#this was very much one of those things where i didn't really know how it was gonna play out until I went through it
bugboybuck Β· 20 hours
(For the one-word butcktommy prompt πŸ₯°)
"Babe," Evan calls through from the kitchen. "Why is there like, a whole cheesecake in your fridge?"
Tommy's sprawled out on the couch, shirtless in sweatpants, flicking through the TV channels trying to find something that might appeal to Evan's picky watching habits. It's gone eight PM but Tommy just woke up - a long shift followed by a long day of crashing out in his bed - and Evan, on his own 48 off and smug about it, had turned up just to hang out. A few months in and they're still slowly getting the hang of how to parcel out enough time together around shift work, often chasing the end of each other's naps, sharing a meal that's breakfast for one of them and dinner for the other. But they're making it work.
Still, it's maybe a sign of Tommy's remaining grogginess after sleeping the day away that he has no idea what Evan is asking him right now.
"Where else would I put it?" Tommy calls back. He can just about see the backs of Evan's legs poking out from the fridge; Tommy's living room is part-open to the kitchen through a wide archway in the white stucco walls. Keeping one eye on the TV, he says, "Cheesecake goes bad if you leave it out."
"No, I don't mean-" Evan cuts off, and then closes the fridge and re-ermerges a moment later with half a zucchini muffin stuffed in his mouth. He'd apparently worked out after dinner and then come over to Tommy's still ravenous. Tommy is a little enamoured by the way Evan always eats like he's trying to set the world record for how much one person can fit in their mouth in one go. Evan swallows with great effort and continues, "What's the cake for? I didn't miss your birthday or something, right?"
"Don't worry - November thirteenth," Tommy says, beckoning Evan back into the room. Evan happily comes and flings way too much of his 200-plus-pound self on Tommy once. "Oof. You know I'm not the couch, right?"
"Really? Look like one to me," Evan says, grinning and prodding Tommy a few times while Tommy shoves him off until they're more cuddling than wrestling.
"The cake's just cake," Tommy says. "I felt like cheesecake this week."
"You - wait, so you bought yourself a whole cake? Just for no reason?"
Evan sounds completely bemused, which is unfairly adorable. Tommy presses a kiss onto his shoulder while Evan finishes the rest of the zucchini muffin. Tommy had bought those special because they're keto friendly, and Evan's still on a kick with that - no wonder he can't imagine buying cheesecake for the sake of it.
"The reason is that I like it," Tommy tells him. "I realised a few years ago that one benefit of being an adult who doesn't have to listen to a miserable tyrant of a father or CO or captain is that I can have cake whenever I want. So I do. Is that okay?"
Evan sort of melts into him. One of his long, strong legs brackets Tommy's ribs as he crawls more into Tommy's lap. "That's really cute and kind of ridiculous," Evan tells him. "I swear nobody believes me that you're like such a big kid sometimes."
"Hey, now," Tommy protests, lightly, teasingly.
"Your sweet tooth is very cute," Evan assures him.
"Well, yeah - why do you think I like you so much? You're like cookie dough cheesecake in human form." Tommy bites down lightly on Evan's strong shoulder, like he might eat him, and Evan laughs.
"It's cookie dough too? Oh man, babe, you really do have a problem."
"Alright, captain keto, that's enough out of you," Tommy says, and finally drags Evan into a kiss. He really is the only thing better than cake.
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callieisto Β· 2 days
β˜† Kinktober Day 3: Threesome! β˜†
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It was very hard to sway your boys away from something they wanted. Or a promise they made.
Unfortunately, this happened to be both of those things.
While they had been away on a mission, you'd made the mistake of expressing that you felt ugly over a call, and the two of them had immediately threatened to come home and fuck some sense into you. (Not an empty threat by any means- you still owed Kory and Bizzaro an apology for Jason running off in the middle of a mission the last time this had happened. And you should probably send Dick a card and some fruit- he's still in the hospital because Roy bailed on him.)
You'd managed to convince them to stay for the rest of the expedition, but you didn't manage to get off scott-free. Which is how you ended up sandwiched between your boyfriends, who were maliciously reminding you of how much they loved you- and your body. Especially your pussy.
"R-Roy," you whimper, a keening sound. Jason snorts and spreads your legs more, so Roy can continue licking at you slowly, languidly. "Roy- R-Roy, 'm sensitive!"
Jason's got you pressed up against his back, thick thighs bracketing yours. He's still in his boxers- somehow- but you're completely naked, squirming as Roy eats you out. Over and over and over again. "Aww, honey girl." Roy cooed breathlessly, pulling back to lick his lips and watch your muscles twitch under Jason's hands. "You can take it, huh? I know you can."
Jason kisses your cheek as his hands move to settle over your stomach, pulling you closer to his chest. "Mmm, he's being mean, isn't he, angel?" He teased, a rumbling laugh escaping him. "Does our baby want something inside her, huh?"
You whine in embarrassment, eyes squeezing closed as Roy leans in, kissing between your boobs, biting down softly and leaving little marks as he moved up to your neck. "Please," you manage to warble out. "Please fuck me."
That's all it takes, really. Jason and Roy may be physically strong, but when it comes to you, they're the weakest men in the world. Roy greedily takes you from Jason, who shuffles up the bed to take his boxers off and toss them somewhere near where the vague shape of other clothes are. He'll complain about how he can't find them later, but right now he has a one-track mind.
Roy spins you around and presses his cock against your ass, peppering your shoulders with sweet kisses even as he bends you at the waist so you're eye-level with Jason's dick. "So perfect." Roy breathes, hand smoothing up and down your spine. "God, baby, you're so perfect. I would die if you were any more beautiful."
Jason nods in agreement, biting his lip as you slowly drag your tongue up from his balls to his tip. He groans softly, hand carding through your hair. "Such a perfect angel," he breathes, guiding you down to take his tip into his mouth. You suck on it, looking up at him with soft eyes, and it takes everything in him not to cum immediately. "Our good girl, huh?"
You nod, a muffled "Yes" escaping around his dick.
Roy groans as he sinks into you, biting his lip as he watches you swallow Jason's cock into your mouth. He likes the way you whimper when he pushes in, likes the way you sound with dick in your mouth and another one stuffing your cunt. "God," He chokes out, voice hoarse. "Fuck, could never get enough of this pretty fucking pussy."
And he starts to move.
The world melts away. It's only you, Jason, Roy, and the softness of the bed beneath you.
Jason is panting and whining and bucking into your mouth, his pretty face flushed red, all high on his cheekbones. He cums in your mouth with a low growl when you swallow him to the base, then gag softly. He pulls you off when he's soft, the most love-dumb look in his eyes as you blink blearily.
"So pretty." Jason whispers weakly, his free hand thumbing away some cum at the corner of your mouth. You're too far gone to string together any semblance of words, let alone sentences. He brushes your hair from your sweaty forehead.
And then Roy takes the back of your head and presses it into the mattress, fucking you harder, his other hand coming around your hip to rub circles into your clit. You writhe and moan beneath him, face squished into the comforter beneath you. Somewhere above you, Jason and Roy are spouting praise, hands are smoothing up and down your spine, little kisses are dancing across your skin. You cum with a trembling whine and Roy groans, "Fuck, that's it," as you spasm around him.
He thrusts once, twice, and then he pulls out, his cum splattering over your ass as he jerks himself to completion.
Jason tugs you up to rest against his chest, your cheek pressed against his collarbone as he soothingly kisses your face. "Did so good, pretty girl." He whispered.
Roy snuggled up to the two of you, resting his head on Jason's thigh and his hand on your hip. "So good," he agreed weakly.
Later, the three of you would get in the shower and wash off- Jason would eat you out one more time, just for good measure- and then the bed would creak under the weight of three bodies. Asleep. Cuddled together.
But right now? A nap sounds like a really good idea, as Jason demonstrates by promptly falling asleep with his head resting atop yours.
β˜† taglist!
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szynkaaa Β· 3 days
This is my first time asking but I'm going to ask anyway (and English is not my native language) I'm curious to know how your OC and the destined one met (I mean how was their first interaction)
hi hi! thank you so much for your ask, this is the first time I have received one about my OC <3
probably something like this (read right-to-left)
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Gonna use this chance to talk a bit more about my AU lol
Wrote in a separate post here that Oz has met Sun Wukong before when she was a child and he was buried under the mountain.
So when she got whisked back into fantasy ancient China, she landed where Yuan Shoucheng aka Gourd Grandpa (the old man carrying a big gourd on his back) was already waiting there for her. He foresaw her arriva. The vague gist of my AU is that the the reason why this Destined One succeeds in retrieving all artifacts and becomes SWK is because he is also sort of the manifestation of that childish promise 5-years-old Oz made that she will save SWK one day (from under the mountain but clearly that didn't happen lol). But also since her ancestor is from this world, her descendants were fated to return back here one day.
Gourd grandpa updates her on her ancestors and their roles in the Celestial Court and the shitstorm that happened that ultimately let to the clan being massacred and one person escaping to "our" world, where magic doesn't exist and all those people are just characters from myths and stories. But also her ancestor isn't the only person that traversed through the two worlds - over the centuries more have come and gone. This is also why people in her world have those myths and deities. In my AU Wu Cheng'en also escaped from fantasy ancient China into her world and then wrote Journey to the West. He took artistic liberty to change some things for his novel, hence some things in BMW are different than in JTTW (like the ZBJ and violet spider love story or how SWK had a romance with White Bone Demon).
Anywayyy, Oz task on the adventure is to document their journey together, and she is responsible for using the magical gourd to suck in the will of the defeated bosses in.
And 2-3 days later the Destined One shows up. I don't think Oz was very happy about leaving gourd grandpa and join the Destined One on his travel, but if he is her best chance to find a way back home to see Taylor Swift live, then she will do it.
The Destined One is indifferent to mildly annoyed about this, but doesn't protest too much, as long as she doesn't slow him down yadda yadda. I do think that DO did feel some sort of special connection to her, because he is sort of a manifestation of that promise. it doesn't really take long for him to get used to her and also to care for her. One of Sun Wukong's massive core trait is that he cares so much for his loved ones and does not hesitate to do the impossible for them, and I like to imagine that even though SWK senses have been split into 6 different parts, the caring part stayed with each Destined One reincarnation.
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uravitypng Β· 2 days
𝐈 π“π€π‹πŠ π“πŽπŽ πŒπ”π‚π‡: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 π…πˆπ•π„
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pairing: denki kaminari x reader, (hanta sero x reader)
word count: 6.6k
content warnings/things in part five: not a lot in this chapter! some inappropriate thoughts and daydreams, reader kind of has self esteem issues but it's mainly fuelled by the paparazzi, reader wears a bikini, petnames (babydoll, pretty girl, princess->used playfully), jealous denki, maybe jealous hanta (if you squint really really hard??), mineta (ewww), written with a chubby reader in mind/// minors do not interact (in later chapters there will be more smut and more explicit content!!)
a/n: chapter five is finally out!! sorry it took so long but it's finally out and boy is it longer than previous chapters. i really really really hope you enjoy this part, i've loved writing it! i was meant to finish it last week but i've been binging romance animes lmao.
summary: it's terrible when you're in love with your best friend. it's terrible that he's in love with someone else.
