#this was like my top goal to achieve as a rp moment
ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of replies related to our artwork from yesterday + a couple of shippy ones! Plus I think one of the replies works as a mini-hc list for our Idia ships…
Anonymous asked:
Idia, Sweetie, why are your pants so low? Someone’s liable to pull them them clean off…
Idia’s pants are escaping… the whole room reeks of danger, so his pants obtained sentience and managed to pull themselves lower. Just a couple more minutes, and they’ll run away.
Well, the Tweels will rip them off before they achieve this goal…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
You have now awoken my old TWST Lab AU thanks to your Leech x Idia art work. I'm talking the overblots as patients and the first years are also patients while most of the second and third years are doctors and nurses, a lot of sneaking stuff in and sneaking off for some hardcore fun, we even had a rp (me and my friend) where Riddle got tired of the rage tests and shocks he got and had a three way between Azul and Floyd to let off steam
Damn that sounds great lol You guys always have a lot of fun! I’m glad Azul and Floyd were there to help Riddle out, tests and shocks sound tough~
I don’t know, labs and hospitals are such a sexy setting, especially when there is a darker twist to them.
Anonymous asked:
Idia will not love to meet the tweels' parents. I'm sure it will be misery for him to do so.
Oh absolutely. I think Idia would hate meeting anyone’s  parents to be honest, even Azul’s mom, who is supposed to be a lovely woman lol But the Tweels’ parents are way too intimidating. And if they act friendly, it’s somehow even more scary!
Anonymous asked:
Is there anything that Idia would see his lover doing that would drive him crazy (in a good way, of course) i.e. biting their lip, twirling their hair, anything?
Hmm, it’s not like it drives him super crazy, but he tends to unintentionally start to stare and feel a bit excited, when…
Azul opens jars and bottles with seemingly 0 effort. Not like he does it often in front of Idia, but that’s one of the reasons Idia could never get used to it. Maybe also when Azul bites his lip, but that’s because of his beauty mark – it kind of attracts Idia’s attention.
Lilia messages him first or sends an emote (he does it super rarely, so it’s always a big deal and makes Idia very happy), or looks at him with a smug and intimidating face. Idia would never admit that he likes the latter though.
Floyd runs/parkours past him. Not only it feels great when he isn’t chasing Idia, but also… damn that’s fast. And the way Floyd’s body works is almost freaky, he truly resembles an animal when he does this type of stuff. He’s so big.
Jade does anything with his hands/fingers: cooks, folds paper, writes something down. Idia kind of looks at him a lot during their housewarden/vice-housewarden meetings, Jade’s hands are very… agile. And long. Makes one’s mind wander. Plus, Jade always makes it look effortless and exceptionally precise, as if he’s not human.
Sebek holds a bunch of heavy objects, like chairs or boxes, and showcases his strength in any other way, but it has to be casual, because otherwise it’s like Sebek is bragging about being strong. The fact that this isn’t a big deal to him at all is what makes Idia stare. 
Ortho does anything!!! He is a cutie! But if we’re being serious, get these “tingly” moments when Ortho acts like a handsome young man. Winks at him, does gentlemanly/boyfriend gestures, says something straight out of either a romance manga or a movie. It’s very unusual, and Ortho’s been doing it more often lately. Maybe it’s on purpose?
Anonymous asked:
I was about to ask if you like Floyd x Cater or Sebek x Cater or Jack x Cater but then I read yer bio :( so do you have other Cater ships? I'm super curious since I don't see ya talking about him a lot
Yeah, sorry… even if it wasn’t for our top/bottom thing, these dynamics aren’t really our cup of tea unfortunately :(
We don’t have any major Cater ships, but we did talk about a couple of them before: Cater/Vil, Cater/Idia and Cater/Malleus. All of those are intriguing, and if we didn’t have all the other ships that keep us busy, I probably would’ve sketched them, but I just never have time for Cater somehow…
Anonymous asked:
You fw Floyd/Deuce? 👁👁
They have potential~ We talked about them here.
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frostise · 5 months
questions for mun: who are five of your favorite characters? (in the rp community or otherwise), and if you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
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𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐍   ┇   accepting ♡
13. Who are five of your favorite characters? (in the rp community or otherwise)
i'll do a random list of characters from different fandoms i like. my top favvs in DC would be kf and batman but it's too obvious AND it would be unfair as well 🤷‍♀️
connor from detroit: become human. he's just a baby boy! i love him the moment i played his scenes and his music theme is phenomenal! bryan dechart really did a nailed his connor's character because i instantly liked him when he came on screen at the start of the game. he's very sweet and cute tbh it's hard to not love him 💖💖💖
reverse flash from DC. his insanity and severe level of pettiness is what made him an appealing yet disturbing villain because of the crazy lengths he'll go to devote himself to achieve any goal without the ties of morals. i really love his comics and animated depictions the most tbh. especially in justice league: the flashpoint paradox and his goofy self in lego dc super-villains. overall, i think he's pretty neat even though i love to hate him a daily basis and he'll always sound like c. thomas howell to me when i get the chance to read a new comic of his ^^
widowmaker from overwatch. what a gut wrenching lore for a character so cold-blooded. she's the only reason why i used to play overwatch before it became a toxic community. i love everything about her, especially when she's quick to fire a vicious comeback no matter what or who it is she's addressing to. actually now that i realise it? she has similar vibes to louise lmfao. but only if she willingly 'evil'. but anyway! widow will always be my number one favourite character in overwatch forever. nobody can take her place ♡
azula from avatar. she's too iconic to ignore and neglect on this list tbh. the girl was literally 14 in the show and a straight up menace everytime she appeared on screen. it honestly made me think she was actually going to capture/kill one of the members on aang's squad. she's that terrifying. but then again she's pretty funny as well. i'll give her credit for that. anyway, azula is my top tier villain that gets too much hate and suffers from mischaracterization in the comics. despite that issue; the blue fire is so cool to watch in her battles and everything about her downfall is super well written! she's a inspiration to me ♡
slenderman from slender: the arrival. my favourite childhood horror character of all time!! i had to add him here. it's one of my favourite og games i've ever played and slenderman is a legend to the horror genre itself. i definitely had nightmares about him because i thought he was real when i was younger lmfao. the game just made it more terrifying because he always wins no matter what the main characters do
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
let's be real here—i would never in my life make contact with a super criminal and tell her off so carelessly because she would beat my sorry ass instantly, but if she was in a electric chair then i would definitely tell her to take more anger management classes, be less rude to people trying to be nice to her and quit killing people just because you got hissy with them and knowing her? she won't really listen to me! she'll call me a peasant 😔✋🏼
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fletchlingfletcher · 6 years
“So… how do we start? You aren’t going to make me do something foolish are you?” For a moment he gave her a severe look before the expression faltered and died. He couldn’t seem to bring himself to be suspicious.
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                                              Press -----> HERE for some accompanying music
Corinne took a long, slow, deep breath. 
"I..do have a plan. Surprising, again, I know.." Her smile seemed to soften again, more natural and much less forced than before, particularly when he moved closer. She even found herself leaning over slightly. "And..that depends on your definition of foolish and who exactly you expect to consider that." As if realizing she'd been leaning, Corinne straightened up abruptly, actually hopping off the bed with an even more normal and relaxed smile and a hand extended out. 
"It'll be trial and error. Try a bunch of things and if none of those work, then try more. And you won't have to worry about looking 'foolish' because I intend to keep you to myself for all of this....I!! I mean..um..you know, it would...just be us so..nobody else would...you wouldn't have to..!!!! It'll be fine!! I know there's something we can find!!"
Miahtoux simply settled for looking at her with a very confused expression on his face. ‘Trial and error’ didn't really sound like a plan to him… sounded more like shots in the dark. But still… she seemed so… enthusiastic… so he sighed, and against his better judgement, gave her an encouraging (if small) smile. “Alright, alright.” He disappeared into the bathroom before returning with a jacket which he pulled on haphazardly. Trying his best not to wave his arms around too much.
“I guess… really this time… lead on?”
"You're..suuuuure you can't think of anything that you would..even..REMOTELY consider fun? That isn't work of any sort??"
“You mean besides reading and magic? Well… some of the time anyway… no, not really. I… I guess I’ve been too long… being……… restricted… in my activities… to really know or remember.” 
Restricted. Yeah that was the word he was going for. Why was he trying so hard? She knew what had happened to him. But… well… talking about it was a bad idea most of the time. He scrunched up his nose slightly trying to think back to when he was a child but… no… even then it had just been reading… there was singing of course… but he’d given that up a long time ago as well… 
“I… I really can’t think of anything……… this… isn’t helping is it?”
Corinne shook her head at him. No, it wasn't particularly helpful. It didn't give her much to go off of and left more than just a lot of possibilities, but she hadn't expected much else anyway, all things considered. She probably wouldn't have been trying to do this otherwise. Honestly, she couldn't help but to laugh a bit, which seemed mean as soon as it came out. 
"Sorry," she apologized, covering her mouth to hide her remaining grin. "It's..not really helpful, no, but it's alright! Let's seeeeee thouuuughh..." 
Corinne lifted her hand, tapping her chin as she paced in a small circle. "We could start with..games..? Cards? Dice? Or..art? Not much of a painter myself, but I can appreciate it! Don't uh..don't have paints though, so maybe just sketches? Probably want to avoid anything too physical, so I guess I can't ask if you'd like to climb a mountain. What about crafting? Woodworking can be calming and..interesting. There's always music too! Though I couldn't bring much but my lute with me...and the orchestrion. Can you play? Orrrr dance? Eh..that's a bit physical and I said we could avoid that.." Her rambling turned into mumbling eventually until she was just walking in circle chewing on the tip of her thumb.
Miahtoux grimaced at the idea of crafting. “I am very bad with tools… plus I just imagine my brother looking angry whenever I try things like that…” 
He perked up slightly at the mention of music before his face fell again. Remembering. 
“I don’t dance no… never could quite get the hang of it…” He tapped his foot a few times. Should he actually tell her that? It seemed daft considering all he had already told her but still… he sighed. “I… used to sing… quite a lot… seemed to be okay at it… not really at playing instruments though…” he shuffled awkwardly. Why was singing where he drew the line? Eventually he just sighed again, planting his chin firmly on his hand with a defeated expression.
Her attention was drawn to the fact that music seemed to catch his. She could definitely work with that! Even if it seemed..touchy at the moment. 
"You don't sing anymore then? That's alright, still plenty more to do with music!" Her smile was bright, hands swinging back to her sides, as she turned to retrieve an instrument from a drawer, unwrapping it from the clothes she'd apparently been using to cushion it. "Have you ever..tried to play? I could show you that!! Consider it a fair exchange- magic for music!!" 
There was soft laughter when Corinne returned, settling onto the sofa and strumming a chord. "I could teach you to dance too but I'm not sure if you'd like your toes stepped on. I'm not the best, just alright. And..dancing is better with a partner, so..not necessarily something you could...enjoy on your own!" Her fingers plucked a few more strings, no exact rhythm or melody to it, just notes.
“Oh, I tried to learn to play. Could never hold a song long enough on an instrument… always found it hard to… well… to get away from the rhythm I hear elsewhere…” He tapped his head but shrugged quickly. “Maybe I simply was never meant to play…” He slouched slightly, looking at the instrument in her hands. 
“I… I never intended to stop singing… but when everything started happening I just… stopped… it no longer seemed appropriate… given the circumstances everything else took precedent…” He sighed again. “Mo- … Ms Jhentu never used to play when she sung anyway… she would just… hold a tune all by herself… she had a calming voice too…” It was almost as if he was completely unaware his normal speaking voice had a kind of melody to it. Perhaps he simply didn’t notice it.
Corinne let her hand rest atop the instrument. "Maybe you tried the wrong instruments. Though..unfortunately this is all that I have that I could offer you. There's a really..really nice piano in my parents' home. I'm sure I'm out of practice with that though." She shrugged. "Or maybe you're really not meant to play." There was a twitch of her lips, a smile she was trying to hide as she looked down to her lap. "Just have someone play for you or with you. But...I won't beg you to sing. Though maybe someday I'll ask if it ever seems..more appropriate." Not paying attention, her fingers brushed the strings one more time as she shifted the lute in her lap, offering it over. 
"Doooo you..wanna try..again? We could start small, short, simple!"
He looked sullen, evidently thinking deeply about something. Eventually he shook himself out of his reverie. “Maybe one day when the time is right. But I doubt that day is today…” He sighed again, more deeply that ever before. 
“Who knows though. I may get enjoyment out of you playing…I mean… if you want to… I… I’m the last person who would force anything… I hope…”
"Someday..one day...I can work with that. Whenever you'd like to, whenever you can." She plucked a single string, the note high but soft, then shook her head again, the quietest laugh coming from her. 
"If you want me to play...tell me to play." Her gaze finally shifted back up, any sign of that smile gone now. "It's not force to say what you want. So...if YOU want...say it!"
Miahtoux gave her the barest hint of a smile. “Play then. I want to hear you play.” 
It shouldn’t have been a difficult request. But it seemed like saying if he wanted anything was always, for some reason or other, difficult for Miah. Still, he sat back on the Sofa, eyes closed so he could listen properly to what she was going to play. Maybe that way he could get lost in it to? Maybe find the desire he had so long ago to actually sing himself?
Her fingers on the neck adjusted a few times, her nose wrinkling in thought while trying to decide what to do and what to play. When she finally settled, her fingers brushed along the strings in one soft chord, then plucked at individual strings. It was a soft sound- light, airy, maybe a little quiet- something more soothing and slow rather than loud and exciting as Corinne herself was wont to be. Her fingers moved with practiced ease, to the point that she closed her own eyes at one point to just..play, maybe hum a little bit, just barely.
He nodded slightly when she started playing, each nod of his head following the rhythm perfectly. It seems he really had enjoyed music at one point, for he didn’t interrupt her. He just sat and listened, obviously appreciating the unhurried and calming melody. 
As the melody started to repeat itself, something changed in the room, almost like everything was stilling around them, aether pulling in and started to move in rhythm with her strumming. Whether it was her or him wasn’t quite apparent. But one thing was apparent. When Miah actually opened his mouth and started singing… he hadn’t been lying about being able to sing. What followed where note perfectly in pitch and tune with her strumming. The aether swaying with each one, so much so that the soothing melody could be felt down to one’s core. He still had his eyes closed though, listening to her for the cues. Although truth be told… looking at his face… it half seemed like he wasn’t even aware he was singing. Where he got the lyrics from were anyone’s guess.
Corinne struck a note just barely off intended, not for a lack of skill or just making a mistake, but in a bit of surprise. She'd only been humming thus far, no words, nothing to distract from the request to play. But music aside from her playing had begun to complement the melody. It took her a brief second of opening her eyes and glancing over to realize it wasn't just her imagination filling in lyrics and song, but what she discovered curled her lips into an ecstatic grin. There was a temptation to stop right then and there, pay compliments and release her excitement. But that...that didn't feel right. 
So for once Corinne stifled her outburst, returning her focus to her hands and the strings beneath them. It was pleasant, calming, more than just her instrumental playing but the singing along with it, having someone sing along with it! 
There wasn't a question of where the words came from, what had encouraged them or the fact alone that he was singing. There was just...music. For a while anyway, until the last of the notes was left to echo in a quiet room.
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lgchunji · 4 years
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     merry christmas, lgc members! oops! this time you didn’t just send something to they mods, they also wanted to send something to YOU!! every single mod, below the cut, has something wonderful for you all to hear! (no, this is not the christmas present side event lol)      our mods deserve all the love in the world, but the members all deserve a little extra love too!      happy holidays and everyone have a good new years!
     admin l, writer of @lgcxjun, @lgcmiso, and @lgcnami says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      making the members happy. when we put out a new event or implement something new in the rp and members are super excited about it, that's what i like the most.      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      hmm.. i think it's when we officially opened the rp for reservations and they came flooding. we weren't expecting this. we thought it would take weeks before we get enough reservations to open and were pleasantly surprised when in 48h we had the 10 minimum. we never expected to have over 50 members, either. so this whole experience has been amazing for us      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      seeing the characters grow right before our eyes, that's the part i love the most. seeing the progression of each and everyone of you all always make us happy. the admods are your biggest supports, i swear to god. i also love how our members aren't scared of giving ideas and participate in the growth and events of the rp! we always love incorporating our mun's ideas      4) anything else you would like to mention?      thank you for being here with us <3
     admin *, writer of @lgcdanbi​, @lgcnathan​, and @lgctaesung​ says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      oh gosh… i can’t pick just one! honestly, it’s just being able to plan and create stuff for our members with such a fun and dedicated team like the one we have here! we have so much in store for everyone, and we just hope y’all are as excited as we are for the big things to come!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?: for me specifically, it had to be my *first* trimester change as the head of graphics. i literally SLAVED lmfao over our Q4 2020 graphics, and it was so nice to see how much everyone enjoyed the roleplay’s makeover. plus, now that we’re getting closer and closer to Q1 2021, i’m both excited yet SUPER nervous about the aesthetics i want to put out for lgc in the new year!      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!): character-wise, i can tell everyone is genuinely invested in their muses’ development and careers here. even though idol krps aren’t anything new, it’s such a breath of fresh air to be a part of a group where people want to see success with their muses from the very start to finish. mun-wise, it’s gotta be activity check sunday’s! seeing people’s live reactions to the queue is DEFINITELY the highlight of my week.      4) anything else you would like to mention?: we’re a small team here (but i swear it feels so much bigger!), and we dedicate a lot of our time in running lgc behind the scenes than in writing for our own characters. it can be a bit of a bummer and can definitely take a lot of muse and motivation out of you, but we’re always so appreciative of how considerate and thoughtful our members are of us. we’re not perfect—no one is!—but despite our flaws, it’s so inspiring to see a place (a home?) like lgc last for over a year and still be going on strong. and we can only thank you guys for all of that! so! thank you!
