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siobhans-world · 9 months ago
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Rockstar Crowley 🖤🤘
Lovely Marnie asked me to draw this and gift it to @feraltuxedo for their fanfic Intermezzo. I don't really do commissions but I HAD to do this, because Intermezzo is fantastic. If you haven't read it yet, bookmark it:
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laurey257 · 2 years ago
Good Omens fanfic recs that ease the pain. (All complete, canon-compliant)
I am an avid reader and I’ve been combing the floods of new (awesome) things hitting Archive and similar to find what best eases the pain of That Episode. Here’s the best canon-compliant and complete ones that give some soothing to the angst of our angel and demon parting:
**This was a hard decision but I am excluding works in progress since they need time to mature—all these are complete /compliant and can be invested in without fear.**
Jesus, Etc.
This one had me howling.  Crowley runs into a frantic Aziraphale with Jesus at a Barbenheimer premiere who he is frantically keeping busy to prevent the Second Coming.  A battle of the wills with pop songs in the Bentley, Taylor Swift, Kenergy, sushi, a nativity play and a magic show are the least of the insanity that comes next.  (Kudos for the awesome cameo from Mrs. Sandwich.)
To the Universe
This one is a 22-chapter, complete, canon-compliant season 3 full arc that can take the edge off for everyone who is internally screaming that we have years to wait to see all this resolve.  Really can’t say enough about this one.  It tied up every loose end.  Certain parts reminded me of Pratchett and the ending had me on the edge of my chair and cheering out loud.  (bonus extra in a hilarious treatment of Jesus in Tadfield that has him turning himself into a teen named Dave.) This could have been season 3 in another timeline.
Separate Ways
A sweet, short little one where Aziraphale has Muriel checking up on a devastated Crowley from the bookshop, and they finally at least talk.  No resolution, but it felt so nice to read. 
The Second Coming
One-shot (but around 7000 words in chapter format) that is canon-compliant.  Aziraphale “awakens” in the elevator (think ox ribs but sexually) and yeets himself back to earth to roger Crowley six ways from Sunday.  Smutty, so don’t read this one aloud to your parents.  (naked apology dance reference in here made my eyes fall out.)
Heaven is not fit to house a love
A sweet little one with a *small* deviation from canon (that seemed ok because they have a good point.) Crowley had never told Aziraphale about the way the angels managed his trial OR about what he saw in the Heavenly files with Muriel.  He jams his way into the elevator (telling the Metatron to get the next one) and tells him.
Not for all my Little Words
An adorable one where Aziraphale, realizing he screwed up, chases Crowley through loudspeakers and other people’s phones through Europe using famous love quotes until he gets his attention (and some forgiveness.)
Oh so lovely! A longer one-shot where Azi realizes that management is not what he cracked it up to be (they tell him nothing.) So he saves Crowley instead from a Heavenly asassination attempt. (Maggie, nina and anathema help!)
A Proper Apology
One where the Angel simply calls over and over until they really talk.  (Or imagine the idiots simply just used the phone.)
Cause you like me too much and I like you
A sweet little one where Aziraphale quietly resigns, has a chat with Gabriel and Beez in the bookshop, and does the apology dance.
A sweet little daydream Azi has in the elevator about apologizing to Crowley in the Ressurectionist pub  before waking up and realizing oh crap he is still in Heaven.
Did I miss any other good ones?  Tell me?
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fuckyeahgoodomensfanfic · 9 months ago
Good Omens Fic Rec: Fledging
Cool Dad was at the school gate again. Clambering out of his ridiculous sports car like a great big spider, all black denim and designer sunglasses. What a prat. He made his way towards the entrance, followed by his equally lanky son. All the mums' eyes were on him. Which was fine. At least they weren't staring at Aziraphale for a change. Cool Dad high-fived his son goodbye, because of course he did, then sauntered back to his car. Making it look so bloody easy. Aziraphale Fell is much too young to be looking after eleven-year old Pepper. He barely has his life together as it is, with his minimum-wage job and a half-baked dream of trading rare books for a living. And as if adopting a recently bereaved pre-teen isn’t enough, there are some rather more adult problems to navigate: playground politics, the shadows of his own childhood, and the growing question of how Crowley, the only other dad at the school gate, feels about him.
Length: 53,381 Words
AO3 Rating: Mature/ Spice Level 🔥🔥
Best for: Safe in Public, Human AU, Parent, Slow Burn
Triggers: Grief
Read it here, fic by FeralTuxedo
*Minor Spoilers* I've read this one twice now, and I was thrilled to find that not only did all the details from the first read stick with me, but that familiarity helped me connect even more the second time around. It's an excellent story of family, and both the burden and joy of responsibility.
Aziraphale has worked hard to build a struggling, but free, life for himself at 24 after leaving his family, but everything gets turned upside down when his estranged sister suddenly dies, and he takes in his niece, Pepper. Enter "Cool Dad" Crowley, father to Adam, who notices Aziraphale's struggle and offers a helping hand. This setup is unique and intriguing, and I'm such a sucker for the parent/adoption trope. Aziraphale didn't want Pepper, and she didn't want him. But the journey of them learning to trust each other, finding their places, and loving each other like a true family? Yeah, I'm a sucker for that narrative.
I'm also a sucker for the slow burn between these two young parents, finding support and friendship in each other. There's instant chemistry, but it's the quiet kind that promises a lifetime of domestic bliss. It's a bumpy road to get there, though. Past mistakes and bad parenting choices block their path, and they'll have to learn to fix their mistakes to make a life together. It's not an easy journey, Crowley needs to right his wrongs but Aziraphale also needs to step up to his responsibility to Pepper.
There are two sexual scenes but they are quick and non explicit so you're totally fine to read this in public! There's lots of love and joy to be found here, but also some slight angst and contemplative moments. Makes for a wonderful lazy day read.
Read it here, fic by FeralTuxedo
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feraltuxedo · 2 years ago
Currently reading (Good Omens AU fic edition)
Just a little round-up of WIPs I'm currently loving. All of these are as yet unfinished, but getting regular updates:
New Messages by TawnyOwl95 (@tawnyontumblr) E, 9/20 chapters Fandom AU meets kid fic in a slow burn story that, I would wager, is going to be relatable to many readers. Fanfic author Aziraphale gets talking to fan artist Crowley online. Pining and bonding over monsterfucking ensues.
The Scribe's Tale by ladyspock7 (@ladyspock7) E, 5/? chapters A historical AU set in a monastery, in which novice scribe Aziraphale meets knight Crowley. Much thirsting and pining all set against the immersive backdrop of the 14th century, minutely researched and lovingly presented.
Everything That's Meant by journeytogallifrey (@journeytogallifrey) T, 2/39 chapters An actors AU with a wonderful sense of intrigue. Actors Aziraphale and Crowley, both from very different backgrounds and with different approaches to their craft and their fame, are cast in the same production.
Somn by snae_b E, 6/18 chapters A neighbours AU with not just one, but many twists, each more delightful than the last. Featuring a very sad bookseller Aziraphale who is too caught up in his own troubles to notice just how much Mr Next Door actually cares for him.
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mrghostrat · 8 months ago
Micheal sheen said ”I wrote most of it (fanfiction)”
Are you micheal sheen???
ohhh honey i’ve only written a fraction of that good stuff
did u know feraltuxedo has written 28 good omens fics? snae_b has 50!!! voluptatiscausa has 32, zehwulf is over 60, and our lord n saviour summerofspock has 128 😩🙏
all prime suspects imo
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aziraphales-library · 1 month ago
Hello! Thanks for all your hard work, I’ve found so many good fics through here.
