#this will probably flop. bc its late as hell
reysplatter · 10 months
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drawing practice with Mandy 4 today
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hqrbinger · 3 years
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summary; after finding out the rules of the game, you decide that you would do anything for him. pairings; xiao x reader (no pronouns used) warnings/tags; no beta/not proofread, lowkey squid game spoilers, squid game!AU, marble game but instead of sae-byeok and ji-yeong its xiao and you, major character death (you oops), angst no comfort, mentions of guns, death, and blood notes; so this is probably gonna flop/ someone has probably already done this before BUT !!! my sae-byeok brainrot has been THROUGH THE ROOF lately and i cant write for her so instead i did this lol, if it does well maybe i'll do more squid game crossovers ??? lmk if anyone wants a pt 2 with more charas bc this was meant to have more but its 5 am and i am exhausted LMAO reblogs are highly appreciated! songs; lonely shredder; mac demarco - happier than ever (edit); billie eilish
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the small, glass marble was heavy between your fingers, the decision you were about to make hanging uncomfortably in your chest. your partner's marble was well a ways away in the alley you were playing in, pretty much securing the win if you were to play your cards right.
or in your case, playing them wrong.
because you were choosing to lose.
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your marble slipped from your grasp only a foot or two from the line, landing with a pathetic thumb against the sandy floor. you glanced up at his marble, nestled in the gritty dirt several meters away. xiao had won.
you straightened your back, not really sure what was going to happen next or just how long you had left before your time was up.
"what are you doing?"
you winced just slightly when xiao spoke, hearing his footsteps approach behind you until your collar was grabbed roughly, pushing you back against the nearest wall.
"i lost," you said, weakly.
his eyes were swirling with confusion, anger, fear. it pained you to look into them. he wore a blank expression but you saw right through his stupid, icy facade.
just like you always could.
"why the hell would you do that?" he seethed, gripping your jacket tighter and shaking you roughly. you could tell how hard he was trying to be angry, to hate you for what you were doing. but you knew he didn't. he couldn't.
"hey, butter fingers, what can you do," you tried to crack a smile, but you knew it wasn't going to help.
xiao looked dumbfounded, brows knitted together in an emotion you weren't very well acquainted with seeing on his face:
"why are you doing this?" his voice was softer now, yet his tight grip on your collar remained steady. you didn't like seeing him like this, but it was all for the best. love makes you do crazy things, after all.
"whatever it takes," you whisper, despair and nausea washing over you as your choice was being set in stone. "i'll make sure you win."
his eyes widened slightly as your words truly sunk in, the gravity of the situation hitting harder than any bullet ever could.
anger suddenly took over his features again, fingers curling into fists around the fabric of your blood-stained jacket.
"you think i'm going to be grateful for this?" he spat, the malice in his tone not enough to counteract the horror in his glistening amber eyes. "take another throw. don't..."
his voice cracked and his eyes finally tore away from yours, his grip on you slacking once again. his breaths came heavy, and the quiver in his lip told you it took everything within him not to cry. "don't do this. please..."
you reached up, running your hands through his hair gently, relishing in the feel of his silky strands for what would be your last time feeling them. xiao squeezed his eyes shut, unsure whether it would hurt less to sink deeper into your touch or push you as far away as possible.
why? why did it have to be this way?
"you can't die," your voice is shaking and you have never been more terrified in your life, but the thought of xiao walking out of the bloodied room unscathed and safe was enough to keep you going. "i need you to live for the both of us. make it out of here for us, xiao..."
you tried to smile, feeling the familiar sting of tears burn at the back of your throat. but you wouldn't cry. not in front of him.
hot tears streaked single-file down your lover's cheeks, unbridled hopelessness pooling in both of his honey eyes. you reached up to wipe them away, but two masked guards rounded the corner, the lethal weapon present with one of them sealing your fate.
you were practically dragged off of the wall and out of his arms, the other guard simply leading xiao down the other way.
"xiao!" you called, catching him just before he was taken from the hellish room.
it was suddenly so much harder to speak, each word you wanted to scream getting caught in your throat. you knew you only had mere moments left, but you didn't have any idea what to say.
"thank you," you choked, smiling back your tears even though his back was turned. "thank you for being my partner."
the clink of a gun sounded much less scary seeing xiao out of harms way, and in that moment, you felt at peace.
"player 240, eliminated."
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faeflowerz · 3 years
Happy Birthday Sebek Zigvolt ⚡🐊
Fun fact, I took Sebek's hand when I first played the JP game. I have a tendency to go towards the Loudmouth Strict types before I deviate to someone else. Plus, hes left handed so that also made me like him.
That's not to say that Sebek is someone I would (or could) ignore. It just means that I flip flop on who i like. Sebbie has lost some of my attention thanks to Azul and Deuce taking the spotlight, but I do find myself appreciating him during his birthday. Last year, I was almost pulling my hair out bc i didn't get it.
This year?? Well, same shit different day, but at least i have him on my Eng account. That's...progress? Look, he's playing hardball with me and i have bigger fish to catch...well, more like a little red goldfish, but that's a ways away.
Anywhoo, let's talk about Sebek!
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So last year, we learned some stuff about Sebek that really puts his character into perspective.
Hes fuckin racist. Go ahead. Try to deny the fact that Sebek is a mixed baby who hates his human side. This doesn't get acknowledged a lot, but it's definitely racism, at least casual racism. Sebek nearly abhors humans despite his father being a loving and kind man. His mother seems to have no qualms with who she married even though he was a random dentist who probably makes the worst dad jokes.
Sebek's racism can be chalked up to how he was raised around fairies and they are already clique-y. What i dont get is why Sebek has that trait. I would suggest his grandfather still has some reservations about Mr. Zigvolt (yes, i hope he took his wifes name), but if he's willing to see his grandkids, it's not so bad, right? I propose that the reason why Sebek is so against his human side is because he looks more like his dad than his mother.
Think about it: the only indication of his fae side is his fangs. Like other humans, hes got the round ears and most likely is considered short by their standards. On top of that, he was a late bloomer. That time before he got his powers, he must have been self conscious about how much of his father he took after. While his family would cherish him, he wants Malleus' approval above all. Getting praise from him would be like if Jesus came down just to validate your gender or something.
How much of it is his own thoughts though? Sebek admits that he doesn’t really understand Malleus' ideas, but he thinks they're grand. Many kids grow up with their family's ideals tattooed on their brains so it's hard to shake it on your own. I don't believe Mal will steer his people wrong, but the parasocial relationship they have is mighty scary.
Sebek really isnt his own person. Not really. He's got other people doing the thinking for him. Huh, now that i think about it, he's voiced by Haruki Ishiya, who does Jiro Yamada.
These boys have VERY similar mindsets. Everything they do is for the ones they love and they look up to and idolize someone who they only know so much about. Jiro was challenged by Rei to think for himself. His version of Ichiro was shattered thanks to one lie. Sebek hasn't seen a dark side to Malleus, but its only a matter of time. He hasn't seen what Malleus will/can do if he's stuck. Can Sebek follow Malleus to Hell? Can he make the hard decisions when it comes down to it? I want to see Sebbie become his own man. He can still be a knight in shining armor, but he is also an independent free thinking man. He's smart, resourceful and a little naïve, but all of it culminates into a great man.
Getting back to Sebek’s father, he talks about HIM more than his mother. He says in his first interview that he loves and is proud of his mama, but from the looks of it, hes a daddy's boy. Or maybe he holds some regrets about what he says to his father.
Sebek admits that Trey looks a lot like his daddy. That's not only hilarious, but very endearing. Trey does have Daddy energy, but very few will actually sit up and say that (well, most who do are horny for him). A megane obsessed with dental health is pretty much what Mr. Zigvolt is. And when Sebek avoids the observation that he cares for his dad, he changes the subject. That's his xenophobia kicking in. Like it or not, Sebek is his daddy and he's having that inner war with himself. Unlike Jack, who is tsundere because of his anti-social tendencies, Seb is tsundere to the one man who sees him for who he is: his father.
His father cherishes everything his kids do. He spoils them, he makes them feel worthwhile. Even though he's the odd one, he's out here praising what they do.
Cause fae are constantly chasing that next goal, that high expectation. To one another, they're just average. To us, theyre OP. A fully realized Sebek will do much more damage than a fully realized Silver. But it's not enough. Its not good enough. So even the littlest of praise from a human of all people seems shallow or uninformed. Sebek is too hard on himself because fairies don't celebrate the progress theyve made. Even Lilia had to change the way he raised Silver because humans are just Like That™️
That's pretty much what I live through. For my family, our accomplishments are met with "is that it?" We do all these things to prove our worth and to get that praise. We HAVE to overachieve to even find a modicum of respect. But in our quest for recognition, there's someone there who could already see us. Someone who is already proud of how far we've come. The person who annoys us, takes care of us and loves us unconditionally. What we’re trying to find is already in front of us.
Ok wow, time to lift the mood. I didn’t mean to get all personal there.
Octavinelle Sebek is a surprise but a pleasant one. Riddle wanted Sebek because of his no nonsense behavior, but a Hearts Sebbie would be too empathetic and blunt with Riddle. Riddles magic robes story shows that his bombastic outbursts would be something Riddle wouldn't wanna deal with outside of their club. It would be fun, but Sebek is a little to soft hearted to stay severe.
Octavinelle Sebek fits like Octavinelle Trey. Sebek’s desires to help and assist (namely his own kin) as a huge asset to Octa. Plus, most of the water signs seem to gravitate towards Octa. (If Kalim gets the dorm question, how much u think he'd pick Octa??)
Now, if he'd gel with the trio? That's another thing. The dynamics of being human is completely off the table when dealing with them. What has he heard of merpeople and beast men? How do their powers compare when there’s no human element? Their upbringings are different, but quite similar in some ways too.
Also, i find it curious that Sebek is left handed but insists that he isn't creative or abstract. It's a myth that we rely more on our creative/abstract side but there are some truths about us being crazy af. It could be a part of his training, but Sebek has an interesting way of speaking. You don't have to write song, paint pictures or something to be creative. Sebbie really does have brave heroic knight energy. If he wasn’t so fuckin obsessed with one man, he'd be a storybook prince maybe. I wonder what kind of things he likes to read?
I cant wait to see more of Sebbie. I picked him first for a reason even if I don't understand why. Maybe it's because of how relatable he is? Prolly. Also, i didn't cover his relationship with Silver, but I think Seb talks about him way more than I ever could. Harold, they're lesbians.
Happy Birthday Sebek Zigvolt 🐊⚡💚💚
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imperiuswrecked · 3 years
Diamond Distribution is Dying
And why that’s a good thing. 
I’m sure by now most comic fans have heard of Marvel breaking their ties to Diamond Distribution. A  lot of fans are happy about this and other fans probably aren’t aware of just what this means in the comic world. So a short comic history lesson to help everyone, this is generalization by me from my time in comic fandom because I love reading up about comic history, so if anyone else has more specific sources or wants to add on then go ahead.
Back in the 1980′s there was different smaller distributors for comic companies however they all started getting bought up by one distributor, Diamond. 
What is a comic distributor? They are the company that gets comics into the shelves of stores. Think of it like this: 
Creative Team gets paid for their work and complete comic > Comic Company prints comics with their preferred printer company based on orders from Diamond > Diamond gets their order information from Comic Shops who get their pre-order information from customers interest >  Comic Company ships comics to Diamond warehouse > Diamond ships comics to shop > Shop places comics on shelves or in pull list boxes and wait for costumer to come in and pay for comics > Comic Shops pay their Diamond invoice bills > Diamond is paid and also pays Comic Company for comics > if comic is a hit then it goes to second printing > if comic flops then Comic Shop still owes Diamond their money because Diamond does not accept returns on comics and Diamond needs to get paid and to pay Comic Company. This is all done in bulk orders.
This is the direct to market approach that was great for comic companies but not so great for comic stores. This is why pre-ordering comics is so important, because realtors (comic shops) and Diamond would then try to guess what the customers demand was and would buy more of that comic to sell. This is why IP’s like Spider-Man, Batman, Super Man, X-Men, always get more comics made rather than less mainstream characters. The more popular the character the less the risk of comic shops losing money.
Diamond had a near monopoly on this whole operation, which means everyone is stuck using their outdated and old model of sales which hasn’t been updated since the 90s, (the 90s comic crash had many contributing factors that also aided in Diamond becoming a monopoly*). Everyone was stuck only looking at what Diamond reported in sales, which means online comics being bought were never really disclosed (this is still unsure of bc no one ever says what online digital comics sales are). Physical comics took longer to get overseas in international markets. And this meant that when in the early 2000′s, Diamond raised the pre-order minimum price from around $1,000 to over $2,000 then smaller independent comic creators were screwed. This is also why independent or smaller creators/comic companies have to fight like hell to get their comics even MENTIONED in Diamond Distributor’s preview order catalog so stores can pre-order.
In the past Diamond has faced accusations of censorship, and bullying smaller companies. 
Due to the 2020 Pandemic, Diamond stopped distribution last year for three months, DC cut out early and left to another company but Marvel stuck it out until 2021 where they just announced that they were joining with Penguin Random House to distribute comics. This is a huge deal, without their two biggest buyers then Diamond will die, maybe they can struggle along but there are no guarantees. Unlike DC completely cutting and running, Marvel is giving realtors the option to stay and order through Diamond or to order through Penguin. 
What does this mean for comic fans? Penguin will probably be able to get marvel comics into an international marker better than Diamond. Penguin might be able to distribute comics in places other than comic shops which could bring in new fans, they might be able to get comics into places that could go before because in order for Diamond to ship the buyers had to have an account through that one company, which is why most book stores only have a limited comic section, if one at all.
Do you recall all those old pictures of comics being on racks in general stores and pharmacies and stuff? I’m not saying that would come back but there is a possibility that you could see comics in more places like that. The comic model of sales of today has changed a lot since the 90s and Diamond never got that. I’m personally glad comics are not going to be held by only one huge distributor any more.
* If you don’t know what the comic crash of the 90s was then its pretty simple: In that era there was a huge boom of people suddenly buying up comics because of their perceived value, when stuff like Batman’s first comic selling for so much money was a hot topic and more people were suddenly getting rich off their old comic collections, as well as hard core comic collectors looking to increase their collections, spectators jumped in and began buying up like 10 or more issues, and keeping them for a later nest egg sale. 
Creators were becoming celebrities overnight thanks to new characters, stories that shifted from the classic ongoing tales to ‘YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS ISSUE. THIS IS THE COMIC THAT CHANGES IT ALL.” shake up stories and less restrictions on comics. Things like the Death of Superman was flying off the shelves because people thought it would be worth money, it was not. In addition to this huge boom of sales, people who knew nothing about comics or selling were opening up shops left and right, over ordering and not selling, and very shortly places became bankrupt and closed down. Comic companies were literally raking in the cash and thinking that things were going to stay as they were but then the quality of comics had deteriorated, older fans were turned off by this, the bubble burst, people lost interest, and things went downhill.
Marvel bought Heroes World, to distribute their own comics on the idea that their X-Men Reprints were going to make them mad money but uhhh it did not and their terrible distribution pissed people off so they all went to Diamond and thus the reason for Marvel’s bankruptcy in the late 90s where they sold off movie rights to their biggest characters for literal pennies to stay afloat.
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tinyarmedtrex · 5 years
“Trashbreath! No! Come on!” Richie cried as he lost hold of his dog’s leash and watched him gallop away, running across the dog park like he had a mission.
“God dammit.” He mumbled under his breath, starting to run as he called after his dog.
“Trash! Come back!” He yelled as he scanned the park. He saw several of Trash’s friends, Tiny, Freckles and Calvin all ran up to him to say hi but his big dumb golden wasn’t with them. Nor was he hanging up under his favorite tree or sniffing the well used fire hydrant.
“Where the hell did you go?” He asked, calling for the dog again.
Finally he spotted Trashbreath. He was on his back, getting his belly scratched by the cutest guy that Richie had ever seen. “Good pick buddy,” He mumbled to himself as he walked over.
“You know,” Richie said once he was within hearing distance. “He doesn’t let just anyone scratch his belly.”
The guy looked up and smiled. “Oh really? He flopped right in front of me.”
“What a slut.” Richie said, walking in and picking up the lease.
The guy laughed, “I’m not sure you can say that about a dog.” 
“No, he’s fine with it. He knows its a term of endearment.”
The guy stood, brushing off his pants. He was wearing a business casual outfit that looked totally out of place at the dog park but amazing on him. 
“Where’s yours?” Richie asked, reminding himself not to stare.
“Oh, I don’t have a dog.”
“That’s- weird.” Richie said, not that he really minded.
The guy smiled again and Richie’s brain could only scream ‘cute cute cute!’ 
“No I’m here with-” 
“Eddie!” Both heads turned as an Adonis approached them. Richie had to stop his jaw from dropping as the man smiled, making him even more attractive. Richie could have sworn he heard angels singing somewhere.
“Mr. Chips is about done. He got stuck on a slide so I think his ego is bruised.” The man said, indicating to a scruffy looking dog that was panting with his head down. 
“Okay Mike!” The cutey- Eddie- looked at him. “I guess I’ll see you later.” 
Richie nodded, trying not to feel disappointed as his dreams of a white picket fence and four dogs with this guy melted away. There was no way he could compete with Mike. 
Trashbreath seemed disappointed too, he whined, straining at the leash as Eddie waved goodbye. 
“I know buddy, I wanted belly scratches from him too. Come on, let’s play frisbee. You can slobber over that instead.”
By the time Richie went to the park again he’d forgotten about Eddie. He’d spent about half a day pining before his friend Stan had told him he was being stupid- which, annoyingly, he was. So he put the man out of his mind.
“Okay Trash, we don’t have too long today. So no running off.” Richie said, bending down to unhook his leash. Immediately, the dog took off and Richie groaned. 
“Come on buddy! I hate running!” 
Trash didn’t care though, he seemed to have a goal in mind. Again, Richie took off running to catch him and again, found him on the ground getting belly scratches.
