#im actually really happy with my height but i still loving doing a bit with it because im shorter than most friends/family 😅
good-beans · 7 days
Thanks for the tag @rainbowghostcat!! This is really fun :3 ✹
Are you named after anyone? - Aw, my middle name is also after my (great) grandmother! I know my parents knew someone with my first name who they really liked, but I wasn't specifically named after her
When was the last time you cried? - Lmao I'm a big crybaby so. um. today. asdfasdfs
Do you have kids? - No, and no plans on it, really.
Sports? - I did dance for a long time! It wasn't competitive, but the company was very involved, so it never felt lesser. My favorite was ballet, but I did jazz, modern, and musical theater :)
Do you use sarcasm? - Absolutely nonstop with my family since that's all of our humor, though I'm hesitant around others since I never want to come off rude.
The first thing you notice about someone - huh, I've never really thought about it? Not their name, that's for sure 😭
Eye color - Brown đŸ€Ž
Scary movies or happy endings? - I'm a big wimp and can't take scary things, so I'll go with happy endings asdfsd
Any talents? - Well, I'm hoping I'm good at writing (creatively and academically) 😅 I'd say I'm pretty crafty overall -- I may not have mastered a single art but I've dabbled in enough mediums and projects to have some skills
Where were you born - The new england area of the US! (Never managed to develop their cold tolerance, but some people around here say I have a hint of an accent asdfsdf)
Hobbies - Writing, drawing, reading, and though it's been a while since I've actually played anything, video games lol
Pets? - The rest of my family has always been allergic to cats/dogs, so we had bearded dragons when I was younger :3 Catsitting for my brother made me fall in love with them, so I'd love to get more reptiles/a cat someday :')
Height - 5'5/165cm but I'm still holding out for my growth spurt đŸ˜€đŸ‘(<- she is past growing any more -_-)
Favorite school subject - English/Language Arts! It could be hit or miss with the sciences
Dream job - Author..... I'm still hoping to write and publish things, but the dream is being successful enough to solely be an author 😅
Anyone is free to hop in! Tagging @iqmmir @justzosiahere @heynowisavedyouright @labyrintherim @trinipopkt :D
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eulchu · 1 year
meeting sapnap and george: FINAL THOUGHTS!
i wanna preface by saying that twitchcon staff was rushing the fuck out of us <- telling the crowd to take no more than 35 seconds // take the badge in our hands to quicken up the signing process // staff taking our phones to make the pics themselves, again, to quicken the process (whilst really helpful at times!! it lead to some confusion and disorganization). this put a lot of pressure on us and the meetings were a bit clumsy & rushed.
GEORGE: I HUGGED HIM😭💙 he has REALLY strong and hard shoulders it's kind of crazy. he crouched down so that i didn't face plant on his tshirtđŸ˜­đŸ«° i honestly thought people were bluffing when they said george's hugs were s tier but i agree. you would think he's reserved with his personal space but he actually goes in for the hug really hard :(( his hug is very firm and secure. he puts his arms around you really tightly and it's not like a 1 second hug. he REALLY goes in. it felt really good 😞 he was a lot more relaxed today!!! he looked really happy. AND SO HOT i had to turn around to stop looking for a second. i told them to do the eepies for the pic and george looked at me and said. oh😯 a mimir😊 WHICH WAS REALLY CUTE !!!
i told him about the hardcore world as well. he didn't understand at first but when he finally got it he was like OH i completely forgot about it omg thanks for reminding me. and sap said he agreed!!
SAPNAP: HE'S SOOOO CUTE YOU GUYS LIKE IM NOT KIDDING 😭😭 he's genuinely such a sweet little guy i NEED him. I've been so fucking excited to meet him for fucking forever i always thought I'd get on really well with him. and i did!! i came up to him first and asked for a hug and he was like "of course!!!" and opened his arms.
his grip wasn't as strong as george's but it was really really nice still. his hoodie is very soft and he smells like nice deodorant. the best way to describe it is the smell of the guy on the suit getting on the train at 8am. when i asked george to sign my phone sticker (gnf merch sticker) sapnap was very cute about it and asked if i wanted him to sign the badge. i said "yeah but ofc i want you to sign the sticker as well please!!!" and he looked very very happy and sweet about it😞😭 when we took the a mimir pic he looked at us, with his hands still on his face and asked IN A VERY DISTRESSED VOICE "did you guys close your eyes for the pic😹" and george and i were like. we had them closed :3 so. STILL MAKING THE MIMIR POSE he was like. wait i had mine open😭 i think he wanted to take the pic again, but i told him that it was ok AND HE LOOKED SO SO SO SWEET AND POLITE THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE THING. i got such cuteness agression i still feel crazy thinking about it. he's not that much shorter than george tbh they look VERY almost the same height irl. he's lowkey ginger
tbh the sapnap meeting has rearranged my brain chemicals ive always loved him so much but now i need to hold him in the palm of my hand or i will Die
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blitzxiiru · 2 years
I loooooooove your future 2012 AU of the boys. They all look so badass and cool but still them and its so GOOD. I wanna consume them.
I also had some questions if thats okay? What happened to Leo's leg? Did his knee injury gradually get worse and he was like "lol im gonna cut it off" or did he get reinjured in that spot and that was basically the end of the entire leg? Also how old are they in this AU? I know they are supposed to be adults but like in their 20s? I'm just wondering cause their character sheets dont have ages. ALSO LEO BEING THE SHORTEST MADE MY ENTIRE LIFE. (Props to Mikey for finally gaining some height). And I LOVE Donnie's long ass bandana tails, he looks so cool but so dramatic with them its great. Anyway thank you for your time and this beautiful AU!
AIHDDJHDJD THANK YOU SO MUCH IM HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOY THE FUTURE 12 GREMLINS. as traumatised as they are, they’ve worked through it despite some really rough patches. they definitely still have their bad days and nightmares, but they’ve learned to grow together and help each other through those bad times. they’ve changed and grown in their own way ofc, but they needed to relive the teenage years that they’ve lost, that’s why they’re still somewhat themselves in my au :)
it’s actually a mix of both! leo kept pressuring his knee and over the years it gradually became worse — since he kept pushing his knee beyond it’s limits it keeps getting re-injured. the final straw was him snapping his knee again (completely this time) during a nasty fight and had to chop it off. the phantom pains he gets from his missing limb isïżœïżœ horrible, to say the least.
(BUT THAT FIRST SCENARIO YOU MENTIONED WOULD BE SO FUNNY THOUGH. imagine leo waking up one day and going, “oh wow. this knee injury hurts really bad, maybe i should chop it off. lol im actually gonna do it.” cue him barging into donnies lab like “DONNIE. I DEMAND YOU CUT MY LEG OFF” “WHAT?!” “CUT MY LEG OFF IT HURTS” “OF COURSE IT HURTS WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU’RE THE ONE WHO KEEPS INSISTING THAT YOU SHOULD ‘TRAIN’ IT.” “yeah but i think my blood circulation isnt working look my leg is pale” “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LEO” and boom. leg no more.)
they should be around their late 20s in this au, i hc that for every season of the show they age one year. so at the start they were like 15, and the show had 5 seasons (granted s5 was a bit messy and was full of aus and past flashbacks, but there was that demodragon arc and stuff) so they would be 20 at the end of the show. specifically they’re like 28 :) they are kinda old but hey at least they don’t have to pay taxes in the sewers

oh god, when raph suddenly had a growth spurt it was horrible for leo. he was relentlessly being teased every single day and raph would NOT let off. and then when MIKEY hit being 1cm taller than leo, the teasing fucking doubled and he was downright miserable. they kept growing while leo was barely getting any height. he’s still their sensei though — and he makes them do extra training as punishment for the relentless teasing :) donnie doesn’t join in on the teasing (sometimes he does) but he does snicker when raph and mikey make jokes about leo’s height. it’s funnier for him because he’s been the tallest out of all of them since day one.
and yessss i loved designing donnie! since he was tall everything about his design had to compensate for his height so i figured long mask tails and a long lab coat would do the trick. his brothers were concerned over him tripping on his mask tails but he hasn’t, not even ONCE. he is one graceful, careful boy. he braids it or ties it into a bow whenever he does lab work so it doesn’t accidentally slip into one of his chemicals somehow. sometimes he lets mikey do it for him :)
thank you for the questions anon!!! these were super fun to answer and i hope it helped clarify a little more about the au :))
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oohh i love number 2 on ur ideas list .. im pretty deep in my twdg hyperfixation rn so id love that x clem, marlon and louis maybe? happy to see theres still writers for the game
(Hello anon! Thank you for requesting and I jist finished it so here ya go! Enjoy!)
