#this’ll eventually all be covered hehe
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amimuu · 10 months ago
A splurg of questions if thats okay: What does VTA Lamb and Narinder do on a daily basis? What are their sleeping arrangments? Routines? How does Narinder navigate the touchy awkwardness currently? Does Lamb ever ask anything of Narinder outside of being put to rest when all is done? (Is there ever any hesitancy about that still, on either side?)
Alr lemme think UHHHHH….this is gonna be a long one brace yourselves
What do they do on a daily basis/their routines?
Well, excluding crusades…
Lamb: basically it goes like, morning sermon, checking on the disciples individually, checking on how they are doing on supplies and stuff like that, and just going around the cult making sure everything is working properly, sometimes sending a follower or two on errands to get more stuff if needed. They normally have a little checklist with them to not forget (which they tend to make the night prior). They also go on walks sometimes, in which Narinder usually tags along (I think I answered an ask about this before but am not sure). They walk in silence 80% of the time, and sometimes they stop by the Lamb’s favorite spot (a tree up a small hill close to the limits of the cult grounds). After this Lamb goes back to their room and does NOT sleep unless they really really need to (which can be up to 6 days without sleep)
Narinder on the other side: wakes up, Morning sermon, checking the protection he set around the cult is still working, cleaning the Lamb’s statue (and leaving offerings, usually flowers), following the Lamb around a bit, checking on the Lambs’ memorial altar (set up by the lamb when they first started crusading. Narinder started taking care of it after they died), and then if it is a silent walk day he just goes and tags along. Sometimes he tries to give gifts to the Lamb, but they are usually rejected or immediately disposed of. Still, doesn’t discourage him. After the walk or if there was no walk at all he goes back to his hut and sleeps. Lemme say that cat sleeps a LOT. Which brings us to the next question
Sleeping arrangements:
It’s basically like this.
Both their sleep schedules are concerning for very different reasons. Lamb doesn’t sleep nearly enough, practically avoiding it like the plague. It was easier when they had the crown cuz sleeping was more of a choice, but now that they are stuck in a semi-mortal body that has semi-mortal needs it’s not as easy as it was. They dread it. Because every time they go and sleep there’s a new nightmare waiting for them. About what? About what not, really. They are haunted. And funnily enough Narinder barely shows up in these dreams, and when he does it’s usually in the form of a memory or a comforting presence. Usually
So yeah avoid sleep at all costs!!
And then there’s Nari who just sleeps an unhealthy amount of time ever since he was freed. The cultists assumed he probably needed big amounts of sleep for some reason and just rolled with it. They were wrong. In fact Narinder doesn’t need to sleep AT ALL, but he enjoys it. He finds his dreams comforting especially cuz a certain someone tends to show up. Before resurrecting the Lamb this was his way to process his grief, but after resurrecting them he is finding it very hard to leave the habit behind and honestly? Why should he. Now,
How does Narinder handle the touchy awkwardness?
Oh boy does he struggle. Lamby here tolerates his presence but they made their point clear. They don’t wanna talk. And Narinder respects that, begrudgingly. He does however, bring them gifts as mentioned before, hoping this can somehow ease things a little between them (This is the way in which he knows to give affection, offerings.), but naturally it is ineffective. He is protective of them too, but mostly from afar.
Does Lamb ever ask anything from Narinder aside from their initial request?
Sometimes, but it’s rare. They do however ask him at one point to please take better care of himself. And other stuff later on in the story. But currently, just the occasional ���Please go get this or that” or asking for his company during crusades, mostly cuz that’s both their responsibility.
And so we get to the best one.
Is there any hesitancy about it?
OH BOY IS THERE. A big chunk of the main arc revolves around what they both truly want and have wanted for a long time but their lack of communication kept them from. Narinder straight up hates the idea of having to let Lamb go again. While the Lamb is exhausted and feels betrayed, but a part of them wishes to remain with Narinder for the rest of eternity, so that makes things more complicated
See, they’ll eventually talk this all out but that’s after they actually start crusading and are basically obligated to spend time together. Everything I listed here eventually starts to shift as the story progresses , shifts that include Narinder getting into knitting to avoid sleeping all day, discussions about what ifs, lamb accepting some gifts and eventually asking Nari to please not go where they can’t follow. Fun stuff :]
HOPEFULLY THAT WASNT TOO LONG OF A RAMBLE (who am I kidding it was UHM.) and also hope very much it answered your questions :>!!!
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nomstellations · 5 years ago
Turning the Tables
This one’s a request for @heimkoheimkofan, who wanted to see a roleswap with my angel and demon pair! Sorry your ask got caught up in the last purge, but I had this on the backburner for a while anyhow. Hope you enjoy it!
Warm autumn days were a rarity this far into fall, and it made for the perfect day for a certain unlikely pair to venture out. Stares and bewildered glances were cast their way, but it wasn’t anything Cerise and Ocras weren’t used to. The seraph wanted to do some shopping at the outdoor mall, they were getting into the fall spirit humans have and wanted to look for some decorations for their home. Ocras was happy to accompany them, and his belly maw that was tucked away under a thick sweater was on its best behavior too (as it was promised a dozen donuts from the local bakery as a reward). Being that this was his first year on the surface he had never done this kind of shopping before, and his interest was genuine as Cerise took him from shop to shop, fawning over the various fall decorations they offered. As time passed they started accumulating bags, this along with the growls coming from Ocras’ stomach meant that their time out was coming to an end. “Just this last store, okay? We need something to put on the coffee table at home, if we don’t find anything we can get your donuts and leave. Ocras didn’t respond, but the wagging of his spade-tipped tail meant that he was more than happy with these arrangements. Though he was effectively bribed into the trip, he truly did enjoy these outings with Cerise. He’s getting better with controlling his belly maw, too! “How about that store there? It has a lot of cool stuff inside…” His arms are full of their bags, so he uses his tail to point to it. It was a small shop wedged between two larger ones, it seemed to sell a lot of knick knacks and the like. “Ah, good eye Ocras. This’ll be our last stop.” They enter, with Ocras’ eyes getting drawn to a large chunk of crystal. Cerise makes a disappointed sound, there’s nothing in here that screams “Autumn” to them...but as they look over and see Ocras’ clear interest in the crystal they decide he’s earned more than just a box of donuts. It does look like it’d be nice on the table, anyhow. “See something you like, Ocras? You can pick out a decoration for us this time.” He doesn’t need any more permission as he moves some of the bags onto his thick tail, eagerly picking up the crystal and moving to the register to pay for it. His tail is wagging….Cerise would find it cute, but they haven’t fully learned how to express the emotion quite yet. With decorations in hand and donuts purchased, the pair makes their way back home. Though the demon was eager to dig into his promised sweets, there was decorating to be done before they could relax. His belly grumbled rather unhappily with the delay but he obliged, stringing up leafy garlands and setting out the crystal with pride. “Heheh, I have a good eye for shiny things! Can I uhm, eat now? Please?” Cerise rolled all four of their eyes before nodding at him, they knew better than to deny him food unless they wanted to be food for a while. He grinned, flashing them his tusks as he grabbed up the donut box and made his way to the couch, turning on the TV and opening it up. Cerise finished up the decorating and came to settle next to him, watching him feed donuts to his belly maw. They won’t outwardly say it, but they marvel at just how much he’s able to eat at a time. As dusk turns to night, they wonder what it’d be like to be a glutton demon like he is...or just what it’s like to eat at all, they don’t have a mouth. “Awh, out of food...I was trying to savor those, too.” Ocras whines as his belly licks a bit of powdered sugar off itself, smiling smugly as though it knows what’s coming next. He stands up to get himself something else, when he pauses and takes note of the crystal. “Cerise...is it just me, or is our centerpiece glowing?”  