#this was nice to work on. cleansed the palate a bit.
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thissying · 11 days ago
"A new boat, a new jet. Nursery needed to be painted of course."
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lostbookmark · 3 months ago
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Main Masterlist here
Whispered Vows Masterlist here
Summary: You thought planning your wedding was going to be a magical memory. You didn't realize that it might make you second guess everything.
Pairing: Fiancée Yoongi x Insecure F. Reader
Genre: Romance, Angst, Smut, Hurt-Comfort
Warnings: Explicit Sex, Toxic Family Dynamics, Arguments, Sex Toys, Self Doubt, Over Thinking, Yoongi Overworking Himself, Reader Just Needs To Speak Up.
A/N: I know I just posted chapter 5, but I'm in a good mood. Here is chapter 6.
Chocolate cake is perfectly moist, raspberry filling a touch too tart. You write down your thoughts on the provided worksheet the bakery supplied you after you swallowed the chocolaty goodness. You have been looking forward to your cake tasting for weeks now. Now, as you sit at the table with ten beautiful cupcakes before you, it just feels empty. Your eyes turn to look out the window and see Yoongi pacing up and down the sidewalk in front of the bakery while on the phone with Namjoon, running his hand through his hair. He promised that he would help you with this, but once again, here he is working. Your patience is almost nonexistent at this point. You just wanted this one day with him, and he couldn't even give you that.
Reaching out, you grab the next sweet confection, cut into it with your fork, and take a large bite. Vanilla cake is moist and sweet, lemon curd filling has a perfectly smooth texture, and vanilla buttercream is not too sweet. Favorite by far. You place your pen back down and sigh as you swallow that bite. You look at Yoongi through the window again and see him hang up the phone before entering the bakery. Sitting next to you, he opens his texts, and you see him message Hobi something. Your eyes drift back to your notes, and you think you might go with the vanilla.
“You can go,” you tell him softly while still focused on your paper but not really reading anything. You just wanted to make sure your handwriting was neat and legible. This would be a nice little keepsake.
“Hmmm,” he says, still looking at his phone as his fingers fly across the screen. His face is scrunched in pure concentration as he rereads what he just typed. “What? What did you say?”
“You can leave,” you say louder, looking at him, and his head finally snaps to you. “You clearly don't want to be here, and I don't want to force you to be here. You can go.”
“I took the day off to be here,” he tells you, furrowing his eyebrows. “Why would you say that? You know how hard it is for me to make time for anything right now. We should be lucky that I am even here right now.”
“You took the day off? Did you really?” You question him and sip on your water that was provided to you to cleanse your palate.
Yoongi hasn't touched his water nor his worksheet. He probably hasn't even looked at the cupcakes that the baker worked hard on. The beautifully piped buttercream and colorful fruits and chocolate pieces were probably not appreciated. You appreciated them.
“I'm right here,” he argues and touches his chest with both of his hands to prove the point that he is indeed there. "I'm sitting right next to you."
“No, you're not,” you whisper. His phone rings again, with Namjoons name popping up on the screen.
“There is something wrong with our software at the studio. We lost a bunch of files,” he explains, gripping his phone tightly when the ringing stops. “You just don't understand. This is really bad.”
“I understand,” you tell him, nodding your head. “I do, I get it, and I said you can go.”
“It's not like I wanted this to happen,” he argues a bit too loudly, causing the bakery staff to look over at your table out of curiosity. You want to shrink away from embarrassment at their stares, and he quickly changes his tone. “We just lost weeks if not months of work,” he said much more softly. “All this time that I had to be at the studio, working all those long hours. It was all for nothing.”
Your heart sinks into your stomach as he starts getting texts in rapid succession, his phone continuously chiming. It rings so loud in your ears. You're tired. You haven't felt this tired in a long time. Not since that night you thought he was cheating on you. You're tired of dealing with this wedding and making these damn choices. You're tired of worrying about him. You're tired of sleeping alone at night. You're tired of being patient. You're tired of being tired.
“Yoongi,” you say and take a deep breath. “Please leave.”
“That's not fair,” he said. “This isn't my fault that this happened.”
“I…I don't care. I want you to leave,” you tell him as you turn back to the baked goods and take the card in front of the next dessert. Chocolate cake, salted caramel filling, and chocolate buttercream. “This experience is ruined. I'm just going to choose a stupid cake that you don't give a shit about and be done with it.”
“Y/N,” he says your name softly.
You ignore him and take a bite of your next pastry. Picking up your pen, you get ready to make your notes. Yoongi’s phone rings in the background, and you can hear him swear. Cake is a little crumbly. The filling is delicious with the right amount of saltiness, and buttercream could be a little sweeter. You can hear him sigh loudly before he gets up from the table and walks out of the bakery. You breathe deeply through your nose and blink rapidly, trying to stop the tears that threaten to fall.
“Is everything okay over here?” The owner and head baker asks as she approaches the table quite cautiously.
“Yes,” you say, giving her a small smile. “I'm ready. I think I have decided.”
“Oh, perfect,” she says and claps her hands together lightly. “I'll go get my tablet. We will get you ordered and get you scheduled on the calendar.”
Your smile drops as she walks away. You are such a liar. You are not ready. Not even in the slightest.
“I'm calling the wedding off,” you say as soon as the door opens.
“I'm sorry….WHAT?” Jisoo says clearly in shock. You push past her and enter her apartment, making your way to her couch where you collapse face first into the cushions in exhaustion. “I think that I heard you wrong. Please say that again and maybe more slowly.”
“No,” you said, your voice muffled by the cushion. You don't even bother looking at her. You know she is looking at you like you are crazy. “You heard me right.”
Jisoo sits on the floor next to the couch and moves your hair out of your face. She gently continues to stroke your hair in a comforting manner. You close your eyes and relax into her touch. She smiles sadly as she looks at you.
“I don't think you really mean that,” she tells you softly as she pulls her delicate hand away. You huff out a breath of irritation and sit up on the couch, pulling your knees to your chest. “Tell me what's going on.”
“He's been so busy, and I don't see him that often unless I make the effort to go to his studio. Then, I just end up cleaning the studio for him. I finally got him to help me with the cake tasting, and work still came first. I don't know if I can live like this forever,” you tell her. “I don't know if I want to.”
“Have you talked to him about this?” Jisoo asks, moving from the floor to sit next to you on the much more comfortable couch.
“Not really,” you admit, shaking your head. “I just miss us. I miss how we used to be before he got all busy, and the studio became everything to him.”
“Relationships change,” Jisoo tells you. “You may have hit a small rough patch now, but is it worth throwing it all away? After everything that you have been through. Do you want to throw it away?”
“Sometimes, I look at you and Seungkwan or Lisa, and Jimin and I get so jealous. You get to go out on dates and sleep next to them every night. You get to have real conversations and homemade dinners,” you explain to her. “I get to go home to a frozen microwavable dinner and a television for a companion. Sometimes, it's like he doesn't even exist, and it feels like I'm back on my own again.”
The door to the apartment opens, and you see Seungkwan enter. You watch as he takes off his shoes and hangs both his coat and bag on a hook, protruding from the wall before entering the room. He spots you on the couch and gives you a contemplative look.
“Well, that explains it,” he says and walks away to the kitchen.
“What?” Jisoo asks her boyfriend. You can hear the refrigerator open and close before he walks back out with a bottle of water in his hand. “What explains what?”
“I needed something signed, and Yoongi…well…he was grumpier than normal when I went to his studio. He also, kind of…” he trailed off for a few seconds. “Looked like he had been crying. Maybe? Does he do illegal substances?”
“No,” you say, shaking your head at him.
“Then he was definitely crying,” Seungkwan confirms.
On one hand, your heart sank as the words Seungkwan just said sank in. Had he been crying? Maybe you were too hard on him. Maybe you shouldn't have kicked him out of the bakery. You guess you probably could have been nicer about it. On the other hand, it just made you even madder. You were suffering too, and you still don't think that he cares. If he cared, he would have turned his phone off and stayed with you today. However, he didn't. He left. He left you there alone to order one of the plainest wedding cakes there probably ever was. He left in his car, leaving you to take the bus to Jisoo's.
“Can you please give us a minute,” Jisoo asks her boyfriend. Without a word, he walks down the hall and into the back of the apartment to the bedroom. You don't speak until you hear the bedroom door shut.
“Do you think….” You trail off in a small voice. “Do you think I should be getting married?”
Jisoo wraps her arm around you and pulls you down into her lap. She once again moves her hand to your hair and gently smooths it away from your face. She doesn't answer your question right away. It probably takes her a full two minutes before she finally speaks.
“I can't answer that,” she tells you, and it makes you clench your teeth in frustration. “I won't tell you not to marry him. It's okay to be jealous of me and Lisa and our relationships. However, I get jealous of you, too. The way that Yoongi looks at you, Y/N. Jimin and Seungkwan don't look at us like that. Yoongi looks at you like he would hang the moon for you. He would burn the world down for you.”
“I know he would,” you say as a tear drips down your face.
“If you don't love him, then I say don't marry him. If you do love him, then I say fight for him. You tell him how you feel and you fight,” she says seriously.
“I already told her to talk to him weeks ago, but no one ever listens to me," Seungkwan called from the back of the apartment. You and Jisoo start giggling and sit up to look at her. Her nosy boyfriend clearly had been listening to your entire conversation. “I would also hang the moon for you too, Jisoo.”
“Please don't tell Lisa about this. I don't need her saying anything to anyone,” You look at her, hold your pinky finger out. “Jimin loves gossip just as much as she does.”
“I won't. I promise,” she said softly and wrapped her own pinky around yours. “I promise.”
You checked the apartment first but you were not surprised when you found that he wasn't there. Now, you stand outside of his studio door, not sure if you should ring his doorbell or enter the code and walk in. You look up and down the deserted hallway before you slowly raise your forefinger and push the doorbell. Standing up straight, you wiggle your fingers that hang loosely at your sides as you wait for him to open the door. Your heart feels like it's going to pound out of your chest. You take a deep breath through your nose and slowly release it out of your mouth. Again…again…again.
