#like just a sentimental piece for me
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cloudjumpervalka · 2 months ago
i lost my favorite comfort necklace for social stuff :^( like its 100% somewhere in our house but like. we looked everywhere and cannot find it.
i already went hunting for a replacement and i think i found a similar enough pendant ? but you know the second i make the replacement its gonna show up fjdbfkdb
if anyones curious, these are the only photos i can easily find of it, but its just a little malachite point on a cord 😭
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feroluce · 9 months ago
For me, as much as I adore the theme of travel companions, henghill is more of a "someday" thing in that regard. I love Boothill being a weird loner Galaxy Ranger rather than a Nameless- man is undomesticated and belongs sleeping in the cargo holds of supply ships, threatening silence out of anyone that tries to report him. Let him be wild and free!!
I would LOVE it if Boothill just hitched a short ride off Asdana to whatever the Express' next destination is, though!
Like maybe the Express decides to stick around Penacony for a while, the same way they do other destinations, and Boothill is there anyway to investigate Oswaldo Schneider. It's rare to find a planet where the IPC is present, but doesn't actually have a lot of power; he can't pass this opportunity up!
And in that time, he sees a lot of Dan Heng.
Boothill gets text messages asking him to the quieter parts of the Dreamscape (he threatened and made a scene - it's called standing up for your rights, Dan Heng was given a room with a Dreampool by The Family for helping root out The Order) or mostly to the Express, where Dan Heng curiously asks him about Paths, about aeons and Emanators, The Rangers, all the worlds he's seen and places he's been.
Boothill isn't really surprised the first time they spend an entire night talking and discussing- after all, they'd chattered a lot that first day they met at the bar in the Reverie! But in talking so much, of course the topic of home comes up.
Dan Heng asks about Boothill’s homeworld.
Boothill tells Dan Heng it's gone now, and changes the subject.
Boothill asks about Dan Heng's past, before the Astral Express and the Nameless.
Dan Heng freezes up and closes off, and changes the subject.
In yet another moment of tacit understanding, neither of them ask again.
But this continues, all throughout their stint in Penacony, finding each other and seeking the other out for no reason other than good company. Dan Heng adds ridiculous amounts of data to the archives that Boothill dictates to him. They both know he could get that information elsewhere if he really wanted. Boothill finds he's kinda happy he doesn't.
And Boothill is someone who's hard to keep up with. He knows he is, and he has no problem with it. It's part of what makes him excel as a Galaxy Ranger. But there's something fun about how Dan Heng just rolls with it, and so effortlessly! Boothill finds something shady going on, grabs a guy who was preying on people, and has this dude held up by the collar with his feet swinging while he cackles right in his face, when Dan Heng shows up.
Boothill says they're just having a friendly chat. He makes zero effort to hide what he's actually doing. Boothill's new friend pleads for Dan Heng to help him, please! This guy's crazy!
Dan Heng materializes his spear.
The guy apologizes even harder, tells them he won't do anything shady ever again, promise, promise! Boothill's jabbers at him and shakes him around some more before Dan Heng taps the pole of his spear against the covered metal of Boothill's leg and tells him come on, he's already scared the man witless, they have a date to keep. Boothill drops the guy and watches him scurry off like a cockroach.
"So, now it's a date, huh?"
"...Come on, let's go."
They go to the Dreamflux Reef after that, because Boothill just so happened to totally by coincidence find that shady guy's wallet (read: robbed him blind) and he wants that money to go back to the native Penaconians before anyone else. Dan Heng follows, and stuffs all of the man's credits into the tip jar of the bar they go to.
And even when the Express embarks anew from Asdana (with Boothill hidden away in some corner or compartment, because the IPC finally got pissed enough to start looking for him under The Family's noses skzikske) this continues. The next planet is difficult to get to because of Stellaron activity; so they have to fly manually part of the way instead of warping. Boothill doesn't get his own room since he's only hitching a ride, but Pom-Pom graciously allows him to sleep on a couch-
("Thank ya, Fluffy. No hard feelings about before, right?" "You're lucky my other passengers like you. And no shoes on the couches!!")
-in one of the cars. And it becomes normal commonplace to find Boothill telling stories, and Dan Heng rapidly writing them all down, at obscene hours in the parlor car while Himeko and Welt ask if either of them even slept.