     admin g, writer of @lgchanbyul, @lgcjaesun, and @lgcyumi says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      i have a strange love for lists and stats, and so i actually really enjoy the administration part of being an admin. honestly, i would be the type of person to start a roleplay just to do the logistics lol. i enjoy helping to keep things neat and orderly, though admin a. has been doing a really great job of making my processes even better. my strong suits are not events or graphics, so i leave those tasks to the rest of the team. i think because of that, we make a really great team, and i just enjoy getting to see the fruits of our labor week after week and seeing people excited over them as well!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      there are many memorable moments, of course, and this might sound silly … but probably when we received our first application that was not from one of our og staff members. frankly, when we started this group, we were fairly certain no one would want to join, especially with so many other great roleplays around, so to have watched it grow over these last 16 months has been pretty incredible!      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      i wish i could give a special shoutout to each person, but that will quite literally take me a year so i apologize that i’m taking the easy road out. i think the best part about our members is just their willingness to help, whether it be helping others understand the points process, what is needed for an event, or just any of the other logistics that might lead to confusion. it puts a smile on my face to see that teamwork and selflessness exhibited by so many of you. when we mention that we’re stressed, there is never a shortage of eager hands being raised to offer help, and we always appreciate that. i think it’s not easy being a big group, and it can be easy to feel left out, so i just continue to applaud those who really help to make people feel at home!      4) anything else you would like to mention?      2020 has certainly been a wild roller coaster ride, but it’s certainly been made better by getting to write and interact with all of our members. i hope that those i haven’t had a chance to write with yet that i will get to do so soon! thank you all for your continued support and i hope everyone has a happy holidays and a happy new year! may 2021 be a better year for all of us!      thank you also to leaf for organizing this! you’re truly a trooper for putting together this special treat for our members ( and months ago for doing it for the admin staff as well )! always appreciate your thoughtfulness in spending the time to think of others. ❤️
     admin a, writer of @lgcaeri, @lgceunhye, and @lgcsanghyun says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      my favorite part is seeing people’s reactions to everything we do in lgc and using some of those elements to help build their character or celebrate their accomplishments. a good example of this are the events that have been revealed in the past and reading the reactions and feedbacks encourages us to think more about what kind of events we can make or improve on!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      i’ve only been here for a short period so i can’t quite name a lot, but the one that i can think of on top of my head is during the end of the trimester. it’s usually the busiest time for us for several reasons, but it feels the most rewarding to me personally because behind the scenes, we really try to make sure that everything goes smoothly. add that everyone is so patient during those times and we really appreciate it! i personally want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all of the positive messages and support you have sent to us! it really means a lot to us! ❤️      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      i mentioned this previously in the one year anniversary post, but i would say it’s the community that has been created and developed over time. it’s gone through a lot and the fact that we’re still active now still shocks me sometimes! aside from that, i would also say reading through the solos and posts that we see on the dash (and yes, we see what is going on 👀). while there is so much that i don’t know about everyone’s muses, sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and see what everyone has been up to lately.
     admin c, writer of @lgcxking​ and @lgcjin​ says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      for me it’s seeing members get excited about events that we put out, and creating new canons based off them. i don’t think i would be able to keep being an admin if i didn’t feel this sense of wonder and excitement coming from everyone!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      i’ve probably mentioned it way too often by now, but when we created lgc we expected it to die off after a couple weeks/months. we never expected to last so long and it wasn’t easy in the beginning, but after a while, i’d say around october/november, we started welcoming a lot of new muns that have become such an integral part of the rp. the fact that we’d have enough members to form a lot more than one group for each gender is amazing in itself. and the 2020 family concert really had me realize just how far we’ve come! to see all of those muns and muses experiencing it for the first time even though they’ve been in the rp for so long and achieved so much.      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      i don’t want to name anyone in particular because i’d want to talk about everyone and that’s impossible, but like i mentioned above, it amazes me whenever i see everything that the muses have achieved in a year. i think i realize now just how many events we put out LMAO. some muses are fairly new but are already on future dreams or lgc girls japan, others have begun acting, producing, hosting, etc. i always love to see the very detailed plan everyone has for their characters and even though it might take a while to happen ic, it’s important to set goals! some that might not even happen in a near lgc future, but it gives such life to muses. i also love seeing friendships form, relationships grow, suddenly being on dash and realizing that a muse FINALLY confessed to another, or sometimes just discovering important information through someone else because we can’t possibly read every single thread on dash (i’d love to, though, trust me). there’s a ton of people i haven’t interacted with yet on my muses, and i would sooo love to do it but with the amount of work that goes behind the scenes… let’s just say though that we love every single muse and i’m probably a bigger fan of them than you are!!!!!      4) anything else you would like to mention?      small mention to you, leaf, for doing this! thank you for the love and care you put into these types of projects it’s very cute ;; we really liked getting messages from members last time too. also, to anyone reading this, just know that we’re glad you’ve decided to join us on this legacy journey!!!! why do i feel like i’m ending this too dryly but I LOVE YOU GUYS and thank you for all the support, patience, understanding and time investment <333
     admin y, writer of @lgcjaehwa says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      i'd say seeing members dropping random appreciation posts and messages would be my favorite part! there were times where i tend to overthink and become a mess. although it may just look like a simple ask, random messages like these really makes my day.      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      my first 'project'! its something i planned all by myself and to receive positive feedbacks makes me feel proud of it! i'm usually pessimistic when it comes to myself so this is really a big deal for me. this project is not out yet but will definitely be revealed in the future ;)      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)     the best part is of course the community!! i never expect myself to stick to a rp for this long. there is this saying, 'the muns keep the rp running'. without you guys, lgc will not be where we are today!      4) anything else you would like to mention?      i just want to say that although i'm not close with everyone, i do hope i can get to know more lovely people here! and i thank you guys for staying with us throughout this journey. i'm sure lgc will still continue to stand strongly for the months or even years to come <3
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Survey #404
“death doesn’t answer when i cried for help”
The person you had the strongest feelings for dies, do you care? I'd be fucking devastated. It wouldn't feel real. Is there something you’re happy about at the moment? A few things. I'm still on that high of my APAP mask working, like I'm actually getting some fucking quality sleep, and I think I'm noticing the effects of my TMS therapy finally, too. My PTSD has most notably been much more bearable, and my interests are beginning to spread again. Do you want someone dead? No. Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? I mean yeah, I think that's pretty normal, even for someone without my issues. Have you ever fed or taken care of a stray animal? Oh, many times. What is something you tend to worry about? My health and future. What is something you do that is unhealthy? Sit at the computer for way too long. I'm absolutely certain my vision is as poor as it is partially because of me endlessly staring at screens. What is something you do that is good for you? I'm not afraid to prioritize my mental health. What last caused you to force a smile? I was watching a Mark video for the first time in a while and was just reminded of how much I love and appreciate that moron. What was the last video game you played? Was it fun? Because you said "video" game, I guess I'll exclude computer ones, in which case I'm pretty sure it was Silent Hill 2. Given it's one of my all-time favorite games, of course I think it's fun. It's one hell of an emotional ride. What is something not many people know about you? The fact I was a dancer for many years would probably surprise people once they have a good idea of me and what I like. What word describes your basic style? Lazy, honestly. I dress for comfort, and given that's usually just pj pants and a tank top... yeah, I don't put much effort into my clothing when I'm going most places. Have you ever been told you were going to Hell? She kinda beat around the bush, but yes. Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? On more than one occasion. If yes, what convinced you not to go through with it? Well, I did OD once, but on the other occasions, it was the fear of the unknown that deterred me. Have you ever rejected a guy, only to have him push the issue by asking “why?” and insisting that you just need to get to know him better? Omg no, thank god. I would NOT handle that well. Is there something that you believe everyone should do and you can’t believe that some people don’t do it (e.g., recycle or go to the dentist regularly)? I didn't know 'til a survey question asked it that there are people who don't brush their tongue when brushing their teeth. Like holy shit dude, there are SO many germs on your tongue, clean that shit. Regarding the last good choice (healthy choice, kind choice, selfless choice, etc.) you made, what was your real motivation behind it? Ummmm the nearest that comes to mind is I guess taking my meds? I mean I do that every single day, but it's still a healthy choice for me. The motivation was because I am very serious about doing what I can for my mental wellbeing. What is something that you have had to practice at to get the hang of it? If you can’t think of anything, that’s okay, what’s something you are currently practicing at and trying to master? I really can't think of something for the first half of the question, but I can tell you that right now I'm attempting to force a routine of applying a therapy technique called "opposite action" into my daily life, where you, well, do the exact opposite of what your depression tells you to not do. It is WAY harder than it sounds, but I'm doing it with reading 30 minutes a day! Have you ever gone to the store to buy something, like a video game, when it came out at midnight? Not to my recollection, no. Regarding the last novel you read, was there a romance included? If so, was it central to the plot? The last novel I finished, yes. It wasn't central to the plot. Have you ever done relaxation meditations or listened to relaxation guides or positive-thinking/healing recordings? No, except in therapy when different therapists wanted me to experiment with it during a session. They just don't work for me. Do you have any interests that are also often shared by children? Yeah. Those are the one I'm especially self-conscious about. there something that could be a solitary activity but you really only like to do it with other people (e.g., watching movies, playing video games, etc.)? Watching movies or TV. Are you satisfied with the interior design or decoration in your home? Or do you think it needs a total home makeover? A makeover would be nice... Is there something that you’d like to own but you can’t find it anywhere? If not, can you a remember a time when you wanted something? Did you ever end up finding it or did you eventually stop wanting it? OKAY SO I actually have seen this custom-made once long after deciding I wanted it, but it was RIDICULOUSLY expensive. There's a location in the Silent Hill games called Heaven's Night, and I'd love love LOVE to commission someone to duplicate the neon pink sign of it to hang in my room. Hopefully one day I could still do it. Who makes you smile the most? Probably my cat, honestly. What piercings do you want/have? I've talked about the piercings I have, but I'll talk about those I want. My #1 is absolutely collarbone dermals, but as I've explained a billion times, I want to lose weight so the bones are more prominent for the sake of contrast; you can't really see my collarbones now, so I just think it'd look pretty dumb and random to just have random piercings somewhere around there with no dimension. I also want way more in my ears, dermals in my back dimples also once I've lost weight, my right nostril for the dozenth time (but this time I'll wear a hoop), and while I'd absolutely adore an undereye microdermal as well, it'd be pointless with glasses. :/ What's your favorite website? KM is my pride and joy and really feels like my online home, so despite using sites like YouTube more, that 'ole RP site has to be my fave. Do you own a fish tank with fish? No. I had fish bowls (AWFUL idea) as a kid, but never tanks Do you like the movie 300? Never seen it. Do you pop your knuckles? NOOOOOOOOOOO. I absolutely hate the sound. It makes me cringe and shiver. Do you have Photoshop? Yes. It comes in the Adobe CC photography bundle I have. Do you use tinypic or photobucket? I used Photobucket back in the day. Now I just upload to imgur. What’s your favourite song from the 1980s? You're talking to someone who adores classic rock/metal, haha. How about the 1990s? There are way too many songs to choose from. Have you won anything recently? No. How often do you make Excel tables? What for? Never. What was the last baby animal you saw in the wild? There was a poor fawn as roadkill on the highway recently. :/ Are you always available or online? Preeeetty much. Do you have dietary restrictions? Or do you just eat what you like? I can eat whatever. Do you prefer gold, silver or steel jewelry? Or no jewelry at all? Steel. I'm allergic to silver, and I think steel is more subtle than gold. Have you been binge-watching any shows lately? If so, what? No. If you dye your hair, do you do it yourself or go to a salon? I do it at a salon. If you have any, do you like your in-laws? I don’t have any. Would it bother you, if your partner had cut contact with their parents? If they had a good reason, no. Have you ever wondered whether you were adopted? As a kid I did because I thought Mom was meaner to me than my siblings, lol. What’s the best physical feeling in the entire universe? ........... This question is a setup lmfao. Have you ever grown a berry bush? No. Have you done something new to your hair recently? No. It's been the same for quite a while. I wanna dye it badly. Do you have bad anxiety? If so, do you take any kind of medication for it? I'm diagnosed with generalized and social anxiety, so yeah. I take Klonopin once and day and Ativan as needed for attacks. One thing you’ve experienced that you thought you never would have? HA, the first thing to come to mind was being noticed by Mark by making a viral (in the community, anyway) gif of he and his doggy. I shit you not, I couldn't sleep for three days lmfao. What was the last thing someone said to you that kept repeating over & over in your head? That I gained fucking seven pounds in two months at my last doctor appointment. I wanted to scream. How often do you have late nights out? Never. I'm a homebody. If you could, would you work from home? Do you think that would make you more or less productive? No. It would absolutely make me less productive. If you had the ability to change the weather, what would you change it to right now? Cool with a nice breeze, mostly clear skies, crisp air... That'd be nice right now. Is there something that you really need to do, but can’t seem to get motivated to do it? I say it all the time: finish decorating my room. It's funny, because I KNOW I'll feel more at home and cozy with my bedroom more personalized. Most disturbing movie you have ever seen? Paranormal Entity. The ending was... a lot. Has a life goal or dream ever come true for you yet? If yes, what is it? If no, do you think you’ll achieve it? Not that I can think of. .-. I hope I can achieve some... Have you ever had food poisoning? No, thank God. What are you listening to? "The Man Who Made a Monster" by Dance With the Dead. Do you think there will be a WWIII? I find it inevitable at some point down humanity's future. People are too hateful for it not to eventually. Has anyone ever asked you if you were emo? Yeah. Has someone ever liked you that you never thought would? Maybe? Idk. In all honesty, can a person be too nice? Yes, in some instances. Has one of your friend’s boyfriends ever tried to cheat on them with you? Yes, when I was around 12. And I let it happen. It's one of my biggest regrets. Is mental abuse really as bad as physical abuse? Of course it is. Emotional abuse can cut just as deep as some physical blows, or even deeper. Do you shop at Sephora for make-up? No. Zelda: Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time? I'm actually not into TLoZ. Do you own a rosary? I did as a kid growing up in a Catholic Sunday school. If you were homeless, how would you cope? If I had no loved ones in my life and no sign of things getting better, I'm honestly preeetty sure I'd end my life.
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iamcrimelord · 4 years
Story Time/Open RP: New City, same old scum.
Daigo had been on the rooftop for a few hours. He was using a spy glass to get the lay of the land, as well as scope out the castle of the ruling family of the city. Sounded like the Baron liked to live on the wild side if the local gossip was to be believed. Hansel Redmane was his name and apparently if there was one thing this man loved more than anything it was throwing massive parties where everyone had a little too much wine and far too little clothing. Same old story really. Apparently this Baron’s partying came with quite a high price tag and it was the citizens who usually footed the bill. The pretty ones got to enjoy the party too if they tickled the right lord or ladies fancies. Daigo lowered his spy glass and sighed. Taking out guys like this is what got him booted from the collective in the first place. To be honest he never understood why they objected so much to ensuring that people who exploit others for personal gain getting what was coming to them. But no matter. He was out of the guild now, though not fully unscathed. He had scars lining his hands and arms, as well as a rope burn scar around his neck. Charming gifts from his former compatriots. But no matter. If he dwelt on the past again he’d be up on that roof for hours. Well, more hours anyway. He put on his skull mask and pulled his hood up and slid off the roof down to a nearby wall. He then skid down the side of it and then leapt off of it, landing on the stone walkway down below. From what he had gathered, the castle was heavily defended. Soldiers in armor from head to toe, battlements with spikes on the top of each wall making it impossible to climb over. There were also arbalest crossbowmen on each tower as well. Not the fastest of shooters but they punch with the force of a small explosive. Then of course there were the guests themselves. Sorcerer’s, witches, wealthy lords and ladies, champion fighters, and peasants who were lucky to be born prettier than the rest. All enjoyed in the Baron’s revelries. Each one despite their appetites could be dangerous in their own rights. He had good armor, powerful magics, and a sword sharp enough to cut through almost anything as if it were cold air. But while it was true that even in greater numbers weaklings were weaklings still... That was a bit more than Daigo could handle on his own. He was going to need backup. 
Daigo was down in the ratway tunnels later that evening. Every major city had a place like this. A hidden underground city where the more honest scum and villains lived. And by honest he meant did not hide their true colors behind a pious title or churchly apparel. Now most criminal area’s such as this depended on the royalty mostly because they kept civilians in line and from playing outside the rules like they did. This ensured that they always had a field advantage when exploiting the people. He’d come for all of them down here soon enough. But in the meanwhile he would need to recruit some of the more talented rats down here. Eventually he found what he was looking for. A wooden door that was quite frankly....far too crappy for a sewer. Almost standing out with how much work was put into making it look...unremarkable. Ironic how the opposite goal is achieved when one tries to accomplish something. He knocked on the wall and a plank of wood slid to the side. “Password?” the bouncer behind the door asked. Daigo simply held up a Mythril coin. 
“Well all right then, come on in friend.” the door opened and Daigo walked through. Where at first he had been in a huge sewer, he now saw a large underground district. The tunnel itself was several stories tall, and the walls were lined with buildings, apartments, stores, and eateries, each one with large windows so one could see the goods inside. From food to products, from treasures to weapons, from fine clothes to finer flesh Daigo was able to see the red sun distrcit of the city. A river ran down the middle of the way and was navigated by gold plated gondalas. Daigo was impressed. One would think building something this intricate would draw more attention. Daigo kept his mask and hood up. His armor was a bit...dirty however. From road mud to rain water splattering all over his apparel. He supposed his first order of business was to get a place to stay. Quite the ironic twist that he felt more comfortable sleeping among a den of lions than he was a pack of foolish sheep. He made his way to one of the massive wall buildings of the tunnel. He looked up and found one with a name he rather liked. “The Black Rose.” Daigo said, reading the name of the establishment. 
Daigo approached the front desk. A portly man with a narrow nose, slim framed glasses, pointed ears, and eyes that squinted to the point of almost looking closed saw him...and hoisted his nose upwards. “If you are seeking lodging sir, you may wish to try the brothel down on the river level.” He said with disdain. 
Daigo simply walked up, and placed ten mythril coins on the table top. “Or I can get top floor suite, some new clothes, a good meal, and perhaps a bottle of Black Wine.” He said in a straight tone. 
The Clerk looked at the coins wide eyed. “Uh...well....yes! Yes of course!” He said greedily, his eyes now very visible. 
“Does Sir have any luggage he would like taken up?” The clerk asked, far more friendly now than he was moments ago. 
“No. This is all I have. However if you could get me a list of all the stores in town, I would greatly appreciate it.” Daigo responded. 
The Clerk nodded. “Very good Mr...?” 
“Belfir. Daigo Belfir.” He answered. 
The clerk nodded. “Very good Master Belfir. And if it would please sir, we have a wide selection of...other gentlemanly delights if it would so please you.” He said with a tongue in cheek grin. 
“No.” Daigo said flatly, sternly, and without any room of misunderstanding. 
The clerk nodded quickly, realizing he had made a mistake. “Yes sir, my apologies.” He quickly waddled away. 
Sometime later, Daigo came out of the private bath of his suite. On his bed were red silk pajamas with a black rose embroiderd on the left breast pocket. He dried off from his bath, and got dressed. He walked up to the wall of his bedroom that was simply one giant window and looked down. People walked along lantern lit roads in fine apparel. There was a tragic irony to all this. The Baron uptop was bleeding the people with his legal taxes to fund his life style. While the scum of the earth leeched off of the exact same people down below. Innocents were being bled from both sides. But if his goal was achieved, he’d make sure the wealth made it back to the people in the middle. He looked around at the other large buildings that lined the three story tall tunnel. All were lined with open windows with gilded gold framework. Apparently in a city hidden from the sun nothing was hidden from each other save their faces which all seemed to be covered in a mask down here. He could see some people eating in one window, another training with fighters in another. Other’s were hawking their wares while others still engaged in vices of the flesh for all to see. He had to admit that while they were evil. They did not hide what they were from each other. Which meant that finding the right kind of cohorts for his plan to steal from the baron should not be all that difficult. 
