#this too shall pass this too shall pass etc
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tiredlinguist · 3 months ago
save me 3 hours of making a dr who edit and eating a stroopwafel
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wolfythewitch · 7 months ago
In light of the account hacking adventures, I gotta say, your life is fascinating, but in the way that "may you live in interesting times" is an threat 😂
I need to treat every bad thing that happens to me with lighthearted comedy and magnanimous amounts of It Is What It Is, otherwise I lose the will to live
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nikoisme · 6 months ago
You know you're cooked when you start going "okay i'll study this before i leave for school, and i'll study this on the way to school, and i'll study this during lunch break, and-"
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neallo · 5 months ago
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actualbird · 1 year ago
life's not been good lately. ive been beset by a cacophony of Ails (constant fatigue and exhaustion to the point of being bedridden for most of the day, constant nausea, headaches, shoulder (???) aches, skin rashes (why???? ;-;), irritability, did i mention the exhaustion....) but im like 99% sure it's all just caused by stress so theres rlly nothing much i can do but wait til life gets Less Stressful.
still, it's heavily debilitating. like, here is list of things overwhelming me to tears just this morning
eating breakfast (it's so hard. it's so hard to eat. i know i must, but it's so difficult)
drinking water (it makes me wanna throw up for some reason)
noises and sounds (the house phone rang awhile ago and my heart rate kicked up so panicked as if i was being chased by an axe murderer. my sister spoke to me awhile ago and i wanted to burst into tears because even verbal conversation feels like an insurmountable task rn)
notifs from Everywhere (discord, here, my work grp chats, twitter, my tumblr inbox oh god im so sorry about my inbox so many asks are piling up and im not ignoring you guys i promise im just gonna break down if i try to even read what you guys are sending in)
standing (it makes me lightheaded and dizzy and makes me wanna throw up) (sidenote: wow a lot of things make me wanna throw up these days JS;FKDNS;DKF)
sleeping (I FIGURED THIS SHOULD BE EASY, GIVEN HOW EXHAUSTED I AM, BUT IT'S NOT. IM BAD AT SLEEPING NOW, WHY????? i lay in bed and my breathing is so quick like there is Something Hunting Me Down and it takes me hours to finally sleep and when i Do sleep it's not even Good, i still feel like CRAP)
touch (nobody touch me oh god i will scream. the only exception to this is my cat because he is very soft)
in summary: world overwhelming. help. i hate this. it's been like this for over a week. i want to hide under a blanket or perhaps a burrow in the ground. i want to be like this
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nerdnag · 11 months ago
I've literally had back-to-back meetings from 8 AM to 6 PM today. My "lunch break" was 10 minutes of hastily shoving sustenance into my mouth while I prepared for one of the meetings.
I've had ten meetings in one day. Ten.
And now, to work on my thesis...
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commander-diomika · 10 months ago
I am not currently living my best hank life but I stay silly
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catboygirljoker · 2 months ago
augnggghghg bear with me my brain is fully imploding 👍
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not-equippedforthis · 7 months ago
6, 10 & 29? :)
6 - 3 nice things about myself, non-physical and physical. i'll do three each! since i'm trying to be nicer to myself!
- i got glasses the other day and i think they look adorable, i love how they look on me
- i think my eyes are my prettiest facial feature, they're blue and quite round and i like how i do my eye makeup too (rose pink eyeshadow + small black eyeliner makes them stand out nicely and that's usually what people compliment :])
- i generally like my body shape. i'm working out more too and seeing myself become more flexible and toned is actually really satisfying
- i always try and include everyone in conversation or ask them what they were going to say if they were cut off since i know what it feels like to be excluded/feel like youre the tag-along in a friend group, or be nervous to join in
- i'm good at a range of subjects and tasks and i'm good at picking new things up quickly: new hobby every week core
- i'm a pessimist at heart but i try and make light of situations, since i know that also picks other people up (my mum always makes the worst out of things and it drags my mood down a lot so i try and be as forgiving and optimistic as possible - honestly, a lot of bad situations can be made funny with the right people and mindset. obviously sometimes frustration is warranted and unavoidable, but there's almost always a way out! having it start raining and immediately hear someone complaining for 10 minutes is kinda unecessary imo. enjoy yourself!! its fine!!)
10 - something i'm excited for
well, my friend and i are planning to go on a road trip up to scotland or somewhere similar once we get our drivers licenses and go sight-seeing! we were thinking february next year but we're still deciding
im also gonna try and bake some bread, so im happy for that :] i already bake a lot so i figured id try. also watching stuff rise is fun
29 - morning, afternoon or night
this depends heavily, but for me i stay up at night cause i want to avoid the next day and its the one of the only times its quiet, and the afternoon is a weird spot for me. i'm not really a morning person but i appreciate the morning? the sun's rising and there's still time and everything's peaceful for a little while. so i think morning.
thank you for the ask!! <33
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liuisi · 4 months ago
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nowendil · 6 months ago
#sorry to vent post yet again the pms is pms-ing. i am ultimately in the end ok and this too shall pass etc#cw pet death#UNNA IS FINE no worries#i just. i just really miss Pulmu. my baby my sweet old lady. jesus fucking christ#i just. idk i still hold a lot of regret over her last months. i loved her so much I DID but no amount of love#and money and guilt and open mouth sobbing could make her not Old and Sick.#i just refused to see that because i wanted her to be alright so badly#i feel so bad about letting my feelings go over her comfort. i'm so sorry baby i shouldnt have hung on to you as long as i did#of i could change one thing about the whole of world's history it would be that. so you wouldnt have to die scared in a hospital#but i cant do that. i just have to live with the memory#usually i try not to be too hard on myself about it. first of all because beating myself up about it doesnt change anything#and also because i recognize that i was profoundly mentally ill about the whole thing. (not joking)#like i genuinely dont think i have ever felt and been worse than i did when Pulmu was old and sick. i wasnt thinking clearly.#i should have been but i wasnt.#it has been 1 year and about 8 months since her passing and still sometimes i dont know what the hell to do with all that grief#some days i'm completely fine and i can talk about her without problems. and some days i sob into my pillow feeling like i just got shot#ah well. nothing to it but to keep on trucking#i hope she's fine wherever she is.
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shakeskp · 10 months ago
Today I've been very brave and I said no to translating a book I really really really wanted to translate, because the pay is more than terrible, and I'm a reasonable adult with bills and stuff, and also I have a minimum of respect for my 12 years of professional translation
But my heart is breaking a bit
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continuousmeowing · 1 year ago
god i wish i had been born a boy
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aldieb · 1 year ago
anxiety mantra “i’m in the right place doing the right thing and i just need to keep doing it.” on account of i absolutely cannot fall into the “my nervous system freaking out MUST mean something about my emotions and surroundings so i have to change things RIGHT NOW” pit this time
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tatter-demalion · 1 year ago
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a bit; January's been a rough month. Here's hoping it improves and I get my energy back!
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ct-hardcase · 1 year ago
ughhh I'm at this place rn with a current workout where if I do a weight that's too heavy my technique suffers but if I choose the lighter weight and do the correct technique I don't feel the burn as much so either way I feel like I didn't do enough
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