<< previous | next >> | masterlist / polls for this chapter: 1 & 2
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"I can't believe our agencies are letting us go to the beach! Out of all the ways they could deal with the current situation they choose this!" You say excitedly and beam as you walk a little ahead of everyone but they can still all hear you.
"Yeah it's like that typical anime beach episode." Denki runs up over to you grinning. As denki runs up to you he trips over on the sand before catching himself, you bite you lip to stifle a laugh and process what Denki just said.
"Did you just compare what's happening to a beach episode right now Denks?"
"She's right Kaminari, this may seem like a relaxing day but we're here for a reason. If those League of Villain copycat group show up here like we suspect then we need to be ready." Todoroki 'reminds' you all and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes. You weren't referring to the mission when you said that Denki, you were just stating that beach episodes are different to real life beach trips.
A couple of heroes with you seem so suspicious, shifting their eyes around the surrounding area. Plus you don't understand the choice of bringing along Todoroki and Bakugo, they're to recognisable and well known, even if the villains did show up they wouldn't stay for long after noticing who's here too.
You have a gut feeling this mission will come up with nothing. This whole time will be a wild goose chase leading you here with zero results. You've told them just as much, 'when have I ever been wrong about this kind of stuff guys? this whole mission to the beach will be useless we should focus on other things, find out where they really are.'
It's so frustrating that they don't believe you... Well most of them... All of them to be honest but they can't voice that out loud. Everyone whose hair is currently blowing in the wind and sand beneath their feet knows you very well and trust your instincts but they can't just ignore this lead they've been given. Katsuki expects you have a second quirk that allows you foresight, he especially trusts your intuition.
Denki stretches, groaning in pleasure while you quickly turn your head away from him and try to drown out the noise.
"Well I for one think we can relax, I have it on good authority" he grins at you before continuing, "that nothing will happen today. We might as well relax. This reminds me of our extended three day weekend holiday our class went to on the last week before leaving school."
All of the UA, Class A, alumni heroes that are present reminiscence on your time together. Bittersweet feelings flood your emotions as you think about how much you miss seeing them so often, yet glad and blessed with the time you did get to share with them back when you were all teenagers.
"Or when we went to Nabu island in our first year," Ochako adds.
"I didn't like that at all. Not only did villains attack but on top of that every single hour of every day people on the island was calling into the hero centre wanting us to do something, no matter how trivial." Minata replies, his voice more apparent with age, mostly losing the lisp he had.
"That's not the reason why and you know it. Every other day you were being perverted to random girls on the island." Hanta doesn't try to hide his annoyed tone from everyone. He's never concealed his disapproval of Minata's actions and that was originally one of the first things that drew you to strike up a conversation and friendship with him.
"Can we just sit down and make snide comments in a minute?" You ask, holding onto a large cooler with both hands and a couple heavy bags slung over your shoulder.
Ochako hums in agreement and pulls the massive beach towel from under her arm and places it down.
You hear Mineta mumble, "how are you a hero?" as he sees you strain to hold the icebox and it becomes so quiet but even though it's mumbled it sounds like the loudest anyone has spoken since you got to the beach.
Your quirk isn't suited to strength, everyone knows that. Your quirk isn't like Midoriya's or Kiri's or Sato's. It doesn't mean you aren't strong though, your quirk is very strong. Struggling to hold a box full of ice cubes and cold drinks plus two bulky bags for over an hour doesn't make you weak.
He's so hypocritical... he wouldn't even be able to lift it up and get it off the ground.
You're a hero for a reason, you know how brilliant you are but hearing that bothered you and distressed you for a reason and coming from Mineta it's even stranger that it effected you, he's made plenty of jabs towards you before but the way he said it irked you, especially because he said it in front of so many other heroes.
Before you can even defend yourself and before anyone else can, Denki does. Mina was about to speak, Hanta was about to, Katsuki took a deep breath in to start yelling and making tiny explosions in the centre of his palms but Denki beat them all to it, he even beat you to it. "What the fuck does that mean?" You stand in shock and your eyes widen at how much rage is in his voice, almost hostile. You've never heard him speak like that before. It doesn't only shock you but everyone else is taken aback.
Denki was so distracted and enraged by what Mineta said he didn't even notice his own tone, all he could think about was 'how dare he say that about you.'
Mineta started stuttering a response about how it was a joke and he didn't mean it. That snapped you out of you stupor and you pull on Denki's sleeve. "Denki, what are you doing?"
His eyes snap up to look at you and his body relaxes, "I- I no one should speak to you like that 'doll," he murmurs gently but you still hear him, all of you do.
A small smile slips on your face and you grip his sleeve tighter. "Thank you Denki," you tell him sincerely. He turned bright pink and you miss it instead whipping your head round to face Minata and pointing a finger out in the air, "listen here small fry, don't speak to me like that again. Who beat you all the times in training? Oh yeah, it was me." You tell him sternly and firmly, not leaving room for any hollow argument.
Katsuki smirks when you call him 'small fry' and wonders how many other nicknames he's made that you use.
Mina claps her hands together after you said your peace and had shut Mineta up, "right, let's get this towel down so I can start sunbathing," she grins. She sees from the corner of her eye that Todoroki is about to say something again about how they need to stay completely focused so before he can say anything Mina adds on, "just kidding," mumbling "kinda" under her breath.
One second Mina's fully clothed and the next second she's only in her bikini laying face down with her face to the side pouting at you and Ochako, "can someone put sunscreen on me? I don't want to burn."
"I'll do it!" Mineta replies automatically, just when you thought he wouldn't say anything else perverted today.
"The fuck you will!" Katsuki yells and you can almost hear the threat of explosions coming from his palms. He stays silent after that and doesn't say anything else, he leers over all the girls but in silence this time.
Everyone relaxes and starts up idle chatter and it was worth it carrying all those heavy things when you finally get to open up a cold drink, refreshing you. Ochako lathers Mina's body in sunscreen claiming that she doesn't want her to burn. You pat next to you and set your eyes on Todoroki, "come sit down Todoroki, you look really shady just standing around."
His lip quirks up in a rare small smile and accepts your offer. "You're right, we're heroes, we're ready to fight and apprehend a villain at the drop of a hat."
You giggle, "that's the spirit."
Due to the sweltering heat everyone has shredded layers, apart from you and Hanta. Even Todoroki has taken off his shirt and is currently annoying Katsuki while most of the heroes are playing beach volleyball. You're boiling and you can feel a few drops of sweat running down your neck but you don't get changed- you can't.
Underneath your clothes you're wearing a bikini but you feel too self conscious to get rid of your clothes, even though your hair is sticking to your face and your skin feels tacky and kind of gross. In your head you curse out those paparazzi from the gala a couple months ago who made you feel insecure as the photos taken of everyone started circulating online.
You gaze up at Hanta, squinting as the sun hits you eyes. Noticing this, Hanta moves the parasol to the side so it covers your eyes from the light. Now in the shade, Hanta grins "better?"
You make a noise of confirmation and nod your head, "thanks Hanta."
Hanta tells you that you're welcome while he lifts up his top starting at the top of his body, near his neck, his voice muffled under the top making you giggle. Your brain catches up with the situation too late as you watch his midriff exposed and the rest of his top half soon after. You swallow your saliva and time seems to slow down as you check him out. His hero costume is skin tight so it's not hard to imagine how he looks under his clothes. It wouldn't be fair to actually compare the two of what you envisioned to reality because after seeing him topless, wow reality is that much better you'd thought.
You wish those thoughts didn't rush though your mind but alas they do, 'my subconscious didn't do Hanta enough justice in my dream.' His arms are particularly muscular, which makes sense with his quirk and you wonder how much he can lift up with all that upper arm strength. There's a large pink scar on his shoulder that you've never seen before and you speculate silently how he got it.
One minute you were admiring his physique and the next you were nearly jumping out of your own skin as Hanta takes off his shorts and you feel the need to bury your head in your hands. You see his thick thighs and you have no control as all you can hear in your head is him calling you 'pretty girl' over and over again.
You're incredibly embarrassed by thinking about your sex dream. You try to avert your gaze away from him but beforehand Hanta can feel your watching eyes on him and spins his body around making eye contact with you, grinning wide and winking. You fiddle the hem of you top, suddenly shy that you've been caught and Hanta flops down next to you, still grinning. "Like what you see princess?" He asks teasingly, emphasising 'princess.'
"O-oh, shut up," you roll your eyes at him. Hanta chuckles and reaches over to the cooler and gets himself a drink. You elbow him on the shoulder, "idiot," and burst out in a fit of laughing and Hanta joins in.
"What's with the shirt?" Hanta asks gesturing to what you're wearing.
You feign ignorance, pretending you don't know what he's talking about. "Huh?"
"You must be hot in that."
"I'm okay," you say and you hope he doesn't notice that you're lying.
"I can see sweat trickle down your forehead, don't get me wrong you're still hot, just now in every sense."
You feel a combination of scoffing at his playful flirting and wrapping your arms around yourself shy and embarrassed but Hanta doesn't let you get too in your head and grabs an unopened drink and places it on your cheek, making you yelp and interrupting your thoughts. "Any better?" He moves the can up onto your forehead. "Why don't you want to get changed pretty girl?"
You stay silent and Hanta waits for you to speak patiently. "What I'm wearing underneath exposes more than normal."
"You've worn swimming costumes and bikini sets in public before, has anything changed. Is it a bad day today?"
Your heart warms when he asks if you had a bad day. "Not a bad day as such but there's been photos of everyone circulating after the charity gala a little while ago and the dress doesn't look as good as I thought it did. Because we're in public I'm kind of wary if someone takes photos and like I said it's more revealing than other ones I have... I regret choosing this one to wear today, it's not very flattering."
"I'll be the judge of that pretty girl." he grins lazily and you huff at his behaviour. You were intending to condone his reaction after you've just been so sincere about how you're truly feeling, especially since Hanta is typically more considerate than that but you should know not to jump to conclusions because after a pause he starts speaking again.
