#this song reminds me of aziraphale and crowley from good omens
the-apology-dance · 11 months
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“He did say he liked yellow.”
-Constantly drives him back to Whickber Street and Azi’s bookshop
-Objects Azi owns unexplainably start turning up randomly in the car (even better if they are from other time periods)
-Bentley stops taking orders from Crowley
-only plays songs about love that are scarily accurate to Azi and Crowley’s dynamic
“Demon Dad is mad at Angel Dad, but Demon Dad loves him still. Guess he needs to be reminded of him then.”
Almost like it is trying to shake him and telling him not to forget. BECAUSE IT FEELS THEIR LOVE STILL.
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laurey257 · 1 year
Good Omens fanfic recs that ease the pain. (All complete, canon-compliant)
I am an avid reader and I’ve been combing the floods of new (awesome) things hitting Archive and similar to find what best eases the pain of That Episode. Here’s the best canon-compliant and complete ones that give some soothing to the angst of our angel and demon parting:
**This was a hard decision but I am excluding works in progress since they need time to mature—all these are complete /compliant and can be invested in without fear.**
Jesus, Etc.
This one had me howling.  Crowley runs into a frantic Aziraphale with Jesus at a Barbenheimer premiere who he is frantically keeping busy to prevent the Second Coming.  A battle of the wills with pop songs in the Bentley, Taylor Swift, Kenergy, sushi, a nativity play and a magic show are the least of the insanity that comes next.  (Kudos for the awesome cameo from Mrs. Sandwich.)
To the Universe
This one is a 22-chapter, complete, canon-compliant season 3 full arc that can take the edge off for everyone who is internally screaming that we have years to wait to see all this resolve.  Really can’t say enough about this one.  It tied up every loose end.  Certain parts reminded me of Pratchett and the ending had me on the edge of my chair and cheering out loud.  (bonus extra in a hilarious treatment of Jesus in Tadfield that has him turning himself into a teen named Dave.) This could have been season 3 in another timeline.
Separate Ways
A sweet, short little one where Aziraphale has Muriel checking up on a devastated Crowley from the bookshop, and they finally at least talk.  No resolution, but it felt so nice to read. 
The Second Coming
One-shot (but around 7000 words in chapter format) that is canon-compliant.  Aziraphale “awakens” in the elevator (think ox ribs but sexually) and yeets himself back to earth to roger Crowley six ways from Sunday.  Smutty, so don’t read this one aloud to your parents.  (naked apology dance reference in here made my eyes fall out.)
Heaven is not fit to house a love
A sweet little one with a *small* deviation from canon (that seemed ok because they have a good point.) Crowley had never told Aziraphale about the way the angels managed his trial OR about what he saw in the Heavenly files with Muriel.  He jams his way into the elevator (telling the Metatron to get the next one) and tells him.
Not for all my Little Words
An adorable one where Aziraphale, realizing he screwed up, chases Crowley through loudspeakers and other people’s phones through Europe using famous love quotes until he gets his attention (and some forgiveness.)
Oh so lovely! A longer one-shot where Azi realizes that management is not what he cracked it up to be (they tell him nothing.) So he saves Crowley instead from a Heavenly asassination attempt. (Maggie, nina and anathema help!)
A Proper Apology
One where the Angel simply calls over and over until they really talk.  (Or imagine the idiots simply just used the phone.)
Cause you like me too much and I like you
A sweet little one where Aziraphale quietly resigns, has a chat with Gabriel and Beez in the bookshop, and does the apology dance.
A sweet little daydream Azi has in the elevator about apologizing to Crowley in the Ressurectionist pub  before waking up and realizing oh crap he is still in Heaven.
Did I miss any other good ones?  Tell me?
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HELLO *waves frantically* HI MAGGOTS good omens mascot here and it is day four of the grieving process over season 2, so naturally now is the time to read the good omens book and cry even more over the antichrist and how crowley is an optimist I make such great decisions can I get a wahoo? Have some updates:
Okay when I entered this fandom I remember everyone yelling about how Neil will not pay for your therapy. But consider this: what if therapy will not help because your therapist is a die-hard Neil Gaiman fan.
Yeah so I went to therapy today and after detailing the good omens saga, my therapist was pretty much ready to pass out and cry. Because they've been a fan of Neil's for years and though they haven't seen the show, apparently they have an entire collection of all his books, and have annotated the Sandman comics with diary entries.
They joined tumblr because Neil is on tumblr and didn't follow Neil because they felt unworthy to follow him.
So you know. Just. Just give up, maggots, and let's wait for S3. Even the therapists are crying over Neil and his genius. @neil-gaiman you are not only in our falafel, but in our hospitals.
Also the brainrot is worsening. I see Crowley everywhere. The most random songs from Swift's 1989 album remind me of him and Aziraphale. Every time dancing or cars or polaroids are mentioned I think of them. Also today I happened to wear fitted black trousers and my black boots to go to the said therapist, and all I could bloody think about was Crowley.
Here have the book (EEEEEEEEEEEEE) as well as the trouser-boots thing. I'm doomed I mostly wear only black clothes outdoors I'll be reminded of Crowley throughout the day every day.
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anotherbummer · 10 months
Good Omens Season 3 Confirmed (trailer)
jk jk but could you imagine if any of this happened
I told myself I wouldn't go crazy working on this and then I ended up with 5 spreadsheets of dialogue trying to piece together this puzzle. Also I will need everyone to cut me some slack because I made this entire video on my phone while I was manic.
On that note, this trailer is largely based on 2 of my favorite Good Omens fics: Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by @mouseonamoose and Factory Settings by Anonymous. I love the idea of Crowley and Aziraphale having a therapist and it always reminded me of the character Dr. Linda Martin who plays the devil's therapist in the series Lucifer (Based on characters created by Neil Gaiman!) Also I tried really hard to hint at different parts of the Factory Setting story through clips, especially with clips of Crowley grabbing his glasses (which in this case would be Raphael wearing Crowley's glasses, which is a pretty big plot point in the story).
