#this season seemed to be all ads for her stupid new makeup thing
telltalesonline · 7 months
40 Kim Kardashian Facts that are ‘Literally’ so True
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It might seem unlikely that there can be anything left to unearth about Kim Kardashian.
After all, she’s had hit reality shows that have documented her life since 2007, and been the center of attention on social media and news outlets for over a decade.
Even though you can keep up with her on every possible medium from TV to social media, there are still some things that you may not know about the famous mother of four.
So, gather ‘round, Kimmy K lovers (and haters) – here are 40 Kim Kardashian facts that are literally so true, Bible.
1. Kim has Six Piercings
We all know that Kim isn’t afraid to go under the knife. She also has nerves of steel when it comes to piercings!
Did you know that she has piercings on her bellybutton, one in her right ear and four on her left? She hasn’t been spotted with her belly ring lately, though.
2. She Was a Celebrity Stylist Before Fame
Besides her controversial tape, the Kardashians’ rise to fame was largely thanks to Kim’s pal Paris Hilton.
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3. Kim ‘Looked’ For Paparazzi
When Kim first hopped onto the scene, she was photographed everywhere. The new ‘it girl’ was featured in all the magazines and paparazzi would literally feed off getting a photo of her.
She’s been accused of calling the paparazzi on herself, but Kim recently denied this and admitted that she did intentionally head to certain spots where she knew the photographers would be.  
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4. She Regrets her Adult Tape
Indeed, Kim has big regrets when it comes to her controversial adult tape with Ray J. Admitting to Andy Cohen on the KUWTK Reunion, Kim said,
“That is something that I have to live with for the rest of my life. That is something that is being held over my head. I try to not live with any regrets, but it’s probably the one thing I wish didn’t exist. If I could erase any of the stupid things I’ve done in life, that’s probably it and it’s more so from being a mom than anything.”
5. Her Feud with Kourtney Goes Way Back
From physically fighting each other on their shows, to feuding about their Dolce and Gabbana projects, Kim and Kourtney have rarely seen eye to eye over the years.
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6. Kim Got Drunk at Beyonce’s Party
If you haven’t caught up with season 4 of The Kardashians, you’d have missed Kim confessing this juicy little fact.
The SKIMS founder admitted that she got drunk and “blacked out” at one of Beyonce‘s parties after dancing all night long. With just “two shots,” Kim revealed that she gets easily “wasted.”
Don’t believe her? “Ask Beyonce,” Kim said.
7. She has a Freckle on her Eyeball
There are many Kim Kardashian doppelgangers out there. So many women try to copy her style, fashion, makeup and hairdos.
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8. She Goes to the Beach at Certain Times
As her true fans know, Kim loves going on vacation where she can flaunt her bikini and relax on the beach.
What you may not know is that the curvaceous star only goes to the beach when lighting is the most flattering, to avoid casting unappealing light on her cellulite.
A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
9. Kim has Been Married 3 Times
If you thought Kim K’s infamously short marriage to Kris Humphries and her famous marriage to Kanye West is all there was in the ring department, you’re mistaken.
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10. She Almost Didn’t Marry Kris Humphries
Other than her adult tape, we’re pretty sure marrying Kris Humphries is Kim’s second biggest regret in life.
Believe it or not, she almost escaped the 72-day marriage on her wedding day! Kris, her mom, revealed during the KUWTK Reunion, that she tried to talk Kim out of marrying Humphries – “I said, ‘Listen, if you really don’t want to do this, I don’t think you should do it.’”
Kim added, “What you said to me was ‘Go, I’m going to put you in a car. No one will find you. Just leave and I’ll handle it.’ I thought, ‘OK, we’re filming this for a TV show. If I leave, I’m going to be known as the runaway bride forever. It’s going to be a huge joke. I think I just had cold feet.”
Continue reading at Tell Tales Online.
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bcbecitas · 3 years
hi hi! im jo and just got back to my place after the holidays only to discover that I am bored out of my mind!! i’m in the gmt+1 timezone, and I tend to be really active throughout most of the day. 
i’ve added a couple of plots I’m super interested in but also would love to hear any ideas! basically just really excited to start new things and meet new partners!
Possible Plots
1. anyways give me a plot where muse a is an infamous drug dealer who deals to the elite 1% and he meets muse b, the girlfriend of his biggest (and potentially most dangerous client) , and he’s fucking ENAMORED by her . she’s untouchable , and that only makes him want her more and he feels no guilt bc her boyfriend is an abusive piece of garbage . muse b’s bf takes a liking to muse a , thinks he’s cool or whatever , and invites him to a shit ton of parties , underground fights , etc. stuff that only his inner circle is apart of …. and she’s always there and becomes lowkey intrigued by him ?? starts out innocent , just idle conversation in the absence of her bf until they want /more/ . cue lots of sneaking around , “he’ll kill us both if he finds out”‘s , longing stares . PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOOI DD
2. an on and off again relationship where they butt heads a lot because they’re just so passionate about practically everything and they have just as many things in common as they do not and they’re the “it” couple which gets kind of overwhelming sometimes bc everyone seems to know your business before you do and other people are always telling them what the other is doing when they’re broken up and all those jealous texts and the fights but also the makeups and the “i’m sorry for being so fucking stupid can we pretend that didn’t happen” and the “my mom wants to know when you can come over for dinner” texts sent at 9:38 PM on the night they were supposed to go on a date i juST honestly it’d be so fun and cute and imagine all the headcanons we could come up with and casual little paras or chatzys or whatever that we could do and goD DAMMIT them being “on a break” but he still goes to her debate competitions or poetry slams whatevER and she goes to his stuff bc gdi that’s bae :\ even if bae is being annoying af rn :\
3. ‘tis the season for ‘ i didn’t know my bestie had a hot older sibling but they’re home from college for the holidays and they just strolled into the kitchen with bed head and a gravelly voice and now i might die ’ plots and also ‘ i didn’t know my sibling had a hot younger bestie but i’m home from college for the holidays and they just strolled into the kitchen with bed head and a gravelly voice and now i might die ’ plots
4. while jana is kinda bleh on their own, I’d love a plot kinda based on their story. like two youtubers/actors/famous people in general decide to set up an extravagant relationship and eventual “marriage” to boost up their popularity all with the intentions of one day having a giant public break up to cement the drama and attention being drawn to them. However, neither of them anticipated actually getting close and falling for each other until public break up day is moving closer and closer and they’re suddenly more and more reluctant to give it up
and just for fun, here’s my plot tag! hope to hear from you!
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wandering-child-rp · 4 years
For the mini fic: what about number 7 things you said while driving for E/C 💖💖
“Thanks for the lift. You didn’t have to. I could have gotten the bus.” Christine forced a smile onto her nervous face as Erik gripped the steering wheel a little harder. It was painful for him but he didn’t like the idea of Christine alone on public transport late at night.
The lights of the highway would bathe the saloon car into bright light every so often and gave them both some shadows to hide in. Christine put the lead in her stomach down to nerves.
“I don’t mind driving you. I know you’d do the same for me if I needed a favour.”
“Except I don’t have a car and I cannot drive.” Christine laughed, it was a one-sided friendship. It was strange really. He didn’t seem to have many friends and it was always Christine chasing him. Unless it was after a lesson because then Erik always had a fantastic dinner for her, a great bottle of wine and he was good company. There had been a while when Christine had developed a crush on him but it was never reciprocated. She’d given him a thousand opportunities and lingering a little longer than needed at the door waiting for a kiss that never came.
Her hands stretched over her thighs with a huff of air.
“Nervous?” Erik asked but desperately he didn’t want to hear Christine pour out her feelings about her new boyfriend. He hated the constant buzzing of her phone when they sat together or the way she’d smile and laugh at whatever was on that stupid screen.
“Yeah... a little. I wish he could have come back instead of me flying out to him.” Erik’s large hand landed onto Christine’s with a comforting squeeze.
“I know. It’s sad your missing the season opener.” In his heart of hearts, he wanted Christine to be sat next to him in the box. He wanted to twist the playbill in his hands over and over trying to pluck up the courage to slide his hand into hers. Exactly like it was now. His hazel eyes went wide and he whipped away the warmth all too suddenly leaving Christine confused again and feeling like an imposition.
It would have been nice to go with Erik. He was a gentleman truly. Yes, he was a little older than her but he was sweet and respectful. Meg kept saying it was just a crush on an older man who had that mysterious thing but Christine wasn’t so sure. She laughed at his clever jokes and dumb ones and could listen for hours to him play or dissect a film scene by scene. He lent her books that he thought she needed to read and empowered her beyond belief. Only when she needed it though did he interfere.
“Your favourite book is ‘Pride and prejudice? Did Mr Darcy like Elizabeth more because she was outspoken and her own woman?” Christine only nodded. “Then stop pandering to these idiots. Yes, take their direction but not when it cuts you down. If it doesn’t stop I’ll bloody tell them.”
“They’re bossy; not romantic though.” She said trying to lighten the atmosphere and stop feeling like such a silly little girl. Erik only raised his eyebrows and bit his tongue trying to keep his attention solely on the tv in front of them. “No one has ever declared their undying love for me.”
“Maybe if you followed the advice.” </i>
Erik remembered that night. The air hung thick as Christine ran her finger around the rim of her glass and the silence rang. He knew he loved her then. It was sudden and all at once; like drowning. He fought it but couldn’t swim to the surface again. It was fine when it was just lessons and direction but then they met up. She didn’t look at the mask but at Erik’s eye. He held his temper and the time it was ragged, she simply laid her hand on his shoulder and then it took all his power not to declare his feelings. Erik wasn’t stupid; she was young, beautiful and smart. Out of his league. Then, she suddenly had a boyfriend on the scene after a connection with an old friend. It was dreadful to watch them. Erik was waiting at the stage door with flowers but they ended up in the trash can when he realised he’d been beaten to the punch.
The pair came to the airport all too quickly. Christine methodically checked off her list for the hundredth time.
“Passport? Yes. Money? Yes. Ticket? Yes. Phone? Yes. Makeup bag? Yep. So, I’m all set.” Christine looked beautiful in her thick sweater, the mass of curls blow dried out by the hairstylist this morning and her body bouncing nervous energy as she smiled widely at Erik with the harsh light reflecting off his mask. “Vienna, here I come! City of opera dreams and I’ll be back in a few weeks.”
Erik knew she wouldn’t come back. She had nothing in Paris anymore and her father was back in Sweden. He knew the allure of a new city and a new start but he’d miss her too much to admit. She was tense and clearly something was distracting her, as always, she just blurted it out after only a stern look from her mentor.
“He’s nice, right? He’s not texted much but now a driver is going to pick me up? That’s okay, isn’t it?” Erik wouldn’t dream of it. He would even let her take public transport alone and insisted she stayed in his guest room when he caved and shared a bottle of wine with her.
“Yes.” He replied monosyllabically before adding some care when he saw Christine's face drop a little. “Let me know when you get to his house at least. Goodbye, angel.”
‘Angel’ Christine melted just like when he’d coined the term back for her. She had not known his name when the first note had come or the loud shout across the stage from a fast-moving figure. Erik had told her to start an octave higher and, it had worked perfectly, she had hit the last note despite not knowing. Jokingly, she’d referred to him since as her ‘Angel of music’. It had become truthful as her broken heart had begun to mend itself.
“I can still call you, can’t I?” Erik noted she was picking at the handle of her bag and delaying for time. Nodding, Erik was about to splurge out everything but as he opened his mouth, some jackass behind him started to honk for the drop off space.
“Of course. Good luck with the audition. I’ll come to see you perform, I’m sure.”
He watched her walk away with the backpack that was his before, handbag and battered suitcase decorated with a floral print. It wasn’t medically possible but he was quite sure he could physically feel his heartbreaking. The tears clouded his vision so Erik gave up trying and pulled in for a drive-through coffee he’d normally baulk at. Red and white lights flashed overhead as planes carrying people off to their dreams, vacations and loved ones. The pain came in another crashing wave as he saw the coffee Christine got flash on the menu board; double-shot caramel latte. How was it possible for a coffee to cause a thousand stabs of ice to a heart. Erik reconciled himself to just wait out the hour and a half to watch her plane take off into the night sky. Then he’d go home and drink his body weight in liquor.
The whole plane groaned as the captain announced the delay. They’d sat on the tarmac for half an hour but it felt so much longer for someone as nervous as she was. Christine swore under her breath as she wrestled the backpack from the compartment. Why wasn’t Erik here? He never had to stand on his tiptoes to reach anything.
1 Voice Note from ‘Angel of Music 🎶 (ERIK DESTLER). 20 minutes ago. Christine held the phone to her ear as she jostled her way through disgruntled people and his velvet tones spilled into her ears.
‘So, I’m just at Starbucks and I can’t not say this anymore. I’m so sorry to do this, Christine, and like this. Look, just don’t listen past this but let me do it. We can pretend it never happened. I really want you to be happy and I don’t care if that’s not with me but... fuck... I don’t even know why I’m doing this but... here goes. I love you. A lot. Always have and always will. You can’t blame me because look at you and look at me. I know you won’t feel the same but I care for you so much, Christine. My wretched heart will always belong to you. The one who saw through the bullshit. Don’t think nothing or no one is missing you in Paris because I will be. Don’t dwell on it though. Go be happy... If you want to come home or something goes wrong, I’ll buy your ticket home and be waiting to collect you. Anytime, any day, just call me. You can always call me. No questions asked.’ There was a noise of a steering wheel being slapped and Erik squeezing his nose and clearing his throat before a new note started. ‘Anyway, just call me if you need and, best of luck. I know you’ll be perfect and don’t take any shit from anyone. I’ll get over all of this and I’m sorry. Unless you didn’t listen to that message in which case, erm, send me a postcard kid.’
Christine felt like the world had fallen out from under her and anything she thought was true wasn’t anymore. Throwing her handbag onto the seat, she paced around and listened to the message again. Surely she’d misheard him.
Erik perched himself on the wing of his car. His third cup of coffee in one hand a cigarette in the other as he blew smoke into the sky and watched a plane take off. Her flight was seven minutes late but he saw the green tail knew it was her flight as the flight app hadn’t updated with the last-minute delay.
“Fucking hell, Erik...” he mumbled to himself and threw the butt of the cigarette away after only taking three drags. “Stupid bastard...”
Never before had he felt so deflated but with freedom now. It was out into the world regardless of his regrets or lack of. The words where just like the smoke; impossible to catch or recall in the night sky. It was what it was, Erik thought as he sat back in the driver's seat and drummed the leather wheel defeated. He sat there spinning his phone on his thigh whilst the radio played the weather forecast monotonously. He had muted Christine and unmuted her twice just in case she needed him suddenly yet he hadn’t looked to see if she heard the message before boarding. The timing was meant to be that she’d already have shut off her phone before getting on the plane. It was nearly an hour ago since he’d practically bled the words out of his mouth and tonight, he’d go home and get very drunk before sleeping in tomorrow and he’d remain drunk until the opening night of the opera in four days. Then, he’d force himself back together and to face the world.
“Erik?” That voice. His head whipped around quickly and pulled a muscle. “My- my flight got delayed.”
His face visibly dropped but Christine held up her phone with the screen illuminating the picture of the artwork in Erik’s corridor that she adored. It was a perfect metaphor. Even when it wasn’t about him, Erik was never far from her thoughts.
“I got your message.” The young woman was nervous and simply flying on instinct as the moments turned into seconds and she was closing the gap between them and then her body hit his and their lips met in a breathless kiss full of fire and longing. Christine’s smile was large and her eyes crinkled when Erik looked shocked and confused. Slowly, his long arms wrapped around her waist and one knee shook weakly. She was here, in his arms and smiling at the thought of him. “I wish you’d told me before.”
“I didn’t want to cloud our friendship.”
“Friendship? Erik, it was never just a friendship with us. It doesn’t take me five minutes to unlock my door and say goodbye in the car and I wanted you. I thought you could see that-“
In response, his lips met hers again as one palm cradled her cheek. The mask was unforgiving but Christine knew what was underneath already from coming over early months ago. He’d freaked out and was embarrassed but she handled it without a moment of thought.
“Are you staying?” Erik whispered with a voice dripping with dark honey and his nose rubbed against hers as Christine cuddled him close in the chilly night with her arms around his neck.
Several hours later and Erik was kissing Christine’s nude shoulder as he cuddled behind her still unable to sleep despite their activities. Christine hummed in happily nuzzled softly in a bed that smelt of his cologne. She couldn’t stop thanking delayed flights and voice notes of deep thoughts in cars. She could have missed out on her love so easily but as Erik’s chest pressed against her back in his bed, Christine knew she was exactly where she was meant to be.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Understanding the Human World Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Phone call between Victor and Goldman before the date: here
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Candlelit Night Collection: Gavin // Kiro // Lucien
Trivia regarding the name of the date:
The date is called 遍阅人间色, which is loosely translated as “reading the colours of the human world”
This could be reference to a quote from 菜根谭 (Cai Gen Tan), a book written by a Ming Dynasty scholar and philosopher Hong Zichen
The full quote is: 阅遍人情, 始知疏狂之足贵; 备尝世味,方知淡泊之为真
A possible interpretation of it is: After experiencing all the things in the world, you will realise that ordinariness is the best
The date begins with MC, Anna and Kiki in the office, commenting on the work of her new intern (whose name is Wei Wei)
When the intern first started, her work was of horrifying quality. However, she has improved by leaps and bounds since then
The topic shifts to MC, and they comment that under Victor’s influence, she has become much more independent
MC receives an email from Victor at around 7pm telling her to amend parts of her proposal, so she stays behind
By the time she tidies up her materials, it’s already 9pm. She hears someone entering the office - Wei Wei returned to finish her work
MC is stunned by her work ethic and tells her to Relax™
But Wei Wei looks troubled and asks:
Wei Wei: Boss, would you feel upset if you fall for someone who is very bright and out of reach? 
MC: Huh?
Wei Wei: I’m such a mediocre, normal, and plain person. It’s only when I don’t sleep, don’t rest, and keep running forward that I can catch up with him.
I seem to comprehend, yet not comprehend at the same time.
Wei Wei: No matter what, I have to keep running forward!
Victor calls and says he’d pick her up
MC has a sudden realisation - Wei Wei’s fast improvement happened after her visit to LFG with MC... 👀
All of a sudden, Victor informs her of his agreement to be a cameo in a short film which would be shot overseas by a guy called Ronan, and that they’re flying the next day
MC wonders who exactly Film Director Ronan is for Victor to just readily accept the role, but Victor doesn’t respond
When they arrive, MC is surprised to see that Director Ronan is a tall and slim, curly-haired young foreigner
MC: Nice to meet you, Director Ronan. I’m MC. 
With a cheery smile, Ronan shakes my hand.
Ronan: Hello, bride-to-be.
I turn towards Victor confusedly.
Victor: Did you not hear a single word of what we were talking about just now?
MC: Of course not! You were both talking about... wedding attires, exchanging of wine cups... I understand that, but... I’m also acting?
Perhaps I look overly lost. Victor doesn’t even say that I’m stupid, but there’s a look of resignation implied in his glance. 
MC: So this is what you meant earlier when you said I should prepare... I see...
After half an hour, I finally understand the situation completely. 
Ronan is a very old friend of Victor. Even though he’s young, he is a famous film director in France, and has won numerous international prizes. 
He’s currently on a long vacation, and is planning to prepare a short film. In it, he will convey his attitude towards love through the use of various cultures’ wedding customs. 
The first stop for collecting materials is in China. 
Ronan: It’s called Devotion, and will be my first non-fiction work. I hope it can be presented in a beautiful and well-designed form to convey genuine and believable emotions. 
MC states that if she has the chance, she’d also want to go to different corners of the world to film
Victor responds with his usual remarks - “are you done with your report?”
Ronan laughs softly, revealing an intrigued expression. 
He walks to me and bends down, meeting my eyes and giving me a wide grin. 
Ronan: MC, Victor has a lot of little secrets. If you want to know anything, I can tell you.
At that moment, I feel as though I’m standing in front of a big mine, treasures laid out before me. I have no idea where to begin digging.
Victor: Why am I unaware that I have a lot of secrets? 
Ronan gives him a light sweeping glance. Then, he raises his voice. 
Ronan: I can tell you that many girls want to know his phone number. 
MC: Eh? 
While the staff help with her outfit and makeup, she overhears their conversion:
Makeup artist: Is that Victor? 
Costume staff: He looks even better in person than on television. No wonder he’s so popular. 
Makeup artist: You like his type? 
Costume staff: Difficult to say. It’s easier to be with someone who’s a little better than a regular human, or someone who’s just two points better. For someone like him, who’s akin to the stars hanging up in the sky... liking him is futile. 
I mull over these words, and several images flash across my mind, finally pausing at Wei Wei’s unbending expression. 
MC enters the filming location and sees Victor, who’s looking at his script.
Sensing my gaze, Victor sets down the script in his hands and walks towards me. After looking me up and down, he finally gives a positive evaluation. 
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Victor: Not bad. 
Sensing the glances of the staff members, I touch the hair accessories in my hair. A little embarrassed, I look around for the director. 
MC: [blushing] Are we filming soon? Where’s Ronan?  
Ronan: Here!
Without realising it, Ronan is standing behind me, a stunned look in his eyes. 
Ronan: The Chinese wedding attire is so beautiful! We’ll go with what I mentioned just now. Don’t be nervous. The two of you just need to relax a little more, and I’ll be able to capture the best shots. 
They begin filming. MC feels nervous, and strikes up a conversation with Victor
MC: Victor, don’t you think we’re always pretending to get married? 
I’m unsure if Victor is pretending not to hear me, but he has no reaction at all.
MC: Victor, look at the moon tonight. It’s so round!
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Victor: Mm.
MC: ...
After confirming that Victor is ignoring me on purpose, I change the topic.  
MC: Victor, after you left the makeup room, Ronan came over and told me a lot of your secrets!
Victor: Did he tell you that many women want my phone number? 
MC: Huh? No!
Victor smiles lightly, then meets my eyes. 
Victor: Continue.  
MC: He told me a story about close friends. 
Victor arches his brows slightly, as though he already knows what I’m about to say. 
MC: I heard that when LFG first started, a director with nothing to his name came looking for an investment. He boldly promised that his work would win a grand prize. The young CEO, with his good tastes, decisively invested after seeing his work. Afterwards, this work won a grand prize, and even three international prizes. Overnight, LFG became reputable in the industry. If that’s the case, he must be a close friend of yours. Why have you never mentioned him?
Victor: We have a good relationship, so there’s nothing to bring up. Also, we haven't met in three years.  
MC: Three years?!
Victor: He’s busy with a lot of things. I am too.
Victor says this in an ordinary manner, but I hear the most moving overtones.
MC: But you dropped all your work the moment he called and asked you to film?
Victor: Encounters between people are very short-lived. The next time we meet, it might not just be three years later. 
His tone is light, as though he’s talking about a normal matter. Yet, it’s as though I’m seeing pages with “The End” written on them. If the page is flipped once more, the book would close completely. 
I suddenly think of many people in my life. People who were once close to me - people who had walked through many seasons with me - and how they silently left at some point in time.
Sometimes, I didn’t even realise that after waving goodbye to certain people, it would be the last time I would ever see them again. 
Noticing that I haven’t spoken in a while, Victor speaks in a softer voice.
Victor: What are you thinking about?  
MC: There are many important people I don’t want to only share short-lived encounters with. 
Victor: For example? 
MC: For example, you.
I answer without thinking, and without a second of hesitation. Even Victor pauses for a while after hearing my response. 
Victor: MC, do you know the meaning of Hejin wine? 
[Trivia: Hejin wine is also known as “The Wedlock Wine”]
For some reason, he changes the subject. He holds up the two wine cups in front of us. 
