#this took me about. 2 hours. embarrassing to say the least
sillykittyz · 3 months
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a lot more of these because it's fun
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jarofstyles · 10 months
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Hello my loves! Welcome to the first part of our next mini series we've been working on behind the scenes. The next 2 parts are available immediately on Patreon now, but will be updated here in the next few weeks!
Warnings- cheating ( WITH y/n), Asshole Harry, I hate everyone but her, old money/wealth, toxic relationship dynamic, harry is mean and will be mean but not to Y/N lmao, smut
WC- 2.4k
Harry had just finished cleaning himself of cum as his phone rang. 
It was his girlfriend. ‘Girlfriend’, really, because this wasn’t a real relationship. Not in his mind, anyways. 
“What?” His voice was a sharp whip, already annoyed that the post orgasm bliss had been interrupted by Katherine. Y/N was sitting next to him, her leg thrown over his thigh as fingers traced over his chest, absentminded circles pausing when she heard his attitude already. Her brow raised as he lifted the phone to show the name on the screen, making her nod, lips turning down. That irritated him further. 
“When are you coming to get me?” A voice that pierced his ears made him close his eyes, a dull throb beginning to coast down his head. “Daddy said you’re coming to the event and you were going to pick me up!” 
She was huffing like a child, not wanting to wait. Realistically, he would leave in 30 minutes. Y/N would stay curled up in his bed and wait for him to come home before he took her away to one of his family cabin’s with the rest of their friend group- the ones who knew of him and Y/N. He would spend the entire night trying to think of an excuse to get back to her early, and hoping Katherine wouldn’t throw a fit about not being able to come on this ‘business trip’.  
“You live with your father. Could you have not shared a ride?” His tone was icy, something Y/N had never been the recipient of. Thank god, really. As sexy as it was to hear him talk like that to other people, it would definitely make her cry. The man was intense, even he knew that, but not everyone seemed to catch on. 
“Hazza! Come on.” She whined. “He already left and stopped by the office. I’m getting ready now but we have to be early for the photos!” As if that was going to help her cause. It was like the girl had a handbook on how to say the wrong things. 
Harry didn’t do those stupid step and repeats. While Katherine loved being the center of attention, it wasn’t something Harry desired. In actuality, he detested it. He hated paparazzi and had broken 2 cameras from having them in his face without a second glance. No aggression, the picture of calm with pure ice on his face as he did so. If they valued their possessions, they shouldn’t be shoving them in people’s way. That’s what he thought, at least. 
“I’ll be there in an hour. I’m not doing those photos. I don’t care what you do. Now stop calling me when I'm in the middle of things. You know if I don’t answer once, wait for further instruction.” He paused. “And stop calling me that childish nickname. I don’t find it cute or endearing, it’s embarrassing. Goodbye.”
There was a sharp squeak as he hung up the phone and threw it to the ground, rolling Y/N around onto her back and sliding his still sticky cock back inside of her yet again. His annoyance was clear on his face, but it quickly melted away as her arms wrapped around him and her lips covered his face with soft coos, legs pulling him in deeper. Maybe she was a bit sore, maybe his last load was still dripping out of her messy hole, but she knew exactly how the man needed to express himself. 
“I know.” Her silky voice wrapped around his tension and broke it down, slow thrusts inside of her quelling the bubbling irritation in his stomach and turning it into arousal. Y/N could read his stone cold features, knew what his eye twitch meant, the simple movement of a brow or the tiniest down or upturn of lip. This magnificent woman seemed to have him all figured out, and he felt like shit for having to leave and be seen with another woman. “I know, baby. Only a few more months.” Fingers stroked his hair back, guiding his lips to her own.
 He kissed her back, eyes squeezing shut as he allowed himself to lose the anger that had developed by focusing on her. The heat of her cunt wrapped up tight around him, snug. Fitting him perfectly, just as it always had. Y/N was the one he had wanted to take to these things, but he had to wait. For once, his patience wasn’t being practiced. 
The best thing in his life had to be hidden from most people, all because he had taken a stupid deal. He had to go out with the girl who thought she was going to be the next Mrs.Styles, while all he wanted to do was stay nestled in his luxury sheets with Y/N’s soft, supple body to worship. 
It was all his fault, though. 
He had always been ambitious. Ruthless, some may say, but he knew that to a degree he could be cruel to get what he wanted. That was how had been raised. His father had put that right into his head, doing anything for success, power, money… that’s how he ended up in this situation. 
In order to secure the deal of a lifetime, he had agreed to date the man’s daughter. Maybe that sounded cruel, but he knew the intentions from the get go. The man was using his conventionally pretty, high society daughter to try and sweeten the deal- but he knew the true motivation. An attempt to get him into the family and continue having control of the company through his daughter’s supposed relationship with him. If only he had been smarter, if he had done more research. He would know he was sending a sacrificial lamb right into Harry’s awaiting lion jaws. 
See, she had been no stranger to him. Katherine had been after him for quite a while. They were acquainted to a certain degree, running in similar circles and society dinners. The crush, more so the obsession she had with Harry had been no secret to anyone. She claimed to have been in love with him, but Harry knew what it truly was. A lust for money. An infatuation with the power he could secure her. She loved what Harry could represent for her, not only to secure place in the society she had been thrown into as she grew up- but to elevate it. She knew the score, knew what Harry’s ring could mean. 
Katherine knew nothing of his true personality, his likes, his dislikes, his jokes. All of those things were reserved for the tiniest selection of people that she only knew of in passing. His real friends barely touched that superficial, vapid, bitter world. Katherine’s family was new money, looking to secure their place in society. Harry’s wealth went in decades, and it would most likely stay that way. Her vying for his attention didn’t shock him in the slightest. 
The condition of dating Katherine for at least a year had been one he had wanted to scoff at, one he had wanted to tell Mr. Eugene Brant that it would be obvious what it was, but he was smart enough to bite his tongue and agree. Playing stupid was a superpower, letting him think he got one over on Harry and vastly overestimating his daughter’s appeal. One year of being toted around with her overly big smile and his signature scowl on his face hadn’t been an issue. It was something he would merely go through the motions of until the exact year was up and she would be out of his life. 
At least, it hadn’t been until he met Y/N. 
The first woman who had ever captured his heart and soul. Softened the edges of his razor sharp glare.
She hadn’t wanted to give him the time of day once she realized he had been flirting whilst not single. She hadn’t known the deceptive relationship and it hadn’t been her fault, but that didn’t mean Harry was going to leave well enough alone. Even after she had dumped her  Shirley temple on his brand new pure cotton button up. 
If anything, it made him want her more. 
One thing about Harry? He was going to get what he wanted. He would bet anything on it. He was patient, stubborn, and fixated. Checking guest lists to see if she’d be in attendance to parties, see if she was going to hang out with his friend group, he was on the prowl to get her to talk again. 
She had blocked his number already- he didn’t really have a chance to explain. He understood why, but that didn’t mean he was going to give up. 
When he finally did have the shot to tell her the relationship was a hoax, she was still doubtful. Dubious looks sent his way as he had pulled them into a private room of the club they were at- one his father owned, funnily enough- his hand holding hers as he sat beside her to plead his case. He was strong and defiant, insisting that it was a means to an end and there was no clause saying he couldn’t date other people- but he would like to get to know her on a real level. 
Against her better judgment, Y/N had fallen for the soft green eyes, the soft looking lips with the sharp cupid's bow and his even sharper tongue. Giving him one date was all he needed to get her on board. 
Fidelity wasn’t a term in the contract he had signed. Stupid, stupid mistake on Brant’s part. A new money, no lawyer to look over, a hasty mistake that would most definitely come to bite him in the ass. Harry hadn’t honored fidelity in the slightest even before he met Y/N. Sex was an outlet for him, as was the gym, things that were pleasurable and stress relieving. He’d only slept with Katherine a handful of times, tapering that off when he saw it made her get more and more attached. She had obviously known Harry had a reputation and while the sex had been alright, there hadn’t been much to his benefit besides the fact that she swallowed his load. 
Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to find willing participants. 
Sex with Y/N had completely rocked his world. He thinks, in part, it was because they had a real connection. She made him wait, she made him work his way up to that if he wanted- and made him stop sex with anyone else. As if he had any interest in anyone else. Y/N had taken up the majority of his brain that wasn’t filled with revenue and contracts and contacts and emails. She was his escape. 
The first time they had sex, Harry had fallen for her. There was no question in his mind. Despite being positive that he wouldn’t ever marry for love, Y/N had him questioning that. She had flipped his entire world view upside down, made him weak in the knees. 
Y/N wasn’t in the public eye. Her family had some elite ties, but she was friends with a lot of the quietly wealthy people who didn’t feel the need to showcase it to everyone who looked with tacky labels and monograms. She’d gotten into one of the best schools, gotten her degree and continued her friendship with her roommates and best friends- who just happened to be the girlfriends of some of his best mates. The real ones. There were only a few single members of the groups, and Y/N had been the new blood that had people wondering. Harry had been interested immediately. 
It was about 4 months into their relationship and everything still felt fantastic. Y/N knew more about Harry than anyone else ever could. She was the one with the key to the future, even if she didn’t know the exact depths his feelings went to. 
“I don’t want to go.” His lips parted from hers. “I want to stay here… want to stay buried inside of you, want to feed you your chocolate and lick it from your tongue.” Inhaling his words, she moaned as his hips rolled and he found his home back at her most sensitive spot. He had spent hours finding it, claiming it, and he knew it was his. “Spent all week working… I just want my sweet Angel.”
Noses brushed against one another, Y/N’s bleary eyes opening up to look at his own. Hazy, dark green, hooded. She gently dragged her nails over his shoulder blades, arching up into him and pressed a bit harder on the skin to make him moan in surprise. “You have me, Harry.” She whispered. “You have me now. Leave with my traces on your cock… then come back and take more. We leave tomorrow… and you can hold me how you like. Kiss me. Our friends don’t care. They’ll keep our secret.” Even if it was forbidden, their tight knit group knew exactly what the relationship between Harry and Katherine really was- and none really liked her. They knew Y/N made him happy, softened him up, they’d all been rooting for this. Their safe space. The only ones who knew. 
“She won’t ever have me.” He reassured. “I’m yours. I want your marks on me.” Breathing harder, his thrusts getting a bit more deep. “Make me bleed. C’mon, my sweet girl. Paid for those nails… give me what I want.” Her cunt quivered around his prick, making him smile. She pretended not to like that sort of thing, but she got them done specifically for this. To quench his thirst for pain, for marks. They loved it. “She’ll never have me like this. I’m yours.” He whimpered, the freak of the bed and their noises filling the room. “M’yours, baby. My sweet Angel… stay in my bed and wait for me. I’ll give you everything. Just wait for me.” 
She would. She would wait for him, to be his fully, as long as it took.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 4 months
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[2:57 pm]
(cw: f!reader, suggestive, “fucking”)
"How much longer do you need?" Bestfriend!Mark whines from your couch.
You had both planned to go to lunch almost an hour ago, but when you saw his outfit you decided you had to change. Apparently, you were too over dressed and "no, no, no! Don't worry, it won't take long!" Lies!
"I think we already missed the grace period for the reservation, think of somewhere else to eat now," Mark called out.
He could hear you running around, breathing hard, spraying something, and... hopping?
"Mark! You worry too much. I left my phone on the counter, check the email that they sent me I have it flagged," he heard you call out.
He sighed, standing from his comfy spot on the couch to get your phone. The face ID obviously fails so he tries to remember your password.
"My passcode is 8008!" You yell out.
Mark bursts out laughing, "Dude, seriously?"
You come out and look at him with a poorly concealed smile and only one shoe on, which coincidentally doesn't match either shoe in each of your hands, "it's funny!"
"Whatever," he rolls his eyes and watches you leave, not even bothering to hide the way his eyes fluttered as he caught a whiff of your perfume.
He shook his head, refocusing himself while he typed in your passcode. Immediately his eyes went wide at what he saw on the screen.
There was no email pulled up, no games, not instagram, or even tiktok- no! It was your photos app, the photos app with a picture timestamped to an hour and a half ago. A picture with you dressed in the least amount of clothes he'd ever seen you in.
His face flushed, he felt his face get hot and had no doubt he was bright red. He gulped, his eyes trailing over the expanse of skin that was on the screen. Skin that was just barely covered by a lacy black bra and matching panties.
He gulped, eyes taking in the seductive look on your face, the way your hair effortlessly cascaded down like a model in a photo shoot. Shit, who were you taking these pictures for and what did he have to do to get you to send them to him?
“Did you find the email?” You ask stopping in front of him with arched brows.
“Huh? What? Ummmm- yeah, huh?” Mark stuttered, struggling to take his eyes off the screen and when he did he could barely make eye contact. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, eyes trailing down to see what had gotten him so tongue tied. Your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment before you quickly snatched your phone from his hold, “you were not supposed to see that!”
“W-well who was supposed to see it then? You never told me you were seeing anyone? Shit, are they cool with us hanging out just the two of us?”
You swiped all your apps closed, “there isn’t anyone Mark. I was just feeling hot and took pictures because why not? Can you forget you ever saw them?”
“Honestly?” he started, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, “No, I can’t forget. You looked so fucking hot I’m gonna see that every time I close my eyes.”
Now it was your turn to stutter, “what- what? Mark? You can’t just say things like that! We’ve been best friends for years.”
“And I stopped looking at you like you were one of the guys when we turned 12 and I caught a glimpse of the strap of your training bra. I don’t want to hide my feelings for you forever, so can we make this friendly lunch our first date?”
You nodded, biting your lip to suppress the smile that threatened to split your face, “yeah, I’d like that. But hey, we definitely missed the reservation. Sorry about that.”
Mark sighed, taking your hand in his as you both left your apartment, “no you’re not.”
“Yeah... I’m not. I look cute.”
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patscorner · 6 months
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Summary: Chris joins your family for dinner for the first time and it does not go as planned
Tw: Swearing, physical altercation, mentions of blood, verbal arguing, panic attack mentions of alcohol use, mentions of ed, lmk if I missed something
The rest of the dinner was just as awkward as you'd thought it'd be. You can't really come back from your father implying you and your boyfriend just fucked in the bathroom of your childhood home, at the first family 'reunion' in 2 years.
So there you sat, eating your food in silence, waiting -no- begging, that someone cut the tension.
And finally someone does. And as they say, careful what you wish for.
"How many plates have you had, dear?" Your mom asked, looking up from her plate. You look back at her, before glancing at your plate and back to at her again.
"This is my second." You say, mouth full of food. You were thankful that people took your mother's talking as an invitation to also continue their conversations.
"Maybe we should slow down, you know? Save room for dessert, which you clearly don't need." She smiles, as if what she said was the best piece of advice she'd ever given anyone.
Her comments always bothered you, no matter how much you were told to ignore them. But when it came to your weight, it hurt the most. The comments were the worst in high school, as you were a little heavier than the average petite high schooler. But it was never as serious as your mom made it. So when you were a sophomore in high school, you developed an eating disorder, where you couldn't eat even if you tried, where you spent hours crying in front of the mirror, wishing you were skinnier to fit your mother's impossible expectations.
You fought that battle for years, 3 years to be exact. Your mom couldn't help because she saw nothing wrong with what you were doing. She would say, 'It's worth it.' And when you're young, you tend to believe everything your parents say because they'd 'never hurt you.' So after you moved out, Chris helped you get help, and you won your long and cruel battle. Obviously, you still have your days and your moments, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be. Not with your new family. People who actually cared.
"S'cuse me?" You say, your voice laced with agitation.
"Well, honey, you don't want to get fat again, do you?" She said, shoveling broccoli into her mouth.
You had stopped chewing completely, making sure you heard her correctly. You looked over at Chris, who was looking at your mom with his jaw clenched. You look back at your mom and out your hand on Chris's thigh as to tell him to relax.
You felt him put his hand over yours and squeeze, a symbol of reassurance.
You sit back in your seat, looking at your plate in defeat. Guess you were done for the night. But your dad wasn't. In fact, your dad was drunk.
"Oh, honey, leave her alone. She's not nearly as huge as she used to be." He slurred, taking another sip from his beer.
"Okay, this isn't neces-" you start, only to be cut off by your parents. Shocker.
"What do you mean? I mean, look at her, David. She's just as big as she was in high school." You mom says gesturing to you.
Your heart dropped, anger and embarrassment filling your veins. "What the fuck, mom?!" You cry out. "Not only is that something you shouldn't say about people, especially your fucking kid, but I'm also right in front of you. At least have some decency to shit-talk me in private." You remove your hand from your boyfriends lap.
Your mom looks at you in shock, and your dad squints at you. "Woah, woah, relax dear. It's not only your fault. You can't help it." She said, reaching for your hand.
You pull your hand away, a look of disgust covering your face. "I don't want to hear that, mom, why's my weight always been a big fucking obsession of yours?" You snap. You feel Chris's hand on your thigh, which you push off quickly. Usually, when you're angry, the last thing you wanted was to be touched.
"It's not my fault. You were huge. I was trying to help you. Nobody wants a pig as their bride, y/n." She spits. Her words feel like daggers, stabbing into your heart.
"You weren't trying to help. You were doing this for yourself. You never cared about it. You only did it because it made you look good to have skinny, petite children. I'm not you or any of them." You gesture to you siblings. The conversations had stopped by now, all of them watching as you and your parents bickered. Embarrassing. "You're a selfish bitch, who never cared about anybody else but herself a-"
"Hey! You watch how you speak to your mother!" Your dad stands up, and instinctively, so did you and your siblings. James and Peter were the first up, while Julia walked over and made sure Maya wasn't in the room.
Nick, Matt, and Chris all stood up too, but they weren't sure what to do, which you would've found funny, but considering the circumstances...
"Let's all relax, okay." Peter attempts to butt in. He's always been so soft-spoken, but if he needs to, he'll beat the shit outta someone. You knew what he was capable of. You'd seen it when your first boyfriend cheated on you.
Your dad directed his attention to Peter. "You shut the fuck up. You have no room to speak because you're a sorry excuse for a son." He drunkenly pointed at Peter.
"You're talking. You can't even see straight half the time, let alone be eligible to give advice." James, your younger brother spits.
Ah, you'd taught him well.
"You watch your mouth before I knock you the fuck out." Your dad spits, and that seems to shut James up. It breaks your heart knowing your father hadn't changed, and when you left, probably laid hands on your younger siblings. And it appears as though Peter's heart broke, too.
Peter stepped closer to your dad, with the same face of anger you'd seem many times before. "You hit them too, Dad? After what you promised!?" He said, his voice raised.
It was all too much. There are too many memories, too many flashbacks. There are too many similarities of past events.
"O-okay, Peter, relax." You attempt, knowing how fast this could escalate. You hold Chris's hand and squeeze tightly.
"Yeah, listen to the pig, Peter." Your father gritted his teeth.
"With all due respect, sir, I'm gonna need you to stop calling your daughter a pig." You hear an unexpected voice. Chris.
Your dad whips his head, staring at Chris with his eyebrows raised, unimpressed. Little did he know, Chris played hockey, and his brothers, who wouldn't hesitate to jump in, also played hockey.
"Chri-" You start.
"No, no, I'd like to hear what he has to say." Your father mocks.
"No! No, please let's just sto-" you get cut off again.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, Y/N." Your dad yells, taking very quick steps to you.
Chris stood in front of you, Peter and James behind your father.
"Move." He growled at Chris.
Chris sucked his teeth, with fake disappointment on his face. "Sorry, can't do that one, sir."
