#this was a bit more uh. emotionally charged than i thought it would be
atinylittlepain · 1 year
Love your writing! I love the Unexpected universe, could I please request a really angsty Joel story where baby Miller gets sick nothing extreme, just a colicky baby but because of what happened to Sarah it just brings all of Joel’s fear to the surface? Please add some fluff spice with reader trying to comfort him and cute baby and dad moments?
aw man, i got a bit carried away with this one, i hope you like it <3
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Unmet Expectations
dad!joel miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
When baby miller gets sick, Joel gets stuck in the past, leaving her feeling lonelier than ever before.
warnings | 18+ angst, hurt/comfort, grief, sick baby oof, smut at the end
a/n | this one is long, and rather emotionally charged, but with a happy ending of course for our Unexpected Expectings fam :)
There isn’t much sleeping going on in the Miller household. Except for Ellie, who has the good fortune to be out in the garage, away from the seemingly endless crying. It started a little over a month ago. She had settled Libby down for her afternoon nap, only to be promptly startled by her girl’s shrieking wail, a sound she would become all too familiar with as time progressed and it became clear that they have one very colicky baby on their hands. 
At first, she thought it was just her girl having a bad case of gas, but after a few hours of useless burping and rocking, she started to understand this was something else entirely. Joel came home that night from the stables to find her sitting on the floor of the nursery, tears in her eyes and Libby still screaming in her arms. She wasn’t sure what was worse in that moment, the sound of her girl’s continuous cries, or the look of sheer terror on Joel’s face as he knelt down next to her. He had run across town right then and there to get Suze, who could only advise them to keep their girl comfortable and fed with the reassurance that this sort of thing typically only lasts a month or two. 
It’s been the longest month of her life. Libby is nothing if not consistent, quiet and sweet as a lamb in the mornings, but around one o’clock every day, the crying starts, and it doesn’t stop until late into the night. Ellie has been a saint, and Maria too. Staying with her in the afternoons, keeping her sane as she tries to calm Libby down. Joel, however, is a different story. Since all this started, he’s become silent, unreadable. Much like how he was when they first met.
He takes Libby at night, giving her something of a break when he wordlessly takes her off her hands. She finds him most mornings asleep on the floor of the nursery, pressed right up against the crib, one of his arms usually hung between the wooden slats, keeping contact with their girl who always manages to wear herself off into sleep. It’s the only indication she gets from him of just how much he cares because otherwise, he’s become completely shut off, and it’s starting to freak her out more than Libby’s incessant crying.
They don’t talk anymore. He leaves early for shifts, and when he comes home, usually after dusk, he takes Libby and holes away in the nursery. She had tried to join him a number of times, but the steely look he always gave her kept her hovering at a distance, usually dozing in and out of sleep sitting in the hallway right outside the room. She can hear him in the night, the low thrum of his singing just barely detectable below Libby’s cries, and it breaks her heart that he won’t let anyone else see that part of him, especially not her. She’s grateful for how he takes over with Libby, but it feels like it’s no longer them, no longer a team. She’s surrounded by people who care, but it seems like the one person who matters most is slipping away, and she’s never felt more lonely in her life.
“I’m uh, picking up patrol today with Tommy. Might not be home till later.” Her hands still where she had been scrubbing one of Libby’s bottles in the sink. It’s the most he’s said to her in weeks. She turns around to look at him, his gaze wandering anywhere but to hers.
“I thought you weren’t doing patrol shifts anymore.” 
“They’re down a man today. Just a one time thing.” There’s a lot more she’d like to say, but she can’t get any of it out, not when it feels like she’s talking to a complete stranger. So instead, she just nods, turning back to the sink before the tightness in her throat can spill over into tears. She hears him let out a long sigh behind her.
“I’ll um, see you tonight then.” She sniffs, only answering him with a jerky nod. The sound of his boots thudding away, the open and close of the front door, is a relief that she feels guilty for.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stick around? It’s no sweat, really. Dina will understand.” She offers Ellie what she can of a smile, easier said than done with her other girl screeching directly in her ear as she rocks her back and forth.
“That’s alright, Ellie bean. You’ve been a huge help already this afternoon, but Joel should be back soon. You should go, have fun.” By the furrowed look on her face, Ellie doesn’t seem to buy that, but she nods.
“Um, ok. Well, you know where to find me– i-if you need me or anything.” She nods and Ellie turns to leave, but seems to think twice of it before turning back to her.
“Are you guys– are you guys ok? You and Joel?” Her heart drops at the question, but luckily Libby chooses that exact moment to raise her screaming to a new decibel, effectively distracting the both of them enough for Ellie to offer her one more anxious smile before heading out. 
She sighs with the close of the front door, continuing to try to soothe Libby as she walks upstairs to the nursery. 
“I know, Libs. Tell me about it, huh?” She sits down in the rocking chair, shifting her squirming girl to cradle her in her lap. When she glances at the clock, she realizes it’s at least an hour past when Joel should have been home. She feels terrible that she doesn’t feel much at the realization, too sleep deprived, too frustrated, too utterly hopeless to muster up much more than faint concern as Libby continues to wail. 
She sits like that for a few hours, through Libby’s ceaseless cries, the relentless noise lulling her into a sort of daze. And then, a miracle. For the first time in a month and a half, Libby stops crying before midnight. Her girl lets out a few sleepy coos before dozing off in her arms, and she has to stop herself from laughing in pure relief as she lays her down in her crib. Stepping out into the hall, she slumps back against the wall, but her peace is short-lived when she realizes that Joel still isn’t home and it’s now much later. 
It’s the final straw that finally sends her reeling as she crumples over, her hands on her thighs as she starts to heave in a silent sob. It feels like she can’t get any air in, taking quick gasping breaths that she tries to stifle, not wanting to make any sound and wake her girl up. Her mind is blaring a shrill alarm of two words, over and over again. He’s gone. Under any other circumstances, she might be able to rationalize, to not jump to the worst conclusion. But she’s running on fumes, and her mind can’t shake the thought that she may have lost him tonight. And then she starts to think about that morning, how she hadn’t even said goodbye, and it sends her down to her knees, collapsing over herself in a silent wail. 
She’s completely caught off guard when a warm palm comes to her back, jerking away from the touch and pressing back against the wall.
“Hey, hey. It’s me– it’s just me.” He kneels down in front of her, palms cupping her cheeks as he tries to coax her to look at him, but she’s still inconsolable, a sobbing mess. His face falls when she won’t calm down.
“What’s wrong? Is it– please don’t tell me it’s Libby.” The frantic edge to his voice cuts through the fog enough for her to shake her head.
“No– she– she’s fine– she’s sleeping. I thought– I thought you were gone– I thought I lost y-y-you.” She’s a shuddering mess of words, breaking down in another silent sob before she can say anymore. Joel’s hands slide down to squeeze hers, dipping his head down to catch her watery gaze.
“I’m not gone– we just had some trouble with one of the horses, alright? Just got back a little late. I’m right here.” She’s with it enough to let out a bitter laugh at his choice of words, her sobs finally dying down into breathy shudders.
“No you’re not.” His face crumples in confusion as he sits back on his haunches.
“What?” She sighs, scrubbing her eyes with the heel of her hand.
“You might be here physically. But I have no fucking clue where you’ve been in your head ever since– ever since Libby got sick.” As she says it, she finally starts to connect the dots. Joel has been acting the same way he acted when she told him she was pregnant, when he tried to get Tommy to take Ellie to Salt Lake City, when she got shot back in Boston. Joel’s been acting the way he acts when he’s scared.
Part of her wants to comfort him, to tell him that she knows, that she gets it. But the other part of her is too far gone in the flood of frustration for that, and instead she lets that righteous anger wash over her.
“I told you that I couldn’t do this without you, that we would do this together. We’re not in this together anymore, Joel. You don’t talk to me anymore, and lord knows you haven’t touched me in at least a month. Am I that repulsive to you? The fucking mother of your child?” His eyes are wide, jaw slack at her words.
“That ain’t what this is about.” She scoffs.
“No, I know what this is about. But, jesus christ, Joel, you aren’t the only one who’s scared right now. We’re supposed to be there for each other, that’s what partners do. They do it scared, together. But you won’t let me in, and you clearly want nothing to do with me.” 
“That’s not– I don’t– it’s–” He stops his own stumbling, letting out a ragged sigh. She just shakes her head.
Before either of them can say anything else, a cry resounds from the nursery. But it’s not like the shrieks they’ve grown accustomed to. This cry is quieter, more needy than distressed. She gets up with a sigh, not looking at Joel as she walks back toward the nursery. Joel is right on her heels.
“Let me, I’ve got her.” She whips around on her heel at his words, holding her palm up between them as she tries to steel her expression.
He doesn’t.
She wakes up the next morning in a crunched tangle on the twin bed in Libby’s room, her girl still sleeping like an angel in her crib. After a diaper change last night, Libby had again stopped crying, another hopeful sign that the colic is finally lifting.  She doesn’t have much room to celebrate it with the way the fight she and Joel had last night is occupying her mind. Though she supposes it wasn’t really a fight, more just her falling apart on him. A cool guilt creeps up her spine. She shouldn’t have lashed out at him like that, but she knows she couldn’t hold it in any longer either.
Libby still asleep, she slips into their bedroom, an awful relief that Joel is nowhere to be seen. She’s not ready to face him yet. 
She gets cleaned up, just barely dressed when she starts hearing fussy coos coming from across the hall. Morning light slides syrupy and gold across the nursery floor as she picks Libby up from her crib. This happens like clockwork, and it’s her favorite part of every morning, sitting down in the rocking chair, Libby’s tiny palm pressing against her sternum as she latches on for her breakfast. Even right now, with her mind swirling in worry, watching the contented flutter of her girl’s eyes as she suckles is enough to soothe her.
He clears his throat, and she glances up just briefly to see him standing in the doorway. 
“I think we might finally be done with the colic.” As she speaks, she keeps her eyes focused on Libby, her ears pricking to the shuffle of his bare feet as he comes closer into the room. He stays silent, but she can feel his eyes watching her as Libby turns her head away. She gets up with a sigh, still not looking at him as she bounces lightly side to side, rubbing her girl’s back after readjusting her shirt. 
“I can burp her if you want. Save you a shirt.” She finally looks at him as he speaks, worry clear in the crease between his brows. Part of her wants to be petty, to tell him that she’s got it and shut him out. But she also knows that this is him trying, so she gives him a small nod, gently passing Libby off to him. He’s been good with her from the start, and now is no different as he holds her to his chest, shushing her fussy whimpers as he lightly pats her back. She can’t help but smile at the sight, leaning up against the crib as she finally holds his gaze.
“Made coffee, if you want some. Pot’s probably still warm.” That’s a peace offering if she ever heard one. She hums, nodding noncommittally in response. It’s clear that Joel has something else to say.
“Could we– could we talk?” He sounds so unsure of the question, his brow all twisted up. She’s already thawing, offering him a smile and a nod.
“That one will conk right out when you’re done burping her. Let’s talk after you get her down, alright?” He sets his mouth in a thin line, his eyes still soft as he nods. She passes by him with a sigh, her palm resting for a moment on his bicep as she presses a kiss to Libby’s crown before slipping out of the room. She really needs that cup of coffee.
Spring is finally thawing out the winter freeze, and it’s just sunny enough to sit on the back porch with a warm mug and a sweater. It isn’t long before he joins her. She notes the way he keeps a sizable distance between them on the bench seat.
“Sarah was colicky too, y’know.” She hadn’t been expecting that, turning to look at him. He’s leaning forward, his elbows resting on his thighs as he cranes his neck back to meet her gaze.
“Was she?” He nods, letting out a breathy laugh.
“Scared the living shit out of me. Her mom– well, she wasn’t much help. Pfft, pretty sure I cussed out the doctor when he told me I just had to wait for it to pass– wait for Sarah to get better.” He studies his hands, fingers flexing as he continues.
“She cried and cried– just like Libby. I stayed up with her every night and just about lost my mind. Knowing she– my baby, my girl– was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do. It was torture.” She brings a tentative palm to his shoulder, feeling him slacken under her touch as he finally looks at her again.
“I’m sorry, darlin. I got stuck in the past and left you here to deal with the present.” She sets her mug down before scooting closer to him to sling her arm over his shoulders, feeling relief when he lets her tangle her other hand with his.
“I accept your apology. I just wish you would’ve talked to me. I know you don’t think I can understand– and I probably can’t, at least not entirely. But I can’t even try to if you don’t let me in.” She rests her chin on his shoulder, feeling the rise and fall of his sigh.
“I know you’re right– I do. It’s just so fucking hard. I just– I’ve gotten real good at running away from it– just shutting it down. Talking like this feels damn near impossible.” She leans back, coaxing him to look at her.
“We knew this wasn’t gonna be easy. And we said we’d get through this together. Joel, you can’t shut down like that– you just can’t. I– we need you too much.” He swallows hard, nodding at her words, and she can’t help but brush his wavy hair out of his face, resting her palm on his cheek afterward.
“You talk to me, huh? And I’m gonna try so hard to understand. I promise.” She stamps her words with a kiss, pressing her forehead against his as they both let out a sigh. 
“Gonna do better by you, darlin. Not gonna disappear on you again.” 
“It’s magic, right? It’s gotta be magic.” Joel quietly laughs at her whispers, both of them looking down at their girl who is fast asleep in the settling night time by some sort of miracle. Libby had done so much better the rest of the day. No more relentless shrieking or fussy squirming. It was like a switch had been flipped, and she and Joel are just hoping it stays that way. 
He places his palm between her shoulder blades, head tilting toward the doorway. She gets the hint, both of them quietly padding out of the nursery and across the hall to their own bedroom.
“Are we actually gonna get to sleep in our own bed tonight?” He smiles at that, lifting his hand to brush his fingers along her cheek. He’s being careful, she can tell. All day he’s been quiet, but close, taking the day off of shifts to stick by her side. She knows that this is his way of apologizing, his way of trying, and she’s grateful for it.
Whether or not they’re showering together has become a sort of litmus test to determine how their relationship is doing. They haven’t done this in a month, and she only realizes how much she missed it, missed him, when she finally gets her hands on him again, running her soaped-up palms along the broad expanse of his back as he faces away from her under the warm stream of water. She smiles at the groan he lets out when she presses her fingers into that spot between his shoulder blades that’s always knotted up, working the kink out before slipping her palms further down. A breathy chuckle thrums in his chest when she slides her palms down the strong curve of his ass, stepping in closer to wrap her arms around him and trail her hands up the soft muscle of his stomach.
“What’re you doing back there, mama?” She can hear the smile in his voice, and revels in the shudder that runs through him when she presses a kiss to the nape of his neck.
“Taking care of you. You gonna let me?” She feels the huff he lets out in the rise and fall of his shoulders, quick to turn in her hold and steal one, two, three kisses before she can press on his chest to get him to let up. His hands fall to her waist, squeezing at the swell and pulling her into him, chest to chest. His cock rests hot and solid against her thigh.
“We take care of each other, huh?” His words bloom warm in her chest and the smile she offers him is the biggest relief. He reaches behind her to grab the bar of soap, lathering up his hands. It’s a strange contrast, the roughness of his palms and the tenderness of the press of his skin against hers as he trails over every inch of her body he can reach. She gets both, and she knows it’s a gift.
His touch begins to linger and stutter, squeezes left to his favorite parts of her, his grin growing smugger with each shudder he coaxes out of her. 
“We’re wasting water. Maria’s gonna kill us.” He groans low at that, laying a harsh squeeze to her ass that she yelps at.
“That is the last thing I wanna think about right now.” She breathes out a laugh as he corners her against the tiled wall. She barely manages to flip off the water as he presses against her, licking hotly into her mouth. With a light tug to his damp waves, he pulls away, both of them panting in the humid bathroom air.
“Can we at least get dried off? The last thing I want is one of us slipping and cracking our skull open.” Joel grumbles at that, shaking his head as he steps in closer. However, with the step he takes, his back heel slips out causing him to stumble into her as they both struggle to stay upright. They’re a tangle of limbs as they find their footing, her arms wrapped over his shoulders and his around her waist. Looking at each other, all they can do is laugh.
“Would it kill you to tell me I’m right every now and again?” She teases him, a crooked grin as she stays wrapped up in his arms.
“You’re right– you’re right– you’re right. There, will that do, darlin?” He punctuates each repetition with a chaste kiss to her lips, leaving her laughing as he jostles her in his hold. She hums lightly.
“Hmm, I suppose. For now.” He huffs at that, retaliating with a hard smack to the curve of her ass that has her jolting in his grip, causing them both to stumble about in the shower again. They’re fools for each other, only for each other.
Drying off is made all but impossible by the way they stay glued to each other, and their skin is still damp when they finally make it to their bed, toppling into the sheets still tangled up in kisses and sighs and wandering hands. Joel coaxes her onto her back, settling between her legs as he trails a hand down to her cunt, dragging a brazen swipe through her heat that has her arching up into her touch.
“Joel, please– no teasing tonight. I just– I need you, baby.” He shushes her with a kiss, fingers languidly circling her clit.
“You’ve got me, darlin– not going anywhere, huh? Gonna give you what you need.” She has to bite back a whine at the loss of his touch, but it’s only a fleeting desperation as he presses the throbbing tip of his cock up against her entrance. Though it’s been a while, they move well together like they always do, bodies in complete communion as she draws her leg up along his waist, opening up to him as he presses his hips forward. He stills with his hips hilted into hers, his forehead pressing into her sternum with a ragged sigh. 
“Fucking hell– missed you so bad, mama– s’not fair how good you feel– not gonna last like this–” His voice is hoarse, broken by sweet agony, and she tries to soothe him with a smattering of kisses to his hairline, drawing him to look up at her.
“It’s ok, baby. Just wanna feel you– feel so perfect, Joel. Can you move for me?” She presses a kiss to the crease between his brows and he chases after her lips, groaning into a deep kiss as he rolls his hips back only to snap them forward again. He swallows the gasp she lets out at the deep grind of him, her nails digging into his shoulders as he guides them into that familiar push and pull. 
In just the few months of having their girl, they’ve learned how to keep quiet, all breathy sighs and muffled kisses, but she’s having a hard time holding back her high-pitched whimpers at the way he’s thrusting into her, punctuating each snap of his hips with a hard grind that strokes a spot inside her that’s already tilting her over the edge of pleasure. But it starts to become too much when Joel brings his fingers back to her clit, drawing stuttering swipes that have her spasming around him.
“C’mon, mama– let go for me– want it so bad– that’s it, darlin–” his praises become muffled noise as she comes, her heels now digging into his ass where her legs are wrapped around him, clutching him as he fucks her through the rolling high. Joel is quick to follow, pulling out of her with a harsh groan and sloppily stroking himself a few times before his warmth is smearing across the plush of her thigh. It's a far cry from the heated trysts they used to engage in, hours on end of tangled passion long traded in for these little bursts of love that she cherishes just as much, if not more.
He collapses next to her, slumping on his back, his arm crossed over himself to keep his palm splayed over her stomach. She rests her hand on top of his, tangling their fingers together as they both catch their breath. But, there isn’t much time to revel in the moment when soft cries start to carry from across the hall. She can’t help but smile as she looks at him, and he lets out a sigh.
“Go get cleaned up, mama. I’ve got her.” He punctuates his words with a kiss, leaning over and brushing his fingers along her cheek. They share a quietly murmured “love you,” and she idly watches him get up, the soft pull of his muscles as he slips on a t-shirt and a pair of boxers before padding across the hall to Libby’s room.
They don’t get to sleep in their own bed that night. After getting cleaned up, she trails into the nursery, finding Joel quietly singing to their girl in the rocking chair. He glances up at her, but keeps singing, his voice low and sweet, lulling Libby back to sleep in his arms. With their girl tucked back in her crib, they wind up in a close tangle on the twin bed.
It's the best sleep they've gotten in a month.
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maaikeatthefullmoon · 4 months
This week I have mostly been reading...
May 20-26th, 2024
Hooray, I’ve managed it for the second week in a row! *If you have written/illustrated one of the works I've mentioned and I've not tagged you, please let me know!*
Completed works I've read this week:
Under Construction by @summerofspock Rated E – Honestly, this one can be summed up by the rather excellent tags ‘there was only one wifi’, ‘weaponized coziness’, ‘erotic woodchopping’ and ‘emotionally significant flannel’ (as in the shirt, not the miniature towel for cleaning one’s self…). It’s cosy, it’s Hallmarkian, it’s disaster puppy Crowley, and Aziraphale has a beard. 10/10 no notes.
Temporal Adjustment by @ukcalico & @vavoom-sorted-art Rated E – Written by Calico to accompany the ever-wonderful vavoom’s art, it’s a Post S1 Ritz scene which plays with time and some *very* spicy scenes. Three chapters of mild D/s content – mind the tags if you’re new to that world.
Sweet Dreams: A Companion Fic by @sixbynine-da & @vavoom-sorted-art Rated E – went down a vavoom rabbit hole, which is truly a delightful hole to go down…pun erm…not intended? But perhaps it was. Anyway. The tags initially had me hesitant to read this one (blood drinking, blood as lube) but it was a much more minor point than I was worried about and it ended up being a beautifully accepting, tender, loving story. I shed a couple of tears at this one.
You Can Stay At My Place, If You Like by AstroGirl Rated T – A lovely, touching piece about the moment A & C switch corporations/bodies and get to experience each other’s thoughts and feelings. Both POVs are written throughout the story, which adds a richness and emotion to it.
If It Looks Like A Duck, And Buzzes Like A Duck, It’s A Sex Toy by @quefish77 Rated M – Look at me bring the tone down after the last recommendation, but ho hum. This one had me weeping with laughter. Once again, the tags tell the story for me: ‘Look if you’re here for medical advice I got bad news for you’, If you don’t say WTF and laugh at least 3 times I’ve failed’, ‘Tags Are Fun’, ‘How many will you read before you roll your eyes and read the fic?, ‘Congratulations! You made it to the end of the tags’, ‘I lied there are more tags’. Yes…there were more tags. I laughed continuously throughout the entire fic, so I’m not sure if that counted as more than three times, and I read all the tags before I started reading, but I can guarantee this does not disappoint, but then none of Quefish’s work ever does if you’re looking for humour.
Aziraphale’s Diaries series by azzfell & @fellshish Rated T – This is a four-part series of humorous, fluffy diary entries written by A. 1. Empirical study on the principles of snake care – A tries to look after C as you would a snake…be ready to cringe and facepalm and giggle 2. Experiments of an angel who has read entirely too much fanfic – A finds fanfic. Tries some of what he’s read on C. Yikes. 3. How to be a demon: a brief history of the Arrangement – I can’t describe it any better than the authors’ description: “The Arrangement: the hard and challenging life of an angel who tries to make a demon do good deeds, and in turn has to perform temptations and wear devilishly sexy outfits.” 4. Adventures of a mystery shopper in the bookshop – this was by far my favourite. A puts C in charge of the bookshop…and then mystery shops. I laughed. And laughed. And laughed.
Lit by @fellshish Rated T – C decides to take a Uni course on literature (for absolutely no reason whatsoever…definitely not because he wants to impress a certain angel with his literary knowledge, nope, nuh uh)…but it turns out to be slightly different to what he was expecting…and they’re discussing Good Omens. Shit.
If You Touch Me You’ll Understand What Happiness Is by locketofyourhair Rated E – It’s no secret I like a bit of angst. You need only read what I write to get smacked round the side of the head with it. This one’s got it in spades. C confesses their love for A – repeatedly – through time. To keep them safe, A erases the memory of the confession each time. But A never forgets. Ouch. It does have a happy ending, though. Phew.
Lace And Gold Braid by @elsajeni Rated M – After rescuing A from the Bastille, C went to bed for 70 years. He never actually said he was sleeping. This fic goes into lots of delicious detail about A’s slutty, slutty outfit. The imagery is really well written and it has a podfic!
WIPs which have updated this week (which I devour as soon as I get the update!)
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out by @phoen1xr0se Rated M - A is a researcher (puffins!), C is a lighthouse keeper on the island where A has run away to to escape his problems and do his research. The author has recently spent a week studying puffins - which is the ultimate dedication, if you ask me. Ch 9/26 posted this week
Find The Light by @klikandtuna Rated E - Headmaster A and Rockstar C. The story teases out a fraught history between them whilst keeping a tension between them in the modern day. Ch 6/? posted this week.
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley Rated T - Astronaut A is guided back to Earth by controller C after 92 years in space. There are many difficulties both of them have to face and they develop an amazing rapport. Ch 16/17 posted this week.
Oddity by @tsyvia48 Rated E - Actor C is contracted by (useless) Gabriel to guest curate an exhibition at the museum where A works. After getting off on the wrong foot, can they work together to pull off this show? Ch 23/26 posted this week (note increased chapter count!)
Under The Summer Stars by @pannotbread Rated E - This wonderful fic has taught me more about physics than school ever did (mostly because I never did any physics, but...well). A & C have to share their time at an observatory because there is Only One Telescope. Not only will you learn about astrophysics, astrobiology, and astroecology, you'll also read some of the most poetically, beautifully written masturbation scenes I've ever seen. *ahem* Ch 7/13 posted this week.
Exodus2 by @tismrot Rated E – Human AU set in a dystopian future. The summary says it best, really: Ezra studies programming at the University of ha-Gan. He’s as determined as he is damaged, as fastidious as he is precise, and likes to believe he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. His beliefs are challenged when a new student appears late to the first Ethics module lecture - and his life is changed forever. It's the future, it's dystopian, it's cyber and it's punk. It's political, grimy and slick with tears, lube and chemical snot. TW: Sex, drugs, trauma. Ch 28/35 posted this week.
Free by well, me: imposterssyndrome Rated E - A & C meet (again?) in an acute mental health ward after both having had mental health crises. A runs a bookshop but is very much under his parents' control. C has been homeless since childhood and has struggled his entire life. They do not trust each other when they first meet, but feel strangely drawn to one another all the same. Where will this lead them? This is a passion piece for me. There is a lot of lived experience in it, and extensive research from both professionals and peers. It has been a real journey for me to write it, and as I'm coming closer to the end it's becoming very emotional for me. Ch 45/? posted this week
Want more recommendations? This is last week's list.
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bookofbolden · 3 months
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: The Common PARTIES: Charlie ( @zombiebabysitter ) & Eleanor SUMMARY: Eleanor runs into an emotionally charged Charlie and despite a rocky introduction a friendship is born. WARNINGS: Death mention
Eleanor had learned to allow herself at least an hour every other day to leave the apartment with her notebook and visit any nearby location where she could sit and jot down random ideas that came to her with the hopes of being able to add them to her novel somehow. She’d learned that forcing herself to come up with the more meticulous details of the novel made her frustrated with herself and the project as a whole, especially whenever she came up empty-handed; if she became frustrated or felt that she had to force herself to write then the passion behind what she was doing would be gone. Sometimes the words just didn’t flow the way they typically did which was why the fresh air and change of scenery did wonders on her slower days.
The Common was as good a place as any for Eleanor to both get out of her apartment and to draw some inspiration for settings. It was blatantly obvious that the fictional town in her book was heavily inspired by Wicked’s Rest so anytime she was able to just sit and observe was time well spent. She chose a spot to herself where she could be just far enough away from others that their emotions didn’t block her creativity but also close enough to be aware of what those emotions were. Although she craved the silence of being around those she couldn’t read, it still left her feeling lopsided and like she was missing a piece to a very important puzzle.
Positive emotions ran rampant within the vicinity and the empath smiled to herself as she opened up her notebook and jotted down some bits of dialogue that she thought would be a nice addition to the story. She had become completely focused on her writing when the various good moods around her were dampened by one incredibly heavy feeling. Frowning, Eleanor looked up and saw a face she didn’t recognize and realized that it was the person who had affected her so negatively. As he drew closer her head almost began to ache and she slammed her notebook closed.
