#this shit funny asf tho lmao
alpinelogy · 3 months
Love that me and my father agree on so many things when it comes to cycling but that we both keep up with different parts of cycling that we both know wildly different things.
Anyway what do you mean the relevant governing body is asking our government to allow them to put in a request for a Tour grand depart to happen over here in the next few years what—
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rubra-wav · 7 months
[ Entry #9 ] Various Vox headcanons
A/N I've got a post coming up about what I think it'd be like to actually date him coming up, (alongside Snap part 2 ofc, I'm just taking my time w it to try keep things accurate) so here's some points which will lead into that next post + other misc stuff I've been thinking abt.
Cw: SFW above cut, NSFW below cut - 18+ MDNI, reference to manipulative behaviours
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- While drunk, he's both very affectionate and cute but also gets really sad and clingy. If you stop paying attention to him for even a second while he's gonna start bawling like a giant baby. It's also the only time he's truly 100% honest with how he feels about you.
Basically; the mask falls right off, so he doesn't like to get drunk around people. He will deny all that's been said or done during this.
- He doesn't need to sleep but likes to - when he sleeps tho he doesn't really sleep in the traditional sense but instead goes into a preset 'sleep mode' for a specific set of time. He can also be rebooted remotely if you need him up before he's programmed to wake up again. (I discuss more abt this type stuff in entry #4)
- Follow up point: when he dreams while in sleep mode, his dreams play on his screen. He often dreams about becoming essentially king of hell and having people worship him like a god.
If you bring this up, he will be embarrassed as all fucking hell and will also deny it vehemently.
- He ends up getting water damage fairly often because he really loves swimming and aquatic environments ironically.
He's of course got ways of waterproofing himself properly, but usually he will do it badly or just not give a fuck about it and go swimming impulsively.
Will complain like a bitch after getting water damaged as well, holy shit. Blames everything but himself about it.
- Follow up: if you ever take this man to an aquarium on a date, he's going to be so fucking excited about everything he's seeing.
He will be trying to contain himself, but he may end up letting the mask of calmness slip at points and just start randomly talking a million miles an hour about whatever shark, fish, sea creature, etc. He's seeing. He loves sharks so much.
- Somewhat follow-up point: If you 1. don't tell him to shut up about shit when he starts getting excited and talking really fast and loudly AND 2. Actually listen?
He's gonna be so goddamn happy. Holy shit.
He's used to being told to shut up when he starts talking about ideas he has for a new VoxTek project, so if you give him feedback and your thoughts on it once he's done info dumping? He's gonna start internally screaming because he's so happy about it.
- Follow up follow-up: He doesn't take criticism well though. In fact, he's a baby. If you're in a relationship and you've gotten him out of his bs a bit with his ego being fragile as shit about everything, it'll be better but still pretty bad.
He needs reassurance that just because you disagree or think (y) would be a better alternative than what's his (x), that you still think it's a good idea, lmao.
- If you wear blue light glasses he can't hypnotise you, and he absolutely fucking hates it. In an argument or confronting him, you just put on bluelight glasses and cross your arms, and he's so annoyed about it.
You'd need to start wearing blue light glasses, because this asshole will be trying to hypnotise you into forgetting things if you see something of him that he deems 'undesirable' about himself for you to see.
- He's such a colossal attention whore that the second you are doing something thats not to do with him or talking to someone who isn't him, he's gonna be pissy asf about it.
Think glaring at you while pouting and loudly tapping his foot. He's such a little shit 💀
- He's so intensely touch starved it's not even funny. If you're doing anything his hands are gonna be on your hip, your back or your shoulders.
He desperately wants to be physically close to you but he also will never normally instigate cuddle sessions because he thinks it's embarrassing that he wants them so badly. If you instigate them, he will absolutely love it.
Just not in public, though. If you try to be super affectionate or maybe even affectionate with him at all publicly, he'll be pushing you away telling you to wait until later.
And will get mad if you try get a bit defensive about it with him.
- He has barely any self-control and ends up getting unintentionally excited really easily - even in situations where he really shouldn't be. If you as his partner are cuddling him, sitting in his lap, touching his neck, or god forbid the ports, he's gonna get hard so quickly it's not even funny.
Him being touch starved is really a double-edged sword because he wants to be near you, but also he gets unintentionally way too physically excited about it and ends up embarrassed asf most of the time.
- Kinda follow up point: I feel as if he's extremely repressed sexually in general. He works extremely long hours to maintain his control over everything single day, and considering his tendency to start zapping things when he gets closer to finishing / overwhelmed, he'd likely not be taking any chances at all with that.
So when he gets physically near his partner alone (and also not even alone), his body just kinda goes 'time to make up for lost time'. 💀
- Most sensitive erogenous zones on him (outside of his dick obviously) are his neck and ports. I'm not sure if him having ports for nipples is canon or not, but if it still is, those are the more sensitive ones. The ones on the back of his head are still an absolute killer, though.
If you kiss his neck even softly, he'll be tensing up, and if you're kissing him or cuddling him and gently brush up against the ports on the back of his head, or your chest brushes against his and brings him nipple stimulation - he's gonna be getting a boner as quick as it gets.
- He doesn't really care too much about his partner's height, but I get the vibe that he'd have a size difference thing and would love a partner who's smaller than him (but not tiny still)
It would trip his ego so much to be able to physically look down on people in general, but with a partner? He'd be going mildly insane about it but in a different way.
Wear his clothes, and they're massive on you? He's gonna be turned on as absolute hell by that. Especially if it's one of his button ups and its neckline is plunging and giving him an eyeful of your chest.
He can easily pick you up and pull you against him in whatever way? Goes absolutely nuts about it.
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I love it when I try to go,'this will only be short', then my brainrot takes hold, and my ideas just keep flowing. 💀
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queenofallimagines · 4 months
Alexis ness x witch reader
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TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Alexis Ness:
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- I am SO excited for this🗣️
- First of all fuck Harry Potter and fuck JK rat ass Rowling
- Good now That’s that’s out of the way
- He would literally be star struck like he def wouldn’t tell you he believes in stuff like that bc of his childhood
- But like when he sees your so chill he might joke around with superstitions
- But when you know more of them than he does,,,,?
- “Don’t forget! Salt over your left shoulder!”
- “Plant rosemary by your garden gate,lavender for luck and blow cinnamon into your house on the first of the month.”
- “I- what?”
- Putting some sigils for focus and luck in the shoes
- In the inside of the compression suit
- Reading incantations before a game to help(aka mumbling them while pressing kisses to his face)
- Putting a hex on the other team or players you don’t like (Kaiser)
- Kisses as a good luck charm
- Kissing isagi eyelids and forehead so he can smell his goals😔💕
- Charming a necklace he wears during games
- Putting something in his phone case for good measure so he can accidentally not respond to his family or kaisers texts💕
- You could put a little soccer ball charm on your altar for him🥺
- Alexis ness: Love please don’t hex the opposing team I want to win on my own
- Also ness: so like if you COULD hypothetically make isagi twist his ankle,,,,,
- He’s so funny and silly
- Asking you to turn people into frogs
- “It doesn’t work like that beloved”
- I like to think he would go to haunted places and drag you along
- If this is before he knows you’re a witch
- He pretends he just wanted to see the location and he don’t belive in ghosts n stuff
- Even tho he researched like 600 ghost protection methods before yall got here
- The two of you go in, joking around and having fun in the worn down building but the two of you stop dead in your tracks as you hear something?Footsteps...that aren't yours or his.
- Ness clutching you like a damn lifeline
- Your hearts are both pounding in your chests as you walk through the halls, unsure of what is making that noise that doesn’t sound like it’s coming from an animal…
- Mama ain’t raise no Bitch
- So you just straight up yell💀
- “Fuck off! go bother someone else!”