“Eddie!” Richie couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice. 
“Hey!” Eddie stood and Trash followed, staying close to Eddie. Richie offered a silent apology for his nice outfit that his dog was shedding on. “I don’t think I got your name, or his.” 
“Richie and Trashbreath.” He said, wondering why fate was cursing him like this.
“Trashbreath?” Eddie asked, arching an eyebrow.
“People call me Trashmouth so it made sense to call him Trashbreath. He really does need mints or something.”
Eddie giggled and Richie’s heart soared. Then he remembered Eddie’s attractive boyfriend who could probably bench press him.
“Where’s Mike?” 
“Oh he’s not here, I borrowed Mr. Chips.” Eddie pointed to the dog, happily playing with some others. 
“You borrowed him?”
Eddie looked slightly embarrassed. “It’s not that weird, Mike is at work late so I asked if I could take him. I really love dogs but I can’t have one.”
“Allergic?” Richie glanced down and saw that Eddie was absentmindedly petting Trash still. It was unfairly adorable, Trashbreath was staring up at Eddie like he’d hung the moon. Richie wasn’t sure who he was more jealous of.
“Something like that.” 
Richie knew he should leave, go take his dog and find a puddle for them to splash in, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Eddie.
“Do you wanna play catch with us? I even have the fancy throwing thing so you don’t have to touch the ball.” He said, lifting his arm. Eddie seemed like someone who wanted to stay clean, even in the dirty dog park.
The other man lit up. “I’d love to.”
They spent the several hours together, far long than Richie usually stayed at the park. He couldn’t bring himself to leave. Eddie was perfect, he had a biting sense of humor and he didn’t let Richie’s shit pass. Richie loved his smile and that laugh, his heart sang every time. 
Why the fuck did he have to be taken?
Finally, with Trash and Mr. Chips panting Richie’s knew it was time to go. “Well, I’ll see you around. Thanks for tiring out my dog.” He said, clipping the leash back on his dog. 
Eddie looked disappointed for a second as he nodded. “Yea, I’ll see you.” 
It was much harder for Richie to forget about Eddie this time. So much so that Stan insisted on coming to the dog park with him next time, just so Richie didn’t throw himself at the guy’s feet. 
“I’m not trying, Trash here just finds him every damn time.” 
“Maybe he’s trying to set you up. Goodness knows you need a wingman.”
“Then he needs to find someone single.” Richie bent over, taking the dog’s face in his hands. “You hear that boy? Find me a single person and work your magic.” The dog didn’t seem to understand or care so Richie shrugged, unhooking the leash. Predictably, Trash bolted as soon as he could. 
“Your dog is as well trained as you are.” Stan observed. 
“You’re my favorite you know that Stan?” Richie said, watching as his dog ran happily away. “Come on, we need to follow him.
They found Trash with Eddie, getting his fill of belly scratches and compliments. This time Mike was there too, smiling at them both. 
“Shit,” Stan whispered. “He is an Adonis.”
“Yea I fucking told you.” Richie hissed back before saying hello to them both. 
Eddie waved at him and looked at Stan warily. “Richie, hey, you remember Mike?”
Richie nodded, how could he forget? “Hey Mike, Mr. Chips. This is Stan, my brother from another mother.”
“Don’t say that.” Stan said, growing red. 
“Have you been here before Stan?” Mike asked, smiling at him. Stan shook his head, watching Mike. “Then let me show you around.”
“It’s a dog park there’s not- oof!” Richie started to say but got a swift elbow to the gut from Stan. 
“I’d love that.” 
Richie watched as they walked away, shaking his head. “Stan is trying to steal your man.” He told Eddie, who was still petting Trashbreath.
“My man?” 
“Mike. Your beau. Your partner. Whatever.”
Eddie laughed, shaking his head. “Oh no, no, no. Mike and I aren’t together. We’re just friends.”
Richie stopped dead in his tracks. “You are?” 
“Yea,” Eddie cocked his head then raised his eyebrows. “Fuck is that why you didn’t ask me out?” 
“Well yea! I’m not a homewrecker!” Richie was still stumbling over the news that Eddie wasn’t taken. “Wait, you wanted me to ask you out?”
“Duh! Why do you think I keep wearing shit like this to the dog park?” Eddie asked, pointing to his outfit, which was fitted and not appropriate for throwing frisbees at all.
Richie threw his head back and laughed, stepping closer. “Why didn’t you just ask me?”
Eddie moved in too, shrugging. “I thought I was misreading it. Especially after that lackluster goodbye.”
“You definitely weren’t.” Richie let his voice drop lower as Eddie smiled. “Plus Trash is clearly in love with you and I can’t stand to disappoint him.”
Eddie giggled, glancing at the dog. “What a responsible pet owner.” 
Richie nodded then asked, “Can I take you out sometime Eddie? Like right now maybe? There’s a dog friendly cafe down the road.”
“What about Stan and Mike?”
“Oh, I think they’re porking behind a tree. Did you see them? Love at first sight.” 
Eddie smiled and nodded. “Then yes. As long as you never say porking again.”
Richie mimed zipping his lips shut and then reached for Eddie’s hand, threading their fingers together as they started to walk, Trashbreath happily trailing behind them.
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Bang a Gong//Get It On (SMUT)
anonymous said: Hello! I LOVE your writing!! I was wondering if you could write something about Roger and reader where they're like roommates/friends and one day she accidentally walks in on Roger while he's playing with himself and some sexual tension starts to develop cause like holy fuck that was hot and Rog is like big or something idduno ❤️
(a/n: almost 6000 words so its a big boi i’m such a crackhead i added a little bit more to the request than asked bc I wanted to make it kinda funny hehe okay but it still follows the request don’t worry  ANYWAYS yall im a mess this week hbu? Listen to T-Rex’s Electric Warrior album thx)
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It was late afternoon when you decided to head over to yours to continue your study session with Brian. He’d already graduated, but he had taken some of the same science courses as you, so he promised he’d help you in exchange for a warm, home-cooked meal that Roger had zero part in. Whether it was because he distrusted Roger’s cooking skills or fearing being poisoned since they’d been bickering more lately, you had no idea, but you did know one thing – Roger would most definitely be home at this time. He usually got home an hour or two before you, so he wouldn’t be expecting you and you were just hoping he wasn’t eating any of the food you were planning on making.
The sound of T-Rex’s newest album, Electric Warrior, greeted you when you opened the door to your shared flat, Brian directly behind you. Immediately, you zeroed in on the source, knowing that Roger was most likely listening to it in his room, and you wondering where he’d scrounged up the money for that as you sat your book bag down on the hallway floor, pulling your shoes off individually before sitting them next to the bag. Brian followed suit, grimacing at the loud volume of the gritty-sounding blues song that was playing out of Roger’s speakers.
“Rog?” you called out, making a futile attempt to get a response from him as the music overpowered your voice. When you heard nothing, you sighed and rolled your eyes. “He’s going to go fucking deaf before he even goes blind, I swear it.” Pulling your hair out of the bun you’d had it in for most of the day, you locked the door behind Brian before grabbing your book bag again, heading for the couch.
“Wonder if he can hear the record, maybe he needs to turn it up a bit,” Brian joked lamely, making you snort and shake your head at the attempt at a jab. Not his best work, but the message was clear. You decided it was probably a good idea for you to go ask him to turn it down – if Brian did the same, you imagined it would end about as well as any of their other interactions had recently – in flames.
Dropping your bag at the end of the couch, you heard Brian go into the kitchen for a glass of water while you headed down the hallway, the music becoming almost unbearably loud as you approached his slightly cracked door. You could just see into his room, his disheveled honey blonde hair visible as he had his back to you – the headboard of the bed was directly next to the door, since he was a big fan of the whole ‘run into the room and immediately flop on the bed’ movement. Not appearing to be doing much except for laying there, you rolled your eyes at the fact that he was asleep right now.
“Got your music loud enough?” you yelled teasingly, throwing open the door and almost screaming at what you walked in on. Roger had his trousers and briefs pushed down just a bit, and he’d unbuttoned them as much as he could, fully freeing his cock from any restraints. He was laying down on top of his duvet, at least before he realized you’d barged in, after which he’d scrambled to tuck himself back into his briefs before rolling over away from you and pulling his duvet with him. The frantic action caused him to fall off the bed, and he landed with a thud and a loud groan as he disappeared from your view for a moment.
Your jaw was practically to the floor as you stood there, in absolute shock at what had just happened. The music was still playing loudly, and you felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment as you tried to grapple with what you’d seen. After a moment, Roger’s head popped back up over the side of his bed, and he looked both pleasantly annoyed and humiliated as he stared at you, seeming twice as embarrassed as you were. “You said what about my music?”
The attempt to change the subject was a valiant effort in itself, but was lost on you as you pressed your hands to your cheeks, laughing in horror for a moment. “Shit, Roger, I’m- I meant to knock, but the door was open, so I-“
“You can turn down the music,” he interrupted, giving you a pointed look before glancing at the record player to your right. Still in a mild daze, you nodded and turned slowly, turning the music down as the lead singer’s voice barely whispered out ‘You’ve got the teeth of a hydra upon you, you’re dirty sweet and you’re my girl.’ That only made things far more awkward than they already were, Roger’s piercing blue stare upon you the entire time you moved. It felt so uncomfortable as the singer yelled out ‘Get it on, bang the gong, get it on!’ that you had to shut your eyes for a moment, then open them again and give Roger a strained smile.
“I’m making pasta and garlic bread. Bri is here.” With that, you nodded curtly and scurried out of the room, trying to mask the conflicting emotions on your face as you reemerged into the living room.
“Thank god he listens to you,” Brian remarked as you passed, going directly to the kitchen. “I think I would have gone mad if he hadn’t turned it down. The man’s an animal.”
You almost choked at the last part of his sentence, coughing to cover it up as you pulled out a pot to boil some noodles in. Your cheeks were still bright red as you moved along, boiling the water and grabbing ingredients to make alfredo while you tried to erase the image of Roger splayed out on his bed, in the middle of getting himself off.
For the moment you’d seen him in what he thought was alone time, his face was pleasantly void of emotion, in a state of bliss as he rested back against his pillows. He looked utterly relaxed, careless – and dare you say, enticing – as he played with himself, probably assuming you wouldn’t be home for several hours yet. So when that bliss had erased itself because of you, you felt a twinge of guilt. After all, who were you to deny him that pleasure?
And something else twinged inside of you too – envy? Desire? Something darker, deeper than you’d expected had blossomed in your stomach, which wasn’t new – Roger was by far the most attractive roommate you’d had, well, ever. But this time, it was overwhelming, and you had to shove it down until it was buried when you’d almost finished making the pasta and Roger sauntered into the living room, his eyes immediately on you through the doorway. There was a look on his face, a warning one, and he glanced at Brian before raising an eyebrow at you. You realized he was wondering whether Brian knew, so you shook your head and offered a small reassuring smile, returning to the pasta and letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Oi, Roger, done destroying your eardrums?” Brian teased, Roger rolling his eyes as he started towards the kitchen, still lazily sauntering as if nothing had happened.
“Hello, Brian. Did you know I saw Chrissy today?” Roger remarked to Brian, seemingly offhanded, but you knew he was trying to push Brian’s buttons as he came to the refrigerator, opening it and pulling out a beer. “Talked to her about you, in fact. We had a nice conversation, sweet girl. A bit tame for my taste, but sweet.”
“Really?” Brian asked, trying to mask the anxious tone of voice he suddenly took on but failing miserably. You could hear him hop over the couch and make his way into the kitchen, Roger moving over to get plates down for the three of you as Brian attempted to nonchalantly lean against the doorway and cross his arms. “What did you tell her about me? Fred said he’s been talking me up, but who knows whether that means he’s telling her I’m smart or that I have a big cock.”
You stiffened a bit at that, almost imperceptibly, but Roger noticed. His blue eyes were picking you apart at the moment, noticing every movement, every subtle shift in your body language. He was nervous, afraid that you were going to slip up and say something about it, but you bit down on your lower lip before continuing to stir the pasta. God, speaking of big cocks, who knew Roger Taylor had one? Of all people, my fucking roommate. This is terrible, why am I thinking about this?
“I described you in terms that were positively glowing,” Roger schmoozed, and you turned down the heat to the pasta as you went to go throw in the garlic bread. “Which coincidentally is also how I’d like to see you in hell.”
“Oh, piss off,” Brian grumbled, giving him the middle finger before he went to get himself a beer from the fridge. Peering over your shoulder at the pasta, Brian gave you an appreciative pat on the head before he grabbed the bottle opener from the cupboard, tossing it to Roger once he’d opened his beer. “That looks fantastic, Y/N, you’ve outdone yourself.”
With that, he exited the kitchen, heading to the bathroom to wash up since your sink was full of dishes – Roger was on your case as soon as the door had closed. “Did you tell him? You better not have told him.”
“I- Fuck, I didn’t tell him, Rog, relax,” you stuttered, alarmed by how aggressive he was being all of a sudden. On top of being slightly turned on from how hung your roommate was, now you were trying to fend off even more excitement as he basically trapped you in the corner, his tightly-closed fist resting on the counter near you and making all of the veins in his slim forearm protrude. You finally moved your gaze up from his hand to his face, and he had a stormy look in his eyes, something impenetrable about the emotions flitting across his face. “I know he’d never let it rest if I told him.”
“Good.” With that, he pushed off the counter, giving you a once-over before he grabbed his beer off the counter and popped the top off, taking a drink. “We don’t speak of this, alright?”
“Obviously.” You nodded as you spoke, and he got himself a plate before helping himself to some of the pasta as you pulled the garlic bread out of the oven, your hands shaky. It didn’t go unnoticed by Roger, but he chose not to speak on it, instead just taking a piece of the bread carefully so he wouldn’t burn himself. He then tossed it on his plate, looked up at you, and raised his beer, tapping it to his temple before tipping it at you.
“Cheers.” With a smirk and a final nod, he exited the kitchen, leaving you to wonder what in the hell was going through his mind. He sauntered off the way he came, heading for his room with a sway to his step that hinted he wasn’t nearly as ashamed about what had happened as you’d thought.
And obviously, he wasn’t, because two days later, you walked in on almost the same exact thing.
This time, you were alone, and thank God you were, because Brian would have caught Roger first for sure. You walked into your apartment to find it pleasantly quiet – Roger was playing that same album, but at a reasonable level this time. So, you figured he’d probably be in his room again, and you were right. What you didn’t count on was for the door to be wide open this time, giving you a full display of almost the exact same thing all over again as you approached the doorway.
Roger was pretty much spread eagle again, propped up against his headboard this time – his eyes were closed, his head having fallen back in ecstasy as he stroked his cock at a lazy pace, his grip loose on himself. Long tendrils of blonde hair were splayed out haphazardly across the pillow, and he was just in his boxers and a button up this time, but the button up might as well have been off – it was completely open, displaying the way his chest rose and feel with each shaky breath he was taking.
You debated whether to say anything or not, but you figured you had to talk this out with him one way or another, so you cleared your throat and watched as Roger’s eye peeked open, looking directly at you in the doorway. A sigh left his lips as he grabbed a pillow, covering himself up while he climbed off of the other side of the bed, tucking himself in before turning back to you with a hand on his hip. He kept the pillow placed strategically in front of him, nodding. “Lovely afternoon, isn’t it?”
“Roger,” you replied in a knowing tone, raising an eyebrow as you stepped into his room. “We’ve got to talk about this. What in the hell is going on?”
“You’ve been coming home early,” he shrugged, still standing in that nonchalant pose that was completely disrupted by the pillow. Honestly, you were surprised he hadn’t kicked you out of his room yet. He was still clearly excited, his eyes completely fucked out from how close he’d gotten to his high, so it was a wonder that he was entertaining your conversation right now.
“Not that early!” you retorted, crossing your arms as you crawled onto his bed with a hesitant glance at where he’d just been sitting. Placing yourself near the end, you sat cross-legged facing him and patted the bed in front of you. “Come on, what’s really going on?”
He gave you an eye roll before he carefully crawled onto the bed, imitating your sitting position and keeping the pillow in the same place as he crossed his arms, almost avoiding your gaze. “I dunno,” he offered in a mumble, shrugging again and looking down at his bed as he pursed his lips.
“Roger, I’ve literally been your roommate for a year now. I figured I’d walk in on this sooner or later, but twice in a few days? Your sex drive is…”
“What?” he pried, his head snapping up so he was staring directly at you. “Horrifying? Excessive? Yeah, imagine being the one that wants to fuck like a rabbit. Isn’t fun, thank you very much.”
“No!” you laughed, sitting back and stretching your legs out as you propped yourself up on your hands, resting your head on your shoulder. “Lord knows I can’t speak much on excessive sex drives. You know how many times you’ve almost walked in on me?”
“No fucking way,” he countered, looking at you in disbelief as he uncrossed his arms. “You’re the biggest prude I know.”
“Was Brian not here two days ago, or?” you asked, giving him a questioning look. “Besides, I hide my escapades very well. You’re just unpracticed, is what it is. I’ve had loads of people over that you haven’t even seen – takes skill to hide them as well as I do.”
“You’re lying!” he laughed, looking you up and down for a moment. When you raised an eyebrow and remained as serious as could be, his face was quickly taken over by a look of amazement. “Y/N, a bigger whore than Roger Taylor? Now, that’s news.”
“God, why do you always talk about yourself in the third person? You’re so weird.” You shook your head and laughed as he shrugged, his eyes wandering over your legs for a moment before looking back up to you with an odd, queer look. “What?” you asked, cocking your head as he stared at you as if he’d just thought of the most genius idea in the world.
“Let’s fuck.”
You literally jolted at the statement, not expecting the suggestion at all. Sure, you found Roger hot, and there had been loads of sexual tension between the two of you before, but you chalked that up to just being on your end because you wanted to jump a lot of people’s bones. But with Roger, you guessed it had been sort of different. Never had you held back so much on your own desires – you’d screwed around with plenty of roommates before, but you didn’t want to this time. You wanted Roger around, as much as you hated to admit it. Having him as constant, tantalizing, out of reach eye candy was better than shagging him once and having to move out after things got awkward.