Do you have any recommendations for human au fics where Crowley and Aziraphale have known each other for a long time before becoming romantically involved. Could be acquaintances or co-workers or even friends, but looking for a good rec without a real meet cute/strangers-to-lover situation! Thanks so much :)
Hi! We have #friends to lovers and #childhood friends tags which you can check for lots of fics like this. Here are some more to add...
be mine tonight (be mine forever) by artenon (T)
Aziraphale knows he’s a solitary person. He knows Crowley may very well be his only true friend. He doesn’t mind this. He does, however, very much mind learning that his coworkers have a betting pool on whether he’ll be coming alone to the department holiday party next week. He especially minds when he learns that the reason there is a betting pool in the first place is because their intern, young Newton Pulsifer, is the only one naïve enough to believe Aziraphale might have a date. ----- In retaliation to a bet made against him, Aziraphale asks Crowley to be his date to the office holiday party. Certainly there are no flaws to be found in this plan. Certainly the secret love Aziraphale has been harboring for Crowley for the past several years won't be an issue. Certainly not.
Slipping by AppleSeeds (T)
When Aziraphale's friend and colleague Crowley asks him out at their work Christmas party, Aziraphale turns him down, having only ever thought of Crowley as a friend. Months later, Aziraphale's feelings for Crowley have changed, but due to a series of increasingly ridiculous misunderstandings, they both become convinced that the other isn't interested in a romantic relationship. (They're just adorable, oblivious, and pining, that's the whole fic.)
Wanna Bet? by Mimsynims (E)
“What do you mean, ‘you can’t find my name’?” “I’m sorry, sir. We have bookings for all of your colleagues, but your name is missing. Unfortunately that means there’s no room set aside for you.” “Right…” Crowley could guess who had made the ‘mistake’. “But surely there’s another room available? It doesn’t have to be on the same floor as the others’.” He would actually prefer it if it wasn’t.  “I’m afraid not, sir. Due to the conference all of our rooms are booked already.” The young woman on the other side of the counter looked genuinely distressed. “Most hotels within the vicinity are.” Crowley sighed and furrowed his brows. He didn’t even want to be here in the first place, and now he didn’t have a place to sleep? Knowing Gabriel, it would be no use asking to be allowed to go back home.  “Let me check something…” The woman brightened again, a small smile growing on her face. “Yes. It’s not ideal, but it seems that two of your colleagues have been placed in double rooms. Perhaps you or someone else can consider sharing?” Anyone want to guess who he ends up sharing a room with? ;)
On The Side by FeralTuxedo (E)
Aziraphale is far too pure of heart to be anybody’s bit on the side. Or so Crowley thinks. But when his friend starts seeing walking red flag Jim, with his dodgy smiles and mysterious past, Crowley does everything he can to protect Aziraphale from disaster. His own heart might just end up being collateral damage.
i've found a way (a way to make you smile) by curtaincall (T)
Crowley worked in Sales. He had never intended to work in Sales. It had just sort of happened. One moment, there he’d been, a newly minted university graduate off to change the world, exquisitely useless Philosophy degree in hand, and now here he was, having sauntered vaguely downwards into a Hell that consisted mainly of cold-calling new customers and sucking up to existing ones.   AU based on The Office.
Between Comfort And Chaos by anathxmadevice (T)
“And how long have you two been a couple?” “Oh, I—” Aziraphale panics. “Ha, well, that’s a funny… We’re not actually—” “We’re just friends.” Crowley says, their voice clear and calm and lightly amused, either because of or in spite of Aziraphale’s flailing attempts to divert the conversation. “Ah, yes, quite.” Aziraphale says, then takes a sip of his drink just for something to do, instead of focussing on the way Crowley said just friends, and how it causes a painful throb in his chest that he has never fully got used to. His memory can only scrabble at the edge of a time where being just friends with Crowley didn’t feel like a particular form of torture. * Or, Aziraphale has been desperately in love with his best friend and housemate Crowley since they were students, but is too scared to do anything about it.
- Mod D
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outrageousring5655 · 3 months ago
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So excited to announce my Christmas Podfic Playlist Project! I felt like we could all use a little cheer this year, so I will be releasing a short, Christmas-themed podfic each week starting on December 1 and then a bonus present on Christmas Day! So grateful to @snae-b @tawnyontumblr @feraltuxedo @ajconstantine and @naromoreau who have agreed to let me record their fics. To receive updates when I release them, please follow me on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Outrageous_Ring
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sabine-smitten-obviously · 2 months ago
Good Omens - December reads part #3- fanfics recs 🤓🩷🎄
I ´ve decided to write a short summary each month about the books i read. I need this to let go of the stories, its a nice way of saying good-bye to them and to spread the love to the authors and to you. 🩷
I only read finished stories and rarely one-shots. You will find no WIPs in here, as i really like to dive deep into the plot and i keep losing track of WIPs. Also you will only find happy or at least hopeful endings here - i couldn´t handle anything else.
Also i try to find every author here on tumblr to link-to, but sadly some times i am out of luck. If you happen to know them, please tell them, write to me in the comments or DM me and i will update the post!
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Multichapter Fanfics
Dark Literature (E) by @unproblematicme
Well this was a first for me. Human AU with our ineffable loves being exes. Ugh. Lucky for me, Aziraphale is hired by Gabriel to work for the same company on a regular basis. But all of this somehow fades into the background as a haunting starts on the 13th floor of the building. Massive ghoststory and halloween-vibes ensues! 🎃
I'd like to think i still know you (T) by @inherently_human
Human AU. Crowley and Aziraphale went to school together, before life took them on separate paths. Crowley actually detests the thought of the 30years reunion, but ... maybe he would meet Aziraphale again?
Biggest laugh: "Age has not done your eloquence any favors, I see." 😂
The ineffable bride (T) by @theravenmuse
Warlock asks Nanny Astoreth to read him a book he got from the gardener. The story is about a prince named Aziraphale, who fell in love with a farm boy that left to make good fortune, but never came back. Now he is supposed to marry Prince Gabriel.
Happiness, more or less (M) by @mllekurtz
Crowley moves into a flat above a bookshop, glad to have found a short lease. If it weren't for the strange noises in the night ... A ghost story, a love story.
Biggest laugh: "i'm not learning the riddle you have for a name." 😅 I love love love this one. It had me laugh, it had me on the edge and it made me cry. Please give this one a try! 🩷
Intermezzo (E) by @feraltuxedo
Crowley is a former Rockstar, whose career as opera-writer was crashed by Aziraphale Fell's official critique. 10 years later Crowley is offered to write a symphony and get a TV documentary on it, but there is a catch: Aziraphale is the one who will be presenting. Human AU, Enemies to lovers, very nice. Also the author has a way of leading up to and describing explicit scenes that had me wish for more. 😋
The accidental understudy (T) by @appleseeds
Human AU. Aziraphale is the stage manager, when he re-meets with famous actor and former school-collegue Crowley for a play of panto. Sweet fluff ensues as both have had their secret crushes for 30 years.
Love Thy Neighbor (E) by @snae-b
Aziraphale runs a successful bakery blog, but recently he is getting more and more delayed with his posts. The new neighbor is simply a nuisance with his construction noises throughout the day and his loud music in the night. One evening his temper gets the best of him and Aziraphale fists on the door. What will he see, when the door opens? You'll never guess. 😉
Naked in Malibu (E) by @cemeteryangel725
Human AU. Crowley is a famous actor, who is home early from his shoot without telling anyone. And naked. Aziraphale is the hired interior designer, who just so happens to be in Crowley´s home to redesign it. The rest is epic seduction and surprises beneath clothes.
Actually a re-read, as the author gifted us a with a sequel for christmas - see next! 🤓
Naked in New York (E) by @cemeteryangel725
Crowley and Aziraphale have been dating secretly for months now. They both have been falling in love and - of course, these are our beloved idiots! - they have NOT been talking about it. But there is this big red carpet-thingy coming up. Oh no, what is Crowley supposed to do? 😉
Hot Blood, Hot thoughts, Hot Deeds (E) by @supergeek21
Aziraphale sorts the books, when shortky before closing time a strange looking man, dressed all in Black and kind of outdated clothes comes in. He has quite some sharp teeth, too ... 🧛‍♂️🦇
The Serpent King (T) by @angela345
After the death of his father, King Gabriel rules the country. But a curse seems to have befallen the former prosperous kingdom. So knights are being sent out to the Serpent King of the neighbouring kingdom. Will they be able to break the spell? A fairytale.
