#this was the phard launch
it-wasntaphase · 3 months
just watched dan and phil dress each other and now i think i’m going to log off for eternity probably
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phanyaoi · 6 days
top 10 things that according to phannies should count as phard launch but they get more and more unhinged
basically im gay
joking about marriage, petnames and good omens references, the calendar
precious baby angel tshirts/sharing clothes in general
datenight game for couples
any situation where theyre jealous (i mean dan)
the relatives room
the phouse
the joint family christmas at the phouse
anything from 2009
uma thurnam just watched me have sex
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g00se-ars0nist · 2 months
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this was my phard launch
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bottomsonlybar · 1 month
i need to go to bed but i just watched the video and i just wanna say i was really wondering how they were gonna explain this one away. but somehow they managed to be super vague and also not say outright that they're actually /not/ a couple. and like. dan straight up made fun of phil for going into no homo territory. wild times
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trashcanfromgallifrey · 3 months
Okay but question- if the TIT tour includes a Phard Launch in some way, how the fuck are people gonna keep quiet about it and not spoil it for the rest of the world? If they hard launch right in front of me I don’t know if I could keep that to myself man😭
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mouldywalls · 2 months
explaining dan and phils relationship/the phard launch*
*to the best of my ability. i’m not a dnp scholar!!! i’m just some dude!!!!
i'll only be using "proof" from post them coming out, bc before then it's all heresy, up to interpretation, or crossing the invisible line i have set for myself for this post. old phan proof does infact hit different and i am a demon for it. no shame here.
romantic or platonic?
In 2019 both dan and phil came out as gay and in Dan's masterpiece of a coming out video he explicitly states they're romantically involved. People argue this clip only states that they were romantic in the past, but after this video Dan has described their relationship as various romantic and throw up inducing things + they own a house together. Phils coming out video doesn't cover him and Dan's relationship, still defiantly worth watching tho!!!
relationship status?
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they've described their relationship status as a LOT of different things post 2019, ranging from husbands, soulmates, best friends to a ranch metaphor. they haven't publicly stuck a strict label onto it, but it is clearly smth beautiful and romantic.
phard launch????????
I think they've already hard launched, but youre allowed to disagree. it could be cool for them to put a set label on their relationship, or post them actually holding hands or kissing or whatever but they don't have to. I'll be happy if they do and I'll be happy if they don't, and I hope that's how most people think lol.
again in his coming out video Dan explained that him and phil are private people who don’t want to share the intimate details of the life publicly, and to me and others this means we’re allowed to interpret and appreciate all the things they choose to share with us even more
if ive missed anything important and/or ive said anything objectively wrong feel free to tell me in my asks :3 just pls be nice
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imagine-tit · 1 month
the frogs are so overcooked I'm afraid we'll have a kitchen fire at the tit
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philsmeatylegss · 4 months
Pride Month Phredictions (realistic)
-Dan makes a joke about being buttfucked.
-Dan makes a joke about cum.
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whokilledwarfstache · 1 month
Oh wow that was. Wow.
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dangenderenvy · 3 months
"speak now or forever hold your peace"
my swiftie brain just glitched bc are these fuckers doing the same thing blondie does?? bc if so.. marriage hill looking like the place to be rn
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dyllpyckles · 2 months
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ursunpie · 3 months
I installed instagram to look at the pics.... y'all did not tell me they did a joint post 😭
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phanyaoi · 3 months
i was thinking a bit about how poeple say phannies outside tumblr are not so enthusiastic of phannies talking about the idea of phard launch, which is honestly weird(?) to me. because when i say "hard launch" i mean them finally being comfortable with who they are, similarly to "basically im gay" dropping. even dan said in that vid that by this time almost everybody knew he wasnt straight. and same here, we know theyre not "just friends" so im not waiting for an announcement, bc they dont owe us anything, i just want them to feel comfortable (like even play couples version of some games or be generally more affectionate?)
but another part of it is that i still see people 100% convinced theres nothing between them. and every time i do and see some people get mad at "phan shippers", i once again think about what dan said in BIG. even skipping over the "companionsthroughlife, actualsoulmates" thing, he literally called them "obviously more than just romantic". how can anybody think that there was absolutely nothing between them ever after that?
and unfortunately, i think it might be caused by some sort of homophobia. because if dan was a cis girl calling a guy her "more than just romantic soulmate" there would probably be absolutely no doubt about their feelings. if someone expects every gay couple to stand up and announce to the world that they are "officially together" (which is fucking stressing to do in front of a huge audience!! and again, dan adressed it in BIG. and also they talked about how confusing and problematic labels can be), instead of just living their lives together, its fucking weird. <3
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blossoms-phan · 3 months
Do you think dnp hardlaunch is coming ? If so in what way and when?
i wrote out like a 500+ word answer to this and then my phone restarted 🫠 but i feel like a true phannie blog now getting asks about my opinions so thank u anon teehee let’s try this again
so what is a hard launch, right? explicitly stating that they are in a relationship, that they’re dating? an instagram of them kissing? the potential for a “hard launch” is admittedly enticing to so many of us, but we also know what they’ve defined their relationship as and all the little ways they’ve expressed their love. “obviously we were more than friends” in big, stating that they prefer to keep the details of both of their lives “private”, the interviews… and like, idk owning a forever home together? lol. there’s literally dozens of moments that could be considered the hard launch bc of how Loud they are; but i think what it comes down to is boundaries and how much more comfortable and open they’ve been since the gaming channel revival. I think a big part of that is now knowing their audience, and although there’s been debate over the last few months I was still skeptical- but the way that they’re talking about the tour, the “open door” etc, really leads me to believe we are barreling towards a hard launch. i think they’ve realized that it wouldn’t change what we already know, and although I don’t think they would still necessarily do anything to exploit or “advertise” their relationship, i honestly just see them sharing more coupley instagram pictures while on tour- and the tour also has real potential for a hard launch through the sharing of “uncensored, uncut” stories that they couldn’t share for 10 years.
so yeah, do I think they’re gonna make out on stage- probably not lmao, but I do think a “hard launch” whatever that means is coming, in their own quietly Loud way
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bottomsonlybar · 4 months
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this is how a lot of y'all sound like rn all i hear is phard launch phard launch i've got boxes full of phard launch
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So we're all expecting one of the stories to be "aita for lying to millions of people about being married to my soulmate for years" right?
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