#this took me too long omg
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vexic929 · 1 year ago
1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 16, 22, 27, 31, 38, 43 for Eoland, Yuqi, H. Wells, and Berrie
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Eoland: Eoland Everard Thawne; Eoland is old Greek meaning "dawn", it was also the closest name I could find to Eobard which doesn't have a meaning or origin (I debated keeping her name Eobard for a while but it just didn't feel right), Everard is a traditionally male name that I honestly just thought suited her and rolled off the tongue with Eoland, Thawne because she's a female doppelgänger of Eobard Thawne
Yǔqí: Yǔqí Lǚ-Nguyễn honestly because I liked the name and it suited her lol
H Wells: Harriett Gene Wells; Harriett because it's close to Harrison, Gene because I wanted more of a callback to HG Wells (HG Wells being the author of The Time Machine and Dr. Wells actually turning out to be the time traveling Eobard Thawne is still one of my favorite references), Wells because she's a female doppelgänger of Dr. Harrison Wells, and Dr. H Wells to allude to the fact that while some of Earth-63 is debatably better than Earth-1 she still has to hide that she's a woman to be respected, at least at the beginning of her career
Berrie: Berrie Elizabelle Thawne; Berrie because it sounds like Barry and Eobard's definitely the name your child after your worst enemy type, Elizabelle because it sounds somewhere between normal and weird-future-name like Eobard, and Thawne because her dad is Eobard Thawne lol
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Eoland: her relationship with her parents was distant at best, they had a lot of high expectations that Eoland never quite measured up to, even if they hadn't tried to stop her from pursuing Barbara she probably would have still killed them at some point
Yǔqí: she came from a very strict but loving family that also had high expectations which she chose to completely rebel against as soon as she was out of their house
H Wells: her parents were very supportive of her scientific pursuits, slightly less so of her choice in partner but mainly because they wanted grandkids, they got over it eventually especially after the adoption of Jesse
Berrie: Eobard was a surprisingly good father albeit extremely strict and controlling in some aspects, Berrie still has yet to meet his Earth's Barry Allen so he only knows one of his dads
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Eoland: she had one sister named Reoin who she erased from existence because she was jealous of her achievements
Yǔqí: she has two younger siblings who she adores with all her heart; Trường and Quý
H Wells: has no siblings
Berrie: has no siblings
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Eoland: animals can detect her evil from miles away
Yǔqí: she gets along with most animals but particularly snakes; she loves snake and snakes love her
H Wells: animals like her and she tolerates most of them lol
Berrie: animals love Berrie and Berrie loves animals
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Eoland: she subsists on Barbara Allen's tears no special diets except that she had to eat a lot to keep up with her speed
Yǔqí: she is lactose intolerant
H Wells: she went vegan for a while in her college years and still prefers plant-based for many of her foods and takes her coffee with oat milk
Berrie: basically has to be constantly eating due to her speedster metabolism and the fact that he's a teenager lol
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Eoland: lives flash memorabilia
Yǔqí: snake themed accessories and she wears them constantly
H Wells: vintage comic books which she keeps in a special bookcase she designed to keep them pristine
Berrie: key-chains, they get at least one everywhere they go and keep them all on one massive key-ring which is getting quite heavy
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Eoland: anything that implies the person is below her, usually insulting their intelligence, and she will be a bitch to your face AND behind your back lol
Yǔqí: "con cặc" she'll call anyone and anything a dick in Vietnamese and she doesn't care if you hear her or not
H Wells: "moron", "idiot", "incompetent", depending on how much she hates you you might hear it or she'll just vent about you to her wife lol
Berrie: "dumbass" it's succinct
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Eoland: will never admit to crying about anything ever (is also a little bit of a stone cold bitch anyway but the last reason she cried was Barbara)
Yǔqí: Vietnamese and Chinese dramas, anytime an animal gets hurt or dies irl or in fiction, emotional music, she doesn't cry in public but she's not shy about doing so behind closed doors with people she trusts
H Wells: she tries not to cry openly as she feels it's unprofessional but obviously she's cried quite a bit since being widowed
Berrie: isn't shy about crying but usually only cries when he's overstimulated or otherwise not feeling well
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Eoland: drinks but can't get drunk, used to be an absolutely pathetic mess when she could get drunk, definitely teasing when other people are drunk or hungover
Yǔqí: social drinker, extra outgoing and giggly when she's drunk, a miserable bitch when she's hungover lol, also the teasing kind
H Wells: drinks on occasion, usually just a glass with dinner with her wife, she's a cuddly mess when drunk and used to constantly gush about Rodriga, now she just gets sad, if one of her employees comes in hungover she'll do some light teasing
Berrie: is not old enough to drink but has had alcohol with mixed results, sometimes it doesn't affect her at all sometimes he's a complete lightweight lol
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Eoland: she's only ever really admired idolized Barbara and the only talents she's really tried and failed repeatedly are the ability to get the girl and socialize lol
H Wells: she admires people with emotional intelligence because she's always felt lacking in that area
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Eoland: thinks religious people are stupid
Yǔqí: considers herself spiritual but not religious, doesn't have an opinion on religious people
H Wells: not religious and doesn't personally understand the appeal but doesn't have a problem with religious people
Berrie: not religious but definitely superstitious, thinks it's all silly anyway
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yazis · 8 months ago
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summary: whilst on your vacation in fontaine you accidentally end up in jail. luckily, a certain someone is going to make your trip down to the fortress worthwhile
pairing: wriothesley x gn!reader
genre: fluff, strangers to friends to lovers sort of
word count: 6.2k
notes: not proofread, reader isn’t from fontaine and works in mondstadt (hints at reader working with albedo), reader is also a bit slow and wriothesley isn't any help, set after archon quest
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after spending four days down at the fortress of meropide, you could confidently say it sucked.
the accommodations, the food, the people, the faint smell of oil and grease always lingering around, it was a major downgrade from the hotel you had been staying in previously.
you had originally come to fontaine for a vacation that your boss back in mondstadt insisted you needed. and now you were going to have to spend most of it in prison.
all you had done, was eat ketchup on its own. that’s all. nothing more, nothing less, it wasn't even that big of a deal. when you had finished your dinner at the hotel one day, there was some remaining ketchup left. you weren't going to let it go to waste so, naturally, you ate the ketchup on its own.
never would you have thought such a law to exist, and even so you never would have deemed it a heinous crime. and yet, during the trial at the opera epiclese the fontainians made you seem like a heartless villain.
sighing you sat down at the coupon cafeteria at an empty table placing your free meal down. it already reeked.
by the time my twenty-day sentence is over, i’ll only have three days of my vacation left... you thought.
in the fortress of meropide, the inmate that led you on your tour upon first arriving explained that you would have to work in the 'production zone' everyday and you only got one free welfare meal a day.
with that information you decided it'd be best to skip out on breakfast and dinner and have your meal at lunch. all your other time you spent working in the production zone under grainville's supervision. the work was at least easier than all the expeditions in dragonspine you'd have to go on with your boss.
that, essentially, was your routine for the four days you had spent here. you didn't want to get in trouble again for some stupid reason so you made sure to keep to the rules.
opening your welfare meal for the day, you were met with the same disgusting grey sludge that had greeted you yesterday and the day before. you immediately put the lid back on.
since you had step foot in the fortress, you hadn’t eaten a single thing and you honestly felt famished. it wasn’t your fault that everything was practically inedible.
you rested your chin on your hand, sighing yet again for the nth time today. you were considering just skipping lunch entirely, it wasn't like you were eating anything anyway.
when you first stepped foot in the fortress, you told yourself you should try and make the most out of your trip here, think of it as an experience, an extra vacation. but it was as if there was something you were missing.
most of the other inmates looked as if they were living the life down at the fortress of meropide. your isolated table was surrounded by others who were happily chatting away, with scrummier meals than you as well.
am i doing something wrong? how can anyone be genuinely happy here?
you thought, pushing away you’re own meal box in disgust and staring longingly at someone else’s meal that looked as if it belonged in hotel debord. the sight alone was enough to fill a fraction of the hunger inside you.
i guess this will just have to do...
