#this was so cute i love getting these kinda questions!
robo-writing · 1 day
I saw your requests were open, so I have to ask for… pain 😔
Can I request a Logan x afab!reader HCs or full fic about how reader is getting older and he kinda isn’t yk? Like going from when they first met, to readers deathbed, and how he has to live without them for the rest of his life 🫶🫶
Also take care of yourself DRINK WATER 🥰
Oh yeah, it’s angst time.
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It's sooner than later that you'll be alone Synopsis: You live a long life, but not as long as Logan's. Warnings: 3.2k words of gut-wrenching angst, mentions of blood, grieving someone after they're gone Author's note: Hope you're happy anon, I cried five times writing this <3
He had first met you in your twenties—twenty-three, to be exact.
Young, bright eyed, naive. You were kind, where he was not. You were hopeful, where he was jaded and angry at the world. He loved your innocence, how you always saw the best in others—suppose that’s what made you such a good counselor to the children. You listened—really, truly listened—made anyone that walked through your office doors feel welcomed.
Maybe that’s why he found his way to you. When the nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep and the voices wouldn’t let him think, he shuffled to your bedroom door without a goal in sight, bare feet padding against the polished floors. His knuckles meet your door, seconds passing by before he asks himself why the hell he’s even here in the first place.
Before he could walk away he heard your feet shuffling, followed by the click of your doorknob.
He felt guilty for waking you up, eyes red and face puffy, but you didn’t even question why he was at your door, just rubbed your eyes and opened the door wider for him to walk in.
It was silent at first. You offered him some water, passed him a blanket, and just sat there. You never pressured him to speak, and he didn’t feel compelled to. Maybe five minutes later he said something and you just nodded in his direction, encouraging him to continue.
For the first time in a long time, he talked. And you listened.
It became a ritual between the two of you, staying up late at night just to chat. It wasn’t always about his past, sometimes he just needed to let it all out, and you were the perfect outlet. He felt like you didn’t judge him, and that’s all he ever needed.
Eventually he wanted to hear you too—he preferred it that way. Talking about lesson plans and movies, little things that seem mundane but made him feel less like a patient and more like a friend. You were a welcome distraction, and an added bonus was that you were really cute when you were talking.
He was the one who made the first move. He remembers every detail, from your pajama shorts to the over-worn tank top sliding off your shoulder, your eyes bright as you went on about a new baking recipe you wanted to try. Sat on your bed, looking so relaxed he couldn’t help but stare and marvel at your beauty.
“Logan?” You ask, waving your hand in his face. “Hello? Earth to Wolverine?”
The moment you called out his name he was already making his way to your bed. The mattress sinks beneath his weight, and you let out a soft noise of surprise before he plants his lips against yours.
Yours are soft compared to him—everything about you screams softness, innocence and purity, and he’s not sure if a man like him even has the right to be next to you, much less kiss you. He’s certain his soul is filthy, tainted—a layer of black that’s sure to muck up your own if he keeps this up. He knows this deep in his heart, but greedy man that he is, he keeps his lips locked to yours.
Once, and then never again. He can’t be with a girl like you, and he knows it.
You hold him by the neck and pull him back when he tries to leave your embrace. Maybe it’s pity, he thinks, the way your hands tug him by the shirt and cling onto the fabric. Maybe you’re only entertaining him, stringing him along just to laugh in his face, mock him into ever thinking he had a chance. If you are, he doesn't care, because at least now he’s got a taste of what he could never have.
The two of you finally separate, a silk-thread of spit connecting the both of you, looking at each other with a mixture of shock and confusion. What happens after this? How does he return to what you had before—how can he, when he now knows your chapstick tastes like cherries?
He makes a move to leave, but against all odds your hand is still clinging onto his shirt. In that moment he knew he was the luckiest man alive because you begged him to stay in that cute voice of yours, begged him not to leave when his hands made their way up the front of your shirt—begged him for more when his lips wandered lower.
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By your thirties you already had a shiny ring on your finger, one that he can say he proudly put on your finger. A gold band adorned by diamonds, it shines in the orange light of the sun, staring at you from its red-velvet housing. 
It’s the first time the X-Men see him cry, tears running down his face when you run into his arms screaming yes, yes, over and over as he holds you in his arms, sunset illuminating your features. He always thinks of you as beauty personified, but watching you admire the diamond-studded band with awe—the one thing that signifies you as his—he can’t help but look at you like icarus does to the sun.
The wedding was small—neither of you minded. Hank was the ringbearer, and Charles walked you down the aisle, and when your vows were said and done the priest could barely finish the ceremony before Logan lunged forward and kissed you, dipping you at the altar accompanied with a cheer from the people you consider your family.
Scott has the video saved on his phone. He pretends it pisses him off, but he had Jean send him a copy later. Sometimes he watches it when he thinks you’re asleep, but little does he know you are very much awake.
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In your fourties’ you have a house together, somewhere upstate where no one can bother you. A cozy wooden home where it’s just you and him, relaxing by the fireplace and watching tv every day. When he’s not helping the X-Men he works at a local lumber yard, the highlight of his day being when he comes to work, grabbing his equipment from the truck. 
His co-workers jeer at him every time, call him whipped like butter, but they wouldn’t understand what he feels. He certainly doesn’t seem to care, especially when it’s your kiss pressed to his cheek.
He can safely say his life is perfect. It’s domestic, it’s everything Logan ever dreamed of, everything he thought he could never have—and it’s all thanks to you. He wakes up every morning grateful to you for giving him the greatest gift he could ever receive: serenity. 
Between the fairytale ending and his rose-colored glasses, he doesn’t notice it, not until you’re in your fifties and he’s—he’s not.
You’re aging, and he’s staying the same.
You still love each other and he’d never, ever, think about leaving you, but the realization sticks with him. He thinks about it late at night while you sleep next to him, pressed against his side. Your scent, your touch, he memorizes it all because he doesn’t know when he won’t be able to feel it again.
In your heart you know it too, but you don’t say anything—you don’t want to scare him away. He’s only just begun to get used to normalcy, and you don’t want to take that away from him. You don’t want to watch him fall into the honeyed trap of isolation again, return to that shell of a man you only just helped him shed.
So when you’re watching tv together, he makes sure to cradle you to his chest extra tight. When you’re sitting by the fireplace, heat radiating off your skin, he makes sure to memorize the way the fire illuminates your face. When you’re whispering his name after a night of love-making he etches the sound deep into his synapses, memorizing each syllable.
No matter what, he’ll remember you.
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By your sixties you’re faced with an awful truth, one neither of you want to admit but your smile lines and crows feet stand contrast to his barely aging face. You get stares when you mention he’s your husband, some curious, some judging. You were called a cougar once by a shopper, finger pointed accusatory while Logan told her in no uncertain terms to go fuck herself.
He was there to reassure you then, but he can’t be there all the time. You don’t tell him that this wasn’t the first time you were accused of being a predator, and you don’t plan on doing so. 
Maybe this counts as acceptance, faced with the truth in the worst kind of way, but at least the both of you can say it out loud now—
You’re going to die, and he’s going to outlive you. It’s just a fact, but it still makes the both of you terrified.
Your seventies are rocky—you want to enjoy the time you have left, but Logan wants to make sure you’re safe. In his eyes you know he has only love for you, but you can see the fear in them too, how he coddles you every day. Your bones are starting to ache, you’re getting slower. Where you used to go on hikes with him you now choose to stay home, your stamina not like what it used to be. He thinks you don’t notice how he watches you carefully around the house, how he’s so eager to help you. You’re flattered, but also annoyed—it’s a short-lived train of thought when you look at him.
He still looks at you like he did when you first kissed. 
He still loves you, and you still love him. For now, that’s all you need.
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He finds you on the floor in your eighties—eighty-three, to be exact.
The moment he sees your resting form behind the counter he sprints into the kitchen. There’s broken glass, a trail of blood running from your temple, and you’re completely out of it, eyes closed shut. He calls your name, shakes you, but nothing. He knows you’re still alive, he can hear your heart beating but he can feel how weak it is under his clammy hands, the soft thump nowhere near as strong as it should be.
He doesn’t know what to do—he’s long since been familiar with blood but this time it’s you, and he’s panicking. He doesn’t know what to do.