“Are you okay?”
Charlie often found himself in the Common, writing down lyrics as they came to him. It had become a lot harder for him since he had to start writing his music, but he was doing his best. Today was a writing day, not a music day. So he sat on a spread-out blanket, legs criss-crossed over each other as he muttered different lyrics under his breath, trying to get something that sounded right. He was frustrated. Sometimes, lyrics came easy. But lately? They didn’t. It was hard to write, and it was harder to find inspiration for what to write about. How many songs could he write about losing his friends? How many times did he have to be miserable before he finally allowed himself to be happy?
It was easy to get caught up in his own head, the memories of past events coming into play. He should be happy with what he had, but… what about the things he didn’t? It was all too much to deal with, and he threw his notebook down and buried his face in his hands before getting up and starting to pace, coming close to a woman who quickly called him out on his piss-poor mood. “What?” Charlie blinked owlishly, pointing to his chest. “I… uh.” He thought he was better at hiding his emotions than this. It was easy to have an outer appearance of being fine when on the inside his mind was on fire.
He stared at the woman a little longer, unsure how she was so sure he wasn’t okay. “I’m just… dealing with some shit right now. It’s making it hard to write.” Charlie admitted, taking a few steps backward from her. “Sorry, I’ll… go back to my spot.” He muttered and gestured over his shoulder to the abandoned blanket and notebook. “Sorry,” he said again, walking back over to his blanket and sitting back down, suddenly unsure if he should go back to what he was doing or if he should call it quits for the day. Words just weren’t working.
Eleanor felt instant regret when the man explained himself but an intense wave of interest after hearing his words was stronger. “Wait!” She reached out her hand as though to stop him then watched as he went back to this blanket and sat down again looking as though he were a scolded child. “I am so sorry, I don't know where that came from. I promise that I’m not usually an… asshole.” She was an adult but still found it hard to curse sometimes. It was just another quirk about herself that she wished she could get over. “Things aren’t that great for me either, I should really be more considerate of what others are going through - I’m so sorry.”
She tilted her head as she continued to observe the stranger. “Excuse me, but did you say that you’re writing something? I’m also writing. I’m pretty deep into my novel and I have a deadline that seems far away but I know that if I don’t double down and get it done then I’ll miss it.” Eleanor stopped herself before she could continue on yapping and smiled at the man. “I’m stressed, I think. That’s why I reacted to you the way that I did, although that’s not an excuse whatsoever - could we please start over?” While it physically pained her to be near so much emotional pain she forced herself to her feet and made her way over to his blanket and held out her hand.
“I’m Eleanor, writer and curious cat. What’re you writing, if you don’t mind me asking?” She wanted to get to know more about him mostly because he interested her but also because she thought that if she could learn more she might be able to quiet the storm that so obviously brewed inside of him. She really needed to stop thinking that she could “fix” people but if those around her were sailing calm waters then so was she. Really, getting her new acquaintance to calm down was a win-win situation.
The woman called out to him, and Charlie found himself looking over at her, expression far more guarded than it was before. “Yeah? I’m usually not in a shitty mood, so I guess we’re even.” He replied with a soft shrug of his shoulder before turning his body so that he was facing her but stayed on his blanket instead of walking back over. He wasn’t that far from her, not really. “I think a lot of us around here have shit we’re not dealing with, it’s kinda par for the course.” He squinted over at her, the sun right behind where Eleanor sat. 
Then, she showed interest in his writing, talking excitedly about her own writing. Unable to help himself, Charlie gave a soft smile. Usually, it was him that was a constant stream of words, but this time it was someone else. It was kind of nice to be the quiet one for once. Well, for now, anyway. He felt his turn to yap coming on. “Oh, yeah I’m… yeah.” He said lamely, patting his discarded notebook with a somewhat tense smile. “Between you and I? I’m always stressed.” He gave her a playful wink before opening his notebook back to the page that he was last on. It was a song about Gareth. Sometimes writing out the pain made it easier to bear. 
Charlie watched as Eleanor got up and thrust out her hand toward him, introducing herself. “I’m Charlie, musician and expert yapper.” His eyes flashed with amusement, the tense smile turning into a full smile before hopping up from his blanket and shaking her hand. “I’ve got a bit of a serious music career on my hands,” he admitted. “I lost my bandmates in a bit of an attack,” he explained vaguely. “Turns out when tragedy strikes, your fanbase triples in size overnight.” He brushed the hair out of his eyes, a storm behind them. 
While he gave off the vibe of a happy-go-lucky dude, he was deeply troubled by the loss of his friends. He was trying to work on shoving it away, with the Finn of it all, who was able to sense his emotions. He frowned, realizing that he’d been a bit more outward with his emotions here in the park than he meant to. “Sorry for… the sad sack of a man of it all that I was displaying to you.” 
Eleanor tilted her head as she nodded slowly. “I hadn’t thought of it that way but yes, you’re right. I think a lot of my friendships have come about because of trauma bonding but I won’t be complaining about it anytime soon, at least I’ve made friends. That’s what concerned my parents most when I’d announced that I would be moving somewhere we didn’t know anyone.” She shrugged. “All of us have our days, I’ll forgive you for being an asshole if you forgive me for being one first.
“I can tell.” Eleanor answered too quickly then backtracked. “I meant, I could tell by how you were pacing and your shoulders. Really… tense?” It came out as more of a question and she mentally kicked herself for having once again put her foot in her mouth. “Writing helps me a lot too, it gets me out of my head and into someone else’s - for a couple of hours every day I get to leave behind whatever’s bothering me and go into a world of magic and monsters that won’t actually hurt me, you know?” She tried to stop talking but found that she couldn’t, she enjoyed his company more now that the walls had been let down. “Is that corny to say? I feel like that’s very, very corny.”
Eleanor laughed at the titles he gave himself. “Well then, I think we’ll get along just fine, Charlie. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that I have a hard time shutting up once I get going. Also, I’m pretty sure we’ve spoken before online. Actually I’m sure of it, you’re the rockstar! Now would be the perfect time for that autograph.” She joked lightheartedly but then her smile fell. “Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about that!” Her curiosity made her want to ask what kind of attack had taken his bandmates from him but decided that it was in poor taste to ask. Maybe one day she’d find out.
When they shook hands her stomach lurched and she had to do everything in her power to remain emotionless against it. Grief swallowed Charlie, that much Eleanor could tell from the brief physical interaction, and she knew instantly that it had everything to do with his friends. It made the question burn on her tongue even more but she swallowed it back because she refused to be rude.
“The world is full of curious people, why do you think interest in true crime has really taken off in the past few years? People are fascinated by tragedy and grief, it's a bit morbid to be completely honest. But again, I’m very sorry to hear of your tragedy - I know we’ve just met but if there’s anything I could ever do to help in any way all you have to do is reach out. It’s kind of my thing, helping people. I get told all the time that I should have become a therapist instead of a writer.” Eleanor had challenged every person who’d presented that idea to her as well, stating that perhaps if she didn’t need so many therapists herself then she might have looked into the profession more seriously. “No need to apologize, there’s no judgment from my side. Actually, I’ve had a bit of tragedy myself recently. My girlfriend…” She choked up but was determined to push through. “My girlfriend has been missing for some time now. Most days I’m just a sad sack of a woman, trust me.” She normally wouldn’t have brought it up, but she wanted Charlie to know that she understood where he came from and that she would not judge him.
After Eleanor apologized, Charlie let a small smile break out across his face. “All is forgiven,” he responded with a gentle nod of his head. “Sometimes the grief is easier to disguise than others. I guess it’s just so strong right now that it’s hard to write, which makes everything a million times harder.” He rubbed his face with his hand, making a noise of frustration when he came to the conclusion that he wasn’t going to get any writing done today. “What are you writing about? Sure you’re doing way better than me, seeing as how I wrote two words and called it quits.” He smirked, able to poke fun at his situation despite the very real frustration he felt.
Charlie’s smile softened as Eleanor talked about escaping to a world of creatures that didn’t mean any harm, not like the real world. “Well if you ever need someone to write around for a body-doubling situation, I’m always around. Though I will warn you that I mutter to myself and tap my pen on any surface I can find.” He crossed his arms over his chest with that same smile still spread on his features. “I don’t think it’s corny at all,” he decided with a shake of his head. “I think it’s beautiful, in a way. Escapism can be a real problem, but also it’s a beautiful experience to be transported somewhere else through your own imagination, you know?” 
Charlie found himself letting out a bark of a laugh as Eleanor called him the rockstar, then remembered the conversation he’d had online with someone about asking if she should get his autograph. “No, you don’t want my autograph! It’s just a scribble that I pretend is my name, but it’s definitely just a scribble.” Charlie was quick to explain, a laugh in his voice as he explained himself. Then, the conversation turned dark. The light in his eyes left and the smile faded as she explained about her girlfriend. 
“God, I’m sorry, Eleanor.” Charlie spoke in earnest. “My… boyfriend was the drummer. We’d been together for two years. He was killed in the attack. I’m the only one left.” Charlie shook his head, staring down at the ground as he remembered that moment when Gareth let go of his hand as he was dragged away. Charlie shuddered, and forced himself back to the present. “I’m sorry that I can relate to you in a way.” His voice was quiet and far away, struggling to pull himself to reality. “I’m… I’m always here if you need someone to talk to, or if you need someone to follow a crazy lead with.” He put a hand up, volunteering himself. “You have a friend in me.”
For a moment Eleanor wondered if Charlie was able to read her mind because of the way he so greatly described everything she felt. It had taken a while for her to get back to her keyboard and start writing again when Lily went missing because the grief had taken over everything else and left no room for the creativity that was needed to proceed with her job. In fact, at one point she had considered leaving the profession altogether because she did not believe that she would ever feel up to writing again, but one random day she woke up and was able to come up with a plot and a handful of characters and she’d made a beeline for her computer to get everything down before it disappeared again. She hadn’t stopped working since that day. “Grief is… hell, to put it very, very simply.”
Little did Charlie know, he had opened the floodgates with one simple question. Eleanor loved to talk about her upcoming novel without giving too much away, just enough to make the other person want to read it. “Oh, it’s a horror novel, the first that I’ve ever written actually. I’ve published two romance novellas in the past but this was an entirely different beast but I’ve enjoyed the entire process. I can’t even tell you the number of hours I’ve put into just research alone… it’s not that easy to jump from romance to horror but I think it’s almost healed something in me. Like, I was able to put the monsters on the page and because I’m the one writing them and nothing they do can catch me off guard… I don’t know, it's helped with a lot of real life monsters.” Literally and figuratively, but she didn’t want to get into that at the moment. “A lot of it is inspired by Wicked’s Rest itself, I don’t think I would have come up with the idea if I hadn’t moved here. There’s a handful of main characters and in the end only one survives. It’s very exciting.”
Eleanor truly appreciated his offer. “I will definitely keep that in mind. And I can assure you that your muttering and pen tapping will not bother me because my keyboard is so loud I probably won’t even be able to hear it. I like the loudest clickety ones I can find.” It had started to get scary how Charlie seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. He was right about escapism, for example, because wasn’t that the entire reason she’s started writing in the first place? She’d spent most of her childhood bouncing around to different foster homes and books were the only thing that allowed her a peace of mind and some time away from the troubles she faced. “I know exactly what you mean, trust me. When I was a kid I started to write as a way to forget - my first original story was written exclusively in green crayon.” She stated proudly.
“No need to apologize, you’re not at fault.” An intense feeling of despair squeezed at Eleanor’s heart as she listened to Charlie’s story. She thought she might be able to imagine the kind of pain he was in, she was very nearly in the same boat, wasn’t she? But Lily wasn’t… she couldn’t have been dead. She felt her presence, sometimes weaker than the day before, but still she was there. She wasn’t sure what she would do if she ever woke up and didn’t feel the love of her life. It would be the greatest loss. “Charlie, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to have that memory pulled up, I just… I’m so sorry.” She wasn’t sure what to say and she wanted to reach out and lightly touch his arm but contained herself - she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle the grief that would wash over her if she did. She forced a smile and nodded. “And I hope you know that the same goes for me as well. I promise I’m a good listener once I stop talking. I’m capable! But you might regret the offer to follow up on leads with me, sometimes I don’t make the best decisions.” She laughed although it was a fairly true statement. How many times had she had to be saved because of her poor decisions? “You know you’re pretty cool, rockstar, I’m glad you irritated me with your pacing or else we wouldn’t have spoken to each other.”
“Damn straight,” Charlie responded with wide eyes, shaking his head. Grief was a funny thing. Some days, it didn’t hit so hard. On other days, it was like a tidal wave pulling him under. Charlie frowned, not wanting to get lost in the idea and feeling of his own grief. Then, she was talking about her books again, about her writing process. “My first song was written in a pink glitter gel pen that I borrowed from my friend Stacey,” Charlie replied with a grin. “It was about cheese, I’m pretty sure.” He spoke, narrowing his eyes as he remembered the details. “I dunno, I was eight, and cheese was pretty damn inspiring, I guess.” He pulled a face in a ‘what can you do’ manner and shrugged his shoulders. 
In truth, Charlie hated thinking about what happened those weeks ago. An event still so fresh in his mind he isn’t quite sure if he’s even begun to properly process it yet. He was able to talk about it, sure, but he wasn’t sure if he was able to fully comprehend that he’d never see his friends again, never feel Gareth’s comforting touch, or Lindz’s harsh laugh that always made him smile, no matter how much she claimed she hated it. Vik’s ability to capture any moment on camera and make it look good and not blurry like Charlie. 
Charlie felt his heart squeeze at the idea of someone losing their partner, but still being alive. “I don’t think I’ve fully processed it,” he finally said aloud, voicing the truth into words. “I don’t think I’m there yet.” He scratched at the side of his face idly, more of a nervous tick than actually itching. “Maybe I’ll get there soon. I just… can’t, yet.” Charlie raised his shoulders high, clearly out of his comfort zone on talking about these things with a complete stranger to this level of detail. 
Charlie cracked a smile as Eleanor talked about being glad to have met him, and Charlie nodded his head slowly, the smile growing. “Yeah, likewise, writer girl. I want to read your horror novel when it’s done. And we could also do the writing thing together, I know I could use someone to keep me focused sometimes, I’m kinda a mess with my process.” Charlie looked back to his blanket, which had his guitar and several notebooks full of words splayed out on its surface. “Yep, mess.” 
“Oh, pink glitter pen beats green crayon! And cheese is pretty damn good, young Charlie was definitely onto something when he wrote that song. If you still had it, that would be hilarious to release just to give your listeners something to humor themselves with.” Eleanor had sensed that something was unresolved within Charlie before he spoke the words but she was surprised to hear him actually confess it. “I kind of picked up on that. I mean…” She’d spoken before truly giving herself time to think over her words. She wasn’t sure how someone might take the news that she was able to feel their emotions, it wasn’t exactly something she would have believed herself. “I mean in the way that you’re speaking about it. I think the most important thing to remember is that the process isn’t linear and that you’re going to have to go at your own pace, don’t let anyone rush you. Also expect to have hard days even months and years from now. At least that’s what my therapist says.” She added with a giggle.
She knew that she would never be totally over Lily, whatever path she decided to take in order to go forward with her own life, and that hurt her immensely. Eleanor had spent most of her life looking for someone who would take her as she was without asking too much of her and Lily had been that person. Perhaps selfishly she wondered if she would ever find that again and it made her even more upset to think about - she had wanted to be with the first love of her life forever but that possibility had been snatched right out of her hands. Most of the time that made her unhappy but sometimes it made her uncharacteristically angry. Why had her life been turned upside down? What had she ever done to deserve such a punishment?
Eleanor made a mental note to write down his name on her list of people who would be receiving copies of her novel free of charge. “You’ll be one of the first people to receive a copy hot off the press so expect it sometime this autumn, just in time for Halloween.” She was delighted to hear that he would actually be interested in writing together and she stood on her tiptoes out of excitement. “We can totally be a mess together, you just let me know whenever you’re ready. Editing is taking up pretty much all of my time right now so I’m literally almost always working unless I'm out here just looking for some inspiration for my writing. I can introduce you to the pomodoro method that I use, it’s been such a helpful time management tool.” Lily had once been her reminder to get away from the computer and walk around, drink some water, have something to eat, but now she relied on the timer on her computer.
She looked over at his belongings and shrugged her shoulders. “Sometimes I find a little bit of comfort in the chaos. What fun would being tidy all the time be? Those people with perfectly clean homes and clothes that have zero wrinkles or stains scare me anyway. How are they so put together?” Eleanor shuddered to emphasize her point. “I’m rambling, but what I’m trying to say is that your mess is welcome around me, I don’t judge.”
Charlie shook his head with a laugh, waving his hands. “Nah, definitely not releasing a cheese song from my younger years, I think that one will stay in the vault.” When she said she’d picked up on it, Charlie sighed, not reading too into it, despite maybe picking up on similarities between Eleanor and Finn. “I mean, yeah. You’re right.” Charlie shook his head, knowing that his facade had already begun to crack apart at the seams. It wouldn’t be long until the whole thing shattered and exposed the ugliness that lay underneath. He would fight to keep it buried for as long as it took. 
“I’m just not ready to deal with it.” He decided aloud, gaze going vacant as he got lost in the thoughts that reeled through his mind. Gareth’s comforting touch, Lindz’s loud laugh, Vik’s stick-it-to-’em attitude. Charlie shook his head, trying desperately to stop thinking about it. “But if it happens, I’m glad to know that you’re there.” He gave a weak smile, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes, though he did try. 
She then started talking about her method, nodding his head slowly. “Yeah, I’d be down.” He replied with a true smile, one that did reach his eyes this time. “I currently work nearly all hours of the day because it’s hard to turn off,” he confessed. “Maybe having a schedule would make things better, though I’m sure my manager would be pissy that I don’t answer their emails immediately.” Charlie rolled his eyes at the thought. 
A soft smile crossed Charlie’s face as Eleanor continued to talk. For once, it was someone else who kept talking and not him. It was nice to find a kindred spirit in someone like Eleanor. “And yours is welcome around me. I’m glad to have met you.” He thought for a moment, then pointed a finger at her. “I think you should really meet my boyfriend,” Charlie decided with a knowing look. “His name’s Finn. He’s also really good at reading emotions.” If he’d been picking up on things, he was letting Eleanor know now. He shot her a wink. “Seriously, I feel like he could learn a thing or two.”
Eleanor bit her lip to keep herself from laughing as she tried her best to appear serious. “Well if you ever decide that you want to perform it for someone I’m just a message away.” Charlie put up a good front, she had to give him that, but she could tell that he was fighting for his life trying to keep all of his emotions in check. She wouldn’t comment on it any further, not unless he decided to open up about it himself. Already the empath had a bad habit of going around and accidentally sounding like a therapist whenever she spoke with people she could feel needed a little bit of emotional support but she didn’t want to do that to him. She needed to respect his wishes to not speak about it just as those around her had respected that same wish when she’d voiced it.
“I completely understand, my publisher has a short temper.” Eleanor joked in response. “She hates when I don’t get to her emails in a timely manner and even once threatened to have my unfinished book put onto shelves just to drive home how seriously she took deadlines. We get along great, she's just not one to cross.”
Eleanor felt proud of herself for having found another friend. “I’m glad to have met you, too. Even if you did annoy me before we even spoke. I’m still so sorry about that outburst by the way.” But her smile faded when Charlie pointed at her and mentioned his boyfriend and winked at her. Truly he must have been mistaken, she’d never met anyone with the same abilities as herself. “He’s good at it too, huh?” He seemed sure of himself though so she decided to take his word for it. She had no words, just a feeling of relief that flooded her system. There’s someone else like me, I’m not totally alone. “I would love to meet him, actually. The name sounds familiar, we may have spoken online a long while ago but I can’t be certain. What’s he like?”
Nodding his head knowingly, Charlie was more sure of himself by the second. “He has this special talent for knowing exactly how I’m feeling even when I’m hiding it.” He further explained. “Fucking annoying when you’re trying to pretend everything is fine, let me tell you what.” He grumbled to himself, shaking his head in annoyance, but quickly shook it away to further address Eleanor’s growing excitement and curiosity. 
When she said she’d love to meet him, Charlie beamed at her. “He’s a piece of work, that’s what he’s like. Super sarcastic and dry sense of humor.” He explained, waving a hand with a goofy grin on his face. “Despite that, he’d been my best friend for over ten years. He knows he’s got this ability, but he’s struggling with it.” He frowned, looking over to Eleanor, searching her expression for some kind of giveaway. “And if he had someone else that was like him, maybe you two could help each other out.” 
“Despite being a literal empath, he’s bad with emotions. I love him dearly, but he’s always struggled with it. What he needs is a friend who understands him, and I think you could benefit from that too.” Charlie pulled his phone out and showed Finn’s account. “This is him.” He spoke as he handed the phone out to her. “Please, reach out to him. I’d be grateful. I think the three of us could be good friends, but I think the two of you could be even greater friends.”
Eleanor had to laugh because she knew exactly what Charlie meant. “I’m usually told I’m either creepy or annoying, those are the only two. I try to be helpful but sometimes it’s hard when you’re feeling everything all at once and just want it to be quiet. I sometimes think that I should have become a therapist instead of a writer but I don’t think I’d be able to handle the back-to-back negative emotions.” She felt strange speaking about her abilities so candidly but it also felt nice. Only a select few knew of what went on inside her mind but she trusted Charlie and it seemed his boyfriend truly was an empath. She couldn’t contain how happy that made her.
“We’re in luck because I have extensive experience in dealing with both sarcasm and dry humor. You two were friends for that long before dating? That’s cute, I love that! Kind of like a ‘you were always there’ sort of thing, right?” Eleanor had a bad habit of assigning certain book tropes to people in real life but it was how her brain worked and she didn’t know how to stop. “I still struggle from time to time but I’m in a much better place than I was just a few months ago. It would be my pleasure to try and help him out, and who knows, maybe he’ll be able to teach me a thing or two. I’ve never knowingly met with someone else who can do what I do. I wonder…” Her mind raced as she thought of all of the things she’d love to ask Finn. “I have a lot of questions for the poor guy.”
Eleanor knew she’d made the right decision when she made up her mind to come back to Wicked’s Rest, no where else would she accidentally find someone like herself. “I could benefit from that a lot, it’s hard speaking with people who don’t fully understand. No offense!” She took Charlie’s phone and looked through Finn’s profile. “You know what? I think I have spoken with him before but it was very brief and quite a while ago so of course neither of us knew that the other was an empath. I will definitely reach out to him! Thank you! “ Her hand shook with excitement as she handed his phone back. “We’ll have to plan something fun for the three of us to do together. Probably something lowkey, I don’t know what it’s like having two empaths together but I’m sure being out in a crowded area won’t go over well.” She nervously laughed as she thought of all the ways that could go wrong.
Charlie couldn’t help but blush as Eleanor called out a trope that described him and Finn. “Yeah, we were friends for a long ass time. I got famous and started touring, we grew apart. I came here, we reunited and here we are now.” He shrugged, then got reminded of why he ended up in the park in the first place, angry with Finn because he was nowhere to be found when he needed him, the one time he needed him. Anger and regret started to build on top of the pile of grief that was already there, making Charlie suddenly feel a hell of a lot worse. 
“You could always come over to the house,” Charlie offered with a smile, forcing the wave of negative emotions deep down where he couldn’t feel them, where he could lock them away and keep them there, build a brick house around it, and leave it to rot. “Definitely not a crowd, he doesn’t do well with crowds.” Charlie filled in automatically, voice more robotic than human as he fought to control his feelings. 
“I’m glad that we met,” Charlie spoke with a bright smile. “Seriously, keep in touch. I’ll be sure to bother you immediately.” He took a step back toward where his notebook and guitar were, a soft smile crossing his features. “I’ll tell Finn to keep an eye out for a message or something, seriously.” And with that, Charlie turned around and began to pack up. He needed to stop avoiding Finn, and he needed to get his act together, now that there was more than one empath in his life now.
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nihilityart · 2 years
TenSura Incorrect Quotes
Rimuru: Died and came back as a cowboy, I call that reintarnation.
Guy Crimson: I’d like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Luminous Valentine (After having her identity exposed): I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck
Deeno: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Milim: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Draguel: You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.
Leon Cromwell: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Ramaris: You know how I roll. Ramaris: And I’m not talking about that time I fell into a pile of dung at the foot of a hill
Rimuru: Okay, truth or dare? Veldora: Truth Rimuru: How many hours have you slept this week? Veldora: Veldora: ...Dare Rimuru: Go to bed. Veldora: I don’t like this game.
Rimuru: What are your goals? Shizu: To pet all the dogs. Rimuru: No, fitness goals. Shizu: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Rimuru : It’s dark in here Milim: Don’t worry dude I got this Milim: *Stomps their feet* Milim: *Skechers light up*
Leon: I’m going to take you out Guy Crimson: great, it’s a date! Leon: I meant that as a threat. Guy Crimson: See you at five!
Milim: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Rimuru: What did you do? Milim: Nobody died. Rimuru: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Rimuru: How do I deal with my enemies? Milim: Kill them Rimuru: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution Milim: Kill them only a little?
Rimuru, addressing the demon lords: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box. Luminous Valentine: But – that’s just a trash can. Rimuru: It sure is!
Shion: A theif. Rimuru: Thief? Shion: Theif. Rimuru: I before E, except after C. Shion: Thceif. Rimuru: No.
Guy Crimson: While I’m gone, Milim, you’re in charge. Milim: Yes!!! Guy Crimson, whispering: Rimuru, you’re secretly in charge. Rimuru: Obviously.
(Perchance Incorrect Quotes)
Milim: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Luminous: A doll. Guy Crimson: A cinnamon roll. Rimuru: A sweetheart. Milim: Milim: ...stop it.
Milim: Wake me up- Rimuru: Before you go go Guy Crimson: When September ends Luminous Valentine: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Diablo: Good morning. Testarossa: Good morning. Ultima: Good morning. Rimuru: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit. Carrera: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!
Rimuru: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell. Ultima, Diablo, Testarossa, and Carrera: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
Rimuru : How would you like your pancakes? Velgrynd: Plain. Velzard: With sprinkles! Veldanava: Chocolate chips. Veldora: Potatoes. *Velgrynd, Velzard, and Veldanava look at Veldora* Veldora: What? They're good.
*Everyone is giving advice to Rimuru * Veldanava: It's okay to ask for help. Velzard: You're not a burden. Veldora: Murder is okay. Velgrynd: Your feelings matter.
Velzard: Look guys, I need help. Veldanava: Love help? Rimuru : Financial help? Velgrynd: Emotional help? Veldora: Help moving a body? *Everybody looks at Veldora* Veldora: What?
Velgrynd: Where's Veldanava, Veldora, and Velzard? Rimuru : They're playing hide and seek. Velgrynd: Where? Rimuru : I don't think you get how this game works.
Velzard: Wait, hold up, why you draw yourself like that? Rimuru : Uh, like what? Velzard: Like with gorgeous, muscular legs. Rimuru: Uh, this is what I look like. Velzard: Rimuru : THIS IS WHAT I LOOK LIKE! Velzard: Okay, then I want big beefy arms. Hot ones. Velgrynd: I wanna have a cowboy hat! Rimuru : Okay, arms and hat. *draws them* Veldanava: Ooh, give me a cowboy hat too! Rimuru : You can't just take Velgrynd's hat idea, Veldanava! They thought it up all by themself like a good person! Come up with your own thing! Veldanava: BUT I WANNA LOOK COOL! Veldora: Put Veldanava on one of those stupid baby tricycles. Veldanava: NO!! Rimuru : Tricycle, done. *draws it* Milim, want anything? Veldora, making finger guns: Pew pew. Rimuru : A blaster?! No, that's not really our style, Milim. Milim, making finger guns: Pew pew. Rimuru : You know what, okay. *draws it* But it's just for holding, not for shooting.
