#this was the first thing i thought off when i saw the cliff scene in my stand in
infinitelyprecious · 4 months
Thai bl and throwing gays off a cliff: a collection
Manner of Death:
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Chains of Heart:
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The Sign:
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My Stand In:
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Interestingly three of these are a couple getting shot/kicked off a cliff by enemies. (Did Joe get flung off by enemies too? I'm 5 min into ep 1, so I have no clue yet lol)
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vacayisland · 10 months
I have the largest hyper fixation on Floyd right now. Funny little troll being way too cute for it to be legal.
do you think you could write a story where a male / Non-binary reader that's like, a large person thing, (You can make them part animal if possible, I like the idea of Floyd hiding in the readers fur for comfort.) is reunited with Floyd after he was stick in the diamond perfume bottle for 2 months. And they just give Floyd a bunch of comfort cuddles and other stuff.
Take all the time you need to rest and drink water, if you can't do my request, that's perfectly fine. I hope you have an amazing day / night!
-A non-binary bee 🐝
@!; Floyd with a part-animal Reader! Floyd / Half-animal! Half-Troll! Reader
"Summary"! Couldn't tell if you meant big like tall or big like cubby... so why not both? :D Anyways, there are more headcanon style with little stories in it. Dunno when I'll post this (I have like 5 other stories backed up b/c my mind can't decide what to write); But I hope you like it Bee! Tags! Floyd literally being everything, no pronouns mentioned so feel free to use your own, hurt-comfort, NOT PROOF READ... also wrote in one sitting... in one day. AND TUMBLR KEPT GLITCHING ON ME AND THE PITCTURE BORDER ISN'T WORKING ON DESKTOP-. anyways please enjoy <3
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@!; Floyd has known you since his band days, which was a shock to his brothers when they finally met you. Not only are you taller than an average troll (a foot or so) yet you're also different; and mostly in a good way, but take what you will about the fact that Branch noticed your differences first. When Floyd first met you, it was 2 months into his boyband career with Brozone. He went out on a walk to clear his head before a big show, anxious feels were never good to go on stage with and his brothers didn't help much. Mostly John Dory, who kept speaking about his "perfect" plan to the show. Just thinking about messing up anything made Floyd more nervous than preforming, he really didn't want to let his brothers down; as he's seen them preform before he was able to join on the scene. So while JD ranted, Spruce worked out, and Clay was fitting into his costume, Floyd went out on a needed walk. That's when he found you;
You were stood up top a mountain cliff near the Pop troll village, looking down with your majestic eyes and ears relaxed down by your side. Floyd stood by the village though hid in the shade of the plants nearby to watch. He didn't want to scare you off, especially since he's never seen anything quite like you. You seemed memorized by the lights of the Pop troll village, if not maybe a little intoxicated by them; like a moth to the flame. Floyd was memorized by your shiny coat, which he could barely see against the night sky and the bright colors of the village. You didn't seem to notice him at all as you laid down at that cliff, crossing your paws and laying your muzzle down on them. Floyd wasn't sure why but watching you watching the lights of the village calmed his nerves. Even though it was still a little nerve racking thinking that an animal so big knows were the village was; an animal who could possibly eat Trolls. Yet, that thought was quickly wavering out of his mind the more passive you seemed. @!; Floyd almost missed the show that night, Spruce had to go find him before JD blew a fuse. He was questioned like hell the few seconds before the show and then afterwards, yet he couldn't exactly tell his brothers that he saw an animal watching the village and that's what he was doing. They would be both over worried and a little relentless in scolding him for getting so close to something that could eat trolls. His absence of an answer, and his general dodging of the brothers questions (when that was so not like Floyd) led them all to assume that Floyd met a Troll that had caught his eye. Floyd tried to protest against this, yet was a little flustered at the fact that all his brothers seemed to jump on that conclusion train so quickly. So, that only solidified his brother's theories more and thus began the hunt. All his brothers kept an extra eye on Floyd, trying to see who the lucky Troll had been who caught there ever so sensitive brother's eyes. Despite all their "sneaky" tracking and slight stalking, they came up with nothing. Floyd was determined to let them not know what, or maybe who, he actually saw that night. So he didn't see you again until his brothers gave up on their little hunt and let Floyd to his own devices. Especially after he almost messed up a show due to nerves from not being able to go out on a walk without his brother's bombardment; JD wasn't happy. 3 months after first seeing you, Floyd was able to catch a glimpse of you again. Before a show, he looked out the window (not needing to go out on a walk that night) and saw your figure again in the distance on the same hill. You were relaxed again, laying down and looking intently towards the Village. In some weird sense, Floyd had a funny thought that you were here to listen to the concert; seeing as he didn't see you on any other night than concert nights. Yet, he shook that thought out of his head really quick, not thinking that you could like Brozone music. Not that it was because you weren't a Troll, but because he thought it was too loud for your ears; he's read somewhere that animal ears tended to be more sensitive than Troll ears. But then why would you be so close to the Village? The thought stuck in Floyd's mind all throughout the performance and when he checked if you were still at the cliff after the show, you were gone. He couldn't tell if it was because of the noise or because the show had ended; but he felt a little disheartened.
@!; Floyd would play this one-sided game of eye-spy for months before he spotted a night when you weren't you. He had began to make it a habit to leave you a little plate of food (well little for you) before every Brozone performance. His personal thank you for watching the show despite your (maybe) sensitives ears. He was going to go place the plate of food at the top of the cliff when he stopped midway through his hike to see a Troll standing at the top of the cliff. At least, it looked like a Troll? Yet they seemed taller, even more so when Floyd slowly approached closer. Your hair also was more abundant than other Trolls, even for adults. He was cautious as he approached you, keeping the plate of food close to him as he tried to scope out who you were before he interacted. Yet before he could figure out who you were, you snapped your head around to stare into the dead of night . . . directly at him. Floyd froze, not sure if you could see him or not and not wanting to find out. Though it was light you weren't even a Troll for a second, taking in a sniff before your hair stood up for a moment; prickling like a cat's hair standing up when frightened. Slowly you approached him with heavy footsteps, your height slowly growing in the moonlight as your shadow was drawn out. For a moment Floyd thought he was as good as dead. He didn't know what to do! Frazzled, he quickly shoved out the plate of food he had indented for his friend and not this stranger about to commit (possible) cannibalism. And that's when he heard your footsteps come to a stop and a heavy huff from someone's nose hit the top of his head, causing him to cautiously open one eye. And he felt like fainting as soon as he did that. Though he couldn't help opening both eyes in complete terror seeing a Troll tower over him in an unnatural height. Your eyes pierced down at him, their glow in the moonlight somehow familiar yet Floyd could not piece it together at this moment of panic. "Please don't eat me!" Floyd blurted out, the only thing between him and you being a plate of food. Yet you didn't answer, at least not right away. Your silence was as terrifying as your glare and staggering height. "I promise you I don't taste good!-" The words fell out before Floyd had even realized he had said them, watching with terror as you leant down. He wasn't sure what you were doing, but he hoped it wasn't serving your next meal's horror before deciding whether or not you should eat him. Yet there was something in your eyes that softened, a small smile that seemed to creep onto your lips. And for once after meeting you in this form, Floyd felt like he wasn't going to get mauled. Which was a good thing, a really good thing... For him at least. "So you're the one who's been leaving me food!" Your voice was not at all how he imagined it, as it seemed to carry some sort of friendliness he's not even heard from some Trolls. It was also a bit rougher, your English oddly unperfected for a Troll for the age Floyd guessed you were. "I-.. uh, what?" Though what did you mean Floyd was leaving you food? Maybe you were confusing him for someone else, or maybe you were eating the food he intended for his friend. Either way he tried to clear the confusion, "I'm sorry no, I don't think so. I've been leaving food here for.." "Yes, for me." You interrupted Floyd before he could finish, giving him a rather big grin. Yet, no matter how friendly you seemed, your words caused him to become that more confuddled. Even more so when you held out your hands flat, as though you were expected Floyd to just hand you the plate ... really incorrectly. He thought for a brief moment that you may be related to the animal that perches itself at the cliffside, though he didn't think too long on that possibility; as would it even be possible?
Either way, to save some trouble for now, Floyd carefully handed you the plate of food; watching as you held it from the bottom flat in your hands and grinned brighter before rushing off to the side of the cliff. He wasn't sure if he should follow you or not. "Come, friend! We eat to show!" You gestured for Floyd to follow as you sat at the iconic cliff he's seen the animal so many times. And despite his hesitation, and his logicality telling him not to, he deiced to join the Troll. I mean, what could be the harm? Floyd almost missed his performance that day. JD wasn't happy yet, oddly enough, something inside Floyd made him rather indifferent. Not uncaring, because he always cared about his brothers feelings and letting down JD was last on his list; yet, he didn't care as much as he should have. And that caught him by suprise. He wondered if it had to do something with you...
@!; The day the band broke up, Floyd went to seek you first. You two had grown close after the countless nights you spent upon the cliff, chatting and eating. Floyd just couldn't stand being able to leave without giving you a proper goodbye, you have been his closest friend outside his family after all. He found you lower on the cliff this day, still stalking in your animal form. Your ears were completely pinned back, and he was sure you had saw what had happened during that performance; it was the biggest disaster storm ever. "Hey! H-" Floyd didn't even have to call you twice before you perked up, snapping your attention over to him. He grew sheepish seeing your sudden smile, and he could only guess you had been utterly worried about him since the performance. Though he didn't expect you to be so worried you would bound towards him on all fours, causing him to yelp and quickly brace for impact. Yet, you never hit, and Floyd heard as you skidded yourself to a stop right in front of him and plopped down on your bottom. Letting out an excited yelp before licking him once, then twice. Causing him to laugh and try to push your snout away, a silent signal for you to turn back into a Troll. Which you didn't seem to get the hint for instantly, as you licked him thrice before standing up and twirling in a circle. Laughing, Floyd covered his eyes and let you turn back, opening them only when he heard your voice again; "Floyd! What in the hell happened out there?! One minute you guys were doing fine and it seemed like-" Your voice was as lovely as ever, and Floyd instantly felt a pang in his heart knowing he wouldn't be able to hear it as often anymore. His face became rather gloomy at that sudden realization he hadn't thought of before now. Maybe visiting you wasn't- no, he can't think like that! You deserved the truth as much as Branch did. He can't simply walk off and keep you sitting here, watching and wondering where he had gone for years on end. That wasn't right. "(y/n)!" Floyd jolted at the suddenness of his voice, and how firm it sounded. He didn't mean for his words to come out so harsh, though your ranting didn't do much to help his heart... or the decision he knew he had to make. Oh and your eyes, the way they shone in the moonlight. Floyd could see how startled he had made you, as he's never used such a voice with you; yet it had done the job and hushed you up, even for now. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you. I just-" Floyd's lip twitched as he thought for the easiest way to blow this to you. The easiest way to let you down after all the nights you had spent together. The easiest way for him to accept everything that was happening and everything he had to do and everything that needed to be done.. but oh poor Branch and poor you, neither of you deserved this- "Floyd.. it's okay." Floyd was brought back to his thoughts, snapped back with the feeling of your hands grabbing his and your voice echoing in his ears. He opened his seized eyes and glanced up at yours; you were leaning down again, and Floyd laughed through the tears he didn't realize were spilling down. "You're doing it again.." Floyd mumbled, his voice wobbly. Your hands raced to his cheeks, cupping them and undoubtably feeling the hot, wet tears streaming down as you began to clear them. Floyd dropped his hands to his sides, they felt all to heavy right now. "No you're doing it again." Your voice was uncharacteristically steady, none if it's usual fluctuating like a dog excited to see it's owner. "You're overthinking and... and thinking of everyone else before you think about yourself! Floyd, whatever you're going to say to me, whatever you're keeping in that mind of yourself, you're going to tell me now, okay? And you're going to tell me and you're not going to worry about how I feel and you're going to be firm on your decision... because you're strong and we're friends and I won't be mad with you no matter what you tell me."
@!; That night, Floyd knew, for sure, that he was in love with you. And that made telling you all that harder as his heart yelled at his brain to stay, but his brain knew that they couldn't go back on their choice. He had to leave, even if for a week or month or year. He knew he needed space from the Village and everyone inside.. but not you and Branch. Defiantly not you. And oh the broken look in your eyes got him, but the way you tried to smile through it and agree that the space is what he needed made him fall even more in love. You were so strong, you kept to your word... Maybe Floyd could stay one more night. And he did, he cuddled up with you for his last night in the Village; you both watched the stars, all cozied up in your hair. And god, has Floyd never felt a Troll's' hair so soft. He almost couldn't pull himself out from it in the morning when you were still clinging onto him, trapping him with both your body and your hair. He felt tempted to doze back to sleep, yet knew he had to leave now (while he still had the will power) then wait before you woke up. He knew if he saw your broken look again, that look in your eyes that you could never hide, he couldn't bring himself to leave. So when you woke up in the morning, you found yourself alone; completely alone in a middle of your blanket made of your hair. Floyd had left before you had woke up and you would find yourself sulking in that position for longer than you would have thought.
@!; You didn't see Floyd again, yet you heard from him up till a few years into his exploration of the unknown; journeying to find himself in the chaotic world beyond the village. You didn't leave from the outskirts of the Pop village, as that's were you had figured out you could thrive the most without interacting with other Trolls or animals. So when Floyd's letters began to run dry, you knew it wasn't because he didn't know where to send it. No that's never been a problem before, especially with the bugs that were used to deliver the messages so they never went through Troll post. You had first thought that he had forgotten to write a letter that day and he would send you one tomorrow. He didn't. You then figured he was just somewhere where he couldn't right or get a bug to deliver the letter. But after a month of sitting and waiting anxiously, you figured that couldn't be the reason either. Floyd never stayed in a place for this long, and the letter he had sent you last made it sound like he was going to a place where he could continue to send letters. Another option came to mind, what if Floyd had just stopped sending letter because he just grew tired of you? He found someone else who captured his attention better than you did! Who could write in pretty cursive and spell words and speak correctly. Who could bake for him pies and cupcakes, who could sing and dance with him in the proper way that a Troll could. That was the first day you ever felt truly alone ever since Floyd left. Sure, you missed him dearly; Missed his smile and his caring ways and his company but never did you ever feel truly lonely. The type of lonely that made you upset and aggravated. The type of lonely that stung more than a throne in your paw, or a bee sting. The type of lonely that made you think back on all the memories you had with Floyd and made you think two different thoughts all at once: What was the point? Can I get those times back? It was torture. Two months of agonizing torture that ate you up inside with no remorse.
@!; Two months inside that horrible diamond prison, Floyd was finally free. Sure he had some white in his hair now, and felt fatigue come onto him easier when singing, but he was free; Free and with his brothers heading back to the Pop Troll village where Brozone (kind of reestablished) was going to chill for a minute before maybe going back their separate ways. "Oh my god, did we ever tell you that Floyd use to have a crush in the village when he was younger?!" JD turned around from the console of his caterpillar-like trailer, a snicker plastered right across his face. His comment instantly flipped the attention of everyone else, who had been lounging around the 'living space' of the trailer and chatting about nothing exciting. At least, nothing exciting to John Dory. "Oh! I almost forgot about that!" Bruce started as Branch looked between his brothers, noticing as Floyd let out a small groan and covered his face. "Oh not this gain..." Floyd mumbled, though not completely under his breath. "What?! JD you have to be joking right now!" Poppy jumped to a start, Viva seemed to be right beside her; jumping to her sister's side, placing her hands on Poppy's shoulders with such interest you would think JD had just brought up party plans. "Oh I'm so not joking." JD couldn't help but laugh, crossing his arms. "Floyd used to sneak off before the start of every show and see his little crush! It was so cute." And there was the teasing tone that Floyd could never forget. He hadn't hoped they didn't bring up this topic, but now he wished he had begged on his knees to anything above that his brothers had forgotten. "Oooh~ Floyd! Who was the lucky troll?" Viva questioned, mirroring her sister's excitement yet with a slight more mature feeling. "Well-" Floyd couldn't even begin before JD took over again. "We never got the chance to see them!" "Oh yeah, and we tried hard too. Stalked Floyd anytime he went out to see if we could find any sort of glimpse on who this Troll was. But we never found them." Clay informed, leaning back against the couch as an amused glint crossed his eyes; he glanced over to Floyd, who was still hiding his head. "Can we PLEASE change the topic?!" Floyd begged, but he guessed that his humiliation was much too entertaining to his brothers (mostly JD). "Nope! Never got the chance to see them. It was like- the biggest mystery in all of BroZone history." JD made this sound more ominous than it needed to be. More mysterious than a unclosed murder case that was more boggling than answerable. His serious tone didn't help it either. "Oh my god, Viva!-" Poppy turned to her sister, who held a knowing look. "To the clue board?" "To the clue board! Don't worry we'll find this troll." Poppy exploded like a star as Viva and her rushed over to the clue board that Branch had set up. They didn't waste time before they began to excitedly chat over possibly candidates and theories. Floyd felt more embarrassed than the day his brothers had started that whole mess, and he wasn't sure how that was even possible! Branch watched the two sisters for a moment before turning over to his brothers, thoroughly confused, "Wait... why did no one tell me this?!"
