#this was truly a flight of fancy
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isolavirtuosa · 1 year ago
That River in Egypt 15-21 of 21
[fanfiction] Dean / Cass
canon divergent AU from 15x19, Dean being Dean
Previous parts here.
- 15 -
I was already ducking as a witch went flying over my head.
“I’ll finish the ritual, you get Sam out of here!” Patience asserted, picking up the stinky potion that Sam had been concocting and starting to chant in Latin.
I eyed my unconscious brother (Patience’s vision hadn’t quite made it on time to warn him), then attempted to haul him over my shoulder in a fireman’s carry.  “Fuck,” I breathed out, every part of my body screaming in complaint.
“Sam is too heavy for you to comfortably carry,” Cass informed me as he sent the witch flying across the room again.
“He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother,” I grunted.
“What does your familial connection have to do with Sam’s superior height and weight?” he asked, squinting at me.
“It’s a say- you know what, never mind,” I grumbled, limping my way towards the door.
Patience finished chanting and threw the potion at the witch who was trying to get up yet again from the ass-kicking that Cass was giving her.  The glass containing the potion shattered, some hinky pink smoke poured out of it, and the witch turned into a rat.
“Huh,” I said.
“Get it!” Patience demanded.
I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to ‘get it’ with a Big Foot over my shoulder, but apparently Cass was on the ball and caught it by the tail, holding the former witch up for scrutiny.
“Gross,” she complained.  “And where the hell is Cl-”
“I’m here, I’m here,” Claire declared, kicking the door in for no reason other than to make an entrance.  “The stupid witch hexed my car.”
“Well good thing we already wrapped everything up,” Patience said with a sigh.
Sam’s weight was starting to compress my spine, but suddenly he was gone.
I stared at Cass.  “I had him.”
He hoisted Sam effortlessly over his shoulder.  “It’s fine.”
I made a face at his showing off, and then turned my attention back to Claire and Patience.  “Well that was a clusterfuck.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens to a straightforward case when you get the Winchesters involved,” Claire said with a shrug.
“Excuse me?” I said, making a face at her.
“You heard me.”
I scoffed.
“Wasn’t Sam supposed to do the spell?” she asked, squinting at my brother’s unconscious body.
“Knocked unconscious by a… knocked-unconscious spell,” Patience said, squinting at her own wording.
“I will take care of Sam,” Cass declared, handing Claire the rat-witch.
“Cass, wait,” I said, hand grabbing his free shoulder just as he took flight.
We were suddenly back in our motel room.
I tried not to lose my cookies.
“Dean,” he said with a frown, “you should have helped the girls with the clean-up.”
“We need to talk,” I said, glaring at him.
“I need to do a…” Cass paused and frowned, “‘anti-knocked-unconscious spell’.”
We stared at each other.
“Come home,” I blurted out.
Cass gave me his most long-suffering sigh.  “I have my own home now.”
“That’s bull!” I snapped, irritated.  Your home is with me.
Just fucking say it, you pussy.
I didn’t say it.
Cass placed Sam on one of the beds, then started going through his duffel bag, pulling out weird-smelling herbs.
“You’re an angel living in the friggin’ suburbs, man, it makes no goddamn sense.”
“I enjoy it,” he said with a human-like shrug.
“And you don’t enjoy the bunker?” I asked snottily.
“It served its purpose,” he said, starting to mix some of the herbs in a motel coffee mug.
“‘Served its purpose’?!” I spat back at him.
“It was a wonderful home for us when we needed it, but I am at a different point in my life now,” he explained, unperturbed.  “To be straightforward, I think we’ve all outgrown it.”
I sputtered at that.
Cass spared me a glance, then shook his head, looking disappointed.
“So you’ve outgrown me?” I snarled.
That finally got him to stop being such an asshole and look a little guilty.  “Of course not, Dean.  You know I love you more than anything.”
“More than your stupid house?”
“It’s not stupid,” he said, narrowing his eyes.
“Guess that’s a ‘no’, then.”
“You are such a child.”
“I know you are, but what am I?”
“No, I said that you are a child, not me,” he said, looking confused.
“I know you are, but what am I?”
His brow furrowed.
Not that it was cute as hell or anything, or that the sheer adorableness caused some of my self-righteous anger to fade.
“Pee-wee Herman,” I offered as an explanation.
“Is that some kind of urinary tract infection?”
I tried not to laugh.
Cass smiled, eyes meeting mine before flicking back to Sam as he began with his Enochian mumbo-jumbo.
“It didn’t work,” I pointed out when Sam continued to lie there unconsciously.
“Why are you so impatient?” he grumbled at me, and almost on cue Sam popped up with a gasp.
“Where’s the witch?!” he demanded.
“Rat,” Cass offered.
“With Claire,” I added.
“Oh…” Sam said, leaning back against the headboard.  “Huh.”
“If that is all…” Cass said, moving like he was about to leave.
I grabbed his arm again.  “We’re in the middle of something.”
“It seems wrapped up to me,” he replied, eyeing my hand.
“Dammit, Cass,” I growled, finding some of that misdirected anger again.
“I should… go…” Sam commented, stumbling to his feet and still seeming a little dazed.
“I think you should rest a little longer, Sam,” Cass suggested.
Sam blinked and sat down again.
“Is he okay?” I asked, my big-brother-concern taking over for a moment.
“The effects of the spell should wear off in two to six hours,” Cass assured me.
“That seems kinda… long…”
“Let’s go outside and let Sam rest.”
All I could do was follow Cass outside, though I paused in the doorway to look back at my very disheveled-looking baby brother.  “Sammy, lay down and rest, okay?”
He gave me a vacant nod like he used to do when he was little and had a fever and would just do whatever I said, then he laid back down on the bed.
I shut the door as quietly as I could before flipping back into Angry Mode.  “Look, I’m get-”
Cass pointed to his phone that was held to his ear.  “Yes, Patience, Sam is okay.”
I started stewing.
“Can you put Claire on?” he asked, then paused.  “Hello, Claire.  No, that’s not how eyes of newt work.  No, Claire.  No.  Stop doing that.  Stop everything that you are doing and wait for me to come back.  No,” he repeated, rubbing his temples.  “I will see you shortly, goodbye.”
“I ain’t even gonna ask,” I said, watching him pocket his phone.  “So you’re going again?”
“Claire needs my assistance.”
“Oh, okay then.”
“You do not need to be so abrasive, Dean.”
“I’m abrasive?” I growled at him.  “I haven’t seen you in weeks, Cass.”
“I’ve been busy fixing up the house,” he said with a frown.  “The house that I asked you to visit, but you have declined my every invitation.”
“’Cause I ain’t gonna normalize this bullshit!  What are you even doing, Cass?  A house in the suburbs?  Ya gonna find yourself a nice little wife and settle down with your 2.5 kids and a dog?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“You don’t know?!  Then why the fuck are you doing it?!”
“Dean, you are upset, and this conversation is no longer productive.  Please go inside and take care of Sam, and I’ll go help Claire before she disrupts the space-time continuum.”
“I’m sorry this conversation isn’t productive enough for you,” I spat out.  “Here I am, trying to figure out why my…” and here I stumbled, “my… my boy… my boyfriend of three years just dumps me out of nowhere to go live his Real Housewives of Lebanon fantasy by himself.”
“Well maybe you should try listening for once,” Cass said, starting to sound annoyed.  “I don’t know how many different ways I can explain it to you.”
“English would be a good start!”
Cass had the nerve to actually throw his head back in a frustrated sigh.  “I’m not doing this with you right now.”
“Doing what?  Having a friggin’ conversation?  Taking a little responsibility?”
“I’m not going to allow you to continue… ‘guilt tripping’ me for making choices that you do not agree with,” he said.  “It’s my life, and it’s what I want.”
“A life without me,” I muttered bitterly.
“You are the one who made it very clear to me that I am not ‘Barbie’ and you are not ‘Ken’, and that we will not be living ‘happily ever after’ in my ‘Malibu Dream House’,” he growled at me.  “You keep acting as though I am the one who has put this chasm between us, when it is you issuing the ultimatums, you insisting that if it is not your way, then it is no way.”
“That’s not how it is.”
“It is exactly how it is, and Sam and I are tired of paying penance to your never-ending list of reparations.”
“What the hell does Sam got to do with it?”
Cass paused at that.  “I spoke out of turn.”
I’d been leaning against Baby, but now I pushed myself up to my full height, getting in Cass’s face.  “What the hell does Sam got to do with it?” I repeated.
He looked guilty.
Why the hell did he look guilty?
“Goddammit, Cass, tell me.”
“It’s not my place,” he said, and he looked downright pitying.
What the hell was he pitying me for?
“I need to go.”
“Don’t you dare run away.”
“Dean, you know where I live and you are welcome to come there any time,” he informed me.  “Goodbye.”
And the fucker flew away.
- 16 -
I was wasted.
I crawled over to my bed, but any attempts to actually get up onto it were quickly refuted by gravity.  I got myself into a mostly sitting position and let my head flop back against the mattress.
Everything was shit, and now I couldn’t even sleep in my goddamn bed.
My head started lolling to the side and I tried to return it to an upright position.  The attempt failed, and I found the ground getting closer and closer.
“Cass,” I grumbled into the floor.  “Cass?  Get your ass over here.”
Of course he didn’t come.
I felt very pathetic lying here on the floor, so I tried to get up again, but it didn’t work out.
“Cass, c’mon,” I slurred.  “Cass, please.”
Was he going to make me beg?
I hadn’t seen him since our fight back at the motel in Ashland however many weeks ago that was, ‘cause I sure as hell wasn’t about to go over to his place with my tail between my legs.
He could come to me.
Would he come?
He wasn’t coming.
“Please,” I begged.  “I needa talk t’ya.  ’M s’rry.”
My phone buzzed, but it was all the way in my pocket.  I had to close my eyes and rest for a moment before I managed to get it out.  Then there was the whole ‘reading while drunk’ issue.  I squinted at the notification until the letters finally formed a ‘Cass’ and something along the lines of ‘be there soon’.  Relieved, I closed my eyes again.  Needed to rest.
I startled awake, fumbling for my gun and only coming up with my phone.
There was that sound again, an ominous thumping.
“Cass?” I croaked out.
The door opened slowly.
“Cass?” I repeated.
“Oh, Dean,” he sighed, closing the door behind him and approaching me slowly, almost cautiously.
“Y’r heeeere,” I breathed out.
“Of course,” he said, sitting next to me on the floor.
It took supreme effort, but I inched closer to him and managed to lift my head high enough to rest my cheek against his thigh.
He seemed to hesitate, then rested his hand in my hair like he usually did, stroking gently.
I closed my eyes again.
“Dean,” came a gentle voice, startling me awake again.
I seemed to be drooling on Cass’s pants, but I was pretty sure he wouldn’t care.
“What happened?” he asked.
“N’thn,” I mumbled.
Cass continued to stroke my hair.  “Would it be alright if I sobered you up?”
I nodded into his leg.
He pushed his grace into me, and the alcohol dissipated.
Which was pretty friggin’ awkward, seeing as how I was laying with my head on his lap.
“What happened?” he repeated, fingers still scratching soothingly into my scalp.  As soon as the dude figured out he had permission to touch me, he kind of never stopped.
“It’s nothing,” I sighed, keeping my eyes closed so I didn’t have to see how embarrassing the situation was.
Cass waited.
He was very good at waiting.
I sighed loudly.  “So Sammy’s havin’ a kid.”
Not even a stutter in the motion of his hand, because of course he already knew.
Always the last to know.
I swallowed.
“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Cass finally asked.
“Yeah, sure,” I muttered.
“…how bad was the fight?”
“It wasn’t a fight,” I protested.
“However you wish to label it,” Cass said with a sigh.  “You are… out of sync.”
“I guess that’s one way a puttin’ it.”
He was giving me those stupid puppy dog angel eyes of his.
“Sam said he’s not gonna raise the kid in the life,” I blurted out.
“Is that not what you would want for the child?”
“Of course it’s what I want, it’s just not reality,” I grumbled.  “Ain’t no way a Winchester’s gonna walk around this earth without gettin’ harassed by every little thing that goes bump in the night.”
“Perhaps the child will be a Leahy.”
I snorted at that.  “You know what I mean.  We got enemies, no matter what you wanna call us.  I mean, Ben-” I started and immediately stopped.
“The gates of hell have been closed,” Cass pointed out after it was clear I wasn’t going to continue.  “Demons won’t be coming after you.”
“Okay, but who’s to say they won’t suddenly open?  And there’s other shit out there besides demons that want us dead.”
“That’s true,” he acquiesced.
“Yeah, so we gotta stay smart, we gotta stay safe, ya know?”
“And to you, the bunker is the only safe place.”
“Obviously.  It’s friggin’ god-proof.”
“Perhaps Sam is willing to take the risk if it’s to live the life he’s always wanted.”
“Risk his kid?”
“I don’t think it’s quite that simple.”
“Whatever, man, I know you two are off collaborating-”
I rolled my eyes with a huff.
Cass’s hand paused, then slid from my hair to cup my cheek.  “And what does Eileen want?”
That gave me pause.  “Uh…”
“It seems to me like this is a decision between Eileen and Sam, not you and Sam.”
I scowled up at him.
He gently moved his thumb along my cheekbone.  “You’ll be a great uncle, though,” he said like it was a fact.
I wasn’t so sure.
“You already love this child so much,” he assured me.
I huffed out a breath at that, but it was true.
Cass leaned down, brushing his lips against my forehead.
That just made me feel completely pathetic and I couldn’t help but whine his name, followed by a pitiful, “stay.”
Cass sat up again, the stroking motion of his hand resuming.  “I can’t.”
I breathed in sharply, trying not to… whatever it was I was about to do.
“Come to my place, Dean,” he requested softly.  “Just for tonight.  Please?”
“It’s the middle of the damn night.”
I pulled away from his touch and sat up, pressing my back to the bed.  “You’re already here, Cass, why can’t you just stay?”
“I believe your exact words were, ‘if you leave, then don’t even think about coming back’?” Cass mused.
“You know I didn’t mean it,” I muttered irritably.
“Yes, I did know that,” he agreed.  “And yet you still felt the need to say it, Dean.  Felt the need to keep up the pretence.”
“I’m not coming back here,” he informed me, rising to his feet.  “So if you want to see me, you have my address.”
“Dammit, Cass.”
He looked down at me, unimpressed.
I always did this, and it was so fucking pointless.
So I made a different choice.
“You’re driving,” I muttered, pushing myself to my feet.  Cass might’ve de-drunkified me, but now I was a bit hungover and I didn’t want to risk Baby with my potentially shitty driving.
Cass blinked owlishly at me.
I opened the door and started shuffling off towards the garage.
“Dean?” he called after me, confused.
Was it that weird that I was doing what he asked?
I didn’t say anything and kept moving forward.  When we got to the garage, I tossed Cass the keys and got in the passenger seat.
He still looked confused as he sat down next to me.
“Let’s go see the Malibu Dream House,” I said, staring out the window.
“It’s in Lebanon…”
“Just drive, sunshine.”
I could feel his smile without having to look.
So he drove.
- 17 -
“You’re really in the ‘burbs, huh?” I marveled, looking around at all the manicured lawns.
“Yes, Dean,” Cass answered perfunctorily, pulling the garage door shut behind him and joining me in the driveway.
“Can’t really see the stars too good,” I commented.
“Did you message Sam?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes.  “Yes, mom.”
“He will appreciate that,” he said.  “He gets worried when he wakes up and you’re not there.”
“Sounds a little Single White Female.”
Cass squinted at me.  “So are you suggesting that perhaps a bit of distance would be healthy?”
I frowned.
Cass just shrugged and went up the walkway to the porch.
I followed, taking a seat on the swing.
It squeaked loudly.
“I don’t know how to fix that,” he said, sitting next to me.
“I’ll get ya some WD-40 in the morning.”
“How are some letters and numbers going to fix my swing?”
I turned to him, feeling myself grinning.  “Just trust me, I’ll take care of it.”
Cass started to smile back.  “Okay.”
Were we making up?
I wanted to make up.
I stretched my arm along the back of the swing, hoping Cass would lean into it.
Instead, he turned his face towards the sky.  “There are still a few stars to see.”
“I guess they’re not so bad,” I said with a shrug, my eyes tracing the Big Dipper.
“I like it here,” Cass said softly.
I breathed out a long breath, trying not to snap at him.  I was all evolved and crap now.
“Anywhere that isn’t where I am,” I muttered instead.  ‘Cause that sounded tough and not completely insecure.
Cass leveled me with his most exasperated expression.  “You are in fact, as Claire would say, ‘literally’ here with me, Dean.”
I glared out at the sky.
“I long for you,” he confessed softly.
I rolled my eyes and tried not to be embarrassed for him, which is why my cheeks were getting red.
“And I would do anything for you,” he continued in a similarly cheesy vain.
“Ya gonna come back to the bunker then?”
“…but I won’t do that.”
We were both quiet, until I finally had to ask, “did you just ‘Meatloaf’ me?”
“What does ground meat have to do with anything?”
I turned to stare at him.
That smug-ass angel knew exactly what he was saying.  He caught my glare and admitted, “I did ‘Meatloaf’ you.”
“Stop being a smart-ass,” I complained.
“But it’s your favorite quality of mine,” he teased, oblivious.
He was so close, but it was like some wall had gotten thrown up between us.  I looked at him helplessly.
His eyebrows scrunched together, his own face taking on a panicked look, and suddenly he was catching my cheeks in his hands, pulling me closer.  “Dean, my beloved, please…”
“Please what?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, averting his eyes.
“I’m not going to give in to you anymore.”
“What?” I asked, my voice cracking a little.
He sighed, taking his warm hands away and standing up.  “It’s late.  You need to get some rest.”
“Hey,” I complained, catching his wrist and trying not to panic.  “What did you mean by that?”
He chewed on his bottom lip, a weirdly human habit that I hadn’t seen him do before.  “Just as I said,” he finally decided.  “As much as I long for you, I can no longer simply acquiesce to your petulant demands.”
Cass apparently longed for me.  So fucking cheesy.
I couldn’t look him in the eye.  “I’m not petulant,” I complained in a tone that definitely wasn’t petulant.
“You are being ‘peak’ Dean right now,” he informed me.
“Screw you,” I muttered.
He sighed loudly and unlocked the front door.  “Come on.”
I briefly considered staying outside freezing on the porch before following him in.
“This is the living room,” he explained, and it’s a good thing he did, because there was literally nothing in the room but a big book shelf full of books.
“Dude, ya ever think of getting, I dunno, a couch or something?” I scoffed.
“I haven’t gotten around to it,” he said, unbothered.  “Here is the kitchen.”
The kitchen actually looked nice, the pots and pans hanging over the island kinda like in the bunker, and a cozy four-seater table set near the window.  “Not bad.”
“The bathroom is this door on the left,” he continued, giving me a knowing look.
He’d sobered me up, but he hadn’t emptied my bladder.
“And my room is at the end of the hall,” he concluded.  “Obviously I do not sleep so you are free to use my bed.”
“That was the most unsexy offer to sleep in your bed that I’ve ever heard,” I muttered, opening the door to the bathroom and quickly shutting it behind me.  I groaned in relief as soon as things started flowing.
The light had been left on in the bedroom, and there was one of my old t-shirts and some wookie pajama pants that I’d given to Cass neatly folded at the end of the bed.
“Good night, Dean,” Cass called from down the hallway, probably in the living room.
“Night,” I replied, tugging on the pajamas and dumping my clothes on the chair by the door.  I slid in between the sheets, expecting them to be musty from disuse, but actually…
I nestled into the pillow, breathing in Cass, and then I was out.
- 18 -
“Good morning, Dean,” Cass greeted me cheerfully as I shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes.
I did a doubletake.  Then I found myself grinning.  “Sweetheart, ya don’t gotta wear an apron to make cereal,” I pointed out.
Cass looked down at his ‘kiss the cook’ apron, then flicked his eyes up to meet mine.  “You’d be surprised.”
“Nah, I probably wouldn’t,” I said, biting back a laugh.  He could be weirdly clumsy sometimes, and he didn’t belong anywhere near a kitchen.  “You made coffee?”
“Of course,” he said, pouring me a cup with a flourish.  Some of it spilled over the rim.
“Really puttin’ that apron to work, huh?”
“Actually, I never spill anything on the apron itself,” he explained.
I snorted, accepting my mug and taking a sip.  “Not bad.”
“I am capable of brewing coffee, Dean.”
“Ehh,” I said, earning myself a Very Annoyed Look.  I couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of me.
Cass sighed.  “It is difficult to stay angry with you when you personify joy like that, even if it is at my expense.”
“Then don’t stay mad,” I pointed out, feeling my cheeks warm.
He shook his head at me, pouring the milk into the cereal bowl and carrying it over to the table.  “I hope this breakfast is to your satisfaction.”
“Looks like you slaved over it all morning,” I said, accepting the bowl and digging in.  “Mm, good cereal-to-milk ratio.”
“You’re a brat,” he scolded me, taking a seat on the other side of the table.
“I’m complimenting you.”
“Sarcasm isn’t complimentary.”
“Says you,” I said with a shrug, shoveling more cereal into my mouth.
“You’re a terrible house guest,” he pointed out.  “Did you sleep well?  The mattress hasn’t remembered you yet.”
“Yet, huh?” I murmured with a mouth full of cereal that probably took away from the flirtatious tone I was intending.
“I would like you to stay here more often,” Cass replied sincerely.
I swallowed the rest of my cereal.  I plunked the bowl back down on the table.  I looked out the window.  I was running out of ways to avoid the conversation.
“You don’t have to,” he finally said when it became apparent that I wasn’t going to answer.
“You’re not gonna come home, are you?” I asked quietly, resigned.
“The bunker is not my home.”
I took in a sharp breath, feeling like I’d been sucker-punched.
“I guess it won’t help if I say that you are my home,” he said, reaching out to touch my hand.
I pulled it away.
Cass stood up abruptly, stomping over to the sink and dumping the remains of his breakfast down it.
I looked down at my hand.
I looked at Cass’s turned back, vibrating with anger.
I had to stop doing this shit.
I just didn’t know how.
Maybe if I just told him that.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I croaked out.
Cass sighed, but at least he stopped vibrating.
“I just wanna fix things, okay?” I said.  “I know all I ever do is make things worse, but I wanna fix this.  I just can’t get outta my own damn way.”
“I am aware.”
“Cass, tell me what to do, man.  Tell me what I gotta do to make this right.”
He turned around to face me, head tilting slightly.
I rubbed my mouth anxiously.  “Do I gotta move in here with you?”
“No,” he said.  “I’d like you to, but only if you actually want to.”
“And there’s no chance you’d-”
He waited.
“Do ya need a commitment?” I asked, clutching my spoon a little tighter than necessary.  “Ya need me to swear off flirting?”
“I don’t ask for the impossible.”
“Okay, well, whaddya want, a ring?” I asked flippantly.
Cass went very silent.
No, he wasn’t…
The angle of his head tilt intensified.
He was really thinking about it.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit-
“Yes,” he said suddenly, “I think that I would like a ring.”