The next day a notice was placed on all the message boards down below...
“WANTED, SKILLED THIEVES FOR HEIST OF THE CENTURY. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED MEET ME AT THE GALLOWS TREE ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE CITY.” And there Daigo was, waiting to see if anyone would answer the call to treasure...
----open RP! available to all! keep it civil though.
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faedawayyy · 4 years
SIBLINGS PERSONALITY CHECK - carmichael addition. 
in this post i will rank the carmichael’s on a particular trait or whatever from most to least. just bc i think they’re an interesting fam. obviously leo, bella and anastasia are played by katie, ez and nadine who do AMAZING jobs at bringing all three to life, none of this is to undermine how they develop and play them, it’s just how i initially pictured them. 
brody is easily the angriest and it doesn’t take a lot to get under his skin, miles is the most easy going and is more likely to just let things go over his head or retreat rather than get riled up and argue with people. 
all of them are/were above average in school but if they, by some miracle, ended up in the same year group in school, this probably would’ve been the ranking. everything comes easily to anastasia while brody never really applied himself.
tolerance includes a lot of people and a lot of things, but this is like...tolerant towards people who fuck them around. contrary to what some rp events might have you believe, mason is a VERY forgiving and understanding person - although if someone pushes him too far, obviously not so much, whereas anastasia is most likely to just never change her opinion on someone.
this one is pretty self-explanatory. mason is very romantic-minded while leo and brody are capable and can do it well selectively. the girls were brought up in a very toxic masculine environment and i struggle to imagine either of them being very in touch with their sentimental side while miles doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body.
this is just self explanatory - i always imagine leo to do things in excess; whether that’s partying, arguing or striving to achieve something. miles is the polar opposite.
...i refuse to justify this.
bella = anastasia 
their mother - even though she’s the least problematic of the parents overall - was VERY all about her sons. the boys could do no wrong while the girls seemed to be held to an impossibly high standard. brody seems to be the ultimate golden child in her eyes. 
leo = brody = bella
this one needs to be explained a bit more. anastasia is the oldest, the most capable and the most similar to her dad; she’s got a business mind and is relentless when it comes to reaching goals or making sure people get the karma she feels they deserve. she’s his favourite in the sense he knows he can TRUST her. leo, brody and bella share the second ranking and their the favourites as in, they’d get away with murder.  mason was the softer of the first four, who were all born pretty close together, and often overlooked. miles and his dad clashed. 
anastasia = leo 
mason = bella 
james always had it in mind that leo and anastasia would take 50/50 when it came to his entertainment company and that was usually undisputed. HOWEVER, when it was obvious brody would marry disney, james suddenly became keen on him taking on the company because it’d mean more profit if they merged with her family’s record deal. if you think about who is worthy, that’s definitely mason and bella, who tie in terms of creativity and genuine passion. miles doesn’t have a chance. it’s all currently up in the air and something the siblings will eventually have to sit down to discuss.
leo = brody
leo and brody ruled the house. easily the most spoilt and if they didn’t want to do something, they woudn’t. they’re very much two sides of the same coin. miles was difficult in a different sense; he was introverted, refused to leave his room - even for school at one stage, and wouldn’t budge on anything. bella is the baby and, to put it nicely, was spoilt rotten not just by her parents but her siblings. anastasia could be stubborn, but was quite a goody-two-shoes and mason was probably the only ‘easy’ child of the six. 
because that’s pretty much how it would’ve happened in my head; i feel like leo wouldn’t have gone FAR when he left home, but would’ve definitely been keen to invest and buy his own property before he even turned 20. i feel like in general, he lacks the attachment to the “home” safety net that most young people have. when anastasia left, she went half way across the globe with her family but before she definitely lived with her parents while she was pregnant. brody left after he married, mason married two years later and did the same; miles and bella are the only ones still living at home, i believe, but bella is way more proactive and independent than miles.
miles always ‘breaks the rules’ but is too clumsy/obvious and gets in trouble for it. brody and leo are likely to break the rules, get caught and talk themselves out of it, anastasia and mason rarely break the rules...but if they do, they probably end up confessing. meanwhile, bella easily breaks the rules the most often and literally doesn’t get caught ever.
again, i doubt their rooms are ever hella messy, but in general, that’s probably the order.
brody = leo 
anastasia = miles 
mason = bella 
brody and leo are the kind of messy where they cause scenes, anastasia and miles are messy in the sense that they ignite drama/make snide comments and mason and bella aren’t as messy as the other four but have their moments.
the top 4 aren’t technically “snitches” but will definitely snitch for their own benefit or just to see one of the others get into trouble. miles is a genuine snitch and would’ve always been the one who’s “telling mum” and mason minds his business LOL
self explanatory. 
it’s canon that mason makes films all the way into like, old age. he genuinely never stops. anastasia is a business women and again, i feel like she’d keep at it for a while. leo, bella and miles would probably be most likely to switch around and experiment with different paths while brody will 100% retire from everything before 40.
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optimismrpt · 5 years
hello! i have followed so many of your groups and i've always admired how well you structure and plan your plots. i feel like many groups these days get buoyed up on an idea but fail to make it past the first event. can you explain just how you plan out a plot, how your structure that plot progression, and any advice/practicalities on how to build a full narrative into a plot that has a definite start/end and can come full circle? any advice you have would be so amazing. thank you for your time!
Okay first off wow, thank you so so much! I try my best and I put A LOT of work into the rps I run. And it’s true it is very hard to get part the first two weeks, and even I, with all my structure and planning, falter sometimes! But sometimes things work out! And below the cut I have put some of my plotting tactics and strategies. 
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First off you need an objective in mind, something concrete that your character need to do, achieve, or get. 
For example: 
The team must find and kill Vronsky. 
The team must relight the beacon. 
The team must track down the war fugitive and bring him in for trial. 
The passengers must discover who the murderer is. 
I take inspiration from shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender which had a clear plot and timeline in mind from the very start. Ex. Aang must master the four elements and defeat Ozai before the comet. 
And I take warning from shows like Supernatural: Dean and Sam hunt monsters for seemingly the rest of eternity. 
One of these has a strong ending that will bring peace and resolution to watchers because it fulfills the starting goal. The other will go on and on until eventually people lose interest or they end in a ridiculous and contrived deus ex machina. (Not to get too off topic but if Supernatural had ended at season 5 it would have been an example of a good plot arc). 
This is the problem I see a lot of rps facing. The plot is: weird town is weird. Or people do bad things for bad reasons. And there is no structure to it - nowhere to go. Start with the end in mind. 
But I get it, sometimes simple can be fun! And not everything has to last for months! 
Here’s what I do to plot my rps: plot point A to point B. 
Point A: The very beginning of the rp. I like to set this within a month of the characters meeting each other, so they’ve known each other long enough t o have first impressions as well as know what they have signed up for whether it be a mission or a quest. 
Example Point A: The team met in the capitol city three weeks ago and have been planning and packing for the long journey ahead. Today they exit the gates and start their quest. 
Point B: the very end of the rp. This includes the climax and the resolution. You need to know if you want your team to be successful or not and you should have at least a vague idea how they ‘save the day’. 
Example Point B: The team arrives at the top of the Great Mountain, are tested by the guardians and relight the beacon. With hope restored to the land they part ways, changed forever. The princes and crowned and the couples marry. 
Once you know point A and point B you need obstacles. Obstacles can be people, monsters, the weather, the landscape, an event, and so on! This is what Joseph Campbell would call ‘The Road of Trials’ and like any classic myth it involves circumstances getting int he way of progress. These must be overcome. I view each obstacle as a plot drop and usually write about 6 to 12. 
Here is the plot outline I wrote for my latest completed private rp @questbegunrp.  It’s quite long so If you don’t want to read it scroll past the italic. 
Leaving the city - the team rides out and away from anderos’ capital city where they first met. This is the first week so it’s pretty much just a time for everyone to do initial threads and get started.
Plains of Anderos - while riding across the plains of anderos towards baine the group is attacked by wargs. They must fight off the giant feral animals, protect each other and their horses (and the dog).
Wrongly accused - the team make it out of the forest and into the kingdom of ironhaust. They stop at a small town and enjoy the moment in civilization. But one among them is framed for a crime and a mob attempts to hunt down the innocent team member. The team must save their friend from the gallows. Now is the time to lay low recuperate and gather information on what Wulf is accused of
Lost forest of Baine- The team finally arrives at the border of the entlands. They find that it is disorienting and filled with a thick fog. They must navigate through the confusing and threatening environment. ( view of the past )
Ruins - the team find the lost city of baine, now in a state of crumbling ruins. They decide to make camp there for the night but are force to fight when a group of bandits attacks and takes rosalyn hostage. The team must get her back.
Bridge - The team is attacked by a group of goblins just before they are about to cross the ‘blackfire gorge’. They choose to run hoping that they can cross the long wooden bridge in time to make is safely to the other side and some of them do. But the other are trapped by a flaming arrow and the bridge snaps. Six party members are left on the edge and six tumble to the river - swept away to the mines.
Mines- While the fallen half of the team nearly drowns after falling into the river and being swept into the underground dwarven watermills they safely arrive on a bank. This team struggles with injury and a lack of direction. While the other half of the tema enters the mines and searches desperately for their friends. Just as the leave they are attacked by living shadows.
Refuge - the team is reunited and with the help of their new guide they make their way to the remains of a onc great dwarven city. It is empty now but the wanderer has been maintaining it. This is the time for the team to express their feelings to each other as their destination grows near.
( Cemetery - Seer ( a view into their future ) the team arrives at a cemetery near the edge of the mountain. While there they meet two strangers: a wizened seer and a young man. The seer offers to show the team visions of their future.
Maze - a labrightn of stone and vine surrounds the base of the mountain, built by magic. There is no climbing over it so the team must navigate the maze together. But that isn’t the most difficult part: there is a Wyrm that live sin the maze. It can only see movement but if it finds the team it will eat whoever it can catch.
Statues of judgement - the final threshold. Living statues demand that each member of the team prove they are worthy of going to the final resting place of the council. Each team member must make a case for themself and for one other person.
Relighting the beacon
Some of these ended up being cut but for the most part we got through this plot all the way to the resolution! 
It is important to remember that a rp plot is like a growing, living thing. You do not have full control and you never can. Sometimes your members will do something with their character that will change the plot. Sometimes members leave and there is a huge blank space that you need to fill. You have to be willing to twist and mold the narrative to fill in blanks and meet the needs of your players. And that can be really really difficult. 
For more information of how I run my skeleton rps check these two guides PART ONE and PART TWO. 
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rkyooa · 6 years
damn, rookies.
okay children, here we go.
i’m putting this under a read more cause, well, this isn’t going to be completely positive, in fact it’ll probably be a good 50/50 positive and negative. we’ve been asked to write about rookies for this fifth year anniversary. it’s amazing that this rp has lasted so long and seems to be the only active, successful roleplay on tumblr to have any kind of significant longevity, so i feel it’s only right to be honest when writing this. rookies has done a lot for me, and this includes both positive and negative things. each person’s experience is different, some will have really great experiences and some will have really negative ones, some will fall on the spectrum in between. i’m definitely in between. i’m gonna do this in a ‘rookies has taught me blank’ kind of way, just so that i can keep a silver lining in the picture, even with the negative. if you relate, then great, let’s chat and bond over it. if not, i hope my experiences help you so you don’t have to go through any of the same hardships i have. 
here we go
rookies has taught me resilience. it’s the first thing that comes to mind, because as much as this community has some amazing people who are supportive and uplift others, there is some really toxic stuff that has happened within the walls of this roleplay. sometimes it’s out of our control, and bad stuff just happens, and that’s okay, so long as we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move on. upon joining rookies, i had made yooa and hugo. hugo was a muse already conjured and in the works before he had officially joined, and he was in all honestly, made specifically for a friend’s muse here. yooa was plotted to have a long term ship from the get go as well, and both ships were integral parts of their muses. i lost both of them, nearly at once, and it quite literally took a chunk out of me. i never blamed the roleplayers for doing that, because i understood why they needed to leave. getting upset at them wouldn’t have changed anything either, so i just accepted it. i won’t say i didn’t suffer from it though, because i most certainly did. for a while i had no idea what to do with hugo. yooa, she had a bit of a purpose, because she wanted to be a model and an idol, but hugo especially was so hard to come back from on. failed ships or people leaving happened multiple times after that as well, but because of the initial loss of people i thought would never leave, the impact wasn’t nearly as bad, i was able to weather it and accept it, and move on ic. now i’m so understanding and don’t really get hurt when i lose ships or rp partners, i’m able to just be okay with it and look forward to the next ship or thread or endeavour. i’ve applied this to strictly ooc things as well. i’ve lost friends within rookies. people have stopped talking to me because of things that have happened concerning rookies. it sucks, i don’t like it, but i accept it. i’m becoming more and more thick skinned and level headed by the day. i can take blows and dish back kindness now, and i’m pretty proud of that. the only thing i’m still struggling with is the amount of netizen smack talk or belittling that suho got during the mgas. everyone loved to hate him, and while it’s just unofficial ic stuff, it did still get to me, hence why i stopped writing on my own netizen (and have since even deleted her account). the reason that specifically got to me is very unique to my situation. yooa and hugo got signed after what’s considered pretty long waits. there have been longer, obviously, but 8 and 6 months is still pretty long. they were both signed quietly as well, and haven’t had any special trainee projects or debut notices or anything like that, they’ve simply had their training as private trainees and that’s been it. i’ve never complained about that, because i get that others have been here longer than me, are more deserving of the spotlight, or sometimes that’s just how the cookie crumbles. i had a third muse before suho that was taking even longer to get anything. she had an audition with kt that failed, that’s about it, and i had had her for a pretty long time (rip rkyukji i miss you terribly but your true fc is dead and reubvleiwubds i just can’t play you cause of it otherwise you’d still be here kicking ass and taking names). now, she didn’t get scouted with chococon and i did complain about that, but in retrospect i realized her charisma was way too low to be street casted hence why i made suho with his insane charisma level and percentage.
anyways, suho doing well on the mgas and winning was the very first time any of my muses had ever been in some kind of spotlight, really. for the first time ever i was genuinely being rewarded, and everyone was just shitting all over it. had yooa or hugo gotten something special i probably wouldn’t have cared that the netizens were always like ‘idk why suho is special, what’s with this junmyeon guy, he aint even talented, he’s not that good looking, etc.’ but because it was the first time something special was being done for me as a mun here, i took it to heart. it was like i wasn’t allowed to enjoy it, because someone else’s muse wasn’t the one in the spotlight. i still remember waiting up until 5am to see who the winner was, and when it came down to suho and haknyeon the tlist blew up with support and rooting for haknyeon, and then when suho was announced the winner? dead silence. i had never felt so hated within this roleplay before, and i felt the need to say sorry for him winning. bianca worked very hard to give all of us, and me, a very special experience, and all i could feel was remorse and regret by the end of it, which i’m sure wasn’t her intention. carly mentioned not understanding why i thought everyone hated suho - this is why. the moment one of my muses had some kind of attention or spotlight, people were mad, upset, whatever. it... really sucked. i feel really anxious and nervous whenever i mention his mga win in a thread now cause i’m worried i’m upsetting someone with it. i still have to work on this, but hopefully i become resilient to this too. i’m sure, if and when yooa or hugo becomes public or debuts, that the netizens will have things to say about them as well, and i just have to be prepared for it to be bad. people will be petty, they’ll be mean, it’s just how life is sometimes. all i can do is correct my own ways and try to build up a thick skin to it.
rookies has taught me dedication. a bitch has done her trainee replies and evals on all three muses every single week since each other has been signed. that’s right, i do fucking 6+ replies a week, every week. that’s sort of unheard of (except for kyle lol) and it’s shown me my unhealthy level of perfectionist tendencies i have, haha. my non-trainee threads have really fallen to the wayside, which sucks and i need to fix that, but after i’m done all of my trainee replies i’m just so tired. i’ll work on it, i promise, but a bitch is tired she does her replies every week cause she won’t be able to sleep if she misses an opportunity for an achievement she wants. i have goal pages set up on each muse that shows which achievements and what levels i want for them. i update them with my point pages every week, and boi there’s a LOT on there that i want to do. missing a week? it makes me panic because that’s another week on top of everything that i’ll need to get my muses where i want them. the fact that suho is so chillaxed about his training and debuting helps so much because my perfectionist ways reflect in yooa and she will literally murder me if i miss a week on her. i also started an rkresource thing (that i desperately need to update) and even though the mods probably have their own version of it i still kind of like seeing where everyone is at. i’ve got some competitiveness in my personality so part of me really wants to see my muses raise in rank in some areas. it kind of keeps me motivated? and i hope that it does for other people as well, haha. it’s not pinned to my twitter anymore but i think someone posted a link to it in the rkresource tag so! its the leaderboard doc. i also update my points every week cause i need to know where my muses are at, which apparently is also really rare? not even kyle does that lol but i know if i leave it i’ll get lost and mess up the tracking so it’s really just for my own sake of being bad with numbers. i lowkey add everything up now and then to make sure i’m on the right track. 
rookies has taught me how to keep muse. yooa is my longest running muse by far. not many know this, since i’ve been around nearly two years now, but i’m actually notorious for getting bored and losing interest in a muse. i’ve had a lot of muses in my time, more than 100, or even 200 at this point. they always sort of completed their story though, and i’d get so bored on them that i’d go inactive or drop them. these muses in rookies have goals, purposes, aims, and they don’t die. yooa is such a strong muse, as is hugo (suho is eh tbh but he’s there), and i know there’s still so much more for her to do and accomplish, so many paths to explore, and i deeply thank rookies for giving me a place where i can have two whole muses who refuse to die no matter what. that’s such a rarity for me, so thank you rookies. you’ve given me two very precious muses that i love with all my heart. no matter what happens ooc with other muns or even the mods, my love for these two muses keeps me from leaving and dropping, i could never do it.