"In all seriousness you looked beautiful that night and I saw photos of everyone all over my twitter feed the day after and it didn't change my mind about how you looked that night. If people take pictures then they take pictures, we're here on a mission," you wince at the reminder that this is a mission but he gives you a reassuring smile, "a pointless mission with your perfect intuition but a mission all the same. You shouldn't sacrifice the relief of cooling down and if your swimming costume is revealing then that's okay, Mina is practically naked," you giggle and he smiles wide. "All of us are hot so anyone who sees us should be lucky,"
There's a cross between a chuckle and a raised eyebrow as you ask him, "even Mineta?" The immediate hard reply of 'no' makes you laugh again. "Haven't you always preached body positivity and acceptance for all?" You tease.
"If he wasn't such a pervert than my answer would be different," Hanta's says simply and you don't know if he's unaware of the affect that had on you. Hanta never once treated anyone different if they didn't fit societal norms, even when other people would, he didn't. Both him and Kiri were like that, it's probably why you always respected them so much.
Hanta's words did convince you to pull off your clothes, you were boiling but you finally shed off your clothes, grimacing as the top sticks to you. Hanta's resting his face in the palm of his hand, looking at you with hooded eyes that makes you feel almost bashful. You can tell his gaze isn't one of leering so you don't mind it so much.
You're completely free of clothes now and feeling a lot better now but you're still sticky, planning to go for a swim in a bit.
"I knew it," Hanta smirks and you look at him confused. "You look beautiful in that pretty girl, pink and white suits you."
"Oh please Hanta, sweat is trickling down my back and clinging to my eyebrow and cupid's brow. I can practically taste it," you disagree with him.
Hanta chuckles deeply, "you're still beautiful."
You tut and grab the sun-lotion from one of the bags, wanting to hide your face for a second. "Who first?" You grin at each other.
"Whoever you want."
"Okay, turn around to face me." He does what he's told, beforehand downing the rest of his drink and sitting so close that your knees are nearly touching his back as you sit on your heels. Opening the cap and squirting some in your hand, you begin to place you hands on his back. Hanta jumps slightly and you ask if he's okay, he responds that he is but it was colder than he expected, you apologise but laugh louder than the apology you give at that answer.
You rub your hands over him, making sure you don't miss any spots not wanting him to burn and have to take a deep breath as you feel his defined shoulder muscles under your palms. You lift his hair up slightly that's covering his neck and make sure it's covering his neck too. Half of you is thinking about how you're very physically close to Hanta and you've never done anything like this before but a louder voice is disagreeing, you both are very touchy-feely, you fall asleep on him and spar together all the time and when watching films in groups you'll share blankets, so is this really different?
'He's kissed me too, so this isn't a big deal...'
You don't pay much mind when you start to press your hand over the places that he can reach. You don't think as you rub cream on his arms and get up and face him, sitting back down as you make eye contact and give him a small smile. He doesn't say anything and neither do you. You put sunscreen on his chest and marvel about how built he feels, you carefully pick up his arms and make certain you cover every inch of him. You squeeze more sunscreen on your hands and close the lid before gently swiping along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. You see the genuine smile that adorns his face and that snaps you out of your stupor, you momentarily stop putting the lotion on him, freezing, before starting again, although this time a bit more bashfully and not being able to make eye contact with him, instead just looking at the rest of his face.
"Think I'm nearly covered. Next it's you, yeah?" He says softly and you hum confirmation.
At the same time Denki's breathing deeply, trying to catch his breath after overdoing it while playing volleyball and he lets everyone know he's going back to get a drink and he's missing the next match out. He runs up, not noticing until he got close how your hands are running along Sero's body and how you're too close for comfort, it's looks far too intimate, too sensual. Denki clenches his teeth so hard it's a wonder they don't shatter.
"What's this?" Denki asked you both, forcing a smile on his face. You're surprised by his sudden appearance and feel almost guilty, you're really not sure why though.
Kaminari chooses to ignore the exasperated sigh that comes from Sero and gazes at you. You take your hands off Hanta and place them in your lap, "helping each other with putting on sunscreen. Have you already put yours on?"
"Uh. Yeah?"
You scrunch up your face not believing that and give him a pointed look, crossing your arms and it gives both Denki and Hanta everything in them to not look down as you unknowingly push your breasts up higher as you cross your arms. "I don't believe you."
"I did! Just.. Probably not the most thoroughly." He admits sheepishly and you cross your arms.
"Hey Sero, come join our team! We're a player down," Mina hollers to him, not asking you, knowing that you wouldn't want to play. Hanta goes slightly rigid at the request, he doesn't want to leave, he's supposed to put sunscreen on you in a minute and being around you one on one was wonderful, your soft touch on his cheeks and how you delicately moved his hair out of the way.
Little does he know you're in the same situation, although Denki's here now you don't want Hanta to go, you want him to jokingly make more flirty comments and call you pretty girl again. Even though you know he isn't serious about it and even though you know he does it with everyone it still makes you feel good.
Denki sits down very close to you and has a drink before saying, "You should go Sero, a lot of them won't let it go about an unbalanced team. They'll either have won unfairly with an extra player or lost unfairly because they were a player down."
Hanta sighs again before sitting up, "yeah you're right, I don't think I can handle another repeat of similar situation with Bakugou beating Todoroki at the sports festival." You chuckle and he leaves.
You want to ask Denki if he likes your swimming costume but you can't get the words out so instead you ask him, "Hanta was going to put sun-lotion on me but he left, can you do it instead? Just my back and stuff," you ask him. "The places I can't reach," you clarify. You really don't want to get burnt and hopefully if Denki's only touching quickly from behind you won't get too flustered and if you slightly do he won't see. You're definitely not strangers to physical affection with Denki but you are strangers when it involves so little clothes.
"I... uh-"
You interrupt him, taking his pause and lack of answer as reluctance and you don't want to force him to do something he doesn't want to do. You try and ignore the voice in your head that's asking a million questions about why, what's so bad about it. "Don't worry about it Denks I'll just put my top back on," picking up your top and turning it the right way round. 'Ah it was really nice to cool down for awhile.'
Denki grabs onto your top before you can put it back on. "No!" He rushes out and lets go of your top. Levelling his voice back to normal he says, "no, don't do that, you'll get too hot. Let me just move behind you." You give a tiny nod and hum. "Can you pass me the bottle babydoll?"
"Oh yeah," you open your hand and lay the sunscreen bottle in it so he can take it, his fingertips brush against your palm as he takes the bottle from you and you feel him shuffle behind you. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah! All good!" He hopes you don't hear the strain in his voice as he tries to sound okay and squeezes some cream out. "Okay it's going to be cold now," he warns you, "although it might just be refreshing," he adds. He talks so close to you, you can feel his breath on your shoulder blade and for a second there you thought he was going to kiss it by the way he lingered after he spoke but he pulled away and you told yourself about how ridiculous that idea was.
Denki pulls back and repeats that he's going to start now. He's right when he's said it would be cold but also when he said it would be refreshing. However you underestimated thinking Denki touching you wouldn't impact you. What you didn't realise is Denki was doing worse of than you were and you don't hear his swallowing over your own thoughts. Your soft body melds in between his nervous fingers as he makes gentle large circular motions on your skin.
You fight back a shiver as he touches your sides and goes all the way up to your shoulders. "Do you want to lay down?"
"Huh?!" You say a little louder than necessary. Denki is taking so much care with you, more than you thought and it's making you try to force down all the butterflies that are trying to flutter in your stomach. With every minute that passes with his gentle touch, the more heat rises to your cheeks and the more bashful you become. You don't know if you'll be able to handle much more of this.
"You asked me to help you with the places you can't reach." He reminds you and you wince. You didn't ask Hanta to lay down but now the man you love is asking you to and that means he'll be touching you more. Half of you is almost happy about this but the other half is thinking back to how Denki was silent when first asked and why was he silent, it would of been so much easier if Hanta didn't have to leave but you do what he says and lie down on your front, your head turned to the side watching everyone play volleyball in the distance.
You jump as Denki touches you again, still with care. You start to ball up your fists and your cheeks get hotter and hotter, especially when he touches your thighs. You were about to break the silence between you both when he touches your plush thighs but he quickly moves on, quicker than when he's touching other parts of your body.
Simultaneously Denki sucks in teeth and squeezes his eyes shut when he touches your thighs, he almost regrets asking you to lie down. He doesn't stay on your thighs long and goes over to your hips, you feel like his hand itches a bit to close to the string of your bikini bottoms but you dismiss it as he quickly moves his hand away again.
"All done," he says quietly but deeply as he retracts his hands from you.
"What?" You ask. It's not your fault you're distracted it's his, if Denki's going to hover around certain parts of your body he's to blame for any daydreams. It's not your fault if you imagine Denki lowering your bikini bottoms and untying the strings of your bikini top while he actually does place kisses on your shoulder blade, all along down your spine reaching the place he normally keeps his hand when you get too panicky and overwhelmed at events. Holding onto your hips and leaving bites and marks all over your body, letting small sparks go from his fingertips in your inner thighs making you moan-
"I said I'm all done now," you nearly squeak as you're interrupted from your daydream again and swiftly move to get up, Denki holding out his hand for you to take to help you up and turn you back round so you're facing each other again. "Do you want me to do your front?"
You shake your head rapidly and reply, "it's okay I can do it." Your eyes narrow as you see how red his cheeks are, "I know you said you didn't put sunscreen on properly but come on Denks at least put it on your face," you condemn.
"I did!" Denki rebuttals but you don't believe him for one second as you see his face and you tell him just as much.
"I don't trust you, if you've put sunscreen on your face why are you so red?"
"I must not have put it on properly, I should have had someone do it for me. Even though it's the front of my body I should have been more careful with applying." He hopes you don't call him out on his lie and his wording, you don't. After you don't he pushes a bit more, "Sero won't have the same problem because you made sure he was completely covered... I don't want you to burn."
You weigh the pros and cons and in the end the pros outweigh the cons. On one hand you'd prefer not to have anymore dirty inappropriate imagery of Denki but you don't want to get burnt, you're going on a blind date in a few days from now and you don't want them to see you with peeling skin and burning, angry, crimson hot streaks from wherever the sunscreen didn't cover.
"I'll take you up on that, if you still don't mind."
"I offered didn't I?" He smiles at you kindly and gestures for to lie on your back.
"Do I have to lie down Denki?" You ask a bit wary about any more daydreams you might have.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's your decision. I think it would make the most sense though."
You're not entirely sure about his logic behind that answer but you trust him and if it makes the most sense then you're sure you'll be able to survive a couple more minutes.
"Great!" Denki says a bit to enthusiastically and he's not deaf to how strange it must sound with how quick his attitude towards this situation seems to have changed.
Lying on your back you suppress the urge to cover your face with a sun hat to hide from him and from this position. The sight you're seeing takes your breath away. You're often reminded about how attractive Denki is, and at random times of the day too, like right now. His pretty golden eyes are reflecting against the sun at this angle, making you get lost in them. Denki unintentionally flexes as he reaches over you to pick something up you don't see and it's only natural that your eyes drift to his well-earned muscles from hero work, his lean body shining with sweat and his blonde hair is falling down his face. You don't even think about it before reaching up and running your hands through his hair and away from his face so you can see his whole face more clearly. A tender smile that you return appears on his face and you swear his face looks redder than before.
