#this was so big asdfasdf
Plans & the Plan Man
Buckle in, this is going to be a long one!
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Princess Iron Fan: "Oh! So you're plan, didn't go according to plan, hm?"
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Sandy: "Alright, so what's the plan?" MK: "Uh...I dunno, I was just gonna wing it?" Sandy: "Sound's great, let's go!" MK: "What!? No! I didn't mean you guys too!"
(1x10 The End is Here!)
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MK: "....Let's help him." Everyone: "Huh!?" MK: "What other choice do we have? Look, Spider Queen won't see this coming, it's the best plan we got. So I say, let's help a demon rob the celestial realm."
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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MK: "What kind of villain are you!?" Huntsman: "The kind who's got bigger plans than getting boiled to death by dumpling soup."
(2x02 Dumpling Destruction)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Whatever she's planning...it's all to do with that. I- I've seen you use your staff, surely, you could use it to smash that thing?"
(2x05 Minor Scale)
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Pigsy: "Yeah, yeah, destiny-shemestiny. You saw how fast the kid dismantled your little bone toy, right?" Lady Bone Demon: "That was part of the plan. I do apologize for what comes next."
(2x10 This is the End!)
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MK: "We have a plan! You could help! We could stop her together." Macaque: "*laugh* You can't even stop me!"
(3x04 The Winning Side)
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Mei: "Ai-ight, then, what's the plan, Monkey Man?" MK: "Under cover of darkness, I'll infiltrate DBK's fortress, bypass his security systems, sneak into his bedroom and snatch that nose ring! Meanwhile, Mei, Sandy, you'll find us a getaway vehicle and we'll be home free, ring in hand- then, find the other two, beat the Lady Bone Demon and save the world from total destruction! Okay, any questions?" Mei: "Nope! Sounds like a good plan, MK." Sandy: "Flawless!"
(3x06 The First Ring)
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MK: "I'm okay with rushing him! What's the plan, Monkey King? We got all three Rings of Samadhi, so how do we use 'em to make the Lady Bone Demon go boom!? Is there a switch or...?" Sun Wukong: "It's a bit more complicated than that. In order to reforge the Samadhi Fire, we'll need to reach the summit of that mountain."
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Pigsy: "Maybe Monkey King's not as trustworthy as you think, MK." MK: "Wha... what do you mean?" Pigsy: "Think about it. He told us he had a plan, but we don't know what it is; he told us there were three rings, but maybe there's a fourth; he told us that map was so important, but it hasn't been useful once this whole trip!"
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Sun Wukong: "Stop! If you hurt that kid, I'll-" Macaque: "What? Make things worse for MK?" Sun Wukong: "Stop! I have a plan!"
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Macaque: "So this was the Monkey King's great plan? How do you still not see that he has no idea what he's doing! How about this for a plan—stay down, MK, or I will put you down."
(3x09 The King, the Prince, and the Shadow)
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Sun Wukong: "This wasn't supposed to happen. I thought if I could somehow get the Samadhi Fire out of you—without hurting you of course—then I could put it inside myself! Then, I don't know, use it to burn up the Lady Bone Demon or something? I was kinda making this up as-" Ne Zha: "-that was your plan?" MK: "That's not a good plan!" Sun Wukong: "Yeah, to be honest, this is the first time I've said it out loud, so..."
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Mei: "We trusted you. All of us! How could you lead us into this fight without a real plan?"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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Lady Bone Demon: "It appears your quest to use the power of the Samadhi Fire to destroy me hasn't quite gone according to plan? Why else would you show up unarmed with none of your friends for back up." Sun Wukong: "I didn't need The Samadhi Fire to put you away last time, figured I could make do without it. Lady Bone Demon: "Oh, my power has far surpassed what it was when we last met in battle. Even now, I sense you do not have what it takes to defeat me. Sun Wukong: "Hmph. That won't stop me from trying." Mayor: "A hero to the end! How delightful."
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Lady Bone Demon: "*laughs* No back up and no weapon. So your plan is to...fist fight a child?"
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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Red Son: "Dragon Girl! We have to go after them!" MK: "No! What we need is a plan. If we go after them now, there's no way we win." Red Son: "But our only chance to beat the Lady Bone Demon just teleported away! The Dragon girl was our last hope." MK: "As long as we're still standing, there's always hope! Mei is more stubborn than anyone I know—between that and your training, she's not gonna give up the Samadhi Fire without a fight! Red Son: I can't tell if you're being heroic or moronic. But alright, let's make a plan."
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MK: "That's why we're gonna formulate a plan!....I'm open to suggestions, what we got?" Tang: "Uh...Die with dignity?" Pigsy: "What kind of plan is that!?"