rookies has taught me loving friendships. i have met some very special people here. they are few, honestly, but they are gems and i would never have known them without rookies. the person who has impacted me the most, honestly, is clara @rkwendy / @rkjohnny. this girl, i don’t think you guys realize how beautiful of a person she is. we aren’t best friends, but we’re close. clara has listened to me bitch, both about real life and things within rookies, even people she cares about, and she has not left my side or held anything against me. there are so few people in this world that could do that. she didn’t even push me to like anyone she liked, she let me realize my faults and errors on my own and she was supportive and proud when i realized them and voiced that to her. i try my best to be there for her as well, but i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to be there for her the way she has for me. i’ve got an extremely beautiful ship with her as well, that i hold near and dear to my heart, because as mentioned before i get bored easily, so doing slow burn ships has never been my forte, but wendy is just such a beautiful, layered, intriguing masterpiece of a muse that hugo and i fell completely in love and have been hooked ever since a year ago when the burn first started. it doesn’t matter how fast or slow the replies come, the muse is still there and strong for the ship and i am so thankful to her for being an amazing writing partner. another friendship that has impacted me, and i dont think she even knows or realizes this, is rose @rklisa / @rkyeri / @jinsoulrk. we started out really rocky, and we had some issues that were a good chunk my doing. literally, i came at her over the pettiest, stupidest thing (and i realized she was even right to begin with lol i was such a dumb ass), and then there were things ic that i was taking to heart ooc and it became an ooc issue. i didn’t really handle that well either. the reason i’m mentioning this is because it taught me to see my own faults and own up to them, and even try to change them. if i hadn’t been dumb, rose and i would’ve probably started getting along a loooooong time ago, cause the ironic thing is she and i like a lot of the same groups and share a lot of the same opinions both on irl groups and songs, and ic and ooc rookies things. i’m very excited to be among the new gen royal girls with her and to hopefully have our muses (WHO ARE FINALLY GETTING ALONG! YAY!) debut together one day. that’s obviously way off since luxe debuted this year, but eventually it’ll happen, and i look forward to the queens of sexy concepts yooa and lisa owning the stage together. i’m not mentioning many people because i don’t think there’s a need to. i’m just singling out people who have impacted me and taught me things (minus the mods, that’s sort of their job when muns go astray. thank you carly @taeminrk, lol, you taught me a valuable lesson too when i came at you over something i shouldn’t have and i still regret that to this day. i appreciate you forgiving me for that.) i will also mention ani @rkmiya / @rkmin / @rksohee / @rkchungha because she helped me through a really tough time when i was triggered (unintentionally) by someone in a group chat. we bonded a lot through that, and she’s been there to listen to me rant and complain ever since, haha. she also made me feel very welcome when hugo first joined nova, she hyped me so much and it meant the world to me because it made me feel like people were excited to have me around and to roleplay with me. i had heard horror stories about nova so i was really scared when i decided to have hugo sign. i was tweeting out ‘anything but nova’ during that whole thing but then he got nova and i wanted to cry, die, and pee myself at the same time. i ended up deciding to go for it (it’s only TWO YEARS LOL) and it ended up being the best decision ever. i started off on the right foot though and that’s all thanks to ani. i owe her big time for that. lastly, i’ll mention nic @rknahee / @rkjei / @rkobon. why, you ask? because she has restored my faith in people being trustworthy. especially recently, rookies was teaching me not to trust people. i’ve been very vocal about not being okay as of late, but people kept taking me for granted and just doing whatever they wanted and expecting me to still be there at the end of it no matter what they did. it’s been getting really tiresome and annoying, especially when those people get shocked and upset when i finally put my foot down and express my hurt. nic has taught me that there are people out there who genuinely care and will be there, and can be trusted. she’s gone through similar things to me with other muns, so maybe we’re both just jaded and tired and we can’t be bothered and that’s why we get along so well and trust each other so much. there are days where i wish i could take all of her pain and just put it on myself so she can smile and be happy and not worry about anything. she’s a genuine sweetheart and whoever comes for her will feel my wrath!!! i love her a lot, and always will <3 there are some people i’ve known since before rookies who are still my good friends now. lyn @rkxsnn / @rkavery (your damn urls i swear to god), jen @yujurk, and stef @rkohsehun, don’t think i forgot you guys. i love you to the moon and back. lyn is my ride or die, soulmate, best friend. jen is someone who reteaches me the value of not giving a shit all the time. stef is my fucking wIFE and i will mURDER for her. y’all are great, mwah, i love you <3
[[ amendment! i can’t believe i didn’t mention kyle @haseulrk / @seulgirk / @rksejeong. probs cause you’re a mod too and i was trying to stay away from that cause i don’t want to seem kiss ass LOL but you’ve been a wonderful friend that has taught me it’s okay to rely on people sometimes. i want you to know you can always rely on me too, whenever you need it. you’re a candle in the darkness, with you there will always be light <3 ]]
rookies taught me anxiety. aight, now here’s some of the nasty negative stuff i was talking about. rp in general has given me anxiety, something i never had or experienced before it. rookies festers it a lot, sometimes to an unhealthy point. i can’t help it, rookies is part of me now, i’ve invested so much time and effort into this place, so i can’t leave, even when the place is literally affecting my health. it sucks when i need an escape from all the bs happening in real life, and then i come here and it’s just more stress and hurt, and that’s when the anxiety rolls in cause then i no longer have a safe space. that’s just not the point of rookies, and i doubt the mods want that to be the case for anyone. it’s just tough when there are people i know i won’t ever get along with here, people i know who don’t like me for whatever reason (and still hold a grudge to this day even though they talk about how people shouldn’t hold grudges) or stuff like what happened with suho in the mgas happens, and i can’t do anything about it. mods can only do so much too. i kind of just expect people to not like me at this point? and i worry myself into a place where i feel like the whole world is against me. it’s super unhealthy, but honestly i don’t know how to fix it, it is what it is. it’s a part of me and my rookies experience, and it probably always will be, so like a lot of other stuff i just have to accept it. there are muns that i’m trying to get on better terms with and i hope i get good outcomes like i did with rose (she made the first step though i don’t take credit for that). for some of them, though, it’s very clear there’s just no reconciling, or their personality will just always clash with mine and there’s nothing to be done about it. all i can do is stay civil and keep striving for better outcomes. and i gotta remember to breathe. 
rookies has taught me clarity. i’m way better at seeing where i’m going wrong now. within the past year i notice that when i’m upset i’ll go and bitch in a safe space, or at least what i think is a safe space, but when that person i bitched about bitches about ME and it gets back to me i’m upset about it. kind of hypocritical, and i realized it. so i don’t hold grudges or confront or anything. everyone gets annoyed with people whether they’re close or not, and bitching about them sometimes doesn’t mean we hate them or they hate us. we just gotta VENT sometimes, you know? in retrospect i know i’ve come off as two-faced in some situations, but i’ve learned my personality really well and i know that if i want to tackle a situation with a level head and clarity, i need to blow off the steam out loud elsewhere first. i need to yell to someone who is impartial and won’t lecture me so i can get that off my chest, then go to the person in question and be calm when talking things out with them. in the moment clarity and level-headedness is slowly but surely starting to come as a result of this, and it’s mostly been situations in rookies that has taught me this. 
i keep rambling on and on, this post has been super huge haha, but i guess the main point i’m making is that rookies has taught me a lot of self growth. am i perfect? nope, and to paraphrase a recent conversation with my dear mother, i don’t want to be perfect, i have flaws and i like them, but i also am proud of the person i am becoming. if you hate me or dislike me, that’s perfectly fine, if you like me or love me, that’s fine too. if you’re indifferent, great! lol. rookies has taught me to accept all of it. it’s kind of sucky that rookies has taught me to just accept all the bullshit in life, but in a setting like this it’s hard to escape all of our flaws being concentrated and emphasized here. muses are a part of us and it gets pretty sensitive. having everything so concentrated and intense here, though, has taught me to be more resilient and accepting, and i get to apply that to real life. it’s also made me pessimistic, and to paraphrase a recent conversation with my asshole brother (who is super slytherin and waayyyy more optimistic than i am, and i’m a freaking gryffindor and pessimistic af, who is the real set of good guys rowling? i’m also a ravenclaw though so maybe that’s got something to do with it lol) that makes me dead wrong and i need to look into that, cause everyone inherently wants to do good. i wish i could see things like my brother lol but i’m jaded. one more thing to work on? maybe next year i’ll be more optimistic. if you’ve read all of this, holy hell go get a life friend, but thanks! let’s chat and plot sometime, because we all know rookies aint going anywhere~
sincerely, roe
@rkyooa / @rkhugo / @suhork
20 notes · View notes
listoriented · 5 years
Burnout: Paradise
1. Burnout. Spinning wheels without moving. Antipodean slang. The smell of burned rubber.
The blank word document is another rounded bend. A few cars here and there loaded in. Driving these virtual streets is seeing ideas, tangents, discourse, thoughts spill off. In front is always nothingness. An inability to grasp on to anything coherent. Yes this is synecdoche, yes this is consumerism, a shiny shell of petromodernity – an actual critical theory term that I now take seriously - yes this is me, my life, my phd in miniature, the imperfect totalising open-world game, or yes this is a microcosm of the entirety of trying to play through the letter “B” of my steam library, stop-start, hopeful then despairing, takes longer than it should, yes this game is a magnum opus and I wish so hard to fill my lungs and release until my fingers are pinching some inflated balloon perfectly full of a graspable idea, or yes this game is fundamentally empty, a comment on a comment; at the bottom of all searches for purpose we find searches for purpose, etc. 
So I start and I start and I start again. I drive I drive I drive. Event after event ticks down, my license goes from learner to D to B to A and then I hit my goal, “Burnout license”, and still I don’t know what I’ll write. Something about driving, in general; driving as notionally relaxing, driving while thinking about other things. How do people write? Write things? My PhD is in pieces on the floor and in the computer and in my head. I drive around Paradise City and terrible emo from the mid-noughties plays, interspersed with long bouts of classical. Days pass, and in the game the day turns into night and back again, and I adjust the clock to make this happen slower, and the weather changes in Paradise City, a little – cycles of rain and cloud and sun - and here in Melbourne the weather changes too. It was the tail end of summer when I started, and we’ve been through the surprising highs and lows of autumn, now settling into winter, doing it all again. There are no roads leading in or out of Paradise City, and it’s a long drive back from the hills.
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2.      Burnout. A series of arcade-style racers made for various platforms by Criterion Games [official site] between 2001 and 2011.
It’s a little uncanny, this pocket of 2008. It just looks real good to my rusty, unfussy eyes, like in visual terms it hasn’t aged in ways other games from that year age (though my friend James vehemently disagreed). It does the trick. It does lots of tricks. And it seems rare too, to say of a 2008 game that it’s a masterpiece, that it’s the best of its class, though of Paradise this is surely true, if all reports are to be believed with regards to all other open-world arcade driving games that have come since, including everything else made by Criterion.
Any doubts about its age are firmly put to bed by the soundtrack, though, which despite prominently featuring that Guns N’ Roses song from 1987 just screams mid-2000s at me, abundant “rock” guitars, masc whine and all, very of its time, salvaged by one timeless Avril Lavigne banger, a chunk of classical, and (to a certain extent) personal nostalgia for a time when this sort of soundtrack just seemed vaguely synonymous with “driving game”. There’s also the dated blemish of inane unmutable advice-slider DJ A(u)tomica, who at least has the good grace to (somehow) avoid repeating himself, even after seventeen hours of driving, at a clip of one quip every few minutes or so. There’s also the very 2008 nod to renewable energy via Paradise’s wind farm, harking back to that post- An Inconvenient Truth moment of progressive euphoria when we really all believed we could build towards a sustainable future that would also accommodate our oily desires, before another decade of resource-industry funded filibustering hadn’t proven this, again, impossible.
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And yet Paradise stands up in ways that surpass the non-ironic soundtrack of fragile masculinity and the very 00’s DJ Atomica, despite or because of the people-less world, the flat and drab urban interior, the hardly even tokenistic ways of engaging with the city as function rather than form. I particularly like how B:P has not even the faintest hint of story, how even in terms of progression it purely becomes a game of exploration, winning events, checking boxes. It melds (excuse me for a second) form and function and manages not to get in the way of itself – the story is what the player does in the game, where the player goes. It’s kind of breathtaking, rare for any game before or since. (Hopefully it’s clear that I’m not advocating for the dissolution of narrative in games, only that the lack of narrative pretence here is very suited to this particular game, and very preferable to the kinds of irrelevant and bloated narratives that are thrown over e.g. other driving games).
Ah, 2008. It was just there! And yet so far. I played Burnout Paradise for a running total of seventeen hours over nearly three months. During this time, I also played forty-two hours of Tetris99. Everything in its place. Criterion recently announced they’ll shut down the Burnout Paradise’s online servers in August, though Paradise lives on in Remastered (2018) glory, Origin only. 
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3. Burnout. The act of refuelling the boost capacity of an engine by running out of boost.
Despite the time I’ve spent with it, the fact that I managed to complete its main in-game objective, and the running thoughts on time and place and representation of cultural norms, I feel I’m struggling to say much of definition about Paradise that fits easily into the scrapbook nature of this blog. Perhaps in some ways it's too close to life; a series of arbitrary checklists through which feeling happens (nebulously) around. I "liked" it but do not feel moved to thought, and I'm aware that that is the point – it’s a game that allows you to drive, endlessly, if you want to, think and do whatever. It won’t get in the way (barring DJ Automica butting in every couple of minutes – he literally cannot be switched off).
I do not drive much these days. Last year when Lauren and I moved to Canberra, we drove nearly 4000 kilometres across the country. The landscapes wound by, at the time fleetingly, but they piled on and left deep rivulets in my head, and though it was just five days and nothing really happened – we leant on the accelerator, stopped every hour, listened to music, stayed in nothing-motels quite literally hundreds of kms from anywhere else and ate forgettable takeaway - it feels immense, now. Driving is funny like that - you are never quite in a place, separated from it by machine noise and windows and infrastructure, the one activity you can do to facilitate thinking about something else. Still, impressions, motion, the sense of having moved, of having journeyed. Here in Australia, the fossil fuel lobby has won its third straight election in a row. Hope is eroding into nothing.
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Probably my favourite hour or two in Paradise City was spent mucking around in the online section with Roy and James, trying to check off a few of the game's multiplayer challenges. These involved such serious exercises as trying to do barrel a series of barrel rolls, or try and land on top of each other, or smash into each in mid-air, or drive on top of a parking lot to jump a ramp onto a shopping centre. It was very good, if a little eerie and dystopic, strewn with outdated real-and-paid-for advertising billboards, branded vehicles, quaint echoes of paused time and uncanny dilapidation.
The mill of the game I could never quite settle on - I “liked” it, I think, but it wasn’t without problems. I found the single-player events to be mindlessly enjoyable, ploughing other cars into crash barriers, or effortlessly holding down "boost" to accelerate down a straight and into a finish line, celebratory cutaway shot ensuing. Sometimes I crashed into too many grey girders that my eyes hadn't picked out and got frustrated, or sometimes I missed a critical turnoff and got frustrated. Sometimes they just felt like chores, and it was certainly sometimes annoying to not be able to restart events that I had botched, and it took me ten hours to learn you could opt out of races, stunt runs etc just by letting the car idle for a few seconds. And knowing this probably would have saved me a lot of time in the early game, because like I said it’s a long way back from the hills, where like three out of eight events end up at, and committing to staying in a race which after a couple of botched turns and unseen barriers you’re definitely not going to win, whose distant finish line is going to land you a long way from the nearest event (once you finally get there) can feel pretty dire, really, though there was also part of me that admired how Burnout refused to let you jump around the map, forced you to drive, take your time, see the city, see the sights.
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I did appreciate the cracky coloured collectms of Paradise City, how they brought the city to life, sort of, or gave it the impression of being a well designed and thought-through playground, though I never got too completionist about them, the core exercise of the whole thing. Both John Walker of RPS and Chris Donlan of Eurogamer have written about Paradise’s fluoro crash gates, the impulse to reinstall the game every year and knock them all down from scratch. Along the way to getting my “Burnout license” I unlocked 36 of the 75 vehicles, jumped 35 of the 50 super jumps, broke 79 of 120 neon red billboards, and smashed through 353 of 400 aforementioned glowing yellow crash barriers. The game puts me at 55% completed. No steam achievements (woulda been nice, perhaps, given that Burnout Paradise is fundamentally a collectmup; nothing but metres and percentages). I’ve driven a little over 1000 miles, supposedly, which is certainly more than I’ve IRL driven over the past few months.
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4.  Burnout. noun Physical and emotional exhaustion; breakdown caused by overwork. Commonly associated with “crunch”, “the video game industry”.
But here there is also pure hesitation. Procrastination. The fear of moving on, even at the end of this little step of what has ballooned into an impossible project. I can see the next letter waiting there, a new chapter, a chance for renewal. The one disappearing behind us has drawn out so far, encompassed a few years and a fair bit of change, and now almost petered into nothing at the final gate. I want to hit the ground running but I'm not sure I'm ready, and in the meantime various other deadlines swirl around, make it difficult to see the clear path ahead that I crave. And so it is that the temptation has been there to keep driving the streets of Paradise, its anonymous suburbs and abstract goals, continue delaying the inevitable, or the nearly inevitable, or the not-inevitable-at-all of writing this post and moving on to the next chapter, because it turns out this is a project I once made a choice to begin, and could at one point choose to stop.
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There are nagging questions, of course. Who blogs, anymore? Who reads blogs anymore? How does one find a blog they like and then continue to follow it for the span of its natural life? Does anyone use “bookmarks”? What’s an RSS feed? I'm not even sure, in a broader sense, that I know where to find the kinds of writing about games that I want to read at the moment, at least not reliably, outside of say the occasional check-through of Critical Distance or Unwinnable. I look at the slate of games coming out and find it hard to be excited by anything much, the hype and the saturation. It is bountiful until it is not. The guilt element of playing games – something inherited from childhood that I’ve never been entirely able to dissociate - has become more and more prominent. I've increasingly used games as a tool for procrastination and a coping mechanism, a distraction from various (work/study and other) anxieties. I've also been aware of myself doing this, and in turn the kinds of gaming experiences I've relied on have been more focused on short term, low-investment distraction (hence the sudden unyielding devotion to Tetris, which really was just filling the hole left by an earlier act of self-discipline AKA uninstalling Rocket League; more recently, as I’ve managed to put the Switch away for longer periods, I’ve turned back to another simple but deceptive time-filler in Mini Metro. Choose your poison, basically). For a while it seemed Burnout would not only fill this role but do it responsibly: it seemed great for dropping into in short bursts - win a race or two, unlock a new car maybe – without quite the same dangerously addictive pull for me as those other games. But then I heard the GnR song "Paradise City" one too many times (it's mandatory with startup), or got sick of the menu loading times, and it lost this specific part of its appeal.
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And then there's the subjective nature of this particular Sisyphean project - the knowledge that here I am pushing a rock up a mountain of my own making, one that exists only for me, entirely built out of and defined by the games and bundles I chose and continue to choose to buy, the rules I chose to set. Life is short, this task is absurd, and at the moment it's not even a joke I feel particularly happy about sharing. Sometimes I get to play great games here, games I may never have gotten around to; at other times I am playing shit games for this blog, and in the process there are inevitably other things I'm not doing. One choice erases another. Increasingly it feels like an isolated pursuit - playing games in general, not just the writing and making of this here blog. It seems like I know fewer people who play games these days, between falling out of touch with friends, seeing lots of other old friends give up games in one way or another, and playing games less frequently with those who I still know. I’ve accidentally become something of a game hermit. For years I've loved the camaraderie and easy familiarity of social gaming experiences even when I haven't loved the games that conduct them - the feeling of being connected to people even in a transient, shallow, goal-oriented sense, but even these I'm not sure I believe in anymore, or I find myself less and less willing to invest in the "right" titles to facilitate it.