“not a fan of the food, huh?” a voice suddenly spoke and you jumped slightly looking up to see a man sitting opposite you on your once lonely table.
one glance at the man and you already knew you did not want to deal with him. you had already ran into a couple of inmates, they either ignored you because they didn’t care or gave you a hard time just because.
this man, looked as if he was ready to do the latter.
well, i shouldn’t judge a book by it's cover…
he had messy black hair with grey streaks along with piercing blue eyes. with the way his arms were crossed you could see his muscles flex but also the various scars on them. he also had numerous scars around his neck and one just underneath his right eye.
you’d be lying if you said he was unattractive, you definitely would've noticed someone like him by now so you wondered why you hadn't seen him before.
“well, maybe i’d eat it if it at least looked edible.” you responded watching him in front of you, still taking in his whole appearance.
maybe... he's new here too? why else would he come talk to me?
at your response the man raised a brow, taking in your features. as his eyes scanned across your attire and up to your face, they eventually landed on your own as he stared right through you. his gaze pierced through you and you nearly shuddered from the intimidation.
you also noticed the looks and hushed whispers that other inmates were giving him once he had sat on your table. perhaps people had been giving him a hard time.
"um," you gulped "are you new here?" you asked. maybe he didn't have any friends like you, that would explain why he came and sat on your table all of a sudden.
he stared at you a while longer before giving you a lazy smile and leaning forward slightly. “yeah i am, are you?”, he asked.
"i mean i joined here four days ago so i guess... what's your name?" you asked smiling back, maybe he wasn't as scary as he looked.
he was silent for a bit as he looked down, it was as if he was contemplating whether he should tell you or not. you stared at him expectantly awaiting his answer.
"wriothesley." he said eventually.
"wriothesley." you repeated, "well, i'm (y/n). i may not know a lot about this place but if you need anything i can try my best to help." you smiled warmly at him.
he smiled back, well more it was more of a smirk, but either way there was a glint of something in his eye that you noticed but couldn't quite put your finger on.
after your little chat with wriothesley at lunch, the two of you parted ways and you headed to the production zone to work until bed time.
when you headed to your room, you got ready for bed and tucked yourself in, closing your eyes so that you could allow sleep to engulf you.
except it never did, and you laid in your bed for hours waiting for the sleep to come.
after a while it eventually rolled to 1am, it was dead silent apart from the constant sound of cogs whirring giving the fortress a more of an eerie feel as you slipped out of your bed.
you trudged towards the lift and made your way to the bottom floor, planning on just sitting at the coupon cafeteria for a while basking in the silence. that's when you stumbled upon the place to find that someone was already there.
the same man from earlier sat in the dim light at the same table from earlier with a teacup to his lips peacefully drinking away, eyes closed. a matching teapot was upon the table and sweet smell of tea wafted throughout.
the rich and sweet aroma was nearly intoxicating, and for someone who hadn't eaten properly in the past few days you felt as if you were hypnotised.
at first you observed from a distance, comtemplating whether or not you should confront him. would he let you try some if you asked? you would have to remember his name first...
wriother... wriothesee... wriothesley? wriothesley! that was it!
"wriothesley?" you called out to the fellow inmate as he opened his eyes to meet yours. he help the cup away from his lips briefly and spoke up.
"oh, evening (y/n)." he acknowledged giving you a small nod, as you made your way to sit opposite him.
"why are you drinking tea out in the open? the guards are going to catch you." you asked while he merely shrugged and set his cup down.
"the guards end their watch night duty at twelve." he stated.
oh, i didnt know that.
"i could ask you the same though. what are you doing wandering around at one in the morning?" he asked, glancing at you.
"i just... couldn't sleep that's all." you said turning your head slightly.
you eyes trailed down to the cup that now rested on the table, noticing how the steam frrom the cup swirled and how the smell was even sweeter now that you were close. wriothesley saw all of this.
"...would you like a sip?" he eventually asked watching the way your eyes gazed on his teacup.
at his words you shot your head up to face him properly.
"really? can i?" your eyes practically lit up which he also took note off, he chuckled before pushing the teacup forward in your direction so that it was in front of you.
you grinned at him before taking the cup in your hands, not too bothered about the fact that you were using the same one as him.
you proceeded to take a sip and it tasted ten times better than the smell. the heat from the drink brought warmth inside of you and the flavours had a sense of familiarity.
the warm hot tea that your boss would usually give you in the little cave in the freezing depths of dragonspine was what first crossed your mind. and you were reminded of home.
you were done taking your sip and let out a happy sigh as you set the cup down.
unbeknownst to you, wriothesley had watched the way you drink the tea and couldn't help but be fascinated in the way your facial expression changed. your eyebrows slightly raised with your eyes slightly widened, the way your smile truly met up to your eyes.
a warm feeling came over him to see you enjoying the tea just as much - probably even more than he did.
"do you like it?" wriothesley asked and you nodded eagerly.
"yeah! it's really good, and tastes sort of familiar. anyway, thanks again, wriothesley." you said pushing the cup back towards him.
"no probl-" he cut himself off after looking down at the now empty tea cup that you had given back to him.
"you finished it..." he muttered quietly eyes widened slightly, when he had handed it to you there was still quite a lot left.
your eyes also widened at his expression as you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck.
"sorry, i haven't eaten much since i got here so..." you said avoiding his gaze out of embarrassment, you hadn't meant to get carried away the tea just tasted that good.
his eyes shifted from the cup and looked at you, frowning ever so slightly, "you haven't eaten?"
"well apart from the few snacks i brought, my welfare meals have been so bad..." you explained still feeling a tad bit guilty.
"i see. the welfare meals are picked at random so you must've been unfortunate." he explained.
"oh really? so that's how it works..." you said trailing off in thought.
he knew about the when the guards' duty ended and the welfare meals yet i didn't, is this guy really new or am i just slow?
"um, how long have you been here wriothesley?" you asked cautiously and curiously.
"three days." he replied rather suddenly, filling his teacup with some more tea out of the teapot.
"oh, ok then." you said, "it's just you know a lot about this place, probably more than me!" you laughed slightly, he didn't respond and instead kept quiet.
silence fell over the two of you as he sipped his tea looking down at the table and you watched him contently with a small smile.
"you're much nicer than i thought, y'know." you said out of the blue.
"hm?" he said looking back up to face you, "what do you mean by that?"
"i guess it's just that when I first saw you i got the impression that you were the kinda inmate who scared everyone. kinda like a big bad wolf." you explained.
at your comment, he simply looked at you with a deadpan expression. seemingly unimpressed at your claims.
you laughed at his face as a yawn escaped your mouth the same time.
"perhaps you should go to sleep now." he suggested noticing your tiredness.
"maybe i should." you agreed getting up from your seat and stretching, you checked your watch and it was nearly 2.
you looked at wriothesley mildly perplexed, "aren't you going to sleep?"
he shook his head, "no, i still have some things i need to sort out."
what could he possible need to do at 2am?
you decided not to question his motives as yet another yawn escaped you.
"alright then, make sure you get some sleep at least. good night wriothesley." you waved, him giving you a curt nod back before making your way back to your room.
you slept particularly well that night but woke up abruptly the next morning as dread filled your gut. you checked your watch as it read a time around ten in the morning.
i slept in! grainville's totally gonna kill me!
quickly you got out of bed and started to get ready until the same sweet smell from yesterday filled your nose bringing you to a halt.
turning you looked over to the table situated in the corner of your room as you caught sight of a familiar teacup and a grey welfare meal box.
you walked on over to the table, the tea was still warm and there was a small note on the top of the box.