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Pigsy: "We're just doing the same thing over and over again! I'm losing my mind over here!" Macaque: "I hope I'm not interrupting—but, if you're making a plan to defeat the Lady Bone Demon, I know a guy who might be able to help."
(3x12 The Corrupted King)
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Emperor: "You- you've been planning this from the beginning, haven't you? To work your way to the top, to overthrow me?"
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Mayor: "That information won't help you now. My Lady has corrected the one mistake in her previous plan. [...] The Samadhi fire is the one thing strong enough to cleanse not only the mortal plane, but the celestial realm and everything beyond even that! A fresh start, a clean slate—just as she had planned."
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Sandy: "Alright! So, what's the plan, Monkey man?" MK: "Well, if the Lady Bone Demon needs her Mech to use the Samadhi Fire, then all we gotta do is destroy that Mech before she gets the chance!"
(3x13 Time to Be Warriors)
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Sandy: "And now you're thinking Mr. Tang's gonna use his newfound powers to free our mystic monkey. Right?" Pigsy: "And if that amazing plan doesn't work?
(4x02 New Adventures)
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Scroll Subodhi: "Without question, you were not born from the stone as he was! Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer—but of one thing, I am certain: fate has plans for you! Great plans or foul? Time will tell." MK: "I- I can't be! I'm just- I'm just MK!" Scroll Subodhi: "The Monkie Kid?"
(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
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Tang: "I saw it. Here. Wherever this place is, him, plotting to take down Monkey King. That was his plan all along, to trap Monkey King inside that scroll and do something sinister, something bad, probably!"
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
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Sun Wukong: "So we all know I'm the greatest teacher in all of history." Macaque: "Ugh, this guy." Sun Wukong: "But my plan making..." Mei: "Is the worst!" Sun Wukong: "Okay, hurtful, I was gonna say "needs improvement". Either way, Imma hand this over to a pro! -You're up, kiddo!"
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MK: "-Wha...Wh-Why me? Sun Wukong: "'Cause you're the Plan Man, man!" Pigsy: "Oh yeah, give us one "MK master plan special", to go." MK: "Hmm...Okay. Ne Zha's right. While Azure's got the Jade Emperor's power and the scroll, there's no way we could beat him head-on."
(4x12 The Plan Man)
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Sun Wukong: "Hey, Lieutenant Monkey! How's the plan going?"
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MK: "Huh! This planning thing is really working out, huh?" Sun Wukong: "Yeah! Who'da thunk?"
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Mei: "Every time we've gone into a final fight, we've basically winged it without a real plan. But it's like Subodhi said: that won't be enough this time. We need to wait for the moment to strike!" Pigsy: "But Azure ain't gonna just wait around for us to attack. If he's got as much of a grudge against Monkey King as Macaque says he does, he's just gonna come and attack us first!" Mei: "Exactly! By not attacking, he'll think we're not ready for him, but he'll be wrong! The plan is to make it look like there is no plan at all, when really, we're already doing the plan! MK's plan!"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
I reached the image limit but we did it! We're done!
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weeb-cheese · 1 year
the delusions that fill my brain every time I record and finish a video. I always think it’ll be the one that blows up and makes content creation a viable career for me
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good-beans · 5 days
Thanks for the tag @rainbowghostcat!! This is really fun :3 ✨
Are you named after anyone? - Aw, my middle name is also after my (great) grandmother! I know my parents knew someone with my first name who they really liked, but I wasn't specifically named after her
When was the last time you cried? - Lmao I'm a big crybaby so. um. today. asdfasdfs
Do you have kids? - No, and no plans on it, really.
Sports? - I did dance for a long time! It wasn't competitive, but the company was very involved, so it never felt lesser. My favorite was ballet, but I did jazz, modern, and musical theater :)
Do you use sarcasm? - Absolutely nonstop with my family since that's all of our humor, though I'm hesitant around others since I never want to come off rude.
The first thing you notice about someone - huh, I've never really thought about it? Not their name, that's for sure 😭
Eye color - Brown 🤎
Scary movies or happy endings? - I'm a big wimp and can't take scary things, so I'll go with happy endings asdfsd
Any talents? - Well, I'm hoping I'm good at writing (creatively and academically) 😅 I'd say I'm pretty crafty overall -- I may not have mastered a single art but I've dabbled in enough mediums and projects to have some skills
Where were you born - The new england area of the US! (Never managed to develop their cold tolerance, but some people around here say I have a hint of an accent asdfsdf)
Hobbies - Writing, drawing, reading, and though it's been a while since I've actually played anything, video games lol
Pets? - The rest of my family has always been allergic to cats/dogs, so we had bearded dragons when I was younger :3 Catsitting for my brother made me fall in love with them, so I'd love to get more reptiles/a cat someday :')
Height - 5'5/165cm but I'm still holding out for my growth spurt 😤👏(<- she is past growing any more -_-)
Favorite school subject - English/Language Arts! It could be hit or miss with the sciences
Dream job - Author..... I'm still hoping to write and publish things, but the dream is being successful enough to solely be an author 😅
Anyone is free to hop in! Tagging @iqmmir @justzosiahere @heynowisavedyouright @labyrintherim @trinipopkt :D
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forineffablereasons · 11 months
ultimately it was half a season. it didn't resolve its own arcs or answer all of its own questions, and neil has been saying it was intended to "set up" series 3 so like i get it. it doesn't make for terribly satisfying tv imo but i get it. without the minisodes it was absolutely half a season, and i didn't feel like the minisodes said something new about their relationship that we didn't already know from s1.
