#this year i have 7 exams left
blumenherzen · 1 year
listening to deftones while trying to study a bit after a full year of not doing that
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sinhal · 5 months
I wanna go home :((((((((
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missshame · 1 year
Now that I'm feeling like a person again, what if I deserved to prioritize my well being over literally anything else after years of struggling with depression insomnia anxiety and constant suicidal thoughts. What if.
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6ebe · 1 year
Wait why do I have my worst most evil exam on the first day of pride month
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lylianrae · 3 months
A list of all the things I have manifested ⋆˚⟡˖ ࣪
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We manifest everything in our lives btw - the good and the bad which is why I will be including both to prove that the law does not discriminate. If you can successfully become poor, you can most definately become rich with the same ease because everything is just a state.
Long hair
AHH this is one of my favourite manifestations. Ever since I was young I had a weird bob with a fringe (often crooked) and I wanted long hair like all the other girls (lmaoo) but my mum was strict so she didn't let me grow it out. Although I didn't know about manifestation back then, every new year and birthday I would wish for long hair and I would pretend I was a princess with butt long hair. Guess what, somewhere along the line, my mum let me grow it out and now I have butt length hair (don't really know what to do with it tho </3).
As all kids do, I went through an emo phase where I chopped off like half of my hair like 4 years ago. I literally grew back 7-8" of hair within a month because my parents got too mad. I knew about manifestation here so I just assumed my hair always grows unaturally fast. Same with when I cut bangs, they grew past my chin within a couple of weeks.
Manifesting my way into a private school
Honestly this just shows that you dont need 2430430 hours of working on your self concept to manifest. Literally so many celebs, including Marylin Monroe (the queen), manifested their fame with awful self concept. Likewise, here I was possibly going through the worst time of my life back then. I would wake up at 8 am and start studying and end at 11 pm despite being only 10 at the time. I was so freaking stressed and envious of all the other children and went into a depressive spiral where my two options were pass or die. I didn't even have enough practice and I cried my self to sleep on most nights. Anyways, when i did the exam I was deathly calm and even after the exam I was apparently so chill so my parents thought I failed.
I literally left 9 questions on one paper but throughout the summer, everytime I found a dandelion I would make a wish and imagine digging a tunnel to the examiners room where I secretly change my answers into the right ones (lmfao my tiny 10 yr old brain - idek how it worked). Anyways my results were sent back to me a month later on a random October evening and I got a really high mark. Even after 7 years of going to this school I havn't met anyone who has gotten a mark higher than mine.
Curly hair / straight hair
Sigh. We always want things we don't have. When I was younger I had really straight hair like 1A asian hair but when I was like 10, I really wanted curly hair and I would try to curl it often. After a few months, I manifested a curling iron and my hair literally became naturally curly like right after a wash it would curly af when before it was dead straight. Naturally I grew bored of it and I wanted my straight hair back and for ages I began overcomplicating the law and struggled to manifest it. It was only recently when I actually let go of the 3D that I manifested the silky, shiny straight hair.
Social life?
This is also a funny one, just shows how easily you can manifest. So back in 2021 after lockdown I felt so lonely and felt so left out of my friendship group so after a few months I began stressing myself out and spiraling for like 30 minutes, sobbing to myself about how I was so lonely and how nobody loved me (💀). Anyways it became reality, I found myself uncomfortable in many social situations and found myself becoming forgotten far more easily. I don't really remember the details but it was so bad that I think I accidently manifested social anxiety (oh well we still up tho).
However I am a loa girly so I found myself listening to popularity subliminals and slowly (but surely) my mindset change from having no friends to being the most popular girl in the year. Like no joke I became friends with like 3 people from different social circles so at lunchtime we had to join up like 3 different tables so we can all sit together. Overall I got myself 20+ close friends and even my ex friends began to admire me although it had ended badly. Even now, when someone says something thats untrue - for example saying that they are dumb when they are not, they would be like "ahaha so its like when Rae (me) says she has no friends, the whole school knows who Rae is".
Clear skin
This was sort of in the beginning of my loa (law of attraction back then) journey, I just randomly found out what subliminals were and was still quite new to everything. Now I don't even understand how it happened but I had busted some capillaries under my skin and it looked like small red viens under my skin and bro I was freaking out at the time. One night I was like just, I had enough, I'm going to get myself better skin and so I listened to a sub once for 3-4 days and on like the 4th day, my cheeks began to heat up which was odd and the next day it was 90% gone. Just like magikkkk.
Desired university?
Guys. Feeling is the secret. Don't you ever forgot that - not feeling as in emotions but rather the feeling of knowing. I had 2 entrance exams to do to apply for my universities and it was a stressful time where I wasn't getting enough sleep and wasn't eating enough simply because I didn't have the time. Like I come home from school and would have 3-4 hours of homework, then I need to revise for tests and then the remaining time would be spent on the entrance exams. Each past paper took 2 hours and I have around 13s per questions and I was already struggling on time. Anyways, I began to hate them and I would often complain to my mum saying things like "My score got even lower!!" or "I hate it so much" or "My head hurts / eyes hurt".
Guess what? Not only did I see my score decrease over time but I also made such a silly mistake on the most important entrance exam which I needed for 4/5 of my universities. I left a question and completely forgot to mark on the answer so when I finished the section I realised I had one more space on the sheet with like 10s to spare. I didn't have enough time to go back and fix it and lemme say that I did so badly in the test. Even while waiting for results I was just like "ah it would be a miracle if I scored above this bla bla".
I got the score back and it was so freaking bad like I did not stand a chance at my university at all. However, I started to affirm for a place and to my utter shock and surprise my desired university reached out and offered me an interview. I knew people who had like scores which were 50% better than mine and they still got rejected pre-interview. Anyways I began stressing about the interview and the results of the whole thing and boom. I got rejected 3 days after my birthday lmaoo. But its okay because I'm reapplying and I learnt so much more. I'm redoing the entrance exam and my score is a loooot better than it ever was last year.
A key take away would be thoughts are the result of the state you are in. Your dwelling state manifests and I was focusing on the unrealness and the difficultly of getting into this uni and thats what manifested. At the time I was heartbroken and literally went through the 7 stages of grief and spent so many months trying to revise it only for me to focus on the 3D. Just know that everything is done in imagination and it appears in the 3D as a result.
Photographic memory
So this is also something I had manifested before I actually knew about loa but the takeaway here is that manifestation is always instant. I was around 11 reading a random book on my tiny kindle and the book was on how to develop a good memory and I was like ah that'll be useful. Anyways later in the car, I asked my dad about photographic memory and he sort of explained it to me. I just assumed that I have that and I told him I do. He just laughed at me and said thats something that you have to train for and I was not impressed lmao. Inside my tiny brain, I was just like nope, I already have photographic memory and I dropped that thought. Let me tell you, my memory is actually photographic and has helped me out on so many occasions like my brain just takes pictures of things.
Learning fast
This is also something I did before I knew loa, I was just always wondering why the other kids couldn't grasp concepts as easily as I did. Literally in every lesson I would be like ah I learn so fast and now I am actually blessed with the ability to grasp complex subjects so fast. A favourite example of mine would be when I was obsessed with music but to take it to a higher level you need to be able to play an instrument. I couldn't at the time and my teacher told me the requirements a week before the actual deadline. I have never actually played piano with both hands but one day I sat down and worked through the entire song (fur elise by Beethoven) which is a grade 5 (I think) and it normally takes people months / weeks to learn. I learnt the whole thing in 3 days and from then on, I could play piano like I had been doing for ages. Again the memory thing was so helpful because I never actually used any sheet music, I learnt it off a youtube video and I remembered every single note I needed to play.
Hourglass body + 22" waist
This was a couple of years ago when I actually didn't understand loa. Anyways long story short, I would do a 3 minute workout and then flex infront of the mirror all day (💀) and be like omg I have abs. Overtime, I actually got so skinny everyone around me kept pointing it out to me and my mum got so concerned that she took me to the doctor like 4 times. It was so funny, I would loose like 2-3kg overnight and my parents would have to buy better fitting uniform.
Bigger boobs
This was also back in the day (2021?) when I didn't understand how to manifest things easily af. I had an A cup but I wanted better boobies and I listened to like 2 subs for a week and I went to a B cup. But I just assumed I have a bigger cup size recently and I just skipped C and went to D+ (haven't measured in a long time).
I'm not done but I'm tired now bye bye
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cant believe queue fishing studying works
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srjlvr · 5 months
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LYING to his friends about having a girlfriend was definitely not on his ‘how to survive highschool’ list and now, he has to convince his biggest rival that will surely laugh at his face, to fake date him.
PAIRING. rugby player+rival!sunghoon X rival-fem!reader (mentions of the rest of enha, aespa’s karina and boynextdoor taesan)
GENRE. childhood enemies to fake dating to lovers, angst, comedy, fluff and idk what more.
WARNINGS. young sunghoon’s a bitch, so is young y/n, also older sunghoon’s a bitch and so is y/n, manipulating here and there, misunderstandings, miscommunications, definitely curse words (seventh graders already know how to curse here!) , horrible humor, ik its weird but all of the mentioned idols here are the same age! (lmk if i missed something pls!)
WORD-COUNT. 10.4k+
NOTE. ok fine! bully me for not knowing how to make a pretty cover, its the story that matters though, right? anyways besties i really dunno when will be my next update so please be patient!! i miss writing and being here 24/7 honestly but its just been really hard for me.
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“i need you to fake date me”
“are you seriously begging right now?”
“that’s fun, get on your knees and beg more”
“are you nuts? i’ll never do that”
“fine then, pay me for that”
“how much?”
if there’s one thing sunghoon can say about himself is that he’s quite an organized person, therefore he made a list for highschool.
a list that will help him survive his last years in highschool and will help him stay sane at the same time.
he called his list “how to survive highschool”, creative, right?
he’s been following his list and so far managed to survive just perfectly.
staying in rugby team with his friends? check!
“sunghoon! catch!” he heard a voice calling him and saw a ball coming right at him, he caught the ball and ran with it, then passing the ball to riki, his friend and teammate who scored the game and ended it with a win.
“that was a good one! take a break and return in thirty minutes!” the rugby team’s coach clapped and sent the players off for break.
“hey! i got your exam grades here! come collect them!” jungwon, one of sunghoon’s friends waved the exams to show the players he got the them in his hands.
sunghoon went up to jungwon and took his own.
get high grades? check!
“i got A+ again!” he looked at the grade and excitedly smiled.
“ugh, you’re making me sick being the nerdy rugby player” jay, another friends of his rolled his eyes.
“you’re just jealous my grades are higher than your chances with your crush” sunghoon joked.
“oh you—“ “enough! no fighting on break time” heeseung cut jay in the middle of his sentence.
“let’s just get something to snack, it’s lunch time anyway” sunoo suggested and they all nodded.
“you guys ready?” riki asked before they entered the hallway.
get popular enough so students will freak out when they see you? check!
“sunghoon! i got you this chocolate snack! please accept this and enjoy it” a one random student handed him the chocolate snack.
before he could take it, jake snatched it and smiled, “i’ll take that, thank you” and left the girl and sunghoon speechless.
“dude what the fuck?” he asked his friend.
“it could be poisoned for all you care” jake shrugged but proceeded to take a bite from the snack as they kept walking.
“let’s just sit right there!” jungwon pointed at one lunch table as they entered the cafeteria.
“really? right in front of where y/n is sitting?” sunoo whispered in his ear.
“sure, let’s do that” sunghoon replied and started walking towards the table.
“um, i’ll go grab the snacks” riki said and ran to get the snacks.
“did he just-“ “oh, it’s going to be interesting” jake smirked and watched sunghoon as he walked really closer to you, who was sitting with your back towards him.
“so, what are your plans for the weekend?” your friend karina asked as she took a bite of your food.
“oh i don’t really know, probably chilling at home and—“ you were cut off middle sentence by someone bumping into you, causing you to spill some of your food on your uniform.
“what the fuck?” you turned around and saw the person behind it, “should’ve known it was you, park”
get yourself a rival so it’ll be more fun and interesting….? check!
“sorry, couldn’t see you there” he smirked.
“just go away” you rolled your eyes at him and turned to your friend who looked awkward as hell.
“sure” he started to walk but bumped into you again, causing you to spill more food on your clothes.
“oops! that happened again” he chuckled and continued to walk to the table.
“that’s it” that was your last straw.
you got up and took your water bottle, “y/n dont—“ your friend tried to stop you but it was too late already.
as you got closer to sunghoon, you poured all your water on him.
“what the—“ “sorry!! i slipped over and spilled some on you!!” you replied with a smirk and stormed off.
his friends who were watching the whole thing from afar, walked closer to now drenched sunghoon and started laughing.
“damn, that was fun. do it again!” jay cheered.
“here sunghoon i got you a towel!” a student walked up to him and handed him a towel to dry himself.
“thank you, i’ll take it” sunoo said and took the towel.
sunghoon glared at him, “what? you’re already used to being drenched by sweat, it’s the same thing, no?”
“i hate him” you rolled your eyes.
“say, what’s the deal with you and sunghoon? you never really told me and i just assumed he annoys you because he’s a nerdy rugby player,” she chuckled, “but it seems more than that”
“park sunghoon has been on my ass ever since seventh grade” you sighed.
“why? what happened on seventh grade?” she asked, leaving everything she was busy on behind and crossing her hands to focus on you and you only.
before seventh grade you and sunghoon were best friends, hell, your parents could’ve sworn that one day you’ll end up marrying each other.
you were stuck like a glue, always around each other and doing basically everything together, no one could tear you apart.
until, seventh grade happened.
you were the top student in class, you aced everything, from math to arts and received praises from all teachers. for the last few days of school, the teacher wanted you to show the whole school your arts project.
you drew your favorite view, which was your house garden, the teacher got so excited over the drawing and decided she wants you to show it to everyone else too.
a day before the last day of school, you were busy doing the last touches of your art, sunghoon was busy doing his usual, which was to annoy you.
“sunghoon stop! i need to focus” you scoffed.
sunghoon shrugged, “but i’m bored”
“go play around with others or something” you sighed.
he shook his head, “not when i can annoy you!”
he walked back and forth, even twirled around, until he became dizzy and accidentally pushed you over your drawing, making it look like a big mess over the canvas.
you let out a yelp and looked at it with teary eyes.
“i….i’m sorry!” he quickly said.
“get out!” you yelled without even looking at him.