Lots of the audio clips and dialogue comes from the show itself (and a few clips from Lucifer), but I did comb through some clips of other shows that the actors were in, like Michael Sheen in Passengers, and David Tennant in Inside Man, etc. However the longer audio clips of "god" speaking are direct quotes from the Factory Setting fic (although I am almost certain that Raphael says them when he gets the Book of Life, So technically speaking, these lines are used out of context). I just ran the lines through a text to voice generator and then added a "godly/celestial" effect to it, which worked a lot better than I though it was going to. I had LOTS of potential dialogue I could have used but it didn't all fit super well together in the sense that it didn't either sound like the character speaking, or it didn't flow like a normal conversation. Believe me I tried, my phone can only do so much.
The music choice was obviously chosen on purpose, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Epic Mix) by Mark Petrie, for the purpose of pacing, I slowed it down slightly. I really liked the idea of using this song since the Factory Setting story partially revolves around "the second coming" baby and since we are nearing the Christmas season, it just seemed like sense to work on this now. The lyrics get pretty repetitive but I do wish I could have thrown in the "Fear not then, said the Angel. Let nothing you affright" verse somewhere in there.
Don't ask me to explain the actual plot of this I really just mashed two fanfics together and called it a day. I thinks that's all the notes I had.
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alexjcrowley · 2 years
I realised my passion for crossover has just created a multiverse of, I don't fucking know, detectives and supernatural stuff (no, it's NOT superwholock)
So we start by assuming, like some already did, that Q from the Daniel Craig's James Bond movies is the fourth Holmes's siblings. So you get four Holmes: Mycroft, Sherlock, Eurus and Q. But then Q in clearly in a romantic relationship with James Bond.
Now it's undeniable that James Bond has a twin brother, Benoit Blanc, who is the world's most famous detective, and he is married to Philip (Hugh Grant). You can clearly notice from Benoit's...everything (passion for mistery and fasion sense most of all) that he is related to Fred Jones from Scooby Doo, he and Philip are in fact Fred's parents.
To conclude this part of multiverse of hyperfixation, James Bond exists in the same world of a bunch of teenagers with 1970's van and a talking dog. I cannot stress how important it is for me that Sherlock Holmes DOES NOT solve the mustery of why Scooby Doo can talk.
But let's now expand in a different direction.
For some of you who might not be acquainted with the medical drama House MD, it's one of the gayest shows ever made on God's green earth. And, as all the fans know, the REAL finale is House and Wilson running away together after all Wilson's problems suddenly disappeared (I am phrasing it like that because I don't want to spoil it). Now, of course they can't live in America because House can't exactly recover from his own Reichenbach falls, so obviously they have go to London. Like, no questions asked.
And as many have already speculated they are probably the married couple Mrs Hudson's friend was renting an apartment to.
Sherlock-Watson and House-Wilson have a complicated dynamic going on, I just know they suspect of eachothers because there's something wrong with the other couple.
London comes, of course, with all it inhabitants, such as Crowley and Aziraphale (whose supernatural presence could explain Scooby Doo being able to talk???? Maybe he is an ex-infernal hound sent to Shaggy??? Was Shaggy another aborted attempt at an Antichrist?????). I really likes to believe they're House-Wilson and Sherlock-Watson neighbours. And every one of these three couples tries to pretend they're a very normal couple, and not, like, non-human or a Government's resource or technically dead.
But also, you must not forget, London comes with Hob Gadling, the immortal lover of Sandman, who might as well exist in this universe, because why the fuck not, he stole the "meet every x years" idea from Crowley, the goddamn poser. Hob Gadling and Crowley clocked eachothers in a minute and now the two couples have dinners together because "they're the only other supernatural couple in the neighbourhood, we should befriend them!" (said Aziraphale and Hob while Crowley and Morpheus sighed).
ALSO to House MD fans I want to remind you that Wilson got arrested in Louisiana when he met House and there's a popular headcanon going on that Benoit Blanc is from Louisiana so do you think??? Benoit Blanc one day happened to interact with the police department of a city in Louisiana and a policeman was like "hey last week you missed a guy from New Jersey who deadass smashed an ancient mirror in a bar because they were playing a song he didn't like on the jukebox". And Benoit was like (I can't write his dialogues I am so sorry) "Mmhh yeah muhst say thur arh sum jingles I simply cannut grow fund of but by Guhd to,,, smash an ancient mirruh that wuld be bee-YOnd mahself"
And these connections are all canonical in my mind. (There are crossover fanfics between Good Omens and Sandman, and between House and BBC Sherlock, and between Sherlock and the James Bond franchise, and between House and Good Omens- there's a fic I really like with these fandoms- and there's a drawing I also reblogged on Tumblr of Fred presenting Benoit Blanc as his dad).
So, basically, in my head, Sherlock is highly pissed off by Benoit Blanc being considered the best detective in the world though he respects him, Q is Fred Jones's uncle and probably added a lot of cool MI6 features to the mystery machine, Gregory House, notorious atheist, lives in the same universe of angels and demons and the Sandman and pisses off Sherlock Holmes costantly just because they don't like eachothers, Hob Gadling amd Crowley looked at eachothers once and they knew neither of them were humans, Aziraphale and Crowley always stumble in every other characters' shenanigans and once in a while throw a miracle their way and Hugh Grant/Philip makes cupcakes for everyone.
And if you really want me to be precise, Dead Poet Society lore counts for Wilson, but Neil didn't, well, if you saw the movie you know.
And I know they are technically not correlated, but I would love to find a way to connect Dirk Gently, Todd Brotzman and The Rowdy Three in all this.
There's a part 2 to this post here
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badaziraphaletakes · 4 months
I'm not sure if this counts, but I just saw an instagram reel that had a drawing of Bishop!Aziraphale with the villain's song from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame and it just completely rubbed me the wrong way for so many reasons.
Aziraphale, one, being depicted as any sort of Christian Religious figure just because he's an angel upsets me. One, THE GOD IN GOOD OMENS IS NOT CHRISTIAN OR RELIGION. Two, Aziraphale's personality doesn't revolve around him being an angel anymore than Crowley's personality revolves around them being a demon. It might be because of my personal views/experienced with religious leaders, but Aziraphale is not a repressed, helpless being. If he's going to be portrayed as a religious leader, i think he'd be much more like The Hot Priest in Fleabag, but as I said thid might be a bit biased.
Two, WHY THE SONG CHOICE. That song is about a man saying he will burn a woman at the stake if she refuses to have sex with him.