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She wasn't scared of you
But she wasnt that trusting with you
She didn't think ill of you, just didn't really know you
But you very much so did have her attention
You were pretty hard to miss
With the height, numerous tattoos, scars along your body and what seemed to be a permanent scowl on your face
When she was new to the school her eyes immediately caught you, you had been lugging some firewood in the courtyard and when you looked up caught her eyes
She had been staring at you, what she didn't know was that you had also been staring at her
She did have quite the introduction
But you also noticed how she acted towards you, you got it though
You were a stranger after all and growing up you always knew people acted different around you
You knew it was about how you looked, made you a bit sad but what could you do about it?
Until she finally actually spoke to you
Clem looked around the courtyard, every one here was different but she immediately noticed the one person who looked to be 6'0, maybe even taller.
'Holy hell.' She then noticed the tattoos, the scars and you turned around. Fuck, you looked right at her. She had been caught.
But she wasn't very alarmed when you squinted at her, your face forming a bit of a scowl. She wasn't scared, but kinda made a mental note that you weren't someone to be messed with.
After time went on she saw more and more of you, when speaking to you, you were a bit blunt and cold. So she got the hint, thinking you didn't like her. 
Didn't bother her that much, but it did bother you.
You felt a bit guilty when you were a bit rude, you didn't mean to but you were sorta anxious. When Minnie and Sophie went missing you guys hadn't seen anyone else, and then she just came outta nowhere.
You liked her but you also thought she didn't like you and you wouldn't blame you. You also knew a part was your appearance, you knew from literally anyone at the school you came off as intimidating.
Lots of kids were scared of you, hell, Tenn was terrified of you for a while, not Willy. He was a weirdo. So you were shocked when after a few days AJ came up to you, asking to play a random game.
And you happily accepted.
Clem had walked out the admin building, looking for AJ when she spotted him. But with you, she wasn't shocked, more surprised as you held a small firefighter toy in your hand and played along with AJ's dialogue for his game.
She walked over, looking at the sight amused.
"What's going on?" She asked, AJ and you looking up as the boy smiled. "Y/n said they would play firefighter with me!" He smiled, Clem softly smiling at the boy as you chuckled.
"AJ!" Tenn called out, you all looking over as he waved his friend over to him. AJ lit up, immediately going to his friend and leaving you two alone.
"Thanks, for playing with him. You didn't have to." Clem thanked, looking over at you as you shrugged. "No problem, he reminds me of my little brother." You smiled, chuckling a bit as Clem looked at you surprised.
Not only did you enjoy playing with AJ, but you were smiling and laughing?
"You had a little brother?" She asked, sitting on the picnic table beside you. You hummed, nodding your head a bit as you leaned back on your hands. "Yeah, I lost him a while back. I think at the beginning?"
"Sorry about that." Clem said, sympathetic as you waved her off. "It's cool, he just reminds me of him." You smiled at her, your eyes soft as she returned the smile.
You then saw Vi waving you over, sighing you sat up and hopped off the table. As you walked away you waved over your shoulder.
"See ya around, Clem."
She shook her head with a small smile, her eyes lingering on you as your frame got smaller.
She realized that even with your intimidating appearance, you weren't actually. Hard to be when a 6 year old asks you to play firefighters. Maybe she was wrong about you, you were pretty cool in her book.
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The boy was fucking terrified of you
I mean who wouldn't?! 
When you first woke up after being taken in with Clem and AJ you were scowling at everything!
You also at one point had a knife to his neck
You were like a caged lion on steroids when you woke up from the crash
You started a ruckus the moment you woke up and didnt see neither AJ nor Clem in the room with you
They were all you had so you panicked, and you had a hidden knife in your boot so you took it out
Louis was unluckily the one in the room first and as he entered he was thrown against the wall, knife to his neck as he looked up at you terrified
You were tall as hell too, towering over Louis by a bit
He didn't hate you, he understood why you acted the way you did
Also you were pretty but he didn't wanna get on your bad side
Didn't wanna find out what it was like on it
You didn't smile a lot, he heard how you talked with AJ and Clem, all soft
He also noticed the way you would take care of AJ, when someone even looked at any of you wrong thry always met your glare
Kinda scary when a 6'3, tatted, scar filled and muscular teen is standing behind the ones behind thrown dirty looks
He sorta wished he got to see that soft side of you but understood why he didn't
He loved your tattoo's though
Thought they were amazing pieces of art
And he kinda wanted to know the stories behind the scars
But he knew they eere probably personal
He didn't think he would get close to you at all
Until a game of war

You, Clem, Louis, Vi and Marlon were all playing war the first night after you guys had woken up. You noticed the looks the others gave you, but eh, who cared?
Louis had noticed your look, you were intimidating as hell with the height. He could tell you had been through some things, you had the scars to prove it.
But as you all played war he saw you come out of your shell a bit, but when he was really in awe was when you laughed.
He had made a small joke, the others laughing while Vi gave a sarcastic remark, he laughed too before he abruptly stopped. There was an unfamiliar sound mixed in, your laugh.
He slowly looked over at you, seeing the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. You were laughing, holding your side a bit as your smile was a bit crooked.
You were laughing? At his joke?!
He stared at you like you were a goddess/god for a moment before a smile broke out on his face. He made a promise to himself he would make you laugh as much as he could.
And he succeeded, something he is now and always will be proud of. Cause he got the intimidating, scar filled, tattoo covered goddess/god to laugh. If that ain't an accomplishment he doesn't know what is.
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He was sorta put off by you
He didn't hate you, just didn't know you
He was mostly intimidated, you were way taller than him and he was one of the tallest at the school
But that doesn't mean he didn't absolutely love your tattoos
Even if he didnt know you he loved 'em
Before it all he had been into all those heavy metal, punk bands and all that
You sorta gave him a feeling of nostalgia when around, he liked it
He thought you would be a great addition to the school
And he had been right
Ever since they found you roaming the woods, taking out walkers left and right
It took a while to convince you but eventually they came back with you in tow
It took a while to get used to having you around, you were cold and blunt at first with a glare on your face
But that was because you were in a new place, you took a while to settle in but you were grateful they gave you a chance
And Marlon one day realized you were actually not that bad
Thanks to Rosie
Marlon had been looking for Rosie for a bit. The dog had run off and he hadn't been able to find her at all.
He tried everything, asking everyone and nobody seemed to have found her. But he also noticed you weren't there either, kinda suspicious.
He walked around the admin building, looking around for her before sighing as he began to walk back. He then paused his step, hearing the sound of laughter and Rosie's familiar bark.
He was confused, looking around the corner before freezing at the sight of you tossing a stick and Rosie coming back with it, her jumping up a bit and accidently knocking you down, barking before starting to lick your face.
You laughed. "Rosie!" You giggled, trying to cover your face as you got mud on your clothes. You then shrugged, you'll wash them later. You then began to scratch behind Rosie's ears, the dog laying on her side as you began to scratch her belly.
From by the wall Marlon watched surprised. You were so cold but when with Rosie you seemed so nice and sweet? He didn't know what to feel but couldn't help but smile.
You actually looked peaceful as you sat on the ground with Rosie, scratching her belly as the sun began to set. 
He actually liked it, he would like seeing you like this more. You didn't seem to care that you were getting dirty, playing with his dog and tossing a stick.