Victor: “Jin” is a kind of gourd. It tastes very bitter, and is split into two halves and added to the wine. When the bride and the groom drink it together, it becomes Hejin wine. The meaning behind it is - you and I are originally one body. Whether it’s in joy or sorrow, or bitter of sweet times, we will go through it together. 
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While Victor speaks, he draws closer to me, placing one of the wine cups in my hand. 
Victor: On this earth, there will be one person who will drink the same cup of wine together with you, and will experience the same taste as you. Other people will leave, but he wouldn’t. If you want to wait for other people to return, he will accompany you in waiting. This is the meaning of Hejin.
The red silk and the colour of his clothes blend together. The overwhelming colour of red envelops me.
The dazzling red candles are reflected in his pupils, and within them holds my dumbfounded expression. 
In this pair of eyes, I see the world’s vastest tenderness. 
Victor: I promise you. I will always be with you.
After Ronan is more-or-less done with filming, MC just chills outside
She tells Victor how she feels sad about not taking sufficient photos of themselves in their gorgeous attire
Victor: What other photos do you want to take?
MC: I want to pictures of the palanquin, pictures of the firecrackers, and kowtowing!
[Trivia: MC is referring to traditional Chinese wedding processions]
Victor: There isn’t a palanquin, and the firecrackers have already been set off earlier. If you still want to act, there’s only the kowtowing left. 
I cast a glance towards the inner hall, slightly embarrassed. 
They get into position :’)
MC: A bow to the heaven and the earth--
With the heaven, the earth and the cosmos as my witness, being able to meet you among the vast sea of people is already the best encounter in my life. 
MC: A bow to the parents--
The parents witness the girl, who used to fall a lot when she was younger, grow up. In the years she spent growing up, she finally found someone to entrust her entire self to.
I turn my body slowly. For a moment, I don’t know what expression to have on my face, so I lower my head. 
Victor: A bow to each other. Both witnessing the rest of our lives...
Victor speaks in a deep, unhurried voice. But he stops suddenly.
The mist-like moonlight seems to cage him in a thin and light dream.
MC: What? 
He leans over and whispers into my ear. Every sound is immersed in the night, dim and inviting. 
The familiar aroma of wood is in his breaths, mixed together with the cooling night breeze. I wonder if I should follow my instincts and sink into it, or wake up.
Victor: I’ll tell you next time. 
After the filming, Ronan sends MC and Victor to the hotel to rest, but tells them not to change out of their outfits just in case he needs to re-film certain segments
MC actually has no idea when Ronan started filming, or how the film is going to turn out. She only knows that it started the moment Victor lifted up the wine cup
Ronan just told her to keep looking at Victor with fascination in her eyes
MC: Victor...
Victor: Mm?
MC: Don’t you find “Devotion”, the name Ronan gave the film, very appropriate? I once read a poem where the poet used this word to describe the adoration between lovers. It’s a... similar feeling to having faith in each other. Even though two people are already extremely intimate, the ties between a desire for the other person and feelings which are as deep as the sea... they push one forward.
Victor is making tea. After hearing my serious interpretation, he tastes my words carefully. 
Victor: Not a bad insight. 
MC: But...
Victor: But what? 
MC: Victor, do you know that you make people feel like you’re out of reach? 
Victor: What do you mean? 
MC: Something like... always hanging up in the sky brightly and brilliantly, and no one can possibly pluck the stars. Or the feeling of unattainability... You’re smart, strong, and can deal with anything calmly and properly. You give the impression that nothing is too difficult for you. You’re always decisive, wise, having an opinion and having goals. Unlike me...
The more I speak, the more I feel the words don’t match what I intend to say. After struggling for a while, I decide not to continue. 
I thought Victor would feel at a loss in response to my sudden lament and random conversation topic. However, his expression is unexpectedly calm. 
After a short moment of silence, he lets out a light “mm”. He carries two tea cups and walks over, sitting down on the chair opposite me.
Victor: If you want to say something, say it directly. I’m listening. 
I hold my chin. Steam from the two tea cups drift towards his eyebrows. Even before I start talking, I’m already unable to suppress a smile.
MC: I kind of... admit that I’m a dummy.
Victor: ...
Victor lets out a laugh. I seldom hear such bright laughter from him.
I’m unsure if he’s laughing at my display of self-awareness, or because he’s happy that I complimented him. After a pause, he lets out a light sigh. 
Victor: What nonsense do you think about the entire day?
MC: It’s not ‘nonsense’, it’s...
The words are lodged at my throat halfway, and I’m unable to find an appropriate adjective even after a long time. Meeting Victor’s patient expression, I find myself at a greater loss for words.
Seeing that I’m speechless, Victor unhurriedly brings up the topic again.
Victor: MC, does Ronan make you feel like he’s out of reach? 
MC: Huh? 
I can’t find the main point of his words, so I simply go along with his line of thought. After thinking for a while, I shake my head. 
MC: But I only just met him...
Victor: At his young age, he is already a world-renowned director. He outpaces others within the industry, and there are many people who are envious of his natural talent. He is very good in his field - even better than me. 
MC: But...
Victor: Don’t you think so? 
I want to refute him, but he’s actually not wrong.
In the long silence that follows, I rub my fingers against the smooth, porcelain surface of the teacup, slowly taking in the implication in his words. 
I see a streak of light in the entire Milky Way.
Victor: In the future, you’ll see an even broader world, and meet even more great people. At that time, you may think that Victor is actually just an ordinary person.
MC: ...huh?
Still immersed in my thoughts, I’m unsure if I misheard.
MC: What did you just say? Victor is just an ordinary person?
In the next few seconds, I even think of the title of the next proposal - The Ordinary Victor. 
Sub-title: How the legendary CEO of a huge business empire re-defines what it means to be an ordinary person.
Victor sips his tea, putting an end to the conversation
MC: Victor, do you still remember how I went to Venice to participate in a photography exhibition? 
Victor: I remember. It was in September. 
MC: Since young, I’ve always wanted to go to Venice because of movies and stories. So when I was booking the tickets, my whole brain was thinking about the fun things to do once I got there. But on the third day in Venice, I felt like coming back. I kept feeling that being alone overseas, so far away from you, resulted in something being missing in my happiness. It was only when the plane landed and I returned to the familiar streets that this uneasiness finally disappeared. Did you know that... when I got off the car, I smelt a strong scent of osmanthus. I dragged my suitcase looking for osmanthus trees, thinking... “I wonder if Victor knows how to bake osmanthus cakes!”
[Trivia: Osmanthus is a traditional symbol of true love and faithfulness, and is used in old wedding customs, where the bride would bring it to her new family. It also means “giving birth to noble children” 👀]
Victor lets out a laugh, relaxing his posture and leaning against the back of the chair.
Victor: Why didn’t you ask me to bake an osmanthus cake?  
MC: I wanted you to see me in a different light, so I tried it myself while referring to an osmanthus cake recipe. After that... it wasn’t successful. Didn’t I make you steamed pumpkin with osmanthus? You even said it wasn’t unpalatable and that I improved!
Victor thinks for a while, as though grasping around his memory for a trivial moment. The smile which has been on his face this whole time reveals slight hesitance.
Victor: I thought you just made that dish for fun.
MC: That’s not wrong...
Victor doesn’t continue. There were many times I thought he’d definitely call me a dummy, but he didn’t.
He reaches out and interlaces our fingers together.
He holds them lightly, leaving space between his warm palm and my fingertips. 
Victor: You’ve already plucked the star. Aren’t you going to hold it more tightly? 
MC: Huh? 
Slightly overwhelmed, I look at our interlaced fingers. Tentatively, I gather my five fingers together. 
I imagine how my fingertips touch the lines on his palm. I imagine every fragment of time we spent together turning into speckles of bright light, filling up the entire world. 
But Victor probably found that I was too slow. 
He unfurls his five fingers, then wraps my hand tightly into his palm. 
Victor: Remember - when you meet anyone, there’s no need to feel that you’re not enough. You have your own uniqueness, and it’s just as precious. 
I look towards him, seeming to understand his words. I nod my head out of habit, but it’s a more serious nod than usual. 
At this moment, a phone notification chime resounds in the quiet room. Victor takes up his phone and gives it a look. 
Victor: Ronan says he has completed shooting today’s materials, and there aren’t any issues. We can change out of our outfits. 
After she’s done changing in the bathroom, she sees the glorious sight of Victor setting the candles alight
[Trivia: On the night of traditional Chinese weddings, the newlyweds will set candles alight in front of the bed. The light of the candles are meant to symbolise a long-lasting love]
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Victor: Are you done changing?
While Victor changes out of his clothes, MC muses about how she can’t bear to part with the wedding attire. Ronan could only borrow it for two days, which is why Victor had to rush over
MC takes several pictures of the wedding attire on her phone from different angles
She puts on the veil, but since she can’t see properly through it, she can’t take her ideal photos
Frustrated, she’s about to throw her phone onto the sofa when someone grabs her arm
Victor: Why are you barefoot? 
MC: It’s fine...
Before I finish talking, Victor lifts me up. The sudden weightlessness causes me to hurriedly wrap my arms around him.
At such a close distance, I can clearly smell the moisture on the side of his neck.
He places me onto the large bed in the room.
I reach out to remove the veil, but he stops me. 
Victor: What kind of bride takes off her own veil? 
I only see a patch of red in my vision. Because of this, every word entering my ears is made even clearer. 
His undulating breathing and the tenderness in his dull voice enter my heart more directly than before. I find myself feeling nervous.
MC: Oh right-
Seeing me straighten up after remembering something, Victor lets out a sigh of resignation. 
Victor: Aren’t you tired after a whole day of tossing about? You’re still so easily startled...
MC: I remember Ronan mentioning that his plane is leaving tomorrow too. Once he leaves, it could really be several years later till you two meet again. Do you want to change the flight to a later slot so you can send him off? 
Victor: Sure.
Despite a slight pause, Victor’s answer does not contain any hesitation. His words seem to conceal a smile. 
Victor: Why did you suddenly think of this?
MC: It wasn’t sudden. You’re always not saying what you mean. I was afraid you would pretend it doesn’t bother you. When it comes to important people, you have to welcome them when they arrive, and send them off when they leave. Through these interactions, the fate between you two can be sustained for longer. 
Victor: Mm. 
His slender and long fingers hold onto one corner of my veil. Following his movements, my vision slowly returns. 
First, I see his black shirt. Then, every button on it. After that, his slightly trembling Adam’s apple, and his clean chin. 
Finally, I meet his gaze, which is even deeper than the sun, moon, and stars. 
MC: Victor, could you teach me how to bake an osmanthus cake when we get back? A green bean cake, jujube cake, or a peanut cake will do too. 
Victor: Do you really want me to teach you, or do you just suddenly feel like eating them?
MC: Both are fine, they aren’t mutually exclusive. 
Victor reaches out and gently pulls me into his arms. A familiar warmth seeps through his thin shirt. My eyes drift shut, and I press the side of my face against his scorching neck.
To me, just the word “Victor” already holds great meaning to me. 
He is the very first ray of light to appear at the beginning of the world. 
He is the ray of light that appeared when God said, “let there be light.”
I grasp his hand tightly. I hold it very, very tightly. As though I will never let go. 
At 3pm the next day, Ronan’s plane takes flight. 
His next stop is Southeast Asia, then South Asia, then Europe, the North America... 
The next time we meet, he would have explored the entire globe, taking beautiful pictures that cause people to marvel at them.
Victor: Although it was delayed by two days, the deadline for the proposal is still the same. I hope to see improvements in your third amendment by this Friday.
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MC: ...
Goldman: CEO!
Goldman and Wei Wei are at the airport to fetch them 
Wei Wei looks really anxious 👀
MC asks what Wei Wei is doing here, and the latter responds that there are urgent documents requiring MC’s signature 
But MC remembers Anna mentioning that those documents aren’t urgent 👀
Wei Wei drops her pen accidentally, and her pearl bracelet suddenly snaps while she tries to pick it up 
The pearls roll onto the ground 
Before MC can step in to help, Goldman uses his file to stop the pearls from rolling away even further 👀
Wei Wei’s cheeks are red, and she stares at Goldman with a look of anticipation in her eyes.
MC: I see...
It turns out that the sky every person looks towards is different.
Encounters with people are short-lived. The stars in the universe have their own tracks, so if you lift your head and find an exceptionally bright star--
Pick up your feet and chase after him. 
Don’t sleep, don’t rest, and keep running forward!
Till you can hold onto his hand, and drink a cup of bitterness and sweetness - the hundred flavours of life - together with him.
Victor, who is walking in front, stops and turns his head to look at me. 
Victor: Why are you just standing there looking silly? They’re catching up soon.
I can’t help but laugh. Our gazes meet. 
Perhaps the smile on my face looks silly. Victor lets out a soft sigh, turning his body towards me halfway, as though waiting for me. 
I no longer hesitate, taking large strides in Victor’s direction-
And running forward!
🍒 Cheri’s thoughts 🍒
That was a somewhat awkward ending LOL
The Goldman x Wei Wei ship... T^T
Reading Victor’s Colours of Rain Date after this is highly recommended. It makes reference to this date, and also shows the other extreme - what happens if you keep pushing yourself and maintaining a strong front
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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4. Park Jimin - Cafe Date
    Sandalwood and bonfire candles burned throughout the house drifted through the open door blanketing my nose while I was hanging up some fake spider webs. Marshall was carrying the bundle of webs in his arms while I weaved them in the corners. Mom came out with a tray with two glasses filled with eggnog; a large smile appeared on her face when she saw how much we’ve done in a short period of time.
  “This is beautiful. You kids did such a great job!” She praised.
 “Mom,” Marshall said, “we aren’t kids. I’m literally twenty-two, and Brielle is nineteen.”
  “You’ll always be kids to me.”
Marshall and I put the decorations down to enjoy the nice, sweet, holiday drink that our mom had brought out to us. While I took small sips, Marshall gulped it down in a single swift motion.
  A black Porsche pulled into our driveway, coming to a complete stop inches from our garage door. The windows were tinted, so none of us could see whoever was inside the vehicle, until the door opened and climbed out of they’re seat.
Jimin’s blonde hair and black roots appeared as he lifted himself out of his car, a happy smile on his handsome face.
  “안녕 자기!” (Hi, sweetheart!)
 Excitement ran through my body as I saw and heard my boyfriend, and nearly lunged myself off the porch while running into his open arms. Jimin and I began dating when I was eighteen years old, and it was great but difficult since he was constantly touring and because he lived in South Korea.
  The two of us hugged each other tightly.
 “지민, 한 달 더 있을 줄 몰랐어.” (Jimin, I wasn’t expecting you for a month.)
Neither one of us was great at speaking the opposite language that the other spoke but we still tried. If that didn’t show we loved each other, then I didn’t know what did.
  We pulled away from each other and he pressed a gentle kiss against my temple. Marshall and my mom came off the porch and greeted Jimin. My family enjoyed having my boyfriend around and they treated him like family because of that. From where we stood, I could still smell the candles burning in the house, surprisingly.
  “Jimin, would you like to come in for some eggnog?” Mom asked, her voice sweet and angelic.
 A look of confusion swept against his face before he understood completely what my mom was asking him.
  “Ah ~ no, thank you. I wanted to take Brie out for some, uh,” he made a drinking motion with his hand, “some coffee.”
Of course I was going, but I had to finish putting up the Halloween decorations for my mom. Jimin even offered to help. So for the next forty-five minutes, Jimin and I put the rest of the cobwebs up and even added some yard decorations including skeletons, tombstones, a scary pumpkin, and more webs in the trees along with fake, realistic bats and spiders.
   Taking a step back to view our work, Jimin and I smiled in accomplishment. He turned to me and grabbed my small hand. I tightened my grip. After mom admired our work, Jimin led me to his car, opened the passenger's side, and held my hand as I stepped inside the vehicle. Once he was in the car, he started the ignition, and pulled out of the driveway heading towards a coffee shop a block from my mom’s home.
As Jimin was driving, I looked out the window watching the shopkeepers putting up their simple decorations like jelly stickers and hanging ghosts. Jimin parked the car next to the coffee shop and we scooted out. On the two large windows, there were assortments of those jelly stickers that everyone else had in town. Some were pumpkins, ghosts, bats, black cats, spiders, and more spooky, Halloween characters. Jimin opened the door, the small ring of the bell echoing off the shop’s walls, and gestured me inside.
   Pumpkin spice and freshly grounded coffee pierced our noses as we entered and I inhaled deeply. I loved coffee, I loved the smell of coffee, and I especially loved the aroma during the fall. During this cool season, the smell was more intense and the warmth of it was like a blanket for my nose only. The taste was just as euphoric.
Both of us walked up to the counter, listening to the sound of talkative customers sitting at tables, and looked at the menu. I didn’t really need to look, I always got the same thing every time I came here but Jimin did. I helped him with some of the words he didn’t understand and in the end, we ordered. Jimin got an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel syrup, and I got a pumpkin spice latte. After the barista handed our drinks, we swiped a booth near the window so there was a nice view of the multicolored leaves falling to the concrete as the wind shook them off their branches.
   I sat across from Jimin, against the window. Jimin smiled at me.
  “How have you been?” He asked, his English better than when we first met, he’d definitely been practicing.
  “I’ve been good,” I said, taking a small sip of my pumpkin coffee, “really good actually. How have you been?”
  “Really tired, but good. I have been practicing my English more since we have been coming to America more often.”
  “I can tell, you’re getting much better.”
Jimin and I took a drink of our beverages before resuming conversation.
  “How are you doing with learning Korean?” He questioned, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed the cool liquid.
I frowned and sighed, “it’s much harder than it looks, if I’m being honest.”
   I reached into my bag, which I had grabbed as we were leaving my mom’s, and pulled out a notebook that I took everywhere with me. Inside the Five Star spiral notebook were all of my Korean lessons. I opened the notebook and laid it out in front of us. Jimin leaned forward.
  “I get really confused on how to pronounce each character,” I muttered.
  “It is okay,” Jimin chirped, “I will help you since I am here.”
We spent some time on the lesson and Jimin taught me how to pronounce a lot in a twenty-five minute time span, but now the two of us were distracted by laughing at stupid things because I had mispronounced one of the characters.
    My laughter died down as my phone buzzed. Jimin leaned back and rested his arm over the back of the seat while sipping on his coffee. I picked my phone up and glanced at it. The name of my group chat popped up on the front screen and I saw that one of my friends was asking about the assignment due for Mr. Michael’s class. I chose not to answer it right now.
  “Important?” Jimin questioned.
 “Just a group chat for school,” I informed, “jealous?”
 He laughed out and it was the most captivating noise I’ve ever heard. Jimin shook his head.
  “Absolutely not,” he giggled some more, “I love and trust you.”
I covered my mouth as a small laugh escaped my own mouth.
   “How is school?” He asked.
  “It’s going great,” I said, “straight A’s. How’s touring?”
   “Oh it is amazing. I love being able to meet Army and be on several talk shows with funny people.”
  I smiled wide, “who’s your favorite talk show host?”
  “Jimmy Fallon and James Cordon. They are my favorite.”
I loved watching the interviews with Jimin and his group members, they always seemed to have so much fun with it. The idea of him traveling all through America and other countries meeting new people and performing new songs for their fans. I loved traveling, so I hoped some day that I would get to travel too, either with Jimin or alone.
   Jimin leaned forward again.
 “I was thinking maybe you can come visit South Korea on your vacation,” he said, “I will pay for the ticket.”
  My brown orbs widened at his words. I was shocked by his invitation because I never thought he would ask me to come visit him in Korea. But what shocked me the most was what he said next.
  “I want you to meet my mom and dad. I already told them about you, they are wanting to meet you too.”
  “Oh Jimin,” I whispered, a few tears escaping my eyes and sliding down my cheek, thanking myself for not wearing any makeup today.
  He grabbed my hand, “사랑해, 브리.” (I love you, Brie.)
  “사랑해요, 지민.” (I love you, Jimin.)
After we finished drinking our coffee, I ordered another to go and we left. Jimin didn’t have to worry about fans seeing him here because the town was so small, so Jimin wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the car. It was a subtle romantic gesture, and I loved it.
   Jimin, once again, opened the passenger’s side and helped me in. I thanked him and he leaned down, kissing me on the forehead. On the drive home, Jimin rested his hand on my thigh and we jammed out to crappy music playing on the radio at that time.
Marshall was sitting outside with his friend, Jackson, when Jimin pulled into the driveway. I looked over at Jimin.
  “Do you have somewhere to be, or do you want to come in and watch a movie?”
He took a quick glance at his phone before answering, “I have time. Come on, we can watch a romantic movie.”
  Jimin was always a big flirt, even when I first met him. It was one of the qualities that I loved the most about him. The two of us kissed. His hand touched the side face with his large hand, deepening the kiss and making my heart flutter. When he pulled away, I bit my bottom lip.
  “Come on,” he said, his voice was husky from the kiss, “let’s go inside.”
Nodding, I followed my boyfriend inside the house. My brother and his friend waved at us as we passed. However, we didn’t stop for long to chat, I knew Jimin would be leaving soon and I knew I would be able to see him for months, so I wanted to spend as much time with him alone.
   We decided on an action movie, and cuddled into my bed, entangled into each other’s arms. I looked up at Jimin and felt love and admiration for this man. He was honestly the most amazing man I ever knew. He looked down at me, pressed a single peck on my forehead, and nuzzled closer to me. The sound of his heartbeat thumping against his chest mixed with the sound of the movie playing. I felt at ease and relaxed against him. Everything was perfect.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[The Pack Next Door] Mingi: Friends with Benefits (Part One)
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(photo edit courtesy of @songmingki​)
Characters: Mingi x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fwb au, friends to lovers au, fluff, a lil bit of angst but it’s so tiny it’s fine
Word count: 1,774
Summary: Growing up, you and Mingi were inseparable. You’d been friends your entire life and, as far as you knew, things were never any different. But what you don’t know is that Mingi imprinted on you when he was 15 and first turned into a werewolf, and he had been trying to keep it a secret ever since. And with the awful timing of mating season, he’s hoping he can somehow keep the facade up.
a/n: so reader is written to be taller and to be not straight soooooo yeah just a heads up lmao
Tags: @sakura-uji​ @xummie​ 
Next | Friends with Benefits Masterlist
By far, Mingi was the first in his pack to imprint. Hell, he imprinted before he even found his pack. And he couldn’t tell if it was insanely good luck or absolutely shitty luck that his mate was right by his side the whole time.
You had known Mingi since you could remember. He lived across the street from you when you were both growing up, and you would often go outside to play with him. Your parents and his parents basically raised you together as friends, and you were inseparable ever since. You couldn’t even remember a time you didn’t know Mingi.
It was no surprise you grew up to be more of a ‘one of the boys’ type person. You tagged along with Mingi all throughout elementary school and most of middle school. His friends were your friends, and vice versa. Really, the only time you weren’t with him was when you both decided to go out for the soccer team, and you found out that there were separate teams for boys and girls -- you stuck with the sport while Mingi quit after one season because he was only put on the team because they needed the numbers.
It was middle school that your parents were betting you and Mingi would become sweethearts because it was around that time that kids started realizing that the other gender wasn’t so awful. People your age were bragging about holding hands and having their first kisses, and you were too busy kicking Mingi’s ass at soccer to really pay much attention to any of that. But Mingi was starting to get pressured by some of the guys he was friends with at the time because he was the only one of them who hadn’t kissed a girl yet.
“What?” you snorted when he told you. “That’s a dumb thing to be worried about.”
“Aren’t you?” he wondered, sitting in the grass beside you at the edge of the soccer field.
“No,” you shrugged. “Well...I mean, some of the girls have been being kinda mean lately and saying it’ll never happen.”
“I’m not girly.”
