfic but fuck you i want those characters to be in character. i don't care if it makes the ship "more fucked up" that's actually fun in my opinion.
tagging..................uhhhhh @lunanoc @lungache @owengrose @lasenbyphoenix @mhaccunoval @butchybats and anyone else who wants to play!
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eddysocs · 1 year ago
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Introducing: Ethan Lambert
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Face Claim: Jonah Hauer-King
Full Name: Ethan William Lambert
Age: 28
Myers Briggs Type: ENFP
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Love Interest: Thomas Barrow
Occupation: Gardener
Collections: Pressed Leaves
Style/Clothing: Though he doesn’t much stray from what it’s expected of him to wear, Ethan does like to incorporate a pop of color whenever he’s able.
Signature Quote: "I often find that I don’t have a negative word to say about anyone. I prefer to see the good in all things."
Plot Summary: Thomas can’t seem to figure out why he's so irked by Downton Abbey's new gardener. Perhaps because he’s Thomas’ exact opposite. He’s cheerful, outgoing and entirely selfless and he’s so kind to Thomas that all he wants to do is shove him against a wall. One day, he finally snaps and does it, but when he’s face to face with Ethan Lambert, it’s not anger or irritation he feels, but something that scares him far more. Ethan, wide eyed and frightened, has captured his heart without him even knowing it.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @bossyladies, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw
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marieamardill · 2 years ago
Hi guys!
I am currently writing a Downton Abbey fanfiction about Thomas Barrow and his kid.
Downton Abbey - The Story of Emma Barrow
March 1912 - a baby is abandoned at the doors of Downton Abbey. Servant Thomas Barrow agrees to claim paternity for the foundling.
The story mainly revolves around Thomas and his daughter, but the other characters also play a role in every chapter. The characters don't belong to me, only the OC does.
Where you can find it
Archive of our own
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ao3feed-cmbyn · 2 years ago
I Have An Idea... Part 4
by CreativeLiterature
Oneshots of various couples, some intimate moments, mostly implied sex, a few graphic.
Each chapter name mentions which characters are involved.
Words: 4788, Chapters: 15/15, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of I Have An Idea...
Fandoms: The OC (TV), Call Me By Your Name (2017), Bring It On (Movies), Downton Abbey, Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Stargate SG-1, Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game), Spartacus Series (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, True Blood (TV), Entourage (TV), Ocean's Eleven Trilogy (Movies), Phoenix Nights (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Kirsten Cohen, Sandy Cohen, Thomas Barrow, Jimmy Kent, Elio Perlman, Whitney (Bring It On), Jan (Bring It On), Melanie Carmichael | Melanie Smooter, Jake Perry, Sam Carter (Stargate), Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Alex Chen (Life is Strange), Ryan Lucan, Ilithiya (Spartacus), Segovax (Spartacus), Peter Quill, Oliver (Call Me by Your Name), Gamora (Marvel), Sloan McQuewick, Scott Lavin, Jason Stackhouse, Jessica Hamby, Isabel Lahiri, Turk Malloy, Virgil Malloy, Paddy O'Shea, Original Female Character(s), Ethel Parks, Major Bryant (Downton Abbey)
Relationships: Kirsten Cohen/Sandy Cohen, Thomas Barrow/Jimmy Kent, Melanie Smooter/Jake Perry, Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Alex Chen/Ryan Lucan, Ilithyia/Segovax (Spartacus), Gamora/Peter Quill, Sloan McQuewick/Scott Lavin, Isabel Lahiri/Virgil Malloy/Turk Malloy, Isabel Lahiri/Francois Toulour, OC/Paddy O'Shea, Whitney/Jan (Bring It On), Oliver/Elio Perlman, Ethel Parks/Major Bryant
Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48199195
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Bellona’s headcanons masterlist
Tolkien Legendarium (All media)
The Sail Master 
The Sail Master(II) 
Eärien and Valandil 
Isildur, Anarion and Eärien 
Durin V 
Médhor and Feren
Éomer and Lothíriel
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Helmut Zemo
Natasha Romanoff 
Sam Wilson 
T’Challa and Okoye 
John Walker
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff
Rocket Raccoon
Tony Stark
Kingsman franchise
Agent Tequila
Agent Champagne 
Archie Reid 
Orlando Oxford and Polly Wilkins
Sorsha Tantalos 
Graydon Hastur
Jade Claymore
Father Brown
Isobel Devine 
Sid Carter  
Reverend Mother Adrian and Sister Julienne
Call the Midwife
Jane Sutton 
Reverend Mother Adrian and Sister Julienne
Sister Evangelina
BBC Merlin
Morgana Pendragon 
Sir Elyan 
Arthur Pendragon 
Sir Leon
The Orville
Lee Dutton 
Liquor store cashier
Downton Abbey
Marigold Gregson
Harold Levinson
Lady Rosamund Crawley
Thomas Barrow
Johnny Bates
Sybil Harding (OC)
Patrick Crawley
Mr. Mason
One Piece (All media)
"Red-Haired" Shanks
"Knight of the Sea" Jinbe
Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk
Monkey D. Garp
Devil Fruit soulmates
Lucky Roux
Massacre Soldier Killer
Doctor Who (All media)
Clyde Langer
Bill Potts
Canton Everett Delaware III
Bellona’s masterlist
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butlerbarrow · 10 months ago
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𝐌𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 — an independant, private and selective portrayal of thomas barrow, of downton abbey. 18+, oc and crossover friendly, est. 2024. written by jae (he/they).