'don't worry about sleeping in, i told grainville that you'd be having a lie in. enjoy breakfast. - wriothesley'
you smiled to yourself before setting the little note aside. you didn't even stop to question how he got grainville to obey his orders, the food inside the box smelled too good.
when you opened the grey meal box, you were met with two croissants and a stack of three pancakes topped with maple syrup and berries. your mouth practically started watering at the sight and you wasted no time and dug in.
from then on, your welfare meals improved drastically and you knew it was wriothesley's doing (yet you still wondered how he had managed to). it had been two days since meeting with him that night and you hadn't seen him since.
you brought the teacup with you everyday since then hoping you'd be able to give it back and thank him but you were yet to see him again.
since food wasn't a problem anymore, you were able to work your shifts at the production zone, and you weren't sure if you were imagine things but grainville had been much nicer to you recently. while you worked, he'd tell you to take break any time you wanted.
on the way, you also happened to befriend the bombshell bros, cuistot and laverune.
"what's with the weird teacup (y/n)?"
"oh it's just uh, for a friend?" you said scratching your neck, looking around to find something else to talk about until your eyes landed upon something,
"oh yeah! what's that room?" you asked walking past the doors at the central part of the administrative area, you had passed it a few times but never knew what it was.
"oh that, that's the duke's office." laverune said.
there's a duke here?
"oh yeah," cuistot piped in, "he's basically in charge down here, a real big shot! the last thing you want is to cross paths with him."
subconsciously, you looked down to the teacup in your hand and pondered.
huh... the duke sounds like a big deal yet i haven't seen him before... i guess that's for my own good though
you and laverune dropped cuistot off at the cafeteria so he could work his shift in the kitchen and then headed off to the production zone.
laverune left after around thirty minutes, saying something about how he was hungry and tired yet you stayed, working tirelessly to process widgets. what the fortress needed all of these widgets for was still unknown to you.
while you were working away, you couldn't help but notice a melusine watching you from the corner of your eye.
she looked a tad bit different from the melusines you had seen up on the surface while on your various excursions in fontaine but still had the same cuteness at least. you wondered why a melusine would be down here of all places.
you didnt think much of her at first, not until she came up to you herself.
"hello! you're mx. (y/n), right?" she said waving at you with a wide smile.
you returned with another smile, albeit a bit surprised she had not only approached you but also knew of your name.
"oh, uh yeah that's me! do you need something?" you asked and she nodded.
"my name's sigewenne, i'm the head nurse down here. I’ve been watching you work and was wondering if you'd follow me? i'd like to give you a check up." she inquired, and how could you refuse to such a cute face?
so you ended your shift at the production zone and considering you had nothing else really to do instead, you followed sigwenne.
one thing led to another and now you were laying down in one of the beds of the infirmary.
“mx. (y/n), are you sure you're feeling well?” sigewinne asked as she looked over your state worriedly taking the thermometer from your mouth.
she had run a couple of tests on you, saying you had 'piqued her curiosity'. but now there seemed to be some sort of problem.
"uh yeah i am, why?" you said confused as she shook her head putting down the thermometer.
"you have a temperature of 40°C, im afraid you're going to have to stay here in the infirmary until it goes down."
"wha- but i feel fine!" you sat up all of a sudden as sigewenne ushered you back down.
"don't worry mx. (y/n), i have just the thing!" she said rushing out the room, you sighed sitting up again and resting your back against the head of the bed.
you had placed the teacup down on the floor beside the bed prior to sigewenne's check up, you bent down slightly and picked it up so you could place it in your lap. then you thought about your current predicament.
is it because i was in the production zone for too long?
it was just a habit of yours to work a lot, but you never thought it would end up in you getting a temperature. the thing was you didn't even feel hot. maybe it was because-
your head whipped to the entrance of the infirmary as the familiar voice fell upon your ears.
"wriothesley! where did you go? it's been two days!" you said smiling upon his arrival.
he didn't necessarily answer your question you noticed, but he came over to your bed and pulled a chair out of a desk nearby to sit right by you.
"sigewenne informed me on your state, are you feeling alright?" he said asking you a question in return.
you blinked. sigewenne told him? wasn't she going to get something? why would she tell him of all people?
oh! maybe they're friends?
"oh yeah i'm okay, i honestly don't know what happened..." you laughed slightly looking off to the side.
"you overworked yourself." he sighed, "you don't have to spend all your time in the production zone."
"i know i know... it's just a habit of mine. i guess that's why my boss sent me here to fontaine, to take a break. it's a shame i have to spend some of it down in prison" you explained.
"i see." he said watching your expression and the way your eyebrows furrowed, "do you miss mondstadt?"
"just a bit." you nodded, "i mean i'm going back soon after my sentence but-"
wait a second, i don't remember telling him i came from mondstadt?
but before you could question the fact that he knew where you were from someone else came in.
"your gr- wriothesley, please could i ask you to leave. mx. (y/n) here needs to rest." sigewenne said with her hands on her hips and a pout on her lips.
wriothesley chuckled at her expression before getting out of his chair as you watched him rise, a small frown on your face.
"oh ok. well, thanks for the tea and breakfast a few days ago! it was really really good. here's your cup." you said holding it out for him.
still, i wonder how he managed to get ahold of such nice food down here...
he reached out to receive his cup and you felt his fingers brush against yours sending a jolt of electricity through your entire body causing you to visibly tense up.
"no problem. i'll come visit you again tomorrow." he said with the faintest smile on his face, his eyes not as piercing as they were upon first meeting him.
your breath hitched slightly and you felt your heartbeat start to quicken as you watched him leave the infirmary, eyes still lingering to where he once was. however your actions didn't go unnoticed by a certain melusine.
once he had left, sigwenne came up to you and checked your temperature once more.
"(y/n)! your temperature has gone up again!" she exclaimed bringing you out of your trance.
"o-oh! really? huh..." you said feeling slightly embarrassed, you yourself new the reason as to why that happened.
"here, drink this and your temperature should go down." she said holding out a cup innocently and you received it with a sheepish smile.
"thanks sigewenne." you said taking a massive sip, not expecting the drink to be so bitter with a side of... spiciness? you swallowed it (barely) but starting coughing soon after.
"w-what's in this??" you choked out.
"oh, nothing you need to worry about. everything in there has healing properties." she reassured.
"right... thanks sigewenne." you said handing her back the cup which she took from your hands.
you thought she'd leave you alone but she just stood there, not looking like she's be moving anytime soon. you contemplated whether or not you should ask if she was alright until she spoke up.
"what do you think of wriothesley?" she asked out of nowhere.
you said averting your eyes to the side, trying to get rid of what was in your head prior, "oh he's nice... i mean he's alright i guess?"
the melusine didn't respond after that, so you slowly brought your gaze back onto her only to be startled to see her staring at you with big wide eyes.
you gulped nervously as you gave her a wobbly smile, her stoic expression scaring you, "are you two friends? i mean you told him that i was sick so i figured you must have-"
"do you like him?" she said suddenly cutting you off.
this time it was your turn to widen your eyes as
"of course not! no- wait yes! wait- i mean in a friend way of course! haha... why do you ask?" you said, painfully wincing internally at your stuttering
she didn't say anything at first but simply stared, her eyes boring into you.
"it's ok mx. (y/n), your secret's safe with me!" she said happily as a sudden sense of worry surged through you.
"huh? what do you-"
"you should probably get some rest now, i'll come check on you again tomorrow morning. good night!" she said clasping her hands together and taking her leave.
you were left speechless once again.
as promised, wriothesley came and visited you in the infirmary the next day. but after the events from the previous day you couldn't look at him in the same way.
you told yourself you didn't have a crush on wriothesley, that would be absurd. but for some reason sigewenne seemed convinced you did, as she sorted out her things in the corner of the infirmary she kept giving you glances.
which was terrible because it seemed as if the two of them were friends so if she told him about your 'feelings', you'd be screwed.
it's not like you had a chance with him to begin with, you weren't from fontaine and he probably was. and despite the fact that you two were sent to the fortress around the same time, you had no idea what sort of crime he committed.
now that you thought about it, he was kinda... mysterious.
he was sat beside your bed as you both drank tea in silence, you felt as if it was awkward and didn't know what to say as you looked everywhere but at him.
one time, you accidentally locked eyes with him and immediately looked away embarrassed.
there's no way i have a crush on wriothesley! besides, after my sentence is over i'll never see him again... not that it matters, i don't like him like that!-
"is something bothering you?" he quipped.
your heartbeat quickened again, much to your dismay. the way he had been looking out for you: getting you food, bringing you tea, checking in on you... it was too much for you to handle.
you hadn't even noticed, you were staring at him.