Mingi nodded. He already knew there were some girls who picked on you for being more masculine sometimes -- you didn’t get into makeup when everyone did, you didn’t dress in the same clothing that was considered ‘trendy’ or whatever, and you had more male friends than female friends. It was something he thought was stupid to get teased for, but both of you knew you couldn’t do much about it. You’d come to terms with the fact that means girls were just mean girls for no reason. Besides, what did you care what they thought?
Mingi stared at his knees as he thought. He was a little unsure of the idea that popped into his head, but he knew he could say anything to you and you wouldn’t think any differently of him.
“Well...” he began slowly, unable to look at you because of the blush that was suddenly rushing to his cheeks, “we could always...kiss each other...?”
You whipped your head around to look at him, “What?”
“What?” he asked defensively, squinting against the sun to finally look at you. “It was just a suggestion!”
You shoved at his leg before pushing yourself to get up from the grass, “You’re my best friend, though. That would be weird.”
“Yeah, but people would leave us alone.”
“But you also told Jaehyun before that you’d rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss me.”
“Yeah, but people would leave us alone.”
You scoffed, shaking your head, “Look, if your friends are bothering you that much, why don’t you ask Kim Naeun to kiss you? She has a crush on you.”
That definitely got him to brighten up, “She does?!”
But of course, it didn’t last. And neither did the teasing. By the time you were in high school, you had changed a little, those around you had grown up a lot, and feelings had changed -- specifically when Mingi turned 15.
You were still into soccer and you were still a tomboy, but you had also decided you liked wearing eyeliner. You typically dressed in ripped jeans and beanies, but you now wore those clothes to fit your body better rather than choosing the baggiest clothing you could find. And at first, Mingi thought maybe that was the reason he was slowly starting to see you in a different light. And maybe that was it at first. But while things were a little different for you, they were really different for him.
It was some random day freshman year that Mingi shifted. The problem was that his pack was nowhere near close to finding him, and Mingi was also somewhat of an ‘early bloomer’ since most werewolves didn’t first shift until they were 16. So Mingi was left to his own devices to figure out how to calm himself down enough to shift back, and then get some answers.
He was missing for four days. Search parties were out looking for him, you were spamming his phone and every form of social media he had, and his parents across the street had never been so distressed. It was the first time ever that you didn’t have Mingi by your side, and truthfully, you were lost.
But then you got a call that he was back, and you told his parents you’d be right there. You ditched school and ran all the way to his house, knocking on the door and practically bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited for someone to open the door.
And there was Mingi.
As soon as his eyes landed on you, he felt the imprinting pull hit him like a truck. He’d never felt anything more than platonically for you -- well, other than the fact he might’ve been physically attracted to you before everything happened -- so the fact he suddenly felt this overwhelming romantic love for you was almost scary to him. It was like the world stopped and he gained tunnel vision where he only saw you. He wasn’t sure what it was, either, but he assumed it had something to do with whatever the hell was happening to him.
What he didn’t know was that you felt it, too. You just felt it at a smaller scale than he did. And maybe that was why tears welled in your eyes when you looked at him, because you were hit with how much you loved and cared for him, and you threw your arms around him and yelled at him to never scare you like that again.
And as he hesitantly and shakily put his arms around you, he mumbled, “I promise.”
Of course, Mingi did manage to find out he was a werewolf thanks to the internet. The websites he found seemed to be run by crazy people, only for him to realize that everything they said was true for him, at least. So when he read what imprinting was and what it meant, he realized that meant you were his soulmate; you were the person he was destined to spend the rest of his life with. And that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, there was just one teeny tiny issue...
You had a girlfriend now.
The summer between eighth grade and freshman year, you were a little confused about your sexuality and decided to explore some things. Ultimately, at the beginning of freshman year, you began dating a girl named Song Daehee who even Mingi got along really well with. So he couldn’t even be mad at your girlfriend for the situation because he liked her. The only thing he could be mad at was fate. But he knew you were meant to be with him, so he knew if he waited, you would come to him. So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
By the time you and Daehee broke up, you were already in college and he had found his pack -- who he introduced to you as his new friends from college, and you thought they were hilarious. And during that time that he was waiting, he had’t even told you what he really was. He never explained what happened when he ran away when he was fifteen, and he told his pack they couldn’t tell you anything, either.
“But she’s your best friend,” San had stated when Mingi first told them -- despite not being the youngest, he was the last to be added to the pack. “Why wouldn’t you want to tell her?”
“Do you tell all of your friends?” he quipped.
“But she’s your mate,” Seonghwa pointed out.
Honestly, at this point, it seemed too late to tell you. It had been so long since he ran away before that he wasn’t sure when or how to tell you now. He’d known for so long, so wouldn’t you be mad that he never told you? Not only that, but would you think any less of him? He was never afraid to say anything to you, but now he was so unsure of everything. He was some mythical monster now.
That fear hung onto him all the way up until now. The two of you were still friends, he was still tall, and while you didn’t play soccer for school anymore, it was something the two of you still often did in his backyard despite the fact he never got any better than he did in sixth grade. You were taller, you still never wore skirts or dresses, and you had perfected your eyeliner technique but didn’t really wear any more makeup than you used to.
And still, from that day he came home when he was 15, Mingi seemed to fall more and more in love with you. He loved how you always wore backwards baseball caps, and how you still made strange decisions without completely thinking them through -- like when you shaved half your head before high school graduation, or when you got your tongue pierced just to take the piercing out a week later because it gave you a lisp. He loved how you had slowly found yourself and he had gotten to see all of it ever since you two were kids. He loved how you were unapologetically yourself, and he loved that he had you as his best friend even if sometimes that hurt him.
What he didn’t really love, though, was that after all these years of loving you, you were still oblivious to everything.
So some things had changed, but most things hadn’t.
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Mistake (Rafe Cameron x reader) pt. 7
Summary: You, a pogue and Rafe Cameron, a kook are friends of benefits, secretly of course. But what happens when you get pregnant?
**Mistake: Masterlist 
A/N: Sorry I didn’t get this out yesterday! I was able to go home from the hospital yesterday and was exhausted. I think I proof read this but I really don’t remember. Hope you guys like it! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix):
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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“Please don’t start with this again, John B.” You plead. The two of you were on your way back to his house, where you’d meet the rest of the pogues to have a quick day on the water before heading to the Midsummer’s party. You’d thought the two of you had put arguing about Rafe behind you, but obviously it still bothered John B. All Rafe had done was sent a text message of the plans; He was going to pick you up at your house around 5 and then head to the party. You had been getting ready and asked John B to read the message and it sent him into jealousy mode.
“I just don’t like it, y/n! I don’t like the idea of you going as his date.” John B argues from the driver’s seat.
“I know that, John B but it’s just a stupid party and I’m not going as his date. We’ve talked about this.”
He rolls his eyes, “I just don’t see why he asked you to go. He could have asked anyone else, but why did it have to be you?”
You throw your hands up in frustration, “Oh my god, I don’t fucking know! If you don’t want me to go, then I won’t go!”
“No, you go ahead and go y/n. You’ve already got a dress and he’s paid for your seat.”
“Then please, can we stop arguing about this?” He pulls into his driveway, the pogues standing around waiting. “I want this to be a good day.” You turn to face him in the seat as he pulls the van into park. He gives you a short nod before getting out of the van and slamming the door.
“trouble in paradise?” JJ asks as John B storms by him, heading for the dock.
You take a deep breath, trying not to cry before getting out of the van, “You guys ready for a nice relaxing day?” You put a smile on your face as you walk up to them.
“So, I have some exciting news to tell you guys!” You smile. John B had found a spot to anchor and you figured it would be the perfect time to tell them.
“What is it?” Kie asks.
“You’re pregnant?” JJ announces, “Oh wait, we already knew that.” He chuckles and everyone else joins in.
You look at John B, who walks up behind you, slipping his arm around your waist. He’d finally calmed down. “I found out what I’m having.”
“Please tell me it’s a boy.” Pope groans, his fingers crossed. JJ doing the same thing, “We need another boy.” JJ adds.
You look at Kie, smiling, “It’s a girl!”
She squeals, wrapping her arms around you, “Yes!”
You laugh, returning her hug. Pope and JJ groan, “Not another girl.” Pope says.
“I’m so happy.” Kie pulls away, “Another girl for the pogues, finally. Oh, this is so exciting. We can go shopping and dress her up all the time.” She claps her hands looking at Pope and JJ who roll their eyes.
“I was hoping for another boy to even out the pogues.” JJ says.
“Told you Kie would be excited.” John B says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to him and kissing your temple.
You put the finishing touches on your makeup and add some more hairspray to your hair.
“Can you get my dress for me?” You point to your closet.
John B nods, swinging his feet off the bed and walking to your closet, grabbing the dress and coming over to you, “How long will you guys be there tonight?”
You shrug, standing and slipping off your robe, unzipping your dress, “I’m not sure.” You step into your dress, pulling it up your body and turning around so John B can zip it up.
“I won’t wait up for you then.” John B mumbles, zipping your dress.
You sigh, “Okay.. whatever you want to do. I thought you were helping Pope and his dad tonight?”
He shakes his head, “Didn’t want to be there and see you with Rafe.”
You face the mirror running your hands over the dress, “Seriously?” Your eyes meet his in the mirror.
He nods, standing behind you and crossing his arms over his chest.
You roll your eyes, “Whatever. I’m not getting into this right now. Rafe will be here any minute.” You sit down at your makeup table and slip on your shoes, “You’re going to have to get over your little feud with Rafe. This is getting ridiculous. I asked for someone to support me and you’re not being supportive.”
“How can I be supportive of a guy like Rafe? He’s a dick, y/n. He’s treated you like shit and now you’re acting like he walks on water.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, before standing and waving him off, “I’m not doing this right now.” You walk out of your room, John B hot on your tail.
“I don’t think I can do this y/n. You and Rafe, Rafe being in the picture.”
You abruptly stop and face him, “You don’t think you can do this? Are you serious? Oh my god.” You shake your head, laughing, “We’ll talk more about this later. Rafe just pulled into the driveway.” You snatch your purse off the table and head out the front door, slamming it behind you. He can’t do this? That’s his excuse? He told you he was going to be supportive and what he’s showing you is not support. You know you can’t ask Rafe to not be in the picture. That would not be fair to Rafe or to your baby. John B should understand that, but obviously he can’t push aside his dislike for Rafe to be there for you. How will the two of you make it work if he can’t co-parent?
“And he just despises you.” You groan, “I don’t understand it. I swear since we’ve got together, we’ve argued constantly.” You dig through your purse for your lipstick. Rafe sits quietly in the driver’s seat, listening to your rant. He can’t help but feel hopeful that maybe he still has a chance with you.
“I tried to understand where he was coming from, like you said, but he’s unbelievable! I need someone to be supportive. He said he would be there for me and all he’s done is argued with me over my choices. People change and you’ve changed, but he can’t get that through his stubborn head.” You huff, putting the lipstick on.
“John B doesn’t seem like he’s the guy to change his viewpoint.”
You nod, “He’s not. He’s always been like that, even as kids. I hoped he’d at least try. But, no.”
Rafe pulls into the parking lot at the country club and backs into a spot.
“Anyways.” You take a deep breath, looking at him and smiling, “Let’s go have a good night. No drama, no arguing. Sound good?”
He chuckles, nodding, “Yeah, sounds great.”
He holds his arm out to you as they walk inside. He had to admit, he was nervous and excited for tonight. He’d seen the dress when you tried it on yesterday and he thought you looked beautiful then. It doesn’t even compare to how he thinks of you now. You quite literally took his breath away when you came storming out of your house. Your eyebrows were furrowed in anger, a crease in your forehead, but you were still stunning. And now underneath the warm glow of the sunset, you were really glowing, your beauty shining bright.
You gripped onto his arm. You were nervous to be around this many people, kooks specifically. You knew you didn’t belong here. People judged you before because you lived on the cut and you know they are for sure judging you for getting pregnant with Rafe Cameron’s child. You’d overheard a few girls at the Wreck saying you did it on purpose to get money. People can be so judgmental.
You could see Ward and Rose, Topper and Sarah, along with Wheezie standing by the door to go out to the back patio.
“There you are.” Rose says, seeing the two of you. She smiles, “Almost missed us walking in!”
“Sorry, we couldn’t find a parking spot.” Rafe shrugs, looking down at you then at them.
“You must be y/n, right?” Rose asks.
You nod, “Yes ma’am. You look gorgeous. I love your dress.” You smile.
“Oh you’re too kind. Please call me Rose.” She smiles, “It’s very nice to meet you. Rafe here talks about you all the time.”
You glance up at Rafe, who has a pink tint to his cheeks, “Oh he does?”
He clears his throat, “I don’t talk about you all the time.”
“Oh, he does.” Sarah pipes up laughing, “It’s adorable really.” She steps next to Rose, Topper on her arm and extends her hand to you, “Sarah, but I think you already know that.”
You laugh a little, shaking her hand, “Yeah, I do.”
“Your dress is gorgeous by the way. And you’re glowing of course.” She smiles, “You’ve got that pregnancy glow.”
You run a hand over your small bump, “Well thank you.”
Ward is next to introduce himself, before someone instructs that it’s time for them to walk in and get started with the speeches. Rafe and you step behind Topper and Sarah, following after them. All eyes on you. You knew they were staring at you with Rafe and then the small baby bump. Girls gave you ugly glances, some of the older woman sending judging stares because you got pregnant out of wedlock. No matter where you go, someone always has an opinion. Ward stood in front of you guys and gave a speech.
Rafe pulls his arm from yours and puts it on your back, “I can tell you’re freaking out… calm down.” He chuckles softly, rubbing circles.
You take a shaky breath, letting out a small laugh, looking up at him, “Really? I wonder how you can tell.”
He leans down, whispering in your ear, “You have nothing to worry about, you’re the most beautiful one here.”
You can’t help but blush as he straightens himself out and giving you a wink. His hand never leaves your back, continuing to rub comforting circles as Ward makes his speech. After he concludes, you all are sent to your tables to eat dinner.
After dinner, you finally spot Kie. “I’m going to talk with Kie.”
Rafe nods, wiping his mouth on the cloth napkin, “Yeah course, go ahead.”
Before you even realize what you’ve done, you kiss his cheek. You don’t even know why you did it. You didn’t even think about what you were doing. The two of you at dinner, laughing with Sarah and Topper and a couple other people, it felt right to you, like this is where you were supposed to be. You blush, “sorry.” You quickly get up and head for Kie.
“So, how are the two of you?” Sarah asks, plopping down in your seat next to Rafe.
He watches you hug Kie, who gushes at your belly, and looks back at Sarah, “I mean we’re fine. Why?”
She shrugs, “You’re still in love with her. I heard she’s with John B though.”
He sighs, throwing his napkin on his plate, “Yeah that happened.” He gives a small shrug of his shoulders, “There’s nothing I can do about it. If she’s in love with him and not me, then I have to be okay with that. I can’t force her to love me.” He admires you from the table. You and Kie had made your way to the dancefloor and were laughing as you two dance to the music. “If it’s meant to be, then it’ll happen. I just want her happy. And if it means I can’t have her, then I have to be okay with that.”
You and Kie take a break and sit down at one of the tables.
“So, how are you and John B?”
You sigh, taking a sip of your water, “I don’t know. I swear all we’ve done is argued. He’s so jealous of Rafe being in the picture.”
Kie frowns, taking a sip of water, “That’s not fair of him. You said he doesn’t think Rafe should be in the picture?”
You shake your head, “No. He told me earlier before I left that he didn’t think he could do it.”
“I mean I don’t like Rafe, never have. But I can see he’s changed. Still, he’s the baby’s father. He deserves to be in the picture. That’s not John B’s decision.”
“John B doesn’t think like that though. I’m not sure what’s going to come of us. He told me he’d be there for me and be supportive, but all he’s done is caused issues and judged me for my decisions.”
She gives your hand a gentle squeeze, “I’m sure you two will work things out.”
After another song is played, the two of you decide to head back to the dance floor. However, that song doesn’t last long and a slow song plays through the speakers.
“Can I borrow, y/n?” Rafe asks, walking up to the two of you.
Kie nods, “Yeah, I’m going to check on pope and his dad.” She gives your arm a squeeze, before heading toward Pope.
He looks at you, holding his hand out, “May I have this dance?”
You put your hand in his, “So proper.”
He chuckles, pulling you to him, “Are you having a good night so far?”
“Yeah I am.” You slip your arm around his neck, “It’s been a good night.” The two of you slowly sway back and forth to the music.
“Good,” He smiles, “You know my family really likes you.”
You roll your eyes, “You don’t have to lie to me.”
“Not lying. They really do. And they’re excited to have another girl in the family. Not like we don’t have enough.” He chuckles.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I know you would have hoped for a boy.”
He gives a shrug, “I mean a boy would have been nice, but the baby is healthy and that’s all I care about.”
You nod, “I feel the same way.”
His thumb runs circles over your hip just like he did when you two started seeing each other. It was a calming habit; for you and him.
“You okay?”
He takes a deep breath, “Yeah, I’m great.” He looks down at you and you can tell he’s forcing a smile.
“I’m here for you if you need to talk. You don’t have to hide it from me.” You quote him, giving a light laugh, your fingers subconsciously playing with his hair.
“If I told you what I was feeling right now, it would completely ruin tonight, and I don’t want to ruin the night. No drama remember?”
“Just tell me Rafe, I can tell it’s bothering you.” You frown.
“You look beautiful tonight and all I want to do is kiss you right now.” He spits out.
You stare up at him, eyes wide. That was not what you were expecting.
“But I know you’re with John B and I don’t want to get in the middle of that because I want to have a place in the baby’s life and I don’t want to ruin what friendship we have going for us right now-“ He rambles on. You don’t know what it is as you stare at Rafe rambling on; the glow of the sunset on his face, the twinkle in his eye as he rambles on. It was as if a light switch turned on. He was your forever and as clear as day, you knew it. He was your person.
“Kiss me.” You interrupt him, the words slip out of your mouth in a breath.  
He looks down at you in shock. Had he heard you right?
“Kiss me.” You whisper again.
His eyes never leave yours as he slips his hand from yours and cups your cheek, pulling you to him and pressing his lips against yours.
When it’s meant to be, there will be nothing to stop two people from being with each other. Whether it’s which side of the island you grew up on or if there was someone else. If it’s meant to be, the pieces will slowly fall into place until the puzzle is put back together again.
You’d gone back and forth with yourself about whether you should choose John B or Rafe, but in this moment it was clear. Rafe Cameron was it for you.
You knew you had to break the news to John B, but how? It’ll break his heart and you would lose him as your best friend forever. The pogues would be split up and would never be the same again. They’d have to choose sides.
Rafe slowly pulled the truck to a stop in your driveway. John B’s van was parked next to your car. Well, it’s now or never.
“do you want me to go in with you?” Rafe asks, giving your hand a squeeze.
“No, I need to do this on my own.”
He nods, “Call me tomorrow?”
“Sure.” You slip out of the truck and head inside. John B was sitting on your bed, his head in his hands. You could tell he was swaying a little.
“John B?”
He looks up at you and stands. He looked like a wreck. His hair was messy and you’re pretty sure his shirt was buttoned wrong. Is that red lipstick? “I did something bad…” His cheeks are wet with tears.
You take a step toward him, “What happened? What did you do?”
“You have to understand it was a mistake, I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just happened and it shouldn’t have. You didn’t deserve it and I’m so sorry.”
“What happened?” You ask again.
“I cheated on you.”
You knew you couldn’t be mad. You’d done the same thing, kissing Rafe tonight. You’d be a hypocrite if you were. In all honesty, you’re kind of glad he cheated on you. It sucks, yeah, but maybe the arguing constantly about Rafe and now this, maybe they were all signs that you and John B weren’t meant to be.
“It’s okay.” You whisper, your hand going to his cheek.
“Wait, what?” He sniffles. He figured you would have cried and yelled at him. Not tell him it’s okay.  
You nod, “John B.. you’re my best friend. Have been since we were kids and I think maybe we were meant to stay that way. We’ve argued ever since we’ve gotten together. You weren’t able to accept the fact Rafe would be in the picture and now this? I think it was all a sign to try and tell us.”
He hangs his head, “I had thought the same thing.” He looks back at you, “I don’t want to lose my best friend though. You mean too much to me for that. Please.”
You shake your head, “No, never.” You wrap your arms around his neck, “I don’t want to lose you either.”
His arms wrap around your waist and he buries his head in your hair, “I want you to be happy. You deserve it and I don’t think I’m it.”
You pull away and stare up at him, a soft smile on your lips, “Pogues forever?” You hold your pinkie up to him.
He chuckles softly, interlocking his pinkie with yours, “Pogues forever.”
Obx taglist:  @emmalvei-blog​ , @tregua-oca​ , @weirdbiwitch​ , @losers-club6​ , @treestarrrrrrrr​ , @omgwhattheeven , @normatural​ , @lreincarnationl​ , @laurenron​ , @junkiemuppettxx​ , @beth-winchester21​ , @divcrdown​ , @timotaychalabae​ , @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ , @tangledinsparkles​ , @prejudic3​ , @lanarichards5  @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ , @fratboystark​ , @nas-marie-loves-u​ , @sunwardsss , @annedub​ , @jellyfishbeansontoast​ , @turtlee-says-rawr​, @fanficscuziranout​ , @wellthathappened2 , @write-from-the-heart​ , @louisolos , @outrbank​ , @sunset-d-rive , @family-buisnes​ , @traumaflavouredjuulpod , @http-cherries​ , @k-k0129​ , @mileven-reddie​ , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid​ , @cinnamon-roll-seth​ , @teamnick​ , @rockyyc77​ , @ellojustafangirlhere​ , @sataninsatin​ , @lordsagittarius​ , @helplessquotess​ , @katerosexx​ , @kiarasgold​ , @thee-sex​ , @sunshinemadds​ , @ceruleanjj​ , @nikki082489​ , @ilovejjmaybank​ , @laubluered​ , @lcil123​ , @notmcchkn​ , @ceruleanjj​ , @fangirlvoice​ , @maybebanks , @lolitstiana​ , @danicarosaline​ , @obx-beach​ , @katiaw2​ , @hardyxlove , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @obxmxybxnk , @lasnaro , @thedarkqueenofavalon​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​
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hockeyownsmyass13 · 4 years
Second Chances/Mat Barzal
Description: As All-Star Weekend drew close you couldn’t help but wonder if Mat would remember you. It was less than a year ago when you two had met in NYC. Now you were on your way towards your dream job as a sports journalist. And with this gig at the NHL’s ASG, the last thing you needed was to be distracted by Mat. 
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: A few swear words
Author’s Note: I have a lot of Barzy feelings so I hope you guys like it. I have an idea for a part two might include smut if I’m feeling bold so please lmk what you think! Thanks for reading loves ☺️
“How does this all work again?” you asked your best friend while putting on your makeup at her Manhattan apartment. 
“I’m going to text Isaac when we get there and he’s coming to meet us and take us in. Usually they sit us at a table with a bunch of other girls and bring a bottle or two to start. From there it’s pretty much up to us, we can do whatever we want.”
This whole VIP clubbing experience was completely out of your element. Izzy, your former teammate in college and close friend had become a model since moving to the city. She knew guys like Isaac who were big time club promoters and could hook her up with pretty much anything NYC nightlife had to offer. You just tagged along for the ride. 
Since you arrived at the club however you’d been able to relax. All Izzy’s friends were super nice and fun to be around. Between all the drinks and dancing however there was a group of guys who kept catching your eye. Izzy warned you that 1 Oak often had celebs but you weren’t quite sure if you’d seen them before. While the girls were dancing you took a break to rest your feet (heels hurt sometimes) and sat down at the table for another drink. That was when he approached you. You honestly didn’t even remember the first words he said. It was as if your brain had paused for a moment, wondering why a guy this attractive had come up to you. 
