#this series is what got me into the creeper fun fact
spacey-llama · 6 months
i let the mental illness win
god this specific jack ryder is so special and precious to me
if i'm feeling it i may make another one of these for season 2
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Please do
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A/N: ahaha I need to watch what I say in the tags rip. I reached out to @curleddoobles and asked if it was cool for me to write this request based on their drawing, and they were totally cool with it which made me super excited to get to write this, lol. If you haven’t checked out their art, I highly recommend it, their Eddie is top tier and I live for this small series of Riddler x Various Henchpersons, it gives me so much serotonin and feeds my flirty evasive Eddie addiction I need to be met at least once a week. This is just my general Ed, I can see a handful of Eddie’s doing this lol. This is sorta a mix of how he’s portrayed in the drawings and how I perceive him as a whole. Also sorry this escalated from flirty fun to some actual emotions real quick in the middle rip, I can’t help it I’m down bad for this man.
Trigger Warnings: none, just a bunch of flirting and suggestive language
Word Count: 1.6 k
Riddler x Receptionist F!Reader - Flirting on the Clock
Being the bookie for The Peguin had it’s ups and downs. 
The pay was fantastic, you were well protected, and the work wasn’t all that grueling. However, there was still the matter of literal criminals and supervillains walking in and out of the Iceberg Lounge, and you being the first and last person they see each time. 
They got to know you, recognize you. Some you wish wouldn’t bat an eye at you (Joker, Killer Croc, and even the Creeper every now and then). 
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite book keep. Tell me, just how do you manage to look more gorgeous than you did, yesterday?” 
Then there was The Riddler. Edward Nygma, although he always insisted you call him Eddie. 
You never minded when he came around. In fact, you often wished the night before to run into him again. Yeah, he was a villain, but at least he was courteous and respectful…and an absolutely shameless flirt. You couldn’t say you minded though.
“Edward, I’m Oswald’s only bookie. And…I honestly don’t know, that may just be one riddle for me to know and you to never figure out.” You shrugged playfully, as you stacked some documents together. 
Ed circled around to the side of your desk and propped himself up on the edge of it. Always one to make himself immediately at home. He started to take off his jacket and placed his cane on the other side of your desk. 
“Now, Y/N, don’t be silly, you know there isn’t a riddle I can’t solve.” Ed scoffed. 
“What if I’m just that beautiful, so gorgeous beyond possible logical parameters?” You giggled. 
“That’s not exactly far from the truth.” Ed muttered under his breath. 
He held his jacket on his arm, before you slid it off and spread it out on your lap below your desk. Being the receptionist at a lounge with an ice theme did have it’s setbacks, that combined with the dress code calling for skirts, it got pretty chilly. 
“I hope you don’t mind, Eddie, it gets quite cold as you can imagine. Any additional layers will help.” 
“N-No, not at all.” He just couldn’t figure out why the gesture made his heart have the slightest bit of palpations. Possibly because his brain began plotting of alternative ways to keep you warm. 
You smiled at him. “Thanks, Eddie. You’re the best.” You grabbed his bicep and gave it an affectionate squeeze. 
“I know.” He smirked, trying to get back into his groove. 
“So, what’s the occasion this time? Surely you didn’t just come to see little ol’ me.” 
“Is that so hard to believe?” 
“Well, that’s never been the case before. Usually when you rogues gather its for some meeting or council or another…and I have seen a few others come in before you.” You informed. 
Edward scooted along the edge of your desk, before setting aside some of your stacks of documents and folders further down the other side of your desk. The lanky man began making himself even more comfortable, as he reclined on his side, directly on top of your desk. 
“Just who should I be expecting in there, dear?” Ed asked nonchalantly, looking over your work. 
“Hmm…well, there’s Oz. Harvey, Jervis, Basil, Jonathan, Victor…Victor Zsasz, and then there’s this other guy..” You dragged on. 
“Hm?” Ed quirked an eyebrow and stole a glance from the papers to you. 
“Yeah, he’s super smart, brilliant even. A sight for sore eyes, he looks too good for his own good..” You murmured into his ear. You set your elbows on your desk, not far from his torso, and laid your head in the palm of your hand, staring at the enigmatic man. 
“Ah, yes, he sounds familiar now.” Ed smirked. 
“He also has an unusual habit towards using furniture as anything but it’s actual intended purposes.” You teased.
“Now, now, last I checked I was welcome to do as I please…”
“You’re laying down on a hard wooden desk, surely that can’t be comfortable.” You tilted your head to the side. 
“Oh, do you have other alternatives?” He practically purred. He continued to ignore making eye contact with you by flipping through the list of guests Oswald had listed for you that day. 
“I-um-well…not exactly here…” You mumbled sheepishly. 
Ed chuckled at that. “I was thinking of a bed as well, perhaps another time.”
“H-Hey, you’re not going to bed me that easy, Nygma!” You tried to say defiantly, knowing deep down it actually would have been that easy. 
He snickered. “No, no of course not, darling. I would never demean you like that, you deserve nothing short of the best.” 
“Eddie…be careful, if I didn’t know better I’d suspect you were actually considering dating me.” You playfully shoved his shoulder. 
“I have considered it, many times, actually.” He admitted. 
Edward Nygma was a lot of things, but you knew when he was being honest. 
“Really?” You leaned over closer to him, looking over the list along with him. Both of you knowing that these names meant nothing to you two in this moment. 
“Yes. I have, perhaps, some time?” He glanced back over to you, and your eyes catch his emerald green ones. 
“I’d like that, Eddie.” You smiled sweetly, as you leaned into his shoulder for a minute. 
Edward smiled back at you. 
A minute of comfortable silence hung between you two. Before Ed went and snatched the pen that was tucked in your ear. 
“Who makes these droll lists? Oswald?” 
“Who else?” 
“Hmm…do you have a green pen?”
“Are you going to vandalize my documents because you’re bored, again?” You asked. Unbeknownst to Ed, you actually kept all the little scribbles he did when he spoke to you at your desk. 
All the question marks, all the doodles of angry penguin faces, sad joker faces, and more angry faces of scarecrows and mad hatters. You kept them all. Especially the one with little question marks and hearts on a post-it note.
Edward responded by holding out his hand, his black gloved fingers rolling and unrolling in a grabbing motion. You rolled your eyes but opened up the drawer under your desk and grabbed his favorite pen. 
“You need to start replenishing my pens, I’m going to run out pretty soon.” You joked. 
“Oswald doesn’t keep you well stocked?” Edward immediately took to scribbling away on the list. No doubt drawing insulting doodles alongside the name of a fellow rogue. 
“Not with pens, I have to get those myself!” You exclaimed. 
“Hmm…if that’s the case, I’ll think about it.” He muttered. 
“Uh huh…sure…” 
“Did I ever tell you about the time Jonathan and I…” 
You always did enjoy his stories of his capers. Sometimes they mostly starred him, but every now and then he found himself partnered up with another villain. Often times it was with Jonathan or Jervis, you swear the three of them were the biggest dorks you’ve ever met. Their stories just continued to prove such a statement. 
However you found yourself at the edge of your seat every time. You never could imagine yourself getting anymore tangled in Gotham’s underground than what you already were, but you would be teasing yourself if it didn’t absolutely thrill you. 
Not to mention, you genuinely just enjoyed listening to Edward’s voice. Theatric, musical, and rich, you were quick to listen to every word. You knew how much this inflated his already incredibly large ego, but you couldn’t help it. 
He was just so damn endearing, charming, and a breath of fresh air from all the weirdos and creeps you often dealt with on a regular basis. 
“NYGMA! Excuse me for interrupting your little…erm visit, but that desk is not for lounging!” Oswald began waddling his way towards your desk. Edward almost jumped up off the desk at Oswald’s loud shriek. 
Ed turned around to face the owner. Immediately he sat up and hopped off in front of your desk. “Last I checked lounge was in the name of your establishment, Oswald.” 
Oswald growled annoyed. “Quit flirting with my receptionist! I’m sure she doesn’t need you bothering her with your incessant riddles and obnoxious lack of personal space.” 
Edward held his hand to his chest in mock hurt. He looked over to you, “do I annoy you, darling?” 
“No! Not at-”
“YES! Yes you do! Come on! The others are waiting!” Oswald grumbled. He got behind the tall man and began pushing him away from your desk, like a stern mother trying to get her disobedient child to leave the playground. 
“I’m going, I’m going. Don’t touch me!” Ed snapped. 
You couldn’t help but giggle at the display. Sometimes you had to remind yourself these were grown men, criminals even.
You felt fabric slowly slide down your legs. 
“Eddie! What about your jacket?” You asked, as you stood up from your desk, about to run over to catch up to the two of them. 
“Keep it, my dear! I’ll grab it on my way out, stay warm!” He looked over his shoulder at you to give you a wink. 
Oswald jumped up and shoved Edward’s face back in the direction they were walking. “Keep walking! She’ll hang on to it for you.”
“Stop. Touching. Me! Oswald!” 
“Quit laying on my desks and tables and stop flirting with my receptionist!” Oswald barked back. 
You continue to laugh at the exchange as you situated yourself back in your seat. You tucked in the jacket under your legs to keep it from slipping down again. You tried to get back to work, filing some invoices and starting the designs of some more invites to the Iceberg Lounge. 
You grabbed the list that Ed insisted on doodling over, but was surprised to not see that many actual doodles on it. 
There were however some question marks and hearts around his name, under it was a hastily drawn arrow pointing to a phone number.
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lipglossanon · 10 months
this is such like a random headcanon of mine, but i feel like leon loves corny ass horror and action movies😭 (which like, same). like i genuinely feel like he loves the fast and furious movies, but like, only the older ones with paul walker in them. even movies like joy ride (also with paul walker. god, i miss that man..), also loves the transformers movies, but specifically the ones with megan fox. he’s in love with megan fox and jennifer tilly, he just looks like the kinda guy who would LOVE them (specifically him in DI and vendetta). god, but like the thought of you saying you haven’t seen movies like kill bill, or joy ride, and just forces you to sit down and watch them with him. the thought just makes me go🥰. oh, also he weirdly loves the jeepers creepers movies😭 he knows they’re not great, but he still loves them to death. also i hope you’re having a great day, and remember to drink water and eat something if you haven’t!
🩵 anon, hi!!! 👋
and yes!!! He for sure does!! The more B rate the better 🤭
And I love all of your movie choices. I literally watched the Fast and the Furious series for the first time last year (up to 9 at least). Oh my god the first ones are so corny!! 🤣
(fun fact! I’ve seen Lucas Black at a high school football game before and didn’t know who he was 🤣 Tokyo Drift hadn’t come out yet and I didn’t recognize him as the kid from Sling Blade lmao).
And Joy Ride!!! 😩 my friends used to do that ‘candy cane’ voice for forever lmao
Have you seen Valentine with David Boreanz? I feel like if you like Joy Ride (or Urban Legends or Final Destination or I Know What You Did Last Summer lol), you’ll like that movie. Plus David Boreanz is always hot 🥵 🤭 (and totally who I would want to play Chris Redfield 😩).