“Ya lookin’ for something in a princess cut, or…?” I tried to joke, my tone sounding scared and desperate even to my own ears.
“If you’re not genuinely offering…”
I tried to swallow my pride.  “I’m… I’m not not offering.”
He still wasn’t giving me anything.
Fuck, I just had to do this.  “Honey, if you want a ring I will get you a ring.”
“You’re not just saying that?”
What was I getting myself into?
But it was for Cass, so I shook my head.  “I’m committed, okay?  To you,” I clarified.
He stared me down for another uncomfortable moment, then was suddenly back at the table, holding out his hand to me.
I took it this time.
“I’m not trying to force you into something,” he said slowly.
“I know,” I assured him.
“It’s just… I felt as though you’d been making so much ‘progress’ before I asked you to move here with me,” he continued.  “I thought that you would be ‘ready’, and when you were not, perhaps I was a bit resentful.  Of course your typical overreaction of telling me to never come back did not help matters-”
“I’m sorry.”
Cass closed his mouth mid-sentence.  Then he squeezed my hand.  “We are not always the best at communication.”
“You’re includin’ yourself in that?”
He nodded.  “It’s not only you, Dean.  From the night we first made love- stop making that face and listen, please.  I knew it was wrong to continue sexually liasing with you when you were so uncertain about your sexuality and about our relationship.  But it made me feel so connected to you, so I... so I was selfish, and I continue to be selfish every time that I keep my mouth shut in order to keep the peace.”
“Honey, I dunno if I really get what you’re sayin’,” I confessed, still holding his hand tight and not being terrified.
“I know,” he said, lifting up our laced hands and pressing a kiss to the back of mine.  “I can’t ever truly convey to you how important you are to me, how essential you are to my very being.  And yet sometimes being with you is the loneliest I have ever felt.”
Well that was a punch in the gut.
“I know it’s hard to hear, but I need you to hear it,” he said firmly.  “You can be very sensitive-”
I tried to scoff and it came out more like a strangled sob.
Cass was giving me puppy dog eyes, and I could see him struggling, wanting to comfort me.
I took a breath and let it out.  Fine, I was fucking sensitive.  But I could control it.  I didn’t need to spiral about how I made Cass feel the friggin’ loneliest he ever felt.  This was fine.  Everything was fine, and I was going to just shut up and listen.
Cass took a breath of his own.  He slid my hand to his cheek, pressing into it.  “You’re a sensitive person, Dean.  And Sam and I, we’ve… we’ve done some things in the past that have… left their mark on you.  So I understand why you don’t react well when you perceive that Sam and I are ‘plotting’ behind your back, or that I am ‘running away’ from you.  And I think… well, I won’t speak for Sam, but I feel guilty about some of the things I’ve done in the past, and so it makes me hesitant to address difficult topics with you.”
“Whaddya mean?” I asked.
“I mean that... sometimes… I cannot fault you for your extreme reactions, and perhaps I even… I deserve it.”
“Jesus, honey, no,” I said, shaking my head.  “We gotta stop keepin’ score, okay?  And blamin’ ourselves for stupid shit from the past.”
“So you are also going to stop doing that?”
“Yeah, yeah, pot, kettle, all that,” I sighed, cradling his cheek.  “I need you, Cass.  So if I gotta put a ring on it and start comin’ around here more, then that’s what I’m gonna do.”
“And we’re going to talk openly and honestly about our feelings?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“We can… set a timer.  Ya know, one minute intervals of feelings.”
“Followed by one minute intervals of sexual favors?”
“You are filthy, you know,” I pointed out.  “…but only one minute?”
“It was your idea,” he said with a shrug, his eyes staring into mine all soulfully for someone being kind of a lech at the moment.
“Can we make up already?” I blurted out.
“We’re working on it.”
“We’re working on it,” I repeated.  And sure, I was probably gonna fuck it up.
But maybe…
Maybe I wanted to try.
- 19 -
I slid out from under Baby, wiping my hands on my jeans.  I went to the garage to get the engine oil, then came back to finish up the oil change.  I was just wiping off the dipstick when some random dude with a golden retriever started talking to me from the end of the driveway.
“So you’re Mr. Impala.”
“Guess I been called worse,” I said, putting down the hood.
“Drives my wife crazy, she’s always rantin’ about the environment and the noise and the children,” he said with a chuckle.  “Don’t know what she’s gonna do when I get my ‘67 Camaro running.”
“No shit?” I asked.  “That’s gotta be a thing of beauty.”
“Yeah, if it only ran,” he said, shaking his head sadly.  “I’m Dave Thompson, from across the street.”
“Dean Winchester,” I said, taking the few steps down the driveway and shaking his hand.
“Nice to finally meet you,” Dave said, giving me a surprisingly firm handshake for a guy in a mock turtleneck.  “You must be Castiel’s-”
“Yeah,” I said, and okay, maybe I should have let him finish the thought, because now I was apparently Cass’s belonging.  “And who’s this guy?” I asked, wanting to abort and immediately being drawn to the fluffy drooly creature that didn’t understand awkwardness.
“This is Josiah,” Dave said, giving the retriever a pat on the head.
He gave a little bark, but he licked my hand when I held it out to him, so I went in for the ear scratch and immediately got myself a new friend for life.
I could feel myself grinning like an idiot as I crouched down in front of him, but hey, dogs were awesome.  “We had a dog for a while, but it turned out ‘he’ was a ‘she’, and she ended up giving birth to a litter of puppies.  Couldn’t keep ‘em all and didn’t want ta separate ‘em from their mom, so we found her a new home.”
“That’s too bad,” Dave started out sympathetically, but then he tilted his head in confusion (which was not as endearing as it was on Cass).  “Wait, you thought your female dog was male…?  I mean, didn’t you notice…”
“Listen, man, I ain’t the dickmaster general,” I said, earning a snort from Dave.  “I just rub the ears and give the beast its food.”
“Fair enough,” he said agreeably.  “Well, Josiah here is definitely all dude.”
“Friendly dude,” I said, grinning as he licked me in the face.  I gave him one more thorough ear rub before standing back up straight.
“He really likes you,” Dave marveled.  “He doesn’t usually take to strangers so quickly.”
“I smell like bacon,” I confided in him.
Dave cracked up.  “So that’s the secret.”
I just grinned, feeling oddly at ease with this suburban dog dad.
We both turned to face the house, watching as Cass scrambled out the front door.
“Dean!” he repeated more urgently.
“What’s up, Cass?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Hello, Dave,” he said, sparing a glance for his neighbor.  “Hello, Josiah,” he added, making sure to greet the dog.
“Hey, man,” Dave greeted him.  “Finally got to meet your partner.”
“That is wonderful,” Cass said, clearly not even listening.  “Dean, the Alexa is plotting again.”
I bit my lip, trying not to grin and failing miserably.  “Yeah, honey?  She pickin’ on you?”
“This is hardly a laughing matter,” he scolded me.  “Why would Jack unleash such evil on us?”
“Pretty sure he said it was a Father’s Day gift?”
“I know that gifts are things that you are supposed to keep, and I have tried utilizing it to the best of my ability, but I am at my wit’s end”
“What has Alexa done now?”
“I asked her to set a five minute timer.”
“She set five one-minute timers.”
“So I told her to ‘cancel all timers’ and to set a ‘five minute timer’.”
“I think I see where this is going.”
“She will not stop ringing, Dean, no matter how many times I request that she ‘cancel all timers’.  They just keep going off, to the point that I cannot accept that there were actually that many timers set to begin with.”
“So you think she’s intentionally fucking with you.”
“Yes,” he breathed out, exasperated.
“And you need a big, strong man to wrangle her into submission?”
Cass squinted at me.  “Yes, Dean, a big, strong man to turn off the robot speaker.”
“Sounds like I’m the man for the job,” I said, waggling my eyebrows at him.
He huffed out a sigh.
Usually, this was when I leaned in to give him a quick, affectionate kiss.
Was it okay?  In front of Dave?  In front of Dave’s golden retriever with the weirdly biblical name?
In front of Dave’s mock turtleneck?!
I leaned down, giving Cass a little peck on the lips.  “I just gotta clean up the driveway a little, and then I’ll be right in.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a nod.  “I will ‘hold down the fort’ until you arrive.”
“Good luck,” Dave offered.
“I will need it,” Cass said solemnly.  “Goodbye, Dave.  Goodbye, Josiah.”
I watched Cass go back up the walkway because he was wearing jeans and it was a good look.  Also, I didn’t want to gauge Dave’s reaction to the all the homosexual activity going on in his neighborhood.
"Well that was a disgusting display.”
I whirled around to face Dave, ready to be angry now that my worst fears were realized, only to find him grinning at me in a friendly way.
“People our age aren’t supposed to still be that in love,” he said with a snort.
“Huh?” I said, rubbing my nose.
“Wish the missus would look at me like that besides Valentine’s Day and birthdays.”
I wasn’t sure who he’d caught looking at who, but my shoulders relaxed and I grinned back.  “What can I say, we still got it.”
Josiah gave a cheerful bark.
“He gets it,” I said with a snort, crouching down to give him one last thorough pet.  “Well, I better get in there before Alexa takes Cass behind the bleachers and steals his lunch money.”
“Technology,” Dave said with a middle-aged shake of the head.  “Hey, so you’re going to be around here more, right?  The wife’d love to have you both over for dinner some time.”
“Yeah,” I said, trying not to fiddle with my ring and failing.  “Yeah, uh… I’ll be around and uh… Cass’d like that.”
“Alright, see ya around, man.”
I cleaned up all the oil change gear, setting it back in the garage and pressing the button to put the door down.  I pushed open the door to the house, and was immediately greeted by the sound of a timer.
“Alexa, stop timer!” Cass growled with all his angelic might.
I bit my lip.
“Alexa, stop all timers!  End all timers!  Terminate!”
I came up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.  “Time for the big gun?”
He twisted his head slightly so he could squint at me.  “The big gun that’s going to yell at the robot until he gets so frustrated that he just yanks her cord out of the socket?”
Okay, yeah, that sounded like a pretty likely scenario.  “So you don’t want me to fix it?”
Another timer went off.
Cass sighed loudly.  “Please use your big strong man powers to make it stop.”
“Alexa, stop timer.”
“So you’re just going to do exactly what I’ve already done thirteen times?” he grumbled at me.
I nibbled on the shell of his ear.  “You gonna be a smartass here?”
“Well, I am very smart,” he hummed, clearly enjoying my ministrations.  “And I have an impeccable ass.”
I snorted at that.  “Impeccable?”
“Do you prefer ‘immaculate’?”
“Immaculate?” I sputtered out, cracking up.
Another timer went off.
“Alexa, stop all timers,” I wheezed out.
Another timer went off just to spite me.
“Alexa, cancel timer.  Cancel all timers for all time.  Just shut up.”
“Sorry, I didn’t get that,” Alexa replied.
“Dean, please save me from the big scary Echo,” Cass requested, not helping matters with all his sass.
Another timer went off.
“I'm gonna fuckin' cook you, and I'm gonna fucking eat you!” I growled.
“That doesn’t seem like an appropriate solution,” Cass pointed out unhelpfully, with a complete and utter lack of appreciation for John McClane quotes.
Alexa and I continued to trade barbs for a while, until I finally gave up and yanked her cord out of the socket.
“Thank you, my love,” Cass said, giving me a smooch on the cheek.
“Anytime,” I said.  “But whadda we do with this beast?” I asked, twirling the cord around my finger.
“I hear attics are an excellent storage place for unwanted things that cannot be thrown away,” he said, taking the Echo from me.  “I never understood why humans would need such a place, but I think I may now know.”
“Still think Jack was fuckin’ with you when he got that thing,” I commented as we moved towards the attic.
“Jack is a good boy,” Cass protested.
“He’s a Winchester.”
Cass smiled at that.  “I think he meant well by it.”
“Why do people need robots to turn on their lights?  Ain’t we got perfectly good hands to do that?”
“Why do people need vehicles to transport them when they have perfectly good feet?”
“You take that back.”
Cass just hummed in amusement as he climbed up the ladder to the attic.  He looked around when he reached the top, then held a hand down to me and I passed him the Echo.  “Goodbye, Alexa.  You shall not be missed.”
“Hasta la vista, baby,” I agreed, wrapping an arm around Cass’s shoulder after he stepped down from the ladder.  “Hey, Dave and his wife wanna have us over for dinner.”
“That sounds nice,” Cass said agreeably.
“Are we a suburban married couple?”
“Pretty much.”
Cass kissed me on the cheek and we went back to the living room to watch a movie.
The fire alarm going off let us know why Cass had set the damn timer in the first place.
“Take out from the Chinese place?” I suggested
“Take out from the Chinese place,” Cass agreed, tossing out the burnt dinner.
- 20 -
“Mornin’, honey,” I mumbled as I felt my cheek getting attacked by smooches.  “Jesus, Cass, it’s a little early for all that-” I started to say, then blinked my eyes open.
Definitely not Cass.
The little puppy stared into my eyes, then gave a happy bark and resumed licking my face.
“Hey, buddy, who are you?” I asked, picking the dog up and resting him on my chest as I gave him a thorough pet.
“Surprise?” Cass offered, standing in the doorway.
“This my birthday present?” I asked, entranced by the soft red fur and the soulful brown eyes.
“Yes, I… do you like her?” Cass asked hesitantly.
“Oh, it’s a ‘her’?” I asked, happy to avoid another ‘why is my male dog giving birth on the kitchen floor’ kind of situations.
Cass was still looking unsure.
“I love her,” I informed him.
“It was Jack’s idea.”
That gave me pause.  “This another Alexa situation?”
“Jack told me that he thought the Alexa would help us bond.”
“Is that what the little shit said?” I scoffed.
Cass frowned.
“I’m joking,” I said quickly, flashing him an apologetic look before turning back to my new best girl.  “Does she have a name?”
“I thought you should name her.”
I nodded.  “Well, I ain’t got no clue yet, so let’s just call her Rex.”
“Rex?” he asked incredulously.
“She’s a happy girl, isn’t she?” I observed as she started licking my face again, but this time more slowly and affectionately.
“Yes, I selected her very carefully.”
“Good job, sweetheart.  You gonna join us here, or what?”
“If I’m not intruding.”
I caught the little quirk to his grin, and I couldn’t help but grin back.  “There’s enough Dean to go around.”
“How… generous,” he said, lifting up the sheets and curling into bed next to me, resting his cheek on my shoulder while I played with the dog.
“She’s a Shiba Inu,” he told me.  “They’re hunting dogs.  Very loyal.”
I stuck a finger in the ring of his t-shirt and tugged him up higher until our lips could meet.  “Thank you,” I breathed into his mouth.
“Of course,” he breathed back.
The puppy barked, annoyed at being interrupted, and reclaimed me for herself.
Cass huffed out an annoyed sigh.  “Is this how things are going to be now?”
“Yep, you’ve been replaced.”
I pressed a kiss to the top of his head as he settled back into the crook of my neck, hand draped possessively across my stomach.  “Cass honey?”
“Yes, Dean?”
“Where’s she gonna live?” I asked quietly.  I could feel my insides starting to melt a little as she dropped her head between her paws and seemed to fall asleep on my chest, but I was also starting to feel the anxiety creep in.
“She’s yours, Dean,” Cass offered.  “She is welcome to stay here any time.  You can keep her at the bunker with you if you wish.  I will help you with any arrangement that you desire.”
Thing was, I rarely slept at the bunker anymore, even if Eileen and I were there most days, doing the Bobby thing.  The less I was on the road, the more the bunker was starting to be ‘work’ and Cass’s was starting to be...
“I didn’t mean to put pressure on you,” Cass murmured, taking my hand in his.
I’d been fidgeting with my ring again.  “It’s not… you don’t gotta…” I trailed off, not really sure where I was going.
He just held my hand and waited.
“Maybe uh…” and Jesus friggin’ Christ was Winchester pride a bitch, “maybe she could stay here.”
“I’d like that,” he said, putting my hand back on my stomach and carefully petting the sleeping dog.  “I must admit, I’ve grown attached to her these last few days, taking care of her with Jack as we waited for your birthday.”
“Okay,” I said, hoping to leave it at that and for Cass not to notice when suddenly all of my things were in his closet and I was sleeping here seven nights a week instead of five.
But Cass’s eyes were on me.
He knew.
“MaybeIcouldstayheretoo,” I breathed out in a rush.
“I’d like that even more,” he said, beaming with sincerity.
“Okay,” I said.
We laid there for a while, me and the pup mostly snoozing while Cass cuddled us both, but then she was awake and suddenly tearing down the hallway.
“I thought she’d never leave,” Cass deadpanned before putting the moves on me.
“The door’s open,” I pointed out between pants.
Cass slammed the door shut with a flick of his wrist.
“Tryin’ ta get me hot and bothered?” I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him.
“Yes,” he growled, attacking my neck with a ferocity that was probably gonna need a little splainin’ at the party later.
“Sweetheart,” I hummed, trying to not get lost in the thing he was doing with his teeth and kind of losing the plot.  “Sweetheart,” I repeated, “you’re uh… mm, really goin’ to town there…”
He paused, looking up at me contritely.  “I may have become a bit overly amorous.”
He squinted at me.  “Are you asking me if I am jealous of the dog that I myself purchased for you?”
“Well are ya?”
“I feel overwhelmed and elated that you are willing to move in with me,” he explained.
So that wasn’t really a topic I wanted to linger on.
Cass seemed to read it on my face, his expression suddenly anxious.  “Dean, did I push you?  Is this not-”
“No, honey,” I cut him off.  Honesty, transparency.  This was how I made our relationship work and didn’t end up losing Cass forever.  So why was it so damn difficult to make my mouth move?  “I wasted so much time,” I finally breathed out.
Big blue eyes stared into mine questioningly.
“It’s hard for me to say what I want.”
Cass nodded knowingly.
“And ta admit when I’m… ya know, wrong.”
He smiled at that, fondly amused.
“But uh… you and me?  Here?  I want this, okay?”
He nodded again.
I sat up, forcing Cass to back up before pulling him close into a hug.
He hugged me back just as fiercely.
Then he started getting frisky again, because Cass was a friggin’ horndog.
Not that I minded.
I bit my lip, fingers digging into whatever they could get, when there was a scratching at the door, followed by a very sad, very lonely bark.
Cass glared up at me from where his mouth was otherwise occupied.
“We can’t just leave her out there,” I panted.  Nothing killed a boner like a crying baby.
“Dean, we are… in flagrante delicto,” he said, sounding scandalized.
“Yeah, but… cute puppy.”
“Is this going to be a regular thing?” he asked, frowning.  Because Cass was definitely a friggin’ horndog, no matter how much Sam tried to claim that I was the corrupting influence.
“Probably,” I said, giving him a very wet smooch on the cheek before pushing him away so I could get up and open the door.
The puppy gave a delighted bark and started circling my legs.
Cass looked annoyed.
I gestured down at my flagging but still slightly interested dick.  “Where were we?”
Now he looked downright scandalized.  “I am not going to blow you in front of this innocent creature.”
I shrugged.  “Your loss.”
He squinted at that.  “You were the one who specifically requested, ‘as many blow jobs as can be performed in 24 hours’ for your birthday.”
I crouched down to give my girl a good pet.  “Yeah, and I haven’t even gotten one yet.”
“You are being very frustrating right now,” Cass growled at me.
I shot him a flirtatious grin.
Okay, so maybe I was a little bit of a corrupting influence, but it was my party and I could get blown if I wanted to.
And obviously I enjoyed winding Cass up.
“I regret getting you that pet,” he grumbled at me, making an unhappy exit from the bedroom.
“Don’t listen to him, girl,” I assured the puppy.  “He’s gonna love you almost as much as I do.”
She wagged her tail at me.
Cass stuck his head back in the door, glowering.  “You are already on an ‘I love you’ basis with this creature?”
“Mm-hm,” I said, letting the dog lick my face.
“Do you know how long it took me to get an ‘I love you’?”
“Too damn long,” I told him sincerely.
That gave him pause.
I thought I might try being sincere for a little longer.  “But I can say it easier now.  ‘Cause of you.”
“Dean,” he said in that way of his that said so much more.
“Love you.”
It was like he was glowing from freakin’ happiness.  “I love you, too.”
The puppy barked happily.
“And baby makes three…” I commented.
Cass’s brow furrowed.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” I said, giving the dog a last pat and standing up.  “Coffee?”
“It will be ready in… 97 seconds,” he informed me.
- 21 -
“See, now that we got this steak all beautifully marinated, we gotta get it on the grill,” I explained to Maura, shifting her a little higher on my hip as I used my free hand to pick up the tongs.  “It’s all in the wrist.”
She cooed her agreement.
“Dean, do you want me to take her?” Eileen asked, holding her arms out to her daughter.
“Nah, I’m good,” I said, carefully lining the steaks up on the grill.
“Unca,” Maura agreed, tightening the grip of her little hands on my shirt.
“She’s a woman of refined taste,” I explained.
Eileen rolled her eyes.  “Wow, Maura wants to stay with the man who spoils her rotten, what a surprise.”
“It’s an uncle’s job.”
“Do not give her any sugar.”
“Of course not,” I lied.
“I’m watching you,” she said, pointing at her eyes and then at me.  “Be good for Unca,” she added, giving the baby a kiss on the head.  “I’m gonna try and get Daddy to stop checking his phone every five seconds.”
“Good luck with that,” I said with a snort, before turning back to my work.  “Okay, now we close the lid.”
Honey came running up, giving me a greeting bark.
“Unca,” Maura insisted, pointing at the dog.
I airplaned her down to the ground, keeping a hold on her waist as she giggled and pet the dog.
Honey tried to jump on her, so I airplaned her back onto my hip.
Maura giggled.
“Honey, how many times I gotta tell ya not to jump on my girl here?” I scolded her, but I was pretty sure Honey was laughing, too, the way she was barking and running around my legs.  “Oh, hey, I love this song,” I announced, shifting Maura up closer to my shoulder so we could dance .  “Hey hey mama, said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.”
My niece shrieked with delight, because she did indeed have refined taste and knew that Zepp totally rocked.
“Oh, hey, baby girl, you hear that sound?”
She peered up at me curiously.
“Listen carefully,” I said tilting her closer to the grill.  “Oh, yeah, they’re gonna be gorgeous.”
She pointed at the grill.
“Exactly,” I said, lifting the lid.  “Whoo-ee, lookit these beauties.”
Maura babbled appreciatively as I lined the steaks up on the plate.  “Hey, Sammy, can you make yourself useful and take these to the table?”
“Not now, Dean,” he whined, still staring at his phone.
I looked at Maura and shook my head.  “It’s a good thing you take after your mom.”
She grinned a big gummy grin at me.
“I got them,” Jody said, taking the plate from my hand.  “Damn, Winchester, these smell incredible.”
“Made my own rub,” I told her with a wink.  “Where’s Unca Cass, I’m ready for those burgers.”
As if on cue (but really from supernatural angel hearing), Cass pushed open the sliding door and approached the grill with a platter of burgers.
“Thanks, darling,” I said, setting the platter next to the grill.  “Where ya been?”