The ambulance arrives, longer than usual because you live far away from the city. Maybe if they’d gotten there faster they would have been able to do an infusion. Maybe if the phone wasn’t so far you’d be able to call 9-1-1 before you passed out. Maybe if he was at home he would’ve been able to see the early signs—
“Sir? Are you alright?”
He looks at the clock on the bedside wall: 7:38 pm. 
It’s well into the night, five hours have passed since you were admitted, and an hour since you died.
He’s been staring at your body for who knows how long. The doctor pronounced you dead, said you had a heart attack and hit your head on the way down. An accident.
A fucking accident.
“Sir, was she related to you?” The young nurse asks, contemplating whether or not she should even speak. Wordlessly, he nods.
“I understand you’re grieving,” she continues, standing at his side. Her words are full of empathy, none of which he needs but lets her speak anyway. “I saw on your hospital logs you share the same name, I can’t imagine how it must feel to lose a loved one.”
He nods again.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how old was she?”
“…eighty-three.” He answers. “Her birthday was in a month.”
She shakes her head. “That’s a shame.”
“It sure is,” He says, reaching out to touch her hand. It’s cold to the touch, a cruel reminder. “It sure is.”
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You would’ve been eighty-four now.
He still lives in the same house but it’s not the same without you. It’s lifeless, empty—all the love you poured into the decor now just an awful reminder of what he lost. He thinks about tearing it all down sometimes but he knows you’d probably kick his ass if he so much as touched your crystal vases.
Your side of the bedroom is untouched, he moved all his stuff to the separate one the week after you died. It hurts to sleep there knowing you’re gone, but sometimes he’ll sit by the nightstand, a drink in hand and stare at the empty spot where you would be. Sometimes if he stares hard enough, he can see you through tear-rimmed eyes, hear your laughter through the dull buzz of the alcohol.
He misses you. He’s not sure if he’ll ever stop.
He doesn’t know what possesses him, but he opens your closet. It’s an indulgence, a moment of weakness—he promised he wouldn’t touch your stuff and here he is, rummaging about. 
Coats, dresses, shirts, all memories flooding back to him as he moves past them. The black dress you wore on your first date, the sundress you wore for your anniversary—
When his fingers brush against the lace, his heart lurches. He doesn’t need to see it to know, but he tugs anyway, revealing your wedding dress hidden deep inside. The most beautiful thing you’ve ever worn.
He takes the gown between reverent hands, as if the fabric would fall apart, disintegrate if he was anything but cautious with it. It still smells like you.
He finds the box labeled “wedding” next to it, and without hesitation pulls it from its corner. Wedding invites, flowers, old videos, everything that you could have taken as a memory, you had it. You even kept the cake toppers.
What surprises him though, is a notebook. It’s tiny, leather bound and slightly worn, every page a new entry. He flips to the first page and his heart nearly stops.
Dear Logan,
If you’re reading this, I’m probably dead.
His eyes widened. When did you write this? The small book suddenly feels like lead in his hands, it’s a struggle to pull his eyes back to the ink-stained pages, but he does so anyway.
I hope I managed to give this to you before I pass. I wish I could explain to you how much I love you, and how much I worry about you. You’re a stubborn asshole, could never see the good in yourself but I did—I still do. I’ve known you for thirty years now so I’m willing to bet you’re probably reading this drunk, blaming yourself for my death.
He doesn’t know when he started crying but your words make him laugh through the pain, wiping the palm of his hand against his cheek. He used to say you were secretly a telepath, always able to read his mind. Seems it’s a talent that extends beyond the grave.
Anyway, rambling aside, I wanted to give you something to remember me by. You’re going to live longer than I am, we both know that: but maybe my memory can live along with you.
His hands are shaking, fingers stumbling through the next page with bated breath.
Entry one, not sure how I should start…I’ll figure it out later. Your beard grew out a little so I offered to help you shave…
I think I did a shit job but you didn’t seem to mind, or maybe you were trying to save my feelings? I don't know which one. In any case remember to take care of yourself, I might be gone but like hell if I’m gonna let you let yourself go!
Attached with a paperclip is a photo of the two of you in the bathroom, you smushing his face while he stares at the camera annoyed, or at least it seems. There’s a hint of a smile on his face.
He remembers that day. You were cuddling him and complained his beard was scratchy. He let you sit on his lap while you gave him a trim, you said your lines were crooked but he didn’t give a shit—he had you all to himself, and that’s all he needed.
A small huff of laughter escapes him, even in the afterlife you’re still bossing him around. He flips to the next page—
Entry two, don’t isolate yourself! I know you Logan, that lone wolf shit doesn’t work and you know it too! When’s the last time you talked to the other X-Men, huh?
Your words rattle in his head, feelings of guilt blooming. They call occasionally, but he never picks up. Charles is the only one he ever gave the time of day and even then the mention of your passing is a sore subject. One time Scott showed up at his house, helped him clean up a bit before leaving; he never said thank you.
His eyes flick to the phone on his nightstand before continuing to read. 
Entry three, don’t starve yourself! I left a couple of my recipes in the last pages, just in case you missed my cooking…
Entry four, I have a secret album of us on my phone. The password is…
Entry five, stop being so hard on yourself…
Entry after entry, all stories with advice for when you’re gone. Clean up after himself, don’t try to find peace at the bottom of a bottle, remember to find a hobby…every single page, accompanied by a description of what you did that day. Went hiking, went on a dinner date, stayed at home and watched tv—almost an entire year's worth of reminiscing in the form of a tiny brown journal.
By the time he got to the last one the sun had begun to rise. His eyes burned with exhaustion, but the thought of stopping never crossed his mind.
The big three-six-five, happy anniversary! It’s been a year since I started this project and I think I should end it here, so I’ll end it with the best advice I can give you.
Logan, you need to move on.
I know it hurts, but I’m gone, and you can’t spend your life chasing after a woman who isn’t here anymore. You deserve more in life than to grieve. I love you more than anything in the world, which is why I’m telling you it’s okay to move on.
I’ll always be with you, so don’t think that you need to feel guilty. I know you love me, and I love you.
I’m giving you permission to forgive yourself, and let me go.
He re-reads your words. Once, twice, even three times before they really sink in. I’m giving you permission to forgive yourself, and let me go.
At that moment it all comes crashing down on him. Your death, the funeral, the pain and longing, the grief—all of it. Everything he’d ever tried to push aside by drinking, culminating into this single release of emotion.
He cries. A full-bodied, pathetic display, he sobbed while holding your last memory to his chest until he was red in the face, until his lungs burned. He sobbed until he had no more tears to give, then sobbed some more.
Even in death, you were still listening.
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toasttt11 · 1 day
the right boy
summary: being in love with your childhood best friend isn’t always the right choice maybe the cute hockey player is the right boy?
jj mccarthy x reader, luke hughes x reader
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Growing up with the McCarthy family and being best friends with JJ especially. From going high school together to being accepted into Michigan University together, the two were always glued to each other sides.
Anyone with eyes could tell JJ was in love with her just as she is in love with him, what no one could figure out is why neither had confessed yet.
She did and admitted to her feelings to JJ one night in her dorm and JJ was stunned didn’t say anything back but kissed his best friend back.
They ended up falling into bed together and fell asleep after and when JJ woke up way before her and realized the consequences of getting in a romantic relationship with his best friend, he quickly put on his clothes and grabbed his stuff and left her dorm.
Leaving her to wake up in a bed all alone. Humiliated and upset with him and herself. She confessed her love and she woke up naked and alone.
JJ ignored her the whole week and the first time she actually saw him was a week later as she was heading up the stairs up to his room, as a party is going on in the Football house and she was told that JJ is in his room.
She knocked on the door before opening it and freezing at the sight in front of her, A bleach blonde sorority girl who JJ has said he did not like at all but she was on JJ’s lap straddling him.
JJ looked up at the sound of the door and his eyes widen drastically and his heart dropped seeing who was in the door, he immediately pushed the girl off him and was chasing after his best friend who was already down the stairs and quickly hurrying through the party to outside.
“Rosie! Rosie! Stop!” JJ called after his best friend, using the nickname she got when they were young and she would make rose crowns and make everyone wear them, JJ saw her slowing down but not turning towards him.
“What’s wrong?” JJ questioned seeing the tears on her face and the way she ran out of the house
She just looked at, “Why?” She asked the question she had been wanting to know.
“Why What?” JJ asked looking extremely confused.
“If you didn’t feel the same why did you kiss me back.” She demanded towards him glaring at him with tears still in her eyes.