They don’t need to respond to tell him he’s right, the cluster of crystals is giving off a warm light as moonlight from the nearby window strikes it. It’s steadily getting brighter too, causing both parties to shield their eyes as it becomes too bright to handle. When it eventually dies down, Ocras is the first to uncover his eyes. “Th-that was weird...is uh, everything smaller to you, Cerise?” It takes him a moment to realize that everything isn’t smaller, he’s floating! Ocras looks down at himself to realize that he’s floating a foot off the ground, and that the mouth that was once on his chubby belly was gone. Looking back at himself, he notices that while his tail is gone, he has a pair of fluffy white wings and is emitting a radiant glow. “W-woah, I’m an angel now! I have wings again, oh it feels so nice to have them!” He spins around, making a delighted giggle as he flexes his wings. “Cerise! Cerise you have to s--” He pauses as he stares at Cerise, who’s form has changed just as drastically as he did. Their pearlescent skin is now a very light gray, scales cover their forearms and a long, whiplike tail has draped itself across the couch. Four red eyes stare at their clawed hands, their mouth agape and revealing fangs. “Wow, Cerise…you make a really pretty demon, hehe! You’d fit right in back home!” He floats close, albeit a bit awkwardly. “Your horns are smaller than mine, it feels kinda weird without their weight...how do you feel?” Cerise is quiet for a while, before they respond quietly. “I-I feel...weird…” “Awh, that so? I feel great! Like a feather in the breeze!” “I...I’m so hungry…” “Wuh?” That’s the only noise he can muster as he’s suddenly grabbed by Cerise, their grip is firm but not enough to hurt as they stand up. “W-wait, if I’m an angel when I used to be a glutton demon, that means you’re…” Everything clicks far too late for him as Cerise opens their mouth wide, shoving him inside. They barely waste any time tasting him, starting to ravenously gulp him down. His large size compared to their thin body makes this hard, but being driven by hunger they refuse to stop hungrily gulping him down. Ocras doesn’t resist, wondering if this is how they felt every time he gobbled them up. Their tail coils around his body to get a better grip on him as they slowly work down his torso. His wings and belly pose a bit of a challenge, but after folding them down they continue stubbornly swallowing him whole. Gulp by gulp, Ocras finds himself sinking deeper into their body...and honestly, it felt pretty nice. This angel body felt pretty cool, and their insides were so warm...why did people complain when he ate them? Cerise is running out of angel to eat, and he finds himself getting pushed into what must be their stomach. Though they’re pretty skinny on the outside their stomach is quite spacious, and the walls are “cracked” with what appears to be magma, making their dark stomach glow a bit. It groans loudly, the sound is familiar to him as his own stomach would make those noises constantly. The sound of ravenous gulping from above tells him they’re feeling his hunger too, and he’s gradually pushed all the way inside their stomach. His own glow fills it with a gentle yellowish light, and their gut grumbles appreciatively as Cerise sighs. They flop back down onto the couch, resulting in a loud slosh from their VERY full stomach. “S-so full...I’ve never felt this way before…” They make another sigh, satisfied for a moment...before they snap out of their daze and start pawing at their now glowing belly in a panic. “O-ocras?? Is that you in there? Oh goodness, I uh, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me, I was just so hungry and-” He interrupts them by curiously pushing out on their stomach. “I’m okay, hehe! Is this what it’s like in my stomach? It’s nice! I don’t see why it’s so bad!” They push back on him, making a relieved sound. “S-so you aren’t bothered or hurt? That’s a relief, but...ah, I don’t know how to get you out. You weigh me down a great deal…” Ocras shifts around, laughing quietly. “Hehe, now you know how I feel! It’s okay, we can figure this out later!” Later indeed, as the crystal still seemed to be glowing. They didn’t know the effects wore off once sunlight touched it, but both parties were enjoying the change of pace so much they weren’t bothered. Well, one of them in particular was enjoying it a lot, just not openly.
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dammit-stark · 4 years ago
Ooo ooo, an au i loooove is flower shop au! Where one character runs a flower shop and flowers with symbolic meanings are used- ugh the fluff/flirting potential 🥰🥰
fun fact: i’ve somehow managed to never write a flower shop au before this??? which is absurd bc it’s a friken classic so this was super fun I really enjoyed this hehe
He knows that it’s Pepper’s birthday. He knows because she told him a week ago, pointedly inserted it into all of his various calendars, threatened him with violence and selfish resignation as his assistance. He knows it’s her birthday.
Still, the morning of when JARVIS alerts him that he forgot to get Pepper a present, it catches Tony by surprise.
“Fuck,” He says, rubbing his face as he sits up in bed, “JARVIS, what am I supposed to get her?”
“I’m afraid you did not program me to be able to advise on gift giving, sir,” JARVIS replies, and Tony, his infernal creator, knows it’s said with joyful malice, “But if I may suggest something. Miss Potts has expressed an appreciation for fresh flowers in the past. Sir.”
Tony sighs, pulling on the nearest pair of pants, “You’re a life saver, JARVIS. Send Pep a happy birthday message, will you?”
“Very well, sir.”
“I’m gonna get some flowers. Don’t tell her I forgot.”
“Yes, sir.”
Tony grabs his keys and opens the front door, stopping with one foot over the invisible jamb, “And stop mouthing me, JARVIS. You might sound polite, but I programmed you, I know when you’re sassing me.”
JARVIS is tellingly silent. Tony closes the door behind himself.
So, flowers. Flowers. How hard can flowers be? He passes four flower stands on his way to the burger joint he likes a block from the tower, and he’s positive there’s a quaint little shop the next block over. Surely, he can figure this out.
Except when Tony gets to the shop, a pink and blue awning hanging over him like an insufferably ironic storm cloud, he’s at a complete loss.
Would she like pink or blue? Roses or carnations? Tulips? Lilies? Daisies? Something yellow? Maybe something orange like her hair? Would she be offended by that? Probably. Isn’t there a green thing she likes? Surely, she’s mentioned it before. It’s gotta be somewhere in the recesses of Tony’s unfocused brain, somewhere.
He’s standing at a loss in front of a vibrant display that looks distinctly like the photoshop color picker exploded.
“Excuse me, sir. Can I help you with something, sir?”
“Don’t call me sir.”
“I get enough of that from my robots, I don’t need it from- attractive flower salesman. Hi. Tony Stark. Nice to meet you.”