Idk, I might be overreacting here, but what are your thoughts, mods?
Thanks ♡
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That is a super gross song and the thought of it being put in Aziraphale's mouth is just... ugh.
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There are some superficial resemblances, but the deeper spirit of the song is SO different from Aziraphale. Frollo wants to KILL Esmeralda. All Aziraphale wants is for him and Crowley to NOT be killed.
And the implication that Aziraphale blames Crowley for his being attracted to him is just… why would anyone who thought that ship them?? That’s so disturbing.
Also, need I remind people again that there is zero evidence that Aziraphale is ashamed of his love for Crowley. All we know for sure is that he’s terrified of what could happen to either of them if their love were discovered.
Given that, I think it’s appropriate to give him the benefit of the doubt.
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orcaofmyheart99 · 3 months
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Good Omens)
Repost. Based on the prompt from Dream a Little Dream of Me Newsies fic. Currently trying to turn this into a full story.
dream a little dream of me.
Crowley lay awake in bed, going over the night he spent with Aziraphale. Images of them dancing across the floor lingered in his mind. Holding Aziraphale close to him as they swayed to the music. Aziraphale gazing into his eyes. As Crowley drifted off to sleep he softly sang 
“Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams, whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me”
And then whispered “Aziraphale, I always dream about you” 
the way you look tonight
Crowley, always the one to maintain an angry and stoic face, could not even hide his love he was feeling for Aziraphale currently. He had told Aziraphale they were going out dancing at a jazz dance club. Aziraphale had dressed for the occasion, right down to a cigarette lazily hanging from his hand. Crowley had to remind himself to breathe. 
“Like what you see?” Aziraphale said, with a smile and a raised eyebrow
All Crowley could do was nod. As Crowley took Aziraphale by the hand and led him to their car, he looked at him with nothing but admiration and love. He would always remember the way he looked tonight. 
“Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight”
Throughout the ages, Crowley had dabbled in different relationships. However, after meeting Aziraphale, there was no one else. He was truly unforgettable. This night only enforced the fact that Crowley would never meet anyone else like Aziraphale and that they were truly meant to be together. As they walked into the dance Crowley leaned in and whispered “Unforgettable, that's what you are Unforgettable, though near or far Like a song of love that clings to me How the thought of you does things to me Never before has someone been more”
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u2fangirlie-blog · 6 months
Good Omens Aziraphale's Sad Bastard Breakup Playlist
After the breakup, Aziraphale has a new job in heaven, having taken Gabriel’s vacant position. Aziraphale is haunted by sad music reminding him of his time with Crowley. The songs are dramatic, tragic, melancholic, angry, wistful, romantic, and sentimental. How does he listen to music at his new job in the head office? Are material objects allowed? Does he keep a secret stash of tea, cake, and records and a phonograph player in his office? Does he have a celestial radio that can tune in Earth radio stations? Does he sneak off to Earth to hang out in record shops and bookstores? Or more dramatically and emotionally torturously, does he remember every note, every nuance, every feeling, of every song and replay them in his mind? He's stuffing his face with angel food cake and tea while crying and listening to sad bastard songs and hiding from Michael and the Metatron.
See note after list on song selection process.
Songs include:
“Lacrimosa” – Mozart, Requiem in D Minor, Vienna Mozart Orchestra
“Commendatore” – Mozart, Don Giovanni, Amadeus film soundtrack
“Ja, tot katoramu vnimala” – Rubenstein, The Demon, Nicolai Ghiaurov
“D’amour l’ardente flemme” – Berlioz, The Damnation of Faust, Maria Callas
“Liebestod” – Wagner, Tristan and Isolde, Waltraud Meier
“Ach ich fuhls” – Mozart, The Magic Flute, Gundula Janowitz
“Thy hand, Belinda … When I am laid in earth” – Purcell, Dido and Aeneas, Janet Baker
“E lucevan la stelle” – Puccini, Tosca, Placido Domingo
“Celeste Aidia” – Verdi, Aida, Mario Lanza
“Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” Mahler, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
“Der Wanderer” – Schubert, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
“Love is a Plaintive Song” – Gilbert and Sullivan, Patience, D’Oyly Carte Opera Company
“I am a Courtier Grave and Serious” – Gilbert and Sullivan, The Gondoliers, D’Oyly Carte Opera Company
“The Gentleman is a Dope” – Rodgers and Hammerstein, Allegro, Blossom Dearie
“A Hymn to Him” – Lerner and Lowe, My Fair Lady, Rex Harrison
“Could I Leave You?” – Sondheim, Follies, Alexis Smith
“We Do Not Belong Together” – Sondheim, Sunday in the Park with George, Bernadette Peters and Mandy Patinkin
“On My Own” – Schonberg, Les Misérables, Frances Ruffelle
“As Long as He Needs Me” – Bert, Oliver, Judy Garland
 “Stranger in Paradise” – Wright and Forest, Kismet, Richard Kiley and Doretta Morrow
“A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” – Sherwin and Maschwitz, Vera Lynn
“Night and Day” – Porter, The Gay Divorcee, Ella Fitzgerald
“I’ve Got You Under My Skin” – Porter, Born to Dance, Shirley Bassey
“Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” – Rodgers and Heart, Pal Joey, Sarah Vaughan
“They Can’t Take That Away From Me” – Gershwin, Shall We Dance, Fred Astaire
“Mon Deu” – Dumont and Vaucaire, Edith Piaf
“Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” – Dumont and Vaucaire, Edith Piaf
P.S.: Aziraphale likes Les Mis because it reminds him of that time Crowley rescued him from the Bastille. Don't tell anyone. It's a big secret.
P.P.S.: “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” reminds him of the time he and Crowley got drunk in the backroom at the bookshop the day the anti-Christ was delivered to Earth. Basically, this song reminds him of every time they went out for drinks or stayed in and drank.
P.P.P.S.: “I am a Courtier Grave and Serious” was the song Aziraphale planned to play when trying to tempt Crowley into learning the gavotte. It reminds him of the ball in the bookstore when he finally danced with Crowley.
P.P.P.P.S.: “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” is as close as Aziraphale can get to telling the world and Crowley to eff off. He has no more effs to give. Or at least he’s trying to convince himself he no longer gives a f***. He’s going off to his new job at the head office and Do Good.
