#this will suffice i guess
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former-leftist-jew · 1 month ago
I appreciate you reblogging my post, but I am perplexed as it says in your description that you are a Zionist, which is pretty ironic considering how I am quite the opposite on this issue.
You then proceed to mention the "Goyische Left"
A. Isn't 'Goyische' (moreso "Goyim") considered a Jewish slur for anyone considered to be a gentile? Isn't it a little bit prejudiced to use that sort of terminology? It would be wrong of a person to use the term "kike" when referring to Jews, so I personally think it goes the other way around too.
B. The "Left" as well as the "Right" aren't really a thing but social and political constructs people use to label a vague group of people and ideals, when it's more complicated than that & it's the reason I reject most politics in general besides Palestinians.
Yes, goyische" and "goyim" is a slur /sarcasm
Just like how "cis" and "cisgender" is a slur against non-trans people used by trans people and allies.
Just like how "gadjo" or "gadji" is a slur against non-Romani people hurled at them by Romani people.
Just like how "qallunaat" is a slur against non-Inuit people used by Inuit people.
Just like how "gringo" or "gringa" is a slur used by Spanish and Portuguese people to describe English-speaking Anglo Americans.
Whenever a small minority group has a word to describe general people outside that group (especially when it's a small, insular, minority group), it's automatically a slur, right?
The "Left" as well as the "Right" aren't really a thing but social and political constructs people use to label a vague group of people and ideals, when it's more complicated than that & it's the reason I reject most politics in general besides Palestinians.
Hate to break it to you, but "Palestinian" is just as much of a "social and political construct people use to label a vague group of people and ideas" just as much as "Left" and "Right," and you just fell for the party line.
Mosab Hassan Youself, son of one of Hamas' co-founders and a former Hamas operative himself, has talked extensively about the history of the Palestinian region for the last 100 years, and how the Arab Muslims political landscape has changed.
During the Peel Commission testimony in 1937, Arab leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi said, “There is no such country [as Palestine]! Palestine is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country is part of Syria.”
In that same testimony, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi said, “The Arabs do not admit the existence of the Jews as Zionists at all... we utterly refuse to meet at the same table with any persons who call themselves Zionist Jews.”
What changed?A PR-shift in the 1960's.
Zahir Muhsein, PLO leader at the time, said in an interview with Trouw Magazine, 31. March 1977:
"The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons!"
There, straight from the horse's mouth.
And what is "Arab unity," you may ask? It's basically Pan-Arab nationalism
And this sentiment was held long before the state of Israel, since Arabs also massacred pious Jews who'd been living in Hebron for centuries in the name of Arab superiority--er, unity.
Honestly, I could go on and on.
That's not getting into how "Palestine" itself is a colonialist term. After the Roman Empire annexed Judea and expelled most Jews, they renamed the region "Syria Palestinia," after the Jews' historic enemies (and largely gone), the Philistines.
And that's before getting into the Arab Muslims' conquest of the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia in the 7th and 8th centuries, after Romans and Byzantines battered themselves into a stalemate and
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I'll never not be floored by the irony of Arab Colonizers using the term "Palestine"
Granted, it's also really hard to look all this up in good faith, since lots of pro-Palestinians have essentially hijacked the internet and flood it with pro-Palestine propaganda, which has been working tirelessly to infiltrate every aspect of Western life for decades.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 3 months ago
had to get some drawings off my chest before starting season 7 (on ep 5 btw)
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solarskips · 21 days ago
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my work for the dabihawks secret santa over on twt/bsky~~~~
prompt was "drunken confessions" and i was just eating it up LOL
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biggestlen · 13 days ago
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A terribly angled image of some silly Okazaki doodles I made while I was getting up to date with TDRP...... I adore her!!!!!!
Veronika's also here on my powerbank. these freaks, they're both iconic (and also my favourites from their respective series). The larger Hanano is a sticker I have no clue where to put yet so she's instead blue tacked onto my closet for now.......
some clearer(-ish) images ↓↓↓ konkonkonkon...
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Perhaps I'll make some more polished digital fanart after I'm done with all the things i need to do. so much to do and so little time...
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derschleierfallt · 4 months ago
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pia douwes doing elisabeth stuff, 1992
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sorrelpaws · 1 year ago
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rick at various ages
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crueldudethesis · 4 months ago
happy early Halloween dude,,,
can we see some art of POSTAL 1’s Demon with Brain Damaged’s Other Dude..??
your art is always so yummy,,, have fun cooking
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ʃ HELLOOO!!!? HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN 2 U TOO !!!! hope u enjoyyy ^_^
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lynn-tged-posting · 3 months ago
tged webtoon ep 168 spoilers and thoughts that IM NOT LATE WITH FOR ONCE! KIND OF! YAY! and more below the cut
OKAY. OKAY CAN WE TALK ABOUT THESE TWO PANELS WITH LLOYD AND JAVIER REALLY REALLY QUICK. i would save this for the end of the post since its closer to the end but im super impatient okay what else can i say. LOOK AT THE WAY JAVIER IS LOOKING AT HIM
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the adaptor knew what they were doing . i swear it . like "yeah thats MY evil boyf. he's back to being evil and lively and his perfect bastard self." I SWEAR IT I SWEAR IM NOT CRAZY
this is proof of llovier. im so serious dont even joke lads
back to the top!
not much to say here lloyds expression is just so real sobs yeah . yeah,,, older gens having goofy ass back and forths over things that really arent the main issue here is universal
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like i dont quite remember what season theyre in now but its past winter by this point and based on the two panels showing the time of day they had to have been arguing about this for AT LEAST FOUR HOURS 😭 LIKE WHAT THE FUCK (idk how accurate that estimate is im notoriously bad at time but still. a long fucking time) these BUFFOONS
also lloyd being dramatic as hell is so fucking silly HAHAHAHAHHAA
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AND THEN THE LORDS FUCKING STARING AT HIM WHEN HE BRINGS UP THAT HE HAS AN IDEA. HELPPP all eyes on lloyd now !!! what brilliant idea do u have next thats absolutely totally not secured through lowkey social engineering!
so so SO happy w how confident he looks here heehee :3 whats with the pose tho lol is that a reference? maybe?