I’m into my thirties now, and maybe this is just a feeling of age, life, I dunno, priorities finally shifting to where people told me they should’ve years ago. One of my oldest friends is about to have a baby, though he more or less quit video games over a year ago now. I'm extremely happy for him. Two of my younger cousins just had children, several hours away by plane – my uncle, a new grandfather to two babies, makes posts on facebook claiming climate change is a socialist hoax, and I can’t help but think of the kind of world his grandchildren are going to inherit. I'm mulling over a missed deadline that's been a thorn in my brain now for months, the single-largest hitherto unsaid reason why this post has taken so long to dig its way to the surface. This month marks the five year anniversary of another cousin’s sudden/unexpected passing; he was five years older than me, and though I’ll never be able to make sense of it, I feel like I get that there’s something sort of vulnerable about this age, when the things you want don’t quite work out, or when you’re a bit aimless and stuck in your patterns and feel like things aren’t going to change. He was so kind and gentle, a beautiful soul and a terrible Zerg, and I miss him so much. And one year ago I drove from Canberra to Melbourne and slept on the floor of this house I now call home while I waited for a truck with rest of my stuff to arrive. I’m very aware of the calendar, of change and inertia, of patterns and decay, of newness sprouting underfoot, but I don’t know how games fit at the moment, or I’ve lost the thread of feeling like they’re actually important, or why, amongst all the noise.
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Burnout: Paradise is at the start, in the middle, and right at the end of all these things. It's a great game, part of me feels, or wants to say I feel. Playful, irreverent, childishly violent, simultaneously full of stuff and empty of matter. I'm happy I've played it, happy I can say that I've played it, happy to understand on an experiential level most of what it offers, happy I'll be able to remember it later, nod in some hypothetical conversation where someone brings up Burnout: Paradise and say I know what they mean, yeah. I get it. When we were playing it online together briefly, a couple of months back now, Roy told me that Burnout Paradise is the only game he ever one hundred percented twice - once on 360, once on PC - and that it was almost three times, because the first time he was almost done with it, someone broke into his house and stole his Xbox and all his games, and that Paradise was the only game that he re-bought with the insurance money, so determined he was to tick every box the game left open to tick, even if it meant doing it all again.
But maybe – counterpoint - I don’t get it. I’m finding it harder and harder to make good sense of this kind of experience, or feel like this kind of thing is (in some arbitrary way) a net positive, or that it’s okay to keep glossing over the emulation of destruction that games of so many different kinds fundamentally rely on. Outside there is so much suffering, so much to be upset about, and I no longer feel like there is time enough to sink into mindless (rather than meaningful, perhaps?) distraction. Or I’m finding it harder to get beyond the thought that this is an extension of the distraction/avoidance behaviour that I realised might actually be a problem in my life.
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“Burnout” is, you’ll know, here in the great mess of the year 2019, a buzz word, particularly in the games industry. Games company employees have perpetually been expected to work unsustainable hours out of some sort of devotion to the industry, creating a cycle of talent depletion and toxic work cultures. But as is often the case with games, it’s a tip-off of what happens elsewhere, across the board. The mass casualisation of careers across all industries, the gig economy, pressures caused by un- and under- employment, the dissipation of viable faith, social-media and political stresses: all of these are leading to burnout, everyone has burnout, we are inundated with burnout. There is something ripe about the words or the idea of Burnout: Paradise, the very conceptual juxtaposition that seems to be two sides of the same coin, that feels very reflective of this moment, what we are all experiencing versus what we were promised. But what does this have to do with Burnout: Paradise, the game in which you pretend drive fake person-less cars around a virtual city, have horrific, visceral crashes from which you immediately respawn and “beat” by achieving a long series of arbitrary victories, collecting all there is to collect? Something, nothing, I don’t know.
“Burnout” means a lot of things, and the meaning of “burnout” the game adopts isn’t the other ones I’d associate with cars – a burnt out engine, or the smell of burning rubber - but one that exists only for the series, so far as I can tell: getting to keep using your boost because you’ve been continually using your boost. Keep going at all cylinders or bust, basically – except not, because the consequences for interrupting the boost are slim even on the relative scale of things that can go right or wrong, in this game where there is never really all that much on the line for the player anyway.
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Paradise. n. Heaven. A place to await judgement. An enclosed park. Eden.
In Paradise City the grass is trim; the girls (all humans actually) are non-existent, unless you happen to be riding a motorcycle, presumably because a motorcycle without a rider would look very weird.
In Paradise City the cars are peopleless and drive themselves, so maybe it is an early vision of the tech bro version of Paradise. Or maybe the cars are driven by people who can only exist on the outside of the world of Paradise City, looking in across the matrix. Or maybe in Paradise City the people are the cars. This is Cars, the movie, sans dialogue.
In Paradise City all the cars emulate brands and models that exist in "the real world" but are called by names that exist only in the Burnout franchise.
In Paradise City all the cars ostensibly run on petrol, which is infinite but unnecessary, because going through a petrol station merely refills the car's boost capacity, whatever that is, rather than imply that your car would stop running if you at some point failed to “fill up”. It's very important that you know, though, that the cars run on petrol, because otherwise it wouldn't be a realistic representation of cars. Even in Paradise.
In Paradise City cars exist and then don't exist.
In Paradise City a lot more cars suddenly exists if someone decides they want to flip their car over and see how much monetary damage they can cause.
In Paradise City cars crash and crumple in a hyper-realistic way, but it's okay because the cars have no drivers and anyway all cars are all miraculously fine again after a few moments.
In Paradise City the railway has been shut down to give cars more places to hang out. 
In Paradise City the whole city runs on wind energy, because it's important to care about the environment too, because you can have both, promises the radio, though seeing as there's nobody there in all of Paradise's buildings it's unclear, anyway, what such energy would actually be running.
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onward to Caesar 3
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elegant-etienne · 6 years
21. How close to your character’s IC appearance is their in-game model?
FFXIV themed asks!
Overall, most of my characters are designed based off what I could achieve in their in-game model. I have a really good time seeing what I can do with the tools the game gives me, as my primary goal is to have something I enjoy looking at and dressing up while I play. I find it fun and grounds me in the world of the game, as I’m wearing items and hair fashions that are part of the setting and have to think about how they’d work for them, and it gives me a sense of achievement when I put together something that I really like. However, of course, there is some variation I describe when I RP, as the models can’t show everything.
Behind the cut as there are going to be pics I can’t be arsed to resize!
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(art by @erithe )
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(art by @snarksonomy )
The main thing with Etienne is that I’m so attached to their current model that I’ve resisted fantasia-ing to a female one because nothing else would quite convey what I’ve come to think of their face. To me, they are almost close to perfect as-is. So it would feel like making a sacrifice for their body (as they’ve been on feminizing hormones for about half a year) for everything else about them that feels like ‘home’. It also grates me that I would ‘have’ to change them, as, ironically, Etienne tends to already ‘pass’ a lot due to the look of their model and their name. The main difference aside from that is really their hair texture, which I’d like more options for, but I long ago made a joke that they chemically straighten it to achieve that straight and fine look and have just made that part of their beauty regimen. Aside from that, their body language is generally quite demure which is why I tend to use /ebow rather than the stadard elezen male /bow.
Also, they have scarring on their body and a rather prominent one on their face, but these are not usually visible in their daily interactions due to their fashion choices and makeup.
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(art by @snarksonomy )
Adi’s the biggest, most dramatic departure from his in-game model, although in retrospect I absolutely made decisions about his look (such as his eye) based on what I could do in the game - mainly that hairdos that could cover it a bit tended to be on the right side. I use the eye tattoo to illustrate his blackened scarring/marking there, and his eye there is pupil-less and milky. Aside from that, he’s extremely ill-looking and emaciated and spindly, and I think the game model makes him look a bit too cool or pretty at times.
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Kadin and Pelhi are very, very close to what their game models are, except both are a little bit beefier and blockier in their builds. They’re tiny but dense and powerful folks. Kadin’s a pugilist and MMA-style fighter and Pelhi is a bit more top-heavy as a lifelong lancer, and the scar on his mouth is well served by his in-game model. Aside from that, he also has some very extreme scars on his chest, both from adventuring and his gender-affirming double mastectomy. Both eat very high protein diets and take care of their body (while Pelhi claims to have given up fighting, she still keeps in shape as she feels it’s essential, living in Ul’dah, to be ready to beat the shit out of somewhat at a moment’s notice). I would say I wish I could make Pelhi’s face just slightly less ‘soft’ looking, but I think I achieved a fairly good balance of what I hoped to achieve.
Thank you for the ask, @ren-roelanberry!
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alliesweetsong · 6 years
Standing Tall Pt. 2.1
(Continued RP from Here)
“Pressure's on, pressure's high
Pressure's heavy on my mind”
Sir Sly “Expectations”
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Wind catches the Ren’dorei’s hair as twigs, leaves, and underbrush break under her run. The morning dew from the thick underbrush masking the sweat as Allie increases the pace of her morning routine from a light jog to almost all out sprint. Rapid breaths accentuate each footfall, each twig snapping as the void elf pushed herself to be faster, better.
“Give up now, you will only know defeat”
Growling Allie pushes on, her goal just in sight at the top of the hill as her lungs strained for more air. The higher in elevation she went, the harder it came to maintain the pace she was holding. Finally, roughly two hundred yards from the top, the void elf slows to a walk inhaling deep breaths as her heart practically jumps from her chest. Sweat poured down her head as she put her hands on her hips and looked up at the peak, less than one hundred yards to go. Looking down at the ground for a moment she inhales deeply as one foot in front of the other pushes her forward, toward the summit.
“Keep pushing dammit, you can do this.” The athletic Elf says through labored breaths as she keeps pushing forward.
Little by little, step by step, Allie finally crests the summit of the hill and looks around in elation at her achievement. It was a testament to her devotion, to consistently improve and to become the woman Allie knew she could become. Sitting down, the Rendorei catches her breath and looks out at surrounding splendor. There was something about the estate in the morning hours that caused her to take a pause and reflect.  Exhaling she nods as she looks around while getting to her feet, idly brushing herself off of debris. She had plans today, first to look for a new job, and to buy more ammo. Lightly moaning as she stood the Ren’dorei’s legs felt like jelly from the intense workout, she would definitely feel that all day.
Stormwind is already bustling by the time she arrives, its citizens scurrying from destination to destination. Low murmurs of news from Silithus causes her briefly to pause just feet from the gun and ammunition store. Biting her lip she exhales slowly and pushes the door open as her pack lightly brushes up against the door frame.
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“Aye, what can I get for ye lass?” A gruff voice belonging to short, stocky and hairy man inquires as he steps up to the counter. Gaining a few inches it would be obvious he had stepped on a block of wood or something to be of equal height to the elf as she smiles warmly.
“Just the usual for me today Berdrik.” she says regarding him with an easy expression and warm smile.
The dwarf brings his left hand up to his chestnut colored beard and begins to gently stroke it as he eyes the woman up and down for a moment. Humming in thoughtfulness he bends down as a door on tracks opens up. “Ye been in ‘ere three times in less than two weeks for this amount o’lead.” he starts off grunting as he emerges once more. Placing a total of eight small boxes on the counter he looks her over once more “Ye in some sort o’ trouble lass?” he says with a trace of concern interwoven into his tone.
“Strangle him, he must cease to exist.”
Allie bites her lip as she softly chuckles placing the appropriate amount of coins on the counter for the man to count “No, I am not in any trouble, I promise, just some practice for now.” She says before swinging her pack around and opening up a side pouch to retrieve the rifle scope. Holding it up she smiles “And this, is a wonderful upgrade, how much for that additional lens you mentioned last week?” she asks in a thoughtful manner while starting to count out more coin.
Berdrik holds up his hands and shakes her head as he chuckles “Ye don’t ‘ave ta pay me fer that lass.” he says before stepping off his makeshift stepping stool. “Come with me aye?” he says before heading into a backroom pushing aside a curtain before motioning her forward.
“Now is your chance…”
Exhaling sharply, Allie’s nostrils lightly flared as she reluctantly swung her pack around and moved around the counter to follower the dwarf. The backroom was at least well lit, allowing her to check for any weapons he could easily reach for. Fearing a trap was about to be sprung she kept her wits about herself as she lightly leans her left side against the doorframe while casually placing her right on the handle of the revolver fastened in the holster, the void elf was done trusting and taking chances.
Berdrik didn’t seem to notice or didn’t seem to care as he shuffled through a couple of boxes on the floor from what appeared to be a delivery he had received recently. Seeming to find what he was looking for, the dwarf stands up and turns around offering out a small box and nods “Go on then, take it.” he says softly
Looking down at the item, Allie kicks off the wall and takes the box in her hands before opening it and pulling out the lens converter. “Are you sure about this?” she asks curiously before swinging her pack around to place the item inside.
Berkdrik nods as he exhales sharply putting his hands on his hips “Aye lass, ye need it more I suspect.” he says in a frustrated manner though conceding some that he would drop it.
Allie smirks as she slowly stepped forward before bending down to gently place a kiss on the top of the Dwarfs head “Thank you Berdrik” she says before standing back up.
Berdrik scoffs and waves his hand “Ye Ye, and use that ammo sparingly, a few asked why I was ordering so much.” he cautioned her as they both stepped out to the storefront once more.
Nodding, Allie takes her pack off and opens the main compartment to throw the boxes of ammo inside of it. “I will, this is just, surplus,” she says as her blue irises brightened for a moment while a smile spread across her face.
Once the items had been stowed, Allie picks her pack up and grunts from the additional weight she was now carrying. Exchanging pleasantries and goodbyes, the Ren’dorei offers a bow of her head before departing and heading to her next destination, the bar.     
Allie was, in a way, happy that nobody had been around the last few weeks. Nobody to nag that her ever accelerating, out of control spin of self-loathing, doubt, and depression was bad for her. Nobody to tell her the obvious. She knew she was drinking too much, spending too frivolously, sleeping too little. Gone was the bright smile that was adorned her face every day, or the optimistic view of the city she had once called home. Gone was the feeling of being needed, or even wanted. All that remained for the last few weeks was doubt, an internal war waging in her heart and mind. Doubt that she could ever actually succeed at anything, or be useful. Doubt she could ever truly love someone. Reality and her own expectations for herself openly battled in her head from the time she got up in the morning, until the time she closed her eyes at night. A full night’s rest is a commodity the Elf had not had in recent memory, confidence gave away in her mind as loose gravel on a back trail does.
“Watch where you’re going!” came the growl followed by a small shove as she had idly been walking along, not paying attention to her own surroundings.
Glaring for a brief moment at the man Allie clenches her jaw as her nostrils flare. The urge to be mean and uncouth took over her expression before quickly melting away as a smile formed instead. “I am terribly sorry about that, I should have paid more attention,” she says before bowing her head. As she looked up the man stuck his middle finger at her before walking away with a smirk. Frowning Allie exhales and continues the short walk to the bar.
The Slaughtered Lamb was at first glance, just a normal tavern in Stormwind, nothing about it was overtly interesting. For Allie, this place had recently become one of solitude, allowing the Rendorei to fulfill her self-destructive behavior...       
“Whiskey, please. Just plain,” she says starting to pull coins out of a pouch on her right side
“Her drink is on me.” A familiar voice calls out loudly from behind the woman.
Nodding to the man the bartender pours a whiskey neat for Allie and places the glass in front of her. Nodding her thanks, Allie picks the glass up and turns around to face Kevin. The two had a checkered history in the past, but slowly, he was growing on her. He had been the one friend to count on in recent memory that was easy to talk to. Holding the glass up in a toast she offers him and the company he was seated with a wave
“Mind if I join you?” Allie inquires as she starts towards the two humans and gnome already seated.
“Yes, I do.” A raven-haired woman says before snickering.
“Aww don’t do that, please, have a seat, Allie.” Kevin responds. Before starting to introduce the gnome and another human. But Allie didn’t hear any of it. “Allie this is London, London this is Allie.” he finishes motioning to the raven-haired woman with tattoos up and down her arms.
“Nice to meet you London,” Allie says holding up her glass to toast the group around the table. Taking a drink she sets it back down before the conversation unexpectedly shifts to the Rendorei.
The three spoke for what seemed like forever as the gnome and other human said their farewells and departed. As the conversation turned to tattoo’s Allie perked up, mentioning she had been wanting one recently but wasn’t sure what to get.
Long shrugs and takes a drink “If you ever want you, just tell me. I will happily do it for you.” she says as Kevin nods “We can use my office.” he offers out before looking at Allie.
Allie looks at the two for a moment before putting the glass to her mouth and drinking the remainder of the liquor. “Let's go,” she says standing up and grabbing her rifle.
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The night air was refreshing as the three set out for Kevin's office, continuing to carry laughter and conversation all the way to the door. As Kevin pulls out a key he places it into the lock and turns the key before opening the door.
The office was well lit, clean and had plenty of conveniences within it. Moving to a chair, Allie takes her rifle and pack off and gently sets them down before her hands idly move to her waist to unbuckle and lay her two revolvers down as well.
London quietly sets her belongings down and starts removing ink, needles and other supplies she would need as the gnomish tattoo gun practically falls out. “Do you have anything for her to lay on Kevin?” she asks as Kevin nods and disappears for a few moments.
Biting her lip, Allie crisscrosses her arms grabbing at the bottom of her shirt before pulling it up and off her body as London starts wiping down need and gun with nearby wipes.
“Is this going to hurt?” she asks softly as Kevin reappears offering a pillow out to the elf.
“Aye, just a lil’sting. It’s addictin’. Kevin replies as London takes a seat and nods in agreement with Kevin.
“It’s highly addictive, but where you want it is going to hurt like a bitch,” she adds as Kevin nods
“Aye, ribs are sensitive,” he replies as he takes a seat near Allie.
Instinctively, Allie holds out her hand to Kevin for him to grab as the human turns the machine on dipping the needle in black ink. Inhaling deeply Allie bites her lip at the noise the tattoo gun made before exhaling.
“Okay, are we all set?” London asks Allie as she puts on gloves and begins wiping the Rendorei’s side with hygienic wipes to sterilize the area.
Inhaling deeply Allie nods as Kevin grabs her hand “Yes, I am ready.” she says softly before lightly squeezing the mans hand.
London picks up the tattoo gun and smiles as she turns the machine on. Placing her free hand on the girl side and makes sure the skin is taut before placing the needle against the Rendorei skin starting the outline of a rifle bullet
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The initial pain and shock of the needle repeatedly stabbing her in the side causes Allie to lightly squeak in pain while her eyes clenched shut. The vibration of the machine against her ribs was so intense she was certain her ribs would burst out of her body. Breathing through her nose, Allie could feel Kevin's hand gently caressing hers as the outline was nearing completion. Once done, London grabs a bottle of liquid and cloth and starts applying it to the fresh ink 
“Oh, that's my favorite part,” Kevin said as London smirks and nods in agreement.