What he was reaching before becomes into your view and you see it's his black headband to push back his hair, he didn't think it was necessary earlier but now he's more confident in his movements and in his mind getting his hair completely out of his face so he can see you properly is the best way to go to make sure you're completely covered from the sun and he tells you just as much, although leaving out the part of him being previously not confident and being nervous about it, because you would ask 'why?'
He pushes his hair back with his headband and continues to rub lotion in circles on your skin, this time on the front of your body.
Denki's hand stops and even though you can't see what he's looking at you just know. "Denki?" You say quietly.
He's jolted from his thoughts at your voice and rests his whole hand gently on your rib where a faded jagged scar decorates your skin. His hand is now no longer covered in any cream after rubbing the remaining sunscreen left over in his hand and was currently just gently stroking your scar after hearing your voice.
Subconsciously he's moved his other hand to your hip and normally you would be more flustered than you are by this gesture but the way he's holding you clues you in that all he's thinking about is how you got that scar and he's holding you for comfort- his own comfort.
The first year of hero work out of UA you encountered a villain that got the better of you. You were too slow or maybe she was too fast but either way you ended up with her arm slicing into you. Realising too late that her quirk allows her to form rough, sharp, knife-like shapes in her forearms, cutting deep into your skin as the quirk then secretes poison after making contact with your blood after the slash.
You don't remember much after that just everything fading to black and waking up, lying in a hospital bed, with Denki by your side, looking like he hasn't slept in days as he tells you that Sero found you and luckily he did find you because you lost a lot of blood but more urgently the poison had entered your blood stream and destroying your body from the inside, luckily you were treated when you did.
That wasn't the only time getting injured while working but it's the one that seemed to scare Denki the most, from your point of view that's what it looked like at least. You surmised a long time ago that that incident was more serious than everyone told you.
"Denki, I'm okay now." You assure him softly.
"Yeah," he says so quietly that it's almost silent.
Trying to cheer him up but also sharing your honest feelings about the matter you admit to him, "plus I think it's kind of cool y'know? It's almost like we're matching now. It reminds me of a lightning bolt."
Denki's eyes snap up to look at you, and squeezes your hip subtly for a second before letting go. His mouth opens and it looks like he's about to say something before closing it.
"You're right babydoll," he doesn't say anything for a second before adding, "I promise you won't get hurt like that again," he tapers off at the end and it becomes more of a mutter.
You giggle because how's he going to do that? You're a hero, just like him and his protectiveness of you makes you giggly and giddy because what is he going to do, wrap you up in bubble wrap?
Denki brightens up as he hears you laugh and smirks, uncapping the lid of bottle again and finishing the rest of his assigned role. He surprises even himself as he lifts up the strap of your bikini top a bit to put sunscreen under it, he's not sure what he'll say if you question it but you're too busy biting the inside of your cheek because 'that was intimate, he was basically undressing me'. You know that's not entirely accurate but he was still moving your clothes, and your bikini top no less!
Luckily for your own sanity the only other noteworthy thing that happened was when Denki applied the cream to your neck unlike how he's been doing the whole time beforehand. Instead of making circular motions he was wrapping his hand around your whole neck all at once and rubbing it in all in one go. You can only imagine how rapid your pulse was beating and it's astonishing that Denki didn't say anything. You think at that moment you exploded and couldn't help but wonder about how his hands seemed very confident and comfortable around someone's neck...
Lifting yourself up, Denki stands at the same time and holds out his hand for you to hold onto, "wanna go swimming?"
"I'd love to," while taking his hand you answer.
As soon as you stand up the voices from your friends get closer and you watch as they make their way over to you. You hear Mina exclaim, "Ahh, I love your bikini! It really suits you. Where did you get it from?" You heart warms when you hear the compliment, knowing that not just Hanta likes it but Mina does too.
Even though you haven't been playing volleyball like some of the others you're still equally hungry having been sweating all day and only having a light breakfast so your plans to go swimming gets delayed as everyone sits down and gets ready to eat lunch. Bakugou starts laying out food prepared by him, not trusting some random person at his agency to do it or anyone else going on the mission, people like Todoroki are notoriously bad when it comes to anything involving or similar to cooking. Denki grabs a couple of sandwiches for the both of you, and you can't help but scrunch up your nose at his choice, having a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich is completely normal but the amount of mayonnaise he adds to it is not. He's kind enough to grab your favourite though so you don't verbalise your slight disgust (this time at least) and happily eat lunch with everyone else, listening as Katsuki brags about how he scored the most in the volleyball.
After finishing your sandwiches Denki picks up a watermelon slice from the platter and holds it near your mouth, "say ahhh" you automatically open your mouth humming 'ahhh' not even thinking about it. Denki feeds you the watermelon as you take a bite of it.
"Want to go swimming now?"
" 'Kay." Denki then speaks louder so everyone else can hear him, "we're gonna go swimming."
Then a swarm of replies of people saying 'okay' and Kiri saying, "see you in a bit, i'm going to go swimming after finishing up eating".
Taking the already inflated doughnut with you, you leave and get to the sea line, yelping as the cold water moves and touches your legs. Denki chuckles and you scowl at him. He sprints into the water and sighs as it cools him down, gingerly you walk into the water, reaching him and a cross between a sigh and a shiver escapes you.
Denki takes the doughnut ring from your grasp and places it over your head onto your waist, pulling the side, with you in it, further into the water while you float along with him, you halfheartedly complain but he grins at you while you pout.
"Cooler now than you were earlier in the day 'doll?"
"Yeah," you smile softly.
"I'm glad," Denki replies back.
As you get farther from the tide Denki stops and spins the float that's holding you around a couple times, before stopping and holding the inflatable with his two hands on either side and grins as you. "Remember when we were like fifteenth and we went to the beach together, you ended up burying me in sand, I still have nightmares about it," Denki says solemnly, jokingly.
You giggle uncontrollable at the memory remembering it like yesterday. "It's your fault, I mean who falls asleep while eating an ice cream at the beach. It was only natural for me to lay you down and bury you. Plus, it was payback!"
"Payback for what may I ask?" He knows what you'll say.
You gasp in fake horror of him forgetting, "you knocked down my sandcastle when we were little! We went to the beach together for the summer, both of our families, and I begged you to make a sandcastle with me but you didn't want to, you ran off and made a new friend for the day and while you were running back from the sea with him you ran into my sandcastle and knocked it over! It was traumatic!"
"I don't remember that, are you sure?" Denki smirks and you slash him. He starts spinning you around again, this time rapidly and continuously, you squeal and get dizzy. You try and splash him more as you both laugh. He halts spinning you and you make eye contact, "please forgive six year old me, it's not like he brought you a coke and an ice cream and let you decide what film to watch that night when you stayed at mine to make up for it or anything." He teases you with a grin and you think about how you'd like to stay in this moment forever, this perfect moment, his arms brushing against your body as he holds onto the float, the grinning and laughter you share, the memories and the now, just the two of you.
You're thankful you were right about the mission.
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tag list: @st4r-girl-official @xnorthstar3x @cherribxio @stabbygabyy @boreaswrites @skylardarling (i don't remember if you wanted me to tag you, sorry but you sent me an ask about i talk too much so i thought i'd tag you) @kelly-fushiguro345 β™‘β™‘
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choke-meow-t Β· 3 days
Mha rant!! (sorry)
Touya's quirk was discovered when he was less than a year old! (Most likely because he was born prematurely)
Him and fuyumi were born in January and December of the same year, Endeavor KNEW Touya's quirk by the time Fuyumi was born, most likely by the time she was conceived based on the fact that he says "So, our second Fuyumi was born" as if Touya's quirk not including ice was the sole reason they had Fuyumi. (He's basically telling the story in order of how it happened. So, ya know.)
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ALL FOUR of those kids were born into a specific purpose. Fuyumi is NOT excluded from that!!
I really want to talk about how Touya and Shoto are both victims of grooming but I feel like I'm already talking too much. AND I FEEL LIKE IT'S SO OBVIOUS?? If you selectively breed your children for one specific purpose and then force them to train for that purpose since before they can walk you're literally just grooming them into being what you want. Bam, easy.
The second point I want to yap about is "Rei wanted all four!" and yes, I understand where the confusion comes about. While Rei "wanted" Touya and Fuyumi (I say "wanted" because her marriage was a quirk marriage, she was essentially told "marry this man or your entire family will face the consequences". It explains it a bit better in the anime, but in short it says "her family used to be prestigious, but now they're broke and going under.") she explicitly said NO to having more children. Literally, the word NO.
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^ and then not long after this, there's a 3rd and a 4th.
BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY, I know that Rei loves all of her children very much. It's shown a million times throughout the course of MHA. But, best case scenario, she was coerced into having the last 2. Worst case scenario, you can figure it out. I'm not going to say Enji is a violent rapist, but he has laid hands on his wife and children before, and it's heavily implied that he at LEAST coerced her into having Natsu and Sho, which is.. rape, technically, so I guess I am saying that? I do think that Enji s/a'd rei and I do think that he forced her to have children she didn't want, but what I meant to say is I know it's not canon confirmed that he like held her down or anything😭 (MY opinion btw, based on MY interpretation of canon events. You don't have to agree.)
Now, take a deep breath cause I'm not done talking yet or EVER. PART THREE.
Enji's writing.
I do not think that Enji is a well written or deep character at all. Simply put, I actually find him very bland compared to the rest of his family. I know a lot of people say "oh I like him because he's well written!" I respect your opinion ofc, but GENUINELY? He's not. He's VERY flat. I've actually taken the time to look into his behaviours and mannerisms instead of just writing him off, and while I do find certain things about him interesting, he's badly written (well not BAD, just not good.). He doesn't have a realistic change of heart at all (tbf the man farts fire. He doesn't need to be realistic, but it's preferred). He does a 180Β° in a span of 5 minutes. He feels bad, that's something we don't see in a lot of abusive characters, and that's why I think he's "falsely well written" if you know what I mean. Essentially, he's very basic, very... Any 12 year old on wattpad could write him 100 times over. He's unique in the sense that, not only does he feel regret, but he doesn't try to obtain forgiveness. He settles in, he doesn't try to be forgiven, he doesn't try to be any better (he doesn't try to be better in the sense that he doesn't actually try to redeem himself. He simply doesn't beat his family anymore, and has seperated himself from them whilst continuing to do things he would've done either way), he's just there. And he's sorry.
In MY opinion, he's falsely well written. But everyone's entitled to think whatever they want!