Jeepers Creepers scared me to death as a kid! The first one was so different at the time (height of the Scream era then) and then they gradually got worse. For the love of film, please do NOT watch Reborn. It’s trash like not even redeemable B rate horror trash 🤣
Anywho, I love talking movies so hit me up with any headcanons you have 🤭 Or just movie talk in general 😝
And thank you so much 🩵 anon!! 🥰 I’m doing very well! I hope you are too!! 💜 💜
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uncertaininnit · 2 years
1st: lamby the lamb! i don’t know how long i’ve had her, but definitely years. she’s like, the width of my arm.
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next up is dave! i don’t remember how i got him, i think it was in late elementary school. he’s big enough to be inconvenient tho
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after that we have shimmer! i’ve had her for about 10 years now, and fun fact! she’s got little glow in the dark stars on her ears and bottoms of her feet!
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4th, we have leona! i’ve had her for about a decade as well, and i actually won her from a carnival game in vegas! she makes a good backup pillow, too.
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next, there’s snubbull. i got them from build-a-bear for my 14th birthday, along with a stuffed rabbit who unfortunately got left under a bed abt a day’s travel upstate on a roadtrip. v firm, good for stress hugging
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this one is named teriyaki. in 7th grade i believe i tried to film a youtube series starring him. he was like 5 dollars at walmart which is a HUGE steal
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i got toothless here for some birthday long since past, i think around 5th or 6th grade. great memories attached to him. i haven’t properly talked to the friend who gave him to me in years but i think she’d be glad to hear i still sleep with him as a pillow every night.
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finally, there are trixx (squishmallow fox, named during my miraculous phase) and john cena (penguin)! they r permanent bed residents even though i rarely cuddle them bc they’re cute
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alright let’s get rating
Lamby 9/10 an absolute classic looking stuffed animal! That’s the kind of stuffed animal that brings back memories to me and I didn’t even have one like that. Good one. dave: 6/10 haha fatass guy. Looks enjoyable to hug but otherwise I fear he would take up too much space on the bed
Shimmer: 5/10 mixed feelings. She’s a modern girl, in the style of more recent stuffed animals, shape wise and color wise, but she’s still an og. She slays a bit
Leona: 7/10 very shaped, looks very polite
Snubbull 8/10 great name it matches very well. That’s def a snubbull. I feel like someone would have the best of times with this guy in a slightly alternative way of having good times
Teriyaki: 9/10 ofc the item you tried to make a YouTube series about . What an incredibly classic tale. The lost adventures now only memories
Toothless: 6/10 unoriginal. That’s a guy from a franchise! Get original bozo. However reminds me of the small creeper stuffed animal I got my friend for like her 8-10th bday (idk lol) and learned years later she still slept with it every night
Trixx and John cena: 8/10 very fun, bite sized. Convinient companions
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lil-ms-dipst · 1 year
I know I don't reblog a bunch or talk a bunch about Minecraft, but honest to god it's like the thing that raised me. But it's like Pokemon for me, or DnD, where I kinda just.. avoid really watching videos/series/stuff about it. I don't know why.
Back in the yee ol' days I watched folks like DanTDM, Ssundee, and PopularMMOs, but uh you know how that last one turned out :x. I think Ssundee is still on good standing?? and then DanTDM got his diamond minecart rode so now he's a dad. The shit that changes over the years is really interesting.
And besides that, when I first discovered Minecraft when I was 8, it became my like.. everything. I own shirts, I just bought the fucking crocs, I have bedsheets, figurines, plushies, socks, hats, a watch that I will never use, posters, a cup, a lamp, etc. Even my parents know if I spot anything Minecraft-related it's over for their (or mine sometimes) wallet.
I just never really talked about it because um.. I dunno. For how much I love Minecraft there just.. isn't much for me to talk about. At least anything I could talk about in an interesting way I suppose??? Like I could go on about the Warden, or other things or just random fun facts and tidbits. Like did you know you have to drown a Husk twice for it to become a drowned?? Endermen also see everything inverted. Creepers see everything in shades of green. Despite the Warden being blind when you spectate one they "see" just fine (probably just devs too lazy/not thinking its worth to add a thing for it??). I know so much random fucking bullshit because I either find it out myself or just come across it online somehow.
Anybody remember the Minecraft Handbooks? I had those. It was either 1.7 or before then, I don't remember acacia trees in there but I do vividly remember there were no guardians, which were 1.8. I'm such a Minecraft nerd that I can identify the time period/update period a poster came out depending on the stuff in it. It's so fucking stupid. I also know random tiny lore tidbits because guess who also played any spinoff game that released. That's right, me :)
Vindicators (or I suppose just.. illagers in general?) originate from some villagers that finally decided to stand up for themselves. Why did they suddenly grow to hate what they used to be? No clue.
I've also thought about making a whole fucking like.. lore theory. No, I haven't watched any of Matpat's theories on MC, and I prob won't. Nothing wrong with him just kinda grew out of caring about him.
Minecraft is just.. so fucking cool I think. And a little random fun fact about myself :) Um. If it wasn't for Minecraft Legends I probably wouldn't have picked up Pikmin. I saw Vinny Vinesauce play Pikmin and I was like "wow that looks like Legends where you got little guys and have them do things.."
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Idea: Chaotic Creeper Hybrid!Reader holding something, that can conduct electricity, up while a thunderstorm is happening. They’re just screaming "strike me down Zeus!" while panicked SBI is trying to stop them. Tommy probably cheering reader on?
Strike me down, Zeus! - Creeper!Hybrid!Reader and SBI
Pairings: none
Characters included: Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur, Tommy
Warnings: cursing
Series: a request :D
Summary: When Y/N ran out to get intentionally hit by lightning, of course their family runs after them to make sure they don’t die! Well, Tommy was excited to see if Y/N could indeed be charged up like a proper creeper seeing how they were a Creeper Hybrid, but that was just Tommy being Tommy. Philza, Wilbur and Techno though were very much intent on saving Y/N from their own stupidity.
Words count: 1365
Authors Note: Thanks for the request! It was fun writing something more lighthearted and shorter :D Would love some feedback on this one!
„Come on! Do it you coward!” Y/N frantically yelled out as they climbed up another hill, still holding firmly onto the trident.
The rain was making it a bit harder for their feet to find solid ground to climb but somehow, they managed to get on top of the hill. Their clothes wet and caked in mud, but they made it on top of the highest place around at least. Ignoring the worried and scared yells from their adopted family.
Well, everyone but one was worried. The youngest of the group was cheering them on. Throwing his fists in the air as he peeled his eyes for what might happen.
Philza opened his wings and jumped up into the air. Trying to get closer to Y/N but still making sure to stay away from them as they swayed around his trident.
“Give that back to me, kid!”
But Y/N just turned around, looked him in the eyes and begun jumping in the air, holding the weapon high above their head.
Another lightning struck down somewhere but nowhere near Y/N which seemed to infuriate the Creeper Hybrid even more “Fuck!”
As Phil landed close by them, but not too close to avoid being accidentally struck by lightning as well should it indeed happen, he stretched his hand out “Give me my trident back, Y/N! You will fucking die!”
Y/N just turned around and let out a sharp hiss, their eyes lighting up similar how Creepers do right before they blow up, but Y/N stopped themself. They could emit something like a blast but it hurt them as well, so they often just used the flashing as a threat.
After all they have blown themself up in the past just to prove a point, so it wasn’t an entirely empty threat.
Now the group consisting of Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy arrived as well. Having to climb up since none of them could fly like Philza.
Technoblade tiredly rubbed his face as he stared at Y/N who was still swinging the trident into the air, jumping to reach further up.
“Y/N do you really wanna die like that? It would be a pretty cringe death not gonna lie.”
He loved his sibling but, man, sometimes they were a handful.
Before Y/N could even defend themself Tommy chimed in “No! Do it, Y/N! You can kind of blow up like a creeper so why shouldn’t you be able to charge yourself like one!”
Of course, Tommy would encourage them even more. The two were hunkering down an hour ago and the rest of the family just assumed they were scheming, which in a way was true but the others didn’t expect them to discuss what would happen if Y/N, the resident Creeper Hybrid, got struck by lightning.
Wilbur was biting on his lower lip. Trying to hide an amused smile and instead put on a worried expression. As much as he revelled in chaos like the others, this was a bit too dangerous “Come on. Just get back home. I’m freezing. Aren’t you freezing?”
With an almost incredulous look on their face, Y/N’s gaze pierced through Wilbur cool and relaxed façade. This really spiked his worry now. They weren’t just doing this for fun or to cause chaos, no, they were deadest on doing this.
“For real! Let’s get home!” he tried to reinforce his statement but Y/N’s head turned back around into the air.
Staring at the black clouds as the rain continued to fall. Their clothes wet. Didn’t even bother putting on a jacket. Just standing their in their simple clothing with their arms far above their head.
Philza took a step closer. Y/N was compared to the others further up on the hill but also surrounded by a drop all around them. So, realistically they could properly do something, but it was dangerous with them swinging around a weapon that also worked as a conductor during the storm.
“Y/N! This isn’t funny! You will seriously get hurt!” Philza urged them again.
Suddenly the world lit up again, closely followed by a loud crash. Lightning struck again but sadly, or luckily, nowhere near Y/N.
Y/N let out a frustrated yell “Come on! Strike me down Zeus! Do it you coward!”
Tommy groaned as well, directing his eyes towards the clouds as well “Seriously! Do it you pussy!”
This earned him a soft slap against the back of his head by Techno who just shook his head like only a disappointed older brother could. Naturally, Tommy responded with sticking his tongue out just like only a younger brother could.
While those two were dealing with each other, both Philza and Wilbur saw their chance. Lightning just struck that meant they had a small window to get to Y/N.
The two ran.
Wilbur slipped for a second on the wet grass but caught himself before he lost balance, following his father who was running towards his, frankly idiotic, kid with a determined expression. Brows pulled deeply down.
Y/N only noticed how Wilbur and Philza were running towards them when it was already too late. Both had their hands outstretched and crashed into them. Pulling them down into the mud, wrestling the trident out of their hand.
“That’s unfair!”
“We are saving your life, idiot!” Wilbur grumbled as he gave Philza his trident back, “Now, home.”
Wilbur didn’t often act as a proper older brother, only occasionally bringing out the “older brother voice”, but Y/N still tried to get back up. Trying to lunge for the trident. Steal it back. Fortunately, Wilbur caught them and just threw them on his shoulder which left them only able to drum and punch him in his back.
He immediately made sure to slowly jog the hill back down. Ignoring the writhing and yelling Y/N who just wanted to satisfy their curiosity! How dare he! How dare he care about their wellbeing and make sure they would be fine!
“What? You went down so easily, Y/N!” Tommy yelled out surprised as he watched Wilbur pass him and Techno, earning himself another soft slap to the back of his head. It didn’t hurt but did bring the message across.
All the while Philza was sighing, clutching the trident, slowly following his children down. Sometimes he wondered what he did to live through this kind of chaos while only on one life left.
“I’m gonna blow you up, Wil!” Y/N hissed as they continued to try to get out of his grip.
This time Techno softly bopped them on the head “Don’t even try it. Stop having a temper tantrum you are too old for this. It’s embarrassing. Besides, we are just making sure you are alright. I’m sure we can find other more safer ways to test out if you can become a charged creeper, well, charged Creeper Hybrid.”