When you didn’t reply, he took the opportunity to continue. “No, I’m serious! Let’s do it. Why not?”
“Why not?” You almost had to laugh, and you closed your eyes as you tried to think rationally. Don’t fuck your roommate. That’s, like, roommate code number 1. “Roger, we’re roommates. I don’t think that’s very smart.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” he replied simply, his slim pink lips parted slightly as he stared at you, a mischievous look on his face. “You’re hot, I’m hot, we’re both horny. It’s a winning situation, really.”
“But what if it makes things awkward?” Roger looked introspective for a moment, mulling over the possible outcomes of what he was suggesting, then returned to his mischievous look.
“Never know if we don’t try.”
He had a point. You tilted your head to the side for a second, wondering to yourself if you were really doing to go through with this, but your body spoke for your mind anyways. “Fuck it,” you murmured, moving to your knees and crawling over to straddle him as he tossed the pillow to the side, meeting you with open arms. His arms snaked around your waist as you smashed your lips against his, taking his face in your hands before threading your hands into his hair. Kissing back eagerly, he pulled you flush against him, pressing your chest against his and digging his fingers into your back a bit.
When you took his lower lip between your teeth and tugged a bit, the sound of his groan set off alarms in your head. On one hand, you panicked because this was Roger, your roommate – this sound should never be coming out of his mouth because of you. But on the other hand, the sound of it was so delicious that you smiled widely as you held on to his lip, lingering for just a moment before you let go.
You were about to say some smartass remark when Roger gave you a wild look, cutting you off by diving straight back in for a open-mouthed kiss, his tongue expertly sliding into your mouth and tangling with yours for a moment before swirling around it. A small noise of pleased surprise emitted from the back of your throat, and Roger’s grip only got tighter on you in response.
After a minute or two of a hot and heavy makeout session to the background noise of T-Rex’s gritty glam rock sound, you felt Roger’s hands sneak under the back of your shirt, pushing it up as he went to unclasp a bra that he soon came to find out wasn’t there. “Ah, no bra? Very naughty,” he remarked, his voice breathy, but amused as he pulled away from the kiss for a moment, looking up at you with an undying smirk on his lips.
“You’re going to be one of those that narrates the entire thing, aren’t you?” you teased, pulling your shirt off over your head and tossing it to the side as Roger’s hands came up to rest on either side of your ribcage, his eyes darting between your breasts and your eyes as he shamelessly ogled at you.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” was his equally teasing reply, and you rolled your eyes playfully before starting to push his button up off, which he shrugged off and tossed in the same direction of your shirt. “Now,” he continued, wrapping your legs around his waist before skillfully flipping the two of you over – his hips pinned you to the bed immediately, and you almost gasped as you felt his clothed erection pressing against your thigh. “What d’you say we see if you’re consistent?” His large hands started to tug down your shorts, and he kneeled between your legs as he pulled them off, revealing – to no shock for either of you – that you were sans panties too. “Oh, Y/N,” he almost growled, watching fixedly as you spread your legs, now on full display for him.
“Spoiler: I am consistent.” He chuckled at your comment, only briefly, before he laid himself on his stomach, laying his cheek against the inside of your thigh before pressing a kiss there. This was followed by a series of kisses, each making you tingle with anticipation more and more, and by the time he’d worked his way up to your core, you were practically squirming.
Running your hand back into his hair, you gave it a gentle tug of encouragement as you watched him hook your legs up over his shoulders, giving you an impish grin. “Now don’t be too loud. Don’t want the neighbors to be calling in a noise complaint,” he murmured, and before you could quip something back his tongue was between your folds, licking a flat stripe up to your clit and making you gasp slightly at the sensation. Placing an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, he sucked just enough to make you shiver softly, your fingers curling up in his hair.
When you felt his left hand ghosting up the inside of your thigh, you giggled softly at the ticklish feeling it left behind, and he chuckled against your core, the vibration making you moan out his name in bliss. In moments, his fingers were in his mouth, briefly getting wetted down before he slid his index and middle finger into you, just testing the waters. But the feeling wasn’t enough, and you whined impatiently as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, his mouth leaving a small love bite on your thigh.
“More, Rog,” you urged, and you heard him make a pleasantly surprised noise before he inserted another finger, stretching you out more and making you hum in appreciation. “Fuck, yes, like that.”
He curled up his fingers as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking harder this time and sending all of your nerve endings into a frenzy as you moaned louder, not caring who heard. This man was a god to you right now, his fingers stimulating places you’d practically only heard about in legends. You thanked whatever gods there were that you’d let your common sense take a break on this one, because by the time Roger was crawling back up to hover over you, your face was flushed from pleasure. Splotches of red decorated your cheeks, contrasting with the blown-out pupils of your eyes, which watched him as he smirked down at you, maybe staring a bit too long.
“You going to fuck me or not?” you challenged, Roger laughing before crawling off the bed, easily pulling off his boxers and finally freeing his hard member once again. Openly staring, you realized you’d been correct in your observation that Roger was genuinely huge, and you could barely take your eyes off it as he grabbed a condom from his nightstand, crawling back on the bed as you sat up. He rolled the latex onto his cock slowly, eyeing you as you turned around and got on your hands and knees, peeking back over your shoulder at him and watching as he kneeled behind you, forcing his knee between your legs so he could spread them more. His broad hands came to a rest on your ass, giving the soft flesh a good squeeze before he looked up at you, thoroughly pleased with this whole situation.
“You sure you want to go through with this?” he asked, wrapping his hand around his cock and giving himself a few strokes as he ran the tip between your folds, eliciting something akin to a purr as he brushed up against your clit.
“Please, Roger,” you almost moaned, pressing your hips back eagerly and chewing on your lip. “Can’t just rile me up like this and then leave me hanging.”
“I mean, I could,” he taunted, pulling his hips back for a moment and sitting back on his heels as you whined in frustration, shooting him a nasty look over your shoulder. “I’m just joking, so impatient.” He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he gave you a toothy grin, rising again and lining himself up before pushing into you, just barely. “You just look so pretty when you beg.”
“You bastard, fuck me already!” You didn’t care if you were being impatient – and to be honest, the thought of you needing him was enough to make him a bit dizzy, but he ignored the hazy edges of his vision as he thrusted into you with a tameless grunt, sliding home quite easily and making you cry out in a mixture of surprise and lust.
Thoughts of how sore you were going to be later edged into your mind, but they were quickly overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure as Roger wasted no time in starting to move his hips. Barely giving you time to adjust, he filled you over and over, making your arms wobble a bit as you moved down to rest on your elbows, barely able to support your own weight. Roger’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling your ass flush back against him with each thrust, and he couldn’t help but groan your name as the sound of slapping skin filled the room and the smell of sex joined it.  
“Oh, Jesus,” you breathed out, gathering the sheets of his bed in your hands and clenching your fingers around them tightly as you let your eyes flutter shut, your eyelids feeling heavy from lust. Roger was the same, his eyelids threatening to close with every passing second as the view he currently had was phenomenal. Moving one hand to your shoulder to gain more purchase, he thrusted again and somehow buried himself at an even more satisfying angle as he leaned over your body, suddenly rolling his hips agonizingly slow. He then moved his other hand to your jaw, then letting it come to rest on your throat. He applied no pressure as he did so, just letting his hand rest on your skin, but the presence of it and the thought of what would happen if he were to just press in on the sides slightly enough to make you moan. “You’re so big, Rog.”
“Yeah?” he replied, his eyes lighting up as your praise swirled around in his mind, boosting his ego and reinvigorating his big mouth – he was never one for being quiet, anyways. “Taking my cock so well. You like that?” A nod from you confirmed his question, and he let out a satisfied grunt as he pulled out for a moment, flipping you over onto your back and running his fingertips down the bare skin of your stomach. He marveled at how this perspective was even better, getting so distracted by the view that he had to remind himself after a moment that you were waiting for him to continue. Pushing back into you with a quiet groan, his swollen lips parted slightly as erratic breaths came and went, a light layer of sweat making his bangs stick to his forehead in places. But he looked unbelievably attractive like this, the sight of him towering over you as he went back to work on you making you reach down to grab his hand, returning it to your throat.
He caught his lower lip between his teeth as he looked down at you, thrusting at an irregular pace as he struggled to stave off his orgasm, which was rapidly approaching. As desperately as he wanted to make you come undone first, everything about you was threatening to pull him over the edge. The way you closed your hand around his wrist, daring him to choke you, the fierce, almost feral look on your face as you gazed up at him. You weren’t afraid of getting what you wanted, and right now, you wanted him to fuck you until you were seeing stars.
His fingers started to press against the side of your neck as he relentlessly fucked into you, your eyes closing as you relished in the dizzy feeling that it brought to your approach to your orgasm. And Roger noticed this blissful look on your face, the sight of it too much to take as he mumbled, “God, sorry love, I might have to tap out early if you keep on looking like that.”
You were too wrapped up in your own ecstasy to care much that Roger was close, but you paid attention enough to tap on his wrist, after which he released the pressure he’d had on your arteries, and you opened your eyes to look up at him, smiling impishly. “Just let go, Rog. Don’t apologize.”
Those words reassured him and kept his hips moving as he reached up, sliding his fingers into your mouth. He groaned in approval as you wetted them down, and he reluctantly retracted them before reaching down to press them against your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts and making you moan out his name lowly. The sound of his name leaving your lips pulled him past the point of no return, and he came as he let out a loud groan, followed by a string of curses, his hips stuttering and pushing into you erratically as he rode out his high.
Panting as he came down from his orgasm, he kept his fingers pressed against your clit, applying more pressure and circling them faster as he still thrusted into you, albeit a lot slower. But it didn’t matter too much if he kept going, because you were soon calling out his name as you came too, your orgasm rocking your body to the core and causing waves of pleasure to consume you. 
Roger kept his fingers on your clit as you rode out your high, the already-sensitive nub in overdrive as he crooned softly to you throughout your orgasm, murmuring words of encouragement. When you were done, you finally collapsed back against the bed, exhausted from the mind-blowing, absolutely out of pocket sex you’d just had with your roommate. God, your roommate. Things were about to get real messy.
Roger pulled out of you slowly, making you feel incredibly empty as he left the bed and the room, disposing of the condom in the bathroom before coming back with a wet washcloth, cleaning you off as you watched him quietly, your chest rising and falling with each breath and heart racing as you attempted to catch said breath. When he was done, he tossed the washcloth God knows where before he pulled his boxers on and grabbed his shirt from the floor, handing it to you. You pulled it on gratefully, starting to button it from the bottom up as he finally came to rest next to you. He was about to speak when something in the doorway just past your head caught his eye, making his expression sour.
You turned your head to find Brian awkwardly filling the doorframe, his mouth slightly agape at the sight of you, pretty much fully naked except for the small expanse of skin on your tummy that the bottom two buttons on Roger’s shirt covered. “Oh shit,” was all you could say, and Roger quickly moved his duvet over your lower half as you tugged his shirt to at least cover up your breasts.
But Brian had already seen everything, so the attempt was futile. “Hey, Brian, mind telling me why the fuck you’re in my room right now?” Roger asked irritably, thoroughly annoyed that the tall, curly-headed man was just standing there, gawking.
Realizing that he was being a royal moron, Brian quickly composed himself, but his voice was lightly and apprehensive as he spoke. “Roger, may I have a brief word with you? Out here?”
“Brief?” Roger repeated incredulously, looking at you before sighing and crawling over you to get out of his bed. “I suppose you could, Bri, but I highly doubt it.” Brian turned after a terse nod in your direction, heading down the hallway, and Roger took the opportunity to turn in the doorway, watching as you crawled out of bed too, your ass peeking out from the bottom of his shirt when you turned for a moment to smooth out the duvet. Chewing on his lower lip, he grabbed your arm as you passed, stopping you in your tracks and making you face him.
“Bri’s waiting for you,” you warned, but he took no heed of your words, using the collar of his shirt on you to pull you in for a quick, searing kiss that left you reeling as he pulled away.
“Sorry, had to.” He quickly reached around you to pinch your ass, and you raised your eyebrow in response, trying not to smile as the devastatingly gorgeous roommate of yours sent you a cheeky smile to match his next words. “We’re not done here. Don’t get dressed quite yet.”
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stayextrafrosty · 6 years
You’re Holy to Me
Request: Hi, could you do a Patrick X Reader were they both adore each other and are basically in love, but have never dated. She's really close to Andy, but that's only bc he's the only person she talks to about her feelings and Patrick thinks they're dating. Then they all have a party and she gets dared to kiss the most attractive guy, so she kisses Patrick and they end up going back to her apartment and confessing how they feel and probably end with some smut. Thank you :) I love your work
Warning: Fluff and smut
Words: 7658
I banged on Andy’s door. It didn’t matter if it was one in the morning. I know he’s up. My brother was acting up again and I didn’t want to deal with that yelling party at home. We’ve been neighbors for a good part of our lives.
Andy was a package deal. He had three best friends that he seemed to be tied at the hip to. There was Joe. Ridiculously funny and smart. He was sarcastic and took no shit from anyone. There was Pete. He was less funny than Joe, but I only say that because he has no concept of when a joke was funny. Pete was also really cute. I might have had a small crush on him at some point. He just had a way with words. But…
The front door opened. Patrick stood there, t-shirt and blue jeans. He smiled at me, stepping away from the door. I didn’t even know where to start with him. He was smart, funny, a little bit shy, super cute. He was also a great singer, but he always denied it.
“Hey, (Y/N). What are you doing here so late? Even I was about to leave.” I entered the house and Andy was sitting on his living room couch, game controller in hand. I tried to control my voice. I always got nervous around him. He was almost perfect, and I didn’t know how to act. I always just played it off, but I wasn’t sure how convincing I was.
“Yea, sorry. Just here to see Andy. Escape the reality of life for a little bit.” I flopped over the edge of the couch, letting my head rest in Andy’s lap. He was like my brother. We’ve always done late night talks like this, but they usually take place on the roof or something.
His parents were rarely home due to work, but he claimed not to mind. He could take care of himself pretty well. He was vegan and while I didn’t have a problem with that I didn’t really let him cook for me. I’ve eaten his cooking before and it was good, but I’ll be honest, I prefer the real stuff. He pet my head as Patrick took his spot in the recliner.
“So, what’s up sweetie?” I poked his side at the pet name. I didn’t mind it, but he knows how I feel about Patrick. He wasn’t supposed to call me pet names around anyone else anyway. Much less him.
“Not a whole lot. Just my idiot of a brother,” I said.
“Oh no, what’d he do this time?”
“Got a fucking DUI. He’s brain dead I swear.” I ran a hand through my hair.
“Isn’t your brother, like, nineteen,” Patrick questioned? I nodded.
“Yea. But age doesn’t stop people from drinking Patrick. Just cause you’re a good boy doesn’t mean you all are,” I teased. I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes. Patrick was the youngest at exactly twenty-one. I was only older by a month or so.
“Well maybe the DUI and being unable to drive anymore will teach him a lesson.” Andy sounded hopeful, but I know my brother. He’ll find a way to keep going to parties and then trying to get home before my parents noticed.
“Do your parents ever punish him? Stop him from going out? Take away his phone,” Patrick offered. Maybe when he was younger…
“They tried. He would just sneak out. We’ve tried talking to him, but nothing seems to work. We’ve tried to get him to a psychologist or something, but he flat out refuses that. He thinks that the things he’s doing are normal.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). That must be tough.” My eyes met Patrick’s. He had siblings but they all got along pretty well. I sat up and stretched. Andy pulled me into a hug. A look crossed Patrick’s face but I couldn’t quite place it.
“If you need anything. I’m here for you.” I turned my head to smile at Andy. He kissed my temple. I rolled my eyes. I know he didn’t like me. Actually, he mentioned some girl he was talking to that goes to the same gym as him.
“Thanks. To both of you,” I said.
I was right about my brother. It didn’t really get better. There was just more yelling and sneaking out. He hasn’t been brought home by the cops in a few weeks but that was probably going to change soon.
I paced around Andy’s room. Combine the problems with my brother and the fact that Patrick seemed to now be avoiding me. I was stressed beyond hell. I don’t know what I did but Patrick just never stayed in the same place I was. He was always “just leaving.”
“Honestly. What did I do? Did I completely blow my chance or something?” I ran a hand through my hair.
“You should just talk to him,” Andy suggested.
“That’s a great idea. I would if he could even stand to be around me,” I said sarcastically.
“I think you’re overthinking this. I bet he likes you more than you think.” I glanced over at him.
“What do you know?” He put his hands up in surrender but didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes and tried to jump on him. His reflexes were much faster than mine and he had me pinned. It was a running joke that one day I’d be able to win in wrestling him. That day has yet to come.
“When are you going to give up?” I don’t think he even had to try and fight me anymore. I was just that much weaker than him.
“Never. I’ll be on top one of these days,” I said, laughing. A throat cleared behind us. We both looked to see Patrick in the doorway, hands shoved in his pockets, a light blush on his face. I knew how this probably looked. What had he heard?
“Sorry, I was just here to um, never mind. I’ll just come back later, Andy.” He hurried out and shut the door behind him. Fuck. Andy released me. He nodded his head at the door suggesting I go after him. I jumped up and was halfway down the stairs before I heard the front door close.
Gone. Damn. I know exactly how he read that situation. I just wanted to explain to him that Andy and I weren’t a thing. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t been talking to me? But at the same time, maybe he didn’t even like me like that. I don’t know.
I walked back into Andy’s room. He raised an eyebrow and I just shook my head. This was doomed. I don’t even know why I bother trying. I was never good at relationships.
“Don’t fret too much.” I flopped next to him on the bed.
“But why? Now he really won’t talk to me.”
“Because I have an idea,” he said, a smirk making its way onto his face. I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Willing to share with the class,” I asked?