One thing I really do like about Enji is seen in one very specific scene. During the initial fight with Stain (I want to say it's during the episode "Climax" but literally every website and app has it listed as a different episode name and I'm like. Idek anymore guys.)
There's a moment where you can literally see Enji's brain stop, he's the most expressive he's ever been up to that point but it's subtle. He looks to Shoto with admiration, he looks like he just realized his son is more noble and hero worthy than he ever was. Afterwards when he goes back to doing his work, he's cockier than usual, like he's compensating for the way he feels, but he's quieter and more focused on the actual work. He acts like a hero doing hero's work for the sake of helping people, not just having a fancy title like he does a lot of the time. AH omg I actually find his mannerisms really interesting because they're usually so subtle. I have to look at him the same way I look at Dabi to be able to understand what he's thinking. I don't mean like I'm a mind reader or anything but I think body language shows a lot in the Todoroki family since they're very... Todoroki.
ANYWAYS OH GOD I HAVE TO STOP GOODNIGHTT EVERYONE sorry this is so quickly written and lije I swirched topics so much lol
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blackstarchanx3new Β· 1 day
FSR rambles wanna know what's funnier than 24? ...25
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Huh so Vio's confusion from earlier makes a lot more sense.
Link was shutting them off from listening much again...
Nice going Link.
I'm sure this isn't causing massive communication issues or smth...
I think this just speaks to how LITTLE Link trusts Vio to sympathize with his mental health struggles that he just cuts him out of it all together.
Also the dialogue here for the middle panel:
Vio doesn't KNOW for a fact Blue was in on those conversations...but it's a fact he WAS thus him being there in the visual representation. Vio isn't actually aware of Blue being in on it.
I'm sure he's at the point of questioning that though...
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I wouldn't say it's Blue and Green with trust issues Red, it's Link X'D
And he for sure DOES distrust you.
Furthering the point Link is broken thus the team is broken.
Shadow drops by cause the convo with Zelda is done (Jeez it's been awhile since I've looked at these pages lmao)
And Vio asks about his hair which...FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT.
Answer a question with a question...nice one Shadow Link. πŸ™„
He's very sensitive about the ganon hair haha.
Which is why I think his questioning on if Vio LIKES IT is genuine even if it's there to steer the convo somewhere else.
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Vio's too smart.
Though, Red weirdly wants vio to stfu about actually ASKING...Which uh...
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I'd like to remind you of THIS PANEL where Link's purposely being obtuse about the Triforce on his own hand after their Triforce discussion.
Then we get to shitpost territory with Shadow burying the lead on Dark to talk about how he and Green had sex. Which just...
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Vio's response is...interesting.
I think this is where a lot of people might have realized this is a poly story lmfao.
Vio gives no fucks in fact he seems INTO IT despite him saying he "Doesn't care" sure buddy.
Vio and Shadow's "Relationship" is up in the air on what the hell it even IS at this point and Vio is butt at hiding the fact he loves Green soooo.
Works out for both that they like Green. XD
Red's over here losing his shit.
Shadow AGAIN brushes over Dark just calling him someone they need to be introduced to....Lmfao.
Vio's mention of looking for Blue is kinda sweet. He cares. Shadow on the other hand knows Dark's handling it so is fine with leaving poor blue 😭
And red.
lmfao. Bye Red.
Genuinely giving him ANYTHING to do early on was...DIFFICULT.
I have a story thread for him but BUILDING to that was...Not fun for his character X'D
So often he got shafted but I hope when he has his time to shine people enjoy it haha.
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Sad boy hours.
Blue's back though!
...This is so random but I'm so glad I started doing colored text boxes I gotta THINK who's talking reading back on these X'DDDD
Green's so sweet giving Blue a lil hug.
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Poor Green's frazzled out of his mind and Blue's just struggling to talk emotions.
They're a mess. X'D
This entire interaction is so funny to me.
"What did he DO...?" GREEN. WHAT DO YOU THINK!?
I think Blue's justified in being a LITTLE irked that this weird curse entity was sent to get him instead of one of his teammates X'D
but also: they had no idea where he ran off too lmfao. Dark Link's got a Link radar he can find him easy.
One of those things where there was no GOOD solution to this and Green did the best he could, but Blue's frustration imo is still very justified.
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Poor Green trying to rationalize his choices and Blue's just like "Stfu"
And smacks Dark link X'D
Poor Dark.
"you look like a dumbass with a squid on his head" might be one of my favorite FSR blue lines.
Green's addition of "i feel like a dumbass" is so stupid XDDD
Green's beyond strung out just letting Dark sit on his head while him and Blue talk about wtf they're gonna do about this.
It's really fun looking back into this transition period where half the cast knew about Dark and the others didn't really.
I remember wanting to push past it quickly because I wanted to get to juicy territory and interactions.
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...I love Dark hugging Green's hair. He's so cute.
it's worth mentioning AGAIN that Green and Blue have VERY DIFFRENT experiences with Dark with EACH OTHER but ESPECIALLY VIO.
Dark TORTURED that dude lmfao.
Green chastising Dark for doing his typical shit with Blue lmfao.
"Blue is the color of difficult" will now proceed to live rent free in Blue's mind X'DDDD
I'm sure I've mentioned it but Dark Link struggles to speak properly in this form. (it's a form that doesn't require him much effort or energy to maintain thus...doesn't have a lot of "Features" lmfao.)
Blue pulls Dark off poor Green's head to give him head scratches.
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I'd panic if I sat on Blue's bare thighs too Dark. Look at him go polite gentleman.
Blue's being HONEST with his FEELInGS.
What a treat.
Dark smacked some sense into him during that fight hah.
Poor Blue has anxiety about being Link now. Poor dude.
Blue just wants to get intros over and done with knowing stuff's gonna be hard. But uhhh....
Dark Link isn't a fan.
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Didn't have him turn back into his hylian form to sit in Blue's lap wym.
Poor Dark doesn't wanna do stuff with people rn. he's burnt out.
Dude had a meltdown with Blue he's exhausted.
Green's genuine horror paired with "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" just reminds me of that scene from the Cuphead show where King Dice shouts the same thing X"DDD
Though: it's kinda sad that Dark was 100% right in being nervous/hesitant to meet the others...
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Green's protective Blue that's his baby!
Obligatory Dark says smth fucking weird cause it's funny.
Green's willing to let Dark have a break while...Blue has a good point too.
Poor Green doesn't get the peace he wants. 😭
meanwhile Dark's just blatantly staring at Blue X'D And he's put off by it.
Blue...c'mere I got a secret-
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Being a dick won't push him away Blue. He's in love with VAATI you're a drop in the bucket in terms of rudeness.
it's been established: Dark doesn't know how to handle being PERSEIVED at the moment. Especially by the Links. He's still super shy.
Poor Dark, blue makes fun of his stutter. 😭
Green rightfully tells him off
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Dark holding their hands is so sweet.
He's someone that holds his heart on his sleeve to his own detriment. Just wanting them to know he's happy to be with them and that the day is nice (presumably because he's with them.)
Blue's being a bit of a negative butt but concedes a bit when Green says he's happy too.
Him poofing back to being his "Squid" form on Green's face just personally is funny.
It's so silly and cements he has ZERO idea of personal space.
It's even worse for Green because Green's scared of tentacles. 😭 (wanna have that brought up at some point...but it's due to the vaati fight)
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Lmfao. Red you're so annoying.
Literally third wheeling the Vidow X'DD
Vio out here starting shit lmfao.
Shadow knows too.
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LMFAO Vio trying to find solutions is uh...KINDA an issue now hah.
He's super out of the loop about the curse now so...ouch.
Vio's being a bit of a bitch boy about it because he's bitter.
Reasonably so but ooomf.
Vio my duuuude...pls c'mon man. Act mature. 😭
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Vio casually tipping right over Blue's current anxieties about going back to that. Which...Blue has zero self control so NOW WE'RE DEEP IN SHIT LMFAO.
And Vio's response is FAIR.
Link cut him out so much he's missing a FUCK ton of context about how BAD it was for everyone.
Blue's ALSO pretty justified in being PAST the point of WANTING to discuss things with Vio due to how dismissive he's been about their pain.
it's a self fulfilling cycle of bullshit they've trapped themselves in.
Blue really fucked up in mentioning that Link's basically NOT gonna happen anymore in saying "We're not compatible as a person"
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Lmfao not red hiding behind the couch. Coward, Vio feels ALONE right now in wanting to return to being Link, and you're the only one VAGLEY on his side. And instead of trying to mediate or help he just leaves Vio to get more and more defensive as Blue yells at him till he runs away to Link's room.
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Well damn.
Everyone's expressions after Vio throws his tantrum is...INTERESTING.
Green's HORRIFIED and he's glitching WAY more than before.
Blue's in shock. Probably at how CHILDISH that response was not expecting vio to blow up at him back.
Shadow's also equally horrified as Green.
Red...Red's weird.
Red just stares kind of unfazed. Mild surprise maybe.
"huh...weird" kind of face.
That's quickly brushed by though with Green starting to glitch WORSE.
Blue's concerned.
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Green starts gooping. And not in the fun way.
Blue tries to console him and gets...Corrupted for a lack of a better term.
His arm corrupting into Green's.
Link's body contortions and glitching are real similar to this.
It's been shown a few times that their mental state affects their appearance, but NOW it can affect OTHERS appearances.
Green at this point has been pushed to stress and anxiety till he broke poor guy, he's been worried about everyone's safety and been trying to do what would help them and it just hasn't worked out.
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Shadow's stuck not sure what to do. As a Shadow he was forced to do NOTHING while Link had moments like this.
Blue snaps him out of it taking charge.
I've always considered Blue second in command. ESPECIALLY in FSR.
He was the only other color Link trusted enough to confide in other than Green and able to pull his head out of his butt to help Green AND Vio in this situation.
Blue's VERY aware of WHY Green's panicking rn. (he's worried vio's going to harm himself in some way...not a stretch to make that assumption and it's brought up later but YEAH that's why he freaked out.)
Vio just needed to have a bitch fit in his room for a bit though and didn't mean to cause that fear.
If he knew I don't think he would have left quite in that way.
but again: Link kinda shot them in the foot leaving half the team aware of shit and the other half NOT.
Either way Shadow's got a job to do.
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"Damn it link... you ass" makes me laugh. Blue's so terrible with words.
Turns out Blue mainly was on team "let's not be link!" BECAUSE he was worried about Green having too much shit on his shoulders.
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Some interesting thoughts there pal.
I've always wondered what kind of pressure Green must have felt to be LIKE Link and also be the leader.
Like that's double pressure there.
Being link but BETTER while only being a 1/4th of him sounds like such a task weighing his mentality down.
He's only assigned to that role because...well he's wearing GREEN. not really because of any other reason.
He's just as dumb as the other three.