“Y/N?” Jungkook says as the door finally opens and loud rap music flows out of the darkened room from the speakers.
You look over Jungkook's shoulder and see Yoongi look at you from his chair in surprise. His hair was disheveled and sticking up in all sorts of directions. He had changed into black track pants and an oversized white hoodie. They were both wrinkled, and the hoodie might be a little stained. You'll have to try and wash it for him later. Hopefully, you will be able to get the stains out. Yoongi stands from his seat and stares at you but doesn't say anything.
“Umm, can he and I have a minute?” You ask Jungkook, who still stands in the doorway. “Unless you're too busy.”
“NO!” Yoongi exclaims as he takes a few steps away from his chair. “Kook was just leaving.”
“Yeah, I was just leaving,” Jungkook agreed and nodded his head. “Everything is all set now. Have a good talk, bye.”
Jungkook practically runs out of the studio and down the hallway, nearly tripping over his own feet. Yoongi catches the door with his hand before it closes and opens it for you again. As you walk in, you notice that it was pretty cluttered with several discarded white styrofoam carryout boxes on his table and couch. A small pile of dirty laundry sat on the floor in the corner of the room. You can't even begin to imagine how long they have been there for. You know that you haven't been by in a while to clean up for him, but this was ridiculous. It even smelled a little bit, and it made you scrunch your nose as the stench hit you. Yoongi dropped his head and rubbed the back of his neck as he caught your facial expression. Good, he should be embarrassed.
“Is everything…” you trail off and motion to his work space.
“Oh, yeah. We got the files back pretty quickly, thankfully. I hurried back to the bakery, but you were already gone.” he explains.
“Oh,” you say softly and continue to look at his mess.
“You weren't at home either,” he tells you, and your eyes went back to him. “I figured you probably went to Lisa's or Jisoo's.”
“Jisoo's,” you confirmed. “Seungkwan said he saw you today. He said it looked like you had been crying. Were you?”
“He's got a big mouth,” Yoongi snaps, turning away from you. He pushes his chair, and it goes rolling across the room before hitting the wall. It makes you jump just a tiny bit.
“Were you crying over me or the lost files?” You ask, crossing your arms.
“Are you seriously asking me that?” He asks, turning back to you. “You think I would cry over work. Baby, I hurt you. I hurt you, and I took you for granted. You take care of me, you have been planning this whole wedding by yourself and I can't even do one damn thing for you.”
“Yoongi,” you say with a sigh and drop your arms.
“No, it's true,” he argues. “I don't even know why you are still with me. I would have left me a long time if I were you. Jungkook is even surprised that you're still here. Jimin tells me all the time that Lisa is worried about you.”
“Do you want to marry me? Be honest with me,” you plead.
“Yes, of course I want to marry you. I want nothing more than to be yours…forever,” he assures you.
"It doesn't feel like it,” you say, kicking a stray chopstick that was on the floor. “It feels like you don't care about the wedding at all. You’re always so busy.”
“Do you want me to quit? Make Namjoon buy me out so I can work some crappy, dead-end 9 to 5 job? Have us both worried about making ends meet? Working paycheck to paycheck?” He asks, throwing his arms in the air out of exasperation.
“Now you're the one not being fair, Yoongi. If you can't figure out how to balance your life with me and work, then maybe…” you say, but he immediately cuts you off.
“Stop right there,” he growls at you and points his finger at you. “Don't you dare finish that sentence. I am trying my best.”
“I don't know how much longer I can do this,” you tell him as you will yourself not to cry. You want to be strong. For once in your life, you just want to be strong and not run away to lean on someone else to help you. “If I knew how alone I would be all the time I….”
“Stop!” he says loudly. “Don't you think I get lonely too? Don't you think that I miss you? It's not easy to live like this. I get that!”
“THEN WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME HOME!” You scream at him.
Immediately, you feel guilty for yelling. The two of you both stand there, glaring at each other, breathing hard. A large lump has formed in your throat, and your heart starts to race once again. The tension in the room is heavy and thick but not in a good way. It's never been this way between you two, and you don't know how to climb and claw your way out of it. The music in the studio changes over to something slower and almost melancholic. It feels fitting for this moment.
“Y/N,” he says quietly, breaking the silence.
“I’m sorry. I'll clean up,” you whisper as you turn toward the messy couch.
“No,” he says, grabbing your hand, pulling you to him, and you let him. You don't want to fight him anymore. It hurts too much. Your heart hurts so freaking much.
Yoongi guides your hands up and around the back of his neck, and he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing himself right up against you. Yoongi buries his face into your neck, and you rest your own on his shoulder. He gently starts rocking the two of you back and forth. Dancing? Dancing to that slow beat pouring out of his sound system in the middle of his dimly lit studio. His arms and hands cling onto you as if you are his lifeline. Like he would drown if he were to let go of you. You lift your face and kiss the side of his neck softly, lips barely touching him. Yoongi pulls his face back and rests his forehead against your own. Your bodies are still gently swaying side to side in your own little world.
“Please, don't leave me,” he gently begs, “I promise I'll do better.”
“Don't make promises that you can't keep,” you say, looking right into his eyes.
“I promise,” he says again, leaning toward your mouth. You close the gap and gently kiss him on the lips. “Tell me to quit, and I will. Tell me to run away with you, and I will. Do you want to move to Paris? Our own little island? I'll make it happen. I would do anything for you.”
Jisoo was right. He would probably burn the world down for you.
“I know you will,” you tell him and lay your head against his chest. Yoongi rests his head on the top of your head. Your bodies still sway with the music. Dancing. Dancing in your own little world in the middle of his studio. “I know you will.”
Tagged Readers:
@mggv97, @granataepfelchen, @kam9404, @svnbangtansworld, @futuristicenemychaos, @notarshia, @busanbby-jjk
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gilverrwrites · 10 months ago
Somethin' Sweeter
2022!Penguin/Reader, 1K words Request: LOVE the ozzie fics! Can you write something fluffy & smutty where it's their anniversary and reader prepared his favorite meal for dinner, wearing a cute sexy dress, and after dinner a special dessert 😏 Rating: 18+ I certainly can, honestly cannot get enough of this man, I don't think i'll ever turn down an Ozzie request.
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CWs: Sugar baby dynamic vibes, vaginal fingering, oral (fem receiving), petnames: doll, princess, darlin'. F!Reader.
In case nobody has told you recently: I am proud of you.
He’s been grinning at you like the early bird who got the worm all evening, but as he bit into his entrée his demeanour shifted. You perched on the edge of your seat, watching every micro-movement of his face as you await the verdict.  
Preparing for tonight had been gruelling. Tracking down all the right ingredients, multiple practice attempts, conveying to Oz’s people that he was not to be disturbed, not to mention the priming that went into looking good for him. You know he would have loved whatever you’d made, would have fawned over you however you looked, but you wanted tonight to be perfect, and it was all worth it for the blissed-out look on his face right now. 
He takes a second bite, and you can’t stand the anticipation. “Well, what do you think?”
“It's great, Doll.” He smacks his lips as he speaks. “It tastes just like my-“
“Just like you’re Nonna’s. I know!” You feel bad for interrupting, excitement getting the better of you. “It’s her recipe.” 
“How did you manage that?” He asks, dabbing his mouth with his handkerchief.
“I made a few calls, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you like it.” 
“Of course I like it, I’d like anything you serve me, but this, this is exceptional. You treat me well, don’tcha?” In earnest, you do your best, but Oz really is the caretaker in your relationship. You might cook on special occasions, make sure he doesn't work too hard, but he keeps you well-kept. No bills to worry about, a luxury roof over your head, a wardrobe full of so many clothes and shoes that you’ll never manage to wear all of them, and a soft bed where he reminds you why, of all the men in Gotham, you always come back to him. 
“I do my best.” Plates scraped clean; you begin to clear the table. “I hope you’ve saved room for dessert. We’re having dark chocolate and coffee panna cotta.”
“Oh.” The plates in your hand nearly slip back onto the table, distracted by the disappointment in his tone, but when you turn to him, he’s looking at you with a sly glint in his deep brown eyes. He rests his palm on the back of your exposed thigh, ever so gently caressing your skin as he ghosted upwards, lifting the skirt of your dress in the process. “It’s not that princess, I just had somethin’ sweeter in mind. If you catch what I’m laying down here?”
“Sweeter?” A giggle escapes your lips as you tilt your head at him. Dishes abandoned you stride over to him, placing yourself on his good leg, holding onto his lapels as you pull yourself closer. The way his gold teeth gleam under the dim lights as he smiles at you sends a chill down your spine. “Like what?”
Oz places both his hands on your waist, strong fingers tactfully rolling up your dress once more until he’s able to admire your panties, soft purple satin with lace trim. There's a small wet patch already forming. With anybody else you might be embarrassed by it, but you know Oz loves the effect he has on you, even when he’s not eyeing you up like a prize. 
“This is nice, but how about you hop up on the table and keep your legs spread open for me?” He punctuates his question, by tapping one hand on the dinner table behind you. You don’t need to be asked twice, as you situate yourself, Oz takes two big gulps of his water. “Cleansing the palate.” 
His hand is steady as he hooks your underwear, far steadier than you feel as you watch the casual way in which he exposes your folds.
“Looks deliciosa.” He sniffs as he leans in closer to your wetness, angling his elbows to spread your thighs further, keeping them in place. 
There’s no test taste, no teasing, his mouth covers you in seconds, engulfing you like a man starved. His tongue immediately begins work, tracing circles around your entrance, pushing in ever so slightly, in endless circles. The tip of his nose digs against your clit, every brush sending a wave of heat through your body. 
It shocks you, making you cry out when he suddenly penetrates you with a thick finger and refocuses his tongue on your swelling clit. Your fingers unwittingly spread out into his dark thinning hair, as you fight the urge to ride his face. Oz likes to eat you out his own way, and you know you’ll be rewarded for sitting still. 
“Ooh-, Oz!” 