Your dad huffed, allowing Chris to smell every sip of alcohol he'd drunk. "Move." He stated again.
Chris shook his head. "That's my daughter! Get the fuck out of the way, tough guy."
Chris cocked his head. "Really, because based off what I've seen, you sure don't talk to her like it." He spoke, his voice calm, but stern.
That was it. Your dad snapped. He swung his fist, hitting Chris in the nose. "Dad! What the fuck!" You say.
You watch as Chris doubles over, holding his nose, followed by yelling from everyone in the room. You can't understand anything, but you do know that your dad's got his hands around your collar and is holding you close to his face.
You feel the tears start to fall as the scent of alcohol burns your nose. "You're a little bitch, letting this puny excuse of a man speak to me like that."
"Let her go, dad!" James screamed, followed by Peter's yelling.
You look over and make eye contact with your mom. She stood there, arms crossed, not a single expression on her face. She just let it happen.
Your dad shook you. "LOOK AT ME." He shouted in your face. You closed your eyes, as tears began to fall.
"CHRIS NO!" Nick yells. That's all you hear before you dropped. You didn't realize he was choking you until he let go. You look up and see Chris on top of your dad, landing blows like he if were in a hockey game. Your dad got a few heavy punches in, too, as you expected.
Chris had a bloody nose, a bloody lip, and crimson knuckles. Blood stained his big hands, and you couldn't tell if it was his or your father's.
Matt and Nick finally managed to push Chris out of the house, leaving you and your family. Your dad was still screaming drunk profanities, while James made sure you were okay. Peter and your mom held your dad back from chasing your boyfriend.
You had walked out of the dining room and went to sit on the stairs. Tears streamed down your face as you felt yourself slip into a familiar but unfamiliar trance. You were completely unaware of your surroundings at this point, so lost in your brain that the rest of your body was just frozen.
You don't know how long you are disassociating for, but you heard muffled shouting until you didn't. The yelling was replaced with ringing, something your brain did as a coping mechanism, mostly when you were young and hiding with your siblings in the bathroom while your dad trashed your home.
"-aby, can you take a deep breath from me?" You look up, but your vision is blurred, and you can't make out who's speaking - or anything for that matter.
You blink slowly, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It usually took you a while to come back to reality during these moments.
"Can someone get her a cup of water?" You hear the voice again, and despite your yearning to speak, you can't get any words out. Your mouth opens, and you try to speak, but it comes out more of a choked whine.
"Shh, I know, sweetheart, it's okay." Chris wipes the tears coming for your cheeks. Your pupils were enlarged, and your eyes were open, but you couldn't see.
"Thank you." Chris muttered as Matt handed him a cup of ice water. "Here, baby." He put his hands in the icy water, shaking them, so his hands are damp. He took your hands, which had a death grip on your hoodie, and rubbed his cold fingers over your knuckles.
You focused on the feeling of his frigid fingers and you felt yourself coming back to reality.
You blink quickly as more tears fall. "Aw ma, don't cry, it's okay, sweetheart." Chris coos, placing his hands on your hips, rubbing his thumbs on the bone.
His attempts to ground you are successful, as your eyes finally focus on his eyes. "Hey, hey, you coming back to me, baby?" Chris asks, his voice soothingly attempting to comfort you.
You nod absent-mindedly, relief flooding your body as you come back to reality.
You take in your surroundings for the first time in what felt like forever. You're sat on the stairs, your hands shaking from the adrenaline flowing through your veins.
You finally make eye contact with Chris, his eyes full of love and worry. He's got a bruise on the side of his face, a busted lip, and blood falling from his nose, smeared on his upper lip.
"Chris..." you say, cupping his face, rubbing his cheeks down to his lip, frowning when he winced. "Baby..."
He pulls away, chuckling lightly. "It's fine, baby, I'm okay. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." He squeezed your hips in reassurance.
"I'm okay." You say. But then your mind screams at you. "Fuck, where's Maya... an-and, James. Oh, fuck, what about Julia and Pet-" your cut off by Chris's lips on yours. You sigh into the kiss, your hands trailing down his neck.
He pulls away and smiles sadly. "Thank you." You whisper, looking down. "Anytime, baby. I'm so sorry. God, I'm so fucking sorry." He said, leaning his forehead on yours.
You shake your head. "It's okay, he's a fucking asshole." Chris kisses your cheek. "Let's get outta here? I made a little bit of a mess."
You raise your eyebrows. "A little?" Chris kisses his teeth and scoffs.
You smile and kiss his cheek. "Anybody would've done it, Chris. It's okay, really." You speak softly.
Chris smiles and helps you up. "Let's go home." He leads you down the stairs and reaches for the door.
But it opens before he can open it.
"Oh my god."
(Man, I wonder who that is)
Taglist: @sturnioloblogs @y0urm4m @sturniolosmind @thenickgirl @muwapsturniolo @breeloveschris @worldlxvlys @freshloveforthefit @miloisdone1 @vanteguccir
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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Jasper x Vampire!Fem!Reader 
Summary: You make the mistake of wearing someone else's hoodie. 
NSFW 18+ 
The Major *wink, wink* 
Possessive sex 
Oral (F. receiving) 
Cream pie 
Word Count: 2.8k+ 
Requested?: For Kinktober! 
Intense and angry possessive sex with jasper pleaaaaaase 🙏 
A/N: A special thank you to @alecvolturi and @demetris-cocksleeve who both encouraged me to not bin this. This was the most frustrating one I have written so far. But I hope you enjoy!
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I honestly should have seen it coming. 
It would be just my luck to be left alone with Jasper while the family had decided to take separate vacations. 
Coming out of the newborn stage at 2 years, I still didn't feel comfortable enough to be out in the world just yet. Alaska was a safe haven for me until I felt I was ready. So, Jasper had stayed behind, essentially playing babysitter. 
And it was awkward as hell. 
I think it was obvious that I had a crush on him. 
Obvious to everyone in the fucking house. 
Including Jasper. 
And I knew he could feel it. Which was as embarrassing as it sounds. And it was quite obvious that he didn't feel the same way, since he had never acted on it. 
We were just friends. 
And as awkward as it was, I sucked it up and enjoyed his company instead. 
At least he couldn't hear my thoughts, unlike poor Edward. 
Jasper made sure that we had something new to do every day, but he also gave me space when he sensed I needed it. In a weird way, it felt like we had been growing closer, and I had caught him looking at me often, something flashing in the back of his eyes. And like me, he would look away quickly.  
It was like a sort of dance that neither of us would admit to. 
I sat on the kitchen counter, watching the snow drift by in thick flurries through the large windows. Alice had given us the heads-up that a storm was rolling in during one of her daily check-ins. Jasper and I had just returned from hunting a few hours ago, and despite being cold-natured now, I was still uncomfortably cold. I held a cup of hot water in my hands. Not to drink, but it made me feel somewhat normal, and it warmed my hands fairly well. 
I let my mind wander. I should go sit in the living room where the fire was, I'd be much warmer. But Jasper was in there. And every time I even looked at the fire all I could think about was him taking me right there on the floor in front of it, the plush rug soothing against the skin of my back- 
I squirmed a little at just at the thought of it. 
I blinked up at Jasper. I had been so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't even been paying attention to my surroundings. He had only taken to calling me 'darlin' recently and it practically set my body afire. By God, if I could blush, I would be beet red. Quickly clearing my thoughts, I smiled up at him. 
"Hey, Jazz." 
"What are you wearing?" 
I looked down at what I had on. Shorts and a hoodie. 
"Clothes?" It came out as a question. 
"Yes, I can see that. But why are you wearing Emmett's clothes?"  
I started at the anger in Jasper's tone, surprised and wary. I eyed him quizzically. 
"Because. I wanted his hoodie. I like it."  
 Jasper scowled, and disappeared before reappearing a moment later, one of his own hoodies in hand 
"Here. This is much warmer, and I know you're cold."  
"Why do you care?" I raised a brow at him in challenge. 
This was completely out of character for Jasper and to say that I was confused was an understatement. 
We had a mild stare-down until Jasper actually growled at me. I sucked in a breath, heat shooting straight between my legs, and I squeezed my thighs together again.  
That was playing dirty.  
And given my current state of emotions, he absolutely had to know it. 
"Just get rid of it." He demanded. 
"Emmett's hoodie. Get. Rid. Of. It." 
I gulped, a little uncomfortable with Jasper's sudden mood swings. I quickly took the hoodie from his hands. It was his dark blue one, my favorite one to see him in. 
He continued to stare at me, waiting, and I cleared my throat. Finally, he raised a brow at me, and I rolled my eyes, trying to fight the bit of embarrassment rolling through me. 
"Well, if you insist on me putting it on right here and now, Jasper, I'm going to insist that you turn around." 
His brows furrowed adorably. "And why would I need to do that?" 
I looked away from our little staring contest, biting my lip. "Because I don't have anything else on under it." 
Jasper straightened up and his eyes darkened as he looked at me, and if I'd had a beating heart it would have leaped at the burning look in his eyes. 
"What?" I said defensively. "It's soft. I like how it feels! Most of my clothes are scratchy!" 
He turned around quickly, his hands coming up to massage his temples. Keeping an eye on him I quickly discarded Emmet's hoodie and slid my arms through the sleeves of Jasper's, zipping it all the way up. I discreetly buried my nose into it for a moment. It was so much softer than Emmet's, and it smelled significantly better. Like Jasper. 
I could feel the wetness beginning between my thighs. 
I needed to escape. 
Like, now. 
I couldn't exactly hide it, but it was way better than creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for the both of us. 
"You know, you wouldn't feel so cold if you put more clothes on." He was facing me again. 
I felt embarrassment flood through me. He had a point. And it was also the perfect excuse to escape- 
"Not that I really mind," He continued with a smirk, his eyes raking up and down my form. "I like what I see. And I like  how you look in my clothes. Especially in my clothes." 
My brain screeched to a halt, my lips parting in shock. His southern drawl had suddenly gotten deeper. This sounded like the Major talking. I had only met the Major once, right before Victoria's army came for Bella. That had been… an experience to say the least. And if that part of him was coming out, then that explained his sudden shift in mood. 
"And I have to say that I also prefer you wrapped up in my scent."  
He was practically purring. 
I gulped, suddenly on edge. "Why?" 
Jasper's eyes were predatory, nearly black. "Because darlin', you're mine." 
My eyes widened at his words. He approached me slowly, hands reaching out on either side of me on the counter, my legs falling open unconsciously and allowing him into my space. He leaned in, eyes watching me with such intensity that I forgot how to breathe. Perhaps it was a good thing that I didn't need to breathe because before I knew it, I felt a wave of lust roll through me, and it wasn't just my own. 
I gasped as he leaned in, claiming my lips with his own, and my legs wrapped around him without a second thought. He groaned, cupping my neck as he tilted my head back, while his other hand gripped my waist possessively. He tasted like mint, with a small tinge of copper from hunting earlier in the day. He swiped his tongue along my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth obediently, letting him in. 
After a moment he pulled back and buried his nose into my neck, his hands sliding down to grip my thighs. I tried to catch my breath, despite not really needing it. 
"You taste so much better than I thought you would." His voice was low and husky, muffled by the fabric of his hoodie. 
Goosebumps erupted across my body, and I could practically feel the wetness begin to drip down my thighs to the counter.  Jasper must have caught on to my confusion and doubt because he gripped my thighs even tighter. 
"Oh, yes. You have no idea how many times I've thought about you, darlin'." He pulled back to look at me. "Of all the ways I could have you. In my bed. On the couch. On the floor. Against the wall."
I gasped, thighs squeezing together around his waist. 
"That's right, darlin'. I've lost count of how many times I've thought of making you mine." 
"Yours?" I squeaked. 
Oh my.  
Oh fuck. 
I really, really liked it when he was possessive. 
I moaned, clutching his shirt, a bit dazed as he swooped in for another kiss. 
"Oh," I gasped as he kissed his way down, lightly raking his teeth against my neck, his hands tracing invisible lines over my curves.  
I could feel every inch of him pressed up against me, and it was almost too much. I rolled my hips up against him and he pulled away, breathing heavily. 
Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was being lifted off the counter. One of his arms wrapped around my waist while the other slid under my ass to hold me up. I held on for dear life as he carried me to the living room and sat me down on the couch. I stared at him as he kneeled in front of me on the floor, spreading my legs open slightly. 
Jasper suddenly paused, looking up at me with dark eyes. 
"This is your one and only chance to tell me no. Otherwise, I will have you, right here and now, and there will be no going back." 
I gulped but said nothing, choosing to nod instead. 
"Use your words, darlin'. I need to hear you say yes." 
"Y- yes." 
"That's my girl." 
He smirked before reaching up and tugging at the zipper of the hoodie, the fabric slowly falling away to reveal my nakedness underneath. I automatically went to cover my breasts when Jasper grabbed my wrists with a warning growl. 
"Don't you even think about it darlin'. You are mine. And I want to admire every inch of you." 
My breath caught in my throat, and I felt a thrill of pleasure and submission at his words, my body betraying me as my nipples hardened. 
Jasper let out a purr of pleasure and slowly let go of my wrists, pulling my arms away from my body and exposing my breasts to his hungry gaze. 
I gasped when he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around my waist, splaying his hands across my back beneath the hoodie, and pressing me to him, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth. My hands automatically came up to twist themselves in his hair, my back arching at the wet sensation of his tongue on my skin.  
I couldn't help but moan as he nipped and licked before biting down lightly, teasingly. I gasped as the pain and pleasure mixed together, creating a delicious sensation that had my pussy practically pulsing. The sensations were overwhelming, and I couldn't keep still. I started to rock my hips against him, moaning. 
Before I knew it, he was pulling away, leaving me to whimper at the loss of his tongue.  
Jasper slowly began to peel my shorts down my legs, exposing my soaked panties. 
I squirmed at the way he took in the sight of me before traveling back up to my face. 
"Mine." he purred, his eyes never leaving mine as he hooked his thumbs into my panties. He gave them a little yank, and I felt them slide down my legs. "Fuck. You're gorgeous."  
His hands trailed up my smooth, silky legs and I quivered as his hands got closer to my heated center. I couldn't help but whimper as one of his hands traced the apex of where my thigh met my pussy, right along the panty line.  
"Please." I begged softly. 
I gasped in surprise at how quickly he moved, one hand gripping my ass to pull me closer, and the other quickly shoving his face into my soaked pussy. 
I had to bite back another moan, my back arching as he slid his tongue along my folds and began to lick me. 
"Holy fuck," I managed to croak out, my eyes nearly rolling to the back of my head. 
The feeling of his hot tongue along my slick folds was almost like an electric shock, hitting me in the base of my stomach and sending sparks throughout my body, ending in my fingertips, which had tangled themselves in Jasper's golden locks. 
I had completely lost control of myself, practically squirming with each swipe of his tongue. Jasper grasped my thighs to keep me still, relentless in his assault. He started swirling his tongue around my clit, teasing me, and slowly driving me closer to my climax. The feeling of his mouth finally deciding to suck on my clit sent me right over the edge. 
I let out a cry as I came hard, gasping for breath. Jasper didn't let up, continuing to viciously lap up my juices as he sent me spiraling into yet another orgasm.   
By the time my breathing had returned to normal, he had somehow managed to escape from my hold and was standing in front of me. 
"We're not done yet, darlin'." 
I swallowed thickly. He smirked, watching me intently as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans, making me even more aware that I was unable to get rid of my burning need for him. He slid his jeans down and kicked them off before stepping close to me. I could smell the faint scent of me on his breath and I licked my lips in anticipation as he inched closer. 
"We're not done until you can't walk." 
I sucked in a surprised breath, pussy practically pulsing with need. 
Jasper chuckled as he pushed me back on the couch and spread my legs wider. His touch was soft and gentle as he spread my pussy open and slid two fingers inside me, stroking them in and out yet again. This man had magic fingers. And if he had me coming undone with just his tongue and fingers alone, it made me wonder what he was able to do with his cock. 
"I have to make sure you're nice n' ready for me darlin'." He murmured. "Here, put your hands up under your knees for me. Just like that. Now, don't let go." 
I obeyed, chest heaving and now fully exposed in a way I never thought possible. Jasper grinned before leaning in and kissing me deeply, tugging at my bottom lip with his teeth. 
I could taste myself on his lips and it only made me more aroused. He slowly slid his fingers out of me and replaced them with his hard, throbbing length. 
When had he lost the underwear?? 
I didn't have much time to think about it before he was pushing himself inside me, filling me up in one smooth thrust.  
I let out a ragged breath in surprise. 
"Jasper!" I squeaked. 
I was so full that I could feel every inch of him, so thick and hard. 
Jasper barely stopped to pause, bending down to nip at my ear in admonishment before he started thrusting in and out of me, a slow, steady rhythm that had me moaning and gripping the underside of my knees for dear life. 
He was hitting that spot again, and I had the feeling that I wouldn't be seeing only stars this time around. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to another orgasm, the pleasure building up inside me until I couldn't take it anymore. 
"Jasper," I gasped out, my nails digging into my thighs. "I'm gonn- gonna come." 
He grinned before driving himself even deeper into me, his pace picking up as he started to drive me closer and closer to the edge, feeling my walls practically strangling his cock. 
"Come for me, Darlin'." He purred.  
My toes curled in pleasure as the coil building in my belly snapped, and I came hard, my body shaking and my pussy clenching around him. Jasper followed suit a few seconds later, his body going rigid as he came inside me.  
"Don't move." He ordered. 
Jasper paused before pulling out, looking down at me with a satisfied grin, eyes still dark and intense. I was panting, doing my best to catch my breath yet again while holding my legs up. I could feel his seed dripping out of my pussy and onto the couch. 
He licked his lips, taking in the sight of me and I nearly moaned at the thought of what he was seeing. I must look like a wreck. Completely ruined. Half dressed in his hoodie and completely defiled, his cum running down my pussy and ass. 
Jasper smirked. 
"Oh, darlin'. You look perfect that way." 
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bobafetts-princess · 25 days
Stranger and the Bear Pt1
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Summary: A handsome stranger has been warming a stool at the bar you work at. What happens when ghosts from the past make an appearance?
Pairings: Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: drinking, a touch of Logan smoking the cigar, abusive relationship mentioned (no abuse shown), I think that’s all for this chapter
A/N: if you saw this on ao3, I’m the same person! I’m deep in a Logan crisis and have been thinking about moving my Logan fics over to tumblr so his resurgence has given me the boost I need!
Part 2 can be found here
“Hey stranger!” You shout to your newest bar customer, tossing a coaster in front of him before turning around and grabbing his usual.
“Hey Bear,” he responds, his deep voice silky and rough at the same time.
“I can’t believe you still call me that,” You laugh, “it’s been like, three months.”
“You mentioned it first, so I ran with it.” He smiles and winks playfully at you, the most lighthearted you’ve ever seen him. The tall and handsome stranger had first come into the bar you work at a few months ago, ordering a whiskey neat and a beer.
You’d given him your name in the hopes that he would give you his in return, but no luck. “My childhood classmates called me care bear though, they claimed I was as sweet and cuddly as a care bear,” you tell him, smiling at the old memory.
“Care bear, huh?” The stranger had said, deep voice rumbling through his chest. “How about just Bear?”
“Ooh! I like that,” you say before asking him what he would like to drink.