@!; Floyd wasn't sure how he would break this news to his brothers, but all he knew is that he needed to get to you first. He knew you just as you knew him, and he knew his disappearance would have a cause for concern... or maybe alarm or distress. Everything that Floyd didn't want you to feel when you thought about him because he should be your safe space and you had been his. "Guys! I'll be right back." Floyd shouted to his brothers when the caterpillar bus had came to a stop in front of the Pop village; And Floyd was sure he literally flew out the door with more force than necessary before he began to run down the village. "Bring them home for dinner!" Floyd could hear JD's sly remark before he was no longer in earshot of the van. Though he was sure he could hear something about "Kids growing up too fast" and some shared lighthearted laughter. Floyd couldn't care at the moment; not when all his brain buzzed about was finding you and making sure you were okay. What if you had gotten hurt during your time of no communication. What if you began to think that Floyd no longer cared for you or that something had happened to your or- Floyd's mind raced faster than he could keep up with and it felt like he was no longer racing against time yet against his own thoughts; not thinking about the fact that he had crossed the village in record time or that his brothers watched him rush straight into the woods by that cliff he had found a friend on and then love. That cliff where he had stargazed with you and shared thoughts he hadn't shared with anyone else. That cliff where you had showed him your way of life and let him closer than any other Troll had been with you. That cliff were everything happened in a secret silence that felt just right. That cliff were time seemed to stop. That cliff where he first found your eyes and saw your face last when he left. That cliff.. That cliff. That cliff!- Floyd was jolted away from the edge of the cliff, something he didn't realize he was just about to run off due to being lost in his emotion. A firm grip on the back of his pants had yanked him away, throwing him down onto the floor as now someone was between him and that cliff. "Are you crazy?! You were about to throw yourself off!-" Floyd didn't expect his baby brother's voice to shout at him and snap him out of his flurry of thoughts. He didn't expect Branch to be the one to stand there between him and the cliff. It was meant to be you. Not that he was meaning to throw himself off a cliff to find you, he would never put that type of trauma onto anyone or even think about such as thing. But you were meant to be here, meant to greet him on this cliff, meant to... where were you? Floyd didn't answer his brother as he scrambled onto his feet, numb from the running. He didn't care. He couldn't bring himself to care. He began to look around frantically, up and down the cliff, left and right. He rushed to some bushed and trees and tried looking more in depth as Branch stood there; never having seen his brother so disorientated and frazzled. "Floyd? Floyd!" Branch tried to get his brother's attention, "Floyd what are you looking for?" You. Where were you? Floyd didn't realize he didn't answer his brother; he had thought he had, but he didn't. He simply jumped off a rock and to the lower side of the cliff before he continued his search. Branch cautiously followed him, slowly lowering himself down from the rock and onto the ground. He watched Floyd look everywhere before Floyd jolted to a stop and stared in front of him. "(Y/N)!" It was a pained cry as Floyd rushed forward, pushing himself off of a tree to give himself a boost. "Floyd!" Branch yelled, following his brother in a panic. "Floyd you can't run into the forest around the village they're dangerous! Flo-" And Branch paused seeing who his brother approached. "Floyd!"
Floyd had no hesitation rushing over to an enormous beast that laid in the middle of a field, soaking in the sun. The beast had clear patches of its fur bitten off, and Branch couldn't tell whether it was self inflicted due to nerves or if it was from a fight. It perked its ears, then its head as it heard Floyd' shouting. It scanned the field and Branch felt himself rushing over to his brother. "FLOYD!" Branch's yell fell short as he saw the beast jump to its paws and rush over to his brother. Branch felt adrenaline rush through his body as he was sure he was about to watch his brother get eaten by a rapid animal. And Branch wasn't in range to catch the beast's muzzle with his hair, and Branch was sure that Floyd wouldn't attack it for whatever reason, and- wait... what? Branch kicked up dirt as he skidded to a stop, watching at the beast popped into an unusually tall Troll who grabbed Floyd in bear hug before spinning the two around. Branch watched with so much bewilderment that he questioned what JD had put in the drink he had given him. He had to be seeing things. That beast didn't just transform into a troll, right? Branch let out an airy bit of laughter as he watched the taller Troll trip on their own legs, causing the two of them to crash down and laugh loudly. Laugh like long lost lovers or crushes who had just found each other again, some sort of star-crossed lovers situation you would only find in books. Branch let out a small huff before carefully walking over to Floyd and you on the floor, laughing like maniacs. "What happened to you?!" Floyd reached up to cup your cheeks, worry rushing to his eyes as he noticed the bits of your hair that were fried and clearly chewed off. "No! No what happened to you?!" Sure, maybe you should have answered Floyd's question before asking one but you were too worried! This man disappears off the face of the planet for 2 months with no explanation then comes back like nothing ever happened?! You wouldn't stand for it, nor would you sit or lay for it either. Your hands rushed up to his, cupping over his hands which were cupping your cheeks. "I asked the question question first!" Quipped Floyd with a cheeky, beaming grin. Oh, how you've missed that grin so much. You could just squish his cheeks and kiss him at this moment. "I'll tell you what happened to me when you explain what happened to you." "Dea-" "How about you both explain what is happening?" Branch cut in, standing nearby with crossed arms and an amused smile. Floyd shot his head up, you simply turned to the side, to see that smile and oh- Floyd for a moment thought Branch was about to use this for some sort of blackmail against their brothers. "Branch!" Floyd sat up with a startle, having forgotten his brother had been here... and that he kind of saved Floyd from running off a cliff earlier. "Who are you?" Floyd heard you ask from under him and he knew he had a lot of explaining to do in that moment. But hey, if all he had to do was introduce you to his family, and hope they would accept you for your differences, then he would do that. He would do that and more to be able to be next to you, in your arms and in your reach. He would do anything to be able to keep you close. And next time he left the village, Floyd was not leaving without you.
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"Wait, so you're telling me you got captured by some evil green-haired people who put you into a glass bottle made of diamonds and the only way you escapes is because your family made the 'perfect family harmony'?" You asked Floyd with a childlike wonder and a mature skepticism. You both were laying in Floyd's bed, inside his bod, as crickets chirped outside a sweet melody of the night. Floyd knew it sounded unbelievable but, "I'm telling you, this story is 100 percent real." Floyd couldn't help but keep in his laughter at your expressive wide eyes. Taking advantaged of your bewilderment of the situation, Floyd attacked you by snuggling closer; wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer, resting his head against your chest. He didn't have to look up at you to know you were cocking your eyebrow up in a questioning way, trying to think the logistics of the story over in your head. Yet you still wrapped your arms around Floyd's back, your hair stretching out to wrap the both of you in its fuzzy and cozy warmth. Floyd let out a deep sigh, you felt it against your chest; he missed these moments, and you did too. Moments that seemed to stand still, yet not in a boring way. In a way where Floyd got to soak up every second of being with you, and you got to soak up every second with him. Where you could feel like time was racing by, yet checked and it had only been a few minutes and you had more time to cuddle and just talk and be together than you had thought. Moments like these were the best feeling in the world. "I still don't believe you." You jokingly poke Floyd in the back, causing him to yelp and arch away from your pointy nail. You watched as he looked up at you with the most playfully challenging look; an eyebrow cocked upwards and his eyes glittering in the small light of the dimmed lamp. "Well it happened! I don't know what to tell you." He sassed back, rolling his eyes in a playful manner before he laid his head back against your chest. You tightened your arms around Floyd, which caused him to smile softly. No matter what happened, what had happened. Floyd was back now and neither of you were leaving each others side again; at least not now or in the near future unless it was forced.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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m4rs-ex3 · 6 months
if u haven't already seen.............. guys i was late i was fucking late for the panel give me a break
BUT here is a play by play of everything from the second i got in
[A GOOD CHUNK OF THE SECRET SCENE] if you saw this post within the first few *hours you got to see but you know what? they got to me i don't wanna be the snitch (i did on accident but its the though that counts)
opeli is being led blindfolded (which we see from opeli's pov. riveting visuals i tell you) by soren to the ✨secret meeting location✨
when she comments on the fact that it is literally just callum's office soren shuts her up bless him
opeli's like "DID BAIT GIVE BIRTH??!?!?" and soren's like no these are "rescue baits" and opeli gives them the greatest fucking look i can't even describe it to you
you've seen that leak "look it's the pearl :D""WHA""yep he's in there :)))))"
rayla says it like "per-al." just thought you should know
soren suggests forming a Fellowship of the Pearl and going to throw it into a volcano i fucking hate this show
they're all debating what to do with it meanwhile the most cryptic-ass shots of callum with the pearl like we get it he's fucked (i take it back i want more)
they finally get to him and he's like "uh????? destroy it obviously?????"
he suggests--and these are 100% his words (not actually cuz u know but its the general idea)--"smash it? throw it off a cliff? take a big ol axe and just--KA CHOP." i love him so much
rayla asks how they know it won't just release him
the way callum is so confused and conflicted and he just says "i... i don't know" oh my god by precious baby
cool ass top-down to the pearl whirlpool esq transtion into the next scene hello??
zym is being emo at a painting of his mother (the one from 4x03 yeah they just stitched that shit up it's all good)
ezran's like. huh. we oughtta do smth abt this
callum is Thinking Thoughts on the turrets(?? yk where soren does his lunges) and tossin the rune cube when he sees the star rune light up......................................
it's stella stella's there and the way he reacts to her is so precious 😭 he's not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up type shit
enter rayla "they told me u would be up here brooding"
(in a tragic turn of events the rayllum of this scene had my brain fuzzy so i can't remember a few chunks here and there have pity my brain has rotten)
callum's like "we have to do something i'm scared he's gonna use me. i know what we need to do ok we need to go to the starscraper"
it's honestly hilarious the way he says "and *WE.* should go" he's like "don't be gettin any ideas now this is an us thing"
and then ohoho "they have something there for you, too" (THAT was an exact quote)
he's like "PLSPLSPLS i've studied star magic i know the spells i know the runes i just need the quasar diamonds!! LET ME FREE UR PARENTS AND RUNAAN PLEAAAASSSSEEEE"
rayla is veryyyyyy opposed she's like "NO i want to help my parents as much as you"--honestly i don't think ANYONE wants to as much as him--"but i don't want my biases to affect that" BIASES?!??!! like that was the word she used i can't stop thinking about it
zym has entered his wolf child era his ass is HOWLING at the moon
soren hears him and goes "aww little guy misses his mom :((( sometimes i wonder where my mom is...." WHAT AWHAT WHAT AWHAT PJARDON SAY IT AGIAN YOU WAHGTS SAY IT AGIAND HUAH HUWH A
ok. yeah callum does not have pajamas BUT I THINK WE HAVE BIGGER ISSUES HERE????????????? HE WAS SLEEPING IN HIS OFFICE
in other news
bruv is tossing and turning and then just. ~stops.~ this can only mean good things (i think you know where i'm going with this)
he sits up. hobbles over to the door. there was a really cool transition (can u tell i respect the cinematography) and he's in the cellar holding the pearl.
he wakes up in aaravos' prison and is like "well this looks neat!" until he sees the mirror and screams and wakes up. when he realizes where he is he goes "what have i done" dude you fell asleep?? god he's never sleeping again (<- me when i lie 😈)
the description we got of this next scene did NOT do it justice it was fucking incredible
callum kicks down the fucking door (not actually) screaming for rayla
rayla TUMBLES OUT OF BED ON TO THE FLOOR, pillows in hands and unafraid to use them
"WHOA. HEY HEY ITS OKAY ITS ME! it's just me rayla. it's me. callum" i feel like he was saying the same 5 words for 7 hours it was beautiful
rayla: "callum?? jeez i could have-" *looks at pillows*
callum giggles the cutest fucking giggle and says something along the lines of "yeah, it would've hurt real bad :)"
she sits back on the bed and my guy KNEELS DOWN AT THE CORNER OF THE BED TO PICK UP HER STUFF BEFORE HE SITS DOWN NEXT TO HER and they say chivalry is dead romance was birthed and ended with this scene
he tells her about it and she goes "callum, you're exhausted. you had a nightmare. if i thought you were in any real danger you know i would-" and then ironically i forget the same line that the person from nycc did wouldja look at that
can i just mention how close they were sitting in this scene i mean i jsut thikn i should mention hwo clo
yada yada he has a lightbulb and runs off with her blanket
the iconic "i know stella.. he took our blankie :("
god knows why barius is up in the middle of the night whispering sweet nothings to his jelly tarts
callum comes in with a certain proposition mwuhahaha
rayla comes into his office and sees his aesthetic ass sewing by fireside and graciously says "ah i get it! you're taking your mind off things by peacefully knitting" so iconic for both of them
callum explains that he's stitching runes to create a protection spell when barius comes in with the """"""""pearl""""""""""
rayla DIVES in front of callum and says "what r you doing get that thing AWAY from him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she got SO protective SO fast it was blessed
callum's like au contraire 😈
ok so obviously we had all heard about the fake pearl but. you know that one guy who makes insane sculptures out of nothing but chocolate? that's what they did the pearl is brown sludge with a candy coating 💀 i'm losing my mind that is so funny to me
so yeah with the decoy out the real pearl is protected by--and callum literally said this--"a magic blankie >:)"
dawn in the courtyard--ez is saying goodbye to soren, zym, and pyrrah who are going to look for zubeia (i almost just typed zendaya i need sleep) and callum and rayla who r going to the starscraper
on a slightly lower note
scene from teaser except they did cut a couple lines in the teaser. mainly just terry going "didn't see you there,, cuz i was asleep. with my eyes closed"
he does not in fact get impaled but claudia tells him she's gonna leave him first and does just that
as she's going omfg terry's cries and pleas and "I LOVE YOU"s and "I WILL WAIT. I WILL WAIT HERE FOR YOU" was absolutely insane idk what was in the air in that recording studio but shout out to ben
i am so tired goodbye!
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epickiya722 · 2 months
I don't understand why the BkDk shippers are getting upset over the last chapter for and why the Ochco x Midoriya shippers are celebrating? Did I miss something? Midoriya just wen to go chase one of the first friends he made at U.A. whose clearly hurt? He would do that for any of his classmates? I don't understand why people are assuming that a ship has been decided or has ended? It's Midoriya, he's caring, he's checking in on his classmate? I just don't understand what's going on?
Rereading the chapter, yeah, I don't get it either.
Like, Tsuyu voiced her concerns about Ochako and Izuku being Izuku would go and check up on her. That didn't feel "I must confess my feelings" on his end. And with how Ochako was being portrayed, I don't think on her end she would want to confess anything to Izuku other than the pain she's been feeling. Or even go "no, I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothing is wrong."
Also, come on, they've been friends since the beginning of the school year. They're practically best friends. You think he wouldn't go and check on her?
Saying this on a neutral ground, this is the time to take off the shipping goggles. And yes, you don't have to ship the ship and think the context of what is being presented as "writer baiting the ship". You're still seeing a ship. If anything, you're doing yourself and the characters an injustice because you're not separating them from the romance you're putting them in.
It gives me flashbacks to the first cliff scene and to be honest, I saw them having a talk coming.
One similarity I caught is the remark about hair. In the first cliff scene, Izuku makes a comment about Ochako's hair and among other things. And I said it before, the way that small bit of dialogue was framed reminds me of when you have a friend who talks bad about themselves and you chime in about how great they are to comfort them.
The hair comment is repeated but in opposite when Ochako comments on Izuku's hair and at first glance, she seemed slightly "dismissive" of how he was feeling but something told me right then and there "Oh, they're going to have to talk about their time in the war". With that, I feel like it was a subtle hint that Ochako was trying to hold back her own feelings about her fight with Himiko. Trying to distract herself from thinking about her.
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The thing is, to me, I think the first cliff scene is just a first part to what's coming up next. A "this is what I'm going to do and I'll get back to you". What's coming up next feels like "okay, so... uh... this is what happened".
I think one big thing that is often forgotten when it comes to Ochako and the relationships she has is that she is still her own person.
She doesn't live for Izuku, heck, not even for Himiko. She just so happens to care about those people. Let's be honest, if Horikoshi really wanted Ochako to be all about Izuku, he would have done so in the very beginning. Usually in Shonen, the female character would almost immediately be head over heels for the main male lead and try to hide it.
Ochako? She was an already established character with her own personality, own goals, etc. Horikoshi could have easily made her one dimensional with her mind being plagued with Izuku, but thinking back on it we barely get that. On Izuku's end, he could have made it clear it was mutual. Horikoshi ain't afraid to show Izuku's emotions so why would he hide Izuku's "romantic" feelings for Ochako if he had any?
That's just me and if I had to make a guess. What of the next chapter their talk last like 4 pages and we move on to something else? And as I brought up, what if Tsuyu is there? We might have only seen Izuku, but if Tsuyu asked, he could have carried her there. He wouldn't have thought it was a "just me and Ochako" moment. He would have been like "She needs all the support she can get"...
Horikoshi, I need to see that.
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sumaneun-stars · 10 months
'One reason to stay'
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Pairing. Jungwon x fem!reader
Genre. Best friends to lovers, fluff, angst, comfort
Warnings. Mentions of suicide, reader going through depression
Synopsis. You finally broke down- in front of your crush out of all people. Sigh.
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You sat atop of a large rock which lay on the many other rocks- overlooking the sea. You admired the golden tinted water which moved back and forth in steady waves, slowly swallowing the radiant sun.
The scene switched to a dark misty forest. You wore a beige flowy dress, hair tied to a half ponytail with little green accessories decorating it. You ran to the source of light a few meters away to spot a small pond which was framed by algae covered white stone benches. Small creepers which bore light purple flowers entangled with the legs of the benches, with little green butterflies fluttering their wings around them.
You opened your eyes to disappointing, depressing reality. You found yourself sitting on the carpeted floor, your head resting on one of the couch cushions. Your eyes were drained out from the number of tears which flowed out not many moments ago. Your lips were dry and your skin was pale- with dark lines circling your worn out, sleepy eyes.