"no!" you said rather loudly coming out of your trance, you didn't even sound convincing to yourself, "nothing's bothering me, nothing's wrong..."
you quickly brought your teacup to your lips and looked down. nonetheless, he slowly nodded at your response as silence welcomed the two of you once more.
"oh yeah! did you know there was a duke down here?" you asked trying to start up some conversation to clear the silence, your talk with cuistot and laverune the day before coming back to you.
he was silent as he looked down to the liquid in his cup, watching the ripples hit the side and gently bounce back. he then nodded.
"oh, you did? i was only told about him yesterday." you said slightly surprised, you had been down here a day longer than wriothesley but he seemed to know way more than you did.
"what's he like? i've never seen him before." you asked as wriothesley looked up in thought but sigewenne came over to the two of you before he could say anything.
"the duke is very hard-working, he's always up to something hence why you probably haven't seen him yet." sigewenne said, a thermometer in her hands which she held out to you.
you received the thermometer and thanked her, "he kinda sounds like my boss. but at least my boss, as stoic as he is, can be nice and funny at times. apparently the duke is someone who should be avoided."
you put the thermometer in your mouth for a while before giving it back to her, she took note of the temperature and scribbled it down. all the while wriothesley frowned at your words.
"i'm sure the duke also has a good sense of humour." he said.
"maybe..." you shrugged.
"the duke also looks after the fortress very well, he's made lots of improvements over the past years to make this place as comfortable as it can be for the inmates here." sigewenne continued "oh! and he really likes drinking tea."
"ooh! i guess you two have that in common huh?" you pointed out looking at wriothesley.
wriothesley took another sip of his cup before speaking up, "i guess we do."
“w-woah, (y/n)! you have loads of credit coupons!” cuistot stammered at the bunch of ‘credit coupons’ you carried.
sigewenne's drink was surprisingly helpful, (despite how weird it tasted) and you only had to stay in the infirmary for a two nights.
the day after, you and the bombshell bros were planning to go to the pankration ring (a place you never knew existed) to watch a match that according to laverune was going to be the ‘fight of the century’.
but before you made your way there you had told them that there was some trash you needed to clear out so they followed you to your room. when you walked out with the bag of credit coupons they’re jaws dropped.
“credit coupons..? i thought they were just pieces of paper. grainville at the production zone kept giving them to me for working.” you said stopping in your tracks and looking down at the coupons in your hand.
“you’re practically rich! with that many credit coupons you could do all sorts!" laverune exclaimed, the two noticed the confused expression still displayed on your face and decided to explain the whole coupon system.
"...so, this is the currency down here?" you asked in shock.
"basically, yeah!" cuistot said.
wow, i never knew...
once you were done putting away your coupons the three of you headed for the pankration ring. laverune suggested you bring some coupons so you could bet on which fighter you thought would win, so you did.
whilst you walked, you listened in on cuistot and laverune's conversation on who they thought would win.
"'le grappleur' is surely going to win! he is reigning champion for a reason." cuistot said and laverune shook his head.
"oh come on, 'demon horde' has it in the bag. the other day, he even beat 'killer hook'! that makes them tied!" laverune argued.
just what kinda names are these...
"who do you think's going to win (y/n)?" cuistot asked turning to you, you shrugged.
"i don't know... 'le grappleur' maybe?" you said taking a complete guess. laverune humphed disapprovingly.
"well, the duke's going to watch the match as well and i heard he's betting on 'demon horde'!" he said crossing his arms.
oh yeah, the duke, maybe i'll finally see what he looks like?
"but (y/n)'s especially close with his grace so they can just get him to change his mind, bam!" cuistot stated as you raised a brow.
"um, i am?" you asked.
cuistot laughed, "it's not often the duke sits to have a meal with anyone, or visit anyone in the infirmary. why didn't you tell us?" he said only arising more confusion inside you.
he did? but the only other person i've talked to is-
"i believe i heard my name?" a familiar voice spoke up from behind you three causing you all to turn around.
just as you thought, it was wriothesley, you smiled at him feeling your heart beat quicken. you were about to say something until cuistot and laverune beat you to it.
"y-your grace!" they both exclaimed simultaneously bowing slightly as you still stood upright, eyes darting between wriothesley and the pair.
"huh? who... 'your grace'? what?" you were confused until it finally clicked, your eyes widening, "wait, you mean... you're the duke?"
wriothesley smirked at you and folded his arms, "took you long enough."
your mouth was slightly agape as you simply stared at him utterly dumbfounded stumbling to find the right words, "w-what? since when?!"
"oh i dont know, a couple of years ago?" he shrugged nonchalantly.
cuistot and laverune noticed you two were conversing and used it was a chance to slip away off to the pankration ring, leaving you with 'his grace'.
everything suddenly made sense. why he was able to get grainville to listen to him, all the food he was able to deliver you.
"why... why didn't you tell me? and here i thought you were an inmate like me this whole time..." you said bringing your palm to your forehead feeling like an idiot.
"i'll be honest i found it quite entertaining that you didn't know who i was." he said causing you to roll your eyes, he took a step closer so that he was gazing down at you.
"how are you feeling by the way?" he asked, his tone becoming a bit softer making your heart beat even faster.
you sighed, still not having fully accepted the fact that you had been hanging around the duke the entire time, "i'm fine, sigewinne said i should just take it easy from now on."
he hummed smiling slightly, "that's good."
a comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you merely looked at each other. you admired his features not noticing that he was doing the same until he cleared his throat and looked off to the side.
"your friends seemed to have already left so, would you like to head to the pankration ring together?" he suggested and you beamed at him.
after figuring out who wriothesley really was, you decided it would be best if you discarded your feelings for him. your chances with him had gone from about five percent to absolute zero.
you only had three days of your sentence left anyway, but you weren't looking forward to going back. after all, you ended up liking the fortress of meropide life much more than you had expected.
at the moment, you and wriothesley were having your daily tea break in his office. him sat at his desk going through some papers as you sat on the other side of the desk, reading one of the many books from his shelf.
"you know, i could always shorten your sentence. you could go back today if you wanted." he suggested breaking the silence.
"yes but," you started averting your eyes "i still want to spend a bit more time with cuistot and laverune that's all."
and you too obviously you thought but would never dare to say aloud.
wriothesley hummed in response, "ah yes, you're little friend group." he paused for a bit, "are you sure that's the only reason?"
"uh, i'll miss sigewenne too, she's really sweet." you said, subconsciously taking your eyes off your book and instead watching him. it was a terrible habit of yours lately.
"i see." he said rather plainly, "speaking of sigewenne, we both had a chat earlier today and she told me some, interesting things."
you froze at this and immediately shot ur eyes back down to your book, wriothesley this time noticing as he moved his work to one side watched your expression closely with a smirk.
what? there's no way sigewenne would've told him... right? i never admitted it aloud!
"that's nice, what kind of things?" you said still looking down, eyes scanning over the pages 10x quicker than before (the words weren't even going through your head).
"not much, but she did tell me about you." he said as you felt your heart sink.
"o-oh really? by the way this book is really interesting." you said losing where you were as you flipped ahead a couple of pages, a desperate attempt to change the subject.
he watched your reaction contently, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded, he then shrugged.
"maybe it is, i haven't read it yet." he said, "anyway sigewenne told me that-"
you pulled your own chair back and got up, with the book in hand you rushed to the side to go put it back on the shelf. there was no way you were going to let him finish his sentence and humiliate you.
"i just remembered! i need to go find cuistot to try the new recipe he made!" you said getting up from our chair and going over to the bookshelf. you went on your tip toes to place the book back before turning on your heel, ready to dash towards the door.
however when you turned you were met with wriothesley's figure standing in front of you with a lazy smile, blocking you form going any further.