Aforementioned flower salesman blinks, and Tony notes with satisfaction the dee blush high on his cheeks.
“Uh, can I help you find something?”
In a moment, Tony’s moving again, hands fluttering, mind whirring, mouth working without the rest of his body’s knowledge, about as per usual. He picks up a colorful bouquet of various wild flowers, smells it, and puts back with a scrunched nose, “I need a birthday present for my assistant. Something that says ‘Thank you for being in my life. No I didn’t forget your birthday, see. Love you’.”
The salesman looks at his shoes when he talks, nodding, “Well we have a variety of flowers that can express love or lust. A mauve carnation, for example. Or coriander is a lovely way to express the same sentiment. Red roses obviously mean love, and calla lilies symbolize beauty. We can assemble you a beautiful bouquet with these if you would like.”
Tony scrunches his nose like he smelled another disagreeing flower fragrance, “I don’t think you understand. I was thinking of something a little more.. platonic. More gratitude and friendship than sex and love.”
Steve’s head shoots up from the spot on the floor that he had been all but staring a hole through, and his eyes are wide, “Really?”
“Oh, yeah. We don’t really bat for the same teams, if you know what I’m saying.”
The blush returns to Steve’s face, but there’s an excited, hopeful glint in his eyes. And when he speaks, the words come out faster, rushers “Daffodils and peach roses then,” He says with confidence, “Appreciation. Yellow roses, too, maybe. For friendship.
Oh! And we can’t forget about alstroemeria! Better known as Lily of the Incas, they’re beautiful flowers that are most popular in bouquets for platonic love and friendship. What do you think?”
Tony smiles, and Steve’s breath audibly hitches, it’d almost be funny if Tony wasn’t so wooed by all the flower talk, “That sounds great. I’ll take all of it in one big, gorgeous bouquet.”
Steve moves behind the counter, “It’s gonna be pricy.”
Tony’s responding grin is knowing and cool, and his eyes squint minutely at the corners with this joyfulness, “Don’t worry. I can cover it. How fast can you get it done? Can we make this happen today? I know it’s last minute, but this’ll really save my butt.”
Steve reads down the long list of invoice orders ahead of him. He looks up to tell Tony that it’s impossible and- “Give me two hours.”
Apparently his heart (and eyes, and dick) put Tony at the top of the list. Tony has no idea, just smiles cheerfully, and nods, pulling out a shiny black credit card from his back pocket. Steve had always thought the black card thing had been a myth, an urban legend made up by money-grubbing banks and capitalists, but when he slides the card through the machine, it doesn’t bounce.
“Alright,” Steve says as he hands the card back, “I’ll see you in two hours.”
When Tony opens the front door to leave, he wiggles his fingers in a funny goodbye and disappears back into the New York streets. He’s starting to be glad he forgot Pepper’s birthday in the first place, even if she potentially hates him forever for dropping the ball.
Two hours later, Tony returns, and the bell on the green painted door to the quaint shop rings as he enters. Steve is nowhere to be found. A grumpy-looking, long-haired curmudgeon mans the counter instead.
“Hi, I’m here to pick up an order for Stark,” Tony says with a charming smile, one hand coming down to slap the blue painted countertop.
The florist, his name tag reading BUCKY :) in big, ironic letters turns around still frowning, and roots around for Tony’s bouquet. When he turns around, he’s holding two bouquets. He sets them both on the counter. Tony stares at them.
“I’m sorry,” He says, pointing at the redder one of the two, “I only ordered one.”
Bucky points with malice at the unfamiliar bouquet, “Yeah, I know. Apparently this one’s on the house. It’s from Stevie.”
“Stevie, huh?” Tony quips, the corners of his lips turning into a smile.
“Steve, yeah.”
“Tell Steve to call me then. So I can thank him.”
Bucky shakes his head, looking boring and maybe even irritated. He points at the on-the-house arrangement, ��His number’s on the card.”
Tony smiles and scoops both bouquets up into his arms.
“You guys really have great service,” Tony jeers, and Bucky continues looking unamused and uninterested, “Thanks, Bucky!”
When Tony gives Pepper her gift, she’s duly impressed by the thoughtful layers to it. Tony proudly tells her what all the flowers mean.
She watches him dubiously from over top the crest of flowers, “So who told you what to get me? Who do I really have to thank?”
Tony shakes his head and refuses to think about JARVIS or Steve (just in case Pepper secretly has mind reading abilities, you can never be too safe), “I did it all by myself, Pep. Come on, give me some credit.”
She still looks suspicious, her nose in a lily, but eventually she nods, “Yeah, sure. You pass. Even if you didn’t think it up yourself, there was obviously some forethought since you can’t just go out and get a custom bouquet the same day. Good job, Tony. You’ve set the bar for next year.”
Tony groans.
It’s quarter to eleven, and Tony’s been staring his own bouquet, carefully placed in a genuine crystal vase on his kitchen counter, for almost an hour now. He finally gets up the nerve to google the symbolism surrounding the flowers and-
They’re all variations on lust or pining. A couple that have alternate meanings of love that Tony tries not to dwell on. He carefully punches the number into his phone and presses dial.
“Did I wake you up?”
“Who is this?”
“Tony Stark from the flower shop this morning.”
It sounds like something is dropped, something fumbled, and Steve’s a little breathless when he finally speaks, “Did you, uh, get my flowers?”
Tony’s smiling even though he knows Steve can’t see him, and it’s all kinda ridiculous, but he sees that beautiful bouquet in his kitchen and sees red roses behind his eyes, mauve carnations dancing in his vision, “Yeah,” He says, smiling like an absolute idiot, “I should give you some daffodils in exchange, I appreciated them so much.”
Steve snorts, and Tony imagines him smiling too.
“What? Is that not how it works?”
“I’m glad you appreciated them, Tony Stark. I meant it.”
Tony feels a feeling in his stomach, something like purple lilacs rising through him.
“Wanna go for dinner sometime?”
He imagines Steve’s smile looking like a field of daisies.
“I’d love to.”
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nutslovesdolts · 6 years ago
First date SilentKnight
-Movie night, first date, meet friends, meet family, puppies for @dark-guerra I'll try to cover them all
(Oh this'll be fun hehehe, I swear if I run out of space with this one!!!!!)
Jaune: *holding Neo's hand as all new couples do* huh... I was literally AT the fall of Beacon, so were yo- right not the best topic... sorry, but that was NOT how it happened!
Neo: *frantic signing*
Jaune: EXACTLY!, there were 4 ships I think? Not just the one... wait what actually happened to them all
Neo: *slyly signing ((ill have content for what she says later just not now haha))*
Neo: *proud stance and nod*
Jaune: ... remind me never to piss you off... again, were you even actually TRYING to kill me? Wait actually I don't want to know
Neo: *silent giggles*
*once everyone had accepted Neo as a changed individual (sorta?) And accepted that for some reason she was dating Jaune of all people, they had a pretty ok friendshio going, Ruby was especially hard to convince because, yeah, but eventually even she came around eventually (neo promised to bake cookies whenever Ruby wanted) it was really just ren and Nora now*
Nora: so let me ge this straight... Jaune somehow managed to get both the worlds hottest warrior and worlds hottest reformed CRIMINAL to fall for him by doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!