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anyway they plan to make a train thru the pantara mountains? vantara? pan,,, idk what the correct translation is ive seen vantara and pantara
also lloyd just knowing exactly how to talk to those old ass political lords and understanding how to string them along idk what it is but i really really like that, it makes sense to me personally
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i figure that thats probably something suho just Had to pay attention to back in korea, idk how korean politics works exactly but i imagine the principle of "person in charge can make or break a lot of things" still stands
so like it'd make sense that he pays attention to whoevers in charge of the finance stuff, which political figures care about money, and where that money goes, bc if they fuck with the funds for education thatll directly screw him over. idk if korea has financial aid but whatever equivalent that is that allows suho to get scholarships n stuff so he can stay afloat, if someone comes into power that will negatively affect his odds of getting that funding, he'll need to know and prepare! though maybe this is reaching a little too deep it might not be That Serious lmfao
again i really like how many of these confident / plotting expressions have been showing up IM SOO SO SO HAPPYYYY my schemer my little scheming guy he's BACK HES BACK
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the two of them also look really really nice here in these two panels for some reason. i think im going crazy. i dont know why i like these panels its just. !??!?!?!?!??! like javiers hair is completely messy but idk i just ?!?!?!?!? im completely aro so its not like an attraction or anything but idk!?!??!?!?!
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finally our first look at the overworld demons!!! these two kiddos seem super cute i really hope they dont . misunderstand or anything and that lloyd and javier can have some fun and heartwarming moments with them,,,, more sillies and soft fluff please!!!!! thats all i ask!!!!
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okay that's all! not much to say this episode is just really really cozy to me. ok well as cozy as "lloyd frontera making evil expressions" can get LMFAO it feels like build up into the next section and im really excited to see what he's gonna do with this train idea and with the overworld demons...!!!!!
there was a notice at the end of the ep that the artist is taking a small break for their health so no ep next week, but there'll be one the week after i believe. we must be patient!!! rest well artist!!!!
that's it ill see yall in. two weeks? ill probably have some other yap post for the hiatus week idk, it depends on how my schoolwork goes. see yall then!!!!
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danieyells · 3 months ago
Fun little factoid about Sho
In the game files there's some audio that's just like. "Generic Story Voices". The same ones that I got Kaito and Towa's incantations from. Generic audios were used in campus chats before they got fully voiced I believe, but now they're not used anywhere as far as I know.
One of Sho's is labeled 'Hyde'
And he uses 'Aniki' for him???
My understanding is generally that 'aniki' is kind of respectful and the fact that he uses a respectful term for the brother that he hates struck me as odd when I first found the file(then again he uses 'senpai' for pretty much every student older than him so far, so maybe he's just respectful in general?? Or maybe it's more of a sarcastic thing for Hyde?)
And then we got the 'I'm counting on you Shohei' bit and I was like. O h. Either he's actually fond of/respects Hyde a lot and has no problem being obedient towards him or he just. Speaks to him respectfully out of intimidation maybe? Or habit since he speaks restfully to other people? Idk. Why does he refer to him so respectfully. . . . . . . .i wanna know. . . . .tell us what their secret dealings are zzg. . . . .based on the way he talks to him in the campus chat he doesn't respect him like that but they were also in like a main hall of the building? Maybe in private he speaks and acts totally different?
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half-a-life-left · 9 months ago
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more old madcoms. deimos is so damn scoutcore it's not even funny
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roseribboned · 1 month ago
i made 3 bracelets for the show on sunday.. is that enough i don't know
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solargeist · 7 months ago
AUGHHH ok i made a page dedicated to explaining EvoAU and Xelqua, along with links and tags, [HEREEEEE] and i even put it in my bio. amen. if its broken im so sry i haven't touched tumblr editing in a million years
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hellonerf · 5 months ago
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alnst-hyunaluka · 5 months ago
My kingdom for a fic where Hyuna doesn't act mildly disgusted by Luka, you'll never catch me mocking people's writing, write whatever you want, but if your hyuluka smut has her being mildly or fully disgusted by Luka's mere touch all the way through, then a proper tag warning would be nice.
Seriously 99% of my problems with so many of the fics in this ship would be fixed if they didn't bait me into thinking Hyuna is actually into it, and not just tolerating it for whatever reason.
You guys realize that's the function of tagging right?
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drkatz · 6 months ago
people be shipping and its whatever but to me Square is too selfabsorbed and devoted to whatever society and those in power tell him to do to really care about anyone.
I guess the idea would be that Sphere could fix him but like, Sphere cant really fix him, he can only do that himself and he really doesnt learn to be a better person by the end of the book.
All Square learnt is that the third dimension exists, he's still more than happy to exist in the middle class of circular supremacy but just wants people to know that a third dimension exists.
He's not englightened, he hasn't gone through a change. It's akin to a racist and bitter person who lives in a small town in europe and who knows not much beyond it being shown that zimbabwe exists, like it expands their worldview but it doesn't really make them less shit of a person.
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pinkd3mon · 1 year ago
Fecto Elfilis eating like a whole big cake and some cupcakes too please?
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