The world is not a nice place to live in. It was drowning you slowly- except it didn't let you die. Assignments and homework piled up on your shoulders- and exams dropped like a boulder on your head. You didn't mind falling off a cliff considering the fact that you're dying anyways. But there was one thing which made you not want to leave. 
One reason to make you stay.
You heard the faint sound of the door unlocking, thinking it was one of your friends because your phone was on silent for days.
"Y/n?" You heard a soft voice call.
You then saw the blurred figure run towards you. He knelt down to your level. "Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you so pale?" he asked- holding your face with his warm hands. You smiled at him, but your eyes told a different story. You looked down, trying to hide the redness of your face.
His eyebrows dropped, making his face show nothing but concern. 
"Hey, look at me," he said, his voice lower than a whisper. He raised your head up to meet your eyes. 
"I don't like it here" you mumbled through your pouting lips.
"Why?" He asked, caressing your hair in hopes to comfort you.
Your lips trembled and your eyes became teary. You dropped your head on his shoulder- and he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you. You sobbed softly into his sweater as he carried you to the couch slowly. He sat on the ground, his hand still cupping your face wiping your hot tears.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.
You shook your head, making him whisper a tiny 'okay'.
Jungwon was your best friend, at least you were for him. Ever since you first set your eyes on his contagious smile, in the midst of about 5 to 6 people in the classroom, you fell hard. You thought it was a mere crush, until he walked up and spoke to you, lighting up your dark and misty perspective of life. Except you weren't the only girl in his life, or else that's what you thought. Silly little you, of course he likes popular girls with bright smiles and pretty faces- you remind yourself everyday. But little did you know, he felt just the same butterflies as you did when you looked at him.
After a few minutes, he brought you back to his lap, letting you sob into his shirt.
“Y/n” he started. “Life is hard, I agree. But I swear you're the strongest person I've ever seen, this'll be a piece of cake, alright?” He ended with a smile. He looked confused, and looked like he was trying so hard, making you chuckle a little.
“What? I know I'm a horrible therapist, you don't need to say it out loud” he rolled his eyes.
“Noo” you replied, giving him a smile that didn't reach your eyes. 
If only you could kiss those lips, it would solve all your problems even for a little while. A boulder off your shoulders, a plaster on your wounded heart, an umbrella from the blazing sun.
He shifted a bit, before pursing his lips and humming to himself in thought. He was in a dilemma, by the looks of it. He reached out to his bag lying beside him, a tiny smile forming in his lips. He took out a lollipop, orange flavored to be specific, your favorite. You gasped. 4 years of running towards the candy section to search for the orange flavored lollipops but it was always out of the market.
“They brought it back?” You exclaimed, making him instantly laugh at your change of expression.
“Mhm” he nodded his head.
“Thank you so much!” You wrapped your arms around him, expecting to stay like that for a while before he parted the hug. It upsetted you slightly, but of course, there should be a reason for it.
“Well…” he started, scratching the back of his neck. He looked- nervous. “I'm not good with words, so I wrote it down” he said as he dug his pockets, and finally took out an unevenly folded piece of paper with a smiley face drawn on the blank side of it.
You were about to unfold it, until he took your hands in his, closing the paper back again. He smiled giddily, before taking the strap of his bag and rushing out of the room. You were left in confusion, but was soon snapped back into reality when his face appeared once again.
“I'll walk slowly so you can catch up after reading it” he said before giving you a bright smile and leaving the room.
You unfolded the piece of paper, to be met with his usual messy, ant-sized handwriting. It had ink marks in the corners of the paper, clearly showing that it was accidentally drawn while he was spinning his pen.
‘Uhh well, hi! It's me, Jungwon. Let's get right to it, shall we? 
I can't really describe this, but I'll try. I used to think I knew happiness, and that smiling could only be formed intentionally, a command from my brain or heart- until I met you. Crazy, right? You didn't even smile that often at me, but I found myself giggling and smiling every time I saw you. Over time, I realized I couldn't spend a day without drifting away in thoughts about you. Daydreams and imaginary scenarios which were once starred by me and a really pretty celebrity, got replaced by me and you. You, you and you. Everything is about you. My world now revolves around you. I see you in clouds and sand, even in plain sight! Sometimes I think I'm crazy! Y/n, I'm obsessed with you. It's almost unhealthy. Every little thing you do makes my heart beat faster than the speed of light. The way your eyes turn into rainbows everytime it rains, the way you can't laugh without snorting, the way you walk like a penguin, the way you can't hold your laughter in a serious situation; they all make me feel lighter than a cloud. Y/n, I sorta, kinda, maybe, might, slightly, possibly be in love with you. No- I am in love with you. 
Hurry! I might be still waiting outside, it's freezing! Hug me if you accept my heart by the way ♡’
You found yourself crying once more, not in sadness, but pure joy. Without any hesitancy, you grabbed your coat and ran out of your apartment. You ran as fast as possible towards the bakery you two shared most memories with, to find him sitting on a bench, head down and back crouched.
He raised his head up to the sound of your footsteps and panting, a smile as bright as the sun forming on his face soaked with tears. He stood up, feeling slightly dizzy from the tears shed not long ago. You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him, tears of joy exploding into his chest. You looked up at his mixed expression.
“Were you crying?” You asked as you wiped the tears off his face, chuckling at his state.
“I was scared you wouldn't come,” he mumbled, before snuggling his head into the nape of your neck.
“But I did,” you said, your voice low.
He raised his head up, staring at you until you pressed your lips to his. His face was in pure shock, before he connected his lips with yours once again. You felt him smile into the kiss, making your heart explode into a thousand butterflies.
Funny, how a single person can lift a truck's worth of problems off another's shoulders. Your mind which was once filled with nothing but plans to leave behind your melancholic life, was paused by a single piece of paper. It was him all along, the answer to your never ending mystery of life. 
Him, the one and only reason to make you stay.
A/n: Comfort for us depressed/delulu hoomans<3
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marshmellowrio · 7 months
Flight of the Night | Chapter 4
A/N: A bigger one, this scene goes on forever, ughh. This hasn't been proofread, like every other chapter I have posted (oops?).
Word count: 3.5K
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I watch as Feyre addresses Azriel, “How did you meet?” Azriel turns to look at Cassian, I follow his gaze. Cassian is a way better storyteller than Azriel, that’s fact.
“We all hated each other at first.” A grin ghosts over his lips as he starts, his eyes flickering between the four of us, Illyrians. “We are bastards, you know. Az and I. The Illyrians… We love our people, and our traditions, but they dwell in clans and camps deep in the mountains of the North, and do not like outsiders. Especially High Fae who try to tell them what to do. But they’re just as obsessed with lineage, and have their own princes and lords among them.” He holds my gaze before continuing, pointing a thumb in Azriel’s direction. “Az, was the bastard of one of the local lords. And if you think the bastard son of a lord is hated, then you can’t imagine how hated the bastard is of a war-camp laundress and a warrior she couldn’t or wouldn’t remember.” I see the casual shrug of his shoulders for what it is, a way to dampen the vicious, ancient anger raging through his veins at the thought of his mother. “Az’s father sent him to our camp for training once he and his charming wife realized he was a shadowsinger.”
“Like the daemati,” Rhys says to Feyre, “shadowsingers are rare—coveted by courts and territories across the world for their stealth and predisposition to hear and feel things other can’t.”
Something I have been wary of for centuries. Being secretive around Azriel was a feat not easily accomplished.
Cassian continues, “The camp lord practically shit himself with excitement the day Az was dumped in our camp. But me… once my mother weaned me and I was able to walk, they flew me to a distant camp, and chucked me into the mud to see if I would live or die.”
“They would have been smarter throwing you off a cliff,” Mor snorts.
“Oh, definitely,” Cassian says, his grin sharpening. “Especially because when I was old and strong enough to go back to the camp I’d been born in, I learned those pricks worked my mother until she died.”
A silence falls, simmering anger hanging like a cloud in the air.
“The Illyrians,” Rhys cuts in smoothly, “are unparalleled warriors, and are rich with stories and traditions. But they are also brutal and backward, particularly in regard to how they treat their females.”
Azriel’s vacant eyes lock on mine, my face schooled in a stone-cold expression.
“They’re barbarians,” Amren says and neither of the males object.
I keep silent as Mor nods. “They cripple their females so they can keep them for breeding more flawless warriors.”
Rhys cringes. “My mother was low-born, and worked as a seamstress in one of their many mountain war-camps. When females come of age in the camps—when they have their first bleeding—their wings are… clipped. Just a small incision in the right place, left to improperly heal, can cripple you forever.” I tell myself to keep breathing, keeping the memories at bay and listen to the story. A story I’ve heard countless times, but never becomes easier. “And my mother—she was gentle and wild and loved to fly. So she did everything in her power to keep herself from maturing. She starved herself, gathered illegal herbs—anything to halt the natural course of her body. She turned eighteen and hadn’t yet bled, to the mortification of her parents. But her bleeding finally arrived and all it took was for her to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, before a male scented it on her and told the camp’s lord. She tried to flee—took right to the skies. But she was young, and the warriors were faster, and they dragged her back. They were about to tie her to the posts in the center of camp when my father winnowed in for a meeting with the camp’s lord about readying for the War. He saw my mother trashing and fighting like a wildcat, and… The mating bond between them clicked into place. One look at her, and he knew what she was. He misted the guards holding her.”
“Misted?” Confusion laces her voice. As Cassian chuckles sharply.
Rhys floats a lemon wedge into the air and flicks his finger, turning it into citrus-scented mist. I lean forward to catch the look on Feyre’s face, she takes misting entire beings better than I did the first time. She hasn’t seen him do it yet, but the insinuation of it, was enough to make me still when I realised the extent of Rhys’s powers.
“Through the blood-rain,” Rhys goes on, “my mother looked at him. And the bond fell into place for her. My father took her back to the Night Court that evening and made her his bride. She loved her people, and missed them, but never forgot what they had tried to do to her—what they did to the females among them. She tried for decades to get my father to ban it, but the War was coming, and he wouldn’t risk isolating the Illyrians when he needed them to lead his armies. And to die for him.”
“A real prize, your father,” Mor grumbles. I cast my head down, he never did me wrong. But his methods could be…harsh.
“At least he liked you,” Rhys counters. “my father and mother, despite being mates, were wrong for each other.” I grimace, I sometimes wonder how often a mating bond is set between two beings while they’re not right for each other. “My father was cold and calculating, and could be vicious, as he had been trained to be since birth. My mother was soft and fiery and beloved by everyone she met. She hated him after a time—but never stopped being grateful that he had saved her wings, that he allowed her to fly whenever and wherever she wished. And when I was born, and could summon the Illyrian wings as I pleased… She wanted me to know her people’s culture.”
“She wanted to keep you out of your father’s claws,” Mor says, swirling her wine. Azriel finally looks away from me and I let loose a breath, his memories finally clearing. I have no doubt I was involved in that memory from the way he had stared for the past few minutes.
“That, too,” Rhys adds drily. “When I turned eight, my mother brought me to one of the Illyrian war-camps. To be trained, as all Illyrian males were trained. And like all Illyrian mothers, she shoved me toward the sparring ring on the first day, and walked away without looking back.”
“She abandoned you?” I understand Feyre’s deduction but it still has me narrowing my eyes.
“No—never,” Rhys says, with as much ferocity as I felt for his mother’s memory. “She was staying at the camp as well. But it is considered an embarrassment for a mother to coddle her son when he goes to train.”
Cassian laughs, catching the look on Feyre’s face. “Backward, like he said.”
“I was scared out of my mind,” Rhys admits. “I’d been learning to wield my powers, but Illyrian magic was a mere fraction of it. And it’s rare amongst them—usually possessed only by the most powerful, pure-bred warriors.” His eyes flit to me and I give him a lopsided grin. “I tried to use a Siphon during those years. And shattered about a dozen before I realized it wasn’t compatible—the stones couldn’t hold it. My power flows and is honed in other ways.”
“So difficult, being such a powerful High Lord,” Mor teases.
Rhys rolls his eyes. “The camp-lord banned me from using my magic for all our sakes. But I had no idea how to fight when I set foot into that training ring that day. The other boys in my age group knew it, too. Especially one in particular, who took a look at me, and beat me into a bloody mess.”
“You were so clean,” Cassian says, shaking his head. “The pretty half-breed son of the High Lord—how fancy you were in your new training clothes.” I snort, I can totally imagine young Cassian thinking like that.
“Cassian,” Azriel’s dark voice cuts in, “resorted to getting new clothes over the years by challenging other boys to fights, with the prize being the clothes off their backs.” The flatness in his voice revealed how much he cared for the Illyrian ways.
Cassian chuckles, he had a completely different experience, just as horrifying, but different. “I’d beaten every other boy in our age group twice over already, but then Rhys arrived, in his clean clothes, and he smelled… different. Like a true opponent. So I attacked. We both got three lashings apiece for the fight.”
From my side of the table, I see Feyre flinch.
“They do worse, girl,” Amren cuts in, “in those camps. Three lashings is practically an encouragement to fight again. When they do something truly bad, bones are broken. Repeatedly. Over weeks.”
“Your mother willingly sent you into that?” Feyre asks with a soft voice. She has a lot to learn about Illyrians and their customs, I think to myself.
“My mother didn’t want me to rely on my power,” Rhys says. “She knew from the moment she conceived me that I’d be hunted my entire life. Where one strength failed, she wanted others to save me. My education was another weapon—which was why she went with me; to tutor me after lessons were done for the day. And when she took me home that first night to our new house at the edge of the camp, she made me read by the window. It was there that I saw Cassian trudging through the mud—toward the few ramshackle tents outside of the camp. I asked her where he was going, and she told me that bastards are given nothing: they find their own shelter, own food. If they survive and get picked to be in a war-band, they’ll be bottom-ranking forever, but receive their own tents and supplies. But until then, he’d stay in the cold.”
“Those mountains,” Azriel adds, his hard gaze locking on mine again, “offer some of the harshest conditions you can imagine.” I know he still feels guilty about what happened to me, but I only duck my head not being able to bear his loaded gaze.
“After my lessons,” Rhys ignores the exchanged looks, “my mother cleaned my lashings, and as she did, I realized for the first time what it was to be warm, and safe, and cared for. And it didn’t sit well.”
“Apparently not,” Cassian takes over. “Because in the dead of night, that little prick woke me up in my piss-poor tent and told me to keep my mouth shut and come with him. And maybe the cold made me stupid, but I did. His mother was livid. But I’ll never forget the look on her beautiful face when she saw me and said, ‘There is a bathtub with hot running water. Get in it or you can go back into the cold.’ Being a smart lad, I obeyed. When I got out, she had clean nightclothes and ordered me into bed.” She had done some good for all of us. “I’d spent my life sleeping on the ground—and when I balked, she said she understood because she had felt the same once, and that it would feel as if I was being swallowed up, but the bed was mine for as long as I wanted it.”
“And you were friends after that?”
“No—Cauldron no,” Rhys says. “We hated each other, and only behaved because if one of us got into trouble or provoked the other, then neither of us ate that night. My mother started tutoring Cassian, but it wasn’t until Azriel arrived a year later that we decided to be allies.”
Cassian’s grin stretches as he reaches around Amren to clap Azriel on his shoulder. A sigh falls from the shadowsinger’s lips and I smile fondly at the two of them. “A new bastard in the camp—and an untrained shadowsinger to boot. Not to mention he couldn’t even fly thanks to—”
I clear my throat interrupting him as Mor lazily cuts in, “Stay on track, Cassian.” He looks at the both of us, the apologize clear in his eyes, but he shrugged feigning indifference to Feyre. Mor kept her eyes on Cass as I shifted mine to Azriel, noting the tense shoulders and faraway look in his eyes.
“Rhys and I made his life a living hell, shadowsinger or no. But Rhys’s mother had known Az’s mother, and took him in. As we grew older, and the other males around us did, too, we realized everyone else hated us enough that we had better odds of survival sticking together.” Cassian finishes their story and I turn to Feyre.
“Do you have any gifts? Like—them?” She jerks her chin to Azriel and Rhys.
“A volatile temper doesn’t count,” Mor says and I grin at her, sometimes I wonder if we spent too much time together. Or if it’s Cassian that’s so predictable.
“No. I don’t—not beyond a heaping pile of the killing power. Bastard-born nobody, through and through.” I lean forward at the same time as Rhys, but Cassian continues, “Even so, the other males knew that we were different. And not because we were two bastards and a half-breed. We were stronger, faster—like the Cauldron knew we’d been set apart and wanted us to find each other. Rhys’s mother saw it, too. Especially as we reached the age of maturity, and all we wanted to do was fuck and fight.” I roll my eyes at that.
“Males are horrible creatures, aren’t they?” Amren says.
“Repulsive,” Mor clicks her tongue and I laugh softly.
Cassian only shrugs. “Rhys’s power grew every day—and everyone, even the camp-lords, knew he could mist everyone if he felt like it. And the two of us… we weren’t far behind.” He taps his Siphon with a finger. “A bastard Illyrian had never received one of these. Ever. For Az and me to both be appointed them, albeit begrudgingly, had every warrior in every camp across those mountains sizing us up. Only pure-blood pricks get Siphons—born and bred for the killing power. It still keeps them up at night, puzzling over where the hell we got it from.”
I feel Feyre’s eyes slide to me, probably remembering I am pure-blooded Illyrian. Cassian notes her gazing as well and confirms her suspicions. “ This fucking priss of a lady, as Rhys said, is the only pure-blooded Illyrian out of the four of us.”
“Shouldn’t you let her tell her own story?” I raise an eyebrow at Azriel’s low voice intercepting.