“A party. The other guys and I have always talked about having a party. We’ll just play spin the bottle or something like stupid teenagers.” I stared blankly at him. I couldn’t do that. He was suggesting a game where they would just have us kiss each other. “Oh, come on. It’s perfect. It’ll clear up any misunderstanding.”
“I mean… I guess it won’t hurt to try.”
The plan was made for the next Saturday. Which happened to be in four days. Andy invited Joe and Pete, along with others. But he made me invite Patrick. He said it would give me a chance to clear up the misunderstanding from the other day.
I waited outside the record store that Patrick worked at. It was fitting really. I had texted him earlier, but he never responded. So, I just asked Pete when he finished. Was this creepy? I had no idea.
I glanced at my phone for the time again. He should be out by now. Maybe Pete gave me the wrong time? I moved to look through the front door window. I almost ran into Patrick as he walked out. I jumped back before the door hit me.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here? I didn’t hit you, did I?” He looked over me briefly. I shook my head.
“No, you didn’t. I was just waiting for you.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around myself. Fall was just starting to roll in, along with the cooler weather.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that. Here, I’m not really cold.” He shrugged off his jean jacket and handed it to me. I took it tentatively. We began walking to his car. “So, why did you come find me here? Don’t you have plans with Andy or something?”
I flinched at his question. He had the entirely wrong idea.
“What do you think Andy and I are,” I asked slowly? His cheeks turned pink but that could just be from the wind.
“You two are dating right? I’m sorry if you didn’t want to make it public yet.” I sighed, causing him to look at me.
“We’re not together. We’re just good friends. I mean. We’ve lived next to each other for a really long time. What you saw the other day, was just us messing around. It’s a running joke between us that one day, maybe I’ll be able to take him on.” We stopped at Patrick’s car. He avoided looking at me.
“He’s not really my type anyway,” I added nervously.
“I’m sorry for assuming things.” He leaned against his car and tugged his bottom lip between his teeth. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was so attractive and he didn’t even know it. He always made jokes about how girls didn’t want him but that was just crazy. I know girls wanted him. I heard it all the time in high school.
“Don’t worry about it.” I kicked a pebble around. I just had to invite him to the party. I’m sure he’d go considering the other three would be there, too. “So, Andy is having a party on Saturday. It’d be awesome if you came.” He glanced at me briefly.
“I think I work Saturday but I’ll see if I can trade shifts with someone.”
“Well I hope you find someone. It wouldn’t be as fun without you there.” He fully looked at me, surprised. I was too, honestly. I’m not usually that forward. I smiled at him and went to take off his jacket. I wasn’t going to steal his clothes. He stopped me.
“Keep it. It looks better on you anyway.” I opened my mouth to argue but he stopped me. “I insist. Do you need a ride home?” Andy had dropped me off. My house wasn’t that far. I could walk.
“That’d be nice. If it’s not too out of your way.” He flashed a sweet smile at me and I swear I melted.
“Not at all.” He moved around to the other side of the car and opened the door for me. I don’t understand why he’s still single. I laughed as I thanked him. I swear, this whole party thing had better work.
Saturday came much faster than expected. I was helping Andy plan by buying the liquor. He might be a straight edge but most of us weren’t. I had to lecture him about the nature of parties. He claimed to have attended them in high school and college, but I wasn’t so sure. Mostly because he was with me a lot of the time.
“Just look at it as a time to get some good blackmail. I’m sure Pete will be wasted.” Andy rolled his eyes.
“I’ll do my best.”
I couldn’t drink beer. It never tasted good and I’ve tried many kinds. So, I was always the person who drank the hard liquor. Whiskey. Rum. Less so vodka but only if there was nothing else. Some of my girl friends liked to tell me that was why I couldn’t get a boyfriend. I could hold my liquor better than guys and it would emasculate them. I laughed in their faces.
I continually checked my watch even though only a few minutes went by every time. I just wanted to get this over with. I just wanted everyone to be here so we could get to the relaxing, slightly tipsy part of the evening. Andy tossed an arm over my shoulder.
“Chill. Everything will go fine,” he said.
“You’re not the one trying to confess their feelings to a long-time crush. As far as I remember, that girl from your gym seems to really like you.” He shrugged. Always so modest…
I paced the kitchen, trying to make sure everything was ready and in its place. I triple checked the two kegs. One filled with some sort of beer, the other filled with root beer. For those who didn’t want to drink. I adjusted the utensils in the food. I heard Andy chuckling behind me.
“It’s not funny!” I shot a glare at him and rung my hands together. Jerk.
“It’s a little funny. Just relax.”
“We don’t even know if he’s coming or not. What if he couldn’t find someone to take his shift?” Then this whole thing would have been for nothing. I’m not a party person. Patrick you better show up.
A couple hours later, the house was filled with music and chatter. It wasn’t a big party but of course a few people we didn’t plan on showed up. They were the people from the party scenes in high school and even college. I recognized a few of them.
One in particular. She was Patrick’s ex. Always hung around the parties and was the ‘it’ girl of high school. She broke Patrick’s heart when she became one of the ‘popular’ kids. They had been dating for a year. But she cheated on him with some hockey player she met at a party. Me and the guys had to clean up that mess.
I don’t blame her for Patrick’s anger issues during that time. He always had them. I just think she pushed him over the edge. He would get in fights. With the guys, with people he didn’t know. And he lost almost every time. I patched him up so much, I practically knew him like my own hand.
“(Y/N)! Get the door!” I shook myself out of my daydream and hopped up. Patrick still wasn’t here. I grabbed my drink and made my way to the door. Andy, Pete, and Joe were off doing some sort of competition thing. Boys…
I pulled the door open. I hardly registered Patrick’s face. I must have already been tipsy. I blinked a couple times.
“Patrick! You’re here!” A smile broke out on my face as I dragged him inside. I forgot how much looser I was after drinking. He seemed surprised as I pulled him to the drinks table.
“I feel like I should cut you off. How many have you had?” I rolled my eyes at him and finished off my coke and whiskey.
“That was my third drink. Only slightly buzzed. I just feel happy. But, I’ll stop if you really want me to.” I made a show of dropping my cup in the trash.
“What am I gunna do with you,” he said, shaking his head. I gave him an exaggerated wink.
“I could think of a couple things.” He eyebrows shot up and a blush creeped onto his face. I giggled and skipped off to find Andy. Patrick was probably right though. I shouldn’t drink anymore.
I hugged Andy from behind. Joe and Pete rolled their eyes at me. He turned in my arms and gently pushed me off him. He signaled behind him and I noticed a beautiful girl there. Must be the chick from his gym. Better clear this up right now.
“Oh, sorry! I’m (Y/N). I’m a good friend of Andy’s. I was just letting him know Patrick was here.” She chuckled at me, brushing it off as no big deal. Just as carefree as Andy.
“That loser actually made it? He was all nervous and said he wasn’t coming,” Pete said. That sobered me up. So, he found a replacement but then almost didn’t come anyway? Why?
“Uh oh. Someone go save him. Looks like the little girl he was worried about found him.” Joe pointed behind me and I saw her. Nadda hung all over him. She shamelessly flirted as he tried to walk away. Anger flared. What right did she have to be on him like that? Especially after all this time. I stomped over to them.
“Oh, come on Pat! Just for old times’ sake. I can do all sorts of things I couldn’t back then.” I cringed at the nick name. He hated being called that.
“Look, I don’t care. I’ve also told you a million times to not call me that, Nadda.”
“But it’s me! You let me call you that because you love me,” she said. She leaned in to kiss him. He went to push her off.
“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing,” I said. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. She looked me up and down, then scoffed, as if I wasn’t even worth her time.
“Get lost. A girl like you wouldn’t know the first thing about this.” I know she was referring to my skinny jeans and t-shirt while she was in a mini skirt and tank top. Obviously, she could dress however she wanted but not when she shamed me for how I dressed.
She started ignoring me again and I snapped. I yanked her off Patrick, making her stumble. She tripped over her heals and fell on her butt. The people in the area started laughing and some started chanting “fight.”
“You have no right to come anywhere near him. He’s out of your league. Now get out of my party.”
“Fuck you, whore. If I’m not good enough for him what does that make you? No better than trash.” She stood and left, taking a few others with her.
“(Y/N)! That was actually badass!” Pete bounced up to me, slapping me on the back. I gave a small smile. Trash. She’s probably right about that. Maybe I wasn’t good enough for him.
“Hey.” I turned towards Patrick. There was a look on his face I couldn’t quite recognize. He took my hand. I looked down briefly then back up. He took a couple steps closer to me. Was he going to…? “Thanks for that. You’re a good friend.” My heart sank as he released me.
“Hold up, Trick! We haven’t gotten to the best part!” He raised an eyebrow at Joe. Don’t tell me they know what Andy’s planning.
“Spin the bottle. Relieve some tension.” Pete wiggled his eyebrows. This was going to go horribly. A group of us sat in the middle of Andy’s living room. Patrick got guilted into playing.
“Alright! So, this is going to be a combination of ‘spin the bottle’ and ‘truth or dare.’ Whoever the bottle lands on picks truth or dare. Easy enough, right? Ok, someone spin it!” Pete clapped like a child. This was a disaster waiting to happen.
We all looked at each other. Joe then shrugged and spun the bottle, sending it flying in a direction. After we busted our guts laughing, someone grabbed the bottle and readjusted it in the center. They spun it and the tension grew about ten times. I looked around the circle to watch everyone fidget.
My eyes met Patrick’s for a second, but my attention was quickly stolen by the still bottle. It pointed toward Andy. I released the tension from my body. At least someone else could go before me.
“Truth or Dare, Andy?” Pete had an evil glint in his eye. Andy looked thoughtful for a moment, weighing his options.
“I’ll be the lame one and say, ‘truth.’ I don’t trust Pete.” The circle chuckled as Pete rolled his eyes.
“When was the last time you broke your vegan lifestyle,” someone threw out. At least we seemed to be starting easy. Andy sighed and put on an exaggerated thinking face.
“Never. At least from what I can remember.” Pete threw out a ‘boo’ but didn’t question it. Andy shrugged and reached down to spin the bottle. I chuckled at Pete’s annoyed expression. It stopped next on a guy I didn’t know very well. He picked dare, and someone told him to give a lap dance to his girlfriend or something.
It was entertaining to watch. Her face was beet red before he even started. He was a terrible dancer and got booed off the “stage.’ It didn’t land on me for a while. Patrick ended up going before me.
“Choose wisely, Patrick.” His eyes flicked between his friends and the others. He was right to be distrusting. A couple of the straight guys had already been dared to kiss each other.
“Truth,” he said hesitantly. I saw his shoulders scrunch up, as if bracing for whatever hell they would put him through.
“So? Should we humiliate him or no?” The evil glint was back in Pete’s eye. I cracked a smirk, but I was nervous for him. There was some quiet deliberation between all the guys playing.
“Fuck, marry, kill between Andy, Joe and Pete.” The other three guys rolled their eyes at the question. There must have been a consensus somewhere in that discussion. I’m sure one of them would have asked something Patrick wouldn’t answer.
“Uh. I don’t know.” Patrick shrugged.
“Well figure it out! You have to answer!”
“Alright, alright. I guess, marry Andy, fuck Joe, kill Pete.” Pete’s mouth hung open for a second before he crossed his arms.
“Wow. Rude. Kill your best friend,” he said. The group laughed, and Patrick threw up his arms.
“I was pressured to pick so there you go.”
“Whatever, just spin the bottle.” Patrick rolled his eyes and reached toward the center. Some people went more than once. I was silently thankful it wasn’t stopping on me. I wasn’t sure if I could do it.
“(Y/N)? Pick.” I shook myself out of my daydream and looked down at the empty bottle. I just had to jinx it.
“Uh… Dare?” Butterflies blossomed in my gut. “Wait no…” Andy grinned at me.
“No going back on it.” Heat rose to my face.
“What are you thinking,” one of the other guys asked. I braced for the dare.
“I dare you to kiss the most attractive person here.” Pete sat smugly on the couch. To anyone else, it looked like he was confident it was him. I avoided looking at Patrick. I shook my head briefly.
“You gotta do it,” Joe said.
“Fine! But everyone has to close their eyes.” I didn’t even want to know how red my face was.
“That’s no fun. Have to make it as awkward as possible.” I glared at the girl who said it and crossed my arms. The bottle only landed on her once and they only made her do a shot she had never done before.
“Everyone just close their eyes for thirty seconds or so,” Andy said, shrugging. Bless him. I glanced over at Patrick but tried not to linger. I made sure everyone’s eyes were closed and moved in front of him.
I couldn’t tell if he knew I was standing there. There were probably other things I could do to figure out if he liked me. This is just fast forwarding the process. Patrick’s eyelids fluttered slightly. In my head, I knew it was just a natural fidget. I panicked.
I pressed my lips against Patrick’s. I felt him jump at the sudden contact. There was some cheering around us that pulled me back to reality. I rushed to separate myself from him. I hovered for a moment, watching his beautiful blue eyes open to look back at me.
I cleared my throat and stepped away from him. My cheeks burned. Every time I looked his way, there was this unreadable expression. The game continued a bit longer but neither Patrick nor I had to do anything else.
It was almost two before the last person left. Pete was passed out on the couch and Joe probably shouldn’t be driving. Andy said he’d let them stay the night. I helped Andy clean up around the house.
I leaned down to pick up some scattered cups and put them in a plastic bag. I turned and ran into Patrick. His hand landed on my arm to steady me, even though I didn’t really need it.
“Sorry. My bad,” he said quietly. I smiled and moved past him awkwardly. Should I talk to him? I didn’t really know. The only thing that had changed was that it was awkward. I walked up to Andy who was readjusting Pete on the couch.
“I don’t know what to do now. It’s just weird,” I whispered.
“I got this,” he whispered back. “Hey Trick! Walk (Y/N) home for me.” My eyes widened, and I went to protest.
“Yea, sure. You feelin’ ok, (Y/N)?” Patrick materialized beside me.
“Uh, yea. Um, I could probably get home on my own…” I stuttered a bit and mentally cursed myself. I probably looked like an idiot.
“I’ll take you anyway. Just let me know when.” I smiled and nodded.
“Go on home, (Y/N). You don’t have to help me clean up. I know it’s way past the normal time you go to sleep.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Oh, shut up. I’ll feel bad if I don’t help.” Andy raised an eyebrow at me. I know what he’s trying to do. I was just too nervous to go through with it.
“Just go home. Best friend orders.” I sighed. I wasn’t getting out of this I guess. I looked over to Patrick and smiled.
“Don’t have a choice I guess. Walk me home?” He cracked a small, awkward smile before gesturing to the door.
“After you.”
My house was dark. My parents had said they were going out of town for a few days with my brother. I wasn’t sure how they got him to agree to that, but I guess anything to get out of school.
I stepped up to unlock my front door. Patrick stood quietly behind me. I wasn’t sure what to say. Should I thank him for walking me what felt like twenty feet away from the house we were just at?
“Hey,” I heard him mumble. I stopped fiddling with the lock and turned to face him. He took a breath before speaking again, “Did you mean it? That whole thing during spin the bottle?” I looked away from him, happy that he couldn’t see my blush.
“Do you want me to mean it,” I asked? He chuckled sarcastically.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” His figure moved toward me. My heart pounded. What should I do? “Please don’t just stand there in si—”
“Yes. I meant it.” I cut him off. We stood in silence for a moment. I resumed my task of opening the door. “Do you want to come in? Or something?” I pushed the door open and turned on the entry light. I looked over my shoulder at Patrick.
“Yea. For a bit.” The house was quiet except for the occasional humming of the heater. I tossed my keys on the counter and kicked off my shoes, flipping on lights as I went.
“Did you want a glass of water?” I moved over to the sink, glasses in hand.
“(Y/N).” I froze in my movements. The way he said my name scared me. I couldn’t tell if he was mad, pained, happy or any other emotion. I sighed and tried to relax my shoulders. I had to face him. I set the glasses down and met his eyes.
“Yes, Patrick?” He ran a hand through his hair.
“I don’t want to screw this up so. Let me say something.” I nodded and leaned against the counter.
“I was… surprised, to say the least, when you kissed me. I didn’t know how to react. To be honest, my first instinct was to push you away.” There was a pang in my chest. I looked away to stop myself from crying. “Hey! Wait! Let me finish ok?” I nodded slowly. “The only reason I thought that was because I didn’t want you to taint yourself. I’m in no way good enough for you. I thought it was some joke the guys got you to play on me.”
I met his eyes again. They pleaded for me to understand. To be serious about him. And I was. I laughed a bit.
“Trick. You are probably the purest being on this planet. I’m the one who’s not good enough for you. Your ex kind of pointed it out earlier.” Anger crossed his face and he came to stand in front of me, cradling my face in his hands.
“Don’t you ever let what she says get to you. You… god, just you. Sometimes I think I should be worshiping at your feet.” Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. I glanced down at his mouth briefly.
“Can I kiss you,” he whispered?
His nose brushed against mine and my eyes fluttered closed. He pressed his lips against mine gently. I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer. He separated from me, but only for a moment. The second kiss was more confident than the last. I trailed my hands to the waistband of his jeans. He sighed into the kiss and I pulled his body against mine. He moved his hands from my face to brace himself against the counter, trapping me in his arms. I pulled away from him, giving us both time to breathe.
“If it wasn’t obvious. I really like you,” I mumbled. Patrick laughed and shook his head.
“I should have known from that little joke you made when you were tipsy.” I raised an eyebrow at him. What had I said? A little smirk took over his face. “I believe I said, ‘what am I gunna do with you?’ Then you said you had a couple ideas in mind. What were those ideas, (Y/N)?”
The memory rushed back in full force. I turned away from him and laughed awkwardly.
“Let’s just agree that was drunk flirting and drop it.” He reached up and turned my head to face him. The heated look in his eyes should have made me shrink away, like it did for other guys. Butterflies bloomed in my stomach again. I didn’t want to shrink away from him. I just wanted him close to me.