“Entertaining our guests,” he said, then shot a glance at Sam.  “Since the guest of honor does not seem to be up to performing the task.”
I snorted at that.  “Well, at least everyone’s gonna eat well,” I said, lining the burgers up on the grill.  “Can you grab me a beer?”
“I suppose,” he said, moving towards the cooler by the picnic table.
I watched him go, my eyes glued to his ass as he crouched down to open the cooler.  Those jeans were just painted on.  I nodded appreciatively.
“You’re too old to be ogling,” Claire informed me as she sidled up beside the grill.
“The man has a great ass,” I shot back at her.
“Since I have the same genes, thanks, I guess?”
“You’re welcome,” I told her magnanimously.  I eyed the burgers and tried flipping one.  They still needed a little more time.  “You see that, baby girl, you want the bottom a little browner before you flip them.”
Maura chewed on her bib, but I was sure she was listening.
“Here you are,” Cass said, pulling the cap off the bottle with his bare hand before handing the beer to me.
“Thanks,” I said, stealing a smooch.  He knew random acts of inhuman strength got me hot and bothered.
And then Maura leaned in and kissed Cass on the cheek, and my heart just about damn melted.
“You givin’ Unca Cass kisses?” I cooed at her, and we rubbed noses together as she giggled.  “Okay, gotta flip the burgers.”
“Oh, crap, the results are in,” Sam announced, looking panicked.  “What if I didn’t… I can’t look.”
Eileen took the phone from him.  “I’ll look.”
I looked at my oaf of a brother, then at his adorable daughter, and asked her, “can you go to Dada?  He needs some emotional support, ‘cause he’s, ya know, fragile.”
“Dada,” she said with a solemn nod.
“Sammy, take Maura,” I said, holding her out to him.
“Hey, pumpkin,” he said, perking up a little in the glow of Maura’s smile.
“Dada,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck.
I rolled my shoulders after passing her off.
Cass rested his hand at the small of my back, pouring some healing mojo into my aching body.
I slid my arm around his shoulder, leaning into him as my eyes darted between my burgers and Eileen.
Her face suddenly lit up in a grin.  “Sam Winchester, esquire.”
“I… passed…?” he asked slowly.
She nodded happily.
“I passed!” he declared, tossing Maura into the air.
She shrieked with delight as he caught her and swung her around.
Everyone gathered in the yard with cans held up in salute, congratulatory pats on the back, and general merriment.
“Hey, man, ya finally did it,” I told Sam.  “You’re gonna be the friggin’ oldest lawyer ever.”
Cass squinted at me.  “There are many living lawyers older than Sam…”
“Yeah, but not like new lawyers.”
“A man in California passed the bar at 74-” Cass tried to inform me.
“Yeah, yeah,” I said, smacking him on the butt.
He made a face at me, but accepted that I was an asshole and that he had agreed for better or for worse.
Moment over, I went back to take my burgers off the grill.  I took a quick sip from my beer that had sadly been sitting there untouched, and damn did that hit the spot.  I hadn’t had a beer in forever.
One of Garth’s twins let out a god-awful shriek, and when my eyes found him, he was pinned under Honey.
I whistled sharply.  “Honey, get your ass over here.”
She quickly ran over to me.
“What’d I tell ya ‘bout jumpin’ on little kids?” I scolded her.
Honey whined.
Of course then that Samstiel kid came running over, calling for Honey.
She stared up at me sorrowfully.
Whichever-one-it-was threw his arms around her neck, then started scratching behind her ears.
She wagged her tail and whined at me.
“What, are ya some kinda masochist, kid?” I asked the twin.
“Yes,” he replied solemnly.
The kid was a werewolf and all so I guessed my little dog wasn’t going to break him.  Probably.
“Okay, fine, go play,” I told my dog, and she barked happily, promptly knocking the kid on the ground again.
He shrieked with delight.
I shook my head.  “Kids these days.”
“Dean Winchester, suburban dog dad,” Claire said with a snort as she passed by, chowing down on a burger.
“Hell yeah,” I agreed.
She gave me a funny look.
I winked at her.
She shuddered and continued on her way.
I was still grinning as I flipped over the hot dogs, only for it to occur to me that she probably meant that as an insult.
That I usually would have taken it as an insult.
“Hello, Dean.”
I glanced over at Jack, feeling my smile warm.  “Hey, kid, ya made it.”
“Yes, I was able to finish my paper more quickly than expected.”
Because after you rebuild heaven, why not start your undergrad?  Obviously God needed a degree in anthropology.
Jack was such a weird kid, but I guess he was ours.
“I can take over here if you would like to go inside for a while,” he offered.
“Jack, a man’s grill is sacred-”
“-and I have studied your grilling technique for many years, so though I may not surpass the master, I can at least carry on his traditions in an acceptable manner.”
I squinted at him.
“Cass misses you,” he offered.
“Oh,” I said, because we weren’t one of those gross codependent couples that couldn’t be apart for 5 minutes, but we’d spent the whole damn week trying to get the whole family down here for Sam after Charlie hacked into the Kansas bar and found out that he passed, and it had been a whole big thing and I hadn’t gotten to see Cass much outside of the ‘party’ context, and maybe, just maybe, I kinda missed him, too.  “Look, you gotta, take these babies off-”
“I know,” he assured me, gently taking the tongs from my hands.  “I’m ready.”
I gave him a nod and headed inside.
Cass was in the living room with Bobby, Jody, and Donna.
“Hey,” I said, leaning in to kiss him and then just deciding to sit on the arm of the chair he was sitting in, because while we weren’t codependent, I just liked touching him.
“Dean,” Cass said brightly, settling his hand on my knee.
“Hey, Deano, heckuva burger,” Donna said, holding up her plate.
“I am the meat man,” I declared.
“Huh,” Jody said, while Donna just took another bite and nodded her agreement.
All-in-all, it was an alright party.
Sammy came in holding a sleepy-looking Maura a little after 8.  He was looking pretty damn sleepy himself.  “We’re gonna get going,” he told me.
“Past your bedtime?” I asked with a snort.
“Har har, you try studying for a year straight while raising a baby and let me know what that does to your sleep schedule.”
“No, thanks, think I’ll just keep being awesome.”
Sam rolled his eyes.
I looked at him, really looked at him.  I looked at my baby brother, the lawyer.  The father.  “Prouda you.”
He paused, looking taken aback.
“Really prouda you,” I repeated, wrapping him in a hug with Maura squished in between.
Sam returned the hug, squeezing me tight.  “Thanks,” he breathed.
It started to get awkward, so I patted his back and pulled away.  “Drive safe,” I told him.  “Or better yet, let Eileen drive ‘cause she’s a functioning adult.”
“Whatever,” he grumbled at me before moving deeper into the room to say the rest of his goodbyes.
Cass came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.
I reached up, rubbing his bicep absently.
“I’m proud of you, too,” he said softly, just for my ears.
I snorted.  “’Cause I’m such a swell party planner?”
“Yes,” he agreed.  “And also the ‘other thing’.”
I shot him a look.
He kissed my cheek.  “I know it hasn’t been easy for you to… to ‘let go’ of Sam.”
I huffed out a breath, looking back towards the door as Sam carried Maura out to the car.  “He’s right here, man, ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
“Well, he is returning to his home in Wichita.”
“But that’s not what you meant.”
My grip tightened on his arm.
“You raised him well, Dean.”
I scoffed at that.  “How many times did I drag him back in ta all this crap?”
“It’s not about being perfect,” he scolded me softly.  “It’s about being there.”
“I know, baby, I just…” I trailed off, trying not to get emotional in front of so many witnesses milling around our living room, and not being very successful.  “I always feel like I fucked it all up.”
“Oh, Dean,” Cass sighed, moving to be beside me, his hand easily slipping into mine.
I found myself led out to the porch.
Sam was fighting with Maura’s car seat while Eileen sat in the driver’s seat, ready to go.  She caught my eye and touched her hand to her chin before arcing it towards me in a ‘thank you.’
‘Of course,’ I signed back.
She smiled at me before turning back to say something to Sam.
There was suddenly a crowd in the front yard as everyone migrated from the back, ready to see the Leahy-Winchesters off.
Sam finally managed to secure his daughter and get into the car.
Everyone was waving and calling out their goodbyes as they pulled away, and our neighbors were probably gonna be a little annoyed, but I looked around me, and it was all family.  They were here for Sam (and possibly for the Meat Man’s amazing meats), this family that we built, this strange, wonderful family.
“Dude, are you about to cry?” Claire asked with a snort.
“Strong men also cry,” I growled at her.  “Strong men also cry.”
She blinked at me, round-eyed.  “The… Big… Lebowsky…?” she asked slowly.
“She’s finally learning,” I said with a choked laugh.  “Shit,” I added, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.
Cass squeezed my hand carefully.
I clung back.
And then Jody was at my other side, resting her hand on my shoulder.  “Ya did good, kid,” she assured me.
I wasn’t sure if she was talking about raising Sam or just putting together the party, but either way the tears were freely streaming down my face.
“This is real growth, Dean,” Garth assured me.  “You’re finally actualizing-”
“Stop,” I groaned, running my sleeve over my face again.
“Ah, there he is,” Garth said with a knowing nod.
“We don’t gotta make a spectacle of this,” I complained.  “Jack, you better not of left anything burning on my grill.”
“I removed all the meat before coming to bid farewell to Sam and Eileen.”
“Good man,” I said.
He beamed.
“Look, I love you all, et cetera,” I explained, “but why don’t we get back to the party already?”
 I received a few too many encouraging pat-on-the-backs and sympathy eyes as the party guests proceeded to do as I asked.
Cass led me over to the porch swing and sat me down.
I put my face in my hands and scrubbed.
“You can let it out, Dean.”
“Think I kinda already did.”
He cupped my cheek, gazing down at me softly.
The tears started tumbling down again.
“Dammit,” I muttered, looking away and rubbing my eyes again.  “This is so dumb.”
“It’s not dumb,” he assured me.
“You’re not the one cryin’ like a dumb baby,” I muttered.
“They are predominantly happy tears, correct?”
I nodded.
“Then that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
I mustered up a glare, tugging him forward until he just sat on my lap and I could hide my face in his chest like I wanted.
Cass returned the hug.
“Sammy’s gonna be okay, isn’t he?” I whispered.
“He is,” Cass agreed.
“I’m gonna be okay, too, aren’t I?”
“You are.”
I breathed in deep and let it out slow.  The last of my tears absorbed into the soft material of Cass’s t-shirt, and I was finally ready to face the world again.
“Sunshine, you ever have bacon cooked on the grill?” I asked with a last sniff as I sat back in the swing.
“No, I have not.”
“Okay, that needs to be rectified ASAP,” I said, smacking his behind so he’d get up.
Cass fell into step behind me as I went back into the house.
“This is totally gonna revolutionize your life,” I assured him, reaching for the bacon in the fridge.
He smiled at me fondly, but with a twinkle in his eyes that definitely said, ‘I don’t think so.’
I was prepared to spend the rest of my life showing him the finer things of life that he didn’t know he needed.  “Jack, step aside, the Meat Man is here to make all your dreams come true!”
Cass’s eye roll was a tangible thing.
I grinned at him and booped his nose.
He scrunched it up immediately, looking offended.
“I’m gonna be okay,” I decided.
And I was.
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irisinluv · 6 months ago
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Isekaied as the Yandere Villain!? Pt 2
Part one
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It was almost 2 minutes before I realized I was still dragging the crown prince behind me. I quickly dropped his hand and looked at him, not able to hide the embarrassment on my face. Listen- I’m committed to the bit. I WILL be the crazy jealous fiancé. But… I’m still human ok. I just dragged a full grown man down several halls and a flight of stairs while I spaced out thinking about how I’m gonna buy my cat premium wet food once I get back home to her.
It’s fine, I’m not flustered at spacing out about my cat, my characters just flustered because she’s been holding the hand of the man she’s obsessed with, that’s all!
“Well…. Did you still want to dine and take that walk?”
I expected him to scold me for my mistreatment of Cressida, grow irritated from me dragging him along like this. Instead, he chuckles and threads his arm in mine, and begins escorting me down the hall.
“Absolutely, have you dined outside by the roses yet? There’s this lovely pavilion that I am eager to hear your thoughts on.”
And that’s how I found myself under an impressive array of roses, all trained up and around a cozy dining area, creating a canopy of green and pink over an intimate tea table. The food was equally impressive, I had to keep reminding myself that the other me is used to this lavish lifestyle, to not gawk at the fancy tiny sandwiches and deserts.
“Well? Is everything to your liking? ”
I’m going off script here, how am I supposed to know how the villainess would react to a romantic scene like this?? If my “evil crazy” side isn’t supposed to be directed at him, and she’s usually kinda distant and unsure around him…. That means I should probably respond pretty curtly, polite, yet not really engaging. But…. I’ve already messed that up…. I guess I can be more genuine when it’s the two of us like this. He can think that this version of me is the facade, that I’m pretending to be pleasant, and then will start to see what a jerk “I” truly am when Cressida’s around. Besides…. I almost feel bad for the villainess. She really just seems like she was shy. Who knows- maybe, if given the opportunity, she really would have opened up more. It’s clear she loved the prince, and just didn’t know how to show it. So, with that thought, I made up my mind.
“It’s breathtaking! Roses are my favorite flower, and I’ve never seen so many kinds in bloom at once…. Plus the food and company leave little to be desired.”
There you go- slip in some subtle flirting! I’m not quite sure what time period this is supposed to be, but I get the impression flirting as bit more high class here, and I think I can have some fun with that.
“I’m glad, to be honest I was a bit flustered asking you to dine with me… you caught me quite off guard today, but in a good way.” He reaches his hand across the table and places it on my own, “I’d like to do this more often, you and I. I feel like the confines of our current arrangement have left us practically strangers, despite being engaged for several months already. I’m enjoying just being companionable with you, even if it’s just existing comfortably in the same room.”
Ohhhh, I know I’m the villain in this story but I can’t help but root for him- what a sweetheart! It’s so obvious he’s been lonely, I can’t wait for him and Cressida to fall in love and have a couple of kids that they’ll spoil rotten. And in the meantime…. Maybe I do have a bit of evil in me, because I’m going to selfishly enjoy this handsome man treating me to lunches under roses and reading in cozy libraries while I can.
“I know exactly how you feel your highness. Now, you mentioned a walk?”
We spent the afternoon laughing and chatting, and it felt nice to chat without worrying too much about my role. He asked me about that book I picked out earlier, and listened attentively as I caught him up with where I’m at in the plot. In turn, I asked about what papers he’s been signing, documents he’s been drafting, etc.
The only thing I had to do was send glares to any young ladies we passed, settling my hand on his arm possessively, and I saw their eyes widen and faces disappear behind fans as they whisper to one another. I can picture this illustrated in a manhwa- the nasty princess sinking her claws into the gullible prince… hopefully all these ladies will start gossiping and we can really cement this evil persona of mine now that Cressida’s here.
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When we returned to our separate apartments, I explored my rooms a bit until servants came to get me ready for dinner, and I slipped back into the frigid bitch persona. The servant girls dressed me in a slightly stuffy gown, but I had to admit, I looked gorgeous. I sat stiff and straight as they did my hair, forcing myself to be the very picture of cold indifference. I then dismissively thanked them for their help, then sat there awkwardly as they stared at me like I was crazy.
Ohhhh shit…. The original story hadn’t prepared me for this. My character was a villain, yes, but a side character for the most part! How was she supposed to act towards her servants? I went over what I knew- the novel showed the villainess alone quite often, usually obsessing over Eric and plotting/stalking. It showed her with Eric, and how distant and awkward their relationship was when together. And then of course the numerous scenes with Cressida where the Villainess did all sorts of heinous things to the sweet girl. But… it never depicted her with servants, or even any friends or other nobles. Just… Eric and Cressida. Was other me not actually a bitch all the time? Am I being unnecessarily rude right now? Oh god I’m such an idiot.
The story is told through Cressida’s point of view- of course there’s more depth to my own character than I initially thought! The Villianess must be a misunderstood introvert! Unsure of how to act around her crush, she’s fiercely insecure and jealous of this new girl who doesn’t struggle the same way she does. When she notices the prince slipping from her grasp, she acts out against Cressida because she can’t bear to lose Eric!
As someone’s who’s worked minimum wage jobs and struggled with social anxiety most of my life, I try to be nice to the people just working to survive, but here I am acting like these poor women are the dirt beneath my shoe…. Ok. Um. Well they’re still standing there in shock, I can fix this….
“You really did a lovely job… my hair has never looked so gorgeous, you’re truly talented! And I think the prince will be very pleased with this choice of ribbon!”
There- I was nicer, and I brought it back to Eric, so I’m still the lovesick fiancé whose entire world is waiting for her in the dining room. I frowned as the servants scuttled out of the room with hurried excuses, all of them looking like they were about to faint. Damn it… I can’t believe I misread the relationship between us. I probably just ruined their night by being uncharacteristically rude. I’ve gotta learn their names next time…. Maybe ask them to help me eat some fancy pastries as an apology…?
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I didn’t know it, but while I was lamenting how wrong I was about the Villainess’ character, the servants were all gossiping to the others about what had just transpired.
“You’re telling me she said THANK YOU!?”
“Yes!!! And then you should have seen how nervous she got! She just rambled, blurting out such a sweet compliment, and she even tied it back to the prince!”
“I had no idea how precious she was… I can’t believe I never realized she’s just shy! In a new place, all alone aside from her new fiancé…. Who I gather she’s got a bit of a crush on! Poor dear.”
“Ohh our sweet girl, I’m sure it must be hard bonding with the prince, when all you do is sit yards apart and hardly speak …”
“Well I may have some news about that… and it’s no wonder she was a bit flustered today, because I saw the two of them in the gardens today! They were both nothing but smiles- absolutely smitten with one another!”
“Such a lovely girl, and we never knew it all this time!”
Apparently, I had it backwards. The real villainess truly was a 2D, basic character. She was insecure and possessive over the prince, bullying Cressida half to remind her who Eric belonged to, half for the fun of it. But she didn’t let on to anyone about the true depth of her love for him. She didn’t gossip to her handmaid, didn’t ask the servants which dress he would like better. Simply acted as if they did not exist, hardly saying a word to them.
While I thought my blunt “thank you” was colder than they were used to, and then tried to smooth things over…. It was more words than they’d heard from me in the whole time I’d lived in the palace. They lapped it up and declared me their own shy little dove after that.
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When I arrived to dinner, I realized why daily dinners weren’t exactly a bonding activity for the villainess and Eric. The table was massive, and only held two chairs, one at either end. It felt so…. Cold?
Eric had beat me there, and quickly stood up from his seat, waiting until I sat and a servant pushed in my chair to retake his own seat. He smiled at me and said,
“Good evening, princess.”
He had to project his voice slightly. It wasn’t like he was shouting or being loud, it was just the manner of speaking you use when talking to an elderly relative, clearer, and enunciating better so they could hear you.
I replied back, projecting my voice similarly, and found the conversation was, in fact, more awkward than it had been earlier. We ate our food mostly in silence, occasionally one of us would say something and the other would stop moving their utensils on their plate, listening closer as they ask,
“What’s that?”
By the time dinner was over and we each went to bed, I felt drained. I could have just been louder I suppose- but it’s so hard to keep up a conversation like that. I know we get along- we had chatted all afternoon after all. But some part of me realized it’s probably good to keep a bit of distance between us, even if I’ve rewritten things to be a bit chummier between the two of us. Cressida needs to swoop in and steal him from me… and my job is still to leave that room for her to do so.
It’s hard trying to be someone else, yet also making sure you lead the plot in the right direction- it’s exhausting! I feel like both director and actress!
It’s with this in mind that I launch myself into the softest bed I’d ever felt, and passed out. My first day as princess consort, the Yandere fiancé, complete.
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While I was getting acquainted with my feather bed, Eric was speaking with the head waitstaff.
“Yes, tomorrow, would you mind adjusting the seating situation? I’d like for the princess consort and I to be closer together from now on. Yes, and ask my assistant to arrange my schedules like so, I’ve detailed it here. Thank you.”
At the same time, Cressida was recounting her run in with the prince and I to her handmaiden as she finishing unpacking and settling into her family’s guest apartments. Which, unbeknownst to me… was right across the hall.
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Series discontinued- sorry my loves. Ik y’all wanted more but the good news is that I’ve seen several really talented authors picking up this idea and executing it wayyyy better than my sporadic mood writing ever could.
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tritoch · 5 months ago
the other thing I find very funny about trying to write a canon compliant wol is taking all the wolship hints extremely seriously.
I don't really wolship because I'm just fundamentally not that kind of fan. But I know for those who are, the sheer number of romance hints FFXIV throws at you can be overwhelming to parse in a context where you have a preferred/intended wolship, particularly if you're not attracted to the gender the hints are coming from in the first place (a particular tip of the hat to wlw fans navigating the g'raha of it all). I've seen plenty of people write around them or write them out or be like "no aymeric was for real inviting my wol to a nice platonic zero-subtext dinner," and God bless all of you.
But it's really funny to imagine them all as all-too-real but unreciprocated or perhaps unreciprocatable. The sheer scale of it is comedy. Spoilers for all of FFXIV follow.
Oh God, the Lord Speaker wants to have dinner, just the two of us, at his family estate and not a government building. I hope he doesn't bring up his crush on me. Thal's balls he's about to bring it up—oh thank God there's an emergency. Oh no someone got hurt! Oh no it's the teenage girl with a crush on me.
Your life is a cosmic joke. You watch the Sultana get poisoned and all your friends probably die to save your life and it's kind of all your fault in some ways, I mean at the very least you should've spoken up when they gave the teenager a private army, and then the teenage boy speaks up and is like, "hey, I guess we have at least one ally. What about if we go visit that guy who is really obviously down unbelievably bad for you and wants to lick the sweat off of you." and you have to be like, yeah, Alphinaud. Great idea. Let's do it. I'll call him.
(brief interlude: also haurchefant's DEATH hits so good if you don't reciprocate. It's okay. He gets it. You're going through a lot and even if you had time to sort through your feelings maybe you're just not into him. That would be okay! You can love someone, or the idea of someone, without needing it to be romantically reciprocated. That's chivalric, even. Knightly. So he won't ask you to lie to him and say you love him as he lies dying in your arms. He's not so low as all that. But could you smile for him as you used to? That true hero's smile of yours. And you do, and he dies. And you both know he died for a lie, in a way, or a flight of fancy. And he's okay with that. Are you? Should you be? Should he?)
Then you're into Stormblood and it's like wow, okay. That last part was all high fantasy, of course there were loyal knights and elegant princes. But this is war. Imperialism. Grim business, surely there's no way—oh no BOTH handsome young revolutionary leaders seem to have a special interest in you?! And so does the Crown Prince of the Empire? Come on, man. I should get to do the whole horrors of war thing without having to also deal with this. Gaius sucked and it was weird that he let his foster daughter run around being openly obsessed with him but at least he never made it my problem.
