#this was a fun foray into the world of the Moving Image. when i finish my current sketchbook i may well take it seriously and make a
lucky-draws · 3 months
hiiii as promised and by the will of the people via that poll i made like a month ago...here is my humble sketchbook tour. it's very bad but kind of on purpose. i edited it in windows 10 video editor in a sleepy post-lunch haze. sorry if you're a slow reader and have to pause sometimes but there aren't many annotations and they're not particularly profound. i'm not speaking in this video because i'm too shy so copyright free chopin is accompanying us pleasantly in the background. one of the annotations near the start appears a page too early but i can't be arsed to change it. its an unlisted youtube video because i didn't realise tumblr doesn't support wmv files and i couldn't be bothered to convert it. overall i hope you enjoy my sketchbook from january 2024- may 2024. grins :-)
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ernmark · 3 years
End of Year Writing Meme
I was tagged by @ectogeo-art
Wrote: 123k over 23 fics in one fandom
New things I tried: I think this was my first real foray into sci-fi writing in a long while, and I did a bit of fanart to go along with some particularly striking images in other people's fics.
Fic I spent the most time on: You wouldn't know it, but A Dynasty of Liars. There's a reason I put it on hold for a while.
Fic I spent the least time on: A Drop of Wax. It was very much a knee-jerk response to one of @sapphosewrites' fics, and I think I tapped it out in like an hour and a half?
Favorite thing I wrote: Shed Skins Are Brittle Things and the associated AU. I loved all the puzzles I had to work out regarding the way the world reacted to Julian being moved to a different role right before the war, the newly liberated Jem'Hadar and Weyoun, and all that stuff. There was one fic I was tapping away at for so long that it wound up getting automatically deleted before I could post it.
Favorite thing I read: There's no way to sum them all up. But some from my recent history: Standards of Care by sahiya, From the Rubble by Lenn (Eitch), in which Garak wants to bite a gorn by LiterallyThePresident (I'm weirdly into Jealous!Garak), Push Me Till I Break by sapphose,
Writing goals for next year: My big goal is to finish A Dynasty of Liars and And When That Heart. And on a non-fandom note, actually finish one of my original projects before the next convention. We shall see.
Tagging: @ryosei-hime, @alecjmarsh, @briwhosaysni, @hingabee, and anyone who feels like this would be fun~
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smmahamazing · 4 years
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Rounding out your Valentine’s Day with one last fic for the @inudayoflove2021 !!!
Summary: It’s White Day. Inuyasha and Kagome have been dating for a month, and Inuyasha has planned a nice evening for the two of them. Except Inuyasha has something a little sweet prepared for Kagome in hopes of getting a little steamy with her. What happens when Kagome has a similar idea? Set in the Cowboy Blues Universe. Rated E for smut.
Let me tell you, this chapter has truly taken it out of me. This is my first foray into writing smut, and y’all that is hard. But in the end, it’s been worth all the trouble in the world. Next month exactly will be ONE YEAR since I started writing. And that’s kind of crazy to me. I have six posted stories with an entire google drive of wips that scream at me day in and day out LOL. All because of a little White Day one shot that grew into a 23k story, with another 8k of one-shots, all set in the same universe. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with Inukag’s first time! Thank you so much to @clementinesgulag , who has also drawn a very sweet 😏😏😏piece of artwork for this chapter, and I’m so excited for y’all to see it!!! If you haven’t already, check out all the different fics with the Day of Love Collection on AO3!
Anyways, I’m dedicating this chapter to all you guys out there. This fandom has been an amazing part of my life this past year, and I’m so happy to be involved with such a great group of people. This past year has been crazy, but you guys have been worth it. I hope you all enjoy!!!
A special shoutout to @underwater0phelia for helping me with a few trouble sections! You're the greatest darling❤❤❤
Inuyasha loved routine. More specifically, he loved routine whenever his brain started to think too much about certain subjects.
Today was Mr. Tanaka's quarterly oil change. Mr. Tanaka had been a loyal customer dating back to the first week he had officially opened his doors for business. He told Inuyasha that he reminded him of a younger version of himself, and that he was happy to see a young man such as himself take a risk into opening his own business. Mr. Tanaka's kind words had really helped motivate Inuyasha through the good times and the bad times that first year, and so to thank him, Inuyasha gave the older gentleman a fair discount on any and all services, and let no one else service the vehicle.
Over the years, Inuyasha gained enough employees that he really didn't need to service any of the vehicles that came into the shop. He dealt with enough paperwork and general bureaucratic shit that, most days, he willingly let the boys take care of the line up.
But days like today were nice. Fantastic, really. Loud, heavy alternative rock blared through the speakers of a giant stereo as Inuyasha made quick work of the tiny honda. It was easy for Inuyasha to get all wrapped up in the monotony of his work. Today, Inuyasha had been more anxious than usual, so he decided to go ahead and perform a full diagnostic package on Mr. Tanaka's car. The extra work would help keep Inuyasha's mind focused.
The problem was that White Day was next week, and Inuyasha had absolutely no idea what to get Kagome. They had only been dating for about a month and Inuyasha was struggling with the decision of how grand of a gesture he wanted to make.
When he was growing up, the giving norm was usually either chocolate or candy, and sometimes flowers depending on the relationship of the giver towards the recipient. Given the short amount of time they had been together, chocolate seemed like a good direction to head towards, but Inuyasha had been overanalyzing the entire situation for several days now.
The main reason for his anxiety came from his already deep feelings for a girl he's only known for a month. Inuyasha truly enjoyed talking to and spending time with Kagome. They were constantly texting each other; asking a variety of questions about their lives and the things that they thought defined them. Random pictures broke up the mass of their text bubbles. Kagome had been given leeway from her boss to experiment with all different kinds of cakes, so practically everyday was an image of a new cake, decorated all cutesy for the romantic holiday.
The rational part of his brain told him to just get her a nice box of chocolates and flowers and enjoy a nice evening together. But Kagome deserved more effort than just purchasing a random box of chocolates. An ideal gift would be to make her something - she seemed like the type of girl to love homemade gifts - but to Inuyasha, the idea was….daunting, and a little embarrassing. Inuyasha knew enough about cooking and baking to just get him by, but he didn’t feel confident enough to make something for a woman whose career was based on cooking and baking. Not like Kagome would laugh at him or make fun of anything he made, but it was an insecurity Inuyasha couldn't seem to shake when put in front of his professional girlfriend.
It didn't help that the irrational part of his brain wanted to give her something more than just chocolate.
Despite being together for about a month, they hadn't had sex yet. Not because neither of them didn't want to, they just …never brought the subject up. The more they talked, the more Inuyasha began to realize how much he liked her, and he didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize the easy going relationship they had now.
In reality, he just didn't want to scare her off by demanding sex. Nor did he want to demand sex from her, he just wanted things to happen naturally. Before he knew it, a month had flown by.
Several hours passed before Inuyasha finally decided he couldn’t keep Mr. Tanaka's car in the shop any longer. He dragged his feet to the hand washing sink, taking his time to scrub the grease from his hands and the dirt off his forearms. 
Mr. Tanaka always came first thing in the morning before most people were functioning enough to stop by, so the waiting room had several more people in it then when he started working on the car.
"Mr. Tanaka," Inuyasha announced, grabbing a free computer at the front desk to pull up the service information. Mr. Tanaka stood with a smile on his face and walked up to him.
"She's all good I assume?"
"Yup, fit as a fiddle. Gave her a good once over, which is why it took a little longer than normal. On the house."
"Ahh, Inuyasha my boy, you're too good to me."
Inuyasha chuckled as the computer calculated the total, and he prompted Mr. Tanaka to insert his credit card into the card reader.
"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Inuyasha asked. 
"Oh, I'm going to spend the afternoon with the grandchildren, maybe go out for a stroll and a banana split at the nice ice cream joint not far from my house. How about yourself?"
"Just take out for me and my girl tonight, nothing exciting,"
"Oh, I wouldn't say that, " Mr. Tanaka said with a glint in his eyes.  "Every evening with your woman is special. "
Inuyasha snorted at his statement, grabbing the receipt that just finished printing and giving it to the older man. "Alright old man, I'll see you in another three months."
"Alright then, Inuyasha. Don't work too hard now!" Mr. Tanaka says with a sly look on his face. Inuyasha merely rolled his eyes at the joke the older gentleman made every time he brought his car in. Inuyasha always thought him a strange man; despite doing good business, not everyone wanted to stay and chat with a hanyou, but Inuyasha tried not to think about it too much. If his mother was alive, she'd say something about how "people can always surprise you" or "there's still good in the world, Inuyasha". He tried to think about those theoretical statements when he was faced with an actual nice person.
With Mr. Tanaka's car finished, Inuyasha walked back out to the garage to finish cleaning up his station. There was some paperwork to be done, but he was hoping today would be busy enough to justify him working on the floor instead.
'Maybe a little snack first,' Inuyasha thought as he held his hand up to his rumbling stomach. Now the only question was, sweet or savory? Mr. Tanaka and his grandkids were still on the edge of his brain, thinking maybe Kagome would be up for getting a carton of rocky road tonight to share.
That was when the idea hit him. It came in small bursts, just split second images his brain conjured up to give him an idea of what it would look like. It was something Inuyasha had never done before. Kikyo kept their sex life pretty...vanilla. Not that this idea was all that out there, but the whole thing would definitely feel a little odd to someone who really only used the missionary position in his last relationship.
It was definitely something Inuyasha would probably like - just the thought of it was already starting to wake up his lower brain - but would Kagome? Would she misconstrue the situation somehow? Would she be into that kind of thing?
One thing was for certain; Inuyasha needed to continue this line of thought in his private office, not amongst all his employees. He found his assistant manager and confirmed their current appointments for the next several hours before locking himself in the office to come up with ways to make this little "idea" of his work.
It was just starting to get dark when Kagome pulled up to her normal spot at Inuyasha's apartment. She killed the engine as soon as she put the car in park, but didn't make a move yet to open the door and make her way over to his apartment. This way, Kagome wouldn't be able to chicken out or drive away. Eventually, the cooler air outside would make its way in and lower the temperature in the car, prompting her that her time to sit around has come to an end. 
Kagome didn't even know what she was so nervous about anyway. It was going to be just another date night with Inuyasha, perfectly normal and entertaining.
‘Oh yeah, because showing up at your boyfriend’’s house in nothing but lingerie is definitely normal,’ Kagome thought, shifting around in her seat a little and making herself much more aware of exactly what she was wearing and why.
She had been dating Inuyasha for just about a month now, and they had yet to “do the deed”. Which, if she was honest, Kagome wasn’t sure if that was odd or normal for a relationship. Her past relationships had been so varied, ranging from sex on the first date to no sex at all, or even pretty much only sex with little to no substance.
Kagome didn’t think it was because he didn’t want to. They had been texting back and forth practically everyday since their first date at that ramen shop. Inuyasha even made it a point to come to the diner for lunch just so they could see each other - which totally didn’t make her heart flutter, no siree. They just hadn’t really had the...opportunity to express their interest for each other in that way yet.
The plan for tonight was to just have a simple dinner at Inuyasha’s, and maybe pop in a movie during dessert. Very relaxed and extremely intimate. It was actually Kagome’s idea of a perfect date. Sure, going out to eat together is always nice, and spending the day out and about can create a lot of great memories, but she craved the closeness one could get when you were comfortable in your own home.
Kagome had some slight alterations to go with their evening plans  It was simple: walk inside, seduce her hot boyfriend, and fuck him into next week. She still wasn’t sure where dinner and a movie fell between it all; she was just going to have to wing it. Earlier in the week, Kagome had made a stop at the mall and purchased a most alluring piece of lingerie.
It was a fairly simple garment, which was good because Kagome couldn’t even begin to wonder how she’d get into some of the lingerie she looked at. She was pretty sure some of them could double as their own sex toys. In the end, she chose two different colors of a two piece bra and panty set - one in red, which she was currently wearing, and one in green, her favorite color. It was made from a soft silk with floral lace borders around the edges of the cup of the bra and the elastic of the panties. Overall, it was a very comfortable fit, which is what greatly prompted Kagome to purchase two.
However, the real stars of the show were the crotchless panties and the cupless bra.
Despite its simplicity, it was the raunchiest piece of lingerie that Kagome had ever purchased.
It was still chilly outside, requiring her to wear her purple peacoat to and from the car, but the only other piece of clothing Kagome wore was a random slip dress she found buried deep in one of her dresser drawers. She was actually pretty sure it was meant to go over your bathing suit when visiting the local swimming pool or beach, but with only three buttons and a waist tie, the garment was perfect for easy removal. She rounded out the whole outfit with the most expensive pair of black stiletto heels she owned, and hoped that Inuyasha didn't question its...quirkiness.
Well, she was wearing an old pair of boyshorts over the crotchless panties, but Kagome just felt too awkward driving without a proper pair of underwear on.
'Alright Kagome, time to get your butt in gear,' she thought, giving her cheeks a few good slaps to motivate her. With a deep inhale, she carefully shimmied out of the boyshorts and tossed them into the backseat before grabbing her purse and stepping out of the car to walk towards Inuyasha's apartment.
She knocked on the door, running her hands through her hair to fix any errant strands the wind may have moved. After about thirty seconds, she could hear Inuyasha's muffled reply to ‘come on in’, like he was on the opposite side of the apartment. It was unusual of him - he never failed to greet her at the door the few times she had been over - but she reminded herself they had only been dating for a month. Plus, he was probably still getting things ready. No big deal.
He must have anticipated not being quite ready for her arrival, seeing as the door was already unlocked. She quickly stepped in and locked the door behind her, taking off her coat and hanging it, along with her purse, on one of the hooks beside the door. She forewent taking her shoes off though, since they were a part of the whole 'fuck me' look she was attempting to pull off.
Looking into the living room, there were a few extra blankets and pillows stacked on the ottoman, but nothing looked particularly different. The apartment was always pretty clean due to Inuyasha's sensitive nose - he had a hard time dealing with dust - although it looked like he did a quick wipe down throughout the room not that long ago.
Inuyasha didn't have a space set up for a dining table since he normally ate by himself , but he had taken the time to set up a couple of placemats for them at the bar that separated the kitchen and living room. Each spot had its own dinner plate, salad bowl, utensils, and wine glass all ready to be filled. Placed on either side of them and in front of them were three long candlesticks in their own respective holder.
The whole scene put a soft smile on her face as she tenderly touched each piece. She had yet to see Inuyasha, but tonight was already turning out to be the perfect date. It was obvious to see the work he put into making this dinner special for them. The plates looked like they came from his own cupboard, but she was pretty sure he went out to buy candles to set the mood.
Kagome was beginning to get a little anxious to find Inuyasha, but the smells coming from the kitchen were strong enough to tear her away from her search. There were a couple of pots on the stove over a low flame. Nothing smelled like it was burning, but what kind of cook would Kagome be if she didn't take a quick peek at some unattended pots?
That's what she told herself, anyways, as she slowly lifted the lid to the pot on the right hand burner. The pleasant aroma of tomatoes and garlic filled the immediate area, and Kagome inhaled it deeply. Inside the pot was what looked to be meatballs, simmering in a homemade tomato sauce. Kagome took hold of the spoon being used to stir the sauce and snuck a quick taste.
She closed her eyes, groaning slightly in satisfaction. The sauce was tangy and savory, a hint of sweetness found in the aftertaste. Kagome might have been the professional chef between them, but Inuyasha never gave himself enough credit when it came to his own cooking. Growing up as a hanyou, he always had to be careful with foods that could possibly be too spicy or over seasoned, and he learned that it was sometimes better to just cook your own food.
Not to mention the fact that there were few things more attractive than your boyfriend cooking a meal for you.
Kagome set the lid back on the pot to go looking for the hanyou in question. She hadn't seen Inuyasha since she came in, and a quick peek behind the balcony curtains told her he wasn't outside either, which left the bathroom and bedroom.