JJ blanched looking pale, “Ro- i do feel something for you, i have for years.” He desperately spoke moving forward to hold her hands but his heart broke even more seeing her flinch away from his touch.
“In Love? So in love that you kissed me back after hearing my confession and didn’t say if you felt the same, then slept with me but was gone before i woke up and completely ignored me for a week only to stop ignoring me because i found you making out with someone else. Yeah JJ i’m sure you are so in love with me.” She sarcastically nodded watching JJ’s face fall the more she spoke.
“Rosie that’s not-“ JJ desperately tried to get out knowing how bad he screwed up, especially knowing he’s been kinda messing with her on accident, didn’t help he asked her to be his prom date in high school and bought her flowers and everything, always touching her and letting her wear his jerseys. JJ always denied it when anyone asked about his feelings for her because he was scared and know he realizes that wasn’t a good idea.
“Save it JJ.” She cut him off sniffling, “I’m done. I’m done trying to read into all of your double sided actions, I’m done trying to be there when you’re sleeping around with half the girls in the school and come cuddling up to me after. I’m done letting you stomp all over me.” She spat out all the words she had been holding on for years.
She quickly turned around and started walking away ignoring his calls after her and continued the walk home.
“Fuck!” JJ cursed as slammed his foot against the light post watching her continue to walk away eventually until she was out of sight.
She stopped going to anything football related and blocked JJ’s number and ignoring anyone who contacted her that is connected to JJ, making all of the McCarthy family sad and confused why she wasn’t talking to them until JJ admitted he screwed up.
It was a few weeks later and she was sitting in the library working on her history assignment when she heard someone clear their throat, she looked up seeing Luke Hughes standing there with a nervous look messing with the straps of his backpack.
“Is it okay-“ He asked gesturing to the empty seat next to, “Everywhere else is full.” And he wasn’t wrong the whole library was packed of students.
“Sure.” She nodded softy and looking back down at her assignment, blowing out a frustrated breath when her hair fell and covered her face.
“Your McCarthy’s Girl?” Luke hesitantly questioned knowing who she was since he started at Umich and saw her at a party and she was sophomore then and he thought she was stunning but knew he didn’t have any chance as JJ was her boyfriend.
“I am not JJ’s girl.” She looked up sternly speaking as she glared at the cute curly haired boy.
“Sorry, just everyone thinks that.” Luke flushed apologizing quickly not meaning to offend her, but also feeling hopeful that she might be single.
“It’s okay, but JJ lost his chance and i’m moving on.” She explained shaking her head knowing Luke didn’t mean anything bad when he asked. And she wasn’t lying about moving on the more she remembered how bad JJ has treated her the easier it has been to start moving on.
“That’s good, i mean sorry?” Luke awkwardly scratched his head, She couldn’t help but let a laugh at how awkward but adorable he looks, she hasn’t laughed for days, Luke perked up smiling happily hearing her laugh because of him.
Luke started coming back everyday and sitting next to her getting to learn a little more and more about her each day, he also noticed she always seemed frustrated with her hair, always looking annoyed when it fell her face but never putting it up.
“I have a question.” Luke spoke leaning his chin on his hand looking at her as she was writing onto her notebook.
She looked up setting her pen down giving him her full attention, “Shoot.”
“Why don’t you put your hair up? You always seemed annoyed by that.” Luke questioned noticed the many times she gets very annoyed by her hair.
“Uh when i put my hair up i get headaches pretty quickly so i’m just stuck with it being in the way all the time.” She looked away slightly trying to ignore the warmth growing on her cheeks as she realized Luke noticed that but she was not suprised as Luke is very sweet and attentive.
“Why not cut it short?” Luke softly questioned frowning, His mom always has her hair short too because she hates it long so he wondered why she hasn’t cut her hair short.
“I’ve been told i look better with long hair.” She awkwardly explained thinking of the time that JJ told her short hair just didn’t look good on her and she should keep her hair long.
“That’s bullshit, you’ll look great with either hair length. But it’s more important that you’re comfortable and your hair now seems to not do that.” Luke reached over gently squeezing her hand giving her a meaningful look, “Whoever said that is stupid because you’re absolutely beautiful and your hair is not gonna change that.” Luke smiled softly at her reassuring her.
She felt her eyes soften as she listened to Luke speak and she hated feeling her heart race a little faster remembering how it did that around JJ, “Thanks Lu” She smiled softly squeezing his hand back and she knew she had to rethink about getting her haircut short.
A month later she had slowly felt she was moving on and really healing from all of the pain, she had talked to the rest of the McCarthy’s besides JJ and they all understood why she didn’t talk to them for a little while.
A big part of moving on was because of Luke, she has spent most of her free time with Luke and has went to more hockey games in the last month than her last three years at Umich.
Luke’s friends are lovely and easily accepted her in their group making her feel as if she gained multiple brothers.
She had just came back from a hair appointment where she finally decided to chop her hair off and it was above her shoulders now and it felt so incredible.
She headed to Luke’s dorm and walked down the hallway to his dorm knocking on the door waiting for Luke to open the door.
Luke smiled hopping of his bed hearing the knock and knew who it was, he opened the door and froze seeing her, “Yo-You cut your hair!” Luke stuttered out looking shocked.
She smiled bashfully tucking her shorter hair behind her ear, “I did.” She has to admit she really liked how she looks with the short hair and regretted listening to JJ and not cutting it sooner.
“It looks beautiful.” Luke softly spoke, thinking she looks more herself with the haircut and he never thought she could get even more beautiful but with her new hair, she definitely did.
“Yeah?” She asked hopefully her dimples showing up from smiling up at him.
Luke smiled at her gently tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, “Beautiful.” His eyes flickered between her eyes and lips.
She smiled even wider, “Thank you.” She softly mumbled.
Over the past few weeks of knowing Luke, she began to feel more herself and smiled easier with him. He made her feel in the way not even JJ even made her feel.
She accepted the fact that she has feelings for Luke, feelings that are only growing stronger and stronger every day.
Luke smiled softly seeing her smiling and his hand stayed on her cheek gently rubbing her cheekbone.
“Kiss me?” She hopefully whispered, looking up at him.
Luke froze his eyes widening in shock and hope, “Kiss you?” His voice went higher but he had a very hopeful look on his face. He has hoped to hear her say those words for a very long time.
“Please.” She whispered her eyes flickering nervously around his face.
Luke let out a sigh of relief and bent down to her finally pressing his lips to hers and sighing happily as they melted to each other.
Luke whined when she pulled away making her laugh fondly and press another kiss to his lips.
“Does this mean i can take you on a date?” Luke whispered taking a step back into his dorm and closing the door but not letting go of her.
“You can as my boyfriend.” She teased his softly back enjoying the way his face softened even more.
“I would love too.” Luke beamed pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, she sighed in relief and wrapped her arms around him resting her head on his chest.
Luke’s leg bounced up and down as he waited for his girlfriend to come see him, they have been dating for almost two months now and he just got back to Michigan after playing with the Devil’s for the playoffs and he was going to have his girlfriend finally meet his family.
Jack and Quinn shared an amused look at how excited Luke is to see his girlfriend, they have known about her for a little bit now and Luke surprisingly talked about her quite a bit to his brothers.
Luke smiled getting a text from her that she is here and he quickly got up and walked down the front steps seeing her car in the driveway, she got out of the car and Luke immediately wrapped his arms around her spinning her around.
“Lu.” She giggled as he spun her around making her cling to him, Luke slowly stopped setting her back down, “I missed you.” She whispered holding onto Luke tightly.
“I missed you too my sweet girl.” Luke softly whispered back pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“Gonna introduce us Lukey boy.” Jack playfully called out from where Quinn and him were standing on the front porch.
Luke pulled back from their hug rolling his eyes making her snicker but flashing a slighty nervous look at his brothers. Luke saw her nerves and grabbed her hand squeezing it reassuring and walking her over to his brothers.
“Jack, Quinn this is my girlfriend.” Luke proudly introduced her making her flash a smile at the two.
“So you’re the girl who my brother never shuts up about.” Jack teased flashing her a soft smile back.
“You talk about me.” She playfully teased her boyfriend making him fondly roll his eyes blushing.
“Shush you.” Luke grinned pinching her side. She just smiled softly at him before turning back to his brothers, who were watching the exchange and thought she was already perfect for their little brother.