- Poor baby Ness quickly clamps his hand over your mouth, his eyes wide at your outburst. Whatever was making noise in the abandoned hospital immediately stops making noise tho 💅🏿
- Ness gives you the “you’ve lost your damn mind” look
- “Hey! Maybe don’t make whatever it is more pissed off-!”
- “That’s how you banish ghosts! so unless it’s something more dangerous you can tell them to kick rocks! We’re technically on their territory but like same thing I guess. They can’t do much but scare us and I’ve got like 10 protection charms they can’t really do much.”
- Pause
- Rewind
- Excuse me?
- “Y’all got about three seconds to get the fuck up out my way and two of ‘em are already gone because I don’t count shit but money so get to stepping Casper!”
- He’s going to propose to you
- “ Wait! You’ve got protection charms-!?”
- Ness is side eyeing you hard asf rn😭
- Not in a bad way but a “when was this??” Type of way bc he knew nothing of this
- “Ok then…but what about those ghost hunting shows! like there’s those that say that if they get pissed off they can hurt you for being on their ‘property’ if I remember correctly..”
- Like he’s pulling out his ghost busters encyclopedia lmao
- “Those are fake and I’m a witch they can’t fucking touch me. I’ve talked to demons🙄Some old grumpy spirit can’t do much but give me nightmares and even then they’ll have to box me about it”
- Lmao he’s like full stop staring at you wide eyed
- Kaiser baby you’ve been dethroned I fear
- A new emperor about to spin the block😔✊🏿
- Oh! And not let him hear you WORK with deities
- He will be like a kid in a candy store
- Like trauma suddenly gone lmao
- His ugly ass momma saying all that vile shit to him as a baby suddenly never happened
- He’s living his Peter Pan dreams!!
- Ness’ jaw drops to the floor as he hears you list out the demons you’ve worked with.
- Kinda thinks you’re making fun of him at first so he bristles at you but when he sees you’re not even smiling about it he’s even more shocked
- “So..you made a deal with them or something-? If you did that’s like….your soul is basically his now, right!?”
- “Not really? I just had to ask nicely.”
- Lmao he’s like trying to rewire his brain right now
- Nagging voices at the back of his head telling him
- Magic isn’t real and there’s probably a logical explanation for all of this like you’re so clearly kidding
- “Y-You’re like…a legit witch? Like you can do magic and summon stuff!?”
- “Yep”
- He stares for another few seconds before a smile creeps onto his face, his eyes going wide with amazement?
- Like you can actually see the stars
- “Dude this is SO COOL! You’re like a bad ass witch! Wait…CAN YOU DO MAGIC RIGHT NOW!?”
- Dragging you through the hospital as suddenly he done forgot about the shorts or whatever
- You flinch at something dripping but he don’t even turn around to look at it he’s rambling to himself for the most part
- “Alex baby It’s not like Harry Potter but I do curse people and do old ancient spells and stuff. Like I’m technically doing magic right now? I have a protective charm on us so nothing can try anything funny-“
- Lord
- He grabs your hand and starts yanking it
- Chill out???
- he’s excited about this magic stuff and as he holds your hand, he seems so innocent and curious about all of this now.
- “Show me some magic…PLEASE?”
- “Like what spell do you want? And again not like flying magic. It’s more…I guess stuff close to that? Still within the realm of reality. But I mean technically your parents do magic too right? They’re scientists. And just before you know how something works doesn’t mean it’s less magical yknow?”
- Ignoring the fact that last part is what sparked this entire head canon I’m right leave me alone
- “Eh..scientists are just nerds who figure out how things work, not really magical.”
- He’s gunna start pouting, he didn’t really believe in his parents nerdy sciencey stuff
- but your magic that’s WAY more interesting! Magic! Actual magic! How cool is that!
- “Magic isn’t just something you can’t understand. Like think of it. We don’t know shit about gravity and it’s still just a theory but if I drop something it falls right? Same principal. Things seen and unseen in this earth are magic. Like you can use chemistry in spell work all the time. like urine and bleach make chloramine gas and I’ve used that in curses.”
- See he only heard that last part I’m afraid
- was DEF not expecting the last part to come out from your mouth
- “I’m….You…put piss…into your curses?”
- “I WILL call the ghosts to come jump you on my behalf…”
- That got his ass In check real quick lmao
- “like the possibility that I CAN. Like it could be for a nightmare curse. Throw in some poppy seeds for mental unrest and nightmares, vinegar to sour their mind and maybe black pepper to get them to leave your life really fast.”
- “Huh…so piss, seeds, vinegar and black pepper in a mixture makes a nightmare curse…”
- “Why did you write that down….”
- Hope your grimore or whatever isn’t like private bc he WILL dig through that every chance he gets
- Got all the books on your shelves unorganized and fucked up be he done ran through them
- Like can you have some class??🙄
- Sits and stares at your altar for hours
- Like he’s looking at everything on it to see if he can figure it out
- No that table cloth is blue because that’s all I had leave me alone!!
- Back to deities
- He will always be polite
- Nothing if not a gentlemen
- Will say hello to them before YOU walking into the crib
- Like you know when a boy is so polite he talks to your whole family before even remembering he came there for you?
- That’s him
- “Hi great grandma! I bought you some of that liquor you like”
- Leaves more offerings then you I’m afraid
- He’s so baby deer coded they love him
- Everyone and they momma will ride or die for him.
- So like don’t let Kaiser be within a one Mile radius of your house and talking bad to him
- Matter fact? Don’t even watch his games in your home
- Bc now everyone mad
- “Why is he disrespecting my baby like that?”
- Like house is in shambles
- “Go give this to him”
- “What? But wasn’t this mine-“
- “Did I stutter?”
- He’s so beloved
- “I call him old man a lot. Or like Lucy-“
- “Lucy….king of hell, devil incarnate, Lord of the Underworld, and one of the most infamous fallen angels. And you call him LUCY?!”
- Jokes that your food is made with love but like now he’s not sure it’s a joke at this point….
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Welcome to me watching the Paris special, this time with commentary! I watched the special and wrote down everything here as I watched it and forgot to post it cause I'm a dumbass. Also, this is long asf, in fact, it's so long that I had to make a Part 2.
Okay here goes!
Ah, the Gabriel version of the theme. This really took me by surprise. It's fire tho.
Straight into the action, I like it.
Max and Markov aren't different people in this?
That's some entrance from Shady and Claw, really ups the stakes. Makes you wonder why Nino tried to fight them with a nerf gun.
Ubiquity is so pretty.
I might be the only one who liked the Gabe scene we got.
Feeling some nostalgia for the candy cane cosplay ngl.
And we get a good scene with Adrien and Plagg. I liked the advice Plagg gave about how not all destruction is bad. Neat.
Some Alya and Marinette. Marinette is going through some tough times and is in need of support, and Tikki takes this opportunity to escape from her and steal macaroons. No hate tho, you do you Tikki.
Though she does react to the people of Paris cheering for Ladybug. That was sweet.
Alya turns into Ubiquity, and then we get... Betterfly.
Betterfly? Seriously? Coulda just gone with Hesperia.
"I'm not sure there's anything to hope for from Ladybug." My poor baby!
Love the look of absolute confusion on Alya's face.
Hesperia's confusion about his evil counterpart is really funny ngl.
"There, you can have your boyfriend back~" love the delivery on that line lmao.
But also, CLAW NOIR
Not her just stealing his belt immediately.
Marinette hates Adrien Agreste. This truly is the reverse world.
But also, I love Claw Noir pretending to be his own fan to impress Shadybug.
Claw Noir sure does love using that Cataclysm.
For someone who just woke up to see her friend gone and a hole in the wall, Alya collected herself pretty damn quick. I would be freaking the fuck out in her position. Just another reason she's the best.
RIP Alya's phone. Gabe really did a number on you.
Shadybug makes a butterfly tracker, proving that she ain't no Gabe.
Hesperia is befuddled by our world, Part 2.