The two of you had fell into an easy camaraderie, always some light flirting, at least from your end. You’d never asked his name and he’d never offered. Your stranger was a good looking man, neatly trimmed facial hair and sideburns, usually in a leather jacket and form-fitting jeans. He was the definition of ‘hate to see them leave, love to watch them walk away’ and you looked forward to the one or two days a week he would come in. He was always respectful, drank the same thing, and left a decent tip.
The evening passed in a blur, patrons coming and going but your stranger stayed where he was. You refilled his drinks at the exact moment he was finishing the last, that was your routine. You’d refill his drinks and he would hang out for a few hours. He watched you work, sometimes from behind dark sunglasses, sometimes through hazel green eyes.
“Hey Bear, c’mere.” Your stranger asked, cigar hanging from his mouth. You made your way towards him, thinking about how no matter how much he drank, he seemed perfectly sober. “You from ‘round here?” He asked, no sunglasses today. You could see his pupils were blown and for the first time in two months you wondered whether he was actually buzzed. He smelled like good worn leather and the cigar he was smoking. You had to prevent yourself from closing your eyes when you inhaled his scent.
“Uhh, sorta kinda. Why?” You told him, shocked at the personal question, and also embarrassed.
The truth was that you weren’t from here, you’d moved here to be with an ex-boyfriend and it had ended badly. You’d gotten home from work one night to find the locks had been changed on the apartment as well as his phone number. Come to find out, he’d been sleeping around on you since you started dating and decided he liked his side piece more. So you’d called your boss, Sally, begging for somewhere to stay and she rented you the studio apartment upstairs. You struck up a deal, the apartment for half price as long as you closed the bar down every night.
When your ex’s side-piece decided she didn’t like him as much as she'd originally thought, he’d begun stalking you and things had gone downhill. He tried to get physical with you once but Sally had threatened him with a shotgun and he hadn’t shown his face again. That was ABOUT the same time your stranger had started coming to the bar, and for some reason you felt safer when he was there.
Apparently Sally did too because on nights he showed up, she took off early and let you close down by yourself.
“So I presume you know that guy in the corner over there? He’s been watching you most of the night.” He told you, clamping the cigar between his index and middle finger. You began to turn your body in the direction of the person he was talking about but a warm hand a-top yours stopped you. “Don’t make it obvious, Bear. Don’t want him to know.” His eyes raked down your body as he was speaking, drinking you in. You weren’t wearing anything fancy, fitted jeans and a black cropped tank with the bars logo on it, but the way he was looking at you made goosebumps cover your skin.
Forcing your mind back to the issue at hand, you glance in the corner, keeping your body facing your stranger. When you caught sight of the face in the corner, you paled. It was your ex, and Sally was gone, her shotgun locked in her office.
“You alright, sweetheart?” Your stranger asked, noting your expression, his hand rubbing back and forth across your knuckles. If you hadn’t been worried, you would have blushed at the way his hand held yours and the nickname he called you.
You forced your voice to sound normal when you spoke again. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just ghosts from the past.” You forced a smile, one that didn’t quite reach your eyes and were surprised to look up and find your strangers face held concern and a touch of tenderness.
“I’m gonna stick around late tonight, Bear. So keep ‘em comin’.” He told you and you felt a bit safer.
You worked the night away, one eye on your next drink ticket and one eye in the corner where your ex sat, unmoving. Your stranger did the same, only he kept one eye on you and one eye on your ex. At ten till close your voice rang out into the emptying bar, “last call!” The few that were still hanging out left not too long after, leaving you, your stranger, and your ex in the bar. You chose not to acknowledge that you knew it was him, hoping that the dark shadows of the bar would convince him that you didn’t notice who he was. After a few tense moments he stood, heading towards the front door so you turned to your stranger.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom, Bear.” He said, the sultry tones of his voice soothing you. You took a glance at his retreating back before turning around and starting your wipe down of the back bar. A rough hand grabbed your wrist, pulling and making your body spin. It happened so fast that you didn’t get a good look at the face until it was the only thing in your line of sight. It was your ex, which shouldn’t surprise you but somehow it did. Your voice caught in your throat and you couldn’t attempt to shout for help from your stranger, your fear paralyzing you.
“I thought your miserable ass left this fucking town.” He snarled in one ear, face pressed against yours.
“You would think that when I left you, you’d have tucked that tail and ran back to mommy and daddy. Why are you still fucking here??” He sneered and you could smell the alcohol on his breath and when he pulled back, your wrist in his hand, you could see that his pupils were blown wide. He was high too, but you didn’t know what on. You didn't know why he was so obsessed with you, it wasn't like you had a great and powerful love. You thought his feelings were just hurt because you didn't take him back. “You stupid. Fucking. Bit-“ But he didn’t get a chance to finish because his body was ripped away from yours. You blinked and saw your stranger standing over him as he lay on the floor where he’d been thrown.
“Attacking a woman while she’s alone?” He snarled, that deep vibrato now a growl. He picked your ex up by the front of his shirt, his strength shocking you. “You piece of shit. Picking on a woman half your size while she’s alone?” He growled, shaking your ex while he was holding him up in the air. “What kind of an asshole gets off on that?” Your legs were shaking so bad that you sunk to the floor, the butt of your jeans wet from the beer and liquor that had been spilled during the course of the evening.
Your ex looked terrified, used to always being the bigger in a fight but he looked like a teenager next to your stranger. His mouth was moving wordlessly, almost like he was trying to make sounds but was too frightened.
“I’m not gonna hurt you tonight, but I swear to god if you come back, I’ll rip you limb from limb. And I’ll be here every night to make sure she stays safe. Get outta here before I change my mind, you piece of shit.” He snarls, dropping your ex unceremoniously on the floor in a heap of fear and embarrassment. He scrambles to his feet, sprinting towards the front door, letting it slam behind him. You see your stranger following behind him to lock the door before your vision starts to swirl with the beginnings of a panic attack.
“In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.” You repeat over and over to yourself when you feel a large, warm hand on your shoulder and a low gravelly voice speaking in your ear.
“Bear. Bear. Are you alright?” You continue your breathing, adding a small nod to ensure your stranger you were fine.
“I’m gonna pick you up. You live upstairs right?” He asked and in the back of your mind you wondered how he knew that. But thoughts left your mind as strong arms wrapped underneath your legs and behind your back. Your heart rate was slowing, and your panic attack subsiding, so when he asked you which way the stairs were you were able to answer. His strong body carried yours up the stairs and into the studio apartment you resided in, slowing as he crossed the threshold.
“I’m okay to stand. You can put me down.” You told him, but he seemed hesitant and you swore he clutched you even tighter to his body. “Really, Stranger, I’m okay.” You said, smiling up at his kindness.
“Logan.” He whispered as he lowered your legs onto the ground, arm staying around the small of your back until he was sure you were okay on your own two feet.
“What?” You asked, not sure of what he said.
“Logan. My names Logan.” He repeated, fingers digging into the exposed flesh of your hip, biting slightly.
“Okay, Logan. It’s nice to not refer to you as Stranger in my mind.” You giggled. You stepped reluctantly away from his embrace, heading towards your ‘kitchen’. “Would you like a drink, Logan? All I have is beer and water.”
You heard him clear his throat and when you looked at him, he looked like he was warring with himself.
“Uhh, ya, sure Kid. Bear. I’ll have a beer.” He said and for the first time since you’d met him, there was a twinge of uncertainty in his voice. You popped the top on two, handing him one before heading to the small couch you had, a mere 10 feet from your bed. He followed, sitting next to you and doing his best to make sure he wasn’t touching you, but the area was so small that your knees touched anyways.
“So that was my ex. He was stupid enough to try and get physical with me once. Sally threatened him with a shotgun. I didn’t think he would be stupid enough to try it twice.” You tried to explain without going into the entire sordid story.
“I’m going to tear him in half.” He answered, taking a long pull of his beer and you felt ashamed at what the dominance in his voice did to your lady bits.
“I don’t think he’ll be stupid enough to try this again so hopefully I don’t ever have to worry about him again.” You assured your stranger.
“Logan.” You mused aloud, a small smile crossing your face.
“Ya, Bear?” He answered, thinking you were going to ask him a question.
“It’s such a normal name.” You snickered.
“What’s wrong with my name?” He asked, faux defensiveness in his voice at your teasing.
“I’ve wondered for WEEKS what your name was and it’s Logan. It’s so normal. It suits you though. I like it.” You smiled at him, hitching one knee up on the couch and turning your torso towards him.
“I’ll be comin’ by more often and stayin’ until the bar is locked down. Just to make sure that moron doesn’t come back.” He told you, venom in his tone, but in a way that had you suppressing a shiver. You wondered what he sounded like first thing in the morning, his voice filled with sleep. “What’re you thinkin’’ about, Bear?” He asked, almost knowing your thoughts. You flushed, embarrassed to be caught in your thoughts.
“Nothing, just how you manhandled him. I think you humbled him.” You lied through your teeth, hoping he wouldn’t realize you were thinking about HIM manhandling you.
“He’s a lightweight. Pushin’ people around that are smaller than him.” He told you, eyes skimming over you. You heated at his gaze and wondered to yourself how long it had been since you’d gotten laid. When you couldn’t remember immediately you’d decided it had been too long. “People like him always need to be manhandled, otherwise they don’t learn their lessons,” You glanced at his beer, bartender habit, and stood to get him another. Yours was still half full, so you only popped the top off of one and brought it back to him. You felt his eyes glued to your frame as you walked and tried not to let it go to your head.
“You didn’t have to do that.” He told you, even though he took the beer from your hands when you stretched it out to him.
“Thank you Logan. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there. How did you know I lived upstairs though?” You asked, the memory hitting you quick.
“I’ve heard you speak to the woman about rent. Sally? And I’ve stayed after a few times when I come by to make sure you get to your car, and you never come out of the building. The lights go out though.” He told you, unashamedly. You were struck by the kindness of this stranger. He was looking out for you and you hadn't even known. He watched out for you and all you'd ever offered him was a warm smile and a cold beer. Your breath hitched in your throat as you muttered out a small thank you to him, but he simply shrugged and took a long pull.
"I don't know how to thank you." You admitted to him but he waved you off.
"Don't worry about it, kid." He said, finishing his beer. You decided it was better off to just thank him in a different way, probably with free booze. You decided in that moment that this man would never pay for another drink in the bar again, and you felt that Sally would agree. You would speak with her about it first thing in the morning, after you filed a restraining order.
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groceryreceiptss · 10 months
𝐚𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 | p.j.
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percy jackson x reader | word count : 1.4k | requested
summary : though you were a skillful archer, you were an amateur when it came to dealing with a sword. while percy helped you trained for hours after lunch, he couldn’t help but fall in deeper with you, even though you’d probably never know it.
contains : my writing (again, warning). just fluff things <3 reader was implied as apollo's daughter, but never actually specified. oh, and a katniss everdeen reference! (because is the fic actually written by me if it doesn't include at least one thg reference?). let me know if there’s more!
a/n : i do NOT know how to write action-y scenes (even ones that are as light as this) so sorry if this comes out as flat haha. i had to get out my copy of the lightning thief just to be a tinny bit more familiar with it to be honest. also yes the title is kinda cheesy but soo is this entire fic < 3
credits : fan art by frostbite.studios, dividers by @benkeibear, pins i used (1) (2) (3)
The afternoon sun hit the color of your eyes as you tried the move he had just demonstrated to you. Your eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and your forehead slicked with sweat. A borrowed but fitting sword was gripped in your hand, ready to clatter his. Percy and you had been going at it ever since lunch ended and yet you still seemed determined to keep going. 
Percy counted and you attacked, one, two, three. Next move, you tried to thrust it into the right of his protected ribcage. But with your lovely eyes being a little too obvious and your hand still clumsy with the blade, he deflected it off easily, letting yours fall to the ground. 
“Oh, I’m terrible,” you said with an embarrassed smile, pulling up your bronze helmet and dragging a hand to swipe your hair out of your forehead. You retrieved the sword and turned to ask him. “Okay, honest opinion. What did I do wrong?” 
“Well…” he started, as he took off his own helmet, tucking it under his arm, “Your eyes give away a bit too much to the opponent, so I could easily tell what you were going to do. You’re still too hesitant about it I think.” 
You playfully rolled your eyes, “Well, how can I not when my opponent at this given moment is Percy fucking Jackson but go on.” 
Percy was thankful that the sun was taking it one for the team and became a cover for the red that just possibly covered his face. He shook his head, fighting a smile that was trying to break through his lips. Joke about it, take defense.
The lines of his mouth morphed into a teasing grin. “Is that an excuse that I hear, miss y/l/n? Since when do you play with those?”  You were always so stubborn, in the best sense of the word. And Percy always found it admirable to say the least.
You raised your eyebrows before shooting back, “And if it is, it's also not unreasonable, Mr. Jackson.” That cute smile of yours taking flight in your face. He noticed that it was still the same one from when he first saw you at twelve, a few years back. Some things never changed. 
“What else?” You asked again, crossing your arms with the sword pointing downward. “Come on, don't be shy. I can take it.”
He considered it before answering. “Your hand wasn’t steady enough with the sword and with the move you were trying to execute. It made it a bit… off. And hard to get away in battles.”
You let yourself collapse to the ground with a dramatic sigh, exhaustion finally took over you. Your legs stretched in front of you and your helmet and sword clanged by your side. “Never mind, I lied, I can't take it."
He laughed and sat down next to you, putting his equipment by yours. The wind was finally picking up now, bringing a sense of balance to the hot weather.
"I can never get this right.” You huffed, blowing up your loosen hair, which Percy couldn't help but think that you looked slightly adorable.
“It’s totally fine,” he promised you, words creeped with encouragement. “Just be more confident! I swear it works. Or just…” he trailed off, unsure, and then shrugged. “don’t think about it too much, I guess.” 
“Contradiction, contradiction.” You said in a sing-song voice before looking at him with that inspecting face and said, “Do you drink some secret potion or something? Someone altered your ambrosia?”
Percy let out a laugh, “Your perception of me is unrealistically high, I see. I can say the same to you, Katniss Everdeen.”
Your face’s expression stretched with surprise before you nodded in approval. “That’s the best way to compliment my archery skills actually, yes. Forget Apollo the doofus.”
“Who?” Percy played in the joke, to which you answered with the only appropriate one : “Exactly.”
He clapped his hand, an idea forming in his head. "Alright, how about this. If you give it a try just one more time, I'll give you some blue cupcakes my mom just sent me a few days ago." He offered with a knowing smile, getting you too well to strike a tempting bargain with you.
Percy knew how in love you were with his mom's cupcakes. Sally Jackson made the best for the best. It had only taken one bite and he could already tell how head over heels you were with them. He might or might not be planning to try to make a batch himself as a surprise for your upcoming birthday, but he feared the baking talent of the greats did not pass onto him. These hands weren't only skilled in combat, but with a pair of mitts and an oven, they could also burn an entire kitchen down.
Still though. Seeing the way your eyes immediately lit up right now made him rethink his choices. Maybe burning down a room wasn't so bad. At least you would probably laugh at his pathetic attempt.
Your mouth split into a grin and he was brought back to the world. You shook your head in slight disbelief. "Bringing Mrs. Jackson cupcakes into this? You are not playing fair, Perce."
"That's a deal then?" He held out his hand for a shake.
You sighed, putting his hand in yours. "Fine, deal."
Percy tried to ignore the fireworks he felt as he gripped your hand tighter and pulled you up to stand. His heart felt like it was trying to push its way out of his ribs, but in a good way. Like a thrill.
"Alright, one more time," He said as he retrieved his sword and you retrieved yours. "You ready?"
"Honestly, I'm just doing this for the cupcakes now." Seriously, how much could one person make him smile in the span of five minutes?
You and Percy put on the helmets. He counted to three, and you started taking offense as he took defense. One, two, three. It all started out well. Your movements were still a bit clumsy, but you'd get better on it in no time, he was sure. And you were doing pretty good work too. That was until you were stepping back, trying to deflect his now offensive movements, and tripped over yourself. You fell to the hard ground with an oof.
Luckily, with your equipment still intact, you couldn't be hurt that much. But Percy immediately dropped riptide and got to your side.
He knew it was stupid. You and him were both warriors, you were good with a bow, he was good with a sword. Both of you had been injured multiple times in different kinds of battles, and yours had been more grotesque than his more than once, so this was absolutely nothing. Still, he guessed, the instinct to worry would just stay the same.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, as he gently pulled you up to a sitting position. His forehead was creased together as he looked at you, but you were instead laughing, finding your recent incident funny. "What?" He asked, couldn't help but let a laugh, albeit confused, out of his lips too. Yours were charmingly infectious.
You pointed at your face, your bronze helmet askew, voice still laced with traces of mirth. "Tell me, how silly do I look?"
He smiled, affection swarmed him. "Very silly," Should he risk it? "So silly, it's borderline annoyingly cute actually." Okay, risking it then.
But you just smiled, either welcoming it or oblivious to the actual meaning behind it. Probably the latter. You wouldn’t be convinced someone actually liked liked you even if it was plastered on a billboard. You pointed at his face, and laughed again, this time with an effort of covering your mouth. "You look so silly too, I'm sorry."
He shook his hand, bringing out a breath of laughter, unable to keep his smile from growing further under the protective gear. "Hey," he said, finally taking off his helmet and letting the wind touch his face. "It was in solidarity with you as a friend! Please appreciate it."
"I do!" You took off your helmet, letting the glow of the sun kiss your face again. Percy couldn't help but be entranced with the way you looked, still perfect even with the destroying searing weather of June. You couldn't keep doing this to him. "Sorry, I'll stop." You promised as you withdrew a laugh, but he actually wished you wouldn't. He loved hearing you laughed, it made the wind that danced around him a melodic thing, one he could be around forever—or whatever it was the poets said.
Looking at you made him understand what they were always talking and raving about, but he could never explain it.
"So," You began, "About those cupcakes?"
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Mermaid who is infatuated with your legs and wants to be in between them. The encounter is by chance, but it ends in something deeper than friendship. 🌊
Feminine Reader x Mermaid
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CW: Smut | Some Horror | Mentions of Drowning | No death
"C'mon don't be a baby," Noah said. His tone indicated that he was joking, but you knew well enough that deep down, he hoped you would swim in Lake Lost at night.
"Leave her alone. You know she's not down for things like that," Mira hissed in his direction.
Mira had been your best friend since high school. She knew what you liked, didn't like, and downright hated. Which made it all the more surprising when she started going out with Noah years later.
Noah had always been an ass. He spent a majority of 11th grade in detention, and a majority of college skipped class from being too hungover. In your opinion, Mira was too good for him. It was an inside joke that if she were into girls that you would treat her way better.
You sighed. "If only," you thought to yourself.
The water seemed to have an electric hum to it tonight, and the closer you walked to the edge of the dock, the louder it got.
"Do you guys feel that?" You asked, turning to face your two friends. Of course they didn't because they were too busy making out. Again.
You cleared your throat.
"Earth to horny. Can you hear me? I am standing right here, you know."
Pulling away from Noah, Mira's eyes widened and she bit her lower lip. Embarrassed looked cute on her.
Noah, however, wore embarrassment about as well as he would wear anything. Proudly and way too loud for your liking.
"What can I say," he pulled Mira back to his chest. "She's hot," he finished with an annunciation on the "t".
"At least go back to the car so I don't have to watch," you sneered. Clearly, you were the least important thing here.
"No! This is supposed to be our little reunion before the wedding," Mira's eyes dropped as she tried to step towards you. Ah, right. The wedding. You were going to be Mira's maid of honor next week.