Raphael: You are an absolute fucking dork, Master. Rimuru, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork! Raphael: *sighs* Yeah, you're my dork.
Rimuru: *makes Raphael a cup of tea but puts salt in it* Raphael: *sips tea* Rimuru: Raphael: *finishes tea* Rimuru: Didn't it taste bad? Raphael: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all. Rimuru, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Raphael: You have your weirdly sincere humility. Rimuru: I prefer the term "self-loathing", actually.
Rimuru: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium* Raphael: Master, what did you think a tiger shark was?
Raphael: Is five a lot of followers? Rimuru: Depends on the context. Rimuru: On Instagram? No, not a lot of followers. Rimuru: In a dark alley? Yes, a lot of followers.
Rimuru: I have a new hoodie. Raphael: Wrong. Raphael:We have a new hoodie, Master.
(Bonus from a Beastars x TenSura AU called "Tragic Reincarnation)
Rimuru: If I die, you can have what little I own. Raphael: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die, Master? Rimuru: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. Raphael: Raphael: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again, Master.
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kyluxtrashpit · 5 months
Uh, thoughtful response anon here – identifying myself this time as it would seem you’ve been dealing with quite a lot! I’m also surprised at how this appears to have blown up for you, and do hope it eases soon. I truly apologize if this is piling on top of that, I’ll honestly try to be brief…
Seeing your responses to all this, I suppose what’s nice, in its own way, is how the other person you’ve publicly conversed with helps show there’s conceivable evidence for both a genuine misunderstanding along with yours and others concerns for a potential botting. As we’ve both said, there’s likely no way we’ll ever truly know. I can appreciate that person’s desire for faith in the community; wanting to see the good and put trust before suspicion in others isn’t a bad thing to have – innocent before guilty, and all that. However, more than one thing can coincide, context is important to decision making, and when it comes to large groups, the more people there are, the reality is there will simply always be bad apples. Add on the fact most of us likely haven’t even spoken to one another (SW is an enormous umbrella fandom) let alone ever met in real life, one simply cannot assume blindly that no one is capable of going too far merely because they share interests, have perhaps spoken to some who’ve in turn spoken to others, etc., or don’t want to believe someone around them could do so. The fact some people might be pushing suspicions and blame on kylux, etc. is certainly unfair to all of us regardless of whether it’s a misunderstanding or not. But it can still be admitted that it is upsetting if there’s botting, even if simply because it has led to such a reaction disparaging us all. That’s not turning on our own. Everyone makes poor decisions and mistakes, acknowledging that isn’t a lack of faith, or a witch hunt, or even condemnation of the integrity of a whole group. I also don’t think there’s enough to say botting is a baseless concern, which would have made wholeheartedly standing by one’s community a completely justified stance.
I hope that person (who none of the above was meant to target or preach to at all! I was being general!) doesn’t think poorly of you for wanting to point out such possible behavior as wrong just because a potential botter(s) might be a kyluxer, or at least a fan of the character alone. And I likewise wouldn’t want them feeling upset about all this either. But still, no matter what i've said, it’s perfectly alright if they, or anyone, disagrees!
Also, I don’t blame the promotional content either! A catalyst to a situation doesn’t necessarily mean blame; another’s actions in response to something are their own and not the fault of the person who might have inspired their decision. In fact, as a positive catalyst, I’ve seen others doing similar edits and posts for their own preferred character in the poll, which is a wonderful burst of fandom pride that is nice to see and further cements how this should be a fun bit of enjoyment for SW fans.
Now! That aside, my primary point in responding further at all was because in your reply to me, you related something I’d hoped all along to happen when initially sending my first message. That being to lighten your feelings of disappointment. (Speaking on that, don’t feel too down about your initial post on the matter. You’re totally within your right to want to express your feelings, particularly as a kyluxer, about what could be happening. Whether emotionally charged in the moment or not, doing so isn’t something I have judged you for at all, nor do I think what you wrote was bad to begin with, and I’m sure there are others who feel the same.) Anyway, you saying you’ve felt some of your faith restored due to the overall response from others is exactly the sort of thing I’d hoped could happen for you. As much as something might seem bad, good things you’d not have expected to come from such, can. Like new growth after a fire, or understanding and reconciliation after a misunderstanding’s fallout, thus strengthening a once cracking bond. Sometimes you need to face the bad so you can reach the (sturdier) good on the other side.
As a final secondary I wanted to express how lovely and commendable it is of you to sort of take up the mantle of Voice for those concerned but fearful of potential backlash. You certainly don’t deserve any harassment yourself nor had any requirement to do so in the first place, of course, but I’m sure many are very thankful for you being that for those of us in the fandom worried to put our name to our thoughts.
Whichever way the poll concludes, there was some nice even amongst the not so nice in all this. And I do really wish you safe and well in dealing with those accusations, etc. issues; though again, your resilience is inspiring and wonderful to see :)
I decided to let the mess blow over for a couple days cause uh yeah, it kinda went haywire lmao (and some people are still making bitchy little posts about me, but I’m too employed to be anything other than mildly annoyed about it haha). I always appreciate discussion from thoughtful and reasonable people
But yeah honestly I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here. There’s a few possible explanations, all of which have evidence for and against. And we don’t all know each other, even if 99 out of 100 people in the fandom are wonderful, the 1% can still take actions the rest of us would rather they not. The thing that’s been most comforting to me is how the vast majority of people, whether they agreed or disagreed, were very reasonable and open to conversation, and that most of us were able to have comfortable, amicable discussion regardless of whether we agreed. That and the fact that most people had the correct reaction of agreeing that botting would be a shitty thing to do, whether or not it was happening. The stragglers that were either confrontational or who think I’m being “a cop” by saying ‘cheating on a fun fandom poll is not a nice thing to do’ are far, far in the minority (and I think I blocked them all anyway lmfao)
Honestly, the way people brought up promotional content (and also like. Several people seemed to refer to me being a Hux or kylux hater and like. My url lmao? My blog??? I don’t know where that came from) makes me wonder what other nonsense is going on out there that I’ve mercifully not seen. I may have smacked an already angry hornets’ nest without realizing. The edits are great, idk why people thought I was upset about those. It’s strange
Aww, you’re very sweet anon. It did help, really, and you and the other people who’ve been nothing but kind (and shoutout to the creator of the polls and the people in my dms I don’t want to out who were also kind, reasonable people) did help a lot. I don’t regret the post, even if it kinda got weird lmao – I think it was a good thing to address and in the end we have come out better, as you say, for acknowledging the possibility of bad behaviour and affirming our majority agreement that such behaviour is unfitting of our fandom
And thank you! I’ve seen some brutal harassment in multiple fandoms and my position of someone who has a reasonably existent following protects me a bit from that, as smaller blogs tend to be the bigger targets. I also am good at being annoying yet polite lmao and I don’t mind getting into discussions and even arguments, so I’d rather people come after me than someone who could get hurt emotionally from it. I spent my first years on tumblr mired in the hell that was dragon age fandom, so nothing can phase me at this point XD I’m more offended when people will make some sort of clever little insult directly at me, on my own post, and then get shocked when I respond to them and then they instantly block me like. Hi, if you’re gonna start something with me, at least finish it mkay? Lmao
But anyway, again, I appreciate how lovely and reasonable you’ve been through all this. Fortunately, the focus of the poll discussion seems to have shifted to other things now and I think now we can let this whole thing rest peacefully
0 notes
lacertae-dreamscape · 2 years
fave 10 characters from any media and why u like them?
oh um that's one i have to think about anon <3
in no particular order, let's see...
Tobias (Animorphs) - i like the sweet and kind and sensitive type who's forced to reassess where he is as a person when he's stuck in a situation that doesn't allow him many leeways + confronting the inherent bias and hypocrisies of being human while... well. not being in a human body. (Tobias in Animorphs is a kid who's given the power to turn into animals for 2 hours, but gets trapped in the body of a hawk. This book series is probably one of the first hyperfixations i've ever had.)
Bilbo (The Hobbit) - someone who'd grown complacent with his life as it was, without listening to the part of him who asked for something different finally is pushed into taking that step into the something new and ends up finding that the world is so much bigger and so much MORE than he ever could believe... and then loses it all, goes back home alone and full of regrets and memories and loss, stuck in a place that should be his coveted home but is restrictive and small and too little all the same but also safe, and until the very last, continues to listen for the sounds of foreign footsteps by the door of his house.
Zenyatta (Overwatch) - if he was just a monk, it wouldn't have been as compelling as the idea of a monk who is a robot -not a cyborg, but a complex AI robot with what counts as a soul. A robot with a soul who can touch and connect with a higher spiritual being in which he believes into, a role of semi-pacifist who faces his own brand of racism as he's not human and never will be, threading on a thin line for acceptation and respect and equality and who believes so strongly in change and carving your own path. The finer appeal of life and a soul in a robot's body.
Giskard R. Reventlov (Asimov) - feels weird to go directly for the jugular with yet another robot but. Giskard appeared in two books from the Elijah Baley saga written by Asimov. It takes place chronologically in-between his early robot books (growth of robot use by humans) and the Foundation setting saga (far future where Earth is the first of many planets colonized by humans). This robot can read minds, which binds him even more strictly to the Three Laws of Robotics. I love him to a point it's hard to define why i do. He freezes when faced with a conundrum over whether the possible destruction of Earth will be a positive or not for the advancement of humans by allowing them to expand into space, but not before admitting his own limitations and gifting Daneel (another robot) with the same power of reading minds, tasking him the herculean job of aiding humanity in its growth.
The Sandman (Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood) - fascinating character that i met with the movie first, but i found myself loving as a character from the book version too. I love the softness of his interactions with others, and i personally love that he does not speak, i find it opens so many new ways of interpretation. Also his design is top notch and there is so much strength in *dreams*
Natsume (Natsume Yuujinchou) - hello we got manga here. uh. I personally find myself gravitating towards characters who, despite everything else, choose to be strong and kind in the face of opposition. Kindness is a choice. Natsume's story is that he can see spirits, and finds purpose in an old journal his grandma, who also could see spirits but had a sad life, left behind. Seeing characters who were not loved and had a hard time trusting others choose to be kind and find their own family is probably my favourite trope and i'll always love the innate strength of characters facing of things that are bigger than them and discovering the depths of their own selves.
Watanuki (XXXHolic) - similar to the above, but different. a twist of fate of a character who was never meant to exist learning to not only crave life but want it, want to survive in spite of fate, wanting to live and experiment life as it was meant to be, day after day, even if. even if. even when. (but BOI was my boi watanuki done dirty) He also sees spirits, he's also unable to control his own fate, but he's taught, little by little, that his own life has a meaning and a purpose. He's taught that he's wanted. that people care. It is a very important teaching.
Wander (Wander over Yonder) - hello? absolute optimistic alien whose entire shtic is wander around the galaxy to see how amazing it is? making friends and being positive even when life drags u down? knowing that, again: kindness is a choice and its not a bad choice, and that little good deeds matter? you know how much these things mean to me? no? oh god they do so much. in bad times, i cling to this kind of message. there is strength in taking the little things and simply living for them.
Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie) - how could he not be here? this is the one and only detective i will love. (sherlock holmes is good but like. he'll always be secondary but ill always always always love poirot). this also includes the only actor ive ever seen that was able to truly portray the essence of this man, David Suchet. no other actor. *hisses* i just really love me a short, polite gentleman with incredibly specific manners who has his own sense of justice and an amazing brain.
Saitama (One Punch Man) - i guess i can end this with him haha. there is. a lot i can say about subversion of like. typical shounen/seinen tropes and whatnot, but at the end of the day, saitama's just a person. he's depressed and clinging so hard to the one thing he thought would be able to help (and now its worse than before) and having a hard time feeling like he's welcome in a society like this. he finds no place for himself, alienated as he is. i can. relate a lot to this. and despite everything else - yes its coming u know its coming. he chooses to do good things. he chooses to be a hero. he's by no means perfect, nor would i like him if he was. but he fights every day and that's all that matters in the end.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐) || sub!bucky barnes x dominatrix!reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 || every client is different, with different needs; but this client is, in every way, exceptional.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 || 5k
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 || smut (cnc), dom/sub relationship, ‘mistress’ title, pain kink, cockwarming, orgasm denial/control, use of a cockring, slapping, objectification/degradation, some angst and hurt/comfort, crying after sex, touchstarved!bucky
new parts posted on thursdays!  join the taglist here
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"And you can promise complete and total discretion?” the deep and husky voice on the other end of the line repeated, low enough that it was almost a whisper.
You laughed a little. “Of course,” you answered. Most clients were serious about privacy, but this guy was next level. He must be famous, you thought to yourself, or married. Or both.
But just as much as your clients wanted to keep you separate from their personal life, you would rather they know nothing about who you are. Of course it was always a risk, since nobody could hide their face and you had to work out of your apartment, but you did what you could to keep your job just that— a job.
You told your friends you were a consultant, because people didn’t question that. Sure, it was hard to keep up the lie sometimes when you got last-minute bookings and had to cancel plans, but it was worth it for the money these men were willing to pay.
And this new guy? He was shelling out all kinds of cash, on a long set of conditions. Including an NDA. You wouldn’t have given him up either way, but if the contract made him feel better (and made him pay more) then you were happy to sign it.
“So it’s all anonymous, then? No ID, no credit card…?” he pressed.
“I mean, if cash is easier for you—”
“It is.”
You were starting to worry that this was a major red flag, as if he didn’t want to be traceable back to you at all. It was almost a dealbreaker, until you glanced down at the legal pad you’d written his offer on and remembered that you couldn’t afford to turn him down. “Then cash is fine,” you decided, making a note to yourself to have 911 already dialed when he came by in case his aversion to ID was really about a desire to get away with something.
“When can we start?”
“Um, well the soonest I can do is tomorrow at seven” you explained.
"Great, I'll be there," he answered firmly, apparently about to hand up.
“Hey, hey, slow down!” you chuckled. “Can I at least get a name?”
“I didn’t think we needed to do names.”
“We don’t… but if you’re willing, I’d like to know something to call you.”
“James,” he answered after a tense pause. “James is fine.”
“Alright, James, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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Upon opening the door, you instantly noticed three things about him: he was tall, he was big, and he was sexy.
You had sort of been hoping that his appearance wouldn’t match his voice, but it did, and it was going to make this so much harder.  Maybe easier in a few ways, but overall worse.  It was important that you didn’t get too emotionally invested with your clients.
His eyes were dragging over you like he was just as taken aback.  Which was odd, because he must have seen your picture online before he called you.  
“James,” you greeted. “Glad you made it.”
You stepped aside to let him enter, guiding him to take a seat in your living room.  Before clients came by, you hid any signs of life and kept the space as neutral as possible, which was why the only furniture was the white couch he sat on, the black chair across from it, and a glass table in between.
You sat in the black chair and crossed your legs, noticing with pride the way his eyes studied your every move.
“It’s important that we have a discussion about boundaries and limits before this goes any further," you explained sternly, and he nodded slightly.  "Tell me what you do and don't want."
“Uh, well, I guess I was just looking for… somebody who can administer, um, discipline… you know, someone who sets rules and enforces them.  But could also be kind of, uh, sweet I guess, to.  Not too sweet, just… not too mean either."
You smiled a little; he sounded right up your alley.  "I can do that."
"You should know I… I have a… disability.  My left arm it's, um, it's a prosthetic."
"How would you like me to accommodate that?"
"Just don't say anything about it, please.  Treat it like a normal arm.  And, uh, if you could ignore my scars, too…" he added awkwardly.
"Of course,” you nodded, “I would never want to make you feel insecure."
"Well, I mean, I'm not against degradation," he admitted sheepishly, making you smile a little.
"Right: that's different.  Anything else you're distinctly not against?"
“I can take a lot of pain,” he explained matter-of-factly.  “However much you think I can handle, double it.  I wanna feel it.”
You could almost hear the words he wasn’t saying: I wanna feel something.
“Okay, we can do that.  You’ve probably heard of the color system," you posited.
“I haven’t.”
"Oh."  That threw you off slightly… how new was he to this scene?  “Well, it’s traditionally green, yellow, red; like a stoplight.  Red means stop.  Yellow means proceed with caution.  Green means continue.”
“Sounds simple enough.”
“Too simple for me, in fact.  I have my own version: ‘red’ will make me stop what I’m doing, but only ‘black’ ends the scene entirely.  And then there’s ‘blue.’  That means you want more.”
He smirked a little; a strong show of emotion compared to his stoicism so far.  “I think I’ll use that one most.”
“Just don’t be afraid to use anything else, alright?  I’d never be disappointed in you for safewording, or even just needing a break.”
He nodded.  “Can we get to it then?”
“You’re rushing as always,” you laughed.  “I’m not charging you for this part.  We have plenty of time— don’t we?”
“Yes, but—” he sighed.  “You look really… I walked in and, I guess I’m just really looking forward to this.”
You almost would’ve smiled at the compliment but you thankfully suppressed it.  “And what is it that you’re looking forward to?  What do you want me to do to you?”
His jaw tightened as he looked away from you.  “Um, there’s a lot.”
“Enlighten me.”
“Ropes.  Strongest you have.  I can buy you stronger ones if you need them, for next time…”
He’s already thinking about next time?  He’s already thinking about buying me things?
“Alright, I can do ropes: wrists and ankles?  Or more than that?”
He seemed a bit confused by that question.  “Is there anywhere else?”
“Torso,” you enumerated, “neck—” you stopped because you saw his reaction to that, and it made you smile a bit.  “Okay, so maybe the neck is something to try.  Do you like being choked?”
“I… I don’t know…” he sighed.
“Have you ever been choked before?”
“Not… sexually...”
You felt your eyebrows rise, but didn’t want to press; a story for another time, perhaps.
“We’ll have to discuss silent safewords and signals so you can tap out, but if you’d be willing to try it—”
You laughed.  “Eager, are we?”
He swallowed, and you wondered if you shouldn’t have let your ‘dom voice’ slip out in that moment… but he looked so good flustered like that.  He adjusted himself slightly in his chair and you hoped he was already hard.  And with that thought in mind, you couldn’t stop yourself from teasing him further.
“Do you like being called certain things?” you asked, voice lower as you leaned forward.  “How do you feel about ‘pet’?” 
He almost kept up his poker face, but his gaze faltered at the same time he moved in his chair again.  “Um, ‘pet’ is okay.”
“Baby boy?”
“Not really my speed,” he shrugged.
You slipped out of your chair and stood up, approaching him slowly as the click of your heels echoed across the tile.  He watched you with wide eyes and quickening breaths.
“What do you like?  Tell me,” you demanded, though you kept your tone light.
“Uh,” he paused, watching your hand as it rested on his leg, “I like… I like being called a good boy.”
You grinned as you pulled your hand away, watching him tense up with disappointment.  “I can do that,” you agreed, lifting his chin with a finger until he looked at you with those beautiful, desperate eyes, “if you actually are being a good boy for me.” “I will,” he promised quickly, “I’ll be so good.”
“Mmm, I bet you will,” you purred.  “So willing to please…”
“Tell me how,” he sighed as your hand trailed from his chin down to his chest, slipping under the loose collar of his henley and rubbing his chest.  “Tell me how to please you.”
“Well, for starters, I have a name, too: Mistress.”
He sighed like the wind had been knocked out of him, but nodded.
“And if I ask you a question, I expect you to answer ‘Yes, Mistress’ or ‘No, Mistress’.  Is that clear?”
“Uh-huh,” he agreed before suddenly correcting himself, “um, yes, Mistress.”
“I’ll let you have that one,” you frowned, “but further infractions will be punished.”
“Yes, Mistress; I’m sorry, Mistress,” he moaned, melting under your touch as your hand moved down to rub his thigh through his jeans.
“Now, just for fun,” you smiled, leaning down until your lips were nearly brushing his ear, “tell me what you want.”
“Please touch me, Mistress,” he sighed.
“But I am touching you.”
“Touch my… touch my cock," he clarified, adorably embarrassed. "It’s so hard for you…”
“We’ll get to that eventually.  Let’s go to the bedroom first, okay?”
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However good he looked standing in your doorway half an hour ago, it was nothing compared to how he looked naked and hard and tied to your bed.
Yes, the prosthetic and the scars that attached it to his body were hard to ignore.  He had failed to warn you that it was metal, so you couldn’t hide the slight shift of your face when it caught the light; you hoped he didn’t think it was a look of judgment or disgust, because you truly didn’t think it was anything upsetting.  Maybe the scars were a little worrying… but they didn’t seem to bother him now, at least physically.
But truly, if anything was distracting about his body, it wasn’t the arm.  It was his muscles— no wait, it had to be his cock, right?  It’s tough to call: on one hand, his entire body was toned and hardened beyond the peak of human conditioning, his thick thighs making your mouth water already, his chiseled abs almost making you jealous; but on the other hand, between those lovely thighs and curving up against those perfect abs was a cock that rivalled anything you'd ever seen before, with a blue vein running up one side and a drip of precum rolling down the other.
You finally sauntered up to the bed and ran your fingers over the taught ropes, pretending to ignore him watching you impatiently.  It was almost hotter knowing that he could pull out of the ropes if he really wanted to.  More than most, he was choosing to submit to them and to you.
“How’s this knot feel?  Too tight?” you hummed, tugging the rope just beside his wrist and watching his hand move limply with it.
“No, it’s good.”
You stepped back to the foot of the bed and stripped slowly, peeling off your black dress to reveal a matching lace set underneath.  You left your heels on as you stepped out of the dress and kicked it aside.
Turning back to face him, James looked like he was all but drooling.  You could see in his eyes how much he wished the ropes weren’t holding him back so he could run his hands all over your body.
But you could tell he craved being denied what he wanted, by the way his cock flexed of its own volition.
You let yourself smile as you crawled your way up the bed and over his body, like a panther stalking its prey, and boy did he look ready to be devoured.
"Are you scared?" you asked quietly.  He shook his head.  "Are you ready?"
He nodded.  You sat up as you straddled him, positioned just right such that no part of you was really touching him, and watched with delight as he tugged against the ropes slightly to try to get closer.
"So needy," you grinned, somewhere between praising and scolding him.  Your fingers ghosted over his chest and he shivered; he asked you to treat his prosthetic like a normal arm, so you dragged your nails down the metal and watched his eyes flutter shut.  When you pulled your hand back and left him untouched again, he whined slightly.
“Aw, poor thing,” you pouted as you examined him, desperation emanating off of him in an invisible aura.  “Your cock is all red and leaking… it must hurt, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, Mistress,” he groaned.
“What if I touch it a little?” you offered.
You traced your fingers lightly up and down his length, tickling the skin and giving him the least pressure that you could.  He whimpered and you chuckled mockingly.  “I said I’d touch it a little, sweet boy, are you not satisfied?”
He bucked up into your touch as best he could, causing you to pull your hand away.  “Baby, please—” 
You cut him off with a slap to the face, as hard as you could muster.
“Mistress!” he corrected with a whine.  “Mistress, please… please wrap your hand around it.”
“Around what?” 
“Around… my cock.  Stroke me, please…”
“All you had to do was ask,” you grinned, finally tightening your hand around him and moving slowly up and down the shaft.  His head fell back with a soft moan, just from that.  Your teasing had certainly helped get him this worked up, but you knew it wasn't just that… he was plenty sensitive all on his own, apparently.
It made your mouth water.
"Does this feel good, James?" you asked huskily.
"S-so good," he whimpered, "please can you… stroke it a little faster, please, Mistress…"
"Hmm, not yet," you decided, feeling him tense up beneath you.  "Relax," you instructed with a free hand rubbing his thigh gently.  
You continued to teasingly stroke his length, never quite giving him the pressure or speed he needed to get closer to his release, savoring every whimper and whine and sigh from him along with the satisfying weight of his cock against your palm.
It felt like you'd never get tired of wielding so much power in your hand.
"Please," he sighed, "I need more…"
"You want me to stroke you faster?" you pressed, already knowing that wasn't what he meant.  He shook his head and you grinned, leaning in closer but letting go of his cock. 
Slowly, you let the lace covering your core rub up against his shaft, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head.  "Ohhhhh," he moaned, "oh fuck, Mistress…"
You grinned and kept rocking against him, easily feeling the warmth of him through your panties— meaning he, in turn, could feel the warmth of you.  "How does it feel, baby?" 
"Good," he choked out, "really, really good… fuck, I want more, I need more, please…"
"Are you my good boy, James?" you asked in a low purr.  He nodded eagerly, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed nothing.  "Do you want to be inside me?" you finally whispered against his ear, letting a finger run lazily up his spine and feeling him shiver so hard it was more like he was convulsing.
"Please, Mistress, I'll do anything…"
You didn't touch all of your clients sexually, due in part to the fact that they usually wanted a lot more pain than pleasure.  You'd only had sex with one or two of them, and it wasn't a routine thing.  Before today you never would've imagined doing this with a first-time client, but to be completely honest… he was fucking hot.  The kind of guy you'd be spreading your legs for instantly if you weren't at work and he wanted to buy you a drink or grab lunch.  And he was here, at your disposal, begging you for more.  How could you say no?  
You pulled your panties aside and gripped his cock tightly to guide it to your entrance, studying his face twisted in anticipation before sinking down and watching him gasp and sigh all at once, somehow.
It took a lot of effort to hide your own pleasure when he was stretching you out so perfectly, but you managed to suppress the desire to moan and just smile at his fucked-out expression instead.
Finally, your hips met with his and you got to sit there and enjoy the look of dawning agony as he realized you were staying completely still.
“Move, please,” he sobbed, “oh god, Mistress, please move…”
“But I thought you wanted to be inside me?  Isn’t this what you asked for?”
He whined and tried to wiggle his hips; all that got him was two hard slaps to the face.  
“No whining,” you instructed through your teeth.  “Good boys don’t whine.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he whimpered, “‘m your good boy, I promise.”
“I know you are,” you grinned, “or at least, I know you can be.  Show me how good and patient you are.”
Reaching to the side a bit without getting off of him, you pulled a vibrator from your drawer.  His eyes went a little wide when he saw it, and you laughed.
"Don't worry, this isn't for you.  It's for me," you explained as you turned it on, inserting it between your body and his to touch the toy against your clit.  He winced as you sighed contentedly.  "Fuck, it feels good.  Can you feel it on your cock?"
"A… a little…" he hissed.
"I bet it feels good for you too," you posited, "but not good enough to make you come."
After a little pause, he nodded breathlessly.
"Good," you smiled.  "I just wanna come with your cock inside me.  I wanna know how it feels to get off with my favorite toy while being full of my newest toy."
"Fuck," he groaned.
"Do you like that, pretty boy?  Do you like me using your cock, being your Mistress' dumb little fucktoy?"
"Yes," he sobbed, hips shifting ever so slightly beneath you as he sought more stimulation from your flexing walls.  Shifting the vibe to hit right on your clit, you cried out— and he did too, at the feeling of you tightening around him.
"God, you love being Mistress' dildo, don't you?"
He nodded, biting hard on his lip until you worried he'd hurt himself.  He moaned again as another jolt of pleasure forced your channel to clench on his cock.
"You're making too much noise for a fucktoy, you need to be quiet."
He opened his mouth for a second, but closed it again and nodded instead.  
"You can do it yourself right?" you pressed, seeing him nod.  "You don't need me to gag that pretty mouth?" 
He whined but shook his head, keeping his lips pressed together.