He hums between your lips, the resulting vibrations make your toes curl. He slips a second finger inside, continuing to suck at your sweet spot, all the combined sensations have you whining and shaking, orgasm fast approaching with every wave of pleasure. You chance a look down, and the sight of him hazy-eyed and buried in your core has you cumming, fists in the tablecloth, legs in the air as hit your climax. 
The room falls silent, excluding your shared rapid breathing; you coming back down from your high, Oz catching his breath. Oz’s presence always had that calming effect on you, regardless of the situation. It doesn’t, however, stop the whine that escapes your lips when you feel his fingers brush against your sensitive slit. He thumbs your panties, situating them back in place. 
“These are nice, did I buy these for you?” He knows he did. 
“You bought the whole outfit.” You sit up straight, smoothing your dress out before gesturing to yourself up and down. “You have excellent taste.” 
He gives you a once over, for what feels like the hundredth time that night, and despite him having had his face immersed between your legs only moments ago; your face warms with a bashful heat. 
“You’re not wrong, Darlin’. But I can’t help thinking this whole get-up would look better on the floor.” It’s a cheesy line that would make you cringe if it came from the mouth of anyone else. Instead, you’re filled with enthusiasm, excited for the night ahead of you. “Now how’s about you head on to bed an’ get ready for seconds while I clean up?” 
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hyuck-xix · 26 days ago
i was tagged by @baekslight, thank you and sorry it took me so long to getting around to doing this!
Last Song: Flowers by Aespa.
Favorite Color: turquoise?? also a really nice creamsicle orange...
Last Book: 'Shattered Sky', from the Warrior Cats 'A Vision of Shadows' series. Just finished it last night!
Last Movie: I believe it was 'Death on the Nile', the 70s one with Peter Ustinov. I'm so obsessed with Dame Maggie Smith in this one, she's an icon.
Last TV Show: I only really watch tv with my mom. We recently finished all nine seasons of Endeavour, and now we're looking for a new series. Watched season 1 of Dalgliesh but then the next two seasons were unavailable. Last night we started Parenthood which is definitely *not* a British detective show lmao but we're enjoying it so far! Lots of family drama.
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Sweet! I can't do spicy :( i'm uncool like that hahaha
Relationship status: single. old spinster. no prospects on the horizon. i would love a gf but i am shy </3
Last Thing I Searched: uhhhh according to google's search history, it was: "brandon maxwell ss2020 mini dress" haha I really like that specific collection from him. i've been a bit obsessed with fashion rn
Current Obsession: oh wow! literally did not realize this was the next question. fashion!! i've loved fashion since my tween years even though i only seem to wear plain baggy t-shirts. then I'll meet some really stylish cool person and think "i wanna be part of this stylish person thing, i wanna express myself through clothes too". and then i don't do anything about it. right now I want to figure out how to upgrade my style so i can stop being embarrassed about how i dress (although i'm pretty sure it will follow the same pattern of me not doing anything about it haha). I found an old half-empty journal to scribble all my fashion notes down in, and I've been watching Youtube videos from Bliss Foster. My favorite video is where he talked about making "nuanced fashion choices", like that sometimes the best fashion isn't about making the loudest impact, it's about the experience of special details, the interactions in space with your clothes. I really like how unique his perspectives are, all his points just make sense to me. maybeeeee I will actually make a change this time?? hopefully????
Looking Forward To: I've just accepted a job offer and I'm currently in that "onboarding" limbo. I'm looking forward to when I actually start working! It's in a pharmacy which I think will be a good fit for me.
Favorite Drink: Recently my mom got me hooked on Nescafe decaf instant coffee lol. We drink it in the evening, it kind of cleanses the palate from dinner. I never thought I'd be an instant coffee person but here we are!
Song Playing 24/7: I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys.
Current Favorite Character: probably Jayfeather from Warrior Cats. It was so cool how his POV was written, since he's blind. His whole understanding of the world is through his other senses. I'm also really enjoying Violetpaw in the Warriors book I just finished. She's an interesting character, always feeling like an outsider with nowhere to belong. It's cool to see her growth, from an insecure kitten to a hero rebelling against the cat dictatorship she was raised under.
Fun Activity I'd Like to Get Into: I just want to get back into the old hobbies I've been putting off. Bead weaving, drawing, doll customization, fmv editing...
Last Video Game: the only game I play is the My Little Pony game on my ipad lmao. It reminds me a bit of Webkinz.
Last Comic: 'Ditching Saskia' by John Moore and Neetols, a graphic novel. It was really cute! I haven't read any webcomics since I switched phones and forgot my Webtoon password haha. But I should get back on that. I used to really love one called My Universe (which is complete now), and Realta. Omg also I'm really excited for whenever zzztlk's Ties that Bind comes out!! I've loveddddd the sneak peeks/mini comics.
no-pressure tagging: @stolennumbers @monwillica @meiozis @loevhyuck @heartcravings and anyone else who wants to participate! 🫶
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thedragonagebigbang · 7 months ago
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @crabs-with-sticks  |  AO3: CrabsWithSticks
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Found Family in Crisis!!!!!! How This Local Woman's Life Just Keeps Getting Worse!!!  
Jacs and Dema talk music, tragedy, DMing tabletop games, and OCs who won't follow the damn rules
Dema: Good morning! Happy Saturday. Are you writing today? 
Jacs: I'm hoping to! Though I might be taking a break from my actual project to do some fun oneshots. Give myself a bit of time away from the tragedy of my bang fic and write something happy haha
Dema: That is very fair! Especially with heavier fics. How do you get in the zone to write, regardless of the project? Or does it vary depending on the vibes of your fic?
Jacs: Normally it involves getting nice and cozy under a blanket on the couch with a good cup of tea. I'll sometimes put a playlist on to get into a particular vibe, I've got a bunch of character playlists which can help get into the perspective of whatever oc I'm writing that day.
Dema: I won't get too specific with this question but, if there is one song on your playlist that especially fits your bang fic, what would it be?
Jacs: Hmm, I'd say probably 'Sampson' by Regina Spektor. The song is based on a tragic biblical story and is all about what could have happened if things had worked out differently. If the love had been enough to save them, then they wouldn't have been remembered by history but they would have been happy.
Dema: Oh okay, arrow straight to the heart. I see, I see.
Jacs: Yeah, I'm a known tragedy enjoyer, just rolling around in the sadness like a dog in a puddle. In order to get optimal levels of tragedy you gotta have some happiness first just so that readers can really see that it didn't have to be this way (but they never could have changed it).
Dema: I can't wait to read it! I also love tragedy, and especially in that ratio. Is there a particular one-shot idea you have kicking around, to cleanse the palate?
Jacs: Not sure! Though probably something with my oc Luca Trevelyan with Dorian, though I haven't actually managed to get very far through that particular playthrough yet....I'm a bit of a serial oc creator who then never gets around to actually playing them in the game.
Dema: Do you always make your OCs in game? Even if you don't get around to the playthrough? 
Jacs: Yep! It’s probably my favourite part of Dragon Age, or any CRPG. I really like thinking up characters, with their conflicts and histories. I'm a forever DM in real life, so I'm fairly used to making up characters and then never playing them, although at least with Dragon Age I already know the events of the game they'll be going through, so I have a better idea of their development arcs. I am trying to do a re-playthrough of the whole series before Veilguard comes out, but we'll see how successful that is haha.
Dema: Do you find that DMing has informed the way you structure your stories?
Jacs: I'd say that it probably has. When I DM I'm always keeping a hand on the pulse of all the characters, their emotions and where they're at in their arcs, because my aim is really to tell a good story. So I think it can help me to see things from the big picture as well as a more mechanical perspective. Though sometimes I do need to tell myself to stop looking at the big picture and just focus on what is at hand.
Dema: I'm a bit in awe of DMs. To me it seems like being the conductor of an orchestra, except all your musicians are improvising. Do your characters sometimes feel like players? Or do they tend to stay within the lines?
Jacs: They do end up getting away from me sometimes, or they'll do something that leaves me going 'huh, why did you just make that decision', because I know it's accurate but I'm not entirely sure why. Though sadly there's no actual player to ask...just my brain. I was intending to make quite a whimsical and happy Brosca, but she just keeps doing morally grey things!
Dema: HAHA ah yes, relatable. I find it's such an interesting balance, for me, between wanting everything in the story to feel a bit inevitable (especially in a tragedy!) and embracing the realism of some things just not having a clear explanation, especially character decisions.
Jacs: Yeah for sure! It's great when characters are messy and contradictory, I just wish it wasn't so hard...I had a character at one point who was making a whole bunch of decisions I wasn't expecting or had planned for, and I'd try to think 'ok why is this character doing this?' and all she supplied in return was 'I'm lactose intolerant'...which honestly was a very in character response; just straight up ignoring the question. 
Dema: A character in writing, or a character in a campaign you were DMing?
Jacs: A character I was writing.
Dema: Hahaha, incredible.
Jacs: I sometimes have, I guess little 'conversations' with my characters in my head where I tap into the section of my brain that they live in.
Dema: That's a great strategy! Is that how your characters first come to be?
Jacs: Hmm, I think the conversation part comes a bit later when I have some context for them, either in their history or in the game itself. It starts off as a lot of collaging together different ideas until it makes a full character. Often I start off from a particular theme or emotional angle I'm interested in exploring. So one started off as 'religious trauma', and another from 'idealism in a cruel society' and so on.
Dema: Has that first theme or idea ever come from a really unexpected source? And related to this, do you tend to be primarily inspired by the source material itself? I know that's a big reason so many of us love DA in particular.
Jacs: I think the themes are usually all ideas that I'm already interested in, but it's super fun seeing the way it can connect to the worldbuilding and lore. I think it's really important for characters to have specifics which tie them into the world around them, so thinking about how their family might have lived in the particular part of the world they're from, how they and the people around them either adhere to or go against it, and what impact that would have on their story. It's really fun looking at how a theme can change based on where the character comes from, like a character with conflict based around religious trauma is going to be different if they're human, Dalish or a city elf, and the world will react to them differently because of that.