None of it felt real. The wedding. College graduation. Hell, even life itself felt strange these days. It's as if everything you knew turned inside out over night, and nobody else felt the difference but you.
You took a deep breath.
"I can always jump in the lake some other time," you faked a half smile.
"Besides. I'm sure you two would like to make one last memory here before becoming," you swallowed, "husband and wife."
Mira turned her head. What her eyes fixated on, you couldn't quite tell. The only thing apparent is that she'd rather look anywhere but at her so-called best friend.
"Well," Noah said breaking the tension.
"Maybe she's right. We can always go for some new memories." He wiggled his eyebrows and Mira's shoulders eased. Your stomach lurched in a pattern with the waves behind you.
"If you're sure -" Mira began.
"I'm sure. Go. I'll be here. I - I missed Lake Lost."
"Really?" They said in unison, brows furrowed.
"Yeah. You know, I love lore and mysteries. What is Lake Lost besides one big mystery. All those bodies are still missing. Surely, it was from boating accidents or drowning, but still. You guys deserve some privacy."
Mira's gaze leveled with yours. Her eyes, a coppery brown, finally showed signs of softening.
You were getting comfortable under the heat of her eyes when Noah swept her off of her feet. Literally.
"Let's go, future Mrs. Scobolt."
With that, they were disappearing in heaps of laughter back towards the car. It wasn't quite that far from the dock, but Mira suggested parking at the entrance in case anyone showed up.
Technically, the park closed at sunset which was 2 hours ago, but when you saw the sign from the backseat of the car, you got a little excited.
Mira hadn't been wrong. You guys used to spend every evening here in the summer. It was where you learned to swim, where Mira caught a baby crab, where a pelican stole your shoe, and where you and Mira kissed.
These waters have seen everything and more. Much more.
Your spine ran cold in the July heat at the thought of the deaths. They had explanations for all of them, but it was eerie how they all occurred at night. Who would go boating at night? The lake is closed!
Then again, here you were. You looked back towards the car, but a thick fog had begun to roll off of the restless waters. You couldn't see more than 200 feet around you in any direction. It was as if a cloud had swallowed you in the time you were thinking.
Going back to the car was still an option, but the mental image of Mira being pounded into by Noah set off a dozen alarms in your head.
Her head rolling back, his hands on her hips.
No. You'd stay at the dock until you were sure that whatever they were doing was over.
Cementing the idea in your head, you say down at the edge of the wooden structure. The water reminded you of the midnight sky, an abyss that had no end. Yet, the clinginess of your shirt to your skin meant that the humidity was only rising.
You decided to soak your feet in the water, and as your legs made contact with the coolness of the lake, a happy sigh escaped your lips.
A few minutes pass of you relaxing on your forearms, feet gently swaying in the lake. You watched the ripples from your moments with hooded eyes.
"I can see how people fall asleep out here," you think whilst fighting back a yawn.
The rustle of leaves in the summer breeze, the chirp of bullfrogs, the increasing bubble of the water - wait.
You sit up, fully alert and eyes wide. The bubbles are concentrated in one area, but they're quickly moving closer to you.
Whipping your head to the car, you open your mouth to call for help. The problem is that nothing comes out. You're stuck.
It's as if you've been submerged in ice. A chill coats your bones, freezing you in place. Your mind races onward, begging your legs to rise from the water.
The circle of erratic lake closes in and as the bubbles reach the edge of your legs, you come to your senses.
But it's too late.
The summer air is warm, but the spot of the lake where you're pulled into is warmer. Water floods your vision and you find yourself flailing, gripping as nothing as you are pulled down into an ombre of darker blues.
You can't see what's grabbed you, nor do you care. Why does it feel like a hand? That doesn't matter, you begin to kick with the hope of striking anything.
The murky water is quickly filling your lungs, and your ability to struggle is growing weak. A blackness eats at the edge of your vision, and dizziness begins to set in.
"Mira!" You try to scream, but it comes out in a slew of air bubbles that only floods your lungs quicker.
You give one more kick, stronger than the rest. You feel your heel connect with a mass. Suddenly, you're free. You slowly make your way to the surface, fighting the urge to pass out.
"Fuck," you gasp in a voice that sounds unlike your own. Coughing and sputtering, water spews from your body, and you grab onto the wooden base of the dock for support.
"What on earth was -," you stop when you hear the familiar rumble of hot water. The bubbles. They've come back, and they're racing towards you.
With no time or energy to pull yourself onto the dock, you wait - panting, for whatever the creature is to take you again.
Maybe it's for the best? You weren't exactly happy with your life before, and it's not like Mira would miss you at this point.
Just as you've resigned to becoming fish food, the creature begins to show itself. First, a black spot appears on the surface. Then, as it rises, you're frozen to the spot by icy white eyes with thick lashes of the same hue.
It's a woman. No? It's - what is she? Her eyes are huge and nearly human minus the color, but her skin is a milky blue. She's beautiful albeit definitely not human.
"Are those," your voice trembles, and you reach a shaky hand up towards her face.
The woman - thing, tilts her head. She doesn't move from your touch. Instead, you made contact with her skin. It's ice cold, and your suspicion was correct. She has gills.
Lost in a sea of thoughts, you hardly realize that you'd begun to stroke her skin.
"What -" her voice startles you back to the present. It is dreamy and quiet with a lilt that has you mesmerized.
"What are you?" She asks. Her eyes are wider than yours, but while you're staring at her face, she has taken a liking to staring at your chest.
The look on her face isn't at all displeased, and a heat trickles down your neck. As if on cue, her eyes snap to yours. She waits for you to respond.
"Oh, um. I'm a human. I'm a woman."
"Human? Woman?" Her head is still tilted, so you continue.
"Yeah. A human. I live up there," you point towards the land and her eyes follow. She blinks a few times before looking down into the water.
"And what are those?"
"What are what?" You look down to see what caught her attention, but instead of finding the source of her curiosity, you stir up your own.
A tail. She has a tail. Her human form ends at her bellybutton, and from there blooms a tail that glitters in sparks of white and lavender beneath the dark surface.
"Mermaid" you whisper under your breath.
Apparently, you did not answer the mermaid's question fast enough because you feel her looming over you before you see her.
Her chest comes into view, and you're forced to look up to meet her eyes once more. You bite your lip to avoid smiling at how gorgeous she is.
She chuckles, emitting a sound like tinkering bells and you feel a webbed palm on your thigh.
A panicked yelp slips from your lips before you register what happened.
"I apologize!" The mermaid responds.
"I did not know that your tails were so sensitive. I should have asked first."
Tails? She thinks you have tails? You look down at your legs, then back up at her. She's shrunken into herself, embarrassed at what she thinks may have hurt you.
"No. No no no," you begin to laugh.
"These are my legs," you swim around her in a small circle.
"They help me to swim, walk, and run. They're kind of important. I guess they are to me what your tail is to you."
You don't know why you've become so animated, but seeing the mermaid smile at your explanation has your heart picking up it's pace.
"By the way," you can't stop talking. You've tried, but the words keep flooding out.
"Why did the water bubble when you came? Also, why did you try to drown me?"
She blinks again, narrowing her eyes.
"Drown you? I - I thought you could swim like me? Are you not able to breathe water for long?"
"I can't breathe water at all. I have no gills. Human."
"Huh," she looks off to the side.
"Perhaps that is why those other humans did not last very long with me. I only wanted to study their two tails, but by the time I took them back to my shell cave, they did not want to talk to me."
Your stomach lurches again. She's the reason Lake Lost is called Lake Lost, and she has no idea what she's even done.
"So - So you only wanted to look at their legs? You drowned those people by accident?"
Recognition hits the mermaid like a wave. She spins around, scaled fingers over her mouth.
"I took their lives. Oh goodness, I drowned them!"
She did, and she should probably feel bad about it, but watching her tail flap in distress was not only upsetting you, but it was causing some bigger waves to form in the lake. You could swim, but you weren't sure if you could survive a tsunami.
You swim to her, placing a hand on her back.
"Warm," she turns to you, claimed.
"You are warm."
"Yes. I am. It's human blood. If I'm not warm, then I'll die."
She giggles at your factual explanation.
"You're very interesting. I still feel remorse for the humans that I hurt. I didn't mean to. I promise," she looks at you pleadingly.
"I know you didn't, and if it makes you feel better you can study my legs," the end of your sentence comes out as more of a question. You can't believe you just said that. What if she tries to rip your legs off?
Still, she's stunning. The moon is in its crescent phase, casting a dim shadow over the lake. Her dark hair has a faint light to it, and her white eyes look pearlescent. You could study her for hours, but her lack of shirt deters you as you don't want to make her uncomfortable.
She, on the other hand, has no problem with taking all of you in. Her claim is that she wants to study your legs, but every time you look away, her eyes flutter back to your chest, your lips.
Her hand twitches, and she claps both of them together in front of her.
"I would like that. Thank you," she smiles, and you shiver again at her teeth. They're razor sharp. She could kill you with one bite.
Not that she would. In fact, what happens next surprises you. Grabbing onto the dock, you begin to hoist yourself from the water without much success. Your hands are too wet to get a decent grip.
Sinking back into the water for the second time, you let out a frustrated huff.
Without warning, you feel a pair of icy cold hands gripping your hips, and a torso pressing itself to your back.
Staring into those white irises, she doesn't break your gaze and she lifts you onto the dock, setting you down gently.
You open your mouth to speak, but she beats you to it.
"You are welcome, human." A light blue creeps onto her neck and cheeks.
"What is it that fascinates you about legs? I know you don't have them, but they must look awfully funny to you from beneath the lake's surface."
"They do, but that is why I like them. They are something new. I have had this tail since I was young. It no longer interests me."
The mermaid takes pause, and her eyes scan you over again.
She continues, "Humans are different. Your anatomy is more complex. There are parts that do different things. I have heard many stories about your kind."
"Really? From who?"
"Fish that get set free, my sisters who used to watch humans from a distance. They say that if you make a human very happy, then something good happens. They called it "the cry".
Now it's your turn to be confused.
"Crying is usually not a good thing when humans do it. At least, in my experience. Though, I've not had many joyous occasions to cry over," you avoid her piecing eyes.
"No. It is not a sad cry. It is one that happens when you touch the spots between a human's legs."
She speaks in a voice that edges with excitement. You inch closer towards her at the edge of the dock until your legs brush her chest.
"Do you - are you saying that you want to do that? You want to have sex with a human?"
She laughs again, "Yes. I want to know everything about you. How your legs feel when I wrap them around my waist, how the -"
"What would you like me to call your sensitive place, sweet human?"
"Well it's -" you snort out a laugh. You can't believe this is happening.
"Most people refer to it as a pussy, but you can use whatever word you see fit,"
"May I take a look at it?" she asks, moving forward to close any space between the two of you.
"And while I'm at it," she maneuvers your legs so that they rest on her hips, stroking them with her palms. You expected more scales, but her palms are completely smooth.
Leaning towards you until her nose nearly brushed yours, she whispers, "is this ok?"
You nod eagerly as words fail you again.
"Gosh, your legs are so cute. It's like they were made to hold people - or merpeople between them," she looks down, admiring the connection of your limbs and her body.
"I asked you earlier, but I think you were too distracted. May I see your pretty, sensitive areas?"
You think for a moment.
"Only if you promise that you'll greet them with a kiss."
Her eyes beam, a faint white glow added to their usual milkiness. A high pitched purr rumbles from somewhere within her throat, and she smiled, barring all of her teeth.
You lifted yourself enough that she could pull off your bottoms, but she protested the action.
"Human. I think you misunderstand my kindness. Please, do as I ask like an obedient creature."
Your ass hit the dock with a thump. Why on earth were you listening to her willingly? Is she using magic?
You didn't have to ponder because with a airy whisper of the word, "lift" you found yourself rising again for her to do exactly what you tried to help her with.
"Good girl," she mumbled.
And it was if your head no longer existed for the second she saw pussy, she was in a trance. She sunk into the water, leveling her gaze with your cunt. Her eyes reflecting no trace of what she saw, yet you could feel the wind rolling onto your clit.
You were wet, and she loved nothing more in the world than water.
"Pretty," she said breathlessly, still moving closer until her lips were centimeters from your clit.
"Is this it, sweet human?"
You knew she meant your clit. You could feel her cold breath chilling you from the outside, in.
"Yes, miss," you tested the nickname.
She made no sudden movement and to say, "What a polite pearl you are."
That must've been her last thought, too because after that you felt bliss. Short kisses were being peppered onto your folds.
She was working her way down to your entrance, teasing your hole with her double pointed tongue before she spread her affection to your inner thighs.
Your hand reached out, resting lighting in her damp hair, and emitted another of those high-pitched whines.
You gripped her harder.
"Do not get greedy, human," she teased, lifting one of your legs from the water to kiss her way down to your ankle.
"If it is me you want, then I will give it to you with time."
Her movements never ceased, and within seconds she was back between your legs, lapping at your folds.
Delighted hums left you in waves, and with a shaking voice, you mumbled, "Clit. Please, suck on my clit."
"Silence," she whispered, shutting you up in an instant.
She obeyed nonetheless. Her lips wrapped around the bundle of nerves while her tongue continued its journey. It was clear that she was being extra careful not to nip you with her teeth, but the tentative behavior only made you want more.
You began to pant, grinding your hips onto her face. Her eyes fluttered open unbeknownst to you, and while she continued to sail you towards an orgasm, one of her eyes bled into an inky blue.
Her efforts ceased, and your eyes opened immediately. It wasn't like you to outwardly pout, but the loss of contact had your lower lip trembling.
When you noticed her eyes, you felt like crying for an entirely different reason.
"Are you alright?" You said breathlessly.
She did not respond.
Her hands gripped your legs in a bruising fashion, and she yanked you into the lake once more.
Instead of drowning, you found yourself being held to her bare chest. She was looking down at you expectantly.
"I want to know what you're feeling, sweet pet."
Her tone was like molasses. Sticky and sultry. You were lost in her, and her gaze did not move from you.
Securing you in her arms, her tail found a home between your legs. As she positioned herself, a few of her scales glided across your cunt, and you moaned into her chest.
A breath was let out by her, and a strangled groan followed.
"Did you - did you feel that?" You searched her neverending pupils for signs of pleasure.
"A mermaid's tail is much more than a vice for swimming, pet. I can feel every contraction, every throb of your pretty pearl. I love it."
She closed her eyes, hugging you tightly while her tail moved back and forth against you. Every few seconds she would go farther out with her movements so that a stray scale would make contact with your clit.
It was as if you were grinding on her except she was holding you, suspended in the foggy lake.
"Miss, please. More. Need more," you begged.
Her tail moved faster. Meanwhile, her lips found yours, kissing you harshly as if to keep you quiet.
Your tongues found each other, swirling before she plunged hers into your mouth. You sucked on it eagerly, moaning into her mouth as your wetness coated her scaled.
Her heartbeat was increasing, and you were a mess.
"Pet, I am not going to last much longer. Use those pretty legs to move yourself on me. Let us finish together."
She loosened her arms. You used the opportunity to place your hands on her abdomen, grinding yourself faster against her.
"Such a good pet," is all you heard amongst the splashing of the water. The bubbles had returned, and steam rose into the air. You felt the nerves in your pussy throbbing, and you knew that she could feel it, too.
"Let it out, sweet human. Finish for me," she cooed into your ear.
Your legs trembled, and you nearly gave out onto her as your orgasm crashed onto you. Your hand groped her breast, and she placed a shaking palm over yours.
Her tail vibrated, and you heard faint a whimper and whines as she gasped for air. She had cum.
"Keep going. Keep moving. I am almost done," she begged, rocking you.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of warmth and wet kisses, you both regained your breathing.
A tail and a set of legs stay intertwined in the sway of the waves, and she guided your hand up towards the moonlight.
The two of you stayed that way, enjoying the frog symphony and the crickets hum. Drifting to the center of the lake as you lay on her belly, watching as her webbed fingers toyed with yours.
"Thank you, sweet human," she said after a while.
You felt like you should be thanking her. After everything that's been happening to you, you finally felt real. You had been seen for the first time in a long time.
"If it is not too much to ask, may I see you again? I am sure there are many more parts of you that I could learn from."
You smiled to yourself.
"As long as I can learn from you as well. I'm sure you've got a ton of stories to tell."
She laughed. You were prepared to ask her about her family, but the familiar sound of tires on asphalt made you both freeze.
Mira and Noah. You had forgotten.
You felt your new companions heartbeat race. Turning to her, you took her cheeks in your hands.
"They're good people, but I understand why you might not want to be seen. I'll come back again tomorrow. This time, I'll bring you a gift."
"A gift?"
"Mhm. Something that you can keep or take to your sisters to show them,"
A few clicks sounded from her throat, and she pressed her forehead to yours.
"Fine, but take care of these legs, sweet human. I do like them very much."
She swam towards the dock with you on her back, shifting to set you on the wooden structure unharmed.
With a wink, she dove into the abyss of Lake Lost, and you heard Mira in the distance.
"Hey! Are you ready to go? Noah saw a park ranger coming this way."
"Yeah! I'm coming," you glanced back at the lake, and a shimmer of lavender twinkled not so far away.
"Tomorrow" you thought to yourself.
You could look forward to tomorrow.
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roxygen22 · 4 months
Timothee gets overheated on the set of Dune and feels sick and reader who’s visiting him while they film in the desert takes care of him back at their rented apartment
C/W: hospital setting
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Thanks to the flexibility of your job to work literally from anywhere, you were able to accompany Timothée to Jordan when he was filming Dune 2. One day, you were strolling through the market while he was busy on set when you got a call from his assistant.
"[Y/N], it's Lizz. He's alright, but..."
Your heart stopped. That was never a good start to a conversation.
"...we had to take Timothée to the hospital. He and Z were shooting a scene in the stillsuits, and he started fumbling over his lines. He got lightheaded and nearly fainted. He's hooked up to IV fluids and resting now."
"I- I'll be there as quick as I can. Can you stay with him until I get there? H-he hates hospitals," you stumbled over yourself due to rising panic.
"Of course."
Lizz let the staff know to expect you so they wouldn't stop you at the door. They quickly escorted you back to his bed. You pulled back the curtain, but her description did not adequately prepare you for what you saw.
Timothée's normally voluminous curls were plastered to his head by sweat. He was pale and shivering from the cold saline they were pumping into his bloodstream and the ice packs on his body. He opened his eyes as you touched his cold, clammy forehead. You could feel the grit from the sand on his skin.
"Hey," he rasped.
"Oh, Timmy," was all you could muster before you choked on tears. You brought his hand to your cheek and kissed his palm. You felt his thumb wipe a tear across your cheekbone.
"I'm alright, babe." He tried to reassure you.
"No, you're not." Your voice raised slightly as narrowed your eyes at him. "You are dehydrated. You are pushing yourself too hard. I kept telling you that your body would make you slow down if you didn't do so voluntarily."
"I know. B-"
"No buts. I am going to ask Lizz to clear your schedule for the rest of the week."
"They can't film without me," he argued weakly.
"Exactly! If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to film. Just think how many jobs will be lost if they lose their star. They cannot do this movie without you."
Timothée's eyes dropped, and he sighed heavily. "You're right."
"Damn right, I'm right," you said with a wink and a smirk. "I love you, Timothée. I just don't want to see you hurt like this again."
You took him straight to your shared apartment (a short-term lease) once he was discharged. He was still weak and shaky, so you supported his weight from the car up the stairs to the door. He practically collapsed on the bed, his lanky legs dangling from the edge. You took his shoes off and guided his legs under the covers.