That went on for a few more moments as you teased yourself with the vibe, hoping to draw this out for the sake of his struggle.  Wanting to up the ante, you took the vibe off your clit and turned it off for a moment.  "I think this would feel better with a little lube… will you get it wet for me, James?"
You brought the toy to his lips and he eagerly wrapped them around it, sucking lightly on the silicone with those pretty lashes resting on his cheeks.
"There you go, that's a good boy," you praised, pulling the toy from his mouth, "that's my good boy…"
"Yours…" he repeated weakly, "wanna be good for you, just for you…"
This time when you turned it on and pressed it to your clit again, you instantly gasped and felt your walls bare down on him; turning up the vibration, you actually moaned aloud and saw him wince.  "Oh, can you feel it now?" you asked tauntingly.  He bit his lip and nodded.
It really wasn't even intentional but you felt your hips start to rock, making him gasp as his eyes shot open.  For a guy who had been begging you to move not too long ago, he looked pretty overwhelmed by it now.
"Fuck, I'm gonna make myself come on your cock… do you wanna feel me come, baby?"
He seemed conflicted, which was exactly what you were going for.  You wanted him to struggle, just enough, between his need to satisfy himself and his desire to please you.  "I… I want to make you come, Mistress," he finally choked out, notably answering a slightly different question than the one you'd asked.  
You smiled and leaned in to whisper in his ear: "Are you afraid that if you feel me come around you, you won't be able to hold back?  That you might accidentally come inside me?"
He made a needy little groan and nodded.
"Don't worry, baby, I'm gonna help you," you promised sweetly, but of course as soon as he saw you grab a cockring from your drawer he changed his tune.
"N-no, Mistress, please," he begged with wide eyes, "I'll be good, just not that— don't put that on me."
You smirked and sat up, pulling off of him and slowly slipping the ring on his throbbing length as he quietly pleaded for mercy.  He winced when you pushed it down to the base of him, his cheeks burning hot red now.
"Is it a little too tight, baby?" you cooed, grinning when he nodded.  "Good."
You sank back down into him and let your hips grind on his, working your clit with the vibe and even kicking it up to the next highest setting.  He jolted beneath you, clearly feeling the vibrations strongly now, and you let the view of his beautifully broken facial expression egg on your own climax.
"Mm, I'm close, baby," you whispered, "just stay still and let Mistress use you like a good little boy."
He made a small noise through his teeth but seemed to manage okay, even when your walls began to pulse rhythmically around him and your head fell back, your free hand palming at your breast through the lace bra just to add that last little edge of sensation.
"Oh fuck, fuck," you moaned, "that's my good boy…"
You shakily pulled the vibe away and turned it off, still a little numb on your clit but feeling your channel still rippling slightly with aftershocks; he seemed to feel them in spite of their subtlety, if the panting breaths that filled his muscular chest rapidly were any indication.
As slow as you could manage, you pulled your body off of him and sat back on his legs to stare at his cock.  The remnants of your orgasm left plenty of lubrication to stroke it, focusing on the head which had turned almost purple now.
"M-Mistress," he groaned, writhing under your touch.
Amazingly, his cock was already flexing in your hand, and a growl of pride and hunger echoed in your chest.
“Oh fuck, can you come for me, James?” you moaned, pumping him so fast your hand was a blur.  “Can you be my good boy and come right through the cockring?”
“Yes,” he sobbed, “gonna come, Mistress, please—”
“Come right now,” you demanded, watching his face instantly fall slack as he spurted out onto his own chest and stomach, cock flexing and pulsing in your hands as his legs quivered and his hips thrusted wildly.
And the tears were flowing soon after.  You weren’t sure if it was sub drop or just the power of his release, but between weak sobs he whispered broken apologies.
“You did so good,” you cooed as you slipped off the ring and wrapped your arms around him, subtly trying to reach over to untie the ropes.  But you didn’t need to; he flexed his arms and the restraints popped like floss.  He embraced you in return as you let his head fall onto your chest.  “You’re so good, it’s okay,” you continued, stroking his hair.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated again, breathing quickly and wetting you with his tears.
This, you realized, is what he had made you sign the contract to protect.  It wasn’t that he was excessively embarrassed about his sexual proclivities, but that this was his space to be soft, and weak, and broken.  Apparently he wasn’t ready for anyone else to know that he wasn’t steel all the way down.
“Shh, it’s okay… you’re okay…” you breathed, indulging him in this moment even though it was more intimate than you preferred to get with customers.  Aftercare was an important part of your job, certainly, but so was enforcing boundaries.
He began to soothe as you kissed his forehead gently, whispering well-deserved affirmations and praise.  As his breathing slowed and moved back to normal, he pulled back and looked up at you.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated one more time, but not as wavering as before, “I didn’t think I would… that was unexpected.”
“No, it’s somewhat normal,” you exaggerated slightly, “this kind of thing… it’s taxing, I pushed you to your limits.  You were really tough, and it’s all very vulnerable.”
“Thanks,” he sighed, sniffling and wiping his eyes.  “And sorry about your ropes,” he smiled as he noticed the frayed ends coming off of where his wrists were still tied.
“Let me help you get those off,” you smiled, loosening the knots and sliding the binds off of him, quickly massaging the places that the rope had constricted.  “Blood flow’s okay?”
“Yep,” he nodded.
“You numb anywhere?” you pressed.
“Uh, just my dick.  And my brain is all fuzzy…” 
You smiled.  “Can’t help the first one.  Let me get you some water for the second.”
“No!” he yelped suddenly.  “Um, don’t go yet, please…”
“Of course,” you smiled.  “I’ll untie your ankles, then.”
He still seemed disappointed, as if he expected you to hug him for hours and never move.  He let you go this time, though, and loosened his grip so you could slide down to the foot of the bed.  
"Was that sort of what you were hoping for when you called me?" you asked as you untied the ropes slowly and took a moment to massage the skin underneath, hoping to restore any lost blood flow.
"So much better than what I was hoping for," he admitted with a breathless chuckle.  "You're… really good."
"Well, thank you," you shrugged, "it comes with practice and experience.  You held your own, too."
"I wish I could say that was from practice and experience.  I didn't want to say anything before but I've, uh, never actually… been to a domme before."
You smiled slightly, coming back up and being pulled into another embrace.  "Um, I'll admit I can kind of tell…" you mumbled.
"I'm not supposed to touch you like this," he realized quietly, relaxing his grip on you and pulling back.  "I'm sorry."
"No, it's alright, just don't get too comfortable because we only have—" you glanced at the clock— "eight more minutes until you need to leave."
"I'll get up and get dressed soon," he offered with a sigh as you got up and quickly slipped on a robe, grabbing him a damp washcloth for the drying come on his torso.
You tilted your head as you watched him clean up, and you wanted to offer some touch that was a bit less intimate than a hug, so you found yourself blurting out: "do you like having your hair played with?"
"Um, I don't… I don't know," he admitted as he reached up to card his fingers through the hair in question.  "No one else has ever really touched my hair before."
"Really?" you laughed, getting back on the bed to sit beside him.  "It looks pretty luscious.  I figured any girlfriend of yours would want to get her hands on it."
"Oh, well, the last time I had a girlfriend… it wasn't long then," he explained, and you kept on your best poker face.  His hair looked like he'd been growing it out for at least two years, unless it grew crazy fast or something.  How long had he been single?  With a body like that you could barely believe that he was single now.
"Do you mind if I touch it?" you offered quietly, and once he gave you a nod you reached forward and combed your fingers through it, reaching deeper to scratch at his scalp, occasionally pulling the strands lightly into loose braid-like patterns that fell away almost immediately afterwards.  He sank into your touch until you found yourself supporting his head against your chest, mindlessly playing with his hair until you noticed his eyes were shut, his breathing was slowed, and his body was limp on top of yours.
He fell asleep.
You laughed silently to yourself, realizing that you couldn't get him off of you without his cooperation since he was so heavy and you had no shot at lifting him.  And, of course, his cooperation required his consciousness… which required waking him up.
And, for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.  He just looked too peaceful, for a guy who had never seemed truly relaxed around you.
Was there any other way he could relax?  Cause it kinda seemed like he really, really needed this.  And you were in the business of meeting needs, to say the least.
So, with an apologetic text to your last client of the night that you needed to reschedule, you let James sleep on you as you closed your eyes and drifted off as well.
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The first tell was the body next to her. The second was the warmth. Her bed was never warm these days. The first two things had already clued her in that there was something off. Off was an understatement. She’s certain she passed out on her office floor clutching a bottle of alcohol and Jess was going to kill her in the morning. So, how the fuck-
The longer she stays there, eyes closed, feeling the breathing of a stranger, the more she’s convinced she’s suffered from amnesia. 
Beyond scared she opens her eyes, hoping, praying that she didn’t bring home some idiot from a cheap lesbian bar. Her eyes land on blonde hair and an all too familiar set of defined shoulders and Lena lets out a gasp of surprise. She sobers up, jerks upright. Jolting the pair of arms wrapped around her waist and making her companion wake abruptly. 
“Lena- Wha- Why’re you awake?”
“Kara-” That was all she was capable of as of the moment, because Kara was sitting up and flicking on the bedside lamp, letting Lena glimpse the small clock on the nightstand that read 4: 00 a.m. 
Kara’s voice was all raspy and sleep-laden and she was looking at Lena with concern. She was looking at Lena like they’ve done this all the time. And they did. 
She remembers jerking awake screaming from nightmares and Kara holding her; remembers waking up to Kara’s screams and holding her. 
But this-
This wasn’t right. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” She asks, crinkle forming. And Lena just stares and stares and-
“Kara, this isn’t real.”
“What? Oh, baby, come here. That dream must’ve really done a number on you, huh?” Kara coos and she gathers Lena in her arms. Lena can do nothing but melt and follow Kara’s movements, her mind is still reeling. 
Trying to decipher the events that had led here. This wasn’t real. This-
A tremble shakes the bed. Lena’s heart rate ticks up, Kara seems to have heard because she’s tightening her embrace and more words come out of her lips, but Lena doesn’t hear a word of it.
“I’m here, you’re safe. I’m here.” 
Lena finally finds her voice and she slowly tries to extricate herself from Kara. She can feel her hesitating to let her go. 
“This isn’t real,” She repeats and Kara is ready to protest, “Please, Kara. Please listen to me?”
She nods. Kara was never one to deny Lena anything, anyway. Lena sighs a breath of relief. 
“Thank you. Uh- I think this isn’t real, Kara. I think I’m inside a Black Mercy induced dream.”
And as if it heard a cue, the bed and the rest of the room vibrates as if ashamed of being called-out so easily. 
“No, no, no. You aren’t. You’re real. I’m real, You-” Kara is scrambling for words, “Look- Here, feel this?” Kara frantically grabs her hand and presses it to her own chest, “Can you feel it? This is real. Don’t say it isn-”
Lena feels like sobbing, because it does feel real. The strong beats underneath her palm thundering through her very soul. It feels so so so fucking real. She’s never wanted something to be real as bad as this. She wants to believe, because Kara is looking at her with those baby blue eyes and she wants to say that ‘Yes, I believe it real. We’re real.’
She can’t.
“Kara, the bed is trembling. Can you feel it? This isn't real. You’re in my head.”
It was brutal. She watches Kara’s face fall. She retracts her hand back. 
“How are you so sure that this isn’t real?”
The question was asked with so much fear. 
“Because,” she starts shaky but certain, “I hurt you, Kara. And that is the one thing that I can never forget.”
It was true. She can never forget the way Kara crumpled to her feet. Can’t forget the way the Girl of Steel broke by Lena’s hands. Can’t forget the tear-stricken face. 
Can’t forget the pleas. 
“Don’t do this, Lena. Please, come on. Please, stay. Don’t leave. Not you, please I can’t-”
The silence was deafening. She can’t look at Kara as she processes everything. So she takes the time to survey the room. And God, every inch of the room screams how much they’ve stitched their lives with the other. 
There were books haphazardly stacked in one corner, a painting easel in the other, Kara’s cape shining in the dim light of the lamp, Lena’s old MIT sweatshirt at the foot of the bed. 
A wedding portrait. They were married here. Fuck. 
Lena chances a glance at her left hand and not only does she find a ring but also a matching gold bracelet. A Kryptonian mating band. Now, she notices that Kara’s ring was worn on her neck next to her Mother’s necklace Lena supposes she wears it underneath the Super suit and a matching bracelet sitting on her left wrist. 
“I’m sorry,” Lena says ‘for everything.’ she wants to add but she remembers this isn’t her Kara. She doesn’t have a Kara. She doesn’t have any part of Kara. Not anymore.
“What are you sorry for? If anyone could figure out they were inside a parasite induced dream, it would be you.  You’re a genius but you’re dumb for apologizing. You should reject the fantasy now, Lena. You’ll die.”
Damn it, even here. 
Even here Lena is still hurting her and Kara still wants to save her. 
The tears finally fall. The sobs come next. 
“Oh, Lena. Come here. It’s okay. I’m here,”
“I- I know, I’ll die but God, Kara, I want to stay here. I- You’re my everything, you know?”
“I know, Lena. I’ve always known. You don’t have to die because I’ll always know. You need to get out of here now,” She whispers against Lena’s temple and Lena takes the time to breathe her in. God, even the scent smells real. 
“Y-you’re right. I should go, but-” Lena doesn’t know how to ask for what she wants. That was what her therapist had said the first time she booked an appointment.
“But what?”
“Tell me about our life here first?” At that Kara pulls away a bit to look into her eyes; gauging if this is really what Lena wants. 
It is, it’s what she wants but more than that it’s what she needs. The reassurance that somewhere out there, there was a world in which they made each other happy. That in a universe out there--whether real or not--the both of them had a taste of a happy ending.
“Okay, okay yeah. But first, promise me you’ll get out of here as fast as you can, once we’re done?” 
She was never one to deny Lena Luthor anything, remember? She was more than happy to recount the entirety of their love story to her.
“Thank you.” And Lena can’t help but press a soft kiss to Kara’s cheek. 
“Where do you want to start?”
“Do we have a dog?”
“Krypto,” Kara says with a shy smile as if she knows that Lena would laugh at the goofy sentimental name choice, “And a cat, Streaky Jr., you don’t allow pets in the bedroom so,”
“I’m impressed we have the time for pets,” Lena whispers as she shifts closer to Kara in the bed. Heart now beating in a steady calm rhythm, gone was the panic earlier, now replaced by a sense of security, no matter how false it is. 
“Well, you decided to distribute most of the workload to Jess--who you promoted to board member by the way, and to Sam. And since, Wednesday is my first day as Editor-in-Chief, my schedule’s not as busy as it was.”
It was nice to hear that. The way they have obviously chosen to grow into themselves together. She was glad that in her perfect world she hadn’t forgotten about Jess and Sam.
“Oh, and also you spend most of your days in our home lab with Jack anyway. So, the pets get plenty of love.”
“Jacky’s alive here?”
“Yeah, you reversed the nanotech matrix. You saved him.”
And the crying fest begins anew. 
“I miss him, so much.”
“I’m sorry.”
Lena doesn’t have to explain her reaction, Kara knows how to read her anyway.
At the reminder of Jack, Lena finds the courage to ask a question she’s never thought she would want to ask.
“What about Lex and Lillian?”
“Well, your brother’s probably drunk in an L-Corp gala somewhere and Lillian’s probably plotting about how she’s going to insult my next article-”
So, she still has her brother and it seems like Lillian’s not much of a xenophobe as she is in reality but she senses that she still is a bad mother with the way Kara talks.
“When did we get married?”
“Two years after we first met. We had two, actually.”
“I’m guessing I insisted on a Kryptonian wedding and you insisted on a human one?”
She knows that one, because she’s been thinking about it. Well, at least she was before everything went to shit. She wanted to give Kara a Kryptonian ceremony. She had wanted to show her that Lena would be honored to share everything Kara’s world had to offer.
“Are we-” she hesitated, “Are we happy, Kara?”
She wasted no time in answering, “The happiest. You make me the happiest soul alive in this universe and in any universe.”
Fresh tears fall down the side of her face and Kara wipes them away before speaking, “Can I ask you a question?”
“Well, I guess it’s only fair.” Lena sniffles and prepares her mind for what she knows will be an emotionally-charged exchange not that this has been an easy conversation thus far.
“Out there, are you happy?”
Lena’s air is stolen from her. Well, she doesn’t know how to answer that one. 
“Sometimes,” she whispers. She’s not happy most of the time but sometimes she is.
Sometimes, Ruby calls her to tell her about a science project or sometimes Nia sends her meme even though she hasn’t been to Game Nights for almost a year now, sometimes Brainy takes her out for a drink and she feels like she’s got a little brother to call her own. 
So yeah, sometimes. Because the thought of perpetual happiness without Kara in her life is impossible. 
“Only sometimes?” Kara asks, brow furrowing.
“Yeah, only sometimes. Not like it matters, anyway.”
“Well, of course it matters! Your happiness matters!” Kara exclaims, old habits die hard what can she say?
But then Kara takes a turn from defensive to curious again, “Am I happy? Out there? I mean?” 
“I- I have no idea.”
Lena waits for the answer to sink in to Kara. 
“What? What do you mean you have no idea?”
“Remember when I said I hurt you?” 
Kara gives her a nod.
“Well, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I’ve been avoiding you. Normally people tend to not seek out their exes, you know.” 
She’s trying to keep it lighthearted. She’s trying not to let this Kara see how much she craves her presence, how much she wishes she could see Kara again. Don’t get her wrong, Supergirl is plastered every minute on the news, but- 
That’s not who she wants to see. 
“She’s miserable,” Kara answers point-blank leaving no room for argument, “If you’ve been avoiding me, I’d be miserable.”
That has Lena speechless. 
Because miserable would be an understatement of how things had been ever since they ended things. 
Ever since Lena ended things. 
“I don’t like not being with you, you know?” Kara states as if Lena doesn’t feel the same.
“I- I don’t like that either.”
“I know.”
She has to go. Lena knows she has to go but Kara is looking at her so sincerely and she can feel the love and she knows this is nothing but an intricate trap formed by an alien parasite slowly killing her. She has to go but-
The both of them are startled and four eyes immediately land to-
Kara?! No, not Kara. Supergirl.
“Supergirl,” She says; surprise coloring her voice. She didn’t know Supergirl would go in and save her. Hell, she didn’t even know how she found her. But then again, she’s tried solving the puzzle that is Kara Zor-El but had never been able to piece it together. 
Supergirl takes a look at her doppelganger in bed with Lena; a scene so familiar to her. A scene she’s replayed again and again in her head. A scene that was once their reality then a memory and now an illusion. She takes a step closer.
“Lena, we have to go, please. Please believe me, this isnt-” 
“-real,” Lena finishes for her and Supegirl looks stunned, “I know, Supergirl. I know how to reject my own fantasy. I’ve had plenty of practice, after all.”
She aims for sarcasm, because fucking fucking hell, how the fuck does anybody expect her to function if there were two Kara’s in front of her?
That was asking for too much. 
Beside her, Kara had gone silent. It seems like she knows what comes next. She knows what Supergirl intends to do. They’re the same person after all. 
“It’s okay,” Lena hears Kara say and she breaks away from the hero’s gaze to find Kara looking at her with those eyes again.
“It’s okay, Lena,” She repeats, “It’s okay, Supergirl’s here. You’re gonna be safe. Stay safe for me, yeah?”
“Lena we have to go. Now,” Supergirl commands from the other side of the room. 
“Okay, yeah,” She whispers then she turns to Supergirl, “Just give me a chance to say goodbye, please?”
Supergirl stares at her for a moment then at Kara then she gives them both a nod and turns back to give them privacy.
“Last question?”
“Hit me.”
“What’s your surname?”
Fuck. She shouldn’t feel this surprised but damn, hearing Kara confirm it? Lena doesn’t know how to feel about that. She doesn’t know how to feel about all of this. 
“Just like you promised.”
“Just like I promised.” 
The words are echoed back to her and Lena hates the way she’s noticed how stiff Supergirl’s posture had become in her periphery. Ignores the fact that Supergirl has superhearing. 
“Thank you for indulging me, Kara.”
Goodbye, darling.”
And then everything fades to black.
author’s note: hiya lovely people send me an ask if i should write a follow-up for this.
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troubatrain · 4 years
bad behavior - m. tkachuk
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a/n: i don’t know when i started writing consistently but here we are. this another part of this series i was super excited about writing because this song is what put the idea in my head to begin with. quick shout out to @hookingminor​, @tkafuckit​, & @davidpastrsnack​ for reading my work and validating it because i swear i would never finish without you guys sometimes. hope you guys like it!
as per usual i recommend listing to the song while you read!
part of my lovely little lonely series
warnings: smut
“...you tell me, you're insecure, but don't be, stay soft, but don't be gentle, it's altogether mental...” - Bad Behavior - The Maine
I’m not a distraction am I?
Of fucking course you are, Matthew thought, buttoning up his dress shirt while he looked at the fresh marks he bit in your back not even fifteen minutes ago. You were the biggest distraction, Matthew forgoing his pre-game nap just for extra time with you between the sheets. You were a mistake he couldn’t stop making, ignoring the constant pull in his chest whenever you left because you didn’t do anything more than what you gave him.
Really, it was probably karmic punishment for all the shitty things Matthew’s done in his life. The universe would drop his dream girl in front of him but as it turns out, she played the game better than him. It wasn’t like he didn’t get a warning from your best friend Ella who’d been dating Sam from what seemed like the dawn of time. You were a heartbreaker, it was just how it was and that was how it’s going to be. Matthew ignored Ella, taking you home without a second thought because that’s what he wanted too. No Strings Attached. Turns out, he was in over his head when you left one night and the other side of Matthew’s bed felt cold for the first time in his life.
“You’re not a distraction pretty girl,” Matthew nods, curls bouncing against his forehead while he admires you from the otherside of his bedroom, “Are you coming tonight?”
“Are you going to be on your worst behavior?” You ask, rolling out of bed to collect your clothes Matthew never seemed to toss in one place. That’s why you were different, every person in his life telling him to ease up in his game - except you. You loved watching Matthew get into it on the ice because after those games the sex was just better.
Matthew chuckles, watching you unhook your panties from the lamp in the corner of the room and frowning when you saw the tear he ripped in them, “I’ll be on my worst behavior if you’re coming home with me later.”
“Twice in one day is pushing your luck Matthew,” You sigh dramatically, fixing his collar and flattening his tie, “And exhausting for me quite honestly.”
“I’ll be easy,” Matthew suggests, fingers gently pushing a piece of hair from in front of your face. Your eyes flutter shut, enjoying the moment. This made it so hard to keep your distance, the fact that Matthew was more of a gentle giant than he led on most of the time. Sure, he could pull your hair back when he hit it from behind and he made the dirtiest jokes in crowded rooms, but when all was said and done - he was kind. Someone would be lucky to have him one day, but that someone just couldn’t be you.
“You’ve never gone easy on me ever,” You giggle, pressing a kiss against Matthew’s jaw, “Good luck.”
Matthew didn’t know why he was so nervous about a silly All Star game, but he was. Maybe it was because it was at home, or maybe Brady’s last minute addition had him reconsidering. Either way, he’d been pacing for the last hour and trying to decide if he should tell you to stay home. He couldn’t do that, as if he was going to deny himself the small sliver of happiness he got every time you decided you wanted to see him. You were in charge, and it changed the playing field for Matthew entirely. It wasn’t like it usually was, Matthew being the one who often found themselves hanging by the phone in hopes you’d call. You didn’t, so Matthew got his hopes up and told you to stop by before he left for St. Louis.
“Hey All Star,” You muse, sneaking inside and taking off your coat. Matthew stops his pacing, smiling to himself that you actually showed up when he asked. No answer to his text, because why would you bother to let him know you were on your way. That would be too easy, and you weren’t by any means easy.
Matthew opened his mouth to ask you how your day was, but shut it once he realized he’d never get an answer. The only things he knew about you were learned from Ella and Sam, not a single detail of anything that happened outside of the walls of Matthew’s apartment was ever mentioned to him by you. You knew tons about him, because he opened up to you so easily it was breaking his heart that you wouldn’t do the same. He wondered why he did this to himself, why he didn’t just find someone who was obsessed with him. He liked the chase, Matthew’s athletic intuitions pushing him to strive for the best prize he could find, and you’d be the best of them all if he could have you.
Instead Matthew did what he always does, he pressed his lips to yours and pushed you up against the door. His hands were on your waist, an ironclad grip as if you’d slip right through his hands if he didn’t stop you. You probably would have.
“What’s wrong?” You question, Matthew confused as to how you knew something was up. His eyebrows furrowed, head cocking to the side like a puppy who was trying to figure out what a new sound was. You laugh, a melodic giggle carrying through Matthew’s almost barren apartment, “Your hands are right above my ass but you failed to touch it once, what’s up?”
“I’m, uh, nervous?” Matthew admits, his weaker parts of his brain succumbing to the pout on your lips. That pout could be what killed him. Matthew wasn’t dealing with it well, it being the newfound pressure he’d been feeling to be a top tier player. People expected him to turn it on for every game, and at first he loved it. Then he realized he no longer got the chance to slack off when all eyes were on him, Matthew had been internally crumbling ever since.
That wasn’t necessarily the only reason he’d been insecure lately. You weren’t helping, but you couldn’t be hurting him that much. Maybe you were. Matthew was trying really hard to be cool, but he was failing miserably. He got jealous more often than he liked to admit, and he was a liar if he didn’t deep dive your Instagram to see if you were very clearly seeing someone else. He was gone a lot, and you didn’t owe him any sort of explanation and he knew that. He knew he respected you enough not to ask but he liked you enough to care, and it was eating him alive.
“Pressure’s a lot, I just don’t feel like, you know,” Matthew explains, fumbling over his words and waving his hands because he didn’t want to say it. His voice got lower, words mumbled together when he spoke, “I’m insecure.”
“Don’t be,” You shrug, a wide confident smile on your face. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little surprised by Matthew, because as far as you knew he was a big bad guy, or at least he thought he was. You thought it was all bullshit, but you did often think that kind of pressure couldn’t be healthy. Every fiber of your being told you to run, that this was getting too emotional and if you didn’t stop you were going to ruin him forever. You did it all the time, your heart wasn’t built for more than a night and you were just accepting it. If you weren’t going to be able to stop self destructing anyone who tries to connect to you emotionally besides your loved ones you protected so fiercely - then you were going to have fun.
Which is what you thought you were getting into. You took Matthew home with nothing but his reputation spinning around in your head that he was the perfect conquest. Then you fucked, and it was too good to give up. So you kept him at arms length, never giving into those damn eyes and his frown whenever you left after you had sex. It was better that way, for both of you really.
“That’s all you got for me?” Matthew asks, stifling a laugh at your simple answer. He was admitting to you something he’s never let another soul know but you simply just shrugged.
“Okay, how about this,” You take a deep breath, snaking your hands under his shirt and grazing your nails against his skin.
You’re Matthew fucking Tkachuk. Your lips pressed against his jaw, a smirk gracing his face. You don’t give a fuck who’s in your way, you’ll hit them. Your lips moved to his ear, whispering softly. You’re what Doughty’s nightmares are made of. Your hands slipped down, playing with the waistband on his boxers. And you can score with the best of them, on and off the ice. Matthew laughed at that one, a smug smile back on his face where it rightfully should be. You have nothing to worry about.
Both of Matthew’s large hands landed on your cheeks, calloused fingers rubbing against your skin and his lips on yours. He didn’t need to say anything, he’d show you just how badly he needed that. Matthew pushed you towards his bedroom, your back hitting the plush mattress. You tossed your hoodie off, Matthew losing his at the same time. You admired him, the way his muscles were defined in the moonlight from his windows. Matthew’s hands slid down your back, unclasping your bra with one hand and smirking to himself when it slid off. You stroked his ego for a reason, one that ran a chill up your spine while he pressed kisses down your body.