Note on song selection:
I selected songs that thematically fit with the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley. I think the songs tell a story of Aziraphale’s struggle to reconcile his conflicted motivations. They reflect Aziraphale’s fears and desires. He fears being hauled off to hell for disobedience. He fears Crowley’s death and being alone in the world. He desires to be emotionally intimate with Crowley. (Dare he risk physical intimacy with Crowley?) He feels self-righteously indignant, but he’s soft and squishy and weepy and misses his best friend.
I don’t have much knowledge of opera or musical theater, but I have some experience with choir and solo performance. I did a lot of research into opera, art songs, musicals, showtunes, and standards to create a playlist on YouTube. Selections were based on availability, popularity, and sound quality. My big question was whether or not Aziraphale is a strict originalist or if he likes different versions of songs. In some places, I chose newer versions over original versions due to the sound quality of the recordings. I tried to keep selections accessible to a wide audience with varying degrees of musical knowledge. You may not like my choices, so your mileage may vary. You can make your own playlist.
You can listen to it on YouTube.
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azfellandco · 1 year
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OOPS! All Goats!: azfellandco's Good Omens Mountain Goats Playlist (spotify link here)
This is a playlist that's all Mountain Goats songs that remind me of Good Omens, with explanations.
Rain In Soho (x): nothing sharper than a serpent's tooth / nothing harder than the gospel truth / though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice / you can't cross the same river twice
Soho, serpent's tooth, can't cross the same river... this song to me conjures up Crowley driving the Bentley through London at night.
Rat Queen (x): great warm throb of the undercity / at one with the purpose / i am a faceless nameless acolyte / here tonight at your service
Crowley & Crowley's Rat Army... Crowley is the rat queen. this song choice is so unserious but I love the use of the word "acolyte" in this song
Heretic Pride (x): well they come and pull me from my house / and they drag my body through the streets... transfiguration's gonna come for me at last / and i will burn hotter than the sun / i waited so long and now i taste jasmine on my tongue
I've been meaning to make a video or a gifset or something for Agnes Nutter using this song literally since before s1 came out. have i done it yet? no.
Heel Turn 2 (x): get stomped like a snake / lie down in the dirt / cling to my convictions / even when i get hurt... stay good under pressure / for years and years and years and years
Crowley song.
Stench of the Unburied (x): incoherent but functional / speeding like a dead comet... but when the blue lights flash / i know we're going to crash
A Crowley driving in the Bentley song.
Cry For Judas (x): some people crash two or three times / and then learn from their mistakes / but we are the ones who don't slow down at all / and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
Also a Crowley driving in the Bentley song, with bonus biblical era trauma.
Insurance Fraud #2 (x): big plans, big plans, let me tell you something sister: you will never get away with it
This is on here because I will never get over how funny I find it that book!Aziraphale keeps getting investigated for possible tax fraud.
Mark On You (x): when this is over / when we leave it all behind us / deep in the moonless night / when the rescue team finds us / it's gonna get so dark for you / i'm gonna leave a mark on you
Crowley to Aziraphale.
Riches and Wonders (x): we live high, our loves gorges / on the alcohol we feed it / and it grows all fat and friendly / we have surplus if we need it
This is the Mountain Goats Good Omens song to me. Aziraphale and Crowley in the bookshop, their love for each other, and clinging to each other through the ages.
Mobile (x): and the plant grew but it withered / it shriveled up and turned brown / i'm on a balcony... waiting for the wind to throw me down / lord if you won't keep me safe and warm / then send down the storm, send down the storm
Loss of faith. Aziraphale song.
Elijah (x): set the table, those three extra places / one for me, one for your doubts, one for God
Aziraphale song.
Grendel's Mother (x): i look down on the world from the top of this lonesome hill / and you can run, run some more... but i will carry you home in my teeth
Aziraphale to Crowley.
Ending the Alphabet (x): we've got the brightest skylight / like a vision of heaven in the evening sky... and the late sunlight makes them all look like angels / what is there left in a city like this / when everyone you know is gone?
London, the bookshop, and the impossibility of permanence when you're a pair of immortals trying to make a home for each other.
Deuteronomy 2:10 (x): i have no fear of anyone, i'm dumb and wild and free / i am a flightless bird and they'll be no more after me
About extinct animals, titled after a biblical passage about an extinct race of people. This song has always resonated with that same impossibility of permanence and the contradiction between that and Aziraphale and Crowley's love for the world and being in it.
Never Quite Free (x): it's okay to find the faith to saunter forward / with no fear of shadows spreading where you stand
Saunter hehehe. But no this is about Crowley's trauma.
New Britain (x): i try to tell you secrets 'til my face turns blue / i am not getting through to you
Aziraphale and Crowley can't communicate openly.
So Desperate (x): we were parked in your car / in our neutral meeting place... i had things i'd been meaning to say
This goes with that passage in the book where, during the years they were observing Warlock, Aziraphale and Crowley met "on the tops of buses, in art galleries, and at concerts" to me. Them meeting covertly but this time they're parked in the Bentley somewhere and one of them just starts to cry. "Desperate" is an apt description of their reaching for each other after so many years of not being able to, to me.
In the Craters on the Moon (x): when the room fills with smoke / lie down on the floor / in the declining years / of the long war
The 6000 year long war, in fact. Crowley in the burning bookshop.
Have To Explode (x): the stage is set / someone's gonna do something someone else will regret / i speak in smoke signals and you answer in code / the fuse will have to run out sometime / something here will eventually have to explode, have to explode
Aziraphale and Crowley being unable to communicate openly, speaking in code, the anticipation of the apocalypse, and always, the knowledge that the coming end is inevitable. A song for those low moments when they feel it's pointless.
Training Montage (x): i'm doing this for revenge / i am doing this to try and stay true / i'm doing this for the ones they left to twist in the wind / i'm doing this for you
"twist in the wind" echoing back to "send down the storm" in the song Moblie. Aziraphale and Crowley wanting to save each other and save their shared world and the way that makes them brave.
Love, Love, Love (x): snakes in the grass beneath our feet / rain in the clouds above / some moments last forever / but some flare out with love, love, love
The other ultimate Mountain Goats Good Omens song. This is that first rain in Eden.