There were three doors down in the back hallway. The first door on the left - which was left open and clearly empty - was the bathroom, with a small storage closet directly across from it. Kagome walked right past both doors in favor of the closed bedroom door; the storage closet was small and cramped, not big enough to fit even the small built Kagome inside with the door closed, and so, inconsequential to Kagome's mind.
She stood in front of the bedroom door, suddenly nervous now that the sight of cooked food couldn't distract her. She still had no idea how tonight was going to pan out, or how Inuyasha would react to her advances. Kagome took another deep breath to relax her shoulders, making herself stand just a little bit taller. 
She was a Higurashi after all, dammit! Known for their stubbornness and determination, there was no obstacle they couldn't climb. In fact, there was nothing for her to be nervous about at all. She was an attractive woman, he was an attractive man. This was just the natural next step that many people took in their relationships, and damn it all, she was gonna seduce the hell out of him.
Yet, she wasn't expecting the sight that laid before her as she opened the door. At all.
Her breath hitched as wide eyes landed on Inuyasha sprawled out on the bed.
Completely naked.
Well, was he considered completely naked if his dick was just barely covered? It was an errant thought that crossed her mind, despite how unnecessary it was at the moment.
Kagome didn't think she'd ever seen a sight as glorious as Inuyasha, propped up by a couple of pillows, one arm bent behind his head, the other laying across his stomach. She had yet to see Inuyasha without a shirt on, and found she couldn't tear her eyes away from the bulging muscles in his arms, or the rippling six-pack he sported. He looked like he could have been carved by Michaelangelo himself, an Adonis covered in whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and caramel, topped with a bright red maraschino cherry on top.
Kagome was sure she was about to develop a sweet tooth of her own.
She took a quick second to notice the overall look of the room. He had the same long stemmed candles placed strategically around the room, offering the only source of light. Beside him on the bedside table was all the fixings - the chocolate sauce, caramel, whipped cream, even a jar of strawberry jam.
'Oh my God, is this what he meant by having banana splits for dessert?' she thought, remembering the text conversation they had as she was getting ready earlier. Inuyasha hadn't told her what he was making for dinner, but he had asked her if she liked banana splits. Which she had replied to him that of course she did, who didn't?
Well, one thing for sure was that she'd never look at a banana split the same way again.
Neither of them knew how long she had been standing there for, but Inuyasha was getting more nervous by the second. She hadn't said anything when she entered the room, just stood there staring at him with this weird look in her eyes.
The last five minutes had been stressful for him, to say the least. Inuyasha hadn't wanted to put the whipped cream on too soon and have it start melting on him, so he waited until he could hear her soft knocking at the front door before getting himself all set up.
He had no idea how long it would take Kagome to make her way to the bedroom. She was far too curious for her own good to just sit out there waiting for him, but how many things would distract her on her way to the bedroom was the real question. Still, as soon as he heard the front door close, he got to work, covering his very erect penis with the whipped cream - just the thought of what her mouth would be doing to him soon was enough to get him going - and using deft hands to flourish it with the chocolate and caramel. He saved the cherry for the moment right before she opened the door, not wanting it to slide off and ruin the masterpiece he had concocted.
Surprisingly, he wasn't all that nervous as he was getting ready. It was when she finally came in and just stared that set his nerves on fire. What was she thinking? Did she like the view or was she trying to figure out how to get out of the situation entirely? He didn't really know what her scent smelled of when she was aroused, so he felt like he was walking into the fire blind.
He couldn't take it anymore. The silence was killing him, he was sure of it. He didn't know what he was going to say to her, but anything was better than nothing.
Hearing her name must have startled her from her own thoughts. She looked at him now - really looked at him - and what he saw in her eyes was pure determination.
Inuyasha didn't think he had ever been so terrified in his life. It was at this moment he realized that he really didn't know all that much about Kagome. Sure, they had been talking back and forth, constantly texting about their favorite movies or the places they like to frequent or comparing allergies, but that was just the small stuff. He had no idea what this look in her eyes meant.
And then, she showed him.
If he was worried about what she thought about his "gift" to her, her next actions put those thoughts to bed.
She slowly unbuttoned the dress she was wearing, sensually untying the waist tie until it opened and floated to the floor, bearing herself to him.
Inuyasha had to stifle the urge to whine. He had never seen a sight as alluring as Kagome, standing before him with her hair down over her shoulders in a bright red lingerie set. This wasn't like any lingerie set Inuyasha had ever seen. The cups to the bra covered the tops of her breasts more than most bras might, but he had a clear view of her dusky pink nipples poking through a set of holes in each cup.
The candlelight put the most tantalizing shadows against the muscles in her arms down to her toned calves, which was exaggerated even more by the black high heels she wore. And as his eyes wandered up and down her body, he was pretty sure they were crotchless, judging by the shape of the panties.
His first thought was that she looked like a snack, but he'd be lying - she was a whole goddamn meal.
"Is this for me?" she asked, walking up to the end of the bed, jutting her hips out with each step.
It sort of felt like an out of body experience, like she had control of her body but also not at the same time? Every step to the bed was fueled by a slowly rising arousal. Her mouth was beginning to water; she hadn't expected to do dessert before dinner, but she supposed she could break the rules just this once. After all, it would be rude to not immediately accept this most generous...gift.
"Ye - yeah," Inuyasha answered, trying to sound suave instead of like some virginal teenager. He wasn't so sure he was succeeding, but Kagome didn't seem to mind as she continued to get closer to him, bending down to lean her hands against the bed, giving him a fantastic view of her chest.
He couldn't control the twitch in his cock as she began to fully lift herself onto the bed. Kagome didn't miss it either, giving him a devilish smirk as she crawled her way to him. It made him feel like prey being stalked by a predator, which was a weird change in his bedroom dynamics. He had always been the more dominant party when he was with Kikyo, but he was finding that he didn't mind the change all that much.
Not when a beautiful woman like Kagome was looking like she was going to devour him.
And that was exactly what she planned to do.
Kagome gingerly put her hands on his calves, causing Inuyasha to take in a sharp inhale. He hadn't been expecting her touch, and it made him take in a sharp inhale. He expected her to dive straight in, but she leaned over to the right side of the bed instead, bringing her bare nipples dangerously close to his face. 
Inuyasha turned his head away slightly and closed his eyes, not sure if he could stand to look at her much longer before losing his patience and having his way with her. The bed shifted back to normal a second later, and Inuyasha opened his eyes to find she had grabbed the chocolate sauce and the jar of caramel.
Kagome desperately wanted a taste of him, but she also wanted to make this whole experience last. She wanted to tease and torture him until he couldn't take it anymore and took her instead.
"Do you mind getting a little sticky?"
Inuyasha's eyes started to darken as her plans for him slowly became clear. So she wanted to tease him a little, huh? That was fine by him. He was sure he'd let her do whatever she wanted.
"I'm your blank canvas Kagome,"
Inuyasha watched her face flush at his words and he subconsciously opened his chest up in pride at being the one to cause it. She looked so cute flustered, and he couldn't wait to see it again when she was underneath him.
Kagome took his words to heart and opened the top to the chocolate sauce. Moving over to his left side for a better angle, she started at his face, taking the bottle and carefully squeezing it over his skin - over his lips, on the apple of his cheeks, on his nose, sculpting the jaw.
And then she started moving downward, dotting all down his neck, not wanting it to run too much given the angle. When she reached his chest, she began drawing intricate lace designs over his pecs. Inuyasha could see the absolute focus in her eyes as she drew, almost as if she had done this before. She worked in a restaurant, and Inuyasha was pretty sure he remembered her saying she even did some baking, so she most likely had done this before. On a cake at least.
When she was done with the chocolate, she grabbed the jar of caramel and began painting him with that as well. Inuyasha had taken the honey dipper from his mother's old honey jar to make it easier to decorate with, and Kagome used it to accent the major chocolate work on his skin. She took extra care covering his nipples and belly button.
Kagome was about to get to work when she looked up and realized she had forgotten to take the strawberry jam. She went all out on covering his chest, so that was a no go. She scrunched her face up a little, thinking about what she could do with it, when suddenly the idea hit her.
"Hand me the strawberry jam?" she asked, innocently batting her eyelashes at him.
He did as she asked, going as far as opening the jar before handing it to her. She tossed him a sweet smile before taking hold of his left hand and dipping each finger into the jam. She gestured for him to take the jar back, watching him grab it with his free hand. She wanted until right before the jar was going to hit the table, and took his thumb into her mouth.
Just as she thought would happen, the jar clattered onto the table, the strange sensation of Kagome sucking on his fingers taking away all brain functions.
Inuyasha had never had someone suck on his fingers before, and if you had asked him prior to tonight if that was something he'd be into, Inuyasha would have probably answered with a scrunched face and a "hard no". Now though? He could see the pros.
She thoroughly cleaned his fingers, wrapping her tongue languidly around each digit and sucking hard enough to feel the blood flow temporarily stop. Inuyasha couldn't keep in the low moan as he imagined her using that tongue in the same way on his cock.
She gave him a break by starting with the chocolate on his face next. She pressed the flat of her tongue against each cheek, using the tip to sensually lick the chocolate off his nose and along his jaw, ending her explorations of his face with a sweet kiss. It was slow and wistful, sweet from of the chocolate.
Inuyasha parted his mouth to let her tongue in when she began licking across the seam. He used his right hand to thread through her hair, deepening the kiss. Gods, did she taste absolutely fucking divine, like chocolate covered cherries. 
Far too soon, she pulled away from him, nipping his bottom lip for attempting to pull her back in. Kagome used her own hand to run through his hair, tipping his head back enough so she could run her tongue up and down the skin, licking up all the chocolate dots she had placed there.
Her tongue was so warm, and soft. It left him in a daze as she moved lower to tackle his chest. From the way she licked, starting from one side to the other and slowly making her way south, she must have drawn an elaborate maze. Her tongue deftly moved with precision; she knew exactly where to go.
Inuyasha moaned, his eyes half mast in pleasure, as Kagome sucked at his nipples. She took her time there, giving each one an equal amount of attention, erasing all signs of the caramel that covered them before moving on.
It was the most pleasurable torture Inuyasha had ever endured. She was getting closer and closer to the whipped cream tower that covered him, but it was obvious that Kagome was going to savor the taste of him before digging in. No amount of skin was forgotten as she traced lines of fire down his chest, dipping her tongue into his caramel filled belly button. Sometime during her travels downward, Inuyasha had grabbed a hold of her hair, helping keep it pinned back so she didn't get any chocolate or whipped cream in it. It was also an exercise in control, being careful that he didn't pull her hair too hard to cause her any pain.
Truth be told, Kagome was excited to get to the whipped cream portion of her dessert hanyou, although not entirely for what lay underneath. She had been eyeing that cherry since she walked in on him. It was the best part of a dessert after all. 
She licked a line from the base of the tower to the tip, careful to not get too close to the skin of his shaft, picking up the cherry with the tip of her tongue and placing it between her teeth with the stem pointing out toward Inuyasha. Her gut reaction was to bite into the cherry and satiate her desire for the small fruit, but looking up at Inuyasha she had a better idea.
Leaning in towards him, she stuck out the stem towards his lips, offering him one last taste of her before she finally got a taste of him. Inuyasha greedily took the stem in his mouth, moving his lips generously over hers as she bit into the cherry, sharing the juice between the two of them for a moment before pulling apart.
Inuyasha wished he knew how to tie cherry stems with his tongue. He wanted to show her just what he could do with that tongue of his. Instead, he spit it out over the edge of the bed, far more concerned with what Kagome was about to do next.
Kagome had already moved to nestle herself between his legs, laying on her chest with her legs propped up at the knees, ankles crossed. Every time Kagome moved to another position, Inuyasha didn't think she could get any sexier, only to be proven wrong just a moment later. She gave him one last sultry look, placing her hands on his thighs to gently massage them, before taking the flat of her tongue from the base of his balls to the tip of his dick, all the way down to the skin.
Inuyasha pulled a low growl from deep in his chest at the feel of her tongue running up and down his hardened length. She felt even more amazing than he imagined she would, and he wasn't sure whether it was because he had been dry for so long or because Kagome just had a lot of practice.
They had been honest with each other from the beginning about their past sexual experiences. While Inuyasha wasn't a stranger to the act, Kagome had been with far more partners than himself, and with the way she licked his dick like her favourite ice cream cone was proof of that. Gods, when was the last time he received a blowjob anyways? Not since Kikyo, and that was years ago.
He played with the idea of threading his hand through her hair again, wanting to constantly be touching her, to feel her shiver as his claws lightly grazed her scalp. But as she finished licking off all the whipped cream, she fully engulfed his dick in her mouth, relaxing her jaw to fit as much of him in as she could. Inuyasha put holes into the bedsheets from gripping them so hard, and he was grateful he had stayed his hand from her head.
Inuyasha's head was spinning at the wet sounds of Kagome's mouth salivating around his dick. He didn't know how much more of this he could take before blowing his load early, and he much rather preferred the thought of cumming inside her undoubtedly wet pussy instead of her mouth.
She didn't slow down, didn't even look up at him as the hand that was squeezing towards the base tightened and the movements of her mouth went a little faster and deeper.
Kagome could feel his balls tighten and knew he couldn't hold it much longer. The act of licking food off Inuyasha's body aroused her far more than she would have expected, and there was one aspect of the "banana split" that Inuyasha was missing: the garnish of chopped nuts. The chocolate and caramel she poured all over him and the whipped cream left her with a wonderfully sweet taste in her mouth, but she wanted to know how the salty taste of his cum would mix with it.
She ran a finger from her other hand along his perineum and moaned as she gave him one last hard suck. The vibrations from the skin to skin contact of her lips caused Inuyasha to let out a pitched whine as he filled her mouth with his cum. She held him fast in her mouth, keeping some controlled movement of her hand on his shaft as she swallowed every last drop of him.
Salty and sweet. Kagome was sure this was the ultimate way to give a blowjob, and she hoped by the panting she could hear from Inuyasha that he'd let her do it again sometime.
After cleaning up every last drop of his cum, she gave one last, chaste kiss to the tip of his cock and started lifting herself up by the arms when she was suddenly grabbed by the forearms and hauled up towards his face. He smashed his lips against her, clinking their teeth together as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, groaning at the taste of himself on her. He wanted to tell her how much he enjoyed what she gave him, but words seemed immaterial and not enough, so he decided to show her instead.
In fact, he loved it so much, he knew he had to return the favor. Besides, Kagome got to have her fun, so it was only fair that Inuyasha should as well.
He wrapped his arms around Kagome and flipped them so he was top, not once severing their connection at the lips. Kagome didn't seem to mind the change as her hands roamed his body, tracing the muscles up his arms and in his shoulders. When the need for air became too great, Inuyasha moved down to line open mouthed kisses to the pulsepoint in her neck, nipping the jaw on his way there.
It took a considerable amount of restraint to not move himself even lower. She looked absolutely delectable laying under him, her nipples already pebbled and hard from her aroused state. She had a soft expression in her eyes, but there was still a light held in there that waited for Inuyasha's next move.
Just as she had done, he reached over her to grab the chocolate sauce and caramel and carefully spread it all over the tops of her breasts and stomach, saving the caramel for her exposed nipples. It was not nearly as intricate as Kagome's designs had been; despite his desire to give back the love she gave him, he was slowly becoming impatient. It had been so long since he made love to a woman, and the imagined feeling of her warm heat clutching him as he pumped into her made him grow harder by the second.
He also didn't have nearly as much space as she did. Inuyasha didn't want to get chocolate syrup on her lingerie, which he guessed probably cost a good deal.
Inuyasha set the toppings down on the nightstand, bringing his nose to the silk material of her bra and gently rubbed his nose against it. The silk was so soft against his skin and smelled strongly of her natural scent, intoxicating him.
His original plan was to slowly work his way down her body, but he couldn't fight the instinct to lay his tongue flat against her right nipple, licking up all the caramel in one swoop. Her body twitched, not quite anticipating his touch there yet, and she let out a sharp gasp as he curled his tongue around her nipple and completely enveloped it into his mouth.