Ren: I think it might be somehow linked to the face that he
Jaune and Ren: grew up with 7 sisters
Jaune: yeah most likely
Neo *silent giggling*
Nora: oh I like her, she looks tough, *slams arm down on the table* WRESTLE ME SISTER!
Neo: *calmly walks over and accepts the challenge*
*after 6 minutes of Nora struggling and Neo yawning*
Neo: *slams Nora's hand through the table before covering her mouth with her hand to hide her smile*
Ren: *reaches out to shake her hand* welcome to the family
Neo: *looks at his hand cautiously before shaking it with a smile*
................ *visiting Neo's friends/family*
Jaune: so you buried him here?
Neo: *nods sadly*
Jaune: *hugs her tight* I'm sorry... grim... there... they take everything from us... no matter who's side were on
Neo: *grips his arm tighter and crys silently into his sholder*
..............*visiting Jaune's family, well his mother and one if his sisters Violet who also happens to be Mute like Neo, hence why Jaune knows sign, everyone else was out without knowing of the twos arival ahead of time*
Joac Ark: it's so nice to see a young Woman has taken interest in my wittle Jaunie, and such a beautiful woman at that!
Neo: *bows before turning and signing with Violet about things to use to mess with Jaune later*
Joan: you really know how to pick em son, I'm proud of you, and she really seems to like Violet!, so nice of her to have someone to talk to
Jaune: She kinda picked me, I'm one of the few people who knew sign tk help coordinate our attack on Cinder, without that, there's no way we would have won...
Joan: oh don't focus on that now, just enjoy yourself, and enjoy her hehe
Jaune: MOM!
Neo and Violet: *smirk*
.............. *at the Xiou-long residence where Zwei had found a lady friend and is the proud father of 6 newborn pups*
Ruby: *glaring at Neo* careful with them, they require a soft touch, they're still young and soft, don't do anything tk scare them
Neo: *putting her hands up defensively* *signing*
Jaune: she says she would never do anything to hurt such cute young pups, only people... NEO!
Neo: *silent giggles at Ruby and Jaune's faces* *signing*
Jaune: i think they like you Neo!
*one puppy colored pink, brown and tan was nuzzling up to Neo's boot, she picked it up cradling it gently*
Ruby: mabye she's not so bad, ok Jaune, you wanted to take woofies and cream home?
Jaune: thats the plan, I didn't tell Neo yet but I have everything ready at home
Ruby: he's all yours, it seems he already likes Neo!
Jaune: yeah... so do I hehe
Ruby: *punches his arm lightly* not bad Jaune not bad at all
Woofies and cream: BARK
Yeah hope you like it, and this concludes the prompts as they are thus far, hope you all enjoyed and as always, have a great day/night depending on where you are!
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theyrejustadream-away · 6 years ago
Kim Seokjin ; fluff
jin deserves so much more love and i hope this’ll help you guys love him just as much as I do
Word count: 1762
I should just end myself now before i write this
Seokjin is my bias and i love him with my whole heart
I love all of bts with my whole heart but this idiot has a special place
Wow there’s just so much to talk about
Let’s start with the one thing that has been on my mind bc it’s cuffing season yall
C u d d l i n g
First off, you should already know about his shoulders
If you don’t then man are you missing out
Oh dear god they are so broad
And that makes it perfect for when you want to just backhug him
Because you can just lean your cheek against his back and then he’ll hold your hands and pull you tighter against him and then you’ll kiss his shoulder (if you can reach because i barely reach his shoulders whoops)
Or when you had a bad day and he sees it so he quietly moves closer to you as you’re sitting on the couch and pulls you against him, with your back laying against his chest and he rests his head on top of yours
He starts to play with your hands as they’re intertwined
Jin can just relax you without even trying, the stress just melts away as soon as he starts gently massaging your hands and humming quietly into your hair
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Everything’s great”
“Honey, I think your definition of great is a little off if you’re this upset”
He’s always warm whenever you hug him
It could be the middle of winter and he’s shivering, but whenever you come up and wrap your arms around him, he’s just warm and feels like home
When he spoons you, it’s one of the best feelings in the world
I have an obsession with his shoulders uGH
He can easily wrap his arms around you and tuck your head under his chin and he’s basically your personal blanket
Imagine coming home exhausted and once you take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth and crash onto the bed, Jin comes under the blanket with you and starts spooning you
Legs are tangled together, arms holding you tight
All of a sudden sleep is washing over you and he softly hums a familiar melody and you try to steal a glance at his face because wow you truly are in love with an angel
Jin also smells like vanilla and he reminds you of a bakery because he’s warm and smells like cookies
Maybe i’m being influenced by the seasons right now but like cuddling with him sounds amazing
I feel like he’s the type to be into skinship
But not necessarily PDA
In public, he’ll try not to touch you as much because he feels like that’s something that should be private between the both of you
When you first start dating him, Jin will definitely be a gentleman in the sense that he’ll ask every time before he holds your hand or hugs you
Not saying that he’ll ever stop being a gentleman
Once you two hit the stage of being comfortable with each other, he’ll take your hand and hug you or lean his head on your shoulder freely
Kissing is a whole other situation
Literally has a mental breakdown before he’s actually kissed you
Stuck between being polite and not even asking in fear of making you uncomfortable
Or just going for it because wow your lips look really soft right now and he’s been staring at them really obviously 
‘They’re so pink and soft and y/n looks so pretty right now’
Isn’t really paying attention to what you’re saying and you can tell
Mainly because you ask him if you can cook for him one day and he absentmindedly agrees
But usually, when you do offer to cook, he makes a huge deal and gets all happy because “your cooking is so good i feel like an angel is feeding me”
Jin is so cheesy
I’ll get to that too
Back to the poor man’s mental breakdown
He eventually just gives in and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek at first
It was so random too, he was just sitting next to you on the couch with a hand around your shoulder and then he kissed your cheek
So you start to blush a little because it was so unexpected
“W-why’d you do that?”
“Why? Did you not like it?”
“I never said that! I-it was just unexpected…”
Your voice trailed off and you could clearly feel your face heating up so you looked away from Seokjin
Well this made you so much more adorable to him and he couldn’t help himself but give you another kiss, and another, and another
It just turns into him tickling you and kissing your face and you’re gasping for air between the laughs
These are the moments he cherishes so much, more than you’ll know
At that moment you forget everything that’s bothering you or making you upset and he forgets about all the stress he carries
All that matters is that very moment
It ends with you catching your breath, lying down on the couch while he rests his head on your chest with a bright smile on his face
Moving on, sadly
Seokjin is going to be such a cheesy boyfriend
If you aren’t really fond of that, then get ready because he’ll be sure to change your mind
Uses old-fashioned pet names for you
“Hi honey”
“Princess can you get that for me”
“Hey love, what’s wrong”
Like I said, I see him as more of a traditional person in terms of a relationship
So when you guys first start dating, he brings you flowers and always compliments you on something
I’m not saying he stops doing these things but it’s a bit surprising at first because c’mon who still is a romantic in this day and age?