Boothill teaches Dan Heng all about his favorite drinks and liquor in general, how to aim and shoot a gun, how to hunt and track prey. Dan Heng teaches Boothill about a lot of the teachings of Lan and The Hunt from the Xianzhou, what it's like there, some of the culture, some of the fables and old tales.
Boothill still leaves when it's time to go. He's still got things to do and people to kill, after all.
But it never feels like he's very far. The archives are full of him, even if he's never mentioned by name. The article on the Galaxy Rangers is several times longer than it was before. There's new data on multiple planets and worlds.
There's one that's still just a header and title. Boothill doesn't know about it yet. Dan Heng hopes he can fill the page on Aeragan-Epharshel someday and show it to him.
And even if he doesn't stay, he does return. Boothill breaks in stops by any time he happens to be nearby. He's used to traveling without much rest, and only takes what he can easily carry on him- nothing that can slow him down or hinder him. He can't put a bullet between Oswaldo Schneider's eyes if he gets himself killed over something as stupid as being weighed down in a fight, after all.
Dan Heng is similarly sparse. He still sleeps in the archives, with nothing but his futon and old suitcase to mark the space as his.
But there's an old wooden guitar carefully propped in the corner, just waiting for its owner's return.
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ratwithhands · 11 months ago
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Decided to polish some jacket designs!
Emmet originally received a strait from the League after they thought he posed a safety risk to others and mandated him to wear it. Big surprise, they literally just went to a Unovan hospital and asked if they had any of the old jackets lying around. It's ill-fitting and unpleasant, not to mention the hasty edits they made to his uniform to act as a secondary restraint looks awful. As much as he is still operating as usual, having to walk around in the strait is humiliating and dehumanizing, especially because of the stares from other people.
Of course this crime against dignity and fashion had to be corrected, so Elesa called her designers and offered to make the League Council a more appropriate uniform for him. The only rule given was that it must still restrain as well as the original straitjacket, so Elesa ended up modelling the jacket after a vest and the secondary restraint after a double-breasted greatcoat. It's meant to look like clothing, more like everyday wear than something out of an asylum. It also uses hand covers (i.e. socks) instead of a grossly oversized sleeve to keep the hands restrained.
It resolves a lot of the issues Emmet had with the original, namely that it blends in with the crowd rather than making him stick out. It also has an air of professionalism and formality that the original didn't have. He's much more willing to wear it and keep it on, as well as being more comfortable in it.
I'm struggling to describe this in sentences so as for the differences:
League Straitjacket:
actual retired straitjacket from hospital storage
made of old canvas and leather
uses oversized belted sleeves to restrain arms
uses belts and buckles to restrain upper arms and tighten back
can't fit anything thicker than a tank top underneath
Elesa's Modified Straitvest:
bespoke articles custom tailored to Emmet's measurements
made from stiff cotton and fabric straps
uses belted cuffs and hand covers to restrain arms
uses straps and locking slide buckles to restrain upper arms and tighten back
able to fit a collared shirt underneath
Elesa's outfit also has the added bonus of being more breathable, soft, and being able to function as regular clothes.
Anyways bonus sketch comic:
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Dignity restored.
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meteortrails · 10 months ago
zoro and nami are like if soulmates could also be two feral cats who’s favorite person locked them all in a bathroom together until they stopped trying to kill each other, yknow? they’re two people who’s MO is tough love and emotional repression trauma bonding over the experience of being loved by someone who only knows how to love people at max volume. they’re friends outside of luffy but their shared love and devotion for him is a gravitational pull that shapes their relationship. the understanding they share is one of knowing Exactly how mean and nasty and terrible the other person is capable of being, and thus also being able to look at them and say ‘you’re a heinous bitch but nonetheless this isn’t you. this isn’t something you’re capable of.’ and that specifically is so key to me bc it’s VERY different from the understanding they share w/luffy, but still presents in a similar way of making it impossible to purposefully push each other away. as impossible as their world gets, as insanely powerful as they each become, they’ll always be those two lost kids from the east blue wondering to each other how the fuck they agreed to this
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skunkes · 1 year ago
Your post about loving to study the beauty of the human body as well as wanting to love someone male while also be them is something I've been feeling for the past few years tbh but I've never heard someone put it in the exact words I use before. I think it's also because when it comes to topics like that I also feel embarrassed trying to explain a melded and complicated but beautiful emotion that doesn't have a word for it other than imagery in my mind
Sorry for the random soul post in your inbox but I get you! And that makes me happy
Also you're art is very cool and holds the very idea of human warmth and love within keep it up
responding to the compliment first, thank you!!!