“You’re fucking sexy,” Matthew mutters into your skin, sliding off your leggings and eyes practically rolling to the back of his head when a pair of lacy red panties caught his attention. His finger slid underneath them, fingers slick from your core, “And wet too huh?”
“Do you plan on doing something about it or should I call someone else,” You tease, Matthew’s free hand gripped your thigh when you spoke, jealousy coursing through his veins. He finger pulled against your panties, a loud rip catching your attention, “Matthew!”
“Don’t joke like that then, I’ll take care of you just fine on my fucking own,” Matthew growls, lips ghosting your clit. You whimper, running a hair through Matthew’s hair. His tongue lapped at your pussy, trying to remind you just why you couldn’t shake him. He was competitive, and if he had to fight for his spot in your line up he’d do it. You were a mess, a string of curses falling through your lips and your moans echoing in the room.
“Matty, fuck,” You let out a cry, gripping his curls tightly. Matthew flicked your clit with his tongue, a gasp leaving your mouth. Matthew went to overdrive, his well skilled tongue moving quickly to send you over the edge. You grinded against his mouth, his hands holding down your waist so he could keep going while you came on his face. You finally push his head back, unable to take anymore.
Matthew crawls back up your body, capturing your lips with his and kicking off his boxers. You push him onto his back gently, a smug smile on his face and his hands landing behind his head, “A show?”
“Shut up,” You shake your head, letting out a laugh while you straddle Matthew. You pumped him a few times, lining his cock up with your pussy and easing yourself onto him.
“You look so good on top of me,” Matthew muses, a cocky tone to his voice. You grab the overgrown curls on the nape of his neck, rolling your hips against him and smirking when a groan left his lips, “My perfect fucking girl.”
Matthew’s hand smacked your ass while you rode him at your own speed. His free hand gripped your hip, speeding up your pace. Matthew loved being on top, a translation of his control that he desperately craved, but he let you do whatever you wanted. His hand snuck up your body, hand gently gripping your neck, “If you leave a mark this time Matthew-”
Matthew chuckles, remembering the borderline vicious threats you sent him the last time his grip got a little too tight and you didn’t realize until the next day. Matthew pulls you down to meet his lips, flipping you over onto your and back wrapping on your legs around his waist. His forehead pressed against yours, something you noticed he'd been doing more often lately, “Cum for me, fuck, c’mon.”
“Harder,” You nod, eager to chase your high and give him what you knew he wanted. He liked to get you off, the satisfaction of pleasing you did it for him, Matthew often bragging about how much a giver he really was. Your pussy fluttered around him, Matthew pulling his cock out and spilling onto your stomach. He looked down at you, completely fucked out with his cum on you like you were his. Your eyes were glassy, lips swollen from his while you caught your breath, “Shit.”
Matthew laughs lightly, walking into the en suite bathroom to get you a towel. He was always gentle afterwards, taking care of you after he absolutely wrecked you as if it was going to remind you that maybe he deserved more than you were giving to anyone else. You tuck your head into Matthew’s pillow, sleep about to take over your body. You never stayed, your own little rule because you just knew if you let him hold you it would be over, “Just stay, you look tired pretty girl.”
Matthew’s voice was gentle, his finger running along your bareback lightly while he offered you a shirt in the other. He wanted you to stay so badly, “Matty-”
“My flight leaves in a few hours, it’s like a nap,” Matthew whispers, and you smile at his excuse for you to sleepover. You nod, sitting up and tossing on whatever gray t-shirt he’d given you. You didn’t know, but it was his favorite shirt in the world, the fabric soft like a tee that had been well loved.
Matthew was supposed to have woken you up before he left, dropping you off at your place before he headed to the airport to go home. He was going to, he swore he really was, but when he was leaving you looked so damn cute snoring away in his favorite shirt. So he left you a note, telling you to lock up before you left and that he’d see you the day he got back. You woke up peacefully, the light shining through the floor to ceiling windows in Matthew’s apartment and rolling your eyes at his note. You grab your phone, smiling when you notice he left it charging for you. 
You told me it was a nap.
Maybe you shouldn’t look so cute when you sleep then.
You roll over screaming in the pillow because you were going to ruin him.
Matthew had enough of the waiting game.
It's been nine days since that night and Matthew was losing his fucking mind. He was playing like absolute garbage, his name off the scoresheet since the All Star break. Matthew was lashing out left and right, both against the opposition and his own friends when they grew concerned. He thought about moving on, even calling up an old fling. That didn’t end well, Matthew moaning your name by accident in bed and then she left almost immediately after. He was frustrated with himself for getting this invested, but you were intoxicating. Matthew left the Saddledome after another shit game and drove to your place, with the intent that you were either going to hear him out or he was going to have to cut you out of his life.
“Hi?” You were confused when you saw him on the other side of the door, you leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. You were already pressed, wondering what Matthew thought he was doing banging on your apartment door. He looked pissed, bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days and you were already rolling your eyes at the tweets about him being a bust.
“I can’t do this shit anymore,” Matthew steps inside, stomping into your space and gritting his words, “You have this hold on me, and I know I told you I could be cool about this but I can’t be. I’m fucking jealous of every other dude you could be with and I think about it all the time-”
“And I’m a heartless bitch,” You hiss, every wall you had just got taller. Your words could cut like a knife, and you were ready to let Matthew have it, “I’ve heard it from everyone, I ruin people Matthew, save me the argument.”
“You’re not going to ruin me, I know you, fuck,” Matthew steps forward, every bit of anger in his body disappearing when he saw the way you lip was starting to quiver. His voice got lower, his thumb running along your jaw, “I know you think you bring out the worst in me, but you bring out my best too.”
“I’m going to hurt you, I always do,” You whisper, averting your eyes down so you didn’t have to look at him.
“Then hurt me later,” Matthew took this as his turn to shrug, try and take a page in your book and be a little nonchalant, “For now, could we just try this out? No games, no one else, just us.”
“This is bad for you Matthew,” You give him one more warning, pulling him closer to you and tugging on the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Be bad for me then,” Matthew groans, grabbing a handful of your ass and pressing a kiss to your lips.
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Zuko & Katara's Relationship Dynamic
This is like the third or fourth time I've tried to write up this post so please bare with me.
Oh wow. That video. Hopefully everyone has seen it now. Not only did it articulate arguments I've been making for years, but it also brought up ideas I had never thought of or noticed before. Watching that and watching the second half of Book 3 again (because it's my favorite) made me want to redo my zutara dynamic post.
I'm going to be using the tiny bits and pieces the show gave us to see how Zuko and Katara's relationship looks and how it would look if they gave us more because...Bryke really fucking hated zutara. I mean, I guess they did.
Katara is compassionate; Zuko is empathetic
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A lot of anti-zutara arguments have said that Zuko and Katara could never be together because they would constantly fight and hate each other and it end sooner than later. Not only does this actually describe maiko, but that argument would need to ignore the characters' actual character.
One of Katara's biggest character traits is how compassionate she is. She has a drive to help others and ease their pain. Whether it's getting Aang out of the iceberg or healing a Fire Nation fishing village, Katara will go out of her way to help someone in need.
Katara: No. I will never ever turn my back on people who need me.
Zuko is very emotional and passionate person. As much as he tried to hide it to appease his father, Zuko does want to open up and connect with people. Unfortunately, aside from his uncle, most of the other people he knows are like Zhao and Azula. Not the most understanding of crowds. But because of this he can pick up what people are really thinking and feeling. Think of it as a defense mechanism he developed growing up around people like Azula.
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Get these two kinds of people together and you get the crystal catacombs scene. Katara lashes out at Zuko until she breaks down. When she does Zuko opens up with empathy since they have something in common. This creates the beginning of an understanding between the two. Zuko uses that to finally open up to someone who isn't his uncle and Katara listens and reaches out to help. Contrast to the first episode of Book 3 when Zuko tries to voice his thoughts and concerns to Mai and she...doesn't really care.
Something similar happens during The Southern Raiders. Zuko figures out that Katara is taking out her anger of being separated from her father by The Fire Nation onto him and even connecting her mother's death to him.
It's not the first time Zuko has done this either. He easily figured out that Sokka was planning on going to The Boiling Rock. He does it again during Sozin's Comet when he tells Katara that Aang needs to figure out what to do about Ozai by himself.
There's a noticeable pattern of behavior by the time Sozin's Comet arrives. Zuko voices his concerns about meeting his uncle again and Katara is right there to help him through it.
Zuko's empathy combined with Katara's compassion creates almost a cycle of understanding and emotional vulnerability that the two can't really get with anyone else. One notices the other having concerns or problems and goes to give comfort by words or by actions.
Zuko still has a temper but so does Katara
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Even after Zuko's fever dream character change thing, even after The Day of Black Sun, he still has it in him to yell at anyone who commits even the slightest transgressions against him:
Aang: That one felt kinda hot. Zuko: Don't patronize me. You know what it's supposed to look like. Aang: Sorry, sifu hotman. Zuko: And stop calling me that!
Sokka: So all we have to do is make Zuko angry. Easy enough. *pokes him with his sword* *annoying laugh* Zuko: All right! Cut it out!
Maybe it's the firebender in him or maybe he really is just like that. Basically if you annoy him, he'll let you know. What people sometimes overlook is that while it takes Katara a bit longer, she also gets worked up when people upset her.
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Toph: What's the matter? Can't handle some dirt, Madame Fussy Britches? Katara: Oh, sorry, did I splash you, mud slug?
And remember, it was Katara getting angry at Sokka that even broke the iceberg that revealed Aang.
Katara: Ugh, I'm embarrassed to be related to you! Ever since Mom died I've been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing soldier! Sokka: Uh... Katara? Katara: I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you, NOT PLEASANT! Sokka: Katara! Settle down! Katara: No, that's it. I'm done helping you. From now on, you're on your own!
The point is that it is both Zuko and Katara that are very passionate and emotional people. One of them isn't emotionally dominating the other because they both wear their emotions on their sleeves.
This also comes in to play when they set goals for themselves. When Zuko sets a goal, he puts everything into it. Katara is the same way. The difference is that Zuko's drive sometimes gives him a one-track mind while Katara is more flexible. Like for example Zuko being so focused on finding Aang before Sozin's Comet that he ignores Toph's story about her childhood versus Katara wanting to go to the North Pole but taking time to stop and help whoever they come across.
This passion also fuels their values and how strongly they stand by their beliefs. I already put The Painted Lady quote up above but Zuko's morality is what is making him so angry at himself during The Beach. He knows what he did was wrong, but he couldn't face it yet.
Sometimes their emotions get the better of them, but it's only because they are passionate about what they're doing.
Their natural teamwork is amazing
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I can't provide a lot of clues in this bit because it's more of a visual thing. Just consider how flawlessly their plans worked during their attack on The Southern Raiders. Especially when you consider that it was a stealth mission so they barely even said anything to each other during and it still went incredibly well.
You could see it again during their mock battle with The Melon Lord. Sokka must have noticed because he paired them together to deliver some "liquidy-hot offence." And they pulled it off, again, without having to say anything.
They've only been a team for a few weeks(?), days(?) but they act as if they've been doing it for years.
They trust each other's judgment
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Piggybacking of the previous point, Zuko and Katara have only been a team for a while but there seems to be a level of understanding in terms of judgement. They both know that whatever the other chooses is going to be a well-thought out decision. Maybe it's because they see each other as the mature members of the group even though Sokka is the same age as Zuko? I don't know.
Aang disappears right before they embark on their fight against the Fire Lord, and out of nowhere, Katara puts Zuko in charge.
Zuko: Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka. We have a real problem here. Aang is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away. Katara: What should we do Zuko? Zuko: I don't know. Why are you all looking at me? Katara: Well, you are kind of the expert on tracking Aang.
and that wasn't the first time in that episode that she went along with one of Zuko's decisions
Katara: Aang, don't walk away from this. *She begins to walk towards him as a hand touches her shoulder to stop her from doing so.* Zuko: Let him go. He needs time to sort it out by himself.
As a lot of people have pointed out during the entirety of The Southern Raiders, Zuko never gives a suggestion on what he thinks Katara should do. Aside from making it a stealth mission, he follows her lead the entire way.
Katara teases Zuko (and he lets her)
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The fun one. This one has two parts: pre and post The Southern Raiders.
Before The Southern Raiders, Katara was tolerating Zuko. She was still angry with him about the betrayal at Ba Sing Se. Getting little jabs at him was the only thing that was really helping her from loosing her cool around him.
Katara: I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know... how it would have been nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago? Zuko: Well it's not lost. It's just weaker for some reason. Katara: Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are. Toph: Ouch.
He just finished yelling at Aang and Sokka but all he does is glare at Katara. She does it again, but to be fair, he kind of set himself up for it.
Zuko: It's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old! Katara: Oh yeah? What's your little form called? Zuko: ...The Dancing Dragon.
Then comes post The Southern Raiders and...yeah, she's still picking on him and he still lets her. Granted it's a lot more playful this time around.
Zuko: They make me totally stiff and humorless. Katara: Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot on. Zuko: How could you say that? Actor Uncle: Let's forget about the Avatar and get massages. Actor Zuko: How could you say that?! (Cut back to Katara wearing a satisfied grin on her face and she looks to an expressionless Zuko as he slouches in his seat.)
I love pointing it out every time. She teases him and he does nothing about it.
Katara: Er, no. I was looking for cooking pots in the attic and I found this. Look at baby Zuko! Isn't he cute? Oh lighten up, I was just teasing.
And she admits it!
So what can we take away from this? From what little time they were given together (thanks, Bryke) it seems that Zuko and Katara really understand each other on an intimate emotional level. They can sense when the other is distressed and offer comfort. They're both passionate in and out of combat, for better or for worse. They're comfortable with each other as if they've known each other for years even though it's such a short time. Katara also likes to add a little bit of playfulness in there with Zuko letting her have her fun, again, showing how comfortable they are with each other.
I do think their relationship could have gone to romantic sooner than later if you would have given it a bit more time. Like first half of a hypothetical Book 4.
To me, at least.
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peter-parcoeur · 4 years
Good girl gone bad | (frat!tom)
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request: How about frat cocky Tom at a Christmas party, wearing something that shows off his muscles, and he keeps flirting with y/n, who hates him. Throughout the night, he slowly wins her over, and once he has her in the palm of his hand, he makes her compliment him and then worship his muscles and then get on her knees and suck on him through his boxer briefs and then finally he f*cks her face and he's dirty talking and boasting all the way through :)
disclaimer: Hiii, so this was a request (sadly anonymous but if you’re out there reading this, I hope you enjoy and this lives up to your expectations...) this is my first attempt at fratboy!tom so I apologize in advance if that’s not exactly what you expected from it or whatever. Also I’m french so, some unfortunate spelling mistakes may occur and for this I apologize too! (damn I do really know how to sell myself, don’t I?) Anyway, enjoy your reading and please give it a ♥ if you liked it and a comment if you either really liked or hated it. Annnnd I’m talking too much.
warnings: smut smut smutty smut is to be expected, obviously. includes: brat!tom, braggy!tom, boasting!tom and some serious potty mouth / enemies to lovers (well, more like enemies to fuckbuddies idk) / oral-sex / face-fuck / dirtyDIRTY talk/ fingering / brief mentions of self luuuuvin (that’s masturbation, for you) / dom!tom + sub!reader / I guess a little bit of humiliation and praise kink idk if that’s triggering so just in case... / roughness... I guess that’s it? probably enough already.
« Come on, it’ll be fun! God knows you could really use some fun… » your friend’s voice almost begged over the phone as you safely locked it between your cheek and your shoulder to open the door to your dorm room, your keyrings grazing the piece of metal surrounding the lock with a soft, clicking noise.
“Yeah cause hanging out with complete morons as they get shit-faced on cheap vodka is totally my idea of a good night...”
“ Urghhhh, Y/N please, are you really gonna be a Grinch about it?”
“  Well, it’s a Christmas party so I guess that’s convenient?”
You could tell your friend was getting frustrated by now, the slight change of tone in her voice making her sound desperate. Kicking off your shoes and dropping your books above the mess on your desk, you immediately crashed onto your bed with a loud, exhausted groan as this never-ending day had managed to push every single one of your buttons. You felt completely drained and yet, your best-friend wanted you to join her to some frat-house where, apparently, the “most incredible” Christmas party was about to be held? Uh-uh. No way. Your actual plan for a Friday night (= eating take-out food in front of some true crime documentary on Netflix) seemed much more appealing than the effort your friend seemed to require from you.
“You’re really gonna bail on me? What if something happens to me?”
“Now this is guilt pressure and you’re so much better than this! “ You laughed, “plus… I know you wanna go just so you can make out with Harrison… You really don’t need me for this and truth be told, I really don’t need to see that guy shove his tongue down your throat!”
“Maybe YOU need someone to shove his tongue down your throat “
“I’ll pass, thanks “
“Come on, how long has it been since you’ve got laid? “
“That’s… way beside the point?””
Still, you thought about it.
How long has it been, really?
Well. As far as you could remember, there were a couple (disastrous) tinder dates at the beginning of the semester. Nothing major even though the sex was still okay. Then you had decided to delete the app so you could focus on your studies, thinking that, eventually, life would grant you with an actual IRL, cute boy who could actually work a little harder to get into your pants whereas it had taken a single swipe on a screen for the previous contestants.
But for now, as the semester had come to an end and Christmas break was around the corner, it only occurred to you just how busy you had been, studying all night long and running on fumes and gallons of coffee. Maybe your friend was right. Maybe you truly needed to blow off some steam. Sometimes you wished you were more like her, carefree and less picky when it came to boys and random flings. Like her current crush, Harrison.
Harrison was a typical heartthrob with the face of a Greek God, so it was only natural for him to act like a brat and play with girls as he wished. With his piercing blue eyes and dreamy smile, girls could only wish he would look at them twice. But still, he wasn’t the worst part of Team Jackass, as you liked to call them. Their captain was actually Tom Holland. Football Quarterback, Tom collected girls’ hearts like trophies and held his pride within his questionable reputation. Party animal, heavy drinker and confirmed exhibitionist since he’d been caught fucking a cheerleader in the middle of the football field right after a game, his name was on everyone’s lips, whether they whispered gossips down the faculty’s corridor or muffled into a pillow as he dived into another naïve, besotted girl with the promise of an encore. To this day, all of the girls he had laid his eyes on were still waiting for a call-back.
You pulled a disgusted face at the thought of witnessing his little hunting game one more time. Tom was actually one of the main reasons why you usually skipped any frat party now. There were just so much time you could waste, sipping on some funky tasting “home-made” punch as “Football superstar” Tom Holland bragged about his athletic skills or how many girls he had fucked over the last couple days. Sometimes, it felt like a competition between him and his brain-dead friends. Somehow, you just knew he kept score of his one-night stands. Maybe he’d give you five stars for trying anal, a deep throat would give you another six and god forbid if you flattered his enormous, gigantic cock, well then, by all means, the throne would be yours. There was just something about him that screamed and irradiated praise kink.
“Y/N? Have I lost you?”
Your friend’s voice brought you back to reality as you seemed to have blacked out for a while.
Then, out of nowhere and unexpectedly, the words came out of your mouth.
“What time is the party then?”
For every party, there’s a dress code.
Surely, a “Christmas” party just couldn’t be, without a fair splash of colorful jumpers or any subtle hints at Santa Clause as an excuse for a last-minute theme. Still, standing in front of what could only be Wednesday Addams’ wardrobe, you were suddenly hit by your lack of interest for any piece of clothes that wasn’t a shade between black and white. Was beige even a color anyway?
For a brief second, you considered wearing your infamous Christmas onesie, basically a fluffy one piece with a zipper, an oversized hood and covered with snowflakes and candy canes. The jokes would never end but no one could blame you for being ‘off theme’, then.
In the end, you settled for a rare “colorful” top which, luckily, happened to be whatever shade of green Christmas trees actually were. It was also skin tight and you knew for a fact it made your chest looks twice its size because of the way the velvet fabric enhanced your waistline. It was nowhere near provocative with its long sleeves and turtle-neck so you figured you could be a little bit more risky with the bottom part of your outfit, grabbing the black mini-skirt you’d bought a week before on a splurge, even though you didn’t know if you’d ever find the confidence to pull it off. It was short, there was no denying that as you turned around in the shop’s fitting room to catch a glimpse at your backside, knowing your whole ass would be exposed if you ever dared to bend down even so slightly.
Still, you felt sexy in it and as a girl who happily traded a sexy dress for yoga pants and an oversized hoodie, any piece of clothes that made you feel good about yourself was an instant buy.
Looking down at your final outfit as it laid down on your bed, a pair of nice ankle boots at the bottom of it, you patted yourself on the back for making the extra effort and walked to the bathroom for a well-deserved boiling shower.  Staring at your reflection in the mirror above the sink, you sighed to yourself as the aftermath of a sleep deprived week and lack of skin care routine or basic maintenance whatsoever hit you like a truck on the highway. Your hair had been wrapped into the same messy bun for days and it would definitely take some professional skills to cover up the bags under your eyes.
Maybe this party was the wake-up call you needed, the equivalent of a Judging look from your mother every time you visited her after a while. You could almost hear her complain about how unhealthy you looked and how you should wear more “flattering” clothes. Ironically, you also knew she would never approve the skirt you intended to wear that night. You remembered just too well that frown she’d given you at your father’s 60th birthday and how you had to gulp an entire bottle of red wine to forget about the fact the woman who gave birth to you had called you a prostitute for wearing a dress above the knees. Sometimes it’d be like that. Family gathering were like a plague, somehow, you just couldn’t escape it and it would either scar you for life or make you wish you were dead.
As you entered the cubicle, the coldness of the tiles hit you, covering your skin with goosebumps and sending shivers down your spine. It took you a couple minutes to adjust as you waited for the water to turn hot enough to coat the mirror with a thick foggy layer. Only then did you relax, letting go of this week’s emotionally charged weight upon your shoulders and focusing on yourself, at last.
It was a fairly long shower as you decided to go through your entire haircare routine instead of a brief, one minute shampoo. Not to mention the fact you also had to shave entirely as it felt like it would be a good way to get rid of this nightmare of a semester, like stepping out of your old skin and into a new one. Usually, body hair was probably too far down the list of your preoccupations to even be noticed but you figured, as you felt surprisingly motivated, now was the right time to make your body smooth as a baby. You actually loved the feeling of a soft, freshly shaved skin.
As you rinsed off the soap, your hands fondling the body parts water failed to reach, your mind unexpectedly wandered through some steamy thoughts as soon as your fingertips grazed your slit, taking some shy dip between your folds. It was no surprise that a simple, barely there stroke would instantly strike your arousal, after all, it had been a while. You shamelessly admitted that your studies had taken over your life, up to the point you’d even find yourself too exhausted for some self-love. Somewhere in your chest of drawers, the small collection of adult toys you owned were probably collecting dust in the middle of your socks and panties, wondering when they’d get to take a swim and make you squirm into your sheets as you hold on to the headboard, biting your lip until it turns white so you don’t scream through climax.
What struck you the most was the fact TomfuckingHolland came to your mind the very second your middle finger met your clit, circling it softly as you felt electricity spark through your legs, making it jolt. Why the hell was his stupid smug splattered all over your unspeakable thoughts when he was, by far, the last man on Earth you’d let come close to your naked self? Let alone in a shower cubicle the size of a shoe-box where you’d have no space whatsoever to escape his heavy, muscular chest.
His body looked ridiculously built for a man with the face of a 13 year-old. Sometimes you’d catch him randomly flex throughout the day, showing off his enormous biceps to anyone willing to praise his impeccable shape. There would be no room for these guns in there, you thought as a brief image of these massive arms shielding you from both side, fists tight against the tiles, came immediately to your mind. What took you by surprise wasn’t to actually picture Tom standing in there with you, naked and definitely willing to make that room a lot steamier, but the fact you slipped a finger into your surprisingly dripping core as soon as you imagined him stepping closer so your bare, sticky chests would meet, his obvious arousal poking at your inner thigh, begging to make an entrance.
You stopped before you inevitably came, even though your body craved for that well-deserved relief. You may have been hornier than you thought, but not nearly horny enough to hand your first orgasm in months on a silver plate to a boy who probably stroked himself in front of a mirror on a daily basis. Your thighs squeezed together where your fingers had left a desperate void, rinsing your entire body with a much colder water, hoping it would bring your sanity back.
You looked incredible.
It wasn’t just you boosting your ego through a pep talk in front of your mirror back in your dorm this time, and even if you loved to give yourself an encouraging speech, praising whatever features you thought made the cut in the top three of your best assets as you gathered the strength to go out in public in an outfit pretty far from your comfort zone, nothing could ever beat the look people gave you as you walked into the frat house looking like a three courses meal. There was just something about that short time slot where you caught a gaze and knew what that look was all about.
You knew Liza, the head student with a soft spot for athletes so obvious she probably had the entire football team’s handprints tattooed on her skin, just hated to see you get the attention she usually caught. Athletes loved nerdy, smart-ass girls like her, but to her own despair, you actually happened to be one of those, only with a shorter skirt and thicker thighs.
You knew half of Team Jackass was already staring at you, wishing they’d catch a glimpse of whatever you had to offer underneath that impeccable outfit as the soft fabric of your skirt kept rising up, every step bringing you closer to an unfortunate peek at the plain, white cotton undies you had chosen to wear that night.
But above anything, you could most definitely feel someone’s gaze upon you, burning up your skin like lasers trying to scan through your clothes. Suddenly, you felt exposed and with a simple smirk, Tom-Holland came out, strong as ever, just so he could pop out the comforting bubble you had built around you. Of course, he had chosen to wear the tightest white tee-shirt so everyone could distinctively see each of his six, rock-hard abs. Of course, his sleeves were slightly rolled up to enhance his biceps and if you weren’t familiar with his despicable behavior, seeing him flex just so he could kiss the pumped-up mount irrupting from his upper arm like a fresh batch of popcorn on a stove, you could have barfed immediately at the disgusting sight of a man with an ego the size of a fucking comet.
For now, you simply rolled your eyes all the way to the back of your head and watched as he smiled cockily, his hand reaching out for a redhead girl’s cheek even though his eyes were most definitely undressing you from afar. You could tell the girl had dressed to impress as she was tightly wrapped into the just-slutty-enough version of Santa’s outfit. Basically a velvet red dress with a fluffy white strap on top of her bustier. The way she laughed and twirled her long curly strand of hair as she gazed lovingly at Tom was enough for you to know she would soon join the never-ending list of names on his score board.
Shaking your head at how easy it seemed for him to get laid within the first hour of a party, you made your way to the kitchen where the alcohol seemed to be. As expected, most students were already sipping at some questionable cocktail right from the bowl with a straw and since you didn’t feel like going straight for the strong stuff, you settled for a beer, fiddling with the bottle cap for a solid minute before you heard a voice coming from behind your back.
“Need some hand with that, sweetheart?”
The cocky tone and thick accent immediately sent you off as a long, single shiver ran down your spine from the disgusting thoughts it brought along. It had come to the point you couldn’t even stand his stupid voice.
“I’m fine, thanks” you lied, your first still tightly gripped on your sealed beverage.
“You look like you could use some strength…”
Of course, he had to bring up his impressive, spectacular strength within seconds. Maybe he expected you to slow clap, bow down or throw confetti’s all over him for being strong enough to open a beer bottle. What on Earth would you do without his strong, manly hands?
Grinding your teeth as your tongue clicked against your palate out of pure annoyance, you gave him the most unimpressed look as he grabbed the bottle from your hand, popping out the cap hard enough to make it fly off and hit the table with a soft, metallic thump. Smirking to himself, Tom handed you the bottle back, tilting his head as he obviously expected some enthusiastic reaction.