Once completed, London would pick up the machine once more and smile “Okay, just have to do some finishing touches, here we go.” she says as she begins work once more. Some more time passes and Allie fell into a rhythm, opening her eyes she loosened her grip on Kevin's hand and places her other hand on her hip while London did the remainder of the work. Finally, after another long moment the tattoo gun shuts off and London starts reapplying some of the soothing liquid a few times to make sure the area was clean of all access ink and any blood before placing a gauze pad over it and taping it in place.
“That's it, you’re done,” London says cheerfully as she begins to clean up. the area 
Opening her eyes, Allie smiles in a warm fashion before letting go of Kevin's hand and sitting up. “Thank you very much,” she says warmly as she gets up and moves to the other end of the office before putting her shirt on and then her pack and weapons. “I should be getting home now.”
Saying their farewells Allie slips out of the city and to a portal she had contracted for safe passage back to her sister's estate like she had done every night since moving back out there. Walking through the door she heads to the kitchen and grabs her bottle of whiskey and starts to pour a drink.
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Suddenly a door upstairs would close and Allie stops pouring for a moment listening to any sounds.
“Allie? Is that you.” A very familiar voice calls out downstairs.
Lyriah was home.
To be continued...
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@bastard-blackstone @london-riker @tychon-altham @lyriahbloodthorne @felsidruyar @protectermaji for mentions or relevance
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lastofmars-a · 6 years
top wayne
Put a character in my ask box.
And I’ll answer these questions about them:
Do you love/hate/don’t feel strongly about this character?
i actually like bruce a lot as a character, but only frm what i see of him in jla / jl / other league related shit bc thats mostly what i read lol. i know that interpretation of bruce varies from writer to writer and run to run but league bruce always has a special place in my heart, especially the fact that such a loner found a family along w/ everybody else in the league n actually cares and believes in it as much as eveyrone else lol
What’s your favorite trait of this character?
uhghdh the whole baby in a dumpster paradigm where hes just a rly sensitive and sweet soul under layers of emotional repression and bullshit self isolation. anyways i love bruce hes good
What’s your favorite moment/even involving this character?
probably in the jli. both him learning to smile again as a bg and recovering from jasons death (whicch is all p much implied and not talked about at all in jli which is an interesting choice) but also the more classic stuff like the one punch, jonn dressing bruce down for bein a brat, etc
If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be?
HIS DRIVE im always envious of high ambitious /driven people, bc i literally have never been that driven about anything in my entire life and i wish i could be good and do a lot of stuff and further achieve my goals like ppl like bruce can lol
Have you ever pictured this character naked?
yes im no fuckin coward
When did you fall in love/hate with this character? I you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not?
i think mostly thru rp but also watchin justice league n reading jli lol. jli bruce is just. god hes good
Who’s your OTP for this character?
oh you know :^) i ship him w / jonn but im biased
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singingpuppies · 4 years
rp with sanders-sides-rp-blog-12
Who: Patton and Roman.
Part: Two.
General Notes: When Patton woke up this morning, he was a regular guy. Now he's come to find out that he was kidnapped as a baby and he's actually a Prince, who's set up in an arranged marriage with another Prince named Roman. How will Patton react to so much changing in his life all at once? Especially when neither of the young princes want to marry someone they've just met?
Warnings: None just lots of cute.
Patton smiled a bit more before laughing. "It is now officially my goal to make you laugh so hard that something comes out of your nose." he said with a smile before thinking a moment. "I'm not gonna lie, now that I brought up the ice cream, that's kind of all I can think about..." he said with a laugh. "If you couldn't tell, I really like dessert. Making it, eating it..." he trailed off as a random thought popped into his head. "I wonder how quickly you'd get brain freeze if you ate ice cream upside down..." he thought aloud, okay... he'd definitely gotten comfortable enough around Roman to just be himself and say whatever silly thought popped into his head.
"Well, on the topic of ice cream, we do have a cook down on the kitchens who makes absolutely wonderful ice cream- and it jut so happens that she's a friend of mine. Your ice cream goal could be achievable!" He says with a smile, standing up again, and waiting for Patton to stand, before deciding that he was going too slowly, and simply picking him on his back and sprinting down to the kitchen instead.
Patton smiled when Roman pointed out that they had a cook in the kitchens who made amazing ice cream. "That sounds incredible." he said, about to take Roman's hand and stand himself up when he suddenly felt Roman pick him up, letting out a small, surprised squeak before laughing.
Roman grins, running down to the kitchens with Patton, sliding down banisters that he usually wouldn't Something about being with Patton made him feel... alive. He gets to the kitchens- and he's a little out of breath but still okay, and he pushes open the doors, still holding Patton.
Patton still couldn't completely understand how Roman managed his way through this place without getting lost. Patton didn't know if he'd ever mentally map out this place well enough to be able to navigate the way Roman did. Part of him wondered if they'd get in trouble for this, it's not like they'd had dinner yet and here they were grabbing ice cream but he was having way too much fun to really care. Laughing a bit more when Roman actually reached the kitchen, he made a mental note to look around while he had the chance... see what he had to work with when he wanted to bake.
Roman carries Patton in, smiling when he saw one of the cooks near the back of the kitchens. “Well, if it isn’t the most talented cook in all the lands!” Roman says brightly, going for flattery. Even if the cook loved him, it never hurt to butter her up before asking for something. “And if it isn’t a royal pain in the ass.” She says fondly, turning to look at Roman. She sees Patton on his back. “And you brought someone too! This is the fiancé, right?” Roman nods. “We were going to do stupid stuff before the wedding, so we were wondering if we could have some ice cream? Like enough to make our stomachs hurt?” Roman says. The cook rolls her eyes. “Sure, just don’t let your parents know I let you.”
Patton watched the interaction between Roman and the cook, smiling a bit to himself. Patton waited for Roman to set him down so he could introduce himself. "Nice to meet you, I'm Patton." he said with a shy smile before looking back at Roman as he explained why they were there, smiling more when she agreed as long as they didn't let their parents know. He knew they'd have a problem with it. But something about hearing that said struck a chord with him. While he hadn't known it at the time, he'd been kidnapped, and his entire life had been spent not doing things he really wanted to do because he was told he wasn't allowed to... he wasn't really safe, and there was a part of him that always knew that. But if he and Roman got caught now, the most that would happen was they'd probably get in a little trouble... he'd met his mother, she was wonderful, she wouldn't hurt him for eating ice cream... which meant... did Patton actually finally have the freedom to live a little? 
To rebel just the tiniest bit if it was in the name of fun? That kind of power went right to Patton's head and the realization of it all was pretty overwhelming. "We can do whatever we want..." he whispered before smiling a bit, not realizing his words weren't entirely true but they were more true than they'd ever been for him before, and he felt his smile grow a bit more as he bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly... suddenly grabbing Roman. "Roman, we can do whatever we want! Did you know that?!" he squeaked before letting out a small, happy laugh. When he'd gotten here he thought he was going from one trap to another. Kidnapped to forced into a marriage, but when he thought about it, this was the most free he'd ever been, and he really liked it.
Roman watches Patton, looking at him when he suddenly grabs his arm, and he giggles. “Well not whatever, but yeah mostly! You’re a prince now, well, you’ll be a king in a few days... but we /can/ do whatever we want!” Roman says. It wasn’t exactly true, but he was caught up in wanting to do stupid things and just be a kid for a day or two more. Roman grins, pulling Patton along to the freezer, opening it to reveal copious amounts of frozen food, and Roman reveals a shitton if ice cream- more ice cream than the two of them could ever hope to eat. “What flavors do you want Patton?”
Sure, Patton had been the one to suggest they do a ton of crazy, out there, childish things before the wedding, but he was half joking. He wanted to do it all, but he hadn't believed they actually could do it all, maybe they could get away with one or two things... but now he realized they could do it all if they really wanted to. Patton could do things if he wanted to and that felt so different and freeing. There was definitely no way that feeling was going to go away in a few days when Patton was suddenly a King. Patton still didn't see himself as a Prince. He was just a guy who wanted to make people happy and have fun and create memories... and he was still going to be that guy after the marriage. 
Patton was still going to be his normal, childish, fun loving self, and he couldn't even think about how other people might feel about that because right now all he could think about was how free he felt. When Roman pulled him to the freezer, his eyes went a bit wide. "Woah... uh... the... I don't know..." he stuttered, a bit overwhelmed because this was probably the most crazy thing he'd ever done, and he was still feeling a bit crazed from that level of freedom. He'd thought the garden was going to be his new favorite place, but nope, it was definitely in here with all this ice cream.
Roman could definitely also get onto the agenda of keeping his inner child alive. He had been forced to grow up quickly- pushed onto the battlefields and into politics and everything else way too young, and now, where he least expected it- Patton, who he was supposed to marry in two days, was helping bring his inner child back. He looks around, seeing a container labeled strawberry, he grabs it. “The strawberry ice cream is the best, and the chocolate is good too, and she makes the best green tea ice cream!” He says excitedly, looking to Patton with a big smile. He wasn’t too thrilled about getting married, but if it had to be anyone, he was glad that it was Patton.
Patton watched Roman as he grabbed the container with the strawberry ice cream. Ice cream was definitely one of his top favorite desserts, of course that top spot of favorite dessert of all time was reserved for cookies, but ice cream and cookies went together pretty well in his opinion. Plus Patton would eat cookies all the time if he could not just after a meal, so they were really more of a snack than a dessert the way he went about eating them. "There's green tea ice cream?" he asked in awe, he'd never heard of that before.
Roman nods, grabbing it as well. He holds the cartons of ice cream in one arm, grabbing Patton's hand with the other, and pulling him out of the freezer, grabbing spoons- they wouldn't need bowls anyway. "Back to our room?" he asks. It was weird to say 'our' room, to Roman. He was so used to being in a room on his own, sharing seemed... weird to him.
Patton nodded before following Roman to their room. Huh, that was the first time anyone had referred to it as their room. It was weird to hear, but in a way, kind of nice. Patton had always been alone, but he didn't actually feel comfortable or like being alone, so knowing he shared the room with Roman made him feel a lot better. When they arrived in the room, he sat himself down eager to try the green tea ice cream. "So what are we suppose to do while we stuff our faces? In true inner child fashion, is this where we play truth or dare?" he laughed a bit as he fiddled with the spoon in his hands.
Roman opened the containers of ice cream, placing them down in front of Patton, and sitting across from him. "Hmm, I haven't played truth or dare in forever, so I'd say that's a yes!" He says with a smile, taking a spoonful of the strawberry ice cream and putting it into his mouth. It reminded him of how when he was little, he'd always pester the cooks into giving him sweets before dinner.
Patton had never actually played truth or dare, but the game seemed pretty self explanatory, so he figured he'd be fine. Sticking the spoon in the green tea ice cream, he decided since he was the one who brought it up, he'd go first, bringing the spoon up to his mouth. "Da..." he couldn't even finish the word because wow this ice cream was good. "Oh my goodness this is amazing!" he squeaked excitedly. What had he been saying? Oh yeah, they were playing a game. "Dare." he finished with a small smile before grabbing another spoonful of ice cream.
"I know, right?" Roman says with a smile, taking another bite of his own ice cream. "Dare... hm... I dare you to- ooh! Slide down the main banister! It's a little scary the first time you do it but it's so much fun!" he says with a smile.
Patton blinked at what Roman had come up with. He wasn't necessarily scared to try it, it sounded fun. But he knew he was really clumsy so he just hoped this game didn't result in him walking down the aisle with a cast. "I can do that. Do you want me to do it right now?" he asked, taking a larger spoonful of ice cream and stuffing it into his mouth just incase Roman wanted him to go do it right now and it'd be a few minutes that he'd be away from the dessert.
"Yeah we could go now. But you can bring your ice cream." Roman says with a giggle, seeing Patton shoveling the dessert into his mouth as though he'd never get another chance.
Patton shrugged. "It's okay, we're coming right back." he said, taking one more spoonful before following Roman to the main banister because, he certainly didn't know where anything was in this huge place. He wasn't really scared to climb up on the banister and slide down, though it was a lot bigger than he'd realized when he'd agreed. Still, while Patton had never really been much of a risk taker, he was still in the zone of being able to do anything he wanted for the first time in his life and he wanted to jump at every opportunity. He did pretty well until he reached the bottom, nearly falling off at the end. He managed to grab hold and catch himself... his glasses weren't as lucky. 
Hearing them hit the ground he could tell by the sound they'd made that they'd broken but Patton was fairly use to walking around with glasses he'd taped back together. It hadn't even crossed his mind that now that he was a Prince it would probably be incredibly easy to get new pairs when they broke from now on... "It's okay, I've got tape in my bag!" he called out to Roman as he attempted to pull himself back up so he could climb down safely without actually falling himself, although he was a little nervous about getting down without being able to see... not wanting to step on his glasses by accident... wherever they'd landed.
Roman smiles as he leads Patton to the steps, watching as he slid down the railing and drawing in a breath when he fell. "Patton! Are you okay?" he asks, dashing down the steps, hopping over the railing of the last few steps and stopping next to him. "No nonsense- we can get you a new pair, or we can get them properly fixed." Roman says. "Are you sure you aren't hurt?" he asks, worried for Patton.
Patton nodded. "I'm okay." he said as he ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to fix how messy it had gotten. Patton had always been a pretty clumsy guy, so at this point he barely noticed when he'd tumble or fall unless he ended up seriously injured. "That was pretty fun... I can see why you wanted me to try that." he said, squinting a bit as he tried to get Roman to look less... blurry. Feeling around for his glasses, he finally managed to find them... if he just put a little tape right in the middle they'd be good as new. Though, when Roman insisted that he get a new pair, or get this pair fixed, he tilted his head slightly. 
"Really?" he asked. He'd probably still need to tape these up and wear them temporarily until he got a new pair, and he'd probably keep these once he did get that new pair for sentimental reasons, but it would be nice to have a new pair of glasses. It'd been a while since he'd had a new pair. "I'm good. Well, not good because there's ice cream with my name on it just... sitting in our room melting but... you know, physically." he said with a smile as he gestured to his body with his hands.
Roman nods, carefully putting the broken glasses in his breast pocket, before picking Patton up bridal style. He carries him up the steps back to their room. Roman was fond of carrying people around, and not many people let him do it- so you could bet that Patton isn't going to be walking anywhere if Roman has any sort of excuse to carry him at all. And a potentially hurt Pat? Well that's certainly an excuse. Roman carries Patton back, setting him down next to the ice cream again. "Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you married the ice cream instead of me." he says with a little laugh.
Patton had to admit, he kind of liked when Roman picked him up. It was nice, really nice. When he felt Roman set him down, he dug under the bed until he found his bag, digging through it in an attempt to find the tape he knew he had in there in case of an emergency just like this one. "I would, but I'm actually in a committed relationship with cookies right now, and things are getting pretty serious." he said, attempting to be as serious as possible, but the combination of how silly that sentence actually was and the joy of finding the tape being too much to keep him from smiling. Holding his hand out so Roman could hand him his glasses back, he looked back up, attempting to spot Roman. "I completely understand if you're jealous of the cookies, just please don't fight them for my love, because I will cry if the cookie crumbles." he joked as he scrunched his nose a bit. Once his glasses were fixed he slid them on his face and picked the spoon back up, ready to give his attention back to that green tea ice cream. "It's your turn, you know." he reminded with a smile.
"Oh really? I never thought it would be the cookies. Darling you betray me so!" Roman says dramatically with a giggle. Roman hands Patton's glasses back. He laughs a bit at Patton's joke. He thinks for a long moment when it was his turn. "My turn..." he could choose dare, but he didn't really want to /do/ anything at the moment. "I'm going to be a wuss and choose truth." Roman says with a smile, taking a bite of the strawberry ice cream.
Patton laughed at Roman's over dramatic response, smiling a bit more. He continued to eat the ice cream until he heard Roman pick truth. He put aside his dare idea for later and tried to think of something good he could ask. He had a lot of more deep, serious truths he could ask... but they were having fun and joking around and laughing and Patton wasn't so sure that making the moment serious was something Roman wanted. "Other than ugh, I don't want to get married to someone I've never met... what did you think of me when we first met?" he asked curiously, his eyebrows raising a bit. It was a potentially dangerous question, sure, Roman's first impression of Patton might not have been a good one... but it didn't have the potential for danger that some other questions he thought up had... at least he didn't think it did.
Roman thinks. He actually wasn't really sure. He could go with a joking answer, but he decides to answer honestly. "At first, I was relieved because there was one other person who looked as miserable as I did. But then I was glad that you looked like a nice person. I kinda thought 'hey, if it had to be someone, why not you', y'know?" he says, eating some more of his ice cream.
Patton gave a small nod as he listened. Yeah, that was more or less what Patton had felt too. It was both upsetting and comforting that there was someone as upset as he was. Comforting because at least someone else got it, but upsetting because he hated to think of someone else feeling that way, and in a weird way, it was because of him. But once he got to know Roman a little more, he was really happy to know him. He liked Roman a lot, and if he had to be stuck in this situation, he was glad it was with a guy as nice as fun as Roman. "Yeah, that's pretty much how I would've answered too." he said with another bite of his ice cream. "I guess I'll switch it up and go truth this time." he said with a smile.
Roman smiles. He was glad that Patton had gotten a pretty good first impression of him. Roman thinks for a second. What could he ask Patton? He didn't want to do anything too deep, didn't want to have Patton spill his guts when they had only known him for a few days. "Hmm- what is most important to you?" he asks, wanting to know what mattered to Patton.
Patton tilted his head a bit at the question. "Well, do you mean like... material positions, cause, I don't really own that much." he supposed he could finally tell Roman about his stuffed frog that he'd just found out was from his mother. "Or are we going deep and you mean like... what in life is important to me?" he asked curiously before taking another spoonful of ice cream. "Cause I guess I'd just say... having fun, and making people happy. I was trapped my whole life and I've got a lot of lost time to make up for. Plus, I don't like the thought of anyone else feeling trapped or lonely or... any of that negative stuff I felt, so I like going out of my way to do nice things for people, so I can maybe brighten their day a little." he said with a shy shrug. "So, you know, kindness, compassion, and lots of fun."
"That sounds- that sounds like a really good way to live actually." Roman says with a soft smile. Doing your best to make others happy? That sounded very sweet... very Patton. Roman thinks- he wasn't like Patton though, was he. He wasn't selfless and sweet. He shakes the thoughts out of his head, smiling a bit at him. "So, my turn again? Dare." he says, feeling a bit bolder.
Patton smirked a bit when Roman picked dare. "Oh, you are gonna regret that choice because I have a really intense dare for you." Patton said as he playfully twirled his spoon. "I dare you, to be fully responsible for getting rid of any and all spiders that we may come across for the rest of our lives, and the rest of time, until we both die, and then also after we die..." he said. It sounded like something Patton would say jokingly... Roman's dare was to forever be in charge of protecting Patton from spiders? It definitely fit the description of some of the silly things they'd said to one another, but you could tell by the way Patton had said it and how serious his face had gotten that nope... yeah, he was completely serious. He actually wanted Roman to agree to this.