This seemed to calm them down a little bit. A spark of hope burning in their eyes only for them to pout and look away “I mean, I guess.”
“But not today! You gave me an Ender damned heart attack, Y/N! Never do that again.” Philza spoke up, still making sure to keep the trident out of Y/N’s reach.
Y/N had to concede. There was no way they could get out of Wilbur’s grip like this, especially while they were surrounded by their family. Instead, they made peace with the fact that they wouldn’t get to test their theory today.
Still pouting once they were back inside their home, now in clean clothes and sitting close to the warm fire as Philza and Techno prepared some hot drinks for the family. Wilbur grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself while also enveloping Y/N. All of them being frozen from the storm outside.
Even still, they all got colds afterwards and Y/N felt a tiny bit guilty, though this got thrown out the window as soon as Techno announced he would start on helping researching ways to test Y/N’s hypothesis.
Wanting to do it correctly and as safely as possible.
It didn’t surprise neither Techno nor Y/N when Tommy asked to help as well, even if only to use the knowledge to plan up more schemes with them.
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I might've asked this before, but how did you come up with everyone's species/powers??
You have not asked this before and I welcome this question!
Initially, I took a look at what the Hermits say they are/what they look like on the server
So that's how Creeper Hybrid Doc, Attempted Flesh Construct Cleo, and Slime Hybrid Jevin immediately come to mind
Then I looked at popular headcanons in the fandom and went "Okay what does the fanbase like? What do I like that they like?"
Which is how we got people like Parrot/Watcher Grian, Vampire Mumbo, Werewolf Ren, Nature Spirit Gem, and Voidwalkers X & Ex
Then I went in farther and went "Okay what are the vibes that these guys personally give me?"
That's how I ended up with God of Inspiration Joe, Shadow Cryptid Etho, Demon Impulse (this was before there was that huge wave of fans making Impulse a Demon btw), and Siren Hypno.
Keralis has always vibed to me as a human but why have people insist on looking into his eyes all the time? What's so special about that? And I'm always weak for empathic bonds whether temporary or permanent. So that's how that happened.
TFC surprisingly gave me very little trouble when it came to figuring him out. I knew he was the oldest person on the Hermitcraft server and I had heard the now infamous "Philza made Minecraft" joke by this time. So I just patted TFC gently and said "This Minecraft Grandpa can hold so much love inside him!" and made him a God too lol
After that I sort of blended other people's takes with my own for everyone else.
Like I love how people make Tango have Nether Origins, but I see him being made a Blaze so much it's kinda boring to me. But a Magma Cube? Now that's cool!
Or like how after I read a series on AO3 called The Meteor Effect where a magic meteor causes the Hermits to physically change forms/give them powers, I ended up hooked on Phantom Hybrid Bdubs and Dragon Hybrid Wels. So I gave them my own little twists and boop! There ya go!
I had to do a bit of research but I pretty quickly found out ConVex/ConCorp, and all the related Vex shenanigans. But Scar and Cub don't look like Vex all the time, in fact they wear masks to show when they are Vex. So if they aren't Vex completely what are they? Well maybe they're Changelings, half-human and half-fae and they'll become full Vex when they permadie.
Sheep Hybrid Zed is a pretty popular headcanon, but I then went "Huh. What if that's just like... a suit that Zed wears?" And since Zed is one of the crazy redstone guys of the server, I figured making him a Gremlin that powers/controls a robot body would be fun!
Iskall & False were also mostly gathered from fanbase ideas that I then added my own spin on later. Like Iskall being a bit more cybernetic than the fandom usually makes him and False having the Blessing of the Blood God.
You did ask me before about how I came up with Cryptid Beef and here's a bit of extra knowledge to add to that.
So as previously explained, I had already had the idea of Beef eventually transforming into a Cryptid because of his physical changes in S8, but no thoughts on what the end result would look like beyond the Prawn from District 9 which was his original intent.
Then I saw the mantis that Doc made in s8 and my insect loving heart went 😍 AWOOOGAAAA! 😍 over it and I knew what I had to do.
I had to make Beef that Mantis.
But why would he change into a Mantis specifically? Well I already had it that being around Cryptids for too long kinda makes you a bit... not quite human yourself. So obviously Moon Big messed with him and triggered him to change into a Mantis. And that, in combination with me loving alliterative names, made them Moon Mantises.
And yeah that's sort of how my thought processes go
... actually do you want the full list of everyone? May have to censor it slightly for future spoilers but I can share it here if you'd like?
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
17. Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP.
Ahh I have so many WIPs. But! I'll talk about the one that I've been working on the most over the last couple of days.
I had started a mini-series for Angel forever ago. And I posted the first part of it and then I got wrapped up in other stories and just...never went back to it 😅
But I was going back and rereading some of my old stuff and I came across the first part of the series. And I remembered what I had planned for it but the original plot I had planned just didn't excite me anymore. The story still had a good foundation to it, and I hate the thought of just deleting or completely scrapping fics. So I've been revamping it and while it's still going to be a pretty Angel-centric fic, it's really not going to be a very, uh pro-Angel fic. We got some fuckboy!Angel energy on the way. Along with some time in the spotlight for the loml Creeper Vargas. 😌
Here's a tiny little snippet:
“You got somethin’ to say, Creep? Fuckin’ say it. Or, better yet, do something about it,” he shook his head, “She doesn’t need you babysitting her—she can make her own choices.”
He wasn’t going to take the bait no matter how badly Angel tried to goad him into a fight, “Yea, and you can make yours. You just have a habit of making the wrong ones.”
The entire vibe of the story is different than what I had originally planned. Back then it was just going to be a smutty little series with some angst sprinkled in and stuff. But I'm a Different Person now so I'm just redirecting the whole thing. There's still gonna be some smut but it's not going to be the backbone of the fic. And there's going to be a lot more angst and other feelings at play than originally planned. 👀
Thank you for the ask! xo 💖
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ro2m · 3 years
Survival Island: General Mobfarm
Last week was an adventurous one. I finally went to the Nether, fought tons of baddies and acquired leather regardless of the lack of cows in order to build an enchantment table. I’m striving for upgrades in the upcoming weeks, so let’s dive straight into this week’s project: The general mobfarm.
In order to use the enchantment setup, and possibly mending in the future, I need experience. A lot of experience. One of the fastest and easiest ways to get that, is by killing mobs. The nice thing about mobs, is that they come with itemdrops aswell. Once this farm is built, I’ll be rolling in the bones, gunpowder, string and more! General mobfarms do require quite a bit of space though.
So why is my mobfarm placed in the ocean as oppose to on one of the islands? Wouldn’t the islands be easier accesible? It’s got a couple of reasons:
- Saving precious space on the islands
- Less hostile mobs spawn in the water
- It leaves more options for decoration in the future
- I can afk 3 geodes at the same time
This is the mobfarm fully built in survival:
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It looks janky and isn’t the prettiest thing I’ve built in my life. I’d been meaning to build this farm sooner, but it takes a LOT of resources. I’ve easily spent 27+ stacks of cobble and another 10+ stacks of netherrack on it. The blocks here were easiest accesible and are bound to get replaced in the future when I get to decorating it. In the spirit of 1.17, I’ve used tinted glass for the dropping chamber (and also because I’ve been gathering an absurd amount of amethyst shards).
The farm isn’t a specific design of someone. I know the basic mobspawnmechanics and some basic redstone facts and I simply smashed those together. The only thing in here that has been designed by someone else is the dropper-hopper timer next to the sand, which I’ll get to later in the post.
Alright, time to run some numbers:
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In the picture above you can see the dimensions of a base layer. Mobs spawn on two sides with trapdoors (blue area) that open and close with the dropper-hopperclock on the right that flush them into the middle two waterstreams. The waterstreams are placed 2 blocks lower than the lowest spawning platform, so that mobs (except for spiders) don’t go back up onto platforms. They then fall down the dropshaft which is 23 blocks high, leaving all of them (except for spiders) at half a heart. This makes them easy to kill. The platforms are built 2 blocks above each other so that endermen don’t spawn and thus leaving more space in the mobcap for zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders and the occasional witch. The sand on the right is placed on top of a regular piston, which is hooked up to an on/off switch at the wooden platform. When the piston is turned on, the sand will be pushed up and thus transmit signals from the dropper-hopperclock to the rest of the farms. Without the sand, the farm basically turns off.
Now you’ll notice the open space marked with a red circle. I had to take one water source out, due to the repeater on the block behind it not activating it. I tried many things, but couldn’t find a way to work around it without completely changing up the whole dimensions. The farm ran well enough to convince me to just leave it.
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The wooden platform where we’ll be killing and afking is placed 100 blocks above sea level (so at y=163). The mobfarm itself is placed 24 blocks above it (but the mobs will still fall 23 blocks because the hoppers are placed at y=164).
The design as is, isn’t the most efficient of it’s kind though. The game goes from the bottom of the world up to buildheight to calculate where mobs will spawn. This means that if given enough space, most mobs would spawn closer to the bottom of the world. If I had chosen to afk above the farm instead of below, I could’ve placed the mobfarm 100 blocks lower and thus increased the droprates of the mobfarm. I would’ve also had to make some adjustments to the way of killing, but that wouldn’t have been much of an issue.
It’s also important to know that hostile mobs start spawning 24 blocks away in a spherical radius from the player, and they will instantly despawn once they are outside of a 128 block spherical radius of the player.
This knowledge about distance for hostile mobs and the way that the game decides where to spawn is mainly why you see skyblock players build their mobfarms as close to y=0 as they can.
Oh, and before I forget. My trip to the Nether last week also gave me acces to soulsand, which allowed me to make a very fast water elevator. And to get back down I just have to do a leap of faith.
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The afk platform looks quite simple. I have storage for the drops, a grindstone to de-enchant mobloot, a safe time-out corner aka the afk-spot, an on/off switch and an autosmelter to smelt armor and tools. I can also swap the campfires out for slabs, so that I can alternate between automation and manual killing.
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Now onto the dropper-hopperclock:
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Like I mentioned earlier, it isn’t my design. It’s made by a youtuber called ‘’Kysen’’. He made a very clean video explaining the mechanics of this clock and how to build it. Most compact redstone clocks use slimeballs for sticky pistons, but since I currently dont’t have acces to those I had to try something else. I timed my clock at 40 items which equals to 16 seconds (1 item=0,4 seconds). As always, a link to the video will be down below in this post.
To finish it off for this week, I’d like to share the yield of 1 hour of afking after cleaning out the chests and geodes:
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I’m quite happy with these results. The mobfarm like I said could’ve been more efficient if I didn’t want to put an exp option into it, but these drops are plenty for what we’ll need in this world. The lack of sheep problem has also been pretty much solved with the amount of string this farm yields. The amethyst shards are slightly dissapointing, but remember that not all budding amethysts are exposed yet. I’m certain I’ll be rolling in the amethyst shards as this blogpost series progresses!
That’s all for this week. It was very fun to do a more technical post like this. As I’ll be building more farms, more posts like these will be made! Next week’s plan is the transformation of the Nether portal island, I’ve got a design in mind that I think you all will love.
Dropper-hopperclock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l08o0_sWdeE
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Paper Flowers: the final count down
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Roman and Virgil have a fight as the end of their character’s time on Vine draws nearer every day.