Timothée fell asleep quickly, overextended just from the short journey. In the brief moments when he was awake, you encouraged him to sip on electrolyte mix. A few hours later, he attempted to get up. He was so weak that it didn't take much energy on your part to push him back down by the shoulder.
"I don't think so, mister. The doctor said you needed to rest."
"[Y/N], I don't think getting up to go to a different room counts as physical activity," he retorted. It was good to see he had the energy to argue.
"Whatever you need, I can get it for you."
Timothée smirked and raised an eyebrow. "And what if I need to go pee?"
You spluttered, then laughed, knowing he got you on that one. "Well, I would say that is a good sign and one of the few things you can get up for."
"Thanks. I can maintain at least a shred of my dignity. Do you know how embarrassing it was to nearly fall out on set?"
You tucked a loose curl behind his ear. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Timmy. They see how hard you work. The cast and crew care about you. Your phone has been blowing up ever since we got home. Z already sent over some of your favorite snacks."
"That was nice of her."
"They all want you to take the time you need to recover. Completely," you emphasized, "and not a moment sooner."
He let his head fall back on the pillow. "You were right that I needed to slow down. I went straight from Bones and All to Wonka to Dune. I promise, even though I may grumble about it, I will be a good patient until I am cleared to go back."
"Good. Besides, it'll be nice to sleep in, cuddle, and make some progress on our watch list," you replied.
Timothée squeezed your hand. "I'm glad you're here; otherwise, the downtime would be unbearable."
You pouted your lip at the sweetness. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be. I love you."
"I love you, too. But, babe, I really do need to go pee." You both laughed as you helped him stand.
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xxresi-rotxx · 2 years
Avoiding You- L.S. Kennedy (pt. 2)
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It was well into the night when you decided to depart from the base. You had been trying your hardest to get Leon out of your head. Why was he so interested in your lead? Was he upset at the move you pulled? 
It didn’t matter, at least you got the satisfaction of seeing his face when you mentioned Ada and how you saw the two of them. It wasn’t entirely the reaction you were expecting though. There wasn’t a trace of anger or embarrassment, but more of shock and shame. 
It didn’t make sense in your head at all. Leon was probably the most loyal, down to earth agent you had ever met; it seemed so out of character for him to fall for someone like her. But then again, maybe you didn’t really know him. You definitely didn’t know him the way you thought you did. 
You had been walking through the back streets of the city for a good half hour now, making sure you weren’t being trailed. It was close to pitch black out now, the dusk quickly turning into night, and you finally began scoping out your lead. 
It looked like an old, abandoned warehouse. Perfect setting for a bioweapon. Almost too perfect actually. It felt off to you; the hairs on your arm standing on end. You didn’t like this feeling; you knew something was wrong and you went on high alert trying to figure out why. 
Before you could react, someone was behind you. They made quick work of disarming you & pinning you to them. A hand covering your mouth and an arm around your waist, you slammed back into something solid. 
“Relax Y/N, it’s me.” The hold on your body becoming looser. 
You forcefully yanked your body away from Leon, a flood of emotions coursing through your veins. Fury, embarrassment, confusion, excitement; it was all so much. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” You quietly shouted at the man. 
“Look, I would have explained this all to you earlier but you stormed off at base and-”
“And what?” You interrupted, earning an exasperated and tired look from Leon. 
“And you really shouldn’t be here alone.” 
“And why is that?”
“You know why” Leon’s tone turning serious “I don’t know where you got this lead but it’s right, the bioweapons” he paused to glance at the factory “are right in there. What were you trying to prove by going alone?”
You hated that he could see right through you. 
Before you could think of something to say another shadow emerged from the street’s edge. It took every ounce of restraint you had to bite your tongue and hold back the anger you felt just looking at this woman.
“I told you tonight wasn’t a good night Leon.” Ada purred as she got closer to the two of you.
“We were just leaving.” Leon responded, grabbing your arm before starting to walk away.
Ada put a hand on his chest, halting his movement.
“And who’s this?” She asked gesturing to you.
You opened your mouth to respond but Leon beat you to it.
“Nobody.” His voice dripping venom as he spoke. You rarely heard Leon this clipped, angry.
He pushed the two of you past Ada and began walking towards base. Keeping to the street’s edge to avoid unwanted attention, his grip on your arm never wavering.
“Mind telling me what the hell this is all about?” Leon asked the second you arrived back at base.
“I could ask you the same thing.” You replied, ice in your tone. This whole situation was so confusing. Was he making things hard on purpose? He was the one who rejected you, not the other way around.
“What Ada?” Just hearing her name leave his lips killed you a little. “She knows more about those bioweapons than we do at this point, she’s been giving me intel on the situation there.”
You scoffed at that.
“Seriously Kennedy? I saw the two of y-”
His interruption left you speechless.
“You keep calling me Kennedy, it’s Leon incase you’ve forgotten.”
If looks could kill you’d both be dead on the spot. Your stares penetrating each other, neither one backing down.
“Okay Leon,” the memory of the last time you said his name haunting you “why not share your intel hm?”
“You think I trust Ada?” Leon scoffed, his voice slighter raising in volume. “I learned a long time ago never to do that. There’s a reason they only ever have me contact her, I’m the only one she won’t immediately betray.”
“I wonder why that is.” You mumbled under your breath, your emotions getting the better of you.
“There isn’t a price I wouldn’t pay to keep those I care about safe Y/N, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy paying it. I figured you of all people would know that.”
You had no response. Starting to feel guilty for saying what you did. Leon would do anything, give anything, to keep you all safe. You knew that for a fact. Your heartache made you forget so much, made you forget everything you had ever known about Leon just to try and ease the pain.
It had been over thirty seconds and you were still speechless.
Leon let out a laugh, “Okay, well”, he turned on his heel, leaving you frozen standing alone in the dark.
You came to your senses and ran to catch up with him, going past him to stand in front of him, blocking his path. To your surprise, he spoke first.
“You know if you really saw us you would have known that much, following a lady’s lead isn’t my style.”
You thought back to when you saw them, Leon against the tree with Ada pressed against his chest, her clearly taking the lead.
“So why then?” You could hear the slight tremor in your voice but chose to ignore it. Avoiding Leon wasn’t going to work anymore, something had to give.
“I already told you-”
“No not about Ada, why did you reject me?” You bit your tongue, trying to swallow it the way you wished the earth would swallow you.
“Reject you?” He asked, voice laced with confusion.
“I tried to kiss you Leon, don’t tell me you don’t remember. I made a mistake clearly, but if you didn’t want me like that you could have just said so.” You broke eye contact with the man to stare at the ground. Had you become a masochist? This conversation was leading you to believe you had.
“I didn’t reject you.” He lifted your chin, locking eyes with you once again.
Had you heard him correctly? You stared deeply into his eyes looking for any trace of insincerity but found nothing.
“You didn’t reject me? Leon you pulled away from me, the message behind that is pretty clear.”
“You don’t get it.” He sighed, leaning his forehead against yours.
You missed him. God you missed him so much. You just wanted to reverse time, forget you ever tried to kiss him. You missed his banter, his scent, his voice, having him by your side for every mission.
“You’re right,” you whispered “I don’t.” Leaning against his forehead gave you some sense of relief. At least he couldn’t see how shiny your eyes had gotten, glistening with unshed tears.
“I didn’t kiss you for multiple reasons, not a single one of them being that I didn’t want to.”
You tore your head away from his to look into his eyes.
“What?” You spoke, trying to piece it all together.
“Did you not realize where we were when you tried to kiss me? How many people were around?”
“So? So I didn’t want people to think that I was using you. That that’s the reason I specifically requested you for each mission I went on.”
“Specifically requested me?”
“You didn’t think that was random did you? That we just happened to get paired for every mission.”
“You requested me?” You spoke like a broken record, he requested you? Specifically?? Every time?! You heart was beginning to beat faster, feeling better with each word he spoke.
“Every time, without fail. I pride myself on a lot of things Y/N, but my self control isn’t one of them.”
You smiled a little, thinking about past memories proving his statement to be true.
“I wasn’t worried about my reputation, there’s no rule against dating other agents in the DSO, but I was thinking about yours. You hear the shit everyone mumbles when Ada’s mentioned, I didn’t want that happening to you. That I would have minded.”
“I was right then?” You asked barely above a whisper, “to kiss you I mean, I didn’t misread you?”
“No you didn’t misread me, in fact I’d been waiting for you to figure it out. But after you tried to kiss me and I stopped it, you went radio silent. Every time I tried to find you or talk to you, you weren’t there. And when you were, you wanted nothing to do with me.”
You thought back to the debriefing, when you saw his steps hesitate, turns out you hadn’t imagined it. Leon broke you from your thoughts.
“I thought maybe you had regret it.”
His eyes were the ones to break contact first, glancing down at his boots before looking back to you.
“I did regret it, but for a completely different reason I assure you.” He smiled slightly at your comment, you continued on “But when we saw Ada just now?”
“I barely trust her with my own life, you think I’d trust her with yours? Better she have no idea who you are.”
Everything was starting to make sense now. You started to feel so stupid thinking of all your wasted emotions and pain. The stupidity you felt was quickly replaced however by pure joy. You were right, Leon did feel something for you.
“I can’t believe I spent all this time away from you and it was for nothing.” You grumbled.
“Well not for nothing”, Leon smirked, staring down at you, “I heard you’re one hell of a shot with a 12 gauge now.”
You laughed, a genuine laugh, and Leon’s smirk grew bigger.
“Let them say what they want about my reputation Leon, I have a feeling they won’t dare.” You smirked back at him.
“In that case…” Leon grabbed your chin and leaned down, his lips connecting with yours. It was so soft, so gentle; his lips meshing with yours so perfectly.
You both disconnected, a comfortable silence hanging between the two of you.
“For a man who doesn’t pride himself on his self control, that kiss was pretty impressive.” You teased Leon.
“You know, teasing me isn’t going to help that so called self control of mine.” He teased back.
“I’m counting on it, Kennedy.” Using his last name on purpose, only fueling the fire.
Leon moved faster than you, throwing you over his shoulder and giving you a slight smack on your rear, earning a squeal from you.
“Where are we going?” You laughed, trying to lift yourself off his shoulder.
He jumped slightly, making you fall back down onto his shoulder.
“Someplace more private”, he responded “I intend on hearing my first name fall from your lips tonight, over and over actually, until I can be sure you won’t forget it again.”
You stopped trying to lift yourself up and surrendered into his hold, after all you had a long night ahead of you….
I LOVED THIS SO MUCH😭😭I hope this was the pt 2 everyone wanted! I’ve officially reached over 200 followers here and I’m so flattered❤️❤️I love this fictional man and am so happy I found others who do too😂enjoy my writing lovelies😘😘
(Also sorry if this looks funny, I finished it on my phone)
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noellefan101 · 1 year
Offline to Online
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Summary: your boyfriend is a streamer, a popular one at that. this is a fic about: how their chat find out that you are dating, how they treat you off-stream and on-stream/do they treat you differently
Warnings: swearing, mentioning of death threats and killing(Scaramouche), streamer reader(Scaramouche), slight ooc, if there is anything else then pls tell me
Characters: Xiao, Childe, Venti, Scaramouche, Aether
Note: I am trying my best ok, and I'm kinda new to Tumblr, so if it isn't to your liking then leave, please./I´m sorry if you can´t understand what I´m writing, bc neither can I/. btw this is later than I originally intended bc it got deleted when I was almost DONE, like seriously. so I have like no motivation left now, yay :(
How Chat Found Out: You two were roommates, or that´s what his chat thought anyways. Because you two lived together that was what you told them and most believed that so you thought it was fine/Xiao is shy and lied about you two dating when they asked, and then you just lied too cus you are the best(I mean that with my whole heart).
but one day when you were out with some of your friends, and Xiao was streaming at home with Zhongli(in this story Xiao´s adoptive father) some girl suddenly came up to you and started yelling at you because apparently you took her "boyfriend" away, you and your friends got confused and just let her be after, she had yelled at you for about 2 min. a little later you called Xiao and explained what happened. and after Xiao told you that Zhongli got asked about your relationship while he was gone to get some food, and he forgot that you were keeping it a secret and even showed some photos of you kissing. when you got home/to a guilty Zhongli and Xiao trying his best to comfort him/you both forgave him and then properly announced it the next day, so you don´t have to worry about anyone finding you out. . . because they already know.
On-Stream: he is very shy so its mostly something like your beside him, in the background or sometimes sitting in his lap. he doesn´t pay that much attention to you but only because he thinks it's embarrassing and that stuff. he will also become a tomato if you kiss him on-stream, even though he will despise you for an hour or so its worth it.
Off-Stream: he becomes less shy and pays more attention to you, he also blushes more at your closeness because he doesn´t feel like he has to hold back his emotions. why? well, he´s with you the most wonderful y/n in the whole world. so yeah he behaves differently when you two are alone, and not with hundreds of people watching you.
he loves you, but he´s not always good at showing it.
How Chat Found Out: honestly I think would just tell them I they asked, but weirdly no one did. maybe it was because they didn´t want to interfere, and thought it was inappropriate. or they didn´t want any of the lovesick fans ruining your relationship. but either way, there was definitely someone else in the house, because they could sometimes hear someone talking in another room, and sometimes post and pans, I guess they just didn´t say anything about it.
but then one of his friends brought up how you were doing because you were sick the last time they talked to him. and he said you were doing better and then the chat flipped out with messages like "Who the f**k is y/n", "are you dating that y/n person", bratty fan girls raging because how dare him and so on. he then talked about you for the next 30 min, and the other person in the call almost fell asleep by how much he talked, so the chat now knows a lot about you. . . maybe a little too much.
On-Stream: he talks a lot, he always does, but now there are more topics about you when he talks all day. example: what you ate today, a pretty outfit you wore this week, some new accessories he got you today, and yadda yadda. he also has you sit on his lap or beside him in your own chair. and ofc he kisses you at least once every stream.
Off-Stream: I would say that he´s not much different, but maybe a little, for example: lets you talk more and now listens more than he talks, kisses you more and is always touching you(not in a sexual way).
he loves you more than anything and is not afraid to show it.
How Chat Found Out: honestly I think they already knew since he does "drunk" streams-streams with alcohol-and there was always someone beside him: you. you decided you would be bedside him for his safety and to make sure he doesn´t do anything too dumb. you were out of frame, so they couldn´t really see you, but Venti sometimes talked to you so they knew what you sounded like, and saw your hands once or twice. and they adored you, and by the way he talked about you and looked at you he did too. So naturally they thought that you were dating/or related by blood but he was too lovestruck when he looked at you.
but yeah one stream he maybe drank a little too much, and he maybe began talking to you while forgetting that he was live and called you some rather. . . sweet names and then passed out, so you carried him out of his room to make him sleep a bit. when you suddenly remembered that you forgot to turn off the stream and you didn´t even turn off the camera. meanwhile, the chat was freaking out because you were so freaking pretty. so you went in and turned the stream off.
On-Stream: you now sat a little closer and people could see at least half your body, you also there in more streams and not just those containing alcohol. you two didn't give that much affection but you sometimes kissed him here and there.
Off-Stream: besides being closer and kissing more often then I don´t think there are any other differences in behavior other than ofc you spend more time together and not just beside each other.
he loves you a lot and also loves to show it.
How Chat Found Out: well basically he got into an argument with Childe typical of him. you were in a collab with them and playing a multi-player game when they started arguing over something/you didn´t know what bc you tried to ignore them, so you didn´t get a headache/and it got so heated you had to mute them so you and your viewers didn´t hear all their screaming and send a message to Scara to tell you when they were done. Therefore you didn´t hear Scara yell "Well at least I'm not single" (I forgot to say that here Childe is single in this part, oh well) and everybody was shocked, they thought that Childe would be the one to get a partner first. so while Scara and Childe were still arguing, the viewers started discussing who would want to date were dating him, they didn´t find anybody though.
a few days later they finally asked him instead of speculating about it, and he/with a straight face/"Oh. . . me and y/n are dating, you didn´t know?" and let's just say that chat flipped out even more because wtf you dating HIM of all people
On-Stream: he doesn´t show any affection like at all, the only thing is you forcing him to let you sit in his lap. but no kissing, sweet talk or anything like that, nope just the same grumpy Scaramouche. he got a little annoyed when you kissed him once while he played with some friends but forgave you. Oh, and you also collab more with each other.
Off-Stream: he is definitely a lot nicer, and is kinda soft for you/but only for you/. And he doesn’t look like he wants to k!ll someone all the time or sending death threats to anybody, so at least that's one thing going for ya.
he loves you, no matter if you annoy him from time to time.
How Chat Found Out: he was in a collab with a few people (Lumine, Venti, Xiao...), and Lumine wanted to annoy Aether, it´s a sibling thing. and therefore she brought up a lot of... not the best topics to talk about on stream, and she also brought up the fact that someone is living with him/you/and how that person is just sooo sweet and pretty/handsome. (because of course she´s been over and already knows that you two are dating) so she teased him by telling him about how he should totally date you, to try and get him to reveal it to the viewers. yes she could have just told them, but this was more fun for her.
he knew what she was doing but didn´t give in until Venti (actual best annoying b!tch) started to do it too, which Lumine loved Aether... not so much. so he eventually gave in and told them that, yes he was dating someone, Xiao then asked who and Lumine made him admit that it was you/the person he`s currently living with/and chat wanted ANSWERS so they asked him stuff like, who were you, where did you meet, when did you meet, how do you look, can we see this y/n, and so on. he answered the best he could while venti and Xiao were also asking questions. he eventually called you in and asked if it was ok for people to see you, and you said yes. (you cannot say no, understand) so you showed your face and you trended on teyvats twitter.
On-Stream: he definitely has you around him almost all the time, like sitting on his lap, beside him, or having you do something of your own in the background, you're properly also there if he does any cooking streams, vlogs or hangouts.
Off-Stream: he´s still has you around him, but now you´re a lot closer. that´s his way to show more love freely instead of keeping it down. because there's tons of people looking at you all the time, and sometimes he doesn´t want to share you.
he loves you very much, and wants you to be there with him at all time.
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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laiahernandeeezzz · 20 days
[Part 1]
Pairing: Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Words: 2.1K
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It was late at night when Y/n got up and headed to the kitchen, thirsty for a glass of water. In the silence of the house, any sound coming from outside could be heard, and normally the house was completely silent, but that night soft whimpers were disturbing the midnight peace. 
Y/n knew about the sisters’ nightmares, more than once, she had been woken up by screams or heavy footsteps in the early hours of the morning. She went first to Natasha’s, placing her ear next to the door, nothing coming from the inside of the room, so she headed to Yelena’s.
Soft whimpers were coming from the Russian’s room, and Y/n rushed inside, worried about her friend if she was having a nightmare. As soon as she entered the bedroom though, she regretted it. Yelena wasn’t having a nightmare, she was having a good time, if you could say so. Y/n stood frozen at the door, as the blonde was confused by the sound of the door opening, soon the emotion changed to being utterly embarrassed. 
“What are you doing?” She whispered-shouted, covering her body with the bedsheets, a crimson colour tainting her cheeks. 
“I… I don’t know! I heard whimpering, and I was worried you were having a nightmare” Y/n answered back, also deeply flustered.
“Well I’m not! I’m fine, you can leave now” With rushed and uncontrolled movements, Y/n left her bedroom, she closed the door behind her. That night her dreams were plagued with hot and steamy visions of her blonde roommate. 