the edinburgh minisode was also tonally all over the place, ngl that was a big woof to me
i did love the soho set. the record shop, the pub, the coffee shop, the romantic little restaurant, the magic shop.
congrats ineffable bureacracy. i wish there had been more like, foreshadowing? through the series? like i should have been able to put those blocks together on my own before ep 6
i love miranda richardson. and jon hamm. jon hamm is so fucking funny. also loved quelin sepulveda. muriel's adorable. loved that for her
i did not love crowleys hair/make-up. the placement of the tattoo was actually WAY more distracting than i expected it to be. sometimes my man was straight up orange. whoever did that, fire them.
crowley being SO convinced that standing in the rain together under a canopy being the key to falling in love did something to my heart
ok lets discuss the end
i didn't love it but i understood it. ok that's all i have to say actually ASDFASDF bye
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kindlystrawberry · 12 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @thebeckster, thank you so much!! I love doing these. Sorry this took me so long though, I got distracted by life and then totally forgot until I saw it again in my notes recently asdfasdf.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 74 total!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 476,681 since 2018 :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A BIG variety, but my top 5 are: RF4 (by FAR, 38 fics), Good Omens (4), Tales of Series (4), Ace Attorney (4), Samurai Love Ballad (3)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Good Mornings (Good Omens)
The Space Between (Ace Attorney)
Glass Heart (ROTTMNT)
in your eyes (Ace Attorney)
The Waves (OFMD)
Those are all from the bigger fandoms I've written for, so that checks out! I'm quite proud of those :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every one! I'm sure I've missed some but I generally at least try to thank someone for commenting, and I love engaging with people about fandom.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh I'll be honest, I write angst SO rarely that I don't really have one that ends angsty. I guess "Bruised" (Lovestruck/Starship Promise) because that's just the most generally angsty fic I've written, but it has a happy ending anyway lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write almost exclusively fluff so they're all pretty happy in their endings. If I had to pick a happiest I'd probably say "Seasons" (Good Omens) just because it's so purely fluffy and sweet, and since they're literally immortal it basically promises fluff for the rest of time? Lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! The most I've gotten is more like, confusion at a fic but even then it's never really been negative.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Haha... Yes. I think uh *checks notes* 4 times now? It's basically always a character study and also purely just. Fluff and with feelings, etc. etc.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not fully. The most I've done is a bit of a crossover between different games within the same series (so like, two Tales games, or two RF games) but even that is rare.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a full co-write! I've co-plotted a couple though that haven't quite made their way to fruition, and it was tons of fun. I'm also fortunate that whenever I've got writers block I can find a friend to whine to who will usually also give me ideas!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Mmmm this changes depending on what mood I'm in, but consistently I have always particularly loved and gone back to Phoenix/Miles (AA) and Crowley/Aziraphale (Gomens)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ohhhh man. Uh. So mnay. The MOST though would be an unpublished Dylas/Doug kid fic that's still sitting purely in my google docs. I've got 1/5 chapters written and it's like 10k long already lolol. I really, really want to finish that one but uhhh hard to say. Some others are:
Berseria poly-ish fic about fake dating
Doug and Dylas cowboy sequel
Asafure mermaid
Farcille bodyguard/musician AU
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at fluff, comedy, and dialogue! I like finding a fun dynamic between characters and really picking at it until I've got it, and then jotting it down!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh lord. I am AWFUL at angst, and awful at writing out longer things. I've tried so many times to write out longer things I've plotted and I just always lose steam/get bored/hate it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's great! I love reading it when other people do it. The only language I speak fluently besides English is Spanish, but even so my writing in it isn't the strongest, so I do get a bit self-conscious! Still, I enjoy it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In general ever (back in 2013 on Quizzaz lmao) it was The Avengers. As far as AO3, since I started seriously writing again in 2018ish, it was Voltron!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oooooh, gosh it's hard. I can pick two. It's either "Glass Heart" (ROTTMNT) that I just absolutely poured my heart and soul into! I researched a lot, studied the dynamics and characters a lot (I literally have an analysis section in my document about their fears/wants/needs LOL), tried really hard to make it feel like episodes of the show (which I don't often do!), workshopped ideas with friends, and tried to balance plot/angst/fluff! I think it came out well and I'm proud of it :)
And my other answer is "Knowing You" (RF4) which is a fic that's for literally TWO PEOPLE only (me and Patt) because it's a rarepair on top of a rarepair, but I just like... wrote it SO easily. Those 28k (??) absolutely poured out of my soul and onto the page. I also did stuff I don't normally write (jealousy, angst, mild miscommunication) and I think I was able to resolve it well in the plot of the fic!