“it can be fixed! just a few little—“ “i asked you to get out! you ruined my drawing! how will i be able to show it to everyone now?” at this point you started crying.
you didn’t show your unfinished and ruined art in front of everyone, instead it was sunghoon’s drawing that was shown to everyone.
your teacher saw the ruined art and decided to change the plans by taking sunghoon’s project and showing it to everyone.
jealousy was eating you alive. it was supposed to be you up there on stage, showing the project to everyone and getting the compliments, you deserve that after working so hard.
it was sunghoon’s fault, all of it.
before you walked away with your parents, sunghoon called you a few times. at first you ignored his callings, but your parents, unbeknown to the whole story behind it, stopped your tracks and told you to go to sunghoon.
with heavy steps you walked closer to him, “what do you want?” you coldly asked.
“i wanted to apologize” he took a deep breath.
“great, you just did”
“we’re good now, i forgive you” you lied. you just didn’t feel like hearing his excuses and explanations.
“wow, really?”
“yeah” no.
although you told sunghoon you forgive him, things became really awkward between the two of you.
summer vacation arrived and you did your best to ignore him, except the times where he left you no choice and just randomly showed up at your house.
eighth grade was cool between the two of you, but you still held strong feelings against him.
he tried his best to overcome the weird awkwardness between the two of you, you’re too important for him to let go. he was honestly so scared of entering highschool without you by his side.
the second half of eighth grade was the last straw between the two of you.
you started crushing over someone in your class, and started hanging out with him, slowly getting close to the guy.
sunghoon, who was carefully watching you from behind, didn’t like your new crush, he seemed like bad news to him, getting close not only to you, but to other girls as well.
your parents, who were strict that time, warned you about dating a guy at such young age, and sunghoon had to do what he had to do.
“park, what the fuck?” you came up to him and pushed him.
“what?” he asked surprised.
“why the fuck did you tell my parents about him?” you shout.
“oh,” he rolled his eyes, “so it’s about him”
“of course it’s about him! you know about my long time crush on him!”
“he’s bad news y/n” sunghoon tried to warn you.
“no, you’re bad news! i should’ve known not to forgive you at all” you scoffed and walked away.
“y/n, wait!” sunghoon called you but you were faster than the light and suddenly was nowhere to be found.
“uh oh” jay, who was there to witness everything pat his friend’s back, “you fucked up”
“yeah, thanks jay i really needed that” sunghoon rolled his eyes.
“really? going behind her back and telling her parents about some guy? you could’ve just talked with her about it” jay snapped.
“it’s not that easy”
“it sure isn’t, and so will be your attempts to talk with her”
jay was right, sunghoon tried everything to get to talk with you, followed you everywhere, sent you numerous texts and calls until you had to block his number, even showed up at your house a few times. nothing helped.
so sunghoon, being the cool teenager he is, decided to move on. he doesn’t need you anymore anyways.
nineth grade came and so did a new student that sunghoon couldn’t take his eyes off of.
slowly he tried his best to get closer to her and spending more time with her, he was so close to confess his feelings towards her.
“did you do that on purpose?” she asked, nothing but hatred in her eyes as she looked at sunghoon.
“do what…?” he asked confused.
“did you tell the whole school about my family issues?” she raised her voice.
“what? no! i would never—“
“forget it, you’re such a jerk!” she yelled and stormed out.
“wait!!” he called her and was about to run after her but his eyes caught a glimpse of a person smirking.
he clenched his jaw and moved closer to the figure, “what the fuck did you do?” he asked.
“nothing, i don’t know what you’re talking about” the person shrugged.
“don’t play dumb, y/n. i know you had something to do with it” he rolled his eyes.
“still don’t know what you’re talking about” you shrugged again, “maybe someone’s just taking a revenge on you, i don't know” you added and left with a smirk.
“i hate you choi y/n!” he shout. “it’s mutual park sunghoon!”
“oh now i get it! yes girl! give him the revenge he deserves to get” karina cheered and you nodded.
“but, don’t you think he ruined your chances with your crush just because he was jealous?” she asked and you glared at her, “i mean, even your parents could’ve sworn you’d end up getting married”
“even if he was jealous, he should’ve confronted me about it” you replied and she nodded.
“you’re right” she sighed, “but what if he was, i don’t know, scared?”
“are you seriously on his side now?” you asked in disbelief.
“never!” she hugged you and you giggled.
“let’s get you cleaned up, i think i have an extra uniform in my locker”
“oh no, walking in school hallways like that is like just straight up asking to be bullied”
“i won’t let anyone bully you bae, let’s go”
“by the way! all of you are invited to my brother’s wedding, no single hoes are invited though, that includes you sunghoon” heeseung chuckled,
“sweet! when is it?” jake asked.
“in a month”
“what? you cannot be serious!” sunghoon complained.
“sorry, your single ass will not be able to handle this wedding” heeseung shrugged.
“even riki has a partner before you” sunoo laughed.
“guys just realized sunghoon is really the only one single here” jungwon added which made everyone laugh and make jokes about him.
“all of you can shut up because i actually do have a girlfriend”
heeseung was obviously joking about sunghoon not being invited because he’s single, but he was not expecting to hear his friend confessing that he actually is seeing someone now.
sunghoon was also not expecting that big lie to come out of his mouth, but it was already too late.
“what?” jungwon spoke first after the silence that surrounded after his confession.
“i do have a girlfriend” no sunghoon, you can still get away with it and say you were joking.
sunghoon’s list of surviving highschool has a lot of tasks still left untouched, but this one was definitely not, and was never written, as one of his tasks on his list.
lie to your friends about having a girlfriend? definitely not on the list, stop with the lies!!!
his friends looked at him in shock. riki dropped the spoon he was about to shove into his mouth, jake choked on his water and heeseung pat his back, jay almost fainted and jungwon and sunoo froze in their place.
“what?” sunghoon asked.
they all burst into laughter, “that was a good one! i almost believed you!” riki wiped his tears that fell down because of the amount of laughter he let out.
“i’m serious!” sunghoon scoffed.
“you? a girlfriend? sunghoon, i saw your ‘how to survive highschool’ list, you had a ‘no matter what, stay single until you finish highschool!’ line!” jay chuckled.
“i can break one line its not a big deal, besides, she’s definitely worth it” sunghoon smiled.
he’s talking about no one, no one comes to his mind at the moment, but he still keeps on with his lie.
“will we be able to see her before the wedding?” heeseung asked.
“a day before maybe” sunghoon nodded.
“hey! we’re already late for practice! get up everyone now!!” jungwon checked the clock and hurried everyone up.
sunghoon knows he fucked up, real bad. he never had a normal conversation with a girl in highschool, and let’s not forget about the fact that everyone talks to him as if he has some kind of royal blood.
the only real friendship he had with a girl was with you in his childhood. and you’re the only girl who can talk back to him without feeling threatened. wait, that’s it!
“i need you to fake date me”
curse him and his very awful impulse control.
as soon as sunghoon finished his practice he went to the library, figured he’d find you there and apparently he was right.
the book you were reading was long forgotten as you tried to process what you just heard.
“no” you replied shortly.
“please?” he sounded so desperate.
“are you seriously begging right now?”
“that’s fun, get on your knees and beg more” you smirked.
“are you nuts? i’ll never do that” he frowned and rolled his eyes.
“fine then, pay me for that”
“how much?”
“hell no”
“kiss my ass goodbye then” you shrugged.
“you’re unbelievable”
“said the one who barged into the library and started begging me to date him”
“yeah, it’ll help you become popular” he slightly nodded.
“right, you’re already popular and have multiple fans or whatever, why don’t you just ask them?”
“it’ll just make things worse!”
“fuck off sunghoon, i’m not going to fake date you and help you because of some stupid lie you told” you rolled your eyes and got back to reading the book.
he tried begging you once more but at this point you just decided to ignore him until he left.
“what the heck was that?” you asked yourself and shook your head.
“hey y/n!” you heard a voice calling you and you immediately recognized this voice.
it belonged to taesan, your classmate and also your longtime crush. taesan’s quite popular amongst the students, and surprising so, he’s not a rugby player.
you’ve made a pros and cons lists about your few old crushes and also made one about your current crush, taesan.
pros? he’s funny, smart, creative, caring, friendly, kind and would prefer to spend his free time in the library with you.
“hey sunghoon dude! didn’t see you there, what are you doing here?”
he’s sunghoon’s best friend. that is a BIG no no for you.
“just came to check something, studying again?” sunghoon smirked as he looked at you.
did he seriously wait for taesan to come so he could spend more time annoying you?
“yeah, it’s my studying with y/n time, we’ve been doing that for a while” taesan smiled widely and winked at you.
without even noticing your cheeks started to heat up. but your blushing cheeks were already noticed by someone who’s definitely going to use that against you.
“right, i’m not going to interrupt you two, enjoy!” sunghoon said as he gave you one last smirk before turning around and leaving.
“isn’t he so weird sometimes? i can definitely understand why you hate his guts” taesan chuckled and you nodded.
“how are you today anyway? didn’t see you that much” he smiled.
“so far so good, you?”
“great now that i’m here with you”
you tried your best to stop your racing heart beats after hearing what he said and making eye contact with him.
you just giggled and opened a book right away, “let’s just start with this book!”
after some time that felt like half an hour to you (but was actually two hours or so) it was time to go back home.
“let me walk you home” taesan suggested.
“it’s okay, i live closeby, if so i’m the one who needs to walk you home” you giggled.
“i insist”
you didn’t reply to him and just walked out of the library as he followed you.
“oh hey y/n, taesan!” you stopped your trace when you noticed sunghoon standing right outside the library.
“sunghoon? why are you still here?” taesan asked, emphasizing the last question.
“just walked by after dropping yeji at her friend’s house, also i promised y/n i’ll walk her home, right y/n?”
you looked at him confused but he gave you the ‘you better say yes now’ look, and besides, you didn’t want to bother taesan with the long walk.
“right, i completely forgot, i’m really sorry taesan, next time i’ll be the one to walk you home!” you said and he nodded.
“don’t worry about it!” he said, quite confused since he never saw the both of you getting along and actually walking home together, even though you live right across each other.
sunghoon took your hand and dragged you away from taesan.
“what the fuck park?”
“walking him home? seriously? your lazy ass could never” he teased and you rolled your eyes.
“fuck off sunghoon, why are you really here?”
“i’ve got a deal to offer” he stopped you from walking and you glared at him.
“you haven’t heard it yet”
“i don’t care, it’s a no from me, i can never trust you” you scoffed and started walking away.
“i’ll help you to get close to taesan!” he said and you froze for a second, “i don’t need your help”
“oh but you do” he smirked as he figured he got your weakness point, “you’ve been acting awfully trying to hide your little crush on him”
“what do you need?” you asked, half convinced.
“a month” he said straightforwardly.
“are you—“
“a month of fake dating and then i’ll let you tell everyone you broke up with me and broke my heart and whatever you want” he licked his lips, “i’ll help you get closer to taesan too”
“i need a day to think about it” you sighed.
“fine” he said, full of hopes and prayers.
as you arrived you bid your goodbyes for the first time in years, and it never felt so weird as much as it just did.
as you entered the house you took a quick shower and ate, right after that you ran to get your phone a called karina.
“i think you should do it, a month wouldn’t be so bad, plus, he did say he’ll help you get close to taesan” she said.
“can i really trust him though? he ruined my chances with my crush once already” you groaned.
“you’re right, don’t trust that guy”
“but he’s also the only one that could get me close to taesan”
“right again, trust him fully and agree to that deal”
“you’re not helping me at all!!” you complained.
“i don’t know bae, i guess that if i was you i would’ve probably go with what my heart says”
“cliché much, aren’t we?”
“i didn’t know what to say!”
“i guess i just…”
“really? are you for real? is it really happening right now? i need you to sign this contract right now before you regret” sunghoon’s eyes widened and his lips formed into a little smile.
you rolled your eyes, “don’t make me regret this”
“okay okay, i won’t, let’s just find a spot where we could talk” he said and took your hand.
he dragged you to an empty classroom and closed the door.
“so,” he spoke, “we need rules”
“no shit sherlock”
“can you stop being an actual bitch for a second and hear me out?” he spat and you rolled your eyes.
“i’ll be walking you home, mornings and afternoons no matter what” he said.
“does that really matter? i mean, no one sees us” you sighed.
“that’s what you think, my friends are stalkers it’s actually scary”
“we’ll be posting pictures together which means we’re going to have to go on date—“
“im gonna stop you right there” you cut him off middle sentence, “you can just use pictures from pinterest”
“there’s no chance im going on dates with you” you argued.
“you agreed to this fake dating, you need to face the consequences”
you groaned and he continued, “kissing is not prohibited, you can kiss me whenever you want, if it’s necessary”
you felt like throwing up hearing this sentence.
“who’s gonna buy that? just yesterday you were bumping into me and acting like a total bitch in front of everyone” you rolled your eyes.
“it’s as simple as that, we’ll say we’ve been forced by our parents to come as a couple to an event and we had a deep conversation about our past and after a while of reuniting i asked you out and we decided to hide our relationship until now” he shrugged.
“wow,” you clapped, “you thought about it the whole day yesterday didn’t you?”
“no…” he scratched his nape and looked everywhere but at you.
“sure” you nodded, completely not believing what he just said.
“anyways it’s all settled, we’ll be posting a picture today after school” he said and was about to leave the classroom.
“one more thing,” he said, “pda is a must, therefore you’d have to give me your hand and we’d have to go hand in hand to classroom”
“just say you want to hold my hand, i’ll take that into consideration, but i’m not interested” you asked annoyed.
“you wish someone would actually want to hold your hand out of his own will” he rolled his eyes.
“you haven’t touched a single soul in your entire life”
“just shut up” he sighed.
“never as long as your annoying ass is right besides me”
he just groaned and took your hand.
“starting now” he nodded, “it’ll make everyone confuse until we reveal our relationship”
“yuck, even calling it a relationship is making me want to throw up”
“hope your stupid brain knows it’s mutual but whatever, just don’t act like that when we’re together”
walking through the hallway while everyone is whispering and glancing at you was never a problem to sunghoon, it was a big problem for you though.
you tried letting go of sunghoon’s hand to stop the whispering and glancing but he held you tighter.
“it’s okay, calm down i’m here with you” he whispered.
as much as you’d like to deny it, it made you feel somewhat safe.
however, it’s the park sunghoon we’re talking about. your worst enemy.
“is that supposed to make me feel better?” you whispered back.
“and we’re here, outside your classroom” he changed the subject and stopped right outside of your class while everyone else kept looking at the two of you.
“i’ll wait for you after class” he winked and left a peck on your forehead before leaving to his classroom.
you so wished you could wipe it off at the moment. or at least, you think.
“what the fuck did i just saw?” karina walked up to you as soon as sunghoon left.
“we have a lot to catch on” you sighed and dragged her inside the classroom.
“and you agreed?!?”
“ms. karina and ms. y/n, would you like to share to your class what were you talking about?” the teacher knocked on the desk.