You are giggling as you finish reading a PrincexNemesis fanfic on AO3.
It was a great story about Nemesis, named Marcus/Marcia in the story, was cursed at a young age to switch gender every time the sun passed the horizon. Leading to the poor kid being Marcia by day, the Prince’s bethroted whom he could not stand, and Marcus by night, the Prince’s sworn enemy who he was madly in love with. It was mainly a very funny story and the author left it very vague which gender Nemesis was born with. All they said was that Nemesis would be stuck with the gender they were when the received their first kiss. Which was given to them as Marcus. The tension came from whether Nemesis would be able to avoid getting stuck as Marcia on the wedding day, as he preferred Marcus.
It was very funny, but also surprisingly deep. Or maybe you are reading too much into it.
Just when you pressed ‘post’ on your comment you get an alert.
It’s vine time!
The video opens up and you see Prince pushing of an enemy and stabbing him.
You can hear a cheer and the camera turns to dad. “That’s my boy!” he cheers.
Prince kisses a maidens hand. Once more a shout is heard and you see dad. “Great job buddy!”
Prince polishes his sword, yet another shout. “Just look at you!” dad squeals from the doorway.
Prince looks up exasperated. “Can you not!?” Dad looks sheepishly and slowly glides out of view.
You wipe away a tear as you let your laughter subside. Everyone who’s been to any game or play ever has seen one of those parents.
You’ve seen people on tumblr who have jumped on this ‘the characters all live in the same kingdom’ concept and ran with it. It was a fun world they’d created. Teacher was the Prince’s tutor. Nemesis had several potential backstories, from the son of a nobleman to an orphan servant in the castle. Prince was, obviously, heir to the throne. And dad was either a nanny to the prince and other children in court, or father to the Prince or the nemesis. It made for some fun imagined shenanigans, that was for sure.
You are curious though, what will come next.
Roman groaned in annoyance. “Anxiety, I don’t need your cooperation to propose a skit idea to Thomas,” he reminded him. He didn’t, he’d never asked before they became friends. But they’d been doing so well on communicating since. What, one might ask, made Roman dismiss Virgil’s input now?
A couple of bad nights, for starters. The fact that they’d been having this argument in front of Patton and Logan for the past half hour, meaning he had to keep up pretenses. And lastly, Virgil was just being difficult on purpose it seemed.
All Roman wanted was to have a nice final skit between their characters before they moved to youtube. There still would be skits involving either of them, but he liked the thought of wrapping up the nemesis story line before starting the story of the prince of creativity and Anxiety on youtube.
Virgil, however, seemed unwilling to even entertain the idea of another Prince vs Nemesis skit entirely. Let alone one to wrap up the semi storyline they’d made.
“Then go ahead and do it. See if I care!” Virgil growled before storming off.
Roman let out a frustrated sigh and dropped in the couch. “Impossible! That man is simply impossible sometimes!” he complained loudly. He was angry with Virgil right now. He wasn’t even going to try to deny that. Virgil could be infuriating sometimes.
And he was going to complain and pout as long as he liked, thank you very much. He was not the unreasonable one in this scenario.
“Kiddo, Anxiety is just like that. You know that he has a tendency to disagree on principle.”
Roman huffed. He knew better. Virgil was not usually difficult for no reason. He was a safety measure of sorts. He made sure they all thought through every decision. Every action.
Often a little too much, but he meant it well.
It was rare that he gave Roman no room to argue. A straight up ‘no’, even before their alliance, was rare. There were arguments, objections, doubts. But ‘no’ was usually with very good reason.
Roman just could not phantom the reason right now though. Which was why he was so angry.
He had learned to manage patience when he could see the source of Virgil’s concern. But now?
“Actually Patton, usually when Anxiety disagrees with us, he has at least some form of reasoning behind it. Be it of an irrational sort. It is not often that he gives no form of motivation behind his outbursts. This would lead me to believe that he has reasons, he just does not wish to discuss them, or maybe even might not wish to acknowledge them to himself.”
Roman listened to Logan making perfect sense, as he tended to do. But he didn’t feel like really thinking about that. He was still upset with Virgil.
“Or maybe he is just in a rude mood,” Roman objected stubbornly.
Logan took in a deep breath. “As much as I dislike figuratively feeding your ego, Roman, I feel like the positive changes in his behavior over the last year might be largely due to you.”
Oh, now this was something Roman was willing to pause his sulking for.
He shot up and looked at Logan expectantly.
Logan looked like he regretted speaking to begin with. Luckily for Roman, Patton had gotten curious.
“What do you mean?” he asked. Roman thought there was a strange sting to Patton’s voice, but he must’ve been mistaken, surely.
“Roman… You have been different ever since you asked for your memories of interactions with Anxiety… What was it that you found in there?”
Oh, no. Damn him and his promises.
Roman shrugged, feigning losing interest. “He saved Thomas and his friend earlier that day, and he didn’t seem to consider that a big deal. So I got curious and looked back and found that most of what he said, like you mentioned could maybe be read as trying to help somehow.”
Roman prayed Logan wouldn’t ask more. Luckily he didn’t.
“I see. I assume that this new information led to you changing your approach to your communication with Anxiety and this led to him being less tense around you.
He let you convince him to interact with us, he made an effort to explain himself and collaborated more on your projects,” Logan deduced.
“Could it be that to Anxiety, the start of that positive change in his life is connected to the skits between your character and his?” he wondered.
Roman’s eyes widened. “What? So me ending that storyline feels like me rejecting him or something?” he asks a little incredulously.
Logan looked up in surprise. “Well… That is a possibility,” he nodded. Why was he so shocked Roman could figure stuff out on his own. He could be empathetic enough for this. He might be the ego but he was not that self-centered. Bonds with others was high on his priority list too.
“The poor kiddo feels like he’s all alone now,” Patton mused sadly.
Roman got up. He was not ready to feel bad for Virgil. Especially when he was being ridiculous. As if Roman would end their friendship like this. Did he think so little of him?
He stormed off to his room and landed himself on his bed.
He wasn’t in the wrong, it was not his job to apologize. He kept repeating that to himself but occasionally he wondered if Virgil was overthinking right now. Thinking that Roman hated him now…
No. He was not in the wrong, he got to be mad if he wanted to. Virgil got to be mad with him when he got lost in a monologue and got all kinds of ideas stuck in Thomas’ head without consulting anyone making Virgil feel like he had to be the bad guy for scaring Thomas away from the ideas he loved too much to let anyone else convince him to adjust them.
He’d swallowed his pride and apologized to Virgil then.
So he was going to be petty and stubborn for as long as…
There was a knock at his door. Roman shot up and walked over to his front door and opened it. There was no one to be seen. When he looked down though, he saw something that took his breath away.
He picked up the paper purple hyacinth and the accompanying note.
“I know you are mad. Please let me explain before you hate me forever? I’ll be waiting.”
Roman let out a sigh. Purple hyacinths represent sorrow and regret. And it must’ve been such a pain to get the paper to bend to his will like this.
Now Roman had to go and meet Virgil. He put the flower in the vase along with the rest of the assemble bouquet and hurriedly opened the door to the field.
“Virgil?” he called out before he even closed it.
The anxious man was pacing through the field, trampling a path in the ground.
Luckily the field fixed itself every time they left.
Virgil looked up and his shoulders relaxed. Clearly he saw Roman’s swift arrival as a good sign.
His anger already fading, Roman added the hyacinths to the field to show he’d gotten his apology gift and accepted it.
“I thought about what I said… Or didn’t say and… Maybe I was just… I didn’t want us to stop making skits together,” he rambled, playing with his hoodie sleeves and pointedly not looking at Roman.
Roman let out a sigh. Logan had been on the right path then.
“Virgil, you really think that I did not enjoy working on those with you?” he asked.
Virgil shrugged.
“Well I did. Therefore I will call upon your aid any chance I get. I actually expect you to assist me quite often in the creation of the sanders sides series and many other projects. I merely wanted to give the fanders a satisfying ending to the adventures of the prince and his nemesis on vine,” he explained calmly.
Virgil nodded. “Yeah… I’m sorry. Really I am. I was pretty rude to you and you did nothing to deserve it,” he said softly, glancing up at Roman nervously.
“You are forgiven, Grim Creeper,” Roman smiled reassuringly.
Then he got an idea. It would let him vent the last bits of frustration and Virgil could maybe work of some angsty energy as well. “If you really feel like you’ll miss the prince and the nemesis that much though…”
And just like that Roman summoned two swords, tossing one to Virgil who caught it in surprise.
“I shall teach you the art of the blade!” he declared.
Virgil rolled his eyes but smirked. “Let me have it Princey,” he challenged.
While the two younger sides sparred in the field, the fatherly side was headed to the stairs leading down in search of an anxious sides room. Hoping he’d be let in now.
“Patton?” Logan called.
Patton flinched at being spotted. Though he wasn’t sure why. Was it so bad that he tried to help Anxiety?
“Hya Logan!” Patton greeted sheepishly. “I was going to make sure Anxiety was okay…”
Logan cocked his head. “Patton, I’m obviously no expert, but if my interpretation of his thought process of today was correct, he feels rather vulnerable right now. While that might mean he’s more open to sharing and closeness, it also means he might be in a state of heightened alertness.
If you attempt to approach him now you could very well make things worse with small mistakes.”
Patton bit his lip. Logan was right. Anxiety was not in a right state of mind. If Patton wanted to him to let him in, then it couldn’t happen when he was feeling hurt and alone. No matter how badly Patton wanted to comfort him. Going in now would be for Patton’s sake. Not Anxiety’s.
“We will make our way back to him Patton. Who knows? Maybe Roman’s youtube project lends us a chance to interact with him more frequently,” Logan offered.
Patton nodded. They’d get there. Sooner or later they’d be a happy family.
He just had to be patient and let Anxiety decide when he felt ready to try again.
Intorducing the sides
@vixdoesbadart @vpow @apinkline2715 @tired-yeetling @firegirl156 @soysaucevictim @1nsomniacwriter @moonlightshow00 @naturallyunstablegamer @alias290 @meowthefluffy @frida0043 @angelic-cali @selenechris @theblackveilinreverse
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Seven Sentences Game
Challenge: post the last 7 sentences you wrote and tag 7 people
Tagged by @romanticism-is-maudlinism so here’s a bit I wrote for It’s The End of the World As We Know It (I Don’t Feel Fine), part of my Ric Grayson fix-it series Bury Your Dead. This part is Jason and Cass because I absolutely love pitting the two of them against each other as I view them as capable of getting under each other’s skin in a way nobody else can. Also, they’re not having a good day here, and they’re letting it out.....another part of their dynamic in my view is I see them as being unafraid to NOT pull their punches with each other, emotionally speaking.
Tagging @rose-blooms-red and whoever else still hasn’t done this, since I’m like, days behind lol. Also, its been way too many days since I opened up a WIP document so I used this to just start writing and I’m just posting what I wrote instead of just seven sentences. Also also, counting is hard.
“You used me.” Jason voiced the realization with what he thought was admirable aplomb, all things considered. He didn’t even reach for his gun or anything. Course, if that had less to do with the fact that this was his sister and more that this was his sister who would just take his gun away and smack him with it if he ever drew on her, well. No one would ever know. This was his internal monologue, dammit.