Stocking Stuffers (E) by @cemeteryangel725
Yes, i know - this is the 3rd rec for @cemeteryangel725 in this blog alone. What can i say - she is a glorious (smut)writer. 😁 In this one we meet again with our beloved husbands from the human AU "Of fire and falcons", which you should definitely read, too. In this oneshot Crowley does a little christmas-strip for his Santaziraphale. 🌶️🎅
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boutique (T) by @dragonfire42
Aziraphale goes shopping with Jim to dress him up for the ball ... Sweet!
The Snake Prince (T) by @LTRisback
Aziraphale takes a walk and bumps into a snake - a talking snake. He offers to save him from the cold and takes him to his bookshop.
Sweet, short fairytale i found bc of another artist who made this beautiful Art to it @rocas-are-doing-well
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Only Ever Meant For Someone Else (T) by @di-42
Human AU. Every year the night before christmas, Aziraphale drives his passengers for free as an act of charity. This year, when he has finally finished his shift, there is a commotion behind him. Realising the other driver has wrecked his bentley, he offers to take him to the hospital, where his - presumably - wife Anathema is in labour.
Beautiful little christmas story, seasoned with a bit of angst and a happy ending. 🎄
Biggest laugh: “Of course. I can see how this entire predicament is very clearly her fault.” 😅
I loved this story and it stayed with me for several days.
All the pretty girls (T) by @spectrallydistracted
Crowley has made a pact with Ana to date each week for a whole year - or as long as it takes to find a partner. Sadly all the pretty girls never click. Unlike the very male barista Aziraphale ... 😉
So thats 16 stories this time, next year i will start counting for the whole year, just for the fun of it. 🥳
Found something you like? Spread the love with kudos, sharing and loving 😅🩷
Have a wonderfull start to 2025! 🎆
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obsessedobsesser · 7 months ago
It's been a while since I put together Part 1 of my GO fanfic recs. Having read a ton more since then, I figured it was time for another list.
In no particular order:
1. 'On Espionage and Prophecy (or How to Accidentally, but Wholly, Fall in Love With a Soho Bookseller)' by RockSaltAndRoll (Explicit)
This fic takes place in 1941 with MI5Agent!Crowley and bookseller!Aziraphale. Aziraphale is first recruited by, who he thinks, is an MI5 but turns out not to be. Crowley, an actual MI5 Agent then recruits him to "double cross the double-crosser". Lots of pining and badassery (from both sides) ensue in this one!
2. 'Ricochet' by NaroMoreau (Explicit)
I'm a sucker for anything written by Naro but 'Ricochet' has become one of my favourite fics of theirs. Crowley is missing his angel after S2 and ends up summoning another version of Aziraphale. So, we get 1 Crowley, 2 Aziraphale's. The best mix. The writing in this is *chef kiss*. How Naro writes Crowley's pain and the characterizations of the 2 separate Aziraphale's -- just gorgeous.
3. ‘Terminus’ by BraveLight (Teen & Up Audiences)
I had no idea how much I needed an Astronaut!Aziraphale and MissionController!Crowley AU in my life until I read this fic. They have to team up to get Aziraphale home, but there’s way more to the mission than meets the eye. The twists and turns had me clicking 'next chapter' instantly. And the way Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship is written is so gentle and romantic—it’s perfect.
4. "Villainous" by IneffablePenguin (Explicit)
This is THE fairy tale AU you need to read! Crowley (Crow) is a sorcerer, and Aziraphale (Azra) is a prince—this fic honestly feels like it belongs on a best-seller list. IneffablePenguin has a real gift for painting vivid scenes that are so easy to picture. And those final chapters? They totally got me. I couldn't put this fic down.
5. "Cilice It To Say" by izzyspussy (Explicit)
Ho boy. This will be a fic I'll think about often. It's up there with the one I mention next. It's not as explicit as some of the other I've read but jesus christ. As it says on the tin: Crowley has a kink - The kink is Aziraphale. This is big on divinity kink, if that's not your jam, you may not like this one.
6. "Tether" by Ginger_Cat (Explicit)
It's coming up on a year of reading this fic and I think about Chapter 6 constantly. I don't want to spoil it but let me tell you, it's worth it. Aziraphale, now Supreme Archangel, keeps getting summoned back to Earth by Crowley but they don't know why.
7. "Intermezzo" by FeralTuxedo (Explicit)
Aziraphale is a music critic who, back in the day, tanked Crowley’s classical music career with a harsh review of his debut opera. If my fic recs haven’t given it away yet, I’m all about that bickerflirting, and this fic provides. It's also by FeralTuxedo. Anything written by them is 10/10.
8. “Reclaimed” by gallifreyshawkeye (Mature):
Are you in the mood for some Crowley Whump? If so, this fic DELIVERS. Gallifreyshawkeye knows how to paint a very vivid image of injury, so do mind the tags. This takes place 4 years after S2 and Crowley gets dragged down to hell by Satan in front of Aziraphale. It's honestly one of my favourite WIP's at the moment. I am on the edge of my seat whenever a new chapter comes out.
9. "Wavelengths & Frequencies" by imposterssyndrome, shades_of_eccles_cakes (Explicit)
Who doesn't love an enemies to friends to lovers story? While this fic only has 3 chapters so far, I am hooked. But hey, you give me a fic with Crowley and Aziraphale as radio hosts, I am there! I'm so excited to see how this develops and to see more of our 2 idiots going at each other.
10. "Stroke Play" by moonyinpisces (Explicit)
Moony knows how to write pining and I am here for it. In this AU, Crowley competes in beach volleyball, while Aziraphale takes on the golf course at the 2024 Olympics. They're both so down bad for each other but no one communicates. I love it!
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Got any good fic recs? Send them my way :) Sharing is caring.
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beerok23 · 3 months ago
2024 FIC Roundup
In response to those of you who tagged me (@pookasluagh @captainblou and @missunderstoodlyrics) here is my AO3 author interview.
What fandoms do you write in? At the moment, only for Good Omens! But in the past I've written for Friends, The Pretender and Alias.
How many words have you published in 2024? So far, 186,754 words. I'll soon have a new Christmas fic to post that will definitely increase the count to more than 200k.
What is your greatest achievement this year? Starting to write for this fandom. When I started reading canon post S2 fix-it fics at the end of 2023 I didn't know that I would fall in love with AUs. Today I'm sure that this is a fandom that can express the best AU - if only for the fact that canon is 'fantasy' and AU are 'realistic'. I've changed my style from AE to BE and I'm trying to strengthen my writing. It's not always easy, but I've found beta readers who are so helpful in the process. I can't thank them enough.
What are your favorite top three fics you wrote this year? I've only posted two long fics, which are obviously the favorite I wrote: The Tadfield Holiday (A human ‘The Holiday’ AU) Runaway Groom (A human ‘Runaway Bride’ AU)
But as I mentioned, I'll soon post my Xmas fic 🎄🎁
What was your biggest pit of despair moment? I don't think I ever got desperate, but sometimes it's not easy being a non-native speaker. And the thing I've struggled with the most? Smut scenes 😁 What have you learned? Go with the flow. When the flow hits, just go with it. I'm saying this after writing almost 40k words in less than three weeks.
Did you beta any fics? Actually, I am! I'm not a useful beta when it comes to language, but I'm the best cheeleader 😁😁😁
What three fics have you read this year that you love? Only three? Impossible. I've read hundreds of them. I always read fics and most of all I re-read my faves. So here's a few.
and salt the Earth behind you by @sunrisesinthesuburbs The love and respect I have for this author is immeasurable. Just RUN read EVERYTHING she writes. Of course her Borrowed Words is a masterpiece, but I have a special place in my heart for Profiler Aziraphale and CI Crowley.