“Mat” He said. You gave him your name, unsure if you should shake his hand or not. How do people greet at clubs anyways, you thought to yourself.
“Are you from here or just visiting?” 
“I live in Boston, well Cambridge technically. I’m in my last year at harvard” 
“Damn smart girl I see” Mat said. He seemed like he was flirting but also genuinely impressed at that name drop.
“I got a soccer scholarship, I’m not really that smart” you laughed back. “Izzy lives here, she was my teammate the last 3 years” you gestured towards her and the others dancing. 
At first it was a little awkward but quickly you figured out how much you had in common.Talking about favorite foods, music, TV, and of course sports. The last subject was interesting. He seemed so excited at first yet turned around, seeming a little shy to give any details. .
After a little more conversation you followed him back to his table to grab a few more drinks, and that’s when you figured it out. The slight hint of a Canadian accent along with his friends all looking young and very in shape gave it away. This guy was definitely a professional athlete. You guessed hockey but didn’t want him to think you secretly knew who he was so you hid that guess.
“What sport do you play?” A little smirk dancing across your lips. 
“How’d you know?”
“Educated guess” 
“Hockey, we all play for the Islanders” He looked a little shy, running his fingers through his hair. 
Internally you were freaking out just a bit. Growing up near Boston the Bruins were like a religion in your hometown. The NHL playoffs had always been your favorite time for any sport. There was just a level of intensity and excitement that couldn’t be matched. But on the outside you kept your cool...somehow. And after a little more chatting he pulled you over to the dance floor. 
Eventually Mat’s friends were ready to head home and so were yours. He lived with an older teammate since it was his rookie season and you were crashing at Izzy’s place, so that small part of you who wanted to go home with him (even though you really don’t leave places with boys you’d never met before) was out of luck. 
“I’d ask for your number but my phone died” He said, the cute shyness from when he confessed his job was back. 
“Give me yours” you said, handing him your phone. Alcohol was certainly not a negative when it came to confidence. 
But the next morning you woke up. And the insecure part of your brain convinced yourself he probably had lots of girls texting him every day and it wasn’t worth the possible embarrassment.  Plus it was nearing the end of your trip to NYC and it was almost time to head back to school for senior fall; aka the last season of your college sports career. 
So you never texted him, figuring he would forget soon enough and you could save yourself the heartbreak of falling for him just to find out you were only a number on his list. It wasn’t easy. Boys like that didn’t come around often. You looked at his name countless times in your phone, debating on calling. But the longer you waited the more it seemed weird to reach out. Would he ask why it took so long? Would he even remember you? 
All star weekend 
St. Louis was the perfect place to host. After winning the cup the city was buzzing with excitement over hockey. While you were a little nervous to be at such a big event, this wasn’t your first reporting experience. You’d done tons of interviews with other D1 athletes around campus and even filled in for a week as the rinkside reporter with the Bruins.
When you first entered the locker room on Friday it was impossible not to scan around for him. When Mat wasn’t there you couldn’t decide whether it was a relief or a dissapointment. There wasn’t a lot of time to dwell on things however, interviews needed to get done. It was mostly just fluff, funny questions for some social media content, You were talking to Sid, the usual polite yet unrevealing way of avoiding his private life, when someone entering the room immediately grabbed your attention. Mat had walked in. You could feel your heart start to beat faster. It could be the nervous anticipation of a potential awkward encounter. Thankfully your brain still worked and it quickly brought your attention back to Sid. 
“And Conor McDavid comes up short. Mat Barzal is your new NHL All-Star fastest skater” The announcement rang loudly throughout the arena. 
Mat won. Mat just won. It kept repeating in your mind like an echo. Because you knew what that meant. You had to interview him. He was laughing with some of the other guys as you watched the producer approach him. Chatting with the cameraman seemed a good option to avoid looking like you were starring in his direction. As he walked towards you his expression was blank. 
“Congratulations on winning the first event of day one. How does it feel to know you dethroned a three time winner?” 
Silence. Your eyes widened, hoping to provoke an answer.
“Um yeah it’s pretty cool. Conor’s a really fast skater so I feel a little lucky.”
“I know you guys don’t get much time to warm up. Is the crowd a big energizing factor in something like this?”
“Sure” Silence again. 
“Uh I mean we’re here because of the fans. So uh yeah we want to do our best and give them a good show” 
The rest of the interview went about the same. You were sure the others watching could feel the awkwardness in the air. Although he didn’t show any signs of recognizing you, Mat wasn’t known for being cold towards reporters. Something must have been your fault for the less than stellar interview which thankfully was over. 
It wasn’t a question but more of a statement. You looked down at your feet, even though you’d been looking him in the eyes the whole interview. It was a little late for shyness but the absence of the cameras and knowing he recognized you took away any semblance of confidence you previously had. 
“Hey Mat” 
“Why didn’t you call me?” 
Shit. You knew this question was coming but you’d hoped he would at least make some small talk first. Maybe enough to give you a chance to think of an answer. But now he looked just as worried as you, running his fingers through his hair. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I just….I don’t know, I enjoyed talking to you that night and I just figured you would and then you never did and I couldn’t do anything,,,,” He trailed off getting quieter at the end, 
“I’m sorry, You’re not crazy Mat. I had a really great time that night. I’m not sure what to say. I know it’s a stupid excuse but I was leaving to go home to Boston so soon and I just convinced myself you were, ya know, this impressive star athlete and it wouldn’t matter if I never said anything because you would forget which I know isn’t fair since you’re a perfectly nice guy and..”
“Come to dinner tonight.” He cut you off.
“I’m supposed to go out with some of the other guys but a lot of them have family or girlfriends coming too. So you won’t be crashing guys’ night or anything.” 
“t’ll be low key don’t worry” He added, sensing your hesitation. 
“Okay, I’ll go” 
“I have to get back, but text me and I’ll send you the details” 
“Sounds great” Biting your lip did not do enough to hide the smile growing on your face. It was a group dinner, but no matter how you looked at it, you were going to dinner with Mat Barzal. Who ever said second chances don’t exist.
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supremeuppityone · 4 years
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Chapter 119: Part 2 — What Makes Up a Monster
Author’s note: This is a sequel to Chapter 47 - What Makes Up a Monster in my series, A Beautiful Symmetry. This was written for Klaroline Bingo @klaroline-events. P.S. See if you can spot my shameless plug for another of my stories. :)
Part 3 can be found here.
Prompt: “What do you mean you’re a vampire?” Klaus may have played the lead in a wildly successful monster movie franchise, but it never occurred to him that there was any truth to the stories.
Warning: Angst. Also, some sexy times! Plus, I lost count of all the TO shade. :)
“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild.” ― Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: A Story from Different Seasons
           Maybe the plastic vines wrapped around that twit’s neck would strangle her. Caroline watched in irritation as the twit actress Camille pretended to struggle with the vines, whose pointy thorns were somehow supposed to mean the demise of Klaus’ character, Hell’s Hybrid. They were a couple of weeks into filming the movie in the immensely popular franchise, Hell’s Hybrid 5: Terrible Tears in New Orleans, and Camille’s hilariously awful overacting coupled with her exaggerated facial expressions only had gotten worse.
           But what had gotten better was the view. The familiar clip-clop noise of Klaus’ cloven hooves drew her attention, and she eyed his muscular chest appreciatively. It had been decades since a human had captured her interest like this; every covert wink and sly smirk of his had her blushing like a schoolgirl and she couldn’t wait to drag him back to his trailer for some in-depth makeup removal.
           Their initial meeting had been memorable — he’d assumed she was either a stripper or a hooker his brother had hired, and she’d been so charmed by his appreciation for ‘60s horror movie makeup that she’d thrown caution to the wind and revealed that she’d been the mastermind who’d created those designs. Because she was a vampire.
           “What do you mean you’re a vampire?” Klaus’ reaction hadn’t been unexpected once he’d seen her black veins and sharp fangs, but once he’d calmed down, he’d bombarded her with questions about her experience in the movie industry over the past century. His enthusiasm was endearing. Klaus had been reduced to a wide-eyed fanboy when he heard about his favorite actors from his childhood.  
           “You mean the Pageant Screams reaper’s stunt double also was in Chupacabra Cheerleaders? AND he ad-libbed that harvest scene in Cutthroat Coven?”
           “Yes, and then the writers forgot to tie his speech back into the main plot, so there were all kinds of embarrassing loopholes with the harvest witches’ ancestral magic. So, I just added more blood spurts to the makeup special effects to distract the audience,” she cheekily explained, heart fluttering a bit at Klaus’ delighted laughter.
           “Doesn’t someone’s nose need to be powdered,” Camille snidely asked, jarring Caroline from her thoughts.
           Caroline blinked back her monster who’d been a bit on edge after she missed her snack because the extras required prosthetic touchups. Twit actress did not want to light this particular fuse. “Yours certainly does, but I sent one of the PAs for the really big sponges first. It must be awful to be cursed with an oil slick for skin.”
           She’d always been a petty bitch, and there was nothing more satisfying than putting someone in their place right after they’d failed to put her in hers. Caroline’s blue eyes twinkled with malice as Camille valiantly searched for a comeback.
           They both were distracted when the scene broke and Klaus began to towel off, sending Caroline a flirtatious wink that made her cheeks turn rosy. Camille hissed venomously in her ear, “Just remember, you’ll never be more than Klaus Mikaelson’s side piece.”
           “Easy, love,” Klaus murmured as he reached her side, “I assume you’ve no interest in showing your lovely second visage to the rest of the crew?”
           Caroline rolled her eyes as they walked back to his trailer. “Your groupies are getting ridiculous. This morning, I caught the one with the perpetual pout adding laxatives to my spiced chai.”
           “Bloody hell — we should report that to Enzo. As director, he could kick her off the movie.”
           She was touched by the concern she heard in his voice, but she waited until they were safely inside his trailer before she kissed him. “You’re sweet, but it’s not necessary. Most human drugs have little effect on my kind. Besides, I really enjoyed making her think she’d drank my tea by mistake.”
           Klaus chuckled as he sat beside her on the couch. “I suppose you’ve acquired...groupies over the years as well,” he asked, determinedly trying to keep his tone light.
           “I’ve never been one for blood bunnies,” Caroline sarcastically replied, hating the twinge she felt when their conversations brushed up against anything too real. “Besides, human relationship are hard — they pretty much have to give up their world for yours in order to keep your secret. It’s not an easy life.”
           The small circles he traced on her back were soothing. His voice was hesitant as he commented, “It sounds lonely. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have...” he quieted, an awkward silence between them as Caroline realized he was going to say family.
           It was one of the first things he’d asked about once he’d gotten over his shock at her revelation of the supernatural world. He was very close with his siblings, and it seemed to pain him to learn that she didn’t have a family. Smiling brightly, she laced their fingers together and teased, “It’s not so bad. I’ve gotten to meet giants in the industry — Lugosi, Garbo, Hepburn, Crawford...you...” she trailed off with a knowing smile.
           He snorted softly, “I’m not an industry giant.”
           “Not yet,” she replied, playfully poking one of his dimples. “But I predict Klaus Mikaelson will go on to do great things.”
           Klaus’ gray eyes suddenly lit up, his handsome face breaking out into a silly grin as he told her excitedly, “Actually, I do have some news that I’m really excited to share. I received word today that I’ve been cast as the co-lead in A Simple Kind of Man!”
           Caroline let out an excited squeal at his news. Industry insiders were vying for a piece of Spielberg’s bold, sweeping Norse saga. Even a year out from pre-production, it already had garnered more than its fair share of Oscar buzz. “That’s amazing news,” she replied, pulling him in for a fierce hug, “I told you you’d be a giant in this industry! With your talent, it was just a matter of time!”
           He laughed, a slight flush staining his cheeks as he enthusiastically continued, “My agent and publicist are planning a big media blitz, so you can’t say anything yet, but this adds a whole new layer to my career. I can parley this opportunity into even bigger and better roles and create a legacy; I’ll be more than just a mere footnote in the industry.”
           Her smile dimmed at his words, but she did her best to keep it in place. She’d watched Klaus on and off the set over the past couple of weeks and he breathed so much life into the silly Hell’s Hybrid franchise. He was meant to be a star. He craved it. He wanted to settle into a career that lasted decades; to become the next McKellen or Hopkins. It would be an amazing life for him. And one she couldn’t be a part of.
           “Sweetheart, what is it?”
           She shook her head, blue eyes shining with unshed tears that she furiously blinked away. It was stupid to mourn something before it had the chance to become something. “It’s nothing. I’m really happy for you, Klaus. It’s everything that you deserve and I know you’ll be amazing.” She lowered her gaze, unsure of how to explain. “You desire the spotlight, and I want you to have it. But being what I am, it’s a place I can’t follow.”
           His crestfallen expression hurt her heart, and she gave a half-shrug, chuckling darkly, “Us monsters have to stick to the shadows.”
           “You’re not a monster,” Klaus quickly disagreed, “and the time we’ve spent getting to know each other has been amazing. We’re building toward something that could be incredible — don’t you want that?”
           Damn it. His pleading, earnest tone made Caroline want to weep. “Of course I do.” She held his face in her hands, desperate for him to understand. “But your world is about to get a lot bigger and way more complicated. That spotlight you crave is blinding and everyone will want a piece of you. And they’ll definitely want to know everything there is to know about the mysterious makeup artist who’s caught your eye.”
           Her voice became a harsh whisper. “My survival depends on anonymity. It’s not how I want it, but that’s the way it has to be.” She surged forward, capturing his lips with hers. They’d carried on a flirty relationship since they began working together, trading a few sweet kisses here and there, but it was nothing compared to this. This was fire and carnal need and her skin vibrated under his roaming touch as they sank together on the couch.
           Klaus pulled back slightly, his lips still hovering over hers and his tone rueful as he asked, “How are we supposed to walk away from this?”
           A tear escaped as she replied with a soft sigh, “We just have to.” Caressing his cheek, she tentatively questioned, “But maybe we could have this first. Can one night be enough?”
           Gray eyes blazed as he swore, “One night with you would never be enough. But it will have to do.” He brought his mouth down on hers in a punishing kiss, his hands roaming over her body as though trying to memorize every line.
           She purred in delight when he yanked her fuchsia tank top over her head, nibbling at his collarbone as he groaned above her. All those hours he’d spent in her makeup chair had been sweet torture as she’d done her best to avert her eyes from the tight-fitting shorts he always wore. But now, she let her hands roam with wild abandon, eagerly palming him as his flesh twitched in pleasure.
           “I want you,” she panted, hooking her thumbs under his waistband to slide down the material underneath his rock-hard cock. She let out a giggle as he accidentally kicked over the side table, scattering his werewolf claws and cloven hooves.
           With a sexy growl, he ducked his curly head to lightly bite at her exposed hip, dragging down her ruffled skirt until she was bare before him. His lusty gaze made her feel desired. Like she wasn’t a monster. Caroline let fingers wander down her belly, teasing him as she barely grazed her clit.
           “Fuck yes,” Klaus breathed, staring hungrily at her.
           He liked to watch. She licked her lips when he joined her, their fingers gently sliding into her warmth, slow, steady pumps that built up that golden sensation to make her weak. She was so close to the edge, but he pulled away at the last moment, plunging their fingers into his mouth with a satisfied grin.
           She parted her thighs, a low moan escaping her lips as he positioned his slick tip, slowly rubbing against her. That first thrust wrecked her, their bodies crashing against each other as she cried out in pleasure. It was a thing of beauty to watch his muscles flex and strain to please her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist to bring him closer. She needed to touch every part of him.
           Klaus bucked into her, keeping up the punishing pace as she started to ride out the waves of ecstasy. One final, deliciously dirty grind had them both seeing stars, their moans threading together in a steady hum of bliss.
           “You’re a bloody revelation,” he panted, pulling her into his arms as they settled back on the couch.
           Caroline breathed in Klaus’ citrus and cedar scent, idly wondering if she’d carry him on her skin once they were done. She wanted to remember everything from this moment. “And you’re wonderful,” she sighed regretfully.
           His embrace immediately tightened, and she did her best to relax her body against his. Klaus’ tone was gruff as he asked, “So, this is it — we somehow manage to walk away?”
           This is it. Caroline knew all of her reasons by heart — even if Klaus had no intention of pursuing fame, he’d never be able to keep her secret — he and his siblings were close and at some point, he’d feel that burden of not being honest with them. Plus, he loved being a star. And as his star shined brighter, paparazzi would swarm them, picking apart every detail of their lives. And then they might find out about her.
           Heart thudding in her chest, she leaned over to give him a lingering kiss, traitorous tears clinging to her lashes by the time it ended. Once he opened his eyes, she took a breath, hating what would happen next. “Klaus, I want you to listen.” It was difficult to keep her tone even and melodic, but she pressed on knowing it was important that she did this right. She summoned her monster, letting her eyes widen as she captured his gaze.  
           He looked at her with so much trust. There was a sadness that settled over him, almost as though he instinctively knew what was she was going to do. “I wish I could trust you, but I can’t take the risk. This is how I survive. It was impulsive and stupid for me to show you what I am, but we had this connection and I couldn’t help myself. I’m selfish.”
           Caroline hated his blank stare. The one that she put there. “You won’t remember the time we’ve spent together. You won’t remember what I am. I’m merely a makeup artist for your movie and while we’ve exchanged a few words, you barely know me.”
           “I barely know you,” Klaus mumbled flatly, still dazed from her compulsion.
           She choked back a sob, quickly pulling on her clothes and leaving his trailer. She didn’t look back.
           She’d mercifully managed to avoid Klaus the next day, compelling Enzo to insist Davina handle Klaus’ monster makeup while she focused on the group of extras that were filming the Abattoir scene. The unnecessarily darkscene because Enzo stupidly had thought that he was establishing a gothic atmosphere, but instead would just give the moviegoers eyestrain when they tried to see the actors. She threaded her way through the giggling extras, in desperate need of a caffeine fix if she was going to make it through the day’s grueling shooting schedule.
           “Come on, you’re telling me you’ve never hit that?”
           Caroline stopped short, realizing that was Tyler’s voice. Tyler was part of Klaus’ growing entourage, and his main function seemed to be partying on Klaus’ dime. One more exclusive Arcadius diamond timepiece and she was compelling Tyler to give sponge baths at the retirement home in the Valley.  
           She cautiously peeked around the edge of the fireplace set, noting with a pang that Klaus somehow looked even better today. Of course he would — he hadn’t been up tossing and turning all night. Because he didn’t remember.
           He ran a hand through his curls, tossing an irritated look at Tyler. “Caroline’s a makeup artist for this movie and while we’ve exchanged a few words, I barely know her.” Fuck. Caroline felt that all the way down to her toes. You did this. Those are the words you compelled Klaus to say. You aren’t allowed to be upset.
           “Whatever. She’d probably be a clingy one-night stand anyway.”
           Klaus glared at Tyler, a hint of a growl in his tone as he said, “Don’t be daft. I suspect one night would never be enough.”
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jadekitty777 · 5 years
Dreams to Dance
People said I couldn’t make an AU out of this prompt... you better believe I made an AU out of this prompt.
Oh but am I EVER excited to get here. This one is my top favorite of my seven entries. I really hope y’all like it too!!
Day 6: Atlas Ball
Rating: K+
Pairing: Qrow/Clover
Word Count: 3.5k
Ao3 Link: Dreams to Dance
Summary: Season 7 of Step to the Beat is in full swing and dancing contestants Qrow Branwen and Clover Ebi have successfully made it to the fifth round. But with Ironwood judging their every move and a theme choice that was particularly unfavorable to them, the couple knew their elimination might be on the horizon. If they were going to stay in this competition, they needed something big, something that would blow everyone else away. 
And Qrow just happened to have an idea.
(AKA: The Dancing AU no one asked for)
Qrow swore if his grip got any tighter, his phone was going to shatter.
“Is there anything you’d like to say to those commenting how last night’s choice of theme was particularly unfavorable for the only same-sex dancing pair?” The interviewer, Glynda, asked.
He liked her. She was all business and no nonsense when it came to her questions. She wasn’t shy to ask the difficult ones but never wasted her breath on anything that didn’t at least provoke some thought. And he was pretty sure she was rooting for his team.
It was the man she was directing the question to that he didn’t like.
“I believe those claims are unfounded.” James Ironwood replied, fixing his stupid cufflinks. “While yes, the theme of an ‘Atlas Ball’ brings upon these fairytale notions of a princess being swept up by her prince similar to Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast, it’s merely that. A notion. The theme is merely meant to be a springboard our pairs can use to express their creativity and my scores are issued on the merit of how well they executed that expression. Their gender does not matter.”
“Tch, fuck off.” Qrow grumbled.
Ever since the first episode of Step to the Beat, Ironwood had quickly been singled out as the biggest hard-ass of all the other judges. He seemed to find flaw in everything, docking points for even the smallest half-step out of line or every smile missed, only getting tougher as the seasons went on. He’d been gunning for his and Clover’s elimination since their very first audition where he claimed their foxtrot had been ‘slow’ and ‘uninspired’.
Clover kept telling him he was imagining things but after last night, when they survived yet another round only to have Ironwood announce the theme that was so geared towards the rest of their competition, even his normally optimistic fiancé didn’t have any reassurances to give.
They knew this was probably their end game.
“They say too much bad TV rots the brain you know.”
He looked up from the screen. Clover crossed over the practice mats, hopping up onto the edge of the stage next to him. Qrow huffed in annoyance as his phone was taken away and a water bottle placed in it instead, but ultimately didn’t protest as the video was paused and set, face down, behind them.
He uncapped the bottle, taking a hearty drink, before saying, “Doesn’t it piss you off though?”
“Sure. All the more reason to show everyone we’re more than just the token gay couple.” He replied with the same level of confidence Qrow had always trusted to lead him, whether it be out on the dancefloor or in the ups and downs of life. “So, let’s get started.”
Clover pulled out his little pocketbook, flipping a few pages in where he had written down the eight dance styles allowed for this round.
Since starting in the competition, Qrow and Clover kept themselves on a strict schedule for each new week. The first day was dedicated to choosing their style and song. The next two, they worked on choreography and practice. The day after those was deciding costume, lights and makeup – a portion Qrow, personally, excelled at since he had the eye for color coordination and fashion. Their last two days were spent putting it all together until they had it down to memory. It was exhausting work, and some days they didn’t leave the practice room until after midnight, only to come back a few hours later. But, it was also why he appreciated his fiancé’s knack for organization, because otherwise Qrow was sure they’d be nothing more than a confused wreck like the many other couples who possibly used this very same room.
Before being selected, Qrow hadn’t been all too worried about any of the horror stories they’d witnessed over the years. But, after week after grueling week having the pressure constantly on their shoulders or finishing one round, succeeding at it, only to be thrown into the next with no rest or break, even he and Clover had had their moments. It quickly became apparent to him how things grew so out of hand for the other pair-ups. But a snap of annoyance here or a need for an hour of alone time there was nothing compared to the former contestants who changed their performances halfway through the week or even the very night before going on, only to predictably fumble on stage. Arguments that broke out over trivial details like not having the right trinkets or lipstick. People trying out experimental moves to stand out that more often than not resulted in injury.
Then there was that one event during season three, when the stress of the competition became too much and resulted in a wife and husband filing for divorce.
The very idea a competition could ruin his relationship with Clover seemed ridiculous – if anything, despite the trials and tribulations, he’d never felt closer to his future husband.
He leaned on his arm, scanning over the list. As they weren’t allowed to perform with a dance they’d done before, audition included, a few were already crossed out. Like their uninspired foxtrot. Or the paso doble which had given them a second-place score during the third week. It had been an excellent choice, highlighting their skills like Clover’s strength and Qrow’s flexibility. There was only one dance they did better.