I've always found it interesting, usually the leader type characters are the Vio's of the group.
Book smart and a bit stuck up.
but instead we get green and...I've joked he's diet Link but fr lol he KINDA IS.
What he lacks makes his personality more so than what he HAS.
His selfishness and ego getting removed making him IMEDIATELY want to work together for instance.
Anyway green analysis aside, Blue acknowledging he fucked up here is good.
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The completely black background making you ONLY focus on these two talking was for good reason, Green's weird word bubbles too.
Reality feels like it's breaking around them and if this was voice acted I imagine Green's voice sounding distorted and disjointed here.
Like this is just his thoughts repeating to himself about what Link BEGGED him to do.
Both their glitching just getting worse as the paneling goes by.
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Green's all sorts of fucked up. over leaving the other three because he was angry at them. So much guilt is harbored there now over that action.
Also I just wanna point out how brave Blue is.
Touching Green is PAINFUL for him, he yanked his hand back when he touched him initially. He also SAW the corruption it left behind and still chose to hug him here.
Like for all he knows they could become that Link monster thing again but he cares more about Green than that.
Blue's the goat.
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Everyone telling Green stuff he's needed to hear.
Even Dark came out to help.
Dark's lines are super fun just because mmmmm it gets into Dark and Green's relationship and i like Darkgreen XD
Green did MASSIVELY change Dark's mission by appealing to his desire to be a hero and changing his mind.
Without Green the others would be SO COOKED.
Dark doesn't consider his mission a failure because he changed course a little and neither should Green.
They're very sweet for each other. QuQ
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Not them slapping each other with pillows like children. 😭
Vio, Shadow, you both are too old for this shit.
I flip flop between finding this scene funny or disturbing.
I mean at the end of the day it's a couple smacking the shit out of each other due to their emotional issues. 😭 That's not healthy.
But also...the imagery is so silly looking and they're not actually HURTING each other.
Idk I feel like you could look at it either way.
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Shadow mentions it here, but Green was worried about Vio's physical safety. Which....Vio doesn't get. Because Link wanting to game end himself has been NOT shared with him.
Vio's deep in his own insecurity atm.
This is a reference to what was said in the OG manga , that everyone was holding Vio back buuuut our purple buddy feels differently.
Especially with how he feels really bad rejection at the moment.
Vio wrongly assumes people don't want to be link because HE'S THERE. Which isn't true.
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Shadow feels bad cause a lot of their issues are wrapped up in the whole Vidow arc of the manga lmfao.
Shadow feeling his OWN guilt over waking Link up which...Dark called it just sayin-
Also points out that Blue "is an ass" but yeah Blue could have worded himself better here. X'D
...We reached the image cap ouch. X'D
Continued vidow later on muahah.
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panlight Β· 1 day
hi! this is perhaps a very random question, but i come seeking your carlisle thoughts! πŸ’•
we know that some of the cullens have preferences for drinking from certain animals (emmett with bears and edward with mountain lions? if i recall correctly?) β€” do you think carlisle has a preferred animal? is he partial to deer because they’re what β€œsaved” him in a way? (altho i suppose the deer in 17th century england would be different than those in 21st century washington, so maybe it’s more of an β€œemotional” or memory thing than an actual taste thing?) or does he not have a particular preference, just whatever gets the job done, so to speak?
i was just randomly pondering this and wanted to know your thoughts, if you’re willing to share! ☺️
I tend to agree with you! If Carlisle has a favorite, I think it's probably deer. And it's not so much that it tastes good (because canonically carnivores taste better), but like you said, it was just the relief, the hope, that feeding on deer the first time gave him. The guy was all alone, with no one to explain this vampire stuff to him, he only knew his father and church considered them unholy demons. He tried to destroy himself, but nothing worked, so he hide in the forest for months hoping to starve to death. But he felt himself -- and his willpower -- getting weaker. And then like manna from Heaven, lo! A passing herd of deer! He was so starved that even that smelled good to him and triggered the hunting instinct and he realized he didn't have to feed on humans, he could subsist on animals, and that was something he could morally live with.
So, yeah. I think deer are his 'favorite' but not because they taste especially good, it's more . . . I guess it's like having a 'favorite' food because it's associated with a good memory rather than because you really love the taste? This was a turning point for him, where he started to feel a little less doomed and a little more hopeful. It's like how Little Debbie Swiss Rolls are not as good as an actually fresh-baked cake, but they remind me of my grandmother and my childhood, so there's a fondness and nostalgia there.
I also think that in the present day hunting is more like taking his vitamins than enjoying a good meal. He needs to keep himself fed so he doesn't get complacent and risk his long-practiced self control but I don't think he's particularly fussed about what kind of animal or how it tastes at this point. Which is probably another reason he 'likes' herd animals like deer. They're plentiful, not endangered, hunted by humans, too, and killing them has less of an effect on the ecosystem than killing a predator does.
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blushblushbear Β· 8 hours
What if the kitsune’s got jealous?
tries to play it off like he's not jealous
is failing miserably
is going to look for your attention once they're gone
might even ask if he's still your favorite when you two are alone
in a very pouty way of course
will step in and mention how much he enjoys being your BOYFRIEND
they're mine mine mine take the hint step off loser
is very pouty later but NEEDS those affirmation cuddles
kicked puppy about the whole affair
and yet will still try and deny he's jealous
at least at first
maybe one of the only kistune boys who will finally be like OKAY FINE I'M JEALOUS, YOU DON'T GIVE ME ATTENTION LIKE THAT, GIVE ME ATTENTION NOW PLEASE OKAY
will accept apologies in the form of affection, cuddles, and snacks if you feel so inclined
but mostly just wants to be your center of attention again
will use tricks, pranks and even more puppy dog eyes to achieve that goal
tries and mostly succeeds at keeping it subtle
he's given away by the fact that he's usually not this tense
or this terriorial
very 'is this guy bothering you' vibes
will also be very clingy/affectionate around his target of jealousy just so they get the message
what exactly do they think they're getting all chummy with their partner for??
and where do they think they're going with this shtick???
excuse them????
some nerve
kiss honey <3
will also puppy dog for your attention but he may lay it on thicker than Aki
clinging to you
excessive pouting
asking if you if you want him to do that thing you like later tonight wink
cling cling hug hug kiss kiss IGNORES THE PEST THEY AREN'T WORTH HIS TIME but like a little kiss cause he misses your lips???
will low key deny the jealousy but also maybe confirm it in a backhanded way
'I get why they were all over you, who wouldn't be-- but didn't think you'd reciprocate. And with your boyfriend around. One would even think you're just TRYING to make me jealous'
and then he pouts
though sometimes it's followed with a expression of fear that he's not good enough
'are they... doing something I'm not for you??? what about them do you like so much better than me???'
gets really insecure about the whole affair frankly
also a little possessive
the KING of pretending he's not jealous while DEFINITELY WEARING IT ON HIS SHOULDER lol
it triggers a downward spiral of pride and insecurities
he both simultaneously knows he is a catch and also knows he is a bore/brute
worries and frets about the attention you were giving others
doesn't bring it up till you ask but also doesn't make it subtle that he's in a huff
pretends not to care or notice the attention he believes you were LAVISHING on the other party but it's so obvious it's eating away at him
but just as easily as he is made huffy, he is also soothed
a few kisses, a few words and acts of affection and he is putty in your hands once more
until his jealously is struck up again
he's ego is so fragile and his belief that he deserves your love so shaky that frankly the jealous gambit is a semi-normal part of your relationship
he doesn't necessarily put A Whole Show On about it every time but he does get quietly jealous fairly easily and will need to be reassured some what frequently
all while stubbornly holding to that he is not jealous and does not need to be coo'ed and coddled like a fussy child but also he's waiting for his kisses in he most pouty fashion imaginably while also denying that he's even doing so
such an ancient child this one can be...
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shannonsketches Β· 3 months
lays on the floor do you guys ever think about how in ResF Bulma falls for Vegeta's fake-out with Freeza and both she and Yamcha are worried about Vegeta's villain fake-out strategy in Champa and Beerus' mini tournament and how it's only been a couple of years since the Buu saga and how Vegeta straight up stopped using that strategy after that tournament
#i do#do you think he noticed it upset her twice in a row and was like 'oh I haven't earned the trust back yet i'll retire this strat'#'it's fun to scare people but i do not like my wife being scared we can put this one up on the shelf for emergencies only'#because like bulma can consciously trust him and I'm sure she does but one can still have The Fear if you've seen your spouse relapse befor#And he probably thinks it's very amusing but it is also almost certainly very not funny for her no matter how much she trusts him#and the next arc is Trunks and she's so worried about the way he left she ignored the PDA rules and squished him when she saw him alive#Because Geets determination can be self destructive when it comes to Bulma and Trunks and he killed himself to protect them once before#and knowing how connected they've been for so long some part of her probably Knew he would opt to stay behind and die like he was going to#And I love the idea that between those two events and all of the things Trunks tells him about Bulma during the GB arc Geets has to really#really be confronted with how loved he is -- and it's not that he wasn't aware before but knowing she even missed him at his worst#and loved him maybe even before she was pregnant -- means the cruel part of his mind can't make excuses for why she stayed with him#I also like to think that being confronted with the idea that Bulma is still scared for him getting his worst wires tripped#wouldn't be offensive to him. Knowing he's still got work to do if his wife is worried about those things happening to him again#is just proof that she loves him with his flaws and was still thinking about it and supporting his recovery when he didn't#even notice he was recovering -- which has always been true of her -- and now he has the chance to support her recovery in return#and being in a place where he can still put that work in to make her feel secure in his priorities is a privilege and a gift#and man I just really like how casually comfortably close they are in Super's manga I love them a lot they worked so hard#to make each other feel safe and secure for the past decade+ that it's Easy for them both now and they're SUCH a confident couple#and I am once again shaking the anime by the shoulders WHY didn't you give us that they are SO the team's Mom and Dad in the manga#until Goku riles Vegeta up -- then Piccolo is the team Dad. Bc Piccolo is the team Grandpa aksjda The Z-Fighter's locker room judge#dbtag#vegebul#putting the whole essay in the tags again oops#happy pride i am gay for a whole married couple
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cryolyst Β· 2 months
#they speak!#it's probably just the illness that's making me extra irritable but like.#roommate kept coming up to me this morning going oh did i wake you up? i'm sorry if i did. did i do that or no? i'm really sorry.#and i kept telling him to stop saying sorry because i didn't have the brain power to phrase#'you could've been more considerate of your volume but you also have the right to use the common space so it's whatever'#but he said it to me again before i went to my room just now and it's like. ok. shut up.#if you actually cared that much u would've just been quieter in the first place actually.#anyways. annoyed. there were some annoying customers in the store today but it was whatever.#i feel like my fucks to give had already worn out with all the ppl in my social circle/my parents and the recent ongoings of that#[redacted] was being passive aggressive to me in the group chat and it's like. ok! idk what u want from me.#and i'm grateful for them for coming over and helping me with cleaning last week#and it's those sorts of actions that let me know they care and want good things for me#but like. i haaaate telling them anything because even innocuous non-private things get turned into judgement with them.#also. more and more i can feel how i'm drifting away from h and now with retrospect i can see how we mutually hurt each other :)#i keep coming back to this one period where i really wanted to take them to try dimsum and they kept saying they were too scared to try it#and in their new friend group they regularly go out n get dimsum together. which on the surface is like. why didn't you want to go with /me#i told you i wanted to share what i liked and i would explain what things were and i could do the talking and you still said no#but it's also very much a reflection of how i always rolled over and enabled them. i never challenged them. i was always passive.#i also feel like i'm heavily neglecting e and a recently and i can tell how the physical distance is affecting us and idk. it's weird.#anyways. another post that should've been a journal entry! lol!#when [redacted] helped with cleaning they also buried my journal under my like#300 packets of sesame candies and i can't be bothered to dig it out. also my bandaids are missing now. <3#ik this also sounds passive aggressive but genuinely appreciate the help i just kinda hate how they think hidin everything in boxes is good#'we need to get you some more storage boxes and containers!!' actually i think that will be the opposite of helpful.#i need everything visible and on open surfaces so i can 1) remember they exist for me to use and 2) not have barriers for me to get to them
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blackjackkent Β· 2 days
OK, I was cut off from finishing some posts on Tuesday because of my power outage, so let's take another crack at Rakha's first private conversation with the Emperor.