She followed the boys into the house and saw a very beautiful woman in the kitchen who looked very similar to Jack.
Ellen looked up and beamed seeing her youngest son’s girlfriend, “You are just as pretty as Luke said.” Ellen softly complimented her walking over and she held out her hand for a handshake but Ellen just smiled pulling her into a hug.
“Thank you.” She softly spoke to Ellen as she was hugged her back softly and she gave Luke a wide eyed glance, Luke had told her that Ellen was exicted to meet her but she thought he was being nice but Ellen seems genuinely excited to see her but she shouldn’t be suprised with how kind Luke is, it is obvious he got his kindness from his mother.
Ellen linked her arm with her and started taking to her youngest son’s girlfriend wanting to know everything about her as she can easily tell how smitten Luke is for her.
Luke smiled softly seeing the two most important woman in his life getting along immediately. He let his mom take his girlfriend and he knew his mom would introduce her to his father. Luke also knew there was no way he was going to get his girlfriend back from his mother for a while.
“You picked a good one.” Quinn told his baby brother squeezing his shoulder softly, it was easy to see how in the love the two are with each other in just one glance and she obviously is good for Luke and got along with their mom immediately.
“You better keep her around.” Jack pointed a playful finger at his little brother, already liking his girlfriend and couldn’t wait to get to know her more especially with how easy she teased Luke.
“I plan too.” Luke firmly told his brother smiling as he heard his mother and girlfriends laugh.
Luke spent some time in the living room with his brother, letting his girlfriend have some time with mother before he couldn’t wait any longer and got up walking to the dinning room seeing the his girlfriend, his mom and dad all talking.
“Can i have my girlfriend back now.” Luke whined as he walked into the dinning room and stood being her wrapping his arms over her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
Ellen smiled amused but nodded, Luke grinned and let her stand up and immediately pulled her to his side skiing her laugh and wave at his parents as they walked out of the dinning room and to the living room where Jack and Quinn were still playing videos games.
“Ah he got you back.” Jack looked up and laughed seeing how less grumpy Luke looks now with his girl in his arms. Quinn chuckled too as he saw how Luke was clinging to her.
She smiled and chuckled as she looked at Luke fondly, Luke pulled her down onto the couch and pulled her as close as possible burying his head in her neck and letting a happy sigh.
She easily talked and laughed with Jack and Quinn as if she had known them for years making Luke so incredibly happy as he just was content to listen to them talk.
She stayed for a week with the Hughes and easily everyone just adored her and she fit into their family perfectly. She was the best choice Luke could ever make.
The Hughes were all going to the first game of the 2023-2024 football season, Luke was in town for a few more weeks before he headed to to New Jersey for his rookie year so they were spending as much time together as possible. Lucky for the couple it was her senior year so they would only have to long distance for one year.
She stood on the sidelines of the football field talking with Ellen and Jack as Quinn and Luke were a few steps away talking to some friends and Jim was making new friends somewhere down the sideline.
She has a small blue denim skirt, a yellow tank top and Luke’s michigan jacket.
She laughed at something Jack said when she heard her name being called and she spun around seeing JJ’s sisters.
“Hi.” She awkwardly spoke not sure how to act around the two anymore since she no longer speaks to JJ even if she did grow up around them. She walked over to them meeting them in the middle.
“Rosie!” Caitlin beamed and pulled her into a tight hug.
Morgan smiled and waited for her turn and once Caitlin stepped back Morgan pulled her into a tight hug, “We missed you.”
“I missed you guys too.” She truthfully told them, but she was trying to stay away from JJ and unfortunately it’s easier to stay away from him by being away from the girls too.
JJ finished warming up and was trying to find his sisters and saw them talking to a girl with short brown hair, he walked up to them and threw an arm over his little sister’s shoulder and froze when he saw the face of the girl they were taking to.
“Ro.” JJ whispered shocked as he looked at her, she had cut her hair. She looked so glowy and more beautiful than usual, she looked happy and that was hard pick to swallow knowing he has been miserable without his best friend.
“Hi.” She bluntly spoke, not feeling as nervous as she thought she would feel when she saw JJ again.
“You uh look good.” JJ stammered out flashing a hopeful smile at her.
“I know.” She smiled calmly back and flashed a much softer smile at the girls, “It was good seeing you two.” She squeezed both of the girls hands and turned around and walked away letting JJ see the name on the back of her jacket. Hughes.
JJ’s jaw clenched as he watched her walk to Luke. He knew who Luke is. It was harsh realization as he watched the two knowing he had lost her forever.
She let out a long sigh as she walked away and felt lighter and more free, she walked back to Ellen and Jack and saw Luke back with them.
“You okay?” Luke asked her the second she got to close to as he scanned her face, he saw JJ near her and wanted to give her space but he was watching to make sure she didn’t look uncomfortable.
She let out a sigh and walked to him wrapping her arms around his waist. “I am now.” She mumbled happy as she hugged her boy.
Luke smiled softly, “Good.” Luke pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and she knew she had picked the right boy.
Her boy.
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xcherryerim · 3 days
*anon spawns in your inbox ask question* (and you can go full detail with one) How would it go if you were on a date with Futturman and/or Mike? (bouns: if given a choice to shoot Franklin or Derek, who would you pick without hesitation?)
Hello??? 😭
okay we gonna get too delusional with this one and i’m gonna say is like first date(s).
With Futturman i would love to go to mall with him, solely because I feel like that’s an easy place he can geek out specially if there’s a hot topic near by. He’ll be acting so silly and would try to get a matching bracelet/ring/necklace.
While walking around the mall Josh would see a claire’s and joke how he got his dick or nipples pierced there. You’ll drag him inside to see the plushies and trinkets they sell. He would be standing in the back as he smells every single plushie with the “scented” label.
If he sees you particularly looking at plush and going “aw look! it’s so cute” he would get it for you immediately. Also let’s not ignore that there can be a spencer’s at the mall just saying. After I feel like he’ll take you to a cozy Japanese restaurant.
With Mike is kinda hard. I was gonna say maybe a carnival but… there would be a lot of kids running around. He’ll suffer there! I was gonna say how he would try to win prices for you and Abby but I ultimately decided that a perfect date with Mike would be a plaza. Listen a plaza with a Barnes & Nobel would be perfect. He’ll talk about a few books that he has read, would recommend you some of his favorite artists cds and vinyls.
Eventually you guys would wonder around the game boards and game cards to the movies. You guys would rant for a looong time on which movies are good and bad. He’ll then get a movie for your next date that you both think would be bad but in a good way (or camp) <3.
After that you both would walk around the plaza, just enjoying the breeze and the look of the sunset. At the end of the date you and Mike would go to a restaurant that neither of you have gone to before. It was nice and cheap enough for him (remember the man is broke).
Before dropping you off he makes out with you on the car and tells you how he wanted to do that the whole day.
Bonus question: Franklin for his fo** fetish.
The End.
No i’m kidding! I think the smartest thing would be to shoot Derek. I’m sure Franklin knows how to use a gun and even if he didn’t, he’ll learn it quickly because of his ring (if he’s fast enough) Derek on the other hand has never ever ever used a gun before idc.
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seokmashu · 1 year
hi nina! was a lil bored and thought why not ask the most silliest questions for funzies ^-^
if zb1 members decided they wanted to sneak out for something, what would it be? a midnight snack 🍜 hitting the gym 😤💪 or even messing up their company building 🤣
there is so many possibilities, can’t wait to know ur answer <3
oo this is such a good question bc i feel like they've all been tempted to sneak out at least once 👀
- jiwoong: sneaks out to clear his head, go for a walk/run, probably at night. i feel like he's always looking out for the rest of the boys so he's always "on", but when he's by himself he can finally relax a little (not really bc he's still thinking ab them ((and what they might do in his absence lolol)))
- hao: sneaks out bc another member wants to check out something -- a new cafe, a new item, maybe they just want to hangout and explore the city a little -- and it sounds interesting so why not? i don't think he's the type to sneak out by himself but he's definitely thought about escaping from the dorms when he needs his alone time 😭
- hanbin: sneaks out bc he wants to buy something for his members, like bday presents! hanbin doesn't seem like the type to sneak out in general but when he does it's for other people :)) he also definitely feels like he's being mischievous by evading the staff like on the outside he's stoic but on the inside he's probably giggling
- matthew: this guy doesn't sneak out he just walks off 💀 don't get me wrong he doesn't like to make trouble for the staff or for the members but he just wants to check out this cool clothing store he heard about nearby and no one will miss him for a few minutes right? (he's gone much longer than that lmao and probably brings ricky and/or gyuvin with him too ((who also don't see what the big deal is lolol)))
- taerae: honestly taerae's usually too engrossed in his games to want to sneak out, but when he does it's because one of the other members wants to check something out and he's like oh sure i'll tag along (it's the first time he's seen sunlight all day 😭). i feel like taerae would probably sneak out with matthew a few times since he also likes shopping tbh!