You can't even get away from it across dimensions. Shadowbringers is a horror story about going on a teambuilding camping trip with your work colleagues for some reason except they all suddenly got really hot and they keep touching you affectionately on the shoulder and being like "I care for you and your happiness. Truly." And also you're being stalked for the whole camping trip by two old men who are obsessed with you. The false climax of the story is that the one old man tries to betray you and give a dramatic monologue about how he loves you but the two of you are doomed by the narrative and then the other old man shoots him in the back like "no actually its MY turn to betray them and give a dramatic monologue about how our love is doomed by the narrative." Then the real climax is old man #1 backstabbing old man #2 in the middle of said monologue before old man #2 dies and gives ANOTHER wistful monologue about his doomed love. Then for the patches they're like okay so we have this even CRAZIER old man who's gonna strike when you're weak and give a dramatic monolo—
and that's without even getting into the literal soulmate ghost only you can see
my warrior of light never felt more betrayed than in that scene where Y'shtola is like "haha Alisaie and G'raha have crushes on the warrior of light." Like I thought we were COOL, Y'shtola! I work here! This situation is already in such a delicate balance! Right when I got here I met Alisaie's "friend from work" who was like oh haha so YOU'RE the one she can't stop talking about and we never followed up on that because the woman died horrifically like five minutes later right in front of us! Then when Vauthry got away and we had to do all that shit with the dwarves, G'raha kept pausing every ten minutes to be like oooooh I'm so old I'm gonna die soon...at least I got to spend some time with some people who are really important to me...in fact here's what I'd tell the person who's most important to me...actually u know them really well haha. And I just had to sit there and be like wow, dude, crazy.
even in the face of apocalypse you still gotta go back in time like 12,000 years and there's somewhere there who makes you sit and listen to his story which is that the purpose of his whole godlike immortal life was to be in a throuple with you and old man #2 from the camping trip. and you just gotta sit there the whole time knowing you/your past life is the one who broke up the throuple over politics. He's like come help me harangue the old man into streaking in public, he'll do it if you ask.
then you meet and fight and kill God and you gotta turn to the team and be like hey sorry guys can you give me a sec. I'm gonna call God by her real name because we met one time for like four days and after that the promise of meeting me again was one of the things that sustained her through her millennia of suffering. Not like that but like. Idk. Just gimme a sec!
It's a relief when you finally get to Lahabrea and he's like actually I still don't fuck with your vibe. Like thank GOD.
And my WoL is very obviously dad-shaped so Dawntrail had a very specific energy for me but I understand that for plenty of people your deepening rapport with Wuk Lamat had a romantic subtext (same for Koana depending on how you read a few of his lines). And personally I think it's the height of comedy to be like, noooo, babe, your highness, I know you and your brother the king are in love with me and want me to stick around and support you emotionally through this governmental transition haha. But it's just...the cursed wineglass, babe. I GOTTA go figure out what's up with this cursed wineglass.
It's a running gag in some of the more optional content that people are like "you have an unreasonable number of hobbies and side gigs" to the WoL from time to time. But if every time you tried picking up a new hobby some new elf started baring their soul to you, you too would be like Hey Jessie (or sometimes Krile or Tataru), my good friend who is one of the only people in my life who knows what professional ethics and work-life boundaries are, any chance you need muscle on a gig on the other side of the world? Ideally with only Cid and his ex so all libidinal energy in the room is directed towards machinery or someone who isn't me?
ironically one of the only places you get a break from psychosexual obsession is the nier content
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heliosunny · 24 days ago
Your writing for Phainon is soon good 💖 How about something with a Dragon-shifter!Reader who kidnaps Prince!Phainon as dragons do - maybe to get a nice ransom from the royal family - the only problem is that he ain't interested in getting rescued. And may have just slaughtered the knights sent to free him and slay the dragon himself.
Yandere!Phainon x Dragon-shifter!Reader
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The sky was dark by the time you reached the ruins of the castle, the stone walls jagged and broken from age, yet still standing against the weight of time. It was a place long forgotten, nestled deep within the mountains, far beyond the reach of any kingdom, perfect for keeping a prince.
“You’re a bold one, I’ll give you that.”
Prince Phainon mused, his voice calm despite the chains coiling around his wrists. His silver-white hair was tousled from the rough flight, his blue eyes gleaming in the dim torchlight.
“Most would hesitate before daring to steal a royal away.”
You ignored him, dragging him forward. You had to admit, his lack of fear was… annoying. Maybe even unsettling. He hadn’t even screamed when you plucked him from his fancy palace, claws closing around him like a vice. He merely stared, as if daring you to drop him.
"Don’t waste your breath" you muttered, shoving open the rusted iron doors. Dust rose from the disturbance, swirling in the air. "You’re not here for conversation."
Phainon chuckled, unfazed. "No? Then why am I here, oh mighty beast?"
You tossed him forward. He landed on his knees with a grunt, but when he lifted his gaze, there was something dangerously amused about the way he looked at you.
"Ransom" you finally said. "Your kingdom will pay handsomely to get their precious prince back."
His laughter filled the place.
Your brow twitched. "What’s so funny?"
Phainon grinned up at you, shoulders shaking. "Oh, you poor, clueless thing. You really think they’ll come for me?" He leaned back, tilting his head. "Let me spare you the disappointment, they won’t. Not before they send someone to kill you first."
You narrowed your eyes. That was expected, of course. Kings rarely sent gold before swords. But it didn’t matter. You could handle any knight they threw your way.
"Then I’ll just have to deal with them." you said.
Phainon hummed, watching you with something unreadable in his gaze. He tilted his head, his smirk never faltering.
"You truly have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into, do you?"
You ignored him. The sooner you got him locked away, the sooner you could rest. The flight back had taken a toll, not that you’d ever admit it. Transforming, carrying a fully grown man in your claws, keeping to the shadows to avoid unnecessary fights… It was exhausting. And the moment you��d dumped Phainon inside the ruined halls of your abandoned castle, all you could think about was tending to your aching limbs.
Chains had been enough to keep him in place, or so you assumed. You doubted he’d escape, and even if he did, where would he go? You were deep in the mountains, miles away from the nearest civilization.
And so, you left him to his own devices, disappearing into one of the castle’s still-standing chambers. A cracked mirror leaned against the wall, reflecting your disheveled form. You frowned, brushing dirt from your arms before pouring water into a rusted basin, splashing it against your face.
Just a quick rinse. Then, rest.
You didn’t notice the absence of chains.
Didn’t hear the soft, amused laughter echoing down the halls.
Didn’t realize your supposed prisoner had already slipped away.
Phainon rolled his shoulders as he strode through the forest, fingers brushing over the hilt of the sword he had so generously reclaimed from the ruins. His smirk widened. Really, he should be thanking you. It had been far too long since he had been truly entertained.
Ahead, the sound of armored footsteps drew his attention. He didn’t slow his pace, letting the knights spot him first. Their reactions were immediate- relief, determination, wariness.
"Your Highness!" One of them, a captain by the look of his insignia, rushed forward. "You’re safe! We came as soon as we heard-"
"Safe?" Phainon interrupted smoothly, tilting his head. "Was I ever in danger?"
The knights exchanged glances. "The beast-"
"Was nothing more than a misguided fool" he finished, brushing nonexistent dust from his sleeve. "I was just about to return, after dealing with my own business of course. No need for all this… concern."
The captain hesitated. "We can’t allow that, Your Highness. We must escort you—"
A sigh. Phainon turned his gaze to the trees, as if contemplating. "Ah, what a shame" he murmured. "I told you I would return."
He moved before they could react.
Steel flashed. Blood spattered against bark. The knights barely had time to scream before his blade cut through them like a whisper. Limbs crumpled, bodies fell. Their eyes, wide with shock, stared at him even in death.
Phainon exhaled, stepping over the corpses without a second thought.
"Now, then" he murmured, wiping his blade clean. "Where were we?"
With a smirk, he turned back toward the castle.
His little dragon was waiting.
Phainon pushed open the heavy wooden door, the creak echoing through the abandoned chamber. His eyes flicked over the dimly lit space, stone walls worn by time, a tattered bed of old furs, and there, lying in the center, a figure.
Not a dragon.
A human.
His brows lifted slightly, the only sign of his surprise. The realization came quickly, his captor was no ordinary beast. The dragon and this person were one and the same.
Leaning against the doorway, he observed you. Your breath was steady, though he noted the faint twitch of your fingers. He could slit your throat now, end this little game before it spiraled further.
But where would the fun be in that?
He stepped closer.
The moment his foot scuffed against the stone, your eyes snapped open.
Your instincts took over before reason could settle in, because your captive was free, because he had a sword again, because he stood over you with an unreadable smirk.
You moved in a flash.
Your hands shot out, grabbing at his limbs, forcing them down. Chains slithered from beneath the bedding, precautions you had set up, ones that now snapped into place with ease. His wrists slammed against the cold floor, and with a sharp twist, you locked his legs as well.
You pressed a knee against his chest, breathing heavy. "How did you escape?"
Phainon merely chuckled, entirely too amused despite his current position. "You should be asking yourself.. how did you fall for it?"
You narrowed your eyes.
His strength was not that of an ordinary man, you realized that when he shifted slightly beneath you, and your balance nearly tipped. He was holding back.
"You really are something else" he mused, tilting his head, the flickering firelight casting shadows over his sharp features. His blue eyes dragged over you, lingering, intrigued. "What should I call you? Or do you prefer ‘beast’?"
You didn’t answer.
His smirk widened. "You’re quite breathtaking up close, you know."
You scowled. "Spare me your empty words."
He laughed. "Oh, but I never lie." He shifted slightly, testing the chains, his muscles tensing beneath you. "And I never let myself be bound for long."
You barely had time to react before he tore free, a sheer burst of strength shattering his restraints like they were nothing. You leaped back, but not fast enough, his hands shot out, grabbing your wrist, flipping you before you could reach for another weapon.
The cold edge of his sword pressed against your throat.
For the first time, you truly looked at him, not as a mere human, but something far more dangerous.
His grip was firm, yet his touch was almost playful. His smirk was unreadable, a dangerous mix of amusement and something else entirely.
"You were saying?" he murmured.
Your lips curled, sharp canines glinting. "You assume too much."
Before his blade could descend, your form shifted- partly.
Your tail, thick with scales, shot forward, blocking the strike with an echoing clang. Sparks flew as his sword clashed against it, the force sending a tremor through the room.
Phainon’s smirk faltered for only a second before morphing into something else- pure, unfiltered intrigue.
"...Oh" he breathed, almost in awe. "Now this is getting interesting."
Phainon barely had time to act before you twisted, your tail sweeping low and knocking him off balance. His sword arm jerked, and you seized the opportunity, shifting back into your human form just enough to move swiftly, you grabbed his wrist, spun behind him, and yanked it up toward his back.
"Persistent" he said, amusement still lacing his voice, even as you forced him down.
"Annoying." you countered, your grip like iron as you shoved him to the cold stone floor.
The chains were still broken, so you resorted to something sturdier. From the corner, you grabbed thick, enchanted rope- strong enough to hold even creatures of great power. You looped it around his wrists, pulling them behind his back, then secured his legs in a way that left minimal room for struggle.
Despite being effectively restrained again, Phainon’s smirk remained, sharp and taunting. "You do like tying me up, don’t you? Should I be flattered or concerned?"
You yanked the rope tighter. "Be quiet."
A chuckle. "As you wish, my dear captor."
With a roll of your eyes, you stepped back, observing your handiwork. He was bound tightly this time, no easy way out, not unless he wanted to snap his own limbs.
But before you could relish your victory, he sighed dramatically.
"At least let me bathe before you keep me here like some caged beast" he drawled, his expression the perfect mixture of false suffering and noble exasperation. "I reek of blood. Is this any way to treat a prince?"
You scoffed. "You are a beast."
"And yet, I still deserve some dignity" he quipped, tilting his head. "Unless you enjoy the scent of dried blood and sweat?"
Your nose wrinkled. You didn’t.
Annoyance prickled at you, but you relented. He was still tied up. What harm could a bath do?
"Fine" you muttered.
Before he could gloat, you grabbed the ropes binding his limbs, dragged him up, and hauled him across the room.
Phainon let out a surprised grunt as you tugged him along. "Ah—so forceful. If you wanted to drag me somewhere private, you could’ve asked."
You ignored him.
The abandoned castle still had an intact bathhouse, a large pool of water fed by an underground spring. With one final tug, you yanked him forward and—
You threw him in.
Phainon resurfaced with a sharp inhale, his silver hair now plastered to his face, water dripping down his broad shoulders. He blinked once. Twice. Then, he tilted his head up at you, his smirk both impressed and incredulous.
"You know" he mused, "when I asked for a bath, I expected something a little more… dignified."
You crossed your arms. "Be grateful I didn’t throw you off a cliff instead."
"Ah, but would you really? You seem far too attached already."
You grabbed a bucket and unceremoniously dumped more water over his head.
"Pfah!" He sputtered, shaking his head like a wet dog before blinking up at you again, lips curling into something downright mischievous. "If you wanted to get my clothes off, you could've just said so."
Your face twitched.
You promptly turned and walked out, leaving him tied up in the bath to deal with himself.
"Wait—! You’re just leaving me here?"
"You'll figure it out."
His laughter echoed behind you. "I like you more and more, little dragon."
The morning greeted you with an unfamiliar sound—soft, deep, and far too close. A hum. A HUM?
It took a moment for your groggy mind to register it. A gentle, unhurried melody, smooth as silk, drifting through the cool air of your chamber. You stirred, cracking one eye open, only to groan and bury your face into the pillow.
The silver-haired prince, your supposed prisoner, sat beside your bed, his arms resting casually on the frame as he leaned forward, watching you with the ease of a man who belonged there. He was freshly bathed from last night, his damp silver locks tousled slightly, his tunic loose at the collar. But what was most irritating was the absolute serenity in his expression as he continued to hum.
It wasn’t even an unpleasant sound. If anything, it was oddly calming.
"Shut up" you muttered, dragging the blanket over your head.
Phainon merely chuckled, his voice still low with sleep. "Good morning to you too, little dragon."
"Not a morning person?"
You groaned louder, pressing your hands over your ears.
His humming didn’t stop. If anything, it turned into an actual song, low, lyrical words spilling effortlessly from his lips.
You flung a pillow at him.
He caught it easily, smirking. "Tsk, so violent. I’m just trying to lighten the mood."
"You shouldn’t be here." You finally sat up, glaring. "How are you here?"
Phainon tilted his head, eyes glinting with amusement. "You tied me up, threw me into a bath, and then left me. Did you really think that would keep me contained?"
Your frown deepened. He was strong, you knew that, but you had used enchanted rope this time. He shouldn’t have been able to slip free so easily.
As if reading your thoughts, Phainon propped his chin on one hand, smirking. "I’ll let you in on a secret," he murmured, voice dipping. "I’ve never been trapped. I just enjoy watching you try."
You hated how easily his words sent a flicker of unease down your spine.
But before you could reply, the distant sound of armor clanking and hurried footsteps caught your attention.
Phainon let out a sigh, stretching leisurely, as if the mere idea of more interruptions exhausted him. "Ah. Took them long enough."
You shot up, shoving him aside. "Stay here."
You didn’t wait for his response. Rushing down the stone corridors, you made your way to the castle’s entrance. The knights were already spilling into the ruins, swords drawn, scanning the area. Their captain, a broad-shouldered man with a scar across his cheek—stepped forward.
"You there!" he barked. "We received word that Prince Phainon was taken by a dragon. Where is he?"
You hesitated. Your first instinct was to tell them you were the dragon, but something in your gut warned you against it. You had no love for humans, but you weren’t bloodthirsty either. You had taken Phainon for ransom, not war.
But before you could decide how to respond— Phainon let out a chuckle.
He stepped out from behind you, his gaze sweeping over the assembled knights like a wolf among sheep. His sword was already in his hand.
The captain’s face twisted in relief. "Your Highness! We came to rescue you—"
"Rescue me?" Phainon repeated, voice laced with mockery. "From what, exactly?"
The knights stiffened. "From the dragon—!"
Phainon then moved.
Steel sliced through the air, swift and merciless. Blood sprayed across the stone.
Then, chaos.
The remaining knights recoiled in horror, some shouting, some scrambling to draw their weapons. But it was already too late.
You could only watch.
Your breath hitched as the last knight staggered back, his sword shaking in his grasp. "Y-Your Highness, what—?"
Phainon drove his blade clean through the man’s chest.
A ragged gasp. A final shudder. Then, nothing.
As the last body collapsed, Phainon exhaled, flicking blood from his blade. His posture remained relaxed, unaffected, as if he had merely completed a morning exercise.
Then, slowly, he turned to you.
His smirk was still there, unchanged, unwavering. But his eyes…
Cold. Sharp. Unrelenting.
He murmured, voice smooth as silk. "Where were we?"
Your breath came in ragged bursts. The scent of blood—fresh, thick, suffocating, filled the abandoned halls. Around you, bodies lay strewn, once armored knights reduced to mere corpses. And at the center of it all stood him.
Phainon, the prince you had kidnapped, the human you thought was nothing more than an arrogant, troublesome captive. Now, standing before you, bathed in crimson, he was something else entirely.
"You…" Your voice was hoarse, almost unrecognizable. "What have you done?"
Phainon tilted his head, flicking stray droplets of blood from his blade. "What needed to be done" he said simply, as if that explained everything.
Your claws curled. You could feel the shift pulling at your skin, your instincts screaming at you to fight. "They came to help you."
He chuckled. "Did they?" His piercing blue eyes met yours, unblinking. "Or did they come to drag me back to a place I had no intention of returning to?"
You gritted your teeth. "You killed your own men!"
"And yet, here I stand." He took a step toward you, slow and deliberate. "And you, little dragon, haven’t run. Haven’t struck me down. Why is that?"
Your pulse pounded in your ears. You had so many reasons. The problem was, you couldn’t pick one.
Because you were stunned. Because your mind still reeled from what you had just witnessed.
"You’re a monster" you snarled.
Phainon exhaled, his smirk softening, something almost fond flickering across his blood-smeared features. "I never claimed to be a hero."
That was it. That was the moment your restraint snapped.
You lunged.
Your tail lashed out, striking toward him like a whip, but he was fast. He sidestepped, blade flicking up just in time to meet your claws. Sparks flew as steel met scale.
"That’s more like it" he purred.
You growled, twisting, your tail sweeping at his legs. He jumped back, but you were already on him again, clawed hands gripping his tunic, shoving him hard against the stone wall.
"You think this is amusing?" you hissed, your breath hot against his face.
Phainon smiled.
"You’re magnificent when you’re angry" he murmured.
Your grip tightened. "I should rip you apart."
His smirk didn’t waver. "But you won’t."
Damn him for being right.
You hated that you hesitated. You hated that your instincts, your dragon instincts, were at war with something else entirely.
"You’ve fascinated me from the moment you took me" he confessed. "At first, I thought it was amusement. Curiosity." He tilted his head, the sharp edges of his expression easing just slightly. "But it’s more than that, isn’t it?"
"You could have killed me" he continued, as if weaving the truth between you both. "Yet you didn’t." His eyes traced your face, your form, like he was memorizing every detail. "And I could have killed you. Yet I won’t."
Your chest heaved. "Why?"
His fingers brushed your wrist, so gently, so deliberately.
"Because I don’t want to." His smile turned wicked. "Because I want you."
Your world tilted.
Your claws flexed, your mind screaming at you to reject it. To deny him. But Phainon only looked at you like he had already won. And you hated that you didn’t know if he was wrong.
You were still seething when Phainon led you toward the kingdom’s gates.
You should have run. You should have killed him.
But instead, you were here, walking beside the man who should have been your prisoner, yet somehow, you felt like the one who had been captured.
The city was alive with murmurs the moment the two of you entered. The scent of blood still clung to Phainon’s clothes, a stark contrast to his relaxed demeanor. People gasped, whispered, stepped aside as he walked through the streets with you in tow.
But it was nothing compared to the reaction inside the royal palace.
The moment the throne room doors burst open, the king and queen, seated on their ornate thrones, turned with sharp, wide-eyed disbelief.
"Phainon?" the king's voice was filled with stunned relief. "You're alive?"
The queen clutched her chest. "The knights said.." She hesitated, gaze flickering toward you. "Who is this?"
You barely had time to part your lips before Phainon slung an arm around your shoulders and pulled you against him.
His next words sent a ripple of shock through the room.
"This?" His smirk was downright predatory. "This one belongs to me now."
The king's expression darkened. "Phainon!"
"You sent knights to retrieve me," he interrupted smoothly. "And they failed. Miserably." He glanced down at you, as if you were some prize he had won rather than a kidnapper-turned-reluctant-companion. "So I took something better in return."
Your lips parted in disbelief. "Excuse me?"
His grip tightened ever so slightly. "Careful, little dragon," he murmured against your ear, low enough that only you could hear. "You wouldn’t want them thinking you’re protesting too much, now would you?"
Your body tensed. He was toying with you. In front of his entire court.
The queen’s hands trembled. "You’re injured—"
"A small price for something so valuable." Phainon mused, tilting his head. "Wouldn’t you agree?"
The nobles in the room exchanged whispers, none daring to speak aloud.
The king exhaled slowly, fingers tightening over the armrest of his throne. "What are you planning, Phainon?"
The prince's smirk widened. "Why, to keep them, of course."
The king finally spoke, his voice cold and measured. "Phainon, do you even understand what you're saying? You cannot simply claim someone as yours—"
"Oh, but I already have." Phainon’s grip on you was firm, his tone laced with amusement. "And I dare anyone to take them from me."
The challenge hung thick in the air, sending another wave of murmurs through the court.
You clenched your fists, resisting the urge to bare your fangs. "I am not some trinket to be owned."
Phainon turned to you, unbothered by your defiance, his lips curling into a lazy smirk. "Of course not." His hand brushed against yours, a deliberate taunt. "You’re something much rarer than that."
You glared at him, heat rising to your cheeks, not from flattery, but from the sheer audacity of this human.
"Fine" you bit out, eyes narrowing. "But don’t think for a second that this means I belong to you. Make sure to keep your promise."
Phainon chuckled, tilting his head as if indulging a joke only he understood. Then, leaning in, he whispered just loud enough for you to hear:
"Oh, little dragon… you just haven't realized it yet."
And with that, the prince turned back to his stunned parents, still grinning like a man who had won everything.
You exhaled slowly. Knowing at least you won't have to live a miserable life anymore.
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moviestarmartini · 4 months ago
trátame suavemente. — franco colapinto x gf!reader
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no quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas / ni contemplarlas sabiamente / quiero que me trates suavemente.
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summary: reuniting after spending months apart and having recently recovered from a fight feels bittersweet. however, you have to push all your feelings aside at the end of the weekend to treat your boyfriend softly. 
wc: 2.3k 
warnings: established relationship, hispanic!reader, sentences in spanish, bit of angst, long distance relationship mention, takes place after the são paulo gp, nsfw (18+ mdni), p in v, bathroom sex, oral (m!receiving), lowk edging, whiny!franco, sub!franco if you squint, unprotected sex (get on your pills or shots or SOMETHING don’t raw it), creampie, soft sex and ambiance overall. 