For her part, Cass said nothing. Not that he’d expected her to. Most people assumed her carefully constructed silences were all just a control freak issue born of her aphasia, but they were a conversational tactic in and of themselves. Leave no trait unweaponized, after all. 
That was their family credo, wasn’t it?
“That’s why you pulled me into this instead of doing it yourself. It was never about doing this together. It was because all your information gathering resources run through B or Oracle’s networks, and they would have wanted to know why you were looking into these particular names. But you know I have my own networks for when I want their noses butting out of my affairs, so you outsourced to me.”
Lacking little sister’s comfort with the quiet, Jason filled it with his continued musings, as he circled her like a creeper. Then he stopped the circling because her refusal to shift even to track his movements made it impossible to avoid being aware of the ‘like a creeper’ part while doing that. Ugh, she was just the worst.
“Were you looking for a denial?” She asked at last. Her bored tone made it obnoxiously anticlimactic.
“Nah, just pointing out that you’re as manipulative as the rest of us, oh much vaunted ‘best of us.’“
She smiled sharply. “I see that now Dick’s not here to project your insecurities onto, you’ve shifted them to me. Fun.”
Damn. He’d been mostly going for some kinda annoying sing-song rhyme thing there, but he might have to give her that point regardless. Fucking Freudian slips.
“And I know who I am,” she said. “The only one here afraid of a little introspection is you.”
“Challenge accepted!”
Cass rolled her eyes.
To be fair, the dramatically pointed finger might have been a bit over the top.
“See, you know what’s still curious to me? The why of it all. Why you’ve been going to such great lengths uncovering these little secrets of Dick’s, leaving no stone unturned when it comes to his potential unfinished business. Why you were so worried that Julienne might have been his. And you know what I think?”
She raised an eyebrow sarcastically. Jason didn’t know how else to describe it, but it was definitely what happened. That was a sarcastic eyebrow raise.
“I think its because you feel guilty.”
“Guilty,” she repeated, with a full speech’s worth of skepticism packed nice and tight into just the two syllables.
“Yup. Guilty. Because you don’t want there to be any reason he has to go back to being Dick Grayson,” he said with a flourish, relishing the way her gaze narrowed. "Anything making him feel an actual need to get his memories back. Because you don’t want him to be Dick Grayson. You want him to stay Ric. And you feel guilty about that, but its the truth all the same.”
“And why would I want that?”
“Because you want to keep believing I’m just an outlier.”
She stilled, which was a testament to him for being able to note the difference at all. Muscles vibrating with the faintest of microtensions. Here there be dragons.
Just meant he was right.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about. You’ve always been able to explain away the old man’s certain....aggressiveness towards me because of how much time I’ve spent physically at odds with the fam. Muddies the water. Makes it hard to see clearly where its just him reacting to a potential threat to his family and where he’s being the threat. But what if its not just me?”
Again, still, additionally, she remained quiet.
“And I think you know its not. I think you’ve suspected for awhile, even. But there’s a difference between knowing, and knowing.....and as long as Dick is still Ric, there’s no way to really know, right? But with all the dots he’s dropped without being able to connect them the way people with more of the whole picture can, like us.....once he gets his memories back, you couldn’t just not ask anymore. You’d have to know, once and for all. And you don’t want that. You’re afraid of that point of no return, because once past it, you might have to face that what you see when you look at B isn’t all there is to him. And if you can be that wrong about him? Well. You could be wrong about everything. And I think that scares the shit out of you, so yeah. You want Dick to stay Ric, and you feel guilty as fuck about it, but that doesn’t change the facts. And that’s what I think.”
She pursed her lips, the portrait of calm acceptance as she absorbed his tough love or total bullshit, depending on your point of view, and nodded once. Great. He was out here laying down harsh truths like he was.....someone who lays down a lot of stuff, whatever, look he was exhausted from all that unpacking, leave him alone, he needed to rest, but the point was.....all that and the best he got was a fucking nod? Screw it. Next time he was just gonna cut his losses and try for getting blood from a stone instead. Felt like that’d be more rewarding. Might see some actual dividends there.
Cass raised her hands and started making swift, fluid gestures that took him an embarrassing couple seconds to recognize as speech. Never as quick to transition from spoken word to signed as she was, he was left mentally running to catch up. Course, he suspected that was at least partially her intent.
“That’s what I love about you, little brother. Even when you have no clue what you’re talking about, you’re not afraid to commit and take it all the way.”
Punctuating with a middle finger, she pivoted sharply and stalked off into the darkness, vanishing within seconds. 
Ever the conversationalist, his sis.
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fandom-sheep · 4 years
Wilbur Soot Origins SMP
01 APR 21 (April Fools) Part 1/1
Lonely ghost in his cauldron
Time to make the pub ghost accessible
Hello Tommy raiders. I left Tommy before the raid happened and I miss the channel points
I’m impressed the falling into the cave worked.
Time to see the fact that Friend has been rescued.
Really. The boy doesn’t know Henry. That was like a major plot point.
Anti fall floor lets go!
Ranboo! We love the enderboy.
Spontaneously appearing diamonds.
The fact he doesn’t know Henry. Even I know Henry and I wasn’t involved in learning lore.
Tommy is both the reason he died and the reason he lived.
Wilbur didn’t realize we couldn’t hear. LOL.
I was just going with it.
As someone who is mostly just listening, I assumed ranboo was somewhere in the chat.
Aww. Ranboo saying hi even though he has stuff to do.
Creeper go sizzle. Creeper go sizzle too much for my liking.
“Welcome to Gamerville population me” -Wilbur
Ah look Dadza. Poor Dadza.
Ah look Jack (and brother). Poor them.
BRB lets see what kind of crazy I miss. Besides the boy eating chocolate.
So he joined in with Phil.
Now Tommy and brother manifold is here.
Everyone demanding to know who brother manifold is.
Poor Tommy has never heard of a scamp.
Imposter manifold.
How do you know Jack Manifold? Wow. That’s so funny.
Ah yes, the first of April.
I love the Phil can identify Jack laughing in the background.
I agree what is with him why is it always an apostrophe.
“Yeah and I’m Niki Nihachu.” (Not perfect quote) -Wilbur
They are desperately trying to communicate to one another.
“DEBATE” -Jack Manifold (Maybe brother I don’t know voices)
Oh no not the stream.
Wait, they managed to switch fast enough?
They denied being together so much.
Talkin’ covid tests.
P’cack. Is that how we’re spelling it, I already forgot.
What? What is Tommy talkin’ about
Oh poor Wilbur missing everything. Missing even the biggest of donations.
“Child billionaire to you” -Tommy
Tommy not paying taxes nothing new there.
“Taxes aren’t like elves Tommy. They don’t disappear when you don’t believe in them.” (Not perfect quote) -Wilbur
That isn’t trust that should be given.
Tommy is such a force of chaos.
Well here comes Tommy.
I refuse to type the name of the pub for the entirety of this series.
I love Phil just filling in the truth that they are discussing a pub.
Wilbur... no.
“NO.” -Tommy
“She would approve since I’m learning” -Tommy
Wilbur falling off the pub count number: 1
Making that bold and red so I can just update the number.
Wilbur sucking up to the donators.
All Phil does is cackle at these boys.
Oh wait it’s almost time for me to log out of zoom.
Oh. I was excited for Niki to have joined. But no. Just Phil.
See ya Jack and brother.
We’re in the Phil nest.
With all the pets.
“Maybe not” -Philza
Oh no. Arson time with the ugly house.
Everyone has built so much around Niki’s pond it’s lovely.
Oh Jack has left.
Tommy changing the subject.
Phil’s ability to guess Tommy’s solution to problems.
Arson has begun.
“He was going to burn it down accidentally.” -Philza
Everyone is so sarcastic.
Phil reminding Tommy of his childhood hero’s decline into obscurity.
Questions are not demands.
Time to log out of my zoom!
Tommy is so young. How does he not know this song.
Wilbur and Phil are old and Tommy is young. The divide is impressive.
I’ve got to go bake brownies. But I’ll post my thoughts from what I hear while working.
CS Lewis! Fantastic!
Also I’ll switch to blue after this.
I didn’t make it back to type more. But that was a fun stream.
I’m moving over to Fundy now!
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lightningcrown · 4 years
I’m bored and waiting for the living room TV to free up so I can play more Dead By Daylight on my XBox, so, I thought I’d share my ideas for possible chapters/killers/survivors/maps, ect. 
Spoilers for their respective franchises ahead!
If this game were to be incorporated into Dead By Daylight, I think it’d be best to make it more like Bill and Ash, where you only have the survivor with no killer or map. In this case, Sal Fisher would be a great addition to the game. It could easily be worked in that the Entity picked him up after he was executed at the end of Chapter Four, like how the Entity picked up Detective Tapp and Amanda from the Saw franchise after their deaths. The reason I think this could work with just Sal is because, while popular, SallyFace is not nearly as popular as some other franchises and isn’t that well-known a game when you think about it. But Sal is already kinda recognized, as he is the main character and his appearance sticks with you. Like the Funko POPs, it just makes a bit more sense to only have Sal. 
The Boy
I’d love to have Brahms in Dead By Daylight. Hell, he’s already got a title: “The Boy” He’d be a perfect candidate for the Entity’s realm. The Entity seems to love masked killers, and Brahms has racked up a bit of a body count; remember, he used to kill the nannies that failed to follow the rules or tried to leave him. Not to mention the girl he killed as a child. For the Survivor, it would have to obviously be Greta Evans, the main character and protagonist of the first movie. Perhaps, the main motivation for Brahms to listen to the Entity would be the chance to get Greta back for himself. Brahms is a stubborn brat, and would likely throw a tantrum and refuse the Entity’s offers for anything else. He likely wouldn’t be that intimidated by the Entity either. It’s hard to explain, but I just can’t see him actually being afraid, or even acknowledging the Entity’s massive power advantage. Other killers agreed either in a deal, or simply out of fear of the Entity’s power. Brahms would likely take a deal. For the map, the Heelshire estate is an obvious choice. There’s the manor grounds, the manor, and the woods around it.  Also, the manor has several hidden hallways and rooms in the walls, where Brahms lived; so it would be a great map to place in the game and put generators around. 
