#this too is my angelsona
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coastalmangoes · 6 months ago
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I promise you
We will make it out of here
(I will carry your heart in my teeth if I have to)
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nerochinchin · 4 months ago
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i like you way too much!!!
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tee-hee-heidi · 8 months ago
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I had… a complicated experience with birth control but my period-induced mood swings have become unmanageable lately so I’m giving the magic pill another chance.
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lumiphobia · 1 year ago
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I made a Hazbin Sona. They are an Angel/Winner and Married to Adam...like the 1st man Adam. :') I love him, and It totally has nothing to do with him being voiced by Alex Brightman.
Info Dump under
Name: Bambi (Jamie Dewitt) Age: Early 30s Pronouns: She/They Height: 5'4 Species: Angel/Winner (Formally Human) Year of Death: ???? Cause of death: Murder About living life: She doesn't remember alot about her living life. All she remembers that she was married to another man (Who is not in heaven) and She didn't have children but had 3 dogs. About heaven life: She got the name Bambi since she was horrible w/ her wings for a looooong time and it made her look like a new born deer. She laughed off a lot of her falling and crashing;; She tried her best not to be embarrassed. She makes alot of bell sounds.... She's in Heaven. Not alot going on lol. Trivia: - Bambi makes bell sounds when she is excited or she crashes. - In Heaven she doesn't need to wear glasses but she wore them in life. - Bambi's 3 dogs were named: Rose, Artemis and Pearl. - She died before her dogs. - She doesn't remember her life but Adam knows and doesn't tell her. - She loves cooking and gift giving - Bambi doesn't have ANY friends or family from her living life in Heaven. - She was a Vegetarian. - I have made 2 different story lines for her. 1. Where Adam becomes a Sinner after he's killed and 2. Adam is DEAD-dead and She stays in hell to help Charlie w/ her project and gets close w/ Lucifer ( He got 2/3 wives might as well take the last one as well lol)
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technically-a-tangerine · 3 months ago
@kimthemangoguy @leaf-dave @trans-rights-coastalmangoes
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Stephanie Valentin: ’fathom’ Series (2004)
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cloudjumpervalka · 2 months ago
i lost my favorite comfort necklace for social stuff :^( like its 100% somewhere in our house but like. we looked everywhere and cannot find it.
i already went hunting for a replacement and i think i found a similar enough pendant ? but you know the second i make the replacement its gonna show up fjdbfkdb
if anyones curious, these are the only photos i can easily find of it, but its just a little malachite point on a cord 😭
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cometcrystal · 5 months ago
I haven't seen the Terrifier movies & don't intend to (the gore is too much for me) but I've read the plot summaries for all 3 and I'm fascinated by how they seem like something you'd make as a teen & I mean that as a good thing. Like how ppl say Jupiter Ascending is a teen girl's fantasy romance fanfic as a movie & that's what makes it so fun.
Like the first Terrifier film is this wacky gory killer clown slasher & the sequels give it this expanded story of a girl destined to be the clown's warrior princess adversary. I read that the director had the idea of Art fighting an angel warrior girl very early on, way before the first film even. And it all just feels very sincere....like "yeah I wanna make this black comedy splatterfest but there's also angel warriors and demons cause those are fucking cool". Like the director is just giving his full creative vision in this very sincere way, like he's making the stuff he wants to see. Something like that
(apologies if this is too rambly my edible is kicking in but I hope it makes sense)
RIGHT!!!!!!!! i was literally about to make a post about how the terrifier movies are 100% just cool and edgy shit for the same of being cool and edgy. and it totally works
the first movie is def more on the edgy side. it's prob my least favorite out of the bunch, but it's still a fun watch for the most part. except for the bathroom shit scene. GAGS
the 2nd one is extremely cool like yeah sienna is fated to fight art. and also her dad created her an angelsona and she gets to dress up as that angelsona and she has a sick as fuck magic sword and she's The Chosen one. and it's sick as fuck bro. in the 3rd one she wears a CROWN OF THORNS for an extended period of time. SICK AS FUCK!!! HELL YES SHE'S THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
and on top of that you get some really fucking awesome practical effects. the kills are SOOOO fun and the actor for art is so expressive and talented he really sells all this.
@ everyone who complains about these movies literally just shut up and enjoy the nightcore.....sorry you dont wanna play in this space where a girl gets to be an awesome angel warrior and fight an evil clown
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billiejams · 3 years ago
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mail’s here! :)
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coastal-mangos · 2 months ago
thanks for the tag!!! me and my guys have all been watching different things so i'll just the most recent stuff i can remember lolol
last song: No Hay Problema by Ed Maverick (massive vash x livio vibes to us bc we have rotated these two to hell and back)
fave color: that thing between yellow and orange my beloved <3
last book: currently halfway through hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy!! last completed book was probably This Is How You Lose The Time War though
last movie: uhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (genuinely can't remember. I'd like to recommend Soulmate (2023) which was quietly one of the best films i have ever seen. yuri........)