“I don’t think I really want to drop it.” He pressed his lips to mine briefly. Then he kissed his way over my cheek and down my neck. I giggled at the playfulness. They were featherlight and tickled.
“Knock it off, Trick. That tickles,” I said. I felt him grin before his fingers traveled to my sides. I yelped as he tickled me.
“Does it now?” He laughed along with me as I tried to get him back.
I broke away from him in an attempt to stop his assault. He chased me into the living room where he grabbed me and held me close. He kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He broke away from me, leaving both of us breathless but still laughing.
His face grew serious again. His head rested against mine and his hands wandered over my back and sides. I bit my lip and glanced down at his mouth. I wanted him, and I was pretty sure he wanted me. I think I saw a blush dusted on is cheeks. His fingers traveled under my shirt, lifting it slowly. I jumped at the contact on my bare skin. He froze in his movements.
“Is this ok?” He sounded nervous. I mean, I was too. I nodded but he didn’t move.
“Yea, it’s ok,” I said, smiling. I moved forward to kiss him as his hands resumed their motion. I couldn’t tell if his fingers were shaking or if it was just me. I pulled away once he had lifted my shirt to my chest. I lifted my arms and helped him remove it.
My face burned as my shirt fell to the floor. Patrick’s eyes trailed down my body. I didn’t know what to do. Should I just stand here? Should I cover up? It was all different with him. He reached for me as his eyes found mine again. He caressed my face.
“I am so not worthy of you.” He kissed me again. I tried to stop myself from falling into his arms. But why should I stop myself anyway? I pressed myself against him. He stumbled back slightly but not enough to make us lose our balance.
His arms wrapped around me tightly, our kiss becoming more urgent. My hands followed his earlier movements. Slipping under his shirt and pressing my palms against his stomach and trailing them up to his chest. We stopped only so he could pull his shirt off.
He seemed shy once he was shirtless. He didn’t really look at me. I leaned forward and pressed kisses to his collarbone and upper chest. I thought I heard Patrick curse, but I couldn’t be sure. I pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs. The stairway was dark. Maybe I should have turned on the light, but I was a bit too focused on other things.
I pushed the door to my room open and flicked on the small lamp. I released Patrick’s hand and let him follow me in. I wandered to the bed while he took in the surroundings. My room wasn’t exactly clean, but it was definitely my room. Patrick glanced around the room before his eyes settled on me. I stood at the edge of my bed. He walked toward me slowly and my breath caught in my throat.
I don’t remember laying down. I don’t remember my jeans coming off, or his for that matter. I only felt him against me. We laid there in our underwear, grabbing at each other, wanting to be closer. Then I sat on top of him, both of us breathless, my legs on either side of his hips. I could feel him beneath me. He smiled up at me shyly.
“What is it?” I went to get off him, but he grabbed my hips and held me in place.
“Don’t move. Let me just admire how beautiful you look.” There was no way for my face to become anymore red. I turned my head away from him and he chuckled. Patrick sat up and made me look at him. In order to stop the intense look, I kissed him.
I reached around to unclasp my bra. I tossed it to the side and took Patrick’s hands from my hips. I moved them slowly up my body until they were just below my breasts. He stopped kissing me and met my eyes again. I nodded slowly at his silent question.
“Please? Touch them,” I mumbled. A shy smile made its way onto his face as he moved his hands over my nipples and squeezed gently. His eyes wandered down to focus on what he was doing.
I sighed as he slowly caressed them. I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me there. I jumped slightly as his lips touched my skin. The pad of his thumb ran over my left nipple as his mouth trailed down. He took the right one into his mouth and sucked gently. I moaned his name, then he switched his attention to the left one.
My fingers trembled as they tangled in his hair. I pulled him back up to kiss him again. Our lips crashed together as we grabbed at each other. I held him tightly and ground my hips against his. He groaned in appreciation.
“God, (Y/N). I need you.” I bit my lip and nodded. The feeling was very much mutual. I found myself on my back again. Patrick looked down at me, a blush on his face. I giggled at his nervousness.
“Hey. It’s just me. I’m all yours.” I ran my hands over his cheeks and over his shoulders. I tried to maintain eye contact as I lifted my hips and began to pull off my underwear.
Because he sat between my legs, I couldn’t exactly get them off without his help. So, I winked at him and nodded downwards.
“Mind helping me a bit?” He nodded quickly and cleared his throat before his eyes ran over my body along with his hands. His fingers hooked into my panties and he maneuvered them off of my legs.
I laid there before him, completely naked. I tried to resist the urge to cover my face. This was Patrick after all. The nerdy but super cute guy I had fallen for. He gazed at me while his hands wandered. I arched into his touch. His fingers danced over the insides of my thighs. My breathing was heavy, I needed more.
“Please, Patrick? Touch me,” I whimpered. He chuckled softly as he leaned down to kiss me. He used one hand to support himself and the other…
I moaned into his mouth when his fingers brushed over my most sensitive area. He smiled into the kiss and let one of his fingers tease my opening. If he was nervous, he didn’t show it. Patrick inserted a finger into me slowly. I rocked my hips with the motion of his finger. He slipped a second one in and I gasped. He sped up his movements and I could feel my impending climax.
“Trick. I’m gunna…” I rocked my hips as he kissed me. “Faster,” I mumbled against his lips. He listened and soon my body was arching into him, waves of pleasure rolling through me. Patrick never broke from me. Any noises I made, were silenced by him.
Once I came off my high, he removed his fingers and laid down next to me. I cuddled into his side.
“I did that ok, right?” I finally heard the nervousness. I looked up at him and giggled, kissing his cheek.
“Yes. It was wonderful.” He stroked my face gently, a small smile playing on his lips.
“I always want to make you this happy. You’re so amazing.” I blushed and buried my face in his chest. “Hey, look at me.” I hesitantly did. “Amazing.” I tugged my lip between my teeth. I rolled away from him and stood on the side of the bed.
“Sit up. Come on.” I tried not to sound to giddy. He tried (and failed) to keep his eyes on mine. Once he was sitting on the edge of the bed, I knelt in front of him. He raised an eyebrow at me before realization crossed his face.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to…” He trailed off and I smiled up at him.
“But I want to. So, if you don’t mind…” I tugged on the waistband of his underwear. He slipped them off slowly.
I leaned forward and took him gently into my mouth. He cursed and grabbed my hair. He wasn’t rough but let his fingers trail through my hair. I moved my head up and down slowly, letting my tongue trace patterns over him.
“Fuck, you’re driving me crazy here,” he said breathily. I glanced up at him through my lashes. His fingers tightened in my hair. I refocused on the head and he groaned in approval. His hips rocked forward slightly. I teased him relentlessly. Refusing to move any lower. I thought I heard him growl and then he grabbed my head and forced me down. I coughed slightly from surprise and he immediately removed himself from my mouth.
“Sorry, you alright?” I giggled and nodded. He seemed slightly confused.
“I was teasing you. I expected it to happen sooner or later.” I stood and crawled into his lap. We could experiment with that another time. “In the future,” I mumbled against his neck, “feel free to use my mouth however you want. His hands gripped my hips as I rubbed myself against him.
A warning flashed in the back of my mind. I tried to ignore it. I kissed Patrick and pushed him onto his back. I bit his lip gently. He smirked at me and flipped us over. I laughed in surprise and then it was his turn to tease me. He pressed himself against my opening but nothing more.
The warning flashed in my head again. Louder this time. I pushed Patrick back gently.
“What is it?” He tilted his head in question.
“We should probably use a condom,” I said. It took him a couple seconds to register what I had said. He ran a hand through his hair and blushed a bit.
“I, um, didn’t exactly bring one. I didn’t really plan on, well, this.” I chuckled and sat up.
“Well, I know where some are. So, if you want to wait a second while I go get them,” I said sweetly. I trailed a finger up his neck and under his chin. I pecked his lips and squirmed out of the bed. I hurried to my brother’s bathroom. I generally avoided going in there, but it was necessary. I grabbed a condom and hurried back to my room.
Patrick sat on the edge of the bed, almost awkwardly. It was cute. He drummed his fingers against his leg. Nervous habit. I sat down next to him and leaned on his shoulder. He looked down at the condom in my hand.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to… I just know that I’m not exactly, um, skilled at this…” I rolled my eyes and kissed him.
“We figure it out together. That’s how it works.” I ran my thumb over his lip. He smiled shyly at me and pulled me close again. He laid me down on my back again, sitting between my legs. I tore open the condom. I started to hand it to him but thought twice. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“Allow me. If you don’t mind,” I said, winking. I sat up and rolled the condom on. He shuttered as my fingers grazed over him. Once it was on, I looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed me, pushing me back down slowly. He pressed against me again. he rested his forehead against mine.
“You ready,” he asked. I giggled and kissed him.
“I need you, Patrick. I want you inside me.” He started to push himself into me. I tried to adjust my hips, so it would be easier for him. I moaned and grabbed on to his arms. He stopped for a second. His face had a look of concentration. I giggled. I blush took over his face again.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled. I reached up to touch his face.
“You won’t hurt me. Not when I want you this much.” He looked into my eyes before smiling.
He pushed into me and I couldn’t stop from rolling my hips with his. Of course, me rolling my hips caused him to jerk forward. I gasped at the sudden fullness. He braced himself against the bed, biting his lip to stop any noise.
He moved slowly at first, reveling in the feeling. I rocked my hips with his earning me a couple curses. He leaned down, surrounding me completely. He kissed me, and I could feel him shaking. I ran my hands over his chest and held his face.
“I’m so close… I just don’t want it to end,” he mumbled. Guys didn’t always have the best stamina, especially if it was their first time. I kissed him gently.
“Neither do I.” He trailed kisses up and down my neck. He bit down lightly where my neck connected to my shoulder. I sighed as he gave special attention to that spot. His hips picked up speed, making it hard to focus on anything.
“Fuck, Trick.” The rhythm wasn’t regular, so I could only assume it was getting harder for him to hold back. He lifted himself up from me and grabbed my hips for support.
He ground his hips into me, rougher than before. We moaned together. One of his hands found its way to my clit. He rubbed me there gently and my back arched toward him. If he kept this up…
“God, (Y/N), you’re so beautiful. I don’t think I can hold back.”
“Don’t hold back… You’re gunna make me…” I trailed off as his hips thrust forward and I groaned. He leaned down to kiss me again as his hips spasmed, thrusting into me roughly. I rolled my hips once more and felt my release racing through me. My moans were swallowed by him and my entire body was shaking. He ground into me a couple more times before his mouth fell open as he came.
We both breathed heavily, and Patrick half fell over next to me. I rolled toward him, not wanting us to stop touching just yet. We didn’t say anything for a bit. He traced a finger up and down my arm.
“Um,” I looked up at him. A blissful smile sat on his face. “If it wasn’t obvious, I love you.” I just looked at him for a moment before giggling and kissing him.
“I love you, too.”
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murkrees · 6 years
older brother! nct (hyung line)
okay so
let me start with taeil
cute floofy taeil okay
taeil just gives off these warm brotherly vibes u know???
like honestly you were b l e s s e d to have moon taeil as ur bro
ever since childhood he’d just be so naturally protective over you like
it wouldn’t be overprotectiveness like a certain someone (ty track cOUGH) but it would just be so subtle
as in if you both would be on the bus he would give you the seat closer to the window and stand up while keeping an eye out for anybody who even tried to touch you the wrong way
would be the best if you needed help with your homework
didn’t understand an equation? mOON TAEIL AT YOUR SERVICE
if u ever brought friends over and he would accidentally walk out with his bed hair, oversized tee and boxers
happens way too many times is2g
he’d just stop in his tracks and stare at you all with a blush on his cheeks before whirling around on his heel and walking back to his room without a word
he wouldn’t be the type to glare daggers at a guy you brought over
he’d just stare at him while trying to calm himself down and gulp nervously, eyes shaking like they were in nct life paju during yaja time
he’d clear his throat so much and ask so many weird questions
"so how long have you been dating my sibling”
"around two months?”
"uhh, that’s great, congratulations”
he wouldn’t be super aggressive w you than he would be with the other nct members
but during christmas don’t expect him to be above shoving you outta the way to get to the presents first
moon taeil is precious protect him
u guys would be sibling goals af ngl
would always back down in fights cause he hated fighting w u
always always always ruffles your hair
can get aggressive sometimes but its okay you get aggressive back
would be ur no.1 supporter
have an show at school??? expect him to have front row seats while holding a handycam in his hand, cheering the loudest 4 u
fundraiser????? he’ll be standing by your booth and persuading everyone to buy your cupcakes cause let’s be real this boy has looks and enough smooth talk to churn butter
going on a date to a fancy restaurant? it’s johnny’s fashion evaluation
"wear the red dress we bought two months ago and use the pearl earrings mom gave you for your birthday”
"what are those heeeeels use the other pair woman!!! ur legs will look better”
wouldn’t be the overprotective type if you brought a guy/girl over
would try to get along as well as he could w him/her to make you comfortable
he always puts you first and makes sure you know that
lee taeyong!!!
real sweetheart
would b so overprotective of u and he wouldn’t even realize
if u brought a guy over he’d just make up random excuses to tail you around and “supervise”
cough cough glare at him the whole time
but halfway through he’d just kinda snap back to reality and realize how he’d been acting
and just kind of tone it down a little
ngl your friends would love going over to your house because of him lmao
you guys would just have that kind of relationship where you just completely understand and count on each other
like if you had a nightmare you’d just knock on his room door and peek in and he’s writing lyrics with only his desk lamp on
and he looks up at you with bed hair and home clothes and he sees your face
you guys don’t even exchange words before he understands you had a nightmare and you just trudge over and flop on his bed and fall asleep there as he continues to write lyrics
or if he had a particularly stressful day and he’d come home looking like shit
you’d just bring out the pillows and blankets and lay them out on the sofa with two tubs of ice cream with your favorite flavors
and he’d just plop down next to you and you’d just listen to him vent
honestly taeyong wouldn’t even be in the position he was in now if it weren’t for you
sibling support 100000000%
this boi
probably made you cry a lot during your childhood lbr
there’d be times where he’d tease you for your pigtails
“mooooom yuta’s teasing me again!!!”
“moooooooooooooooom yuta’s teasing me again!!!!!!!!!!” (yuta’s imitation of your voice)
but as you both grew up he matured and so did u
of course there’d still be times where he’d tease you but they’d be more playful and less intense
“what are you going on, a date? who’s the unlucky guy stupid enough to go on a date with you”
“funny because the last time i checked he was in that idol group of yours”
cue yuta choking on his spit
there’d be times where you’d be cooped up in your room studying for exams
and he’d knock on your room door licking a stick of ice cream and handing another one to you while asking if you needed a break of a ride to the nearest café/starbucks for a change of scenery
or times where he’d be in a pissy mood and you made sure to give him space to cool down
but u do knock on his door and tell him quietly that you have a plate of his favorite food in the microwave
and he never answers but by the morning the plate would already be washed
brags abt u a lot to the other members (not that you would know that)
tbh i honestly think he’d be even more protective than taeyong
wouldn’t be above threatening your boyfriend if they ever hurt you
if u ever come home crying he’d go ballistic
secretly a big softie for you no lie
the nicest older brother to ever exist
the most understanding person you’ve ever met
treats you to food all the time
never allows you to pay after
“what kind of older brother would i be if i cant even treat you for a meal??”
you go to him for advice,, like,, all the time
a great listener
went home crying after some school drama? better expect kun already there with some ice cream and blankets ready to listen to your latest emotional rollercoaster
your parents could always trust him to take care of you if they had dates or had to go out so you never had babysitters
all your friends wish they had kun as their older brother
(pretty sure some of them had crushes on him, but i mean,,,, who wouldn’t)
can be savage if he wants to but only if you poke fun at him
doesn’t look like it but can be quite playful
sometimes you’d tease him and he’d just look at you with that done-ass face
drives you everywhere!!! even accompanies you to the mall or to do some shopping
actually so touched the first time you bought him a meal with your own money
“my baby’s growing up…” sniff
“shut up this is literally a two dollar street snack”
in his eyes you’re still a little kid
love older brother kun thanks
ngl he’d be the type to not know how to act around you when you both were young??