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It has been, to put it mildly, a difficult few days. It's been just under twenty-four hours since Rakha finally remembered exactly who and what she is, and her dreams have immediately gotten markedly worse; rather than indeterminate images of blood and gore, they're specific and brutal, memories of rituals performed in her Father's name and her own hand holding the knife.
She's no longer tied up, but Jaheira and Wyll and Lae'zel have set up a strict guard rotation on her instead - for her own benefit as well as theirs, they say, and she believes them, but it still hurts. And mixed with the bloody dreams of the Urge is other dark thoughts - Vlaakith and Orpheus, the damned clown with his wide leering grin, the beautiful and terrible murder in the temple of Ilmater, the never-ceasing squirm of the worm in her head as they draw closer and closer to the city, the Chosen, the Brain.
And Orin, of course - Orin who stalks them in any of a thousand faces, Orin who (it seems) was the one to first cut apart her brain and her memories and leave her to be tortured and destroyed.
So her night is restless and fractured, tormented by dark images... until suddenly, between one breath and the next... it stops.
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Sudden calm, and a warm wave of utter silence through her head as the beast sleeps, the worm stills. She draws a shuddering breath in, keeping her eyes closed, savoring the emptiness.
It's a little different from her previous wakings in the pocket of the Astral Sea contained inside the Prism. She's standing, for one thing, and for another, the Emperor seems to have given up completely on its disguise of the Guardian.
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It sits in a strange little tableau overlooking the giant skull at the center of the Prism. Wood planks, shelves, benches sit haphazardly about, as if it tried to manifest a tavern and gave up halfway through. Behind the strange plume of its armor, its shoulders are slumped, its head bowed, though it gives a sharp jerk at the sound of Rakha's footsteps behind it.
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"How did you--" A pause. Then it relaxes. "Oh. It's you. I must have let my mind wander, enough for you to wander in."
She shrugs. Does it know, she wonders, the peace that it has brought her in these moments when it draws her to its little chunk of reality? Does it know how she needs that now more than ever? Perhaps not - it seems genuinely surprised to see her, but then again, trying to read an illithid is a losing proposition from the start.
Another silence. She breathes in slowly, out slowly, relishing the calm as deeply as she can in case the Emperor simply ejects her from the dream at once. But it doesn't.
"Forgive me," it rumbles after a while. "I am drained. Ever since you killed Ketheric and took his netherstone, the Chosen's control of the brain has been... brittle. It's rebelling against Orin and Gortash, fiercely." It turns its head slightly, so she can see just the corner of its piercing purple eyes. "I suspected that when we took Ketheric's stone, the brain would begin to break free. Those brainquakes confirm that my suspicion was correct."
The shaking of the earth beneath their feet as they walked through Rivington - that was the work of the brain struggling against its chains. Rakha nods. One small question answered, at least.
But that knowledge clearly brings the Emperor no peace. "I do not know what happens now when it receives its orders. And I do not dare guess," it mutters.
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Narrator: You feel the Emperor's fear as if it were your own. An elder brain enslaved is one thing. An elder brain unleashed will be the end of everything.
Perhaps it's the strength of the Astral Tadpole that gives her this window into its mind, or perhaps even the initial worm would have done the same. Either way, the connection is clear - as is the intensity of the illithid's emotion. Surprising, given Rakha's understanding of the beings from Withers, from Wyll, from Lae'zel - that they have no soul, that they have no heart.
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It exhales slowly, then lifts its head, looking down into the abyss ahead of them and the giant skull that floats within it, the dim glint of the magic holding Orpehus in place. "Beautiful, isn't it?" it murmurs. "The mighty Prince Orpheus, contained in submissive slumber." A pause, another jerk of the head, another change of subject - the illithid's thoughts, it seems, are everywhere at once.
"Come," it says abruptly. "You may as well sit a while, now that you're here. Your company--" It hesitates; its eyes flick rapidly around it in all directions. "...isn't unwelcome."
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She relaxes. Good. It will not send her away yet. She can enjoy the quiet in her head a little longer. She does not care to talk about Orpheus, nor does she truly care what the Emperor thinks of her company - but she needs this peace. She needs it or she will go mad.
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She sits down slowly at the illithid's side. Another long silence stretches between them and for a while she focuses on nothing but her own inward quiet. After a while, though, her observant nature reasserts itself inescapably, and she starts to register oddness in the Emperor's bearing. The slight slump of exhaustion again, a fidgeting of the end of its tentacles and the tips of its fingers, that doesn't match the last time they met.
It takes her a little while to rouse from her reverent stupor and speak. "You seem troubled," she says noncommittally.
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"An accurate summary," the Emperor says dryly. A pause. "I have found myself... distracted of late." To her surprise, it squeezes its eyes shut with an expression that seems to carry sincere pain. "I'm haunted by memories," it murmurs. "They are relentless. I can think of nothing - no one - else."
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Rakha's eyes narrow, perplexed. For a brief, utterly perplexing moment, she thinks it means her, but no. I am haunted by memories, it said.
As am I. Terrible, terrible, blood-soaked memories...
"...Who do you think of?" she asks cautiously, curiosity getting the better of her in spite of herself.
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Its eyes drift open again. "Duke Stelmane," it says calmly. "Or... Belynne, as I knew her." A pause. Its tentacles give a sharp, spasmodic flick. "I wasn't ready for her death."
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It takes Rakha a moment to place this name. Stelmane - one of the children in Rivington, a newspaper seller, was shouting it. And one of the monks in the temple mentioned it too. Duke Stelmane, another of the city leaders - like Wyll's father.
They said she was murdered. That it was still a mystery.
Deep in Rakha's head, the beast urge tries to stir eagerly at this recollection - but it is restrained by the soporific effect of the Astral Plane on her darkest impulses.
She must look surprised to make this connection, because the Emperor lets out a strange resonant exhale that seems like it might be a bitter laugh.
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"You thought you were my first ally?" it murmurs. "Far from it. I have long sought the allyship of others; it is the only way to succeed. Though my relationship with Belynne was... different from my relationship with you."
Once again, it's a puzzling incongruity. Everything Rakha has heard from Lae'zel, from Wyll, from Withers, even from Jaheira, has suggested that illithids do not form relationships, of any sort - that they are soulless beings of conquest. But those are illithids enslaved to a brain; perhaps that is why the Emperor is different?
"How so?" she asks slowly.
Again that subtle tentacle flick. "In life she was my business partner," it explains. Its violet gaze drifts past her shoulder, going distant. "Back when we ran the Knights of the Shield - a difficult task, for a mind flayer. Duke Stelmane trusted me, and the city trusted her. I conceived the plot, but Belynne took center stage. It was she who met with the merchants, politicians, patriars. It was she who negotiated deals and signed off on agreements. Her rooms played host to the most important conversations in the city."
It leans forward slightly, eyes narrowing. "Together we brought order to chaos. At its height, everything that happened in that city went through the Shield. Through us."
A pause. Its voice lowers, with a resonance that she would have called grief in any other creature. "I could not have done any of it without her, just as I cannot do any of this without you. But now... she is gone."
(A/N: I really do find the Emperor such a fascinating character. I've read interpretations of it that assert that it is specifically written to be interpretable any number of ways without one true reading, and that literally who it is and what its motivations are change depending on how you choose to interact with it.
I'm not entirely sure if I subscribe to the idea completely, but I do think it can certainly be viewed a number of dramatically different ways by the PC, and it's very interesting playing through this with Rakha, whose reaction is so different from Hector's distrust and anger.)
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Rakha listens to this tale in silence. She does not fully understand the Emperor or how it sees the world and their fight - but she hears a ring of truth in this story. Stelmane, then, was like Wyll - she saw past the Emperor's monstrous nature and helped it to control itself, to do something worthwhile in spite of all those who would (and perhaps should) be afraid of it.
She pictures the idea of Wyll dying to an unknown murderer and - with the beast's automatic glee muted and hidden away - can face the true obliterating grief and rage that would come with it. Perhaps even a mind flayer is capable of suffering, when someone like that is taken away from them.
"I'm-- sorry for your loss," she says haltingly. Sympathy and pathos don't come easily to her lips - but she has heard others use these words before, others who are better at it than she.
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It grunts ruefully. "I appreciate your understanding," it murmurs. Its head cocks to look at her sidelong. "What I feel is deeper than superficial cures can reach. And... not entirely unwelcome." A pause. "Most people think that ind flayers are soulless husks who feel nothing. I am glad you are not most people."
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Rakha isn't sure that she would go that far, really. She isn't sure she knows enough about the Emperor or illithids in general to judge the state of its soul. But... as always in moments of strain, she retreats back into the objective comfort of the absolute facts that she knows.
The Emperor protects her. Its connection brings her peace she finds nowhere else.
The Emperor is like her. It should by rights be a monster - but it is trying to save the world.
The Emperor had someone like Wyll, someone it lost.
The Emperor, soul or not, is hurting.
In moments when she has hurt, Wyll has reached out to her to comfort her - even before they loved each other. It is something that people like Wyll do when someone needs it.
Perhaps this is only selfishness. She does not precisely care about the Emperor for itself. There are too many unknowns and too much else occupying her mind. She needs its goodwill, its steady mind, to continue protecting her, to continue providing these scattered moments of silence.
