#this whole year. year of temporary arrangements.
kraniumet · 2 years
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i am gonna miss my no effort sparse #girlapartment. a bit.
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
Steve and Eddie go through the whole adoption process in 1996, despite how difficult it was to find somewhere willing to help them at all and despite their conflicted feelings on adoption.
The way they saw it though, providing a loving home for a child who needed one was better than the alternative. Eddie had enough experience with temporary foster homes to know stability was better than constant moving and questionable foster parents.
They get a foster placement almost immediately, a six year old girl named Amelia. She’s quiet, but not in a way that worries them. She’s very focused, and enjoys going to school more than any regular children’s hobbies. Neither of them know what to do with that other than keep encouraging it.
She stays for months, months turn into a year, and the agency finally gives them the go ahead to complete the adoption process.
But they don’t do anything without talking to Amelia.
She’s happy there, her therapist signs off on it immediately and explains that Amelia has shown more personality development and less signs of trauma with them than she had even living at home. Not to mention they actually brought her to appointments, unlike her previous guardians.
To celebrate, they throw a party with all their friends and family and tell Amelia she can invite anyone from school she wants. She invites everyone.
Turns out their daughter is a social butterfly and is friends with everyone.
At the party, Eddie pulls out his guitar, plays a bunch of popular kid-friendly songs after a very scathing look from Steve as a reminder to behave.
Amelia walks over to him after a few songs, on a sugar high like he’d never seen on her before, and asks to play the guitar.
He’s hesitant, but not because he’s still protective of his guitars, more because he doesn’t want her to embarrass herself in front of her friends. Kids are cruel, even and especially at seven, and the last thing he wants is this to be the thing that kids talk about for the next ten years.
She sits on the couch and holds it, arranging her fingers…correctly. Eddie watches.
Steve is watching from across the room.
She starts strumming, very quietly at first, not as confident as she’d been a moment ago. And then she starts really playing.
It’s one of the songs Eddie wrote. He played it for the last four months nonstop as he perfected it, and she’d apparently been watching.
Eddie’s jaw is on the floor and he quickly looks over to Steve, who has a similar look of surprise on his face.
He doesn’t interrupt her. She makes it through the entire song.
She looks up.
“When did you learn to play guitar?” Eddie asks.
“When I was watching you.”
“But have you played before tonight?”
Amelia shook her head, looking down. “Didn’t wanna touch it without asking.”
Eddie pulls the guitar from her hands and sets it aside, then pulls her into his lap and hugs her. Steve sits down on the couch next to them, hand on her back.
“You can always ask, sweetie. And if you’re this interested and this natural, we can buy you your own guitar if you want. I didn’t think you were interested in playing.”
“I wanna be like you,” Amelia admitted against his shoulder.
Eddie was done for. He looked at Steve, half-panicked, trying not to cry in front of these people, but Steve wasn’t faring any better.
“Then we can go get you a guitar tomorrow. You can get your own picks, too. They might even have purple ones.”
“Can I have red? Like yours?”
“Of course, sweetie.”
It only took them two days after that to realize she could play by ear, just like Eddie.
And then it only took another day after that to realize she had taught herself to read music too.
They spent hours and hours every week playing together while Steve cooked dinner or checked her homework or just watched them.
When Eddie’s band decided to record another album and go on tour when Amelia was 12, Eddie insisted that she get to be on it.
She ended up helping write one of their songs, played on the track on the album, and with a lot of work, convinced Steve to let them homeschool her for the entire 8 months they’d be on tour so she could perform on stage with her dad.
“Can’t believe she’s not even genetically yours. Are you sure you didn’t have an affair?” Steve asked the night before they were leaving for Europe.
“When would I have had an affair? I came back to the tour bus or hotel with you every single night,” Eddie kissed him softly. “She’s amazing, huh?”
“She is. What happens when she wants to be a full blown rockstar like her dad too?”
“Then we make sure she’s protected and has good people around her like I have. She could be a rockstar easily. She’s got the talent and the presence,” Eddie smiled. “And she’s got me to make sure no one takes advantage of her. But she’s only 12. We’ve got time to worry about that later.”
“You’re bringing her onstage every single night all over the world for the next eight months, baby. I think later is now.”
Eddie sighed. “She’s gonna blow them all away. I’m proud of her. Let’s focus on that for now.”
And she did blow everyone away. The fans and the media had nothing but good things to say, and Steve didn’t have to go into overprotective mom mode at all until she was 15 and signing a record deal of her own.
But between Eddie and him, the entire industry knew better than to fuck with her or them.
They made rules, of course. School still came first, she still had required family events to be at, she still had regular friends at home. She wasn’t allowed at any parties, not even the events for award ceremonies.
But she didn’t really need those rules. She had no interest in parties or abandoning her friends or family, and she was a straight A student who still had hopes of getting into Brown for Journalism like her Aunt Nancy. She had a passion for music and wanted to share it, but not at the cost of the rest of her life.
And Eddie and Steve did everything they could to make sure she got to have everything. That’s what they’d promised her from day one.
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Ritornello (Alastor x Cursed!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any but please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 3,565
Previous Part: Rhapsody
Next Part: Rapture
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N Okay I know that canonically Charlie is like 200 but we're gonna make her 25.
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After everything with Alastor, Y/n tried to continued their life as it had been before he'd stepped into. It was challenging, they faltered and misstepped. They had been good at being on their own once but now that they had a taste of the alternative, it was difficult to fall back into their old ways. Eventually, they managed to fall into a new pattern of being.
They were a bit more careful now, they didn't dash out unannounced from behind corners or secret hiding places. Seeing Alastor was the last thing they wanted to do. Now, they had someone to avoid.
For seventeen years, they continued on like this. They struggled through their battles on their own, against the overlords and against their own personal situation. They searched high and low for a cure but the only things they ever seemed able to come up with were false promises and temporary fixes. Every day, the curse the overlords had placed on them to limit their powers was growing stronger. Every time they used their magic, played their music, it became more and more corrupted and so, they learned to fight with their hands. This was until they got the call from Lucifer, of course.
The pair were old friends of a sort. Y/n had met him by chance within their first few days in Hell when he'd pulled them out of a tight spot. They didn't spend time together ever or really see one another at all but, Y/n had a vague sort of trust for the man, a strong sense of a debt needing to be repaid. Y/n didn't like owing people things, not even back when they were alive. They didn't like depending on people in that way. When he asked them if they could keep an eye on his daughter, they couldn't refuse.
Charlie was a lot. At twelve years old, she was bright and over the top and constantly bursting out into song. At first, Y/n had been rather uncertain about the whole arrangement, even when she'd gone through her emo phase at fifteen.
Y/n tried to steer clear of them for the most part. Picking her up from school, dropping her off. Babysitting when her parents needed a night to themselves, the normal stuff. When the issues started between Lilith and Lucifer, Charlie was suddenly thrust into Y/n's life a lot more. She had no idea the real reason, both her parents wanting to keep the trouble from her due to their own care and protective natures, and Y/n tried their best to keep it that way. It didn't help that by sixteen, Charlie had practically moved in with the demon but they managed.
Charlie had always pushed for a connection, something more than Y/n making her dinner and getting her where she needed to go. Y/n resisted at all costs. They'd been hurt before by trust, by care. The idea of going through it all again was terrifying. That all changed the day Charlie found out about the curse.
Y/n hadn't meant for her to find out. One of their situation's many many downsides was that while the curse ate away at their magic, it also ate away at their physical form. If they weren't careful, if they didn't temper their emotions and make sure they were eating enough raw meat, the beast would take over.
The beast was a horrific thing in their eyes, blood hungry and devastating. It was sub-human, sub-demon even, writhing and scornful. A mass of twisting shells of prey, a mass of claws and sharp teeth.
Of course, Y/n couldn't keep it from Charlie forever and on one fateful evening, Y/n had transformed. They'd been overworked, stressed about the fact that the Vees were gaining more territory and power, that soon they would be practically untouchable. They had forgotten to take care of themselves in the rush of it all, prioritizing Charlie and their plans.
When they had come back to their senses, come back to themself, it had been to the sight of Charlie. With a damp rag held to their forehead by the demoness and a whole lot of bones from victims of their situation on the floor around them, they had opened their eyes. Y/n had expected Charlie to flinch, to run in fear, to tell Lucifer who knew nothing about the curse. Instead, she had smiled brightly and told Y/n she was glad they were okay. From that day forward, they were absolutely inseparable, completely attached at the hip.
With Charlie's help and cheerful influence, Y/n was beginning to learn how to exist. They loved the girl like she was their own and Charlie knew if she ever had an issue of any sort, she could go to Y/n about it. Even when Y/n had relayed the story of how they'd been cursed and why, there had been no issues, no qualms, nothing. Charlie promised her watcher that she would help them break the curse, no matter what it took.
It was watching Charlie come into herself as a young adult, watching her meet and fall in love with Vaggie that made the real difference. The princess of Hell was unapologetically herself and Vaggie took everything she had to offer with open arms. Slowly but surely, the search for a cure took a back seat as did Y/n's goal of taking down the overlords of Hell. Their life was different, but they were happy. They found themself wishing for the past, the one they had shared with Alastor, less and less, channeling their energy into the world around them. They didn't even notice when the reports started to come in that the Radio Demon of the overlords had seemingly vanished.
Things hadn't been without their challenges. Charlie's relationship with her dad was strained to say the least and when her mom had disappeared? She'd been absolutely inconsolable but with one another's help, they figured things out, made it through.
When Charlie pitched the idea of the Happy Hotel, Y/n had been doubtful. They knew a lot about Hell, the way it functioned, the way the demons within were. It came from decades running around back streets and surviving in the underworld of the underworld. It was Charlie's hope that did it, her earnest gaze. Y/n had caved and after months of hard work, the Hotel had finally opened.
Things were going well, too well even. Then there had been the interview with Katie Killjoy, the other shoe dropping. Y/n had watched it from the sidelines with Vaggie. As soon as Charlie had come down off the set, they had enveloped her in their arms and held them close. With Vaggie's help, they managed to get Charlie back to the hotel.
Once she had calmed down a little bit, Charlie stood from where she had been seated in the sitting room beside Y/n, Vaggie, and the hotel's one resident: Angel Dust. She mentioned something about calling her mom before disappearing into the lobby.
Y/n and Vaggie exchanged a look. They both knew the situation Charlie was in with regards to her mother and how she tended to get after one of her failed attempts to contact the woman. Neither thought this was the time or the place to step in however, and remained seated, chatting idly with Angel as they waited for Charlie's return.
When she finally did, it was with a nervous attitude and a strained expression.
"Hey Vaggie?"
"What?" Vaggie asked as she and Y/n twisted to look at Charlie who stood in the door way behind the couch.
"Can you come help me please?"
Vaggie got to her feet and exited the sitting room with her girlfriend. Y/n turned to Angel to continue their conversation but had barley gotten a word to the spider demon out when Vaggie stepped back in the room.
"Yeah?" Y/n replied calmly.
"Charlie actually needs our help with this one, I think."
"Alright then." Y/n got to their feet, shooting a glance back at Angel, "A true hotelier's work is never done." they lightly joked and Angel rolled his eyes.
"What's this about?" Y/n asked Vaggie as they followed her down the hall towards the hotel's main entrance.
"Just..." Vaggie sighed, "you'll see."
Noting the girl's odd behavior and stressed demeanor, Y/n steeled themselves. Not much put Vaggie on edge. She was strong, toughened, as far as Y/n knew, by a brutal upbringing in the streets of Hell. While each use of their powers made the curse grow stronger, they would not hesitate to protect Charlie or her dreams should the need arise. Besides, they'd become quite good at other means of self preservation over the years.
As they rounded the corner into the lobby space, Y/n was greeted by a flash of red as someone pushed past Charlie into the space from the street and a familiar voice.
"Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929. So many orphans."
Y/n let out a low growl, summoning their lute into their hands and Vaggie pointed her spear at the Radio Demon. It was pure instinct. If they knew anyone, they knew Alastor and redemption was not the Radio Demon's cup of tea. As Charlie shut the door, he turned to face them. Y/n walked a few steps forward, planting their feet a little ways away from Alastor and poising their fingers to play.
"Get out of here." They said through gritted teeth.
Alastor's eyes widened with recognition for the smallest moment. As quick as he had lost it, he regained his composure.
"My what a protective force this Hazbin Hotel has." Alastor mused.
"It's called the Happy Hotel actually?" Charlie hesitantly corrected and he laughed.
"Not anymore its not. I did you the favor of fixing your sign."
A little threat couldn't hurt, a little reminder of who he was dealing with. Alastor had no idea Y/n was any less capable than when he'd first met them. One little note couldn't hurt, wouldn't show any of the damage done. Y/n plucked a single string on their instrument and the room around them began to glow. Everyone's hair lifted around their faces, the loose edges of their clothes beginning to flutter.
"Get out of here now. I wont ask you again."
"Now, is that anyway to treat an old friend?" Alastor replied, smirking.
Everything suddenly clicked into place. There was something different about him. Y/n couldn't put their finger on exactly what it was, but they could tell he hadn't been lying. He'd been at the Hotel for at least five minutes by now, maybe more with all Charlie and Vaggie's running back and forth since his arrival. If he had had any truly negative intentions, they would have revealed themselves, especially to Y/n. Alastor was a good liar, but no one was that good, good enough to trick someone who had watched them become the person they are.
"Old friend?" Vaggie repeated, turning to Y/n in confusion.
Their grimace faltered, before falling completely. They released their instrument, letting it hang loosely in their hand by their side.
"Alastor! You're embarrassing me in front of my kid."
"Your kid?" Alastor asked after a moment.
This time the shocked expression that crept its way onto his face stayed there.
"You know him?" Charlie asked at the same moment as Alastor spoke.
Y/n let their instrument dissolve into the air and gestured to Charlie.
"My kid. And yes, Charlie. I know Alastor."
Alastor turned, looking Charlie up and down.
"You got with Lucifer?" Alastor asked in confusion as he looked back at Y/n.
They laughed lightly at the notion, unable to stop themselves. They shook their head.
"No. Oh my gosh, I would never. Seriously just... great guy and all but no thank you. I just take care of his kid for him. Well, used to. We sorta got attached."
Charlie walked up to Y/n as they spoke, pulling them into a side hug.
"Y/n practically raised me. They were kinda the only one who was always there for me."
Y/n looked down at Charlie with a fond smile. They ruffled her hair and Charlie quickly batted their hand away.
It was clear to Alastor that Y/n had changed. They were no longer the trouble making demon he had known, that he had loved. Still, there was that same spark in their eyes, that fervent desire, that want. From just the small interaction playing out before him, he could tell that Y/n had learned how to trust and protect rather than just fight. They had learned to live hand in hand with that creeping need woven so tightly around their bones, rather than despite it.
It made him happy to see, it made him happy for her. At the same time, it caused his heart to ache terribly. They had finally been able to let someone in, and it hadn't been him.
In the years since their separation, Alastor had never stopped thinking about Y/n. Their memory was tender to the touch, shot sparks of joy or anguish down him depending on the day. It was like an old wound that had never quite healed right. Seeing them now was unexpected. The wound reopened. He sheltered himself.
Y/n saw the way Vaggie still had her spear pointed at Alastor, aimed straight at his neck. Gently, they placed a hand on it, pushing it down. Vaggie looked at them, her eyebrows raised.
"If he wanted to hurt anyone here, he would have done so already."
Vaggie stared at Y/n for a moment. Seeing how serious the demon that had become a mentor to her was in this moment, she lowered her blade. Y/n's hand fell back to their side.
"Now," Y/n turned to look at Alastor once again, "why are you here?"
It was late. Vaggie had told Y/n that Charlie wanted to speak to them about something in their office and so, Y/n found themselves outside the familiar door. They knocked once on the dark red wood.
They opened the door and Charlie smiled.
"What'd you wanna talk to me about, Sunshine?" Y/n asked as they entered the room, taking a seat in the chair across the desk from their young charge.
"Just about Alastor."
They should have known. Not only was the hotel at a potential risk thanks to the decision to allow him to work with them but Charlie had always had a sharp sense of curiosity. Y/n sighed.
"Fire away, kiddo."
"Well, how do you two know one another? Can we trust him? Do you think he means what he says he does? I thought you hated overlords? I.. I..."
Y/n smiled softly, the change in their face easing Charlie's nervous temper.
"We will handle these one at a time, no prying. Deal?"
"Y/n, you realize how suspicious that makes you sound, right?"
"Fine. A little prying. Deal?"
Y/n leaned back in their chair, letting out a sigh of nostalgia. Their hands rested on their stomach as they kicked their feet up onto Charlie's desk.
"I... I met Alastor practically right after he arrived. We both thought the overlord system was dumb and so, we decided to team up."
There was a moment of silence, broken by Charlie. The young demoness had always loved Y/n's stories, begged to hear them. They had never once heard this one before.
"Is that all?"
Y/n shook their head.
"We dated."
"You dated!" Charlie exclaimed in shock, nearly jumping out of her seat, "You dated the Radio Demon. Were you in love?"
Of course she'd go on and ask that next. Not 'how'd that happen?' not 'when was this?' No, Charlie had to go for the hardest question first, like she always did.
"Yes." Y/n hesitantly replied, "I did."
"I... oh my god. This is actually crazy. You dated? You actually dated. Like for real, in love, dated."
"Alright." Y/n clapped their hands, taking their feet off the desk and righting themselves in their chair, "Next question."
"I said some prying."
"Fine." Charlie sighed, crossing her arms, "But I am gonna get that story out of you eventually."
"I'm sure you will, sunshine." Y/n chuckled lightly, "Now. Can we trust him? I... I'm not sure."
All the excitement vanished from Charlie as she looked seriously over at Y/n.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Because, he's up to something but not with us. Or, if it is with us, it's not to hurt us. I... something happened to him, something is different. I am not sure what I just... he's not here to hurt us... I think..."
"You think?" Charlie repeated indignantly, "Can you be a little more sure of that maybe? Why only think?"
"It's been a long time since I've seen him, Charls. Maybe being an overlord is what changed him. I have no way of knowing but my gut tells me he's okay, at least for now."
"You knew him before he became an overlord?"
"You really think I would team up with one of those bitches? Come on. You know I hate them."
"Next question." Y/n quickly interrupted, not wanting to think on the past anymore than was necessary, "I think he does mean what he says, as was implied in whether or not I trusted him but the same caveats that applied there apply here too. And I do hate overlords, I just..."
"You just love him." Charlie teased.
Y/n's cheeks grew hot. They looked away.
"I do not. I loved him. There is a difference."
"Uh-huh. Sure. Why did you guys break up?"
Y/n turned back to Charlie. They couldn't say no to those eyes.
"Well, he became an overlord. Also I maybe... never told him. About the curse. He could tell something was up and..." Y/n took a breath, "couldn't take it after a while I guess."
"So you guys still loved each other when you broke up."
"What are you scheming over there."
"Nothing! Nothing!" Charlie quickly replied as she not so discreetly scribbled something on a piece of paper, "How long were you together?"
Y/n placed their hands on the arms of the chair, pulling themselves to their feet.
"Alright, trouble maker, I think thats enough lore outta me tonight."
"But Y/n!"
"I'm gonna go to bed. Vaggie already headed upstairs for the night I think. Sweet dreams, princess."
"Good night Y/n." Charlie dejectedly replied as she realized she really wasn't going to be getting anything else out of her mentor that night.
"Good night."
Y/n was about half way through the Hotel back to their room when they felt a hand on their shoulder. Reacting purely out of instinct, they ducked out from under the person's grip, spinning around with their fists raised. Alastor smiled down at Y/n and they sighed.
"What is it?" they asked, straightening up.
He had expected Y/n to be angry, to have that familiar sharp edge behind their voice. Instead, they looked up at him. As if everything was normal, as if it hadn't been thirty years since they'd last seen one another, as if they had just been together yesterday, their eyes met his.
"I... it's good to see you."
"It's good to see you too." they replied after a moment's thought, "What are you doing up this late?"
"You know me, sleep is not my preferred way to pass time."
"I meant what are you doing in the hall, but sure. Yeah, I know you."
"That darling Charlie asked to see me."
Y/n scoffed, shaking their head with a tired smile.
"Of course she'd... yeah."
They stood in the hall facing one another. Just a few feet apart. The silence was thick.
"You seem happy."
"I am." Y/n nodded, "Charlie is a great kid. I was pissed when Lucifer first asked me to look after her, I'll admit it but, she has grown on me."
"I didn't know you were acquainted with the big man. I thought you despised all authority figures."
Y/n looked critically at Alastor, over his whole being. He felt they were looking into his very soul, the heart of all his intentions and desires. He felt absolutely naked in the worst way under their gaze.
"No, just overlords. Especially ones who make deals for the souls of others. It's a stupid and outdated system. Even the best of them like Rosie abuse their power to get what they want."
It was a well sharpened arrow, the remark. Perfectly aimed. Alastor had, after all, introduced the small group inhabiting the hotel to Husk and Nifty just that afternoon. Y/n turned their back to Alastor.
"She has big dreams and the passion to see them through. I believe in her. Don't... don't fuck this up for her, Alastor."
Next Part -> Rapture
@moonmark98 @luzzbuzz @snowlotr @randomuser-89 @fakeguysarehot @xdolls-crownx
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
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I'm in the mood for...
July 15th
1. For the next itmf I had 2 requests
A) Wei Wuxian not being okay after his 3 months in the burial mounds. Like, not just being mean, I want him to barely be holding to reality, maybe some amnesia, but for him to be bad to a concerning point
B) Wei Wuxian feeling isolated
Thank you! ♡
🔒 At heart by apathyinreverie (M, 36k, WangXian, WIP, Dark LWJ(Ish), Amnesia, WWX gets to be Not Okay after the BM, Hurt WWX, Recovery, Caring, Protective LWJ, Possessive LWJ, some definite manipulation, but not everything is as it seems, not nearly as dark as the tags make it sound, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, kind of, Domestic WangXian, Fluff, WWX Goes to Gusu, Possessive WWX, WWX happily atticwifing away, Sunshot Campaign, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, ridiculously self-indulgent) LWJ finds WWX in the Burial mounds and he heals slowly. Has Amnesia, doubting the reality and malnutrition as focus points
they who refuse to be blessed by sysrae (E, 7k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Whump, Golden Core Reveal, Developing Relationship, wwx can have a little scurvy, as a treat, Bathing/Washing, Confessions, Sharing a Bed) things happen and lwj gets to take care of wwx immediately after finding him, noting all the damage his time in the mounds has done
🔒 between the shadow and the soul by Reverie (cl410) (M, 22k, WangXian, JYL/WQ, JC/NHS, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family, Dark WWX, Feral WWX, Memory Loss, Magic, Magical Realism, Protective LWJ, Protective JC, Protective JYL, Grief, BAMF WWX, POV Alternating)
🔒He knows He knew Once by StarClearWaters (Readoutloud) (G, 6k, WangXian, Temporary Amnesia, Resentful Energy, Burial Mounds-Induced Amnesia, Blanket Permission, POV Multiple, Not as angsty as it sounds)
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Grave dirt by esama (T, 92k, wangxian, canon divergence, necromancy, demonic cultivation, farming, found family, pre-slash, politics, Fix-it of sorts, yilingwei sect au)
Having Enough (of your foolishness) by makexianxianhappytoday (T, 18k, WangXian, Hurt WWX, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jiang Family Bashing, Canon Divergence, CSSR and WCZ Live, Yunmeng Jiang Sect Bashing, JYL Lives, JZX Lives, (but what are the consequences), JC Bashing)
2. [ITMF ask] Are there any fics where the resentful energy from the Burial Mounds (physically? Mentally? Metaphorically??) love wwx and try their best to help him survive? Especially when they still recognize wwx in mxy's body after the whole 13 years thing
Mud on Your Feet by AvoOwO (Not Rated, 59k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Nightmares, Sentient Burial Mounds, Burial Mounds, Possession, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Good Sibling JC, Hurt WWX, Soft WangXian, Feels, Blood and Injury, Hallucinations, Delusions, JC Loves WWX, Insomnia, Good Sibling WWX, Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking, LWJ just wants to sleep with his husband, Protective JC, WWX Sees Dead People, LJY pulls through, POV LWJ, Cloud Recesses, PTSD, Post-Canon, YLLZ WWX, resentful energy, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Thirteen Years of WWX’s Death, WWX’s Three Months in the Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, WWX is tired, LWJ literally just wants to sleep with WWX again is that too much to ask for??, Soft JC, Yunmeng Siblings Feels)
Devil Flute Upon Graves, Wei Ying by cloudyrobinwrites (jwyoomi) (M, 18k, WangXian, HuaLian, JYL/JZX, MXY & WWX, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Angst, Hints of Fluff, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Sentient Burial Mound, Ghost WWX, Future Calamity WWX, Pre-WangXian, what if wwx actually died when he first fell into the burial mounds and came out as a wrath level ghost, he has a murder of crows like HC's silver butterflies, grab some popcorn watch him spiral, WWX is Not Okay, He'll get better I promise, Canon Divergence, WWX is a Calamity, WWX is not having a fun time, the burial mounds is a tiger mom, how to motivate yourself to finish mount tonglu: think of LWJ, hualian are WWX's emotional support parents, deity JYL, Deity JZX, Good Sibling JYL, JZX is So Whipped, Heavenly Emperor XL, but like forced he doesnt want to be on the throne but fate is like lol nope, Xuanli Raise Jin Ling as They Should, dont worry the MCD refers to the canonical character deaths theyre fine, The Burial Mounds Wants More Kids, what happens when a ghost king gets thrown into a murder mystery, WWX picked up MXY and decided he'll be his student now, MXY managed to summon a calamity level ghost what a guy, WWX disguises himself as a rogue cultivator) It's a MDZS/TGCF crossover in which the Burial mounds is an actual character
3. itmf fics with the wei family. any where cssr and/or wcz are alive and taking care of their baby, or ones where wwx has a sibling! ty!
