#this was supposed to be a silly post and then I typed too much info so I added a link
gravedice · 6 months
If I stream myself playing my huge backlog of indie games tomorrow at 2pm MST, would you watch? 🥺
What if I had a cute new bat PNGtuber? 🥺🥺
Watch me at 2pm MST on Twitch tomorrow? 🥺🥺🥺
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pomefioredove · 3 months
I— 'Don't bite your lip, I want to do that' with Jamil possibly? 🥺 I swear that would straight up kill me (in a good way)
I hope you have a good day!
oooh... this one is interesting
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summary: "Don't bite your lip, I want to do that" type of post: short fic characters: jamil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, BRIEF mention of blood, a little kissing, fluffy, not proofread aaand maybe a little ooc
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You are the personification of bad habits.
At first, Jamil avoided you; he thought he had done enough babysitting, and the last thing he needed was to worry himself over your love of biting your nails.
...And then, of course, he caved.
He couldn't just avoid you forever, and if he was going to be your friend anyway, he might as well have tried.
So, Jamil has learned a lot about you in these past few months.
For one, when you're nervous, no amount of verbal reminders will prevent you from fidgeting.
And, for another, you responded shockingly well to physical touch.
It became a habit of his. Away from prying eyes, he'd hold your hands to prevent you from picking your cuticles and tuck your hair behind your ears so you wouldn't chew on it.
He fussed over you in ways not even he understood, but that didn't matter.
He liked the feeling that came with being the leader between the two of you.
There was just one thing he couldn't seem to fix.
"Stop that," Jamil says, running his thumb over your lower lip. He sighs, seeing the blood beading from where you'd bitten.
He takes up a handkerchief, dabbing at your lip.
"There are better ways to deal with your anxiety than taking it out on yourself," he mutters. He would know.
"It's not worth apologizing over," Jamil says. "Don't let your thoughts get the best of you. They're supposed to serve you, not..."
He pauses, withdrawing the handkerchief.
"I just wish you'd stop doing that,"
"I can't help it," you say.
He knows that already, he thinks. That's why he's trying to help.
He frowns. Being so worried over someone he has no obligation to worry over is a new feeling, but not an unwelcome one.
It's just... difficult.
"You're too thoughtful for your own good, sometimes," but it's not like he's complaining. It's a welcome break from the thoughtlessness he deals with elsewhere.
Jamil knows it's your first instinct to bite and pick and peel; he's also confident he'll find a way to train you out of it.
No. What a stupid thought. Holding hands is one thing, occupying your lips to dissuade you is another.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask.
Ugh. "Nothing. A solution,"
"I want to hear it," you seem quite adamant. He sighs.
"I thought that if occupying your hands has worked for in the past, that the same might be true of your lips... but that's clearly not as easy,"
You're quiet. Probably thinking, and then overthinking.
"Well... why not? Why not kiss me, I mean?"
Jamil almost drops the handkerchief. Maybe you weren't overthinking this time, after all.
"...Because this is not some silly movie where I say something like... "don't bite your lip, I want to do that", or something equally embarrassing,"
You seem to hold back a giggle, much to his chagrin. "Maybe you should. Maybe it would work,"
"...You're not serious,"
You nod. Sevens, you are turning out to be a handful today. Much more so than usual.
He sighs. "Fine, but only because you insist,"
A long silence follows. Jamil studies your expression, almost looking for a hint of deceit, but... it's just you.
Genuinely caring about others is such a headache.
He hesitates, and then leans in, pressing a short but sweet kiss to your mouth. It tastes like blood. Not that he minds.
Keeping a cool facade after that is harder than he expected, and it takes him a minute to pull himself together.
At least you look happy with yourself.
Despite his internal embarrassment, he can't help but smile at the thought.
"Distracting enough?"
You're quiet, lost in thought... and then you nod. "I would say so. I guess your theory was right all along,"
Jamil feels a little swell of pride, both at the praise and at the soft look on your face.
"Hm. They often are,"
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roo-brr · 1 month
Alright...the oc 😈 YOU'LL HAVE TO BARE WITH ME CUZ I YAPPED THE PROCESS I WENT THRU 😭 the pic where its sitting while scratching is the most accurate drawing :]
He's but a very nice & silly guy. I made him for a lil side story kinda like a "what if" for "Fear of You" (by @sleepwalkersqueen on Ao3!!!) for her character Shinyo!
I just wanted Shinyo to have a friend yk 😭 seems like he could use one. And so... I got thinking... I was like HMMM what quirk could the guy have? And I'm basic so I googled animals, and I like wolves, but I thought nahhh wolves are probs used too much ykyk so I looked for animals that were similar but different. And I came across maned wolves!!!!! And I thought they were so cool!!!!! (I would later find out that they are particularly enjoyed by the furry fandom lmao, hell yea)
AND SO. With little faith in my drawing skills... I made him on Pony Town. I've posted him with my other ponies before actually!
Here he is:
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The right one was one of the first versions, I fixed his hair to be a more similar shade to maned wolves. And fix his ears and other stuff. He no longer has the lighter eye either I need to update that. BUT ANYWAY!!!
Eventually I DID draw him, and then tried a fuller body version to fit his tail in...
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I forgot to give him life to the eyes. Anyways, my 1st 2 drawings of the lad. AND THEN I STARTED LOOKING AT POSE REFS ON PINTEREST. AND I FOUND ONE I LIKED AND DREW HIM IN IT !!!!!!
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I didn't know what to do for the background alright don't say anything.
I typed stuff about him for artfight but it's helpful again now so .... theres a good bit of his info!!!!!
Again like I said, he was made to be Shinyo's friend. In a world where Shinyo was able to get Keigo away with a proper home and into a school.
I'd happily answer questions about him. He's still like errr under development I suppose? So idk everything, but I know bits and bobs like his job and stuff.
Choosing his name was a whole thing too I won't start on that
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wutheringmights · 6 months
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Thank you! I would be more than happy to explain myself.
My commentaries have, historically, been a pain in the butt to read on a formatting level. I have attempted to fix this by breaking up the commentary into labeled sections. Consequently, this led to me writing out way more than I normally would.
So, enjoy.
[The Past]
Pre-Festival & Festival Day
As I mentioned previously, I wrote a significant part of this past section for the last chapter-- all the way up until Link asks for Icarius’s name. I ended up cutting the chapter into two for space, which meant that there was a few weeks between writing the first and second half of the icarius stuff. 
I really did not spend as much time with the latter half as I wanted to, and I think it suffers for it. I’ll elaborate on that in a second. Let’s try to stick to talking about the chapter in a somewhat chronological order. 
I joked about this last weekend, but Jakucho is extremely funny for hearing Link speculate about Icarius and Nephus and deciding, “Yup. Not my problem. Have fun with that.” Of course, she thinks he’s obsessed with Nephus and not Icarius. 
Gaze upon my weak attempt to confirm Ayane is trans. I think this might have been a bit of a clunky way to do it. I never know how to get characters to confirm their identities without it sounding too much like a script read. Hopefully, this was at least clear if not entirely blatant.
Holidays are such an important part of world building, and I think it is very silly when you are in a fun little fantasy world and they celebrate not-Christmas or the like. That being said, sometimes you are so exhausted of any ideas that you have to sit down and say “Fuck it. Off-brand Halloween.”
That being said, having a holiday to mourn the loss of the Sacred Realm feels fitting for the world, even if the inclusion of masks was a bit clunky. 
I really do think an under-explored area of Zelda lore is that the goddess’s realm is just... gone. Corrupted. Where are the goddesses now that the Sacred Realm is the Dark World? Is there a holy crusade to restore the Dark World to the Sacred Realm? I think Nintendo could do a dark fantasy spin off about this. Or when I finally get around to running that Hyrule homebrew DND campaign I have been cajoling my friends into playing, I’ll make it a plot point. 
Now that I am typing this, I am realizing that I really should have had a little moment where all the masks forces Link to remember the child. Fuck. 
In my original vision, Icarius was going to be very polite and quiet while at Jakucho’s estate, only for his next scene to be him snarking at some guys during a bar fight. What a bait and switch that would have been.
When I was a kid, I genuinely thought that the keaton mask was supposed to be a Pikachu mask (in part because I had only seen it in my cousin’s copy of Super Smash Bros). Hence, the yellow fox vs yellow mouse banter. 
Link’s House / Icarius Backstory
Writing Icarius and Link banter was surprisingly difficult. I have this whole vision in my head about these two being loving to verbally spar with each other. And for some reason, the dialogue was just not flowing the other day.
And by the other day, I mean that a part of my major revisions the day of posting was to fix this entire section. Did it work? Not really. But I got a D grade prose up to a B-, and that was going to have to do. 
My biggest gripe is their conversation in Link’s house, where Icarius info-dumps his entire backstory. In my brain, this scene would have felt dark and moody while still being a little romantic. They definitely hit all the points I needed them to hit for the plot, but it just... it’s so stilted. It doesn’t feel like Icarius is unloading years-worth of grievances on someone who he can trust to listen, if only for a night. It feels like Icarius is reading from a script. Ugh.
There was going to be an in-story explanation from Icarius as to why his hair is bleached that never actually came up. For those curious, it’s that Nephus had the grand idea first to bleach his hair but was worried it wouldn’t look good. So he had Icarius dye his first. Sure enough, he thought it looked terrible and decided to not go through with his end. Icarius was going to be very annoyed by that and would bitch about how long it would take for him to grow it out again. 
I originally was not going to give him the bleached hair to begin with, but after everyone made fun of Warriors for not recognizing him in the first place, I felt like I had to make a significant change to his appearance. It actually helped to get him to play the role I needed him to play in Link’s post-war problems.
Let’s rewind. In my original outline, Icarius was never here in Kakariko. This entire chapter would have instead been Link deciding on his own terms to get over his hang-up over being involved with men and going out to flirt with one. This would have been a random soldier who had been discharged and was just passing through town on his way home from the war. Link would have subconsciously been attracted to him because he resembled the engineer. 
For example, he would have made some comment about liking how strong his hands were. 
This soldier was truly going to be a random guy. At most, he would have mentioned rooming with a friend on-leave named Arlo (who appeared earlier in story as a soldier in the trenches). The whole point was that Link felt like he could connect with another person as long as he didn’t give them a chance to look too deeply into him. 
But after the House of Nephus characters were all introduced, I realized I needed to find some way to elaborate on them. Switching out the random soldier for Icarius was the easiest move.
Does it work? Kinda? It definitely helps the obsession plotline, but the original point got lost among all of the Icarius backstory.
So, Icarius backstory. I feel terrible for everyone who was looking forward to Link being swept away in a beautiful, touching romance. I tried to warn you.
Icarius and his relationship with Nephis is fascinating to me, and I really feel like I only have time to scratch the surface. Icarius is very smart, but believes that Nephus is one the “good ones.” But he can see that Nephus is starting to lose respect for him, so he plays these tricks to remind him that he’s still needed. He knows its foolish but his entire like has encompassed Nephus and he’s scared to know what it would look like without him. It works for a while, but not long enough. The reader knows that it stops working because that smart mouth of his that always picks fights gets taken away.
And that’s not even addressing the greater society Icarius lives in or the way Philo’s addition changes things for him even more. 