It's always gotta be the Eiffel Tower, doesn't it.
Claw Noir's pulling a Chat Blanc?? Hello??
Hesperia (I'm not gonna call him Betterfly) is apparently a gentleman. It's almost disturbing after 5 seasons of Gabe being the worst piece of shit to grace our screens.
I guess no matter the universe and moral alignment, it's Gabriel's fate to get beaten up by teenagers.
Not Tikki loredumping about parallel universes right now lmao
Times like this remind me that Tikki is, for all intents and purposes, a god.
"You'd die before I could ever explain all this to you," is actually a pretty valid (and disturbingly hilarious) justification for not having bothered to bring any of this up before.
The Supreme is someone I'd like to learn more about. I've narrowed the suspects down to either Fu or Su-Han. Watch it be Lila instead if we ever get that info.
I feel like the info about the timers is something we should have gotten way, way earlier. Like, a few seasons ago.
Ladybug's triumphant entrance!
"Whatever, pest." Queen.
I love Claw Noir's staff.
Shadybug took no prisoners at all.
Destruction vibes, and right after that incident too.
Claw Noir is unhinged.
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Claw Noir just fucking cataclysmed himself??? Guess Adrien is always gonna be self-destructive in every universe huh?
Welp, looks like Chat Noir is officially re-traumatized.
I want y'all to remember that this boy went through the whole special with a cataclysm wound on his person and did not falter once. Mad respect.
Chat Noir got tossed. Chat Blanc call back number 2.
Obsessed with the way Bryce Papenbrook pronounces "cockroach."
Finally, a villain who actually gets rid of the Lucky Charm. Hawkie, take notes.
"Who the cat are you?"
So Shadybug can create whatever Lucky Charm she wants, huh?
Someone's been listening to the fandom.
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Not the time freezing lmfao
I don't like that Gabe is turning Adrien into an angel, even if this is a good version. Anyway, Chat Blanc call back 3.
"Kitty catty" "Later loser!" I love her.
Of course, not all bugs can fly.
He moved out of the way.
I fucking love Claw Noir so much you guys, he's so funny.
Well, he tried. Shadybug's just better than him ig.
Hesperia stores his butterfly in his cane. So it's just our Gabe that tries to keep multiple butterflies, I guess.
I think they should kiss.
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So they're doing this in hopes that The Supreme spares them? Interesting, and pretty sad.
They're so scared of the Akuma lmfao
If I was Alya, I'd have given myself away by now. Actually, I wouldn't have had the presence of mind to even hide.
Guess the counterparts are from some dystopian world ruled by The Supreme. It tracks with the look we got at it in the opening.
"In order to get something I wanted." We saw the Peacock Miraculous in the opening too, and also Emilie died. So I guess Adrien is a Sentimonster in the other reality too. Damn it.
I guess this Gabe realized his mistake instead of descending into madness like ours.
She just broke Marinette's box like it was nothing. So much for that.
Claw Noir lounges around playing with dolls and mocks Shadybug for being lazy while she does all the work and he lazes around. Have I mentioned yet that I love him?
Also I am glad they stayed true to Adrien's character and had him play with dolls.
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The whole part about Chat Noir... be still my Ladynoir heart.
Love how they incorporated the webisodes into this. About time those had relevance.
Shadybug really "hates" Claw Noir.
Marinette's having doubts, my poor baby girl.
Shadybug and Claw Noir have power, but not their strength. That's a really good line.
She's reading the diary and crying... baby.
This is such a touching scene. I don't say that lightly, but it really is.
Marinette really wrote down every single world ending secret in this one poorly protected diary huh.
She literally took him down in 2 seconds. Bruh.
Shadybug managed to achieve in 2 seconds what Marinette and Adrien have not achieved after 5 seasons of Love Square drama which I admittedly enjoy but that's not the point.
Those strange... marks? Cracks? Scars?
Blots off... I'm dying y'all.
Reverse Love Square? Hello??? HELLO???
She literally just beat his ass, tied him up and took his Miraculous and this is his reaction once he realizes who she is.
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He's down so bad.
They should have played Careless Whisper here.
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The Supreme is such a fucking asshole, he gagged the Kwamis.
Emonette wants our Marinette's life? She doesn't know the half of what she's getting into.
The Supreme got to the wish somehow? What the fuck?
"Reality is The Supreme." I don't know who this guy is, but he is DELULU.
This shot... masterfully done. My poor baby girl.
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These kids are not okay. My poor sweet babies.
Daggers out. Seriously, stop it, you two.
He's trying to comfort her. They're just... I'm in pain. I'm so sad for them y'all.
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Gabe in his prototype Monarch outfit.
Good thing (for him at least) he had the Ox, or else this would be his second cataclysm of the day.
Ladybug and Chat Noir are back in action, baby.
I'm sorry, I would not be able to say Betterfly unironically without bursting into laughter.
Not that they needed it lmao
Alya coming in clutch with the recording. Queen.
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It's so so so nice to see Ladynoir on screen again after Season 5 killed it.
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Hit the word limit, so continued here.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
with that Venusian man 👨 hmm 👀👀 spill the tea girl
Not the 33yr old, this is the friend from a few nights ago 😜 whose arms I liked 🤭😩
They're both Bharani Moon tho 😌 which is my favourite among the Venus naks 😌😌😌 so I do feel like God's favourite rn lmao 🤪
Idk why I never felt this way about him before but looking at his pictures and talking to him, didn't make me feel much , like he's objectively good looking, a veryyyy handsome man, 6'2 😩😩 (the 33yr old is 5'7 max 😔) BROAD ASF SHOULDERS, BIG ARMS, but I was never attracted to him. He has a very sweetie personality too, he has Mercury in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka and lots of Jupiter in his navamsa chart and he feels veryyy Jupiterean, which according to Claire's video is the nice guy you friendzone etc which is what I did too 😜🤭🤭but OH MY GODDDDDD THE MAN IS DEMONICCCC IN BED 😩😩😩😩😩
He has a veryyyy masculine presence and I love love love love LOVE his body 😩😩😩 he's so bulky and so big, I just get butterflies looking at him 😍😍
So we agreed to book a hotel room that you can rent for a couple of hours??? BEST DECISION IVE EVER MADE 😩😩😩
and from the minute he picked me up, I just had to have him inside me one way or another like 😭😭😭 he's SOOO manly, that I just WANT to get on my knees for him 😭😭😭 I can't believe I'm saying this out loud 😭😭
He's so affectionate and SOOOO gentlemanly, like DAMN he was raised right ✨ he prioritizes foreplay and spends a lot of time on my body, just kissing me all over, I remember when we were friends, he'd casually point to the moles on my arms and say shit like "would be nice playing connect the dots with these 😏" but I just saw him as a friend and I flirt with all my friends male and female and vice versa so i didn't think too much of it but tonight 😩😩😭 as he took my pants off, he saw the mole on my upper thigh and he was like "here's one I haven't seen before 😈" (and all of today, his voice has been deeper and more 🥵🥵 usually he sounds all 😃😊😃☀️🌸 but today he sounded so 😈🥵😈 even tho he was just talking about normal shit) and then he kissed it and licked it 🥵🥵down until he reached yk where 🙈 and BOYS' GOT THAT TONGUE TECHNOLOGY 😩😩😩I was shook 😳😳😳too stunned to speak 🙊😳😳😳😳I was physically glitching 😭 i literally had to beg him to just put it in because I cannot take it anymore 😭😭 and the wayyyy he grabbed my legs closer to him 😩😩😩we fcked thrice 🙈🙈🙈🙈 he only had one condom 💀💀💀 and y'all should always use protection when you have sex but when he pulled out and jizzed on my stomach, I lost my mind, idk it was so hot 🙈🥵
And just the way he holds me, touches me etc it makes me feel 😩😩😩