Kagome's body was already beginning to tremble, not used to the feeling of someone's hot breath against her skin. She arched her chest upwards towards his face, desperate to keep that connection intact. Every lick and suck was sending jolts of pleasure down to her core, setting her body ablaze in passion. When he started nibbling with his teeth, Kagome trailed her hands up around his head, gently grasping the base of his ears and massaging them.
Inuyasha growled at the sensation, her soft touch sending shivers down his spine. Despite how good it felt, Inuyasha let her nipple go with a loud pop! and with almost lightening speed, grabbed her wrists and trapped them together above her head. This time was for Kagome; Inuyasha was determined to make her feel just as good as he did - if not more - and currently, that didn't include him. Not in the same way.
Until he could bury himself in her, the only thing he wanted from her was to hear her moaning in pleasure.
"Ah ah, no touching yet baby," he told her, keeping himself lifted off her just enough to take her in. Kagome moaned at the absence of his lips, arching her back just a little bit more to tempt him to come back for more. Inuyasha wished he could keep her in this position. He loved the way her chest opened up to him from this angle, but he fully planned on giving both nipples this undivided attention. Unfortunately he couldn't grow a third arm.
"Tell you what," he said, placing open mouth kisses down her neck. "If you can keep your hands up here, I'll make it worth your while,"
Kagome rolled her hands into fists, trying her hardest to break free as he gently pulled on her earlobe, snaking his tongue up the sides. She wasn't sure she could keep still while he lapped at her skin. She wanted something to do with her hands, and his ears were a perfect distraction.
But he was giving her a challenge, and Kagome had no plans to back down anytime soon.
"Then show me what you got," she replied, relaxing her hands and lowered her body back down into the bed.
Inuyasha released her wrists slowly, making sure they stayed where he put them. His hand slowly lowered down, caressing her cheek and trailing a line down her neck straight to her breast. He cupped the underside of her left breast, lifting it right to his mouth.
Kagome sighed as his other hand came up to the other breast, pulling and twisting the nipple. She managed to keep her wrists where they were, but couldn't help flexing her hands. 
When he was convinced her breasts had been worshipped long enough, he slowly worked his way down her body, licking the chocolate off as he went. Her skin was soft, arguably softer than even the lingerie she wore. Inuyasha had to control himself from marking her all over her stomach, settling for quick nips that only turned the skin red for a few moments.
Inuyasha couldn't wait any longer. He was so close to getting to taste her, and he was salivating at the prospect. Her belly button was the last place he focused on - swirling his tongue around it - before gripping her left thigh in his hand and lifting it so it sat on his shoulder. He used his other hand to spread her right leg, opening herself up to him fully.
Without thinking about it, he brought his nose against her dark curls and inhaled, letting out a deep groan. She smelled absolutely exquisite, a spicy scent reminiscent of ginger surrounding him. The image of her panting underneath him, pussy already glistening from how wet she was for him, was more perfect than he could have ever imagined.
He dove in, licking a long swipe from slit to clit. She was sweet and salty at the same time, something uniquely Kagome, and he’d never get enough. He worked his tongue in overtime, starting at the ever quickly hardening nub. He flicked his tongue back and forth, bracing his hands against her thighs as she twitched with each flick, before moving down a little lower. He used his right hand to gently push apart her folds, each swipe of the tongue imitating a soft caress to her sensitive nerves.
Kagome moaned at the feeling, jolts of pleasure shooting through her body like electricity. She had given up on his challenge, moving her hands down from above her head and threading her fingers through his hair, gently scraping his scalp with her nails.
She could feel her eyes roll towards the back of her head as he plunged his tongue inside her. There was something about receiving oral that just sent her over the edge. The feel of his tongue swirling inside her, hitting her innermost walls as she tried to keep him in, had her gasping and squirming.
Despite the overwhelming feeling, she made sure to keep her hands clear of his ears, not wanting to accidentally pull or pinch them. She tried lifting her pelvis off the bed, but her trembling body was no match for the pure strength of his arms as he held her down. Instead, she pushed his head further forward, making his nose bump her clit, sending jolts of pleasure straight to her core.
Inuyasha had to grind his pelvis into the bed to find a bit of relief from the sensory overload. He was drunk on the taste of her, but his impatience was beginning to get the best of him. He wanted to know how she felt wrapped around his dick, sucking him in and milking him dry.
He relished in the small whines Kagome made as he nuzzled his nose against her nub. He could feel her legs begin to shake as he slowly made his way upward, taking his time to generously lick around her folds before turning his tongue's attention to her swollen pearl.
It felt like the breath was being squeezed from Kagome's chest. Every inhale was followed by a shallow, barely present exhale. His tongue was working in overdrive. Every flick, every swirl had her entire body trembling under the force of her well awaited orgasm just starting to break over the horizon.
Inuyasha, in an effort to end their collective misery, took her swollen nub between his lips and sucked, letting out a contented growl, the vibrations finally sending her over the edge. Kagome let out an almost shrill whine and arched her back, her thighs tense with the desire to capture Inuyasha's head between them. Her eyes clouded, unable to focus on anything but the explosive orgasm running throughout body.
Inuyasha stayed right where he was, lapping up every drop of her essence that spilled from her. His ears stood at attention as he listened to her mewling, a soft rumbling spreading throughout his chest at the thought that he made her feel this way. 
Inuyasha kept at her folds, slowly licking her clean, until the tremors stopped racing through her body. He pushed himself up so he could get a better image of the woman under him. Her face was flushed red, small tendrils of hair already beginning to stick to her neck, and her chest was heaving, taking in large gulps of air. When her breath was starting to go back to normal, she finally focused her gaze on Inuyasha, eyes filled with lust.
Inuyasha found it difficult to keep her strong gaze, his confidence from before slowly wavering now that there was nothing to distract either of them. Inuyasha wiped his chin on his upper arm, suddenly embarrassed about the mess he had made despite his best attempt at licking her clean.
Kagome let out a short puff of air, not wanting to fully chuckle at the man on top of her. She wasn't trying to laugh at him, he just looked so adorable. His eyes tried not to land on her face, but he didn't shy away from running them up and down her body. He was looking at her with what Kagome could only describe as reverence, yet just a tinge of uncertainty lingered.
Kagome leaned up, tugging one of his forelocks gently to bring his face to hers so they could share a kiss. It was slow and determined all at the same time; Kagome tried to pour her heart into it, to try and let him know that it was okay. They were okay, and Kagome wanted nothing more than to be with him like this for the rest of the night.
Kagome could taste herself on his tongue, and it only helped fuel the fire that had settled slightly after her body wracking orgasm. She wound her hands behind his neck, grazing the back of his neck with her fingernails, causing a deep groan to emit from Inuyasha's chest.
"Inuyasha, I want you," Kagome purred, running a finger lightly over the outlines of his ears while the other hand ran lines up and down his chest.
Inuyasha tried to keep his actions calm and smooth - leaning over to the bedside table to grab a condom from the drawer - a feat that proved to be difficult as Kagome continued to run her hands across whatever body part of his she could reach. His hands shook as he slowly rolled it onto his dick. When he was ready, he lowered himself down to lay on top of her, being careful not to put his weight on her, and instead into his arms that framed her face. She opened herself up to him, allowing him to nestle his stiff erection in between her legs.
"Kagome," he whispered, nuzzling his nose against her skin, starting from one cheek to the next. "Are you sure?"
Kagome brought her lips up against his one more time, teasing him with her tongue, swiping it along his lips, lightly caressing his own tongue in the process. She gently nipped his bottom lip when pulling back for air. She leaned up towards the top of his head, her breath ghosting the fine hairs of his ears.
"Take me, Inuyasha,"
Inuyasha had never heard words so sweet.
He slowly sank into her, nearly wincing at the pressure he felt. God she was tight! Already her walls were clenching and pulsing around his cock, her warmth seeping into him all the way up to his chest. Kagome moaned when Inuyasha was buried in her as far as he could be, basking in the fullness of having him inside her. For a minute, neither of them moved, each of them getting used to being so intimately joined.
Inuyasha kissed all along her jaw and neck - internally rejoicing when Kagome tilted her head back enough to bare more of her neck to him, a sign of submission to an Inu youkai.
Once Kagome was used to the added girth inside her, she rocked her hips up, letting him know she was ready for him to start moving.
He started slow, pulling out till just the tip remained before sliding back in. Inuyasha was the one to moan this time, Kagome letting out an erotic sigh as her body shivered under his touch. Every thrust sent a wave of pleasure through his body, the smell of their activities slowly beginning to permeate the air around them, creating a natural musk that was absolutely intoxicating.
Inuyasha raised himself up onto his arms just enough to look at her face as he continued to thrust into her. Kagome’s eyes were only halfway open, seeing but not seeing as she let her body be taken over by the pleasure of having him be not just inside of her, but to actively give her what her body desired. Her mouth was parted open, and Inuyasha could hear every little breathy moan she made as he tilted his hips back and forth, torturing her slowly. 
Kagome hooked her ankles behind his legs in an effort to keep him as deep inside her as possible. One hand was gripping his bicep, the other was sinking into the supple flesh of one of his buttcheeks.
“Inuyasha....I….I need…”
“What do you need, baby?”
“I need more,”
“More of what?” he teased, slowing down his thrusts so he could circle his hips into her. Kagome let out a small cry at the sensation.
“I need it harder….faster…”
Inuyasha let out a low growl, and, with the precision only one with youkai ancestry could pull off, he fully raised himself up onto his knees, keeping himself inside of her. He grabbed both of her legs, hooking her ankles behind his head and gave her exactly what she asked for.
He began pounding into her with the fervor of a crazed man. Kagome became far more vocal, gasping and moaning at the force and speed with which he was fucking her with. Her head tilted back into the pillow, forcing her chest open to his eyed. Her breasts were bouncing violently against his movements.
“Touch yourself, Kagome,” he ordered, his tone leaving no room for disobeyment. She instantly grabbed her breasts, molding each of them to her hands before pinching and rolling her nipples between deft fingers.
Kagome was on fire, the heat radiating from her core and spreading all over her body. Once again, the ability to exhale was quickly becoming lost to her, the holding of her breath only making the heat in her groin feel more pronounced. Her legs were beginning to ache, but she could barely feel the tension as he continued to pound into her, using the force and dexterity only a youkai could give her.
Inuyasha could feel he was close to the end, the feel of her wet pussy clenching around his hardened length bringing him closer and closer. He could hear every gasp and hitch of her breath, knowing that she was getting close herself. He wanted to give her one more orgasm before his own. Being mindful of his claws, he snaked his right hand down and began rubbing her clit, his rough, calloused fingers inducing the right amount of friction for Kagome’s legs to tremble.
“Come on baby. Cum for me, Kagome,”
All it took were those four words to send Kagome over the edge. She let out a high pitched whine, white spots blurred her vision as a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her body. Inuyasha let out his own yelp, unprepared for the pressure that came when her walls clenched around his cock, feeling as if she was cutting off blood flow. He erratically drove into her a couple more times before shooting his seed into the condom he wore.
Inuyasha slowly lowered Kagome’s legs to the bed before falling forward, catching himself on his arms so he wouldn’t crush her. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck as Kagome wrapped her arms around his shoulders, absentmindedly grazing her fingers on the nape of his neck. They simply laid there, basking in the glowing aftermath of their orgasm, as they took a few deep breaths.
Inuyasha could have laid there all night, taking in the sweet scent of sex and sweat that had spread throughout the room. There was absolutely no way he was washing these sheets anytime soon. In fact, he might have to research how to bottle this scent, maybe put it in a candle, so that he could relive this moment at any time.
Of course, given the soft humming coming from the woman underneath him, he might be able to reenact this night in the very near future.
Not wanting to crush her any longer, Inuyasha finally pulled out - Kagome letting out a small grunt at the loss of him inside her - carefully taking hold of the now filled condom, tying up the end and throwing it in the small trash can beside his bed.
"I'll be right back," he told her, giving her a quick kiss before walking out of the room towards the bathroom, not giving a damn that he was walking around completely naked. He was still high on all that is Kagome to care about something as silly as that. He came back barely a minute later, after quickly wiping himself clean, with a warm, damp washcloth for Kagome.
He chuckled at the sight before him. Kagome had already cocooned herself under the sheets, a warm smile on her face as she brought the pillow she was holding up towards her face and took a deep breath. She looked so happy, and content, and satisfied. The youkai that slept deep within Inuyasha rumbled with joy at the thought that he was the one to make her feel that way.
She opened her eyes as soon as he reached the bed, her smile brightening just a bit more at the sight of him. Maybe it had just been a while, but Kagome was pretty sure that was some of the best sex she's ever had. Her heart melted a little at seeing the washcloth in his hands. She had always took care of her own needs afterwards, having never really stayed the night at a man's house after sex before. She had to admit, it was….nice, and made her feel more loved than even during the act itself.
She thanked him with another kiss, finding that it was hard to keep her hands off him for more than a minute. He must have felt the same, running his tapered claws through her mussed up hair as she took care of cleaning herself. The feel of the warm washcloth along her thighs mixed with his soft touches could have put her to sleep.
When she was finished, he took the washcloth from her and threw it in the corner of the room where his laundry basket sat. He grabbed the sheets to cover them with, wrapping his arms around her body, pulling her close to him so that her back was flush with his chest
"You know what the best thing about being an adult is?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha gave her an unintelligible reply, muffled by her own hair that he had buried his face into. She giggled from the hair that tickled her neck because of his breath.
"I don't know, you tell me" He repeated, now resting his head on her shoulder.
"Well, we were able to choose to eat dessert before dinner," she said with a laugh.
Inuyasha chuckled at her joke.  "Dessert before dinner, that’s the dream,"
"Well, dessert has made me hungry for dinner," she said, playfully pushing him off her. She could feel that delicious ache between her thighs as she stood up, faltering a little on her first step. Inuyasha was ready to jump up if she fell, but Kagome shooed him away and walked to his closet to pull out a shirt of his to wear.
Inuyasha didn't think Kagome could be any more perfect than in that moment, wearing one of his favorite black long sleeved shirts. She looked beautiful when she dressed up in one of her floral dresses or high waisted skirts, and if all her lingerie looked like tonight's, then Inuyasha could count himself a lucky man. But there was something about seeing her in his clothes that riled up something primal in him.
Inuyasha had never really shown his more youkai tendencies to Kikyo when they were together. He had never suppressed them for her, but Kikyo generally ignored the topic, while Inuyasha's youkai side laid dormant and unimpressed with the woman Inuyasha had loved for so long.
Inuyasha had never experienced his youkai instincts feeling so active before. There was something about Kagome that fueled every fiber of his being, which was a little terrifying. He had only known Kagome for a month, how could he feel this strongly about her already? He certainly didn't want to scare her away because of it.
"Dinner can wait a few minutes, come back to bed," he said, rubbing the empty side of the bed
"Inuyasha, you can't let your apartment burn down because of unattended food! You promised me dinner and a movie. Besides," She exclaimed, a grin lighting up her face. “Who said we were done for the night,”
Kagome shot him a sly wink before stepping out of the room to go check on their dinner. The last thing Inuyasha wanted to do was get up after the mind blowing sex they just had - in fact, Inuyasha could fall asleep right where he laid - but a sudden gurgle of his stomach put thoughts of slumber on the back burner as hunger crept to the forefront. Another plus side to getting up was watching Kagome work in his kitchen, in nothing but his shirt.
Inuyasha thought there could be worse things to happen.
And so he flipped over the sheets, sauntering out into the kitchen, not bothering to cover himself. He would let her fiddle with his marinara sauce, and woo her with the fancy bottle of wine he bought for her to go with the meal. They’d then snuggle up together on the couch and put in a movie. The genre wasn’t important, it wasn’t as if they were going to watch it.
Like Kagome said, they weren’t done for the night, and he was looking forward to claiming her in every room of that damn apartment.
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somniferouseyes · 4 years
Home Sweet Prison - Thoughts on Silent Hill 4: The Room
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Recently I had the pleasure of finally playing the fourth Silent Hill game after years of planning to get around to it. I just finished it last night after three lengthy play sessions over the past week. It definitely had its flaws but I couldn’t help but love the game and wanted to share some of my thoughts. Obvious spoilers below.