Tags: Absolutely zero pressure! And if anyone sees this who wants to do it but didn't get tagged, please feel free to just say I tagged you :) @randomstarmuffin, @punkaraoke, @spinachartichokeditz, @quinniehere, and uh anyone else who wants to I'm sorry I've forgotten people's tumblrs lol
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lurkingteapot · 8 months
What did you eat yesterday? きのう何食べた? S2 Ep 3
This has become the "oh right I still have this to catch up with!" show for me and I love it.
we started out in June and now it's October already
aaah going out on a date as married as they can get! I love them
omg Halloween party?! gotta give it to Shirou-san, I would not have clocked that either
that fish looks delicious but I'm not sure about the ginger like this--
OKAY I TAKE IT BACK here comes the oil I was missing! idk that I'd heat sesame oil that much (I'd use smoking-hot neutral oil and add a little sesame oil at the end, after the hot oil has been poured over the fish?) but ANYWAY. very much the Japanese version of a Chinese dish, I'd still try that if I could get the fish.
ooof the parental disownment just hits every fucking time. some parents are just awful.
asdfasdf hi Shirou-san thanks for validating my realisation.
oh these new-fangled burial sites? memorial halls? not even sure how to call them but I feel like they're a neat solution. Also the "talking about death with parents" is … very real (and a good convo to have, talk to your parents about this shit if you're close at all! I promise it'll make it easier when the time comes, one thing less to decide during a difficult time)
Kenji's so flamboyant and I really love that.
Katsudon? I bet he's making katsudon
oh god please take that off the plastic before putting it in the toast-- okay phew
oh Kenji, you're gonna get in trouble with Shirou-san for messing up his careful meal planning :'D can't blame him though. this looks delicious
Shirou-san is growing and learning so much, and it's hard for him but he's trying and I love that so much.
!!! SHE INVITED THEM TO SHARE THEIR BURIAL SITE?!? wow wow WOW Kakei-mum, that's big.
next week preview worries me the tiniest bit, but only the tiniest bit because these two are good at working on their relationship and getting better and better at talking things out.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
The tension in the newest update (and also the next) is honestly sooo delicious but the entire situation is sooo funny bc the Fallen Humans are basically going:
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(*replace city w/ underground or kingdom)
and the Dreemurrs have. NO CLUE what's happening and that totally adds to the tension but it's just so funny lmao
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asdfasdf i've LOVED that meme for like 10 years its my big fave
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timesthatneverwere · 8 months
I was tagged by @sky-kiss, thank you! <3
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I won't lie. The names I give my WIPs are incredibly boring and straightforward. See for yourself!
In a folder called "Raphael fic", where I keep the work for The Devil that knows you, I have the following documents:
chapter 2 (close, so very close to not being a WIP anymore)
chapter 3 (already cheating on chapter 2 with this)
chapter 4 (asdfasdf blorbo goes brrrrrrrrrrrr)
In a folder called "Tarkin fic", where my WIPs for An Imperial Affair are stored, you may find:
chapter 10 (2) 3 (getting there!)
chapter 10 (2) copy (for an alternative approach. Eventually I'll have to choose between the two "chapter 10(2)" ones. The only problem is both routes are neat and it's blocking my progress big time)
chapter 11 (so. much. plot. This one is already fully outlined)
for the future (ideas for more chapters and different endings)
No pressure tags for @squadron-of-damned , @tantive404 and @madelgard !