Dema: Now I simply must ask you if you ever write AU fics.
Jacs: I haven't written many to be honest, though I do have some ideas for some. It can be hard translating a story that is really rooted in the specifics of one particular world and translating that to another. So I'm always really impressed to see when other people do it so well! I often find you can find a good parallel for one aspect of a character, but then you have to try to fit a second aspect or character conflict in and it doesn't fit the new world at all!
Dema: I feel the same!
Jacs: Writing; it's hard man.
Dema: It is! So why do you do it!? And a follow-up question: writing is hard, and you're signed up for a Big Bang! What made you interested? Is it your first one or have you done this before?
Jacs: It's like a wonderful little puzzle; except it can be all wibbly wobbly and just like real life it doesn't always need to make sense- it's lovely just to embrace the humanness of character writing!
So a bit of context, I recently finished postgraduate studies, and realised I didn't have any hobbies! I used to love creative writing of any sort when I was but a young whippersnapper (they say, in their mid 20s), so I decided to embrace the cringe and get back at it. I've never participated in any fandom events, or even written something this long that wasn't academic! But I'm really loving the community around this event and getting to chat to other writers as we all write (and suffer) together!
Dema: In the last minutes, and just for fun: can you come up with a click-bait title for your fic? Without giving anything major away, of course.
Jacs: Maybe something like 'Found Family in Crisis!!!!!! How This Local Woman's Life Just Keeps Getting Worse!!!’  (To quote the venerable Sir Terry Prattchet: And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.)
Dema: Ten out of Ten, would click again. Thank you so much for setting aside this time to chat with me!
Jacs: No worries! I had a great time!
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anony-man · 9 months ago
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Chubformers drabble #49!
Character: Bumblebee (G1)
Word count: 636
Boy, did Bee enjoy his nights off!
There were certainly benefits to lingering in the common rooms on days like this. Ending week of heavy duties and long days with a night in was always the kickstart to a good break, and tonight, Bee was looking forward to a good bit of old-fashioned indulgence.
Not only was he one of the few bots left lounging in the mess hall, Bee was one of the only few coherent Autobots awake and aware. Some well-deserved stuffing was long overdue, and Bee was right next to his nearly infinite source… and with no risk of embarrassment, either.
A quick cube to appease his voracious appetite was always a requirement, and Bee guzzled the fuel as fast as he possibly could. Once he was finally satisfied, he could begin entertaining his sweet tooth—and dipping his pedes into a few of his favorite activities. No present audience meant Bee was free to be as gluttonous as he pleased, and the little scout spared no time in gathering up a sizable spread for his weekly routine.
To cleanse his palate, Bee had gotten a nice jug of the good stuff; the bubbly, fizzy engex that warmed his belly and left the sweetest aftertaste with every sip was definitely something he didn’t want to forget. In addition to the drinks, Bee had scrounged up some of the leftover treats from their weeks’ baking experiments. Half the foods on his plate were either stale or overly sweet, given that they’d been sitting untouched for days now, but Bee hardly minded one bit. He was mostly interested in the post-feeding results, after all.
Treating the spread like a platter of finger foods, Bee picked his way through each and every dessert as he drank the jug of engex. It was slow work, but nothing ever beat the feeling of his tanks filling up with each bite. The sensation was comforting, addictive, and Bee loved every second of it. However, in true fashion, he grew impatient rather quickly. Nearly half the plate was left untouched before Bee went in like a wild beast, servos snatching up handfuls of treats to shovel into his face.
Bee ate and ate and ate, and he chugged and chugged and chugged. Before long, his pudgy belly had grown into a sizable dome, the swell of fattened mesh pushing up beneath his chest plating. Bee fumbled with the armor for a few moments, struggling to get a good grip on it that would release some of the built-up pressure. Given his sudden increase in size, it wasn’t much of a challenge, and the plating was popping off in no time.
Bee gave a long, loud sigh of contentment… and then stopped, his optics going wide as he sat upright in his chair.
The relief was immense, but the sudden release of pent-up fat was almost too much for his poor stuffed belly to handle. Bee’s fingers hovered over the rumbling, quivering mass of his gut, hesitant to even *touch*. For a moment, he was almost afraid he’d gone too far. The rumbling seemed to reach its peak, and Bee leaned forward, hunched over his bloated belly, prepared for the worst—
Ohhh, what a relief. With another dramatic sigh, Bee sagged back down into his chair. He gave his belly an affectionate pat, pleased with the results, and was more than ready to go back to chugging when he was interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open.
“Optimus!” Bee said, his optics locking with Optimus’ startled expression. “I, ah… sorry about that.”
“Goodness, Cliffjumper,” Optimus said, already lowering himself down into one of the nearest chairs—likely from the shock of it all. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Well then… wrong place, wrong time, he supposed.
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happyccino · 2 years ago
i only made it about halfway through the rwrb movie before i had to concede it was every bit as cringey as i'd feared it would be and i genuinely couldn't handle any more of it
like even wayyyyyy way back when i first knew it was going to be a movie and we didn't have casting news or anything yet, i already figured that taking the emotional slowburn that plays out over 400 pages and cutting it down into a 90-120 minute movie was gonna. well. suck. i've recently accepted that i largely dislike movies bc everything happens too fast, especially wrt romance. and yep this boiled down alex & henry's relationship to warp speed montage moments before they are In Love and ughhhh it's just boring and bland and makes me wish i could hack am*zon and put a watermark over the whole movie that says "JUST READ THE FUCKING BOOK" (not that the book is like a+ but it's adorable and a lot of fun and it's a comfort book in a way the movie could never ever be a comfort movie)
THEY CUT JUNE ENTIRELY?? AND CUT OUT THE FACT THAT ALEX'S PARENTS ARE DIVORCED? IT'S A KING INSTEAD OF A QUEEN OF ENGLAND???? just. blegh. so many weird changes like that that i knew i should expect bc book-to-screen adaptions almost always have to be so inexplicably WEIRD but i still hate it all. i'm sure the latter two were changed to make it somehow more widely appealing?? or some dumb shit like that?? which uh. the kind of people who would watch a movie with explicit gay sex would not care that the president is a divorcee and the homophobic ruler of england is a woman. MOST OF US ALREADY READ THE BOOK. and literally why cut june out entirely. alex lost a whole sister. the fuck.
i also hated that they made alex's reasons for "hating" henry so one-note and petty, though i guess more-so i hated how short and trivial the whole cupboard talk was. like yeah the first meeting was awful and justifiable enough to hold a grudge, but that whole cupboard talk had been The Turning Point so shaving it down so much just made everything else about their relationship ring false and blah.
the politics were bland, the dialogue was bland, the acting was bland, i'm sorry everything was just. bleeeeeegh. i mean even the best bits of dialogue they kept from the book were ruined bc i'm sorry but i really do not at all like the actors they chose for alex and henry. the way they read the texts and emails was like they were high school bullies reading the gay kid's messages out loud to the class it all just sounded. mocking and cold and WEIRD.
i only made it to the part where alex comes out to his mom and i tried to be happy about the whole "the b isn't silent" thing but it was just another in a collection of dialogue that was all tired, overused lines. (though to be fair to the movie and critical of myself, that isn't the kind of line that makes it to mainstream much, if ever. it just still feels like a really lazy line. idk. i was just sick to death of the dialogue by that point so what should've been a nice line to hear just didn't land for me at all. all the political dialogue was so hackneyed i was just like "why do you all hate uma thurman so much" lol poor woman had nothing to work with with those lines)
another book that tragically does not survive the to-screen adaption. ah well. i think i will palate cleanse with some go2 before i pass out
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thatsmemate · 2 years ago
five drinks to get to know me 🍹
tagged by @russilton and @formationlaps 💕
Just good ol plain water is something I need with me at all times. I can't be without it, I get so thirsty so easily and a lot of food overwhelms me and I need to palate cleanse immediately. I go through my large bigger than my head water bottles multiple times a day, I refill water constantly at home and work bc I chug that shit. I'll rarely have it cold, but depending on the food I'm having I might ask for ice. I usually take it room temp or warm bc it's more manageable that way and drinking a lot of it won't be as difficult as if there's ice. I find it's also a good base to start with, I might have some other drink but I'll always have water, just in case. Of what? Idk, like the other drink I'm having is too sweet, or my mouth is dry, or whatever. Idk man, water is my extra spicy little friend.
I used to have like 7 cups a day, I used to practically have an IV in, I used to find it comforting and necessary to start my day and it never failed me. I still remember my first sip of coffee and how my mom laughed at me when I made a face. But then I got a little bit older and coffee started becoming this hit or miss thing. It might be just the ticket or it might give me slight vertigo from the caffeine. It might be exactly what I needed or it might give me a pounding headache. I still love coffee, so much like A LOT, but I've started to give less importance to espresso (I used to only drink Americanos, black, bc the more espresso the better) and started going into things with milk or syrup or sauces. Most days when I'm at work I don't have coffee unless I'm feeling extra *chef's kiss* Shitty™ and having less of it has made me see it more as a treat than a lifeline.
|| TEA
Top 3 are black, green, and chamomile. Chamomile was the first tea I remember having, and it's just a nice handwarmer type of drink for when I've got a sore throat or I need to feel warm inside. I take black teas to replace coffee, I take green tea when I need to cleanse my soul (i.e. I've eaten something extremely oily or sweet). I used to want to be one of those loose leaf tea drinkers with the fancy strainers but I just like teabag teas better and they're easier to bring to work and have on the go.
I'll fuckin DROWN in this shit, it's my go-to drink order and it's just always good. You can't go wrong. Whether it's powdered or made from the sweat of gods it'll be good. But the homemade shit some restaurants do, I'll eat the pitcher if I could. It's also very adjustable, like if I find it too sweet you just plop some water in there and it's good. It's like salt to taste.