as for the rest, yes! In the past I've definitely understood "love someone so much you want to crawl into them because hugging and physical intimacy isn't enough" as well as the usual "do i wanna fuck them or be them đŸ€Ș" sentiment floating around,
but it's not until very recently that I pieced together the, "well, what would I do if I literally got my hands on another [human being]. I'm not sure it would be enough to just Behold a [beautiful human being], I also want to be a beautiful [human being], but in the way this [person] is, which is. Unlike the way I am. Different from how I am. (In the many ways that can be interpreted)."
Which is adjacent to the "crawling into them", and adjacent to wishing I could be desired in the same way that I desire, and then directly connected to the way I am being genuine and casual when I say I love looking at and am in awe of the human form, but it's so very easy for that genuine love to slip into that intense and strange enthusiasm to map out, touch, explore, examine, open, crawl, meld, Be. Be!
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months ago
ok i know everyone says "love like you is soooo xyz shipcore" but i need you to know it's kuwameshicore to me. song's got yusuke written all over it arright. in case you don't have the lyrics memorized like i do here they are
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#it's too mushy for him but like.. the beats are all there yknow#kuwa thinks the world of him and it helps him love himself enough to live (see the wake scene but also like. in general)#while keiko's been there all along i think it's kuwabara that really serves as a bridge into more friendships (maybe botan? debatable)#the wondering when im coming back/shaken by how long it took is pretty self explanatory. guy keeps dying on him#'i always thought i might be bad' honestly yusuke probably thinks he IS bad but kuwa contrasting him might make him feel it all over again#sometimes. not bc kuwa's doing anything wrong just like.. oh yeah im TOTALLY right about that sucking thing bc here's another example#and obviously they're very different in approaches to virtue and honor (perceived goodness)#yyh#kuwameshi#and i think yusuke deep down feels he owes kuwabara a lot. he's saved his life multiple times and kept him company#he understands a lotta things in a way keiko can't and pushes him to be better in his own way. there's a debt there#so the 'if i could begin to do something that does right by you' bit feels like a sentiment he'd have at some point#like. why'd he save eikichi if not that yanno. stuff like that#idk. again it's a bit Too mushy for him but the fact that a lotta the beats align so well...#maybe this is just the quiet tender sentiments deeeeeeep deep in yusuke's heart. idk post over#anyway if you haven't listened to this before I'd recommend it it's just a gorgeous piece to me. mwah
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kugamoogle · 2 months ago
I gave up on fnaf lore when Sister Location came out because 10yo me hated the sci-fi stuff, but every time I unwillingly get any insight into the current state of it, I want to scream. Like what is HAPPENING anymore.
Edit: oh yeah I was a fnaf kid btw. That's actually how I got into drawing.