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ascalonsmercy · 1 year
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heaps n heaps of donny lore i tried brainstorming into the giggle docs yesterday.
he's a very contrary kind of person in the way that he's always ^^ but he almost always has an agenda behind everything he says and does. it gets so warped and wicked to the point he starts enjoying it (sometimes) and when he gets out of ishgard for limlom & beyond for a while he really does start to feel the weight of 'aren't you tired of being nice? don't you wanna go APESHIT' meme bubbling up into volcanic explosion mode.
i. talked with mads before about how he probably learns some of the ROG after a while and finds that it surprisingly suits him for someone who initially believed (and was believed to be) not meant to become a warrior, & whose talent in destructive magicks was his saving grace when it came to defending himself.
i'm always teetering on how much 'heart' he has in him - that is, WHOLESOME heart i mean. i tried writing in a notebook (which i barely ever do anymore asdfas) his thoughts like a journal and i kept stopping myself bc . i'm still undecided on how much he legitimately CARES about anything or anyone around him. he DOES to a degree i'm just unsure yet of how much that degree is.
btw his inspirations thus far are shinya hiiragi (owari no seraph), lamorak (granblue fantasy), & sleipnir of house harbard (ffxvi). he is VERY pretty with the same ash-blonde hair as his big sister euphemie & the same starlit eyes to boot, though his are more elegant instead of euphemie's big round doll-like doe eyes asdfasdf
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roccinan · 2 years
The teaser is so laughable. Andres attitude rises the big question mark.
And his outfits?? Not a fan. I'm sorry. Looks like something that came out of willy wonka factory.
I feel like everyone in the teaser raises many questions, including the people we've never met asdfasdf But yeah, Andres himself was just spinning around doing nothing- why is he the leader?
Whaa? You mean you're not a fan of this clearly classy (TM) high fashion (TM) elegant (TM) outfit!?
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riflesparked · 1 year
❊ ✣ ❋
I want to roleplay with you I like the way you express your muse(s) Your blog is one of my favs
BIG CRY THANK U ZIM i am humbled (i hope i got these right my eyes don't work so good asdfasdf) and also uno reverse.
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
The Musketeers Reaction: The Exiles
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
“Don’t get…” Buddy.  You.  Have.  No.  Right.  T- Actually neither of them do.  WHY WERE THEY CHOSEN FOR THIS?  [*simultaneously*  "Don't get involved"  Aramis, you're one to talk]
That… Looked sus
HOW  [?]  IS THAT BABY IN THAT THING?  [There are straps or something; don't question it]  That’s so unsafe!  The mom in me is like HOW TF!  Ack!
[Legitimately, though, why did they have d'Art and Aramis teaming up and think this a good idea]
Welp… they left the wrong one with her [alsdkfj True]  He just gonna replace the baby  [ALKDSFJ]
[Sir, she was by a grave; where do you think hubby be?]
If Flirt removes and puts this hat back on one more time ☠️☠️ I know why he’s doing it but ☠️
[Dude.  Athos should have had a hawk.  Is it at all in his character?  Nah, not really.  But it'd be cool.]
All I heard from Louis was whine whine whine… whine whine
[asdfasdf We've found the two competent members of les Inseparables]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Whine.  Whine.  Whineeeee.  [I recognize that he's not actually being unreasonable here but he's very whiny.  I guess he could rescind his own ruling maybe?  idk for sure.  But like... she really did commit a rather serious crime]  I just 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨  This man.  
["Decapitating one's mother is rarely popular with the people sire - it always looks a touch ungrateful."  I love the Cardinal's sarcasm ngl]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Very true
Poor baby!  I’d be crying too.  He’s like WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN.  And getting flip flopped all around
Do they think she’s a witch?  [I don't actually remember]
Bbys like OH GOD WHY D’ART I’m screwed
Athos got them crazy eyes now
You just wanted to kill your mother???
Oooop y’all don’t be looking at each other  [Another instance of Treville and the Cardinal being on the same page btw]
Wot.  The.  Fuck.  This man?!!??!  [Louis is… a character]
Buddy you think your cape is big enough?  [Nope… You know what they say about men with big capes-]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
["Aramis and d'Artagnan aren't back yet"  No shit, you paired those two together… The mission went to shit the second those orders were given]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Then again… Had he sent Porthos with Aramis…. They would have never arrived at all  [Ah, then you've come to the (correct) conclusion that Athos has the braincell; I've taught you well]  😂😂😂😂  And he needed the brain cell with him guarding the king. Alas his hands were tied
Oooohhhhh poor bby king… Don’t cry… Uuuuwuuuuwuuuuu  [It must be said... I do like the actor who plays Louis.  He does a good job at being... this]  He does!
It’s very obvious she’s faking  [Ma’am is manipulative af]
[Ma'am.  Treason is not a "misjudgement" most of the time]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Ma’am why does dart need to be joined?  [*simultaneously* "I'll go and join d'Artagnan"  I'm not surprised, dearie]  You!  Are married!
[Good news... Aramis knows ways of healing wounds *cough cough*]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Have you, Flirt? Have you?
