#this was....
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gikairan · 2 years ago
Ive been doing the recipe box thing for a while, and largely it's been a success? One thing I accidentally burnt, one thing that was pretty bland, but mostly my complaints are "needs more spice". And that's just a me thing - I have a higher spice tolerance than a lot of Brits.
But today I combined the ingredients for the sauce and just kinda looked at it like....
Mmm no that doesn't vibe......
And pulled a premade stir fry sauce out of the cupboard to use instead.....
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ofbvtterflies · 4 years ago
july 5th, 1:24 a.m.
“ we have an unconscious jane doe, appears to be in her mid-twenties, suffering from abrasions to the face, neck, and body, pulse rate 145 and climbing, substantial blood loss due to a stab wound under the left lung, hold on hold on– dammit, vitals are crashing– flatline ”
july 5th, 1:32 a.m.
“ look look look she’s conscious– ma’am try to stay still, you’ve been injured, but you will be okay just again try to stay as still as possi– shit, she’s crashing again ”
july 4th, 3:37 p.m.
soleil hummed to herself as the the sun rosied her cheeks up, her body swaying in probably the biggest hammock she’d ever seen. her ears were filled with the sound of people being content– a mom being sweetly over cautious with her children, a couple on the water trying not to flip their kayak, someone playing a sweet melody on a guitar somewhere. she breathed deeply– wanting to inhale all of the energy of those around her– store it in her mind and keep it forever. her phone buzzes. it’s a text from joey– sure, i’ll text you when i get home tonight and you can come get it, maybe even sit on my comfy chairs i named after you c: –– she replied. 
july 4th, 9:26 p.m.
the sky was dark and quiet until it wasn’t– a bright display of colors littering the sky– booms so loud, she felt her chest jump at each burst. she sat by the pier, by herself, feet swinging over the dark water. she catches a glimpse of him from across the way– he’s leaned up against the fence of the picnic area, a beer in hand, his neck craned as he waited for the booms. the ache she had been so desperately trying to lull to sleep awoke once more, deep and painful in her chest. she watched the colors of the display dance circles on his skin– they still hadn’t spoken since the night of the gala, since she spilled her guts, painstakingly so.
july 5th, 12:22 a.m.
i just got home- come over whenever!! i gave frank the night off so the elevator code is 0829– it’s the gold looking one all the way in the back. the quiet swish of the message sent echoed in the lobby of her building. she thought of waiting for him in the lobby, but her face felt grimey and was in desperate need of a wash and a soothing mask. the clicks of her sandals on the beautifully swirled marble floor under her began to fill the halls as she made her way to her elevator– typing her code in and patiently waiting.
july 5th, 1:07 a.m.
warmth and coolness traveled over her body in waves- angry waves, threatening to bring any swimmer who dare be around under its vengeful currents. she lay on the floor of the elevator, her face grimey still– but now coated in a layer of blood– her blood. the light from the ceiling of the elevator barely squeezing through to meet her swollen eyes. her breathing and jagged and low– soleil was always in survival mode– but now more than ever. she thought of things to keep her awake, her sweet brother elio– traveling the world, showing off his artistic skills on people's bodies. her sweet new kitty, who was up 50 floors probably wondering where she was. gwen– the one who held her most nights, a soothing hand playing with the feathered ends of her black hair. griffin– her heart breaks at the thought of never hearing him laugh again. her mom– she’d finally see her again. the ding of the elevator sends the largest wave of adrenaline through her body- her fingertips feeling fizzy with electricity– she whimpers. they had come back to finish the job– “ soleil ? this is a cool prank but, are you recording me– where’s ashton kutcher sol ? ” tears escape her swollen eyes, her breathing becoming more unstable as she begins with a shaky hand to write the word help in the pool of her blood she was drowning in, only being able to get the ‘he’ written “ yes- he, where is he ” she coughs, small spurts of blood flowing out of the sides of her once unbruised lips, her shaky hand continues, ‘lp’ “ oh m– oh my god... HELP, SOMEONE CALL 911, SHE NEEDS HELP. ” she felt cold, the darkness lulling her, singing to her sweetly. 