- ricky: 9 out of 10 times this guy is sneaking out to get food 😭 like boys planet dorms? mans 10000% snuck out just to eat like he was probably inhaling whole pizzas when staff weren't looking and nothing's changed now that he's in zb1. when they were in japan he prob wanted to sneak off and get a strawberry dessert from one of those fruit parlors tbh! also would probably sneak out with gyuvin to an arcade heheh
- gyuvin: this guy is like a falling bar of soap he just slips out of your fingers every time you try to catch him LOL he's usually just bored esp when other members are busy so he'll try to recruit ppl to sneak out with him to get food or explore, just cute little hangouts where he can have fun hehe (ricky gunwook matthew are usually recruited) hanbin's on high alert constantly 😭
- gunwook: hmm i can't picture gunwook sneaking out but if he does it's because he senses something fun is gonna happen! he's always down to have a good time and he just loves spending time with his members 🥺 if he were to sneak out by himself tho it would probably be to eat at a restaurant or a cafe, actually this guy is a big weeb maybe he would stop by a bookstore and check out the new manhwas in stock too :3
- yujin: yujin doesn't sneak out but when he does he thinks it's so cool and fun like he probably gets so excited asking where they're going 🥺 i feel like he's the type to like shopping for trinkets and useful/cool things tbh so he would loove going shopping for stuff with his members! also probably misses his dog and wants to see him 💔
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puppyeared · 6 months
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Ouhhhh friendship I love friendship……..
#I’m reading volumes 14-16 of the ouran manga OOUGHHH MY HEART#I love this weird little friend group so much its unreal#like u have this charming sweeps you off your feet prince but he’s actually a huge lovable idiot with a kind heart and his friends#who are all misfits that he reached out to and drew in because of his kindness and own weirdness like that shits TIGHT BRO#and the trauma part where he has some deep seated issues with love bc he thinks that itll break a family apart like with his mom#how his family isnt allowed to be together because his mom and dad fell in love and how he says he wants to build a big house#so that way one day everyone will get along as a family like. all he wants is not to lose everyone and the only way to do that is#by maintaining a certain order.. he both wants a complete family so bad and doesnt want anything to sour between anyone#so he assigns each of his friends a family role based on how he sees them and YEAH its mostly played for giggles and tamakis#already weird so its his way of showing theyre close to him but. god damn this boy has LAYERS#it also feels kinda meta towards how found family tends to get thrown around to assign characters as 'siblings' or family roles instead of#using it to describe characters who are close enough to be each others family. cuz tamakis doing that EXACT THING in a way tht#ties in with his character and i have to say its fascinating using that within the story itself and its completely plausible#theres a lot of things i can say about ouran that are good bad and questionable but. god i love it when characters are niceys to each other#i remember i really liked the mall episode bc kyoya and haruhi got to spend time together and their relationship isnt very close#but it was really nice to see their personalities bounce off each other. i think i also wouldve liked to see haruhi alone with kaoru#i also firmly believe all of the hosts are at least a little in love with haruhi and this can be anything like endearing romantic cuz like#who DOESNT love haruhi. kyoya i think would want to study her under a microscope like his fascination with her draws him in#but im fucking obsessed with whatever haruhi and tamaki have going on because YES hes obsessed with her YES he jumps at the chance to#put her in a cute costume but haruhi? she just fucking goes with it because she knows hes fun to be around even if hes a little wacky abt i#theyre all so. NNGGHHHH#ouran#ohshc#yapping
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e-adlirez · 7 months
Hot take, but I feel like the star / supersister artstyle has a much better taste in fashion compare to the rest. Idk something about the way they style the clothes for the sisters just hit right to me and I even dare to say it is a bit better compare to the older artstyles (including the 1 - 4 comics artstyle). Like, don't get me wrong the old artsyles has good fashion, but for me personally, the star artstyle fashion choice for the girls felt like something they would actually wear u know?
It is a hot take in the fandom, but I do agree with said take :D
You can hate on the snouts and the lips, sure
But the girls’ fashion sense?
Let’s be real the girls’ fashion sense in the previous artstyle was very general white person fashion sense, enough so that you can swap the color palettes of one of their outfits and you’d think it was for one of the other girls. Which isn’t a good thing when you think about it :D
Like seriously their fashion sense can be summarized thusly:
For all of them in general: if they’re not in a tropical climate, they can and will have sleeves. Usually long sleeves.
Colette: roll a d20. If the result is under 15, then she wears a skirt or a dress. Ironically she’s the one with the most hit-or-miss outfits of the five, either through color palette or just skirts being used when they shouldn’t be.
Nicky: if it doesn’t fulfill any of the given conditions: a variant of her old standard outfit, has a collar, is a green shirt paired with brown pants/shorts, is a jacket, is a jacket/coat with upturned collars, has green in it somewhere or everywhere, has orange in a strange spot meant to emulate the old outfit; then who the hell are you talking to that’s not Nicky
Pam: either it’s a shadow of her original red and olive palette, or it has the most heinous shade of lime green paired with her usual red or just have green where it legally shouldn’t be. If it can sweater, it will sweater. She’s been gaining drip lately in the Italian books tho I’ll give her that—
Paulina: she does go for a bit of cozy retro vibes in her fashion style, but I think 60% of them at least have some sort of scarf variant. I dunno, she’s doing fine but her fashion sense is nothing to write home about. If it can sweater, it will sweater.
Violet: Violet, I love you, you’re my blorbo but I’m sorry, you wear so much purple that sometimes I think your wardrobe just looks like Robin’s wardrobe in Teen Titans with the hundred copies of the exact same color palette. Bit classy, fluctuates from sweater child to absolute queen on a dime /pos. If she’s in a temperamental climate, roll a d20; any score below 15 means she wears long sleeves. Flip a coin; if you win, skirt, and if you lose, no skirt. IF IT CAN SWEATER, IT WILL SWEATER. Tho I will say I don’t think I’ve seen a single wardrobe L from Vi that wasn’t out of pure personal taste or the artstyle being weird (i.e. frills and/or lace), so that’s a dub for her :D also in-character but also good on Vi’s sense of judgment because apparently according to some extra Italian content, Vi’s the most experimental with her wardrobe. Minus the purple. God woman has so much purple—
With the newer style, at least the girls have more drip :D drip that actually looks like something they’d wear as opposed to being restrained to color palettes :D
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eddiediaaz · 8 months
i've just realized i haven't really talked about that with anyone for some reason?? i casually came out to my mom and step dad the other week when i was at their place (it went well) by telling them i was dating someone who's non-binary and transmasc. i've only dated cis men before so they had no clue that i'm queer/bi. then i also told my dad yesterday over the phone. and all three of them one of their very first questions was "did they have surgeries?"
like???????? why is that your first question. why are you asking what's in their pants?? not to mention how confused they were by the non-binary aspect of it all, they barely understand what being trans means. my partner's pronouns are they/them in english and il/lui (he/him) in french, which is a whole other complicated thing dskfjbdfs. they don't speak french a lot, but we do live in a predominantly french speaking area, and french is super gendered. it doesn't have a great translation for they/them (there are new words tho but not a lot of people know them yet), and my parents don't really speak english, so trying to explain all of that was confusing for them dfsklndfs
anyway, they weren't being at all judgemental tho, they were happy for me and the questions they asked me definitely came from a place of curiosity and wanting to understand. some questions were definitely not great (like the surgery questions), they didn't even realize it's not something that should be asked (they know now though). my mom really wanted to understand what non binary means. my dad was just like "whatever makes you happy", but he also already knew i was queer even tho i never came out to him because he hinted at it multiple times and i never denied it lol.
my step dad said "i don't need to understand the whole thing to respect it and be happy for you both" and that's the entire point in my opinion!!!