Roman giggles, before realizing Patton was serious. He put on his serious voice. "Patton, my dear, I vow to protect you from spiders until the end of time." Roman swears, placing his hand over his heart. Roman could handle spiders- but he definitely understood Patton for not liking them.
Patton's face lit up with appreciation when Roman promised to protect him from any and all spiders the two of them may eventually come in contact with. "Thank you!" he squeaked before all but tackling Roman, giving him the biggest hug. When he finally pulled away, he thought about choosing dare himself, but that might mean getting up and he was too happy sitting here with Roman and his ice cream. He'd pick dare next time. "Truth." he said, returning to his usual less than serious self.
Roman smiles and laughs when Patton wraps him in a hug, and he holds him for a few moments, then let’s him go back to his ice cream. “Truth?” He stops, considering. Then he bursts into a fit of laughter. He grabs a piece of string and ties it into a circle. He gets down on one knee, still giggling. “Marry me?” He asks, cracking a smile, and holding out the string. “I figured I should at least get to properly propose right?”
Patton tilts his head when Roman suddenly laughs and starts fiddling with a piece of string, trying to figure out what it was he was going to do. He couldn't quite put together what his actions could have to do with a question he'd ask for truth. When Roman suddenly got down on one knee and asked him to marry him, however, using the tied up string as a make shift right, Patton's face lit up and he let out a giggle as he covered his mouth. Patton would've been lying if he said that there wasn't a part of him that was disappointed that neither of them got to propose. 
That this was all just, set up, so even if this was just Roman being silly and joking around while they played a game and made themselves sick on ice cream, it did mean a lot to Patton... who was working really hard not to cry right now because Roman was just kidding around, relax, it's not something to actually get that emotional about, Patton. Giggling again, he nodded, a smile on his face. "Yes, yeah, I'll marry you." he said happily. "I mean, you've agreed to protect me from spiders, you've given me far too much ice cream, and you're really good at giving hugs so I'd say I pretty much lucked out and got the best husband ever." Patton said with a small raise of his shoulders before smiling a bit more.
Roman smiles when Patton accepts his proposal, smiling even more when he says he lucked out. So yes, the wedding is fake and Patton is just his friend, but there’s something… nice, about actually getting to propose to him. Made him feel as though he was a bit more in control of his life. He stands, still laughing quietly, and slips the string onto Patton’s finger, tying it so that it wouldn’t fall off. He smiles, picking Patton up again and wrapping him in a hug. “There, now you’re /really/ my fiance.”
Patton smiled more when Roman picked him up and hugged him. Roman was right, it did somehow feel more real now, but not in a scary way, in a nice way. Sure, Patton certainly did not feel ready to get married yet, or be royalty for that matter, but if it all had to happen, it was nice that it was happening with Roman. Reluctantly pulling away from the hug, he fiddled with the spoon in his hands. "Your turn." he said with a shy smile.
Roman sets Patton down again, and he sits on the floor. He also doesn’t really want to let go of the other- the contact was nice. He’s starting to get full, be he keeps eating the ice cream- the point was to eat until they couldn’t anymore. Roman thinks. “I think I’ll go with truth again.” He decides after a minute, looking to Patton for what his question would be.
Patton thought about it a moment before deciding on his next question. "What would our wedding have been like if you'd gotten to plan it?" he asked curiously. While they were just friends, Roman really seemed like the romantic type, and he bet a wedding planned and put together by him would've been absolutely breathtaking. He wished they had more say in what they wanted. Patton knew what he'd have done differently if he'd had say in anything, he was curious about what Roman would do.
Roman grins. “Well- it would have been on a beach obviously. It would be at sunset, and the colors of everything would be beautifully bathed in light. But in my head it was going to be family only that was there, and friends, I I ever managed to get any. But all the flowers would have to be blue coreopsis, because they’re your favorite- and they’d match your eyes. The food would be exquisite, and everything would be perfect. And we’d have cookies and ice cream for dessert.” He says with a smile. “And this might sound a bit silly- but I’ve always wanted to have the doves that fly through after the kiss. It’s in no way practical, but it’s so pretty!” He says, smiling a bit when he was down talking. “Okay- truth or dare Pat?”
Patton listened as Roman described his ideal wedding. It sounded incredible, much nicer than whatever their parents were planning, he was sure of that. It was pretty close to what Patton had pictured in his own head, other than the location. It was sort of nice to know that they more or less wanted the same things. In his mind he pictured it in that garden Roman had showed him earlier, then again, Patton had never been to a beach before so, maybe his perfect wedding location would change if he had. His felt his face go red when Roman stated that there would be blue coreopsis not only because they were his favorite, but because they'd match his eyes. Hearing it was his turn again, he snapped back into reality. "I think I'm up for another dare." he said, he hoped his glasses were up for it too this time around.
“Hmm- dare you to be my partner in crime.” Roman says with a grin. “Even when we’re married and like old or whatever- you always gotta do stupid stuff with me. Like pull pranks on nobility- or take the horses out for a joyride in the middle of the night.” Roman smiles at him. If he had to dispose of spiders for the rest of their lives, he can ask Patton to do stupid things with him, right? And besides, he thinks Patton May just enjoy doing stupid things too.
Patton smiled even more when Roman stated his next dare. "I am more than happy to always do stupid stuff with you, no matter how old I get. Challenge accepted." Patton said happily before allowing himself to go from sitting on the bed to laying on it. The lack of sleep he'd gotten the night before was starting to catch up with him and he was getting tired, but he did his best to stay awake. They'd probably get called to dinner soon, and Patton wanted to make a good semi first impression. It'd be his first time really talking to Roman's parents, and the first time he'd be meeting Roman's brother at all. He was just hoping for a sugar rush to kick in. "Although, I've never been on a horse, so that one might take like... practice... maybe, I have no idea what riding a horse entails. It seems like one of those things that can't possibly be as easy as people who know what they're doing make it look." he said.
Roman grins when Patton accepts, watching him flop down and lay down. "Horses take practice... but it's really just a matter of picking the right horse. Because if your horse doesn't like you- well it's not going to be very enjoyable to get thrown off. But I have a feeling that you're the type of person that animals like." Roman says with a smile. A second later, there's a knock at the door. "Prince Roman? Prince Patton? Dinner is in fifteen minutes, please get ready." one of the servants said from the other side of the door. Roman nods. "Thank you, we'll be there soon!"
Patton smiled. "I do love animals." he said before hearing the knock at the door. He was stuffed from the ice cream and sleepy. He wished he didn't have to go to dinner, but he knew there were things he couldn't get out of, and this was probably one of those things. Lifting his glasses up to rub his eyes, he sighed before looking back at Roman. They had fifteen minutes, probably not enough time to keep playing. Boo. But maybe he could just spend that time laying here and relaxing... unless there was actually something they had to do to get ready for dinner, but he couldn't think of what that might be.
Roman sighs. “I’m full from the ice cream- I don’t think I can eat.” He says with a small smile. “We can lay around for a few minutes, but then we have to go- my parents hate when I’m late to dinner.” Roman says, flopping down in the soft carpet in the floor. “You’ll get to meet my brother- just a warning- he’s nice, but he can be a bit... much.” Roman says.
Patton sighed. "Me too. I'd rather just take a nap." he admitted before closing his eyes for a moment. When Roman stated that they'd have to go in a few minutes because his parents hated when he was later to dinner, he gave a tired nod before opening his eyes when Roman brought up his brother. A bit much? A bit much how? He couldn't help but wonder, Patton hadn't exactly interacted with that many people in his life, he wasn't even sure what a bit much meant. Tilting his head slightly in thought, he shrugged it off. Roman was incredibly nice, and he didn't see why his brother would be any different... Roman had even started with the fact that he was nice when describing him. It was probably fine.
Roman stands, and offers Patton a arm, and a smile, before he starts the walk down to the dining room. “You haven’t eaten until you’ve eaten here- the food is all amazing!” Roman says with a smile. As they approach the door to the dining room, Remus is coming down the hallway towards them, and he sprints at them, stopping at the last second, standing just a bit too close. “Is that your new fiancée? He’s cute!” Remus says, observing Patton, hardly letting him get a word in. Remus was identical to Roman besides the mustache, and a small streak of blonde hair. “Hey- don’t imagine maggots crawling into your food at dinner!” He says with a grin.
Patton stood up, walking with Roman. As full as he felt, he knew the second he actually saw food he'd have no problem eating, he did love food. When Remus suddenly ran up to them, getting a lot closer than Patton was expecting him to, Patton blinked in surprise. Wow, he knew Roman had a brother, but he didn't realize how similiar they were going to look. It was still easy for Patton to tell them apart, but wow. His face going a bit red when he was cute, he gave a small smile. "Hi." he said shyly. It was important for Remus to like him, he was Roman's brother. If he was important to Roman, he was important to Patton, and Patton really wanted to make a good first impression, though the pressure from that was causing shyness to get the better of him. 
At what Remus said next however, Patton actually could feel the surprise cross his face and he glanced at Roman for a second, unsure of how to respond to that and... a little grossed out at the image that popped into his head when it'd been said. Was this what Roman had meant when he warned that Remus was a little much? "Uh... I... wasn't planning to..." he said as he looked back at Remus, the tone of his voice holding both kindness as if he were trying to actually hold a genuine conversation with Remus (even if it was about maggots) and genuine confusion when it came to what they were talking about and why Remus had brought it up in the first place.
Remus nods. “Good- although maybe thinking about maggots is good, you know? I think a bout stuff like that a lot. Ro-Bro over here thinks it’s gross, but what’s a few strange and unusual thoughts?!” Remus says, the wide grin still on his face. Roman looks to Patton, hoping that he wasn’t too disturbed by Remus. “A few strange and unusual thoughts are okay- but I think you /only/ have strange and unusual thoughts.” He says, pushing open the doors to the dining room. Remus cackles as they walk in. “You’re not wrong...” he aqueuses, taking his seat at the long table. Roman sits down, motioning for Patton to sit next to him. Their parents were already seated in the middle of the table.
Patton tilted his head a little bit. "Good how?" he asked curiously. Remus was definitely... different than Patton had been expecting, but then again, other than Roman, Patton had never really socialized with anyone before so maybe it only seemed odd because he wasn't use to talking to anyone. Patton followed Roman and Remus into the dining room, listening as the two spoke before sitting down next to Roman. He hadn't really been prepared for how nervous he felt. This was the first time he'd really sat down with Roman's family, with the family he was marrying into. It was more nerve wracking than he'd originally anticipated. He would've much rather been back up in the room playing truth or dare with Roman and eating too much ice cream... speaking of which, he made a mental note that he should probably never engage in a game of truth or dare with Remus, or if he ever had to, to remember to always pick truth. He'd barely said anything and yet Patton was already a little scared of the dares Remus might come up with.
When the three of them sat down at the table, Patton’s mother gives him a small smile, and a Roman gets a small nod from his parents. Patton’s father doesn’t acknowledge him. Remus prattles on about something or other during dinner, talking mostly to himself. Food is placed in front of them all, platters of amazing expensive food. Roman eats, but not as much as he usually would, still being full from the ice cream. He looks at Patton. “What do you think of the food?” He asks with a smile.
Patton smiled as his mom, happy to see her again, but too scared to talk to her with all these people here. He glances at his dad, waiting for a moment or two before realizing that his father wasn't going to acknowledge his presence, looking away. He actually found himself just focusing on Remus and what he was saying for the majority of the time. It was a bit surprising, he didn't think he'd do that after the maggot comment but with his nerves it was nice to have something else to focus on, even if it was listening to Remus talk to himself as if he thought no one was listening. He went back and forth between that and focusing his attention solely on his food in those moments where Remus' talking got a little more... graphic, until he heard Roman speak. "It's really good." he replied with a small smile. He did enjoy the meal, but this was no where near as fun as earlier when it was just him and Roman. 
Roman was more fun, he bet even spending time with Remus would be... confusing but fun. All the adults who were sitting here like he was one of them just made him feel less like an adult than he already felt. No one had said anything in particular, but it was like he could feel all the rules and dos and don'ts and shoulds and shouldn'ts floating through the air around him. He couldn't be himself. He couldn't be Patton. It was sort of suffocating. He wished he had Remus' confidence to just... be himself no matter the situation. The food was good, but this was not anywhere near as fun. It definitely confirmed in his mind that this whole... future King thing was definitely not for him. It was so stiff and ridged and boring, it reminded him of how he felt trapped in that house all those years. He was still trapped, just in a bigger space with a more fancy title.
Roman can somehow sense Patton’s discomfort- so he eats quickly, wanting to see if he could get him out of the table. He knew that this was probably scary and confusing for Patton- could practically hear the thoughts churning inside his head. Remus continues his crazy ramblings, their parents having long since given up on trying to control him. When it looked like Patton had finished his food, Roman turned to his parents. “Can Patton and I be excused early?” He asks quickly. Romans father considers, them nods. “I’ve been wanting to speak to Patton’s parents anyway. You all can go.” He says, dismissing them. Remus grins, jumping over the table and running out of the room, and Roman stands, offering a hand to Patton to leave.
Patton looked up, a sense of relief washing over him when Roman asked if they could be excused, and the answer was actually yes. He held back a laugh when Remus literally jumped over the table to get out of there the second he was given permission, Patton taking Roman's hand and following him out the door. He felt his whole body relax the second he was out of there. They weren't even doing anything and he already felt so much better, more like himself. He was still a bit shy around Remus, but Remus didn't make him feel like he had to be some grown up who always said and did all the right things at all the right times, so he would definitely take this feeling over that one.
Roman felt Patton’s hand relax in his, and he gives it a gentle squeeze, walking back to their room. Remus sprints off somewhere, probably to go try and cat rats in the dungeons, or to play with fire on the turrets. “You feeling okay?” Roman asks as he walked with him. “You were really tense during dinner, and you seemed uncomfortable.”
Patton watched Remus run off, about to ask where he was going curiously when he heard Roman speak. Looking back at Roman, he gave a small nod. "Yeah. I'm just... not comfortable with them yet." he admitted, referring to the adults. The only adult that he enjoyed being around was his mother, and it was hard to enjoy her company with the rest there. "It's probably fine though, I mean, once I get to know them, it'll probably work itself out... I mean, the only person I've ever interacted with that was an adult kidnapped me so..." he held the last word out for a bit and his voice trailed off for a moment. It was pretty understandable, at first Patton felt awkward around everyone due to the combination of a lack of socialization before now and the fact that he only person he had interacted with had been his kidnapper. 
Thanks to Roman, Patton had gotten more comfortable around other people, to the point where he was even able to look Remus in the eyes when he'd first met him, but it was different. Roman and Remus were around his age. He still wasn't comfortable around the adults... the guards... the people who were older, the ones that made him feel like he wasn't allowed to just... be. Maybe they weren't the man who kidnapped him, but in their own way, with their rules and restrictions that Patton had to follow because that's what he was suppose to do as a Prince, they made him feel the exact same way.
"That's okay- you're new to people. It's fine for you not to be okay around everyone just yet." Roman says, opening the door when they got to his room, and walking inside with him. He flops down on top of the bed, stretching. He looks out of the window- it'll be getting dark soon. "Pat- you said you don't like the dark- do you want me to try and find you a candle or something?" he asks.
Patton smiled a bit, following Roman to his room. When Roman offered to find him a candle, he gave a shy nod. "Yeah, I mean, if it's not too much trouble." he said, not wanting Roman to go out of his way or anything. He made a mental note to offer to sleep on the chaise tonight when they started actually getting ready to go to sleep. Roman had a better chance at a good night sleep than Patton did, he might as well be the one to have the bed to get that sleep. It felt like a waste, for Patton to have it.
Roman nods, going into a drawer and pulling out a set of candles- some he used for decoration, and they smelled nice. “What color do you want Patton?” He asks, showing them to Patton. He smiles, leaving them near him and going to see if he could find matches anywhere, grinning when he found them somewhere. He most definitely would insist that Patton take the bed- Roman didn’t care, and he wanted Patton to be comfortable! Patton was going to be his husband, the least Roman could do is give him the bed.
Patton smiled a bit when Roman found some candles, looking them over when Roman told him to pick a color. His instinct was to go with the blue, but once the candle melted down it would be gone, so he decided on a different color instead. "Thank you." he said after a moment, grateful for the fact that Roman was trying to make sure he was comfortable, and that maybe he'd even manage to get a little bit of sleep.
Roman smiles, setting the chosen candle down on the nightstand with the box of matches. He grabs his sketchbook, intending to draw again with the little time that he had left. He opens it, flipping to a new page, before deciding that he'd draw Patton again, starting to doodle him.
Patton dug through his bag until he found his book again, pulling it out as he sat down on the bed. He could see that Roman was getting ready to sketch again, and Patton didn't really have much to do himself, and he'd reread that book about a million times, it was his favorite after all, so why not read it again? It was worn, but clearly well taken care of.
Roman looked over at Patton as he pulled out a book. "What are you reading?" He asks, trying to glimpse the title. He looks back down at the sketchbook, finishing the basic outline of Patton. "Will you read it out loud?" he asks, smiling at him.
Patton didn't glance up from the book when he heard him speak. "The Frog Prince." he replied, a little embarrassed. He'd done his best to hide it all from Roman the night before, and while he was a lot more comfortable with Roman, it was still a children's story. But it was one of the only story books he had growing up, and while he'd made sure to read every book he could get his hands on in an attempt to keep himself entertained all those years, this one had definitely always been his favorite. When Roman asked if he could read it out loud, he finally glanced up from the book, giving a small smile. "Yeah, sure." he said before starting to read the book out loud, finding himself getting just as caught up in the story as he always did, reacting to each thing that happened as if he were hearing it for the first time.
Roman smiles at how invested Patton seemed in the story- and Roman was getting a bit caught up as well- he hadn't heard this in ages. He listens as Patton read, still drawing him, and when he finished, he doodles a little frog next to Patton, a frog that was dressed and looked suspiciously like Roman.
When Patton finished reading the story, he closed the book carefully, deciding to set it down on the nightstand instead of putting it back in his bag. He let himself fall back so he was laying down on the bed. With how tired he felt, you'd think he'd be able to fall asleep easy, but he wasn't so confident that it would actually happen. He did feel better knowing the candle was there, and that Roman was in the room, but it still felt like something else was missing and he couldn't quite put a finger on what that something was. "What'd you decide to draw this time?" he asked curiously.
Roman looks over at Patton when he’s asked what he drew, and he goes over to the bed, taking his sketchbook with him to go show Patton. He sits down ne t to him, showing him the page. “It’s you again- but also a frog that kind of looks like me!” Roman says with a smile, showing him. He really liked the way it turned out- he usually didn’t like the things he drew- but when he drew Patton... it felt like he could make no mistakes.
Patton smiled when Roman sat down next to him on the bed, looking at the page as it was shown to him. His whole face lit up at the very sight of the drawing. "That's so amazing!" he squeaked, sitting up a bit so he could get a better look at Roman's creation. "I love it." he said happily.