I'm sorry to share such filth detail with y'all but I don't have friends I can share any of this with (so instead I'm telling thousands of strangers lmao 😭) idk why I'm giving such a blow by blow account of this but honestly it was suchhh a good experience 🙈🙈🙈
We were just lying down talking between rounds and we have such a good bond y'all it's so funny 😭😭 like we're talking about random shit, he was asking me about stuff and I was telling him and he was smiling kissing my body as he's listening and then he holds my face and says "you know this is pillow talk right" and idk we're both blushing 🙈 and he's like "I love listening to this, don't stop, keep talking" 😩😩 (fastest way to my heart lol)
Anyways, we leave the hotel (super cute place btw) and when we're by the reception the staff (just two dudes) look at us like 😏but tryna remain professional and I feel so accomplished like ??? I just had sex with this tall handsome man ??? 😩😩And everytime others looked at us, I was just like 😌😌hehe this hottie was inside me 😌hehe 🤪😜🤭 and ngl we look reallyyy good together 🥵🤭🙈but anyways although he pulled out in time, he did cum outside my yk what and I told him I'm taking the pill just to be safe and he parked a little bit away from the pharmacy and went and bought it for me???? Like that's well raised right there 🥹🥹 (he didn't want them to see me bc this is India and women are judged heavily for having sex and he bought it bc he came inside me so that's the least he could do 💀but just the fact that all of it was so unspoken and he just did all of it intuitively was sooo hot to me, like I said I'm turned on by gentlemanliness) you should have seen the way he looked when he walked back to me 🥹🥹🥹🥹 just the finest man alive 😍🥵😩 idk how someone can go from being some guy to THE guy in a couple of days but it's happened 😭😭😭
he texted me asking if I reached home and then asked me a little later if I took the pill 😭😭 I never ever EVER thought that him and I would be at a point where we fuck raw and he reminds me to take the pill 😭life works in mysterious ways 😭
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mattslolita · 17 days
RIGHTTT! this bitch who was telling me my mum dont care bout me when i said my bf was staying over came up to me today when i was by myself. she went "arabella? can i tell u smth?" an i said okay but i kinda had a feeling already she was gon say some stupid shit. then she said "earlier i saw ur boyfriend messaging some girl called elara. i just though i should let u know cuz i dont want u too find out another way." first off... thanks for telling me i guess? i mean it coulda been useful information if he REALLY was msging another girl. second its his cousin LMAO! shes literally 11 an very much not "some girl"! i said thanks for tellin me but its literally his cousin an as much as that woulda been great for her to tell me if it actually was him msging another girl.. shes looking for issues. if she werent, i wouldnt be so pissed off abt it. its the fact she clearly is jealous or SOMETHIN IDFK! she defo was HOPINGGG that he was cheating like???? how bored r u? my bf said she added him on snap but he blocked her LMFAO. its like, if u rllyyyy wanna talk to him an its that important speak to him when im there? she never approaches him wen hes with ME. shes clearly lookin for problems an im rlly annoyed abt itttt. i trust my bf tho sooo ik he wont let her be stupid and flirty.
anywayyy! i had art an he got removed into my lesson for asking some teacher where he got his hair cut?! LMFAOOO. they really do fucking hate him! i mean he was tryna be funny but is it EVER that deep??? he helped me do the background for my mind map tho so that was great.
then we had a cover teacher for catering/food tech wtv tf its called. an he said i couldnt write in pink pen??? cuz they aint givin out coloured books anymore at schl. ive got to BUY em myself?(stupid asf) so i just used a pink pen instead cuz its better then using bblack pen on white paper cuz i cant actually read otherwise. so i jus said i aint doing none of the work cuz whattt? he gave me a detention but i dint go.. tmrw ima be dragged to the head teacher LOL.
i KNEWWW that girl was weird shes so obsessed w u & ur man its not even funny, like shes doing the absolute MOST.
LMFAOOOO here he go getting kicked out the class again😭 ALSO GIRL UR NAME IS SO PRETTY OMFG LIKE THE ARCTIC MONKEYS SONG
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lowkeyrobin · 1 day
hi! how are u???
i was wondering if you could do mcyt x reader where they go to an amusement park? i don't realky know the specifics :P
it's totally fine if not!
also, could i please be 🦑 anon?
your writing is so good, btw :3
ooo okay I can try! ; and welcome 🦑! (I'm gonna consistently think this is an umbrella academy fan goodnight 💀) hope you enjoy your stay! ; and thank you, I appreciate it! <3
MCYT ; amusement park
includes ; tommyinnit, badlinu, maxggs, quackity & slimecicle
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; idk anything about amusement parks outside kennywood and disneyworld so probably using references and names here / may be mixed up cause I don't remember all the different places / pretend like it's in Europe for tommy, freddie & max and in america for Charlie & Quackity
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he's so fuckin scared of the rides with insane heights that go really fast
soooo many pictures
he will NOT be going on them unless it's to impress you (shout out university crush)
if there's any water rides he's forcing you on them 🗣🗣
he buys any snacks/food or little souvenirs you want lol
you both go home tired and lowkey sleep on the train and almost miss ur stop
you're probably vlogging too
"guys, Tommy's scared of the phantom"
"look at that fuckin thing! I'm not going on that, ill fly out!"
"true, you're a six foot twig"
"I swear to god, y/n..."
he's getting on most rides w you
he loves the swings lmao
you got a handful of pics but you're mostly living in the moment
dippin dots go crazy
you go on the little kids rides for shits and giggles and adults are looking at u like 🤨😒
yk on that Winnie the Pooh ride line there's the screens and it's like honey and u can draw on it temporarily? yall stood there for a solid 10 mins cause the long line drawing dicks and random stuff
ice cream!!!! it's so good
you make a tiktok
"wheres harry potter land??"
"....y/n were at disneyworld"
it's your mission to piss of Disney adults
literally up for anything
he got you both silly sunglasses and you wore them around all day
you literally go on Kalis River Rapids twice because why not
you SPRINT for Tianas Bayou Adventure (I wanna go so bad to see this omfg)
he makes you re-ride the barnstormer like 5 times (me core)
you immediately go for the fast paced / thrilling rides like space mountain and tower of terror (ik these are different just pretend I can't remember many rides...)
then at the end of the day you do the safari ride / avatar ride / ykwim
so many cute pics and videos 💔 literally spammed ur Instagrams when u got back
he does not wanna go on things like space mountain or thunder mountain bro
you make him get on them anyway unless he just genuinley doesn't want to, you'll go with a friend if there is another person with you / alone and he'll wait / vlog from a safe spot
you meet a lot of characters and get pics all day long & they were so nice 💔
he nearly vomits after the teacups...
you go on the pirates of the caribbean ride and he tries to speak like sparrow the whole time in line
you get some little leather bracelets with each other's names on them at the end in the little store (I had one but idk where it is anymore I'm so mad)
he keeps saying "I'm not hungry" ans when u stop for food he literallt devours his ice cream and hot dog bro
"I thought u weren't hungry???"
"... I was waiting for u to want food"
literally the funnest ever
he's getting on everything istg
yall chill in the swiss family tree house when u need a break from walking / grab a drink and go to the enchanted tiki room to escape the heat entirely
over food you speculate what they may add for the little villain land they're planning (holy shit so excited for this even tho I'm probably never gonna be able to go again)
haunted mansion went crazy 💀 trust the vlog is funny asf
"woahhh that ghost looks like me!"
"yeah if you were dead"
"wanna go to mickeys philharmagic after this?"
"that's across the park.."