All that’s to say that even if Icarius is not the perfect romantic lead people were hoping for, I intended to suggest in-story that if either him or Link were in different circumstances, there could be something there. 
I actually really like the idea of Warriors’s love interest being an agent of an enemy state who is mean to him in the exact way he thinks is hot. Instead of inventing Hylian soldier or Sheikah warrior OC’s to be Warriors’s love interest, can there be more of this? It doesn’t even need to be Icarius. I just think falling-in-love with-the-enemy-but-the-enemy-is-a-shithead-about-it is an extremely funny dynamic.
There is also nothing funnier than Icarius thinking he’s met a nice, normal guy only to realize mid-act that he Messed Up
Also I hope this contexts helps fill-in the blanks for some of Icarius’s actions in the present day, which is no doubt a lot of “oh crap, it’s that guy I screwed that one time” and “how dare you forget about the one time we screwed!”
Post-Icarius Timeskip
I really needed to spend a few days at least on that last bit about Link’s realization. It’s so pivotal for his character, and I really just shoved it in at the end there. I’m going to have to add a lot of flowery prose to the beginning of next chapter to make up for it. 
That being said, it’s important to me that there really isn’t a specific trigger for him realizing what he’s done. He just finally feels comfortable and safe enough for his brain to start processing everything he did. 
It was very important to me that Link decided to stop dwelling in his past by putting a bowl into his cabinet, only for that bowl to break when he realizes what he’s done. Symbolism and stuff. 
[Present Day]
Ganondorf’s Arrival & Townhouse
I’m really happy that so many of you were excited for Ganondorf’s arrival last chapter. That scene was so cheesy that I was worried it would dampen the excitement of actually getting to see him. 
Originally, Ganondorf and Lincoln were going to have their argument in a bedroom, but I moved it to the foyer for convenience sake. But in my mind, I never moved Lincoln’s starting place from hiding in Ganondorf’s room, hence why he started the scene at the top of the stairs and not a more logical spot (in the hallway).
The reason it was going to be in the bedroom was because I thought Lincoln had snuck past Ganondorf’s guards and housestaff. But they all know about Lincoln, so it made more sense for Lincoln to subtly enter through the back entrance. It’s a whole thing. 
I think my favorite part of the Chain already being at Ganondorf’s house is that there’s an implied subplot that happened off-screen where they plus Lincoln had to go hunting for where they thought Ganondorf was staying. 
When Spirit pretends to not know who Ganondorf is, there was going to be a joke where the boys are trying to explain everything and he’s like “oh, so we’re all being racist here.” I ended up cutting it because, well, they were being racist.
Speaking of which, the whole thing with the maid calling Warriors “my lady” is that Warriors was going to try to gently correct her (because he thinks she’s stupid), only to find out that she was just being passive aggressive
Some may remember that one of the hardest cuts I made to CTB was a reporter OC. You can definitely tell that I am massively regretting that cut right now. Imagine how could it would have been for Warriors to pressure this antagonist journalist who’s been reporting all his fuck-ups into helping him fix everything. That sub plot would have been so good. 
I was going to have a few of the other heroes confront Warriors as to why he credited Zelda, reaching a similar conclusion that his narration provided. Ended up cutting it for space. 
A lot of the black blood stuff that I came up with for this chapter really doesn’t hit with LU, but at this point, I really don’t care. 
There’s something about how Spirit viewing monsters and humans the same resulting in him very easily killing people while also being the only one who would realize that black blooded monsters could have always been cured, had anyone thought about it before. I just enjoy the way this man thinks.
Also, Spirit really enjoying spicy food is such a stupid character quirk, and I am almost ashamed of how much effort I went to develop it. Originally, I wanted Wild to get so fed up with Spirit being unimpressed with his cooking that he would demand Spirit to cook one night, only to discover that he actually can’t cook and just overcompensates with a shit-ton of hot sauce. 
Ganondorf’s speech about how to win a war is partly the result of me spending months ruminating about how the Triforce could be used to end a war ethically, and partly an exploration of how Ganondorf thinks 
I wanted to do one last scene of everyone leaving, where Wind would confront Time about being an asshole to Ganondorf. I cut it for space, then convinced myself that I would have time to add it back in, only to then cut it for time. My apologies to the Wind fans who have gotten nothing as of late. 
Hospital & Family Dinner 
I said before that I wasn’t initially going to rescue Toto until the end, which means that I had no plan for how Toto would feel until now. I realized that Toto was just... done. He wanted no part in Warriors’s life any longer. Unlike Kat, who got a lovely send off, I think this will be the last we see of Toto: an unfinished, unresolved mess of emotions.
When I was first describing Lincoln’s casual fit, I remember thinking to myself that I was just describing a semi-retired aged rockstar. The image has not left my brain, and if I was willing to throw a few more anachronisms into the story, I would have 100% described Lincoln like that. 
Fun fact: Orlanda’s family was going to come back in the form of her sibling being a prominent member of the rebellion. I didn’t do it because it was getting ridiculous how many relevant people were related to each other. 
When I was first coming up with Linkle’s character, I had the idea that she had that shallow form of feminism where it’s a big win for women everywhere when, say, generic action heroine wears pants. So I had it in my mind that Linkle hates dresses on principle. So during the fever dream sequence, when Warriors dreamt that Linkle was fawning over a dress, it was to show that he didn’t really know her that well.
But I never really established this idea that well and no one knew this about Linkle, so into a dress she goes.
I told myself that I was going to scour the entire story to double check if I had ever described Lincoln laughing anywhere, but never got around to it. But the nice thing about unreliable narrators is that if I get something wrong, I can just blame Warriors (that is not really how unreliable narrators work)
I have a friend who “tee-hees” while she laughs, and it’s the cutest thing ever. I just think it would be fun if Lincoln also has an adorable little kitten laugh. 
I had to look up how they build roads on dunes for this chapter. 
I did write the full Lincoln and Ganondorf backstory in a post way back when, if anyone wants to review it. It would be nice to get to get all the small details into the main story, but it’s really not pertinent to any of the main action
I definitely talked about Niko before, but I can’t find the posts. To refresh: Niko is Spirit’s uncle, in that he’s a member of the Macaryll family but no one can remember who he’s actually related to. Spirit’s parents are dead, and he lived with a different uncle and aunt until his apprenticeship. Then he moved in with Niko since he lived near Alfonzo. 
Warriors hating chocolate is a character quirk that’s not necessary to the story, but I just think is too funny to not go out of my way to include
The idea of Linkle and Lincoln dancing came from a completely different scene idea. I played around with doing a similar set-up while the Chain is on the road to the Zora’s Domain. The scene would start with Sky showing Lana how to do a Skyloftian dance, which would lead to everyone else showing off their moves. When Warriors admits that he doesn’t think he could dance anymore, Spirit would teach him a New Hyrulean dance that required only one hand. 
That led to an idea of Warriors dancing with Linkle and Lincoln, then just Linkle and Lincoln dancing themselves.
The night was going to end with Warriors forgetting his scarf and, when he went back to get it, he would overhear Lincoln venting to Ganondorf about how the whole stepping up as the parent thing is going. This got cut because it’s more fascinating when you’re forced to infer that a character is thinking. 
The Walk Back & Out Dancing
This scene of Warriors and Spirit walking back together and opening up is my real pride and joy this chapter, which unfortunately got massively overshadowed by everything else. 
So I will now take time to gush.
Spirit’s photography... so I wanted to give this man a hobby because the man cannot just like trains. I know everyone headcanons it as his hyperfixation, but it’s also his job. He needs a richer life than just that one thing. Granted, I took the route of making him start as a trainspotter like the Spirit Tracks NPC Ferrus. 
I just feel like I am so correct about Spirit liking photography. I want this to be my cultural impact. I know I said that already about Icarius, but I mean this more. Go forth and give that man a camera. 
The official document Spirit was carrying around was his engineering license.  
Also, I was 100% ready for everyone to flood me with questions about Spirit’s ex-boyfriend. After the ickywars ordeal, I figured that there was a significant chance y’all wouldn’t be normal about him. I was prepared. And you know what? I’ve heard zilch. So, let me info dump about this man now.
Spirit’s ex-boyfriend is named Jean. He is on the cusp of 30 (compared to Spirit’s 23/24). He’s a mechanic, which is a few steps below Royal Engineer. He lost his leg in a work accident when a piece of machinery fell on him. They met through work. Spirit goes through phases of being a serial dater before swearing off dating for a few months, but Jean is the first person to make it past an awkward first date and hit relationship status. Spirit thought that because he was older, he would be more understanding. 
And Jean tried. He really did. But Spirit is massive defensive and always on the offensive, so every slight disagreement turned into an explosive argument. Jean decided that he could not deal with someone who could not have a rational conversation with him, so he dumped him after 6 months. This was fairly recent, about three months before Spirit returned to Warriors’s era. 
Spirit was going to name drop Jean in his speech later, but I couldn’t figure out a way to make it clear who Jean was without it sounding awkward. 
I really like Spirit and Warriors’s conversation about Icarius, if only because it shows where their communication fails. When Warriors insists that you have a duty to disobey bad orders, he is criticizing himself for falling into the military mindset. This sounds like a criticism to Spirit, who insists that people will do anything under orders because that is what he did. 
After Warriors has spent nearly every chapter since his amputation bemoaning his disability, I really wanted there to be a moment where he realizes that just because his ability level is different, he doesn’t have to give up doing everything he loves. That’s just an important lesson for him to learn, even if it is a little inspiration-porn-y.
The Hot Mess
You might realize that there is a massive elephant in the room I am not going to discuss here. That is because this post is going into the main tag. No one has complained to me yet, but let’s not tempt anyone right now. Just like the Neck Thing, I’ll make a separate post later for anyone who wants it. Just remind me in a few days.
With that being said--
Them sharing a cigarette was another scene that was originally conceived as taking place during the trip to the Zora’s Domain. Spirit’s anecdote about failing to make friends would have served as an early hint about his loneliness and inability to make friends. 
I also have never smoked a cigarette before, so I had to sit there on wikiHow reading up on  how to smoke one without coughing. 
The half in Spirit’s four and a half attempts at quitting is this time he decided to quit, only to relapse after three hours. It was too short to count as a full attempt.
Spirit’s speech hopefully reveals what exactly is Spirit’s problem, both how he sees it and how it really is. Unlike Warriors, he never found support and healing once the war ending. No one understood his experiences, and his coping mechanism of lashing out ward away anyone who could help him. Spirit just wants to feel better, but he doesn’t know how. 
Like... his whole thing about starting his own garage-- he’s a child prodigy who is used to be good at the things he does. He ended up tarnishing his own reputation, so he threw himself back into work because working on trains and fulfilling his dream is supposed to make him happy. He’s successful, but he’s not satisfied.
I was also expecting people to have a ton of questions about why Alfonzo disowned Spirit. In short, Spirit was already on a thin line with his lashing out and shitty attitude. Alfonzo was willing to let that slide until he realized Spirit was breaking work regulations to go on more runs without taking the legally required amount of time to rest inbetween. Spirit was a legal liability. He fired Spirit, but made it very clear that he was doing him a favor by not reporting him and getting his Royal Engineering license suspended. 