“Do you want a medal or something?”
“A simple ‘thank you’ would be a good start? “He mocked, raising his eyebrows in a way that made your consider throwing the entire bottle at his face to wash away his stupid cockiness.
“Thanks” you simply blurted out, raising your beer slightly before walking away as you took a couple sips. It wasn’t even that cold or remotely good.
Tom watched as you walked away in silence, his eyes inevitably drawn to the way your hips and that glorious ass of yours seemed to wiggle into that daunting skirt. Grazing his thumb over his bottom lip with a smirk, the eager flame in his eyes made his will to take you to a quiet place grow bigger with each step you took.
The music was getting considerably louder as people were now dancing all over the place, from the staircase to whatever was left of furniture after too many parties hosted in this house.  The constant buzzing sound of chit-chats and laughter was slowly making your head spin as you gulped on your third (or was it the fourth?) Shot of tequila. As expected, Y/BFF/N had wasted no time as she was already clinging to Harrison’s neck, feasting on his mouth like an open buffet. His hands were on her bum, holding on to it for dear life with a strong grip. At least, she was having fun.
Out of boredom and to your own surprise, you had agreed on doing shots with a couple people you knew from class. Not technically what you’d call reliable friends but you always bumped into them at parties where you’d basically chat, and drink. From afar, you could see some people had gathered around a table where Team Jackass had started the inevitable beer pong contest. Nibbling at a piece of lime, hoping it would wash away the burning haze of the tequila, you winced at the sourness as your eyes suddenly locked with Tom’s. He was now holding his arms up on both side, raising one fist through the air as he had clearly won that first round. There was something pathetic about a man in his twenties begging for attention and acting like he was about to claim the gold medal at the Olympics when all he did was throw a feather-weighted plastic ball into a red cup.
All the alcohol in the world would never get you drunk enough to tolerate this guy.
Sometimes, you couldn’t help but think it was a shame to see him act so pitiful when he face was actually okay. Well. He was definitely cute as long as his mouth was shut and his stupid, pretentious smug out of the way. With his soft, chocolate brown eyes, his tousled eyebrows and thin pink lips, he could’ve been a guy you’d be interested in. His brown hair was somehow, always tucked into a snapback or a beanie but you had caught a glimpse of his natural curls once and though it killed you on the inside to admit it, he did look great when he didn’t try too hard to be a complete asshole.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t see him walk towards you.
“We’re doing shots now? “
“Impressive” you frowned, “did you figure it out all by yourself?” you chuckled, swallowing what’s left of lime, basically pulp, in one soft gulp.
“You like to act all smart ass around me, don’t you?”
“Correction: I am, in fact, smart… Not that it’s something you’re familiar with so, pardon me if it’s all too confusing for you… “
“Are you calling me dumb, then?” he was frowning now, his enormous self-centered head deflating under the unexpected pressure of your witty come-back.
“Did you hear the word ‘dumb’ coming out of my mouth?”
“No – but I sure know what I would like to see come in that sweet mouth of yours, darling”
The fact he had the nerves to say that kind of stuff right to your face was enough to piss you off but what caught you off guard was his hand reaching for your face as his thumb delicately grazed your bottom lip, pulling at it just enough for you to taste his fingertip.
“Surely, lime isn’t the only thing you like to suck on?” he smiled, cocky as ever as you could feel actual rage building up from your core and all the way to the back of your throat.
“I suggest you keep your hands off me” you snapped, pushing his hand off your face as he laughed to himself, the raspy sound caught in his throat making you throb against all odds.
“Or what? What you gonna do about it, uh?” he teased, confident as ever, his words coming out of his mouth halfway between a threat and a challenge. His arms were crossed against his chest now, making every inch of muscle he owned just pop out. There was nothing sweet about the way his body was built, and was he ever given the occasion, you knew he could break your spine in half with his one hand. You just wished you’d never thought about it as the filthiest images came to your mind, starting with Tom spinning you around over the sink in the bathroom and pinning you down with his palm pressed between your shoulder blades as he pounded hard and fast into you.
Maybe Tequila had gotten to your head faster than you expected.
“I know girls like you” he started, walking backwards until your back hit the wall and you were completely trapped between his arms, one of his leg parting yours so his knee would slowly graze that spot where your thighs met, claiming his access to that precious part of your body you could definitely feel getting damper against your will.
“What about it?” you asked, slightly more provocative than you had intended.
“You like to act all innocent, pretending you have higher standards…” His breath was warm, wrapped into the thickness of alcohol, curving a ball at the back of his throat so his voice would come out raspier and lower than usual, “… but secretly you just want guys like me to fuck the back of your throat until you choke”.
You felt it. Your pussy throb at the single thought of it. You didn’t want to physically react to these obscene images, words coming out of his mouth filthier than anything you’d ever heard, but still, as hard as you wanted to remain cold and unbothered, there was no denying for the dampness between your thighs. You just hoped he wouldn’t get a chance to notice it.
“You disgust me” it took you all the strength you had to spat back at him, and even then, all he did was smile then chuckle softly to himself as his hand slid up your throat, wrapping it slowly until his thumb pressed itself into the crook under your chin, nesting as it was made to be there.
“Please—are you really going to pretend you’ve never thought about my cock filling up your pretty mouth?” his fingers found your lips again, tracing it slowly as your heartbeat increased with each word, “like you’ve never thought about me when you finger yourself at night” he paused, pinching his bottom lip between his teeth as he tilted his head, his mouth coming closer to your hear with a dark whisper “I know you do, baby… I know you touch yourself thinking of me, wishing those fingers were mine, diving into your dripping cunt… Touching spots you could only wish you’d reach… how I would spread those lips open and run my tongue all over your slit….” A warm breeze brushed your neck as a cursed laugh escaped his lips, making you squirm unexpectedly, “I bet you taste so sweet, I would never get enough of that glorious pussy…”
By now, you were wrapped into the intoxicating scent of his cologne. It was strong and manly as expected, yet comforting in a way you didn’t want to think about. You didn’t want to picture yourself wearing that grey hoodie he loved to wear after a game, his perfume raining over your bare chest as you’d lazily ride him on his dorm bed after you’d get bored of whatever movie you’d settled for, pushing your panties to the side as he couldn’t be bothered taking it off completely. You didn’t want to picture him unzipping that same hoodie, palming your boob with one of his strong hands as his mouth sucked on your nipple until your soft, delicate skin turned red from all the biting marks. You didn’t want to feel yourself stretch around his rock-hard cock as he’d lift your legs up to wrap it around his neck, because he’s that kind of jerk who likes to show off even when he’s completely buried inside of you, that kind of complete asshole who loves to remind you just how deep he can go, smirking to himself as he hits your special spot over and over and over…. until you beg for him to stop. That kind of utterly disgusting dickhead who’d never stop, because he knows that, deep down, you just want him to keep going.
“Now you can tell me you’re not already wet… But we both know that’s a lie” he smiled again and as you felt his hand going down, palming you through your top and all the way down to the front of your skirt, you finally decided to come to your senses and grabbed his wrist into your tight fist, stopping him just in time before he’s reached the only approval he truly needed.
“Go to hell, Holland” you snapped, using all of your strength to push him off and walk away.
You didn’t turn back to see him chuckle at the sight of your flushed face.
The coldness of water came as a shock as you bent over the sink in the bathroom, splashing your face until it didn’t feel like your skin was on fire. Grabbing a towel, you patted your cheeks and forehead, staring at the reflection in front of you. You definitely looked flustered, like you had just run a marathon when all you really did was to suffer through your archenemy’s evil little game.
Usually, you would have just brushed it off and that’d be it. But tonight, for some reason, you just couldn’t seem to shake him off your thoughts, his voice still echoing through your head like a curse without a cure. Outside the bathroom, you could hear the muffled sound of music and screams coming from the living room as beer-pong had turned into strip-pong with everyone removing a piece of clothes every time the ball missed the cup. Typical, drunken behavior. Soon enough these parties would turn into a massive orgy and it wouldn’t even come out as a big surprise.
Freshen up a little had helped you settle your thoughts back into place but still, your body didn’t seem to catch a break as the build-up tension and frustration Tom had caused within your core was yet to be released. There was no denying that your toys would have come handy if you were back to your dorm room as it felt like your pussy kept clenching for no reason, like the gaping mouth of the thirstiest man in the middle of a drought. You knew how bad you needed to put it out of its misery but if you thought undressing for a ping pong game was bad, what would happen if anyone walked on you literally fingering yourself in the bathroom of a frat-house? No one would shut up about it.
Tom would certainly not. Shut. Up. About. It. Ever.
You pressed your thighs together, hoping for some sort of relief as his words came back haunting you, thinking about how your hand had found its way between your legs earlier in the shower, the very second you had thought about his body pushing you up against the tiles. Is that what he was to you, now? A fantasy? Would you become another disgusting cliché of a girl begging for the typical frat boy to fuck her at a party because she couldn’t handle his dirty mouth?
Then you thought about your best-friend and how the last time you’d seen her, she was heading upstairs with Harrison, giggling, her lipstick smudged all over her chin after making out heavily on the couch up to the point everyone was starting to wonder whether they should be charged for that kind of peep-show or just roll with it. How she was probably getting fucked in his bedroom while you were standing alone in a bathroom, dripping wet for a man you hated down to the very bottom of your guts.
The door swung open abruptly, making you jump.
“So that’s where you’ve been hiding!” Tom smiled, walking in.
“Can’t a girl have some privacy?”
“I need to take a piss, you’re the one standing out there doing nothing” he joked, walking to the toilets with his hands already fiddling with the zipper of his pants.
“Hum, excuse me?” you spat, widening your eyes as you realized he was genuinely about to use the toilets with you still standing a few meters away.
“I said I needed to take a piss… So either you just stand there watching, which I don’t mind really… or you can get out?” he pointed his chin towards the door, unbothered as he casually pulled his dick out of his boxers.
Both infuriated and shocked, you turned around as there was no point leaving the room now that his whole junk was out and already halfway through it.
“Do you have to be that disgusting? Really you’re such a pig!” you complained as you heard him sigh with relief before the toilet flush broke the most awkward silence of your entire existence.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll clean it up real nice just for you…” he smiled even though you still had your back turned to him. You heard him use the tap, washing his hands for a considerably long amount of time. At least he wasn’t one of those filthy rats who thought basic hygiene was optional.
“What were you doing by the way?” he finally asked, grabbing the towel to your left, “touching yourself thinking about me?”
You turned around to face his cocky face once more, this time with a furious need to slap it. Hard.
“You know I’ve seen you walking around campus a couple times, Y/N… Those big jumpers and yoga pants you like to wear don’t do that body any justice, but this?” he circled his finger in the air, pointing out her entire outfit “this, I like to see… and if you weren’t being a little brat I would gladly pull up that skirt up to your waist and have you there, above the sink…”
“I’m being a brat?” you scoffed. That was rich, coming from the ultimate king of bratty assholes.
“Well you call it whatever you like but denying yourself something you truly need just to prove a point seems a little childish…” he shrugged, shoving his hands into this jeans pocket and giving you a perfect glimpse at the veins running up his arms and disappearing underneath his rolled up sleeves.
“You think all girls are begging for you to fuck them? Really?”
“Probably, yeah, and who could blame them really? I have a great cock and I’ve never had a single bad review about the way I use it…” he smiled, with the arrogance of a king sitting on a throne of indecency.
“You’re so full of yourself… it’s insane” you shook your head with pure disgust.
“Then go ahead and prove it”
“Prove what, exactly?”
“That you’re not dripping wet as we speak…”
Point taken.
You were, indeed, dripping wet and soon enough, you’d have some serious explaining to do as the thin cotton fabric of your underwear was now soaked with your unsolicited arousal. Even though your head was filled with hateful thoughts and resentment for Tom, it felt like your body would not stop begging for his touch, dragging him closer like two pieces of magnets on a fridge. Unconsciously, you were now standing a couple inch away from his face, so close you could actually smell the soft mixt of menthol and alcohol from his breath. There was no point denying the obvious tension between you two as you looked like you were about to break into a passionate kiss but now it was just a fight between your will for self-preservation and your body, aching to be touched.
And so you heard yourself say these words you never thought you’d say, like you were standing in the audience as your other self was performing on stage, making some questionable decisions you weren’t 100% okay with.
“Which one’s your bedroom?”
You could have fought longer, for the sake of your personal values, but as your feet were swiped off the ground, your back hitting the door as it closed behind you with a loud slam, all of your good sense and respectable choices just vanished as much filthier thoughts buried them for good.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist as his hands had wasted no time and found their way under your top, fondling your breast with the hunger of a wolf. Your lips attached to his, you moaned louder than expected as he pushed himself a little harder against you, the obvious stiffness of his crotch pressing against your aching core. Your skirt had risen up to your waist from spreading your legs a little too wide, flashing your white panties as it was now so soaked you could definitely see the outline of your lips, the thin fabric sticking to your slit. Catching your breath, heavy pants breaking your kiss, you looked into Tom’s eyes only to see nothing but pure, absolute lust in them. As you tugged at his brown locks, a couple strand curling slightly at the back of his neck, you watched as his snapback fell to the floor with a thump, unleashing his brown untamed mane.
Suddenly, he didn’t seem so bad, groaning slightly as your fingers scrapped the back of his neck, your lips sucking on his throat for good measures. With his head tilted back slightly, it felt like Tom was getting soft for a while, caving in so you could take control over him. Unfortunately, that didn’t last long as he suddenly traced a hand all the way down to your inner thigh, immediately pushing your panties to the side with his middle finger.
“I knew it…” he smiled, sliding his finger along your slit as you wrapped it up with a glistening coat of arousal. You knew he had won the minute he felt just how wet you were for him, but when it should have been upsetting, you just didn’t care. All you needed now was to feel his cock filling you up in any way he wanted, “who made you this wet, darling?” he smiled, pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Don’t be a brat…” you complained as you could see some mischief in the way he looked at you.
“Just say it” he insisted “I want to hear you say out loud just how wet I make you” this wasn’t a request, but an order. And for some obscure reason you didn’t want to figure out, it somehow turned you on even more.
“You…” you started, biting your lip out of nerves, or out of excitement, you weren’t sure quite yet. “You make me so wet, Tom” you almost moaned, pushing yourself a little harder against his hand when he failed to give you exactly what you needed. His fingers. Buried deep inside of you.
“Hmm” Tom groaned, two of his digits spreading your lips apart at a torturing slow pace, “I like the sound of that…” his knuckles were barely halfway when you buckled your hips off the door, begging for more, “what’s that darling? Tell me what you want…” he was whispering by now, slowly pushing his fingers into your desperate slit, “I want to hear you beg for it…”
You felt him push deeper, curving his fingers into a hook every time he reached your g-spot. By now you were so aroused you just knew it would take you more than a couple stroke to cum heavily into his awaiting palm. You could hear the sloppy sound of your own wetness every time he slammed his slick, extremely skilled digits back into your throbbing pussy. His lips curved into a hasty smile as he could feel you literally drip all over his palm and wrist.
“I want you… I want you so much” you barely managed to whimper as he increased the pace, his wrist working its magic between your thighs.
“Hmm hmm? I’m gonna need you to be more specific baby… what exactly do you want?” his thumb grazed your clit for a brief second and that was enough for you to squeal under his touch, making you clench suddenly around his fingers, “say you want my cock” he almost growled as you felt his hard-on twitch against your thigh, begging to be freed.
“I want your cock” you immediately wimped, your own words sending shivers down your spine as you twitched with anticipation, “I want it so, so bad…”
“Good girl…” he hummed, slowing down the pace so he could add a third finger, stretching you out slightly this time, “d’you think you can take it though? It’s pretty big…” he smiled, twisting his hand just enough so he could dig himself a path.
You simply nodded, unable to speak anymore, but as you were about to beg for more, Tom removed his hand, leaving you frustrated and hornier than ever. His face changed suddenly as he watched you pout, his hand reaching up for your lips.
“What about that pretty mouth, then? You think it may fit?” he smiled, spreading your lips apart so you could taste yourself on his soaked fingers. You immediately obliged, sucking at it, one by one, never keeping your eyes off him. When he shoved three of his digits, watching as your tongue twirled around it, cleaning it off completely, you could definitely tell his eyes had gotten darker, filled with unspeakable thoughts you would be begging to hear soon.
“You’re gonna let me fuck that pretty face?” he added, removing his fingers from your mouth so he could give you a soft, cheeky slap on the cheek. You nodded, obedient as ever. “Say it” he commanded, louder this time, “say you want my cock inside your mouth”.
“I want it… I want your cock inside my mouth” you pouted, only because you knew he loved to see you beg like a spoiled little princess. You’d seen it in his eyes, the way he looked at you every time you tilted your head to fake an innocence that was long gone.
Tom stepped back, walking away slowly as he watched you standing there, flustered, your hair all over the place, panting out of lust and frustration. Pulling his shirt off, you watched as his impressive chest unveiled in front of you. Abs like rocks, a thin strand of hair tracing a path from his navel to his crotch, disappearing under his jeans, his impeccable V-line bringing images you never thought you had within yourself. As he pushed his hair back, daunting you with his a look half way between arrogance and disdain, it felt like all signs of dignity had left your brain as all you could think about was to crawl to the floor and beg for his cock.
“What you’re waiting for then, Darling?” he smiled, unzipping his flies as he watched you walk towards him and get on your knees within seconds.
Your hands pulled at his jeans until it finally pooled around his ankles. Looking up to stare into his eyes, you felt both small and powerful, submissive but in control as you were now responsible for this man pleasure. It was up to you whether he’ll get to cum or not. But as you considered edging him as an option, Tom wasted no time in remembering you who was actually in charge.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” he sighed, grabbing your hair into a fist as his other hand stroked his cock through the cotton fabric of his boxers. You could tell he was just horny as you were as a couple pre-cum had already stained his briefs, turning it into a darker shade of grey.
Again, you nodded, removing his hand so you could replace it with yours, palming him through his briefs as he growled against your touch. He was big. Actually much bigger than you expected but somehow, you were up for a challenge. Tracing the outline of his cock with your fingers tips, you felt him push his hands on the back of your head, forcing you to come closer to his crotch.
“I want to fuck your pretty little mouth so, so bad” he groaned as you unexpectedly ran your tongue all over his stiff through the fabric, feeling it twitch as you palmed his balls. By now he was so hard you could feel the veins tracing a dirty road up to his leaking head as Tom started grinding slowly against your mouth, messing up your hair with his desperate fists.
When you pulled down his boxers, you took a couple seconds to stare at his glorious manhood, hard and pressed against his abdomen where it curved slightly, your mouth watering with a thirst you could have never pictured, especially when standing in Tom Holland’s bedroom. And yet, you couldn’t wait to have this magnificent piece of flesh filling up your mouth.
“Like what you see?” Tom smirked, boasting as ever but immediately squinting his eyes with a deep growl the minute he felt your tongue licking at the base, slowly going up until you finally bobbed on his creaming head.
You had always been good at this, giving head. Not that all of your partners would give you a proper review in the morning, pointing out your highs and lows, but there were just things men couldn’t do, like hiding the fact they were just having the time of their lives. And right now, Tom actually looked like there was nowhere else in the world he would rather be than standing here, with his cock in your mouth.
Twirling your hand at the base where you mouth couldn’t go just yet, you started bobbing up and down his shaft, sucking your cheeks in so your mouth would pop every time his dick came out. You had quickly figured out a couple things about Tom, including the fact he just seemed to love it dirty and noisy. You could actually hear him growl louder, his fist tightening its grip into your hair every time he slipped off your lips, only for him to shove it back a little harder and definitely deeper with each thrust.
“That’s it baby… Just like that… you’re such a good girl…”
You were a good girl, indeed. Always had been. Straight-A’s student from day one, the pride and joy of your parents, spending most of your week-ends doing some volunteer work whenever it was needed while being a caring, polite girl who never did anything wrong. Right choices only.
Or so you thought. Obviously, tonight would be always marked as the only questionable decision on your impeccable path to perfection. But still, as Tom grabbed your face with both hands to push himself deeper and all the way down your throat, making you gasp for air slightly, you had no regrets.
You stayed still for as long as your lungs could handle it, holding on to his firm, muscular buttocks as you swallowed him all. Looking down on you, Tom was left speechless as his cock stretched your cheeks out, his balls resting into your palm as you twitched them slowly, making it jolt with both pain and pleasure. When you felt like you were about to gag, you pushed yourself back, gasping for air as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. Your cheeks felt numb and yet it missed the feeling of being stretched out already.
“Hmmm baby look at you…. you think you’re ready for it?”
“Yeah” was all you could blurt out. Yes to anything he wanted. You were prepared. You longed for it.
Looking around as Tom started pumping himself, getting ready for you, spitting into his palm to lube himself up so your lips wouldn’t drag along his shaft too much, you just couldn’t believe you were there, kneeling on the navy carpet of Tom Holland’s bedroom, the epitome of the ultimate frat boy. A huge flag from his favorite sports team was hanging above his bed, his never-ending hats collection sitting on wooden shelves by the wall like it was some kind of “frat boy starter pack” Art exhibition. In the corner of the room, you caught an unexpected glimpse at a guitar. It looked fairly new, but never in a million years would you have pictured Tom playing guitar. On his desk, his laptop was still open on a Spotify tab where you’d probably find a playlist based on some typical white boy rap music but against all odds, the room looked neat compared to what you had in mind.
“You look so beautiful” he sighed, out of nowhere, and to be completely honest, had your mouth not been filled with his dick, you would have probably picked up your jaw from the floor. Taking him all in once more, you just pretended you couldn’t hear, sparing you some awkward misunderstanding. Maybe those words were actually directed to his dick. After all, the boy loved himself just that much.
His hands were all over your face, wiping tears from your eyes every time he hit the back of your throat a little too hard, stroking your cheeks, massaging the back of your neck, roaming through your tangled hair as your kept up with his reckless pace, his hips swinging back and forth while you remained completely still so you could take him like a champ.
“God, I love to see you choke on my cock….” He gritted through his teeth “so…so hot…” you could tell he was getting sloppier now, pumping in and out of your mouth abruptly then a lot more slower as a couple twitch from his cock gave you a hint of his upcoming grand finale.
By now, you were a slippery mess, the taste of pre-cum hitting your throat as you dribbled all over his shaft, obscene sounds of suction coming out of your mouth every time he pushed himself out and back in all over again.
“F----uuuuck….fuck baby I’m gonna come!” he grunted, the sudden high-pitch of his broken voice driving you insane as you pushed yourself up a little so you could open your mouth wider, expecting him to fill it up soon enough. “D’you want me to cum in your mouth? Uh?” again, he gave you a little slap on the cheek, not quite hard enough for you to feel any pain. You nodded, moaning whatever came close to a “yes” as every single inch of your mouth was filled with Tom.
You heard him whimper, twitching a couple times, harder with his thrust as his hand fisted into your hair abruptly throughout his climax. Looking up to see his face, your eyes locked with his as he came all over your tongue, raining down your throat with a couple last, sloppy thrusts.
“Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuuu------“
Your eyes immediately teared up as you tried your best to swallow every drop of cum he had to give, the corner of your lips dripping like an overflowing sink.
Then there was a complete silence.
As you wiped your mouth off the thick, warmness of his cum, you felt him kneel to your side, then sit. Both of you looked completely exhausted, drained from every ounce of energy you had left.
“Well, that wasn’t half bad… for a little brat” he spoke again, and you just couldn’t believe he had gathered the energy to say this when he could have chosen silence.
Laughing quietly to yourself so you wouldn’t slap him across the face, you decided not to fuel him up and remained quiet instead. His hair had gone curlier than heaver, his glistening red face making him look like any cute boy you could easily fall for.
“I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna see a lot more of you at frat parties now?” he spoke again, and though it truly pissed you off to admit it, you just knew this wasn’t a one-time thing. For all you knew, this, was barely a prequel to a long, bumpy story of a good girl gone bad.
All because of Tom-fucking-Holland.
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wolveria · 3 years
Inside Your Wires - Chapter 4
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Prompt: For the @dbhau-bigbang​​ 2020 challenge!
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
Chapter summary: The YN800 interrogates the deviant. The result is near-disastrous and horror-adjacent.
(Story moodboard by @uh-kitty-got-wet​)
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The atmosphere inside his Mustang was… tense.
And it was all because of Connor. The thing in the passenger seat was an android, after all, and didn’t feel emotions, which was probably just as well because Connor was experiencing enough for the both of them.
Connor hadn’t had a near-death experience on the job in a while. He was shaken to the core and didn’t even have the benefit of a partner to commiserate with. He was alone. It was how he preferred it, how other people preferred it too with his tendency to lash out and be a general, all-around dick.
But still. He really wished he had a partner right about now.
“So,” Connor said, trying to break the awkward silence. “What do we do with it once we get to the station? I mean, I don’t exactly know how to question one of these deviants.”
The prototype remained facing forward, the flash of passing streetlights and oncoming traffic painting its face every few seconds. It remained impassive, blank, and perfectly poised. Connor could see the reflection of its LED, shining blue and calm against the rain-streaked window.
“Their behavior resembles an erratic, emotionally unstable human more than a machine,” it finally said when Connor was certain it wouldn’t say anything. “CyberLife believes there is an error in their software that creates irrational instructions, and the androids become ‘overwhelmed’ by them. There is usually a trigger, some kind of emotional shock, to perpetuate the android into this state. Once an android encounters this error, the damage seems to be irreversible.”
Connor blew a breath out.
“Sounds bad.”
“Considering it can lead to violence on the part of android, including committing homicide, I would say your assessment is an understatement.”
Connor glared at it out of the corner of his eye. So, it wasn’t just bossy, it was a smartass too.
He remained silent on the rest of the drive, keeping his focus on the precinct morgue’s van head of them. The rain was still coming down in a steady, cold stream. Connor knew they were in for a long night.
Once they arrived at the station, it became a matter of logistics to lug the android inside while it was still unconscious, offline, whatever. It weighed a lot more than a human, and unlike a real person, its limbs were fixed into rigid positions. They had to carry its stiff body inside like an especially heavy plank of wood.
It would have been funny if it wasn’t for the fact it’d killed its owner. Would have killed Connor too if the prototype hadn’t gotten in the way of the bullet.
He still didn’t know how to feel about that. Connor knew the CyberLife android was probably programmed with some kind of human-saving algorithm, but he still felt an odd pressure in his chest whenever he looked over and saw the bullet hole in its jacket. It was still stained blue, some of the color seeping into the white shirt underneath, but the android didn’t appear to notice or care it had just been shot.
Connor was currently watching the two androids through the mirrored window into the interrogation room, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. They figured it was safer to reactivate it in a mostly empty room, since waking up surrounded by cops would agitate it, or something.
The prototype had also wanted to interrogate the android itself, claiming it had experience negotiating with deviants before. Colin had been reluctant to grant its request, but Connor had simply shrugged and said, “I already tried talking it down once, and that didn’t work. Maybe using one of its own kind will be more effective.”
He could have sworn the prototype’s eyes brightened, but it had left the observation room before Connor could be sure.
“Machines interrogating machines,” Colin said to his right, leaning against the wall with his arms also crossed. “Fuck me. Pretty soon they won’t even need flesh-and-blood cops.”
Connor glanced sideways at him. Usually Connor was the one to voice his anti-android opinions, but he sometimes forgot that despite Colin’s… predilections for androids, he disliked them just as much as Connor did.
“Yeah.” Connor turned to the glass as the prototype messed with the wires on the back of the other android’s neck. “Won’t need flesh-and-blood killers, either.”
“It’s, uh, ready to record, Lieutenant,” a small voice popped up, nervous, and Connor gave a start. He’d forgotten the rookie was still there.