The next morning was as uncomfortable as the one, when the shower accident happened. Both girls were heavily avoiding each other, much to Natasha’s amusement. “Can you explain to me what is going on, again?” 
“Nothing happened” Y/n fought her brain, trying to not let any memory or image place in her mind. She failed miserably, her cheeks returning to the common colour they had those last weeks. 
“Y/n just doesn’t know how to knock on a door, that’s all” In contrary to Y/n’s shame, Yelena decided that it was a good idea to make her want to be 20 metres underground. 
“I see, well in that case, you could lock the door if you are dealing with your dirty thoughts sestra” Y/n gave a high five to the red head, while Yelena glared at them. 
Y/n was watching a movie, when someone called her. She checked her phone, Yelena’s ID appearing on the screen. The blonde girl and her sister left a few hours ago to go out with some of their friends.
“Y/n… We need, look at that cat!... Hi, Y/n” To say Y/n was confused was an understatement. Yelena was clearly drunk, her sentences not making any sense. 
“Yelena? Are you alright? Is Natasha with you?”
“Natasha… She is sitting on the stairs of the club, but she is more drunk than I am, because I am not drunk… Anyway, could you come pick us up? I wasn’t supposed to drink, because I drove, but I did, and now I can’t drive… Hehe, no, that wouldn’t be smart.”
“Yelena, Yelena, hey, stop” Y/n was panicking to say the least. She didn’t know where the sisters were exactly, and that did not help. “You did good by not taking the car… Send me your location, I’ll be there asap”
After Yelena agreed with some drunk muttering, and she received the location, she ran to the car, and drove at the limits of what was safe. Fifteen minutes later, she had parked the car, and got to where both women were. 
She let out a relieved breath, locking eyes with her blonde crush. Yelena’s eyes lighted up when she saw Y/n, throwing herself onto her. “Y/n! Hi! What are you doing here?”
“You… You called me, remember? About twenty minutes ago?” The blonde girl mumbled something in return, but Y/n decided to ignore it, and took Yelena to the car. "You wait here, I’ll go pick up Natasha, and we’ll go home".
The younger sister was right when she said that the red head was more hammered than her. Natasha was spread out on the stairs of the club, looking strangely comfortable sleeping there. She picked her up, and threw one of Nat’s arms around to her shoulders and practically dragged her to the car. Once they got home, Y/n helped the sisters to put their pyjamas on, and placed a glass of water and some pills and let them rest. 
The next morning, Y/n was making herself breakfast, when she heard footsteps. From the corridor, a destroyed Yelena appeared, greeting Y/n with her raspy voice. “Good morning… Fuck, they say Russians can handle alcohol, but I think I might die from this hangover. My head is going to explode”
Y/n didn’t know why, but she found herself being angry at Yelena. “Well, that wouldn’t have happened, if you actually had been responsible”
“Excuse me?” The blonde, who was on her way to take a cup, stopped in her tracks to look at Y/n. 
“You heard me… You knew you had to drive, why the fuck did you drink?” Y/n knew deep down she was being, perhaps, irrational, anyone could have a slip like that, but something about being specifically Yelena, made her angry, 
“Whoa, I don’t know where this is coming from, but let’s calm down a bit”
“Don’t tell me to calm down. You had me worrying sick! Can you imagine if you hadn’t called me?” So that was it. Y/n realised, or accepted to herself, that the thought of something happening to Yelena made her worry at crazy levels.
“Except I did call you! Don’t need to be this dramatic!” Yelena truly couldn’t understand where this was coming from. Yes, she had had a slip, and knew she hadn’t been responsible, but, even that, Y/n was being unreasonable.
“Really? Dramatic? Sorry for caring and worrying about your wellbeing! Don’t worry, though, I won’t care any more, no need to call your dramatic roommate if you have a problem”
“Y/n… I did not mean…” The blonde suddenly felt bad for shouting at her friend. Thinking to herself, she would have reacted similarly if it had been the other way around, but the fight had already blown up a bit too much for such a small situation. 
“Forget it… I just made me breakfast, you’ll need to cook yours, don’t call me if you burn something”.
Yelena watched as Y/n headed back to her room. Whispering Y/n’s name, she sighted and ran her hands through her face, guilty taking place in her gut. 
A scream woke Y/n up. Her phone clock marked 3 am. She jumped from her bed, and quickly went to check on her roommates. Natasha was still asleep, you would think that her being a spy would mean she was alert at all times, but not any more, apparently. Y/n then went to check on Yelena. However, having learned her lesson, she knocked and waited for some type of invite to enter. 
The door opened, a sleepy Yelena on the other side. Her hair was completely messy, strands of it flying out what was supposed to be a bun. She was wearing a shirt three sizes bigger than her. What Y/n noticed, however, were her puffy eyes, green resulting against the reddish eyes from crying. She took Yelena by the hand, and brought her back to her bed, so they were sitting down facing each other.  
“I dreamt you left for good after our fight… I’m really sorry for the other day” Y/n didn’t have to ask what had happened to her. Yelena directly telling her, her voice quiet and her head low. They hadn’t been on speaking terms since a week ago, they talked but the strictly necessary and with a weird tension between them. 
“Yelena… Have you had more nightmares like this since then?” She felt guilty, she knew she had been a bit stubborn and that she probably should’ve apologised before, but she was also a bit too proud. 
“A few… Please, tell me you won’t leave me” Y/n’s heart clenched at how little Yelena sounded or looked. She saw how the blonde played with her fingers, so she reached and held one of them, while she used the other one to take Yelena’s chin to make their eyes meet. 
In the darkness of the room, only lit by a lamp on the side table of the bed, Y/n realised how much she liked the girl in front of her, and she almost confidently could say that Yelena looked at her the same way around. So there, in the quiet of the room, she took a deep breath and braved up.
“I promise you… Yelena, I, I won’t leave you because I like you, really, really like you. I think I have since you stepped into this flat”
“You do?” Yelena couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips, hope illuminating those green and gorgeous eyes. 
“How could I not? You are funny, kind, you care… And maybe the fact that you are also gorgeous and hot, helps a bit”
“I really like you too… I’m not sure how to deal with these feelings though, I have never had the opportunity to feel like this” Yelena’s eyes travelled around the other girl’s face, taking in every single detail of it. She only stopped to stare at Y/n’s lips, the tension building up.
“Then let me show you” Y/n, then, moved both of her hands to cup Yelena’s face, and stroked her thumbs on her cheeks, feeling her smooth skin under. She then approached her, pressing their lips together. They both sighted at the feeling, both their lips moulded perfectly against each other. It was a soft and simple kiss. Once breath was needed, they separated, keeping their foreheads connected.  
“Y/n… Can we not tell Nat yet?” 
“I’m pretty sure she’ll notice, but yeah, whatever you want”
“Can you stay?”
After confessing their feelings for each other, it seemed like Natasha didn’t want to leave the flat at all, so when the red head finally went out on a Saturday, the girlfriends took the opportunity to have a bit of fun. 
They enjoyed themselves the whole afternoon, they had sushi for dinner on the sofa while watching a movie, or at least trying to. As soon as the food was finished, they were once again on top of each other. 
Y/n was having too much fun kissing Yelena’s neck, while running her hands under her t-shirt, the blonde moaning when her hands found their way up to her boobs, that they didn’t hear nor notice when Natasha came in through the door. 
“Oh. My. God!” The girls stopped at the sight of the red head covering her eyes. They sat up and separated themselves, tried to make their hair look composed, and straightened her clothes. 
“Are you visible now?” Yelena muttered a shy “yes”, while trying to calm her heart down. “So, I might need some explaining here”
“I don’t think it’s needed, we were doing friendly activities or at least trying to, but you interrupted us” Yelena hit Y/n on the arm, while scolding her with her eyes. 
“Nat, I’m sorry I… We didn’t tell you before, but I just wanted to be sure, not that I’m not sure about our relationship, I just don’t know” Yelena tried to explain it, taking Y/n's hand to find some support. Natasha approached and kneeled in front of her sister.
“I’m a bit disappointed for you not telling me, but I knew this was going to happen the second I saw Y/n drooling over you when you arrived”
“Hey! I wasn’t drooling” Y/n scoffed, falsely offended at the attack, but smiling knowing that the red head wasn’t mad at them. 
“You were a bit shocked though, detka”
“That might be true… You’re just so hot, what can I do?” Y/n whispered, as she leaned to kiss Yelena, not caring about Natasha at this point. 
“Mmm… you too”
“Ugh, this is how it will be from now on? Get a room, you two!” Natasha rushed away, grossness written on her face.
“Excuse us, you were the one supposed to be out until tomorrow”
“I’ll stay here, you can do whatever you want in your room… I’ll get earplugs”
The girlfriend stood up from the couch, Yelena kissed her sister on the cheek, and ran back to Y/n, who picked her up, and took them to her room. Once inside, Y/n threw Yelena on the bed and straddled her.
“Now, where were we?”
(thank you for the patience, I was really block)
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caeunot · 7 months
can you do johnnie guilbert comforting f!reader (his gf) with s/h relapse. if not no worries, i’ve just been struggling lately and your writing helps me.
thank you for the request ♡
and I'm so sorry that you haven't been well, it makes me so happy that my writing is able to do that! I hope this fic can do your request justice and that it can help even if just a little.
johnnie guilbert x reader
➷ you felt sweaty, it was at least 34°c outside and you had a sweater on. you did this for a reason though, recently things have been harder on you. it feels as if everyone and everything is against you and that the world is completely caving in, you contemplated bringing it up to your boyfriend but many things were stopping you.
the first being he has his own shit to deal with, about two months ago he blew up completely on tiktok causing him to be a lot more busy recently. the second being that he deals with his own mental health too and you didn't want to be a burden, you obviously aren't but your mind kept telling you that you are. it's exhausting to be fighting against yourself constantly but by this point you have sadly come accustomed to it.
you were walking towards the bathroom to do your makeup when you felt arms slide around your waist, "hey baby I haven't seen you all day" you smiled and turned around, "I've been kinda lazy today I'm only doing my makeup now at 2 pm". "nothing wrong with that" he says as he gives you a kiss.
"hey it's boiling outside, maybe you should take off your sweater" he says tugging onto it slightly. "I'm fine really" you say trying to push out a smile, you could tell it came out fake. "come on you can't possibly feel cold" he says starting to get concerned.
after some silence he takes your hand and leads you into your shared bedroom, "darling, if there's anything you want to say you can tell me". "I'm fine really! I promise".
"then can you take off the sweater please?" he says with a tone much more gentle than usual. you hesitated but can't bare to lie to him anymore. as you take it off it exposed fresh cuts all along the top of your arm. he stares at it for a moment before leaning in for a hug.
no words in that moment were necessary, just that action of the hug was enough to prove to you that he cares. he immediately went and took the first aid kit you guys kept for emergencies, he sat you down in the bathroom and cleaned up the open wounds and then wrapped it in medical cloth. after he finished he gave a soft kiss on your forehead.
"never feel too embarrassed or too shy to come to me about this okay? I'm your boyfriend I'll take care of you no matter what" he took your hand in his "please promise me you will try to be more open about this in the future, it's nothing to be ashamed of okay? I'll always be here for you. I love you more than life itself I don't know what I would do if something happend to you"
you found yourself opening up to him about all that you are going through and he gave you his full undivided attention for hours, afterwards he ordered you food and cuddled you on the couch till you fell asleep in his arms, you have never felt safer.
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Hi hi! Can I please request Furina/Focalors with the first prompt? Tysm and congratulations on reaching such a big milestone!
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do.”
characters: Furina x gn!reader
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: As I’m starting to write this, it’s 22.30 (exactly 24:00 as I finish). I have school tomorrow and just returned from an exhausting hours long car drive. Why am I writing? Easy. because I felt like it.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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The plan was simple. So simple in fact that Furina was sure even a toddler would be able to perfectly understand each and every of its steps, yet the simplicity of her genius plan in no way made it any less grand. In fact it was the grandest and most genius plan there ever was. All it needed you to do was simply stare in awe and feel your heart flutter at the sight of your Archon displaying her oratory and investigative prowess by defeating the renowned Traveler in the court case of the century.
She could have made it more difficult for herself, choosing their battle to be in any less one-sided field, but even Furina hadn’t expected this case to go so smooth, sneaking triumphant glances at your front-row seat whenever she made an excellent point, yet calming slightly down when instead of finding you awe-struck, you seemed more intrigued in the case, paying equal attention to both sides.
And yet, it didn’t matter. For she was sure that all it took for you to completely fall for her was one more excellent counter from her side, and then you’d be hers.
...when Furina not only found herself on the losing side, but humiliated by someone who never practiced law before, she took every opportunity to escape the opera building before locking herself up in her room and letting not a single soul in. Neither her servants, nor Neuvillette being granted entry through her door. So when you received an unexpected letter from the chief justice, asking you to give it a try, it was fair to say your expectations weren’t all that high.
A knock, then silence. Two more and you could hear the sound of footsteps approaching from the other side. One more knock and-
“What do you want?”, rang out a familiar voice, tired and grumpy as if just awoken. You took a glance at the clock. 2 pm. 
“I was told you refused to leave your room, do you want to talk it out?”, you asked, loud enough for her to hear you from the other side of the door, yet whispered so nobody could overhear you. The moment words started leaving your mouth, the footsteps grew frantic, seemingly pacing from one end of the room to the other, only for the door to eventually unlock, open in a flash before a hand grabbed you, pulled you inside and the door shut again.
What you were greeted with was a seemingly hastily dressed Archon, her expensive clothes not buttoned up correctly in some spots while her hair seemed messier than usual. And yet you didn’t say a word. You were the first person she didn’t outright refuse to talk with since the court case so you definitely were not going to make her regret letting you in.
“What are you talking about? Me refusing to leave my room has nothing to do with what happened in court, I am simply busy working on a new project of mine”, Furina began to talk in her usual manner, trying to sound completely confident only to fold her hands in front of her chest as her cheeks grew slightly red in embarrassment from recalling that day.
It was fair to say that you weren't sold.
“Are you still embarrassed about what happened? We all make mistakes from time to time, no matter if you’re an Archon, human or… I don’t know, an ant. So there’s no need to-”, you began in your attempt to console her, only for her to dodge the hand you were trying to put on her shoulder before interrupting you.
“I do not care if anyone else remembers, but could at least you forget about it”, she almost screamed out loud, just a single word removed from covering her ears with her hands as she looked away from you, the only thing visible to you being her deep-red ears.
“Are you sure the person you want to forget the most isn’t the chief justice? Why me-”
“Because I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do to impress you now”, the words shot out of Furina in such a way that her voice cracked a million times, her hands now firmly pressed against her ears as her eyes closed, the Archon fleeing the embarrassment she caused herself the only way she could.
For a few moments you were left staring dumbfoundedly at the figure in front of you, face as red as if it had been used as a canvas for a group of kindergarteners that only had one single color available. If you were to take a picture of her now, you had no doubt you’d find yourself banished for at least 4 consecutive lifetimes, and yet you found the sight… somewhat adorable.
As you slowly but surely put your arms around her, Furina finally started to calm down, although the color of her face still was nowhere near to changing back to normal. And before long, the Archon hesitantly wrapped her arms around you as well, neither of you speaking a word in what felt like an eternity.
“You can remember the confession, but purge your memories of anything else that happened”, she eventually spoke up, her voice sounding almost calm, if it weren’t for the obvious nervousness.
“What are you talking about?”, you played along, only to feel her head nod in satisfaction.
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pyramid-of-starrs · 1 year
Come sit in my office
Kinktober request: 14 Crush Jongho, thighs
Pairing: Manager Jongho x Employee afab gn! reader
Summary: On the day of Halloween when you should be out with your friends getting shit faced you're stuck at work in your slutty costume. After being sent to your managers office you find out a very interesting fact about Jongho that makes you want to explore it further. But you make an embarrassing mistake that leads you into something else.
Word Count: 2.1K
Kink: Thighs
Warning: Thigh riding, thigh fucking
Minors dni
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Halloween was usually super fun, dressing up going to parties, or fucking a random guy in a dumb little costume, but not this year. You were finally selected to be one of the few workers at your retail job in the mall to work the night shift for Halloween. Usually, you wouldn't be upset about shifts, but since the mall owner is super into Halloween every year, he would have the Mall and stores stay open till 11 pm instead of 8 pm to hand out candy to kids and help parents get last-minute costume supplies. In your 2 years working at the store you were able to dodge Halloween hell shift, the name given by all the other employees, but 3rd times the charm huh? Though it sounds easy and simple it's usually bratty and entitled kids with their rude or super-stressed parents. After begging everyone to take the shift and ending up with no luck you just bit the bullet and stayed, at least you still got to dress up, but of course this year you chose to be a slutty murdered school girl, oh well.
After hours of dealing with kids and getting judgy side eyes from parents as you folded clothes with your coworker, you heard your manager's voice through the walkie earpiece used to communicate with everyone in the store.
"Y/N, can you come see me in my office."
You sighed heavily, your coworker giggling at you and then making an "oooh" sound to tease you for possibly getting in trouble. You put the clothes in your hand down and walked to the back then stopped to knock at your manager's office.
"Come in." He shouted from the other side, you opened the door to see your lavender hair manager not wearing his usual business casual clothes but opting for a sporty look today as he was filling out papers in front of his laptop.
"You wanted to see me, Mr. Choi?"
"Ah, Y/N come in and take a seat for me." He said as he stuck his hand out to wave you to the chair propped in front of his desk.
You took a seat as your bare ass hit the cloth chair due to how short your skirt was, it made you cringe a bit because you knew the discoloration from the chair was from it not being cleaned, at least your thigh highs protected you from your thighs meeting the same fate.
"So what's up boss?" you said as you looked at him. He finally put his pen down to look over you before he responded.
"Well Y/N, I've gotten a few... let's say comments... about your choice of costume for today." He said trying to be sensitive about the matter.
"Oh yeah well this was all I had since I had plans for Halloween this year before I got scheduled." You said looking over yourself.
"Right and what are you supposed to be?" He questioned.
"A murdered school girl but like, spicy 'cause I'm an adult."  you said nonchalantly.
"Okay... and you deemed that appropriate to wear to work."
"No but I deemed it good enough to wear for tonight's shift." you said quickly. "What's wrong with it? Too much thighs and boobs showing?  Do you not like my thighs Mr. Choi?" you said teasing him, your manager was usually very conservative and you and your coworkers loved teasing him because of that.
He cleared his throat before replying. "I-I can assure you that I have no issues with your thighs Y/N I meant the par-"
"Oooh no issues with them huh? Then why call me back here? I get  you would rather die than show skin but some of us aren't afraid."
Before he could reply he stood up to reveal one of the most gorgeous things you've ever seen, his thick horse-like thighs in a pair of gym shorts.
"As you can see from my clever gym teacher costume, I too am showing thigh, I just wanted to let you know the parents had an issue... I actually don't mind your thighs." He said the last part quietly.
You marveled at his legs for a moment before he spoke again.
"J-just get back to work and stay behind the counter okay? Remember me and you are on closing duty tonight so don't leave with everyone else." He said as he sat back down and continued to work. You nodded stood up and returned to the floor.