“what do you want for your christmas present?? what do girls ur age like??? what do children like keep me up to date what are fedgeet speeners”
only comes out of his room to grab some food
as you both grew older he’d be more comfortable around you
before performances he would send you selcas of him to ease his preperformance nerves
tons of selcas his gallery would be filled with them tbh
“whos ur favorite brother”
“obviously me ahaha who am i kidding”
“its not gongmyung right”
“(y/n) pls answer me”
always remembers to buy you random trinkets from his tours abroad bcs he knows how much u love them
u always go to him when you need help with your schoolwork or study but always roasts you about your grades
“what do you mean you don’t understand trigonometry its literally the easiest thing in the book”
his savage side always shows up whenever u two hang out together
“oh u like that necklace? buy it urself”
ends up buying that necklace for u anyway
showers u with gifts cause he doesn’t know how to show his affection otherwise
nags u a lot but that’s because he lovs u
(and bcos ur a mess)
“you ate dinner right?? im not accepting a ‘yes’ if you ate instant ramyeon”
“i don’t care if you have finals you are bathing at least once a day ya stinkie”
“wash those dishes piling up in your sink (y/n) gross”
be grateful for older brother doyoung keeping you in check
you know he’s that one bitch
one of the most annoying™ people you’ve known growing up
kind of distant to you while you were teens because of how hectic his life is
still doesn’t exempt his love for teasing you though
i mean,,, have you seen that one picture of ten casually taking a selfie as his mom scolds his sister right beside him,,, yeah
probably the type to wake you up saying you were late for school just to record you running around the house like a madman and going out the door just to realize its 4 am on a saturday
but you grew up watching his antics so you knew what not to do when you got older
as the both of you shifted to adulthood you got closer
ended up as you taking care of him and making sure he doesn’t accidentally get in trouble most of the time
still teases you playfully though
“no ten the market is this way jesus christ get off your phone”
“oho so you do care! if you care about me that much why don’t you pay for our meal—”
“go choke”
being ten’s sibling automatically makes you friends with johnny no ifs ors buts
ten brought him along to one of your hangout sessions without telling you beforehand and now he’s just,,, there
you don’t even bat an eye at him anymore
or the other members he brings along
probably tried to set you up with johnny more than once but the both of you have already caught on and are just playing along to amuse him
automatically makes you good friends with lisa too
lowkey doesn’t want to introduce bambam to you oops
is so subtly protective of you but lbr who could get intimidated by his 169 cm ass
like that time he caught jaemin glancing your way for a tad bit too long and he just gave him the look™
never likes the guys you hang out with
“that kind of guy doesn’t deserve you (y/n),,, you need someone gentlemanly, someone nice and tall like johnny-“
“if you like him that much why don’t you date him instead”
you may have grown up but in his eyes you’re still that little girl with pigtails he used to pull
older sibling ten is annoying but you love him anyway
growing up with such an attractive brother was both a blessing and a curse
sure he was attractive and that itself was a plus point but then you had to deal with all the fakies that came at you just to get closer to your dorky older brother
not to mention the countless times he accompanied you somewhere or picked you up from school and heads would just turn
it got annoying at times but then you got used to it
now you just enjoy the perks of having such an attractive brother because honestly, who wouldn’t
not to mention good lucks are hereditary lucky you ;)))
good brother,, always follows your parents instructions so if anybody ever got in trouble it was you
if you were up to mischief and he found out he always covered for you,,, no exceptions even if he didn’t approve of whatever you were doing
the little sneak got good at lying from all the times he covered for you
always ALWAYS always there to comfort you whenever you had a bad day or if you were crying
not necessarily protective but still ready to give a little “warning” to whoever messes with you
talked to you a lot ever since you were children
by a lot i mean a lot
because he’s pretty shy at school when he was younger he makes up for it by discussing alien conspiracy theories with you
now that he’s opened up more it doesn’t mean that you both don’t enjoy a good conversation about whether or not mars had living beings
whenever you both had meals together or dinner with the family there wasn’t a moment where he didn’t steal your food
“food tastes the best when it’s on another person’s plate”
rly sneaky about it but you always notice
gets angry at you if you don’t take care of yourself properly
like the time he ignored all your messages and calls for two whole days cause he found out you consecutively skipped lunch and dinner
makes sure you have your priorities straight
older brother! jae is amazing lucky you
whatta weirdo
ever since you were children he’s always been an oddball
clings to you wherever you go
even though he’s older than you sometimes it feels like you’re the older one who has to take care of him
honestly if it weren’t for you he probably wouldn’t have survived the first 15 years of his life
not to mention the multiple times you had to guide him whenever you were in malls or in a crowded marketplace just to make sure he doesn’t get lost or distracted
would fool around with you during family gatherings
inside jokes are a thing no ifs buts ors
whenever something reminds you of that inside joke you’d just look at each other from the other side of the room and make eye contact before smirking
all your other siblings are so done with you two,,, especially your parents
like the time the both of you attempted to bake a cake for fun and eggs ended up on the ceiling
don’t ask
it took all your willpower to stop winwin from burning the place down
when you guys finished you were covered in all sorts of ingredients and spend 15 minutes laughing about it
but you got closer thanks to that!!
even though winwin should not be allowed in the kitchen or near a stove anymore sometimes when you two hang out and want to reminisce you just start baking
always ends up in a mess but you two have fun anyway
as you two grew up there wouldn’t be much that changed
he texts you random korean words or phrases just to show you how much he’s been improving
actually convinced you to take up learning korean too
you would call him and talk to him in korean to practice and he would cheer you on or correct you if you got any words wrong
lowkey doesn’t want you to meet any of the nct members except for renjun lmao
would probably try to set you up with renjun,,,, but ended up as you two being rly good friends so it was a win/win situation ha ha
has actually had to fight yuta to make sure he did not get your number
“but if winwin is this cute then how cute could his sibling be??? come on pls”
you know all his embarrassing secrets,,, and always made sure to bring it up whenever he has members over
he would whine for you to be quiet about it and stop
older sibling! winwin is too lovable u are blessed
s o f t
literally the best older brother you could ask for
took care of you so much when you were children
basically coddled you
fell down in the playground and scraped your knee? expect older brother jungwoo to run around finding a bandaid before putting it on your knee as he told you to be more careful
forgot lunch? jungwoo will 420 blaze it to your classroom and hand over his lunch saying that he’ll steal some food off of his friends
had arguments with you whether or not cow was spelt with a c or a k
someone made you cry? the moment you entered the house you’d just hug him and cry to his sweater
he’d just hug you back and tell you it’s okay while caressing your head
older brother jungwoo is soFT
he probably wouldn’t change as you got older
still coddled you nonstop 24/7/365
“its going to rain today don’t forget to bring your umbrella”
“yes mom”
soccer nights are a thing and tradition to never forget or break
you always wanting to meet nct and jungwoo chuckling nervously
“(y/n),,,, im not sure that’s a very good idea,,,”
you teasing him playfully
“I saw that new meme on instagram about you,,, can you try saying ‘skorret’ again”
“dO YoU havE JunGwOOiTis?”
“(y/n) pls stop”
“you know the general public and your members seem to have the image that you’re real soft i wonder if they know about the time where you-“
but all is good because jungwoo loves you!! and you love him back don’t forget that
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tired--nb · 6 years
Finally gonna post this oof it's called haircut bc you dont own me and I cant title things for shit
Anyways its 2,839 words so buckle up for a kinda long one thats undercut.
Lynn sighed messing with her hair. Now that she's growing it out it looks awkward. It's annoying, she's never cared how others see her but damn, it looks bad. When she finally laid her head down in defeat she heard a knock.
“Hey hun, it's dad I have something for you.” her dad said opening the door.
She laying picked up her head and leaned back in her chair, “Lit, thanks, dad. What is it?”
He fidgeted a little and pulled out a small, light gray and blue box. “Well, since your hair will take a long time to grow back I bought you a gift card to the hair salon down the street. So you can get a haircut or extensions. Whatever you wanna do.”
“Thanks, dad. I'll walk down there tomorrow after work.” she took the small box and placed it on her desk, then gave her dad a hug.
“It's no problem, I wish I could have gotten a gift card to a fancier place but money's tight right now, especially after that villain destroyed the shop,” he said hugging her back and sighing.
“I said it's it's fine dad.” she insisted, as they sat there in comfortable silence.
Soon though her dad pulled away, “Anyways I have to go get your brother. Be home in a few.”
“Ok, see you when you get back,” she replied stretching. Once she was done she moved to her bed and sighed. She had a lot to do today, but honestly, she was barely motivated to get up. Hell, she got up and went right back to bed. She laid there for god knows how long until she heard her dad and brother come in.
Joseph immediately barged into her room and belly flopped on her, “Lynn!! I'm home!!” he said excitedly. “Get up! Get up! Get up! We have to water our veggies!!” he was now standing in her, chest.
She looked at him and smiled, quickly grabbing him and flipping him onto the bed. “First off, calm down. You little rascal. Secondly, ok let's go.” she said still smiling.
Joseph sprung up and cheered, “Yay! Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I get a piggyback ride there?!” he jumped up and down on the bed, his red hair flying everywhere “Please, please, please, pleeease?!”
“If you stop yelling,” she replied, he shook his head up and down furiously. She laughed a little and moved to the edge of the bed.
Joey quickly latched on to her and yelled: “Go!!”
“What did I literally just say?” Lynn asked kinda turning her head towards him.
“Not to yell…” he mumbled, looking down.
“Exactly. Now, off we go!” she said happily as she carried her brother through the small house and to the smaller backyard.
Joseph practically jumped off Lynn's back and ran to get the watering can, “I’m gonna get the water!” he said running back inside.
Lynn gave a small nod in acknowledgment and crouched down to look at the plants. As she looked at the plants she didn’t notice any extremely chewed up leaves. She sighed, “Hey dad good news, whatever was chewing up our plants last week stopped.”
“Awesome! They didn’t eat of any other the actual vegetables right?” he asked from the kitchen of the house.
“Nope, just wanted leaves, I guess,” she said as Joseph came out the watering can floating around him.
“I did it, sis! Look! I can orbit the water container now!” he exclaimed running up to her.
She pats him on the back and smiled. “Nice! I’m so proud of you. Now could you hand it to me?”
“Sure! Catch!” he said as he flung the watering can out of his orbit and straight a Lynn.
The watering can slammed into her and knocked her over. By now the water was all over her. “Joseph you know that is not what I meant. You need to be more careful. You can't control how hard you fling things yet. You could have broken the watering can, or even hurt me.” she scolded him, as she stood up.
He looked down at the ground and kicked at the dirt. “I know… I'm sorry…”
Lynn sighed and stood up, grabbing the watering can. “It's fine now just be careful.” She slowly walked up to Joseph and poured the rest of the water on him when she was close enough. “And now we’re even.” she pats his back.
“Hey!! Don’t do that! These are my school clothes!” he said puffing out his cheeks.
“And? It's the weekend they'll be dry by Monday. Anyways I'm gonna get more water.” she said walking inside. She went into the kitchen and placed the watering can in the sink. “Man when Joey flings stuff outta orbit it hurts.” she placed a hand on the spot where it hit her.
Her dad looked up from what he was doing and looked at her, “You ok? I can heal it for you if you want me too?” he said with a little bit of concern in his voice.
She shook her head, “I'm fine, I can heal too you know?” she replied, turning on the sink.
He let out a nervous laugh, “Of course, but I still worry. I am your dad.”
“I know, I know.” she said, then started humming a song called ‘Home’. The pain in her stomach slowly started to fade.
“Oh for dinner I'm making beef bowls,” he said as he cut some vegetables.
Lynn stopped humming and replied, “Lit.” she turned the sink off and picked up the watering can. “Welp I'm off.”
“You say that like you're going to be gone for awhile.”
“I mean I probably will be.” she joked and walked back outside, back to humming. “I'm back Joey, you didn’t break anything did you?”
Joseph looked up at Lynn and smiled, he had a bunch of dandelions orbiting him. “No!” he stuck his tongue out at her.
“Good.” She stuck her tongue out back at him. Them she moved and started watering the garden. Starting with their two tomato plants and ending at their two pepper plants. Their garden wasn't big, at all. But it was enough for them and they were grateful for that.
As Joseph put more dandelions in his orbit and Lynn admired the garden, their dad called for them to come into the living room.
“Joey I know you haven't done your homework so start on that.” Joseph sluggishly got up and grabbed his bag, moving to the small table they had.
“Now Lynn,” their dad turned to Lynn. “have you done your homework or the school work from today? I know you came home early so you have extra work.”
Lynn let out a groan and sighed, “I'll do it now, I guess.” she walked to her room and sat down at her desk. She heard a muffled ‘thank you‘ from her dad and replied. “It's whatever dad.”
She pulled out her work and stared at it. She has no motivation to do it, honestly. She let out a small puff of air and pulled out an old mp3 player of hers, putting on her headphones and grabbed her pencil. Luckily they didn’t start anything new today so it should be easy. Slowly but surely she worked through all of her homework, but before she could finish she was called for dinner.
She quickly walked out and joined the other two at the table, “Thank you for the food dad.” she said before digging in.
“Yeah, thanks for the food dad!” Joseph said with his mouth full.
“No need to thank me. And don’t talk with your mouth full Joey, it's gross.” their dad replied before taking a bite.
The three of them ate in peace until they were all done. “I can do the dishes dad,” Lynn said already picking up everyone's plates and stuff. “Oh and I'm gonna be up a little late tonight I have to finish my homework.”
He dad nodded, “I'm gonna put Joseph to bed, don’t stay up too late.” he got up and shooed Joseph off to their room.
Lynn absentmindedly did the dishes as she thought about tomorrow. She was gonna be quite busy, first thing in the morning she has to make breakfast, then once her dad goes to work she has to take Joseph to the neighbors so they can babysit him, then she has to go to work, and finally she has to stop by the hair place on her way home. She sighed, tomorrow is gonna be rough.
Once done with the dishes she went back to her room and finished the last few questions on her homework and went to lay down. She laid there for a little before she realized she forgot to take her medication. She got up and quickly shuffled to the bathroom, took her medication, and laid back down, eventually falling asleep.
She woke up to her alarm clock beeping, oh boy 7 am. She got up and made her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge, wondering what to make. Eventually, she decided on ochazuke, a simple enough meal for breakfast. She made it fairly quickly, placed the three bowls on the table, and went to wake up the other two.
Quietly she made her way to her brother and dad's room, she opened the door and went up to her dad first. She shook her dad’s shoulders lightly, “Daaaad, dad, dad. Get up. Time to eat breakfast and get ready for worrrrk.” he stirred a little and opened his eyes.
“Morning.” he half mumbled, Lynn took her hands off of his shoulders.
“Morning.” she smiled, then walked up to Joseph. She her hands on his shoulders at shook him awake. “Rise and shine, Joey,” Joseph grumbled and rolled over. “Aww… Don’t be like that Joey.” she half laid on his side, “Get up bum.” he pushed her off and pulled his blanket over his head. She laughed a little and hummed ‘Stronger Than You’, which is one of her favorites. She pulled the blanket off of him and picked him up bridal style, “Let's go.”
She walked to the table and placed him down by it, “Time to eat.”
Joseph sighed and sat down at the table, starting to eat. Their dad looked a Lynn and smiled, “Thank you.”
“No problem. I'll be right back.” she walked to the bathroom to take her morning medication. Once done she went back to the table and started eating.
Her dad finished first and kiss both Joseph and Lynn on the head. “I'm off to work, be good. Love you two.”
“Love you, dad,” Joseph said, with his mouth full… again.
Lynn lightly smacked him on the arm, then replied. “Love you too, have a nice day.” he did a small wave and left. “Ok, Joey dad’s gonna be gone till at out 6 PM and I'm gonna be home late today. So, there's a possibility that dad may get you from Nana’s, ok?”
He nods, “Ok.”
“I just remembered you're five and I'm probably speaking another language to you…” she sighed. “Anyways, you done?”
“Yeah,” he replies as he pushes his bowl to her.
Lynn nods and takes their bowl to the sink. She quickly washes them and takes Joseph to his room. She picked out clothes for him and helped him put them on. “Stay here while I go get dressed real quick.” She goes to her room and puts on her work clothes and her face mask. Then walks back to Joseph's room.
“Time to go?” he asked, holding the same small bag of toys he takes to his babysitter’s every time he goes.
“Yup, let's go.” she picked him up along with her keys to the house and left, locking the door behind her.
“Off to Nana’s!!” Joseph said happily as the crossed the street.
Lynn walked up to the house and knocked on the door, “Yup, too Nana’s.” eventually an old lady came to the door a bright smile on her face.
“Ah, Jojo! No-- Lynn! Come in, come in!” she moved and gestured for them to come and sit.
Lynn set down Joseph and walked inside, sitting down on the old lady's couch. “I know I say this every time I bring him here, but thank you so much for watching him. I don't know what we'd do without you.”
She sat down next to Lynn, “It's no big. He not too much to handle anyway.”
Lynn nodded, “Well I would stay and chat but I'm later than usual. So bye. Thank you once again.” Lynn waved as she left.
Once out the door, she started to hum ‘Bastille’. Immediately feeling lighter on her feet she jogged her way to work.
Eventually, she got there and opened the front door to the small grocery store. “Ah, Noah there you are! I thought I told you to be here a 9:30? It's 9:45!”
Lynn flinches at her deadname and sighs, “Sorry sir I was taking my brother to his babysitters.” Lynn looked at her hands, debating if she should say something, eventually deciding to. “Also, sir… My name is Lynn. Like I've told you every other day this week.” she fidgets with the bottom of her shirt.
Her boss scoffs at her, “Whatever get your ass to work. I've tacked at a full hour to your shift because you were late. Then had the audacity to correct me.” he glares at her, “You got that Noah?”
She flinches again, nodding. “Of course sir. I'm sorry I'll get to work now.” She quickly shuffled to the back room looking at the charts of what needed to be restocked. She spent the next 3 hours in what she’d call hell. Constantly being deadnamed, having to deal with her boss, and literally just stocking for 3 hours straight.
Eventually, her shift ended and she was able to go home. She walked home slowly enjoying the spring air. Thinking of what's yet to come. She has her UA exam coming up after school ends in a month or so. Then she has Joseph's birthday around that time too. Damn. Once she got home she grabbed the gift card from her room and left again off to the salon.
As she walked up to the small shop she wondered what she wanted. Well, she had no idea what she wanted. She’s just gonna go with whatever the barber wants to do.
She walked in and sat down. She had never been here and it's a little surprising to see only one barber. Right now she has that weird Justin Bieber hair, for lack of a better way to describe it. And she hated it. While it was the longest she’s ever had her hair it just looked weird to her.
As she sat there and thought the barber finished with the other customer and ask Lynn to come sit in the chair. Lynn obliged and say down.
“So! What are we doin today? What's the sitch?” the barber asked, he was a young with shoulder length bleach blond hair that was up in a bun.
“Ah, I don’t really know… I guess I'll get that one haircut most boys get. You know the one where the sides and back are shaved and it's it's long on the top?” she replied.
“Sounds good. How long would you like the top?” he asked already snipping her hair.
She thought for a moment before deciding, “Just an inch shorter than it is now would be nice.”
“Okey-dokey,” he said then focused on cutting. After a little, he was done and showed it to Lynn.
Lynn studied it for a little then replied, “I really like it thank you. It looks a lot better.” better she thought for a moment then asked.
He nodded and went to a cabinet on the far wall of the building. “Wait are you ok with extensions?” he asked as he pulled out two darker purple extensions. He brought them over to Lynn.
“I mean I don't see why not?” she replied.
He sat there and thought about it a moment before clipping them above her ears, where the tops were covered by her hair. “There I feel like it looks better now.”