“no, we’re sorry” you said quietly and the teacher went back to teaching.
“you told me to follow what my heart says!” you whispered-yelled to her.
“i didn’t think it’d say to agree to it!!” she replied back.
“well i did, and now i’m stuck with the worst person ever”
“maybe he’s not that bad”
“get out karina”
“can’t, we’re in the middle of a class” she shrugged and you groaned.
“so you’re now dating your worst ever enemy, the infamous woman in this highschool, choi y/n?!!”
“yes jake, i don’t know why it’s so surprising to you” sunghoon rolled his eyes as he took a bite from his lunch.
“surprising only to him? sunghoon, just a few days ago you called her an attention seeker bitch, now you’re telling us you’ve been dating for a few months already?” jungwon asked, concerned.
“well we did great at hiding didn’t we? our parents told us we should sign to drama classes”
“nothing here makes sense” jay shook his head.
lying to his friends about his whole relationship life? was definitely not and never will be on his list but he couldn’t care less about the list anymore.
“life doesn’t make sense, jay” sunghoon sighed, “it just happened, now i can’t stop thinking about her, it’s like i want to spend every minute with her”
“ew, not in front of my salad” riki gagged.
“although it makes no sense to me, i’m happy for you sunghoon, so proud of you for finally getting along with someone” sunoo pat his back.
“hey what do you mean by that?”
“from childhood friends to childhood enemies to lovers, that sounds like an actual pretty good story genre” heeseung crossed his arms and nodded.
“can’t believe you haven’t told me anything about it!” taesan, who for the first time in a while joined their lunch table, lightly pushed sunghoon, completely in disbelief.
“you’re right, i should’ve told you about it before” sunghoon nodded.
sunghoon’s a bad friend. a very, very bad one.
a few weeks ago he had a conversation with who he considers as his best friend, but how could he face him now after this conversation?
“hey hoon! i wanted to ask you something” taesan bit his lips, a bit anxious to start the conversation.
“yeah dude, what’s up?” he asked.
“i know you and y/n are….not on good terms, but i actually started spending some time with her and i’m really interested in her” his eyes lit up from excitement just by talking about you, “wanted to ask you if that’s okay that, you know….”
“yeah for sure! even though i hate this person with all my heart, i can’t decided on your life, can’t see how and why you’re interested in her but whatever, it’s yours” sunghoon shrugged.
“thanks sunghoon, i’m really glad i got you as my friend” taesan hugged sunghoon tightly.
sunghoon definitely knew about taesan’s little crush about you, and the day he told you that taesan has a little crush, he actually meant you.
back to today, sunghoon feels like his whole life was tearing apart.
how could he betray his friend like that? after everything taesan did to him. from helping him with studies to even paying for the things he couldn’t.
taesan shook his head and smiled weakly, “whatever makes you happy sunghoon” he said.
sunghoon was expecting him to shout at him and get mad about it, but was actually surprised he took it well somehow.
‘i’m doing this for you too’ sunghoon thought, after all, he has the perfect plan for taesan and y/n.
“thanks taesan” sunghoon hugged him tightly and pat his back as a sign for asking for forgiveness.
“that’s not gonna work, too many people are looking at us” you complained as soon as you got out of your last class for the day and noticed sunghoon who was already waiting for you outside.
“with popularity comes the consequences” he shrugged and you rolled your eyes.
“enjoy lovebirds!” jay shouted as he walked past you.
“let’s go” he extended his hand out for you to hold it but you shook your head.
“i promised taesan i’ll review his essay he wrote”
“you can do it tomorrow—“ “can’t, plus you said you’ll help me with taesan, we can go on your stupid fake date later”
sunghoon rolled his eyes and sighed, “fine, i’ll walk you to the library”
when he noticed you smiling he couldn’t help but feel that weird feeling of excitement, but then he realized you were not smiling because of him.
“hey y/n!” taesan smiled warmly at you when he noticed you, “and sunghoon” he added quietly.
“hey taesan” you called with a wider smile on your face and sunghoon nodded.
“i’ll pick you up later then” he said and walked away.
“so…you and sunghoon huh?” taesan asked.
“ugh, don’t even— i felt everyone’s eyes on me throughout the whole day” you groaned.
“you don’t seem that happy with that”
“because i’m not! i’m so tired of it already, i should’ve known not to agree to that deal”
“what deal?”
“uhhhh” you freaked out, how stupid can you actually be??
“nothing!! no deal” you giggled nervously.
“if you say so” he shrugged and opened his laptop to show you his essay.
“why dont you just tell him?” karina asked you over the phone.
“and what will i say if he asks why i agreed to the deal?”
“simple, ‘i did it because i want sunghoon to help me date you’, like that”
“sure, it’s that easy” you rolled your eyes.
“how was your first day dating sunghoon anyway?”
“he took me to get some ice cream, he actually remembers my favorite taste”
“yeah i saw on your instagram story, if i didn’t happen to know that this is all fake i’d actually believe it” she said teasingly.
“can’t believe i’m saying this but” you sighed, “he’s not that bad to hang out with”
you expected a reply from her right away but all you heard was silence.
“i can’t believe this conversation is not being recorded” she finally spoke.
“forget that i said tha—“ “no no no! please continue”
“well….he was actually super nice and even paid for my ice cream, even found a nice spot and brought me his jacket since it was starting to get cold” you said calmly.
“you might end up falling in love with him instead of taesan” she said and you scoffed.
“are you forgetting that he literally ruined my life?”
“i said what i said!” she argued.
eventually you ended the call and drifted off to dreamland.
a few days passed since you revealed your (fake) relationship and today was the first day you sat with seven other people at your lunch table.
“you and sunghoo—“
“stop it”
“sunghoon and yo—“
“shut it!”
sunghoon’s friends tried to ease up the awkward situation but were shut off by you and sunghoon.
“we just think it’s weird that’s all!! it’ll pass sooner or later” jay chuckled.
“so y/n, how’s life?” riki asked.
“seriously?” sunghoon raised his brow.
“babe, it’s okay,” you almost gagged after using the nickname on sunghoon, “life’s fun, you never know which surprises awaits for you”
you raised sunghoon’s hand and showed everyone your locked hands.
“ew, don’t need to use those nicknames and act all cheesy here” jake teased.
“you wanted to meet my girlfriend didn’t you? here she is” sunghoon spoke.
that’s when it got to you. sunghoon lied to his friends about having a girlfriend! why did he choose you though? out of hundreds of students.
“you’re right” heeseung nodded, “if you already know each other so well, why don’t we ask you questions about sunghoon and you answer?”
“baby you don’t have to—“ “it’s okay, hit me with the questions”
“sunghoon’s favorite color?”
“his favorite season”
“used to be winter, it’s autumn now”
“favorite ice cream flavor?”
“um” you froze for a second.
“ah ha! got you”
“aw man, you suck!” riki said in disappointment after you answered all the questions correctly.
sunghoon in the meantime was busy staring at you and daydreaming.
when did you become so pretty? with your cute eyes that lit up every time you answered a question correctly, and your lips that formed into a smile when you noticed you won over his friend’s questions.
how come you remember those details about him as well?
he had tons of questions, but curse his inability to communicate well, he’ll probably leave those questions unanswered.
the only thing he does know, is that he’s scared to fall in love with you.
“babe? are you ready to go? let me walk you to the field now, you have practice”
you called him and he zoned out, for a second there he really forgot this is all fake.
the way you’d look at him and call him babe, it made him feel so weird, he had never felt like that before.
“yeah” he slightly nodded and got up.
when both of you arrived at the field he stopped in front of you and frowned.
“what if i’ll just take you on a date instead of practice?” he asked.
“sunghoon what the fuck? we’re all alone here nobody sees you, you don’t need to act all lovey dovey” you snapped back.
“right” he said, almost sounding too disappointed.
“i’ll go back now to the library, taesan’s waiting” you smiled and started walking away.
“pull yourself together sunghoon” he sighed and entered the field.
“hey” you called taesan as you saw him already sitting at your usual library desk.
“hey y/n!” he called you back excitedly.
“missed being with you after school, i went on too many dates with sunghoon lately” you sighed.
“yeah” he whispered, you could hear a bit of disappointment in his voice but he shrugged it off quickly, “hey how about instead of studying we’ll go hang out, i got pretty tired of reading today”
“sure! of course, i would love to!!” you excitedly replied.
taesan got up and held your hand, “let’s go watch some movies”
practice ended and sunghoon went straight to the library without even showering first. he couldn’t wait telling you how his friends couldn’t stop talking about you and praising your (again, fake) relationship.
he looked at the clock and it was usually around the time you and taesan would finish and get out, only this time you were nowhere to be found.
sunghoon started to freak out, what if something bad happened to you? did taesan leave you alone? what if he did something bad to you?
no, no. sunghoon was just freaking out.
he tried calling you, but your phone was turned off, you weren’t available.
he ran all the way to your home and asked your mother if she happened to see you, but got a negative answer.
“why, is she missing?” your mother asked and tried to stay calm.
“no of course not!” sunghoon awkwardly said, “we’re just playing hide and seek that’s all, i was wondering if she walked all the way here to hide in her room”
seriously sunghoon? that’s the best thing you got?
“alright, have fun!” it seemed like it made your mom believe him!
“y/n where the fuck are you?” he whispered to himself.
he decided to call taesan, “if he’s not answering i swea—“
“hey dude, what’s up?” his friend on the other line answered calmly.
“do you happen to know where y/n is?” he straightforwardly asked.
“yeah, she’s right next to me, didn’t she tell you we’re going to watch some movies?” taesan’s voice stayed calm but on the inside he was smirking.
taesan 1, sunghoon 0.
“she probably forgot or something” sunghoon giggled, “when do you plan on coming back?”
“don’t know, but don’t worry dude, i’ll make sure she gets home safely”
“yeah, okay” sunghoon said and ended the call.
“who was that?” you asked.
“your boyfriend, didn’t you tell him we’re here?”
“oh no, i forgot about it”
“yeah he was worried sick”
“i think we should head back now” you let out a sigh.
“okay, sure” he nodded and both of you got up.
you don’t know why you said it instead of staying the whole night just watching random movies with your longtime crush.
what the hell did this fake dating with sunghoon do to you?
taesan walked you until it was already safe for you to walk alone, you argued with him that it’s fine and your house was a minute away, he tried insisting but you didn’t budge.
both of you knew why you wanted to walk over to your house alone.
sunghoon 1, taesan 1.
you really tried using you muscle memory and walk to your door with your eyes closed so you won’t have to meet with—
“well who do we have here”
“i really didn’t want to see you here now” you sighed and opened your eyes.
“i was worried sick! why didn’t you just send me a text or whatever?” he spit out and you never really realized how irritating his voice is until now.
“what are you? my mom? why do i have to tell you my whereabouts?” you snapped.
“we’re dating, of course—“ “hell no we’re not, this whole thing is fake and you know it, i dont owe you shit, park”
for the first time sunghoon was stunned and speechless because of you. he did not know what to say or even process what the hell just happened. and why the fuck was he so annoyed by you going to the movies with taesan?
“if you dont have anything to say just go” you sighed and just like that he left.
you finally got inside your room and laid on your bed, thinking about your last events and how stupid it was of you to go home early because of that fucking rat who was ‘worried’ over you.
your phone buzzed and when you looked at the caller ID you smiled.
“just checking that you arrived safely”
“i’m not a five years old kid taesan,” you chuckled and got up to sit on the edge of your bed, “besides, it was a minute walk from where you left me”
“alright, was just checking if you were still alive” he giggled.
“hey taesan”
“let’s hang out more, i had real fun today”
“all i was just asking is for you to text me if there’s a change of plans! i was really worried because i knew i had to pick you up but you were nowhere to be seen” that is how your morning started, for the past few days it because a routine for you to have a morning and after school walk with sunghoon, and each morning you’d have a little fight.
this time, even though you hate to admit it, he’s right.
“you’re right, i should’ve told you beforehand, i just got super excited to go out with taesan so i forgot about it, besides you’re supposed to be happy for me, i’m finally getting closer to my crush” you huffed.
“thank you, and yeah, i’m super happy” he rolled his eyes and you nodded.
“another thing, heeseung’s brother is having a wedding in less than a month and we have to go there together, as a couple” he said, “after the wedding we’ll plan the break up and will part our ways”
“sounds like a plan to me” you shrugged.
“no matter what happens, please just show up to his brother’s wedding, i think heeseung already favors you so much, he always did but i always warned him not to get too close to you”
“obviously you did” you rolled your eyes, “but i will do it, for him and for his happiness”
“thank you” he said sincerely.
“wow, didnt know you could be genuine”
“just shut up and continue to walk”
two weeks passed and as much as you hate to admit it, dating sunghoon park isn’t something that bad.
you went to all kinds of ‘dates’ together, that one amusement park date was your favorite.
“no no no no! don’t go too high, y/n hold my hand tight!” he yelled on one of the roller coasters you forced him to get on, “i think i’m gonna throw up oh no, here it comes! i hate it here”
while he was busy yelling, you were busy laughing your ass off at him. he was cute, you admit.
it reminded you of that time you went to an amusement park together when you were kids, he remained the same, nothing changed.
as you got tired of the amusement park, he took you to a restaurant and both of you sat one in front of the other.
“i like it here, this place is designed so beautifully” you said.
“not as beautiful as you” he mumbled.
“hm?” you asked and he shook his head, “nothing”
“you know, it wasn’t so bad today, i really had fun” he started speaking, “reminded me of our childhood”
“yeah, i thought about that too” you nodded.
“i kinda miss it” i kinda miss you, he wanted to say, but he felt like it’d be too much.
sunghoon that day realized his strong feelings for you never left, and probably never will. your past antics were long forgotten and all he wanted was to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you, and he have always had.
“i kinda miss it too” you replied and it was like an unspoken tension between the two of you.
none of you would talk after that and just walked home in silence, but it was a comforting one.
“girl, he’s super like, into you, and you’re so like, into him too” karina said after you told her about the amusement park date.
“am not! i’ve been actually going out with taesan a lot, i really really like him” you smiled.
“whatever you say girl!”
“i actually am going to hang out with taesan today, i’ll update you on everything, bye bae” you smiled and ended the call to get ready for your hangout with taesan.
an hour later he sent you a text that he’s already waiting and you got out of your house right away.
“you look, really pretty” taesan was being so stunned by your beauty that he forgot how to talk.
“thank you” you smiled, “so, where are we going?”
“a new arcade just opened and i know how much you love arcades so i just thought of testing it out”
“oh my god you really do know me so well!!” you took out your phone to text sunghoon about your whereabouts.
you became more responsible and it suddenly didn’t bother you as much to text him about it, it almost became a habit of you.