Building a home by R95irth (T, 586k, WCZ/CS, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-it, Angst with a happy ending, Family fluff)
Cartwheels In Cloud Recesses Series by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 23k, WangXian, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR and WCZ Live, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans)
The Different Paths We Tread Series by Admiranda, Rynne (T/G/E, 345k, WangXian, CSSR/WCZ, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Different First Meeting, Genius WWX, Inventor WWX, Drama, Fluff, Strangers to married, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Minor Violence, Case Fic, There Was Only One Bed, Getting Together, First Kiss, Meeting the Parents, Resolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Romantic Tension, WWX Is a Good Big Brother, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Blood and Injury, Yiling siblings, Married WangXian, Wangxian's Baby Fever, POV Outsider, Twin Jades of Lan Dynamics, PWP, Desk Sex, Inappropriate Use of Gusu Lan Forehead Ribbon, Light Bondage, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Anal Sex, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, LWJ Has a Biting Kink, Anal Fingering, wwx's debatably self-lubing asshole, xxc and cssr meet, WWX is a Lan, WWX is Xiao Xingchen's Shizhi, Non-Graphic Depictions of Donkey Childbirth)
4. Back again with a hand out, begging! Love you all so much! This is an ITMF request: Jiang Cheng-centric groundhog-day AU? I've seen a few with WWX but I'd love one with Jiang Cheng being put through it! (no JC bashing, prefer canon era) @kimboo-york
5. Is there a Cloud Recesses Study Arc fanfics where they see the future in the classroom? @tjrc18
Wei Wuxian’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good First Meeting With His Future by Enigmatree (T, 3k, wangxian, Time Travel, Cloud Recesses, YLLZ WWX, POV Outsider)
6. Hello! I'm making an 'im in the mood for' fic request! I'd really like to read a fic where Wangxian adopt Xue Yang and give him a good childhood :D
Also if there are any ships with xy, i have a STRONG preference for songxuexiao
🔒 if you can’t beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 228k, Wangxian, NHS & WWX, WWX & WQ, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family, Burial Mounds, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Pining, Morally Ambiguous Character, Rumors, Politics, Developing Friendships, Good Uncle LQR, Demonic Cultivation, YilingWei Sect) He gets taken in as a son/disciple together with MXY into the sect WWX is totally not creating on accident
Unstoppbble by Immortal WangXian (Mr_Pervert) (M, 85k, WIP, WangXian, XiCheng, XuanLi, NingSang, QingJue, Immortal LWJ, Immortal WWX, Good Parent YZY, Good Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Good Person XY, Evil JGY, Travel Fix-It, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Bottom JC/Top LXC, Bottom NHS/Top WN, Supportive NMJ, YLLZ WWX, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ, Fluff and Crack, Shameless Smut, Action/Adventure, Mpreg) Time travel fix it where Wangxian pick up XY when he's 6
Alternate by Hanashi_o_suru (M, 60k, WIP, WangXian, Fix-It, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Established WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Third Person Limited, WWX is a Tease, mentions of rape/non-con, Sporadic and Random Updates) Also a time travel fix it fic where they pick up XY while he's a child. Another plus: he started ironically calling WWX A-Niang and now it's stopped being ironical. It happens
7. Hello everyone! This time I will use the "I feel like..." section because I would really like fics where only Wei Wuxian is a time traveler and helps everyone live while she wins back her husband! I really just imagine hijinks and fluff. Thank you very much for your effort @makolashida
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) may have more angst then they are seeking but it fits the other requirements.
8. Hi! This is for ITMF
A) WWX has a chronic illness but not a sickness like cancer. What i want is he was sick in the past and recovered but if he does something his past illness will come again or something like The Porcelain Lotus of Yungmeng by The Feels Whale (miscellea) or 🔒A Burning Cold by MountainRose
B) WWX wants to fix JFM and YZY marriage (because he thinks that it was his fault they always fighting) and JYL or JWY says "you cant fix something that never been whole before" Or something like that or saying that its not WWX responsibility to fix that @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
misunderstood 'verse by sysrae (M, 7k, WangXian, Modern, College/University, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, getting hit by cars, Past Child Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Abusive YZY, Caring LWJ, Injured WWX, partial hearing loss, the real OTP is everyone x therapy) modern au wwx is deaf on one eat because of a past experience
A Bad of Nibs (Nibs are Bad) by Enk (M, 17k, WangXian, Quarantine, Slice of Life, Friends to Lovers, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Fluff and Angst, Mild Sexual Content, Found Family, Vague Canadian Location, JYL Lives)
9. hi! for the itmf, idk if this is specific but any modern au fics where wwx is estranged from the jiangs for some reason either during or before the fic, a-yuan is his kid (adopted or biological) and the jiangs don’t know about him, and they reconnect? thank you for the work!
🔒moonlight falls Series by RoseThorne (T, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Corporate Espionage, Family Fluff, Adoption, Bad parent LQR, Pre-JC & WWX Reconciliation, Dissociation, Mental Health Issues, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Found Family, Emotional Constipation, Communication Failure, JC is Bad at Feelings, JC is Trying, WWX Needs a Hug, POV WWX, POV Third Person, Implied/Referenced Sex, Food Sex, Reconciliation, Psychological Trauma)
10. itmf fics where wwx discovers evidence that lwj is in love with him. like maybe wwx discovering his floorboard stash and finding his painting of lwj, or alternatively, smth like letters, diary entries, song lyrics, lwj’s own art for wwx, or self-insert fanfic. things like that! @nalalie
Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours. by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 3k, WangXian, Immortal LWJ and WWX, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Well it could be a Bittersweet Ending, Love Confessions) Immortal WWX finds a poem immortal LWJ wrote in the 13 years he was dead. It's a love poem
rather cruelly used and rather reserved by x_los (M, 13k, wangxian, sugar daddy (slightly), case fic, domestic horror, architectural horror, gift giving, happy ending, getting together, confessions) is perfect for it
11. I’m in the mood for no-war AUs about wangxian getting together post CR study arc. Just want to read about how these two might have figured it out without the stress of war and growing up too fast! Thanks in advance!
Dazzle Like a Diamond by Tsukimiko_san (T, 4k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Crow WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, No Angst, ok maybe a tiny sprinkle of angst but like, usual LWJ thinking WWX is just teasing him, it doesn’t last long, Getting Together, they are both so whipped, Boys Kissing, Courting Rituals) iirc there's not even a mention of war on this one, but I do have to warn that it's crowxian and dragonji
Dispersing Clouds by dreamingofcake (E, 283k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Genius WWX, Inventor WWX, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Abusive YZY, Canonical Child Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Eventual Sex, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm (Background Character), Background Character Deaths, child deaths, Canon JC, Good Uncle LQR, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Cultivation Sect Politics, Homophobia, Heteronormativity, Feelings Realization, WWX is Not Oblivious) Fits both 11 & 12. It's a no war AU (mostly - there is some conflict between the Wen & Nie, but WX's role is solely helping refugees) set shortly after CRSA where WX get together. There's also a subplot about WWX setting up a charitable venture to help Yiling's street kids
💙 Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
Orchids in Lotus Pier by Vamillepudding (G, 21k, wangxian, canon divergence, romantic comedy, pining, protective JC, friends to lovers, misunderstandings)
For you by 10thNoNamePerson (T, 16k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Canon Divergence, No War AU, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Jealous WWX, Soft WangXian, Teenage LWJ/Teenage WWX, No Sunshot Campaign)
Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, wwx desperately wants lwj's attention, lwj desperately wants to marry wwx, Miscommunication, Jealousy, in abundance, Happy Ending, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX)
12. Itmf fics that deal with wwx caring about kids (esp canon era), adopting fostering having an official or unofficial ward, looking out for street children in any way he can even in little ways as a kid etc
🔒❤️ Joy In the Midst of These Things Series by Glitterbombshell (T/G, 53k, WangXian, Angst with Happy Ending, Post-Canon, Teacher WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff) wwx teaches Lan kids stuff
the low sky, raining over by chibilwj (thelogicoftaste) (M, 37k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Kid Fic)
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, 🔒[PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
He never had a plan, he just went with the flow by CrazyGeek_TheGachatuber15 (Not Rated, 65k, WIP, XiYao, WangXian, Gusu Lan Elders Bashing, LXC Bashing, LXC gets his shit together, Twin Prides of Yunmeng Dynamics, Twin Prides of Yunmeng Are Bad at Communicating, Twin Jades of Lan Dynamics, WWX is Good With Children, Water Spirit WWX, Deity WWX, Good Sibling JYL, Protective NHS, Scheming NHS, BAMF LSZ, Angry LSZ, Good Friend LSZ, Demonic Cultivator LSZ, but not really?, WWX Creates a Sect | Yiling Wei Sect, accidentally, MXY Lives, JRS Lives, OP WWX, Deity LSZ, Inventor WWX, slight OOC behavior, Canonical Character Death - WWX, Future Character Death, Canon Divergence) In it WWX founded an orphanage before the war and is now, after his death, gathering homeless children to bring there and visits them when he's not traveling. The last few chapters were about it, kind of (currently has 9 chapters)
🧡 Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, BeliefGod!WWX, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Pregnancy Kink, Mpreg, minor male lactation, Consensual Non-Consent, Light Bondage, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con because JGS, Mentions Canon Typical Incest, Canon Typical Violence)
13. Hi! I love this blog. I was looking for fics where LWJ considers his love wholeheartedly rejected and/or unrequited and as the reader, you feel his pain viscerally. I’ve found some fics like this which I adore like - “it’s always open” by Scarlettstorm, “heart at ease” by Diamondbruise and “A little late (but can I come home anyway?)” by Anobtra (animeobsessedtrash) - but am always interested in more!
Thank you!
14. helloooo! could i have time travel fanfics where they DON'T end up in their younger bodies? that's it. they teleport as they are, in their future selves. the future can be from whichever arc and teleported to any arc in the past. whichever canon is fine, angst is fine. i'd prefer it completed and somewhat humor but i'll take whatever i can get. i trust this blog's fine tastes. c:
i just really want fics where they co-exist with their younger selves because i don't know how to tag it separately from the "wake up in their younger self" fanfics. thank you very much! @lovewly
💖 From the Future for the Past by friedchickenlord (G, 27k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, First Love, Love Confessions, Fluff and Humor, accidental time travel due to one husband malfunctioning array, teen wangxian meet adult wangxian, Happy Ending, adding extra chapter, in this household we hate JGS, in which WWX love library pavilion, (in a way) Yiling Laozu x Hanguang Jun, Denial, Mutual Pining) Adult LWJ finds himself in the CRSA era due to a mishap with an array
River Stones by littlesystems (M, 18k, WangXian, Time Travel, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study arc, Junior Quartet, Oblivious WWX, Suffering LWJ, Voyeurism) Both CRSA-era WWX & LWJ go forward in time & meet post-canon WX
there's a story on Tumblr with JC who time travels. I don't know how to link it, but you can find it on this blog under fic compilation -> non AO3 (the second one is Tumblr) and then by scrolling all the way down to the master post from Shana storyteller. The fic is just titled "Time travel Jiang Cheng" (link is to the latest part - mod c)
Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it)
Key Differences by pupeez4eva (T, 5k, WangXian, Humor, Dimension Travel, Crossover, Drama!WWX meets Novel!WWX, Public Confessions, Post-Canon) sort of fits in that it's Novel Wei Wuxian meeting Drama Wei Wuxian, resulting in hilarity.
15. Hi Mods! Can I get SongXIao Fic recs please? Like main pairing SongXiao fic recs?
16. Itmf a fic where wei wuxian adopts a 2nd child (or more). So it's not just a-yuan. Esp if it's a developed oc. Ex: twelve moons and a fortnight (oc a-shui), please take this radish (xue yang), mxy, others, etc
17. hiii!! itmf!! is there any modern au fics where wei ying makes lan zhan jealous on purpose?? @yesibest
Wei Ying's Favourite Customer by QueenofThyme (T, 3k, WangXian, Modern, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Barista WWX, Jealous LWJ, Texting, Fluff, Flirting, Mutual Pining, Multi POV)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
127 notes · View notes
marvelslut16 · 1 year
The Flu
Prompt number: 22 "Who takes care of you?"
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner
Rating: T(een)
Word count: 2.8k+
Warnings: Age gap relationship. Dbf. Swearing. Boss and employee.
A/N: A few hours late for day 4, but I was a busy woman today. Aaron and Jack never go into the witness protection program, they catch Peter Lewis right away.
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The job was just supposed to be temporary, one to help you get back on your feet after dropping out of school, and you got to help your long time infatuation Aaron Hotchner now that Jess was moving out of state. It was a win win in your eyes, and it got your dad off your back. But that was almost two years ago now, and there was no end in sight for your current arrangement as Jack’s live in nanny. 
The one flaw in your logic was how drop dead gorgeous your boss is. Not that that is new information, you’d been drooling over him since you were sixteen when you saw him shirtless at a backyard/pool party your dad threw. But now it’s so much worse, because he’s so sexy doing all of his mundane tasks. Making coffee at five in the morning with bedhead? Sexy. Making dinner in one of his tight white dress shirts when he gets home from a case early? Still sexy. Dressed down in casual clothes coaching Jack’s soccer team? The most sexy.
As you lament, yet again, to your best friend over text about how unfairly hot Aaron Hotchner is, the front door opens. As if he knew you were talking about him, he enters the house with a thud having dropped his go bag by the front door. He slowly makes his way to the kitchen, where you are, and when he does you finally notice how miserable he looks. His dark hair is slicked to his forehead, his face pale- except for his cheeks which are bright red, and his eyes are bloodshot.
“Oh my god, Aaron! Are you okay?” your voice raising an octave, you rush over to him and guide him to one of the barstools in front of his large island.  
“I’m fine, the team overreacted and sent me home,” he almost sounds convincing, until he finishes the sentence with a loud sneeze. 
“Awww,” you rub your hand up and down his back comfortingly. “Did Jackers give you the flu?”
“No,” he argues, and tries to quietly sniffle. 
“That’s it, straight to bed young man,” your hands resting on your hips as you tell him the same thing you told Jack a week ago when he came home from school with the flu. “While you take a nap I’ll make you some homemade chicken noodle soup.”
“It’s fine (Y/N), you don’t have to do that. I’m capable of making my own lunch,” he looks like a petulant child, his hands balled in fists also resting on his hips. 
“When was the last time you let someone take care of you Aaron?” you ask, becoming annoyed that he keeps fighting you. “Six months ago when you were in the hospital, that’s when. And then you still fought it tooth and nail. Who takes care of you?”
“I can take care of myself,” he starts coughing as a result of lowering his voice in order to use his boss voice. A voice he only ever uses on you when you try to care for him too.
“You want to go back to work again soon right?” he nods. “So just listen to me. Take some Tylenol and go lay down. Please let me make you some soup.”
He finally relents and heads upstairs to bed, but not before you get him a large glass of water. Thankfully you were planning on making chicken for dinner, so you already have some thawing. You waste no time and start cooking the chicken in one pot, then you chop the vegetables. After the chicken has been shredded and the soup is simmering, making the whole house smell delicious, you sneak upstairs to check on your patient.
You’re happy to see that he’s laying in the middle of his bed bundled up in his sheets with little snores escaping him.Despite him being sick, he still looks far more at peace and relaxed in this moment then he has since you met him back when he was still a prosecutor. After a few minutes of taking him in, you head back to the kitchen and toast and butter bread to go with his soup. The soup is done ten minutes later, and you ladle a nice heaping bowl for him. 
You trek back up the stairs, walk into Aaron’s room and stand beside his bed. You’ve woken him up a bunch of times when he falls asleep watching movies with you and Jack or when he falls asleep at the island going over paperwork for work, but this feels different. You’re in his bedroom, you’re boss’ bedroom. Overcoming your nerves you reach forward and gently shake his shoulder, he wakes with a start whipping his hand to grasp your wrist in a bruising grip. 
“Aaron,” you startle, he doesn’t register that you aren’t a threat in his half asleep stupor. “It’s me, it’s (Y/N).”
“(Y/N)?” he snaps out of it, face contorting into a frown when he sees his white knuckled grip around your wrist. “Shit! I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine,” you smile lightly, rubbing your wrist when he finally lets go. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have woken you up like that.”
“It’s my fault,” he argues, sitting up and leaning against his mahogany headboard. “I couldn’t stop thinking about the case at work before I fell asleep, I must have dreamt about it.”
“It’s fine Aaron, I just wanted to let you know the soup is done, there’s a bowl cooling on the island for you,” you smile as you slowly back out of his room, suddenly feeling like you’re intruding. 
Aaron doesn’t say anything else, so you slip out of the room and head back to the kitchen to start cleaning up. Aaron joins you a few minutes later, wrapped tightly in his blue robe Jack picked out for him for Christmas last year. Aaron lets out an involuntary moan after taking a spoonful of soup, and you clench your thighs together at the delicious sound.
“This is the best chicken noodle soup I’ve ever had,” Aaron says once he’s scarfed down half of his bowl. 
“You hate chicken noodle soup,” you giggle, remembering the cute way his nose crinkled in disgust when that was the only soup at some fancy restaurant the team and their families went to last year. 
“Not this one!” he shovels in another spoonful. 
You give Aaron another helping of the soup, glad that he’s eating and hydrating himself, before putting the rest into a container and into the fridge. You have just enough time to wash the pot and counters before heading to pick Jack up from school.
“I’m gonna head out and get Jackers in a few minutes,” you tell Aaron as he starts sneezing again. “Once you finish that, go lay back down and drink lots of water.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” he murmurs thinking you won’t be able to hear him. But you do, and you glare at him for his childish antics. He finally relents, “okay.”
The drive to get Jack isn’t very long, but after the whole Peter Lewis fiasco, Aaron won’t let Jack walk home or ride the bus. And you don’t blame him. Your dad told you about Jack getting stalked during one of your weekly phone calls while you were away for school, you were rattled for the Hotchner’s. 
“(Y/N)!” Jack comes running at you when he sees you, you bend down and scoop him into your arms and carry him to the car. You’ll never get tired of how excited he gets to see you when you pick him up, it’s the same happy reaction every day. 
“How was school buddy? Get all the homework you missed last week when you were home sick?” you bombard him with questions as you unlock the car.
“It was great! We got to play soccer in gym today and I scored three times!” Jack wiggles in excitement before you set him back on the ground. 
“That's great buddy!” you smile at him as he slips into his seat. 
“Yes I got all of my make up work,” he pouts once you get into the driver's seat. “Lots of fractions, and you know how much I hate those.”
“I’ll tell ya what, you do one of your math worksheets and then we can make your dad a get well soon card,” over your time with the Hotchner’s you’ve learned that bargaining is how to incentivise the both of them. “He came home from work early with the flu.”
“Dad’s home?” Jack start’s to excitedly bounce in his seat, happy that he’ll get to spend more time with his favorite person.
“Yeah, but just remember that he’s not feeling his best so he won’t be able to do a lot,” a bittersweet smile crosses your face, it’s not fair that they don’t get to spend more time with one another. It’s not fair that Aaron has to sacrifice his personal life to make the world a better place for everyone else. 
When you walk in the door you're greeted with the sight of Aaron bundled up on the couch under three blankets, the news playing quietly on the TV. Jack gives his dad a big hug before scurrying off to the kitchen to grab a snack and start his homework. You walk up to the lump on the couch that was once Aaron and reach your forearm forward to feel his forehead, and sure enough he’s much warmer than he should be. 
“I don’t feel good,” Aaron whines, making the same pouty face Jack made all last week. “Everything aches.”
“I know sweetheart,” you let the term of endearment slip without thinking, too focused on trying to comfort Aaron. “You have a fever, you need to drink lots of water and get out from under those blankets.”
“No,” he huffs, clutching onto his blankets like he needs them to live. “I don’t have a fever, it’s just cold in here.”
“Aaron it's seventy two degrees in here, it’s not cold. You need to take the blankets off, it’ll only make it worse,” he shakes his head sinking further into the couch. “Fine, if I go grab the thermometer and it says you have a fever, I’m taking both of your blankets into the kitchen with me while I help Jack with his homework.”
You don’t give him time to respond before you head to the upstairs bathroom where you had checked Jack for a fever this morning before school. When you get back to him, Aaron has sunk further down into the couch and cocoon of blankets trying to hide from the thermometer in your hand. You eventually get it in his mouth and sure enough he has a one hundred one degree fever.
“Hand over those blankets,” you reach your hand out for them, and he reluctantly gives them to you. “Now drink some water and watch the news. And no more blankets!”
You help Jack with two math worksheets before he remembers your deal, and demands you make a card. He decorates the printer paper in every color marker and tops it off with those marker stamps you got him for his birthday. Jack even makes you sign your name on the card. 
“Is this for me?” Aaron coughs and sits up when Jack thrusts the card in his face. “Aww thanks buddy, I love it!” Jack sits on the couch with his dad for a few minutes, but after seeing the news is on he gets up and leaves. 
“You feeling up for dinner?” you ask Aaron, when Jack heads back to finish some more homework. “It’s too late for me to make something, is there any take out you want?”
“Happy Meal!” Jack yells from the kitchen
“You heard the little man, we’re having McDonalds tonight,” Aaron smiles at you as you grab your keys and call Jack to come ride with you.
The rest of the night is stress free, Jack actually listens to you when you tell him it’s time to shower and get ready for bed, all because his dad is sick and doesn’t want to make it worse. Well it’s stress free where Jack is concerned, you still have to deal with the full grown baby you call your boss. 
“Time for bed Aaron,” you tell him after you’ve dried Jack’s hair and read him to sleep. “I know you don’t want to but you need to get your rest.”
“I’m not tired,” he says, even though he grabs your hand when you hold it out to him, you pull him out of his chair and lead him up the stairs and to his room 
“Now take two more Tylenol and go to sleep,” he reluctantly takes the pills out of your hand and throws them back dry.
“There, are you happy?”
“I’m ecstatic,” you deadpan, moving to fluff his pillows for him.
“Thank you,” Aaron catches your gaze when he speaks, making sure to hold it.
“It's my job,” you dismiss his praise, not wanting to let yourself think about it too much and read too deep into it. 
“No it's not, you always go above and beyond for us, for me,” Aaron gently catches the wrist he squeezed earlier making a mental image of the faint bruise marring your skin, and vowing to never let the world hurt you. 
“Aaron,” your breath catches at the delicate ghosting of his fingertips on the inside of your wrist.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, leaning forward and now it’s his lips ghosting over your wrist. You swear your heart stops when he pushes down harder, leaving a trail of kisses around your wrist. 
“What are you doing?” you ask breathlessly, the last thing you want is for him to stop, but you also need to make sure he’s in his right mind when doing this. 
“Kissing you,” the words fall out of his mouth effortlessly, like they’re said all of the time. His mouth travels up your arm and he’s kissing the sensitive crook of your elbow. 
Aaron pulls you down next to him in bed, quickly scooping you up and cradling you in his arms. You're at a loss for words, your dream is coming true. Aaron Hotchner actually wants you as much as you want him, and it isn’t a dream. When you’re lost in thought his lips descend on yours, and soon you get lost in him instead. There’s no rush to your kiss, just a slow languid strokes of his tongue twining with yours. It’s the perfect first kiss, there’s a heat to it, but no sense of urgency to get it over with. 
“(Y/N), you have my heart,” Aaron admits breathlessly, arms wrapping around you tighter. “I know it’s wrong for many reasons, but you made my heart beat again. You love Jack and you’re wonderful with him. He loves you. I love you. You take care of me even though you don’t have to, you are the most amazing person. You’re perfect for Jack and me.”
“You have my heart too, I love you too,” you grip his chin and pull him in for another kiss. “You and Jack are everything to me, I finally feel like I belong somewhere, here with the two of you. I never want to lose this, lose you.”
“You won’t,” he kisses you one more time before pulling away completely. “But you should probably go to your own room now, wouldn’t want you to get sick from sleeping with me tonight.”
“I was home with Jack all last week, I’m fine. Plus it’s probably better I stay in here and keep an eye on you,” he smirks, kissing you one last time before resting his head on your chest.  
The rest of the week is wonderful, Aaron still argues with you when you try to take care of him, but when Jack’s at school you two let the facade down. You cuddle with him and kiss him whenever you walk past him, making out on the couch like you’re two horny teenagers. Before you know it, it’s Sunday and Aaron is feeling better so he has to go into work in the morning. As the two of you say goodnight to Jack you start sneezing and the sniffling you’ve had all day rears its ugly head. 