It was on Clover’s mind too. “You think it’s time to break out our rumba?”
It was tempting. They’d been keeping it in their back pocket, as a little ace up their sleeve; but secretly, they’d both hoped they’d get to show it off in the finals. Now not even knowing if they’d make it that far, it was hard not to pull it now. The complex, often speedy movements, the power, and the agile form the rumba called for were all things the two of them exemplified best at. For Qrow especially it framed him well, as it was a very hip-oriented dance and he knew how to use his.
It would almost definitely earn them a high spot for the round, making up for their lacking score last night. But, then what? They’d still have four weeks to survive through, and with their best dance behind them, he couldn’t see them getting that far, as everything else would pale in comparison.
Qrow rolled his head up, meeting the other’s gaze. “Do you think we can make it to the next round?”
Clover hummed, rolling it around in his head. “If we’re careful about it, there’s a chance. But this list is pretty limiting for us. We could do a tango. Maybe with an Addams Family angle?”
“Too predictable.” He waved off, scanning over their options once more. If only they were allowed to switch lead and follow, the jive would have been perfect. So, he skipped over it, only to linger on the very last one.
It was risky.
Probably stupid.
But as an idea formed in his head, he found himself pointing to it and saying, “How about we do this one?”
Clover’s eyebrows furrowed. “The waltz? Are you sure? All of our performances have been high-tempo. They’re not going to be expecting a slow dance from us.”
“Exactly. There’s more than one way to surprise our audience you know. Besides,” Qrow added as he hopped down to the floor. “You’re really going to like what I have planned.”
The minutes before their performance were the most nerve-wrecking Qrow had ever had to endure. Stuck backstage as the floor for the act before theirs was cleaned up and their own was readied, a short reel played for the audience – sneak peeks the camera crew had caught of Clover and Qrow’s work as they planned out their moves or answers to the various interviewers who stopped by to inquire about whatever drama was popular that week. Watching himself sink down a bit whenever the camera was on him and hearing his own gravely voice come out over the speakers did nothing to ease his jitters. In fact, it usually left him wanting to be swallowed up by the floor.
“Thirty seconds you two, and then it’s showtime!” One of the crew members called.
A hand slipped into his, squeezing gently.
“We got this.” Clover assured.
He inhaled shakily and let it out slow. Squeezed back. “Yeah, we do.”
Another member made a hand motion and they took it as their cue to walk into the darkness of the stage and get into position as their announcement boomed across the auditorium. “Introducing Clover Ebi and Qrow Branwen, dancing a traditional waltz!”
As the first trills of the violin started up, the lights came on, revealing them facing one another. Clover was down on one knee, holding Qrow’s hand in his.
The production allowed for any sort of props to be used to tell their stories or just liven up the set as a complement to the main attraction. Over the years, he’d seen all sorts of things be brought in – cars, cages, couches. For this dance, they’d only asked for one thing. Set behind Qrow was a small, plastic toy castle that he could imagine his nieces would have played with when they were younger. They needed nothing more, for the real prop was Qrow himself, dressed in an eye-catching scarlet red ball gown befitting of a real princess.
He could already hear the exclamations of the audience around him.
Clover lent forward and, like the true prince charming he was dressed as, brushed his lips to the back of Qrow’s hand before rising. His movements were grand as he swept Qrow down the ramp to the main stage, the two of them turning together so they didn’t waste a single footstep. All the while the soft, dulcet tones of Cathy Cavadini accompanied them as they moved.
“Dreams to dream,
In the dark of the night.
When the world goes wrong,
I can still make it right.”
As they came off the ramp, they started off slow, moving into a whisk that presented them fully to their audience, before Clover brought him back in, whirling him along to the edges of the stage. As they reached the far corner on the right, Qrow was pulled out into a turn. He felt the skirt of the dress rise with him and it felt wonderful to hear a few happy shouts from the onlookers just like they gave the women in similar clothing.
“I can see so far in my dreams,
I’ll follow my dreams,
Until they come true.”
They turned their way to the other corner of the stage, preforming another outward turn that resulted in another set of calls before heading back to the center as the last trills of the first stanza grew to an end, preparing for the first big move. They’d practiced it over and over, knowing it was a difficult maneuver that had to go right on stage no matter what.
Clover guided him into a parallel walk. It was similar to the whisk, all about showing themselves off, except instead of both of them facing the same way, they were back to front, moving in a circular two-step around each other. What no one saw, but Qrow felt, was the slide of Clover’s hand between a hidden slit in the dress, undoing the little metal hooks keeping it closed.
As the music hit a short, bright rise and Cavadini’s voice did likewise on the first verse, Clover brought him back in, his right-hand grabbing onto a fistful of the satin fabric. With the guide of his partner’s left hand, Qrow moved seamlessly into the two inside turns.
“Come with me,
You will see what I mean.
There’s a world, inside,
No one else ever sees.”
He knew he got it just right as the roar of the audience climbed around them while the dress fell away, revealing Qrow’s outfit underneath. It was another prince’s outfit, with greys and blacks and deep greens, that complemented the other’s sharp whites, golds and reds.  He made a show of pulling from Clover’s hold, feigning embarrassment and shame.
Not for long though as Clover tossed the dress towards backstage and made a show of asking for his hand again.
Upon taking it, they renewed the dance, more vigor in their steps than before.
As if learning who Qrow truly was only made their love stronger.
“You will go so far
In my dreams, somewhere in my dreams
Your dreams will come true.
There is a star, waiting to guide us,
Shining inside us, when we close our eyes.”
Rather than down the edges like before, they stayed in the center, moving gracefully around one another in a square pattern, grinning at each other like lovestruck teenagers. At the last corner turn, they came close again for more sweeps and turns. With his legs now freer, he used them to his advantage, kicking them up or popping them behind him for a little extra pizazz on certain moves.
They knew they were approaching the big crescendo as the tempo started to pick up and the singer started to hold notes longer.
As it reached the peak, Clover turned him around so they faced away from one another. He gripped him strong and secure just underneath his armpits as Qrow held out his arms and fell back, almost down to the other’s waistline. With admirable strength, his fiancé kept him lifted up while they made two sweeping turns, Qrow’s legs never touching the ground as he held his legs in a leaping position similar to a ballerina’s grand jeté.
The resounding cheers were deafening.
“Don’t let go,
If you stay close to me!
In my dreams tonight,
You will see what I see.”
Ironically, at the apex of the last turn, Clover had to let him go. Qrow slid along the waxed floor, using his own momentum to swing around so he was facing the other when he stopping moving. Just as before, their separation was brief, Clover coming to lift him.
“Dreams to dream,
As near as can be,
Inside, you and me,
They always come true.”
They took another, tighter, swing around the stage, ultimately coming back to the center. The song winded down on the final verse and in turn, they kept their movements closer, more intimate. When the last words played, Clover dipped him and brought him back up slowly.
As the instruments also began to soften, Clover ended it as they began, taking a step back and falling to one knee. The only difference this time around was he now held Qrow’s hand in both of his, a perfect mimic of the day he’d proposed to him seven months ago.
The crowd went wild around them and the spotlight that had been following them was traded in for full lighting. Clover stood, gathering him up in an ecstatic hug that had Qrow laughing along with him. It had been a perfect performance.
“And that was Qrow and Clover with the last dance!” The host, Roman Torchwick, called as he joined them on stage. “Truly a marvelous way to end the night gentlemen. But, let’s see what the judges have to say about it, shall we?”
“Well, it was quite a display.” Ozpin was the first to speak as he leaned towards his mic. His grin gave away his feelings even before he spoke. “The story you two managed to tell with just a few short actions was masterfully done. You’re the one who crafted it, Qrow?”
Roman held the mic his way so he could answer. “Yeah. Fairytales are so often about overcoming life’s trials and finding true love at the end. I think a lot of us admire that ideal – and that’s what I wanted to capture with tonight’s dance.”
“Well, I’d say you did excellently. Not only was it heartwarming it also provides a poignant message to those watching that the right partner can lift you up.” Oz praised. “It absolutely is your best performance for storytelling thus far, and I’m happy to appoint it a 9.”
Qrow felt the squeeze where Clover’s arm rested on his shoulders and had to fight his blush as he heard his whispered ‘I’m so proud of you!’ that was thankfully not picked up by the mic.
“Oo-hoo! A top score.” Their host flattered. “Let’s see if you can keep it up. So, Port, your thoughts on their song choice and costuming?”
The aging man turned one end of his whitening mustache as he replied, “Dreams to Dream was a very nice choice indeed and truly sells the slow romance of the waltz.  I can see from here those suits of yours are near perfect matches. The dress is where I see flaws. It holds a great level of ingenuity, but it was hard not to laugh outright when the lights first came on, which didn’t match the tone. I also hope you two know those turns at the end of the stage gave away you weren’t exactly wearing glass slippers under that frock, among other things, did you?”
“Hehe, we were admittedly a little zealous with the dress.” Clover admitted. “We knew we should have gone with something less flowy, but it’s hard to deny how aesthetically pleasing it is to see a woman’s dress twirl with her. We wanted to have that too, even if it revealed a bit too much.”
“Zeal can be a great attribute when handled in the right way, but in this case I’d say part of it fell flat – as is, I’m giving you boys a 7.”
Still a good score. Qrow started to breathe a little easier. As long as James wasn’t a total ass and gave them more than a 3, they were moving on to next week
James straightened up, clearing his throat. “It’s really a shame-”
Oh, here we go.
“-That this is the first time you two have given us such a marvelous show all across the board.”
His eyes widened, certain he’d misheard.
But James cold-as-steel Ironwood was smiling. “Your footwork was impeccable and your rhythm to the music was like watching artwork in motion. This performance tonight shows just what you two are really capable of and that you’re truly a force to be reckoned with in this competition.”
Qrow couldn’t get his vocal cords to work. Luckily Clover found it for both of them, “Thank you, sir.”
“I hope you both keep it up. For now, take home another 9 with pride.”
He shared a look with the man beside him, both going from slack-jawed to grinning in seconds. A nine! A nine!!! For the second time, Qrow was tugged into his partner’s solid embrace, this time being twirled around on stage while Roman declared them as tonight’s winning team and the audience hollered and applauded.
Even after they were ushered off stage so the pair that had come in last could give a final goodbye and the announcement of the next round’s stipulations could be broadcast, neither of them couldn’t stop smiling, still buzzing with so much post-performance adrenalin and joy. The smiles stayed on their faces the entire time Glynda asked her questions. Throughout every call from family and friends giving congratulations. The whole drive back to the hotel.
After a warm shower and a hearty dinner, Qrow eventually found himself pillowed against the headboard and tucked against Clover’s side, sleepily watching reruns of the performances. Usually, they ran commentary over them, picking out the flaws and successes of each dance, particularly their own, to try and improve for the next round.
But as he drank in the applause once more as theirs came to an end, he found he didn’t have much to say. The TV was turned off, washing them in silence. He laid his head onto Clover’s chest, feeling fingers thread through his hair.
“You were magnificent out there.” Clover said.
He craned his neck some, enough so his fiancé could see his tiny smirk. “Weren’t half bad yourself, charmer. I’d say you swept me right off my feet.”
He chuckled heartily. “How could I not?” He dropped a kiss on his lips. “You are my fairytale.”
“And you’re mine.” Qrow vowed, cupping Clover’s chin and met him for another kiss.
More than the winning scores or a fancy trophy potentially on the horizon, he’d attest that it was only in moments like these that he attained true victory.
A/N: Got a lot of dedications to list for this one:
-The song is as Port says “Dreams to Dream” – specifically Tanya’s version from Fievel Goes West. Cathy Cavadini is her voice actor. I recommend giving it a listen to get an idea of the pacing and where their moves happen.
I took the inspiration for Qrow and Clover’s dance from various Dancing with the Stars performances and recommend watching them as well. I’ll list them out here:
-From both Heather Morris & Maks Chmerkovskiy and James Hinchcliffe & Jenna Johnson’s performances I took the inspiration of circling the stage and some of the up kicks Qrow mentions he does after the dress comes off. You can also see a lot of the ‘whisk’ moves they do in the center of the stage (presenting themselves to the audience). The dip and slow return that James and Jenna do at the end is similar to the one Qrow and Clover do. 
-Von Miller & Witney Carson – from this one, the way Von takes Witney’s hand in the beginning is how I envision Clover asking for it the second time during the dance. The square pattern they do midway through is also the one Qrow and Clover do.
-Marla Maples & Tony Dovolani – This is the big one. This is the lift Qrow and Clover do at the end. It’s really cool looking, so I recommend giving it a watch.
-However, Qrow having his clothes removed mid-performance was inspired by Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s 2018 ice skating performance.
47 notes · View notes
winetae · 4 years
:: modern loneliness
⇨ prompt : android!hoseok x reader. 2205 words. drabble with a possible follow-up. it’s been 38 days since you’ve last seen and interacted with a living, breathing person and you’re slowly going insane.
[Week 1 of lock down.]
At first, you’re optimistic. 
Working from home comes with its own set of non-negligeable perks. Notably, no more commute time! No more squeezing in between sweaty men on the subway during rush hour just to get home. The new arrangement means that you’re no longer obliged to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to blow-dry your hair or meticulously put on makeup while stuffing a bagel into your mouth because you’re short on time. 
On Day 1 of quarantine, you roll out of bed and don’t even bother to change out of your pajamas. It’s quite the sight. Not that you care whether or not your hair looks like a bird’s nest or if there’s a small hole in your shirt. You’d gladly take your flannel pants and old university sweatshirt with the coffee stain by the collar over the rigid pencil skirt and stupid obligatory heels they force you to wear to the office. Ironing? You don’t know her. 
That’s not to say there aren't any inconveniences but as of now, the pros outweigh the cons. For one, you’re now allowed to add as much sugar into your coffee without susciting your coworkers’ judgement. You can blast angry rap songs while finishing your reports and no one will stop you. The list goes on. 
With all this newfound time on your hands, you have no more valid reasons to procrastinate. You start off by cleaning out the kitchen cabinets you’d been meaning to re-organize for months. Then you rearrange your wardrobe, dust off the top shelves of your bookcase that you usually skip over because no one can see them, and water the potted plants you’d been neglecting. 
It feels great to be so productive. Your friends tell you via FaceConnect that your productivity streak won’t last long, but you’re quick to shake off their doubts. 
“I’m a new me!” You insist when Mia’s laughter echoes around your empty apartment. “My life is back on track. I feel like a proper adult now that I’m not struggling so much to get everything done.”
“Sure,” she humors you. “Just don’t get upset when I tell you I told you so.”
[Day 8 of lockdown.]
Now that your apartment is cleaner than it’s ever been, you need to find other means of entertainment. According to the internet, now is the ideal time to learn a new language or acquire a new hobby, like crocheting or playing the guitar. But while it might be technically possible to learn a language, you’re definitely not an overachiever. You’re aware of your own limits. 
Today you try your hand at baking. To some it might not seem like a big deal. But for someone like you who solely uses the kitchen to boil ramyeon packets and chop the occasional vegetable, today’s venture into the world of cooking is the equivalent of a quantum leap. 
The molten lava cakes that come out of the oven 15 minutes later don’t look like the picture advertised in the online recipe. They don’t taste like how you’d expected, either. 
You try not to be too disappointed with your failed attempt. After all, it’s only your first try. Dry cakes aren’t that bad in comparison to the horrors that could have occurred. At least nothing is burnt and your oven is still intact. You’ll try again tomorrow with hopefully a little more success.
[Day 16 of lockdown.]
It turns out that baking is not for you. After numerous trials and errors you learn a few days later that you have no vacation to be a baker. You end up abandoning all attempts to acquire a new hobby and instead look for new ways to pass the time. 
Thankfully, your home server is offering free VOD for a limited amount of time, so you’re not short on distractions. You consume around half a dozen cult movies, the kind people always reference and quote without actually watching, before you finally begin crossing TV series off your to-watch list. 
You yawn. It’s 9 PM on a Saturday night and you’ve just finished binging the entire season of Tiger King. It’s the third show you’ve watched from start to finish since quarantine began and now you’re wondering whether you should start a fourth. 
“Well, it’s not like I have anything better to do,” you say before a grimace crosses your face. “Oh great... Now I’m talking to myself.” 
That can’t be a good sign, you think to yourself. How long has it been since you’ve last talked to someone? You used to call your parents every day but when there’s nothing new to report, the conversations become repetitive and dull. 
You should call Mia. Just to see how she’s doing.
[Day 24 of lockdown.] 
[Day 38 of lockdown.] 
You’re browsing BH, hoping to restock your vitamins. Lately you’ve been feeling tired and mentally drained, despite your workload not being what it used to be. Why you’re so exhausted is a mystery you’ve yet to solve. In all logic, your energy level should be at an all time high now that you’re working less and spending all your free time lounging on the couch surfing the internet. 
According to the national health guideline, you’re supposed to be exercising an hour a day minimum in order for your body to remain in good condition. Your BODYCONNECT watch monitor beeps every hour to remind you that you haven’t completed the suggested activity. 
You press the button on the side of the watch to turn the reminder off. It’s the fifth time you’ve had to silence it today but you can’t bring yourself to work up a sweat right this minute. You keep telling yourself that you’ll exercise later but like all things lately, later ends up being never. 
Come to think of it, this isn’t the first time you’ve caught yourself slacking off. Where did all your motivation during week 1 of lockdown go? You don’t even have the strength to do ten jumping jacks anymore; it’s like your bones belong to a person three times your age - feeble and brittle and threatening to break at a moment’s notice. 
LOW ON SEROTONIN? WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. Flash promo over in 00:32:43! Limited offer while supplies last.
A bright yellow advertisement flashes on the top right corner of your screen. Intrigued, you follow the link without expecting much. The last thing you expect is to be brought directly to BH LAB’s homepage. 
“Um… I don’t think I have the budget for this…” You mutter under your breath and prepare to exit out of the page. 
Androids are usually employed by the government but the ones for sale to the general public are known to be exorbitantly expensive. 
A message reads: EXCLUSIVE 1 HOUR PROMO, 40% OFF YOUR FIRST PURCHASE. Click here for more details. Offer valid for new customers only. 
You pause and decide to click on the link. Looking around won’t hurt anyone, right? It’s not like you’ve decided to buy anything yet. 
The seven Dwellers available for sale are just as good looking as you expected them to be. Their unnaturally good looks and vibrant green eyes are what makes them easy to pick out from the crowd. 
You skim through each Dweller’s description. It seems that apart from the physical differences like their facial features and build, they each have their own specialty and characteristics. One of the best-selling models boasts the cooking ability of a 5-star chef, which you admit sounds very tempting since your skills with a knife are pathetic enough to make Gordon Ramsey cry. 
Another best-selling model specializes in...sex. You blink, your cheeks warming as you read over the model’s description (the “thick, vibrating cock that guarantees an orgasm every time!” comment makes you choke on your saliva). You can understand straight away why this particular model would be so popular. All of the models are pretty, but this one’s face doesn’t look like it’s from this world. Confinement would make anyone horny, and when promised a godly sex bot equipped with a vibrating dick, well…
Too bad you’re too tired these days to even think about having “mind-blowing sex for 5 hours straight.” Having such intense intercourse would probably make you pass out on the Dweller’s artificial cock, and there’s no way in hell you would want someone from CONNECT to intervene after receiving distressed signals from your body monitor. That would just be embarrassing. 
You’re about to exit out of the page, curiosity sated, when the last model catches your eye.
SEROTONIN BOOSTER. Low on energy? Feeling sad or depressed? Need a companion? 
This model is perfect for you! Model JHS is equipped with emotion sensors. They will fulfill your every need even when you’re not able to vocalize them. Stressed? They specialize in massages and are proficient in: Swedish massages, Aromatherapy, Shiatsu massages, Reflexology, among others. 
Personality : This model is energetic. They are very active and therefore requires a minimum 6 hours to recharge. They are extremely tactile and will easily engage in skinship such as hugs or holding hands. They are talkative and will hold passionate conversations with you about almost any subject. 
Likes : cleaning, working out
Dislikes : horror movies, strong smells
When reading the description, it feels they’re talking about a person rather than an android. You’re surprised to see that the Dwellers are programmed to have a certain personality that caters to specific needs because the only androids you’ve ever come across before are the government ones, and they’ve always been stoic and devoid of any distinguishing characteristic. 
It would be nice, you think, to have a companion. Someone you could talk to for real instead of through a pixelated hologram. As much as you enjoy your time alone, each passing day locked in your apartment makes you realize how much you long for a hug. You miss holding someone in your arms, feeling their heartbeat against your cheek and the rise and fall of their chest as they squeeze you back. 
Model JHS looks like he could fill that vacancy. Their smile is blinding, like they’re physically radiating sunshine through their expression alone. You don’t doubt their capacity to bring positive energy into your life. 
Before you can think twice about it you’re adding the model to your shopping cart. The site asks you if you want to pay more in order to customize them. For an additional fee, you’re able to tweak the Dweller’s personality or modify their physical attributes to your liking. You skip over the option. For one, you don’t have the funds to afford a vibrating dick enhancement and two, you’re more than satisfied with your Dweller as they are.
It’s not until you finish supplying all your information including your Connect Card details and shipping address that you realize what a monumental purchase you’re about to make and how empty your account will be by the end of it.
You stare at the price listed at the bottom of the screen and weigh your options. Even with the 40% reduction, it’s not a negligible sum. You could buy several models of the new Birkin bag you’d been saving up for with this money. 
Why purchase designer bags when you can’t even go out and use them? a voice argues. And - uh. Fair point. 
In any case, you’d have to stop shopping, eating out all the time and going on frivolous trips overseas. Not that you really have a choice, given the circumstances. 
You look at the laptop screen again. Are you seriously so touch-deprived that you’re willing to fork over that much money for a live-at-home android? Really? 
Fuck it. 
You click on [VALIDATE PAYMENT] before rationality has time to kick in and you change your mind again. Just as the screen changes and the new page loads, you feel your heart leap to your throat but it’s too late to back out now. 
(!) Your order is eligible for Instant Shipping (delivered to your door in 24 hours or less). 
(!!) Due to exception circumstances, your order might encounter delays. We are taking multiple steps to ensure the safety and hygiene of all products and shipments. For more information click here.
(!) All BH products are covered by a limited two-year warranty. Please refer to warranty details regarding your product in the Dweller E-HandBook, free for download here. Please register your product after purchase in order to qualify for future claims, returns, and support.
You expel the breath you’d been holding. Your father will throw a fit once he finds out you’ve blown all your money on a bot. The criticism is warranted.
What are you even supposed to say to defend yourself? You’ve bought a  Dweller on a whim while browsing for Vitamin C supplements.
Quarantine is really making you lose your goddamn mind, huh.
22 notes · View notes
cherryrogers · 5 years
Loki x Fem!Reader
Contains: Pure fluff.
Synopsis: It’s Loki’s first Halloween, and you’re determined to make sure he enjoys it.
“Halloween?” Loki asked, a confused brow raised as he sat across from you at the kitchen counter.
“You don’t know what Halloween is?”
The god didn’t react, indicating to you that his answer was no.
“Well,” You started. “It’s a holiday where everyone dresses up in a costume, usually something scary. People decorate their houses with creepy stuff, carve pumpkins, eat way too much candy... it’s basically a day to celebrate all things horror.”
Loki just stared at you for a couple of seconds, comprehending your explanation before deadpanning at you. “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.”
You sighed, knowing that he would have that reaction to Halloween. Sure, it was pretty stupid. Was their any logical, important reason for the holiday to take place? Not particularly. Did you waste a tad too much money on Halloween decorations? Certainly. But it was fun. While you knew Loki wouldn’t intitially like the idea of Halloween, you knew that with a bit of persuasion, he would be dressed in costume and jamming a knife into a pumpkin in no time.