A/N: based on this request ! and yess, franco with soda stereo again hehe. please listen to the el último concierto (remastered) version of this song when reading, it's a whole different vibe than the og !! mil besitos as always and feedback is appreciated
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now playing... trátame suavemente by soda stereo
Come here. Franco’s voice echoed the minute he noticed your hesitant footsteps filling up the once empty silence. 
You leaned against the bathroom door frame, head leaned to the side. The lights were dimmed— proper of a fancy hotel, where else would you be able to adjust the lighting anyway?— He soaked in the steamy water clouded with the relaxing bath salts, trying to find some relief in what had been his worst weekend yet. Both on and off the track. 
“Hi.” You greeted softly with a tiny wave of your hand before it retreated back to its post across your chest. 
“Sabés que no muerdo a menos que me lo pidas.” He sat up, back straightening. Humor was a natural addition to his words, even when he was at his lowest. It never seemed to impress you, and it was something you could sometimes hate. 
The scene was still vivid and bright behind your eyelids. Counting down the days for him to come home, getting the call he was in fact going to take longer— because he’d made it. He’d made it to Formula One. Your heart sped up when reliving the memory, unaware of how difficult it was going to be from then on. 
Your relationship wasn’t exactly public, something you’d chosen yourself in case occasions like these arose. Then you’ve come to realize it gave him a certain freedom, the one that allowed him to flirt openly with interviewers and not face repercussions to his public image. 
Behind closed doors, it was another story. 
You tried. With your whole chest, you tried to not complain to him directly. It was his personality, the way he’d pulled you in from day one. One day, you just couldn’t. His absence was palpable, and after a week or so without any communication he’d texted to sulk about his mediocre results during the Mexican Grand Prix, having the fast lap taken away from him. 
You couldn’t hold it in. From the fact he was inconsistent in the relationship that had you suffering through a rollercoaster of emotions, to his absence digitally and the lack of interest in your doings. He’d barely have the time to check in with you, not about you. 
The calls were frantic, tears were shed, and he promised to be more present. The fight was left in a stalemate, and you cursed yourself when the flight reminder popped on your notifications. You couldn’t help but wait another week to see him? 
The same word with four letters that broke the silence moments ago was texted by him that same day, and you couldn’t hold a grudge even if you wanted to. You were never truly mad at him, you just missed him. So much so it ached in your bones, both set your heart ablaze and cooled it at the same time. 
Painful could only begin to describe it. 
Your worries were pushed away once you clarified everything, after the Saturday session was canceled and all you had on your shared agenda was cuddle up in the hotel room, quiet promises being made. After all the grief he had to withstand in the midst of this storm— literally— the last thing in your priorities was to stay on your own petty agenda. 
At his request to be closer, you sat at the closed lid of the toilet, unable to take your eyes off of him. 
“You’re too far away.” His insistence only furthered, eliciting a quiet laugh out of your lips. Without further ado, you stood up, stripping off the simple lounging set and folding it aside before sinking opposite to him on the warm water, growing cold with each passing moment now that the faucet was off. 
“What is it?” You blinked, head leaned to the side. Franco looked at you profoundly, and you wondered if he had something he was trying to figure out about you. 
“I missed you so much.” 
The words hung in the steamy air while you processed them, your bottom lip puckering out while a mixture of emotions washed over you. A part of you didn’t believe him, while the other ached for those words, even if it wasn’t the first time he said them during the weekend. 
“Really?” You wondered out loud, not caring that the water could spill out of the tub while you carefully moved to rest by his side, an arm wrapped around you. 
“Yeah.” He insisted, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m exhausted now. This was supposed to be such a good weekend… by the red flag all I wanted to do was lay my head on your tits for hours.” 
“Baboso,” You splashed him with water, both of your laughs echoing in the room, the acoustics amplifying the sound. 
“I missed you too, by the way.” You spoke up after a while of silence, the shapeless shapes he drew on your skin with his index finger lulling your heart to a lower rate. 
“Por si no era obvio.” You added soon after, your laugh making your heart skip a beat. You didn’t feel like your claims from just a week and a few days ago were irrational, and you stood by them. He also did, acknowledging his lack of care. 
But you were there, by his side. When he most needed it. And you wouldn’t change that for anything in the entire world. 
Instead of getting an answer with words, you felt his fingers tenderly cupping your chin, guiding your gaze to his in order to receive his lips in yours warmly. 
Careful and complex. His lips moved with calculation, and a sigh inevitably left yours. This is what your body ached, what made the desperately cold layer dissolve off your heart and set it fully ablaze under his careful affections. 
You moved to straddle his hips, arms wrapped around his neck. You could’ve sworn you heard a whine while he straightened up, his hands holding onto your hips for dear life. 
Desperate and desirable. The kiss transitioned to match the steam in the room, his hands unable to find a place to stay put in, instead just roaming the soaked inches of skin he could get a hold off. 
“Me hizo muchísima falta tenerte así,” Franco let out in a pant, eager fingertips delving into the plush skin of your ass. Now it was your turn to answer with an action, leaning in to kiss down his neck, carefully placing affections on the prominent scar knowing it made him squirm. 
“Ay amor…” He let out a groan, unable to resist when your chest pressed against his torso. 
“¿Qué pasa?” You questioned quietly, fluttering your lashes up at him. You took his physical queues and understood them almost immediately. He couldn’t help but lean into his touch, shaky breath leaving his lips with each grazing of your fingers. 
You noticed how he swallowed hard, just shaking his head to signify nothing was going on— nothing was inherently wrong. 
“Sit up here.” You instructed quietly, patting the tiled edge before the tub began, seemingly used for people to sit and dry themselves. This once, you two were definitely not going to use it for that. 
He followed the command obediently, watchful eyes following your movements while you positioned yourself between his legs. 
“You’ve had such a rough week…” Your voice was hypnotizing, in the same way your hand stroking his length was. “Let me take care of you, mkay?” 
The words he planned on letting out found themselves choked back when you deposited a kiss on the skin edging between his inner and outer thigh. He melted into his spot almost literally, manspreading to give you more access to leave the warm affections that brought goosebumps to his skin. 
You batted your eyelashes innocently up at him while your flat tongue licked the underside of his hard cock, green eyes hyper-focused on your lips wrapping on the flushed tip. 
“Fuck…” He managed to groan out, his right hand reaching to clutch your hair while the other held onto the ceramic, preparing himself for what he’d been desiring for what felt to be years, when in fact it had only been a short couple months. 
You knew how to treat him, how to push his buttons just right without exceeding into a rougher context. All you wanted was for him to relax, at least for now. That didn’t mean you didn’t put in the effort, your hand encompassed what your mouth couldn’t take even when it almost hit the back of your throat.
“Que linda te ves con la boquita llena,” He caressed your cheek tenderly while you took a breather, his hips jerking upwards ever so slightly to thrust into your hand.
“Hm just for you,” You winked in agreement to the compliment before wrapping your lips around the now leaking tip, humming at the taste of the precum on your tongue and inevitably down your throat. 
“Así, así,” Franco whined the minute you started bobbing your head up and down his length with precision and speed. He threw his head back, allowing the moans to leave his mouth freely, mixing in a dangerous cocktail with his heavy breaths. 
The moment was perfect. You knew Franco was getting lost in it, nearing the edge with each desperate jerk of his hips matching up to your nose grazing his lower abdomen. He could still feel the warm water, but nothing could compare with the sensation of your throat. 
“Pará, pará,” He breathed out, his tone high pitched, containing himself into not bursting out the seams right then and there. 
“¿Qué pasó mi rey? Did I do something wrong?” You pulled away visibly concerned, straightening up still on your knees. 
His response was a weak shake of his head, chest rising up and down. He still rested his back against the tiled wall, regaining his composure. Your eyes traced every inch of his skin, every mole and freckle, subconsciously licking your lips. His laugh snapped you out of your shamelessly perverted ravaging, and you looked up at him with a smile. 
“Te amo tanto.” He muttered, leaning in to close the gap between your mouths halfway. Even if seconds ago you were wondering why on earth he would edge himself, the kiss told you everything you needed, adding to the support his hands gave you to get on your feet and sit on his lap. 
His lips parted from yours only to give soft kisses to your cheek and jaw, traveling the marvelous road down your neck. Your moans were soft, beginning to ease into it when a curious hand parted your legs open. 
“Fran…” You breathed you, your hand reaching to caress the hair falling near his nape; it was longer than usual, he needed a trim— you noted mentally, reminding to comment on it later. 
“Let me feel you,” He whispered against your skin, the action forming goosebumps on the area. “Estás tan mojadita; porfa.” 
He didn’t need to beg twice, your back already pulled away from his chest, shifting around in his lap and raising your hips a little in order to sink down his length, your sighs of relief harmonizing. 
“I missed this so much,” You noticed you had rendered him almost incoherent from the way he could barely formulate the words between heavy breaths and moans, a battle to keep his eyes open to watch your figure as you bounced on his hard cock. 
“Ay ese culito…” He groaned, the sound of a smack bouncing on the walls before it remixed with your yelp, but it only encouraged to move faster, wanting to give him the show he deserved. 
Franco didn’t allow himself to get lost in the mesmerizing movement of your body, instead pulling you back to be as close to him as humanly possible, his hand cupping your chin to almost drag your face near his. 
The kiss was sloppy from his part, the grinding of your hips was sharp in comparison, and he couldn’t focus. Your wet skin against his, the noises you started making the moment he started toying with that sweet spot. 
“Amor,” He couldn’t help but call your attention, ripping his lips off of yours in order to speak. You noticed the way his brows furrowed— and how could you not? he was always so expressive— his bottom lip puckering out while he tried to make out the following words. 
But he didn’t need to. 
“Yes,” You nodded, feeling your own orgasm approach quickly. From the moment you stripped and dipped in the water you knew you weren’t going to last long in whatever activity you might engage, and you were okay with that. 
“¿Si?” Franco whined, his lashes fluttering while his eyes fell shut before he could hide his face in the crook of his neck. 
“Si. Cum inside.” You confirmed, feeling his lips press against your shoulder blade before the conjoined noises filled up the room, the hand that occupied the space between your legs failing in its constant rhythm, while the other dug into the doughy merge your hips and upper thighs conformed. 
You let your eyes close while the wave of pleasure washed over you, chests rising up and down rhythmically. It felt like you had just floated down from the sky, settling down into the reality of the position— a bit insane, to say the least— you found yourselves in, guided by the pure lust and yearning of each other after the sudden separation. 
“All good over there?” You laughed softly, receiving a small ‘eh’ in a high pitched tone. It took Franco another moment before he raised his face, his lips pressing a tender kiss to your jaw before his arms wrapped around your midriff and into a tight hug. 
“Con vos? Todo perfecto.”  
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signedkoko · 1 year ago
Signed with Love - Hazbin Cast
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely readers! Its valentines/love letters from your favourites 🖤
Characters - Adam | Alastor | Charlie | Cherri | Husk | Lucifer | Lute | Pentious | Vaggie
Series Parts Overlords & SIns - Here! Helluva Cast - Here!
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Sup bitch,
Looking for a valentine, cupid told me ur my soulmate, so how about you be mine?
You know I love teasing ya babe, but really, I got a reso for that restaurant you love, I'd tell you what to wear but the less the better.
Lova ya hot stuff
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Salutations my lovely doe!
Another opportunity to show my dear just how much I love them, what more could I ask?
I'd offer my cooking, but I know you don't have quite the palette for venison. Instead, I've prepared a private dinner, catered to by a lovely cafe a good friend of mine runs.
I'll be there to get you at half past two,
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Hiii ���
I hope you don't mind me asking but I REALLY wanted to be the one to ask if you'd be my valentine?
I haven't decided what we should do yet, I was thinking rock climbing, or how about a fancy dinner? Ahh I have so many ideas! We can talk about it later!
Thinking of you always,
Charlie (Morningstar, Princess of Hell, Manager of the Hazbin Hotel (now booking!!), potential valentine of you!)
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Heya girly,
I'm not one for holidays, but I know you reallllly wanted to try this one out. So! be my valentine?
I'll bring you to that great viewpoint I hang at, maybe show you how I make some of my arsenal. Just dress comfy, it's going to be a lot of moving!
You better be swooning already!
Your favourite 💣
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I'm thinking this year we could try something new. As stupid as it sounds, will you be my valentine?
I've got a stack of rental movies and one empty ass theatre room. Still sure no one realized we even have one, but what the hell, right? Let me know what you think and we can go pick up some drinks before.
Looking forward to it,
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Hiii ❣
I know you told me not to go crazy this year, but how could I not! So, valentine...
I left a bag with this note, it's got a few outfits for you to pick that will match mine! Just be ready by 6 tonight, we've got a lot of stops. Drinks, dinner, a performance at Ozzie's, and a reserved spot in my bed tonight.
Happy valentines day,
Yours truly
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I pray this letter reaches you,
Maybe you don't expect it of me, but you deserve to feel as special as everyone else this valentines.
So, I've got a surprise dinner set up for us this valentines. If you are willing, dress nice for four tomorrow and I can take you for a flight before it. Just don't wear anything that might fall off.
Your angel,
Lt. Lute
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Dearest serpentine,
It would be ever so joyous to accompany you this valentines, if that is okay of course!
My egg bois have insisted upon serenading us and treating us to a nice dinner in my war machine. I promise you it is in prim and proper shape for such a day.
Yours sincerely
(Future) Overlord Pentious
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Hey hun,
You've talked a lot about valentines recently, and while I know we said we'd overlook it, I feel like you deserve to know how much I love you.
When you get the chance, I've got a bottle of wine and a free night to decide what we want to do. Just swing by after eight?
See ya valentine,
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Authors Note - Ahahaha can you tell I don't write Adam much? Either way, part one of the valentines series 🖤 If you don't have a valentine this year, please allow me to be yours! Or let me know which of these folks you'd accept a letter from 🤭
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galactic-magick · 3 months ago
A Proper Date: Viktor x Reader
Summary: Viktor wants to take you out on a proper date. Sequel to my fic "The Handsome Assistant."
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: mostly just fluff, some mentions of suggestive stuff towards the end
Author's Notes: Reworked my Arcane masterlist to reflect the reading order for my Vik fics that are in the same continuity, and future fics will now be added to it in the correct order. Thank you guys for all the love it really means the world to me!
Life is sweet ever since Viktor’s been in it—and even more so now that you get to kiss him every day.
In all honestly, your routine hasn’t drastically changed. You still distract each other at work way too much, and he still keeps you in conversation long past when you should go home. But now you also stop by each other’s apartments, cook for each other, and spend late nights together in the Academy library and labs working on projects.
Your roommates love him, letting him in even if you’re out doing errands at the moment. Today is one of those days, a bright smile stretching across your face when you see him upon arriving home.
“Viktor!” you drop your things and skip into his arms. You look down and see he’s dressed up a bit more than usual, and your eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “What’s the occasion?”
“I’ve been wanting to take you on a proper date,” he says. “We can go whenever you’re ready.”
“Vik, you know I don’t need fancy dates—“
“Hush.” he presses a finger to your lips. “Go put on something nice, alright?”
You nod, rushing back to your room to change. You meant what you said, you really haven’t minded never having a “proper” date. Neither of you make a ton of money, really just enough to live on and maybe a tiny bit leftover, so you’ve never expected to be taken out to restaurants or really any sort of activity you have to pay for. Most times your dates are making dinner for each other after work, Viktor making you the delicious recipes of his ancestors, mainly. Other times you just people-watch out in the city, chatting about anything and everything. You honestly would do anything with him no matter what it was.
Viktor’s eyes soften at the sight of you when you return to him, taking your hand to leave.
When you approach where you’re going, your grip on his hand tightens and your jaw drops.
“Viktor, you didn’t…”
Your gaze falls onto one of the fanciest restaurants in Piltover, complete with live music and an open ceiling with a perfect view of the stars, both things he knows you love.
“Viktor, this is too much,” you whisper, still flabbergasted. “I would never ask you to pay for a place like this.”
“What makes you think you would have to ask?” he chuckles, pulling you inside. “I’ve been saving up to take you somewhere nice.”
The inside is truly gorgeous, no doubt full of decorative items that are worth twice everything you own. The live band’s sound fills the entire room, setting a soft mood for a night under the sky. You feel entirely out of place, looking at everyone around you, but your eyes always return to Viktor, who’s looking at you like you’re the only thing of value in sight.
He insists that you order anything you want, of course, despite your protests. He wants to treat you, and eventually you have to accept that.
When you finish eating and the restaurant winds down to close, he asks the waitress something that you don’t quite catch while you’re listening to the last song. Viktor hands her quite a decent tip, then motions for you to follow her.
She leads you both to the back of the restaurant, passing multiple signs that say “Staff Only,” then finally gesturing to a tall flight of stairs.
“Up there,” she says. “Don’t stay too long though, I could get in big trouble if you’re caught.”
Viktor thanks her and she leaves the two of you alone.
“I...may have convinced her to let us go to the roof.” he smirks.
You glance back at the stairs, “Vik, you really don’t have to do this for me.”
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” he assures you. “Just...go slow.”
The amount of stairs is ludicrous, but it’s not too long before you reach the top and open the door to the beautiful starry night.
You go as close to the edge as you can without falling, craning your neck to look at the miraculous view. Viktor is close behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back.
“Careful, darling,” he mumbles into your shoulder, kissing it before looking up for himself.
You stare in silence for several minutes, Viktor still holding you close.
“Can we live up here?”
He chuckles, “That might be too high a request, I’m afraid,” he nuzzles his nose into your hair. “But I assure you, someday I will give you a place with a view like this.”
You turn around, surprised by the unwavering authenticity in his features. You’ve only been together for a few months now, was he really already thinking about a future with you?
His expression quickly changes into one of panic, “My apologies, I didn’t mean to be so forward—“
“No, Viktor,” you wrap your arms around his neck, your faces inches apart. “I’d like that someday too.”
Sneaking back out goes smoother than you expected, and Viktor insists on walking you home as usual. There’s a warmth to your heartbeat, a welcome contrast to the chill outside. You can’t believe he went through all the trouble to arrange this night for you, genuinely wanting to surprise you with something extravagant.
When you arrive to your apartment, Viktor walks in with you when you’re met with quite the sight on the couch. Your roommate, Eli, is snuggled up with Sevika, and your snickering quickly wakes them up.
“If I had known you were having a date night too, I would’ve stayed out with Vik longer,” you laugh.
“Well we were going to go to my room, but someone fell asleep on the couch,” Eli nudges Sevika.
“Hmmph,” Sevika grunts, too groggy to properly retaliate.
“We’ll leave you be, then,” you giggle all the way back to your room, pulling Viktor behind you.
“Those two are certainly...something,” Viktor says as you close the door.
“I’m just glad they’re happy,” you shrug. “Anyway—sorry—I didn’t even ask you if you wanted to stay. You can go home if you’d like. Just maybe close your eyes walking back through the living room…”
“No, no. I’d like to stay.” he nods.
“Okay.” you sigh, slowly coming to the realization that this will be the first night you’ve spent together. It’s a bit terrifying, if you’re honest, no matter how much you love him.
You continue, avoiding his gaze, “But just so you know, I’m not ready yet to—um…”
Viktor takes your face in his hands as you drift off, “You don’t have to explain yourself, love. I would be more than happy to simply sleep next to you tonight.”
You nod, most of your anxieties subsiding.
You borrow some pajamas from your roommates that would fit him, then get changed yourself. Your bed certainly isn’t meant for two people, but you both snuggle in well enough to be comfortable. You rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
Viktor rubs your arms and back, pressing kisses to your head. Holding you long after you’ve fallen asleep and his own arms have gone a bit numb.
He smiles at your stirs and snores, your fists gripping him closer the further you drift. He may never be able to go back to sleeping alone after experiencing this.
“Someday...I’ll give you everything you could ever want.” he whispers, closing his eyes.
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vampiresarchive · 16 days ago
Manifested Dream Vacation in Two Weeks (with zero effort)
I have many success stories, but I wanted to share this one in particular because it addresses the question: How actually easy is it to manifest your desires?
Here's your answer: ridiculously easy.
And the reason I say it's ridiculous in particular is because of what a lot of you 'claim' you need in order to achieve your desire: Perfect self concept, absolute knowing with no doubts, and constant around-the-clock persistence.
Sure, this all can be true. But, if you were in a similar position as me back then: always looking for 3d confirmation, so much doubt etc. You can still manifest.
Here's my personal testimony: Way back when at a time where my self concept was trash and I acted like the 3D was the God of me, I had really wanted to go on vacation. I hadn't been on one in six years (pandemic) and due to some financial and timing issues, there was no way we were going anywhere anytime soon.
However, none of this was true in imagination. In imagination, I was already having the time of my life. I was shopping, flirting with foreign men, looking at gorgeous sites, etc.
So I did what anyone would and I scripted it, i am going to Dubai. Very simple, nothing fancy, but that's all that was needed. A decision.
I would read this script absentmindedly whenever I thought of it (not even daily, probably twice a week) I also barely thought of it in passing, if at all.
Just two weeks later, my mother tells me she's booking a flight to Dubai just because she feels like going. A whole two weeks after that, I was on a plane to my dream trip.
Do you realize the sheer ridiculousness of how little effort I put in? I probably said that affirmation like four times before it came true. Four times!! And some of you insist on setting alarms and doing meditations and whatever it is you do nowadays.
I didn't believe it was going to happen. I had 0 inner knowing. I just said I AM [insert happening, action, or scenario] and...Ta-da! How strenuous, truly.
Think before putting in effort. Does it even affect the end result if you've affirmed 100 times or just once? (No. The answer is no.)
Good luck to everyone who is reading this; though, I doubt you'll need it.
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orimuraa · 4 months ago
𓈒 🏁 / ⋆ ۪ Go big or go home - Lee Heeseung
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꒰ 𝔖𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 ꒱┆famous model, y/l/n y/n, has caught the eye of famous f1 racer, lee heeseung, but how will they ever be able to interact when they're lives are so different? ⨾
۶ৎ f1 racer!heeseung x fem model!reader ┆fake dating to lovers, slow burn┆cursing, alcohol, age gap? (2 years), kissing, petnames, angst, some fluff┆ wc 4.8k
⤷ 𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: its finally here!!! tysm to everyone who waited for this and i hope you enjoy! this is my first super long fic and i would really appreciate reblogs and feedback! tysm!!
꒰ঌ ℬℴℴ𝓀𝓈𝒽ℯ𝓁𝒻 ໒꒱
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the adrenaline of racing was always too much for y/n. her life was the exact opposite of that type of life and she never wanted to get in anything like that.
she had worked so hard for the reputation she now has, putting literal blood, sweet and tears into her career as a model.
but now look where she was. she was the global face of dior, prada, miu miu, louis vuitton and so many more brands.
everyone knew who y/l/n y/n was in korea. she was such an icon for the modeling world and never seen slipping up.
it was like she had no flaws.
but lee heeseung was the literal opposite of the whole life y/n had built for herself.
he was careless and daring, not completely caring about anyone’s opinions about him or his reputation.
not to mention, he was insanely hot. his looks stealing the hearts of many of his fans.
heeseung liked racing cause he felt like he could truly be himself—careless and reckless.
and heck, he’s made it his whole life now! he was an f1 racer who had quite the following now.