“I told you not to sleep with me,” Aaron teases you after you close Jack's door, pulling you with him and back into his room.
“I’m fine,” your arguing falls short as you start sneezing again.
“I think the team can do without me for another case,” Aaron smiles as you slip into bed with him. “I need to be here to take care of you now.” Who would have thought the flu would be what finally got you two together?
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rafesapologist · 7 months
the setback ─ rafe cameron; part two
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summary: it's been two years since your departure from the outer banks and rafe cameron has seemingly convinced himself that he can go on with his life as if you never happened, except now more than ever his addiction is at an all time high. whether he was snorting lines of cocaine at wild parties or drowning himself in alcohol to numb the pain, rafe couldn't escape the memories of you. despite his efforts to bury his feelings, your absence lingered like a shadow, haunting him at every turn. meanwhile, you've been navigating life outside the outer banks, trying to carve out a new path for yourself. but no matter how far you've traveled, the memories of rafe cameron still linger in your heart, leaving you with a sense of unfinished business. as you find yourself facing new challenges and opportunities, you can't help but wonder if fate will eventually bring you back to the place where it all began.
warnings: substance use, alcohol, mentions of crime, infidelity
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Rafe navigated through the throngs of partygoers, a forced grin plastered on his face as he exchanged pleasantries with familiar faces. Topper and Kelce were holding court near the keg, their laughter mingling with the music as they regaled their friends with tales of their latest conquests.
"Hey, Rafe!" Topper called out, clapping him on the back as he approached. "Glad you could make it, man. This party's gonna be legendary."
Rafe forced a chuckle, the weight of the small bag tucked into his pocket suddenly feeling heavier than ever. "You haven't seen anything yet," he replied, flashing a sly grin as he reached into his pocket and produced the bag of coke.
Topper's eyes lit up with excitement as he took in the sight, a wolfish grin spreading across his face. "Now we're talking," he said, his voice barely audible over the pounding music. "This party just got a whole lot better."
Kelce nodded in agreement, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for the perfect spot to indulge. "Hell yeah, let's do this," he said eagerly, his voice tinged with anticipation.
Rafe felt a surge of adrenaline course through him as he handed the bag to Topper, a sense of reckless abandon washing over him. In that moment, surrounded by the pulsing beat of the music and the raucous energy of the party, he couldn't help but feel alive in a way he hadn't in a long time.
But beneath the surface, a nagging voice whispered warnings of the dangers that lay ahead, a reminder of the thin line between euphoria and despair. As he watched Topper and Kelce prepare to indulge, Rafe couldn't help but wonder if tonight would end in triumph or tragedy. Only time would tell.
The living room pulsed with the rhythmic beat of the music, the air thick with anticipation as Rafe, Topper, and Kelce huddled together on a couch and chairs arranged around a coffee table. With shaky hands, they set out lines of coke, each one a promise of temporary escape from the realities of their lives.
"Ready, boys?" Topper asked, his voice a hoarse whisper as he leaned in close to the table.
Rafe nodded, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Topper and Kelce prepare to snort a line each. He felt a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation coursing through him, a sense of danger lingering in the air like static electricity.
"Let's do this," Kelce muttered, his voice trembling slightly as he leaned in closer to the table.
With a shared glance, the three of them leaned down simultaneously, their noses hovering just above the lines of coke. In unison, they took a deep breath, their hearts racing as they prepared to snort the powder.
And then, with a swift motion, they each inhaled sharply, the powder disappearing into their nostrils in a cloud of white dust. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they savored the rush of euphoria coursing through their veins, the world around them fading into oblivion as they surrendered to the sweet embrace of escape.
As the boys lifted their heads from the table, Rafe couldn't help but let out a low groan, the rush of the substance hitting him with a jolt of energy. For a moment, he tilted his head back, allowing the sensation to wash over him before shaking his head quickly to clear it.
"Alright, enough of that," Rafe exclaimed, his voice cutting through the haze of the room. "It's time for shots!"
His words were met with enthusiastic cheers from the group of boys, their excitement palpable as they eagerly rose from their seats and made their way towards the makeshift bar. The promise of alcohol served as the perfect complement to the rush of the coke, a potent combination that promised to take the night to new heights.
With a renewed sense of purpose, Rafe led the way, his steps sure and steady as he navigated through the crowd towards the bar. As he reached for a bottle of liquor, he couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through him, the thrill of the night stretching out before him like an endless expanse of possibilities.
Tonight, he would embrace the chaos, revel in the euphoria of the moment, and forget, if only for a little while, the weight of his troubles. And as he raised a shot glass in a silent toast to the night ahead, Rafe couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over him, a fleeting glimpse of paradise in a world fraught with uncertainty.
With a grin plastered on his face, Rafe passed out shot glasses to his friends, the anticipation of the night's adventures coursing through their veins. The room buzzed with excitement as they raised their glasses in a silent salute, the clinking of glass filling the air like a symphony of celebration.
"Here's to tonight!" Rafe declared, his voice ringing out above the din of the party.
The group echoed his sentiment with enthusiastic cheers, their voices blending together in a chorus of anticipation. And then, with a simultaneous motion, they threw back their shots, the fiery liquid burning a path down their throats as they swallowed it down in one smooth gulp.
For a moment, the room fell silent, the weight of their shared experience hanging in the air like a heavy fog. And then, as if on cue, the music resumed, the party roaring back to life with renewed fervor.
Rafe grinned, the rush of the alcohol mingling with the remnants of the coke, sending a surge of energy coursing through his veins. Tonight was shaping up to be one for the books, a night filled with adventure and excitement, a night where anything was possible.
As he glanced around at his friends, their faces illuminated by the pulsing lights of the party, Rafe felt a sense of camaraderie unlike anything he had ever known. In this moment, surrounded by the people he loved, he knew that no matter what the night held in store, they would face it together, united in their pursuit of the ultimate thrill.
As the effects of the alcohol and coke began to course through Rafe's system, a warm and intoxicating haze enveloped him, dulling the edges of his inhibitions. Sofia, the beacon of his thoughts just moments ago, faded into the background, her presence replaced by the allure of the party and the promise of new experiences.
With a devilish grin, Rafe's gaze wandered across the crowded room until it landed on a girl nearby. She caught his eye, returning his smile with one of her own, and Rafe felt a surge of confidence surge through him.
"Hey there," he said, sauntering over to her with a cocky swagger. "What's your name?"
The girl laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she sized him up. "I'm Lily," she replied, her voice low and sultry. "And you are?"
Rafe flashed her his most charming grin, leaning in closer as he extended his hand. "I'm Rafe," he said, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "And I have a feeling tonight's about to get a whole lot more interesting."
Lily's amusement danced in her eyes as she leaned in closer to Rafe, the tantalizing promise of the night hanging in the air between them. With each exchange of words and lingering glance, the tension crackled like electricity, a palpable energy drawing them closer together.
As the music pulsed in the background, Rafe and Lily engaged in a dance of seduction, their banter filled with innuendo and playful teasing. Subtle touches and shared laughter further fueled the flames of desire, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment.
Rafe couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through him as he reveled in the thrill of the chase, his heart pounding with anticipation. Lost in the heat of the moment, he allowed himself to be swept away by the allure of this mysterious girl, his thoughts consumed by the promise of what could be.
Deep down, beneath the veneer of confidence and bravado, a nagging voice whispered warnings of caution in Rafe's mind. This wasn't him—not the Rafe who valued loyalty and sincerity, the Rafe who would have never considered flirting with a stranger while in a committed relationship.
Two years ago, he wouldn't have even looked at Lily twice, let alone engage in the flirtatious dance they were now entangled in. But the potent mixture of substances coursing through his body had clouded his judgment, turning him into a stranger—a ticking time bomb on the brink of something self-destructive.
Despite the thrill of the moment, a sense of unease gnawed at Rafe's conscience. He knew he was playing with fire, dancing dangerously close to the edge of a precipice from which there might be no return. But in the haze of the party, with the allure of the substances pulling him further into the abyss, he found himself unable—or unwilling—to pull away.
As he continued to exchange seductive glances and subtle touches with the random girl, Rafe couldn't shake the feeling that he was teetering on the edge of a precipice, one wrong move away from tumbling into the darkness below. And yet, in that moment, the pull of the unknown was too strong to resist, and Rafe found himself surrendering to the intoxicating rush of desire, heedless of the consequences that awaited him on the other side.
As the heat of the moment intensified and Rafe found himself locked in a passionate embrace with Lily, a sudden surge of clarity pierced through the fog of intoxication. In the midst of their heated makeout session, an unexpected image flashed before his eyes—a haunting vision of your face, your eyes filled with hurt and disappointment.
The sight stopped Rafe in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat as the reality of his actions came crashing down around him. With a sharp intake of breath, he pulled away from Lily, his mind reeling with confusion and guilt.
"Wait," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened.
Lily blinked in surprise, confusion flickering across her features as she searched his face for answers. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.
But Rafe couldn't bring himself to answer. The image of your face lingered in his mind like a ghost, a haunting reminder of the person he used to be and the choices he had made.
As the image of your face flashed before him, a pang of longing pierced through Rafe's heart, stirring up a torrent of conflicting emotions. In that moment of vulnerability, he found himself grappling with the overwhelming desire to seek solace in the arms of the girl before him, even as the memory of you lingered like a specter in his mind.
With a mixture of desperation and resignation, Rafe seized the opportunity to pull Lily close once again, his lips crashing against hers in a feverish kiss. But despite the physical connection, his mind was elsewhere, lost in a whirlwind of regret and yearning.
As their kiss deepened, Rafe's thoughts drifted further away from the present moment, consumed by the memory of you—the person who had captured his heart and held it captive, even in your absence. In the heat of the passion, he clung to the fleeting illusion of intimacy, desperate for a temporary reprieve from the ache of longing that gnawed at his soul.
As the intensity of their embrace deepened, Rafe found himself losing himself in the moment, the rush of desire clouding his senses and driving him to seek solace in the arms of the girl before him. But as their passion reached a fever pitch, a sudden surge of guilt and longing welled up within him, threatening to overwhelm his fragile facade.
As the name slipped from his lips, a surge of panic shot through Rafe's veins, but the intoxicating blend of substances clouding his judgment stifled the impulse to address his slip-up. With a reckless abandon fueled by the drugs coursing through his system, he ignored the weight of his mistake and instead doubled down on the kiss, burying the nagging voice of guilt beneath a veil of indifference.
Lily pulled back, her eyes wide with surprise and confusion as she searched his face for answers. "What did you say?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
Lily's momentary confusion was met with Rafe's feverish embrace, his lips moving hungrily against hers as if trying to drown out the echoes of your name with each fleeting touch. The urgency of his actions masked the turmoil churning within him, a futile attempt to escape the truth of his betrayal and the longing that threatened to consume him whole.
As the kiss intensified, Rafe lost himself in the sensation, allowing the rush of desire to wash over him like a tidal wave. With each passing moment, the boundaries between reality and illusion blurred, and he surrendered himself to the reckless abandon of the night, heedless of the consequences that awaited him on the other side.
In that fleeting moment of abandon, Rafe relinquished himself to the seductive allure of the substances coursing through his veins, allowing them to guide his actions and shield him from the harsh glare of reality. And as he sank deeper into the embrace of the girl before him, he pushed aside the lingering doubts and fears, choosing instead to embrace the fleeting ecstasy of the present, no matter the cost.
As Rafe's lips moved against the stranger's, a wave of ecstasy washed over him, momentarily transporting him to a place where reality and imagination intertwined. In that fleeting moment of bliss, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to succumb to the illusion, imagining you standing before him as if you had never left the islands, as if you had never vanished without a word of explanation.
In his mind's eye, he saw you as vividly as if you were there in the flesh, your presence filling the empty spaces within him with a warmth he had longed for since the day you disappeared. He imagined the sound of your laughter, the sparkle of your eyes, the gentle touch of your hand against his cheek—all the things he had missed and yearned for in the lonely nights that followed your departure.
With each passing moment, the line between reality and fantasy blurred, and Rafe found himself lost in a reverie of what could have been, of the life they could have shared if only things had been different. The weight of his longing mingled with the intoxicating rush of the substances coursing through his veins, amplifying the intensity of his emotions until they threatened to consume him whole.
But even in the midst of his ecstasy, a nagging voice whispered warnings of caution in Rafe's mind, reminding him of the painful truth he had tried so desperately to bury. As he opened his eyes, the illusion shattered like glass, leaving him grappling with the harsh reality of your absence and the wounds it had left behind.
Rafe's mind raced as he looked at the girl before him, torn between the conflicting desires warring within him. The potent cocktail of liquor and coke coursing through his veins clouded his judgment, blurring the lines between right and wrong, desire and regret.
For a moment, he entertained the dangerous idea of surrendering to his desires, of allowing himself to indulge in the illusion that the girl before him could fill the void left by your absence. But deep down, he knew that she could never compare to you—that no one could ever take your place in his heart.
As he weighed his options, Rafe felt the weight of your memory pressing down upon him, a constant reminder of the love he had lost and the pain he had endured in your absence. The thought of betraying your memory filled him with a sense of shame and guilt, but the allure of escape proved too tempting to resist.
With a heavy sigh, Rafe made his decision, choosing to give in to his desires for just one night—to pretend, if only for a fleeting moment, that you were still here by his side. It was a reckless choice, driven by the desperate longing that gnawed at his soul, but in that moment, he couldn't bring himself to care about the consequences.
As he leaned in to resume their embrace, Rafe pushed aside the doubts and fears that threatened to engulf him, allowing himself to be swept away by the illusion of intimacy and the promise of temporary escape. And as he lost himself in the heat of the moment, he couldn't help but wonder if, just for tonight, he could find solace in the arms of a stranger and forget, if only for a moment, the pain of your absence.
With a reckless abandon fueled by the intoxicating mix of substances coursing through his veins, Rafe found himself surrendering to the moment, his inhibitions drowned out by a desperate longing for escape. Ignoring the warnings of his conscience, he turned to the girl beside him with a daring glint in his eyes.
"Hey," he said, his voice husky with desire. "Wanna go upstairs?"
The girl's eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting in a silent gasp as she met his gaze. But instead of recoiling, a mischievous smile spread across her face, a silent agreement passing between them.
"Lead the way," she replied, her voice a sultry whisper.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
As you lay on the towel, the golden warmth of the sun kissing your skin, the rhythmic lullaby of the ocean waves enveloped you in a soothing embrace. Lost in the tranquility of the moment, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, the worries of the world melting away with each gentle caress of the breeze.
Suddenly, the serene ambiance was shattered by JJ's arrival from the ocean, his surfboard in tow. Standing above you, he unleashed a playful assault, shaking his wet hair vigorously, sending a cascade of droplets raining down upon you.
You let out a surprised squeal, laughing as you shielded yourself from the impromptu shower. Despite the initial shock, you couldn't help but join in JJ's infectious laughter, the carefree joy of the moment washing over you like a wave crashing upon the shore.
"JJ, seriously!" you protested, your voice tinged with mock annoyance as you brushed the droplets from your face.
As you reclined on the towel, still recovering from JJ's playful assault of seawater, he settled in beside you, a grin playing on his lips as he observed your sun-kissed complexion.
"Hey there, beach babe," he teased, nudging you gently with his elbow. "You're looking pretty tan today. And check it out, your freckles are making a comeback."
You couldn't help but laugh at his observation, running a hand self-consciously over your face as if to confirm his words. The summer sun had indeed left its mark, sprinkling your cheeks and nose with a smattering of freckles that seemed to multiply with each passing day.
"Blame it on all those hours we've been spending out here," you replied, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Guess I can't complain about getting some color, though."
JJ chuckled, the sound mingling with the gentle rhythm of the waves as he settled back on the towel, his gaze lingering on your face.
"Nah, you're rocking it," he said, his tone genuine as he reached out to give your shoulder a playful squeeze. "Besides, freckles are cute. Adds character."
You rolled your eyes playfully at his compliment, but couldn't help the warmth that spread through you at his words. As you settled into conversation with JJ, the cares of the world seemed to melt away, replaced by the easy camaraderie and warmth that defined your friendship. And as you laughed and joked together, surrounded by the beauty of the beach and the comfort of each other's company, you couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these—for the simple joys that made life worth living, and for the blond boy who made every day a little brighter.
JJ's azure eyes lingered over your sunscreen-covered skin, the sunlight casting a soft glow upon it, enhancing its silky texture. A smile played at the corners of his lips as he took in your lively demeanor, the way the sunlight danced in your hair and the warmth of your laughter filled the air. In that moment, it seemed as though you had been brought back to him, vibrant and full of life.
As he watched you, a sense of gratitude welled up within JJ, grateful for your presence beside him, for the easy companionship and genuine connection you shared. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, you were his anchor, grounding him in the here and now, reminding him of the beauty that surrounded them.
With a gentle sigh, JJ leaned back on the towel, content to bask in the warmth of the sun and the comfort of your company. As he gazed at you, a sense of peace washed over him, knowing that as long as you were by his side, everything would be okay. And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the beach and the warmth of your friendship, JJ couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the gift of your presence in his life.
You caught JJ's gaze lingering on you, and with a playful grin, you raised an eyebrow in mock suspicion. "What are you looking at?" you teased, nudging him gently with your elbow.
JJ's expression softened, his azure eyes warm and genuine as he met your gaze. "Just admiring the view," he replied with a lopsided smile. "I haven't seen you this happy in a long time."
A blush crept up your cheeks at his words, surprised by his observation but warmed by the sincerity in his tone. "Well, I have you to thank for that," you admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Being out here with you, it's like all my worries just melt away."
JJ's smile widened at your words, a flicker of pride shining in his eyes. "Glad I could help," he said, reaching out to give your hand a reassuring squeeze. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, you know."
You squeezed his hand back, touched by his sincerity. "Right back at you, JJ," you said, your voice soft but earnest. "Thanks for always being there for me."
JJ's gaze lingered on you, his eyes searching your expression as if trying to read your thoughts. A curious furrow creased your brow as you met his gaze, wondering what had prompted his sudden inquiry.
"Do you ever miss your life back on the cut?" he asked, his voice quiet but earnest.
The question hung in the air between you, the weight of its implications sinking in. Memories of your past life on the cut flooded your mind, a mix of nostalgia and pain intertwining as you considered JJ's question.
A wistful smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you thought back to the carefree days spent on the islands, the salty sea breeze and the warmth of the sun on your skin. But beneath the surface, there was a darkness—a shadow that lingered in the recesses of your mind, a reminder of the trials and tribulations you had faced.
"It's complicated," you replied finally, your voice soft but tinged with emotion. "There are definitely things I miss about it—the freedom, the sense of adventure. But there are also things I'm glad to leave behind."
JJ nodded understandingly, his gaze softening with empathy. "I get that," he said, his tone gentle. "Life on the cut wasn't always easy, but there were moments of magic too."
As you sat together, lost in contemplation, a sense of camaraderie settled between you—a shared understanding of the complexities of life and the bittersweet nostalgia of memories past. And as you gazed out at the endless expanse of the ocean before you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the present moment.
But JJ's question lingered in your mind like a persistent echo, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions as you contemplated your past life on the cut. Memories, both sweet and bitter, flooded your mind—the bustling streets of the chateau, the familiar faces of the locals, and the thrill of adventure that had once defined your days.
But amid the nostalgia, there was a darker undercurrent—a reminder of the tumultuous relationship you had shared with Rafe Cameron. For a fleeting moment, you found yourself swept up in memories of the highs and lows, the dizzying rush of passion and the crushing weight of betrayal. There had been a time when you had believed in him, when you had thought that love could conquer all.
But as you reflected on the pain and heartache he had caused, the illusion shattered like glass, leaving behind a bitter taste in its wake. The truth was clear now—Rafe Cameron was nothing more than a manipulative and selfish individual, incapable of genuine love or loyalty. And with each passing day, your hatred for him grew stronger, fueled by the wounds he had inflicted and the scars that still lingered.
In that moment of clarity, you realized that while life on the cut had held its moments of magic, it had also been fraught with danger and deception. And as you looked to the future, you knew that leaving it all behind had been the right choice—one that had freed you from the toxic grip of Rafe Cameron and paved the way for a new beginning.
"I'm just glad to be away from Rafe Cameron," you admitted, your voice steady but tinged with a hint of defiance.
JJ nodded in understanding, a flicker of sympathy flashing in his eyes. "I get that," he replied, his tone somber. "He's caused a lot of pain for a lot of people."
You nodded in agreement, the weight of his words resonating with your own experiences. "Yeah," you said, a bitter edge creeping into your voice. "But I'm not going to let him define me or my future. I'm done with that part of my life." As you spoke, a sense of determination settled over you, a steely resolve to move forward and leave the darkness of your past behind.
As the memories flooded back, you found yourself transported to that fateful day—the day you arrived on the island that would change your life forever. The sun beat down mercilessly as you and JJ made your way through the dense underbrush, your hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.
John B stood at the center of the group, his expression grave as he recounted the events that had led to their current predicament. "They're framing me for murder," he explained, his voice tinged with desperation. "But it wasn't me. It was Ward, trying to cover up what Rafe did." His words hung heavy in the air, the weight of their implications settling over you like a suffocating blanket. The betrayal cut deep, leaving you reeling with shock and disbelief.
As John B's words hung in the air, a wave of confusion and disbelief washed over you. "What do you mean, 'what Rafe did'?" you asked, your voice trembling with a mixture of shock and incredulity.
John B met your gaze, his expression grim as he recounted the harrowing truth. "Rafe… he's the one who killed Sheriff Peterkin," he explained, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Ward's been covering for him, making it look like I'm the one responsible."
The world seemed to tilt on its axis as John B's words sank in, the enormity of the revelation hitting you like a ton of bricks. Rafe Cameron, the boy you had once known, had committed an unforgivable act—a crime that had shattered lives and torn apart families.
A swell of emotions rose within you—anger, disbelief, betrayal. How could Rafe, someone you had once been in love with, be capable of such a heinous act? And how could Ward, his own father, be complicit in covering up the truth?
As John B's words sank in, a cold shiver ran down your spine, and your knees threatened to give way beneath you. The world around you seemed to blur, and your stomach churned with a sickening mix of disbelief and horror.
The boy you had once loved, the boy whose laughter had once filled your days with warmth and joy, was capable of something so heinous—a crime that had torn apart lives and shattered families. It felt as though the ground had been ripped out from beneath you, leaving you reeling in a sea of uncertainty and despair.
But even more devastating was the realization that Rafe, the boy you had once trusted and cared for, could be so shallow as to let his own father accuse one of your friends for his wrongdoing. The betrayal cut deep, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth and a knot of anger and sorrow in your chest.
As you struggled to process the enormity of what John B had revealed, a sense of determination ignited within you—a resolve to seek justice for Sheriff Peterkin and to clear John B's name of the false accusations that had been leveled against him. No matter the cost, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead, you would stand by your friends and fight for what was right, even if it meant facing the painful truth about those you once held dear.
As Sarah's voice broke through the heavy silence, her words filled with remorse and sorrow, you felt a pang of sympathy wash over you. Despite the betrayal her family had inflicted, she remained steadfast in her loyalty to her friends.
"I'm so sorry," Sarah murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. "I never thought… I never wanted any of this to happen."
Kiara's comforting presence at your side offered a small solace amidst the storm of emotions raging within you. As she wrapped her arms around you, you buried your face in her shoulder, the weight of the truth crashing down on you like a tidal wave. Tears streamed down your cheeks, unchecked and unbidden, as the shock and disbelief threatened to overwhelm you.
"How could he do this?" you whispered brokenly, your voice choked with emotion. "How could Rafe… How could he let Ward frame John B for something he did?"
The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of betrayal and grief. The boy you had once cared for, the boy you had once believed in, had committed an unspeakable act of violence, and in his cowardice, he had allowed another to shoulder the blame. As you grappled with the painful truth, Kiara's presence offered a glimmer of comfort, a reminder that you were not alone in your pain.
As the weight of betrayal and sorrow pressed down upon you, a fire ignited within your heart—a fire fueled by anger, pain, and a deep-seated sense of betrayal. In that moment, you made a solemn vow to yourself, a vow born from the depths of your anguish and despair.
"I hate him," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "I hate Rafe Cameron and all that he stands for."
The words hung heavy in the air, a declaration of war against the boy who had once held your heart in his hands. With each syllable uttered, you felt a surge of determination wash over you, a determination to rid yourself of the toxic influence that had poisoned your past and tainted your memories.
In that moment, you swore to yourself that you would forget—forget the love you had once felt, forget the pain of betrayal, forget the boy who had shattered your illusions and broken your heart. You would bury those memories deep within the recesses of your mind, locking them away behind a wall of resentment and indifference.
And though you knew that forgetting would not be easy, you were determined to try—to scrub clean the slate of your past and start anew, free from the shadows that had haunted you for so long. With each passing day, you would strive to leave behind the pain and sorrow of yesterday, forging ahead into a future untainted by the darkness of your past.
As you grappled with the decision to erase Rafe Cameron from your life, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that physical distance now separated you from him. Thousands of miles stretched between you, a vast expanse of ocean and land that made the chance of a chance encounter slim to none.