“I read somewhere that people originally started wearing scary costumes on the day to ward off ghosts.” You stated, pulling out your phone and going to your camera roll. Perhaps showing Loki consumes from the previous Halloween’s you’d celebrated would get him more in the spirit.
Usually, when it came to getting Loki out of his bedroom and stopping him from brooding, you were the one making him do those things. Watching him trying to settle into living in the compound was hard, seeing as the rest of your housemates didn’t tend to give him a second glance when he was around. Of course, Thor would occasionally have brotherly banter with him, but other than that, Loki didn’t have much of a relationship with anyone else. You’d been in his place before - being new to the compound and feeling like the odd one out. You knew it wasn’t a nice feeling, and you were determined to make the compound feel like somewhat of a home to him.
“Look.” You placed your phone in front of him on the marble counter. The picture on the screen was a photo of you and Natasha from the previous Halloween, before Loki had arrived at the compound. Natasha had her back to the camera, showing off the makeshift wings you and her had spent days crafting to try and resemble Sam’s outfit. She was looking over her shoulder dramatically, standing directly next to you in your costume. Red boots covered the bottom half of your legs and stopped just below your knee, hiding the blue leggings that you were wearing along with a long-sleeved, shoulder-less top. The top was plain white at first, before you painted the top part blue and added the red stripes to the bottom of it; not forgetting the star in the centre. To top off the costume, you were holding Cap’s actual shield in front of your body, which you’d begged Steve for you to use for the night.
Sam and Steve tried to act like your costumes were terrible, but they secretly were quite impressed.
“These were mine and Nat’s costumes last year. Clever, huh?” You attempted to get a positive reaction out of Loki, but you unsurprisingly failed.
He didn’t take his eyes off your phone as he replied. “And these costumes were meant to ward off evil spirits? I’m not sure the image of the almighty Captain America will do that job.”
He wasn’t wrong, honestly. However, he just didn’t seem to be grasping the idea of Halloween. You couldn’t necessarily blame him, considering he’d never celebrated any seasonal holidays before moving permanently to Earth.
“Halloween’s not really about that anymore. Like most things, it kinda lost its traditional purpose and became something more... fun. I mean, it’d be weird if I dressed up as Steve on any other random day. But on Halloween... totally fine.” You took your phone back and shoved it back into your pocket.
“So, it’s now just an excuse to dress up in outfits that aren’t usually socially acceptable?”
“Again, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
You smacked a hand against your forehead, letting out an agitated sigh. He just didn’t get it. Maybe if the guy actually tried dressing up and enjoying himself, he wouldn’t be so critical of it.
Loki had a smug smile on his face when you looked back up at him. “Look, there’s two days until Halloween. We’re having a party on Halloween night, and everyone is gonna be dressed up. Please tell me you’ll be there? With a costume?”
His smile faded slightly. “I don’t like parties.”
“But it’s a Halloween party.”
“That doesn’t change my mind.”
Your eyes widened hopefully, leaning closer to Loki across the counter. You weren’t going to say it aloud, but you really wanted him to be at the party. You liked Loki a lot; as a friend, and perhaps even something more than that. It was important to you that he didn’t miss out on things just because he doesn’t feel like he belongs. While he hadn’t directly told you that, you could tell that was what he thought of himself. You noticed how he tended to leave a room when too many people were on it, how he never joined in on movie nights, how he would disappear during missions despite Tony scolding him for it every time.
Loki shouldn’t have to feel like that, because he was a person - he was just as important as everyone else living in the compound. And you wanted to make sure he knew that.
“Come on, Lokes.” His nose scrunched at the nickname he supposedly hated (he didn’t really). “I’ll make sure you have fun. I’ll even help you with your costume. We’re running a little short on time, but I’m sure if I finish all my work now and get started as soon as possible I can put something tog-”
“You’ll come?”
He exhaled reluctantly, a small grin playing on his lips. “Yes.”
As soon as he said the word, you rushed out of the kitchen to your office to get started on the paperwork you needed finished for the 30th. Your handwriting was slightly messy, and you could barely focus on what you were meant to be doing as you thought of a million ideas for a Halloween costume for Loki. Would he want something more on the creepy side? Something more playful? A character from a movie, or something original? Thoughts whirled around in your mind as you got yourself hyped for the party, hyped to see Loki.
While you were in the middle of working, Natasha wandered into your office and sat herself on the chair across from you, making herself comfortable. The red head often came in when she was bored - Nat was incredibly fast at finishing paperwork. The woman did it as soon as it was handed to her and never had to worry about deadlines. You wished you had her work ethic.
“You got a costume for Thursday yet?” She spoke up.
“Please,” You chuckled, putting down your pen and resting your chin in your hands. “I’ve had a costume planned since last Halloween.”
Natasha raised a curious brow. “And that is?”
You smirked, holding up a finger, telling her you’d be one minute as you fled to your bedroom to grab an element of your costume to show her.
When you returned, you instructed Natasha to close her eyes while you carefully put on the small part of your costume. Once you were happy, you allowed her to open her eyes, and she let out a laugh at what she was looking at.
You had put on two black gloves, but that wasn’t all. Attached to each glove was sharp, long scissor blades that followed the movement of your fingers when you moved them. You weren’t too sure about the idea at first, as you could hear Steve’s voice already telling you about how your costume was a ‘safety hazard’, but it was for Halloween. As long as you didn’t get too drunk and forget that literal blades were sticking out of your hands, you were sure you’d be fine.
Nat tilted her head to the side, examining the makeshift gloves. “Edward Scissorhands?”
“You guessed it.” You beamed. “So, if anyone asks why all of the scissors in the compound have disappeared, don’t rat me out. It’s for the cause.”
“It’s for a Halloween costume you’ll be wearing for a couple of hours.”
“I’m sure Tony won’t have an issue with buying some more.” You shrugged. “Plus, now that my costume is sorted, I need to think of something for Loki.”
Leaning forward in her seat, Natasha furrowed her brows. “Loki? He’s coming to the party?”
“Yeah, I asked him to.” You said the gloves off your hands and laid them gently on your desk.
“And he said yes?” More confusion was laced in her tone.
You nodded, feeling proud of yourself internally for being the only one that could actually get Loki to come to the party. “Yep, but he needs a costume. Something that he won’t hate. I want him to enjoy himself, you know? If he has a shitty costume, he’s gonna hate me for making him go.”
A smirk made its way onto Nat’s lips, and her expression gave you hope. “I have an idea.”
* * *
As you skipped down the hall to Loki’s bedroom, you couldn’t shake the excitement that was practically making you glow. It was finally Halloween, and there was two hours until the party started.
After Natasha suggested an idea for Loki’s costume, you and her spent a good amount of time putting it together. She made you a list of everything you needed to buy from the costume store, and while you were at the store buying all of it, Natasha planned his hair and makeup. Yes, hair and makeup. If Loki was going to look amazing in his costume, he was going to have to venture a little out of his comfort zone.
Loki was aware that you were planning out his costume for the night, but he was definitely underestimating you. He was thinking at the most you’d give him a prop and a headband. Little did he know...
Knowing that you’d be very busy getting Loki prepared for the night, you had your hair and makeup done early, as well as your full costume on - except for the scissorhands. Although they looked cool, they were quite impractical. Your hair was curled into tight ringlets, and the dark coloured shadow on your eyelids made your eye colour pop. Several thick belts tapped around your black t-shirt, and that was complimented by a short black tutu and knee high combat boots. You looked hot, honestly. Sure, maybe your hair should be a little messier and your skirt shouldn’t be so short, but you were hoping to impress a certain someone tonight, and you didn’t want to ruin your hair by dousing it in hairspray. Plus, the skirt was just cute.
Using the hand that wasn’t carrying the bag of Loki’s stuff, you knocked quickly on his bedroom door. It wasn’t long before the door opened slowly, revealing the god wearing a surprised expression at your costume. Maybe it was the makeup that accentuated your eyes, or the tutu that didn’t quite cover your thighs; after whatever it was that caused Loki to gulp nervously, you smiled warmly at him.
“Happy Halloween, Lokes.” You greeted him, sliding past his tall frame and setting the duffle bag down on his neatly made bed. “You ready to see your costume?”
The mention of his costume snapped Loki back into reality. “I’m not quite sure, if I’m honest. But, go on.”
After fumbling with the zip of the bag, you pulled out the main part of his costume - the headpiece.
It started out as a plastic hairband, but you and Nat worked your magic, and it became something pretty awesome. The hairband was painted dark green, and long, green and gold snakes, which honestly looked sort of realistic, stuck out from it. It didn’t look like a crappy two dollar hairband from the costume store - it looked professionally made. Even Loki was pretty impressed, yet a little confused.
He reached out and took the hairband from you, examining it carefully. “This... looks like you spent a lot of time on it.”
“I did. Well, we did. Natasha and I made it together.”
“So... what is my costume? Some sort of snake man?” Loki questioned, causing you to glare playfully at him.
“No, you’re not gonna be a snake man. Do you still have all of your green, Asgardian stuff?” You asked.
He nodded cautiously. “Yes, why?”
“You’re gonna need it for your costume.”
* * *
An hour later, Loki is in a long, green cloak over a simple black tee and tight leather pants. Admittedly, you picked them out because his legs looked fine in them. He is sat on his desk chair, which was moved in front of the long, vertical mirror in his room so that he could watch as his makeup and hair was done. Initially, he was a little reluctant to having a large fuss being made on his appearance, but he secretly loved the feeling of his hair being combed and the soft bristles of makeup brushes touching his face.
Natasha was on hair duty. She’d brushed through his locks gently before adding semi-permanent green dye to certain streaks in his hair. Meanwhile, you were setting the light layer of foundation you’d added to his skin and beginning to do some subtle eye makeup on him.
“You excited for the party yet?” You murmured, tapping the eyeshadow brush against the palette to rid any excess green powder and lifting it to his eyes.
“I’d be more excited if you told me what I was going as.” He responded.
You chuckled with a roll of your eyes. “I thought you would’ve figured it out by now, Loki. You’re wearing a headband covered in snakes, you’re all dressed in green...”
Loki just looked at you cluelessly.
“You’re Medusa! The one with snakes for hair, and if you look into her eyes, you get turned into stone.”
A look of realisation overcame Loki’s expression. “Ah, I see. Sorry, I don’t tend to pay that much attention to Greek mythology. I’m more interested in the Norse type.”
“Hm, I wonder why.” You scoffed at his words. “How’s the hair coming along, Mrs Incredible?”
“Just about done, Scissorhands.” Natasha replied, sliding the snake hairband on top of Loki’s head. As always, the girl looked stunning. She was dressed as Elastigirl, and the outfit was practically identical to her outfit in the movie. You and her really didn’t mess around when it came to Halloween costumes - if you weren’t going all out, what was the point? You let Nat know that the eye makeup was finished too, and put all the makeup products back in your duffle bag.
Clapping excitedly, you ushered Loki to stand from his chair. “Alright, Medusa. Let’s get a full look at you.”
The god stood up, groaning slightly at the pain in his legs from being sat down for so long. His gaze trailed from the ground up to his full reflection in the mirror. His outfit was something he was pretty used to wearing, as it was his own Asgardian attire. However, his eyes widened at the slight green-gold colour that had been brushed over his eyelids. He eyed the headband that was sitting on top of his dark locks, surprised at how much it... worked for him. Loki was honestly sort of crapping himself, worried that he’d show up to the party looking like a joke. Though, he wasn’t so concerned about that now.
“Do you like it?” You asked hesitantly, stepping closer to him so you were staring at both of your figures next to each other in the mirror. Honestly, you thought you looked like quite the duo.
There was a short silence, before Loki cracked a smile. “You’ve pleasantly surprised me, (Y/N).”
You couldn’t prevent the grin that took over your face, and your hand raised to Loki’s shoulder, squeezing it assuringly. “I’ve gotta say, Lokes. You make a pretty good-looking Medusa.”
Loki couldn’t tell whether his breath hitched from your words or your touch, but both made him genuinely glad you’d pushed him into dressing up for Halloween.
You looked behind you, seeing Natasha packing the duffle bag and then throwing it over her shoulder, getting ready to head downstairs. You mouthed a ‘thank you’ to the red head, considering the whole Medusa constume was her idea. In return, she mouthed a ‘have fun tonight’, winking playfully before pulling open the door and leaving.
* * *
As soon as you heard music blaring through the speakers downstairs, you pulled on your gloves covered in scissors and motioned for Loki to follow you out to the party, apologising with a giggle when you accidentally wacked him in the arm with one of your blades.
You and Loki manoeuvred in between the crowds of people in their costumes; considering the party was for people in the compound and anyone else Tony approved to come, there was a lot of people dotted around the usually empty ground floor.
Once you made it to the bar, you ordered drinks for the both of you. Not something too strong, but just something to take the edge off. To take the edge off you, anyway. The regular alcohol wouldn’t have an effect on Loki, but he still liked drinking the stuff - the bitter yet sweet taste was comforting in its own way.
After thanking the bartender, you went to pick up your drink, bit were soon reminded of the impracticalities of your costume when one of the scissor blades clinked against your glass. Loki noticed your frown, chuckling gently as he sipped his own drink before placing it back on the counter.
“Allow me.” He leaned forward and spoke next to your ear over the loud music, causing your body to freeze at you being in close proximity to the god.
His own hand clasped around your glass, and he lifted it up to your mouth, tipping it towards you. Feeling the liquid against your lips, you opened your mouth slightly and let yourself sip the drink, savouring the sugary taste on your tongue. Your eyes never left his as he took the glass away and placed it back next to you. There was something oddly... alluring about Loki doing that for you, especially since his bright eyes were piercing into yours the whole time. It made your stomach turn with nerves in a way it never had before, a way that you were sure could only be caused by the man in front of you.
“Thank you.” Your voice was slightly raspy, since your previous interaction made your throat go dry, ironically after you’d just taken a drink.
“I was meant to tell you before,” Loki dropped his gaze to the bar for a moment, before bringing it back up to you. “Your outfit is marvellous.”
He wasn’t speaking next to your ear that time, so you couldn’t quite hear what Loki had said. You took a step closer to him, your chests almost pressing together. “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the music. What did you say?”
Colour arised in his cheeks as he leaned in next to your ear again. “You look incredible tonight, (Y/N).”
Your stomach was doing flips at this point, but the compliment also gave you a surge of confidence. It was Halloween, after all. Not that that had anything to do with making impulsive decisions, but if you made one and it backfired, at least you were at a party where you could drown your embarrassment with alcohol.
Before Loki could pull back away from you, you reached up and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Your lips lingered on his soft skin for a moment, and you could tell his whole body had stiffened. However, judging by the smile playing on his lips, you assumed that he appreciated the gesture.
“Thanks, Loki.” You practically whispered, but because you were still so close to him, Loki heard you very clearly.
Quickly, you pulled off one of your gloves and grasped your drink, chugging the rest of the liquid in two gulps. After putting the glass aside, you replaced the glove on your hand and pushed yourself away from the bar. Tilting your head to the side, you motioned for Loki to follow you to the dance floor.
With you walking in front of him, you didn’t notice the smile that had widened on face. To think that he was going to completely ignore the existence of Halloween. He reminisced on the moment you had shared only a minute prior, still feeling his skin tingling from your soft touch. Hopefully, that would be the first of many intimate moments you’d share.
“Ow.” A voice pulled Loki from his thoughts, and he searched for the source of the cry, eventually assuming it was blond in front of him who was rubbing his arm with a pout on his lips.
“Those gloves are a safety hazard, (Y/N).”
“Shut up, Steve.”
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insfiringyou · 5 years
BTS - ‘One Last Time’ - V leaves for the military (V x Cassandra)
Contains: Angst. Smut.
Set a few months after V and Cassandra’s historical roleplay goes wrong and she was forced to use her safeword, and following the events of ‘Refuge’ where Taehyung moves out of their shared apartment, Cassandra seeks closure on their relationship before he enters the military. 
This is a major part of our headcanon universe and ongoing storyline (find out more here) - this is set after Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope and Jimin have started their military enlistment. 
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin  /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook 
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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She unclasped the polka dot skirt as she locked the door and stepped out of the wide pool of fabric, turning to the pair of washed-denim jeans she had slung over the back of her chair before the show. It had been a two week stint at the small theatre and her throat was a little sore from singing. ‘Dreamboats and Petticoats’...her friend had shown her the advertisement for the part in the local newspaper and, while it wasn’t Broadway, the month of practise for the song and dance numbers had kept her mind and body occupied, preventing her thoughts from running wild.
The lighting was dim in the dressing room, but a sparkling glimmer in the large mirror caught her eye and her heart began to thud heavily as she eyed the large crystal vase on the table, a sea of blood-red flowers cascading over the sides. She considered who had let him backstage during the show, before she spotted the delivery receipt from a local florist on the dresser, weighed down by a tall bottle of Dior foundation. With a trembling hand, she knowingly teased through the lightly-spiced stems and petals until she found what she was looking for. The note had been handwritten; one corner of the paper slightly curled from the moisture of the bouquet. 
I leave on Friday
Always yours,
She put the note down slowly, surprised to find that her eyes had started to water. She had known for months he was due to go in and had subconsciously been avoiding the news websites she usually scrolled through for the past few weeks, not wanting to get involved. The flowers caught her eye once more, their fresh, sweet scent filling the room just as they had done on the day they met. Even the vase, a tall, crystal number, seemed identical and she wondered what had happened to the original. Had she lost it when moving apartments? Getting dressed and with a heavy heart that seemed to be beating too fast, she made up her mind and grabbed her car keys from her purse, deciding to forego the wrap-up party which was already taking place in the foyer, but gulping a free chute of champagne on her way past.
Roaming her eyes over the set of buttons, she struggled to recall which number Jimin resided at. A familiar pang of frustration rose in her as she reached in her jean pocket and pulled out her cell, flipping through the string of text messages between her and Taehyung, vaguely remembering him texting her the address a few weeks before. The fact he had sold his cozy, top-floor apartment in Gangnam to move into her cramped studio had been an arguing point from day one, and now, with an ounce of bitterness, she hoped he finally realised what a stupid thing he had done. It had been the first of many tense moments between them in the months leading up to the sex act which had gone so terribly wrong and she couldn’t help but wonder if they had been allowed more space apart, more breathing room, their lives wouldn’t have become so poisonously entangled that they needed to push each other to such extremes. It was pointless thinking of that now - what had happened had happened and, while they had texted intermittently in the past two months, with time healing some of the hurt he had caused her that night, she wouldn’t be able to forgive him completely. 
She found the message she was looking for and pressed the buzzer on the intercom, unable to remember which of the four floors Jimin’s apartment was on. She automatically took a step back as the front door opened, the sight of Taehyung on the doorstep, wearing a pair of frustratingly attractive glasses beneath his dark, curly hair, leaving her a little winded. He was clutching a crumpled paperback between his long fingers, the title unreadable in the small distance between them and she noticed how mature he looked; how his usually boyish features had changed in the months since she last saw him. She didn’t know what to say and could see he was likewise stunned into silence. Remembering why she had come; the flowers he had sent, she felt a stab in her chest and slowly moved forward, wrapping her arms around him in an embrace. His sweater was soft against her cheek, his scent familiar, as she held him close, feeling his hands cautiously touch her back, his fingers splaying as he hugged her gently.
“You’ve still got your hair…” She eventually murmured, realising they had been silent for half a minute as she pulled away. He looked surprised to see her; it was something in the way his dark eyes twitched which only someone who knew him as intimately as she had done would notice. 
“I thought I’d enjoy it while I still can.” He replied slowly, his hand moving subconsciously to touch the edges of the tightly permed locks, as though in a daze. “You got my flowers.” It was not really a question and when he stepped aside, she followed him into the building without a pause, waiting for him to lead her into the ground floor apartment. 
“How did you know I was performing?” She asked, waiting for him to close the door behind them before taking a few more steps into the narrow hallway. The pastel hue of the wallpaper along with the framed photographs which perched on the edge of a painted cabinet suggested the decor had been chosen by Ara; her and Jimin’s matching smiles filled the photo frame, the picture taken at a beach. She eyed, beyond that, a golden trophy she vaguely recognised from the MAMA awards and wondered whether it was Jimin’s or Ara’s.
“I saw a review online.” He shrugged easily beneath his pale turtleneck sweater. 
“I just took it for the money…” She paused, cheeks a little pink. The musical, which mostly attracted the older residents of the city along with their grandchildren, was not exactly the type of gig she had planned when going into acting. But then again, why should she have to feel embarrassed in front of him? “And the costumes.” She added with a smile.
“I love Buddy Holly.” He murmured sincerely, making her wonder whether he had even noticed her blush. 
“I know…” She whispered. A quick glance in the living room told her, as expected, he was alone. While the basics of the furniture were clearly not to his taste, the various objects lying around were clearly his; indicating he had been occupying the place for a number of months. She tried to recall how long Jimin had been away but failed. She guessed Ara must still be on tour, or otherwise happy to stay elsewhere while Taehyung stayed in the apartment. She wondered whether he had started looking for a new place yet, somewhere he could return to after all of this was over. “Do you have time?” She met his gaze.
“Yes...it’s just me here…” He confirmed, leading her into the adjoining space. She looked over the small pile of books littered on the coffee table as he put down the one he was currently reading. She could see the crumpled cover now it lay face up; the image of a train track fading into the distance beneath the title ‘Different Seasons’. “Do you have something else lined up?” He asked, hovering by the doorway to the kitchen, waiting to see if she would sit down.
“Not yet.” She turned to face him, once more taken aback by how bookish and academic he looked in this unfamiliar place. 
“I’ve been thinking about what happened…” He started, needing to say something to break the awkward air between them. She could see he had been holding onto this for months, unable to express his feelings in a text or phone call, and needing to see her face-to-face to explain in person. “I want you to know how sorry I am…”
The longing in his voice made her stomach drop, knowing he had spent months coming to terms with what had happened... He seemed so harmless and, looking at him now, she found it hard to believe how scared he had made her. A part of her knew, deep down, that this didn’t mean anything...that whatever had caused him to act out that night was still in him somewhere and she hoped that whatever toxic environment had caused their relationship to sour so quickly, he would know next time if it were to happen with someone else, to stop himself before it was too late.
“I just couldn’t leave things the way they were.” She admitted with a sigh, knowing that while it was not perhaps the most sensible option, it was the truth. “When you sent the flowers…” She found herself staring into space. “I remember why I fell for you in the first place.”
“Red carnations…” He murmured in a low voice.
“Because you wanted me...I know.” She nodded, recalling in perfect clarity how he had looked when she first saw him; the silk shirt he wore with the top set of buttons unfastened casually as she caught him in the foyer, the delivery boy ratting him out as being the one to have sent the flowers. She had not yet removed her long dress and the delicate beading and lace detailing had glimmered in the soft light, cast down from the chandeliers. She had been the queen of the fairies on stage and she couldn’t help but wonder whether he would still find her attractive up close, without the bold theatre makeup and glitter she had wiped off as soon as her final scene was over. The way that he looked at her as she tapped him on the shoulder, with his dreamy dark eyes, had quickly dissolved any doubts. His eyes ran over her features like she was the only woman on Earth; that they were meant to be together. It was the closest thing to love at first sight she had ever seen. 
“I still feel that way.” His voice brought her back to the present and her eyes snapped up to meet his. He held her gaze strongly, his usually dreamy expression replaced with something more fierce and concrete. 
“I meant to come and see you sooner.” She explained, both to herself and him as she moved closer.
“To end it?” 
“I hoped you wouldn’t argue with me.” She said softly, confirming his question. 