This is going to be a long one, so buckle up. First, a little background. If you really don’t care and just want my thoughts on the game, skip down to below the line of ‘=‘s.
It must have been around 7 years ago I played my first Silent Hill game. I had heard bits and pieces about the series for a long time and finally I managed to get my hands on a Playstation 2 along with a copy of Silent Hill 2. The TV at my mom’s place didn’t make much sense to play games on, as I had to share it with a family that didn’t care much for watching games, and so only allowed me to play for short bursts. Definitely not suitable for playing through a game where atmosphere is one of the key elements to the experience. So instead I absconded with my PS2 and the game to the ancient CRT TV in my bedroom at my dad’s place, where I spent the night at most a few times a week. The solitude and old television at night made for a near-perfect playing environment for a game like SH2. The sound effects of the menus and the vibrant red of the save screen casting a bloody shade over the walls of that room are memories permanently imprinted in the inside of my head.
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I had a great time with the game and eventually picked up Silent Hill 3 as well, excited for another journey to that destitute, foggy town. Unfortunately, after playing through around a third of the game, I discovered my disc was scratched and couldn’t continue, despite my best attempts to clean and buff it out. At that point I didn’t have any sort of disposable income so buying another copy just didn’t seem worth the expense. So unfortunately, my journey with that game ended there.
I was aware that the fourth game, like the first three, was fairly highly regarded, so I kept a tab on it in the back of my mind for opportunities to play. This past fall, I finally got my chance. I jumped with excitement at seeing GOG offering the now-ancient (by video game standards) title and immediately purchased it, fully prepared to experience what I had been missing all this time. I booted it up several days after and played for around an hour. There was the gameplay I remembered in all its clunky glory. As well as the haunting sound design and twisted visuals. It was a great throwback, but for some reason I didn’t come back for more. I planned to play more but it sat on the digital shelf for months before I would finally touch it again, this time with my partner at my side to experience it along with me. At first I worried having another person there would take away from the atmosphere, which is what I always saw as the strongest part of the series. Thankfully this wasn’t really the case. Anyway, now after enough extra shit, my thoughts on the game itself.
What first struck me was how creative and intriguing I found the setting to be. I’ve known for a long time what it was, but actually playing it now I found it resonated with me in an unexpected way. I recently moved into my first non-college apartment and as I played I found myself sort of day-nightmaring about what it would be like to wake up one day and find myself trapped in my apartment, door chained shut, windows stuck, and no real communication to the outside world but a strange hole which has appeared in my bathroom wall. Letting myself sort of float in that headspace really got me immersed into the world and I really grew to appreciate the apartment as a sort of hub world in the game. A safe space from the horrors that lay on the other side of the hole. At least, temporarily safe as I would eventually discover. Throughout the first half of the game the apartment served as a resting point in between forays into the unforgiving outside world.
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Then one time I came home to discover that the ceiling fan had mysteriously broken and smashed down upon the coffee table. Henry, our lovely protagonist, commented that the air felt heavier as though a weight was bearing down upon him. The in-game ramifications of this event didn’t become clear until a bit later, when I discovered that my health no longer regenerated when in the apartment. My one reliable form of healing had been taken away from me. And the game being a survival horror game, I very quickly felt its effect. Healing supplies were very limited and I found myself struggling to survive through various enemy encounters now where before I had done alright with occasional trips home to heal up. But this was only the beginning.
It couldn’t have been more than an hour or two later that upon entering the apartment I was greeted by a castrophony of crashing and banging coming from the living room. I entered and found the windows there shaking and slamming against their frames, as if by the manipulation of some violent poltergeist. Even so much as nearing them damaged me and despite the frustration at not being able to interact with them anymore without fear of taking lethal damage, it was one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a game for a while. From that point onward every few visits to the apartment, I was met with some new form of haunting in various parts of the few rooms I had. Eventually they crept in the way of the save point, forcing me to put myself at risk in order to even so much as save my game. It was a level of brutality that has become much less common in games. Thankless and cruel. But I loved seeing my safe prison twist and disfigure into a dangerous nightmare. For once in a piece of horror, whether game, book, or movie, I felt as if I was the one being haunted. This was my home and it was being slowly but surely wrenched from my hands. The hub easily became one of my favorite things about the game as a result.
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My feelings about the rest of the game were a little more mixed. As is Silent Hill tradition, the controls were a clunky mess. I’m sure it was by design, as fumbling with them creates a tension in common interactions in the game not unlike the loss of coordination one might experience in a dream. As neat as that is as an artistic touch, from a gameplay standpoint it did sour the experience a bit when it came time to deal with enemies (FUCK the ghost victims).
On a related note, for some reason the devs thought it’d be a good idea to have the entire back half of the game be a goddamn escort mission. One where the quality of your performance affects the ending you get for some reason, no less (???). In general I liked Eileen as a character and appreciated the whole slow possession thing she had going on, but trying to maneuver through the cramped corridors of the game while also trying to move around her and make sure she didn’t get left behind with a bunch of enemies was a nightmare in and of itself. One of the worst things about the game, honestly. There were times I made sure she got left behind in areas just to give myself some room to breathe.
Enemies in general were a massive pain in the ass, at least until late in the game when I figured out how to deal with them efficiently. It didn’t help that their designs for the first third of the game were so bland. One of my favorite things about the series is seeing all the fucked up enemy designs and the speculation from the fanbase about what they might represent from a narrative standpoint, so I was super disappointed to find the first chunk of the game only feature zombie dogs, some ghosts, and pointy bats. Later on I discovered that the ghosts were actually Walter’s past victims who had lost all control and sense of reality after being slain for his ritual, which was a VERY cool detail I missed early on. It lent a whole new dimension to what would otherwise be boring generic ghost enemies. I just wish it had been conveyed better, because obviously I didn’t recognize any of them until Cynthia’s showed up during the second visit to Subway World (Yep. It’s actually called that.) It was a lot of fun seeing how each of the people I had seen murdered had unique abilities as ghosts meant to represent their personalities or behavior in life.
Once I hit the water prison, the game’s enemy design picked up though. I had seen images of the Twin Victims before, but it hadn’t prepared me for their sudden appearance in those cramped circular halls. In the past games and the beginning of this one it seemed like enemies usually had a sort of introductory cutscene showcasing a little of their personality or abilities, but for the Twin Victims? Nope, you get nothing. One second you’re in ignorant bliss of their existence, the next a two-headed shrouded figure is charging at you on its hands.
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The rest of the enemies were all decent I think in my memory, though some better than others. I’m not sure who gave the okay on the decision for the Patient creatures in Hospital World to fucking let loose the most wild burps known to man whenever they take a hit, but it was simultaneously tension-ruining and laugh-inducing to knock one down the stairs by accident only to receive a musical number comprised solely of belches in response. Definitely a highlight of the experience, if an unintended one.
Since I don’t want to spend a ton of time on the areas themselves I’m gonna just throw together a little list here of quick opinions on them.
Subway World - Awful. Boring area, especially since this exact type of thing was done already in a fairly lengthy section in SH3. Fuck the dogs. Second visit wasn’t any better because being chased by Cynthia’s ghost was incredibly annoying, especially since you’re still just figuring out the mechanics of Eileen following you at this point.
Forest World - Refreshing after Subway World but still boring. Just a bunch of trees and annoying bats. Highlight was Jasper, my bro whose character arc consists of being scared of rocks, drinking some choccy milk, then burning to death. Second visit was a little better? I liked the torch mechanic and finding the body parts in the 5 wells was a creepy little sort of puzzle.
Water Prison World - One of my favorite areas. Really interesting design and home to one of the few true puzzles in the game, even if it is kind of explained to you outright. Also home to the debut of one of the creepiest enemies, Twin Victims. Second visit was kind of underwhelming and frustrating because of Eileen getting swarmed by them though.
Building World - Other than winning the Dumb Area Name of the Century award, this place was fine. Some areas were a bit too swarmed with enemies, but otherwise a pretty fun place to explore. Reminded me of past games in the series in terms of design. Second visit was ROUGH. I finished with no healing items and only a sliver of health remaining as I went into the boss fight, so I had to make sure I wasn’t hit once for its duration. Also what the fuck is up with the way Richard’s ghost moves? Thought my game was straight up glitching for a bit.
Apartment World - I think possibly my favorite area of the game. Just your classic Silent Hill apartment complex. Loads of rooms to explore and find keys for, etc. Second visit was exactly what I wanted. Just chaos throughout the building and creepy shit around every corner. Highlight for me was the chains on the superintendent’s door, for some reason. Just thought it was cool setpiece.
Hospital World - A pretty cool place overall, but too short and with no second visit it had me wishing there was more of it. A bit simplistic in design but I had fun checking out all the various rooms and the creepy shit inside them. Creepiest Shit in the Game award goes to the massive bloody head of Eileen that stares you down with eyes that can only be described as vibrating. Normally I’d be annoyed at Henry literally not reacting to it, but it somehow adds to its disturbing factor. Almost as if its some kind of meta-scare that Henry can’t even see.
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As for the characters, I found them overall to be okay. Nothing special really. Henry is boring as hell and doesn’t really seem to react much to any of the crazy things happening around him, which makes me question his mental state a bit. Eileen is probably the best of the group in my eyes. She goes through a LOT during the game. I thought the possession mechanic with her was very cool and loved eventually finding out that her level of possession actually modifies her dialogue at various points in the game. Definitely a very nice touch. Walter is pretty meh. Just your ordinary insane serial killer really. Nothing to write home about. Didn’t really have a personality beyond “I’m bloodthirsty and I want my mommy.” Also, for someone who was trying to kill me, it really didn’t feel like his heart was all in it. He was easy to sidestep and he’d just sort of become disinterested and wander off. I was a bit underwhelmed to find the superintendent didn’t have any role really past the halfway point in the game. Where did he go? In one of the endings he’s confirmed to be dead but otherwise not mentioned at all. He got a lot of the spotlight in the first half so it really makes no sense.
The plot was pretty entertaining. Might be sacrilege to say so, but I think I preferred it to SH2′s despite its flaws, though it’s been a while since I played that so maybe I’ll have to give it another run-through sometime and see. I just had a lot of fun following Joseph’s notes and slowly learning about the Wishing House cult and Walter’s murders. I found myself guessing at what we could expect from Walter and his twisted ritual around every corner and how the tale would eventually unravel.
Upon tearing into it more closely my partner and I found a number of weird little issues and nitpicks with the plot that we couldn’t seem to find any explanation for. Was Walter ever really in prison? The game is deliberately vague about this detail, and I assume we’re meant to come up with our own conclusions, but it felt a bit strange to not give a more solid explanation, as other issues arise from the lack of one. If he did really kill himself in prison, how did he get out of his grave and perform the Ritual of the Holy Assumption? If that wasn’t him in prison, why would anyone bother digging up the grave at all? And either way, why mark the coffin with his number, 11/21? It doesn’t really make sense. Not quite related, but we’re also missing the why of Walter’s split manifestations. What about the ritual caused him to split off a child version of himself? It’s not exactly important to the plot’s progression, but it’d be nice to know if he fucked up some part of the ritual, or was punished for being a little shit by God or whatever.
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Unfortunately my partner and I found the endings to all be pretty lame. I got the ‘21 Sacraments’ ending, which I guess is to be expected because I wasn’t very careful in taking care of Eileen due to the controls being a massive pain in the ass while also not really understanding how to purge the apartment of hauntings with candles. I understood the mechanic but literally couldn’t figure out where to place the candles to achieve the desired affect despite all my attempts to, which was a shame. I’m also still not entirely sure why the ending I got results in Walter possessing Henry’s body when I clearly followed the instructions to put a stop to his ritual, but the other endings aren’t all that much better. In the ‘Mother’ ending, apparently Eileen is somehow still possessed? Why? By who? No explanation is given! Always a good time.
Despite the nitpicks at the plot, the confusing decision to make most of the game an escort mission, and the messy Silent Hill game controls, I still had a fantastic time. I still felt just in love with the atmosphere, sound, and enemy design as I did back when I played SH2. I wish there were more in the series to experience, but it seems like my options aren’t all that great. The first game is kind of a dated mess visually, I’m not sure I have the heart to replay so much of the opening of the third game to allow myself to experience the entire thing, and apparently all the games after kind of suck in various ways.
I find myself leaving Silent Hill 4 with a renewed sense of sadness at the cancellation of PT and the grim hopes for the future of the series, but excited to maybe get back into playing more horror games. It’s a genre I used to be all over but eventually fell out of entirely, save for a few recent titles, such as Resident Evil VII.
I’d definitely recommend Silent Hill 4: The Room in a heartbeat to anyone who can stomach the clunky controls as well as some some dated graphics and game mechanics.
Goodbye for now, Silent Hill.
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silveragecentric · 6 years
Universal Classic Monsters: Complete 30 Film Collection Part One: Dracula (1931) Blu-Ray Review
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Before we begin our first foray into the world of Universal Picture’s Monster Legacy, it’s important to acknowledge the fact that we are dealing with classics. These are films that have shaped not just the Horror and Science Fiction films that followed, but impacted the industry as a whole and inspired filmmakers of every genre for close to a hundred years now.
As such, no critique is intended to diminish the significance of these films. Each of these reviews in the coming weeks and months are simply this guy’s humble opinion. This typically goes without saying, but when you’re discussing material that some hold as sacred, it’s worth acknowledging both the validity and relative insignificance of a single voice.
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The Film:
The set-up is quick, the bookish Renfield arrives in Transylvania to cross the “T”s and dot the “I”s and finalize Count Dracula’s acquisition of an Abbey in London. The locals of course urge Renfield to leave, telling him specifically that Count Dracula is a vampire. Their warning falls on deaf ears and poor mister Renfield is made a pawn in Dracula’s Odyssey across the pond.
Though the film is bloodless aside from a paper cut (seriously, a paper cut) the Count leaves quite a few bodies in his wake. It’s only the keenly astute Van Helsing that stands between the menacing creature of the night the the object of his affection, the virginal young Mina.
One thing that stands out is the fact that Bella Lugosi IS Dracula. He gets the character and conveys both the looming threat and the seductive manipulation that cemented this blood sucking monster into popular culture.
The cinematography lends a hand here as well, giving Lugosi’s intense stare a glowing, otherworldly appearance. The ingenuity involved in adding texture and depth to black and white photography is no small feat and this achievement should not be ignored.
While it might be a stretch to call ‘Dracula’ (1931) “scary” to a jaded modern audience, the elements are clearly there and masterfully presented. Blood and gore, for example, was off the table at the time. As such, the “horror” of Dracula was attained through the building of suspense, leaving the acts of violence to the audience’s imagination.
Bella Lugosi builds the tension under the eye of Director Tod Browning by chewing the scenery. To say he creeps up on his victims is an understatement, inching is more like it. He overtakes sleeping or unconscious victims only after a gruelingly gradual approach.
Dracula’s gait is not the only thing that viewers may find daunting, to be honest, just about every line out of the Count’s mouth is creepy. In fact, creepy to the point that you wonder why anyone gets within twenty feet of the guy. A little foreshadowing here or there is one thing, but relentless red flags is another.
Reinfield seemed especially oblivious to the danger, despite direct warnings from others and implied peril from the Count himself. Reinfield had perhaps the most interesting arc in the film. He went from pathetic patsy, to weak minded drone, to a sympathetic and tragic figure.
All things considered, even if ‘Dracula’ isn’t the thrill ride it was back in 1931, it has very memorable performances in store and some striking images to behold. Moving at a brisk pace from end-to-end in only 75 minutes, there’s little chance it’s a ride you’ll regret taking.
Movie Rating: 7 out of 10.
The Presentation:
‘Dracula’ is presented here in full frame (1:33 ratio). I’m sure it looks the best a film from 1931 can possibly look, but periodically, the image is definitely washed out. I mention this simply so that no one expects absolute perfection from the HD upgrade.