‘off to the new arcade that opened up with taesan, don’t you worry about me’ you texted him and closed your phone.
as you arrived your eyes roamed around the big arcade and suddenly you looked like a five years old child who just got their first ever vanilla ice cream.
“what are we waiting for? let’s just go!!” taesan cheered and you clapped.
after hours and hours of playing you both went to sit down by the nearest park there.
“it was so fun today, we have to do it again!” you grinned and taesan nodded.
it suddenly became so quiet and you noticed taesan was staring at you for too long.
“are you okay?”
“i know about you and sunghoon,” he spoke, “about your fake dating thing”
you were too stunned to speak.
“i heard you arguing on the same day we went to the movies, i wanted to check on you if you arrived safely but i noticed you and sunghoon talking and i couldn’t help but eavesdrop” he shrugged.
“oh” was all you could let out.
“i was actually glad to find out that this whole thing with you and sunghoon was fake”
“what do you mea—“ “i like you y/n, a lot” he cut you middle sentence and you felt so weird hearing his confession.
“oh! there you are!” before you could even respond to taesan you heard a voice calling the both of you.
you turned around and saw the one and only, park sunghoon. what was he doing here?
a few days ago taesan asked to meet up with sunghoon. he confessed to him about knowing your fake relationship and told sunghoon he was going to confess to you.
“i like y/n, a lot, you already know that” he said.
“what’s your plan?” sunghoon asked.
“asking her out after going to that new arcade” he exposed his plan, and sunghoon’s cue to stop the confession was a simple text from you about your whereabouts.
sunghoon for the second time chose to be a shitty and egoistic ass friend, and prevent his so called ‘best friend’ from confessing to you.
but of course sunghoon wouldn’t tell you all of that.
“me and y/n were planning to go on a date today! i guess she forgot” sunghoon smirked.
“cut it sunghoon, i know you’re not really dating” taesan clenched his jaw.
“doesn’t matter, i still made us a reservation for this new restaurant” sunghoon rolled his eyes and dragged you away.
you were too shocked by the whole scene that only when you arrived back to your home you realized what happened.
“did you just—” you sighed, “ruined my fucking chance with taesan?” you felt your blood starting to boil.
“what do you mean?” he asked confused.
“taesan just fucking confessed and you just fucking showed up and dragged me away, what the fuck were you thinking?” you shout.
“y/n i—“
“you what, sunghoon? want to ruin my life once again? just like you did with my painting from seventh grade and my crush from eighth grade?” you snapped.
“you seriously still hold that against me? we were in seventh grade for god’s sake!”
“and it ruined my life ever since then! did you become your family’s disappointment? because i did, oh! and funny enough, not only that seventh grade made them disappointed in me, but also my stupid crush on eighth grade that you decided to snitch on!” you looked at him in disbelief.
“what about my crush from nineth grade then, huh? not only you lied to her and told her i spread the rumors about her, you made me look like the bad guy and the other students refused to talk to me for months! you basically made everyone back away from me!”
“and rightfully so” you rolled your eyes.
“y/n, look” sunghoon ran his hands through his hair and sighed,
“save it park, i don’t want to hear from you ever again, i had a blast ignoring you for the last few years and i’ll continue having a blast if it’ll continue that way” you lied through your teeth, “we’ll only talk when necessary and cut ties after heeseung’s brother’s wedding”
“y/n” sunghoon called you again but you already walked away and entered your house.
sunghoon knows he fucked up, and he realized there were so many miscommunications between the two of you over the past few years and he didn’t know how to fix it.
meanwhile you, the minute you stepped inside your room and closed the door, you started crying.
you didn’t know how to feel with yourself. you were glad that sunghoon cut you off before you could answer taesan, because surprisingly so, you were about to reject him.
taesan is a nice guy, he really is, and he really was your longtime crush, until your old crush entered your life again.
you realized you gained back your feelings the moment sunghoon opened his mouth to genuinely talk with you, in fact, those feelings never really left.
you found yourself so focused on the way that his dimples would always show while smiling and talking to you, or the way his fangs would show up with every smile he gives you.
but you couldn’t help but let your blood boil after his whole ‘i’m not going to let y/n have another chance with someone’ show, it made you think about your past and you hated it.
the next few weeks felt normal to everyone but you, sunghoon and taesan.
you and sunghoon acted as if nothing happened between the two of you when someone you know happened to be around.
when you two were alone? hell, you won’t even shoot a glance at him.
and as for you and taesan, you told him it’d be better if the both of you would take a short break for a while, just for you to adjust everything.
sunghoon refused to let go of you so easily once again, he tried everything, calling, texting, even calling your parents to ask if you were home and maybe they can tell you to pick your constantly ringing phone up.
it all felt like a deja vu now, but not the good one. you were getting distant again and it scared him that the same thing will happen yet again.
“thank you for coming” sunghoon welcomed the person into his house.
“why are you so stressed? oh no don’t tell me you got someone pregnant”
“jay, i sometimes wonder if your last braincells are just off to go travel or something” sunghoon groaned.
“well, you seem so tense, what is it?”
sunghoon decided to tell jay everything from A to Z, they’ve been best friends for long and he feels like he can trust him wholeheartedly, plus he had to get some help from someone.
“i knew it the moment you told me both of you are dating! it felt so unreal”
“thanks a lot jay, it really helps”
“well, i think im getting a little deja vu for eighth grade”
“exactly! i don’t want this to happen again! i know i fucked up but i….” sunghoon sighed, “i’m willing to do everything as long as i won’t lose her”
“okay first of all, ew dude that’s so cringy” jay said in disgust, “second, i think you just need to give her some time, i’m sure that if you still haven’t heard about her and taesan dating, she might as well was about to reject him”
“then why would she get so angry at me? it doesn’t make sense”
“you took a whole ass opportunity from her to try and sort her things out, of course she’d be pissed”
“try to talk with karina maybe, she might help you out on this one” jay pat his friend’s shoulder, “besides, the wedding is in a few days and you told me you made her promise you to show up no matter what, it’s not like she can run away from you for long”
“i hate that you’re so right” sunghoon groaned and jay shrugged, “i’m just saying whatever comes to my mind, whenever it comes to my mind”
“what do you want, park?”
“wow you really sound like y/n now” sunghoon sighed as he saw karina looking at him uninterested, “i guess she already told you what happened”
“yes, she did” she also told me she’s scared because she actually has feelings for you, she wanted to say. but its not her place to say it anyway.
“how….is she doing?” he asked quietly.
“why do you care?”
“oh no please don’t make it harder than it already is” he mumbled under his breath.
“because, i need to talk with her, a serious conversation”
“oh no don’t tell me you caught feelings”
“how did you— nevermind, please tell her that i’ll be waiting for her, and i really want to sort things out between us” he sounded so desperate it scared karina.
“i’ll see what i can do” karina nodded and he bit his lips and smiled.
“thank you, thank you, thank you, thank—“ “i get it you can go now!”
he nodded as he got his bag and went for another practice.
“hey bae how are you doing today?” karina hugged you as she sat on your bed.
ever since your last encounter with sunghoon you started missing a few classes here and there, you didn’t really feel like going to school and seeing sunghoon anyway. that’s why karina came to check up on you.
“same as usual, i don’t know”
“i know what you’re thinking” she said and you looked at her creeped out.
“relax, it’s nothing scary” she laughed, “i just know you’re thinking about him”
“am not!” you argued.
“yeah, and i’m queen elizabeth”
you can’t stop thinking about sunghoon, she wasn’t lying really.
you realized how messed up your whole story was. you need answers from him, you need the apology you’ve been waiting to hear, the confirmation that he misses you as much as you miss him. you need to hold him tight and never let him go again.
“fine, you got me” you sighed.
you wish you’d know how to sort things out without going crazy.
“he came up to me today,” she said and your eyes sparkled, “he asked me about you, he’s been so desperate to talk with you, he looked and sounded really sincere”
“i don’t know karina, i’m not sure if i’m ready to face him without getting angry again, it’s just that whenever i see him my blood just starts to boil when i think about our past”
“that’s your problem, you refuse to let go of your past” she put her hand on your shoulder, “just let it go, and get the answers and confirmation you need from him”
you decided not to show up at school ever since your conversation with karina.
sunghoon tried checking up on you multiple times but each time you’d lie to your mother who opened the door for him and told her to tell him that you’re sick. both of you knew it was wrong.
sunghoon was going crazy, his friends couldn’t stop asking about you and about your whereabouts and he could only lie and say that you’ve got really sick and that he’s been taking care of you.
he asked karina about you again and again, until she got tired and told him everything, about your wellbeing and your health.
he was so worried for you it surprised her, he was really acting as if he’s your real boyfriend.
karina would lie if she said she didn’t confuse him as your boyfriend for a while.
“here” sunghoon handed karina a notebook.
“what’s that?” she asked.
“i took some notes on this class, give it to y/n please”
“sunghoon, i’m not some kind of—“
“i know i know you’re not a delivery guy but, i don’t know how to give it to her in any other way” he sighed.
oh the poor guy, she really pities him.
wedding day came and sunghoon was going back and forth in his room.
will you be coming? should he pick you up? you promised him! if not for him then for heeseung!
at the end, jay called him and told him it was becoming too late and he should just come without you.
sunghoon left his house with a heavy heart and empty hands, that were supposed to hold you tightly and close to him.
“hey hoon! you came!!” heeseung welcomed his friend with a hug and a big smile over his face.
“where’s y/n?” he asked.
“oh y/n, she really wanted to come but—“ “but what?” he was cut off by someone else.
when he looked over his shoulder he found you, walking over to them and putting your hands together on sunghoon’s right shoulder.
“i was getting ready and it took me too long to come, so i just told sunghoon to go away so he won’t be late because of me” you smiled and planted a kiss on sunghoon’s cheek.
“i’m so glad you came!!” heeseung smiled widely and hugged you tightly.
sunghoon was still shocked seeing you there, first you walked in, looking gorgeous than ever in the outfit you put on yourself, then you went and put your hands over his shoulder and lastly, you kiss his cheek.
he froze and zoned out for a few seconds until you waved your hands in front of him.
“let’s get in! it’s about to start” you were about to walk in but sunghoon was quick enough to pull you back to him.
he was holding your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“first, you walk in here, looking prettier than any other person here, no offense to the bride, then you smile and kiss my cheeks. i don’t understand, what’s happening?” he asked, his face is closer than ever to yours.
“i don’t want to open it up now—“ “if not now then when?”
you sighed and closed your eyes.
“i only have one question”
“did you really regret what you did back then?”
“of course i did, i still do” he reached your hand to hold it, “look at where it got us”
“why did you ruin my chance with my crush back then?”
“you said only one question”
“okay so maybe now i have more”
“i did it,” sunghoon stayed quiet for a second, is this the right time to confess? “because i really liked you, and i still do” fuck it.
“when we started to fake dating i realized those feelings never left, everytime i look at you i just cant help it but smile, i think it’s way beyond just ‘like you’, i love you y/n” he let go of his hold on your waist and held both of your hands in his.
you stopped breathing for a second as you tried to process what you just heard.
“park sunghoon” you whispered and he hummed.
“i’m here baby”
“i hate you” you said and sunghoon could swear his heart dropped.
“i hate you for making me hate you so much to the point it ruined our friendship for so long” you continued, “you could’ve confessed your feelings and we could’ve been the best highschool couple by now”
sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows, he got so confused by your words.
“if you still didn’t get it, i happen to love you too, you dumbass” you laughed.
without giving you a warning he pulled you into a kiss with a big grin on his face.
it was a desperate kiss, as if he was waiting to do this for so long. both of you didn’t want to part away but you did eventually because of the lack of oxygen.
“i can’t believe we fucked this up because of this stupid painting in seventh grade” that was the first thing he said afterwards.
“you fucked this up and it’s not just a stupid painting!!” you argued and he laughed as he hugged you tightly.
“i’m joking, i’m really sorry for that, and for the crush thing in eighth grade too” he grinned, “but he was just not good for you, you had me the whole time and still wanted him”
you kissed him again and smiled.
“i was too blind i guess”
“can you two cut it off lovebirds? the wedding is about to start” both of you turned your heads and saw annoyed jay standing in front of you.
“sorry! coming” both of you said at the same time.
as you sat one next to each other, sunghoon interlocked your fingers together.
“hey” he whispered and you hummed.
“hearing ‘i love you’ from you really warmed my heart” he smiled, “just letting you know”
“oh really?” you asked and he nodded.
“i love you” you kissed his cheek.
“i’ll keep saying this until you’ll get tired of it”
“which is basically never”
jay groaned and turned to look at the both of you “can you please just stop being so lovey dovey oh my god”
“you were exactly like that on your first days with your girlfriend stop being such an attention seeker” jake rolled his eyes and jay hit him.
“shhhh!! why don’t we just pay attention to heeseung that’s crying right there?”
“just took a picture! will definitely use it to blackmail him!”
“poor little thing only wanted to get emotional in his brother’s wedding”
“soon to be us at sunghoon’s and y/n’s wedding”
and they lived happily ever after! i mean, as much as you can when you have those six people as your friends and karina’s nonstop questions about future kids.
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PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @dhriti-stories @ariadores @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 @moons-v @s00buwu @hoonheepretty @jjeoni-7 @dimplewonie (bold means cannot be tagged)
2K notes · View notes
queenpiranhadon · 4 months
Can you do a bakugou x reader, they share a moment together like on a trip to the beach with the class or something like an situation like there have to share a hotel room which cause them to have to talk or spend time together?
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A/N: Lmao this look way longer than it should've- I beg for forgiveness 😭 Here's my masterlist!!
Warning(s): cursing, takes place during third year, reader and Shinso are apart of the hero course after being apart of general studies, reader has a mentioned and explained quirk, reader is in class 1-A, Shinso is in class 1-B, close friends to eventual lovers, Bakugou's a secret rom com lover, reader is gn but is written with f!reader in mind, not proofread D: + anything else I forgot
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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•─────•°•❀•°•──── ᴅᴜᴍʙᴀꜱꜱ ────•°•☁︎•°•────•
You know the feeling when you’ve been working so hard that when you finally take a break, it feels wrong? 
That’s how you felt- right now- staring at the towering resort in front of you.  
You were more than grateful for the effort the school put in to accumulate the funding for a beach trip for the entire hero course- something the other courses envied you all for, and in all honesty, you would gladly give up your spot for any one of them. It was your third year, a stressful time given that you were about to become fully fledged heroes by the time you all graduated in a few weeks – something you found ironic since you and your classmates have already seen more action than the average pro hero.  
Though the circumstances were a little different for you, as you had joined the hero course later in the school year following Hitoshi Shinso, who joined Class 1-B. You were put in Class 1-A to keep the classes balances, allowing your dream to come true to become a pro alongside the others.  