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wastelandcth · 4 years ago
Okay in honour of calums bday tomorrow I give you: DOVES on a road trip... what could possibly go wrong
For Cal’s birthday maybe the doves decide to go on a little trip with the kids and end up on their way to a lake house which is erm a v long 8 hours but hey it’s a road trip😁 which involved them all having to get super early something that is never good for Dovey nor Elly cos they love their sleep 😤 so they’re all in the car Calum & Charles both having to deal with their grumpy girls but not for long as they eventually doze 😌 Charlie making cal play his fav playlist aka the throwback playlist cos who doesn’t love old 1D and Jonas brothers songs. The cars filled with snacks and cozy blankets for the doves early trip. Maybe they stop at McDonald’s for some fries as well cos those fries are good. And with all long car trips result in Dovey feeding Calum all the food cos after the one time Calum made the mistake of driving with one hand, Dovey made him swear not to do it again - not that he’s composing he loves it when Dovey gives him attention 🥰
Stopping at a random diner cos they’re all hungry and no one wants to deal with a hangry Dovey or Elly for that matter. Charles and Elly settling for pancakes that are stacked way too big for them 😧 They are in pancake heaven whilst the doves are consuming all the coffee they can get their hands on cos they still have an extremely long 5 hours to go with they ✨lovely ✨ offsprings. And after having a meal that could be fit for a queen they’re all off on the road again. Dovey offering to drive but Calum just makes a comment about how he’s fine and that not everyone needs an insane amount of sleep which results in Dovey slapping his arm and turning back to sleep😌 but then Calum makes the wrong turn and their stupid gps is leading them the wrong way so ofc Dovey has to be woken up from her nap to save the trip 🙄 calums freaking out the kids are freaking out Dovey is losing the will to live but eventually they find their way back on track that is until the car starts running out of gas... even tho Dovey reminded cal to fill up the tank... which then results in a scared Calum... which also results in another little slap on the arm and that’s not from Dovey but from their two kids who just really want to go to the lake house and are tired of papa and his silly mistakes🥴
On the way their Charlie and Elly are asking their papa so many questions on whether there’s monsters in the lake, Elly teasing Charlie about how mr tortillas long lost family are gonna come and take him back which leads to Charlie crying and Dovey having to sit at the back comforting him. Eventually after the tears, snacks and many MANY questions the kids are asleep giving the doves that somewhat alone time 🥰 and maybe they’ve only got a few hours left on the road, Doveys hand in Cal’s curls playing around with it whilst they reminisce on the past few years and how birthdays went from just the two of them to their family of 4 and they couldn’t have had it any better way 😌
Anyways that is a little road trip ask that has been in my head for a few days cos I would like nothing more then to be the doves on their very joyful road trips 😌cos let’s be honest they would probably have a top tier playlist and don’t even get me started on their carpool karaokes also there may or may not be a 1D reference in there 👀 I’ll see if you get it lmao & if there are typos... I do not see 😵
long ask anon back at it again with making me want to scream 🥺 i can’t add anything to this because it’s perfect and a great way for calum’s birthday to start 🥺
the thing that stood out the most to me (besides the 1d and cuteness of baby doves) was the image of dovey and calum finally being able to have alone time with the little ones asleep in the backseat. dovey’s hand in calum’s curls while they talk about the past and how much things have change. maybe due to all the pit stops and the wrong turns (thanks cal 🙄) the sun is starting to set on that fine january evening and the sky looks so pretty but dovey doesn’t think the sunset could ever compete with how calum looks right now with his pretty curls tangled in her fingers and his smile causing wrinkles near his eyes.
so thanks, i’m currently looking out my window whilst it rains thinking about that specific scene and yearning for the man who took a wrong turn and ended up driving into the sunset with his little family. ☺️
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addictofcinema · 5 years ago
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nightyoorb · 6 years ago
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father daughter face mask time
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realmckitten · 6 years ago
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hyunllx · 7 years ago
What's your favorite thing about writing?