Thirteen Ghosts
Yeah, I know it’s not the most loved movie, but I enjoyed it, and I think it’d be fun. The killer is a bit tricky in this one, though. Cyrus just wouldn’t work as a killer. Despite being a genius, he’s not really a killer, or at least not one like the Entity would be looking for. He’s completely human, and while that itself isn’t an issue, the fact that he never really does any harm, himself, is. He, at most, beat his nephew with a cane, but he never outright murdered anyone. (Kalina technically counts as a murder, but I doubt the Entity is going to be impressed by him just using his house to kill her) It’s make more sense for one of the ghosts to be the killer the Entity would want. Out of all of them, the ghosts that I think would be considered would either be the Angry Princess, or the Jackal. The problem is that the Angry Princess is completely naked, and I doubt developers would let that fly. Also, with her being all cut up, and carrying a blade, she’d be too much like Rin. That leaves the Jackal as “The Jackal”. From what I see online, he’s the most popular ghost and the most well known from the film; he’d also work really well gameplay wise. He could be like the Nurse or the Spirit, able to go through walls, and his weapon(s) would be his nails; he used them to rip into both Kathy and Arthur. His appearance would be wicked cool in the game, too. The Survivor, I’d like to think would be Dennis Rafkin, the psychic who worked for Cyrus to help capture the 12 ghosts. He was killed by the Juggernaut in the film, but the Entity has taken dead characters before; again, with Tapp and Amanda being examples. His psychic powers could add some interesting perks, like maybe getting flashes where you could maybe see from the killer’s point of view, giving you an idea of where the killer is. The idea isn’t entirely fleshed out, but you get the point; it’d be cool to have a character similar to Cheryl, where supernatural forces aid them. The map would be interesting. Clearly, it’d have to be Cyrus’ mansion. With all the glass walls and writing on them, it’d be a hell of a map to navigate (obviously it would have windows in the walls and pallets to fit with gameplay). Something interesting that could be added is the possibility that they have about 3 different layouts for this map, and it could be a different layout each time, with windows, pallets, and doorways being moved. Basically where a window could be one time you played on the map may not be there the next time you play on that map. I hope that’s not too confusing. It would be interesting to kinda replicate how the walls would move in the movie in order to release the ghosts and guide them. Also, the claustrophobia and confusion would add to fear (at least it was pretty freaky to me in the movie).
Child’s Play
It (2017 Remake)
Jeepers Creepers
Yes, yes, everyone mentions these ones, and I agree. Just go watch Wow Such Gaming’s video series on YouTube which explains why each antagonist should be a killer in the game, it makes more sense than I could describe. 
House of 1000 Corpses
Otis B Driftwood and Baby Firefly would both be great to have in the game. For both, it would be cool if it could be like Legion where you could play as either. Their name could be “The Firefly” with both being a part of the Firefly Clan. Though, in all honesty, Otis would likely be the only one taken by the Entity. He’s the most well known Firefly, most popular, and I feel like you can do more with him. This would likely be like Ghost Face or Leatherface’s release, where it’s only a killer with no survivor. His main outfit should be the one towards the end when the Fireflies are performing a ceremony on Halloween, with the long red coat and makeup. His weapon could be just about any knife. The Entity could grant him some power like he did with Danny so Otis would have more of an advantage; Otis would totally do what the Entity tells him to. Not that he would like being ordered around, but he’d be fine with the idea of nonstop killing.
Rule of Rose
Out of all the suggestions I have, this is one that I know for sure would never even be considered. But whatever, I love this game, and these are my suggestions and opinions, so I’ll just be stupid with this idea on my own. Seriously though, this game needs a remaster so badly; I have no doubt that it would be much more popular and praised if released today with newer graphics and a touched up on story line (Not that the storyline isn’t already good, but you understand what I mean). The killer for this one should be Gregory M. Wilson, also known at “The Stray Dog”. After his suicide after committing the massacre at Rose Garden Orphanage, the Entity picks him up and tells him that if he kills like the Entity tells him to, he’ll be reunited with his late son in the end (of course, with no intention of actually doing so), and takes advantage of Gregory’s shattered mental state. The survivor would be the game’s protagonist, Jennifer. After the events of the game (and her childhood, with the game’s point being Jennifer remember and coping with her childhood traumas), Jennifer plans to reopen the Rose Garden Orphanage and actually help children, but she is taken by the Entity before it opens. We’ve got characters from the 70′s, 80′s, and 90′s; and we know the Entity has been abducting people for practically centuries, so it’d be cool to see characters being taken from earlier than the 70′s; with both Jennifer and Gregory being taken from the 30′s-40′s (Jennifer is 19 around this time, so yeah, about the 40′s for her). The map could be none other than the Rose Garden Orphanage, with some elements of the airship from Jennifer’s past connected to it, like in the actual Rule of Rose game.
Well, these are some of my ideas for now; I might add more later, but I wanted to get these ideas put down :)
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ronninoir · 5 years
Can I Steal You for a Second? CH2
Summary: Adrien is forced to participate in a new dating show, but becomes more excited when Ladybug says she’ll participate as her civilian self. AKA: AU where Adrien doesn’t know Marinette, the superheroes are 22 and Gabriel is mean and ruthless but not Hawkmoth.
Read on AO3
Chapter 2
As predicted, Tikki wasn’t for it. “Marinette! You can’t leave Paris unattended and just chase after your prince charming! Being Ladybug doesn’t work like that.”
 “But Tikki, I have to. I’ve been in love with Chat for 5 years and haven’t said anything! I was too nervous because he flirts with everyone and” a little bit of excitement sped through Marinette as she remembered something to help her argument. “he already knows. How do you expect him to trust me if I break his heart by backing out now?” The grin on Marinette’s face was devilish.
 She walked away from Tikki and took a seat on her chaise. Pulling two cookies from a box on the desk, Tikki flew over and handed one to Marinette before she began to munch on the other.
 “Just because you two are yin and yang doesn’t mean that you’re meant to be together romantically. Not every Ladybug and Chat Noir pair end up married. You shouldn’t use that as an excuse to do something crazy!” Tikki argued after she had swallowed her first bite.
 “That’s the thing though, Tikki! I love him. I’ve loved him for so long and I just want to get his attention in a different way! What if this is the way I’m supposed to complete him? What if this is our fate? By doing this show?” Tikki didn’t look convinced, so Marinette tried a different approach.
 “I’m also supposed to protect the black cat superheroes, correct?” Tikki gave a slight sigh and a nod. “How am I supposed to protect him if I let 30 girls throw themselves at him without keeping an eye on them and him. He needs me to be there.”
 Marinette finished her cookie as Tikki processed what she had said. After about 30 seconds of Tikki not looking up from her cookie, Marinette continued, “Look, I’ll put in my application. If they reject it, then it wasn’t meant to be and I’ll just keep an eye on Paris while Chat is away. He can’t be mad if the producers were the ones to make me break my promise. But if I’m accepted, then I get to fight for him. I get to be there for my other half. I promise, I’ll find a way to be Ladybug and a contestant. I’ll stay on super high alert for akumas, scope out all of the best transformation shots, and even see if I can get one night off a week to do patrol. Ladybug won’t fall to the sidelines.” Marinette paused, making direct eye contact with her kwami so she’d know how serious she was. “Deal?”
Reluctantly, Tikki looked up into Marinette’s eyes. “You’re not going to let this go until I agree, aren’t you?” Tikki responded with a sigh, “Fine, we have a deal.” 
Marinette couldn’t wait to begin.
 The next day, Marinette had already enlisted the help of her best friend Alya for her mission. Alya didn’t know the real reason she was interested in auditioning for the dating show, as that would involve revealing both her and Adrien’s identities, but Alya did know about her huge obsession with Gabriel Fashions, and by extension, Adrien, and so she was fully supportive of Marinette following her odd dreams by participating in the show.
 “Girl, I cannot believe you’re doing this!” Alya squealed as she dug around in Marinette’s closet.
 “Yeah me neither,” Tikki muttered in Marinette’s purse. She was loud enough that Marinette heard the sly comment, but Alya, who was too distracted editing the video anyway, could not.
 Becoming a contestant on a reality TV show was a lot more than Marinette had expected. She had to fill out a 6-page questionnaire, answering questions such as, “What is your current annual salary?” “Do you drink alcoholic beverages?” and “Why would you want to find your spouse on our TV show?” It was oddly a lot of work and some of the questions really made Marinette think.
 After the paper application was done, she needed to record a video of herself answering a series of questions and then pick anywhere from 5-15 pictures of herself. Then she would pack them all up and mail them to the studio.
 Alya had been called as soon as the paper application was done. She helped Marinette pick out the perfect photos (there were 8 of them, all of them showed off Marinette in a very good light and also showed her being a good person) and directed the video.
 As it turns out, the hardest part of the video was finding the perfect outfit. After 10 minutes of digging, Alya found the perfect dress, one that Marinette had designed, that made her look beautiful and professional without too much stiff-ness. Once the lighting was adjusted and everything was perfect, Alya began asking her questions.
 These questions were similar to the ones on the paper application, which helped because she already had her answers ready to go. She started off with a summary of herself, then moved on to her dating history (none, except for Juleka’s brother, but that was one date), then with her ultimate fantasy date (traveling to see the different fashion shows around the world), what her family was like, her traveling dreams, what she would do on a date in her hometown (obviously stroll around the Eiffel tower and all the sights, as well as baking with her parents), some of her special talents (thankfully she had some finished designs lying around and it gave her an excuse to talk about her dress), and finished up the video with a tour of her house. That part was fun because she got to show off her room and the bakery, where her parents were hard at work.
 Once the whole thing was done, Alya began editing on her computer. Marinette began cleaning up her closet and was only half listening to Alya’s comments, most of which were very sarcastic.
 “I should make a blooper reel to add to the end of the interview, this stuff is comedy gold!” Alya called to her with a laugh. Marinette pinked remembering how many times she had to do some of the questions before she got it sounding okay.
 “Honestly, Alya, they want to see my personality. As long as it’s not too embarrassing, I won’t say anything.” Alya’s squeal of delight made Marinette roll her eyes.
 “When you make it, you’re going to have to keep me updated on what it’s like to date none other than Adrien Agreste!” At that comment, Marinette couldn’t help but giggle.
 “You sound really cocky for someone who was just joking about my blooper reel!”
“Confident, not cocky, sweetheart!” Marinette smiled, despite herself. Alya’s confidence and excitement was contagious. She was also hoping her Ladybug luck would carry her most of the way through this process, even if Tikki didn’t think that was fair.
 “Anyway, Alya, you know they take the contestants phones from them once they arrive! No cell phones, no social media, no communication with the outside world. I even heard that there is no internet.”
 “Ugh, I couldn’t survive without internet! That’s why I didn’t audition! I couldn’t imagine being in a situation like that and NOT blogging the whole thing!”
 “But what about Nino?” Marinette asked with a raised eyebrow. Alya had been dating Nino, Marinette’s other best friend, since she moved to Paris in high school. The thought that Alya would ditch Nino to go on a dating show seems kind of extreme.
 “Nino would get over it. He knows I love him and would only go on the show to promote my blog. Can you imagine how many more followers I would have if I could promote the Ladyblog on National Television! It would be amazing!” Another squeal from Alya although Marinette didn’t smile.
“But, Alya, girls aren’t supposed to go on the show to promote their own things. They do it to find love. You can’t go on the show for the wrong reasons!” The rising anger in Marinette’s voice became very obvious, as well as very uncalled for, and it startled Alya a little. The thought of Alya, or anyone for that matter, using her kitty to promote themselves made Marinette fume with fury and she couldn’t stand the thought of him being used like that.
Thankfully, a smile broke across Alya’s face, “Relax girl, that’s why I didn’t audition! I couldn’t imagine using a person like that!” Alya then turned to Marinette with a smirk on her face, “Plus I knew that Nino wouldn’t know what to do without me while I was gone!” Alya began to laugh, and not long after, Marinette joined in, although her laugh was a little forced. She still couldn’t get over the fact that some of the girls could be there for the wrong reasons. At least Marinette will be there to help steer Adrien in the right direction. AKA: her.