“If you are wondering,” I turn to Feyre properly. “I am not one of those, born and bred for that killing power.”
“You were bred for it.” Cassian intercepts, pointing out the fault in my statement.
I hum lowly, “While that may be true, sadly, for my parents anyway, I was born female. Not the son they wanted. My father is a camp-lord,” I see Feyre mentally note the present tense. “Although I was bred to kill, he wouldn’t allow me to train. He’s very traditional in that sense.”
Feyre’s gaze moves to my wings, trying to see if I bear any clipping marks, not that she’d know what to look for. Her scrutiny makes me tuck them tighter against me, straining the muscles as usual. “I haven’t been clipped.” Her gaze snaps up again to meet mine, my face void of emotion. ‘Rhys’s mother helped me in that matter, got me the illegal herbs she used herself when she was younger, stalling my cylcle. She helped me, along with these three, get away when my first bleeding came.”
“You got away.” It’s not a question. I frown, it doesn’t feel like that.
Cassian says, “Oh, she got away, alright.” Amren shoves his broad shoulder and I’m thankful for her respect for me.
“Something like that.” I respond to Feyre. Rhys and Azriel flinch in unison, I might’ve never actually talked about it, but they know.
Feyre furrows her brows, not able to hide her curiosity as to what went down all those years ago.
I don’t answer her questioning gaze, opting to stare at Rhys instead, I do not want to get into that with her on her first day with us. No matter how open Cassian is with her.
Azriel breaks the silence, taking over another part of the story. “Over a decade later, the War came. And Rhys’s father visited our camp to see how his son had fared after twenty years.”
“My father,” Rhys says, swirling his wine, “saw that his son had not only started to rival him for power, but had allied himself with perhaps the two deadliest Illyrians in history. He got it into his head that if we were given a legion in the War, we might very well turn it against him when we returned.”
Cassian snickers. “So the prick separated us. He gave Rhys command of a legion of Illyrians who hated him for being a half-breed, and threw me into a different legion to be a common foot soldier, even when my power outranked any of the war-leaders. Az, he kept for himself as his personal shadowsinger—mostly for spying and his dirty work. Turns out he already had Lyss in his tight quarters so she didn’t pose a threat to him. We only saw each other on battlefields for the seven years the War raged. They’d send around casualty lists among the Illyrians, and I read each one, wondering if I’d see their names on it. But then Rhys was captured—”
“That is a story for another time,” Rhys says sharply, making me lift my brows. We all had our boundaries in sharing past memories. Cass might be the most open one but that doesn’t mean he’ll tell her everything, there are some things even he wouldn’t tell her upon first meeting. “Once I became High Lord, I appointed these five to my Inner Circle, and told the rest of my father’s old court that if they had a problem with my friends, they could leave. They all did. Turns out, having a half-breed High Lord was made worse by his appointment of three females and two Illyrian bastards.”
“What—what happened to them , then?”
Rhys shrugs. “The nobility of the Night Court fall into three categories: those who hated me enough that when Amarantha took over, they joined her court and later found themselves dead; those who hated me enough to try to overthrow me and faced the consequences; and those who hated me, but not enough to be stupid and have since tolerated a half-breed’s rule, especially when it so rarely interferes with their miserable lives.”
“Are they—are they the ones who live beneath the mountain?” Feyre asks.
“In the Hewn City, yes. I gave it to them, for not being fools. They’re happy to stay there, rarely leaving, ruling themselves and being as wicked as they please, for all eternity.”
“The Court of Nightmares,” Mor says as all are faces grow tight, thinking about that horrid place.
“Ans what is this court?” Feyre gestures to all of us, and the darkness clears.
It was Cassian, who answers with bright eyes, “The Court of Dreams.”
Feyre contemplates for a moment. “And you?” She says, and I know it’s directed to us females.
Amren merely says, “Rhys offered to make me his Second. No one had ever asked me before, so I said yes, to see what it might be like. I found I enjoyed it.” Always a person of little words.
Mor leans back in her seat and I focus on her. “I was a dreamer born into the Court of Nightmares,” Mor says, twisting a curl around a finger. “So I got out.” I almost scoff at the simplicity of that statement. Her escape from the Hewn City was as simple as mine from the Illyrian camp.
I take a breath, “My father was camp-lord when those three were in the camp. Cassian was a nuisance, he followed me around everywhere to annoy my father. Even as a five-year-old he knew how to get on someone’s nerves.”
Cassian’s grin only reveals truth as he takes over. “And when Rhys and Az came to the camp, they joined in.” I purse my lips at his statement. “But she had fire, handed our asses to us, multiple times. Her father might’ve not let her train, that didn’t mean she didn’t find a way to do so anyway. Slowly, the annoyance turned into acceptance that we weren’t going to leave her alone as long as it meant pissing off her father.”
“He still seethes whenever we join her in the camp.” Rhys adds.
I smirk, “He still seethes because I outrank him now.” I hold Feyre’s gaze and see she knows there’s more to the story than what we’re telling, so I give her another crumble. “I am Cassian’s Second, Colonel of the Illyrian armies.”
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A/N: Let me know what you thought! Maybe any theories on how this story is going to progress? Obviously this is a romance fanfic (I'm sorry if you didn't realise that already), but I wanted to give my character some depth and not just have her exist because of her love interest. Do keep in mind this is a slow-slow-burn. It will be some time before we will be happy go lucky, not to say that there won't be any tension. Because there will be, a lot of it. If you want to be added to the taglist, please leave a comment saying so!
Taglist: @inloveallthetime @mybestfriendmademe
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crushedcoffeecups · 4 months
my genuine thoughts on the amazing digital circus episode two because someone has to hear all these thoughts and it sure aint gonna be my friends anytime soon:
the pacing felt off - not sure why, but if i had to guess i think it would be due to how much info and exposition was crammed into the first episode, with very little in the second episode made it feel weird. i literally got halfway through and went 'how am i halfway when nothing has happened?'
like the whole scene when they were arriving at the candy kingdom (i dont remember what it was called currently) felt a bit too long, like they dragged it out a little to fill time (or to show of the animation and design, and if so, valid)
i think the pilot also had more visual comedy aspects to do with 3D animation which i really appreciated. they did keep some in the second episode but less so
Jax definitely came off a whole lot meaner this time, but after revisiting the pilot he's basically the same level of mean just without the comedy or charm. im assuming that they're doing this to keep it in the audience's mind that Jax is an asshole so when he does some cruel shit later on it doesn't seem like such a 180
on that note, this episode also just felt a lot less funny. it might be that it purely wasn't my kind of humour, but i thought the pilot had a fair few good bits and the second episodes comedy just didnt really hit with me
i think also there are specific moments that felt they were building suspense/tension for either comedic or dramatic reasons just for nothing to happen, which felt disappointing. best example would be Kinger throwing the lifesaver (what did he throw?) the second time, going to check on the rope, for nothing to happen. felt like a set-up with no pay-off
and a similar point, and it could just be an emphasis on how old and immortal these characters are so they're used to this shit, but none of them react strongly! to anything! Jax is thrown over the side of the truck with no reaction, the knifes everywhere don't illicit a strong response, Ragatha watches herself get IMPALED IN THE CHEST? and they fall from a cliff and dont even scream. no reaction to anything. it just felt weird.
HOWEVER, it is not all bad. Caine and Bubble are still great (i think a large part of why i did not find this episode as funny is likely coz these two had very limited screen time)
i loved the little gators designs, and the plot line of existential crisis followed by acceptance and then just being smite by god
character development on Pomni felt sweet, great symbolism in one short little moment
i'm real interested to see more of Zooble, and a bit more into Jax's development (i saw his expressions at the end, dont think i didnt)
i think the characters mostly stayed the same (besides Jax and Pomni of course) so im excited for exploring them more in the future!
the possibility of the gators returning is very interesting
the designs of the locations were all very pretty
i did still like this episode, although i enjoyed the pilot i lot more. i'm excited to see where this series goes! and massive kudos to doing this independently, regardless of how this series ends up ill always have respect to the creators for not going to a big boss company to produce it
also dont get me wrong i definitely love this series and i love jax i can criticise and love things simultaneously
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jamonartzzz · 1 year
Hello, I'm Anon from the kiss request, it can be any language you want to write and express….
Anon asked: Can I ask for a Yandere wally with a reader who is trapped in his world in his human form, maybe the reader is confused and asks and asks wally for help to get back to his world or adapt... Now a little cuteness maybe the reader she was distracted and didn't notice Wally's presence so she fell on top of him and accidentally kissed him (sorry cliché romance scene, maybe this is wally's first kiss on the mouth?)
English is not my first language, however, I hope you like it. Sincerely yours, Jamón.
Languages: English and Spanish.
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It all started when you decided to go to that puppet website. Honestly, you found the characters and their story endearing. You also noticed Wally, the only conscious being. Honestly, you didn't see him as a threat. After all, you were stronger than him, weren't you?
You could say, in a way, Wally got your attention. You didn't let your guard down to his constant gaze, though. Another strange thing that was happening to you, is that you were getting calls from a stranger. Who you couldn't hear very well. But you dismissed any intrusive thoughts at the thought of someone capable of playing a prank on you.
You don't know how and why it happened, but your body ended up inside a cliff. You remember seeing darkness. A sea of danger surrounded you as you realized you were in a place totally different from your world. With much pain, you stood up giving a solemn look around you; the sky was so blue that it hurt your eyes, the colors of nature were almost artificial and everything seemed absurdly happy in this place of fallacy.
You don't know how much time passed, but you were walking in this forest. Dodging leafy trees and wondering if life was playing a trick on you. You thought it was a dream and nothing more. However, the pain in your legs were too latent to conclude that this is an ephemeral dream.
You don't know how much time passed, but you were walking in this forest. Dodging leafy trees and wondering if life was playing a trick on you. You thought it was a dream and nothing more. However, the pain in your legs were too latent to conclude that this is an ephemeral dream. You ended up finding a small town. A neighborhood very striking and familiar to you. In your survival instinct, you look for someone to help you. And to your dismay as a surprise, the inhabitants are the characters you saw on the website.
"Neighbor? Are you who I think you are...?"
You turn around when you hear a strangely familiar voice. Your eyes were stunned at what they saw: it was Wally, in all his majesty. He had that goofy grin and wide eyes from the shockingly unconventional encounter. Yet, from his tone, you could tell he was happy.
"Finally... After so long, I waited for your coming. I was tired of not seeing or hearing from you over that fuzzy phone, Ha, Ha, Ha."
The memories hit you like ice water. Calls? And the constant feeling that you were being watched?
All this time... Was he the forerunner? When you came to this accelerated conclusion, Wally only got closer to you. His happy gaze and graceful movements were a sight to behold. On the other hand, from your perspective, he was someone you couldn't completely trust because of everything you saw on the website.
That day was just the beginning of your new life. And as a human, it was very difficult to get used to it, because you had a planned life in your world. The hardest part here was how peaceful everything was. And to top it all off, Wally was the one who proposed (dragged, actually) you to stay in his house. Since you were already 'friends' and having someone 'as amazing as you' would be fabulous (those were his words; you wondered how he could consider you his friend so soon).
Your odyssey began there. To begin with, you asked and asked ad nauseam how to get home (you had goals and you're still young!) And what did Wally do? He would only give short answers (according to you, it didn't help at all), or just stand silently, looking at you with his restless black eyes. As if he was looking at the nakedness of your soul.
You felt fed up. No one would give you answers. And Wally would barely let you chat with the neighbors, if you were lucky, you could talk to Barnabay or Julie. The rest of them, you couldn't see, because according to Wally 'you weren't ready to meet them yet'.
Days, weeks, months went by.... And your hopes of returning home diminished. Your relationship with Wally improved. Even if at times, there were tense moments about knowing the truth of this world, about his basement or him in general.... You can still say you get along well with him. It wasn't easy.
Basically, you let your guard down a little at a time. And you found Wally interesting when he was attentive and certainly kind. Be nice to him and he will be too. Although he's always 'nice'...
To your surprise, they slowly became friends, officially.
Occasionally, you teased him about his strange way of eating with his eyes. You were even softer around him (which generated a slight blush on his cheeks, with that goofy grin of his and his widened eyes). Maybe you didn't realize.... But Wally was more protective of you. His charm often blinded you (he gets what he wants, always).
Speaking of another aspect, you know that Wally was always kind and said 'I love you very much' without any problem.... As time went on, you felt his 'I love yous' and other tokens of affection (like offering his arm for you to put your arm around his, like a gentleman) starting to have intensity.
That intensity that developed inside Wally became something more. The charismatic painter everyone knew became more possessive and susceptible for your attention. You only thought it was because both you and he were aware of the truth of this world. Maybe he just wanted to protect you?
On an ordinary day, you were inside his house, just like every damn day. You were looking for some book to read, you were so distracted that you didn't notice Wally's presence behind you, approaching.
When you turn around, your foot gets stuck on the protruding wooden floor. The book falls noisily to the floor... What about you? Well, you fell on Wally, the poor well-dressed man. He managed to get his hands on your hips to support you, but it didn't help much because you still fell to the floor, together. Wally swore he felt a softness on his lips. Something so gentle and soft on top of his lips. His pupils only grew larger all at once as he realized the situation: your lips were joined with his. They were like two jigsaw puzzles joined tightly together.
They could both feel their hearts beating like in a marathon. Slowly, you stood up with a blush on your cheeks. Wally, meanwhile, was still on the floor, with some strands of his hair were disheveled from falling to the ground. He was still processing the event. In fact, his cheeks were still red and his eyes were dilated.
"Please excuse me! It was an accident..."
You hurriedly tried to apologize. As you gave Wally a hand to stand up. Clearly you were both still thinking how good the joining of your lips felt.
Wally finally regained his composure. His smile deepened, his eyelids relaxed giving a bold look. His cheeks were still red when he stood up and stared at you, with a strange dark love in his eyes (despite having angel vibes).
"It's okay, dear, no problem..."
Did he just use a flirtatious tone? It was hard to tell, Wally always gave silly smiles, but this smile was a different tone.
"Are you... sure?"
You asked, still shaken by the event. You could still feel the touch of his lips on yours.
Wally only widened his smile when he heard your voice.
"No problem, dear friend, it will be something between you and me after all..."
You were sure he meant something else in that sentence... You just felt overwhelmed (in a good way) by the look of adoration he was giving you.
You just smiled, knowing that Wally loved it when you smiled.
(Thank you very much for reading the English version! This scenario is slightly inspired by my fanfic [Human Reader, self aware], btw. If you have English corrections to make to me, feel free to do so in the comments).
En Español.
Todo empezó cuando decidiste entrar a esa página web de marionetas. Honestamente, encontraste entrañable los personajes y su historia. También notaste a Wally, el único ser consciente. Sinceramente, no lo viste como una amenaza. Después de todo, eras más fuerte que él, ¿no?
Se podría decir, que de cierta forma, Wally llamó tu atención. Aunque no bajaste la guardia a su mirada constante. Otra cosa extraña que te pasaba, es que obtenías llamadas de un desconocido. Al cual no podías oírlo bien. Pero descartaste cualquier pensamiento intrusivo ante la idea de que alguien capaz te hacía una broma.
No sabes cómo y por qué pasó, pero tu cuerpo terminó dentro de un precipicio. Recuerdas haber visto oscuridad. Un mar de peligrosidad te rodeó al darte cuenta que estabas en un lugar totalmente distinto a tu mundo. Con mucho dolor, te levantaste dando una mirada solemne a tu alrededor; el cielo era tan azul que dolía a los ojos, los colores de la naturaleza eran casi artificiales y todo parecía absurdamente feliz en este lugar de falacia.
No sabes cuánto tiempo pasó, pero estuviste caminando en este bosque. Esquivando árboles frondosos y preguntándote si la vida te estaba jugando una mala pasada. Pensaste que era un sueño y nada más. No obstante, el dolor en tus piernas eran muy latentes como para concluir que esto es un efímero sueño. Terminaste encontrando un pequeño pueblo. Un vecindario muy llamativo y familiar para ti. En tu instinto de supervivencia, buscas a alguien que te ayude. Y para tu consternación como sorpresa, los habitantes son los personajes que viste en la página web.
"¿Vecino/Vecina? ¿Eres quién creo que eres...?"
Te volteas al oír una voz extrañamente familiar. Tus ojos quedaron atónitos a lo que veían: era Wally, en toda su majestuosidad. Tenía aquella sonrisa tonta y los ojos bien abiertos por el impactante encuentro poco convencional. Aún así, por su tono, se podía deducir que estaba feliz.
"Finalmente... Después de tanto tiempo, esperé por tu venida. Estaba cansado de no verte ni escucharte por ese teléfono difuso, Ja, Ja, Ja"
Los recuerdos te cayeron como agua helada. ¿Llamadas? ¿Y la sensación constante de que estabas siendo vigilado/vigilada?
Todo este tiempo... ¿Fue él el precursor? Cuando llegaste a esta conclusión acelerada, Wally sólo se acercó más a ti. Su mirada feliz y sus movimientos llenos de gracia eran un espectáculo. Por el otro lado, desde tu perspectiva, era alguien al cual no puedes confiar completamente por todo lo que viste en la página web.
Aquel día solo fue el comienzo de tu nueva vida. Y como humana/humano, fue muy difícil acostumbrarte, pues tú tenías una vida planeada en tu mundo. La parte más difícil aquí era cuán pacífico era todo. Y para colmo de males, Wally fue el que te propuso (arrastró, en realidad) a que te quedes en su casa. Ya que eran 'amigos' y tener a alguien 'tan asombrosa/asombroso como tú' sería fabuloso (esas fueron sus palabras; te preguntaste cómo podía considerarte su amiga tan pronto).