Or, perhaps, there truly is a stroke of kindness Wyll planted in her that is able to bloom here when the beast is silenced.
Whatever the reason, she reaches out.
Give the Emperor's hand a reassuring squeeze.
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It's a deeply awkward gesture, but nevertheless it seems to strike home with an intensity she did not expect. The Emperor's head jerks, its eyes darting closed for a moment. Its whole body goes utterly still, even its tentacles.
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Rakha tilts her head, perplexed, trying to read this reaction.
But then the moment breaks. A visceral rumbling shockwave rolls around them, rocking the ground up under them.
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They start to their feet, the moment of calm forgotten in an instant. Rakha's head begins to ache in rhythm with the thumping vibrations.
"Another quake," the Emperor says curtly. "The brain is rebelling again. I need to focus. And so do you."
Blackness. She wakes with a start in her bunk and stares at the ceiling. Wyll, at her side, straightens up, seeing her eyes open.
"All right?" he asks gently.
The beast is awake again, growling at once, low and inescapable in the back of her mind. She sighs and rubs her fingertips against her temple. "Fine," she mutters.
Because he is Wyll, because he is kind, he reaches out and rests his hand on hers - just as she did to the Emperor. "You're all right," he murmurs. "I'm here. Go back to sleep."
And she does, but there is no more rest to be had. The peace is gone, and all the rest of the night's dreams are of blood.
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itsahotminuteinbetween Β· 3 months
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would LOVE to hear more about it!!! how does it differ from canon tsams?
okay so. everyone works at the pizzaplex, but only Sun, Moon, and Lunar are related. Earth recently arrives to the plex and is given charge of a performance to boost revenue for the theatre; the daycare department isn't making enough profit to justify the money poured in, and management is threatening to shut it down in a few months if it doesn't improve.
The creator just so happens to have a studio rented out (how convenient...), and Earth calls up all the other animatronics in their department to join in and help with setting up an orchestral performance (fun fact: all of them have theatre capabilities programmed into their base code, so they all have the ability to perform and play instruments!), which they do, albeit reluctantly. Finding recruits is fairly difficult considering there are no human staff and only 5 animatronics, but they make do and ask folks from other divisions to pitch in as well.
(Solar and Eclipse do exist in this au, but their backgrounds are a bit...different from the cannon security breach shows.)
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petrichorvoices Β· 11 days
we have been having really poor self esteem and frankly just a poor mental state lately and i don't know how to even approach it like. okay. we got out of those house, we came back home, we're back at university. we should be doing better. but we're not, we're just not. we're using substances to a greater degree than we ever have before, we're pathetically lonely, our self esteem is a flimsy roller coaster. i just feel stuck because we can't tell ourself anymore "just wait until the fall, it'll be fine in the fall" because the fall has come and we are doing badly
#vent#we're kind of in that state where we're not suicidal but also we can't shake the feeling that if we did disappear one day#only a few people would notice and they wouldn't mourn very long. that sort of thing.#we were trying so hard not to cry on the bus earlier because our friend is just so much cooler and more capable than us and it just makes u#think of how autistic and incompetent and stupid we are. and we don't understand what he gets out of being friends with us. we feel like a#stupid dumb sidekick and we're anxious that he's gonna realize that and then we're gonna be even lonelier than we are now.#and the body's dad earlier made a joke about us not having friends and it really stung and he apologized for it once we told him not to mak#those kinds of jokes but i'm crying as i type about it now. we're just so stupidly lonely. and even when we do make friends we can't help#but be the lesser one. the friend that walks behind the other on a crowded sidewalk. the friend that's always thought of second. the one wh#isn't as smart or capable or fun. i don't know why anyone bothers to be friends with us. i think if we didn't reach out to people first the#nobody would do it for us. i think that if we just stopped messaging people one day it would take a while before anyone notices anything#and longer before they did anything about it. if they decided to at all.#we're some stupid kid who needs to be told not to look at strangers yelling in public and whose stupidly naive and optimistic and i don't#know how we ever think anything else of ourselfves.
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nexus-nebulae Β· 3 months
thinking about when i had such intense phantom limbs as a kid i told my math teacher about it
#like. I've had phantom wings since i was a CHILD and I'm not even kidding#i remember specifically saying 'i pretend to have wings so much that i can just Feel them there all the time now'#and he reacted in a way where he didn't want to tell me that's weird bc i was a Kid but also he totally thought it was really weird#which. was a reaction i knew very well at the time. that kind of quiet 'i dont know how to react to that but ok'#the trying not to make a weird face about it#so i shut up about it ever since! and then when i was 20 i found out what otherkin was#i remember them specifically being pegasus wings too we've always loved pegasi it was entirely bc of the barbie movie#i can't remember what the term is. for when you're A Fucking Lot of things all at once? poly something?#but we've always been like that#our first OC was plural coded and otherkin coded to the absolute max it was insane#and she was fully and entirely a self insert (at the time. nowadays she's her own guy)#but like. she could absorb souls on the brink of death and communicate with them inside her head#and she could shapeshift into any of those souls' forms at will#and she was supposed to be some kind of chimera#her 'true form' that i made of her was just all of her different forms crammed into one body#like. one owl wing one dragon wing. a dolphin tail. a fox paw and a pegasus hoof. scales mixed with fur. human shaped body. horns#if we weren't a system at the time then we were at least REALLY REALLY susceptible to becoming one we've always been Like This#and I'm willing to say i was an otherkin kid in the same way i say i was trans before i knew what that was#i didn't say I Am A Boy i just said I'm the closest a girl can get to being a boy (a tomboy)#i always leaned towards boys interests and boyish things. in the same way i taught myself to walk like a cat and meow convincingly#(to a point where i meowed once and my sister yelled at me to put the cat down if she's meowing. i was not holding a cat)#i didn't know what being otherkin was but i spent about as much time as possible being as animal as i could get#and i got offended when my friends didn't want to be animals with me. i had a lot of Horse Girl friends as a result#(hard to avoid horse girls in the middle of rural ohio tbh)
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unproduciblesmackdown Β· 11 months
though i eventually got to read some, in earlier years goosebumps books would be the kind of series where i'd just ponder the cover art, and i always liked the drama of the monster blood illustration (the lighting/colors....sure nothing's happening in it but i felt it evoked the drama of "what if you're downstairs and something's upstairs" much like "what if you're upstairs and something's downstairs") like well too bad i guess i never got around to reading i at the time. but as of a recap yesterday i'm surprised to now be at least 90% sure i read part if not all of it, and thinking i hadn't may be due to how kind of nothing happens in it
#absolutely nothing familiar until ''there's a dog named trigger & the kid at one point has to rescue trigger from choking'' like Aha#for sure still remember various Events & Details from gb books i Know i've read....#welcome to dead house; the ghost next door maybe my most well absorbed ones lol. lot going on in those definitely#let's get invisible. some choose your own adventure varieties. calling all creeps. oh the haunted mask ofc; all time classic....#definitely hadn't read the phantom of the auditorium; reading it as an adult was a delight#things on the other side or the middle of the stairs it's just like skinamarink heck for real#itself like well that's absolutely the horror of being kids if not ''kids' horror'' lol#but that aspect is always inherently present in kids' horror...always surrounded by mysteries & lack of power/autonomy & fairly isolated...#anyways had a parent whose Disapproval Mode could be set off by various media available to kids my age so that was a minefield#(same parent thought it was inappropriate for some tv 14 rated programs to be available in a house solely ft. adults so there you are)#at least at first was of the ''horror for children?? inappropriate'' approach about it. i didn't check the books out of libraries ever#but eventually must've calmed down abt that b/c we Did own some & that's how i read most of ones i did#too late i was always a kid intrigued by / seeking out horror materials....john bellairs books which got pretty wild....#much less so as an adult b/c horror gets worse (& not in any good way) aimed for teens / adults like lord. You Do Not Get It#anyways turns out monster blood is probably riffing off the blob mostly but it's like not thee blob until way later#so most of the book wouldn't really be that memorable if it's 80% ''and then here was another weird thing abt the gunk''#but i would remember like oh no the dog is in mortal peril :( nooo trigger (trigger was fine)#sure didn't misremember that in welcome to dead house the dog went missing & was implicitly killed over Sensing The Deadness#appreciated that element in phantom of the auditorium where they're hanging out at zeke's & he has a dog#& secret but really just chilling painting sets & very corporeal ghost brian is like ''aw cmon...'' at that dog Not Liking Him#which is some barking & not being enthused abt brian's efforts to play fetch w/a ball lmao#but only to a mild degree like yeah he's not doing anything. brooke & zeke witnessing this simply like lol lmao#that trio is sooo funny. ghost just hanging out; So nervous; ending up dragged into the friend duo absolute menaces hellions lmao....#the paint on his shirt bit. just the way the whole back & forth of 4 ppl goes; it kills Me....
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marklikely Β· 1 year
i think as time goes on itll be easier to like the beatles as long as we keep up the trend of younger people not liking them.
#do you know how much easier itd be to accept that they made good music and innovated quite a bit#if i wasnt constantly having them shoved down my throat as THE MOST IMPORTANT BAND TO EVER EXIST#idk from my perspective... they were active in the 60s bro if they didnt exist someone else would have made those same innovations#other people around them were innovating all over the place#and the entire british invasion (which wasnt even just them!!) was built on the forward thinking of black american artists in the 50s#so like. yeah if the beatles didnt exist music history probably wouldnt have been that crazy different#like youre telling me NOBODY else. IN THE 60S. would have made the same steps forward that the beatles did?#like you really think john was this magical being gifted with creativity that invented all these ideas out of thin air???#no. their innovations were because they were active during THE decade of experimenting and making new moves in pop & rock.#people around them were inventing whole new genres and recording styles too smh anyway. its just so annoying.#they were just the most popular and one of the more active groups at the time so a lot of changes were credited to them#(even some of the ones that they didn't actually come up with.)#avpost#anyway. that's my rant. also they didn't even get good until bob dylan taught them to smoke weed.#i also alluded to it before but i don't think the 60s were such a time of innovation bc of them either. tired of that narrative#the beatles were not the only new band doing wildly different things in 1963 the stones crossed over at the exact same time#followed very closely by a lot of other uk bands.#plus like i said these bands were only so different bc they grew up loving black american artists' music .#so... that's the group that was actually innovating. the uk bands wereinspired by THEM. where's their flowers.#and there was tons of evolution in music during the 60s that had fuck all to do with the Beatles or rock at all.#*gestures aggressively to the invention of soul. which affected any and all pop music that came after it*#ive seen it argued that the supremes deserve just as much credit as the beatles do#but as a diehard supremes fan ill keep my opinion on that to myself since im . VERY biased.
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