In some sense, the physical separation made it relatively easy to move forward without him. No longer would you have to worry about catching a glimpse of him on the street or in public places, no longer would you have to navigate the awkwardness of shared social circles or mutual acquaintances. He was now a world away, a distant memory fading into the depths of your past.
But despite the physical distance, the reminders of his presence lingered like ghosts in the corners of your mind. The memories of the love you had once shared, the laughter and the tears, the moments of joy and heartache—they were all still there, etched into the fabric of your being. And though you tried to push them away, to bury them deep within the recesses of your mind, they persisted, a constant reminder of what once was.
The hardest part, you realized, would not be the physical absence of Rafe, but rather the emotional weight of his memory. The knowledge that he had once been a part of your life, that he had once held a place in your heart—it was a bitter pill to swallow. But with each passing day, you vowed to chip away at the walls he had built around your heart, to reclaim your sense of self and your identity, free from the shadows of the past.
In your mind, he was dead to you—a relic of a bygone era, a chapter in your life that had come to a close. And though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, you were determined to walk it alone, forging ahead into a future untainted by the ghosts of your past.
As you forged ahead with your determination to leave Rafe Cameron and the memories of your past behind, unbeknownst to you, he remained trapped in the very place where you had once shared countless memories together. Every corner, every street, every familiar landmark served as a haunting reminder of the love that had once bloomed between you.
But for Rafe, these reminders were not bittersweet echoes of a bygone era. Instead, they were a constant source of torment, a relentless barrage of memories that threatened to consume him from within. He had no idea of the repulsion you felt towards him, no inkling that you had moved on and left him behind.
Instead, he found himself spiraling into a downward spiral of self-destructive behavior, his mind clouded by a fog of regret and longing. Despite the passing of two long years, the pain of your absence still gnawed at him like a festering wound, leaving him adrift in a sea of loneliness and despair.
And as he wandered the familiar streets, lost in a haze of nostalgia and longing, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness, a void that no amount of alcohol or drugs could ever hope to fill. He longed for the comfort of your presence, the warmth of your touch, but knew deep down that it was a longing that could never be fulfilled.
In his mind, you were still the girl he had once loved, the girl who had changed the trajectory of his life, his first love. And though he tried to push you away, to bury the memories of your time together deep within the recesses of his mind, they persisted, a constant reminder of what he had lost.
But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Rafe began to realize the depth of his mistake—the magnitude of the pain he had caused and the consequences of his actions. And though he knew that he could never erase the past, he vowed to do whatever it took to make amends, to find redemption for the sins of his past and to prove himself worthy of the love he had once taken for granted.
For you, the decision to leave Rafe Cameron and the memories of your past behind was a choice born from a place of strength and determination. With each step forward, you felt a sense of liberation, a freedom from the chains of your past that had once bound you so tightly. Though the road ahead was uncertain, you walked it with a newfound sense of purpose, determined to carve out a future untainted by the shadows of your past.
But for Rafe, the passage of time had done little to ease the ache of your absence. Despite his best efforts to bury his feelings deep within the recesses of his mind, they persisted, a constant reminder of the love he had once lost. The pain of your departure gnawed at him like a festering wound, leaving him adrift in a sea of loneliness and regret.
As he wandered the familiar streets of the island you had once called home, Rafe found himself trapped in a downward spiral of self-destructive behavior. Each reminder of your absence served as a cruel twist of the knife, a relentless barrage of memories that threatened to consume him from within. Though he tried to drown out the pain with alcohol and drugs, it was a futile effort—a temporary reprieve from the agony that lingered in his heart.
And though you despised him, repulsed by the thought of the boy he had once been, Rafe remained unaware of your feelings, his mind clouded by a haze of longing and regret. In his eyes, you were still the girl he had once loved, the girl who had captured his heart and changed his life forever.
taglist: @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87,
@augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @ilovesteveharrngton, @ijustwanttoreadlols, @fastlovela, @wickedlovely121, @fals3-g0d, @givemylovetoall, @lucfics, @briefwinnerpersonaturtle, @maybankslover, @peachy4u2, @hockeybabe87, @yeosxxx, @zizouu23, @h34rtsformilli, @maybankslover, @yawnzshit, @rubixgsworld
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
https://x.com/bvtterflyxv/status/1817236869714767877 🫠🫠
I love how from directors (P'Jojo, Aof, P'Nuchy) to crews, everyone tease them and squee over them. But all the teasings aside, this is why they are best work partners. They are genuinely caring about each other. 😭
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Yes, they're so boyfriend-coded and I genuinely don't think they realize it. Like I think they think people just tease them because they're a CP, but in actuality people tease them because they act like they've been married for ten years.
It reminds me of that interview they did with Joong after the announcement of The Heart Killers where Khaotung asked Joong where Dunk was and then looked shocked when Joong didn't know. Poor thing can't even fathom a world where you and your bestie aren't attached at the hip.
It's so cute that they wait on each other, though. They've done that since The Eclipse and it's not like they ride to set together, so there's really no reason to stay behind except to provide emotional support. (And to help them remove their temporary tattoos, I suppose.) I love them with my whole heart.
This is what they said about their arrangement during that IVISN event a few weeks ago:
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"I can wait for you, of course." 🥺
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deanbrainrotwritings · 4 months
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— the politics of knife fighting
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SUMMARY : tom tried to live a normal life after getting away from his hometown, but he should’ve known his little slice of heaven would go bad eventually. 
PAIRING : tom hanniger x fem!reader
CHARACTERS : emmeline kipling (OFC), klaus cassidy (OMC), donald white (OMC), gilly fawkes (OFC)
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), angst, gore, blood, murder, DID (dissociative identity disorder), set after the events of MBV
A/N : title from jamies elsewhere song. this fills the on the run square on my @jacklesversebingo card. I listened to every MCR song to finish this 😭✋🏻
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It was pretty morbid, if he thought about it too hard. 
You, getting so worked up after a funeral. 
To be fair, Gilly and Don weren’t even your friends anymore. In fact, there was an intense animosity between the three of you that reminded Tom of himself, Sarah, and Axel. 
Except it was much more complicated than that and you weren’t interested in dating Donald. It was more… a case of unrequited love, but much darker. Donald didn’t want you to have the choice to not be with him and Gilly hated you despite not wanting to be with Donald herself. 
Gilly and Don made your life hell for two whole years before he met you. 
He opened his eyes, his vision blurry. His head was pounding and something warm, soft, and wet slid across his face. 
He saw you, your face pinched in concern as you wiped his blood from the wounds you’d sewn up for him. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” he remembered your soft voice and reassuring smile, right before he passed out again.
That was the day he found out that Harry Warden hadn’t returned to get him, Harry Warden was a part of him and had done all those horrible things. The only good thing about it was that Harry had an interest in keeping him alive and got him out of the mine before he was found and arrested. 
When he came to, two days later, he was on the couch in your living room wearing new clothes—clothes Donald had left at your place and you wanted to get rid of. 
You let him stay, you respected that he didn’t want to share much about himself, and you allowed him to stay in your home until he was ready to make it on his own. Despite knowing nothing about him, you took care of him. But you did also threaten him by telling him your dad was an ex-Marine. He figured that’s the reason you knew how to properly stitch up a bullet wound.
After a few months of your arrangement, his temporary stay at your home became permanent. And he went from being a stranger to being your lover. 
Within months, miles away from his hometown, he finally felt like he’d established a sense of safety with you. He finally felt that his mind and his life had stabilised. The blackouts and the fear of Harry taking over his body reduced to nothing.
With your help, he was finally able to find a neurophysiologist who could treat him and help him with his condition. He confronted what was wrong with him while he was with you. 
Hell, he thinks he may have matured drastically since he’s known you. He used to be so arrogant and cowardly. 
You didn’t know the specifics about his past or his condition at first, but you seemed happy that he was getting help for whatever it was that was troubling him so profoundly. He started working through his trauma, who he was, what he wanted for himself—it was easier knowing you were back home waiting for him. 
He was finally able to share most of his past with you. Most of it. Because he just couldn’t bring himself to tell you his diagnosis or the fact that the bunkmate in his head was a murderer. 
It took a few years, but eventually, he was able to integrate those traumatic memories and he taught himself to not be afraid of Harry coming to ruin everything he’d built for himself.
He didn’t know if the medication was actually helping or if being far away from Harmony and Hanniger Mine made Harry Warden stay down and out of his way. 
He only knew that he was grateful to have met you.
You were gentle and patient with him. He felt that you understood him. Profoundly. Not knowing him as he was back then and not having expectations of him like everyone else back in Harmony did, it helped, too. 
He was getting to learn who he was on his own and you were part of that journey. The rediscovery of himself. 
You accepted him and all that he was, but he didn’t know if you’d still love him knowing there was someone else living inside him.
He pushed it to the back of his mind and focused on you and your wandering hands, but you caught him, once again, in the middle of his thoughts.
“Tommy, you okay?” You murmured against his jaw as you worked on loosening his black tie. He felt himself get warmer the lower your hands wandered and his heart pounded loudly in his chest when you got to his belt.
He smiled at you and buried his fingers in your hair to bring you up for a slow, long kiss. He finally felt you fumble for the first time, your fingers slowed at his belt, and you moaned into his mouth softly.
“Yeah, I was thinking about you,” he reassured you when he pulled away. His hands moved out of your hair, slowly sneaked up your warm thighs, and beneath the soft black dress you wore.
You gazed into his eyes and bit your lip. 
He could see your concern and your curiosity. He knew he appeared to be distracted these past couple of weeks, but especially today at the funeral for both Gilly and Donald. You asked him about it, but he would dismiss it, and you hesitantly accepted his response every time. 
He dreaded the day you found out the truth about him. 
But it seemed the universe believed he was asking too much for wanting to be happy with you.
He squeezed your bare hip beneath your dress, the absence of underwear excited him. You must have slipped them off in between kissing him senseless and pushing him into the couch you both currently rested on. He helped you get his belt off and kissed you passionately. 
You finally conceded and cupped his face to kiss him back with as much fervour, and successfully managed to ease his mind of his concern and amend the lack of control he was starting to feel again. 
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As you turned the corner into the street leading to your home, the sight of red and blue sirens instantly made your heart speed up.  
You hoped it wasn’t your home. That Tom was okay. That nothing happened to him. But those thoughts didn’t comfort you and your breathing picked up so that you almost felt your lungs burning.
You slowed your car as you drove closer to your home, the source of police cars. Your neighbours stared at you and murmured to each other and your stomach ached, nauseous.
You parked nearby with your hands trembling and managed to get out of the car without stumbling on your weak knees. Your eyes fell to police officers standing and talking around your house, but there was no ambulance in sight. 
“Please, please, please,” you murmured shakily. 
You pulled the yellow tape that kept you out over your head to enter your front lawn, and looked around for Tom, but he wasn’t outside with any of the police officers.
You hoped to talk to someone who might know something. Where’s Tom? 
“Miss, you’re Tom Hanniger’s girlfriend?” You recognised the woman’s voice behind you. 
See, usually, you’re not one to hold a grudge if things happened before the age of 14, but Emmeline Kipling went from being your middle school bully, to a bully of a police officer. Way to beat the stereotype. 
“Fiancée,” you muttered before you turned to face her. “What’s happened? Where’s Tom?”
“He’s wanted for the murder of Donald White and Gilly Fawkes,” she answered bluntly. Your mouth dropped open and you blinked at her. You shook your head and looked away from her, stared intently at your home, and wondered why or how it was possible that you could’ve missed this. 
“No, he wouldn’t do that, that’s-that’s not-”
“We’ve got the evidence to back it up,” she interrupted you, laying her hand on your arm instinctively. God, can everything just stop? “We found the murder weapon and his clothes with Don and Gilly’s blood in your basement.” 
Tears stung your eyes, but it wasn’t because you felt bad about what happened to Gilly and Don. They had it coming. You were afraid of what would happen to Tom if they found him. Would they shoot him on sight? Would he be sent to his death if they captured him alive?
“You’re playing detective now? I mean.. it could be… mine, for all you know,” you rambled nervously, stepping away from her touch as your knees became wobbly.
“No, it’s mining clothes in his size and we’ve taken the murder weapon to check the prints. We both know you don’t have a bone in your body that could hurt a fly,” she smiled at you, but you sensed some malice in her tone. Did she forget that you choked her for physically abusing your other friend? You wanted to do it again. Your fists clenched along with your jaw, but you stopped yourself from making a move. “Did you know about his past in Harmony? He was wanted for nine murders there… They thought he was dead… until now…” she watched you but you remained as calm as you could possibly be with the information she dumped on you. “If you know where he is, tell us… you know, this case will help me get to detective.”
You laughed in disbelief and blinked your tears away. “Well, then, I hope you don’t catch him.” 
“I don’t like you either, but it doesn’t change the fact that your… fiancé is a bad person. Worst of all, a murderer.”
“He’s not a bad… He-”
“I’ve dealt with plenty of cases like these. Most people who’ve lived with evil always tell me the same thing: He never could, never would. That’s not possible. He’s so good to me. But they always find out that they’re wrong in the worst way possible. And it looks like you know nothing about Harmony. There are witnesses. He’s the guy.”
You looked around silently at your neighbours and wondered if they’d already heard about Tom. That he was a murderer. Could he be? Could he really be the one that did it?
“We’ve found an address for a cabin, Emmy,” an officer took the silence between the two of you as a go. He looked at you with empathetic eyes and a comforting smile. You tried to return it, but it was an awful lot of work, especially after hearing about your aunt’s cabin. 
Tom offered to help you clean it up for her.
You hated your aunt for the way she treated your mom… but he’d been adamant about it for weeks after you vented to him about her audacity. How could she ask you for anything after the way she treated your mother? 
Emmeline took the paper from the officer to read it.
You stared at the torn paper that was once stuck to your fridge with a magnet containing the location. You should’ve just put “cabin”, but Tom occasionally went alone after he convinced you to stay home and relax. 
You always wondered why he was so interested in getting it cleaned for her.
“Could he be there?” Emmeline broke your train of thought. Barley.
“I… I don’t know,” you lied and shrugged. Being overwhelmed helped you cover whatever your tell was, that’s all you knew for sure. For all you know, Tom was up there… 
How could he hide this from you? How could you be so blind? Were there signs that you missed? Why were you helping him?
“Let’s check it out,” she told him anyway. He nodded and paused for a moment when he looked at you, but he changed his mind and left. Emmeline did the same and followed him after shoving the piece of paper into her pocket.
“Wait!” You turned to follow her to the car her partner was getting into. “Let me come.” Emmeline turned around and hesitated. “You owe me for that fake-ass apology you gave for how cruel you were.”
“You’re not gonna let that go?” She chuckled. You narrowed your eyes. 
“Don’t act like you don’t victimise yourself to this day for what I did to you after all the torture you put me through. I’ve heard plenty from your fellow officers who know better than to believe your lies…”
“Fine,” she replied begrudgingly and rolled her eyes at you. You resisted the urge to hit her with your clenched fist and opened the door to get into the back.
You had a hard time believing that Tom could actually murder Gilly and Don. He was always so gentle and loving. Soft. Quiet. Kind.
Was that only for you? 
Was it an act? A cover for his real life as a murderer?
You imagined: if he did do it. Would that change anything? Would you love him less? And those people he supposedly murdered in Harmony. Were they innocent? Were you actually thinking this? You felt awful, but part of you needed to believe that he had a good reason for committing murder. 
He can’t be a bad man. He can’t be. 
It was hard for you to believe it. So damn hard, but you knew him. He had problems he didn’t talk about with you completely. If he had some sort of breakdown, he just needed help and you weren’t giving up on him. 
You don’t know how long you were in your thoughts. Or how much time you spent thinking of a way to get Tom to safety. To think of words that would convince Tom to stand down if he was still out of his depth. Or to think of words that would convince Emmeline and her partner to stand down. 
The car came to a stop as the sun began to set behind deep green trees. They reminded you of Tom’s eyes. The wheels crunched on the dirt and twigs, and then there was complete silence as Emmeline looked around from inside the car.
She was afraid. 
You hoped that wouldn’t make her do something stupid that would put Tom’s life in danger. 
“Stay here with her,” Emmeline told her partner after a few moments. She inhaled deeply and exhaled before opening the car. 
“Um… okay?” He looked back at you, leaned forward to shout, “shouldn’t we call for backup first and wait?” Emmeline stopped for a beat or two.
“No, I don’t think he’s armed,” she reassured him. When she smiled at you, it made you nervous. Something was off…
“But you don’t actually know… that…” he trailed off after she slammed the door on him. He turned to you and you couldn’t help smiling nervously at him. He didn’t seem too bad. “I'm, uh… Klaus Cassidy,” he offered, but your mind instantly drifted off to Tom.
You didn’t trust Emmeline for a second. You could just be paranoid because she was an awful person, but you were done with making excuses for people. You had to trust your gut.
Just like you should’ve trusted your gut and done something to help Tom. He had been so jumpy, on edge, and distant ever since Gilly and Don’s death were announced on the news. 
You really thought he was doing well in therapy.
“I… I need some air,” you whispered shakily.
“Yeah, okay,” Kalus frowned at you. 
You stepped out of the car to breathe in the crisp air of nature. Silence. Branches. Animals in the distance. Peace and space. You couldn’t stand being trapped in the car anymore.
Klaus made his way around the car and stood close to you. Protectively. You saw his gun, his nervousness. It was a quick thought, but you knew you probably wouldn’t get another chance. 
“Klaus,” you felt guilty and genuinely bad, but you needed to do something about Tom. Klaus turned to look at you and you didn’t think twice about hitting him square in the jaw like your dad taught you. 
He fell to the ground and you apologised to his unconscious body. You opened the car, quickly rummaged through the glove compartment where you found some surgical gloves. 
You put them on and apologised once more as you took Klaus’ gun and legged it in the direction of the cabin. You knew this place better than Emmeline did, you just hoped you’d make it to Tom before she could hurt him.
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He wasn’t quite used to this sensation. 
Seeing himself outside of his body, something else… someone else using it to move around, it was horrible.
He shouted, begged, and just about did everything he could think of to regain control, but Harry didn’t give his body up.
Harry didn’t speak to him.
All he could do was watch as Harry put a new disguise on. A clean, black miner’s uniform. He could smell the newness, the softener that reminded him of you. But there was the old gas mask on his face again, filled with the hellish stench of sweat, dust, dried blood, and firesmoke.
From inside the cabin, staring out the window as he cursed and swore at Harry, all he could do was watch as some police officer approached. Harry grabbed an axe he found lying around, his gloves squeaked slightly with his tightened grip. 
Harry was excited at the sight of her with her gun and flashlight pointed in his direction.
We’re not immortal, dammit!
“Tom Hanniger!” She shouted at him, but Harry tilted his head indifferently. “Put the axe down or I’ll shoot you.” 
She fired at the cabin, the bullet hit the wooden wall close to the window he was staring out of. He flinched, forgetting that he technically wasn’t inside the cabin. 
Harry angrily put the axe in one hand and held it stiffly in the middle. He breathed through the mask, deeply inhaled, a long exhale. Completely calm, which was not the way he was feeling about adding another person to the list of people… he’s… killed.
“That was a warning shot, Tom! Put it down now, I won’t miss you next time!”
Rustling within the trees made the police officer lower her gun and turn slightly to the source. Her guard was down and he felt like he could breathe again, but unfortunately, Harry began to charge menacingly towards her.
“Klaus?” She turned her flashlight in the direction of the sound of what could only be something getting thrown onto the ground and skipping across a few times before stopping. 
God, no, not you. Not here, not now. Not like this. 
Your voice called out from a completely different direction, but he looked opposite to where the police officer faced. At least it was enough to bring him back to himself. You. Your voice calling his name.
He murmured your name and released the breath that began to make him feel lightheaded. His grip loosened on the axe, but he didn’t let go of it completely. 
He could see you faintly as you stepped out from the thick trees. He stepped towards your voice and the police officer turned in your direction, sadly for her. Her gun was ready, her flashlight lit you up like the beautiful star you were. 
“Tommy, please don’t make things worse for yourself. Put the axe down, please,” you tried to speak calmly, but he could hear the tremble in your voice as you walked the rest of the way towards him. 
His eyes fell over your body. Your work clothes, uncomfortable heels, and surgical gloves loose on your hands. You were vulnerable, unarmed in the middle of a gunfight. The police officer lowered her gun again after a moment of hesitation as she watched the events unfold. 
He’d completely forgotten that you’d eventually catch wind of it all. Of what he was accused of… of what he’d done. He just never expected you to do this, to involve yourself with his other side. 
“Tom… what did you do?” You asked quietly. He could only feel the warmth of your hand seep through the glove and the mask. Your fingers gently threaded into his hair and your other hand took the axe from him.
All he could do was say your name, his voice cracked with his heart at the sight of your tears. All your dreams shattering, your hopes, your future together. From shards, to dust. Irreparable.
He felt the police officer taking his wrists carefully to place the cuffs on him. He struggled for a moment, wishing he’d gotten to touch your face one last time, to kiss you, to take the costume off and feel you for the last time. 
“Don’t do that!” You tried to stop her, subsequently dropping the axe on the ground.
She relented briefly before coming to her senses. “I have to arrest him and take him in.” 
You pushed her away and the cuffs fell to the ground with a clink against the axe. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands and Tom took the chance to remove the gas mask and finally took a deep breath outside of the suffocating mask underneath it. 
“Please, baby.” He grabbed your arms, hoping to calm you down, but you moved away from him. 
“Don’t move, Tom!”
“God! Shut up and let me think, Em!” You shouted in frustration.
“There’s nothing to think about!” She argued with you, getting down to retrieve the cuffs, but you kicked them away. She instantly stood up straight and pulled her gun on you, cocked and ready. Tom stepped in front of you protectively. She looked between you and him for a moment, then laughed dryly. “You’re working with him! Aren’t you? Yeah! You wanted him… no, you told him to kill them for you, didn’t you?”
“What? No! That’s not true!”
“Doesn’t matter,” she smiled and shrugged. “I can just say that you admitted it. You told him to kill Gil and Don for you. Then, you attacked me once we got here. I defended myself and shot you and you died. I’ve been looking for a way to get rid of you ever since-”
You lifted Klaus’ gun and fired it, the bullet flew straight through her forehead before she could speak another word. Tom flinched and gasped in shock, he opened his eyes once her body hit the dirt. 
He stared in disbelief and horror at the hole in the police officer’s forehead, the light spatter of blood from the entry wound. Her eyes were opened to the sky, dead as the stars above. 
He heard you moving around him and saw you put her cuffs back in her pocket. He couldn’t believe you did that. No second thought, no hesitation. And you knew her. Em—that's what you called her.
“Tom!” You shouted at him desperately. “Come on, Tommy. We-we have to get to my dad’s place.” The tremble in your voice reminded him that you were quite shaken up after all. 
“I thought you didn’t talk to him anymore,” he commented distractedly, hoping to hide his distress. But he could tell, now that you took him by his hand, that you weren’t as put together as he imagined. 
He felt the weight of the axe in his other hand and wondered how it got there. He didn’t care. He just watched you lead the way as he tried to collect himself, but he couldn’t do it without giving Harry control. He pushed away his distraught and squeezed your hand.
“Well, no, but I’m still his daughter and he’s not going to let anything bad happen to me.” He remained quiet and suddenly he stood in front of a cop car where you planted the gun on an unconscious officer. 
You apologised to the man and removed your gloves, but shoved them into your dress pants. He watched you wipe your hands on your shirt as if somehow the blood got on you. You did it multiple times as you multitasked: hid your footprints and walked in the direction away from the cop car. 
This was such a mess. 
He didn’t want this for you. 
He didn’t want this for himself. 
He deflated. He let your hand go and stood a few metres away from the road, defeated. “Why are you doing this? Just leave me, I’ll-”
“I can’t!” You frowned at him and took his hand in your once more. Your beautiful wide eyes full of fear and love made his heart wrench. “Okay? I… I love you too much to just leave you alone with all of… this. You’d do the same for me, wouldn’t you?”
“I guess I already did something stupid…” he murmured, dropping the axe to hold your waist and pull your body flush with his. You were also angry— it seemed, because you crossed your arms and glared at him. 
“Yes! You did! You absolute… melon!” He felt bad for laughing at that, but you looked so cute when you angrily shoved him away. “God, Tommy! What were you thinking?!” You tangled your fingers in your hair, overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused. 
He took your hands and brought you in for a comforting embrace, hoping to somehow calm you down. He kissed your hairline and you slowly softened in his arms. He felt you cling tightly to the back of the miner’s uniform he wore. 
“You had to see them every day. After what they both did to you- I don’t know, I’m having a hard time feeling sorry that they were… that I…” 
“How did this happen? Why did you do that? Tommy… you’re such an idiot,” you whispered. He pulled away just to cup your face in his calloused hands. He kissed you once, then a second time, and on the third try, you finally kissed him back. 
“It wasn’t… me… it was, but it wasn’t. It’s hard to explain, actually,” he laughed wryly and breathed against your lips. You shivered and kissed him firmly. He wanted to drown in you, to be covered in your stars and your heart and your body. 