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lavendermoonlitskies · 7 months
Dream A Little Dream of Me fic series (Good Omens) part 4: “Le Chant du Rossignol (Song of the Nightingale)”
Final part to my Good Omens fic series is live! If you’ve read it thus far I just wanted to say thank you and I hope you enjoy the finale :)
Rating: T (mind the tags!!!)
Here’s a short snippet of it:
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It was another nice day at last. A day of perfect weather, and the sounds of a bustling city full of people who went about that day generally feeling good. A day without anxiety, the feeling that everything that made this life worth living could be ripped away again at any moment. Such anxiety was simply a fundamental part of who Aziraphale was, but for the first time, something felt different.
Overtime, they fell back into their routine that they hadn’t known since before Gabriel had shown up at the shop, consequently uprooting their entire lives as one thing led to another. A routine that they had adopted after Armage-didn’t where, for four glorious years, Crowley would arrive at the bookshop in the morning with his six shots of espresso in a large cup and a cup of English breakfast tea for the angel, perhaps they’d dine at The Ritz later on, they might eventually wander down to the park to watch the ducks in the afternoon, then the day would end with the two of them sat at a table that Aziraphale had set (miraculously, with a quick snap of the fingers), talking over a bottle of wine until the very late hours into the night. Aziraphale considered this way of life to be rather perfect.
In the days following Aziraphale’s return to this plane of existence, the two of them welcomed back this routine with open arms. The sun was just rising over the bookshop’s skylight when Crowley backed in through the door, cups of coffee and tea respectively in hand. Aziraphale, a bright smile across his face, beamed as he approached the demon and grabbed one of the cups from his hands.
“Oh- angel, I think that’s the-”
Aziraphale’s face contorted as the bitter taste of piping hot pure espresso with nothing else to dilute it attacked his tongue, nearly spitting out the vile liquid. Crowley laughed.
“I think that’s mine,” he said.
Aziraphale couldn’t help but laugh at himself, wiping his mouth with the napkin that had been wrapped around the cup.
“Perhaps those cups shouldn’t be quite so identical,”
The sound of their laughter together filled the air over the gramophone playing some quiet classical music, just how Aziraphale liked it in the morning. This morning, it was a recording of Chopin’s Étude Op. 10, No. 3 in E major. A hopeful piece, one littered with such wistful romanticism that Chopin himself had claimed he’d never written another melody so beautiful. It had reminded him of his homeland, and such a morning had gotten Aziraphale thinking that his home was never in Heaven, but rather anywhere that Crowley could be found right at his side.
Crowley was his home.
The coffee cup slipped through his fingers and toppled over onto the floor, to which Crowley did protest, but such contempt couldn’t last long before Aziraphale’s hands had cupped his face and their lips had connected. Passionately, desperately, they kissed as if it was the last time they ever could. Aziraphale’s tea was long gone as well, though the mess of spilled coffee and tea mixing at their feet was merely an afterthought as Crowley leaned the angel up against a nearby bookshelf, deepening the kiss. The angel relished in this moment of feeling wanted, a feeling he certainly wasn’t used to until he felt Crowley’s hair between his fingers and that same demon’s arms snugly wrapped around him with the same fervor.
read the rest here
And here’s a link to all of the parts in order:
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davidtennantgenderenvy · 10 months
eternal youth is overrated - a good omens one shot
Summary: Heartbreak and loneliness have left Crowley marked in more ways than one. Aziraphale helps him see that this isn’t such a bad thing.
NOTES: I’ve always had a bit of a bittersweet fascination with aging (David Tennant’s crows’ feet make me emo in ways I cannot hope to describe), with the sadness but also the beauty inherent in it, and I thought it could be interesting to bring this idea to good omens. The concept was “what if Crowley started getting grey hairs after Aziraphale leaves, if, over time, his physical appearance subconsciously changed to reflect his mental state?” The fact that I wrote this as a 19 year old honestly just shows how much I need therapy, but it was honestly incredibly cathartic to work through some of my own mental struggles via Crowley in this fic. Aziraphale’s pov was equally fun to write, as I basically just got to write how he feels about Crowley based on what I feel about David (lol). Hope you enjoy my first Good Omens one shot- I may or may not make an A03 account if it gets enough engagement, I’m honestly pretty proud of it! Special thanks to my wonderful partner in crime @flyingfluse for providing some much needed inspiration!
PS: The title is actually from a song I wrote called Grow Old With Me (hopefully will be available someday fingers crossed)
It had been a year.
Nothing to a demon, really. In the vast expanse of six thousand years on earth, not to mention the innumerable eons Before The Beginning, a year didn’t count for much more than a blip. But heartbreak is a funny thing. Time, for Crowley, now seemed to pass in a much more human fashion- the year that had elapsed since Aziraphale’s return to heaven, a year devoid of anything resembling laughter or joy, a year spent largely either sleeping or stewing in self-loathing, had seemed longer than the past hundred combined.
Crowley’s gaze blearily wandered to the rearview mirror of the Bentley. His reflection, as everything seemed to these days, mocked him.
Those sickly yellow eyes, reminding him of all he was and all that he could never be, like the sulfur he had been cast into all those millenia ago. On his worst days, it was like he could still feel it, eating away at him from the inside out, decaying his soul and with it, his body. It carved shadows into his cheeks and circles beneath his eyes, deep and dark as caverns. It rose in his throat until he choked on it, leaving his voice hoarse and acrid. It spewed out of him onto everything and everyone, every time he opened his mouth, an acidic bile of rage and bitterness.
He had been destroyed and rebuilt over and over through the millenia, and the product was a rough, hardened callus of a being, like a patch of skin that had been picked at too many times. He felt grotesque, untouchable, damaged- there would be no point to pursuing any new connections when no one would understand, nor why would they want to, when he seemed to turn everything he held to ashes? 
A ray of sunlight leaked through the window of the Bentley, catching upon Crowley’s hair, revealing it to be littered with strands of grey, collecting dust-like in his copper mane. How the mighty have fallen, he thought bitterly. Falling, always falling, like leaves in autumn, their color draining as their forms grow brittle and they become one with the earth. From dust they were made, and to dust, they shall return.
Perhaps in a year, he would be dust too. What would he care?