"we can make it lol"
he's on it with the puns idek how
u want a souvenir of any kind? he's got u trust
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bballlvr8 · 13 days
“Azziiiii let me innnnnn. Pleaseeee open the doorrrrr”
I can fr hear Paige singing in my head 😭 that live was so god damn funny bro LMAO. Thank you KK for that
Azzi is stubborn asf too 🤣 I wonder what Paige did to her have be petty like that lmaoooo (as she should be tho)
bro that shit was hilarious and i can’t believe kk stayed in live while she was doing all of that 😂😂
i’m surprise azzi didn’t fold and open up the door 😂
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were-wolverine · 9 months
percy jackson ep2 live reaction
annabeth being a little creep i love her
fun fact i learned at the pjo NYCC panel: the most grueling part of the show production was making the camp half-blood shirts. they all had to be a specific shade of orange and there had to be a LOT cuz all the campers wear them consistently
very much angsty tween energy
i love the big house’s design
grover’s little *clop clop clop* hehe
“your highness” book!percy wouldn’t be caught dead saying that shit but it’s still funny cuz i KNOW as soon as he learns more abt the gods all that respect is out the window. book!percy is just a little asshole from the start
Mr D is fucking perfect casting
godDAMN chiron is tall asf
also i fr did not know brunner was pronounced like that
mr d actually being kinda nice to grover??
riptide my bbg
i need a close up of the inside and outside of all the cabins immediately
Hermes cabin 💪💪💪
there’s a fire pit IN the cabin?? that seems like a hazard. but also magic and it’s fucking cool so
the complete non-reaction to percy’s introduction now vs how people will eventually react to hearing his name is kinda wild
they really did not give this poor boy any time to grieve his mom huh
poor percy, his first reaction to being approached is to be defensive :(
CHB necklace!!!!
o shit that scared me. hello wood nymph. is this his mom??? idk how satyrs are born
the tiger shirt 💀
grover :( ur a good friend bb
dream time woooooo. OH THE VOICE IS KRONOS i forgor
“glory” ok nerd
luke really has a whole posse following him around lmao
nvm they all have them in that order….
i love that percy has just had that leather necklace from the very start of the show. in preparation for the camp beads :,)
aaaaaaaa a character in a wheelchair that’s so cool!!!!!
no one’s even gonna show him how to use the bow???
this boy is gonna destroy the camp i love him
oh my god i’m gonna cry. percy praying to sally is my favorite change they made in the whole show
“like, real friends” crying luke how dare you betray this sweet darling boy
YOU TELL HIM PERCY!! get his ass
“hey guys! 😃 🤚 can’t sleep huh?” ilysm percy
“do you think you’re special?” oh boy clarisse do you have a big surprise coming. also percy didn’t even tell anyone abt the minotaur that was grover
okay i liked this cgi way better than nancy bobofit’s takedown
annabeth stalker behavior i love you. SHE ADMITS IT TOO I LOVE HERRRE
“annabeth sees the world differently” yeah she’s autistic with a genius iq
sobbing. “she’s my little sister”. pain. the betrayal is gonna hurt so much more
th-alia ??? hm
“until zeus broke the pact” hades, hiding his kids from the 1940s in the lotus hotel: yeah zeus was the one to break it first, obviously
i can’t wait to see who they cast as thalia
“let it rip” i see what you did there 👀 my mind went right to beyblade tho lol
their shields lowkey look like the nightwing symbol :3
god this set is so fucking cool
cringefail loserboy rizz
THE HAT!!!!!!!!!!!
“he’ll be ready, i know it” *cuts to percy flossing* i love this dumbass so much
lizard :D
exceptional depiction of adhd ty rick
bro really just gave away the location of the flag with no hesitation lol
OH SHIT THAT WAS COOL! the roll into picking up the shield? smooth asf!!!
how tf did the spear even break isn’t it made of like magic metal
she really used him as bait lmao. *pushes him into the water* she’s just testing a hypothesis!!
holy shit the cabin is so cool. kinda spooky tho. i hate to say it but i like the movie version better
“what 😃”
damn they really just blame everything on hades huh. poor guy. i’d hate my siblings too if they gave me a shitty job and made me the scapegoat for a bunch of stuff
why tf is chiron wearing a suit. why.
“i’m sally jackson’s son” YES YOU ARE KING
grover you’re the best ily. chiron you’re giving way too much dumbledore energy i hate it
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faustymuses · 2 months
Te muses
Content below is all hcs for characters on the acc, some silly some disturbing and i mean it you've been warned!!!!
* is for things I'd rather not joke about the cast:(
dividers by dollywons.......heh
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♥️𝔽𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖♥️
Goes by he/xir prns
Uses ⭐
FtM Born intersex but was raised a girl, xi doesn't indentify as intersex but hates the FUCK outta ppl seeing xir as a girl*
Vincian and flexic as hell
Pretty fat tbh and has a lil double chin(That's very ticklish)
Roommates with Crimson. Thinks hes adorable but pretty fuckin stupid Xi wouldn't tell him that though theyve been friends since they were kids and knows it would make him feel bad
May or may not have cptsd and autism(xis both lmao)*
Got ea'd by xir mom, she would yell at xir for the stupidest fucking shit like not making her coffee or crying when she scared xir and when she wasn't she would make pretentious passiveagressive comments* It gave xir really bad trust issues and made xir act more colder* Xi gets mini heartattacks because of that*
Gets jealous really easily doesn't show it in public(+10 aura) but when it's xir and xir boyfriends in their dorms xi wants EXTRA attention from them
Prefers being the big spoon if xi's feeling lazy MAYBE little spoon
Ties xir hair in a ponytail since it's pretty long and xi doesn't wanna take forever to do it every morning
Cuts xirself...a lot, only way xi can comfort xirself about feeling like a failure. Faust wouldn't tell anyone about that since xi knows it would make ppl worry about xir* Xis gotten better at not relapsing(2 weeks)*
Secretly gives xir boyfriends bedtime kisses when they're asleep
Gets flustered VERY easily just give xir a kiss and xi'll start blushing and stuttering like cr詠zy
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♥️ℂ𝕪𝕣𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠 𝔻'𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕖♥️
Has She/him prns
Uses ☄
Caedovoid mainly because of her trauma(holy shit rly?)*
Polyromantic and cupiosexual to the 9th degree
Has bpd it's not to the point she needs meds tho*
Loves sleeping and 6/10 shed wish shed be asleep instead of what she's doing Wake her up and she'll be PISSED
A lil chubby
Loves marshmallows and does NAWT discriminate about them when anyone buys them she always eated them all
Roomates with Wimessir. She finds her funny and likes to troll people with her :3 They actually met by accident at homosexual high(highschool everyone went to)
Doesn't care about being the big spoon or little spoon just wants to sleep
Hates looking at mirrors they make her feel disgusting*
Showers 2x a day that's why she smell amazing*
Had to watch her parents get killed and got sa'd afterwards by the person that killed her parents*
Grew to think lowly of herself after that until she realized it wasn't her fault* For years shes wanted to find the person who did that, what she wants to do EXACTLY shes not sure herself, just that she wants to see them suffer*
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♥️𝕊𝕒𝕞 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕖♥️
Uses he/them but really likes it when ppl hes close to refer to him as they
Uses 🌊
Transmasc enby He actually transitioned early in his life(6 yo) but never realized he was enby until his sibling came out too and went "Oh shit I want that"
Arojump vincian acespike
Chubby and hairy asf the literal definition of a bear He can't seem to get any facial hair though he REALLY hates that
Spends his freetime doing absolutely nothing on the couch and just became everyone's new pillow
Dyscalculic adhd with undiagnosed dpdr but he doesn't know that though* There's also suicidal ideation(also attempted once by hanging himself with a belt...it failed since he was too tall and even the belt and bathroom were too big)*
As much as he talks he gets drained af when other ppl that he doesn't care about starts talking to him
Got ran over by a car with his siblings he survived, but had his hand amputated(He got a prosthetic one tho!!)* One of his sisters couldn't make it, he doesn't even remember her existence and gets genuinely confused when shes brought up*