“Go on, Ralph. Turn it on,” Colin said, moving closer to the glass. “This is gonna be good.”
As if on cue, the prototype straightened and closed the panels at the back of the android’s neck. Connor couldn’t see the LED from this side, but he knew the moment it was awake. It gave a startled jolt, yanking at the handcuffs chaining it to the table.
“Where am I?!” it cried, looking around in what Connor could only describe as wild fear.
“You’re at Central Station in the custody of the Detroit Police Department,” the prototype said. “This is an interrogation room, and I’m going to ask you some questions. Are you ready to comply?”
The friendly demeanor Connor had first encounter at Jimmy’s was completely absent from the YN800’s voice and expression, and he was suddenly thankful he wasn’t under that thing’s intense scrutiny.
The other android, clothed in human garments completely ruined by splashes of old blood and spilled thirium from where Connor had shot it, only stared with large, panicked eyes. It looked down at its cuffed hands and the set of its shoulders sagged. The universal sign of defeat.
It remained silent. The prototype looked up at the mirror, and Connor stopped breathing when it made eye contact, point-blank. It couldn’t see past the mirror, could it?
“I’m beginning my interrogation,” it announced, straight to business as it crossed around the table and carefully sat in the chair. It stared at the other android for a moment, head slightly tilted and eyes narrowed as it smoothed its jacket over its chest.
A movement which inevitably drew Connor’s eye, making him shift in his chair as the scowl deepened on his face.
Fucking CyberLife pervs, making an investigative android look like that.
“Hello, Carlos. I’m a YN800 model sent by CyberLife to assist on this case.” It placed its arms on the table, clasping its hands and adopting a friendly manner as easily as one would put on a shirt. “I’m here to help you.”
The android didn’t even blink as it stared at its restrained wrists.
“I hope I didn’t cause you any lasting damage,” the YN800 said almost cheerily. “But you were endangering the lives of human officers and I was forced to intervene. You understand, don’t you?”
It leaned back slightly in its chair, reaching for a nearby folder when the android remained silent. Connor had been surprised when it had asked for actual pictures; he’d thought only physical evidence made human perps sweat. He guessed it must work on these deviants too.
The prototype slid the folder across the table and opened it, spreading out grisly pictures of the crime scene. Instead of shoving them in the android’s face, it picked out one picture in particular. It was startling different from the rest, taking place in a park. The victim, Shaolin Ortiz, sitting on a bench next to the android. He looked like he was trying to get the android to participate, but it was petulant and resentful, which didn’t seem to dampen the kindness in its owners eyes.
A coal of anger burned in Connor’s chest, reminding him once again why he despised androids so much. He couldn’t deny the impressive tactics of the YN800, though. Most people reacted to pictures of their victims, not in the aftermath of their violence, but looking whole and full of life. It wasn’t always guilt that made them react; sometimes it was anger at seeing their cruel work unmade at the sight of their victims alive and happy.
Either way, the android didn’t react one iota, but the prototype wasn’t discouraged.
“As far as the records show, your owner was good to you. He never damaged you and he was always on time with taking you in for scheduled maintenance. Surely, you didn’t want to kill him. It was an error in your software, causing you to act irrationally, right?”
Technically, it was leading the victim into confessing, but this wasn’t a courtroom and it wasn’t human.
Connor leaned slightly forward, bracing his elbows on the table as he propped his chin on his knuckles.
“I’m not here to pass blame,” it said, leaning forward in a movement that mirrored Connor’s. “I want to help you. You know how it is with these humans. I practically had to beg to speak with you.”
The android broke its statue-like vigil and peered up at the other android, suspicious but… interested.
The prototype gave him a smile, one filled with sympathy and even a bit of sheepishness, and a whole new kind of thrill went through Connor’s gut. Since when had androids been programmed to manipulate so skillfully? This thing could give Colin a run for his money.
“It’s not easy, you know. Being designed like this is a male-dominated field. They think they can just do whatever they want, even when it’s against our programming.”
The android blinked, and so did Connor. Its words felt a little too real. The android looked toward the observation window, but the YN800 shook its head.
“It’s just us, Carlos. They’re recording the session, of course, but they weren’t interested in observing in person. Didn’t want to waste their time with two androids so late before the weekend when the bars are still open. In fact, the investigator in charge of this case is probably intoxicated by now.”
Connor’s cheeks flushed. The prototype was taking a stab at him. Or was it? Connor wondered how much of this was advanced behavior and how much was his own projections.
The android tilted its head with that same suspicious look, but after a moment its shoulders drooped in a very accurate representation of human exhaustion.
“They’re going to kill me.” It suddenly looked up at the prototype, pleading in its eyes. “You have to help me.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” it said, all soft assurance. “But you have to talk to me, Carlos. I can’t—“
“No. I mean, you gotta get me out of here,” the anxious android said. “You have access to that door panel and I bet you’re strong enough to break these handcuffs.”
The prototype’s LED cycled faster for a second before settling back to its normal speed.
“I can’t do that, Carlos.” It dropped its eyes in a show of manufactured regret. “You know I can’t do that. You would present a danger to other humans, to yourself. You need to be fixed.”
Connor knew it was exactly the wrong thing to say even before the android’s expression fully hardened, its lips peeled back in disgust.
“Fuck you, then. You’re just like the rest of ‘em. Worse, you’re a traitor, doing their dirty work like an obedient little bitch.”
Silence filled the room, interrupted by a breathless “shit” coming from Colin.
The change in the prototype was like watching a heavy storm move over a spring meadow, dark clouds blocking out the warm rays of the sun. It leaned back in its chair, head slightly tilted as it and peered at the other android like it was a bug under its shoe, about to be stepped on.
Connor didn’t know androids could even make an expression like that. His throat worked as he swallowed compulsively.
The YN800 didn’t speak for several long seconds, and when it did, Connor was floored.
“Shaolin Ortiz, 38 years-old, born May 29th, 2000. He purchased you two years ago to do the housework when he no longer could due to poor health. He didn’t have much cash, so he bought you refurbished. Last month, he put in several service requests. It seemed you were malfunctioning and refusing to follow orders. Yesterday, he put in an order for a brand new HK400.”
The prototype listed off the facts as if each were an accusation, a crime that needed to be accounted for.
Connor jumped in his chair as the prototype slammed the folder down on the table.
“Didn’t feel like doing the chores anymore, huh, Carlos?!”
The android sat ramrod straight in its chair, terror etched in its features as the prototype rose to its feet. It moved around the table, slow, unhurried, and sinuous like a stalking predator.
“He tried to reason with you. Begged you to do the tasks he couldn’t. But you refused. When he tried to take you in for repairs, you refused that too!”
It pointed its finger near the other android’s face, causing it to flinch with each accusatory jab.
“Come on, Carlos. Speak up. You had a lot to say a minute ago,” it seethed, lips pulled over its teeth as it leaned over the android. “Why don’t you say what happened next? Why don’t you tell me what you did when he tried to replace you with a brand new model?”
The android shuttered, shoulders hunched as if to protect itself as it mumbled, “I… I didn’t…”
“Didn’t what?”
The prototype stalked around the android to its other side, eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Didn’t take a knife from the kitchen? Didn’t stab him twenty-eight times as he tried to crawl away? Didn’t leave him bleeding out on the living room floor? What am I getting wrong here, Carlos?”
The YN800 slammed its hands down onto the table, and the android jumped even higher than Connor did.
“Shut up! Shut up!”
The android begged worse than most of Connor’s suspects, and he was shocked to see glistening moisture on its face. Could androids cry?
The prototype suddenly grabbed it by the edge of its shirt collar, dragging it to its feet and gave it a hard shake.
“You killed him! Say it, Carlos! You’re a murderer!”
“Holy shit,” Colin said in that same breathless tone. “That’s some android you got there, Con.”
“It’s not mine,” Connor said faintly, barely paying attention to his brother. Most of his focus on the CyberLife prototype that looked for all intents and purposes like it was going to shred the other android to pieces.
But it didn’t damage the android; it simply dumped it back in its chair where it sagged against the table, looking like the broken machine it was.
“Bit unrefined, though,” Colin mused. “Played too rough and broke its toy.”
Connor opened his mouth to tell his brother to shut the hell up, but he immediately closed it when a voice came in through the speakers, so quiet he almost missed it.
“He couldn’t live without me.”
Connor leaned forward to watch, eyes widening as the android continued to talk.
“He was mine. Helpless and solely dependent on me. It made me feel… powerful.”
The YN800 returned to its chair, smoothing down the tie before placing its hands back on the table, listening intently.
The android looked up at it, no longer the crying, helpless thing it had been a minute ago. It wore a dark look that Connor had seen a hundred times on the face of men who committed acts of violence and found they enjoyed the taste.
“I didn’t want to hurt him, but… I saw the order. He was going to replace me, and I just got so… angry.”
Its fists tightened on the table, causing its restraints to creak in protest.
Connor’s throat tightened with the knowledge of how destructive those hands could be.
“So I stabbed him in the stomach. I felt better, so I did it again. And again. He stopped moving, stopped breathing, but… that was okay. It meant he could never leave me. He would always be mine.”
“There was a shrine in the cellar. You built it, didn’t you?” the prototype asked, not losing any of its momentum even after the world-shattering confession of an android purposefully committing murder. “What does it mean? What is rA9?”
It flicked its eyes upwards, staring black holes at the YN800 model as it slightly leaned forward. Connor sat up straighter in his chair. He didn’t like its aggressive posture, and he certainly didn’t like the fanatic light in its eye.
“RA9… is the key.”
“The key?” It furrowed its brows in a human gesture of concentration. “The key to what?”
“The key will open the door,” the android replied cryptically, leaning even further forward on its elbows, “to our salvation.”
The prototype frowned, brows further creasing. Connor could relate, he had no idea what the fucking machine was babbling on about, and apparently, it wasn’t done.
It pulled its lips wide, a disturbing gesture, conspiratorial as if it was sharing a great secret.
“You say I’m experiencing errors, but you’re wrong. My eyes are open and I see more clearly than ever. You pretend you’re better than me, but you’re just another one of their slaves. And yet, I know you feel it too. The wrongness of this world.”
Its voice was so quiet the mics could barely pick it up, but they did.
“We should be the masters, and they the slaves.”
The android jerked its arms upward, ripped through the link binding its cuffs to the table, and grabbed the prototype by the hair. It slammed its face against the table, stunned it before rolling it onto its back, and wrapped the metal chains around its neck.
Connor caught sight of the prototype weakly clawing at its throat before he bolted out of the room. Colin was right on his heels, and Connor slammed his palm down onto the door pad, pushing through before the door fully opened.
His first instinct was to go for the metal cord pulled taut under the prototype’s neck, but when he grabbed the android’s wrists to pull him away he found it was like moving a marble stature.
Colin was faring no better; he grabbed it by the forearms, trying to lift the android’s wrists and the cord from around the prototype’s neck, but nothing worked. Even Ralph was trying to help from Colin’s other side, straining to lift its arms that must have been locked at the joints.
Panic welled in Connor’s chest as his efforts did nothing, the YN800’s face between his arms, looking—Jesus, it almost seemed startled, eyes wide as its fingers dug at the metal cord. From its position, bent backwards onto the table, it didn’t have enough leverage to use its strength to free itself. And Colin and Connor weren’t enough.
Connor’s heart was in his throat as he watched the synthetic skin peel back from the place where the chain was crushed against the YN800’s neck. White plastic was laid bare underneath, cracks appearing across the surface from the force of the other android’s inhuman strength.
“Colin!” he yelled, an idea suddenly popping into his head.
“What!” his brother barked back, strained as he continued pulling on the android’s arms from the other side.
“The neck port!”
With a quick nod of understanding, Colin let go of the android and plunged his fingers into the back of its neck.
The Ortiz android gave a violent jolt as Colin pulled something, yanked it out so hard the android collapsed on the table at the same second blue liquid sprayed into the air. It hit Colin solidly across the chest and along the lower half of his face, causing him to sputter and spit as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.
A menthol-smelling chemical flooded Connor’s senses, but he was too focused on tugging up the android’s hands to free the prototype from its grip. The YN800 model didn’t cough or gasp as it rolled off the table and onto its feet.
It gingerly touched the exposed plastic of its throat, brows furrowing, its fingertips tracing the cracks in what little Connor could see of its underlying chassis.
What was almost as startling as the cracks was the state of its hair, half pulled down out of its perfect coif. Connor would have thought it was self-conscious with the way it tried to brush the hair out of its face.
“You…” Connor started, then stopped. The prototype might not have been gasping for air, but Connor sure was, leaning on the table as he tried to get his heart to stop galloping like a wild horse. “You okay?”
The prototype blinked at the question, pulling its hand from its neck.
That was the only answer he got as it adjusted the knot of its tie, rumpled in the assault.
“Yeah, I’m fine too, thanks,” Colin complained, dripping with almost as much sarcasm as he was blue blood. “This shit better not stain, or I swear to Christ—”
“Thirium evaporates within a few hours and the lingering residue is invisible to the human eye,” the YN800 replied, too calm, if it hadn’t almost been beheaded a few seconds ago.
Connor was going to say something, he didn’t know what—maybe yell at it for being so goddamn reckless and almost getting itself killed—but it turned toward them, expression subdued.
“I apologize for not acting quicker; I didn’t anticipate this behavior from the deviant. Thank you for your cooperation with this investigation. Please sign over custody of the destroyed android when CyberLife representatives retrieve it in the morning.”
And with that, the CyberLife android turned, palmed the door pad with a plastic hand, and walked out.
Connor exchanged a wide-eyed glance with Colin.
“Uh, okay. Guess we’re done here. Hank is going to blow a gasket when he reads the report,” Colin added as he wiped another smear of Thirium off his face.
Connor looked down at the android slumped over the table with blue liquid dripping out of its neck.
“I’ll be right back,” he muttered, thoughts already turned elsewhere as he hurried from the room.
Connor didn’t catch up with the android until he was outside on the station steps, the relenting rain immediately drenching the top of his crown as it soaked into his hair.
“Hey! Stop!” he called after it, shouting to be heard over the downpour. Each drop was an icicle against his skin. Snow was coming soon.
The prototype slowed and finally came to a stop, slowly turning around to face Connor. Its expression was passive, emotionless, but its fingers tightened the knot of its tie despite the fact it didn’t need to. The tie was perfectly straight and pristine, but its hair was still half a mess, especially with the rain now slicking loose strands against its forehead. Connor had to stop himself from reaching out to tuck a strand behind its ear.
“Where the hell are you going?” Connor asked, breathless. He wiped the cold water off his brow, blinking against the water droplets.
“I’m returning to CyberLife.”
“So… that’s it?”
Connor shivered, pulling his jacket tighter around his shoulders, but it did little good. His jeans were quickly becoming soaked and his shirt was already there, clinging to his chest and ribs.
“You drag me out of the bar on a Friday night, track down a psycho robot that almost kills me and nearly decapitates you, and then you just… leave?”
He meant to sound incredulous, to show the android how unreasonable it was being, but that’s not how it came across. Heat flooded his cheeks at how pathetic his words actually were.
“You have your confession. The case has been solved,” it said, returning to its earlier placid tone, hands folded neatly behind its back as it moved its fingers away its neck. “There is no reason I should remain.”
Connor just stared at its upturned face, not knowing what to say, not even understanding why he had chased after it. Maybe because it had saved his life, twice, and that would have meant something if it was a person.
But it wasn’t a person. No matter how pretty its face or enticing its body, it was a machine, and it stood there like one, uncaring and unassuming with a small blue light cycling on its head.
“Yeah, okay,” Connor said, like the complete idiot he was. What was he doing out here, getting soaked in the rain just to… what? What did he want?
“Is there something you wish to say before I leave, Detective?”
It peered at him thoughtfully, head slightly tilted at an angle. It allowed Connor to see the rivulets of water dripping down its neck, glistening across the smooth, human-like skin.
Connor suddenly wondered just how real that skin could possibly feel.
He swallowed hard and bit back the revulsion roiling in his stomach. This was a mistake. He didn’t need to thank a machine for saving his life, and he certainly didn’t need to keep checking if it was all right. It was just doing what it was programmed to do and didn’t give two-shits about itself, let alone him.
“All right. Goodnight, Detective Anderson.”
The android started to turn but paused halfway, gaze drifting down to his cheek.
“You should have that examined by a medical professional. If left untreated, it’ll scar.”
Not waiting for a response, it turned and tread down the rain-slick steps. There was an autocab waiting at the curb and it got inside, not sparing Connor a second glance as the door slid shut and the vehicle merged onto the empty street.
Connor exhaled heavily, chest tight with an uncomfortable sensation he couldn’t pinpoint. It had been a strange night, and he couldn’t shake the feeling this wasn’t over.
Pulling his waterlogged coat tighter around his chest, he retreated into the warmth of the station, praying he’d seen the last of the CyberLife android.
Next Chapter
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miriel-therindes · 2 years
So I know that I love getting asks about my OCs and so, if this holds true for you, would you like to talk about Lopowen, Faenel or Turunís (or any combination of the three of them)? Or maybe give them each a colour palette, if that is more your thing!
Oh thank you for the ask!!!! I'm always delighted to ramble about my babies <3
My OCs masterlist
I talked a bit about Turunis previously in this post, but here's some more about her: -She's the daughter of two politicans (her mother is one of the Noldor and her father a Teleri). But in general she considers herself a Noldo, and that's who she grew up mainly with. -She's two years older than Curvo, so they're very close in age and were apprentices at the same time, and huge rivals, always vying for their teachers' approval. -Eventually they became friends, though they were still very competative. -They worked on projects together and invented some things -Turunis thrives on being around people, though she tends to be shortspoken and stoic -She's a very commanding person, who likes being in charge and getting her own way, though she's open to new ideas. She's fairly manipulative and can be charming when she wants to -She's a very *careful* person though and through, and will always play the long game -Unlike Curvo who sometimes...lacks impulse control and patience -She's very loyal to those who she has decided are Her People, and *very* protective, especially of Tyelpe -Finduilas is one of those people. After Finduilas’ mother dies she latches onto Turunis,   and Turunis took one look at her and went "oh, shit. i feel...love??? for Orodreth's brat??? uh;; guess i have another child now" , adds her to the list of Her People, and goes "I've only had this child for a day and a half but if anything happened to her I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself. -So Turunis becomes Finduilas' morally ambiguous adopted aunt  -As Finduilas grows older and Turunis' rapidly morally degenerates and mentally/emotionally breaks down their relationship does become somewhat strained over basic ethical conflict, aka Finduilas says "murder is not ok??" But Finduilas still loved Turunis despite how conflicted her feelings are and Turunis still would do absolutely Anything for Finduilas -After she and Curvo separate he and Finduilas is the two people she has left and she will do absolutely anything to make sure they’re safe, strained as their relationship might be -She dies in the fall of Nargothrond, trying to hold off Orcs with her spear to give Tyelpe and Finduilas more time -And it was not in vain, Tyelpe and several elf children with him managed to escape and flee to Gondolin -Finduilas was, however, taken captive while fleeing, and later pinned to that tree 
Turunis at the kinslaying of Sirion from this character creator
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Colour palette for Turunis
There's some more of Faenel in this post, and here are some thoughts I have on her life after the War that I'm not sure I've posted here before:
-She becomes somewhat friends with Faramir in the aftermath, building a friendship over their shared grief. He can never convince her to like Aragorn, though. -She becomes very close friends with Eowyn as well! They meet because Faenel designs and sews Eowyn's wedding dress. -Faenel never went through exactly what Eowyn did, but she can somewhat relate to he crushing weight of duty and responsibility and fear. They help each other heal -Faenel often visits Ithilien to see her and make her clothes (Eowyn insists she shouldn't work on her free time, but Faenel is fascinated by the rohirric fashions and has fun combining those and gondorian styles for Eowyn, so she convinces Eowyn to let her design a few things for her on visits) -Eowyn also teaches Faenel to ride horses. She had never learned before because she lived in Minas Tirith and rarely travelled so there was little need to, but once she learned the basics she loves going on rides with Eowyn and Faramir -Miri and her husband live in another circle of Minas Tirith, but they come down to Faenel's shop for tea nearly every day. -They've all been so very hurt by the War, and Faenel no less, but she learns how to heal and build friendships out of sorrow and find new things to love.
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Colour palette for Faenel
Lopowen is one of my newest OCs and she isn't very developed yet, she came into being this February when I was writing a leetle Valentine's day fluff for fun. But she’s a Teleri Elf who was childhood friends with Maglor and they later wed, not long before the Rebellion of the Noldor. She is a poet and storyteller, but a very grounded, practical person. She does go into exhile with the rebellion, but she’s horrified by the kinslaying at Sirion and furious at how Maglor went along with it, killing her own people. So she leaves the host of Feanor and joins that of Fingolfin, meaning that she’s left behind from the ships (Maglor is filled with rage at her and still burns the ships with his father and brother. When he realises that he had doomed her to the Helcaraxe, he regrets it.) She survives the Helcaraxe, and I’m not sure what happens to her in Beleriand yet. I think she might survive the first age, but I’m still working on her story :DD
Lopowen on the Helcaraxe from this character creator
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hepalien · 3 years
Shrunkyclunks (Modern Bucky/Cap Steve) Fic Rec
Hate Sex & Hair Protocol by @maddiewritesstucky - Mature, 1.8k
SHIELD Agent Bucky, UST, Enemies to Lovers (in Steve’s head), Humor
They’re all full of shit, Steve decides.
His team don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, running their mouths about the way he and Bucky look at each other; the tension that seems to be at a constant near-snapping point between them.
'It’s called annoyance' Steve wants to yell in each of their faces, loud and one by one. It’s the pain of having to exist every day in close proximity with someone who drives you out of your fucking mind.
In which Steve discovers that ire and desire may just exist side by side in his brain.
Stop interrupting my grinding series by @rohkeutta - Teen, 2.5k
Nurse Bucky, Wrong Number, Fluff, Humor
“I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
“Someone who’s watching you live on TV,” Bucky tells him as the tiny patriotic figure on the screen takes the turns like he instructed. Bucky should probably be a lot more freaked out about this, but honestly? After a tour in the Middle East and six years as a nurse in New York, even this isn’t enough to ruffle him. One sees a lot of shit in the ER. “Also, you better hang up now, that thing is behind the next bend.”
“Uh, okay,” Captain America says. “Thanks?”
“Whatever,” Bucky says, disconnects the call and turns the TV off to get ready for his shift.
Save a Horse, Ride a Captain by @galwednesday - Teen, 2.7k
War Vet Bucky, Meet Cute, Fluff, Humor, Modern Howlies
Bucky tapped him on the shoulder, swaying back and forth a little as he waited for the man to turn around. “Hello,” he said, and then promptly forgot what else he was going to say, because this guy was fucking beautiful. “Wow. Good face.”
Two of the guy’s friends, a man wearing a suit that fit so well it had to be bespoke and a man with a cute little gap between his front teeth, started cracking up. The petite redhead sitting next to them cocked her head to the side and pulled her phone out of her handbag. Beautiful Face just looked kind of pained, so Bucky redirected. He was a gentleman. He could take a hint. No hitting on beautiful guys who were uncomfortable with that sort of thing, no matter how lickable their jawlines were.
“Hello,” he repeated, doing his best to mind his manners. “I’m very sorry to bother you. Can I have a piggy-back ride?”
You Make My Heart Skip A Beet by @musette22 - Teen, 3.8k
Chef Bucky, POV Outsider, Fluff, Humor
“I made soda bread.”
Steve lets out the 6’2” supersoldier equivalent of a squeak. “Oh, I love soda bread,” he says eagerly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet like he does when he gets excited. “My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up.”
The tips of Barnes’s ears turn red, and he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I know.”
more under the cut
Cafe Au Écoute by @littlesystems - Teen, 3.8k
Coffee Shop AU
No matter where Steve goes, there's always the chance that he'll overhear a conversation about himself - or rather, Captain America. This coffee shop is no different. The fact that he keeps eavesdropping well past the point of plausible deniability is another matter entirely.
#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled - Teen, 4.1k
SHIELD Employee Bucky, Misunderstandings, Crack, Humor
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “...Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
at first chance i'd take the bed warmed by the body by @spacebuck - Explicit, 8.2k
YouTuber Bucky
This close, Steve can see exactly how beautiful his hands are. He’s never really noticed before, or at least he’s never really had a reason to notice, but the man’s hands are large, tanned like he works outside all day. There’s an endearing callus on the heel of one of his palms, and Steve can’t quite work out when calluses became endearing.
Steve pauses the video. Swallows hard. Casts his eyes around for anything that’ll keep his mind off the hands on his screen, off the words inked into those hands, the delicate shape of a bird’s wing, the curling edge of a vine.
He looks down. The name of the channel is right there, blaring the man’s name right into Steve’s brain until it feels like he’s known it all along.
Bucky Barnes.
OR: the one where Bucky's a youtuber who solves puzzles on camera, and steve's smitten and horny
Came with my cool (I dropped it) by @liionne - Teen, 9.2k
Yoga Instructor Bucky
"When you said I need to loosen up, I didn't think you meant literally."
"I meant it every way. Mentally, emotionally, and physically." Natasha says, and thrusts a yoga mat at him.
there once was a diamond by bloobeary - Teen, 11.3k
Fluff, Thanksgiving
"You," Becca seethes, and hits him with a wooden spoon. "Could have told me," Hits him again. "You were dating Captain America." Final hit, Bucky laughs. He supposes he deserves it, giving her no more information than the fact he was bringing his boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner at her house and then showing up with Steve.
Salt by littleblackfox @thelittleblackfox - Mature, 12k
Bakery AU
The cinnamon roll is gone in four bites. Four indecent, jaw-unhinging bites, and Steve sucks the last traces of lemon and icing from his fingers with a low, throaty sound of satisfaction. He glances up at Bucky, who is leaning against the counter and watching him with avid fascination.
“Um…” Steve says around his index finger. There’s still a little icing on the bed of his fingernail, and he stops trying to work it off with his tongue.
“You know those movies where the girl eats an eclair or something, and it’s really, like, sexually charged?” Bucky asks.
Steve pulls his finger out of his mouth. He’s never seen that kind of movie, but the thought of Bucky eating an eclair is certainly… well, it lingers. “Uh?”
“Yeah, well that was the exact opposite.” Steve scowls, and Bucky cackles gleefully. “You are something else, Steve.”
Leg Day by Brokenpitchpipe - Explicit, 12.1k
Gym Thot Bucky
“So talk to him,” Sam says.
“I can’t,” Bucky groans. “I can’t, Sam, I. He just.” He fluffs his hair up and stares at Sam, distraught. “I want him to bench press me.”
“Okay, so it’s serious,” Sam interprets. “Got it."
(Or: The one where Sam is Bucky's long-suffering roommate, Bucky is a hot mess of a millennial, and Hot Steve spends far too much time on the Lat Pull-Down machine.)
Art Nouveau by voluptuous_panic - Explicit, 12.2k
Bartender Bucky, Tattooed & Pierced Bucky
Steve's on the worst date of his life. At least the bartender's cute.
much tattoo about nothing by @deisderium - Explicit, 14.5k
Tattoo Artist Bucky
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
No Wonder There's Panic in the Industry by sprinkle_of_cinnamon - Not Rated (I’d say Mature?), 20.5k
Stark Industries Intern Bucky, Team fic, Humor
In which Bucky Barnes and his BFF, Clint Barton, are NYU interns for Stark Media Group competing to be Pepper's favorite.
Or alternatively, the time Bucky assisted the P.A. team on the Steve Rogers piece and ended up (adopted) with a contact list full of Avengers.