Hey, maybe he'll join you guys one day. But for now, he'll just watch from a distance.
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰crossteaming !꒱
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genshin characters as your streamer bf/gf !
character x gn!reader
includes albedo, childe, kaeya, xiao, and hu tao!
warnings : none.
a/n : these ended up being longer than i expected, so im splitting up the post a bit <3 hope you enjoy :D
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albedo gives me wilbur soot vibes, minus the height.
if anyone in genshin were to join a minecraft smp just to reenact hamilton and be a jason dean kinnie, itd be albedo and im absolutely right about this.
teaches klee how to play too, his most popular stream was when they beat the ender dragon together :)
he also seems like the type to strictly use minecraft education edition, which is also totally valid because some of the recipes in there are literally so cool ???
pulls a dantdm and has his own minecraft lab and everything, doing all his silly little experiments!
“surcose, we need to sell drugs out of a van RIGHT NOW.”
when chat found out you and albedo were dating, there were two reactions.
one side was really happy for you both, the other was albedos parasocial fangirls who immediately put you on a hitlist.
seriously, if you had a dollar for everytime you were @ed in tweets about writing your name in a death note, youd have enough money to pay for every single persons therapy appointments.
youre always there to cheer him on when hes in mcc, his own little personal cheerleader :)
you show up at his office and just.. stand in front of the door, staring at him through the window. it sounds weird yes, but the shocked expression on his face is worth the wait for him to notice.
“no chat i have not gone red. im just startled, thats all.”
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childe is the type of fella to participate in the most wacky roleplays on gta online, and i am sticking by this headcannon.
hes done everything from a drug empire to owning his own country, nothing is off limits.
surprisingly hes a really good actor? when youre watching his streams you dont get the cringey second hand embarrassment, its just fun entertainment :D
it took his chat wayyy to long to realize how fine he is, although to be fair he did have mostly men watching him. (not like thats an excuse or anything.)
i feel hes definitely been nominated for a streamy before! whether or not you think he deserves to win is up to you though LMAO
“only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed-”
childe leaked your relationship by accident once by having a tab open of your instagram while he was streaming.
when chat confronted him, he kind of just
 ended stream. (real smooth.)
fans went to your instagram afterwards and saw pictures of you two together and started posting them to twitter, and childe ended up on trending because of it.
you felt indifferent to the whole thing, but childe was panicking. he didnt want to let his viewers into that part of his life just yet, but he was, scientifically speaking, caught lacking.
you dont appear on streams much, and childe still avoids allegations about your relationship entirely. its not that he doesnt want to show you off, he does! he just doesnt like having less differentiation between his online persona and his private life.
“whos instagram are you stalking
? thats gonna be all from me chat goodnight!”
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kaeya doesnt play valorant because hes good at it, but because its fun to mess with the fanbase.
you know THOSE vtubers who are.. weirdly sexual? kaeya is like that but he does it in a satirical way. 
likes messing with the homophobes too, but everyone still debates on what his sexuality is (kind of like jschlatt.)
definitely is problematic on twitter on purpose just to get people to talk about him, hes a little bit of an attention whore but we love him anyways <3
has never apologized for anything hes said or done EVER, and doesnt plan on it either.
“what do you mean i got canceled on twitter AGAIN? its only been 3 days!”
chat didnt believe him when he said he was in a relationship. so be dragged your ass into his room to show them.
it didnt work though, they thought you were a paid actor for the next 2 months LMAO
it got to a point where kaeya was doing literally anything on stream to convince chat, and finally you had enough.
you told him to take a break from streaming, he was way too obsessed with trying to prove something that doest matter to anybody but the two of you.
something finally clicked in his head, and after that you dont appear on camera as much anymore. for the most part people believe that you two are together, but hell still get donations joking around that they dont think youre a couple, simply because its funny.
“thank you for 200 bits! 
.i am retracting my thank you.”
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i dont have any reason for this connection, other than it feels right.
if xiao werent a league player i would suggest smite, he just seems like hed be more into team games like that rather than overwatch or valorant.
just because hes my favorite doesnt mean im letting him off easily, league players get no rights <3 and xiao is no exception.
unironically listens to k/da as well, knows all the choreography but will literally never admit to it.
everyone in his chat has channel points stacked up to tell him to hydrate, he tends to forget when he gets really into the match.
“stream more by k/da for clear skin. no i will NOT be giving you a demo, i dont want a dmca.”
youre xiaos number one bully, and chat is always there to back you up.
when i played lol i was an ahri main, so stick with me here, its about to get real self indulgent.
youre a cosplayer, and one of your favorite ways to mess with your boyfriend is to dress up as his favorite characters. (peak s/o behavior right there.)
chat teased him heavily for his reaction, you could hear my chemical romance being blasted from the bedroom that night.
something about the cosplayer x gamer trope is just sooo <3
“you have no respect for league of legends players.” (duh - an ex league player)
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when hu tao first heard about dbd i imagine she thought it would be an easy way to gain new clients, now she sticks around because its fun to terrorize people as killer, and be an absolute menace as survivor.
i think shed be a nurse main, but one of those that are insanely good at playing nurse. she wins the game in no time because her teleports are perfect. 
i can only imagine how many people have rage quit because of her.
along with dead by daylight, i see her just overall being a horror game player. lots of five nights at freddys, resident evil, etc.
shes never gotten scared on camera before, chat has tried but shes always one step ahead.
“i lied, i dont actually like sex. put your clothes back on i need to explain to you the entirety of the five nights at freddys timeline.”
hu taos favorite pastime is scaring you, she stays on top of the newest horror content specifically because of that. (oh, and its also kind of her brand. but she puts you first <3)
shed sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if youre playing dead by daylight together. she always says if at least you survive its good enough of a victory for her too.
she also has gone on record to say yall are playing the security breach dlc the day it drops. run while you still have the chance.
youve tried to convince her to tweet at shayne and ryan about being on an episode of ghost files but everytime she just suggests to play phasmophobia instead. like cmon girl those are two different things.
even thought shes trying to scare you on purpose, you know shes always got your back if something happens.
“ha look at your face! 
okay okay im sorry! come here, youre fine, ive got you.”
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obsoleteozymandias · 9 days
hi! i saw that your twisted wonderland matchups were open so i would like to request!
basic information:
i am an estp, and my zodiac sign (sun) is libra. i would like to matched up with a male (even though twst only has males what am i talking abt)
(positive traits) : i am a hard worker and when i set my mind to something i can work insanely hard for it. (but i won’t work to the point that my mental health declines) im a very committed person! i am also very friendly and easy to talk to! i like rules and i will follow them to the best of my ability because i think rules keep people organised so i don’t see much of an issue with them. (and i swear leaving the table 15 minutes after finishing your lunch is what i grew up learning so honestly i think half the heartslabyul rules are just common sense) i am very anti-violence and i strongly believe that violence is not the way to solve issues. i would say i’m quite responsible, i never miss any homework deadlines, and my grades are always “a”. im very cheerful as well and according to my friends and family, my happy energy is contagious!
(negative traits) : i tend to sleep quite a bit, not sure if this counts as a negative trait! i sleep around 9-10 hours because if i don’t i feel so groggy 😭😭 i tend to have insanely high expectations of myself so when i get anything lower than what i expect i will be disappointed and upset with myself. (i would be disappointed if, for example, i got a 89 on the subject im best at) i think i do get carried away easily as well, for example when my skin has a few bumps on them i’ll get really insecure and sad.
physical appearance:
i’m 158cm and i have pretty slim fingers and i’m really thin too. my bmi is underweight but i just can’t gain weight :c (but i still look and appear healthy! so i’m 158cm and 43kg)
likes and dislikes:
(likes) : EGGS!! dogs, pandas, alpacas, and hedgehogs! i enjoy written subjects instead of subjects like art, music, and physical education (all subjects i get lower than an “a” in fr đŸ« đŸ˜”) i LOVE reading books too, its my hobby! (+chocolate)
(dislikes) : FOOD WITH OLIVE OIL (disgusting i hate it) i hate olive oil too!! anything olive oil stay away from me 😭 and mushrooms i HATE HATE HATE mushrooms.
that’s all, thank you!!