Your quirk, Eviscerate, let you release powerful blasts of pure kinetic energy that could destroy, explode and burn. Though while it was no doubt powerful, it was unstable, and dangerous. When you first got your quirk, you destroyed half of your home while sleeping, and the following doctors appointment suggested getting you a permanent support equipment that would act as a muzzle on your quirk to keep in contained.  
However the company that supplied the gear was unreliable and neutralized your quirk to the point where it was practically useless. From then on, you used gear to amplify your quirk instead of restrict it, and yet, though the blasts had the same effects they used to, they would sap large chunks of your energy the more powerful the blast was, which is why you passed out after taking out 7 robots during the entrance exam and ended up enrolling in General Studies, despite your potential. 
Once you managed to get into the hero course, you were paired with train with a certain Bakugou Katsuki, who was quite experienced in the explosions department and helped you develop your special moves. Bakugou pushed you to not only become a better hero but a better person, yelling at you to take care of yourself and scolding you if you didn’t drink enough water when you felt dizzy after training.  
You two had grown considerably close due to that, and you felt more comfortable within Class 1-A, never feeling left out despite your late arrival. 
And to be honest, you couldn’t help but harbor some feelings for the blonde too.  
Now, here you were, standing in front of one of the most luxurious beachside resorts in all of Japan.  
Dragging your suitcase and backpack, you gather in the lobby alongside your classmates, awaiting Aizawa Sensei’s instructions.  
The ravenette in question pulled out his phone and starts to read out the sleeping arrangements.  
“Ashido and Hagakure, Shinso and Tokoyami, Midoriya and Todoroki, Asui and Uraraka...” he drones on monotonously, and your brain subconsciously started to tune him out until a pair of names catches your attention.  
“L/N and Bakugou.” 
Almost everyone whips their heads in your direction, and your face turns bright red.  
Your mind races a million miles a minute. I’m sharing a room with Bakugou?! Shit- what if I’m a bad roommate?! What if he thinks I’m gross! I’m going to have to scrub myself clean every hour now. Damn it I didn’t bring enough body wash to wash every hour of the week. You mentally groan to yourself.  
You see Bakugou heft his bags, grabbing his room key from Aizawa, and you want to melt into the floor. How in the world were you supposed to inconspicuously keep your cool around the man you’ve been crushing on for months?! Especially since you were sharing a room?! 
Sighing, you decide you should probably get your key as well, shifting your bags around, and approaching Aizawa who had your key in his hand.  
Taking it from him with appropriate thanks, you turn around to leave, but you hear his voice, stopping you in his tracks.  
“L/N.” he calls, and you look back at him confused. 
“Yes, Sensei?” you ask warily, wondering what he could be asking you about.  
“You might be wondering why you’re paired with Bakugou.” he paused, choosing his next words carefully. “We assigned rooms based on those who get along decently enough, and though Young Bakugou has most definitely mellowed out over the years, he seems to be the calmest around you.” 
You feel your cheeks subconsciously heat up at the words, warmth spreading in your heart and butterflies erupting in your stomach. Did he really act that way? 
No, he just likes you as a friend, you tell yourself, clearing your throat and looking at your teacher.  
“I understand Sensei. I have no problem rooming with Bakugou-kun.” you smile reassuringly, and the man reciprocates with a wry smile of his own before dismissing you to your room.  
“Go settle in, breakfast buffet closes at 12:30 tomorrow.” he says, grabbing his own suitcase and heading to his shared room with Vlad King.  
You marvel the resort as you make your way to the elevator, ornate marbled floors the color of sea glass accented with gold. Two giant seashells the size of gargoyles stood at both sides of the elevator doors, and you step inside, soft classical music trickling through the space as you stare out the glass wall, observing the many people of the beach, and clear aquamarine waters that looked crystalline. It was...beautiful. 
You hear a ding, marking your arrival to the 8th floor, where you and the rest of Class 1-A were sleeping, except for Tokoyami, who slept on the 7th floor alongside Class 1-B. 
The floors were carpeted, a nice burgundy with simple gold waves that ran throughout the length of the hallway, simple, but elegant.  
Trailing your eyes alongside the doors, you find the door you were looking for, Room 1076. 
You fumble with the key card, pressing against the small black sensor by the door handle, hearing the beep that signaled it was unlocked, and you open it, taking in your surroundings. 
There was a large painting of two seahorses, with their tails intertwined, hung in between the beds. The beds themselves were draped with such fancy comforters that looked like clouds, you almost didn’t want to sleep on them in fear of ruining it.  
“Oi, close yer mouth, yer gonna catch flies.” you hear a familiar voice behind you, whipping around to come face to face with a pair of vermillion eyes.  
“Oh Bakugou!” you laugh nervously “I didn’t see you there.” 
He rolls his eyes, grabbing your backpack from your shoulders forcefully and plops it onto the nearby chair, effectively flinging you backwards in the process. 
“Gah! Ah shit-” you yelp, falling backwards and losing your footing, only for strong arms to wrap around your waist and yanking you back just in time to narrow avoid breaking a very expensive looking vase.  
Looking up you see Bakugou’s eyes on you, an impassive look on his face. 
A few beats of silence pass before you burst out into laughter, Bakugou forced to shift your form in order to not have to fall over again from the ferocity of your heaving giggles.  
“Pfft- you should’ve seen your face - you were like rahhhh and I was like AHHH” you rambled, finding it difficult to breathe as your muscles painfully stretched to accommodate how much you were smiling.  
You feel a hand rest on top of your hand, effectively silencing you as Bakugou clicks his teeth impatiently. 
“Tch- calm down dumbass, ya just got here and yer already trying ta destroy the place.” he grumbles, the tips of his ears turning red. “Aizawa said we can call up room service for free- let's order some dinner and watch a movie or some shit. I’m fuckin exhausted.”
You smile brightly, shoving down the butterflies that erupt in your stomach, and nod.  
“Sounds good! You order and I’ll find something to put on.” you beam, flopping down on the bed closest to you, deciding that it was going to get messed up anyways. “Just don’t get anything too spicy. I’m not a weakling obviously, but you’re probably going to manage burning off my taste buds one way or another.” 
Bakugou rolls his eyes again, flipping you off and receiving and indignant Hey! from you, walking over to the bedside table to dial room service on the provided phone.  
Flipping through the channels, you surf through various news programs and sports broadcasts, already missing your easily accessible streaming services back home. Finally, you find a cheesy rom com you were familiar with, thankfully the timing was perfect, seeing as the movie’s opening credits roll through. The quality was surprisingly good, you thought happily to yourself, but given that you were staying in such a high-end resort, you shouldn’t be surprised.  
You make yourself comfortable, mentally high fiving yourself for deciding to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt that morning, so you didn’t feel the need to change into your pajamas just yet.  
Bakugou hangs up on the phone with a gruff salutation, sitting on his own bed adjacent to yours and raises his eyebrows at your choice of movie.  
“This one? Really?” he asks, frowning slightly and you quirk up an eyebrow in return.  
“It was all I could find, plus I know you like this one. You have the book copy of it you nerd.” you smile teasingly.  
Bakugou’s ears turn red at the realization that you noticed his guilty pleasure of reading romance novels, chucking a pillow in your direction in retaliation.  
“So what? Movie’s shit.”he grumbles, turning to watch the male lead being introduced. “S’true for all of em. Books are way better.”
You sigh, disgruntled as the pillow hits you in the face and falls off your bed out of reach. You did really want to throw it back at him, but right now, you were just too lazy. 
“Stop being such a sourpuss.” you gripe, letting your arms dangle off the side of the bed as you lie on your stomach. “Obviously books are more accurate, but just try to enjoy a classic movie as if it were a standalone.” 
The blonde sighs, making himself comfortable on his bed without another word, vermillion eyes locking themselves on the screen, just as the female lead complains to her best friend that her crush won’t like her back. He knew it was a dumb movie, just by looking at the male lead’s interactions with her, it was clear he was in love with her. Were people always so dense when it came to a guy’s feelings? 
His eyes wander in your direction, watching you doze off , face half smushed against the edge of the bed. Sighing, he gets up, grumbling as he realizes his foot fell asleep, but works through the pain as he makes his way to your side, grabbing the remote and turning off the TV.  
He places the remote on the bedside table and lifts you gently, adjusting the pillows and rearranging the comforter to safely tuck you in. However you weren’t fully asleep, your eyes blinking blearily as you weakly protest.  
“No...not yet...” you mumble, frowning softly, and Bakugou resists the urge to smooth the cute crinkle between your furrowed eyebrows “Food’s going to waste...” 
The blonde chuckles quietly, eyes softening as he tucks a strand of of loose hair away from your face. “S’not a problem dummy, I didn’t order anything. Knew ya were gonna pull this shit. We'll eat a big breakfast tomorrow.”
You nod sleepily in agreement, as he turns away to get ready for bed himself, only to be stopped by the feeling on your hand loosely wrapped around his wrist. 
“I love you.” 
His cheeks are tinted red, clearly flustered, not that you noticed, too tired to pick up on really anything. 
“I love you too dumbass.”
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guksfairy · 5 months
I’m Tired Anyways
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Jungkook x bubbly OC
playlist • original scene •
WC: 2K
In which Jungkook shows you he genuinely cares about you in his own way
💗: HEAVILY inspired by that one scene in ‘When I Fly Towards You’! If you want to see the original scene I based this fic off of I linked it above and it starts at minute 19:32 💗 !
note: I wrote this fairly quick so please excuse mistakes 🥲
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You wish you could stare at her with a genuine smile but how could you? There she was standing with your Jungkook! Maybe not yours yet but eventually your Jungkook!
You watched as they stood in front of a stand looking at all the souvenirs displayed on the table along with a variety of other objects.
“Are you aware you’re pouting like a kid who was just told no?” You stare back at your best friend of 4 years and let out a breathy sigh.
“Sua, do you think they’re still close?”
“Considering this is their first time seeing one another after 2 years…no,” you begin to smile, “but who says people can’t reconnect,” and it goes away in an instant.
“You’re not helping,” you say fully turning and staring at the variety of sunglasses on the rack in front of you.
“You know I’m only joking! You can’t seriously be this upset because Jungkook and a girl from his old school are catching up,”
You walked out of your English exam tired as fuck. You looked at the other students walking out along with you and every single one looked tired. Your exam group had to get up at 6 AM for your test which would be from 7 AM to 10 AM.
Not all 3 hours were used but if you wanted a good mark than you better use them. As you walked down the ramp to the exit you catch a glimpse of Jungkook walking back and forth clearly waiting for you at the exit.
“Jungkook!” you run to him with a completely different emotion from the prior. His group was slightly luckier with their test only being 2 and a half hours long.
“I thought your test ended a half hour ago. Were you waiting for me?” you liked to tease him. He wasn’t big on emotions but even a smile would do for you.
“Oh- uh I just came out now,” you can tell he was bluffing but let it go realizing your other three friends weren’t with him.
“Have Sua, Jimin, and Minhyuk not finished their tests?” you question as you watch his eyes trail to the left and stared at the three crouching on the floor.
“She’s so in love with him she doesn’t even notice us,” you hear Minhyuk say as you smile shyly at Jungkook as he lets a barely audible laugh.
The three walk towards you and Jungkook.
“Well I need some food in my system. Should we look up places to eat here?” Jimin’s already taking his phone out before you can all agree but all your attention is quickly taken when you hear a voice call Jungkook’s name.
“Jungkook! Is that you? I thought I recognized you!” it was an older man walking towards your group with a girl who looked your age.
“Mr. Fukutomi,” Jungkook turns and greets the elder with a handshake. He wore a green badge signifying he was a teacher.
“It’s been a while since I last saw you! You remember my granddaughter, Tsuki,” she waves at your entire group and you try your best to keep a smile.
He remembers her?
“I’m assuming you came here to take your annual science exam? How was it?”
“I did and it was fine. I enjoy science a lot,” he speaks as the four of you just watch and listen to their interaction.
“Well it’s almost lunch time. Have you all eaten?” he asks and stares at us all.
“We were just on our way sir,” you hear Minhyuk behind you. You could hear the desperation in his voice for this conversation to end so he could finally grab some food.
“You should let Tsuki show you around town and then have lunch together afterward. She practically grew up here,” the elder suggests making a hand movement towards Tsuki who just smiled.
Again. You hear Minhyuk let a quiet sigh at the thought of doing something before eating.
“Oh we wouldn’t want to bothe-” ”Nonsense! I’m sure you two would like to catch up too!” he cuts off Jungkook before wishing you all a great day and walking away.
You all wave goodbye to him and watch Tsuki walk closer to you guys.
“I know this great sight seeing area but we need to walk a bit far for it,” she says.
“You think we can grab some snacks or something first,” Jimin asks.
“Of course. We can stop at the souvenir shop around the corner. They sell tons of snacks from around the world,” she explains.
“Lead the way,” Jimin replies as she lets out a small laugh and you all begin walking.
You walk shoulder to shoulder with Jungkook before realizing Tsuki was on his other side and they were laughing and conversating so you walk slower to be with Sua who was behind you.
“What’s wrong?” she notices your head slightly down as you wrap your arm around hers. You don’t even realize when Jungkook took notice of you leaving his side as he stared back at you.
You looked upset which worried him. Maybe he’ll ask you when you guys arrive at the shop.
“Tsuki’s pretty,”
“So are you, Y/N,” she replies.
“Tsuki seems smart,”
“So are you, Y/N. Stop sulking before I tell Tsuki to leave. Besides you know how head over heels Jungkook is for you,”
No. You don’t. Often times your friend group would tease you and Jungkook and would always say how in love he was with you but you never fully saw it.
Sure he’s defended you multiple times, has come to your rescue on multiple occasions, and always walks you home but maybe that was just him being nice.
He’d have to do much more for you to feel fully confident in his feelings towards you.
“Stop it. You would never,” you say leaning your head on her shoulder following the pace of the group.
“Tsuki!” you hear her call out and immediately panic resulting in you giving her a minor hit on her arm before staring at Tsuki and smiling at her. You end up making eye contact with Jungkook who also turned around.
“Nothing! Are we almost there?” Sua ask.
“We’re here!” she says pointing the bright shop filled with a variety of snacks.
Jimin and Minhyuk run inside grabbing snacks they know your group would enjoy leaving you, Sua, Jungkook, and Tsuki outside to stare at all the keychains, bracelets, and postcards.
Tsuki drags Jungkook over to a table opposite of you and Sua before she begins picking out random items.
“Got them! Let’s go” Jimin and Minhyuk walk out of the store with 1 bag filled to the brim of snacks for the 6 of you.
Tsuki begins to lead the group once more to a different destination in mind.
This time she led you to a steep hill. Not too steep but steep enough. You felt your legs giving out just from looking at it.