Overboard by @joanofart5 I write film-inspired AUs, and Joan did the same with this little gem. It's based on the 1980's romcom 'Overboard' and it's funny, and lovely and makes you FEEL all the right feelings.
Find the Light by @klikandtuna Oh, what an extremely talented author 💛 You've got Headmaster!Aziraphale and Rockstar!Crowley all cuddled up in an awesomely fluff story. Wonderful ❤
The New Road (is an old friend) by @missunderstoodlyrics Pastor!Aziraphale meets SingleDad!Crowley and his daughter Mira. Pining ensured and angst that made me die a little (a sweet death, mind you). Still one of my personal faves by this incredibly talented author.
I'll tell you who's in charge by @captainblou is still my fave of them. But even in other fics, Blou has this wonderful way with words and smut scenes and writing badass Crowley who's actually the sweetest creature. And the way they write about trans characters is the best in the fandom.
When Hell Freezes Over by @hermiola She has a WIP (subscribe, it's hilarious) and she's recently finished her Pretty Woman AU "Take a Little Love From Me", but I discovered her with this two-chapters one shot featuring a charming Peter-Vincent-inspired!Crowley and journalist!Aziraphale. I'm so glad we are collaborating, because your writing truly inspires me 💙💙💙
But oh there are so many others fellow authors: @bellisima-writes ("The Last Angel" is one of the more complex well-thought plots I've ever read), @feraltuxedo (If "All lines are open" was a book, I would have consummated its pages by now), @fellshish (My gosh, how many times I've read "Trial & error"?), @lyricalkris ("The Devil Built a Chapel" killed me 💚💛).
What ideas are percolating for next year? One too many. That's why I'll probably stop writing for a bit. I mean, there might be another movie-inspired AU project in the work, but...We'll see 💜
Who do you want to thank? My three besties, @pookasluagh, @somewhere-in-wales and @ineffablerainstorm. You know everything already 💚💛❤💜🧡🤍 And also, all the writers who make this fandom the precious, peaceful place it is. We've been through a lot this year. But we get them back together in less than a month.
And I can't wait.
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ineffableigh · 1 year ago
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"Tell me. Who gets to decide, who gets to control this piece? Is it you? Or is it Newt? Or is it Alexis Fucking Michael?"
"You. You're in control."
"Too right I am."
Submission for the smut war over at @goodomensafterdark! Pic is tame but if you know the scene, you KNOW.
Fic is "Intermezzo" by @feraltuxedo and I can't recommend it highly enough! :D
Lineart brush made by @asleepyy <3
No reposting please.
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blazenfire223 · 5 months ago
Good Omens Love Letter- by @/elnorawhittaker
Day 9. Favorite GO Fanfiction-
I have multiple favs, so I'll list a few. Also, I believe 99% of these have podfic versions as well. Also, make sure to read the tags. I don't think anything listed here has anything too terrible in it, but some fics might not be your thing. Also, keep in mind that I haven't read some of these in a while, so I might have gotten some things wrong about them. Also, I'm just gonna list the links beside the name so I don't clog the post so much.
• Under Construction by SummerofSpock: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23641006/chapters/56741293
This one. THIS ONE! Oh. I have nothing but LOVE for this one! It's a human AU where Crowley works in an office in the UK and his Uncle passed away and left him with some property in his will. The property is in Oregon so Crowley has to travel there and get the place fixed up so he can sell it (I think). On his trip he meets Aziraphale, a kind handyman that has been working on the house for some years now. They fall in love. This fanfic had my ENTIRE heart! 1. It has a podfic voiced by Djap and SkyAsimaru so already it's SO GOOD!! 2. ALSO CROWLEY AND AZIRAPHALE END UP ADOPTING A BLACK CAT NAMED SPIDER AND AAAAAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭 AND 3. AZIRAPHALE HAS A BEARD!!! IF THAT DOESN'T SELL IT FOR YOU THAN IDK WHAT WILL!
• Choose your Princes Wisely by ZehWulf: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24484123/chapters/59097679
A fanfiction I listened to as a podic by Djap. It's about Aziraphale, who is a hero/noble character guy that has to go on a quest to make his family happy. He ends up finding a talking snake, Crowley, who tricks him into helping him find some ingredients so that he can change back to a human. It's super fun and I remember it being very cute and it's one of my fav fanfics I listened to back when I first got into the fandom!
• I Love my Lover with A-- by Dictionary Writes: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18794110
So cute and sweet. Aziraphale and Crowley wake up and give each other compliments using the Alphabet. It's a comfort fic that I occasionally come back.
• All Lines are Open by FeralTuxedo and TawnyOwl95: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44205229/chapters/112211035#workskin
THIS ONE IS SO GODAMN FUNNY I SWEAR!! It's a human AU where Aziraphale and Crowley are Local radio hosts and they DESPISE EACH OTHER! They're CONSTANTLY bickering offset and pissing each other off on PURPOSE! It's also election season there and one day they get a weird call from Shadwell about some witchcraft happening in a house nearby. Crowley, bored out of him mind and wishing for an adventure, begs Aziraphale to come with him to investigate the house. Aziraphale reluctantly goes. What they end up discovering is more than what they bargain for. Their banter in this is too perfect. It's funny asf and I remember laughing my ass off when I originally read it. The bitchy energy is off the charts.
• In Mixed Company by TheOldAquarian: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309822/chapters/53287501
ANOTHER SUPER FUCKING FUNNY ONE OMG!! It's about Heaven and Hell going on a company trip together to some place in the U.S. (I think) because both sides need to work on understanding Earth and cooperating with each other so they can all be more successful at their jobs. Aziraphale and Crowley end up finding time to meet up and what not and Hijinks and Hilarity follow suit. There is also this really cute relationship that forms between another angel named Ithuriel and Eric and I love them so much.
• The Tales of Eden Cottage Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1434391
This series is SOOO GOOD!! It probably won't be everyone's thing because it mainly follows OCs rather than Aziraphale and Crowley but it's SO SWEET!! The Husband's moved to Eden Cottage and then they go around helping out the people in the South Downs! There is this one kid named Joshua and I love him so much. He's autistic and reserved but he's such an interesting character! He can see the wings of Aziraphale and Crowley and knows they're not human! There is also Jo, a tired Vicar who loves her job but she really just wants to relax at home and not be bothered (especially around Christmas time). If you like outsider POVs and enjoy when Aziracrow interact with other humans then you'll LOVE this series!!
• How to Win a Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Television (and how not to) by A lot of podficers: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30284220/chapters/74640189
This one is strictly a podfic (and is locked but you can listen to it on Literarian's Spotify if you have that) and it is SO DAMN FUNNY!! It's a human AU where Crowley and Aziraphale and 2 separate television talk show hosts. Crowley's talk show talks shit about people and Aziraphale's is very sweet and they talk about food and stuff. One day Crowley invites Aziraphale to his talk show and when Crowley tried to poke fun at Aziraphale, he ended up failing and Aziraphale said something scandalous to him which causes Crowley to do his classic "Ngk!" Sound and he ends up becoming a meme on the internet. They end up having a little beef, nothing too serious but they end up getting closer because of it and eventually falling in love. 10/10
• Getting A Wiggle On by Kadreeva: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20467451/chapters/48565136
This is the fanfic that got me into the fandom. It's soo cute! Crowley gives Aziraphale a snake tank full of "snake eggs" for Aziraphale to watch as he leaves for somewhere. Aziraphale 100% believes that these "eggs" are real and so he treats them as such. He make sure they stay warm and that they know who their father is when they hatch ect. ect. Then, when Crowley comes back he's expecting a miffed Aziraphale who realized he was tricked only to be confused out of his skull when he sees ACTUAL baby snakes in that tank and Aziraphale is none the wiser to the trick Crowley had played on him. Simply happy that he was able to to help Crowley take care of his kids while he was away.