Roman smiles, blushing a bit at the compliments. "Aw, thanks Patton!" Roman didn't know why, but he adored the way that Patton's face lit up- how genuinely happy that he seemed to see the drawing. "I'll have to draw you more often- usually people get annoyed when I try and draw them." he says, putting the sketchbook down. He doesn't want to go to sleep yet, just wants to spend more time with Patton.
Patton smiled as he looked at the drawing, his head tilting in confusion when Roman stated that most people got annoyed when he tried to draw them. "But... why? There's a frog right there..." he said genuinely, as if the fact that Roman drew him with a frog should somehow negate any annoyance anyone would have at being drawn. Honestly, he thought that was a pretty legitimate reason to love being drawn. You could add anything into the picture and be with that thing, whether it was something you could actually be with or not.
Roman giggles, nodding. "Yes, there is a frog." he says with a smile. "Do you like frogs?" he asks, sitting up on the bed and looking at him. "Because tomorrow we could go and try to find some! We get frogs in the pond in the garden sometimes!" Roman says with a bright smile. "Usually they're really pretty- and they're friendly! Usually only Remus likes them though."
Patton nodded. "Yeah, they're my second favorite after cats. I've never actually seen a frog in person, but I've seen a lot of them in books." he said as he pointed to the Frog Prince book on the nightstand. When Roman suggested that they could go try to find some frogs in the garden pond, Patton practically shot up into a sitting position. "Really? We could see real frogs?!" he asked excitedly.
Roman nods, giggling at Patton's excitement. "We can go see real frogs!" he says with a grin, picking up his sketchbook and standing off of the bed, yawning. He shivered a bit. It was starting to get cold at night... he'd be fine though. "I'm going to head to bed, alright Patton?" he says, before moving to his chaise and settling in for the night.
Patton could barely contain his excitement, wishing it was tomorrow already so he could go with Roman and see the frogs in the pond. When Roman yawned and stood up, he furrowed his brow. "Are you sure you don't want the bed tonight? I got it last night, and it doesn't really seem fair because I don't even really sleep." he said. If Roman wouldn't take the bed permanently, Patton was more than happy to just trade off every night at least.
Roman shakes his head. "No, thank you Patton, although you're very sweet for offering." he says with a smile. He settles onto the chaise. "Sweet dreams, Pat." he says, before staring to drift off, not able to fully fall asleep due to the rapidly decreasing temperature.
"Okay, goodnight." Patton said softly, giving it a few minutes until he was sure Roman had shut his eyes before reaching for his bag under the bed and pulling out his stuffed frog again. He may not have been confident in his ability to fall asleep, but he was eager to climb under the covers since it felt colder tonight than it had the night before. Patton actually preferred the cold, there was something amazing about the feeling of curling up under warm blankets and sheets when a room was colder. Setting his glasses on the nightstand with his book, he closed his eyes, hoping he might actually fall asleep... no such luck.
Roman had manages to fall asleep... for an hour. Before waking up again. He tossed and turned for forever, sleep deprived and tired, cold. He shivered under his blankets, before looking over at Patton. Body heat was the best way to gain heat right? Roman stands up, sleepily shuffling away from the chaise and over to the bed. He flops down next to Patton. "Pssst. Patton. Are you awake? Because it's like... really cold and you looked warm so I wanted to know if ya wanted to cuddle." Roman says, yawning sleepily. He was tired, and quite out of it.
Patton could hear Roman moving around more than he had last night. He knew he should've made Roman take the bed, he was probably having trouble sleeping because he was uncomfortable. Part of him wanted to go over and offer the bed again, but he stayed where he was, because even if Roman was moving around, that didn't mean he was awake, and Patton didn't want to wake him up. When he heard the sound of feet shuffling across the floor, he figured maybe Roman was going to the bathroom, or perhaps to find more blankets, but when he heard his name, he opened his eyes tiredly, trying to focus on Roman despite the fact that the room was darker and he didn't have his glasses on. "I'm awake." he said softly, reaching a hand up to rub his eyes. If Roman weren't standing up and talking to him, he would've thought he was still sleeping, he seemed out of it. He wondered if Roman was a sleep walker. Hearing Roman's suggestion, his face went so red he was surprising glad that the room was more dark so it wouldn't go noticed. Like, both of them, in the same bed, cuddling... on purpose? He wasn't as cold as Roman, so why did that sound so nice? "Oh, yeah. We can do that." he replied shyly, scooting over a bit so Roman could get in the bed.
Roman smiles sleepily, quickly moving under the blankets, relaxing when he felt how warm it was. He wraps his arms around Patton, holding the other close to himself, and he just takes a few minutes to enjoy how /warm/ the other is. Heck, even if Patton had been freezing cold, Roman would have probably enjoyed holding him- Patton was soft and small and easy to hold and Roman just... liked being next to him.
Patton cuddled up to Roman, letting his head rest on his shoulder as he felt Roman hold him close. He allowed himself to just take a moment, thinking. This was even nicer than he thought it would be. He liked being this close to Roman... he wondered if Roman liked being this close to him. Closing his eyes, he tried to just enjoy it while it lasted, there was a chance that Roman wouldn't want to do this again if the room was warmer the next night. So Patton had to appreciate it while it was still happening, genuinely surprised by how quickly he fell asleep now that Roman was there holding him.
Roman fells asleep quickly as well, smiling softly in his sleep and closing his eyes, drifting off beside Patton. People cuddled with their friends, right? This was perfectly normal!
This was probably the first time in Patton's entire life that he had a night where he just... slept soundly. No trouble falling asleep, no waking up every hour if he did manage to get some sleep in, no nightmares waking him back up if he got more than an hour of sleep, just... Patton sleeping comfortably. He was relaxed, content, over all, he just felt safe cuddled up to Roman. One of his hands was lightly gripping Roman's shirt in his sleep as if he subconsciously thought that if Roman were to wake up and realize that, he'd know Patton didn't want him to leave and he'd stay with him. This may have also been the first time Patton slept in, meaning the chances of him waking up before Roman were slim to none. He was usually a light sleeper and an early riser, but someone could burst in and start yelling, or bang on the door and Patton still wouldn't wake up. He was too comfortable. If only it could be like this every night.
Roman was up early the next morning, the year or so that he had spent on battlefields conditioning him to it. He realizes that he wasn't on the chaise anymore... he was in the bed... warm, comfy- hold up- he was... cuddling Patton? Certainly an interesting development, but not an unwelcome one. He smiles, not letting go of the other, and just cuddling closer, enjoying holding him.
Patton finally woke up, but he didn't open his eyes right away. He was too comfortable. Opening his eyes right now felt like accepting the fact that it was officially morning and he wasn't quite ready to do that yet. He never got to just be comfy in bed like this and he wasn't ready for it to be over. He shifted a bit, unsure of if Roman was awake or if he was still sleeping, so he didn't want to move too much and wake him up if he was still asleep. He wondered if Roman would remember asking to climb into bed and cuddle with him. He wondered if Roman would think it was weird or not want to cuddle once he was more awake. Maybe Patton should get up just incase. He didn't like that thought. Finally opening his eyes, he reached his hand up to rub them in an attempt to wake himself up a bit more.
Roman pulls Patton closer when he shifts. "Morning." he hums sleepily, pulling Patton to him- not ready for the cuddles to end. Patton was warm, and Roman just wanted to hold him for a little bit longer.
Patton smiled tiredly when he heard Roman's voice, just letting out a sleepy hum in response. He closed his eyes again when he felt Roman pull him closer, feeling warm and cozy and just plain happy. No wonder he was never able to sleep when he was alone, this was so much better. He felt better. He could've just stayed like this all day, honestly, but he knew eventually they'd have to get up. "How long've you been up?" he asked curiously after a moment, opening his eyes and glancing back up at Roman.
Roman shrugs. "An hour? No more than that- Not that long." he mumbles, his eyes still half-open against Patton. "You're... very comfortable." he remarks, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He could have watches Patton sleep for /ages/- he really was adorable. Was it weird, that he'd watch his friend sleep? No, no, of course not!
Patton held back a yawn, nodding a bit to show he was listening, he had been the one to ask, after all, couldn't fall back asleep during the answer. "Oh." he hummed softly, so Roman hadn't been up for too long. He wondered what time it was... did they have time to stay like this a bit longer? He felt his face go a bit red when Roman commented that he was comfortable, a smile appearing as he instinctively moved to hide his now red face, but still too sleepy to realize he'd done so by burying it in Roman's side. Roman was the one who was very comfortable.
Roman giggles softly- both at Patton's reaction, and at being tickled when the other went to hide his face in his side. "You're adorable when you're sleepy." Roman mumbled, smiling to himself, and not fully registering what he was saying. They could cuddle for a bit longer... take breakfast in their room....
It took Patton a moment to register what Roman had said. Once he did, he could feel his face get hotter. Roman thought he was adorable? Well, when he was sleepy. But still. Did Roman really think he was adorable? Why did that make him smile even more? Patton had always been the sort to like physical signs of affection, even if he never actually got any. Cuddling, hand holding, hugs... he'd been very careful not to get too close with Roman, only having given him a few hugs here and there so far because he didn't know if Roman would want Patton to be that close, he sort of hoped that since Roman had been the one to ask that they cuddle, that it was a sign that if Patton wanted to cuddle again, or hug him more often, or hold his hand, that he could. Friends did that, right?
Roman smiles at Patton, gently moving one of his hand to card through Patton’s hair. It was soft, really soft- and Roman smiles. They were getting married tomorrow- that was a huge thing- Roman thought that they could just... relax. Take a rest for this morning. “Pat, you wanna see if we can have breakfast in bed today?” He asks with a small smile on his face. Usually Roman very much would get up and force himself to go to breakfast even when he was exhausted- but for some reason, having Patton here made him weak- willed.
Patton had never had anyone play with his hair before. He hadn't really been prepared for how much he liked the feeling of it. It might've been his favorite thing, and he all but melted the second Roman started to do it. He couldn't really focus on anything else because that was so nice and comforting and... did Roman say something? Yeah, Roman definitely said something. It was hard to focus on anything when Roman was running his hand through Patton's hair right now. It took far too long for Patton to even figure out that Roman had definitely said something, let alone what he said. Something that meant they didn't have to get up, which meant Roman didn't have to stop playing with his hair, so definitely yes, one hundred percent yes to... whatever it was. Right, he actually had to give an answer. "Uh... uh huh, yeah." he somehow managed to contently hum out. He'd do whatever if it meant Roman would keep doing that.
Roman nods. "Lovely. I'll send for breakfast... later." he finishes. He doesn't want to get out of bed with Patton just yet, so he just lays with him, content for now. He keeps playing with Patton's hair, playing with the smooth locks of hair and giggling as he tried to (and failed to) braid little sections of Patton's hair.
"Mmkay." Patton replied quietly, just allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of Roman playing with his hair. He wasn't sure if there were moments where he actually fell back asleep and would wave up again or if he was just so relaxed that he kept zoning out but either way, this definitely won hands down for the most happy and calm and safe that Patton had ever felt in his life.
Roman smiles- he'd definitely have to play with Patton's hair more often if it gave him soft, sleepy Patton. "Did you sleep okay?" Roman asks him quietly, remembering that Patton said that he had trouble sleeping the night before.
Patton hadn't really noticed when he had first buried his face in Roman's side because he was more focused on hiding his red face, but now that that thought had left his mind he couldn't help but notice that Roman smelled really good. It just added to how content he felt. "Yeah, that's never happened before." he mumbled in response to the question. He hoped this wasn't a one time thing, that Roman would keep cuddling with him so Patton could feel this way every night. It just made him more upset to think about Roman actually getting up because he didn't know for sure if it was ever gonna happen again. "You?" was all he could manage to ask back, knowing Roman had gotten into the bed with him in the first place because he was cold and having trouble sleeping. Patton hoped he helped Roman sleep as much as Roman had helped him.
"I slept good. You're very warm." Roman says with a smile, holding onto Patton for a bit longer. He does sit up after a few minutes, but he doesn't get out of bed yet. He still holds Patton in his sitting position, Patton's head resting on his lap. "Do you wanna get breakfast now? I can run and ask someone to bring us something, and then we can just stay in bed?"
Patton pouted a bit when he felt Roman moving, not wanting to let go just yet, but luckily, Roman didn't let go of him. He looked up at Roman at the question, giving a small nod. "Okay." he said, not really thrilled about Roman getting up and leaving, but he'd be lying if he said that now that he was starting to slowly wake up more and more that he wasn't hungry, and it wouldn't be right of him to keep Roman from eating just because Patton was too comfortable to move either.
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
Hello! First of all I adore your blog and I personally love your views on your multiple OTP's with Sasuke. But I have to ask you a question, what is your opinion on a ship like ItaSaku? I personally can't see them together, like honestly the only thing they have in common is their obsession with Sasuke... Anyway, please continue you're amazing blog!
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First of all thanks for your nice words.
Now let me change tone and reply to your question. I hate Ita/saku with a passion. 
(anti-Itas*ku and anti-S*kura under the cut. anon wrote the entire ship name. if it shows up in the search pages it’s not my fault. it’s my personal opinion and it’s properly tagged as anti)
Rare/crack pairings are interesting to imagine, write or RP, but I have a problem with S*kura.
She’s the female character most fans self-insert/identify with, since she’s an average person who gets stronger thanks to her hard work. If only she were just this, I’d find her uninteresting but I woulnd’t dislike her that much. I find her funny moments very funny actually, and I like the way she is around certain characters when she acts like herself and not like an idiot. 
Too bad she’s not written this way, or rather, kishi/sp decided to write her differently, not following that characterization at all. So, to me she’s boring and shallow…when she’s not whiny, self-centered, narrow-minded and trying to be manipulative but not even succeeding, because on top of that she believes herself (and she’s supposed) to be smart but she’s not. She’s just your typical good student who memorizes everything but has no critical thinking. She shows this in the way by never questions anything about Konoha’s shitty system even after she gets to she know more, and by not even being curious about Sasuke’s reasons to rebel against the village, instead deciding to kill him herself, something incredibly stupid (she would have never made it), narrow minded (since she didn’t bother knowing why, despite she claimed to love him) and selfishly creepy, Marilyn Manson’s “I’ll kill you if I can’t have you” style. Not to mention something decided on a whim, because there was no indication that she thought about him this way before.
Personality aside, I don’t like her look either, so I don’t want her near my favourite characters. As for Itachi, he’s a real genius, someone who thinks in a very original way, someone whose reasoning and morals are completely his own, someone who’s not afraid to choose a dark path to achieve his goal, someone whose love for his brother was so strong and complex to drive him to go to extreme lenghts to protect him, even hurting him. I just can’t find interesting a relationship between someone like this and someone so average, so shallow, like S*kura.  
Since I don’t find her interesting, I don’t find her interactions with others interesting either, and I can’t see anyone from outside Konoha being interested in her, so the only ones I like her with are Naruto (classic couple, they kinda remind me of Akito and Miho in Bakuman, very cute together, lots of funny moments, also a positive development), Sai (they have a nice development and nice interactions) and Kakashi. Kakasaku is very interesting in my opinion, because Kakashi who’s older, may help her grow up mentally, and she might help him heal from his traumas and be less closed off. Also they have beautiful interactions in the war.
Everyone is free to ship whatever they like but when I see Itas*ku in the tags, I block the post. I don’t hate it as much as I hate SS because it’s just crack, but sure I don’t like it. Just like I don’t want to see Madas*ku, Uchi/saku, Akatsuki/saku or whatever else.
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 5 years
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Congrats T on your second character, Noelle Adams! Please send us her blog within the next 48 hours!
Name/Alias: T Preferred pronoun: she/her/hers Age:  25+ Timezone/Country: CST RP Experience: it’s been 84 years Activity Level: same as before
Name: Noelle Aaliyah Adams Designation: Switch Age: 20 Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman Birthday: June 10 Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: breath play, spanking, edging, orgasm denial, lingerie, humiliation, anything not on anti kinks Anti-Kinks: scat, gore, bathroom play, feet, permanent marking
BIO: TW: Drug abuse and depression
A tomboy through and through from the moment she was born, Noelle loved any kind of sport her parents put her in: softball, volleyball, soccer. But basketball was her true love from the moment she learned how to dribble a ball. From an early age, Noelle knew that she wanted to play basketball. There was never any doubt in her mind. She had her whole life mapped out: she would get a scholarship to UCONN or Duke University where she would be their top star and from there, she would be the top draft pick. Eventually after retirement, she would find herself in a coaching role at her alma mater where she would lead them to numerous championships. She had to have lofty goals or else her parents would think she wasn’t try hard enough, and she nearly came close to achieving all of it until a knee injury in her senior year of high school ruined it all.
An ACL injury took Noelle out of the game not even a month into the season. All of the schools that had recruited her and offered her scholarships backed out one by one, extending offers to her teammates who weren’t as good as her, but weren’t nearly as injury prone either. Her injury required surgery and physical therapy. It was after her surgery that she fell into a depression. She was forced to watch her teammates go on without her, playing games as if she hadn’t been the heart of the team. Her depression hung like a dark cloud over her head and she fell so deep that she found herself becoming more and dependent on the pain killers that had been prescribed to her to make herself feel numb to all over the pain, both physical and emotional.
It became a way for Noelle to cope with what her life had become. Without basketball, she didn’t know who she was or what she was going to do with her life. For so long her life revolved around her being the best as basketball and with that being gone, she didn’t know how to move on from it.  Without basketball, she used the pills to try and fill the hole in her world. She would always judge the drug addicts she would see downtown searching around for the next quick way to get a high. She never once thought she would become one of them. She didn’t care that the doctors said her knee had healed perfectly and there was no reason she couldn’t play again. Her love for the game had been replaced with her love of feeling nothing.
It took months of lying and secret keeping before her parents noticed anything. All those years of teaching their kids how to keep up appearances had paid off in the worst possible way. They wasted no time in shipping Noelle off to rehab making sure to tell friends and family that she needed to be checked in for “exhaustion” because there was no reason to air their family’s dirty laundry out for the world to see.
Noelle eventually finished her time in rehab and was able to come home, but it wasn’t without consequences. Her parents kept a close eye on her, refusing to let her go off to neither college or the institute without first proving that she could be trusted again. It took over a year before she was able to prove that she could be sent off to school without them worrying that she would relapse again. The Institute wasn’t exactly UNCONN or Duke, but she wasn’t left with many other options.
What is your biggest fear and why?
-Considering I’ve already faced my biggest fear, failing at basketball, there’s not much left for me to fear.
What 3 objects/places mean the most to you and why?
-My championship trophies. That kinda goes without saying why they mean the most to me.
-My siblings. If there’s no one else in this world I know I can trust, I know I can trust them.
-This old school toy basketball hoop I got for Christmas one year. It sort of sparked everything and made me fall in love with basketball.
Who is the one person you’d most like to meet (dead or alive)?
-Pat Summit.
What is the one moment you would describe as your happiest/most excited?
-Getting the call from UCONN that they wanted to recruit me.
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