Last show: See You in my 19th Life! Not sure if i like it! watched the first episode though and am generally a sucker for reincarnation narratives but perhaps too hetero (male&female leads get together bc of course they do, not bc they have an interesting dynamic or chemistry or anything)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: none. sour. gimme
Relationship status: partnered!! in ltr of 6 years
Last thing I searched: no hay problema lololol i looked it up just to have something to put on this list
Current Obsession: uh i am one of the severely trigun autistic guys. Correction: i am THE severely trigun autistic guy in our system. The other guys arent as autistic abt it as me. Besides that we've all been getting into angels recently!!! (ask us abt our angelsonas plsplspls)
Looking forward to: i get to celebrate Hanukkah this year!!! Also we're considering getting a loom so maybe we can start weaving stuff aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@soiledreverence @checkadii @latenightfoxhunt @lirerq @of-galaxies-and-black-holes @vitariesocks @gammagroove @midibee @ssunfl-wers @callings
Ten People I’d Like to Get to Know Better
tagged by: @orphiclovers
last song: It’s all been Christmas retail crap or if you count the radio on the drive home playing Avril Lavigne
fav color: this pale seafoam green for things or white for clothes
last book: Eclipse by Wilder (poetry)
last movie: Deadpool & Wolverine
last show: N/A
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet and savory 
relationship status: 4 people proposed to me this year. 1 meant it fr 🥹 (engaged irl) otherwise I have a harem on AO3 going.
last thing i googled: how big is a wintermelon?
current obsession: cooking and Infinity Nikki
looking forward to: I’m planning a road trip with the girls later this week!!
Tagging: @auuwmk, @ssunfish, @ajhaijma, @stoneclaw, @quiteboared, @kiwiandmint, @dgeneralacc, @rex44201, @readingdreaming4951, @thottykunikida
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s0kkix · 2 years ago
here i go loredumping about my OCs cus i am extremely attached to them all.
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these are the seraphim, (excuse the unfinished pieces) the highest order of angels, and also the oldest, created in god's love for the humanity.
additional info: god in the bad blessings universe isn't any sort of an ultimate creator, but rather just an old lord of the daytime who was amazed by the humans and what they could do. got attached, you might say
the very first angel (which i jokingly call god's angelsona) was created as a way for god to observe the humans at all times, and also as a way for god to unleash a newly found creativity humans have invoked within them. they were named azariel (waters of the earth), and created from a handful of earthly water. as they are part-principality, a protector, god titled them the seraph-protector of the earth.
god's second ever angel was seraphiel, the seraph of prayer, created at the time totemism was most prevalent amongst humans. their job was to come up with and whisper prayers to humans, so that they'd know what to say when asking god for help (allegedly, god and satan are just beliefs and neither hell or heaven have any effect on the human world).
unlike his older siblings, metatron was modelled after a human not just externally, but internally as well, to symbolise his closeness to humanity, of course, by god's design. he was created during the times of ancient civilizations appearing, and represents human faith in a higher force or being. god tried doing everything just to make him a perfect angel. he even became the beauty standard for angels regardless of expression (gender, angels and demons are genderless and sexless) much later in history. unfortunately for god, heaven, and the entirety of the bad blessings universe, humanity started using religion as an excuse for... you know already. and metatron, representing them, had to follow along.
the rest is way too big of a spoiler for the entire plot, so here's what im setting out there for now!!
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aziraphales-library · 5 years ago
Lost Fic Post #4
1.  Hi all! I'm looking for a short(ish) story where Crowley is a twitch streamer. He makes it so he has a sore throat and Aziraphale has to take over. He ends up playing Untitled Goose Game, and of course the people watching love it (and him.) And that's about the whole story- can you find it for me? ~anon
2.  ive asked thus 2 times before but idk why you never get my ask but pleeaassee help me find this wip (or at least it was) college au where only aziraphale goes to college and his new roommate takes him to a rock concert where crowley is the lead singer and they meet backstage, and then they meet again at a plant store i think. thanks! i love your account :)) ~ @ineffablestarkvers
3.  Hey dp you know any fics where crowley is performing miracles as part of the arrangement and makes up raphael on the spot as cover for "ah yes i am an angel. What angel you ask? Ummm" but like he wasnt actually raphael before the fall its just his angelsona ~anon
4.  Uh, there's a fic I'm trying to find, idk where it's from. But I think maybe Sandalphon was going to hurt Aziraphale and Crowley made a black hole... I kinda remember a line that was like "You wanted to know why I could stop time.." or something like that I think Crowley was a seraph too? But I could be getting fics confused ~ @gayparkranger
5.  hello! i'd like to find a nsfw fic where crowley is trapped behind a barrier watching aziraphale masturbate. could you help me? ~anon
Please use the number in your response if you know of the fic!
~Mod P
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sporesgalaxy · 6 years ago
all this good omens is making me wonder if you've ever thought about an angelsona? or maybe if you're like a demon, a demonsona?? :0
believe it or not I actually shot myself down when the idea popped into my head the other day BUT IF YOU INSIST
I can make gremlin ocs and talk about being chaotic all day but I am ultimately a huge square who is terrified of breaking rules so absolutely definitely Angel
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You Know I Was Too Afraid To Do It To Em Please Don't Fire Me
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emicat1159 · 2 years ago
Well alright
Personality wise she's friendly, confident- especially when in battle, she's a skilled warrior- but she's not too annoying about it, but since she's my angelsona I guess she has my personality? But waaaaaaay more extroverted, she has the gift of being able to speak to people 😂
She gets along very well with Zadkiel (ship?👀), used to get along just as well with Azazel when he was an angel too, she considers Michael to be a good friend of hers despite him being her boss technically, and finally Luciel and Dabriel talk to her a lot
Dark secrets though.. 🤔 I can't really think of anything unfortunately, sorry
Aubriel Demon Disguise- a bit of lore (?) since I've gotta post something
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Alright so this has been in my drafts for months so the style might be a bit different from my recent stuff-
So basically Aubriel is not only a warrior of heaven but also an assassin who is sent to make sure certain mortals, demons or even (rarely) angels die at a certain time. Most of the time her victims' deaths will look like unfortunate accidents, however occasionally they will end up being "unsolved murder cases, with the person responsible remaining unknown" and not many in heaven know about this job of hers.
I might redraw this if I can be bothered.
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