• Demonology and the Tri-phasic Model of Trauma: An Intergrative Approch by Nnm:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/20177950/chapters/47807593
Aka the Crowley gets Therapy Fanfic. It's an absolute classic fanfic in the fandom and it had to be on the list. If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend you do. It's long but damn is it worth the read! It was one of the first fics I ever listened to and it's so good.
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unidentifiedlyingobject · 9 months ago
Ineffable May Day Twenty-six: Halo
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the image that came to me was from @feraltuxedo's absolutely lovely fic 'All the Lights that Light the Way'
this scene is Aziraphale busking by the side of the road wearing fake halo and wings
I absolutely adore this fic and you should go read it :)
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fuckyeahgoodomensfanfic · 3 months ago
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All Teen & Mature Fic Recs: Alphabetically Sorted A-Z
Note that most summaries in this list are shortened. Each link will lead to the fic's rec page where you can get full details, summaries, and links to read each story.
[Explicit A-L collection] [Explicit M-Z collection]
A Curious Case of Miracles on Marlborough Street by akfedeau (38k, Mature) Crowley and Aziraphale finally take the next step in their six-thousand-year friendship. But when a spate of miracles sweeps across Soho and Mayfair, they realize their amorous escapades may have an unintended side effect.
a day in the life by attheborder (10k, Teen) “Rock and roll? Really, Crowley? No, I’m afraid I know Mr. Epstein far better than you do. We have quite similar tastes, you see, he’s a great appreciator of the classics. Brahms, Bach. He may sell pop records in his shop, but I can’t possibly see how a group like this could play a role in improving his life.”
All’s Fair In Love And Serial Killing by WyvernQuill (10k, Mature) Detective Inspector Crowley is 99.999 percent sure that Aziraphale Fell is a serial killer. The trouble is only that the remaining 0.001 percent are deeply in love with the man…
Among the Stacks by MeinirRhos (65k, Mature) Nearly a year after Aziraphale returns to Heaven, he vanishes from existence, leaving Crowley bereft on Earth. Just when the demon has finally started to heal and move on with his life, he finds his angel by chance in a library. But Aziraphale has no memory of his life as an angel, or of Crowley. How will our hero cope?
Anthophilia by FortinbrasFTW (49k, Mature) Anthony J. Crowley’s life seems like it’s finally falling into place...Things seem almost perfect, until one day the empty shop across the street is leased to frumpy fellow Oxford alumni, who doesn’t seem to remember Crowley nearly as well as he remembers him
Be As You’ve Always Been by gyzym (58k, Teen) For six thousand years, Aziraphale did his best to exist within the strictures of Heavenly conduct. It wasn’t a perfect practice; his relationship with Crowley, just for example, was never exactly what one might call “officially sanctioned,” or even, “particularly wise,” but the important thing was that Aziraphale tried. He wasn’t a very good angel, but he did his best, more or less. Wasn’t that all anyone could really ask of him?
Choose Your Faces Wisely by Poetry (5k, Teen) In a world where humans wear their souls on the outside, Crowley and Aziraphale learn to make their own.
Creative Writing for Creative Children and Panicked Nannies by munchmulch (17k, Teen) Aziraphale is as prepared for the new school year as he can be– what he’s not prepared for is an awkward man in sunglasses who’s about to pull Aziraphale into not only his own life, but the lives of Aziraphale’s students.
Dream A Little Dream Of Me (series) by lavender_mo0n (22k, Teen) The reality of Aziraphale parting ways with Crowley was a difficult reality to grasp, and so the demon decided he’d rather escape it through picking up an old habit he had long since abandoned; sleeping.
Fifteen Years of Heartache by mondlichtmaus (20k, Teen) They’re teachers. They’re in love. They’re oblivious.
Fifty-Two Blue by bendycello (84k, Mature) Crowley and Aziraphale are surgical interns with competitive streaks a mile wide each, and they really do not like each other at all. Until they do.
Fledging by FeralTuxedo (53k, Mature) Aziraphale Fell is much too young to be looking after eleven-year old Pepper. He barely has his life together as it is...there are some rather more adult problems to navigate: playground politics, the shadows of his own childhood, and the growing question of how Crowley, the only other dad at the school gate, feels about him.
God’s Silence Like the Sun by oceantears (9k, Teen) Crowley is looking for something...now, in their cottage in the South Downs, his search becomes much more obvious to Aziraphale. It happens every day, and after a while, it becomes almost performative. As if Crowley were just waiting for Aziraphale to ask what he is doing, exactly.
How to Win a Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Television (and how not to) by GaryOldman (31k, Teen) Crowley hosts a late night comedy talk show. Aziraphale hosts a feel good morning talk show.When Crowley is asked to present Aziraphale with a lifetime achievement award, everything goes a bit skew-whiff.
i’d like for you and i to go romancing by dollsome (6k,Teen) In which people keep mistaking Crowley and Aziraphale for a couple, and Aziraphale starts to wonder if there might be something to it.
In A Place Like This by ghostrat (5k, Teen) Crowley works the bar at a discreet gentleman’s club on the brink of closing. Aziraphale appears out of nowhere to get the club back on its feet, and Crowley can only admire his angel at work.
In the (Second) Beginning by cherryfeather (2k, Mature) As their lunch stretches on Aziraphale slowly comes to realize that Crowley is—enjoying him. Enjoying Aziraphale’s conversation, and company, far more openly than he has in most of Aziraphale’s memory.
in the house we remain by commodorecliche (48k, Mature) Aziraphale buys a quiet cottage in the middle of the English countryside...But when a mysterious set of books, all written by unknown author A.J. Crowley, appears on his book shelf, Aziraphale begins to wonder if there is perhaps more to this house than he’d originally believed.
In The Next Room by maidenimage (7k, Mature) In which Crowley and Aziraphale get drunk, play poker, and then everything changes. Or: Why TF is Aziraphale giving Gabriel his spare room while he let Crowley live in his car for years? Oh, this is why.
Ink Blots and Forget-Me-Nots by gutsandglitter (42k, Teen) Owning a flower shop across the street from your boyfriend’s tattoo parlor is fun and adorable. Owning a flower shop across the street from your ex-boyfriend’s tattoo parlor? Not so much.
It Was Always You by mltrefry (230k, Teen) A chance encounter during one of the worst times of Ezra Fell’s life reunites him with his once best friend and the one who got away. Though, that would imply he ever had him in the first place.
It’s About the Journey by hakunahistata (4k, Teen) two celestial beings talk about flying.
Lavender Coffin by The_Infamous_Jack (12k, Teen) Aziraphale loves the 1920s, and he only wishes that he could share it with Crowley. Unfortunately, the more time that Aziraphale spends with the humans, and the more drunken letters he writes to his absent “husband”, the more he discovers the darker undertones to the era he thought he fitted right into.
lit in the darkness by ToEdenandBackAgain (40k, Mature) Aziraphale returns to Crowley’s flat for the night after Armageddon. After all, it’s hardly the first time they’ve shared sleeping arrangements. Or: Times throughout history Crowley and Aziraphale have shared a bed.
loving you brings only heartaches by gravitron (11k, Teen) It’s been 62 years since Aziraphale and Crowley’s disagreement in St James’ Park, and the world has entered a new era of flapper girls and arbitrary Prohibitions. After attempting to finally get in contact with the angel again, Crowley finds out Aziraphale has been accused of murdering Mr Howard, owner of the Harmony Emporium a few doors down…in her very own bookshop. It’s up to Aziraphale and Crowley to solve this mystery, or else they might be next.
Marriage in an Orange Grove by shanimalx (4k, Teen) Murmurationsis the oldest café in Soho, whose clientele is usually limited to reclusive artists, older men who value peace and quiet, and those who know the employees personally. Crowley is all three.
moments lost, moments gained by commodorecliche, Dervila (12k, Mature) Crowley and Aziraphale are expelled from their respective realms when their partnership is found out, and find themselves waking up in hospital as humans, with no memory of their previous natures, and no memory of each other.