That’s right, Seokjin is!
Seokjin is the type to bring you flowers after researching the meaning behind them instead of just buying roses
Still gets you roses after seeing an especially pretty bouquet in the window of a small florist
Never misses an opportunity to say a pick up line
“Do you have a band aid? Because I think I scraped my knee after falling for you”
“I think you should be arrested, because you just stole my heart”
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because I know it did when I came”
He never fails to make you smile
Ok time to indulge my inner romantic
Holding his hand is probably one of your favorite activities to do
And if it isn’t then you need to reevaluate yourself
Just kidding! I think my bias is showing hehe
~ Flashback to pre-dating era Jin ~
So you guys met in a math class a few years ago
He was the handsome, cheesy guy that sat next to you
And being the social butterfly he is, he started talking to you
Eventually Jin became a regular part of your life, and you looked forward to that class just to see him
One day, you had to measure hand sizes for a math project
This is based on a true event ;)
Although not with my crush :’)
He asked to measure your hand and you measured his
You guys finished a bit earlier than the rest so he brought up the difference in hand size between the two of you
*cue romantic cliche*
“Here, let’s see how much bigger my hand is”
He holds up his right hand and you align your right hand with his
“Woah, your hand is so small”
Jin is internally panicking because wow the cute partner that’s always interested him is now (sorta) holding his hand
Honestly he’s had interest in you for a while but now he had an excuse to talk to you and a full blown crush
He’s trying not to embarrass himself because your hand just fits with his and he finds it so cute
You, on the other hand, are blatantly showing your panicked state because his hand feels right in yours but also he is incredibly handsome and probably already has someone
That doesn’t stop your face from growing warm
Also does not help the crush you’ve been harboring for him ever since he made a dumb joke after the first few days of class
~ Ok flashforward to boyfriend!Jin ~
Regardless of the situation, he’s always there to talk to you and support you
Like once you had a really bad day
And I’m talking about waking up much later than your alarm, forgetting your notes at home, and getting caught in the rain without an umbrella
The whole world was against you
When you got home, all you wanted to do was take a hot shower, change in pajamas, and crawl under the covers
You were starting to tear up too, you were just so frustrated
Jin was already home and happened to be cooking something because he knew you’d be back soon and it had been a while since he made dinner for you
He could immediately tell something was wrong
Hearing the door slam without the cheery “Jin!” that usually followed sent off alarms in his head
Jin dried off his hands and headed to the entrance where you would be taking off your shoes
“Honey? Are you o- OH”
As soon as he turned the corner, you ran straight into his chest and his immediate reaction was to wrap his hands around you
His breath was knocked out of him - he was not prepared for that at all
You were still cold from the rain and he was warm and the hug was everything you needed
He held you like that for a few minutes, lightly swaying to his humming as his hands lightly rubbed comforting circles on your back
Jin pulled away slightly to brush the hair away from your face and his thumbs wiped away the stray tears that escaped
“Here, I’ll go start a warm bath for you and then we’ll eat dinner and cuddle for the rest of the night as we watch a Pixar movie. Sound good?”
“Can it be Disney?’
“Of course, anything for my princess”
Even though the world was against you, Jin was right by your side and you finally felt at home
You smiled for the first time that day and he grinned right back, starting to lead you to the bathroom
“I love you”
“I love you too, honey”
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he really has my heart and i’ve never loved someone this much before - call me over dramatic but my life has been brighter because of these seven boys and it makes me sad that there’s an uneven amt of love for the hyung line :( 
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bokutosbiceps · 7 years ago
Hey i like takao and mura so here~ fem s/o crying bc she thinks he is going to break up with them as they have been so distant and slightly cold lately so he comforts them very lovingly and physically to reassure them if you emat to change the details feel free to do so thanks~
aweee man, you request the besttt things. thank you so much for your creativity :) anyway, i’m not gonna change any details, this’ll be two short scenarios and Takao’s will have slight nsfw content but it won’t be explicit. Murasakibara’s is void of smut. both are mainly fluff. because we all love the fluff AND 90% of my inbox is smut so hehe it’s a nice break. Enjoy!
- Admin Pocky
Takao knew something was wrong from the moment he laid eyes on her, she was sitting by the exit to the gym and hugging her knees to her chest while tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
“y/n?” Takao called, rushing over to his girlfriend and placing a hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong, baby, why are you crying? And what are you doing here so late?”
y/n just shook her head and covered her face with her hands as sobs began to wrack her body. Takao’s frown grew and he sat down next to y/n, wrapping her up in his arms and pulling her into his lap as best he could.
He let her cry into her hands until he didn’t hear anymore sobs and her trembling had subsided.
“Will you please tell me what’s got you down?” Takao asked softly, pulling y/n’s hands away from her face and kissing each of them before changing a glance at her eyes. They were red and puffy and afraid.
“I just wanted to see you…I missed you.” y/n said slowly, sniffling so she could breathe better.
“What do you mean? We just went to dinner last night…”
“Yeah, but…you weren’t there, Kazu. You were on your phone or eating or both at the same time. You barely spoke two words to me, and then before I knew it you were walking home. And this has been happening for a while.” y/n paused to sigh and free her wrists from Takao’s grip. She hugged her knees once more. “Do you love me anymore? Do you…want to break up?”
Takao blinked, shocked that y/n would ever suggest such a thing. He did realize that he was being the slightest bit distant, but that was only because Midorima had told Takao that girls don’t like clingy men.
Take laughed dryly.
“That tsundere carrot.” Takao shook his head and a ran a hand through his hair. He encircled y/n in his arms once more and rested his head on her shoulder. “I was afraid that you would eventually get tired of me so I asked Shin-chan for advice and he tokd me that I am too clingy. He said that you would eventually get annoyed with me. I don’t know why I asked him for relationship advice, he has no experience at all.”
y/n smiled in the slightest at the thought of Takao going to Midorima for relationship advice. She didn’t know he cared about their relationship that much.
“Why were you afraid?” She asked tentatively, deciding that she’d believe his reasons for being so distant.
“Because you’re my first real girlfriend and you’re…so mature. And quiet. And shy. It’s adorable, but it’s the exact opposite of me. I never thought we’d work out and I’m just being paranoid.”
“Kazu,” y/n, shifted in his lap so she could face him and hold his face in her hands. “I love you more than anything. I love you because you’re hilarious, sweet, and fun. Not to mention super cute. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of you. Or your awful jokes.”
Takao’s face lit up at her reassuring words and he squeezed her into a hug so tight that y/n squeaked. Takao nuzzled his cheek against hers while laughing.
“Good, ‘cuz I’m never ever gonna leave you! You’re stuck with me for so long, y/n, you have no idea to what you’re agreed to! And don’t you ever think I’m gonna break up with you because that’s just crazy talk.”
Takao places his hands on y/n’s hips and lifted her off his lap so he could get up and help her up as well. He laid a hand on the small of her back and brought their bodies together, pressing his lips to hers in the most passionate kiss he’d ever given.