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y/n was very much aware of who lee heeseung was, and even watched some of the races he was in.
she had to admit, he was indeed hot, but what would her fans think of her and heeseung?
her “fans” always criticized every man that got close to her, saying they were unworthy of her attention.
so to avoid anymore scandals that could truly ruin her career, y/n has steered clear of basically any man in sight.
heeseung couldn’t deny that the girl was pretty, she was drop dead gorgeous! but he knew what happens to people when they get too close to y/n, and that was something that he did not want happening to him.
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“miss y/n! you’re going to be late for the fashion show due to the flight being delayed..” one of y/n’s staff informed, refreshing the flight page over and over.
y/n was supposed to fly out to a prada event in milan, but due to the weather, her flight was delayed by 2 hours, meaning she was gonna make it the the show late.
“then i guess we will have to get ready in the airport,” y/n sighed, subconsciously twirling a strand of her hair out of anxiety.
what was heeseung gonna do? he’s never been to a fashion show before! and not to mention, his staff has little to no experience with such fancy events like this!
his staff is for his races and making sure all his gear is in one spot for him, not dressing him up in a $10,000 suit for some prada show.
on the other hand though, heeseung was excited for a new experience, and he got a free flight down in first class! so it was a win-win.
his teammates were giving him a bunch of complaints out of jealousy because of a specific person.
and that person, was y/l/n y/n. his teammates were so jealous that he was going to the same event as her and had the chance to talk to her.
to heeseung, it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. big name celebrities go to these types of shows all the time! so what’s the big deal about y/l/n y/n?
sure she had the visuals of an angel and heeseung may or may not have felt a few butterflies whenever he saw her on a magazine or on an article online.
but now that he was actually gonna meet her (potentially), he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous.
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y/n was able to make it out of the airport bathroom just on time where her staff rushed to get her ready for the show.
she arrived at the location of the show, mentally preparing herself for the camera flashes and screams around her.
once she stepped out of the car, she made sure to wave and smile politely to all the fans that waiting hours to see her.
“you’ll be sitting here next to mr. lee,” one of the hosts told y/n once she made it inside.
“oh hello! i’m glad i get to sit next to someone who speaks korean as well! my english is…well..not very good,” she smiled sheepishly.
“hi, i’m lee heeseung and yes, it is quite nice to have someone to converse with,” heeseung smiled, a couple of unwanted butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.
“ah right! i’m y/l/n y/n,” she smiled, the lights dimming and cutting off their conversation.
throughout the show, y/n and heeseung shared light comments with each other and for once, y/n kinda forgot that she had the type of career and reputation that if she talked to a guy, she would be caught up in a dating scandal.
the after party was a very..unique?…experience. for heeseung, it was a very new experience to have such fancy people surrounding him while he was just a mere car racer.
but y/n made it better. they both weren’t big fans of going out and socializing with new people—especially if they needed to speak in their very broken english.
“so what’s it like? the thrill of racing?” y/n asked, nursing a glass of wine. why’d she even have it? she hated alcohol.
“it’s really an experience. you get to live life freely, not really caring about being reckless. it’s kinda my escape from the world, y’know?” heeseung chuckled, taking another sip of his glass.
“hm, must be nice..” y/n murmured, thinking about what her life would be like if she wasn’t a model and if she didn’t have all these expectations of being “perfect” all the time.
the two talked for the rest of the party, sharing small touches on the arm whenever one said something funny.
“thank you heeseung, for keeping me company and letting me be..well, myself,” y/n said softly. “i have to go catch a flight back to seoul but maybe we can stay in contact? here’s my number.” she said, sliding him a piece of paper.
“for sure. it was great talking with you y/n,” heeseung smiled back, sending her a small wink.
little did they know, someone had managed to get a few photos of their interactions.
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the next morning, y/n and heeseung both faced faced the consequences of their actions.
the article shocked y/n and she immediately rushed to call her manager.
“what the fuck?” heeseung whispered to himself. he ran a hand through his hair, reading the article about him and y/n.
in the article, there was a photo of y/n touching his arm while laughing and heeseung is seen with a wide smile on his face.
fuck. he was so screwed. y/n was so screwed. he immediately opened twitter just to see his name and y/n’s trending for their dating scandal.
“oh for fucks sake!” he turned off his phone and threw it onto the bed.
y/n had just gotten off of her flight when the article reached her, making her push through the usual airport crowds of paparazzi worse.
“is it true you’re dating lee heeseung?”
“why lee heeseung? he’s no good for you!”
“y/n ssi? are the rumors true?”
it was all too overwhelming for y/n and the constant shoving and clicking of cameras was most definitely not helping.
it felt like she had to trudge a mile through mud just to make it to the car, letting a sigh of relief out as she sunk into the chair.
as she sat there though, she wondered how heeseung was taking it? he might have it worse than her since some of her “fans” were quite toxic to the people she got into scandals with.
he hasn’t texted..he probably wants nothing to do with me. y/n thought to herself, looking down at her empty messages.
all the way back in milan, heeseung was getting ready to head back to korea, not exactly thrilled to hear what his teammates had to say about his new scandal.
fuck. how’s y/n holding up? she must have it much worse than me. heeseung thought to himself, nervously bouncing his knee up and down.
once he made it to the airport, he was unexpectedly swarmed by crazy fans just trying to get an answer to their questions.
“are you really dating her? she’s too good for you.”
“how long have you been dating miss y/n?”
heeseung was not having it. he pushed his way through the crowd of people, pulling down his beanie even further.
throughout the flight, heeseung found himself constantly thinking about y/n. why though? did he really like her? or was it just out of pity? if these were the reactions to their dating scandal, how would they react if they were actually dating?
wait- when would they ever actually date?
either way, it would probably ruin both of their careers.
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y/n paced back and forth, waiting for any form of contact from heeseung.
she didn't exactly expect him to contact her especially after this huge scandal, but she wanted to make sure he was doing okay.
she eventually gave up on waiting after another 30 minutes went by with no new notification.
with a sigh, she sat down on the couch, lost in thought.
would she be able to just ignore this scandal?
would it be just a quick scandal? or a long-lasting one?
many questions occupied y/n's thoughts, causing her to miss the way her phone vibrated next to her.
finally checking her phone, she saw a message from lee heeseung.
hey, i know i'm probably the last person you want to hear from but i just wanted to make sure you were doing okay with all the crazy fans
it took a couple minutes for y/n to actually process the words on the screen before quickly texting back.
oh hi heeseung! no worries, i was actually scared that you wouldn't wanna talk to me since it's mainly my 'fans' who are making this a big deal
she had only formally met heeseung for a day but she couldn't help but slowly fall for his charm.
y/n loved how care-free he was and despite his reputation as a racer, he was actually a sweetheart.
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the next few days consisted of hiding from the public, not being seen anywhere, and a lot of meetings with her company about how they could cover up this scandal.
meanwhile, heeseung hadn't raced since he came back from milan which started to worry his teammates.
"dude, you alright? you've been so different since your scandal with y/n," one of his teammates stated, finally talking about the elephant in the room.
all heeseung did was sigh and stand up.
“yeah i’m fine,” he grunted, grabbing his jacket and walking out. his teammates exchanged glances with each other. it was obvious heeseung wasn’t doing well.
hey, are you free to meet up?
heeseung didn’t exactly know why he texted y/n.
why would she even wanna meet up with him? god he felt so stupid after sending that text.
sure! you can come over to my place! just make sure not to be seen
heeseung’s eyes widened as he read the text over and over. heeseung enjoyed y/n’s company and even though they were polar opposites, he found a source of comfort while talking to her.
she was so sweet and genuine with him unlike his crude teammates and competitors.
he quickly slipped on his shoes, clicking on the address y/n sent him.
when he arrived, he noticed how grand the apartment complex was. the building was clean and screamed “rich vibes”.
“you made it! hi heeseung!” as soon as the door opened, heeseung was greeted with y/n’s sweet smile.
“hey, sorry for the sudden text. i just..needed to talk to you,” he sighed, looking down at his shoes.
y/n took a guess that it was probably about their dating scandal so she just smiled sympathetically and let him in.
the first thing heeseung noticed about y/n’s place was how homey it was.
it was neat and had cute decorations that made heeseung smile.
she was such a professional model on camera and that’s all he’s known her for, so seeing this side of y/n was refreshing to see.
the plushies and little figured that scattered the shelves and furniture reminded him that y/n was still young and was practically living two lives.
“oh, sorry about the mess…here you can sit here,” she smiled sheepishly, moving a big stuffy off the couch and motioning for heeseung to sit.
“would you like anything to drink?” god she was so charming.
“oh! uhh no it’s fine, thank you though,” he smiled.
“soo..i assume that you’re here to talk about the scandal? i’m so sorry that you got into it with me,” y/n frowned. “i always hate when i just talk with someone and it means that i’m dating them.”
heeseung noticed the way y/n’s eyes looked down, almost like she was sick of her life.
“hey, no it’s okay. trust me, i would hate that too and you’re truly so strong for putting up with all that,” heeseung reassured. “but i wanted to actually..propose something.”
y/n’s eyes widened, curious about what heeseung had to offer.
“i’m listening,”
“okay, so i was thinking we would maybe…fake date? like, just until the paparazzi get off our backs and then we can break it off,” heeseung says, searching y/n’s face for any reaction. “it would benefit you and me from the scandals and articles and just…i don’t know. i just think it’s better than leaving this as a rumor.” heeseung sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“i get it…they might go crazy when it’s first announced and then they’ll move onto the next piece of drama..” y/n mumbled, fidgeting her hands. “let’s do it. plus, it might be fun to see each other’s lives!” y/n chirped, smiling at the thought of experiencing heeseung’s life.
“deal! it will end when the netizens move on from us,”
“yup!” y/n agreed, shaking heeseung’s hand. “but i think we should also establish some ground rules.”
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the first day was all planned out. y/n and heeseung had both decided that they would rather make a statement about them dating than have a netizen figure it out.
y/n agreed to talk to her company, confirming the rumor with heeseung.
heeseung didn’t really have to do anything since a lot of f1 racers were free to date whoever they wanted.
once y/n was done with her meeting—which went surprisingly well and the company agreed to make a public statement about it—y/n went to go meet up with heeseung.
“hey? how’d it go?” heeseung asked, subconsciously twirling the straw of his coffee between his fingers.
“it went well actually. they weren’t that surprised and said they would make a statement later this evening. but, now we need to make it believable,” y/n said, thinking back to the ground rules they established.
“there’s no need for any pda when we aren’t in public, this is just for show so keep it casual. when we’re in public though, we have to make it believable so do anything to fool the media,” heeseung read off the paper. y/n just nodded, agreeing to all the rules.
“no catching feelings,” y/n added, just to be sure. but deep down, she wasn’t sure if she really wanted that.
“yeah, we can start by just holding hands and being more comfortable with each other?” heeseung suggested, trying not to make it sound awkward.
“mhm, that sounds good,” y/n mumbled, her mind somewhere else.
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the articles started rolling in just 5 minutes after y/n’s company put out a statement.
y/n was nervously scrolling through the comments, reading the reactions to her and heeseung.
most were positive but there was wuite a few negative comments.
“hey, don’t worry about them, they’re just jealous that we’re such a power couple,” heeseung laughs, trying to cheer y/n up.
“yeah..you’re right. i just…can’t help it sometimes, y’know? i want to make my fans happy and i don’t want to feel like i let them down. so i often check their reactions to things i do..” y/n says, looking down at her lap. “it’s just become a habit now..”
heeseung would be stupid if he didn’t notice the way y/n’s mood dropped.
“no no no, it’s okay. we’re gonna get through this together and it will all blow over in a couple of weeks. besides, you might even have some fun getting to be a bit more free around me,” heeseung winks, causing y/n to giggle and look away.
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the first time heeseung and y/n went out together now that they were a “couple”, fans spotted them immediately, taking photos, videos, only to post it on social media to get more clout.
heeseung made sure to secure y/n by wrapping an arm around her waist, tapping it occasionally to let her know that he’s there for her. like a real boyfriend would do.
heeseung was just a couple years older than y/n but he felt the need to protect her. truth be told, he enjoyed spending time with her, getting to see what she was truly like behind the scenes.
he hadn’t really been going to practice, opting to spend time with y/n and getting to know her better.
y/n still had her modeling duties to do, but she still made time to hang out with heeseung and she often brought him along to her shoots. his soft touches and little gestures made her stomach flutter.
by the end of the week, the whole media was convinced that y/n and heeseung were the “it” couple of the year.
they were so different yet they clicked so well. all of y/n’s staff were convinced, heeseung’s teammates, and the whole world basically.
but the downside to this all was that y/n had actually started to catch feelings for heeseung. she adored the way he laughed at her non-funny jokes like they were the funniest things ever, the way he looked at her with such adoration in his eyes, and his company.
his company made y/n so happy and she felt so..understood.
heeseung understood y/n’s situation and even though he was never in that type of spotlight, he felt empathy for the girl.
he was caring and let her rant about all her built up issues from her career, always paying attention to her.
that’s what y/n’s problem with heeseung was. he cared about her like no one else did. he made her fall for him, even though she wasn’t supposed to.
heeseung was dealing with something quite similar.
he was slowly falling in love with y/n. actually, scratch that. he was in love with y/n.
she always managed to light up the room with her presence and make heeseung smile.
her laugh was contagious and she was so sweet and bubbly. it was such a refreshing experience for heeseung as non of his teammates were ever like this.
y/n brought out a whole new side of him that he didn’t even know existed. he found himself becoming more caring around her and he was less reckless around her.
but he was so sure that y/n didn’t feel the same. after all, she was the one who made the rule not to fall in love with each other.
little did they both know, they were both falling in love with each other, thinking it was never gonna be reciprocated.
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the second week passed by like no time at all. y/n had her photoshoots to go to and some local fashion events here in korea while heeseung busied himself with practice in hopes that his feelings would die down if he distracted himself with the upcoming big race he had.
y/n was also distancing herself a bit from heeseung. she was scared that her heart would be left broken once the fake dating ended.
she had fallen for lee heeseung.
the one thing she told herself not to do.
heeseung of course noticed her sudden distance and became worried for her.
“princess?” —a new nickname he had started calling y/n which made her stomach turn. “are you okay? i haven’t heard much from you and i got worried,” heeseung said, taking off his shoes as he entered y/n’s apartment.
“heeseung…i-i…i dont think i can do this anymore!” she blurted, her negative thoughts getting the best of her.
she watched as heeseung’s face fell, a darker look on his face now.
“what? what do you mean? what do you mean you can’t do this anymore?” he asked, anger laced in his voice.
“i’m sorry hee, i just…i can’t do this anymore! pretending we’re dating when we’re not! it’s just..not working for me..” y/n mumbled, to ashamed to look heeseung in the eye.
she was scared that if she told him the truth, he would get even angrier at her for breaking the rule she made.
“fine! be like that then! don’t tell me why you suddenly want to break this off! that’s fine with me, but don’t come crying back to me when everything falls apart for you!” heeseung seethes, slipping his shoes back on and slamming the door on his way out.
the second the door closed, y/n broke down. she fell to the floor, tears rapidly streaming down her face.
what had she done?
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heeseung was beyond mad. but he couldn’t deny that his heart felt a little broken too.
he fell for y/n in these past couple weeks only to have it broken off with no explanation.
his big race was in a few days and he really wanted y/n to be there for him, but now, he didn’t even want to think about her.
the next few days were torture for the two of them. y/n had tried to distract herself with photo shoots, but how could she when heeseung’s big race was all her staff were talking about?
heeseung was similar to y/n. he was practicing for hours and hours, trying to forget y/n, but it was hard when he kept seeing her face on billboards and magazines.
they both didn’t want to admit that they fell for each other.
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the day of the race, heeseung was warming up for the biggest race of his career. but he couldn’t help but feel a pang in his heart just by thinking that he wouldn’t have y/n there to cheer him on.
but he couldn’t get distracted now, he had a race to win for fucks sake.
y/n had to practically beg for the day off to her manager. she intended to make things right with lee heeseung.
so, in a baseball cap and a mask, she made her way to the stadium.
to be honest, y/n had no idea what she was doing here. it was clear that heeseung wanted nothing to do with her anymore yet she still needed to see him.
the public didn’t know that they had “broken up” yet so in their eyes, they were still the perfect couple.
after a couple days of moping around, debating whether or not she should tell heeseung how she actually felt about him, she decided that it was only fair that he knew the truth.
once she got to her seat, she really felt the energy in the stadium.
fans were screaming and cheering for all their favorite racers, but she was only here for one.
heeseung’s race was supposed to be the main event of the show tonight as he was going for a world record.
throughout the course of time y/n had spent with heeseung, she did in fact, learn a thing or two about racing, so she wasn’t completely stupid.
as the lights dimmed down and the cheers got louder, y/n could feel her heart quicken. she took off the hat and her mask as it got way too stuffy in the stadium.
from afar, she could see the figure of lee heeseung walking to his race car, his helmet in his hands as he waved to the crowd.
he looked so natural and free in his usual setting and it was like y/n got to experience a whole new side of him.
but then, he turned around, facing y/n’s direction, only to catch her gaze on him. his expression turned into an unreadable one before turning back around and slipping into his car.
once he was in his car, his opponents also got in their cars, now revving up the engines, ready to take off.
y/n nervously looked around at the opponents and then the countdown.
a girl in a skimpy outfit walked into the middle of the cars, a flag in her hands.
3..2…1! GO!
she blew the whistle and raised the flag, making sure to pose for the crowd before walking off once the cars had passed her.
the moment the cars took off, y/n stopped breathing. she watched as heeseung flew across the track, his speed intensifying more and more.
he was a whole lap in front of everyone else, which was a good thing…until it wasn’t.
“oh my god, he’s going too fast!” another person who was sitting next to y/n screamed. y/n’s gaze caught heeseung’s car and the person next to her was right. he was going too fast. he was gonna crash.
heeseung’s car was practically a blur of red, black and white as his car zoomed through the course.
but he never slowed down.
he only sped up.
y/n felt her heart drop as heeseung only moved faster. he was on the final lap, but it didn’t matter. he was going to win anyways but what mattered was his speed.
yes he was going for a world record but this was unsafe. he was going way too fast and he knew it.
heeseung sat in his car, hands tightly around the wheel. before he stepped into his car, he saw y/n.
what was she doing here? the days he spent after the argument with y/n were filled with regret. he should’ve never blew up at her like that.
he should’ve listened to her and her reasoning. he felt so awful. he was so sure she hated him.
so why was she in the stands, watching him? he sped faster, dying to finish the race. dying to tell y/n how fucking sorry he was. he was such an idiot for letting her go so easily. dying to tell her that he loved her.
as he crossed the finish line, he itched to get out of his car. he impatiently waited for all the other cars to come to a stop so it would be safe for him to run out.
something in y/n’s body told her to go. go to him and tell him how much she fell for him.
so that’s what she did. she got up from her seat, rushing down to the gate.
heeseung had the same intent because as soon as it was clear to get out, he threw open the door and rushed out.
his helmet discarded on the floor, not giving a single car for the world except for y/n.
there, he saw her waiting by the gates and he ran harder.
“y/n?? what are you doing here??” he breathed, his voice shaky from the adrenaline.
“i came to see you. i can to tell you how sorry i was and how much of a fool i wa-” she was cut off with heeseung’s lips pressing against hers.
their lips fit together like puzzle pieces and it felt so right. y/n quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around heeseung’s neck.
pulling away, the two of them were breathless.
“i’m the one who should be sorry. i said some things that i shouldn’t have said and i hurt you,” heeseung’s tone was soft yet apologetic. tears sprang to y/n’s eyes as she smiled at heeseung.
“i think…i-i fell in love with you lee heeseung. that’s why i ended this. i was so scared that i would continue falling for you and eventually when it would end, i would be even more heartbroken. i didn’t want to end it but i felt like i had to,” y/n cried into heeseung’s shoulder.
heeseung sighed and wrapped his arms around y/n’s shorter frame.
“princess, i loved you too. i loved you the moment we met in milano,” he chuckled softly, kissing y/n’s head. “i’m so fucking in love with you it hurts.” he laughed.
“i guess that makes two,” y/n smiled, pulling away to look at heeseung’s face.
they both leaned in, connecting their lips one more time.
“i knew you’d win,” y/n whispered against heeseung’s lips.
“yeah?” he smirked, a cocky expression on his face.
the two stayed in each other’s arms for a bit longer, forgetting about the world outside.
“so are we dating for real now?” y/n asked.
“for real.” heeseung smiled, kissing her forehead one more time.
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𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬: @en-diaries, @k-films, @k-nets
⚘. Perm taglist: @vmpivory, @yuvany, @seozii, @pinknjm, @greentulip, @jomisu, @nxzz-skz, @ancnymcnzjy
taglist: @blvengene, @punchbug9-blog, @hoshieee, @jxp1-t3r, @mrsjohnnysuh, @hommyy-tommy
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taojjang · 2 months ago
𐙚 riize reactions: i want to marry you .ᐟ
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⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ advent calendar, day twenty-two! pairing: fiance!riize x reader, genre: fluff! warnings: pure love <3
synopsis: there's no better time to confess your never-ending love for someone than the holidays!
note: we're on the final four! ty guys sm for enjoying the advent calendar series i appreciate it so so so much :( i hope you guys are looking forward to the holidays coming up!! this one is kinda longgg i was feeling a bit too romantic so i hope you have the time and patience for this
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shotaro . . .
since the beginning of november, shotaro had planned a romantic getaway for the holidays. he booked the resort the second you agreed to his idea. from then until the day he drove you to the resort, he wouldn't stop talking about how excited he was. on christmas night, you finally realized why he was so excited.
taro knew you wanted to try ice skating. every time you'd open instagram, you'd watch reels about cute winter date ideas, and somehow ice skating was always a suggestion. you've been bugging taro to take you ice skating. the two of you got ready together in your fancy hotel room, taro letting you pick out your matching outfits. after you got all dolled up for the date, you were on your way to the skii resort.
taro held your hand as you entered the skii lift, reassuring you everything would be fun. but you were terrified. the lift seemed to be going way faster than you anticipated, causing your anxiety to palpitate in your chest. but once you entered the skii lift, your every thought was clouded by the breathtaking view ahead of you. but within seconds of reaching the mountain peak, you felt a tap on your shoulder. as you turned to face your boyfriend, your gaze was stolen by a glistening ring in taro's hand. your heart grew lighter as you looked down into taro's doting eyes.