Gets gender envy from his bfs sometimes but it makes him embarrassed so he never says it outright
Has a icecream addiction, goes for all of them but loves chocolate a lot
Speaking of chocolate he hates dark chocolate dont bring that shit near him
Roomates with Galileo, finds him extremely annoying and pretentious They only know eachother because they share a dorm otherwise they want NOTHING to do with eachother
Sometimes he feels hollow and empty and gets upset so he cuts himself* He doesn't care(Or think it's that serious) but never wants to cut too much because he knows it'll hurt*
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♥️ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤♥️
Just he/him
Sig is 🔥
FtM as fuck Playing pretend with Faust as a kid ended up not being pretend
Very vincian but very acespike
Sir/Ma'am/Basketball/Parrot that cant comprehend sentences that is a straight up bear sir
Surprisingly hes a pretty silent crier If someone asks about it hed say hes ok(hes saying he wants a hug)
Audhd, mom found out and was NOT happy to say the least(His mom gave him Stockholm syndrome)*
Has a soda addiction, especially anything apple flavored
Was p/a a lot as a child by his mom for anything really. The beatings would stop for a while but theyd come back and hed just grown tired of it and ran away all bruised* It's surprising he's even alive now considering he would get beaten to the point his bones broke sometimes* Used to be extremely suicidal until he left*
Not really sensitive but strong smells and loud sudden noises can piss him off
Really fuckin dumb and he knows it, it makes him a lil sad but he knows there's more to life then that
For some reason he's good at reading. Long words aren't a issue for him It's the only subject he's good at actually
Extremely hyperempathic he can understand anyones feelings and it's pretty impressive
Roommates with Faust. Enjoys his company a lot but kinda wishes xi wasn't so cold...not that he'd tell xir that He was actually able to connect the dots about xir when Xi vented to him at the playground when they were kids, changed his viewpoint about ppl after that
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
class 1-b kids having a best friend (or love interest teehee) that looks scary because of their quirk but is really super friendly and bubbly?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he honestly thinks its really cool. He may tease you ever so often saying your his guard dog and stuff like that lmao
Sen - he loves taking pictures of/with you and seeing peoples reactions when he shows them to someone (only because he knows they will get whiplash when they actually meet you)
Kamakiri - he honestly loves it ngl. Like you are both some intimidating fuckers that no one would dare to approach (and thats just how he likes thing lmaoo)
Kuroiro - he tries to get all emo about how your scary appearance and personality contradict yet compliment eachother (like yin and yang)
Kendo - shes a firm believer of not judging a book by its cover and you are a great example of why she doesnt do that <3
Kodai - she is an unbothered queen. She truly does not give a fuck and we love her for that. Seriously tho she doesnt care how you look as long as your a nice person to be around.
Komori - she constantly tries to dress you up in cute clothes that 'match your personality' but it somehow makes you scarier.
Shiozaki - she would honestly be a little intimated at first but once she gets to know you and relizes you were nothing like she thought she would pray for forgiveness lmao
Shishida - he was honestly a tad intimated when he first met you but now that he knows your personality he finds your contradictory looks to be kinda funny
Shoda - poor dude is already shy and a bit scared of interacting with people so he nearly jumped out of his skin when you went up to him to say hi for the first time. Over time he eventually found you to be a very calming presence for him
Pony - like komori, she tries to dress you up to make you look more like your personality and you both get a kick out of it. (Imagine your worst nightmare dressed as a cat maid lmao)
Tsubaraba - he honestly finds it hilarious and he jokes about it a lot (all light hearted jokes obviously)
Tetsutetsu - he finds your 'scary' appearance to be manly and cool asf. He constantly asks you to work out with him because you could look even cooler if you looked like you could beat the shit out of a bear :D - his words not mine
Tokage - when she first met you she almost got whiplash from how different your personality and looks are. She finds you to be cool asf tho (even tho she was a bit intimated at first)
Manga - he draws you two different ways. Way one is almost like the scary (but badass) and ominous villain at the end of a video game, the other way is like all the things nice in the world were blended into that drawing and somehow they are both correct.
Honenuki - he honestly adores it. Theres been once or twice in his life where hes been told he looks scary so he is kinda the same way lol
Bondo - he was scared of you at first, not because of your appearance but because of your personality. Hes one of the more quiet and shy members of the class so hes allways a tad nervous when meeting someone so energetic. (You both eventually became good friends tho)
Monoma - he teases the shit out of you but at the same time hes very wary around you. He doesnt want to piss off someone scary (especially if their in the better class)
Reiko - she thinks you look cool asf and she loves spending time with you. No metter how long she has known you tho, she will be caught off guard by your personality
Rin - he was a bit intimated at first but over time, once he got to know you, the two of you became good friends and he even forgot that he was ever scared of you to begin with
Sorry for not posting for a week my cat had surgery <3 I will be clearing out my drafts soon tho <3
(This is my cat btw) (she has a massive bald spot on her butt/thigh rn because of her surgery lol)
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typekiku · 9 months
thoughts on TYPE MOON stuff
well these are my the type moon stuff i have read or watched or whatever so far. this is my opinion only so its inherently correct argue with the wall or touch grass as the youth say SO here it goes drum roll
boring as shit. no joke im sorry its just booty cheeks but of the not sexy kind. its beyond mid its so mid i cant even act like i enjoyed it. it has an interesting concept and world sure but everything else is doo doo butter.
only good part is nero being hot asf and ig whatever servant there is because i only used nero (lmao i aint playing it all over again) she was funny at times
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see shes hilarious at times... im sure CCC will change my mind... right? it has sakura what am i saying its PEAK
also fuck them for including arcueid in this crap
i honestly dont have much to say about this one it never really clicked with me nor did i ever feel anything about it... BESIDES TOUKO
clears throat
that aside yea i genuinely dont have any opinion on this series of movies good or bad besides movies 3 and 5 which were my favorites
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maybe i need to rewatch em one day and really try to get into it
my favorite spin off in the whole fate franchise. it has some of my absolute favorite characters and GIL like what else would one even want in life amirite
some of my favorites are:
Richard: the absolute goat and one of my fav servants ever
Enkidu: i want a spinoff of gil and enkidu... is that so hard to ask??
Flat: my son
Jack: my uhhh child ig
alcides: the closest we will get to archer herc but just pure cool regardless
hansa: cyborg priest. nothing gets cooler then that
and many more im already too ti- FILIA - red to mention
i've only read up to volume 7 so i gotta get to reading the rest soon
its just pure chaos and is fun while doing so despite being slow as shit
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ok this is the most complicated series here in a way since its so incredibly mixed.
there are some of the highest peaks in fate and then some of the lowest lows so lets see
Highest peaks:
lb5 (YES olympus and atlantis im tired of acting like olympus isnt peak NO heian kyo its mid)
the rest of the lostbelts are good but not that good
goetia is an incredible villain
lowest lows:
first five singularities
solomon im sorry the stuff with goetia was peak but the rest was average
serious lack of male summer servants like cmon i wanna see them abs
overall fgo is alright but some parts of it is straight up incredible HOWEVER all of it is seriously held back by being a gacha mobile game and has to work around that limitation
also it has barghest whom i absolutely adore
also fuck fgo for forgetting medea...