She looked at the mirror and smiled, “Yeah I'm glad you did that, I feel like it frames my face well.” she stood up and dusted off.
He smiled and walked over the register, “So how will you be paying?”
“Oh, I have a gift card.” she pulls out the gift card her dad gave her and hands it to him.
“Awesome!” he rang it up.
“Also you can keep the extra cash on it I don’t need it,” Lynn said as she went to leave. “Thank you once again.”
As she walked home she felt better about herself surprisingly. It was a nice change of pace.
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asexualkiba · 7 years
For the 'send me a ship' thing that I'm probably way late to: Shikamaru/Kiba because I'm in rare pair hell.
aaaaaa oh man they cute they cutei had fun w thiiis
who wakes up first in the morning
No brainer. Kiba. All shika wants to do is sleeeep. He wakes up when he has to, duh, but if given the chance or a lazy day, hes gonna stay in bed for a while longer, whether Kiba’s energetic lil behind is there too or not.
(But imagine if shika has to get up early for a job, he has to peel kiba off him. and kiba is not about that life, no, dude, pls just cuddle me why the hell are you leaving wtf “kiba i have work” “no u dont shhhhh” “babe”)
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
another NO BRAiner, shika wants to SLEEP
Plus, kiba (and akamaru) are super warm and GREAT to just pass out on. And Kiba freakin loves it, bc, Kiba is 100% about physical affection plus shikamaru probably smells really nice tbh
what they playfully tease each other over
idk, honestly? probably how awkward they were when they first liked each other. bc it was probably hilarious so later they just argue over which of them was more painfully awkward and poke fun abt it like that lolol
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
Shika just, collapses, face first into Kiba’s jacket if hes having a bad day lol. He’ll just stay there, and Kiba will hold him and probably play w his hair some and rub his back bc i feel like kiba is so definitely like that.
If Kibas having a bad day he’ll be visibly frustrated, and shikamaru will, in the most casual form of gentle, be like, hey hun, calm down a bit. maybe hold his face and kisses. then tells him not to worry. He promises theyll watch a movie later, but they both fall asleep during it, but theyre both just warm and happy and Wow i got lost in this scenario.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
lol i feel like their arguments are so surface and FUNNy as hell, because Kiba gets worked up over weirdest things, and Shika would just be like “?????? What the hELL are you talking about??”
Anyway idk how theyd apologize. They’re both probably grumpy for a while. Probably just Kiba flops backwards onto Shikamaru’s lap, starts being affectionate again. Probably says some rlly sappy stuff, you know, gotta keep the balance here. And shikamaru just snorts and tells him he’s a dork, but his favorite dork, so it’s fine.
which one’s more ticklish
I’m so bad at this question bc, like, theirs no character you couldnt improve by imagining them being super ticklish. so im here like : BOTH BOTH BOTH every single time, i just want everyone in tickle wars.
I really wanna say shikamaru cuz he’d laugh really loud and man
their favourite rainy day activities
Shikamaru, trying to teach Kiba shogi. He’s not super bad at it? He loses to shikamaru pretty quickly the first few times, and he’s never won a game overall, but he’s got the mind to kind of expect what moves may happen and compensate. He still loses and usually after a few games gets frustrated lol (And shikamaru has to reteach him how to play sometimes lol) but they still play often!!
how they surprise each other
Heck if I know tbh. Shika probably randomly treats kiba to dinner, or more likely orders in his favorite takeout so it’ll be home for him and yknow. rents his fav movies or comes home w jerky or stuff yknow, just little easy things that kiba is like “!!!!!” over.
And Kiba surprises shika accidentally, like, he just felt like seeing him so he showed up to walk shikamaru home one day. Stuff like that. BUT HE ALSo will try to surprise him on purpose, cuz like, “holy heck shikamarus going to love this! *heart eyes*” and like buy him books or snacks or something that reminds him of the other. Idk. I got kinda lost on this question im not really feeling confident in this one lol.
their most sickening shows of public affection
The most they do is like goodbye/hello kisses? So its not all that sickening? I could see them not really having personal bubbles in regards to each other, like just laying across one another or just hanging right on them and stuff. They probably say vaguely flirty/gooey stuff out loud thats funny to hear???
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@wingroad​ asked for AoMomo, and after much delay, here it is:
1. Who liked the other first?
Aomine is denser than a wall of bricks when it comes to feelings, and always has been. He started like-liking Momoi way back in the mists of time when they were like, six or something, but didn’t realize that’s what it was.
Back then, his crush mostly manifested in trying to be all badass and trying to impress her with dumb little-boy feats like “I CAN CATCH FISH WITH MY BARE HANDS” *plunges bodily into creek to demonstrate* or “I SCALED THIS GIANT TREE STU–AAAAAAH!” and then Momoi has to get him to stop crying long enough to go grab an adult and/or the first aid kit.
(friendly psa that crybaby!Aomine is canon)
It didn’t really hit him until around the start of middle school when puberty first started rearing its messy, hormone-addled head, but by then he’s become a master of putting his foot in his mouth thanks to all the macho bullshit he’s absorbed from god knows where.
So instead of trying to win her heart, he sets out to demonstrate that he is Too Manly For Feels and keeps trying to get her to pay attention to him by pulling dumb stunts like claiming he can see her panties, trying to show off to her in increasingly stupid ways (backflipping onto roofs? seriously???), and having absolutely no filter when it comes to sex things (in his case, the virtues of boobies).
Amazingly, Momoi has yet to swoon into his arms.
(In all seriousness she probably was starting to kinda sorta maybe like him back before he started being a dumb teenage boy, and he will eventually realize some ten years later that yes, he has indeed been cockblocking himself for most of his young life.)
2. Where is their ‘special spot’?
I’m honestly not sure I could top your tree house headcanon, @wingroad​, so I won’t try. XD
3. How do they cheer one another up?
In Aomine’s case? Very badly. XD He just sort of sits next to her and kinda tries to figure out what to do with himself. Awkwardly pats her back and mumbles about how she shouldn’t cry bc that makes her face look all weird and puffy and hey, um, do you need a tissue? *digs around pockets and only comes up with lint* should I beat someone up?
It just keeps going like this until Momoi either laughs at his ridiculous suggestions or just flops against his side for comfort, and then Aomine has a whole new problem because they don’t hold “How to Hug The Girl I Like” classes and um. shit.
In Momoi’s case, she usually tries to get him to talk it out because lord knows Aomine is not the most emotionally savvy person even on a good day, and he’s kind of eaten up a lot of macho bullshit like candy over the years, like how Real Men Don’t Cry and Real Men Don’t Talk about Their Feelings and Real Men Don’t Ask for Hugs Even Though a Hug Would Be Really Nice Right Now. Hell, half the time he can’t even untangle why he’s mad or upset or sad unless he has some help putting it in perspective.
So yeah, depending on what he needs, she’ll either kick his ass, get him to talk, Dai-chan, with actual words, or just come over and offer one of those hugs that Real Men Don’t Ask for Even Though They Would Be Really Nice.
4. What is their favourite movie to watch together?
Basketball matches on TV? XD
They may have grown up together, but their tastes in entertainment are pretty different. I mean, come on, Aomine’s favorite movie is Godzilla. (Doesn’t matter which one, all of them have giant lizards fighting and stuff exploding a LOT)
Momoi loves plot-heavy movies with lots of social drama and Western period movies (think Jane Austen) which Aomine falls asleep to because oh my god they are so talky, Satsu, wake me up when someone finally does something.
He makes a bit more of an effort to stay awake when he realizes that Momoi will simply go find other people to watch these movies with, and two of these people happen to be named Kise and Tetsu, and. *twitch* *twitch twitch*
5. When did they know that they are each other’s soul mate?
XD Oh hell no. Aomine will have to work for this girl. She deserves nothing less.
6. Where do they primarily kiss one another out in public? Examples forehead, cheek, hand etc.
For all of Aomine’s crude comments and boobie obsession, ask him to hold the hand of the girl he likes and watch as all 1.90 meters of him turn into a flustered, fidgety mess.
Just. Not an ounce of smoothness anywhere. He’s the guy who spends ten minutes performing “surreptitious” stretches meant to lead up to suavely putting an arm around her shoulders, only he ends up banging his elbow against the wall so hard that the resultant swearing gets them kicked out of the theater.
Seriously. Momoi is the one who initiates like 90 percent of the PDA, and then quietly delights in the utterly stunned wonderment lighting up his stupid face like he can’t believe she’s decided she wants to kiss him.
7. Who goes all out for the other person’s birthday?
Sometime after the birthday where Aomine tried to gift her a stag beetle in a jar (he caught it himself, and it’s the biggest most awesomest beetle ever, so why is stupid Satsu tearing up all of a sudden?!?!?), Momoi begged him not to try to give her any more gifts. And Aomine acts all offended but he’s quietly relieved because even he’s starting to realize he’s absolute shit at figuring out what to give other people as presents.
So instead Momoi’s birthday becomes the day where they do whatever she wants, from morning to evening. This mostly requires Aomine to stand around fidgeting in front of the changing stalls in a Cecil McBee (while the petite salesgirls by the cash register eye him like he’s some sort of pervert, urgh), or trying to fit into an absurdly tiny ornamental chair at a cake shop so ludicrously fancy it has a waiting list, and trying to grumble not so much that Satsu will believe he doesn’t want to spend time with her, but just enough so she can never know how many beats his heart is skipping whenever she smiles and waves one of the stupidly expensive cake pops in his face.
8. Whose clothes are too big for the other, but they wear them anyway?
Oh god, no. Momoi has grown up with this boy. She has seen his room. She has been around when his mom makes him clean his room and he’s stuck under the bed unearthing stray socks and boxers from three months ago, Dai-chan, you gross human being.
(Aomine absolutely does have dumb fantasies about her in his jersey though, which he keeps locked in a mental strongbox with three heavy chains around it and he’s still not sure she can’t somehow tell, because girls are weirdly psychic when it comes to pervy thoughts.
He doesn’t yet realize some of those dreams are only a dry-cleaning bill away.)
9. Who is the one who stays up late baking brownies and dancing in their underwear wearing a baggy shirt, and who is the one who comes down to see the other being all cute?
No. God no. And Momoi has seen entirely too much of Aomine just randomly walking around in his undies because he’s out of stuff to wear but too lazy to do laundry, and there is nothing cute about stopping by only to walk in on Aomine Daiki doing a general inventory on his junk.
10. Would they cuddle even though it is super hot outside?
This presupposes that they cuddle at normal temperatures.
(Srsly, Aomine is just really awkward at all those normal tender gestures because he’s bought into way too much macho bullshit and it takes time to untangle all that. Doesn’t mean Momoi won’t sometimes plop down on him like he’s a chair and start eating tub ice cream until he complains about not getting his share)
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san--shine · 5 years
NADDY!!! YOUR FACE??? I SAW IT AND YOU'RE LITERALLY AN ANGEL WTF SO BEAUTIFUL! also hi there! it's late again i'm sorry and i'm still exhausted but it's a good day and it's cooled down luckily (i'm not ready for almost 40 degrees next week please just let me move to antarctica) it's so weird i love summer but not too summer please? anyway yes thanks again for the playlist i'm so happy i liked it too!! my own one was a failure :/ (haven't finished listening tho) -🐌
tbh i'm still to oneus names and voice wise but i believe you bc all of them are so powerful wtf?? so talented and here i was refusing to stan when my friend showed them to me even though she already got me into all the other groups 😂 did you see their fruit costume dance practice?? also YAY FOR SIMILAR BIASES!! it was minho for me first but you stan one you get the other for free seriously what a beautiful talented duo of dumbasses! (2/3 i guess oops)
aaaaand i would love to hear ur answers to 1, 5, 8, 14, 18-20! that's a lot i know i'm sorry i'm just curious!! i don't know counts as an answer tho definitely. that's my rambling done for now i hope your day has been good!!!
😅🙈😘 Believe me, I am no angel. But thank you so much sunshine ~💕💞 Don’t be sorry you’re late. Everything is fine.
And same, I love summer but not too summer. But my too summer is a bit higher than for you. I should be fine with the 40°C next week. But we will see since I need to concentrate and that might actually not be possible if it gets that hot. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m sorry to hear that your playlist was a flop. But I strongly believe there are nice songs in there. If you want you can send it to me in a few days and I will listen to it too~
I have a habit to choose my biases after their voice. Like when I listen to their songs from who are the lines that I instinctally start singing. So it was Seoho, but the other are all so good. I just cant decide on a wrecker or a second bias 😍🤩
Yes I saw that dance practice. Its so funny. I had to laugh so much especially becaus Xion wouldn’t stand up and danced as a small orange 😂
True. Its like that for the most groups. Stan one and you get the whole family :3
Here are your answers ~
1. Which 3 members of Ateez would you get on well with the most, and why? (I will keep these short :’D)
San: for many reasons. We are quite similar for one. For the other I think we could hype eachother up and stuff. And hes a cancer, which matches good with saggitarius (as you can see with wooyoung too).
Yeosang: We are similar too. We are both sassy, we are both calm, we both enjoy a bit of skinship. Like I think we could silently comunicate if you put us in a room together.
Seonghwa or Hongjoong: Since they are the oldes. Joongie and I would most definitly have a love hate realationship. Since he overworks himself so much and I am someone who cares to much. While Hwa and I probably might be really wholesome and help eachother whenever we can. No matter if “babysitting”, cooking or just relaxing or having fun ~
5. What is your favorite live stage from Ateez?
uff thats so hard. Especially since I saw them all live actually. I would have to go through all of them and then answer this later again if you’re still interested in this question by then.
8. Which member makes you laugh the most?
laugh or laugh cringe? :’D
Most of them make me laugh cringe tbh. Like you should have counted how much I say “San, just sit down pls and stop” when I watched the weekly idol episode. But they all make me laugh so much everytime I watch anything ~
14. Is there a hairstyle you really want to see on your bias?
Not really I think. I mean San could pull of almost everything I believe!
18. Rank your bias’ looks throughout all Ateez eras. (from 1 to 10, 10 being the best)
Predebut: 7. SO SOFT. I can’t say more than that. But baby get a better haircut ^^
All to Zero: a solid 5 I would say. Not my favorite look and sometimes the stylists really fucked up. But he lookes really soft a lot of times which I really enjoy.
Zero to One: 10. Just ugh. Pls. Let me love you. The soft side as well as the demon side. Just let me hug you and then lets rule hell together!
One to All: 9 THE SOFTNESS RETURNS. I am glad he got the haircolor he wanted and it suits him well. 
19. Who do you think has the best eyebrows in Ateez?
Seonghwa? I never focused much on their eyebrows so far to be very honest with you :’D
20. What job do you think would suit each member if they weren’t idols?
SH: Professor
HJ: Producer or Composer
YH: Vet
YS: Bookshop owner
S: Flowershop owner
MG: kindergarten teacher
WY: primary school teacher
JH: Coffeeshop owner
0 notes
jetsnacks · 7 years
A lil hurt comfort for a friend
This is for @the-sanders-sides bc they have a lovely voice and was responsible for this idea. It's not my best, (I'm kinda running on fumes atm and this was hard to write for some reason haha) but it is finished! so that's something. INCLUDES SPOILERS FOR THE LATEST VIDEO If someone asks, I can probably edit it to be spoiler free! Descrip: logxiety, background morince, they watch frozen and it's real fluffy Warnings: swears, insecurities Anxiety had made an art of avoiding Disney night, if he could help it. It started out as movie night, which quickly devolved into musical night, then Disney night. Of course, they still had regular movie night at least once a night, which was fine, since it usually didn't involve all that... singing, but disney night was hell. Not because of the movies, but because of the company. The other sides were probably the worst people you could imagine to watch a movie with. Roman, predictably, knew every second by heart, and insisted constantly that "OH! This next bit is my favorite! Anxiety, are you watching? Are you watching it? You better be watching it-" As if Anxiety didn't know the movies twice as well as he did, anyways. But even worse was the singing. Constant. Singing. He was nearly convinced that Roman had choreography for every single number from the golden age to now. Roman was the worst, but Patton was a close second. Patton... was a crier. He was also completely complicit in Romans choreography plot. Anxiety pulled his legs up onto the couch to avoid getting twirled into by both of them. It was frozen night. It was definitely Anxieties guilty pleasure musical, one of the ones that he sang to himself when he couldn't sleep. Unfortunately, Patton caught him watching it. Now they HAD to have a 'bonding experience', apparently. They had actually made it all the way to 'Love is an open door' before Roman actually started dancing. (He took hans's part, while Patton took anna's. Anxiety would never let him live this down.) Now he was huddled in a corner, hiding in a cave of blankets, trying to see the screen around Roman swinging Patton around the coffee table. Thank god for Logan, the only not-dancing-idiot in the room. Logan didn't usually come to these either, or at least he multitasked. (Annoying in its own way, but less so.) Anxiety got the feeling that Patton had given everyone the 'now, we've got to try to include him' talk, which made him a little sick to his stomach. Trying to ignore the bitter taste in his mouth, he turned to Logan. He was watching the other two dance around the room, a small smile on his face. Anxiety knew from the way he sat up a little every time Roman almost flung Patton across the room, or Patton tripped a little on the carpet, that he was trying to keep them safe, without ruining their fun. His tie was loose, his eyelids drooping. Anxiety pulled the blanket closer around him like a fuzzy fortress. /conceal don't feel- holy shit that's cliche I need to stop./ His could feel his face heating up, and tried to focus back on the movie. It was almost time for the big number. He expected Roman to stay standing, but he flopped down on the other sofa, pulling a giggling Patton down with him. Watching the other two sides curl up next to each other made something deep in his chest start hurting. He ignored it, focusing on the song. /The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a foot print to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen/ He knew it was cliche. He knew it. But something in him really loved the song. It was... lonely. He could understand that. /The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried./ He saw Logan turn to him out of the corner of his eye. By the time he realized he was singing, it was too late. Everyone was looking now. The song went on with out him. He sat petrified on the couch, face turning red. /conceal, don't feel, don't let them know./ He really hated dramatic irony. Logan was the first to speak. "Anxiety-" Every atom in his body was filled with nope. He was 100% nope. He shot out of the room like a rocket, nearly tripping on his blanket. He didn't want to stick around to hear them laughing at him. He locked the door to his room as fast as he could, and collapsed against it. Anxiety did not sing. It wasn't his job. If he did sing, it definitely wasn't disney. It was like, evanescence or something. Not frozen, of all things. He burrowed further into the blanket. Someone knocked on the door. "...Anxiety?" Logan. Great. They had just started getting along. Now Logan hated him as much as he hated Princey. Probably more. Anxiety wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "Did I... did we do something wrong?" Great. Now they thought it was their fault. "No. Go away." He sounded like a child. He heard something move just outside the door, and something put a gentle weight on it, like Logan was sitting on the other side. But sitting on floors was not a thing Logan did. Right? "Look, I embarrassed myself, ok? You can all make fun of my later, for now just... leave me alone." He swallowed as many sobs as he could, waiting for the other side to go away. Just when he thought Logan might be asleep or something, he heard a quiet voice. "do you want to build a snowman?" Logan was... singing? His voice was rough, and a little off key, the words too formal for the character. "Or. Uh, something something... halls..." Logan cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'll- I'll just go-" Anxiety whipped the door open, causing Logan to fall flat on his back into the room. "Are you making fun of me because I will not hesitate to crush your skull like a watermelon." Logan looked up at him, blinking. "I am not." He said firmly, readjusting his glasses. Anxiety narrowed his eyes. "Then why'd you do it?" Logan looked... pinker than before, but it may have just been the light. "I... came to the consensus that you may have been... vulnerable when you sang. The best way to lessen vulnerability in others is to open up yourself... Was I... was I correct?" Anxiety rubbed the last of his tears off his face with his sleeve, extending the other hand out to help Logan up. ".....Yeah. Got it in one." "I still don't understand that saying-" "Shut up and watch the rest of the movie with me." "...Ten-four." "Vocab word?" "Vocab word."