Anon I hope you know how much you set yourself up for this one, otherwise I don’t know what to tell you
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with

Riddle Rosehearts
You’re quick to become Riddle’s favorite dorm member, and not just because you respect the rules of the dorm, but also because of your ability to challenge his expectations all while upholding them. 
He is, of course, taken by your diligence and adherence to the rules of the dorm. When you memorize all of them, he’ll admit, he’s quite a bit flustered. Admiring and respceting the rules of the dorm almost feels like you’re showing him the same respect - something his height and attitude rarely affords him outside of school. 
And, of course, you show the utmost respect for Riddle himself, which gives him a confidence boost like nothing else. 
That, and, you actually seem to like him? Few can claim to do both of those, ergo, you two are fast friends. 
He’s also thrilled when he finds out how much you like hedgehogs, and shows the ones around the dorm to you eagerly. He looks so happy and full of enthusiasm that it makes you blush, just a bit. 
Being aware of your own mental health is something he admires. Riddle tends to work himself to the bone, but you’re quick to step in and let him know, sternly, that he needs a break, and that you’ll happily join him for tea or a walk through the garden. 
And somewhere in between those walks and chats over tea, he falls deep and hard for you. 
Riddle meticulously plans out his confession to you, down to the very second he’ll say each and every syllable. It would be cute if he confessed to you using his original plan, but perhaps more so if you caught him sleeping after a long night of working on his plans - which you could clearly see. 
That forces an improtu confession that has him flustered and frazzled and in rare form, but he’s just that much cuter when he stammers out his feelings for you. 
Your relationship is one built on mutual respect and trust. You two both see the other as too good for you at the start, but with a lot of communication and the determination you both possess, negative thoughts are quickly swept aside and replaced with soft kisses. 
You two spend a lot of dates cuddled up next to eacother in the library, reading your own books but slipping into an intellectual conversation every now and then. 
Your high energy and happiness rubs off on him too. When he’s around you, dorm members will attest to him being kinder and more passionate. 
That, and, his face is often red from kisses planted on his cheeks.
You two are a power couple whose relationship is something to aspire to.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Aaaaaaaa!!!!!! Bro im genuinely so happy you write for gyutaro, theres almost next to nothing abt him 😭😭
Can i request some hc of a masc but if not that's okay s/o whose taller than Gyutaro and who loves to spoil and fluster/embarrass him with so much affection?? Like everytime they see him, its kisses to his birthmarks, gentle touches, and so many affirming words 💖💖
I'm just so down bad lately bro, also good luck with college!!! I know it gets super hectic, but i know you can do this!!!
I KNOW HE DESERVES BETTER <3 Also, thank you for the college encouragment :3
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Content: Gyutaro x masc!Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness
Notes: This can be read with any pronouns, feel free to read <3 also this was supposed to be put up hours ago, but I got some Halloween decorations for my hamster <33 (he's so cute y'all would love him)
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Coming from a woman who is masc, and normally taller than every man I meet (including my current boyfriend LOL) I can relate hard to this
Gyutaro is going to be put off by someone taller than him, as that doesn't...usually happen
I know he's kinda gangly, and his official height hasn't actually been officially stated, but we know he envies Tengen for being "well over six feet." So, I'd deduce that Gyutaro is in the 5'10" - 5'11" range
The first time you raise your hand to caress his cheek, he's going to flinch, thinking you're gonna hit him
But he softens and relaxes when you smile and softly drag your thumb over his cheek
Is going to stumble on hit feet whenever you bombard his face with kisses, feeling especially shy when you kiss his scars and birth marks
Is going to squeal like a girl when you pick him up and run off with him possibly to the bedroom hehehe
Is going to blush profusely and possibly even become a tsundere for a bit, not believing that you actually love him, and thinking that you just want something from him
However, the more attention you pay to him, show you trust him completely, and how many people you reject for him out of all people...okay, maybe he'll begin to accept that you truly love him
Not to say that he doesn't already love you - he was smitten from the first kind act you did for him
He's still going to scratch his skin off if he sees someone come up to you
He anxiously waits to see if you walk off with them or not. A part of him will always think you'll leave him, thanks to his upbringing
Is gonna want to devour anyone who even looks in your direction
All he can do is hold your hand and grumble, though, not feeling as big of a need to protect you as you're bigger than him
He's still really jealous and possessive. The "you know other men?" meme kinda vibe lol
When you give him unsolicited reassuring words while kissing him and holding him, he's going to be so quiet and feel so small
"N-no, you don't really mean that..."
"But I do! I love you, Gyu, and you need to know that you're adorable!"
Gyutaro is going to take a while to get used to your gentle touch, but after eating with Ume, or after he sees someone fail at trying to sweep you off your feet, he'll gently grab your hand and place it on his cheek, hoping you'll get the hint and caress him again.
You're his and only his! Nobody else can have your gentle touch, your loving words and gaze, or your affections! Only him! Only Gyutaro!
He might end up snapping and going on a rampage if someone says one bad thing about you, especially if you're not there
He can't survive without you! How dare someone try to soil you?!
Will develop a habit of plopping in your lap and huffing when he's upset, or just wants attention
Really likes to feel small and safe with you, will frequently ask for headpats
Wants you to mark him so people (especially other demons) can know that he's yours đŸ˜€
He also just really likes admiring the marks, and will heal them quicker if it means you'll give him more <3
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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souryoong · 11 months
1 year of souryoong — here’s some of ash’s all time faves! ☆
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☆ i truly want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for being with me throughout this year on this site. it’s actually so crazy how it’s been only a year? time really does fly by. Before I posted "at the studio" I was metaphorically blowing dust off of my writing chops. (kind of an odd saying lol) I was absolutely terrified to say the least about joining this site and sharing my writing. But I am so so so glad I bit the bullet and chose to post my story because it has brought me to so many great things and even greater people! I love every single one of my followers and mutuals, whether we talk or not, if youre a silent reader, or if you constantly like/reblog my works. Nobody is just a number to me, you all mean everything to me. Im hoping that the career path and education that I have chosen for myself is not ~too demanding~ so I can be here for more years to come. I'll cut myself off before I write a damn novel because sometimes I don't know when to shut up.
☆ I didn’t want to do some extravagant “game” to celebrate because I feel like most of my followers probably wouldn’t be into it, so instead I’m showing my love outward. listed below are some of my all time favorite works from some of my mutuals and other authors. Some of these works are ones that inspired me to start posting my own writing, and others are just some of my really old faves from when I first joined that I have yet to forget about. I’m not sure if everyone in this list is still active, but nonetheless here are some of my all time favorites!
list is below the cut!
*everything marked “18+” contains sexual content*
☆ cybersex – myg (18+) | @gimmethatagustd
the whole point of being a phone sex hotline operator is that you’ll never have to meet your clients. So what are you supposed to do when you find out your favorite client is your brother’s best friend? (wc: 14.6k)
☆ the sheets – kth (18+) | @kth1
on your night out with the gals you get hit up by the one and only, Kim Taehyung, who’s been eyeing all of your Instagram stories. It’s no shocker that he attempts to get you back to his place once you finally decide to leave the club because this isn’t your first rodeo with the determined and insanely hot, fuckboy. (wc: 6.8k)
☆ enemy – kth & jhs (18+) | @btssmutgalore
when your friend with benefits Hoseok becomes too busy to keep your thing going, Taehyung volunteers to fill the spot. fic is a series.