"you've made every day of my life feel like a dream. would you let me live in your fairytale for the rest of our lives?"
the two of you held hands and explored the snowy mountain together, not being able to stop giggling as the idea of being with each other for the rest of your lives sank in.
eunseok . . .
eunseok is truly the most nurturing boyfriend you could ask for. no matter how busy or tired he is, he'd drop anything and come running to you the second you call his name. but with such a caring boyfriend comes so much nagging. eunseok is always complaining about how you spend too much money ordering food when he could just cook for you, or how you need to prioritize paying bills before buying new clothes. so of course it shocked you when he suddenly told you he was taking you to a tropical resort for christmas.
but of course, you couldn't complain. you were already envisioning so many cute things to do with eunseok on the vacation. you were a bit too excited, packing your things the same night although you had two more weeks until your flight. but it was all worth it. the resort he booked was absolutely stunning. you had your own little house on the beach and you bedroom had a window view of the deep turquoise waves.
the next few days, eunseok would take you on fancy tours of the island and luxurious dinner dates every night. you felt a bit emotional when things were coming to an end. the amount of beautiful memories you made with eunseok this week was all starting to overwhelm you. you felt like your love for him was at its capacity. seeing how sentimental you were, eunseok decided to lift your spirits by taking you on the final activity he had booked: a romantic ride on a yacht. it was absolutely lovely sitting beside eunseok with a glass of champagne in your hand. the wind breezed through your hair, refreshing every lingering thought in your mind. as you soaked in the tropical sun, eunseok called from behind you. "i think you'll like this view more." your heart stilled in your chest as you turned to eunseok, who was on one knee with the most stunning diamond ring you've ever seen
"you're the only person i'd wish to share the rest of my memories with. darling, will you marry me?"
sungchan . . .
every date with sungchan is typically organized by you. sungchan is quite clumsy and unorganized, so whenever he plans something it usually goes wrong. though you don't mind it and enjoy the thrill of how unpredictable his dates are, he's too insecure to plan dates. after all, sungchan wants the best for you.
but he knew you couldn't plan his proposal. he wanted it to be a complete surprise, which he succeeded in. you were shocked by how beautiful the house looked when you got home from spending time with your family for christmas. there was a romantic trail of rose petals leading you from the entrance to the dinner table, which was prettily decorated with fancy candles and flowers. though sungchan was such a klutz, you were proud of him for how luxurious he made the house.
everything was going as planned: he cooked up his best dish and it turned out delicious having you get up for seconds. you even complimented how well he planned out this date. to finish off the night, sungchan poured you a glass of pink champagne and served two slices of your favorite cake. the two of you were eating cake by the fireplace and sharing affectionate words with one another until suddenly, sungchan winced in pain and he covered his mouth with his hand. concerned and panicked, you put down your plate and leaned closer asking him what was wrong. you were surprised to see sungchan pull out a small object from his mouth. it was a diamond ring. you could see the embarrassment rise to his face as he looked down at the ring. "well, that wasn't supposed to be there..." as you realized what had just happened, you bursted out into laughter and took sungchan into your arms. "oh my gosh, sungchan, you're the cutest!" sungchan whined and threw his head into his hands crying, "it was going so well!" you smiled and left a doting kiss on sungchan's lips. "it's alright baby, now's your chance." sungchan sat up and cleared his throat, taking your hands into his and looking into your eyes.
"i know that was so stupid of me, but i promise to take you on countless more dates even better than this one. would you be my wife?"
wonbin . . .
wonbin loves home dates. whenever wonbin is in the mood to take you on a date, the destination is almost always his living room. something about the intimacy of being alone in such a comfortable space makes him so much sweeter than usual. but the christmas spirit makes wonbin even sweeter.
the two of you have a holiday tradition of going on a date to the annual christmas light festival at the nearby park. after walking around and taking cute pictures of every display, you would both find a seat in front of the frozen lake and share one early christmas gift.
but this year, wonbin forgot all about your gift. you stood in front of him with a blue gift bag in your hands, staring at him in disbelief as he stood empty-handed. you were furious. you'd been keeping up this tradition for five years, how could he forget? wonbin had even been bragging endlessly about how amazing your gift is, yet he conveniently forgot to bring it with him. you sat down on the bench and crossed your arms, not daring to look at him. all you could do was sulk as he cooed apologies. but your tough demeanor was soon cracked when wonbin sang, "listen baby, i can make it up to you, hm? look at me." finally giving in and turning to face him, your heart dropped to your stomach. wonbin got on one knee ahead of you, pulling out a small black velvet case from his pocket.
"you're the best gift i could ever receive. i'd never trade you for anything else in the world. will you marry me?"
seunghan . . .
seunghan spoils you rotten all throughout the year. you're having a hard day? dinner date! you just got a promotion? shopping spree! you gave him a few extra kisses that morning? flowers at your doorstep! after all, you're his entire world. what better way to show you that than giving you everything you could possibly ask for?
christmas is your favorite time of the year. you love going on all of the winter dates seunghan plans and enjoying the christmas spirit with him. but it gets a bit stressful sometimes. every day, there's at least two more gifts under the christmas tree despite not asking for a single thing this year. since seunghan spends so much money on you, you told him not to fret about christmas gifts this year and to focus on his family and friends. but its obvious those words didn't stick with him. by the time christmas eve came, more than half of the gifts under the tree were for you. you went to bed that night excited to open all of the gifts he'd gotten for you.
but you woke up to a christmas tree with no gifts beneath it. the tree skirt was bare with no boxes in sight. instead, four bouquets of flowers were sitting where the gifts usually were. confused, you called for seunghan in hopes he could explain what happened. but he never answered. as you investigated further, you noticed a single gift sitting on the branches of the tree. your eyes welled with tears as it revealed a silver ring with a stunning blue diamond. you turned around to see seunghan standing at the doorway with all of your gifts and another bouquet.
"what do you say, angel? would you take my hand in marriage?"
sohee . . .
as much as sohee loves you, it's rare for him to express said love through physical touch. here and there, he'd hold your hand as you walk beside each other or he'd brush your hair behind your ear when you're resting against his shoulder. but typically, he struggles to openly express his affection.
so of course you suspected something was off when he awkwardly held your hand for days straight. since the day before christmas eve, sohee's been so much more cuddly than you're used to. after spending the holidays together for the nth time, he wouldn't leave your side. he was practically clinging onto you from the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep in your arms. though you loved every second of it, you began to worry.
to end off christmas day on a cozy note, you put on your coziest sweater and got comfortable in front of the fireplace. not even a few seconds later, sohee hesitantly sat beside you, linking his arm around yours and resting against your shoulder. you pulled the blanket over the two of you and looked down at the clingy boy beside you. resting your hand on his cheek and stroking his soft skin, you asked out of pure concern, "sohee baby, is something wrong? is there something from your christmas list that i missed?" sohee chuckled and shook his head, snuggling closer to you. "what? of course not. i just... have a lot on my mind." even the slightest pout on sohee's face caused you immense discomfort and pain. you couldn't stand hearing he was stressed. "tell me about it, what's upsetting you?" sohee took a few seconds to simply breathe and take in your presence. swallowing back all of his fear, he looked up at you and let everything fall from his lips. "i think... i think i wanna marry you." your heart stood completely still. not a single breath escaped your lips. it was as if your entire world had froze. your love for sohee began overflowing in the form of tears.
"i've never felt so much love for someone as long as i've lived. i want to marry you, y/n."
anton . . .
christmas is always so serious for anton. he does not play when it comes to the holiday festivities. from november 1st all the way through january 31st, your house is full of the prettiest christmas decorations and even gifts. anton buys tons and tons of gifts for you that could last even past christmas. all year round, he takes notes on what items you express a desire for and he brings home all of those gifts on christmas. he just wants nothing but the best for you.
you're far too precious to anton. everything you do makes him feel so overwhelmingly in love with you. no matter how cranky you are, anton will always spoil you with snacks and affection every night. so of course he goes above and beyond for christmas, seizing the opportunity to spoil you rotten.
but you didn't expect there to be this many presents under the tree. you shook your head in both disbelief and astonishment. after eating a fancy breakfast anton had prepared, he urged you to open all of your gifts. you were more than touched to see all of the things you've mentioned to him sitting under the tree. from new clothes to fancy jewelry, anton covered everything you wished for. just when you thought things couldn't get any better, you opened the final box. inside lied a white teddy bear and a pink book sitting beneath it. you wound emotional flipping through the pages and seeing all of the prettiest photos he's taken with you, from the lowest times to the happiest memories you could recall. lying in the center of the last page was a gift you've been waiting for since the moment you met anton. it was a promise ring. looking up at anton with love flowing down your cheeks, you couldn't help but cry out of pure happiness.
"the happiest moments of my life were spent with you, y/n, and i want nothing more than to make even more with you. may i be your husband?"
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⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ tag list! (ask or comment to be added!)
@endtostartbreathin @gacktsa @hanninova @ramyeonzprincess @taroddori
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canine-witch · 25 days ago
What Does Your Lover Think Of You? ~ Pick A Pile Reading
Oftentimes in our world, things can go unsaid. Some may find the words they have too bold or too hurtful, even in cases of close romantic relationships where open communication should be a priority. Today, I will shed some light on what your past, or future lover may think of you or will think of you. This will find you when it truly needs to, in a relationship or not.
Drink some water, pick a pile, and feel free to discard what does not resonate.
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Group One ~ The Rose
Your lover thinks you are steadfast. They admire your opinions, especially those opinions based on traditions and societal norms. They love your independence. You will not seek outside opinions on a matter you believe in. You don't feel that you need to follow what everyone else is saying, on multiple issues. They love your communication skills. You may be more blunt, and speak only when it is needed. You are calm and steady, not often being swayed by your emotions nor other's appeals to your emotions. You are logical, drawn inwards, and silent. This expression of strength is something your partner is attracted to.
But, they wish that you would follow flights of fancy more often. Your partner may be more romantic than you, and enjoys things which you may find unessecary and silly. You may see them get hurt by their own emotions and care of people who don't deserve it, and think about how silly they are, and all they should do is care less. They think you should care more, because they know you feel the same emotions as them, you just never express it. Express your romantic side, don't think you have to keep silent with your partner. They love you, and want special treatment with you.
Group Two ~ The Bath
Your lover sees you as a dreamer. They love hearing about your big ideas, and enjoy watching you prepare to set your plans in motion. You may be a teacher or a guide to others, and they are proud of your ability to help and heal others. They admire your ability to bounce back from dissapointment and heartbreak, and wish they had that same strength.
Sometimes they wish you wouldn't worry so much. You have been through a lot, and that made you a planner. You try to move against disaster before it's even happened, sometimes even leaving the task of smoothing things out or a needed confrontation to your partner to avoid further pain. They wish you would live in the moment with them, and draw up a bit more strength to learn that pain isn't something to always avoid, but can be a vessel towards true stability.
Group Three ~ The Hands
Your lover sees you as a fighter. You will stand up for what is right and just, and be a source of strength for the people you love. You aren't afraid to shake people up, and revel in the ability you know you have to change the world. Your lover admires your dedication, your refusal to be swayed against things you know are right, and your care for the community around you.
However, they wish you wouldn't fight some fights. Sometimes, anger and standing up for yourself and others is nessecary, but they know you have the ability to communicate and be a diplomat. They see you get hurt by certain arguments, either by other people or by yourself, and wish you would pick your battles more carefully. They want you to learn that sometimes the greatest help comes in direct support, rather than fighting pointless battles far from the real conflict.
Group Four ~ The Decor
Your lover admires your talents and gifts. You may have a creative side, or you have lots of ideas of how to innovate and streamline processes in your chosen job field or at school or even just around the home. You have many amazing ideas they want to see come to fruition, and be shared with the greater world. They think you are intelligent and capable, filled with so many beneficial ideas.
However, your lover wishes you would share more of your talents with the world. You may be having some trouble with extending yourself into the greater society after a betrayal. Someone may have stolen your ideas and taken credit, so now you keep all of your ideas and creations to yourself, rather than setting the record straight. They want you to stand up for yourself more, and allow yourself to stand in the spotlight you deserve for all your intelligence and hard work.
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Thank you so much for taking this time to read this post, thank you for lending me your energy so I can help you!
I am currently taking pac requests, and I have a kofi shop live, where I will be rolling out paid readings! I appreciate your time! Have a blessed day!
kofi shop 🍓 pac masterpost
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harrywavycurly · 4 months ago
Hey I loved the bachelorette party in Malibu for Lonley series but can u do one where Harry has a bachelor party and yn stuck at home please I’m obbsed 😂💕
Hiii lovey!!! I’m glad you enjoy the series!!! I hope you like this, it was fun to write because the difference in how the two of them handle time away from each other is very funny😂💖
Find all things Lonely series here✨
CW: Language and mentions of drinking
Tag List: @blckburd @fangirl509east @ell0ra-br3kk3r @youngpastafanmug @mattieshattuck1 @outofthisworl-d
A/N: Harry is away for his bachelor party weekend while you’re at home and you get a surprise visitor, enjoy drunk Harry as well as some classic bestie banter✨
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You let out a sigh of content as you get comfortable on the couch before bringing your coffee mug up to your lips so you can take a sip, the house is quiet minus the gentle humming sound of the ice maker in the kitchen and the air conditioning that kicks on every now and then and you can’t help but sit there and enjoy the peacefulness of the quiet, at least while you can. You look at the clock on the wall in the kitchen and know that Harry should be landing in Vegas soon, Gemma having booked a morning flight so she could get in a few hours at the spa and a well timed nap before the nighttime festivities begin, most of which you have no idea about minus one little detail but that’s only because she drunkenly let it slip during your bachelorette trip a month ago.
You smile at the thought of Harry being surprised with a spa day, something you know he enjoys and will help him relax and the more relaxed he gets the more fun he will have as the evening goes on. That’s the thing with this weekend, you truly want Harry to have fun because he’s been spending way too much time fussing over you and the upcoming wedding recently that a night out without anything or anyone to worry about is what he deserves. And even though you had to practically drag him down the front steps to the car that was taking him to the airport this morning because he was “gonna miss you too much” and almost bought you a ticket on the spot to join him in Vegas, you know he’s going to end up having a good time.
You take another sip of your coffee when suddenly you hear a light beeping sound signaling to you that your front gate has been opened. You raise an eyebrow as you quickly lean over and place your mug on the coffee table before standing up and heading towards the kitchen so you can look at the fancy little tablet that shows all the security cameras, something Harry made sure to show you how to use before he left since this is technically your first time alone overnight in the house since moving in together. You mentally prepare yourself to see the same black SUV you watched him leave in this morning pulling into the driveway, but when you look at the screen you scrunch your brows together and bring the tablet closer to your face to get a better look at the car.
“What the-”
“Your fuckin’ gate hates me.” You look up from the tablet in your hands as Niall walks through your front door with a duffle bag. “I type in the code it gets all mad and beeps at me so then I type it in again and then it flashes red at me. So then I do it a third-why the bloody hell you got that thing so close to your face? You going blind or somethin?” He stops in the doorway of the kitchen with a slight look of concern on his face as his eyes land on you standing in the middle of the kitchen still holding the tablet a few inches from your face trying to see if that really is Niall’s car in your driveway or not.
“What are you doing here?” You watch him roll his eyes as he walks through the kitchen and into the living room where he drops his duffle bag down behind the couch.
“I live here.” Is all he says as he heads back into the kitchen and grabs himself a mug before going to the coffee pot. You just place the tablet back down onto the counter as you watch Niall make his way around the kitchen while making his coffee.
“Does my fiancé know that?” You ask with a hint of playfulness because you know Harry would have a field day if he heard Niall tell you he lived here, having reached a whole new level of jealousy ever since the two of you got engaged when it comes to your friendship with Niall.
“Oh what that lanky lad doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides it’s just for the weekend because I know he’s gone and you’ve never been alone here before so figured you could use the company.” You know he’s leaving something out as he gives his coffee a good stir before taking a sip of it all while looking everywhere but at you in the process.
“You didn’t get invited did you?” Niall’s face drops as he places his mug on the counter and lets out a sad dramatic sigh making you have to hold back a laugh.
“No.” He says with a groan. “Gem said she didn’t wanna risk Harry not having as good of a time with me there because he might be worried I’d run off and tell you everything but we both know that’s a load of bull because the man is gonna end up drunk off his ass by ten tonight and callin you up and telling on his own fucking self.” You put a hand over your mouth to try to hide your laughter but it’s no use because Niall just rolls his eyes as he grabs his mug and heads towards the living room.
“So you decided coming over here for the weekend was the best alternative?” You question as you follow him into the living room. He just shrugs as he sits down on the couch, placing an arm on the back of it so you can sit next to him and lean into his side for a little cuddle that you know he needs more than you do in this very moment.
“I figured no use in both of us being home alone when we could just be in your house together eating all Harry’s snacks and watching trashy telly.” You smile and you rest your head on Niall’s shoulder as he brings his mug up to his lips. “This coffee is gonna keep me awake for a week you absolute caffeine fiend.” He teases before taking another sip. “Tastes good though.” He mumbles as you reach for the remote so you can turn the tv on allowing the two of you to start your day of watching horrible reality television.
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“If she picks him then it proves she’s just after his money because it’s clear she doesn’t even like him she just tolerates him.” You huff as you cross your arms over your chest in annoyance making Niall let out a laugh from the kitchen.
The two of you have spent the day and a good portion of the evening watching some dating show and only have one episode left so Niall decided it was only fitting he make some cocktails to go with watching the finale and honestly having put up with the dramatics of the show and watching the main woman send home people the two of you thought were decent catches has made him need a drink or two. He is in the middle of squeezing a lime into your glass when he hears the sound of something vibrating against the marble of your kitchen counter, he raises an eyebrow when he notices your phone sitting there plugged into a charger near the coffee maker. Now Niall has been your bestfriend for quite a while, so he’s no stranger to checking your phone for you so he doesn’t think twice before he’s drying his hands off and walking over to see who’s messaging you but what he sees on your lock screen makes his eyes go wide.
“You have forty six unread-sorry now it’s forty seven unread texts? What the hell? Oh fuck now it’s fifty.” You let out a sigh as your head falls to the back of the couch while Niall unplugs your phone from the charge and heads into the living room with it in his hand.
“I don’t want to respond because then he’ll keep texting me and I want him to have fun and not be thinking about me.” Niall would agree that in theory your plan would work on anyone else but this is Harry you’re talking about and he knows how obsessed the man is with you and clearly based on the evidence of the amount of texts he’s sent without a single response from you, your plan is in fact not working.
“Right well I think that’s sweet and all that you want him to have fun but looking at these-uh he seems a bit stressed? Like proper freaking out.” You sit up and turn to look at Niall as he begins to read some of the texts Harry has sent and when you watch him roll his eyes you know they are probably a bit on the dramatic side. “Oh he’s totally drunk off his ass and it’s not even half past eleven.” He states as he scrolls down towards the last few messages he sent you.
“What’s he stressed-”
“And now he’s FaceTiming you.” You stand up and walk around the couch and reach for your phone but Niall just gives you a playful smirk and you instantly know what he’s about to do.
“Niall do not answer that.” You warn as you hold your hand out for him to hand you the phone but Niall just ignores you as he heads back into the kitchen and holds the phone up before he answers Harry’s FaceTime call.
“Baby-what the fuck’er you doin in my house?” Harry’s voice is low and a bit rougher than normal and you immediately know he’s working his way towards a nice buzz. “Why do you have my wife’s phone?” Niall rolls his eyes as he places your phone against the sink so he can go back to fixing the two of you some drinks.
“She’s not your wife yet mate and I’m here because that sister of yours didn’t invite me to your little weekend away so I came here to keep my bestfriend company.” You run a hand over your face as you hear Harry let out a groan at Niall’s correction of him calling you his wife.
“You don’t like spa days so you’d’ve hated it so far.” Niall sends Harry a glare as he grabs the bottle of tequila making Harry raise an eyebrow at him when he watches him pour more than a shots worth into each glass. “You tryin’a get her drunk?” He asks as you stand on the other side of the island watching Niall make your drink and making sure Harry can’t see you, at least not yet.
“You’re in the city of sin and all you’ve done is have a bloody spa day? God you’re such an eighty year old nan.” You can’t help but laugh making Niall shoot you a playful wink but that only causes Harry to let out a whine like noise because he can hear you but can’t see you which makes Niall roll his eyes. “I can’t with the sad puppy noises you’ve got to take him.” Niall says as he picks up the phone with one hand and hands it to you but with the screen still facing him. You send him a glare before you stick your tongue out at him making him laugh before he returns the gesture.
“I don’t want to see your tongue Niall-”
“Hi Harry.” You watch Harry’s face go from disgust to pure happiness in a matter of seconds when you turn the phone around allowing him to finally see your face.
“Baby I’m so happy you’re alive.” You just ignore Niall’s laugh as you make your way back into the living room to get comfortable on the couch. “You ignored me all day and s’not nice to ignore someone you love.” His voice is a mixture of playfulness and a bit of sadness as he pokes his bottom lip out in a dramatic pout.
“I wanted you to worry about having fun not about what I’m doing.” You explain as you take a moment to try to get a decent look at him through the screen but the way he has his phone in his hand all you can see is his face and a bit of the collar of his shirt. “Where are you right now?” You ask when you notice red strobe lights in the background, Harry turns his head and looks around as if he’s looking for the name of the establishment on the walls or anywhere near where he’s currently at.
“Uhm m’not sure? S’a bit dark in here but the people are very lovely.” You smile at the blush that appears on his cheeks as his eyes wonder over to something that’s going on in front of him that you can’t see.
“That’s code for the girls are topless and the tits are nice.” Niall whispers in your ear as he leans over the back of the couch to hand you your drink, you just laugh but Harry even in his half drunken state heard Niall’s little joke and sends him a glare through the screen.
“He said people so I’m assuming it’s not just girls in this club.” You explain and Niall just shrugs as he takes a sip of his drink.
“Right so the guys are brief-less and the cocks are decent.” You nearly choke on the sip of your drink that’s in your mouth at Niall’s statement making him laugh as he reaches over and rubs your back a bit. “Jesus no wonder you two are getting married. Neither of you can handle your liquor.” He teases before he heads back into the kitchen to give you and Harry a few minutes alone.
“Harry why don’t you go and enjoy yourself? You can call me in the morning if you want?” You don’t want to sound rude but you know if you don’t get him off the phone soon then odds are you’ll be on FaceTime with him for the next few hours or until Gemma notices and takes things into her own hands.
“I took s’mthing of yours to help me get through the weekend without you.” Harry admits quietly as he looks around as if to make sure no one is looking before he reaches into his suit jacket pocket, you feel your whole face get hot when he shows you what he took of yours and you silently thank your lucky stars Niall decided to go back into the kitchen. “They’ve helped so far but still miss you.” He adds as he clutches the item in his hand while staring at you through the phone.
“You are such a freak.” Harry just shrugs one shoulder and gives you a sneaky little smirk as he begins to put the object pack into his pocket.
“Tell me those aren’t your knickers he’s shoving back into this pocket like some sort of sicko.”
“M’not a sicko for having a pair of my fiancé’s-”
“Do not finish that sentence Harry Styles you are in public.” You hear a scoff come from behind you while Harry also makes a similar sounding noise making you send Niall who’s now resting his forearms on the back of the couch next to where you’re sitting, a glare over your shoulder before looking back at your phone to give Harry the same look.
“Babe he’s surrounded by bouncing boobs and swinging pricks you think anyone’s gonna give a rats ass if he’s got some worn out knickers in his sleeve?” You scrunch your nose at Niall’s choice of words regarding your undergarments making Harry chuckle.
“How’d ya know they’re worn? You been in my nightstand you wonky kneed twat?”