His entire body lit up and turned hot like an overpowered bulb about to burst. 
You pulled away from his lips just in time and he pressed his forehead against yours. “Let’s just get out of here and talk about it outside of these creepy fucking woods.” 
You wrapped your arms around yourself, making you way deeper into the forest. He quickly picked the axe up again and made his way to you, nervous, but ready to face whatever the future may be like on the run with you. 
“It can’t be that creepy here,” he smiled hesitantly. You rolled your eyes at him about to argue your case to demonstrate why the woods were scary. “We fucked against that tree over there after you thought I got us lost.” 
He pointed across to where a red ribbon was wrapped around a tree. He did that to remember you whenever or if he ever found himself in this part of the woods. 
You stopped dead in your tracks with your mouth agape. He joined you and smiled shyly when you smiled at him in surprise. “Shut up,” you couldn’t help laughing. 
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A02 Proof of determination
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL note:
金転がし (kanekorogashi) is an alternate name for まわり将棋 (mawarishogi), a traditional Japanese children’s game using the four Gold General shogi pieces and the pawns move into an anti-clockwise direction. The rules and gameplay elude me, but this website described it as Snakes and Ladders, which I am more familiar with, thus I went with that.
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Kafka: HAMA will fully cease accepting special financial support from the prefecture of Tokyo!
Hakkei: …Wha- what is the meaning of this, Kafka! No- 0th Ward Mayor!
Kafka: Ah, you recognized me as the 0th Ward Mayor. Thank you very much ♪ It’s a given, though. 
Hakkei: Leave the trifling matters aside. Refusing funding from the capital? What are you planning to do with HAMA’s dwindling budget!
HAMA ward resident A: S-seriously, what is the plan here…
HAMA ward resident D: A stop to financial support… A declaration of a full stop to HAMA… 
Kaede: (...Kafka, just what in the world are you thinking?)
Kafka: Please be at ease. Now that I’ve been inaugurated as the 0th Ward Mayor, I’m intending to fully restore all of HAMA. Hence, the current method of doing things is no longer applicable.
Kafka: Rather than being restricted by insufficient funding and having our hands tied, I must go as far to propose a temporary termination in order to be able to enforce more drastic measures. 
Hakkei: And instead of that trifling amount of funding, from where do you intend to procure your capital?
Hakkei: This isn't child’s play- do you even comprehend that these politics are intertwined with the foundation of a whole city? 
Kafka: Towards these ends, I’ve invested every single penny to my own name into establishing a travel agency that will have direct control over the 18 wards of HAMA.
Kafka: Its name is HAMA Tours!
Kafka: It will be in charge of directing all general tourism affairs of HAMA,  and arranging package tours which haven’t been done before now. Proceeds will in turn serve as financial support for tourism.
Hakkei: Hmph! A mere pipe dream fabricated by some anklebiter. Tourism is not to be underestimated! Is your purpose to smash all of HAMA with that company of yours to pieces, Kafka!?
Hakkei: If you’re using your legal obligation as the 0th Ward Mayor to play house, then I will not allow this in a million years!
Kafka: …Who’s the one playing house here?
Hakkei: …
Kafka: Let me make it clear how I’m putting my life on the line.
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HAMA ward resident A: The president of the biggest bank in all of HAMA!? And… they’re shaking hands!?
Kaede: (Kafka… Just when did you meet up with the president of the bank!?)
Hakkei: This is…
Kafka: A few days ago, fundraising for HAMA Tours found itself in a rough spot, so we were able to come to an agreement about receiving a loan♪  
Kafka: Incidentally, as a safety net, we have all that is in my possession, and everything under the name of the Oguro Family. Not only our estate and plot of lands we own, but the colossal amount of intellectual property left by mother is included too. In other words—
Kafka: When HAMA sinks to the depths of the ocean, I too sink. I am mentally prepared to lose anything and everything. Still feeling inclined to describe this as playing house?
Hakkei: ……
Kafka: Of course, sinking to rock bottom is not in my agenda. Therefore, the days of receiving financing will not come back. To all ward residents of HAMA…
Kafka: Together with me, we’re facing a big gamble to bring our HAMA back to life. So you’ll place your bets, right?
HAMA ward resident B: I changed my mind! If he’s willing to go that far, then I'm onboard!
HAMA ward resident C: “HAMA Tours”, eh?- Good luck! Come partner up with our joint!
HAMA ward resident D:  The new Ward Mayor’s top of the grade determination… Gleefully accepting resolution…  One chance of HAMA’s regeneration…
Kaede: (The whole venue’s mood flipped completely…! Kafka… you went as far as putting everything you own into this. You really are out of this world…!)
Kaede: (I also have to contribute with all I can! We’ll absolutely make HAMA Tours a success!)
Hakkei: …Hmph, you've gotten the extent of your determination across. If you’re willing to declare that much, then you'd better show it with your actions. On the other hand!
Hakkei: I won’t cut any corners. Reviews will not get higher ratings out of compassion. I have not a single clue about how many times you’ve succeeded with your investments, but I’ll have you know tourism differs from a game of snakes and ladders. At most, you’ll flail hopelessly. 
Kafka: …Please continue to enjoy the view as a spectator. We will show you achievements beyond your expectations. …Uncle Hakkei.
Hakkei: Hmph!
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Kafka: Good work out there, Kaede-chan. How was the inauguration? I gave it all I got, right?
Kaede: Kafka… I was anxious, to be honest. And I was relieved everything turned out well. When I heard that you’re cutting off funding, everyone around me was shaken to their core, you know. 
Kafka: Eeeeh~ That’s noooooot much praise. Especially when I did my oh-so best out there too~
Kaede: I thought you were amazing! I really did! It was just such a risky bet…
Kafka: Well, can’t deny that. But there were a lot of people passionate about the tourism industry from the ward residents that gathered, and I wanted them to properly accept HAMA’s situation and make it a personal problem. 
Kafka: Hospitality isn’t viable if only those at the top put in the effort. I wanted each and every single ward resident to consider contributing to HAMA. But, ultimately, I wanted to show there’s hope. You get me?
Voice of newscaster: “Furthermore, as declared by the new 0th Ward Mayor Oguro Kafka, the establishment of the travel agency HAMA Tours was made public.”
Kafka: Ah, look at that display over there! Our company logo is being shown on it!
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Kaede: That’s… our new company’s…
Kaede: …. It is cute, but why a dog?
Kafka: Because I’m a dog person ♪ Which you already knew, yeah? Ah, I also have plans for a company song to be made.
Kaede: You are not going to put dogs in the song too, right?
Kafka: It’s a surprise for when you listen ♪
Kaede: (....Kafka, you look like you’re having fun. The inauguration today gave me chills all over, but if he can smile like that, then I have a feeling it'll be okay.)
Kaede: (Maybe the reality of all this is starting to sink in for me too. I’m going to be working for the sake of HAMA going forward…!)
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(Kafka smiling)
Kafka: …
Kafka: Okay, I’ll send you the location of our company office building and schedule on PeChat. Work begins immediately starting next week! And, as for Kaede-chan himself~
Kafka: Given you're the first commemorable employee, the role of chief goes to you! 
Kaede: Chief!? Are you suddenly shoving me into an executive position!? 
Kafka: I'm the company president, after all. I’m looking forward to working with you, right, Chief-chan ♪
Kaede: Eeeh~.... Geez, still pushy as always..… 
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Kaede: (But, I’m not complaining. There’s an incredible feeling in my chest. I want to try it. I feel like this is what I’ve been truly wanting to do…) 
Kaede: (If I take this one step forward, the radiant sun will be ahead of me.)
Kafka: As if it’s a morning where the sun rises from the depths of the dark sea. There is hope for the future. 
Kafka: Don’t you believe we can convey that through our work? At least… that’s what I want to believe.  
Kaede: …Yes!
Kaede: (I’m sure that a lot of new encounters await me from now on. And… I want to believe that they’ll bloom into something beautiful!)
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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allwaswell16 · 7 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics in which one or both of the main characters meeting the family plays an important role in the fic as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
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m-jelly · 6 months
Mask of the heart - Chapter 1
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Levi x fem!readerRoyalty, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Curses, Curse Breaking, Demons, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Magic, Romance, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, Love, Love Confessions, True Love, Demon Levi Ackerman, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Running Away, Arranged Marriage, Obsessive Behavior, Soft Levi Ackerman, Levi Ackerman Needs a Hug, Protective Levi Ackerman, Possessive Levi Ackerman, Cuddly Levi Ackerman, Masks, Curvy Reader
When the psychotic prince of your country tries to force you to marry him you manage to run away to the next country over and right into the arms of a demon Count called Levi. Levi has been cursed to be forever stuck in his demon form, believing he is ugly and scary to others he always wears a mask. Levi looks after you and helps you learn how to trust others again. While Levi teaches you the world's joys, you teach him how loveable and handsome he is. With encouragement from yourself and a lot of your pure love, Levi starts taking his mask off more and allowing his people to get to know him. With romance blossoming between you, the prince of the other kingdom wants you back and tries everything to get you back. Levi helps you and works with King Erwin to stop the prince of the other land and free the people of his tyranny.
This first chapter mentions blood, the prince hurting workers and possessive behaviour.
Part 2
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Pleasure flowed through the prince as he pressed the hot symbol against his servant’s chest. Every scream that was emitted from the man was incredible. The prince took joy in hurting others, it was his favourite pastime. When he wasn’t hurting someone, he was busy partaking in the flesh of many women. Never loyal to one woman, there was always another each night. Sometimes he’d have them for just a week.
However, a part of him longed to have someone he could devote his heart to. No matter how many times he met countless women, not a single one of them stirred his heart or moved him. As he placed the hot brand against the man’s flesh again, he decided that a ball was needed. The prince was determined to meet the woman of his dreams.  
He lifted the hot iron and inspected the skin clinging to it. “Mr Clarke? Organise a ball for me and make sure that every single bachelorette of age is invited. I want a wife.”
Mr Clarke gazed at the prince as the words settled in his head, it was shocking to hear his master tell him to gather women so one can find a bride. Prince Jareth Lovell was a cruel man to all those around him, yet charming and alluring to those he needed to be. It was hard not to be captivated by the prince with his chiselled jawline, angled cheekbones, almond eyes were icy blue, lips plump that always held a wicked smile, a tall frame to tower over others, muscles over every inch of him, small waist, large hands and a mane of long silver-white hair with a few pieces at the front to create layers.
He bowed to the prince. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Jareth lowered the iron and gazed at his helper. “I want it soon. I crave a wife. No more temporary lovers. Make sure the ones I have are cleared out.”
“Understood, Your Highness.”
The whole palace was in a frenzy about organising the ball, as soon as everything was in order the invites were sent and news broke out. The charming prince was after a wife. Most women were excited to be the one the prince married, especially those who had taken him as a lover some nights. However, one rare woman despised the prince and the country after everything that had happened.
Your parents had owned a lot of land, and your father was a well-loved Lord by many and cared for those in need. The royal family were not keen on your father and his influence on people. Your father and mother wanted to take their money and run away to the next country over. During a trip to the border to organise their escape with you, their sweet eight-year-old daughter, there was a carriage accident. With every fibre in your body, you believed the royal family did it.
After your parents died, your uncle and aunt took you in. The two of them were obsessed with money and fame, so they tried everything to take what was your father’s but thanks to the will your father made, it was all yours. When you came of age, you moved out and returned to the land your family owned and lived in a small home. However, your aunt and uncle were always around and wouldn’t leave you be.
Today you were even more irritated by them because your cousin, who was younger than you, was screaming about an invite from the palace. “Ruby, please stop screaming.”
She shoved the white invite card in your face. “The prince has invited us to a ball!”
“Am I supposed to be excited?”
“Yes!” She huffed. “It’s a chance to be a princess and then a queen!”
The idea of being a royal did not interest you, so you looked back down at your work. “I’m good.”
“I’m telling mum!”
You rolled your eyes. “You do that.” It didn’t take long for your young cousin to rush out of the room and return with your aunt and uncle. “Before you speak, no I am not going.”
Your uncle huffed as he said your name. “She is only 20, she is of age to marry the prince. You don’t need to go as a potential bride, but you could at least escort her! She’s younger than you and she’s not used to those types of places. At least escort her.”
You glanced over at your cousin. “You do know the prince is a monster. His whole family are terrible.”
Ruby pouted. “I just wanna go to a ball.”
Part of you felt bad because she’d never been to a ball or a grand event but you had. So, you decided to push your issues aside. “Very well, I’ll escort her.”
“I ah…” She hesitated.”
You cast your gaze on her. “Yes?”
Nerves began to show on through her playing with her dress. “I do not have a ball gown.”
Your aunt moved closer. “Help her, please? We aren’t rich enough to get her something so fine and beautiful.”
You rose to your feet. “I know of a local lady in my land who will give us a good deal.” The clacking of your heels on the wooden floor echoed in the room. When you noticed no one was falling you paused. “Are you coming?”
It was a nice day with Ruby in the shop, to see her so happy dressing up warmed your heart a little. For a long time you’d been hurting and rather closed off, it had become so bad that your ex left you and said you were a cold-hearted bitch that didn’t understand love. It was true, that you were rather cold-hearted but you did know love and it wasn’t for him. A part of you craved and longed for love, but you believed it was somewhere out there, not within this country. You were going to finish what your parents started, you were going to take your money and power then leave this place and never return.
Sometimes you would feel bad about leaving, mainly because Ruby was sweet and the people you looked after in the small land you owned were incredible. There was this sweet bond that was between everyone in the town and you, so walking away was going to be hard. The land was near the border on the beach, so a part of your plan was to possibly sell the land to a royal or lord in the country bordering this one. Someone had to be better than your royal family.
After helping Ruby with her dresses, you spent a few days teaching her how to dance and greet royals. You ensured she knew that her head must be slightly bowed and eyes downcast when she spoke and only to lift your head when requested. The greeting bow was also important, the deeper the bow the more respect you had for the royal. Ruby had told you she was going to go for a very respectful bow, which you supported.
When the day of the ball arrived, you felt sick to your stomach about going but you had promised Ruby to take her. Ruby was too young to go alone and was not educated enough to speak to royals and powerful people. It was sweet seeing her bounce in her carriage seat, but for you, your anxiety was eating away at you the closer you got. Wearing a corset and a tight ball gown was a little bit soothing for you, it was like a tight hug.
As you walked up the stairs and held your dress you gave Ruby the last bits of information. “Now, when we go in there they will announce us. You will have a Miss as a title and I Lady. This is a little odd because the prince will already be there. Normally at balls, the prince or royal enters last, but he wants to see every woman enter.” You stopped at the top. “This is like a parade of things he can shop for.”
Ruby nodded. “I understand. Are we first or last? It’s always good to be around there.”
You handed over the invites to the butler. “We’re middle.”
The butler checked the cards. “Correct, you are in the middle. Do not worry miss, the prince cares for all ladies.”
“A word?”
“But of course.”
You moved to the side with the butler. “Ruby is a potential bride, but I am not. I am here as her escort.”
He was in utter shock. “My Lady, you were invited as a potential bride.”
“And I decline that invite. I am just an escort, nothing more. Please announce me as the escort.”
A slight fear shot through him, he was sure the prince would not like this. “A-Ah um…very well, my Lady.”
The grand white doors with gold leaf trim were pushed open to reveal a large hall with a white marble floor sprinkled with gold. In the ceiling were paintings of battles, women taking lovers and grand scenes of royal successes. Two chandeliers sparkled in the light like the sunlight bouncing off the sea. Below was an overhearing throne with the prince sitting upon it, quivering behind him was Mr Clarke and a few women on the floor begging for attention.
As the soft music played, the prince brought his gold chalice to his lips and felt unamused by the women so far. Not a single person had interested him and he was beginning to get antsy. When the doors opened he dragged his bored eyes up and felt his ears prick with interest when he heard Ruby being announced with a female escort. As soon as he heard your name, he held back a laugh and couldn’t believe you had come here.
Jareth smirked. “Is that the girl whose parents died due to my father?”
Mr Clarke leaned closer. “Indeed, Your Highness.”
“It’ll be interesting to see that little welp. I find it amusing that she is an escort and not a potential bride. She must have rejected me.” He downed some of his red wine. “Rightly so, that disgusting…” Words failed him as soon as you walked out with Ruby in your figure-hugging dress and hair up and away from your stunning face. “Such beauty.”
“She is a fine one. Let’s see how she bows.”
Jareth saw Ruby give a deep bow, but you gave a small one which was disrespecting the prince. Rudy was blushing, but you could not care less about this occasion and didn’t even bother to sneak a glance at him, like most of the ladies tonight.
Clarke gasped. “How disrespectful, I am so sorry Your Highness.”
Jareth rose to his feet. “Don’t be. I liked it. What a hypnotic creature.” He moved past the pleading women as Clarke scrambled to follow. “I must have her. She will be my bride.”
“Your Highness?”
Jareth turned to his helper with a glint in his eyes. “Being a lady means she is well educated. She is beautiful like a goddess. She is willing to speak and act her mind even though there could have been a risk to her life. She was bold too by rejecting me of all people. Send an invite to her. I wish to see her in private.”
Clarke bowed. “Yes, Your Highness.” With quick movements, Clarke made it across the room to you. Getting closer to you now, he was beginning to understand why the prince was so taken by you, you were a vision. “My Lady?”
You turned with a glass in your hand and a smile on your face due to speaking with a rather charming Lord, a friend of your father’s. “Yes?”
“The prince would like to see you privately.”
Your nail tapped against your champagne glass. “Does he now?” You flicked your gaze to the prince as he watched. “Tell him I decline. I am an escort tonight and I am conducting business. I am not interested in marriage or a roll in the sheets with him.”
Fear shot through Clarke. “M-My Lady! Please.”
“I understand your situation, but I decline. He can find a play toy elsewhere.” You returned your attention to the man you were speaking to. “As I was saying, I am happy to meet up to create a contract of trading between the two of us.”
The gentleman chuckled. “Excellent. You remind me so much of your father, he was a good man. He would be so proud of you.”
“Thank you, that means a lot to me.”
Mr Clarke cried out your title and name causing people to stare and the prince. As soon as you turned to him he spoke. “His Royal Highness would like a meeting with you.”
“As I explained to you the first time.” A strained smile spread over your lips. “I decline his invitation. I am an escort tonight, that is all. If it upsets him so much that I say no, then he can come here himself and I will tell him no to his face.”
Mr Clarke felt irritated when he saw people were trying to hide that they were laughing. “Fine.” A part of him was excited at telling the prince you said no because then you would get tortured, Clarke rather liked it when that happened. “Your Highness.”
A tingle rushed through Jareth. “Well? When is she meeting me?”
“She declined.”
Amusement and excitement now consumed him, this was even more exciting. “Declined?”
Clarke glanced over at you. “She did.” Seeing you be strung up and tortured by the prince was exciting him. “She said you can talk to her and she will reject you to your face.” He gazed at his prince and waited for a reaction of disgust, but was shocked.
Jareth laughed. “What a woman. I will speak with her.” People parted out of the way as Jareth’s long and muscular legs moved him over to you. He towered over you with his height. “Excuse me.” He softly said your name and felt arousal when you turned to face him. To him, you were incredibly beautiful and your plump breasts were wonderfully pressed in your dress and corset. “I was told you wanted to tell me your response to my invitation.”
Your neck hurt a bit looking up at him. “Goodness, you are too tall.” You huffed a little. “I informed your little messenger that I will not meet with you in private. I am escorting my cousin Ruby, that is all. If you want so woman to roll around in the sheets with for a night or few nights, I am not the woman for you. So, no I will not have a meeting with you.”
“I am not looking for a woman to lay with. I am looking for a bride.”
You bowed your head to your friend and started walking away. “You are not husband material.” You stopped in a hall half open to the garden. “Knowing you, you would have countless affairs. You cannot stick to one woman.”
He grabbed your upper arm and yanked you to him, he made sure you looked him deep in the eyes. “You are different. I will give everything to have you. I will destroy anyone in my path. You are everything I could ever want and more.”
“I do not want you.”
He gripped tighter making you wince. “Perhaps I will have a word with your uncle. You may be a lady and have power, along with being well over the age of 18, but he still has the final say. The law states that the male of the family has the final say on marriage.”
A cold fear went through you. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“I enjoy a challenge and you are the biggest challenge. I desire you deeply and I will make you mine.” He pulled you close and forced a kiss on you. “I will visit your uncle soon.”
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It hurt deeply in your heart that your Uncle and Aunt went against your pleas. No matter how much you told them both you did not want to marry the prince, it fell on deaf ears. Arrangements were being made for you and as soon as your Uncle said yes, you were whisked away to the palace. Being in the palace was so deeply lonely and soul-crushing. The prince was deeply obsessed with you in a very disturbing way. Anyone who said anything against you was tortured personally by his hand.
There was only one good thing about the palace and that was one maid and a carriage driver. The two of them cared for and looked after you, they even made sure you stayed mentally healthy. Sometimes when you were alone with them, you would just talk for hours which gave you a boost to keep going. When they saw you weren’t going to get any better, talks of escaping started and a plot of you running away began.
It was hard to plot your escape, mainly because the prince had spies all over the palace who were very loyal to him. Plus, the prince made sure he was with you as often as possible and took you on countless dates. The prince wanted you to fall in love with him, he knew it was a hard job to do so wearing you down first was the best option and hoping the Stockholm syndrome would kick in.
Today you were hoping for an easy day. You’d been sleeping more and hardly eating, so you were weaker than normal. You were a plump person, but the weight was starting to drop off. It scared you that it was happening because you liked your curves, you were proud of them and Jareth was just draining you of so much happiness and health.
Your maid moved closer to you as you sat up in your grand bed. “Good morning, my lady. Did you sleep any better?”
You shook your head slowly. “More nightmares. I don’t know if I can keep doing this. Marrying him…” Bile rose in your throat. “I feel sick.”
She helped you out of bed and to the bathroom. “I will get you some water, my lady.”
Jareth shoved your bedroom doors open. “Doll! Where are you?”
The maid flinched at seeing the prince. “Your Highness.” She bowed deeply. “My lady is in the bathroom.”
A devilish smirk spread over his plump lips. “Bathing?”
“N-no, she is unwell.”
The smile faded away. “Unwell?”
“She had a restless night and is currently being sick.”
You walked out of the bathroom and hummed. “I am fine before you start a tirade.”
Jareth was soothed as soon as he saw you. “Doll, you look so cute in your night dress. Your maid has told me you struggled with sleep, perhaps sharing my bed would help.”
You glared at him. “I would rather sleep on a bed of broken glass.”
“I do adore your sharp tongue.” He clicked his fingers. “Maid, dress my bride up in something beautiful; it’s date day.”
You walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. “Are you not tired of this constant charade?”
“It’s entertainment for me.”
You released a grow. “Leave so I may change.”
A dark and deep chuckle came from him. “Leave me waiting until the wedding day, hm?” He glanced at his maid. “Hurry up and dress her, I don’t like waiting and if I am not pleased…”
You stormed over to Jareth and shoved him out of the room. “I asked you to leave. Please don’t pressure my maid either.”
He stopped outside your room as he chuckled. “You continue to surprise me.” He turned to face you. “Such a beautiful thing.”
You slammed the door in his face. “Let’s get this over with.”
It didn’t take long for the maid to dress you up into an incredible dress that fit you perfectly, you were like a walking goddess. Jareth was speechless and over the moon about how you appeared. After joining him, you were escorted all over the palace so he could show you off. Eventually, he took you to the garden for some lunch together.
Jareth paused while eating and noticed you weren’t. “Why are you not eating?”
You sighed. “I’m not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten all day!” He stood and dragged his chair closer to you before sitting again. “You need to eat.” He put some food on a fork made of gold. “You like fighting me all the time. You can’t fight me if you’re weak.” He offered the food to you. “Besides, your plump and curvy frame is divine.”
You released a long sigh and knew he was right. You had started to like how you looked and you needed your strength. “I will eat but, please don’t feed me.”
He handed the fork to you. “I will get you to love me.”
You started eating your lunch and rather enjoyed it. “Mm.”
He caressed your cheek. “So cute and precious.”
“Do you really think I’ll love you? You’ve used your power and the law to force me to be your fiancée.” You downed some of your drink. “Love will not happen between us.” You flicked your gaze to him. “Are you even capable of love?”
He leaned his cheek on his hand as he took you in. “I love you, so yes.”
“You torture workers for your amusement and I am sure your father was behind the death of my parents.” You leaned closer to him. “You love it when people get hurt or die by your hand. Plus, you have slept with so many women who knows what diseases you have inside you. I would never want to touch you or let you near me. I will never give you a child because I don’t want your infected body to touch mine.”
The rage inside Jareth built up, he had never been called disgusting and infected before. As soon as you finished talking he flew into a fit of rage. When he stood up the chair scraped loudly against the floor. It all happened in a blink of an eye. One minute the butler was standing waiting for instructions, the next moment Jareth had smashed the hot teapot against him. Blood flew through the air when Jareth’s fist connected with the butler’s face over and over.
You launched yourself at Jareth and hugged his arm. “Stop!” You pulled hard. “Stop it!”