The stats on the audio were initially perplexing, 2.0 Mono? Isn’t Mono, by definition, one channel? Then I realized they must have just simply fed the single channel of audio through both the front speakers. This assures that the sound isn’t out of balance.
When it comes to audio clarity, there’s a small snag, a persistent low level hiss and pop can be heard for the full running time of the film. To combat this, you may have to turn up the volume a bit to hear the dialogue clearly. Still, the audio is as clear as can be hoped for, for a movie from 80+ years ago.
Presentation Rating: 8 out of 10
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The Extras
Perhaps the most interesting extra included is the Spanish language version of the film. This isn’t a Spanish dub of the movie, they actually filmed another cut of the film with different actors using the same sets. I’m considering a review of this adaptation after I finish the rest of the box set. It would be a fun way to cap the series.
*Other bonus material included is:
- The Road To Dracula Documentary
- Lugosi: The Dark Prince Featurette
- An alternate film score by Philip Glass
- Theatrical Trailers & Production Photos
*NOTE: The photo provided is from the back of the Dracula Legacy volume of the larger set, not just the first film in the series. Some of the material pictured does not apply directly to the film reviewed above.
Extras Rating: 8 out of 10
Next week I’ll be reviewing Frankenstein (1931). If you enjoyed this installment, I hope you’ll come back for the next creature feature critique.
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greenishbucket · 7 years
my 2017 writings that I like
tagged by @chocolatechipcookiesplease :)  thanks!!! 
all of my (posted) fic is from 2017 as I only first started to write and actually post tentatively in March, then went fuck it and posted a bunch and managed to amass 54,903 words in exactly 9 months as of today :o I must like some of them!! I’m gonna pick 7 because it’s a number in 2017.
in order of posting:
Supersymmetry (Dark Matter)
Jack is glad for every wireless and every letter, for every time that he looks out to the green mountains and the winding road to Castleton while he waits and waits and then: Gus’ voice fond in the hallway, Isaak bounding to greet him even in his age, something in Jack’s chest easing for at least a little while.
They’ll go the beach as they do every year. Even as Jack’s heart beats in his throat with fear, even as Gus’ hand is cold in his and his cheek forever icy and unchanging under Jack’s lips, as they stand and look out at the sea together Jack always takes a moment to be fiercely thankful.
as I’ve said before, this bit was the second part of the fic I wrote despite it being the ending because the middle of the fic was just ????? but I knew it had to get to here somehow, and so it felt/feels important. I think I like the image of the green mountains and winding road and the contrast between the feeling in the yearly sea visit in canon and the feeling here, specifically that he’s fiercely thankful. ah, Jack.
holding you again (Glee)
When Sam and Mercedes have their first dance Tina has to pull out Brittany’s crumpled tissue from her purse again because they’re radiant under the dancefloor lights, their hands gentle but sure on each other, and then she has to laugh around her tears when Sam pulls out the old body roll move and Mercedes acts like she’s embarrassed. 
In spite of this being a Tina/Quinn fic, a ship that fascinates me, several of the bits that I like most are to do with Tina wrt the other Glee kids and here it’s about Sam/Mercedes because they’re goofy and gentle and love each other :( and I think I got that right here? Anyway second place to the Rachel/Jesse/Jake/Mike grinding on the dancefloor extravaganza bit later in the fic.
We’ll Find a Way to Survive (Check, Please!)
Lardo feels herself tearing up again. “Shits.”
Shitty shrugs like he hasn’t probably thought it over for months and mumbles, “Only if you wanna, man. It’d be pretty fucking great to have you.”
“Shut up, I’d be coming for that crazy good BU painting and sculpture MFA program,” Lardo says, meaning yes yes yes please and thank you.
“Got your back, bro,” Shitty says, meaning love you.
They grin stupidly at each other for a bit over the pixelated screen. Lardo’s still wrapped up in a hoodie, spit-filled decaying rice for dinner, head pulsing with crying and her face itchy with tears and it’s all still unclear as fuck but at least there’s something now. The beginnings of a plan. Lardo still can’t believe sometimes that she really gets to date her best friend, they’re really doing this and it’s as good as she’d ever hoped. It seems stupid now to think she had to go this alone, when Shitty’s sitting with her after a long as fuck day and giving her a reality check.
“God, I wish we could make out now,” she says because sure, romance, but God she wishes they could make out now.
I adore the Lardo/Shitty dynamic but I’m so unsure about my ability to get it right, especially Shitty because his dialogue is so off the wall, but here I think I got as close as I’m gonna get. Lardo being supported and finding security! Words having hidden emotional depth because saying you love someone directly is both embarrassing and unnecessary! Sure, romance, but making out! Love those kids.
Something About You (Check, Please!)
Larissa stays in the kitchen a little longer once Camilla goes. Her hair feels too close and hot around her face, messed a little where Camilla’s hand might have been in it for a second, and she resists the impulsive urge to chop it all off. She ties it back in a painfully tight pony tail and returns to the party. 
I’ve never felt satisfied with this fic despite how much I like the concept because I had a finished draft that got deleted and I’m pretty sure I recreated it to the letter but I don’t know for sure, and it eats at me! But this bit I added in post-deletion disaster, and so I can like it without reservations. I always think of Lardo’s urge to chop it off linking in some way I haven’t grasped yet to her getting the (confirmed not hetero) chop around Kenya times.
if you only knew what the future holds (Rivers of London)
“This was actually really cool,” Abigail said as we reached the door of her flat, Nightingale charged with the other two. I hadn’t knocked yet, and Abigail hadn’t moved to get her key.
“You sound surprised,” I said.
She shrugged. “Just thought it might be fun to have something to do, you know I get bored. But it was actually fun. Next year?”
Privately, I thought she’d probably be too old by next year for her parents to think it necessary she be accompanied by an adult or for her to think it wasn't unbearably uncool, but it was a nice idea. Anything to try and keep her out of magic at least a little bit. “If you want,” I said.
Abigail grinned and slipped her key into the lock and said, brightly, “Great, there are some pixies in Southwark Park that only come out on Bonfire Night, I want to talk to them again. See you around!”
Writing fic in first person is the RoL thing and it’s a tricky adjustment but also fun! I like this bit about the pixies because 1) I love Abigail 2) I love the Abigail + Peter dynamic 3) it took me by surprise because I had no idea what they were going to say as I wrote this scene. Always nice!
Late Night (Check, Please!)
Ford feels exposed when she gets up with only her underwear on, despite Larissa still naked on the bed, so she pulls on her shirt from earlier and slides her glasses back on. It’s strange for everything to be back in focus now and when she looks over at Larissa she realises she’s even prettier than Ford had remembered her being. She has to push back against a sudden bashfulness, turning to run down the stairs before she says something embarrassing.
The kitchen feels very quiet and sterile compared to the bedroom, the floor cool under Ford’s bare feet and everything in place where Ford’s aunt left it that morning. Ford realises as she’s filling up two tall glasses with water that she’s going to have to figure out how to wash her sheets without her aunt noticing, or maybe just burn them and buy replacements.
My first foray into writing explicitish sex, yikes! I don’t think I can comment on the actual sex description because imo it was fairly functional on a scale of funcitonal description to flowery/very sensual but here I like the coming back to reality awkwardness of post-sex and the jarring feeling of the rest of the house being as it was/the rest of the world existing unchanged. 
For Always (Check, Please!)
Ford wipes at the juice with her thumb for her, amused and apologetic, and says, “I’m going to shower and then we should eat.”
Lardo holds up her apple.
“Actual breakfast, I’m starving,” Ford clarifies. “Plus those apples are all mushy and grainy, I meant to cut them up for the birds the other day.”
Lardo shrugs; the apple tastes a little weird, but not too bad.
I enjoy detail and domesticity, which this fic has in droves because I also enjoy indulging myself. Here I like the domesticity of planning food and that in this exchange Ford is doing all the talking and Lardo doesn’t say anything; I know she’s eating an apple, but in my head it’s a very capable and intelligent reflection of her canonically not being chatty even with people she’s comfortable with! :D
That’s all! @mildredmost if you want :)
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Twelve-year-old Charlie Watkins could have inherited his dad’s massive intellect. He got his massive feet instead.
Perhaps if Charlie had that intellect he might have been able to figure out why so many men in suits were suddenly following him or where his dad hid the Cubit – a mythical object that men have sworn to protect and even more have died trying to possess – before his so-called accident.
If starting yet another new school wasn’t bad enough, Charlie meets Mr Leopold, a disfigured, mind-reading lunatic and discovers that he alone must find the Cubit if he is to save his dad. The Brotherhood, however, have other ideas. Led by the ruthless Draganovic, they will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. With the help of Mr Leopold and fellow new boy Elvis, Charlie sets out on The Cubit Quest.
Hunting for the Cubit, playing football, lessons with the dreaded Funeral Face and unsuccessfully avoiding school bully Grimshaw by day, Charlie finds his nights no less complicated. Stalked in his dreams, he’s soon immersed in a world of power struggles, battling dragons and duels to the death. With the Brotherhood hot on his heels and as the bullets begin to fly, there are no guarantees that Charlie, or anyone else, will make it to the end in one piece.
Author Spotlight
Well, they say that everyone needs a hobby, but whilst sat in a tent listening to fighter jets scream overhead in a foreign land, I realised that I needed something else: a distraction.  Writing was the perfect solution; even if writing about military life wasn’t.  I was much more interested in writing about action-packed adventures that was bristling with the likes of bullying, crunching tackles and great goals on the football pitch, the afterlife, mythical creatures, fate, destiny and the obligatory arch-villain hellbent on world domination.  Hence my foray into the world of young adult writing began. You could say that I was always going to be less Andy McNab and more J.K. Rowling.
They also say that you should write about the things you know, and even if I was writing about twelve-year-old boy Charlie Watkins, who suddenly found that he had more enemies than hot dinners, or super-powerful and deadly adversaries, or hobgoblins, I wanted people to believe it.  Therefore, I needed a real place to set my semi-fantasy world. The town of North Shields, in the northern corner of England with a view of the River Tyne, the place where I grew up, provided the perfect backdrop for my first novel The Cubit Quest.  After all, the place really does have it all – great buildings, great parks, great coastline, and even greater people.  I hoped to do the place justice – I didn’t.
The reason for this was relatively simple: I wasn’t very good at it.  Four years down the line and The Cubit Quest was still more a figment of my imagination than a reality.  The ‘Ian Rankin style’ of writing, namely you have a rough idea of where you’re going and let’s see how it pans out, was hugely successful – for Ian Rankin that is!  For me, the process was an unmitigated disaster – four years and no end product proving testament to that fact.  But that didn’t matter.  Other than my lovely wife, nobody knew I was writing and nobody was going to read it anyway – right?
The process also highlighted something that I, and anyone who meets me will figure out soon enough: I have the world’s worst memory.  The places in The Cubit Quest were all real, Ralph Gardner High, Charlie’s house, Elvis’s house, Sonia’s house, all of it – ‘were’ being the operative word.  The story is therefore a mismatch of eras, some present day, some straight from my very poor memory.  The result is less Dan Brown, whereby every detail is correct at the time of writing and more John Grisham – never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Having a second crack at it – it was my secret hobby after all – I knuckled down to some serious planning and eleven months later I had a first draft, a completed novel at last!  Of course, perhaps I should have mentioned that it wasn’t The Cubit Quest, it was the follow up, which takes up immediately where The Cubit Quest leaves off.  It was an odd situation, even I’ll admit that, to have the second part of what I envisaged to be a four-part series and no first part in existence.
All that remained, was to complete that first novel – and complete it I did!  It was a behemoth by the time I’d finished, large enough to give a sci-fi epic a run for its money.  Having visited the fabulous Warner Bros Studios to spend a very enjoyable day living and breathing the equally fabulous world of Harry Potter there is an opening address by J.K. Rowling in which she says that the Philosopher’s Stone was a product of good editing.  I didn’t appreciate this fully – but I did by the time I’d whittled the book down to a more palatable word length – eight edits, ouch!
I was recently asked what short response I’d say to someone who had a passing interest in The Cubit Quest. My response: buy a ticket, strap in and enjoy the rollercoaster ride of an adventure!
This book was a weird read, but something a bit different. It was advertised to me as YA but I’d say it’s that middle ground between Middle Grade and YA.
There was a lot of little references in this book, which I absolutely adored, like Charlie went to the Library to pick up a copy of a Garth Nix book, there was characters with names that were references to things. It made my read more fun when I picked up on them.
At times it did border on a bit silly, but I think that’s mainly because Leck seemed to want to keep the reader in the dark about what was going on in the same way that Charlie was. It was generally a bit awkward at times because it would go from the fantastical elements to kids playing football in the space of a few sentences.
The formatting wasn’t really great either, there wasn’t enough line breaks to tell you when you’d moved into a different POV or a different time. Like it felt like it needed more paragraphs or general transitions.
This was set in South Shields (I think) which was quite nice to read for me as my Gran lives in the Tyneside area and the place she lives was actually mentioned at one point.
I occasionally found some of the fantastical elements of the plot a bit confusing, I eventually got my head around it but I felt there maybe could have been a bit more of an explanation to what was going on.
I liked that this was still set in a school. What I mean by that is that too often in books of this nature kids find out that they have powers and have to go on an adventure leaving their school and family life behind. Whereas this book was still set at home and the MC still had all his childhood problems.
Royal Air Force Odiham – WO Leck C4i Studio Portrait. Taken on 14th December 2016 by SAC James Goff Image: SAC James Goff RAF. For further information contact: Flt Lt Nyssa Cole, RAF Odiham Media Communications Officer (MCO), Royal Air Force Odiham, Hook. Hampshire. RG29 1QT. Mil Tel: 95235 7606. Civ Tel: 01256 367494. Email:
Living in Telford, Shropshire, Trevor Leck has been dabbling in writing for over fifteen years. Always a fan of gripping adventure stories he has taken inspiration from his favourite authors, including John Grisham and J K Rowling, and the towns and cities he grew up, especially North Shields, to create his Young Adult series.
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The Cubit Quest by Trevor Leck Blog Tour | Author Spotlight and Review Summary Twelve-year-old Charlie Watkins could have inherited his dad’s massive intellect. He got his massive feet instead.
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seasquared · 8 years
"It’s in front of your eyes now”: Direct Address in NCT 127′s “Limitless” MV
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“When the movement or attitude of the player is obviously unnatural in turning his face towards the camera, he betrays by the act the fact that he is acting -- that there is someone in front unseen by the spectators to whom the actor is addressing himself. Immediately, the sense of reality is destroyed and the hypnotic illusion that has taken possession of the spectator’s mind, holding him by the power of visual suggestion, is gone.” -- Frank Woods
On January 4, 2017, SM Entertainment released two different versions of NCT 127's "Limitless." One, subtitled "Rough Ver.," featured the group decked out in now-typical SM boyband madness (poodle hair galore, sports jerseys, and loud streetwear) dancing and mugging for the camera in an abandoned industrial space. The video alternates between lo-fi camcorder quality shots of the members chewing gum or practicing their moves, more typical dance sequences, and -- most outrageously -- a mixture of the two:
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Since January 4, I've watched this video probably 20 times already, and I still haven't stopped.
"Limitless" is not SM's first foray into the faux arthouse style. Perhaps the most obvious is the promo film for f(x)'s 2nd album, which is smugly titled "Pink Tape Art Film.” "Pink Tape" starts with faceless shots of the members' hands outstretched into a projector, cupped around a lit match, or reaching for something dangling from the ceiling, then segues into a colorful potpourri: the members dancing against projected images of flowers and mosaics, playing with bubbles, trying on clothes, re-enacting Magritte's "The Lovers."
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There's an air of art school project meets home video to "Pink Tape" -- it's nostalgic, youthful, and colorful, a summer afternoon you wasted with your friends writing a short movie that you film, complete with bad acting and homemade costumes. The promotional material around "Pink Tape" was just that, a story about the exhilarating feeling of your first crush and the whirlwind emotions of becoming an adult.