Tu odisea comenzó ahí. Para empezar, tú preguntabas y preguntabas hasta el hartazgo cómo volver a casa (¡tenías metas y aún eres joven!). ¿Y qué hacía Wally? Solo daba respuestas cortas (según tú, no ayudaba de nada), o solamente se quedaba en silencio, mirándote con sus ojos negros inquietos. Como si estuviera viendo la desnudez de tu alma.
Te sentías harto/harta. Nadie te daba respuestas. Y Wally apenas te dejaba charlar con los vecinos, con suerte, podías hablar con Barnabay o Julie. El resto de ellos, no podías verlos, porque según Wally 'aún no estabas listo/lista para conocerlos'.
Pasaron días, semanas, meses... Y tus esperanzas para volver a casa disminuían. Tu relación de Wally mejoró. Incluso si a veces, hubo momentos tensos por saber la verdad de este mundo, sobre su sótano o él en general... Aún puedes decir que te llevas bien con él. No fue fácil.
Básicamente, bajaste la guardia de a poco. Y encontraste interesante era Wally cuando era atento y ciertamente amable. Sé bueno con él y él lo será también. Aunque él siempre 'bueno'...
Para tu sorpresa, lentamente se hicieron amigos, oficialmente...
Ocasionalmente, te burlabas de él por su extraña forma de comer con los ojos. Incluso fuiste más blando a su alrededor (lo cual generó un leve sonrojo en sus mejillas, con aquella sonrisa tonta suya y sus ojos ensanchados). Tal vez no te diste cuenta... Pero Wally fue más protector contigo. Su encanto muchas veces te cegaba (él consigue lo que quiere, siempre).
Hablando de otro aspecto, sabes que Wally siempre fue amable y decía 'Te quiero mucho' sin problema alguno... Conforme pasaba el tiempo, sentías que sus 'Te quiero' y otras muestras de afecto (como ofrecer su brazo para que tú lo rodees con el de él, como un caballero) empezaban a tener intensidad.
Aquella intensidad desarrollada en el interior de Wally, se convirtió en algo más. El pintor carismático que todos conocían, se volvía más posesivo y susceptible por tu atención. Tú sólo pensaste que era así porque tanto tú como él eran conscientes de la verdad de este mundo. ¿Tal vez sólo quería protegerte?
En un día común, estabas adentro de su casa, como todos los malditos días. Estabas buscando algún libro para leer, estabas tan distraída que no notaste la presencia de Wally detrás de ti, acercándose.
Cuando te volteas, tu pie queda atascado en el piso de madera sobresaliente. El libro cayó ruidosamente al piso... ¿Y tú? Bueno, caíste encima de Wally, del pobre hombre bien vestido. Él logró llevar sus manos en tu cadera para sostenerte, pero no ayudó mucho porque igualmente cayeron al piso, juntos. Wally juró sentir una suavidad en sus labios. Algo tan gentil y suave encima de sus labios. Sus pupilas sólo crecieron de golpe al darse cuenta de la situación: tus labios estaban unidos con los de él. Eran como dos rompecabezas bien unidas.
Ambos podían sentir sus corazones latir como en una maratón. Lentamente, te levantaste con un sonrojo en tus mejillas. Mientras Wally, seguía en el piso, con algunos mechones desordenados por caer en el piso. Él seguía procesando el suceso. De hecho, sus mejillas seguían rojas y sus ojos estaban dilatados.
"¡Por favor, discúlpame! Fue un accidente..."
Intentantaste disculparte apresuradamente. Mientras le diste una mano a Wally para pararse. Claramente ambos seguían pensando lo bien que se sentía la unión de sus labios.
Wally finalmente recuperó la compostura. Su sonrisa se volvió más profunda, sus párpados se relajaron dando una mirada audaz. Sus mejillas seguían rojas cuando él se levantó y te miró fijamente, con un extraño amor oscuro en sus ojos (pese a tener vibras de ángel).
"Está bien, querida, no hay problema..."
¿Acaba de usar un tono coqueto? Era difícil saberlo, Wally siempre dio sonrisas tontas, pero esta sonrisa era de otro tono.
"¿Estás... seguro?"
Preguntaste, aún agitada por el suceso. Aún podías sentir el toque de sus labios en los tuyos.
Wally solo amplió su sonrisa cuando oyó tu voz.
"No hay problema, querida amiga/querido amigo, será algo entre tú y yo después de todo..."
Estabas seguro/segura que él quiso decir algo más en aquella oración... Solo te sentiste abrumado/abrumada (en el buen sentido) por la mirada de adoración que te estaba dando.
Tú solo sonreíste, sabiendo que a Wally le encantaba cuando sonreías.
(¡Muchas gracias por leer la versión en Español, la versión más fiel de esta escritura! Este escenario está levemente inspirado en mi fanfic [Human Reader, self aware], por cierto. Si deseas apoyarme, agradecería tu saludo o un corazón. Atentamente, la escritora).
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randomprose · 1 year
393: the bicycle scene
He Tian watches as Mo Guan Shan plays around with the bicycle. 
He’s circling around the quad, pedalling without holding on the handle bars. Mo Guan Shan looks relaxed and the expression on his face looks so boyish and young. As if the events in the previous days were all just a bad dream. 
He Tian wants him to always be like this. He wants Mo Guan Shan to just be a regular kid and never get hurt ever again.
“Little Mo~” Mo Guan Shan turns to him at the mention of the nickname (Cute, he thinks, Like an angry kitten) and He Tian couldn’t help but smile. “Come here!”
There’s a frown and an angry pout on Mo Guan Shan’s face, but he pedals to the shade where He Tian is anyway and that too makes him smile. 
“What’s up?”
He Tian just makes a come hither gesture and Mo Guan Shan pedals closer. The protests come as soon as he figures out what He Tian wants, sitting sideways at the bike’s back seat. 
“This is buzzcut’s new ride. What are you gonna do if you accidentally break the rear wheel?”
That’s what he says, but He Tian hears what he’s not saying.
I don’t know how to do this. You'll get hurt, you know? And then what?
He Tian just waves him off. “It's not that fragile.”
I'm not that fragile. He’s not and he knows Mo Guan Shan will never hurt him willingly. I'm not gonna get hurt. Even if he does, He Tian will take it.
“Fuck, we're gonna fall,” Guan Shan says but he doesn’t brush off He Tian’s hand on his waist. 
This is not a good idea. We're not a good idea.
“Enough nonsense.”  Give him an inch and He Tian will take a mile. With Guan Shan not shaking off the arm on his waist, He Tian holds on tight and leans his weight against his back. “Start moving. I'm not afraid of falling.”
I'm really not. Shut up and move already. I’m ready.
“Move your hands away. Grab onto the seat instead.”
Let me go. You could do so much better. Just let me go.
He’s giving He Tian a last out, a last chance to leave and let go, but why would He Tian do that? He’s already locked in on Mo Guan Shan since the day after the fight with Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi when he saw him eating a sandwich outside some convenience store. He Tian has decided to keep him when he called, stuck in the rain, and Mo Guan Shan, pissed and unsure wholly wary of him, came with an umbrella anyway and cooked him beef stew at his apartment (albeit under threat). He Tian already vowed to take care and protect him, shield him from whatever shitty thing the world is gonna throw at him, when he Guan Shan looked more pained than He Tian was when he saw his hurt hand. 
He Tian knew he liked him when he had that nightmare and his first instinct was to call him. By the time Mo Guan Shan told him he doesn’t actually hate him that much, He Tian already likes him too much he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s the only one he feels safe enough to come to, with all of his guards down, that he can allow himself to rest and sleep defenseless.
He Tian realized he loves him when they went to that aquarium and Mo Guan Shan said he’s too bothered by He Tian to ever forget him. When Guan Shan asked for new earrings, He Tian thought his heart would burst from how happy that simple request made him. He’s so in love with him he feels crazy with it. He hangs at every word Mo Guan Shan says, at everything he does, that if he tells He Tian to jump off a cliff he’ll be at the bottom of it before he could finish saying the words. If Mo Guan Shan asks for his heart, He Tian will carve it out of his chest himself and serve it to him on a silver platter.
He Tian is sixteen and already six feet too deep in love with Mo Guan Shan he doesn’t have any idea how to let him go even if he tried.
“No, I'm not letting go.”
And He Tian really means it.
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possiblylando · 1 year
Chainsaw Man 128 'Early' Analysis
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Going mostly off facial expression it seems like Asa starts to understand Denji's headspace more when it comes to Sex. It also confirms one of my more obvious observations from last chapter. Denji is using sex as a replacement for intimate feelings when talking about his dream. He wants someone to be close to him. Obviously he still wants to have sex. But he doesn't really have a way to put it into works so this is about as good as we're gonna get for now. Then Asa drops the nuclear fucking warhead.
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In one page Denji turned from bitchless to a true incel. It's over millions of devils must die. I really hope that Denji gets a moment later along the lines of "You're wrong, Women love a man with a chainsaw for a head". I haven't forgotten about the chainsaw man fangirls from that chainsaw man thoughts interview. Obviously Denji and Asa get sent to hell because Denji in unable to cope with the through of being an incel.
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I do not like these kinds of dishes where it's basically one thing and then it's just all garnish. Also there's a lack of eyes and ears. So what where those for? Denji Flees and we get to see how much he's grown since part 1.
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We saw this same technique in use when he first fought falling. His body stays active for at least a few seconds when his head is chopped off so he's able to actually reattach his head or use it as a weapon. It's a really neat evolution of his abilities that totally in line with what he can already do. Cause this isn't something part 1 Denji would be able to so casually pull off. I doubt this has any important but his rip cord appears on the outside of his shirt without it ripping. It isn't like he brought a shirt that had a hole for the cord either because in previous panels it's just blank white. Again probably unimportant.
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Denji come on man you're better than this. This is clearly just a joke at least because he's revving up to fight Falling again. Also I'm just now noticing this but Hell looks REALLY difference from the last time we saw it. Remember how it was previously the green field. Now it's just darkness. Is this a subspace within Hell? Did the Hell devil's death at the end of Part 1 result in this? Does the Hell devil control how Hell is? It could just be an unimportant detail but I want some information on it now.
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HE'S HERE- actually- How many times has falling been fucking pwnd since her introduction? Twice in 125 1. Gunfire
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2. Denji
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Once in 126 3. Denji Again
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Once in 128 4. Chainfraud Man
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HE'S BACK AND HE'S REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YARRRRRGGGGGGGGGG FUCKING INSANE CLUTCH THIS HAS TO BE THE SAME GUY RIGHT? Let me back up. You're more than aware of the Chainfraud Man theory by now but I'll summarize quickly. In chapter 111 we see a shadow of someone who looks like Chainsaw Man kill Yuko.
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However 2 pages before this we see that Denji is asleep at the time this took place. Meaning this couldn't have been denji.
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And that's all we got for actual appearances. Of course theories ran wild of things like: "Yoshida Octopus Shapeshifting?" "Chainsaw Man Devil?" ect
So backing up to chapter 126. I had previously theorized this to be Yoshida. However it appears that this guy was in fact Chainfraud Man the entire time.
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It also means Denji knows who this is. Well if he's smart enough to put two and two together. Which I doubt. Now depending on what happens at the beginning of 127 Chainfraud Man could potentially have one of the best feats so far. More than likely Falling will just regenerate and slam this dude. But if she doesn't then-
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Cause he sliced her head in half. If this will actually do anything is yet to be seen. God this panel is so fucking COOL
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HE'S SO FUCKING COOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE CHARACTER RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH Ahem Chainfraud Man is more than likely a new character who we haven't seen before. It could potentially be Yoshida but the odds of that are diminishing rapidly. So whoever this guy is really is the greatest. I do wonder if "Evade them until sunrise" is literal or metaphorical. Like will falling's attack cease once the sun literally rises? Or is it a metaphorical one piece sun rise where they have to beat falling for the sun to rise? If it's literal it'll probably be because Falling couldn't get the main dish in time for the "meal". Aka she couldn't meet her deadline. Great Chapter. 10/10
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dirtwatchman · 3 months
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PARTIES: Caleb Aesil (@dirtwatchman) and Erin (@corpse-a-diem) TIME: Current (June 9th) SUMMARY: The first ritual failed and Aesil is pissed. Good thing Erin is coming to check in on Caleb. WARNINGS: Eye trauma tw
One call-off turned into two, then three, and when there was no proper explanation for his absences, Erin had had enough. Caleb didn’t miss work. He just didn’t. Caleb’s reliability was sturdier than the foundation his home sat on. At first she didn’t say anything–he never took time off, so maybe it was a good thing he was finally allowing himself this reprieve. Maybe he was spending time with that guy she pretended not to know about. But she saw him less and less and noticed that even his handiwork was getting sloppy or just completely neglected. Caleb wasn’t himself, distancing himself from her at a rapid rate. And then he didn’t show up. Again. If he didn’t want to come to her with whatever was going on, she’d go to him if that’s how he wanted it.
There was no answer to her knocks and probably no lights shining behind the blackout curtains hanging in the windows. Huh. That was new. And weird. Was he even here? “Caleb?!” She yelled, hammering on the front door again, and then waited. Silence for a long moment that pronounced the shatter of glass that followed. It startled her more than she’d admit but someone or something was in, in fact, in the house.  “Fuck it,” she murmured to herself, flipping through to her copy of Caleb’s house key. 
Aesil was too focused on the situation at hand to hear the shouts coming from above. Even if they weren’t, Caleb’s ears probably wouldn’t have picked up on it anyway. The man was useless and even his body proved that point. Dead meant deadened senses which led to surprises that the demon couldn’t always stop from infiltrating the plans they were putting into place. In fact, there had been multiple instances of someone walking up on them committing atrocious murders, too many. These people were nosy as shit for those that lived in such a fucked up place.
Those deadened senses were a catalyst, another point proven in their mind as the glass bowl in hand fell to the floor and shattered all over the markings they’d put in place, blood spilling and mingling with the grave dirt that lived on the basement floor because of the zombies shoes. It was no matter, the ritual hadn’t worked anyway, but their temper still flared. Long arms swiped every bit of innocent heart, herbal leaves, and bone dust that they had carefully spread out over the work table onto the floor to join it all as they let out a throat splitting scream. They had failed to get what they needed, which meant they had failed Andras. 
“Fuck!” They were running out of time. Caleb had been acting out of sorts for too long. Stabbing people, slitting throats, throwing supposed friends off of a cliff, none of it made for a convincing performance of the ‘woe is me’ traumatized man that had too many good people in his life all while stuffing body parts into the multiple fridges that lined these very walls. They should have skinned them all alive and let them join the unfortunate few in those icy depths.
A creak on the basement stairs alerted them to a new arrival to the messy scene. It was probably the wretched blonde that they thought they had scared away but they must have failed at that too. “I told you not to come down here unless you wanted to go back into your fucking box, you hag.” But their eyes narrowed on to someone else when they turned, Aesil getting that spark of recognition but not able to place the name. Caleb had pictures posing with her though, her and two older people. A family. Must have been his sister. “What are you doing here?”
Erin had stood in this home a hundred times, and while it all looked just the same as ever, she knew it wasn’t. The air wasn’t right. Noise trickled in from under the basement door though it was hard to distinguish the source. “Caleb?” She called again at the top of the stairs, a flickering light and heavy breathing greeting her. He was going to make her go down there, wasn’t he? God damn it. The stairs creaked beneath her feet as she ascended quickly, like ripping off a bandaid. A metallic, sour scent smacked her in the face as she slowed to a stop towards the bottom of the steps. Her heart pounded. She knew that smell. It wasn’t supposed to be here. “Jesus, Caleb, what the–”
It took her a moment to process her surroundings. The basement had been transformed into something unrecognizable. Plastic sheets with dark red-brown smatterings lined the walls. The freezers and the glint of steel tools shouted menacingly against the crimson stained backdrops and suddenly her mind plunged into icy, grief-stricken depths. Caleb was dead. Someone was dead. They had to be, with all of this blood. She was standing in the middle of what she was pretty fucking sure was a crime scene. But there was Caleb, hunched over the worktable in the middle of the room. She couldn’t help the actual wince when he spoke. Sharp, angry, biting. Her stomach churned and her mouth gaped, unable to pull her eyes away from Caleb. Caleb. This didn’t make sense. Caleb and this didn’t co-exist in any world. But here they were, and here he was, staring at her like she was practically a stranger.
Cautiously, she took a step forward, stopping when something soft squished against the bottom of her shoe. Blood pooled and stained the soles red and she couldn’t breathe because she’d just stepped on a human fucking heart. Slowly, shiny eyes looked fearfully back up at Caleb. “What–what did you do?” She asked
They weren’t in the mood for this. The bewilderment, the horrified gaze around the room that landed on Caleb, normally Aesil would eat it up but right now the fury they were feeling wouldn’t allow them to enjoy this. The melodramatics were getting so tired so quickly. They rolled those blue eyes, intending to just push her back up the stairs, but as soon as she stepped on that precious heart they lost it. So much work had gone into getting that and replacing it was going to be one hell of a ride, much like the first. “Are you fucking kidding me?” 
A hand shot out and clutched her throat, Caleb’s hand that they were sure had never once caused any harm to this woman was now bruising her skin, fingernails almost dug in deep enough to draw blood. “I was using that.” They slammed her up against the basement wall, fury building in those usually gentle blue eyes. “Now I have to replace it and I’m tempted to take yours.” Though Aesil had no idea if it would work. There were certain rules for the hearts needed in this ritual and even if this woman seemed innocent enough they were sure that she could have very big skeletons in her closet. Especially if she was associating with a zombie. 