After hours, 11 pm finally hit and you couldn't be more excited but nervous. Though you could try to finally meet back up with your friends for late-night moves all you could think about was being trapped with your hot manager and his newly discovered meaty thighs. You never knew you had a thing for muscle legs or Jongho the prude, again a name given by co-workers, until now. Everyone started to leave and you did your rounds in the store while Jongho locked up, then you two met back up to collect the money from the registers and take it to the office to count it. You sat at the chair in front of his desk again so you could count the money and he locked the office door and collected the credit card receipts to count those. Being in the locked office with him for some reason made your heart pound and even worse made your clit kind of throb as you stared at his lavender locks and his tanned skin as he stayed focused. You started to shift a bit in the chair then crossed one leg over the other to cause some friction to calm you down, you kept restarting your money count and Jongho finally noticed.
"Everything okay Y/N?" He looked up at you.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, everything is just peachy." You smiled nervously, scared that you would be caught using your thighs to rub your tingling heat.
He examined your flushed and nervous face before speaking again. "Look I know what this is about Y/N, and I can assure you, there is nothing to be embarrassed about okay? I don't want things to be awkward here."
"Y-you do know? S-so you didn't mind?" You couldn't believe he noticed and... didn't mind it?
"Of course not Y/N, I told you I didn't have a problem with it, I actually like it." He flashed a warm smile at you.
You felt your core start to pound hearing him say he liked it, he liked watching you fall apart like this? Jongho the prude rumors debunked.
"Well, can I ask you something then?" You said shyly.
"Of course, anything." He continued to smile seeing you not as tense.
"Well since you liked it... c-can I maybe... ride your thigh?" You said still shy. Jongho looked at you with his eyebrows lifted thinking maybe he misheard your request, you two sat in pure silence looking at each other for a moment.
"I-uh-w-what are we talking about?" He said sounding like he was malfunctioning.
"Wait- What were you talking about?" You said as panic started to set in.
"I was talking about how you may have been embarrassed by your costume after our talk and I was trying to say it was okay and that I liked it." His voice was panicking too at this point.
"Oh my God I thought you noticed how turned on I was since you showed me your thighs-" Why the hell did you just admit that out loud? "Oookay gotta go- you can fire me it's cool" You started to hurry and grab your bag and headed for the door, Jongho walked from around his desk to grab your arm.
"D-do you want to do that with me for real?" He said trying to avoid eye contact and you got a glance at his red face.
You paused in front of the door, your face heating up and you turned to look at his cute little shy face.
"I mean..."
Welp, here you were sitting on your manager's thigh with your skirt off while he sat in his office chair, you were facing him and holding his strong shoulders while he held your waist. The only thing separating your core from his thigh is your thin thong, he could already feel the dampness on his bare thigh.
"Ready?" You asked him.
"Yeah... as long as you are." He said, you nodded as a reply then started to slowly rock your hips on too his thigh, the friction of your clit rubbing his strong legs was like a water hose putting out a fire, you and Jongho both looked down and watched as your hips moved at a steady pace, small breathy whimpers came out of your lips.
"You're so cute Y/N, does this feel good for you?" He looked up at you to ask, you nodded once again. Jongho moved his hands to grip your thighs where your thigh highs and your skin met, he pulled you back and forth faster, your whimpers developed into full moans while your heat started to drool more and create a trail of your slick on his thigh.
"Mr. Choi it feels so good." You said sounding out of breath. You still calling him Mr. Choi in this moment made his dick start to rise.
"What I said earlier was true Y/N, I like your thigh too." He said as his grip was tighter and his thumbs started to rub your inner thighs. You were like ice as you melted under his touch.
"When I saw you come into my office wearing that skimpy little costume It took everything in me not to lay you across my desk and lick and suck them." your hips started to move sloppily from his words, and you felt your climax rushing at you all from riding him like this but before you could come he lifted you off of him and placed you on the desk, swiping everything on the floor and laying you back.
"These thighs are so pretty I probably won't even need to fuck your pretty little pussy to cum. I can put my dick between them and fuck you just like that, would you like that?" He hovered over you as he pressed his hard dick onto your leg.
"Yes please Mr. Choi, use my thighs to cum." He didn't say a word, he swiftly removed your wet panties to reveal your oozing core. He pulled his pants and underwear down and his member sprung out, nice and thick just like everything else on his body, he brought his hand to your lips and simply said "Spit" so you did, he used your spit to lube his dick and pumped it few times before pulling you down to the edge of the desk and spreading your legs a bit to place his hard dick between your soft thighs. He kept your thigh highs on because he loved the way they squeezed you. Gripping both your thighs he closed his dick between them and started to move back and forth, your slick acted as a natural lube along with your saliva, his rod rubbing your sensitive-edged clit was already driving you crazy but the wet and sticky feeling on his hot rod made you want to combust.
"Your thighs are so warm Y/N, it feels so good I might cover them in cum." his hands gripping the back them tighter as he hissed at the sensation, you were a moaning mess and the thought of him shooting his load onto was almost your end.
"I bet you wore this outfit just for me to fuck these pretty legs, did you want me to see that bad baby, are you that hot for my attention?" He grunted out as his strokes sped up. You didn't pin Jongho the prude to be this hot sex-talking guy but fuck were you happy you found out.
"Mr. Choi please- I'm going to cum." his pace sped up even more, his dick sloppily running over your dripping wet pussy.
"Mm I am too baby Cum for me cum for Mr. Choi." he hissed back, his hips and yours bucking together, spews of curse words came from your soft lips as you came, your slick completely coating the bottom side of his dick and balls, Jongho shot his load as well, his hot cum dripping down onto you and some shooting up to your shirt. He finished his breathing came back to earth to realize he ruined your clothes and hurried to grab the tissue box that he had knocked on the floor earlier to hand to you.
"S-sorry about that, I know you said you were going to a costume party with your friends, feel free to make a last-minute outfit with anything out there and I pay for it." He said feeling genuinely bad.
"Jongho, fuck that party, we still have more work to do here."
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
what if, for ‘This Is What You Came For’ part 2 Quaritch gets his turn with you, while all the other recoms are there to watch 👀
“This Is What You Came For” Pt.2 
The Teasing Never Stops
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"This Is What You Came For" 1
WARNINGS: SMUT, angst, tiniest little bit of fluff if you squint, Non-con, ABSOLUTE HUMILIATION AND DEGRADING, mean Quaritch, teasing recoms, crying, voyeurism
A/N: I got so embarrassed and red writing this, enjoy <3 I'm also sick with a sore throat and shit but I provide :)
Word count: 7309
I can’t remember what happened after that… intense session. Lyle was carrying me and I may have very well passed out. 
When my memory came back, I was in a cell-like room. My body was pressed up sideways against a wall and I was sitting on a bench inside it. It was very small and completely empty. I lift my head, looking around and seeing that the door was made of thick glass. It was an automatic sliding door. Maybe I could break it down or figure out how to open it. 
I go to move off the bench but stop once I feel my limbs not move with me. I glance down to see that my wrists have been handcuffed together. 
Wow, so much for them being nice, huh?
There was a green and red blinking light. It seemed like a motion sensor because it definitely wasn’t a camera. 
I lean my head back against the wall, feeling sore between my legs and completely exhausted. 
The handcuffs were starting to become uncomfortable and red rings formed on the skin of my wrists. I didn’t even feel like standing up. 
The foreign feeling of wearing proper clothes had me unable to relax. I noticed I was wearing something very similar to what Z-Dog wearing the last time I saw her. Except I had shorts with I assume her or Walker’s tank top. No bra or underwear but it didn’t bother me. 
After a few minutes of silence, I heard distant voices and some humans opened a large door, which led to the room with the cells. One of them being mine. All other cells were empty. 
Leaning down and emerging on the other side was the Colonel. My ears automatically tip back but I watch him with a neutral face. I didn’t like him for what he did but he didn’t seem like he wanted to kill me last time, so I wasn’t going to push my luck. 
A few humans waited by the entrance while he looked around and walked over to my cell. When his eyes caught mine he smiled a devilish smile. 
“Mornin’. Or should I say, afternoon?” he teased. I must have been out for long. 
“What happened?” I ask, stretching my arms and back. 
“You passed out on the way back. That was yesterday, sweetheart.” he informed me, standing tall outside the glass or clear plastic door cell. There were breathing holes in it, so I roughly heard what he was saying. 
“Oh.” I whisper, not knowing what to do. 
He stared at me in silence for a while, as if he were weighing out his options and assessing the situation. After about a minute, he shifted his weight from one leg to the other and sighed. 
“I’m gonna open this door and you’re going to come with me, understood? No struggling or fighting, otherwise there will be consequences.” Quaritch says, warning me with his stern tone. 
It’s not like I really have a choice. I feel weak anyway. And my hands are no good right now, so I nod and he confirms my decision with a firm nod of his head.
The Colonel calls over a person in a lab coat and they open the door with their keycard. He moves to the side, to let me walk past but I wasn’t sure I would even be able to get up yet. 
Slowly I turned to the side and let my feet touch the ground. At least my ankles weren’t tied. 
I push myself off the bench and quickly lean against the wall with my flattened-out palms while I try to control the shaking of my knees. 
“What? Ya need a wheelchair?” Quaritch asks, leaning against the door frame and smirking. 
I scoff. Yeah right. I was going to spare myself that embarrassment. 
“No. I’m fine.” I mumble, pushing myself off the wall and taking a shaky step forwards. 
He huffs, seeming frustrated with how long it's taking me. But he doesn’t comment on it or get angry which surprises me. After all, I can’t walk because of his goddamn orders and his soldiers. 
Quaritch offers me a hand, stretching it out in front of him and opening his palm to me. 
I stare up at him, wondering whether he was serious. A gesture like that was one of the last things I expected. 
“Come on, hurry it up. I don’t have all day.” he says, urging me to take his hand and follow him. 
Quaritch did in fact have all day. He cancelled all his plans and tasks he had to complete today as Colonel so he could focus on you. While he wasn’t really sure what to expect and what to even do with you now that they had captured you, he knew he would have to devote his full attention to it. 
“This is your doing.” I say, not looking at him but at my feet so that I don’t trip. He scoffs at my words. 
I stretch out my right arm and my left follows, placing my hand into his open palm and taking another step. 
“There we go.” he coos, looking down at my legs to make sure I don’t tangle them. 
Once I’m out of the cell I stop and look around. 
“You gonna be able to speed it up? If not, I will have you put in a wheelchair.” he tells me and it starts off by sounding nice and considerate and gradually his sentence turns into a threat. As if he can’t help himself but always be a little mean. 
“I’ll be fine.” I mumble and he slightly nods before looking up at the exit doors. 
He starts walking and I’m dragged behind him. My legs suffer the first few steps but quickly adapt to the feeling of walking and soon I let go of his hand. He doesn’t react when I pull it away, he just leads the way to where we are going. I look behind us to see a person in a lab coat jogging behind us and holding a clipboard. Next to them are two soldiers with their guns aimed at me. 
I roll my eyes. If I would have wanted to kill them it would have been done by now. 
We come to the end of the hallway and Quaritch looks behind him to see how I’m doing. Then another door automatically slides open and I see a big empty room. Well, empty of people, not equipment. There are benches and monitors and in the background, I see hologram-like pictures of Jake, Neytiri, Grace, Norm, the village that was set on fire and a picture of me. Human me. I walk inside and branch off from Quaritch who is telling a human to gather his squad here. 
I stop in front of the hologram of my face. Next to it are a few other pictures of me working for the RDA. Then there is one of my Na’vi self, right next to my face. As if they were comparing the features to find out whether it was really me. 
I stare at my human form, remembering what it was like. I hadn’t seen her in years. Then again, she wasn’t who I wanted to be. I didn’t like her. She used to have bad intentions and morally messed up thoughts. She was a weapon and not an individual form of life. 
Quaritch had come up behind me, keeping a distance but looking over my shoulder at my past self. He seemed to be in deep thought. 
I was staring at a picture I completely forgot existed. I used to have it in a frame on my nightstand when I was human and working for the RDA. It was a picture Norm took of Trudy and me with her newly assigned fighter helicopter. We were both in charge of it and it was ours to take out for missions. 
She looked so happy, posing with me while we were installing the new equipment. 
That was the helicopter she died in too. We both took it out after painting it with warpaint and when the helicopter was hit, it knocked me off and I fell. The huge leaves caught me and when I looked back up in the sky, the helicopter was a flaming fireball, falling to the ground. Tears swelled in my eyes and my heart ached.
I flicked to a new picture, one taken of me and… Grace. That was when Lyle and I accompanied her to get samples from the forest. He was in the background while she and I smiled for the camera. 
I did miss her too. 
The Colonel’s breathing seems to have stopped when he saw this picture. He knew now that he was responsible for both of their deaths but I couldn’t tell whether he felt guilty or not. But something was definitely bothering him.
Suddenly, his hand reached past my body and he picked up a holo tablet. My eyes followed his hands and he gestured over to a bench. 
“Sit down here.” he says. It’s surprisingly not a stern, angry order. He’s talking to me like I’m one of his soldiers again. It warms my heart a little. But I couldn’t let it get to me. I knew they were horrible people. Worse than me. Their intentions stayed the same while mine had shifted to love Pandora. 
My gaze flickers between him, the tablet and the bench. I decide not to make this difficult because he isn’t currently being awfully rude.
I walk towards him and sit in front of him on the bench. He watches in approval but his expression stays neutral and emotionless. 
I cross my legs on the wooden seat and look up at him. The Colonel hands me the tablet and I continue examining my old self. 
Just seeing the relationship I had with them before and seeing how happy I looked before realising how fucked up the RDA’s actions were. It was weird to think that that young girl was me. Her mind seems so different to mine now. 
Quaritch is leaning against a desk, facing me and watching my reactions as I flick through the pictures. 
Then my ears twitch to a new noise of distant footsteps, laughter and voices. I keep my eyes on the tablet though, getting an odd feeling of deja-vu. 
The recoms walk in and stop at the entrance, seeing their Colonel and then …me. I’m awake and not being held down. Huh. 
“Colonel.” Lyle greets and Quaritch snaps out of his thoughts and glances at his soldiers. Quickly, he pushes himself from the desk and straightens his posture. 
He nods in their direction before they move into the room. A few of them sit down while others stand and a type of circle is formed. It’s odd that there is a structure and order in all their actions. Then again, it does seem familiar. 
I tear my eyes away from the holopad and look around. I’m still not comfortable in all of their presence. They’re bad people and I still want to go home. My ears are tipped back and I don’t look anyone in the eyes. 
Z-Dog stands close to her superior, eyeing me down. It doesn’t go unnoticed that my hands are still cuffed together. 
Lyle takes a seat next to me but he’s not in my space so I don’t react. Mansk stands opposite Zdinarsk, also watching me. Maybe they were wondering why I wasn’t completely restricted. Or maybe they were afraid they would get beaten up again. Yeah, let’s settle for that. They were afraid.
Then Ja moves next to me, sitting much closer to me than Lyle. His legs spread in a mansplaining position and his knee nudges mine.
I glare at him and remove my legs from their previous position, keeping them placed firmly next to each other and on the ground now.
He smirked at me and my reaction, his eyes twinkling as he stared into mine while keeping his leg there where it was. 
I wasn’t going to deal with his teasing so I looked straight ahead, keeping my ears flat and back. My tail flicked with irritation and I returned to look at the holopad on my lap. 
“Alright squad, listen up.” Quaritch announces, clasping his hands together and gaining everyone’s attention. Ja also stops staring at me and faces forward. 
“There’s a slight change in plan, now that we have accomplished half our mission.” he continues and people listen, occasionally nodding along. 
I scoff which his sensitive ears capture and his head turns to me. The others also watch me, waiting for their Colonel’s reaction. 
“Half the mission?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. Old Y/N is back now. My silent examining self was gone and was replaced with my attitude. 
“That’s right.” Quaritch says, becoming annoyed. He says it in a way that urges me to keep talking. 
“Wasn’t the mission to kill me?” I ask, tilting my head. He opens his mouth to reply but my curiosity gets the better of me. 
“Which reminds me, how come I’m still alive?” I continue to push, genuinely confused why they haven’t tortured and killed me yet. While I was unconscious they had the perfect opportunity to get rid of me. 
He sighs, glaring me down. 
“It was. Now, you’ve helped us realise that you can make yourself more useful to us alive rather than dead.” he snarled, his own ears tipping back. Mine, therefore, perk forward at his words. What was he talking about? It better not be sexual. If I was going to become their personal toy I might as well just kill myself. I wasn’t going to willingly experience that humiliation again, no matter how good it may feel. 
“If you’re going to use me as some kind of toy then I will make your lives hell on Pandora. I swear to god-” I start going off, words leaving my lips before I can run them through my head. 
All the soldier's attention was really peaking now. Memories of yesterday flood their minds again, reminding them of the dirty pictures you left behind in their heads.
“I was going to say you can help us learn how to be Na’vi, but since your dirty little mind can’t help itself, we can put your wish to a test.” Quaritch steps forward, continuing to glare down at me. I hear Ja and Lyle both chuckle next to me as I try to keep my composure. 
Quaritch raises an eyebrow and I look away in defeat. There was once again too much attention on me. I couldn’t handle it and I didn’t want to be blushing in front of them. I needed to gain or regain a good image.
“You gonna cooperate and teach us your damned language?” he asks and I huff before nodding. Pfft, ‘damned’ language. I’ve grown to prefer Na’vi over English.
“Words, sweetheart.” the Colonel says and I look up again. 
“Yes.” The words softly leave my mouth, my voice much quieter. He smirks evilly, enjoying how he was able to make me fall back in line. Especially after I proved how much I was to handle. 
“Alright then. Ms L/N, the board is yours.” Quaritch says, moving to the side for me to get up. I sigh, making sure they know I’m not happy doing this before getting up with the holopad and walking to the desk the Colonel was leaning against before. 
“Anyone who isn’t part of this mission leaves now.” Quaritch orders and a few humans who were hanging around the entry door turned to leave. 
Z-Dog got up too. She was part of this mission but she was working with Walker, Zhang, Warren and a few other soldiers who didn’t witness the unholy events that occurred the day before. 
She walked out, closing the door behind her. The room had windows which connected to the hallway so we could still see the rest of the workforce passing our room. 
Then the attention was back on me. Everyone was sitting now except for me and Quaritch. 
“What do you want me to explain?” I ask, feeling clueless. Did they want me to recite the Na’vi alphabet to them or sing them children's songs?
“Whatever you deem as important.” Miles said but I just blankly stared at him. 
“This is bullshit.” I say, hating that I had to do this. Prager and Mansk chuckled while Fike and Lopez exchanged looks. Brown kept his focus on me, not seeming fazed by the behaviour of his colleagues.  
“Don’t push it.” Quaritch warned and Lyle grinned. 
“Can you at least undo these?” I ask, holding up my cuffed wrists. 
“If you give us a good lesson, I’ll consider it.” he smirks, crossing his arms in front of his chest while shifting his weight from one leg to another and I huff. 
“Fine.” I mumble. “Are you even getting paid for this?” I then ask, curiously. 
Quaritch lets out a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“We’ve been given a second chance at life Y/N, we don’t expect money after that.” He snarls. 
“Seems like you’re kind of throwing that opportunity away.” I say looking away, reflecting on how they are doing exactly what got them killed last time. 
“Start explaining some shit before I throw you back in that cell.” Quaritch threatens me, raising his voice and I flinch a little.
I start explaining basic things like greetings and the hand gestures one does. 
“Can you write it down?” Lyle asks after a while and I pause. I don’t know whether his question was genuine because I didn’t expect them to actually want to learn any of this. 
“Yeah, but you won’t be able to read it. The letters don’t look anything like your ones.” I say and continue telling them about anything I think is valid. 