Demons didn’t naturally age, or so he had thought. But loneliness seemed to have made a mortal out of Crowley, centuries of it crashing down upon his corporation, wearing it to the bones, etching his torment into his skin. He could always just miracle any part of himself back to the way it was, reverse all this damned erosion… but what would it matter? Why even try to keep his hair from losing its color when all the color had drained from his life the second his angel had left it?
He felt so, so old.
A single, desperate sob escaped Crowley’s mouth, cracking out of him like splintering firewood.
As he weeped against the steering wheel, the Bentley switched on its radio in sympathy. 
I’ve walked too long in this lonely lane,
I’ve had enough of this same old game.
I’m a man of the world, they say that I’m strong,
But my heart is heavy and my hope is gone.
    The demon lay curled in Aziraphale’s lap, clinging to his chest as a snake might in search of warmth. It clutched at Aziraphale’s soul to see Crowley this vulnerable, the swaggering and smirking stripped away to reveal a heart in desperate need of care and healing- a task Aziraphale considered his greatest duty and greatest pleasure, for he knew Crowley would do the same for him. 
    Aziraphale ran his fingers through Crowley’s hair, earning a deep sigh from his beloved, whose brows turned up in fragile, stirring comfort. He loved doing this, both to see how much his touch moved Crowley and because he simply loved his hair itself. Bold, striking, an instant head-turner, just like everything else about him. It was now the longest it had been since biblical times, falling in elegant waves past his shoulders. But oh, something else was different… it was streaked now with rivers of silver, gathering in deltas at his temples. It lit a familiar flame in Aziraphale’s chest; that bittersweet blend of desire and sympathy.
    “You’ve changed your hair, I see”, he said softly. 
     Crowley takes a labored swallow, strain and self consciousness seeping into his face. Whatever he says next, it’s clear that the admission is going to cost him.
     “When you left, I suppose I… let myself wither away.” His voice is lodged deep in his throat, thick and murky, leaking out of him like tar, a sound from the depths of his own personal hell. “Oh, Aziraphale…” he exhales, and it’s one of the most poignant Aziraphale has ever heard.  “I’m so tired. So worn down. So bloody ancient.”
      “So am I, my dear,” he says, trying to come across more soothing than concerned.
     “Yes, but you still shine in the same way you did all those millenia ago… still so bright, so soft.  I’m all tarnished and rusted up… I don’t know how you still want to touch me.”
     Aziraphale gazed down into Crowley’s eyes, piercing and pleading and fragile, like shattered stained glass. At his craggy, rough-hewn cheeks, all bones and edges he’d happily cut himself on to caress. At the deep, deep lines around his eyes, carved there by every grin and grimace and longing and ache. And oh, the silver in his hair… it suited him so, both rejecting and combining black and white with a color all his own. It wasn’t normal for immortal bodies, ethereal or occult, to bear the marks of time and experience as Crowley’s has. But then, Crowley was never an ordinary demon, or angel, was he? No, he was something far more exquisite. 
    “Oh, but I do… I  do…” Affection surges through Aziraphale as he kisses every crease and wrinkle, every scar and every glorious grey, every sign that his dear Crowley has lived. He feels Crowley’s hands winding through his hair in response and kisses those too, those eloquent, spindly fingers and calloused palms…
   “Crowley, my most cherished books… the covers are peeling, the pages are torn or yellowed with age… so why would you be any different?” His heart seizes up, his voice breaking a bit. “I have seen the fire and rain rage within you for so long, and I have seen the marks they have left upon you, and each one is precious to me. You know how I love to read… Why would I not want to see the story of my beloved written upon their face? My 
dear old serpent, my survivor…you don’t have to fight anymore…”
     He pulls Crowley tightly to his chest, drawing the tension from his shoulders and back before cupping the sides of his face as Crowley stares back, looking overwhelmed and old and so, so beautiful. “I want you exactly as you are. Rough and hard and frayed at the edges… you will never be too much of any of these things for me. In fact…” A slightly wicked twinkle forms in his eye as he smiles pointedly at Crowley: “They make you more tempting to me than ever.”
    Crowley processes this for a moment. “Well…” he croaks out, that hint of playful snark finding its way back into his throaty timbre, “I suppose there is something to be said for… shades of grey.” Aziraphale laughs, remembering the words he himself said to Crowley all those years ago, on the same night he realized just how much he adored him.
   Crowley smiles, that crooked, twisted, perfectly imperfect smile that Aziraphale missed, his eyes crinkling magnificently at the corners. “Kiss me,” he whispers, and Aziraphale is happy to oblige. Happy that Crowley, bold, fierce, independent Crowley, could finally let his guard down, could finally embrace that all of his scars and imperfections, every mark of time upon his face, everything he ever thought made him damaged and ugly only made him more beautiful in his sight.
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cottagecore-raccoon · 6 months
Okay I had so much fun making that playlist last night, that I thought I'd share my good omens playlist and annotations for it (because I have thoughts and need to pawn them off on somebody)! Songs under the cut, because it's gonna be long:
(Pt. 1 Because apparently there's a character limit? Who knew)
Good Omens Opening Title - no work was done here
You're My Best Friend - no work was done here either
Everyday - for Gabriel and Beelzebub (no work was done here either)
Take Me to Church - a fandom classic before it was featured on Crowley's official playlist. A song about someone finding happiness in the love of another person, despite knowing that their relationship is considered a horrible sin by people close to them. I picture this being a song Crowley cries to while drunk (and definitely never in front of Aziraphale)
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - a fandom classic before it was featured as a bit of fan service in season two. C'mon, it's Queen, it's about a gentleman (Crowley) taking his (male) lover on old fashioned dates to the Ritz. He drives (the Bentley) and pays before they both go back to his lover (Aziraphale)'s place (the bookshop)
Killer Queen - another fandom classic, usually in conversation with Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (cause they're both Queen). About someone (Aziraphale) who is "well versed in etiquette" and "extraordinarily nice." Gee, what queen do we all know and love who is kind but particular...
Fallen Angel - a song sung by someone who loves a fallen angel and wishes they could protect them from all their pain and trauma, especially because they know said fallen angel tries to hide their pain to protect them
From Eden - another fandom classic, frequently used in the joke that Crowley gets drunk and complains about his life to artists who then write songs about him. I mean, it's about the serpent of Eden and their devotion to someone with banger lines like "innocence died screaming, ask me I should know"
One Headlight - something about how when everything is going wrong, and your world is crumbling around you, but you force yourself to "drive it home with one headlight." Reminds me of Crowley before Armageddon...