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year ago
fanfic rambling in the tags, nothing interesting really, just me talking to myself lol, okay to ignore or read as you please ✹
#so i've found the perfect prompt list for an olli/allu fic advent calendar sorta thing#but i'm too intimidated by my own expectations and ridiculously high standards to even start writing any of them 😭#honestly these prompts are so insanely cute and fit olli/allu PERFECTLY#like. i'm actually having trouble deciding which ones to use because i want to write them all đŸ„ș💞#but i'm so so scared that i'll just end up writing the same (boring) story over again for 24 times 😔#i wish i could just write without thinking and trying so hard to write a literary masterpiece#when i KNOW it's alright if it's just a silly little story about my blorbos#that's perfectly enough and i know this but my brain's just not having it đŸ˜©#also if i were to write 24 independent fics i'd have to keep them short and simple but. that's not how i do fics. unfortunately (for me)#to overcome this i guess one option would be to write just one longer piece with 24 chapters#and somehow try to include the prompt of the day in each chapter đŸ€”#but i don't want to make this even more complicated to myself lol especially because i'm planning to write AUs for a couple of the prompts#i REALLY want to do prompts (of any kind!!) but i'm just so scared of stressing myself out to another months-long writer's block 😭#fair enough the last time that happened (last winter/spring) i was in a shitty place mentally anyway#and so far i've been happy to be writing on random bursts of inspiration. that's how it's the easiest for me. the words just...flow out#i'm so insanely jealous of anyone who can just create stuff when given any prompt 😭#y'all are super humans to me how do you do it pls spill your secrets#and anyone tempted to comfort me by saying i shouldn't stress myself over this and that i don't have to write anything i don't wanna write:#i knoooooowwww and i appreactiate the sentiment but the thing is i actually DO want to write these prompts 😭#in theory at least. because they really are cute as fuck wth đŸ„ș#the problem is that i can't /force/ myself to write something at the snap of my fingers without a clear idea besides the prompt#and also because i know it can take me days to finish even one story let alone 24 💀#so to even START on this project is a little intimidating đŸ«Ł#i just fear i won't have the patience :(#and when i realise i won't be able to finish the project i'll become frustrated with myself#if only i knew how to write shorter one-scenes in order to not tire myself out#but often i find those kind of fics somehow...unsatisfying :(#i'm just a sucker for crafting the context/background for stories. a little flesh around the bones if you will đŸ€§#okay that's all now i'm gonna go stare at a wall while doing nothing useful for the rest of the weekend byeeee#if you read this far i hope you're having a nice saturday
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gentlemanthiief · 2 years ago
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hi friends. been a minute, sorry i've been super inconsistent abt my activity. i've been dealing with a lot of irl stress recently, and it's been really draining. my energy levels have been fluctuating on the low end for quite a while, and it's made it hard to get into the right headspace for writing. but, i've got some juice in me to write today so i'm gonna tackle a couple of drafts that i've got muse for before i go out to run errands later. i've actually accumulated enough that i might start throwing some of the older or longer ones into the queue when i get home.
thanks to all of you who have been patient, it's extremely appreciated ♄
DRAFTS : 13 ASKS : 6
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shmaptainwrites · 2 years ago
rereading old fics can be so personal
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causticsunshine · 2 years ago
my friend in tattoo school worked on me today 💗
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first one is a fine line quote in my bro’s (very childlike) handwriting on my left arm, and second is the (beginning of a) parkour tattoo on my right thigh, also for my bro đŸ„°
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kaleidescopeghost · 1 year ago
Lol get kung pow penised
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inkykeiji · 10 months ago
just opened tumblr after getting off of work, and the first post i see is your response to my playlist!!!! AAAA!! i'm so beyond honored that you like it <3 music is, and always has been the easiest way for me to communicate, so it just seemed natural to make a playlist to express my appreciation for your art. i'm almost finished with the touya-nii playlist + my commentary for it, so expect that in the near future + updates to the tag playlist! :D
sending you so much love and good vibes
pls you are absolutely precious <333 oh it’s so perfect!!! you did a phenomenal job!! & i totally get that. i really love music 9 out of 10 times i have to be listening to something while i write because it just does so much to get me in the right headspace, atmosphere + mood. genuinely i cannot tell you how special this is to me, sleepy <33 i cannot wait to see what your tnii playlist looks like and i will continuously look forward to you adding to the tag playlist (ㅅ® ˘ `) ♡
eeeee ily so so so much!!! please have a wonderful week bb <3
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valiasims · 17 days ago
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Cozy Cabin Collection - Bedroom
Hey everyone!
The final part of the Cozy Cabin Collection is here! It is a bedroom set and includes a modular closet with items to fill them up with.
I'm a little sad to say goodbye this cabin theme because I gained a lot of followers through the time I was making these sets and I also learned a lot of new skills and techniques. When I came up with the idea of a large collection to guide us through autumn and winter, I hadn’t expected it to become so significant in terms of sentimental value. I was always thinking about the next idea to bring to life and living in a cabin in my mind. Despite this being a sad moment, I’m so excited for what’s next! I’ll be creating a set for a commercial lot, and I’ve had this idea for about a month and a half. After seeing what the next expansion pack will be, I’m even more excited because I think it will complement it well.
A bit more about this set: It started as a bedroom set but somehow turned into a closet set with bedroom items. At first, I only wanted to add two closet pieces with the door, but I figured it would be more versatile (and not too much extra work) if I included the corner piece as well. A little info on how the door works: You can slot the door onto the closet pieces, with three slots available on each piece. It only makes sense to use the side slots if you have two or more pieces placed next to each other. I added multiple slots for hanging clothes so you can use the in-game clothes (or other CC ones) that are grouped together, but also place individual items without using the TOOL mod.