I thought they were gonna kiss I was like oooop
She looks like the queen of hearts in the live action Alice
Beauty and the beast 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
[Wait.  Hold up.  Oh shit.  Huh]  Wait Wot? Lol  [Nothing]
Well shit… Flirt, stop talking
That’s so fecking sad omg ack
[Whoa, there, d'Art]  ☠️☠️
☠️☠️ [THE SIDEGLANCE]  I knowwww  ["You'll have children of your own someday"  "If it's meant to be *stares at d'Art*"]  Lol
Poor Constance  [She's gone from running the risk of dishonoring herself because d'Artagnan asked her to in Athos's name to running the risk of dishonoring herself because d'Artagnan asked her to]
– – – 
Jezebel: I honestly don’t know how Aramis can breathe… Buddy has shoved his foot so far down his throat this episode 😂😂
Wench: asldkfjalkdsfj it's true
Jezebel: And the king! I just can’t get over how childish he is! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 poor Anne I could never live in an arranged marriage! (That’s what these like always are right?)
Wench: This was def an arranged marriage, yes.  As part of an alliance between France and Spain
Jezebel: Ohhh! 🙂 Then you got the queen of hearts being sneaky and conniving! And Athos being the only one with sense!
Wench: Oi, Porthos hasn't done much, but he's still not lacking sense!  It's only when Aramis is there that trouble ensues
Jezebel: Very true!  I swear: you got the brains, the brawn, the beauty, and d’Art
Wench: asdkfhjaslkdfj  Also known by their alternative titles: the traumatized, the traumatized, the traumatized, and, oh, yeah, the traumatized
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  And these are the famous musketeers whose story has been told for centuries (?)
Wench:  I mean.  Yes
Jezebel: The ? Was because I wasn’t sure when the book came out ☠️☠️
Wench: I know al;ksdjf
Jezebel: Honestly?  I love it
Wench: Though, again... d'Art was a great deal less traumatized in the book.  And I don't remember Savoy being a thing for Aramis either.  idk... it's been a bit since I read, but I only really remember book!Athos having a Traumatic Backstory alksdjf
Jezebel: So trauma, poverty, religion, and…. And d’Art.
Wench: Well, again, I'm not sure about the poverty even.  For Porthos, I mean.  I don’t remember it being a big part of the book, aside from the fact that he’s described (iirc) as marrying well, and that’s why he has a title.
Jezebel: Unless it’s just the show that has Port come fro- Yeah, that!
Wench: I don't know for sure… I need to reread 😭  The Wikipedia article seems to agree with me (picture not included)
Jezebel: Oh, so brawn works! And ☹️☹️ He dies?
Wench: Not in the first book… I told you this; he dies in Man in the Iron Mask
Jezebel: The book one tho right?
Wench: Yes.  Ma'am, I've said this like three times 😭  I knew you never listened to me (aff)
Jezebel: ‘Cause in the movie it’s d’Art. Is he the king’s father in the book?
Wench: No
Jezebel: Also… Ma’am.  Memory is shit you know this
Wench: HMPH.
– – –
Oh my gawd!  She’s behind thieving the bby!
[Our wish, their command; Porthos returns to the front lines :)]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Y'all, why are you walking that closely.  You're Asking to get seen]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Athos is back too]
Ooooop.  OOPPPPP!  OHHHHHHHHH PHILLIPE!  [Now you see the cause for the earlier “Wait.  Hold up.  Oh shit.  Huh.”  NOW DO YOU SEE]  I seee!  Le gasp!  OH MAH GAWDDDD
Shit, this baby is the prince
Oooooop she ain’t nothing in there
“He folds”  [Athos, I love you]  
[Constance, my beloved]   Lord… Flirt’s gonna be getting heart eyes for the married lady d’Art’s got heart eyes for
Isss not all about looks flirt
*Sigh*  He’s about to his thigh now. He’s going to have eaten himself by the end
🙂 I like him.  I see what he did there  [This has the same vibe as "just so you know why I can't help"]  It does!!
[I love that Athos knows what happened within one second alskdjf]  😂😂😂
Lady… Don’t be stupid
[Off-topic, but… The temptation to write a Musketeers/Firefly fic is strong with this one]  👀👀👀👀  [I still don’t know firefly but I’m listening]
Maaam!  The king is more a child than the baby!
[Also, Aramis... spare nothing why don't you.  Like... she needs to hear it but also.  Tact?]  He’s definitely eaten his torso by now
Well, the red queen is back  [Do.  Do you mean Helena Bonham Carter]  The character is who she looks like with that hairdo
Wah wah wahhhh  ["Being king can be so boring"  I promise you wouldn't want to be a subject either.  Also "It's so unfair!'  Bitch, you have soooo much privilege.  It's literally not even funny]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ I can’t even with him!