Once he pulled away, he gave her a sly smile.
“Now, let’s go someplace private so I can show you just how much I love you.”
“Huh? Muro-chin, what are you–?” Upon walking into his room in the dorm that he and Himuro shared at Yosen, Murasakibara had found his best friend and his girlfriend sitting on his bed; Himuro had his arm around y/n and y/n was sobbing into her hands.Murasakibara looked between his best friend and his girlfriend with raised eyebrows and a growing anger in his heart.
“Atsushi, you’re just in time.” Himuro stood up off of Murasakibara’s and gestured toward y/n with his eyes. “You and y/n need to talk.” Himuro said in a low voice as he walked past Atsushi and left his room, closing the door quite roughly.
Murasakibara had never been more confused as he was in that moment. Why was y/n here? Why was she crying? Why was Muro-chin on his bed with her? Why was his arm around her? Why did he and y/n have to talk? Talk about what?
The silence was deafening for y/n as she continued to hide her tear-stained face in her hands; she longed for Murasakibara’s comforting embrace and warm words of reassurance, but she was almost sure they would never come. This was probably not the best way to deal with what she was feeling. Atsushi did not appreciate drama, and it pissed him off whenever anyone cried.
y/n looked up quickly when she felt the bed move and a weight press onto the mattress next to her. She gave Atsushi, who looked more than confused and worried, a sheepish look.
“Hey, Atsu.” She sniffled, not being able to hold his gaze. He stared at her expectantly. “So, I guess you want to know why I’m here and why I’m crying, right?”
“Duh, Chibi-chin.”
“Please don’t get mad or overreact or deny it, I’m just telling you how I feel, okay?” y/n said, earning a slow nod from her boyfriend.
“Lately…you’ve been really distant. And I don’t know if it’s something I did, or if it’s something you’re going through…but, to cut a long rant short–” y/n sucked in a deep breath, “are you going to break up with me?”
Atsushi furrowed his eyebrows and moved his head back in surprise.
“What are you talking about, y/n?”
“We haven’t been on a date in almost three weeks. You barely even invite me to come over and hangout anymore. The only times I see you are at lunch and you only talk to Himuro and basically ignore me. Have I done something wrong?”
“Ne, Chibi-chin, you know that we lost the Winter Cup, right?”
“Yeah?” y/n couldn’t see why something like that would affect their relationship so greatly since Murasakibara had always denied that he even liked basketball. He took a short breath before explaining his side of the story.
“It was really hard on us. And by us, I mean me. The first couple of days after we lost I didn’t talk to anyone, or eat anything, and I didn’t go to class. Muro-chin is the reason why I actually got out of bed and started to feel better, because he told me it would make me look weak if I sulked around. As for why I didn’t talk to you or anything…it’s because I did feel weak. And I didn’t want you to think I was. So I sort of just…ignored you.” Murasakibara admitted, once he was done he wiped at his eyes, trying to keep the tears that were threatening to flow over.
He didn’t express his feelings much, if at all, because he wanted his y/n-chin to see him as a strong and brave man, not an emotional fool.
“Atsu, you know that I don’t think you’re weak. I think you’re incredibly brave for staying in basketball even after you lost, and practicing to get better and eventually win.” y/n smiled weakly, flopping back onto his bed. She reached up so that she could run her thumb over his cheek and Atsushi reciprocated the affection by leaning his cheek into her palm.
She couldn’t help but think that her huge teddy bear would ever think so little of himself that he had to put up a facade in order to keep her.
“I’m sorry, Chibi-chin, I promise I won’t ever ignore you again. It was hard for me to ignore you, since all I wanted to do was cuddle with you until I felt better.”
“There’s no better time than the present.” y/n replied, opening hr arms to him. He smiled and laid down next her, wrapping her up in his arms and resting his chin on top of her head.
“Oh, and Chibi-chin, I won’t break up with you. Ever. So don’t ever even think that ever again. I love you too much.” Atsushi squeezed her tighter to accentuate his sincerity and she snuggled into his chest.
“I love you more, Atsu.”
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osakaso5 · 7 years ago
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Haruka Isumi Poisonous Gangster Rabbit TV Part 1: The Aftermath Of The Revolution ~Haruka's Side~
Part 2 | Part 3
Audience: Kyaaaa...!
Minami Natsume: Such loud cheering even after we've gotten off the stage. They're looking at the monitor excitedly.
Toma Inumaru: Mina, don't peek out too much. If they see you, they'll freak out.
Minami Natsume: I wouldn't do something so careless.
Toma Inumaru: Still, we did it! You saw it, right!? That audience! All that cheering!
Toma Inumaru: We made the whole city dance!
Torao Mido: Haha. Don't get too excited, Toma. Should I throw you a frisbee?
Toma Inumaru: Stop treating me like a dog!!
Haruka Isumi: Hmph... They're all so naive and stupid.
Haruka Isumi: I won't get absorbed in the audience’s feelings.
Haruka Isumi: ...Even if he calls me a failure, I'll surpass Tenn Kujo and Zero in my own way.
Ryo Tsukumo: Hey guys, good work.
Minami Natsume: Ryo-san.
Toma Inumaru: Were you watching?
Ryo Tsukumo: This was my adorable ŹOOĻ's battle debut! Of course I was!
Ryo Tsukumo: I even filmed some of it, look...
Torao Mido: It's shaky.
Haruka Isumi: Ah, now there's people standing in front of the camera. I can't see anything.
Ryo Tsukumo: I was fiercely battling another guy for the spot, you see.
Toma Inumaru: The whole camera's shaking. It's making me dizzy...
Haruka Isumi: Me too... Ugh...
Minami Natsume: Oh my, are you alright? Would you like some dried apricots?
Ryo Tsukumo: Watch the whole thing. Look, I won in the end.
Minami Natsume: He was saying very vulgar things as he left.
Ryo Tsukumo: Horrible, wasn't he. I bet he was some sort of insect in his past life. Comfort me, Minami.
Minami Natsume: How much will you pay me?
Ryo Tsukumo: So you won't give me any love for free...
Torao Mido: That's how it goes.
Ryo Tsukumo: Oh well. In any case, congrats on your huge success.
Ryo Tsukumo: You'll be very busy after this. You're going to be on magazine covers, posters all around town, TV, commercials, and doing lives.
Ryo Tsukumo: The whole country will be neck-deep in ŹOOĻ, just like tonight! You're going to make a hundred million people dance! What a sight that'll be!
Torao Mido: That's unexpected.
Ryo Tsukumo: What is?
Torao Mido: Seeing you happy.
Ryo Tsukumo: But of course I am!
Ryo Tsukumo: The center vocalists, Haruka and Toma. The performers who also do the chorus, Torao and Minami.
Ryo Tsukumo: You four are my greatest toys ever, better than any playset!
Toma Inumaru: Hmph, toys, huh. Well, not like I mind.
Toma Inumaru: You're just a stepping stone to us, too. All you need to do is torment TRIGGER like they tormented us.
Haruka Isumi: I'll destroy Tenn Kujo with my singing.