No one else in New Hyrule knows the real reason why Spirit was fired, so they all assumed it was his personality. So he has a bit of a reputation now for being hard to work with. 
Another thing that was not 100% conveyed in Spirit’s speech was that even if he didn’t hurt Zelda, he could not be with her because he does not want to be Prince Consort. His experiences in Warriors’s Hyrule thoroughly scared him off from politics, though he would have refused anyway since he would never give up being an engineer. 
 Fundamentally, Spirit is an extremely lonely person who has felt abandoned by everyone in his life. He knows that his life is the way it is now because of his experiences with Warriors. His guiding principle is trying to find some way to fix himself so that he can get the life he was supposed to have, one where he is happy and loved. 
I just... god, I love this character.
And then there’s Warriors, who feels like he not capable of change and that any opportunity he has to change has been denied to him. Fixing Spirit and Time’s relationship was supposed to be a part of his redemption. Making Spirit happy was supposed to mean he’s forgiven. He has no friends, not in the Chain or in Toto. No one needs him.
Warriors also just means so much to me. I adore this disaster of a human being. 
Warriors’s Plan Out
Does Warriors’s plan make sense? I am assuming it does since no one expressed confusion, but nearly every comment thus far has exclusively been about the Hot Mess (understandable). 
There was a reason I was peeved I had to cut every chance in earlier in the story to go back to Castle Town, and it’s because I’ve known that it was going to be an extremely important location. 
Warriors choosing to forgo a glorious revolution in favor of maintaining (if not manipulating) the status quo is not a great philosophy for our protagonist to be spouting in 2024. In my defense: a) I came up with this story in 2021, which was a different real world landscape, and b) Warriors would never become this ideal hero.
It feels more true for Warriors to not really become the idealized hero. His best is not that great. But if he can’t help being the worst, he could at least use his methods for good. 
I have mentioned before that I have low empathy. Lincoln’s speech about people naturally being better or worst at being good is a product of a lot of my musing about how I sometimes feel frustrated and resentful at how hard I find it to follow the social cues that would make me a “better person.” Wouldn’t I be a better person if I had an easier time recognize when someone is in trouble and needs my help. Instead, I have to depend on myself to remember the cues, and I am so prone to mistakes.
I want to be a kind person. I want to be the best person anyone has ever met, but it’s an uphill battle. I feel like I am always working against myself. But it’s still important that I make the choice every day to be kind to others. 
Besides, I have been told that I am more kind and helpful than other people, if only because I don’t rely on my feelings when deciding to reach out to others. So it has its perks. 
I’m not saying Warriors has low empathy. I have expressly written him as someone with empathy. But my philosophy that kindness and caring for others is an active choice just felt like it belongs here. 
There is story-canon low empathy character that I wanted to reveal in story to help Warriors beat the accusations and get people to not armchair diagnose him. I am still holding out hope I will have time and space to explore this in story, but if I don’t--
Four is written to have low empathy. It’s a consequence of the Four Sword splitting up his emotions, making it extremely difficult to tap into more than one emotion at a time, much less his empathy towards others. He can feel how this change in himself and has some thoughts on the whole thing. 
Is that the end of the chapter. Fuck yeah. I’ve been working on this since Monday, If you read all this... congrats! I hope it was worth it.
Also, I forgot to mention that this is the end of Act 5. My act system is a scam and not that important, but I figured I should let you all know.  
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
Daily ask №26!
The lambs wolves fear edition!
1. I would very much like to HUG. EVERY. SINGLE. DOPPELGANGER. (Aka the Not! Tommy, Wilbur and Techno) Are doppelgangers supposed to be somewhat evil entities who literally kill people? Yes. Do I want to hug them regardless? Absolutely. Will I die or get attacked? Possibly. Will I not think about the moral repercussions of being affectionate towards the personifications of chaos and evil? Nope. Your post made me too sad.
2. How did you get the idea for TLWF? Or ideas for certain things in the plot if there were andy prominent inspirations and you wanna talk about it.
3. How would the meet-up between the Fault crew and TLWF go? I assume that TLWF!Phil would be quite freaked out by everyone. Perhaps the dopplegang (actually I really like that name it's so silly) could yk get an example of the fact that supernatural beings can indeed live and love. Also am I wrong or are both Wilburs somewhat.. similar? Kinda? No idea I only know them through shitposts anyways.
4. What is TLWF!Techno doing? Like, the actual Techno I mean. He's possessed right? So is he like trapped in his own mind watching the whole thing play out? Is he dead? Is he idk, just temporarily not conscious?
5. If the dopplegang and the people they're replacing net up, not as enemies and without any context as to who the other is, do you think they'd get along? Like, if they met in different circumstances, could they have been friends?
1.Their evilness really depends on the imposter, and if they know you’re aware they’re a monster. “Wilbur” is mostly depressed and desperately trying to be Wilbur, and isn’t inclined to violence. He’s also the weakest of the bunch, dealing only in illusions and forcing the truth out of people. Dangerous socially, not physically. Becomes simulatenously more wary and more desperate for a hug if he knows you know. “Technoblade” is very deadly both as a physical fighter and with their legion of undead ghosts. But they’re unlikely to attack unless threatened or they can see some glory in it. If you know, they will kill you to prevent the knowledge being spread. Likely painful, but a very quick death. Now “Tommy” is the biggest threat, both because he’s extremely powerful and also bloodthirsty. He’s the closest to evil, though it’s also sorta a mask in a way since he’s from hell and it’s the only way you stay safe. Bit of a nurture situation. “Tommy” will very much enjoy slaughtering you though, so it’s not really a consolation and more background info. Slightly less likely to murder you if he doesn’t know you know. 
2.It came from 2 areas. A. I realized the dark sbi AUs I see always have Phil as the most powerful in control one. So I wanted one where he’s human and scared and panicking. Unfortunately Phil is gonna Phil and so the character almost immediately began scheming for a way to survive, save his children, and get revenge, but I TRIED. I can’t recall if the egg imposters had happened yet or if I knew about them, but, come on Phil would deffo sense his kids were replaced and do something about it. It’s weird becos he’s very much vulnerable, but also is manipulating the imposters. It’s for the survival of him and his kids, but also the imposters are increasingly obviously hella traumatized/abused and are willing to change for love so like. Mm. More interesting than initial plans but I’m still searching for weak and scared Philza. 
B. I have this DND character who is a changeling called Not Soren. He’s super duper messed up but is so bubbly and whimsy about it. Is obsessed with the human child they were sent to replace because obviously he’s perfect if both the kid’s parents and the archfae want them (unlike Not Soren). Anyway that was floating around in my head, plus working on the Lord, what fools these mortals be! Fae au and was like yeah sure this can be a fantasy setting too. “Wilbur’s” thing was down, and so I then came up with different types of children replacements from folklore. It was also originally just a random AU idea to toss out so I didn’t put in that much elbow grease, just went with a classic demon Tommy and ghost possession to fit Techno’s voices. 
3.First and foremost if this is after a certain arc Filbur is killing any double on SIGHT. But putting that monkey wrench away… PhiLambs is uncomfortable with the powerful guys, but they haven’t actively stolen his children and pretended to be them, just share some similarities, so he isn’t necessarily scared and angry against them, but is extremely guarded and cautious. And his fawn instinct is through the roof at this point so he’d act very friendly. Fhilza and The Blade would hear his heart rate and try to put him at ease. “Tommy” probably immediately tries to pick a fight with Fhilza when he discovers he can shape-shift and breathe fire too. Fhilza thinks of him like feral brat teen Filbur 2.0, and tolerates “Tommy” biting him. The Blade is just staring at the tiny scrawny child and is like….nahh that ain’t me. Thinks the ghost stuff is sick as hell. 
As for character growth, The Blade and Fhilza introduce “Tommy” that violence CAN actually be used to show love, just directed outwards not at your Dad. Which means Philambs is way safer and 100x more stressed. Oops. If we ignore Filbur’s testimonials, the anomalies can teach “Technoblade” that actually not all humans will betray you if given the chance. Now, getting them to trust Philambs more is debatably a good idea, but still. 
Hm. Not sure Fhilza would notice that Philambs is lying through his teeth when showing affection, since Fhilza usually needs to be pointed in the direction of a problem before he can help. But maybe Filbur notices and mentions it to him since well it’s not its problem but maybe someone should say something. And normally Fhil wouldn’t bother being nice beyond what’s polite, but well he doesn’t like when children are treated poorly so I think he’d poke about it. Like hell is Philambs opening up about th problem, but I think Fhilza’s advice is to just clap him on the shoulder and say ‘You had 3 kids. Now you have 6 good luck mate’ and walk off. Which might do a lot of good, especially since Philambs has now seen that monsters can be normal and unthreatening. 
The Wilburs have some overlapping characteristics, like desperately wanting to be human, neglected childhoods, charisma, trust issues. Main differences is “Wilbur’s” idol worship of Wilbur + insane self loathing. And when they first meet Filbur hisses and claws and Fhil, meanwhile “Wilbur” adores Philambs.
4.He’s part of the legion of ghosts now. Conscious, but not in control in the slightest, drowned out. Debatably dead? His body is wasting away at the very least. “Technoblade” cares deeply about Technoblade, but isn’t good at the having a body thing. 
5.Already “Tommy” and Tommy get along like a house on fire even despite the replacement. Absolute harbingers of chaos, though they butt heads on who’s leader. But also it’s fully likely that if “Tommy” met Tommy without the intention of replacing him, he’d just kill the kid for the lols. 
“Wilbur” could possibly encounter Wilbur if he escaped the Fae Wilds before being sent to impersonate. In which case he’s desperate for shelter, and probably doesn’t think he can earn it as himself. “Wilbur” would be impersonating some random guy when seeking help from Wilbur. Wilbur is kind enough to let him stay, and curious and clever enough to poke holes in whatever story “Wilbur” comes up with to explain why he needs help. With a little testing he figures out “Wilbur” is fae, but isn’t put off. The acceptance helps “Wilbur” start unpacking trauma and actually tell the truth. Wilbur probably isn’t the best person to help with that, but can go ‘that’s rough buddy, why don’t you go trauma dump on my Dad instead-’ 
“Technoblade” likes Technoblade, hence choosing him as a vessel. I think Technoblade would find “Technoblade” kinda boring tho tbh. They’re the type to get quietly intent upon a mission, and Technoblade can hyperfocus too obviously, but he’s a lot more conversational about it. And he’s not big on their thing with honor, and soldiers, since anarchy broooo. Alas, this TBH and IDK creature duo just don’t click. Which I think tracks since “Technoblade” and Technoblade have the starkest contrast between impersonator and original. I’ve distinctly tried to make the personalities between the dopplegangers and actual personas different, to various degrees. I want to capitalize on reader’s familiarity with SBI to get into the uncanny horror of this well and truly only pretending to be them. Similar, sure, and sympathetic, but ultimately only illusions of SBI.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Che'nya: Injured Reader
Wow, we’re ending on a sfw note…who would’ve thought? Well, that’s all for the Che’nya catch-up! Moving forward, he’ll be appearing on the same days that I post normal Heartlabyul headcanons/dorm fics. These will probably be posted about two hours after Heartlabyul goes out as well.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Che’nya: Injured Reader
Che’nya is still a wild child, but it was so much worse when he was a kid. He was injured on a damn near daily basis, to the point where doctor’s were just used to seeing him with new sprains or cuts. His family had a first-aid kit on hand for every time he managed to scrape himself. He was far too busy having fun to worry about silly little injuries. As he’s gotten older, it doesn’t happen as much, but he’s still prone to doing impulsive things that don’t always end well. Thankfully, due to all of this…he’s experienced with taking care of injuries. Mainly the after care aspect, and not really the treating aspect. He can put on a plaster well enough, but it was normally doctors or his parents who put those on him. 