A fearful scream escaped you when Jareth grabbed and threw you across the grassy floor. The thud of your body was loud when it connected with it. Jareth didn’t give you a moment to think because he was on you pinning you against the ground. His large bloodied hand gripped your jaw and mouth in a painfully hard squeeze. You breathed heavily through your nose causing his hand to heat up.
Jareth panted a little as his silvery white hair created a curtain around you both. “I am not disgusting or dirty.”
Part of you hoped someone would come to pull him off you, but no one would dare because he would break them. Plus, it seemed a lot of people who worked for him enjoyed it when he was violent. You were doomed if you stayed with this man. As he pinned you in place you knew that you had to run away because no one was ever going to save you.
He leaned down a little more so he was inches from your face. “I might have enjoyed fucking a lot of women or having them suck my cock, but I ensure that everyone was well protected. I don’t want a dirty child being made from them. You have me all wrong, little doll. I never came inside a single woman. I protect my seed.” He released your face and caressed your cheek. “I am saving myself for you.” He dragged his thumb over your bottom lip. “I was to fill your breedable cunt with all my seed. Our children will be perfect.”
You went numb when he leaned down and kissed you. You didn’t kiss him back, so for him, it was like kissing a doll. Even when his teeth pulled at your lip, you didn’t react. As soon as he gripped your breast, then you got angry. You slapped him hard causing him to pull back. You sat up and wiped the blood off your lip and felt annoyed by him.
Jareth sat back and rubbed his cheek. “Doll.”
You stood up and gently rubbed your jaw. “You will never have me.” You glared at him. “I won’t allow it. You don’t deserve a woman like me.” You released a long sigh. “I am done with this date. I don’t want to see you for the rest of this day.” You walked over to the hurt butler. You took his hand and helped him to his feet. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of my words. Let me care for you.”
The butler shook his head. “I’m okay, my lady. We have a medic.”
You pulled back and smiled. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Jareth stumbled to his feet. “Doll, please don’t leave me. I am sorry for my actions.”
You turned to your maid. “Please could you take me to my room?”
She bowed. “Yes, my lady.”
After returning to your room, the maid helped you change. The room was silent for a while before the maid started talking about helping you escape the palace. It was unexpected to hear her want to do that for you, but you weren’t going to turn her down. So, you started plotting your escape. You worked hard and passionately, but something seemed off with your maid and she seemed to be putting a bit of her ideas in the open.
The way your maid was sometimes with you was a little harsh after how romantic Jareth had tried to be recently. Even though not everything seemed right, you still had some sense of hope and you made a little backup plan with the carriage driver just in case. Your carriage driver was a wonderful older man who seemed the most genuine.
One day your plans came crashing down and breaking your heart. You were enjoying some peace in his grand garden, which seemed to be the only nice place in the palace. Your peace was ruined when Jareth came storming over with two guards and Mr Clarke. Whatever he wanted brought him some sick joy because he had a smirk on him that said he was going to hurt someone.
“You think you’re so slick, don’t you?” Jareth chuckled. “You thought you could get away with this.”
You closed your book and looked up at him, but it seemed he wasn’t looking at you but your maid. “Jareth?”
He glanced over at you and kissed you. “Not you, my doll. You’re a good doll. Someone has taken advantage of you to get my attention.”
“I don’t understand.”
He played with your hair. “Your maid.” He smiled as he took in your beauty. “I still can’t get over how beautiful you are.”
You looked over at your maid as the guards grabbed her. “What are you doing with my maid?”
She smiled at you. “Looks like I’ve been found out.”
“Found out?” Fear shot through you, it had to be your escape plan. “What do you mean?”
Jareth sat next to you on the loveseat and released a long sigh. He pulled you close and held you. “Well, have you ever wondered why you’ve been so unwell?”
You gripped your book. “I thought it was due to stress.”
“Well, this little bitch has been poisoning you. While she’s been doing that, she has been leading you on and pretending to help you go on a trip.”
You felt a pain in your heart. “Oh…why?”
Jareth hummed a laugh. “Why indeed. Why don’t you tell us why, little bitch?”
The maid huffed. “You have had countless women, but you never once wanted me!” She shook a little. “I could give you everything you could ever want.”
Jareth held the side of your head and pulled you close so he could kiss your temple. “You are nothing because you are not my doll.” He held you close. “Clarke, you know what to do with this bitch.”
Mr Clarke smiled. “Yes, Your Highness.”
He waited for everyone to leave before speaking to you. “I am ever so sorry for the treatment you have received, but now you are protected and safe. We’ll get your health back on track.”
Tears stung your eyes. “Mm.”
He hugged you tightly. “Now it’s just me and you, no more maid in our way.”
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A few maids hurried around you as you were pushed and pulled into your wedding dress. The number of layers and the tightness of the corset were too much. Since your maid was taken away, Jareth was with you every second he could meaning it was impossible to plot your escape. It seemed like there was no escape for you and you were stuck. All you could think about was having to sleep with Jareth because of the royal rules that the marriage had to be consummated.
“My lady?”
You lifted your head and registered your carriage driver standing at the door of your carriage. “Today is the day that I die. As soon as I marry him, everything inside me will die.”
He watched you sob into your flowers. He reached inside your carriage and placed his hand on your arm. “I won’t let that happen.”
You sniffed. “What do you mean?”
He clenched his jaw. “It has been an honour.”
You flinched when he slammed the door and climbed into his seat. “What is happening?” You yelped when he cracked the reins and the carriage sped off. Your back slammed into your seat as the carriage raced off. “Harold!” You clambered over to the other seat and opened the little window to the driver seat. “Harold?”
The loud thumping of the horse's hooves and their breathing was so loud, but he managed to shout over them. “I’m setting you free. I’m getting you to the border!”
“Harold, he’ll kill you.”
He sighed. “I know, but I cannot let you do this. Run across the border, do not look back. Get yourself safe and find love.”
You let the tears fall. “Thank you, Harold.” You pulled back and started pulling at your dress so it’d be easier for you to run. You yanked your engagement ring off and tied it to the flowers. After shoving the door window open, you tossed the flowers out. “Freedom.”
As the carriage shook and travelled along the road to the border, you sat back and closed your eyes so you could enjoy some peace. A shout made your whole body jump. It seemed like Harold was shouting about something. You leaned out the window and looked behind you to see it was the royal guards in the distance racing towards you as well as Jareth.
Harold cracked the reins. “Don’t worry, my lady! I’ll get you close to the border! We’re almost there!”
You breathed out to see it was cold out. The mountain path was the only way you could escape. “Harold, thank you!”
“I’ll race into the woods. You need to jump out and start running, okay? I’ll draw them away.”
You nodded. “Okay.” You braced yourself against the door. “I’m ready!”
He turned the carriage into the thick snow-covered woods. He glanced back to see you were out of view. “Now!”
You threw the door open and leapt out and into the snow. You cried out when your body slammed against the floor on a bank then you started rolling. You yelped as your body rolled over hidden rocks. You kept rolling until you banged into a tree causing the air to be knocked out of you. “Ow.”
As you lay there in the snow you heard the carriage race away. Horses hooves and shouting got closer, meaning Jareth was getting close to the carriage. You winced as you leaned up and listened closely to what he was ordering, it seemed like he didn’t know you had jumped. Knowing you’d be safe for a bit, you pushed yourself up onto your shaky-cut legs and started sprinting as fast as your broken body could take you.
Time seemed to mean nothing to you as you stumbled through the forest. It was hard to see where you were going now, but you were sure hours had passed. You had prepared for your sham wedding in the morning and now it was the middle of the night. The bright moon lit up your path as you stumbled around. The once glamorous wedding dress you wore was not ripped, wet, dirty and had your blood on it.
Exhaustion bit away at your body, you needed to stop and rest but another part of you was telling you to fight. You slowed down and spotted a light from a lantern moving closer to you. A boost of energy rushed through you. You ran towards the light and saw a man dressed in black with a long cloak with a thick fur collar. When he moved into the moonlight you felt breathless.
The man was muscular and of average height. The clothes he wore indicated that he was rich, but likely not a royal. His hand gripping the top of the lantern was not fully human, it was black with claw-like fingers that seemed so soft and warm. The cold winter air blew his raven undercut hair a little to show off his stunning face that was dotted with black markings and some scales. Two reddish horns curled from his head and framed his handsome features. There were dark marks under his eyes to show he lacked sleep. A tail flicked behind him as he looked around. The most beautiful part was his steel blue eyes, you wanted to look deep into them for the rest of your life.
Levi had gone out for a night walk because he had heard there was a runaway bride who had escaped the prince in the neighbouring country. He had heard that the love of his life would run right into his arms and break his curse. This runaway bride might be his destined love that the one who cursed him was pissed off about. Levi had been cursed by someone who loved him but he didn’t love them, they tried to see Levi’s love future and saw a woman dressed as a bride running into Levi’s arms. So, they cursed Levi to be unable to change out of his demon form.
Tonight Levi had not worn his mask because he knew he wouldn’t meet anyone, so no one would be scared of how he looked. Levi was ashamed of how he looked, he believed he was frightening and ugly. He moved his lantern a little and squinted to see there was a figure running towards him. Something hopeful gripped Levi’s heart, it was just like he was told. His beloved bride and the love of his life seemed to be running right to him.
A gasp escaped him when the light caught you, you were his bride. Levi felt a hot rush go through him, you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen even though your wedding dress was ripped. He dropped his lantern when you jumped into his arms. He held you close to him as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He glanced down at you to see a sparkle in your eyes.
You reached up and caressed his cheek. “You’re so handsome.”
Levi felt a rush of emotions, one was panic that you saw his real face but pure happiness and love fought with the fear because you saw the real him and liked it. “Th-Thank you.” He studied you. “My bride, you’re hurt.”
You rested your head against him. “Worth it all because I ran into your arms.”
He blushed hard. “Mm, yes.” He gazed at your pretty face. “You’re cold.” He yanked his massive cloak off and put it around you. “Here.”
You hugged it around you. “Smells wonderful.” You looked up at him. “You smell nice.” You cupped his face. “My saviour.” You leaned up and kissed Levi.
Levi wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back, but then you went limp. “My bride?” He pulled back to see you’d passed out. “Poor thing.” He grabbed the lantern and scooped you up. “Let’s get you home.”
The walk was short to his black horse, but he knew the ride would be a little long. It was spring in his land which meant the mountains were covered in snow, but when he took you down from the mountains to his home, it’d be a lot warmer for you. He made sure you were held against him as he rode back down the mountain path.
As the excitement of finding you died down a little, he realised how awful this was for you as well as how bad you looked. There were cuts and bruises all over your body, along with your toes and fingers looking blue. He was going to get you back and help you soak in a hot bath. Levi was very aware of the terror that was the prince in the other country because he was working closely with King Erwin to help people cross the border and escape him.
The land Levi lived in was welcoming and loving. It was a mixture of humans and other magical beings. Levi, like King Erwin, was part of the demon clan but preferred to appear human in form. There were a lot of policies to keep things fair and people to be treated equally. The balance between the poor and rich wasn’t massive, people were happy and comfortable. The biggest focus right now was making sure people fleeing Jareth’s country were cared for, kept safe and moved somewhere they wanted to go.
Levi dragged you off his horse once he arrived at his stables. Using the darkness, he rushed you inside his grand home and upstairs to his room. He lay you on his bed wrapped up in his cape and hurried over to his mask. He pulled on the mask that only showed his eyes and felt comfortable now he had hidden away.
Once Levi felt comfortable, he rushed out of the room and found a maid. “Ah, Anne. I need your help.”
Anne gazed at her kind, shy and sweet master. “Of course, I’m more than happy to help you.”
He fiddled with his hands. “Th-thank you.” He turned and hurried down the hall. “This way.” He opened his room door. “I ah…I found my bride running through the snow up in the mountains.”
Anne walked over to you as you slept, she could see the damage on you was horrific. “Poor thing, she needs a good bath, lots of food and new clothes. “She is very beautiful though.” She smiled at Levi. “Did she run into your arms like you were told she would?”
“Y-yes.” He smiled as his tail flicked. “She’s perfect. I-I want to help her.”
“Could you carry her to the bathroom for me?”
Levi nodded. “Y-Yes.”
She followed her master. “Is she the runaway bride? I heard that the tyrant prince lost his bride yesterday.”
Levi carefully lay you on the lounging sofa in the bathroom. “I think so. She must have been really scared to run all this way and get this hurt.”
Anne knelt by you and started undressing you. “Could you check your pool bath? It should be warm. I think something nice should be added to it.”
Levi checked the different bottles. “Ah, lavender.”
“Perfect.” She held you close and light woke you. “My lady, I know you are tired but we need to bathe you.”
You inhaled deeply and hummed. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Anne. It’s lovely to meet you.” She looked up. “Your Lordship, I need to get this lady naked.”
Levi flinched. “S-Sorry. I will get some clothes.”
You hummed a laugh. “Cute.”
Anne giggled. “The Count is as sweet as anything.” She helped you out of the last of your clothes and then over to the bath. “I’ll help you bathe.”
You sat there for a while as your body warmed up. “Is the count married?”
“No, he is single. Why?”
You released a long sigh. “I think in my ill state I kissed him.”
Anne smiled. “That explains why he’s so happy.” She washed your hair. “He’s a good man, very shy and gentle. He helps out those in need. All of us who work here for him have escaped your country.” Anne lifted her dress and showed you that one of her legs was a prosthetic. “The prince is a monster.”
You reached over and touched her leg. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m happy here and I have a handsome boyfriend.” She giggled. “So, it’s okay. Now it’s your turn to be happy and okay.” She helped you out of the bath and dried you off. “His Lordship will take care of you. You won’t be hurt anymore.”
You welled up. “I’m so glad.”
Anne hugged you. “You’re safe here.” She smiled and then ushered you out into Levi’s room to see he was fiddling with some clothes. “My Lordship.”
Levi flinched. “A-Ah! I uh…I bought clothes. A-are they okay?”
You walked over and looked them over. “They’re beautiful.” You smiled up at Levi. “Thank you.” You leaned closer and kissed his mask right where his lips would be. “You saved my life. I owe you everything.”
Levi gulped hard. “Y-You’re welcome. A-Ah, you should r-rest. Y-you can use my room.”
You held his clawed hand making him flinch at the contact. “You’ll be sharing it with me, right? I’m afraid to be alone.” You looked down and welled up as your body shook. “What if he comes back?”
Levi wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. “I’ll stay. The bed is massive.” He released you and turned his back. “Anne? Could you help her?”
Anne took the towel off you and dressed you in a lovely night dress. “Here you go, my lady. So pretty.” She stepped back. “She’s all ready for bed, your lordship.” She bowed and moved to the door. “I will take my leave.”
Levi turned to face you as soon as Anne left and was glad he had a mask on because he would be bright pink with a blush. To him, you looked incredibly beautiful with your hair down, the soft white nightdress on and it being lowcut. “P-pretty.” He went to reach for you before pulling back. “S-sorry, I shouldn’t touch.”
You smiled. “You’re nothing like him. That makes me so happy and safe.” You let out a big yawn and looked so adorable to Levi. “Mm, tired.”
You looked up at him. “Bunny?”
He whined. “Sorry, you remind me of a cute bunny.”
He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers for you. “Bunny’s are amazing. They’re strong, durable and determined little things. They might be cute, but they have a mean kick.”
You climbed into the bed. “You don’t see me as a fragile thing?”
“N-no.” He tucked you in. “I will change.”
You lay back and felt so exhausted that you didn’t fully contemplate your situation, that some demon man had scooped you up, brought you to his massive home, washed you up and now had you in his bed. Your thoughts and slight worries washed away when Levi walked back over in a very loose and lowcut white shirt and high-waisted comfy trousers. The muscle you could see was plump and kissable with a few black markings and scales on.
Levi stopped on his side of the bed and whined. “S-sorry, my body is ugly.”
You sat up. “It’s the opposite! You’re the most handsome and beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”
Levi sat on the bed and felt confused. “Jareth is supposed to be that.”
You shook your head. “No, you are.” You reached over to his mask and lightly touched it. “I wish I could see your wonderful face again.”
“Mm, you won’t like it or me after you’re well rested.” He helped you to lie back. “Sleep.”
You softly said your name and title. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
Levi smiled behind his mask. “Count Levi Ackerman. I am the right-hand man to the King.”
You tried to fight sleep, but it was hard. “Mm, pleasure.”
Levi watched you drift off. “Pleasure is all mine.”
96 notes · View notes
Summary: You come back home to a surprising sight.
Pairing: Dave York x fem. Nanny reader / Dave York x his gardener's son
Wordcount: 2.5k
Rating: E
Warnings: infidelity (kind of, Dave and Carol are only married on paper and Carol knows), smut (Oral f + m receiving), m/m bj, m/f, voyeurism, semi public Oral Sex, kitchen sex, some feelings but just a little
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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You released your breath with a long sigh, letting you head fall back against the seat of the car that had been provided for you when you had started working for the York household almost eight months ago.
What had started out as a temporary job three times a week to get back on your feet after having been dumped by you boyfriend of six years for his co worker, turned into a full time job you genuinely enjoyed.
It came with all kinds of benefits. 
The car you were currently sitting in, A/C fully on to fight the heatwave currently making the outside into what you imagined hell would feel like. 
A big room with an ensuite bathroom and a walk in closet that was bigger than anything you could have afforded on your own. 
Two adorable kids who made it easy to take care of them. 
Carol, their mother, who had turned more into a friend than a boss. 
And Dave, the father of the kids, husband of Carol. 
The man you had been fucking for almost four months now. 
Now you knew how this would sound for people on the outside. Typical cliché. Starting an affair with the dad. What a cheating slut you are. 
But was it an affair if his wife gave her blessing?
It was almost two months into you working for them that Carol talked to you.
You had just moved into their house after accepting the full time position they had offered you. Carol would be going back to work full time which mean she would travel more, leaving Dave to need more help with the children when he was home. 
It was on the evening before she had to leave for a three day trip that she took you aside and told you about their arrangement. She told you that Dave and her while being high school sweethearts, haven’t been in love for a long time. They were already broken up when Carol found out that she was pregnant and her family, being super traditional demanded for her to either get married or she would be cast out. When Dave found out they had a long talk and decided to get married. After a couple of years they both decided to have another child. But ever since then they were only staying married for the kids and the trust fund of her father she would only get access to if she stayed married. 
You were confused as to why she told you all about this before she said that she had seen you look at Dave and that if something happened between the two of you, your job would not be at stake. She even told you about the man she was seeing for the last couple of months, while you both emptied a bottle of wine. 
It was like a switch had been flipped the next time you saw Dave. 
He had asked you in a minute the two of you had alone if Carol had talked to you and answered every question you had for him about the whole thing. 
It was only two days later that you found yourself pinned against the door of the laundry room, the kids making their homework upstairs as Dave fucked you for the first time. 
There were still times where you felt like this was too good to be true. 
A good paying job you loved, a family that had become yours in the last months and the best sex you ever had in your life all under the same roof. 
You turned off the engine of your car before you got out, taking the groceries you had bought for the rest of the week from the trunk. Alice and Molly were at school and would spend the afternoon at a friends birthday, so you had time off until around 6pm where you had to pick them up. 
Carol was visiting her sister out of state until the end of the following week and Dave was supposed to be back from his work trip tomorrow. 
Which left you with a lot of free time to yourself today, time you intended to use by finally finishing the book you had been reading for the last week and ordering junk food Carol did not want the girls to have. 
Humming to yourself you walked into the house, unloading the groceries on the big kitchen island. You were putting stuff away into the fridge when you noticed the travel mug Dave always took with him standing in the sink. 
You made quick work with putting the rest of the groceries away before you made your way through the house to search for him. His usually locked office door was opened when you walked down the hallway, and you found his laptop bag lying on his desk. 
You chose to ignore the way your heart started beating faster with the promise of seeing Dave being back home sooner than you thought you would. And you definitely chose to ignore the butterflies in your belly as you walked towards his bedroom, only to pout when you found it empty. 
Where was he?
You took a little detour into your room, changing out of your jeans and top into a loose yellow summer dress that almost went down to the floor, intentionally not wearing anything underneath before you continued with your search for the man of the house. 
You checked the living room next, finding it empty too, but the door to the backyard was half open. Remembering that Jackson, the son of the gardener who usually took care of the garden, was here today you thought that maybe Dave got outside to say Hello to him. 
Intending to continue your search outside you walked towards the half opened door when you heard a moan that made you steps falter. 
And it wasn’t a moan out of pain. No. You had heard that moan before. It was Dave and he only ever moaned like that when he had his cock so deep down your throat he was close to cumming. 
Tiptoeing towards the door your eyes widened as you saw Dave standing on the patio with his pants down to his ankles. 
And Jackson, the son of the gardener kneeling in front of him with Dave’s cock in his mouth. You had talked to Jackson the week before when his father brought him with him. He was visiting during his summer break of studying Law at Yale, having just turned 21 and decided to spend his summer break on helping his father out.
You lips parted in surprise, your hands gripping the frame of the patio door as you tried to hide your body inside while your eyes were fixed on the picture in front of you. 
Dave had his hand buried in the young mans hair, his hips slowly thrusting into the gardeners mouth. 
„Relax your throat,“ Dave hummed and you shivered, remembering how he hat uttered the same words to you not too long ago. You heard Jackson gagging as Dave pushed deeper into his mouth, praising the man in front of him with his deep voice. 
You squeezed your legs together, your pussy already slick with need.
You watched Dave pull his cock out of Jackson mouth, his hand almost gently on his cheek as he rubbed the tip of his cock against the young mans lips. 
„Really wanna cum down your throat. You gonna let me?“ Dave asked and you had to stop yourself from moaning. 
„Yes Mr. York,“ he nodded up at him and Dave smirked darkly before he bend down and kissed him quickly. 
Interesting. Maybe you should try to call him Mr. York too from time to time.
„Oh fuck,“ you whispered, one of your hands running down your body, pulling up your skirt so you could touch yourself. 
You pushed a finger inside of you when Dave’s cock filled the gardener’s mouth. He began to thrust into his mouth, the noises of him fucking himself down his throat pornographic. 
You knew from experience that Dave liked to get messy so it didn’t surprise you when he pulled his cock out to spit into Jackson’s mouth. 
„Buy a plug. Next time you gonna let me fuck your ass,“ Dave said, earning a nod from the man before he pumped his cock back into Jackson’s mouth, now fucking his face. 
You played with your pussy watching him use the man. For some reason you would have never though Dave could also be into men. Then again you didn’t really give much thought to anyones sexual orientation. 
Dave moaned and you knew he was about to cum, seeing him grip Jackson's hair tightly as he thrust his cock down the mans throat. 
Shit, you were about to cum too. You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, letting your head fall against the door frame, your eyes closing as you focused on making yourself cum. 
Your eyes opened when Dave groaned, finding him looking at you. He raised his left eyebrow as he looked at you, before he slowly shook his head and you froze, pulling your hand from between your legs immediately at being caught. 
Dave continued to look at you as he came down Jackson’t throat with a low groan, his whole body shuddering. 
„Show me,“ Dave said, his eyes parting from yours to look at the man kneeling in front of him. You couldn’t see him but in the little smirk you saw on Dave’s lips you knew he just showed Dave his cum. 
„Good boy. Now swallow,“ he hummed.
„Perfect. Now I think you have some gardening to finish huh?“ He asked and helped Jackson up. 
You turned away from the door quickly to walk inside before the gardener could catch you standing there. You were sweating, your pussy wet and so damn horny. 
Walking into the kitchen you leaned with your hands resting on the cool marble of the kitchen island, your eyes closed, grounding yourself.  
You heard footsteps behind you, before arms wrapped around you from behind, lips kissing up from your shoulder to your neck. 
„Didn’t think you were into watching,“ Dave hummed and you let your head fall to the side as his lips wandered up your neck. 
„Didn’t think you were into men,“ you smiled and felt him smile against your skin. 
„I’m into anything really as long as it can make me cum,“ he shrugged and you rolled your eyes. 
„Enjoyed the little show?“ He asked. You could only manage a small nod. Dave pulled you up against his chest, both of his hands now squeezing your tits. He pulled at the front of your dress until your tits fell out, his hands immediately back to holding them, his fingers playing with your nipples. 
„Mhhh. Wanted to cum,“ you whimpered, turning your head so you could look at him. 
He continued to play with your tits as he looked down at you. 
„I could see that,“ he grinned before he kissed you. You moaned against his mouth. 
„Want me to eat this little pussy?“ He said and you shook your head. 
„No?“ He asked, surprised 
„Want you to fuck me. Waited two weeks for you Dave,“ you whimpered. 
„Did your little pussy miss me?“ He asked and you nodded. He pouted. 
„Show me,“ he smirked. You turned around as he took a step back, before you grabbed the fabric of your dress, pulling it up. 
„Take it off,“ he said, his dark eyes on you and you did, pulling the dress over your head, leaving you standing completely naked in the kitchen.
„Such an obedient girl for me,“ he praised before he twirled his finger. You understood, slowly twirling your body for him so he could look at you. He stopped you when you were standing with your back to him again, his hands on your hips. Looking over your shoulder you saw him lean down, one of his hand on your back, pushing you down so you leaned with your elbows on the kitchen Island. 