This is an interesting question that’s taken me several days to answer. Writing is hard. It’s grueling work mentally and emotionally. It can leave you feeling entirely exhausted though you haven’t left your desk in twelve hours. And sometimes you sit down the next day, reread what you’ve written and you hate it so much you delete it and start again. 
When I first got this question I actually stopped and went “I don’t even LIKE writing.” That’s not true at all, but it becomes so clogged with that negative exhaustion that it was difficult for me to really grasp onto something I did like about it.
I guess it comes back to why I started writing in the first place. (Fair warning, I might be dropping a bombshell on people that regularly talk to me online and I’m sorry if you feel like I should have told you sooner instead of outing myself in front of everyone lmao)
I have non-verbal autism. Meaning I can’t talk very well in real life, and there are times where I can’t even talk at all. Despite having all the thoughts I need planned out in my head, there’s a disconnect where I can not get them out efficiently, in the correct order, or at all. It’s extremely, extremely rare that I initiate any kind of conversation, and unless I’m info-dumping, scripting, or talking about a special interest, my responses to people are abnormally short and seemingly non-engaged. Thankfully, I’ve gotten better over the past 5 years or so, but it’s still a massive struggle to deal with.
Because I had no way to communicate my needs or emotions as a child, I started to write them into stories. If I was sad, I’d write about something upsetting. Happy? A story with a warm-hearted subject. Depressed or psychotic? Something unsettling or disturbing. You get the picture.
And of course, it worked. People were understanding me better through my writing than they were through my speech. I discovered I could have an influence on people instead of being that quiet kid in the corner all by himself.
That’s what I love about writing. Making people feel what I feel. Making people consider what I’m thinking. Having a voice.
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stylinshome · 8 years ago
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I can't believe I'm still crying about this
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sirlucina · 8 years ago
seeing a flood of severa in my dash makes me laugh sometimes coz I KNOW its from you. SO i just wanna spark that fire of love in you today: tell me what do u love about severa im genuinely curious :3c
omg lmao like everything????
i remember when i first unlocked her paralogue, her dialogue and overall look just screamed tsundere and im very much a fan of that trope so it was basically love at first sight
and then you read her supports and shes just so funny and sarcastic, but when she needs to be she’ll be serious and apologize for hurting people. i like her personality a lot
and shes the only character in awakening that has every available support conversation unlocked in my game bc i support grinded her so much bc i love her
all of her supports with girls are so fucking gay like in kjelles c-support???? she get distracted by kjelles abs and frankly thats #relatable. her supports with noire are so cute and its a completely different side to her than what you usually get in her supports. she genuinely cares for noire and you can tell that they have a long history and are comfortable enough with each other to let down their guards. and that one dlc (future past i think) her and lucinas conversation is just 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 magnificent. her support with cynthia is just all around hilarious and you can actually see their friendship and respect for each other grow. other notable supports include the one with brady where they just form a snark club, her and laurents where they learn to use both their (shopping) skills for the good of the army and overcome their differences, and the ones with her parents.
her supports give her a lot of good development as a character i think, especially regarding her issues with her mom, but i dont like angst so i prefer not to think about it but its there and gives her a valid reason for being so tsundere. her backstory is sad but she keeps going
also shes just so pretty?? shes so cute i love her so much
as a unit she is fucking op like in my first file i married cordelia to gregor and shes so STRONG!!! and in the file that i married her, cordelia is married to donnel (which i found out later is her worst father apparently) and shes STILL SO STRONG. i love having her use an axe it suits her much better than a sword imo. and she looks good with every hair colour. 
unfortunately im no where near completing conquest so i cant say much about selena but i do know that her winking portrait in fates is absolutely adorable and it kills me every time and i love her so much
 i could go on but i’ll spare you lol shes just great and sarcastic and beautiful and relatable to me personally 
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naniyo · 8 years ago
why did they make me watch that with my own eyes what the fuck was THAT
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mingyoozi · 9 years ago
S.coups, Jeonghan: Angels & Demons (pt 1)
anonymous asked: Could you do a love triangle scenario with Seungcheol and Jeonghan plz?!