The grip they had on her throat loosened just slightly so that she could speak properly, the goddamn ears on this man’s body making it impossible for them to correctly torture a human. It was infuriating but something that needed to be done. “I’m so sick of the people in this town being such nosy bastards. Everything I’ve done up until this point has been interrupted by one of you miserable cockroaches. Do humans not know how to mind their business? I thought it was all sacrificial rituals and respect with you guys but it seems that went out the window a long time ago. Now you’re friends with zombies and vampires while demons are long forgotten in the hellish landscapes of other dimensions. No wonder Andras hates you all so much.”
They were on a tangent, they knew that. There was so much they wanted to scream at these people and a fraction of it was now pouring out of them. They leaned in closer, thumb running down the line of one of her throbbing veins. It would be so easy to rip it right out of her throat. “I really wish I could watch you slowly bleed out on this basement floor but you’ve just made the time crunch I was under so much worse.”
Caleb’s tone sliced through her in a way she had been less prepared for than the sight in the basement somehow. Furious in a way Erin didn’t know Caleb could be and it left the parts that never wanted to disappoint the closest thing she had to a brother raw, jagged. Terrified. “I don’t–” She didn’t even know what she was going to say (what could she say to all of this?) before her back was slammed against the basement wall and what breathe hadn’t been knocked out of her struggled against Caleb’s hand. Was he going to kill her? Oh, God. How could she not know this whole time that he was some psychopathic Dexter wannabe chopping people up in his basement? That’s what this was, right? She’d stepped on a human fucking heart. Panic shot through her spine like a rail gun. “Caleb, w-wait, wait, please–” She choked out, desperate claws scratching into ungodly strong fingers that clamped around her neck. 
It was hard to focus as he spoke. The fear and lack of air didn’t help but she couldn’t blame the confusion alone on that. Vampires? Zombies? Sacrificial rituals? What the fuck was he talking about? And who the fuck was Andras? He was speaking at her more than to her, she realized at one point during his spiel. There was nothing familiar about the man in front of her. Not his tone or expressions. Even the way he worded things was like night and day compared to Caleb’s softer approach. As he moved closer, she turned her face away, another icy chill crawling down her skin. “Why?” Her voice sounded so small, and she knew at this point it was probably so stupid to ask, but it was one of the only words she could manage in between the thousand questions and horrors swarming her senses. “What is wrong with you? This isn’t you, Caleb. Please, just–stop.”
Something wet touched her cheek. Blood? No. She was crying. Fuck. Fuck. Anger and desperation built a slow storm in her stomach. All she could feel was wet plastic as she scraped for absolutely anything that could pry him off of her. She had to go. She had to run. Now. Her eyes widened and her body tensed with a fear she’d never experienced at those last words. 
Caleb was going to kill her. 
She didn’t know, did she? This was the worst kind of them all, the human who was ignorant to everything going on around them. Especially when she was so close to someone who ate people to stay alive. The demon let out an incredulous laugh, their hand coming up to wipe away one of the stray tears falling down her cheek. Suddenly their mission wasn’t all that important, not when they had a chance to showcase her ignorance. “You’re right. This isn’t Caleb.” The name was spat out as if it were poison on their tongue, their disgust with all of them taking over. “Caleb’s not home anymore. You’re never going to see him again.” 
The grip they had on her neck slacked as they tilted their head, wondering how she would take that. Would she put two and two together? The zombie had been dormant in their mind since the Charlie stabbing. No appearances, no fight, no hint of emotion to be heard of. He was still locked away but Aesil was strong enough now to keep him where he belonged; in nothingness. 
A cruel smirk formed as they leaned in closer, their forehead resting against hers while they dragged their thumbnail over the bruising forming on her neck. “You don’t know anything, do you? Nothing about the things that go bump in the night?” They paused, shaking their head softly but keeping it pressed to hers. “You run a fucking funeral home, you stupid woman.” Their lifeless eyes met hers, the demon wanting to see how much they had changed since they had taken over her brother. “But worst of all…you have no idea who he is…what he is.”
Why was he laughing? What could possibly be funny about anything right now? But then he said it, confirming what her denial wanted–needed–to be true. It didn’t make her feel better. “What do you mean?” She asked, looking into the face of the man she knew to be Caleb. Was this an imposter? A duplicate somehow? Or maybe this was something like what her father had done to her with Max? Fear curdled in her stomach and a new type of panic that felt like the cusp of grief. “What did you do to him?” She dug her nails into the skin of his hand, desperation clawing at her words. “Where is he?” 
Erin’s skin crawled as Not Caleb grew closer, skin to skin now. She wanted to sink into the wall behind her or the drain in the floor that was soaking up the blood in the basement. She didn’t want him to see how much it bothered, though she knew he already could. “I-I know things,” she said, fully aware of how weak that sounded. She also had a hand bruising her throat, so it was going to sound pathetic either way. But what about Caleb? Caleb was Caleb. But then again, she’d always thought Van was just Van. She’d been more wrong about that one than she’d ever know. She tried to shove him though it was like trying to push a concrete wall. “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean? What do I mean?” The demon laughed with the words, their head shaking as they tore their gaze away from her to look around the room. They were ignoring the questions about where Caleb was, what Aesil had done to him. That didn’t matter anymore. The man was never coming back and as much as they wanted to keep torturing her with that fact they were now focused on spilling all the secrets her “brother” had decided to keep from her. Their hand slipped from the front of her throat to the back, nails once again into her fair skin as they tightened the hold they had on her the best they could. “It’s better if I show you.”
They dragged her towards the first of the refrigerators, ripping the door open with their free hand to reveal the fresh body they’d just drained of blood, pieces of it scattered amongst the few containers of brains they were keeping thawed to eat later. They kept the door open as they moved to the next refrigerator and yanked that door open as well. This one contained the jars of blood Caleb had been keeping for Mercy before Aesil ran her off. Next was one of the freezers that contained the brains of who Aesil guessed to be this very woman’s clients. They continued down the line of the appliances, the demon dragging her along to each one so she could witness just who her brother was. 
“This is what I mean. Your brother? A cannibal, a murderer, someone who can’t live without a brain to get him through the week. I’ll admit, that first refrigerator was all me but the rest of these? He did that. He’s been storing these for a long time.” Aesil gestured to the middle of the room where the blood stained work table stood, half covered with the ingredients collected, half destroyed by their rage. “That fucking altar? He built that. The tools? All him. I’ll admit, this body was a good choice for that alone but you people are making it so hard to get through everything I need. I thought this man was a loner, a goddamn recluse, but you’re all coming out of the woodwork like little leeches.”
During the rant, their grip on her neck had loosened again. It might have been a mistake but the pent up aggression that they were holding onto these past several weeks made it hard to keep a cool head. Aesil also wanted to give her the chance to actually look, to actually see everything that Caleb had done to these people. Destroying every semblance of affection people held for him was the goal and if this didn’t do it they didn’t know what would. “So, what do you actually know? Because I don’t think it was any of this.”
Every burst of cool air from another opened door brought more horrors. More blood. More body parts. More concrete evidence that whatever the fuck was happening here wasn’t by the Caleb Erin knew–whether it was this thing with is face, or the man that she had grown up with. He was gone, or he never was. She didn’t know anymore. Proper processing wasn’t a luxury this man shoving her face in refrigerators was actually giving her. He was gloating. He was enjoying how much agony he was putting her through right now. Blowing up in her world in a way she didn’t think was possibly again. And god, the pain that ripped through her chest right now was debilitating. But she was angry. Someone she trusted had been lying to her about everything they were. The same way her parents had lied to her about most of her existence. About the reality of what this town really was and what it held–and the kind of thing that whatever this version of Caleb was who chopped people up after stealing them from the home that had sheltered him? Putting their lives in danger? It was unthinkable. It wasn’t possible. But Erin had learned of too many impossible things lately. The impossible was smiling right in front of her. 
The fingernails piercing the back of her neck pulled her out of her distraught daze and forced her to look back up at whoever the fuck this was. She didn’t see Caleb anymore. She only saw red. “Fuck you,” was all she could muster. He’d made a fool of her enough and she couldn’t bare the thought of giving him more ammunition. What could she say, anyway? Even if he was lying, there were still human body parts packed into this basement like a happy hunter after Thanksgiving. 
Her body moved without thinking now and she reached for the display of surgical instruments just in her reach. She had to get out of here. She had to get out of here now. A scalpel was the first thing she grabbed. It made a soft but distinct squish as it plunged into Caleb’s eye. His grip loosened enough for her slip out of it, slipping only slightly at the bottom of the stairs on what she could only imagine was more blood. Crimson footsteps stained the floor as she fled. 
They were too cocky for their own good. They thought they had won, thought that she was at their mercy, too distraught to do anything other than mourn Caleb, a man she thought she’d known. Aesil had wanted to kill her spirit and for a split second they were confident that they had done just that. Her words didn’t even matter, only made them laugh just before there was a sharp pain tearing through their human flesh.
“Fuck!” Oh, they had severely underestimated this one. Aesil never thought that she could hurt the body of someone she claimed to love so dearly but that fight or flight kicked in enough for her to plunge something sharp in Caleb’s eye. They doubled over after she’d slipped from their grip, hand going up to rip the instrument out, bringing Caleb’s eye along with it. It clattered to the floor, the demon laughing humorlessly through the pain.
It took them a second to realize she was running up the stairs but they stayed in place. There was no point in going after her. Aesil had caused the pain they’d wanted to cause and their ritual could still be performed soon. They had to focus on what they needed and not on the people they wanted to wipe off the face of this planet. No, they could do that later. “That’s alright, bitch!” They called up the stairs after her, blood slowly running down their cheek to stain their teeth. “I’ll find you later!”
And they would. They would find every single person that had evaded their wrath so far. They would subject them to pain they never thought possible, have them begging for them to end things, before handing them over to a demon that would eat the flesh off their bones as they writhed beneath his teeth. Every single one of them would regret ever knowing this man. They couldn’t wait for that chaos to begin.
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willbyersabyss · 1 year
The Upside Down Represents Homophobia
This is mostly about how Will’s queerness intertwines with the supernatural plot. I included summaries in blue so please at least read those!
Time Period
It’s no coincidence that Stranger Things takes place in the 80s. This is when homophobia was at a high because of the AIDs crisis and the satanic panic. These events factor heavily into the mindsets of the antagonists in the show. Season one is where we see this most. Troy, Lonnie, and Steve all spew homophobic views throughout the season. Homophobia was half of the evil in season one so I don’t think it would be that far off to assume that the supernatural evil and the real world evil were stemming from the same place.
Season One
In the first episode of the show, we are clued into Will’s queerness. Joyce expresses her concern over the homophobic bullying he has faced and how that might have had something to do with his disappearance. Hopper felt that Will being gay was important to the investigation as well. What if they were right? What if the Upside Down is the homophobe that took Will? Hopper tried to reassure that Will was likely with a parent but Joyce insisted otherwise. The parent would be Lonnie, an abusive homophobe.
It’s very clear that Lonnie is the person who spread rumors about Will being gay. As Joyce mentioned, he was the source of Will’s homophobic bullying. Will is referred to as “Lonnie’s kid” multiple times and people only gave their condolences to Lonnie at Will’s funeral. Troy’s dad mentioned Will being queer. Why would Troy’s dad know about that? Lonnie. Jonathan decided to look into Hopper’s theory that Lonnie, a known homophobe, took Will. He even looked in Lonnie’s trunk, alluding to Will possibly being killed by his homophobic dad. So the first suspect was notoriously homophobic and had power in the town of Hawkins.
Lets move into the town’s theory of Will’s disappearance. Joyce talked about Will experiencing homophobia to Hopper. This is implying that Will could have been killed in a hate crime. Troy says “He was probably killed by some other queer.” Once again, linking Will’s queerness to his kidnapping. The school has an assembly to grieve Will where Troy says “Will’s in fairyland now, right? All happy and gay!” And where was Will? The Upside Down. 
After being humiliated in front of the entire school, Troy tries to attack Mike and Dustin by recreating what the town assumed happened to Will. Hopper said that Will saw something, made his way over to the quarry, and fell off. When we link this with the town thought, Will may have been forced off the cliff by a homophobe. We as viewers know this isn’t what happened. Or do we? The events of the cliff scene align well with Will’s disappearance:
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The similarities between the scenes could point to the town being right. Will and Mike were both sent to their deaths by homophobia and only made it out alive by a stroke of luck. Dustin would have been the last person to see both of them alive. Will was looking up while Mike was looking down which is upside down. They’re mirroring each other. (Will’s body was at the bottom of the quarry so it’s almost as if they are looking at each other?)
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The scene just before Mike’s quarry scene is the aftermath of Steve and Jonathan’s fight. This is the fight where Steve says “I always took you for a queer but turns out you’re just a screw up like your father.” So Tommy H. thought that Jonathan killed Will, Steve thought Jonathan was queer but now he thinks he’s like Lonnie, and Troy thought Will was “killed by some other queer.” Jonathan is “the queer” that they think killed Will but that isn’t the case. It turns out what “killed” Will is like his father (a homophobe). Queerness and homophobia is constantly brought up when discussing Will’s disappearance. We are meant to link the two.
Both the cliff scene and the fight between Steve and Jonathan happen in the episode titled “The Monster.” This is also the only episode where Will doesn’t try to contact anyone from the Upside Down. Let that sink in. The episode where homophobia results in violence on multiple occasions is called “The Monster.” The real monster of this story is not the demogorgon.
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In the scene above, Troy had just finished making homophobic statements about Will (which were directed at Mike). Mike tried to ignore the comments, but he was tripped. Dustin picked up the rock Mike fell on and they decided that it would be “the monster killer.” This rock is used in the final episode when they face the demogorgon. The demogorgon and homophobic bullying are linked in this scene. Using the rock shows that overcoming homophobia is how they win.
When they find Will’s “body” at the quarry, Mike runs home and cries in his mom’s arms. The lyrics that play over this scene are “We kissed as though nothing could fall and the shame was on the other side.” If the other side is the Upside Down, then it is equal to shame. Homophobia shames the existence of queer people just like the Upside Down. 
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The only other established character that becomes a victim of the Upside Down is Barb. I genuinely believe Barb is queer. She was only in two episodes but there’s still quite a lot of queer coding in this short time. First, she noticed that Nancy had a new bra. How exactly would she know that? Anyways, Nancy is trying to fit in with her new friends and even tries to get Barb to participate. Barb reluctantly agrees and gets cut. Forced conformity. She later has a conversation with Nancy about how she isn’t being herself. Sound familiar? This is very similar to the argument Will and Mike have in season three. She has a parallel with a confirmed queer character! So yeah Barb is definitely queer. Her death cuts between Nancy and Steve hooking up. The injury Barb received from trying to be someone else attracted the demogorgon of homophobia. Nancy’s conformity killed Barb. 
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We discover in season four that the Upside Down is stuck on the day Will went missing. It was a barren land of dust and rocks but once Will arrived, it changed to replicate Hawkins. Why would Will change this terrifying place to look like his home? Because the thing that makes these places evil is the same. Homophobia.
The song used to represent Will’s mindset is Should I Stay or Should I Go. “Should I stay or should I go? If I go, there will be trouble and if I stay it will be double.” Is a line I want to highlight. Will is debating whether he should stay in the Upside Down or return home. Why would Will consider staying in such a dangerous place? What trouble would he face back home that he would rather be killed by monsters? Homophobic abuse and bullying. Will’s biggest fear is his own home and this is why the Upside Down now replicates it. His fear of the Upside Down manifested into the everyday fears he faces. 
Will tries to save himself by contacting his mom through the lights and he even opens a gate in the wall. This all crumbles the second his father shows up. Lonnie patched up the hole and took down the lights which were Will’s only hope of escape. Will’s homophobic and abusive father is keeping him trapped in the land of homophobia. To make matters worse, Will doesn’t try to contact Joyce again after Lonnie does this. He’s reminded that the real world is not safer than this hellscape, not for someone like him at least. Will’s debate is finalized. He decides he will stay in the Upside Down and accept his fate. 
After Lonnie shattered Will’s chances of escaping the Upside Down, Will went to Castle Byers to wait for the monster to take him. Castle Byers was a place where he could be himself, sheltered from homophobic beliefs. This was the last place he felt safe. El visits him and assures him that his mom hasn’t given up on him. The monster then destroys the Upside Down version of Castle Byers and takes him to his deathbed at the library. This represents how homophobia will always find and destroy queer spaces. 
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When Joyce and Hopper find Will, he has a vine down his throat that is killing him. Memories of Sara with medical tubes flash by. Those tubes were meant to be “healing” Sara but her fate did not change. Homophobes believe they’re healing gay people by trying to change them, but it only ends up killing them. As we now know, Vecna controls these vines. He says he “holds up a mirror” to people. It’s commonly said that gay people are “shoving their gayness down our throats.” Was the vine in Will’s throat a reflection of this belief?
Will's heart stops which is indicative of death. So Jonathan thought Will was killed by their homophobic father and the town thought Will was killed in a hate crime. Will was actually killed by the Upside Down. They were right, Will was killed by homophobia. What saved him? His mother who loves him no matter what. 
Summary: Every theory the town had about Will’s disappearance was related to him being gay and this is no coincidence. Their theories were right but instead of a homophobic person, it was the Upside Down that took him. 
Season Two
Will is plagued with visions after his time in the Upside Down. The times in which he gets these visions is indicative of internalized homophobia. Mike, the boy Will is developing feelings for, is almost always the person who is able to bring him out of these visions. How could gay love be so bad if it continues to save Will?