["No, no, let's keep it suicidal"]  😂😂😂😂  [Did you expect any less from Athos?  I mean... buddy's a bit.  Self-care-less]  Very true
[I mean.  She makes a good point]  True ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Henry, Louis, Phillip… Do the people back then know there were other boys names 😮‍💨  [Ma'am, they're French: Henri.  Louis.  Phillipe.  But also… No]
“These barrels contain brandy. A rather good Armagnac, I believe.”  “Athos, now is not the time.”  AND THEN THE LOOK]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  I LOVE IT
BRUH How can she be like this about her kid?!!?  Damn.  Like, he’s whiny but I feel bad for him.
Is she…. Is she good?  [WHY WOULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK HER GOOD?]  I meant the little moan thing she did
Well shit… Poor priest 
Aight, Flirt pulled himself back out to like the ankle.
She’s like nah, I was thinking this man’s a fucking idiot
– – – 
Jezebel: That didn’t feel like it was long enough to be a whole episode I have been robbed
Wench: lkasjfdlksajdf  I'd say do another but it's the time of night where you usually abandon me, so... 'sigh'  Although... next ep is rather a good one.  Deserves focus.  (aka: it’s Athos-centric)
Jezebel: I can’t stay up past midnight again I’m dying in the mornings lol 😂😂😂😂 If it was the weekend I 100% would 😭 cause I’m loving this show sm!
Wench: Hmph.  Shoulda known... you just like me for my shows
Jezebel: LIESSSS
Wench: Mmmhmmmmm… Do endpoint, problem child
Jezebel: This was so fucking sad omg!!!!  This is not what I wanted when I said I was curious if Phillipe was in the show
Wench: I didn't even connect the two last time, if it makes you feel better.  I also didn't connect Savoy to all the dead Musketeers in episode 1 until this go-round.  Or how this episode must have been painful given the similarities to Milady.   I hadn’t seen Man in the Iron Mask (or read the book) in any close proximity last time I watched this
Jezebel: I thought of it when I heard the name but again that was a very common used name ☠️😂  Wait, Savoy was mentioned in the first episode?
Wench: No, but it had the ambush wherein the Musketeers were attacked for the letter they carried as a means of setting up Athos' frame-job.   And it was very similar to the story we hear in ep4 about Savoy.  Thus, that was likely even more unfortunate for Aramis than we knew.  I think there was even snow on the ground
Jezebel: Ooooooh!  And as for the Milady thing… What do you mean?
Wench: Technically it was the King’s duty to execute his mother — largely because he’d made that ruling in the past, to be fair, so he could just revoke it as he did in the show (but no one said Athos POV parallels had to be fair/accurate) — and he didn’t; thus, what does it say about the character of a man who went ahead with it when even Louis didn’t.
Jezebel: 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Well! Damn! That’s more pain than I originally thought it would be! Ack! Now I’m hurt! 😤😤 rude. 
Wench: You're welcome!
Jezebel: bUt yoUr NoT eViLlllll.
Wench: I'm nottttt
Jezebel: Anyway! 😤😮‍💨 This poor woman… Fell in love with a man who was a good person but shunned for his appearance, watched him die, saw her baby kidnapped, finds out he is actually the rightful king only to have that idea squashed because royals are actually quite evil, tries to escape just for her baby to be yeeted into a river…. I mean at least he is alive and they got away but I’m sure she probably has mentally lost like ten years of life from that
Wench: And she had to deal with Aramis for three days
Jezebel: Very true… how this man gets all the ladies is beyond me. He is 😮‍💨😮‍💨 an idiot
Wench: You... you ain't seen nothing yet.  Suffice to say that Athos' statement from the first episode --- "Tell me he's not that stupid," immediately followed by him being, yes, that stupid --- is highly accurate as a personality guide
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂😂  And I say this as affectionately as possible as he is still my favorite. But he is still an idiot
Wench: Naturally... I like him too :)  My ranking, btw?  Athos = high favorite, Portamis = tied for high second, d'Art... somewhere in a distant third.  (Sorry to d'Art fans… I don't dislike him though.  He's just.  Not a fave)
Jezebel: I read portamis as just Porthos and was like you like dart more than flirt for shameeeee!  But, see, what has happened is this show has taken Dean and split him into two characters
Wench: Tbf, the flirty part of Dean was never one of my favorites.  Like, nothing against that side of him, but it's not what endeared him to me.  Thus, I'm not surprised that I didn't hyperfixate over Aramis despite that as a commonality
Jezebel: Very fair 😂 I think for me it’s more the goofiness that I’m liking but the flirting is cute
Wench: The goofiness is also not one of my favorite traits, so... the point stands.  Like.  I appreciate it in both.  But it's not fixation-worthy
Jezebel: Does. Does this make Cas port and Sam Dart ☠️☠️
Wench: You do realize that not every ship is Destiel-coded
Jezebel: It was a joke ☠️☠️☠️ 
Wench: I know.  As was mine  
(EDIT: We’re accidentally paralleling the scene from this episode… “You do realize that not every ship is Destiel-coded” = “These barrels contain brandy; “It was a joke ☠️☠️☠️” = “Now is not the time”; “As was mine” = Athos’ Look)
Jezebel: But also no I don’t I will spread my Destiel fixation to every fandom I want thank you very much.  (Idk why but the image that went through my head was coloring pictures of the other fandoms with a dual color green and blue crayon… It’s late.  I’m feeling it)
Wench: Weak
Jezebel: It’s true.  It’s what happens when you get old
Wench: False
Jezebel: 😊  Anyway… am I missing anything?