About a week later, one of the producers of the show was sitting in a dark office, stifling a yawn. The office was small and boring, only holding a cramped desk, a computer, a chair, and an over-flowing pile of packages. He had been the unlucky one assigned to sorting through all of the potential contestants. The deadline for applications was yesterday and they had to wait for the mail to come in today before he was to start going through it all.
 He swiveled in his chair bitterly. Come and work on this new reality show, they said, it’ll be fun, they said. He rolled his eyes and began grabbing packages and ripping them open. He began downloading all of the videos onto the computer and labeling them with the girl’s name. After that was all done, he began flipping through the applications while watching, or rather ignoring, the same girl’s video, which he played on the computer.
 The hardest part of the job was finding 30 girls who fit both Adrien’s list of things he’s looking for in a girl, as well as Gabriel’s things. And when it came to it, all of the girls HAD to be Gabriel-approved, or it was going to be his head.
 Truthfully, he felt like a creeper looking through all of these pictures of the potential contestants. All of them included at least one swimsuit pick and they were all between the age of 21 and 25. That was all good for Adrien, but for him, a married guy... not so much.
 After a few more hours of work, he was going bleary-eyed and was ready to go home and give his wife a big hug and not tell her about this. The last video/application he looked at caught his eye. It was this pretty, petite girl with blue-black hair and a very nice smile. He thought he recognized her, but that couldn’t be possible. He checked her application again and noticed she was from Paris too. Her last name, Dupain-Cheng rang a bell as well.
 As he continued watching her video, during the house-tour, she showed the camera into a bakery. Yes! That was it! She was the daughter of the owners of the Dupain-Cheng bakery! Man, they made the best pastries. He had even considered stopping by on his way home tonight, to get his wife something sweet.
 Well, that settles it. She just has to be on the show. Completely ignoring the two requirement lists he had been religiously using, he moved her application into the “Casting Interview” pile, shut off his computer and headed out for the night. The Dupain-Cheng bakery wasn’t too far out of his way, and if he hurried, he could make it home right as dinner hit the table.
Weeks went by and Marinette had almost forgotten about the show and her application. Everything was normal: working in the bakery with her parents, going to classes and completing projects for University, and even her patrols with Chat were normal. He hadn’t brought up the topic of the show, except to confirm that she had applied. Life was normal.
That is, until she received a phone call from a producer saying that they would like for her to come in for an interview, a photoshoot, and some medical testing. She was thrilled, called Alya right away, and was able to clear the weekend in her calendar. The next night, on patrol, she told Chat just because she couldn’t contain her excitement.
“They said that just because I was called doesn’t mean I’m guaranteed a spot, but that I’ve made it to the top 50!” She let out a small squeal as Chat wrapped her in a hug and spun her around.
“Oh, Bug, this is wonderful! You are going to have a great time! They told me that this is the easy part! In fact, since most of you are going to be on the show with me, I’m not allowed to even leave my house during that weekend, for fear that I’ll see one of you.” Chat let out a short laugh at that, “Not that I’m normally allowed to leave the house, but now I’ll be under a heavier lock and key.”
 “Don’t worry, kitty, after the whole weekend is done, I’ll come and get you and we can run around the city so you don’t feel too trapped.” She leaned forward and flicked his bell, giving him a seductive smile.
 Chat gulped a little before responding with a choked, “Sounds good.” Ladybug couldn’t help but laugh. It was easy to make him flustered when she directly flirted with him, and it would provide better ammo once she was on the show. How he was going to survive 29 other girls flirting with him though, she had no idea.
Before Marinette knew it, the weekend of her interview came. She was pushed into a hotel room with 9 other girls and was forced to interact and bond with them. They started out with the interviews, where the girls were escorted one-by-one into another hotel room and interviewed by 3 of the producers. They asked simple questions and Marinette felt really good about it.
Then, once all 50 girls were done, they were served dinner and sent to bed. Early Saturday morning, they were escorted to the nearest hospital, where they would be getting some medical tests done. They did it in groups and rotated through. Some went to get a physical, some went to get the psych exam, some went to a drug test, some went to get fitted (the producers thought it would be easier this way and therefore could have the seamstresses working on clothes for the girls who get cast) and some went to get tested for STDs (what they thought Marinette would be doing on this show, she had no idea).
 Then came the part that Marinette had been most nervous for, the photoshoot. She was never super comfortable in front of the camera, as she was usually the designer behind it. Thankfully, they were photographing them as a group first, then breaking them up for their solo shots. Marinette’s group was in the middle, and it allowed plenty of time to watch and get tips from other girls. One of the girls in Marinette’s group named Sasha was a model and she was more than willing to give everyone some helpful tips.
 Once it was all over, the girls were forced to go to a pool party at the hotel and mingle. Marinette met lots of really nice girls there, and even had a little fun. She almost forgot what they were doing all of this for. She did notice that some of the girls didn’t get-along with everyone and one particular girl named Lila, seemed to be collecting a cult-following of other potential contestants.
Marinette wasn’t impressed with Lila and elected to steer clear of her while she could. She reminded her too much of her high school bully Chloe Bourgeois, and she’d rather not go down that road.
Finally, it was time for bed and almost time for her to go home. She enjoyed being with some of these girls, but she couldn’t wait to sleep in her own bed, as well as see Chat Noir tonight. The superheroes had been a popular topic among the potential contestants. Some had never been to Paris before and were hoping to see a glimpse of the super-heroes. Even though Marinette knew that wouldn’t be happening, she couldn’t help but enjoy the excitement that her presence could potential cause.
 Sunday morning came with breakfast and a meeting. Something super formal that told the girls that they would be receiving a phone call from a producer whether they are cast or not. They were also reminded to not tell anyone about the beginning of the journey, as it would spoil the fun for some of the viewers. Although Marinette knew Alya wouldn’t let her get away without ALL of the details, she agreed to their rules anyway.
Before she knew it, she was back in her room, hugging her parents and waiting for the sun to set so she could meet up with Chat. She passed the time by helping in the bakery and as soon as dinner was eaten and cleaned up, she excused herself for the night and ran upstairs.
She had barely come close to the Agreste Mansion when she saw someone standing at the window staring at her. Adrien was waiting for her. The thought made her heart soar, and his facial expression when he spotted her helped a ton. He quickly transformed and jumped out to meet her.
 “How was your weekend, milady?” He asked as they ran towards the Eiffel Tower.
 “Oh, it was so much fun,” the sarcasm was clearly heard and it made Chat laugh. “There was so much testing done and so many questions, and so. many. girls.” Ladybug let out a groan as they both touched down at the bottom of the tower. “Race you to the top and I’ll tell you what I can.”
“You’re on.”
 Once at the top (Ladybug won by one second), Ladybug told him everything that had happened, only leaving out the STD test (he was going to be super awkward about that and she didn’t want to be the one to tell him) and any specific girls she had met. She didn’t want to spoil his thoughts on any of the girls just yet. Although she did mention one girl, if not by name.
 “She was just horrible, Chat. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, but the other girls were flocking to her like she was their queen. It just didn’t sit right with me.”
“Hopefully she won’t make it past this level. If she does though, I’ll be able to spot her and eliminate her night one.” Chat said confidently while Ladybug played with his hair.
“We are just going to have to wait and see though.”
“Speaking of spotting people...” Chat trailed off and Ladybug looked around, wondering who he could have seen from this high up. “Are you going to reveal your identity once you’re officially cast or should you just get it over with now?”
 Ladybug’s hands froze in his hair. She had been waiting for him to ask this, so thankfully, she had discussed and rehearsed this moment with Tikki.
“Neither,” she replied as nonchalant as she could.
 Chat sat up fast and turned to look her in the eye. “What?”
“I’ve been thinking, and I don’t think it would be fair to the other girls if you already knew who I was. How are you going to convince the cameras, as well as all of France, that you are seriously looking for a wife out of these 30 girls if you already know one of them super well? It would show favoritism and I can’t support that.” The dumbfounded look on his face made her smile.
 “B-but, I need to know! You have to tell me! It’s only fair!” She rolled her eyes at his whine. He could be such a baby sometimes.
“Yes, it is fair for the other contestants. Plus, it’ll be more fun if you can pick me out of a crowd. It’ll make the game on your end more exciting.” He groaned and laid back down to where she could continue scratching his head.
 “I hate when you’re right,” was all he said.
A couple more weeks came by and Marinette was starting to get nervous. Because of Chat, she knew that they started filming in 3 weeks, and yet she still hadn’t received a phone call. Thankfully, Alya understood her stress and swore to not call her until she found out.
“Maybe they are just running behind?” She suggested helpfully as she spun in Marinette’s desk chair. “Maybe they want you freaking out so you’ll act more desperate on the show.”
 Marinette let out a strained laugh and then fell silent as she stared intently at her phone.
“Have you ever heard the saying, ‘A watched phone never rings?’” Alya asked, stopping her spinning to eye Marinette in her desperate position.
“That’s not a real saying,” She replied without looking away from her phone.
“Even so, it’s true,”
 The days went by so slowly, Marinette was sure an akuma was responsible. By the time Friday rolled around, Marinette felt as though she’s lived through a whole month. Tikki tried to talk some sense into her, but Marinette wouldn’t hear it.
 She ended up working the whole day in the bakery, which helped take her mind off of things. When she took her lunch break, she quickly escaped upstairs to the apartment before her Maman could ask her to do something else. She quickly made her lunch and began eating.
 “Could I have that strawberry?” Tikki was sitting by her plate, staring hungrily at the very sweet-looking strawberry.
“Sure, Tikki,” Marinette responded with a smile. How lucky she got to have a kwami with a sweet tooth. She didn’t know what she would do if she had been stuck with someone like Plagg, who’s constant need for cheese, and expensive cheese at that, was hard to maintain.
 She heard a ringing and a vibrating from the counter that jerked her out of her thoughts. When she looked at her phone, it was an unknown number. Marinette’s heart sped up as she reached to answer.
“Hi, this is Pierre from the TV studio. I’m calling to talk to Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“This is she.” She had to take a sip of water because her mouth had suddenly gone dry.
“Hi, Marinette. I just wanted to call and let you know that you’ve been cast on this season of The Bachelor! I am currently sending you an email with your packing list, everything you need to know pre-filming, as well as when the car will be at your house to pick you up. If you have any questions, feel free to email us. Congratulations and we will be seeing you in two weeks!”
Marinette was staring at her plate with her mouth gaping. Tikki gave her a quick nudge and she started, suddenly realizing that she needed to say something to the man.
“Thank you so much! I’ll see you in two weeks!” She quickly hung up so as to not say anything stupid.
“Congratulations, Marinette! You’re going to have your work cut out for you, but I know you’ll be able to pull it off!”
Marinette couldn’t believe it. She’d made it. She’d be able to go on a proper date with Adrien and possibly get him to fall in love with her! She didn’t realize she was screaming until her mom ran up the stairs, a worried look on her face.
“Marinette, what’s wrong?”
“Maman! I made it! I got cast on the show!”
Sabine engulfed her in a hug and dragged her downstairs to tell her Papa. He was so excited, he told the whole storefront, which resulted in spattered applause and a very red-faced Marinette. Numbly, she moved back upstairs to finish her lunch. 