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now this is peak. the most gorgeous tm work by far i have to say its simply an incredible read all around. even tsukire did not look or work or sound as good as mahoyo did even tho it came out almost ten(?) years after
on the story front i loved it too with a special shoutout to soujuuro being one of my favorite characters in TM (i say this often not my fault type moon keeps releasing bangers)
however mahoyo has two issues for me:
the story is clearly incomplete: i dont mean its just nonsense or whatever but when nasu said its the first of a trilogy you can just feel that in the story with alot of things being left in the air. this wouldnt be an issue really if mahoyo 2 wasnt basically dead....
i didnt vibe with the slice of life scenes as much as i usually do in nasu works: this isnt a flaw in the story more so i just didnt like em idk how else to word that
mahoyo is a great read however and i highly highly recommend you read it or else
it also has touko enough said
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TSUKIHIME (original version)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction
ok fr tho its actually incredible and you should read it right the fuck now
all of the characters are simply chefs kiss. while the visual novel is incredibly dated and the art is even worse you have to understand this is nasu and takeuchis first ever visual novel made on a barely existing budget.
boy do they make up for that.
the vn is split into two with a near side and far side.
while the near side is really good with arcueid and ciels route (ignore how ciel was actually really fucked over even in her own route its laughable and my girl deserved better) the far side is so much more better and really is where the soul of tsukihime and shiki the main character lies
i cba to review it properly besides saying PLEASE READ IT RN or ill cry and you dont wanna see that do you....
heres my ranking of the routes btw best to worse:
shoutout to satsuki you finally are gonna get the route you deserved
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um it has some cool lore and some really good short stories and... yea thats about it...
dont have much else to add...
play it with a guide because the structure of the game is abysmal
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what is there to be said about such a masterpiece? what else could be written about fsn that hasnt been written before? i am but an ant in the shadow of the giant that is FSN only seeking some crumbs to feed and live off of. idk what that means but it sounds cool.
FSN is simply tms best work all around. while i prefer tsuki over it and find the tsuki side of TM more interesting FSN overall is much stronger on most fronts but especially its main characters
Shirou emiya is simply the goat nothing else to be said tbh
heres my ranking of the routes:
issei route
heavens feel
we need more medea and kuzuki holy shit are they cute
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thank you type moon for making a good kagetsu tohya. its actually impressive just how much better this is then KT like seriously what the fuck did they take to drop this banger of a vn
KT had such shit comedy i didnt even giggle throughout it but THIS
THIS is a emotional rollercoaster of a whole different kind.
introducing the third (arc and medea are first and second) love of my life Bazett and angra we go through an incredible main story intermingled with hilarious and wholesome slice of life scenes that never overstay their welcome
this vn completely changed my opinion on some characters especially illya who went from someone i was kinda 50/50 on to adoring her overall
ALSO MEDEA SCENES YES I WON MOTHERFUCKERS I WO- huh? whats that? fgo basically replaced her with medea lily?
one hour of sobbing later
if you have read fsn and not FHA then i must ask you.. wtf is wrong with you psycho? you like missing out on good things? that wouldnt be me is all im saying
read it.
(in case you're wondering yes there is someone i deliberately didnt mention because my opinion on them is too complicated)
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im not a fan of remaking classics on the level of tsuki. with all its flaws i still find the original to be good enough to not need a remake...
this is how you do it folks. the story was elevated on nearly every level and if it was the complete story id say its the best ever in existence ever forever fr. its just that good.
there are three things i really want to point out:
while maybe goin overboard i really liked the buffs all the characters received and in general the whole worldbuilding is so much better now with idea bloods and principles and vampire hierarchies and arcueid inflation scenes (heh) its just epic
ciel got a so much better route that actually feels like a ciel route and not just arcueid route 2 electric bugaloo (and getting fucking cucked)
noel is peak
this is peak type moon and when red garden comes out it will be even BETTER especially with satsuki route because satsuki deserves it
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there are some other short stories i havent mentioned like garden of avalon, notes, MAGNITUNING (look it up you wont regret it) its all great and worth the time of reading
eventually i wanna play CCC and read some other stuff like maybe prillya DDD, fgo jp like lb7 traum and whatnot
i just wrote this for fun so dont really take anything i say seriously except for the teeny little part where im inherently correct.
uh if you are reading like or share or whatever tf it was idk
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im bored and kinda high so heres my opinion on all the reboot characters
caleb - is a character
axel - im just as gay for her as the next guy but there's no way in hell she's final two next season lol but i wanna hold hands w her
nichelle- yass girl give us nothing 🥰
scary girl - idc idc she was funny asf but i am glad she went early bc if she stayed any longer i wouldve hated her lol
damien - one of the best things to come from the reboot and yall are doing him a huge disservice shipping him w priya 🥴 that shit is so boring but honestly? there might be something there somebody's gotta make me a believer tho. CONVINCE ME
mk - as a bitter, annoying, sarcastic individual myself i could not stand this bitch omg 💀 her character has a ton going for it but all they did w her is make every single one of her lines sarcastic n shit and i was BORED
raj - dumb gay man i love him
wayne - dumb ace man i love him
ripper - bro just wasnt funy. i dont get why they make characters who just pride themselves in being nasty n shit kind of a waste of development idk
zee - we can all agree that he was great but he gives me early boot vibes for next season bc like if we're demanding development for all the first season early boots then he's just gonna be there ig. dumb can only get you so far yknow?
chase - him and emma both are such wasted potential like BREAK THE HETEROS UP OMG their relationship dragged the second half down so bad like chase is just bad for the sake of being bad. like he wasn't even funny either just a waste of space by the time he was gone 😭
emma - first i'll say im glad we got a plus sized girl w some fucking athletic ability beCause THEY EXIST yay happy but anyway she was so funy until she got back with chase and that whole shit w him throwing that challenge for pizza was so DUMB like she honestly thought he did that shit for her 💀 like she was CONVINCED bro the straight delusion was insane
julia - she was the bad bitch we all needed and deserved but i cannot sit here and let you mfs say that she played the game well bc she absolutely DID NOT. girlie had no actual strategy other than winning and thas not even a strategy. even her trying to "manipulate" chase that one time sucked too lmao. bro her goal was to get everyone to hate her and win out of spite that shit is so dumb but it's so her so idc we love her anyway
millie - there were so many times where i lowkey forget she existed lmfao i don't even dislike her it was just "oh yea she here too lol" but i gotta say it kinda feels like they used her as a scapegoat to make writing her outta the finale easier idk maybe it's just me. but her crying after bowie clowned her ass when she was eliminated was the funnies bit in the entire show i was giggling n shit bc she honestly did that to herself lmao rip
priya - people compare her to zoey and sky way too much honestly (its me, im people) but when you look at it we have a mary sue that was infuriating to watch , the same girl but olympic flavored whos existence i have to be reminded of every two months, and priya. priya is perfectly fine and she was a nice winner even if i knew she was gonna win the second she was onscreen lolZ but when she read millie's notebook and absolutely demolished her ego i was living. like girlie ate her up w absolutely no crumbs left idc
bowie (the real winner) - i was fully prepared and ready to hate this twink istg. like i was in my homophobic era and ready the second his name was called but omg i love him sm. he was the queen i never knew i needed in my life. and to all the mfs who say his gayness is his entire personally have never met an fem black man and it shows 💀 idc what anyone says he's the best writer character in the entire show 🤭 as much as i love him i cannot let his fit slide. the pearls can stay bc those were a serve but the pants??? THE FUCKING PANTS??? THOSE FUCKING FLOOD WARNING HIGH WATERS.?? why would they do him like that omg. fits like that are why we get hate crimed 😔
ok im done good luck to anyone who actually reads this lmao
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jellazticious · 1 year
Oooh, whats Pascal and Jude's sibling/ cousin relationship like, aside from "Cartoon Fight Cloud," and so on?