My True and Complicated Romantic Feelings for the Demon Crowley by Hermuseros (27k, Mature) In which a Demonic Contract is written by the demon Crowley (and signed by the angel Aziraphale) in an attempt to resolve a very dangerous celestial standoff.
Omens On Baker Street by WorseOmens (155k full series, Teen) Sherlock and John are no longer the only crime-solving disaster duo in London. After Sherlock unknowingly wrongs a demon, he finds himself with two mysterious rivals in the detective scene. For Crowley and Aziraphale, it’s just a bit of fun, but they end up learning more about human nature than they bargained for.
on purpose, on purpose (i am going to care about you) by attheborder (2k, Teen) “Hold on. Hold on,” he hissed, going stiff under Aziraphale’s hands. “Are you— did you— what are you doing? Do you know what you’re doing?” “I’m playing with your hair, dearie.”
Our homeward steps were just as light by On1OccasionFork (7k, Teen) She flipped to the paperwork for the new gentleman, a Mr. A. Z. Fell. He was a retired literature professor, it seemed. He was slated to be in the room next to — oh, this could be a problem—Anthony.
Postcards From Paris by ghostrat (12k, Teen) Crowley has just moved into his Mayfair apartment and finds a postcard addressed to the previous tenant. With no return address, he’s left to collect and read the mysterious A.Z.F.’s adventures across Europe, where he hunts for bizarre bibles and rates ridiculously expensive wine in his free time.
Pray For Us, Icarus (series) by Atalan (65k, Teen) For three centuries, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has tried to find a way to restore him to his true self, but all he seems to do is hurt them both. This time, he only means to steal a brief moment when he walks into Crowley’s flower shop. But Crowley can’t let it go…
sanctuary by moonyinpisces (22k, Teen) Crowley begins to smile something slow, bright, and lovely, but he schools it with a bite to his lower lip. Aziraphale thinks of the way he looked two millennia ago, pressed up against the wall with Aziraphale’s blessing healing his wounds, the only demon to experience divine ecstasy and live to tell the tale. How Aziraphale’s hands itch to do it again, and again, and again.
Scare me goodnight, my love by The_Rogue_Bard (22k, Teen) Beelzebub assigns a sleep paralysis job to Crowley. Unfortunately, the victim they have chosen does not sleep, is an angel, and could not be less scared of a demon he’s known for 6000 years.
Second chances and second choices by Melquiadesdecarabas42 (25k, Teen) After the (failed) second coming, Crowley and Aziraphale have to face the biggest fear of all: talk to each other.
Snitten by Rowyndodendron (6k, Teen) A cat starts hanging out outside Crowley’s London flat, he takes a bit of an interest in. But he doesn’t care about it. Absolutely not. (spoiler: he does).
soon you’ll grow so take a chance with a couple of kooks (hung up on romancing) by mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday) (20k, Teen) The image of Aziraphale — his bowtie undone and his coat long abandoned, his shirtsleeves rolled up to his elbows — with a newborn tucked snugly in the crook of his arm like some sort of angelic nanny will stay with Crowley long after this world is nothing but a smoking crater.
sweetie by PaintedVanilla (3k, Teen) She’s a cream colored cat, short haired and small in size with a pink nose and curious eyes. She follows Crowley everywhere he goes.
Talk about the weather by nightbloomingcereus (81k, Mature) Television meteorologist Aziraphale Fell and Youtube storm chaser A. J. Crowley have nothing in common aside from a purely professional interest in the weather and a mutually beneficial arrangement to lend a hand when needed.
That’s not what I asked by black_earth (1k, Teen) Aziraphale had to will himself to relax the grip on his glass. Crowley found his words and shot them out: “If I were to kiss you right now, would you let me?”
the aftershocks of immortality (and how to stay human despite it all) by Kierkegarden (4k, Teen) Crowley nudged him with his pipe hand. “Fancy a smoke?” or 5 times Aziraphale gave in to temptation + the 1 time that it stuck.
the burden of knowing by black_earth (2k, Teen) “Crowley was fixated on Aziraphale eating. It was intense, it was honestly slightly terrifying but it also made him giddy with manic excitement. The rules had been broken, the edges blurred, the natural order upended and tomorrow was not here yet.
The Fine Print by curtaincall (42k, Teen) Anthony Crowley sells computer systems to London businesses–and specializes in sneaking extra charges and fees into the associated contracts....He thinks mild-mannered bookshop owner Aziraphale Fell will be an easy mark...then Aziraphale comes back with some very polite, very pointed questions – and Crowley decides that maybe pulling off the sale isn’t his first priority anymore
the shame of wanting by black_earth (2k, Mature) A character study on Aziraphale trying to navigate the awakening of his bodily appetites and how they fit in with his angelhood.
The Truth Remains by WanderingAlice (200k, Mature) Raphael had been the third angel ever created, and he’d raised himself first with Michael’s clumsy help. Then he’d turned around and raised three more siblings, and loved them all so fiercely it hurt. He’d loved Aziraphale too, more than either of them really knew. And then, he fell. He lost everything.
They Drink Tea at the End by knifeforkspooncup (3k, Teen) After 6000 years in the spinning hubbub of earth, Heaven had been overwhelmingly sparse. So bright it stung, so empty it echoed, so utterly quiet the silence howled in your ears and never seemed to stop.
Time Marches Forward by Bellisima_writes (128k, Mature)Our story follows Aziraphale as he toils alone in Heaven to thwart the Second Coming while Crowley, back on Earth, encounters a powerful and frightened 15-year-old Adam Young in desperate need of guidance.
What About Hope? by AppleSeeds (27k, Mature) Crowley met Aziraphale in the spring of 1989 while he was on his lunchbreak from the factory, his attention immediately drawn to the posh boy sitting by the canal writing poetry...Twenty years later, they are reunited when Crowley, now a successful writer and vlogger, comes to work as an Associate Lecturer in the university department where Aziraphale is an academic.
you should’ve come over (please never leave) by mackanthology (3k,Teen) They’d sat on opposite sides of the table, but as the night wore on they’d found themselves facing each other. Trying to laugh it off, talk of anything else. Without acknowledging it, but both knowing it’s happening, they sought solace in each other.
You’re Just a Little Under Rehearsed by MickyRC (53k, Teen) Drama teacher Crowley loves directing the Tadfield Community Players’ shows—interacting with the rest of the staff at the community center, not so much. So when he meets the new accompanist for this year’s musical, he’s shocked to find that he might actually like him. Possibly more than like, if he’s being honest.
you’re not a religious person (but) by isozyme (19k, Mature) An account pertaining to the cultivation of figs, the ecstasy of St. Theresa of Avila, the ontological uncertainty of mammoths, the nature of temptation, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the ten years following the end of the world.
You’ve Got Mail by SouthDrarryReturned (68k, Teen) Aziraphale and Crowley are hereditary enemies, rival book shop owners engaged in corporate warfare. They are also pen pals that are perfect for one another. They don’t know about that bit though.
[Explicit A-L collection] [Explicit M-Z collection]
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tenderlywicked · 1 year ago
Good Omens fanfiction rec list
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Is it time for me to start another rec list? Hell yeah!
NEW All Lines Are Open by FeralTuxedo, TawnyOwl95
Anthony Crowley, bored host of a trite call-in radio show on Tadfield FM, has very few pleasures in life beyond annoying his long-suffering producer Aziraphale. When a caller reports suspicious activity at the abandoned Tadfield Manor, Crowley is determined to investigate, dragging Aziraphale along. Both of them are going to get more than they bargained for.
A local radio AU
NEW And the Devil Makes Three by stereobone
"Are you…" Crowley holds the word on his tongue a moment. "…jealous of Satan?"
"Now that would be just ridiculous," Aziraphale says.
But he doesn't say no.