My ultimate comfort drink. I have it when I'm sick, when I have vertigo, when I'm feeling sad or depressed or angry or tired or hopeless. Specifically the Starbucks signature hot chocolate we have here, it's thick it's warm it's not too sweet it's got whipped cream it's great with soy milk it's perfect. When I'm too sick to eat anything I have this and it helps my appetite. I'll have it with pandesal and it's freakin perfect. If you see me with hot chocolate it means one of two things: I wan hot choccie (preventive measures, shit storm spotted and it is preemptive soothing) or I am devastated and at the end of my fuckin rope (sick / exhausted and sad, alarm was chucked out the window for being too loud and giving my sick noggin a headache).
tagging anyone who wants to do it! 🥂
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smitheliana89 · 2 months ago
Pairing Drinks with Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizza: Expert Tips
Rising crust pepperoni pizza is a beloved favorite, offering a combination of a soft, fluffy crust and flavorful, spicy pepperoni. But what makes a pizza experience even more enjoyable? The right drink pairing. A well-chosen beverage can enhance the taste of the pizza, balancing its richness and elevating its flavors. Here’s a guide to pairing drinks with rising crust pepperoni pizza, including expert tips for the best results.
1. Classic Pairing: Beer
Beer has long been a go-to drink for pizza lovers, and it’s no surprise why. The carbonation and bitterness of beer help cut through the richness of the cheese and pepperoni, providing a refreshing contrast. For rising crust pepperoni pizza, a light lager or pilsner is a great choice. These beers offer a crisp, clean finish that complements the pizza’s soft crust and flavorful topping. If you prefer something with a bit more complexity, a hoppy IPA can work well, as its bitterness pairs nicely with the salty pepperoni.
2. Refreshing Soft Drinks
For those who prefer non-alcoholic options, soft drinks are a classic choice for pairing with pizza. The sweetness and fizziness of sodas provide a perfect balance to the savory, spicy flavors of pepperoni pizza. A cola is an excellent option due to its rich, caramel-like flavor, which pairs well with the salty and smoky characteristics of the pepperoni. For a lighter option, try a lemon-lime soda or ginger ale. These drinks provide a crisp, refreshing taste that helps cleanse your palate between bites, allowing you to fully enjoy each slice.
3. Wine Pairing: Red or White
While wine may not be the first drink that comes to mind when thinking of pizza, it’s a surprisingly versatile choice. For rising crust pepperoni pizza, red wines with medium to high acidity are a great match. A Chianti or Zinfandel offers a bright, fruity flavor that complements the tanginess of the tomato sauce and the richness of the pepperoni. If you prefer white wine, go for something with a bit of acidity, like a Sauvignon Blanc. The crispness of the wine balances the richness of the cheese and cuts through the oiliness of the pepperoni.
4. Iced Tea for a Subtle Refreshment
Iced tea is a fantastic drink to serve with rising crust pepperoni pizza for a more subtle, less overpowering pairing. Whether you prefer sweetened iced tea or a cold brew variety, the refreshing qualities of tea pair beautifully with the pizza’s savory and spicy elements. Black iced tea offers a mild tannin flavor that works well with the tomato sauce, while herbal or green iced teas can provide a more delicate contrast. For added flavor, try a lemon-infused iced tea, which adds a slight citrus kick that enhances the overall pizza experience.
5. Sparkling Water for a Clean Finish
If you prefer a non-sweet, non-alcoholic option that won’t compete with the pizza’s flavors, sparkling water is an excellent choice. Its effervescence helps cleanse the palate, refreshing your taste buds after each bite. Opt for a mineral sparkling water with a hint of natural flavor, such as lime or lemon, to complement the pepperoni’s spice without overwhelming the pizza. Sparkling water’s clean, crisp nature allows the pizza’s flavors to shine while offering a light, refreshing experience.
Pairing drinks with rising crust pepperoni pizza can elevate the entire dining experience. Whether you prefer the crisp, clean taste of beer, the refreshing qualities of iced tea, or the subtle notes of wine, there’s a perfect beverage to complement each bite. Experiment with different pairings to find your favorite combination, and remember that the right drink can enhance the richness, balance the spice, and refresh your palate with every slice.
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vanquishing finals week + writing prompt
Hello friends!
I hath survived the dreaded beast known as finals week!
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I once again, I didn’t do a whole lot of writing this week (other than a 10 page final paper for my US in the 1960s history class), but I did end up asking my friend to give me a writing prompt to try and cleanse my palate with something creative after all that hard work. ᕱ__ᕱ So, that is what I will be sharing with you all today! 
Write me a story about a journey - a journey that has no purpose but it comes to have a purpose you must determine. What starts the quest? Is it solo? Where are we at?
The light looks very pretty shining though the leaves and branches of the trees onto the forest floor. If I were more poetic I would compare the patterns to those of lace or something of the like. I’m not poetic, so very pretty will have to do.
It’s around 8 in the morning. I don’t care enough to cast a tempus charm but I left home around 7:30 and it’s been a bit, so 8-ish. 
I had the last of the rhubarb cake Colin made for me last week for breakfast. It was delicious. He made it in exchange for me fixing up the binding on his grimoire, which honestly wasn’t that hard. Making the cake was probably harder. I wasn’t going to say anything though. His cake is fit for the gods. 
I also had tea, which I brought with me, which has probably gone cold by now. No matter. A warming charm will fix it right up. Yes, that is quite nice. Hibiscus tea is one of my favorites. It’s tart and it doesn't taste like I’m inhaling a flower like lavender tea does. I hope it lasts me until I get to town though, because I hate the stale, sticky taste that tea leaves in my mouth when I’ve gone too long after drinking it without drinking anything else.
I suppose I could visit Rosalie when I’m in town, and thank her and Penelope for fixing up that hole in my roof. I’ve always been terrible at repairing charms. It’s why I live in the woods where there are no nosey neighbors gawking at my house or my mismatched furniture and kitchenware.
It’s settled then. I’ll visit Rosalie and Penny. Oof! If I can make it town without tripping over a root to my death.
I had a lot of fun with this writing prompt! I loved the idea of a character setting out to do… something? Not knowing where they are going to end up or what they will be doing, but just seeing where life will take them. Sometimes the best trips are those that we don’t plan! ᕱ__ᕱ And of course, I had to add a fantasy element to the story, otherwise it just wouldn’t be me!
Next week I hope to give you all something a little more substantial when it comes to the original story I am working on but for this week I hope this will suffice!
Always remember, dot your j’s and cross your t’s!
 ~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
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dzpenumbra · 2 years ago
I'm just gonna start this by being the guy who says... it's is absolutely stupid how people celebrate the Fourth of July... on the Third of July. I'm pretty sure it's the only holiday that is named after its exact date. Why the fuck would you be the asshole who sets off fireworks on the second or third? First, it completely ruins the effect of having a ceremony on one specific day when it's spread out over a week. No one is impressed with someone who celebrates their birthday every day for 4 days straight. After day 3, it's like... "okay... how long are we doing this for?" Second, and this is the big one that's fueling me being pissed off. You're setting off explosives for this holiday. And I get that it's exciting to get to do something that normally you don't get to do. But... I really feel for the combat veterans with PTSD. Like... if you've really got a firm grasp on your shit, you can buckle down and brace through the night of July 4th, since you know it's coming, you know the general time to expect the noises, you can prepare yourself. But being blindsided by the sound of explosives a day before you're expecting it? That's gotta really fuck with people, that's gotta be an actual nightmare. I feel really bad for them. And all so a few people can fire off fireworks one day early for a holiday that is named after a specific day. It's just dumb.
Okay. If it wasn't blatantly apparent, I'm in a bit of a mood today. It's not about fireworks, it's whatever, they were firing them off yesterday too. I got 3 hours of sleep. I don't know why. Dreams probably, really don't know. I woke up and... my heart was beating very heavily in my chest. I didn't feel like my heart was beating fast, it felt intense and heavy. And that freaked me out. And I said out loud to myself "having an anxiety attack about my heart beating heavily is just going to snowball." And I immediately tried to go into palate cleanse mode. I opened my phone... looked at the icons on hand... Reddit, Instagram, YouTube. I picked Reddit. I immediately regretted it (more like Regreddit...) and closed it after scrolling barely a whole screen. Then Instagram (more like Instascam...), and it was again just filled with weird scammy ads - get rich quick schemes, miracle exercise plans and diets and shit. But the skate clips helped. Eventually I just got up, and I've been up since.
So... I'm going to do a short journal tonight so I can squeeze a shower in and still get some good rest.
Today, I did a really nice yoga practice, it was very perfect for what I needed and inspired me a lot. It was focused on the concept of Ahimsa, which has been resonating lately. I want it to take more of a forefront focus in my life. I'm sure I'll get into that another night, but it was good to have a reminder.
I did more work on the beads, they're coming along. I basically just hung out and laid low today. I played Hades most of the day. I made chinese Chicken with Broccoli from scratch. I watched videos. Just a low key self-care day of rest. (minus the work on beads, so... I guess just a light day.)
Because of that, I'm not going to do tarot tonight. I'm just going to wrap up. I want to take this opportunity to get to bed a tiny bit earlier.
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vaspider · 2 years ago
Positive Judaism ask to cleanse the palate! Care to share about your favorite (or several top favorite) menorah and/or mezuzah that you've seen? No pressure if not, I just thought it might be nice to think about such good things for a minute.
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There's only one answer to this - this is the mezuzah case on @mistresskabooms' doorway. It was made for her by her father, who is not Jewish, as a conversion gift. He learned how to work with stained glass, learned how to do glass etching, and researched the requirements of a mezuzah case so that he could make her a proper one that she could carry with her all of her life. He made it in her favorite colors (it is hard to see in this image but it's 2 tones of purple, with silver and gold details). Every bit of this is fully thought out and brings me so much joy.
The amount of love and care, the amount of effort which went into this beautiful piece, and the amount of love and support which it expresses -- "this is important to you and I want to support you in it" -- always makes me happy every time I see it.