Che’nya can’t help but laugh when he sees you tripping over a log while you two walked through the forest. You just looked so funny as you flailed and fell on your face. The pained groan is a small cause for concern as he bends down and pokes you, asking if you’re alright. If you turn around and show that you have some blood on your face from scraping it up, then he’ll take it more seriously. Probably tell you that you’re alright and how he’d help take you to someone and fix you right up.
You’re going to need to be dying for him to take you to the NRC nurse. He’s technically not supposed to be on campus in the first place, so going to the nurse is out of the question. Want to know who he goes to? Riddle or Trey, of course. They’ll help patch you up and then Che’nya will insist on going back to Ramshackle with you. He might even carry you there. He’ll be doting on you and telling you how to take care of your injuries. He probably won’t spend the entire night unless it’s serious, but he’ll be messaging you constantly until the next time he can see you.
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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kabutone · 7 months
Hi!! I hope this is okay to ask but you seem to be really knowledgeable on masks so i was wondering what type you recommend the most?? :0 i'd love to get more masks since i do mask already but want to get better ones and i feel like you'd know which ones are the best!! Tysm in advance and feel free to delete this if this is weird!! ^^
yes ofc im glad you asked!! this might get kinda long so bear with me lol (TLDR: I'd recommend to find an N95 that is comfortable and fits you well! My go to is the 3M Aura 9210, but there are a variety of other masks for every face shape if the 3M Aura isn't a good fit!)
It can be kinda tricky to name one specific mask since face shapes differ so much, but I'll list the ones I've tried and some styles you could explore! But my main recommendation is to look for an N95 or better! The most important things to look out for is a mask that has good filtration material and that it fits well on your face (no big gaps or leakage)! And of course, that you're getting a legitimate product.
I prefer N95s because they're generally more protective than KN95s and KF94s. There also isn't as much regulation for KN95s and KF94s as there is for N95s, so it can be easier to come across fakes. People also sometimes find that head strap masks keep their fit better than earloop masks. This isn't a one size fits all rule, however, some people have passed fit tests in ear loop masks! It's just something to keep in mind.
I'd recommend looking at masks on ProjectN95! These have been vetted to ensure they're good quality, and there should be links to buy directly from the website. Unfortunately there's a lot of fake or underperforming masks out there, so it's important to buy from a trusted source. Here's a video that covers this issue and what to look out for! Another great resource is Aaron Collins, who has posted a lot of tests and info about many different types of masks.
I use the 3M Aura 9210! I like this one for the material it uses for the straps. There are other kinds of 3M Auras (like the 9205) which are just as good, but they have those rubber straps and I just don't prefer those. This is the only trifold-style I've worn, but it's pretty comfortable!
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And this is just anecdotal, but I've heard the 3M Aura tends to fit more faces better than other styles. Compared to other masks I've tried, it has a stronger nose wire, so its easier to shape it to your face! Some others have had flimsy nose wires that don't hold very well, while others (like cup-style masks) have rigid ones that you're not really supposed to mold at all. This one has passed fit tests for me, and is comfortable enough for me to sleep in!
Another style I like is the Gerson 3230! This is a duckbill style mask!
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It looks a little silly but these are SUPER breathable. So much so that I feel a little exposed wearing them lol but I've passed fit tests in them multiple times!! One downside to these though is that unlike the 3M Aura, they don't have as much structure, so if you inhale too hard they kinda suction onto your face.
This is the 3M 8210, which is a cup style mask!
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These didn't work for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean they won't work for you! This specific mask is very rigid, so you can't really form them to your face, but they will not collapse when you breathe! I haven't tried other brands' cup style masks though, just 3M's.
This is a bifold mask! I just grabbed a photo of the Demetech one because I thinnnkkk I've worn this before? But its been YEARS, I don't wear bifolds anymore. KN95s also usually come in this style
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This style can be a bit tricky because they come folded in half, and that sharp point at the nose bridge can cause issues for some people. I see a lot of people walking around with a big gap at their nose because of that folded point, so just be sure to properly fit it to your face if you use these! Here's a video demonstration on how to do this, and here's a good photo example:
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Finally, there's also this strapless adhesive mask. They're kinda pricey compared to the others, but kinda cool I guess? Can also get them here
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Strangely I didn't pass a fit test in these? I think maybe I just need more practice putting them on lol
These are all N95s, but there are also masks like N100s, P100s, and PAPRs if you wanna get really intense. And I can also ramble about those but this is already so so long lol
Finally, it's important your mask fits well! This is to make sure that air is going through the filtration material, not going around the mask. For example, it'd be safer to wear a well fitted N95 than an ill fitted N100. A quick way to check for leaks is to do a seal check when you put on a mask! here's a guide on how to do it, and here's a video demonstration!
But it's important to note this is not a foolproof solution, and the best way to measure fit would be a qualitative or quantitative fit test. Unfortunately, fit testing can be rather inaccessible to most people, so it's hard for me to recommend it. There are DIY kits and DIY tutorials in addition to official kits, though. Quantitative fit tests are even less accessible, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get one :( But if you're interested in it, I can also ramble about that.
If you read this far thank you so much for listening to my lil mask infodump :') I hope this was helpful !!
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pixellangel · 7 months
storyteller synthesis inter-party dynamics!!!! WOOHOOOO
so. for those who don't know, im making a little cyberpunk rpg called storyteller synthesis!! ive already said a bit about the individual party members, but i haven’t really mentioned their interpersonal dynamics yet, so here's that post!!
masterpost with all other info is here :3
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(from left to right, this is sylvie, v, xenon, and kori!!)
its a little long, so i put it under the cut!! :D
so sylvie is a pretty typical silent protagonist type. they want to be friends with everyone else in the party and have the usual rpg protag affinity for breaking random stuff. she thinks v is a little weird but they trust her, she appreciates xenon's rebelliousness, and she likes hanging out and being silly with kori :] there's really not much to her because she's supposed to be what is literally just a vessel for the player to experience the story, even in-universe
v has a real "i hate it here when can i go home" vibe tbh. she does not actively want to participate in the story, except to get it over with and get the original sylvie back instead of protagonist sylvie. she tries to stay somewhat detached. she misses original sylvie so hanging out with protag is kind of bittersweet for her, and she sometimes forgets its not the same person she knew as a kid. she likes that xenon is pretty quiet and thinks he's easy to hang out with. she only grabbed kori for the team because she was the fight club champion and that seemed useful, but she gets kind of annoyed with her general happy-go-lucky attitude. v is pretty edgy asdfdhgkljl
xenon is the mysterious coolguy of the group. talks the least out of everyone. he is very closed and defensive when sylvie and v first meet him, but he opens up little by little as they explain the situation to him. by the time they meet kori, they've opened up a lot more already. he likes talking to sylvie because she's what he views as "mysterious" and worth investigating, but he also respects her a lot as a person and wants to help her out. thinks v is kind of a weirdo?? but he also understands her feelings after she explains her situation. SUPER HIGH respect level for kori, weirdly enough. despite her general vibe of not caring and having fun, she's an excellent fighter so she deserves to be respected. unexpected joke buddy for her.
kori is so silly!!! she has trauma too but she ignores it and is silly instead!! usually the one to make jokes about the situations the party finds themselves in. enjoys saying BONK as she hits things with her hammer. very much a performer, in a way similar to a tv personality. she's the last party member so she unfortunately gets less screen time, but she's pretty talkative so that kind of makes up for it. thinks that fighting is the quickest way to prove someone's worth (wow, biased much?) but realizes there's other ways... eventually. enjoys hanging out with sylvie cause they can bounce jokes off them and get a response, unlike v. she still thinks its kinda funny to bother v, but knows when to stop. xenon is her joke buddy :3 they're friends :33
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starjxsung · 4 months
hiii bb. i hope you’re doing good <3 do my long-ass asks bother you?
but anyways! no, i feel you so bad. i usually fell asleep at like 2am and had to wake up at 6 for uni. and that’s really damaging for your health. i’m still getting used to it but magnesium and melatonin have helped me a lot with my insomnia. but im super lightweight in terms of taking pills so ill just sleep for a whole day if i take them together. so maybe you can look into that if you haven’t already. my mom’s a pharmacist so i got all the pill/supplement intel😅
i’m really sick of the insane amount of promos for this song as well. changbin posting a pic with him🙃🙃. i was like changbin honey angel baby ily but no. but i’m glad that a lot of people were commenting info about zionism and palestine under the picture <3 but so many others were supporting it🤕
im really sad that a lot of stays are boycotting silently too. education about these topics is so important!!! i’ve seen a lot of asks and comments about people who didn’t even know that ch*rlie p*th was a zionist or even what zionism is and when educated, stopped supporting the collab. there’s so many people who are unaware about the situation so shining light on the reasons can really change perspectives.
i love those pictures of momo sososososo much. she’s so bunny coded im obsessed. we r all momo stans here <333
my bf’s best friend came back from a trip to japan and he brought me a super cute hangyodon keychain. (he brought my bf a really really awesome studio ghibli greatest hits type of cd, i wish i took a pic to show it to you </3)
kuromi was like 5th which is consistent to where she was last year. i’m glad to see that other characters like pochacco and pompompurin are getting love though!
ily bb! i hope you’ve had the best weekend. and happy mother’s day to your mom & you 4 birthing queen momo 💘
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(this is tofu literally helping me work on the presents and being a gift herself <3)
Hi my angel! Your long-ass asks get me through the days lately. They don’t bother me in the slightest !! 🫶
Thank you for all the wise pharmacist intel !! I will absolutely look into that. I need to hold myself to a better routine and be better about turning my phone off at night, but I always end up answering asks when I’m supposed to be sleeping and it’s just as therapeutic to me as rest is. It’s a constant battle 🫠
The Changbin pic 🤕 like skz never even use their instagrams all that much and all of a sudden we’re getting SO much stuff at the worst time possible ?? Where was this energy when I cared enough to interact with it 😭 the W Korea magazine covers too lorddddd everybody on my instagram knows I collect Felix magazines like a full time job and I had a few messages asking me if I’d seen his new covers. Had to politely share a story about why I’ll be quiet on my Felix shrine for a little bit 🤕 it sucks. Also absolutely agree with you about the education thing- I mean this has been an ongoing issue for 76 years now, but to pretend like it’s not EVERYWHERE since the escalation starting in October is just ignorant. It takes a few minutes to read through articles! People make tik toks! There are infographics! There’s so much information and to act like you don’t have time to do basic research is so silly.