“I told you guys it was a bit of a walk but I promise the sights on the way up are so worth it!” she says with desperation in her voice hoping you all wouldn’t mind.
When you got ready this morning you weren’t exactly dressing for a hike.
Tsuki smiles and begins walking up and was followed by Jungkook and wherever Jungkook goes so do Jimin and Minhyuk.
“Let’s go,” Sua says walking a slower pace then the rest yet you still felt the burn after some time.
“Up ahead is a famous landmark if you guys want to go even further. You can see further out and it’s pretty during the day. Besides it’s a weekday and not many people are around if you guys are up for it,” Tsuki told the group.
You had all been walking for about 20 minutes and had finally reached an area with a bench and a sight.
“Is it the same one that people post all over their Instagram accounts to seem adventurous? Because if so, I am in,” Jimin’s eyes light up
“Yeah I mean we’re already here,” Minhyuk says with energy received after eating a bar of chocolate.
The group begins to move again before you interrupt.
“You guys go ahead! I’m going to rest here and wait for you guys. My shoes are making it slightly uncomfortable to walk,” you voice gets audibly quieter as you speak.
You look at Jungkook whose eyes don’t leave yours for a second watching you lift your leg off the ground just slightly to ease the tension in it.
“I’ll stay with you if you want,” Sua says staring at you.
“It’s fine, really, go enjoy the view,” you say looking back at the group and realizing his eyes haven’t left your face at all.
His expression read worried before his attention was pulled by Tsuki, “Jungkook, let’s go?” she begins walking away and Jungkook stares at you one last time before following suit.
You watch as the rest of the group continues walking uphill and sit on the bench staring out.
It had been about half an hour since the group left and you were growing bored.
As you take out your phone a hand reaches in front of your face holding a carton of strawberry milk with a straw poked in.
Jungkook always does it for you.
“You didn’t go with the rest of the group?” you say smiling up at him and take the strawberry milk from his hands.
“I saw a stand of drinks when we were walking and you said strawberry milk always makes you feel better,” you listen to him as you take a sip of the sweet drink and watch him sit next to you.
“Besides, I’m tired anyways,” he looks back up to where the group originally left from before speaking once more, “…they’re probably going to take a while. Do you want to explore?” he says looking at you.
“Explore?” you stare at him as he smiles at you and begins grabbing your bag and placing it over his shoulder and allowing you to get up before walking a bit further down.
“Tsuki failed to mention there’s a cable car that takes you directly to the land mark,” Jungkook says leading you to the cable car waiting for passengers.
“Oh my god if Sua found out about this she would be so annoyed! She was also starting to get irritated with all the walking,” you say taking another sip of your drink.
He’s staring at you like you hung the stars and leads you to the cable car before the two of you sit and watch the trees pass by as the machine gets higher and higher.
“You’re not afraid?” he says looking over at you and you shake your head.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of when I’m with you,” you say with the biggest smile and he stares away before you can watch his face flush
From there you completely forgot about your friends, Tsuki, and time.
Jungkook led you to other areas he thought you’d like. He bought you both ice cream and even bought you a small plushie to put on your bag because you said it reminded you of him. Eventually you two ended up on the beach collecting shells and staring at the sunset. Afterwards you decided to enjoy the view from the pier.
You watched him staring out at the birds flying above the waters and promised yourself you wouldn’t give up. Even if it took you years for him to reciprocate his feelings you would not be giving up.
When he turned to stare at you it caused you to immediately fluster and face the sea pretending you weren’t staring.
He was the one watching you this time. He was thinking about the carnival that’s coming to your city soon. He was thinking about the fireworks they would be releasing at 10 PM sharp. He was thinking about how you would react to him asking you out.
Would you turn him down? Jungkook was well aware your feelings for him were serious but he was never sure how to make it obvious he too had them.
Would you say yes and kiss him like you had in his dreams?
He would just have to wait and hope for it all to workout.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
part one two three four five six seven eight nine
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“You’ve got something there,” Quin says, gesturing vaguely at his own shoulder.
“I’m aware,” Obi-Wan signs. “It’s some sort of monkey lizard fungus.”
The monkey lizard fungus giggles into his shoulder.
Quin nods grimly. “I heard the only cure is to placate it with sweets and hope for the best.”
Anakin precariously leans over, heels accidentally digging into still bruised ribs.
Obi-Wan bites his lips behind the collar but of course Quin immediately detects his movements turning stiff.
Quin holds out an arm, flexing his bicep with wiggling eyebrows. It has the desired effect and Anakin jumps from Obi-Wan, swinging around the elbow before hooking his knees over Quin’s arm.
“He’s heavier than he looks,” Quin strains out.
They walk to one of the mess halls that’s open around the clock and mainly offers food and beverages to those clinging with teeth to their sanity during exam season.
One of the cramming Padawans looks up from their dozen holo books displaying graphs, and squints at them. “Master Vos, there’s something growing out of your arm?”
“Monkey lizard fungus,” Obi-Wan signs, hiding a smile behind his collar at the Padawan nodding to themselves as if that makes perfect sense.
“What’s with them?” Anakin asks, looking at the sleep deprived tableau and hoisting himself up and swinging one leg over Quin’s shoulder.
“This is your future,” Quin says gravely and Obi-Wan is catapulted to melting stone fire Darkness “You were supposed to be my Master!” yellow familiar eyes from a smoking alive corpse and the grief is ripping him apart “—see once you take your first assignments. The only places you’ll be is either here or the Archives.”
It’s been years since he last had a vision. It’s staggering, his heart thumping in his chest like a clock ticking down the inevitable countdown. But it’s not.
He looks over to Anakin who’s already watching back with wide eyes, the fear in his hands gripping onto Quinlan. “I won’t let it come to that,” he promises, fingers thudding together heavily but he’s still shaking off the vision and Anakin’s fear is a taste in the air by now. He can’t not make promises he only hopes he can keep.
Quinlan is silent during their exchange, gloved hands keeping hold of Anakin. The calculating look in his eyes a guarantee Obi-Wan is going to get cornered later.
“Do you like Depa being your Master?”
Let it be said, paranoia is a common infliction amongst Shadows.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin sighs, voice breaking with puberty and annoyance. “Depa is wizard. She’s amazing even though she’s signed me up to all these classes.”
Obi-Wan looks over all the models, plans, and concepts with added calculations. There’s a data pad displaying language modules and another proclaiming the joys of agriculture. “It’s almost all in the engineering field,” he signs.
“Which makes her so wizard. You’d never have me taking up gardening though,” Anakin adds sullenly.
Don’t yearn for things I cannot give you, Obi-Wan has thought a lot in the past few years as the Galaxy seems to slowly steep in Darkness.
“Knowing what can poison you is important,” he signs, feeling restless and helpless. The mission he’s finished two cycles ago may still reside in his bones.
“I’ll just bite back,” Anakin says, tongue sticking out as he connects wires to ports. He presses a button and the thing he’s been tinkering with since before Obi-Wan left starts to purr smoothly. “Now she can even juice cocadooms,” he says, satisfaction purring just as smoothly in his voice.
“Well done.”
“I know,” Anakin responds airily and swivels around to face Obi-Wan fully. “You’re lurking in the shadows again so let’s get this tradition over with: Depa is an awesome Master and maybe I sometimes wish you’d have chosen me but,” he adds loudly when Obi-Wan lifts his hands to protest, “I also sometimes daydream Master Tiin had chosen me because he’s got his own modded Delta-7.”
The paranoia settles down as Anakin waxes over how wicked the new wing box skins and sensor fusions are, no, truly, you should see them, Obi-Wan!
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evie-sturns · 7 months
ᴇxᴀᴍ - ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ꜱᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ
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summary: you're mind is clouded with stress due to the fact your final highschool exams are next week. matt comes over to help you with studying, and also to take your mind off everything.
contains: smut, fluff, small age gap?, swearing, crying.
—--------------------≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫-----------------——
matt and i have known each other since he was 13 and i was 11, our families have been super close for around 7 years. a year ago Matt confessed to me, I felt the exact same.
"oh my fucking god." i groan, throwing my head into my hands as i feel a burning sensation at the back of my throat.
its my final exam week starting tomorrow, and i'm attempting to catch up on last minute homework beforehand. matt graduated 2 years ago, he was top of his class, i pick up my phone and dial his number.
i need desperate help.
"hey!" matt says into the phone, a smile clear by his voice.
i sniffle quickly before starting "please come over nothing is making sense." my voice wobbles as i clutch the phone in my hand.
"oh fuck-.. no yeah ill be round in 5 minutes okay?" he says gently into the phone.
i nod like he can see me, then hang up.
i hear my bedroom door opening, my head snaps up to look at him from my bed. hes got worry painted across his face as i see his eyes dart over my matress, which has several books on it. "you okay?" he asks, walking over to my bed and sitting down on it opposite me.
i shake my head "i can't do this shit" i groan, matt nods understandably before grabbing my hands and pulling them away from my face.
"look at me" he says in a serious tone, i tilt my head up and lock eyes with him. "i'm gonna help you okay?"
"thank you," i say as my voice breaks.
he sits up and walks over by my side before plopping down on the bed next to me, he grabs the textbook which has around 15 questions left on it. "not even ai understands it, i tried." i sigh earning a laugh from matt, i lean my head on his shoulder.
"basic algebra, you know this, i know you do sweetheart."
i shake my head "my brains so fucking foggy i bet you i couldnt do a 6th grade multiplication table right now."
"foggy like how" he questions, tilting his head.
"just everything i have so much on my mind." i reply lifting my head off his shoulder and staring at the questions.
"you're okay, look- 'factorising an algebraic equation means writing the expression as product of factors, which are simpler algebraic expressions, this is done..." the rest of what matt says doesnt get through to me, i cant physically wrap my mind around it right now.
i feel my eyes start to water before several tears start to flow down my cheeks, "got it?" matt asks, keeping his eyes fixated on the page resting on the sheets. i stay silent "hello?" he says again, this time looking over at me.
"oh god- no no don't cry" matt panics, grabbing my cheeks and giving me a gentle kiss.
"i can't think." i squeeze out, matt wraps around me. "this might not sound like good timing but, i can.. help you?" he says nervously, grimacing slightly.
i hand him the pencil, his words not passing through. "no no, like i can take your mind off of the work for a little bit" he repeats.
realisation hits me and my eyebrows raise, my head snapping round to look at matt who has an innocent expression plastered on his face. i nod, and without another word my shirt is halfway across the room.
he laughs quietly, his shirt meeting mine in the corner of the room. his chain lays loose on his bare chest. he stands up off the bed, i lie back. "i want you to just be a... - like a uh" my eyebrows scrunch "a what?"
"i hate the word but its the best way i can describe it." matt chuckles, "say it!" i smile
"pillow princess..?" he says quietly, icking himself out.
"okay" i shake my head with a wide grin before.
matts long cold fingers reach out to grab the waistband of my sweatpants, sending goosebumps down my body. he tugs at it gently, letting it slide down my legs.
"you okay?" he asks while unclasping his belt "i think?" i reply stupidly.
he nods, his tongue sticking out to wet his now dry lips. his baggy jeans pool at his ankles, leaving him in his boxers.
i nod, "yep-..yeah"
he stands between my legs before hovering over me, colliding our lips together aggressively.
it never fails to shock me how he can switch from so innocent to so.. different.
i moan lightly into the kiss as i feel his clothed bulge against my inner thigh. he abrubtly pulls away from the kiss pecking kisses down my neck, to my chest, to my stomach.
i squirm desperately on the bed as he pauses just above my clit.
"more." i whine, matt shakes his head, lifting his head up and grabbing my thighs he spreads them further apart.
i throw my head back "fuck." i breathe, before i can breath again matts tip presses against my clit. i instantly look up, questioning how hes just undressed the rest of the way in under a second.
he runs his soft tip through my folds, he presses only an inch or 2 inside of me before he pulls out, continuing to tease me.
"matt i need you." i groan, my back arching off the bed.
"can you get on fours for me sweetheart?" he asks softly, i nod, instantly flipping over and arching my back.
"good girl." he coos, lining himself up with me. "gonna keep being whiny?" he asks, i shake my head no. "thats right." he says.
"this is whats gonna happen okay? you aren't gonna start asking me to slow down because i think we both know how needy you were just acting."
i dont think a single sentence has ever turned me on more.
i nod frantically, matt presses down on my back, arching my back more.
i feel him slide halfway inside of me slowly before slamming the rest of his length into me, earning a squeal from me.
before i can even process my thoughts hes slamming full force into me, deeper and deeper each time. my moans cloud the room along with heavy breaths coming from matt.
his tip continues to bruise my cervix, i clench around him each time it does.
"fuck-.." i hear matt whimper lowly from behind me.
he reaches a hand round under me and presses on my lower stomach.
hes never done that before, but holy fuck am i glad he did.
i instantly release over matts cock, clenching harshly around him with a scream.
matt pulls out, releasing over my back.
"you-you okay?" he stammers breathlessly, flopping down beside me.
i nod, my mind fully blank.
i guess him 'helping clear my head' worked.
matt finishes redressing me before sitting back down next to me, the air around us is hot and thick, but matts still determened to get this homework done.
"okay- so as i was saying factorising an algebraic equation means writing the expression as product of factors...
matt and i have been working through the textbook for about 20 minutes, everything makes sense and now i can't understand what i wasnt understanding earlier.
"you try this one okay?" matt hands me the pencil and i start to scribble down the awnsers. "you got it!" he smiles proudly, kissing my cheek.
i yawn, tired out from.. everything.
"you tired?" he asks, wrapping him arms around me and flopping down on the mattress. "very." i reply, my voice croaky.
"you wanna sleep, we can finish this tomorrow morning okay? and ill just drop you off at school or whatever." he asks, without another word im fast asleep on his chest.
i wake up to the sound of pencil scribbling on paper, confused i sit up. matts sitting criss cross on the bed, leaning down over my textbook and filling in all the awnsers.
"matt?" i groan, rubbing my eyes.
"go back to sleep gorgeous," he replys, looking back at me
"what are you doing.." i ask, my eyes adjusting to the light.
"im doing this for you, you already know how to do it, i saw you. you're gonna be too tired to do this in the morning." he says.
i crawl over to matt and smother him in kisses "maattt, thats adorable."
"shush, this is a one time thing." he replys, shaking his head with a smirk.
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asunflowerana · 1 month
a good kind of nuinsance — Suna Rintarou
summary: you have a big project coming up, and to make things even worse, you're forced to work with the most stupid, handsome moron on campus.
genre: comedy, enemies-to-lovers trope.
n/a: not me pretending i'm the best friend haha. also, good reading!
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“It will be fine!” She said. “It could be worse, trust me. And it will end soon!”