“What an exciting day, Marinette!” Tikki said, resuming her work on her strawberry.
“And it’s only lunch! Wait until I tell Alya!” A wonderful thought then crossed her mind and a slightly manic grin spread across her face. “Oh man, wait until I tell Chat!”
Let me know if you wanna be tagged for updates! 
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Fifty-One: Everything’s Eventual
“There comes a time in most lives when we must face the deaths of our loved ones as an actual reality... and, by proxy, the fact of our own approaching death. This is probably the single greatest subject of horror fiction: our need to cope with a mystery that can be understood only with the aid of a hopeful imagination.” 
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I had dinner once with a guy who was trying to either relate to me, or impress me... the jury is still out. Once he found out I was from Milwaukee, he told me how he had once seen Ted Bundy’s apartment in downtown Milwaukee. 
Slow blink.
Ted Bundy was never in Milwaukee, dumb ass. You’re obviously talking about Jeffrey Dahmer, and comparing the two is like chalk and cheese. Completely different victim populations, MO’s... basically the only thing they have in common is both being white men. Oh, and Bundy is considered more conventionally attractive. If you were to listen to the Parcast Serial Killers podcast on Dahmer, they described him as, “good looking, by Milwaukee standards...” So, there’s that. 
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This conversation still upsets me years later. It should have upset me more that the “Bundy in Milwaukee” guy went on to talk about his wife’s STD, but that’s a conversation for another time. 
I didn’t choose the Dahmer life, it chose me. When he was captured in 1991, I was my daughter’s age, and it was the most sensational piece of news to hit Milwaukee... well, maybe ever. The details about the half-eaten corpses, the body parts in the freezer... I couldn’t get enough of it. Had I not stumbled across my mom’s copy of Small Sacrifices years earlier, it’s possible Dahmer could have been the catalyst for my murderino obsession. Sadly, Diane Downs got to me first. I was obsessed with the pictures in the middle of the book... it was the first time I realized monsters are real, and human monsters are scarier than anything Stephen King or Dean Koontz could dream up. 
Sidebar: check out the Two Face podcast, told by the daughter Diane put up for adoption. I’m obsessed. 
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But, Dahmer is my local serial killer, so my knowledge is complete and wildly inappropriate at dinner parties (remember when those were a thing?). There’s even a local neighborhood bar that does a Dahmer walking tour; where my sister talked me out of buying this especially cool t-shirt... she felt it was too on-the-nose. She might be right. I even dragged a friend with me to see My Friend Dahmer... because I was scared of looking like a creeper at the theater alone. Every time we drive past Columbia County Correctional, I make sure to remind my (very annoyed) daughter that Dahmer was killed there. 
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My point is, I know a lot about Jeffrey Dahmer. What’s one of the key things I know? HE’S NOT BURIED. HE DOESN’T HAVE A GRAVE. HIS PARENTS HAD HIM CREMATED AND SPLIT HIS REMAINS. 
Once more for the cheap seats in the back: 
Why all the shouty caps? 
Because Steve doesn’t know this. Steve is blissfully unaware that he has a character bragging about sleeping on Jeffrey Dahmer’s non-existent grave. I can’t even give you a good review of Everything’s Eventual, because this bothers me so much. It’s like the fucking Starbuck’s cup someone forgot to remove from the Game of Throne’s scene. It bothers me that much. 
Here was my reading process on this short story collection...
Autopsy Room Four: Creepy! This is the shit that haunts my dreams. Good start to the collection!
The Man in the Black Suit: Fun! A Castle Rock mention
All That You Love Will Be Carried Away: Are we to the Little Sisters short story yet? I need a Dark Tower fix...
The Death of Jack Hamilton: I love a good mobster story. And this one mentions the Dillinger gang shoot-out at Little Bohemia, so yay for a Wisconsin reference! Great story. 
In the Deathroom: Escobar. Meh. If we’re going to do back-to-back mobster stories, the Dillinger one was better. 
Little Sisters of Eluria: Swoon. Double swoon. Steve uses the line, “tintinabulation of the bells.” Tintinabulation is a word Edgar Allen Poe completely made up, but it’s an excellent example of onomatopoeia. This is an example of what I have to show for all my student loan debt (thanks, Cares Act for the deferment!): the fact I can both recognize and give an obscure example of onomatopoeia. And spot Poe like a boss bitch. This story is set post Wizard and Glass, and ties back into The Talisman; and almost makes up for the Dahmer slippage. 
Everything’s Eventual: Thought provoking, but I’m really looking forward to finishing this collection and diving back into The Dark Tower universe. 
L.T.’s Theory of Pets: Trigger warning for violence towards animals. I once had Blood and Smoke- an audio book collection Steve did; and this story was included. I’ve never forgotten it. It’s a classic. 
The Road Virus Heads North: A Derry mention! Oh, and Dahmer too. That’s fun. 
Lunch at the Gotham Cafe: Weird. This is the second story that includes a Dear John letter, and a jilted husband. Wonder what was going on with Steve and Tabby... Oh gross, a Donald Trump and Ivana line. *Swallows vomit*
That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French: Oh good, 1408 is next! 
Riding the Bullet: Oh, a Castle Rock mention. But, um, DAHMER DOESN’T HAVE A GRAVE!
Luckey Quarter: Why is lucky spelled wrong? And also... DAHMER DOESN’T HAVE A GRAVE!!! 
So, yeah. Full disclosure. Re-living the Dahmer’s grave story just made me crack open a juice box full of sangria. Fun fact: the friend who made this sangria, is the same one I dragged along to My Friend Dahmer. She is a lovely, wonderful, generous human being; who is not the least bit fazed by my serial killer knowledge. And her sangria is delicious too. 
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Total Wisconsin Mentions: 35
Total Dark Tower References: 51
Book Grade: B- (generous, considering the Dahmer gaffe) 
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
Black House: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
From a Buick 8: B
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
Storm of the Century: B-
Everything’s Eventual: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers: D-
Next is Wolves of the Calla. I am so stupid excited to finish off The Dark Tower series. Only 18 years of Steve left to go, and a little over 3 months to get it done. Stay tuned.
Until next time, Long Days and Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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marvelmymarvel · 6 years
Wounded (Series: Talbert)
Floyd Talbert x Sergeant!Nixon!Reader
Synopsis: Being wounded in war is inevitable and could happen to anyone at any moment. But when it’s you or the love of your life that gets wounded, how will either of you handle the pain and suffering.
Trigger Warning: ManHandling, Assault
A/N: I know no one in that group of people would do this to a paratrooper, but just imagine some creepers in that group okay. 
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You watched him kiss her with such ferocity. It was as if he would never kiss a woman like that again. 
You hated it. 
You started forward as your brother grabbed your arm. “Y/n, don’t even think about-” Lew hissed out but you just ripped your arm out of his grasp before storming forward. You were hot-headed and always ready to attack. You saw Floyd being pulled away and he kissed her one last time, but that didn't change your step. Your eyes were on her, and all you wanted to do was pull those stupid little curls off of her stupid pretty little head. Floyd saw you and his eyes widened. You two weren't dating, no. It was strictly fun and games, but you fell in love. Mistake number one was you falling in love with him. 
Mistake number two was going after her. 
Some man grabbed your waist before yanking you hard into a circle, you let out a yelp as your body slammed into the ground. You felt dizzy as your head had slammed into the ground and blood began to fall from the cut on your temple. You screamed out as some of the men grabbed at you and hauled you back up into their embrace. You kept screeching as you tried to push a man away who was trying so hard to make you kiss him. Your screams made Lew rush towards the crowd, all he thought about was how much your guy’s parents were going to kill him if you got hurt. Floyd beat him to you as he ripped you out of the man’s grasp. You stumbled back into Lew's embrace and you began to cry from fear as your older brother held you close. You were safe now, Lew would whisper, and that should have made you feel safe. But what made you feel safe, was Floyd.
Floyd’s fist flew back and slammed into the man’s face repeatedly. You inhaled sharply as you saw the man fall and Floyd kept hammering into him. “Floyd!” you screamed out as you tried to lunge towards him, but Lew hauled you away from the fight as other Sergeants hauled him off. You were pulled onto the sidewalk next to Dick who looked at you in shock as you were bleeding from your temple. “Doc!” Dick called out and Lew forced you to sit down and lean against the wall. “Moms gonna kill me” you sobbed out to Lew and he just rolled his eyes before grabbing a handkerchief to wipe the blood that was falling down your cheeks. “Trust me, she’s gonna kill me. For once Y/n... Can you not try and start a fight” he scolded as he began to clean you up. You just kept choking on sobs as Doc came to your side to work on you. You were so scared. You felt unsafe even with three strong men around you. Dick was making sure no one came by you three. Lew was hovering over you, checking for more wounds and hell would freeze over before he let anyone hurt his baby sister. While Doc didn't fight, he wouldn't let anyone touch you either. 
Yet you didn't feel safe. 
Lew knew what you needed and he hated it. He didn't approve of what you had going on with Talbert, but you were spoiled. And whatever you wanted.
You got.
And how could he say no to your puppy dog eyes and trembling lips? “You always find a way don't you.” Lew hissed out. Standing up, he turned back towards the crowd to see Floyd being pulled to where Doc was right next to you. “Talbert!” Lew screamed out and your breath hitched at just the sound of his name. The other Sergeants let him go and he swiftly walked over to you. He knew what you needed and Lew moved to the side to let the young boy comfort you. “Jesus Floyd, what did you do?” Doc asked as he saw Floyd's bloody knuckles, but Floyd just shook his head before cupping your cheek. Eugene looked through his bag for a bandage which gave Floyd the chance to comfort you. “I’m sorry, all I saw was red” he whispered out and you just nodded before he leaned in and kissed you softly. Lew let out an annoyed groan before dropping in front of you both as you kissed him back. “Can you guys just date already, I’m getting sick of her attitude” Lew hissed out as Floyd pulled away before looking at Lew. “Lewis, I swear-” you started out angrily but Floyd just nodded before looking at you, “I like his idea” he whispered out and you just stared at him in shock. “I guess I cant hide the fact that I have fallen in love with you anymore, so I’m done hiding it.” Floyd continued and your face softened into one of love. Lew rolled his eyes once more and Doc just watched you two give love eyes to one another. Your forehead was still bleeding, but you didn't care. “Me too” you whispered up at him as a large smile formed on your lips. 
“I’m pretty sure he knew that Y/n, considering you did almost just kill that girl he was making out with” Lew grumbled and you just turned to look at him angrily before kicking him with your foot. “You were jealous of her?” Floyd asked while giggling. Your cheeks reddened as you looked down at your hands, a drop of blood fell from your chin and you realized you were still hurt. Turning to Eugene, he sighed out happily as he once again cleaned you up and wrapped your head. Floyd kissed your cheek before grabbing your hand, “Truthfully, I was imagining it was you” he murmured seductively in your ear. A shiver ran down your spine as Doc finished up so you could turn back to Floyd. Pressing your head against his you gave him a devilish smile. “You're a fool Floyd Talbert” you whispered out before pecking his lips. 
“But you’re my fool.”
@hell-itwasyou @desired-love- ​ @gaslyf1 ​ @whatwouldidowithoutgeorgeluz ​@etainlord @longing-for-the-past-times ​
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