Be Ye Therefore Merciful by AmberDiceless
(2005) Crowley does something utterly unexpected, and Aziraphale must face an opponent who cannot be thwarted. Hints of pre-A/C.
Chemistry by Twilightcitysky
Aziraphale and Crowley have been living among humans for 6000 years, but there have always been parts of the human experience they've chosen to avoid (like allergies, head colds, and having to use the loo).
They've also never let hormones get in the way of making rational decisions, because they didn't have any hormones to speak of.
That's all about to change.
Connectivity Issues by maniacalmole
One minute and twenty-three seconds before the whole mess began, Aziraphale received a message.
"Heaven and Earth are currently experiencing connectivity issues.
Miracles may be temporarily unable to function.
We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this matter."
Aziraphale instantly got a headache.
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nnm
As soon as Aubrey Thyme, psychotherapist, had opened her office door and seen her new client, Anthony J. Crowley, sitting in her waiting area, she was observing and assessing him. At first glance, she paid attention to the following:
--His clothing was expensive and stylish;
--He wore very strange but noticeable cologne;
--His relationship to the seat he occupied could only, very loosely, be described as “sitting;”
--He looked angry;
--He was wearing sunglasses.
What Aubrey Thyme, a professional, thought, upon first seeing her new client was: you’re going to be a fun one, aren’t you?
Factory Settings by Anonymous
Crowley gets reinstated as an angel.
First Thing In The Morning by FeralTuxedo
Aziraphale Fell, erstwhile nerd, now successful fantasy author, is signing books at this year’s Heaven and Earth convention when he spots a red-headed man in the crowd. Someone he hasn’t quite been able to forget since his school days. And as luck would have it, Anthony Crowley, former troublemaker, now responsible adult, seems keen to reconnect.
Gently, gently by what_a_writer_wields
Heaven is cold and lonely. Hell is filthy and crowded. Aziraphale badly needs to be touched; Crowley needs fresh air, and light, and space. They can’t seem to connect on days after they’ve returned from their respective head offices.
NEW If Not Now, When by ineffablefool
Anthony Crowley has learned by now that anything that makes him happy will be temporary at best. His quietly desperate routine is challenged when he happens to strike up a conversation with a customer at work, and he starts realizing three things, in this order: 1. oh huh this Aziraphale guy is actually interesting; 2. he can't stop embarrassing himself by accidentally flirting with him; and 3. oh no this Aziraphale guy is actually extremely attractive what do I do.
NEW I'm the treasure baby, I'm the prize by stereobone
"Are you working for Mrs. Sandwich?" Nina asks.
"No," Crowley says. "Well, yes. Well, define 'working'."
Or, Crowley is very good at faking sex work, as it turns out.
Improvement Day by Twilightcitysky
The time has come for Improvement Day, Heaven's decennial work retreat. The angels posted to Earth are relieved of their terrestrial assignments and join middle management in attempting to improve organizational operations right across the board. Typical activities include name games, trust falls, client-facing skill role play, and miracle budget workshops. It's loathed by all the Earth operatives- but particularly by Aziraphale, who always finds himself unable to fit in (no matter how many icebreakers there are).
This year, an angel no one quite remembers seeing before is on a mission to befriend Aziraphale, but it seems that the odds are against him. He has to contend with a networking-obsessed Gabriel and an unabashedly flirtatious colleague; Michael thinks he might be the next big thing in parsimonious celestial energy handling; and Sandalphon is sure he's seen him somewhere before. Meanwhile, Aziraphale's angry with him for showing up, the gold paint on his cheeks is flaking, losing a contact lens would mean a quick discorporation at the hands of four dozen angels, and isn't this just the story of Crowley's life?
The Injury Of Finally Knowing You by unpack_my_heart_with_words (WIP)
Once in heaven, the angels do what they always do— a kindness.
The only blessing is that without his memories,
Aziraphale has no idea what he has lost.
Invoke by AlatusNora
“Angel, can you stand?” Aziraphale blinked, but the world didn’t want to stick together. “Aziraphale, can you stand?”
He frowned. Confused. “Cro– Crowley?”
The demon shushed him with a hiss. “We need to go.”
Go? He hesitated, wavering. “Where?” He didn’t want to move.
But Crowley was insistent, tugging at his arm. “We’re going to get you home, promise.”
In which Aziraphale is kidnapped, and Crowley mounts a one demon rescue mission to see his angel safely home.
The Loneli(ness) of a Wild Loch by Kedreeva
Crowley has long enjoyed his peaceful, human life as the owner of a local pub on the shore of the Loch Ness. The only problem is that it's all a lie, and Aziraphale - the new cryptozoologist in town - has come to find the truth.
A Lot of Love and a Little Bit Dumb by LollipopCop
Crowley came right out with it. “I want to love you so badly,” he confessed, his voice weak. “I really wish I could,” he said earnestly, his chest aching.
Aziraphale’s face fell into utter anguish and he gasped, a hand flying to his chest. “Oh, Crowley,” he said sorrowfully. “My dear, after 6,000 years, how can you be this stupid?”
Crowley stared at him, dumbfounded. That...was unexpected.
Crowley feels horribly guilty because he believes that he, as a demon, is incapable of loving Aziraphale back. At least one of them has an ounce of common sense...
Never Have I Ever (Been Myself) by FeralTuxedo
Aziraphale Fell, BAFTA-winning actor of stage and screen, is bored. Bored of playing middle-aged divorcees in dull BBC dramas. Bored of answering the same questions on chat shows and breakfast television. Bored of keeping the real him hidden away.
So when the opportunity presents itself to collaborate with up-and-coming rock band Witching Hour, he takes it, against his own common sense and the condescending advice of his agent. Witching Hour’s mysterious guitarist Crowley, flame-haired, moody, and a good fifteen years his junior, certainly seems worth the risk.
A human actor/rock star AU.
Notoriety by RC_McLachlan
As it turns out, Aziraphale has a bit of a reputation in Heaven.
"I-I beg your pardon? The Demon Tempter?"
Zadkiel gives an enthusiastic nod and leans forward. "I didn't come up with the name, but you have to admit it's rather clever! Because, you know. It's usually demons doing the tempting, but this time it's you! Tempting demons. Well, one demon."
"I don't—tempt." He doesn't technically possess a trachea at the moment, but it feels as though he does. One with something lodged rather firmly in it. "I've never—"
"You know what I mean." They wave their hands between the two of them in some vague gesture he doesn't understand. "You make the demon think you're on his side, that you love him back, and then BAM! You pull the rug out from under him, leaving him utterly devastated. And because he never learns, it just keeps happening over and over! It's monstrously funny. Wherever did you get the idea?"
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan
"All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?"
Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.
 "The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening."
 AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
Or Be Nice by charlottemadison
Crowley and Aziraphale are neighbours. And...it does not go at all well, until it does.
A human AU in which Aziraphale is a bookseller, Crowley is a drummer, and they are both petty disasters in the worst/best way.
“So what’s your deal?”
“My-my-my deal?” Aziraphale stammered. “I’m a bookseller, is my deal.”
“Oh,” Crowley replied, sounding as uninterested as it was possible to sound.
“It’s just, I couldn’t help overhearing, and --” Aziraphale swallowed hard. “You really are an accomplished musician. But I thought -- for after 11PM -- perhaps we could reach some arrangement?”
Aziraphale felt his his smile turning forced. “Such as, perhaps, playing the drums *before* eleven? Instead of after?”
Crowley stared blankly at him. In fact he stared for so long that Aziraphale briefly wondered if he'd lapsed into ancient Greek again, which he was known to do in bad dreams or during panic attacks.
The Pillow Fort by Kalimyre
Chronically touch-starved, Crowley decides to try one of those "professional cuddling" places. Aziraphale volunteers there for reasons of his own. Crowley gets attached far too quickly, but it's not as one-sided as he thinks.