"sigwenne said that you liked me." he leaned down so he was face to face with you, your lips merely inches away from his and a teasing glint in his eyes, "is that true?"
your eyes widened in shock and horror, your pupils darting around everywhere frantically, "uh- i um, i-"
that alone was enough to provide him an answer asall your muffled words came to a halt when he brought his right hand and held your chin up, connecting his lips with yours.
at first you didn't kiss back, you couldn't kiss back, utterly paralysed from the shock. his smooth lips against your own causing your mind to blank out.
does he... like me back??
you couldn't help it, you were a hopeless fool. you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and kissed back, feeling a smile emerge from his lips, you felt as if you were dreaming.
his hand on your chin found its way to your cheek as the other wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you even closer to his body deepening the kiss in the process.
eventually after what felt like years, you both pulled away breathlessly. an irresistible smile creeping up both your faces.
"i think i'm going to have to lengthen your sentence." he said, his hand resting on the side of your face as his thumb caressed your cheek.
"really? what for?" you asked playing along leaning into his touch.
he leaned in once more, planting a small kiss on your lips before pulling back and flashing you a grin.
"for stealing my heart."
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all rights reserved © @yazis please do not copy any of my works
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konoharfts · 1 month ago
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“…When I’m with you the world makes sense, but when we are apart I see clearly that your world is not one from which one can escape..”
Heard the “Dear Arthur” Red Dead clip and thought of my rancher Gai and outlaw Kakashi from the Cowboy AU so uhhhhh now y’all have this 🤷‍♀️
Anyways, enjoy the sad gay cowboys, they took years off my life 🙃
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^^ full comic
Yeah so basically my concept was that Kakashi and Gai met each-other at a bar, got into some shenanigans (lots of stupid challenges and flirting ), and yadda yadda thy start seeing eachother on the down-low.
At first the whole Kakashi being an outlaw thing doesn’t really matter to Gai. The tales of his dangerous and illegal adventures are exciting and it’s definitely not horrifying when he comes to the Maito ranch with blood oozing out of a barely patched wound. It’s endearing that he trusts Gai enough to help stitch him up on the kitchen table.
And it’s not like Kakashi likes doing illegal activities… he just has people he needs to protect, people who he’s completely loyal to, and sometimes those people need him to back them up while they do illegal activities. 🤷‍♀️
But, you know how it goes, suddenly it starts to catch up. Suddenly the grey gets murky and someone takes it a step too far and now your boyfriend is being actively hunted by law enforcement 🤷‍♀️ Suddenly those stories become concerning, and you wonder if the next time he stumbles through your door with an injury he got god knows where will be that final nail. Suddenly you don’t want to ask how he got it.
(^^ by you I mean Gai, buuut you get the idea)
So yeah.. Gai knows full well well that Kakashi’s loyal to his crew to a fault. He knows that no matter how good life is when Kakashi’s around - how good KAKASHI’S life is when they’re together - Kakashi will never abandon his comrades…. And Gai’s whole life is on that ranch…
So now the only time Gai sees Kakashi is on the various wanted posters that circulate (though they could never quite get his eyes just right) and the only time Kakahshi sees Gai is the few times he has a nice dream (instead of a nightmare)
Yeah anyways you guys see the vision right? I don’t even have that strong of a plot idea I just get my heart ripped out every time I hear that RDR2 scene and I figured Cowboy AU KakaGai kinda fits so 🤷‍♀️
If anyone read that I will serenade you sofly 🫶🎶🎷🐛
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newrochellechallenger2019 · 23 days ago
Nursing handjob blurb PLEASEEEEEEE I'm on my knees I'm begging all I've ever needed
ask and you shall receive...47 days later
he comes home late from tennis practice and is immediately curling into your lap, worn out and even a little sweaty.
'bad practice?' you croon sympathetically, stroking your fingers through his blonde curls.
he nuzzles into your further, his lips pressing light kisses on your neck 'mhm serving too slow.' and you could practically hear the pout in his voice.
'oh baby' you croon sympathetically, lifting his flushed face up to meet yours. 'you want mommy to make it all go away?' you say softly and his puppy dog eyes impossibly wide and he nods fervently, burrowing into your chest with a ferocious need.
this whole thing had been all too easy, how just a few weeks in your relationship when art accidentally let 'mommy' slip as he ate you out, to now, nearly a year later with lactation pills sitting on the kitchen counter when you'd come home from work a couple of days ago and now you were essentially 'art's mommy' whenever the two of you were at home, and he was your 'baby'.
art tugs at your shirt gently, a sign of his growing impatience and you roll your eyes. 'i'm doing it.' he shuffles around on your lap so his upper body was lying on your lap, his muscled legs taking up the rest of the couch as he lies down. you take your shirt off and reveal your chest, nipples perking as the air hits them, you didn't wear a bra in the house, never felt the need to and especially now. art's eyes widen like he's just seen the gates of heaven, an undeniable lust in his eyes and you're certain you hear soft whimpers building in the back of his throat. 'mommy...' he whines, lips parting already.
'oh you're so obedient' you coo, watching him squirm in anticipation, noting the semi that was already grown in his tennis shorts. he whines harder, and you debate teasing him a little longer before lifting his head up to let him know he could latch on. art lets out a soft squeak of excitement as his tongue lavishes your nipples before his mouth covers it, sucking on the bud eagerly.
'good boy' you breathe as you shudder, no matter how many times the two of you did this, it felt euphoric and you pressed your thighs closer together, a not so subtle sign of how pleasurable this was for you too. art's eyes light up as he feels the first drop of breastmilk hits his tongue and lets out a soft moan, suckling even more eagerly, teeth grazing your nipple, his hard cock straining his gym shorts, desperate for release.
your hands slips down his toned stomach and pushes down his gym shorts, and his whimpering intensfies, and you feel him sucking more ferverently. you swiftly pull his gym shorts and boxers down in one practiced movement, freeing his twitching cock and art grunts around your nipple. you bring your hand up back up his thighs, deliberately brushing your fingers against his ball and art trembles, nearly choking on your boob. your fingertips slide up his shaft, taunting him, slipping over his tip and feeling the wetness starting to accumulate there. art moans low, hips bucking, desperate for more stimulation.
you hand moves down from the tip of his cock to the base in a slow steady motion and you swear you can see his eyes roll into the back of his head. you pump him slowly, hand gripping his dick and sliding up and down as he continues to suckle on your tit. you increase your pace and his moans grow, muffled 'yes' over and over against your nipple.
his body starts to tense up, a sign of his impending orgasm and your hand slows and he whines, looking up at you with pleading, glassy eyes. you press your thumb into his tip and he jerks, cum spilling out without permission, dribbling down his thick cock. you press down harder, milking every last drop from him as his body continues to jerk, mouth still attached to you.
'did you cum without permission?' you coo, fingers still stroking his twitching tip and he nods, looking suddenly crestfallen over his not only ruined orgasm, but an illegal one at that. you start to pump him again and he squirms, trying to free himself. 'i know' you croon, knowing he can take one more orgasm even when he pretends he can't. 'this is what naughty boys get' and he whines around your nipple, sucking more fervently, a source of comfort as you continue to grip his cock.
you increase your pace and art squirms even more, lips detaching from your nipple to whisper 'can't- need-' dazily, lost in the sensation of your hand. he licks the breastmilk off his lips and rests his head against your chest, each pump of his cock, causing him to moan 'mommy-'. his body starts to twitch then, 'didn't take long huh' you taunt and he whines, 'please mommy- please mommy- please mommy' and suddenly he's shooting ropes of hot white cum onto his stomach with a shuddering moan, gasping for air as he cums and cums, unable to stop. you take your hand off his dick and stroke his hair instead, 'good boy- doing so well for mommy' and art manages a small smile, still dazed. he whimpers and you let him latch back on to your nipple, draining the last few drops of milk from your tits, both of you milked dry.