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
boy how do you reblog such great things
been cultivating my dash for years. i also found most of them in my drafts
#looked at my drafts to find a Rb about my day / the boy i like (☕) BUT. IT ATE JT LMAO POST IS GONE#however i will do it here and now#SO IT WAS “CULTURE DAY” TODAY BUT MOST PPL USE IT AS NON UNIFORM DAY#I go in & see ☕ in form and go to assembly blah blah blah dont see him again until 3rd period#i sit behind him in english bc we have a room change and i have an excuse hes sososo funny and talks to me like the whole time#same as biology but he got kicked out for talking too much lol#then at lunch he disappears nd im a little bummed BUT HE APPEARS FROM THE HALL AND INVITES ME#so i go and bring my friends too and we sit while he & some younger years dance#and hes dancing and slaying etc etc all flamboyant /pos /pos /pos sometimes on the stage sometimes near us#near us he looks. fucking DEAD into my eyes and sings along to the song when its like “i know you like me” or sum#NDJSBDJSBE AHHHHH#and im sat a little away from the group but he sits with me specifically#friendgroup takes a pic without me really noticing & my friend Annabelle jokingly goes “why is Bev looking at ☕ with so much love”#I laugh it off. but ohhh ny god u have no idea. i was heart eyes motherfucker the whole time#HES SO CUTE IM SCREAAAAMING WITH THE WAY HIS KIPPAH KINDA MOVES HIS HAIR & HIS NEW GLASSES & SHIRT THAT ISNT UNIFORM SO I CAN SEE HIS WAIST#UGHFJSBSKSB MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD#hes so cool its so scary to be around him#then in PE we were meant to habe just dance for the last 2 weeks but theres been no available room#our group were in the gym but we got permission to wonder around instead#☕ says “whatre you doing?” i say “walking aimlessly” and he says “OH MY GOD PERFECT SAME LETS DO IT TOGETHER”#so him & me & my friends r walking and then im like. can we play just dance in the tennis courts#So he gets it on his phone starts playing and dibs me as a partner for Girlfriend and Timber. oh my sweet lord.#GODDD HES SO PRETTY AND FUNNY AND COOL IM OBSESSED WITH HIM OH MY GOD.#so anyway. thats the answer to your question LMAOOO#loz tag#asks#beverly says stuff#the bev is gay chronicles#☕#like before i wasnt sure if i LIKE-LIKED him or if it was hyperfix or smthn. im now 100%sure i really really like him
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
Miss Ninaa!! When are you free for the summer???
hello, sweetling! and good morning, good afternoon or good night wherever it is that you are. <3 regardless of the time of day, please just know that the world around you is brighter bc you're in it. c':
so i just want to start out by saying that i know i say this a lot...but i cannot tell you what it means to me that you guys care enough about me to be curious about the trajectory of my offline life.
...like, i really just have the sweetest anons in the world, huh? ;-;
i feel unbelievably blessed and count my lucky stars everyday because of each and everyone of you. thank you for being your lovely, lovely selves and caring not only about me as a person but my silly and strange au styles from hell.
speaking of, i am aware that it does not seem like it because of how sporadically i post ncu related content ( if at all ) but i am trying to work on some stuff...as you know well by now, i like to really take my time putting out my work because the quality of the content that you read is paramount to me. you are all far too near and dear to my heart to receive lame, rushed, unclear boof ass content from me.
like...i simply will not do it. thank you for your paitence.
( i will say that i am specifically working on an ask about the greenhouse kiss which AAAAAA giggling, twirling my hair and kicking my feet, like it is SOOOOO satisfying, holy shit! it's also very, very important to the plot which is why i have been taking my time on it. i do hope to put it out today but i am trying not to make promises that i can't keep, get your hopes and dreams up just to dash them and most unfortunately, i do not have a great track record in that regard. i know it's kind of a bummer...but i like to be honest w/ y'all. )
without further ado, here's a little glimpse into my life. xx
again, thank you for asking...that is very cute of you. c': <333
( this is lengthy and lowkey irrelevant. you can absolutely skip this but i think that i am pretty informative in here, so it might be useful? idk. )
so actually, my summer is pretty busy and jam-packed for the most part! or, the first two months are, at least. because i decided to take on summer camp here at the school i work on! camp counsellor nina!
i decided to nab a summer camp supervising position for a couple of reasons. like, obviously, teaching does not pay that much, so really, i need to make all the money i can while i can. don't worry about me tho, guys. bc actually am doing extremely well for myself. <333
( i am a very lucky person, haha -- god nerfed me by being mentally ill, but did make me pretty and personable...which gets me far in life. on the topic of mental illness [ of which i am very ] today i should fare quite well bc other than having a mild headache and being lowkey naseous because my mood stabilizer has that side effect for me...it is worth it when i rem(ember) to take it because it makes me very calm and level, so i am better at responding to my asks/doing my tasks. )
another reason is it keeps me busy...when i am not constantly busy, i get very depressed and fall into gnarly sprials. my job has a lot of downtime and when i am not running around like crazy because a bunch of teachers are out, i'm bored as fuck and i get lazy or restless.
very lame...this summer, i will be looking for a different job ( fml, if you are my boss, don't read this ) and i am a bad procrastinator so i missed the deadline for a fuck ton of teaching positions, but hopefully i can find something in the realm of associate or assistant teaching because....lmao, point and laugh but i am still a little too nervous to teach a whole class by myself. if kids get disadvantaged academically because i am too incompetent at teaching, i will die.
but yeah...if i am still babysitting fourteen year olds after this ( they did grow on me, but it's really not my speed ) please also point and laugh because i would rather go back to retail...yes, i am desperate.
on the subject of teaching kids that are in my wheelhouse and doing stuff my speed, summer camp is actually all k-5 so i will FINALLY being doing a majority of my teaching in the age group that i have my literal credential in. YAY! it's going to be hot as shit where i am over the summer, probably also tiring as shit ( have you seen how little kids act in the summer? ) but i am so fkn exCITED to work with the littles HEEEEELLL YES, BROTHER! uncle nina will be Vibing! <333
so for the first four weeks i am doing general camp stuff, getting a feel for stuff and wokring with all the grade levels...but the LAST two weeks, i get to specifically associate teach in the kindergarten classroom and AAAAAAAA!!!!! I FKN LOVE THE KINDERS!!!!! i visit them every other day because, again, i am bored as shit and they need help over there so i usually hang out with them in PE and play hula hoop tag with them...rn they are learning how to jump rope. soooo stinking cute, oh my god.
-- BUT YES I AM SOOOOO FREAKING STOKED YOU GUYS LIKE I WAS MADE FOR THIS BROTHER. i am gonna wear so many crazy outfits and do such weird makeup pray it doesn't melt off my face.
also, during camp, they go on little field trips and things, hopefully swimming, ( uncle nina is mermaid nina ) and feed you the same stuff as the campers so i get to eat like a nasty frat boy and have pizza and pasta and stuff, which, let me tell you, i am genuinely stoked because they cater a free lunch for the faculty here everyday and it's supposed to be all fancy and shit...but there is a reason it's free because it is SOOOO mid. like it really is kind of ass. i don't know how they do that.
but, sigh, camp is only six weeks so i have to fill my time with other stuff ( also i guess that means in six weeks from when school is done on june...14th, i think? i am free? ) i hope to use that time to structure the fuck out of my life, planf or the future because i am hella bad at it and i hope to do a lot of writing! kind of a pipe dream at this point becaue all my stuff has been *british tolkien vc* actual shite and i can't finish anything...but maybe when i feel better, writing will come easier? when i am less busy and stressed? i hope so. and i hope you guys are still around if i am here but i Completely understand if you are not! it's been a long, bumpy ride. you did your dues and you are free to step off at any time. again, i do not blame you. i am annoying.
BUT YEAH! that's my summer for you! summer camp, hanging out with my cat ( her name is lily, she is very beautiful, very kind, very fluffy and dumb as rocks but she is my babygirl ), getting lots of sushi, going to the thrift store, doing self care stuff, doing less self harm in various odd forms specifically in the form of self sabotage, getting my life together and organized, finding a new job, bettering myself and the world, being kind, entertaining all of you and hopefully writing again! yay! i'll update you as much as i can.
and please, please, pleeeease update me on your lives! i know i don't always respond, but i read everything. my friend who won FIRST PLACE for her raven sculpture, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BABY. my friends who unfortunately went through breakups, i am so sorry, please know it is their loss, you are stronger for it and i hope you heal, but if ravesey can...you can baby. also proud of my various friends going to college and my friends that are not! my friends toiling through their lame jobs and my friends who are dipping their toes in the world of creativity through writing, drawing expressing yourself! i love, love, LOVE you! thank you for sharing your lives with me.