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ekhoecho · 7 years
Chapter 3
Yeah, yeah... I know it’s been about 4 months.. or more. probably more.
Anyway, Enjoy the next part of Ice!
cheeky tag bc it’s @antisepticdie‘s AU. based off of an aesthetic of theirs
Jack stared at the crumpled piece of paper, folding it over and seeing the numbers rather than reading them. He sighed, picking up his phone only to place it down again. He didn't know why he was so nervous to text Signe, just that he was. A ball of knots sat in the pit of his stomach before simply tapping in the number and sending a simple message.
J: Hey Signe!
S: Hey! Jack, right?
J: Ding ding ding!
S: :D
J: Have you considered joining our team?
S: I have...What's it like? Being on a team, I mean.
J: We're just a bunch of friends who skate. It's nothing overly special. You do live around here, right?
S: I'll talk to my trainer. And yeah. I'm from around here.
J: Great!
A sudden blare of the fire alarm jolted Jack out of his seat. He smelled smoke, and his oldest brother was cursing heavily, running around in the next room over.
J: Oh crap- sorry Malcolm burned the food. I gotta go.
S: Haha! See ya, Jack.
Jack set his phone down on the old wooden table and made his way toward Malcolm and the burning spaghetti noodles. 
"How did you even...?" Jack asked, staring at the noodles which were on fire in the pot of water.
"I have no idea, just please help." Malcolm replied, desperately trying to quench the fire and shut off the alarm at the same time.
"Fine." Jack laughed. He grabbed a pot, filling it with water and threw it at the noodles. They hissed as the flames were extinguished, smoke curling into the air.
"Thanks" Malcolm muttered, heading off to shut down the alarm with his head bowed in embarassment. 
"Nah, its cool bro. You down for some pizza instead?" 
"Uhh...sure I guess."
"Sweet. Can you order? I know we're kinda in the middle of nowhere so it's gonna take a while to get it. I'm gonna go out to the pond." Jack backed out of the kitchen, heading for his room to grab his things without waiting for a response.
The walk to the frozen pond was absolute hell when there was already heaps of snow on the ground. Jack trudged through it, leaving behind long and loping footprints. The sun cast everything in gold as it set across the horizon.  Lacing up his skates, Jack smiled and stepped onto the ice. It was heaven, the smooth feel of the ice and the biting cold of the wind. He traced thin lines over the ice, breaking through the thin layer of snow and leaving looping designs. The roll of the skates on the surface was mesmerizing and Jack found himself closing his eyes just to listen to the sounds surrounding him. He had been out here so many times, he could practically trace the pond's edge blindfolded, having memorized every inlet on the perimeter and ridge from the currents beneath.
The sun had long since set when Simon stumbled out into the night to call Jack back inside for dinner. The two staggered inside, Jack setting his skates down by the door before heading into the kitchen for pizza.
"I'm beat." Jack murmured sleepily, rubbing at his eyes in an attempt to stay awake, cheese falling off the end of his half-eaten slice.
"Sleep, bro. You need it." Simon said, nudging Jack towards the couch. He flopped down onto the cushy surface, asleep before he could even say 'I'm not tired.'
"Night, Jack." Simon whispered to his sleeping form, pulling up a blanket under his chin and flicking off the lights.
*** The lights were blinding, reflecting off the smooth ice and into the frosty air. No crowd was in sight but the usual chants of the audience were present. Besides the chatter of the ghost crowd, the rink was surprisingly silent. A judges table sat alongside the rink, their scoring systems ready yet no judge ever came out to sit down and watch. Lifting his head slowly, Jack stepped onto the ice and the lights dimmed to form a spotlight around him. 
Music started off gently, playing out a simple and light piano melody. Jack made light footwork of it, not knowing the piece but feeling his way through the song. He fumbled up the timing slightly, turning late for a jump as the music started to crescendo. He winced, knowing that he'd get points off. As the final note sounded from the speakers, Jack posed and waited for an applause. He stood there for a second before dropping his arms and skating around the rink, gazing up into the stands.  They were filled with people and Jack could pick out a few familiar faces. Malcom, Simon, Signe... the list went on. Friends and family sat in the seats, staring vacantly down at Jack and made no move to clap for his performance. Confused, he skated over towards the Judges empty table and slid to a halt when that wasn't empty as well.
His eyes fell onto strange versions himself in each of the seats, deliberating with each other before turning back to him. On the far left was a man with a vibrant shock of green and a pale mask with crudely drawn-on markings. The person sitting next to them had purple hair in place of the green and white eyes instead of blue. He was zoned out, barely paying attention to Jack, much less the other judges on the panel. A rugged-looking man sat next to him, sullen and stern and Jack skated back from him and trailed his gaze on towards the rest of the judges. A strangely robotic version of himself sat in the next seat, half unfinished with wires and coils exposed to the frosty air. A doctor followed him, then a flamboyant man who refused to take off his blue mask. Another robot sat next to the duo, yellow hair and his blank expression faded whenever someone asked a question. The last two people seated was a man in a snapback while a man with a slit neck and black gauges sat at the right. A tinny voice sounded from a loudspeaker, announcing the show was over and urged everyone to go home. Jack looked up at the speakers in confusion before dropping his attention back to the assembled judges.
Deciding that the judge in the alabaster mask was the least threatening, he directed his question to him. "Who are you?" He asked hesitantly. Without warning, each judge disappeared in a wisp of smoke, the one at the right end leaping at him with a knife in hand. Jack screamed, scrambling back from him as his face took up his vision then faded to black. ***
Jack screamed, his hand over his racing heart before taking a deep breath and calming down. Footsteps pounded on the floor as he let himself fall back onto the couch, hiding his face in his hands. 
"What happened?" Simon asked, concern lacing his voice.
"Nothin." Jack murmured, embarrassed that he actually screamed. "Jus go back to bed." 
"It didn't sound like 'nothing' Jack." He pressed. 
"Just a nightmare. It's ok." Jack said and propped himself up to face his brother. The blanket shifted, falling to the floor and Simon picked it up and carefully folded it, placing it back on the couch.
"Wanna tell me about it?"
"Not really. I forget half of it anyway." He said. Details were fading fast with the rising sun, as if the sunlight could burn away the horrors he had dreamed up.
"Alright. You sure you're ok?" Simon asked again.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I swear. What have we got for breakfast?" Jack asked, pushing himself off the couch and walked to the kitchen.
Simon followed Jack into the kitchen, leaning against the counter and gazing around the small room. "We've got leftover pizza, or we could make eggs for the others. Malcolm is heading to his place later today and Susan is at her place so its just you, me and Allison." 
"Eggs it is." He sighed, shaking off the last bits of sleep before getting the eggs from the fridge. Simon set the rest up, turning on the gas and placing a little cube of butter into the pan and waited for it to melt.
"So I got a call from some people. They wanted speak with you about skating." Simon offered, sending a pit to Jacks stomach at the word 'call.'
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transssexualheart · 8 years
GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL1. you woke up naked to the last person you texted, what would you say?probably something along the lines of “sarah what the fuck”2. what’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?they asked me this! we are still very good friends3. if your bf or gf was into drugs, would you care?nah4. is your last name longer than six letters?it’s exactly six letters5. was your last kiss drunk or sober?sober, ive never been drunk6. have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?idk, i mean that girl i asked out earlier this month hardcore rejected me so i guess technically i messed it up by asking her bc we aren’t friends anymore but she was kind of a dick so i don’t care7. what does your last received text say?“ur bio on tumblr is my old bio but with there must be added and ur info and that’s amazing good taste lad”8. how many times have you kissed the last person u kissed?idk i didn’t count and the last one was over a year ago so it’s been a while 9. where was your last kiss at?idk i think it was ur house??10. when is the last time you saw your sister?like fifteen minutes ago11. what do you drink in the morning?usually water, sometimes juice12. where did you sleep last night?my bed13. do you think relationships are hard? i mean, i suppose so. everything is pretty hard, especially when it involves love. but isn’t it supposed to be? if there aren’t hard parts or struggles, then how are the good parts any good? this is not to say that abusive relationships are any at all good, if your partner is hurting you a lot, physically or emotionally, then it’s not worth the good parts. 14. if you could go back and change something in the past five months, would you?nah, my past five months have been alright. i don’t really regret anything i did.15. you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?how many times do i have to tell you we are good friends no there are no problems16. would you rather it be sunny or rainy?depends, i don’t want all sunny or all rainy. but i love summer rain, so17. do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?no, i do know people who’s first name are my middle name18. are you wearing jeans, sweatpants, or pajama pants?leggings and a skirt bitch19. do you think you will be in a relationship three years from now?god i hope so20. does anyone like you?i know for a fact that at least one person does21. have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?no, ive got multiple friends with s names though so which one of you wants to change that ;^)22. is the last person you kissed gay?oh you fuckinh bet23. is there a person you cannot stand?of course, donald trump24. have you ever considered getting a tattoo?of course! i actually do have a stick and poke25. in the past week have you cried?well this week just started, i did cry last week tho26. what breed was the last dog you saw?idk27. do you dry off in the shower or outside the shower?outside28. have you ever kissed a football player?nope29. do you think you’re old?im 14, so no30. do you like text messaging?yeah, its p cool31. what type of day are you having?alright, pretty gay32. have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?yeah, i def want piercings33. do you prefer warm or cold weather?i used to say cold, but warmer weather makes me so happy lately, it’s usually spring or summer when i fall hard for people so34. is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to youdan avidan35. would you prefer a relationship or a fling?relationship36. are you a simple or complicated person?i dont know37. what song are you listening to?when the day met the night by p!atd38. when you say you’re sorry do you mean it?yes39. is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?ah i’m confused about genders and stuff of my friends sometimes, ive got two really close friends, one is genderfluid so sometimes they’re a girl and they know pretty much everything about me, the other idk?? she calls herself a girl sometimes but i’m still unsure but she knows nearly everything40. what made you start liking the person you like now?idk. it really just kind of happened? i think it’s that they make me laugh, which is super important to me41. when did you last get a text message?maybe an hour ago??42. what is wrong with you right now?i’m afraid of my friends not liking me, not caring, fuckin it up :)43. how well do you know the last female you texted?GENDER IS CONFUSING SO IDK WHAT COUNTS AND WHAT DOESN’T44. does anyone disgust you?donald trump, mike pence45. would you date someone right now if they asked?depends46. are you in a good mood right now?i’m alright i guess47. who was the last person you talked to in person?my mom48. what color shirt are you wearing?navy blue kinda49. has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?don’t think so50. anyone you’re giving up on?nah51. do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?no no no52. have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?i once thought about giving up on a friendship, but couldn’t.53. do you like rain?no, i hate myself (i like the actual rain tho, especially in summer)54. do you care if your gf/bf drinks? so long as they aren’t getting hurt and it’s not unhealthy55. have you ever liked somebody and never told them?yep56. do you like to cuddle?YES, who wants to fucking cuddle i will give you forever love57. are you shy?i have social anxiety58. do you get along with girls?yes i love them59. have you dated the last person you texted?yes, actually because after the long time it took to answer all these the last person i texted is different from the last person i had texted when i started this. the last person i texted was the asker lol60. what do you carry with you at all times?my phone, chapstick, lipstick, and pads61. if you were paid 1 million dollars to spend one night in a supposed haunted house, would you?well i’m super paranoid and scared of the dark so i’d def need someone to come with me but for i million dollars, that so much money man so probably62. do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?yeah63. think back to october, were you in a relationship?no64. the person you like kissed you on the forehead, do you find this cute?YES FUCK ME UP65. did anything cute happen in the last week?person i have a crush on existed and they’re cute as hell so yes66. how old are the last three people you kissed?LOL IVE KISSED ONE PERSON they’re fifteen67. would you rather pay people to get your nails done or do them yourself?i always do them myself68. which do you like better, zebra print or leopard print?neither i don’t like animal print69(lol). do you have any stickers on your car?i don’t have a car, my mom’s has a bunch of bernie stickers tho70. would you rather listen to luke brian or lil wayne?yeah i don’t listen to either so no idea71. blackberry, andriod, or iphone?iphone72. when’s the last time you had a pizza from pizza hut?uhhhhh i was like 1173. do you like diet soda?never had it74. what color are the walls in your room?pink75. are you 16 or older?already said, i’m 14 so no76. do you watch pretty little liars?no77. do you have a job?nope78. what are your initials?REO (i haven’t written them out since my name change over a year ago, wild)79. did you ever have braces?no, i am missing an entire adult tooth tho80. are you from the south?nah81. what does your last status on facebook say?i don’t really use facebook, only for messaging and seeing drama club updates82. do you still talk to the first person you kissed? yeah did it today83. are you closer to your mom or dad?my dad died when i was eight so by default, my mom84. have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?nope85. what’s the last movie you saw in theaters?i think it was the ghostbusters reboot86. do you smoke?nah87. would you rather wear heels or flip flops?heels88. is your phone touch screen?yeah89. do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?i don’t have hair, my head is shaved. i used to wear it straight, but if i had time i would’ve curled it every morning (curly hair makes me weak tbh)90. have you ever snuck out of your house?nah91. would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?a pool92. have you ever made out in a car?i have kissed in a car, but it was not making out93. had sex in a car?never had sex anywhere94. are you single or in a relationship?single95. what were you doing last night at midnight?sleeping (wow me sleeping at a somewhat reasonable time?)96. when’s the last time you saw fireworks?probably on the fourth of july97. do you like the camera on your phone?it’s ok98. have you ever had a friend with benefits?if the benefit is their love then yes99. have you ever passed out from drinking?no100. are you friends with people on facebook you actually hate?i don’t really use facebook101. have you ever had a pregnancy scare?lol no i’ve never had sex102. name your fav kesha song:tik tok probably lol103. do you have any tan lines right now?it’s winter, no104. would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?i rarely wear shorts, let alone cowboy boots
tysm for asking!!!!
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This is what I am about
About me.WARNING:::: I do have a potty mouth,  I can get bad at times.. I will do my best to not let the sailor loose..lol..Im  40 years old..At home caregiver for fiances mother who has Dementia. A mother.. Animal lover, nature lover, movie lover. Love to laugh, especially when I feel down. I am a people person, people like to talk to me, sometimes confide in me shortly after meeting me and having a conversation.. Must be a gift.. I am silly and cut up out of the blue. My mind sometimes is going 90 to nothing so I want to talk about all kinds of stuff.. Here lately I have been down, but you know us momma's and how we put on a smile while wanted to scream or run and hide from the every day bullshit and stress. I do not have insurance and SINCE I believe in therapy, and myself has 8 classes left to take before getting my Bachelors in PSY, I thought about this..Its honestly gonna be hard because of my self esteem to a large amount of people, but I think this is what I am needing to get out of the funk I am in. This blog is for me to express myself to those I dont know(out of my comfort zone) and keep my mind distracted, bc I battle with depression daily and hide it well. Lost my mother to cancer in February, and it messed with my head more than I thought.  I dont come from the Brady Bunch type of family.. we are all messed up in our own way..lol.. I am one of 5 siblings and lets just say we come from the Average Dysfunctional Family... Writing in a journal has helped me more than I thought it ever could.. so, I am taking a bigger step.. it may flop, if so ohhhh well.. I am doing this to help myself, to help others, and to work on different ways to come beaming thru your computer screen. I am a nervous wreck but screw it.. you only live once.. why not.. hell they didnt have all this technology when I was groing up, I would have had a ball... totallly not fair.. so I am raining in on the younger generations parade.. If you want to know something just ask, try and not be hateful.. you can have an opinion but no need to be rude... BULLYS SUCK, they are not welcome here..K... ok.. I want a place wherewe can post, talk about whatever , trade stories, help others who just need to vent and rant some.. EVeryone has there own problems some worse than others so I am going to post and I am going to upload video to see if I can get people like me, we just need someone to listen from time to time... Fixing to be on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and probably more.. so if you like what you see, follow me, refer me if you think a friend will enjoy.. I will share each of my links as I join.. Cant wait for the sessions to start..LOL
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