You wish you could stop believing in your best friend.
College is already a nerve-wracking place to deal with it, increasing even more in junior year. You need to work on your assignments, do presentations, fight yourself everyday to not procrastinate 24/7 or call off sick ‘cause your bed is too appealing; and in the end, you always freak out with your final exams, coffee becoming your best friend and clock your worst enemy.
What you don’t understand though, is why, in such a chaotic atmosphere, you still need to do group work?
And why, of all the people on this big campus, you got paired up with Suna Rintarou?
The struggle is real.
It’s not that you hate him. No, that’s not the case at all. It’s just that spotting his face alone is enough to make you want to change sidewalks even if the traffic signal is green and Formula 1 is happening on the street.
It all started with a single bump on the cafeteria entrance. His unnecessary hard body bumped against you and your hot chocolate cup, making all of your precious drink spill and fall into your previous white All Stars sneakers, staining the fabric and burning your skin to the soul.
And that boy had the nerve to mumble a “Watch where you’re going” before giving you a cold shoulder and leaving in a hurry.
Tables turned and you had your redemption one day later, refusing to lend him your notes of an important assignment, useful for the upcoming exams. It’s not your fault that his bicycle tire got pierced on the way to class, he should have been prepared and woken up early like every poor student in this college.
This “not so pleasant but still fulfilling” war has been going on between you guys for weeks. But unfortunately, his presence became more than a nuisance to you, and you absolutely detest now the way your heart flutters when you see that punk walking on the hall with that stupid, pretty face.
Annoying, handsome, punk.
And since your “so called” best friend knows about your hidden feelings, she decided to come up with a stupid solution for it.
You, her, Suna and Bokuto Koutaro, her adorable but very much ingenuous boyfriend, were supposed to do the group project together at a cozy cafeteria a few blocks from the campus main building, known for their delicious milkshakes and pretzels.
Nowhere to escape, you accept the invite, hoping your friend could take your mind away from Suna’s intruding. That, until Bokuto shouts:
“Shoot, I forgot there was practice today!” So exaggerated, he totally has no vocation to be an actor.
And your bestie had the audacity to join the act, forcing out a grimace. “Sorry guys, but we need to go.” She announces, not sorry at all, Bokuto taking her backpack with him like the doting boyfriend he is. “Please enjoy our milkshakes, we’ll text you later to see what you guys decided!”
“Good dat— I mean…. Bye!” Bokuto takes her hand and storms away from the cafeteria.
You can only sigh, disappointed at yourself for not predicting this might happen.
“Did they really leave us?” Suna asks incredulously, noticing the filled notebooks the couple left on the table. “They even made their parts already!”
You turn your gaze to him, feeling the beginning of a migraine.“Look, I’m not thrilled to work with you either. But the faster we start, the faster we’ll get rid of each other.” You proposed with little patience, taking a sip of your friend’s untouched strawberry milkshake. “Now, take that milkshake and let’s finish this quick.”
He huffs, but your surprise doesn't fight with you on this, and you both start a two-hours circle of working in silence, bickering at each other and working in silence again, making small progress with your parts on the project. You even start to agree with each other, Suna finding your suggestions “smarter than expected”, and you finding his ideas “not so bad for a moron”.
It’s strange, the feeling of being in agreement with Hajime on something, and it's noticeable his efforts of making the process as peaceful as it can be. This friendlier side looks actually cute on him (not that you were checking him out for the past thirty minutes), so you decide to be nice too, for the sake of good grades.
It only lasts a few minutes, and soon you’re arguing again.
“The information needs to be in Z. No one will pay attention if you fill the poster with notes all over it!” He argues one more time, trying to prove his point about the best position to the notes.
“But we need to put all the information we gathered! If we do it your way, we’ll need three more posters , and that's a waste of paper!” You defend your point as well, not wanting to back down from your proposition to the project’s presentation. 
“Well, if you want to really save paper, then you should stop wanting to put everything we wrote down inside a poster, when we don’t have to!”
“We do, if we want good grades in this class. Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t really know what it's like.!”
You’re both staring at each other dangerously, breath heavy and quick, like two bulls ready to strike each other. Thank goodness you’re in a distant booth, or you guys would probably be kicked out by now for the shouting.
Suna runs his hand over his black locks, tired of this unfinished argument. “You’re too annoying , you know that?” He hisses. 
“And you’re so stubborn, argh, I can’t stand you in my head anymore!” You almost shout out your frustration, letting slip the last words by accident, but lucky for you Suna’s too angry to catch what did you mean.
“Well, I wish you could leave mine too, but you’re still there every day!”
You’re shocked. Your heart’s pace fastens and your body suddenly feels numb, completely bewildered by his confession. Suna avoids eye-contact for a few seconds, staring at the table with a terrified look, his face reddening as the seconds go by. Why did he say that to you?
“I—” He clears his throat, trying to come up with a quick excuse to cover his mistake.“ I didn't—”
“What?” But you don’t leave room for excuses. “You didn’t mean you like me?”
His eyes widens. “No! I…. I….” He sighs. “ I didn’t mean to say it like that! But if you really want to know… yes. I like you. " He moves his eyes in your direction, taking your features for a moment. "Even if you get on my nerves every single day, I can’t get you out of my head. And I know we’re not on the best terms, but I can’t just pretend anymore…” He doesn’t need to finish his line. You’re just so overwhelmed with his confession, that staying a few moments in silence makes Rintarou take that as a rejection.
“I should go.” He begins to rise from his chair, but his movements are interrupted as you quickly hold one of his wrists, preventing him from moving away. He looks at you surprised.
“Would you find it strange if I said that I can’t pretend anymore either?” You can’t say the right words aloud yet, timid of what he might do with your confession, but the growing, pretty and genuine smirk on his face tells you made a good decision by opening yourself to him.
“I guess I own you a hot chocolate, then?”
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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dodiahmed123 · 1 month
‏Hello my friends, I am Nada from Gaza🍉♥️. I studied law for 4 years and applied to practice for 2 years. There was a week left for the exam and then the war came. The effort of 7 years was wasted. My husband had an accessories store and unfortunately it was destroyed. I had a very beautiful house. I lost everything because of the war and you can see that through the pictures. I am now homeless. I live in a tent. We have no income. My only hope is your support to get out of this situation. My family and I have children who need a future and a clean environment. You are the only hope. Support me through the link in my CV. Even 10 or 20 dollars would make a difference in my life and my family’s. You are the reason for rebuilding my life. Thank you for your humanity. https://gofund.me/ 🍉🍉🍉
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ox-imagines · 3 months
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Tokyo Debunker as Romance Tropes
Feel free to ask me to write a longer imagine/oneshot for any of these!
Pt. 5 | Hotarubi
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 6 | Pt. 7
Subaru - Boy Next Door
Subaru’s family moved in next door to yours one summer, much to the excitement of many of the girls at your school. He's always polite about their attention, but gets shy very easily, and is quiet in class. He excels in everything he does, other than socialization. You finally approach him walking home from the bus one day, introducing yourself. He seems startled and a bit nervous when you speak to him, as if expecting you to be like the girls at school who fawn over him, but he relaxes once he realizes you’re just trying to be friendly. You start hanging out with him more, finding him to be just as sweet as he seems and actually quite passionate to match. The girls at school have mixed reactions to your spending time with him. Some are a bit
jealous, some seem disappointed, some congratulate you on being someone who could finally catch his attention. You try to explain that you‘re just friends and eventually the buzz dies down some. As time passes, you start to see him a bit differently. You ignore it, because how could one possibly not feel affection toward such a sweet, gentle boy? Unfortunately those feelings come to a head when one of your classmates asks him to a school dance and, not wanting to upset anyone, he accepts her invitation. You feel sick when he tells you, but you smile and nod and congratulate him. You don’t tell him you weren’t going to go. The night of the dance, he comes back a little after ten, coming over to your house. Your parents let him in and let him go up to your room. You’re surprised to find it was him who knocked on your door; the dance didn’t end until 11, what was he doing back early? Besides, you look a mess, your pajamas on and your eyes a bit puffy from crying over him. He immediately asks what's wrong and ushers you back over to your bed, sitting with you, then reveals that he left the dance early because it ‘didn’t feel right.’
“I missed you tonight, you should’ve been there. Can, can I kiss you?”
Haku - Best Friend's Brother
You grew up alongside your best friend, and her brother Haku. He’s a year or so older than your friend and always friendly with you both, playing with you when you were younger, though he seemed more distant and busy with his own friends the older he got. As you both grew up, you couldn’t deny how exceedingly gorgeous he is, growing out and dying his hair, his lithe frame filling out. He finally had the looks to match the smooth mouth he’d always had. You weren’t aware, but he finds that you’ve grown up well too. When he graduates the year before you and leaves for school, you’re left feeling a little sadder than you expected. You keep tabs on his social media posts, a part of you wishing you were with him. Eventually though, you’re swept up with exams and your own graduation preparations. Before you know it, you’re out of school and Haku’s home for the summer. In almost no time, you somehow find yourself in a somewhat… compromised position with him in your game room while both your families were just upstairs. After all the times you’ve imagined this, though, you can’t really complain.
“I hope you know you’re not just some summer fling to me. With that said, though, please don’t tell my sister? Not yet, at least?”
Zenji - Falling in Love with the Wrong Person
Zenji is a creative, romantic soul, and manages to see the best in everyone. Even when he’s worried, he can find the good in almost any situation. He’s got a heart of gold. That’s where you come in. You think he’s a great guy, and he quickly falls head over heels for you. Unfortunately, love isn’t the only thing a relationship needs to hold it together. You sometimes have trouble understanding Zenji and his interests and his unique ways, and you don’t always find it easy to communicate your own problems with him, despite him trying his best to be a good listener for you. You do try to put in the effort to keep your relationship for a while, but it wears on you. Zenji, on the other hand, tries to stay optimistic. He does everything in his power to patch up the issues between you, refusing to see them simply as differences between the two of you instead of problems that can be fixed. He tries to be everything you want and need, ignoring the emotional strain it’s putting on him. It only makes it harder on you; you can see what he’s doing, and the effect it has on him, but it makes you love him more in an albeit guilty sense. You have a man who’d move mountains for you if he could, but you can’t find it in you to be who he needed. Your love and genuine appreciation for him makes it hurt all the more to end things, but it’s also why you know you can’t just hold onto him like this and watch him tear himself apart anymore.
“I’m not sure I understand, my dear. Is there something I’ve done? Was it something I didn’t do? Please, dearest, I’m certain I can fix this, let me fix us.”
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winterbuckwild · 11 months
@flowercrowngods So sorry...
"Hey Robin, I think we have been missing each other, been a while. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope you are having a great day. Guess ill..er...catch you later."
It had been nearly a year since he'd actually spoken to Robin. She'd gone to college across the country, so excited to finally get away from Hawkins; away from all the drama and trauma and pain, and Steve couldn't fault her for it. She was smart she had a dream and she was following it. And he loved that for her.
The phone calls started at a few times a week. Quick ones because they were both pretty broke, but it quickly became once a week when classes started. Every fortnight during exam season, and then an elaborate game of phone tag for a good three months when his shifts and her classes didn't match up.
Around month 7 he had sort of...given up. It had made him feel like a bit of a stalker in the end, his three phone calls to every one of hers, leaving shorter and shorter messages on her machine. He still wanted to talk to her every day, to tell her about the good things that had started happening to him.
How he'd gone to the library to figure out a sink issue and was too broke for a plumber and found out that he was pretty good with his hands. That he'd enrolled in trade school and was excelling. That he liked someone and he thinks it could be serious.
That the person he liked was a guy and that he was kinda scared and kinda excited and wanted someone to talk to about it. That the guy was Eddie of all people.
He wanted to gush about Eddie the way she used to with Vickie. That his hair was soft and his eyes were soft and his hands when he touched Steve were perfect and kind while his dimpled grin was wicked and promising. That Eddie was brave as fuck making the first move and patient with Steve's minor freak out that he was going through alone.
Eddie had helped him instead.
So it had been three months since Steve had tried calling, and he hadn't had a single message. No calls that he knew about and his machine worked fine. His number hadn't changed. He left the message as closure really, leaving a space in his heart for the friendship that changed him for the better, a friendship that he would always be grateful for. That he would always cherish.
But he couldn't keep waiting around, banging his head against that brick wall. He would always be there if she needed him but, well, she didn't really, did she? Not anymore.
He hung up the phone and grabbed his van keys. He'd traded in the beemer a month ago since he would need the space for tools eventually and it was like shedding that last little part of King Steve. The final nail in that coffin and he felt an odd sense of relief.
He was meeting Eddie before class, they were going to grab some lunch beforehand and then after come back and start packing up the apartment. Steve was moving in with him and he couldn't be more excited about it. He'd told Eddie that and the other man had beamed at him, just as pleased.
He didn't think about not having anyone else to tell.
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dimpledcherry · 1 year
would you write eddie munson x fem!reader smut?
where eddie’s chilling in his girls‘s room, bored because she’s taking a shower. he’s kinda snoopin’ around & finds a pastel pink book. he’s curious & starts reading it, realizing it’s her diary. he skips to the last page, dated just a few days ago. his eyes widen, not believing what he’s reading about his innocent girl.
sure they had sex. and not that vanilla, too. but he would’ve never thought his girl had thoughts like that. on this very page, his girl wrote her hidden fantasies. things she never even thought of telling eddie, too embarrassed. she’s talking about how she wants to call eddie „daddy“, or be choked, be humiliated to the brim, be filled by his cum till he’s dry, want him to be in complete control. she wants to be fully submitted to him.
before he can put the diary away she comes out of the bathroom, catching him. he confronts her & she tells him how embarrassed she is etc. they talk it out & he reversals that some of the stuff she likes he likes too. then they make out & they try out some of the stuff.
Oh my god you're an evil genius, time I put my 4 years of journaling to good use! - also ive been working on this all week and the 'h' key on my keyboard keeps getting stuck and its making typing no longer fun :/
Written Fantasies
Summary: ^^ the ask Pairing: Eddie x Reader Trigger Warnings: Smut / Embarrassment / hands on throats - no chocking Content Warnings: Diary Reading / blow jobs / impoliteness / shoe frontage / demands / deep throating / reader masturbation
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The space was as recognisable as the back of his hand, and as comforting as his denim vest: lightly coloured walls, cabinets around the room, shelves and counter tops filled trinkets and lifes memorabilia: photos of events, pretty candles, books, small trinkets of days out, wrist bands and broken watches that simply just meant too much.
Things changed every time he entered this space: photos changed frames, boxes gained new records, the cassette piles grew, and the books changed order.
Eddie clocked - while laying on your bed waiting for you to come back from your shower - that not only had the books changed but new ones were added. when he sat up to take a better look: there were 4 books, all identical sat up together leaning on a pile of published books.