The wicker basket, folded sweaters and the hat box are stackable.
For the curtains, I made a curtain rod that, for some godforsaken reason, looks completely different in-game than the rod on the curtain items themselves, despite them having the same texture and everything. This was the reason I couldn't include them in the last set—I just couldn’t get them right no matter how hard I tried. I even checked out other CC that does the same thing by separating the rod, and they all had the same problem. Somehow, the lighting on them looks different, and I couldn’t find a solution. So sorry for this issue but hopefully it's not too noticable.
I think that’s all! I’m really grateful for all of you being here—thank you, and I hope you’ll like this set as well. Let me know if you have any issues, and feel free to leave your thoughts below so I can see what you like and what you don’t.
The Set Includes
Wooden Bedframe
Bed Mattress
Decorative Pillows
End Table
End Table Lamp
Wooden Bench
Closet (3 types+corner)
Closet Door
Hanging Elegant Coat
Hanging Jacket
Hanging Puffer Jacket
Hanging Tops
Wicker Basket
Designer Hat
Fluffy Hat
Folded Sweaters
Decorative Footwear (3 styles)
Hat Box
Makeup Bag
Curtain Rod
Closed Curtain (3 heights)
Opened Curtain (3 heights)
Antler Wall Lamp
-BECOME A MEMBER- Public release on the 15th of March 6PM CST
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shoyodon · 1 month ago
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who thinks tattoos are “so fuckin’ stupid.” Says its a waste of money just to put toxins in your bloodstream.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who rolls his eyes with a huff and mutters a quiet: “Don’t come complainin’ to me when you regret it.” Under his breath after you ramble on about interesting designs you saw online.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who, as much as he hates tattoos, has an equal if not vastly greater amount of love for his engagement/wedding band. Deep black obsidian band with a ruby red strip running around the center. He scoffed when you handed it to him after the two of you got engaged, told him you got it made specifically for him and said that it reminded you of his eyes. His huffing and puffing was a poorly disguised attempt at not letting the sentimentality make his heart race. You could tell he loved it by the red tinge on the tips of his ears that matched his band.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who gets into a scuffle at work while on patrol. The villain had managed to catch him off guard, and when he lifted his hands to shield himself temporarily they had managed to slice through one of his gauntlets like nothing. The surprise attack was all the leverage they had on him, though. Once he got his bearings it was over in an instant.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who reluctantly is pulled into an ambulance; his left arm and hand cut up badly from the attack. He sat on the stretcher with a bitter look on his face, not caring that his fingers nearly were cut off and were getting stitched up frantically by one of the paramedics, all he cared about was the bent, misshapen ring clenched in his other palm, which had to be cut off of his finger due to the injury.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who denies it vehemently when you ask him if the bad attitude hes had for the past few days is because his ring was ruined, claiming hes “not that sentimental.” but you still see how he keeps the bent piece on his bedside, and how he stays up late at night looking into places he can trust enough to repair it.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who, amongst watching various tiktoks of people repairing rings on his fyp, discovers someone tattooing their partners initials on their ring finger in lieu of a wedding band.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who shows up home just a day after his doctor said his hand was completely healed with fresh ink on his ring finger. Your initials permanently engraved on his skin. His first and only tattoo.
(Newlywed husband! Katsuki who shrugs, claiming its “safer than having the ring nearly cut my damn finger off,” but still leaps at you when you surprise him with his ring, freshly repaired, on a chain that he can wear under his hero costume.)
((Husband! Katsuki who never removes the chain from around his neck no matter the circumstance, and subtly shows off his tattoo any chance he gets; what could be better than one way to show off that he has the best spouse a man could ask for waiting for him at home? Two!))
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sam-moss · 11 months ago
I don’t care what happens, I’m never leaving this website. This website taught me the word “trauma” at a young age and taught me how it can affect you and how mine affects me. It taught me the word “asexual”. It’s taught me at every turn how to understand myself and how I’m not alone no matter how different and alone I feel.
I feel like I grew up on this website and like I grew into the person I am today bc of it. It’s felt like more of a home than any physical space I’ve ever occupied for sure.
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