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sacredsorceress · 4 years ago
Secrets (One) || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: when your husband, bucky barnes, leaves to go to work intruders invade your home. although you escort your children to safety, when the intruders find you they have a lot of questions about the “winter soldier”- a name you’ve never heard before.
a/n: finally posting the first chapter! most of at least the first bit of the series is going to be absolute angst so I apologize in advance (if you’re looking for fluff to cleanse the palate you can check out my masterlist linked below)
word count: 2.6k
warnings: kidnapping, violence, angst, swearing
masterlist || request || taglist
You woke up to the sound of the alarm clock blaring, darkness still encasing the room. Throwing your arm out to your side you reached for your husband, but before your fingers could feel his chest you felt the cold sting of metal catch your hand midair.
Although the room was dark you smiled, opening one of your eyes to peek at the man beside you.
Your wrist still in his hand, he smiled back at you, leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead. “Go back to sleep, doll.”
You groaned, pushing yourself up to instead lean on your elbow. “Do you really have to go? It’s Saturday.”
He dropped your wrist from his hands, sighing as he kicked his feet over the side of the bed, silencing the alarm that sat on his night stand.
“I’ll be back before you even notice I’m gone.”
Instead of resting your head on the pillow and allowing yourself to drift back to sleep, you sat up in bed, slowly slinking your arms over Bucky’s shoulders and down his chest. Leaning into the crook of his neck from behind, you left a kiss on his jawline.
“I always notice when you’re gone, baby.” You hummed into his skin. “Gonna leave me all alone with those brats today?”
Even though the Sun hadn’t risen and the only light shining in between your shades was that of moonlight, you could see the tired smile form on his face. He chuckled and you wrapped your arms tighter around him, feeling his chest rumble with his laughter.
As much as you called your children brats playfully to your husband, he knew how much you adored them.
“They like you better anyway.” He said, picking up your hands that had been resting on his chest, leaving a soft peck on each of them before resting them back on the bed.
He pushed himself off of the bed, making his way over to your shared closet, tugging the first t-shirt he grabbed of his over his head and you watched him stretch as you laid back down in your spot, tugging the sheets tighter around you.
“That’s not true, James.” You said. “You have a metal arm! Do you know how cool that is to a four-year old?
You heard him chuckle, making his way towards your side of the bed. You felt him tuck you in tighter under the comforter and lean over, planting a kiss on your temple. “You don’t have to pretend for me, doll.” He whispered. “They’re smart to like you more than me. I know I do.”
You smiled as he pulled away. “Be safe, okay?”
“Always am.”
When you woke up hours later, it unfortunately wasn’t to the sound of an alarm clock, your kids shaking you or your husband’s kiss. When you woke up again it was to the sound of a vase shattering downstairs.
At first, you bolt up in your bed, throwing off the sheets prepared to yell at whichever one of your children had irresponsibly broken one of your possessions. When your hand reached the doorknob, however, you heard the sound of men’s voices echoing from downstairs.
You immediately rushed to your bedside, picking up your phone with trembling hands to dial your husband’s phone number. As you waited for Bucky to pick up you carefully opened your door and tiptoed across the hall over to your daughter’s room, praying that your floorboards wouldn’t creak beneath your feet.
When you saw your daughter still sleeping peacefully, sprawled across her toddler bed you breathed a sigh of relief. Tucking your phone between your shoulder and ear, you carefully picked up your daughter, resting your free hand behind her head to allow her to rest in the crook of your neck. Instinctively her tiny hands tugged on your shirt even in her sleep.
“Hello? Y/n? What’s wro-”
“Someone’s-” You paused, eyes widening as you heard two men now loudly arguing downstairs. “Someone’s here. I can- I can hear them downstairs, Buck. There’s someone in the house.”
At first he didn’t say anything and you were afraid he didn’t hear you properly until you heard him cursing on the other line.
“Y/n, listen to me.” You heard him say finally- you weren’t sure if you had ever heard him so serious. “In the basement underneath the rug there’s a door. If you open it up there’s a crawl space over there- take the kids and go hide there until I can get there.”
Even though he couldn’t see you, you nodded, tip-toeing out of your daughter’s room and into your son’s, still hearing shouting downstairs.
“Okay. Okayokayokay.” You whispered into the phone, reassuring yourself that you could get the task done. “Incase anything happens-
“D- don’t say that.” You heard your husband stutter on the other end. “You’re going to be okay, baby. I’m... I’m gonna get there soon, okay?”
“Okay.” You assured him, not really believing it.
Your phone still tucked beneath your ear, you shook your son awake and as soon as he opened his eyes, you placed see your hand over his mouth.
“You have to be quiet.” You whispered, just enough that he could hear. “Can you be quiet for Mama?”
Eyes still wide, you watched as your son nodded his head.
“There’s bad guys in the house, okay?” You said, pulling on his hand to help him out of bed. “So you and me and your sister have to go to the basement and wait for Dad. We have to be super quiet, okay? They can’t hear us.”
“L-like spies?” He asked.
“Yeah, buddy.” You smiled, trying to hold it together for the children in your arms. “Like spies.”
Picking up your phone one last time you told your husband that you loved him and without another word, you hung up on Bucky, slipping the phone into the pocket of your sweatpants. 
Squeezing your son’s hand and being sure to not step too heavily on the wrong floorboards, you peeked around the doorway to make sure no one had made their way upstairs. When the coast was clear, you tip-toed down the hallway to the top of your staircase. Listening, you heard more than two men arguing downstairs. 
You swore to yourself, afraid you wouldn’t be able to make it to the basement without getting caught when you heard the door to your garage swing open and the men’s feet slowly become quieter as they made their way into it.
Thanking God for your chance, you sped down the stairs, your children in tow.
Swinging the door open to your basement you raced down another flight of stairs, unsure of how much time you had left before they realized that you were there.
You moved your daughter out of your arms and into those of your son, pulling the rug off of the floor to unveil a hatch.
Seeing the hatch in the floorboards, a part of you questioned how you had never seen this before. How did you not know about this? What wasn’t your husband telling you, keeping random crawlspaces a secret?
Pulling it open you saw a small crawlspace hiding inside, about three feet deep and four feet wide. The only thing kept inside it was a large safe.
Assessing the situation you realized that you had two options- either attempt to take the safe out of the crawlspace, risking making a loud noise that would alert the intruders in your home to come straight for the basement... or safely hide your children in the spot that was left in the crawlspace.
“Shit.” You swore to yourself, hands trembling at your side.
“What’s wrong, Mama?” Your son asked, behind you.
At the sound of his voice, you spun around to face him.Taking a deep breath to compose yourself and smiling you kneeled in front of him placing your hands on  his shoulders.
“Everything’s okay, baby.” You assured him, smiling. “I just... do you think you can take care of Rebecca for me?”
Not speaking another word, he nodded still holding his sister in his arms.
Holding yourself back from allowing your voice to crack you pulled your daughter out of your son’s arms.
“I knew you could, hon.” You smiled and grabbing his hand you led him into the crawlspace, helping him jump down into the hole.
When he sat down comfortably in the corner of the crawl space, you carefully lowered your daughter into his arms. Fighting back ears in your eyes you pat his hand.
“Keep her quiet, okay?” You said, placing your finger over your lips. “I need you two to stay nice and quiet. I’m going to shut the top and you don’t say anything until your hear Daddy, alright?”
Nodding, your son hugged his sister tighter in his arms. Reaching out your hand to brush your thumb against his cheek you gave him one last smile.
“I love you so, so much- you know that?” You told him, sitting on your heels on the edge of the crawl space looking over them. “Now stay still, okay? I love you so much.”
And with that you shut the hatch, a loud sound ringing throughout not only the basement, but the house as you did.
When you heard multiple footsteps stomping down the staircase, you quickly threw the rug over the hatch and fell onto your back on the floor. Looking up from your spot you found three men standing above you- the one in the center looked older than all the rest and once your eyes met his, he took a step towards you, causing you to scramble backwards towards the wall.
Despite trying to leave his grasp, he leaned down, grabbing your chin in his hand and pulled your face only inches away from his.
“Where’s the Winter Soldier?” He asked, so close you could feel his breath on your face.
To say you were confused was an understatement. When you heard intruders break into your house, you were sure it would be to rob you, but now as this man stood in front of you, all he did was ask you a question you couldn’t even begin to comprehend.
“Who....” You shook your head, your eyes scanning the faces of the other men behind the one in front of you. “What? I... I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
Grasping your chin tighter, you could see the scowl grow on the man’s face.
“Don’t-” He sighed. “I know you know who he is.”
In your mind you ran through the name, but as hard as you tried it didn’t ring any bells. Frustrated and terrified you shook your head.
“I swear.” You told the man in front of you, desperately. “I don’t know who that is. You have the wrong person.”
The still unnamed man released your chin from his grasp before turning his head to look at the frame that hung on the wall beside him. Tearing it off the wall, he shoved the frame in your face.
“So, you don’t know who the winter soldier is?” He asked again. Looking at the picture you saw it was one of you and your husband from years ago when you had first bought your home. Shoving the frame closer to your face, the man pointed at Bucky. “Then who’s this?”
You glanced at the other men in the room before looking back at the man.
“That’s my husband!” You shouted. “Who the fuck is the winter soldier?”
As soon as you shouted the words, the man threw the frame against the wall and you jumped as you heard the glass shatter and fall onto the ground.
“That’s the winter soldier!” The man in charge shouted, pointing to the broken frame now lying on the ground.
You flinched as the man shouted and kicked the glass shards across the basement floor. 
You were so consumed in worry and terror over the situation that you could barely understand what the man was telling you. Who was the winter soldier? What did he want with him? Why was he telling you that it was your husband?
He paced across the basement and you watched as he finally stopped in front of the two men that were still standing above you and faced them.
“Fine. That’s it.” He grunted. “We’ll take her with us.”
Without another word, the man in charge shoved through the other two men and made his way up the staircase. As soon as he ascended the flight of stairs, the two men made their way towards you and as much as you attempted to make your way to your feet and scramble your way out of their grasp, their hands landed on your arms and pulled you towards the stairs.
“Let go of me!” You shouted, kicking your feet on the steps below you as they dragged you up the staircase from the basement. “You have the wrong person!”