☆ message received – jhs (18+) | @minisugakoobies
hoseok sent you a message. will you listen? (wc: 1.7k)
☆ helping hand – jjk (18+) | @yoonieper
a double blind date was your suggestion. everything about it should make him happy, but this sinking feeling just won’t go away. allhe wanted was to get it over with. (wc: 23.4k)
☆ hard liquor – myg (18+) | @chateautae
your dull evening at a bar becomes hopeful when your mysterious, handsome boss min yoongi shows you the ropes on everything alcohol, but shows you much more when he ends up buried deep inside you. (wc: 8k)
☆ drip – myg (18+) | @here2bbtstrash
yoongi fingering you until you squirt. (wc: 4.8k)
☆ your yoongi – myg (18+) | @yoongiphoria
there is no one you could love more than your slightly tipsy, beautiful yoongi. (wc: 2.9k)
☆ untitled drabble – myg | @delugguk
playing with each others hair, they love each other. sigh...I want what they have. (wc: 598)
☆ love signs – myg | @norcula
min yoongi and producer reader going through daily life. (fic is a series)
☆ private lesson – myg (18+) | @dntaewithluv
Your little sister finds it odd how you've been taking private lessons from her piano teacher for over a month now, but she hasn't heard you actually play even once... (wc: 5.5k)
☆ the landlord – myg (18+) | @ppersonna
your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave. good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have. (wc: 4.3k)
☆ suga’s how-to guide – myg (18+) | @sailoryooons
Min Yoongi has been a cam boy for a few years now. The work is easy, the money is good, and he has loyal viewers. When he approaches you and asks if you want to be his muse for a ‘how-to’ series, your view on the infamous Yoongi changes. fic is a series. (wc: 25k)
☆ mixtape – myg (18+) | @sailoryooons
Growing up with Yoongi as your older brother’s best friend was bound to manifest a crush. It was small, fleeting. Gone with age and time. On a holiday trip to the cabin, you’re reunited with Yoongi after not seeing him from two years. Maybe that crush wasn’t as over as you thought it was. fic is a series. (wc: 68.5k)
☆ lost in your light – pjm (18+) | @thepurpleghost
you and Jimin are the best of friends since fourth grade until the tables have turned one weekend wedding. Crazy confessions after some tequila body shots. (wc: 5.6k)
and btw, my official tumblr date of birth is 8.5.2022 🎂 posting this a day early because I don’t want to forget.
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unethicalmorals · 3 months
BISHOP😭😭😭 him being scared of getting piercing ouuuu. I like the thought of Bishop maybe being scared of needles in general. They don't really hurt that much but the image of the needle slowly being pushed into his skin gives him a MAJOR ick- even if he looks away he KNOWS that it's happening and he can just barely feel it it makes him sođŸ€ąđŸ€ąđŸ€ą But hey at least Lucky is there to hold his handâ˜ș (and possibly tease him a little bit afterwards)
ALSO MAX REVEAL MAX REVEAL MAX REVEAL MAX---- đŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœ
I'm advocating for Bishop and Max to be green buddies, idk what they're dynamic would be exactly but I definitely think she'd have more of a rebellious streak than him💚💚
Also 👁👁👁👁 are those Trans colors I am seeing on Oranges shoulder👀👀👀👀 staring very hard rn
ROBIN'S SO MUCH TALLER THAN WRENCH OUOUIIII Robin and her pathetic tiny husbandđŸ§ĄđŸ©¶đŸ§ĄđŸ©¶đŸ§Ą I know it's not accurate to their Canon heights but the thought of Robin being a tall queen makes me happy
Also hehe hoho haha I've been thinking of Catboy Bishop and Dogboy Lucky a whole lot recently :3 I wanna try and list off what sort of hybrids I think some characters would be đŸ‘‰đŸœđŸ‘ˆđŸœ
Bishop is just a cat tbh. I can't think of any breeds I'd specifically assign him, so he's just a yellow cat. Definitely a short-haired one, I think he'd have tabby patterns on his tail :3 Honestly Bishop would probably be something else entirely but godamnit my brain has been thinking of animal hybrid au for the crew SOLELY because of the catboy Bishop and dogboy Lucky comment I made a while back.... I need to stay faithful to MYSELF
Lucky took a while for me to pick, at first I wanted him to be a golden retriever specifically I wanted him to have floppy ears. Then I remembered lucky isn't blonde, so I considered him being a German Shephard instead, then a golden retriever/German Shephard mix breed, then a beagle, then a beagle/German Shephard mix, then I finally landed on Shiba inu solely because I wanted him to have a cute curly tail😊😊😊 maybe he can still be mixed with a German Shephard, no reason other than it feels right (for the fluff au at least)
I think it would be really easy to make Captain a wolf- which is why I'm NOT DOING THAT ACTUALLY‌‌‌‌ I like the thought of Captain being a hawk, specifically a ferruginous hawk cuz that's the largest species :3 (can you imagine how wide captains wingspan is going to be in order to support all of him?! He could never spread his wings while in any building- he would knock everything over! Im suprised he can even close his wings in the first place‌‌)
Wrench and Pink are kinda stumping me but hmmmmmmmmm
I kinda want to say Rat for Wrench, but Rats are little sweethearts who love cuddles and affectionđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș they love companionship, and wrench is a little annoying freak (affectionate) (derogatory) (I will get him)
Oh god wait Wrench could be a ferret, a decrepit little ferret. Ferrets have the tinny little shit energy that Wrench has omg
Pink............ hmmmmmmmmm....... thinking about his death fascination...... I wanna say Vulture maybe but ehhhhh there's already 3 characters I think of as avians...... HYENA‌‌‌‌‌‌ HYENA PINK ACTUALLY GRRRRR MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE FUCK YEEAAHHH
Dove, Robin, and Rabbit are all really easy picks cuz. Well.
Despite not knowing too much on Max when I saw her design reveal I immediately thought of a Crocodile or Alligator. Bit sure why, maybe it's cuz of the green, or the side shave reminding me of Montgomery Gator, but either way she's a big ole reptile to me (Leaning more on Crocodile than Gator)
I don't know what to think of Captain 1.0 yet or the color trio, though Yellow seems vaugely dogish to me...... or maybe a moth? I could see yellow as a moth, have you seen those pretty Moths with the yellow bodies and pink legs? GorgeousđŸ©·đŸ’›
Ohhh,, poor Bishop đŸ„ș (Loving the needle idea so much!!) He's not one for sharp objects or things piercing his skin like that,,, Maybe that has something to do with the scars on his face đŸ€”đŸ˜‰
YESS!!!! MAX REVEAL!!! She's a very cool lady~! 💚😌 I can't wait till we get to see her and Cap 1.0 return in the fic!!
I wont say too much but I think she will appreciate Bishop taking care of Lucky! ^^
👁👁 yes 👁👁 I've had the idea for Orange that she's trans since I first thought of her but I didn't really know how to go about incorporating that without just shoving it in people's faces 😅😅😅 So now she just has a pretty tattoo sleeve on her left :)
Robin and her pathetic ahh Wrench-- Maybe we can make Robin 6'4, as a treat, y'know? 😌 It's what she deserves after being murked in chapter 1
This is what Wrench thinks he looks like but we all know,,, we all know he ain't that good 😔
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ALSO- ANOTHER AU? 👀👀👀 Omg,,, đŸ„ș
Love those ideas so much!!