Momo loves you right back 🫶💘!! She’s currently sitting in my window meowing at bypassers in my building and she’s very popular
Also the hangyodon keychain!!! That is so sweet of him oh my god!!!!!! I love love looooove hangyodon 🥹
Kuromi placing 5th makes so much sense if we’re going to give pochacco and pompompurin a little love too! Sanrio supremacy 🫶
PLEASE SEND TOFU ALL MY LOVE……. She is so cutie I’m so obsessed with her (and you) I love you angel!!!!! I hope you have the best weekend 💕💓💗🩷💘🫶👼 happy Mother’s Day to my favorite cat mama anon 🐱💓
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minty-tea-soup · 1 year
Spiders can have little a toothpaste, as a treat
So this was from god knows how long ago but considering I might actually start posting on this app I figured hell I'll start with the spider toothpaste rant as a treat.
It starts when I sit down to write a Spider-man and Daredevil fanfiction where Peter Parker gets changed very young and due to the world being a bit more dystopian after the Sokovia Accords May Parker has to give Peter to Matt to take care of and hide. Because Peter isn't just given powers, he is definitely a whole lot more spider. Extra limbs, eyes, venomous, picks up spider mannerisms etc.
So where does toothpaste come to play here? Well most toothpastes are mint and I happened to know Mint was a good spider repellent cause I love mint and dislike spiders near me.
And I went: wouldn't it be funny is little Peter didn't want to brush teeth cause mint to Matt's confusion.
It was supposed to be one maybe two lines to show that Peter was very much spider now.
Then I was looking up stuff that was repellent for spiders and I see baking soda. And I go…. fuck that's what's in non-minty toothpaste/the only toothpaste I know that isn't minty off the top of my head. That page also tells me that something called DE is instant kill for spiders. I go "what's DE?" Turns out it is an instant kill for spiders and great for dental health so much so that it is often used for homemade toothpaste so you don't have to buy all the chemicals and some toothpastes already have it.
So Fuck. I'm lucky that Matt didn't instantly make Peter sick/kill him.
Then I think wait what about salt water?
Instant kill for spiders.
Holy fuck why does everything kill spiders. This thing is curing my arachnophobia cause hot damn spiders are shit at surviving it seems. And like yes I know they can survive fine but they cannot survive toothpaste via my google searches. And now I'm also very very into trying and finding a toothpaste that Matt can give Peter and not have Peter reject cause it makes him sick.
Also at this point I've decided that all of this is going into the fic, cause I'm doing all this research and it's funny.
Finally I find charcoal toothpaste that doesn't have any instant kills or repellents in it. Charcoal's only use against spiders is that if you are not it can help draw out the venom but you can do that with snakes too. Great amazing.
Then just to be sure cause I've been cursed to be the curious cat that keeps using up it's lives for research I look at what is on charcoal.
I look up what type of wood sawdust is normally made from.
Pine, for, spruce, hemlock, CEDAR, and redwood.
Cedar is repellent for spiders which means there is a 1 in 5 chance that everytime that Matt tries the toothpaste on Peter, Peter has a reaction cause heightened senses remember? So now something that was supposed to be two lines and funny is about a page and Matt is feeling tested by god because I'm feeling tested by god.
So I have him make his own charcoal and in turn his own charcoal toothpaste and declare himself victorious at being able to find spider safe toothpaste.
Will anyone appreciate the effort?
Probably not.
Matt will continue to scream into pillows.
However this rant became my go to silly rant during Covid and is almost two years old now? and when meeting new people cause it's funny and it lets me see how they react when I info dump. Like my dad who told me I was wasting my time verses my friend who has now heard it like 4 times start to finish and thinks it is great.
But then I got a development on this rant after two years because I too hate toothpaste with a passion it just feels gross and leaves mouth weird and fucks with tongue. And so my mom as a joke got me kids strawberry toothpaste which upon reading the ingredients realized that children's toothpaste might have worked perfectly fine to solve Matt's problem which is fucking funny as hell. However the silica that a lot of them have might actually not been great cause it can dry out bugs, which is partly why you can use some types as toothpaste in small amounts as a pest repellent! The other reason is they fucking hate the smell. Again toothpaste against bugs is an interesting thing.
But yeah your right spiders can have toothpaste, but they probably won't like it.
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theneonsoul · 1 year
My name is Neo, he/him (21), I have other blogs. @thevillainoussoul where I just post art and reblog random things, and @kindsoul-kindtale which is an undertale AU comic that I've now made more readable!! I also have the blog @talesfromavillain where I just put au info.
I can do RP asks with almost any UT, or UT AU characters. My own OCs included. But, no RP will continue beyond asks and is strictly if you ask a character a question or want to tell them something. All replies will consist of my own headcanons about the character. No private message RPs.
Do not send sexual asks to characters that are minors (Soul, Kind, Chara, Frisk, or any AU version of Chara and Frisk, regardless of their age in the AU). Keep sexual things to just being a bit suggestive, no "I fuck this character" I will not respond and you might get blocked.
I might post something suggestive but won't post any porn. I will think of a tag for the suggestive stuff.
Any and all discrimination will not be tolerated. That includes the use of the r-slur. If you see anyone being discriminatory or I posted something from someone who is, please let me know if I seem like I haven't noticed (and be nice about it.)
Try not to have any arguments in the replies, be civil.
If you see Soul or Kind, but they look older, on my normal blog, then that's because there are two versions of them. UT them and non fandom them. Seven also has a UT and non fandom version. That's because I'm also using them for my own story.
OC/Persona introduction!
Below the cut
My usual persona. He also wears masks. You might see him sometimes. I just call him hoodie.
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UT persona (human and monster ver.)
My UT personas, just call him Star, there's a monster version because that's just fun. Monster version I just thought of bunny and mouse combination.
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Seven (trans man, he/him)
He is actually named after a Mystic Messenger character and not because of the human souls. The name is fitting in the human soul context though. He was a self insert, but no longer is (he was in like 2015/16.) You might see ship art of him and Sans as I'm letting my inner child live as I was too scared of making self insert x canon as I was scared of being called cringe at the time.
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Soul (he/him)
I can't say much about him at the moment.
Shown in image with Kind.
Kind (he/him)
Can't say much about Kind either but that's because you're supposed to learn about him through my UT AU story. (@kindsoul-kindtale)
Kind (left), Soul (right)
Image is edited for the purpose of showing the colours. I have not gotten to properly redesign Soul.
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Silver (He/him)
An old skeleton oc had the name "silver storm" and I'm letting that oc keep "storm" and call this guy Silver. Works perfectly since I took the high collar that's not folded down from Storm (storm had both a human and skeleton design and is no longer a skeleton)
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Hazel Pecan (she/her)
Yes, her names are just the names of nuts, sue me. She is just a npc type character that you can interact with and fight is the idea. She's just a sweetheart.
Overworld and (coloured) fighting sprite.
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Unnamed Deltarune OC (he/they)
He was first a TV personality type character, but I've decided to make him into a silly scientist instead. (I have no drawing where he is coloured yet.)
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Just a little line-up of the characters, plus some actual undertale characters but how I colour them.(Only one missing is the Deltarune oc as that's 1. Slightly different style wise. 2. I don't actually have a full design of the character.) Other UT characters are supposed to be added, but, I don't need them for the intro post.
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Hii I think it would be really interesting if you could tell about Jungkook soulmate. Like why are they so popular aside from being his soulmate, what makes them special spiritual wise. Because a lot of ppl say this person is super strong and have a pure type of energy. Please share more on that.
Okay, so I actually did more research for this than my actual undergrad thesis.
So first off I wanna say, this is the way * I * see it, from my 15 years of spiritual experience, there is obviously much more to it since astrological aspects and divination in no way defines a multidimensional human being and their connections to people, if you’d like to know something else feel free to ask, I’ll do my best to answer (with my own ethical limits and respectful of the privacy from the ones involved)
OKAY so, a crash course on soulmates, there are a lot of types and they may not present themselves as romantic partners, most of them, especially if karmic, will leave your side once they’ve helped you through something.
It’s kinda tricky to know if someone is your soulmate unless you can do an in-depth synastry analysis, which means knowing exactly the two charts, of course, on a personal level, if you are in tune with your own energy, you can come across people and tell they’re part of your soul family.  
So really, what has surprised me the most about the whole “JK’s soulmate” is just exactly *how* it came to be, did someone did a synastry with their own chart, saw karmic aspects and was like yeah I’m his soulmate, then transformed it into an oh he has a soulmate, or are we starting from this man having no filter and saying that he’s waiting for *the one*?
I really REALLY wanted to trace back to the first-ever post of him having a soulmate, couldn’t find it so all we can go from are tarot readings and really him saying he knows there’s someone out there for him.
Astrologically speaking many people analyze his Juno, but I’d say it’s in general… what he likes in a partner in terms of marriage.
Apart from that, as I’ve said before, all the info on his soulmate derives from tarot readings/predictions and some people that say they channel his higher self.
From my experience, yes, Jeon Jungkook is sure that he has a soulmate, that they are somewhere out there and that he’ll meet them sometime, he’s a big softie (we’ve talked about how he likes to always remind me in my readings that there’s a past-life partner, his true love, his soulmate)
Now, I hate to bring up couple’s therapy but a relationship is between two people, which means that as much as he is longing for this soulmate, this other person is on their own life path, we don’t have a chart for them obviously, so all we got left are general divinations, asking questions, getting answers from either tarot, charms, rods, pendulum, whatever, it is always us asking questions, plus, divination does not provide an accurate answer, they just read between the lines of present energy and provide a most likely outcome to situations.
As I said before, there’s a lot of *in between* information, like, do they know who their soulmate is, are they looking for each other, how is it likely to play out and out there, many people seem to talk about it, especially about this person being a ‘runner’ in the connection, saying that they will make Jungkook wait and a lot of stuff that to me, sounds like they are antagonizing this potential soulmate because let’s get real, Jungkook is a very sought after celebrity, so of course it makes sense to antagonize a potential partner of his.
The thing is, this man has no filter whatsoever, whatever awakening he’s through, he now knows that voicing his opinions on *finding the one* have come to bite him in the ass because there’s a lot of energy shifts, people manifesting him, self inserting themselves on the narrative that they are potential soulmates for whatever reason. I think there’s a blurred line between you know, doing a synastry reading with a celebrity and actually acting upon the astrological aspects, astrology is contextual, a big *most of the time* that is not a rule, so having karmic aspects with someone might mean you’ll get to know them, or it could simply mean that you came across them on their path as artists and they helped a lot through their art. Who knows. The universe knows, so if it’s meant to be, it will be.
Now, my take on the whole info that’s out there on Jungkook’s soulmate, (if they are the one appearing on the readings and not another partner)  from my experience reading for him.
People saying that they are older, mmmm yeah I kinda get where they’re coming from, if you are an intuitive reader, you get the ‘old soul’ vibe from reaching out to the connection, but as always, the universe doesn’t provide the ultimate truth, so I’d stick with *old soul* not older, they could be more mature, could be older, can even go as far as to say they’re more traditional. We don’t have a way to accurately tell.
People saying that they are a foreigner, I honestly- don’t know where this comes from, as I’ve said before, we don’t have an accurate way to confirm, just short term divination which means that whatever outcome people see is most likely from his soon to be partner or current partner, if his soulmate is indeed a soon-to-be partner and foreigner shows up, I mean yeah, could be, he’s an international artist, would make sense for him to fall for a foreigner as much as it makes sense for us foreigners to find him cute (?