The two men said nothing as they continued to drag you out of the first floor of your house and into the front yard where an unfamiliar car was waiting. As one of the men swung open the back door of the vehicle you struggled in the other man’s arms.
“I’m not the person you’re looking for!” You shouted again desperately and helplessly.
As the two men threw you into the backseat of the car, tying your hands behind your back before you could attempt to do anything else, you finally heard the voice of the man in charge once again, sitting in the driver’s seat.
“You’re right.” He told you, meeting your eyes in the rearview mirror. “You’re not the person I’m looking for... but... you’ll bring me the person I want.”
You listened as one of the men who had grabbed you, made his way into the front seat while the other slipped into the backseat of the car beside you, slamming the door shut.
“What are we going to do about the winter soldier?” The man in the passenger seat asked his boss.
“Don’t worry,” The man in charge said, shifting the car into drive. “The winter soldier will come for her... and he’ll pay for his crimes.”
As you hung up the phone with the last words leaving your mouth being a shaky “I love you”, Bucky stood in the corner of the room, staring at the phone in his hands, beginning to feel his hands shake and his heart practically beat out of his chest.
“Buck?” Sam asked, laying his hand gently on his friend’s shoulder. “Hey man, you good?”
Staring at the wall in front of him all he could think about was what he had done to you. Those weren’t random intruders- they couldn’t be. He had no doubt in his mind that they were after him, but you- and possibly even your children- were the ones who were dealing with the consequences of his mistakes.
“Barnes?” Natasha asked from her seat at the table, glancing between Bucky and Sam.
Squeezing his shoulder once again, Sam asked. “Who’s Y/n?”
Without turning to face any of them, still staring at the same spot in the wall- he finally spoke.
“My wife.”
You were his wife and you were in trouble all because of him. All because he couldn’t tell you the truth. All because he couldn’t protect you. You didn’t even know what you were getting yourself into.
“I have to go.” He said, brushing off Sam’s hand before leaving the room.
You were his wife and he was going to get you back- whatever it took.
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creativityobsessed · 4 years ago
Be Brave Adachi, or the musical shaping of episodes 1-4
Part 1: Episode 1
Ok folks, buckle up. @ohmypreciousgirl asked me for more music meta and I need exactly ZERO arm twisting for that to happen, so I immediately put on my listening ears and musicologist hat and started my eleventy first rewatch. Since I’m currently only through episode 4 on this rewatch, and I have a page and a half of notes, I’m gonna put in a Read More so that I don’t take up the next 5 miles of the tags. You might be interested if:
You like music
You’re interested in detailed analysis of character development
You’re wondering why the heck those scenes where Adachi is having all the anxiety are so dang effective.
The answer, of course, is that the music helps to shape the exact moments that Adachi makes steps towards character growth. Under the cut, you’ll find out exactly how it’s doing that.
This will be a 4-part series, running over the next 4 days because I got halfway through episode 3 and realized that yall did NOT want a 10 page paper in a single tumblr post. Plus then I can extend the series to include the rest of the episodes later.
So. Without further ado.
Episode 1  (If you’d like to watch/listen along, cue up 19:45 in episode 1* now.) 
At the beginning of the show, we’re introduced to Adachi, the shy, introverted, anxious klutz. He tells us lots of things about himself, most of which include some reference to either his lack of bravery or his self-esteem which is currently so low that it seems to be floating somewhere in the Marianas Trench. Aside from the opening scene with the bike (which many of us, myself included, have hypothesized comes from some kind of future) the music is mostly laid-back, a little jazzy, and repetitive. Adachi’s office scenes come with a walking bass/guitar line that never really finds a melody, and reminds me of nothing more than generic 90s/early 2000s slice-of-life “this is every day” music. His Adachi-at-home music is gently strummed guitar, slow and kind of lethargic, mirroring the way Adachi just floats through life. The main exception is Adachi’s monologue on Kurosawa, which is fast paced, march-like, and jaunty - a reflection of how Adachi sees Kurosawa before the events of the show.
And then, at the end of the episode, that changes, and we get something new for the first time. Adachi is processing the new revelation that Kurosawa actually does like him, and he has just finished telling himself that Kurosawa must have gone crazy to like someone like him. There has been no musical accompaniment since they were in the office together. Kurosawa wraps the scarf around Adachi’s neck and Adachi hears Kurosawa’s inner monologue, cataloging the things he likes about Adachi.
This speech is obviously a turning point for Adachi, but we can be more specific than that. For Kurosawa’s first couple of points, we’re still in silence, and Adachi is looking down. We can imagine that he’s doing his own mental list that starts something like “yeah but…” But after the line “He’s actually an extremely kind and nice guy,” Adachi looks up at Kurosawa, and finally, after two whole minutes of silence in the soundtrack, a new kind of cue comes in.
This new cue is the antithesis of the rest of the soundtrack. It’s fully acoustic (with a little bit of reverb) and played on the piano, an instrument that the composer has not yet used. What’s more, the fragment that the piano repeats is completely unstable. We have no idea what key we’re in (yet. Spoiler, it’ll be A-major, eventually). [warning: technical stuff starts here, if you don’t care about specifics, jump to the /endTechnical tag] It starts with a first inversion D-major chord (in later iterations, IV^6) that attempts to resolve to G-D-A which is NOT a chord, or rather, it could be any number of chords but without a 3rd somewhere in there we don’t know which it is.
Ok, ok, so, resolution failed. Let’s try again! D-major^6 and then instead of going down to D, the A goes up a M3 to C-sharp, making G-E-C-sharp - WHOOPS that’s a tritone, less resolution than the first time. To be fair, the tritone is pretty far apart, and there’s an E floating around in the middle, so it doesn’t feel as teeth grinding-ly gross as your average Danse Macabre, but it SURE AS HELL doesn’t feel resolved either. [/endTechnical]
And we go back and forth between these two VERY unresolved phrases. It’s like we’re (read: Adachi is) stuck asking new questions that he doesn’t have any answers for. It’s unsettling and we spend almost 30 seconds just sitting there feeling unresolved, trying again and again in different octaves, with slightly different notes in the (almost inaudible) string parts-- nothing works. Adachi is not ready to move beyond the questions themselves, so the music doesn’t either, ending on a high unresolved note with Kurosawa’s “Wait.”^
And that’s IT. No resolution. The next musical cue is after enough dead space that our metaphorical ear palate has been cleansed (which is good, cause we jump from quasi-A major to a sequential figure with at least FOUR FLATS - about as distant a key as you can get). To get resolution for the Questioning cue, we’re going to have to wait.
And wait and wait, because that’s it for tonight yall! Episode 2 coming tomorrow!
Continue to part 2
[Although, real quick, before we move on to Episode 2, I just wanna mention that I love that Adachi’s fears about Kurosawa’s crush are scored with a very speedy bebop style cue while Kurosawa’s actual fantasies might as well be a Bach Oratorio COMPLETE WITH METRONOME, because if you needed to shorthand “antithesis” musically I’m not sure I could think of a better way of doing it, short of using screamo metal and Hildegard von Bingen lol.]
*All video timings and quotes are from Irozuku Subs videos. If you’re watching somewhere else, your mileage may vary slightly.
^As an English speaker I love the parallelism in how American English speakers use a rising tone to indicate questions, but I don’t know enough about Japanese to know if that transfers.
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10-porgs-in-a-trenchcoat · 4 years ago
Meilooruns and Gundark Snot and Hutt Slime, Oh My!
For @pinkiemme as part of the 2021 Star Wars Fun in the Sun event. Big shoutout to @lilhawkeye3 - thanks so much for organizing this event! I had a lot of fun with this prompt, and I hope you enjoy it! @starwarsfandomfests
Rated G, ~2k words, no major things that need warnings
“What’s this all about, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked.
“I owe Dex a favor … never imagined he would call it in for this.”
It was a rare day off for both the 501st and the 212th while they were on leave on Coruscant. Luckily for them, their leave coincided with the beginning of Coruscant’s summer, and it was on such a warm sunny day that Obi-Wan rounded up Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex for a trip to Dex’s Diner at the request of the diner’s owner. Outdoor seating had been added for the season, and the group sat themselves down at a table under a large umbrella as Obi-Wan went inside the diner to inform Dex of their arrival.
“Gotta say, this is not how I imagined spending my day off,” murmured Anakin as he drummed his fingers on the table.
“Beats meditating in the temple like Master Yoda would want me to do,” Ahsoka responded.
“I just can’t believe I’m going to eat something other than standard issue rations,” said Rex. He wore his full armor, without his helmet, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat next to Ahsoka. “If the men knew where I was they’d be jealous.”
Obi-Wan soon came back out from the diner, followed by a Besalisk man carrying covered trays in two of his hands.
“Everyone, this is my friend Dex, the owner of the diner,” Obi-Wan said as he introduced the Besalisk man with him. “Dex, this is Anakin Skywalker, his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex of the 501st.”
“Wonderful to meet you all! Any friend of Obi’s is a friend of mine!” Dex greeted them all in a booming boisterous voice. “I have concocted some original flavors of ice cream I hope to serve at the diner later in the season, and I have invited you all here to sample them.”
Obi-Wan sat down next to Anakin, and the four of them watched as Dex sat his trays down on the table and took off their covers. On each tray were two small bowls containing scoops of blue ice cream and spoons.
“First, I am starting you off with some standard sweet bantha milk ice cream to cleanse the palate.”
“Ice … cream?” Rex asked, curious and confused. He watched the others take bowls before grabbing the last one for himself, and after seeing Ahsoka shove a spoonful into her mouth, he followed suit.
“Good isn’t it?” Ahsoka asked him.
Rex nodded as he finished his bite. “It’s … cold. And sweet. Not too much though, just the right amount.”
“You’ve never had ice cream before, Captain?” Dex asked in disbelief. “You clones are putting your lives on the line for the Republic every day and you don’t even get to enjoy the simple luxuries of life? Unacceptable! I’m sending some back to your barracks with you, enough for your whole battalion!”