( speaking of friends, i am specifically hoping to spend my summer bonding with my rant girlies and we made a little group chat and we are being so funny and chaotic and unhinged. i love them all so bad. )
BUT YEAH! thank you for asking my love! look out for some important in character asks, hopefully some finished or more distinguished writing and know that if i am not responding or posting, it is not because i lost interest...as you can see, i am very busy, especially as the school year approaches an end, my summer is a little busy, i fall into ugly manic/depressive cycles and am working on taking care of myself...offline. thank you for understanding.
and thank you for being here! you are troopers, forreal! you are angels and saints for putting up for me and enduring me never posting or posting really chaotic weird stuff. i love you. thanks for caring. <3
i love you and i hope you heal,
uncle nina, future ceo of glamour girl summer camp <3
P.S. i am specifically working on developing and post more about my other aus because i want to give you some variety and challenge myself to do stuff out of my comfort zone! so if you are excited at all about the tsot/tfbw nina stuff, please make some NOOOOISE! lol and if you are not i totally get it, but if you could give me gentility and grace, i would appreciate it because i'm insecure abt it. MWAH!
#hi baby!#thank you SO much for asking you are so stinking cute for this like omg i am blushing thank you so much#i am working on answering some asks but its slow goings but i am emotionally stable nina today so hell yeah brother#i love the greenhouse kiss ask but it requires a lot of context moving parts and me explaining stuff thoroughly#thank you for being paitent i hope its worth it#i also don't know how much people care about my dead ass fanfic or any of my stuff but thanks for fighting the good fight#anyways! camp counsellor nina!#i get to work with the k-5 kids i am so stoked its gonna be loud and very hot outside but fun and enriching#very stoked to do something entertaining#when i tell you i am BORED it fucking sucks like this job is so ass and rn my school is kinda going through messy drama#so it's not pleasant to be here i am not having fun#BUT I WILL! and i have a lot of fun answering my asks hell ya#wokring on getting another job holy shit please pray for me#but yah! trying to be a better me and come back into myself and write more comfortably you guys are helping me#thank you for respecting my time and need for space#i am pretty introverted inspite of my little god complex big scary writer routine and i get overwhelmed by attention#i never quite know what to say but i'm trying#write to me anytime i love you#also i had a friend send me an ask and ask me if their question is odd -- it's not sweetheart i just don't have an answer yet#i haven't shdslkhdld thought about it hard enough but i will get back to you haha y'all are unhinged and kind and so cute#ily ily ILY
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lovvelorrn · 11 months
i've read 3 ya romance-ish books in the past 7 days or something and now i feel so weird lmao
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A) LOL it's that couple again xD
But also I mentioned seeing the top comment was something like "Now I'm even more confused" and I AGREE like WHAT THE HECK
#I don't like the past marriage theory but that one's looking like its options are good#I don't GENUINELY believe it but I think they might be trying to make us think it's something like that xD#but agh I don't know xD#anyway AAAAHHHHHHH CARLOS AND ANDREA THOUGH :DDD that scene was so cute 🥰🥰🥰#yk besides the cloud of mystery and dread hanging over it XD#to us anyway and kinda to them but with less mystery lol#but yeah I do kiiind of regret watching them but at least I can have my live reactions here :))#also :DDD AAH still to the 'as long as he doesn't wear leather to the wedding' xDD#and like tk I love you but I don't think that's really answering the question xDD anyway though lol man's got his priorities straight XD#9-1-1 lone star#911 lone star#oasis's 9-1-1 chatter#911 lone star season 4#911 lone star s4#I hope they don't have to plan that quickly but I get the feeling they will xdd#I still want a finale wedding just for the importance of finales but I mean I'll love it any time XD#when will one of my ships finally get to plan a wedding and go through with it <33#(looking at you malec and wopez)#XDD#anyway lol#I'm not gonna rewatch them no matter how much I want to bc I still want details to surprise me later lol#anyway AAH they were amazing and even if I regret it a bit I'm sure I'll get over it (I'm already starting too a bit and it wasn't toooo#much anyway more just 'these might be first scenes/first times we see this' (like saying fiance lol) and seeing them before xdd#but I still enjoyed and loved them :)))#the promos and the moments lol#but yeah I am SO EXCITED :DDDD#as I predicted tgd took over for a bit and I do still have to finish my review for that but lone star's already coming back (it only#backed off a bit lol) it's just now tgd had more space in there too XDD they're not encroaching on each other they're just chilling lol#anyway xDD bye y'all lol :)))!#love you guys <333 ❤️🥰🥰!
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yo9urt · 2 years
#mine#i still have a crush on my coworker -_-#we talked a lot today i got to know him more and we're getting like rly friendly with each other its really nice#but i URRRRGHH#also on thursday i asked him for music recs because i need them and he was like well what do u listen to#which is such a good question for him to ask and i peeked at his spotify when he had it open and he had like 50 billion playlists with#different genres and i was like !?!??!? what does this mean#but i didnt ask#anyway i was like ummm indie rock and other stuff#and we talked more about genres and stuff and then he was like u should try her's#and i was like oh i know her's harvey is one of my favorite songs and he was like i didnt think u would know them thats cool#but also harvey is (was) the only song by them that i knew so i took that recommendation and 1 or 2 others home with me and i was like ok#and i listened to songs by her's (thats the title of their first album) and it was surprisingly good#but also because music is my secret love language its hard to listen to some of the songs and not immediately think of him#and today he  urrrrgghh he just looked cute he had like a shirt under his work shirt that was kinda cute and he had this jacket he came in#wearing and wore it when he left too and it was like denim and i thought it was normal rough denim but i brushed against it while i was gett#getting ready in the bathroom and it was SOFT and i was like WHAT#also he smelled good again he pisses me off because he smells good every time he comes in and its like how are you doing that#and periodically over the last several days ive run into smells that are a little similar to whatever he has going on#or ill hear a voice that sounds vaguely like his or yesterday when i was out with my friends i saw a guy who looked kinda like him#and i just feel insane im like 9@*UL>$??@?#also i forgot to mention this but he looked very handsome in the denim jacket and it pissed me off#and we got to talk so much today and its like AUAUUUARGG. and at the end of my shift he was about to clock out#and i had just clocked out and i was going to refill my water and then leave and he stopped me#and he was like what shifts are u working next quarter and i was like uhhh blah blah blah#and it turns out we probably will not have shifts together which sucks especially because the reason we knew each other#at all before january is because we had shifts ''together'' (not really but we bumped into each other frequently) in the fall too#so its like. wtf. wheres my consistency. why cant i keep seeing my favorite coworker at our job. fuck this gay earth#hes fun to talk to too like he has a lot of silly strange and interesting stories and hes just like nice and fun and always says goofy shit#i feel like hes the type who just makes friends easily cause ive seen random customers talking to him too and hes just like kinda chill and
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celibibratty · 9 months
one thing i like about the woman, is that she is a chinese woman, but she doesn't remind me of mulan
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
kiss it better
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in which spencer notices your bruised knees and tries to make it up to you
18+ (fluff, allusions to past intimacy) warnings/tags: gn!reader i believe, reader has bruised knees lol, guess why, implied intimacy, hurt/comfort, sorta implied d/s dynamics maybe?? spencer is so smart and not very smart, but forever my no. 1 cutie pie a/n: why do i love writing about smut like before and after smut way more than i actually like writing smut LOL anyways here is this cause i haven't been posting very much!!! (also ik I said I don't like babe as a pet name but shhh) and GIF :D
“Hey,” you grunt as you flop on the bed in your pajamas, rumpling the neat covers. “Pay attention to me.”
Spencer holds his Sudoku off to the side and watches, eyebrows raised, as you scoot closer, tossing your leg over him. Soon he’s abandoning the book and pen on the bedside table in favor of hooking his fingers under your knee and stroking your leg, much to your delight. 
“Okay. What kind of attention would you like?”
You allow him to put his other arm around you and settle your cheek on his shoulder. 
“This is pretty good.”
“Oh, good,” he says with only a hint of teasing, leaning down slightly to kiss your lips and then the tip of your nose. 