That’s something along the lines of “If you see the fruit with a red stem and purple bud, you can eat it but make sure the petals around it are yellow and not grey.” Or “Animals on Pandora are not there for our use. They live among the people and share our home.” 
I was now leaning against the desk myself, feeling a little more comfortable talking until I noticed something new. 
Eventually, the attention seems to leave what I am saying and focuses on my body. I notice a few eyes staring at my chest and waist and it irritates me. Quaritch him fucking self is looking me over even though he is the one that asked me to teach them. 
I start saying something about the culture and clothing until Lopez interrupts. 
“Did she not get a bra?” he asks Brown who is sitting next to him. Ja grins, his eyes shameless staring at my chest. 
I look down to see that my nipples are visible through the fabric. It wouldn’t bother me, given the fact that the chest piece I usually wore would often slip and even reveal my bare chest. But in their presence and with their predatory eyes, it seemed to have a different effect on me. 
Lyle turns to Mansk and Ja. ”Didn’t give ‘er any panties either.” he grins and immediately I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Their laughter makes me feel helpless and ashamed for something I am not responsible for. 
“Hey Y/N, how do you say ‘panties’ in Na’vi?” Fike calls out in a teasing way, nudging Prager in the shoulder. 
My ears strain as far back as possible. “You don’t.” I snarl, my tail wrapping around my leg. The word didn’t exist and it didn’t need to.
“How ‘bout ‘flustered’?” Mansk asks, leaning forward and grinning. My head snaps to him.  Shit, were my cheeks really visibly red? I don’t respond to that because I know they aren’t even genuine questions. They’re just trying to embarrass me and have their fun. 
“Can you explain how mating works?” Lyle asks, not letting it be. I want to be engulfed by the ground when I hear his question. I swallow nervously, fiddling with my restricted hands and glancing at Quaritch. I hope to see a disappointed or angry look on his face caused by the behaviour of his soldiers but he is just staring right back at me, not a hint of emotion on his face other than slight amusement. The comments and questions don’t faze him and he has no problem with what is being said. 
That makes my blood boil. 
Lyle is still looking at me, awaiting an answer and so are the others now too. 
“It’s not that different.” I say, my voice breaking and the words almost turning into a whisper. 
“A little louder, baby.” Ja says, leaning forward on his legs and resting his chin in one of his palms. 
He smiles, pretending that his teasing had no bad intentions and was completely innocent. I knew damn well it wasn’t and their minds were filthier than my one could ever be. 
He seems to be having a good time. That’s a strong contrast to how I’m feeling. 
“It’s not that different.” I repeat, listening to them and speaking up. Lopez chuckles while Ja’s smirk turns into a shit-eating grin. 
“Different from what?” Lyle asks, standing up now and slowly walking up to me. “From how we fucked you dumb yesterday?” 
My eyes go wide at his bold words and I stare at him in disbelief. I open my mouth to try and reply but let’s be honest here, how the fuck does one respond to that?
“Huh?” he asks, not dropping it. He’s standing right in front of me, towering over me even though we’re both Na’vi. 
“Move out the fuckin way, man. Can’t see shit.” Brown calls out and Lyle grins. 
Lyle moves to the side and his hand comes up to grab my face. I flinch away and move away from his hands but he grabs me by the arm and grips my jaw tighter between his hand this time, making me look up at the other soldiers. 
“Look at how shy she’s gettin’.” he laughs when I refuse to look at anyone and just close my eyes or stare up at the ceiling. “Aww, come on baby it’s okay. We’ve seen more than this.” he coos, mocking me and I whine, trying to move away, hoping he would let go of me. 
“That’s enough.” I hear Quaritch’s stern voice almost shout from the other side of the room. Lyle lets go of my face and I drop my head down, sighing in relief. 
When I glance at the Colonel, he’s saying something to Prager who then gets up and heads over to the windows. 
Quaritch calmly makes his way over to me and I can feel the energy of authority he carries. It has Lyle taking a safe step back, distancing himself from me.
I can make out that Prager is pulling down the blinds on the windows from the corner of my eye but the realisation is subconscious. I’m too distracted watching the Colonel walk over to me with an unreadable look on his face. Even though I don’t work under his command anymore, he still remains so unbearably intimidating.
“Sit down.” he orders and Lyle nods, returning to his seat in a few quick strides. Prager also sat back down now and the room seems more enclosed with the windows not being seen. 
He comes up to stand next to me and sends a harsh glare to his recoms. 
“Leave the poor lady alone.” he says, turning to face them and placing a hand on my shoulder. It’s still bigger than my hands and almost engulfs my entire shoulder. 
“She’s tryin’ to help us and teach us what we need to know and all you lot can do is tease ‘er.” he continues lecturing his team. My eyes widen and I look up at him but his eyes remain fixed on his soldiers. Some of them are looking at the ground or at their hands with their grins wiped clean off their faces. 
“Look at the poor thing, you’ve embarrassed her. She can’t even look us in the eye now.” The Colonel continues. 
Wow. My mind was blown. Quaritch was standing up for me. Why though? He didn’t seem to care earlier.
Finally, the teasing ended and they were told off for it. I couldn’t believe it was happening. It seemed almost too good to be true. 
I was distracted by my thoughts, wondering why he chose to save me now. His words faded from my hearing slightly as I fought back a smile. 
“Give me your hands, sweetheart.” He finally spoke, looking down at me. His voice was a little softer but his face was still neutral. I was hoping for an apologetic look but he didn’t give me one. I brushed it off, holding my locked up hands to him. He held them and opened the handcuffs, sliding them into the pocket of his cammies. 
I rubbed my wrists which had marks on the skin from the cuffs. 
Quaritch turned back to his soldiers while I stood next to him, my tail swaying from side to side now. 
“If you ever speak to her like that again, we’re going to have a problem.” he continued and my heart fluttered at his words. I was saved. 
“You’re never going to touch her like that again either, understood?” he added and I looked to see whether he was looking at Lyle because Lyle had just had a tight grip on me, but he wasn’t. Quaritch was looking at everyone which meant he was referring to past events. My tail stopped moving. Why did he have to bring that up again?
“And if you think you’re ever gonna get to see her like that again,” he spoke and I grimaced slightly, wondering what the point of his mentioning all this was again. “...then you ain’t that wrong.” 
My heart stopped and I froze completely. What did he just say…?
I was in the motion of looking up but my movements stopped when his rough hand attached itself to the hem of my tank top and it was swiftly pulled up and over my chest. 
I gasp, my eyes shooting wide open again as I go to cover my bare chest. The fabric pooled above my breasts and my hands flew to pull it down but just as they reached up, the same hand that pulled up the cloth, caught both my hands and held them in the air. 
I glanced at Quaritch in disbelief and he had an evil smirk on his lips. His other hand curled around the bunched-up top and pulled it over my head. 
I struggled in his grip, trying to free myself but it was absolutely no use. 
The soldiers had meanwhile all looked up and their eyes were blown wide. They weren’t expecting Quaritch to do that but they sure as hell weren’t complaining. 
“This,” he snarls, throwing the tank top behind him “this,” Quaritch reaches down to my shorts and since there is no belt to properly hold them up, he pulls them down my legs and kicks them away. 
I’m completely bare and I put on leg infront of the other, raising it a little to cover myself in any way possible. His hand then holds my face similar to the way Lyle did before. 
“And this,” he makes me look up at his soldiers again, some of who’m are grinning. “...is mine.” 
I whimper, tears filling my eyes as complete and utter embarrassment and shame flood my senses. 
“Don’t cry baby, they’ve seen you like this before.” Quaritch cooed, wiping a tear from my cheek but more hot tears spilt down my flushed skin. 
“This isn’t- fair.” I sob. Yes, his and the recom’s presence had me feeling excited because they all looked so damn good. I also happened to have slept with all of them more or less so of course I would be a little attracted to them. But now, it seemed as though he knew that very well and Quaritch always managed to use the situation to his advantage. 
“Never said it would be, sweet’eart.” he said, grinning. He let my arms go and I curled them around my body, managing to hide myself for a few seconds. Then I was picked up and placed onto the desk which to Quaritch’s delight was at about waist height. The room was built for Na’vi-sized soldiers, not humans. It came in handy. 
I was placed on the desk, facing the others and Quaritch was standing to my right, scanning over my bare body. I instinctively crossed my legs over each other and watched his ears tip back when he saw the movements. 
“You either open ‘em now or I’ll do it for you. What’s it gonna be?” he said, looking into my eyes now. 
My ears are already strained all the way back and I bare my fang at him, hissing. I hated him for this. I hated the effect he had on me and how he knew exactly what to do and when to do it. I also knew I stood no chance and it made me hate him even more. 
“Alright then.” he chuckled darkly, harshly grabbing my knees with both his hands and forcing my legs open. I leaned forward trying to curl myself over my body but he placed one hand on my chest and pushed me all the way back. 
I lay on the desk, my head hanging off the other side with my legs opened in front of eight men whose hungry eyes were devouring the sight. I heard a groan which definitely did not come from Quaritch and I covered my hot face with my sweaty palms. 
Quaritch smirked, holding my legs in place before one of his hands starts to rub my pussy. 
A dark chuckle left his throat. “I thought you weren’t enjoying this Y/N.” 
The teasing never stopped. He glided his fingers through my shamefully slick folds and then pushed a finger into me. When he pulled it out, he held it up for the others to see too. 
Lyle muttered something which I didn’t understand but it made the Colonel grin. 
“Can’t get enough, huh, you little vixen?” Quaritch said, lightly slapping my pussy. I cried out, flinching away from his touch and biting my fist. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” Ja mumbled, adjusting his pants. “Colonel, can I-” he started saying but was cut off. 
“Forget it.” Quaritch snarled, almost hissing at Ja who leaned back on his deck and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“You had your goddamn turn.” Miles adds, focusing his attention back on me. He pushed two fingers in and I whined. 
“Please- it hurts.” I say, the plea being meant to ask him to stop. I was sore from yesterday but he interpreted it differently.
“You have it that bad, baby?” he scoffed, pushing his fingers back in. I gasped, trying to move away but I would just fall from the desk. 
“No.” I cry out. “I can’t- do this. It still-” 
“Shhh.” he hushed me, losing his tight grip and closing my legs. His hand rubbed my thigh in an oddly comforting way. He traced a tattoo on my hip that I got before joining the Marines. It made him smile. A part of old me would always be there. It marked me as a Sky Person which amused the Colonel. 
He moved around the desk, now no longer standing in front of it but on the side. He pulled me up by my hips and moved me so that I was laying in front of him again. 
The others were seeing me from the side, all of them sitting and watching intently on my right. 
“You’ll be fine.” he said, but it was not reassuring to me. He said it as if he were waving my worries off. With the way he was looking at me, it seemed he was too distracted to properly even process my words. 
He pulled my legs up and open again, tracing a hand down my thigh as he stared down at my glistening heat. 
I wasn’t sure whether it hurt because of yesterday or whether I was feeling that needy, but my question was soon to be answered. 
He let me go and started undoing his pants. I bent my legs and tried to cover myself in any way possible but it didn’t even make sense to me anymore. I was completely naked in front of them all once again and covering myself with my hands is pointless. 
Quaritch had meanwhile undone his pants and pulled them down just enough so that his dick was out. I looked up at him and saw it. Fuck, this was going to hurt. He was big too. 
I covered my face again, trying to turn to the side and away from the unwanted audience but he flipped me back on my back.
The hard desk beneath me was uncomfortable for my tail. 
Quaritch pulled my hips closer to his and my legs were placed on his shoulders. I didn’t even fight it anymore. Even if I would kick him in the face, I would have to knock out another 7 soldiers to get away and then figure out how to get out of this building with others around. It wouldn’t work. I was too out of it to be able to think properly. I just wanted to be curled up in a ball and covered.
As attracted as I was to everyone in the room, I was most definitely not used to this much attention and it was shockingly overwhelming. 
“Beg for it, baby. Then I promise to make you feel good.” Quaritch teased, his tail amusedly swaying behind him. 
No fucking way was I doing that. 
“Fuck you.” I snarl, glaring at him and trying to remove a leg from his shoulder but he held it in place. A few chuckles erupted from the soldiers seated. 
“The sooner you beg, the sooner this will be over, sweetheart. I can have you layin’ here like this all day.” he adds, grinning down at me while his hand glides up and down my leg. 
I groan out in frustration, my tail thudding against the desk. I stay quiet for a while, wondering whether he will give up but he doesn’t. Quaritch raises a challenging eyebrow and I huff. There was no good way out of this for me.
“Please.” I whisper, still covering my face. 
“Louder.” Quaritch says, removing the hands from my flushed face.
“Please.” I repeat so that everyone can hear it. 
“Please, what?” he grins, licking over his fangs and resting the side of his head on my calf that was on his shoulder.
I gulp, wanting to kill him for the words I was about to say. 
“Please fuck me.” I whine, covering my mouth again as soon as the words leave my lips. 
He chuckles.”Why didn’t ya just say so?”
Quaritch presses the tip of his dick against my entrance and I tense up, unsure of how it will feel. 
Almost instantly, his hips snap forward and he’s pushing all of himself into me at once. 
I cry out, fresh tears forming in the corners of my eyes. My hands grip the sides of the desk when I feel his abdomen press against my ass. He’s bottomed me out. 
The belly bulge they pointed out last time had formed again and Quaritch peered down at it. God, did it raise his ego to be this big. 
“Fuck-” I swear, whining out and clenching my eyes closed. 
“You okay?” Quaritch asks with a hint of worry. His words surprise me. 
“Hurts...” I whimper, biting my lip while my chest heaves. 
He doesn’t move for a while, he just traces patterns on my skin until my face is no longer contorted in discomfort. 
“It’ll get better.” he hushes my small cry and pulls out, before gently letting himself be engulfed again. He exhales shakily, his own needs finally being heard. 
Before being able to complain or do anything else, he pulls out again and I’m flipped over. My chest presses into the cool material of the desk and my hips are now hanging off the edge while my toes barely touch the ground. 
Miles almost immediately thrusts back inside and I arch my back, leaning on my forearms now. My teeth are clenched and I hiss at the feeling of the new angle. 
He thrusts into me with precise and strong strokes before he stills and I feel a hand wrap around my braid. My eyes shoot open and I tense up again. I feel him run his hand down it before picking up the tip. 
“No!” I shout, trying to turn around. “No- don’t do that.”
He holds me down by placing his hand on my back. 
“Why not?” he teased, examining my queue. I notice that everyone is watching the small strings of nerves move around in my braid.  
“It can’t be undone. It’s for life. Don’t you dare.” I threaten him, looking over my shoulder and snarling the words at him. 
“Do you have some boyfriend you’ve done it with?” he asks mockingly, wondering whether I was perhaps already mated. I let my head drop down and into my arm. “Does he fuck this pussy as good as me?”
“No.” I mumble, but he hears it. It answered both questions. 
The answer is like music to his ears. 
“Don’t you wanna try it? I am the reason you’re alive after all.” he says, trying to hit me with some of his twisted words of truth. Then again, he was also the reason I was captured here. 
I don’t answer because I’m rethinking my choices. I did meet a nice Na’vi man once, but as soon as he found out I used to be human. That ended it. It would always ruin any chance I would get. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea?
My silence shows Quaritch that I’m not protesting, so he doesn’t wait any longer. 
He pulls his own braid over his shoulder and pinches the base of both out queues. I flinch and look over my shoulder, in anticipation of what is to come. 
He held our queues together and the strings created a bond, shining a small white light before becoming one stable string. Both our pupils were blown wide as our senses were flooded with the feeling of being connected to each other. My eyes fluttered closed a little when I felt his arousal and he growled, grasping my hips before setting a pace again. 
Quaritch was thrusting into me, hitting all spots inside me and showing attention to my body. He could now feel what felt good for me and focused on that. 
My tail curled upwards and I stretched my arms out in front of me, pushing back against Miles. 
He was being filled with the need to deeply breed me. Something he had never thought of before. He needed to fill me up with his cum until it was seeping out of my pussy and I couldn’t take anymore. 
Never again was anyone except for him going to touch you. You were his now. 
I bit my lip and with the next thrust, I moaned. He felt so good it was making my mind fuzzy. 
He grinned, while breathlessly panting a little. Miles stabilised himself by holding my hips and one of his hands wrapped itself around my tail and tugging me back with every thrust. 
“Shit.” I cursed, balling my fists up before pressing my chest off the desk again and arching my back while leaning against my forearms. 
“That’s it. Take it baby.” Miles hisses between clenched teeth. His hips were starting to stutter every few thrusts and I knew he was as close as I was. My tail wrapped around the arm holding it and I let my head fall back, not caring about how exposed I was to the rest of the soldiers. 
They were mesmerised by the sight before them and I couldn’t even focus on anything else except the way Miles was fucking me into the desk. 
His hand reached back and he delivered a stinging spank to my ass, making me cry out again. 
“That’s for being such a pain in the ass.” he chuckled before picking up his speed and making the desk wobble. My mouth is hanging open in pleasure and not a proper thought is able to reach my mind at this instant. 
“I’m gonna fill you up now and you’re going to take it all.” He growled, leaning forwards and placing his outstretched arms on either side of my back while his hips continued to rut inside me. His fangs were bared as the primal instincts shone through both of our bodies.
I quickly nodded, needing to feel him do that otherwise I would explode. 
Within the next few seconds, he thrust so hard that it pushed me over the edge. My whole body tensed and I clenched around him. Miles’ hips stilled and he buried himself as deep inside me as he could before releasing his load into my throbbing pussy. 
“Fuck.” he moaned while white waves of pleasure shot through our bodies. It was twice as intense because I felt my orgasm along with his. 
Our bodies relaxed against each other and I panted against the desk, dropping my head down again. 
He was leaning against my angled hips and soon enough our tsaheylu’s bond disconnected and my braid fell onto my back. It was done. We were mated for life. The realisation hit me only now and I didn’t know how to feel about it. 
Miles slowly straightened his posture and pulled out, tucking himself back into his pants before watching his cum flow out of my pussy. The sight was one of the best things he had seen in years. 
When he looked at my limp body, he felt guilty for his actions and for forcing himself onto me. 
“Give me that.” he ordered Mansk to give him my shorts and top. 
I was lifted and re-dressed by Miles. My eyes scanned the room and I felt slightly ashamed. I looked down, my ears tipped back again, showing my discomfort. 
Quaritch noticed it and stopped. He didn’t quite know how to make me feel better but he wasn’t going to let anyone else comfort me.
“I’m sorry.” he spoke softly, his gaze no longer intimidating me. 
I hesitate to answer. “It’s okay.” I reply, even though I’m not sure it is. We were mated for life. I didn’t know what would happen now. 
He smiled at my words but he could tell I wasn’t sure of them either. 
“Dismissed.” he announces to his squad. “Go deal with yourselves.” 
They all stood up, some grinning and looking at me before adjusting their pants a little and leaving. 
The door closes behind them.
“It’ll all get better soon.” Miles says, placing a hand on my back in comfort. I look up at him, wondering what he means. But he as well isn’t sure of his words.
I nod and he embraces me. Something we have never done before. I had my head pressed against his chest while his arms cradled my upper body. 
“Let me take care of you baby.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my head. The gesture makes me melt and I lean further into him, accepting his offer. 
(please don't ask me to make part 3.I have no ideas for that and I promise I have so many more story ideas coming)
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@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lovekeeho   @luciddasherer @misscaller06 @clora95  @mxddymay @nanamislut321 @dangerslutx @ndjhs7 @winxschester
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