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nightdreamdraws · 6 months ago
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oh? a new Nightdream animatic? that's crazy that never happens
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genzombie · 8 months ago
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SIREN VIL SIREN VIL SIREN VIL took over my life and my doodles
I blame @dilatorywriting and their incredible stories
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Some close ups <3
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frosteaart · 1 year ago
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inspired by this post and as a prize for winning my dtiys it's a 2al sprout with leaf wings for @intotheelliwoods
[click image for higher quality]
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once-in-a-half-life · 6 months ago
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recreating memes in gmod part 3 (finally)
part 1
part 2
bonus: i also started teaching myself s2fm because I figured out how to use it on my steam deck haha
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ruthlessness69 · 3 months ago
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Literally him 5min before offering the drugs I mean Moly😃
Hermes is one hell of a grandpa 😁
You know, when I listen to a certain part of "Polyphemus" I always think about how these two are related
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I guess Hermes would be so proud of this little commercial 👌
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
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it may not look like it but this took a long time to make
heres a rough ability breakdown for the totk rewrite project (i know its hard to read in the pic so let me clear it up and add some extra info)
theres two ability wheels now, sages are not frame rate killing glitch ghosts around you but their abilities are selected through the wheel on the right (pic is rough concept, it is clearer what is selected and what isnt + it has names in final version, symbols are placeholders as well) and bound to the player, when you acitvate it an aura appears similar to the arm abilities and their ghostly form appears besides you, charging or firing when you hit A while the ability is active
ANALYZE: zelda tells you info about targeted enemy/NPC, it gives you info about it and informs you more dynamically about important things than the foto-entries do
FOTO its fotos :) zelda joins selfies tho and does silly poses with you
REWIND: functions like the time recall in canon, but this time it is a more developed version of stasis instead
AMIIBO: its ... amiibo
HOOKSHOT: grab onto anything (perhaps restricted but not yet decided), you pull yourself+zelda to heavy stuff, light weight objects are pulled to you (including light enemies like bats or small slimes) grab onto something and hold onto it, usable like a vine (think, ww grappling hook) but with limited duration (battery power?)
AUTOBUILD: like in canon but it uses luminous stones if material isnt all there (or other material you put out to so its more versatile and you are more aware of what you have, no accidental spending then)
BUILD: similar to canon, but no glue (it kinda just fuses with no extra graphic unless pehaps like a bolt or sth), you put stuff together anyway you want; build is also used for weapons (no extra ability needed), you just build a weapon on the ground and pick it up afterwards (it has to be a weapon handle part and then sth else to it, otherwise it wont turn into a weapon)
INFUSE: infuse somethign with ancient energy, useless on normal objects usually(?) but reactivates broken or deactivated tech like elevators and doors; used to dynamically access caves and especially labs (labs serve a similar function as shrines, they are old shiekah labs that broke over time, puzzles are diverse things like traversal and little quests in which you help the researcher ghosts of the people that died in these labs (by the calamity, earthquakes, accidents, or killed by the royal army when their tech was banned and they refused to give it up)
WIND GUST: same as in canon
LIGHT SHIELD/LIGHT LASER: zelda uses a shield of light to protect herself in combat, it does not affect the player (or perhaps only when you happen to be within range, which is small, this is more a character thing for her than useful for you) for the player through the selection wheel; aim and tell her to shoot a light laser like rauru did in the moldora cutscene in canon totk (a bit more dynamic) it deals very high damage to anything hit but has the highest cooldown of all abilities; deals extra damage to miasma enemies
THUNDERSTRIKE: similar as in canon, it charges through you however (so the charging only gets stopped if YOU shoot an arrow or get hit)
FIRE .. BOOM THING: similar as in canon but yuno has a little animation of daruks shield around him again :)
YIGA TELEPORT/KOGA CLONES (undecided yet): A: target a location in range and koga grabs you like a naughty kitten and teleports you both to the targetted location, you spawn in a little above ground giving you time to either perform a bullet time move or a sword attack from above B: summons a bunch of koga clones that serve as a distraction for enemies and combat support, they die in one hit (reference to kogas and monk moz kyoshias similar moveset; since there are no sage ghosts around you all the time and a max of two companions (zelda always, sage in sage dungeon) it serves as a replacment for that)
WATER ...WELL(?): sidon gives you a shield of water, elemental effect is applied to weapon and lasts as long as the shield does no matter how many times you attack; if it is hit by an enemy it breaks but you dont take damage; if the shield lasts it entire duration without getting hit it it grants you a percentage of your missing health back upon dissolving (ref to mipha healing powers anyone??)
im open to constructive feedback but overall im quite happy of makign it work out like that, although there are quite a few things that need polish i think this is both realistic and works well with what else i have been writing; remember tho, this is my rewrite so im undoing the things i dont like, like riju never being there when you need her bc she runs right up to the enemy and her losing her charge bc she keeps getting knocked over + overall uselessness of minerus robot (to me)
(totk rewritten project)
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8hibiya · 24 days ago
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she keeps on texting me
do i like her? no, definitely
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alexfranbow · 20 days ago
i have a gift for you ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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torupinwheels · 5 months ago
Breathless Hill
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Summary Fending off the big bad wolf is nothing new to you. But this close up to his shiny fangs and muscled arms, who could blame you for having a couple new tricks up your sleeve?
Pairing Toji x Reader
Content Warning MDNI, forest sex, fem!reader, werewolf!Toji, ruts, knotting, asphyxiation, breeding, creampies.
Word count. 2.5k
AN. Scrambled to get this fic done before getting my groceries, hope you guys enjoy ^_^.
For the first time all night, you close your eyes and instantly regret it. Your legs hurt from running and your lungs feel scarred; like the northwestern trees after a particularly brutal wildfire. The sun had long set but you were still seeing flashes of light behind your eyes, dizzying your balance with every blink; you were exhausted to say the least.
"You sure you're not tired yet, doll?"
Hearing that damned gravelly voice echo in the distance, your eyes shoot open.
Fuck, you could have swore you lost him a couple miles ago. You swallow, sweat dripping down from your brow down to your neck. Your shirt was soaked through already, sweat clinging to the outlines of your chest.
Your ears pick up the faint rustling of leaves nearby. Alarmingly nearby.
Suddenly, you wince at the sound of claws scraping loudly on the deeply furrowed bark of the trees. It sounds far too close for comfort. In fact, it almost seems that it's coming from the tree behind you.
The realization hits you but it's too late: Toji is upon you in the blink of an eye.
It's impressive how fast he knocks the air out of you, pinning you like the small game prey that fall into his trap every full moon. The sheer force of his sinewy muscles forces a grunt of surprise out of you as your back hits the tree behind you. He grins, a delighted smirk reaching from the etched scar on his lip to reveal sharp canines lurking underneath.
"You're quiet now, huh? Shoulda thought about that before taking my bounty, pretty girl."
He's intoxicating. Logically, it's easy for you to understand the danger you're in; having the most lethal werewolf in the county pressing up against you. As the blood rushes to your head, you size up the threat in front of you.
However roughed up you must look, he's worse off. Despite his confidence, you managed to get a couple good hits in before he turned. His human clothes struggle to contain his massive form, turning a normally baggy grey sweater into something more akin to a tattered imitation of a compression shirt.
Your gaze drifts further down and you bite back a smile at the various oozing wounds your traps laid on Toji's body. Although primitive, your bear traps did well to slow him down before his superhuman healing kicked in.
His words finally kick in and your eyes dart back up but the damage is done. Puzzled, and tickled more than he'd ever admit, by your silence, Toji catches your questionable gaze and lets his head fall ever so slightly towards yours.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like what you see."
His breath is soft, you notice absentmindedly. Your eyebrows furrow slightly and you stay silent, eliciting a slight head tilt from Toji. Gears turning in your brain, you decide to test a theory. You bring your hands up slow to land like a feather on his chest.
He lets out a rough gasp but it's not enough. If this is real, you need proof. You let your breath fan out on his cheek as you lean in, voice low.
"What if I do? Is there something wrong with that?"
He lets out a shaky laugh, claws still pressed against the rough tartan wool of your shirt. But his arms soften and there's a strange look in his eyes. You were right: the big bad wolf has a little crush on you. Unaware of your inner musings, he answers in a low sarcastic whisper.