“I don’t see the point…” He murmured gently, rubbing his nose between his fingers and taking his glasses off. “You’ve clearly thought it over.”
She nodded, looking up at him. “Thank you.” Her voice whispered. “I wanted to come and say goodbye.”
His mouth twisted in acceptance, biting his inner cheek. “It means a lot.” She could see the tears starting to well in his eyes, making them glisten as his voice cracked. “I won’t bother you anymore.” He promised.
Her heart sank and she reached out for his hands, grasping them softly. “Don’t…”
He let out a sob as the first tears fell on his cheeks, his lips opening and closing a few times as he tried to speak. “I’m so scared Cass…” He eventually said, body trembling. She thought it was the most honest thing she had ever heard him say and felt a surprising wave of relief wash over her. His admittance wasn’t news to her; she had known it from the moment he received the letter, months before, but he had desperately tried to hide his feelings, masking them with wine and sex and pointless arguments. She wondered why he had fought it so hard, but realised she couldn’t relate; while her own sex faced plenty of challenges, it was only those with the Y chromosome which had to go through this particular ordeal. “I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through…” He wept, letting go of her hand to wipe his eyes messily with his sleeve.
“It’s not forever.” She reasoned, whispering soothingly. 
He sniffled. “I had this image of you being there when I come out…” His voice shook. “Of us getting married, having kids..”
She felt her cheeks grow warm, her stomach dropping unpleasantly as his face began to swim before her eyes, her own tears falling thick and fast. “It’s hard for me too…” She admitted, knowing that despite knowing him for three years, she had never seen him so vulnerable; he had never allowed her to get close enough to see him this way. “You’re not a bad person Tae.” Her brow furrowed, realising it was true.
He lifted his head from his chest, looking her straight in the eye. “I wanted to grow old with you.” 
“Stop…” She pleaded, her eyes and cheeks wet.
She felt his fingers tangle in the back of her hair as he bridged the gap between them, pressing his mouth gently to hers, their tears mingling as he opened his lips against her, wanting her to respond...to know how he was feeling. It was no use trying to resist; she could sense herself softening beneath his touch, knowing that she shouldn’t but unable to stop herself from kissing him back; their bodies pressing closer as she felt his warm breath against her skin. It felt cathartic and final, with her finally pulling away to press her forehead to his.
“One last time…” She nodded, agreeing with his silent plea, whispering against his lips. 
He was silent for a moment, nuzzling her warm, wet cheeks with his nose before tightening his fingers against her scalp, being careful to be gentle as he tilted her face upward, her long neck arched and exposed as he looked at her. 
“I loved you so much…” He gasped, his eyes glistening as he took her in.
“You too.” 
Their eyes stayed locked for a moment longer, savouring the mutual confession which was all that remained of their love. When their lips met again, she found her own hands moving to his hair, running it through the tight curls as he brushed the straps of her camisole off her shoulders, his palms holding her steady. She clutched him tightly to her as he opened his warm mouth against her chest, pecking her pale skin while she gasped above him, running her thumb over his exposed cheekbone. He continued for a moment, trailing along her collarbone before looking up, his eyes full of lust as she caught his lips between hers. 
Her fingers trailed along his lower back, appreciating the soft indents of his pelvis as she eased his sweater from his torso, throwing it to the shag-pile carpet before moving back to him, grasping his cheeks in her palms as they kissed ferociously. The band on her jeans was tight, but he slotted his thumbs between the gap at the back, moving them along her hips until he reached the button at the front. She allowed him to unbuckle her and slip his fingers beneath the hem of her panties, pulling them down her legs as he dropped heavily to his knees. Sweetly, he pressed his lips to her inner thigh, moving along the curvaceous parts of her skin where a light pattern of stretch marks adorned the fleshier part of her legs. She let out a moan, savouring his tenderness as he kissed her lovingly - seeming to trace the patterns with his lips, as though wanting her to see herself the way he did. Her lips parted as he tilted his head and moved between her thighs to the triangle of tightly curled pubic hair, pecking her slit sensually a couple of times before pulling away, a little breathlessly. 
“Can you stand up?” She asked softly, taking his hands in hers and pulling him to his feet.
She unbuckled his belt quickly, the sound of the metal clasp ringing through the cozy room as she eased the black fabric away from his crotch, reaching beneath the zipper to curl her fingers around his cock. She bent down as she uncovered him and kissed his long shaft gently. He was not quite hard; his emotions overwhelmed his desire, and she encouraged him onto the small, two-seater sofa at the edge of the room, sitting him down while she nested between his legs, the carpet soft against her bare knees. He didn’t protest as she wrapped her lips around him, clutching him gently as she sucked his cock. She knew his body intimately and she found herself brushing her tongue familiarly along the grooves and veins in his shaft, pressing against the underside of his tip as he hardened in her mouth. His head lolled back as she withdrew, letting him go almost completely before sinking down on him again. 
“You feel so good Cass.” He gasped, stroking her hair softly as she kept up the pace, working him slowly in a way she hadn’t done in years. It had been a long time since she had made love to him with her mouth, with her in control, setting the pace. She wondered when things had changed; when they stopped showing their love for each other through their bodies and instead became addicted to pushing each other to their limits, using each other like a drug. With a moan, she kept going until she felt his fingertips against her cheek. She let him go softly, looking up. 
“Can you fuck me?” He asked gently, his expression dreamy beneath his bangs. Slowly, she nodded, her thighs sticky as she stood up and removed her shirt and bra. His eyes fell to her breasts as she steadied herself against him, holding his bare shoulders and straddling his waist. His cock was wet, glistening and upright and she spread her lips with her fore and middle fingers, her clit brushing his pubic hair as she sank onto him. As always, it took a moment to adjust to his thickness and he held her by the hips, slowly moving her against him, up and down, guiding her and pressing his lips to her breasts. She appreciated the sound of their bodies coming together, the wet noise of his cock inside her, merging with their gasps. His mouth closed around a nipple, pecking it gently before moving to the other and pulling away, brushing both thumbs over the sensitive red tips, making them sheen with saliva. 
She realised, as his lips returned to hers, that he too had forgotten what it felt like to be together like this - without the toys and the kinks and the pain. Her stomach churned with sorrow and she was almost grateful when he wrapped his arms around her naked back and, clutching her close to him, lowered her backward onto the floor, the shag pile soft and comfortable against her skin. He slipped out of her, removing his trousers and underwear from his ankles, before pushing back into her, his body covering hers as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. Their lips came together as his breathing intensified, signifying the tell-tale start of his orgasm. She knew he was trying to hold off, to savour the moment and make it last, but eventually his hips bucked against her and he allowed himself to give in, burying himself deep as he clutched her naked body to his, their hips pressed together tightly as he came inside her. She kept kissing him, knowing that when they stopped, they would have to part, and she didn’t know whether she was ready to say goodbye just yet. He likewise seemed reluctant to let her go when his hips finally slowed, but eventually, he slipped out of her, his cock having grown soft inside her warmth. He pulled away, his breath haggard, and kissed her cheek gently. 
She lay for a moment in silence as he rolled off her, her own breath heavy; breasts heaving against her chest as she watched him stand up. “I need to go…” She murmured, getting to her feet. Taehyung turned to look at her, his eyes moving to her pubis as she straightened. She followed his gaze, a little dazedly, to the space between her legs and touched her fingers to the warm semen which dripped down her inner thigh, across her stretch marks and cellulite-puckered skin. 
“Here…” He reached towards the coffee table, past the paperback he had been reading, and handed her a box of tissues. She thanked him quietly, taking a couple to clean herself and trailing it between her thighs and over the bottom of her pubic hair. He put the box down and took a couple for himself, wiping his cock before reaching for his discarded underwear. 
“Um…” She looked around, searching for a trash can in the unfamiliar apartment.
“It’s okay.” He muttered as he adjusted the elasticated waistband of his boxers against his waist and reached for the bundle of tissues. He disappeared into the kitchen and she took the opportunity to get dressed, grimacing a little when she realised her thighs were still a little tacky against her tight jeans. 
Taehyung turned to the wall when he returned, dressing quietly as she slipped on her shoes, wondering if sleeping with him had been the right thing to do. She checked her pocket to make sure her car keys were still there and the little jangle caught his attention, alerting her to the fact she was leaving.
“Can I write?” He asked softly, voice full of uncertainty. 
She was silent for a moment. “If you want to...” She said quietly. If she had thought he looked more mature when he first answered the door, his next expression broke that illusion. His lip quivered slightly, though he barely seemed to notice. “Try not to worry too much…” She whispered, trying to reassure him. 
He followed her out of the living room and into the hallway. “What did you do with the flowers?” He questioned. 
“They’re still at the theatre. I’ll pick them up later.” She turned to face him as they reached the front door and they were silent for a moment.
“I meant what I said in the note.” He looked at her, his voice low. “No matter what happens...”
“I know.” She nodded, knowing it was true. While neither were virgins when they met, they had been each other’s first love, and that would never change. “You too Tae.” She sighed. “Good luck.”
“Break a leg…” He agreed and they both smiled sadly at the shared joke. 
“Goodbye.” She whispered.
Please stay tuned for more headcanon content, including from this storyline, coming soon!
Thanks for reading, please check out our masterlist for more fics and scenarios
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
You can support us by buying admins a coffee here (if you wish). :)
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Did 2015 just fly by to you? I probably did feel that way. I usually do when looking back on each year. The only things I really remember about 2015 is graduating UC and hanging out with Ty.
Do you like platform shoes? No. I couldn’t wear them anyway.
How much black is in your wardrobe? Most of my wardrobe is black. 
Are you supposed to be doing something else? Nah, this is what I like doing at this time of night as part of my nighttime routine.
If you were with your favorite person right now, what would you be doing? I’d like finish watching this show my mom and I have been watching and check out the first two episodes of the new season of another show. 
Did you have a good holiday season? I did.
Anything special planned for today? Nope.
Who do you really trust in your life? My family.
What do you think about Justin Bieber? I like some of his music.
Do you wish you could change the past? Not entirely, but there’s a lot I wish I could change.
What is your hot drink of choice? Coffeeee.
Do you own a gun? No.
Have you ever cracked your cell phone screen? Not my current phone, but in the past I have. I haven’t had that happen in years, though.
Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No.
If you had to delete one year of your life, which year would it be? I wouldn’t want to delete an entire year. I’d like to change things that happened in various years, though.
What is your favorite article of clothing you own? All of them, which is why I have them.
How late do you usually stay up? Until like 7 or 8AM. :X
What is your favorite Christmas song? I love all the classics.
What all have you had to eat today? It’s only 4AM and so far I’ve just had ramen. 
If your entire life was a movie, what would it be called? I don’t know.
Blue or green? I like various shades of both.
What's your current least favorite song? *shrug* I haven’t been listening to music lately.
Do you know how to play chess? Nope.
What is something the world needs less and more of in your opinion? We need more unity and less stupidity and hatred.
Do you know someone who is just so breathtakingly attractive? Alexander Skarsgard.
How hard is it for you to open up to others? I have a really hard time with that. Even with people I am close to.
What is something that has really impacted your life? My physical disability for sure as well as health issues.
Quick! Chinese or Mexican? Hm. It honestly depends what food I’m in the mood for. I do have Mexican more often. I enjoyed both a lot more when I could eat spicy stuff, but I can’t anymore. :(
How many significant others have you had in your WHOLE life? I’ve only had one, technically. We had the relationship title, anyway. It didn’t feel like one, though. What I had with Joseph felt closer to one in a lot of ways, but we never officially dated. 
I have to ask: What does the last text you received say? My dad asked me to do something.
How about the last text you sent? I asked my mom if she could grab me something while she was at the store.
Have you shared any kisses today? No.
Did the last person you kissed have soft lips, or were they kind of crusty? They were soft.
Do you think your life will be any different a year from now? For the past few years nothing seems to change each passing year, but that’s largely my own doing. Not in a good way, anyway. There have been bad changes.
What is in your wallet? Credit cards.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nope.
When was the last time you went to the doctor? This past Tuesday. 
Are you going out of town anytime soon? Nope.
Do you hate your ex? No.
When are you going to get a haircut? I have no idea.
Can you fit your hand around your wrist? Yes. 
Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yes.
When was the last time you applied chapstick? I don’t remember.
Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Coffee all the way.
Do you have a weird laugh? *shrug*
Do you have videos on YouTube? I do, but they’re all private and will never see the light of day again.
When’s the last time you had a phone conversation for more than ten minutes? I don’t remember. I rarely talk on the phone and when I do they’re very brief conversations.
Do you laugh at inappropriate times? No.
What’s your fast food restaurant of choice? The ones I go to are Chick-fil-A, Carl’s Jr, Jack in the Box, and McDonald’s. I haven’t been eating fast food much lately, though.
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with? D, G, and J.
Are you in any kind of pain right now? Yes.
Are you the jealous type? I can be, but I haven’t felt that way in years.
What did you and your ex fight about most? Our issue was definitely lack of/poor communication. 
Do you have a foot phobia? I’m not afraid of feet, but I hate them lol. No one should even think about trying to put their feet on me or near me. I hate mine, too.
Well, are you a germaphobe? I don’t share drinks or eat off someone’s food or utensil or anything like that or want them to do that to mine. I’ll gladly cut off a piece and share or pour some out for ya. 
Don’t you love long hugs? From certain people.
And long kisses? Yes.
Have you ever purchased condoms? No.
Do you have a dirty mind? Sometimes.
What’s your favorite soda? I don’t drink soda anymore, but Coke and Dr. Pepper were my favorites.
Do you check the mail everyday, or somebody else? I personally don’t, but someone in my family does.
Did you think braces were cool when you were little? No.
Do you ever go without makeup or doing your hair? I haven’t worn makeup in almost 4 years and I just throw my hair up in a messy bun all the time. I also admittedly don’t brush it everyday.
Put your iTunes on shuffle RIGHT NOW and tell me the first song it plays. I don’t use iTunes and I don’t feel like opening Spotify right now.
What was the last song you added to your iTunes library? I forget the last song I added to my Spotify.
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs in your iTunes? I’m not embarrassed by any of the songs on my Spotify.
When was the last time you were sick? Back in October.
Did you get anybody else sick? No, it wasn’t contagious.
What brand is your camera? I just use my phone, which is an iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Do you like raisins? Yeah. Chocolate covered raisins, especially. ha. Who was your Valentine this year? I won’t have one.
When did you first kiss the last person you kissed? March 2011.
And when did you last kiss the last person you kissed? Sometime in 2013.
Did you borrow that shirt from somebody? Nope, it’s mine.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My medicine.
Do you like to swim? No.
How many vacations have you been on in the past year? My last vacay was last February a month before COVID hit and everything shut down. It’s crazy how fast everything changed and everything that has happened since then. We had no idea what was coming. I’m glad we happened to take a nice vacation when we did cause who knows when the next one will be. 
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend? I’m single, but no I never have in the past.
Are you supposed to be doing homework, young man/lady? Nopeee, I’m done with school.
Do you have to wake up early tomorrow? Nope.
Do you have any prescriptions currently? Yes.
Are you upset about anything? Bleh.
Where was the last place you went that you hadn't been to before? The OC.
Who was the last member of the opposite sex to make you smile? My brother.
Who was the last attractive person you saw? I see Alexander Skarsgard on my dash all the time. 
Do you have a friend whose name begins with "C"?
Is there anything happening in the next week that you're looking forward to? New episodes of some shows I’m watching to come out.
How many people have you kissed whose name starts with "R"? Zero.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? It’s been a few years. 
When was the last time you were invited to go somewhere and you declined? The other day my mom asked me if I wanted to tag along for the ride with her while she ran some errands, but I declined.
The last time you saw your best friend, what were they wearing? She was wearing a black shirt with Maleficent on it that I got her for Christmas.
How did you meet the person you're currently interested in? I’m not interested in anyone romantically right now.
What was the last gift you received and who gave it to you? Various Christmas presents from my family.
When was the last time you drank alcohol and what was the occasion? My birthday back in 2013.
You've got an unread message on Facebook; who do you want it to be from? There isn’t anyone in particular. 
What if the person you miss walked into the room right now? The people I miss have passed away, so...
Are you still with the person you fell the hardest for and if not, do you still speak to them? Nope.
What was the last song that made you cry and what does the song talk about? I don’t remember.
If you're in a relationship, how long have you been together? I’m single.
If you're single, are you looking for a relationship? No.
Look around the room; what's the closest blue object? My back pillow.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
How old were your parents when they met? They were in their early and mid 20s.
Who was the last person you added to your phone's contacts? I don’t recall.
What's a song that reminds you of someone you miss? Everlong (the acoustic version) by Foo Fighters.
What's the most expensive item you've bought recently? It was an accumulation of things when I was doing my Christmas shopping.
Who're the last three people you hugged? My mom, dad, and doggo. 
What's the third song on your iTunes "most played" list?
What exactly is on your mind at this moment? I’m tired.
What is it that makes you awesome? Nothing.
What is today’s date? January 16, 2021.
What time is it? 4:55AM.
At this moment in time, is there anything worrying you, that no one else knows about? Yes.
Have you ever cried in front of the last person you texted? Countless times.
What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? I’m watching an ASMR video.
Have you ever voluntarily read the Bible? Yes. I read and study the Bible. I participate in Bible studies. Have you ever thought that your life was so bad you wanted to give up? I’ve felt that way a lot.
How old are you? 31.
When do you start school? I’m done with school.
Do thunder and storms scare you? I love ‘em. We have had a thunderstorm here in so long it feels like.
How often would you say you take naps? Not that often since I usually sleep in until like 5PM. And not to say I couldn’t still take a nap cause I could (I’m always tired), but I wouldn’t want to so late in the day.
How many times in your life have you held a baby? Many times. I have a younger brother and I also have held several of my cousins when they were babies.
Do you like country music? Yeah.
What were you doing at 7:45 this morning? It’s only 5AM, but I’ll most likely be asleep or attempting to.
When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I haven’t done so yet today, but I’m always like “ew.” I avoid looking in the mirror as much as possible.
Do you look decent when you wake up? No. Or ever.
Do you like to cuddle? I don’t have much cuddling experience to be honest, but sure.
Were you single on your last birthday? Yes.
Do you have any candles in your room? I do. I never light candles, so I’m not really sure why I have one any, but *shrug*
How long does it take you in the shower? Like 30-45 minutes.
Relationship between you and the last person you texted? She’s my mom.
When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty? I feel guilty about a few things.
Are you currently looking forward to anything? Just new episodes of some of the shows I watch like I mentioned before and new shows in general. There’s a lot coming out this year.
What are two foods you think only taste good with whipped cream? Uhh. I can’t think of any that I think only taste good with whipped cream. 
If you eat it, what is your favorite way to eat beef? When it’s in the form of meatballs (mixed with sausage, garlic, onion, and herbs).
What foods go good with radishes? Don’t they commonly go in salads?
Are you insecure about your height? What made you think this way? No. I do wish I was taller, though.
Did your last significant other have a huge temper? No.
Do you usually close the door with your feet or with your hands? My hands.
Are you a fussy eater? I am a picky eater and due to appetite and other issues I’m very particular about what I eat and how it’s prepared and all that. I honestly only eat the same few foods.
Do you enjoy visiting your grandparents? Yes.
Is your hair hard to manage? For me it is. I don’t have the energy or motivation for it.
Have you ever shopped online? I do a lot of online shopping, especially the past few years. Even more so this past year alone due to COVID.
Do you prefer gold or silver? I like both.
What about diamonds or pearls? Both.
Have you ever had surgery? I’ve had several.
Have you ever eaten at Chik-fil-a? Yeah, many times.
Do you spray tan? Nope.
How many hours of sleep would you say you got last night? About 5ish. 
How many aunts and uncles do you have? 3 aunts, 8 uncles. 
Would you say your life is hard? It is for me.
Are your fingernails, and toenails painted, if so, what color? Nope, neither of them are.
Would you ever think about doing porn? No.
What did your last text message you received on your cell say? My dad asked me to do something.
What is something you need to go shopping for? Nothing at the moment.
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15, Episode 3
It's ep three, and was third try the charm? Well, we're still in that little town, which is infuriating. But don't lose hope, chickadees. There was some character arc action and some plot advancing, and just drama in general, and it moved at a decently quick clip, all of which is refreshing after last week's ass-disaster of an episode. 
If I were grading this ep, all things considered (including some damn fine acting moments that elevated the material), it's an A-. (Five points were docked immediately because we were still in the little town.) But seriously, this week's writer(s) had a LOT to make up for given the aforementioned last week as well as a largely lackluster premiere, so you know what? Props to them. 
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We got a loose end from season past tied up, got rid of some dead weight, and then there was a thing that happened that I’m not entirely sure was necessary at this interval, but I get why it happened. Of course, we had our requisite random hamfisted “solution(s)” and still-unexplained bits that should’ve been clarified ages ago, can’t not have those, it seems. Regardless, this episode was actually fairly interesting to watch. I’m still wary about the state of the season after the first two, but this one had some spark.
Spoilers below the cut, you know the drill.  
This one's in order, I was jotting stuff down as I watched. Past ep breakdowns linked at the bottom. If you’re new, hello, welcome, etc., I don’t do meta shit or reading into the symbolism of the color of a blurry wallpaper just over someone’s shoulder, I look at writing and cohesiveness and structure and flow and all that jazz. I basically just call things as I see ‘em. 
More spooky-scary still seems to be pouring from the hellpit, but at least this crypt is pretty, and Harry Potter tent-esque because the square feet inside is seemingly bigger than the outside.  
Rowena appears to be outfitted in one of my grandmother's housedresses, or a coffin lining, or a 1980s prom dress, whichever you prefer, and none of them have been pressed. I'm trying to say I don't like it. They also continue to do Ruthie's makeup in such a manner that she perpetually looks approximately fifteen years older than she actually is, so in a way I'm thankful this is likely her last episode. On the other hand, I trust these writers and the people who assemble/green light the promos about as far as I can throw them, so we shall see. In any event, Ruthie is quite the good actor and I hope she gets a million gigs after all this is done.  
This Sam-Dean moment with Creased Brow Sam and Gruff Voice Dean is falling so flat, not because of them, but because we're hearing The Same Damn Thing We've Already Heard. Move the plot along, please----- Oh wait here comes Belphagor once again with a solution, this time a nice little plot rescue MacGuffin! Lilith's Crook. Just gotta blow it like a horn. 
Motherbitch, this is stupid.
I got a thought: make it Gabriel's horn, so it calls in all the angels who should've come back with the reverse-y switch-a-roo, and they deal with sealing the hole, but bonus! At end of ep last scene is that it's also called Gabriel back, too. I'd announce to the universe that this show needs to hire me, but, welp.
Oh look, Ketch is in a hospital gown. Oh look, I bet Ketch is about to die in that hospital gown, instead of a badass suit like it should be. It looked like DHJ accidentally spoiled via a tweet that I happened to see----- 
I dodge the promo images and articles and such so I can give a view of someone who doesn't know what is coming in these things. 
-----because he talked about coming back just to leave again, that it was a pleasure, whatever, and y'all will have to fill me in on that because I kinda can't believe he whiffed that hard. I'm not looking it up, is my point. Did he whiff? Actually, don't answer that, I don't care. I mean, don’t go to trouble looking into it on my account.  
Hmmm. Was Ketch’s death entirely necessary? At least, right now? I dunno. Maybe. I’m 50/50 whether this, or have him be double-crossy then get killed later. In any event, well-acted by DHJ. He's quite fantastic. He is wasted in all the Hallmark dreck he's been in, I really hope he gets some good work after this. That's that. Moving on. 
We're 1/4 in, and I'll give it this: we've gotten some action, some drama, but they've GOT to make up for the lack of plot progression in episode 2. Belphagor is shady as shit, which we knew, and this just got reinforced by that demon who has such a hard-on for Belphagor getting axed. 