The 4 were pink, all the same size, some slightly thicker, one especially thinner. All with individual dates written into their spines: 1983, 1984,1985, 1986. He weren't no idiot, his brain sorted that they were diaries.
He felt a twinge of pride for you to have the left out on display - almost like trophies, proud of your past. He knew a lot about you but you'd seemed to have never told him you wrote a diary. Eddie knew it was standard procedure you don't read people diary: just as you don't snoop in artists sketch books or dungeon masters binders. But who would he be kidding if he said he didn't wanna read it.
He thought a moment, concentrating and recognising the shower was still running. He didn't have to think too much, the boy was running on curiosity alone. Sat up on the edge of your bed, he leant over and pulled 1986 into his hands.
It started with him just flicking the pages: most of it empty; a few loose sheets tucked into the back; a pen clipped to the elastic closer. The filled side of the book was set out meticulously: a yearly planner already almost filled with exams, cheer practice, birthdays, appointments, dates with Eddie, every Tuesday marked with Hideout at 7, every odd Friday marked Hellfire!.
There was this warmness in his heart, knowing his life was just as important to you as it was for him. He believed every I love you, but know he understood every I love you.
He flicked through the book more: budget planners, goal pages, period trackers, and the body. Filled with your typical too-curly-to-read handwriting, every page filled line for line. Some sitting half empty signifying the end of an entry.
Eddie couldn't possibly understand what you had to write about for long that you wouldn't just tell him or your friends.
He found the dog eared page, the scruffily written date marking yesterday. Eddie smiled to himself, feeling a little giddy. He knew he shouldn't but he really couldn't stop himself.
As he read down the page: a recall of your date to the record store and diner, small notes of your gushing over Eddie's chivalry (he always thought holding doors open and little pet names were usual things), a detailed explanation of his outfit and how you loved it (he read that a few times, remember to wear his little thigh harness around you more often.). And as he continued to read, the writting felt less confident, as though there as a topic waited to be hinted at.
He skipped over to the next page and down it, finding a few words grabbing his eyes: touch myself, embarrassing, chocked, him, daddy.
His eyebrows rested in his hairline, eyes almost leaving his skull, the warmth on his checks wasn't imagined. He jumped back a few lines:
Jesus I feel 14 again. I dont know why he does this to me. I see him everyday, and yet im still pinning over him like he's some untouchable deity.
He reads down
We have sex so much but like every night I end up touching myself thinking about- its so embarrassing! I feel like ive been poisoned!! literally none of my friends are like this about their boyfriends!
yeah we all talk about sex but they all have usual sex and normal fantasies but like I feel like a deviant. if I ever told anyone what I really want they'd all look at me so weird
but if I think about sex with him about him all I can think of is his hands and his lips and his voice! and if Im actually honest with myself, all I want is him. I cant stop. ive got into this habit of thinking about him before I go to bed and like every night I touch myself to him.
literally seem like I cant just have him- and I so can but I want so much more!
like if I really thought about it: I'd love him to just use me, do whatever. He could fuck me, make me fuck him, cum in me, chock me, spit on me and I'd be so fucking happy!
Or like, my brain keeps thinking to what if we're fucking and someone hears or we're almost gonna get caught and it turns me on so much! I feel like a pervert.
Eddie felt himself hold his breath.. he was no prude, under his bed was riddled with lost porn mags, he know a lot about kinks and fetishes but something about hearing from you - sweet, quite, calm you- shit! He was getting all flustered.
And like also! keep calling him Daddy in my mind too - I dont know where thats come from but it feels so right! I just really want him to just have his way with me. I dont know how on earth I tell him this. this is so embarrassing.
Eddie was transfixed by your confessions: the sound of the water had slipped his ears. Let alone, he hadn't heard the floor creak and wind chance as you entered the room.
"Jesus babe! You scared me- can't make a guy jump like that!" He yelped, the towel hitting the bed making him jump back into real time.
You laughed at him at first... until your eyes danced around him... and what he had in his hand. You didnt need to ask to know. And almost instantly you felt your body tense, mind go blank and cheek redden. Hands sat in on each other, lips rolled in, eye popping out almost. "Um-"
Confident as ever, he laid back into your pillows, straightening out his legs, "Didn't know you thought like this, Sweetheart.." He started reading, "Kinda want him to fill me until hes dry-"
You leapt onto him - to be honest the word doesn't cut it. You practically jumped on him, trying to grab the book from him but he was swift... dodging your hands artfully as he continued reading. His light and teasing voice was harmonised by your loud commands for him to stop. The room had laughter too: Yours was embarrassment and his was humour.
After a particularly wobbly Eddie! he put the book down, giving you a perfect moment to sling it back onto your cabnit. "Please stop." You frowned.
"Awe sorry baby," He laughed, pulling you down for a cuddle, "It's really hot though." You whined, "It is! Fuck babe," He sighed, "I really didn't think you'd wanna do anything like that!" It surpassed you how he had this ability to never be ashamed or embarrassed about anything. He dipped his head into your neck, "Like being chocked, filled with my cum. fuck, even messy..."
"Shut up!" You leant up, hands flying to his face, coving his mouth and you were straddled to his hips. "I can't believe you- I'm so embarassed!"
"Why?" Earnest and lovie as he moved your hands down.
"You were never meant to find out..."
"Why, you know im into anything?"
"No its not."
"yes, it is."
"You know," he started rubbing your thighs, "I'd love to fuck you dumb, fill you up, have you all messy-"
Now you'd be lying if you said he wasn't affecting you- you were embarrassed but so secretly turned on. Your tummy tensed, the blood went to your head, your thighs stiffened. But still your embarrassment was bigger, "Stop making fun of me!"
"Baby baby baby" He cooed, pulling your hands from your face, "I promise i'm really not."
You whined at him, he mimicked you back, pulling you down for a delicate honest kiss. It was deep and slow, him offering his truth to you. And who wouldn't melt into that? His hands now found your hip and your neck, in to your lips his mumbled "Roll over."
You gasp as he rearranges you both, your back now to the bed, "Wanna try something." He sat up continuing, "We can't your little sexual fantasies now-" You squirm in embarrassment, "But" He began stroking your cheek in efforts to pull you out your head. "I wanna try something new.""
He leant down planting a sweet kiss to your lips though you tried to chase him for a second, he was already moving down into your neck, planting even sweeter ones there. You could never stay quiet for his sightly chapped lips and heavy hands - small mewls slipped from you. "Good girl." Quiet, practically breathed from Eddie.
"We can't try the public-people-home stuff, but" another neck kiss, "I do.." another kiss to the other side, "really like the idea" a kiss under your ear, "of having you fully submitted" a kiss to the shell of your ear "to me"
The way you gasp makes Eddie sure he's hit gold with you. As he talks, your hand in his hair pulls and squeezes more, "How about," He moves along to kiss your cheek, "I get you on your knees" Another kiss, "no pillow, because desperate whores don't deserve kind treatment." A light kiss to your lips, "And I let you blow me?" Another kiss, "But" Kiss "I'll be holding your head," He was now resting on his forearms, fingers lost in your hair, "Pushing and pulling you exactly how I want?" Another light kiss met with a hearty pull of your hair, "Fill that little mouth up with my cum."
God you were in heaven - how did you manage to get a boy like him. All you felt you could do was nod at him. A tap of your thigh and you were on the floor kneeling between his legs as he sat on the edge of your bed.
Looking up at him, the shy coy expression fell naturally on you, "Pretty girl, aren't you?" He complimented. "Get on with it then." It was like a switch was flipped.
Excitedly, you get his belt and jeans off. His dick was hard and pretty as ever - not too big but a little wide, a more red tint than the rest of him already bleeding pre cum.
You got personal with it, licking the beed off, replacing it with a kiss. Eddie couldn't help the sigh - you ruin him on the daily no matter what you do. You could get lost playing with his head. He helped by tucking your hair behind your ears, keeping his hands on your lower head and jaw.
The kisses turn into kitten licks met with you looking up at him, his spaced out satisfied look made you smile, "Shit- open your mouth for me."
Sat up a bit more, the head of is cock resting on your lower lip, palms lost behind his calves: you were ready to try something you never thought you'd get to. The hands in your hair pushing you down slowly, and pulled you back up even more delicately - he giving both of you the space to gauge how yous felt.
"Suck it a bit harder" You did. "fuck-you love this, don't you?" You nod.
It was really all he needed - he didn't even need verbal confirmation, just the feel of your nails in the backs of his legs and how your eyes were rolled back and closing was enough, not to mentions the light noises in your throat. He pushed you down with more force, hands now cupping your cheeks and jaw.
He didn't make you deep throat him - neither of you needed to go that far at the moment. The half of his dick that was still straining your jaw send your brains both tumbling.
Eddie yanked you off him with a rough tug to your hair pulling a throat whine out of you, "Shit babe- you're a little slut aren't you?"
You nodded dumbly, "For you- love you."
"I love you too," A thumb stroked your cheek, "Daddy loves you."
Maybe it was the name. Maybe it was the humiliating reminder he had read you diary. Maybe it was the whispering in the empty quiet house. Maybe it was just him. But you were sure he'd just written you off to hell. You felt a beed of slick drop from your cunt.
And Eddie practically felt it too: he could see the haze covering your pretty eyes and the cheeky smile that covered your face.
A thumb toyed with your lip, he continued, "Gotta get you a little collar with my name on it." And with that you basically purred at him. Eddie was sure he was lost in you as you started to barely suck his thumb.
He'd never had you so spaced and floaty. Sure you've both spoken through sex before but nothing like this, nothing so painfully skilled in what the other actually needs to hear. Sex had never felt so possessive until right now.
The sight of you both was like it was from a porno: you, puffy lipped, half lidded eyes and big breaths; Eddie, pointed look, panting, loved up eyes.
The other hand dropped from your cheek and sat around your neck back - the pressure alone made your eyes flutter - and the sight went straight to his dick.
He popped his thumb out your mouth and brung you up for a dirty, messy, deep kiss. No coordination, just lust. Teeth smacking teeth, uncomfortable postures, hands gripping and clawing where ever they could.
He pulled away, standing up as if to leave. But you whine is stopped when you see he leant against your cabinet. Very idolly, he picked up the diary searching for the place he left off on, commanding a "Come here" using his fingers to make a curling motion, not even bothering to look up at you. "Crawl" He sneers almost as you go to get up.
Granted the space wasn't so big so the crawl was more of an awkward on-you-knees- shuffle but boy did that embarrassment climb back up inside you. If this was with anyone else, the pang of embarrassment woulda been too much, but something in Eddies low murmured tone did something totally new to you. "You're a good little pet, aren't you?"
His eyes never left the book in front of him: flicking through pages, scanning for the right sentence. He began reading off again. Completely as though it was the Sunday news paper and not your kinkiest secret fantasies.
"Eddie stop-"
"You know thats not my name." Eyes still in the book, tone stern and cold. You positioned on your claves between his legs, just waiting. "Thought you liked this? I know this isn't as good as being caught but its pretty close, right?" Finally he looks over.
The sudden feeling of something under you made you squirm, "Go on," He continued, "Get yourself off while I read your silly little diary."
The feeling that swelled in your belly was indescribable. It was overwhelming, unignorable and life changing. Like a duckling to its mother, you blindly listened: beginning to slowly rub yourself on the top of his foot.
"Suck my cock too, Sweetheart." He completely disregards you, finally finding his place on the pages. But he didn't start reading until he could feel your lips kiss his cock head.
You try to loose yourself in kissing him and the weight on your tongue but the perching reminder of what he is reading keeps pulling you out. The blood in your ears and the cotton in your brain were getting thicker.
You felt a ring or two pull on the strands of your hair, your gasps causing you to suck his in harder. You felt the rings apply more of a push at certain points of Eddies reading.
It's all sort of too dirty to really feel like its real life. Nobody really experiences this stuff right? Like it's all just movie magic? Clearly not. Clearly somehow you'd hit the jackpot. Somehow in small little irrelevant Hawkins in the mid 80s, you'd met the jack pot.
The sound of a book hitting a surface pulls you from your slack, readjusting yourself back to the present, you felt two hands play with your hair with more intent.
"Fuck-you sure know how to suck a dick, don't you?" He tucked some behind your ear, making you look up at him "Who taught you that?"
"You-da-daddy." Jumbled delivery thanks to the cock in your mouth.
"Sorry couldn't hear you."
"da-daddy" You tried, but sadly coming out more like 'dabby' thanks to the 5 inch obstruction in your throat.
The palms by your ears tighten, "good" It was almost like an extended sigh, "You gonna take it? Tap me if it's too much, yah?" Serious and caring, you nod.
"Yes" You respond to the eyebrow raise, "Yes daddy."
"Good little thing, aren't you?" Another tuck of your hair, and he pulled your head back in opposition to his hips going forward. He was using you clearlessly, not yet pushing you down as deep as he could, but rather just enjoying your lightness.
The room enters a soundtrack of hisses and hums, some slurps and some groans.
"I told you to get yourself off." It wasn't rude but you felt like you were being told off. Your heart pinged in your chest.
It was annoying how good it felt. Yes your knees stung and the carpet has turned into staples but who cared. The hands behind your ears making you deep throat him were heaven, the foot under your clit was heaven, Eddies musky smell was heaven.
Hums and hisses turned into the sound of fabric rubbing and small 'fuck's and 'shit's. And at this rate the streams of dribble coming off your chin and too the floor was definitely anything but disgusting.
Looking up at him and seeing him looking down, heaven too. "Gonna cum in your mouth." You really couldn't help the whorish whine. "Don't swallow it."
Something about that single demand got you were you needed it too. The swelling between your legs seemed to his its peak, the sheen of sweat tripped and your body felt like it was burning. Finger burring into his thighs, tummy tensed: you came over his foot, eyes rolled into the back of your skull.
Eddie using this as the perfect moment to use you. Seeing a moment where you'd given him your everything, he gripped you harder and thrusted deeply into your throat.
Still in your post orgasm haze, the 2 boney hands drag you up by your arm pits, a leg helps keep you stood. "Open." You couldn't even see him at the moment, but you knew behind the black was a man staring at you with all his love.
So you did as he told. Mouth open, cum threatening to spill, "Good, swallow." There was a hand to your throat, and them butterflies danced again. And then there was a light press to your lips that helps bring your eyes back open.
Neither of you could help getting lost a bit in the other - this was a big step, a big new, a good thing too! Eddie broke your moment off and tucked you into his chest, coddling you.
"I love you"
"I-love- you too"
He laughed at your breathiness. "Can we have an actual conversation about this now"
"Gimme a minute- I think my brains all mush."
He laughed again and gave a kiss to your hair.
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