That they see each other in astral/ through dreams. Well, I don’t know, I guess they could if they have the right mental space and a lot of spiritual work (? Soulmates are usually hard to reach honestly, cause what’s the point of getting to know them before they can be able to fulfil their earthly deed with you. I’d say that it’s more like the universe giving hints to the connection and not a one-on-one type of thing. Then again, why would you even go as far as to invade their astral privacy and get an answer about it (? Also, I need receipts on how exactly people got this info.
That his soulmate is a runner. Okay first off, don’t go and rummage into other people’s trauma and present it on the internet. A runner is supposed to be one part of the soulmate that is running away from the connection, while fully aware of it for whatever reason. Then again, how could someone possibly reach for some specific higher self if you don’t know who they are (? Entities are tricky, could be some other energy saying they are JK’s soulmate or another person that is manifesting them. There’s no clear way to know that any type of personal/spiritual info is 100% true.
His soulmate is someone spiritual. Probably, soulmates tend to have similar timings to their spiritual journeys, and while we don’t know who they are, we can see Jungkook being attracted to the spiritual so it’s only fair to asume they are too. I’d like to add on a personal note that I would say yeah, they are, and a strong one at that. Not because of any type of divination but because whenever I try to get info on them (by supposing they are a soon-to-be partner, reaching via Jungkook) it is very VERY hard to get an answer.
So in conclusion, please don’t forget that just as there is much more to Jeon Jungkook other than him being part of BTS, there is so much more to him than what the tarot or his chart says about him. It’s always fun to spill some tea on him and any other celebrity, but please remember that neither of those spiritual tools resonate fully with who he is, his preferences, his interpersonal connections or any other matter. They just see what’s there and are the *most likely to be true* answer, no one knows better than ourselves when it comes to personal info. Aside from that sure, perhaps there are ways to tell some deep deep answers about him and his soulmate via very hard concentration and connection processes but really- in this economy (? Why would you do that to yourself, we’re in the middle of a panini why would you sacrifice your mental health like that. Jungkook and his soulmate that he is so much as longing for is a personal connection between the two and sooner or later (ahem I’d say later) they’ll find each other.
With that being said and back on my silly self, all of this doesn’t mean I’ll stop doing love readings for him, I love roasting Jeon Jungkook (within boundaries) because he likes to piss me off constantly reminding me that I’m a lonely potato that has had (and lost) three soulmates.
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pomefioredove · 3 months
Hiii!! I was wondering if you could “I can’t stop thinking about you” with Jade? If ur prompt things are still open of course! If not that’s totally okay too!!
o7 anon
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summary: "I can’t stop thinking about you" type of post: short fic characters: jade additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, not proofread and maybe a little ooc a part of this event
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"And don't forget to lock the doors when you leave,"
Azul sighs, hovering in the doorway of the Mostro Lounge with his hands on his hips.
"Luckily, nothing was stolen last time I let Floyd take the closing shift, but luck is fickle,"
He pauses, turning to you. "I'm sure you, at least, will be able to handle something so simple."
You salute the tired-looking merman before the soft swoosh of the kitchen door interrupts the conversation.
"My, you have such little faith in me, Azul. I'm wounded," a smoother, much less tense, presence follows it.
You'd always wondered how Jade is able to sound imposing without ever actually raising his voice.
Azul huffs. "I clearly was not addressing you. Good evening to the both of you... Don't stay up too late,"
And with that, he's gone.
As soon as the door is closed and Azul's inky silhouette has vanished, you turn to look at the gentleman behind you.
"I didn't even know you were here,"
"I'm not supposed to be," Jade smiles, offering little explanation.
By now, you're sure he does that on purpose.
You don't feel like being baited into a conversation, but when your only other option is silence with Jade...
"I was taking stock," he says. "Both metaphorically and literally. We're short on limes."
His strangeness radiates off of him like a mist. You narrow your eyes at him; he's hiding something, you're sure. But what are you supposed to do- interrogate him?
"I'll leave a note," you mutter, turning your attention back to sweeping.
This is your very first closing shift at the lounge; no customers, no Azul, no sounds except for your own breathing.
And Jade's.
He smiles again. "Shall I help? You'll be done faster with another set of hands,"
He could just leave. He's not even on the clock... if this is him looping you into some ploy to get overtime, you swear...
"If you would like,"
Jade disappears into the kitchen, taking that strange air of tension with him, and returns with a rag and cleaning solution.
He's completely silent, perusing the lounge as if it were an art museum, admiring the specks and stains on each table before wiping them down.
"You seem nervous," he says merrily, not even looking at you. "Are you afraid of the dark?"
"No," a half-truth. "I'm just tired." a lie.
"I've read that many human children develop a fear of the dark. What's more, is that it's not considered irrational. How fascinating,"
You focus on the bristles of the broom in front of you. The Mostro Lounge does get rather dark at night... all of Octavinelle does.
"It's not irrational," you mutter.
"Perhaps for you. But in the sea, a child being afraid of the dark would be as silly to us as a child being afraid of sunlight would be to you,"
You pause to look out one of the windows in the lounge, the thick pane of glass separating you from the inky depths. It's almost pitch black at this hour.
Ugh. You're letting him get in your head.
You hum. "Is that why you're here, then? Protecting me from the dark?"
Jade smiles, watching you out of the corner of his eyes. "No. I was only making conversation. You seemed uncomfortable with my presence,"
"I just was expecting to be alone,"
"So was I,"
You pause, turning to him with a questioning glance.
As vague an answer as ever, you think, though there's a certain gleam in his eye that's daring you to find out for yourself.
He meets your gaze. "You interest me,"
Jade says it plainly, his tone soft, as if he thinks he might scare you away with any sudden movements.
"I can't stop thinking about you," he hums. "And I hope you understand my meaning... I do not seek to make you uncomfortable."
You set the broom against the wall. "You're not,"
He mimics you, setting the rag and bottle aside. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn you caught a look of relief on him.
"Good. I have no malicious intentions... This time,"
You take that as a joke. It's not very funny.
Jade chuckles. "Ah, don't roll your eyes at me. I'm only lightening the mood... I would like to get to know you better, after all," he pauses. "As a confidante."
There's something oddly genuine about this.
He's as calm as ever, but you can tell there's a current of vulnerability hiding beneath the surface.
You can't help a smile at the thought.
"Not an informant, then?"
He smiles back. "Not with you, no,"
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: Karla
Debut: Splatoon 2
After the Ink Theory and Octarian posts, you may be asking, “How much left is there to talk about in the Splatoon world?” The answer is... still quite a bit! Despite only having two games, Splatoon lore runs deep, with an assortment of funny fish, weird deep-sea creatures, silly bands, and other wacky characters and things that we haven’t even scratched the surface of! The truth is, Splatoon’s probably going to provide us with content for many, many Funky Fridays to come...
Today we’re looking at Karla, who falls into categories two and three, though I suppose you could argue she’s also category four, as a “wacky character,” but heck, that applies for a lot of this series’ cast. Karla is the bassist of a band called SashiMori, which mixes their lyrics YouTube Poop-style. But more importantly than that... she is a scaly-foot gastropod! That’s right! With access to all the media in the world, the snails never have to stop. We’ll write about every fictional snail ever until there are no snails left. And by that time, there will be more snails. Fictional snails will outlive us all.
So how good is Karla at being a snail? The answer is very. While most Splatoon characters are based on sea creatures, they come with varying ranges regarding anthropomorphism, from “barely anthropomorphized” to “practically human.” But Karla is weird in that she is both at once! While her body is distinctively humanoid, her head is just an entire scaly-foot gastropod, which I think is splendid. I wish my head was an entire scaly-foot gastropod. I’ve seen some artists try to draw Karla more anthropomorphized, but if you ask me, the sheer appeal of Karla’s design comes from the wackiness of her head being a different animal’s entire body.
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But perhaps I am getting too far ahead. Maybe I need to tell you what a scaly-foot gastropod even is before I talk about how magnificent it is that she is one. So! Brief Weird Mario Enemies biology lesson! Open up your notebooks! This WILL be on the test! Scaly-foot gastropods are a kind of deep-sea snail, and a VERY wacky type of snail at that! Their shell integrates metal, something completely unique to this animal, as far as I am aware, and rather than eating food like all of us unfortunate horrible primates do, they get energy through chemosynthesis, where they convert carbon molecules and nutrients into organic matter. It’s a popular thing in the deep sea, where there’s not enough sunlight for photosynthesis, I recommend you try it someday.
The reason I bring all of this up is because all of this is relevant to Karla’s lore, which thanks to a push from the community, I do have a reliable translation for! Prior to SashiMori, she was in a wall-of-sound rock band with harsh lyrics, and apparently her “ironclad body” made her resilient to how harsh the band’s sound was. It is also said that no one is quite sure how she gets nutrition, since she is never seen eating anything. But we know. Sure, chemosynthesis probably wouldn’t work for an organism as big as Karla is, but that’s just one of her many mysteries. But she’s not gonna ever tell us. She doesn’t talk much. We don’t even know how old she is.
I love Karla on account of being such a weird and mysterious character whose head happens to be an entire mollusk. She’s very lucky in that regard. But is there any more information on Karla? Maybe...
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In the Octo Expansion art book, we see that Karla’s design was originally intended as one of the Deepsea Metro passengers, but was scrapped at some point down the line, before she was brought back as a minor in-universe musician. Does this mean that Karla has a history from the deep sea that we do not know about? Maybe. Maybe not. She’s still not saying anything. Her lips[sic] are sealed.
At the very least, she wasn’t the only draft of an attempt to design a scaly-foot gastropod for Splatoon. Get a load of these guys!
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Hehe! Butt buddies!
By the way, if you want to know about ALL of the bands (not just Karla) then good news! We have FINALLY gotten accurate fan translations (fanslations?) of all the band info! You can read it all here! You should read it all. You can learn all about that lesbianistic experimental jazz band I’m always telling people to stan!
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alligaytorswamp · 3 years
yellow , green , blue, turquoise , onyx , fuchsia , cream , mauve ( also genshin) & plum B)))
hey hi hello >:)
green: do you have a favourite flower?
nah i dont differentiate them.. every flower is just a flower to me jkhasjkdhkj...
if the flower is purple it gets extra points tho
blue: preferred type of weather?
rain!!! thunderstorms!!! <333
turquoise: favorite sea animal?
penguins or turtles :p
onyx: do you still play Minecraft?
nope, never did
fuchsia: favorite land animal?