I do not mind rando badass lady hunter having lines and playing a tangentially-important role in the ep, but this means if we ever see her again, she'll likely get killed, so I'm not getting attached. 
So hell is an angry vagina. SFX, are y'all okay? Is that prick whose tweets occasionally come across my feed still working there? Y'all need some hugs? I know y'all need some better budget, that all the DC shows got it, but oh well, that ship's sailed.  
Well done set dec, I dig the ghoulish statues in that hallway. And hey costume design, I like the ring that dude was wearing, I would wear that in real life. It would also look great as a wrist cuff. I digress. 
We know this demon is not going to succeed in killing Belphagor, so once more we have a pointless halftime cliffhanger. Also, have I mentioned I'm done with Cas being a weak puss? I'm telling you, if stuff got rewound, he should be incrementally getting his mojo back, that tracks logically. See Ep. 1 notes for what I thought should've happened for a legit "Whoa" moment. 
"Do you have any idea what he is?" --- he's a poop demon. Again, see the first episode of @youtotallymadethatup​    /shameless plug
Is this show gonna end with a Jack vs. Jack battle royale? Because fuck that noise. But! Writing-wise, it's okay that ol’ Belph may become the big bad. Nash, why would you say that, you ask. Easy.
A. Ny. Thing. to get us the fuck out of this little town. I am so goddamned bored.
Cas, this is a mistake. You should leave. What are you doing. Leave. Don't fall for that. Leave. Go now. Whoosh. Okay, or glow worm and barbeque the body. That was a nice little catch of emotion by Misha at the end. Except are the demons now gonna jump into his body? Better not, we've seen that season. 
Commercials! Cannot believe I've not been inundated with the adverts for the convention here in the spring, that's usually the jam. Imma go get some frozen yogurt. Highly rec strawberry with a little warmed-up Nutella. Try it, then tell me I'm crazy. I'm not. It's heavenly. 
Aaaaand, we're back!
Don't look so distressed Cas, y’all were gonna burn it anyway. But this takes Jack v. Jack off the table. Hopefully this means we'll be headed back to the Empty to get some progress on that hanging thread from last season sooner rather than later. Still, I'm glad we are down a character for awhile, this character in particular was starting to work my nerves and honestly, is just dead weight. I want it back to Sam and Dean for the most part this final season with sprinklings of Cas. Everyone else is secondary.
[claps] Very excellent Ruthie and Jared. One critique: Wish there could've been some sort of line from Rowena, re: "And perhaps I'll get to see my boy again", something of that ilk.
But I want to say this, and say it emphatically:
The nonsensical spells pulled from asses must stop
The soul-catcher thing is an example of a great move because it drew upon the past, then built upon for the present. This heart and angel blood and salt shit, and then this “Oh by the way it needs my dying breath” stuff is just obvious “um um um well how about bleh” writing stumbles, and it shows. The only reason that lameness worked? Ruthie and Jared’s performances. Period. Because y’all gave them absolute garbage to work with, and they made it shine.
Hey! There's the two convention promos with one short local ad in between, followed by the same local ad again! I was beginning to think they'd forgotten! 
Oof, Dean. I mean, I figured this convo would have to happen one day, it's been building, because even though his intentions are good, Cas has been involved in his fair share of shit taking left turns. Hopefully Cas is going to go seek out other angels. Also, re: Cas saying he's getting weaker - because, why? WHY. This has never been addressed in a definitive, satisfactory manner. 
Right, so, like we do each time, let's check in to see if we've had any character development and/or plot progression: 
Do Ketch and Rowena and Belphagor count, since they've progressed to being dead? Dunno, that's more of a finality to their overall arcs. Dean's being an asshole and Sam's being weepy and Cas is being an Eeyore, that's about par. Meh. Okay. So did the plot get advanced? 
YES THANK YOU FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER SWEET LORD YES. But, eh... a little weaksauce. Yes, that chapter of the initial onslaught is closed, yet we know it's not over. So I feel like the ep should've ended with, after the bunker door slams, a cut to a little scene that serves as a clue about what lies ahead. I mean, ahead-ahead, season-wise. Like, twenty second blip, not even, then hard cut to black screen, then on to promo which appears to be MotW. 
So that's it, really. More adept writers could've made the material of #1 and #2 into the premiere (minus several things, most specifically minus Kevin, should've saved Osric for something else down the line), then this should've been episode #2 instead of #3. Can't unring that bell, though. Let's hope we hit some speed before Buckleming comes along to run us into a ditch, then (fingers crossed) we have a few eps after that to rebound for the finale.
See you next week.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 2
Episode 1
17 notes · View notes
badchoicesposts · 5 years
Don’t Dream It’s Over Chapter 7
Series Summary: Liam and Ali thought that their relationship was perfect, but their whole world came crashing down when Constantine called him back to Cordonia. Four years later they meet again at Liam’s bachelor party, determined to make things between them work even if it isn’t always easy.
In this AU, Liam and MC (Ali Moonessar) dated for a year in New York while Leo was still crown prince. They broke up when Constantine asked Liam to come back to Cordonia, but they meet again at Liam’s bachelor party before the social season. The story will contain flashbacks, which will be italicized, of their relationship and follow them as they try to navigate the season with Ali as a suitor. I’ve messed around with the timeline a bit so that it fits the story better. I’ve also added in a few OCs of my own.
Pairing: Liam x MC (Ali Moonessar)
Word Count: 4,026 
Disclaimer: I’ve changed up the timeline of the social season a bit to fit my story better. I’ve based it off of some research I did on the British Social Season.
Taglist: @flowerpowell, @kingliam2019, @ao719, @emceesynonymroll, @hopefulmoonobject, @dcbbw, @qammh-blog, @liamxs-world, @drakesensworld, @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @lauradowning29
A/N: This is my first time ever posting a fic. Please let me know if you enjoyed it and would like to read more. I thrive on validation, lol. Thanks for reading!
Catch Up: Masterlist
TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of depression, anxiety, body insecurity, and small details of a panic attack.
The next few weeks passed by in a haze of etiquette and diplomacy lessons. Bertrand was by far the strictest teacher that she ever had. He expected her to be awake with the sun and would often still be hovering over her shoulder critiquing her posture and quizzing her until late into the night. Ali was surprised that he hadn’t started rapping her knuckles with a ruler when she got something wrong. She tried not to take his attitude too personally, knowing that he was more knowledgeable about court events and proper behavior than she was, but that didn’t stop her from cursing his existence every time he left the room. 
The social season was quickly approaching, and Ali’s anxiety had come back along with it. Ali had struggled with anxiety and depression for so many years that there was a point when she felt as if she didn’t know who she was without it. She was severely depressed for all of her high school years and for the first few years of college. But, she had fought like hell to get past it and had been good for the past few years, and she planned on fighting to get past it now. 
Liam had only been able to visit once, so her only true stress reliever was Maxwell. The two would often stay up late watching movies, which only served to make them miserable the next day and cause Bertrand to be more irritated. The had gotten through all eight of the Harry Potter movies, and Ali had even gotten Maxwell to watch some of her favorite Bollywood movies from when she was growing up. Maxwell also had a very impressive face mask collection that they had taken to using every Saturday night. 
She watched the trees go by as the limo sped towards the palace and had to remind herself to actually breathe. Bertrand sat next to her, mumbling on about something that she couldn’t manage to take in. 
“During your dinner with the king and queen tonight yo-.” 
“Wait, my what?” Ali asked, quickly turning to look at Bertrand. 
“Your dinner with the king and queen. They have invited us to dine with them this evening. I instructed Maxwell to inform you last night,” Bertrand said, scowling at his younger brother. 
“Sorry. It must have slipped my mind,” Maxwell said guiltily. 
“Why do they want to have dinner with us tonight? I thought the social season didn’t start until tomorrow?” she asked.
Bertrand, who was previously about to scold his brother, looked over at Maxwell, and the two seemed to have a nonverbal conversation. 
“I believe that the king and queen may want to sit down with you beforehand since your relationship with the Prince is slightly… different than the one he has with the other suitors,” Bertrand said with an edge of something in his voice that Ali couldn’t quite place. 
She could tell, however, that he was choosing his words carefully. 
“So they want to intimidate me and make sure that I don’t cause any trouble,” she said, looking over at Maxwell, who refused to meet her eyes. 
“Guys, it’s not like I want to cause any trouble. They have to know that, right?” she spoke again after a moment of silence. 
“We know your true intentions, and regardless of what they are, it is imperative that you make a good impression on the king and queen tonight. It will be your first time meeting them, so you must show them that you have what it takes to thrive at court,” Bertrand said.
“Yeah, because it’s so easy to make a good impression while you’re throwing up,” Ali mumbled under her breath.
“For God's sake, do not throw up in front of the royal couple,” Bertrand said.
The scowl had once again returned to his face, and Ali couldn’t help but smile despite all of her nerves. Winding up Bertrand had quickly become one of her favorite things to do, and he had quickly realized what she was doing. Even though he would never admit it, she could tell that he was beginning to grow fond of her. She would occasionally see the corners of his mouth turn up in a very restrained smile at some of her comments and always counted it as a personal victory. 
“I’m not actually going to throw up in front of them, Bertrand,” she said, rolling her eyes playfully, “I’m just not all that excited for this dinner tonight.”
“At least Liam will be there to run interference if needed,” Maxwell said. 
Ali took a deep breath and nodded, feeling slightly reassured now that she knew Liam would be present. However, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
As the car pulled up closer to the Palace, the reality of her situation once again knocked the wind out of her. The only word she could think of to describe the Palace was regal. It was large and elegant, and it was hands down the most beautiful place she had ever been.
“Dinner will be served at 8:00 sharp. I expect you to be ready and waiting by 7:30,” Bertrand said as they exited the car.
“What do I wear to dinner tonight?” Ali asked Maxwell softly so that Bertrand wouldn’t be able to hear. 
“I’ll help you find something,” Maxwell assured her. 
A few maids came bustling to meet them, leading them up to their rooms, and Ali made a mental note to ask Maxwell to show her around later. When they got to her room she immediately rounded on Maxwell, her hand going up to nervously tug at her black curls.
“Maxwell, I’m freaking out!” she said.
“Okay, I love you, but saying ‘don’t’ doesn’t make me feel any better!” she said sarcastically.
“Don’t be nervous. You’ve prepared for this. Everything is going to be fine,” he tried to reassure her. He walked over to her bag and began dumping a few clothing options onto the large bed.
“Will it though? Will it, really? What if everything isn’t fine? What if I say something stupid and fuck everything up? And what is it with you nobles and four poster beds?” she rambled, gesturing wildly to the bed in the middle of the room.
Ali knew she was spiraling and that she was sounding paranoid, but she couldn’t help it.
“Maybe you guys shouldn’t be having this conversation with the door wide open.” 
Maxwell and Ali both turned to see Drake casually leaning against her door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Drake! What are you doing here?” Ali asked.
“My room’s next door. I heard paranoid shrieking so I thought I would come see what was going on,” he said, a smirk gracing his features.
“Yes, I know this is so amusing. I’m glad you can get a laugh out of my mental breakdown,” she said. 
She glared at him as she threaded her fingers into the hair at the top of her head and pulled roughly on it. Drake immediately stopped smiling and made his way into her room. 
“First, you need to stop doing that,” he said. 
He grabbed her wrist and gently untangled her fingers from her hair, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze as he lowered it back down to her side. 
“Take a deep breath. As much as I hate to say it, Maxwell’s right.” 
Drake looked as if that was the most painful thing he could have ever admitted. Out of the corner of her eyes, she was Maxwell perk up at his words. 
“You’ve been preparing for this. You’re going to be fine. Wear the navy blue dress. It’s modern but classy. It’ll impress the queen,” he said. 
“You know, if I wasn’t freaking out, I would totally make fun of you for describing a dress as modern and classy,” she said, poking fun at his usual fashion incompetence.
The man simply rolled his eyes, but as he turned around and made his way back to the door, Ali felt some of her nerves disappear. It was comforting knowing that Drake believed she would be okay.
“Drake,” she called after him, “Thank you.” 
He turned and shot her a half smile before walking out and closing the door, leaving her to get ready with Maxwell. She quickly slipped the dress on before taking off her glasses and settling down for Maxwell to do her makeup. 
“How did you get so good at doing eye shadow?” she asked, her body still shaking as he gently ran the brush over her eyelid. 
“I like watching makeup videos on Instagram,” he said absentmindedly. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re good at it. I was always hopeless because I can’t see when I take my glasses off,” she said, grateful that Maxwell decided to take up this particular skill. 
“That’s why I’m here, little blossom,” Maxwell said. 
Ali smiled at the use of the nickname he had given her.
“That and because Bertrand doesn’t trust me with anything else,” he finished, motioning for her to put her glasses back on. 
He had done a simple look, blending two soft brown shades onto the lid and outlining her eye in dark liner. She smoothed down the fabric of her dress as she stood and squared her shoulders in an attempt to feel more confident. She tried to push the fact that she was about to meet the king and queen of a country in a $25 dress that she had gotten from Forever 21 out of her mind. 
“Let’s go,” she said, taking Maxwell’s outstretched arm as he led her down to the large dining room. 
They met Bertrand outside the dining room, and he nodded at the two of them in approval before Bastien and another guard opened the doors for them. Upon entering the room they were met with the sight of King Constantine, Queen Regina, Liam, and a tall woman with short, blonde hair. Liam met her eyes and broke out into a wide smile. 
Bertrand immediately stepped forward to greet them, pulling Ali along with him. She curtsied in greeting, a polite smile on her face. 
“Lady Alison, it’s a pleasure to meet you. This is my niece, Madeleine. She will be joining the season as a suitor as well,” Regina said. 
Madeleine had an easy smile on her face that Ali could tell came from years of political training. She knew that Madeleine had been engaged to Leo when he abdicated the throne and was trying her best to hide her shock at finding out that the woman would be a suitor once again. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Madeleine,” Ali said. 
Madeleine gave her an appraising look and her smile only became wider.
“The pleasure’s all mine, Lady Alison,” she said. 
The way she stressed the word “lady” did not go unnoticed by Ali. She fought the urge to say roll her eyes and say something sarcastic as Liam approached her. 
Liam took his hand in hers and brought it up to his mouth, gently kissing her knuckles and letting his lips linger against her skin.
“It’s lovely to see you again, my lady,” he said.
Ali felt her cheeks flush slightly and curtsied when he released her hand. 
“It’s always a pleasure, Prince Liam.” 
The two missed the look Constantine and Regina gave each other, but Bertrand, who had been silently watching the scene, discreetly cleared his throat. They moved apart and a blush crept up Liam’s neck, something that happened when he became too flustered or embarrassed. 
“Shall we sit?” Constantine asked and motioned towards the large table. 
She immediately noticed that she was seated directly across from Liam and Madeleine and was almost positive that Constantine had done so on purpose. 
“Lady Alison, have you been enjoying your time in Cordonia?” Constantine asked as dinner was being served. 
“Yes, Your Majesty. I’ve only had the chance to see Ramsford, but the Beaumonts are very gracious hosts, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of the country during the season,” she replied. 
He was starting off with easy questions, and she was grateful. She was having an internal battle with herself as she eyed her glass of wine, the butterflies in her stomach moving nonstop. She was tempted to down the whole thing in own go, but she knew that it would be inappropriate. She instead opted for the glass of water right next to it and tried sipping the cool beverage in hopes of calming her nerves. 
“Yes, the Beaumonts are very kind and generous. Not every noble family would think to sponsor a foreigner who knows so little about the country. Even if they believe it to be for love,” Madeleine stated, taking a sip of her own drink. 
Ali quickly decided that she wasn’t very fond of Madeleine. However, she kept an easy smile on her face. The nerves that she previously felt were replaced with the need to show not only Madeleine, but also Constantine, Regina, Bertrand, and everyone else who felt that she couldn’t survive at court what she was capable of. She kept her body relaxed and made it a point to show the other woman that she wasn’t affecting her. Madeleine may have had political training, but Ali had a few tricks of her own too. 
She had years of waitress experience under her belt. She had spent countless hours listening to and “sympathizing” with rude and obnoxious customers. At the bar, she was often put in charge of the rowdiest and most difficult tables because she was able to handle them better than the other servers. It wasn’t that those types of people didn’t get under her skin. She was just able to hold in her anger in front of them.
“You’re completely right, Lady Madeleine. I can understand why some people would think it risky to do what they have for me. I wasn’t born or raised in Cordonia, so I’m not as well versed in its traditions or culture as someone who was. But, I made it a point to learn as much as I could about its history five years ago, and, although I’m slightly embarrassed to admit it, I’ve been keeping up with its politics since,” Ali said, her cheeks heating up.
“You have?” Liam asked.
He was pleasantly surprised to know that she had done so and felt pride swelling in his chest at the fact that she had been able to talk her way around Madeleine’s snide comment. He also couldn’t help the feeling of happiness that washed over him when he realized that she had undoubtedly been thinking about him over the past few years as he had done for her. 
“Yes, I have. I know that it’s not the same as experiencing it firsthand, but I have been developing a love and appreciation for this country for a long time, and I’m extremely grateful to have the opportunity to expand my knowledge and be here now.”
“You mention that you started learning about Cordonian history five years ago. Am I correct in assuming that was after you first met Liam?” Constantine asked.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” 
“Lady Alison, I’m curious. What was your reaction upon hearing that Liam was a prince?” Regina asked.
Ali and Liam moved around the kitchen in a comfortable silence as they prepared dinner. Well, as she prepared dinner. Liam was mainly observing, helping out here and there when she instructed him to. Ali wasn’t eager to have a repeat of the spaghetti incident and wanted to make sure they had something edible tonight because he had insisted that they stay in. 
The two had been dating for three months, and he was Ali’s first actual boyfriend. She was crazy about him and glad that she could experience so many of her “firsts” with him. 
“You’re staring,” she said, as she began to carve the chicken that she had just taken out of the oven. 
“You’re beautiful,” Liam said, with a smile. 
Ali tugged anxiously at her top. She had always been self-conscious about her body, and even though she had been working towards loving herself, she would still feel insecure from time to time. Especially when she compared her body to Liam’s. Liam was tall, broad shouldered, and muscular while her body was all curves. She wasn’t overweight, but she definitely wasn’t considered thin, and she often agonized over the stretch marks she found all over and her slightly chubby stomach. She knew that besides dealing with her other issues, one of the main steps in her mental health recovery was learning how to be kinder to herself. Regardless, hating yourself could be a hard habit to break when you’ve been doing it since you were thirteen. 
Liam moved to stand behind her, pressing his chest to her back and burying his face into the side of her neck. 
“I mean it. I think you’re so beautiful,” he said, pressing small kisses to the skin there.
“I know you do, Liam,” she mumbled, a smile forming on her face.
They ate in a comfortable silence, sharing small smiles. However, Ali could feel the anxiety coming off of him every time she caught him staring at her. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?” she asked when they were finally done with their meal. 
Liam sighed and pulled her down onto his couch. He kept one arm tightly around her waist and began to gently play with her fingers with his other hand. 
“There’s something that I need to tell you,” he said softly.  
“What? Are you married or something?” she joked. 
The smile quickly left her face when she realized that he wasn’t laughing with her. 
“Oh, my god! You are!” she said. She was completely shocked and went to pull out of his arms, but he tightened his grip on her body. 
“No, I promise I’m not married.”
“Then what is it?” she asked, relaxing into him and placing a hand on his chest. 
“I haven’t been completely honest with you about who I am. My father isn’t actually a diplomat,” he said.
He took a deep breath before his next words.
“My father is the King of Cordonia. Ali, I’m a prince,” he said, holding his breath as he waited for her reaction. 
Much to his surprise she began to chuckle. 
“That’s funny. You really had me going there for a second,” she said with a smile.
She pulled away from him and grabbed her glass of water from the coffee table in front of her, taking a large sip. 
“Love, I’m being serious,” he said. 
“What? Liam, I’ve never even heard of a place called Cordonia,” she said, still smiling. 
“It’s a small country in the Mediterranean. Most people haven’t heard of it,” he said. 
Ali raised her brows and Liam, still smiling. 
“Okay, Liam, you’ve had your fun,” she said, resting her glass back down and leaning into his side.
“My love, please. I am being serious,” he persisted. 
Ali rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. 
“Fine, you’re being serious,” she said, quickly typing in the words “Cordonia” and “Prince Liam”.
Her jaw dropped as a picture of the man sitting right next to her came up.
“Oh, my god! You’re being serious!” she exclaimed.
She jumped into a sitting position and looked at him, her mouth hanging open. Even though a million things were going through her mind at once, none of them were good. She wasn’t going to fool herself into thinking that just because he was a prince she was going to get a happily ever after. If anything, she saw their relationship completely fall apart before her eyes. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I needed a chance to get to know you without worrying about that getting in the way,” Liam said. 
Ali could tell that he was still nervous.
“Is anything I know about you even true?” she asked.
“I’ve told you the truth about everything except for my title. I needed you to know me as Liam, not Prince Liam of Cordonia,” he said, reaching for her hand. 
He could tell that she was still uncomfortable by the fact that she didn’t lean into him the way she usually did. 
“I know that this is somewhat of a shock, but, if you’ll let me, I would like to tell you more about my country and who I am,” he said hopefully. 
Ali took a breath. She had not been expecting Regina’s question and had no idea if she should answer truthfully or not. Bertrand was shifting uncomfortably in his seat beside her, and she could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on her. She looked up and caught Liam’s gaze momentarily, before quickly turning her head away. 
“May I speak freely, ma’am?” she asked. 
“Please do.” 
Bertrand was now looking at her as if he believed the world would come crashing down once she opened her mouth.
“When Liam first revealed to me who he was we were still in the early stages of our relationship. I don’t know if you could say that we were in love yet, but we were well on our way,” she said, looking up to see him smiling at her. 
“But, if I’m being completely honest, when he told me who he was, I believed that our relationship would inevitably fall apart. He was a prince and that came along with certain responsibilities. There were events and situations that he had been trained for his entire life that I had never even entertained the thought of experiencing. I was crazy about him at the time, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up for a long-term relationship with him when I wasn’t sure that there was a serious future for us.” 
Everyone was hanging onto her words now, interested to hear what she had to say. She made it a point not to look at Liam. She had never shared these thoughts with him before, and she wasn’t sure if she should even be sharing them now at all. 
“But, every time I worked up the courage to end things in the months that followed, Liam would do something. Something small that would remind me of how… good he was, how big his heart was. He would try to make me dinner because he knew that I had a rough day, or he would help me babysit, and I would see how great he was with children. As time went on, I realized how lucky I was to be loved by someone as amazing as him, and I stopped wanting to end it. I stopped caring about those differences that we had and realized that I loved him too much to just let him go.” 
“I saw the love he had for his country and through that I felt myself beginning to love it as well. I started learning everything I could about Cordonia. I studied its politics and culture. I learned about its history and the noble families. But, in the end, Liam still had to return home, and, until about a month ago, I believed I would never see him again. I never had a fairytale picture in my head. From the beginning I knew that things wouldn’t be easy. But, I quickly realized that it didn’t matter because I was willing to fight for him, and I still am.”
Liam was beaming at her from his seat, and Constantine was looking at her curiously. There was a small smile on his face, but she couldn’t tell if that was good or bad. For all she knew she had very well embarrassed herself in front of the king and queen. 
“Romantic sentiments, Lady Alison,” Madeleine said, casually placing her hand on Liam’s arm. 
The action itself seemed almost territorial, but Ali didn’t let it bother her. Not while Liam was looking at her with so much love in his eyes.
“Yes, romantic indeed,” said Constantine, who was now smiling widely.
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