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The first vision he gets in season two is at the arcade. Dustin was trying to win the hand of Princess Daphne in Dragon’s Lair but he loses and Lucas teases him. Keith interrupts and asks for a date with Nancy in exchange for information on Max. A seemingly meaningless conversation, right? Nope! Will’s vision of the Upside Down starts in the middle of this argument. People expressing their desire for a girlfriend set off Will’s internalized homophobia. He’s constantly reminded that he isn’t like his friends, he’s different. Mike takes Will out of this trance.
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The second vision is similar to his first vision in season one. In both of these visions, he’s washing his hands in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Remember what Vecna said about holding up a mirror? When Will can see himself for who he truly is, he is pulled right back into the home of homophobia. 
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The third vision occurs on Halloween night when Will and Mike are arguing about Max joining their party. Mike storms off after he complains that Dustin and Lucas are pining over Max. This leaves Will to be bullied and pulled back into the Upside Down. Yet again, he has visions after his friends fight over girls. Will doesn’t understand these dilemmas because he has no interest in girls. These constant reminders that he’s gay are very triggering after all the bullying he has faced. Mike comes to Will’s rescue for a second time. 
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The fourth and final vision happens when Will is searching for Dart. He assures Dart (who represents homophobia) that he isn’t going to hurt him. This reminds me of queer people trying to assure homophobes that they’re not something to be feared. Dart scares Will and he’s back in the Upside Down yet again. This time, he doesn’t run or hide, he decides to confront the homophobia via Bob’s advice. He ends up in more danger because of this. Sounds very reflective of real life doesn’t it? (When Mike finally confronted Troy’s homophobia in season one, his life was put in danger later. Are these scenes connected?) Anyways, Mike is the person who finds Will in the field.
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Speaking of Dart, remember this scene? Dart tries to attack Mike and Will only. Oh yeah and they happen to be standing in front of a rainbow here. Mike protects Will from homophobia yet again!
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These visions later only show themselves as the tunnels taking over Hawkins. In the first picture, Will is drawing the tunnels. On the wall there’s a drawing of a spaceship with rainbows coming out of it. Is this the rainbow ship Joyce mentions later? Another tunnel vision happens when Will is left alone with Mike. For the fourth time so far, Mike is able to break Will out of his trance-like state. So Will has visions of the Upside Down when he’s next to a rainbow and the boy he has a crush on? Interesting. 
Now let's think about what the tunnels spreading throughout Hawkins could represent. I believe they represent how quickly homophobia makes its way through small towns. The vines diseased plants and animals. Many homophobes view queer people as “diseased” and this was especially common in the 80s. If we think about how Vecna holds up a mirror to people, the rotting could reflect on the town’s view of gay people. The only person who could warn them about the dangers of the vines was Will. This shows how queer people can see how harmful homophobia is while it flies under straight noses.
The hive mind reflects how homophobes all adopt the same narrow mindset. They cannot break free of their homophobic beliefs. Dart could be an example of the “love the sinner, hate the sin” idea. He did as he was told without second thought but made exceptions for one person that tried to show him a different mindset. I believe Dart seeing Will is what caused the Mind Flayer to try to possess him again. Though Dart seemed different from the others in the hive mind, he still upheld his beliefs when faced by someone he feared. This is very common among homophobes. 
While in the hospital, Will was slowly losing himself. The doctors said “At this rate, he’ll be gone by the end of the day.” Because they wanted to focus on burning the vines again. Instead of trying to save the gay kid possessed by homophobic thoughts, they focused on trying to keep the homophobia a secret.  Will’s personality being lost as his mind is flooded with internalized homophobia symbolizes how gay people have to hide their true selves. The only way for Will to be safe is to perpetuate the thoughts being fed to him (ex. killing the soldiers). Staying in the closet protects him.
Speaking of closets, Bob had to hide in a closet when the demodogs took over the lab. He was safe from the homophobic creatures when he hid in the closet. The second he came out, the broom fell like an alarm. He was immediately a target for homophobia which is the reason for his death. 
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Another small detail: While they were trying to reach Will in the shed, Max was worried about what would happen if Will figured out their location. Lucas says that it will be “judgment day” if that were to happen. Judgment day is a common religious belief that a day will come where people are punished for their sins before death. Being gay is seen as a sin by many religious people so could this be the “sin” the Upside Down would punish them for? 
Moving on to what I think is the most important scene in season two: the shed scene. Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike all share memories with Will to try and break his possession. The memories they initially focus on show their love and support for Will. Joyce talks about how proud she was of his drawing of a rainbow spaceship (as pictured earlier). Of course, rainbows are a huge queer symbol. Joyce was basically saying she loves him no matter what and even embraces his differences. Jonathan talks about the day they built Castle Byers aka the day their homophobic father left. Castle Byers was built as a safe space for Will because of the homophobic abuse and bullying he had faced. Will was able to start using morse code after this. His family expressing their love and support successfully broke through the homophobia racking his brain. Finally, Mike recalls the day they first met. Despite everything, Mike still believes that befriending Will was the best thing he’s ever done. We now know that Will not only has feelings for Mike, but that Mike makes him feel better for being different. All three memories relate to Will’s queerness in some way. The thing that saved Will was his loved ones assuring him that they love him for his differences. Homophobia can be destroyed through love and support.
The final time we see the Mind Flayer is at the Snow Ball. Will was pressured to dance with a girl by the person he really wanted to dance with. The Mind Flayer looms over the cafeteria to show that though Will thought he was saved, homophobia will always linger behind him. He can never escape heteronormative standards.
Summary: Will’s possession represents internalized homophobia. His visions of the Upside Down occur when he is forced to face his queerness. The vines and the hive mind reflect the way homophobes spread their own ideas while not considering viewpoints outside of their own.
Season Three
It was confirmed by the Duffers that the physical Mind Flayer represents puberty in this interview. Puberty and sexuality go hand in hand. Just like his visions in season two, Will feels the Mind Flayer in moments related to him being gay. Will continuing to have a connection to the Mind Flayer after his exorcism represents how homophobia will always haunt queer people. I wonder if he gets the chill on his neck because that’s where the homophobic vine attached itself in season one? Will’s connection to the Mind Flayer represents his PTSD from the Upside Down so if the Upside Down represents homophobia, the Mind Flayer’s appearance shows his ongoing struggle with his identity. 
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The first time Will feels the Mind Flayer is in the movie theater when he’s basically on a double date with Mike. At this point, Will definitely knows that he has feelings for Mike. Sitting close in a dark theater would remind him of the homophobia that lingers around him. Just like season two, Mike breaks Will out of the moment.
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The second time he felt it was in the field when they were going to try and contact Dustin’s girlfriend. Will was surrounded by straight couples, leaving him to be the only one without a significant other. Mike and El decide to run off and ditch them. Will looks back at Mike and El when he gets the chill. Will’s fear of homophobia creeps up when he is reminded that he won’t get to experience love. 
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The third time he feels it is at Castle Byers after after he fought with Mike over girls again. This sparked the unforgettable “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!” line. While Mike did not intend it to be a jab at Will’s sexuality, it was taken that way. Will ran off to Castle Byers, his safe space from his homophobic father. After destroying the only place he felt safe from homophobia, the Mind Flayer came right back. I believe he felt it at this moment to show that homophobia was winning against him. This scene wasn’t only about his sexuality, but it did contribute heavily to his inner turmoil. The homophobia inside him (the Mind Flayer) became too overwhelming so he finally told the group that he felt it again.  
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The fourth time he feels the Mind Flayer is during the sauna test. Again, he is standing very close to Mike here. It could also be noted that they had the silly scene of the boys looking terrified at the men in the sauna earlier in the episode. 
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The fifth time is at the hospital. Will was just sent away so Mike could make amends with El after their breakup. Will is staring at Mike a lot in the hospital lobby, silently pining behind him. The second Mike and El get close and cuddly while reading the M&M’s package, Will senses homophobia close by again. (Mike looking at Will here… okay)
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Will feels it again at Hopper’s cabin. This one is a bit of a reach but the scene just before this is of Karen, Ted, and Holly on the ferris wheel. Karen is trying to keep up her image of a perfect family. While she is putting on this performance of conformity, Holly can see the trees move (from the Mind Flayer) but is ignored. This entire act is based on heteronormativity. 
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The final time he senses it is in the mall. They had retreated back into the mall because Billy found them. Billy himself had not been blatantly homophobic but his father previously abused him and called him homophobic slurs. Billy is a representation of homophobia and bigotry being taught. Instead of breaking the cycle, he is perpetuating it. This is why Billy was chosen as the host as well. He doesn’t try to find a way out of possession the way Will did in season two. He doesn’t reject the control of the Mind Flayer, he goes along with it. Billy is an easier target to control because he doesn’t actively fight against conformity. 
The flayed are a hive mind. Each of them were asked by a higher being to get others to join their agenda. Sound familiar? This also represents how quickly propaganda against queer people attaches itself to small towns. They teamed up to take down anyone that disagrees with them. As I said before, Will is the only one who can see the danger coming because his queerness makes him vulnerable. 
Summary: Will feels the Mind Flayer when he is, yet again, forced to face his queerness. The flayed represent the cult-like behavior of homophobes (just like the hive mind). Will is the only one who can sense the Mind Flayer because homophobia usually isn’t seen as a danger to anyone that isn’t queer. 
Season Four
Eddie’s queer coding relates to him becoming the “town pariah” that Robin mentioned earlier in the season. He was hunted for being a freak. In Eddie’s introduction scene, he is listing reasons why DND is being targeted due to the satanic panic. One reason that stands out is sodomy. This belief is rooted in homophobia. So the Hellfire Club is already being linked to queerness in its introduction.
Another important line by Eddie in this scene: “It’s forced conforming. That’s what’s killing the kids. That’s the real monster.” This partly foreshadows his own death as he conforms to the idea of a hero, but it also gives us an idea of what the monsters in the show represent. Queer people experience forced conformity in heavy amounts for their own safety. We see this happen to both Will and Robin, our only (as of right now) confirmed queer characters. Will doesn’t really deny his queerness by trying to act straight but he does still have to hide from real and supernatural dangers. Going back to the vine that killed Will, that was forced conformity. Homophobia was shoving itself down Will’s throat and it killed him until his supportive family brought him back. 
The purpose of Eddie’s character was to show how people will focus on attacking those that are different while the real problem flies under their radar. They started targeting Eddie after Jason convinced them to at the church. This is very reflective of how religious people target queer people in real life. They don’t care about the actual thing that’s killing the kids (homophobia), they just want to make villains out of queer people. This is how the Upside Down was able to target children for so long. Hawkins was focusing on the wrong thing. Troy’s belief that Will was “killed by some other queer” is another example of the town villainizing gay people instead of tackling the real problem.
Eddie is a new addition to the deaths that occur inside the Upside Down. He is one of three established characters that died there. Just like Will and Barb, Eddie was queer coded. That means every single established character that died in the Upside Down was queer or queer coded. The Upside Down targets queer people.
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This is a smaller detail but it’s interesting how Robin is framed in the middle with the light shining above her. It really brings attention to the keyhole on her back. So Will is seen as the light and Robin as the key. What do these two characters have in common? Gay. Gay is the key! Also the eye in the keyhole is green and Will has green eyes (this is a joke). Anyways, Vecna passes by Robin’s flashlight first and she’s the first to be strung up by vines later in the Upside Down (right after she held Nancy’s hand). Is it coincidental that the only gay character in the Hawkins crew was detected in the Upside Down first? I don’t think so!
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Here comes Will’s rainbow spaceship again. A rainbow rocketship sitting outside of the Creel house is a detail I always think about. They didn’t only show this ship, they made it a significant meeting place in the Upside Down. This is where Erica relayed messages to the others during their mission to kill Vecna. Normally I wouldn’t think twice about a swing set at a playground but since it’s next to a rainbow ship, it made me raise an eyebrow. A swingset to remind us of how Mike and Will met? So two things here relate to the memories that saved Will in season two. All we’re missing is Castle Byers. When the Creels arrive at their new home, Alice says it’s like a fairytale. What aspect of a fairytale could she be referring to? A castle perhaps? This may be a stretch but is the Creel house representing Castle Byers here? It’s definitely possible but it may not be necessary to represent Castle Byers here. Why? Castle Byers was already destroyed by Will.
When Vecna takes his final victim, the gates rip through Hawkins. Max’s gate goes straight through the playground across from the Creel house. The rainbow ship and the swing set are (presumably) both destroyed. I believe these items were chosen to show how Will’s safety from homophobia is being taken from him as the Upside Down takes over Hawkins (this could also relate to birthdaygate). The memories that make Will feel safe and proud of his queerness were destroyed by the Upside Down aka homophobia. 
So what exactly opened the gates? It was just Max’s death, right? I don’t think it’s that simple. Remember what Eddie said about how forced conformity is killing the kids? Well that was definitely foreshadowing. Eddie and Jason were both participating in conformity right as they died. Max was the only one who didn’t do this. What was the conformity that killed her then? 
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It was Mike’s speech. When Mike gives his monologue, everyone is dying. Literally everyone. His love was surrounded by death. Many of the things Mike said in his love confession were not the full truth. There’s no question about that. It’s clear that Mike did not want to give that speech, he felt like he had to because El was dying and Will urged him to. Will, in a way, was forcing conformity upon both himself and Mike in this scene. I believe this act is the reason why their plan ultimately failed. There’s another piece of evidence that Mike’s monologue contributed to Max’s death in this post I made. What better to open the gates of homophobia than two repressed gay kids? 
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The gates all met at the library. This is where Will was found in the Upside Down. I think it should be noted that libraries are sources of knowledge while homophobia is based in ignorance. The Upside Down destroying the library is a perfect symbol of this. 
Summary: Hawkins targeted someone they perceived as queer which blinded them from the true evil spreading through their town (homophobia). Will and Mike’s suppression of their feelings is part of the reason why the Upside Down was able to merge with Hawkins.
How will this influence season five?
Dustin and Suzie said it best: “And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a neverending story.” Gay love will save the world! The meaning behind Stranger Things has always been about accepting differences. Our beloved queer characters using their differences to defeat evil completely aligns with the message of the show! 
Will’s journey through his queerness has been extremely important since the first season. It’s been confirmed many times that he’s going to be central to season five and they’re going back to season one dynamics. Homophobia was most literally present in the first season. It makes sense for the boy who started the story to finally overcome both literal and symbolic homophobia! Will’s acceptance of himself giving him strength to defeat the supernatural evil is a beautiful way to wrap up his role in the story. 
I am a firm believer that Will and Mike’s relationship is going to be a huge factor in saving the world in season five. Their relationship has been built since the beginning and was made most obvious in the penultimate season. With Will being central again, it’s inevitable that Mike will be as well! Mike’s love for Will already helped save the world in season two so I believe something similar will happen in the finale. Will said it himself that Mike gives him the courage to fight on, now he must use that strength to save the world. 
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And here’s some obvious foreshadowing for Will and Mike having a big role in killing Vecna.
While Robin and Vickie are not as big of characters as Will and Mike, their relationship will also be established next season (hopefully with significant screen time). This further proves how the Upside Down represents homophobia. Both queer relationships were left for the final season because as long as homophobia is present, they cannot thrive. This gives a lot of room for queer love to be explored in the final season through the defeat of the Upside Down. 
In conclusion, queerness has been integral to the plot since season one. It’s quite obvious that a show like this would make their monsters symbolic of real world issues. We already know that Vecna represents depression, the lab is the abuse cycle, and the physical Mind Flayer is puberty! The Upside Down is meant to represent homophobia.
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child-of-the-danube · 11 months
Ok, I need to preface this with saying that I have not read any of the Doom Patrol comics so I have no idea how well or in what quantity the show follows the comics so I have no concpet of spoilers/certainty as to how it will all end after next episode.
This is gonna be a long ass post so buckle up motherfuckers.
I am thoroughly worried with how it will all be wrapped up in a single episode. They have not gotten their longevity back, Immortus is still out there now planning world domination, Rita's basically dead, the Buttpocalypse future is on their doorstep etc. Either it will be all to quickly concluded with a Deus-ex-machina solution to everything given that Laura in one episode said that the future they saw was only one possible version of it and in this episode future Vic seemed way too calm finding out that his past self is being helped with the time portal thingy and saying it'll work out OOOOR the future they saw is really it and it's all a lost cause. I'm going to focus on my thoughts about the other one.
I would kind of prefer the sadder ending cause it would be more, I guess, poetic that these people turned mutant-turned superheroes who more than once saved everyone around them, the world and eachother, could not, despite all their effort, save themselves this one last time. Well, except for Vic but depends in what version of it.
Digression: I am also 99% sure the Immortimas episode was the one where Michelle and April kissed (which they mentioned in their insta live) cause if you look closely at the "Best friends" scene when they're really close together but we see Michelle's face more, April has her lips pursed and only switches back to a smile when Michelle moves her head away and I am so very calm and normal about this, not wanting to rip my skin off and scream into the void at all. It's fine, it really is :))))))))))))
I'm skipping talking about Rita since she wasn't in this episode at all. I'm assuming that they will either find her dead or on her last breaths once they return from the time stream unless, again, some magical solution falls from the sky immediately.
LARRY: I think of all the characters, Larry seems to be the one who's most prepared for his death. I feel like he always knew, no matter the longevity, that his body would give up on him at some point and was kind of always ready to go. He worries way more about Keeg than he does about what end is awaiting him. I love that he got to experience fatherhood once again through Keeg and I get his frustration about the Negative spirit not wanting to take care of Keeg, but if his end is set in stone, I could see him embrace the fact that he becomes "a new Sun". His journey started in space and ending it there as a new star would be full circle. In a way by becoming a star, a permanent part of the sky, he'd always be, though in new form, there for Keeg to see and visit.