Torao Mido: Haha. As long as we have fun. Love never lasts, anyways.
Torao Mido: Don't you think so too, Minami?
Minami Natsume: Fufu, that's a secret.
Torao Mido: Well aren't you mysterious.
Minami Natsume: Do you want to know that badly?
Torao Mido: Nope.
Ryo Tsukumo: Now, ŹOOĻ. Let the game begin.
Ryo Tsukumo: The game to make everyone here hate you, and eventually, all idols. 
- - - -
Door opens
Toma Inumaru: Yo, Haru.
Haruka Isumi: Is it just you here, Toma? It's rare for Minami to be gone.
Toma Inumaru: He's making preparations for our song, so he said he'll come after he drops by the studio.
Haruka Isumi: Is that so...
Toma Inumaru: Nevermind him, do you know where Tora is?
Haruka Isumi: Of course I don't.
Toma Inumaru: Dammit, he's probably late again... He's never here on time.
Toma Inumaru: You just got here from school, right? Was it fun?
Haruka Isumi: Not really.
Toma Inumaru: What, are you being bullied or something?
Haruka Isumi: Huh? As if I'd ever get bullied.
Toma Inumaru: You don't even realize how cheeky you are, huh. If someone messes with you, let me know. I'll deal with them.
Haruka Isumi: No need.
Toma Inumaru: And don't try to fight people either. Not like I think you have, but I bet you'd lose.
Haruka Isumi: Shut up! I won't do something that stupid, and even if I did, I'd totally win.
Toma Inumaru: Hahaha, no freaking way.
Haruka Isumi: You wanna go?
Toma Inumaru: Easy there. Here, have some sweets. You like them, don't you?
Haruka Isumi: What sweets?
Toma Inumaru: Muffins.
Haruka Isumi: Kelp tea-flavored..?
Toma Inumaru: Kelp tea? No, they're chocolate.
Haruka Isumi: I'll have some.
Toma Inumaru: I didn't know they made kelp tea-flavored muffins. That sounds good.
Haruka Isumi: Huh?
Toma Inumaru: Look, we've got donuts, too.
Haruka Isumi: ...Natto-flavored?
Toma Inumaru: Natto? No uh, what were these again? Says here that they're "strawberry-filled".
Haruka Isumi: They've got jam. I'll have some.
Toma Inumaru: You can have my share, too. They look really sweet.
Toma Inumaru: If only they had natto in them, then I could've had some too.
Haruka Isumi: Huh?
Toma Inumaru: You sure like sweets, Haru.
Haruka Isumi: Not really.
Toma Inumaru: I see you eating them all the time. Look, you like cakes like the one in this magazine, don't you?
Haruka Isumi: ...Ah! This shop..!
Toma Inumaru: What, is it famous or something?
Toma Inumaru: "Fonte Chocolat"... Have you ever gone there?
Haruka Isumi: I haven't. And I'm not planning to.
Toma Inumaru: That so. By the way, apparently Mitsuki Izumi from IDOLiSH7 used to be a pâtissier. 
Haruka Isumi: ...Really?
Toma Inumaru: His younger brother goes to your school, doesn't he. Are you jealous that he's got an older brother who can bake?
Haruka Isumi: ...Not at all!! Stuff like brother idols or twin idols is too chummy, anyway!
Toma Inumaru: Huh. I didn't know there were any twin idols.
Toma Inumaru: Ah, also your pictures for the live pamphlet came. Did you check them out?
Haruka Isumi: Where are they?
Toma Inumaru: Here. Haha, aren't you glad they turned out cool?
Haruka Isumi: I'm such a good model that of course they did.
Toma Inumaru: Well, I guess you're right?
Toma Inumaru: But even though you said you could do an idol smile, you're not doing one at all here. You're just glaring.
Haruka Isumi: The photographer told me to do that. That's the image ŹOOĻ's being sold with.
Toma Inumaru: Hmm. Image, huh.
Toma Inumaru: I think you'd have plenty of appeal if you smiled too, though.
Haruka Isumi: I'll smile when they tell me to. That's how all entertainers are.
Haruka Isumi: Their fans are stupid for being fooled by it.
Toma Inumaru: ...
Toma Inumaru: Yeah. You're right. That's how TRIGGER fooled their audience, too.
Haruka Isumi: Hehe. Where's your picture? I wanna see.
Toma Inumaru: Mine's not done yet. I just had my shoot yesterday.
Haruka Isumi: Oh. When will it be done?
Toma Inumaru: It's rare for you to be this interested.
Haruka Isumi: I bet you're trying too hard to look cool, so I bet I'll laugh at it.
Toma Inumaru: The hell you will! It'll even scare a crying kid into shutting up!
Toma Inumaru: Tora's are done. Look, over here. He's trying too hard to look cool, so why don't you laugh at him?
Haruka Isumi: Hmm, it's like...
Haruka Isumi: He looks just as cool as he always does, so it's boring...
Toma Inumaru: I know what you mean...
Haruka Isumi: Black clothes... Black nails... Hmm.... This'll do.
Haruka Isumi: I'll never become some sappy idol who smiles sweetly, like Zero. 
End of Part 1.
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anonymous-hopeful · 7 years ago
Danganronpa: Quest For Hope!
Available on AO3!
Start from the beginning! https://anonymous-hopeful.tumblr.com/post/168895738213/danganronpa-quest-for-hope
Chapter Five: True Love's Kiss
Welcome Back! Continue Game?
*YES                NO
Let's go!
Congratulations! The love witch TERUTERU HANAMURA and his companion NEKOMARU NIDAI HAVE JOINED YOUR PARTY! Do a victory dance!
NEW ATTACK: Passion Charm!
(Just a taste of this passion fruit parfait can make an enemy quiver with desire...the desire to be destroyed that is...)
(Nekomaru loves to encourage others to do their best! This attack helps restore some Hope Power!)
NEW MINI QUEST: True Love's Kiss!
(Months ago, a lost Kiyotaka Ishimaru found his way into the Hanamura Diner. Unbeknownst to him, the chef, or even the chef's companion, the food was enchanted! Thankfully, Teruteru knows how to find his true love! Hopefully, he won't be too upset...)
Start Mini-Quest?
*Yes             No
TERUTERU: Miss Sonia? I couldn't help but notice the unconcious boy in Chihiro's arms...
CHIHIRO: He's....a bit heavy....
Nekomaru takes Kiyotaka in his arms.
TERUTERU: Since he is a vessel, I don't believe he'd be useful to us in this current state.
"Ooh, are you suggesting we find his you-know-who?"
GENOCIDER: I'm allll for it! I may even get a kiss of my own....
BYAKUYA: Don't hold your breath...
TERUTERU: That's exactly my notion. Besides, we may even meet more vessels.
"This is something we can't refuse! Monomi, Chihiro, are your trackers ready?"
MONOMI: Awlways!
CHIHIRO: I'm activating mine now!
"Alrighty then! Teru, lead the way!"
You are now Teruteru Hanamura
Your witch senses tell you to go into the woods, so you and the party leave the diner and travel around in what feels like endless circles.