A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square - absolutely no work was done here whatsoever
Like Real People Do - something about how, just for a small time, you and a lover can ignore what you are and pretend to be two humans in love (with no other complications or responsibilities)
Work Song - the singer talks about feeling like they've done horrible things, but were able to find respite in a lover who doesn't ask or judge them for what they've done. "In the lowlamplight I was free, Heaven and hell were words to me"
What A Wonderful World - part of Aziraphale's official playlist. Something about how a central theme of Good Omens is the beauty of the world and humanity (even with all its flaws), and that this song has become one of the definitive celebrations of the world
Non, je ne regrette rien - part of Aziraphale's official playlist
Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine) - part of Aziraphale's official playlist. I like to think of either Crowley introducing Aziraphale to this song (as a thinly veiled display of love) or Aziraphale stumbling across it and pretending it was Crowley singing to him
Fly Me To The Moon - part of Aziraphale's official playlist
Feelings - part of Aziraphale's official playlist
Angeleyes - part of Aziraphale's official playlist. I feel like Crowley played this for Aziraphale as a joke, but Aziraphale actually really liked it
Feeling Good - part of Aziraphale's official playlist
I Will Follow You into the Dark - part of Aziraphale's official playlist. The lyrics to this song in the context of Aziraphale listening to it make me insane. A song about being raised in a religious setting that told you love was pain? But choosing to love someone anyway with an almost religious devotion? What if I died.
Spread A Little Happiness - part of Aziraphale's official playlist
Pale Blue Eyes - a fandom classic, both because Crowley canonically listens to the Velvet Underground and Aziraphale has pale blue eyes, but also because Neil Gaiman mentioned it being Crowley's favourite Velvet Underground song (via an ask on tumblr)
I'm In Love With My Car - part of Crowley's official playlist
Every Breath You Take - part of Crowley's official playlist
Purple Haze - part of Crowley's official playlist
It's The End Of The World As We Know It - part of Crowley's official playlist
I'll Be Your Mirror - part of Crowley's official playlist. The singer is basically saying I see that you don't see yourself for the beauty you are, and while I don't know why that is, I can reflect all the wonderful parts of you back to you to hopefully help you see them. And as someone with more than a few confidence issues, it makes me feral
Dreams - part of Crowley's official playlist
Starman - part of Crowley's official playlist
Part two coming in a few minutes in the reblog (with some more creative selections)!
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a mix-up of good omens-coded songs (idk how to title this--)
Hellooo my maggots, so there were a number of songs that were just so good omens and ineffable lovers coded that I had to see how they sounded together. But me being me, I don't know how to actually mashup songs, so I just sang it the way I'd have wanted to mashup the songs and made it into one song.
Of course all songs remind us of Good Omens now, that's a different matter of significant concern. But these especially were very Aziraphale and Crowley's religious-trauma-and-being-queer vibey.
The songs I cover here are (in order and excluding repeats) Devil's Backbone by the Civil Wars, Take Me to Church by Hozier, Angel By the Wings by Sia, Falling by Harry Styles, Holy Water by Noah Davis, The Village by Wrabel and Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.
And, well. Yep. The lyrics in the order that I sing them are below the cut. Thank you maggots for dragging me into this brainrot it is painful and unholy and I love it here so so much. Thank you @falling-raine for yelling at me to post this. Wahoooooooo!
[LYRICS] Oh lord, oh lord, what have I done I’ve fallen in love with a man on the run Oh lord, oh lord, I’m begging you please Don’t take that sinner from me Oh, don’t take, take, take, take Take me to church, I’ll worship like a dog At the shrine of your lies, I’ll tell you my sins And you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death, good god, let me give you my life Oh lord, oh lord, what do I do? I’ve fallen for someone who’s nothing like you He’s raised on the edge of the devil’s backbone I just want to take him home Oh, I just want to take, take, take So take an angel by the wings, Beg her now for anything,  Beg her now for one more day Just take an angel by the wings Time to tell her everything Ask her for the strength to stay What am I now? What am I now? What if I’m someone you won’t talk about? I’m falling again, I’m falling again I’m falling  I’ve walked through hell and back again Cause I’m a man who loves a man No you don’t need to pray for me No I don’t need your Holy water I don’t need your sympathy, sympathy, your— Holy water Just cause you think differently, differently There’s nothing wrong with you It’s true, it’s true There’s something wrong in the village, in the village Oh Coz I’ve been there, sitting in the same chair Whispering that same prayer half a million times It’s a lie though, buried in disciples One page of the Bible isn’t worth a life But I’ve heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music Do ya? And it’s not a cry that you hear at night It’s not somebody who’s seen the light It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love them so much.
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penpen363 · 3 months
Song lyrics that remind me of Good Omens
From the song ‘Softcore’ by ‘The Neighbourhood’
“You’ve been my muse for a long time
You get me through every dark night”
Literally Crowley or Aziraphale can relate Istg
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pommedepersephone · 1 year
Thinking a lot about nightingales, as one does.
Like much of Good Omens, there are just LAYERS with the symbols. And the nightingale is no exception. I've been thinking about how all these meanings play into Crowley's heartbreaking line (sobs quickly). So, quick review of what we are working with here:
The song “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square”
The lines from "Romeo and Juliet"
The meanings of nightingales in literature, specifically literature related to Christian theology
Berkeley Square, and a recognition of love
I am in agreement with @biceratops7 that "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" is meaningful not just because of their lunch at the Ritz in s1e6, but all the way back to 1941. It's a romantic wish they share, the idea of a time when they'd be free to speak to one another - not confined to clandestine meetings like a nightingale singing in the dead of night.
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And they got a taste of that...
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But the song is about more than dining at the Ritz (as much as Crowley LOVES watching Aziraphale eat). If this song reminds them of that very fateful night, it also reminds them of the power of trusting one another.
Romeo and Juliet, and a warning of danger
We all know these two love them some Shakespeare, so they'd clearly be well aware of the famous scene about nightingales vs larks.
Juliet: Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day: It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate-tree: Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.
Romeo: It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east: Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die.