I have no idea where you got the fight cloud dynamic lmao. Man I gotta discuss this with Boofer
ramble under the cut about them. I'm answering the question by not answering the question
I've only ever drew them once punching each other but that's mostly because that's just how peppers are and Beefy drew Jude biting Pas then apologizing
Their dynamic is more like Cuphead and Mugman's. Jude being the more rough and tough while Pascal is the softer and more cautious one. Still tho, they're pretty much the same kind of explosive person but they trust each other because of that, they understand each other's flaws and they kinda learn from each other's differences
Anyway, as kids, Pascal is the kinda kid who takes play pretend way too seriously while Jude is the "fuck it we ball, it's made up" player. We made them have their plush cats be put in situations. The adventures of Puss in Boots and Garfield if you will
oh also I was given permission to disclose this. Jude is obsessed with Garfield the same way Pascal is obsessed with Puss bsjbrjksgbk, The thing with pepperkids and orange cats lmao. And like their favourite cats say so much about them. Pas admires Puss for that courage he wanna have and Jude likes Garfield for no other reason than for the fact he's funny asf and relatable. She's girls who say bruh ofc
Ight so that aside, all I'm sayin is there are moments where Pascal cries his eyes out to his mom cuz Garfield is fucking up the story because he ate a magic flower that gave him fire powers. When he gets told "why not give Puss the same thing", brah is gonna screamsob about how that's not how Puss would do it. LMAO I'M SO SORRY THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT TO ME. He's not even pissed at Jude, the person who makes Garfield do stuff, he's specifically pissed at the plush toy Garfield for "letting it happen"
Jude kinda like, she's not bothered by how much Pas hates how she play pretend cuz pissing him off IS the goal. He's way too funny that he's taking this so seriously with his entire heart. The rivalry thing is over the stupidest and shallow shit that they'd forget in a day lmao
End note is that they're like if roommates ended up being biologically related
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milesworld96 · 11 months
Pt 2 of me freaking the fuck out
Oh my Shinsuke😳
I desperately need him to murder a mf rn
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OMG INDI SPOTTING WSG GIRLIEE💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Wsg Xia☺️☺️
CANDICE NOOOOOOOOOO☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Canidice girl NOO💔💔 I hope that this is a fake out and she didn’t actually get hurt
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Bisexual lighting
Oh god I got chills, literal chills
Fuck that pandemic dawg
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Can’t wait to see Seth serve cunt on crown jewel again
Nah but Seth right tho, sorry Drew☹️💔
This match is SERVING
GOD DAMN JD FUCKING LAUNCHED OVER😭😭😭 bros head bounced like a basketball
Damn why he get on JD like that when pinning😧😧
Nah but he fucking killed bro fr😭😭😭😢😢😢
Drew wins against Seth, and Damien fakes out on it and cashes in on Roman + Drew joins jd🥺🥺 (/j)
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girl Natalya how r you gonna do the most bland ass costume yet? DO BETTER😤😤
OMG BECKY HAAI (I like her now again now that she lost☺️)
If Chelsea doesn’t win imma be pissed
Seeing the camera crew on tv is so funny to me, because they just sitting against the Barricade
THE CANDY CORN🤯🤯🤯 this is so hardcore, you’re so right Michael
WHOPPERS😍😍😍😍 (sorry I love them don’t judge me)
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The punisher…Damien Priest….Frank Castle….I need someone to do Damien as Frank Castle or reverse bc WHAT why did I never think of this
Nah Damien fucking DIPPED
He ain’t want none of Sami’s bs😭😭
Hire El Generico
Old man yaoi vs Sad cat eyes yaoi
Yo wsg Cody
Cody should cut the hoodie holes lower yknow like like like appeal to your audience bro
uh uh don’t like that
table strong asf
Sami hugging Cody to get him to brutalize Jd again
Cody fucking going crazy dawg
Sorry Cody I love your ass buut…. Gotta stick w my favorite old goth man
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paeonie-s · 2 years
 csm first half op + eds ranking hehe
op 1: KICK BACK tbh wasnt a massive fan of the song when i came out but its grown on me w the full context & lyrics it slayed idc NOW THE VISUALS ... filled me w euphoria when i first saw it have (re)watched half the fucking movies referenced ONLY BC MIDTERMS WAS BEATING MY ASS .. so creative and fun and dynamic and hectic as fuck the timing and directing on this is like incomprehensibly good. its funny asf and has such beautiful lively enviornments and lighting and such a cohesive feel despite how batshit everything is NO ONE HAS TALKED ABT THE SHOT W THE MOUNTAINS AND SKY AND THE BULLETS. AM I THE ONLY OEN WHOSE INSANE ABT THAT ONE. so so beautiful literally a look into the minds of fujimoto and the ani staff and a gift upon this earth. 10/10
ed 1: SUCH A GOOD SONG !!!!!!! fit super well w the end of the first ep & is just genuinely such a banger. credits roll was smart for the airing of the actual ep, helped me take in the whole ep and appreciate the best parts of it. the mv released on mappas channel is rly solid considering it just recycled scenes from the actual ep !! love first half of the vid + the zoom in on pochitas tail the most ofc !! 6/10 bc the song is a banger but its just no as obsessable bc of the lack of og visuals :(
ed 2: GORGEOUSSS VISUALS tho it doesn’t feel v well aligned w the tone of csm BUT STILL !!!! song aligns super well w the visuals atleast & i love love the look of the animation, the environments especially are so beautiful 😭 i think the denji falling into the sky scene were especially well timed w the music and made me v emo about his character. esp love the hayakawa fam focus and how power is literally the one who PULLS HIM BACK DOWN .. beloveds 7.5/10 ok i like it picasso
ed 3: FAVE SONG its so good. so much to say abt this one rapid change of scene linework shading color sfx is fucking insane each unique aes makes me physically ill its so good. so gripping the TRANSITION from makima goddess to hayakawa fam W THE DOOR. AND THE TRAUMA. fave part is the hayakawa family shots towards the end that combined w the lyrics perfectly encapsulates what csm is thematically to me. goretastic insanity used as a means of making the intensely human obviously doomed connections at the heart of the story that much more impactful. fully embraces the best parts of csm and rips my heart out all in the course of 90 seconds 10/10 idc idc
ed 4: POWAAA !!!! song is such a fucking banger i mean it this shit has had me dancing for weeks BUT THE VISUALS .... so dynamic and insane love how they played dress up w her and also made sure the audience knew she was a lil freak. theres so much to love and appreciate about the visuals and how fucking sick the movements are and the colors but truly this ones just vibes. 9/10
ed 5: fs my FAVE of all the ones currently out (i think this is the most popular opinion lmao) but the combination of the frantic, very dense visuals and a rly cool fast paced song scratched smth in my brain. so much inspiration to dig through and BEAUTIFUL use of colors, lighting, and effects animation omg. Those shots of himeno are stapled on the inside of my eyelids i love them. so many art references w/ a great selection to specifically represent the chaos of the eternity devil love the use of optical illusions (ONCE AGAIN W THE LIGHTING !!!) and use of timing to create a jarring effect (horses running in slo mo (same w some shots of the chs) immediately being contrasted w rapid movement/blinking of eyes, fireworks, shots of the sky w the clouds racing across) as well as the rapid changing of one shot to another is so insane. another detail i love is that it has a almost collage like look bc each background/piece of ch or effects animation has dif linework, uses dif brushes, as well very unique lighting and shading. also so so much to dissect w how it foreshadows later events (if u start looking there are like. 4 dif instances of guns in this bitch holy fuck) and the themes of the work as a whole but i have classes a life etc that will have to wait til winter break. so genuinely obsessed w this one it was literally the one that convinced me (most obnoxious csm fan) that mappa knows exactly what theyre doing and are likely making the actual anime the way they are as a deliberate commitment to make it even more insane later down the line. i am a drastic rapid tonal shifts enjoyer i love this ed 10/10 its my gf
ed 6: not a massive fan of the visuals or the song for this one :( the instrumental of the song felt kinda jarring after the sequence of denji jumping into the eternity devils mouth, i was def expecting a dif kind of vibe. the visuals were cool, but i don't feel like the static characters were used particularly well. some of the transitions and “camera” movements also rly didn't feel very well suited to the cuts they were in. my fave part was the settings and backgrounds, especially the textures and the way the movement “through” the bgs were done, tho the 5th ed had a very similar concept and i think executed it better. kind of disappointing with how much i enjoyed the prev eds, but it was still enjoyable to watch and analyze how they constructed the visuals. 4/10 bc i respect what they were trying to do i just dont think they had the time to develop a unique vision
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