 The next think your felt were his fingers parting your folds. 
„Bet I could just push my cock inside this pussy and she’d take me, huh?“ He asked and you whined. 
„Yes, Dave. Please fuck me,“ you pleaded desperate. 
„I will. But I just came. Gonna need a while,“ he said and you sighed disappointed .
„Doesn’t mean I can’t make this little pussy cum now, does it?“ He said before you felt his tongue lick a strip from your clit up to your ass, making you moan.
„Please Dave,“ you whimpered. 
„Best fucking pussy I ever had,“ he hummed before he got to work. Playing with you like he was born for it, humming against you like you were the most delicious meal he ever had. He flicked his tongue over your clit before he pushed his tongue as deep inside of you as he could, his hands pulling you open for him.
„Shit, Dave…“ you moaned and he slapped your ass. 
He had you back close to an orgasm in no time, your legs shaking as he devoured you from behind. 
„Thought about this the whole time I was away. Perfect fucking pussy,“ he hummed, two of his fingers entering you without any resistance, Dave’s fingertips immediately finding that spot inside of you that made you see stars, playing with it. 
„You gonna cum for me?“ He asked and you only cried out a weak yes before you came, your pussy clenching his fingers as you rode out your orgasm. 
You moaned when his fingers pulled out and his tongue coming back to clean you up. He helped you up once he was finished, turning you around, his arms pulling you against his chest as he held you. 
Smiling dreamily and satisfied up at him you crossed your hands behind his neck, pulling him down towards you so you could kiss him. 
„I did miss more than just your pussy for the record,“ he said and you smiled. 
„I’m glad it’s not just my pussy then,“ you winked and he chuckled. 
You felt his cock twitch against you and you sucked your bottom lip in. 
„I have a question,“ you said and he nodded. 
„Before outside…. You liked when he called you Mr. York,“ you began and you saw his jaw twitch. 
„Yeah,“ he said and you nodded. 
„Do you want me to call you that too sometimes?“ You asked. 
„If you want to…“ he said and you nodded as if in deep thought before you grinned up at him. 
„Do you…. Do you wanna cum in my pussy next, Mr. York?“
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
I'm thinking about how Eli is apparently living with Scott and an Argent. How Deaton moved to LA as well and Deaton never treated Derek that well.
It doesn't make sense that Scott would get custody over any of the living Hales or even Noah. How Derek supposedly never had any arrangements made up just in case. Especially since Derek lost his family when he was Eli's age.
there's no way in hell scott and allison have legal guardianship over eli. it's a laughable idea and it is the height of insult to even suggest that an argent should be involved with raising derek's son. derek and allison barely tolerated each other not to mention all the other history.
it begs the question why would he want to go with them anyway? if we're following what the movie was putting down than he doesn't know them. there is also no reason that eli should've been pushed to leave his home. his ancestral home at that. the place where so many hales had been born and died.
it also removes him from a stable environment with a support system after suffering a huge loss. the sheriff, malia and peter seem to have been around. noah stilinski was definitely heavily involved in eli's life plus he's the sheriff of the goddamned town. he'd be perfect for temporary guardianship at minimum.
malia and peter are directly related to him and are also shifters.
again, why the hell would eli go live with two people who aren't even remotely connected to him and he barely knows. he last met scott when he was three years old and allison has been dead his entire existence. these people are strangers.
it just gives you the idea that jeff wanted a "happy ending" for allison and scott while not addressing all the questions it brings up. like is scott even remotely prepared to take on a sixteen year old whose just gone through a very traumatic experience? what exactly is allison's mental status right now? she just came back from the dead. they want to handwave it away just like they did with malia's situation. homegirl was 17 when she died. wouldn't she want to like idk catch up on the world? spend time with her dad? her best friend lydia who really, deeply grieved her? figure things out before jumping into a relationship with her high school boyfriend who is now in his 30s? it's weird.
speaking of allison.
allison has been legally deceased for over a decade by the time of the movie.
even if they were to some how "lose" the investigation files surrounding her death and the autopsy report than they used isaac to do an off the books burial i'd imagine there's still a death certificate filed with the state. the social security administration would've been notified as well. there was also fbi presence in town on an active investigation at the time of her death and everyone in beacon hills knew she died.
this does bring up the matter of peter's legal status. is he considered legally dead too? i don't think so actually as everything was really shady about that situation and his nurse was in on the whole thing. i don't think he was declared missing let alone dead.
and also like the most obvious answer to all of this is cora hale. where the fuck is cora hale? she's derek's sister and eli's aunt. she would've stepped in. aggressively. the only answer is that jeff has her locked in the subplot basement.
you also can't convince me that derek hale wouldn't have his affairs in order.
not only did derek have the experience of going through the untimely death of his family at a young age but he also had to do it again with laura.
there's no way he didn't have a will and it'd likely have to go through the probate process so his estate could be executed. derek hale had assets.
the hales were loaded. they were rich. season 4 drove that point home. derek owned the building the loft was in. he also had a business at the time of his death too.
derek would've ensured eli's inheritance and stability in case something happened to him and none of it would've included scott mccall or an argent.
scott was never derek's alpha. derek was not part of the mccall pack.
this isn't to say scott couldn't mentor eli. that'd be fine. it'd bring things full circle in a way but it's dumb as hell for scott to take eli to LA and i do genuinely think it's out of character for scott. especially an adult scott but i've written about that somewhere on my blog i think.
jeff davis can meet me in hell is all i'm saying.
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aghostnamedcalamity · 2 months
Hi Calamity! Got a few questions that pertain to your awesome fanfic. Firstly, how exactly did Joey end up working with Mordecai in the first place. Secondly, how do you think Nicodeme and Serafine would react if they found out that Mordecai has a son. Thirdly, do you think you'll write anymore fanfics with Mordecai and Benjamin.
Helloo! I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the fic! I do hate that it doesn’t have more of the headcanon lore explained in it, at the time it was just a fun little thing I made thinking it wouldn’t garner much attention. But to answer your questions:
1. Joey met him again while working some shifts at Marigold and sort of forced his way into an “friendship”, if you can call it that. After a raid shook him up real good, he left bartending behind but needed money and kept nagging Mordecai to let him borrow some cash. Being in debt to Mordecai, Mordecai forced him to watch Benjamin when the whole mess initially unraveled as repayment. What was supposed to be a temporary arrangement turned into a prolonged one after Mordecai got a bit attached.
2. Ooof how do I think the Savoys will react? I think there is always an air of opportunism within the business they all work in. Knowing that sensitive of information about Mordecai is certainly giving them the upper hand…but I also think they are able to draw the line at an innocent child. Perhaps pester Mordecai about this new information to get him to comply but they would never actually do anything because it’s a bebé c:
3. I have a couple of drafts I wrote last year around the same time as the posted fanfic, but I never got around the posting them. Mostly because I realize now that in my attempt to keep Mordecai in-character, I think I might have made him come off as mean and uncaring to Benjamin and that was not my intention. So while I know what my intention was, I think the audience might not interpret that so I’d love to go through it and rewrite it with my “Mordecai cares despite his sociopathy” more clear. I added a little snippet of one under the cut for you, though! Hopefully you enjoy! It’s a bit of a silly slice of life one set before the main fic when Benjamin is much younger. Sorry for any mistakes!
“Fine, Benjamin,” he said as he lifted the pillow off his face. “You can sleep here tonight. And only tonight.”
“I can sleep here?!” Ben said happily as he scrambled onto his feet. “I can stay with you?!”
“Yes,” Mordecai sighed as he slapped the side of the bed closest to Benjamin. “But you have to stay on that side of the bed.”
The child inhaled in excitement as he began to try and pull himself onto the bed. He was relatively small, even for his age, so he struggled to push himself off the floor. It didn’t help that Mordecai had a particularly tall mattress, something he’d chosen purely for comfort reasons, but made it difficult for the child to climb in by himself. For a moment, Ben hung from wads of the fitted sheet he had grasped in his paws, using his feet to try and push his upper body over the top.
Mordecai’s eyes widened when he suddenly lost sight of the child and he heard a loud thud as something hit the floor. He leaned to look over the edge of the bed and at the boy sitting on the floor again.
Ben dusted his paws together as he whispered a small ouch to himself. He looked up at Mordecai and showed him the palms of his hurt paws.
“I fell down,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Yes, I’ve discerned that much,” Mordecai replied. With a tired sigh he reached down and pulled the boy up with him, sitting him on the bed.
Another clap of thunder shook the wall behind them, accompanied by a bright flash of light that illuminated part of the room. Benjamin looked at Mordecai in horror and quickly covered his ears.
“I don’t like that!” he said with concern.
“You’re fine,” Mordecai exasperated. He pointed to the center of the design on the headboard with one of his claws. “Do you see this point here? This is the center of the bed. You need to stay on that side of it, alright? I don’t want you squirming your way onto my side. Understand?”
Benjamin nodded eagerly and patted the bed sheets beside him. “Don’t touch my side, dad!”
Mordecai frowned at the boy.
“Just lay down and go to sleep, will you?”
“But I don’t have a pillow!”
Mordecai sighed and rubbed his eyes with the palm of his paws. He used to have two pillows. But he only used one when he slept and so at some point he’d decided that keeping a single pillow in the middle of the bed felt much more beneficial to the spacial harmony of the area than two did.
“Here,” he said as he pushed his pillow to the child. He then turned onto his left side, facing away from Ben with his arms folded across himself.
“Thank you,” Benjamin told him, taking the pillow and making himself comfortable. He looked at the older feline expectantly. “Daddy, I said thank you!”
“You’re welcome.”
The boy rolled around for a couple of seconds before settling in on his back, holding his hands together on his chest. After a brief pause of silence, the young boy turned to look at Mordecai’s back.
Mordecai was staring straight ahead of himself; dead, emotionless eyes looking at nothing in particular and yet somehow appearing tired and drained.
“Why must you call me that?” Mordecai asked the darkness between them. “I’ve asked you so many times not to. My name is Mordecai.”
Benjamin thought about it for a second before shaking his head. “Your name is Mord.”
“No…it’s not,” Mordecai sighed. “That’s just what Joseph calls me, for whatever reason. He can’t even be bothered to struggle through anything more than one syllable. It’s no wonder his life sporadically just falls into shambles.”
“Joey calls me Benny Boy.”
“And I don’t like that, either,” Mordecai said bitterly. “What are you, some mascot for a laundry detergent?! I detest nicknames. They’re nothing more than a reflection of laziness and lack of discipline.”
Benjamin laughed. “My name is Benjamin Heller!”
“Yes...I suppose it is.”
The rain continued to knock against the window, creating a constant, soothing rhythm in the room. Ben yawned and rubbed his eyes with small fists before once again turning to look at the older cat.
“Dad, I have to go to the bathroom.”
Mordecai rolled back over to stare at the boy with a frown.
“Then go. What are you telling me for? I don’t need to know everything that goes on in your body.”
Ben had sat up and was watching the older feline while he picked at his claws nervously.
“I’m scared…”
“I’ve already told you, you will be fine! I’m confident you can handle this.”
“I don’t want to go alone.”
“You are being immeasurably annoying right now, Benjamin,” Mordecai said, seething at the child. “You are the youngest and somehow the most domineering person in my life. Why do we always have to do what you want?!”
“You can come with me really fast!” Benjamin continued as he motioned with his hand. “It’s really fast, daddy!”
“I did not spend all that time teaching you to go to the bathroom for you to do this to me.”
“You can hold my hand and I won’t be scared, I promise.”
“Does it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t want to hold your hand? Go to the bathroom!”
The young kitten shriveled into himself, squeezing his legs together and holding his paws between them, grimacing as he tried to hold it in. He bounced a little on his knees and looked at Mordecai anxiously.
Mordecai very roughly slapped his paw over his own face before aggressively kicking his feet around to throw off the blanket, getting up with an angry snarl.
“Come on,” he said forcefully as he yanked the boy off the bed and unceremoniously carried him under one arm, grabbing his glasses on the way out.
He made his way down the hall and to the doorway of the bathroom, clicking the light on to illuminate the facility. Then, he plopped the boy down at the entrance and pointed sternly into the room with one paw.
Benjamin danced foot to foot as he hesitated to go in. He turned and grabbed Mordecai’s other paw to try and pull him into the room with him, trying to gain himself the extra security.
Mordecai shook his head furiously and yanked his hand back.
“I am not going in there with you. The absolute best I can offer you at this moment is for me to stand outside this door until you’re done and that is it. So go!”
The older cat used his paws to push the child from behind and forced him into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He sighed and leaned his back against the wall, doing as he promised and waiting until the boy was finished. Finally, the sound of the toilet flushing and running water could be heard over the patter of the rain overhead.
“I’m done!” Benjamin exclaimed as he made his way out of the room, drying his small paws against his nightshirt.
“Did you wash up exactly the way I showed you?”
The small child nodded eagerly and held his paws up for Mordecai to see.
“I washed with soap! You can smell if you want, it’s like a flower.”
“I would not like to do that, thank you,” Mordecai replied flatly as he watched the boy smell his own paws with a grimace. “Stop doing that. Now come on, I’d like to get to sleep at some point today.”
The older feline then clicked off the bathroom light and turned to start making his way back to his room. Benjamin scuttled after him, looking around himself to ensure nothing scary was following them. He held onto the fabric of Mordecai’s sleeping pants tightly, unintentionally pulling them as he struggled to keep his strides even with Mordecai’s longer legs.
The black cat noted this with displeasure, thinking perhaps the child would tear the silk of his nightwear with his claws. He was young and still not fully conscious of them it seemed, occasionally snagging soft fabrics he fiddled with. The last thing this night needed was one of his favorite pajama pants getting a rip through them.
He let out an exhausted sigh before reaching down and grabbing the arm that was clinging to him as close to the shoulder as he could, pulling him high to catch him in his other arm. Sometimes, things were not worth the confrontation. Especially when he yearned for sleep more than he desired to correct behavior in that moment.
Benjamin reveled in this decisions that seemed mostly in his favor, grinning happily at Mordecai now that he was at his same eye level.
“What’s that?” he asked Mordecai, pointing very closely at the glasses sitting on Mordecai’s nose.
Mordecai pulled his face away from the finger. “Don’t do that.”
“Okay…what is it?”
“They’re my glasses,” Mordecai said in mild annoyance. “You’ve seen them before.”
Benjamin continued to stare at them intently. “But why do you put them on your face every time?”
“Because I need them to see,” Mordecai sighed, finally arriving at the room. He let the child slide out of his arms and onto his designated side of the bed, dusting the sleeve of his nightshirt after. “I’ve had a condition called myopia since I was young. It makes it difficult for me to see certain things so I need to wear them most of the time.”
“I like them!” Benjamin said as he watched Mordecai place them on his bedside table in awe. “I wish I had one of those.”
“Well, I suppose that’s good. You’ll likely need them in a couple of years,” Mordecai said as he got into his bed, letting his entire body relax as he enveloped himself in the comfort of his linens. “Unless your eyesight takes after that woman. But it has been a fairly dominant gene in the family so far. At the very least, it’ll be interesting to see if you manage to evade what no other Heller has.”
“You’re a Heller feller!”
Mordecai looked at the boy in visible confusion, who smiled back at him as he, too, let himself fall onto his back.
“Joey said that,” the boy explained.
“Of course he did,” Mordecai said as he shook his head in disapproval. “Can you please go to sleep now? I’m tired of talking to you.”
“Okay, I will,” Benjamin responded as he burrowed himself deeper into the covers, eyes squeezing shut as he let go of a large yawn. “Goodnight…”
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Life drawing
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Nude model!reader x art student!Zoro.
Modern AU. Sequel to The art model.
This fic is dedicated to @star-yawnznn.
Zoro grins when, opening the house door, he finds himself face to face with a bag of delicious chocolate cookies, courtesy of your mother's bakery, that you're offering him with your arms raised, like a celebrant sacrificing to the Gods.
"You know, there's no need for you to bring something every time you come; you're already doing me a favour."
You shrug as you walk inside, letting him close the door behind you. "Even though he doesn't put on weight, eating so much can't be good for Luffy's health." you point out "And I know you like them."
"Well, they are good..."
You share a smile as you follow him towards the kitchen (like the rest of the house a spacious room, perfectly clean and tidy) where, without even bothering to ask, Zoro uses the enormous coffee machine on the counter to prepare a drink like he knows you like it.
Six months have passed since your first meeting with Zoro at the East Blue Art School, six months since you accepted his request to pose for him privately at home as well as in Shanks' class - your home, at first, since he needed to keep his interest in drawing and art, not to mention the fact he hasn't stopped attending the school years ago, a secret from his father. Unfortunately, last month your landlord has decided to host his niece in the flat's spare room, while she searches for a more stable accommodation. Even more regrettably, your new, temporary flatmate is an aspiring metal guitarist, who told you she needs to practice at least six hours a day if she wants to join one of the best bands in town, which means the place has not known a moment of silence ever since she put down her luggage, as well as her guitar, in the hallway.
Which is why in the last four weeks you have been the one going to Zoro's, instead of the other way around. It's a temporary solution, you have assured him, feeling guilty for the nuisance even though nothing of it was your fault, and hoping you will soon have the whole flat to yourself once more, even though your landlord's niece has not been as industrious in looking for a new place to stay as she has been in preparing for her musical career. You know how important his drawing classes are to Zoro, but he assured you it wouldn't be a problem: his father, a business broker who also manages a fencing school, has recently landed an important client that keeps him at work every day until late.
And so, your already familiar arrangement has changed, the location of your private modelling session shifting from your flat to Zoro's home. You don't mind - you actually like it, and not just because it allows you to get away from your flatmate's guitar for a while. You like going to Zoro's; you like Zoro himself, you have come to realize, and while you do not yet feel ready to confess your feelings, you enjoy spending time with him, and helping him to improve as an artist.
"How was your day? You had a double shift today, if I'm not mistaken." you point out as you accept the coffee Zoro is offering you, and listen as he tells you about his day at work, at the bookstore owned by his friend Kuina's father "You know, I'd be curious to see the shop one day, after you've told me so much about it..."
"You can come whenever you want; I can give you a discount, if Koushirou is not there." he offers, and winks at you; he's wearing a black shirt that makes the green of his hair stand out even more than usual, his three earrings dangling gently when he moves.
"Well, there was a book I was thinking about buying..."
Chocolate cookies, you both agree, go splendidly with coffee. You enjoy your break in silence, at ease next to each other in the kitchen lit up by the soft sunset glow; according to Luffy, Zoro doesn't make friends easily, and you are pretty proud you are now part of that narrow group - or at least, that he doesn't appear to mind you coming to his house.
"Shall we?" you propose in the end; as much as you enjoy his company, the time at your disposal is limited, since you still have work to do for your classes tomorrow "You want to continue with what we were doing last time? I was lying on one side with a book in my hands..."
Suddenly tense, Zoro rubs the back of his head, hesitating for a moment as if not knowing how to broach a delicate subject. "I was wondering if this time we could do something a bit different."
Your sessions with Zoro, whether at his place or yours, usually follow the same pattern. Every two times, he asks you to assume a new pose: standing, sitting (on a kitchen chair, on a stool, on the floor...) or lying on the sofa, sometimes with an object in your hands but usually in a way that allows you to read or review your notes. Once you are comfortable, Zoro makes sure the room is well-lit, places a comfortable chair in front of you, retrieves his sketchbook and pencils from the suitcase he keeps them hidden in together with his art school books to make sure his father doesn't find them, and gets to work, drawing diligently for an hour and a half.
It is, in the end, more or less what happens during your classes at the art school; after all Zoro's drawing sessions are the reason you meet, the reason why he asked you to pose for him. You expected to do the same today as well, just like the many times you have met before; you didn't expect him to propose a change... and, you will reflect later on, you have no idea what this day has in store for you.
"What d'you mean?"
Zoro has turned his back to you, focused on the cups you used for your coffee and that he is now washing in the sink "Well... I was thinking today you could pose like you do in class."
"As in...?"
"Naked, yes. Unless, that... bothers you..."
It shouldn't, of course. After all, you have been an art model for six months, and by now you like to think you are quite good at it, since Shanks no longer needs to correct your posture and you can keep the most uncomfortable pose for a long time without complaining, even though the job is more tiring than it looks and in the end your muscles beg for mercy. Besides the fact that it helps you pay rent (you expected your landlord to lower it until his niece found another place to stay, since your apartment is not fully yours anymore, but the thought must have slipped his mind) and your bills, posing is probably the best job you have ever had.
You enjoy it, a lot, in a way you can't properly explain to someone who has never been in your place, and by now you are completely accustomed to pose naked, like you have done from the very first day. Shanks was right, there is nothing sexual, or inappropriate, in being an art model, nothing you should feel guilt or embarrassment for; if the students look at your breast, it is simply to make sure they are correctly drawing it, which is not always easy, and when a couple of months ago, Nami asked you whether you had put on a little weight (you had, no doubt, because of all the treats your mother brings you back from the bakery!) she assured you she only wanted to know because the shape of your belly and thighs had changed marginally and she really wanted to portray you as faithfully as she could. In the end, for the students it wouldn't make much difference if on the stool at the center of their semicircle Shanks had placed a potted plant or a teddy-bear, instead of asking you to sit there, apart from the fact that the human form has been the most popular art subject since time immemorial, and any artist must be capable to competently reproduce it.
You expected your sessions with Zoro to go the same way, which would have been even easier for you, since you would have been in your own home. Instead, the first time he came to your place he said you could keep your clothes on, because the naked body was harder to draw and he, unfortunately, still had to learn to correctly portray clothed people. He had no preference regarding the clothes you wore, and didn't mind to choose poses that allowed you to read or revise your notes during the sessions.
And now this. You should have imagined he would ask you sooner or later, you relect; Zoro's figure drawings have improved since you started posing for him privately, and by now he must feel capable of moving to something more challenging, which means that it is time for you to take your panties off for him - so to speak.
"Of course, if that makes you... uncomfortable, or if you'd rather have someone present..."
"Of course not; it's... all right." you hurry to answer after a moment of uncertainty; after six months of private sessions you had gotten used to posing with your clothes on, but after all it is nothing you haven't done a hundred times already "I didn't bring my night-gown, though."
Zoro gives you this ("It is clean, I swear.") and invites you to leave your clothes in the bathroom near the living room, while he prepares his things.
"I will be just a minute."
"Take your time. Just..." he hesitates, once more as if unsure of what to say, which strikes you as odd - Zoro is not a blabbermouth, but in six months since you met him you never had the impression he was too shy, or afraid, to say what is on his mind. By now you are, if not exactly friends, at least good acquaintances, and you never had troubles finding something to talk about; why does he seem so awkward all of a sudden? What delicate matter is he afraid to broach...? "Listen, you know I'm Luffy friend, do you?"
Considering that your friend's crew has practically adopted you ever since you started posing for their class, so much that you are routinely invited to hang out with them and they all came to your birthday party two months ago, the question sounds unexpected, and weird, at your ears.
"Of course. Why is that relevant now?"
"Nothing. Just... I'll wait for you here, ok?"
Still a little perplexed, you move to the bathroom, where you leave your clothes in a neat pile and refresh yourself; there is nothing more unpleasant than body odour when one is posing, naked or otherwise. Zoro's night-gown is, predictably, not exactly the right fit for you, which shouldn't be a problem, since you are going to take it off in less than a minute, but wearing it feels strange all the same... intimate, in a way. You had never worn a man's clothes before, or rather, no man had ever given you his clothes to wear, and having Zoro do it, even just to avoid having you walk buck naked around his house...
You chide yourself for those naive, childish thoughts, especially towards a man on whom you can no longer deny having a crush, and whose company you genuinely enjoy; you don't want Zoro to think he made you uncomfortable. You are here to pose for him, and pose for him you will, like the professional model you are; everything else doesn't matter... even though you have to admit, you like being alone with Zoro, having his attention focused on you. A secret, innocent joy you allow yourself to indulge in.
You wash away what is left of the make-up you had applied earlier, before heading to work, remain for a moment still, staring at your reflection and reminding yourself you are an adult and ought to behave accordingly, and then leave the bathroom.
Zoro is preparing your station in the living room, with a lamp near the sofa, on which you have already posed lying many times... after taking off your shoes, and nothing else. His sketchbook and pencils are placed on a little table near his favourite chair, retrieved from their hiding spot in the suitcase; propped against the chair's armrest are Zoro's three swords. He doesn't carry them around when he is at home, but, he told you, he always keeps them close, as if expecting to be attacked at any moment, even in the safety of his own home: it is a not uncommon habit among swordsmen, that his master (and father) accustomed him to since he was a child.
He turns, startled a little, when he hears you approach, and when he sees you wearing his night-gown he seems to have troubles swallowing for a moment. "So, uhm, everything ok?"
You wonder whether he expected you to have troubles taking your clothes off. "Sure. So... how do you want me?" you ask back; then, suddenly realizing how that question, that you must have posed a hundred times before, might sound differently from how you had intended it, you hurry to rephrase: "What pose do you want me to assume?"