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That's not what "Limitless" feels like at all. Where "Pink Tape" is nostalgic, "Limitless" is creepy; where "Pink Tape" evokes memories of a simpler, more vibrant time, "Limitless" is confrontational, almost sinister, and one of the most interesting music videos to have come out of kpop in years.
In music videos, especially for kpop, there are two primary kinds of direct interactions with the camera: the "addressing the audience" shot -- the entire group or one member is facing forward into the camera as they lip-sync or dance -- or the "looking cool" shot --  one member (usually the member who's singing) addresses the camera while everyone around them pretends to be going on with their life. If a music video has a storyline, these shots are usually also intercut with more typical movie-esque footage, where there is no direct address of the camera at all. 
For example, take a look at BIG BANG's "Fxxk It": the MV opens on a "looking cool" shot of Taeyang singing into the camera while the rest of his band eats snacks and flips magazines, pretending the camera isn't there, and then transitions into an "addressing the audience" shot for GD's lines, as GD sings directly into the camera while the other band members dance. 
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(If you break it down, classic BIG BANG actually has quite a bit of fun with how these two types of direct address shots are interwoven in narrative MVs. "Haru Haru," for instance, has a few typical "addressing the audience" scenes (the band seated on chairs singing into the camera, for example) but actually has its members lipsync the lyrics of the song in lieu of faking dialogue as they act out the narrative scenes. "Lies" throws both kinds of direct address shots into its narrative shots -- the band members, never acknowledged by the main character of the MV, sing at her or into the camera, and sometimes even both: at 2:13, a seated TOP sings into the camera while Daesung looms over the unsuspecting girl emoting at her.)
Direct address in MVs helps mirror what live performance is like: the group members are singing at you as they would if they were on stage and you were in the audience. Just as everything that happens backstage or offstage in a concert is not really part of the concert, there is no sense of the "off-camera" in an MV; that is, everything that exist in the world of the MV exist in front of the camera. A typical MV shot either consists of full immersion like a movie or full "invitation," with a group member looking at you to form a connection. The camera is not an intrusion, but rather the only conduit through which the group members or actors in the MV come alive.
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The most unnerving thing about "Limitless" is how thoroughly it rejects this framework. The members of NCT 127 in "Limitless" recognize the presence of the camera, but as a purposeful intruder. Over and over again, the camera functions as a stranger that catches NCT 127 "in the act," and the members freeze, as if to deny us entrance into their inner world.
There's an implication that the camera is not a natural, assumed part of the world, but rather a character within it -- after all, you see the camcorder in the MV in the hands of Haechan and Yuta. The MV implies that some of the shots are the footage they filmed, but overwhelmingly the sense is that you filmed this MV, and without their consent.
Consider the following categories of shots in "Limitless"
All members stand stock still staring into the camera: 
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Peering out at you from behind a window, curtain, or column: 
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Suddenly noticing your presence and looking at you:
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What is it about these shots that are unnerving or odd? It's that they hint at an inner life of the group members within the MV, a private world that we are intruding. In some ways, "Limitless" outright rejects you, the viewer: the members don't want to perform for you, and when they catch you staring, they freeze in place, as if to ask, what are you doing here? It's almost as if NCT 127 isn't ready for you to see them in the "rough" cut of "Limitless" -- just look at Jaehyun who starts to lipsync at 2:54 but loses interest before he finishes his line, choosing to chew his gum instead, and Taeyong who sits, bored, while Yuta practices his dance moves at 1:23. As if to emphasize the glitched existence of this MV, a cut that isn't supposed to exist and isn't finished, you see a "rough" shot of their dance sequences overlaid on the "finished" shot, or a smash cut where a dance move is seen from a different angle, creating dissonance.
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Most of the unnerving scenes are shot in the camcorder style, but even in the more polished hi-fi scenes, there are moments of strangeness. Take 2:40, where Doyoung parts Taeil's sleeve to peer at you, or the difference in the group shots at 2:43 (all the members looking at you) and 3:09 (all the members covering their eyes), or 3:50, where Winwin and Taeyong stare at the camera motionless, Winwin's hand over Taeyong's mouth. Even a totally normal "direct address" shot of Taeyong at 3:44 gets weird, when he suddenly turns away from the camera to finish the rest of his line.
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Perhaps the most unconventional sequence starts at 2:16, when the group gets up slowly from their seats to get into dance formation. You watch as a few members stretch lightly, sliding reluctantly off their perches but within seconds, a smaller screen pops up right in the middle of the larger one, blocking your view. As even more group members approach the camera from the background, you’re treated to the smaller screen showing you scattered shots of skateboarding, a flashlight pointed at you, and Johnny and Doyoung idly practicing a synchronized dance move before noticing the camera and, of course, freezing in place and lowering their arms. The screen within the screen disappears. NCT 127 take a few preparatory steps, pause, fix their sleeves, and then snap into their routine. 
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This scene combines all the uncanny elements mentioned above: the camcorder found footage, the recognition of the camera, the disjointed images, the scene within a scene. But here, even the “normal” MV shot happening in the background is off. The widescreen, high-resolution footage means we’re in the world of the polished MV, but instead of dancing, NCT 127 is just now getting ready. We’ve caught them right as they are putting on their entertainer faces and shuffling into their places. They are in time, but the camera is a few beats too early, ruining the smooth “dance scene - solo scene - dance scene (but from another angle)” transition that we’ve gotten used to.
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Girl groups in kpop have their doll imagery; I’d like to propose that “Limitless” is the NCT 127 equivalent. The symbolism of the camera’s gaze in “Limitless” is obvious, sarcastic, and yet still sharply felt: NCT 127 is a product that we consume, sometimes despite the objections of the group members themselves. What we see on camera is just a fragment of their lives, and often the most unnatural fragment. Our gaze interrupts them, freezes them, puts them under scrutiny. When pinned under that scrutiny, they may sing, or dance, or joke around, or even act as if they are disregarding our gaze. But we should never forget that it’s a choice they make to subject themselves to that gaze, and they will never not be aware of that gaze. 
"Limitless" largely ends on a conventional note -- close-up shots of NCT 127′s faces as they mug for the camera in the dark. But even still, NCT 127 has to turn the table on us. Forced to perform, they disappear into underexposed group shots. They put their hand over the camera. They show us their shoes. And, finally, they turn the camera on you, as if to say, now it's our turn.
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(Thanks to @k-screencaps for almost all the screencaps.)
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123designsrq · 5 years
I had been within the Scottish Highlands the other day, on a car trip with your family with simply no network on my small Pixel 2 phone. Essentially, I had been stop from all of those other world. No internet, no messages, no calls. All I'd was the car’s radio, which been catching a bit of music on the DAB station. I checked out my Pixel 2’s screen, completely stunned to determine that with no network or internet, my Google Pixel 2 had identified what song was playing. Right beneath the notification bar, it stated “Come Together - The Beatles” (radio stations funnel was celebrating Lennon’s birthday around the ninth of October). My phone had basically identified a (pretty popular but) completely random track around the radio… By Itself, without connecting to the web. It’s as though my phone understood exactly what a song was, as well as understood what THIS song was, and may identify it without any exterior help. I had been partially afraid but mostly impressed. Go forward to today, a complete week later. https://youtu.be/_1QuBKyreWU I’m near my TV, watching google's Keynote live. I’m feeling an identical sense of excitement and mild terror at just how incredibly advanced Google’s new products are getting. Google's Assistant is able to work incredibly well Without having to be attached to the internet. Everything sits in Google’s small machine-learning nick, allowing your phone to become smart by itself. That’s incredible and terrifying, for the way your perception. Google’s devices, its smartphone particularly, are increasing more and more effective to have what Google calls ‘ambient useful computing’. https://youtu.be/0gizLT97cKo Google’s keynote, just nearly more than a month after Apple’s keynote, feels quite different. Actually, I’d repeat the roles have reversed. Apple used to be a bastion of significant innovation, and Google, an enjoyable-loving company that made wonderful hardware to enhance its software. The tables are switched, as Apple assumes a far more informal route, using its partnerships with Oprah and Jason Momoa, and it is foray into Arcade and Apple TV Plus, while Google has assumed the mantle of power, getting just built probably the most effective Quantum Computer among other achievements. The once fun-loving company is about showing how they may ‘help’ alter the world, one product at any given time. I am talking about, they can had an on-stage interview with Annie Leibovitz, to speak about the way a professional would use Google’s Pixel camera. The Pixel 4 is made around Google’s motto to be a remarkably advanced bit of tech envisioned that will help you. Its incredible advancement originates from the truth that it’s now the foremost and only phone to make use of radar being an input, enabling you to wave both hands in mid-air to swipe using your music playlist, mute your alarm by showing your phone your palm, plus much more. The Soli radar nick, coded in 2015, went from 4 square-ft in dimensions, to some mere 4 square-millimeters, relaxing in the Pixel 4’s upper bezel. The Soli is really effective, it knows how to proceed even before you tell it to. Whenever your hands approach your phone, Soli activates the facial recognition camera in your phone, so you need to simply view it to wake it up… no pressing buttons or anything. It also reduces the level of your alarm if this senses your hands approaching the telephone. It may identify and differentiate between you waving to some friend versus attempting to swipe in mid-air to alter tracks in your phone, which makes it both ground-breaking and extremely intelligent for something so new. Google’s assistant increased a little bit bit smarter too, having the ability to work across apps, completely offline, or being able to recognize complex instructions without requiring the saying “Hey Google”. In the event that wasn’t enough, the Pixel 4 would be the first smartphone to become Google Stadia compatible, come 19th November when Stadia finally launches. When it comes to camera, Google’s found new methods to stand out for the reason that department. There is a great 15 minute segment just about how Google practically built and perfected computational photography. Your camera are now able to click infinitely better HDR images with HDR , better Portrait photos using its two lenses, even finishing it with realistic bokeh, and absolutely stunning low-light pictures that puts the Pixel 4 within the group of SLR cameras. You’re literally searching in a effective professional camera touted by Annie Leibovitz herself, that matches right in your wallet. The Pixel 4 is available in three colors, without any fingerprint sensor along with a massive square camera bump that simply overtakes the iPhone 11 Pro in the photography abilities (although there is a high chance the 11 Pro still dominates within the video department). Google’s very cleverly managed to move on from showcasing trivial details like wireless chargers and fabric cases (or perhaps the Pixel 4’s battery existence) to concentrating on the bigger picture, like the way the Pixel 4 is definitely an incredibly effective digital assistant in your wallet. From having the ability to anticipate and understand your requirements much ahead of time or being able to read your gestures in mid-air, to having the ability to let you speak with its assistant inside a natural seamless manner (therefore the technology recedes in to the background), the Pixel 4 is a superb phone for users, while as being a complete magnum opus for Google, showcasing its absolute potential like a dominating pressure in practically every department, from Voice AI towards the condition-of-the-art computational photography. That sense of delight (using the zest of terror) is a nice interesting one. It implies that there’s still a great deal left within the smartphone innovation department, that Google is capable of doing still blowing our socks off, and there isn’t any stopping them. google pixel 2 phone case amazon best google pixel 2 case google pixel 2 case amazon google pixel 2 phone case wallet google pixel 2 case walmart pixel 2 phone cases google pixel 2 phone case otterbox google pixel 2 xl case   Read the full article
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goope-jp-tenmei · 6 years
Behind the Stationery: ilootpaperie
We’re bringing you a sister act on today’s installment of Behind the Stationery! Alice and Doris of ilootpaperie recently moved into a dedicated space this year in Pasadena, California (congrats!) and their greeting card and pin designs are full of vibrant colors and puns galore. They’re here to share their story—from their experience in finding a local printer to outsource their printing needs to the different methods they use to sketch and render designs—take it away, ladies! —Megan Soh
From Alice: Our foray into the stationery world had its beginnings, funnily enough, in wedding invitations for some of our close friends. We found quickly that the part of the process that we were drawn to the most was designing the accompanying thank you cards we included with the invitations as part of our gift to the couple. This realization shaped the beginnings of Ilootpaperie when we launched in December of 2010 as a passion project with just six designs on Etsy. This all took place before the advent of the phenomenal of the side hustle, so we simply thought of it as taking steps to get an idea Doris and I had daydreamed about off the ground in case she moved to London for a position she had been applying for at her day job in the finance industry.
During this time, I was working in marketing and design for a shoe design company. After making it through several rounds of layoffs due to company restructures, at the end of August 2013, I was laid off and this set off an unexpected course of events in which we eventually decided I would apply my full effort to help grow the company.
With the advice of our fellow entrepreneurial creatives in mind — that few part-time projects can take off without full-time attention applied to it — we embarked on this ever-challenging but also ever-fulfilling endeavor. We have found ourselves to be a small part of a very special industry filled with fantastically talented kindred spirits that we have the honor of working amongst and calling our friends. Doris continues to work at her day job, so we often joke there is 1 and 1/4 of us getting things done!
We are based out of Pasadena, California and just moved into a new place this past January. This move was a huge deal for us because for the first time since Ilootpaperie sprung into existence, our little endeavor finally has its own dedicated space. We converted the master bedroom into our working studio and there are two tall windows that let in a flood of beautiful natural light during the day—oh! and we installed an extensive shelving system along one of the walls to hold our inventory, something we’ve dreamt of for years.
Our first real card shelves were handmade by Joel Kvernmo of the awesome Iron Curtain Press (it was their previous shelving) and it was a milestone we hold dear because those shelves made us feel like a legit card company. Rosanna’s encouraging words when we met her to pick up the shelves from their beautiful shop Shorthand stayed in our minds as we prepped for our first trade show. Those first shelves dominated the living room of Doris’ tiny studio apartment.
So the idea of this converted studio space has been quite thrilling as we’ve always been about scrappily making it work (card inventory thoroughly infiltrated both our living rooms by time we had moved) and we can’t wait to unpack in the next couple months to create a more centralized studio area with the goal of finding more opportunities to streamline our day-to-day processes. We’ve had to put unpacking on hold to focus on prepping for the National Stationery Show (which took place at the end of May), fulfilling NSS orders, and then NSS show unpacking! As you can see, we’re in a bit of a transitional state. It can be challenging and frustrating at times, but we are learning to be patient with ourselves, to stay focused on current tasks and look to new possibilities just on the horizon to stay motivated as we settle into the new space.
From Doris: In 2015, when we started to seriously consider attending the National Stationery Show in New York, we began researching to outsource the printing and production of our designs. We wanted to educate ourselves on the how-to’s of scaling up should the need arise following the trade show — it was a process of reaching out and learning about the various printing capabilities of printing companies near and far from us, and this definitely took some persistence. We’ve always had a subtle linen texture in the paper stock we used for the line even when we were printing in-house so we wanted to be able to carry that textural brand element forward. In the end, one of the local Pasadena printers (top notch!) with diligent effort was finally able to source a premium linen paper stock that we loved, and the pop of the colors they were able to achieve for the samples we printed for NSS sealed the deal, so voilà! Here we are.
Due to the colorful nature of our designs, our collection is printed on an HP Indigo digital press on the beautiful premium linen stock in white or natural white depending on the design. Certain designs will then go to our second printer, who is also located in Pasadena and specializes in die cutting, foil printing, embossing and debossing. We love being able to build concepts around new design elements we are excited to incorporate be it a new foil color or a technique new to the line (i.e. embossing, debossing). From the printers, everything comes back full circle to us for packing, packaging, finishing and fulfillment.
Being able to work closely with our local printers in Pasadena has been integral to our growth and we feel these strong working relationships with our printing partners have helped us to be able to sustain the order volumes and levels that we had dreamed to achieve when we began attending the National Stationery Show.
Doris: We believe what really shines through in our cards and sets us apart is how much fun we have when we are coming up with our card designs. There are lots of laughs involved behind the concepts that are full of humor and heart. Even the vetoed concepts tend to make at least one of us giggle while we try to sell it to the other person. We aim to have a good time with it and believe that that’s what makes our products memorable; and that this shared laughter and connection extends beyond just the two of us is a gift.