Wench: Not that I can see
Jezebel: Goood! Well Athos ep tomorrow!?
Wench: That works
Jezebel: Perfect… ‘til then!
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depoteka · 2 years
15, 17, ,32, 47 for the ask game 🫀💥🌟✨
15. Favorite song?
ever? uhhhh god, hard question. gotta go with insignificance by pearl jam, it has a special place in my heart
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
hmm i think he'd have to be a bit different than me to make it more fun. but also not THAT different because i don't think i'd stand being with somebody extroverted. but the similarities/differences aside, i just want to feel really safe and loved, that's all i need
32. How big is your house?
i live in a flat in an old block of flats with 3 other girls and yeah it's bigger than your regular flat here but still, it's a flat
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
i genuinely don't know and not because i own so many expensive things hhhh quite the opposite, i always buy cheap things only asdfasdf so i'd say the most i've spent on something was a bit over 100 zł and maybe it was on some shoes or a bag but i dunno
thank you, friend!!!
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katierosefun · 2 years
6, 19, 20 for the late night train asks?
thank you for the ask!! :')) // from these asks
6. If you have siblings, are you similar to them, and in what ways? If you don't, do you think growing up with siblings would have changed your personality in any way?
so, i have two younger brothers, and we were actually contemplating this together last night! one of my brothers is exactly a year and a half younger than me, but we share such similar features that people sometimes think we're twins. (esp. when he wears his glasses, lol) that said though, i think he and i are pretty different in terms of personality--when we were little, i used to be the one getting into fights, and my brother would be the one to hold me back or grab my arm to keep me from swinging. people would always think that i'd be the calmer one because i'm the girl, but lmao, my brother was always the one who was a lot gentler + sweeter with folks.
my youngest brother (who's five years younger!) and i are a lot more similar (much to our middle brother's exasperation), in that he and i both are a little less social, and we both have really stubborn mindsets when it comes to people. we also both have a streak of dark humor, which makes our poor middle brother look at us like we've grown another head.
(for reference: my middle brother's reaction to me getting into law school was "congratulations <3", while my youngest brother's reaction to me getting into law school was "neat! now you can help me bury bodies".)
(i love them both to death though, i think if rebirth is a thing, i'd still want to be reborn as my brothers' big sister, every time.)
19.  In general, is there any historical event you desperately want to witness?
mm, idk about an event, but i think it would have been neat to visit the library of alexandria before it was burned down.
20. Do you think about your past or future more?
i'm a writer, which means that i never get over anything, ever. (asdhf; asdfasdf mostly a joke!)
all this to say, though--i think about my past a lot more than i do my future. there are moments that i think about time and time again, people who i'm no longer speaking with who i wonder about whenever i'm sad or tired, and staying at my hometown is an exhausting exercise in staying focused on the present. i try to think that it can be a bit of a gift, though--because i think in order to become a better person (a better friend, sibling, daughter, partner, whatever), we kind of have to think about our pasts. (so long as we also make sure not to live in them, either.)
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strandnreyes · 4 months
Judd and them wear bigger gloves in uniform as well. I think RR said before that he’d incorporate the ring into TKs necklace at work
yeah, a big diamond is going to tear through the gloves paramedics wear. not that that's what TK's ring looks like lol but yeah I feel like it makes more sense to have hands free from any obstruction. also, paramedics in general would need to be a lot more sanitary because they're digging around in people's wounds asdfasdf with the amount of hand washing they probably have to do, I wouldn't even want to wear a silicone one
I do remember that comment, so there was already some understanding that TK wouldn't wear a ring at work even before shooting began. TK putting his ring on his necklace is also written in every fic ever (and i love it!)
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dorkshadows · 4 years
@antidotefortheawkward Your anons be like, “Do people ship Sherlock and Watson because of the influence of yaoi manga? I really like Dr. Watson, but I’m afraid that by liking him, I am fetishizing Englishmen. Sherlock Holmes is my favorite French detective!” 
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