BYAKUYA: Do you even know where you're going?
"Yes, after all, my senses don't lie, love. It's just that our hero is moving a bit too fast, which in this situation, isn't good."
NEKOMARU: Hey, Chihiro and Monomi, could you check those monitors?
CHIHIRO: He's right...every so often a dot pops up, but as soon as it appears, it goes away.
MONOMI: And whenevwr I feel new hope, it fizzwles away.
SONIA:Truly, a problem!
GENOCIDER: Hey, what's that?
You and your party seemed to have come across a vendor's booth. On the counter is a note that says, "Gotta get supples, return soon~DO".
BYAKUYA: Well, what do you know? Someone's actually trying to scratch up a few hope shards in these conditions.
"I wonder what they sell...".
SONIA: Maybe homemade trinkets and knick-knacks?
GENOCIDER: Or maybe some sort of weaponry?
"I was thinking the same, Neko."
CHIHIRO: But...what if he's dangerous?
BYAKUYA: I doubt someone with malicious intent would leave a sign with their handwriting and a clue to their name.
You and your party decide to wait by the stand.....minutes pass....then an hour...eventually, everyone falls asleep. While the party is asleep, someone in a dark cloak appears.
???: Hmm? I was gone fer that long, huh?
They make their way to the back of the booth.
???: Well, I ain't makin' nothin' like this.
They proceed to whip out a large metal pan and a wooden spoon, and bang the two together tirelessly.
Everyone, except Kiyotaka, wakes up in shock.
???: Glad ta see yer all awake. Except fer that guy. Wha's with 'im?
"He...may or not be enchanted..."
???: Damn.
CHIHIRO: Are you the owner of this booth?
???: Yeah. Had ta make money somehow.
BYAKUYA: If you don't mind my asking, what is your..."business"?
???: Well, fer a few hope shards, I can answer some questions!
BYAKUYA: .......
CHIHIRO: ........
MONAMI: ........
???: It seemed smarter at th' time...
BYAKUYA: I'm not wasting my time on this imbecile.
SONIA: Wait! He just might know something! How much does each question cost?
???: Depends. Th' more personal, th' higher th' cost.
Sonia: We have 150 hope shards. Might as well give it a shot.
???: I was expectin' that one.
They remove the hood of their cloak to reveal a stylish black pompodour and milky white skin adorned with  a mischevious smile.
???: Name's DAIYA OOWADA. Nice ta meecha!
-5 Hope Shards
"What did you do in Hoposelic before the attack?"
DAIYA: I used ta be th' leader of this biker gang, but now I do embroidery an' monogramin' for em.
Daiya shows off a jacket he was working on.
He does embroidery and monogramming  and this what he chose...
-8 Hope Shards
GENOCIDER: Who leads your bosozokus now, and is he hot???
DAIYA: My lil' bro runs it now. As fer 'is attractivness, well, he get's it from me, but he's already crushin' hard on someone.
GENOCIDER: Whatever...I still have my blonde bombshell♡
BYAKUYA: I'm uncomfortable...
-13 Hope Shards
BYAKUYA: Just who was he crushing on?
DAIYA: Like hell if I knew. He never told me much...probably knew I'd try ta embarrass 'im. All I knew was that it was a guy that even in armor had a fine ass.
"Sounds nice...and sexy....".
-6 Hope Shards
CHIHIRO: How much did your brother love him?
DAIYA: Hell, he was head-over-heels for 'im! Like that song; he's the tear in 'is heart!
-4 Hope Shards
MONAMI: Whewre is he now?
DAIYA: Somewhere in th' woods lookin' for 'im. I heard he went missin an'....wait a minute....that kid in yer arms...ain't he-
SONIA: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, youngest member of the Royal Guard. He was accidentally enchanted.
DAIYA: Man, lil' bro fell for knight? This'll be interestin'!
SONIA: Could you momentarily stop from scamming us and help us find your brother?
DAIYA: Yeah, sure. I gotta confront 'im about this on'.
Without hesitation, Daiya began leading the group. As he took you and your party through the woods, he began to say random things on his mind.
DAIYA: I'm pretty sure lil bro ain't noticed that our names are a pun.
DAIYA: I got that one song stuck in my head...the on' about Barbie an' them...
DAIYA: I'm a Barbie Girl.
DAIYA: In a Barbie woorld....
DAIYA: ..........nyeh.
DAIYA: I ain't surprised lil' bro's got a thing fer guys. It probably runs in th' family or somethin'. First time my gang had a party ta celebrate th' anniversary, we got so drunk, we started makin' out wit' each other. Most of us even-
Before Daiya could finish, the loud roar of a motorcycle was heard in the distance.
DAIYA: There he is!
The rider slowed as he approached your party. After seeing Daiya, he reluctantly stopped and got off.
MONDO: Th' hell are ya doin?
DAIYA: Helpin' return lost items.
Nekomaru shows Mondo Kiyotaka's body.
MONDO: Wha...?
"I apologise, Mondo. I experienced a flux in power and accidentally enchanted Kiyotaka."
MONDO: You did WHAT?
GENOCIDER: All you have to do is give your baby a nice little kiss on his lips.
MONDO: Ya....ya mean like true love's kiss an'....
Mondo begins to blush.
BYAKUYA: Please hurry and get this done and over with? It's becoming awkward.
MONOMI: Oh, pwease. You just can't handwle feewlings!
SONIA: Well?
BYAKUYA: My name is Byakuya Togami.
DAIYA: We'll deal with you later. Mondo, don't tell me yer havin' a hard time.
MONDO: What if...
CHIHIRO: What if?
MONDO: What if I ain't his true love?
"Oh, trust me, I know he loves you for a fact. I'm only the love witch after all<3"
MONDO: A'ight, I  got that.
Mondo starts to lean in...
He hesitates a moment, then places his lips upon Kiyotaka's....
An astonishing pink light washes over the area. When it clears...
KIYOTAKA: uhm...ah...
MONDO: Kiyo?
MONDO: Heh...Ya really like me huh?
KIYOTAKA: Yes...why does come as a surprise, Mondo?
MONDO: I uh...always thought ya'd see me as this troublemaker and a bad guy and-
KIYOTAKA: Mondo! You should not doubt me so much! I do have morals and a code, but I also have feelings.
CHIHIRO: Unlike someone...
BYAKUYA: My name is-
MONOMI: Mondo, Daiya, Kiyo! You must joiwn us!
SONIA: Ah, I just remembered! I'm gathering vessels of hope to fight the despair sisters!
BYAKUYA: That explains why I'm here...
"It's also why I'm controlling myself..."
KIYOTAKA: As a member of the Royal Guard, I am all for working to protect the kingdom!
MONDO: Yeah, I guess I could do a vigilante thing...
DAIYA: Eh, I dunno. After all, I do got a business ta run...
SONIA: Speaking of that, hand it over!
DAIYA: Aw....
DAIYA: Since I ain't got nothin', I might as well join ya, Queenie!
SONIA: We sure are covering a lot of ground!
"Despair won't win against us!"
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