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cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
i have a helix one but it got fucked up.. so it looks weird :(
would love to fix it one day.. or maybe get rid of it completely hhh
no tattoos but i want some yes heheeheh
some longer answers will be under the cut jkahdsjkad
plum: a food you've never tried
oi.. dats like a lot of things... ;;
well I've never had anything "Chinese"/"Mexican"/idk what else people mention in a similar manner... i hear English-speaking folks refer to these.. "types" and yep never had any of that. also like.. any food chains that just don't exist in Russia? obv nope......... there is probably an insane amount of stuff I haven't tried, I'm picky and literally just eat at home 99% of the time so-
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
gonna give a dumb ass answer but... i can't...? i don't really know how much one should be "appreciated", like what is the "right amount" and whether or not this person receives it. the amount of notes/likes doesn't always represent that and also i don't look there at all.. also this one random artist can have multiple accs on different platforms with different engagements and all that... so how do i really know what's up with them? and once again i don't think i sit around thinking Damn this person needs more likes !! .. i just like/rb whatever i want and it's epic lashdjlksajdlk also i'm not sure if i have strong attachments to certain creators.. (at this point that is. i used to and some of it backfired lmao) ... the only attachments i have r ppl i'm friends with which is U Know... considered the right answer to this question and an adequate person would do just that but damn none of yall getting a free promo wtf 🙄 and i feel like mentioning one friend could lead to upsetting another or like .. i could just forget to tag someone... or I would waste time trying to figure out if it would be ok to mention them in an ask like this one and probably would decide against it anyways just not to bother anybody ....
and is getting tagged in a post saying u r underappreciated even a compliment? because i for one am not too sure about that........... much to think about uh huh
mauve: any unpopular opinions?
we entered danger zone.................... beware :з
uhhh well first of all I think childe x zhongli is like the most pathetic and boring "default" pairing this fandom came up with. they have 0 chemistry and I just hate everything about it. as much as I headcanon both as queers... together romantically it feels like 2 straight men put together by ya*i fans............ also before i blacklisted to ship and voluntarily looked through the ship tag... every post felt like a hard ooc. i could not understand what childe or zhongli are supposed to be as individuals, what they have in common, what kind of dynamic they have. deadass most crack ships with 0 interactions have more flavor than this tragedy
eng VAs are great people and appreciate their work but whoever decides the voices ain't doing it right. every male character sounds like a middle-aged white man.. and most of the youngest characters sound like very obvious adults trying to pretend to be babies. all of it irks me so bad god.. and there are so many characters that lose their little spark in eng........ (yet in korean and chinese they're completely fine??)
all of the playable adult male characters are shitty people in one way or another. none of them are good. they have reasons and different perspectives, yes, but they suck. every single one of them. stop ignoring it or trying to say only some are evil. none of them are inherently terrible.. but they're not these precious and righteous individuals. they're men.................... that says a lot, actually. :\
and as for women? god i hate the idea that they're all so uninteresting and weak. lichrally just a bunch of girlbosses, morals of most could be questioned as well... anyways some of the girls not having extremely dramatic stories doesn't make them any less cool. let them be
also all archons suck it's ok. you can still love them while acknowledging that they've done some shit. ALSO stop demonizing venti .. and now baal, while praising zhongli- he's an old loser stop lying to yourself. i hate when people present him as the only good archon, the voice of reason who is just so cool and collected but also ahh so cutely silly about mora !!!............. bitch the story quest of liyue is just one zhongli-is-a-fucking-moron campaign idk did yall skip it or something............ and even then it's ok to like him, he does have his logic/reasons/beliefs that justify his actions... he is not a good guy or archon tho.
shipping archons/adepti/whatever the fuck that isn't a basic human with a basic human is super weird. i mean the power dynamic will be completely fucked and ages? lord almighty... basically mortals should stay with mortals... the rest goes to baby jail except maybe ganyu she's a good girl
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk what else.................
maybe.. ahha... well.............. with how people hype up any vague new character that is leaked and declare how they will skip every banner ever for them - even tho all we know is... how the character looks like? it feels a bit too much. like truly what's the point of going crazy and then screaming at mihoyo every 3 seconds over some character that could be fake for all we know, or maybe they'll be a support you don't need, or they have a weapon you don't like to use.... can't you just wait till we get official info? jesus lawd- but regardless.......................... where is the same energy for baizhu :)
the man is literally in the game and people manage to forget him even in conversations about dendro specifically- how the fuck is that even real-
thanks for watching everybody don't forget to subscribe smash that like button and hit the notification bell ^_^
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betterbe-ravenclaw · 4 years
A HPHM character profile - Naomi Kinnley
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Naomi has been being developed for a good while now, and I know that my version of events will clash with that of others (over love interest, profession, interests, family etc) so I really hope that won't be a problem. It's taken a long time for me to post this because I'm extremely nervous but hopefully Naomi and I can fit into the community!
(This wonderful profile template is by @hogwartsmysterystory and made introducing Naomi so much easier than it could have been, so thank you!)
Also the artwork is by me. Still practicing humans.
Name: Naomi Justine kinnley
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (in game currently, I guess her age technically changes with each scenario as necessary)
Date of Birth: 27th April 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: straight (or heterosexual, they both mean the same thing right?)
Ethnicity: English, Welsh, French
Nationality: English
Residence: The Kinnley Household, #.17 Turley Avenue, Norwich, Norfolk, England
MBPT: ISFP - the adventurer
The Mage:
1st wand: cedar, dragon heartstring core, slightly springy, 11 ½ inches
“...‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them”
“As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.”
2nd wand: willow, phoenix feather core, reasonably supple, 12 ¼ inch
“Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn...”
“This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.”
Animagus: N/A
Misc magical abilities: Apparition and Disapparition
Boggart form: missing a chance to save somebody special to her (usually Rowan, her brother or Murphy) because she was preoccupied with something novel and insignificant. Knowing she should have and could have been there and would have been able to help - but wasn’t. (Shows up as herself with her back to the incident, not noticing when her loved one calls out for help)
Riddikulus form: in being preoccupied with said novel activity, she misses her loved one(s) not being murdered, but instead making silly faces 0r acting clownish behind her back, a bit like in a pantomime.
Amortentia (their smell): home baked bread, a wildflower field, crisp new parchment, baled hay, plums from her grandparents’ orchard and vanilla.
Amortentia (what they smell): mown grass, cinnamon, old books, home baked cookies, polished leather, lavender laundry detergent and the sea.
Patronus: leopardess
Patronus memory: sitting at the attic window with her brother early on christmas morning as a child, drinking hot chocolate with those tiny muggle marshmallows and munching on their mother’s cookies that they weren't supposed to have until the afternoon. Talking and playing wizards chess, exploding snap and their dad's old Muggle board games, watching the sunrise and being together.
Mirror of erised:
during hogwarts - reliving her patronus memory every christmas as tradition goes. Still having Jacob shake her awake at ridiculous o’clock and take her upstairs to the window where he’d set up their blanket instead of waking up of her own accord and sitting alone until the sunrise.
As an adult - hosting dinner at the house she shares with her husband and children for all her close friends and family. All of them. Those who are gone would be there too for a night of good food and good company where the children would run around playing and Naomi would get a warm feeling of belonging in her heart.
specialized/favourite spell:
Pretego - she never wants anyone she loves to come to harm, especially after rowans passing.
Expecto Patronum - beautiful, peaceful and protective. Useful and stunning all at the same time. A thing of comfort and joy.
Avis - she’s calmed around animals and birds. Just for fun.
Ferula & episkey - similar to protego, to help those who come to harm and keep them from pain as much as possible.
Lumos - simple and useful. It was one of the first things she learnt at Hogwarts and feels nostalgic.
Faceclaim: Willa Holland (just imagine she has freckles.)
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Game appearance:
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Height: 5’6” (170.7cm)
Weight: 151lbs (68.5kg)
Physique: Slim
Eye colour: hazel, quite green in places
Hair colour: dark brown, looks ginger in the sun, loosely curly
Skin tone: medium, somewhere in between olive and pale.
Body modifications: she has one piercing in each earlobe that she got aged 10. She mainly just wears studs.
Scarring: nothing major, she has a few little scars from mundane accidents like cutting her knee on a rock but that's about it.
Inventory: wand, quill, ink, chapstick, hair ties, a hairbrush, prefect badge, scrap parchment, glasses, glasses case, half finished bag of sherbet lemons, unopened packet of every flavour beans and a leather notebook with unlimited pages for notes on everything
Fashion: Naomi likes to pair denim bottoms (jeans or shorts or sometimes a skirt if she's in the mood) with a t-shirt - she likes the ones with different coloured sleeves and also ones with words on the front. She'll also wear denim jackets and leggings and knitted sweaters and sometimes summer dresses and skirts. She mostly likes comfortable stuff. If it feels good on her body and she's comfortable in it she'll wear it.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Affiliations / organisations: the circle of Khanna, the order of the phoenix, the ministry of magic, the department of magical law enforcement - auror division
Age 11-18 : Hogwarts student
Age 18-21 : Trainee Auror, part of the ministry of magic's department of magical law enforcement Auror training programme
Age 21-25 : Junior Auror, department of magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 25 - 28 : unemployed, having taken a break from work to focus on the family after the war
Age 28 - 40 : Senior Auror, department of Magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 40 - 46 : Head Auror, department of Magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 46 - 48 : Assistant manager at Cathy's Bakes (her mother in law's bakery)
Age 48 - Retirement : manager at Cathy's Bakes
Hogwarts info:
Class proficiencies:
Astronomy - E
Charms - O
Defence against the dark arts - O
Flying - O
Herbology - A
History of magic - E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Arithmancy - E
Divination - A
Quidditch: Chaser from 2nd year onwards
Extra curricular: Quidditch, Dueling Club, prefect
Favourite professors: Flitwick, McGonagall, Kettleburn
Least favourite professors: Binns, Trelawney, Rakepick
Brother: Jacob William Kinnley
born 5th October, 1964
Goes by J
About 8 years older than Naomi
Curly brown hair, green eyes, really tall, stubble
Kind-hearted, witty, humorous and strong, though short tempered and more reserved after his disappearance
Was always Naomi's favourite sibling Because he was similar to her and actually had time for her. They were very close growing up, pushing Naomi to try and find him. She wanted that back.
Misc siblings: Cynthia Eleanor Kinnley
Born 16th January 1968
Goes by Cindy
About 5 years older than Naomi
Straight black hair, hazel eyes, tall, attractive
Outgoing, kind, reckless and charming. She and Naomi fought more and weren't as close as Naomi and Jacob.
Ran off to study magical creatures in Africa after Jacob's disappearance to escape her troubles.
Independent magizoologist, works with a small team on less explored species
Father: Anthony Kinnley
Born 7th March 1942
Curly dark brown hair, green eyes, tall, stubble
Kind-hearted, protective, quiet, calm and stronger than he looks. Was able to keep himself together following Jacobs disappearance, if only for the sake of his wife and daughters.
Works for the ministry of magic, department of international magical cooperation
Mother: Eleanor Kinnley née Campbell
Born 18th May 1942
Straight black hair, hazel eyes, short, curvy, beautiful
Used to be jolly, humorous and charming, though is mentally unstable after Jacob disappeared. Depressed and not like she used to be, particularly around holidays.
Currently unemployed, hardly leaves the house. Previously a nurse at St. Mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries
Grandparents: Marigold Kinnley (née West), William Kinnley, Justine Campbell (née Bordeaux), Henry Campbelll (Deceased)
Misc family members: Simon Kinnley (Uncle), Timothy Kinnley (uncle), Flora Kinnley (née Brown, Aunt), Laura Peters (née Kinnley, Aunt), Robert Peters (Uncle), Geraldine Campbell (Great Aunt), Delia Peters (Cousin), Felicity Peters (Cousin), Liam Peters (cousin) , Marcus Kinnley (cousin), Cathleen McNully (Mother-in-law)
Love interest:
Barnaby Lee (Briefly - 4th year)
Attended the celestial ball together
Barnaby broke it off after a few weeks wanting to be just friends
Naomi had much the same feelings
Murphy McNully (Briefly -5th year)
Dated in secret for about a month and a half
Broke it off because they didn't see eye to eye in their relationship.