When he pulls away you can’t help smiling up at him like a lovestruck idiot. Obviously he’s perfect all the time, but in his glasses, with his hair messy, wearing a navy crewneck instead of a button up and tie… he’s just… he’s just so…
He’s just so alarmed?
“Honey, your knee.”
“My knee?” Your own brows furrow and you track his eye line, craning your neck to look down to the blotchy sprawl of purple and red marring your skin. “Oh.”
The pillow is soft under your head where it falls, unconcerned even as Spencer gawps at you, baffled by your nonchalance. 
“What did you do?”
You snort. 
“What did you do, Spencer?”
It’s cute, the way his lips move as he silently repeats the sentence, trying to discern the meaning of your words. 
“What do you mean? I did something?”
The knot between his brows has not loosened any—in fact you’re worried he’s going to give himself a headache. Or at least make himself dizzy, with the way his eyes cycle between your own. You try again, covering his anxious hand on the bend of your leg with your own. 
“When we got back from Penelope’s thing, the other night?”
Slowly the understanding seeps into his expression—soft guilt in his eyes, and a deep red stain in his cheeks. At least his face relaxes. 
God, he’s so cute. He can’t hold eye contact, looking down once the shock of embarrassment has faded and swallowing, a little frown twisting his features once more. You reach up, brushing his cheek with a thumb and adjusting his glasses. 
“What’s wrong?”
The question comes out too smiley, but you can’t help it. 
“I hurt you,” he says, quietly, utterly ashamed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“I kinda think you did,” you tease, and Spencer says your name with a serious edge. You try to quit grinning so much. “Baby, it’s fine. You didn’t hurt me. Don’t you ever get mysterious bruises?”
His eyes are wide and honest on yours when he meets them again. 
“No. My iron levels are optimal.”
“Okay, well, lots of people do. Sometimes I get a bruise and I have no idea what it’s from because it never hurt. These,” you look down, gesturing to your knee, “never hurt. It’s just what happens when your knees hit the floor.”
“Well you shouldn’t have been on the floor,” he scolds, countering with a sweet touch on your cheek. “I’m never letting you touch the floor ever again.”
Your shit-eating grin is back and better than ever. “Oh, so you’re going to carry me everywhere we go?”
“If that’s what it takes. I don’t like seeing you bruised up.”
“It’s okay. I bruised myself doing something I love.”
At this Spencer rolls his eyes and kisses you once more before gently pushing your leg away and getting out of bed. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, all smugness gone and more concerned than you ought to be as he flicks the bathroom light on. For a moment you receive no answer, but then he reappears bearing a white tube. 
“Give me your legs,” he says, sitting next to you on the bed. You swing your legs over his lap and watch on in mild interest as he dispenses lotion from the bottle and tosses it aside, carefully rubbing it into the bruised skin. Every few seconds he glances up to gauge your reaction, and though it’s definitely tender, you avoid wincing. “You don’t have to do that. I can tell it hurts.”
You laugh. 
“Yeah, well, it didn’t until you started trying to fix it.” The ointment is pungent and you make a face. “What are you rubbing all over me?”
“This is vitamin K and Arnica. It will make the bruises go away faster.”
“Aw. You don’t think they’re pretty on me?”
He sets the bottle on the nightstand and retrieves the pen he’d been doing Sudoku with earlier, uncapping it. Your heart swells as he draws tiny sad faces by the bruises on your knees, glasses slipping down his nose as he focuses intently. 
“I always think you’re pretty. I just never want you to be hurt, ever.”
“Are you done taking care of me now?” You ask, reaching out for him. The pen joins the bottle and suddenly he has no concern for your bodily health, practically crushing you with a hug. When he speaks it’s muffled by your shoulder. 
You hum, nose tickled in his hair and forming a dastardly plan. 
“You could kiss them better.”
Spencer laughs and presses his lips briefly to your neck. 
“I might just do that.”
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cupidscrule · 6 months
Apology post for all the sukuna hate(I still stand by it)
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Warnings - none
Summary - sukuna can't express love, but he's trying ..
"woman where are you going." He groans as you get up off of him, "ohh is someone needy" you playfully remark to him
You and sukuna had been together for.. a while, but it was almost like he was a little boy in elementary school pulling on a girls pigtails to get her attention. He couldn't express love, or at least he couldn't express it well.
He disliked physical contact, yet always looked at you annoyed when you let go of his hand, he never spoke up about his disdain however. It was confusing to say the least, the man couldn't admit to himself that he loves you, you don't know why? It must be something with being an 'almighty king' or whoever high and mighty bullshit he spews on about.
His gaze is harsh, but you can see the slight change in his expression when he looks at you, even if it's just a glance it's almost like it softens. Just for a moment, it's honestly kinda cute how he tries so hard to hide his feelings, to bury them deep down even though you're already married.
He'll kiss you, let you snuggle up to him in bed yet he can't say the words 'i love you'
He doesn't understand how to get your attention, he'll just pester you till you look up then just look at you. He'll gently pull your hair to get your attention, really anything but words . But he's trying to get better, in his own way?
"get back in here" he grumbles brows furrowed, his tone not genuinely mad but ticked off, "okay, and why do you want me to?" You ask, not a real question. You know he loves your contact, only yours. He doesn't respond just stares at you, small frown on his lips, expression honestly looking disappointed in you. "I will slice your head off if you don't crawl back into my arms." He says after a short few seconds, still rolled on his side.
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kxsalt · 1 month
Hot wash cycle. Still warm from the dryer, she pulls her lucky skirt from the laundry pile with a frustrated groan. “oooh nooo… it shrunk!” She holds up the pink fabric. It was already a small garment, but now it would barely fit. Unwilling to let go, she pulls it up her legs. Squeezing past her bum and sucking in her stomach, the girl stands in front of her mirror.
The hem of the skirt barely covers her pussy. Tugging at the bottom, the ditzy girl rationalizes her outfit. “it’s long enough…” She says to no one. Absent minded, the girl has already forgotten to put on panties. A cute shirt with no bra and she’s ready for the day. Turning away from the mirror, her round ass hangs out of the skirt - flashing her pussy through her thigh gap.
Everybody’s being so nice to me today! All the cute boys smile at her as she walks through the park. She has a skip in her step, jiggling her bare bum and showing off her tight cunt. “hai puppy!” The girl squats to pet a friendly dog. The owner is friendly, too. He asks to take a photo of her playing with the pet. She grins as the phone camera captures her exposed pussy.
Later on, she flips through clothes on a hanger. One drops to the floor and the girl bends over to pick it up. When she rises, the older man standing behind her wants to show her something. “Pardon me, but I think you’d look great in this shirt.” The white crop top is thin and frilly. Trying it on, the stretched fabric is see-through. He helps adjust it, squeezing her tits and brushing against her nipples.
I can’t believe he bought this for me! I love my lucky skirt. More men stare at her like a piece of meat as she walks home. Whenever a slight breeze floats by, the oblivious girl is essentially naked. The girl’s heart skips a beat when she sees her hot neighbour walking down the street towards her. She feels confident. She feels lucky. Waving at him, they talk for the first time.
The man is polite and kind. She giggles and bounces on her heels after every sentence. Gawking at the hot guy, she fiddles with her skirt. He looks her up and down. Her nervous grip on the fabric makes her lift up the front for a full view of her wet pussy. The man breaks the ice with an obvious question. “How much?”
“huh?” The dumb girl doesn’t understand. “what do you mean?” He’s upfront and casual. “How much money to spend a few hours together.” She’s entirely confused. “i don’t have much money, but I’d really like to hang out with you…” Clearly, a more blunt approach is required. “You’re a prostitute, right? I’ll pay you to have sex with me.”
The girl turns bright pink, matching her tiny skirt. He thinks I’m a prostitute? Aren’t they really pretty? That’s such a sweet compliment… Her thighs are sticky-wet with her pussy juice. “i don’t know how that stuff works…” The man give her a condescending pat on the bum. “Don’t think too much about it. I’ll just come by this evening.”
She’s dancing by the time she gets home. Flopping into bed, she starts to scribble excitedly into her diary:
OMG I had the bestest day!!! My lucky skirt shrunk but I love how it fits! Everybody kept looking at me and smiling and telling me I’m pretty! I finally felt confident enough to talk to that hot guy and he was sooo nice!!! He kinda said I looked like a whore :) <3 <3 <3 I think I have a date with him tonight! Hope I get lucky!!!!
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