"Careful, don't say that too loudly. These woods are full of creatures that aren't as nice as me."
The implications of his words dawn on you.
He's having fun with this.
You've shot at him, trapped his legs, and damn near sent him on a wild goose chase the whole night but that strange twinkle in his eyes is still there. To make matters worse, there's a whole other unsettling side of the coin.
You're having a lot of fun too.
It's been a long time since a bounty made you run like hell.
You're unable to hide the sudden mirth in your eyes so you act quick. Toji barely has enough time to raise a quizzical brow at your sudden gleefulness before you quickly slide a leg behind his -- effectively using his own weight to knock him down to the cold and damp forest floor.
"Argh!" "Fuck-"
You both go down cursing, with you landing squarely on top of Toji's chest. You both blink at each other before Toji lets out a frustrated huff, brandishing his claws to swipe you.
You dodge quickly and in a blind act of adrenaline, you reach for his neck.
Toji's eyes widen immediately and his claws falter. It's enough of a gap for you to grip the thick sides of his fur-covered neck and squeeze as hard as possible. You close your eyes, hiding your face downwards, as you apply pressure with an strangled yell.
You feel Toji's claws retract as his body thrashes and he lets out a moan?
Surprised, you let go momentarily as your head shoots up. The sight that meets you nearly convinces that you died earlier and went to heaven right here on the forest floor.
What meets your eyes is a flushed and heaving Toji, gasping for air. His eyes flutter back and forth between looking at you and rolling back into his head with pleasure. Your eyes wander down, from his chest heaving up and down with every greedy breath he takes down to his crotch where you swear you saw a tent.
You give him an experimental roll of your hips and he keens, a clawed hand immediately grabbing at the plush of your hip.
This position gives you too much access to both of you as you immediately notice the solid warm weight right under your core.
He's rock hard from getting choked out. Stunned, you say the first thing that comes to mind, hands firmly caressing his adam's apple.
"You're kind of a freak."
His usually baritone voice is deliciously raspy when he finally speaks, his splintered laugh sending vibrations through your lower core.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You probably got wet watching me getting stabbed, weirdo."
You're not sure what comes over you when you reply.
"Wanna find out?"
You're about to mutter a half-hearted apology when Toji closes his eyes, a peaceful smile on his features.
He looks good like this, like the world's worries just melt right off his chiseled body.
His face distracts you from the most electrifying hip roll, as Toji grinds his massive bulge against your crotch, electrifying you into a lengthy moan. His canines glint in the moonlight as he grins at your reaction.
"Sure, baby. Do your worst. I'll make you feel good either way."
Your hands start to wander down, of their own accord, to Toji's chest. Like gravity, you're pulled to start a slow unforgiving grind on his dick, feeling the precum leak through his tattered pants. Feeling the cold air hit his neck, Toji hisses as his eyes focus on you. His big hands envelop yours, warmth spreading through them. He looks up at you, his voice wavering slightly, like honey falling through the air.
"Please, baby. Don't-don't stop."
His words spur you on, bringing your hands back to the expanse of his neck only to squeeze down on his airway.
Your reward is immediate as Toji brings up one of his massive thighs for you to rest on and starts to hurriedly undo your pant buttons with his claws.
He starts babbling low grunts of nonsense in between the both of your moans with the only words you make out being "baby" and "so gorgeous".
Before long, he's managed to free your slick core from your garments, leaving your bottom half shivering from both the cold autumn air and the delicate touch of his sharp claws.
You were beautiful to him. From your disheveled hair to the bit of chest peeking out from your shirt to the fat plush of your ass to the way you were desperately grinding against him for just a little more friction, he was entranced.
Unable to wait any longer, you release his neck with one hand and free his cock and heavy balls from the tight pants that shackled them.
Toji groans as you take him in your hand, carefully rubbing the purple knot on top of his dick. You hurriedly position your hips over the knot before he stops you, sweat trickling down his brow.
" 'Preciate the favor, honey but I'm in heat. Just keep grinding against me, I'll manage the rest."
You're equally unamused. Your mouth had been watering since you laid eyes on his cock and especially his heavy balls, overcome with the need to have them slapping against the wet heat of your core. You roll your eyes with a huff and let one of your hands play in the copious hair in his happy trail.
"I know Toji, I did my research."
"Huh. Alright, baby, you know what to do."
He shakes his head in disbelief as his hand snakes down, helping you adjust onto his length.
“Ah..hngh..” Toji’s voice was still raspy from your fight but his moans jolted throughout your body, making his length slide into you inch by inch.
It was all too much but you couldn't bear to run from his dick, clenching around his length every time his thrust pulled away from your sweet spot.
"F-fuck, Tojii" You borderline mewled at him, overwhelmed from pleasure and the feeling of being so full.
Overstimulated from the wet heat of your hole and your beautiful voice crying out for him, Toji lunges forward. He immediately grabs onto your waist, setting a brutal pace that left both of you with tears on your lashes.
Your hands automatically run through the hair on his head and the fur on his back.
"So soft..." You mutter, voice cracking slightly.
Hearing your words, Toji drops his head to leave hot kisses along your neck, collarbone, anywhere he could get his lips on fast enough. As he thrusted, he began leaving deep hickeys all over your chest.
"All mine, aren't you?" Toji muttered.
You squeeze your eyes shut and moan quietly, unable to think of a coherent response. He grins against the sharp bone of your jaw, angling himself to hit that spongy pleasure spot in your core.
"Yeah, all mine, heh." He presses a sloppy kiss to your cheek and you smile, giddy with pleasure.
You paw at him as you feel your orgasm coming up, rolling like a wave out to shore.
Almost like he can read your mind, Toji gently pushes your body over with you on the forest floor and him on top. You hear the sound of twigs snapping as he re-enters your hole, pushing up into your overstimulated body at a rapid pace.
You claw at him desperately, crooning at him softly, "Please, baby, I need you. Please, I need it inside, I want to stay with you".
With a loud groan, Toji kisses you.
It's sloppy, spit and sweat falling into both of your mouths but you wouldn't have it any other way. His tongue prods into your mouth and you bite it playfully. With his tongue working your mouth open and his cock splitting you below, you feel your orgasm crash into you. You moan into Toji's welcoming mouth as your fluids gush, coating both of your crotches in white sticky cum.
Despite his own orgasm seconds from crashing into him, Toji pulls away to check on you, gasping and kissing the surface of your face.
"You still wanna do this, baby?"
You crack an eye open, still coming down from your high.
"Fill me up, Toji, please. Don't you want to cum in me?"
He chuckles, playfully biting your lips as you pout. "Whatever you want, baby." He pulls away, exposing his pretty canines.
"You're gonna be stuck here for a while, pretty girl."
Cum trickles down the side of your legs from your previous orgasm when the fat curve of his cock enters you once again. Aided by the frothy liquids of your orgasm, his balls slap against you as Toji finds your g-spot over and over again.
"H-hah, pretty girl, I-I'm close, if you don't want my knot you have to-ugh, tell me now-ah!" Toji stumbles over his words as you bring his head down to your chest, distracted by the sweet scent of your sweat and cum all around his sense.
"Baby, I already told you, yes-oh!" You can't help but yelp as Toji snarls and bites down on your collarbone, sure to leave a deep purple hickey come tomorrow morning.
An animalistic growl from him leaves you tingling and grabbing at him again, halfway to your second orgasm. You sigh in pleasure, "Right there, just keep going, Toji."
You hear an annoyed huff before an electrifying jolt hits you from your chest. Your back arches immediately as you realize that Toji just pinched your sensitive nipples before laving them with his tongue.
You tug his hair back and Toji pulls off with ease, never stopping his thrusts. Although difficult to tell on his mixed canine feature, his pout deepens.
"Call me baby again."
You grin and raise a brow. "Say please."
Toji's eyebrows furrow before dropping his head to rest in the crook of your neck, thrusts getting more erratic as he gets closer to his orgasm.
His balls hurt too hard for this conversation. Toji could feel his orgasm approaching soon, his cock weeping with precum every time he pulled away from your core.