“That’s very kind of you, sir. Thank you.”
“No, thank you.” Dex pulled a small comm device out of his apron pocket and pressed a button. A short moment later, a procession of server droids came outside to the table, each holding a tray similar to the ones Dex brought out.
“Now if you’re ready, here is my first original creation: meiloorun melon tart! Give me your honest feedback, please.”
The first droid in the procession set down the tray and pulled off its lid, revealing four bowls of magenta-colored ice cream with swirls of orange. Everyone grabbed a bowl and dug right in.
“Not bad,” commented Anakin. “has a nice tangy flavor.”
“This is delicious, Dex,” said Obi-Wan, “I appreciate how the sweetness doesn’t overpower the natural flavor of the fruit.”
“This tastes almost like real fruit,” said Rex before taking a second bite of it.
Ahsoka, meanwhile, took one bite and set her spoon down. “It’s way too bitter,” she said.
“I think you need to get your taste buds checked, Snips,” Anakin teased her.
“Come now, what may be appealing to humans may not appeal to people from other species,” Obi-Wan admonished him.
The next flavor of ice cream Dex had them sample was called jogan fruit cookie dough. The ice cream itself was white, and it contained chunks of purple cookie dough as well as chocolate chips. Obi-Wan ate it silently, then gave a small smile and nod of approval to Dex.
“It’s a little too sweet for me,” said Anakin before he dug his spoon in to take a second bite.
“I think it’s the perfect blend of sweet and sour,” Ahsoka told Dex.
Rex, however, suddenly dropped his spoon onto the table. His face scrunched together in a wince, with his lips puckering together.
“Is it too sour for you, Rexter?” Ahsoka asked, a teasing lilt in her tone.
All Rex could do in response was nod. His face slowly relaxed, and he picked his spoon back up.
Next, Dex had a serving droid bring them glasses of water, and he also advised them to have another bite or two of the blue bantha milk ice cream as a palate cleanser. As Obi-Wan surveyed the colorful assortment of ice cream on the table, and the varying opinions from his friends, he thought that Dex really couldn’t go wrong with any flavor.
That is, until Dex served them ice cream that was a mossy shade of green with flecks of brown and gray. “Kalpa sea thread!” he declared.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, and Ahsoka all glanced at each other uncertainly. None of them imagined that Kalpa sea thread and ice cream were a winning combination. Regardless, the shrugged and dug in.
Ahsoka started with a small spoonful, but then followed up with a larger one, making sure to get some with plenty of gray and brown flecks. When she finished that bite she gave her review: “Honestly, I don’t taste anything.”
“It tastes … odd.” Rex commented.
Obi-Wan finished his bite and stared down at his bowl, stroking his beard as he did. “I suppose … if the meiloorun melon wasn’t available, this would do in a pinch.” His tone was even, neutral, the voice of someone giving a diplomatic answer. Dex responded by quirking a skeptical brow at him.
Anakin, on the other hand, scarfed down the contents of his bowl in only a few bites. “This is fantastic!” he proclaimed. “Got that nice herbal zest, a bit of mint-“
“You like it … and you said I was the one who needed to get her taste buds checked?” Ahsoka asked, raising a brow in skepticism.
“Hey! Like Obi-Wan said, different species of people like different flavors sometimes.”
“Yeah, but you’re the only human here who-“
“We don’t need to reach a consensus, we just need to be honest in our assessments.” Obi-Wan interrupted Ahsoka. Both Ahsoka and Anakin shot him a look, as Obi-Wan’s non-answer to Dex had not gone unnoticed by them.
“You could not have said it better, Master Kenobi,” said Dex before motioning for the next serving droid in the procession.
The droid set down the platter and removed its cover to reveal ice cream that was a pale green, with chunks of yellow and gray candies embedded in the ice cream.
“What is this?” Anakin asked as he took his bowl, staring at its contents quizzically.
“Gundark Snot – only because that’s what the coloration reminds me of! I promise you no Gundark parts or excretions were involved in the making of this flavor!”
“You got close enough to a Gundark to see that?” Rex asked as he took a bowl for himself.
“A story I shall regale you with another time, Captain.”
“It’s a good one too. I was there,” added Obi-Wan before he had his first bite of the ice cream. He grimaced in response to how it tasted, and once he swallowed it down he gulped down some water. “I can’t say I enjoy this, Dex,” he said apologetically.
“Me neither,” Anakin said after he had a bite of it. “Tastes like raw meat.”
Rex merely shook his head as he stared down at his bowl, looking as if he was thinking of a way to succinctly and diplomatically express his opinion on it.
“This is great!” Ahsoka chirped in between spoonfuls.
Anakin, Rex, and Obi-Wan gawked at her.
“What? I never imagined ice cream could taste so savory. Got a nice bit of salty tang to it too!”
“Well, I guess I can count on it to be a hit with my Togruta customers,” shrugged Dex.
After another glass of water and a few bites of blue bantha milk ice cream to cleanse their palates, Dex served up the final round of ice cream.
“Hutt Slime!” He proclaimed, gesturing to the bright yellow ice cream before them.
Anakin scowled at the name. Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at Dex. Ahsoka and Rex glanced at each other and then shrugged.
“I was pleasantly surprised by the Gundark Snot, maybe I’ll like this too,” Ahsoka said before she took a bite of the Hutt Slime ice cream. Almost immediately she grimaced at the taste and shook her head. “Or not … it tastes kind of like what a baby Hutt smells like … it has a funky aftertaste, too.”
“Bet you don’t remember little Stinky so fondly now, eh, Snips?” Anakin teased her. He looked down at his own bowl, considering its contents with a furrowed brow, and it wasn’t until he saw Obi-Wan take a bite that he had one as well. He nearly gagged on it as he swallowed it down.
“I don’t care for this,” Rex said plainly after sampling the contents of his bowl. He chased it with water and another bite of blue bantha milk ice cream, only to wince and shudder at the combined taste of the blue bantha milk and the Hutt Slime aftertaste.
Not even Obi-Wan could keep a neutral expression. He shook his head and forcefully pushed the bowl of ice cream away from him. “This is not your best work,” he said to Dex.
“They can’t all be winners, I suppose.” Dex shrugged. “But a few of them were good, right?”
“They were culinary masterpieces, my friend.”
“I gotta say, Obi-Wan, this is not how I imagined spending my day off.” Anakin said. He and Ahsoka were at work loading temperature-controlled crates into the back of their speeder. Each crate contained a large tub of ice cream in their favorite flavors: Kalpa sea thread for Anakin, meiloorun melon tart for Obi-Wan, Gundark Snot for Ahsoka, and blue bantha milk for Rex. Dex also informed them that he would send a variety of flavors, including his experimental ones, to the barracks where the 501st and 212th were quartered during their time off the front lines.
“But I still had a good time, and I now know where to get the best ice cream on Coruscant.”
“Agreed … do you think I could lure Masters Windu and Unduli to Dex’s to try the Gundark Snot?” Obi-Wan asked, his tone laced with mischief.
“Most definitely. I want to see their faces when they try it.” Anakin answered.
“I wish I got a picture of your face when you nearly choked on the Hutt Slime,” Ahsoka said to Anakin. “Or Rex’s when he had the sour cookie dough flavor!”
“Or yours when you had the Hutt Slime, Commander,” Rex shot back with a smirk.
“When we get back we’ll all have to sample our least favorite flavors again to get pictures of the amusing faces we make,” said Obi-Wan as he ambled into the front passenger seat of the speeder. Ahsoka and Rex climbed into the back of the speeder, utilizing the crates of ice cream as armrests and leg rests.
“Just how I imagined spending my day off on a nice summer day, choking down some more of that Hutt Slime,” murmured Anakin as he hopped into the driver’s seat and started up the speeder.
“You could always invite Senator Amidala to join us!” Ahsoka suggested. “I bet she’d love it!”
“No way I’m subjecting her to that, Snips.” Anakin shot back as he took off, driving the speeder back to the Jedi Temple. As he drove along, he thought that taking Padme to Dex’s for ice cream wouldn’t be a bad idea for a covert date at some point during the summer. She would like the jogan fruit cookie dough.
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everygame · 4 years ago
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Fantasy Zone (Sega Master System)
Developed/Published by: M2 / Sega Released: 15/06/1986 Completed: 22/05/2021 Completion: Finished it. I wrote "3,001,400" here earlier so that must be the score I had... Trophies / Achievements: n/a
Felt like a palate cleanser so decided to play through the SMS version of Fantasy Zone as it is (sort of) chronologically next in my slow working through of all of M2’s games on 3DS (by which I mean: original release chronology, not the 3DS release chronology. It’s complicated.*) This is hidden in the Sega 3D Classics Collection, but is as fully featured as any other game there, although I don’t actually know what all the additions do (I have no clear sense of the difference between the “OLD” and “NEW” options are, and there’s a “Helper Mode” option that I also didn’t understand--so I split the difference and played NEW with no helper mode.)
*It gets more complicated because I'm shortly going to be playing through all of my retro games (mostly those in retro collections) in chronological order. So I don't expect to play another M2 game on 3DS for several years at least...
This is, you know, basically just a cut-down version of the arcade original, with 6 instead of 10 bases to be destroyed and some different bosses (that were back-ported to the arcade version by M2 in the previous version I played!) and I was surprised to find that I breezed through it because I remembered exactly how to play Fantasy Zone and it’s a good bit easier (I mean, it’s already only 60% as long.) However, it’s a nice little port that I think if you loved the original in the arcades and you got it at the time you’d be well happy. And this is a nice little port of a port, even if, probably, it’s a bit pointless in comparison to just playing the arcade original now. But you know: palate cleansed.
Will I ever play it again? Not this version! Onward to the sequel, at some point, though I notice I have the PC Engine version of this apparently so I guess I'll be playing that at some point.
Final Thought: A question about the sequel that I won't have to come to for a long long time: do I play through the SMS original or go straight to IIDX, the arcade-quality port M2 did? I'm leaning towards SMS.
Support Every Game I’ve Finished on ko-fi.
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