Doris: Each day is different depending on the deadlines that we’re working on so there isn’t really a typical work day—our days are generally filled with pulling items and packing them up for retail and wholesale orders, working with our various printers/vendors to submit new orders for new designs and restocking orders to keep our inventory stocked! Concepts for new cards, pins, and products is an ongoing conversation that happens throughout all of this.
Like many other small business owners, we struggle to find enough time in the day to get everything that we would like to get done completed as there’s an ever-growing list of to-dos that need to be balanced with the fun we’d like to have, the art we’d like to create, and other life obligations that can’t be ignored for long. Moving into the new space has definitely helped us move toward achieving efficiencies in our processes to move quicker and be able to do more. In talking with other creatives in the industry, there are definitely more opportunities and workflow tools that we can continue to explore when we have a little more time on our hands (the irony!). It’s definitely a work in progress.
Alice: Our concepts are the sparks that set off our design process. We aren’t always able to set aside a specific time aside to concept so that has always been a constant on-the-flow process for us, even from the beginning. Ideas come about through every day conversations and text conversations back and forth when we aren’t together (inspiration really is everywhere!) and often times in the car on the way to drop off post or while running errands. Things that we feel deeply about also contribute to this flow of inspiration.
We keep a running list via email / phone notes /sketchbook list of our half-baked concepts and taglines, and we review the list prior to a print job or placing a pin/ notebook / button order to see which ones we should fully explore and execute. Admittedly there are times when I will take a 4am detour in the midst of designing at night and there will be a surprise concept when Doris wakes up in the morning (I tend to be a night owl when it comes to the creative side of things). We like to keep the design and brainstorming loose and open to playful impulses to keep things lively!
Once a concept has been moved into the “Let’s Execute” list, I often find myself researching lots of images of animals doing funny things (usually for the concept, but sometimes to procrastinate because it is always a little nerve-wrecking to begin a design). When we first started, Doris and I had throughly discussed and agreed we wanted to allow the brand’s visual voice to come into its own. So, especially in the beginning, I incorporated different mediums like watercolor, pencil sketches mixed with vector and text elements, and even thumbprint art when executing the designs.
As of late, all designs have begun with a hand sketch in pencil, for those that get vectored in detail (meaning point by point by mouse). Our enamel pins now all tend to be fully vectored in this manner to give me more control over the small details. And for other concepts, we like the very flat clean graphic quality of vectored lines and begin with an ink pen sketch usually on tracing paper, which I snap a photo of with my phone to take into Photoshop to composite my favorite parts of the sketches and clean up the lines. I like the hand-drawn feel that is preserved in these designs.
From there these sketches get taken into Illustrator to be vectored and then I start put together the colors and the composition with the text. Sometimes your initial instinct is spot on, other days there’s a lot of nudging, and tweaking and pushing to get to the final design. The first test print is always very exciting—we get an idea of where the colors/ tones fall and check the spacing and composition as it lives on the physical space of the card. Then comes more tweaking. When the designs are finalized, they go to our printer and next comes the proofs! At this crucial point, I check to see if we need to make any corrections / notes for printing. Ideally we don’t, and it moves into production.
Our overall design process is very much about shaping the physical lines I’m able to achieve toward the idea I have in my head. I never went to proper art school, so what I do is a mishmash of techniques and tricks I learned on the job and in classes I took after work while I was still in marketing.
With everything we do for Ilootpaperie, from our product and packaging design to shop window and craft show display designs (and even painting our first mural at our first NSS booths), there is a strong element of improvisation and constant problem solving. We take what we know and mix in a whole lot of research, trial and error, terror and gumption to keep going—it is often terrifying and exciting all at the same time.
Thanks so much for allowing us to share our little piece of our cheeky universe with everyone, Nole and Megan. We cannot fully express what a thrill it is, to be a small part of OSBP as it has inspired us so much always. We pinch ourselves every time!
You can shop all of our cheeky paper, pins and more at ilootpaperie.com and follow along in our day to day shenanigans on IG @ilootpaperie.
Photos by Michelle Nicole Photography.
Want to be featured in the Behind the Stationery column? Reach out to Megan at megan [at] ohsobeautifulpaper [dot] com for more details.
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iammyownteacher · 7 years
There aren't many artists who have the ability to both write and illustrate their own work; but Shaun Tan is an exception. The Australian artist began working as a freelance illustrator, collaborating with well-known authors, Gary Crew and John Marsden before eventually turning his hand to writing his own books which include: The Lost Thing (1999); The Red Tree (2001); The Arrival (2006) and his latest work, Tales From Outer Suburbia, a collection of stories set in the remote Western Australia, where he grew up. Filled with magical realism, humour and poignancy, it is also the longest book he has written and comes after his acclaimed and controversial The Arrival, a 128-page picture book documenting the migrant experience, without using any words at all. See http://www.shauntan.net/.
To start with, could you tell me about your background as an artist? Have you been drawing and writing since you were young? When did you decide that you wanted to be writer/book illustrator?
I think I'm like most people, I don't remember when I started drawing: most likely as a crayon-gripping toddler. I think everyone starts out as an avid drawer, it's just a primal kind of instinct, and raises the more interesting question: "When do people stop drawing?" I guess the interest wanes, or is replaced by other skills. Some people, like myself, just keep doing it as a form of extended play from early childhood, using this simple craft to express complex adult concerns.
But - to answer the question! - I did exhibit some early talent as a child, or at least found a way of drawing 'convincing' images by the age of three, so that a bird really looked like a bird, rather than a bird-ish scribble. By five I think I understood a set of techniques and tricks at a basic level, that drawing was about finding simple elements in things. My parents, while not artists themselves, both had an interest in the visual arts (my Mum could draw quite well and my Dad is an architect), and I think their encouragement of drawing was far more important than any innate skill. It was always fun to draw something and then show it to them - they would always act incredibly surprised and amazed! Part of a parent's job description, I think. My brother's talent at the age of six was to collect, identify and label rocks: he's now a very successful geologist. I'm sure it's because of that same unqualified encouragement.
The interest in writing probably came from being read to as a child, both at home and school. I think I was quite a late reader and writer, but did find books fascinating, both as stories and physical objects, so I was compelled to create my own. Some of these ended up in the school library, being quite good imitations of real books, which other kids could borrow. They were usually stories about adventurers travelling to another world, finding treasure, and blowing everything up, inspired mostly by movies and TV, with titles like 'The Land Beneath the Sea' and 'Mission to Mars'. One or two went missing from the school library, which may or may not be a good thing as far as my artistic reputation goes.
I had no serious intentions of becoming a writer or illustrator, even though I thought that would be a fantastic job. Growing up in the West Australian suburbs, it simply did not seem like a real occupation. It was only in my late teens that I became very focused on two things: painting landscapes and writing science fiction short stories. I always thought I might end up as a painter or writer, but for a long time saw these as completely separate practices, somewhat incompatible. Generally, I did not know what career I might pursue, and going into university, it was a toss up between biotechnology (another big interest), and an arts degree. I chose the latter.
As a student I funded my studies in part by picking up various small illustration jobs, such as brochures for campus departments and the university's graduate magazine. I was also having some success illustrating stories in science fiction magazines. When I finished my degree, I still did not have any career convictions, but decided to try doing this kind of freelance illustration full-time for about a year, and see if I could make a go of it. It turned out that I could, especially illustrating children's educational and trade books, and fantasy novel covers. That eventually led into picture books, which is where I am at currently, with some recent forays into theatre and film.
A lot of your work deals with displacement. The Lost Thing and the main character in The Arrival: travelling through a foreign land and learning a new way of life. Many of your illustrations also show the characters as miniscule in comparison to the landscape which they inhabit. Where does this interest come from? Do you, like your characters, share a general sense of disconnected-ness from the world?
That's an interesting observation: I'm not so consciously aware of my preoccupations until they resolve into stories and images, so it's a complex one to answer. A psychologist might have a better crack at that! I just find myself strongly attracted, in an empathetic way, to images of isolated figures moving through vast, often confounding landscapes. My intellectual self would say that this is a metaphor for a basic existential condition: we all find ourselves in landscapes that we don't fully understand, even if they are familiar, that everything is philosophically challenging. There is also an idea that any creative thinking carries some problem of identity and meaning, that individuality needs to be endless negotiated, that we are always trying to figure out how we connect to the things around us.
I also always have this sense - perhaps gleaned from science fiction - that our current time and place is quite accidental, one of many possible alternatives, and also that humans are not at the centre of the universe. I grew up in a peripheral suburb of metropolitan Perth, one of the most isolated cities in the world, surrounded by the Indian Ocean on one side and flat, semi-arid bush on the other. Our world was (and still is) a small human incursion into something enormous, ancient, quiet and mysterious: small houses surrounded by dunes and dark, tangled trees; parks and schoolyards populated mainly by crows, parrots and prehistoric-looking bugs. That's since changed as huge malls and carparks have moved in, but the basic fact of a 'transplanted' world remains, one with an unclear sense of place or history. It's full of stuff but it's all somehow insubstantial.
A lot of my early work, whether paintings or stories, have at there core some issue of disconnection between the natural and built environment, which I think is actually a defining characteristic of our time. It's most clearly stated in The Rabbits for instance; and implicitly in The Lost Thing with its awkward and depressing world-by-numbers. That same feeling filters into all sorts of other ideas and themes, a sense of disconnection between people in relationships, issues of cultural misunderstanding, gaps between ideology and reality, intentions and results, language and objects. These things are all great fuel for the imagination too. I would go so far as to say that all art and literature is about some kind of disconnection, brokenness or discrepancy.
Do you like to travel and explore different countries/worlds, or are you happier creating worlds of your own?
Well, both really. I get plenty of inspiration from being in unfamiliar places, and being reminded of the different ways people can think and live, that nothing is 'normal'. Interestingly, though, I rarely feel the urge to draw when travelling, as if travelling alone offers enough weirdness. Likewise, I find it much easier to do creative work 'in tranquillity,' back in my studio which feels very plain and prosaic, working best when little else is going on. Travelling and drawing are very similar activities, in that they force you to look at everything carefully: one is an outward adventure, the other an inward adventure. They are both equally interesting and enjoyable, as well as sometimes being difficult pleasures.
If you could visit any fantasy world, what one would it be?
As a younger person, I would have loved to enter a Tolkien-esque world (and could easily pass for a hobbit too!), and some of the imaginary worlds I was drawing as a teenager, but I don't really have those kind of escapist longings any more. More and more I see fantasy worlds - as in The Arrival - as a way of tapping into the real world, of trying to understand reality better through a speculative lens. If I was to visit that world, I would immediately lose my bearings, like entering a metaphor without its real-world anchorage. I prefer to visit using only a pencil on paper.
A lot of the fantasy worlds that fascinate me the most are ones I would not like to visit at all, like Orwell's 1984, Swift's Gulliver's Travels or McCarthy's The Road. Once again, I'm interesting in places where things are somehow broken or disconnected.
Many of your illustrations are montages of scraps from the everyday that might normally be disregarded or thrown away: stamps; receipts; notes; newspaper headlines. Are you a collector? Do you have an interest in highlighting and preserving these transient objects?
Yes, I do. I'm very interested in things that are overlooked, and in trying to find value in things that are not considered valuable. Collage also introduces an important element of random chance into an image, much like a good brush mark, it's not entirely controlled. It's also a good way to break the 'surface tension' of a blank canvas - just start sticking things on, almost without letting conscious decision-making get in the way.
I do have a tendency to collect things, which I have to control a little bit, limiting it to things that are actually useful to avoid being a pack rat. I have a large cardboard box full of small papery bits, which are always useful. I also have a collection of disposable books and magazines that I use as collage material. The less this material has to do with anything aesthetic, the more useful it seems to be - hence lots of physics, maths and engineering textbooks. In my picture book The Lost Thing, this collage helped develop the central theme of the story, of what happens when playfulness enters a world that only knows calculated certainty.
There's also a lot of optimism in your books, particularly The Red Tree. Similarly, some of the stories in Tales From Outer Suburbia are critical of the paranoia that exists as a result of the 'War on Terrorism'. Do you like to assure your readers or at least let them know that the world is really not out to get them?
I feel no need at all to reassure readers or myself of anything, I'm just trying to be realistic. I don't have a message as such, just some recurring observations, which leave me feeling a little ambivalent actually. The story 'Amnesia Machine' [from Tales From Outer Suburbia] really laments the way mass media can degrade an otherwise good democratic system - and that people fall for it every time, without seeming to learn any broad lessons. But just after that is the story about how citizens find a way to cleverly disarm an absurd government policy (by literally disarming missiles) and being compassionate and conscientious, by refusing to be afraid. I feel that both of these are realistic representations, that there is a constant tension in the world between ignorant acceptance and a higher consciousness (which requires effort). This is also a tension that exists within us as individuals, competing forces of darkness and light, both of which need to be acknowledged.
Many of your characters have no names: the main character in The Lost Thing is referred to merely as "a thing," for example. Do you not name your characters on purpose? Do you think that not naming gives the work a greater universality?
Yes, I think that's it, trying to find the best universal metaphor. Though it's not really a strategy, it just always feels right to me to have characters that don't have a specific identity, to the point of not even being recognisable creatures.
Your most recent work, Tales From Outer Suburbia, is also your most text-heavy book to date. Did this come as a reaction to your previous book, The Arrival, which featured no writing at all?
I don't see Tales From Outer Suburbia as having any real relation to The Arrival, as they seem to me to be quite different books - it might have been good to produce them under pseudonyms! But as far as creative process goes, you are right, there was a certain reaction going on there. I was often sneaking off to write the stories in Tales in between the long hours of rigorous pencil shading that went into each page of The Arrival, so it became a kind of outlet for pent-up words and conceptual playfulness, as well as humour.
I was keen to try something that was very fragmented and varied, grabbing whatever tools I thought might best do the job, mixing words, images and layout designs. Before being a full-time illustrator, I used to write piles of (unpublished) short stories, so it felt as though I was returning to fairly comfortable territory, and finding a good balance.
Could you ever imagine writing a book without illustrations?
Yes, I can't see why not. Some stories don't need illustrations, and are in fact much better off without them. However, because I tend to use visual images as my starting point, I have a feeling they will always infiltrate anything I do one way or another.
Tales From Outer Suburbia was inspired by your childhood growing up in Western Australia, but you also manage to transform a suburban setting into a place of magic and miracles. In some of the stories, Water Buffalos take up residence in vacant lots and Dugongs appear in backyards. A lot of people imagine suburbia as banal and generic; do you believe it has the potential to be something else?
Yes, anything has the potential to be something else. As a child and teenager, I used to think that the place I lived in was far too boring to comment upon, that all the good, interesting stuff was somewhere else. It was only when I started painting local suburban scenes in my twenties that I realised the subject was not so important, it was how much thought and imagination you applied to it. So a painting of a simple suburban footpath could be as fascinating as the most exotic landscape, given enough emotional investment (I often think of Van Gogh's paintings of a chair for guidance, or Morandi's little groups of bone-coloured bottles, brilliant paintings of banal objects).
Of course, I do introduce a lot of exotic, surrealist elements into my suburban visual stories in a seemingly artificial way, as a kind of 'what if?' exercise, but the initial inspiration for these comes from observing pretty ordinary things; like looking at an overgrown vacant lot, for instance, and asking 'who lives there?,' or a walnut shell and wondering if it would make a good little suitcase, or a TV aerial and imagining people decorating for some special occasion. Suburbia is definitely bland and generic, but there's also a suppressed strangeness there, a culture foreign to itself. And the fact that it does, on the surface, seem uninspiring, or escapes creative attention, means that it's an excellent canvas to be painting (or writing) upon; it's blank, quiet and opens up quite easily to absurd intrusions.
When you are working on a story what tends to come first: the words or the pictures?
It's hard to say, but generally a story is triggered by a visual image, either vaguely sketched, or vaguely imagined in my mind. Words may follow, then another image, then more words, so it's backwards and forwards - each element plays with or against the other, prompting new ideas. Words are good for playing with abstract concepts, summarising storylines and outlining structure. Images seem to bring a kind of mystery and atmosphere that can greatly expand a written idea.