Summary: fantasy au: demon!seungcheol, angel!jeonghan, and hybrid!reader (I’ve written hybrid!reader before haven’t I��.. rip) pure refers to an angel that is not a demon, as demons are considered to be fallen angels
Your world was a collision of forces, a constant battle between right and wrong. Where one side you were biologically designed to collect the souls of the guilty, the other, you were created to save the souls of the innocent. It seemed as though everyone had morals except for you. You were often asked to pick a side, told that you couldn’t do something if you didn’t choose. You’re either angel or you’re demon, there was no in between. That was the hardest part.
“Contrary to popular belief, angels and demons work in very close quarters. After all, at the time of creation, there was no difference between us.” Was what you were told on your first day of the job.
“The Job” was your life; it started the first day that you could make decisions for yourself. “The Job” was like puberty for all angels, pure and demon alike. It was when you finally got your wings and your first assignment.
“In a few minutes, you will have to choose your wings. All angels will choose variations of feathered wings and all demons will choose variations of shadow wings. Afterwards, you will be paired with a power storage receptacle of your choice: a halo, horns, or a staff.” The director, Yoona, said. As soon as she finished talking, the once controlled crowd turned into a flustered hurry of children running to find their wings.
“Um, miss?” You called out, walking up to the director and tugging on her sleeve to grab her attention. “Where do I go?”
She smiled, kind and gentle, before leaning down to read your name tag.
Her eyes followed her finger down the list as she spoke. “You, my dear,” She paused, her finger stopping. “Oh my.”
“What’s wrong?” You asked, your 7 year old innocence shining through. She forced a tightlipped smile onto her face.
“Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing is wrong. You’re just special. Come with me, I’ll show you your wings.” She said, holding her hand out to you. You smiled and placed your tiny hand in her palm, and she felt her heart melt at the gap toothed naivety that she hadn’t seen in a while.
Your 20th year brought new anxieties. The leaders of the new generation, your generation, were chosen that year. It was a tradition that had always been upheld. The sons or daughters of the leaders had been preparing for half of their lives to take their parents’s spots. It wasn’t a surprise when they took over. What was a surprise was when they picked you to be the new director.
“Seungcheol,” You called out. The new leader of the demons turned to you, a grin on his face.
Handsome was barely enough of an accurate word to describe Seungcheol. He was beyond that, radiating confidence everywhere he went. He had been in competition with Jeonghan, the new leader of the angels, for his whole life, so his confidence in being the collector with the highest rate of success was just.
“Hey, kiddo.” He said, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You scowled and swatted his hand away.
“Why’d you pick me?” You asked. He stepped closer to you, you could smell his cologne.
He leaned down, his face only centimetres away from yours. His breath fanned over your face as he spoke. “You’re special.”
You grew closer to the two, Seungcheol and Jeonghan, as the year progressed. Your job as the director was to aid young recruits in finding their wings, and to act as a second to both the angel and demon leader, should one or the other face an unfortunate circumstance. Your days consisted of collecting souls, leading new recruits, and doing paperwork. Your nights consisted of staying up on Seungcheol or Jeonghan’s couch playing video games or watching movies with the two. You often fell asleep and woke up with no recollection of where you were.
“Jeonghan?” You called out once you spotted the long flowing hair on the pillow beside you. You rubbed your eyes, still ridden with sleep. Jeonghan was the opposite of Seungcheol, but just as beautiful, and you were reminded of that every day that you worked beside him.
“Good morning.” He beamed, far too awake for having just woken up.
“Where’s Seungcheol?” You asked. Jeonghan sighed as he sat up.
“He had an assignment.” He explained. You nodded, throwing the covers back and standing up.