“You have a panty stash in your nightstand you lanky fuck?”
“And if I do? S’none of your concern you hobbit sized asshole.”
“Ya know for a family all about treat people with kindness you Styles lot sure love to be mean as fuck to the Irish fella who’s job it is to make sure your beloved future bride makes it down the aisle.”
“The bloody hell s’that ‘posed to mean?” You let out a sigh as you just sit there and let the two of them argue as you normally do, knowing that eventually you’ll have to step in but for right now it hasn’t reached the level of any serious feelings getting hurt. Harry’s eyes are a light shade of red and his cheeks are pink letting you know his drinks are starting to catch up to him.
“It means that you overgrown toddler of a man best start being nicer to me or I might just have her accidentally get lost on the way to the venue or better yet just let her sleep in and be so late you’ll have to cancel the whole thing and reschedule it for next-”
“Okay that’s enough.” You snap when you see Harry’s eyes start to get watery as Niall’s threat starts to sink into Harry’s slightly alcohol clouded mind. “Niall go into the kitchen and make me a snack please.” He just lets out a huff but he does what you say because he can tell by your tone that you’re in no playing mood and besides he is starting to feel a bit hungry himself.
“I don’t want to reschedule.” You feel your heart sink a bit at how sad Harry’s voice is as he looks at you with a frown.
“We aren’t rescheduling anything Harry he’s just being mean that’s all.” You give him a reassuring smile that just makes him nod. “I love you and I want you to go and have fun okay? Do some weird stuff and tell me all about it when you get home or if you don’t want to-”
“M’gonna call you in the morning.” He corrects you and you just smile at his face because you know he’s trying his best to look serious but he’s failing due to the corners of his mouth pulling up into a smile. “I love you so so-so fucking much even though you ignored me.” He half mumbles and you can’t help but giggle at how cute he is when he’s drunk and trying so hard to keep it together.
“I love you too.” He gives you a dimpled grin at your response. “Now go have fun or I won’t answer your call tomorrow.” You know it’s probably not nice to threaten him but you figure it’s a good way to get him to actually do what you want and by the way he rolls his eyes and lets out a huff you know it works.
“Fine I’ll go and find m’sister and have fun.” He says with a sigh while you smile and blow him a kiss before saying you love him one more time and ending the call.
“Has he always been so damn needy?” Niall asks as you walk into the kitchen with your drink in your hand. You just shrug as you take a sip while you take a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen island so you can watch Niall cook, he decided a proper meal was what the two of you needed not just a lousy snack since there’s still a dating show finale to watch.
“I don’t know but I also don’t mind.” You answer with a smile making Niall quirk a brow at you as he stirs in the cheese sauce for the Mac and cheese. “I’m happy to be the one he needs.” And it’s the truth because while Harry might be overly clingy and a tad bit more needy than he normally was when the two of you were just friends, you love being the one he wants to cling to and feels the urge to be needy with because it shows the shift that’s taken place and how in love with you he actually is.
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kleotheundeadone · 1 year ago
Scenario: Teaching Alastor To Kiss
(A/N: This is based off of a previous post I made where I talked about how the main group would kiss, & I concluded that Alastor would be bad at it, lmao. I’m still a simp, so I gotta redeem him a little bit, pun totally intended. This may be ooc, but it’s my hyperfixation, & I shall do as I please with it)
“Remind me again, darling, what is the point of practicing such a trivial activity?”
You sighed a bit, rolling your eyes at the demonic deers tone. Perhaps you should have guessed that Alastor wouldn’t know how to kiss. He had (begrudgingly) admitted to having never been in a relationship before you, so it made sense that he had never been kissed before, & wouldn’t be sure how it works. But it would be nice if the egotistical asshole would shelve his pride for 5 seconds so you could help him through this. “Come on Alastor, kissing is just like any other skill. It takes practice, & patience. So if we’re gonna do this, you gotta work with me. It’s okay to not be good at it at first.” 
A laugh track echoed around the room. “Ha! Oh, you truly do know just how to make me laugh, my dear! As if mashing one's face with another requires much skill. What a ridiculous notion all together!” You rolled your eyes. Why were you bothering with him again? You almost decide to just give up entirely before feeling his hand carefully take hold of yours, pulling your attention back to him. “But I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to subject myself to such foolish flights of fancy. If only just this once.” You smiled softly at him, slowly placing your hand on his cheek. The sound of radio static filled the room for a moment, before lulling down into a subtle hum. “If you don’t wanna do this,” You murmured, squeezing his hand slightly in an effort to calm him. “It’s okay. We really don’t have to.” There was a beat of silence, save for the gentle hum of static, before he nodded, his smile strained. You wouldn’t lie & say it was perfect at first- A couple instances of uncomfortable teeth kissing, fumbling at trying to carefully instruct him on how to hold his head, & reminders to keep his lips closed, but after a few minutes, there was a very noticeable improvement.
“You’re doing much better,” You smiled, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. “Lets give it one more try, alright?” You could feel the air around you buzzing around erratically as the grating sound of radio static filled the room, but nonetheless, Alastor kept on a brave smile & nodded once again, shutting his eyes & leaning forward like you had taught him to. You press your lips softly against his, eyes fluttering shut as you shut out the world & focused on the feeling of his mouth against yours. His kiss was soft, careful, & dare you say unsure. There was a vulnerability in it that was completely out of character for the radio demon. Had anyone else ever been with him in such a revealing state? You knew all too well the answer was no. The fact he was here with you like this was… Would it be too cliche to describe it as... Heavenly? The gentle hum of the radio static turns into the soft melody of strings & what you could have sworn was a saxophone. Was- Was he playing slow jazz??? You chuckled softly, pulling away as a consequence of your giggles. Alastor's ears twitched back & forth slightly as he laughed right along with you. "Forgive me darling, but the silence was dreadful! I simply had to do something about it before it killed me. Again!" You shook your head in disbelief as you reached the end of your little giggle fit, playfully nudging his side. "That's fair. Even I feel a bit awkward when kissing someone in total silence." Alastor hummed softly, stroking your cheek before grabbing you by the jaw, placing his other hand on the small of your back as his smile stretched out wide across his face, his crimson gaze glowing eerily. "Well then, I suppose we'll just have to make some noise, won't we my dear?"
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homoquartz · 4 months ago
it's been a funky few days so here's a poll
edit: please sign this
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novaursa · 5 months ago
My Blood And Bone
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- Summary: There were many times when Maegor tried to win your favor, before they locked you away. And he never forgot their insolence.
- Pairing: niece!reader/Maegor I Targaryen
- Note: These events happen before Fire and Blood.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne
- A/N: This was requested by @oxymakestheworldgoround , so here is more Maegor. 🙂
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Aegonfort was a cage gilded in gold, its walls bearing witness to the secrets and treachery that brewed within. It was here, beneath the shadows of the Iron Throne, that your uncle's gaze followed you, the weight of his presence suffocating and inescapable. He had always been there, lingering in the periphery, his stormy eyes dark with something unspoken, something forbidden.
You were Y/N Targaryen, second daughter of King Aenys I and Queen Alyssa Velaryon, a jewel in the crown that your father held with trembling hands. But jewels were meant to be coveted, and Maegor Targaryen was not a man content to admire from afar. He was fire and fury, a beast unchained, and you were the treasure he sought to claim, no matter the cost.
It began with a gift, a blade forged in the fires of Dragonstone, its steel as dark as his intentions. “For you, niece,” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous, the sword’s hilt pressing against your palm. “To keep you safe.”
Your father had frowned at the sight, his unease palpable. “She is a princess, not a warrior, brother,” he had said, his tone edged with the discomfort of a man who knew his words were futile. But Maegor’s smile was sharp, a predator’s smile.
“A princess should know how to defend herself, should she not?” His gaze flickered to you then, the intensity of it making your breath hitch. “It would be a shame for her to be unprepared should danger arise.”
The court whispered, of course. They always did. Maegor’s infatuation was no secret, nor was the growing tension between him and your father. But it was Visenya, the Dowager Queen, who saw what others chose to ignore. She watched with the keen eyes of a dragon, her silence a tacit approval of her son’s desire, for she, too, believed in the old ways, in the purity of Valyrian blood.
When Maegor took you riding on Balerion, the Black Dread, it was not a request but a command. “Come, niece,” he had said, his hand outstretched, the great dragon’s scales glistening like obsidian beneath the sun. “Let me show you the sky.”
You hesitated, your father’s warning echoing in your ears, but the defiance in Maegor’s gaze was irresistible. You took his hand, and the world fell away beneath you, the wind whipping your hair as the dragon soared higher and higher. His arms encircled you, strong and unyielding, and for a moment, you felt as though you were truly flying, free from the chains that bound you.
But Maegor was not content with mere flights of fancy. He sought to claim you in ways that words could not express, his touches lingering, his gaze possessive. When he found you alone in the godswood, your fingers trailing through the cool waters of the pond, his presence was a shadow that loomed over you, heavy and demanding.
“You should not be out here alone, niece,” he said, his voice a growl that sent shivers down your spine. “The court is full of vipers.”
You looked up at him, your defiance flickering like a flame. “And what are you, Uncle, if not the greatest viper of all?”
His laughter was dark, a sound that resonated in your bones. “Perhaps,” he murmured, stepping closer, his hand brushing against your cheek. “But I am a viper who would kill for you, who would burn the world to keep you safe.”
Your heart pounded, your breath catching as his fingers trailed down your neck, a whisper of a touch that spoke of desires long suppressed. “You are wed, Uncle. The gods forbid such thoughts.”
“The gods,” he spat, his eyes blazing with fury, “have never cared for me, nor I for them. They saddled me with a barren bride, denied me the one thing I desire most. Why should I bow to them now?”
His words were blasphemy, and yet there was a truth in them, a fire that kindled something dangerous within you. But before you could speak, before you could give voice to the storm raging inside you, your father’s voice cut through the stillness.
King Aenys stood at the edge of the grove, his face pale with anger, his hands trembling. “I will not allow this,” he said, his voice shaking with the force of his will. “You will not defile my daughter, my blood, with your twisted desires.”
Maegor’s eyes narrowed, the cold fury in them a stark contrast to the heat of his words. “You think you can keep her from me, brother? You think your weak words and weaker will can stand against what is meant to be?”
“She is not meant for you!” Aenys’s voice cracked, the desperation in it ringing clear. “She is a child, my child. You will leave her be, or I will see you banished, see you—”
“See me what, Aenys?” Maegor stepped forward, his presence towering, his hand resting on the hilt of Dark Sister. “See me banished again, as you did before? Send me away and hope that will be enough to keep her from me?”
The silence that followed was heavy, the air thick with the unspoken threat that hung between them. Your heart raced, your eyes darting between your father and your uncle, caught in the tempest of their rage.
“You will leave her be,” Aenys said at last, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Or I will see you destroyed, brother or not.”
For a long moment, Maegor said nothing, his gaze locked on you, the intensity of it searing into your soul. Then, slowly, he inclined his head, a mocking smile twisting his lips.
“As you command, my king.” The words dripped with venom, but he turned away, the promise of something dark and dangerous lingering in the air as he left.
Your father sagged, his hand reaching out to grasp yours. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice thick with sorrow. “I’m so sorry.”
You could only nod, the ache in your chest a hollow, aching thing. For in that moment, you knew that Maegor Targaryen was not a man who could be denied forever. He was fire, and fire would always find a way to consume what it desired most.
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Aegonfort buzzed with the vibrant energy of your name day celebrations, a festival of color and laughter. Musicians played lively tunes, their melodies weaving through the air, while courtiers and lords offered their congratulations and admiration. It was a day meant for joy, for the lavish display of courtly grandeur, but beneath the surface, tension simmered, a crack in the facade.
King Aenys, your father, had spared no expense in organizing the grand hunt in your honor. Noblemen mounted their steeds, hounds barked eagerly, and the banners of House Targaryen fluttered in the breeze as the hunt began in earnest. You stood beside your mother, Queen Alyssa, her smile warm but her eyes watchful, ever the vigilant protector.
Yet it was not the festive cheer that held your attention; it was the shadow that loomed on the edges of the gathering, the one presence that seemed to darken the day’s radiance. Maegor, your uncle, clad in black armor that gleamed ominously under the sun, was a brooding storm amidst the celebration. His gaze lingered on you, piercing and unrelenting, and it took all your composure to return his stare with a steady, if uncertain, gaze.
He had barely participated in the hunt itself, choosing instead to ride apart from the others, his attention fixed on something far more personal. You could feel it, that coiled tension within him, the intent that hummed like a drawn bowstring. And then he was gone, vanished into the woods, leaving a wake of unease behind him.
Hours passed, and the hunt returned, triumphant. Stags and boars were brought forth, the prizes of the chase, their bodies laid at the king’s feet as an offering to your honor. Applause rang out, voices cheering, but the absence of Maegor’s dark figure loomed over the festivities like a shadow.
Then, like a harbinger of doom, he appeared.
He rode into the courtyard, alone, his horse’s flanks lathered in sweat. Draped over the saddle, still warm and bleeding, was the heart of a great stag, its size and weight staggering. The sight drew gasps from the crowd, the murmurs of celebration turning to hushed whispers of shock and awe.
“For you, niece,” he said, his voice carrying over the stunned silence. He dismounted, lifting the bloody trophy with a strength that seemed almost inhuman. “A gift, to honor your name day.”
The heart, dark and glistening, dripped blood onto the pristine stones of the courtyard as he carried it to you. Your breath caught in your throat, your eyes locked on the macabre offering. It was a brutal, savage gift, one that spoke of conquest and possession, of a man willing to tear the heart from the chest of a beast to lay it at your feet.
Queen Alyssa was the first to react, her face paling as she stepped forward, her voice tight with barely concealed horror. “Maegor, what is this madness?”
He ignored her, his gaze fixed on you, a challenge in his eyes. “A stag’s heart, the very symbol of life and power. To hold it in your hands is to understand what it means to conquer, to take what you desire and make it your own.”
Your hands shook as you reached out, hesitating before you touched the still-warm flesh, the blood staining your fingers. You understood the meaning, the dark symbolism of his gift. He was offering you more than a bloody trophy; he was offering his loyalty, his devotion, his savage, unyielding heart.
But your father, King Aenys, would not have it.
“Enough!” His voice cracked like a whip, the command echoing off the stone walls. He stepped forward, his face twisted with fury and disgust. “This is an insult, Maegor! A desecration of my daughter’s name day! How dare you bring such… such barbarity into my court?”
Maegor’s lips curled into a mocking smile, his gaze never wavering from yours. “An insult, brother? This is a gift, a token of my esteem. Or have you forgotten what it means to be Targaryen, to embrace the fire and blood of our heritage?”
“Do not twist our words to justify your depravity!” Alyssa’s voice trembled with rage, her hand gripping your arm as if to shield you from the grotesque spectacle. “This is not the way of things, not in our family, not in our court.”
“And what is our way, then?” Maegor’s voice was a low snarl, the barely restrained fury in it sending a shiver down your spine. “To bow and scrape before the whims of men who do not understand us? To deny the bond that is ours by right of blood, of fire?”
Aenys stepped between you and Maegor, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, the gesture more symbolic than threatening. “You will cease this, Maegor. You will leave her be. She is not yours to claim, not now, not ever.”
The air crackled with dread, the crowd holding its breath as the brothers faced each other, the king and the warrior, blood against blood. For a moment, you feared that Maegor might strike, that his rage would explode into violence right there in the courtyard, but then he laughed, a sound devoid of humor, harsh and cold.
“You are a fool, Aenys,” he said, his voice thick with disdain. “You think you can keep her from me, lock her away, and all will be well? She is not a prize to be hidden, not a thing to be kept on a shelf. She is Targaryen, as am I, and we are meant for more than this.”
“Enough!” Aenys roared once more, his face flushed with anger. “You will leave this place, Maegor. Leave now, or I will have you thrown out. I will not tolerate your madness, not on this day, not ever again.”
For a long, tense moment, Maegor stood still, his gaze flickering to you one last time, his eyes dark with something raw and terrible. Then, with a slow, mocking bow, he turned and mounted his horse, the bloody heart still clutched in his hand.
“As you command, brother,” he said, his voice a dangerous purr. “But remember this: I do not forget. I do not forgive.”
And with that, he spurred his horse and rode out of the courtyard, the sound of hooves striking against stone fading into the distance. You watched him go, your heart heavy with a mixture of fear and something you dared not name, the blood on your hands drying as the echoes of the argument lingered in the stillness.
It was the last time you saw him before everything changed, before you were spirited away to Dragonstone, a prisoner in all but name, and Maegor was exiled to the cold, distant lands of Essos. The heart of the stag, the symbol of his twisted devotion, haunted your dreams for years to come, a reminder of what had been offered, and what had been lost.
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merlinmylove · 6 days ago
How Sir Leon and Merlin became friends
It’s back in season 1-2 and Sir Leon is on patrol with the Prince and the other knights.
He hears and sees Merlin talk rudely and loudly to his highness, breaking all sorts of decorum, flirting with another knight, (surprisingly Sir Kay doesn’t seem to mind) and spending most of his time feeding the horses treats instead of attending to his duties.
(“There you are horsies, some nice crisp apples for you — I know I know, it’s awfully rude of Arthur to drag you out here in the cold, I hate him too”)
Once they return back to the castle he writes his usual report on the events; cataloging how many bandits they fought, how many lives or equipment lost, who got injured and who took charge. The usual.
He included a simple note on Merlin’s behaviour, and hoped it would be subtle enough that the Prince would take matters into his own hand, and make Merlin stop embarrassing himself and the Prince in the future.
He hands the report over for Arthur to proof read before officially filing it with the other reports. Sir Leon had, perhaps foolishly, thought the prince would appreciate his notice of Merlin’s behaviour but instead Arthur tears the report in half and orders him to:
“Write it again and dont mention Merlin. If you have a problem with him, you come to me. Any slight on his character is a slight to mine, do you understand? He has my absolute trust”
Sir Leon doesn’t understand, not yet anyways.
But nevertheless, he writes a near similar report, no mention of any servants this time around, and His Highness accepts it and files it with the rest.
Over the next few months he tires to observe Merlin and his behaviour around the prince. Just as a precaution! After all, the safety and wellbeing of the Heir to the throne lies with him as knight commander and closest friend.
He notices that Merlin is always the last one to go the bed and the first one up. He singlehanded does all the chores Arthur sets him, even the ones that are beneath him in station, and really is just an embarrassing punishment set by Arthur.
For the godssake they have multiple stable hands and errand boys, Merlin should not be mucking out the horses and running around the castle fetching Arthur’s things.
He seems to sneak out at night to walk an hour to the lake and chat to a woman who lives in it. Leon hides in the bushes as he watch Merlin rant about Arthur’s smelly socks to an apparent goddess.
Merlin is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Helping Gaius and the citizens of the lower town, teaching the young stable boys how to count and write, mending Arthur’s torn clothes, brewing his tea and cooking his food, carrying buckets of water all by himself up ten flights of stairs, changing his bedsheets and polishing his armour.
Leon found himself wondering how the young boy stay so cheerful and kind whilst being so overworked? Does he ever have time to eat or sleep?
But then one night while on guard, Sir Leon would come to truly understanding Merlin. He hears hushed and harsh whisperings around the corner to the royal hall, so he draws his sword and peers around to listen.
It seem Merlin has cornered Lady Celia, and is blocking her path to the Princes chambers.
“Just give the flask to me, and I will tell no one” He demands in a tone of voice Leon had never heard from him before.
“I don’t answer to you, servant! Let me pass, or I shall scream. Then you will see what happens when you try to stop me” Leon didn’t need to see her face to know that she was smirking at him.
“Scream all you want, I don’t care. Arthur will belive me, and I doubt the King will be happy to hear how you tried to poison his son”
“It’s not poison! It’s simply —“
“A lust draft, yes I know. I recognise the colour and fragrance. You bought it three days ago from the traveling merchants. I saw you”
“Oh I see…the little servant fancies himself a spymaster. Stay out of this, or I will make your life a living hell” She sounded entirely too confident and it was starting to grate on Sir Leon’s nerves.
“Doubt you can make it any worse than what Arthur already does” Merlin mumbled, mostly to himself before continuing in a cold levelheaded voice;
“Your plan of seducing the prince and forcing him to marry you out of honour and obligation is disgraceful. I know you’re upset he didn’t dance with you at the winter feast last year — yes I noticed that too! But this is not the way to go about romance. A lust potion will be easily discovered by Gaius and your neck will be on the line. Hand it to me, and I will make sure this never happened”
Leon tightened his grip on his sword as he heard Merlin’s words. To think that someone had planned to accost His Highness tonight and Leon had no idea! He felt shame build up inside him. Lady Cecil’s voice drew him back into focus.
“Oh shut up little cretin! You’re nothing but a lowly servant, who in their right mind would believe your words over that of a Duchess? Your words mean nothing” She sneered.
Sir Leon had heard enough and decided to make his presence known. As he turned around the corner he held his sword drawn.
“But mine does. The King and Prince will belive me when I tell them what happened here tonight.”
Lady Celia drops the flask and it shatters upon impact. A strong aroma of roses and marsipan fills the corridor. She looks ashen and starts shaking.
Merlin on the other hand looks pleasantly surprised at his entrance. His body completely relaxed where he’s stood guarding Arthur’s door. Where the hell are the guards?! Did she get them too, Leon wondered for a second, but he had more pressing concerns at the moment.
“Besides, Merlin is not just a servant, he is the personal servant of the Crown Prince. Furthermore he is well trusted by all the knights and staff. And if you wish to go by social standing and birth…my word as Earl of Blackhall, and Knight Commander of Camelots army trumps yours.”
Merlin allowed a little smile at that.
“Now, if you will follow me my lady, I shall ensure this ends better than it would’ve had you tried to entrap the prince tonight.” It was an order and she knew it.
Lady Celia hmpft and walked ladylike over to him, carefully stepping over the broken glass, and potion soaking the stone floor.
He took her arm, and held it tight. Leon tried to conceal any further disgust with her as he turned to Merlin and asked him to gather as much of the potion as he could. “It will be needed as evidence. And please clean of up afterwards — I’d rather no one else falls under any enchantment”
“Yes, Sir Leon” Merlin said faintly, nodding his head at the older knight.
“And you’d better wake His Highess and alert him” At this simple request Merlin groaned and dropped any sense of dignity and respect.
Kicking his feet in a childlike manner he moaned “Ugh, why can’t you do that? He hates being woken up, and I would know because I wake him up every morning. He’s such an ass when he’s sleepy!”
Sir Leon grimaced as he was all too familiar with Arthur’s morning grumpiness. There’s a reason he always asked someone else to do it. Still, he had to feign some level of decorum.
“Merlin! That is an order. Fetch His Highness and tell him what you discovered. I shall bring Lady Celia to the council chambers and alert the King”
“Alright alright” Merlin huffed and hung his head. “But if he throws something me again, I will say I told you so!”
From this day on, Leon never once doubted Merlin’s character or loyalty towards his prince. He knew that he had finally found a man whom he could trust completely around Arthur…even if he was always late with breakfast.
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