Yet the main thing for me is that one does not 'explain' the other, but more often questions the ambiguities of both word and image. In hindsight, many of the stories in Tales are to do with the slipperiness of understanding or naming things, hence a nameless holiday, a Japanese diver who cannot make himself understood; an exchange student with a name that nobody can pronounce; a water buffalo who points without speaking, and so on. Images build upon the mystery that's already present in language, realising that all these sounds and symbols are quite provisional, and can mean different things to different people.
Finally, what are you working on at the moment?
An animated adaptation of an older picture book The Lost Thing, with a production company based in Melbourne, Pasion Pictures Australia. It's 15 minutes long, and due to be completed at the end of the year; animated digitally with hand-painted textures. I'm responsible for writing, directing and designing much of the film, which has been an interesting learning curve over a period of some years - it's all coming together quite well thanks to a small, dedicated team.
I'm also trying to do a little more painting of large canvases, which use to be my main pastime before illustration took over as a profession. These are not for exhibition or sale, rather a means of keeping in practise, and learning how to see and paint, something that you never really accomplish fully. I still feel very much like an art student every time I pick up a pencil or brush, not entirely knowing how things will end up.
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123designsrq · 5 years
I had been within the Scottish Highlands the other day, on a car trip with your family with simply no network on my small Pixel 2 phone. Essentially, I had been stop from all of those other world. No internet, no messages, no calls. All I'd was the car’s radio, which been catching a bit of music on the DAB station. I checked out my Pixel 2’s screen, completely stunned to determine that with no network or internet, my Google Pixel 2 had identified what song was playing. Right beneath the notification bar, it stated “Come Together - The Beatles” (radio stations funnel was celebrating Lennon’s birthday around the ninth of October). My phone had basically identified a (pretty popular but) completely random track around the radio… By Itself, without connecting to the web. It’s as though my phone understood exactly what a song was, as well as understood what THIS song was, and may identify it without any exterior help. I had been partially afraid but mostly impressed. Go forward to today, a complete week later. https://youtu.be/_1QuBKyreWU I’m near my TV, watching google's Keynote live. I’m feeling an identical sense of excitement and mild terror at just how incredibly advanced Google’s new products are getting. Google's Assistant is able to work incredibly well Without having to be attached to the internet. Everything sits in Google’s small machine-learning nick, allowing your phone to become smart by itself. That’s incredible and terrifying, for the way your perception. Google’s devices, its smartphone particularly, are increasing more and more effective to have what Google calls ‘ambient useful computing’. https://youtu.be/0gizLT97cKo Google’s keynote, just nearly more than a month after Apple’s keynote, feels quite different. Actually, I’d repeat the roles have reversed. Apple used to be a bastion of significant innovation, and Google, an enjoyable-loving company that made wonderful hardware to enhance its software. The tables are switched, as Apple assumes a far more informal route, using its partnerships with Oprah and Jason Momoa, and it is foray into Arcade and Apple TV Plus, while Google has assumed the mantle of power, getting just built probably the most effective Quantum Computer among other achievements. The once fun-loving company is about showing how they may ‘help’ alter the world, one product at any given time. I am talking about, they can had an on-stage interview with Annie Leibovitz, to speak about the way a professional would use Google’s Pixel camera. The Pixel 4 is made around Google’s motto to be a remarkably advanced bit of tech envisioned that will help you. Its incredible advancement originates from the truth that it’s now the foremost and only phone to make use of radar being an input, enabling you to wave both hands in mid-air to swipe using your music playlist, mute your alarm by showing your phone your palm, plus much more. The Soli radar nick, coded in 2015, went from 4 square-ft in dimensions, to some mere 4 square-millimeters, relaxing in the Pixel 4’s upper bezel. The Soli is really effective, it knows how to proceed even before you tell it to. Whenever your hands approach your phone, Soli activates the facial recognition camera in your phone, so you need to simply view it to wake it up… no pressing buttons or anything. It also reduces the level of your alarm if this senses your hands approaching the telephone. It may identify and differentiate between you waving to some friend versus attempting to swipe in mid-air to alter tracks in your phone, which makes it both ground-breaking and extremely intelligent for something so new. Google’s assistant increased a little bit bit smarter too, having the ability to work across apps, completely offline, or being able to recognize complex instructions without requiring the saying “Hey Google”. In the event that wasn’t enough, the Pixel 4 would be the first smartphone to become Google Stadia compatible, come 19th November when Stadia finally launches. When it comes to camera, Google’s found new methods to stand out for the reason that department. There is a great 15 minute segment just about how Google practically built and perfected computational photography. Your camera are now able to click infinitely better HDR images with HDR , better Portrait photos using its two lenses, even finishing it with realistic bokeh, and absolutely stunning low-light pictures that puts the Pixel 4 within the group of SLR cameras. You’re literally searching in a effective professional camera touted by Annie Leibovitz herself, that matches right in your wallet. The Pixel 4 is available in three colors, without any fingerprint sensor along with a massive square camera bump that simply overtakes the iPhone 11 Pro in the photography abilities (although there is a high chance the 11 Pro still dominates within the video department). Google’s very cleverly managed to move on from showcasing trivial details like wireless chargers and fabric cases (or perhaps the Pixel 4’s battery existence) to concentrating on the bigger picture, like the way the Pixel 4 is definitely an incredibly effective digital assistant in your wallet. From having the ability to anticipate and understand your requirements much ahead of time or being able to read your gestures in mid-air, to having the ability to let you speak with its assistant inside a natural seamless manner (therefore the technology recedes in to the background), the Pixel 4 is a superb phone for users, while as being a complete magnum opus for Google, showcasing its absolute potential like a dominating pressure in practically every department, from Voice AI towards the condition-of-the-art computational photography. That sense of delight (using the zest of terror) is a nice interesting one. It implies that there’s still a great deal left within the smartphone innovation department, that Google is capable of doing still blowing our socks off, and there isn’t any stopping them. google pixel 2 phone case amazon best google pixel 2 case google pixel 2 case amazon google pixel 2 phone case wallet google pixel 2 case walmart pixel 2 phone cases google pixel 2 phone case otterbox google pixel 2 xl case   Read the full article
0 notes
123designsrq · 5 years
I had been within the Scottish Highlands the other day, on a car trip with your family with simply no network on my small Pixel 2 phone. Essentially, I had been stop from all of those other world. No internet, no messages, no calls. All I'd was the car’s radio, which been catching a bit of music on the DAB station. I checked out my Pixel 2’s screen, completely stunned to determine that with no network or internet, my Google Pixel 2 had identified what song was playing. Right beneath the notification bar, it stated “Come Together - The Beatles” (radio stations funnel was celebrating Lennon’s birthday around the ninth of October). My phone had basically identified a (pretty popular but) completely random track around the radio… By Itself, without connecting to the web. It’s as though my phone understood exactly what a song was, as well as understood what THIS song was, and may identify it without any exterior help. I had been partially afraid but mostly impressed. Go forward to today, a complete week later. https://youtu.be/_1QuBKyreWU I’m near my TV, watching google's Keynote live. I’m feeling an identical sense of excitement and mild terror at just how incredibly advanced Google’s new products are getting. Google's Assistant is able to work incredibly well Without having to be attached to the internet. Everything sits in Google’s small machine-learning nick, allowing your phone to become smart by itself. That’s incredible and terrifying, for the way your perception. Google’s devices, its smartphone particularly, are increasing more and more effective to have what Google calls ‘ambient useful computing’. https://youtu.be/0gizLT97cKo Google’s keynote, just nearly more than a month after Apple’s keynote, feels quite different. Actually, I’d repeat the roles have reversed. Apple used to be a bastion of significant innovation, and Google, an enjoyable-loving company that made wonderful hardware to enhance its software. The tables are switched, as Apple assumes a far more informal route, using its partnerships with Oprah and Jason Momoa, and it is foray into Arcade and Apple TV Plus, while Google has assumed the mantle of power, getting just built probably the most effective Quantum Computer among other achievements. The once fun-loving company is about showing how they may ‘help’ alter the world, one product at any given time. I am talking about, they can had an on-stage interview with Annie Leibovitz, to speak about the way a professional would use Google’s Pixel camera. The Pixel 4 is made around Google’s motto to be a remarkably advanced bit of tech envisioned that will help you. Its incredible advancement originates from the truth that it’s now the foremost and only phone to make use of radar being an input, enabling you to wave both hands in mid-air to swipe using your music playlist, mute your alarm by showing your phone your palm, plus much more. The Soli radar nick, coded in 2015, went from 4 square-ft in dimensions, to some mere 4 square-millimeters, relaxing in the Pixel 4’s upper bezel. The Soli is really effective, it knows how to proceed even before you tell it to. Whenever your hands approach your phone, Soli activates the facial recognition camera in your phone, so you need to simply view it to wake it up… no pressing buttons or anything. It also reduces the level of your alarm if this senses your hands approaching the telephone. It may identify and differentiate between you waving to some friend versus attempting to swipe in mid-air to alter tracks in your phone, which makes it both ground-breaking and extremely intelligent for something so new. Google’s assistant increased a little bit bit smarter too, having the ability to work across apps, completely offline, or being able to recognize complex instructions without requiring the saying “Hey Google”. In the event that wasn’t enough, the Pixel 4 would be the first smartphone to become Google Stadia compatible, come 19th November when Stadia finally launches. When it comes to camera, Google’s found new methods to stand out for the reason that department. There is a great 15 minute segment just about how Google practically built and perfected computational photography. Your camera are now able to click infinitely better HDR images with HDR , better Portrait photos using its two lenses, even finishing it with realistic bokeh, and absolutely stunning low-light pictures that puts the Pixel 4 within the group of SLR cameras. You’re literally searching in a effective professional camera touted by Annie Leibovitz herself, that matches right in your wallet. The Pixel 4 is available in three colors, without any fingerprint sensor along with a massive square camera bump that simply overtakes the iPhone 11 Pro in the photography abilities (although there is a high chance the 11 Pro still dominates within the video department). Google’s very cleverly managed to move on from showcasing trivial details like wireless chargers and fabric cases (or perhaps the Pixel 4’s battery existence) to concentrating on the bigger picture, like the way the Pixel 4 is definitely an incredibly effective digital assistant in your wallet. From having the ability to anticipate and understand your requirements much ahead of time or being able to read your gestures in mid-air, to having the ability to let you speak with its assistant inside a natural seamless manner (therefore the technology recedes in to the background), the Pixel 4 is a superb phone for users, while as being a complete magnum opus for Google, showcasing its absolute potential like a dominating pressure in practically every department, from Voice AI towards the condition-of-the-art computational photography. That sense of delight (using the zest of terror) is a nice interesting one. It implies that there’s still a great deal left within the smartphone innovation department, that Google is capable of doing still blowing our socks off, and there isn’t any stopping them. google pixel 2 phone case amazon best google pixel 2 case google pixel 2 case amazon google pixel 2 phone case wallet google pixel 2 case walmart pixel 2 phone cases google pixel 2 phone case otterbox google pixel 2 xl case   Read the full article
0 notes
123designsrq · 5 years
I had been within the Scottish Highlands the other day, on a car trip with your family with simply no network on my small Pixel 2 phone. Essentially, I had been stop from all of those other world. No internet, no messages, no calls. All I'd was the car’s radio, which been catching a bit of music on the DAB station. I checked out my Pixel 2’s screen, completely stunned to determine that with no network or internet, my Google Pixel 2 had identified what song was playing. Right beneath the notification bar, it stated “Come Together - The Beatles” (radio stations funnel was celebrating Lennon’s birthday around the ninth of October). My phone had basically identified a (pretty popular but) completely random track around the radio… By Itself, without connecting to the web. It’s as though my phone understood exactly what a song was, as well as understood what THIS song was, and may identify it without any exterior help. I had been partially afraid but mostly impressed. Go forward to today, a complete week later. https://youtu.be/_1QuBKyreWU I’m near my TV, watching google's Keynote live. I’m feeling an identical sense of excitement and mild terror at just how incredibly advanced Google’s new products are getting. Google's Assistant is able to work incredibly well Without having to be attached to the internet. Everything sits in Google’s small machine-learning nick, allowing your phone to become smart by itself. That’s incredible and terrifying, for the way your perception. Google’s devices, its smartphone particularly, are increasing more and more effective to have what Google calls ‘ambient useful computing’. https://youtu.be/0gizLT97cKo Google’s keynote, just nearly more than a month after Apple’s keynote, feels quite different. Actually, I’d repeat the roles have reversed. Apple used to be a bastion of significant innovation, and Google, an enjoyable-loving company that made wonderful hardware to enhance its software. The tables are switched, as Apple assumes a far more informal route, using its partnerships with Oprah and Jason Momoa, and it is foray into Arcade and Apple TV Plus, while Google has assumed the mantle of power, getting just built probably the most effective Quantum Computer among other achievements. The once fun-loving company is about showing how they may ‘help’ alter the world, one product at any given time. I am talking about, they can had an on-stage interview with Annie Leibovitz, to speak about the way a professional would use Google’s Pixel camera. The Pixel 4 is made around Google’s motto to be a remarkably advanced bit of tech envisioned that will help you. Its incredible advancement originates from the truth that it’s now the foremost and only phone to make use of radar being an input, enabling you to wave both hands in mid-air to swipe using your music playlist, mute your alarm by showing your phone your palm, plus much more. The Soli radar nick, coded in 2015, went from 4 square-ft in dimensions, to some mere 4 square-millimeters, relaxing in the Pixel 4’s upper bezel. The Soli is really effective, it knows how to proceed even before you tell it to. Whenever your hands approach your phone, Soli activates the facial recognition camera in your phone, so you need to simply view it to wake it up… no pressing buttons or anything. It also reduces the level of your alarm if this senses your hands approaching the telephone. It may identify and differentiate between you waving to some friend versus attempting to swipe in mid-air to alter tracks in your phone, which makes it both ground-breaking and extremely intelligent for something so new. Google’s assistant increased a little bit bit smarter too, having the ability to work across apps, completely offline, or being able to recognize complex instructions without requiring the saying “Hey Google”. In the event that wasn’t enough, the Pixel 4 would be the first smartphone to become Google Stadia compatible, come 19th November when Stadia finally launches. When it comes to camera, Google’s found new methods to stand out for the reason that department. There is a great 15 minute segment just about how Google practically built and perfected computational photography. Your camera are now able to click infinitely better HDR images with HDR , better Portrait photos using its two lenses, even finishing it with realistic bokeh, and absolutely stunning low-light pictures that puts the Pixel 4 within the group of SLR cameras. You’re literally searching in a effective professional camera touted by Annie Leibovitz herself, that matches right in your wallet. The Pixel 4 is available in three colors, without any fingerprint sensor along with a massive square camera bump that simply overtakes the iPhone 11 Pro in the photography abilities (although there is a high chance the 11 Pro still dominates within the video department). Google’s very cleverly managed to move on from showcasing trivial details like wireless chargers and fabric cases (or perhaps the Pixel 4’s battery existence) to concentrating on the bigger picture, like the way the Pixel 4 is definitely an incredibly effective digital assistant in your wallet. From having the ability to anticipate and understand your requirements much ahead of time or being able to read your gestures in mid-air, to having the ability to let you speak with its assistant inside a natural seamless manner (therefore the technology recedes in to the background), the Pixel 4 is a superb phone for users, while as being a complete magnum opus for Google, showcasing its absolute potential like a dominating pressure in practically every department, from Voice AI towards the condition-of-the-art computational photography. That sense of delight (using the zest of terror) is a nice interesting one. It implies that there’s still a great deal left within the smartphone innovation department, that Google is capable of doing still blowing our socks off, and there isn’t any stopping them. google pixel 2 phone case amazon best google pixel 2 case google pixel 2 case amazon google pixel 2 phone case wallet google pixel 2 case walmart pixel 2 phone cases google pixel 2 phone case otterbox google pixel 2 xl case   Read the full article
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