CLIFF: I was wondering when and if it would be explained how Niles broke his back and I have to say I absolutely hate that it was Cliff given that, especially this season, a lot of shit seems to be portrayed as purely Cliff's fault. Like anything he touches or is given the role to take care off goes to shit. He has always been unlucky in that regard but I feel like the last thing in the "how can we fuck Cliff's already declining mental health up some more" arsenal should have been the fact that the first thing he felt in years wasn't his grandson but the blood and insides of another being he just killed. Like, I truly think that was the tipping point to break him completely, the rest is overkill. I hope if the spirit loop Buttpocalypse future is the end that he at least got to see and feel Clara and Rory once before returning to the Doom Patrol and accepting his end.
JANE: Similar to Larry, I feel like Jane got her resolution this episode. She finally said it out loud and accepted what truly happened to her. She became, both literally and metaphorically one with her whole self and can now be at peace, however long that might be, with the people she loves. She got her clarity in a way.
VIC: Vic being alive, well and teaching kids in the version of the future that saved them from the time stream is giving me hope that it might not all be set up to end tragically. That he might find his purpose and happiness after all. Cause of what use is it for him to be the last man standing in the future when everyone he loves is gone or soon to be gone. It's just survival, not life.
LAURA: Oh, boy. Oh, Lord. Here we go. Bare with me.
It's no secret she's my absolute favourite character and the one I have the most feelings and thoughts about. First of all, hats off to Michelle Gomez and her acting once again. You could feel the difference in past and present Laura not just by the way they are dressed but the mannerism, the speech, the body language, everything. The fear in past Laura's eyes not due to being beaten but due to the fact that she HERSELF is saying, or better, admitting, that she's in fact not a good person no matter how much she tries to delude herself or others. I love this character so deeply and that's why I am losing my mind over her.
Present day Laura saying she hasn't changed broke my heart into a million of peaces cause in the same way past Laura deluded herself into believing she's good, present Laura kept that same self hatred and turned it into convincing herself that no matter how much she tries, she'll never be good, she'll never escape her past, making people weapons or fucking it all up for the ones she truly cares about. For my Doctor Who fans, are you all reliving Missy's plot and the pain her end brought as much as I am???? And the "WE'RE THE FUCKING WEAPON" part??!!?!? Holy fucking shit. Her whole life and career she was hiding her abilities for her own safety and partially for the sisterhood's safety, declaring others as weapons, sending them off to fight and die but it truly was her who was the weapon. When you fire a gun, yes, the bullets are what ends up doing the job but they're disposable, you always need new ones to reload. What remains is the gun itself, needed for further firing of shots. Well, Laura was the gun and all those she branded weapons were just the disposable bullets.
It pains me inexplicably to say it, but I simply don't see any kind of happy ending for her. She has no one else but these bumbling idiots she met only a little while ago, who I'm not entirely sure would YET go to the lenghts she does for them for her, and Rita who:
a. Still hasn't fully forgiven her (I mean shit she called her a monster like 2 episodes ago)
b. Is on her death bed
c. I doubt would use her last breaths to tell her she's forgiven or admit that Laura does mean a lot to her
Nobody knows where she's in the future and I have a crippling feeling that it might be caused by Rita's death. If you think about it, all of them love Rita and will be there to comfort eachother after she's gone/as they inevitabely each go. Laura isn't dying. She has whatever natural time is left there for her still to go. She does not share their fate. And, as I've already said, they have known eachother for decades. Laura is someone they've basically just met, learned to trust even later, and in their mind to some degree the one who caused the Immortus stuff. If Rita dies, I have a feeling she will either immediately distance herself from them (or be distanced) or she'll end up watching all of them but Vic die one by one and then leave or worse...
So unless by some miracle everything turns out fine or after they're all gone she encounters Shelley and the Sisterhood and they embrace her, I see no bright ending there
Anyways, I'm booking therapy in advance cause I'm going to need it after next week more than I already did...
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onequeertorulethemall · 10 months
Listening to The Way of Kings for the first time and it's really good and I like it a lot
One of the downsides is that I can't flip through and go reread a part when I feel like I've connected foreshadowing, so I'm probably going to end up buying it eventually.
Please if you respond to this post, no spoilers.
Thoughts at about 2/3 of the way through (very possible I'm spelling names wrong since I'm listening to the audiobook and not reading):
- loving the parallel experiences between Dalinar and Caladen and Caladen and Shalahn (protect your people, ethics of murder vs self defense vs seeking someone out to kill in self defense, etc).
- Why would Cabsall try and kill Yasna? He knew stealing her Soulcaster would start a war, what did he think would happen when they put it together that she had been assassinated?
- Shalahn, Dalinar and Caladen are the Radiants like.... Reincarnated, right? Or their descendents? Who are the other seven? I doubt it's Seth (Zeth? The narrator's pronunciation changes every time), but maybe? And Syl is... What, their mascot?
- I like the reimagining and enforcement of dumb gender roles, but how has it never occurred to someone like Dalinar that life would be so much fucking easier if he could read and write? He wouldn't have needed a scribe for the spanread with Yasna and could have spoken freely. He wouldn't need someone to read the book to him.
- Sometimes the combat scenes make me feel like I'm listening to Mistborn again because that was the first Sanderson book I listened to and he has such a distinctive style writing combat.
- I saw someone make a joke once that Patrick Rothfuss should give all his notes and drafts for Doors of Stone to Sanderson and he'd have it done in a few weeks and it'd be indistinguishable from Rothfuss's writing. I took it as a joke then because I'd never read anything from Brandon but they're right.
- This isn't going to end with a relatively nice bow of a resolution the way the first Mistborn did, is it?
- I literally gasped out loud when it was announced that Roshone was drafting Tian. I should have expected it but I didn't.
- Is Caladen really cursed to watch everyone he tries to help die, or is it just that he's a perfectionist and takes any loss as proof of a curse, even in situations where people dying was inevitable? Like that little girl he tried to save after she fell off a cliff, even his dad said there was nothing else he could have done, but he took it as his fault. He took Sen dying as proof, but it was said that his squad was like half kids who were too young/small to fight, so clearly some of them had been there for awhile without dying.
- Also I really like BS's commitment to writing about things like how nobility and common people interact, power structures, and God did I mention how much I love his combat narration
- Teft used to be a soldier. How does he recognize what Caladen is and how was it his fault that there's nobody left to inform (Heralds? Was that it?) Did he kill a Herald?
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
"I don't understand,"
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Genre:mainly fluff
Word count:1,296
Songs to listen to while reading:
A/N: so idk why but I'm really nervous to post this 💀 it's my first fanfic of a fictional character (that I'm posting at least teheheheheh) but I am working on the Jungsu and Jooyeon boyfriend Povs I promise 😭
The way of your world
Life with Xiao wasn't easy, to say the least. You had begged him day after day to train with him, it was only when you "proved" yourself would he let you into his life. When you first went to Mt. Aozang things were…odd. During training Xiao was rather harsh and unforgiving, and he didn't understand how you needed rest and sleep. The food was also quite weird and unfamiliar.
Nonetheless, things improved. Xiao got softer and more understanding, the food started tasting better and every once in a while you'd get a treat from your hometown (Xiao would usually surprise you with treats) life in the mountains started getting better. One time when training you were trying to prepare your mind, or your aura? Something like that. As you were taking deep breaths with your eyes closed the ground beneath you started shaking a little. You opened your eyes and saw you were slipping off the rock and off the cliff. Just as you started panicking Xiao grabbed your left arm and wrapped his other arm around you. He then teleported back to safe land without saying a word and you went back to training. But it was quite hard to clear your mind after that.
Another time you were sleeping in your little hut thingy (that u had to build yourself because he refused to help you build one when you first arrived) even though the hut was so horrible Xiao often sat in it with you when you sleep. It sounds creepy but he did it in a comforting way. Well until you asked him why…
"Because you might get attacked while your asleep," he said sitting down in the corner of your hut.
"Awe you do care about me!" You said in a girly voice.
"No. I just don't want the monsters go get stronger." He said as if it were nothing.
Okay so who cares, either way you have a little protector watching over you through the night. Most of the time.
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"Bad dreams?"
There was one night though, his tough shell around you seemed to crack. It was late, at least 12am, and you were sleeping soundly in your bed after a long day of training. When you had a nightmare. It was gorey and horrifying. You woke because of it, you slowly sat up and scanned the room.
"Go back to sleep." Xiao said sternly. You were going to do as he said, setting your head back down on your pillow but the images of the dream kept you up.
"I can't," you whined, Xiao sighed and shook his head.
"Why?" He actually sounded a little concerned for once.
"I-I had a nightmare…" you were waiting for him to make fun of you for behaving like a child but instead he sighed and came over to you.
"I…" he paused and took a deep breath. "I understand. I understand what it feels like, I mean," he said as you snuggled up to him.
"I thought you didn't sleep?" You asked tilting a head up to him.
"Not often. But I do get these visions," he said putting his hand on the diamond on his forehead. "You could call them, memories even. Bad thoughts. With pictures," he said putting his hand over his eyes now. He then fell backward onto your second pillow. He looked so beautiful, the way his hair fell across the pillow and his arm over his head. His siren eyes barely peaked open and his face softened.
"I see," you said laying next to him.
"Sorry. I-I'm bad with words…" Xiao said looking up at the top of you makeshift hut.
"It's okay, I understand what you mean," you butterflies in your stomach at this kdrama moment you were sharing with him. You wanted to touch his hair so bad, it just looked so soft.
"Well take your time," he randomly said.
"Come again?"
"Stay up as late as you need, just wait for those bad thoughts and images to go away," he almost cracked a smile but remained stern.
"That sounds like a goodbye,"
"Well you heard wrong. I'll be here. But training starts as usual and I'm not going easy on you just because you didn't sleep well,"
"Wow that's gonna help me sleep," you chuckled.
"It better, because it's late," and with that he got up and stood in the corner of your hut. Well Xiao is a truthful young man, he did stay there. Instead of thinking about your bad dream, you relived the romantic moment with Xiao before dozing off.
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Just about a year after you had been training with Xiao there was one evening. After you ate dinner you went back into your hut that was much more liveable (thanks to Xiaos help) as you were changing your clothes Xiao opened the little curtain to get inside your hut. You turned around, shirtless, and stared at him before it hit you.
"Get out!" You yelled covering yourself. He stuttered out a sorry and left, standing outside the door waiting for you to say it was okay to come in now. You got a new shirt on and took a deep breath. "So, what do you need," you said, opening the curtain again.
"I…I just wanted to visit for a while,"
Did Xiao say just that…he actually wants to visit you?!
"Sure," you smiled and let him into your hut.
"Hm…a lot of things are different. Since I was last here I mean," he said sitting down on a little cluster of pillows which made a makeshift bean bag chair.
"Well that was a while ago now, at least a month," you chuckled.
"I like, I like the lights," he said gazing up at the fairy lights displayed on your ceiling.
"Thank you! I bought them from a little market on the outskirts of Liyue city,"
"They're pretty," he said, still looking up at them. Was that blush on his cheeks? No way. Adeptus Xiao…blushing in front of you!??!
It was already 8 o'clock and you two had been talking for basically 3 hours. There was a moment of silence.
"So…I have a question," Xiao said, looking you in the eyes. "What does love feel like?"
You laughed at his question. "What? Why are you laughing at me!" He said angrily
"Sorry, I'm sorry you're just so cute," you said, still giggling a bit. You sighed after your laughter and began explaining "I don't know how to describe love really. Being in love is different than feeling loved…so what do you want to know?"
"Both." Xiao said sternly.
"Okay when you feel loved, it's like your body's warm and toasty,"
"Like your insides are burning?"
"Xiao what? No, like when you cuddle into a warm blanket,"
"I see," he said thinking a bit about your statement
"Or just this bubbling feeling of warmth,"
"Sounds like burning in lava to me…"
You laughed at Xiao's remark and he gently smiled, the tiniest bit.
"Okay okay moving on to being in love. Being in love is like there's this magnet pulling you towards this person and once you get to them you're so happy but you don't know what to say. You didn't want to talk to them, really, you just wanted to see them, feel them, be near them," you said looking up at him in his beautiful crystal eyes that were shining right back at you.
"I understand…"
Part 2?????
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 8 - Daredevil
Matt Murdock x Reader 
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He was with a woman.
Well, it was perfectly normal for Matthew Murdock to be with a woman. The man was perfect. Charming, funny, smart and sexy.
If he had been rich, many would have already tried to hold him back, but he always found a way not to spend more than a week with the same woman.
Oh, he didn't hide that it wasn't serious. He never lied, never cheated, and never meant to hurt anyone.
However, he was doing a lot of harm to Y/N, laughing, drinking and touching the thigh of the woman he had joined at the bar.
The scene made Foggy sigh, while Karen gently patted Y/N's hand.
She could understand.
The only difference being that she had had a history with Matt Murdock, while nothing had ever happened between Y/N and him.
Nothing at all.
Maybe Matt had flirted with her a bit the first time they met, but flirting was perfectly natural with him. He was flirting with everyone, without even realizing it, seducing every poor soul he was talking to.
Very quickly, Y/N had become one of his closest friends. Someone with whom he felt comfortable, serene.
Without her asking anything, he had confessed to her that he was Daredevil after a few months.
           "I don't want you to worry, or get in trouble because of me. But you better be prepared, just in case. I'm still watching you from afar, or at least, listening. Don't worry. You, Karen and Foggy are my priority. My family. I don't want to lose you, and it almost ended badly when I kept this secret from them, so I'm telling you because I trust you."
           "... How do you fight so well while being blind ?"
           "It's complicated to explain."
But he explained to her, and he seemed terribly panicked when she felt a little betrayed because he could hear her heart, and read her body's reactions to know intimate things about her.
In front of his sad puppy face, as if his master was going to abandon him, she reassured him, saying that it was a lot to swallow, but that she would end up getting used to it, and that everything was fine between them.
This reassured him, his beautiful smile returning on his face.
Y/N was mostly ashamed thinking that Matt knew all along that she loved him, and that he never said anything.
But after a while, it seemed obvious that he didn't know anything. He really thought they were just friends. Maybe he even considered her a little sister.
This thought made Y/N want to jump off a cliff.
Because everyone around them knew she had feelings for him. Only Matt was... blind.
Foggy and Karen had tried to help her several times, by making hints, or by imagining ridiculous shots they had stolen from romantic movies.
Jessica had offered to come with her at a pub and drown her sorrows in alcohol, to forget this idiot.
Danny thought everything would end well one day.
Luke never gave his opinion, but he often gave her flowers or chocolates when they saw each other. When Y/N joked that Claire was going to end up being jealous, he admitted to her that she had given him the idea, to cheer up their friend.
Frank kept telling her that she could do better. And that he could go kick Red's ass if she asked him to.
They all kinda wanted to kick Matt's ass, especially when he was with a new girl, right in front of Y/N.
The video of his walk of shame as he returned from Miss Hulk's house had been hard to watch. There was always the memory of Elektra. And there were all the others.
But Y/N said nothing, remaining proud and strong, and above all happy, because she really adored Matt, and if they were just friends, it didn't matter. It was enough that he was part of her life.
If he didn't like her that way, fine. If he didn't want anything serious with anyone, that was his choice. She accepted it.
It was still hard.
Especially when it was Matt himself who guessed through his senses that something was wrong.
He then came towards her with a worried look, touching her shoulder or taking her in his arms, which didn't help Y/N at all.
           "Sweetheart, are you okay ?"
Too busy moping around, she hadn't noticed that he had abandoned the new girl to sit next to her. Foggy and Karen, the traitors, had left them alone.
           "Everything is fine." she whispered with a sad little smile, which he couldn't see. Anyway, he could hear very well and he knew she was lying.
           "Tell me."
           "It's nothing, really. You should go back your date."
           "Her ? No. You're more important, angel. Actually, if I was being perfectly honest..."
Matt stopped talking, grimacing. His red cheeks indicated that he had probably drunk a little too much, and even if he could still control himself using his ninja training, he might say or do stupid things because of the alcohol.
           "Yes ?" Y/N asked, curious, even if she was a little afraid of what he was about to reveal.
           "We're friends. Really good friends. And I don't want to lose you. I know honesty is important, and I've never lied to you, ever. But... I love you very much. Very, very much . For a long time. Except I'm an idiot, I have a complicated past, a complicated life, and every time I get too close to a woman, I ruin everything. So to keep you, I've never tried anything. I don't know if you would have wanted to anyway, I sometimes have trouble reading your reactions. Sorry, I just want you to know that you are important, I'm here to you, always."
Time stopped for a few moments. Matt doing his little puppy face again, waiting to know if Y/N was going to leave, or pretend he hadn't said anything and continue to be his friend even if he didn't deserve it.
Slowly, with some fear, she crossed the distance between them to kiss him. A quick, shy, uncertain kiss. A kiss she had been dreaming of for a long time.
           "... I really don't want to lose you." he repeated.
           "I'm not going anywhere."
           "I'm really not good at relationships. Even when I really try, it's a disaster. Foggy says I'm an emotionally constipated imbecile."
           "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think it's not just Foggy saying that."
Matt laughed then, relaxing a bit, stroking her hand.
At the bar, either the woman had seen them, or she had had enough of waiting, but she left, without him noticing. He also didn't seem to hear Karen and Foggy cheering from the pool table, saying it was about time for those two adorable fools to get a move.
It was a real surprise, but for once the immortal Iron Fist was right, everything was going to end well.
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