A prize-winning philodendron by Elsajeni
Crowley comes back three days later with a larger pot, a bright leafy vine spilling from it. “Here,” he says, brandishing the pot at Aziraphale. “It’s unkillable.”
“You mean you’ve done something to it,” Aziraphale accuses, inspecting the plant. It doesn’t seem obviously miracled, but...
“No,” Crowley says in a tone of enormous patience, “I mean it’s a philodendron.”
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim
Aziraphale finds himself in a very awkward position as some sort of spell makes everyone merely glancing in his direction instantly fall deeply and desperately in love with him.
Absolutely everyone.
Well, apart from Crowley, that is.
And while both angel and demon search for a solution to this fairly unique problem, Crowley can’t help wondering whether Aziraphale might finally figure out some things he kept hidden for so very long.
Reflect What You Are by OwenAnnwn
It's a year after the almost-apocalypse. Aziraphale makes Crowley go see a therapist.
“Have you been having any issues in particular?”
“Issues? Such as?”
“You tell me.” She could tell he had something on the tip of his tongue.
Crowley sat for a second, then blurted out, “He thinks I’ve been sleeping too much. He’s worried.”
The Rose and the Serpent by Atalan
AU, retelling of “Beauty and the Beast”. Quite honestly, sending Aziraphale off into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle isn’t even the worst thing Gabriel’s ever done to him, and at least it means a change of scene. But then neither the snake nor the castle turn out to be quite what he’s expecting…
Rough Enough for Love by Nekhen
“So, let me get this straight,” Crowley said, dragging that r a little for best effect. “Your librarian asks for an escort, and the first person you think of is me?”
When tabloid reporter Anthony Crowley gets roped into posing as the loving partner of their intern’s fussy librarian friend for an infernal wedding in the country, he has an inkling that he won’t come out of that little spot of bother unscathed. There is more to Aziraphale than meets the eye, and soon Crowley will discover that relationships are not for the faint of heart.
NEW Seamstress of Soho by GayDemonicDisaster (scrapheapchallenge)
When Mrs. Sandwich spots a suspicious new guy apparently lurking on her turf, the misunderstanding leads to an unlikely friendship between the ‘seamstress’ and a demon.
Stay Here by maniacalmole
Aziraphale gives up his shop for a good cause, but that means he needs somewhere to temporarily stay. And there's really only one person he could ask to store his most treasured possessions. Temporarily, of course.
Stitch Me Up by Get_Wrexed (unfinished, but good as it is)
Dr. Aziraphale Fell is newly appointed as the Chief of the A&E (ER) at Celestial Harmonies Hospital in Lambeth, London. The crowd is a much different one than the patients that gathered at his previous place of work in the South Downs- and his coworkers are perhaps the oddest of all. Emergency physician Gabriel Winger seems to think Dr. Fell has robbed him of a position that was rightfully his. Beatrix Bealz, the trauma surgeon on call, doesn't look or act like a surgeon at all. And then there's that strange Head Nurse Crowley. So stand-offish with his coworkers. So sweet with the patients. A mystery, all together. Aziraphale can't help but want to solve that mystery- what physician can resist one?
Talk About It by hope_in_the_dark
Aziraphale and Crowley have been best friends for sixteen years. Crowley's been in love with Aziraphale for almost that long. When Aziraphale tells his family that he'll be bringing his boyfriend to his step-brother's wedding, things get a bit complicated.
A Fake Dating AU.
Time After Time by iamtheenemy (Steph)
“Ha!” Crowley said, pointing one of those long index fingers in Aziraphale’s face. “That wasn’t yesterday! That was Monday!”
It's the day after Crowley and Aziraphale thwarted their respective home offices and saved the world - and it keeps being that day again and again and again.
NEW Trial & error by fellshish
The Metatron brings in the demon Crowley to stand trial in Heaven. For tempting an angel. Uhhhh. Awkward.
Vita Nova by AMidnightDreary
“Angel, bloody hell. Hi. You doing okay? Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
It was quiet for a few seconds.
“I’m sorry,” Aziraphale said then, still polite, but a bit perplexed. “Who is this?”
Crowley, upon finding that Aziraphale does not remember him, is very much Not Okay with the changes Adam made after the Apocalypse That Wasn't. He can't do anything but try and make the best out of it, though.
Would I Lie to You? by FeralTuxedo, TawnyOwl95
Anthony Crowley and Aziraphale Fell are rival team captains on popular comedy panel show Don't Lie To Me, where they exchange insults and banter to an audience of millions. But behind the scenes, a whole other game of truth and lies is being played.
A comedy panel show AU
Yes and Please and Thank You by WyvernQuill
"Go to alpha centauri, for all I care! Go now, this very instant, and never return, do you hear me, Crowley? Never!"
Due to Crowley's firm conviction that "he need never know", Aziraphale has, for all the time they've known each other, been blissfully unaware of the obedience curse Crowley's been looping holes around since 4004 BC.
You can't really blame him, is the point. Aziraphale had no idea what his unthinking words might do, and is already planning to apologise profusely at dinner...
...which might get a little tricky, seeing as Crowley has just been sighted in the vicinity of Pluto, and has concrete orders to never show his face on earth.
You're a dream, darling by Somedrunkpirate
There are two very important facts:
1) Aziraphale is dead.
2) None of this is real.
Crowley’s throat tightens. “My angel,” he says. “My best friend. He’s dead, you know.”
Aziraphale blinks and then blood drains from his face. “No, no. Crowley. No. I’m here. I’m right in front of you.”
“I know,” Crowley says. “Isn’t it amazing, what a dream can do?”
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mrghostrat · 1 year ago
Not sure if someone asked this but what are your favorite fics? You’re probably my favorite fanfic author at the moment and I need some recommendations!
fuck yes rec time!! it's been a while since i recced my favourites. i'll try to avoid reccing the same classic fandom fics that everyone else does, so hopefully you'll find something new!
but as always, we start with First Class (Hons) by heloluv because i can't believe this fic doesn't have 100k+
The Rose Thief and the Priest by ImprobableDreams900 human au, horticulturalist!crowley wooing priest!aziraphale to try and get a rose cutting from the church garden
because thinking makes it so by NaroMoreau, summerofspock human au, "straight" and divorced aziraphale is a new employee in crowley's office where crowley is an IT guy. they start as friends with benefits
Soho by Lurlur human au, aziraphale runs a bookshop and crowley is a rockstar that wanders on in
Never Have I Ever (Been Myself) by FeralTuxedo human au, aziraphale is a famous actor who stars in a music video for crowley and anathema's rock band
The Bizarre Demons of AZ Fell & Co Antique Booksellers by WorseOmens good omens x buzzfeed unsolved crossover that makes me laugh every time
Raspberry Ripple by FeralTuxedo human au, crowley watches aziraphale eat ice cream on a bench every day at lunch, and devises a plan to go sit with him one day. another laugh out loud
First Thing In The Morning by FeralTuxedo human au, aziraphale is a famous author who bumps into childhood friend/crush crowley at a book signing.
(sobs omg im sorry for so much feraltuxedo i can't get enough of their fics)
Celestial Bodies by Justkeeptrekkin canon compliant, getting together, beautiful beautiful prose of nonhuman intimacy
To reveal my heart in ink by chaoticlivi canon compliant, aziraphale starts handwriting crowley letters just because he misses the format. it becomes easier to spill certain feelings on the page and their letters get very saucy n intimate.
Talk about the weather by nightbloomingcereus human au, aziraphale is a weather man meteorologist and crowley is a storm chaser.
If A Man... by Tartan_Temptation human au, crowley has some Alone Time on his balcony in the middle of the night, but someone sees him. so what if i read this every night for a week straight????? don't look at me.
it's probably not worth reccing since it's been removed from ao3 and only accessible after a five round brawl with the waybackmachine in an arby's parking lot, but i have to mention litany in which certain things are crossed out by Ayes/sayesayes changed my brain chemistry and GOD i wish it was still up...........
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