Ended with an argument
Charlie Weasley (Briefly - 5th year)
Flirted shameless for weeks
Went on about four dates before Naomi realised she didn't feel right with him and stopped the relationship before too much happened
Murphy McNully (5th year onwards - Spouse)
Got back together in undisclosed circumstances after Naomi and Charlie agreed to be just friends
Spent a year doing long distance after Murphy graduated (him being in the year above her)
Moved in together after Naomi graduated
Eventually Married before having five children.
Marigold Rowan McNully,
born 28th June, 1993
Goes by Goldie
Golden child
Lives up to her namesakes dream of becoming hogwarts' youngest ever professor (Transfiguration)
Cathleen Penelope McNully,
born 1st February, 1995
Likes to be called Kitty or Kit
Bit of a troublemaker
Professional beater and quidditch star before taking over at the bakery for a 3rd generation
Anthony Jacob McNully,
born 2nd December 1998
Has the nickname Tony
Qualified healer working with underprivileged wizarding communities
Eleanor Nymphadora McNully,
born 13th August 2002
Everyone calls her Nelly
Daddy's girl through and through
Follows in her father's footsteps becoming a professional quidditch commentator
Henry Charles McNully,
born 30th April 2006
Bit of a mummy's boy
A surprise baby
An Auror like his mother
Best friends:
Rival: Merula Snyde, Erika Rath
(school) - Rowan Kahnna, Nymphadora Tonks, Tulip Karasu, Charlie Weasley, Skye Parkin, Penny Haywood, Murphy McNully.
Enemy: Patricia Rakepick
Dormmates: Rowan Kahnna, Tulip Karasu, Badeea Ali
Chocolate brown cocker spaniel
Lives at her home with her parents
Birman Cat
Accompanies Naomi to Hogwarts
Black horse with a balze (white mark on face)
Lives at her grandparents farm
Closest canon friends: Rowan, Penny, Murphy, Skye, Charlie, Tonks, Tulip, Bill, Andre, Barnaby, Orion, Badeea
Closest MC friends:
Ravenna Glynn (@chronic-clinomania )
Calista Slater (@i-am-not-cursed )
Naomi's always willing to make new friends, even if it takes her a while to pluck up the courage to approach somebody. Maybe message me if you want your MC to be friends?
Background / history:
Naomi was born at 7:13am on the 27th of April 1973 (a week late) as the third and youngest child to Eleanor and Anthony Kinnley.
Her childhood is happy. She gets along with both parents and both siblings (though she and Cindy clash more than her and Jacob) and has a pretty normal home life - save for the magic part.
Jacob began attending Hogwarts when Naomi was only 3 years old, And Cynthia when she was 6, making for a good amount of quiet time which Naomi was very fond of.
As soon as Naomi was able to read and write fluently - about aged 6 - she would exchange letters with both her siblings. She and Jacob wrote to each other more often, as they were the closest of the siblings.
She attended a Muggle primary school like her siblings, though only ever made a couple of friends and wasn't too upset to lose contact with them when she left for hogwarts.
Though the first wizarding war was taking place throughout her childhood, Naomi's family had never been a large target or very involved in the war effort - her parents had decided to put safety above all else, therefore neglecting to join the order of the phoenix and keeping themselves to themselves as much as possible.
Naomi was 8, nearing 9, when Jacob went missing in 1981. Old enough to understand and make her own judgements of the situation. She was immediately distraught though found it hard to accept that her beloved big brother would just leave her and spent over a year writing to him to find out where he had gone, without a single reply. In the end, just before she left for Hogwarts, Naomi decided that she'd do whatever it took to find her brother, her stubbornness taking over.
In Hogwarts:
Of course, the events of Hogwarts mystery happen during this time, though other points include the following
After being sorted into Ravenclaw house, Naomi quickly becomes very close friends with Rowan Khanna. After their initial meeting in Diagon alley, Naomi feels comfortable enough to talk freely with the girl and by the time Christmas rolls around she can firmly say that Rowan is her best friend.
Naomi is obviously a competent and talented student in many areas. A lot of teachers take a shine to her as she's focused and a hard worker. Therefore, she's often asked to perform demonstrations and to assist other students.
In her second year, Naomi became the newest chaser on the Ravenclaw quidditch team. To this day, she is grateful to Penny for pushing her to try out because quidditch helped her become the person she is today and introduced her to some of her closest friends and, of course, her now-husband.
Naomi spends a lot of time at the quidditch pitch, In the quidditch stands, in the three broomsticks, by the black lake and, after accidentally stumbling upon it in her 6th year with Tonks, Tulip and Charlie, the room of requirement. After Christmas of 5th year, Naomi also spends a good amount of time in the kitchens, practicing her new hobby of baking.
She and her dorm-mates often stock up on sweets from honeydukes and chose a night to stay up talking and eating until the morning. At some point, they started inviting other girl friends into the dorm for the night (starting after tonks unsuccessfully tried to sneak in behind tulip.)
Post Hogwarts:
Having been unsure about what her career would be all throughout school, Naomi decided to join Tonks in the auror training programme. She deduces that this job would be a good fit for her, and ends up really enjoying it.
Murphy proposes to her 3 years after the initial start of their relationship
They're married not long after, with Penny as Maid of Honour and Orion as best man. Naomi had both her father and brother give her away.
She and Murphy end up living near his mother in a previously abandoned house just outside his home town. It's pretty secluded so they can practice magic without worrying.
By 1995, Naomi and Murphy had had their first two children - Marigold and Cathleen - just as the second wizarding war was beginning.
The second wizarding war:
Both Naomi and Murphy join the order of the phoenix, her auror training coming in handy and him being focused on strategies (what else?). She has many missions, including surveillance and combat.
In joining the order of the phoenix, Naomi gets a chance to meet the golden trio. Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately seem more than capable, and Naomi makes sure she takes the time to let them know she's willing to help them out however she can.
In early 1998, Naomi falls pregnant for a third time, though decides that she won't tell anyone until she has to, trying not to add stress to the already scary times.
During the battle of Hogwarts, Naomi had very close encounters with Bellatrix LeStrange and Augustus Rookwood - both of whom came rather close to finishing her off. Fortunately, her auror training, dueling club experience and protect-don't-harm nature came through, and she managed to stun both death eaters before they took her life.
Naomi was there to witness Tonks' death. That moment was haunting and still shows up in her nightmares from time to time. She was also in the vicinity when Fred Weasley was killed.
Throughout the entire war, Naomi did not use an unforgivable curse once - something she's proud of as she often wanted to murder those death eaters who took her friends.
Post second wizarding war:
Murphy and Naomi both Survive the war, and Naomi took a break from work after the war to recover from the trauma and focus on herself and her family.
When she finally goes back to work, she is able to get to know Harry Potter and Ron Weasley a lot better and they end up becoming good family friends (along with the rest of the weasley family.)
She remains an Auror until the age of 46 (become head auror during this time) before resigning and taking over from her mother in law at the bakery. It's a very much welcomed change of pace (although Naomi is always willing to lend a hand on the odd auror mission at the request of Harry.)
Naomi often invites a large gathering of friends and family over for celebrations - notable occasions include New year's, her children's birthdays and the anniversary of both Rowan's death and the battle of Hogwarts. There's always a lot of food (usually prepared with the help of Cathy and Molly Weasley) and good times.
Home life is wonderful, She and Murphy have a very happy marriage and spend their lives together with their children, and then later their grandchildren.
Protective - Naomi is very keen on the defensive way of doing things. She doesn't like to cause harm to anybody unless she can't see any alternative way out of a situation. Along with this, although she is usually pretty quiet and reserved, Naomi will never stand by whilst somebody (especially a friend) is struggling or in trouble. It's one of the few circumstances where Naomi will actually put herself into the action voluntarily.
Creative - Naomi is good at thinking on the spot. She can come up with solutions to a problem when all other possible solutions fall through by thinking outside the box.
Loyal - Naomi hasn't always found it easy to make friends, she's shy and gets very nervous talking to new people, but once she's made friends with somebody Naomi is always going to be there. She's always willing to take on their problems and help in whatever way she can, and makes sure that her friends know how grateful she is to have them and that she's always there when they need her.
Empathetic - Naomi is very good at understanding the feelings of others and knowing exactly what to say to make people calm down and feel better. She can put herself in people's shoes and also acts as the peacekeeper in many arguments as she can .
Easily Stressed - Naomi is an overthinker, she starts to panic when things start to go wrong and gets very stressed. The smallest thing can make her frustrated or worried, and though she can usually hide these feelings in the day, they always come out at night or at any time if they're strong enough. She finds it very hard to let go and let bad things happen.
Stubborn - Naomi isn't likely to back down from many things without a fight. She doesn't like to be wrong, accept too much help or admit she's made a mistake, just as she hates to lose an argument. She always makes sure to be as calm and polite as possible if she has different feelings, but sometimes she can't help but raise her voice.
Naomi is also pretty patient, indecisive, quiet, a good listener, generous and naturally intelligent among other things.
As a baby, Naomi has thick, long, curly hair and was rather chubby, though by the time she reached 7, her curls loosened and her baby fat was no longer a problem. She still had very long hair though.
She goes by Mia to her friends, and Nomi, love and Mia to Murphy. She's also the only person other than his mother who's allowed to call Murphy by his first name or Murph, and also calls him darling, McNully and button (the nickname button has a backstory that I may or may not disclose at some point. She only calls him that when she's teasing him though.)
She was very nearly a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff - and she ended up dictating the final decision. Naomi knows she would have been fine in either house now, but at the time, Ravenclaw seemed like the only option because Rowan had just been sorted into it, and it had been the house of her brother.
Although Naomi has glasses, she can usually see just fine without them, and doesn't bother wearing them outside of class.
She's a fiddler a doodler and a nail biter. All happen when she's nervous and/or bored. She'll work her nails down as much as she can and will pick up and play around with just about anything. She's also very prone to drawing and writinh all over her wrists - lists, memos, ideas, harmless pictures of golden snitches and nifflers and Murphy.
Naomi can both ride and drive horses and enjoys it rather a lot. She learnt on her Muggle grandparents' farm where she spent most of her summer holidays as a child and Hogwarts student.
Naomi and Murphy's mother Cathleen, or Cathy, are very good friends. They get along incredibly well and Naomi now comes to Cathy more than her own mother for advice. They spend a lot of time discussing Murphy and other things - often baking in the meantime (Cathy introduced her to baking and Naomi even ends up taking over her bakery business.)
Naomi was one of the few people allowed to attend Tonks and Remus' Wedding, and likes to keep in touch with Teddy Lupin after his parents death (relatively easy as he's good friends with her son Anthony and her Daughter Eleanor.)
She can't decide if her favourite colour is Yellow or blue. They've been her top two since forever but she's never been quite sure which is better.
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