Zoro asks you to lie in profile, propped on one elbow, with one leg stretched and the other partially bent towards your belly; the pose is similar to one Shanks asked you to assume for a class at the Art School last month, which leads you to suspect Zoro was not satisfied of his work of that day. He looks away, seemingly embarrassed, when he sees you take off his night-gown, even though he saw you do the same at the school a hundred times already.
You don't find it weird. In fact, it might be because you're doing it in a new place for the first time, but for a moment you feel awkward as well, almost as if that gesture had a different meaning, almost as if it mattered...
The night-gown passes from your hand to his; while your gazes don't meet, your hands brush against each other.
"Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem."
A moment later you are lying on the sofa, easily settling in the same position as a few weeks ago.
"Are you comfortable?" Zoro asks you, and you nod, by now used to the slight inconvenience of an unnatural pose, since no one, especially not at your age, has ever died from a stiff arm or a sore leg, and by now Shanks' class has drawn you in positions that wouldn't be out of place in the experts' section of a yoga manual.
"Yeah, don't worry. Can you take my book from my bag, please? I have an exam next week..."
A minute later Zoro is already sitting at his place, the sketchbook balanced on his knee, the by now familiar whisper of the pencil rubbing on the paper filling the room. As usual you remain still as a statue, face lowered on the pages of your book... even though your eyes keep rising to the young man in front of you; at times your gazes meet, and you could swear Zoro's eyes are smiling even though his expression remains serious.
You like this, you have realized for a while, this weird menage you have built together, the chaste intimacy of posing for a single artist and the innocent flattery of having his full attention focused on you - if only because Zoro wants to makes sure he draws the angle of your shoulder as faithfully as he can. You have no idea how long he will need your help for, or if he will ever decide he can do without your private sessions, but you are determined to enjoy it as long as it lasts, and to pose for him every time he asks you to, even if it means sacrificing the little free time school and work leave you; it is a very unexpected sort of relationship, perhaps an anomalous one, intimate and at the same time strictly professional, but you treasure it all the same. Zoro is not a particularly personable man, you have come to suspect, but you know he is fond of you, and appreciates you as a model and a person.
You can't help wanting more. But at the same time you are happy with what you have, and you hope it lasts.
Zoro draws in complete silence for a while, while you revise two chapters of your book, trying to make sense of your own notes.
"You are not cold?" he asks after a while, and you assure him you are all right; you have already noticed Zoro has turned the heating on, no doubt more for your benefit than his, since you are the one who can't simply put a sweater on if she gets chilly. You'll have to thank him.
"My father knows about you, you know." he adds, almost absentmindedly, and your are immediately alarmed.
"What?! He knows...?"
"Not that you pose for me, and I still attend the East Blue; he... he knows I had a girl over, that's it." Zoro explains, face momentarily hidden behind his sketchbook "Last time... I forgot to wash the coffee cups, and he noticed there was a trace of lipstick on the border of one."
"Oh, God, Zoro, I'm sorry..."
"That's ok." he assures you, while a sudden grin blossoms on his lips "He didn't mind, and I doubt he could ever imagine what we do. He just thought... you know..."
You force yourself not to smile. "... that you have a girlfriend?" you finish for him "And that you had taken advantage of his absence to invite her over?"
"Something like that, yes. I... I didn't correct him, I hope you don't mind."
You don't. "I don't." At all. Another small, innocent pleasure, part of a little fantasy you're probably too old for but that in the end doesn't hurt anyone; and truth to be told, you are happy to help Zoro, since you know how much attending the drawing school means to him. You return your attention to your book, but try as you might you really can't focus, let alone memorize the notions on the page in front of you, your eyes simply skimming the text without retaing any information.
And the fault is his. Well, it is yours, to be honest, since you are by now an expert model, not to mention a veteran student and an adult woman, and you should be able to ignore the presence of a man, no matter how handsome, and concentrate on something as important as an imminent exam. For God's sake, Zoro has never skipped a class at the art school, which means that you have taken off your clothes in front of him two times a week for six months! By now he knows your naked body so well he could draw it by heart, and he does need a model, even though his life drawings have improved, it isn't simply a ruse to... meet you in a more private setting and... and... and why are you fantasizing about that, now?!
Oh, God. You do like him, you realize suddenly, much more than you had imagined or allowed yourself to think until today. He is handsome, and athletic, and he has a beautiful smile, but in six months since you first met you have learnt to know Zoro, and to appreciate and respect him as a man and as a friend as well; you like how protective he is of his friends (and of you, given that time that a drunk man approached you as he was walking you back at the bus stop after a drawing session; Zoro drew the Wado Ichimonji and threatened to amputate any part of his body the man would touch you with) and steadfast in the pursuit of his dream, and kind-hearted towards those who suffer or endure injustice, even though those who know him less well wrongly consider him cold and selfish. You are attracted to him, and while you already enjoy being his model and friend, you do wish your relationship would develop beyond that... you wish to be important for him, to feel his gaze brush against your skin and know he is not simply wondering whether he drew your arm faithfully enough or he should start over.
"Shanks is very pleased with your progress." you mention after a while; unlike what happens during class at the art school, where silence is religiously kept from the beginning to the end of the class, Zoro told you he doesn't mind chatting a bit while he draws, and he is exactly the sort of conversationalist you prefer: no interest in small talk, and has always something interesting to say "I heard him saying that at the end of your last class."
Zoro is pleased, even smug, as he smiles and tilts his head to one side, as if to observe you from a marginally different perspective. "He did say I got better at life drawing, even though I shouldn't focus on that and neglect my other classes."
"I'm sure that won't happen."
"I hope not... and in any case, if I improved I also owe it to you. I haven't forgotten how much you're doing for me, (name)."
"I'm doing nothing, just staying still."
"You know what I mean. I know you'd have many better things to do with your time, and you're not even letting me pay you..."
"Zoro... we are friends." you point out, completely serious; you are now looking straight at him, so engrossed in your conversation to notice you have broken the first, cardinal rule for all art models: never change pose mid-session "You know I could never ask you money. I am happy to help you, since I know how much this matters to you."
Zoro looks at you; he has stopped drawing, even through you couldn't say exactly when. "We weren't friends when you accepted to pose for free."
"No, but you were Luffy's friend, which is equally important. Would you have accepted to be paid, if you were in my place?"
"Maybe I would have."
"No, you wouldn't have."
"No, I wouldn't have." he admits, and smiles at you, and you have never wanted to kiss anyone so much in your life "Anyway, I owe you, truly. Thank you."
You assure him you are happy to be his model, and you really are, so much that you hope your sessions will continue even now that his life drawings have improved; truth to be told, you'll happily spend the evenings of the rest of your life posing for Zoro... unless, of course, one of the two decides, or in your case finds the courage, to ask the other out.
"I think you changed position."
"Yeah, sorry." you admit as you lower your gaze once more.
"No, it's your arm."
"My arm?" you repeat, perplexed, since you hadn't noticed you had moved it "Are you sure?"
"Yes, you moved it when you used your hand to turn the page. Wait..."
Zoro stands, crossing the living room floor in a quick stride until he's keeling in front of the sofa; not looking at you (accurately not looking at you) he lifts your wrist with his fingers and moves your arm a few inches to the left. It's a completely innocent gesture, but you choose that very moment to unthinkingly move on the cushion, searching for a more comfortable position... and inadvertently pressing your chest against Zoro's hand.
His fingers are warm against the skin of your breast, the sensation clear, almost painfully so, despite the contact lasting less than a second. You gasp, more out of surprise than alarm, but that is nothing compared to Zoro's reaction: he jumps, retracting his hand as if he had burned himself, and his face has burst into flames as well, his usually tan complexion turning a bright red.
"Oh my God...!!"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Zoro almost shouts; he moves back so quickly he almost trips on his own feet "I didn't do it on purpose, I swear..."
"It's ok; I'm sorry, it was my fault, I moved... in the least appropriate moment." you admit, feeling yourself blush as well; you have never felt so embarrassed, and so naked, in your life, not even during your first session with Shanks' class "Zoro, forgive me, I made you... uncomfortable..."
He sighs, unable to look you in the eyes, his face still bright red as he covers it with his hand, standing five paces from you. "No, the fault is mine. Shanks always says an artist should never approach a model without asking for permission, let alone touch them... especially if they are naked."
He lowers his hand, gazing at it as if he could read his future in the lines of the palm; that is the hand he touched you with.
"I shouldn't have asked you to pose nude; I'm sorry."
"I'm perfectly used to it, as you very well know." you insist, desperately trying to ease the tension.
"Yes, at the school; I thought... it would be different now that you're here..."
Silence falls on the room, and between the two of you, for the first time since you met an uncomfortable, somewhat charged silence that you don't quite know how to interpret... as if you were standing over the edge of a precipice.
"I thought... you wanted to practice drawing clothed people, because it was easier..."
"I did." Zoro admits, as he retreats to his chair; he picks up the scabbard of the Wado Ichimonji, his fingers idly fiddling with the strap "At first. To be honest, I have felt ready to shift to nude drawing for a while, but I didn't want..."
"You didn't want...?"
"Oh, hell!" Zoro exclaims, finally turning to look at you; he seems angry, even though not necessarily at you "I didn't want you to think I wanted to look at you naked! I know you trust me because I'm Luffy's friend, and that posing naked is the rule, but I was afraid you would think that I had... designs on you and would take advantage of our drawing sessions to... to..."
He stops mid-sentence, but he doesn't need to continue; he has said enough, more than enough, to make your heart skip a beat - or four.
"... listen, let's just forget it, all right? You can get dresses, I can start over..."
"And you do?"
"... sorry?"
"You have designs on me?" you quietly ask as you slowly change position once more, sit on the sofa and then stand, only partially using your arm to cover your chest "Not that you would take advantage of me, or try to hurt me in any way; I know you are not that sort of man. But... did you ever consider having me naked in your house, while we are alone, could change things between us?"
"I... I..."
"That something might... develop?"
Zoro's face is still burning; he is stuttering, something almost unimaginable for a usually collected, self-assured man, but it is sweet seeing him like this... and you would lie if you said discovering you can have this effect on him is not exciting.
"I would not blame you for it; the heart has rules of its own, like my mother always says, and it's not like I'm the woman of your best friend or your step-sister. Also, I must confess... I would be flattered. And very happy."
A few more moments of silence follow, as you let Zoro fully grasp the meaning of your words, and he seemingly gives you time to recant them or elaborate with limits and conditions - something you have no intention of doing. You have known Zoro for six months; too little to speak of love, perhaps, or to make plans for the future, but more than enough to know that you like and care for him, sincerely and well beyond his undeniable physical beauty. You want to be more than a model for him... and you want him to do more than simply look at you, studing the shape of your hipbone or the position of your elbow.
Much more.
You are so engrossed in each other neither hears the sound of the house door opening. Zoro turns towards you, delicately placing his sword back against his chair's armrest; he is in full control of himself once more, not smiling and still five paces away, but the intensity of his gaze, the barely controlled desire in his brown eyes, makes you feel as if you could already feel his hands (warm, elegant, used to both wield a sword and hold a pencil, capable of being both gentle and strong) brushing against your skin, caressing it, worshipping...
"Are you sure?" he asks in the end, taking a single step towards you "Because I'd really like to..."
"Zoro, are you home?"
The voice coming from the corridor outside the living room is masculine, refined and more mature than that of the young man in front of you; it expressed a simple question, the tone relaxed and devoid of tension, but both of you react as if a known criminal had just threatened to make the house blow up.
"My father." Zoro whispers, suddenly panicking; he looks back at the chair on which his sketchbook and pencils are still placed, close enough to the door anyone coming into the room would see them for sure. And if that someone is Zoro's father, the man who has no idea he is still attending the art school, years after demanding he withdraw, you don't even want to know what could happen... "Oh, God... cover yourself, quick!"
Zoro quickly grabs his night-gown, that he had left on the back of the sofa, and passes it to you; you take it, look at him, need just half a second to assess your priorities, and throw the night-gown on his chair, where it neatly falls covering his drawing tools.
A moment later the door opens. "Zoro, are you here? I just need... oh."
Until today you had only seen Zoro's father in pictures, like the one of the two of them at the fencing school hanging from the living room's wall, and you doubt Zoro had even told him about you, even just as a friend, at least until his father had noticed a trace of your lipstick on a coffee cup; therefore, this is your first meeting and God, you couldn't imagine a worst possible situation... nor, it must be acknowledged, a more memorable one.
Dracule Mihawk is a tall, very attractive man in his forties, with dark hair, a neatly trimmed bear, and beautiful bird-like eyes that earned him the sobriquet he is mostly known under. Zoro, who deeply respects him even though he still sees the older man more like a mentor and a future adversary than a father, told you he is gifted with an almost preternatural self-control, never letting himself be carried away by his emotions and very rarely reacting with joy, surprise or sadness when something unexpected happens.
You should perhaps be proud of yourself, then, since your presence in his house, and especially your state of undress, leaves the strongest swordsman in the world completely speechless.
"Zoro... what is happening?" he asks in the end, turning to look at his son "Who is this girl? Why is she... oh." he adds after a moment, averting his eyes "I see I'm interrupting."
Zoro quickly steps in front of you, who are staring at your feet as you desperately try to cover your most intimate parts with your hands. "She... she is my friend (name)."
"I see. I'll leave the you alone, I just needed to take some papers. I... apologize for disturbing you."
He nods at Zoro and then at you (who force yourself to reciprocate, fully aware that you must be red as a beetroot), turns, not noticing or perhaps not pay attention to the night-gown on the chair, and leaves, closing the door behind him.
For a whole minute both you and Zoro remain still as statues - or as models posing. "Do you think he suspected something?" you finally ask in a whisper, fearing your quick thinking was not enough to keep Mihawk in the dark. On the other hand, findinga naked girl in his home is technically not something the tutor of a young man should feel suspicious about...
"I... don't think so." Zoro answers slowly as he turns towards you; he is close enough you can feel the warmth of his body on yours, so close you could kiss him without having to move... "You... covered my drawing things instead of yourself."
"I did. Believe me, that was the most embarrassing moment of my life, but... I know how important it is for you to keep attending the art school, and that you don't want to disappoint your father, so I thought..."
Zoro grins as he takes your head in his hands; the purest affection shines in his brown eyes. He kisses you on the forehead and "I just want to make sure everything's all right." he quickly explains "He wouldn't take it out on you, he's not that sort of man, just... give me a minute, ok?"
"Of course. Can I take your night-gown if I hide...?"
You smile. "All right." you answer, and Zoro winks at you before following Mihawk out of the room. A couple of minutes, and pressing your ear against the door allows you to listen to the conversation between father and son.
"If you wanted to have the house to yourself for an evening you could have told me, Zoro. You're an adult, I would have had nothing against it."
"I know, just... I didn't really expect it to happen. And you're usually not at home at this hour."
"As I said, I had forgotten a few documents I had to look over with my new client. She's the girl you told me about, the one of the lipstick? Is she your girlfriend or...?"
A few moments pass before Zoro's answer; suddenly, you wonder whether he suspects you are listening. "Not yet; but I was planning on asking her tonight."
"Good. I don't mind if she stays the night, but if she doesn't, make sure your friend gets home safely."
Zoro promises he will. A minute later, the house door opens and closes, and soon after, Zoro returns to you, looking relieved but somewhat gloomy.
"Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, just..." Zoro smiles as he takes you in, still completely naked, clearly appreciating the view way beyond simply as a good subject for a portrait, but a moment later he sighs "I... don't like lying to him. I know he never wanted children, but he took good care of me for years; he deserves better."
"You're old enough to decide how to live your life, Zoro. I know your father is a swordsman, and I don't doubt he only wants what's best for you, but what's so wrong with liking to draw?"
Zoro tells you that for people like him and Mihawk, the sword is much more than a hobby or an interest, no matter how passionately one practices it - it is a call, a way of life, a purpose one has to focus all their energies and willpower on, and that leaves no space for anything else. "Truth to be told, the sword is my real passion; as much as I like drawing, that's what I have decided to dedicate my life to, the thing I would choose if I had to pick one. It's just..."
"My parents could draw. They were illustrators, for books and advertising and other things; they taught me, and then since I liked it, they sent me to the school. I know I'm not as good an artist as I am a swordsman, probably not good enough to earn my living with that, but I do like it, and... and drawing makes me feel close to them. You know, as if they were still with me."
Zoro looks at you, vaguely apologetic as if he felt guilty for ruining the intimate moment you were about to share with his sad musings. You don't mind; if anything, you have discovered a new part of him, the insecure, uncertain heart of a young man torn between his dreams and obligations, between the devotion to his birth parents and the loyalty to the man who has taken care of him. A part of him Zoro probably does his best to keep hidden, because he is that sort of man, but that you have discovered, and you can't help loving it.
"What are you smiling about?" Zoro wonders as he rests his hands on your naked hips, his touch relatively chaste but possessive enough to make you shiver pleasantly.
"I was just thinking how happy I am Luffy convinced me to come pose at the school." you muse "I found a new job I really enjoy, some great new friends, and..."
"... and you met me? Is this what you were going to say?"
"Hmm, perhaps..."
You laugh; Zoro laughs with you. "I'd really like to kiss you now." he murmurs in the end; in the well-lit room, you can see he has blushed, just a little "If that's all right for you, that is."
"Of course it is."
Zoro's lips are hot against yours. You waste no time before kissing him back, messy and awkward at first, but soon your mouths learn to know each other, they find a rhythm to follow and pursue together, a wild, unrestrained dance that you feel already addicted to a minute later, and soon your tongue finds Zoro's in his mouth, and his moan of pleasure reverberates through your body.
"(name)... fuck..."
His hands are still grasping at your hips, his whole body tense; he's still restraining himself, not wanting to take more than you are willing to give, but the time for qualms is over, and you want Zoro to know that while this is not how you expected your relationship to begin, you don't regret it, far from it, and you have never desired anything and anyone like him, and his hands on your skin.
"Touch me, Zoro." you whisper, your lips still pressed against his "Please, I need you to touch me..."
He moans again, fierce and avid and hungry, as he takes your face in his hands and then lets an arm snake around your waist, pressing your body flush against his; Zoro is still clothed, but you can feel the effect your nudity has had on him through the fabric of his jeans. You roll your hips against his erection, just as his free hand descends to squeeze your ass, and you both whimper.
"Let's go to my room." he proposes in a whisper, and you eagerly nod. Zoro quickly retrieves his swords, while you hold his sketchbook and pencils against your chest, then offers you his free hand, and you let him guide you towards the corridor.
"In here."
The room is large but sparsely furnished, which you expected; the bed is the sort with the mattress, covered by a duvet, directly placed on the floor. "Nice." you comment as Zoro, whose hands are shaking slightly, retrieves the suitcase, to hide his drawing tools, from the closet. He turns, and grins - no, he smiles at you.
"I changed the bedding this morning."
"Which has nothing to do with the fact you wanted to ask me to pose naked, I'm sure..."
He doesn't deny it, but he laughs - an unexpected, happy sound that fills your heart with tenderness, and the desire to hear it again. Zoro places his swords next to the bed, to be grabbed at a moment's notice; you want to ask him whether he expects an assault during the night, but a moment later Zoro has started undressing, and it would be physically impossible for you to focus on anything else.
As you expected, he has the body of an athlete, without an ounce of fat, well-muscled shoulders and arms, a flat stomach... and a large scar marring his chest, clearly old but still evident enough to make you pause.
"Oh, God... who did this to you?" you murmur, your fingers brushing against the edge of the wound as you try to imagine how painful it must have been "Was it... during a competition...?"
"Not exactly. It was my father."
"What?! Zoro, he could have killed you!" you cry, appalled; he doesn't deny it, but looks distinctly blasé about it, as he explains he had officially challenged Mihawk, foolishly thinking he had even just a single chance of winning, and his teacher had to show him how tremendously wrong he had been.
"That seems... cruel... I mean, towards any students, and especially his own son..."
Zoro shrugs, as if he really didn't care, or perhaps challenges and duels between swordsmen followed rules you cannot understand. "I'm not saying it was pleasant; but it taught me a lot, and from that day, I have promised myself I would never be defeated again."
"Well, if you're happy..."
Zoro takes your hands in his. For a moment all you can do is look at each other, and while you are the one who had never seen the other naked before, you can see awe, and desire, in the brown eyes of the man who has seen you unclothed a hundred times already. He kisses you once more before accompanying you down on the bed, and from there your hands start moving, hungrily searching, caressing, stimulating, and a sensual symphony of moans fills the air. His lips close around your nipple, and you instantly forget how to breathe; your heart is pounding, a fire burning down in your belly, and you have no words to describe how much you want him, which means that you'll have to show him...
Zoro's erection is beautiful, heavy and proudly erect, soft green hair descending from his navel in a thin strip and surrounding the base; you look at him in the eyes as you play with it, your hand moving up and down around the thick column. Zoro sighs, a lazy and happy smile on his lips, as he bucks his hips. "Oh, God, (name)..."
"You like this?"
"I love this... oh, this is even better than I had imagined..."
He has to ask you to stop after a few minutes, and takes your hand in his. "I don't have anything to put on." he confesses, which startles you a bit.
"I'm sorry, I... never really needed them." he admits, as he rubs the back of his head, like you have already seen him do when embarrassed "I can... go buy some; there's a pharmacy across the street."
You reflect on it for a moment. "No; if you don't mind, I'd like you to stay." you answer in the end as you turn on one side, scooting even closer to him "We can... cuddle, that'd be nice as well."
Your idea is approved. In the next two hours you do much more than simply cuddle, exploring each other's body and exchanging your pleasure; you talk a lot, play, joke, and simply enjoy that intimacy and closeness you both want to experience together. Part of you is deeply disappointed you didn't get to have sex with Zoro, especially given you are almost embarrassingly wet and the touch of his hands is addictive, especially when you see his fingers disappear between your legs, but the evening is lovely all the same, your body and Zoro's locked in an embrace. You didn't revise for your imminent exam like you had planned, but given what you have spent the last two hours doing, you feel physically unable to care.
"I really like you, you know." he whispers in the end; he has found a pizza in the kitchen's freezer and now you're eating together on the bed, still naked like the day you were born, and it may be the company, but you feel as if you had never had a better meal. After all, you did tell him he could buy you a pizza as payment for your posing sessions... "Not just because I think you are beautiful."
There is a spot of tomato sauce on his lip; you smile as you clean it with your thumb. "You do?"
"Of course. And I think you're kind, and generous, and you care about your friends, and... what I'm trying to say..." he sighs, and then mumbles something unintelligible, but you don't mind, because you are confident you know already what he wants, because you heard him talk about it with his father, and you want it as well.
"I'd like that." you answer as you place the empty pizza plate on the floor next to the table and then lay next to him once more; it's not exactly the grand declaration of love you had hoped to receive sooner or later, but it is very Zoro, and because of this it is perfect "I'd like that very much."
"Are you sure?"
"Zoro, I don't know what else I could do to show you I like you as well. Now, I can't stay the night because I have class early tomorrow. What about we cuddle some more before I have to go back?"
Zoro happily takes you in his arms, smiling as you rest your cheek against his shoulder. "You know, a lot of artists are jealous of their models." he mentions, his fingers delicately playing with your hair "So I hope you won't let anyone else draw you, at least like this... and that you'll pose for me again."
"You don't have to worry." you whisper back as you turn in his arms; his hips press against yours, making you shiver pleasantly "I'll be your model, and only yours, as long as you want me to."
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joesalw · 5 months
I am tired of these Maylor theories that act like Taylor Swift wasn't completely in love with Joe at the beginning, that she did not have a great time with Tom Hiddleston, that she wasn't in love with Calvin at the start, or that she didn't long for Harry Styles for about two years and even said he would interrupt her wedding. I would bet that Taylor wasn't hoping for these men to be Matty. What it seems like is that Taylor imagined what it would be like to date Matty (why she would want to is beyond me), and then she got the opportunity to date him, but she didn't have the chance to get bored of him, so she will never have closure in that sense. I think this whole "Matty the one that got away" thing is very recent, as in the last year or so.
same i'm tired of seeing maylors trying to rewrite the history. there was even a thread on twitter on why 1989 is about matty😂.
imo sure they had a fling in 2014 but taylor was definitely in love with joe. she didn’t write reputation and lover for nothing! what actually happened is that joe didn’t fulfill her wish of getting married so she started resenting him. when jack reconnected taylor and matty in 2022, their relationship was already struggling and she opened up to matty about her insecurities about these things. so matty exploited her confessions and started love bombing her and promised all the things that joe wasn’t fulfilling (eg marriage and kids) so taylor being the loser she is, left her stable relationship for matty. he love bombed her all the way through and then suddenly dropped her out of nowhere (very much deserved) and ghosted her. also i'm not blaming this solely on matty either because taylor was also pleasuring herself while thinking about him, hence calling it a mutual phase of self destruction. all this to say taylor isn’t the victim she and her fans think she is! she made her own decisions, and now she's regretting them.
ps. she was still writing songs about joe while being with matty, she was so bothered that she arranged pap walks for her friends to publicly unfollow him one by one. she released you’re losing me. she was still crying during champagne problems. so that relationship wasn’t as deep as maylors are portraying it to be. as per her own words she took a temporary move on drug and is now dealing with the consequences
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