Captain - Hawk! Bishop - Cat Pink - Hyena Wrench - ferret Rabbit - rabbit (floppy eared) :3 Dove - dove :3 Lucky - PUPPY - Purple - sheep Orange - rat Yellow - moff! - Cap - seagull Max - croc Robin - robin :3
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heheheh just little guys
Here's a bonus Jay aka the dead crewmate Lucky replaced (courtesy of Porsha who jumped on the idea of them being annoying af) Since I took so long,,😅
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
hi! can i please have a matchup for chainsaw man, attack on titan, & tokyo rev? im bisexual & use she/her pronouns :)
for my personality, id say im pretty bubbly and excitable. i’m also an esfj & cancer, if that’s useful information at all andkwneke. i try to look on the bright side and try to cheer up people when they’re sad. im very affectionate with the people im close to, and i kinda cling onto my friends arms and hug them a lot. i love anything soft or cute, especially animals!! im kinda scared of bugs though, but i still always try to take them outside, even if i have to go kicking and screaming. i get distracted pretty easily, and have pull my friends off the track they were on so we could all pet dogs (they were so cute!!). i also really like going for walks, shopping, yoga, baking, and reading. i really like to look after people, but sometimes that makes it so i kinda disregard my own needs. im a bit of people pleaser, and i tend to look for the best in others! though i can’t really tolerate it if somebody is overly cruel or rude to the people i care about.
for my appearance, im 5’1 & have fairly long light brown hair. my eyes are hazel, im fairly pale with a few freckles sitting across my face, & my cheeks are perpetually rosy andjfjjek. my style is usually pretty soft & girly, & i really like dressing up even if i’m not going anywhere. i also really like to do makeup, both on myself and others. like, i’ll be in pjs and putting on lip gloss and my mom makes fun of me for it. also since i’m on the shorter side, i like to wear platform shoes since being tall makes me feel cool!
please & thank you!!!
Matchup for Rezqwr!
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Chainsaw Man: Denji
He thought you were adorable going around the park petting every dog you see with your soft style of clothing. Once the two of you get into a relationship, trips to the park are a must and every dog that passes by is getting a pet no matter what. Denji seems like a dog person and I can see the two of you in the future owning a dog and loving it extremely.
When seeing a bug in your place, a loud scream was heard scaring the blonde internally before seeing the creature and wondering what you were afraid of. Removing the bug from your place, you crawled up onto your table searching for any other little crawlers that were scattering around. He thought it was funny seeing you afraid of something that was barely half of your size.
Denji's the type of partner to make jokes and tease, he tends to make fun of your height and talk about the difference between the two of you. If there's something on your face, Denji won't say anything and wait till someone else notices thinking that and all o his other jokes to be the funniest thing ever, that is until he makes a joke that actually hurts you. He never means to be rude or upset you with his joking, but when he does do something that goes to far he makes sure to make up for it going to Makima-san for advice. He then sets up a whole date with flowers and a candle lit dinner for the two of you as a way to apologize for making you upset
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Attack On Titan: Hange Zoe
Your guys' personalities get along well, the two of you are bubbly and filled with loads of energy. especially when doing the things that make you happy. Hange enjoys your company, even if the two of you get side tracked, she usually brings you to her lab as a form of company. You're always willing to help her with her experiments, but Hange won't let you do anything to dangerous like the rest of the people she does test on.
You're very affectionate and so is Hange, she can't go a day without being by your side feeling the warmth of your embrace. Waking up in the moming is her favorite since she can see your beautiful face sleeping and cuddle close enjoying the couple of minutes of silence you two have.
You guys take couples yoga. Hange wasn't sure about it at first, but she got into it after a while and began to enjoy the moment between the two of you. (She also enjoys seeing your flawless body attempt the stretch and you've caught her multiple times staring, but you don't bring it up to save her the embarrassment)
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Tokyo Rev: Nahoya Kawata
Having a birthday in late May, Nahoya would be a gemini and from information I've found online, Cancer and Gemini are extremely compatible together. The two have extremely good communication and help each other become better people with Cancer bringing the Gemini out of their shell.
You tend to look at the bright side of things and Nahoya loves that about you always having a smile on both of your guys faces. You guys are very similar, always wanting to help those who are close to you and trying to find ways to cheer them up.
It took him some time to notice, but the more people who were in need of help, the more you disregarded your own needs, putting others before yourself. He understands wanting to help and being there for everyone, but he also worries that you're not looking out for yourself and soon you might get hurt because of it. Protective boyfriend unlocked. Now, Nahoya checks up and makes sure you're taking care of yourself, seeing if you drank enough water and ate three meals.
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kohatenz · 2 years
Only Simon Snow would think falling from the night sky equates to a date.
Crowley he's brilliant.
He is holding onto me for dear life, and if he doesn't then I'll most definitely die.
Literally a fall from this height would most certainly be the death of my deadness, that's why I'm holding onto my wand for reassurance. Not that I don't trust Simon, which I realize I'm definitely gonna reconsider after today
Because moments ago he asked me if I trusted him, I did,
that was before he dropped me from the sky.
Even so I still trust him with my life, which says more about me because when Simon's involved I'm a hopeless fool.
(l'm still gonna grip onto my wand I just don't want to be unprepared for what ever crazy situations our sweet life always throws our way.)
Gosh the things I do for this boy.
But he's so beautiful tonight, and frankly
I would do this a million times over, just to see him smile like this.
I could probably see him smile like this a million times and it would never ever be enough.
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"Hold onnn" Simon said to me while grinning
His laughter is honestly contagious,
I feel so giddy right now "I ammm" I yell,
I haven't actually smiled like this in such a long time. This is so fun, and I don't want to tell Simon yet because Im still pretending to be mad at him for letting go, and I don't want him to get any stupid (brilliant) ideas for next time.
(I hope there are more next times)
I guess we aren't actually falling,
Gliding would be a better word.
Simons wings extended out in the night air and they glistened under the moon light. His arms tightly holding onto me. His wings flexed out as they motion through the air carrying both of us.
The moon was massive.
I wonder, Should I be thanking the moon?
I mean the moon is partly responsible for this ridiculous situation,
As tonight is the night of a super moon here in London, or I guess the outskirts of London. Gosh I actually have no clue where we are, and I drove halfway here. Simon and I alternated and I had him practice (he's getting really good at driving) and one thing led to another before I knew it he flew us up into the night sky to see the moon up close.
There are so many stars tonight. It reminded me of when he shared his magic, and I casted twinkle twinkle little star together in our dorm room at Watford. It feels like that moment, but better.
Simon doesn't have magic anymore but with him touching me like this, it feels like he's giving apart of himself to me. His warmth, his smile, his love. Which are even more magical. They are things I longed for since I figured out I was in love with him. My Younger self would be so jealous.
Simon Snow was now my boyfriend.
My Simon Snow.
No one was out here and Simon could actually fly freely. Watching him like this made me happy, I would stupid all the normals so we could do this more often, and not just tonight.
"Look at the moon Baz, isnt it beautiful" Simon said while he carried me.
The moon was beautiful
The moon was beautiful
Simon was beautiful
I could care less about the moon when my gaze was transfixed on Simon Snow as he carried me princess style. If I was heavy he was definitely not breaking a sweat. His muscles flexed and his shirt (my shirt) looked so good on him.
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"Am I not heavy"
Simon shook his head, "not really"
"If you wana be heavy you should eat like me" Simon smiled and leaned closer into me and bit my ear.
"Ouch, I'm not edible Snow"
you would think Simon was the one with fangs because gosh his teeth are sharp. He leaned in and kissed my ear instead.
"But you smell so good"
"Snow you and your smell fetish will be the death of me"
"But You look so good in my arms like this, we should do this more often."
"Fly in the sky ?" I ask, because I would in a heartbeat. I'd stupid all of London for Simon.
His blue eyes gazed at me searching for what to say next, no, they looked more apologetic.
"Go on a dates" Simon said
A date. He wants to go on more dates. Simon Snow wants to go on more dates!
I am living such a charmed life.
I'd like that"
My heart has been skipping beats all night. I feel my cheeks blushing, they are probably so visibly red. Gosh this is perfect.
Simon arms started shifting from under me
"Do you trust me
I nod
"Ok I'mma drop you Baz"
"You ready"
"You wouldn't dare"
Simon smirked,
And then Simon let go
He fuckin let go,
And now my heart is skipping beats in the wrong context. Allester Crowley Simon Snow is a dead man.
"SIMOOOONNN" I scream.
I'm falling in the sky, oh gosh vampires can most definitely not turn into bats! Did Simon forget that.
As I'm falling, I grip my wand about to cast something because of this ridiculous situation, what the heck would I even cast. Worst time for my brain not to work, and then Simon grabbed my arms, and his wing jolted, extending outwards.
His dragon wings were cutting through the air stopping my fall. We were still falling but it felt like it was in slow motion. It felt like (I) was flying.