Not to mention, he feels like he's going crazy with the idea of letting his knot expand in you. Would it make you thrash and moan with pleasure? Would you give him that sickly sweet smile that made his balls ache? Would it make you cum again, completely untouched?
Toji groaned pathetically at that last thought before bringing his gaze back up to your twinkling eyes. If this was the last night he ever had, this would be the perfect view to die for, Toji reckoned. He leaves a playful bite on your shoulder before giving you exactly what you want, his voice low and leering.
"Please, pretty girl."
"That's all I wanted, baby, thank you baby." You coo back almost immediately.
His dark eyes roll back in pleasure as you squeeze around his length, your spit and cum merged into a milky river of slick around the base of his thick cock, overstimulating him beyond reason with every thrust.
You see his jaw grow slack and decide to give him the same orgasmic treatment as you. Bringing him in close by his neck, you kiss him desperately as his orgasm washes over him. You feel his warm cum spurt inside you for what feels like forever, the excess leaking out of your hole, down his balls. and into the dirt below you two.
It takes a minute for Toji to calm himself before you feel something expand inside your core. Alarmed, you grab onto Toji and look at him. Your worries are eased as he looks at you like a puppy that got a treat: enamored and innocent despite his monstrous size. His voice is low but you detect an annoying teasing lilt in his tone.
"Yeah, honey? Don't tell me you don't like it, you're gonna hurt my feelings, sweet girl..." Toji croons into your ear, echoing your taunts from earlier.
You moan brokenly in response, nails digging into his broad shoulders. The knot, although overwhelming, feels delicious. As it stretches your core, the bulbous nature of it prods gently against your g-spot. Dizzy from the pleasure and Toji's dirty voice right against your ear, you orgasm loudly; squirting cum all over Toji's muscled abs, covering them in a sheen of sweat and cum.
"That's it baby, you did so good. My girl did so good," Toji reassures in your ear as you come down from your second orgasm.
You smile earnestly as you tease him. "Your girl? Moving a little fast now, aren't we?"
Toji's smile drops into a deadpan frown.
"Fine, if you can get my dick out of you, you don't have to be my girl."
You slap his chest lightly with a huff. "Okay, relax. Touchy."
He was right though, the knot had adjusted to your orgasm and was comfortably stuck in your core. It would be a few hours until it would go flaccid enough to take out gently. You shrug and wrap your arms around his bare shoulders, hiding from the cold autumnal air.
"Yeah, honey?"
"Round two?"
"Yeah, fuck it, why not."
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
Tally dynamic. to me.
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jelloia · 7 months ago
a post on how yanqing's monologue in the 2.4 quest aligns perfectly with his character story (+ why jing yuan is a great father figure / mentor)
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so we all know that yanqing is regarded as the best swordsman on the luofu (character story part I), and when you read his character story part II, it's obvious why:
When hunting near a distant star, the monstrously huge mechabeast Windguard created by the Denizens of Abundance was pulverizing defense forces as though they were ants. But this young boy met against it face-to-face, claiming its head and routing the enemy to the point of collapse. As for subsequent victories: He broke the borisin's Devouring Wolf formation with Jing Yuan, beheading three Brood Lords. He also fought viciously against the wingweavers, ultimately sinking their almighty Cloudseizer Fleet... These are just a small footnote in the annals of his courageous swordplay.
yanqing mentions himself how he isn't like normal kids, but it's kind of startling and unnatural to read about how fearless he is. after all, he isn't like kafka--who literally cannot feel fear--he's just genuinely that good at his art
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to jing yuan, yanqing's constant improvement is a reminder of how even though long-life species don't need to fear time decaying their body, their warped sense of time means they are often stagnate in their ideals and ultimately how they live their lives
"General... I finally... won." The general pauses. He suddenly realizes that, compared to the boy trying to improve every day, he himself has endured too many years and is used to stagnation.
the paradox though is that if you only win, that in itself is a form of stagnation.
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so if you always succeed while being constantly praised from a young age, what happens when you lose for the first time?
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from the average honkai star rail player's perspective, it's laughable that we see someone as decorated as yanqing be defeated multiple times in a row. it makes us wonder whether he even deserves his title, seeing how weak he is compared to jingliu, blade, and imbibitor lunae.
in actuality, this is a genius writing move. by bringing the player into the story right when yanqing starts losing, we begin having the same doubts and suspicions about yanqing that he is about himself. all the scorn and hatred he gets from the fandom are things i'm sure he's thought about himself.
what's even more interesting about yanqing is that most hsr characters are grown and had their early development offscreen, but we are experiencing yanqing's first big low firsthand, right along with him.
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but believe it or not, this is exactly what jing yuan wanted.
according to yanqing's character story part IV:
Yanqing became an unrivaled fighter aboard the Xianzhou Luofu as his skills grew more and more advanced. Jing Yuan gradually began thinking about ways to restrain Yanqing's edge, to take him down a peg without curbing his confidence. Too solid and it can shatter. Too sharp and it can blunt. More than just a sharp edge — a sword also needs a scabbard that can restrain it. In Jing Yuan's view, Yanqing has grown up exceedingly fast — beyond expectations. What Yanqing needs right now is not more strength, but the ability and experience of curbing that strength — something that can only manifest by the passage of time.
jing yuan knows exactly what can happen to those blessed with enormous power. unchecked strength and confidence is a double edged sword--it's precisely this overconfidence that got yanqing into fighting with blade/il and challenging jingliu, yet it's also one of yanqing's best features. what jing yuan wants is for yanqing to continue to believe in himself and be courageous, but also practice control and resilience, even after resounding defeat.
"All's equal in war, and sneak attacks are a good idea. It's too bad your sword is so focused on the flourish and can't conceal its form. Is this what they call youthful vigor?"
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there are some things you cannot directly teach, and it's not as though jing yuan planned for yanqing to meet jingliu/etc. jing yuan believes that only time can teach yanqing, yet it's also tricky because for long-life species, time is not just a wheel pushing progress but a cycle repeating the same things over and over.
this is why i believe it's a testament to the stellar quality of yanqing's character and jing yuan's raising of him that so relatively quick after all of yanqing's failures...
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...yanqing hasn't given up nor run away, but rather discovered that he no longer fights solely for an extrinsic reward--victory, honor, approval--and instead, for something much more permanent
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this doesn't mean yanqing's going to stop throwing himself into difficult fights--just take his bickering with yunli as an example--but rather his perspective has changed. yanqing will enter battle even if defeat is inevitable and will keep on going even if he loses. he's continuing to improve, both physically and mentally.
(i also want to point out the juxtaposition of "letting go of everything" and "giving it my all" in yanqing's purpose above; it sounds contradictory but i think it means how fighting helps yanqing feel free and forget the weight on his shoulders, yet it's also a show of passion where he'll fight for his family/friends/ideals to the best of his ability and beyond)
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to conclude, yanqing is an insanely complex and well written character, and i'm so happy that the 2.4 quest is exploring everything that has been set up for him so far. connecting this to the final character story i haven't covered yet (part III), i believe that yanqing is closer to achieving his dream than ever before:
It's completely natural for teenage boys to love swords, but a specific dream flickers and dances among the Xianzhou swords in his collection. To become the best on the Luofu — no, the best across all the Xianzhou ships. To take the title of Sword Champion on the Luofu, and even take the title of Sword Preeminence across the Alliance. Since the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae, the title of Sword Champion among the Luofu Cloud Knights has remained vacant for centuries. Not that nobody wants to claim it, but for a rather more embarrassing reason: The previous Sword Champion, a legendary swordmaster with 13 outstanding accolades, violated the laws of heaven, resulting in her name being wiped from the face of the cosmos. Even the prestigious title that she bore became a sore spot for others. But for this vastly impressive teen, it's now time to turn over a new page in the annals of history and write another chapter.
ultimately, i think jing yuan said it best:
"You will soon be better than everyone, and that will only be the beginning..."
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salemssimblr · 9 months ago
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M o d e r n R e n a i s s a n c e - c o m i n g t h i s o c t o b e r
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