It's a warning, no nightingales signifies extreme danger.
Literature, and a reference to resurrection
I have to say here that I am only somewhat familiar with the Bible, so I will accept any corrections! But after reading the OWLS, I looked into the symbolism of nightingales. They don't appear in the Bible per se, but they DO appear in medieval literature, specifically John Peckham’s Philomena where a nightingale singing is used to represent the Christian soul - the bird sings a final song about the Crucifixion and dies. It symbolized Christ's resurrection and the renewal of the soul after death. This meaning persists, and given the many references to resurrection in s2, seems important.
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If we assume that the conversation at the end of s2e6 contains an element of kayfabe as outlined by @ao3cassandraic (and yes, yes I do) then Crowley's "That’s the point, no nightingales" holds SO MUCH. It's heavy stuff, and based on Aziraphale's reaction, I don't think he heard it all at once.
To be clear, I'm not team body swap. Crowley stayed on earth and Aziraphale got in that damned blessed elevator. But their positions just swapped - the serpent is now left to guard humanity, and the angel of the flaming sword is headed to seek out truth. I think what we see in that master class of microexpressions on the elevator ride up is Aziraphale processing what was ACTUALLY said in the last conversation in the bookshop. It's a reminder of their actual feelings AND a warning of danger - and Crowley isn't just talking about the danger to them individually, but to the world. And with that read, it's also a reminder that they have to trust one another, even while they are now separated, like they trusted each other that night in 1941.
I have to have faith that our idiots will hear those nightingales again.
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hopefulgardenshark · 1 year
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I was destroyed for 24 hours after the finale of Good Omens 2. Then I channelled my internal Crowley and started asking QUESTIONS. And that thought process alone got me in a much, much better state 😊
Rejection… ough, it’s complicated
You can read about my take on the stage of the relationship the angels are here. To be clear, I read them as a long-term, post-pheromones companionship, something waiting to move towards whatever it is after at least ten years of relationship in human terms.
Aziraphale gets his "job offer." I must make a caveat that, as most of us have already deduced, this was the choice between Coffee and Death. What does it mean for the couple? From Aziraphale's point of view, he is in a long-term loving relationship. He has been threatened with the utter obliteration, what means not only that he would have never existed but also that this act would leave a black hole in the life of his precious companion. This fragile demon hates loneliness and craves companionship as much as the angel craves crepes. And he also KNOWS how much the demon loves him, to the point that they can kill anyone who threatens him. And that can turn out very nasty for them.
So we get the whole messy scene that, on the surface, makes no sense. And this is the first time they suck at communicating with each other in all 11.5 episodes.
Aziraphale SAYS  he wants one thing totally out of character, and Crowley KNOWS it is (the series established that he recognized his angel tone of voice). Aziraphale's goal is to save Crowley from himself (see here why the plot analysis tells us so), which I dare to say Crowley suspects. Crowley, on the other hand, wants something totally IN THE CHARACTER (both times he was rejected, he wanted the same thing), and Aziraphale KNOWS it. Crowley's goal is to get into a "we" of a relationship SOMEWHERE, leaving to the stars together. We know that he loves the stars, which was established in S1 and again in S2. He does not say, "I love you"; he says, "I would like to spend my existence with you." He also says "we've spent our entire existence pretending that we aren't". He does not mean it as in "we pretend to each other." Pretending to Heaven and Hell.
This is not a moment of a big confession about love or feelings. This moment is an infliction point, all about what we want from this relationship from now on. And the moment of loss and realization of loss. Crowley got what Aziraphale wanted for five episodes, only to see his angel inexplicably change his desires. The whole mumbling about Heaven and Crowley as an angel doesn't make sense to Crowley because HE KNOWS his angel wanted a nest., It reminds me of all the tropes most recently explored in "Marriage Story." It is not an outcome two loving partners wish for, but sometimes people want different things WHILE STILL LOVING EACH OTHER. The" nothing lasts forever" has many meanings and can be read in different ways. On one level, it is a marker of changing desires and aspirations. On another level, the facial expression of Aziraphale, when looking at Crowley, full of absolute caring love, tells us that Crowley may not last forever, and he is just making sure he does. There is no rage in that scene, only mutual love and hurt. People part ways even if they still have a lot of love for each other. Sometimes, they find each other again.
And then the kiss. The kiss is mutual (you can see it when you play the scene very slowly), not romantic but desperate. They both hurt, but Crowley initiates this absolutely in character: the one who has always initiated a deep dive into the earthly sensations (it is first established in the Petronius oysters' scene). Then, he is forgiven because Aziraphale must say something that hurts (maybe someone is eavesdropping? At the end, the Bentley plays the Song. The way Aziraphale looks at Crowley and Bentley makes me think he asked the car to play it as a coded message.)
Crowley behaves differently from TWO other rejections he experienced in Season 1. The other two were very early on in their courtship. He felt them as personal back then: "I don't even like you, you are the demon" and "It is over." Sort of stuff we yell at our SOs when pheromones are high. Crowley does not take it well; he loves himself enough to know his dignity and has no problem leaving. In Season 2, this is more complicated. The long-term bonds of "precious existence" are stronger because KNOWING THE OTHER is on a deeper level. And he knows something is very, very wrong. Why is he staying there, waiting? He does not feel rejected as himself; he does not feel his love was rejected; he only understood his Alpha Centauri will not happen for reasons he does not truly understand. Right now, he probably thinks precisely what he said: Aziraphale is an idiot talking nonsense. Crowley hopes he will return to his senses. Because deep down, Crowley is an optimist. And he has what other demons do not: imagination. So don't cry for him, he will be OK. And remember the last Jane Austen novel on Aziraphale's shelf: Persuasion. Not to mention the only book Crowley probably has read: "The Crow Road"…
I realized I wrote this from the point of view of Crowley. But Aziraphale had also his heart rejected. He cried I NEED YOU and he got silence, because his stubborn husband refused to follow. That rejection also hurts.
Another thought: The ending is our human equivalent of one partner deciding to accept that well-paying job half-way across the globe, while the other wants to stay put. The one who leaves, temporarily, thinks about the opportunity: the money earned to finally pay that mortgage, pay student loan... to be finally free and get on with their life. The one who stays does not see it this way. Who is right... we'll see.
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