The idiot was smiling from ear to ear. If I was breathless it was because this idiot took my breath away. He's brilliant.
We weren't falling from the night sky, Simon was gliding in the air like a bird. I guess he basically is a bird with his dragon wings.
I had my wand out just in case, but with Simon being immune to spells I'd be only able to save my arse. I could probably cast a spell were the ground is cushioned soft if something happens. But the way Simon is gripping onto me, I don't think he would let anything happen.
"How did you know you could do that" I ask, I'm still mad about him dropping me, but I can't stay mad at him, not right now.
Simon smiled " I saw a youtube video with Sheppard about a bird glidding, so I practiced. So we could do it together! tonight!"
Simon had actually planned this whole thing out and even practiced, he had mentioned the super moon last week and made sure I finished my class work so we could watch it together. I just would have never expected this, I never do know what to expect with Simon.
I know he's excited about this moon but, I'm only watching Simon.
I love him
He's been trying, trying to be the best, worst boyfriend I could ever ask for.
I bet no one's ever been on a date like this. It's the perfect type of date, that works only for us
and I can't imagine it any other way.
Simon pulls me closer
kisses me
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I wrap my arm around his hair and another around his back. He's holding me and Kissing me, while we both gracefully fall from the sky.
"I love you Baz"
"Me too Simon"
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dayurno · 11 months
hii i just finished ur baby kevin fic and i love how you write!! like genuinely u described things so well and ur characterization was so on point as well as being sooo funny and sweet :) ur voice and love for kevin really came thru. thank u so much such a delightful fic im totally gonna binge read the rest of ur stuff <3
AHH THANK YOU!!!!! something that i really kept thinking to myself as i was rereading babykevin fic is that for a fic where (the adult) kevin is hardly present, it really feels like a love letter 2 kevin day in my head..... perhaps its because neil is fond of him and you can tell through his narration or something else altogether, but i think this fic is easily one of the most loving ive written about kevin.......... i couldnt show more of my hand if i tried.... im even a little embarrassed
“The evil creature that was making him so scared was actually
” Neil pauses for emphasis, “...a dog. It was a big one. We’re not sure how it got into the Foxhole Court in the first place, but this person, this simple person, who only had bad memories of getting bitten by a dog as a child, was unwilling to cross this dog’s path so he could go home.” [...] He swipes his thumb under Kevin’s eye; a soft motion. “We did. Of course we did. We teased him the entire way home about it, but that’s the point, isn’t it? We still went back for him. We still sent the dog away.”
IM REALLY not sure if its the idea of their dynamic mellowed down to what a child can understand but i think there has never been dialogue (written by me!) so loving about kevin day before... im not sure. i was overcome by my fondness of him when i wrote it i suppose
“His food is really terrible, though. Nothing like what Andrew makes you. You’d have to pretend to like it.” “Why eat it if it’s bad?” Kevin asks, looking more and more curious about his older self the longer Neil talks about him. Neil is not surprised to think that he could do this for much longer. The ache of missing Kevin subdues when it is shared aloud. “Well, because he goes through all the trouble of making it for you, so how could you dare not eat it?” He crouches down to be Kevin’s height, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “And sometimes, if you give him critique, he’ll go try to fix it right away. Last time I said it was a bit stale, and he added so much salt I had to cough out the rest.” Kevin hesitates. “Was it better?” “No. God, no, it was worse. Stale was a compliment; it was too salty.” “But
 you ate it.” “I suppose I did,” Neil agrees. He really had — scraped his bowl clean, too. Choked it down like a man, much to Andrew’s chagrin. “He put in a lot of work. It’d be a waste if I didn’t eat it. And, well, whatever. I wanted him to be happy with himself.”
like :-) anyway sorry about this all its just that you saying this really made me want to talk about it..... i fear everyone is going to know im fond of kevin day now...
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
okay so now the specials are over and the cuteness from today have been layered over yesterday's mess (which did deserve better execution), i actually don't feel as disappointed as i did yesterday. like sure yesterday's issues still stand, but its nothing conversation can't address and while im disappointed we didn't get to see that im also so happy we got what we did this episode.
patpran at the beginning with the breakfast and their cute notes and their "love sprout" and all their smiles, were so cute, my heart felt so full watching that, and then when tian and pran hugged like that it swelled to such heights ( always love it when gay people get to meet senior gay people like yes i see you, you've been me ahh my heart), and then pat and phupha have their moment and then flash forward to the inkpa-phuphatian-patpran scene, a queer little family of their own in some ways i friggin DIED it was so cute and so meaningful and special!! the scene set in their home actually felt like typical patpran altho it really sucked that they got interrupted again, we still got the finger licking and the kissing and the pran giving the cheek kiss so all in all i am NOT complaining about this episode at all.
a little word on phuphatian eventho theyre not the reason i watched the special, their arc which could have been fleshed out a bit better was still so cute, i broke into smiles and giggles so many times they were on screen together, and the infinite parallels with bad buddy that they were trying to draw, especially the final scene i SCREAMED, it was SO good. the proposal was a great way to end the show and my word Earth can act, i almost teared up when i saw that tear drop run down his cheek as he kissed Mix.
And also we got Pran's mom being okay with him and Pat in a play together and that actually is a HUGE deal considering her past reaction to them partaking in an extra curricular together and makes total sense with regards to her (sorta) coming around in ep12 so yaay for that touch.
Also while few things could top seeing inkpa giggle watching patpran on the stage, while sitting behind phuphatian, my fav moment from the special HAD to be Wai and Korn doing THAT. I legit howled. Really good stuff good stuff.
All in all i actually do have only good feelings about this episode so yaay im so glad i got to say bye in a (mostly) happy way courtesy this one. Now time to get back to my daily rewatch og bad buddy, cos the og never misses.
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luthiest · 2 years
I want to start learning Violin! I have a background in Percussion (7 years) and woodwind instruments (4 years) but I have no idea where to start when it comes a good starter Violin. Do you have any recommendations for brands or examples of what I should look for?
exciting !! id definitely start out with a rental, but price and quality is pretty variable and dependent on where you are
i know a lot of people go through shar music for online rentals, and they also do rent to buy so you’d be renting with the intention of keeping it if you like it. potter violins seemed to be popular too, though that may have been a regional thing since i grew up in virginia. (these are both domestic us only i believe, unfortunately i don’t have any personal experience w online rentals outside of the us ://)
if you’re just looking to purchase outright, i’d honestly recommend getting an appointment at a local shop, letting them know your price range, and just trying things out. it’s a little more difficult if you don’t have things like scales and a piece or two in your back pocket yet to compare sound quality, but it’s really important to pick an instrument based on the sound and how it feels in hand. when you’re looking to purchase, most shops will let you take instruments out on trial for some time, so take advantage of that if you can.
bows are super important to how an instrument sounds too, so when testing different instruments, try to keep the bow a constant. i know it’s a little tacky to talk dollar amounts, but i would say if a nice student violin usually starts at around 2k, a nice bow is likely going to start at about 500? these are by no means hard figures, and the most important thing about playing is the sound. i would definitely ask to try out at least a few different bows, if ur able
also, don’t shy away from contemporary american instruments and chinese instruments ! you’ll have a lot of people trying to push you towards german and italian violins, but they’re not necessarily better and likely are a lot more expensive than the quality would dictate. older and european doesn’t necessarily mean better !!!!!!! chinese factory instruments get a bad rep but honestly? they’re not all terrible and can actually be really cost effective, especially if you’re just getting started and dont plan on sinking a ton of time/effort/money into a violin. but if they don’t let you take it out on trial, please, please do not purchase !!!!!!!!!
last bit: i know i said sound is the most important but let’s be honest, the aesthetics do kinda matter lolol.. you don’t like the shape/placement/height of the chin rest? easily changed. you’d like more decorative pegs? easily changed. the tail piece is ugly? easily changed. i love my viola, its served me well and is perfect for the type of playing i do, but man
 the second i get a chance, im stripping the varnish and changing the color because i cannot stand how red it is. idk that i have a point with this part besides if you hate the varnish now, you’ll likely still hate it in 10 years
sorry for the info dump, i know a lot of it is probably a bit premature for where u are in the renting/purchasing process, but i hope it’s a least a little helpful ! if u want more specific advice later on strings/setup/rosin/case stuff or even just a second opinion on pricing, i’d be happy to help <33333
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
Never Sass a Demon
This is a Mr. Hopp's Playhouse tickle fic requested by @sparklydetectiveearthquake. I'm happy to do your suggestions, but please put them in my ask box. Hope you enjoy!
"Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in you, Hopp."
The rabbit stood before his boss, the Entity, whom was scolding him for his recent failure to claim Ruby's soul.
"I apologize, sir." Mr. Hopp bowed his head, a scowl forming on his face.
"You couldn't even claim the soul of Esther, and now you've lost to a child who can't even be out after dark! Is that laziness, or are you just bad at your job?" The lord continued.
"To be fair, sir, neither Bo or Stripes could get Esther's soul either-"
"That was 50 years ago, Hopp, that was then, this is now."
"Then why the hell would you bring it up?" Mr. Hopp whispered.
The Entity arched his eyebrow at the comment, but let it slide.
"I recognize that it's been a while for all of you, so I gave you the easiest possible task to help, and you failed!"
"Sir, I exhausted all possible means. Shape-shifting, mind games, I even-"
"Silence! If I was looking for excuses, I would've asked for them." The Entity slammed his fist on the arm of his chair, "You should know better."
"Well maybe if you'd stop loving the sound of your own voice and listen to me, we'd actually get somewhere in this conversation!"
The Entity turned his head to his bunny underling, glaring at him with his piercing yellow eyes.
"Excuse me? Mind repeating that?"
"Oh, you couldn't hear me? Maybe you should retire, then, your hearing's going."
"Listen, I don't know where this tone is coming from, but I do not appreciate it."
"Oh, so now you're talking to me like I'm a child? Y'know if you want to play father to someone, go find Isabelle."
"I am your overlord, and I will be treated with respect."
"Oh, I did make you mad? It looks like it!"
Then, the Entity stood up to his full height, and the rabbit's ears dropped as he just realized how much he'd just fucked up.
And run he did, straight out of the room and down the halls of the strange cavern castle they all resided in. Morphing into his spider form to gain speed.
But he could only stay in that form for so long before it drained him. Soon enough, he'd worn himself out. Hopp entered his and the other plushes' bedroom, attempting to hide underneath his bed.
"What'd you do this time?" Mr. Stripes asked, the tiger was laying on the couch.
"I-I may have mouthed off to him a bit..." Hopp whispered, still fearful for his life.
"Really? I'd expect that from Stripes." Ms. Bo walked into the room.
"Hey! Ugh. Well, if you're not dead yet, then you'll be fine." Stripes said.
Wait. He was right. If the Entity really wanted to kill him, he wouldn't have been given a running start. What was he planning?
Suddenly, he felt a clawed hand wrap around his ankle, dragging him out from under the bed.
The Entity held him upside down, before throwing him onto the floor and pinning him down with magic.
"Oh, you're not sorry yet..."
Suddenly, Hopp felt claws digging into his sides, and he was thrown into fits of high-pitched, British laughter.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAIT! IHIHIHIHI'M SOHOHOHORRY!" Hopp cackled, trying to escape from his restraints.
"This should teach you to watch your tongue with me."
More claws then joined in, digging into his armpits, clawing at his belly, and wiggling their fingers on his waist.
"EEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHA!" Hopp lost it, thrashing about, attempting to lessen the ticklish sensation.
While this was going on Mr. Stripes and Ms. Bo just stood and watched the show, smug smiles on their faces as they watched their bunny ally get wrecked.
"Oi, you two! Come here and help me or you're next."
With that the two quickly got up and started tickling Hopp as well. Ms. Bo at his armpits, and Mr. Stripes beginning to squish the pink paw pads on his feet.
"Keep it up, Hopp, see where it gets you."
This was absolute torture! But, Hopp had to admit that it was also kind of fun. Certainly better than having the stuffing ripped out of him.
He'd rather die than admit that, however. But, everyone else could probably tell.
Suddenly, Ms. Bo's claw had gently scratched behind his ear.
"Oop! We've found his sweet spot! Haha!" Ms. Bo giggled at his reactions.
The Entity had long stopped tickling Hopp, just standing there and chuckling at the trio's antics.
"Are you going to sass me again?"
"Alright, alright, he's had enough."
With that, all of the tickles had stopped, Mr. Hopp falling to the floor, gasping for air that he didn't need.
"I.....hahahate you all......n-never do that agahain."
"Eh, sure you do." Stripes laughed.
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daydadahlias · 6 months
omg okay jess i don’t even know what to say. i can’t believe i didn’t read scene 14 sooner omg it’s amazing. this may just be your best fic imo. i’m gonna read take notes next and then i can just for sure but holy shit. this fic has fucked me up so bad. i’ve never read anything like it. i’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned before that you act/ have acted and i think that’s one of the many reasons i really love this fic because all of the acting scenes and stuff feel real and honest. not like you researched it. and i did NOT think this fic was going to be as angsts as it was, or at least i didn’t think i was going to be sobbing and pacing and (quietly) screaming at 3am over the last 2 chapters. i really love how well you portrayed luke’s reaction to the break up, even though it wasn’t actually the break up (but i think that makes it worse honestly) and the whole miscommunication between them. the fact the ash thought they were dating the whole time after they had sex was what really got me. i wanna listen to the rest of the twenty minutes of that voicemail! i loved the whole ash knowing luke’s coffee order thing. i loved how ash finally got a good first time, and hopefully many more. i can’t remember if it said that they’re going to tell them eventually, but i love how everyone else is still out of the loop! i really hope sierra and kay kay didn’t break up and i really hope crystal says yes to michael’s proposal and they live happily ever after. i hope calum and roy have a happy ending too. i literally could think of so much more to say but i need sleep haha. i really loved this fic jess. thank you for writing it and thank you for all that you do in the fandom. im gonna go to sleep now and then when i wake up i’m gonna watch the normal heart and die over scene 14. bye bye jess
Hello anon!!!!! Sorry it took me a second to get to this!! I thought I would have time to get to my computer at some point today but apparently not so I’m writing this on my phone while walking my dog apologies.
I really have not thought of scene 14 in over a year so this was a nice little reminder that she is still alive and well :) I don’t know if I’d say it’s my best fic but I definitely love it !!! The writing process was so fun (I remember being 17 writing in the back of my science class instead of paying attention 😭).
And yeah I’ve definitely mentioned acting before !! This was in the absolute height of my acting “career” too lol (read: I wrote a play and was in my senior year of highschool theatre), and knew I had to write something about theatre before I went to college and inevitably left it behind (rip acting i will always love you). I appreciate that it felt real and not researched!!! It definitely was all just personal experience coming through (such as my brief obsession with a high school theatre arch nemesis who played Billy in Bright Star — looking back I def would have casted Ashton as Jimmy if I rewrote the fic now).
I’m usually not a fan of miscommunication OR enemies to lovers in stories lol so this was kind of my go at trying to do what I hated :) I’m glad you liked it!!
Honestly the real shame is that I used to have the full voice mail!!! Back in ye old day, when I was writing, I would voice memo all monologues while planning them so I could transcribe them later so that full voicemail used to exist !! And then my phone crashed a year ago and wiped everything I loved lolz.
And Sierra and KK definitely did not break up!! I’d never do that to my girls. And of COURSE crystal said yes. Call me a sentimentalist but I set all those needs up for happy endings.
As for this last bit, I hope you got to sleep!! And thank you so much for this!!! I love our little fandom :) especially for people like you đŸ’™đŸ„° and you’re going to love the movie!! Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer ate DOWN. Their performances were UNREAL. Keep tissues nearby.
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