𝒶 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒹𝓎 𝒾𝓃 ... self-preservation, bitterness worn as a suit of armour, a cruel facade hiding a soft heart, the trappings of the class system, loneliness, ambition, bravery, cowardice, one man vs the world, period-typical homophobia, forbidden love, queer longing, defiance.
#carrd. ~ #pinterest. ~ #interest tracker.
active, but slow to reply atm. running mostly on queue.
occasionally also found on @fcknzombies
mobile friendly rules under the cut.
001. standard roleplay ettiquette applies — be nice, no god-modding, try to match my length & I'll try to match yours, etc, etc. I won't tolerate any form of sexism, racism, homophobia or transphobia here. I will not rp r#pe, non-con or dub-con.
002. this blog is 18+, minors dni. mun is over 25
003. format and style my posts with icons, small text, and additional italics, bold, and some strikethroughs to show character thought process. you do not need to match my styalisation. if any of my formatting is difficult to read then let me know and I will adjust for our threads.
004. there will likely be some triggering content on this blog (including, but not limited to, mentions of alcohol, self harm, suicide, death, violence and injury). these will be tagged as cw: content. I am okay with writing darker themes with partners that I trust, but there has to be an open dialogue about the thread first. I will not rp r#pe or s/a, although am fine with it being a part of a character's backstory.
005. along that same train of thought, there will be mentions of period-typical homophobia on this blog. thomas is gay in a time when that was not an acceptable thing to be and, as such, I will occasionally be using some outdated terminology when refering to the idea of queerness in the early 20th century. (i.e deviancy, sexual inversion, etc). see this post for some more info.
006. if nsfw content appears on this blog, it will be tagged as such, and anything graphic will be placed under a 'read more'.I will not rp graphic smut with anyone under the age of 21.
007. ㅤthis blog is multi-ship, although thomas is quite guarded due to past experiences, and tends to hold people at an arms length. he is a difficult person to get close to, although it's not impossible - he just requires a lot of care and patience when it comes to emotions. ships won't be forced and rely on plotting & building things organically. chemistry is important between both the muses and the writers.
DISCLAIMERS. mun =/= muse. there are aspects of thomas that are rather unsavory, he is a complicated person and has done some questionable things in his life, for a plethora of reasons. mun does not excuse his bitterness, his attitude, or condone some of his more problematic actions, but it is this complexity that makes him such a compelling character in my opinion. in regards to that kiss scene; it was incredibly stupid of him and, even if jimmy kent had returned his feelings, kissing someone while they are sleeping is extremely inappropriate. thomas deeply regrets these actions. even though he had been led on and tricked into believing that jimmy liked him in that way, he wasn't thinking clearly and acted out of desperation, and acknowledges that it was not okay.
CREDITS. I do not claim the rights to the character of thomas barrow or to downton abbey. this blog is just for personal entertainment purposes. faceclaim is robert james-collier, whom I have no affilication with, nor represent. all icons and graphics used were made by me unless otherwise stated. psd used is "hunter" by anniexoxos.
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lilghostiequinni · 11 months ago
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