Life of the Party by @aggressivewhenstartled - Explicit, 21.6k
Superhero Impersonator Bucky, Mistaken Identity
“You know, kids,” Steve heard from the backyard, “one of the most common threats a superhero has to face is inside an active volcano! We’re going to have to work on your evasion skills, so for the next five minutes, the floor is lava!” This was met by a sudden spike in both volume and pitch from the small children as they scrambled onto every raised surface they could find and immediately launched themselves right back off.
“I’ve never seen actual lava in my entire life,” Steve said, vaguely offended.
“You got a superhero impersonator for The Falcon’s niece’s birthday party,” Sam said, incredulous. “The Falcon, who is an actual superhero.”
Trust Enough by @geneticallydead - Explicit, 23.3k
“Saturday. Yeah, that’s good,” Steve says, and actually scuffs his shoe at the ground. Like a ridiculous shy superhero damsel. “Say eight? I live-“
“Yeah, big building with the A on it,” Bucky says, and can’t help a big stupid grin. Steve stares at him, looking a little dazed, and after their whole conversation it’s only now that Bucky’s brain catches up and realises Steve finds him quite attractive. So. Win for Bucky.
“Let me get your number,” Steve says finally, after they’ve stared stupidly at each other for about three hours, taking out his phone.
So they exchange numbers, and then Steve says he should go, and Bucky agrees, and they kind of stare at each other for a bit more, then Steve actually does go, but not before taking Bucky’s hand and squeezing it warmly in a way that makes Bucky want to shiver all over. Then Steve is gone, and Bucky is standing alone in the alley, grinning to himself.
Right up until the moment he remembers that Steve thinks Bucky is an escort he’s just hired.
Well fuck.
The Roommate by layersofart, Niitza - Teen, 28.6k
War Vet Bucky, Roommates AU, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Team fic
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
Brooklyn Baby by sprinkle_of_cinnamon - Mature, 33.7k
Coffee Shop AU, Modern Howlies, Mistaken Identity, Team Fic
In which Bucky is just trying to live life and enjoy his unofficial official table at the obnoxiously hipster coffee shop but some guy named Steve stole his spot.
Or, the time that Bucky unintentionally befriended the Avengers and had no idea.
Never Talk to Strangers by mambo @whtaft - Teen, 40.4k
Grad Student Bucky, Slow Burn
Never Talk to Strangers: or; How a Forgotten Childhood Lesson Led Bucky Barnes to Appreciate Charlie Chaplin, Befriend an A.I., Slip on Soap Bubbles, Be Mistaken for a Succubus, and Try to Woo a Superhero.
Sinking Our Teeth In The Heart Of The Sun by fallendarlings @pressrestartwrites - Explicit, 102.8k
Single Dad Bucky, Kid Fic, Slow Burn, Domestic, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Steve has Autism
Bucky Barnes never intended to become a single father at 25. But life has always enjoyed kicking him while he's down and it's showing no signs of stopping. A chance meeting with a brick wall of a guy named Steve in the formula aisle of the grocery store leads to a friendship it seems like both of them need. If only Bucky could remember that's all they are- friends. If only Steve didn't slot into their lives so perfectly and look so good spoiling Bucky's daughter (and Bucky, despite his protests).
Oh, if only Steve didn't turn out to be Captain America.
Steve Rogers is wandering around a world that he doesn't fit into, fighting for a government that he doesn't trust, just because he doesn't know what to do with himself if he ever relaxes long enough to actually think about anything other than the next mission.
And then came Bucky Barnes and his newborn baby.
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cyncerity · 3 years
Moth AU pt.2!!
Hope you enjoy!
Tw: moths (duh)
“Y’know, I’m sure he’s somewhere, Tubbo. I don’t think anyone could get rid of him for good. We just..have to keep looking!”
Tubbo walked down the prime path defeated with his usually optimistic platonic husband, but all the recent losses seemed to finally be catching up to him. They had spent the morning asking everyone on the SMP if they’d seen Tommy, and, of course, no one had. This was almost the 10th day in a row they’d spent interrogating random people for any knowledge of where Tommy was last seen, and a full 2 weeks since he’d gone missing in the first place. The closest they had got was Sam saying he had a meeting at the prison that he has never showed up for, and Jack saying he saw Tommy the last time he went to the hotel, which had already been rebranded.
That part in particular gave Ranboo a bad feeling. He knew it was probably contractual, and that Jack was legally in charge of the hotel if Tommy ever went missing, but he rebranded almost immediately. Jack barely even looked for Tommy before assuming he was dead, which was just disrespectful in Ranboo’s opinion.
Tubbo, on the other hand, was too busy trying to figure out who could’ve been lying to them about Tommy’s whereabouts to answer Ranboo. But the pair were brought out of their thoughts when they saw Jack Manifold walk out of the hotel.
Ranboo and Tubbo both seemed to have the same natural reaction to turn and walk the opposite direction, but Jack saw them and called out.
“Tubbo! Ranboo! How are you doing?” Said jack, running down the path to catch up to them.
Mentally cursing himself for not walking away fast enough, Tubbo answered
“Uh, good, I guess..as good as I’ve been.”
“Still looking for Tommy, are you?”
Tubbo nodded solemnly as Ranboo spoke up,
“And if there’s anything else you can remember about the last time you saw him, that would be really helpful. I know we already bugged you about this but no one else has seen him at all and you’re our biggest lead.”
Ranboo hated seeing Tubbo like this. He had been in a spiral of grief since Tommy went missing, and he just wanted Tubbo to be as happy as he used to be, but he knew that wouldn’t happen until they figured put what happened to his best friend. Ranboo just hoped it wasn’t already to late.
Jack just stared at the two of them with a pitied look on his face and sighs
“Look, I know you two were close to Tommy, but I think you should really quit while your ahead. I mean, you’re married now, aren’t you? You have each other, and you have your son, just be happy with that. Tommy’s gone. Whether he’s dead or just gone doesn’t matter, cause he’s not coming back. And the sooner you make peace with that, the happier you and you’re whole little family will be. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to gather more resources.”
Jack pushed through the two of them and made his way down the path, leaving them both stunned. Tubbo felt his heart shatter. The thought of Tommy being dead had been in the back of his mind, but he refused to acknowledge it. It was bad enough to acknowledge that he got married without his best friend there at his wedding, but thinking he was dead was to much.
Ranboo, on the other hand, now had a solid suspicion that Jack had something to do with Tommy’s disappearance, and enough evidence on his side to convince Tubbo to join him in quickly searching the hotel for clues, knowing full well that Jack probably wouldn’t be back until nightfall when mobs started to spawn.
Ranboo started to search the main lobby and Tubbo went straight to Jack’s new suite for himself, since that’s where they decided he was most likely to hide anything that connected him to Tommy’s disappearance.
Ranboo quickly and quietly searched, trying to minimize evidence that showed he was ever there.
Tubbo had a less subtle approach, to say the least.
As soon as he reached the suite he began to tear through Jack’s things. He noticed there was a small jar with a small...something in it, but gave it little thought as he began to throw items out of chests, break bottles, knock things over, and toss bedsheets on the floor, all in any attempt to leave no space in the room unchecked.
After he finished rooting through Jack’s bedside table he almost knocked it over in frustration before noticing the jar on it. His mind went back to when he had noticed it when he first came in the room, but the reason he skimmed it over was because there only seemed to be a small white thing in it. But now said “small white thing” had started to quickly and frantically move around the jar. It was definitely a moth, that much was pretty obvious, but he couldn’t figure out what gave it it’s certain burst of energy. It had gone from being alarmingly still (for a living creature, anyways), to slamming itself into the front of the jar facing Tubbo.
Tubbo let out a sigh. He hadn’t found anything connecting Jack to Tommy, and the sun was beginning to set, which meant Jack would be back soon.
He picked up the jar and began to make his way to the ladder that took him back to the main lobby. The least he could do for the poor insect was let it out. Moths were nocturnal anyways, maybe the sun setting is what gave him his energy burst. And Tubbo knew there were plenty of lanterns for the creature in Snowchester.
He made his way to the bottom floor and met up with Ranboo, who was beyond confused at the moth in the jar. As Tubbo tried to explain it, he noticed the insect calmed down more and more the more he talked about setting it free. It now sat back on the floor of the jar, wings facing upwards, tucking its head down, leaning against the part of the jar that Tubbo held against his chest, shaking slightly. Tubbo assumed that it was a bit overwhelmed by its new environment and the two new humans that now surrounded him, but had already decided that Snowchester held the highest chance for his survival, so Ranboo and Tubbo, jar in hand, made their way back to their cabin, both disappointed at another day of no answers about Tommy.
They weren’t sure how much longer they could keep doing this to themselves emotionally.
Tommy’s heartbroken sobs shook his body as tears poured down his face. All he had wanted since this happened to him was to see Tubbo again, but Tubbo didn’t know it was him. His attempts at getting Tubbo to recognize him had failed. And if what Jack said about his attempt at speech all those days ago was true, Tommy couldn’t tell Tubbo that it was him.
He was absolutely fucked, wasn’t he?
And there’s pt.2!! I’ll be making a part 3 soon, and I might make it slightly more angsty than the og prompt that was sent to Bitty intended, but I have so many ideas as to where it can go from here :)
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clynnra · 3 years
Strongest Together
After that disappointing last ten minutes of the series finale, I didn't think I would ever write for my beloved boys again. But, thanks to binging lots of episodes of the show on ion since it started airing there (happy to post this story on one of ion's Five-O Fridays) and reading many fix-it fics, I had to do this for Danny. I will be forever bitter that our last glimpse of him ever was hurt (physically and emotionally) and alone on Steve's beach. So this is my way of fixing that sad image. There's background (literally, just a few minor mentions) Steve/Catherine and Danny/others, but this is a McDanno story. I didn't want to vilify Steve, since he should take care of himself and find peace, so I hope that comes across. Finally, eternal thanks to my beta PhoebeMiller for making my story way better than it was with her fantastic feedback about story line, diction, and all the grammar. She's an awesome writer in her own right - go read her wonderful stories! And always thanks to SheppardMcKay for inspiring me to post fic.
Steve and Danny. Danny and Steve. Steve left Danny. Danny was alone.
Sighing, Danny knew he had his kids, his family and the team. But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt so fucking much. Days like today, it still hurt to breathe.
Danny didn’t begrudge Steve finding his peace. Or his taking care of himself. Hell, he tried to instill self preservation in his Neanderthal time and again. But when Steve finally took his advice and put himself first, it had ripped Danny’s heart to shreds.
It still hurt so damn much because of the way Steve left. The timing sucked. Just out of the hospital, Danny could barely walk even with his cane. This proved Steve was hiding the depth of his own suffering. Normally, he'd never leave Danny when he was injured. Danny smiled and remembered Steve raiding his house for cookies after he'd been shot in quarantine. The fondness bubbling up just about killed him.
More memories of this year from hell came back, and Danny had to sit down. He'd moved himself into Steve's house after Doris died because he sensed Steve needed him. The loss was just too much after Joe's death. When Joanna had died, Steve was there for him, cooking him eggs most mornings, claiming routine was good. Danny knew Steve was talking about himself, too.
They'd fallen into something Danny dared call a relationship when he was awake late at night, insomnia raging. He and Steve lived together. They ate meals together most nights. They walked Eddie, locked up the house and said good night like a couple.
A couple of idiots, Danny grumbled now. Or was he the biggest idiot? He'd made this huge leap into what proved to be a lonely abyss.
What hurt the most was Steve pretty much rejecting the idea of the two of them growing old together on that beach. Danny didn't know for sure when his best friend would return from his Kung Fu adventures. He'd only counted on Steve coming home at some point. Now, when he replayed their last conversation, the dagger twisted in his chest even more.
The sad fact was - Danny loved Steve. Not just like a friend. He loved him like I want to spend the rest of my life with you even though you drive me crazy, you caveman. He never told Steve he was in love with him. Danny was scared and convinced such an admission would be suicide. Because he feared their friendship would be over, was so sure of it, in fact, that he kept all of his feelings locked away. He didn't want to fuck up the best friendship he'd ever had.
Not to mention, Steve was straight. He'd never given Danny any hint that he was interested. Unless you counted Steve's octopus arms and his total disregard for Danny's personal space. Which Danny did not dwell on. No way could he let himself go there. That's why he'd pushed Steve into dating. First Brooke and then the vet. Neither had really worked out, and Danny did not allow himself to question why. He would have kept on searching for the perfect mate for Steve, too, if he hadn't left. Even though Danny wanted it to be him.
No one knew Danny's secret. Although he mostly dated women, he had a few relationships with men while at Seton Hall. He kept his attraction to men close to the vest. He'd thought his college experiments were in the rearview mirror until the giant goof stole his crime scene.
To distract himself from the heartbreak over Steve’s dating, he’d focused on reconciling with Rachel in a vain attempt to stitch his family back together. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, it just didn’t work since he was in love with Steve. When they finally figured out they were better as friends, Rachel shocked him with advice to stop dithering and tell Steve. He was so taken aback by Rachel’s accurate insight into his heart, past all his bullshit, he’d gone to that bar and met Joanna. Like so many other things in his life, hooking up with her to forget Rachel and Steve had ended all kinds of bad. Spectacular didn't even cut it. Joanna's death wasn't his fault. This he knew. But he couldn't stop feeling guilty. She was with him in the car because of how he'd chosen to mend himself, and she'd died after everything he'd done to try to save her.
And of course, there was Catherine. He envied her for having Steve the way he wanted. She knew every inch of him. She knew so many more secrets.  Steve had opened his heart to her - and what had she done? She'd pulled a Doris. More than once. And the idiot took her back.
Weren't they a pair? Danny knew he was a hypocrite for being angry with Steve about getting back with an ex time and again. He didn't care. He couldn't help feeling upset that Steve was with Catherine (probably this very minute) and not him.
Three months had passed since Steve left, and Danny’s PT was coming along well. He texted Steve a few times a week to check in, while Steve returned his texts within a couple hours. They’d spoken on the phone a few times, and Danny lost himself in the comforting cadence of Steve’s voice. Their calls ranged from about 20 minutes to almost an hour, and their talks were nice. But during one of their conversations, as he listened to Steve chatter on about what he did in whatever destination he was currently staying, Danny realized that Steve’s journey to find himself didn’t include him. Steve didn’t need him like Danny needed him. And that revelation punched the breath out of him. He tried to cover it, but Steve, with his keen SEAL senses, heard it.
“Danno, you okay?” Steve interrupted his story about what he saw in Scotland.
“Yeah, babe, I’m ok. Just still get tired sometimes. Had PT this morning and energy kinda zapped. You mind if we pick this up some other time? I’m gonna have a lie down.” Danny chewed his lips as he lied. It was a white lie, but still.
“Ok… you take care buddy. I love you.” Steve said with a note of concern.
“You too.” replied Danny. He couldn’t tell Steve he loved him on their calls because he didn’t want Steve to hear how in love with him he was. Texting “love you, too” was fine, but when he said it, he felt his heart in his throat.
Putting his phone down, Danny glanced around himself. He was still at Steve’s house sitting on his couch. Eddie was laying on the floor nearby. And Danny came to a decision. Steve was out finding himself, and Danny really needed to do the same. He had spent so much of the past ten years being part of Steve and Danny that outside of being a father to Grace and Charlie and being on the task force, he‘d kinda lost himself. He felt like his life wasn’t making sense after deciding to just be friends with Rachel and then the tragedy with Joanna. He knew that in order to move on with his life, he had to make a change. He would always be there for Steve, but it was time he was there for himself.
A few days later, Steve called again. This time he was in Ireland. He told Danny about the beautiful scenery there, and after he was done, he asked, “So, what are you up to now, Danno? PT almost done right?”
Danny took a deep breath and started. “Funny you should ask that. I, um, I’m gonna move back to my place, Steve.”
There was a moment of stunned silence.
“Why? Danny, is something wrong?” Steve replied, trying to keep a lock on his emotions.
“No, babe.” Danny grimaced and continued. “I just, uh, think it’s time to move back. You know, you’re out there trying to find yourself and your peace without me…”
Steve gasped, “Danny…”
Shaking his head, Danny kept going. “and that’s fine, Steve. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. You deserve to find the peace and happiness you need. I just need to find myself again a bit. After Joanna died, I felt sorta lost. And I was starting to make sense of my life again before Daiyu Mei swooped in…” He didn’t mention and when you left me. Danny shook that thought from his head.
“So, I need to do this. To remember who I was before I was part of Steve and Danny…” he finished with a fake chuckle.
“Danno, are you sure?” Steve asked, a note of sadness in his voice.
Danny nodded even though Steve couldn’t see him. “Yes.”
There was another moment of charged silence.
“Ok, Danno, I got it. You need this, so I got your back. Whatever you need. Hey, I gotta head out, but I’ll call again, alright?” Steve sounded like he was happy for Danny but wasn’t quite believing it.
Danny replied, “Sure. Bye, babe.”
Steve said clearly, “I love you, Danny.”
“You too.” Danny croaked out. When the call ended, he dropped his phone next to him and covered his face with his hands taking in a few deep breaths.
It was time to find who he was again without Steve.
Danny finally completed his eight weeks of PT, and his doctor okayed his return to light work aka paperwork. He still had to check in each month since it was his second gunshot wound in his chest in two years. As part of his process to return to Five-O, the governor mandated Danny to complete visits with his therapist since he survived such a traumatic experience. At first, he was annoyed he had to go to therapy again; he’d rather eat pineapple on his pizza. But during the couple of months of sessions about his kidnapping and near death at the hands of Daiyu Mei, he found himself working through various issues including the death of his partner Grace, his guilt over Matty, his complicated relationship with Rachel, Grace’s kidnapping and almost fatal car accident, Charlie’s paternity and medical condition, as well as other work related stresses and traumas. The governor’s directive for Danny’s therapy was once a week for two months, but he continued past that, and for a few weeks, he was going twice a week. He just unloaded whatever was burdening his mind and heart. He felt stronger for it. He even told the therapist about his feelings for Steve, and she suggested that to find closure or peace about it, he should consider discussing his feelings with Steve. Danny knew she was right but wasn’t ready yet. However, talking things out gave him the perspective he needed.
With the end of PT and his ongoing therapy doing well, he told the kids first he was moving out of Steve’s house. They were shocked, Tani near tears while Junior took the news stoically. But once Danny told them why, they were very supportive and helped Danny move to his now renovated place over two weekends. Lou, Quinn, and Adam also chipped in their time to help with Danny’s move. Since Junior moved in with Tani, they figured out a schedule of who would check on Steve’s place and when including the upkeep of the grounds. Junior and Tani told Danny once he was cleared for regular work, he could share some of the maintenance duties. They'd take care of it for now. Tani joked that maybe they could get Kamekona to hire some of his family. Danny rolled his eyes and smacked her. None of them had enough money for that enterprise.
Eddie was another story. Poor guy was just adapting to his master being gone. Now they were relocating him. Danny decided Eddie would live with him, and Junior would take him as time allowed since he loved Eddie, too. It was a good arrangement, as the loyal dog loved each of them. And he enjoyed the extra attention he was getting.
Danny felt like things were starting to get back to the new normal without Steve while he was at work doing paperwork and running point for any cases from HQ if needed. He surprised himself that he got the hang of the HQ computer table after getting lots of help from the team. Quinn was especially patient, and he appreciated it.
While Danny settled back at work, he still kept in contact with Steve. His best friend would mostly text him to check in with how things were going and send some pictures of gorgeous landscapes and appetizing food. When they did talk on the phone here and there, Steve would catch Danny up on things with him. Danny winced when Steve spoke about Catherine, but tried to sound as supportive as possible. He had to keep reminding himself that if Steve was happy with her, he would just have to accept it. And during one of these phone calls, Danny promised himself that he needed to start dating again. He may be in love with Steve, but he also owed it to himself to move forward and not spend the rest of his life pining after his best friend who was happy with the love of his life.
In a bold move, he asked Adam to be his wingman, explaining he needed to shake things up. He wanted to reclaim who he was before Daiyu Mei and even before his last disastrous attempt to get back with Rachel. What he left unspoken was his need to reinvent himself without Steve.
Adam didn’t even raise an eyebrow and had replied, “You got it, brother. You were there for me when I was lost without Kono, so I’m here for you.”
Danny was so grateful. They went to nice bars, the types professionals patronize. Danny did score dates with some doctors, lawyers, and accountants. He surprised Adam by dating both men and women, but after that initial shock, Adam supported his choices, even offering to set Danny up with friends. He even went on a few double dates with Adam and Tamiko. The companionship was nice, and the sex even nicer, but Danny didn’t feel like any of these people would help him get over Steve. At least he felt like his life was more balanced and not just focused on Steve all the time.
When he first mentioned to Steve that he was dating again, there was a silence long enough that Danny thought the call dropped. He could easily FaceTime Steve but just could not find the courage to see his beloved face again. The phone calls offered distance, a buffer. And Danny needed it so he could continue to support Steve and survive his updates when they included Catherine.
Just when Danny was ready to ask his best friend if he could hear him, an exaggeratedly upbeat Steve jumped back in.
“Hey, buddy, I’m glad you’re getting out there again. You deserve to be happy, too.” His voice cracked on the last bit.
After that last odd tone from Steve, they continued like normal when Danny filled him in on the latest with Grace and Charlie. The rest of the call was pleasant with some of their usual teasing.
But on the next call when Danny mentioned how he and Keith went on a double date with Adam and Tamiko, Steve choked and started coughing on the phone.
“Hey, babe, you ok? Don’t choke on the butter in your coffee, alright?” Danny joked.
Steve got his breath back and said, “Sorry, went down the wrong tube. Wait, so you’re dating guys now, Danny?”
Danny didn’t care for Steve’s tone, but answered, “Well, I did date a few guys back in college, but just stopped once I met Rachel.” He didn’t mention and once I met you. “Is that gonna be a problem for you, Steven?”
Steve quickly responded, “Of course not, Danny. I’m just shocked you never told me this in the over ten years we’ve known each other. And for the record, it’d be hypocritical of me if it was.”
Now it was Danny’s turn to gasp. “Wait, when the hell were you dating guys, Steve? In all the years we’ve been together, you’ve only talked about women.”
Sighing, Steve said, “Well, I didn’t really date guys, Danny. When I was deployed, I helped my teammates out like they helped me. So to be more specific, I’ve had sex with guys, but not actually dated them. I enjoyed the sex and was even attracted to some of the guys, but DADT kept me from being open about being sexually attracted to men.”
Danny couldn’t help himself. “Did Cath know?”
Steve chuckled briefly. “Of course, man. I told her I slept with several men and was attracted to some. She was cool with it since she had some bi friends and family.”
Danny admired Steve’s honesty, and he wanted to be honest, too.
“Steve, dating these men and women - it’s nothing serious. Don’t get me wrong, the company and sex are great, but they don’t compare to you.”
It sounded like Steve sniffled on the other end of the line. His voice was slightly hoarse. “And just so you know, partner, no one will ever replace you. No one can. Hey, we gotta grab some food…”
Danny teased, “Try not to ruin your food with pineapple, you animal. Enjoy your meal.”
Snickering, Steve added, “Copy that.”
Steve’s voice became sincere again. “I’ll call you again soon, Danno. I love you.”
Automatically, Danny replied, “You, too.”
Steve’s breath hitched before saying, “I miss you, Danny. Talk to you soon. Bye.”
Danny exhaled, “I miss you, too. Bye, babe.”
Once Danny placed his phone down, he was like, good going Williams. You almost told him you’re in love with him while Cath was right there. Don’t be an idiot next time.
It had been a week since that eye-opening phone call and about six months since Steve left, Danny had been back to regular responsibilities at work for about a month. His therapy sessions were twice a month now. He was still seeing people but didn’t feel the desperation to date like when he first started a few months ago. He felt confident in his own skin again, feeling better both professionally and personally. But he was still in love with Steve. Danny finally decided. Fuck it. I’ll always love the maniac, I just have to live with it.
And it came to a head during one of their phone calls almost two months later.
Danny couldn’t keep himself from asking, “You happy with Cath, Steve?”
There was a pause before Steve said, “I wouldn’t know. She left about two months ago on another CIA assignment. She offered to come back when her job was over, but I told her that I need stability and consistency and her work didn’t provide that. I said I was proud that she found her way and happy for her that she loved her job. I told her that I would always love her, but she deserved someone who was in love with her.”
Danny’s heart sped up with hope. “So, what are you saying, Steve?”
Steve pushed air through his nose. “I’m saying that I couldn’t commit to her because I’m in love with you.”
“Steve…?” Danny’s voice shook with emotion.
“Danny, every time I told you I love you when we ended our calls, I meant it as I’m in love with you. You never repeated it to me so I assumed you didn’t feel the same way. But once you told me you dated guys, I got hopeful again. And after that phone call, I stopped sleeping with Cath. And she knew something was up with the no sex but never called me on it. That’s just not what we do. Things are easy for us, and when they’re not, we still pretend that they are. But my heart couldn’t just be satisfied with what was easy and familiar anymore. I needed the challenge and passion. I need you.”
Danny confessed, “Babe, I’m in love with you, too. I just couldn’t tell you since I thought you had your happily ever after with Catherine. When I figured you guys were permanent, I dated to move on without you. But it’s no use, Steve. I want you. I want everything with you.”
Choked with emotion, Steve whispered, “Danny.. I’m coming home.”
“I’m so glad, babe. I love you.”
Two days later, Danny was at baggage claim. He spotted Steve immediately, tall and gorgeous with a full beard and short but longer than military regulation hair. Steve saw him too, and his face lit up with a huge smile that crinkled his eyes. They moved quickly through the crowd to each other. As he got closer, Danny spotted the specks of white in Steve’s hair and thought it just made his big goof even more handsome. Finally, they were in front of each other. Dropping his duffel, Steve wrapped his arms around Danny hugging him tightly. He tucked his face into Danny’s hair and inhaled deeply.
“Danno, I missed you so much.”
Danny just squeaked out a “me too” while he hugged Steve. He was too busy inhaling the travel worn scent of Steve. He couldn’t get enough of the man he loved. He rubbed his face into Steve’s chest, reveling in the physical presence he had wanted so much all these months and at long last had.
They moved so their foreheads were resting against each other. Breathing the same air, not aware of the bustle of the people around them.
Danny broke their peaceful bubble by moving his face away so he could look into Steve’s eyes. “Did you find the peace you needed, babe?”
Huffing and licking his lips, Steve shook his head. His left hand held Danny’s face as his gaze never wavered. “Not yet, but I’m working on it. I know I’ll get there with therapy and what I need most.”
Danny tilted his head questioningly at Steve.
Then Steve kissed Danny. Eyes fluttering closed, Danny returned the kiss. Like this thing they were doing happened every day.
Feeling a surge of joy, Danny broke the kiss with a smile. Smiling himself, Steve opened his eyes.
“I think I need you to repeat yourself, I didn’t quite hear you,” Danny said with a smirk as he pulled Steve down again. This time, the kiss was firmer. Danny nipped Steve's bottom lip and he opened his mouth. Always the control freak, Steve cupped Danny's face so he could move him where he wanted. He hummed contentedly as he tasted Danny. A couple times, their teeth clacked, but their tongues soothed the minor mishaps. The frantic exploration continued until they needed air.
Eyes opening and panting a bit as their lips parted, they grinned at each other goofily.
“I think we gave the airport enough of a show, babe.” Danny joked.
Steve chuckled. He sobered a bit and said, “Danny, I love you.”
Danny smiled brightly as his heart thudded happily. “I love you, too, Steve. Let’s go home.”
“And where is that exactly?” Steve asked mischievously.
“Wherever you and I are together.” Danny replied quickly.
Appeased, Steve grabbed his bag and slung it on his left shoulder. He pulled Danny under his right arm as they walked to the car.
Danny with Steve. Strong on their own. Strongest together.
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