“I should get down to the office. I’ve got a lot of paper work to sort out, and I have deadlines that need to be met if you two want to stay the leaders of this generation.” You teased, picking up your pillow and throwing it at him. He laughed.
“I’ll be there in a few. I have to deal with something first. Coffee and lunch later?” He asked.
“Always.” You replied. A smile crossed the angel’s face as you walked into his closet.
It had gotten to the point where you couldn’t tell the difference between yours, Jeonghan’s, and Seungcheol’s homes. They all smelled the same and their closets were all filled with your clothes and theirs. You had learned their habits quickly: Seungcheol liked cuddling whereas Jeonghan liked to be cuddled while he pretended that he was too much of a man to feel affection, Jeonghan liked the colour blue but Seungcheol preferred green. It was a process that you had become all too used to. You often woke up with Seungcheol wrapped around you or Jeonghan pulling all of the blankets to his side, never both. Some days, it seemed that they couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other, despite being best friends and close work partners.
“Seungcheol?” You asked as he stood at the stove preparing dinner.
He hummed in reply, too concentrated on the sizzling meat in the pan.
“Do you not like Jeonghan? I thought you were best friends.” You said. He sighed.
“We are. We just need a little bit of space from each other right now, that’s all?” He said, never taking his eyes off of the food in front of him.
“But, why? You’ve never needed space before.” You inquired. He sighed again.
“It’s none of your business, Y/N. You’re just the director, stay out of it.” He said. You felt your heart clench at the idea of Seungcheol not seeing you as a friend.
“Well, screw you too.” You said, standing up and storming out of the house. You didn’t even stop when he called out after you. He’d forgotten how stubborn you could be.
Jeonghan showed up at your door a lot more after that, always with a new movie or a tub of ice cream to comfort you.
“He’ll apologize eventually. He didn’t mean it, Y/N. You’re just as much his best friend as I am.” Jeonghan said, popping the DVD into the machine. The calming whir of the fan hit your ears and your heart stopped beating so fast.
You’re not sure where the idea comes from, but the words have left your mouth before you can stop them. “Do you think he likes me? Is that why he wasn’t talking to you?” You asked. Jeonghan paused.
“Boy, you catch on fast.” He muttered, taking a seat beside you on your couch.
“What?” You said, the blood draining from your face.
“Why? Do you not like him back?” Jeonghan asked, pressing play on the remote and starting the movie.
“Well, no. Not really.” You said. Jeonghan breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the volume on the TV was turned up so that you couldn’t hear him.
“Who do you like, then?” Jeonghan asked. He felt his chest constrict when you shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t like anyone, Jeonghan.”
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mu-ku-ro · 10 years ago
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filamints · 10 years ago
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stamda's chimera oc, caze
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tayliberalsjwift · 10 years ago
13) Write about what you are proud of about yourself
Oh god, do I have to
Um...I'm proud of the fact that, no matter how rough it's been, I've managed to live so far away from home with such a small, almost nonexistent support system here. I'm proud that I've managed to take blows to my heart and spirit. I'm proud that I'm still alive when there were times that I came perilously close to the edge.
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How great many a times have I changed my future goals? 
I am disillusioned. 
I am simply disillusioned. 
I cannot see further,
I have so little breath. 
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yourreasontobehere · 11 years ago
♪ :D
Opening Credits: Insane - BTOBWaking Up: Love Fool - Teen Top. (I have nothing to say to this…)First Day At School: Monster - Big BangFalling In Love: Heaven - AileeFight Song: I like you the best - B2STBreaking Up: Last Farewell - Big Bang (LOL. WOW)Life’s OK: Why - Teen TopGetting Back Together: With You - Big BangWedding: Wedding Dress - Taeyang (…… WOW. WTF.)Birth of Child: Heartbreaker - G -Dragon Final Battle: I’ll show you - Ailee Death Scene: Baby don’t cry - Daesung Funeral Song: Clap - Teen TopEnd Credits: Walk by - Teen Top
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